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1re Conference regionale Euro-mditerranenne

Architecture Traditionnelle Mditerranenne

Present et Futur
du 12 au 15 juillet 2007

1 Conferencia regional Euromediterrnea

Arquitectura Tradicional Mediterrnea.
Presente y Futuro
del 12 al 15 de Julio de 2007

1st Euro-Mediterranean Regional Conference

Traditional Mediterranean Architecture
Present and Future
12-15 July 2007

1re Conference regionale Euro-mditerranenne

Architecture Traditionnelle Mditerranenne
Present et Futur
du 12 au 15 juillet 2007

1 Conferencia regional Euromediterrnea

Arquitectura Tradicional Mediterrnea.
Presente y Futuro
del 12 al 15 de Julio de 2007

1st Euro-Mediterranean Regional Conference

Traditional Mediterranean Architecture
Present and Future
12-15 July 2007






Consortium RehabiMed :

Consorcio RehabiMed:

Consortium RehabiMed:

Responsable du projet :

Responsable del proyecto:


Project Manager:

Membres :
Ministry of Communications and Works Department of
Antiquities of Cyprus
Responsable : Evi FIOURI

Ministry of Communications and Works Department of
Antiquities of Cyprus
Responsable: Evi FIOURI

Ministry of Communications and Works Department of
Antiquities of Cyprus
Person in charge: Evi FIOURI

Bureau Culturel de lAmbassade de la Rpublique Arabe

dEgypte en France
Supreme Council of Antiquities, Egypte
Responsables : Mahmoud ISMAL et Wahid Mohamed

Bureau Culturel de lAmbassade de la Rpublique Arabe

dEgypte en France Supreme Council of Antiquities,
Responsables: Mahmoud ISMAL et Wahid Mohamed

Bureau Culturel de lAmbassade de la Rpublique Arabe

dEgypte en France Supreme Council of Antiquities,
Persons in charge: Mahmoud ISMAL et Wahid Mohamed

Collegi dAparelladors i Arquitectes Tcnics de Barcelona,

Responsable : Xavier CASANOVAS

Collegi dAparelladors i Arquitectes Tcnics de Barcelona,

Responsable: Xavier CASANOVAS

Collegi dAparelladors i Arquitectes Tcnics de Barcelona,

Person in charge: Xavier CASANOVAS

Ecole dAvignon, France

Responsable :

Ecole dAvignon, France

Responsable: Patrice MOROT-SIR

Ecole dAvignon, France

Person in charge: Patrice MOROT-SIR

Centre Mditerranen de lEnvironnement Marrakech,

Responsable : Moulay Abdeslam SAMRAKANDI

Centre Mditerranen de lEnvironnement Marrakech,

Responsable: Moulay Abdeslam SAMRAKANDI

Centre Mditerranen de lEnvironnement Marrakech,

Person in charge: Moulay Abdeslam SAMRAKANDI

Institut National du Patrimoine, Tunisie

Responsable : Mourad RAMMAH

Institut National du Patrimoine, Tunisie

Responsable: Mourad RAMMAH

Institut National du Patrimoine, Tunisie

Person in charge: Mourad RAMMAH




Xavier Casanovas (Espagne): Prsident

Gilles Nourissier (France): Secrtaire

Xavier Casanovas (Espaa): Presidente

Gilles Nourissier (Francia): Secretario

Xavier Casanovas (Spain): President

Gilles Nourissier (France): Secretary

Dinu Bumbaru (Canada): Secrtaire Gnral ICOMOS

Brigitte Colin (France): UNESCO
Josep Giralt (Espagne): Institut Europeu de la Mediterrnia
Paul Oliver (Royaume Uni): Oxford Brookes University

Dinu Bumbaru (Canad): Secretario General de ICOMOS

Brigitte Colin (Francia): UNESCO
Josep Giralt (Espaa): Institut Europeu de la Mediterrnia
Paul Oliver (Reino Unido): Oxford Brookes University

Dinu Bumbaru (Canada): General Secretary of ICOMOS

Brigitte Colin (France): UNESCO
Josep Giralt (Spain): Institut Europeu de la Mediterrnia
Paul Oliver (United Kingdom): Oxford Brookes University

Nur Akin (Turquie): Istanbul Technical University

Ziad Al-Saad (Jordanie) : Faculty of Archaeology and
Khaldun Bshara (Palestine): Riwaq-Centre for Architectural
Michael Cohen (Isral): Israel Antiquities Authority
Oriol Cusid (Espagne): Collegi dAparelladors i Arquitectes
Tcnics de Barcelona
Faisal Cherradi (Maroc): Centre Mditerranen de
lEnvironnement Marrakech
Evi Fiouri (Chypre): Department of Antiquities of Cyprus.
Giovanni Furio (Italie): Associazione Culturalle Citt,
Ramon Graus (Espagne): Universitat Politcnica de
Mahmoud Ismail (Egypte): Centre Culturel dgypte Paris
Nikolaus Kalogirou (Grce): University of Thessaloniki
Yasmine Makaroun Bou-Assaf (Liban): Universit Libanaise
Mourad Rammah (Tunisie): Institut National du Patrimoine
Dahmani Younsi-Nawel (Algrie) : Direction Patrimoine

Nur Akin (Turqua): Istanbul Technical University

Ziad Al-Saad (Jordania) : Faculty of Archaeology and
Khaldun Bshara (Palestina): Riwaq-Centre for Architectural
Michael Cohen (Israel): Israel Antiquities Authority
Oriol Cusid (Espaa): Collegi dAparelladors i Arquitectes
Tcnics de Barcelona
Faisal Cherradi (Marruecos): Centre Mditerranen de
lEnvironnement Marrakech
Evi Fiouri (Chipre): Department of Antiquities of Cyprus.
Giovanni Furio (Italia): Associazione Culturalle Citt,
Ramon Graus (Espaa): Universitat Politcnica de Catalunya
Mahmoud Ismail (Egipto): Centre Culturel dEgypte Paris
Nikolaus Kalogirou (Grecia): University of Thessaloniki
Yasmine Makaroun Bou-Assaf (Lbano): Universit Libanaise
Mourad Rammah (Tnez): Institut National du Patrimoine
Dahmani Younsi-Nawel (Argelia) : Direction Patrimoine

Nur Akin (Turkey): Istanbul Technical University

Ziad Al-Saad (Jordan)
: Faculty of Archaeology and
Khaldun Bshara (Palestine): Riwaq-Centre for Architectural
Michael Cohen (Israel): Israel Antiquities Authority
Oriol Cusid (Spain): Collegi dAparelladors i Arquitectes
Tcnics de Barcelona
Faisal Cherradi (Morocco): Centre Mditerranen de
lEnvironnement Marrakech
Evi Fiouri (Cyprus): Department of Antiquities of Cyprus.
Giovanni Furio (Italia): Associazione Culturalle Citt,
Ramon Graus (Spain): Universitat Politcnica de Catalunya
Mahmoud Ismail (Egypt): Centre Culturel dEgypte Paris
Nikolaus Kalogirou (Greece): University of Thessaloniki
Yasmine Makaroun Bou-Assaf (Lebanon): Universit
Mourad Rammah (Tunisia): Institut National du Patrimoine
Dahmani Younsi-Nawel (Algeria) : Direction Patrimoine

Conception graphique :
Site web :
2007 Collegi dAparelladors i Arquitectes Tcnics de
Barcelona pour le consortium Rehabimed.
Bon Pastor, 5 08021 Barcelona, Espagne
ISBN: 84-87104-79-7
DL :
RehabiMed incite la reproduction de cet ouvrage ainsi
qu la diusion de son contenu, en citant sa source.
Le projet a t nanc par le programme Euromed
Heritage de lUnion europenne et lAgencia Espaola de
Cooperacin Internacional (AECI).
Les opinions exposes dans le prsent document ne
retent pas ncessairement la position de lUnion
europenne ni celle de ses tats membres.

Diseo grco:
2007 Collegi dAparelladors i Arquitectes Tcnics de
Barcelona para el consorcio RehabiMed.
Bon Pastor, 5 08021 Barcelona, Espaa
ISBN: 84-87104-79-7
DL :
RehabiMed incita la reproduccin de esta obra y a la
difusin de su contenido, siempre que se cite la fuente.
El proyecto ha sido nanciado por el programa Euromed
Heritage de la Unin Europea y por la Agencia Espaola de
Cooperacin Internacional (AECI).
Las opiniones expuestas en este documento no reejan
necesariamente la posicin de la Unin Europea ni la de sus
Estados miembros.

Graphic design:
2007 Collegi dAparelladors i Arquitectes Tcnics de
Barcelona pour le consortium Rehabimed.
Bon Pastor, 5 08021 Barcelona, Spain
ISBN: 84-87104-79-7
RehabiMed wish to encourage the reproduction of this
work and the diusion of its contents, with due mention
of its source.
This project is nanced by the Euromed Heritage
programme of the European Union and by the Agencia
Espaola de Cooperacin Internacional (AECI).
The opinions expressed in this document do not
necessarily reect the position of the European Union or its
member states.

In memoriam. Gilles Nourissier (1954-2007)

Directeur de lEcole dAvignon

Membre du Comit excutif dICOMOS International
Expert de lUNESCO et du Conseil de lEurope
Membre de lquipe RehabiMed
Toute lquipe RehabiMed souhaite exprimer sa gratitude Gilles Nourissier, ami intime et
excellent collgue. Nous ddions cette Confrence en sa mmoire.

Director de la Ecole dAvignon

Miembro del Comit ejecutivo de ICOMOS Internacional
Experto UNESCO y Consejo de Europa
Miembro del equipo RehabiMed
Todos los miembros del equipo RehabiMed queremos mostrar nuestro agradecimiento a
Gilles Nourissier, entraable amigo y excelente compaero. Dedicamos esta Conferencia a
su memoria.

Director of the Ecole dAvignon

Member of the ICOMOS Executive Committee
Consultant for the UNESCO and the Council of Europe
Member of the RehabiMed team
All the members of the RehabiMed team wish to express our gratitude to Gilles Nourissier, a
dear friend and excellent colleague. We dedicate this conference to his memory.

Director de lEcole dAvignon

Membre del Comit executiu dICOMOS Internacional
Expert UNESCO i al Consell dEuropa
Membre de lequip RehabiMed
Tots els membres de lequip RehabiMed volem fer pals el nostre agrament a Gilles Nourissier,
amic de lnima i excellent company. Dediquem aquesta Conferencia a la seva memria.


Notre association professionnelle a toujours assum le d du

dveloppement professionnel de ses membres ainsi que lengagement
social quune tche comme celle-ci exige. Cela fait plus de vingt ans
que ce d et cet engagement se sont ouverts un double versant
international par la collaboration avec des organismes europens et par
la coopration dans des pays en dveloppement.
Cest cette longue exprience qui nous a dcids nous lancer dans la
ralisation dun projet de la complexit et de lambition de RehabiMed.
Il y a trois ans, la reconnaissance internationale de notre trajectoire a en
eet permis lapprobation de RehabiMed par la Commission europenne
et la mise disposition de son soutien conomique, ainsi que de celui
de lAgence espagnole de Coopration internationale.
Les objectifs marqus pour RehabiMed taient ambitieux : renforcer
les activits de rhabilitation et dentretien des btiments dans les
pays mditerranens an damliorer les conditions de vie de leurs
habitants et prserver le patrimoine darchitecture traditionnelle. Pour
atteindre ces objectifs, un rseau dexperts de quinze pays dirents a
travaill inlassablement en progressant pas pas sur le chemin marqu.
Une mthode, de multiples outils de travail, des actions de formation,
diverses publications ainsi que des oprations pilote exemplaires au
Maroc, en Tunisie, en gypte et Chypre, montrent quelques-uns des
excellents rsultats, fruits de leort de tous.
Cest pour moi une grande satisfaction de pouvoir prsenter les actes
de cette Confrence rgionale euro-mditerranenne. Architecture
traditionnelle mditerranenne. Prsent et futur. Il sagit de la culmination
des activits du projet RehabiMed. On peut en valuer le succs grce
cette publication de prs de deux cent cinquante communications
provenant de vingt-cinq pays dirents. Je suis sre que de l surgira un
rseau mditerranen encore plus fort, plus large et plus riche qui nous
permettra denvisager des objectifs plus hardis dans le domaine de la
rhabilitation dans le bassin mditerranen et dans le reste du monde.
Sans le moindre doute, RehabiMed a contribu donner un sens
aux objectifs marqus par les chefs dtat et de gouvernement euromditerranens qui se sont runis Barcelone en 1995 dans le cadre
du processus de Barcelone, dont nous faisons partie et dont nous nous
sentons orgueilleux. Nous avons en eet contribu dvelopper les
changes professionnels, crer des synergies entre les dirents pays
impliqus, tendre les transferts de connaissances et poursuivre le
dveloppement social, conomique, culturel et professionnel dans le
domaine de la Mditerrane.

Rosa Remol
Prsidente de lOrdre des Mtreurs
et Architectes techniques de Barcelone
Barcelone, le 30 juin 2007


Nuestra asociacin profesional ha asumido siempre el reto del desarrollo

profesional de nuestros colegiados, as como el compromiso social que
una tarea como la nuestra exige. Hace ms de veinte aos que este reto
y este compromiso se abrieron hacia una doble vertiente internacional:
la colaboracin con organizaciones europeas y la cooperacin con
pases en desarrollo.
Fue esta larga experiencia la que nos hizo decidir a lanzarnos a la
realizacin de un proyecto de la complejidad y ambicin de RehabiMed.
Hace tres aos, el reconocimiento internacional de nuestra trayectoria
permiti que RehabiMed fuese aprobado por la Comisin Europea y que
haya tenido su soporte econmico, as como el de la Agencia Espaola
de Cooperacin Internacional.
Los objetivos marcados por RehabiMed fueron ambiciosos: reforzar la
actividad de rehabilitacin y mantenimiento en los pases mediterrneos,
contribuir a mejorar las condiciones de vida de sus habitantes y preservar
el patrimonio de arquitectura tradicional. Para alcanzar estos objetivos,
una red de expertos de 15 pases ha trabajado incansablemente
avanzando paso a paso en el camino marcado. Un mtodo, mltiples
herramientas de trabajo, acciones de formacin, diversas publicaciones
y unas operaciones piloto ejemplares en Marruecos, Tnez, Egipto y
Chipre muestran unos resultados excelentes, fruto del esfuerzo de
Es para mi una gran satisfaccin poder presentar las actas de esta
Conferencia Regional Euromediterrnea. Arquitectura Tradicional
Mediterrnea. Presente y Futuro. Se trata de la culminacin de las
actividades del proyecto RehabiMed. Su xito lo podemos evaluar con
esta publicacin de cerca de 250 comunicaciones procedentes de 25
pases. Estoy segura de que de aqu surgir una red mediterrnea ms
fuerte, ms amplia y ms rica, que nos permitir plantearnos objetivos
ms atrevidos en el mbito de la rehabilitacin en el Mediterrneo y en
el mundo.
Sin duda, RehabiMed ha contribuido a dar sentido a los objetivos
marcados por los jefes de estado y de gobierno euromediterrneos
reunidos en Barcelona en el ao 1995 con el Proceso de Barcelona, del
cual formamos parte y nos sentimos orgullosos. Hemos contribuido
al intercambio profesional, a crear sinergias entre los pases, a la
transferencia de conocimientos y al desarrollo social, econmico,
cultural y profesional en el mbito mediterrneo.

Rosa Remol
Presidenta del Collegi dAparelladors
i Arquitectes Tcnics de Barcelona
Barcelona, 30 de junio de 2007


Our professional association has always sought to respond to the

challenge of the professional development of our members as part of
the social commitment required by a mission like ours. It is now over 20
years since this challenge and commitment opened up to its twofold
international involvement in the form of collaboration with European
organizations and cooperation with developing countries.
It is these years of experience that prompted us to organize a project
of the complexity and ambition of RehabiMed. It is now three years
since international recognition of our progress led to the approval
of RehabiMed by the European Commission, which has granted its
economic support, as has the Agencia Espaola de Cooperacin
RehabiMed set itself an ambitious series of objectives: to promote
rehabilitation and maintenance in Mediterranean countries, with a view
to improving the living conditions of their inhabitants and preserving
traditional architectural heritage. In order to meet these aims, a network
of experts in 15 countries has worked tirelessly, advancing step by
step along the path it had marked out. A Method, multiple work tools,
training schemes, various publications and exemplary pilot operations
in Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt and Cyprus have produced excellent results,
thanks to the hard work of everyone concerned.
It is a great pleasure to present the proceedings of this Euro-Mediterranean
Regional ConferenceTraditional Mediterranean Architecture: Present
and Future. It represents the close of the activities carried out as part of
the RehabiMed project. This publication of some 250 papers submitted
from 25 countries is proof of its success. I am convinced that it will
lead to a stronger, broader-based, more productive Mediterranean
network that will allow us to address even more ambitious objectives
for rehabilitation in the Mediterranean and all over the world.
Beyond a doubt, RehabiMed has contributed to the content of the aims
established by the Euro-Mediterranean Heads of State and government
who met in Barcelona in 1995 to dene the Barcelona Process, of
which we are proud to form part. We have contributed to professional
exchange, to the creation of synergies between countries, to knowledge
transfer and to social, economic, cultural and professional development
in the Mediterranean region.

Rosa Remol
President of the Collegi dAparelladors
i Arquitectes Tcnics de Barcelona
Barcelona, 30 June 2007


La nostra associaci professional sempre ha assumit el repte del

desenvolupament professional dels nostres collegiats, al mateix temps
que el comproms social que una tasca com la nostra exigeix. Ja fa ms
de vint anys que aquest repte i aquest comproms van obrir-se cap a
una doble vessant internacional: la collaboraci amb organitzacions
europees i la cooperaci amb pasos en desenvolupament.
Aquesta llarga experincia s la que ens va fer decidir a llanar-nos a la
realitzaci dun projecte de la complexitat i ambici de RehabiMed. Ara
fa tres anys que el reconeixement internacional de la nostra trajectria
va permetre que RehabiMed fos aprovat per la Comissi Europea i que
hagi tingut el seu suport econmic, aix com el de lAgencia Espaola de
Cooperacin Internacional.
Els objectius marcats per RehabiMed van ser ambiciosos: reforar
lactivitat de rehabilitaci i manteniment en els pasos mediterranis,
contribuir a millorar les condicions de vida dels seus habitants i preservar
el patrimoni darquitectura tradicional. Per assolir aquests objectius, una
xarxa dexperts de 15 pasos ha treballat incansablement avanant pas a
pas en el cam establert. Un mtode, mltiples eines de treball, accions
de formaci, diverses publicacions i unes operacions pilot exemplars al
Marroc, Tunsia, Egipte i Xipre mostren uns resultats excellents, fruit de
lesfor de tots.
s per a mi una gran satisfacci poder presentar les actes daquesta
Conferncia Regional Euromediterrnia. Arquitectura Tradicional
Mediterrnia. Present i Futur. Es tracta de la cloenda de les activitats
del projecte RehabiMed. El seu xit el podem avaluar amb aquesta
publicaci, de prop de 250 comunicacions provinents de 25 pasos.
Estic segura que daqu en sortir una xarxa mediterrnia ms forta,
ms mplia i ms rica, que ens permetr plantejar-nos objectius encara
ms agosarats en lmbit de la rehabilitaci a la Mediterrnia i arreu del
Sense cap mena de dubte, RehabiMed ha contribut a donar sentit als
objectius marcats pels caps destat i de govern euromediterranis reunits
a Barcelona lany 1995 amb el Procs de Barcelona, del qual formem
part i ens sentim cofois. Hem contribut a lintercanvi professional, a
crear sinergies entre els pasos, a la transferncia de coneixements i al
desenvolupament social, econmic, cultural i professional en lmbit de
la Mediterrnia.

Rosa Remol
Presidenta del Collegi dAparelladors
i Arquitectes Tcnics de Barcelona
Barcelona, 30 de juny de 2007

Table of Contents

Ville et Territoire
Ciudad y Territorio
Town and Territory

Connatre le lieu avant dintervenir

Conocer el lugar antes de intervenir
Knowledge prior to intervention

Tradition, Identity and Built Form. Nadia Charalambous


Traditional architectural heritage and hybridity. Julia Theodoraki-Patsi


El conocimiento de la ciudad como base de cualquier actuacin en defensa de su patrimonio

construido. Andrs Garca Bodega, Fernando Da Casa Martn


The spatial eects of globalization on both shores of the Aegean. Ikbal Ece Postalc


The role of resources management on shaping the landscape patterns: the water in the Royal
Estates of Lisbon region. Teresa Marat-Mendes, Albert Cuch


Traditional landscape drystone architecture in Cyprus: character-classication-problems.

Anastasia Pitta


For a comprehensive approach to an agenda to protection (promotion) and

pesentaion in Palestine for cultural landscapes: Case study Ain Arik Village. Jamal Barghouth


The rural landscape: characteristic features, values and criticalities in good policies determination.
Antonia Cataldo


Architecture rurale et paysage. Daniela Bosia, Giovanna Franco, Stefano F. Musso


Valeur patrimoniale du tissu urbain. Bougherira Hadji Quenza


Urbanistic analysis and the value of architectural heritage in Cunda Island. Irem Yaylali


Urbanistic analysis of a Greek village Sirince. Mine Tanac Kiray


Archtypes urbains. Le cas dtude de la ville de Nefta. Gaetano Ginex


Habitat traditionnel : patrimoine en cours de disparition dans la valle du Todrha (Sud Marocain).
Mohamed Naim, Mustapha Abdechafk


Characteristics of vernacular architecture in Bodrum Peninsula. A case study: Ortakent and

Bitez Settlements. Nezih R. Aysel


Traditional Syrian architecture: Ottoman and French Mandate (Form, Sociology and Inspiration).
Nuhad Abdallah


El inventario de bienes patrimoniales de la medina de Tetun. Ma ngeles Ruiz Jimnez


An approach to dene and evaluate the traditional houses in

western Anatolia accordance to the urban cultural heritage inventory project of Bergama.
Demet Ulusoy BNAN, Mevlude KAPTI, Binnur KIRA, Tigin TRE


A meeting point of civilizations in Mediterranean: Mut Town.

Uzay Yergn, Gl nal, Ebru Omay Polat


The reconstruction of the socio-economic history of an abandoned Mediterranean village:

A case study from Jordan. Abdel Hakim, K. Al Husban


Lhistoire : instrument oprationnel sur les structures traditionnelles : Ldice, le tissu, la ville
et le territoire. Menouer Ouassila


La participation de la stratication historique dans le tissu traditionnel de Tarsus.

Senem Doyduk, Gne Akkor


A study on the formation of the traditional markets in the historic cities of the Muslim World:
case study of Casbah city, Algiers. Dilmi Djamel


An archaeological-urban history of traditional architecture in Morocco. Said Ennahid


Between east and west: the sicilian code. Giovanna Brambilla


The spaces of the exchange in the Mediterranean Cities. Condetta Fallanca De Blasio


Meaning of the Mosque-Market (Suq) relationship in the light of basic Islamic principles.
Nihal Mohammad Maarouf


Vitality analysis of Istanbul historical peninsula Eminonu District. Gulden Demet Oruc


A Monumental town in the Mediterranean: Cunda. Ayten Erdem, Rabia zakn, Uzay Yergn


Le Trac de lAncienne Enceinte de Galata. A. Derin Oncel


An analytic research on secondary housing on Mediterranean coastal settlements in Turkey.

Tlin Grgl, Kunter Manisa, Bora Yerliyurt


Alexandrias Forgotten Architecture: Defensive buildings of Alexandria. Yasser G. Aref


Urbanisation et architecture vernaculaire dans les Monts de Matmata (sud-est Tunisien).

Boukhchim Nouri


La dnition dune stratgie dintervention

La denicin de una estrategia de intervencin
Dening a strategy for intervention

Patrimoine en cas durgence: le cas de Bint Jbeil. Oula Aoun


Identits plurielles et contextes urbains : nouvelles approches aux

politique migratoires. Caterina Gironda


La sauvegarde du patrimoine entre ds et perspectives. Mohammed Tita


Le patrimoine, outil de dveloppement territorial. Necissa Yamina


Identity and Quality in territorial development processes. Elvira Petroncelli


Amnagement, rhabilitation et dveloppement durable des villes historiques

mditerranennes. Nicolas RODOLAKIS


Larchitecture traditionnelle mditerranenne et ses abords : entre les exigences de la

tutelle et le souci de signication. Amel Touil Hadj Messaoud


A living heritage approach to the management of

traditional architecture. Francesca De Filippi


Cooperativismo habitacional como estrategia ecolgica de rehabilitacin urbana.

Manuel Jos Sierra Hernndez


Une nouvelle alliance ville-campagne dans la France mditerranenne(I). Philippe Haeringer


Patrimoine et ralisme, Les centres historiques des grandes villes mditerranennes,

Commentaires pralables sur le projet RehabiMed . Philippe Haeringer


Environmental design and Vernacular Architectural Renewal in Catalonia. Josep Muntaola


Visions: from knowledge of territory to action strategies and policies of sustainability.

Lines of research for the restoration and revitalisation of Calabrian historic centres.
Alessandra Barresi, Gabriella Pultrone


Principales problmatiques dune politique rgionale pour les biens culturels : la philosophie
du projet stratgique dans la mditerrane du sud. Cas du systme des fortications
de la baie dAlger. M. Bouteika, S. Messikh


The Rehabilitation and Conservation policies for Historical Areas; Issues for Egypt and
Mediterranean cities. Ayman Afy


Stratgies et politique rgionales pour le patrimoine historique traditionnel: le cas Sardaigne.

Antonello Sanna


Rgnration urbaine : enjeux dune revalorisation du cadre bti ancien dans le Sud Ouest
algrien. Sandra GUINAND


Pour une demarche de rhabilitation des tissus urbains traditionnels de la

rgion saharienne de oued-souf en Algrie. Mohamed Zerarka


Projet dappui au dveloppement local intgr : Les routes des Ksour . Nesma Brahimi-Bensalem


Protection and valorization of common housing and regional architecture.

State and perspectives of the university research in Italy. Carlo Aymerich


LA REHABILITATION DU TERRITOIRE. A travers le dpassement des dsquilibres structurels

introduits par la colonisation. Yassine Ouagueni


Mditerrane et tourisme de masse. Arbil Otkunc


Potentialits et perspectives touristiques du village Hammam Guergour Stif, Algrie.

Abderrahmane Diafat


Sustainable Development for Rehabimed through Tourism. Mahmoud Fathi El Alfy


The triple tourism sustainability. An exemplication of a Sustainable Tourist Plan. Luna Interlandi


Sustainable development of south coastline Albania, by preserving

traditional cultural heritage. Kalterina Shulla


Environmental Scrutiny of Traditional Mediterranean Forms for Contemporary Application

(An Empirical Study). Amira M. El-Nokaly, Ahmed B. El-Seragy


Waqf et patrimoine architectural et urbain traditionnel dans les pays musulmans.

Maaouia Saidouni


Le devenir du Hawch, espace hrit dans le Beyrouth contemporain.

Le cas de Khandak al Ghamik . Nina Zeidan


The city shape and its natural context. Maria Roslia Guerreiro


From the territory to the city: the ground rules that have governed
order to Lisbons surroundings. Teresa Marat-Mendes, Maria Amlia Cabrita


Rehabilitation of the Cultural Landscape at Umm-Qais. The Ottoman Village

in the Ancient City of Gadara. Mohammad El-Khalili, Nizar Al Adarbeh


Examining the coherence of the diverse patterns. Murat ahin


The Disintegration of The Medieval City Of Cairo. Dalia Nabil Aly Abdul-Ghany


Outils lgaux et planication urbanistique

Herramientas legales y planeamiento
Legal instruments and planning

The impact of Strategic Master Plans on the conservation of Cairos built heritage.
Adhma Fahmy


Revitalizing a historic city The case of Nicosia. Eleni Petropoulou


La rehabilitacin del casco histrico de Cdiz, una actuacin pblica de gran

trascendencia social. Jess Ramn Romero Martinez


La transformation et la conservation des villes historiques en Algrie :

Plan de rcupration de la ville de Miliana. Malika Bousserak


Mediterrenean architecture preservation of the historical peninsula in the city walls of Istanbul.
Aim target and the strategy. Cengiz Eruzun


Instruments et mthodes pour la rhabilitation de larchitecture traditionnelle en Sardaigne :

Le manuel de recouvrement des centres historiques de Marmilla. Carlo Atzeni


The Western City Wall of Old Aleppo. An area under transformation. Dr. Arch. Kamal Bitar


Larchitecture de la ville. Le projet urbain; Aspects paradigmatiques mthodologiques

et pragmatiques. Mounir Douib, Achref Ben Khalifa


Towards a new Design tool for Urban Islamic Contexts. Zaouiat Lakhdar and the
Medina of Marrakech. Joo de Magalhes Rocha, Jos Pinto Duarte


Proyectos de recalicacin urbana para las reas del interior de Cerdea. Silvia Mocci


Urban Voids and connectivity of the city core: the case of Kavala. Titie Papadopoulou


Environmental Rehabilitation of the Mediterranean Urban Road Spaces.

Maria Isabella Amirante, Mariachiara Catani and Renata Valente


Instruments oprationnels et marques de gouvernance

Instrumentos operativos y marcos de gobernabilidad
Operative instruments and frameworks of governance

The Governments role in the rehabilitation process. Irene Haddjisavva


City Political in the Mediterranean: Urban to Reggio Calabria. Antonio Taccone


Towards a decentralized system of protection, rehabilitation and management of architectural

heritage in Palestine. Farhat Muhawi


Strategies of Volunteered Rehabilitation in Actor Networks: A Case Study in Soganli, Turkey.

Seda Calisir Hovardaoglu, Ozan Hovardaoglu


Housing Rehabilitation: Towards Building Community Responsibility.

Kareem-Ibrahim Abdel- Rahim


Ksar Assa, Provinces sahariennes du Maroc :

un programme de rhabilitation participatif. Salima Naji


Comment sensibiliser et encourager les communes rurales la rhabilitation de leur patrimoine

architectural ? tudiants et jeunes architectes la rencontre des maires. Cynthia Durand-Lasserve


Public Participation, a Key Asset to Preservation Strategies. N.Chabbi-Chemrouk, O.Chemrouk


Old Town Regeneration with Respect to the Inhabitants Social and Economical Reality.
Shadi Sami Ghadban, Shaden Sa Qasem


Rhabilitation et dveloppement durable dune ville historique en Crte. Zoi Karamanou


Sustainable Development and Rehabilitation of Architectural Heritage: A Critical View of

Global Policies and Local Practices. Aysen Ciravoglu


New approaches to urban conservation: international guidelines and experience

challenges for Istanbul. Arzu Kocabas


Information technology techniques for the built heritage conservation. Towards an integrated
system for documentation. Mohamed Shoukr Nada, Mohamed Abd el kader Gabr


Information Technology to Support Sustainable Development in Built Heritage Areas:

The Socio-Cultural Impact of Tourism Development at Historic Cairo. Nisreen Rak Lahham
and Mohamed Shoukr Nada


Economic regulation with respect to conservative capital

for sustainable growth. Levent zaydn


De la maison au territoire. Les CAUE, outils de conseil et dinformation.

Exemple du CAUE dEure-et-Loir. Samir ABDULAC


Expriences de rhabilitation urbaine et territorial en mditerrane

Experiencias de rehabilitacin urbana y territorial
Experiences of urban and territorial rehabilitation in mediterranean

Financial incentives/Revitalization of the city of Dubrovnik. Sandra Uskokovic


The concept of Urban Landscaping for the Historical cities. The study of a case
for development of (Mahata &Souqe) streets Down Town Luxor City. Mohamed Ayman


Development of Urban Environment for (The informal residential compounds in

historical areas) The Study of the Case of Karnak Region in Luxor City. Mohamed Ayman Ashour


Rehabilitation and Restoration for Harret Jaber. Jalal Abu


Restoration in the Old City of Jerusalem. Bashar Husseini


At Iktel ou la richesse des pauvres. Sad Mouline


Urban strategy for Limassols Center . A vision for the future. Stelios Stylianidis


La protection du patrimoine culturel de la Valle du MZab : Facteur de

dveloppement durable. Mousselmal Bahmed


Holiday village in Data (near knidos). Metamorphosis from the past to the future. Bican Tuberk


The Future of Traditional Settlements in Cappadocia. B. Nilgun Oz


Environmental rehabilitation works in the mediterranean city ispartas historical center.

Elif Selebi, Gokcen Ozkaya


A Case Study: The Village of Eskihisar/Stratonikeia as an

Example of Urban Continuity. F. Glen GLMEZ


Urban reading as a necessary tool for developing projects in keeping with the
traditional contexts: assessment of urban projects in Istanbul. Gulsen Ozaydin, Arzu Kocabas


The eects of sociacultural and religious transformation on the structure of the city,
the example of Ayvalik. M. Kerem ZEL


Conservation of cultural heritage and local identity of Asansor district of Izmir. Mine Tanac Kiray


Railway Heritage of Istanbul: Marmaray & Urban Regeneration Projects. Yonca Kosebay ERKAN


To have a new point of view on an ancient port: Alacati hotel project. Zafer SAGDIC


Modern treatment of open public space in the traditional settlements of norhern Greece:
An intermediate appraisal. Dimitrios Zygomalas


Rehabilitation and inll design projects in listed in Greece. A fragmented urban rehabilitation
approach. The case of the Upper Town quarter of Thessaloniki. Nikos Kalogirou, Alkmini Paka


The abandonment and subsequent rehabilitation of the traditional mountain settlements

in Greece. The exemplar case of Pandeleimon on Mount Olympus. Michael Nomikos


The Role of Conservation in the Re-production of Old Akko. Yael Naaman


The Rehabilitation of the Traditional Circassian settlements in Israel.

The test case of Kfar Kama in Eastern Galilee. Michael Cohen


Coexistence et juxtaposition, lecture et restructuration de llot du quartier del Djezira situ en

position charnire entre la Mdina de Tunis (centre ancien) et la ville Europenne. Khaled Karoui


Le Patrimoine Culturel, Facteur de Dveloppement Durable :

Lexprience de la ville de Kairouan. Mounir ABID


La Mdina de Tunis : de la cit un quartier de la ville. Jamila Binous


Un nouvel lan pour Sidi-Ghiles, Algrie. Laetitia Belala, Julie Laborde, Jean-Marie Cottin


Rhabilitation de laxe structurant du vieux Guemmar. Au del du dcor . Lakhda Kouici


Rhabilitation des lotissements coloniaux :

cas de la ville de blida. Leila Sahtaoui-Zerarka


La prservation et la restauration du systme de gestion et de distribution

des eaux dans la Valle du MZab Ghardaa, Algrie. Zouhir Ballalou


Architecture et patrimoine du vieux village de montagne

Bordj Zemmoura Algrie. Said Madani


Representacin e interpretacin del sistema urbano de Gioia Tauro. Maria Follo


NCESSIT FAITE VERTU. Cest--dire hypothse de De-codication de larchitecture

traditionnelle: le cas dtude de lintervention pilote dans la Ville-oasis de Nefta
auprs du Chott-el-Jerid, Tunisie. Corrado Trombetta


Les expriences de rgnration urbaine des villes calabraises. Natalina Carr


Paysage et villes mditerranennes : le cas de Barcelone et lintervention urbanistique

sur le site des Tres Turons . Rafael Balanzo Joue


The Set of the Syrian Roman theatres in more recent built environment. Saraa Saleh


Projet pilote de rgnration urbaine par des interventions artistiques. Maria Urm


The River Minho Fortications Master Plan.

Helena Santos, Esmeralda Pauprio, Joo Guedes, Anbal Costa



La diagnose comme tape pralable la rhabilitation

La diagnosis como etapa previa a la rehabilitacin
Diagnosis as a preliminary to rehabilitation

Outils mthodologiques pour la rhabilitation durable des btiments ruraux.

Daniela BOSIA


Les apports de larchologie du bti au diagnostic : le Palais Debban Saida (Liban)

entre mmoires et qute didentit. Yasmine MAKAROUN BOU ASSAF


Les habitudes constructives et les modes de conservation daprs les

manuscrits habs ottomans. Samia CHERGUI


Anlisis de la construccin y funcin de los espacios interiores de la masa

en Catalunya (s. XIV-XVI). Assumpta SERRA I CLOTA


La arquitectura tradicional de Menorca desde la Edad Moderna. Llucia PONS


Casa Pallars de Talarn, del XVII al XIX. Josep COLL I MIR


El anlisis histrico-arqueolgico en los procesos de rehabilitacin de la arquitectura

tradicional. Isidre PASTOR I BATALLA


Spatial changes in the ottoman housing tradition in Galata-Pera in the second half
of the 19th century. Figen KAFESCIOGLU and Aye DERIN


The grammatical and syntactical analysis of spatial organisation in Ayvalik houses.



Tres khans (caravanserrallos) en Sada (Lbano). Nria CASQUERO MODREGO


The vernacular Earthen Building Tradition in Greece. Cultural and

Conservation Questions. Georgia BEI


Arquitectura tradicional con barro en la regin de Nachd-Arabia Saudita. Ali Ahmed CORNEJO


Paredes de tapia. Flix RUIZ GORRINDO


Light decorations. Gianraaele LODDO, Daniela LUDONI


Lhabitat traditionnel a Oued Souf. Nabila BELHADJ


Organization of Information on Built Heritage using Multimedia Technologies.

Tiago ILHARCO, Xavier ROMO, Esmeralda PAUPRIO, Joo GUEDES, Anbal COSTA


Sistema de informacin arquitectnico. Ma Amparo NEZ ANDRS, Felipe BUILL POZUELO,



Levantamientos con lser escner terrestre. Felipe BUILL POZUELO, Ma. Amparo NEZ ANDRS


Caractrisation des matriaux et de laltration des remparts pour une restauration adapte :
exemple dune muraille du Contrefort de Hri Souani, Mdina de Mekns, Maroc.
Rabha AJAKANE, Said KAMEL, Rachida MAHJOUBI, Jean Marc VALLET,
Philippe BROMBLET, Jean Dominique MEUNIER et Rachid BOUABID


Los revestimientos de la casa popular: inspeccin, anlisis y ensayos.



Analyse et caractrisation des matriaux de constructions anciens (Cas de Ksar Metlili).

Messaoud HAMIANE


Piedra de calar de la Fatarella, entre el conocimiento popular y la

caracterizacin cientca. Alexandra DESCARREGA, Joan Ramon ROSELL, Antonia NAVARRO


Conservation of the traditional architecture: a case study from the village

of Samad/Jordan. Ziad AL-SAAD, Asma KHALILI


Il Borgo Svevo di Termoli. Wall building systems: analysis and recover. Mario CRISTIANO


Structural behaviour characterization of existing adobe constructions in Aveiro.

Humberto VARUM, Anbal COSTA, Tiago MARTINS, Henrique PEREIRA, Joo ALMEIDA,


Diagnostic visuel rapide des constructions pour le risque sismique potentiel. Amina FOUFA


Revisin crtica de las metodologas de diagnosis de forjados de vigas de madera.



La eciencia en la restauracin. Jos BORJA MANRIQUE DEL RO


Dtermination des performances en usage des maisons traditionnelles en climats chaud sches.
Hypothse de De-codication de larchitecture traditionnelle:
le cas dtude de lIntervention pilote au Nefta, ville-oasis du Chott - el - Jerid, Tunisie. Sara CACCIOLA


Le projet de rhabilitation : rexion sur les critres

El proyecto de rehabilitacin: reexiones sobre criterios
The rehabilitation project: reections on criteria

From Architecture without Architects until Today. Youssef EL KHOURY


La conservacin de la arquitectura tradicional a travs de sistemas modernos:

los Sassi de Matera. Antonella GUIDA, Fabio FATIGUSO, Antonello PAGLIUCA


Los elementos del patrimonio cultural: su permanente vigencia. Albert PL I GISBERT


The Challenges in Conservation the Aesthetical Values in the

Egyptian Traditional Architecture. Mohamed Mahmoud ELARABY


Rhabilitation, conception contemporaine et reconstruction en architecture: un dbat.

La Maison de Cakirhan. Can BINAN, Banu ELEBIOLU


Arquitectura verncula: trminos nuevos, conceptos antiguos. Antonio BAO NIEVA


Los sistemas tradicionales como ptimos de gestin de los recursos. Albert CUCH


Rehabilitation between Necessity and Luxury. Khaldun BSHARA


Una materia singular para un mundo global. Sandra BESTRATEN, Emilio HORMAS


A window for contemplating aesthetics. The traditional courtyard revisited.

Nabeel ELHADY, Raghad MOFEED


Reuse of Demolished Buildings Debris in Post war Construction.

An approach to conservation of traditional architecture. Khaled I. N. AHMED, Hanan S. WASFY


The Reection of Euro-Mediterranean Historical Culture on Contemporary

Architecture in Alexandria. Ahmed B. EL-SERAGY, Amira M. EL-NOKALY, Sarah AL-SAADANI


Rendre compatible les techniques traditionnelles et les modernes

Compatibilizar tcnicas tradicionales y modernas
Combining traditional and modern techniques

The Svevo Village of Termoli. The traditional constructive techniques of Molise.



The Swabian Village of Termoli. The vault system: tecniques and recovery. Camilla SANSONE


Building and Rebuilding with earth. Earthen architecture in Cyprus and the
problem of its conservation. Diomedes MYRIANTHEFS


Rcupration des Techniques Constructives Traditionnelles Sismo-Rsistantes pour un

Entretien du Bti Ancien. Amina FOUFA


The observed seismic damage of traditional buildings of Western Greece

reinforce the need for their strengthening. F.V. KARANTONI


A proposal for the development of the traditional construction crafts in Egyp. A case study
of Aswan City. Diaa-Eldin. Ibrahim Mohamed HANAFI, Sherif Mohamed Rabie KHASHABA


Repair and Maintenance guidelines for the inhabitants of a historical district:

Papaz Mahallesi in Yeni Foa, IzmirEge. ULUCA TUMER


Traditional Construction Techniques. Revaluation of Good Practice Rule for

Sustainable Construction. Ezilda COSTANZO


Present and Future of Solar Control with Photovoltaic Components in Mediterranean

Architecture in Turkey. Mujde ALTIN


Reproduction of hydraulic lime mortars based on the traditional production technology

of ancient mortars from Cyprus. I. IOANNOU, M. PHILOKYPROU, G. PAPADOURIS, K. KYRIAKOU


Hacia un sistema-mortero para intervencin en restauracin.

Joan Ramon ROSELL, Jaume AVELLANEDA, Servando CHINCHN, Judith RAMREZ


Newsandstone versus Montjuc. Hermanas gemelas?

Joan Ramon ROSELL, Antonia NAVARRO, Domingo GIMENO


Traditional Building Techniques from 1850 to 1950: The case of northern Jordan.
Fandi. A. WAKED, Ziad AL-SAAD


La intervencin en la cimentacin de la construccin tradicional.



Utilizacin correcta de contraventanas para ahorro energtico. Margarita ARROBA FERNNDEZ


Expriences de rhabilitation intgrale en Mditerrane

Experiencias de rehabilitacin integral en el Mediterrneo
Experiences of integrated rehabilitation in the Mediterranean

Rintgration dun lieu dans la ville. Abdelaziz BADJADJA


Habiter le pass. La chapelle des chevaliers de la citadelle de Tartous, Syrie. Mourad BOUTEFLIKA


Restoration and Re-use of Omeriye Ottoman Baths, Nicosia, Cyprus. Athina PAPADOPOULOU


Appropriating the Traditional Hammam to Modern Needs:

Community Life and Development. Dalila ELKERDANY


Los procesos de construccin y la implantacin de las instalaciones en edicios histricos:

La Iglesia de la Trinidad de Segovia. Patricio ALAN, Margarita ARROBA,
Concepcin DEZ-PASTOR, Joaqun GRAU, Julin GARCA


Ejemplo de rehabilitacin y reutilizacin del patrimonio construido al Pirineo con

criterios econmicos ecolgicos y sociales. Josep BUNYESC PALACN


Extrapolacin de metodologas de anlisis de poblados vernaculares del

Mediterrneo a la Patagonia chilenaVirginia VSQUEZ F., Jaume AVELLANEDA


Proyecto TEAM. Patrici LLUCH LLONCH


Dmarche collective pour la reconnaissance du savoir-faire pierre sche. Claire CORNU


La formation la restauration et la valorisation du patrimoine bti :

le projet europen TRAINMONHER. Isabelle BRIANSO


The restoration and rehabilitation of Mansion Saliverou in Santorini Greece.

Neoclassical inuences in the vernacular architecture. Maria DOUSSI


Methodological approach for the restoration of historic buildings in Greece.

The case of the Daniel Mansion in Xanthi Thrace. Maria DOUSSI


The revival of a traditional house in Pindos Mountains, Epirus, Greece.



Architectural Dialogues. Reuse of Ottoman Bath in N. Apollonia, Greece. Nikos DIKAS


Villa Ficana in Macerata, the restoring work of a raw earth quarter. Anna Paola CONTI


Experimentation on the adobe manufacturing standardisation

between past and future. Gaia BOLLINI


Presente y futuro del enileen Lucca, Italia. Ramn COTARELO CREGO


tude de cas dune maison darchitecture traditionnelle Tyr, Liban sud.

Rinsertion et rhabilitation avec des matriaux traditionnels. Grce RIHAN HANNA


La reprsentation du Patrimoine et son impact sur les chantiers de restauration. Oussama KALLAB


Les greniers de lAtlas et du Sud-Est du Maroc: un patrimoine valoriser. Mohamed BOUSSALH


Rhabilitation et dveloppement local. Cas des fondouks traditionnels dans la mdina

de Marrakech Maroc. Belkyal KAMAL, Abdellatif MAROU, Moulay Abdeslam SAMRAKANDI


Programme de rhabilitation et de mise en valeur du Borj Nord de Fs. Had MOKADEM


The Concept of Yard School in Conservation of Cultural Heritage, Khan Alwakalah

Restoration Project, Nablus, Palestine. Eman ASSI


Romanian traditional architecture half way between the Northern Sea

and the Mediterranean Sea. Ana-Maria DABIJA


Delving Valldigna. Paul OLIVER


Al-Khawabi Citadel: a Rehabilitation project. Zeina EL-CHEIKH


Le village berbre de Chenini : une approche comusographique. Essi CHOKRI


De la pertinence de la restauration de larchitecture vernaculaire.

Cas de Dar el Wadi Nefta au sud tunisien. Fakher KHARRAT


Immeubles menaant de ruine (IMR): La mdina de Kairouan.

Problmatique et recommandations. Loghmari NOUREDDINE


La maison laboratoire de Mahda un chantier lieu dchanges et de concertation. Salma HAMZA


Ormana Houses and Their Place in Mediterranean Architecture. Ayten ERDEM, Rabia OZAKIN


La rsidence de akr Aa Birgi. Aynur IFTI


From Shelter to housing: An East-Mediterranean example to the traditional

twig-knitted timber constructions: The Hug house. Hale TOKAY, Selcen YALCIN


A socio-cultural and historical overlook to Istanbulian Konakson Ottoman architecture:

the myth & the reality. Zafer SAGDIC, Aysun AYDIN


Ville et Territoire
Ciudad y Territorio
Town and Territory

Connatre le lieu avant dintervenir

Conocer el lugar antes de intervenir
Knowledge prior to intervention

Connatre le lieu avant dintervenir

Conocer el lugar antes de intervenir
Knowledge prior to intervention

Tradition, Identity and Built Form

Nadia Charalambous
Studied Architecture at the Bartlett School of Architecture, University
College London. Subsequently, she got a Masters in Architecture
(Advanced Architectural Studies) from the same university. She is currently completing her Ph.D. studies at Metsovio Polytechnic in Athens
(Spatial Forms of Ethnic Co-existence). She is a practicing architect
and the Head of Design Department at Intercollege, Cyprus. She
has carried out research on several topics including urban space and
ethnicity, spatial forms of ethnic co-existence in Cypriot settlements,
traditional domestic environments and has participated in several
local and international conferences.
46 Makedonitissas Avenue, P.O.Box 24005 , 1700 Nicosia
E-mail address:
+357 99688660

1. Introduction
This paper is concerned with the ways in which traditional settlements
are studied and analysed in order to facilitate knowledge and
consequently preservation of cultural heritage. More specically, the
relation between space organisation and social/cultural behaviour is
investigated, in order to establish the signicance of man - made space
for the understanding of cultural heritage.
Research undertaken through a series of studies (Charalambous 1992,
2002, 2004) has revealed that we still do not have agreed denitions
of cultural presence or data to help us determine which elements
most aid a sense of cultural presence. We do not have a clear mutual
understanding of what exactly is cultural information and how to
analyse it, provide for it or communicate it. In order to understand what
can be disseminated in terms of context, content and audience, we
need to discuss and dene what the author considers a major issue
in cultural heritage: the relationship between built form and culture.
The analysis of built form in such a way so that we understand the
transmission of culture through it, is the focus of this paper.
2. Culture and Built Form
If the cultural geographer Yi-Fu Tuan is to be believed, culture is that
which is not seen (Seeing what is not there lies at the foundation of all
human culture). Such a denition raises an interesting paradox for the
visualisation of culture. How do we see what is not there? There are many
issues in the presentation of culture; one is the denition of culture itself;
the second issue is the understanding of how culture is transmitted.
According to Rapoport, without trying to dene culture, one can say
that it is about a group of people who share a set of values, beliefs,
a worldview and a symbol system that are learned and transmitted.
These create a system of rules and habits which reect ideals and create

a life-style, guiding behaviour, roles and manners as well as built forms

(Rapoport 1969; 1986).
It can be suggested that culture is both too abstract and too global to
be useful. Social expressions of culture, such as groups, family structures,
institutions, social networks, status relations, and many others, often have
settings associated with them or are reected in the built environment.
While it is virtually impossible to link culture to built form is feasible
to relate built form to family structure, clans or societies, institutions, sex
roles, or status hierarchies. (Rapoport 1969; 1986).
What distinguishes one environment from another, is the nature of
the rules embodied or encoded in it. These rules must themselves be
identied with the formation and organization of space, time, meaning
and communication. Then we are more concerned with the relationship
among the elements and underlying rules than with the elements
themselves (Rapoport, 1986). In reality, whether it is at the settlement
or at the building scale, the man-made environment is formed by
similar elements, like the house, the street, the cul-de-sac, or the room,
the hall, the courtyard: but diers from one culture to another by how
these elements are organized, and their meanings.
Kent also suggests that the use of space and architecture is specically
a reection of the socio-political organization of a society (Kent 1984;
1990). Culture is seen through her work, as composed of integrated parts,
subsystems or components such as the socio-political organization.
These parts together articulate with behaviour and specically the use
of space, in such a way that behaviour can be viewed as a reection of
culture. Concomitantly, cultural material (a more encompassing term
than material culture) such as architecture, is a reection of behaviour
and ultimately of culture.
Kent also developed a model for studying the relationship between
culture and space use based on two premises: a) social complexity
determines space organization and the built environment, particularly
with regards to partition; b) when society becomes more sociopolitically complex, its culture, social behaviour, space use and
material and architectural culture, become more segmented (Kent
1984, 1990). According to the author, societies based on fragmented
and dierentiated cultures tend to organized segmented areas; in
other words, they tend to promote architectural and urban structures
functionally discrete.
Hillier and Hanson suggest that the use of space and in particular
domestic space, is a sociogram not of a family but of something much
more: of a social system (Hillier and Hanson 1984). In 1984, Hillier and
Hanson published The Social Logic of Space in which they outlined
a syntactic theory for the organization of space in buildings and
settlements. They argued that buildings, town and cities have particular
spatial properties that translate into sociological rules which aect
where activities are situated and how people relate to one another1.
Within this framework, the spatial conguration of a dwelling or a
settlement is believed to present a fairly precise map of the economic,
social, and ideological relations of its intended inhabitants (Hanson,
1998: 13); in other words as Rapoport suggested, it presents the social
manifestations of culture.
3. Space Syntax Methodology
Morphological studies presented through the Social Logic of Space
(Hillier and Hanson, 1984) and subsequent research during the last
decades, try to clarify the congurational properties of space described
in the previous section and their meanings by mathematical and


Connatre le lieu avant dintervenir

Conocer el lugar antes de intervenir
Knowledge prior to intervention

graphical analysis rather than intuitive explanations2 through Space

Syntax methodology. Space Syntax is an analytical, quantitative and
descriptive tool that describes built space and its occupancy, helping
us understand how spatial patterns constitute means through which
we recognize and construct society and culture. It addresses issues
such as: how is built space to be understood as a social artifact, how
it functions, how it supports or constrains behavior, how it reproduces
social relationships and how it generates social eects. A set of non
discursive techniques are utilised to discover how far it is possible
to bring to light and subject to rigorous comparative analysis the
congurational3 aspects of space and form in settlements, cities and
buildings, through which culture is transmitted.
Space syntax research sees settlements as specialised forms of
spatial engineering which permit a large number of people to live
in concentrations. Seen as systems of organised space4, settlements
seem to have deep structures or genotypes, which vary with culture.
Studies of cities and traditional settlements all over the world, revealed
such dierences in spatial organisation which seem to be expressions
of what might be called spatial culture (Hillier and Hanson 1984;
Hillier 1996; Space Syntax Conference Proceedings 1999, 2003, 2005).
Furthermore, spatial properties which dene cities and settlements
as cultural types seem to be associated with the social systems of the
relevant societies5.
To understand and experience the man-made environment, whether
buildings or settlements, their spatial elements and their relational
or congurational properties must be claried. The basic strategy of
congurational analysis is to search for invariants in the spatial pattern
and then to consider the relation of labels (names given to spaces/
rooms) to spaces. To the extent that space is systematically and
consistently patterned across a sample of houses or settlements, these
embody in their conguration the social intentions of their makers.
When dierences are strongly and consistently replicated then we can
infer that the structural relations which are articulated are culturally
signicant. Even within a single building, sharp dierentiations in
spatial conguration give clues to social interpretation and may reveal
the dynamics that underpin everyday life which are independent of
peoples perceptions of the meaning of space.
Through the study of a number of settlements (existing or not) one may
be able to observe similar social and spatial ingredients: the streets, the
squares, public buildings and houses. However, mere visual inspection
and comparison of broad geometric and locational aspects, cannot on
their own help us to ascertain how the spatial form of a society diers
or is similar to spatial forms of another society, or to suggest what the
dimensions of variability within each society might be.
Recent studies described below, allow us to broadly suggest that
although all cases are made of the same spatial ingredients it is the
way these are congured that elucidates culture, ethnic and/or social
identity. Closer investigation, utilising syntactic analysis based on
Space Syntax methods in a large number of studies during the past
decades, does shed light on these issues and demonstrates that spatial
dierences between societies are indeed associated with their cultural
dierences but also with their dierences in terms of the form of their
social solidarity.
In a space syntaxstudy of Cypriot villages, Hadjinicolaou suggested that
there were more dierences than similarities (Hadjinicolaou, 1982). The
Turkish Cypriot public space was shown to be composed of irregular
parts which varied in size and shape. The purely Turkish Cypriot villages


were also shown to be more shallow and easily accessible from the
outside than the Greek Cypriot, where the entrances to the settlements
were narrow and the approach to the interior more complicated.
Hadjinicolaou argued that these spatial dierences derived from
cultural dierences between the two communities, especially the
dierent forms of their social solidarity. According to this study,
the Turkish Cypriot community achieved coherence as a group by
sharing a common ideology, a set of common beliefs similar among
all members, whereas in the Greek Cypriot community the activities
of its members were more personal, in which achieving coherence as
a group was based on the dierences between the individuals. The
former presented a more transpatial form of social solidarity, closer
to what Durkheim has called a mechanical type, while the latter
formed a society for which space was more important in maintaining
its coherence, presenting a form of social solidarity closer to what
Durkheim has called organic.
In a syntactic study of local (domestic) and global (setllement) space
organisation of 14 Cypriot settlements and 184 traditional houses
Charalambous suggested that the cultural investment in space, both
locally and globally, varied to a considerable degree between as well
as within each ethnic group (Charalambous, 1992). Based on extensive
analysis, the author suggested that although the two ethnic groups
in traditional settlements are made of the same spatial and social
ingredients, their spatial conguration brings about strong dierences
in ethnic identity. It has also been suggested that ethnic dierentiation
alone cannot explain the variety of forms presented within as well as
between the two groups. Using both the form of the local spatial
organisation at the domestic level and its relation to the global level, the
analysis suggested that spatial dierentiation was also associated with
the occupational class and status of dierent social groups within the
villages. A more complex picture emerges which has both dierences
within each ethnic grouping as well as tendencies which cut across
ethnic divisions, but which relate together people of a similar status or
social position.
Based on a large number of similar studies as the ones described above,
it seems logical that spatial conguration becomes an important means
of determining how culture is conveyed through architecture. This
paper therefore strongly believes that a reconsideration of the current
methods of traditional settlements analysis is required by incorporating
Space Syntax methods of analysis in the process6.
5. Conclusion
The paper questions the implications of current methods of traditional
settlements analysis and suggests a new methodology which combines
both quantitative and qualitative methods of anlisis; these are based
on Space Syntax methods, bringing together both humanistic and
technical viewpoints. Conclusions can then be drawn relating the
spatial information to the social. The paper suggests that the proposed
anlisis, presentation and interpretation of traditional sociospatial
organisation may reveal new historical information which takes into
consideration both humanistic and technical issues.

CHARALAMBOUS N. (1992). Contested Identities: Spatial Forms of Ethnic Co Existence in the Eastern
Mediterranean: the Case of Cyprus. Unpublished MSc Thesis, University College London.
CHARALAMBOUS N. AND PERISTIANIS N. (2002) Cypriot Boundaries in

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Traditional Dwellings and Settlements Working Paper Series, Vol. 159; IASTE, Berkeley,
University of California.
CHARALAMBOUS N. (2004) Spatial patterns of ethnic identity in a post global world Traditional
Dwellings and Settlements Working Paper Series, Vol. 173, IASTE, Berkeley, University of
HADJINICOLAOU, E. (1981). Ethnicity and space: Syntactic Analysis of Thirteen Cypriot Villages,
Unpublished MSc thesis, University College London
HANSON, J. AND HILLIER, B. (1982). Two Contemporary Space Codes Compared, Architecture and
Behavior 2
HANSON, J. AND HILLIER, B. (1979). Tradition and Change in the English House: a Comparative
Approach to the analysis of small house plants, London: Unit for Architectural Studies,
University College London
HILLIER, B. AND HANSON, J. (1984). The Social Logic of Space, Cambridge University Press.
HILLIER, B. et al (1984). Ideas are in things. London: Unit for Architectural Studies, University
College London.
HILLIER,B 1996 Space is the Machine, Cambridge University Press
KENT, SUSAN (1984), Analyzing activity areas: An ethnological study of the use of space; University
of New Mexico Press
KENT, SUSAN (1990), Domestic Architecture and the use of space: An Interdisciplinary Cross-Cultural
Study (New Directions in Archaeology), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
RAPOPORT, AMOS (1969), House, Form and Culture, Prentice Hall
RAPOPORT, AMOS (1986a). Culture and built form a reconsideration. In Architecture in cultural
change (essays in built form and culture research), edited by D. G. Saile, pp. 157-175. Lawrence:
University of Kansas.
Space Syntax International Symposia Conference Proceedings (1999, 2003, 2005)

Human societies according to the aforementioned authors, are spatial phenomena;

they occupy regions of the earths surface and within and between these regions
material resources move and people encounter each other. A society seems to have
a denite and recognisable spatial order in two senses: rstly, by arranging people in
space and locating them in relation to each other; and secondly, by arranging space
itself by means of buildings, boundaries, paths and so on, so that the physical milieu of
that society also takes on a denite pattern.

In the last two decades, with its theoretical background, this approach has found its
chance to be implemented in a wide eld of research, training and practice.

What does the term conguration tell us? According to Hanson (1998), spatial relations
exist where there is any type of link between two spaces. Conguration exists when the
relations that exist between two spaces are changed according to how we relate each
to a third. Congurational descriptions, therefore, deal with the way in which a system
of spaces is related together to form a pattern, rather than the more localized properties
of any particular space.

According to Hillier, space is a more inherently dicult topic, than physical form for
two reasons: rst, space is a vacancy rather than a thing so even its bodily nature is not
obvious, and cannot be taken for granted in the way that we think we can take objects
for granted. Secondly, related spaces cannot be seen all at once but require movement
from one to another to experience the whole (Hillier, 1996).

For example, in cities in the Arab world, the spectrum between public and private
spaces is often quite dierent from that in European cities .In historic European cities,
local areas are for the most part easily accessible to strangers whereas in many Arab
cities strangers tend to be guided to certain public areas in the town and access to local
areas is much more forbidding.

Studying the syntactic approach one may of course wonder whether architecture is
simply reduced to pure mathematical statements or numerical formulas. We should
note at this point that mathematical formulas or numbers alone cannot dene or
describe spatial models. However, it is clear through substantial research that there
are some tendencies and rules in the organization of spaces created by cultural
properties. The paper suggests that space syntax can be used as a powerful tool in
identifying these underlying rules. A substantial knowledge base is then additionally
required in order to interpret the built environment under study and to attribute
social meaning to syntactic data. Space syntax methods need to be supported with
background knowledge comprising the social, cultural and physical characteristics of
the environment under study.

Traditional Dwelling in a Cypriot settlement

Shop in a traditional settlement

Traditional shops in a settlements square


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Traditional architectural heritage and

Julia Theodoraki-Patsi
Julia Theodoraki-Patsi pursue an academic career since 1982, in the
School of Surveying and Rural engineering of the National Technical
University of Athens, after receiving a Diploma in Architecture from
the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (1969) a Master in Architecture
from Harvard University (1974) and a P.H.D. from The National Technical University of Athens (1997).
Foscolou 5, Athens 15232, Greece
E-mail address:
+030 210 6826233

In all Mediterranean countries traditional architectural heritage is the

result of the historic inuences describing the dichotomy between
east and west cultures and their intersection with the local identity.
The intersection between opposite cultures produce hybrids and
heterogeneity. What has survived dened the prospect of the
architectural heritage to ensuing generations. Greek traditional
architecture presents architectural elements distinct even between
neighboring rural settlements documenting the evolution of the
In the early 19th century Greece comprehend Peloponissos and Sterea
that had been under the Turk occupation since the 15th century. In the
early 19th century, parts of Greece like the Ionian islands and Crete
that had been under Latin occupation until then- were turned under
Turkish control until their later liberation. Northern and Eastern Greece
(Epirus, Macedonia, Thraki and most of the islands of Aegean sea)
continued to be under Turkish occupation and were liberated by turns
during the 20th century. European romanticism of the 18th century
and consequently the development of neoclassical patterns for the
built environment while a representation for the nations of the West,
for Greece and most mediterrannean countries -the land where ruins
of classical values were still present- were incorporated in the ideology
of the new nation and functioned as part of the domestic evolution.
Population movements and intercrosses between mediterrannean
cultures and ideologies provided a variety of architectural elements
that are classied under the term traditional that corresponds to the
architectural heritage of each micro-region that the modern Greek
state inherited.
Architectural heritage is constructed in the past, in historical periods
with a particular beginning, duration and end and as it was decided,
it should be protected by virtue of a particular legislative framework
implemented in Europe since 1985 and applied by Public authorities
in order to support protection and promotion policies.


The term hybridity derives from biology and the Darwinian evolutionary
theory of species and is challenging about the exclusivity of organism
selection that crosses between varieties of a species are usually fertile,
but crosses between species are generally sterile. When this statement
is applied to the built environment means that in the long run what is
impaired for a culture vanish.
The denition traditional architecture is a neologism expressed in the
last two centuries with a dierent meaning between the developed
and developing world, between peoples that inherit tradition and
new nations that construct tradition. In addition to the primary
denition originated from the local architectural heritage and the
delivered identity (tradition) to next generations, one would also have
to contemplate on the selection or development of tradition.
Within this context, three historical phases can be dened by the term
traditional during the Greek modern history, meaning during the last
two centuries, with all the hybridity involved.
The rst historical phase, corresponds to the mid 19th beginning of
20th century, when in the newly liberated parts of Greece, emphasis
on neoclassical architecture was given following a simpler and clearer
pattern than other parts of the world, where neoclassicism already
was practiced as an international movement. Neoclassicism, while a
representation for other countries, for Greece was a tradition stemming
from the Byzantine era and architectural elements were evolved
consequently intercrossing with Latin and Ottoman cultures.
The second historical phase corresponds to the most part of the 20th
century, when Greek local identity was expressed under the search
of tradition and the evolutionary theory, which formed the antipode
to neoclassicism. In the beginning of the 20th century when north
Greece was united (1st World War) and millions of Greek population
were transfer from Asia Minor -under the International Regulations for
exchange of population- an immense reconstruction program was
The third historical phase correspond to the recent and current one
when traditional architectural elements for each micro-region have
been implemented, creating a neo-traditional environment. This fact is
even more apparent in areas where tourism and holidays are imposing
the (re)structuring of the built environment.
On the level of the two dimensional scale (distribution of plots and
street patterns) it is clear that for settlements existing before the
establishment of the contemporary Greek state (19th centyury), the
distribution was natural in contrast with the systematic distributions
of the new era. This is the most obvious characteristic that distinct
traditional architecture.
In Greece, the natural distributions of plots were gradually evolved
from the Byzantine era and post-Byzantine periods and composed a
coherent building fabric, up to the 19th century. The pattern of natural
distributions determine the traditional design while, as far as the three
dimensions are concerned, traditional architecture provided distinct
typologies of one or two-storied buildings for dierent micro-regions.
By the rst decades of the 19th century, German and French architects
designed the Plans of several towns and later on according to systematic
distributions of plots and neoclassical design principles. By the mid
19th century Greek architecture followed simple neoclassical patterns,
giving emphasis to symmetry, a threefold arrangement and a pitched
roof (Fig.1). In a broad sense, the design of this period correspond to
the rst phase of neo-traditional design in Greece, when neoclassicism

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was practiced.
The second phase of neo-traditional design was implemented during
the years between 1920-1940, when a number of new settlements were
designed on the basis of systematic principles for refugees coming
from Asia Minor after the First World War. During this second phase of
neo-traditional design that continued up to the mid 20th century,
particular emphasis was given to local traditional architecture, as it
was evolved in every micro-region distinctively according to the special
historical events.
In rural regions the building pattern has maintained its traditional
character and the equivalent natural or systematic plans according to
the time of settlement establishment until the beginning of the last
quarter of the 20th century (a period of population concentration in
urban centers), when many rural settlements have been declined or
even abandoned. Thenceforth, parallel to a policy of decentralization,
the development of building fabric in rural settlement increased and
began to expand beyond their boundaries. In an eort to protect
the architectural identity, a building code was applied based on the
diversity of architecture elements for each settlement.
The architectural identity is perceived by an order of qualities related to
uniqueness, dierentiation, functionality and cohesion of the built form.
The logic of architectural identity is understood within the framework
of the evolutionary theory and follows its methodology that classies
built form according to geographical units, in order to distinguish the
typological dierences.
The evolution of architectural identity is shaped in the course of a
number of centuries and compiles the visual organization at the
specic time of observation. For the identication and codication
of various architectural norms (types) that are composed from various
architectural elements, three stages of evolution has to be recorded
(origin, duration and end).
The coding of architectural heritage in typologies based on the criterion
of architectural identity demarcates the architectural norms and types
as well as the historical courses of every tradition.
The architectural characteristics in Greece vary depending on
the geographical region and the historical period of origin of each
settlement. Dominant architectural characteristic for their classication
is the roof pattern that diversies between the dichotomy of plain ( Fig.
2) or pitched.
Greek micro-regions have been developed according to the specic
cultural and economic conditions resulted from the dierent periods
of foreign occupation and population movement. In brief even that
population movement in Greece intercrossed Frank, Turk and all the
other Mediterranean populations, the main body of Greek population
was retreated in mountains regions were an autonomous network of
settlements was created preserving the cultural varieties (Fig.3) that
constitute Greek culture. The period between 15th to 19th century
where tradition is rooted in fact was the period that the continuity of
the Greek architectural heritage survived.
Greek architecture has evolved through neo-classical representation
from one hand and from the other, with the use of local identity
architectural elements distinct in every micro-region. By the same
period that other countries had to incorporate neoclassicism and later
on the modern movement, as internationals styles, Greek architecture
was context specic for both. Greek traditional architecture served as
well as, prototype -with the simples and cubist forms of Aegean sea
architecture- for the masters of the modern movement. It seems that

at least for Greek rural settlements (inhabitants less than 2000), the
contemporary built environment that the next generation will inherit
is a fertile one.
During the second phase (the discovery of local identity) the
architectural heritage of each region was preserved and evolved and
during the third phase (the current post-traditional), context specic
environments are under construction by means of a specic building
code for each settlement.
Nonetheless, recent hybridization that comes along with
(re)constructions and neo-traditional projections -as well as the
typologies just for consumption- does not constitute architectural
heritage. Structures, that have only a specic beginning, but unknown
duration and end, can not be embraced in the denition of architectural
heritage. But hybrids that will survive and what will evolve in future
time perhaps will constitute architectural heritage (Fig. 4).


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Pitched roofs

Plain roofs




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El conocimiento de la ciudad como base

de cualquier actuacin en defensa de su
patrimonio construido.
Andrs Garca Bodega; Fernando Da Casa Martn
Profesores de Patologa y Rehabilitacin del Departamento de Arquitectura de la Universidad de Alcal
Universidad de Alcal
Edicio Multidepartamental
C/ Cifuentes, 28
19003 Guadalajara

A las cuestiones bsicas que se suscitaron desde las primeras actuaciones

sobre las persistencias arquitectnicas, despus de la que ha sido
considerada primera formulacin positiva del derecho de la comunidad
a recibir de las generaciones anteriores los bienes culturales que la
propia sociedad va generando: Los ciudadanos no son ms que los
depositarios de un bien del que la comunidad tiene derecho a pedirles
cuentas. Los brbaros y los esclavos detestan la ciencia y destruyen
las obras de arte, los hombres libres las aman y las conservan1, se
ha respondido con un desarrollo terico que, desde puntos de vista
diferentes, ha ido ampliando el propio concepto de patrimonio
construido: a la valoracin del edicio singular, el monumento, ha ido
incorporndose, paulatinamente, la valoracin del entorno como factor
que, en unos casos, ha podido ser determinante de la propia realidad
de arquitecturas concretas, en otros la circunstancia de una peripecia
existencial que se ha perpetuado en la piedra y siempre marco de
referencia del paisaje construido.
Pero el cambio no ha sido nicamente cuantitativo, espacial, de
mbito, en el prembulo de la Carta de Cracovia 2000 se arma que
el patrimonio no puede ser denido de un modo unvoco y estable2
cada comunidad debe identicar y valorar convenientemente su
propio patrimonio.
Tal armacin, sin duda, debe suponer un conocimiento suciente
del proceso de generacin de lo que en cada caso se considere
patrimonio y sobre todo una reexin sobre los mecanismos bsicos
que conforman los hechos humanos y las circunstancias culturales,
sociales, polticas, econmicas y espaciales capaces de transformar,
aquellos, en hechos urbanos susceptibles de dar a luz el patrimonio
Si la cultura surge en el dialogo del hombre con el medio en que se
desarrolla su existencia, la ciudad por el intrincado tejido de situaciones
diferentes, cambiantes, complejas ha sido la matriz por excelencia
donde se ha gestado y se gesta la cultura, aqu nos referimos

principalmente a los procesos que tienen lugar, o lo han tenido despus

de los cambios metodolgicos impuestos por la nueva ciencia urbana.
Todo esto plantea, como cuestin previa, abordar el anlisis y
comprensin de la obra, posiblemente, ms compleja del ser humano,
la ciudad, desde un punto de vista capaz de descubrir en ella las
sinergias de su propia historia, porque las transformaciones que cada
hecho urbano conlleva, en las que el individuo y el grupo social son a la
vez promotores y objeto de los cambios sucesivos, son esencialmente
histricas, y remiten, a uno y a otro, a un intricado complejo de
relaciones, de actividades, de presencias fsicas, de fenmenos, que no
siempre se perciben como una realidad nica, porque la ciudad es una
obra permanentemente inconclusa3, una presencia que se impone
con expresiones diferentes en cada una de las sucesivas etapas de su
desarrollo. Sin embargo, sustitucin, superposicin o adicin, como
formas que puede adoptar el proceso de cambio, en ningn caso,
deben ocultar del todo cuanto es deudor cada momento de los que
le han precedido, aunque, a veces, las mutaciones sean tan profundas
que pueda parecer irrelevante cualquier herencia del pasado.
La ciudad, fbrica del hombre, realidad en continua evolucin, objeto
de transformaciones que se conguran en el tiempo4, ha de permitir
su identicacin en sus diferentes manifestaciones como la misma
y nica obra, resultado del proceso cultural donde nace y se recrea
La misma esencia humana, que remite toda individualidad a la
colectividad, demanda referentes, permanencias, en la construccin
de su medio cultural, el existente humano no es tal sino situado en la
tradicin cultural y congurado por ella5
Se plantea as la necesidad de articular una responsabilidad social que
debe pasar por la identicacin del proceso cultural del que la sociedad
concreta es sujeto y objeto al mismo tiempo, del presente abierto, en
evolucin continua, que es cada momento, siempre deudor de otros
momentos que la han precedido.
Responsabilidad social que nicamente podr ser asumida desde el
entendimiento del proceso urbano como posibilidad de apertura
y mutacin, tradicin y permanencia, como compatibilidad entre
dinmica urbana y valor documental de la ciudad.
Todo lo anterior introduce una dimensin nueva en la consideracin
de las persistencias en nuestras ciudades de formas, trazas, estructuras,
construcciones que aluden, remiten a otras circunstancias generadoras
de paisajes urbanos diferentes, previos al momento presente.
La ciudad misma se convierte as en la mayor y mejor representacin
del proceso cultural. La ciudad es la obra completa de la que cada
monumento, cada entorno, cada barrio, cada ensanche, es una pgina,
un captulo, una seccin, y, naturalmente, no se pueden plantear
estrategias de intervencin en alguna de sus partes sin tener presente
el conjunto al que pertenecen. Se propone una visin unitaria del
fenmeno urbano que requiere incluso una utilizacin ms precisa
del lenguaje para evitar confusiones o interpretaciones errneas de
las actuaciones. Toda la ciudad es histrica, aunque es lcito diferenciar
momentos especialmente signicativos y asignar adecuadamente el
valor que asumen las realizaciones de cada uno de ellos.
La novedad de este planteamiento est en tener presente, en todo
momento, el valor de las realidades fsicas del pasado, valor que es
preciso integrar con aquellos otros que promueven los desarrollos
futuros. nicamente as ser posible eliminar actitudes que, en
demasiadas ocasiones, consideran, a priori cualquier presencia de
pocas anteriores como una imposicin, una limitacin a la libertad


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de creacin que diculta desarrollos adecuados al momento presente.

Todava hoy muchas construcciones de pocas pasadas, o partes
de ellas, con indudable valor histrico artstico consideradas como
impedimentos que dicultan el desarrollo inmobiliario y es preciso
eliminar, no hay que olvidar como reconoce Aldo Rossi que el proceso
dinmico de la ciudad tiende ms a la evolucin que a la conservacin6
.Al mismo tiempo, el planeamiento urbano se realiza, en demasiadas
ocasiones, desde el ms absoluto desconocimiento de la historia de la
ciudad en la que se interviene.
La reexin anterior nos sita, adems, en punto de vista, privilegiado,
desde donde el horizonte se ampla y permite, por una parte,
comprender que la intervencin consiste en considerar siempre a la
ciudad en su conjunto morfolgico, funcional y estructural, como parte
del territorio, del medio ambiente y del paisaje circundante7 y por otra
discernir en el aparente dilema planteado por un mundo globalizado
que al mismo tiempo busca las formas de expresin ancestrales de los
pueblos constituyentes.
El ser humano, desde su comn humanidad, reclama cada vez con
ms fuerza la universalidad de los bienes culturales y se opone a
la apropiacin indebida por parte de algunas sociedades que los
controlan, los exhiben y los explotan en su propio benecio. Quizs ha
llegado el momento de plantearse, junto a los problemas derivados de
la aplicacin de unos u otros criterios de intervencin, sobre todo en
el patrimonio construido, la necesidad de una ampliacin mayor del
mbito cultural, a la hora de analizar, de valorar y de proponer acciones
en ese patrimonio, poniendo de maniesto, con la mayor claridad
posible, como lo tradicional se ha ido desarrollando y como ha ido
incorporando aportaciones diferentes cuando ha entrado en contacto
con otras tradiciones al mismo tiempo que exportaba las propias,
de forma que sin perturbar los legtimos derechos locales, se pueda
ir ampliando el mbito de inuencia de organismo internacionales
para orientar a las administraciones directamente implicadas en la
conservacin de los bienes culturales o, en su caso, evitando los abusos
de poder y las interpretaciones interesadas de las leyes que regulan
este campo, mientras se posibilita atendiendo a la pluralidad de
valores del patrimonio y la diversidad de intereses la creacin de la
estructura de comunicacin que permita, adems de a los especialistas
y administradores, una participacin efectiva de los habitantes en el




Convencin Nacional Francesa, ao 1794.

Carta de Cracovia 2000.
KEVIN LYNCH. La imagen de la ciudad. Editorial Gustavo Gili S.A.
1998. p.10.
ALDO ROSSI. La arquitectura de la ciudad. Editorial Gustavo Gili S.A.
1995. p.104.
J. GMEZ CAFFARENA. Metafsica fundamental. Ediciones
Cristiandad. 1983. p.100.
ALDO ROSSI. La arquitectura de la ciudad. Op. Cit. P. 105.
Carta de Cracovia 2000.
Carta de Cracovia 2000.

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Knowledge prior to intervention

The spatial eects of globalization on

both shores of the aegean
Ikbal Ece Postalci*; Selim kem**
* Ikbal Ece Postalc was born in 1970 in zmir,Turkey. She received BA in
Architecture in 1995 from Mimar Sinan University and in 1998 she got
her masters degree. She received her doctorate in Fine Arts in 2005
from the same university with her thesis; The eects of Globalization
on Spatial Identity, A Case Study in Aegean Settlements. She has been
a research assistant at the Department of Architecture in Mimar Sinan
Fine Arts University since 2000 and teaches spatial organization and
basic design.
** Selim kem studied architecture at stanbul Technical University
and had his masters degree from the same universitys Product
Design Department . He was a visiting instructor at the Department
of Architecture at Siegen University. Selim instructed at student workshops in Istanbul, Ankara, Republic of Northern Cyprus, and Kayaky
(Levissi).He had his Ph.D. from Yildiz Technical University on Architectural Discourse. He has publications in various architectural journals
and still instructs intermediate and diploma design studios at the
Architectural Department of Yildiz Technical University
* Mimar Sinan Gzel Sanatlar niversitesi Mimarlk Fakltesi, Fndkl,
** Yldz Teknik niversitesi, Mimarlk Fakltesi 34349 Beikta, ISTANBUL, TR
+90 212 252 1600 ext. 286

Perceiving the world as one integrated space (Robertson, 1999);

globalization ects not only cities located in the informational and
capital centers of the world, but settlements of smaller scales on the
peripheral regions as well. In this paper, the Aegean region is studied as
it constitutes a geographical, economical and cultural integrity. While
the settlements in this region were sharing an aegean identity in
recent past, today spatial identity is lost especially on the eastern coast
of the Aegean Sea. This paper discusses the changes in spatial and
social sense on settlements having similar natural and articial features
from both shores of Aegean in the context of globalization process.
Despite the fact that settlements on either side of the Aegean basin
are not closely linked to the informational and capital nexus of the
world, certain eects of globalization can be traced on their urban and
spatial character. The spatial eects of globalization will be scrutinized
according to Ibelings statements.
In the process of globalization, the circulation of capital is accelerated
and spred extensively (Yldzolu,2003). Today, the cities, regions or

countries do not constitute borders for such an accelerated circulation

of capital, products or symbols. The cultural, economic, and political
dimensions of globalization have dierent eects on the formation
of urban identity. Robins (1996) claims, as the cities become more
equal and the urban identity weaker, they should be marketed to
acquire dierent features. The characteristic of a city and its identity
in such a scene now is about product dierentiation which depends
on a marketed culture (Robins,1996). In a globalizing economy, neither
technology nor production is obliged to establish a relationship with
the place. It is almost impossible to correlate the symbols, goods,
places, societies, and historical periods to each other. Rather than
representing a dierent environment, the imaginability of a city will
depend on comparing similar environments. Ibelings, in his book
Superpostmodernism, in the Age of Globalization,points out the
dierent approaches of sociologists on spatial eects of globalization
observed in the built environment:
Some see chiey homogenizing eects while others claim to detect
increasing heterogeneity. A third position is taken by those who
discern a glocalization whereby the very process of homogenization
serves to emphasize the specic, the local and authentic. A step
further, nally, is the idea that the eects of globalization are mainly
to be found in the area of hybridization, or creolization, which lead
to an intercultural synthesis. (Ibelings,1998:67)
It is dicult to observe the changes of globalization in a settlement,
but there are some criteria to measure the globalization of a country
in terms of technology, demographics and culture. [7] Table 1 gives
an idea about the global integration of Turkey and Greece. Although
global changes in the scale of selected settlements can be negligible,
the aim of this study is to put the dierent spatial changes on both
shores of Aegean in last fty years of globalization process (Table 1).
In the formation of urban identity; the natural and built environment
features and social identities play an important role. While features
of natural environment are eective in shaping the settlement, the
features of built environment take role in imaginabilty of the city. In
this paper, these features will be discussed on various scales from the
settlement itself to the equipments and symbolic elements. Selection
criteria for the sampled settlements of eme and Githio include the
similarity of their natural environmental features (topography, climate
and local materials). The interaction between the societies in this
region -in economic, political, and cultural sense- is another factor for
this comparison. eme (Turkey) and Githio (Greece) are selected for
having similar urban features like a harbor. Alaat (Turkey) and Aeropolis
(Greece) are yet again smaller villages on the hill, close to these towns.
Megaron type of house is a characteristic of Aegean region. It is known
that ancient Greek house was patio (Tomlinson, 2003) and in Anatolian
coasts of Aegean, the houses contain a similar open hall-like room called
sofa. Climate again plays a signicant role in the formation of at roof
houses in this region many of which are built by stone, an elemental
material for the formation of local identity in this region.
The Spatial Comparison of eme and Githio
In the 1950s, a spatial change has started on the western coast of
Anatolia. The local residents of coastal settlements used to earn their
living by agriculture and shing until a demand for tourism facilities


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and summer houses has emerged. Today, the local people of Alaat
prefer to sell or lease their stone houses and elds for signicant costs
to be used as summer houses, pensions, restaurants. Consecutively, the
rates and costs become too high for local people to aord. The mastic
trees, olive groves, and citrus gardens of the area are cut to provide
space for new constructional developments (Fig 1).
The built environment features that give its characteristics to the
settlements are changed, and the relationship of the new symbols
with the place is interrupted. Increase in the construction of tourism
facilities and summer houses in the last fty years is another reason
for the commercial identity of the region. The decomposition of the
natural environment caused the loss of local identity. Thermal waters
and fountains of eme, which gave the place its name, are not the
distinguishing features of the settlement anymore. The social structure
of the place has also changed. eme and Alaat settlements
accommodate seasonal inhabitants who use the space for a certain
period of the year.
With the increase in mass tourism throughout the globalization, these
settlements have lost their coastal town character, and started to look
like any other place. All stores sell similar or same brands and products,
and eventually corporate identity of them make all the market places
look like each other. The symbols which help the imaginabilty of the
western Anatolian towns thus have disappeared (Fig 2).
As for the west coasts of Aegean, this change is slower and not that
dramatic. One of the reason for such a comparatively slow change can
observed to be the motorway that isolates the remote settlements from
the central ones.(Satas, 2001). The settlements in Greek coasts enlarge
more slowly due to the amorphous structure of the topography and
the clear separation in between the old and new settlements of towns.
The social structure is also eective in the shaping of the new built
environment; the local people tend to sustain the environmental values
they inherit from the history. As a consequence of its low population
and better education level; as well as its legislative regulations, the
existing buildings which give the place identity, are conserved and
reused. The demand for new vacation sites, and cooperative housing
implementations are not very high, therefore the local identity of the
settlements have been sustained.
In the selected settlements of Greece, the old symbols are still preserved.
There are no new symbols competing with the lighthouse in Githio or
with the belfry in Aeropolis. The equipments in use today do not show
vast dierences from the ones used in past. The monumental buildings,
tower houses which diers the settlements from one another did not
loose their meanings in time.
In this period of time, the spatial identity, both in single building and
settlement scales, has undergone a signicant change on the eastern
coast of the Aegean Sea. The symbols, changed and renewed, have
a decreasing relationship with the place. The identity formed by the
meaning structure of new images is commercial rather than local. In
this sense, eme and Alaat can considered to be heterogeneous, as
they represent a multi cultural social structure and a polyvalent spatial
character. The commercial spaces having local features produced only
for trade should not be considered as hybridization or synthesis. While
some of the new symbols strengthen the sense of place , like the
new windmills in Alaat, some of the commercial symbols ruin that
sense like the dominant gure of the new hotels that rise in emes


On the Greek coast, both Githio and Aeropolis conserve the old
urban tissue, which constitute the local identity. This situation can be
regarded as homogenous in the sense of stable and non changing
character. This homogenous situation is not the same homogeneity of
dierent places with similar features. The social and physical structure
of these settlements does not show vast dierences in this process, so
the integrity and locality proceed almost in all scales. In a globalizing
medium, the demand and supply balance for the generation of new
spaces in the Anatolian Settlements seems to have accelerated the
spatial change. This acceleration is fueled by the high population and
mediocre level of education. As for the settlements on the western
coast of the Aegean, this balance is better maintained for reasons
stated above. When there is a dense ow of trade and symbols; the
settlements are not probable to stay the same, they will change. If this
change interrupts the relationship between space and place; the place
will loose its natural features that make it unique.

