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‘Allredactions on is page made pursuant to ‘exemptions (b)(6), (B)7(C) and (6)(7 MF) Santa fe de Bogoté Mayo 26 de 2.005. Setiores: DEPARTAMENTO DE EL TESORO DE LOS ESTADOS UNIDOS. WASHINGTON D.C. Respetados Sefiores: por motives de orden familiar y de salud, resaltando que dichas empresas al momento de mi vinculacién y retiro nunca ftuve conocimiento que dichas empresas tuvieran vinculos con personas al margen de la ley 0 que realizaran alguna actividad iki Durante mi estadia nunca tuve contacto ni conocimiento que los duefios de las empresas que aparceen en los certficados de cimara estuvieran vinculades con actividades ilicias. {La inclusin de mi nombec en la lista para mi desarrollo profesional y familias Jes muy grave , méxime que yo soy persona de bien, cos ‘que pueden corroborar mis actuacfones con las personas con las que tuve contactos de 001215 Lock a8 R- 013859, Al redactions on this page made pursuant to exemptions (b)(6), (2)C7N(C) ane (D)C7 MF ‘orden comercial y profesional, mi actividad laboral empez6 a los 15 afios de edad y me he formado con sacrificio y trabajo arduo, tiempo durante el cual he logrado conseguir Jo necesario honradamente para vivir como una persona de clase media , para lo cual pueden verificar mi patrimonio, cuentas y dems que consideren necesario . ‘De acuerdo a lo anterior le solicito reconsiderar mi situacién para que sea excluido de la lista Clinton por favor indicarme el procedimiento a seguir segin Ia legislacién de los ESTADOS UNIDOS debido a que soy ciudadano colombiano , residente en Colombia, ast mismo les solicito aclararme si puedo hacer uso de la visa que actualmente tengo vigente, pit formaci ia kes incluyo mi oor2i6 (oor aa R-013851 DELETED PAGE SHEET 1 Page(s) withheld in full pursuant to exemption(s) (b)(6), (b)(7)(©) and (b)(7)(F) Bates page number(s) 013852 (2005-08-044L) “Ailredactions on this page made pursuant io exemptions (b)(6), (O\7MC) and (b)(7)(F) HEB Asosto 2 de 2.004. TORO (w). Apreciado IE ae Con Ia presente le comunico que por motives de orden personal me traslado de domicilio para atender otras actividades, razén par la cual ide la fecha de la comunicacién, presento renun al cargo de irrevocable a [de esa importante empresa que usted representa, por tal motivo le solicito dar aviso a la asamblea de accionistas de mi retiro, para la designacién de mi reemplazo a la mayor brevedad po: Agradeciendo la colaboracién recibida y apoyo incondicional, reciba un saludo de aprecio y amistad. Cordial saludo. Copi eating, ’ 7 1 001219 LCCR G8 R- 019869 ‘All redactions on ths page made pursuant to ‘exemptions (b)(6), [| 710) ana (oye7yeF) Cali (v) Agosto 3 de 2.004, Aprecinda Con la presente le comunico que por motivos de orden personal me he trasladado de dbmicite para stendor ols actviaves, razon por fa unl presen ceoeie esau is de [a che dela grevene comunicncon, al coro iii RR 5 cr pr a ive es to dar aviso alos miembros de mi retiro, para fa designacién de mi reemplazo a la mayor brevedad posible. ‘Agradeciendo la colaboracién prestada reciba un cordial saludo. Copia asesor juridico y tributario. 001221 er TT A TeoROER-OTFE - DELETED PAGE SHEET 8 Page(s) withheld in full pursuant to exemption(s) (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) and (b)(7)(F) Bates page number(s) 013855 - 013862 (2005-08-044L) [(oy2) DEPART! MENT OF THE TREASURY WASHINGTON, D.C, 20020 (eyi2) | YUN - & 7005 fe ee [All redactions on this page made pursuant to loxemptions (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) & (b)(7)(F) unless Bogota, Colombia Dea: This letter acknowledges the Office of Foreign As: D.C., seeking removal of Narcotics Traffickers (* 12978. Your request is under re: be lengthy; and it is 1i information fron you bet concerning your designat. communication regarding belo’ FE. U.S. Depa ATTN: Inti 1900 Penn: Washingto: Please refer to the OFAC in ali future co: address, and provide documents or corresponde lotherwise indicated receipt of your May 26, 2005 letter to sets Control ("OFAC") in Washington your name as 2 Specialiy Designated SDNT") pursuant to Executive Order view. However, the review process can kely that OFAC will seek additional ore ¢ final determination is made zon. Please continue to direct your case to OFAC at the address lis: Foreign Assets Control rtment of the Treasury onal Programs Division