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Consejería de Educación y Ciencia


Resolución de 27 de marzo de 2008 (DOCM del día 4 de abril)


DNI / NIE ________________________

Centro de examen_______________________________________________________________________________________



Instrucciones Generales

− Duración del ejercicio: 4 horas, conjuntamente con la otra materia elegida (16 a 20 horas)
− Mantenga su DNI en lugar visible durante la realización de la prueba.
− Realice el ejercicio en las hojas de respuestas entregadas al final de este documento y entregue
este cuadernillo completo al finalizar la prueba.
− Lea detenidamente los textos, cuestiones o enunciados.
− Cuide la presentación y, una vez terminada la prueba, revísela antes de entregarla.

Criterios de calificación

− La prueba de inglés consta de un texto y de unas serie de cuestiones, y se calificará

numéricamente entre 0 y 10, según los siguientes criterios:

o Los apartados I y II se centran en la comprensión del texto y se valorarán con un máximo

de 4 puntos (2 y 2 respectivamente).
o Los apartados III y IV contienen elementos léxicos y morfosintácticos. Su valoración es de
3 puntos máximo (1 y 2 respectivamente).
o El apartado V se refiere a la expresión escrita. Se tendrá en cuenta el uso correcto de la
lengua inglesa, así como la originalidad de la narración. La valoración será de 3 puntos

− La nota de la parte específica será la media aritmética de las calificaciones obtenidas en cada
una de las materias elegidas por el aspirante. Esta nota media de la parte específica deberá
ser igual o superior a cuatro puntos para que haga media con la parte común.

Dirección General de Formación Profesional

Consejería de Educación y Ciencia


DNI / NIE ________________________


The readers of a Paris newspaper could see the following advertisement in their newspaper
last April:

“Do you want to buy an island and start a community? If you are interested, telephone 0243
572828 for more details.”

This advertisement was thought up by Jeff and Linda Bernard from Paris. They have
received over ninety replies since its appearance last April. From those, they have chosen eight
other couples who also want to change their lifestyle. Jeff, Linda and the other people want to
leave Paris because of the great increase in its population, its environmental pollution and because
of its problems of criminality.
Jeff and Linda are the editors of their own women’s magazine and they also write reports
on fashion for it. They have earned a lot of money because the magazine has been very
successful. All the other applicants have very good jobs except for a thirty-year-old man who is
unemployed at the moment. Jeff, Linda and the rest of the people have €140.000. But this money
is not enough to buy the island they want. They need at least ten other couples to get more
because their intention is to build separate houses for all the families and a big communal farm
where they can grow vegetables and fruit and take care of some cows.
Although they have been looking for an island in the Pacific Ocean for several weeks, they
have not found their perfect island there. Now they are searching throughout the Caribbean, where
there are thousands of uninhabited islands. Like so many other people, they just want to live an
old-fashioned existence in their own private paradise.


I. Answer the following questions according to the information in the text. Use your own
words as far as possible. (2 points: 1 point for each correct answer)

1. Why do Jeff and Linda want to leave Paris?

2. What are Jeff and Linda’s jobs?

II. Are these sentences true (T) or false (F) according to the information in the text above?
Tick the correct answer and copy from the text only the exact sentence/s to support your
answer. NO marks are given for only true or false!!! (2 points: 0.5 each correct answer)

1. The advertisement appeared in a TV channel in Paris last April. True ? False ?

2. One of the applicants is not working now. True ? False ?

3. They are going to build separate houses for all the families. True ? False ?

4. They have bought an island in the Pacific Ocean. True ? False ?

Dirección General de Formación Profesional

Consejería de Educación y Ciencia


DNI / NIE ________________________

III. Find words or phrases in the text with similar meanings. (1 points: 0.25 each correct

1. Responses, answers.

2. Sufficient.

3. Not lived on, deserted.

4. Not modern, not new.

IV. Rewrite the following sentences starting with the words given. (2 points: 0.5 each correct answer)

1. Mark repaired my car.

- My car .....................................................................

2. John is not as tall as Charles.

- Charles is .....................................................................

3. Sheila is the girl. She can speak four languages.

- Sheila is the girl ............................................................

4. They will miss the match if they don’t leave now.

- They will miss the match unless .....................................

V. Composition. (About 80 words; maximum, 3 points)

Choose ONE of the following options. Circle your choice.

a) Imagine you are Jeff or Linda. You have just moved to an island in the Caribbean. Write a
description of your daily life.
b) Advantages and disadvantages of life in big cities.

Your choice:

Dirección General de Formación Profesional

Consejería de Educación y Ciencia


DNI / NIE ________________________


Dirección General de Formación Profesional

Consejería de Educación y Ciencia


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Dirección General de Formación Profesional

Consejería de Educación y Ciencia


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Dirección General de Formación Profesional

Consejería de Educación y Ciencia


DNI / NIE ________________________


Dirección General de Formación Profesional

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