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Santorn, Santorini, es un pequeo archipilago circular formado por islas volcnicas,

localizado en el sur del mar Egeo, unos 200 km al sureste del territorio continental griego.
Santorini es, en esencia, lo que queda de una enorme explosin volcnica que destruy los
primeros asentamientos existentes, haciendo desaparecer gran parte del territorio de la
antigua isla y provocando la creacin de la caldera geolgica actual.
Su espectacular belleza, junto con una animada vida nocturna, la han convertido en uno de los
principales destinos tursticos de Europa. Sus construcciones tienen un aspecto oriental, con
casas blancas y marcos de ventanas y puertas en azul, es un rincn idlico donde los

turistas de todo el mundo pasan unos das alejados del ruido, ya que representa la
calma y tranquilidad.

Santorn, Santorini, is a small circular archipelago formed by volcanic islands, located
in the south of the sea The Aegean Sea, approximately 200 km to the south-east of the
continental Greek territory.
Santorini is, in essence, which stays of an enormous volcanic explosion that destroyed
the first existing accessions, making eliminate great part of the territory of the former
island and provoking the creation of the geological current boiler.
His spectacular beauty, together with an animated night life, they have turned her into
one of the principal tourist destinations of Europe. His constructions have an oriental
aspect, with white houses and frames of windows and doors in blue, it is an idyllic
corner where the tourists of the whole world happen a few days removed from the
noise, since it represents the calmness and tranquility.

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