AKYZ LEVI, E., (1999). Bat Anadolu Kylar Konut Mimarisinin Ege Adalarndaki rneklere
Karlatrmal Deerlendirilmesi, Osmanl Mimarlnn 7 Yzyl Uluslarst Bir Miras, Yap
Endstri Merkezi Yaynlar, stanbul
IBELINGS,H. (1998). Superpostmodernizm, Architecture in the Age of Globalization, Nai
Publishers, Rotterdam
POSTALCI, .E., (2005), Kresellemenin Mekan Kimliine Etkisinin Ege Yerleeleri rneinde
ncelenmesi, Mimar Sinan Gzel Sanatlar niversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstits, Sanatta
Yeterlilik Tezi, stanbul
ROBERTSON, R., (1999), Kreselleme Toplum Kuram ve Kresel Kltr, (trans. . H. Yolsal), Bilim
ve Sanat Yay., Ankara
ROBINS, K., (1996). Kent Tutsaklar, Postmodern Kent de Ne ola ki?, (trans.T. Yney),Yitik lke
Masallar, Kimlik ve Yer Sorunsal, Sarmal Yaynevi, stanbul
SATAS, Y., , (2001). Mani, Greek Traditional Architecture, (trans. Ramp, P.), Publising House
Melissa, Athens
TOMLINSON, R.A., (2003). Yunan Mimarl, (ev. R.Akbulut), Homer Kitabevi, stanbul
TOSUN, Y. (1983). 17-19.Yzyllarda Bat Anadoluda Osmanl-Trk ehir Dokular Bu Dokular
Oluturan Evler ve Korunmalar, Doktora Tezi, M.S.. Fen Bilimleri Enstits, stanbul
YILDIZOLU, E. (2002). Dnyada ve Trkiyede Kreselleme, evre Tmdr, Balam Yaynclk,
stanbul, 209

[2] National Statistical Service of Greece, Greece in gures 2003
[4] Trk Ansiklopedisi

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Figure 01 esme and Alaat Settlements, (Tosun, 1977)

Figure 2, Githio and Aeropolis Settlements, (Saitas, 2001)

Table 1 Comparison of data concerning Globalization Criteria (Postalc, 2005)


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The role of resources management on

shaping the landscape patterns: the
water in the Royal Estates of Lisbon
Teresa Marat-Mendes1 and Albert Cuchi2
Teresa Marat-Mendes is a Professor of Architecture and Urban Design
at ISCTE, Lisbon- Portugal. Major research interest is in the area of sustainable development and rehabilitation of traditional landscapes and
urban areas. Albert Cuchi is a Senior Profesor in Technological Design
at the Department of Architectural Technology, School of Architecture
of the Vals, Barcelona.
1 Seco Autnoma de Arquitectura e Urbanismo. Instituto Superior de
Cincias do Trabalho e da Empresa (ISCTE), Av.a das Foras Armadas
1649-026 Lisboa, Portugal
2 Departament de Construccions Arquitectniques I de la Universitat
Politcnica de Catalunya (UPC), ETS Arquitectura del Valls. c/. Pere
Serra, 1-15
08173 Sant Cugat del Valls, Spain
E-mail address: and

Landscape is always the result of the resources management model
from the society that occupies it. The analysis of the traditional
landscape, as source of resources and expression of the technical
system that produces them, has a determinant interest both to suitably
take part on that patrimony, and to the acknowledge of the necessary
lessons to dene a sustainable future.
On the traditional systems, the resources use to be obtaining through
the managements of the biosphere in order to transform the solar
radiation - the power plant of the system - into materials organized
properly for social use (Tello, 1999). That management forces to a
transformation of the biosphere by means of the human work that
entails, in most of the cases, transformations on the territory form in
order to make that transformation even more ecient.
This paper proposes, through the presentation of a paradigmatic
case study of a model of territory occupation that moves forward to
an extensive scale, a model that allows to approach the study of the
landscape - of the form of the territory - from the resources management
point of view. Though, it is possible to identify the dierent scales to be
considered and their organization, in order to understand the landscape
as a formal expression of that management.
Like in other cases, the analysis of the water management as resource
is enormously useful for the proposed analysis (Laureano, 1995), for the
reason that the water represents the most substantial material ow
for whoever manage with traditional systems, for being always a very


reduce and limited element for the agricultural production capacity,

because its complete distribution through the territory is necessary, and
because its mobility depends - when in absence of the modern power
sources - of the existing topography and its possible transformation.
The resource capture, its delivery right to the place of the agricultural
production, moreover its storage and distribution do not only determine
the majority of the technical elements of the system that usually are
recognized as the elements that conform the patrimony and treaties
independently - but also their functional articulation, its disposition
throughout the territory and, mainly, the interpretation - and often the
transformation - of the topography to receive them.
The Royal Estate of Caxias
The Royal Estate of Caxias is situated in the surroundings of Lisbon, just
at the north seaside of Tagus River, at its mouth; however its roots are
too dicult to trace. Although the works of the Royal Palace, ordered
by D. Francisco, brother of King John V, were initiated in 1739 and
concluded in 1845, there are traces of former occupations in the area
where the Estate is situated nowadays, such as a Cartuxa, as described
by the Priest Antnio de Carvalho in 1712 (Gonalves, 2003). Despite
the unclear past, it is possible to verify that the Royal Estate of Caxias
development took place throughout dierent phases, though the
successive and continuous annexations of neighbourhood walled
properties situated in its environs, the casais.
The garden is the most distinguished element of the Estate. Broad and
rectilinear avenues, fountains and dierent elements of the surrounding
countryside do all contribute to take part of the garden environment
that together with its monumental Cascade, that occupies the totality
of the east wall of the garden, obfuscates the simplicity of the palace
During its productive times, the Estate, with benet of microclimate
enrichment, due to its proximity to the river and to a water stream, used
to supply the Royal Palace of Queluz with fresh fruit, mainly oranges.
Together with the orchard a vineyard completed the agricultural
production of the Estate. Indeed, the history of the Estate of Caxias can
not be isolated from the history of Royal Palace of Queluz. Both Palaces,
with their respective farms, were integrated in the vast patrimony of the
Infantado House that administrated together both Queluz and Caxias
Estates (Miranda, 2002). While Queluz was chose as the permanent
Royal Residence, Caxias was preferred for short stays, being mainly
used during spring and summer times for rest and therapeutically
sea baths proposes. Nevertheless, both uses, the productive and the
leisure, needed to be secured with water supply and an accurate water
management in order to satisfy the Estates needs.
As one can testify from the legend of the 1844 plan of the Royal
Estate of Caxias this enumerates several water elements, such as
the great cascade, the aqueduct the well and a well house. Through
theses elements one can easily identify how the water do arrives into
the Estate, nevertheless it is not so easy to identify how the water
distribution works within the Estate, even if it is possible to recognise the
water deposits system that regulates it. From this perspective one can
assume that great consideration was being given to the territory scale.
The Territory Scale
From the plan Planta das Minas e Encanamentos dagua do Almoxaridado
de Caxias, from 1901, one can identify dierent water proveniences to
the Royal Estate of Caxias. Whereas the Royal Estate has its own borders,

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delineated by its high walls, it depends from resources, such as water

that emanates from a wider scale rather that the local one. In fact, the
water that supplies the Royal Estate of Caxias arrives not only from two
water quarries located at the mediations of the Royal Estate east side
limits, but also from a water quarry located at Queijas, at the Carnaxide
Mountain, a territory further north to Caxias.
The emphasis attributed to the above water supply system reveals a
Sustainable Agenda that should be recovered. This Agenda embraces
recognition to land use planning with great respect for its biophysical
environment - such as climate, soil, vegetation in order to enhance
an appropriate exploitation of its natural resources. This strategy should
be regarded at a much superior scale rather than the one of the water
fountains and the cascade situated at the Royal State of Caxias.
During XVIII century, several Lisbon surrounding areas assisted to great
landscape transformation, with the endeavour of numerous farms and
recreation gardens Estates of vast dimensions from which the Royal
Estate of Caxias is one of these examples. This landscape order, through
the planning of agro productions and its adaptability to the land use,
as one can testify in the Royal Estate of Caxias seems to testify a very
secure agronomic knowledge.
The image of Lisbons environments shows a topographic map of the
North Coast of Tagus river mouth, in which the geographic structure
of that coast can be regarded as a plane surface undulated by water
streams that crosses it from north to south and that nally drains
the continuous mountains situated northwards between Sintra and
Montejunto mountains. Such strategic situation of the mountainous
area allows taking hold of the humidity of the marine air and therefore
granting the clouds formation that after rain allows the feed of the
water streams and the increment of the ground water levels.
Quarries, water wells, aqueducts, deposits and other technical
elements punctuate this territory allowing both water extraction and
the creation of a network of Estates (more than one hundred) that feed
all an irrigated agricultural system vines, fruit trees and orchards- that
complements the cereal use that forms the base of the agrarian system
(Da Silva, 1993)
That morphologic structure exploration with the technical systems
not only determined the Estates site implantation- and with them
the organization of Lisbons landscape - that in the mid XVIII century
allowed to establish, by means of a remarkable change of scale, one
infrastructure that transported water for urban purpose uses to the
capital with the erection of the guas Livres Aqueduct, gathering at
the same time good part of the water of the city nearest western river

patrimony that approaches the technical elements independently,

constructions, quarries, canals, deposits, etc. - like a set of operative
techniques - of construction, agriculture, etc. - or of material resources
has sense not even. The object of the study and of the rehabilitation and reutilisation - of the patrimony should not be each element treated
as in an individual manner.
The patrimony must be understood and rehabilitated as an articulated
set of techniques, and its application throughout the territory should
show us the scale to which we must realize the analysis of such
articulation. And, reading in the opposite direction, the territorial scale
is the most suitable scale to intervene on the patrimony in order to
raise a sustainable technical system.
As conrmed with the case study, moreover as the patrimony is
somewhat evolutionary (Laureano, 2001), pressed by innovation and
re-interpretations of its elements and readjustments of scale in order
to face new needs, the territorial analysis scale should also be dynamic,
diachronic. That dynamism grants us, in exchange with our eort to
understand it, the capacity of the traditional knowledge to be used in
the denition of our sustainable future.
DA SILVA, A (1993) Propriedade, famlia e trabalho no hinterland de Lisboa, Edies Cosmos,
DIAS, R (2000) Quintas de Recerio e Prazer no sculo XVIII. Modelao e Apropriao da Paisagem
em Oeiras, in Actas dos Encontros de Histria Local do Concelho de Oeiras, III e IV, Cmara
Municipal de Oeiras, ISBN 972-8508-44-1.
GONALVES, R. O. (2003) Caxias. Das origens freguesia, Cmara Municipal de Oeiras,
LAUREANO, P (1995) La piramide rovesciata. Bollati Boringheri. Torino.
LAUREANO, P (2001) Atlante dacqua. Bollati Boringheri. Torino.
MIRANDA, J (2002) Pao Real de Caxias (II). Uma residncia de praia, Jornal da Regio. Recantos
de Oeiras, 14th November 2002, Oeiras, p.5.
TELLO, E (1999) La formacin histrica de los paisajes agrarios mediterrneos: una aproximacin
evolutiva. Historia Agraria, nm. 19 pp, 195-212.

The present value of the patrimony consists in the reference that today
the traditional knowledge conveys as a model to develop a sustainable
technical system, when facing the un-sustainability that our industrial
system model has already proved. Understand the most adequate
manner to approach such knowledge is determinant to extract the
lessons that we must retain and learn.
The presented case study calls attention to an essential question
such as the scale that the patrimony should be analysed, as to the
proposition of a methodological approach to the study of the territory
and the traditional landscape as an expression of a sustainable model
of obtaining of the resources.
It is also argued that there is no sense in the current perception of the


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Planta da Real Quinta de Caxias, Jos Antnio Abreu 1844, IGP

The cascade of the Royal estate of Caxias and its gardens

Planta das minas e encanamentos dagua do Almoxarifado de Caxias, 1901, BNL

Carta Corogrca dos Arredores de Lisboa, Guerin de Lamotte, 1821, IGP


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Traditional landscape drystone

architecture in Cyprus

Personal interviews-Bibliography- Congresses- Projects- Legislation

Reference to glossary of this eld of study and the historic value of
this chapter of Cypriots activities.

2. Main subject for the Rehabimed presentation:

Anastasia Pitta




1. Introduction
geography [elds] of the research until now:
The research started from 1987 and continues until today. The
study is made separately for each subject and presented in various
congresses from 1992 until now. The publication of all study in a
book is now proceeded.
and Traditional Architecture
Traditional landscape Dry stone Architecture reference of this study
describes the relation of the Cypriots with nature. This relation through
history until now reveals the respect on the nature sources, the eorts
in preserving and protecting earth, water, plantation and animals. The
study also discovers the intelligence in the techniques adapted in the
subject of using the various types of stone
1.1. Type of construction: Dry stone techniques and material
1.2. Types of Functions: Supporting structures-retaining walls,
handling Rainwater: pavements, trenches, using underground
water: structures for supporting wells, production of Plaster and
Lime, shelter buildings and threshing elds incorporated in led
supporting structures,
1.3. Categories of structures
Walls: Retaining walls-Terraces-Boundary walls
Pavements: Village paths-Field roads and pathways-Village
courtyards Pedestrian in old city centres
Threshing Fields: Limestone construction-Earth surface
construction-Gravel construction
Buildings: Animal shelters- Farmers shelters
Kilns: Lime Kilns-Gypsum Kilns
Water Usage structures: Wells- Fountains- Terracing
1.4. Problems of existing situation
[Interventions, abandonance, desertication, alteration of Traditional
settlements Image and structure]
1.5. Reference to the documentation of the study:

2.1. Buildings: Animal shelters- Farmers shelters

2.2. Pavements: Village paths-Field roads and pathways-Village
courtyards. Pedestrian in old city centres
2.1. The primitive Shelter presents an adjustment of residence and
shelter in caves with addition of stone fencing a yard for the animals.
Later, the intermediate shelter has an intervention of built elements
with dry stone to form shelter enclosed area
Construction feature: rock formation on roof and pavement, pillar
with piling stone slabs, and walls of dry stone small or megalithic,
form the enclosure. Cyclopean technique appears in some areas.
In areas where there is no rock formation with cave available,
primitive shelter was created by trees and bushes combined with
small piles of stone.
Dry stone constructed shelters present a variation of types:
The circular like arrangement of spaces where a combination of
areas enclosed rooms give place for all kinds of animals... In houses
the complexes are adjusted to outdoors toilet and oven, grape juice
basin etc
The linear type creates a series of small rooms facing the open eld.
A more enclosed shelter combines a small yard, a covered porch
and the completely enclosed animal room.
Construction feature: Dry stone walls from width up to 1.00m. And 50
c.m. at the top, interior pillars with dry stone, or wood unprocessed.
Yards with fence and slabs on pavement. Roong by wooden beams
of tree branches, bushes and soil.
Arrangement of eating stone basins for the animals.
Mountain shelters are dwelling for farmer and hi animal in vineyards,
so they consist from an interior common for man and his animal
[goat and donkey].
Thick stone walls with dry stone with thickness more that 120 cm. at
the base. Arrangement of replace for man and feeding place for
animal, together. Roong by unprocessed tree branches, vineyard
branches in pile to protect form snow melt.
Small recesses in terraces give shelter to farmers for a small stay in
elds. Constructed from stone slabs, at the size of man standing or
seating, protected from winds or rain temporarily
A dierent type of shelters in area with more wood available, haw
a combination of enclosed spaces and outdoors covered areas.
Construction is made in levels using the dierence of levels in the
Dry stone shelters are part of the architecture of a settlement when
is combined with the traditional dwellings of the village. Protection
and restoration must include these structures within the protection
of the houses...
2.2. The basic technique is dry stone building of stone slabs [treaded
stone] and stones untreated. The feature of these structures present
a combination of stone and soil in all ways for economy of material
and saving useful precious soil for cultivation.
Pathways in areas with rock formation, with dry stone walls
protecting the herd of animals and man form winds. Plies of stone
cleverly piled and forms create stone paths and rumps through


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the vineyards, Streets in villages present a variety according to the

material available: slab, lime stone, volcanic stone, and rock, with
their walling being the boundaries of the housing yards.
Interesting detail can present the clever solutions of old mason
for the water disposal, for retaining soil, for supporting the ends of
horizontal surfaces. In rocky areas structures engraved on pavement
give useful equipment such us replace, laundry basin, feeding
basins for animals.
The same technique is applied on threshing les, with provision
for protecting the seeds of wheat and other products: small stones
as parapet formation. Slabs in slope position.
The beauty of these structures is enclosed in the respect of the
properties of the material available in each area: gravel stone,
volcanic rock. Lime stone.


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For a comprehensive approach to an

agenda to protecion
(Promotion) and pesentation in palestine for cultural
landscapes case study Ain Arik village

Jamal Barghouth*, Mahmoud Naser**

* BA : Archaeology and History, Birzeit University, Palestine, 1995

MA : Al-Quds University - Master Degree in Islamic Archaeology,

MA : Eastern Mediterranean Archaeology - Khatholieke University
Leuven, Belgium MA in Archaeology, 1998.
MA : Al-Quds University - Master Degree in Islamic Archaeology, 1996
**BA : Architectural Engineering , Birzeit University, Palestine, 2006
* Palestine, East Jerusalem , P.O.Box 54816 , Palestinian Institution for
Cultural Landscape Studies.
**Palestine, East Jerusalem , P.O.Box 54816 , Palestinian Institution for
Cultural Landscape Studies.
E-mail address:

1 - Introduction:
How to protect and preserve the cultural landscape in Palestine
repeatedly arises .The answer is a topic that is associated with the
scale for landscapes protection, and preservation. In order to solve this
problem it is necessary to focus on micro landscape scale investigation
since it gives sucient details to build a policy for landscape protection
and preservation. Within this short paper an attempt is made to
explore the cultural landscape of Ain Arik village in order to construct
a model for protection and preservation of the cultural landscape at
the local (micro) scale. This model could contribute to produce primary
guidelines for cultural landscape protection in Palestine. Technically
that was done already by creating
A Base Map of Ain Arik by using the Geographical Information System.
The Base map Jordanian: parcels map of Ain Arik village in scale of
1:2500, is able to act as a basic information observer map for all the
landscape data taken from historical maps, Arial photos , and eld
landscape surveys. This step will help to make an inventory, typology,
and spatial analysis among the cultural landscape features of Ain Arik
and help to prepare the categorization of the landscape areas for
protection, and preservation according to values.
2- Approach and Method of cultural landscape protection and
preservation in Ain Arik Village:
To carryout landscape preservation and protection in Ain Arik village

requires an exploration of the landscape of Ain Arik village by using

the historical maps, present Arial photos map and eld landscape
survey , so all maps of the area studied will be digitized process that
helps us to build several GIS layers . The main layer in the GIS is a
parcels map at scale of 1:2500 mater .It functions as a base map. This
map was made in 1960 during the Jordanian rule of the West bank
(1948- 1967), it shows the boundary of privative lands in each percales
in Ain Arik. Cartographically the percales map is to some extent based
on the mapping of Ain Arik village during the British Mandate period of
Palestine (1917- 1948).
In order to investigate the historical landscape of Ain Arik, the British
map of (Ramllah 16-14) in scale of 1:2000 which was published at 1944,
will be digitized by using the AutoCAD. After that it will be converted
into GIS. This map shows the land use cover, ancient roads, limekilns,
springs, cisterns, caves, main archaeological sites, and boundary of the
traditional settlement. All this historical landscape data appears on the
British map and will be extracted and then plotted on the parcels map
of Ain Arik village by using GIS. Through this technical process, the
parcels map of Ain Arik will include all the historical landscape features
that were existing within the boundary of Ain Arik village before the
date 1944. In connection with the present cultural landscape of Ain
Arik, the Arial photo of Ain Arik boundary; dating 2004, will be under
the same technical process within GIS. In fact the Arial photo shows the
present built up area, land use, and roads of Ain Arik. All these features
will be extracted from the Aril Photo by using the GIS, and then will be
plotted on parcels map of Ain Arik. In this way, there is a possibility to
trace the nature of the landscape changes during the period 1944
2004 within the boundary of Ain Arik village.
Parallel to this work a eld landscape survey is be carried out in Ain Arik
village in order to investigate the information which is extracted from
the historical map, and Arial photos and add new information coming
from the eld in to the Base Map of Ain Arik . As a result, the Base
Map of Ain Arik will store all the information that allows it to conduct
a processing analysis through inventory, typology, cauterization and
spatial analysis among the cultural landscape features by using GIS.
3- Inventory, typology, and cauterization of the cultural
landscape features in Ain Arik village:
After the completion of Base Map of cultural landscape in Ain Arik
by using the GIS , an inventory is made for all the landscape features
such as springs , caves, limekiln , religious places , archaeological
sites (see Tables 1),and historical and present land uses (see Table 2).
This inventory helps to accomplish the landscape features typology,
percentages and their values (see Tables 1/2).
In additio n to all main archaeological sites which are located in Ain Arik
and the area of the traditional settlement village of Ain Arik, must be
put under high protection and included in a conservation policy.
Protection areas B are areas still out of the intensive use and most
of these areas are olives groves eld systems. These areas (B) still have
high traditional economic values, since the olive trees still play a main
role in the life of Ain Arik village people and keep their traditions and
olive customs, as they are still maintaining the landscape formation of
Ain Arik village (see Picture 2).
In fact, Protection areas B require special protective conditions to use
modern activities.
In protection Areas C, which are mostly under the intensive use by the
people of Ain Arik; the present built up area which is still expending


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beside the along side of the main road of the village doesnt follow
any rule or building regulations according to specic guidelines (see
Picture 3) .
So the aim of the building regulation is to prevent the non organization
of building .This will contribute to maintain the historical perception of
the cultural landscape of Ain Village.
4- Conclusion:
Regarding the proposed protected and persevered, A, B, and C in
Ain Arik village it is considered that proven guidelines are needed to
launch the concept of the landscape protection at the local level. These
needed protected areas are based on a variety of landscape values
which are obtained from the historical maps, traditions and customs of
the people of Ain Arik village and the needs of the development of the
local community of Ain Arik village. So that these proposed protected
and preserved areas play a role to maintain the landscape of Ain
Arik village .They are to be supported by creating all archaeological,
environmental , and agricultural, regulations, which contributes to
keeping the cultural landscape in Ain Arik .Since it is considered one of
the outstanding landscape in Palestine due to long its history of the
human cultural activities .
















traditional settlement




Lime kiln










Table 1: Archaeological sites and features in Ain Arik village with their types, inventories,
values, and cauterizations:


Inventory M2



Cultivate & uncultivated



Cultivated land


Traditional economic


Traditional economic

Cultivated land in Wadi

traditional settlement

1. LAVEN , D.N. MITCHELL, N. WANG,D. Examining conservation practice at the Landscape, in

conservation practice at the landscape scale 22 (2005).
2. TRESS, B. - TRESS, G. FRY, G. Integrative studies on rural landscapes: policy Exceptions and
research practice in landscape and urban planning 70 (2005).
3. WORLD HERITAGE COMMITTEE (WHC) Proceeding of the UNESCO workshop on cultural
landscape, Ferrara, 2002 (World heritage papers n.7), Paris 2003.




Uncultivated land





Table 2: Land use in Ain Arik village with its types, inventory, values, and cauterizations:

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Protection areas A (Wade of Ain Arik)

Protection areas B (Olive trees elds in Ain Arik)

Protection areas C (Present built up area)


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The rural landscape: characteristic

features, values and criticalities in good
policies determination
Antonia Cataldo
She is an architect, has a PhD in Territory Planning and a postgraduate
Master in Tools for territory planning and management. She is with
the DiPiST-University of Napoli since 2001 and her research interests
are about territorial transformations and analysis of methods and
techniques to manage them. Actually she has a research contract with
the Regional Center of Competence TEST and teaching contract in
Elements of Territorial Planning with the University of Napoli.
University of Napoli Federico II, Di.Pi.S.T.-Dipartimento di Pianicazione
e Scienza del Territorio - 80125 Piazzale Tecchio, 80 - Napoli
E-mail address:
081 7682313

Landscape and quality goals

Italy, like many Mediterranean places, has got several rural landscapes
characterized by the charming aesthetic taste. They express the
functional evolution, occurred in the course of time, linked to the work
technique, dwelling ways, natural dynamics and social conditions.
Those are landscapes produced by a long adaptation, until reaching
ecological essentiality and stability given by man-nature compromise.
The Italian rural landscapes are characterized by several architectural
productions being dierent in forms and typologies, but liked by
a common author: the farmer-architect. By using the stones taken
from elds or the material being more easily found and economic, he
unconsciously designed landscape with such an high historical value
that has become the symbol of the local culture.
The value of aesthetic beauty represented by the elements is the
most sensible indicator of landscape itself. In the last decades, in those
areas marked by a farm vocation, the industrial processes, supported
by pedological and climatic favourable conditions, fostered the
production intensication and simplication, producing agricultural
eective systems from economic point of view, but being fragile
form ecological one and negative as regards landscape impact, since
they dont represent local identities. The areas being t for those
changes, such as the mountain ones or those hardly reachable, have
been aected by marginalization with the consequent desertion of
activities and settlements, followed by spontaneous re-naturalization
and reforestation. The general impacts are positive if we consider the
increase of vegetation cover, but negative from the spatial diversity
point of view, because the traditional land uses have been got rid of
and new landscape units have been created, being taken out of the
local context and devoid of overall quality.
Starting from the above assumptions -rst in Europe, as consequence


of the experience of PAC and the Landscape European Convention- the

exploitation of rural space has begun, targeted to preserve values and
productive factors linked directly or not to rural world.
The nal purpose is landscape quality, achieved, according to the
Convention, by protection, planning and management measures.
Aiming at quality goals can produce environment quality and quality in
space perception, but, above all, the exploitation of local identities.
By accepting the European policies, Italy recognizes that rural landscape
represents a cultural heritage, according to the values of memory,
collective identity and recognisability it expresses. The contribution
given by the Code of Cultural and Landscape Heritage is very important,
which, according to the agreement State-Regions (2001) for regulating
the Convention landscape guidelines, underlines that its necessary to
carry out a dierentiated and active safeguard, calibrated on the value of
the dierent elements constituting the local reality. As quality objectives,
the Code identies: the maintenance of characteristics, building values
and morphologies, considering architectural typologies, as well as
traditional techniques and materials; the elaboration of development
lines being consistent with the dierent levels of recognized values in
order to not reduce the territorial landscape value; the recovery and requalication of decayed or damaged parts, in order to reintegrate the
previous values or to realize new integrated and consistent landscape
The best landscape quality corresponds to a more eective social
organization, assures the individual and collective wellbeing, increases
the places capacity of attract investments by developing their territorial
competitiveness. It follows that aiming at quality goals implies a
detailed denition of the characteristics that local people expects for
its life environment.
That means a landscape assessment. The assessment target, as dened
in the Convention explanatory Report, consists in determining which
are the elements being so precious that they need to be preserved,
which characteristics require to be managed to preserve landscape
qualities and which elements or areas should be exploited. The
connection between quality and assessment allows either to consider
quality as all the intrinsic characteristics of an object and so being
liable to classied or judged; or to address the assessment to dene
long-term policies and/or actions of protection, improvement and requalication.
A methodology for the assessment
The landscape analysis requires an assessing considering not only the
single elements constituting it and the phenomena occurring, but also
the composition and structure of landscape itself. It means to make a
critical interpretation of the landscape complex system.
The suggested methodology is subdivided into the following several
phases being strictly connected and integrated:
elements representing quality and value;
the implemented policies and strategies.
Those phases are crossed by a selection of the useful parameters and
indicators1, which is subject to the dierent assessment levels and
modalities, as well as the specic local peculiarities.

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Knowledge prior to intervention

The elements. Knowing and understanding the landscape matrixes is

the rst step toward their appraisal and conservation. The forms of
rural landscape issue not only from the territory physical structure, but
also from the rules entailing the use of social power to transform the
territorial structures.
Apart from the productive activities, we should consider various
elements man-made landscape. Historical built heritage should
be investigated starting from its identication on territorial scale,
since it cannot be divided from its context landscape scheme. Its
unconceivable to investigate settlements and buildings as close systems
to be preserved and/or safeguarded without considering their ambit
condition: geo-morphological aspects, social and cultural dynamics,
economic and political situations, criticalities and vulnerability are
all part of one analysis. Physical and anthropic factors contribute to
landscape denition, or to its perception.
In the suggested assessment methodology, the rst determination
of rural landscape components referred to the Handbook for
Environmental Impact Assessment indicators2 and to the classes
investigated by the Corine Land Use, putting o a more detailed
description of variables, since it would be aected by the particular
situations of the investigation elds.
Landscape Assessment. The rst step of the assessment process is based
on the state of the landscape. Then the indicators being useful for the
assessment of the individuated elements. They should signicantly
describe the processes and relationships connecting human activities
to environment: the quantity and quality state of the resources linked
to economic processes; the role played by traditional rural landscapes
as regards safeguard and conservation of identities; the aspects
regarding human life quality; environment condition as to biodiversity
and sustainability, including the impacts and eect it should undergo.
The interpretation of landscape sings shouldnt be limited to the single
elements, but linked to their context, or better to the ways by which
they become functional and meaningful. The reading of traditional
landscape signs isnt targeted to restore a give landscape, but to
understand the meaning of signs, in order to include them into planning
interventions and meet the present needs. So doing, its possible to join
the two basic needs of territorial arrangement: need for a re-layout and
landscapes conservation. In the above methodology, we stressed the
basic characters of the elements, which represent the potentials of the
elements themselves. Finally, the element character can be divided into
two typologies: identity one (if we consider its intrinsic characteristics)
and performance one (if we consider the element eciency in terms
of services and accessibility/usability). If we take the identity character
into account, three relevant characteristics come out:
t structuring capability: the element determines and controls territory
t qualifying capability: it considers not only the tangible structures
or the ways of perceiving them, but also the symbolic value given
them by communities;
t perceptibility: it considers the observer/territory relationship,
assessing the use according to the size/quality of the landscape and
to the peculiarities of the visual relationships among more places.
If, on the contrary, we consider the performance character, the following
two characteristics come out:

t functionality: the element expresses its total eciency;

t usability: the element is accessible/visible and, so, can be used by
dierent users typologies.
The parameters to assess the quality and value of the elements should
be already denotative and not connotative. If we consider the single
element, we can point out : peculiarity, integrity, visual quality and rarity.
When the element belongs, is close or included into geo-morphological,
panoramic, natural, historical-settlement or cultural evidence systems,
the indicators should dene the character/value that the above
elements have got in relation to the context. The guide-parameters
can be the following: consistency, anity, stability and capability of visual
Transformations assessment. We are to assess the changes produced
or possible to be produced to the system by policies and strategies
for managing, planning and protecting rural landscape. We should
appraise the (in)direct eects resulting from anthropic activities on
the environment as well as capability and eciency of the mitigation
and environmental safeguard policies implemented by society and
A particular attention should be paid to determined transformations,
because they could be liable to decay and/or loss of identity and
functionality. As regards the settlement and architectural system, we
should assess the changes caused to: skyline; perceptive, scenic or
panoramic layout; settlement/historical layout, taking into account
the typological, material, colour and building characters as well as the
distribution modalities; structural characters of farm tissue.
The incidence assessment, taking the single element into account,
produces the landscape, anthropic and environment risk levels.
Among functional parameters we can include: decay, vulnerability of
places in undergoing the changes, instability of physical and biological
components or of anthropic layouts. If we assess the alteration of
landscape characters by considering the elements in relation to its
context, the parameters are: intrusion and visual obstacle; perception
interference; shape/system of interesting contrast; alteration; subdivision,
reduction or fragmentation of the parts; progressive removal of visual,
historical-cultural and symbolic relationships; concentration of highly
landscape incidence interventions; ecological and environmental
processes interruption; landscape system de-structuration; de-connotation
of constitutive characters.
The recent transformations of rural landscape show not only the genius
loci loss, but also the identity loss of the social groups living there.
This contribution, by following the statements of the latest European
and national law and planning tools, aims at showing an analytical route
of help for the planner who wants to implement the active safeguard
of traditional rural landscapes. This work is based on an assessment
methodology of landscape quality considering both tangible elements
and the intangible, dynamic and subjective part. Being aware that rural
landscape safeguard isnt to be meant as the expression of a monument
to be petried, but seen as spur to exploitation and revitalization of the
basic elements belonging to our economy and multi-millenary culture,
the target consists in supporting the planner so that any intervention of
territorial re-arrangement could join transformation and development
with conservation.


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For choosing the best indicator to assess rural landscape, among the most important
experiences, we can mention: the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and
Development; Eurostat (EU Ocial Statistical Institute); Environment European Agency;
the ELISA research project, carried out by the European Centre for nature conservation.
In the worked out assessment methodology, the individuation of meaningful
parameters has referred, apart from the above-said experiences, to several Italian
regulations and rules. In particular: the Decree of the Council of Ministers 12.12.2005,
dealing with the landscape report to be included into the application fro landscape
authorization according to the art. 159 and 146 of the Code of Cultural and Landscape
heritage (LegDec. 22.01.2004, n.42); the resolution of the Lombardia Regional Council
8.1.2002, n. 7/II045, regarding the approval of guidelines for landscape examination of
projects provided for by the implanting rules of the Regional Landscape Territorial Plan
(Dcr 6.03.2001, n.43749); the Plan for Rural Development 2006, approved according to
the dellart.11 Reg.Ce 1698/2005.

The 5th volume was edited by the Environment Analysts Association together with
the I.V.A. Centre Italy and FAST (Federation of Technical and Scientic Associations ) in


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Architecture rurale et paysage

Daniela Bosia, Giovanna Franco, Stefano F. Musso
Daniela Bosia - Architecte, chercheur en Technologie de lArchitecture
au lEcole Polytechnique de Turin, II Facult dArchitecture - DINSE.
Giovanna Franco Architecte, Professeur associe en Technologie de
lArchitecture lUniversit de Gne, Facult dArchitecture - DIPARC.
Stefano F. Musso - Architecte, Professeur ordinaire en Conservation
lUniversit de Gne, Facult dArchitecture - DSA.
D.Bosia Politecnico di Torino, sede di Mondov, via Cottolengo 29,
12084 Mondov (CN) Italie
G.Franco Universit di Genova, Facolt di Architettura, DIPARC, Stradone S.Agostino 37, 16123 Genova Italie
S.F.Musso Universit di Genova, Facolt di Architettura, DSA, Stradone S.Agostino 37, 16123 Genova - Italie
Adresse courrier lectronique: - -

Larchitecture rurale est traditionnellement considre comme une

expression spontane de lactivit constructive humaine, mais
dans un certain sens culturellement leve dans la mesure o elle
est riche en solutions technologiques plus ou moins conscientes qui
mettent en relation le patrimoine bti avec le paysage, les usages et le
travail quotidien de lhomme.
De nos jours, beaucoup de rgions rurales sont dsormais abandonnes
et les systmes de production ont radicalement chang, avec des
retombes directes sur larchitecture rsidentielle et productive. Cela
est particulirement vident dans les rgions caractre montagnard
mais le phnomne est rpandu dans toutes les zones rurales.
Par consquent, en termes de paysage et de constructions, le
patrimoine rural rsulte fortement menac non seulement par lincurie
et labandon mais aussi et surtout par de nouvelles instances de
rhabilitation des ns rsidentielles et touristiques, avec des risques
vidents pour lenvironnement et le paysage.
La question dlicate qui se pose est alors comment rhabiliter ces
btiments qui sont le fruit de traditions constructives sculaires
dsormais oublies ?
Le projet Architecture courante et rurale et paysage entre tradition
et innovation, nanc en 2004 par la Commission europenne dans
le cadre du programme Cultura 2000, nat de la coopration entre
des units de recherche de dirents pays europens (Italie, France et
Pologne), depuis longtemps engags sur le thme de la valorisation du
paysage et de larchitecture rurale.
Le projet part de la conviction, partage par toutes les units de
recherche, que larchitecture traditionnelle et le paysage rural
constituent des composantes fondamentales de la culture et de
lidentit des lieux, pour tous les pays qui participent au projet.
Le thme de la protection et de la valorisation du paysage et du

patrimoine rural bti a t abord par les direntes units de

recherche en manire coordonne, dans le respect de lautonomie de
chaque groupe de travail et des particularits que le thme revt dans
les dirents pays.
Il sagit, en eet, dun sujet complexe qui peut tre abord en privilgiant
chaque fois les dirents aspects, ceux qui sont lis au paysage et
larchitecture certes, mais aussi les facteurs conomiques, sociaux,
productifs, etc, qui concourent, ensemble, le dnir.
Les aspects privilgis dans ce projet sont principalement ceux
qui sont lis aux composantes architecturales et paysagres du
thme, une attention particulire tant rserve aux facteurs lis
la connaissance, la rglementation, aux outils mthodologiques et
oprationnels de support aux travaux de rhabilitation des btiments
traditionnels, visant la rcupration du patrimoine bti existant du
point de vue du dveloppement durable et du contrle de la qualit
de lenvironnement.
Les objectifs du projet
Les principaux objectifs du projet peuvent tre rsums dans les points
techniques et culturelles qui caractrisent le patrimoine du
btiment rural de chaque pays et les problmatiques lies sa
rcupration soutenable.
la valorisation du patrimoine du btiment rural, travers ltude de
mthodes pour rcuprer le paysage et les ouvrages, en respectant
les constructions existantes, les cultures locales, les instances
conomiques de chaque pays, en tendant aussi la diusion de ces
objectifs, avec limplication de la population mme travers lemploi
de nouvelles technologies dinformation et de communication.
et de pratiques techniques de support pour les activits de
rcupration, applicables aux divers pays.
Description du projet
Le projet sest dvelopp travers une srie dactivits ralises dans les
dirents pays participants.
La phase initiale du projet a t consacre une vaste campagne
de reconnaissance des tudes sur les caractres du btiment rural
et diuse dans les trois zones europennes, direntes de par leur
histoire, leur situation gographique, sociale et conomique, ainsi que
sur les modalits dintervention pour la rcupration soutenable et
culturellement partageable des btiments traditionnels.
En fonction de ses expriences et des caractristiques des territoires
concerns, chaque unit de recherche a identi des thmes
spciques dapprofondissement allant de la dtermination des
caractres distinctifs du paysage rural aux techniques cocompatibles
pour la rhabilitation des btiments traditionnels.
Le matriel collect, classi et labor, a constitu le point de
dpart pour le projet et pour la ralisation dun rseau qui a impliqu
notamment les groupes de travail appartenant lItalie.
Le site Internet constitue un outil, utilisable dirents niveaux, aussi
bien au cours du projet que pendant les phases suivantes. En eet, les
principaux objectifs sont reconnaissables :


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caractre technique et normatif, pour la diusion des codes de
bonne pratique dans la rcupration de larchitecture traditionnelle
en Europe ;
base ou spciques;
catgories professionnelles, les secteurs et les personnes intresses
par le thme de la rhabilitation soutenable de larchitecture rurale.
La diusion des rsultats de la recherche a galement eu lieu travers
une exposition itinrante, un atelier conclusif et la publication dun
ouvrage de support lactivit de rcupration et de gestion de la
protection du patrimoine bti traditionnel1.
Les rsultats attendus long terme sont la constitution dune base
de donnes implmentable progressivement travers le network ; la
diusion de codes de bonne pratique, non seulement techniques,
mais aussi matrice culturelle et conomique, pour la rcupration et
la valorisation du paysage et de larchitecture rurale, en favorisant aussi
la participation active de la population ; une amlioration de la qualit
technique et conomique des interventions sur le patrimoine rural
des divers pays, en respectant les particularits culturelles de chaque
Les bnciaires du projet seront avant tout les administrations
centrales et priphriques des pays participant au projet mais aussi
des autres pays europens qui pourront utiliser et adopter les outils de
support mis au point au cours du projet.
Les Administrations locales pourront, en particulier, tirer prot des
rsultats du projet pour mettre au point des politiques, des stratgies
et des supports mthodologiques et techniques pour les interventions
de rcupration du paysage et de larchitecture rurale dans une optique
de soutenabilit ambiante et de valorisation culturelle.
Les catgories professionnelles qui travaillent dans le secteur du
btiment et du environnement techniciens et projeteurs dirents
niveaux celles des sujets dentreprise et de formation tels que les
entreprises du btiment et artisanales, les coles du btiment, etc.
tireront prot, elles aussi, des rsultats du projet.
Le projet pourra galement avoir des retombes positives sur le secteur
productif avec lencouragement la production de matriaux et de
systmes de construction compatibles avec les constructions existantes
et le environnement.
Valeur ajoute au niveau de la coopration europenne
La valeur ajoute au niveau de la coopration europenne du
projet est constitue, dune manire gnrale, de la comparaison
inhabituelle entre des expriences et des cultures direntes. Il sagit
dune mthode constructive base sur des tudes et des expriences
concrtes dj mries lintrieur de chaque pays an de dterminer
les lments qui mettent en commun les diverses ralits et de
dnir des mthodologies gnrales ainsi que des actions spciques
visant valoriser, sauvegarder et rcuprer lidentit de lieux et de
territoires ayant en commun des problmes courants et progressifs de
dpeuplement, dabandon, de rutilisation incompatible avec le milieu.
Il sagit de dterminer et dappliquer des stratgies communes pour
freiner les tendances communes en cours dans les divers contextes
gographiques, conomiques, sociaux et culturels de lEurope
contemporaine et gnraliser le thme de la rcupration soutenable


du paysage et de larchitecture rurale.

Les rsultats du projet, ainsi quune amlioration dcisive et souhaitable
de la sensibilit collective envers ces thmes, pourra mener lactivation
de procds conomiques et techniques rels et virtuels pour inverser
les tendances vriables dans chaque pays et dclencher aussi des
processus de fertilisation et des phnomnes de spin o.
En dpit de sa dure annuelle et si lon considre le peu de ressources
engages, le projet a produit, en dnitive, des rsultats intressants sur
le plan de la comparaison internationale dun thme dactualit.
En eet, les diverses activits accomplies au cours du projet ont permis
de favoriser lchange culturel, dapprofondir le sujet de recherche celui de la valorisation et de la rcupration soutenable du paysage et
de larchitecture rurale traditionnelle - qui prsente de multiples cls de
lecture et qui se prte diverses interprtations disciplinaires.
Le fait davoir reconnu dans chaque pays les thmes spciques lis
la rcupration de larchitecture rurale et la faon de les aronter
reprsente, par exemple, un rsultat concret.
Certains thmes sont communs aux trois pays (labandon, la rutilisation,
etc), dautres, en revanche, sont spciques chacun (les modalits de
protection et la musication en Pologne, la rhabilitation des ns
touristiques en Italie et en France, etc). Cela dit, au-del des rsultats
concrets lisibles dans limmdiat, le groupe qui a particip au projet
juge que les rsultats pourront tre valus long terme.

AA.VV., Rural Architecture in Europe between Tradition and Innovation, Alinea, Firenze,

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: Architecture rurale en Italie: la montagne

Paysage rural en Italie: la cte de Cinque terre

Architecture vernaculaire en Pologne

Une ferme au Nord-Est de la France


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Knowledge prior to intervention

Valeur patrimoniale du tissu urbain.

Bougherira Hadji Quenza
Lecturer at Blinda University
37 rue Belkacem El Ouzeri Blida 09000 Algerie
E-mail address:

Larchitecture traditionnelle semble tre devenue une relique du pass.

La production actuelle du bti a dvelopp de nouvelles normes, et
il semblerait que la qualit de lenvironnement construit du 19me,
dbut du 20me sicles, est irrmdiablement perdue.
Les annes 50 ont vu un bouleversement dans la structure
morphologique des villes .
En eet nous assistons une sorte de mue dans la construction
contemporaine, qui ressemble assez la naissance monstrueuse dun
type nouveau ddice, dun type nouveau de villes1.
Lampleur des transformations est devenue telle que leur gestion par des
plans durbanisme et damnagements urbains devenait ncessaire. Les
transformations progressives des villes, une chelle matrisable par des
paliers successifs atteints par lvolution technologique et lvolution des
besoins, taient dsormais remplaces par un changement radical de la
manire de crotre dune ville. De telle sorte que la notion de mtropole
a du tre introduite pour nommer le gigantesque phnomne urbain
dont nous sommes tmoins des dveloppements continus.
Cette mtamorphose ou mutation du comportement urbain commence
dabord avec ce que Franois Racine a appel perte de savoir faire
urbain, dont limage est dabord observe dans les banlieues2.
Une des rsistances face cette forme oppressante de transformation
typologique, est la naissance de nouveaux courants de penses, de
nouvelles coles qui prconisent un retour la qualit traditionnelle
travers, dune part, la protection du patrimoine, dautre part, la
continuit des processus de transformation historique des typologies
urbaines et architecturales, dans un continuum spatio temporel quasi
Les domaines engendrs par ces nouveaux courants de penses, sont
bass sur la connaissance et la reconnaissance historique du patrimoine
bti. Bass sur la connaissance historique des dices et des tissus
urbains, ils imposent la ncessit de constituer des bases de donnes
typologiques partir danalyses, de relevs et denqutes in situ.
Ces connaissances permettent de mettre en vidence les paramtres
morphologiques qui confrent leur qualit irremplaable aux centres
anciens de nos villes.
Les sites analyss dans ce papier seront les villes deux fois millnaires
de Cherchell et de Dellys, situes sur les ctes du centre de lAlgrie. Les
deux villes sont dorigine phnicienne, et leurs mdinas prsentent ce
jour les qualits urbaines et architecturales ancestrales.
Nous remarquons qu le modle des banlieues est bas sur une perte


des qualits intrinsques du tissu urbain traditionnel (cest--dire avant

les annes cinquante). En eet, si nous considrons les priphries
successives des villes, avant les annes 50, nous nous apercevons quil
rgne une certaine homognit, un certain quilibre au niveau du
tissu urbain. La structure morphologique de base est maintenue tout
au long de lhistoire, et sous quelque civilisation que ce soit. Partant
de la ville romaine, pour nos cas dtude Cherchell et Dellys, la ville
ottomano - andalouse, la ville coloniale, la structure morphologique
continue exister dans sa formulation organique pour reprendre le
terme de Saverio Muratori, pour indiquer une hirarchisation du viaire,
ainsi quune structuration modulaire de son tissu de base, les parcelles,
par rapport la voirie.
Il est vrai aussi que cette structure de la morphologie urbaine va
sadapter une ralit territoriale donne. Aussi, les caractristiques des
villes anciennes sont-elles uniques en ce quelles conservent dans leurs
replis dhistoire et de strates civilisationnelles, issues de la culture et de
la nature de ce territoire.
Dans ces villes anciennes, les dices ne sont pas placs les uns cot
des autres au hasard, mais constituent plutt un agrgat.
Ce tissu de base, est la toile de fond de la ville, vritable phnomne
dynamique en mutation perptuelle, subissant des transformations
constantes par les usagers qui adaptent leurs habitations leurs
Mis part toutes ces transformations dites capillaires (Gianfranco
Caniggia), inniment varies, il existe dautres transformations qui
sont essentielles dans le passage dun type lautre. Exemple du
passage de la maison cour la maison patio. Ce passage se fait
par transformations progressives concernant dabord le rajout dune
pice ltage et le moyen dy accder, en loccurrence, une chelle
qui deviendra escalier dans la cour. Puis, lorsque la ncessit mnera
construire une deuxime pice ltage, natra la coursive, qui
deviendra plus tard le portique au rez-de-chausse. Cette volution
peut tre clairement observe travers de multiples exemples, et en
particulier, dans les cas dtudes que nous avons choisi.
Cet escalier, cette coursive, ce patio, correspondront des moments
dcisifs de lvolution des types, et seront des rsultats stables
et gnralisables des transformations progressives qui soprent
inlassablement dans le tissu urbain, et qui sont la base de la
constitution mme de lagrgat.
Dans cet environnement codi, lacte de construire devient un
geste de conscience spontane. Les sicles dexprimentation et
daccumulation des connaissances acquises face aux problmes
rencontrs et aux besoins nouveaux, ou renouvels avec chaque
gnration, permettent daccder un capital culturel, devenu partie
intgrante de la mmoire collective, qui va induire la continuit
spontane dans lacte ddier, comme rsultat dune synthse priori
des connaissances dveloppes par les gnrations passes.
Cependant, cette corrlation existant entre dice et tissu nimplique
pas forcment un changement de tissu chaque changement
de typologie architecturale. Les chelles spatio-temporelles sont
direntes pour chacun des cas. Le tissu volue plus lentement que
ldice. Nous constatons en eet que sur une mme parcelle dun
tissu urbain sont eectues des dmolitions de constructions vtustes
au prot de reconstructions nouvelles gnralement de typologie
dirente aujourdhui, bien que dans le pass, au niveau des centres
historiques, les reconstructions se faisaient sur la base des anciens types
de bti, avec des changements mineurs occasionnels. Cest ce qui a

Connatre le lieu avant dintervenir

Conocer el lugar antes de intervenir
Knowledge prior to intervention

permis la prennit des typologies issues de la conscience spontane,

mmoire collective par excellence, et rceptacle de toute lexprience
humaine dans le domaine de la construction et de lorganisation de
lespace humanis.
La typologie du tissu participe donc crer une ambiance de ville.
Le tissu nen a cependant pas moins une dynamique processuelle
propre, qui lui permet dvoluer suivant des lois qui lui sont propres, lui
permettant de dgager ainsi un champ disciplinaire indpendant.
Lobservation du phnomne du dveloppement urbain,
indpendamment de ses causes, en tant quobjet dnissable partir
de composantes qui lui sont propres, en tant quobjet en soi, permet de
dnir un nouveau champ disciplinaire relatif ltude, la description, la
connaissance et enn la prise en charge, de cet objet en tant que tel,
en tant quentit physique indpendante.
Paralllement aux attitudes de protection du patrimoine et de
dveloppement durable, la naissance de la typomorphologie est ainsi
venue dans ce cadre, combler le vide conceptuel relatif cet aspect du
phnomne urbain, qui a t occult dans les diverses instrumentations
relatives lurbanisme moderne.
Plus encore, aujourdhui, la synthse des tentatives de dnir le malaise
vcu par les citadins, ltat de crise de laspect de leurs villes, ne se
contente plus de la connaissance planimtrique de la structuration au
sol du tissu urbain, mais elle se trouve reprise sous lexpression paysage
urbain, qui semble synthtiser lensemble des paramtres relatifs ce
malaise des villes daujourdhui.
Cependant, ce nest qu partir de la lecture de deux phases ddication,
la structure du tissu de base et la typologie architecturale qui lui
correspond, enrichie par sa dimension perceptuelle, quune dnition
du paysage urbain peut tre voque.
Laspect critique de nos villes daujourdhui est le rsultat, des actes
de tout un chacun, aussi bien des personnes que des institutions. La
planication urbaine et les instruments traditionnels durbanisme en
Algrie (PUD, puis PDAU et POS) sont normalement faits pour grer
toutes ces fonctions et veiller la cohrence de lensemble.
Le problme est que, malgr ces instruments de coordination des
diverses oprations urbaines, lincohrence traduite par les paysages
urbains tant dcris, ne fait que saccentuer.
Lapproche la ville par la notion de paysage urbain rassemblant les
notions de structure morphologique et de spatialit et de perception,
peut constituer un complment dinstrumentation, ou un substitut,
an de parer ces checs face la gestion ecace de lenvironnement
Lanalyse diachronique des villes fait ressortir trois grandes priodes
caractristiques morphologiques direntes. La premire concernera
lavant 1830, date de la colonisation franaise, et de limportation
dune nouvelle typologie nordique dans laire culturelle arabo mditerranenne.
Cette priode est caractrise par des villes intra-muros, au tissu
cohrent, et o le processus de formation et transformation du tissu
est homogne et continu, sans fractures ni ruptures autres que celles
provoques par les cataclysmes naturels, ou les grandes invasions et
destructions massives des sites urbains.
La seconde concernera la priode allant de 1830 environ 1950-55.
Cette priode est caractrise par les oprations de restructuration
coloniales au niveau des tissus prexistants. Elle correspond galement
la destruction des murs denceinte vers les annes 20 [les franais
ont dabord construit de nouvelles enceintes, largissant souvent le

primtre urbain antcdent, puis les ont dtruites au dbut du XX

Durant cette priode, les villes ont connu un dveloppement
raisonnable de lordre du simple au double. Les villes qui ont atteint leur
taille connue la colonisation aprs des sicles dvolution, se trouvent
tout coup, en un sicle avec le double, parfois mme le quintuple, de
leur taille.
La dmolition des murailles a dsormais libr les esprits, et la ville
nayant plus de limites tangibles, et de raison dtre de cette limite
(craintes dattaques extrieures etc.), commena son pope vers les
monstres quelle est devenue aujourdhui. Les premiers lancements
des villes sur les campagnes environnantes, et leur empitement sur les
terres agricoles, date 1920 1940 environ.
La priode suivante, la troisime, allant des annes soixante nos jours,
connat la conscration et la consolidation de ces extensions nouvelles
sur le territoire.
Cette priode sera caractrise par un boom sans prcdent de
lclatement des villes sur leurs territoires.
Le fait de considrer le tissu urbain comme patrimoine, au mme titre
que les monuments remarquables de la ville, produits de la collectivit
et repres de la mmoire collective des socits, est une preuve
vidente de la prise de conscience du danger reprsent par la perte
de ce tissu, donc de la reconnaissance de sa valeur, aussi bien historique
que qualitative.
Cest ainsi que grce lactivisme de certaines associations la Casbah
de Dellys a pu tre classe patrimoine protg.
Cependant, le manque dentretien des dices anciens, gnralement
pauvres, et la vlocit avec laquelle les nouvelles typologies simplantent,
mettent srieusement en danger lexistence mme de ces centres
An darriver protger, et mieux utiliser un tel patrimoine, le moins
quon puisse faire est de le connatre dabord. Cest pour cela quil est
urgent de le rpertorier.
Les tentatives dinstituer un savoir gnral sur les formes urbaines
ont commenc dabord en Italie, avec le travail de Saverio Muratori,
fondateur de la typomorphologie, puis en France, en Angleterre, aux
Etats-Unis et au Canada.
Le rsultat dun tel travail permettrait de nourrir une vision nouvelle
pour lavenir du patrimoine architectural et urbain.

Transformations qui ont induit un changement radical du paysage urbain.

Avant le phnomne de mtropolisation apparat en eet , le phnomne dexpansion

indnie des banlieues, do la naissance du problme des priphries.


Connatre le lieu avant dintervenir

Conocer el lugar antes de intervenir
Knowledge prior to intervention


Connatre le lieu avant dintervenir

Conocer el lugar antes de intervenir
Knowledge prior to intervention

Urbanistic Analysis and the Value of

Architectural Heritage in Cunda Island

Irem Yaylali
Masters degree on Restoration, in Istanbul Technical University, Faculty
of Architecture. Since February 2007 phD candidate in Restoration (in
the same faculty).
Since February 2007: working in IRCICA (Reseach Center for Islamic
History, Art and Culture) with Prof.Dr. Amir Pasic for Islamic Architecture
Database and Jerusalem 2015 Project.
Levazim Mah. Birkent Sitesi T Blok A/17 34340 Levent/Istanbul (TURKEY)
E-mail address:
+90 212 272 84 29, +90 535 324 56 36 (GSM)

Cunda Island, the largest and the only inhabited one among the twenty
two islands of Ayvalik, is situated on the north of Aegean Sea, in Edremit
Bay. A prominent Greek settlement of the Ottoman Empire during the
19th century, Cunda has a special place along the north Aegean towns
with its rich cultural heritage.
The south-western shore of Cunda faces a small island that is connected
to Ayvalik town and inbetween the islands a narrow channel forms on
which a bridge is built. On the southern side of Cunda, there is a natural
harbour, around which the historical settlement was formed.
This study aims to analyse the urbanistic and architectural values of
the cultural heritage in Cunda Island, as well as present the problems
concerning conservation and rehabilitation of the historical buildings.
A Brief History
Although there were settlements on Cunda since the prehistoric era,
its importance in history starts during the 18th century. The majority
of the population was Greek and it was ruled by the Governor of
Lesbos, under the Ottoman Empire. Olive oil, wine, salt, leather and
soap production and shing were the main sources of income for
the islanders. The economical growth was at its peak especially in the
rst quarter of the 19th century. The island had its own municipality
and issued coins, which proves that Cunda was a separate entity from
Ayvalik town, both administratively and economically.
After 1820s, East European communities in the Ottoman Empire started
to rebel against the regime. These revolts stopped the economical
development in Cunda until 1880s. During the World War I, Ayvalik
and Cunda were occupied by Greek forces. After the war, following the
foundation of Turkish Republic, there was an exchange of population
between the Greeks that lived in Turkey and Turks that lived in Greece,
in 1924. Therefore, Cunda was evacuated like other Aegean towns and
Turkish people settled on the island. This was a turning point in the
course of the islands history, since Cunda became less populated after

the exchange. The disastrous earthquake in 1944 made things even

worse, the island was almost deserted.
With the construction of the bridge in 1966, the island was connected
to the mainland. The enhancement of tourism after 1980s enlivened
the economical growth of the island, making it a popular place in the
summer for tourists.
Architectural Heritage: Monumental Buildings
There are three Greek Orthodox churches, one mosque, religious
buildings in the vicinity of the churches, olive oil warehouses and
coee shops that are unique in this region and windmills, as important
architectural values in Cunda.
Among the churches, the biggest, the most elaborate and the only
intact one is Taksiyarhis Church (1873). It is the metropol church of the
island, two storeys high and constructed of a local volcanic tu stone.
The interior decoration of the church is also remarkable, however it
needs urgent restoration. The other churches are Panaya, which is in
ruins and Aya Yanni, which is being restored since 2006. There are also
buildings around the churches, related with religious functions, but
most of them are in ruins. The only mosque of the island, Hamidiye
Mosque (1905), is situated at the shore.
Traditional Houses
The houses of Cunda are similar to those seen in the Aegean region:
cubical masonry units, mostly 2-3 storeys high, covered with a pitched
roof. The houses are adjoining, with gardens in the back. The settlement
follows an orthogonal plan, forming alleys inclining towards the harbour.
Building material is local volcanic tu stone. The main walls are usually
constructed with roughly hewn stone bound with clay mortar. In large
mansions or monumental buildings, ashlar stone is used. Inner walls are
either constructed of timber lathing with lime plaster or masonry brick.
Ground oors are covered with terrazzo or cement while upper oors
are constructed of timber beams covered with timber boards.
The houses are entered through a large monumental door from the
street faade. Some of the entrances are raised from the street level,
forming a storage basement below the entry level. Since Cunda is a
rural area, this space is used for olive storage or as a water reservoir. This
space can be accessed from inside the house, or in some cases, from
the street with a smaller door. Some of the houses have a rectangular
projection on the upper oor, mostly towards the street, or sometimes
towards the street and the garden. The position of the entrance door
changes according to the presence of the basement and the projection.
Therefore, Cunda houses have a great plasticity eect on the exterior.
The lintelled or arched doors and their windows with richly decorated
iron bars, surrounded with uted stucco pilasters, as well as sash or
casement windows with decorative casings also help to emphasize the
plasticity of the faades.
Analyses and General Assessment
There are about 1000 buildings within the boundaries of the historical
settlement which is listed as an urban site by the Council for Preservation
of Cultural and Natural Property. About 47% of these buildings have
historical value. 92% of the historical buildings are listed, while 5% of
them have lost their original properties, and 3% of them have completely
disappeared. The most important threat that the historical buildings
face is the lack of proper maintenance. Because of neglect, 9% of the
historical buildings are either in ruins or about to collapse.


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Knowledge prior to intervention

The new constructions, which constitute 53% of the buildings of the

historical settlement, can be divided into two categories: New buildings
in empty plots and new buildings attached to the historical house as an
addition or an annex. These additions function as a toilet, kitchen or
storage space. Since the historical houses do not bear the comfortable
conditions of modern life, the inhabitants need to make such additions
to their houses.
Other than such physical problems concerning the buildings, there
are also socio-economical problems concerning the islanders due to
unemployment. Because of limited work facilities, most of the young
inhabitants are forced to leave Cunda. Especially the elderly ones, which
constitute 43% of the island population, are attached to their houses
and traditional ways of living, while the young generation is tempted
by outsiders who want to buy their old houses. If the historical houses
are sold, they are restored by the new owners, however only to be used
as a summer house (i.e. only for 2-3 months). Other than old houses,
empty plots and elds surrounding the historical settlement are being
sold one by one, not only for new summer houses, but also for new
tourism facilities to be built. This seasonal usage causes the historical
town to be almost deserted at winter time.
Pilot Area: Dening Rehabilitation Principles
The rehabilitation principles for Cunda should focus mainly on the
problems of the inhabitants and their dwellings, rather than the tourists.
This study does not introduce new land proposals, but aims to enhance
the existing ones for the inhabitants. Fundamental planning principles
include, rehabilitation of the architectural heritage, integration of the
public spaces with private spaces and rehabilitation of infrastructure.
These principles are exemplied on a small site around Taksiyarhis
Church, which forms the core of the historical settlement, consisting
of richly decorated, traditional masonry houses, several traditional
shops and one large workshop in ruins. First, the survey drawings of
the street faades and ground oor plans are prepared in order to
analyse the present situation. Then, according to these drawings and
site analyses, other than the buildings which need urgent restoration,
simple rehabilitation proposals are made (for instance: replacing plastic
window frames with wooden ones, plastering and re-painting the
faades, completing the broken cornices). For new concrete buildings
with at roofs, a new pitched or gable roof with ceramic tiles and the
re-integration of the faade elements according to the typological
studies are proposed.
In order for such rehabilitation proposals to unite with the social fabric,
a team of experts should be formed to dene the necessary restoration
interventions, which would then train artisans and craftsmen from the
island on subjects like traditional masonry building, stone cutting, lime
slaking, iron forging and wood cutting. This way, local people would
restore their own houses and young people would be employed.
The historical workshop on the pilot site is proposed to be used as a
Restoration Workshop, which would continue to function after the
restoration process, for training young people and providing continious
As a result, Cunda island is one of the rare historical settlements on
the Aegean coast of Turkey, which still keeps its urbanistic integrity
and architectural heritage. In order for this island to sustain its social
and physical values, a holistic approach on planning decisions should
be adopted, rather than planning for tourism. This way, Cunda and its
inhabitants will integrate with the historical and natural resources.


Connatre le lieu avant dintervenir

Conocer el lugar antes de intervenir
Knowledge prior to intervention

Urbanistic analysis of a greek village


Dr. Mine Tanac Kiray

Conservation Specialist, M.arch 1999, Phd 2003, Working at Dokuz Eylul
University Faculty of Architecture Department of Restoration as an
Instructor since 2003.
Research Interests: Sustainability of cultural heritage, Cultural identity,
Architectural preservation of historical Environment and Monumental
Buildings, Jewish Architecture, Religious Buildings, Ancient Greek
Dokuz Eylul University Faculty Of Architecture Tnaztepe Campus
35160 Buca-Izmir Turkey
00 90 232 4128410

Sirince is a mountain village fascinating with its traditional houses that
are perched on the mountainside with a terric view of the scenery
below, and is dependent on Selcuk district of Izmir, 8 km far from Selcuk
and 350-400 m height from the sea.
It is known that, history of the village goes to Hellenistic Period.1 In 10th
century, the village was called Ephesus on the Mountain. Its importance
had continued to Anatolian Turkish Principality (14th century). When the
side, that Christian people lived in, became a participant of the Turkish
Domination, Christian Greek people was being captured. After a time,
they had been set free, and moved into todays area of the village. At
19th century the village was a big settlement with 1800 houses. The
Orthodox Greeks lived a fairly comfortable life under the domination of
the Ottoman Empire in the village with their churches, monasteries and
typical houses. After the First World War, The Greeks that lived in Sirince
leaved the village; the Balkan immigrants were settled in the village in
place of them. The people live in the village today are the descendants
of these immigrants. After the exchange policy Turkish immigrants had
settled and transformed the physical environment and have preserved
the religious buildings, houses of the village, brought the settlement
to nowadays.
The historical texture of Sirince was located on south and west sides
of Sirince Stream, which separate the settlement into two parts.
Istihlas District is situated on the east slope of Sirince Stream, with a
concentrated habitation. Istiklal District is being located on the west
slope of the Stream. And the houses in this district show a linear spread
than Istihlas District. There is a little concentrate habitation than the
other district.

Because of the topography of the area, the settlement in the village,

that is established on the south and west slope of the pot formed
valley, is graded. Buildings are not put an end to each others sights
and views. The roads are usually parallel to the slope. The roads, which
are perpendicular to the slope, are provided to reach to the village
center and other important points in the village in a little time. In the
settlement, small public squares are secondary centers for people lived
in the village ground oors of the houses around these public squares,
used to be shops. But nowadays, they had lost these functions.
The traditional houses, which give Sirince its character, date mostly from
the 19th century, although they draw on older traditions. They typically
have two or three stories depending on the slope. The ground oor,
built with thick stonewalls, serves as animal shed and storage space. On
the upper oors are the living quarters, built of wood and mortar: these
often jut out on timber consoles in typical Turkish style.
A room and a sofa form premise plan type of Sirince houses. In this
plan scheme, room is a place that has lots of functions like eating,
sitting etc., a service place, which is separated by a wooden cabinet
from the room, is situated on the main oor. One can classify the house
typology in three types depending on the situation of sofa and the
room numbers.
First Type: The sofa can be situated in the middle of the two rooms, the
winter room and the summer room. This type of houses is a two-storied
house, and the ground oor is also divided into three spaces as the
upper oor. One can enter the house from the arched wooden door
situated on the centre of the faade, directly to the hole leading to the
staircase climbing to the sofa. Two rooms of the ground oor are served
as animal shed and storage. The rst oor built of timber structure with
brick and stone inll jut out on timber consoles to the street. The rst
oor is facilitated with opening ve typical Sirince windows. The winter
room has a furnace. The summer room has a unique cupboard, and a
unique ceiling ornament.
Second Type: The Sofa is placed on the front faade next to the main
room and the winter room that has the furnace in is placed behind
the sofa on the back faade. The summer room has a unique cupboard
hiding a service space behind. This type of houses has three stories.
The ground oor serving as the animal shed opens to the street with
one arched door, and has no division of rooms. A staircase climbing
to the second oor is situated in the entrance space. This stairs carries
one to the rst oor, which is the mezzanine oor built with thick load
carrying stonewalls. This oor is divided into two rooms, one formed
as the stairscases room a hole. These rooms have narrow openings to
outside, and form dark inner spaces. Second oor has two rooms one
winter room and one summer room and a sofa. Sofa and the summer
room jut on timber consoles to the street with four typical Sirince
windows, two served for the sofa and two served for the summer room.
The summer room consist a unique ceiling ornament and a unique
wooden ornamented cupboard hiding a gusulhane behind, which
can be reached from the winter room. The winter room is situated on
the back faade, and get light from Sofa, and consists a furnace.
Third Type: This type of houses consists of two-stories. The ground

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Knowledge prior to intervention

oor is reached through an arched opening-door. The ground oor has

two divisions one is used for an animal shed; the other division is used
as a hole, which has the staircase climbing to upstairs. First Floor has
only one room used as both the summer room and the winter room.
The wooden ornamented cupboard, and the furnace are placed in the
same room. The room has two windows facing the street. This room is
reached from the Sofa. Sofa, which the staircase is located in, has two
windows facing the street. The rst oor is jut on timber consoles to
the street.
The ornamented door of the summer room, the wooden ornamented
cupboard in the summer room, and the furnace of the winter room, the
window and the wooden ornamented balustrades of the windows, the
staircase elements such as handrail are typical elements of the houses.


Facade system of traditional Sirince houses is shaped as reection of
interior system of the house to exterior, like other traditional houses.
Front (main) facade that is directed to the valley base and view has
carefully occupation than other facades. Other facades are simpler than
main facade. Back facades of two oored houses are perceived single
oored because of the sloping structure of the area. The most signicant
element of the main facade is the overhang that is situated in upper
oor. Overhangs are formed as reection of hierarchic order of upper
oor. Summer room, the most important place of the house, is become
clear with the overhang. Copious number of windows used in the parts,
which are directed to the village center and view, at the upper oors of
the houses. The original windows that are situated in the texture are
hung windows that are proportion of 12. Wooden guardrails, have
proportion of 14, are found in front of the windows. Window shutters
are situated in window systems of the houses, to protect of weather
conditions. The arched entrance doors of the ground oors are also
typical elements of the houses.
All the houses are white limewash. Eaves of the houses are important
building elements that are assisted at the streets. Eaves of main and side
facades are approximately 50-cm. widths. They are wooden lininged or
sloping rendered. Back facades eaves are approximately 25-cm. widths
and not covered.


Structural systems of houses in historical texture of Sirince, convey
identical characteristics with Turkish traditional houses. Ground oor of
the houses were built up by block stone, top oors were built up by
timber framed.
Main building materials that formed timber works of the houses are
bridging joints, joints and main poles. Auxiliary materials to make the
system durable to lateral loads, diagonal braces and intermediate joints
are used. Wooden building beams used in lengthwise of the place in
Sirince traditional houses. It is the dierence between other traditional
houses and Sirince traditional houses. The sections of these beams are
sometimes very thin sometimes very thick. The timber frame structure
of the houses was covered with cleaved wood, with plaster at both
two surfaces. The plaster is rendered. White limewash was applied to
the top of the plaster. Pine and chestnut, which are gotten from the
forest like area in the environment, are timber-building materials of the


The historical settlement consists of approximately 80 unique Sirince

houses today. The traditional town has been preserved, and integrated
its historical, cultural values, to the future by tourism phenomenon.
Most of these houses are transformed their original functions and
turned into small pensions for over-night guests and also restorated as
second houses for foreign citizens of the metropolitan cities, the locals
of the town turned their houses into small cafes that sell traditional
foods, and wine.

Aktre S.(1981), 19. Yzyl Sonunda Anadolu Kenti Mekansal Yap zmlemesi, ODT,
Tosun Y. (1975) 17. Yzyl Bandan 19.Yzyl Ortasna Kadarki Dnemde Anadolu Osmanl
ehirlerinde ehirsel Yapnn Deime Sreci, ODT,
Ersoy, A.(2202). Sirince Ky ve Tarihsel evresi. zmir Kent Kltr Dergisi 5. pp.95-102
stngel, N.Y.& Levi E& Kayn E.& Akkurt H.B.& Tana M& Kklk N. (2002). Egede Bir Rum
Ky Sirince. Yap, 252, pp.84-90
disappeared. The most important threat that the historical buildings face is the lack of proper
maintenance. Because of neglect, 9% of the historical buildings are either in ruins or about
to collapse.

Ersoy, A.(2002). Sirince Ky ve Tarihsel evresi. zmir Kent Kltr Dergisi 5. pp.95-102

Connatre le lieu avant dintervenir

Conocer el lugar antes de intervenir
Knowledge prior to intervention


Connatre le lieu avant dintervenir

Conocer el lugar antes de intervenir
Knowledge prior to intervention

Archtypes urbains. Le cas dtude de la

ville de Nefta1

Gaetano Ginex
Architecte, Professeur Associ de Dessin de larchitecture prs du
Dpartement AACM, facult dArchitecture, Universit Mditerranenne
de Reggio Calabria. Il droule un assidu travail de recherche sur les
cultures de la zone mditerranenne, avec rfrence spciale aux pays
du Maghreb, en analysant les systmes architecturaux et urbains qui
caractrisent tel contexte.
Adresse postal:
Universit Mediterranea di Reggio Calabria, Italy, Dipartimento AACM,
via Melissari, 89100 Reggio Calabria, Italy
Adresse electronique:
+39 0965 3222.241

... Larchtype de la ville islamique est la ville mure, cluse dans ses
La recherche prsente ici concerne ltude de larchitecture et de
linstallation urbaine de la ville de Nefta par le dessin, lanalyse critique
et la comprhension des procs qui les ont engendrs.
On a cherch de dterminer les lois de formation et dagrgation du
tissu de habitation, travers ltude de la structure de linstallation
urbaine et de lorganisation de lespace construit aun den expliciter
en forme claire, linstallation morphologique, en soulignant le caractre
et le procs de construction.
Dans cette optique on analyse les contenus de la forme urbaine de
la ville, considre en sa totalit et ses lments en considrant les
variations, travers une analyse attentive du systme de solidarit et de
dpendance qui les tient unis la structure urbaine totale.
Lobjectif nest pas ce dune analyse simplement descriptive mais plutot
dun explicitation de lobjet de lenqute sur ltage de sa persistance
smantique, en dterminant les caractristiques morphologiques qui
ont dni cette image prcise de ville.
Nous tenterons de dcrire et analyser dans ce contexte spcique la
forme de la ville islamique et par consquence les qualits, les variations
et les relations des lments qui la composent.
Lide de forme sur laquelle nous nous baserons est une forme
actualise dans une forme urbaine spcique qui sera explicite aux
phases suivantes danalyse.
Pour faire tout a le dessin et le relief architectural et urbain sont
les instrument seuls danalyse documentaire et danalyse critique,
considrs en ce cas comme langages, qui communiquent et
explicitent les procs reprsents de larchitecture.
Pour mieux clarier les fondements initiaux do nous sommes partis


cest bien faire rfrence aux rsultats atteints lintrieur dun parcours
commenc il y a quelques ans o on analysait des caractristiques
urbaines et dinstallation spcique de la zone mditerranenne avec
rfrence spciale la ville de Nefta.
Nefta est considr, travers la simplication de son noyau central, un
modle typique dinstallation urbaine islamiste et il vient tudi par le
dessin et la reprsentation comme ensemble de signes qui reprsentent
une structure urbaine travers un hermneutique de lespace construit.
Lapproche aux lieux a t droule travers une analyse soigne des
aspects dimensionnels, gomtriques des formes urbaines, dans le bon
placement du tableau gnral qui les contient.
Sur ces introductions le travail commence en reprenant des tudes
faites en priorit sur ces mmes sites. Lexprience de Nefta explore
aux phases direntes dtudes prcdents peut tre considre une
tape exprimentale et il peut reprsenter par consquence et il tre
considre une exprience relle dirige sur le champ. Nous avons
toujours identi comme noyau central la partie de ville dnomme
noyau, entendu comme le noyau central de la structure totale de
la ville, une structure lintrieur dun systme plus ample. Sur celuici nous nous sommes plusieurs fois concentres pour en dnir
la conguration urbaine et morphologique de lensemble. Depuis
toujours le noyau a reprsent dans ltude de Nefta la partie la
plus signicative de linstallation urbaine en tout ce quil se prsente
comme un corps unique parfaitement homogne. Cela en vue des
nouvelles exprimentations arrives successivement il pourrait peuttre rsulter limitatif mais dans cette occasion il sert pour en dnir des
caractres uniques de la morphologie urbaine et jeter les bases pour
une mthodologie denqute qui puisse reprsenter une proposition
oprationnelle relle dintervention successivement et dentretien de
ces caractres urbains qui au contraire avec la croissance aveugle et
sans contrle scientique dun plan rel dintervention sont de plus en
plus destins etre vains.
Ltude du noyau reprsente ainsi ltude dune matrice urbaine en
appartenant un systme plus ample, complexe et articule qui vient
de-structure aun den comprendre sens et formes.
La mthode suivi pour ltude morphologique de la ville, comme nous
avons vu il est ce de la dcomposition des parties du tissu urbain. Cela
est reprsent dans une srie de systmes identiables singulirement
travers ltude des units de faade, des fronts donnant sur les rues
en en lequel le systme entier est subdivis en plus systmes simples
qui encore ils sont subdiviss et decomposs en autres systmes
lmentaires. Tout a pour mieux comprendre le dicile et complexe
ralit du tissu de lhabitation, passage utile pour une future rehabilitation.
Comme nous avons vu la maison reprsente le systme lmentaire de
croissance de lunit urbaine mais il reprsente aussi une matrice de
lecture de lensemble. Les tudes sur Nefta depuis jusqu ce moment
conduits, ils nous ont ports connatre le caractre de linstallation
urbaine par reliefs directs sur le champ et lopration de relief nous a
conduits slectionner les informations aun dtablir hirarchies entre
les dirents informations, (de caractre typologique par le relief des
maisons entendues comme unit de base). Les informations obtenues
travers le relief ont t ultrieurement considrs comme linstrument
synthtique capable de communiquer au mme temps les dirents
aspects de larchitecture, ainsi en dterminer un code gntique utile
pour la comprhension des caractres morphologiques principals.
Dans ce cas le choix de reprsentations spciales, respect autres, a

Connatre le lieu avant dintervenir

Conocer el lugar antes de intervenir
Knowledge prior to intervention

permis de mettre en vidence caractres uniques de larchitecture en

dterminant justement les lments prdominants de la structure ainsi
analyser la nature morphologique des mmes. Ces lments comme
nous avons vu ils ont un caractre fonctionnel et morphologique stable,
parceque chaque lment a toujours une relation logique, physique
et formel soit comme unit architecturale qui comme ensemble,
unattention spciale a t tourne aux sections et aux prols et plus
en gnral aux lments de connexion comme structures entoures
opposes aux structures linaires. On a ainsi identi un systme de
lecture que lie entre eux les direntes connotations du tissu urbain en
analysant les formes videntes et en reprsentant la rptitivit.
Ltude des axes routiers a reprsent le point de dpart pour lanalyse
morphologique. Celle-ci sest principalement base sur ltude de
linstallation urbaine entendue comme totalit, exprime en termes
despace construit quil permet de dnir un abaque de formes (urban
matrix) travers la lecture de certains termes lmentaires quels: rue,
maison, endroits de culte, mosques, marchs, en analysant les relations
qui ont avec laxe routier de pertinence et vice versa.
On a tent de dcrire les lments de la conguration urbaine en
mettant en vidence quils se juxtaposent les uns aux autres, pas en
suivant les lois dun hasard, mais sur la trace dune trame rigidement
dnie, laxe routier, dans un collier pais qui forme une vraie nervure de
lespace construit. La ville, analyse graphiquement, il rsulte constitue
dune morphologie de pleins et de vides dnis par un tissu poreux
compact et alvol. Ce tissu possde ces caractristiques parceque on
se droule lintrieur un type de vie domin par les pietons, ainsi que
le contact avec la rue arrive dans une sorte de continuit de relations
de lhomme avec la place construite de porte en porte. Un organisation
spatiale de pleins et vides quil nexiste plus dans le systme du tissu
contemporain urbain qui prsente au contraire caractristiques du
tout dirent de celles anciennes. De lanalyse graphique on dduise
clairement les traits siognomici de linstallation urbain qui mirent
mettre en vidence les invariantes, qui reprsentent juste lessence du
systme morphologique.
La reprsentation graphique sest principalement rfre ces deux
aspects. Telle reprsentation contient une synthse de la recherche
analytique conduite sur les ensembles morphologiques. Les tables
prsentes expriment le type et la mthode de travail adoptes
clairement, ils visualisent les dirents systmes spatiaux surtout
exprs avec des images lmentaires et complexes au mme temps,
ils dcrivent les valeurs formelles et essentielles du tissu de btiment.
Ils mettent en vidence une succession de sintagmi qui trouvent leur
code de communication dans la grammaire et dans la syntaxe qui rgle
leur organisation dans le contexte total de la ville. Les images obtenues
dans les dessins ont graphiquement ainsi une succession sintagmatica
en parties lmentaires messes en vidence second rgles syntaxiques
de communication et rgles grammaticales qui dnissent les choses
immdiatement connatre dans leur ensemble et dans leurs parties.
Dans ce sens les eorts faits dans ce travail trouvent comparaison dans
la reprsentation graphique du centre de Nefta. Telle reprsentation se
rfre principalement deux aspects fondamentaux de la connaissance
oprationnelle sur la morphologie urbaine: le synthtique entendu
comme lecture totale de la ville en termes despace totale et lanalytique
entendu comme connaissance des parties. Lun et lautre sont dcrits
graphiquement avec appropries rfrences au langage visuel qui a
le seul objectif, (pour mieux clarier les rsultats partiels obtenus dans
ce travail), dexprimer compltement le systme des espaces analyss

dans la troisime dimension, la seule qui letat actuel russit donner

visibilit la conguration physique des installations urbaines selon les
niveaux expressifs qui lui rivalisent.

Il presente saggio parte del Progetto di Ricerca PRIN 2003 Architettura e luoghi
del Mediterraneo. Misura, analisi, storia, comprensione, valutazione per la gestione dei
processi formativi (sedi consorziate: Milano, Napoli, Brescia, Genova), Unit Operativa
di Reggio Calabria Alfabeti mediterranei. Architetture e luoghi dellabitare, i cui esiti
sono pubblicati nel volume Massimo Giovannini, Spazi e culture del Mediterraneo, Roma,
2006. Dello stesso saggio fanno parte i contributi degli archh. Gabriella Falcomat e
Domenico Tosto. Per uno studio pi approfondito della citt si veda il n 9 2001 di Icaro,
Collana del Dipartimento di Architettura e Analisi della Citt Mediterranea, curato da
Gaetano Ginex, Nefta Citt-oasi dello Chott El Djrid, Roma 2001 a tuttoggi lunico volume
monograco su Nefta. Si veda inoltre per un maggiore approfondimento il n 2- MarzoAprile 2000 della rivista bimestrale di architettura e urbanistica Controspazio dal titolo:
La citt mediterranea I e il n 3 Maggio-Giugno 2000 dal titolo: La citt mediterranea II. In
particolare si veda sul n 3 2000, Massimo Giovannini, La citt-oasi di Nefta, Breve cronaca
di un viaggio di studio.

Lessai prsent fait partie du Projet de Recherche PRIN 2003 Architecture et endroits de
la Mditerrane. Mesure, analyse, histoire, comprhension, valuation pour la gestion
des procs formatifs, siges runis en consortium: Milano, Napoli, Brescia, Genova, Unit
Oprationnelle de Reggio Calabria Alphabets mditerranen. Architectures et endroits
de lhabiter les lequels rsultats sont publis dans le volume Massimo Giovannini, Spazi
e culture del Mediterraneo, Rome, 2006. Du mme essai ils font partie les contributions
des archh. Gabriella Falcomat et Domenico Tosto. Pour une tude plus approfondie de
la ville il se voie le n 9 2001 dIcaro, Collier du Dpartement dArchitecture et Analyse de
la Ville Mditerranenne, soign par Gaetano Ginex, Nefta Citt-oasi dello Chott El Djrid,
Rome 2001 tout aujourdhui le volume monographique unique sur Nefta. Il se voie
pour le plus grand approfondissement en outre le n 2 - Mars-avril 2000 du magazine
bimestriel darchitecture et urbanisme Controspazio du titre: La citt mediterranea
I. et le n 3-Mai-juin 2000 du titre: La citt mediterranea II. Il se voie sur le n 3 2000
en particulier, Massimo Giovannini, La citt-oasi di Nefta, Breve cronaca di un viaggio di


Connatre le lieu avant dintervenir

Conocer el lugar antes de intervenir
Knowledge prior to intervention


Connatre le lieu avant dintervenir

Conocer el lugar antes de intervenir
Knowledge prior to intervention

Habitat traditionnel : patrimoine en

cours de disparition dans la valle du
Todrha ( Sud Marocain)

Mohamed Naim*, Mustapha Abdechafk**


Professeur Assistant : Facult Poly-Disciplinaire, Sa, Universit Cadi

Ayyad Marrakech, Maroc.
Doctorat de Gographie Humaine et Amnagement Rural, Universit
de Nice Sophia Antipolis, France . Sous le titre de : La migration
internationale de travail et les transformations socio-spatiales dans les
oasis prsahariennes du Maroc : le cas de la valle du Todrha.
** Doctorant, le thme de recherche : Urbanisation dans loasis du
Adresse postale:
22 rue, n11 bis Quartier Anas 46000 Sa, Maroc.
Adresse courrier lectronique:

Quelques qsour seulement, voire des ruines des qsour, tmoignent
encore dun patrimoine et dune mmoire collective locale de la valle
du Todrha. Cet habitat (traditionnel) oasien prsente des symboles dune
architecture originale. Il est un espace de vie collective rpondant la
fois une organisation politique dautodfense et une organisation
sociale visant faire respecter la segmentation sociale. Le qsar de ce
fait est dtermin par sa position dfensive, sa proximit de leau et des
terres agricole au long de la valle. Malheureusement, aujourdhui ce
patrimoine ne signie quun simple tas de terre dans la majorit des
cas. A chaque fois que le qsar abandonn par ses occupants, tombe
trs vite en ruine gure n1 et 2.
Les premiers signes de lexplosion du qsar remontent surtout aux annes
30. Mais, labandon du qsar ne sest accentu qu partir des annes 60.
De nombreux facteurs se sont combins pour acclrer lclatement du
qsar et sa ruine, tels que lexplosion dmographique, linstauration de la
scurit, louverture de la valle sur lextrieur, lapparition des activits
non-agricoles, les revenus de la migration internationale, laspiration
aux bonnes conditions dhabitat.
Plusieurs organismes (PAM, PNUD, UNESCO) et responsables du
gouvernement ont tir la sonnette dalarme pour sauvegarder et
valoriser ce patrimoine oasien irremplaable.
La premire tentative de classement, de la sauvegarde et de la
rhabilitation de lhabitat oasien remonte 1945, concernant la qasbah
de Taourirt Ouarzazate, et en 1968-1974 a t pilote par Programme
Alimentaire Mondial (PAM) mais na pas vu le jour, en raison de larrt
prmaturment du programme en question.
Le gouvernement marocain est son tour soucieux de prserver cette
architecture traditionnelle en insistant sur sa valeur pour la promotion

touristique et son symbole culturel lchelle locale, rgionale, nationale

et internationale. Ainsi, en 1989 le Ministre des Aaires Culturelles du
Maroc a mis en place Ouarzazate, en collaboration avec le Programme
des Nations Unies pour le Dveloppement (PNUD), le Centre de
Conservation et de Rhabilitation des Kasbahs du Sud (CERKAS).
La mission de ce centre est de sensibiliser et dorienter les autorits
et la population locale valoriser le savoir faire local en matire de
la technique de construction en pis. Malheureusement, les rsultats
sont encore trs minimes pour diverses raisons. La question qui se pose
faut-il mener des stratgies beaucoup plus oprationnelles et plus
globales ?
I- Qsour de la valle du Todrha : tat des lieux
I-1 Dnition du ksar
Le qsar, irhrem est aussi un ensemble dhabitations traditionnelles
colles les unes contre les autres entour dune muraille. Souvent, il
porte une forme, rectangulaire ou carre, est limite aux angles par
des tours de guet conues pour la surveillance de la cit et des terres
agricoles proximit. Cet habitat tait caractris par son extension
verticale, trois niveaux au minimum. Les constructions sont leves en
hauteur pour rpondre quatre objectifs : le premier tait la dfense, le
second lconomie de lespace constructible le troisime ladaptation
la rudesse du climat et enn le reet de la cohrence de la vie collective
de la socit oasienne (dailleurs le qsar est luvre collective dune
socit harmonieusement adapte son milieu. Il doit son existence
la cohrence conomique, sociale et culturelle de la socit oasienne).
Dune manire gnrale la dure dun qsar tait limite, soit environ 4
8 gnrations vraisemblablement de 100 200 ans).
A cot des qsour, en plus des marabouts, on rencontre des dices
portant des signes architecturaux et des techniques de fondations
semblables ceux des dices intra-muros ; il sagit des citadelles,
tirhrematine pl. tirhremt et des qasbahs .
Lt. G. Raclot souligne que Dans le sud du Todra, quelques grands ksour
carrs ont un aspect extrieur assez impressionnant avec leurs tages, leurs
murailles leves, leurs tours et leurs portes dentre monumentales... .
Gnralement, les tours de guet rectangulaires et pyramidales portent
des dcors et des signes qui donnent un aspect esthtique au ksar.
I-1-1 Plan du qsar :
A lintrieur de lensemble forti, se trouvent des espaces et des
dices collectifs. Souvent, lentre du qsar, une petite place constitue
un lieu de communication et de relais avec lextrieur (dokan). Celle-ci
est quipe de banquettes, tenait souvent lieu dendroit de rencontres,
et dune mangeoire destine au taureau communautaire. Ensuite, on
arrive un espace public o se droulaient de multiples activits. Les
autres domaines communautaires sont la mosque et ses annexes, la
maison dhte, le puits, le grenier.
Des artres principales ont pris naissances dans la place
multifonctionnelle. Plusieurs artres traversent le qsar, dbouchant sur
des petites places qui desservent des impasses menant au fond des
quartiers et des maisons, sous forme de galeries couvertes dans la
majorit des cas, seulement quelques puits darations apparaissent
au niveaux des carrefours.
I-2 Etat des lieux des qsour :


Connatre le lieu avant dintervenir

Conocer el lugar antes de intervenir
Knowledge prior to intervention

Les enqutes eectues le mois fvrier et mars 2007 ont bien montrs
que ltat des qsour de saggraver de plus en plus surtout au bas Todrha,
comme le montre le tableau n2.
Plusieurs facteurs se sont combins pour lacclration ou le freinage
de la dgradation des qsour. Le degr de chaque facteur varie dune
commune lautre, et dun qsar lautre, voire dun quartier de qsar
lautre. Certains facteurs sont omniprsents dans tous les qsour.
En eet, daprs les chires gurant sur les deux tableaux ci-dessus
permettent relativement de classer ces facteurs par ordre dimpotence.
En gnral, la dgradation et labandon ne cesse de croitre depuis
plusieurs dcennies.
II- Stratgie de la rhabilitation des qsour
Face cette dgradation des qsour qui ne cesse pas de croitre ; seule la
vision globale, et la volont des dirents intervenants peuvent freiner
cette hmorragie. Egalement, seule la valorisation et la sauvegarde
pourraient intgrer ce patrimoine architectural dans une vie courante.
La premire tape de la stratgie de rhabilitation que nous proposons
porte sur la ncessit de la ralisation dune tude axe sur ltat actuel
de lhabitat intra-muros.
La seconde est axe sur la classication des direntes habitations par
groupe dtat doccupation et de construction.
La troisime tape consiste la mise en place dune cellule de rexion
et de conception des projets, plutt des fonctions convenables.
La quatrime tape ncessite la sensibilisation des qsouriens sur
limportance conomique et sociale de la rhabilitation. La ralisation
dun projet pilote vrie notre sens les eets dune telle action.
Vu limportance des transferts des ressortissants marocains ltranger
(RME), lorganisation dun atelier visant leurs sensibilisations investir
dans la rhabilitation pour des ns conomiques.
Aussi, lorganisation dun atelier de formation en faveur des artisans
ayant un savoir-faire en matire de la construction traditionnelle.
Les habitations qui feront lobjet de rhabilitation ncessitent un
ensemble de procdure, telles que la sensibilisation des propritaires
et des occupants, la rgularisation de statut foncier, la dtermination
de projet, la mise en place dune infrastructure de base. La russite de
tel projet ncessite une conception intgre et globale, en raison de
linteraction des espaces ainsi que des intrts antagonistes.
Les activits touristiques, commerciales et artisanales semblent tre
par excellence les plus adaptables la survie de ce patrimoine. De
nombreux projets de transformation des habitations en nouvelle
fonction dans la valle du Todrha, tels les htels, les htes, les activits
artisanales, les centres culturels,.....en tmoignent. Jusqu prsent,
le peu de ses ralisations sont le fruit des initiatives individuelles trs
On compte aussi dans la valle quelques citadelles et maisons
traditionnelles ayant fait lobjet dune rhabilitation, dun amnagement
et de reconversion une nouvelle fonction aprs avoir perdu leurs
fonctions initiales. Quelques travaux ont t eectus lintrieur, tels
les transformations internes, linstallation de conduites deau, de salles
de bain, des toilettes, le revtement du sol... le raccordement au rseau
de llectricit publique, etc...).
La non-rnovation de ce patrimoine est synonyme de la disparition de
cette richesse et de savoir-faire de la population oasienne. Son entretien
ncessite des moyens humains et nanciers. En outre, la sauvegarde
de cet habitat exige quil soit occup et entretenue dune manire
permanente. Mais, il est trs dicile dassurer chaque habitation une


fonction et une intgration dans la vie courante.

III- Rhabilitation : apport socio-culturel et conomique
Lhabitat traditionnel prsente une potentialit conomique et culturale
assez riche. Ainsi, la rhabilitation et lamnagement de ce patrimoine
restant encore en bon tat simposent.
Cette rhabilitation doit accompagner de la mise en place dune
infrastructure lmentaire (llectricit leau potable, rseau
dassainissement). La valorisation de ce patrimoine architectural
contribue aussi bien la cration de plusieurs emplois direct et indirect
qu la croissance conomique et la sauvegarde de ce savoir-faire. Sans
oublier qu chaque opration permet la valorisation de la catgorie
professionnelle relative cet habitat.
A linstar de direntes rgions marocaines, la motivation conomique
demeure le facteur catalyseur de la rhabilitation et lamnagement
de lhabitat traditionnel. Aujourdhui, on compte quelques habitations
traditionnelles ayant bncis de cette raectation pour assurer une
activit touristique et artisanale gure n3.

Lhabitat traditionnel traduit le savoir-faire de la population oasienne.
La dgradation rapide de ce patrimoine ncessite la concentration des
eorts et la bonne volont des dirents intervenants et organismes
pour sauver la mmoire collective de la population oasienne. Seul,
la reconversion en activits gnratrices de revenus peut inciter et
motiver les propritaires, les investisseurs la valorisation des qsour.
Certes, aujourdhui, on assiste une vre de reconversion de lhabitat
traditionnelle au niveau national quinternational en activit touristique
et artisanale aprs avoir perdu sa fonction initiale. Cette stratgie
permet de nombreux espaces gographiques une dynamique socioconomique et culturelle. Par ailleurs, la rhabilitation assure galement
le retour et la valorisation de la catgorie socioprofessionnelle ayant un
savoir-faire en matire de lhabitat traditionnel.
AIT HAMZA (M), 1992 : Lhabitat dans le Dadds et le rle de lmigration dans son volution
rcente. 3me rencontre universitaire Maroco-Nerlandaise, srie : colloques et sminaires
n22, Rabat.
BCHNER (J.H), 1991: Le village post-qsourien des Ait Atta du Bas Todra (Maroc
prsaharien) et limpact du droit coutumier. In le nomade, loasis et la ville, URBAMA, fasc.
20, Tours.
CHKOUKOUT (B), 1995 : Les formes de lhabitat urbain Ouarzazate (Maroc). Thse du
doctorat, universit Paris Nord XIII, France.
HAMMOUDI (A), 1974 : Lvolution de lhabitat dans la valle du Dra. In R.G.M. n18.
MENNESSON, 1965: Ksour du Talalet. In R.G.M. n8.
NACIRI (M), 1988: Regards sur lvolution de la citadinit au Maroc : lvolution des rapports
villes-campagnes au Maghreb, publication de FLSH, Rabat.
NAIM (M), 1996 : La migration internationale et les transformations socio-spatiales dans les
oasis prsahariennes du Maroc : Le cas de la valle du Todrha. Thse du doctorat, universit
de Nice.
NOIN (D), 1965: Types dhabitat dans les campagnes du Maroc. In R.G.M. n8.
PASCON (P), 1968: Type dhabitat et problme damnagement du territoire au Maroc. In
R.G.M. n13.
RACLOT (Lt) 1936: La valle du Todra. In RGM, n20.

Connatre le lieu avant dintervenir

Conocer el lugar antes de intervenir
Knowledge prior to intervention

Tableau n1 : Etat du patrimoine architectural dans loasis Torda


Rive gauche

Rive droite

Habit %

Ruin %

A rcuprer %

Habit %

Ruin %

A rcuprer %

Todrha El Oulya






Municipalit Tinerhir







Todrha Soua





Enqute ralise en fvrier mars 2007 par Abdechak (M), Naim (M).

Tableau n2 : Etat du patrimoine architectural dans loasis Todrha


Rive gauche

Rive droite

Habit %

Ruin %

A rcuprer %

Habit %

Ruin %












Todrha El Oulya
Municipalit Tinerhir

A rcuprer %

Todrha Soua













Tableau n 3 : Les facteurs ayant acclrs et/ou freins la dgradation

et labandon des qsour selon les communes et les rives
Todrha El Oulya

Rive gauche

Rive droite

1-engagement prcoce dans le systme migratoire international,

1-proximit de gorge du Todrha (site touristique),

2-absence des terrains btir

2- immigration interne,

3- lloignement du centre urbain,

3-occupation permanente,

4- inaccessibilit des qsour en voiture,

4-projet dune activit touristique,...

5-exode rural,

5-inexistence des terrains btir

6-attraction des axes routiers,

7- valeur immobilire faible, voire nulle.

