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Actividad 3 - Actividad de Reconocimiento - Recognition lesson (units 1-2)

En esta leccin de reconocimiento, encontrar un contenido acerca de las temticas de las Unidades 1 y 2 de los
contenidos en lnea (Online Contents). Al entrar a la prueba encontrar una lectura,(o grfica) la cual debe leer
cuidadosamente para luego dar click en Continuar. Seguidamente encontrar algunas preguntas de sintesis y
aplicacin. En cada respuesta tendr un comentario de realimentacin y al final obtendr una calificacin. Debe ir
hasta la ltima etapa para que el sistema le genere la calificacin final.
Total de preguntas: 10, de seleccin mltiple/emparejamiento con nica respuesta. No hay tiempo Lmite. Nmero de
Intentos : 2

Actividad 3 - Actividad de Reconocimiento - Recognition lesson (units 1-2)

Actividad 3 - Actividad de Reconocimiento - Recognition lesson (units 1-2)

Select the correct answer.

One sentence from the reading that uses the possessive noun with the aposthrophe - 's - is :

My father's name is Steve

He's an architect
I work in the lab
This is my family tree
Su respuesta :
My father's name is Steve
Correct! -father's name - has the possessive 's
Select the correct answer.
In the sentence This is my family tree, the word - This - is:

Su respuesta :
A singular demonstrative adjective
Correct !

Actividad 3 - Actividad de Reconocimiento - Recognition lesson (units 1-2)

Su respuesta :

wife, husband, daughter = family members

nurse, manager, artist = occupations
He is an = electrician
They have a = little girl

Actividad 3 - Actividad de Reconocimiento - Recognition lesson (units 1-2)

Look at the following family tree. Identify relationships and answer the questions 5 and 6.
Select the correct sentence that gives correct information about this family using the right structures .

Actividad 3 - Actividad de Reconocimiento - Recognition lesson (units 1-2)

Si no observa bien la grfica, de click en Descargar

Emily and Peter are Sarah and Jack's cousins

Emily and Peter are Sarah and Jack uncles
Emily and Peter are Sarah and Jack's uncles
Emily and Peter are Sarah and Jack cousins
Emily and Peter are Sarah and Jack's cousins
Correct !

Actividad 3 - Actividad de Reconocimiento - Recognition lesson (units 1-2)

Su respuesta :
Possessive Pronouns /Adjectives
Correct !

Actividad 3 - Actividad de Reconocimiento - Recognition lesson (units 1-2)

Actividad 3 - Actividad de Reconocimiento - Recognition lesson (units 1-2)

Su respuesta :
he doesn't teach Italian
Correct. Good use of structures for negative sentences
The sentence They always have dinner at home indicates:

Su respuesta :
They never have dinner at school.
Correct. Good comprehension of frequency adverbs

Actividad 3 - Actividad de Reconocimiento - Recognition lesson (units 1-2)

Select the sentence with correct information and grammar structures

Su respuesta :
Tom and Emily go to the pub in the evenings
Match the parts of the sentence

Su respuesta :

Tom and Emily = don't work on Sundays

Tom's work is interesting, = he likes it
On Sundays, Tom = doesn't get up early
Tom's friends = are nice people
Correct !


Actividad 3 - Actividad de Reconocimiento - Recognition lesson (units 1-2)


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