sylvania Avenue, N mn, D.C. 20220 erna' nunber shown above (FAC No. SII srespondence, include your personal English translation of any additional nee that are prepared in Spanish. Sincerely, “lhagfh mnifer Houghton Acting Chief International Programs Division Office of Foreign Assets Control Loon & R-orase2 [All redactions on this page made pursuant to : lexemptions (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) & (b)(7)(F) unless lotherwise indicated Samtafé de Bogotd, October 21" 2005 Sirs DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY atin: JENNIFER HOUGHTON Acting Chief Intemational Programs Division Office of Foreign Assets Control 1500 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. (yey Washington D.C., 20220 eer Fac No Dear Sirs: According to communication dated October 7” 2005 and June 8” 2005, related to my consistent claims for my inclusion in the CLINTON-OFAC list on lest ia unilaterally, without the due process, thus violating all my rights as e person and against the human rights at the international level, by the simple fact of having worked as a professional in EE :.: when J submitted the corresponding written resignation letters, moved to Bogotd, and suspended any relationship with the mentioned companies. When I received the news by the communication media, and aware of the consequences of being included in that list, I contacted you and submitted all the evidences and documents on the proper time (submitted to the United States Embassy in Bogotd on the dates of October 3 2005, August 23 2005, July 6” 2005, July 19” 2005, July 2 2005, May 25" 2005). I have shown my innocence through legal documents, the truth and my cooperation with the Gifferent interviews with MMMM: he Embessy, and 1 explained the fiaudulent way they used documents and inclusions in companies, and their faihure to give legal course 1 the resigning letters submitted by the directive staff of the companies under investigation, J explained that when 1 was linked to the company and when 1 LooR a &R- ots86¢ (Allredactions on this page made pursuant fo lexemptions (b)(6), (6)(7)(C) & (b'7)(F) COLOMBIA. Up to this date, the American Goverment hast not stated what was the offense 1 would have committed against the American Government or Citizens, despite the fact ] am a honest person and 1 have devoted my whole life to my personal training and working honestly since 1 was 15 years old, as I have proven with the curriculum vitae J submitted, 1 also authorized the verification of my accounts, | have provided income statements, and no illegal action has been charged! 10 me, 1 also explain that 1 have no charges in my country, COLOMBIA; according to the documents supplied by the Colombian authorities (Prosecutor's Office, Comptroller's Office, Stupefacient Direction, and other control bodies in my country), The foregoing has caused me severe damage as my moral, economic, social, and health status; stoppage on the tansfer of my savings in NEW YORK; and problems with jobs, because | am currently unemployed, because the company 1 was working for since last BRI sintes the work agreement signed on wen te company knew about the inclusion in said list. Tam currently into debt, because I have no income 10 provide for my family and personal obligations, as } had 01 i Therefore, } ask you, in the most humanitarian and just way, an indemnification equivalent to the caused damaze and prejudice, as well as my exclusion from the list as soon as possible. Passport No| fiom Bogoré EE 0:5, coionsis Leora ar-oraees a 23 eve. zea easter Py (All redactions on this page made pursuant to lexemptions (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) & (b)(7)(F) unless lotherwise indicated Bogota (col) January 8 de 2.006. OFFICE OF FOREIGN ASSETS CONTROL. a (2) Robert W. Werner. REF FAC No Dear sir Based on your communication dated 4th. January 2006 in which you confirm me that 1 was deleted from the Clinton List, for which Iam most grateful, | want to remind you that asked you most respecttully that | wish to obiain an economic compensation due to the extieme damages that this inclusion has made upon me and upon my activities. This petition was made to you on several different communications. Also | would like to let you know some additionat points based on the above. 