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The Empty Cage

La jaula vacia

One day Satan and Jesus were having a

Yes, sir, Satan gloated. I just caught a whole
world full of people! I set a trap and got them all!
What are you going to do with them? Jesus

Cierto da, Satans y Jess conversaban.

Pues s se regodeaba Satans. Acabo de
atrapar a un mundo entero de gente. Les tend
una trampa y los agarr a todos.
Qu vas a hacer con ellos? le pregunt

Im going to have some fun! Satan

replied with glee. Im going to teach
them how to lie and cheat and steal
and kill. This is going to be great!

And what will you do when youre

through with them? Jesus asked.
Then Ill kill them, Satan said proudly.
How much do you want for them?
Jesus asked.

Me voy a divertir un rato!

respondi Satans con impa
satisfaccin. Voy a ensearles a
mentir, a engaar, a robar y a matar.
Me lo voy a pasar en grande!
Y qu vas a hacer cuando termines
con ellos? pregunt Jess.
Los matar replic Satans.

Cunto quieres por ellos? indag

el Seor.

Oh, you dont want those people! They

arent any good. Theyll just hate you.
Theyll cause you nothing but misery
and heartbreak, and theyll kill you in
the end. You dont want those people!
How much? Jesus asked again.
Satan looked at Him and sneered.
Your LIFE!

Bah, para qu los quieres? No

sirven para nada. Acabarn odindote.
Solo te traern angustia y pesar, y al
final terminarn por matarte. No te
conviene para nada esa gente.
Cunto? volvi a preguntar Jess.
Satans lo mir y repuso con aire
despectivo: Tu VIDA!


Then Jesus paid the price.

Dear Jesus, thank You for dying for

me so that all my mistakes and
wrongs can be forgiven. I now open
the door of my heart and ask You to
come in. Please forgive me and give
me Your gift of eternal life. Amen.

Seguidamente, Jess pag lo


Jess, gracias por entregar la vida por

m, para el perdn de todos mis errores
y pecados. Te abro ahora la puerta de
mi corazn y te pido que entres.
Perdname y concdeme como regalo
la vida eterna. Amn

Featured on Story courtesy of Activated magazine. Used with permission. Art TFI.

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