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Mi Nombre es Arturo
Illustrated by Mnica Written by Read

My Name is

Moro Conmigo

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The mission of Read Conmigo is to enrich the learning environment for children by providing parents with tools and resources to improve their families reading habits and to foster a lifelong love of reading. The most valuable gift you can give a child is your time. Reading together in any language lays a foundation for future success. Teachers know that support and involvement from parents pave the way for children to earn good grades. Read Conmigo is a simple first step. Please accept this invitation to read with your child.

This Read Conmigo book belongs to __________________________________________

La misin de Read Conmigo es enriquecer el ambiente de aprendizaje para los nios, ofreciendo a los padres las herramientas y los recursos para fomentar el hbito de leer e inculcar el amor por la lectura. El regalo ms valioso que le puede dar a un hijo es su tiempo. Leer juntos, en cualquier idioma, establece la base para un futuro con xito. Los maestros saben que el apoyo y la participacin de los padres ayudan a construir el camino para que los nios obtengan buenas calificaciones. Read Conmigo es un primer paso, simple, para el xito. Por favor, acepte esta invitacin de leer con su hijo.

Mi Nombre es Arturo
Illustrated by Mnica Moro Illustrations copyright 2013 by Mnica Moro Published by Monarca Press Infinity Insurance PO Box 830189 Birmingham, AL 35283-0189 Press Editor: Margarita Hernndez Contreras

Cover illustration by Mnica Moro Printed in the United States of America

My Name is

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in whole or in part without written permission from the publisher, except by reviewers who may quote brief excerpts in connection with a review in a newspaper, magazine, or electronic publication; nor may any part of this book be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or other without written permission from the publisher.

My name is Arturo and I love doing chores. I sweep every window and wax all the doors.

Mi nombre es Arturo y me encanta hacer mis quehaceres. Barrer todas las ventanas y encerar las puertas son mis deberes.

I only do laundry thats dishwasher safe. I make all the beds with napkins and plates.

Solo lavo la ropa que est segura en el lavaplatos y las camas las tiendo con servilletas y platos.

My Mommy is grateful for all that I do for stacking the fish and sanding her shoes.

Mi mam est muy agradecida por lo que hago en estos ratos, pues recojo los pececillos y lijo todos sus zapatos.

She says, Youre the best, Arturo, my love. Youre such a hard worker, but youve done quite enough.

Ella me dice: Arturo, mi amor, no hay un nio mejor! Ya has hecho suficiente. Eres muy buen trabajador.

Theres much more to life than chores and hard work. Learning new things is an awfully nice perk.

Pero en la vida no solo hay trabajos y quehaceres. Hay ms! Aprender cosas nuevas es algo muy bueno, ya vers!

I stopped in my tracks. I squinted and thought. I stood in my bucket and leaned on my mop.

Me detuve un momento. Entrecerr los ojos y pens. Me par sobre mi cubeta y en mi escoba me apoy.

But Mommy went on, her voice like a feather. School starts tomorrow. Well go there together.

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Pero Mami continu, su voz suave como algodn: La escuela empieza maana. Iremos juntos, corazn.

But wholl help you clean if I go to class? Wholl water the driveway and vacuum the grass?

Pero quin te ayudar a limpiar si te vas a quedar sin m? Quin regar la acera y aspirar el jardn?

Arturo, my love, I think Ill get by with a boy whos in school and a driveway thats dry.

Arturo mi amor, creo que voy a estar bien con mi nio en la escuela y una acera seca tambin.

There are lots of new friends and such fun things to learn, like the bigness of space and the smallness of germs.

All hars amigos nuevos y cosas divertidas vas a aprender, como la inmensidad del espacio y la pequeez de grmenes. No quisieras comprender?


She took me to school the very next day. I made lots of friends. I studied and played.


Mami me llev a la escuela al mismsimo da siguiente. Hice muchos amigos, estudi, y de cosas nuevas llen mi mente.

My teacher was nice. She patted my cheek. She sent home a note at the end of the week:

Mi maestra fue dulce. La mejilla me acarici, y al final de la semana una nota a casa mand.


Arturo is great.
We all love him bunches. He brushed our pet goldfish and unwound our watches.


Arturo es fantstico. Lo queremos a montones. Cepill nuestro pez dorado y cambi la hora de nuestros relojes.

Comprehension Questions
Preguntas de Comprensin
This page is dedicated to all the teachers and parents who took the time to provide us with valuable feedback. Thank you! Dedicamos esta pgina a todos los padres y maestros que se tomaron la molestia de compartir sus comentarios con nosotros. - Review the following questions with your child. Repase las siguientes preguntas con su hijo(a). - Be patient and let your child respond first before talking them through the answers. Tenga paciencia y deje que su hijo(a) conteste antes de repasar juntos las respuestas.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

What is the title of this book? Please point to it. Cul es el ttulo de este libro? Seala el ttulo con el dedo. What is the name of the illustrator? Find her name and point to it. Cul es el nombre de la ilustradora? Seala su nombre con el dedo. Who are the main characters in this book? Quines son los personajes principales del libro? What happens in the beginning of this story? Qu pasa al principio del cuento? What happens at the end of this story? Qu pasa al final del cuento? What lesson did you learn from this story? Qu aprendiste de este cuento? What was your favorite part of this story and why? Cul es tu parte favorita de este cuento y por qu? If you could change one thing about this story, what would it be? Si pudieras cambiar algo de este cuento, qu sera?

MNICA moro lives in a small town near Buenos Aires, Argentina with her two young daughters. She graduated from the Martn Malharro School of Visual Arts in Mar del Plata where she studied Art and Education. Her life is dedicated to painting and teaching art workshops. Her work has received numerous local awards and can be seen in many galleries around the city. Monica has served as the illustrator for several Read Conmigo books.

Parents: Enrich the bilingual learning environment in your home! Sign up for Read Conmigo to receive FREE children's books. All Read Conmigo books are bilingual (English/Spanish). Padres: Hagan que su hogar sea el lugar ideal para aprender a leer en ingls y en espaol! Suscrbanse a Read Conmigo para recibir libros infantiles GRATIS. Todos los libros de Read Conmigo son bilinges (espaol/ingls).

Monarca Press
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