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I was at school when my teacher came up to me.

I didnt want to answer the question she asked me

a few minutes ago because I didnt know the right answer, but my classmates whispered some
answers behind the teacher.
A few minutes later we had a break, but the teacher led me to the classroom and she asked me
some questions about history but I didnt understand anything. Even that, I did my best to answers
the questions and pass that exam. The teacher was very angry with me because I didnt do very
well, so she asked me my notebook and I gave it to her. I really wanted she gives me one more
chance, so I asked her and she said yes. I was very happy and I spent all the night studying very
Aqu esta en espaol:
Estaba en la escuela cuando mi maestra se me acerc, an no quera responderle a la pregunta
que me hizo hace algunos minutos, no tena la respuesta correcta, aunque mis compaeros me
susurraban algunas a espaldas de la maestra.
Salimos a el descanso y la profesora me llamo al aula de clase, obedeciendo sus ordenes, me
acerqu, ella me hizo algunas preguntas de historia, las cuales no comprend, pero hice mi
esfuerzo para pasar aquel examen. La profesora muy enojada me pidi el cuaderno y se la pas
lentamente. Solo le dije que me diera otra oportunidad y que al da siguiente me repitiera el
examen, ella dio un suspiro y me mir a los ojos, asinti con su cabeza y me devolvi el cuaderno.

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