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Dilogos o frases con estas palabras:

- What do you do on sunday? (Qu haces los domingos?) - This tuesday is my birthday! (Este martes es mi cumpleaos!) - I love Fridays! (Me encantan los viernes!) - Friday is my favorite day! (El viernes es mi da favorito!) - Whats your months birthday? (Cul es el mes de tu cumpleaos?) - Its June. (Es Junio)

Cardinal Numbers

Ordinal Numbers

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 30

one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty twenty-one twenty-two thirty

1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th 18th 19th 20th 21st 22nd 30th

first second third fourth fifth sixth seventh eighth ninth tenth eleventh twelfth thirteenth fourteenth fifteenth sixteenth seventeenth eighteenth nineteenth twentieth twenty-first twenty-second thirtieth

40 50 60 70 80 90 100 101 200 1.000 10.000 100.000 1.000.000

forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety a/one hundred a/one hundred and one two hundred a/one thousand ten thousand a/one hundred thousand a/one million

40th 50th 60th 70th 80th 90th 100th 101st 200th 1.000th 10.000th 100.000th 1.000.000th

fortieth fiftieth sixtieth seventieth eightieth ninetieth hundredth hundred and first two hundredth thousandth ten thousandth one hundred thousandth one millionth


" se traduce como thousand y tambin como one thousand cuando va seguido de otro o: mil doscientos cuarenta, one thousand two hundred and forty, o en frases enfticas: que cost mil, no tres mil. I insist that it cost one thousand, not three.

os nmeros 1.100 al 1.900 es muy frecuente, especialmente en ingls americano, emplear n hundred (1.100), twelve hundred (1.200), eighteen hundred (1.800), etc; El aeropuerto enos Aires tiene una pista de mil novecientos metros, Buenos Aires airport has a nineteen ed metre runway.

llion era equivalente a "un billn". Actualmente equivale a "mil millones". A trillion le a "un milln de millones" (= un billn).

mo en castellano, la abreviatura de los nmeros ordinales se forma con el nmero en cifra o por las ltimas dos letras de la palabra completa: 1ro. (primero), 1st. (first); 2do. do), 2nd. (second); 3ro. (tercero), 3rd. (third); 20mo. (vigsimo), 20th. (twentieth), etc.

ngls se usa una coma o un espacio (y NO un punto) para marcar el millar. Ejemplo: 25 25,000.

cuanto a nmeros como 100, 1.000, 1.000.000, etc. se pueden decir de dos maneras: one ed o a hundred, one thousand o a thousand.

se pluralizan las palabras hundred, thousand o million cuando se trata de montos, por o: no decimos US$ 4 millions sino US$ 4 million. En cambio podemos hablar de "millions" s, "millions" of children, etc.

ero) se pronuncia nought, zero, nothing, oh (u) dependiendo de las expresiones.

tar de dos en dos se dice count by twos; contar de tres en tres, count by threes; y as vamente, siempre pluralizando el nmero de veces.

om personal english

| ndice de lecciones "om express"

Present I am a student I have been a student Soy un estudiante He sido un estudiante I am studying I have been studying Estoy estudiando He estado estudiando Past I was a student I had been a student Fui/era un estudiante Haba sido un estudiante I was studying I had been studying Estuve/estaba estudiando Haba estado estudiando Future I will be a student I will have been a student Ser un estudiante Habr sido un estudiante I will be studying I will have been studying Estar estudiando Habr estado estudiando Conditional I would be a student I would have been a student Sera un estudiante Habra sido un estudiante I would be studying I would have been studying Estara estudiando Habra estado estudiando

Present Perfect

Past Perfect

Future Perfect

Conditional Perfect

Forma Afirmativa Forma Negativa Forma Interrogativa I am (I'm) I am not (I'm not) am I? soy, estoy no soy, no estoy soy yo?, estoy yo? you are (you're) you are not (you're not) are you? eres, ests no eres, no ests eres t?, ests t? he is (he's) he is not (he's not) is he? l es, est l no es, no est es l?, est l? we are (we're) we are not (we're not) are we? somos, estamos no somos, no estamos somos?, estamos? you are (you're) you are not (you're not) are you? sois, estis no sois, no estis sois?, estis? they are (they're) they are not (they're not) are they? ellos son, estn ellos no son, no estn son, estn ellos? Forma Afirmativa Forma Negativa Forma Interrogativa I was I was not (I wasn't) was I? fui, era, no fui, no era, fui?, era? estuve, estaba no estuve, no estaba estuve?, estaba? you were you were not (you weren't) were you? fuiste, eras, no fuiste, no eras, fuiste?, eras?