Remarque : les raisons de la dgradation des qsour de la municipalit sont

identiques celles de la commune du Todrha.

1- transformation en lieu dactivits touristiques, commerciales,

2-occupation des habitations par les nouveaux immigrs,
3-spculation immobilire et foncire,
4-raret des terrains btir,
6-situation des qsour dans le centre de Tinerhir chef-leu de la valle

Todrha Soua

1-engagement prcoce dans le systme migratoire international,

Remarque : facteurs identiques la rive gauche.

2-abondance des terrains btir,

3-loignement du centre urbain de Tinerhir,
4-valeur immobilire faible, voire nulle,
5-attraction des axes routiers,
6-exode rural.

1-engagement tardif dans le systme migratoire international,

Remarque : facteurs identiques la rive gauche.

2-existence des terrains btir en dehors de lenceinte,

3-exode rural,
4- valeur immobilire faible, voire nulle,
5- loignement du centre urbain de Tinerhir.
Facteurs communs des trois

1-Revenus migratoires,

Remarque : facteurs identiques la rive gauche.

2-mutations socio-conomiques,
3-amliorations des conditions de vie,
4-maison en bton arm signe de russite sociale,
5-conditions naturelles (pluies, inondations,
6-inconscience de la valeur de patrimoine,
7-croissance des familles nuclaire,
8-absence de sensibilisation sur le patrimoine,
9-dvalorisation de lhabitat traditionnel.

Remarque : les facteurs ayant particips visiblement aux freinages de la dgradation des qsour apparaissent sur la rive droite, en particulier dans le centre de Tinerhir et le qsar de Tizgui. Par
contre, les facteurs ayant acclrs la dgradation gurent sur la rive gauche.


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Characteristics of Vernacular
Architecture in Bodrum Peninsula.
A Case Study: Ortakent and Bitez
Dr. Nezih R. Aysel
Asst. Prof.

This paper aims to examine the dominant features of local architecture

in Bodrum peninsula according to the results of the research on two
neighbouring settlements.
Ortakent and Bitez, which are subject to this paper, are typical
settlements which presents urban, spatial and structural properties of
all house types still keeping the characteristic properties in Bodrum
The common feature of both villages is their location. They are settled
far away from the shore. Due to the general tendency of not developing
a life on the coast and allocating plain areas to citrus gardens, the village
centers were built close to crossroads of the neighbouring villages.
Main dierence between these two settlements is their topographical
features. Ortakent is built on the side of the Mandra hill which forms
a natural border between these two settlements. On the other hand,
Bitez is built on a valley wide in range.
In aerial views of the settlements, there are three areas that can be
observed clearly. These three areas, which also characterize the whole
peninsula, can simply be called Village Centers (Koyici), Citrus Gardens
(Bahe) and Seaside (Yali). [see gure 1]
The residential area has been developed as small village centers. The
streets -narrow in size- are integrated with topography of the area. The
borders of the streets are the walls of the houses and gardens.
In Bodrum, those who do not make their living through the sea, earn
it through the citrus gardens. These people are not much concerned
about sea or seaside.
The citrus gardens are separated from each other by cypress trees
which were planted on a long line because of the wind-sprinkles
from the sea. Cypress trees functioning as natural borders between
citrus gardens are also one of the main characteristic elements of the
landscape, particularly in Bitez.
There are also arks (azmak) within the citrus garden area. During the
seasons of heavy rains, these arks are ooded; they are also a signicant
part of citrus garden landscape.
The coastline called Seaside (Yali) had not been used for settling until
the re-discovery of the areas for touristic purposes.
Houses of the region reect dominant architectural features of the
peninsula. Main characteristics of the houses are based on their
building materials.
Due to geological structure of the peninsula, the main material of the
construction is stone which characterizes Bodrum and its architecture
and also is the basic element of interrelation between architecture and
There are also other natural materials such as wood, soil (aktoprak &
geren) and wicker (kargi) used in the construction of the houses. Wood


is a rare and costly material to build houses.

All houses are built with stone walls and earth roofs. There are no
interior walls made up of stone. Most houses are built in similar size and
dimension. The repetition in size and ratios led architectural coherence
within the peninsula.
The houses have been built out of necessity and developed according
to varying needs in time. Social structure and traditions have an
inevitable role in this process.
Adding new constructions inside the courtyards of the houses is a
common social feature in Anatolia where families have a patriarchal
These new houses or additional rooms built close to the outer side
of the courtyard without preventing its utilization, have the same
architectural features as in the past.
Courts are the front parts of the houses. One enters the house through
courtyard in which there are various fruit trees. There is usually a small
stable adjacent the house. Thus, the families in the house produce their
own fruit, vegetable and animal products on daily basis. This is also the
reason why no one builds his house in the middle of the courtyard
which has vital importance and the houses are built at the side of the
courtyard opening to the road. [See gure 2]
The houses have no kitchen and lavatory. Lavatory is built in a farthest
corner at the courtyard. Today, these facilities have been constructed as
an additional space of houses.
The houses are accessed through a courtyard which is locally called
sofa or hayat. Sofa which is accessed through a few steps of stairs from
courtyard, is paved with stone and surrounded by a wall. And also it is
enriched with a replace and niches.
Sofa, in a sense, is the equivalent of room in the courtyard. Therefore, it
can be said that there are two parts of a house: Sofa and Room.
Bodrum houses have two types of rooms with similar dimensions and
plans. These are main room and ground room (yer evi).
Ground room functions as kitchen of the house. This room is separated
from the sofa by a step or a sill. The direct connection between the
entrance of the house and the sofa makes it possible to use this space
as a service area.
There is a replace wall on the right or left of the entrance door,
depending on the position of the house. There are niches on each side
of the replace. On the corner of the replace wall, there is the bathing
niche called yunmalik. The ritual ablution is performed in this circular
space in which only one person can stand or sit.
The main room of the house is designed more carefully as it functions
as the living room. It is also the room with the highest ceiling. With
its planning features and related components, this room is a simple
sample of a room of a Turkish house.
There is also a replace which is smaller than the one in the ground
room. There are windows or a cabinet niches on each side of the
replace. [See gure 3]
According to the combination of rooms all over the peninsula
settlements, house types can be listed in three general categories:
houses with musandira, Chios (Sakiz) type houses and tower houses.
During the eld study, there has been found other houses which can
be categorized as mixed type house.
Houses with musandira are the most common type of houses analyzed

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during the eld study. In these houses, main room and ground room
have mostly been separated by a closet (yukluk). The closet which is
used upstairs and functions as a spacious container is called musandira
in many parts of Anatolia.
The main room is separated from the ground room by a height of 1.20
1.50 m. The bottom part of the room is connected to the ground room
and is used as a storehouse with a low ceiling.
The staircase connecting the room to the upper part of the house
typically leans against the longer wall of the house, just beside the
entrance door.
In some houses, below the ground room there is another space of 1.201.50 m in height. Access to this space is through the upper house and
is used for putting the mattresses, bed sheets and bed linens etc in. It
is also called musandira.
Houses with musandira are the type of houses usually built by the
people who work in agriculture.
In research eld, there are houses built one or half-a-oor above the
ground oor, in which the rooms are placed on the same plane. The
plans of this type of house have similar features as the houses with
musandira; they are built above the store oor or the stable oor. [see
gure 4]

AKURA, Necva-Turul. 1972, Kasaba leinde evre Deerlerini Koruma Amal Bir nceleme:
Bodrum, Mimarlk 72/8. S. 106, stanbul: 6571,
AREL, Ayda. 1988, Bodrum Yarmadasnn Ortakent (eski Msgebi) Kynde Bulunan Mustafa
Paa Kulesi Hakknda, VI. Aratrma Sonular Toplants. Ankara: 35-78.
AYSEL, Nezih R.. 2006, Bodrum: Msgebi / Ortakent (Bir Mimari nceleme) stanbul, Arkeoloji
ve Sanat Yaynlar.
BEKTA, Cengiz. 1983, Halk Yap Sanatndan Bir rnek: BODRUM. stanbul, APA Yaynevi.
FERAH, Dilek. 1993, Geleneksel Bodrum Mimarsi ve Gnmz Konut Mimarsine Etkileri.
(Yaynlanmam Y. Lisans Tezi. M.S.. Fen Bilimleri Enstits. Yrtc: Prof. Dr. Perihan
MANSUR, Fatma. 1972, BODRUM: A town in the Aegean. Leiden, E.J. Brill.
MANSUR, Fatma. 1999, Dn-Bugn BODRUM. stanbul, Ana Yaynclk A..

Chios (Sakz) type houses are less common type in the area. This type
of house is preferred by those in touch with sea and is usually located
near the seaside.
The size of these houses is close to the type of musandira houses. It
has two oors. The plan consists of two or three bedrooms separated
by stone walls.
Tower houses were built for defence against danger of pirate attacks as
in any of the Aegean Islands and along the coastline.
This type of houses looks like a small castle with its closed structure to
the outside eects. They have small windows that cannot be reached
from outside, high massing, tilting entrance bridge, battlements and
gun stands. In purpose of defense, all additional chambers (toilet,
storehouse...etc) are placed within the construction unlike other houses
in the region.
In all housing types, there is a similarity between the dimensions, which
is a result of limited material. The room is the repetitive spatial unit. The
only dierence in houses can be seen in organization of the interior.
Although the materials, construction methods, spatial and
constructional structures are the same, the architectural features have
been interpreted dierently in each house. And this, in turn, provided a
unique quality for each house.
The integration of the houses with nature and surrounding and the
neighborhood relations are actually the main features of pre-mentioned
Such kind of a building tradition still has very important architectural
values, with its spatial features, integration with nature and environment,
local identity and rational solutions. Elimination and demolishment
of these examples is a great and irreversible loss in the name of the
cultural heritage.


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[gure 1]: Layers of urban patterns in Bitez

[gure 2] Plan and section of typical quarter in Ortakent


[gure 3] Room types in typical house

[gure 4] The most common type of houses: Houses with Musandira

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Traditional Syrian Architecture:

Ottoman and French Mandate (Form,
Sociology and Inspiration)

Nuhad Abdallah / AUSR

Professor of Architecture & Urban Planning ; founder and Dean of
the Faculty of Architecture (1994 - 2000) ; researcher in the led of
urban heritage ; author of many publications and articles in the eld
of heritage , architecture , urban planning & Environment ;academic
expert to the European Commission ( Tempus) , Syrian counterpart for
Several international projects with the European Union and the World
102 March 8St., P.O Box 456, Lattakia , Syria
E-mail address:
00963 64 447 847

Syrian traditional architecture is considered the outcome of an
accumulated knowledge for the inhabitants of this region since the
rst habitat of man. In spite of all eastern and western civilized changes
that passed by this architecture, it has been able to establish a common
architectural pattern that is compatible with the environmental
condition (climate, building materials); responsive to social requirement
as per its varied cultural and religious components and fullling the
economic function for its lifestyles (urban, rural, Bedouin).
The following types of houses could be recognized:
Two types of houses could be recognized in the cities:
1- Single or multiple interior spaces house (Arabic House),
2- Central Hall House Lebanese House.
While in the countryside, the followings could be distinguished:
1. Gallery House,
2. Liwan House,
3. Courtyard House.
Whereas in the steppe, the tent is considered the main residential unit
where the life of grazing and moving is carried out.
As per building materials, the economic factor and the abundance of
materials are the main deners for building techniques. The abundance
of stones in Aleppo has made stone architecture prevailing while it is
considered a characteristic for a wealthy architecture compared with
adjacent clay architecture in Damascus.
In rural areas, stone of dierent kinds is used due to their availability.

However, treated and raw clay is used in dierent forms and techniques
from one region to another.
Characteristics of Traditional Architecture:
The general characteristic for the architecture of traditional houses
in cities is openness onto the interior courtyard opulent with its
architectural elements (openings , consoles ,galleries , cornices ) , and
nature ( trees , roses , fountains ) seeking privacy and security within
conservative religious communities where a big family lives within its
several rooms and shares the same services . Whereas it is closed to the
exterior in which bay and narrow windows and doors are considered as
a functional linking elements with the exterior rather than an aesthetic
Traditional architecture has withstood coming architectural types until
the mid of the 19th century; however the most remarkable inuences
were through the shapes of openings, arches and other decorative
elements that these orders had carried.
Nevertheless, architectural orders that could be examined in public
buildings such as mosques, schools, asylums, bathes, public buildings
are patently clear and dier from one epoch to another such as
Umayyad, Abbasid, Seljuks , Ayyubids, Fatimids, Mamlukes , Ottoman ,
French and European mandates .
Ottoman Era and its Impact on Syrian Traditional Architecture
Never was the Ottoman style (1516-1920) in a state of inconsistency
with the historical context of the Islamic civilization. Nevertheless, it
was the changing of powers within the Islamic State that had produced
and spotlighted this style, which was evolved and integrated within
the historical context of the Islamic style. Thus, it has never been
the result of a civilized style of paramount importance in terms of
concept, architecture, and urbanism as the case in the Roman and
Byzantine styles or the modern colonial style. On the contrary, Islamic
territories were superior on dierent levels; therefore the Islamic city
had maintained its general composition and the local traditional
architecture had secured its superiority over the Ottoman architecture
due to its consistency and environmental compatibility. The Ottoman
style architecture for residential purposes inuenced by the Byzantine
architecture which was t into cold areas - was not suitable to the dry
and hot areas in Syria
Moreover, the Ottoman era did not bring economic and social prosperity
to Syria. On the contrary, social and economic situations had declined
thus many cities were deteriorated and long periods of economic
crises had prevailed .Therefore Ottoman inuences were cantered on
main cities such as Damascus and Aleppo since they were political
and economic capitals thus Ottoman architectural monuments had
been located in these cities such as Al-Tkkiyeh mosque, Darwish pasha
Mosque, Al Snanieh Mosque, the Sibaiieh School, Khan Assad Pasha ,
Al-Hamidieh and Medhat
Pasha markets, etc., in Damascus, Ottoman and Al-khasrawyiah school
in Aleppo, governments palaces in dierent Syrian Cities.
However, Ottoman inuences were patently clear on the architecture
of public buildings such as mosques, Khans, schools, Tkiyyeh AlSuleimanya Mosque during the Ottoman era. It was of Seljuk style in
the early stages ( Brusia Style which was distinguished with covering
the courtyards with vaults ) and of Ottoman architectural characteristics
( 16-17 Centuries) vaults, conic minarets ,religious complexes ) while
in the late Ottoman stages , it had lost its immunity against the


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Architectural European inuences ( Baroque and Rococo) , decorative

elements and building techniques( 18th century ).However, since
the middle of the 19th century the architecture of religious buildings
deteriorated in Syria whereas the architecture of palaces and public
buildings such as hotels , trains, hospitals had started to ourish instead
thus the type of architecture was changed into an Islamic composition
( Ottoman, Local , European ) , notable example among these is AlHijaz station . This stage is considered the beginning of inuence on
traditional architecture in Syria as a result for the increase of cultural and
European inuences on the society.
French Mandate and its Impact on the Traditional Architecture
in Syria:
With the French Mandate (1920-1946) Syria has underwent economic,
social and political changes which the colonial and European project
had carried ; moving with the third world economies to the capitalism
system; putting an end to the forms of political and religious feudalism
and their social consequences; reforming the Ottoman estates
according to a new concepts through the creation of an institutional
state governed by modern laws and legislations in which state and
religion are separate and support liberated classes from inherited
Thus, the mandate accelerated European and cultural inuences that
had started to invade Syria since the 19th century through trade and
direct contact with European communities (Aleppo) thus directly
reected upon the urban city planning in Syria and on its traditional
architecture. The districts of European planning started to attract
wealthy families to go outside the boundaries of the old cities
which were built according to a modern architectural style with fully
equipped apartments for small families (electricity, telephones, water
and sewage). Thus , forming an architectural style that is inconsistent
with the traditional architecture and is characterized by openness
to the exterior with facades decorated with architectural elements
of European ( Mediterranean ) style of which triple arch facades,
balconies, and big windows are among their main vocabularies ; and
with clear easement laws for regulating its buildings. However, this
style has prevailed the urban and rural areas in Syria throughout the
coming centuries.
The traditional architecture in Syria has been tremendously aected
by these changes; its buildings were neglected inside and outside
the old cities and they were subject to demolition and replacement.
Moreover, the number of artisans working on their maintenance had
decreased and the availability of required raw materials became rare
consequently increasing their costs. Therefore, these traditional districts
have been transformed into residential areas for the poor. Besides,
some of their tissues had underwent destruction since it had been
worked on providing wider roads inside these districts according to
irresponsible master plans , not to mention that providing new services
such as electricity , and telephones had led to the deformation of their
general view.
Though the French Mandate authorities were concerned with the
architectural heritage in Syria through issuing developed protection
legislations; working on making new master plans for the cities outside
the centres of the great historic cities such as Damascus and Aleppo
whereas securing the existence of an isolated areas around them
and planning new districts according to modern European concepts.
However, this has not been applied to small cities where French


planning policies had led to tearing out many traditional architectural

tissues to make roads and provide new services.
However, the French interests have been clearly shown in architectural
heritage through the establishment of centres for oriental studies
which worked on the study and documentation of many of it. But this
concern was conned to the historic and archaeological buildings and
their protection therefore it could not protect urban and rural traditional
architecture from deterioration
The French mandate period has witnessed a development in the
architecture of public buildings thus new schools have spread out in
the biggest Syrian cities ( Damascus , Aleppo , Lattakia ) and functional
buildings have emerged which were not common to the Syrian society
such as casinos ( Lattakia ) modern hotels , hospitals which were run by
European delegations , and many governmental buildings.
Ottoman architecture could not inuence the traditional architecture
as regard concept and function, but there can be no doubt that it has
enriched it with architectural vocabularies and techniques such as
the use of domes , intersecting vaults , and arches which were not
common in Syria. They were transferred through the architecture of
mosques, religious schools, Khans, public fountains, Tkiyyeh mosques
etc., which were not a mere architectural patterns, but they came
as a development and amendments to the originally rich Islamic
architecture that had preceded it.
Of paramount importance is the large inclination towards
ornamentation (arabesque) by using Arabic lines and geometric and
plant ornamentation. Moreover, it could be noticed that many of the
Ottoman architecture had relied on the original bases in the Syrian
traditional architecture especially the architecture of palaces such as
Azem Palace which was an Ottoman example for the Arabic House
with all its parts and functions but with Ottoman aesthetic features.
Whereas the inuence of the French Mandate had gone too far to the
extent that traditional architecture was abandoned and conned to
the boundaries of the old cities. This is reverted to the nature of the
economic, social and political project the mandate carried with it; the
scientic and technical revolution that had accompanied this stage
and the development of building techniques and materials. Thus a
new phase of architecture has started which relied on new techniques
in planning and regulations outside the historic cities that could be
described with openness to the exterior world and interest in facades
and public facilities in addition to the emergence of new types of
buildings that accompanied the new requirements of this boom.

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Damascus Khan asad Pacha


Lattakia Casino

Sulamaniyah complex - Damascus


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El inventario de bienes patrimoniales de

la medina de tetun

Ma ngeles Ruiz Jimnez

Licenciada en Historia del Arte, Investigadora Pre-Doctoral en el Departamento de Geografa Humana, UCM. Becaria FPU, MEC.
Miembro del Observatorio Nacional del Turismo Cultural en Destinos
Patrimoniales. Departamento de Geografa Humana, UCM.
Beca de Investigacin y de Formacin de Profesorado Universitario
(2006-2007) MEC.Instituto Cervantes de Tetun (Marruecos), AECI,
MAE, Espaa.
Beca de Investigacin y de Formacin de Profesorado Universitario
(2005-2006). Instituto Andaluz de Patrimonio Histrico, Consejera de
Junta de Andaluca.
Direccin postal:
C/Corredera Baja de San Pablo 15 3 izq A Esc.Ext. 28004 Madrid
Direccin de correo electrnico:

El trabajo de inventariar bienes patrimoniales ha constituido, desde los

principios de la Historia del Arte en Europa como disciplina acadmica y
profesional all en el s.XIX, una de las dedicaciones principales a las que
se han dedicado los esfuerzos en la materia. Su n era el de proceder al
conocimiento, organizacin, clasicacin y estudio de los bienes que se
han considerado, a travs de estas primeras cribas de corte elitista, ms
destacados para la representacin de una comunidad en un tiempo y
un espacio determinado. Esta labor ha sentado las bases de lo que hoy
conocemos e identicamos, adscritos a unas determinadas categoras,
como el patrimonio histrico o cultural (segn como se adjetive en la
legislacin o convenciones que lo regulan) de nuestros pueblos.
Pero el estudio, la gestin y tutela del patrimonio cultural hoy en da,
a travs de la experiencia acumulada en su administracin y en buena
medida en respuesta a los retos a los que se ha visto expuesto nuestro
legado, ha alcanzado un estado superior con respecto a estos primeros
orgenes tericos y metodolgicos: la diversicacin. La diversicacin,
llammosle as, interna y externa. Interna, en la medida en la que se ha
pasado de una clsica divisin de los bienes (concebidos antao como
elementos materiales) entre arquitectnicos, escultricos, pictricos y
suntuarios bienes inmuebles y muebles- hacia una visin mucho ms
amplia, hbrida y enriquecedora que abarca no slo los bienes materiales
con una reductiva clasicacin, sino tambin clasicaciones com o los
Conjuntos Histricos o centros histricos, de forma general y abarcante,
o los inmateriales, y como relacin entrambos los signicados no
visibles, usos, creencias, e ideas moduladoras que han ido construyendo
de forma evolutiva lo que vemos y vivimos culturalmente.


De forma externa, y directamente relacionado con estas

transformaciones en la teora y mtodo de inventariado hemos de
ubicar la multidisciplinariedad. La cultura, an la estandarizada, es
una parcela de trabajo en todas sus vertientes difcil de moldear y
sistematizar, y como producto social es ampliamente inuenciable.
El reto de la nueva planicacin y gestin cultural pasa por la
multidisciplinariedad, por el trabajo conjunto no slo de los
profesionales ms directamente relacionados al tema a tratar:
arquelogos, historiadores del arte, etngrafos, historiadores, etc.
sino del trabajo compartido con otros profesionales cuyas parcelas
de actividad son colindantes, si no soportes, de nuestra materia.
Gegrafos, arquitectos, urbanistas, y planicadores y gestores tursticos,
y muy especialmente estos campos dentro del apartado patrimonial
que en esta comunicacin vamos a trabajar: el legado arquitectnico y
urbano de uno de los modelos de ciudad mediterrnea por excelencia:
la medina, la ciudad antigua islmica.
El reto de plantear un modelo de inventario que fuera capaz de
dar respuestas a la encrucijada presente en la que se encuentran
nuestras ciudades heredadas, en el caso tratado las medinas histricas
hispanomarroques, se ha realizado con una perspectiva de trabajo
geogrca, multidimensional, secuencial y sistemtica.
El caso de estudio, la ciudad de Tetun, ofreca una base patrimonial de
gran envergadura. Declarada Patrimonio de la Humanidad en el ao
1997, contando con uno de los ejemplos de ciudad islmica tradicional
mejor conservados en el occidente del Mare Nostrum e irrepetible
por su idiosincrasia, ya que responde a un modelo de ciudad andalus
creada y recreada en diferentes etapas histricas bien conocidas hasta
la historia presente, y actualmente sujeta a una serie de cambios,
traducidos en serias amenazas, que hacen peligrar su estabilidad y
conservacin en un futuro prximo.
En el caso del patrimonio arquitectnico y urbano la respuesta para
la conservacin se encuentra en la funcionalidad, y en la red de
relaciones que los bienes establecen entre s y con su entorno prximo
(la escala de la ciudad histrica, como pieza funcional especca en
la urbe) y su contexto: geogrco, social, econmico y poltico. El
estudio del continente, con nes de conservacin y puesta en valor
o mantenimiento de usos para su rentabilidad socioeconmica, sin el
anlisis de estos contenidos, est abocado al fracaso.
Es necesario efectuar el salto, ya legalmente consolidado, de los
inventarios de patrimonio desde el mbito del estudio histrico y
cultural, o conservador, al anlisis proactivo, con formas urbansticas y
administrativas, hacia la planicacin y gestin pblica de los bienes.
El primer paso a dar a la hora de plantear un inventario como frmula
de anlisis para el diagnstico de un centro histrico determinado
es la denicin de la supercie a investigar, delimitar el espacio de
estudio. Qu parcela de la ciudad llamada histrica vamos a trabajar?
(palabra remanente de ese lenguaje clsico al que hacamos referencia
hablando del estudio del legado cultural, ya que histrica es toda la
ciudad irremediablemente).
En el caso de la ciudad de Tetun se ha seleccionado toda la ciudad
intramuros, la medina consolidada, y algunos elementos en su
entorno inmediato que la dotan de signicacin y de los que depende
funcionalmente o simblicamente, como la almacabra o algunas de las
azullas fundadoras situadas junto a la cerca, en la cornisa sur del Dersa,
la montaa que sostiene Tetun frente al Gorguez y el ro Martil.
El siguiente paso es la denicin de los tipos que compondrn la
taxonoma sobre la que se estructura en apartados el trabajo. En el

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caso del inventario de Tetun, se clasicaron las tipologas de bienes en

grandes bloques, con identicadores alfabticos:


Dentro de estos grandes bloques se alinean las tipologas arquitectnicas

y urbansticas que se han ido discerniendo a lo largo del estudio de los
principios morfogenticos que dan como resultado la ciudad islmica
De esta forma, dentro de los edicios religiosos que quedan
comprendidos en el trabajo se representan mezquitas, madrazas,
azullas, sinagogas, almacabras, musallas y hammamat. Entre los
clasicados como civiles y militares, la alcazaba, el mexuar, los cuarteles,
las mazmorras, las puertas (bab), torreones (borx) y murallas, y la
En el apartado de calles y plazas, con un formato especialmente
diferenciado, las clasicaciones del viario en arterias principales,
secundarias, terciarias y adarves, y las plazas, especialmente segn su
funcionalidad, ya que son el soporte de los zocos.
El grupo residencial se agrupa en un solo modelo de cha, primando
su funcionalidad sobre su lenguaje arquitectnico, aunque se discierne
entre casas y palacios, lmite, en la vivienda islmica, que se ha de leer
desde aspectos no solamente fsicos, sino tambin histricos y sociales
o tnicos.
Entre los clasicados como piezas industriales y comerciales en el
sistema econmico de la medina y con autonoma en su tejido funcional
y construido, se han clasicado tres tipos: alcaiceras, alhndigas y
curtiduras, ya que los bakalitos, numerossimos y susceptibles de
objetivarse en clasicaciones propias dentro de dos bloques bsicos:
artesanal y de distribucin, excedan el mbito temporal y los recursos
humanos con los que se afrontaba el trabajo.
Dentro del bloque patrimonial, y debido a su imbricacin como
infraestructura que alimenta y estructura fsica, econmica y socialmente
el espacio de la medina antigua se ha elaborado un modelo de cha
denominado Elementos Especiales, con nombre propio: Red Skundo.
El sistema de recogida, canalizacin y distribucin de aguas pblicas
de orgenes medievales an sigue funcionando, en rpido retroceso
y degradacin, en buena parte de la ciudad originaria. Elementos
fcilmente reconocibles y singularizables como las fuentes pblicas,
son terminales de este sistema.
Para nalizar el esquema arbreo en el que se formula el inventario,
restan por mencionar los Equipamientos Culturales y Tursticos que
se han injertado en la trama heredada. Como adaptacin al modelo
estudiado, y por su especicidad como equipamiento docente,
conservador y difusor, junto a los museos se incluy, al extramuros, la
Escuela de Artes y Ocios de Tetun.
Las estas, tradiciones y costumbres no se han obviado en el trabajo,
solo que normalmente permanecen ligadas a buena parte de los
continentes estudiados, por lo que, en la medida de lo posible (de lo
conocido y reconocido), se han adscrito al estudio pormenorizado de
los bienes en el inventario, y, en el caso de costumbres, usos o funciones

generalizadas o de aquellas desaparecidas, se ha preferido, para evitar

la excesiva carga de informacin sobre el reducido soporte de las chas,
desarrollarlo en un epgrafe concreto del anlisis escrito de la tesis.
Este rpido resumen del trabajo realizado sobre la inmensa, como
patrimonio fsico e inmaterial, medina de Tetun, pretende incidir
principalmente en un punto: la necesidad de realizar investigacin
aplicada en el mbito de la conservacin (ms de signicados y
funcional que material en este caso), la tutela legal, y la planicacin
y gestin cultural y turstica de los bienes. El inventario no es ms, ni
menos, que una fundamental herramienta de anlisis y puesta en valor
( a travs de la interpretacin, y de la ordenacin turstica y funcional
a la que sirve de base) de una herencia que a travs del tiempo, sigue
conservando el potencial de hacer, de crear y recrear identidades, de
dotar de experiencias y de generar no una, sino muchas economias si
seguimos siendo capaces de entenderla y utilizarla.

(1) La presente comunicacin se integra en el Proyecto de Investigacin: Dinmicas Recientes

y Estrategias de Intervencin en Destinos Patrimoniales. Ministerio de Educacin y Ciencia,
Plan Nacional I+D+I (2004-2007) Referencia: SEJ 2006-10898/GEOG. Director: Miguel ngel
Troitio Vinuesa.


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An approach to dene and evaluate the

traditional houses in western anatolia
accordance to the urban cultural
heritage inventory project of Bergama
Prof. Dr. Demet Ulusoy Binan, Assis. Prof. Dr. Mevlude
Kapti, Assis. Prof. Dr. Binnur Kira, Assis. Tigin Tre
Demet Ulusoy BNAN is an Architect and Professor at Mimar Sinan Fine
Arts University Restoration Department and Vice Dean of Faculty of
Architecture. In 1994 she got the Doctors degree at the Restoration
Programme of Yldz Technical University Institute of Science. Besides
a variety of prizes, articles, papers, books, research and projects on the
Conservation of Sites and Cultural Assets, She is a member of ICOMOS.
Mimar Sinan Gzel Sanatlar niversitesi, Mimarlk Fakltesi, Restorasyon Anabilim Dal, Meclisi Mebusan Cad. 34427 Fndkl-stanbul/TURKEY
E-mail address:
+902122521600 / 294

Bergama Urban and Cultural Heritage Inventory is a part of Turkish

Cultural Inventory Project carried out by Turkish Academy of Science
and Turkish Cultural Sector (TBA-TKSEK), that depends on the
discovery and documentation of the whole cultural heritage within
Turkey in a common format (Figure 1).
As a result of cultural heritage inventory that has been accomplished in
Bergama, the changes in the traditonal houses throughout time have
been examined in either building or district scale. This examination
has made it possible for us to evaluate the development of traditional
civil architecture for Western Anatolian Houses with the example of
The houses that have one-storey have been built surrounding a
courtyard that is used as a common circulation area and an atelier. The
living space of these houses apart from the service area such as the
barn, the storage and the kitchen consists of a room with an open sofa
as the main unit. In the house type with two rooms, plan types with an
open / exterior sofa or an open / interior sofa1 that changes according
to the position that the other room is connected to the open sofa have
been common.
In the houses with open / exterior sofa that have one or two storeys,
detached storage, stable, oven and the other service area are placed
around the courtyard. Hela- the toilet is placed within the courtyard,
far away from the house.
18th and early 19th century period Traditional Bergama Houses are
one or two-storey houses, three sides of which are surrounded by
masonry walls and the other side is timber-framed inll wall (hm)


that is opened to the courtyard. The traditional houses we have seen

in Bergama are built with a mixed construction system where solid
masonry and timber frame construction are used together.
The houses are not directly opened towards the street, their connection
and direction to the street is through the courtyard. The traditional
houses closed to the street and opened towards the courtyard are
placed in organic-shaped large lots; spaces like detached service
area, storage etc surround the courtyard. These are houses that are
surrounded with high walls, connected to the street through the
courtyard door. In case there is one-storey, it isnt seen from the street;
in case there are two storeys, the house is opened towards the street
with the narrow facade in the upper oor.
It is observed that the Traditional Bergama House built by Turkish
people and non-Muslim minorities (Christian, Armenian, Jewish) has
entered a dierent architectural formation with the tangible reections
of Westernization / modernization period throughout the country at
the end of 19th century. These houses built in neo-classical style can
be dened as a product of Christians and Armenians that are nonMuslim minorities search for their national identity looking for a way
out in that century. (Snmez 1998: 78 from Kuban 2001: 8485) We can
dene these houses that show a dierentiation and even a refraction
in the facade and planning style as Western inuenced houses. (Binan
2005:40, Snmez 1998:39) In Western inuenced houses with a
masonry appearance, solid masonry and timber.
The lots of Western-inuenced houses built in the second half of 19th
century are organic-shaped just like the lots of traditional houses,
but the dimensions of the lots in the inclined distirct are smaller.
Bergama settling districts divided in accordance with the ethnical and
religious principles and that each group to be settled within its borders.
The housing areas not to be expanded as a result of the increase in
population (Ortayl 1979: 135), the demand for houses has increased
and the dimensions of the lots within the restricted settlement areas
are divided into smaller lots at the end of 19th century.
The fact that the courtyards of the traditional houses within the nonMuslim minority district have been destroyed for the sake of a small
area used for reaching the entrance door and that Western-inuenced
houses overlooking the road have been built on such divided lots since
the second half of 19th century supports this opinion.
In one and two-storey traditional houses belonging to late 19th century
and early 20th century, it has been observed that plan types with closed
/ interior sofa have been started to be commonly used besides the plan
types with open / exterior sofa.
There have been examples of plan types discovered where talk that
has probably been named after theta(stone) used as the oor covering
has taken place of the courtyard during the transition period between
houses with an open/exterior sofa and a courtyard and houses with
closed/interior sofa on smaller lots. The talk that is the connection
space between the road and the house in the traditional Turkish house
has been common within a large area including northern, southern,
western and central Anatolia. (Eldem 1968, 13)
When we look at the development period of Turkish house plan, it is
seen that the talk is overlooking to the rear garden or the courtyard
during the early period. During the later periods, a mezzanine that does
not cover the whole space between the ground oor and the upper
oor has come out especially within the quarters where the settlement
is dense. The oor that has been used during winter for secondary
functions in Anatolia is mezzanine and not as high as the other oors.

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Knowledge prior to intervention

This space that Eldem called as sofa of talk has not been covered
with the mezzanine so that the entrance has had a higher ceiling
(Eldem 1968, 13).
During the study and research in Bergama, it has been observed that
this period mentioned above has taken place just like it has been told
and talk, opened towards the courtyard, in the front and are halfopen spaces surrounded from three sides have completely been closed
in time and the mezzanine has begun to overlook this talk.
The 19th century is the period that the dierence and even inharmony
in the planning of the ground and rst oor has begun to be solved. The
ground oor starts to integrate with the upper oors and is no longer
used as the shelter of the service connected to the courtyard such as
stable and barn. (Arel 1982:34) Especially after the 19th century, the
dierences between the mezzanine and the rst oor have decreased,
these oors have become similar in the aspect of planning, height
and function. (Eldem 1968, 13). This situation has appeared a result of
settlements being stripped of rural characteristics and the dominance
of urban characteristics. (Arel 1982, 34). The increase in the number of
houses with closed/interior sofa and closed/exterior sofa during the
second half of 19th century can be evaluated in this aspect.
The talk space has been dened within the research about the
Turkish House, however it has not entered the Turkish House plan
typology although it has been described as the collecting element
in the space organization of the Turkish House. The plan typology has
been formed according to the location and shape of the sofa .(Eldem
1968; Eldem 1984; Szen, Eruzun 1992; Kuban 1995; Gnay 1998; Akn
2001; Orhun 1999).
The traces of this transition period between the houses with an open
sofa and a closed sofa can also be observed in the other spaces and
building elements besides the talk.
During the transition period between the houses with an open/exterior
sofa and a closed/interior sofa, the facts that the windows overlooking
the open sofa (hayat) and the planning the toilet adjacent to the house
are traces of this transition period.
Usually the houses built on the lots with a narrow facade are entered
from the side and have a closed/exterior sofa, and the houses built on the
lots with a wide facade have an interior sofa. The houses with talk are
the plan types that have come out during this transition period between
the houses with an open sofa and the houses with a closed sofa.
Therefore when evaluating the houses with a talk; the Bergama
houses should be classied in two main planning types; with exterior
or interior sofa and these two types should be classied as; open, with
talk and closed.
It has been seen that the people studying on Turkish House have not
given a place for the talk in the plan typology although they have
conrmed the existence and made the description of the talk (Figure
2-4). It has become possible to dene the spatial development of the
traditional Bergama houses after the placement of the talk in the
plan typology. The missing ring of the Ottoman House or the Turkish
House- in common use- plan typology is the element of talk. It
would be an appropriate approach to make a typology of Turkish house
based on the sofa and to express the subdivisions as open, with talk
or closed. This kind of typology makes it possible to make an evaluation
including the whole elements that make up the planning.

AREL, Ayda 1982 Osmanl Konut Geleneinde tarihsel Sorunlar, E.. Fine Arts Faculty Pub.,
BAYATLI, Osman 1997. Bergamada Yakn Tarih Olaylar 18. ve 19. Yzyl. (Bergama Municipality
Cultur Pub. no: 53), zmir.
BNAN, Demet 2004. Multilayered Anatolian Town :Bergama, Turkeys Cultural Sector
Developing with Culture 2003, Turkish Academy of Sciences Pub., stanbul, p30-32.
BNAN, Demet 2005. Bergama: A City That Has Developed On An Archaelogical Site, Turkeys
Cultural Sector Developing with Culture 2004, Turkish Academy of Sciences Pub., stanbul, p1416.
BNAN, Demet 2006. Bergama: From Traditional to Universal , Turkeys Cultural Sector
Developing with Culture 2005, Turkish Academy of Sciences Pub., stanbul, p32-34.
BNAN, Demet, BNAN, Can 2005. An Approach for Dening, Assessment and Documentation
of Cultural Heritage on Multi-Layered Cities, Case of Bergama (Pergamon)Turkey , ICOMOS
15th General Assembly and Scientic Symposium, Vol.I, Xian China, p40-50.
BNAN, Demet, KAPTI, M., KIRA, B. ve TRE, T. 2007. Bergama (zmir) Kentsel Kltr Varlklar
Envanteri 2004, TBA Kltr Envanteri Dergisi, TBA Pub.,S.4- 2005, stanbul, p79-110.
BNAN, Demet ULUSOY, KAPTI, M., KIRA, B., ve ARIOLU, G. 2004. Bergama (zmir) Kentsel
Kltr Varlklar Envanteri 2003, TBA Kltr Envanteri Dergisi 3, stanbul: Trkiye Bilimler
Akademisi, stanbul, p3173.
ELDEM, Sedad Hakk, 1968. Trk Evi Plan Tipleri 2. ed. (T Architecture Faculty Pub.) stanbul.
ELDEM, Sedad Hakk, 1984. Trk Evi Osmanl Dnemi, TA Foundation Pres., stanbul.
GNAY Reha 1998 Trk Ev Gelenei ve Safranbolu Evleri, YEM Pres., stanbul.
KUBAN, Doan 1995. Trk Hayatl Evi Eren Pres., stanbul.
KUBAN, Doan 2001. Trkiyede Kentsel Koruma, Tarih Vakf Yurt Yaynlar 116 stanbul.
ORHUN, Deniz 1999. Trk Evi mi, Yaamada Tmleik Ev mi? Osmanl Mimarlnn 7 Yzyl
Uluslarst Bir Miras, Editors: Nur Akn, Afe Batur, Seluk Batur, YEM Pub., stanbul: p258
ORTAYLI, lber 1979. Trkiye dare Tarihi Trkiye Ortadou Amme daresi Enstits, Ankara.
SNMEZ, Neslihan 1998. Bergama Evlerinin Geleneksel ve Bat Etkili zellikleri, (Bergama Kltr
ve Sanat Vakf Bergama Belleten 8), BERKSAV Pub., zmir.
SZEN Metin, ERUZUN, Cengiz 1992. Anadoluda Ev ve nsan, Emlak Bankas Pub., stanbul.
TUNCER, Orhan Cezmi 2002. Ankara Evleri, ATO Culture and Art Pub., Ankara.

AKIN, Nur 2001. Balkanlarda Osmanl Dnemi Konutlar, Literatr Pub., stanbul


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A Meeting Point of Civilizations n

Mediterranean: Mut Town

Uzay Yergn, Gl nal, Ebru Omay Polat

Dr. Uzay Yergn, Member of Yildiz Technical University Faculy of Architecture Department of Restoration
Asist. Prof. Dr. Gl nal, Member of Yildiz Technical University Faculy of
Architecture Department of Restoration, National Commitee Member
of ICOMOS Turkey
Ms. Arch. Ebru Omay Polat, Member of Yildiz Technical University
Faculy of Architecture Department of Restoration, Member of ICOMOS
Turkey, Executive Commitee Member of DOCOMOMOTurkey
Yildiz Technical University Faculy of Architecture Department of Restoration Besiktas 34349 stanbul Turkey
E-mail address: - -
00 90 212 259 70 70 / 2370

Historical Development and Physical Features of the Town

The settlement Mut is located in Mediterranean Region, in Gksu
Valley. Mut is the only town of Mersin which is not on the coast of
Mediterranean Sea. Surrounded by the mountains, the town is locted on
the lowest part of Taseli Plateau. This mountanious region is seperated
by Gksu River in dierent parts of the plateau.
The connection between Middle Anatolia and Mediterranean Region
is Sertavul Pass in Middle Taurus Mountains and the road following the
natural formation of Gksu Valley. This road connecting the two regions
is located on an important geopolitical, strategical and commercial
part of the region. Many dierent settlements were established in this
important meeting point in the history of the region. One of them is
Mut town, an important settlement since prehistoric times especially
with its geographical position in the area.
According to written documents from Roman Empire Period, the
town was founded in 38BC and was named as Claudiopolis in 41
BC. (Ramsay,1960:414). After the fall of Roman Empire, the town was
under the regime of Emevi (MS 673), Abbasi (786), Ermeni (1129),
Seldjuk (1154), Karamanoullar (1308) and Ottoman Empire (1487).
(plak,1968:84,89; Ramsay,1960:409410; Uzunarl, 1983:31). After
World War I, the region was occupied by English and French troops in
December 1918. Since January 3, 1922 the town is under the regime of
Turkish Republic.
Traditional Fabric of the Settlement
The historical settlement of Mut should be analysed in its dierent
layers which cretaed the architectural fabric. The traditional settlement

was partly located on the ruins of the ancient city Claudiopolis. Today,
the amphitheatre is the only remaining ruin of the ancient settlement.
Other traces of the ancient city dissapeared during the construction of
new houses. Spolia from ancient city used on oor coverings, columns,
walls were used in later periods in dierent elements of the structures.
The core of the rst settlement is Mut Castle and its surroundings.
The castle is located on a hill on south-western part of the city. Today,
only the inner castle and a donjon from outher castle is existing. Other
monumental buildings dening the center of the town around the
castle are Laal Pasha Mosque and kmbets (tombs) from Karamanolu
Period and The Stone Khan from Ottoman Period.
The Stone Khan is one of the major buildings in Mut. Its function for
accomodation was changed into commercial use due to the economic
needs of the town. One or two storeyed small shops around the streets
built the commercial area. The architectural characteristics of the
commercial area shows that commercial activities were limited accoding
to the needs of the inhabitants. Today, the authentic architectural
characteristics of the shops are still existing in rare examples.
Like in similar small towns in Anatolia, in Mut the settlement is formed
in neighbourhoods, which is the smallest unit, around the mosque.
Blocks of buildings surrounded by organic formed streets or axial
main roads are usually crossing in a square. The neighbourhoods Kale
and Doanc, which are the extesion of the main core of the town,
and Meydan on the northern part of the valley have a dense fabric of
traditional buildings.
Traditional Mut Houses
The basic elements forming the location and creating the traditional
fabric are topography, climate, traditional way of living and traditional
building elements and constructions. Also the fragments and use of
spolia of the ancient city Claudiopolis represents an important factor
which created the authentic fabric of the town.
The early examples of traditional houses have a plan type called two
rooms-one interspace. This main plan type has one interspace called
sofa (hall) and two living rooms on both sides. In later periods, many
houses were formed in dierent variations according to this scheme.
The houses are usually one or two storeyed. The entrance is from the
street or from the private gardens of the houses. The entrance leads
to the sofa (hall) which is the center of the house. The stairs in two
storeyed houses are outside the house due to the convenient climatic
conditions. Ground oor is used for storage or barn units. On the upper
oor, living units are placed. In some examples considered special in
this area, toilets and kitchens or storage rooms are placed in a seperate
tower connected with a small bridge to the main building.
In time, the dimensions of the sofa was changed, two more rooms were
added to the sofa, or three rooms around the sofa were formed as a
transfomation of the basic plan type. In new neighbourhoods, there are
examples with centered sofa or T- type sofa plan types and also with
stairs inside the house.
In traditional Mut houses the plain order is organized for covering
the needs in daily life. The thick walls have the number of windows
according to the structure. The wooden beams over and unde the
windows are not plastered. In some examples beams carry wooden
shelves. A replace is positioned in one room. Between the rooms
and sofa hall, there are 70-100 cm depth wooden wall cupboards are
placed instead of interior walls. A narrow entrance door is in the middle
of them. A wooden niche musandra is place above the dooor for


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storing pommegranate, one of the main products in Mut. Many of the

cupboards can be used from both sides. An extraordinary construction
is a cupboard thatcan be opned for taking a bath named as guslhane .
Niches and wooden shelves are placed on dierent walls in the rooms.
Fragments of the ancient constructions were found on the ground
or in the foundation pits when the house was built. In the gardens
of the houses these fragments are used as decorative elements or
garden furniture or exhibited. It symbolises the layers of the town as
a palimsest.

ALTAY, Neri, 1976. Mut Tarihi, Mut Belediyesi Kltr Yaynlar - 2, Karaman: Dou Matbaas.
AREL, Mehlika, 1962. Muttaki Karamanoullar Devri Eserleri, Vakar Dergisi, 5:241-258.
IPLAK, M.Necati, 1968. el Tarihi: Tarihi-Turistik Zenginlikleriyle, Ankara: Gzel Sanatlar
DEMRTA, A., 1988. el li Yakn evre ncelemeleri, Ankara.

Traditional Building Technologies, Materials and Faade

The use of masonry structure, proportions of the openings and roof
covering is dening the architectural features of the faades. On the
faades of the solid masonry structure shows no plastered rubblework.
On the corners ashlar strengthens the structure. On the faades spolia
from antique periods can be seen. Wooden beams stress the horizontal
lines on the faade. The window openngs have the proportion of 12.
Very rare examples of wooden shutters used in earlier periods exist
today. In some buildings metal or wooden knotted grilles were used.
The buildings have prismatic masses. In later examples of the two
storeyed examples wooden construced cantilevrs called kiosk are
placed. 75-100 cm overhanging kiosks are carried without braces
in most examples. If used, braces are wooden or spolia from ancient
The earthen roof covering is characteristic for the region. 25-30 cm
overhanging stones called say stone are nishing elements and eaves1.
The binding element for the masonry construction is mud mortar. The
mortar contains water, clay and straw . Wooden horizontal beams are
placed every 50-150 cm3. The oors are wooden beams covered with
straw2 or thin wooden elements called pard. Small holes between
them are lled with tree shelves. On the wood, 5-10 cm thick white and
red earth is spreaded out. The earthen layer is pressed with a special
cylindirical stone4. The same technique is used for the earthen roof
coverings. On roofs, additionally rock salt is spreaded out against splits
and cracks.
At the end of the century, -after the migration- the pole of the
inhabitants changed. The traditional fabric and architectural features
were lost or changed in dierent scales. Also the needs of modern
life caused changes in spatial organization. Altough the traditional
fabric is partly demolished, Mut still has a large amount of traditional
houses and an urban fabric with authentic elements. The fabric and
single houses have still values and authenticity as a part of architectural
heritage. The craftsmen still working with the traditional building
materials and construction systems used in the region since the 1950s,
created a continious tradition preserved until today5. This continuity
creates an authentic settlement with a special architectural heritage
in dierent scales like ancient fragments used in details or traditional
housing forms transformed according to the needs of modern life.
The main issue threathening the multi-layered fabric is that planning
and preservation policies are far behind the rapid urbanization in
the area. These issues clarify that against damage and destruction
threathening the traditional fabric, an integrated conservation policy
should be supplied better to preserve the mult-layered heritage in the


KONYALI, .Hakk, 1967. Abideleri ve Kitabeleri ile Karaman Tarihi: Ermenek ve Mut Abideleri,
stanbul: Baha Matbaas.
RAMSAY, M.William, 1960. Anadolunun Tarihi Corafyas, ev.: Mihri Pekta, MEB
UZUNARILI, .Hakk, 1983. Anadolu Beylikleri ve Akkoyunlu, Karakoyunlu Devletleri, Atatrk
Kltr, Dil ve Tarih Yksek Kurumu Yaynlar, Ankara.

These nishing elements are called celeni in the region. Garden walls have the same
nishing elements.

The joint beds between mortar and stone are called gez.

These beams are called kstek used in and outside of the 50-75 thick masonry walls.
These two beams are binded with thin wooden elements. Above the window or door
openings the smaller beams are called basklk in the region.

The stone is called yuvak , the mud cirk and this implementation is described as cirk

In some buildings a stone the construction date and name of the crafsman are written,
is placed on the wall.

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. Example of two rooms-one interspace near Mut castle (Photo: Gl nal)

Main House, Tower and Bridge (Photo: Uzay Yergn)

1. Main oor plan types of traditional mut houses


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The Reconstruction of the SocioEconomic History

of an Abandoned Mediterranean Village:
A Case Study from Jordan

Abdel Hakim Al Husban

Dr. Al Husban is teaching social anthropology at the Department of
Anthropology-Yarmouk University-Irbid-Jordan. He graduated from
the University of Bordeaux-France. He published many articles on
Jordans culture and cultural heritage. He is interested in the tribal
phenomenon in Jordan and the oral traditions in Jordan as well.
Furthermore he participated in many research projects on Jordanian
society and culture.
Anthropology Department-Yarmouk University-Irbid-Jordan
E-mail address:
00 962 777 46 20 97

The site of the Upper Quarter at the village of (Mkies) in the extreme
north of Jordan oers the interested researcher the chance to study
the relationship between materialistic and non-materialistic elements
relevant in the formation of a certain particular culture in a particular
location. Furthermore, one can also mention another signicance
present in this Old Site which is the possibility to research and study
the socio-economic history of the Village which is now vacant of its
Reconstruction of socio-historical context means the gathering of all
information and factors through which one can weave overall causal
relationships and narratives and forming and reconstructing a total
image or picture about the cultural narratives which prevailed in the
Village with their multiple economic, social, political, administrative,
and ideological realities.
Therefore, the main objective of this study is to reconstruct the cultural
and socio-historical reality of the Village through the studying of its
architecture. This can be made possible through the analytical analysis
of the discursive practices produced by some of the Village residents
who had lived part of their lives in the Upper Quarter. Therefore, the
documents, oral history, narratives, biographies, and land records in
addition to the dierent stories, poetry, and songs all form the main
components for the system of discursive practices.
The historical period that is needed or can be constructed will be
determined by the ability of oral traditions and oral memories of the
residents which can go back to about 150 years in time. Therefore,
one is talking about the era stretching between the middle of the 19th
century and the time when the Village was evacuated from its residents


in 1986. It is very important to notice the element of dierentiation

represented by the big gap between the history of the Village which
extends thousands of years back on one hand; and the oral history of
the residents which covered a very short period in comparison.
While the Oral memory of the residents extends back for not more than
two centuries, it is worth it to mention that Ottoman Salnamat (year
books) talks about the presence of a human settlement in the Village
during the 15th and the 16th centuries.
The older name of the Village (Mkeis) was present in three other
Ottoman administrative records (tabu difters) and that books for
registering land. The name appeared in tabu difter number 430 which
dates back to the times of Sultan Suleiman the Magnicent in 1523, and
in tabu difter number 401 from 1534, and nally in tabu difter number
99 dating to 1597. The rst record documents the presence of ve
dwelling units, the second documents the existence of 10 dwelling
unites, and nally the third talks about 21 dwelling units in addition to
15 individual bachelors.
The Economic Organization :
The economy of the Old village rests on a group of natural, climatic,
geopolitical, and demographic characteristics. The location of the
Village closer to the Jordanian Valley (shafa ghoriah) grants is a moderate
climate during the summer and winter and a substantial amount of
rain every year. Furthermore, the natural topography of the Village
grants it a useful diversity in terms of activities related to agriculture
and peasantry (fellahi) and grazing of animals. On one hand, there is a
mountainous area covered with a good layer of red fertile soil good
for the planting of trees (e.g., dierent types of conifers). In addition,
there are valleys useful for dierent agricultural activities in the range
of about 5000 acres.
Therefore, while the mountainous areas provide a chance for the
formation of grazing lands for the animals; the valleys provides a variety
in agricultural production in the form of wheat, barley, lintel, chickpeas,
and dierent types of vegetables and fruits. In addition, there are a lot
of wild plants that are used by the local community in their own food
and also in the food of their animals.
The best description for the economic system in the Upper Quarter as
reected in the architectural formation is the term peasant economy.
The main characteristics of this peasant economy are:
1. It is an economy that goes beyond a simple primitive economy
which aims to simply insure basic needs (subsistence economy) but
at the same time it is not a full agricultural economy that thrives to
produce the maximum market surplus possible.
2. It is an economy that thrives to satisfy the social rather than the
economic desires with people. This is manifested by the general
indierence among the local community to transform the
dierent produce of the ground into commodities. So, instead of
concentrating on what is called cash crop system, the concentration
was on the produce which helped in the social production of family
and of Village as a whole.
3. It is an economy that makes available the work force needed for the
dierent peasant activities by depending on a combination of man
labour and domestic animals (mules, horses and cows). Therefore,
complicated technology is not really utilized here.
Water usually plays an important factor in any peasant community. The

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Knowledge prior to intervention

Villagers had developed dierent means of acquiring water. In addition

to some water springs around the village water wells formed a very
signicant source of water in collecting water during the winter season
for usage during the dryer seasons and for regular use in terms of
drinking, personal hygiene, and the keeping of domestic animals. Every
courtyard used to contain at least one of water well.
It was clear that the location of Mkies as a connection between the
villages of north Jordan on one hand and Palestinian villages and even
coastal cities on the other, in addition to the peoples needs to exchange
goods and services from the surroundings have created an integrative
economic/social system and formation at the scale of northern Jordan
and Palestine. Mkeis had beneted from this formation and started to
play an important role due to its location within the region.
The oral narratives conrms these assumptions, the locals talk about
the trading of their grain produce with some Palestinian towns such
as Haifa for some manufactured commodities or crafts. Also, they talk
about residents from the Village traveling into Palestine to work for
wages or to get medical treatment or to seek entertainment.
Division of Labor:
Division of Labour in Mkeis was simple and is reected by the
architectural and spatial organization in the Upper Quarter where
natural factors in addition to age and sex played a very important
role in that division of labour whether in the eld or at the house and
courtyard (hosh). The oral stories talk about the work of the women in
the house on the preparation of food and cleaning of cloths and oors
and under animals. In addition the women milked the cows and made
and also went to the eld together with the mean to plow the lands.
The form and organization of the houses and structures in the Upper
Quarter illustrates that there used to be spaces for women socioeconomic activities, and others for mens activities only, and a third
category of space where men and women could be work together on
certain socio-economic activities.
Social Groupings:
The size of the houses and their locations and also their spatial
organizations reect all a certain form of social groupings which
prevailed in the Village. It is important to make clear that the
form of social groupings in terms of social units had progressed in
a way to match the economic and peasantry needs. One can say
that an understanding of the peasantry economic structure and also
the architectural and spatial structures of the Village in addition to the
social groupings cannot be understood in isolation but in a totality of
these three interrelated systems.
The existence of raw rooms formed around a courtyard and also a wall
continuing the circulation of the courtyard (hosh) reects the existence
of three forms of kinship units.

oven, and madafa (tribal guests house). Furthermore, there are

certain economic activities dealing with production, distribution,
and consumption that took place in these houses and courtyards.
The house provided a certain kind of warm existence to the nuclear
family proving a certain level of privacy to be able to produce and
raise children. The common courtyard spaces such as the hosh,
madafa, oven, kitchen, storage, and other spaces such as the
animals din facilitated the reproduction of the economic system for
the group.
Each courtyard can be seen as a consuming unit where the spatial
organization within played an important role in facilitating the
processes of consumption.
3- The clan. It extends beyond the nuclear and the extended family.
The clan therefore, represented the amalgamation of dierent
nuclear and extended families. The notion of the clan did satisfy
certain needs and became very visible in certain contexts such as
The oral history conrms the existence of face to face relationships
that were personal, daily, and concrete inside the village.
It should be understood that in such a village community like the
one at Mkeis, kinship ties play a very important role and the enticer
of a lot of economic, social, political, and emotional relationships.
Political Organization:
The spatial organization of the Village reects the political organization
which prevailed during the period under study. The previous elements
illustrates the nature of the power network prevailing.
The Site of Mkeis reects a certain network of power. The dierences
in the periods of arriving to the Village, acquiring of land and water
wells, and in the numbers of a certain clan or alliances with other clans
and the number of males within a certain clan, and sometimes the
relationships with the Ottoman center (and Jordanian at a later stage),
all provided fertile land for the formation of dierent socio-economic
and thus therefore power relations permitting certain power practices.
Furthermore, the architectural organization of the village assures
eectively some defensive needs. In the absence of a strong State
apparatus, the courtyards system adopted in the village facilitated
the communication between the dierent kin groups in case of any

1- The nuclear family composed by the father, mother and their

2- Another form of social groupings stems from interaction between
these nuclear families amongst themselves through economic,
social, and emotional relations. This type of social grouping extends
beyond the nuclear family but still is much less complicated than
the clan. It could be considered as a form of an extended family (a
number of nuclear families sharing the space of a courtyard (hosh).
It is obvious that the one courtyard can provide a shared kitchen,


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Knowledge prior to intervention

Umm Qais

Umm Qais

Umm Qais

Umm Qais


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Knowledge prior to intervention

Lhistoire: instrument oprationnel sur

les structures traditionnelles: Ldice,
le tissu, la ville et le territoire

Ouassila Menouer
Architecte, Magister en prservation et mise en valeur des monuments et des sites historiques, qualie en tant architecte spcialise
en monument auprs du ministre de la culture, charge de recherche du projet: Etude de la croissance urbaine et des transformations des villes algriennes et matre assistante au dpartement
darchitecture luniversit de Blida, Algrie.
Adresse postale:
34 rue des frres MENOUER, route de BENAZZOUZ, Kola 42400
050 25 18 38

Ldice, le tissu, la ville et le territoire dots de leur logique propre et

de leurs correspondances orent lhistoire de devenir immdiatement
opratoire . Comme substrat riche en traces humaines historiquement
straties, le territoire constitue un registre conservatoire total de
laction de lhomme sur la nature o tout les vnements historiques
acquirent une logique. Il reprsente lunion : Histoire- Gographie.
Limplantation des tablissements humains et leur consolidation sur
le territoire se sont conrmes selon un processus de formation et
de transformation spcique chaque aire culturelle (espace-temps)
et selon des procdures et des stratgies divers en fonction de leurs
situations gographie et historique :
Comment les tablissements humains se sont-ils implants, consolids
sur leur territoire et comment ont-ils volus travers le temps, jusqu
aujourdhui ?
Quelles taient les contraintes et les potentialits gographiques,
conomiques, historiques, culturelles, ..., qui ont favoris ou, au contraire,
limit et conditionn leur croissance ?
Postulant, la connaissance de la culture architecturale du pass qui se
vrie au prsent et qui sert de base fondamentale aux interventions
futures, une approche historique1 fonde sur la confrontation des
phnomnes architectural et urbain relats et dcrits dans la littrature
livresque, les fouilles archologiques ainsi que dans les iconographies
au phnomne danthropisation de la structure naturelle du territoire
depuis la nuit des temps jusqu son mode doccupation actuel, savre
la garantie pour une vision synthtique et rationnelle de la ralit.
Les traits de gographie de yakoubi, Ibn Hawqual, El Bakri, El Idrissi,
Bakri..., les chroniques de Tabari, ..., les traits juridiques de Wansharisi,
les recueils de biographies : Labidi, ...abordant le territoire de lAlgrie

et celui de lAfrique du Nord en gnral, illustrent certains aspects

morphologiques des itinraires et parcours de commerce, des
descriptions des villes et compagnes, des monuments cls des cits
sans pour autant comprendre dans une vision globale la logique
danthropisation du territoire : implantation et de consolidation des
tablissements humains travers lespace et travers le temps; une
logique base sur des critres structurel, morphologique, gographique,
Situe sur le bassin mditerranen, lAlgrie prsente une structure
gomorphologique trs varie, une tendue de plaines fragmentes : la
Mitidja, la plaine de Tlemcen, de Annaba, de la Soummam, ... enclaves
entre une cte de 1100 kilomtres et latlas tellien dont le sommet le
plus haut atteint environ 2308 mtres daltitude (Djurdjura). En arrire
plan de cette chane montagneuse stend les haut plateaux : Stif,
Djelfa, ... limits au sud par une deuxime chane montagneuse : latlas
saharien et enn le grand dsert : une entit gomorphologique trs
particulire du point de vue structure et nature du sol et trs direntes
de la structure gomorphologique du bassin mditerranen.
En parallle, lAlgrie a connu une riche stratication de civilisations ;
les royaumes berbres autochtones ont vu larrive des puniques, des
romains, des arabes, des maures andalous et des turcs et celle des
franais en n. Chaque rgne a dvelopp un mode doccupation
et dexploitation du territoire selon son poque et selon son niveau
En eet, les tablissements primitifs au nord de lAlgrie sont
souvent situs sur les crtes des montagnes tels que certains villages
Kabyles, Constantine, .... Ils sont situs aussi sur les promontoires tels
que Miliana, Mda, ... . Un troisime type dtablissements primitifs
sont certaines villes maritimes2 : Cherchell, Tns, Collo, Tipaza, ... en
situation de cap et qui se sont consolides en villes portuaires parce
quelles ont concid avec des relais phniciens et se sont transformes
en comptoirs commerciaux par lconomie de troc de lpoque avec
les autochtones, ainsi Alger, Cherchell, Tns, ... sont lorigine un
lieu dchange entre la terre et la mer au mme titre que les villes de
hauteur : Constantine, Miliana, situes a proximit de cours deau et qui
sont passes du statut de lieu de regroupement humain (noyau proto
urbain) en lieu de rencontre et dchange (noyau urbain).
A leur arrive, les romains se sont implants soit en rcuprant les
tablissements ctiers dj conrms sur le territoire do les villes de
Tipaza, ... soit par pntration en arrire pays et la cration de nouveaux
tablissements sous forme dabord de lieu fortis ensuite en ville
organise selon un trac en damier, Djamila, Timgad ....
Contrairement au romains, les arabe ont pntr lAfrique du nord
par voie terrestre, ils ont engendr certains villes telles que, Biskra, ...
Le dsert algrien, contrairement au nord, possde une structure
gomorphologique trs dirente, les tablissements humains se sont
consolids, avec lexpansion de lIslam (arrive des arabes) selon la
disponibilit de leau qui est une ressource imprative toute forme
de vie (lhomme, la ore et la faune) do deux types dimplantation : le
long des parcours caravaniers au dessus dune nappe deau souterraine
et ce dernier est matrialis par un chelonnement de puits et de
point de contrle: Les villes du Souf, ... ou bien a proximit des oasis :
Djanet, ... .
Au 19me sicle, la conqute franaise a procd selon une stratgie
relativement similaire loccupation romaine dabords loccupation des
hauteurs. Une fois le contrle tabli, de nouvelles villes sont construites :
Boufarik, Afroune, ....


Connatre le lieu avant dintervenir

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Knowledge prior to intervention

Aprs lindpendance, la logique durbanisation sest faite par la cration

des zones dhabitat en priphrie des villes existantes en marginalisant
toute larchitecture mditerranenne des villes traditionnelles
consolides durant des sicles do leur abandon et leur dgradation.
Ces dernires dcennies la rupture entre les anciens tablissements et
les nouveaux sest conrme travers la politique des nouvelles villes
conues soit en priphrie des grandes villes: Annaba, Constantine, ...
soit selon des critres purement politiques qui nont aucun rapport avec
le territoire et sa structure gomorphologique rapport qui a permis aux
tablissements anciens ancrs dans leur territoire de se perptuer dans
La matrise de la structure naturelle du territoire a t dans lhistoire un
instrument oprationnel de conception des tablissements humains et
des villes. la matrise de son processus doccupation et de consolidation
peut devenir une stratgie damnagement et de planication qui devra
tre fonde sur la continuit territoriale, urbaine et architecturale et qui
suppose la matrise des phnomnes historiques et des stratications
travers un processus de fusion, et de sdimentation en pour identier
les ruptures des liens consolids entre la culture mditerranenne
et son territoire dappartenance : principale cause de labandon et
dune exploitation impropre et inconditionne des nouvelles zones
urbaines prives didentit locale an de promouvoir la rhabilitation
du territoire dans toutes ses dimensions :
Projet territorial
Plan de sauvegarde
Manuel de rhabilitation de larchitecture mineure.
Aussi, La matrise de la structure naturelle du territoire fonde sur la
considration des lments gomorphologiques naturels et articiels
du territoire : relief, climat systmes hydrographique, orographique,
la ore la faune, les grands parcours territoriaux, les ressources et les
richesses naturelles, peut tre un outil de conception et de planication
des nouvelles villes. Elle devient une alternative pour dsengorger les
fonds de valle et les plaines selon des projets urbains et territoriaux
en synchronie entre :
Nature / structure humanise hrite / culture actuelle.

- DEVOULX A., 1875, Alger, tude archologique et topographique sur cette ville aux poques
romaine, arabe et turque , Revue africaine, 19, 1875, pp.289-332.
- FONTAINE P., 1952, Touggourt, capitale des oasis, Paris.
- RCLUS E., 1885, Nouvelle gographie, universelle, Vol9 : LAfrique septentrionale, Milan.
- COTE M. , Paysage et Patrimoine, Guide dAlgrie , d. Mdia-Plus, Constantine, 1996.
Groupement des villes algriennes historiques et / ou touristiques par rgions
gomorphologiques avec la mention de certaines villes ayant disparues ou en tat de
- CHABANE Dj., le thorie du Umran chez Ibn Khaldoun OPU, Alger 2003.
Louvrage traite des souvenirs des peuples qui se sont estomps travers le temps , travers
les traces de leurs passages et leurs vestiges, larchologie tant un moyen de reconstituer
le pass
- PETRUCCIOLI A., et STELLA M., I Paesaggi della tradizione Uniongraca Corcelli Editrice,
Bari 2001.


Une approche historique comme outil de connaissance du tissu et du territoire dans sa

globalit: territoire / ltablissement urbain / le tissu / type bti, Thorie de Caniggia G.
sur lhumanisation du territoire.

Un tablissement maritime correspond une situation de cap qui est en fait

laboutissement dun parcours de crte secondaire sur la mer.

Connatre le lieu avant dintervenir

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Knowledge prior to intervention


Connatre le lieu avant dintervenir

Conocer el lugar antes de intervenir
Knowledge prior to intervention

La participation de la stratication
historique dans le tissu traditionnel de

Senem Doyduk, Gne Akkor

Senem DOYDUK has received her M. Arch in Restoration (2003)
degrees from Dokuz Eyll University. Her eld of research interest
also covers the issues of; Conservation and Restoration of Historical
Heritage, Urban Conservation, Urban Archeology. She is currently
undertaking her PhD studies at Yldz Technical University, Dept. of
Gunes Akkor est ltudiant a lUniversit de Galatasaray, au Dpartment de sociologie depuis 2005. Elle est diplome du lyce francophone de Saint-Joseph 2005. En mme anne elle a eu une
invitation de la Dpartement de loi de lUniversit de Sophia Antipolis
a Nice pour les tudes de licence.
Adresse postale:
Yldz Teknik Universitesi, Mimarlk Fakltesi, Barbaros Bulvar, Beikta,
34349, Istanbul, Trkiye
Adresse courrier lectronique:,
+90 536 6404294

+90 536 6589741

1. La plupart des constructions et des lments de construction

appartenant lantiquit ont pu parvenir jusqu nos jours dans
larrondissement de Tarsus qui se situe au sud de la Turquie, prs
de la ville Adana. Bien quune partie de ces vestiges (ruines) soit
expos aux divers points du centre de la ville, une partie se trouve
encore au sous-sol. Ces vestiges se trouvent aux direntes parties
de la ville. Les vestiges quon observe au long de la rivire antique
de Kydnos ont pu survivre sous les nouvelles constructions. Sous la
mosque de Makam qui se trouve sur cet axe, on a retrouv un arc
appartenant un pont et sous cet arc une catacombe quon pense
quelle appartient au prophte Daniel.
Dans cette tude, les dcouvertes trouves sous la mosque de
Makam vont tre analyses avec les constructions antiques et leurs
ruines qui se situent a lalentour de cette mosque. On va constater
comment les couches urbaines quon observe au bord de la rivire
antique sont valorises dans la vie urbaine moderne. Cette place qui
se trouve sur laxe de la ville est un point de nud pour le rseau de
transport aussi bien quil soit un point de nud chronologique dans
lhistoire de la ville.
Aprs avoir donn des informations sur la situation actuelle des
constructions antiques qui se trouvent sur le sol, on va analyser
les constructions qui se trouvent au sous-sol. Par lanalyse des
constructions sur le sol et sous-sol, on va montrer laxe antique .
Lanalyse sera bas sur linuence de la cration dun projet en


intgrant cet axe aux vestiges trouvs au sous-sol sur la relcture de

lhistoire urbaine de Tarsus et les contributions la mmoire urbaine.
On va rechercher aussi dans le caractre social de Tarsus comment
on peut proter des lgendes qui sont trs importants dans lhistoire
de cette ville pour la protection des valeurs culturelles.
2. La rivire de Kydnos qui construit laxe antique tait dans la ville
jusqu 6me sicle avant J.C., mais on a chang sa lit cause des
inondations. On pense que le lac de Rhegme se situait la place du
fret de Karabucak. (Figure) (z, 1998, p. 2) Le trajet de la rivire se
dirige de lest du lyce de Barbaros Hayrettin qui se trouve au centre
ville vers la mosque de Makam. Si on recherche les inuences du
tissu urbain antique sur le tissu urbain moderne, ils peuvent tre
observs nettement avec les ruines archologiques retrouvs
au sous-sol ou bien encore les couches urbaines antiques qui se
trouvent sur le sol. La plupart de ces ruines se trouvent encore
dans les couches au sous-sol. Laltitude de la ville de Tarsus est de 24
mtres. Autrefois, elle se trouv 6-7 mtres plus bas de son altitude
actuel. (Erzen, 1943, p. 24). Avec la nouvelle construction qui sest
forme sur le tissu antique, la stratication archologique sest cre
dans la ville. Donc, une partie des constructions hellnistiques et
romaines de la ville qui tait le capital du royaume de la Cilicie sont
disparus et lautre partie survit encore au sous-sol tant une couche
3. Les constructions et les vestiges de constructions sur cette axe antique
vont tre cit un par un ; dabord les vestiges des constructions qui
se trouvent au sous-sol, puis une glise, un hammam (bain public),
un mur dun autre hammam qui se trouvent sur le sol et enn les
vestiges qui se trouvent la fois au sous-sol et sous un construction.
(Picture 2) Donc cet axe qui commence au sous-sol monte quelque
part sur le sol et puis redescend au sous-sol pour atteindre les ruines
archologiques qui se trouve sous une mosque de la priode
Les vestiges qui se trouvent au lyce de Barbaros Hayrettin, a cot de la
rivire antique de Kydnos ; 1984 en construisant les fondations de
limmeuble sont dcouvertes 3,5 mtres du sous-sol. (Picture 3)
Il ny a aucune construction sur les ruines qui se trouvent au jardin
de lcole. On a commenc faire de fouilles de sauvetage par le
directorat du muse de Tarsus mais les travaux ne sont pas achevs
encore. (z, 1998, p. 92)
Eski Camii cot de la rivire qui est appel aussi Kilise Camii ou
la mosque de Baytemur ; est construite comme lglise par le
roi armnien Oin (1307-1320). (Bilgili, 2001, p. 124) Lglise est
transforme en mosque par Ramazanolu Ahmet bey. (plak,
1968, p. 310)
Le mur nord du hammam de Rome qui est intgr au rseau de
transport urbain est disparu, le mur sud est perc par un chemin
qui se passe travers le mur. Ce mur qui a lair dun dcor de scne
par lequel on peut relire lhistoire urbaine de la ville, rete bien les
techniques de construction de cette priode avec la construction
des briques et mortier dit Horasan . Le hammam ancien est appel
aussi le hammam de ahmaran . Daprs la lgende ; ahmeran qui
est le padischah des serpents est tu dans ce btiment parce quon
croyait que le sang de ahmeran va soigner le souverain de Tarsus.
Le sang de ahmeran a gicl sur les murs et daprs la lgende, son
tache se trouve encore sur les murs. (plak, 1968, p. 313)

Connatre le lieu avant dintervenir

Conocer el lugar antes de intervenir
Knowledge prior to intervention

Un autre ruine archologique sous la mosque de Makam qui se

trouve au bord de la rivire antique, se forme de la catacombe quon
pense quelle appartient au prophte Daniel et de certaines couches
de constructions. A lhistoire on croyait quavec larriv du prophte
Daniel Tarsus, la pnurie a ni et la prosprit a rgn dans la ville
et dans tout le pays de la Cilicie. (Akgndz, 1993, p. 442) On dit que
le prophte qui est mort Tarsus, est enterr dans la rivire antique.
(plak, 1968, p. 314) La mosque de Makam est construite sur les
pieds du pont antique qui se trouve sur le tombeau. Avec le temps
leau de la rivire a commenc nuire la mosque donc en 1965 on
a dcid construire des canaux et on a retrouv les pieds des arcs
du pont. (Akgndz, 1993, p. 444)
Pendant les travaux de fouille en 2006, dans la mosque de Makam,
on a retrouv des vestiges de larc et des chambres qui divise larc
dans la direction d est-ouest. On a commenc aux travaux de fouille
en pensant que ctait le tombeau du prophte Daniel et la n des
fouilles on a trouv derrire la catacombe deux dirents niveaux
du sol. (Figure 2) Lantique axe qui se trouve tout au long de la rivire
pntre dans la mosque de Makam sur le sol et descend au sous-sol.
Ainsi on peut observer les couches sous la mosque. Donc comme
on voit, la prsence des ruines archologiques urbain sur le sol, au
sous-sol ou bien encore sous une autre construction nempche pas
lintgration des ces restes au projet de conservation.
4. Tarsus est un bon exemple des villes o on peut voir linuence
des lgendes et des personnages des lgendes sur la protection
des valeurs culturels et la participation de ces constructions la
vie urbaine. En consquence de lintgration des lgendes de
prophte Daniel et ahmeran avec la mosque de Makam et
le bain publique de Rome le sens symbolique que ces constructions
ont dans la place publique saccroit et rete des inuences
importants sur le mmoire urbaine. Grce ces lgendes la relation
entre le peuple et la stratication cre par des restes antiques
deviennent plus ecaces. A part de la protection physique de
ces ruines, on contribue le tourisme religieux de la ville une vue
socio-conomique la faveur de la continuit des relations avec les
lgendes .

Figure 2: Le plan de Tarsus (Bilgili, 2001, p. 62)

Figure 4: Les ruines archologiques sous la mosque de Makam

AKGNDZ, AHMED (1993) Ariv Belgeleri Inda Tarsus Tarihi ve Eshab- Kehf Tarsus Ticaret
ve Sanayi Odas, stanbul.
BILGILI, ALI SINAN (2001) Osmanl Dneminde Tarsus Sanca ve Tarsus Trkmenleri: SosyoEkonomik Tarih Kltr Bakanl Yaynlar/2657, Ankara.
IPLAK, MUSTAFA NECATI (1968) el Tarihi: Tarihi Turistik Zenginleriyle Gzel Sanatlar Matbaas,
ERZEN, AFIF (1943) Tarsus Klavuzu Maarif Matbaas, stanbul.
Z, HIKMET (1998) Bilinmeyen Tarsus Kltr Bakanl Yaynlar 2038, Ankara.
STRABON (2002) ev: Adnan Pekman Antik Anadolu Corafyas (Geographika XII) Arkeoloji
ve Sanat Yaynlar, stanbul.

Figure 3: Les ruines archologiques sous le lyce de Barbaros Hayrettin (z,

1998, p. 93)


Connatre le lieu avant dintervenir

Conocer el lugar antes de intervenir
Knowledge prior to intervention

Figure 1: La situation de Tarsus dans la priode antique (z, 1998, p. 26)


Connatre le lieu avant dintervenir

Conocer el lugar antes de intervenir
Knowledge prior to intervention

A study on the formation of the

traditional markets in the historic cities
of the Muslim World: case study of
Casbah city, Algiers

Generally, the traditional markets through time are facing many

changes, demolitions, damages and negligence, in the face of these
challenges; these markets were renewed over time. Some governments
eorts were taken to preserve their general structure have aected
their forms.

Dilmi Djamel
Short Curriculum: PhD candidate at the faculty of Architecture and
Environmental Design, IIUM and researcher at curatorial aairs department, Islamic Arts Museum, Malaysia. He Obtained a Master degree in
built environment and Bachelor in town planning. He was Lecturer at
the faculty of Architecture and Environmental Design, IIUM and Twintech School of Architecture. He has an interest on: Urban Design and
planning, city and regional development, conservation and restoration, Islamic architecture and arts, architectural education
Sri Tioman 2 Taman
Melati Gombak
53100 KL -Malaysia
E-mail address:

The traditional markets (aswq plural of sq) in the historic cities of
the Islamic world have been described as one of the most signicant
contribution of the Islamic civilization. The international trade and
commerce stimulated economic activities in historic cities where many
markets were erected to accommodate such commercial activities.
The traditional markets functioned socially, economically as well as
politically, and had a crucial role in the daily life of people.
The traditional markets in the Muslim world were divided into retail,
wholesale trade and manufacturing activities, the retail markets were
generally located in the centre of the city, while wholesale markets
and workshops were located on the periphery often near the gates.
However, these markets followed certain logic in accommodating
activities and goods that sold there. Dierent types of buildings
consisted in the traditional markets of historic cities; they were mainly
categorized into two broad categories, commercial buildings such as
shops, khans and arastas and public buildings such as the mosque,
madrassah, coee shops and sabl. However, all these buildings were
characterized by dierent types, functions, locations, architectural form
and activities that were carried out there.

3.1 The traditional markets in Casbah city

In Casbah city, a number of markets (aswq) were located around the
main mosque al-Jama al-jadid and organized in the form of markets
and grouped by specialization. Close to this mosque, there was a
big market (sq al-kabir) for wheat and other agricultural products.
Bookshops selling scientic and religious books were located in
another market nearby. Next to them, was a market for expensive
clothes, such as gold-embroidered clothes (al-serrajin), and where
leather merchants including shoemakers sold their goods. There were
locksmiths (zankat al-ferrag), shoemakers (zankat al-bashmaggia), gold
melting and molding (zankat al-dhwwaba), and jewelers (zankat alSiagha). However, the type, location and spatial structure of markets in
Casbah city, was similar to other historic cities of the Muslim world such
as Fez, Cairo, Istanbul, and Aleppo.
3.2 The spatial structure of traditional markets in the historic city
of Casbah, Algiers
The traditional markets in historic cities may be classied according
to the nature of the trade activities that were carried out there, such
as: retail trade, wholesale trade and production activities. Markets for
retail and wholesale trade were generally located in dierent parts of
the historic city.
Thus, the markets dealing in retail trade have generally appeared to
be located on the primary streets, while wholesale activities occupied
areas close to the entrance gates. Shops providing goods and provisions
and services for the daily needs of people, such as food sellers, tailors
often located on secondary streets near residential areas. In addition,
there were numerous sellers on the street aligned along the main street
selling food, small items and other low quality goods.
3.3 The impact of change on the traditional markets of historic
city of Casbah, Algiers
In recent years, circumstances have been occurring that are destroying
or having an adverse eect on some of the qualities of the traditional
markets of Casbah city. A eld survey was conducted to asses the
impact of changes having an adverse inuence on these markets. The
rst change detected in the traditional texture of Casbah took place in
1830, during the French colonial period when major transformations
to the compact structure of the historic city of Casbah occurred. The
traditional markets were transformed into an arcaded boulevard;
some of the traditional buildings were demolished and replaced by
apartment blocks.
Since Independence, the Casbah, has experienced changes of
commercial development. This is mainly the result of an expanding
population and a consequent increase in demand for more commercial
buildings. In addition, the concentration of the low-income population
in the city also has been a factor in the proliferation of shops and smallscale manufacturing units.
The traditional markets in Casbah consist of many signicant old


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commercial buildings and structures belonging to various historic

periods. Though the number of commercial buildings is quite large
in the city of Casbah, many of them are worthy of preservation. The
deterioration of old buildings in Casbah is common, as in other historic
cities. The main reasons were natural decay, old age, the building
neglect, human action, lack of awareness, and inadequate maintenance.
Many buildings are gradually decaying and are further aected by the
increasingly overcrowded conditions and by natural disaster as well.
More recently, the traditional markets in Casbah have been selling
products and goods which are produced in workshops and factories
outside the city. The goods and products are transported to Casbah
initially by heavy trucks, and hand drawn carts to the markets inside the
historic city. The narrow streets in Casbah are causing the congestion in
the traditional markets. This situation demands more adequate space
in the traditional city.
In addition to the presence of the heavy vehicular trac in the narrow
streets, the absence of adequate parking, loading and unloading
facilities means these activities have generally to be carried out on
the streets, creating severe problems with regard to the mobility and
accessibility. The lack of public amenities, such as toilets and rest places,
is another factor responsible to some extent for making these traditional
markets less attractive than they might be for shoppers.
The concentration of low income families in Casbah city and their
need to generate more income has led to an increase in production
activities, which generally occur within or close to the residences, such
as the adjacent street space. Such activities frequently generate noise,
obnoxious smells and solid waste.
3.4 Planning policies with regard to the conservation of
traditional markets of Casbah, Algiers
Since the independence of Algeria in 1962 until today there have been
no particular policies from government to deal with the traditional
markets of Casbah, Algiers, except the conservation of historic buildings.
The restoration eorts from government on some important parts of
Casbah in the form of planning reports and master plan regulations, are
still in the process of completion.
The emphasis in such policies appears to be in the restoration of such
elements rather than improving the whole image of the city. However,
it is important to mention here that the signicance of traditional
markets in Casbah city has not been fully recognized in the planning
It will be useful to consider some issues that are being faced by the
traditional markets to end up with some recommendations. These
recommendations could be as guidelines that will be useful for future
development of the traditional markets in the historic cities of the
Muslim world, which can always be modied by future research. Thus,
these recommendations are as follows:
1. There should be a comprehensive conservation plan which pay
special attention to the signicant role of traditional markets.
2. There should be a separate body with members from all sections
of society, such as architects, conservationists, members of trade
associations and residents to implement these plans and should be
established by government.
3. There should be preservation of old structures by nding new
use and by nding new construction guidelines. The Government






should not allow new projects that contrast with the traditional
texture and the development plan of the traditional market areas of
the historic city for political or speculative considerations.
There should be a trac management system. In order to preserve
the pedestrian scale of Casbah, Algiers, vehicles should not allowed
to enter traditional markets streets other than the main street.
Parking areas, loading and unloading spaces should be reserved
nearby the traditional market area for the use of the workers and
In order to improve the quality of built environment cleanliness of
the traditional markets, a concern should be given by shoppers,
workers and users.
Conservation procedures should be established such as survey,
inventory of the existing historic buildings and selection of preserved
parts, this survey is preferably to be conducted through technical
sta advised by the government to control the repairs and to give
advises or guidance about repair procedures.
Traditional markets in historic cities are places of great interest to
tourists; tourism may serve to revive the economic life of the historic
city by encouraging artisan activities. Thus, the historic city might be
able to aord conservation expenses.

As a result, the signicance for preservation of traditional market is
not properly understood by government as well public, the existing
information on this subject is, most often, incomplete or weak. Yet,
most of people have only a cursory and incomplete understanding of
internal working of traditional markets and less awareness about the
quality of these commercial buildings that are of signicant importance,
perhaps even irreplaceable, and their loss or diminution is a matter of
serious consequence.

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An archaeological-urban history of
traditional architecture in Morocco

Said Ennahid
B.A., Islamic Archaeology, 1992, Institut National des Sciences de
lArchologie et du Patrimoine, Rabat, Morocco; M.A./Ph.D. 2001, Anthropology, Arizona State University. Currently, professor of Islamic Art
and Architecture and History of the Arab World at Al Akhawayn University in Ifrane, Morocco. Political Economy and Settlement Systems of
Medieval Northern Morocco: An Archaeological-Historical Approach,
book published by Archaeopress, Oxford, 2002.
School of Humanities and Social Sciences
Al Akhawayn University in Ifrane
Avenue Hassan II
P.O. Box 1886
E-mail address:
(212) 35 86 24 77

This paper is a shorter version of an on-going research project on the
archaeological-urban history of traditional architecture in Morocco as
manifested in habitat social or collective housing. This project uses a
multidisciplinary approach which combines archaeology, architecturalurban history, and documentary and photographic evidence to gain
the broadest chronological and empirical scope possible from the 8th
century to the present.
In this paper, I will briey discuss case studies from 1) medieval
archaeological settings in Morocco, 2) pre-colonial, colonial and
post-colonial periods, and 3) modern housing projects in Morocco
(Ville nouvelles). In all these cases, I will briey show how a model
of a traditional architecture is created, and re-created as a result
of a number of historical, political, socio-economic, and ideological
considerations and circumstances.
From Rabad To Habitat Social
Rabad (pl. arbad) is a term used in Arabic medieval texts to refer to a
residential neighborhood located at the periphery of the city (madina)
and serving as home for the marginalized and oppositions groups, e.g.,
the poor, rural migrants, former slaves, small artisans and merchants,
political activistsin some cases also the lepers and prostitutes.
The rabad, both as an empirical reality and a theoretical construct, is a
common practical tool used by archaeologists and urban historians
studying Islamic cities when they use socio-economic status as a
criterion to divide their sites horizontally into elite and non-elite


quarters or neighborhoods. Today, terms such as habitat social or

collective housing have substituted for the less politically-correct term
of rabad.
Traditional Architecture In Archaeological-Historical
Traditional architecture is used in the discussion below to mean a type
of urban domestic architecture made of an aggregation of houses with
similar architectural plan/elevation and a complex network of sociocultural, ethnic, and economic ties and interests. A typical traditional
house is built around a central courtyard with a series of rooms opening
into it via a portico. This is a plan that has not changed since early
Islamic times as attested by documentary and archaeological evidence.
In a description of a Fassi (from Fez) house, medieval al-Umari (A.D.
1349) states:
suivant un plan uniforme: deux salles se faisant vis--vis, dresses sur
des piliers de pierre ou de brique; des chambres surplombant la cour
de la maison; devant elles, des vasques, dans lesquelles leau court; puis
cette eau sort dans un bassin situ au milieu de la cour. 2
Contact with the outside world is reduced to a minimum, hence the
function of the courtyard as the main, if not the only, source of light
and ventilation3. Another dening feature of a typical traditional house
is the bent-axis entryway or satwan which prevents direct view into
the interior of the house; a feature, which is religiously maintained
regardless of the constraints of building space (Figure 1)4. This latter
is not however a purely Islamic creation5. This type of plan is ideal for
providing the Muslim family with secure and, above all, private space.
In a previous work, I examined in greater detail the architectural, urban,
and socio-cultural implications of traditional architecture (Ennahid
The rst archaeological evidence of this type of domestic architecture
is to be found in Roman sites reoccupied during the Islamic period.
Two good examples are 1) the Islamic house in Lixus (medieval
Tushummush)6 made of a series of rooms with plastered walls opening
into a porticoed courtyard with a central basin. This house is also
equipped with is a private bath (hammam) (Ponsich 1981:126-127,
gure 36); 2) In Roman Volubilis (medieval Walila), archaeologists
uncovered another Islamic house built around an espace central
(courtyard?) with a circular basin in the center and a series of rooms
opening into it (Akerraz 1998:299-302).
For the early Islamic period, the house excavated at al-Basra (9th-11th
centuries A.D.) represents an intriguing example; it consists of a long
bent-axis entryway (ca. 6 m) and a series of rooms interconnected to
each other with a series of corridors instead of opening onto a central
courtyard as is expected in Islamic houses (Figure 2). At medieval Qsar
es-Seghir (12th 15th centuries A.D.), excavations have revealed 18 wellpreserved Islamic houses:
Almost invariably, all the excavated domestic units follow the classic
layout of the Islamic house with a bent-axis entryway, rooms arranged
around the central courtyard, and utility rooms (kitchen, storage room,
latrines) arranged along the street side of the courtyard (Figure 3). Only
house size, building material and decorative techniques show some

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variability. (Ennahid: 2002a:124; Redman: 1986:80-82)

For the late medieval and pre-colonial periods, traditional architecture
well known to us historically, archaeologically, and architecturally,
especially the cities of Fez, Marrakech, and Sal. However, most of
the historical and architectural literature at hand deals essentially with
elite domestic architecture; to shed more light on non-elite domestic
architecture in the context of collective housing, waqf (religious
endowments) and fatawa (sing. fatwa, advisory decision) archives
could prove a valuable source of information.8
From Habitat indigne to Villes nouvelles
A brief examination of housing programs conceived and sponsored by
French Residence Gnrale (1912-1956) for the indigenous populations
of Morocco, especially in Casablanca (Cohen and Eleb 1998), shows
promising theoretical, analytical, and empirical potential of studying
traditional architecture in the context of collective housing settings.
The very terminology used by French colonial-period architects and
urban designers to refer to collective housing in Morocco shows a
variety of overtones betraying a range of cultural-historical, political,
socio-economic/demographic, and ideological considerations and
a) Habitat indigne, Ville indigne, Ville nouvelle indigne, Habitat
musulman, Nouvelle medina: The terms Indigenous and Muslim
are used in contrast to those of French, European or Christian.
b) Habitation bon march, Habitat modeste, Cit ouvrire, Habitat
conomique: Low-cost housing for the hordes of rural migrants
coming to the city to work for French factories.
c) Habitat pour le plus grand nombre, Habitat collectif, Logement de
masse: Housing for the greater numbers or housing for the masses.
d) Trame sanitaire 8x8: 35 m2 housing blocks equipped with minimum
sanitary infrastructure meant to replace workers shanty towns
where hygienic conditions were deplorable.

specically since 2004, has engaged in a large-scale program of social

housing where whole new cities (ocially called madina Jadida, pl.
mudun Jadida or villes nouvelles) are being built at the periphery of
existing ones, e.g., Tamasna for a population of 250,000 inhabitants
(near Rabat), Tamansurt for a population of 300,000 inhabitants (near
Marrakech), and Tagadirt for a population of 208,500 inhabitants (near
These new cities are being built by Moroccan architects for a Moroccan
population. A typical house in one of these villes nouvelles has an area
of 50m2 and costs around 200,000 dirhams (ca. 20,000 euros) (Figure
4). To keep prices low, several of the classic features of traditional
architecture (e.g., central courtyard, bent-axis entryway) have been
scaried to provide for more building space. Most of intra-family
interactions are now performed in the living room (TV room) and
in public parks (espaces vert), in upper-standing cases, for social
interaction of the inhabitants. Usually the faades of these multi-story
housing blocks tend to recreate the ever-evading image of the medina,
by the usealmost apologetic and often distasteful of arcades and
green tiles.
The question now is 1) What are a) the theoretical and empirical
models of reference and b) the architectural-urban repertoires (e.g.,
Arabo-Islamic, Hispano-Moorish, and/or Western) used by a new
generation of Moroccan architects in building new homes and new
cities for the Moroccan family of the 21st century? 2) To what extent
the new collective housing projects, both as a state-championed
housing program and as an urban-architectural model, breaks away
or duplicates preceding programs and models from colonial and postcolonial periods? 14
ABU-LUGHOD, J., L. 1980 Rabat: Urban Apartheid in Morocco, Princeton University Press, NJ.
AKERRAZ, A. 1992 Lixus, du Bas-Empire LIslam. Lixus, Collection de LEcole Franaise de
Rome 166:379-385. 1998 Recherches sur les niveaux islamiques de Volubilis. In Gense de
la ville Islamique en al-Andalus et au Maghreb Occidental, edited by P. Cressier and M. GarciaArenal, pp. 295-304. Casa de Velazquez, CSIC., Mardrid.
AUBIN, E. 1912 Le Maroc daujourdhui. A. Colin, Paris

One important line of investigation is to see to what extent colonialperiod architects and urban designers drew upon the representation or
souvenir of an Orient as imagined, depicted, and recreated in western
travel narratives , Orientalists paintings (e.g., Eugne Delacroix in 1832),
and Worlds Fairs (e.g., Exposition universelle, Paris, 1889).10 A good
example in this regard is this 1930s water-color-like depiction of Fez by
the Tharaud brothers (Jrome and Jean):
Sa maison, un bon Fassi doit lavoir dans la Mdina, dans cette masse de
hautes demeures accoles les unes aux autres comme autant de cellules
dans un gteau de miel, et o les rues troites se frayent un passage par
de multiples dtours, entrent, comme elles peuvent, sous des votes et
des tunnels, pour sarrter tout moment devant un mur infrachissable.
Heureux qui possde l sa demeure (...) car le bonheur pendant la vie,
cest dhabiter la Mdina.
Preliminary examination of a number of collective housing projects in
Casablanca dating to the colonial and early Independence periods, e.g.,
the quarters of Habous, Lafarge, Cosuma, and Socia (Cohen and Eleb
1998) is showing promising results in this regard.
Morocco in the last 50 years (since independence in 1956) and more

BENCO, N. 1987 The Early Medieval Pottery Industry at Al-Basra, Morocco. British Archaeological
Reports: International Series 341. Archaeopress, Oxford. 2002 1990 Archaeological
investigations at Al-Basra, Morocco. Bulletin dArchologie Marocaine 19:293-340.
BENCO, N. (editor) 2004 Anatomy of a Medieval Islamic Town: Al-Basra, Morocco. British
Archaeological Reports: International Series 1234, Archaeopress, Oxford.
BRUNSCHVIG, R. 1947 Urbanisme mdival et droit Musulman. Revue des Etudes Islamiques
Medieval Qsar es-Seghir: Plan of house 200. Source: Redman (1986:82)139-141.
ELIK, Z. 1992 Displaying the Orient: Architecture of Islam at Nineteenth Century Worlds Fairs.
University of California Press, Berkeley
COHEN, JEAN-LOUIS AND MONIQUE ELEB 1998 Casablanca : mythes et gures dune aventure
urbaine. F. Hazan, Paris.
DUGAS, G. 1996 Maroc : les villes impriales (textes choisis et prsents par Guy Dugas),
Omnibus, Paris
ENNAHID, S. 2002a Access Regulation in Islamic Urbanism: The Case of Medieval Fs. The
Journal of North African Studies 7(3):119-134. 2002b Political Economy and Settlement Systems
of Medieval Northern Morocco: An Archaeological-Historical Approach. British Archaeological
Reports: International Series 1059. Archaeopress, Oxford.
GOLVIN, L. 1958 Notes sur lentre en avant corps et en chicane dans larchitecture musulmane
de lAfrique de nord. Annales de lInstitut des Etudes Orientales, Algiers
LVI-PROVENAL, E. 1995 rabad. Encyclopaedia of Islam, Vol. VIII: 348-349. E. J. Brill, Leiden
LOTI, P. 1890 Au Maroc. Calmann-Lvy, Paris


Connatre le lieu avant dintervenir

Conocer el lugar antes de intervenir
Knowledge prior to intervention

Maslow and Terrasse 1936 Une Maison Mrinide de Fs. Revue Africaine LXXIX, p.503.
PONSICH, M. 1981 Lixus: Le quartier des temples. Etudes et Travaux dArchologie Marocaine
IX, Rabat.
REDMAN, CH. 1986 Qsar es-Seghir: An Archeological View of Medieval Life. Academic Press, New
REVAULT, J. 1988-1991 Rexions sur larchitecture domestique en Afrique du Nord et en
Orient. In Lhabitat traditionnel dans les pays musulmans autour de la Mditerrane, Vol. 1, pp.
315-321. Institut franais darchologie orientale, Cairo
REVAULT, J., L. GOLVIN AND A. AMAHAN 1985 Palais et demeures de Fs I: Epoques Mrinide et
Saadienne XIV-XVII sicles. Centre National de la Recherche Scientique, Paris. 1989 Palais
et Demeures de Fs II: Epoque Alawite XVII et XVIII sicles. Centre National de la Recherche
Scientique, Paris. 1992 Palais et Demeures de Fs III: Epoque Alawite XIX-XX sicles. Centre
National de la Recherche Scientique, Paris.
THARAUD, JROME ET JEAN 1919 Rabat ou les heures marocaines. E. Paul, Paris 1920 Marrakech ou
les seigneurs de lAtlas. Plon, Paris 1930 Fez ou les bourgeois de lIslam. Plon, Paris
ZERHOUNI SELMA AND FOUAD AKELAY, 2006 50 ans darchitecture au Maroc ou la politique des
ruptures. In 50 ans de dveloppement humain au Maroc et perspectives 2025 (
Figure 1: A schematic view of a bent-axis entryway. Source: Ennahid (2002a:121).