4 What happened! to my non immigrant US Visa that had? 2. | would like to clarify the whereabouts of the money that was stopped from being transferred from Fanama to Switzerland in the amount of $33.000.00 according to information sent to you on 15th, November 2005, 3- I o:cc:e¢ a Money transtemed through Westem Union of §150.00 to be delivered to Trans Union Custom Service. This Money transfer was also stopped ‘trom being delivered just like the above mentioned one. This situation caused my immediate discharcie from the company. What ever happened to this transfer? Loor@ aR-013066 [All redactions on this page made pursuant to lexemptions (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) & (b)(7)(F) 4- Up to date, my inclusion in the Clinton list done on has not being deleted 19 from the web page www treas.qov. 5. The inclusion in the Clinton List caused me several personal damages such as un- employment, health, social, family and moral problems, high debts and a bad credit record report I know perfectly weil that your country and your rulers always try to impart human rights, morality and justice throughout the World, | once again ask you to take into account my humanitarian petition so that I can re organize my life once again. Yours sincerely, Copy Jennifer Houghton- Actino Chief. internaciona! Programs Division. Loor a R- 019807 Ee (2) [All redactions on this page made pursuant to exemptions (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) & (b)(7)(F).unless, [otherwise indicated DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY WASHINGTON, D.C. 20220 (ey2) OCT 7 eH Bogota, Colombia The Office of Foreign Asset's Control (“OFAC”) continues to review your request seeking removal of your name from the list of Specially Designated Narcotics Traffickers ("SDNTS”). Tt has been determined that no additional information is required from you at this time. Please continue to direct communication regarding your case te OFAC at the adress listed below: Office of Foreign Assets Control U.S. Department of the Treasury ATTN: International Programs Division 1500 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20220 fer to the OFAC number shown above (FAC No.» SDNT- in all future correspondence, include your personal address, and provide an English translation of any additional documents or correspondence that are prepared in Spanish Please ‘Sincerely, fabbnedh énnifex Houghton Acting Chier International Programs Division Office of Foreign Assete Control LocR as R- 013868 Bogota (Colombia) December 3, 2.005. [All redactions on this page made pursuant to Messrs: lexemptions (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) & (bX7)(F) unless otherwis DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURE Attention: Miss JENNIFER HOUGTON Acting Chief. Office of foreign Assets Control (Or) Washington D.C 20220. REF FAC Noa Uo SOA Dear Sirs: In reference te: the communication sent by Mr. ROBERT W. WEMER, Director of the Office of Foreign Assets Control on December 4, 2005 in which he informs me of the removal of my name from the LISTA CLINTON after signing the dated document in which the terms of withdrawal are shown, 1 would like to tell you that ! will sign it immediately. | will do this because | have never been and never will be involved in any type of narcotics trafficking with anybody or any corporation. I have informed you before that, unfortunately, | worked, like several other a In order to resign my job, | sent them the appropriate letters of renouncement. | wanted to clarify the fact that during my working period at that, corporation the company was not been involved in any type of investigation. Also, | was not aware of the fact that they were required by law enforcement organizations. On the contrary, this corporation was often visited by important people including politicians, people from the financial corporations, important Leora @ 013080 [All redactions on this page made pursuant to jexemptions (6)(6), (b)(7)(C) & (b7)(F) industry executives and AMBASSADORS FROM SEVERAL FOREIGN COUNTRIES. Unfortunately, | trusted the company directors based on honesty ‘and good faith, that they would do all the legal corresponding processes of my renouncements. However, | was informed by this process that they never {ulfiled those legal requirements. They even got me involved together with several other people in other companies using false documentation. | delivered to you all the necessary evidence and documentation