estuviste, estabas he was fue, era, estuvo, estaba we were fuimos, ramos, estuvimos, estbamos you were fuisteis, erais, estuvisteis, estabais they were fueron, eran estuvieron, estaban

no estuviste, no estabas he was not (he wasn't) no fue, no era, no estuvo, no estaba we were not (we weren't) no fuimos, no ramos, no estuvimos, no estbamos you were not (you weren't) no fuisteis, no erais, no estuvisteis, no estabais they were not (they weren't) no fueron, no eran, no estuvieron, no estaban

estuviste?, estabas? was he? fue?, era? estuvo?. estaba? were we? fuimos?, ramos? estuvimos?, estbamos? were you? fuisteis?, erais?, estuvisteis?, estabais? were they? fueron?, eran? estuvieron?, estaban?

Vista Completa - Forma Afirmativa Present Present Perfect I am - soy/estoy I have been - he sido/estado you are - eres/ests you have been - has sido/estado he is he has been we are we have been you are you have been they are they have been Past Past Perfect I was - fui/era/estuve/estaba I had been - haba sido/estado you were you had been he was he had been we were we had been you were you had been they were they had been Future Future Perfect I will be - ser/estar I will have been - habr sido/estado you will be you will have been he will be he will have been we will be we will have been you will be you will have been they will be they will have been Conditional Conditional Perfect I would be - sera/estara I would have been - habra sido/estado you would be you would have been he would be he would have been we would be we would have been you would be you would have been they would be they would have been Vista Completa - Forma Negativa Present Present Perfect

I am not I have not been you are not you have not been he is not he has not been we are not we have not been you are not you have not been they are not they have not been Past Past Perfect I was not I had not been you were not you had not been he was not he had not been we were not we had not been you were not you had not been they were not they had not been Future Future Perfect I will not be I will not have been you will not be you will not have been he will not be he will not have been we will not be we will not have been you will not be you will not have been they will not be they will not have been Conditional Conditional Perfect I would not be I would not have been you would not be you would not have been he would not be he would not have been we would not be we would not have been you would not be you would not have been they would not be they would not have been Vista Completa - Forma Interrogativa Present am I? are you? is he? are we? are you? are they? Past was I? were you? was he? were we? were you? were they? Future will I be? will you be? will he be? will we be? Present Perfect have I been? have you been? has he been? have we been? have you been? have they been? Past Perfect had I been? had you been? had he been? had we been? had you been? had they been? Future Perfect will I have been? will you have been? will he have been? will we have been?

will you be? will you have been? will they be? will they have been? Conditional Conditional Perfect would I be? would I have been? would you be? would you have been? would he be? would he have been? would we be? would we have been? would you be? would you have been? would they be? would they have been?
Colores/Colors blanco=white silver=plateado gold=dorado negro=black azul=blue rojo=red amarillo=yellow naranja=orange verde=green gris=gray marron=brown rosado=pink morado=purple lila=lilac bronce=bronze cobre=copper turquesa=turquoise durazno=peach anil=indigo violeta=violet crema=cream oliva=olive marfil=ivory caqui=khaky canela=tan coral=coral granate=maroon chocolate=chocolate carmesi=crimson lima=lime fuscia=fuschia Animales/Animals gato=cat perro=dog lobo=wolf

oveja=sheep abeja=bee rinoceronte=rhinoceros jirafa=giraffe leon=lion zebra=zebra elefante=elephant mono=monkey pescado=fish gallina=hen pavo=turkey ardilla=squirrel cocodrilo=crocodile serpiente=snake camello=camel burro=dunkey caballo=horse hipopotamo=hippopotamus raton=mouse tortuga=turtle cabra=goat oso=bear conejo=rabbit canario=canary puerco=pig tigre=tiger ballena=whale Partes del cuerpo/Parto of the body brazo=arm pecho=chest oreja=ear ojo=eye cara=face dedo=finger pie=foot mano=hand cabeza=head rodilla=knee pierna=leg boca=mouth cuello=neck nariz=nose hombro=shoulder estomago=stomach

diente=tooth cintura=waist corazon=heart cadera=hip una=nail tobillo=ankle labio=lip lengua=tongue ceja=eyebrow barriga=belly pelo=hair mejilla=cheek pulmones=lungs cerebro=brain

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