For more details on the term Rabad and Rabadi, see Lvi-Provenal (1995).

al-Umari, LAfrique moins lEgypte, trans. M. Gaudefroy-Demombynes (Paris:

Bibliothque des Gographes Arabes 1927) p.138. See Revault et al. (1985:79-82) for
selected excerpts of historical texts on domestic architecture in Fez between 14th -17th

In Middle Eastern domestic architecture, in addition to the courtyard (with the

occasional Iwan), one or more wind-towers (malqaf ) are used as ventilation devices to
divert the outside air-ow into the house interior.

For example the Marinid house studied by Maslow and Terrasse (1936).

Golvin (1958:243).

Akerraz (1992); Ennahid (2002b: 102-103).

Benco (1987, 2002). For more details see Ennahid (2002b:52-54) and Benco (2004:3-8).

See Brunschvig (1947) for issues related to the application of Sharia law in urbanism.

Aubin (1912); Jean and Jrme Tharaud (1919, 1920, 1930); Loti (1890); Dugas 1996.


elik (1992: 70-80, 122-135), Cohen and Eleb (1998: 204).


Dugas (1996:168).

12 (consulted on March 5, 2007), see also

Zerhouni and Akelay (2006).


Based on analysis of promotional borchures.


See for example Abu-Lughods urban study of post-colonial Rabat where she shows
how colonial cast dierentiations were transformed into class ones after independence,
Abu-Lughod (1980).

Figure 2: Medieval al-Basra: A house complex with three rooms and a bent-axis entryway.
Source: Benco (2002:334).

Figure 4. Promotional Brochure for a Collective Housing Project in Casablanca.

Source: Addoha, 2007


Figure 3: Medieval Qsar es-Seghir: Plan of house 200. Source: Redman (1986:82)

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Between east and west: the sicilian code

2. The stages of the veication of the urban design in the empty

3. The stages of the veication of the urban design in the built areas;
4. Notes and photographic images

Giovanna Brambilla
Architetto, nata nel 1967 in Sicilia. Dal 1995 svolge attivit didattica e
di ricerca presso la Facolt di Architettura dellUniversit degli Studi
Mediterranea di Reggio Calabria.
Dottore di Ricerca in Disegno e Rappresentazione dellArchitettura
e dellAmbiente; partecipa inoltre a numerosi convegni, concorsi e
mostre nazionali e internazionali sui temi del Disegno della Citt e del
Direccion postal:
via Fontana Vecchia, 11 89010 Cannitello -Villa S.G.(RC) Italia

The Mediterranean Sea and the circuit of lands surrounding it.

Place of blending and clash between cultures, between east and west,
north and south of the world.
The Mediterranean Sea has always occupied a central role in relation
to the know world.
The current political geography of the contemporary world is
concentrated in one part of the Mediterranean, highlighting the old
dispute between the dierent visions of life which, particularly in this
area, continue without a solution.
The Mediterranean and he Sicilian history, culture and urban events are
a very unique condition.
Peculiar arca di sasso dominated by the bulkiness of Mount Etna.
Undened border within which all sort of histories, peaple and cultures
mixed and amalgamated.
A Greek, Roman, Arab, Norman and Spanish island, always ready and
forced to modify its.
Habitat in order to create the most suitable conditions of habitability.
This conditions makes the island an exceptional laboratory to
understand the methods of settlement and modication of the urban
structure in the last two thousand years.the trditional partition of the
sicilian territory into three areas characterised by the valley of Mazara,
Noto, and demone is useful to highlighti the strong interconnectione
between the specic territoriale characteristics and the unavoidable
processes of modication imposed and determined by the human
The choice of the settlements where the research has been conducted
has been determined by the necessity to point out the variety of urban
and cultural experiences in the islands.
There are twenty centres distributed whitin the three valleys (Val di
Mazara, di Noto, Demone).
The centres analysed through:
1. The chronology of the urban processes;

in Val di Mazara: Alcamo, Caccamo, Caltabellotta, Erice, Marsala, Mazara
del Vallo, Sambuca di Sicilia, Sciacca.
In Val di Noto: Avola, Grammichele, Modica, Naro, Scicli, Vizzini.
In Val Demone: Calascibetta, Castelbuono, Castiglione di Sicilia, Cefal,
Forza dAgr, Sperlinga.
For each centre we pointed out the methods of settlement in relation
to the orographical structure and the location within the territory. The
main connecting roads and the imprint given by the buildings, the layouts and the juctions of the consolidated urban design.
In particular we see elements of the territorial shape morphology and
infrastructure- on one side, and on the other elements of the shape of
the city where we can notice a structure characterised by the emptiness
and the fullness in the design of the city. Stages of the process of
transformation and analysis of the veriability of the urban design.
The centres of Val di Mazara, in particular, have been strongly inuenced
by the Arab presence, not only in the organisation and exploitation of
the territory, but also in the structure of the urban settlement with
patterns still visible.
This structure is based on the hierarchic interrelation of the road routes
from the main ones (shari) to the secondary (darb) and to the dead end
alleys (azzikka).
Despite the natural disaster, destructions and subsequent stratications,
many medioeval cities in Sicily, and in particular Mazara, Sciacca,
Sambuca, still maintain this imprint which can be veried in the
irregular setting of the main roads, the fragmented articulations of the
residential web and the relations between full and empties.
All the centres of the Val di Noto we analysed carry a distinctive character
that started with the catastrophic events of the 1693 earthquake.
The reconstruction that followed brought a series of new experiences
in the architectural and urban planning of great value not only for the
Sicilian experience but also for the European architectural culture.
Between the XVI and XVII centuries the modern traces of the Sicilian
structure of settlements (Val Demone) reaches its denitive adjustament
throught the creation of new agricultural centres, particularly in the
less populated areas.
These new settlements show an accentuated regularity in their
structure (straight roads, blocks, rectangular squares) and a strong
monumental characterisation of the public buildings (churches and
castles) that powerfully rise above the uniform network of the low
classes. Very often, within the blocks, the traditional network of alleys
and courtyards, of islamic origins, is maintained.
Through the history we can nd and verify the elements characterising
what we can call the dierent stages in the recognition of the urban design.
This is what the investigation about the minor centres in based on.
These stages are:
a. Establishment of the recognition
b. Growth of the recognition
c. Point of bending and/or break of the recognition
d. Crisis of the recognition
e. Materials of a limited recognition and traces of a continuity of the


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Each stage has its own motivations, logics, values and characteristics
which will be described and visualised with designs and images of
some of the centres analysed.

the XIV and XVI centuries, developed its structure and despite the
signicant transformations that happened after the 1693 earthquake,
it is still recognizable in some parts of its urban network.

ALCAMO (image1)
It was built as Manzil Alquamah, farmhouse station created in Arab
times on the trade route from Palermo to the south-west cost of Sicily.
The settlement, strictly related to the territory, after the events of the
medioeval urban planning, developed with a road network shaped
in a orthogonal axis and regular blocks where the main architectural
and urban developments of the XVI century emerged: the castle to the
south, the market to the north, the cathedral to the west, the convent
of St Francis to the east. The principles in the urban organisation are still
visible nowadays.

CEFALU (image4)
It was rst Greek, then Roman (III century AD), conquered by the Arabs
after two long sieges in the IX century (835-858), this city went through
an exceptional period of economic, artistic and architectural blooming
with Norman conquest (1063). The urban settlements is characterised
by a straight axis going north to south, intersected by a series of crosses
developing mainly to the west of the route, while to the east they stop
on the walls of the Rocca.

ERICE (image2)
The residential area, entirely contained within a triangular perimeter,
maintains, in the road network and the architecture of the buildings, the
original characteristics of the medieval settlements. For long time the
settlement loses its importance until he Arab conquest in 831, when it
I given the new name of Gebel-Hamed.The urban settlement develops
along via Regia, which splits into the direction of the Loggia and the
Church of St. Giuliano, and, between the XIII and the XIV century, they
became the structure from which the main religious and civic buildings
emerged (Cathedral and Palazzo Chiaramonte).
Located on the coast by the mounth of the river of Mazara, in the
extreme south of the western low plains, Mazara is an important rural
and shing centre with a fabulous channel dock area.
The old city, within a quadrangular perimeter, is one of the centres which
better preserved residential characteristics of the Islamic settlements in
Sicily and is nowadays surrounded by a compact urban development
which created enlarged inhabited areas in an indenite way.
The castle, on the higher part of the city, was built by the Emir Zabuth
and, in 1185, William III handed it over to the convent of Monreale
with the name of Rahal Zabuth. The structure of the old Arab casale
(hamlet) is preserved, with the remains of a tower and a web of dead
end alleys and courtyards which represent the most complete Islamic
urban development in Sicily. The most original characteristics of the
islamic urbanisation is linked to the
Network of social relations organised in a diametrically opposite
way compared to the Greek-Roman heritage. The shape of the urban
network is characterised by a system of gradual stages going from the
public space to the private one throught SHARI, DURUB, AZIKKA.
This centre takes a very signicant place in the history of the city
because it was planned during the rebuilding stage of the sicilian
centres destroyed by the earthquake of Val di Noto. The plan followed
a hexagonal settings, surrounded by boroughs in a rectangular shape,
lined up along the lines related to the side of the orignale gure.
The medieval city, after the blooming of the Arab period, between


The origins of Castelbuono are linked to the small medieval Byzantine
Centre called Ypsigro (cool space) that was located in the proximity of
the modern inhabited area. In the XIV century the Ventimiglia Family
built the Castle which all the urban settlements refer to, with a design
still veriable nowadays.
Working in this laboratory, through the gathening of information and
design, we have tried to nd the non written rules which are behind
the processes of urban and territorial transformation of the islands.
Mutually relating to each other, the social city and the material one,
the CIVITAS and the URBS determined each others shape according to
their needs. Through the confrontation of these two realities, and the
relationships generated by the mixture of dierent peaple, cultures and
traditions, elements of connection and mutual relation between urban
and territorial dimension continuously inuence each other producing
values, qualities, criteria and methods useful to the search of beauty.

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Image 1

Image 3

Image 2

Image 4


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The Spaces of the Exchange in the

Mediterranean Cities

Concetta Fallanca De Blasio

Full Professor of Urbanism, Director of the Department of Architecture
and Analysis of the Mediterranean City of the University Mediterranea
in Reggio Calabria.
Architect, Doctoral graduate in Urban planning and Environmental
project. She belongs to the teaching body of the Doctorate in Planning of the Mediterranean City.
Department of Architecture and Analysis of the Mediterranean City of
the University Mediterranea in Reggio Calabria - Via Melissari, Feo di
Vito, 89124 Reggio Calabria
E-mail address:
0039 0965 3222201 - 0039 335 406209

The essential urban structure is mainly made up of social relation spaces

and the places consecrated to exchange, situated in the most central
urban areas. So, exploring and understanding this specic category of
spaces may be a worthwhile instrument to formulate strategies aimed
at maintaining their vitality and role.
Luoghi dello scambio e citt del Mediterraneo. Storie, culture, progetti
published in 2003 by Concetta Fallanca De Blasio and Alireza Naser
Eslami, pursues this line of research that is going to publish, within
2007, the second volume.
It oers an interpretative reading of eighteen cities - case works, divided
into specic units:
its economical pressures, to its socio-cultural motives and to the
political reasons which determined its character;
whole urban organization, by analyzing the structures linked to the
business spaces, such as shipyards, docks, areas of coasting trade.
Particular attention is focused on the foreign presences, organized
in some specic built-up areas;
peculiarities linked to the reference cultural area;
observation of the projects in progress, expressing also some
considerations on the future of the historical business spaces within
the overall planning of the city.
Entire business quarters, as in Istanbul, Bursa and Cairo, are real historic
citadels situated in the centre of settled city, with monumental


constructions (bazaar or Kapaliarsi, han, fonduk) radiating into a big

network of shopping streets (Uzunari Caddesi) and in a progression
of souqs, as in the medina of Fez, Algiers, Tunis, Tripoli, Jerusalem, Akka
and Aleppo, dominated by the polarities of the places of worship
and sometimes by quaisariya, closed and covered market reserved
to the most precious goods. In the European cities the case record is
also varied: real historic open markets appear in authentic souqs, as in
Palermo, Seville and Naples, enriched with the typology of the loggia;
ne networks as in Venice with the polarities of the warehouses, in
Genoa with the axiality - now lost - of the Ripa, as well as in Marseilles
reinventing a balance which was broken in the 20th century by the
building of the docks. In the end of the 19th century, the squares of
the historic markets are enhanced by the urban shopping arcades, the
passages and the magnicent markets whose ceilings are inspired by
the palace of cars shown in the last expo in Paris.
The work emphasizes the importance of the processes of trade
reorganization to ensure complexity and vitality of important fragments
of urban tissue; whereas the deterioration of the local commercial
networks may cause the decline of entire urbanized areas.
The study of spatial and organizational phenomena of the spaces
devoted to trade is of crucial importance to appreciate the
Mediterranean city and cast our mind into a sort of planning aware of
meanings and identities. The spaces actually devoted to trade should be
considered within the more complex system of the exchange spaces.
Also the historical and current settling of foreigners should be taken
into account in order to understand properly the basis on which the
equilibriums of multi-ethnic towns were realized and also in order to
project ancient achievements towards the new desires for city, which
our contemporary reality still does not seem ready to satisfy.
Some Mediterranean cities, such as Istanbul and Bursa, have entirely
renewed their urban tissue, keeping their trade citadels inside their
most central folds, with an astonishing vitality of the functions for a
continuity covering at least ve hundred years of history. The case of
Istanbul may be considered emblematic because of the number and
the quality of its trade structures: three bedesten, more than a hundred
han, turned into laboratories, small manufacturing factories, retail and
wholesale outlets and a huge number of weekly markets. Quarter Bazar
is the structural settlement and has such a distinctive value in the urban
settlement form that it creates a trade city within the heart of the old
town of Istanbul. It is the widest urban quarter fully devoted to trade
in the Mediterranean area and still today it is integrally keeping its
The historical identity of a lot of towns in Maghreb - such as Fez, Algiers,
Tunis and Tripoli, sharing a culture based on the Berber civilization and
on its ups and downs in opposing the supremacy desires of Spain, the
Near East, the Arab World and the Ottoman Empire - is just concentrated
in their medina. Today the Associations for the Protection of the Medina
are just aiming at the revitalization of trade spaces constituting the
arteries and the main polarities of the compound urban patrimony.
After epochs of neglect, now the trend seems to give them back to
the city in its quality of organized body keeping its deepest identity
characters, trough the preservation of the complexity of the residential,
commercial and artisan tissue, the restitution of the primitive functions
and the training of skills left to local competent craftsmen.
The historical urban materials devoted to trade in the European
Mediterranean city are less identiable and they do not include real
commercial citadels. They are made up of the great areas equipped for

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the weekly trade, of the stable markets, of the market squares, of the
streets with arcades sometimes culminating in the open galleries and
of the architectures of the covered markets dating back to the end of
the 19th century. The rare Italian shopping arcades were built towards
the end of the 19th century, inspired to the Parisian passages and to the
London arcades, with soft and well-lit ceilings in glass and iron.
The traditional ancient forms of street trade were revalued only
recently, because they have been hindered for decades by the local
governments which judged them hardly manageable and considered
them as trouble elements for the urban functions. Only the local
devotion avoided the innumerable street markets to be moved to
the outskirts, like in Milan, that had to defend even the street fair of
Saint Ambrogio (M. Sernini, 98) and in Palermo, that has also shown
to be attached to its historic market quarters, most of them of Arab
origin, such as la Vucceria, Ballar, etc. The historic market and food
supplies squares have been equally neglected for a longtime. The
recent rehabilitation of the historic Piazza delle Vettovaglie in Pisa seems
a good example. A greater luck was destined to the surviving loggias,
urban covered places built from the 13th century to the second half of
the18th century, assigned to the merchants negotiation and destined
to the sale of corn and wool. These are widespread typologies, often
located at the round oor of public buildings or churches which have
been considered for a longtime their exclusive competence, confusing
their nature as in the case of the loggia in Dubrovnik, situated at the
ground oor of Palazzo del Rettore. The covered markets also seem to be
the object of new attentions with good rehabilitation interventions like
the one of Leghorn, built in 1884 and recently restored.
Good examples of skills and organizations
A last consideration about the utility to observe and record the
organizations which, particularly in the East of the Mediterranean,
in the past as well as at present, have conceived magnicent trade
architectures inserted in signicant urban fragments, ensuring the
nancing of their prestige and of the upkeep of religious buildings, of
social, educational and cultural activities. All this aims at maintaining
the value of the built-up areas and at pursuing the main purpose of the
common interest in terms of consumer protection.
If the Kapaliari still keeps maintaining its character of production and
distribution - even with forms of international appeal in the case of
the carpets and Kilim - this is due to the economical complexity it has
kept, to its full integration with the historic town, to its laboratories that
produce unique pieces which allowed the citadel to be fully inserted
into the contemporary economical circuits. All this created some forms
of internal resistance to the trend of devoting the great historic trade
spaces to the tourist sale, often of industrial production. The principle
of assembling sale and production spaces according to the kinds of
goods, found in the souqs of the medina in Fez and in Tunis and in the
bazaars of Cairo, Istanbul and Bursa, is essentially kept still nowadays
in order to help the customer in the comparison of the products and
prices; its expressions are the research of an ecient exhibition of goods,
reasonable prices and the working-out of ner and ner handicrafts.
This principle was worth in the European cities of the Middle Ages and
it still survives in the local markets or in the thematic street markets; it
has been new overturned in the modern criteria of town layout or in
the big shopping centres.
Nota: Este artculo no se ha podido publicar en su totalidad por falta de espacio

El Cairo




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Meaning of the mosque-market (suq)

relationship in the light of basic islamic

Nihal Mohammad Maarouf

Born in February 6th, 1969 in Cairo, Egypt. Fluent in Arabic, English &
French Languages.
Member in the Egyptian Engineers syndicate since 1991.
Ph D. from Cairo University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of
Architectural Engineering in February 2002.
Current academic Position: Ass. Prof. & Head of the architectural group
of researchers in the Department of Civil Engineering IN THE NATIONAL RESEARCH CENTER, CAIRO.
Lecturer of History of architecture & Architectural Design in Integrated Thebes Academy of Engineering in Maadi & The 15 May Institute of
civil & Architectural Engineering .
Last Awarded in May 2007 the Award of Scientic Encouragement
presented by the National research center in Cairo.
Department of Civil Engineering , THE NATIONAL RESEARCH CENTER,
El Buhouth street , ( El Tahrir ), Dokki 11311 Cairo Egypt
E-mail address:

(+2 012) 7909720

The centrality of the mosque and markets is one of the chief

morphological common characteristics of traditional Islamic cities
throughout the Islamic world.
Many researchers who have discussed Islamic architecture have
concentrated on mosques and markets which constitute the core of
the Islamic city. Indeed, they generally did not deal with the principles
that brought them together, nor do they provide an analysis of spatial
form. The researcher is convinced that a prerequisite to understanding
Islamic architecture is the proper interpretation of its main values and
As a rule, there is a close interaction between what people build
and what they believe, and this equation works in both senses: man
structures his environment, while he is also inuenced by it in his
attitudes as a result of interacting with it over time. This certainly holds
true for traditional societies, where human activities were guided by
distinct spiritual values which thus succeeded in permeating the whole
built environment.
This research studies some basic principles in Islamic religion and its
spatial implications within the traditional Muslim cities. One of the
important ndings that this research tries to uncover, is the existence


of an unconscious relationship between the Friday Mosque and the

surrounding markets at the core of the traditional Islamic city. It must
be established at the outset that the researcher is neither a scholar
nor an academician in Islamic theology. What follows is based upon
individual learning of the Holy Quran and understanding about the
Islamic faith and architecture.
Islamic Principle 1 & Its Spatial Implication
Islam is a way of life. Muslims are required to remember God in every
word they say and every act they do, including buying and selling.
Such as remember God, standing, sitting, and reclining, and consider
the creation of the heavens and the earth, (and say): Our Lord! Thou
has not created this in vain! Glory be to Thee; save us then from the
chastisement of the re (3:191) Translation of Surat (Ala Imran) or (The
Family of Imran) the Chapter 3 in the Holy Quran
The importance of this idea is expressed by the position of the
Mosque as a centre for gathering, worshiping and administration and
supported by the calling for prayers from high minarets that dominate
the distant view of the skyline. The minarets of the mosque being
placed on the street faade served as land marks, helping pedestrians
in nding their way in crowded narrow streets. This position of the
mosque in the traditional city, consequently provided an impressive
and overwhelming sense of peace and tranquility in contrast to the
adjoining noisy and busy streets.
Islamic Principle 2 & Its Spatial Implication
There is no conict between working and worshipping, in fact, they
should complement each other. The planning of the traditional Islamic
city provides for both inner spiritual needs, symbolized in the Mosque
and needs for a decent and prosperous life, revealed in the location of
the nearby market.
Unlike many other religions, Islam is indeed a middle way. It is a bridge
between that spiritual religion which demands what is beyond the
capability of most human beings and the world of the materialistic
normal needs. Islam teaches that, while Moslems must spend their lives
in a disciplined way and that they must observe the requirements of
daily prayers as main Islamic obligations, they can be condent that
what is expected of them is not beyond their capabilities. They can
also be condent that the world is a beautiful creation to be cared for
and enjoyed, while gaining money and socializing with fellow human
beings, is not something evil from which they must retreat.
but seek, in that which God has given you, of wealth, the Abode of the
Hereafter, by expending it in obedience to God, and do not forget your
share of this world, that is, [do not forget] to strive in it for the sake of the
Hereafter; and be good to people, by [giving] voluntary alms, just as God
has been good to you. And do not seek to cause corruption in the earth,
by committing acts of disobedience. Surely God does not love the agents
of corruption, meaning that He will punish them (28:77).Translation of
Surat (Al Qasas) or (The Stories, The Story) the Chapter 28 in the Holy
The researcher suggests that the location of prayer area side by side the
trading activities and the positioning of small shops just underneath
some mosques as in El Muayad mosque in Old Cairo, could be better

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understood in the light of one of the core Islamic principles that

practically recognizes the spirituality and the materialistic sides in the
nature of human beings.
One could say that the strength of Islam lies precisely in the
interconnection of both worlds: the temporal and the timeless, which
operate and is expressed in very practical terms. According to Islam,
human factors are acknowledged and accepted. Worldly concerns,
motives and desires are in no way ignored, belittled or condemned, but
rather transcended by their integration into a comprehensive religious
system, the prime objective of which is to interconnect the temporal
and the timeless, the earthly existence being seen as a transient
emanation of eternal life.(Bianca, 2000)
As a rule, the public spaces lack the rigid layout and allow for a high
degree of interaction between the various social activities, including
religious functions. The Mosque, as the main public core, is usually
embraced by markets, and together they form a coherent architectural
complex. The transition from the secular to the sacred spheres, both
contained within the same public section of the urban fabric, is
accomplished by a few steps, which allows for easy interaction between
the Mosque and the market. Some times markets are integral parts of
the Mosques. Occasionally when the inside area of the any mosque is
not adequate, the excess number of people use the pathways of the
suqs for their prayers.
Islamic Principle 3 & Its Spatial Implication
Modesty and lacking of extravagance are considered to be basic Islamic
principles for all human beings are equally servants to God the Creator.
By surveying, analyzing, and examining small and large traditional
Muslim cities, Mosques and markets are modest and their beauty stem
from inside. Shopping areas could have common walls with Mosques
and may be closely connected as being just underneath Mosques (El
Muayyad Mosque) in Cairo. The vast majority of the shops in the city
are grouped in a central market or suq. The streets of the market are
organized by craft or type of goods, colorful textiles, carpets, jewelries
and so on. Sometimes the market, and less often parts of the through
streets are shaded with awnings or roofs to provide shade, constructed
from brick or stone vaulting or made of wood or simply clothes.

stranger in the town might walk by without realizing the existence of

the mosque behind the walls, and this is particularly true of the western
and southern faades.
The close relationship between mosques and markets are simply an
implication of the Muslim perception of life. Merchants and clients, rich
and poor pray just side by side in rows in the nearest mosque, and then
return to their mundane commercial and social activities afterwards in
the suq.
Men whom neither merchandise nor selling diverts from the
remembrance of Allah and the keeping up of prayer and the giving of
poor-rate; they fear a day in which the hearts and eyes shall turn about
(24:37 ) That Allah may give them the best reward of what they have
done, and give them more out of His grace; and Allah gives sustenance
to whom He pleases without measure (24:38) Translation of Surat (Al
Noor) or (The Light) chapter 24 in the Holy Quran.

- Behrens-Abouseif, Doris (1989) Islamic Architecture in Cairo: An Introduction ed. The
American University in Cairo Press.
- Bianca, Stefano (2000) Urban Form in the Arab World: Past & Present ed. Thames & Hudson
pp. 23-46
- Hakim, Besim Selim (1986) Arabic-Islamic Cities: Building & Planning Principles Routledge
& Kegan Paul plc.
- Hiskett, Mervyn (1993) Some to Mecca Turn To Pray: Islamic Values and the Modern

O Children of Adam! wear your beautiful apparel at every time and

place of prayer: eat and drink: But waste not by excess, for Allah loveth
not the wasters.(7:31) Say: Who hath forbidden the beautiful (gifts) of
Allah, which He hath produced for His servants, and the things, clean
and pure, (which He hath provided) for sustenance? Say: They are, in
the life of this world, for those who believe, (and) purely for them on the
Day of Judgment. Thus do We explain the signs in detail for those who
understand. (7:32) Translation of Surat (Al Araf ) or (The Heights) the
Chapter 7 in the Holy Quran.
Simplicity and inner beauty are common traits of most of the mosques
and suqs. As in the suq near the zaytuna Mosque in Tunis, the suq
surrounds the Mosque on its three other sides utilizing its structure for
support of the vaulting system utilized for rows of shops. In addition
to the main entrance, the mosque could be provided with nearly
anonymous doors on the other facades. The architectural treatment of
the facades is of interest: the eastern faade is the only one treated
The other three faades are totally anonymous to the extent that a


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Vitality Analysis of Istanbul Historical

Peninsula Eminonu District
Glden Demet Oru
B.Arch I.T.U., Faculty of Architecture, Department of Architecture (1993)
MSc. I.T.U., Institute of Science and Technology, Urban Design Program
PhD. I.T.U., Institute of Science and Technology, Urban Design Program
Res..Ass. I.T.U Faculty of Architecture, Department of Urban&Regional
Istanbul Technical University Faculty of Architecture Urban &Regional
Planning Department Taskisla Taksim Istanbul TURKEY
E-mail address:,
+90 212 2931300/2842

The characteristics of the traditional centers are subject to a deformation
due to the changes of life styles and preferences within time. If not
controlled, this deformation spreads over and cause negative eects
on the whole urban pattern.
Eminonu, the historical center of Istanbul, is also entered to a
deterioration period and lost its attractiveness by time. It is a necessity to
create a social, physical and economic harmony in an eort to eliminate
physical and spatial quality loss and to provide the sustainability of its
distinguishing character and local image.
Within the aimed study, using the key indicators of town centre vitality
and viability an urban vitality ranking has been made between 10
neighbourhoods of Istanbul- Historical Peninsula Eminn District.
The Characteristics of Istanbul-Eminonu District
General user prole; consist of families with a low education and low
income group, immigrants and preferring to live in Eminonu because
of low prices and closeness to working place.
The business places in the region have a low income (44%), mostly
are tenors (79%) and preferred Eminn to be close to the other
companies in the sector and customers (83%) and they work on 08:0018:00 basis.
By means of Functional Quality and Diversity, even if the working
and shopping availability can be evaluated as partially adequate, they
are unsucient at quality aspects to attract dierent users. Education,
health, social and cultural functions are found unsatised and the green
areas, trac and car park are deemed as the most signicant problems.
Usage of the historical buildings as warehouse and manufacture has a
negative eect on the general space quality.
In the evaluation of Social Cultural Quality and City Safety, the total

population of the district is 54.518. The lack of cultural activities that

have an important role for urban attractiveness and security especially
at night hours is an important problem.
The evaluation made on Quality and Attractiveness in Urban Space,
revealed that the arrangement of the public spaces do not meet the
needs and expectations of the users, the traditional urban pattern has
been subject to a deformation due to the uncontrolled urbanization
and unqualied new buildings. (Oruc, 2004).
Determination of the Sample Areas
In order to determine the quarters representing the Eminonu District,
the indicators related to the economic and physical structures were
gathered and evaluated by quick cluster analysis method.
By clustering the 33 neighbourhoods, 4 groups have been obtained.
3 neighbourhoods were chosen from each group, and Nianca were
taken as a self representing unit.
Evaluation of Urban Vitality in Eminn District
In this study, rental values, land meter square unit values, commercial
and residential areas and population were determined as urban
vitality indicator values. Averages of the annual increment rates of the
indicators found out in the quarters representing Eminonu District have
been taken and an urban vitality ranking has been made for evaluating
the physical, social and economic transformation of the district.
The average growth rate of each variable was calculated using the
formula (t1/t0)1 n -1=r,
t1: the value at the time t1, n: year, r: average growth rate. These values
have been calculated as follows respectively.
The residential unit rental increment rates are less than that of the
business units.
In the Eminonu District there is an increase in the manufacturing and
storage functions in addition to commercial ones, residential areas
are of less preference. The greatest increase is in Cankurtaran and
Kucukayasofya, where the intense historical pattern is comparably
preserved and commercial area distribution is more uniform (Table II).
Considering the rental increases in the business units, the highest
increase was expected to be in Mercan, Hobyar and Tahtakale, where
commerce, accompanied by manufacturing, is the only function. This
increase however took place in Cankurtaran and Suleymaniye where
the urban space qualities are much better (Table III).
According to the annual increase rate in the land m2 unit prices, a
signicant increase was observed in Cankurtaran for the 2002-1998
period (93%).
Although an increase from 3 to 5% was observed in Suleymaniye and
Mercan, it might be seen as the existence of a potential for the future
development rather than the current usages (Table IV).
In the urban vitality evaluations, the existence of trade function is an
important parameter. In every quarter the proportion of ground oor
total trade area to the total quarter area was taken and the average
increase calculated.
The adverse change of commercial areas in Alemdar, Hobyar, Mercan
and Suleymaniye proved that there is a functional conversion in those
areas. The value increase can be related with the increasing wholesale
trade areas in Nisanca, and intensifying traditional commerce in
Cankurtaran (Table V).
As for the residential unit values, the change in the number of residential
units in all oors in neighbourhoods were evaluated.


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There is an evident drop in the number of residential units in 2002,

when compared to 1988. This adverse change shows that the quarters
are no more chosen as a place to live, and the residential units were
converted to manufacturing sites, storing sites or commercial units
(Table VI).

sustainability by means of contemporary functions are required.
programs and meetings.

Population values were taken from the census counts in 1985, 1990,
1997 and 2000.
There is an evident drop in the number of residential units in 2002,
when compared to 1988. This adverse change shows that the quarters
are no more chosen as a place to live, and the residential units were
converted to manufacturing sites, storing sites or commercial units
(Table VI).

KUBAN, D. (2000). stanbul Bir Kent Tarihi, Tarih Vakf Yurt Yaynlar.
ORU, G.D. (2004). Sehir Eski Merkezlerinde Mekansal Degisim ve Yeniden Canlandrma
Stratejileri stanbul-Tarihi Yarmada: Eminonu Ornei, PhD Thessis, I.T.U. Institute of Science
and Technology

Population values were taken from the census counts in 1985, 1990,
1997 and 2000.
Nota: Este artculo no se ha podido publicar en su totalidad por falta de espacio

When the urban vitality values compared, it can be seen that the vitality
value is higher in Cankurtaran, Kkayasofya, Mimar Hayrettin, than
the other quarters. Although there is a decrease on the dwelling house
and population in Cankurtaran and Kk Ayasofya, the increase of the
trade areas resulted a change in positive direction. Recently, tourism
accommodation and traditional trade started to choose places in both
quarters because of dense historical urban pattern and have aected
positively the urban vitality value.
On the other hand, the increase seen at Mimar Hayrettin resulted
from the increase on the trade areas. In this region where leather
manufacturing and wholesale shops located, there is a transformation
in the existing dwelling areas to the wholesale and manufacture shops
and warehouses. It will not be fair if the average value observed in this
quarter deemed as urban vitality.
At this point, trade function, which has a great contribution for the
urban vitality, should be dened more specically. Since the whole and
retail sales are given together in the relevant data, even if the ultimate
value shows a positive change, such a result can not be considered as
an urban vitality. Furthermore, trade function- if not supported by the
other usage areas- can give a dynamism to its region only in certain
hours of the day. If the urban vitality is possible by the existence of
people at dierent hours of daytime and night, low number of dwellers
is the reason of low vitality values of Hobyar, Mercan and Tahtakale
These regions, which are the trade centers of Eminn District, entered
to a deformation process in social and physical aspects in parallel with
the increase on the number of the manufacture and warehouse areas
within time
Under this content; in order to obtain the economic dynamism, social
integration, diversity and viability of the old city centers;
the existing pattern of the center, reevaluation of the area with new
functions by taking the diverse user needs,
social segment in the evening and at night,
where the manufacture and trade functions are dominant,


Figure 1: Istanbul-Historical peninsula Between 1950-1960 (Kuban, 2000).

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A Monumental Town in The

Mediterranean: Cunda
Ayten Erdem*, Rabia zakn**, Uzay Yergn***
* Education:

2006- Assistant Prof.

1997- Phd. Degree in Architectural Restoration, Institute of Sciences,
YTU, Gynk, The Historical Site, Religious and Civil Architecture Heritage Conservation Problems and Issues for New Buildings
1983- M. A.Architecture in Architectural Restoration, Institute of Sciences, YTU, Kula, The Historical Site, Civil Architectural Examples and
Their Conservation Problems.
Career Backround
1982-1984 As an Architect, Research Centre For Islamic History, Art
and Culture
1985- As a Research Assistant, YTU
** Completed Istanbul Yldz Technical Universitys Architectural Faculty

in 1985. She completed her Masters degree in 1988 and her doctorate
in 1995 in the same universitys Science Institutes Architectural Restoration Program. In 1987 she began as a researcher in Yldz Technical
Universitys The Vocational School Restoration Program and since
1996 has been an assistant professor. She is director of the Restoration
*** Desgnaton : Dr. Lecturer

2002- Ph.D. Restoration and Preservation, Institute of Sciences, Yldz

Technical University.
1991- Ms.C. Restoration Program, Institute of Sciences, Yldz Technical
1988- B.Sc.Degree in Architecture, Faculty of Architecture, Yldz University.
Dssertaton :
Changnig and Development of the Construction Technology during
the Westernisation Period in Architecture
* Yldz Teknik niversitesi Mimarlk Fakltesi Restorasyon Ana Bilim

Dal, Yldz Kamps Beikta- 34349 stanbul TURKEY

** Yldz Teknik niversitesi Maslak Kamps Meslek Yksekokulu

Restorasyon Program Bykdere caddesi No:69 Maslak 34398 stanbul

*** Yldz Teknik niversitesi Mimarlk Fakltesi Restorasyon Ana Bilim
Dal, Yldz Kamps Beikta- 34349 stanbul TURKEY
E-mail address: - -
+90 0212 259 70 70 (2370) (Ayten Erdem & Uzay Yergn)
+90 0212 285 05 30 (122) ( Rabia zakn)


Cunda Island is an important historic town in Turkey, situated on

southern end of the Gulf of Edremit in the Aegean Sea. It falls under
the province of Balkesir and the district of Ayvalk, with a population
of 2300. The islands economy is dependent on shing, viniculture and
the production of olives.
Known at one time as Ekatonisos/One Hundred Islands by Heredotus1,
Cunda and its environs began to be called Moshonisia /nice-smelling
islands after the 10th century2. In the Ottoman period however, it was
called Cezire-i Yunda/Yunda Island3. A seal dated from 1862 from
the Cunda Municipality was written Moshonisia Municipality 1862
in Greek, while Daire-i Belediye Cezire-i Yunda/Cunda was written in
Ottoman4. Since 1980, the island has been called Alibey Island, from
the name of a commander of the Independence War.
Cunda and its surroundings are important archaeological regions and
remnants dating as far back as the Bronze Age have been found5. The
antique city of Nesos, located on the southern part of the island, was
known to be active during the Hellenic, Roman, and Byzantine periods.
With time the city lost its importance and a new town called Moshonisi
was established in the 10th century. With the close of the Byzantine
reign, the city joined the Ottoman Empire in the 1430s. Cunda was
essentially a small shing town until the 18th century but became
an important Mediterranean center for industrial development and
sea trade in the 19th century6. In 1862 Cunda became a municipality
independent of Ayvalk, and a subdistrict in 1908. After the War of
Turkish Independence, the island was emptied of its population when,
in compliance with the Lausanne Agreement of 1923, the city was the
scene of a mandatory population exchange. Greeks living in Ayvalk and
Cunda were forced to go to Greece, while the Turks living on the islands
of Crete and Lesbos were brought to Cunda. With a public referendum
in 1952, the island became regionally governed by Ayvalk7.
The Elements of Urban Texture
Cunda is one of the small Anatolian town that has preserved the
traditional texture and characteristics of its churches, monasteries,
mills, shops, and houses. The inhabited area is located in the south of
the island. This area consists of two neighborhoods which contains 18
religious and cultural buildings and 551 inventoried houses8. Aklar
Tepesi, the site of the rst settlement, is the highest point of the city.
A large part of the citys layout consists of grid-like parallel and steep
streets, while the area around Aklar Tepesi and Taksiyarhis Church
retains a more organic fabric. Taksiyarhis Church is the focal point of the
city (Picture: 1). A small square and Aa Fountain are located to the
south of the Taksiyarhis Church. The commercial center is located on
the southern shore and consists of neatly rowed, attached one or twostory stone and brick buildings. Monumental buildings found on the
coast include the Ta Cafe, Despot House, and the only mosque in town,
Hamidiye Mosque. The houses built by the majority Greek population
from the 18th century to the early years of the 20th century that are still
standing are mostly attached and no more two -or three- stories. These
houses are mostly located on narrow streets made of cobblestone.
Though less common, there are houses that are free standing and have
their own private gardens. There are also wells in the streets for the
needs of town water. Streets such as Halk, Cumhuriyet and Selamet
Streets have preserved their authentic characteristics (Picture: 2-3).
Outside of Cundas settlement areas there are 8 monasteries9. Of the
many churches10 and windmills previously found within the settlement

Connatre le lieu avant dintervenir

Conocer el lugar antes de intervenir
Knowledge prior to intervention

areas, only three churches and three mills remain today.

Cunda Houses
The neo-classical style houses built from the mid 19th century on
tend to be two- or three-stories tall. There are also 2-story+basement,
2-story+gap (mezzanine) oor, 1-story+basement and single-story
houses11. The houses have two doors that open out onto the street.
One door leads to the ground oor, also called the maaza, or store
entrance, while the other leads into the house. The ground oor
consisted of stores for olives or olive oil, kitchen, laundry and often
cisterns or wells12. This oor with doors that opens out onto the
street and to the garden can also serve as a basement in houses that
are located on a slope. The upper stories were reserved for living and
sleeping. Aside from the hall/sofa and rooms there is a kitchen on the
middle oor and a balcony on the top oor.
Characteristics of the Layout
The top oors or the main living oors represent the plan characteristics
of the houses and the other oors are planned according to this story.
The houses are planned with a closed hall or sofa. The top oor is
organized around the location of the sofa with all of its various types:
inner sofa, outer sofa, corner sofa, and middle sofa. The sofa is situated
parallel or perpendicular to the street outside. Generally built narrowly,
it functions more like a passage from one room to another rather than
a common living space. The most popular layout type consists of a
rectangular hall/sofa with rooms located on the long sides of the hall,
and a balcony and staircase on the short sides. There are also examples
of L-shaped sofas formed by taking away a room. Another popular plan
is the corner sofa plan. With this type, there is a sofa in one corner of
the house and rooms in the other corners. With an outer sofa type of
plan, the sofa is either perpendicular or parallel to the line from the
street to the garden. The middle sofa type is usually located in the
middle of the story with rooms around it.
Facade Characteristics
The most distinctive feature of the facades of the houses is the entrance
door. The doors, which were built within a niche, were designed with
monumental form13. In some houses there is a more modest second
door (the store door) found beside the entrance door (Picture: 4). The
location of the splendid main entrance door determines the facade
order. In addition to the doors, other elements that enrich the faades
are the balconies, bay windows, windows, pink stone casings and
plasters. Balconies are supported by iron supports or stone consoles
with iron railing located above the main doors. Although not as popular
as balconies, some houses used bay windows with brackets or stone
consoles. There are even fewer examples of houses with both balconies
and bay windows. The ground oor store windows are often squareshaped, while the upper levels have rectangular windows which usually
have wooden or metal shutters to protect from the outside. Sometimes
sectioned mouldings have been used between the oors and the
facade abutments, the frames of door niches and the corners of the
houses have been accented with pilasters. The casings of windows and
doors, stone consoles and pilasters are made of pink stones. The facade
was often nished by using mouldings at the level of the eaves and the
saddle roofs withTurkish style tiles.
Construction Characteristics

The carrying stone walls which are 50-60 cm. thick sit on the houses
unhewn stone foundations and then continue to the roof. The front
and back main walls of some top oors are made of brick. Also, the
dividing walls were constructed with brick, sometimes these walls were
made with timber-framed. The construction of the unhewn stone walls
was carried out by using large cut stones in the corners and roughlyshaped stones in the other parts. The stone walls are generally made up
of the black local stones of the Cunda and pink stones of Sarmsak and
sometimes the yellow rocks of Soan Island. The rooms and ceilings
were often decorated with wood and wooden beams. The windows
were arched with bricks from the inside and framed with pink stone
casings on the outside. The balconies were supported generally by
metal supports or stone consoles. Most of the facades were covered
with lime mortar covering, except for the attached facades.
Although residentially quite small, Cunda has got an urban identity.
Thanks to becoming an independent municipality in 1862, along
with the contributions of its Greek population, greatly accelerated
the economic development of the city. The richness that economic
success brought is reected in the social and cultural structures and
architectural formation of the town. Also, Cunda reects the religious
signicance of the region. Despite being within the boundaries of
the Ottoman Empire, the city featured vastly dierent architectural
style from the traditional style Ottoman towns and houses. Within the
composition of the town texture, there is a kind of uniqueness to the
forming of the gridded streets, use of materials, and shaping of the
layout and facade. Only through preservative laws was this historical
area able to be preserved up to today. Measures taken to protect the
historical heritage presently encompass the entire region.

The islands facing Ayvalk were called Hekatonnesoi in ancient times. The name was
most likely taken from the nickname Hechatos given to Apollo, the worshipped god
of Cundas main city Nesos. Bayram Bayraktar, Ayvalk History from the Ottomans to the
Republican Era, Atatrk Research Center, Ankara, 1998, p.11.

The name Moshos, which means fragrant, sweet-smelling, is thought to derive from
the fragrant owers of the region or from a pirate named Moshos. A.Nedim Atilla; Nezih
ztre, A Step-by-step Guide to Ayvalk from the Ancient to Modern Era, Izmir, 2004, p.70;
Berrin Akn, Urban Ayvalk, Istanbul, 2005, p.112.

According to the Near East map drawn by Seyyid Nuh in the Ahmed III period and his
writings responding to the 1726 and 1821 rebellions in Ayvalk, the city is referred to as
Yund Island/islands; in Cevdet Paas 1884 publication Tarih-i Cevdet, Yunda Islands
and Cund Islands are mentioned. inasi Tekin, The Names of Cunda , Tarih ve Toplum
Dergisi, January 2002 (217), 43-50.

Berrin Akn, op cit p.112.

Engin Beksa, 1998 Surface Research of Pre-Prohistoric Settlements in the Districts of

Balkesir such as Ayvalk, Gme, Burhaniye and Edremit, 17.Research Results, Ankara,
2000, p.108.

From the year 1898 to 1899 there were 216 Turkish steamboats and 2,518 sailboats
carrying 32,981 tons worth of olive oil for export from the Cunda port. A.Nedim Atilla;
Nezih ztre, op cit., p.38.

Ahmet Yorulmaz, While Visiting Ayvalk, Dnya Publishing, Extended 7th Edition, Istanbul,
2004, p.161.

Bursa Cultural and Nature Heritage Preservation Board Decision 795, dated 28.10.1989.

According to Ali Onay there are 9 monasteries, while Ahmet Yorulmaz states there
are 8. These are Ay (Agios Dimitrios) Monastery, Koruyan Meryem (Leka Panaya)
Monastery, aml Monastery (Taksiyarhis Ta amya), Agios Apostolos Monastery, Tavuk
Adas Monastery (Ay Yoannu Tou Prodromou), Gvercin Island (Agios Yorgi) Monastery,
Prot Ilia Monastery, Rahibeler Monastery (Evangelistriya), and Tal Monastery (Agia
Paraskevi). Ahmet Yorulmaz, op cit., p.168.


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Knowledge prior to intervention


Taksiyarhis Church (1873), Panagia (Panaya) Church, Agios Yannis (Aya Yanni) Church,
Agios Triyada Church, Agios Nikolas Church, Agios Panteleimonos Church, and Agios
Dimitrios Church.


Cunda and its surrounding areas were greatly damaged by the 6.8 earthquake of 1944.
Some buildings collapsed while many showed cracks. Houses on either side of steep
streets descending to the sea saw the most damage. A large number of the top oors of
3-story houses with bay windows are currently in a state of ruin. E.Ayhan, The Earthquake
Catalog of Turkey and its Surroundings 1881-1980, Bosporus University, 1999(9), 45-97.


Formerly used as storage spaces and stables, the ground oors of many houses today
are used as living quarters.


The construction date of many houses are written above their front doors. Nearly every
house made before 1922 in Ayvalk ve Cunda have door knockers based on the stories
of ancient goddesses such as Artemis, Athena, and Selena.


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Knowledge prior to intervention

Le Trac de lAncienne Enceinte de

Ass. Prof. A. Derin Oncel
Architecte Derin Oncel enseigne lUniversit de Beaux Arts Mimar
Sinan(Istabul-Turquie), dans le Dpartement de lOrganisation Spatiale
et de lquipement depuis 1992.
Elle travail sur le domaine de lhabitat traditionel ottoman et turque
dans le cadre de lorganisation spatiale lchelle urbaine (morphologie parcelleire) jusqu larchitecture intrieure et les modes de vie.
Adresse postale:
Sirmaperde sokak, Altunizade konutlari 77/5, Altunizade Uskudar-Istanbul TURQUIE
Adresse courrier lectronique:
00 90 216 6512160 00 90 542 4256362(Tlphone portable)

Galata, le quartier Gnois de lpoque Byzantin dstanbul, sest dvelopp

successivement dans le priode du dclin de lEmpire Byzantin jusquen
1453 et a gard son tat privilgi pendant le priode Ottoman. Sa
fortication a limit llargissement de la colonie jusqu les oprations
de la deuxime moiti du 19me sicle. Ces oprations, prvoyant une
amlioration de lespace urbain et architecturale dans une priode o
la commerce dveloppait considrablement, a provoqu la dmolition
du plusieurs btiments anciens et lancienne enceinte de Galata.
A n de moderniser les espaces urbaines du quartier dans les annes
50 du 20me sicle, Galata, ayant une apparence plutt du 19me
sicle, subit une autre vague de destruction avec laquelle il a perdu
considrablement sa particularit spatiale.
Malgr ces dmolitions, Galata daujourdhui, a pu quand mme garder
les exemples des nouveaux types de btiments du 19me sicle, les
monuments peu nombreux des lpoques Byzantine et Ottomane,
quelques petites parties de sa fortication, la tour de Galata et trois
autres tours.
Dans ce travail, nous tentons dlaborer une mthode dobservation
n de rvler larchitecture du site dj dispart vers la n du 19me
sicle au cours du premier priode de transformation architectural.
Nous voulons suivre les traces des anciennes btiments, sur lesquelles
les nouvelles constructions du 19me sicle se sont levs, par des
comparaisons mticuleux des photos anciennes et des cartographies
de lpoque. Ainsi, nous avons bnci dun texte ociel qui dtermine
la dmolition des murs denceinte de Galata en 18651.
Ce travail qui dbute, nous permettra de concevoir la logique de
lorganisation spatiale du nouveau tissu architectural au 19me sicle.
En mme temps, la superposition des tissus successifs nous conduira
approfondir nos connaissances sur le patrimoine architectural de
Galata qui mrite ce type de recherche malgr la perte irrvocable de
sa particularit architecturale.

A n de comprendre les particularits de Galata, nous voulons dabord

voir les tapes successives de son largissement pendant la priode
Byzantine. La fortication de Galata avait un rle dterminant dans la
croissance de la colonie et constituait la limite des quartiers dextension
et congurait dans un certain sens le tissu urbain de la cit. Pour cette
raison, nous focalisons sur lancienne enceinte de Galata, ses traces et
larchitecture qui se congurent avec elle.
Le plus ancien lieu de peuplement de la rgion est nomm Sykai (Sycae:
guerie) vers le 1re sicle (AJ-C) et en 5me sicle Skai est dtermin
entant que le 13me rgion de Constantinople . Les traces de plus
ancien monument de lpoque byzantine qui survit jusquaux nos
jours est celles de la forteresse de Galata (Kastellion ton Galatou). La
Mosque Yerebatan slve sur les fondements de cet ancien btiment
de fortication o il y avait une chane qui bloquait le passage vers la
Corne dOr. Les alentours de ce btiment sont le premier emplacement
de la colonie gnoise Galata.
En 1303, avec les privilges obtenus de lEmpire Byzantin, Galata
ociellement devint une colonie gnoise et les premires maisons
ainsi que les murs hauts sur lextrmit du quartier, furent construits.
Cest comme cela que les gnois fortirent leur colonie malgr
linterdiction de creuser des fosss contournant cet emplacement. Cet
endroit est le quartier actuel de Perembe Pazar. Peu de temps aprs,
entre 1315 et 1335, ils btirent le premier vrai fortication de Galata qui
limita leur quartier.
La premire extension se dirigea vers le Nord et les Gnois construisirent
la tour de Galata (Megalos Pyrgos ou Christea Turris) sur lendroit plus
stratgique de la rgion. Aprs 1352, la deuxime extension prit sa
place prs de la forteresse de Galata. Entre les annes 1387 et 1397,
la colonie se dveloppa vers le nord-ouest. Aprs 1397 ft un nouvel
largissement en limitant la quatrime extension. Aprs 1431, une
dernire extension se ft ralise vers lest. (Figure-1)
La fortication de Galata limite une zone de 37 hectares, elle contient
cinq quartiers entre lesquels existent des enceintes intrieures lies
ses direntes tapes dlargissement successives. Les murs, qui font
2 800 mtres, contiennent 12 portes et 24 tours et ont une paisseur
approximative de 2 mtres.
La croissance dmographique de Galata augementa aussi dans la
priode ottomane. Les enceintes intrieures de fortication et les portes
sparrent les quartiers intra-muros. Ces quartiers furent peupls par de
dirents communauts;les communauts grecs et armniens et peu
de juifs se localisrent dans la dernire extention, les turcs se trouvrent
dans le quartier ouest proximit de lArsenal, lancien population de
colonie gnoise et les nouveaux venus de loccident se logrent dans la
premire et deuxime concessions.
Durant les sicles, mme au 19me sicle, les incendies, les pidmies
et les tremblements de terre sont les sinistres menacant la population
du site ainsi que les autres quartiers dIstanbul. Le tremblement de terre
de 1509 endommaga considrablement les murailles de lenceinte.
Bienquil ya des sources decrivant les faits des incendies durant les
sicles sur les btiments rligieux, les renseignements decrivant les
endommages de ces sinistres sur les btiments ordinaires sont trs
peu. Nanmoins, les documents iconographiques nous donnent une
certaines connaissance sur le caractre architectural du rgion ds
la priode byzantine . Tous ces documents dsignent la densit du
quartier dans dirents poques(Figure-1).


Connatre le lieu avant dintervenir

Conocer el lugar antes de intervenir
Knowledge prior to intervention

En faut de labsance des renseignements prcises jusqu 19me sicle de

cette rgion, nous focalisons davantage sur les documents de ce sicle
dsignant ltat antrieur du quartier avant les oprations de nouvelle
institution municipale fonde dans le processus de modernisation du
systme administratif ottoman durant le deuxime moiti du mme
Lun des documents carthographiques de Galata recements mise au
jours par larchive de Bibliothque dAtatrk, dsigne ltat antrieur de
dmolition des murs et des tours de fortication. Ce document trs
dtaill nous donne un plan base sur lequel nous pouvons suivre les
localisation des murs existants trs prcisement decrit dans un texte de
lingnieur M. de Launay avant leurs dmolition par la Municipalit.
Dans le premier tape de nos investigations nous allons observer les
murailles et les tours existants avant leurs dmolition en 1865 et le
faon de btir prs de lenceinte dans les localisation prcises. Bienque
ce travail est bas sur un tissu architectural et urbain dj disparut,
nous soulignons encore une fois son importance n dapprofondire
la connaissance de larchitecture traditionel du site. Du mme, cette
connaissance va nous aider mieux comprendre lorganisation spatial
du nouveaux btiments de Galata construits sur lancien tissu vers la n
du 19 me sicle.
Dans le Figure-2 nous pouvons observer la fortication de Galata
sur le plan de 1858-60 et un autre plan decrivant les tours, les portes
et les murailles. Dans le Figure-3 on peux suivre, les dessins et les
photos anciennes tmoinant les interventions sur lenceinte et sur les
btiments antrieures du 19me sicle. Daprs ces documents nous
pouvons distinguer des traites direntes.
Une de ces manires dutilisation des murs denceinte ou des tours dans
lorganisation spatial du terraine est de les accepter entant qulment
de limite. Les deux btiments commerciaux5 gurant sur le plan de
1858-60 nous montre deux traits dirents(Figure-3 a1 et a2). Lun
de ces btiment tant lintrieure de la cit gnoise, nous montre le
faon de btir sparment des murailles. La date de construction de
ce btiment tant lavant de conqute de Constantinople par les Turc,
nous explique son emplacement par rapport aux murailles. Quant
lautre btiment commercial de lpoque ottoman, Yelkenciler Han, se
situe au de la des murs et juxtapose aux murailles. Ce dernier faon
de btir en juxtaposant lenceinte est trs rpandu Galata. Les
exemples de ce faon de btir peuvent tre multiplis. Deux maison
gures sur un photo decrivant la dmolition des murs dextrmit du
nord(Hendek), nous montre la mme logique de conguration avec les
murailles(Figure-3 b)6.
Le texte de Launey nous eclairci sur lexistance dune partie des mur
denceinte du premire Concession des Gnois. Jusquaujourdhui on
est inconscient de localisation prcise de cette partie de fortication
qui se trouve dans le secteur plus dense de Galata. En eet, Launey
dterminant la localisation de tous les dtails sur la fortication de
Galata, il donne des enseignements trs prcieux;
... A une distance de 96 archines(72 mtres) de celui-ci se trouve le troisime
fragment, long de 17 archines(13 mtres), il sert de limite deux proprits,
portant les No 2 et 4 rue Arab-Djami 7.
Dans le Figure-3 c1 nous pouvons observer ce troisime fragment de
mur et lapproche de construire avec lenceinte.
La superposition dun nouveau btiment sur les anciens ou utiliser les
tourettes entant que labri sont des traits typique de Galata(Figure-3
c2, c3, d). En eet, un document dat de 1712 a lgalis et conditionn
la construction des nouveaux btiments sur lemplacement ou en


superposant des anciens8.

A lobjectif de voire le faon de ramenagement de lemplacement des
murailles dtruites et quelques autres btiments de fortication aprs
lopration de la Municipalit, nous allons comparer le plan de 185860 et ltat actuel de quelques btiments de la n du 19 me sicle.
Le Figure-4 nous renseigne sur lorganisation spatial des nouveaux
btiments du 19me sicle construits sur les traces de lancienne
fortication de Galata.

Ce texte est une srie darticle publie dans le Journal de Constantinople, ecrit par
lingnier Maria de Launay en 1, 2, 5 et 7 Decembre 1865 qui decrit ltat des murailles,
des tours et de fortication de Galata.

Strabon et Denys souligne lexistence des temples dans cette zne

EYCE Semavi, Galata ve Kulesi-Galata and its Tower, Trkiye Turing ve Otomobil Kurumu,
Apa Ofset Basmevi, 1969, stanbul.

Lun des reprsentation de Galata de lpoque Byzantine est celle de CHRISTOPHORO DE

BONDELMONTIBU (dbut du 15me sicle), dans le Figure-1 nous pouvons observer le
gravure de G. A. VAVASSORE (n du 15me sicle)et celui de Matrakci Nasuh (16me sicle)
dsignant Galata de direntes poques.

Kurunlu Han ou Rustem Pasa Hani et Yelkenciler Hani. Kursunlu Han construit entre
les annes 1544-50 sur les vestiges dun glise. Daprs larchives de lAssociation de
Protection de Mounument Historiques cet glise nomm San Michele fait construit par
les byzantins aux gnois. Daprs Eyice, Rustem Pasa fait construire larchitecte Sinan
un nouveau Han sur le vestige de ce btiment. Rparant le rez de chauss, on a ajout
un tage de style de Han Ottoman. EYCE, op.cit., page18. Quant au Yelkenciler Hani,
il est un btiment commercial typiquement ottoman construit au 17me sicle par
Kemankes Mustafa Pasa.

Comme nous avons indiqu plus haut, lun des sources de notre recherche est une
srie darticle dans le Journal de Constantinople, ecrir par Maria de Launay en 1, 2, 5 et 7
Decembre de 1865 decrit trs clairement ltat des murailles, les tours et les inscriptions
gnoises. Dans les lignes de cette article M. de Launay decrit un passage sur lenceinte
de Hendek. Daprs lui il existe une ouverture sur lenceinte vers la maison dAli Efendi.
Daprs nos investigations, cette maison est probablement la maison indique en haut
sur le photo ancienne de Figure-3 b.

Journal de Constantinople le 1 Decembre 1865. On peux consulter les extraits de Journal

de Constantinople dans larchive de Bibliotheque dAtaturk Istanbul.

EYICE, op. sit., page 19.

Connatre le lieu avant dintervenir

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Knowledge prior to intervention

Figure 1

Figure 2

Figure 3

Figure 4


Connatre le lieu avant dintervenir

Conocer el lugar antes de intervenir
Knowledge prior to intervention

An analytic research on secondary

housing on Mediterranean coastal
settlements in Turkey

Tlin Grgl ; Kunter Manisa; Bora Yerliyurt

Tlin Grgl is working at Yildiz Technical University, Department of
Architecture (Building Science) as an associate professor. She has her
PhD degree with a study about Minority Districts in Istanbul and she is
continuing her studies about the topics on housing trends in Istanbul,
design & tourism.
Kunter Manisa is working at Yildiz Technical University, Department of
Architecture(Building Science) as a research assistant and also studying on Secondary Housing in his PhD at the same university. He took
his master degree at Building Research & Planning program about
tourism buildings in 2001.
Bora Yerliyurt is working at Yildiz Technical University, Department of
Urban and Regional Planning (Urban Planning) as a research assistant.
He took his master degree at Building Research & Planning program
about tourism buildings in 2001 and still studying on his PhD about
Urban Transformation issues at the same university.
Yildiz Teknik Universitesi, Mimarlik Fakultesi, M.T.K.Y. Bilim dali, Yildiz
Kampsu, D blok, Besiktas, Istanbul, Turkiye, 34349
E-mail address:
0090. (2864)

In this paper, the secondary housing settlements and the traditional
architecture in the Mediterranean region of Turkey is being considered
in the perspective of globalisation and the phenomenon of secondary
Developments experienced in the last quarter in the world have
generated an order in which globalisation is dominating the entire
The globalisation defended by Giddens is a result of Western modernity
and has a homogenous structure. According to Giddens, activities are
no longer location based due to separation of time and location.
On the other hand, intellectuals such as Bhabha sees the globalisation
as a heterogeneous process, as a result of intensication of ow of
information-news and images, there is a mutual interaction between
the cultures and reject the thesis of being a Western modernity. H.
Bhabha expresses that the cultures interact at any point meet with and
become hybrid (translation). According to him, translation is realized as
follows: the term dierentiates when moved from one cultural text to
another and interacts with the mechanisms of the location moved to.


Be it either of Western origin or a result of mutual interaction between

cultures, the concept of globalisation expresses a society order in
which secular facts such as economy, politics, culture, demography and
ecology and boarders between countries do not exist.
As its existence on the interaction period and dierent theories on
the ow direction, we can observe that the globalisation causes also
changes of dierent level on the summer housings in the Mediterranean
region. Factors arising have caused that summer housings built are
partially or entirely far away from the design principles of the traditional
In this paper, analysed will be two dierent secondary housing areas
aected at dierent grades from the process mentioned above. Further,
with reference to the traditional architecture and the globalisation in
the areas they are located in, a compared analysis will show the type
of line they have. The rst is settlement of Tmk appertaining to the
city of Mersin located at the Eastern Mediterranean coast of Turkey. The
second is Bodrum; which is the biggest secondary housing settlement
of Turkey.
The selection is made according to their constitution of physical spaces
which are the reection of two dierent platforms in the globalisation
theories. While Tmk is a concrete example of the impact of Western
culture as described by Giddens, Bodrum is a reection of the
interaction between cultures to the physical location, whereas the local
architecture is partially tried to be protected.
The phenomenon of secondary housing in Turkey
The denition of second housing in Turkey might be as follows: an
immovable built in areas with high physical attraction (such as seaside
etc.) integrated into the tourism industry and with a real-estate feature,
bought or rented for certain periods of the year for recreation purposes
by users, who live somewhere else due to their work.
Arise of the fact of second housing in Turkey corresponds to the 1970s.
However, as it is the case today, second housings did not have any
association with traditional architectures. First originating point has
been the settlements located at the seaside of the Marmara Regions,
where all bureaucrats and civil servants living in Istanbul spent their
summer months.
When looked at the architecture of the buildings, we see urban
housings with highly exaggerated oors. These housings have been
positioned as high blocks around common areas providing wide and
rich facilities. Depending on the intensity of the housing complex, the
pools have been sized large so that areas of recreation similar to holiday
villages have been set up.
This situation gives a contradictory view with the size of the buildings.
The wide balconies are the only contact to open space for users
who are to live in concentrated concrete. There are no architectural
characteristics at the facades; the climate and regional data do not
aect the design criteria. Planning schemes are designed in the similar
way as for an apartment.
Bodrum is both, in terms of demand for tourism and secondary housing,
one of the most penetrated settlements of Turkey. The average size of
the housings is between 60 - 100 sqm. Building development schemes
issued during the term when structuring started in Bodrum have

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brought limitations to height, colour and material in the construction

conditions. Throughout the period, upon increased demand,
limited building areas have been expanded, so that hills without any
connection to the sea, areas of agriculture and orchards have been
opened for construction.
Finally, the silhouette of the peninsula is lled up with housings
looking like white boxes. The non-sticking to the existing structure
in the settlement plans has resulted in turning the open space into
a monotone view. As many of the buildings have been constructed
by cooperatives, architectural quality has been disregarded entirely.
The right of ownership for housings in Turkey granted to foreigners
within the integration period of the EU has resulted in severe increase
of housing prices, so that big construction companies have settled
into the region to construct residences for high class income groups.
By using natural materials such as stones and wood in these housings
with big gardens and enormous space of usage, the white monotony
has been tried to be bust.
Another type is the apartment with 9.5 m height which were built after
the economical crisis in 2001. Actually, some part of these housings, are
built at the coastal area which was planned as tourism regions. In this
context, the buildings are designed as multi-storey apartments having
2 rooms, a living room, bathroom and an open kitchen and are not
designed as villas.
Traditional architecture of the region
For making a comparison between contemporary (secondary) housing
and traditional architecture at Mediterranean region, it would be useful
to look for (examine) the features of traditional housing seen at the
district of Bodrum.
There are 3 types of houses which we can be qualied as traditional
in Bodrum. These are the Musandirali , Sakiz and the Kule houses,
which is a derivative of Musandirali type house.
The Musandirali houses have a rectangle plan, which does not exceed
4.60m - 7.50m. This ratio is repeated in many elements such as the
doors, windows etc. of the house. The characteristic is an oven in the
wall, which is close to the narrow side of the entrance and which is the
cooking location called as the lower house. Close to the oven right at
the corner is a tiny washroom called yunmalk. From the other side
of the entrance, staircases lead to the sitting area, which has a height
of 160-180 cm. The part underneath this area is used as a depot-barncellar. From the sitting area, staircases leaned against the other long
wall lead to the musandira having a height of 100-120 cm.
Musandira is a location, which is also used as sleeping area. From
windows of the Musandira it is possible to go out to the roof.
The cooking area has a height of 260-280 cm, the musandira 160-180
cm and the sitting area has 300 cm. So that a natural air circulation is
provided. When the type of Musandirali house is built on a lower oor,
which is used as a stall, it is called a Kule type house and the main
house is entered via the staircases from outside.
The sizes of the Sakiz house are similar of the Musandirali house. It
is entered from right centre of the south eastern direction. (Directed
to the sea) There are each one room on the right and left side of the
entrance and a staircase leading to upper oors. The plan of the upper
house is the same as the lower house. However, the lower house has a
more depressed ceiling. There might be an overhang, which is covered
and called ayazlik located on the facade on top of the entrance.
The cooking area and the washing room yunmalik are in one of the

rooms at the rst oor. It is also possible to see frequently examples of

entrances opening up directly to one of these rooms in which there are
staircases is located in this room.
In all types of houses, the toilet is always located in the garden. In
compliance with the climate, the oven, place for dish washing, the
water pool or the water jar, the place around the well, eating in open
air, sitting areas and shades have been solved best in line with their
functions for a living outside than inside.
The ratio of mass, doors and windows and the similarity of the
whitewashed stone walls provide integrity between all dierent
settlements in throughout of Bodrum.
In the context of the globalisation theory brought by Giddens, this is
a very important example, which contains Western originated images,
fashionable lives, local truth and which explains how it has replaced the
tradition bearing experiences of centuries.
Bodrum has undergone a process of a relatively mutual interaction. In
terms of scale, it contains similarities with the traditional architecture.
However, it would not be wrong that the sale of real estate, which is
another dierent actor of the globalisation, has inuenced the design
process of these housings and that the conformation for tourism
purposes has replaced the traditional architecture.
In general, the conformation of the secondary housings has been
progressed by the control of the development conditions which are
pushed by investor rather than accepting the traditional architecture
of the region as reference. Considering that the real estate gaining
on value is used as an investment tool for guarantying the future, the
penetration of this trend is a result expected. Secondary housings are
being used without having a relation to the tradition but by pretending
to have, entirely to focus on tourism and to market them to abroad.
Around the world, nancing institutions are investing into real estates,
which according to their recent analysis constitute to be the most
protable industry. This trend has increased the demand for real estate
throughout the world, whereby especially gures for housings are
increasing. In parallel to, there is an increased demand from foreigners
to become owners of housings in Turkey due to the climate conditions
and the cheapness of the country. As throughout the world, the
economical, cultural, social and ecological aects of globalisation are
seen in Turkey. These inuences have shown results, which are observed
concretely in physical space.
In this context, striking are some dierences in the formation of second
housing areas in the Mediterranean and the Aegean cost. These
dierences are standing out in the use of the housings for tourism
purposes, in the settlements of the coastal areas, in the fact that they
have functions, which are available in tourism facilities and in their
facade to cultivate an image.
Aslanolu, R.,A., Kent, Kimlik ve Kreselleme,ISBN 975-814-908-3, Asa Kitabevi, Bursa, 1998
Bekta, C., Halk Yap sanatndan Bir rnek-Bodrum Evleri, ISBN 975-271-007-7, Bileim
Yaynevi, stanbul, 2004
Bhabha, H., The Location of Culture, Routledge, 1994
Giddens, A., Modernity and Self-Identity: Self and Society in Late Moderm Age, Polity Pres,
Cambridge, 1991
Robertson, R., Globalization: Social Theory and Global Culture, Sage, London, 1992


Connatre le lieu avant dintervenir

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Connatre le lieu avant dintervenir

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Alexandrias Forgotten Architecture

Defensive buildings of Alexandria

Yasser G. Aref
Yasser G. Aref obtained his PhD in the eld of urban conservation from
Alexandria University, Egypt. He is currently an associate professor at
the Department of Architecture, Menofeya University Egypt, and a
practicing architect. He is working as a consultant at the Alexandria
and Mediterranean Research Center (Alexandria-Med), Bibliotheca
Alexandrina. He was the project Coordinator of Mediterranean Voices,
a Euro Med Heritage II program funded by the European Union. His
research interests include conservation and urban tourism applications in urban planning
Bibliotheca Alexandrina, The Alexandria and Mediterranean Research
El Chatby 21615, Alexandria, Egypt
E-mail address:
+002 010 6625594 Fax: +002 03 541128 +020 03 4832999

By revising local city guides, it was noticed that many sites of

architectural and historical importance are not mentioned. Through
actual visits to some of these sites, it was clear that they face severe
threats due to neglection and deterioration. The purpose of this paper
is to draw attention to these sites or what could be termed Alexandrias
forgotten architecture. This study aims to highlight buildings of special
signicance, raise public awareness among local residents, protect
these sites from further deterioration and destruction, and nally
promote the sites for cultural tourism. The selected buildings and sites
are unique as they represent expression of a communitys culture and
they also obtain many unique Mediterranean architecture attributes
and features. Even though there are many examples of forgotten
architecture to be studied, such as hammams (local baths), water
cisterns and reservoirs, cemeteries, windmills, wekalas etc. The paper
will focus defensive architecture in Alexandria, Egypt.
As the Mediterranean was always a place for tensions and conicts
between north and south as well as east and west. Fortication and
defensive buildings represented an important component of the
planning scheme of Mediterranean cities during the 18th and 19th
centuries. Alexandria as being the capital of Egypt and located on
the Mediterranean, it was always and still is the gateway and the link
between Alexandria and the rest of the Mediterranean. Through its
long history, Alexandria was always prone to attacks and invasions from
the outsiders including Romans, Arabs, French, and the British.
Studying defensive architecture is important because:

Defensive architecture in Alexandria consists of walls that surrounded
the city, towers for observation and forts. The construction of defensive
buildings in Egypt was active during the reign of Mohamed Ali, 18051849 for the protection of his realm against invaders. He planned a major
defensive project for Alexandria and Rossetta1. The assigned person
for implantation was the French engineer Galisse Bek who constructed
around 16 forts in Alexandria around 1840. The number increased later
to 25 forts at the end of Mohamed Alis reign. Moreover, he established
an administrative authority responsible for defensive buildings and forts
that was called Maslahat al Istehkamat or department of fortication.
The department hired both foreign and Egyptian engineers2.
To defense the city eectively, defensive buildings were strategically
located in prominent points on the coast of the Mediterranean, because
threats were expected from the sea as in the case of Kait bey, Koussa
pasha, Twefekeya and Agami forts. Other locations were on hilly sites
inside the city which provided an overlooking view for observation and
surveillance of the upcoming danger as in the case of Kom el nadoura
and Kom el dikka forts. Figure 1 illustrates the map of contemporary
Alexandria with the location of forts,towers and walls.
The architectural typology of forts used to be geometrical shapes as
an octagon or a square where soldiers can hide behind it with circular
towers at the corners. The high and thick walls were used as places
for services, accommodations and storage ant in some cases water
reservoirs. Forts used to have only one gate leading to a courtyard.
Figure 2 illustrates a diagram of the main components of a fort.
With the development of new war gears since the beginning of 20th
century, traditional defensive buildings were no longer eective.
Along with the rapid population growth they posed an obstacle for
the development of the city3. Therefore, some of these buildings were
demolished by city planning ocials to give space for the expansion of
the city. Even more, many of the forts are under the management of
the Egyptian Coastguard Forces that sees national security issues come
over costly need for the conservation and preservation of this unique
cultural heritage.
Current condition of defensive buildings:

Military areas with no access

Tourist attraction/monuments
Undened use

Abukir /Tawfekeya/Agami
Kaitbey fort/ kom el Nadoura
Adda/Koussa Pasha
Kom el dekka

Because many forts are located in sites which are now military zones
(Coastguard Forces) with no access to the public, little information is
available and very little documentation is done for these buildings,
even their existence is no assured as they can be demolished at any
time because the military forces can have a better use for the land that
the fort occupies within the camp. Moreover, most of these forts are
not listed as buildings of special interest. So the truth is that defensive
architecture is facing a gloomy future and this type of Mediterranean
architecture will eventually vanish unless a drastic intervention is


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Knowledge prior to intervention

Koussa Pasha fort constructed during the reign of Mohamed Ali Pasha
is located in Abukir which is a suburb 23 km east of Alexandria. The
fort is located at the north eastern tip of Abukir bay on a sandy hill
that overlooks the Mediterranean and Abukir bay. Figure 3. The fort is
registered as monument by the ministerial order number 231 for the
year 1992. The entrance of the fort is located to the eastern side and is
approached by a wooden bridge that passes over a water trench. The
fort consists of an octagonal vaulted wall enclosing two rectangular
shaped buildings built from white sand stone with pitched roof that
were used as residence for soldiers, stores fro food and powder. Four
Armstrong cannons dated to 1870 are still reaming in the fort4.
Still a military zone, the fort now is now used as residence for families of
ex-workers of the Coastguards Forces. The building is deteriorated due
to erosion and lack of maintenance as well as the alterations undertaken
by the residence that disgure the authentic and original features of
this type of defensive architecture. Figure 4 illustrates a general view of
the fort with its bridged entrance, water trench and storagebuildings.
A conservation plan should be put to conserve the fort and its proximity.
The conservation plan should consider the owing points:
1- Apply the concept of integrated conservation that puts in its plan
not only the fort building itself but should consider as well the
wider context which the fort lies within where the fort will be the
focal point.
2- The plan should also consider the community value analysis;
this means what the community will benet, directly, from the
conservation of this building?
3- The preservation plan should be drawn professionally taking into
account conducting a historical analysis study as well as considering
the technical aspects of conservation.
4- The plan should consider that the proposed new use for the fort
building to compatible with the physical fabric of the fort and also
with the defensive theme.
5- The plan should consider the economic side of conservation to
ensure the sustainability of the intervention.
A proposal plan for the Koussa Pasha fort is to reuse it, adoptively, as
a Military Museum to illustrate the historical battles that took place
in the Aboukir Bay. The bay was the ground of famous naval battle,
The battle of the Nile, between the French army and the British army
headed by Nelson in August 1798, where the French were defeated.
Milestones and victories of the Egyptian Navy can be displayed as well.
Furthermore, sea excursions can be made to the nearby Nelson Island
and also underwater divining expeditions can be made to see the
sunken eet of Napoleon providing a unique and an exclusive narration
of the war by oering this extraordinary experience for visitors either
tourist especially British and French as well as local Egyptians.
When the plan is implemented and traditional defensive architecture
is celebrated and embraced, it is expected that the intervention
will be a driving force for social and economic development for the
area, a development tool for cultural tourism and a resource for inter
Mediterranean culture5.
An initiative for the promotion of the Koussa pasha fort as a place of
special interest along with other buildings was taken by publishing the
Alexandria Cultural Routes, which is a guide consists of seven walking
tours that promoted the sites of the city for tourists6.


Rosetta is a city about 65 km east of Alexandria. With the decline of Alexandria following
the Ottoman conquest of Egypt in the 16th century, Rosetta boomed and became a
major city.

Abdel Hafeez, Mohamed, Architectural terminology in the records of Mohamed Ali and
his ancestors, 1805-1879, 2005, pp. 125-6. (text in Arabic)

El Abd, Soad Mossad, The role of ottoman in the history of Egypt 1564-1609, Egypt
General Organization for Books, 2000. p. 106 (text in Arabic)

This is evident in the records of the Alexandria city council around the1900s.

According to the sheet les of Supreme Council of Antiquity, Islamic Archeology


Mediterranean traditional architecture, the reasons for its rehabilitation and

maintenance, Gilles Nourissier,

The maps are produced by The Alexandria and Mediterranean Research Center,
Bibliotheca Alexandrina, in 2005 as an output of Mediterranean Voices project which is
part of the Euro Med Heritage II program funded by the European Union.

Figure 1

Figure 2

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Figure 3

Figure 4


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Knowledge prior to intervention

Urbanisation et architecture
vernaculaire dans les Monts de Matmata
(sud-est Tunisien)

Boukhchim Nouri
*2006: inscrit en 3me Anne de thse en archologie et sciences de
patrimoine a la Fac des scie. Hum. Et Soc. Universit de Tunis
*2003: obtention du diplme des tudes approfondies en Archologie
islamique. Sujet: Beni Zalten: un village forti du sud-est tunisien:
tudes archologique et historique
* 2000 Matrise en Histoire de la Fac des sciences. Hum. Et Soc. Universit de Tunis
Adresse postale:
BP n 6 Bab Bnet 1019 Tunis TUNISIE
Adresse courrier lectronique:
+216 98 94 20 84

Ce projet de recherche porte sur les villages fortis de djebel de

Matmata dans le sud-est tunisien: (Beni Zalten, Tjane, Matmata,
Zraoua, Tamazret, Taouejjout, Beni Aissa, Haddej, Tounine, Techchine...
ces villages occupent soit les sommets des montagnes soit les zones
Les monts de Matmata sont une chane montagneuse qui forme la
partie nord du djebel dsign habituellement dans les sources arabes
sous le nom de djebel Demmer (djebel Matmata, djebel Abiadh dans
la rgion de Tataouine, et se prolonge en Libye o il prend lappellation
de djebel Nafssa) il prend la forme dun croissant de direction nordsud.
Cette chane montagneuse forme un immense relief de cuesta, qui
est dailleurs la plus importante en Tunisie ; elle spare le Dhaher ou le
grand Erg de louest de la grande plaine de LAradh et de la Djeara qui
longent le golfe de Gabs.
Cette plaine forme un vaste couloir entre le djebel et la mer, coup
de plusieurs dpressions qui servent de zones dcoulement aux eaux
du djebel; ctait presque le seul passage entre le sud (Tripolitaine) et
le nord vers lAfrica antique et LIfrqiya lpoque islamique. En fait, la
civilisation romaine avait emprunt ce passage pour aller vers le sud, et
en sens inverse les musulmans avaient conquis lIfrqiya en passant par
ce mme chemin.
Les points culminants, varient entre 500 et 700 m. Le long de cette
crte dentele des monts de Matmata, et dans les Thalwegs, se sont
implants une srie de villages de lpoque mdivale et moderne,
mais aussi les vestiges de lpoque antique, indiquent une occupation
qui remonte lpoque romaine ; de fait, la prospection archologique
a montr, pour lpoque romaine, quelques vestiges des murs des
dices non identis et peu de mobilier : quelques fragments


damphores, quelques tessons de cramique commune et des tessons

de sigille de production locale.
Il sagit sans doute dune implantation permanente, mais qui nest
pas dune grande densit, puisque nous sommes dans une zone de
Limes Tripolitanus: qui spare le monde romanis du monde des tribus
berbres non soumises la domination et la civilisation romaine ; ils
peuvent tres des avants-postes de larme romaine.
Les villages existaient jusqu nos jours ; ils taient habits par
une population sdentaire qui avait toute une vie conomique
indpendante ; les habitants avaient amnag, dans les zones basses,
des Jessours (des champs) tags et ils pratiquaient une culture
arbustive entres autres, des oliviers.
Sur les rgions de djebel, et larchitecture vernaculaire en Tunisie, les
tudes dAndr Louis restent les plus importantes, dans lensemble des
travaux faits sur les rgions des montagnes du sud-est tunisien, do la
ncessit de reprendre et dlargir ces tudes.
Larchologie rurale et larchitecture vernaculaire de la Tunisie restent
faire, en comparaison avec les tudes portant sur les rgions
ctires et surtout les grandes villes (Kairouan, Tunis, Mahdia...) et, ce
qui rend les choses encore plus diciles, cest le silence des sources
crites de lpoque mdivale et mme moderne ; elles nvoquent
le djebel Matmata que sporadiquement, pourtant, ces rgions sont
riches dhistoire. Cest une rgion de contact entre deux civilisations :
la civilisation originaire du Maghreb ou de lIfriqiya, celle des Berbres
dune part, et dautre part, la civilisation des Arabes ; ce contact a
marqu lhistoire du sud tunisien (lIfriqiya).
Les sources arabes de lpoque mdivale insistent sur les changements
qui eurent lieu dans cette rgion ; Ibn Khaldn parle des berbres qui
occupaient la plaine de LAradh et de Djeara et qui, avec larrive des
arabes (les hilaliens), surtout au XIe sicle, les quittrent pour se rfugier
dans les montagnes les plus proches qui vont prendre lappellation
dune tribu clbre les Matmata.
Il en rsulta une sorte de cohabitation avec dune part les tribus arabes
nomades Ban Hill et Ban Sulaym qui parcouraient la plaine de la
Djeara et de lAradh et dautre part, une population sdentaire, les
tribus berbres rfugies dans les monts de Matmata.
Ce qui nous permet de formuler la question suivante, savoir : y a-t-il eu
arabisation des berbres ou berbrisation des arabes ? et quel impact
de ce phnomne sur larchitecture?
Il nous semble indispensable, en eet, dtudier la rgion dans
son intgralit an de mieux saisir les spcicits historiques et
archologiques des villages et leurs relations avec le monde soumis au
pouvoir central travers les direntes priodes (en Ifriqiya) et avec le
djebel Nafssa, puisque cette rgion constituait un lieu de refuge pour
les Ibadites.
De ce fait, notre choix se concentre sur ltude de larchitecture des
monuments vernaculaires de dirents types et de lurbanisme de ces
Ces villages fortis de djebel de Matmata ont conserv, jusqu nos
jours leur tissu urbain intact ainsi que leurs principaux monuments.
Ces vestiges darchitecture vernaculaire sont le tmoin de socits
sdentaires qui avaient atteint un certain niveau de civilisation.
Gnralement, le village sorganise en hauteur depuis le sommet ; il
est constitu dun ensemble de grottes dhabitations creuses dans le
limon, protant de la superposition des plates-formes plus ou moins
horizontales des couches dures et des couches tendres du terrain. Ils
creusent dans les couches tendres et sinstallent sur les couches dures;

Connatre le lieu avant dintervenir

Conocer el lugar antes de intervenir
Knowledge prior to intervention

cest le principe des grottes plan horizontal ; quon peut appeler

habitation troglodyte latrale ou grottes plan horizontal.
Ces grottes comportent gnralement deux parties : une premire,
profonde de sept dix mtres, large de quatre six mtres et dune
hauteur de deux trois mtres. Cest l que lon vit. Une seconde grotte
fait suite la premire, de dimensions plus rduites et rserve au
stockage (servant de grenier).
Chaque famille occupe deux trois grottes accoles, disposes
paralllement dans le anc de la montagne, spares par une cloison
du djebel ou par une paroi construite.
Le village se dveloppe peu peu sur un versant du mont (le cas de
Bani Zalten) ou bien tout autour en forme de spirale, en suivant les
courbes de niveau, o naissent plusieurs lignes dhabitations ceinturant
le sommet jusqu ce quon arrive aux nouveaux sites des villages qui se
placent en contrebas des anciens.
Une mosque est construite sur le point culminant comme cest le cas
Tamazret, ou sur un ct du village, dans le cas de bani Zalten et de la
plupart des villages du djebel Matmatam, Djbel Demmer et du djebel
Une srie dhabitations construites se sont dveloppes sur le pourtour
du sommet o on trouve deux types dhabitats :
- les maisons bties, appeles localement les houchs (hawsh).
- les troglodytes dans la partie la plus basse.
une ou plusieurs grottes latrales plus anciennes. Ces maisons sont
composes, le plus souvent, dun premier niveau comportant des
pices dhabitations autour de la cour centrale qui comprend aussi
dans un coin, lacuisine (qui peut tre un simple abri sous une roche).
Les pices dune maison sont toujours de dimensions rduites, elles
manquent de largeur (entre 1,80 m et 2,20 m de large).
Le deuxime niveau est consacr au stockage des rserves
alimentaires ces pices ou Ghorfas sont de dimensions plus rduites
et on remarque ici labsence des escaliers qui mnent ces pices.
caractristique des rgions de Matmata connue par lpaisseur
de la couche du sable argileux dge quaternaire et constitue une
adaptation parfaite la nature semi-aride du sud-est tunisien aussi
bien aux formes de relief quau climat.

au climat et aux besoins des habitants.

qui sont dune densit remarquable surtout dans le village de Beni
dirrigation surtout que cette rgion est semi-aride et les habitants
recourent aux direntes mthodes de stockage de leau.
Les sources :
Les sources utilises dans cette tude sont :
1- les sources archologiques : les monuments, les sites et les
2- les sources narratives, chroniques, traits de gographie et rcits des
3- les archives des anciens HABOUS (ou les actes de waqfs) qui existent
au Ministre des Biens de lEtat et aux Archives nationales (Tunis).
4- lenqute orale.
Il est important dabord de signaler la raret des information textuelles
concernant ces villages dans les sources arabes ce qui rend la datation
de ce genre de monuments encore plus dicile. On fait recourt donc
des procdures de datation relatives.
Mais aussi de confronter et de croiser ces sources an de pouvoir tudier
et dessayer de dater les monuments. Alors nous avons eectu un
minutieux travail de terrain qui nous a permis de collecter les donnes
archologiques et les tmoignages oraux des habitants des rgions et
des villages tudis.
Il est vident que ce type des recherches ncessite un recours
dautres disciplines telles que la toponymie, lethnoarchologie et

Cette tude nous permet de remarquer lvolution de lhabitat, le choix

des sites do ltude de lespace de lhabitat et des agglomrations et
de comparer les demeures et les habitats dans ces villages (de lpoque
mdivale et moderne) avec les villages daujourdhui pour essayer de
restituer le pass de cette population.
religieux : mosques, zaouas, Mzars ... un bon nombre de mosques
trouvent leurs origines dans larchitecture et lidologie ibadite, mais
une observation plus ne de ces mosques et de larchitecture
vernaculaire des monts de sud-est tunisien et des autres rgions
montagnardes (djebel Demmer, Ouesslet, Bargou et Serj... en Tunisie
ou ailleurs en Libye le djebel Nafssa, nous permet de parler dun
style architectural spcique des rgions de montagnes, de point
de vue architectural o le dcor est inspir de traditions locales o
encore on constate ladaptation de larchitecture la topographie,


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La dnition dune stratgie dintervention.

