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PEA MEDINA, Franklin de Jess.


TUTOR EN LAS AULAS TECNOLGICAS. Universidad Rafael Belloso Chacn.
Maestra en informtica Educativa. Maracaibo 2015.


La presente investigacin tiene como propsito general analizar la funcin

orientadora del docente tutor en las aulas tecnolgicas de las escuelas bsicas del
municipio San Francisco del estado Zulia. Fundamentndose tericamente en
autores como: Garca (2009), Lpez (2004) Mndez (2004), Arboleda (2005),
Cabero y Llorente (2007), Pereira (2009), Blzquez y Alonso (2009), Marqus
(2004) Gros (2004), entre otros. El tipo de investigacin es descriptiva, con un
diseo transversal, de campo y no experimental, para lo cual se le aplic como
instrumento un cuestionario dirigido a los 60 docentes tutores de las aulas
tecnolgicas de las escuelas bsicas del Municipio san Francisco del estado Zulia.
Se emple la tcnica de la encuesta y el instrumento seleccionado para la
recoleccin de datos, fue un cuestionario con escalas de tipo Likert conformados
por 25 tems. La validez de contenido se llev a cabo mediante el juicio de experto
y la confiabilidad se determin a travs de la aplicacin del coeficiente de Alfa de
Conbrach a la prueba piloto del censo poblacional. El anlisis se realiz por medio
de la estadstica descriptiva utilizando la aplicacin ofimtica Microsoft Excel. Los
resultados evidenciaron que existe un alto nivel de aceptacin de la variable
propuesta dentro de la comunidad perteneciente a las escuelas bsicas del
municipio San Francisco del Estado Zulia. Para finalizar, se plantea que la funcin
orientadora del docente tutor debe tener siempre carcter de asesoramiento y
acompaamiento en el aula tecnolgica. Se debe hacer uso del derecho a
informarse y capacitarse en cualquier rea acadmica que se est innovando
como es el caso de la planificacin de proyectos didcticos,

Palabras Claves: Funcin orientadora, docente tutor, aula tecnolgica


IN THE CLASSROOM TECHNOLOGY. Universidad Rafael Belloso Chacn.
Masters in Educational Computing. Maracaibo 2015


The present investigation had as general objective to analyze the guiding role of
the mentoring teacher in the technological classrooms of the basic schools of the
municipality of San Francisco in Zulia State. It has been theoretically based, on a
constructivist educational focus of authors like: Garca (2009), Lpez (2004)
Mndez (2004), Arboleda (2005), Cabero and Llorente (2007), Pereira (2009),
Blzquez and Alonso (2009), Marquez (2004) Gros (2004), among others. This
study was with a methodology of a descriptive, prospective, non-experimental field
research and in an explanatory level, for which a questionnaire directed to 60
teachers from basic schools was applied as an instrument. The survey technique
was used and the instrument selected for the gathering of data was a
questionnaire with the Likert-type scales, conformed by 25 items. The content
validity was carried out by means of the expert's valuation and the reliability was
determined through the application of the Alpha coefficient of Conbrach to the
population census guiding test. The analysis was carried out by means of
descriptive statistics using the office application Microsoft Excel. The results
showed that there is a high level of acceptance of the proposed variable inside the
basic schools community of the municipality of San Francisco in Zulia State. To
conclude, it has been proposed that the mentoring teacher's guiding function
should always have an advising and accompanying sense in the technological
classroom. The right to be informed and to be qualified in any innovative academic
area such as the planning of educational projects should be used.

Key words: Guiding function, mentoring teacher, technological classroom

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