proving all this as stated in the additional reports given during the interviews with is HERB With a this, 1 have demonstrated you my innocence of any unlawful activity. As soon as | was informed by the media of my inclusion in the said list and its consequences | immediately went to clarify my performance as shown in all files delivered and resided in the EMBASSY OF THE UNITED STATES IN COLOMBIA. In accordance with the above mentioned facts | ask you in a HUMANITARIAN IN JUSTICE AND RIGHT way the reconsideration of my petition to COMPENSATE ME WITH MONEY the damage done upon me and my family in several aspects such as moral, social, health, indebtness, visa cancellation, my exclusion of ell financial companies and the loss of the job in which | was working in, when | was included in the CLINTON LIST on - the previous process done to me with my due presence and collaboration given since t0 date, and taking into account the fact that | have not had any requirement by my country’s Justice nor | have committed any crime towards any citizens neither in the United States nor any other country of the world. | have always worked with complete honesty. Loc 0 & R-012870 |All redactions on this page made pursuant to lexemptions (bY(8),(b)(7)(C) & (b)(7)(F) | hope you will take into account and reconsider this fair solicitude so that | can reorganize my life once again ‘Yours sincerely, Pasaporte| Bogota -Colombia Leora &R-o19671 (2) DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY, S WASHINGTON, D.C. 20220 [All redactions on this page made pursuant to (oyey jexemptions (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) & (b)(7)(F) lunless otherwise indicated or DEC - 1 ats ‘Bogota, Columbia > This is in further response 10 your request for the removal of your name, Orlando Chaparro Gonzalez, from the list of Specially Designated Nationals (“SDN list”). On Mey 11, 2005, you were designated as 2 Specially Designated Narcotics Trafficker (“SDNT”) pursuant to Executive Order 12978, After reviewing the information now available to the Office of Foreign Assets Control ("OFAC"), including documents you provided OFAC, it is our determination that your name should be removed from the SDN list conditioned upon your agreement to the enclosed Terms of Removal. Upon receipt of the original signed agreement, OFAC will proceed to remove your name from the SDN list. OFAC reserves its authority under the Narcotics Trafficking Sanetions Regulations (31 CFR Part 536) to designate any person as an SDNT in the event that it has reason to believe that such a person falls within the scope of that term 2s defined in 31 CFR §536.312. Therefore, in agrecing to the enclosed Terms of Removal, please understand that a failure to adhere to them could result in your subsequent designation as an SDNT. Please sign and date the Terms of Removal) agreement before a party authorized to authenticate documents. Returned the ned, dated, and authenticated Terms of Removal to OFAC. It would expedite matters if we were provided with a copy of the signed Terms of Removal by facsimile transmission (202-622-5320) as soon as it is executed and authenticated. We look forward to final resolution of this matter. If'you have any questions or comments, please contact Jennifer Houghtor, OFAC's Acting Chief of International Programs, at 202-622-2420, Sincerely, He Pil bibhene Robert W. Werner Director Office of Foreign Assets Control Enclosure Loon a &R-psa672 TO: ROBERT W. WERNER DIRECTOR, OFFICE OF FOREIGN ASSETS CONTROL UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY TERMS OF REMOVAL FROM HE LIST OF SPECIALLY DESIGNATED NATIONALS Removal of petitioner’s name from the list of Specially Designated Nationals will be conditioned upon (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) & (b)(7)\F) agreement and adherence by the petitioner, Mat the conditions set forth in the following paragraphs. Failure to abide by those terms could result in the subsequent designation of the petitioner by the Office of Foreign Assets Control (“OFAC”). 1. Petitioner warrants that to the best of his knowledge neither he nor any enterprise ‘owned or controlled by him, or any other business, agent, or representative acting for or on behalf of any of the foregoing, is divectly or indirectly engaged in activities for or on behalf of or under the direction or control of any person designated in or pursuant to Executive Order 12978 (hereinafter “Specially Designated Narcotics Trafficker”). 