La denicin de una estrategia de intervencin
Dening a strategy for intervention

Patrimoine en cas durgence : le cas de

Bint Jbeil
Oula Aoun
Bref Curriculum (profession et activit professionnelle relevante,
jusqu 50 mots): Architecte diplme en 2003 Universit Libanaise
Actuellement tudiante en DESS restauration et conservation des
monuments historiques. Etudiante en Master Sciences et Mtiers de la
ville UL Je prpare actuellement un mmoire dont le sujet est La
dmocratie participative au Liban, le cas dun cadre patrimonial.
Adresse courrier lectronique:

Le mot patrimoine, qui dsigne des multiples aspects de la mmoire et

des produits de lhomme, a t dni de manires direntes travers
les poques. Ca reste toujours un terrain de dbat et dinvestigation et
il est dailleurs utilis sous direntes acceptations.
Au Liban, dans un premier temps, la notion du patrimoine se limitait
aux vestiges archologiques. Aprs, elle fut tendue pour englober les
anciennes habitations, bourgeoises mais aussi vernaculaires.
Un nouveau symbole ftiche de larchitecture libanaise apparat : la
maison trois arcs.
Mais est-ce que cette construction mentale du patrimoine construit
libanais et cette nouvelle conscience du Patrimoine qui animent
spcialistes et associations trouvent t-elles un cho populaire?
En eet, une catgorie de la population exprime une certaine ert
face aux objets patrimoniaux et manifeste des actions dentretien et de
protection, mais souvent lancien est synonyme de vieux, de dgrad :
le grand public libanais sest rarement mobilis pour dfendre un objet
de patrimoine.
Cette situation saggrave dans les cas de situations durgence :
malheureusement, le Liban connat souvent des situations de
destruction suivies par des phases de reconstruction o le patrimoine se
trouve menac, au dtriment de nouveaux projets de reconstruction.
Durant la guerre de Juillet 2006, les villages du sud du Liban dtruits
par les bombardements Israliens taient nombreux, et les tissus du
bti ancien ny ont pas chapp : des maisons qui remontent au 17me,
18me et 19me sicle se sont transformes en amas de dbris !
Nous limiterons ici notre intervention la ville de Bint Jbeil, qui rsume
la situation des villages du Sud, et qui est dote par un tissu form
dun grand nombre dhabitations anciennes, et ayant subi le plus
de destruction, puisque cest l o se sont droules les principales
Bint Jbeil, qui signie la lle du soleil, ou encore la lle de la petite
montagne, se caractrise, comme tous les villages du sud, par un tissu
form de maisons anciennes et un souk commercial, dont quelques
constructions datent du 17me sicle.
Suite aux bombardements ariens, la perte au niveau de ces maisons
fut norme.

La multiplicit des acteurs aprs la guerre

t -F DFOUSF BODJFO EF Bint Jbeil nest pas inscrit sur la liste des
monuments historiques de la DGA (direction gnrale des
antiquits). De plus, la prsence de ltat au sud, aprs la guerre, tait
modeste, et ses institutions narrivaient pas contenir la situation
dailleurs trop complique. Ce qui fait que ltat et en particulier la
DGA sont des acteurs peu ecaces dans ce contexte.
daprs guerre : ce sont principalement les partis Hezbollah et Amal,
reprsentant la majorit de la population Chiite au Liban, qui se
trouvent comme acteurs principaux sur la scne ; Jihad el binaa,
une association sociale proche du parti Hezbollah sest occupe de
la reconstruction durant les direntes guerres du Liban avec Isral
(en 1978, 1993, 1996 et en 2000), mais vu la destruction norme
de la guerre de juillet 2006, lintervention de cette association sest
limite aux indemnits qui seront payes aux familles dont lhabitat
a t dtruit, totalement ou en partie.
oert des dons et des aides pour la reconstruction. Quelques
journaux dclarent, non sans ironie, que les Etats-unis et lIran se
rivalisaient pour attribuer des aides au Liban aprs cette guerre.
Qatariote pour un projet de reconstruction du centre ville ancien.

Le droulement du projet de reconstruction

Une enqute sur le terrain, faite par jihad el binaa, a men un inventaire
des dgts, tout en prparant une tude prliminaire prte servir
comme un document de base pour les bailleurs de fond potentiels.
Cest le premier inventaire des dgts qui a t entrepris, mais
malheureusement, on na pas pris en considration la direnciation
du bti valeur patrimonial ; il sagissait de reprer le degr et la
quantit de destruction. Ces premires quipes ne comprenaient pas
des professionnels en patrimoine.
Ainsi il a fallu commencer par enlever les quantits normes de dbris.
Malheureusement, dans cette situation durgence o, les familles taient
sans abris, le montage nancier complexe avec multiples bailleurs de
fond assez nombreux, linstabilit politique de laprs-guerre qui ne
fait quaugmenter, a engendr une anarchie complte des actions
visant la reconstruction: les travaux des bulldozers ont prcd ceux
de lvaluation et de lenqute des professionnels. Bref on a ravag des
maisons revenant au 18me sicle sans chercher savoir si ces maisons
pourraient tre restaures ou non.
Cette situation alarmante a mobilis une catgorie de la population au
niveau national, surtout des tudiants, des ONG, des journalistes, des
crivains, etc....
La situation tait, et est toujours encore, tellement complexe au point
de ne plus pouvoir grer la rpartition des taches et des responsabilits
: Une forte corrlation entre la situation politique et les projets de
sest trouve face aux multiples tensions politiques et nancires, la
DGA na pas les moyens techniques, ni le personnel pour en prendre
la charge. Ainsi il a fallu un norme travail durgence de relev fait par
des universitaires pour arrter les bulldozers qui avaient dj ras grand


La dnition dune stratgie dintervention.

La denicin de una estrategia de intervencin
Dening a strategy for intervention

nombre de btis traditionnels.

Une fois les amas de dbris enlevs, le taux de destruction est devenu
trs clair. Des premires valuations estiment une dure de trois cinq
ans pour la reconstruction, et un budget de dizaines de millions de
On est aujourdhui dans une situation o, malgr les tudes quon dit
dj prtes pour excution , malgr la multitude des dons et malgr
la vague de bonnes intentions, la ville de Bint Jbeil est encore en ruine,
gele, dans une situation bloque et incomprhensible.
Ainsi on rsume ci-dessous les facteurs qui ont constitu de principales
menaces au patrimoine :
au sein des premires quipes dinventaires a eu ses rpercussions
sur la marginalisation du bti traditionnel dans la premire phase
toute dmarche de sa part fut dicile. De plus, le manque de
rglementation propre la protection de ce patrimoine a aggrav la
politiques et leurs intrts a compliqu la gestion ; ils se trouvaient
dans un amalgame de distribution de responsabilits et des taches.
par Jihad el binaa, tantt par ltat, plusieurs propritaires ont prfr
obtenir largent et se dplacer un habitat nouveau . Ceci les a
pousss demander eux-mmes la destruction de leurs propres
maisons, encore en tat reconstructible !
la premire phase fut secondaire ; ainsi la premire tude du projet
de reconstruction proposait une tabula rasa, aprs laquelle le vieux
centre sera remplac par de nouveaux blocs dhabitation, avec des
jardins au niveau des pilotis...
En conclusion, on nest pas encore arriv un accord, au niveau des
indemnits, ni sur le choix des modalits de la reconstruction. Ce qui
est clair pour la plupart est que les maisons anciennes dtruites ne
seront pas reconstruites, et la reconstruction prendra seulement en
considration les btis qui ont chapp aux bombardements dabord
puis aux bulldozers de la reconstruction.
Pour autres, le besoin dinstaller un nouveau rseau dinfra structure, et
proter de la situation pour remplacer les routes anciennes trs troites
par de larges rues avec des emplacements pour parkings, est vident.
Face cette vision, des critiques sattachent la situation actuelle
: la ruine des btiments anciens est plus digne que leacement de
Quel caractre aura ce contexte historique, une fois la reconstruction
aura lieu ? Comment vont se marier les formes anciennes avec les
nouvelles formes modernes envisages ?
Dautre part une question plus pnible se pose : dans quelle mesure
le patrimoine va tre toujours menac par lindirence du grand
durgence, ou bien cest le rsultat logique dune culture dindirence
et dirresponsabilit envers le patrimoine, cumule a travers les
gnrations ?


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La dnition dune stratgie dintervention.

La denicin de una estrategia de intervencin
Dening a strategy for intervention

Identits plurielles et contextes urbains:

nouvelles approches aux politique
(Programme Communautaire Interreg IIIC
City to City).

Caterina Gironda
Architecte et Docteur de recherche en Amnagement et Projet de
la Ville Mditerranenne. Il droule activit de recherche prs du
Departement AACM de luniversit des tudes Mditerranennes - en
les occupant de sujets damnagement projet territorial et urbain avec
attention spciale la zone Mditerranenne. Et auteur dessais et
articles sur les caractres des villes mditerranennes.
Adresse postale:
c\o Dip. AACM - via Melissari, Feo di Vito Reggio Calabria
Adresse courrier lectronique:
0039 965 3222213

Les changements sociaux du XXI sicle consquent aux grands

mouvements migratoires vers lEurope, entraine e de guerres et de
dsastres ou doprations du Fond Montaire International, sont en train
de changer les villes du vieux continent quils se trouvent aronter
le d complexe de la construction dune socit multiethnique dans
lequelle cohabitent etnie, cultures et religions direntes qui tentent
de se complter sans sannuler.
Les contextes urbains donc, spcialement ceux de grandes dimensions,
se caractrisent comme puissants catalyseurs de ces procs et ils en
sont impliqus en tous leurs composants.
La place urbaine se modie et il se mesure avec la faiblesse, avec
le changement et avec la diversit; si aussi le territoire nest pas
gographiquement plus une place limit mais un encastrement
complexe de rseaux en endroits disparus (Milliot).
Limmigration comporte des pratiques territoriales spciques et
lillustration du migrant il met en discussion la notion de territoire: du
territoire enracin aux territoires en mouvement.
tre intress par les mouvements migratoires nest pas territoire
nationaux uniques mais plutt lentire Europe car les immigrs
considrent avec extrme sens des contingences les direntes
opportunits quils leur prsentent de fois en fois: ils mettent en formes
aptes de mobilit quils utilisent territoires dirents de ces pices et
parcours ouvrables qui inventent nouvelles places fonctionnelles. Ils
postulent une Europe, ou mieux un monde sans frontires et sans
dterminations stables dappartenance (La Cecla).
Ces pratiques peuvent se considrer centrales dans les nouveaux
procs durbanisation et, comme de quelques parties il est suggr,


limmigration peut tre considre une manire pour analyser les

procs de territorialisation quils caractrisent la nouvelle saison de la
ville europenne (Tarrius).
spcial: ils se forment plus quartiers ou parties amples de ville, vous
connotez en sens ethnique de plus en plus, non seulement en termes
de residentialit mais aussi pour le dveloppement dune conomie
ethnique vritable et la prsence des immigrs, pour quelques aspects,
il requalie souvent ces ambitionnes en russissant contrarier autres
Pas tous les contextes urbains sont renverss par ces procs
naturellement, ni cest avec les mmes modalits et intensit. Presque
toujours le paysage de limmigration sentrelace avec les districts
industriels plus dvelopps et il se met encore dans les banlieues
dgrades ou en zones anciennes considres peu dsirables dans
lequel ils sont en procs aptes substitutifs de population et dactivit
que donc ils les connotent comme zones spciques de crise de la vie
en commun urbaine.
Devant cette ralit, surtout caractrise par vitesse des changements
et dicult de systmatisation, les instruments traditionnels de
lamnagement et de lurbanisme ils semblent impuissants. Les villes
se modient sous la pression migratoire mais il nest pas facile de
comprendre comment instruments administratif ou instruments
urbanistiques puissent rgler linstallation. Principalement parce que
les temps de ces instruments ne correspondent pas aux temps plus
rapides, et pour certain aspects imprvisibles, de limmigration.
Les villes se sont en gnral montres peu prparez accueillir les
arrives des migrants mais, si en quelques pays europen urbanisme
et architecture ont je contribuerai dnir le modle dinsertion des
immigrs, en autres entre lequel lItalie, lapproche urbanistique a t
pisodique et carente dactions ecaces. limmigration, bien que
il sois un phnomne en acte de plus temps, il sassocie le caractre
durgence, de transitoire, de vacataire.
Lurbanisme en eet, et cette Italienne en particulier manifest dans
les derniers ans une privation vidente en laronter le problmatique
de limmigration comme problme intrieur au plus gnraux
thmatiques dorganisation du territoire et des installations. Dun
ct il sest considr ce phnomne comme objet spcique et
exclusif dautres politique de type associ-dassistance, plutt que
regarder aux phnomnes migratoires et au se superposer et au se
mlanger de direntes populations comme lments intressants de
transformation du territoire, des installations, des manires de lhabiter
faon sur la forme de la ville.
De lautre ct, le manque de procdures consolide de type
interdisciplinaire il a rendu dicile quelconque innovation
rglementaire des phnomnes li limmigration, (rgulation du
commerce ambulant ou en sige xe, de formes de rsidence e/o
collectif temporaire, de dveloppement de laboratoires artisanaux,
etc.), quils exercent un rle important dans les microtransformations et
dans les mtamorphoses urbaines, (Lanzani).
Rcemment cependant quelques contributions signicatives ont
merg qui, plutt que considrer larrive de migrante autre chose
merger autour des direntes ides de la place publique qui la
prsence des immigrs donne expliciter et soulign les beaucoup

La dnition dune stratgie dintervention.

La denicin de una estrategia de intervencin
Dening a strategy for intervention

dentrelacements possibles entre immigration et transformation des

places publiques.
Du reste une politique urbaine avise ne peut plus ne pas tenir compte
des tendances actuelles des villes ni sexempter du considrer que les
immigrs jouent respect la place urbaine une fonction essentielle car
ils le vivent comme ressource de vie (Sassen).
Le problme des migrations reprsente donc un des noeuds avec
principaux sujets dans lagenda politique et conomique de lunion
Dans ce contexte il sinsre le programme Interreg IIIC avec lobjectif
dtudier, dans le cadre europen, le phnomne migratoire international
pour en identier les parcours migratoires et les modles urbains qui en
drivent an de dvelopper instruments damnagement et gestion
de la diversit culturelle des villes et dexprimenter, dans les territoires
intresss, initiatives gestionnaires.
Le projet propose une approche innovante lintgration des migrants
en remplaant lide de intgration dans un unique Pays avec celle-l
de intgration sur base internationale de longs parcours migratoires.
Aussi le terme multietnique quil postule une sorte daddition entre
razes dans la place urbaine il est remplac avec interculturel ou
multiculturel: termines quils tendent armer que au fond de tout,
indpendamment de la race, il y a lhomme avec son patrimoine
dhistoire, religion, mmoire; dans un mot culture.
Il entend de plus contribuer raliser instruments apte favoriser la
construction dune ville thique dans lequelle les citoyens puissent
redcouvrir un sens personnel dappartenance et ensuite considrer
comme valeur la possibilit de cohabiter avec des cultures et
expriences direntes de la propre.
Dans le cadre dInterreg IIIC le projet pilote trans-national RE.LA.TE a t
achemin - Rseau des Laboratoires Territoriaux (dont le Dpartement
AACM est lead partenaire) avec la cration de laboratoires territoriaux
de projet dialogue de la place urbaine en qui administrateurs
publics, communauts locales, communaut dimmigrs, opratoires
conomiques, etc. ils participent aux phases de projet urbain
RE.LA.TE a comme objectif la requalication urbaine, sociale et
conomique de la ville multietnica travers la promotion de chantiers
dautoconstruction de la place physique et culturelle; lexprimentation
de nouveaux modles de connaissance de la ralit urbaine et
damnagement urbanistique et la promotion du recouvrement
de lidentit smantique des places urbaines dans une logique
multirculturelle et dagrgation multiethinique..
Les Laboratoires Territoriaux actuellement activs avec RE.LA.TE, (Villa
S. Giovanni, Palermo, Valencia) sont endroits de recherche sur le sujet
sur le sujet de la culture de lhabiter et des interrelations avec histoire,
mmoire et religion; ils considrent Dvelopper mthodologies
dapproche aux problmes mis par la cohabitation entrethique en
domaines urbains.
Ils sont endroits dcoute de lequel faire jaillir modalit quils puissent
permettre une installation dimmigrs de sinstaller en ville sans former
place: celles des installes depuis toujours et celles des nouveaux venu;
modalit quils aident dterminer places, pas en termes dexclusion ou
sgrgation, mais plutt dintgration, comme par exemple en pass ils

pouvaient tre les -nous des villes mditerranennes, endroits de droit

des communauts trangres.
Ils se reprsentent donc comme espaces ouverts de discussion,
change culturel et activit diriges favoriser la participation dans les
procs damnagement et projet de la ville et ils constituent le premier
pas vers lorganisation des relatifs Urban center, cest--dire structures
ddies lcoute des citoyens, rsidents et migrants, linterprtation
de leurs besoins, au renseignement mais surtout la prdisposition de
politique urbaines construite avec leur contribution.
Ils considrent orir les instruments oprationnels pour recevoir
initiatives nalises la construction de nouveaux dcors pour une ville
plurielle en dnitive; une ville de tous et pour tous, pense et partage
en toutes ses places urbaines de la totalit de ses habitants.
Lactivit des Laboratoires tend privilgier les aspects place-territoriaux
du problme, le plus li la visibilit urbaine de limmigration qui
beaucoup de partie ils ont en lorganiser lintrt public pour le
problme. Lexprience qui est en train de drouler y il est encore
une phase initiale qui ne permet pas den faire un bilan sur les rsultats
souhaits mais celle-ci une rue intressante apparat pour commencer
remplir la discordance entre lvidence publique du problme et
lattention qui prtent les disciplines urbaines lui.
Cette apparat une tentative premier pour aronter les thmatiques
de limmigration et du multiculturalit comme un projet invitable,
comme impratif fonctionnel catgorique de nos socits (Amendola),
mais aussi comme thme que de toute faon depuis toujours, aussi si
avec de la modalit et intensits direntes, il appartient lhistoire des
villes, (Tosi).
Lexprience des Laboratoires territorials veut nalement tre une
manire pour mettre en discussion le mcanisme des centres daccueil
et de la formation des ghettos, en accueillant et en racontant les
dirents dbuts installs et en interprtant les manires avec lequel
la ville peut rhabiliter ses places en les changeant en endroits et les
restructurer avec limmigration en reconnaissant comme ressource les
identits en qute de dnition.


La dnition dune stratgie dintervention.

La denicin de una estrategia de intervencin
Dening a strategy for intervention

La sauvegarde du patrimoine entre

ds et perspectives
Mohammed Tita
Architecte, Directeur-Adjoint la Direction de lArchitecture du
Ministre, dlgu auprs du Premier Ministre, charg de lHabitat et
de lUrbanisme et Chef de la Divisionde la Promotion Architecturale.
-Co-dirig de nombreux diplmes lEcole Nationale dArchitecture
Rabat et dautres institutions trangres, traitant du sujet du
Patrimoine Architectural et sa revitalisation.
-Assure la coordination ditoriale de nombreuses publications dans
les Collections Dialogues sur la ville , Cahiers dArchitecture
et dUrbanit et Patrimoine et Esprit des lieux dites par la
Direction de lArchitecture et, notamment, ceux consacrs la
Place Jama al Fna, sa gense, son volution et les ncessits de sa
revitalisation en tant que patrimoine tangible et intangible, aux
jardins dantan de la capitale du Royaume du Maroc, aux sites classs
patrimoine mondial au Maroc.
-Charg du lancement et du suivi pour llaboration des plans de
sauvegarde des mdinas du Maroc.
-Membre au sein dAssociations sintressant au domaine du
-Participation plusieurs rencontres lchelle nationales et
internationale au sujet du patrimoine.
-Contribution la confection dun plan daction triennal nanc par
lUnesco pour la prservation, la revitalisation et la valorisation du
site de Jama al Fna suite son inscription sur la liste du Patrimoine
Immatriel de lHumanit, projet valid.
-Instauration dune dmarche de constitution progressive des archives
du futur par le biais de la ralisation de couvertures photographiques
dune trentaine de villes marocaines.
Adresse postale:
BP. 2543. Sidi Moussa. Sal. Maroc
Adresse courrier lectronique:
(00212) 61545690

Patrimoine architectural marocain : richesse et diversit

Bord par lOcan atlantique louest, la mer Mditerrane au nord
et un ocan de sable au sud, le dsert du Sahara, le Royaume du
Maroc, porte de la Mditerrane, un des berceaux de lhumanit,
fut galement au cur de fameux pisodes de lhistoire de lOcan
atlantique. Espace gographique privilgie, entre deux continents
et deux ocans, il servit la fois de matrice et de rayonnement des
civilisations riches et mtisses, travers un vaste rseau de routes de
mer et de terre - selon lexpression de Fernand Braudel-, du Royaume
du Soudan lEspagne et de lAtlantique au Golf de Gabs. Nul doute


que le Maroc bncie de grandes traditions sculaires en matire

darchitecture et de patrimoine urbain. Traditions qui nont cess de se
diversier et de senrichir en intgrant des apports direncis depuis
plusieurs millnaires, depuis les phniciens, les carthaginois et les
romains jusquaux architectures des poques coloniales, notamment
de rfrences franaise et espagnole, jusqu lindpendance du
Royaume en 1956.
Ce patrimoine architectural tmoigne dune diversit dans la forme,
dans la situation gographique, dans les matriaux de construction,
dans les conditions humaines et historiques, dans les pratiques sociales
et lappropriation de lespace, qui ne font quenrichir lunit traduite
dans les relations humaines et autres rgles qui structurent et rgissent
la socit. En tmoigne lintrt port par lUNESCO ce patrimoine
dont un ensemble de sites ont t classs Patrimoine Mondial de
lHumanit: mdinas de Fs, Marrakech, Mekns,Ttouan, Qasba dAt
Ben Haddou, la Cit Portugaise de Mazagan et le site archologique
de Volubilis. Aussi, il est signaler que le Maroc tait le premier pays
appeler lUNESCO introduire le concept de Patrimoine Oral et
Immatriel de lHumanit et, par la mme occasion, le classement de
la Place Jamaa El Fna, Marrakech, ft parmi les premiers sites classs
Patrimoine Oral de lHumanit par lUNESCO.

Esprit des lieux

Au-del du cadre physique qui le constitue, le patrimoine est porteur
et tmoin dautre chose que de sa simple matrialit. Il est sige
et repre de relations plurielles, de tmoignages historiques. Il est
rceptacle durbanit et vecteur de pratiques et de valeurs culturelles
qui sy archivent et sy sdimentent dune certaine faon dans le temps.
Il est porteur et vecteur dun esprit qui lhabite et quil transmet de
gnration en gnration. Cela peut tre une charge motionnelle
quil inspire, un bien tre quil procure, un souvenir quil voque, une
srnit quil impose ou un mythe quil transmet.
Vous avez certainement bien compris quil sagit l dun essai de
comprhension de lesprit des lieux qui relve plus dune alchimie que
dune approche acadmique. Et vous tes, me semble-t-il, bien placs,
pour comprendre et ressentir ces liens particuliers que les habitants
tissent avec les lieux. Cest ce que lon peut galement appeler
lurbanit. Une urbanit qui identie les citoyens leur cit et la cit
ses citoyens.

Patrimoine identitaire
Lidentit est lie au patrimoine et le patrimoine nest pas chercher
dans la matrialit dun tissu urbain ou dun dice. Cette identit du
patrimoine est fonction des rapports au terme desquels la production
btie devient une ralit sociologiquement investie et axiologiquement
Donc la rfrence au pass, est en fait une ncessit pour toute existence
au prsent et au futur. Et le recours au local, le recours au patrimonial,
est en vrit un combat davant-garde, surtout en cette priode de
mondialisation. Mondialisation des changes et de linformation.
Mondialisation du libralisme conomique et de la pense unique.
Mondialisation qui met en relation le local et linternational et risque
progressivement destomper les frontires. Mondialisation qui, tout
en prsentant de multiples avantages immdiats et potentiels, risque
de rduire la diversit, de rduire les rgionalismes et risque de faire

La dnition dune stratgie dintervention.

La denicin de una estrategia de intervencin
Dening a strategy for intervention

disparatre les expressions culturelles du local.

Choix et limites politiques
La situation actuelle de notre patrimoine est proccupante tant pour
les pouvoirs publics que pour les usagers. Ces tissus urbains anciens
subissent, aujourdhui, le poids dun pass sculaire, les consquences
des dernires dcennies en matire damnagement et durbanisation
ainsi que les contraintes du prsent. Le poids du pass en tant quacte
de fondation, en tant quapports civilisationnels sdiments dans des
cycles historiques, en tant que repre et mmoire, en tant que cadre
bti, idalis ou rejet, tmoigne dun quilibre antrieur entre forme
sociale et production architecturale.
Les consquences de choix politiques sinscrivent et sexpriment au
plan spatial. Choix politiques qui, au dbut du sicle, ont conduit des
bouleversements de polarit urbaine et lapparition dun nouveau
modle de la cit, de la citoyennet et de lurbanit. Les contraintes
dun prsent ncessitent, dans le cadre des orientations dune politique
nouvelle, que les actions envisages dans les centres historiques
obissent des conceptions du spatial et du social en interaction
L rside, de fait, lun des plus grands dangers qui menacent lidentit
des tissus urbains, anciens et nouveaux, qui menacent la coexistence
spatiale, qui menacent la rconciliation des citoyens avec leurs cits, en
maintenant ou en crant, de manire implicite ou explicite, voulue ou
pas, de lexclusion, de linscurit, de linjustice, etc. Parmi ces dangers,
et non des moindres, persiste cette vision techniciste du progrs et les
ravages quelle engendre.
Il est devenu opportun duvrer pour une comprhension extensive
et de larchitecture et de lurbanit dont les approches ne doivent
plus tre limites des seules variables techniques et matrielles mais
doivent ncessairement intgrer les dimensions humaines, les valeurs
culturelles qui seules fondent lespace de vie, la cit, lurbanit. Do
une multiplication des actions entreprises sur le terrain pour capter,
justement, lesprit des lieux. Do galement, le partenariat qui est de
plus en plus pratiqu, sous forme de dialogues sur les villes, avec les
groupements associatifs, reprsentants de la socit civile.
Do enn, la recherche de projets intgrs qui permettent dinitier
des oprations, en matire de revitalisation, damlioration et de
valorisation de cadre de vie qui soient durables, en ce sens que leur
prennit soit assure, dans les modes de nancement, dentretien et de
dveloppement, par ceux-l mmes qui sont les premiers concerns.
Ainsi, ces centres urbains historiques pourraient devenir non seulement
procdure de participation relles, une nouvelle gnration de
documents de gestion urbaine spciques au patrimoine, des centres
revitaliss et des laboratoires dexploration de nouvelles composantes
dune identit culturelle contemporaine.
Le patrimoine : ds et perspectives
Face aux dangers qui touchent le patrimoine architectural national et
de lampleur des ngligences ou dinsensibilit vis--vis du patrimoine
dans la gestion urbaine, lobjectif premier semble tre celui de
mmoriser, darchiver et de prserver les traces (crites, graphiques,
photographiques, construites, etc.) destines assurer la prennit
de ce patrimoine menac. Mais trs vite, lon se demande pourquoi
faire ? Pourquoi smouvoir sur un pass qui passe ? Plaisir narcissique,
romantique ou combat darrire garde ?

Devant cette tendance lourde qui est celle de la dnaturation, de la

dvalorisation et de la destruction physique du patrimoine architectural
et urbain, il est devenu impratif de prendre position sans laisser croire
que la raction ce phnomne dcoule dun souci nostalgique ou dun
attachement romantique au pass. Parler de la perte de ce patrimoine
architectural et urbain est, aujourdhui, dans les pays concerns, un
devoir de citoyen et se taire pourrait tre, ultrieurement, quali de
De mon point de vue, la revitalisation et la sauvegarde de notre
patrimoine ne doivent pas se limiter une opration de restauration
dun patrimoine physique mais la prise en considration de ce
patrimoine architectural, de la mmoire, an de mettre en relation la
connaissance et la vitalit de la ville ancienne avec le dveloppement
de la ville daujourdhui et de la ville en projet. Un dveloppement
centr sur lHomme et gnratrice dauto-estime, qui prtend donner
aux plus faibles et aux plus vulnrables la possibilit de soccuper euxmmes de leur existence et quils naient pas dpendre de la charit.
Citoyennet et droits culturels
Les citoyens ne sont ni directement consults, ni consults travers
les groupements associatifs qui les reprsentent, pour donner un
quelconque avis sur les grandes dcisions, sur les grandes orientations
qui, non seulement engagent les deniers publics, cest--dire leur argent,
mais engagent le devenir des villes et du patrimoine architectural.
Orientations qui engagent la transmission dun hritage qui nous a t
lgu et qui persistera, enrichi ou dnatur, ou disparatra du cadre de
vie des prochaines gnrations.
Pourtant, tre citoyen, cest ni plus ni moins appartenir la cit. Cest
contribu, de manire directe ou indirecte, dcider de son tat, de
son amlioration et de son devenir. Lespace social dans lequel chacun
de nous voit le jour, vit, se dplace, travaille, se promne, et nit par sen
aller, est une composante de son identit et de sa dignit. La dlgation
de pouvoir faite llu est justement destine viser lamlioration de
cet espace social. Lamliorer pour le rendre plus apte recevoir, dans
les meilleures conditions dhygine et de propret, de protection et de
scurit, de respect de lenvironnement et daccessibilit, etc., toutes les
activits sociales multiples quil est destin recevoir et abriter. Nous
devons donner aux gens la possibilit dtre ce quils veulent, de crer
leur propre identit et leur institution.
Cest ce, quen commun, associations citoyennes et cadres de
ladministration, nous essayons progressivement de faire. En tant
bien conscients qu la dirence des dcennies prcdentes, le
droulement des activits sociales dans les tablissements humains,
que ce soit en milieu urbain ou dans les villages et les hameaux, naura
plus ntre rgie que par une conception strictement scuritaire du
cadre de vie.
Il est important, aujourdhui, que la pratique architecturale, que la
recherche architecturale, que lenseignement de larchitecture et
les publications sur larchitecture, prennent en considration ce
patrimoine, dans sa richesse et sa diversit, pour proposer une tonalit,
des orientations, des ambiances architecturales, non sous forme
de pastiche de ce patrimoine, mais dans la perspective de formes
renouveles de sa modernit endogne. Une modernit endogne,
fruit dun eort de crativit, qui sinspire de ce patrimoine en tant
que repre et identit, en tant que mmoire et matrice ouverte la
conception dune architecture contemporaine. Une architecture la


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fois innovante et respectueuse des valeurs patrimoniales inscrites dans

lhistoire et le territoire de notre pays
Cest vers une vision qui donne la primaut au local et l associatif quil
faut sacheminer et pour laquelle il faudra militer avec patience, passion
et obstination.
Mondialisation au service dun nouvel humanisme
Or, lidentit est lie au patrimoine et le patrimoine nest pas chercher
dans la matrialit dun tissu urbain ou dun dice. Cette identit du
patrimoine est fonction des rapports au terme desquels la production
btie devient une ralit sociologiquement investie et axiologiquement
Donc la rfrence au pass, est en fait une ncessit pour toute existence
au prsent et au futur. Et le recours au local, le recours au patrimonial,
est en vrit un combat davant-garde, surtout en cette priode de
mondialisation. Mondialisation des changes et de linformation.
Mondialisation du libralisme conomique et de la pense unique.
Mondialisation qui met en relation le local et linternational et risque
progressivement destomper les frontires. Mondialisation qui, tout
en prsentant de multiples avantages immdiats et potentiels, risque
de rduire la diversit, de rduire les rgionalismes et risque de faire
disparatre les expressions culturelles du local.
Si la mondialisation savre inluctable, mieux vaudrait la projeter,
dans le double sens du terme, comme une occasion historique
dorienter diremment la coexistence communautaire et la cration
architecturale. Lorienter dans le cadre dune dialectique de luniversel
et du local, dans le respect sociologique des mmoires collectives et le
respect de lesprit des lieux. Cest--dire de situer demble tout projet
dans un dveloppement fond sur la diversit des systmes de valeurs,
dans une perspective pluriculturelle, visant concevoir et raliser des
patrimoines partags pour le futur.
Je voudrais, pour terminer, faire part dun sentiment despoir profond
dans la coopration entre les dirents participants et intervenants.
Espoir profond et optimisme mobilisateur sur le travail que nous
pouvons mener en commun pour sensibiliser aux valeurs culturelles
du patrimoine architectural, la ncessit de sa revitalisation en tant
que cadre de vie et composante majeure de notre identit.
De mme, je voudrais galement faire part dun sentiment despoir
dans une coopration internationale, initie ici, dans ce domaine de
lurbanit, avec des confrres venant des dirents pays. Les exemples
sont nombreux chez vous et posent aujourdhui des questions
cruciales sur mmoire et contemporanit. Les changes, dans le cadre
dune coopration internationale ne peuvent qutre rciproquement


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Le patrimoine, outil de dveloppement

Necissa yamina
Maitre assistante dpartement darchitecture de Blida universit de
Chercheur doctorante lcole polytechnique darchitecture et
durbanisme Alger
Adresse postale:
53 rue Reguieg el hannachi ksar el Boukhari-Medea -Algrie
Adresse courrier lectronique:

Le patrimoine, pris dans son sens le plus large cest--dire une richesse
matrielle et immatrielle (patrimoine monumental, rural, vernaculaire,
industriel, scientique, ethnologique et de savoir faire, historique et li
la mmoire collective, ainsi que les ressources naturelles), reprsente
une ressource bien identie dans les territoires.
Sa valorisation est un enjeu largement exprim, elle est pense dans
une approche large et dcloisonne, et reprsente un vritable
potentiel de dveloppement.Elle devient ainsi un objectif important
de la socit contemporaine, car cest le moyen de satisfaire un certain
nombre de besoins dordre esthtique, artistique et mme de loisirs, elle
est donc source de valeurs artistiques, esthtiques ou dexistence. La
production de telles valeurs implique des mouvements conomiques
trs importants quon ne doit pas ngliger.
davenir sur les orientations et les rponses aux questions suivantes :
un projet de territoire ?
optique de dveloppement ?
Dans un premier temps, notre recherche tudie le concept du
patrimoine ainsi que son volution et ceci travers la lecture des
dirents textes et documents internationaux sur le patrimoine et les
politiques de sa protection.
La lecture du concept du patrimoine nous a permis de schmatiser
quatre dcennies, durant lesquelles le concept de patrimoine a
Dans les annes 60, on constate une prise de conscience par une
minorit de la ncessit de protger le patrimoine en danger, ces ides
sont portes par les recommandations de lUNESCO de 1962 et 1968, et
par les nombreux colloques du conseil de lEurope, ainsi que la charte

de Venise qui dnit la philosophie de la restauration.

La deuxime dcennie (les annes 70) a t marque par la prise en
compte progressive du patrimoine comme fondement de la qualit du
cadre de vie.
On note le dveloppement de la conservation intgre, matrialise par
la charte Europenne du patrimoine architectural et par la dclaration
Les annes 80, constituent la synthse des expriences et
lapprofondissement des pratiques lies au patrimoine, et l on note
principalement le dveloppement de largument conomique du
patrimoine, matrialise par la convention de Grenade.
Les annes 90 sont marques par lapproche environnementale,
et llargissement de la notion du patrimoine vers le patrimoine
Llargissement du concept de patrimoine des lments plus large a
des consquences sur sa gestion, celle-ci nest plus comme avant une
simple action de classication ou action ponctuelle de sauvegarde, il
sagit plutt dune gestion dynamique et conomique globale.
Des direntes interventions sur le patrimoine, sont attendues des
retombes conomiques et sociales en terme demploi, dimpts et de
tourisme et autre.
On peut dire quon est pass dune pratique de conservation une
logique de gestion, dun patrimoine centr sur lobjet un patrimoine
mobilis autour de projets.
Cette nouvelle approche passe principalement par la politique de
lamnagement du territoire dans ses diverses dimensions tant urbaines
que rurales, globales que locales, cest--dire une approche intgre
aux stratgies de dveloppement.
Dans un second temps de notre recherche, nous tudions les cas
trangers ayant entrepris des dmarches de valorisation du patrimoine
dans une optique de dveloppement territoriale.
A travers les exemples tudis, nous retenons les principales tapes de
cette dmarche de valorisation:
patrimonial, de sa reconnaissance. Linventaire reprsente llment
fort de cette tape.
conditionne le type dusage et les potentialits de ce patrimoine.
Ce diagnostic permet de saisir les relations qui unissent les direntes
composantes du patrimoine, notamment le contexte ou lensemble
dans lesquels elles se trouvent, on peut mme comprendre
de dveloppement lis au patrimoine et leurs insertion dans un
processus de dveloppement et damnagement territorial.
A travers le cas franais, nous avons retenu les projets de ples
dconomie de patrimoine qui sont des projets de territoire utilisant
le patrimoine comme levier de dveloppement conomique trs
Pour initier un projet de valorisation du patrimoine, notre choix sest
port sur la wilaya de Mda.
Le patrimoine de Mda est constitu de lensemble des constructions,
monuments, vestiges, monuments naturels, paysages et sites
Parmi ceux-ci, certains ont une valeur historique, archologique,


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scientique, artistique, sociale et conomique. Ce patrimoine au sens

large du terme marque le territoire de Mda.
Les actions de valorisation de ce patrimoine doivent prendre une
LAlgrie est lun des plus grands pays du continent africain avec une
supercie de 2381km2, son territoire se divise en trois ensembles trs
contrasts :
plus favoris par le climat, les ressources marines et les richesses de
ses diverses plans et valles ctires.
entre latlas tellien et latlas saharien.
1-1/ Etat du patrimoine naturel :
1-1-1-/ Patrimoine forestier
Les forts : les forts et maquis couvrent en Algrie 3.2 millions
dhectares soit un taux de boisement de 11/ qui reprsente celui de
lAlgrie du nord1.
Les forts productives ne couvrent aujourdhui que 1249 000 hectares.
Terres domaniales
Terres communales
Terres prives
Terres publiques (EAC-EAI)

3251791 ha

La destruction progressive des couverts forestiers est lie des facteurs

anthropiques et naturels, en 1997 , la surface boise globale tait
de 397000 hectares, entre 1955 et 1997 , la surface dtruite est de
103000hecatres ( soit 24000 ha/an) , et le taux de dforestation est de
21/ en 42 ans.
Etat de la ore : lAlgrie possde 5402 taxons vgtaux avec une
mditerranen ( 0.62), 540 espces fourragres et 646 espces
dans les dirents cosystmes ( forts, steppes, zones sauvages, dsert,
mer , massifs, montagnes ; etc.) est menace par certaines pratiques
agricoles , par la construction dinfrastructures , par lurbanisation et par
la dforestation.
Etat de la faune : en terme de diversit faunistique, 47 espces de
mammifres sur 107 inventoris et protges et 68 espces doiseaux
sur 336 sont protges.
Les actions entreprises consistent essentiellement en la cration daires
protges conformment au dcret 83-459 portant statut type de
parcs nationaux, un programme dlargissement des aires protges
dautres zones est en cours,pour les zones humides, elles nont pas
encore fait lobjet de plans de protection adquat.
comme suit :


et de la recherche relatifs la biodiversit.
lintention des dirents partenaires des dirents secteurs
(gestionnaires, agriculteurs, leveurs, forestiers et amnageurs).
Les facteurs contribuant la dforestation sont les suivants :
t brls, dont 477629 ha en dix ans (301780 ha de forets, 91566
ha de maquis et 82746 ha de broussaille), soit lquivalent de 30000
duvre sont en augmentation.
des grands travaux ne sont pas prises en compte.
La steppe : elle stend sur 20 millions dhectares et la surface des parcours
est value 15 millions dhectares, sa dgradation est progressive
Lassainissement rural : en matire dassainissement rural, un important
programme damnagement de bassins de dcantation a t lanc
en 1987 pour les petites et moyennes localits, il sest traduit par la
ralisation de 435 bassins concernant 31 wilayas et 404 localits.
Problmes de gestion et approche de dveloppement :
La gestion du patrimoine forestier rencontre des dicults gnres par
labsence dune actualisation permanente des inventaires et dun plan
dexploitation rationnelle des forets, les actions forestires devraient
tre mieux intgres dans une approche globale et intgre de lutte
contre la dsertication avec une participation eective de population
1-2/ Etat du patrimoine culturel :
Le patrimoine culturel acquiert une place de plus en plus importante
dans toute politique de dveloppement conomique, social et culturel,
cependant ce patrimoine na pas fait lobjet dune attention soutenue.
Les atteintes naturelles et anthropiques entranent la dgradation du
patrimoine archologique et historique. les atteintes anthropiques sont
de deux ordres : dune part le dveloppement urbain qui seectue au
dtriment du parc archologique, dautre part les pillages de pierres
de taille.
A ce jour, aucune enqute ou analyse na eu pour objet de mesurer
ltat de conservation du patrimoine archologique et historique,
les oprations de consolidation ou de restauration des monuments
historiques qui ont t entreprises lont t du fait de lurgence de la
situation ou en tenant compte de la fonction sociale ou de laspect
prestigieux du monument.
Pour le nancement des oprations de restauration, des sites et
monuments historiques ont toujours reprsent un frein pour
la sauvegarde et la mise en valeur du patrimoine jusquen 1990,
cette activit na jamais t mene dans le cadre de plan de
Dans tous les cas, la dgradation du patrimoine archologique
et historique est le rsultat de lintervention de ltat qui na pas
appliqu avec rigueur les textes et na pas engag des ressources
nancires ncessaires la prservation et la restauration des sites
et monuments.

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2-1/ La protection du milieu naturel :
Les instruments damnagement permettant dintgrer les exigences
de la protection des sites naturels se prsentent comme suit :
2-1-1/-Ltude dimpact :
L tude dimpact faisant lobjet du dcret 87-91 du 21 avril 1987 ,son
objectif est danalyser les incidences de projets ou amnagement
public ou privs qui peuvent modier directement ou indirectement
ou porter atteinte lagriculture, la protection de la nature, la
conservation des sites et monuments.
2-1-2/- Protection des sites naturels et humains
Dans le cadre de la protection des sites naturels et humains, lAlgrie
doit tenir compte de ses engagements, notamment, relativement aux
textes suivants3:
matire de lutte contre la dsertication, sign au Caire 1977 et
ocialis par le dcret n 82-437 du 11-12-1992.
internationale, laquelle lAlgrie a adhr par le dcret n82-439 du
11 dcembre 1982.
dans les pays gravement touchs par la scheresse, en particulier en
Afrique, adopte Paris en 1994, ratie par le dcret prsidentiel
n96-52 du 22 janvier 1996.
La loi n 83-03 du 5 fvrier 1983 a consacr son titre II la protection de
La protection des forets a fait lobjet de la loi n 84-12 du 23 juin 1984
portant rgime gnral des forets.
Elle a pour objet la protection, le dveloppement, lextension, la gestion
et lexploitation des forets, des terres vocation forestire et autres
formations forestires ainsi que la conservation des sols et la lutte
contre toute forme drosion.
Dautres textes sont venus aprs pour complter cette loi, ce sont :
-Le dcret 87-44 du 10 janvier 1987 relatif la prvention contre les
incendies dans le domaine forestier.
-Le dcret n 87-45 du 10 fvrier 1987 portant organisation et
coordination des actions en matire de lutte contre les incendies de
forets dans le domaine forestier national.
chasse :
Le dcret n 83-509 du 20 aot 1983, relatif aux espces animales non
domestiques protges dtermine la lutte des espces animales non
domestiques ainsi protges.
Ce dcret a t suivi par dautres dcrets excutifs n95-321 et n95-322
du 18 octobre 1995, ils xent les modalits et les conditions de capture
de ces espces animales des ns de recherches scientiques.
la loi 03-2003 , dispose que les zones soumises des rgimes

ou de faon gnrale de lenvironnement , sont considrs comme

aires protges5.
Pour plus de prcision, les aires protges comprennent :
Cette loi interdit toute action susceptible de nuire la biodiversit et
plus gnralement, daltrer le caractre de laire protge, notamment
la chasse et la pche, les activits agricoles forestires et pastorales,
industrielles minires, publicitaires et commerciales ainsi que lexcution
des travaux6.
2-1-4/-Protection et valorisation des zones de montagne :
Un projet de loi relatif la protection et la valorisation des zones de
montagne est en cours dapprobation.
Cette protection sinscrit dans le cadre de dveloppement durable et
dnit des prescriptions damnagement du territoire des zones de
montagne, ces direntes prescriptions ont pour objectif de prendre
en charge la fragilit et le caractre sensible de ces zones ainsi que leurs
potentialits et leurs atouts dans les plans damnagement.
Le projet de cette loi dans son article 9 stipule que les schmas
rgionaux damnagement du territoire font ressortir toutes les zones
de montagnes dans le but dorienter les actions de dveloppement en
fonction des spcicits des zones
2-1-5/-Protection du littoral :
La loi relative la protection et la valorisation du littoral7 a tabli
des principes fondamentaux pour la protection et la valorisation du
Parmi ses principes : linscription des actions de dveloppement et de
protection du littoral dans une dimension nationale de dveloppement
du territoire et damnagement.
Dans les documents damnagement, tous les sites de la zone du littoral
et prsentant un caractre cologique, paysager, culturel et touristique
doivent tre considre comme aire classe et frappe de servitudes.
Pour cela, des instruments de gestion du littoral sont proposs par la
Lobjectif de cet instrument est la mise en oeuvre de la politique
nationale de la protection et de la mise en valeur du littoral et de la
zone ctire en particuliers .
Cette gestion est assure par le commissariat national du littoral qui
parmi ses missions, veille ltablissement dun inventaire complet de
toutes les zones ctires.
La loi recommande aussi la ncessit dinstituer un plan damnagement
ctier qui comporte toutes les dispositions de protection.

Nota: Este artculo no se ha podido publicar en su totalidad por falta de espacio


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Identity and Quality in Territorial

Development Processes
Elvira Petroncelli
Full professor of Urban and Regional Planning at the University of
Naples, co-ordinator of Research Doctorate, President of the Building
Engineering Graduating Course, co-ordinator of Research Projects,
author of more than 80 printed publications. Bureau member of
CIVVIH-ICOMOS, assessor of historical sites to be included in the
UNESCO list.
Adresse postale:
Piazzale V. Tecchio 80 80125 NAPOLI (I)
Adresse courrier lectronique:
+39 081 7682313

The fast processes of de-territorialization aecting all territory are
producing radical and deep transformations in dwelling practices and
changing the way of considering the relationship with a place.
The hyper-extension of urbanized areas represents a relevant
transformation of city and territory required by complex political, cultural,
social and economic factors. Those produce needs and demands being
the expression of new way of territory shape and structure.
Looking for adequate strategies to achieve a sustainable development
pointed out the importance of those subjects such as quality and
governance and how by now its necessary a review of the used logics,
criteria and indicators.
The quality subject has become more and more a new imperative
and the Landscape European Convention (LEC) strongly stressed some
Giving all the territory the value of landscape apart from its being
considered exceptional, of everyday life and/or decayed one is the
expression of the value the landscape generally has got and it is
stressed the idea that:


Landscape identies and makes the dierent parts of territory be

recognizable, shows their history handing down the signs of their
transformations and is produced by the interaction of several tangible
and intangible elements that characterize its appearance and value.
According to that, landscape becomes the expression of deep and
rooted cultures and identities of single territories, related to the people
dwelling and working in those territories.
Quality is a crucial point of the LEC. The Article 1, in giving some basilar


denitions, leads us to consider the value of the perceptive aspect and

how it aects the behaviors.
Intending to adopt landscape quality purposes, as its worldly required,
actually produces a new viewpoint of all planning discipline, not only
in relation to the phase of territory knowledge and reading, but also in
relation to purposes and actions denition, involving all the actors of
territorial development process.
Identity and quality
Considering targets of landscape quality implies to investigate the
importance of identity characters.
The identity of a place contains and helps read and understand the
memory of a territory, its environmental knowledge, its growth rules
and system of relationships and management. The identity of a place
can be shaped by both tangible and intangible elements that man
contributed to create. In fact the populations sense of belonging to a
context is represented by culture, activities and traditions, as well as by
building typologies, colors and materials used.
The deep meaning of place identity isnt the repetition of something
happened but the never-ending building of what can be carried on
in evolutionary way, according to the new needs and expectations
addressed to future (Mannelli L., 2003). As Norberg-Schultz (1979) had
already stressed, the structure of a place isnt a xed, eternal condition:
places usually change and sometimes in a fast way too. Anyway, it
doesnt mean that the genius loci should necessarily change or be lost.
The places preserve their identities for a certain time and each place
should be capable of receiving dierent contents, obviously within
certain limits. A place t only for one purpose would soon become
The identity cannot be articially created in a short time, as example
the present places of mystication, which try to reproduce, by new
buildings, relationships and features of historical cities for shopping mall
or gated city. Those places are dierent from the original environments
mainly because they are lacking in genius loci.
A careful attention should be paid to avoid a landscape logic seen as
a product to sell which easily trivializes territorial peculiarities and
destroys its identity and to increase and stimulate communities selfdenition.
Communities are the main actors in the identity denition, but are also
the subjects to which the process of development and re-qualication
is addressed. Identity and quality represent a strong binomial and two
categories characterizing the process of diversication and cultural
In such a context, its crucial to pay attention to the identity value and
never-ending common re-appropriation and construction of meanings
produced by the actions carried out by all the actors involved in the
territory, even if not permanently. It means to dynamically look at the
endogenous, tangible and intangible elements, which link the territory
history to each dweller. Its not the case of crystallizing the place cultural
heritage, the identities, but of recognizing them and succeeding, in a
certain sense, in building landscapes.
A methodological route
Within the knowledge process targeted to dene quality landscape
goals, the starting point consists in dening the general typologies on
which the dierent landscape ambits depend. In primis we can make a
subdivision into areas, according to the prevailing physical-functional

La dnition dune stratgie dintervention.

La denicin de una estrategia de intervencin
Dening a strategy for intervention

characters. Referring to a prevailing-characters classication enables us

to curb fragmentations and to join dierent aspects and elements that
can help delineate the features of the general systems they belong to.
The information given by a rigorous reading of the surface mantle
represents a good starting point, but of course it doesnt suciently
describe those values and factors that allow to go over the simple
physical aspect of a context and to convey a heritage of knowledge and
characteristics produced by intrinsic relationships and peculiarities.
The knowledge phase entails, therefore, together with punctual
investigations on the single components, the study of physical,
functional, visual relationships, whose grasp is crucial for the
identication of characterizing elements, as well as qualitative targets,
and for dening protection, modication and transformation actions.
Determining the characterizing elements requires a wide-ranging
investigation of the context in the course of time in order to check the
dierent values according to its evolution, as well as a reading of the
elements under the ecological, anthropological and environmental
prole. Besides, working out and pursuing landscape-quality goals
entails dening parameters for assessing the characterizing elements,
i.e. their identier and performance characters.
Its important to go on by pointing out the single elements and
contextually analyzing the systems they belong to, in order to assess
the force of the element identier character according to the structural,
symbolic and perceptive prole, and the force of the performance one
according to the functional and usability prole.
In particular, it consists in building a matrix by means of the referring
parameters in the assessment of the characterizing elements.
In dening a mechanism to determine the quality levels, anyway
we should pay attention to the possible levels of vulnerability for
consciously assessing the policies and actions to implement in order
to achieve landscape quality goals.
Strategic lines
Starting from the above assumptions, we can outline possible strategic
lines (actions and interventions) being the references as regards the
identity character.
As concerns the important LEC assumptions, we can arm that, by
following a system characterized by landscape quality goals, the
actions to be accomplished would be targeted to:
t 4BGFHVard the context and community identity;
dierent users quality of life;
t Assure the best management of resources.
In order to carry out quality projects, its necessary -in the light of
historical identities, namely by reading the historical territory, the
communitys needs and the identity character to appeal to:
t the resources heritage;
A careful combination is required between what regards the
morphological-functional dimension and :

promote sharing/participation.
Identity can be considered as a crucial resource for dening policies
and actions targeted to increase landscape quality. The plan/
project should contribute to increase the identity value allowing its
recognizance in ambits on superior scale. The policies and strategies
to be implemented could follow dierent routes: the one linked to
morphological characters, the one connected to the lived places or the
production ones.
Starting from the individuation of the environmental resources, the
guidelines for a sustainable environmental policy should be targeted
In order to preserve and develop the identities, in particular we should
foster actions targeted to:
of their activity, to safeguard and develop the identities;
This methodological approach has been applied to a specic territorial
context such as the SorrentinoAmaltana Peninsula, part of which is
inscribed on the World Heritage List since 1997.
The result of the research has lead to assume that the study of
characterizing elements allows us to make an ex-ante assessment
for dening quality and vulnerability levels. Thats a rst interesting
contribution that can be oered to the assessment of the eects
produced by the actions to implement.


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Dening a strategy for intervention


La dnition dune stratgie dintervention.

La denicin de una estrategia de intervencin
Dening a strategy for intervention

Amnagement, rhabilitation et
dveloppement durable des villes
historiques mditerranennes

Nicolas Rodalkis
Naissance - Crte (1943).
Architecte - Universit Aristote-Thessalonique (1969)
Urbaniste - Institut dUrbanisme-Paris (1972).
Docteur - Universit Paris-I, Panthon-Sorbonne, (1975).
Professeur - Urbanisme-Amnagement-Dveloppement, Ecole
Polytechnique -Universit Aristote-Thessalonique
Ecrivain - Plusieurs livres-articles scientiques
Planicateur - Projets urbanistiques
Chercheur- Collaboration: UNESCO-ICOMOS pour les villes historiques
Elaboration: nombreux programmes de recherche
Prsident-directeur, fondateur du nouveau Dpartement UrbanismeAmnagement-Dveloppement Ecole Polytechnique-Universit
Adresse postale:
7, rue Amolianis, 54638 Thessalonique, Grce
Adresse courrier lectronique:
0030 2310 995723

Texte communication:
1. Conditions historiques, gographiques et socio-conomiques
La Mditerrane, lieu de rencontre de trois continents, est devenue
depuis lantiquit le carrefour des peuples, des religions et des cultures.
Lhistoire dune grande partie de lhumanit se dvoile travers les
traces des installations humaines sur son littoral. En ce qui concerne
les noyaux urbains historiques des pays mditerranens il est normal
qui sont dues tant aux particularits historiques, culturelles et sociales
de chaque pays quaux conditions gographiques, gopolitiques et
climatiques gnrales et particulires.
Le paysage et le climat mditerranens, dans la mesure o ils ont
culturelles et socio-conomiques, ainsi que le temprament des
peuples quy habitent, constituent des lments communs qui
dterminent plus ou moins la structure, la conguration et les
possibilits dvolution des villes historiques en Mditerrane. Les
noyaux traditionnels des villes mditerra-nennes, qui sont conservs
et utiliss jusquaujourdhui, constituent le tmoin redouta-ble dune

continuit et dune interdpendance historique et culturelle donc les

politiques nont pas russi les faire disparatre.
La beaut incomparable et la diversit, tant du paysage naturel que
du cadre bti des ensembles historiques, constituent des avantages
uniques de lespace mditerra-nen, malgr les interventions (souvent
dguratives) contemporaines, qui ont subi sur-tout aprs les annes
50 la plupart des villes mditerranennes. Il faut tenir compte aus-si de
la mer bleue, chaude et claire, ainsi que les conditions climatiques
douces avec le soleil clatant qui brille pendant une grande priode
de lanne. Toutes ces qualits ont attir et attirent de plus en plus des
grands courants touristiques vers les ctes mdi-terranennes et leurs
villes historiques, qui oriente la plupart des fois unilatralement leur

2. Les catgories des villes historiques mditerranennes

Les diverses catgories des villes anciennes historiques quon rencontre
au-jourdhui dans les pays mditerranens, en relation avec les villes
contemporaines b-ties ct ou sur les prcdentes, sont en rgle
gnrale les suivantes:
a. Les villes historiques importantes, qui sont conserves et protges
entire-ment en tant que telles. Pour la satisfaction des besoins
dhabitation supplmentai-res et limplantation des installations
industrielles on a construit en parallle des vil-les nouvelles
complmentaires. Le cas le plus reprsentatif est celui de Venise et
de la ville voisine contemporaine de Mestre, lesquelles sont lies avec
une auto-route et une ligne ferroviaire de dix kilomtres environ.
Dans la premire o habi-tent les classes moyennes et suprieures,
on a dvelopp plutt les activits cultu-relles, commerciales et
touristiques, cest dire le tertiaire, alors que dans la deuxime
se trouvent les zones industrielles et les cits-dortoirs. Un autre
exemple quon peut citer est celui de la ville touristique de Fs au
Maroc, o il y a une spa-ration complte entre la ville ancienne et
la ville contemporaine. En comparaison avec lexemple prcdent
de Venise, il y a une grande dirence, parmi dautres, puisque la
stratication sociale, entre la ville ancienne et la ville nouvelle est
tout fait linverse. Cest dire les couches populaires sont entasses
dans la ville an-cienne dgrade alors que les classes suprieures
habitent dans les quartiers r-sidentiels de la ville contemporaine.
b. Une autre catgorie, pas trs dirente de la prcdente, sont les
villes histori-ques importantes (ou moyennes) o on a dvelopp
leur priphrie (presque en contact) avec des zones industrielles,
des quartiers rsidentiels et des cits-dortoirs (sans nuire trop et
dtruire leur noyau historique). Des exemples de tel type, avec
beaucoup de particularits, on trouve partout comme par exemple
en Italie (Florence, Sienne, Bologne, Prouse, etc.) et dans le Maghreb
(Rabat, Alger, Tunis, etc.), mais les seuls exemples quon peut citer de
lespace hellnique sont les noyaux historiques de Corfou, de Rodes
et de Rethymnon en Crte.
c. La catgorie suivante concerne plutt les villes historiques en partie
dtruites pour diverses raisons, mais qui conservent encore au
moins un secteur sauvegar-d. Dans cette catgorie on peut classer
plusieurs grandes villes europennes, africaines et asiatiques (Lyon,
Milan, Barcelone, Lisbonne, Alexandrie, Damas, Constantinople,
Thessaloniki et Athnes) et beaucoup de villes moyennes (p.ex. la


La dnition dune stratgie dintervention.

La denicin de una estrategia de intervencin
Dening a strategy for intervention

Cane en Crte).
d. Les petites villes historiques presque entirement conserves
constituent aussi une autre grande catgorie, puisquelles continuent
dassurer leur rle traditionnel du chef-lieu provincial et dans la
mesure du possible, leur mode de vie communau-taire. Dans la
plupart des cas elles vivent encore dans leurs fortications dorigine
moyengeuse en gardant leur caractre agricole ou maritime, si
elles ne sont pas envahies par les activits touristiques. En gnral
les petites villes de tel type sont disperses partout en Europe (et
en Mditerrane) alors quen Grce il y a encore certains exemples
douteux puisque la plupart delles, aprs la dmolition de leurs
murs pour staler, se sont transforms en des centres provinciaux
e. La dernire catgorie est celle de villages historiques, agricoles
ou maritimes, parpills partout sur le littoral mditerranen dont
le tissu reste encore inalinable au moins en ce qui concerne leur
morphologie. De tels villages existent par milliers dans le monde
entier, puisque seulement en Grce il y a environ deux milles qui
dprissent ou vgtent larrire pays sans espoir de ranimation,
quil soit en Epire, en Ploponnse ou lintrieur des les. Mais il y
a aussi les villages tradi-tionnels qui ont dvelopp une conomie
mixte avec l arrive du tourisme, part ceux qui se sont dvelopps
unilatralement, alins socialement et culturelle-ment, en
abandonnant tout mode de vie traditionnel (Mykonos, Santorin etc.
en Grce).

3. Amnagement urbanistique et environnemental des villes

Avant de rechercher un cadre gnral pour lamnagement des villes
historiques mditerranennes on peut distinguer schmatiquement
quatre catgories des critres quil faut tenir compte pour la
protection, rhabilitation, mise en valeur et dveloppement durable de
lenvironnement urbain historique:
a. Critres historiques et archologiques, qui concernent le parcours
volutif de lensemble urbain jusquaujourdhui.
b. Critres damnagement urbain et architectural, qui concernent
plutt la struc-ture et la forme de lespace amnag.
c. Critres sociaux conomiques et culturels, qui concernent
plutt les conditions de la vie, tant des individus que des groupes
(rgionaux), sociaux ou ethniques.
d. Critres environnementaux, qui se composent surtout de
linterdpendance de critres ci-dessus et concernent plutt la
dgradation gnrale de lenvironnement naturel et culturel.
Dans plusieurs villes historiques mditerranennes la survie de
leur noyau histo-rique a constitu, pendant les dernires dcennies,
un ple dattraction dun courant touristique important, fait qui a
eu comme rsultat llargissement de leur base conomi-que ainsi
que leur dveloppement rapide dans tous les domaines. Mais ce
dveloppe-ment touristique na pas eu lieu sans consquences
ngatives et quelque fois dsas-treuses, tant pour lensemble de la
ville et sa rgion, que pour son centre historique. La surcharge des
rseaux urbains prims et semi-dtruits a provoqu la dgradation de
lenvironnement, alors que laugmentation brutale des valeurs foncires


situation a eu comme rsultat des dformations considrables et des

destructions importantes.
En gnral lactivit touristique est, peut-tre, la seule activit
conomique que son surdveloppement prsente lui-mme des
phnomnes autodestructifs tel degr que la plupart des fois
cette situation excessive conduit son auto-annulation cest-dire leacement des raisons et des causes qui ont contribu
son dveloppement. Les phnomnes dautodestruction sont trs
apparents dans plusieurs villes mditerranen-nes (et plus prcisment
grecques), o ceux qui ont prot au maximum par le dvelop-pement
touristique (d lexistence des noyaux historiques) contribuent,
directement ou indirectement, avec leur attitude excessivement
spculative et lucrative, leur dforma-tion et dguration, en oubliant
que dans un systme mondial comptitif la dgradation qualitative
conduit (fatalement) au dprissement et au marasme conomique
(touristi-que ou autre).
Cependant durant ces dernires annes un eort est apparent pour
la protection et la mise en valeur de zones entires sensibles, qui
comprennent des beauts naturels, des aires cologiques et des
secteurs d intrt historique et culturel, qui sont en danger quotidien,
soit par l abandon, la dgradation et le dpeuplement, soit par le
surdvelop-pement touristique, la dformation et la dguration
(forets, zones littorales, milieux na-turels, tangs, etc., ainsi que sites
archologiques, ensembles traditionnels et villes his-toriques).
Il faut que les pays mditerranens se sensibilisent en ce domaine en
adoptant une politique spciale pour lamnagement du territoire
et la planication urbaine de tous ces espaces fragiles quils soient
naturels ou culturels (littoraux, agricoles, monta-gnards, noyaux urbains
historiques, aires archologiques, cologiques etc). En tenant compte
de cette problmatique il faut crer des zones de protection et de
mise en valeur de lenvironnement naturel et culturel dans lesquelles
loccupation du sol serait planie et rglemente. Il faut assurer les
mesures pour la matrise de cons-quences sur lenvironnement de
toute action humaine (par exemple grands travaux, axes de transports,
barrages, installations industrielles, etc.). Il faut planier et grer
toute intervention locale pour le rtablissement du paysage naturel
et de lquilibre co-logique (par exemple carrires, lits des rivires,
zones littorales, milieux naturels, tangs, etc.) en parallle avec la
rhabilitation des mmoires historiques et archologiques (en-sembles
monumentaux, parcs archologiques, villes traditionnelles).
Cest dire, mthodologiquement, tout eort de sauvegarde et de
dveloppement des villes historiques mditerranennes doit sintgrer
dans les schmas damnagement, les plans doccupation du sol
et les programmes de dveloppement durable urbain et rgional
des zones sensibles protges. Un tel eort implique tout dabord la
dcentralisation et la redistribution de lactivit touristique pour viter
les ph-nomnes ngatifs de concentration et de surexploitation
disproportionne dans certains noyaux historiques, en mettant en
valeur toutes les catgories des noyaux historiques et la quasitotalit
des zones naturelles et culturelles amnages de chaque pays mditerranen.

La dnition dune stratgie dintervention.

La denicin de una estrategia de intervencin
Dening a strategy for intervention

Larchitecture traditionnelle
mditerranenne et ses abords :
entre les exigences de la tutelle et le
souci de signication.
Amel Touil Hadj essaoud
Architecte (EPAU dAlger) a poursuivi dans le cadre dune post
graduation, en coopration avec luniversit La sapienza de
Rome, une spcialisation dans la prservation et la mise en valeur
des monuments et sites historiques. Actuellement, enseignante
darchitecture luniversit de Blida et lEPAU dAlger, elle se
consacre au patrimoine historique travers la publication darticles,
llaboration de travaux universitaires ainsi que le travail sur terrain en
qualit darchitecte des biens culturels immobiliers, qualie par le
ministre de la culture
Adresse postale:
Boite postale 10/4 Rghaa 16.112 Alger- ALGERIE
Adresse courrier lectronique:
+ (Mob)

La diversit de larchitecture traditionnelle mditerranenne consolide

la ncessit dadopter une dmarche de rhabilitation, fonde sur
larmation des spcicits de chaque rgion, et la mise en valeur de
tous les composants de son patrimoine.
Lobjet dintrt patrimonial na pas cess dvoluer avec le temps. Du
monument majeur isol, on est pass la reconnaissance de lensemble
historique expression darchitecture courante dite mineure- en tant
quobjet patrimonial arm une chelle urbaine ; actuellement, on
considre mme les villes historiques en tant quunit patrimoniale
arme une chelle territoriale et comprenant les donnes mdio
Llment propulseur de cette expansion continue de lobjet du
patrimoine, se dnit par la considration chaque fois, dun espace
situ aux abords de lobjet central de protection, sans lequel ni la
comprhension, ni la protection de celui-ci ne serait pas acheve. A
une chelle tutlaire, la considration des abords dun bien patrimonial
est en soi avant-gardiste, car elle signie quon ne sintresse plus
uniquement aux limites matrielles dun bien, mais on prend en
compte, lensemble des relations matrielles ou immatrielles, reliant
ce bien un cadre son chelle.
Ceci constitue dailleurs le premier principe sur lequel se fonde la
mthode REHABIMED, savoir le principe de lintgration, o la
rhabilitation de larchitecture traditionnelle mditerranenne nest pas
ralise en tant quenclave isole, mais insre chaque fois dans un
territoire plus grande chelle.

Si une architecture historique se dnit dans des limites matrielles

claires et videntes, il nen demeure pas moins pour ses abords qui ne
sont pas automatiquement identiables. La dlimitation de la gure
spatiale des abords est assujettie au principe du cas par cas. A lchelle
mditerranenne, plusieurs procds de dlimitation sont tablis; pour
notre part, on peut citer le modle italien avec le principe de corniche
environnementale1 rsultant des conditions dintgrit, de lumire
et de perspective, de dcor dun bien patrimonial, sans oublier de se
rfrer lenvironnement pour conserver la continuit historique et
stylistique de ldice 2. La zone de respect qui en dcoule, nest pas
rgie au pralable par des donnes quantiables xes.
Le modle franais ore par contre une dmarche de dlimitation
calcule au pralable sur le principe de champ de visibilit dni selon
un primtre de 500 m3 . Ceci signie la dtermination lintrieur de
ce primtre de tous les immeubles vus partir du monument, ou en
mme temps que lui (co-visibilit) et qui seront soumis au contrle de
L Algrie aprs son indpendance a hrit de ce modle franais, qui
abords des monuments historiques classs sont dtermins depuis la
loi de 1998 sur la protection du patrimoine culturel 4 , selon une relation
de visibilit calcule sur une distance de 200m. La mise en uvre
pratique de cette procdure en Algrie, a montr dnormes dicults
dapplication et dinterprtation, faisant que les abords de nombreux
dices historiques nont pas t labri de diverses mutilations.
Si la notion de champ de visibilit et le primtre de 500 m a trouv sa
pleine signication avec larchitecture monumentale franaise, il nen
est pas forcment le cas pour larchitecture traditionnelle algrienne
qui demeure lexpression dune culture architecturale dirente, propre
une socit dirente et fonde sur des signications autres que le
souci dapparence et la nalit purement esthtique dvelopps avec
la dmarche du primtre.
Pour garantir la tutelle de larchitecture traditionnelle et ses abords
en Algrie et partout ailleurs, il faut dterminer chaque fois, les
vritables exigences que celle ci expriment envers son environnement,
Ces exigences peuvent tre lexpression de la valeur vocatrice du
lieu dans lequel cette architecture traditionnelle se trouve, ou bien la
revendication de lensemble des relations historiques et paysagres
qui relie cette architecture son environnement; Lusage du critre
de la visibilit ne peut tre justi que par rapport ces exigences,
qui selon certaines situations, se rapporteraient tout simplement
une ncessit dusage ou bien la protection de lintgrit de cette
architecture traditionnelle
Le souci de signication sur lequel on insiste pour la dtermination
des abords dune architecture traditionnelle soumise au contrle de
ladministration, conrme le principe selon lequel, la rhabilitation de
larchitecture traditionnelle mditrranenne doit se raliser chaque
fois, dans la tradition propre du lieu dans lequel elle se trouve avec
ses composants culturels, historiques, btis et naturels, an de garantir
chaque fois, une tutelle patrimoniale, base sur une dmarche
cohrente et justiable.


La dnition dune stratgie dintervention.

La denicin de una estrategia de intervencin
Dening a strategy for intervention

Tommasso Alibrandi et Piergiorgio Ferri (1981)

Lgislation italienne : Dcret lgislatif du 29 octobre 1999 (N490) texte unique des
dispositions lgislatives en matire des biens culturels et environnementaux. ; Art 49

Loi d31 dcembre 1913 sur la protection des monuments historiques modie et
complte par la loi du 25 fvrier 1943

Loi 04-98 du 15 juin 1998 sur la protection du patrimoine culturel, article 17.


La dnition dune stratgie dintervention.

La denicin de una estrategia de intervencin
Dening a strategy for intervention

A living heritage approach to the

management of traditional architecture

Francesca De Filippi
Architect, Specialization in $POTFSWBUJPOPGTUPOFNBUFSJBMT;
$PVOUSJFT; Phd in Conservation and Restoration. Director of the
5PXOJO%$ at the Politecnico di Torino. Current activity research,
teaching and projects mainly connected to traditional architecture
Direccin postal:
Centro di Ricerca e Documentazione in Tecnologa, Architettura e Citt
nei Pvs; Dipartimento Casa-citt Politecnico di Torino, Viale Mattioli
39 - 10125 Torino (Italia)
Direccin de correo electrnico:
+39 011 5646429

+39 011 090 8673

Traditional architecture is an essential component of cultural heritage

in the Mediterranean Basin, repository of a tradition of integration
of dierent cultures: urban centres are composed for a little part by
monuments, mainly by common architecture that, if considered not
by single structures but as a whole, constitutes a vibrant urban form,
expression of peculiar cultures and ways of life.
To preserve vernacular built heritage means to protect a sense of
identity, although in a post global era dening identity becomes
increasingly complex; certainly to take care of the physical form and
fabric of buildings, structures and spaces, always considering the ways
in which they are used and understood, and the intangible associations
which attach to them.
Traditional architecture and living environments
Traditional architecture is often related to urban decay, socio-economic
degradation and poor living conditions, housing disadvantaged
population and it presents endangered situations from the point of
view of structures and services, but also for social security and economic
conditions, with evident consequences on quality of life. Therefore, if the
objectives of preservation and valorisation are achieved, healthiness,
psychological well-being of inhabitants. Experience has shown that
these are the assumptions for social and economic development.
Preserving vernacular built heritage means to deal with living
environments, not merely built-up sites: sustainability is about
managing the balance between its preservation and use, so that as
much as possible of its signicance is passed on to future generations.
At the same time its necessary to promote awareness of it as a cultural,

social and economic resource identifying contemporary applications of

traditional materials and techniques and setting up new technological
and management systems. This will limit the tendency to abandon
old settlements to build new on western planning models and new
materials, breaking down with traditional uses and not adaptable to
the climate.
A living heritage approach implies to search for traditional forms of site
management, to increase peoples participation in heritage decisionmaking; to use conservation as an instrument of poverty alleviation
and social inclusion; considering past policies at state-owned sites; to
favour approaches based on dynamic processes of change.
The ability of governing the process needs a recognized and
legitimated local political and technique organization to animate, to
plan, to accompany, to appraise, to communicate the future territorial
dynamics: it means the growth of local technical competences to help
local autonomy versus central authority and transparent processes
of development in the relationship among institutions and rulergoverned.
In many western countries top-down approaches have almost been
expressed in the form of a commitment by governments (usually a
single management authority) in taking care of the heritage protection
and conservation, often translated in control procedures or in funding
mechanism to manage it. Too many refurbishment initiatives have given
little satisfactory results. Were referring to the two major tendencies
at the base of those results: the strongly historicist perspective, that
has produced a repetition of materials and techniques of the past,
with consequent museumication of cityscape; and the anti-historic
trend proposing a falsely exotic character as neo-Moorish architecture,
which is widespread in some sites around Mediterranean Sea. Qualied
recovery interventions have been carried out (such as those nanced
by the UNESCO and/or foreign donors) but they suer from an express
decay which often begins as soon as the experts leave the country.
Already in 1987, in the the Brutland Report, the United Nation
Commission of Environment and Development encouraged bottom up
management approaches for cultural heritage resources. In Agenda 21
action plan, during Rio World Congress on Sustainable Development,
emerged that sustainability for human, cultural and social resources
was best achieved when people were aected by the decision. The
World Heritage System, rst oriented to protect heritage mostly by
legal and regulatory measures, now - while its still recommending its
members to adopt adequate top-down legal systems - its promoting
bottom up approaches, encouraging community participation in the
management and protection of heritage.
Community participation and sustainability
Community participation is necessary for obtaining appropriate
solutions. The agreement between project solutions and users
requirements may avoid wastes in resources with not asked
performances. That is particularly important in situations with strong
budget constraint.
Building on existing local capabilities -paying special attention to
strategies that engage families, communities and local authorities
in problem analysis and search for solutions- is essential in terms of
sustainability. The community knows the area and their problems better
than practitioners as outsiders will ever know. Getting their input and
having them help decide the nature of a project will develop a sense of
ownership and increase the projects chances for success.


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La denicin de una estrategia de intervencin
Dening a strategy for intervention

Laws on conservation of cultural heritage cant guarantee, alone,

its safeguard. Too large is it; too expensive a restoration intervention
directed top-down. Also in consideration of its evolutive nature, its
inhabitants ought to be made aware and empowered to adjust (in a
compatible way) the vernacular heritage to satisfactory living standards
and to take advantage of its qualities in order to give communities a
new sense of belonging and create new employment opportunities.
In the long run, where appropriately supported by local authorities,
Community Development bodies (local development agencies) might
be established in such areas, to facilitate among other things a
shared enjoyment of the technical tools for revitalisation1.
Only local communities both as individual citizens and in groups and
associations can perform everyday minute and innumerable acts
of maintenance which, taken as a whole, make vernacular heritage
At the same time, awareness-building devices addressed to groups
of professionals have be investigated, to promote knowledge and
safeguard of vernacular heritage from decision-makers, civil servants,
urban planners, architects, entrepreneurs, developers, etc.
Every eort to preserve traditional architecture has to face a tendency
towards modernisation, and its economic and symbolical power.
Chances are that awareness campaigns will encounter the peoples and
the professionals mistrust or that they are mistargeted. Diculties in
the active involvement of groups will be overcome thanks to the design
of awareness strategies adapted to local cultural contexts. These will lay
emphasis on the promotion of cultural identity and socio-economic
Literature that supports the idea of community participation makes
four major claims. First, community participation leads to better results
in project delivery because of a better chance of knowing beneciary
preference. Second, it leads to easier acceptance of project results by
beneciaries. Third, it leads to better economy of projects because of
participation directly reducing costs and enhanced willingness to pay.
And nally, community participation is a worthwhile end in itself.
While a signicant part of the monumental heritage in the Mediterranean
Basin has been restored, renovated, and made accessible to the broader
public, not the same can be said about the minor heritage, i.e., urban
fabrics, vernacular buildings and settlements, not labelled as worthy of
attention and special protection measures nor socially considered.
In many places, on the contrary, a tourist-oriented fake vernacular has
developed, often condemning to decay and abandonment existing
vernacular buildings and settlements.
Protecting built heritage requires an attitude to learn from the past,
from traditions, and the willing to develop and carry out a systematic
research to tie innovation and tradition (as architect Alvaro Siza Vieira
said, tradition is a challenge to innovation).
Traditional urban morphology and building typology are not the result
of accidental layered events, but the acquainted eect of a strong
interaction of local, cultural, social and religious values, bioclimatic
design knowledge elements and an extreme attention to the local
resources: these factors together contribute to the realization of a
sustainable model ante litteram.
To enhance conservation and preservation of this living heritage
is necessary to think about actions integrating human development
and conservation within a comprehensive strategy. It means to build


capacity at the local level and among site management authorities.

Activities must meet and ensure conditions for local appropriation by
involving the widest possible range of local interested parties more
closely, to stimulate the appropriation by the inhabitants of their own
environment of life, to promote self-reliance towards the interventions
of architecture rehabilitation, to reinvigorate its perception as a
fundamental vehicle of cultural identity and custodian of collective
memory, to hint at its characteristics of economic sustainability and its
potentialities as generator of employment and quality of life.
Heritage policies could turn to better and energy-saving living places,
also contributing to reduce the consumption of land and contrasting
excessive urbanisation processes; to sources of income for their
inhabitants thanks to new small compatible economic activities, for
example in the areas of services, crafts, and high-quality tourism; and to
sources of historic and cultural knowledge (also in the sense of material
culture) for visitors.

Qualied recovery interventions can be carried out activating a co-operation with the
communities implicated, since the ICOMOS Charter of the Built Vernacular Heritage
states: the appreciation and successful protection of the vernacular heritage depend on the

La dnition dune stratgie dintervention.

La denicin de una estrategia de intervencin
Dening a strategy for intervention


La dnition dune stratgie dintervention.

La denicin de una estrategia de intervencin
Dening a strategy for intervention

Cooperativismo habitacional como

estrategia ecolgica de rehabilitacin
Manuel Jos Sierra Hernndez
Arquitecto, alumno del master ocial Ciudad y Arquitectura
Sostenibles, impartido por la Universidad de Sevilla. Actualmente
colabora en diversos proyectos de investigacin relacionados con la
arquitectura, el urbanismo y el medio ambiente
Adresse postale:
Plaza doctor Barraquer, no8 ,4oA, 41009, Sevilla.
Adresse courrier lectronique:

Hablar de desarrollo sostenible y ciudad mediterrnea posiblemente

sea hablar de una contradiccin. Si nos atenemos a la denicin de
desarrollo sostenible, esto es, a solucionar las necesidades del presente
sin menoscabar las posibilidades de las generaciones futuras de hacerlo
con la suyas [1], puede darse un momento en el que una cuestin
patrimonial no tenga relevancia frente a la problemtica del presente.
En cambio, para una disciplina como la ecologa cuya denicin es
el estudio de las formas de vida en su medio ambiente, la ciudad
mediterrnea, al ser concebida como otra forma de vida que ha de
relacionarse con el entorno, se convierte en motivo de preocupacin
en cuanto que su estado de salud entra dentro de la problemtica
Se trata de un cambio de paradigma hacia lo sistmico, un cambio de
perspectiva en el que la cuestin de que cada elemento dentro del
conjunto obtenga un lugar, un emplazamiento, y una funcin, es ms
importante y ms relevante de cara a la buena salud del sistema, que
el hecho que una de sus componentes decida sostenerse. Ante esto,
el desarrollo sostenible supone un primer paso, en la constatacin
de que el problema consiste en que el desarrollo econmico no ha
tenido en cuenta los lmites de la naturaleza, sin embargo no suciente
ya que parece que considera a los aspectos econmico, productivo
y poltico como primordiales, mientras que otros como el social o el
patrimonial podran quedar fuera si as las circunstancias lo requiriesen.
De aqu que cada vez se ane ms el concepto: sostenibilidad ya no
es lo mismo que desarrollo sostenible. El concepto de sostenibilidad,
paulatinamente contaminado del movimiento ecologista, intenta
armar otros aspectos como que lo social particularizado en un mbito
determinado, o que la relacin entre los distintos momentos de lo
urbano, son un factor clave en la conguracin del sistema. En otras
palabras, se propone una visin del conjunto ms enraizada desde sus
componentes; no es la ciudad mediterrnea tradicional o la periferia
que se extiende alrededor de ella, son las dos como personajes de una
misma representacin.
Ahora bien, la cuestin de la ciudad mediterrnea descansa en que ha


ido perdiendo papel frente a los nuevos paradigmas contemporneos.

Una ciudad densa, de calles estrechas, con una limitacin intrnseca en
cuanto a la supercie ocupada, que se enfrenta de repente a otra trama
ms abierta y mejor preparada para las necesidades de los tiempos
presentes. Si hiciramos una comparacin con el funcionamiento de
un ecosistema, la ciudad mediterrnea sera una especie que hubiera
perdido su nicho ecolgico. Si bien en algunos casos presenta una
componente de espacio inercial donde todava se localizan los centros
econmicos y de poder, no son pocos aquellos ejemplos donde
estas localizaciones se aanzan paulatinamente en la nueva urbe,
dejando un vaco tras de s que aleja los centros de atraccin de la
ciudad tradicional. Sin embargo ste es tan solo el primer paso, tras
esto deviene la deriva de las actividades econmicas y de las clases
sociales ms pudientes a la periferia, quedando la ciudad tradicional
envuelta en un proceso de segregacin y marginalizacin que motiva
que en muchos casos el acervo cultural haya llegado a relacionar
ciudad histrica con problemas sociales. En estas circunstancias es
normal que en muchos mbitos se considere a la ciudad tradicional
mediterrnea como un vestigio del pasado, que exige modos de vida
alejados del bienestar, y cuya presencia se explica en una valoracin no
exenta de romanticismo donde la voluntad de permanencia se basa
casi exclusivamente en normativas rgidas de conservacin. Finalmente
la ciudad mediterrnea como una ciudad museo, una ciudad muerta.
Siguiendo una lnea ecolgica, la solucin para la ciudad mediterrnea
no debe descansar en conservar a toda costa sino en buscar un
nicho ecolgico en el que sta pueda desarrollar un nuevo papel. De
las cuestiones sin resolver en la sociedad actual se halla la dicultad
de encontrar vivienda y empleo para determinados espectros
generacionales. Una de las posibles respuestas son las cooperativas
habitacionales [2], grupos de personas que sin nimo de lucro se anan
para un n comn, en este caso el promocionar y obtener una vivienda
digna. Esto es, la promocin no se realiza para el provecho de terceros. No
obstante tampoco consiste, aunque una cooperativa pudiera funcionar
de este modo, en un grupo de personas que construyen una serie de
viviendas para s mismos, nalizando la relacin una vez terminada la
edicacin. Desde aqu lo que se propone es un tipo de promocin
donde la propiedad, antes y despus de la edicacin, es colectiva y se
gestiona colectivamente de tal modo que cada persona, ya sea fsica o
jurdica, dentro de la sociedad, no obtiene la propiedad de un espacio
determinado, sino el derecho al usufructo de una serie de instalaciones
existentes en la intervencin. Es decir, no se obtiene la propiedad de
un inmueble en particular para residir en l, sino el derecho a residir y a
utilizar cualquier mbito del inmueble en funcin de sus necesidades y
siempre que dicho usufructo se gestione colectivamente. Por ejemplo,
los dormitorios de los distintos usuarios no tendran porque sucederse
en un emplazamiento jo, sino variar su posicin dentro del proyecto
segn las necesidades del colectivo.
Este tipo de sociedades resulta inusual en la edicacin de nueva
planta donde la importancia de la inversin inicial hace que se espere
un benecio econmico, o al menos que se revierta en la exclusividad
de la propiedad. Sin embargo esto resulta ms inmediato si en vez de
construir de nueva planta, se rehabilitan edicios existentes. Primero
porque resulta ms econmico, no hay que pagar el benecio de
un inversor que arriesga su capital, as como en la mayora de los
casos rehabilitar un edicio resulta ms barato que construirlo de
nueva planta, quizs no en el precio pero s en el ahorro de recursos
y materiales. Y segundo porque debido a la propia dicultad que a

La dnition dune stratgie dintervention.

La denicin de una estrategia de intervencin
Dening a strategy for intervention

veces entraa el modicar una entidad pretrita, ayuda a plantearse la

posibilidad de gestionar dicha entidad de un modo diferente a conferir
mdulos diferenciados por propietario; como podra ser perfectamente
la gestin colectiva que se propone. Contradictoriamente, en un
mbito con una capacidad de accin tan restringida como los cascos
para este tipo de sociedades. No consiste en congurar el espacio de
nuevo sino en recolonizar lo ya existente adecundolo a las exigencias
de la entidad colectiva. Frente a una obra de nueva planta donde cada
habitacin su adecuacin a un uso puede haber sido predeterminado
de antemano, en la rehabilitacin de una estructura precedente que
ha perdido su funcin original, esto es, su posicin dentro de un
organigrama establecido, la maleabilidad de cada elemento puede
ser inmensa, al tener que adaptarse a multitud de situaciones diversas
provenientes de los requerimientos de las entidades colectivas.
La cuestin, nalmente, sera buscar un compromiso por parte de la
poblacin, as como nuevas lneas en la profesin del arquitecto y del
urbanista ms vinculadas con lo que podra denominarse ingeniera
social. En este sentido el campo del diseo se ampla, no nicamente
se trata de dar una solucin espacial adecuada, sino que debe dar
respuesta a variables tan a priori desacordes y distantes como la
propiedad, la privacidad o la produccin. De este modo el compromiso
del arquitecto o proyectista con la intervencin hace que ste se
transforme en una gura semejante a la de jardinero, que no slo ha
de cuidar y mantener, sino que adems debe incidir en la necesidad de
una experimentacin continua para con el proyecto en los campos de
la convivencia, la habitabilidad y la proyeccin de la intervencin hacia
la ciudad y el territorio.
Finalmente, las cooperativas habitacionales en cascos histricos
presentan una serie de ventajas que pueden hacer interesante su
implantacin. La posibilidad de que stas hagan de un inmueble o
conjunto de inmuebles sus espacios para la vida, incide positivamente
sobre su conservacin y buen estado. Pero no slo eso, sino que
adems de crear un espacio para habitar, tambin se pueden generar
espacios y mbitos para producir, para crear centros de trabajo, y para
desarrollar actividades culturales, conllevando todo esto hechos tan
notables para la ciudad mediterrnea como la implantacin de nuevas
tecnologas, o su adecuacin para el turista. Todas estas connivencias,
nalmente, participaran en la generacin de una identidad propia y
singular para los cascos histricos; se coneren realidades alternativas,
se exploran nuevos caminos que lejos de quedarse aislados en la trama
histrica, implican la conformacin de un nuevo centro de atraccin
sobre la misma. Esto es, inducir complejidad en la ciudad tradicional,
imbuirla de cualidades de tal modo que vibre en consonancia con los
nuevos tiempos. En denitiva la consolidacin en la ciudad tradicional
mediterrnea de identidades colectivas que la hagan funcionar y
evolucionar, no como una ciudad museo, sino como lo que debe ser,
una ciudad viva.

[1] Informe Brundtland, 1987.

[2] VV.AA. Curso de cooperativas de viviendas. Servicio de publicaciones del Colegio Ocial
de Arquitectos de Madrid. 1991.


La dnition dune stratgie dintervention.

La denicin de una estrategia de intervencin
Dening a strategy for intervention

Une nouvelle alliance ville-campagne

dans la France mditerranenne (I)
Philippe Haeringer 1
Gographe, directeur de recherche IRD, responsable de lquipe
doctorale Orients Urbains lUniversit Paris X-Nanterre. Auteur de
divers travaux rcents sur la refondation des villes dAsie, de Russie
et du Moyen-Orient.
Adresse postale:
Saint-Roman, 26410 Chtillon-en-Diois
Adresse courrier lectronique:
33 (0)4 75 21 80 66

Les territoires dont il sera ici question2 sont loin des mtropoles et des
plaines. Les plaines de la France mridionale sont livres non pas une
alliance entre la ville et la campagne, mais un imperium urbain. En
revanche, au-dessus des plaines et des collines, de vastes territoires
de moyenne montagne sont dsertis. Des milliers de communes,
autrefois bruissantes de vie, ont vu leurs forces vives les quitter depuis
plus dun sicle. Dans les cas les plus extrmes, la rgnration ne peut
plus tre endogne. Seul un apport venu de la ville peut encore sauver
les villages en ruine.
Dans les annes 30, 40 et 50, une mystique du village reconstruire
a anim des groupes de jeunes citadins enthousiastes. Mais, sauf
exception, ce ne fut quun mirage. Dans les annes 60, 70 et 80, des
hordes plus ou moins hippies sont montes dans les montagnes
comme on va Katmandou. Elles taient en rupture avec leur ville
nourricire, et donc fragiles. On voit au contraire, depuis les annes
90, des citadins qui, sans rompre avec la ville, sengagent durablement
dans la gestion des communes du dsert.
Ce regain de ralisme nest pas exempt dun attachement sentimental.
Une synthse sopre entre des ressources citadines et la recherche
dune identit nouvelle ou perdue. Nombre de ces nouveaux acteurs
retrouvent la terre de leurs anctres. Dautres rigent en patrimoine le
coup de coeur de leurs parents. Ils ne parviennent pas tous rednir
sur place leur vie active, loin sen faut. Mais tout en poursuivant leur
vie citadine, ils prennent des responsabilits, ce que les progrs de la
mobilit, physique ou virtuelle, autorise.
Ensuite, les sjours intermittents font de plus en plus place, lheure
de la retraite venue, une installation dnitive. Cest ainsi que lune
des gures les plus reprsentatives de cette nouvelle alliance villecampagne est celle dun jeune retrait, rinvestissant tous ses acquis
urbains dans son nouveau village.
Mais lautre gure, indispensable, est celle dun nouveau type
dexploitant agricole, form la ville, ouvert sur le monde, inventif, et
qui partage avec les consommateurs citadins de ses produits, quil
attire sa ferme pour un contact direct, une mme conscience de ce


qui se joue, l-haut, entre patrimoine et nature.

Le pays de la Roanne
La Roanne est une petite rivire de montagne dans les Pralpes du sud
de la France. Elle alimente la Drme qui alimente le Rhne. Sur environ
240 kilomtres carrs, son bassin versant est cern par des lignes de
crte qui voluent entre 1300 et 1600 mtres daltitude. Cest une
montagne calcaire, aride, coupe de gorges profondes. La route na pu
y pntrer qu lextrme n du XIXe sicle. Cet isolement a valu au pays
de la Roanne le nom de Dsert.
Onze communes se distribuent ce territoire autour dun village centre
: Saint-Nazaire-le-Dsert. Celui-ci compte moins de 200 habitants
et les dix autres communes nen rassemblent que 300 au total, donc
une trentaine chacune en moyenne. Cette dmographie rsiduelle
est le rsultat dun exode rural qui sest produit entre 1860 et 1960. Au
milieu du XIXe sicle, la population du pays de la Roanne tait sept fois
suprieure (3 500 habitants), mais la terre tait trop pauvre pour nourrir
tant de monde et lappel de la ville fut irrsistible.
Aujourdhui, le dclin dmographique sest arrt. On note mme
une trs lgre remonte du nombre des rsidents permanents.
Mais une nouvelle catgorie dhabitants sest ajoute depuis une
trentaine dannes : les rsidents dits secondaires. Ils triplent le chire
de population pendant la priode estivale. Ce dsquilibre saisonnier
pourrait mettre en dicult la gestion des communes et pose en eet
des problmes tels que ceux de lapprovisionnement en eau. Toutefois,
ces citadins en mal de dsert se prsentent moins en parasites quen
partenaires. Ils participent dun tat desprit nouveau, favorable la
survie, voire la renaissance de ces territoires enclavs o le contact de
la nature est direct, et dont la beaut est confondante.
Chaque commune a son caractre en fonction de la conguration
de son relief, de son orientation, de son loignement de la route et
des cols. Dans lune dentre elles, Aucelon, le village group sur un
promontoire fonctionne comme une communaut, o ce sont les
rsidents secondaires qui ont pris lessentiel des responsabilits de la
gestion communale. Ils ont mme dvelopp une stratgie pour un
dbut de repeuplement prenne, russissant attirer bergers, chevriers,
boulangers. Eux-mmes voluent vers un systme de rsidence
alterne entre la ville o ils ont leur emploi et leur maison du dsert o
ils investissent tout leur aect. La convivialit des ftes dAucelon est
clbre dans tout le pays.
dun cirque presque ferm, cest des dernires familles dagriculteursleveurs quest parti llan du renouveau. Les jeunes adultes ont t
forms dans la ville, y ont parfois travaill, et sont avertis des nouveaux
enjeux de la plante. Ils mesurent la valeur de leur coin de territoire et ne
veulent plus le quitter. Adeptes de lagriculture biologique, de la vente
directe, du tourisme vert, ils combinent ces lments pour attirer la
ferme les consommateurs citadins de leurs produits (huiles essentielles
de lavande, huile de noix, fromages de brebis et de chvres, miel, petit
peautre, etc.). Chacune de leur ferme est devenue un petit univers de
pluriactivit, o se ctoient comme autrefois fratries et gnrations.
Volvent, le village le mieux connect avec lextrieur malgr son altitude
(860 m), apporte un troisime lment au dossier de lavenir roannais :
les jeunes retraits revenus au pays aprs un long priple dans le monde
urbain. Certains ne sont mme pas ns au village, mais ont retrouv la
maison de leurs aeux. Parfois ils reconstruisent, crent une nouvelle
activit. Il arrive mme quils fassent des enfants, recommenant leur

La dnition dune stratgie dintervention.

La denicin de una estrategia de intervencin
Dening a strategy for intervention

vie avec une nouvelle pouse. Volvent compte aussi, comme les autres
communes, nombre de rsidents intermittents qui se dirigent vers
lge de la retraite. Ceux-l sont en gnral originaires du nord de
lEurope : Suisse, Allemagne, Belgique, Angleterre. Pour eux aussi une
installation plus durable au pays de la lavande ore une perspective de
seconde vie , moins quils ne sen tiennent la double vie dune
rsidence alterne.
Tous ces comportements sont autant dillustrations dune alliance dun
nouveau genre entre la ville et la campagne. On pourrait y ajouter les
emplois urbains des pouses des fermiers, qui souvent scurisent les
paris conomiques de la ferme. Et aussi les frquents mariages entre ls
ou lles de la ville et lles ou ls de la ferme. Ces nouveaux fermiers ou
fermires par mariage sont souvent les plus actifs, les plus inventifs.
Architectures en sursis
Le pays de la Roanne appartient au monde mditerranen et son
patrimoine bti peut tre assimil celui de larrire-pays provenal,
aussi bien dans son style que dans ses matriaux et modes constructifs.
Murs de pierre calcaire tout venant, chanages dangle de gros appareil,
encadrement des ouvertures en pierre de taille, toits de tuiles canal ;
les habitations reoivent un enduit et sornent de deux ou trois rangs
de gnoises, la dirence des btiments dexploitation o la pierre
reste apparente. Sauf dans les bourgs et villages anciennement fortis
o les maisons, troites, se dveloppent verticalement sur deux ou
trois tages sous grenier, la maison paysanne stale horizontalement
et se contente dun seul tage. Dans les villages et hameaux elle est
construite en mitoyennet sur rue. Elle dispose en gnral dun perron
(pesuro) conduisant ltage o se trouve le logement, le rez-dechausse tant en partie ou totalement rserv aux animaux et au
matriel agricole.
Ce petit patrimoine rural est menac par trois types de prils : sa
disparition par abandon, sa rinterprtation pour un usage moderne,
son engloutissement dans une dynamique de dveloppement
conomique. Dans les trois cas, les acteurs urbains sont concerns.
La longue dpopulation du pays de la Roanne a laiss des dizaines de
fermes et de bergeries en ruines, dont les vestiges tmoignent dun
pass peu loign, un sicle peine, o toutes les niches du territoire
taient occupes, cultives, ptures. La plupart ne subsisteront que
sous la forme dun toponyme sur une carte. Mais beaucoup ont t
sauves, presque toujours par des amoureux des vieilles pierres 3
venus de la ville. Il en est de mme de beaucoup de maisons de village.
Grce eux, le trac de quelques rues et ruelles en perdition reste
Vient ensuite le dbat quasi insoluble de la restauration de ces btisses.
Leurs nouveaux propritaires ne sont pas des paysans. Le seraient-ils, ils
ne sont pas censs vivre comme autrefois. La question est la mme pour
les paysans du cru, citoyens modernes avec des besoins modernes. On
veut plus de lumire, des toits plus tanches, des murs plus isolants, des
terrasses sur les aires de battage, des jardins dagrment sur les anciens
potagers. En outre, les artisans maons nont plus les gestes dautrefois,
nont plus les matriaux tirs de lenvironnement naturel immdiat. Ils
sapprovisionnent la ville.
Ainsi, aux yeux des puristes, des petits outrages sont commis tous les
jours envers larchitecture vernaculaire. Il faut pourtant reconnatre que,
dans lensemble, les nouveaux rsidents font pour le mieux, avec une
passion certaine pour la petite part de patrimoine exotique auquel
ils se sont identis. Et quand loccasion leur en est donne, ils sont les

premiers se mobiliser pour la restauration dune glise romane ou

dun lavoir.
Face cette sage restitution dun paysage bti expurg de toute lactivit
agricole qui lavait autrefois engendr, certains hameaux regorgent au
contraire de vie agreste. Cest paradoxalement l que, sauf exception,
le fragile patrimoine est bouscul, submerg par des constructions
adventices, des hangars et des btiments dexploitation construits au
moindre cot, gnralement en parpaings de ciment et toits de tle.
A cela sajoute un amoncellement de matriels agricoles rforms et
lobjets divers. Bref, lorsquon se rjouit dun regain dconomie rurale il
Toutefois, la progression de la sensibilit cologiste en milieu rural
commence faire une place de nouveaux matriaux naturels
dans les exploitations. Il faut aussi se rjouir que, jusquici, le pays de la
Roanne ait chapp la vre des lotissements.

Gographe, directeur de recherche IRD, responsable de lquipe doctorale Orients

Urbains (Universit Paris X-Nanterre).

Cette communication est le condens dun texte dvelopp, encore indit, mais que
lauteur met volontiers la disposition des lecteurs intresss.

Cf. notre communication au symposium RehabiMed de Marseille (23-25 septembre

2005), intitule Les amoureux des vieilles pierres et ceux qui les habitent par ncessit
. Bien quelle sapplique la sauvegarde des centres historiques des grandes villes, elle
voque une mme dualit dacteurs.


La dnition dune stratgie dintervention.

La denicin de una estrategia de intervencin
Dening a strategy for intervention

La commune de Brette reverdie par un printemps pluvieux : pentes cultives, accueil la

ferme, bergerie, hameau. Ph. Haeringer


La dnition dune stratgie dintervention.

La denicin de una estrategia de intervencin
Dening a strategy for intervention

Patrimoine et ralisme, Les centres

historiques des grandes villes
mditerranennes, Commentaires
pralables sur le projet RehabiMed
Philippe Haeringer1
Gographe, directeur de recherche IRD, responsable de lquipe
doctorale Orients Urbains lUniversit Paris X-Nanterre. Auteur de
divers travaux rcents sur la refondation des villes dAsie, de Russie
et du Moyen-Orient.
Adresse postale:
Saint-Roman, 26410 Chtillon-en-Diois
Adresse courrier lectronique:
33 (0)4 75 21 80 66

Le patrimoine par le bti ordinaire : oui
Mais : attention aux mirages
Il faut savoir gr au projet RehabiMed de sintresser non pas au
patrimoine monumental dexception, mais au tissu urbain hrit et
encore prsent au cur des vieilles villes mditerranennes. Cest
videmment ce type de patrimoine qui est le plus fragile, le plus en
danger, et en mme temps le plus dlectable car il nous transmets la
plnitude de lhritage. Comme il est dit dans les attendus du projet, il
sagit dun patrimoine vivant.
Cependant, il y a une part de mirage, dont il est important de prendre
conscience. Malgr le sentiment dauthenticit qui mane des scnes
captes dans les quartiers historiques, celles-ci ne sont que trs
partiellement dles ce dont les vieilles pierres ont t tmoins
dans les sicles o elles ont t mises en uvre. Dans la plupart des
cas, la vie qui se poursuit dans les ddales dautrefois nest pas moins
contemporaine que celle qui peut sobserver dans les banlieues
mgapolitaines. Cette banalisation vaut aussi bien dun point de vue
sociologique que sur le plan matriel.
En eet, le temps passe pour tout le monde. En outre, les populations
rsidant aujourdhui dans les quartiers antiques ne sont que rarement
les hritires de celles qui les habitaient jadis. Il y a presque toujours
eu substitution, non pas seulement par une lente mutation naturelle,
mais par leet dune rupture essentiellement consomme dans la
deuxime moiti du vingtime sicle. Le surgissement du processus
de mgapolisation a radicalis les eets de la modernisation en
cours depuis le milieu du XIXe sicle. Le gradient social, qui valorisait

le centre, sest invers ; de sorte que les vieux quartiers, quel que fut
leur marquage social autrefois, sont aujourdhui massivement occups,
comme certaines banlieues, par des populations marginalises, souvent
immigres de plus ou moins frache date.
Il nest donc pas trs exact de dire que le bti des centres urbains
historiques est un legs apprci par le plus grand nombre mais oubli
de lhistoire (cf. Prsentation du Symposium). La formule inverse est
plus conforme la ralit : les vieilles villes mditerranennes sont
reconnues par les historiens et par les touristes quils entranent derrire
eux, mais elles sont malheureusement boudes par les citadins en tant
que lieu de vie et de rsidence. Les vieilles familles les ont abandonnes
sans esprit de retour, et leurs btisses ne sont que rcupres (sous
des statuts divers allant jusquau squat collectif ) par des populations
pauvres en mal de logement, et dont le choix nest pas motiv par la
dimension historique des lieux. Cest en tout cas le modle dominant
vers lequel les choses voluent depuis un bon demi-sicle, dans un
certain nombre de villes mditerranennes.
Le mirage dune vie traditionnelle authentique est entretenu dune part
par ce qui reste du dcor ancien et notamment par le trac mdival
du parcellaire, mais aussi par divers phnomnes en trompe-lil. On
en retiendra trois. Le premier est la vtust, le dlabrement, parfois
laspect ruiniforme du bti, qui ne constituent videmment pas un
gage dhistoricit mais en donnent lillusion.. Le deuxime va dans le
mme sens : cest la pauvret des habitants actuels. Leur dnuement
et/ou leurs origines rurales les contraignent une vie matrielle et une
gestuelle qui paraissent rappeler lancien temps, mais qui nont que peu
de rapports avec la vie citadine et les codes des sicles passs. Sil y a des
survivances de comportements anciens dans les villes daujourdhui, il
est sans doute prfrable et plus signicatif daller les observer dans les
quartiers populaires rcents, dbarrasss dun pittoresque ambigu.
Le troisime phnomne en trompe-lil est celui de lactivit
artisanale, en gnral trs prsente dans les vieux centres urbains.
Elle se revendique volontiers de la tradition et il faut lui savoir gr de
perptuer en eet certaines lires de production, certains procds
et objets. Mais la nalit touristique, quoique lgitime, est souvent trop
vidente pour conrmer la ction dune vie de quartier lancienne,
surtout lorsque lon voit, le soir, les artisans et les commerants tirer le
rideau et prendre les bus de banlieue.
La spculation touristique nest pas le seul moteur de lactivit artisanale
lisant domicile dans les vieux tissus urbains : ceux-ci orent des
espaces propices linstallation dateliers divers, la mesure du retrait
de la fonction rsidentielle, et la faveur dun certain chaos foncier
et immobilier. Cette activit parfois peu transparente contribue ellemme ce chaos, et nest donc pas toujours un atout, loin sen faut,
pour un programme de rhabilitation de larchitecture traditionnelle.
Une dmarche globale : oui
Mais : ne pas perdre le cap
La sectorisation propose (cf. les quatre oprations pilotes) contredit
lintention annonce dune approche globale (cf. programme du
symposium) ou intgrale (cf. texte sur la mthodologie). En outre, le
champ couvert par les quatre thmes est loin dtre holistique. Pire, il
sappuie sur trois des piges les plus redoutables (le tourisme, lartisanat,
laction sociale), implicitement prsents comme les piliers du projet,
mais qui ont toute chance de le dnaturer. La fonction premire dune
architecture domestique (cf. che de dnitions) tant lhabitat, ne
devrait-on pas plutt fonder le projet sur la valeur rsidentielle des


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La denicin de una estrategia de intervencin
Dening a strategy for intervention

vieux tissus urbains ? Le plaisir dhabiter un patrimoine ancien est

certainement le meilleur argumentaire (qui nest certes pas labri,
lui-mme, de tout pige) pour assurer ce patrimoine un long avenir.
On nexposera pas ici les drives bien connues de lactivit touristique.
Celles de lartisanat viennent dtre partiellement voques. Attardonsnous plutt sur la question, moins attendue dans ce registre critique,
de laction sociale. Cest surtout par elle et pour elle que les projets
de rhabilitation patrimoniale prtendent sengager dans une
dmarche globale, garante de bonne gouvernance, dquit sociale,
de dveloppement durable. Mais dans lhypothse, argumente plus
haut, o les populations rsidentes sont majoritairement trangres
lhistoire des lieux, si leur prsence est plus ou moins fortuite, il sera
dicile dtablir une synergie entre une action de dveloppement
social leur endroit et un objectif de rhabilitation patrimoniale.
Le cas extrme, mais souvent vri, est celui dune longue et
minutieuse ngociation sociale qui, lorsquelle aboutit un plan de
rhabilitation, ne trouve plus en face delle les mmes interlocuteurs.
Cest ce qui arrive lorsquon a aaire des populations en mobilit
rsidentielle rapide et lorsque, dune faon gnrale, le bti vtuste de
la vieille ville nest peru que comme un lieu de transit.
Il nest pas question, ici, de tourner le dos aux populations prsentes, et
encore moins denvisager leur viction. On comprend bien que lidal
est de fonder la rhabilitation sur une amlioration de leurs conditions
de vie au sein mme de la vieille ville. Il est cependant important
de prendre conscience que les donnes de ce plan idal ne sont en
gnral pas runies. Ignorer cela risquerait de conduire, comme cela
sest souvent vu, un chec. Pire : un faux succs.
Si le diagnostic dune dprise sociale tait avr, les chances dune
rhabilitation durable passeront ncessairement par un redressement
de cette volution. Lamlioration des conditions de vie des populations
prsentes ny sura pas. Il paratra incontournable dattirer de
nouveaux habitants, fondamentalement dsireux dhabiter dans un
cadre historique.
Cela veut dire quil faudra crer un march foncier et immobilier. Cette
dimension conomique est curieusement absente du projet tel quil
est aujourdhui prsent. Mais il ne sagit pas seulement dconomie,
ni de comptence entrepreneuriale (la cration dun tissu dentreprises
spcialises dans la restauration est un autre sujet ignor du projet) : il
sagit aussi de dvelopper, voire damorcer, une apptence culturelle.
La dicult est tout autre que celle de la spculation touristique,
o lactivit conomique peut tabler sur une apptence culturelle
idoine largement dveloppe. Et le champ investir nest plus celui
de linternational, mais celui dune clientle locale, recruter pour
lessentiel dans lagglomration elle-mme.
Un tel raisonnement conduit naturellement voquer le spectre de la
gentrication et de ses eets excluants. On ne peut luder la question.
Mais la menace est, dans la plupart des cas, extrmement loigne,
tant est tenace laversion des classes aises pour un espace rsidentiel
dvaloris de longue date. On parlera plutt, plus positivement, dune
tentative de rquilibrage social, ou de mixit, ou encore dun retour
de citadinit dans un espace autrefois citadin par excellence, mais
marginalis depuis des lustres.
Il existe, ce stade, de nombreuses formules pour organiser une
coexistence douce et protable aux anciens comme aux nouveaux. Tout
lart consistera exploiter, dune part, le dsir des uns de se mler un
climat de vieilles pierres et de vie populaire, dautre part laspiration des
autres voir leur cadre de vie bncier dun peu plus de considration


et de quelques quipements nouveaux.

Lentre par le march immobilier conduira, sans doute, des choix
de primtre daction trs dirents de ce que pourrait suggrer,
par exemple, une entre par lartisanat. Dans le cas du Caire, plutt
que de se focaliser sur le secteur des souks, on trouvera peut-tre
avantageux de sintresser aux espaces qui furent autrefois le sige dun
cosmopolitisme de bon aloi. Ce que lon appelle globalement la ville
dIsmal, du nom du khdive qui, au XIXe sicle, doubla la ville islamique
dune ville au got du jour, o lon trouve la marque architecturale de
tous les coins de la Mditerrane, se prterait plus facilement une
valorisation immobilire. Ramener le Cairote dans Ismaliya pourrait
tre une premire tape, une amorce. On pourrait ainsi associer dans
un mme primtre daction deux fragments voisins de la ville dIsmal
et de la ville islamique, aujourdhui aussi dlaisses lune que lautre.
La vanit des projets pilotes
On comprend bien quune opration nance soit limite dans le temps.
Et sans doute dans lespace. Mais doit-elle pour autant tre conne
dans un chantillon despace, comme une exprience de laboratoire ?
Doit-elle en dautres termes tre qualie de pilote ? Il y a deux vanits
qui se cachent derrire la notion dopration pilote. La premire est
celle de ses concepteurs qui, limits un espace-temps, se consolent
en imaginant que leur action ponctuelle fera cole et se diusera, se
poursuivra aprs eux. La seconde vanit est celle de lopration ellemme qui, lexprience le dmontre trop souvent, svanouit ds que
les comptes et comptes rendus sont faits. Non seulement elle ne se
reproduit pas la dimension du territoire ou du problme soulev, mais
ses acquis ponctuels sont rapidement pervertis ou balays, emports
dans la mer mgapolitaine.
Il nest pas facile dchapper cette fatalit, ds lors que lon ne dispose
que dun pouvoir daction limit. Mais, l encore, une pleine prise de
conscience de cette dicult devrait permettre dviter au moins des
dispositifs dintervention trop ferms sur un micro primtre, trop
exemplaires pour tre vrais. Le contraire dune concentration de
leort sur un point nest pas sa dilution dans lespace. Si lon choisit de
se placer lchelle relle des problmes poss dans une ville, on sera
amen agir sur des leviers adapts cette chelle.
Par exemple, au lieu de peauner la rhabilitation dun lot, qui apparatra
comme une incongruit dans son contexte, on pourra trouver plus
ecace de vendre lensemble de la vieille ville aux amoureux des
vieilles pierres par la reprsentation dune grande diversit dexemples
dinsertion ; exemples de pionniers dj prsents, quil sera intressant
de reprer, et dont il sera utile de recueillir lexprience (rien ne serait
plus nfaste que dagir comme si rien navait t fait avant) ; exemples
suscits par le projet lui-mme dont la philosophie, ds lors, serait
davantage lincitation que la dmonstration.
A ct des amoureux des vieilles pierres, un autre groupe cible est
susceptible demmener le projet vers une diversication de ses points
dimpact : il est probable que, malgr le phnomne dmographique
voqu plus haut, certains noyaux de quartiers reclent encore
des groupes sociaux, ou plus modestement des familles, accrochs
un patrimoine ancestral. Plus encore que les pionniers, il serait
impardonnable de les ignorer. Mais, l aussi, la mise en lumire de la
diversit des situations devrait primer.
Si lon ajoute cette stratgie de reprage de ples exemplaires une
ncessaire attention la situation majoritaire, a priori peu permable
largument patrimonial, mais o on ne peut manquer de tenter une

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Dening a strategy for intervention

action de sensibilisation, on voit que beaucoup dnergie aura dj t

dpense avant mme que lon songe manier la truelle. Mais fautil manier la truelle ? Il parat souvent ridicule, dans des oprations
pilotes similaires, de constater la drision des mises en uvre face aux
innombrables chantiers qui sactivent dans le mme temps dans la ville.
Le ralisme commande de se tourner vers ces chantiers, notamment au
voisinage des ples (ou groupes) slectionns, et dtudier au cas par
cas la faon dont on pourrait les amener (matres douvrage comme
matres duvre) mieux tenir compte des valeurs patrimoniales.
Chemin faisant on se sensibilisera, en retour, au bien-fond de certaines
pratiques actuelles, leur logique tout au moins, mais aussi, plus
souvent quon pourrait le croire, certaines volutions heureuses de
larchitecture populaire daujourdhui.
Avril 2005


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Environmental Design and Vernacular

Architectural Renewal in Catalonia
Josep Muntaola Thornberg
Architect. Head of the Design Department, Polytechnical University of
Catalonia (2007-2010). Horary PhD Degree (University of Da Lusiada,
Lisbon, June 2005). Member of the Catalan Royal Academy of Fine
Arts, 2003. Member of the Spanish National Commission of Evaluation
of Research, 2006. Have published more than 25 books and 200
Adresse postale:
Departament de Projectes Arquitectnics. Escola Tcnica Superior
dArquitectura de Barcelona. ETSAB. Universitat Politcnica de
Catalunya. UPC. Av. Diagonal, 649 5a Planta 08028 Barcelona
Adresse courrier lectronique:
93 401 6406

1. Environmental Design and Vernacular Architectural Renewal

In nineteen sixty-two the leading American thinker Lewis Mumford sent
to me an article 5IF$BTF"HBJOTU.PEFSO"SDIJUFDUVSF, where he both,
criticized the wrong developments in modern architecture and was
enthusiastic with the recent creation of the College of Environmental
Design in the School of Architecture of the University of California in
Forty years after I agree with all the ideas written in this article, which
I translated into Spanish and published at that time. The main points
of that work are still true today: Modern architecture betrayed its
principals and became a way of propaganda and speculation. Modern
architecture supposed to relate with environmental design basic views,
that is, with ecological respect and social awareness, but it did not
accomplish these promises2.
California was, then, the hope of a better environment with Bernard
Mayleck and Joseph Esherick as paradigms of a regional modern
attitude, based upon a long tradition in that state with arts and craft
movements and Spanish style environmental achievings.
Some years later the pessimism of Lewis Mumford increased, because
urban planning and international style architectures both ignored
totally the environmental design hopes, and he sent to me several
letters more and more critic with architecture and city planning3. I can
reproduce similar stories with Kevin Lynch and Amos Rapoport, who
I have invited again and again, as leaders of environmental design
principals, and each time architects from Barcelona ignore them,
thinking that they were (or are) more a problem than a solution for the
architectural design objectives and processes4.
This blind position of architects to new ways of producing
environmental building transformations are the reason of the lack of
vernacular modern renewal in Spain, and of the paradoxical situation


today, with only a few good examples to show, when in the nineteen
sixties Joan Anton Coderch and other Catalan architects built better
architectural vernacular renewal examples than today, in spite of a very
hard and negative political context with Francos dictatorship5.
Democratic Spain should have been able to develop a huge social
sensibility towards the protection of vernacular architecture, but did
not: on the contrary, the vernacular architecture was considered a
poor architecture, symbol of a dicult past and an obstacle for social
development, or, worst, a symbol of los nuevos poblados, or OFX urban
places built by Francos regime in order to replace areas destroyed by
the Spanish Civil War. Lewis Mumford denounced all that in nineteen
thirty-eight6. Even though this sad story could push us towards a
pessimistic attitude, today we should overcome this process. Some
new signs can help us to do so. Then, we need BOFXBSDIJUFDUVSFGPSB
better environment7.
2. Vernacular Renewal a Big Challenge For a New Architecture For
a Better Environment
In a recent article written for RehabiMed, I summarized which should be
the main preconditions for a renewal of vernacular architecture in the
Mediterranean area. They were:
a) Conditions related to noise, toxicity of air or radiation. Children and
the elderly are especially vulnerable.
b) Psychosocial conditions and vandalism and social violence that are
directly related to the appropriation of the place and the presence
of social natural vigilance. (Not only police).
c) Relations between privacy and publicity, with specic necessities at
each age, gender, culture, etc.
d) Historical cultural relations that stimulate and make intelligible
essential relations in the past or, on the contrary, their destruction
turns restoration into unintelligible or, even, into anecdotic or
absurd cultural objects.
e) Relations between form and transport, and their complex
articulations at dierent levels, including the connection, very
important, between visibility and spatial orientation, because its
absence provokes all kinds of accidents. And we could go on.
All these preconditions for a better environment were accomplished
by some Catalan architects fty years ago (see diagram I) in spite of
dicult social and political circumstances, and when Spain was a poor
country. Today Spain is a rich country but with a weak education.
The key aspects of all these preconditions are to accept that space
is a social structure as much as physical. Because of that there are
semiotic cultural links between objects and subjects, deeply analysed
in the last fty years by anthropologists, architects, sociologists and
geographers. Just as an example, the last works by Professor Amos
Rapoport, who still is hopefully alive, gathers and analyses hundreds of
works in that direction8.
Let us observe more closely some cases. First the vernacular house
renewed in nineteen seventy-ve by Catalan architect Magda Saura
(see gure 2), and the waterfront in Empuries in nineteen ninety-two,
where the Olympic Flame arrived in Catalonia from Greece (see gure
3). Diagram II and diagram III dene the sociophysical preconditions
that these design projects took into account and renewed. Because
the point I claim here is not against modernity, but to uncover the
complementarity between vernacular architecture and modern

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Dening a strategy for intervention

architecture, thanks to these hidden human links better physical forms

and social behaviors are achieved.
Coderch intendsto learnfrom the vernacular sociophysical chronotope.
That is, the view from the top, the inside-outside vernacular window,
the public life in the narrow street and the minimal building elements,
wood and white walls, and colors that mixes ships and houses. The
modesty of the renewal obtained paradoxically an avant-garde
modern tone.
It is not a Beaux Arts copy of the vernacular, but a modern chronotope
(abstract relationships, and dynamic composition) that plays with
the vernacular features, without destruction of the urban form and
domestic character.
It was a lesson for the future.
In nineteen seventy the Catalan architect Magda Saura followed this
lesson by Coderch and enlarged the narrative with new chronotopic
structures coming from California and from Le Corbusier heritage.
The vernacular house maintains all the characters in dialogical attitude
with a new domestic modern view. This dialogical attitude between
the old and the new, both in relation to the physical and the social
dimensions of architecture, is, according to Mikhail Bakhtin the kernel of
the chronotope in the genre of the novel. The house arrives to combine
two life-styles separated in time but articulated in the same space.
There is a dense feed-back between history and design. In order to be
able to build this feed-back the architect had to be enthusiastic both
with history and with modern design. As I said above this is pitifully
rare, because of the strong prejudgments against the possibilities of
this potential dialogue in architecture.
In nineteen ninety-two, the same architect coordinated the complex
design of a waterfront in Empuries where the Olympic Flame arrived in
the same year to Catalonia.
This landscape design was dialogical too, and was published in the
review Quaderns by the Catalan Association of Architects.
It is important to point out the signicance of the renewal of landscapes
in order to be able to renew vernacular architecture: they go hand
by hand. Either they are both protected or they are both destroyed.
There the dunes, the threes and the Greek ruins play the role that
walls, windows and roofs play in architecture, but the key chronotopic
sociophysical features have a key role here too.
The waterfront wooden way optimizes the experience of the historical
and geographic context, making sociophysical relationships between
dunes, sea, ruins and vegetation alive. Users feel this chronotopical
richness and are grateful for that. A web of relations is in the air. You
need only to walk and to breathe to notice it.
3. The Vernacular and the Modern Chronotope
In recent works9 I have developed a dialogical view of architectural
design, where the key concept of chronotope created by the founder
of this theoretical trend, the Russian intellectual Mikhail Bakhtin,
occupies a privileged place10. A chronotope is a link between objects
and subjects, that is, between physical (cosmic) space and time, and
social (historical) space and time. This concept is used by Bakhtin in
the analysis of literary works. For example the development of the
novel since classical Greek time until now, some two thousand and ve
hundred years later.
The vernacular chronotope is basic for Bakhtin, because it is the rst step
in any artistic human development. It has an enormous richness and it
is an inexhaustible source of feelings, stories, personages, etc. However,

wrote Bakhtin with his proverbial irony: the vernacular chronotope

has only one defect: it never changes. So the modern chronotope is
on the contrary, very dynamic and changes all the time, but often has
no content, only form. The complementarity we have seen between
vernacular and modern architecture has the same characteristics
dened by Bakhtin, as was already pointed out by the architect and
famous historian Sigfried Giedion in his last and posthumous book:
Architecture and the Phenomena of Transition,11 where he denes the
evolution of architectural design in Europe throughout chronotopic
sociophysical basic changes. See diagram IV below as an example of
the value of historical urban planning.
Visual network in the Middle Ages in the south of France. This network
is the reason of the order we see in the vernacular architecture. Doors
and windows follow this invisible web of visual interrelationships. If we
need to destroy this order, at least, we should be able to build a better
In conclusion, modernity can be either the end of vernacular
architecture in the Mediterranean area or, on the contrary, can be the
best way for renewal. It depends upon political, economic and cultural
attitudes, which, for the moment are still oriented towards destruction.
However ecological new developments (climate changes) and new
social cultural attitudes can slowly change this orientation, as late
professor Lewis Mumford wrote to me in a last letter before his death,
where he argued about the new ecological awareness among young
students in USA: a new hope.
I hope so too.

See review Arquitectura 63. School of Architecture. Barcelona, 1963.

Very important the book by Martha Pollack The Architect. MIT Press.

See Muntaola, J. La Topognse. Anthropos. Paris, 1997. (Spanish text in La Topognesis.

UPC Edicions. Barcelona, 2000.


I do not mean that Franco dictatorship was better than a democracy. Democracy
should be able to combine modernity and renewal of historical urban form, in a
complementary way. Pitifully, in Spain, this has not been the case. Speculation made
this impossible.

See 5IF$VMUVSFPG$JUJFT. Chapter 10. Lewis Mumford sent to me the Spanish version of
the book.

This is the reason of the International Review Arquitectonics (See the web www.

See .JOE -BOEBOE4PDJFUZ (Muntaola, J. editor). School of Architecture in Barcelona

Proceedings 4th International Congress in Barcelona in June 2004.


Editorial Abecedario. Badajoz, Spain, 2007.


See "SDIJUFDUVSFby Josep Muntaola in the series Arquitectonics.


See Architecture and the Phenomena of Transition by S. Giedion. I wrote the introduction
of the Spanish translation of this posthumous work in 1972. (Gustavo Gili. Barcelona).


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Dening a strategy for intervention

A Vernacular House Near the Mediterranean Coast

Renewal in a Vernacular House in Cadaqus by Joan Antonio Coderch

Middle Ages Visual Order

Waterfront in Empuries


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La denicin de una estrategia de intervencin
Dening a strategy for intervention

Visions: from knowledge of territory

to action strategies and policies of
Lines of research for the restoration
and revitalisation of Calabrian historic
Alessandra Barresi and Gabriella Pultrone
A. B., architect, researcher in Urban Planning, expert in Urban
Planning Techniques for Metropolitan Areas, Ph.D. in Urban and
Territorial Planning, teaches Foundations of Urban Planning and Urban
Planning at the Faculty of Architecture, Mediterranean University
of Reggio Calabria. Member of the Teaching Body of the Research
Doctorate in Planning and Design of the Mediterranean City. Related
to the AACM Department.
G. P., architect, Ph.D. in Planning and Design of the Mediterranean
City, researcher in Urban Planning at the Faculty of Architecture,
Reggio Calabria University, where she teaches Territory Analysis and
Urban Design. Related to the AACM Department, where she conducts
research activities focussing on the Mediterranean Area
Adresse postale:
Department of Architecture and Analysis of Mediterranean City
-Mediterranean University of Reggio Calabria, via Melissari, Feo di Vito
- 89124 Reggio Calabria (Italy
Adresse courrier lectronique:;
+39.0965.3222.250/51; +39.335.65.14.493; +39.338.88.46.592

The Mediterranean Sea has been historically known as an area of

intense cultural exchanges, thanks to its multiple (economic, social,
religious and political) dierences. Despite the existing barriers, it is
characterized by a set of processes which are quite unitary in their
general features.
Though the Mediterranean coast is extremely subdivided in several
units of government, each having dierent planning systems, every
decision of development must consider its possible eects on
the long-term collective sustainable development. Therefore, it is
necessary to develop new tools for the analysis and the forecasting
of the rapid urban and territorial changes, as to allow governments
to make the most eective and fair decisions assuring, at the same
time, an ecient and continuous exchange of information about the
conservation, revitalisation and protection of the historical, cultural and
environmental heritage.
In a context characterized by an exaggerated geographic competition
between regions, the primary task of the new territory projects is

to propose interventions and strategies able to build policies of

development starting from local resources. Some key elements for
the competitiveness of the territorial systems are knowledge, skills,
relationships allowing a progressive shift from the physical to the human
and social capital, from the material to the immaterial resources.
If the American economist Florida proposes the 3T model (Talent,
Technology and Tolerance) to show the correlation existing between
skilled human resources, development of high-tech economy and
climate of tolerance, the introduction of theFourth T(Trust) is consistent
with the wider objective of a sustainable development. Through trust
it is possible to start a virtuous process of interinstitutional cooperation
aiming at the development of cultural resources, a key element in the
strategies of a development based on extra-economic factors and
logics and highlighting social and cultural variables.
Yet, to avoid the risk of overlapping of roles between the dierent
competing geographic areas it is necessary to combine the local
demand with the wider requirements of the territorial consistency. This
is possible only by taking into account a vision assuring the global
consistency of interventions and the construction of the necessary
convergencies for a real integration of institutional actors and economic
This paper is intended to stress the need of the construction of territorial
visions which can assure the global consistency, gather local systems
in regional networks and facilitate their access to Euro-Mediterranean
and global networks.
This vision can play a fundamental role as a drive of development able
to start processes of sustainable development, thanks to its double
horizontal (between subjects of the local network) and vertical (of the
local network with the territorial milieu) action. It must be intended as
an image guiding decisions, suggesting shared scenarios and choosing
the strategic places on which the processes can converge. The pursuit
of economic and social cohesion between territories could otherwise
imply an irreparable phenomenon of levelling and suppression of local
identities if it is not supported by a structuring image and by a territorial
policy able to preserve diversity in unity.
Within the Euro-Mediterranean context, Calabria is a complex and
structured territory, suspended between the sea and the hinterland,
between Europe and the Mediterranean Sea, and where areas of
shadow and light coexist, places with excellent potentials and
resources unfortunately often denied by the lack of valid projects and
interpretations of their vocations of development and growth.
The strategic location of this region in the Euro-Mediterranean system
must be exploited through the construction of a vision able to read and
interpret the context and to create new conditions of development.
It is well known that, besides lacking infrastructures, the Calabrian
territory has a fragmentary settlement structure with an average size of
its urban centres of about 5,000 inhabitants. Its historic centres, which
can be dened as a diused and interesting environmental and urban
system, mostly belong to the category of minor centres, where minor
does not mean a settlement with qualitatively lower characteristics,
but a settlement where the culture of building (in a certain historical
period, dierent for each case) found its most congenial expression in
the small size.
These centres are a very important part of a settlement; their peculiarities
are not to be found in the presence of numerous monuments, but in
connective tissues where these monuments are in close contact with
ordinary buildings, roads, squares, walled paths as to shape still strongly


La dnition dune stratgie dintervention.

La denicin de una estrategia de intervencin
Dening a strategy for intervention

characterized urban contexts.

To grasp the importance of these centres is crucial for a policy of the
territory where the historic settlement heritage plays a central role.
Therefore, where dierences are a reason of identication, recognition
of values and possibility to start projects aiming at the restoration and
revitalisation, the actions of development must involve a more precise
denition of the morphological, environmental, cultural and settlement
characters, as well as of the presence of monuments.
For a deeper knowledge of Calabrian historic centres, the research has
adopted the method which was elaborated for the Regional Planning
Scheme and which allowed to make a classication following three
parameters: morphological situation, urban environment, architectural
As a result, eighty-two centres were recognized and grouped in ve
t $FOUSFT LFFping a considerable recognizability, compactness and
integrity of their historic tissue, with a presence of numerous
particularly valuable architectural monuments;
which have kept a substantial compactness and with a presence of
some signicant architectural monuments;
where the present architectural monuments still communicate their
historic and stylistic qualities;
XVIIIth, XIXth and early XX -century reconstructions following natural
particularly, by landscape and morphological aspects.
At the end of the cognitive phase, it has been noticed that the project
of restoration and revitalisation of these settlements must start from
the awareness that each of them is a continuously changing living
organism. As a result, an intervention tending to fossilize those centres
and to leave them unchanged in time cannot be considered, since it
would imply their progressive decay.
On the contrary, it is important to think of projects of restoration
including the possibility to introduce new urban and architectural
elements in the tissue which has become consolidated in time and
where the new interventions can be in tune with the identity character
of the centre itself. Thus, they can organically enter the process of
transformation marking the evolution of the settlement, which is
guided, on its turn, by its own genetic code that must be known to
intervene adequately.
In the practical part of the research a deductive sequence has been
carried out to relate large-scale space references with the small-scale
ones, that is, the relationships of the centre with the urban, building
and architectural territorial context.
As a consequence, it was possible to read the genetic code of the
centres through the consistency and continuity existing between their
territorial roles and the shape of their single architectural elements. For
instance, the agricultural character of a settlement can be read through
the serial character of its tissue, of the composition of its faades, of
the shape of its single elements. In the same way, the function of
commercial node of another centre can be read through its tissue
(marked by the presence of several nodes destined to the market), its


architectural elements (undoubtedly richer since they are destined to
more complex typologies).
There exist many possibilities of re-use and re-functionalisation of
the examined contexts, but, to assure the survival of these tissues, it
is indispensable to build a logic of network, of specializations, where
historic centres are meant as containers of an endless series of cultural,
social, commercial and craft activities.
The nal remarks show that, in their ex-ante phase, the interventions of
restoration and revitalisation of Calabrian historic centres must include,
besides a signicant nancing, a territorial project identifying a possible
middle-long term scenario based on the recognition of the intrinsic
potentials of each territorial context which could play a decisive role in
the policies of development of local contexts.
In a global context, where competition is no longer only between
companies, but also between territories, to attract investments and
trigger virtuous circles of development depends on the qualities of
local systems. Moreover, the need to pursue a sustainable development
on an environmental, economic, social and institutional level must be
expressed through new policies for the territory and adequate tools of
method and of organization of resources aiming at an integrated vision
characterized by participatory paths and a delicate balance between
local and global level.
The construction of a vision inevitably implies an interpretation of
the change and the identication of possible prospective scenarios.
From this point of view, it is a tool of communication with the double
function of supporting the comprehension of the elements structuring
the Calabrian territory and of representing future political strategies.

La dnition dune stratgie dintervention.

La denicin de una estrategia de intervencin
Dening a strategy for intervention


Fiumefreddo Bruzio

Rocca Imperiale



La dnition dune stratgie dintervention.

La denicin de una estrategia de intervencin
Dening a strategy for intervention

Principales problmatiques dune

politique rgionale pour les biens
culturels : la philosophie du projet
stratgique dans la mditerrane du sud
Cas du systme des fortications de la
baie dAlger
* M. Bouteika, ** S. Messikh
* Architecte, Spcialiste en prservation et mise en valeur des sites
et monuments historiques, Docteur de Recherche en projection
architecturale pour les pays de la mditerrane. Est actuellement Chef
du Dpartement dArchitecture de lUniversit de Blida (Algrie)
** Architecte, Spcialiste en prservation et mise en valeur des sites
et monuments historiques, Matres-assistante Charge de Cours au
Dpartement dArchitecture de lUniversit de Blida.
Adresse postale:
Adresse courrier lectronique:,
+213 25 438434 (tel/fax)

+213 61 598326 (tel. Messikh)

Il est indubitable que la mditerrane du sud possde les signes vidents

et dius dun patrimoine culturel inestimable, expression de phases
historiques successives et consolides, contribuant lexpression dune
identit culturelle tant nationale que rgionale.
Toutefois, on constate que la jouissance dun tel patrimoine
est aujourdhui largement insatisfaisante pour des facteurs de
dgradation historique mais surtout pour les dsquilibres entre
zones de concentration productive et zones dabandon progressif, se
la rgion mditerranenne du sud.
Un tel patrimoine nest pas rest tranger une politique rgionale
des interventions ralises en dehors dune vision programmatique
globale, de zones historiques homognes lesquelles rapportent les
nalits des interventions individuelles des objectifs plus prcis.
Sur le plan le plus spcique des exigences de tutelle, la situation
actuelle apparat comme caractrise par un degr decacit plutt
modeste des relatives politiques dintervention, en raison surtout:
t Des conditions considrables de dgradation dans lesquelles verse
le patrimoine historique artistique et de la ncessit dinterventions
sollicitant des montants considrables et continus dans le temps;
t De lengorgement excessif qui, sous le prol de la jouissance et
celui de la dpense pour entretien et restauration, caractrise les


prexistences monumentales et les institutions musales, avec des

dicults dintervention sur le patrimoine dius;
t Du manque de coordination quon relve au niveau institutionnel,
tant sur le plan national quau niveau local, entre les dirents sujets
et institutions
Nous assumons comme postulat que lensemble de ces limites peut
tre dpass travers un saut de qualit dans les procdures la
construction dun cadre de rfrence transnational qui vise mettre
en relation les direntes lignes dinterventions et de politiques qui leur
sont inhrentes;
Cadre actuel des politiques dinterventions extraordinaires : la
formulation du Projet Stratgique
Sur la base de ces considrations, la formulation du Projet Stratgique
permet dlaborer un programme global dont laspect le plus important
est celui de lintgration dans la slection des interventions. Seules
celles-ci permettent des rponses, capables de mettre la croissance
culturelle la base dune renaissance conomique quune correcte
valorisation du patrimoine dtermine indubitablement.
Quelques unes des hypothses sur la manire dentendre et de
programmer une politique des biens culturels aux diverses chelles
et phases dintervention, auxquelles on peut attribuer une capacit
rsolutive, se rsument dans les concepts suivants:
Territoire et culture. Le territoire, comme lieu physique sur lequel agit
et stablit le produit de la culture et sur lequel saccumulent les
sdiments signicatifs, assume la plus grande importance dans le
thme de la gestion des biens culturels;
%DFOUSBMJTBUJPO EV TFDUFVS. Le secteur des biens culturels est si
vaste quil demande une cogestion largie tous les organes
4FOTJCJMJTBUJPO iEJEBDUJRVFw aux acteurs du secteur. La tutelle dun
patrimoine si vaste, ne peut tre compltement poursuivie si elle
nest pas soutenue par une conscience civique, rsultat dune
approche didactique apte dterminer une auto tutelle des biens
Productivit et gouvernance du secteur -FT nVY UPVSJTUJRVFT POU
convaincu et montr la valeur conomique du bien culturel, do
lobligation dtudier la gestion et dasseoir le rgime, conomique
et occupationnel le plus avantageux, dune ressource primaire du
Les objectifs gnraux poursuivre
Le projet stratgique entend parvenir un ensemble intgr
dinterventions, qui dpasse la logique sectorielle qui a jusqu prsent
caractris lintervention extraordinaire.
Si les nalits de la proposition visent soutenir et renforcer linitiative
et la capacit oprationnelle des sujets institutionnels, conomiques et
sociaux; sur le plan culturel, nous devons considrer les paramtres de
recouvrement des valences et des identits culturelles de monuments et
des complexes historiques artistiques. Les interventions programmer
doivent trouver une troite coordination avec les interventions dj
prvues dans le cadre de lensemble des autres actions organiques.
Les domaines dans lesquels apparat importante la possibilit dintgration
apparaissent tre donc ceux du tourisme; de lenvironnement, de la lutte
contre la dgradation physique, lurbanisation chaotique. Sarmant
comme les grands sujets que le Projet Stratgique pour les Biens

La dnition dune stratgie dintervention.

La denicin de una estrategia de intervencin
Dening a strategy for intervention

Culturels met en relief; les interventions de sauvegarde et valorisation

des architectures traditionnelles se montrent tre le levier dcisif pour
permettre non seulement la conservation dun patrimoine historique,
mais aussi la revitalisation des conomies locales et la reconstruction
dun tissu social souvent dsagrg
De la culture de projet la dtermination de systmes de biens
Le secteur des biens culturels prsente sa forme physique intrinsque,
li au territoire et son histoire au point de sous-entendre aujourdhui
un ensemble de relations contextuelles dterminer. Il prsente une
forme relationnelle qui concerne lusage qui sen fait. Si le sens du
systme de support apparat vident quand on pense la jouissance
du patrimoine (jouissance touristique, didactique, apport cognitif ),
moins vidents sont les eets dune industrie qui ore aujourdhui un
usage dir dans le lieu et dans le temps des biens culturels.
Nous anticipons ici une proposition de systme intgrant, en premier
lieu, la reconnaissance du systme des mergences culturelles
rayonnement transnational, celles ensuite la grande chelle territoriale
comme les mergences de consistance interrgionale. Enn, lchelle
rgionale ou sous- rgionale, les ples de rseaux culturels. Systme
reprsentant en fait une lecture organique du territoire, conformment
la philosophie et la pratique de lentretien programm de son
patrimoine dius.
Les fortications dAlger comme systme (de biens culturels)
La prennit des lments qui tmoignent du rapport sculaire entre
implantations humaines et morphologie de la baie dAlger permet de
redcouvrir les relations qui ont permis dimplanter et de donner un sens
au systme de cte que forme Alger avec sa baie depuis des millnaires.
Parmi tous les autres tmoignages dune structure territoriale labore
travers le temps par sdimentation lente dune utilisation incessante
de lespace de la ligne de cte le systme de fortication ottoman dont
les lments dissmins le long de la cte trahit le lien troit entre
Alger et sa baie.
Ces postes de dfense, fort ou batteries que lon voit merger de place
en place au milieu des habitations, doivent, pour tre reconnus tre
replacs dans le contexte relationnel dans lequel ils furent construits et
suivant lequel ils volurent.
La conscience des relations quengendre celui-ci permet de mieux
lire, sauvegarder et mettre en valeur les dirents lments qui le
composent. Ainsi la reconstitution des relations aaiblies ou eaces
de chaque fort avec les autres composants du double systme auquel
il est li, constitue une condition indispensable pour son identication,
son rle et sa facult dtre reconnu.

les forts sorganisant deux ou trois pour dfendre des lieux bien
Lurbanisation de la baie dAlger dtermina par la suite de nouvelles
composantes territoriales autour des forts qui changrent leur rapport
leur environnement. Les fortications furent dtruites ou prserves
selon le rle qui leur fut attribu dans cette nouvelle gestion des lieux.
Aujourdhui malgr les multiples destructions qua subit le systme
dfensif ottoman dAlger depuis 1830, il reste une structure historique
presque intacte en particulier en ce qui concerne la chane des forts
tablis le long de la baie et les fortications du port. Sur un total de 19
forts, on en dnombre encore 14 dont 8 pour le port sans oublier les
fortications de la Citadelle, deux batteries extra muros et deux intramuros.
La mise en valeur de lensemble des forts ne peut tre eective que si
elle prenait en compte trois chelles dintervention:
t Chaque fort doit en premier lieu faire lobjet dune mise en valeur
lchelle de ldice lui-mme en tant quobjet empreint de
valeurs historique et esthtique qui le direncient des autres
t lchelle du quartier la mise en valeur du fort en tant que
composante particulire ne pourrait tre eective que si les
oprations urbaines tiennent compte du sens du lieu tel quil est
donn par la prsence physique de la forteresse.
t lchelle de la baie, la prise en charge de la structure dfensive
historique territoriale comprenant les forts et batteries extrieurs, les
fortications du port, ainsi que tous les lieux et parcours portant la
mmoire des remparts, portes, batteries et forts aujourdhui disparus
entreraient dans un projet global de mise en valeur de toute la
bande ctire dAlger en liaison avec les autres valeurs historiques,
paysagres travers les parcours historiques.

Plusieurs fortications, un seul systme : quelle mise en valeur ?

Chaque fort est li au systme historique des fortications ottomanes
dAlger et au systme urbain du quartier dans lequel il se trouve. Le
premier qui est interne ou bien spcialis parce que spcique la
nature de ses composants, leur type, leur caractre historique, est
lui-mme divis en sous systmes suivant la situation territoriale de ses
lments le long de la baie.
En eet malgr lapparente organisation en trois niveaux de dfense
(interne, rapproche, loigne), la dfense de la baie tait plus
ane car elle subdivisait ces niveaux en fronts de dfense suivant
la morphologie des micro sites qui se prsentaient le long de la baie,


La dnition dune stratgie dintervention.

La denicin de una estrategia de intervencin
Dening a strategy for intervention

The Rehabilitation and Conservation

policies for Historical Areas; Issues for
Egypt and Mediterranean cities.
Afy, Ayman PhD
I have been working as an Associate Professor of Urban Design at
the department of Architectural Engineering, Faculty of Engineering
- Helwan University since 2003. During the past few years, Ive made
several researches on Upgrading Policies for Informal Settlements,
Sustainable Development in Inner Cities, Rehabilitation and
Conservation of Urban Heritage, and Improvement of Low-cost
housing Conditions
Adresse postale:
4th Maaly Street, Roxy, Heliopolis, Cairo, Egypt
Adresse courrier lectronique:
+202 4514952 Fax: +202 5085327 Mobil: +20101 600 601

Egypt with its long distinctive history as the oldest civilization of the
world and has hosted most of other civilizations; has a unique historical
patrimony of buildings and sites that are considered a world heritage
and need to be conserved. However, with the huge amount of these
historical building and sites, which need substantial investments for
conservation, the problem of prioritization comes on the surface.
Cultural heritage assets must be ranked in relative importance and
conservation projects must be assessed according to actual social
and economic feasibility. Therefore, Rehabilitation and Conservation
policy, to be successful, cannot be conceived in the abstract. It must
take into account and integrate as much as possible societys current
aspirations and living patterns. Consequently, the issue, in which this
paper tries to address, is in what way more attention can be given to
improve the policies for conservation and rehabilitation projects to
advance the sustainability of these development programs. To tackle
this issue, a better understanding is needed of the dierent aspects
of conservation & rehabilitation of the urban heritage. Then analyze
the dierent dimensions of the institutional problems facing the
conservation & rehabilitation.
1. Introduction
Rehabilitation aims at regenerating towns or ancient living sections, at
the same time preserving, restoring and reviving their characteristics
and urban, architectural, aesthetic and social qualities as well as historic
values. However, Rehabilitation is fundamental to the protective
operation. It is not enough to preserve, or, if need may be, to restore; it
is also necessary to ensure a living function to a historic monument or
to an assemblage that will be useful to society. The solution of museum
commitment, so often adopted, is an easy solution often of little eect.


The rehabilitation of the habitat will give priority to the social aspects
of the operation. The inhabitants who have been removed during
operations must be re-accommodated in the same location if they so
wish as a matter of priority. Temporary and progressively declining aid
for the community should help the inhabitants with modest income
bear the eventual increase in the rent or the charges rising from the
works carried out on their property.
2. Problem of Rehabilitation
The seriousness of the Rehabilitation problem is underlined by the
fact that the majority of governments throughout the world are trying
to save the historical heritage of their countries and to preserve and
rehabilitate architectural treasures such as historic districts, towns
and monuments. It would be vandalism, an environmental disaster, if
positive action was not taken in this regard. In fact World experience
shows us that in solving shelter problems there is a potential threat
to the low-income population of the city centers. Their presence itself
and their low income constitute an impediment for implementation of
rehabilitation and reconstruction. Hence we have to study very carefully
an administrative and nancial mechanism which can be properly used
in the reconstruction of city centers, taking into account the interests of
the inhabitants of those centers.
3. Rosetta Case Study
The city of Rosetta is located 12 km away from the mouth of the Rosetta
branch of the Nile River, along its western bank. The area of the city
is approximately 5 km2, which represents 2.6 percent of the county
area; the county in turn represents 2.11 percent of the governorate
area. The estimated population of the city in 2005 was 70,314. The
city has a master plan that sets guidelines until 2022. The master plan
identies and allocates space for all activities that should be in the city;
it particularly focuses on its tourism role by including areas for tourism
and its services. Fig (1) illustrates the type of the historical buildings in
The city is internationally known for the Rosetta stone, which was
the key to the deciphering of hieroglyphs. It also takes an impressive
second place after Cairo in the number of Islamic heritage buildings it
has; meanwhile, the number of historic residential buildings in Rosetta
exceeds those in Cairo.
3.1. Heritage and Historic Areas; The city dates back to the ancient
Egyptian era and is internationally known for the Rosetta stone, which
led to the modern understanding of hieroglyphs. Although there was a
law issued declaring Rosetta a tourism city, it does not fully use its tourist
potential in a suitable manner. The city lacks adequate sanitation; this
has led to an increase in the groundwater level, which in turn aected
historic buildings. The city also has numerous informal peddlers and
markets scattered throughout the streets of the historic area, which
lead to trac-clogged streets and the accumulation of garbage. Fig (2)
illustrates the location of the main historical in Rosetta.
3.2. Slums and Shelters; Five slum areas are on the periphery of the old
centre of the city with a total area of 2.15 km2. The estimated population
of the slum areas in 2005 was approximately 20,391, which represents
29 percent of the total population of the city. The old city streets are
crowded with peddlers and informal markets. Fig (4) illustrates the
distribution of the slum areas in Rosetta.

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Dening a strategy for intervention

3.3. Governance; The local authority in Rosetta is clearly popular, and

this is underpinned by a sustainable trust relationship between the
society and the local authority ocials. However, among both citizens
and local authority ocials, there is a lack of understanding of what
urban governance truly stands for (e.g. transparency, decentralization,
and accountability). This situation is applicable to most small Egyptian
cities; progressive understandings of urban governance are quite novel
in Egyptian cities, with wrong concepts often embedded in peoples
4. Regulatory Framework at Rosetta;
National policies support the upgrading of heritage cities. The
government has issued law 13/1986 declaring Rosetta a tourist city.
There is a lack of specic building codes for heritage areas that would
enable the preservation of the old urban fabric of the city. Building codes
concerning setbacks in heritage buildings are issued by the Supreme
Council for Antiquities; the codes specify 2.5 meters for setbacks to give
space to build a scaold needed for preservation work.
and its historic area. First, the Governorate itself which is responsible
for issuing licenses for the erection of new buildings, or the alteration
or clearance of existing ones, either inside or outside the historic
areas. Second is the Ministry of Endowments, which is responsible for
providing services to a number of historic mosques (maintenance,
furniture, salaries for mosque employees). Third is the Supreme Council
for Antiquities, which is responsible for providing maintenance and
restoration for historical buildings that are listed on the national
to the decline of historic areas. Some rented stores in the ground level
of the historic buildings have been used for such functions as raising
cattle and poultry and keeping horses, activities that are not suitable
for the nature and value of the area and have a negative impact on the
5. Projects for Rehabilitation and Conservation of Historic Areas;
The rehabilitation program starts two Rehabilitation projects, Both of
them focuses on the benets of the city inhabitants, and the duration
was 36 months with the active participation of all city implemented
partners; local authority, ministry of Waqf (religious trust), the supreme
council for antiquities, NGOs, and architectural consultant oces and
their aliations. Fig (3) illustrates the current satiation of the historical
residential building in Rosetta.
5.1. The rst project focuses on developing and upgrading the area
surrounding the fortress and provides services in order to prepare it for
receiving tourists, with estimated cost about US$4 million, and we can
summarize the Project activities within the following points:
and vehicles.
5.2. The Second Project focuses on developing Dehliz El-Molk Street,
with estimated cost about US$1 million.

The activities around this project ware:

the requisite changes (viewing the street as the gateway into the
historical area).
workshops, galleries).
standardization of signs, colors, and pavilion design. In addition,
transformation of the shops into bazaars, gift shops, and exhibits for
handmade carpets and crafts.
5.3. Institutional Set-Up and Capacity Building
developing poor neighborhoods are the non-governmental
organizations (NGOs).
universities as well as international researchers.
research studies by the authority responsible for continuous
eld of historic restoration and upgrading.
5.4. Development Process for Heritage Areas in Rosetta;
The historic area is provided with all basic urban services except a
sanitation network. This lack of sanitation has led to an increase of the
groundwater level, which directly aects historic buildings. An example:
Zaghloul Mosque is undergoing a major preservation project to raise
was submerged in rising groundwater.
vibrations also aect the structure of the historic buildings in the
authority over centers operating under the supervision of ministries
and central institutions.
signicance has led to low budget priorities and illegal acts of
Rosetta museum.
public streets
6. Conclusions:
Conservation the urban heritage in Egyptian context involves a wide
range of actors; governmental and non-governmental organization and
private interests. However, governments organizations as legitimate
representatives of society, must act as responsible custodians and
supreme managers of our cultural patrimony. To perform this duty in a
sustainable manner, the state must set up the right strategies, balanced
between development and conservation, to incite, coordinate and
implement the necessary conservation actions, and to defend these
actions against the interests of individuals.


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Dening a strategy for intervention

Furthermore, restoration of single monuments without rehabilitating

their historical environment and without supporting the vital social and
economic forces that sustain them would make little sense and would
eventually deprive the historic substance of its nutrients. Institutions
must be developed and economic and administrative instruments for
control and promotion must be worked out. In the same time, civic
authorities should pay attention to rehabilitation and re-use of old
housing properties which are not under government protection and
use. These properties should be listed, and their rehabilitation and reuse should be promoted.

1. EI-MIKAWI, M. & SHEHAYEB, D. 2003, Improving Quality of Life through Sustainable
Rehabilitation of Low Income Housing in Historic Cairo, The Arab Regional Conference,
Cairo, 15 -18 December 2003
2. MINISTRY OF HOUSING, Utilities and Urban Communities Arab Republic of Egypt (2001) Thematic Committee, 8-6 June 2001, United Nations General Assembly at its June 2001
special session (Istanbul+5).
3. SEDKY, A & SHEHAYEB, D. (2002). Heritage Protection ...Against what? A model to explain
adverse change in historic districts. 1st International Conference of the WPAHR-V titled
Architecture & Heritage within the Paradigm of Knowledge and Development, Alexandria,
Egypt, 2-4 March 2002.
4.SHEHAYEB, D. (2000). Sustainable Housing Rehabilitation: Utilizing E-B Studies in a historic
conservation project. 16th Conference of the International Association for PeopleEnvironment Studies (IAPS) titled Metropolis 21st Century: which perspectives? Paris from
4 -7 July, 2000.
5. RAMACHANDRAN, ARCOT, (1991), Final report of International Seminar on The Improvement of
Housing Conditions and The Rehabilitation of Historic Centers, (Habitat) Nairobi, 1991.

Nota: Este artculo no se ha podido publicar en su totalidad por falta de espacio


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La denicin de una estrategia de intervencin
Dening a strategy for intervention

Stratgies et politique rgionales pour

le patrimoine historique traditionnel: le
cas Sardaigne

Antonello Sanna
piazza dArmi 16 , 09123 Cagliari, Italie
adresse E-mail:
++39 070 6755804

Dans le panorama mditerranen, la Sardaigne constitue un pont

entre le nord et le sud, aussi bien gographiquement que du point de
vue historique et culturel.
En Sardaigne en eet on trouve une grande partie des techniques de
construction de la Mditerrane, partir de la terre crue celles-l, trs
bigarres, de la pierre, et des technologies et typologies eux jointes,
qui en composent le paysage historique construit complexe.
Cependant, ce grand patrimoine, presque 200.000 btiments dans les
annes 50 du XX sicle, a vivement t rod dans le grand boum de
btiment des annes 60 et 70, jusquau point de se rduire moins de
100.000 units dans les annes 90, quand la culture du recouvrement
commence simposer dans les communauts et dans les institutions.
La Loi rgionale du 1998 sur le Recouvrement des Centres historiques
a commenc une nouvelle saison pour les stratgies sur le patrimoine
architectural traditionnel.
La Loi prvoit ressources signicatives pour soutenir le retour dans
les centres historiques et la restauration du patrimoine dgrad, en
individuant de nouveaux moyens: les Programmes Intgrs pour runir
lintervention publique linitiative prive.
Les Programmes Intgrs se basent sur lhypothse qui va se rvler
raliste, mme si elle ne sera compltement vrie : il y a une
nouvelle sensibilit culturelle des communauts envers lidentit que
le patrimoine historique incarne, mais il faut quun incitation publique
rend plus avantageuse la rcupration, dont les cots sont, entretemps, grimps. Ces incitations peuvent tre directs ( contributions
en compte capital pour la restauration primaire , cest--dire pour la
rhabilitation de lenveloppe, soutien technique et administratif, etc. )
ou bien indirects : il sagit, en ce cas-l, de rorienter linvestissement en
qualit despace publique (rseaux technologiques, services, mobilier
urbain), en dplaant les ressources des banlieues avec la nouvelle
dication vers le centre historique.
En eet, depuis, lanne 2000, lon peut calculer que la Loi sur les Centres
Historiques ainsi que les fonds europens, ont mobilit non moins de
500 millions deuros pour la rcupration des centres historiques ; cet
investissement publique on ajoute une somme quivalente de la part
des privs qui ont eectivement commenc modier positivement

leur position envers la rcupration.

Dans la mme priode, aussi beaucoup de Communes entreprennent
des activits dtude, reconnaissance et amnagement des centres
historiques traditionnels en destinant de nouveaux nancements
la requalication des lieux public, et lacquisition et restauration
de btiments historiques pour les services sociaux et culturels aux
Ce qui est particulirement signicatif, en ce sens, est la cration de
rseaux communs qui, partir des annes 90 ont marqu tout le
parcours rgional de rhabilitation.
Parmi les expriences les plus signicatives on ne peut oublier la
cration de lactuel Association Nationale Ville de la Terre. Il sagit dun
rseau de plus de 30 communes, qui a t constitue lorigine en
Sardaigne et qui, aprs, sest diuse dans trois rgions italiennes ayant
un considrable patrimoine de terre : Abruzzes, Marches et Piedmont.
A lorigine de cette initiative, il y a la constitution dun mouvement
essentiellement culturel qui, au dbut des annes 90, a impliqu
techniciens et administrateurs, intellectuels et professeurs universitaires,
en mettant en contact la situation sarde avec le contexte international
o la construction en terre tait pratique et redcouverte.
En Sardaigne, dans les dcennies prcdentes, le patrimoine en terre,
intressant environ un tiers de lensemble du systme des centres
historiques gnraux, avait t lobjet dune crise des valeurs, avant
tout en sens culturel, ce qui avait men liminer et nier son existence
mme, en qualit de ressource protger et rcuprer dans un cadre
didentit historique.
Abandonner les savoirs traditionnels et les cultures matrielles de la
construction en terre avait dterminer la disparition dun march des
matriels de construction en terre, partir du brique, dont la fabrication
tait presque termine, tandis que les entreprises de construction et les
chargs du projet ne considraient plus la rcupration des btiments
en terre comme un problme de conservation. Dailleurs, les mmes
plans de rhabilitation des btiments historiques prvoyaient plus
la sauvegarde de la typologie, mais pas celle des caractristiques
constructives et des lments de construction en terre. Au contraire, dans
les annes 90, la nouvelle prise de conscience sur les valeurs historiques
cre des plans de conservation, dans lesquels la rhabilitation est aussi
bien un instrument de lutte contre le dpeuplement des centres
historiques que un moyen pour reconstituer lidentit culturelle.
On exprimente les premires Guides la rhabilitation dans le
cadre du nouvel amnagement intgr et de nouveaux instruments
des politiques communautaires pour les btiments historiques.
Reconnatre le matriel historique un lment local et naturel conduit
son application dans les premires constructions pour la durabilit
et qui sont produits avec des briques de terre dans la Sardaigne des
XXIme sicle.
Cependant, dans ce cadre riche en potentialit mais aussi de
contradictions, beaucoup de parties du patrimoine sont encore
perdues cause dinterventions destructives, comprenant formes de
recouvrement inadapt aussi. Cest le dbut du troisime millnaire
avec la nouvelle culture du paysage.
la n du 2006 le Plan Paysager de la Sardaigne est approuv
dnitivement et il met au centre la valeur du patrimoine historique et
culturel ainsi que celle de larchitecture historique-traditionnelle.
Celui-ci tablie lintangibilit de toutes les architectures historiques,
selon le plan des ressources rgionales et europennes qui mettent
au centre le recouvrement et le re-usage, surtout des centres de la


La dnition dune stratgie dintervention.

La denicin de una estrategia de intervencin
Dening a strategy for intervention

Sardaigne de lintrieur, plus sujets au dpeuplement et labandon.

On a propos, en outre, et on en commence lexprimentation,
des instruments innovateurs comme le Manuel de Rhabilitation,
lobservatoire Rgional pour la Rhabilitation ou le Laboratoire de
qualit architecturale et urbaine, pour contribuer mieux grer les
aspects procduraux.
Cette nouvelle ligne qui met au centre du modle de dveloppement
de la Sardaigne du troisime millnaire le patrimoine urbain et
lidentit historique propose aussi des rponses cette profonde
crise, dappartenance de la Sardaigne historique, spcialement de celle
de lintrieur, dans laquelle demeurent abandon et dpeuplement.
Souvent, la conservation de ces paysages construits historiques
est cause par labandon et ce manque de transformation peut
causer la perte, pas moins grave et irrparable que la destruction
pour lexcs dutilisation. Les nouveaux programmes de rhabilitation
rpondent dans le domaine socioculturel et conomique travers le
renforcement de la protection du territoire, avec la relance de la qualit
des espaces ruraux, en incitant par exemple les htels diuss etc.
Evidemment, il sagit des solutions qui causent eux-mmes toute une
srie de problmes, comme la rutilisation des btiments dsaects
et rcuprs, ou bien la qualit architecturale et culturelle de la
rhabilitation dans des contexte o la continuit des pratiques et des
techniques de construction historique a t arrte.
Dans ce sens, il est ncessaire de squiper avec des nouveaux moyens
pour amliorer le rsultat gnral de lintervention promue : cest
justement pour cette raison que rcemment un complexe dinstruments
et de processus innovateurs a t cre.
En 2006, ladministration rgionale a promulgu des avis de concours
pour accder aux ressources rgionales et europennes visant la
rhabilitation (au moins 200 millions deuros en 2006-2007), o le rle
actif des communauts locales est bien rcompens.
Ces dernires taient invites crer de nouveaux rseaux (ou
amliorer ceux existants) en proposant des projets stratgiques dans
lesquels la rcupration de lidentit culturelle et du patrimoine
historique avait une un rle fondamental. Lobjectif principale tait
de mettre ensemble les actions physiques sur les btiments et les
espaces publiques et celles immatrielles concernant la promotion
de services et de travail, en favorisant lchange et linteraction
entre secteur publique et priv. Dans cette direction, on a favoris
lactivation de processus de participation, visant intresser les
communauts locales et leurs acteurs dans un parcours vertueux de
prise de conscience des valeurs historiques et de leur insertion dans
les processus de valorisation des ressources locales. Au mme temps,
ces avis de concours ont pris comme paramtre la qualit du projet
urbain et architectural (Avis CIVIS), ont demand comme qualit la
formation de Guide pour la rhabilitation (Avis DOMOS) et ont en
dnitive approch systmatiquement beaucoup des niveaux de notre
patrimoine historique.
En ce moment, donc, la Sardaigne se trouve dans une situation
dlicate dans laquelle on pourra vrier si la rcupration de lidentit
et des valeurs historiques est accompagne aux pratiques ecaces,
oprationnelles et partages.

Le patrimoine des centres historiques de la Sardaigne, entre degradation et rehabilitation.

Manuel de Rehabilitation del larchitecture en terre de Quartu, Association Nationale Ville

de la Terre.

Atlas de larchitecture traditionelle en Sardaigne.


La dnition dune stratgie dintervention.

La denicin de una estrategia de intervencin
Dening a strategy for intervention

Rgnration urbaine: enjeux dune

revalorisation du cadre bti ancien dans
le Sud Ouest algrien
Sandra Guinand
Politologue et urbaniste, collaboratrice scientique- doctorante
lObservatoire de la ville et du dveloppement durable, Institut de
Gographie, Universit de Lausanne, et charge de projet pour ABApartenaires, Pully
Adresse postale:
Institut de Gographie, Universit de Lausanne, btiment Anthropole,
Dorigny, 1015 Lausanne, Suisse
Adresse courrier lectronique:
0041 21 692 30 76

Les stratgies de rgnration urbaine rpondent des enjeux qui

aujourdhui concernent la plupart des villes, y compris celles des pays
mditerranens. En eet, prenant lexemple de la ville dAin-Sefra, en
Algrie ville o nous avons eu loccasion de mener des recherches
un des premiers constats qui peut tre tabli est lavance continuelle
de son urbanisation vers lEst, par la construction de lotissements, au
dtriment dune proccupation du cadre bti de son centre-ville
darchitecture coloniale. Le mme phnomne se retrouve en dautres
villes algriennes, telle Oran notamment. Les consquences de ce choix
dorientation se traduit alors (et cest le cas pour beaucoup de villes
dans cette situation) par un degr avanc de dgradation du cadre bti
ayant souvent valeur patrimoniale, entranant ainsi un dplacement
des commerces, des services et des populations vers lextrieur. Le
centre-ville perd alors sa fonction premire : celle du point de centralit
et de convergence de la ville.
Ce constat pose une srie de questions. Quelles sont les causes
menant ce dlaissement ? Le cadre bti ancien na-t-il plus de rle
jouer ? Sa revalorisation ne peut-elle pas au contraire rpondre
certaines problmatiques majeures rencontres par les villes ? Dans
le sud algrien, pourtant, chelle urbaine beaucoup plus rduite,
des stratgies de rhabilitation et de valorisation du cadre bti
commencent se dessiner : la restauration des ksour (anciens villages
berbres fortis) participent dune volont de redynamisation axe
sur une prise de conscience de leur valeur patrimoniale.
Lobjet de la communication sera dans une premire partie de dnir
ce qui est entendu par rgnration urbaine. Puis, partir des exemples
de la ville dAin-Sefra et des ksour du sud algrien, de mettre en exergue
les enjeux socio-conomiques et culturels lis une prise en compte
dune restauration du cadre bti ancien.

Rgnration urbaine : cadrage thorique succinct

De Barcelone Londres en passant par Bologne, nombreuses sont
les villes ayant mis au point de nouvelles mthodes de faire la ville
. Rsultant pour la majorit des cas dune sortie de lre industrielle
mlant fonctionnalisme et rationalisme dans la mise en uvre de leurs
politiques urbaines. Ces villes tentent aujourdhui au travers dune
approche plus organique de rpondre leurs nouveaux besoins.
Cest partir des annes 70 que les changements structurels mettent
en exergue lobsolescence de cette organisation spatiale et amnent
les techniciens et politiques se poser la question du devenir de
ces espaces vides au cur de la ville ainsi que de leur rle dans la
restructuration du territoire. En eet, la prsence de constructions
hrites de lre industrielle apparat comme inapproprie en centre
ville et est considre comme consommatrice de trop despace.
De plus, au mme moment, les acteurs contemporains prennent
galement conscience de ltalement toujours plus prgnant de
lespace urbain et des dicults le maintenir de manire cohrente et
structure. De fait, se dessine lentement dans les esprits un processus
de retour et de reconqute de ces espaces en dsutude. A lorigine
mme de ce phnomne de pense, dcoulent et se dveloppent des
pratiques urbaines prcises sous les titres de rgnration urbaine .
Un rapide tour dEurope nous montre que ce nouveau rfrentiel en
terme damnagement urbain se retrouve un peu partout sous des
dnominations direntes : rparation urbaine en Italie (Bologne,
1960), recyclage urbain aux Pays-Bas (1970) et renouvellement
urbain en France. Ces nouvelles mthodes de faire la ville se rfrent
lide dune transformation de la ville sur elle-mme, marque
spciquement par son hritage industriel ou patrimonial et de fait la
recherche dune nouvelle identit.
Les enjeux dune restauration du cadre bti : clairage dune
Bien que la majorit des villes algriennes ne sourent pas dune
sortie de lre industrielle profonde, ces dernires, mais galement le
reste des villes du Maghreb, ont suivi et suivent encore les rfrentiels
modernistes et fonctionnalistes qui ont prvalu en Europe et ailleurs.
Cette politique de construction et de modernisation tout azimut
au nom du progrs (technique et social) menace le patrimoine
bti et la sant mme des villes et de leurs territoires. En eet, les
villes algriennes, soumises un taux durbanisation trs fort on le
sait peu mais cest particulirement le cas des villes sahariennes et
prsahariennes subissent une extension de leurs espaces urbains
vers lextrieur au dtriment dune proccupation du cadre bti des
centres-villes. Les consquences sont diverses : dgradation du cadre
bti (ayant pourtant valeur patrimoniale et historique), dlaissement
de celui-ci par les couches plus aises, pauprisation, dicult du tissu
urbain se renouveler naturellement, valeur historique et patrimoniale
nglige et avec elle la perte de repres et de mmoire des lieux,
dplacement des commerces et des services vers lextrieur, rduction
du potentiel de centralit, de dynamisme et croissance de ltalement
urbain. Ces eets, sont aujourdhui trs visible pour la ville dAin Sefra,
o, en n de semaine, le centre-ville est dsert linverse des deux
grands boulevards. Cette ville qui a dj ras son ksar, ne semble que
peu sintresser son identit historique pourtant non ngligeable.
Aujourdhui, lattention semble se porter vers la priphrie : extension
de la ville par la construction de lotissements et dune nouvelle gare.
Le mme phnomne se retrouve galement Alger et sa casbah,


La dnition dune stratgie dintervention.

La denicin de una estrategia de intervencin
Dening a strategy for intervention

qui malgr le statut de patrimoine mondial de lUnesco tombe en

dcrpitude, Oran o son centre-ville, bien que jouant encore un rle
de centralit, voit ses dices seriter. Le paysage urbain des nouvelles
extensions priphriques des villes algriennes apparat comme
identique dun bout lautre du pays. Il semble, pour reprendre les
propos dHamid Ougouadfel, que larchitecture ou le cadre bti nait
plus de relle valeur, mais quil soit devenu lart de lemballage plutt
quune expression du milieu socio-culturel dans lequel il se trouve1
. Nous constatons galement que certaines de ces constructions
sont non seulement coupes de la ville et de son animation, mais
quelles ne comportent aucun amnagement extrieur (espaces
verts, quipements publics, services publics). La question de leur
devenir laisse dubitatif au regard des problmes rencontrs dans les
banlieues dEurope. Se posent donc les questions de limportance de
lidentication de la population aux espaces btis et de lexpression de
cette identit propre.
Plusieurs rponses quant cette ngligence peuvent tre voques.
La premire est de lordre de la proprit des btiments. Pour
reprendre lexemple dAin-Sefra, aprs enqute auprs du cadastre de
la ville, il est apparu que la plupart du bti dgrad appartenait des
familles nhabitant plus sur les lieux (et dont les descendants vivent
actuellement au Maroc). Le problme de la restauration et de lentretien
de ces dices est alors eectif. Se pose alors la question des outils
durbanisme permettant de remdier cette situation. Deuximement,
la question du rle du patrimoine en Algrie nen est qu ses dbuts. En
eet, la loi sur les secteurs sauvegards nest que rcente et les assises
du patrimoine ont eu lieu pour la premire fois en 2004. Phnomne
dinertie des pratiques, les techniciens et les dcideurs nont pas
conscience des enjeux quil revt. Peu de communes algriennes
avaient, en 2005, dpos un dossier pour permettre linscription dune
zone en secteur sauvegard. Troisimement, la conjoncture dicile des
annes 1990s na pas permis un dveloppement du secteur touristique
(sauf pour le Grand Sud), dveloppement peu pertinent pour le
gouvernement puisque la majeure partie des ressources conomiques
sont concentres sur la manne ptrolire et gazire. Enn, le potentiel
des vastes tendues du territoire algrien semble encore tre la seule
rponse aux besoins de logements. De fait, le ressenti dune ncessit
est que moins prgnant.
Enjeux de la valorisation du patrimoine
La rcente rhabilitation de ksour dans la rgion des Hauts plateaux ainsi
que plus au Sud (Taghit, Beni Abbs, Timmimoun, etc.) atteste tout de
mme dune prise de conscience de la valeur patrimoniale de certains
btis et des potentiels quils peuvent revtir. Elle rsulte, pour la plupart,
de jeunes (regroups bien souvent en association culturelle) dont les
parents en sont originaires. La vocation premire est la promotion de
lhistoire de ces villages (le cas le plus exemplaire tant probablement
celui de Taghit2) . Il y a principalement trois grandes raisons ce regain
dintrt : la premire est la crise du logement qui touche le pays depuis
le dbut des annes 80, rsultat dune inadaptation lvolution rapide
de la dmographie algrienne auquel il faut ajouter le fort taux de
croissance subit par les villes du Sud. Dans ce contexte, la rnovation
des habitats des ksour rpond un besoin urgent et peut tre vue
comme une stratgie pour acqurir un chez soi un prix dcent. La
deuxime raison est la promotion du tourisme, gnrateur demplois


potentiels pour les plus jeunes. Nous avons vu ainsi des projets en
cours ou naliss comme des auberges de jeunesse, des petits htels,
des magasins dartisanat ou des muses du folklore. La troisime
raison est dordre identitaire. Il existe en eet chez les jeunes un attrait
grandissant pour la culture locale. Nous pouvons voir probablement
dans ce regain dintrt la consquence dun manque de transmission
orale, consquence elle-mme lie la transformation de la structure
familiale et la disparition progressive du modle de la famille largie
et des patriarches. Cette revendication identitaire de la part des jeunes
est mettre enn en relation avec laugmentation de leur poids
dmographique, lesquels essaient de rompre avec lordre tablit et
tentent de se faire une place plus grande au sein de leur socit3 .
Ces dirents enjeux ont galement t compris des organisations
internationales, comme le PNUD, notamment autour de lconomie
et du tourisme. En eet, le projet de la route des ksour fruit dun
partenariat entre le PNUD et le Ministre de lIntrieur a pour dmarche
de renforcer les capacits des populations et des collectivits locales et
de mettre en uvre leur propre dveloppement autour de laxe central
constitu par la promotion du patrimoine culturel et naturel.
Ces quelques points ont mis en avant limportance des dimensions
sociales, anthropologiques, culturelles et conomiques du patrimoine
rhabilit. En fait, plusieurs facteurs doivent tre pris en compte si
on souhaite tendre vers les objectifs viss. Premirement, il faut tenir
compte de lenvironnement dans lequel on rhabilite : faire en sorte que
les populations sapproprient les nouveaux lieux, quelles ne se sentent
pas trangre ces derniers. Deuximement, la rgnration doit
tenter dviter toute spculation foncire au risque dune gentrication
du primtre renouvel et, de fait, dplacer des populations et ne
produire quun simple dplacement du problme social. Il faut contrler
les investissements dentreprises prives an quelles ne modient
pas la structure sociale existante ainsi que lusage du site. Dans cette
logique, le patrimoine bti ancien doit galement tre compris dans
les programmes publics de construction de logements sociaux.
Troisimement, la restructuration du tissu urbain doit galement prendre
en compte les besoins des populations du territoire. Enn, au travers
de lexemple des ksour, on note limportance dactions visant le local
mais sinsrant dans une stratgie commune globale. Il apparat donc
important que les dirents domaines dexpertise suivent une stratgie
commune : culture, quipement, urbanisme, social et conomique.
Et de fait, que ces dirents services au niveau des ministres et des
collectivits communiquent et agissent de manire transversale. Enn,
la rhabilitation ne doit pas conduire une disneylandisation du
site ou une ville-muse vide de ses habitants, ou encore devenir
simplement une attraction touristique tel lOasis de Tozeur (sjours
cl en main, htel de luxe, apartheid touristique, uniques contacts
commerciaux, demande exorbitante en ressource deau, dforestation
de la palmeraie, disparition de lagriculture locale, chmage, etc.4) .

Hamid Ougouadfel A la recherche dune modernit in Guide de lurbanisme, de la

construction et de la promotion immobilire Editions Mdias-Guides-Plus, Alger, 1998.

La dnition dune stratgie dintervention.

La denicin de una estrategia de intervencin
Dening a strategy for intervention

Lassociation du vieux qsar de Taghit a par ailleurs cr un site web : http://ksartaghit.220v.


Il sagit l dun phnomne trs prgnant en Algrie. Les changements dmographiques


sont des faits quil est ncessaire de prendre en compte pour comprendre les volutions
sociopolitiques algriennes, quelles soient locales ou nationales.

Pour plus de renseignements ce propos, lire larticle de Claude Llena Tozeur, ravage
par le tourisme in Le Monde diplomatique, juillet 2004

Ain Sefra Centre

Ain Sefraperiph


Ain Sefraperiph


La dnition dune stratgie dintervention.

La denicin de una estrategia de intervencin
Dening a strategy for intervention

Pour une demarche de rehabilitation

Des tissus urbains traditionnels
De la region saharienne de oued-souf en

Mohamed Zerarka
Dip. Architecte, M.Sc Urban Design
Doctorant en Architecture, Chef de projet de recherche universitaire
Matre-assistant Charg de cours,
Dpartement dArchitecture, Universit Saad-Dahlab, Blida, Algrie
Adresse postale:
Lotissement Ouali III, N 8, Rue Ouali Mohamed, Blida, Algrie
Adresse courrier lectronique:
(00.213) (0)

I/ Introduction la dmarche :
transformations acclres brutalisent un quilibre fragile. 1
imprgne de cette description, que cette dmarche
conceptuelle de rhabilitation des tissus urbains traditionnels sahariens
de la rgion du Souf , telle que dveloppe dans cette communication,
a t suscite.
Base principalement sur:
leur territoire et leur histoire, ncessitent dtre mis en valeur.
dans son entreprise damnagement et dadaptation du site ses
ailleurs, rsultat des rapports troits quentretient le systme agricole
avec le systme urbain.
existence mme si aucune action nest entreprise dans un futur
immdiat, cette dmarche se dveloppe principalement selon les
points suivants :

rhabilitation urbaine


II/ La problmatique
Le sujet des villes traditionnelles de formation ancienne, dont la question
constitue un des points nvralgiques de lurbanisme contemporain,
de la rgion du Souf se prsente actuellement sous son aspect le plus
dramatique si on le considre sous le double aspect de leur:
rglementaires prnant une mthodologie radicale en rupture avec
les caractristiques et valeurs paysagres, urbaines et architecturales
de ces centres.
En eet, dans la rgion du Souf, les problmes environnementaux se
posent avec acuit et sont dautant plus accentus par les dsquilibres
gnrs par une mauvaise exploitation des ressources naturelles. Ce
phnomne peut tre illustr par le problme de la remonte des eaux
dont ptit la rgion entire, causant une dgradation importante au
milieu naturel, rvlateur dun usage sans contrle des ressources en
Ltude de ces villes, par le double aspect de la permanence dune
structure parcellaire traditionnelle et de la destruction acclre
de leurs noyaux initiaux, prsente un caractre durgence pour leur
sauvegarde et rhabilitation.
III/ Le cadre thorique
Le thme dvelopp par cette communication puise ses rfrents
thoriques dans le cadre de lapproche morphologique la ville et au
territoire .
Il met en avant largument de la ncessit de recourir lhistoire urbaine
et ltude des processus de gense, formation et transformation de la
ville pour une lecture des liens qui unissent sa forme et sa structure au
territoire et son histoire.
Ds les annes 60, il apparaissait aux spcialiste de la morphologie
urbaine que lensemble urbain mettait en cause une relation prliminaire
de choix et dinsertion du site urbain dans le contexte gographique
car les raisons de forme ne sexpliquaient pas par de simples motifs
dorganisation interne du bti.
Les gographes, pour leur part, ont montr que, dans lvolution
dun tissu urbain, les activits (utilisation du sol et des btiments) se
modiaient le plus vite ( lchelle de la dcennie), les btiments moins
vite ( lchelle du sicle), les structures parcellaires et le rseau viaire
ayant une dure de vie de plusieurs sicles.
Mais cest le territoire qui prsente le mieux que dautres chelles le
niveau civilisationnel et structurel car, de par sa grandeur et son inertie,
il rsiste le plus aux modications du temps et de lhomme.
La notion de territoire est donc apparue ncessaire aux tudes de
morphologie urbaine car elle qualie le contexte global dans lequel on
choisit et on structure le centre urbain dominant, dont la forme locale
doit se rgler avec lui.
A lchelle de la ville les thories de la persistance se basent sur ce fait : les
Dans ce registre des persistances urbaines, les systmes de division
parcellaire des sols constituent des indices de lecture rvlateurs
des rapports de la forme avec la structure urbaine. Pour beaucoup
dexperts de la morphologie urbaine, le systme historique de la division
parcelle constitue la base de la morphologie urbaine,4 do limportance

La dnition dune stratgie dintervention.

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Dening a strategy for intervention

majeure de la parcelle comme module fondamental de lurbanisation,

tant du point de vue politique quconomique et, bien entendu,
IV/ Lecture territoriale et paysagre
Le paysage traditionnel du Souf est marqu par la beaut. Beaut
spcique, car loriginalit du Souf, tablissement humain cre dans un
erg, est grande.
Les oasis sahariennes taient au Moyen Age des relais, des points
dappui, sur les grands itinraires caravaniers qui marquaient les
territoires sahariens, dans le cadre des changes transsahariens.
beaucoup plus malaise et plus lente que dans tout autre milieu saharien.
trs rares. 5
Le Souf a constitu un espace refuge. Le Souf a t le lieu de rencontre
de populations cherchant refuge, et dun milieu sy prtant. Do
labsence, au Souf, de ksour protgs de murailles : la meilleure
protection tait assure par lerg lui-mme.
Lerg ne gnre aucune ressource en eau, mais il constitue un bon
matelas qui conserve sa base les eaux venant de lextrieur.
Creuser des puits dans le sable nest pas impossible, les entretenir dans
un matriau qui sboule est par contre dicile.
Ne pouvant faire venir leau eux, les Sous ont imagin daller
elle. Cest--dire dexcaver susamment le sable pour que lpaisseur
restante ne soit plus que de lordre de 2m, planter alors les palmiers
dans le sol de faon ce quils aillent puiser leau par leurs propres
racines dans ce qui est appel un ghout et qui constitue lunit de base
Ce qui fait loriginalit du Souf, ce nest pas la technique elle-mme
puisquelle existe ailleurs- mais son caractre systmatique, labor,
pouss dans ses dimensions extrmes. Nulle part ailleurs au Sahara,
ni dans le monde, lon ne trouve un paysage de palmeraie en milieu
dunaire aussi profondment amnag par les hommes.
Un 1er paysage constitu de cratres profonds en terrains sablonneux
dans la partie sud du Souf, ou les encrotements sont minces et friables
et ou le sable est relativement homogne.
Un 2me paysage constitu de cratres vass en zone olienne dans la
partie sud-ouest du Souf .
Un 3me Paysage constitu de cratres verticaux en terrain compact
dans la moiti nord du Souf prsentant des cratres peu profonds et
gnralement de forme carre (appels houd).
Un 4me paysage constitu de jardins de surfaces sur terrains rocheux
dans la rgion de Guemar.
V/ Etude des croissances: gense et formation de la ville
La gense, formation et transformation des villes de la rgion du
Souf sont fortement lies aux conditions naturelles du site et plus
particulirement au climat et la gomtrie des rserves hydriques
naturelles du site combine aux parcours caravaniers.
De par sa morphologie naturelle et la nature de ses sols et de ses reliefs,

lErg oriental, duneux et incertain, se prtait beaucoup moins aux

dplacements des caravanes et des voyageurs que lErg occidental qui
tait travers par la majorit des routes caravanires.
sur la morphologie urbaine de ces centres et plus particulirement sur
la conguration de leurs limites.
Cest ainsi que ces centres urbains traditionnels, sans fortications
priphriques prsenteront une structure urbaine au trac orthogonal,
constitue de limites ouvertes formes de parcours, de ghouts et
de cimetires, ainsi que denceintes de maisons, contrairement
aux ksours situs dans lErg occidental dont lenceinte urbaine tait
particulirement fortie.
La premire phase doccupation du territoire, phase de nomadisme,
avait vu natre la forme dexploitation agricole saisonnire particulire
(ghout) qui a donn son originalit au Souf.
Elle fut suivie par limplantation des premiers tablissements humains
de la rgion du Souf qui sest faite le long des principaux parcours
territoriaux. Les villes les plus importantes sont situes aux sommets du
triangle form par ces parcours.
La lecture des liens qui unissent la forme et la structure de ces villes
leur territoire et leur
histoire constitue lobjectif de ltude de leur croissance base sur les
traces, les tracs, les prexistences historiques et la mmoire du lieu
dveloppant ainsi plusieurs niveaux de lecture direntes chelles.
Labsence de documents historiques et iconographique permettant
de retracer le processus de la gense et de lvolution historique
de ces centres traditionnels a ncessit un investissement in situ
Le relev urbain et architectural, appuy par des enqutes au sein de la
population et des collectivits civiles culturelles et religieuses, a permis
la collecte puis le traitement dinformations qui, combines avec des
documents crits littraires et historiques de la priode prcoloniale
ainsi que les documents crits et graphiques de la priode coloniale
(tudes, photos ariennes, photos de villes et ddices, cartes, schmas,
relevs, tmoignages etc.) ont permis de formuler puis (parfois) de
vrier les hypothses ncessaires la lecture diachronique et la
reconstitution du processus dvolution historique de ces centres.
La cartographie actuelle, les photos ariennes rcentes ainsi que les
instruments durbanisme ont permis de complter ltude synchronique
de ces lieux.
Lidentication des caractres spciques qui dnissent, qualient et
dterminent lidentit du lieu dintervention contribue laborer, faute
dune rglementation protgeant ces sites, les premiers instruments
ncessaires la formulation de leur projet de rhabilitation urbaine.
La reconstitution de leurs structures parcellaires constituera la matrice
premire principale ncessaires aux actions urbaines entreprendre
dans une perspective de rcupration des traces et tracs historiques
pour une revalorisation de ces sites.