2, Petitioner warrants that to the best of his knowledge no shareholder, officer, manager, or employee of petitioner's enterprises or agents, as described in paragraph 1, acts directly or indirectly for or on behalf of or under the direction or control of a Specially Designated Narcotics Trafficker. If petitioner receives knowledge of any such activity, petitioner will take immediate steps to notify OFAC and divest that offending person of any interest in petitioner's enterprise and, if that person is an employee, he will tke immediate steps to separate that individual from employment. 3. Petitioner warrants that to the best of his knowledge he has never directly or indirectly held, acquired, accepted, or maintained investments, joint ventures, or employment involving a Specially Designated Narcotics Trafficker or any of the parties described above, except as set forth previously in petitioner's submissions to OFAC, nor will he knowingly hold, acquire, accept, or maintain such investments, joint ventures, or employment in the future. If petitioner receives knowledge of any such involvement, he will take immediate steps to notify OFAC and terminate that relationship, LooraaR-orse7s 4, Petitioner warrants that 10 the best of his knowledge he has had neither contracts nor any other business relationships, directly or indirectly, with a Specially Designated Narcotics ‘Trafficker, nor has he directly or indirectly engaged in activities for or on behalf of or under the direction or control of a Specially Designated Nercotics Trafficker, except as set forth previously in petitioner's submissions to OFAC, nor will he knowingly enter into such contracts or relationships in the future, If petitioner receives knowledge of such # contract or relationship, he will take immediate steps to notify OFAC and terminate that contract or relationship. _ 5. These restrictions specifically include all contracts, leasing agreements, or any other business arrangements involving the petitioner or any associated party as described in paragraph 1 and all Specially Designated Narcotics Traffickers or their representatives. 6. Noentity, including successor organizations, in which petitioner or his agents have ‘ownership of, a management interest in, or control over shall directly or indirectly engage in any transactions with a Specially Designated Narcotics Trafficker. If petitioner receives knowledge of such a transaction, he will take immediate steps to notify OFAC and terminate that transaction, 7. Such activities or relationships with Specially Designated Narcotics Traffickers or their representatives by petitioner or his agents under any of the circumstances described above, or any other conduct by petitioner that appears to be an evasion or circumvention of these terms or the United ‘States sanctions imposed by Executive Order 12978 against Specially Designated Narcotics Traffickers, will be cause for OFAC to consider designating the offending party under Executive Order 12978 Following petitioner's agreement and adherence to these terms, OFAC will remove petitioner's name from the list of Specially Designated Nationals, which is published in the Federal Register, and send a letter of notification of removal to petitioner. AGREED} DATE Se ()(6), (YX 7)C) & (b)(7)(F)] LocR a &R- 013874 < oc 83 ic. 2008 12:2aM0 PL (All redactions on this page made pursuant to exemptions (b)(6), (b)(7)(C) & (b)(7)(F) unless lothenwise indicated Bogota (Colombia) — December 3, 2.005, Messrs: DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURE Attention: Miss JENNIFER HOUGTON ‘Acting Chief Office of foreign Assets Control. foe ‘Washington D.C 20220. REF FAC No Ji HEHE tea Dear Sirs: In reference to the communication sent by Mr. ROBERT W. WEMBE, Director of the Office of Foreign Assets Control on December 1, 2005 in which he informs me of the removal of my name from the LISTA CLINTON after signing the dated document in which the terms of withdrawal are shown, | wouid like to tell you that | will sign it immediately. | will do this because | have never been and never will be involved in any type of narcotics trafficking with anybody or any corporation, I have informed you before that, unfortunately, | worked, like several other ecole, in

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