Marc Cote: Si le Souf mtait cont, Comment se fait et se dfait un paysage. Sad
Hannachi, ditions Mdia- Plus, Constantine, 2006.

Sylvain Malfroy : Lapproche morphologique la ville et au territoire, Zurich 1986.


Morphologie urbaine et parcellaire, Presses universitaire de Vincennes, Novembre 1988
d Alfonso E., Choay F. et Merlin P.


La dnition dune stratgie dintervention.

La denicin de una estrategia de intervencin
Dening a strategy for intervention

George Baird : La parcelle constitue la base de la morphologie urbaine, dans Morphologie

urbaine et parcellaire, Presses Universiaires de Vincennes, Novembre 1988, dE. Alfonso,
F. Choay et P. Merlin

Marc Cote: Si le Souf mtait cont, Comment se fait et se dfait un paysage. Sad
Hannachi, ditions Mdia-Plus, Constantine, 2006.

Idem que 5

Marc Cote: Si le Souf mtait cont, Comment se fait et se dfait un paysage. Sad
Hannachi, ditions Mdia-Plus, Constantine, 2006.


La dnition dune stratgie dintervention.

La denicin de una estrategia de intervencin
Dening a strategy for intervention

Projet dappui au dveloppement local

intgr : Les routes des Ksour
Mme Nesma Brahimi-Bensalem
Architecte-Doctorante au Laboratoire SEDET-CNRS
Charge de Programme PNUD
Adresse courrier lectronique:

1. Introduction
Suite ladoption de la Dclaration du Millnaire, le 13 septembre
2000, par 189 Etats membres, les Agences des Nations Unies ont t
invites contribuer de faon prioritaire la lutte contre la pauvret et
lextrme pauvret.
Le projet pilote Les routes des Ksour , nanc et mis en oeuvre par
le PNUD et le Gouvernement algrien, sinscrit dans le programme de
lUNESCO Le Sahara des cultures et des peuples , valid lors de lAtelier
international organis Ghardaa en 2003.
2. Le Sahara Algrien: dicults de dveloppement
LAlgrie est le deuxime pays dAfrique par sa supercie avec 2.381.741
km2 dont les 4/5 sont occups par le dsert. Le Sahara, qui fait lobjet
de programmes de dveloppement spciques (Programme Grand
Sud), bncie dinvestissements importants pour le dsenclavement
des villages, lamlioration des infrastructures, la mobilisation des
ressources en eau et laugmentation des surfaces agricoles. Ces
eorts du Gouvernement Algrien ont eu pour eet de conrmer la
consolidation des indicateurs macroconomiques et macro nanciers
de ces rgions. Cependant, malgr tous ces eorts, la carte de la
pauvret, labore en 2000, a identi les zones sahariennes comme
les plus fragiles.
Les dicults mobiliser les ressources en eau, le manque de main
doeuvre, le morcellement des terres, lassainissement des zones
urbaines et lurbanisation incontrle, constituent autant de facteurs
de dsquilibre, parfois irrversibles dans ces rgions.
Les mutations socio-conomiques et culturelles ont de nombreuses
consquences pour les populations locales : perte dactivit, absence
de perspectives, expansion dmographique des priphries urbaines
(notamment des chefs-lieux de Wilaya) suite un exode rural des
populations, dvalorisation des activits traditionnelles (levage,
culture du palmier), ingalits conomiques, etc.
Les femmes sont particulirement touches par ces bouleversements
des modes de vie. Elles voient leur espace dintervention et leur pouvoir
de dcision se rduire.
La problmatique centrale, qui ressort de ce constat, est lie la
ncessit de rechercher des alternatives conomiques lagriculture
oasienne en grande dicult et qui ne sut plus subvenir aux besoins
de toute la population.
3. Un patrimoine culturel menac
La menace qui pse sur le patrimoine de ces rgions est une

consquence des contraintes conomiques et sociales cits plus haut.

En eet, les Aghems (ou Ksour), villes traditionnelles forties du Sahara,
qui ont travers des millnaires dexistence dans un milieu hostile nont
pu rsister aux eets induits de la modernisation du pays . Certaines
dentre elles sont dans un tat de dgradation avanc lorsquelles ne
sont pas compltement dsertes par leur population et tombes
en ruine. Ces villes traditionnelles sourent souvent denclavement et
Pourtant leur valeur patrimoniale est inestimable. En eet, ces
architectures de terre, remarquables de par lingniosit des moyens
technologiques dploys dans larchitecture et les infrastructures
hydrauliques telles que les Foggaras, tmoignent aussi dun mode
de vie et dune structure sociale citadine particulirement labors et
adapts ces milieux hostiles. Ils reprsentent vritablement un modle
de dveloppement intgr riche denseignement pour lhumanit
Ce patrimoine culturel unique na cependant pas t jusque l reconnu
comme tel et protg ce jour, hormis quelques cas dexception telle
que la Valle du MZab.
Jusque l, les actions de rhabilitation de certains Ksour par lEtat nont
pas russi compltement a endiguer leur dsertion. Les raisons sont lies
au manque dune approche globale, dans les actions de rhabilitation,
qui prend en compte tous les facteurs socio-conomique, culturel et
participatif susceptibles de garantir lappropriation des projets par les
acteurs locaux. Cest prcisment la dmarche que poursuit le prsent
4. Le projet : le tourisme au centre des activits
Le projet Les routes des Ksour, qui emprunte les antiques routes
commerantes du Sahara sinscrit, dans sa partie algrienne, dans un
vaste territoire qui regroupe quatre wilayas : Bechar, Adrar, Ghardaa et
Il a pour objectif daider les populations locales amliorer leurs
conditions de vie en leur apportant les outils ncessaires pour tre
actrices de leur propre dveloppement. A travers la promotion dun
tourisme responsable, en tant quactivit conomique complmentaire,
il serait possible de lutter ecacement contre la situation de prcarit
des populations locales et de sauvegarder le patrimoine culturel et
naturel local.
Au coeur du projet, onze maisons traditionnelles rparties sur huit ksour
seront rhabilites et reconverties en maison dhtes pour touristes,
en siges dassociation ou en centres dorientation touristique. Un
comuse sur les cosystmes oasiens sera ralis Ouargla. Il viendra
soutenir la cration de labels sur les produits locaux. Un Eductour sera
ralis, ainsi que des sites web ddis au projet.
En partenariat avec lUNESCO, lobjectif est de classer le circuit
touristique de la routes des Ksour sur la liste du patrimoine mondial.
Ce circuit reprendra les traces historiques des majestueuses routes
des caravanes commerciales du Sahara, et redynamisera, travers
un tourisme responsable, le patrimoine de ces magniques rgions
La stratgie globale du projet est base sur trois approches
a. Approche patrimoniale: le patrimoine culturel, facteur de
dveloppement intgral


La dnition dune stratgie dintervention.

La denicin de una estrategia de intervencin
Dening a strategy for intervention

construction en matriaux locaux et linitiation aux mcanismes

nanciers micro-crdit ;
(Matres maons traditionnels);
associations locales.
c. Approche environnementale: un cosystme prserver
problmes environnementaux.
d. Approche touristique: une activit complmentaire
touristiques ;
formation au tourisme ;
Trois orientations stratgiques structurent la dmarche globale du
projet, dans une perspective de dveloppement durable:
a. Le renforcement des capacits des acteurs locaux par leur
appropriation, leur implication et responsabilisation dans toutes
les phases du projet:
Les acteurs locaux, particulirement, les jeunes, les chmeurs et
les femmes, participent la dnition, au montage, la gestion et
lorientation du projet travers des associations mobilises. Ces
dernires dlguent par la suite une association la responsabilit de
lanimation oprationnelle du projet grce la formation des cadres
dlgus la gestion de projet. Lautre niveau de limplication des
populations locales est la formation des bnciaires.
Au niveau des cadres responsables, la parit homme-femme est
recherche. De ce point de vue, le projet vise mettre en place des
mcanismes qui permettent laccs des femmes toutes les tapes du
b. Le dveloppement dune pdagogie active base sur le principe
de la formation-action:
Le second plan est la sensibilisation et la formation continue des
acteurs locaux. De lidentication la mise en uvre en passant par
la conception, la fabrication, la promotion, la commercialisation et
lvaluation, les produits sont crs selon des techniques prouves
et sont adaptes aux enjeux du dveloppement local de la zone.
La formation-action et la pdagogie active vitent de plaquer des
rponses toutes faites sur les ralits locales et devraient permette de
dvelopper lautonomie et ladaptabilit des participants.
c. Le renforcement de partenariats avec les collectivits locales et
les partenaires de coopration
Le projet concerne plus particulirement certains Ksour, toutefois il mise


sur les changes des savoirs et de savoir-faire entre les dirents sites,
ainsi que sur leet dentranement des actions engages, notamment
grce une mise en rseau des villes et des espaces ruraux (par le biais
du mouvement associatif principalement).
Plusieurs chantiers coles et de volontariats prvues dans le projet
permettront de mettre en place un rseau dchange dexprience
entre les populations des rgions du sud et les partenaires des autres
5. Actions ralises ce jour :
Le projet a t lanc en n 2005. Les principales activits qui ont t
lances portent sur lorganisation de chantiers coles impliquant de
jeunes volontaires pour le nettoyage des palmeraies, la plantation des
afregues (lutte contre lensablement) et le dsensablement des
Une partie du Ksar dAghled, Timimoun a t rhabilite en ateliers
dartisanat et salle dexposition pour les femmes. Des chantiers
de rhabilitation de puits historiques et la ralisation dun centre
dorientation touristique Ghardaa sont en cours. Trois habitations ont
t converties en maison dhtes Taghit.
Un guide sur les techniques de restauration traditionnelle a t ralis.
Cinq tudes ont t menes, portant principalement sur la restauration
de larchitecture traditionnelle, la prservation des palmeraies et la
rhabilitation des foggaras.
Des formations au prot des associations locales ont t dispenses.
Dans le cadre du renforcement de partenariat avec le secteur prive,
deux conventions ont t signes entre le PNUD et deux compagnies
ptrolires (STATOIL et ANADARKO).
Pour lanne 2007, les principales actions portent sur lorganisation
dateliers de formation sur les aspects lis au tourisme responsable.
Dans le cadre du renforcement de la coopration, un atelier rgional
avec le CERKAS Maroc et un voyage dtude pour les gestionnaires des
ksour, sur la promotion et le dveloppement intgr des Ksour seront
organiss. Un colloque international sera organis sur le thme du
secteur sauvegard de la valle du MZAB.

La dnition dune stratgie dintervention.

La denicin de una estrategia de intervencin
Dening a strategy for intervention

Protection and valorization of common

housing and regional architecture.
State and perspectives of the university
research in Italy
Carlo Aymerich
Carlo Aymerich is full professor at the University of Cagliari and
he is the Dean of the Faculty of Architecture. Scientic Director of
many rehabilitation projects in traditional heritage and industrial
archaeology and author of several books, monographies, articles and
reports about the connections between context and architecture,
design and technology, with specic attention to the traditioninnovation relationships.
Department of Architecture, University of Cagliari Piazza DArmi 16
09123 Cagliari (ITALY)
E-mail address:
cell. +39 3356208011

During the second half of the past century, the architecture has been
characterized by the enlargement of the gap between the historical
heritage and the new building production. A conspicuous part of this
estate basic housing and historical architecture of the minor centres
has been left to decay and obsolescence, when preference turned to
the outbreak of large suburbs. These were featured with new imported
types, techniques and characters, imposed by a process often led
by speculative advantages. Only since a few decades, with the crisis
of modernity, a renovated production system is risen, based on local
identities and resources, turned towards the re-use of local materials
and to the knowledge, the protection and the valorisation of the
architectural heritage. This new culture is also directed to answer the
question of the environmental compatibility of building with the aim
both of optimisation of typologies versus the local techniques and the
existing housing, and of valorisation of the demand of sustainability
and energy saving.
Nowadays, a great number of Departments and Research Bodies
in Italian Universities are deeply involved on these arguments, often
operating with shared methodologies to produce a network of
knowledge, where the dierent local contents are classied, analysed
and compared. An investigation is also conducted, that considers the
traditional architecture of the Mediterranean environment, looking at
similarities, relationships and precedents. Starting on the 80ties, the
Department of Architecture and the Faculty of Architecture of the
University of Cagliari produced a great number of studies concerning
these arguments. The principal reasons of their interest are directly
connected with the problems of the rehabilitation of a quite large
and typical heritage of traditional-rural architecture. This patrimony

is still reasonably well preserved - thanks to the insulated position of

Sardinia in the centre of the Mediterranean Sea - and could also be
considered like an interesting and paradigmatic eld of application of
recover methodologies. But - as well as for other Mediterranean regions
- a concrete danger of neglect and of replacement with improper
new constructions is quite real. The researches and studies of Cagliari
University have been run in co-operation with a wide representation
of Sardinia public institutions (among others, the Region of Sardinia,
the Network of Earthen Towns, counting at the moment more than 15
Communes, the Building School of Cagliari that allowed the set up of a
laboratory for tests and environmental performances).
Starting from this basis, in 2004, the Cagliari Department coordinated
ve more university teams in a more wide research program. This was
entitled: Protection and valorisation of common housing and regional
dene operatively a set of coordinated instruments in order to face, in
a wide geographical italian context, the questions connected to the
preservation of the regional heritage, looking at the dierent characters,
techniques, materials and typologies in many regional contexts and
historical minor centres, suitably located in the national territory. The
researches started with a wide and well articulated range of surveys
and analyses of cases of study, well placed in a large extension of the
italian peninsula, from Veneto to Emilia - Romagna, Abruzzo and Molise,
Puglia, and the major islands, Sicilia and Sardegna. These represent
a considerable number of contexts which the six Research Units
(Bologna, Ferrara, LAquila, Bari, Palermo and Cagliari) were in a right
condition to face up. The aim rose specically, from the necessity to set
out both an operative framework of tradition - innovation comparison
and a renewed directory of criteria, proceedings and rules for the
recover and the conservation of the traditional architecture. The nal
issue was to congure a compatible and appropriated re-use of the
building heritage. This should aect the historical features as well as
the environmental protection and the themes of sustainability and the
save of energy. In such a meaning, the six Research Teams used the
respective local contexts for tests and developed more items inside a
common methodology with the aim to integrate and to enlarge the
know-how of a subject regarding quite a large extension of national
territory (Fig.1).
More particularly, the specic issues of the research were: a) to identify
a code about the typological order, the environmental characters
and the process of growth of the basic architectural features in minor
environments; b) to study the building characters belonging by the use
of the natural and local materials; c) to point out the transformation,
growth and decay issues; c) to investigate about the lines for the
rehabilitation of basic building structures, and to establish the standards
and the design codes concerning the recover, including the addition
of new building elements; d) to identify standards and criteria for the
valuation of the environmental compatibility of the technological
components according to the sustainability. The research was focused
on the rehabilitation residential architecture required by the new needs
of energetic balance and environmental preservation. In this meaning it
concerned: the new needs of inhabitants, the technological innovation
and the updating of the building processes, the contemporary
development of new building quality and environmental requirements,
in the sense of a better integration with the historic architectural context.
All Units followed criteria of typological performance homogeneity and
elaborated local repertoires of the building types and of the constructive


La dnition dune stratgie dintervention.

La denicin de una estrategia de intervencin
Dening a strategy for intervention

methods, in form of Abacus or Atlas, illustrating and giving a analytic

description of characters, formal elements, materials, techniques and
performances (Fig.2 ; Fig.3).
The research ended in November 2006 and its nal outputs are now
in press.
A more recent line of studies rose in response to the needs expressed
by the up-to-date regulatory standards concerning the protection and
the valorisation of the rural landscapes. The current regional building
and town-planning regulations and the national legislation for the
substantial changes that have been made to the previous legislative
framework. Local authorities in Italy demand specic studies on
the nature of settlements and on the environmental and landscape
features, in order to adapt planning procedures accordingly to
formulate and to implement the projects for protection, rehabilitation
and upgrade. This involves the making, at dierent levels and ways,
of a general rehabilitation of the existing building heritage and the
renewal of criteria and guidelines for new buildings. In this optic, are
usual and justied the researches that open the debate towards the
protection of the environment and of the landscape (Fig.4). Actually, it
is the landscape that performs a primary role in planning to ensure the
sustainability of architectural interventions. All operations on existent
rural building heritage need the denition not only of quantitative
parameters, that can be referred to dierent procedure of intervention,
but mostly of qualitative ones. It regards the possibility to transform
the compatibility of solutions in order to re-centralize the plan as
the making of a transformation-conservation that follows the rules,
protects the context capabilities, and guarantees the sustainability of
the induced processes.
The new Environmental Code, the Instructions for preservation and
improvement of rural architecture, that is already considered in the
Code of Laws concerning Cultural and Environmental Heritage
(Presidents of Sardinia Region Decree), the Executive Order of the Italian
Minister for Cultural Heritage and Activities (named: Individuation of
dierent typologies of rural architecture on national territory and denition
of technical-scientic principles of intervention); the Regional Landscape
Plan, issued by Sardinia Regional Government in 2006, conrm the
broadening of preservation towards everything that can be considered
a valid testimony of historical process of territorial anthropization;
on the other side, predisposes operative instruments that permit to
guarantee the respect of local typological-constructive values.
The studies on typological reading of settlements and building
traditions on national territory, in the centres of its rural areas, dene
a reference frame, to be set in signicant models of architectural
and technological language, supplemented with characterization
of the traditional construction modalities and of the history, seen
like the specic inventory of the dierent realities. The previous
researches supplied an important quantity of data referring to regional
architectures, concentrated or diuse on rural and coastal landscapes
and on territories outside areas of the larger towns. All these data
represent a cognitive background that illustrate diusely a very recent
situations. Starting from these knowledges it has been really possible
to formulate operative hypothesises and indications of signicant
applicability for the nowadays questions. These are the subject of a
new research programme, the Department of Architecture of Cagliari
already started in January 2007, with the participation of several italian
and foreign researchers focused on the environmental rehabilitation


of settlement structures and rural landscape in the regional context

of Sardinia. The research should terminate at the end of the year and
must deliver the Handbooks for the Recover for a high number of
sub-regions of Sardinia. The handbooks will be adopted by the local
administration of the municipalities like the principal instrument to the
control of the development of territory and settlements.

La dnition dune stratgie dintervention.

La denicin de una estrategia de intervencin
Dening a strategy for intervention

Fig. 1. Terrace houses in the territory of Madonie, Sicily (Research Unit of the University of

Fig. 2. Analytic Form for the village of Casteldimezzo, Romagna Region (Research Unit of the
University of Bologna).

Fig. 3. Typological analysis of the village of Castelvecchio Calvisio, Abruzzi Region (Research
Unit of the University of LAquila).

Fig. 4. Rural landscape in Montiferru area in Sardinia Region. (Research Unit of the University
of Cagliari).


La dnition dune stratgie dintervention.

La denicin de una estrategia de intervencin
Dening a strategy for intervention

La rehabilitation du territoire
A travers le dpassement des
dsquilibres structurels introduits par
la colonisation

Yassine Ouagueni

1. De la rhabilitation
Lexprience directe et continue, entretenue dans le vcu quotidien
avec les dices hrits du pass, nous familiarise certainement avec
la notion de rhabilitation. Car la rhabilitation applique ldice
est plus vidente, plus immdiate la comprhension, en raison de sa
pratique diuse au niveau individuel.
Ainsi, la rhabilitation, qui sapplique gnralement la maison
produite une phase historique antrieure, est une action qui consiste
amliorer les conditions dhabitabilit par leur mise en conformit1
avec le concept actuel de maison2.
Quand il sagit dune chelle plus importante, celle de lagrgat (tissu
urbain), la rhabilitation se traduit par la mme notion, mais prend le
soin dintroduire la nuance quand il sagit, paradoxalement, densembles
urbains modernes3 o il est prfr le terme de requalication .
Dune faon gnrale, aussi bien lchelle de ldice que de lagrgat,
la notion de rhabilitation se confond avec celle de rintgration .
2. De la rhabilitation du territoire
Les interventions sur le territoire nont pas coutume de saccommoder
du terme rhabilitation . Lon prfre amnagement , planication
, dveloppement , etc. Cependant, ces termes nexpriment pas le
souci de respecter la double considration suggre par la notion de
rhabilitation : la ncessaire prservation de lhritage historique et
la volont de le conformer au standing actuel.
Toutefois, la rhabilitation du territoire commence simposer dans
certaines tudes spciques de dimension gographique : on parle de
parc , de parc culturel , de paysage , de rgion , en ramenant le
territoire un thme particulier, telle que l architecture rgionale .
Donc, rhabiliter le territoire suppose avant tout lexistence dun
dcalage, traduisible gnralement en terme de fonctionnalit.
Aujourdhui, quand il sagit damnagement du territoire, on parle
explicitement de dsquilibre entre ville et campagne, ou entre
rgions ; mais la vision adopte demeure attache la dmarche
univoque o le nouveau conditionne lancien. Cette attitude,
autrefois en vigueur en urbanisme concernant la question des centres
historiques, appartient dsormais au pass. En revanche, lchelle du
territoire, le recours au lit de Procuste est une dmarche persistante,
une sorte de seconde nature dont il est dicile de se dfaire tant que
les dicults matriser le caractre unitaire dun territoire et saisir sa
ralit dorganisme4 ne sont pas surmontes. Ce nest quainsi que des
objectifs consensuels5 peuvent tre noncs et des mthodologies


3. La rhabilitation du territoire entre spontanit et

Vouloir faire ressortir les dcalages entre deux zones dun mme
territoire, ou dun territoire par rapport un autre (concret ou abstrait),
oblige le pralable de la connaissance du mode de formation et des
transformations successives caractrisant le territoire en tant que
produit historique issu dactions consensuelles (spontanes).
Dans un second moment, il convient de confronter ce type de territoire
avec celui expressment introduit par la colonisation an didentier les
anomalies gnres par le contact des deux modes doccupation et de
consolidation du territoire. Bien qutant de souche mditerranenne,
ces deux modes doccupation du territoire se manifestent parfois
de faon rpulsive et contraignante, en consquence de la nature
spontane du premier et intentionnelle du second.
Car lintention mane dune conscience volontariste et se traduit par
llaboration et la mise en uvre dun projet6.
3.1. Le territoire : produit de la spontanit
En substance, on peut dire que les aires culturelles situes autour du
Bassin Mditerranen partagent, au vu des conditions climatiques et
historiques communes, un mme mode doccupation du territoire qui
sarticule sur des phases aisment identiables comme suit :
1re phase : Apparition de parcours, en correspondance des lignes de
crte, comme premire structure humanis permettant uniquement le
2me phase : Apparition des premiers tablissements sur les hauts
promontoires du fait de la matrise de lagriculture et de llevage. La
localisation de ltablissement en haut promontoire se fait lcart des
grands parcours de crte et en amont des sources deau an de consacrer
lcoulement des eaux exclusivement vers les terres cultives.
3me phase : Apparition de points dchanges localiss en aval,
proximit dun groupe de villages vocation uniquement agricole et
Ces lieux dchanges, judicieusement implants quidistance9 des
tablissements formant un systme lmentaire de voisinage, et
lendroit dun point deau (source ou cours deau), an de permettre
dabreuver les animaux dchange ou de transport, constitueront les
premiers centres proto-urbains qui saniment au gr des saisons et des
jours de semaine.
La tenue du march de faon hebdomadaire est une consquence
de la ncessit dlargir le champ de lchange face la spcialisation
des activits agricoles, dlevage et dartisanat. Ainsi, sopre le passage
de lchange entre tablissements (villages et hameaux) dun mme
systme lmentaire de voisinage vers un change de ce mme
systme avec dautres systmes semblables appartenant une mme
aire culturelle10.
4me phase : Apparition des grands noyaux urbains, comme lieu de
march principal de plusieurs marchs lmentaires, et de grands
parcours longeant les fonds de valle et ceux reliant les centres
urbains appartenant deux versants opposs dun mme systme
Ainsi, au terme du processus, deux versants aronts (autrefois isols
lun de lautre par la prsence dune barrire relativement infranchissable
impose par un cours majeur) nissent en aval par dvelopper un
point commun dchanges qui tendra rduire lintensit des relations

La dnition dune stratgie dintervention.

La denicin de una estrategia de intervencin
Dening a strategy for intervention

entre deux versants dune mme montagne. Ce fait est semblable

celui enregistr dans un tissu urbain en cours de consolidation, o les
habitants de maisons occupant deux rues parallles dun mme lot
nissent par prendre de la distance dans leur relation lavantage de
ceux den face.
A ce stade, les fonds de valles principaux, notamment dans les endroits
largis dots daires cultivables, et dans les plaines, deviennent le sige
fonction des distances temporelles, englobe parfois plusieurs aires
culturelles. Les cas dextrme dilatation spatiale des grandes villes
ctires sont vriables dans le Tell avec lquidistance dOran, Alger et
Annaba. Puis, chacune de ces villes ctoie une autre grande ville, placs
lintrieur du pays, qui atteste de la rivalit de deux systmes : lun
orient vers la mer, et lautre, vers lintrieur du pays.
Ces deux structures territoriales correspondent des situations
historiques direntes de lAlgrie. Elles tmoignent de la variation
structurelle localisation des ples et des parcours - en fonction de la
suprmatie de lun des deux types dchanges : maritimes (occidentaux)
ou terrestres (orientaux et africains). Dans les deux cas, les Hauts
Plateaux et, dans un degr moindre, le Tell (rgion montagneuse du
Nord), ont constitu des zones dattrait pour les nomades leveurs du
grand Sahara. Cependant, cet quilibre entre agriculteur et leveurs,
entretenu depuis des millnaires, sera rompu graduellement en moins
dun sicle de colonisation par lintroduction dun rgime dexploitation
agricole donnant le dos lintrieur du pays - ou mieux, le cur du pays
- pour sorienter exclusivement vers lEurope.
3.2. Le territoire : produit de lintentionnalit
Loccupation intentionnelle repose sur la planication ; une planication
qui progresse par ajustement de sa dmarche sans perdre du vue ses
La colonisation de lAlgrie, quelle soit romaine ou franaise, tait
oriente vers les grandes plaines dj occupes par les autochtones.
Ces terres, qui constituaient lenjeu principal sur lequel reposait le
bien-tre dune socit, reprsentaient - par le fait dtre la dernire
phase de loccupation du territoire, autrement dit le niveau de progrs
le plus abouti le lieu de confrontation o sexercera la suprmatie du
Stratgie oblige, la pntration emprunte les fonds de valles ; et la
domination eective procde par loccupation et la consolidation, non
sans violence, des hauteurs avant de sinstaller dans les plaines.
Loccupation militaire dAlger et de son massif en 1830 montre
linvitable recours au processus propre loccupation spontane du
Donc, ce nest quaprs avoir consolid les positions de crtes, an den
tirer les avantages de position oertes par la morphologie naturelle du
territoire, que la domination totale a pu tre envisage. Ainsi, les petites
plaines proximit dEl Djazar El Hamma, Zeralda et Rassauta11seront investies avant de voir la grande plaine de la Mitidja occupe
non sans grandes dicults12.
Il est important de souligner que, comparativement la facilit daccs
et dtablissement des structures ralises sur des promontoires,
correspondant la deuxime phase de loccupation spontane, les
structures humanises successives (parcours, parcellarisation agricole
et tablissements humains) implantes dans les plaines, ncessitent
cause de leur haut niveau darticialit face lhostilit de la nature,
des actions permanentes dentretien . Ce dernier nest pas un acte

absolument technique, mais relve dune sensibilit culturelle qui

accorde une signication propre au rapport entretenu avec la nature
ainsi quau cortge des solutions techniques labores au l du temps
par plusieurs gnrations au point o il nous est permis de les identier,
selon notre point de vue, comme tant des types ; autrement dit,
un ensemble de faits corrls et tablis de faon consensuelle en vue
de rpondre une exigence partage dans une aire gographique
donne un moment donn.
Au terme de loccupation coloniale du Tell, la rpartition des Algriens
et de colons se prsente comme suit :
- Les colons occupent les structures appartenant la 3me et la 4me
phases du type territorial produit spontanment : les centres de
fonds de valles principales et des plaines ; les militaires ajouteront
les centres prexistants des hautes plaines et des hauts fonds de
- Les autochtones sont cantonns dans les structures des premire et
seconde phases ainsi que certains centres dans les fonds de valles.
Ces derniers, ns spontanment comme des lieux de march, seront
utiliss durant la guerre de libration pour caser les populations des
hauts promontoires dans des constructions de fortune an de vider
les montagnes devenues le lieu de la rsistance.
3.3. Limpact de loccupation coloniale sur lquilibre territorial14
Tout dabord il faut prciser que loccupation spontane dun territoire,
qui tend toujours englober les phases existante dans les suivantes
selon une dynamique base sur la recherche de lunit et de la
cohrence, peut parfois provoquer des dcalages entres les structures
primaires (1re et 2me phases) et les structures de fond de valle (3me et
4me phases) par le glissement des populations vers le bas et labandon
des promontoires. En eet, cela se vrie rarement dans le Tell, mais
constitue une rgle courante dans le Sahara en raison de laridit du
Mais ce processus dabandon au prot de la plaine peut tre aussi
provoqu soudainement par les consquences dune stratgie ignorant
le comportement de lhumain. Pour mieux saisir la force traumatisante
du dferlement des populations paysannes vers les centres urbains au
lendemain de lindpendance, il sut dimaginer leet du phnomne
de la digue naturelle .
Lanalogie avec leet de digue naturelle est ici permis dans la
mesure o lcart creus entre les centres urbains implants dans les
fonds de valles et les plaines avec les tablissements de haut et de bas
promontoires, assur par le maintien de populations autochtones dans
les rserves montagneuses, sest subitement rompu la libration du
pays en dversant dans un laps de temps relativement trs court des
masses considrables de populations rurales vers les centres urbains
La rappropriation des tendues agricoles et des centres urbains ne
sest pas droule de faon graduelle, an de permettre lintgration
ncessaire des structures conqurir dans les existantes dans une
situation normale, cest bien linverse qui se produit - et de garantir
moment par moment laboutissement la formation dun organisme
territorial dot de toutes les valeurs du type . Il sagit dune rue
vers la plaine qui contribuera vider les structures des hauts et bas
promontoires (villages et hameaux) et accentuer la marginalisation16.
Sur un autre versant du problme qui nous proccupe, cest--dire la
rhabilitation territoriale, il est ncessaire dvoquer, au-del de limpact
physique gnr par loccupation coloniale, celui dordre culturel que


La dnition dune stratgie dintervention.

La denicin de una estrategia de intervencin
Dening a strategy for intervention

certains chercheurs bienveillants17 ont gravement fait remarquer aux

jeunes nations ayant recouvert leur indpendance. Cest lapparition de
prjugs qui tendent enlever au patrimoine autochtone la crdibilit
assumer la modernit. Cest la reconduction dune nouvelle forme de
marginalisation de tout le patrimoine architectural vernaculaire. Les
consquences dun tel sentiment, dont la nature est bien connue dans
le cercle des adeptes de lanthropologie fonctionnaliste, savreront
plus diciles rhabiliter que les structures tangibles du territoire.
3.4. Rhabiliter, comment ?
La rfrence au modle thorique sur loccupation spontane du
territoire a permis didentier les anomalies structurelles introduites
par la colonisation. Rhabiliter le territoire ne signie pas le retour vers
la conguration structurelle davant 1830 ; mais plutt de rparer les
points de ruptures (potentialisation des centres urbains mineurs de
haute valle) et de consolider les zones marginalises dans le but de
retrouver la continuit et lunit propres lorganisme territorial. Cette
dmarche, base sur une vision globale intresse aussi bien par la
conservation et la mise en valeur du patrimoine bti vernaculaire
(tablissements humains et parcours) que lintgration des lments
de la modernit, mettra le territoire daujourdhui labri dune
conception malheureuse de la planication qui opre souvent par
addition dactions juxtaposes considres dans les limites des grands
centres urbains et dont la problmatique est rduite parfois des
questions dordre urbanistique.
En somme, le devenir des structures de montagne ne peut dpendre
que dune stratgie de planication, reformul sous loptique de la
structures de plaine.
Pour cela, il convient de reconnatre que la crise urbaine en Algrie,
qui se caractrise par un tat de dysfonctionnements divers et un
dcit consquent assez important en logements, ne peut trouver de
rponse durable qu travers la transposition du problme, de lchelle
de la ville vers le territoire, en axant les eorts sur la rhabilitation des
tablissements de haut et de bas promontoires et les centres mineurs
de haute valle.

2me phase de loccupation du territoire

4me phase de loccupation du territoire-Lieu des enjeux

Village des montagnes de Kabylie lpoque coloniale


Village des montagnes de Kabylie aujourdhui

La dnition dune stratgie dintervention.

La denicin de una estrategia de intervencin
Dening a strategy for intervention

Mditerran et Tourisme de Masse

Arbil Otkunc
Architecte, Etudiante de Doctorat au Laboratoire Cultures
Constructives, Ecole Nationale Suprieure dArchitecture de Grenoble
(Universit Pierre Mends France).
Exprience Professionnelle: 2003-2007, Universit de Beaux-Arts de
Mimar Sinan (Turquie), Assistante au dpartement de Conception de
Btiment, Thorie et Mthodologie
Education: 20022005, Universit de Beaux-Arts de Mimar Sinan,
Institut de la Science et de Technologie, Master [Thse: Les Places
Employs en Transit; Les Non-lieux dans lArchitecture Moderne ]
20022004, Ecole dArchitecture et de Paysage de Bordeaux (France),
Master, Patrimoine Bti et Risques Naturels Majeurs
19962002, Universit de Mimar Sinan, Dpartement dArchitecture.
Adresse postale:
Chez M. et Mme Kursan; 18, Rue Conrad Killian, 38950 Saint Martin Le
Vinoux, France.
Adresse courrier lectronique:
(00 33) 06 29 71 07 15

Lvaluation des sujets du patrimoine bti et de larchitecture
contemporaine de la Mditerran attire notre attention -premirementaux eets de Tourisme de Masse. Parce que le tourisme de masse
implique laccommodation et les excursions des groupes serrs,
organiss par les oprateurs de tour et nglige lidentication de la
culture, le mode de vie, lhritage historique de la rgion visite.
Aujourdhui, la question pose trs souvent est: Est-ce que le tourisme
est une chance ou une menace pour la continuit et la durabilit de
lhritage historique?
Pour discuter ce sujet, il parait ncessaire de revoir la notion de tourisme
de masse travers les notions de lieu et de non-lieu. Il me semble que,
grce cette approche, on peut comprendre les transformations dont
la Mditerran est en face.
Le tourisme est lactivit dune personne qui voyage pour son agrment,
visite un lieu autre que le sien... Au XXIe sicle, justi par son importance
conomique, le phnomne de tourisme de masse des programmes
(tout est inclus) intresse des millions de personnes tant producteurs,
serveurs et consommateurs et leur environnement bti. Quand la
politique de tourisme dun pays est oriente vers un modle o le
patrimoine bti est conu comme un objet de commerce; larchitecture
traditionnelle tant en relation directe avec cette politique risque dtre
aecte dune manire incontournable.

Souvent lpoque pr-moderne, les personnes qui rendaient visite les

villes de lhritage historique pouvaient participer dune manire active
la vie actuelle quotidienne. Mais, au XXIe sicle, les nombreux groupes
de touristes voyagent en suivant un programme de rcration;
deviennent consommateurs (Urry, 1999:181-182) /spectateurs du
tourisme superciel avec guide demploi en main.
Comme rsume Tanyeli (2004/07-08: 74-77), pour le premier cas,
le touriste est le sujet du tourisme et pour le second il est lobjet.
Apparemment, le Tourisme de masse risque de transformer
les cultures locales en spectacles bon march pour les villes
Mditerranennes1(Suer, Sayar, 2002: 43-46)
Initialement, il me semble important de revoir les notions de lieu
et de non-lieu pour crer un cadre thorique pour examiner les
transformations cres par le tourisme de masse Mditerran.
Lieu est dni premirement comme caractrisation dune portion
de lespace identiable repre par rapport elle-mme, son
environnement, son usage, aux vnements quelle a accueilli, etc.
(lexilogos, 2007) Mais il ne faut pas omettre que les caractristiques
socioculturels et conomiques sont aussi importantes. Toutes ces
proprits permettent chaque lieu dtre unique. Comme le prcise
Norberg-Schulz (1980) lobjectif de larchitecture est rendre visible le
genius loci; crer des lieux qui ont de sens. Daprs lui, il existe trois
valeurs importants pour comprendre la valeur de genius loci : sens,
identit et histoire.
Depuis la modernit, les questions sur lespace, le lieu, le contexte
et leur relation sont de plus en plus discuts. Les issues comme la
transformation didentit des villes, des valeurs locales socioculturelles
et architecturales; lappartenance au lieu causent la naissance de
nouvelles notions comme non-lieux.
Marc Aug (1997) parle de non-lieux pour dsigner les espaces
EQPTTET EF MFVS TFOT  TBOT VTBHF, que produisent les nouvelles
chelles de communication et de dplacement dans les socits postindustrielles.
Le lieu qui se formait comme le rsultat des activits humaines
individuelles ou collectives (au monde traditionnel) est aujourdhui
reconstruit, reprsent et transform en un objet de marketing.
Mditerrane, est un excellent laboratoire pour observer la
transformation entre les espaces et le lieu qui craient un aspect unique
Actuellement, la croissance de tourisme de masse internationale
manires direntes: Premirement, la consommation des centresvilles historiques comme ville-muses; et deuximement, la masse
production des villages de vacances.
Il me semble que la comparaison de ces exemples de point de vue
de rupture/ continuit de la relation entre le lieu et lespace sont trs
intressantes tudier pour former un ensemble la n.
I. Centre Historique comme Ville-muse
Transformation et vente des villes mditerranennes (ou des
morceaux de ville) comme un objet touristique ou documentaire; la
sparation des produits architecturaux de leur contexte, la conception
des monuments historiques comme des objets de marchandise sont


La dnition dune stratgie dintervention.

La denicin de una estrategia de intervencin
Dening a strategy for intervention

tous dans le domaine de discussion de ce sujet.

masses damateurs de voyages... et semblant dcouvrir des choses identiques
en des endroits toujours plus nombreux qui nourrissent le sentiment de la
Le tourisme de masse et la culture de consommation ont un eet ambigu
sur la notion de lieu. Dans ce contexte, les villes Mditerranennes de
Turquie sont des tudes de cas trs riches avec leur gographie et
paysage intressants; lhabitat et sources naturelles riches pour toutes
sortes dactivits; longue ligne de ctes; plusieurs traces de lhritage
culturelle historique datant depuis lge nolithique; la varit des
groupes sociales distinctives et leur environnement bti...
Transformer larchitecture traditionnelle mditerranenne la
marchandise touristique ou lobjet documentaire comme dans
les villes-muses o -on peut dire que- la vie de la socit locale est
absente et les btiments sont spars de leur contexte risque de nir
par crer des non-lieux en Turquie surtout depuis les annes 1980.
La prise en considration du lieu et des formes dchanges contractes
entre les acteurs en prsence, les locaux et les usagers est trs
importante. Lenjeu concerne le poids donn au patrimoine, aux acteurs
locaux et lidentit du lieu dans la dclinaison des formes de gestion.
II. Les Villages de Vacances (avec frontires dnies)
Des complexes (comme des villages de vacance, les chanes dhtels)
quon peut appeler les non-lieux envahissent une grande vitesse
les ctes mditerranens de Turquie. Ces villages ont peu de relation
organique avec leur environnement et sont peu aects des conditions
physiques et sociales qui lentourent. Les segments de dirents
tablissements comme les copies de Topkapi Palace, Kremlin Palace
etc. sont aussi des exemples ce sujet.
tentant de donner lillusion dune vie de village prserve.2
Cette norme dtablissement est cre cause de la recherche de
scurit parmi plusieurs autres raisons.
Comme prcise Guzer (2000:60-61), paradoxalement, on essaie de
prsenter le plus souvent la notion de localit dans les btiments de
tourisme. Cette notion de localit devient une matriel de consommation
prioritaire du tourisme et de reproduction de lidentit.
Mais, il ne faut pas omettre que, de point de vue de la durabilit de
lhritage historique, ces approches ont aussi atteint une tape de
saturation; et dautres intrts apparaissent pour le tourisme alternatif.
Le pourcentage de tourisme dans lconomie du monde augmente
de plus en plus3 (Inceoglu, 2006:6), et les pays mditerranens sont
en comptition pour augmenter leur part. Certains pays emploient la
mthode de baisser leur prix. Pourtant les notions sur les quels tous
les pays doivent insister sont le dveloppement durable du patrimoine
bti, sensibilit conomique et cologique en mme temps, la qualit


La prservation de lidentit de larchitecture traditionnelle la

Mditerran malgr les conceptions de design qui ne sont pas
dusager variable etc. occupe depuis longtemps lesprit des architectes.
Les solutions proposes peuvent tre formels, en imitant les btiments
traditionnels. Mais il peut aussi y avoir des solutions qui prennent en
considration la valeur/ lessence de lieu; la culture, le tissu urbain, le
climat, les matriaux de la rgion.
Il est ncessaire de chercher un nouveau point de vue, mthode
dapproche, pour comprendre les transformations territoriales et
architecturales des villes mditerranens. Il me semble que, mettre la
notion de lieu au centre dune mthode peut ouvrir plusieurs portes
pour acqurir un meilleur niveau de rhabilitation.
aborder la question de la connaissance des espaces la Mditerran,
partir de leurs composantes concrtes et sensibles. Cela peut nous aider
la n crer une plateforme pour la discussion de transformations
dont larchitecture mditerranenne est en face.

- AUG, MARC (1997), Non-lieux, Introduction une Anthropologie de la Surmodernit, Paris,
Editions du Seuil, 1992.
- GUZER, C. ABDI (2000), Yer Kavramna Kar Bir Yap: Otel [Un Btiment Contre La Notion de
Lieu: Htel], XXI, 07-08.
- IBELINGS, HANS (2003), Supermodernisme, LArchitecture lre de la globalisation, Traduction:
Vincent Brunetta, NAi publishers, Rotterdam.
- INCEOGLU, NECATI (2006), Turizm Mimarlk ve Kimlik Sorunlar [Tourisme, Architecture et les
Problmes dIdentit], Colloque de Tourisme et dArchitecture, Antalya, Avril.
- NORBERG-SCHULZ CHRISTIAN, Genius Loci: Towards a Phenomenology of Architecture, 1980,
Rizzoli Intl Pubns.
- SUER, DURRIN; Sayar, Yasemin Yilmaz (2002), Kuresel Sermayenin Yeni Tuketim Mekanlari [Les
Nouvelles Espaces de Consommation de la Capitale Globale], Cagdas Mimarlik Sorunlari
Dizisi 3, Mimarlik ve Tuketim, Boyut Yayin Grubu, Istanbul.
- TANYELI, UGUR (2004), Kitle Turizmi ve Yok-mekan Mimarligi [Tourisme de Masse et
lArchitecture de Non-Lieu], Arredamento Mimarlik, 2004/07-08.
- URRY, JOHN (1999), Mekanlari Tuketmek [Consommer Les Espaces], Trad. Rahmi G. Ogdul,
Ayrinti Yay., Istanbul.
-; 23.04.2007

Daprs Suer et Sayar, pour le tourisme de masse le but essential est de satisfaire
lattente de limage locale des touristes. La mission de larchitecte est de crer le dcor
de cette satisfaction. Cest pourquoi, les villages de vacances et les grandes chanes
dhtels, crent et orent des espaces clectiques et collages o sont employs/
simuls les formes locales et traditionnelles, les signes appartenant au lieu... (Suer, Sayar,
2002: 43-46) Ce procs peut tre considr comme la reproduction/ reconstruction/
transformation de lieu.

belings fait la dtermination de cette nouvelle approche en 2002, dans son livre: On ne
peut cependant nier quun grand nombre de projets et de btiments raliss depuis les annes
(p. 143) Les btiments globales, impartiales, neutres, indnies, gnriques, non
symboliques sont de plus en plus rencontrs. (p. 10-11)

Les dveloppements conomiques dans le monde occidental, et la richesse cre en

Russie et les pays arabes par laugmentation du prix de ptrole semblent augmenter

La dnition dune stratgie dintervention.

La denicin de una estrategia de intervencin
Dening a strategy for intervention

Potentialits et perspectives
touristiques du village
Hammam Guergour Stif, Algrie

Abderrahmane Diafat
Mphil. in Architecture, IoAAS, University of York, UK, 1987
Architecte dEtat, IAS - Stif, Algrie1984
Enseignant chercheur, Dpt dArchitecture, Universit de Stif. 1988
Directeur de lInstitut dArchitecture Stif, 1993-95.
Directeur Post-Graduation, IAS Stif, 1992-93.
Membre du Laboratoire PUVIT: Projet Urbain, Ville et Territoire,
Universit de Stif.
Langues: Arabe, Franais, Anglais.
Adresse postale:
Universit de Stif, Stif 19000 Algrie.
Adresse courrier lectronique:
+213 72769510 ou +213 36845725

Cette communication portera sur les centres anciens valeur touristique

certaine en Algrie; pays disposant dune varit de potentialits dont
la valorisation peut induire un dveloppement touristique tendu et
prospre. Ces potentialits rsident dans la beaut et la diversit des
paysages que prsentent les sites ctiers, montagneux, et sahariens,
ainsi que les sources thermales, dont les caractristiques sont multiples
aussi bien sur le plan mdical que sur celui de repos et de dtente. Le
cas du village )BNNBN(VFSHPVSillustre bien cette ralit.
)BNNBN(VFSHPVS recle de ressources touristiques importantes situes
dans un dcor pittoresque naturel. Il se distingue particulirement par
la vocation curative de ses eaux dcouvertes pour la premire fois par
les romains qui ont lu ce site pour dier leur cit et les bains dAdsava.
De rputation plantaire et classe troisimes lchelle mondiale, la
radioactivit de ses eaux sulfates calciques hautement minralises
permettent une large carte de soins aux curistes et permet de traiter,
au moyen de la crnothrapie ou de la physiothrapie, les maladies
rhumatologiques, neurologiques ou encore dermatologiques et
1. Evolution historique :
La premire source thermale a t dcouverte par une Cavalerie romaine
qui eectuait une mission de reconnaissance et de prospection dans
la rgion. Avec leur sens inn de la dcouverte thermale, les Romains
avaient utilis les proprits de ces sources pour traiter leurs citadins
et les colons lgionnaires entre le 2me et le 4me sicle aprs J-C. Les
quatre grandes piscines et salles de repos, dcouvertes par les fouilles
eectues en 1937 et 1938, attestent la prosprit de cette station.

En lan 07 aprs J-C, le bourg romain fut tabli au nord du dl de

Boussellam. Le Municipe fut cr avant lanne 193 et prit le nom
dAdsava Municipium; Sava tant le nom romain de lOued Boussellam
qui creuse la valle.
Le Christianisme t son apparition plus tard et spanouit avec les
vques dAdsava. Ctait la priode de 411 484 aprs J-C et le culte
des martyrs y est grav dans les pierres.
Ce municipe communiquait avec les autres villes romaines par :
t 6OF SPVUF BMMBOU EF Bjaia par (Thighermin - Ouled Mouten) qui
comporte un peu plus loin un embranchement sur 5JLMBU.
Adsava Municipium tait relie Horia (Ain Roua). Elle a t entirement
dtruite la suite dun tremblement de terre, survenu dans la rgion en
lan 419 aprs J-C; terrible destin dune telle cit antique.
)BNNBN(VFSHPVS, linstar des autres rgions de lAlgrie, a consenti
la pntration arabe et au message quelle portait: lgalit des hommes
devant la loi et ladoption dune loi nouvelle qui leur permettaient de
samalgamer librement aux nouveaux venus. Le tmoignage de cette
poque est la prsence des palmiers, signe des expditions musulmanes
eectues dans la rgion.
Au 17me sicle, le Marabout 4JEJ&M%KPVEJ#FMIBEK, issu de la confrrie
des Mourabitounes, vint de 4FHVJB &MIBNSB pour enseigner le Coran
dans la rgion du (VFSHPVS o ses disciples furent nombreux. Il avait lu
domicile au lieu dit la Mdina, un choix judicieux, dict par la ncessite
de sisoler an de se consacrer la mditation, car la Mdina se trouve
sur une partie haute du village, o il rigea lune des plus importantes
coles coraniques de la rgion.
Le #FZEF$POTUBOUJOFa donn 4JEJ&M%KPVEJ la possibilit dentretenir sa
zaoua. Il lui octroya une concession de plusieurs centaines dhectares
de terres dans le %PVBS de "JO5VSL de la commune mixte dite Maadid.
Les descendants de cette famille maraboutique (%KPVEJ) ont leurs parts
de biens jusqu nos jours.
Avant 1947, )BNNBN (VFSHPVS tait un centre rural caractris par
des habitations primitives, faites de pierres autour de la Mosque, sans
latrines et sans gouts. Elles taient au nombre de 55 maisons, soit
environ 270 habitants se trouvant en pleine Mdina. Mais lpoque,
)BNNBN(VFSHPVStait dj connu par la Zaoua de 4JEJ&M%KPVEJet
par les premiers bains publics raliss par les descendants de celui-ci
dans les annes 1930.
Les travaux des services des mines de lAlgrie, commencs en 1947 et
termins en 1949, ont abouti au captage de la presque totalit des eaux.
Les direntes sources ont t regroupes en un grion principal.
En 1950, Melle Guigue, chimiste et chef de laboratoire de service des
mines, a fait connatre les rsultats de ses analyses qui prouvent la
qualit de ces eaux thermales. Durant cette mme anne, la direction
de la sant publique en Algrie, a dcid limplantation, sous forme
de btiments lgers, dun poste dobservation crnothrapique 4JEJ
&M%KPVEJ. La ralisation fut prompte et en un mois environ, un centre
thermal fut construit (VFSHPVS. Le centre a fonctionn durant 8 ans
avant de construire un pont en 1957 an de relier les deux rives de
Boussellam. En 1958, le centre a t incendi par les combattants de
lALN, dans le cadre de la lutte contre le colonialisme Franais pour la
libration de lAlgrie.
A lindpendance du pays en 1962, lhpital na pas t reconstruit et


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cest la Mairie de Bougaa qui va grer les bains traditionnels qui ont t
reconstruits et amnags en 1965.
A partir des annes 1970 et avec le nombre dhabitants croissant,
)BNNBN(VFSHPVSa volu, dune manire spontane, vers (SFHSJB et
Aichoun sur la rive ouest de Boussellam. Le relief accident dune part,
et dautre part le statut de proprit prive des terres ont produit cette
forme urbaine compacte. En 1978, une Mosque a t construite sur
lemplacement mme de lancienne Zaoua de 4JEJ&M%KPVEJ.
2. Dveloppement du tourisme thermal Guergour:
Dans le cadre du dveloppement du tourisme thermal en Algrie, le
gouvernement a dcid, au milieu des annes 1970, la construction
dun complexe thermal au niveau de lancien site romain qui surplomb
le village de )BNNBN(VFSHPVS et qui fut inaugur en Juin 1987. Une
maison de jeune a t galement construite en 1988 et qui devait tre
lorigine un centre de sant.
Des structures dhbergement ont t aussi construites pour pouvoir
accueillir les curistes et les visiteurs dont le nombre augmente danne
en anne. Cest ainsi que lvolution spatiale du village fera de lui un
centre urbain (class commune urbaine en 2002).
Il est noter que lextension de la ville sest faite vers le nord-est (SFHSJB
durant les annes 1970, alors quaujourdhui elle sest arrte cause
du relief et la seule issue se trouve encore vers la partie nord ouest
Aichoun, sur les deux rives.
Ltude de lvolution historique de )BNNBN(VFSHPVSmontre que la
source thermale est la raison dtre du village et que depuis sa dcouverte
elle na cess de prendre de limportance travers les poques. Il est
galement vident que )BNNBN (VFSHPVS possde dimmenses
possibilits touristiques, vu les traces quont laiss les romains et la
diversit de ses richesses (paysage naturel, source thermale, tombe de
4JEJ&M%KPVEJ) qui sont le tmoignage de limportance du site.
La rgion de (VFSHPVS est caractrise par un climat continental
semi-aride : un t chaud et sec, un hiver froid et humide. La rgion
montagneuse de (VFSHPVS reoit environ 700mm de pluie en moyenne
annuelle durant la priode hivernale do le dbit apprciable de
Oued Boussellam. Par contre, la temprature augmente sensiblement
durant la priode estivale. La prsence de %KFCFM (VFSFGF couvre une
partie du village ((SFHSJB), ainsi la dure densoleillement est diminue
en hiver comme en t, mais une fracheur est procure en t. La
prsence de lOued en apporte galement sa fracheur. Lexistence des
poulaillers en face des vents dominants (nord ouest) en hiver ramne
malheureusement de mauvaises odeurs au village.
Le relief de la rgion est trs vallonn cause des montagnes et des
gorges creuses par Oued Boussellam. Le village se trouve sur une
assiette coince entre deux montagnes avec une altitude variant entre
600m et 1050m. Le village est scind en deux parties (est et ouest) par
Oued Boussellam. Elles sont relies par un pont pitonnier (Aichoun la
Mdina), et un autre pont mcanique ( 300m) qui est relativement loin
par rapport au centre de vie.
Les sources primitives : lOued et la source curative exploite depuis
lpoque romaine, totalisent un dbit de 700 litres par minute. Mais
les travaux mens par les Franais en 1950 et la dcouverte de 11
sources ont augment ce dbit 2500 litres par minute. Leau potable
est amen dune source distante de prs de 2km nomme
, le dbit est trs largement susant. Le systme dgout draine les
eaux uses thermales des bains la rivire, et reoit par ailleurs une
importante partie des eaux du grion (environ 4000m3\jours).


Ce merveilleux site ncessite un environnement attractif, dot

dinfrastructures et dquipements adquats an de contribuer
lpanouissement conomique du village et de ses habitants.
Lorganisation, lexpansion et le dveloppement des potentialits
et perspectives touristiques )BNNBN (VFSHPVS dpendent de
nombreux facteurs sociaux, conomiques et politiques.

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Sustainable Development for

Rehabimed through Tourism
Prof. Dr. Mahmoud Fathi El Alfy
Professor of Islamic Architecture, Zagazig University, Egypt
Lecturer of Architecture Design, Conservation, Rehabilitation, &
Consultant of Supreme Council of Antiquities, Egypt.
Consultant of Engineering for Sharqia Governerate.
Director of Architectural & Planning Center for Studies and Research,
Zagazig University
113 El-Merghani st.-Heliopolis-Cairo-Egypt
E-mail address:
+202 2916044/ +202 4194231

As we enter this late stage of the Rehabimed project, it is appropriate

to evaluate the results and compare them to the desired objective to
achieve sustainable development for the communities of southern
Mediterranean countries in the long term. We refer to the evolution
of the policy of the (EC) European Commission that introduce the
European Neighborhood policy (ENP), and which coincided with the
rst Euro-Mediterranean summit in November 2005. The ENP can be
considered as a new phase by the EC that produced draft action plans
with participating countries with a nancial support mechanism in
December 2004 ENPI.
The paper discusses the Rehabimed project, as a step for achieving
sustainable development, and as it deals with the development and
rehabilitation of traditional architecture and heritage urban sites at
communities of the Mediterranean basin, where the project ended by
implementing four Pilot projects, one of Egypts share rehabilitation
through the development of traditional crafts.
The question is; can the project in its current form, as a model project,
achieve progress even temporary towards sustainable development?
And what can be given and put on the agenda for the future projects
to achieve the goal, i.e. from the viewpoint of the researcher who
discussing the Cairo Pilot project mainly.
Rehabimed Pilot project in Cairo
The overall impact on the inhabitants and artisans occupies the project
building can be recognizes, but it was a big surprise to the study group,
during the visit of H.E the Ambassador of the EC in April 2007 to the site,
and which showed the interest of residents of Abu Takaya alley where
the project located and the neighboring areas through the direct
dialogue with H.E. despite the bad weather conditions that day.
That success of the Pilot project can be summarized as follows;


whether in data collection, diagnoses, planning, design and
scientic cooperation, by interacting between participants and
experts of Rehabimed project.
However, the funds allocated for the implementation were not
enough for making an ideal model that can be trusted. Although the
development of traditional crafts can be a source that assist in the
overall development, but it cannot be relied upon with the other three
sources (Open areas, restoration of building, and rehabilitation of the
urban fabric) in achieving sustainable development, due to its limited
Historical Cairo:
And if we look at the historical Cairo, which the UNESCO considered
as a universal human heritage must be preserved, and where the
Rehadimed Pilot project is located. We can brief the following:
are on Al-Moaez Street and main streets, and are assembled in
the area, and emphasize its special character.
remaining architectural trends over the ages.
lands, and 3 feddans of gardens and open spaces.
whole building area.
occupancy pressure of 2.7 person / room.
main economical activities.
By comparing these gures, it can show how is the bad situation of
this heritage area, and highlights the social and economic realities,
and to justify intervention for re-planning historical Cairo, taking into
account the rapid intervention to retain examples of the heritage
urban fabric and traditional architecture, before demolition. The
research suggests the need to nd a new source of living that suit the
traditional characteristics of the area, and has the nature of continuity,
that commensurate with the level of cultural, educational and crafts of
the inhabitants.
The tourism industry:
The studies and research conducted by experts in various regional
and international forums, conrms that the tourism industry can lead
the development in the communities south of the Mediterranean,
which suers from chronic problems in various sectors. The cultural

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religious concept, which was distorted deliberately through decades

or even centuries, was one of the major causes of disability of these
communities to achieve normal development and growth. Also it was
responsible for negative cultural behavior, and which led to widespread
poverty, reduces the value of work, and the slow absorption of modern
technology, whether in agriculture or industry or education. This gave
the importance to the tourism industry for the development of these
communities, especially as they oer the advantage of the presence of
elements (resource) universally recognized, and also the ease of training
and education necessary for employment in this industry as a whole.
The research proposed intervention in the area functionally, by adding
a new land use, i.e.; Tourism, allowing deductions of land for setting up
hotels at all levels (5-star to 3-star) with all facilities and services.
Studies required:
A rehabilitation project requires (Cairo Pilot project) a comprehensive
planning study to the whole area and the vital surrounding zone. The
study must consider the projects under implementation in the region.
For example, the historical Cairo project which includes the restoration
of monuments, landscaping. Also, the Aga Khan project which is almost
identical to the Rehabimed trend. In addition, the infrastructure projects
being implemented in the area.
Initiating the tourism industry, could raise the standard of living of
the inhabitants, both by making them join the work in this sector,
or their work in traditional crafts and services of the tourism sector
(direct and indirect jobs). For example, 3000 hotel rooms can provide
8000 job opportunities according to the Public Authority for Tourism
Development of Egypt. For the economic feasibility of the project, the

in the tourism industry as the one developed for the European Union
In my opinion the development of communities south of the
Mediterranean is the best, and the humanitarian solution to ensure
the sustainability of development, and thereby achieve security and
prosperity for Europe and the Mediterranean basin.

The European Neighborhood Policy and the Euro-Med Partnership, Op. Cit.
Euro-Med Code of Conduct on countering tourism, the council of EU, Brussels, 28 November
Five years work program, the 10th anniversary Euro-Med summit, the council if EU, Brussels,
28 November 2005.

The Rehabimed Project remains far from the sustainable development
goals of the EC.
The tourism industry can provide sustainable development for future
Rehabimed projects, and raise standard of living, and to maintain the
development of traditional crafts, while ensuring the maintenance and
preservation of monuments and traditional urban fabric, and thus can
achieve the main objective of the EC to the sustainable development
of communities of southern Mediterranean.
Research suggests that in future projects for the rehabilitation of
traditional architecture, especially in the heritage cities, must include a
comprehensive planning study to the area and its vital surrounding zone.
The study should add tourism accommodation to the redistribution of
land uses with preserving the historical heritage and traditional urban
fabric that can be saved (in Cairo case)
The paper calls for overcoming the administrative diculties within
Cairo governorate, Endowments authority and the Ministry of Culture,
which gives a strong impetus for the project. This phase calls also for
the EC to increase the fund required for such large projects.
As we approaching the ENP and ENPI policy of the EC, and whatever
it was an update of the Barcelona conference, or a correction to the
shortcomings and deciencies that resulted from the application,
Can the EC adopt deeper and faster policies to the development of
communities south of the Mediterranean? Is the EC prepared to
develop a strategy for the Mediterranean basin in the southern area


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The triple tourism sustainability. An

exemplication of a Sustainable Tourist

Luna Interlandi
Graduated in Environmental Engineering; PhD student since
November 2004 of the PhD course in Engineering of Hydraulic,
Transport and Territorial Systems, address Territorial systems
government; Territorial planning class assistant for Environmental
engineering course since September 2004
Piazzale V. Tecchio 80 - 80125 NAPOLI (IT)
E-mail address:
+39 081 7682313

The choice of Tourism as a potential strategy for local development
dwells on the consciousness of the more and more important role
of this eld on an economic, social and cultural level: this relevance
is due to the fact that Tourism is linked to a territorial economy that
looks very carefully at local cultural aspect and at the valorisation of
the specic characteristics of places and traditions, thinking that shared
development strategies can be a good basis even for areas with middlestrong disparities compared with the global economic network.
In fact, the attention for Tourism as a phenomena to be known, oriented
and managed, is wider than a local or national scale. The spreading of
the sustainable development concept has generated a renewed interest
in this phenomena at a world level, in part because of the awareness of
the negative environmental eects caused by a mass tourism.
Since 1995, the $IBSUFSGPSB4VTUBJOBCMF5PVSJTN (First World Conference
on Sustainable Tourism, Lanzarote, Le Canarie, Spain) ocially states
tourism as a world phenomena and as an important element for the
socio-economic development.
Under the principles of Agenda 21, the Charter claims that tourism has
to be based on sustainability criteria and that it must estimate its eects
on the cultural heritage and on the elements, the activities and the
traditional dynamics of every local community, respecting this factors
and giving them a central role in the denition of tourist strategies.
Considering that, in order to revalue all the territorial components
that can oer their contribute to a sustainable tourism (respectful of
environment, of culture, of traditions and of local population), even the
product tourism, yield of the so-called Industry of Tourism, asks for a
new kind of tourism, with territorial characteristic, based on dierent
types of supplies and careful about following the aptitudes of the single
places. That means that the demand of space awareness, the ecological
consciousness, the comparison among cultures, the approach with

dierent traditions are constantly growing up, leading to the born of

new tourisms, such as the cultural one, the naturalistic one, the wine
and food one.
According to the data of SVIMEZ (an Association for the industrial
development of the southern Italy), yield of an elaboration of the World
Trade Organisation ones (2003), with around 200 million visitors per
year during the nineties, the Mediterranean basin is the most important
tourist destination worldwide and, according to estimations at 2020, it
will still keep representing a signicant part of the worldwide demand,
that could overcome the 1,5 billion of arrivals. These data bear out the
hypothesis that tourist activity can constitute an important eld of
growing and a common denominator of development and integration
for the whole area.
Tourism and sustainability
holds a diversied naturalistic, environmental and cultural heritage
of exceptional relevance, capable of supporting the development of
a tourist and productive factory. Furthermore, the area benets from
the presence of tourist hubs that can be very attractive because they
are potentially capable of being as catalysts for neighbouring areas as
important or attractive as the rst ones, but less known.
From this point of view we can consider sustainable tourism as a tourism
that can sustain, as the growing demand of an alternative tourism,
that looks at dierent cultures, at local traditions, at open spaces and
that considers territorial peculiarities as an heritage to preserve, acting
on the respect of its active safeguard. The ecotourism, the agrotourism,
the pleasure craft, even the adventure tourism represent chances of
promotion and valorisation of identities and of local peculiarities and
constitute an occasion of integration between local population and
the tourist, invited to feel as a part of the system and as a temporary
According to this, territory and its loading capacity assume a central
role in the tourist supply: in order to minimise the impacts on the land,
necessary a deeply analysis that could understand the potential natural
vocation of an area towards some kind of activities instead of others,
in order to avoid actions of transformation out of territorial context.
In fact, a mistaken intervention is very probably destined to a rapid
decline because both contrary at the bottom up approach and capable
of upsetting the balance of nature, often particularly sensitive because
of the fragility and vulnerability of the places involved.
The trait dunion between the two interpretation of sustainable tourism
can probably be resumed in an auto-sustainable tourism, that can
collect the advantages of a tourist supply capable of sustaining the
local development and the risks of a tourist load that must be sustained
by the territory. We can look at auto-sustainability as the capacity of
local population of managing its own territorial heritage guaranteeing
to the future generations the same stock of material and immaterial
resources, by promoting mixed actions oriented to support the
economic and working growth, to increase the infrastructural network
(in primis fundamental for a local improvement of the quality of life), to
safeguard environmental resources.
About this, the Guide Lines for tourist development in Campania,
identify some bonds to the planning of an Integrated Project in the
whole results of the territorial analysis (bond of internal coherence),


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valorising the tourist vocations of the area in the respect of the

bonds that the territory imposes to the development of receptive
and recreational activities (territorial coherence). At the same time, this
bonds must follow the medium-long term trend of the tourist market,
in order to guarantee a structural improvement of tourist activity
(NBSLFU DPIFSFODF). It is even necessary to propose to reach social
(welfare, working) and economic (GDP level) targets, basis of any form
of territorial development (institutional coherence).
The proposal for a Tourist Sustainable Plan: an exemplication
in the Cilento area
Park and it is characterized by a fairly good tourist development on the
coast (mainly constituted by holiday houses) that strongly collides with
the internal areas, immersed in wonderful natural oasis and full of an
architectural and cultural heritage, but hardly damaged by a socialeconomic and productive backwardness (pic.1).
Hosting structures are very dierent (hotels, holiday camps,
agrotourisms) and are mainly distributed along the seaside, as an
ulterior demonstration of the dichotomy between the coast and the
internal area (pic.2).
On the results of a SWOT analysis of the area, it has been structured
a planning proposal targeted on four strategic lines of interventions
(Avoiding internal areas abandoning; Reducing population pressure on
the coast; Improving the competitiveness and the attractive capacity
of the area; Improving accessibility). Following these lines, specic
objectives have been identied: among the other things, they are
targeted to retrieve and promote activities linked to the rural natural
and cultural resources, to attract more tourists in the area, to enhance
and qualify tourist supply, to promote the area at a national and an
international level.
In particular, there have been many actions oriented to valorise the
architectural heritage of the area. These actions have been articulated
according to their representation in point interventions, itinerary
interventions and network interventions, as it is easily visible in the
table plan (pic.3).
Point actions are essentially referred to historic centres: in particular,
it could be instituted a living museum settled in the old downtown,
Il Cilento ieri e... laltro ieri (The Cilento area yesterday and... the
day before), where some players (possibly local population) could
periodically act scenes of ordinary life of the dierent civilisation
that have settled along the centuries in the area, encouraging
cultural exchanges, improving economic chances and giving a great
prominence to places architecture, natural set of the playing. This
activity could even be a support for an already spread initiative of a local
Plan, called Ospitalit da favola (Fairytale hosting), that is targeted to
constitute a network of houses destined to host the visitors of the Park.
The Plan suggests not to build new structures but to draw on existing
resources, retrieving, re-using, preserving and valorising them.
In the itinerary choice it has been underlined the presence of the most
valuable cultural points, identifying for example the religious itinerary
Il cammino di San Costabile (The path of St. Costabile), based on a
spiritual pursuit among churches, monasteries and cloisters; the cultural
itinerary Le roccheforti. la difesa del passato (The strongholds: the past
defence), where it is widespread the presence of mediaeval historical
centres erected for a defensive aim; the cultural itinerary Il percorso
degli avvistamenti (The sighting path), the only one following the


whole seaside, that has been delineated in order to create a proper

system among coastal towers, going through almost every commune.
About networks, that involve local tradition museums and the pretty
valuable historic centres, there have been planned virtual connections,
so that it would be possible to link all the elements and to create a
sole path thanks to some infopoints, both placed in the cultural sites
and in places with great visibility inside and outside the area (bigger
towns, exchange junctions of the local and regional network). Only for
historic centres it is suggested the organisation of cultural events such
as expositions, concerts, cultural exhibitions.

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Sustainable development of south

coastline Albania, by preserving
traditional cultural heritage

Kalterina Shulla
Ministry of Public Works, Transport and Telecommunication
General Directorate of Water Supply and Sewage
Project ocer EU Phare/Cards Water PMU
Msc Urban Environmental Management
Wageningen University The Netherlands
Architecture, Urban Studies
Polytechnic University of Tirana,
DPUK rr: Sami Frasheri Nr.4, Tirana, Albania
E-mail address:

Current status
South Albania lies along the Ionian Sea part of Mediterranean Sea.
The Ionian coastline is approx. 170 km long and a population of
about 70,000 inhabitants leave in this settlements. This area is rich in
historical monuments and traditional villages mostly settled in the hills
with easy access to the sea. The villages have Mediterranean features
characterized by a vernacular/self built architecture mostly by stone
and usually in white colour. Their layout is adapted to the landscape
contours. Area is rich in archaeological sites (ancient city of Butrinti).
It is characterized by a unique scenic landscapes rocky going steeply
into the sea. The area has priority for development as an international
tourist zones.
Current urban development practises in the coastal area are object to
strong development pressure threatening the whole integrity. Sprawl
and chaotic development can risk the whole uniformity of the villages
as assemble. New materials and forms are added to village texture. The
interference of new constructions inside villages is done without taking
into account old architectural standards. Furthermore, the need for fast
tourism development is not considering the traditional values. Except
for the architectural and historic value, these villages are valuable also
as a building resource.
Economic changes (private property, demand for fast tourism
development, coastal land, fast economic growth, politic (planning
system problems) and social changes (population movement toward
the coast, population density, population activities) are main driving
forces causing problems in the tourist regionThe free movement of
uncontrolled distribution of population has caused the uncontrolled and

speculative investment of capitals. Although it is noticed an economic

urban infrastructure, lands use, natural and cultural heritage resources.
Another problem is the abounded houses that risk degrading.
Plan proposal
Rehabilitations plans are necessary for traditional villages in order
to preserve cultural heritage, landscape and historical signicance,
diminish the need for new constructions, preservation of land and
architectural values. From the tourism prospective these house stock
can be restored and reused. Plan for area development based on
sustainable principles are a necessity to prevent further degradation
o the area.
In wide a Conceptual Plan for sustainable development based on water
and trac is drown in Map.1
As a starting point, planning can be used for a sustainable spatial
structuring, according to the framework for sustainable development,
keeping the balance on the relationship that structure spatial and land
use elements.
While a space demand for tourism habitation, agricultural, residential,
and commercial and other land use functions exists, the problem of
interference and mix of carrying functions is evident in the area. The
residential areas are spread along the coast and the business activities
like tourist services are interfering in the green and natural zones.
Explaining the actual zoning division of the region, it is noticed the
presence of high dynamic functions like tourist services (hotels and
restaurants) very near sea and the natural areas, and water systems,
polluting in this way natural resources, and water systems in general.
The tendency to occupy ecologic potential sites for mass and high
density tourism development, can lead to destruction of natural
resources, area occupation, water pollution, in short period of time for
a short term economic prot
According to S2N (Strategy of two networks, Tjallingji 1995), the trac
network carries functions as mass recreation. The water network
carries functions like water extraction and recreation. This create a
zoning ranging from tranquil and unpolluted, to busy polluted areas.
Applying this strategy in a tourist region is done with the purpose to
distinguish the dierent types of tourist development. This tourist area
is characterised by fast change and movement and the lack of planning
based on sustainable principles has created conditions for uncontrolled
development and resource exhausted. The concept contributes to the
development of integral designs of landscapes and leave room for ever
changing needs of the residents.
The area is divided in three zoning categories each of them with
dierent potential for tourism development.
1. The high dynamic areas and intense tourism.
These are the tourist centres that have already access from national
road, where the mass tourism development is ongoing or is expected
to develop with high capacities. These tourist centres with potential for
mass tourism are Vlora, Himara, Saranda. The existing infrastructure has
dictated somehow this kind of development but the new investments
to increase the carrying capacity of the area are expected. The areas
near or within these living centres with high densities are already
experiencing strong development pressure, where the trac network
carries the dynamic functions. In the future the intensive development
can be stressed in these areas as The high dynamic areas. Airline


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Dening a strategy for intervention

access, nautical access new road investments, railways is foreseen

to be bundled together in Vlora and Saranda points, in order not to
fragment by transport the natural belt between them. By concentrating
development and investments in this points the natural landscapes will
be protected.
2. The high dynamic areas and traditional tourism.
The traditional villages will be the second stage from the density and
dynamic development prospective. These traditional villages like Palase,
Dhermi, Vuno, Pilur, old Himara, Qeparo, Borsh, Lukova, Shen Vasil, etc
can develop the bed and breakfast tourism by revitalization of old
houses and reuse of them. These areas can be upgraded to relatively
high dynamic areas. Thus except for the architectural and historic
value, they are valuable as a building resource.Due to the population
migration the traditional villages create a considerable amount of stock
houses. The break down of old houses should be the last option. From
the tourism prospective these house stock can be restored and reused.
Revitalization of the traditional houses can full a part of the house
demand for domestic and internationals tourist. By using this housing
stock the quality of environment can be increased and environmental
pollution reduced. The existing national road can be sucient for their
access but nautical tourism can be used to reach these locations as
3. The low dynamic areas and eco- tourism
Low dynamic functions will be the last stage from the dynamic
intensity. Natural landscapes near the sea and the sandy beaches
will be considered low dynamic recreational areas with potential for
eco-tourism and beach tourism. These natural landscapes rivers and
water resources, where accessibility is dicult due to the absence of
infrastructure and can be reached by paths, boats etc. they will be left
in natural state with low-impact used for eco-tourism. The recreational
areas with low dynamic functions will be considered the areas where
pilot projects for eco- tourism development will be held.
By concentrating the infrastructure networks at heavy points, it
creates conditions for ecient use of it, for exploiting public transport
and managing pollution and noise control and makes possible the
in infrastructure By concentrating the infrastructure in corridors create
conditions for the reduction of barriers and less fragmentation of the
landscape, the conservation of the smaller regions from the unplanned
development. Therefore the trac principle of S2N makes possible the
management of areas.
The proper strategies for collecting the infrastructure in corridors can
aect the region long-term development. Canalizing infrastructure
in corridors can secure ecological integration in urban design and
businesses for the region. The traditional villages on the rural areas can
develop house tourism. Rural areas can develop agriculture business in
small scale. It is noticed a dislike of agro-industry in the country, due to
the fact the rural areas are experiencing strong migration pressure. The
employee potential may not be available for this kind if business. This
spatial organization can give priority plans that encourage this type of
The locals can be involved in eco-tourism management. This does not


mean the underdevelopment of the area but to give dierent priorities.

Aquaculture sh farms are present in the south and can be further
The plan described in this paper can be considered as territory
rehabilitation and protection plan. It considers not only physical
rehabilitation of the traditional buildings but also protection of natural
reserves by division of priority development areas. A sustainable spatial
conguration can anticipate future developments.
Cultural heritage and traditional villages can be considered as open
air museums and can have a meaning to social life. . By realizing this
cultural heritage location will not only be visible but also functional.
Another point is that recently everyplace has the tendency to turn in
a tourist location or in something valued for tourism industry, so the
competition is high. Development of traditional tourism in a sustainable
way will helps to keep the balance of the area.
At this moment cultural heritage (tangible and intangible) is not
considered as a factor that will help integration. Heritage protection
has not the considerable attention form inhabitants and authorities
Without taking into consideration the natural continuity of tradition
the future can not be sustainable.

- Integrated Coastal Development Study and Plan, Ministry of Public Works, Transport and
Telecommunication Albania
- Ecopolis, strategies for ecologically sound for sustainable development Sybrand P. Tjallingji
- Tourism Development Strategy 2002-2012, Ministry of Public Works, Transport and
Telecommunication Albania
- Planning on principle, S2N, the strategy of the two networks revisited, Wim Timmermans,

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Map1. Zone division

Fig.2 Qeparo villagev

Fig. 3 Landscape view

Fig.1 Shen Vasil village

Fig. 4 Landscape view


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Dening a strategy for intervention

Environmental Scrutiny of Traditional

Mediterranean Forms for Contemporary
Application (An Empirical Study)
Amira M. El-Nokaly* (BSc., MPhil, PhD),
Ahmed B. El-Seragy* (BSc., MSc., PhD)
Assistant Professor*, Architectural Engineering and Environmental
Design Department, Arab Academy for Science and Technology, AAST,
Alexandria, Egypt;

In most of hot-arid regions, where outdoor-overheated conditions
are the main problem that building has to deal with, the general
goal of all passive cooling strategies in traditional architecture is to
avoid overheating, which is primarily generated by sun [1]. Traditional
architecture depended on defensive strategies that mainly avoid
solar heat gain, heat transfer, and evacuate heat from buildings to
provide a desirable indoor thermal comfort. Technically, it depended
and evaporation. In this context, the paper reviews and investigates a
number of traditional passive techniques to understand their technical
congurations and particularities, also to nd out the possibilities of
improving their thermal and solar potentialities within the modern
Some successful applications of such techniques in both ancient and
recent architecture have been investigated as preliminary steps, which
positively helped the research towards building-up the experimental
roof-geometry investigations. In the past, people (the natural architects)
have had some reasons for what they built and erected. Their buildings
were more than natural or organic materials, shapes, forms, and
traditions. They were derived from a real understanding of their local
environmental and climatic conditions, and materials.
Nowadays, traditional techniques are missed in most of hot-arid
regions modern architecture. The accumulated misunderstanding of
these architectural techniques means and strategies broke the real
knowledge that is supposed to be passed down from generation to
other. The new importance of such traditional architecture is that by
proper experimenting, modifying, and developing their architectural
principles and climatic control performances will not only make it more
applicable as energy ecient means but also adaptable within modern
architecture, new building materials and technologies [2]. Most of
Egyptian settlements are rightly concerned about the loss of urban and
architectural identity. The concept of passive indoor thermal comfort
and energy ecient buildings in Egypt has yet to be more properly
1. Energy Requirements in Buildings
The energy required for heating and cooling of buildings is


be saved. In hot climate countries, energy needs for cooling can be two
or three times those for heating, on annual basis, which eects their
economic and political situation specially the limited natural resources
countries [3]. Consequently, in developing countries, traditional passive
cooling technologies must be considered as a crucial strategy for a
sustainable environmentally friendly future [4].
2. Traditional Passive Cooling Technologies; Preliminary
According to this context, this research aims to consider making use of
traditional vocabularies and solutions as an eort to regain and revive
the missed architectural identity. It aims at abating the rapid growth of
the western-international style seeking an environmentally, culturally,
and socially adapted architecture. For natural passive cooling in
roof, because it is the most exposed element to the sky [5]. Roof
form and geometry can reduce the solar radiation gain; their thermal
properties can be increased according to their form and geometry. This
research undertakes a quantitative analysis in order to put forward an
understanding of the scientic facts behind the potential for microclimatic control of such traditional forms. A number of empirical studies
such as SRSM (Solar Radiation Simulation Model) [6,7], and wind tunnel
investigations through airspeed analysis and visualization of air.
3. Environmental Performance of Traditional Geometries and
Forms (Domes, Vaults, and Conical-Tents)
In most Mediterranean cities, curved roofs are noticeable forms of
traditional roofs, some as domes, vaults and tented structures shown in
Fig. 2. Mathematically, a curved roof has less than the twice surface area
the sun radiation per unit area [8]. On the other hand, the larger surface
area of curved roof radiates the stored heat to the sky faster than the
this context, the curved roofs were not only, traditional and shapely
attractive but also thermally practical and energy ecient. A number of
curved roof forms shown in Fig. 2 (b and C) were dened to investigate
out its direct impact on building solar load and indoor comfort level in
hot-arid climates.
3.1 Geometrical Analysis of Arbitrary Forms
Most of curved and conical forms have been geometrically resembled
by a group of planar segments, pixels, or stripes. This technique
is employed in most CAD tools and software for two and threedimensional drawings, Fig. (2). Sensibly, and regardless of the nature
of the tested parameters, increasing the number of planar segments
will produce more accurate simulation of the arbitrary forms. Fig. (3)
shows a curved roof cross section CCS, which has been geometrically
resembled by two types of planar segments in order to simplify the
calculations of solar radiation intensity on the roof surface.

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3.2 Environmental Performance of Curved and Conical-Tent

Geometries in Respond to the Received Solar Radiation Intensity
and Airow Patterns
This research work investigates the environmental performance of
traditional forms in order to provide indoor thermal comfort, enhancing
natural ventilation and lighting, minimizing solar and heat gain, and
creating more shaded surfaces on exposed building envelope elements
(roof and walls). Computer simulation and experimental rigs, which
have been used in this research project, have proved that building
envelope geometries can be positively employed as passive cooling
techniques for convection heat loss, minimize received solar radiation,
In addition to geometry (form, and cross-section ratio), solar and thermal
behaviour of roofs is aected by their thermo-physical properties. This
experimental and computational study aims to highlight the solar
performance of the curved and conical roofs and to investigate the
impact of geometry on the amount of solar radiation intensity received
by roof surface in terms of cross-section and orientation characteristics
(height-to-width ratios (H/W) surface curvature.
There are a number of methods to evaluate the solar and thermal
behaviour of a curved roof. Despite their accurate results, site
measurements are time consuming and dicult to handle. Also they
are expensive to run and require adequate equipment. The other
alternative is to simulate the real environment either by computer
simulation software or experimental scaled models. Experimentally and
computationally roof geometry and its solar performance is discussed
in terms of calculating and comparing the solar radiation intensity at
dierent points or segments of the domes, cones and vaults, that are
placed above the surface of a curved roof model and along its middle
cross-section, Fig. 4.
As stated earlier, the chosen forms to be tested both mathematically
and in the wind tunnel are the domes, vaults and cones. These being
some of the simplest and most frequently roof forms used in the built
environment, thus it was decided to use these forms for the empirical
study carried out for the purpose of this research. The structures tested
in the wind tunnel were adjustable in case of the 3 forms chosen. For
example, in the case of the conical structure it was with an adjustable
cone height shown in Fig. 4. The cones apex could be either opened
pattern and rate. The height of the supporting mast is adjustable. The
cone could be inverted to represent an inverted cone, and its base
could be either opened or closed as well. The height of the straight or
inverted cone from the ground was kept constant in all the wind tunnel
experiments, and the mathematical investigation of SRSM presented
in this paper. The domed structure tested was such that to x the
diameter of the dome and increase and decrease its height Fig. (4 & 5).
Like both cones and domes, vaults were tested such that to x its width
and change the height regularly.
The research work presented in this paper presents three forms which
are the most commonly used roof forms in traditional architecture
and have been successfully used for a large number of buildings. The
models tested in case of cones have a large apex, in order to verify the
m/s that was thought to be adequate enough to the purpose of this
As described earlier these three forms were selected as they represent

some of the simplest and most frequently used traditional roof forms.
pattern, and to determine the wind speed under and around the
structure. The tests were designed to understand the eect the form of
and to identify and explore strategies to enhance natural ventilation
and passive cooling techniques within such structures. A schematic
diagram of the conical model used in the wind tunnel experiments is
presented in Fig.5 showing the cone used and direction of inclination
and height change.
3.3 Airow Visualization Under and Around a Conical TentStructure
In warm weather, even if the air temperature is high, directing higher
air velocity over the body helps in cooling down the occupants by
the use of evaporative cooling, thus providing some level of human
patterns under and around the models were visualized using a smoke
were identied for dierent cone (apex opened and closed), vault and
dome heights and congurations. The model of the 3 forms was set at
3 dierent heights (H in Fig. 6 (a & b)).
It is worth noting that, before making the nal choice of heights h1,
h2 and h3, several tests were carried out with alternative heights.
Consequently, and relative to the tools available for the experimental
work and the wind tunnel used, the most suitable heights for the
models were specied and chosen. Also at the beginning of the
experiments the air speed was tested at 2 dierent air speeds. In wind
tunnel tests it was decided that for the purpose of these experiments
to x the airspeed at 1.4 m/s for all the investigation carried out. Also as
in Fig. 6. Tests were nally made with the absence of models as a zero
4. Conclusions
Modern buildings are becoming increasingly complex; involving
technologically advanced building materials, and mechanical systems
for controlling interior air quality, thermal comfort, lighting and
acoustics. These systems, which rely exclusively on utilisation of nonrenewable energy are often expensive and environment pollutants.
Increasingly in Egypt and other developing hot-arid regions, the
concern is to establish systems, which make use of Natural Passive
Cooling more eciently than in the past, and to ensure sustainability
of resources. For natural passive cooling in buildings, roof has a major
if the modern knowledge has been applied in traditional experience.
Perhaps traditional people did not know technically what it was when
they built or why, but the result was eective and comfortable solutions.
Better understanding of their thermal and solar performance helps
towards improving the physical qualications and energy eciency
performances of traditional passive techniques, to be well integrated
within modern architecture in hot-arid climates. The paper represented
the methodology undertaken to test various traditional roof forms,
such as vaults, domes and cones.


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1. A.A. KONYA, Design Primer for Hot Climates, the Architecture Press, London (1980).
2. AMIRA ELNOKALY, J. CHILTON AND ROBIN WILSON, Environmental Behaviour of Tensile Membrane
Structures, Proceedings of the world conference on technology advances for sustainable
development (Energy, Water, and Environment), Cairo, Egypt. ; 11-14 March, 2002 ; Cairo,
3. S. M. AND A. D., Passive Cooling of Buildings,1996.
4. B. GIVONI, MAN, Climate and Architecture (New York, Applied Science Publishing Company,
5. S.A. AL-SANEA, Thermal Performance of Building Roof Elements, Building and Environment,
Vol. 37, pp: 665-675.

Figure 1: Analytical Sketch on Architectural Products (Building in Use)

6. R.H.B. Excell, SRSM Solar Radiation Simulation Model For Quick Basic, Regional Energy
Resources Information Centre, Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok .
7. R.H.B. Excell, A Program In Basic for Calculating Solar Radiation in Tropical Climates on
Small Computers, Renewable Energy Review Journal, Vol. 8, no. 2. (1986).
8. A.B. EL-SERAGY AND M. GADI, Energy Ecient Potential of Traditional Curved Roof Forms in
Hot Arid Regions, SET 3- 3rd International Conference on Sustainable Energy Technologies.
9. FRANCIS ALLARD, Natural Ventilation in Buildings A Design Handbook (James and James
(Science Publishers), 35-37 William road, London, 1998).
10. N. B. HUTCHEON, Canadian Building Digest (CBD) - 102. Thermal Environment and Human
Comfort [Web Page], (2003). Available at, accessed
November 1921.

Figure 3: (A) Comparison between Surface Areas in Flat & Curved Roofs; (B) Diagrams
of Dierent Forms Used; Domes, Vaults and Conical-Tents with Dierent Geometrical
Congurations; (C) The Exposed Area in Flat & Curved Roofs

Figure 5: Schematic Conical-Tent Model Used in the Wind Tunnel Experiments


Figure 2: Photos Showing Domes, Vaults and Cones in Mediterranean Cities

Figure 4: Diagram Showing How Arbitrary Forms are Divided into Sloped Planar Cells for
Solar Calculations and the Adjustable Dome and Conical Structures


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Waqf et patrimoine architectural et

urbain traditionnel dans les pays
Maaouia Saidouni
Architecte-urbaniste, Docteur en amnagement.
Enseignement et recherche en urbanisme et patrimoine.
2004-2005: Confrencier (Montral).
1995-2004: Matre de confrences et expert (Alger).
1997-1998: Directeur- adjoint de la post-graduation et de la
recherche (Alger). 1 livre publi. 22 articles publis. 16 travaux et
communications non publis. 7 projets de recherche.
Adresse postale:
11527 rue de Saint-Ral, Montral, QC, H3M2Y7, Canada.
Adresse courrier lectronique:

Le waqf (habous)1 est un outil patrimonial traditionnel. Peutil tre, aujourdhui, un cadre de prservation et de promotion
du patrimoine architectural et urbain traditionnel dans les pays
musulmans ? Condensateur de valeurs spirituelles, patrimoniales
et socioconomiques, il peut contribuer lintrt gnral et au
dveloppement urbain (Cizakca, 2000). Il puise sa force des valeurs
communautaires (Chahine, 2004), devenant, par consquent, un
instrument de participation sociale la prservation, plus ecace que
les approches bureaucratiques unilinaires.
La marginalisation du waqf et labandon du patrimoine traditionnel
participent dune mme ralit. lincapacit de connatre et de
reconnatre le patrimoine historique et de fonder des outils ecaces de
prservation, se gree la marginalisation du waqf, rsultat dvolutions
endognes et exognes. Nous soutenons que la mise en valeur du
patrimoine architectural et urbain traditionnel gagnerait beaucoup
dune ractivation du waqf. Cette hypothse sera dveloppe selon deux
axes : lun montrant limportance croissante du waqf dans la recherche
patrimoniale ; lautre explorant la relation entre patrimoine et waqf et
les possibilits dintgration du waqf aux stratgies contemporaines de
Le waqf dans la recherche patrimoniale
Des chercheurs sintressent au rle du waqf dans la vie urbaine,
culturelle et socioconomique des socits musulmanes avant les
processus de modernisation, et les tudes waqennes ne sont plus
cantonnes aux sciences juridiques et historiques. Ce recours au
waqf exprime un besoin dactualisation des connaissances et outils
de recherche. Paralllement, apparat un intrt pour le potentiel
contemporain du waqf (Deguilhem, 2004).

Lintrt pour le waqf dans les tudes juridiques a commenc durant la

priode coloniale sous limpulsion de ladministration qui y voyait un
obstacle ses projets (N. Saidouni, 2001). Actuellement, les tentatives
de revitalisation du waqf dans la dynamique sociale (Abdel Mohsin,
2005) suscitent un intrt pour la rglementation, aprs des dcades
de laisser-faire sous prtexte de modernisation et de renouvellement
des cadres sociaux traditionnels (M. Saidouni, 2002).
Pour les tudes socioconomiques, les documents du waqf fournissent
des donnes sur la lorganisation sociale, les motivations des fondateurs,
les rapports de force entre groupes. Ils informent sur la situation
conomique globale, travers les revenus et les dpenses. Enn, ils
clairent la situation foncire (Barkan, 1939), nancire et conomique
(Al-Masri, 1999). Le waqf est aussi un indicateur de valeurs sociales :
services religieux, culturels, ducatifs, vie quotidienne, solidarit, famille,
droits des femmes, des orphelins, des ncessiteux et des communauts.
Le waqf est un outil socioconomique et pas seulement un acte
religieux de bienfaisance (N. Saidouni, 2001).
Mais cest en histoire urbaine locale que lapport du waqf est dterminant.
Durant lpoque ottomane, une grande proportion des biens fonciers
urbains et agricoles y tait rattache : Istanbul comprenait 4.000 waqfs ; le
huitime des biens enregistrs en gypte, en 1927, tait waqf ; le tiers des
terres agricoles exploites en Tunisie tait waqf la veille du protectorat
franais (1881); les trois-quarts des terres taient des waqfs Alger, en
1830 (N. Saidouni, 2001). Le waqf avait aussi un rle dans les projets de
transformation urbaine et il a mme t un instrument de cration de
villes nouvelles dans certaines provinces ottomanes (Al-Arnaout, 2005).
Lintrt historique pour le waqf sexplique aussi par ses rgles strictes
denregistrement. Les documents du waqf sont nombreux dans les
archives et reprsentent une matire premire de connaissance
des aspects matriels et immatriels de lhistoire locale travers des
donnes sur les fondateurs, les bnciaires, les revenus, les dpenses,
les fonctions et la topographie (N. Saidouni, 2000).
Des contributions ont montr lapport du waqf au dveloppement de
la ville musulmane (Al-Aoudat, 2002) ; dautres ont abord la relation
directe entre waqf, amnagement urbain et volution des quartiers des
grandes villes, comme ltude de Stphane Yerasimos sur le waqf et
lamnagement urbain dIstanbul au XIXme sicle (Yerasimos, 1994),
ou celle de Faruk Bilici sur les waqfs ottomans dun quartier dIstanbul
pendant le XVIme sicle (Bilici, 2005).
Des recherches rcentes ont explor la relation avec larchitecture.
Les documents de waqf servant la connaissance du patrimoine
architectural et ses concepts. Des tudes se sont concentres
notamment sur les grands monuments religieux entretenus grce aux
revenus de waqfs, comme la Grande Mosque et Djamaa al-Djadid
dAlger (Chergui,1998) ; dautres ont approch des quipements urbains
traditionnels comme les hammams (Seadj-Cherif,1996).
Ainsi apparat limportance croissante du waqf pour dirents domaines
de la recherche patrimoniale. Mais quen est-il de la relation du waqf
avec le patrimoine architectural et urbain et son rle potentiel ?
Actualit de la relation waqf/patrimoine architectural et
La situation du patrimoine architectural et urbain traditionnel dans
les pays musulmans apparat dans ltat physique des btiments
et labsence de repres mthodologiques (M. Saidouni, 2001). La
question de lapproche du patrimoine est centrale dans des socits
o la formation de cette notion, dans son acception moderne, sest faite


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Dening a strategy for intervention

brutalement, sans gradation. Parmi les causes de ltat du patrimoine

traditionnel : lapproche limitant lacte de prservation lentretien
physique (Hassan, 2005), limprovisation, labsence de conscience des
dimensions de la prservation et la mconnaissance de ses impratifs
sociohistoriques et esthtiques.
Dans cette perspective, le waqf apparat comme cadre opratoire
possible. Mais la relation entre patrimoine et waqf est ignore car la
notion de prservation du patrimoine matriel comme objet musal
reste dominante.
La prservation du patrimoine est celle dun hritage et dun instrument.
Les dices anciens et les tissus historiques sont mmoire et source
denseignement, ce qui confre au patrimoine une certaine sacralit.
Justement, cette sacralit caractrise le waqf qui repose sur les principes
de durabilit et dinalinabilit garantis par la croyance religieuse. Ainsi,
waqf et patrimoine ont des valeurs spirituelles comparables. Le waqf
pouvant constituer, comme ce fut le cas, un instrument ecace de
Mais le patrimoine ne peut tre rduit sa valeur spirituelle et esthtique.
Face lvolution acclre des socits modernes, il doit tre intgr
la vie contemporaine (UNESCO, 1976). Ce qui pose la problmatique du
patrimoine comme instrument conomique caractre culturel. Cette
approche conciliatrice entre prservation du patrimoine et intgration
au monde contemporain a dj t propose durant la premire moiti
du XXme sicle (Giovannoni, 1931). Dans les pays en dveloppement,
cette approche conciliatrice devient problmatique face lexpansion
urbaine et aux aspirations au confort moderne qui sexpriment travers
de nouveaux matriaux et techniques de construction gangrenant
les tissus. L aussi, patrimoine et waqf prsentent des analogies.
Le waqf est aussi confront aux pressions et aux intrts matriels
contemporains. Malgr leur immunit religieuse, nombreux sont les
biens ruins, dtourns ou exploits indment. Dans certains pays
une abrogation ocielle du waqf a t promulgue sous prtexte
dinadaptation lesprit du temps et decacit conomique, mais
ces positions radicales reculent et le waqf a t rhabilit dans de
nombreuses lgislations comme lment spirituel, social, conomique,
voire montaire, contribuant la solidarit sociale et orientant les
fortunes individuelles vers lintrt gnral.
Prsentement, avec le concept de dveloppement durable, patrimoine
et waqf apparaissent comme garants dun dveloppement authentique
prservant la mmoire, contribuant la ralisation des besoins sociaux
et dpassant les cadres du dveloppement de rupture et de la
modernit dogmatique.
Pour prserver le patrimoine il faut le connatre. Il existe un devoir
dinventaire. Dans les pays musulmans, le plus important outil
dinventaire est constitu par le waqf et sa fonction denregistrement
des biens et de leurs caractristiques : topographie, fonction, revenus,
dpenses, terminologie architecturale et urbaine, voire matriaux
et techniques de construction et dentretien, comme la montr
une tude base sur les documents de waqf de la Grande Mosque
dAlger (Chergui,1998). Les tudes patrimoniales peuvent tir prot des
documents du waqf, en labsence dautres documents historiques. De
plus, il sagit de documents de premire main contenant une matire
premire pour une connaissance ne dune partie du patrimoine.
La conception moderne du patrimoine est inclusive englobant des
composantes des direntes priodes historiques. Le waqf aussi est un
phnomne global et inclusif, il est autoris de constituer en waqf toute
chose pouvant gnrer un bnce pour la collectivit. Historiquement,


le waqf a englob les dices (publics ou privs), les commerces, les

terres agricoles et des objets utilitaires. Lapproche de la civilisation
musulmane envers le patrimoine (le waqf en est une manifestation)
est avant tout globale et rencontre, en ce sens, lapproche patrimoniale
contemporaine (Hassan, 2005).
ABDEL MOHSIN (MAGDA ISMAIL) (2005). The Revival of the Institution of Waqf in Sudan, in "XRBG,
no 8, year 5, May 2005, Published by Kuwait Awqaf Public Foundation: pp. 33-61 (en arabe).
AOUDAT (MOHAMED AL-) (2002). Rle du waqf dans lvolution de ville musulmane, in Revue de la
ville arabe, numro 108, Oraganisation des villes et capitales arabes, Koweit (en arabe).
ARNAOUT (MOHAMED MOUAFAK AL-) (2005). Rle du waqf dans la fondation des villes nouvelles en
Bosnie (cas de Sarajevo) ), in "XRBG JEFN, pp. 47-57 (en arabe).
BARKAN (OMER LUTFI) (1939). Problmes fonciers dans lEmpire Ottoman, in Annales dhistoire
sociale, 1re anne, n 3: pp. 236-237.
BILICI (FARUK) (2005). Les waqfs ottomans Istanbul au XVIme sicle : la nahiye de Mehmed
II (Fatih), in "XRBG JEFN, pp. 11-31.
CHAHINE (GHANEM ABDALLAH) (2004). Rle du waqf dans le renforcement des valeurs islamiques
Deguilhem and Floral Sanagustin, with the sponsorship of the Islamic Legal Studies
Program, Harvard Law School and Institut Franais du Proche-Orient, Damascus, 24-26
september 2004 (sous presse) (en arabe).
fonds darchives de lpoque ottomane, Thse de Magister, ecole polytechnique darchitecture
et durbanisme dAlger.
$FOUVSZUPUIF1SFTFOU, Istanbul : Bogazici University Press.
DEGUILHEM (RANDI) (2004). Casser le triangle et le reconstituer : la reconguration des waqfs
en Syrie indpendante et enjeux sociopolitiques, International Symposium : #SFBLJOHXJUI
HASSAN (NOUBI MOHAMED) (2005). Les valeurs du waqf et la thorie architecturale approche
contemporaine, in "XRBG JEFN, pp. 13-45 (en arabe).
dition (en arabe).
SADOUNI (MAAOUIA) (2002). tat moderne et waqf en Algrie, $PMMPRVFJOUFSOBUJPOBMTVS-FSMF
des fondations pieuses en Algrie (17-19 TJDMFT
organis par Randi Deguilhem, Maison mditerranenne des Sciences de lHomme, Aix-enProvence, France, 13-14-15 juin 2002.
SAIDOUNI (MAAOUIA) (2004). evolutions rcentes de la rglementation algrienne sur le waqf,
SADOUNI (MAAOUIA) (2001). Pour une prservation consciente du patrimoine urbain en Algrie
(Essai sur la notion de patrimoine urbain), in Revue %JSBTTBU*OTTBOJB (Etudes en Sciences
humaines), Universit dAlger, n 1/2001, pp. 231-247 (en arabe).
SADOUNI (NACEREDDINE) (2000). Les documents du waqf des archives algriennes relatifs
lpoque ottomane, in 'FVJMMFUT BMHSJFOT Beyrouth, Dar al-Gharb al-Islami, pp. 41-58 (en
, Beyrouth, Dar al-Gharb al-Islami, 426 p. (en arabe).
EFXBRG Thse de Magister, scole polytechnique darchitecture et durbanisme dAlger.
contemporaine, Nairobi, 1976.
YRASIMOS, STPHANE (1994). Les waqfs dans lamnagement urbain dIstanbul au XIXme sicle,

Le waqf dsigne lacte de donation perptuelle dun bien (bti ou non) une fondation
pour des uvres prcises. Le bien devient ainsi waqf ou habous. Concrtement, le
rgime du waqf englobe de nombreux dices du patrimoine architectural traditionnel,
eux-mmes des biens waqf ou bnciant de revenus de biens waqf pour leur

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Dening a strategy for intervention

Le devenir du Hawch, espace hrit

dans le Beyrouth contemporain. Le cas
de Khandak al Ghamik

Nina Zeidan
Dans lenseignement depuis 1999- Chef de dpartement de
paysage lUniversit Libanaise depuis 2003- Charge de cours en
architecture de paysage lUniversit Libanaise et lUniversit Saint
Joseph au Liban. Doctorante en urbanisme lEDU (Environnements
et Dispositifs Urbains)- INSA de Lyon France ; sous la direction de
Professeur Jean-Yves Toussaint.
Adresse postale:
5812 Bld des Rossignols- Laval- Qubec- H7L 4Z2.
Adresse courrier lectronique:,
+ 961 1 510 870 - +1 514 805 4872

De tout temps les villes se sont reconstruites sur elles mmes;

ces transformations successives portent aujourdhui le nom de
renouvellement urbain . Les oprations correspondantes se dclinent
en concepts de rnovation urbaine ou de rhabilitation . Rnover
consiste dtruire ce qui doit tre remplac par du neuf, en respectant
ou non lancienne morphologie urbaine. Rhabiliter cest conserver
cette dernire en donnant un coup de neuf et en mettant le bti
aux normes de confort et de scurit requises de nos jours.
Lensemble de ces oprations saccompagnent ou non, selon la volont
politique et les lois de lconomie et du march, de changement des
types de population rsidante.
Les problmes de ce renouvellement urbain peuvent ainsi snoncer
travers les questions suivantes :
librs ?
La ville de Beyrouth ravage par une guerre de plus de 15 ans, ore
un terrain dobservation particulirement fertile pour comprendre
ces questionnements, notamment par ltude du centre-ville et de sa
priphrie immdiate.
Cette communication salimentera plus particulirement sur le terrain
de deux quartiers emblmatiques possdant avant guerre un tissu
morphologique et social identique. Le premier, vid de ses habitants,
a t rhabilit par la socit prive en charge de la reconstruction
du centre-ville dvast par la guerre. Le second, en priphrie de ce
centre, continuellement habit et actuellement soumis des pressions
diverses, est en attente de son avenir.

La morphologie urbaine prise en compte est celle des IBXDIT

forme traditionnelle prsente dans nombre de villes du Machreq et du
Porteur durbanit, il est un phnomne atemporel spcique la
ville, le IBXDI a t mal interprt et souvent mal dni. Il se prsente
dans notre cas, comme concept socio-spatial, qui, au del de son
spatial capable de grer la densit urbaine, est le centre dun monde
social qui lorganise dans une relation interdpendante, structurant et
structurante du paysage urbain de la ville mditerranenne.
Une tude empirique mene dans le cadre dun master en urbanisme
en 2005, nous a permis, au del des lectures dductives, de dcrire le
IBXDI beyrouthin comme tant un ensemble dhabitat populaire1
autour dun espace vgtal ciel ouvert, usage multiple et entour
dune enceinte de hauteur variable. Il est cltur, et ne communique
avec lespace adjacent, le Zoukaq , la rue troite qui le borde, quau
travers dune porte de dimension modeste. Le IBXDI suit une logique
propre de connections intrieures pour former un quartier Harat
et ainsi constituer un tissu urbain particulier. Occup par des familles
parentes ou issues dun mme milieu gographique, il a une toponymie
identitaire des occupants principaux.
Bien que les raisons de lorganisation spatiale des IBXDIT puissent
varier selon direntes sources2, entre raison sociale, ethnique,
religieuse et /ou scuritaire, il en reste que lune des raisons majeures,
serait dans la complexit de la condition climatologique des pays
arabes et mditerranens qui ncessita une rponse architecturale se
manifestant en son espace intrieur3.
Le IBXDI est connu par son hospitalit et son concept cologique.
Comme rponse climatologique, il est un espace ciel ouvert, o le
vgtal et le minral vont de pair comme lments structurants de
Dans les habitats traditionnels urbains tudis la priphrie de
Beyrouth, le IBXDI, est un jardin qui forme un sas entre lespace priv
de lintrieur et lespace public de la rue. Il est le centre dactivits
communautaires, un endroit scuritaire pour le jeu des enfants, et de
tches domestiques de la maison (cuisiner, laver, lessiver....) : toutes les
cellules (de 1 ou 2 tages) lentourent et souvrent lui. Une Bahra
4 ou Birkeh centrale y rafrachit lair sec et chaud de ces rgions.
Les arbres, gnralement fruitiers ou ornementaux tels les : oranger,
lombre et empchent les rayons de soleil de rchauer les faades ;
ils participent donner vie et convivialit au cadre bti. Cest le lieu par
excellence de rencontre de la famille, spcialement les femmes pour
une sobhiyeh 5 . Le sol peut tre dall. Des bancs construits en bton
dsignent la Aadet 6 autour du bassin.
Les quartiers en tudes
Le premier quartier dtude 4Bm (situ au centre- ville de Beyrouth), a
t rhabilit7 et gentri pour une population dirente des habitants
antrieurs. Des bobos originaires des pays du golfe ou libanais nantis
occupent aujourdhui le quartier.
Le second ,IBOEBLBM(IBNJL- Bachoura Est- (priphrique au centre), a
gard ses anciens occupants ; il est dgrad et a subi des implantations
sauvages de qualit mdiocre introduisant une note discordante dans
lharmonie du paysage initial. Il subit aujourdhui des tensions internes
et externes qui mettent en question son avenir.
Ce dernier peut se dcliner selon la logique dinvestisseurs privs qui
dcideraient un futur en rupture avec la morphologie ancienne, le


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Dening a strategy for intervention

cadre paysager vgtal et la population rsidante ou bien selon le dsir

de ces dernires, savoir une rhabilitation ou un renouvellement
mesurs, respectant cadre, pratiques et usages.
Lhypothse de recherche est que le IBXDI serait un instrument du
renouvellement durable, dans ses dimensions, environnementale et
La validation de cette hypothse passe par lidentication des mutations
urbaines socio spatiales locales, la comprhension des processus qui
les ont conduites et leur acceptation ou contestation sociale.
Postuler sur le devenir de IBXDIT, serait en lapprhendant en tant que
concept architectural, social et urbain traditionnel et en linscrivant
dans les tensions (foncires, sociales, conomiques et politiques) et
dans la politique actuelle de la ville de Beyrouth.
Nous lapprocherons lchelle micro- celle du lot ou ilot- car plus
saisissable et analysable socio-spatialement, dans le sens que le IBXDI
se prsente comme un instrument actif dorganisation des hommes
entre eux et avec leur environnement immdiat.
Une enqute empirique et semi dirige nous a permis de reconnatre
que lensemble des IBXDIT beyrouthins enquts et tudis semble
connatre une double tension : lune interne, lente et locale, lautre
externe et rapide. La premire grant le quotidien la frquence
communautaire, dans ce sens ils se trouvent confronts dans leurs
structures propres aux volutions technologiques, rgis par les normes
de lhabitat moderne qui les ctoient ou les remplacent. Ils survivent au
gr de leurs propritaires, o la comptence de ce dernier les modier
par des ajouts verticaux ou horizontaux, parfois dans la cohrence ou
mme lincohrence de convertir lespace an de ladapter aux besoins
mergents de la modernit et de lurbanit. En plus sur le plan social
cette tension se situent entre rsistances et transformations ; une
rsistance qui semble rsider dans le traditionalisme des socits
connaissant une structure patriarcale et un repli communautaire
se moderniser, et une transformation (observe surtout au niveau
de la troisime gnration) en terme de modernisation de la famille
vestimentaire, comportementale - en plus du double rle de la
femme qui de nos jours accde au travail et occupe rarement lespace
domestique du IBXDI.
La deuxime externe mene par les dcideurs de la ville travers des
politiques urbaines du centre-ville avoisinant rythme par la spculation
foncire que connat Beyrouth centre lexemple du projet 4BmWJMMBHF
vid de ses habitants originaux renouveler lancienne et vendu une
population nantie.
Derrire ces tensions pointent deux conceptions de lurbanisation.
La planication urbaine avec sa rationalit urbanistique soppose la
planication conomique fonde sur la rationalit conomique des
investisseurs. Lune vise la ville comme lieu amnager pour tous,
comme bien commun ; lautre vise la ville comme lieu dinvestissement
conomique mnager selon les rgles du march. Selon ces deux
rationalits, la ville nest pas la mme mais un instrument de deux
modes de la penser et de la vivre : le premier, concret, prend en charge
le bien commun et pose ce dernier comme substrat de lconomie, le
second, abstrait, prend en charge lconomie et pose le march comme
substrat du bien commun.
Les objets techniques que sont la ville et le )BXDI sont bien plus que le
substrat des pratiques sociales urbaines, ils en sont les instruments. En
cela la ville comme le )BXDI sont des objets culturels parce quils sont


appropris des faons de vivre, sans tre appropris par des groupes
ou des communauts. Lantagonisme entre 4Bm revu par Solidre et
,IBOEBL BM (IBNJL est celui de deux cultures qui sarontent : celle
fonde sur les grandes traditions de linterprtation du Livre et celle
fonde sur la tradition conomique et marchande.
Lobjet technique vieilli quest la ville ancienne est un mlange de
technique et de culture qui rend la ville habitable et viable. La culture
est porteuse de mmoire collective. Culture et technique ne sont donc
pas antagonistes.
Le IBXDI est un concept qui a perdur durant des sicles, sadaptant
et adoptant les nouvelles technologies et les quipements modernes,
recherchant par cela un confort et une qualit de vie qui na pas altr
son social (ancr dans lhabitus) et son pass. Cest dans la tradition
que rside la prennit de leur modernit [Lon KRIER, 1996], porteur
de devenir.

Lhabitat initial du IBXDI est unicellulaire et pavillonnaire. De nos jours certaines maisons
patrimoniales sont remplaces par des immeubles de 4 5 tages de hauteur.

Se rfrer aux tudes des orientalistes, et des chercheurs de la ville arabe qui ont
approch trs sommairement le IBXDI dans le Machreq ou le Maghreb, en le
dnissant comme modle du village dans la ville au lieu dun modle urbain.

Contrairement au dar, espace organisationnel ; dans les typologies beyrouthins tudis,

lespace ouvert du hawch peut ne pas tre central et par ce fait, lhirarchie dans la
rpartition des logis autour de lui nexiste pas.

Bahra ou Birkeh : bassin deau

Sobhiyeh : rencontre matinale des femmes autour dun narguil et un caf.

Aadet : endroit o lon sassoit.

Une socit prive Solidre fut cre en 1990 pour reconstruire le centre-ville de

Carte de Beyrouth montrant les quartiers tudis

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Hawch de la famille BAGHDADI

Intrieur de Sa Village

Les Hawchs de Khandak al Ghamik


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Dening a strategy for intervention

The city shape and its natural context

Maria Roslia Guerreiro

Urban designer and assistant professor
Research interests:
Natural environment and urban morphology, topography and urban
form, ecology and territory, vernacular and regional architecture,
sustainable urban design, bioclimatic design
Department of Architecture
ISCTE, Av. das Foras Armadas, 1649-026 Lisbon Portugal
00351 919201737

The subject of the present work is the study of the relationship
between the citys shape and its natural context. The design of cities
over a territory doesnt happen independently of its natural context.
The surface of the land has already its own form which determines the
pattern of many cities. The climate characteristics also suggest dierent
sites and forms of occupation.
As a result of these constrains, man has made beautiful and sustainable
urban landscapes over the time, especially those non-planned cities,
called organic, generated, vernacular, spontaneous or geomorphic.
Many of them, like the Mediterranean cities, have so strongly accepted
the natural features, that it is possible to identify urban patterns
according to its natural environment.
The study of the urban form is associated to the idea of rational
planning and the production of a model. The territory, as the base for
our activities, has been seen many times as an element which generates
irregularity to the urban form.
The objective of the proposed paper is to show the relationship
between the structural quality of the Portuguese traditional cities
and its natural context. Starting from this point we try to explain the
genesis and growth of urban forms, especially those called organic or


The territory and its natural features (topography, climate, etc.) are
determinant for the conguration of the city. For example, in the middle
of slop, or at the ridge of a mountain occurs a natural concentration of
For understanding the genesis and form of these spaces is necessary
to know the elements of urbanization of the territory. The paths, or the
division of the land, which generates the urban matrix are examples of


structures produced by man that are closely related with the natural
In this way the natural pre-existences participate in the shape of the
urban form by producing a relationship between territorial typology
and urban typology.
The paths are the most important elements in the urbanization of the
territory. The roads which cross a continent or the link between two
settlements are the rst structure created by man. Each building or
groups of buildings are linked by paths, and the paths are always the
antecedents of any urban structure.
The relationship between paths and the topography seems to be
obvious: crossing the less distance with minimum eort. In this way,
itineraries should be traced along the ridge lines, valley lines or parallels
to the contour lines. This typology is more ecient in regions where the
topography is extremely accentuated.
The path works as a guide line for the structure of the settlement. They
are the rst step for the construction of the city. The accessibility its vital
for its growing or death. Being paths a collective space they function as
the most stable structure over a territory.
At Island of Aores the settlements are frequently conditioned by the
topography and climate. The majority of the urban settlements are on the
coast, next to the sea, where they can achieve the bioclimatic comfort.
The follow classication gives us an overview of the existent urban sites
and their morphology. Despite the location of the islands at the Atlantic
sea they present many Mediterranean characteristics.
Coast promontory settlement:
Generally the ridge lines and promontories are the rst places to be
settled in a territory. This happened by motives of defence, bioclimatic
comfort or accessibility.
Figure 1 shows the settlement of Vila do Porto located on a promontory
site at the island of Santa Maria. The urban form is linear and shaped by
the land available on the top between two profound valleys. The main
street is the spine of the urban structure and is developed through the
ridge line, perpendicular to the sea coast. This street was constructed
over an old ridge path which guarantees the accessibility to the interior
of the island. Parallel and perpendicular streets are developed to the
main street. The centre of the promontory tends to be the centre of the
system through the location of the plaza and the church.

Mouth of the river settlement:

Valley lines are so important for the establishment of paths over the
territory as the ridge lines. But the bottom of the valleys is less stable
and defensible. The settlements are not permanent and only appear in
periods of peace.
Figure 2 shows the settlement of Faial da Terra located at a bottom of
a valley next to the mouth of the river at the island of So Miguel. The
urban form has the same geometry as gure 1, but this time shaped
by the valley line and by the land available at the river-side. Here the
buildings were placed along the valley path which follows the river
until the sea.

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Usually the settlement and waterfront are more developed at the right
side of river because of the solar exposure.
Coast upland settlement:
This topographic form is typical of volcanic islands and it is generated
by the lava of the volcano in contact to the sea.
Figure 3 shows the settlement of Maia located at the North side of the
island of So Miguel. The urban form is adapted to the surface of the
upland and the geometry tends to be more orthogonal than any other
types here mentioned. This fact happens because of the absence of
territorial constrains.
Coast bay settlement:
The bay is a site which has always been very attractive to the
human settlements. Usually they are important ports and centres of
Figure 4 shows the settlement of Baa de So Loureno located at the
island of Santa Maria. Bays are normally formed by two promontories at
the extremes. Each promontory is associated with a small river where
the settlement starts. With time, the settlements at the extremes are
unied by a path parallel to the contour lines which became the main
street of the urban system. According to the degree of the slope several
parallel and perpendicular streets to the waterfront are settled.
This elementary typology of urban sites set out for the islands of
Aores can be divided in two main groups: elevations or saliencies and
depressions or recesses. Each topographic site is settled according to its
microclimate conditions.
On the South side of the islands the implementation of the settlement
at recesses prevails. This situation allows combining a good solar
exposure in valleys and bays opened to the rotation of the sun, with a
good protection of the winds from West, more frequent in the winter. For
the same reason, on the North side of the islands the implementation
of settlements at saliencies prevails.
In both situations the orientation of the streets is North South which
allows a good orientation for the buildings (East West) protected from
the North and with good ventilation. The churches are systematically
oriented East West using the sun rise light at the sacred conception
of the space.

CANIGGIA, G., MAFFEI, G. L. - Il projecto nelledillizia di base, Marsilio, Veneza, 1984.
CATALDI, Giancarlo. - 1FSVOBTDJFO[BEFMUFSSJUSJP4UVEJFOPUF, Saggi e documenti 6, Biblioteca
di Architettura, Firenze, 1977.
Fundao Calouste Gulbenkian, Lisboa, 1990.
FGPSNBPEBDJEBEFQPSUVHVFTB. Dissertao de Mestrado, ISCTE, Lisboa, 2002.
Editrice, Florena, 1999.
RIBEIRO, Orlando - 1PSUVHBM  P .FEJUFSSOFP F P "UMOUJDP, S da Costa, 5a Edio, Lisboa,


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Figure 1 - Coast promontory settlement (Vila do Porto, Ilha de Santa Maria Aores,

Figure 2 - Mouth of the river settlement (Faial da Terra, Ilha de So Miguel Aores,

Figure 3 - Coast upland settlement (Maia, Ilha de So Miguel Aores, Portugal)

Figure 4 - Coast bay settlement (Baa de So Loureno, Ilha de Santa Maria Aores,


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Dening a strategy for intervention

From the territory to the city: the

ground rules that have governed order
to Lisbons surroundings

Teresa Marat-Mendes and Maria Amlia Cabrita

Teresa Marat-Mendes is a Professor of Architecture and Urban
Design at ISCTE. Major research interest in the area of sustainable
development and rehabilitation of traditional landscapes and urban
Maria Amlia Cabrita is an architect with vast work experience in the
area of projects of architecture and rehabilitation. At present preparing
its research master dissertation Master on Architecture at ISCTE.
SCTE SAAU, Av. das Foras Armadas 1649-026 Lisboa Portugal
E-mail address: and
+351 21 7903060

1. Introduction
Currently integrated in the Metropolitan Area of Lisbon, Cascais belongs
to a number of municipalities that formed historically the Region of
Lisbon, said saloia, its old Term, with which established, since very
early times, close interdependence ties with particular characteristics.
It is situated in a geographic area considered as a transition zone, where
the great contrasts of the Ocean presence and the Mediterranean

The climate and other natural conditions contribute to very dierent
geographic environments and to a rich landscape diversity, of natural
and human occupancy, from which the greater area can be identied
to be of Mediterranean characteristics, marked by the successive
occupations of Romans and Arabs, that can be reviewed in the typical
productions of the trilogy bread, wine and oil (2), as well as in one
intelligent multicultural scheme, also establishing solid traditions in the
irrigation systems and in the division of the property (3).
2. The human settlements, morphology and character of the
small settlements
The most common human settlement form on the Mediterranean is
the cluster (4), whos principal reason supporting its constructions was
the need for defence; therefore, they were strategically located in high
levels in order to dominate the landscape. Its overall built image shows
a pilling of several houses, forming narrow streets and sinuous alleys,
demonstrating morphologic characteristics that derived from density,
narrow and shadow streets; these were the rst centres of truly urban
life in Europe.
Villages and deserts, the summary that a writer from the end of XV

century makes of the country (5) is still very expressive to describe, until
1950, most of the interior of the neighbour municipalities of Lisbon.
But this territory, in the widest context of Lisbons Region, proves,
through the abundance and value of the archaeological ndings,
to have been a tempting territory since very early times, such as the
Palaeolithic period (6). Also the small nucleolus of the inner areas can
have found their origin in precarious occupations of the Palaeolithic
period or already from the Neolithic and Calcoltico, continuing its
xation with a much more sedentary occupation based on Casais
Agricolas from the Final Bronze and the Age of the Iron and nally in
settlements in the following periods, with a special reveal to the Roman
and Medieval occupation, including the Muslim period, in a continuous
occupation that we dare here to propose.
As Lisbon is supplied by the saloia region, also Oeiras, Carcavelos or
Cascais, even though in a smaller scale, also need laundrywomen,
salesmen of goods, mainly fresh ones (7).
This means, that to a subsistence economy, of historical origins, for some
saloios, there was in addition the trade of excess, the servant work in
the closest urban areas or the employment as stonemason, consigning
to proximity a dependence that would pursue over time.
Though, a long period of economic stagnation seems to have
characterized the history of these urban settlement until recent times,
that even with Cascais promotion to a Village of the Court, and its
development from XIX century, together with other littoral settlements
sleeping inner region (8).
But it can have been exactly this extraordinary isolation that allowed
the consolidation and emergency of the saloia identity, object of
analysis and of stigmatization some times, at dierent moments (9); an
anecdote motivation until nowadays, that witnessed its designation of
saloio to become xed in the pejorative course of rustic, rude and
sluggish, as consigned in the dictionaries (10). Generally considered as
descending from the Moorish populations that were banned from the
re-conquered Lisbon, to whom Alfonso Henriques allowed to settle
in the Term, is most likely that its genealogy submerges into a variety
of populations that have xed here, and that formed its character and
appearance mainly through the long hospitality of several generations
of Christians and Muslims (11).
It was precisely the result of this hospitality or conviviality that can
have shaped the present urban morphology in some of these small
agricultural nucleus, and that leaves us to the typology of the Muslim
city, with the individualistic organization in turn of the house or
workshop with its closed patios, revealing intimate values that the
modern city tends to reduce in favour of public spaces. Stressing over
all the image of an organic settlement, of rounded block shapes, with
convoluted and labyrinth circulation, and in presence of permanent
high walls and portals, reserving the sight from patios, vegetable plots,
and to all other volumetric elements from the architecture of addition,
naturally practiced, as a right (12).
3. The vernacular saloia architecture. The materials and the
processes of construction
To no conditionings is the regional Architecture more rmly subject
matter than to the shortage of the people and the materials of
construction. (13.). Moreover, if the houses have few windows, it is
mainly because they are expensive.
Men build with the materials that are closest to his door and not


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far from the form that nature provides them (14) - the map of the
distribution and incidence of stone construction matches with the
geologic characteristics of the subsoil, limestone in majority (15).
The existence of stone quarries is very common in the region. Although
today there are very few vestiges of this productive activity, that history
refers to exist not only in the inner area of Cascais municipality, but also
in its urban centre (16). It was precisely from this municipality that stone
was extracted to reconstruct Lisbon after the 1755 earthquake (17), and
more recently, the public works of the dictatorial regime of Salazar, the
city and the Marginal Road (18).
The use of local stone, and the evolution of the constructive techniques,
in walls of loose stones, walls of double line and covered pavements,
is testied by archaeological ndings that traces the Neolithic period
(19). But it is surely with the Romans that new materials are introduced,
technologies and new elements, such as whitewash, roong tiles, bricks
and glass windows, as well as previous architectural projects which
allowed not only the building of classic models in a region that was
still in Proto-History (20), as also the setting and repetition of models,
of the repertoire from which the popular typologies can have appeared
and later become known as traditional.

proportions do rarely vary, seems to be exclusive from the 4BMPJB Region

(24), and the authors seems to nd some formal approximations on the
Medieval Tower, on the tower that annunciates the feudal system, to
the littoral Moorish shelter, and nally to the Caaba.
5. Conclusions
In the small urban settlements of the inner area of Cascais Municipality,
that testify a way of rural and closed life, in spite of the interdependence
with the city, that confers a suburban character, identifying also, in the
essential, with the Mediterranean civilization.
The overlay of an architectural model, as the Tower House, that is
covered with a unique geometric trace, almost esoteric, to an urban
the persistence of crystallised models from roman inherence, that came
to found implementation in urban structures to which the Moorish
civilization xed its labyrinth contours.

4. Housing Typologies
The strong personality of the saloioSFnFDUTXJUIBMMUIFWJHPVSJOUIF
house that he builds up. Raised in solid stone masonry, its cubical
volumes, completed with the Moorish roof of roong tiles carefully
settled, in the urban settlements or in the elds, between walls of loose
stone, these are human elements of a balanced landscape, that the
proximity of the city have not yet destroyed (21).
Jose Manuel Fernandes (22), in his study, after several surveys, concludes
the existence of three typologies in the 4BMPJB Region, with elements
that turn them to be specic of this zone, clearly distinguished from
outsider typologies.
The most original one is the 5PXFSFE)PVTF. It is dened through the
presence of a quadrangular plan, with 2 storeys and roof of 4 water sides
and another one of one level, annexed to the rst , where is placed the
kitchen, the woven and the chimney. In the interior, an external housean atrium that embodies the main home building- that looks to the
outside and oers distribution to the kitchen, and gives access to the
This is a plan that seems to have been done to exist separately: in the
middle of the elds, the "HSJDPMB $BTBM, partially framed with walls
that dene a discovered patio, is composed of an external house and
several annexes- shaded - for everyday activities, and dierent animals.
However, we can nd this typology in small urban centres, along with
some variations (23) and of others 2 types:
- 5PXFSFE)PVTF of 2 storeys, of quadrangular plant, with incorporated
chimney or annexed to the house, with or without exterior stairs
and balcony.
- 5PXFSFE )PVTF, with 2 or 4 water plan roong system, having the
volume of the side or top oven. Also internally this is composed
of an external house that eventually distributes to other two or
eventually three compartments.
- The house of two storeys, of elongated form and also compact, with
a 4 waters roof and a variable number of windows, appears more
suitable to an urban morphology, presenting a front-street faade.
The justication for the 5PXFSFE)PVTF, whose model, dimensions and


(1) PEREIRA, Nuno Teotnio; FREITAS, Antnio Pinto de; DIAS, Francisco da Silva-Zona 4. in
Arquitectura Popular em Portugal. 2a Edio. Lisboa: Associao dos Arquitectos Portugueses,
1980. p.339
(2) RIBEIRO, Orlando- Portugal O Mediterrneo e o Atlntico. 7a Edio. Lisboa: Livraria S da
Costa Editora, 1988. p.61
(3) Ibid. p.79
(4) Ibid. p. 35
(5) Ibid. p. 95
municipal de Cascais, 1991. pp.16- 25
(7) SILVA, Raquel Henriques da- $BTDBJT. Lisboa: Editorial Presena, Lda., 1988. p.19:
(8) ANDRADE, Ferreira- $BTDBJT7JMBEB$PSUF0JUPTDVMPTEF)JTUSJB. Cascais: Cmara Municipal
de Cascais, 1964. RAMALHO, Margarida de Magalhes- 6NB$PSUF#FJSB.BS.
Lisboa: Quetzal Editores/Bertrand Editora, Lda, 2003. COLAO, Branca de Gonta; ARCHER,
Maria- .FNSJBT EB -JOIB EF $BTDBJT. Edio Fac-similada. Cascais: Cmara Municipal de
Cascais / Cmara Municipal de Oeiras, 1999. PROENA, Raul- (VJBEF1PSUVHBM. Edio de
texto integral da 1a edio de 1924. Lisboa: Fundao Calouste Gulbenkian, 1991.p 464.
(9) SOARES, Maria Micaela- 4BMPJPT. Separata do Boletim Cultural da Assembleia Distrital de
Lisboa, I Srie No 91- 1989. Lisboa: Assembleia Distrital de Lisboa, 1990. pp. 1- 13 MANA,
Donzlia- Algumas teses sobre a origem do saloio. in Boletim Cultural. Mafra: Cmara Municipal
de Mafra, 1994.pp.352-359
(10) DICIONRIO DA LNGUA PORTUGUESA. Porto: Porto Editora, 2006.
(11) CAETANO, Maria Teresa- $PMBSFT. Sintra: Cmara Municipal de Sintra, 2000. p. 40 (notas)
GASPAR, Jorge- 5FSSJUSJP EPT TBMPJPT. in Etnograa da Regio Saloia: A terra e o homem.
Lisboa: Instituto de Sintra, 1993. pp.2-18
(12) GOITIA, Fernando Chueca- #SFWF)JTUSJBEP6SCBOJTNP. 5a Edio. Barcarena: Editorial
Presena, 2003. pp. 58-76. CARVALHO, Lus Srgio- $JEBEFT .FEJFWBJT 1PUVHVFTBT VNB
JOUSPEVPBPTFVFTUVEP. Lisboa: Livros Horizonte,1989. pp.12-17. ANDRADE, Amlia Aguiar"$POTUSVP.FEJFWBMEP5FSSJUSJP. Lisboa: Livros Horizonte, 2001.
(13) PEREIRA, Nuno Teotnio; FREITAS, Antnio Pinto de; DIAS, Francisco da Silva-Zona 4. in
Arquitectura Popular em Portugal. 2a Edio. Lisboa: Associao dos Arquitectos Portugueses,
1980. p.387
(14) Ibid.p. 388
(15) Ibid.p. 388
(16) SILVA, Raquel Henriques da- $BTDBJT. Lisboa: Editorial Presena, Lda., 1988. p.22:
(17) TEIXEIRA, Carlos A.; CARDOSO, Guilherme; MIRANDA, jorge- Registo Fotogrco da
Domingos de Rana: Junta de Freguesia, 2003. pp. 30-31

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(18) SABIDO, Jos Lus Tom- 5JSFT UFSSBEFDBOUFJSPT. S. Domingos de Rana: Junta de Freguesia
e Associao Cultural de Cascais, 2003.p.10
(19) CARDOSO, Guilherme; CABRAL, Joo Pedro- Povoamento e Arquitectura Popular na
'SFHVFTJBEF$BTDBJT. Cascais: Junta de Freguesia, 2004. p.11
(20) Ibid. p.12
(21) PEREIRA, Nuno Teotnio; FREITAS, Antnio Pinto de; DIAS, Francisco da Silva-Zona 4. in
Arquitectura Popular em Portugal. 2a Edio. Lisboa: Associao dos Arquitectos Portugueses,
1980. p. 435
4BMPJBFORVBESBNFOUPOBSFB"UMOUJDB. Lisboa: Ministrio da Educao/ Instituto de Cultura
e Lngua Portuguesa, 1991.
(23) Ibid. pp.45-46
(24) Ibid. p.47

Lisboa, Alfama e o que persiste da malha da cidade muulmana

(Reproduo de parte de mapa do 1o Bairro, esc. 1:10 000. Monumentos e Edifcios Notveis
do Distrito de Lisboa. Junta Distrital de Lisboa, 1973.)

Arquitectura Popular em Portugal: modelos de casas torreadas (concelho de Sintra)

(PEREIRA, Nuno Teotnio; FREITAS, Antnio Pinto de; DIAS, Francisco da Silva-Zona 4.
in Arquitectura Popular em Portugal. 2a Edio. Lisboa: Associao dos Arquitectos
Portugueses, 1980. p.434)

Centro de Tires, pequeno aglomerado do concelho de Cascais

Tires, concelho de Cascais: casas torreadas adaptadas situao urbana

( Foto de Ma Amlia Cabrita, 2007)


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Rehabilitation of the Cultural Landscape

at Umm-Qais
The Ottoman Village in the Ancient City of Gadara

Prof. Mohammad El-Khalili*, Nizar Al Adarbeh**

* Ph.D. Conservation of Architectural Heritage 1999. M.A. Restoration
of Monuments 1992. B.Sc. Architecture 1986. (All at University of Rome
La Sapienza Italy). Professor at the Department of Conservation
Science, at the Hashemite University of Jordan. Published dierent
articles and participated in many international Projects and
** M.A. Cultural Resources Management. Department of Conservation
and Cultural Resources Management, Faculty of Archaeology
and Anthropology, Yarmouk University. B.A. Sustainable Tourism.
Hashemite University. Participated in dierent researches and
projects as well as international conferences for the conservation and
management of cultural heritage.
Hashemite University
Queen Ranias Institute of Tourism and Heritage
Department of Conservation Science
Zarqa Jordan
* +962 5 3903333 ext. 4641
** +962 6 5538597

Mobile: +962 79 5934326

Mobile: +962 79 6849530

The modern town of Umm-Qais is the site of ancient Greco-Roman
town of Gadara one of the cities of the Decapolis. The Greeks were the
rst to marvel at breathtaking view and established their acropolis, later
Roman Byzantine, and Ottomans followed. The intensive successive
occupation during the rich past of the city has deposited gigantic
cultural layers.
Umm-Qais situated 110 km north of Amman. The Yarmouk River is
visible to the north; the south oers the forested hills of Ajloun, the
Irbid plateau to the east and the fertile Jordan valley to the west. This
strategic location of Gadara was an important factor in its settlement.
In Umm-Qais we have observed the site within its surroundings, and
we have identied most of the impacts of the previous activities, and
evaluate the results in order to nd out the wrong policies in the general
management of the site, furthermore, suggestions for new exploitation
possibilities that could be valuable in the future.
Todays historic site of Umm-Qais represents a complex collage of
cultural landscape. In such a dynamic system, there is a continuing


element of growth, modication, and development. The landscapes

elements have changed over time tend only to increase its signicance
as a historical setting. However, the modern human interventions
including archaeological excavations and restoration works conducted
were disturbing the cultural landscape and caused deterioration for
some buildings as a result of wrong policies in the past years. (Fig. 1)
The Socio-Economic Impacts on Conservation
In the past, the government conducted development plans in a national
level were some sites aected reversely rather than expected; some of
them were destructed and neglected in the long run. One of these plans
was the Five Year Plan for Economic and Social Development 19811985, aiming to protect the cultural heritage, increase the awareness
of its cultural value among people, and promoting them as a source
and a backbone for the countrys economy as tourism destinations.
However, the implementation was far from the goals and the results
as well. Therefore, Umm Qais was aected by some negative impacts
of this national plan.
In 1988, the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities established a
management plan for the site. This included a rehabilitation of some
buildings as a rest house, museum, police unit, and safe parking. As a
part of the plan the Ottoman village was evacuated and new real sates
were granted as a compensation for the locals. In addition, locals were
promised to be involved in the management of the new projects in
the region.
The historical land use in the region was mainly for farming purposes and
the construction vernacular structures was, somehow, concentrated as
a close clusters within the ottoman village but since the increase in the
population number and the pressure of the government development
plans have accelerated the process of land partition among the family
members. This caused the disguration of the ancient agricultural
landscape as well as the pressure of the new Umm-Qais village next to
the old one and most of the time constructed on some of the ancient
remains since there was no comprehensive urban plan for the village.
Management and Planning Problems
The main problem which is facing the site is the existing management
and planning process that have been adopted in the last two decades.
Jordan, as one of the developing countries, which has not yet developed
the right policies for treating its cultural heritage nor even protective
legislations as a signicant part of its identity and as a valuable cultural
asset of its own. The sites were the only prey of these wrong policies in
the previous decades.
There is a misconception about the interpretation and presentation
of the whole regional context. The evacuation of the Ottoman
Tourism. In addition there is no comprehensive plan of action for the
archaeological site that regulate the balance between the protection of
the site and its cultural assets as a conservation issue, and there socioeconomic impacts on the perception of their visitors and local people
as a development issue. Therefore we should investigate the current
management and planning process for the identication, conservation,
interpretation and promotion of Umm-Qais in order to establish an
appropriate comprehensive management plan.

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Critical Analysis and Proposed Solutions

Umm-Qais should be analyzed as a comprehensive region of both inside
and outside the historic site. An attempt to identify landscape features
and components in order to develop a comprehensive management
and development plan.
This critical analysis would identify the problems and potentials
associated in the region of Umm-Qais. They have also pointed out
the need for a usable, straight-forward system and methodology for
addressing identication, evaluation, registration and management of
these cultural and natural resources within the region. Work outside
the historic site falls within two broad categories: work concerned
with landscape understanding, and work concerned with landscape
protection and management.
In general, rural landscape management of Umm-Qais region has
been concerned less with preservation than with the practicality
and feasibility of proposed plans. Signicant work in this area is not
examined nor exists. One of the goals of our research is to unite the
eorts of people working with natural and cultural resources and
people concerned with agricultural land retention.
Conservation & Development Plan
The purpose of the conservation and development plan is to accelerate
the conservation, development and rehabilitation of cultural resources,
as well as improve the socio-economic benets of the local community.
In the other hand, enhance the environment protection. This will
improve the capability of Umm-Qais region including local authorities
and governing bodies to plan, develop, and carry out programs for
resource conservation and development.
As a part of this conservation plan we can exploit the potential of the
Ottoman Village by a rehabilitation project. The village could be revived
by using the buildings of the village as cultural clusters for handicrafts
creation, which will be fully local in its implementation and utilization.
The project intends to facilitate community-based socioeconomic
development by creating culture-based industries (handicrafts and
tourism) in areas adjacent to cultural heritage sites in the Ottoman
village, while also improving the management of cultural assets,
particularly at the local and national level. (Fig. 2)

solution for the protection of Umm-Qais region and beyond that will
maintain its signicance for the future generation and enhance the
sustainability of both natural and cultural resources in the region.
Finally, archaeological sites should be treated not as isolated entities
fro their settings but they should be treated as a whole context with
its surroundings. As a result, a concrete comprehensive development
and management plans could be established, which manage between
cultural preservation and socio-economic development.

- Bernard M. Feilden and Jukka Jokilehto, ICCROM (1993). Management Guidelines for World
Cultural Heritage Sites, Rome.
- Cesari, C. (1982). Considerations on the problems of integrated conservation. Lecture
notes, ICCROM course in Architecture Conservation.
- Feilden, Sir Bernard M.(1982). Conservation of Historic Buildings. Technical Studies in the
arts, Archaeology and Architecture series. London.
- Fitch, J, M. (1990). Historic Preservation: Curatorial Management of the Built World. New
- Gill Chitty & David Baker, (1999) Managing Historic Sites and buildings. London.
- Jokilehto, J. (1999). A History of Architectural Conservation. Oxford.
- Kerner, S. (1990-1996), The Near East In Antiquity I-IV. Amman
- Kennedy, D. (2000), The Roman Army in Jordan. London
- Nielsen, I./F.G. Andersen/ S. Holm-Nielsen (1993), Die Byzantinischen Thermen (GadaraUmm Qes 3: AbhDPV 18). Wiesbaden.
- Segal, A. (1988), Town Planning and Architecture in Provincia Arabia. The Cities along the
Via Traiana Nova in the 1st 3rd Centuries. Oxford.
- Thiel, W. (1998), Gadara-Umm Qais. Untersuchungen Zur ZEntwicklung Und Produktion
Des Korinthischen Kapitells Im Urbanen Kontext Einer Stadt der Syrischen Dekapolis.
Magisterarabeit Univ. Koeln. (maschinenschriftl)
- Weber Thomas M. (2002), Gadara Umm Qes I Gadara Decapolitana, Wiesbanden
- Weber Thomas and R. G. Khouri (1989 1990nd) Umm-Qais Gadara of the Decapolis. A
Brief Guide to Antiquates. Amman

We should take the following points in consideration for this

rehabilitation project:
1. Conducting social and needs assessment at the site;
2. the development of mechanisms of community-driven
3. the design of a monitoring and evaluation system for the project;
4. a tourism assessment both at the projects site and at the national
5. the provision of technical assistance to design and implement
capacity building interventions;
6. improving the management of cultural assets at the project area;
7. project management and control;
The general scope that we have taken in this research is the exploitation
of the regions valuable resources that are not yet fully invested nor
managed properly. The establishment of heritage and cultural oriented
projects; represented in the rehabilitation, for the region is the best


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Examining the coherence of the diverse

Murat ahin
Murat ahin has been working as an assistant professor at the Faculty
of Engineering of Yeditepe University in stanbul. He earned his Ph.D.
in Architectural Design from Yldz Technical University in 1997. His
research interests and architectural studies include vernacular-rural
education, children and practice.
Yeditepe University, Kayda 34755 Maltepe-Istanbul,Turkey
E-mail address:
+90 0216 578 0440

Gkeada (Imroz), as a result of coherent relationships of its geographical,
socio-economic and architectural characteristics, has become an entity
in which cultural and natural features exist for long years in unity.
The main objective of this paper is to re-dene and evaluate diverse
patterns of the cultural and natural forms on the island in terms of unity
and cohesion.
The interrelated meanings of the term coherence can be dened as
(Websters Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary, 1987), in which the
whole hold together rmly its congruent components within a
meaningful frame;
that shows respect or tness, propriety and congruity leading to
appropriateness. (Johnson, 1994, p. 226);
and form-context adaptedness- internal coherence (Alexander,
In architectural terms, coherence is a place which has adistinct character,
in which all the parts of the whole mesh together representing and
strengthening a peculiar identity. To be more specic, it has to do with
the organization of space based on dierent purposes and dierent
designing the space and represent the congruence between social and
physical space. (Rapaport, 1977, p.10). Spatial organization has been,
generally, as in this study, interpreted in various schemes through
the Gestalt grouping principles such as gure-ground dierentiation,
proximity, similarity continuity and closure (Norberg-Shulz, 2000)
Palladio identies beauty as entire and complete body, wherein
each member agrees with the other... (Johnson, ibid, p.99). Possessing
inherently authentic beauty, vernacular settlements are, in fact, open

ended and naturally growing entities similar to organisms in a way,

not absolute wholes; yet, they are often perceived as complete wholes
in terms of realization of a plot or materialization of one identity
constructed through correspondence and agreement of the elements.
Gkeada is a place, a peculiar whole, wherein dwells a series of
interrelated cultural and natural patterns in its interior space. The
island presents a barren appearance when viewed from the sea, but
its green and fertile interior space contains historical - traditional
settlements... (Sahin, 2004). In architectural level, the basic character
of these patterns has been embodied through a coherent system
from the design principles to the essential elements of construction
integrated within the environment (ibid).
New settlement patterns, which contain both urban and rural
settlements with new building types of contemporary production and
consumption process, appear to have a very dierent character from
the old village-based patterns, causing the loss of coherence.
Pattern Language Revisited
The environment is a series of relationships among elements and
people, and these relationships are orderly, i.e. they have pattern. The
environment has a structure and is not a random assemblage of things.
people and physical elements of the world. (Rapaport, 1977, p.9)
Examining the early Turkish carpets, Christopher Alexander indicates
that Buildings, like carpets, are multi-centered structures which
achieve unity, through the interlocking of multiple centers, each one
reinforcing the others, until they become beings- just as it happens in
carpet.(Alexander, 1993, p. 350). Alexanders analogy perfectly ts in
with the establishment of the islands multi-centered structure in which
separate villages have the same principles reinforcing the identity of
one another, creating centers on the natural base, and combining a
colorful composition of a deep and signicant unity. The relationship
of every part to the whole and the reciprocity between everyday life
and the spatial composition are in evidence in the long-term survival
of the villages in spite of the harsh windy climate and the isolated
In environmental sense, a coherent pattern, sustaining a system
of signicance in a spatio-temporal dimension, is comprised by
interrelated patterns-units embraced by a larger whole with the
human in the center, with its natural and cultural values which creates
strong Gestalt-quality (Sahin, 2007b).
Patterns are those arrangements or systems of internal relationship
which give to any culture its coherence or plan, and keep it from being
a mere accumulation of random bits. (Kroeber, 1962, p.119). A coherent
pattern displays such a consistent relationship between its dierent parts
and their conguration that one can easily comprehend the meaning of
the whole. Such patterns generally have spatio-temporal roots and apt
patterns have been proven to be the representation of social-culturalphysical cohesion, and the spirit of the place (Kostof, 1991).
Traditional patterns might be evaluated in terms of coherence by
means of the terms, Gestalt quality, unity and integration. Having
reviewed Lynchs conception of urban image (Lynch, 1960), it is possible
to state that composition of a vernacular settlement, which represents
a visual -organizational unity based on internal coherence, external
responsiveness and tness (Alexander, 1966), is a sort of communal
art of creating visual unity for each component of a settlement out of


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diversity of typical elements (Moughtin, 1992, p.33).

The coherence of the diverse patterns
Coherence has always been searched through the independent wholes
based on the principle of closure. Thus, from this point of view, on the
outside, an island, by its very nature, seems to be a coherent whole.
The traditional patterns on the island of Gkeada appear to have
clear Gestalt-quality. The knitting together of separate units by
means of similarity of shape, size, or orientation and encompassing
the same or similar materials, background -the natural environment
and the gure- the built environment, contain similar visual qualities
and corresponding patterns. This spatial organization is a typical and
natural materialization of conformity. Stone walled outer envelope of
the building is the primary element; projected part which made up
of wood is the secondary element according to the gure-ground
phenomenon (Sahin, 2007a)
The dwelling compounds produce visual clusters with their individual
houses, courtyards and garden walls, which dene the curved and
crooked street layout and create strong boundaries according to
similarity by spatial orientation.(Arnheim,1969, p.67; ahin, ibid.).
The patterns of two- storey dwellings have a grouping eect by
similarity of size and with their images and surface qualities by similarity
of form, color and organization. Although most of the dwellings lie
close together, there are always intervals between individual buildings;
however, in the perspective or through the silhouette, they all together
appear as a compact visual object. (Arnheim, ibid.)
The simple and closely knit assemblage or agglomeration of individual
houses and other interrelated building types makes for a strong unied
total pattern (Arnheim, ibid., p. 238). Having the similar expressiveness,
compounds of dwellings, which are composed mainly of a house and
a stone-walled courtyard, largely resemble each other on their form
compositions, plan organizations, materials, construction details and
The rules of groupings serve not only the purely formal organization
of compositions but also support their symbolic meanings. (Arnheim,
ibid, p.73). The genuine formal parts of these diuse compositions,
which zzare distributed rhythmically but irregularly over the slopes
of hills (ibid, p.74), are similar parts of the similar larger images they
constitute in a hierarchical order from a room to the whole island.
There has been a remarkable correlation between the cultural and
natural geography and the settlements which set up the spatial
organization. Congurations of building groupings, of types of houses,
of ways of building that have been established over time show that
the various models are not accidental, but rather that they constitute
comprehensive and highly signicant schemes. (Norberg-Shulz, 2000,
The gure-ground relationship is one of overall coherence (Trancik,
1986; p. 98), including an organic conguration of freestanding
individual buildings, which look as though they were replaced at
random. The natural range of colors produced by its natural constituent
materials, stone and the stucco roughly applied to the surface of the
building, timber and tile all help to sustain a coherent unity through
similarity, proximity and continuity. (Sahin, 2007a)

is constantly changing its form (Sahin, 2007b). The strong typology

of these settlements increases the vividness of the spatial pattern,
and creates a language suitable for the place. The constant, but
not monotonous, rhythm of rural types and material and the details
strengthens the peculiar character of the place.
The disintegration of social cohesion due to the abandonment
and addition of new incoherent patterns of tourism and housing
development has caused the weakening of Gestalt-quality and total
coherency of the whole interlaced patterns of the island.
The island, which could be perceived as a part of the universal system and
hybrid culture, is no longer an isolated entity in todays communication
web. Therefore, in an integrated system, the term, coherence might be
more considered equal to the term sustainability in correlated macro
and micro scales rather than other meanings above mentioned.
It seems only possible to create a coherent pattern while maintaining
the continuance of the signicance in many layers of the environment,
starting from the man- the basic element of the environment-to the
whole place.
Creating a strong Gestalt-quality, the indigenous patterns of the island
seemed to succeed combining the constituent elements of separate
tangible and intangible values into a unied entity and become an
appropriate growing whole of the larger whole.

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Trancik, R. (1986). Finding Lost Space. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold.
Websters Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary(1987). USA: Merriam-Webster Inc.

In traditional settlements on the island, there is an organic and

hierarchical order and privacy among architectural elements. They
appear as if each village which has the same soul or the same content


La dnition dune stratgie dintervention.

La denicin de una estrategia de intervencin
Dening a strategy for intervention


La dnition dune stratgie dintervention.

La denicin de una estrategia de intervencin
Dening a strategy for intervention

The disintegration of the medieval city

of Cairo

Dalia Nabil Aly Abdul-Ghany

esearcher at CULTNAT Center for Documentation of Cultural & Natural
Heritage for the documentation of Ex-royal Palaces in Egypt, Jan. 2007
until present time.
Director of The Development of Craftsmanship and Artistic Skills of
the Children of al-Darb al-Ahmar Neighbourhood in Cairo Project, Jan.
Aug. 2006.
Researcher at Hampikian-Ibrashy for Architecture and Heritage
Management for various historic monuments for conservation
projects, and coordinator of a course for architectural conservation
and restoration designed for the inspectors of Antiquities in Cairo,
April-Aug. 2005 & Feb. Aug. 2006.
1 Muhammad Labib al-Kirdany St.
Heliopolis, P.O. Box: 11361 al-Hurriyyah
Cairo, Egypt
E-mail address:
+2 02 418 6873 / +2 010 8774707

Comparing photos of Cairo taken at intervals of time, one notices

that street views drastically changed especially in the post-colonial
period1. Medieval streets that once displayed marvelous mosques and
madrasas, hosting XBLMBT for foreign merchants coming from all over
the world for wholesale trade, markets full of oriental merchandise and
houses overlooking the streets with intriguing mashrabiyyas no longer
have these lively images of the past. Today these old streets only boast
with surviving religious monuments of mosques and madrasas, as for
secular buildings - XBLMBT, markets and houses, most of these are now
replaced by post-colonial apartment buildings, while the rest of the
surviving buildings suer not only from negligence and serious damage
but also from continuous threat of destruction. The disappearance of
such buildings not only means the loss of the prominent aspects of
the secular life in the old city with its daily facets of trading, shopping
and living, but also the loss of what gives the city its lively spirit that all
historians and travelers appraisingly described (Pl. 1).
This paper is dedicated to discussing aspects of the disintegration of
the old city of Cairo, causes of deterioration and possible solutions for
the urban development of old districts of the city which were greatly
undermined as a result of poverty and neglect despite their high
authentic value.
Many of these buildings are houses dating to the nineteenth and
twentieth centuries. The importance of these houses lies in their hybrid
style; the traditional style developed in Egypt, the Rumi style imported


in the reign of Muhammad Ali (r. 1805-48) and the European style
genuine style of building that was rarely studied by art historians (Pl.
Most of the nineteenth and twentieth century houses have dierent
settings from medieval houses in Cairo2. In the former the upper stories
of the house are divided into apartments; a central hall is always a
rooms (Pl. 1), a feature that was imported to Egypt in the nineteenth
depicted in (Pl. 1) still shows a prevailing Egyptian style of wooden
mashrabiyyas, projecting window bays surmounted with crenellations
and decorated with muqarnas. Yet, the substitution of wooden shutters
for turned wood screens in windows is another innovation of the
nineteenth century. However in (Pl. 2), Western elements became
obviously part of the decorative program of faades in Egypt, such as
pediments and round arched niches.
The disintegration of the medieval city could be traced back to the
nineteenth century when a strong yearning to modernize Cairo led to
the establishment of new neighborhoods reminiscent of great Western
cities in Europe. This modernization movement was initiated by
Muhammad Ali and was further continued by his successors, however,
major works of urban development of the city were undertaken in
the reign of Khedive Ismail (r. 1863-79) and were mainly based on the
western zone to the medieval city comprising Downtown, Garden City,
and Zamalik quarters (Pl. 3).3
These new neighborhoods were supplied with gas light in A.D. 1870
- then electricity in A.D. 1898 and with paved streets linking the new
city with Shubra, Abbasiyya, Matariyya, the old city and Giza4. On the
other hand, the old city was greatly neglected and continued with its
old traditional system of municipal utilities, and so it fell into gradual
decline towards the end of the nineteenth century.
Furthermore, as part of the modernization process of the city, plans
were made to incorporate the old medieval quarters with the newly
built ones, and as a result, new wide streets were planned joining
districts such as al-Azbakiyya and al-Azhar with the citadel, and
consequently old streets and buildings soon perished; Muhammad
Ali Street was constructed in A.D. 1872 linking al-Ataba Square with
by houses overlooking its banks - was lled in to serve as todays Port
Said Street. Furthermore in the A.D. 1920s, al-Azhar Street penetrated
the east-west axis of the old city intersecting with the main Qasaba
of the Fatimid city and Port Said Street to nally reach the newly built
city on the west, while in the A.D.1950s, as Meinecke armed, al-Azhar
Square was constructed destroying a whole quarter of the city6. Many
old quarters were further westernized such as the lakes of al-Azbakiyya,
al-Fil and others that had been depicted in the famous work of the
French Expedition, La description de lEgypte, with sailing boats and
lavish houses built around them, were also lled in to serve as gardens,
where the oriental style buildings were replaced with houses, hotels,
and cafs built in the European style7.
By the time these newly developed quarters were built, Khedive
Ismail as well as the wealthy people, who once lived in the old city,
enthusiastically moved out to their new palaces and villas8. Such
a migration of inhabitants from the old city to newer quarters is still

La dnition dune stratgie dintervention.

La denicin de una estrategia de intervencin
Dening a strategy for intervention

taking place until today, though by people from the middle class.
During the post-colonial period and particularly in A.D.1967, another
type of migration took place, where large numbers of migrants came
from towns of the Suez Canal and other areas and nally settled in
In addition to the migration into the old city, the natural rise in birth
rate caused a great increase in the population of the city. Such a drastic
rise in the population together with the lack of basic municipal services
in the old city led to a major sanitation problem. Piles of garbage
became common scenery in old streets that could remain for weeks
before being collected. And to make things worse, sometimes these
piles would end up burnt close enough to monuments on the streets.
Huge trash trucks strive with diculty to pass through the narrow
streets of the old city, besides they could easily scratch the faades of
monuments while maneuvering in medieval streets. Furthermore, the
frequency of emptying bins is too long, and so the garbage is always
heaped along the sides of the streets. Such an obstacle could be simply
overcome by designating smaller cars for collecting garbage, whereby
movement within the old city streets would be much easier. Moreover,
to avoid garbage accumulation, it must be collected on a daily basis,
perhaps at early or late hours of the day to avoid the usual trac jam.
Another encountering problem is the archaic sewage system used
in these neighborhoods; Williams warns of its threat to the buildings
through causing a rise in the underground water and the most
dangerous increase in its chemical nature that causes a great deal of
damage, which is considered one of the most prominent problems
facing conservation in Cairo today10. Some eorts have been recently
made by the Historic Cairo Project to change the old sewage network
in the old city, and hopefully that would help in improving such
exacerbating conditions11.
Furthermore, another important factor in the deterioration of the
old neighborhoods is the demolition of old traditional buildings and
replacing them with giant concrete structures that altered the faades
of medieval streets of Cairo permanently (Pl. 4). These recent structures,
as Meinecke pointed out, are constructed void of any aesthetic
quality to host a much poorer category that represents the majority
of the population in the old city12. The destruction of old buildings is
due to the fact that almost all of the buildings of the nineteenth and
twentieth centuries - as well as other earlier secular buildings dating
to the Ottoman period - were not included in the list of monuments
and were never added to the list even after surviving for a hundred
years or more.
The fact that most of these buildings are not registered as historic
monuments made them vulnerable for destruction in favor of massive
concrete blocks with more apartments that would bring more income to
the owner and more repulsiveness to the neighborhood. The increasing
rate of destroying old buildings is related to a very important factor, the
enormous rise of population; the demand for more living space in the
capital city became the most problematic and complicated issue today
due to several economic and social factors13. As a result, many of these
buildings became subject to demolition, which caused a great change
in the unique character of these neighborhoods.
The registration of these secular buildings as historic monuments is
unquestionable, provided that the rst article of the Egyptian Law of
Monuments Preservation states that any building or object created by
dierent civilizations in Egypt in historic times or before a hundred years

is considered a monument, as far as it possesses an authentic or historic

value that represents an aspect of the various civilizations once existed
in Egypt. Furthermore, in the second article of the law, it is stated that
any building or object of a historic, scientic, religious, artistic or literary
value is considered a monument regardless the age of the monument.14
Accordingly, a building can be registered as a monument even if its age
is less than a hundred years for its authentic value. According to the law,
these houses should be registered as monuments, and that would at
least prevent their intentional demolition.
Secondly putting plans for the documentation of the surviving secular
buildings is very crucial, as well as taking the procedures needed
to carry on short and long term plans for the conservation of these
monuments, especially the ones endangered.
Such a process could not be accomplished without the collaboration
with people living in these buildings. These people must have the
priority in the restoration project, for they are the ones who will
ultimately be responsible for the welfare of these buildings later on.
Alternative houses must be provided to people during the restoration
period as well as contracts that guarantee their rights in returning to
their restored houses and in paying them nancial compensations
for leaving their homes or shops15. Furthermore, it is crucial to set
campaigns for educating people living in old quarters about their
neighborhoods authentic value and to teach them of their essential
role in the rehabilitation process of these neighborhoods, a process
that could never be accomplished except by involving them in. Helping
people to nd possible solutions for their socio-economic problems
and improving their living environment could encourage them to
cooperate in the rehabilitation of their living space16.
Obviously the development of the medieval city inevitably involves
several governmental and no-governmental eorts, and so their
cooperation is essential for the rehabilitation process of the city.

A perfect publication for that is Barry Iversons & Nihal Tamrazs Comparative Views of
Egypt (Cairo, 1994).

Extensive studies on medieval houses in Cairo were mainly done by Laila Ali Ibrahim,
Nelly Hanna, Mona Zakariya, Andr Raymond, Bernard Maury, Jacques Revault, Edmond
Pauty, Alexandre Lzine, Jean-Claude Garcin, Mohammad Hassan Kashef and Ahmad
Hassaballah. As for the 19th 20th century houses, the major documentation study
on selected houses was published in Ahmed Abdou, Herbert Kallmayer, & Klaus J.
Schulz Citizens Participation in the Renovation of the Old Town (Goethe Institute Cairo,
University of Helwan & Faculty of Fine Arts, 1997).

Ali Mubarak, al-khia al-tawfqiyya al-jadda li mir al-qhira wa mudunih wa bildih

al-qadma wa-al-shahra (Bulaq, 1888), 82; Andr Raymond, trans. Willard Wood, Cairo
(Harvard, 2000): 299-318; Janet Abu-Lughod, Cairo 1001 years of The City Victorious
(Princeton, 1971), 92-117.

Mubarak, al-khia, 82; Raymond, Cairo, 312; James Aldridge, Cairo (London, 1969), 198.

Michael Meinecke, Recent Changes to the Historic Fabric in Cairo, in Islamic Cairo:
Architectural Conservation and Urban Development of the Historic Centre (AARP, 1980):

Ibid., 16-7.

Mubarak, al-khia, 83-5; Raymond, Cairo, 315; Aldridge, Cairo, 177, 188, 199; Nasser Rabbat,
A Brief History of Green Spaces in Cairo, in Cairo: Revitalising a Historic Metropolis, ed.
Stefano Bianca & Philip Jodidio (Aga Khan Trust, 2004), 51-2.

Mubarak, al-khia, 84; Aldridge,Cairo, 188; Caroline Williams, Islamic Cairo: Endangered
Legacy, The Middle East Journal (Washington, 1985) 39/3: 235.


La dnition dune stratgie dintervention.

La denicin de una estrategia de intervencin
Dening a strategy for intervention

Ibid., 236; Meinecke, Recent Changes, 16.


Williams, Islamic Cairo, 237; Meinecke, Recent Changes,, 17. In their articles, Williams
and Meinecke referred to sanitation problems in the old city by A.D. 1980-5, and still in
A.D. 2007 the city severely suers from the same problems.


Meanwhile the sewage network of the northern part of al-Muizz Street is being


Meinecke, Recent Changes, 17; Williams, Islamic Cairo, 238.

+Rep.&PTYPE=CP. According to the most recent statistics made by the World Bank by


Al-idra al-mma lil shun al-qnniyya, Qnn raqm 117 li sanat 1983 bi ir qnn
imyat al-thr wa qarr ras al-jumhriyya raqm 2828 li sanat 1971 bi insh haiat althr (Cairo, 1996), 3.


This issue was discussed in The SCA inspectors Training Course 2005 directed by
Hampikian-Ibrashy and funded by The American Research Center.


Recent Rehabilitation Projects were led by the Aga Khan, however the Goethe Institute
is considered a pioneer in the rehabilitation of domestic houses in medieval Cairo since
the A.D. 1980s.the need for a usable, straight-forward system and methodology for
addressing identication, evaluation, registration and management of these cultural
and natural resources within the region. Work outside

Pl. 1. Cairo, A house faade at al-Darb al-Ahmar, probably 20th century

Ground and upper plans (after Goethe Institute Cairo, University of Helwan & Faculty
of Fine Arts)

Pl. 2. Cairo, A house faade at al- Husainiyyah, 19th - 20th century


Outils lgaux et planication urbanistique

Herramientas legales y planeamiento
Legal instruments and planning

Outils lgaux et planication urbanistique

Herramientas legales y planeamiento
Legal instruments and planning

The impact of Strategic Master Plans on

the conservation of Cairos built heritage

Adhma Fahmy

In Egypt, conservation predates planning in its modern legislative form.
Since its advent to Cairo, planning became increasingly integrated into
conservation and, in some respects, came to dominate it. Western style
planning was introduced to Egypt in the early 1830s (Volait 2005: 83-4).
By the turn of the twentieth century, large avenues were cut through
Cairos traditional fabric in an attempt to emulate Hausmannian Paris.
Khedive Ismail ordered the foundation of the Comite de conservation
des monuments de lart arabe in 1881 thus separating conservation from
planning. By the 1930s, the world opinion regarding urban preservation
was split: while the Athens Conference introduced the concept of
urban preservation in 1931, the CIAM Conference promoted removing
the old city fabric to make room for new architecture and urban forms
a couple of years later. In Cairo, the status quo ante remained until the
revolution of 1952.
State-Socialism Planning
1956 Long Range Urban Plan:
Based on English town and country planning, the 1956 plan
introduced innovative notions of ideal size, containment, and
development standards. Nevertheless, it left two damaging legacies:
(1) it recommended that the industrial suburbs should absorb rural
migrants, a measure that opened the door for informal housing and, (2)
it overlooked Cairos historic core (Serageldin 1989: 261).
The 1969 Master Plan:
The Greater Cairo Commission, in an attempt to institute the policy
of concentrated decentralization, introduced a new plan in 1969. The
guiding lines for this plan followed those of 1956 but failed to address
this latters shortcomings. Large scale, state-subsidized, housing
projects were introduced, and verstical expansion increased. Having
lled up the available urban space, informal housing encroached on
the historic areas in Cairo and Giza. Alarmed, UNESCO commissioned
an urgent study to protect the visual and urban integrity of the
pyramids plateau (ref. 2). The long-awaited-for millennial anniversary of
Historic Cairo (969-1969) promised a serious revision of the situation
of the historic core. The emerging Middle East conict hijacked these
eorts, leaving a climate of neglect, overpopulation and poverty to
reign in historic Cairo. The waves of migrants of the war stricken Suez
canal cities aggravated the situation, while the operation to save the
monuments of Nubia drained Egypts resources to the south dealing
the conservation eorts in historic Cairo a serious blow.

Post-intah planning
1973 Urban Plan:
A typical result of the early intah period, this plan was prepared by
Nohad Toulan, an Egyptian planner trained in the U.S. who headed
the Greater Cairo Commission. The reigning climate, then, was
one in which conservation could assume a role towards creating
a new national resource to earn money from tourism. Many urban
rehabilitation schemes were prepared for historic Cairo in during
this period: Unesco presented a rehabilitation scheme in 1980, and
the German Archaeological Institute presented another plan. On the
whole, this period yielded a curious mix of plans and eorts. Some were
extremely good, and never saw the light, while others, far less in quality,
were implemented. This fact is reected by the prestigious Aga Khan
Award in Architecture that was awarded to the eorts of the German
Institute in Al Darb al Asfar while the Ismaili Bohra, a Shiit sect from
India, single handedly over-restored much of Cairos monuments of the
Fatimid period.
1983 Greater Cairo Master Scheme:
The General Organization for Physical Planning (GOPP) prepared the
Greater Cairo Long-range Master Scheme in 1983 in collaboration
with the French Institut damnagement et durbanisme de la rgion
le de France (IAURIF). This plan revolved around 4 main concepts:
(1) creating Homogeneous Sectors, (2) designating development
corridors to channel urban growth; (3) building new settlements in
the desert to accommodate Cairos surplus population and, (4) a Ring
Road to alleviate trac congestions while providing direct links to the
settlements and towns in the desert (ref. 5). This plan was updated in
1990 (ref. 6:4) addressing historic Cairos autonomy, high population
density, and the employment and basic services for its inhabitants.
The new update remained faithful to the original directives: improving
accessibility to the new historic centre by a tunnel under al Azhar
Street, preserving the built heritage and its surroundings, upgrading
the infra-structure networks, eradicating pollution (law no. 4/1994) and,
attract tourist visits and encouraging sustainable activities in Historic
Cairo. The private sector, NGOs and local authorities were encouraged
to sponsor these projects.
In the historic core, this boiled down to creating new thoroughfares
to the east and north, adequate spaces for trac and open spaces for
public parks. The old city gates and wall were restored (ref. 6). While
the success of these projects varied, the overriding policy proved, in
general, static, end-state and allowed little room for feedback. It is to
note that, from the 1970s onwards, European planners faced by similar
problems moved away from the rigid, preconceived tenets of physical
planning to adopt the more dynamic, open-end, structure planning.
The two famous lapses typifying physical planning experimentation in
Cairo are the stando between Unesco and the Egyptian authorities
to prevent the Ring Road from crossing the pyramids plateau in Giza.
Another incident involved the drilling machine of al Azhar tunnel when
it accidentally ploughed through the buried fragments of the Ayyubid
city walls and Bab al Barqiyya. Further problems are still expected when
the government goes ahead with its relocation plans (Wardany 1998).
1997 Historic Cairo Rehabilitation Report:
On 12 October 1992, at 3:14 p.m., an earthquake measuring 5.9 on
the Richter scale shook Cairo for 20 seconds. The confusion arising


Outils lgaux et planication urbanistique

Herramientas legales y planeamiento
Legal instruments and planning

in the immediate aftermath created an urgent need for a structure

to coordinate both the local and international response. UNESCO
mandated a technical mission to assess the damages and UNDP
allocated USD 3 million to develop a reactive plan. Daryl Fowler, head
of this mission, proposed a Framework Plan (ref. 4:18) and produced his
nal report in December 1997.
Although the UNDP report set out to develop an independent
study, and reach its own conclusions, it was expected to follow the
recommendations of the 1990 Master Scheme. The main problem
with this report was the alternative it proposed for Al Muiz Street. ...
The proposals for upgrading and improvement of public urban space
was far less convincing and will probably, if realized, have a devastating
inuence on the feeling of the special identity, the authenticity, and
historic character of the Islamic City, to use the words of Flemming
Aalund, head of the Unesco mission which was sent to evaluate the
project in 1997 (ref. 3:9).
Programmed planning must clarify its position, and the concepts it
is using to shape its philosophy. In the aftershock of 1992, planning
gave way to a crisis management initiative that became a major
refurbishment operation. The dierence between these mindsets is
immense. While planning is usually desirable, long-term, objective,
and based on an optimal use of resources, crisis management is, by
denition, urgent, immediate, reactive and based on a trade-o of
needs. The requirements of the two conditions are also very dierent be
it on the legislative, administrative, scal, technical, or the investmentdecision levels. As Serageldin asked it previously: what are we trying
to preserve in Historic Cairo today? A number of buildings? An urban
character? A way of life? And why do we want to preserve whatever we
choose to preserve? (Serageldin 2000:38).
In his book Planning and the Heritage, Michael Ross explained that
art, archaeology, and society are prime motives for conservation.
Politicians, he added, ignored conservation at their peril [...] the idea
of conservation, the presumption that the old must survive and on
occasion adapt has triumphed [...] the philosophy of conservation
is accepted by the majority; architects, developers, planners, and
politicians cannot ignore this fact(Ross 2001). If one has any reservations
about the conservationist cause in Historic Cairo today, it is not because
one ignores this fact, but because an appropriate planning philosophy
based on the realities of contemporary Cairo seems still elusive.

Technical Cooperation Oce: United Nations Development Program and the Supreme
Council of Antiquities, Final Report: Rehabilitation of Historic Cairo (December 1997).
M. WELBANK, United Arab Republic: The preservation of the setting and the area surrounding
the pyramids of Giza, Unesco Serial No. 1087/BMS.RD/CLT (15-31 July 1968).
Flemming Aalund, ISOMOS Reactive Monitoring Mission to a World Heritage Site: Islamic
Cairo (Egypt), 9-16 March 2005,
Daryl Fowler et al., A Report on the Islamic and the Coptic Monuments in Cairo following the
earthquake of 12 October 1992, study prepared by the Conservation Practice and Giord &
Partners in November 1992, (Cairo, 1992).
General Organisation of Physical Planning (GOPP) and the Institut damnagement et
durbanisme de la rgion le de France (IAURIF), Greater Cairo Master Scheme Implementation:
Main Recommendations (Cairo, 1983).
GOPP Ministry of Housing, Utilities and Urban Communities, Arab Republic of Egypt, Greater


Cairo Region Planning Division: Long Range Urban Development Master Scheme, Update
Study, 1990, (Cairo, 1996).
GOPP & IAURIF, Ministry of Development, New Communities, Housing and Public Utilities,
Greater Cairo Region Long Range Urban Development Master Scheme. Framework for
an Activity Relocation Policy. Cases of North Gamaliyya and New Settlement No. 3, (Cairo,
January 1990).
The Editorial Team of the International Council on Monuments and Sites, Heritage at Risk,
ICOMOS World Report 2000/2001 on Monuments and Sites in Danger (Paris, 2001).
Lewcock 1984. Ronald Lewcock, The Expanding Metropolis: Coping with the Urban Growth of
Cairo, Proceedings of a seminar organized by the Aga Khan Award for Architecture, Cairo,
11-15 November 1984 (Cairo 1984)
Meinecke 1980. Michael Meinecke (ed.), Islamic Cairo: Architectural Conservation and Urban
Development of the Historic Centre, Proceedings of a Seminar organized by the GoetheInstitute in Cairo on 1-5 October 1978 (London 1980).
Jessen 1996. Curt v. Jessen (ed.), al-Madrasa al-Gawhariyya: A Restoration Project in Cairo,
Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, School of Architecture Publishers (Copenhagen 1996)
Ross 2001. Michael Ross, Planning and Heritage: Policy and Procedures (London 2001)
SCA 2002. The Supreme Council of Antiquities (SCA), Ministry of Culture of the Arab Republic
of Egypt, al Qahira al Tarikhiyya [Historic Cairo], (Cairo 2002)
Serageldin 1989. Mona Serageldin, Planning and Institutional Mechanisms, in Space for
Freedom: The Search for Architectural Excellence in Muslim Societies, The Aga Khan Award
for Architecture (London 1989: 260-66)
Serageldin 2000. Ismail Serageldin, Organising Consesrvation: A Proposal for Restoring
Historic Cairo, Medina 13 (2000: 38-43)
Seymour, Hempikian 1998. Jenny Seymour and Nairi Hampikian, Fatimitland or Making a
Medieval City: Will the clean-up of medieval Cairo steal its soul? Cairo Times (March-April
Volait 2005. Mercedes Volait, Architectes et Architectures de lEgypte Moderne: 1830-1950,
Genese et essor dune expertise locale (Paris 2005)
Wardany 1998. Ragy el Wardany, Qabl Tatwir al Qahira al fatimiyya ; Manshiyat Nasir tastaid
li istiqbal thalathumiat alf nasama bi khamsun alf wehda sakaniyya [before redevelopping
fatimid Cairo ; Manshiyat Nasir prepares to accommodate 300.000 inhabitants in 50.000
appartment units], Al Ahram Newspaper (16 January 1998)
Warner 2005. Nicholas Warner, The Monuments of Historic Cairo : A Map and Descriptive
Catalogue, ARCE Conservation series (Cairo, 2005)
Williams 2002. Caroline Williams, Transforming the Old: Cairos New Medieval City, Middle
East Journal, Vol. 56, No. 3, (Summer 2002: 457-75)

Outils lgaux et planication urbanistique

Herramientas legales y planeamiento
Legal instruments and planning

Revitalizing a historic city The case of


Eleni Petropoulou
Architect, graduated from the National Polytechnic School of Athens,
Greece. She was awarded with the Europa Nostra 1997 Diploma for
the Conservation of the Monastery of Panayia, in Paphos.
Since 2001 working as a Senior Architect for Nicosia Municipality, on
Conservation Projects, for the Nicosia Master Plan and for the New
Vision for the Core of Nicosia.
13. K. Paleologos Avenue, 1011, Nicosia Cyprus
E-mail address:
00357 22 797554

00357 22 797550

00357 22 304144

Nicosia, the capital of Cyprus, is a rapidly growing contemporary city,

with its historic centre, the Walled City, dating back to the Roman and
Byzantine times. The existing walls, surrounding the old city, were
built in the 16th century, to defence the capital of the island from the
invading out comers.
In the 19th century the city of Nicosia was still enclosed within the
Venetian Walls, where its famous bazaars, located on the east-west
axis of the city, were the hub of commercial activity between French,
Italians, Syrians and Armenian merchants. From here luxurious textiles
as well as other precious products were exported to the royal courts
of Europe.
In the beginning of the 20th century Nicosia expands beyond the Walls.
Bridges were created linking the old city with the city outside the walls.
In 1945 the areas outside the Walls and the villages in the vicinity were
rapidly growing, forming the beginning of todays city.
Since 1974, due to political problems, the city is facing the direct
consequences of functioning as a divided city. The existence of the
buer zone encouraged a cumulative trend of suburbanization
and outward movement of population and businesses, depressing
land values and inviting incompatible uses, thus contributing to the
degradation of residential amenities, environmental quality and to
economic and population decline.
The physical division of the city resulted also to the separate development
of each side. The need for consolidating the development of the city as
a whole, to prevent further decline of the historic centre, lead the two
major communities of Nicosia, Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots, to
forge a common plan for the rational development of the city.

This common plan was called the Nicosia Master Plan and was prepared
by a bi-communal technical group of experts, architects, town planers,
engineers, sociologists and other specialists and with the support
of experts from other countries. The Plan was adopted by the two
communities, being the common tool for the development of Nicosia
as a whole, until today.
The long-term physical plan for Greater Nicosia, drafted in 1984,
included the denition of a general development strategy based on
the need to concentrate and consolidate the city. This strategy was
supported by land-use policies for housing, industry and education,
green and open spaces; the revitalization of the Walled City, giving
priority to the rehabilitation of old residential neighbourhoods, to
community development and population increase; the structure of the
Central Business District; and the siting of major facilities such as the
university, civic centres and regional and town parks.
The study of the socio-economic prole showed that private initiative
given the existing conditions, had failed to save the historic area from
deterioration. It therefore became evident that public intervention was
the only means for improving the existing situation and stimulating
private initiative in the desired direction.
During the implementation stage of the Nicosia Master Plan, special
emphasis was put on development projects for the short and medium
terms, ranging from 5 to 10 years.
The aim was to stimulate the physical, social, economic and cultural
revitalization of the central area, as the key to the overall development
of Nicosia.
To achieve the desired goals and objectives the implementation
strategy focused on the four major actions that the development
strategy set as goals;


Although all the above were important for the future development of
Nicosia, priority was placed on projects, which would give the public
sector opportunities to achieve direct impact on the revitalization of
the Walled City.
In most of those projects the emphasis was on rehabilitating declining
residential communities, by carrying out housing area schemes.
These priority projects have been focusing not only to the improvement
of the building environment and the conservation of the architectural
heritage within the area, but also to the social and economic
regeneration of the local society. By providing community and other
public facilities, giving priority to cultural activities, or by creating new
opportunities for employment, this combined eort has partly resulted
to the social cohesion in the area and the stimulation of a slow and
long procedure of its regeneration.
Along with these projects, important nancial and other incentives
were granted by the authorities for the restoration of listed buildings,
in order to support the private sector initiative to restore and refurbish
their properties.
Also other schemes and packages of incentives were promoted for all
the areas adjacent to the buer zone area.
In 2004, in a combined bi-communal eort to assess the achievements
of Nicosia Master Plan, both communities expressed their will to set


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Legal instruments and planning

out a New Vision for the Core of Nicosia, in order to promote its further
regeneration and to regain its important role in the socio-economic life
of the capital as a whole.
Evaluating alternative Visions for the Future of the Core Area, the
New Vision Project identied a Heritage-led Regeneration Strategy,
focusing on cultural assets for tourism and education, by strengthening
the cultural and heritage uses and improving urban environmental
quality in the area, with commercial and housing development as
secondary objective.
The focus of change under this Vision is the unique heritage value
of the Walled City and the capacity of this value to translate into an
economic asset.
Adopting this strategy, the NMP has set out a number of priority
projects, including housing regeneration projects, restoration of
important buildings and re-use as public cultural centres, with a certain
impact on the social and physical environment.
At the same time, realizing the need for the proposed strategy to be
adopted by the local community, and based on a detailed socioeconomic survey, during the diagnostic phase, NMP is preparing
a stakeholder map which will form the base for a participatory plan,
promoting activities such as targeted workshops/seminars, Public
Private Partnerships, representation of local community on partnership
management boards, community forums etc.
The dynamic intervention of the public sector (local and central
authorities), through the above intervention priority projects scheme in order to stimulate the heritage led regeneration process
within the study area, as part of the overall strategy for the regeneration
of the historic centre of Nicosia as a whole, has set a concrete base for
the rational development of the city centre.
The main goals of this eort are still to regenerate the whole of the area
as a dynamic area and to demonstrate that regeneration is possible, but
needs the follow up movement of the private sector through Private
Public partnerships.
The public intervention scheme has reintroduced people from outside
the old city to the old city, i.e. younger family population to give
economic growth and longer term continuity. The eort was to control
population displacement to the outskirts of the city and also not to
create a ghetto.
The rehabilitation programme involved consultation with the existing
residents, in 1986, on how they felt about the project. The result was
encouraging concerning the acceptance of the intervention. The recent
socio - economic survey included also consultation with the existing
population which now includes new incomers, immigrants from
dierent countries. New problems concerning the social inclusion of
this new people in the local community raised and demand solutions.
As a result of the overall process, house prices have increased and rents
are quite high for restored houses. Low rents still concern decayed
buildings. The phenomenon of family property which is not for sale
is common, especially for listed buildings. Furthermore conservation
costs are high and the granted incentives concern 50% on the cost up
to 40000.
In order to identify these new forms of intervention, through
partnerships, there is a need to complement infrastructure and soft
projects with community involvement.


Public Participation is an essential aspect of the regeneration process.

Unless the people living and/or working and/or own property within
the study area (who consist the local community), adopt any proposed
vision for their City and Cultural-led regeneration strategy towards this
vision, this strategy is convicted to failure.
The lack of experience in public participation in Cyprus is obvious and
there is a lot to be done towards developing appropriate participation
mechanisms and tools and in eectively integrating public participation
activities and outcomes in the regeneration process.
Nicosia Municipality, through the Nicosia Master Plan, though, has
signicantly contributed to the raising of awareness of the value of
traditional architecture and the importance of landmarks of cultural
heritage within its historic core.
Awareness however was primarily conned to the professionals and
was rather informative than encouraging active participation of the
citizens. Information campaigns organized by the central and municipal
authorities attracted more attention from professionals and less from
investors and private sector groups.
Nicosia Municipality has set a number of scopes for the participation
and involvement of the local communities, especially in priority areas,
such as Walled city.

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Legal instruments and planning


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Herramientas legales y planeamiento
Legal instruments and planning

La rehabilitacin del casco histrico de

cdiz, una actuacin pblica de gran
trascendencia social

Jess Romero Martinez

Arquitecto Tcnico por la Universidad de Sevilla (1985-1989) Director
de Escuela Taller Casa Color (1990-1993) en San Fernando (Cdiz),
Jefe de Obra en Fomento Construcciones y Contratas (1994-1999),
Arquitecto Tcnico de la Ocina Rehabilitacin del Casco Histrico de
Cdiz (2000 en adelante).
Direccin postal:
C/ Cristbal Coln, 14 - CADIZ - C.P.11.005
Direccin de correo electrnico:
956 009600

1. Marco historico
Cdiz es una de las ciudades ms antiguas de Occidente y con ms
importante y homogneo conjunto edicado en los siglos XVII, XVIII
y XIX.
Hasta nales del XVII los poderes econmicos, sociales y culturales
permanecieron compartidos entre el clero y la nobleza. El comercio con
Amrica motiva a implantarse a un creciente nmero de comerciantes
burgueses, en gran mayora extranjeros.
Durante el XVIII, etapa de mayor esplendor, por su situacin estratgica
y su vinculacin con el comercio martimo, se levantaron numerosas
casas burguesas que sirvieron como residencia y negocio a dichos
El XIX supuso el decaimiento econmico, debido al descenso del
comercio con ultramar y a la prdida de las colonias, lo que motiv
el empeoramiento del parque de viviendas de la ciudad, cuyo Casco
Histrico se resinti por la saturacin del espacio edicable.
Como consecuencia las antiguas casas burguesas se convierten en
viviendas populares, con ocupacin de espacios comunes, galeras,
corredores e incluso azoteas de forma incontrolada.
Fueron ocupadas por poblacin sin recursos que comenz a hacinarse y
que careca de servicios. Sola existir una cocina y un aseo comunitarios
por planta para el uso de todos los vecinos. Si a stas condiciones de
habitabilidad le aadimos el deterioro de los edicios que provoca
el paso del tiempo y la falta de mantenimiento, el resultado es un
fenmeno conocido cmo Infravivienda.
En los ltimos aos, el mal estado del patrimonio residencial, la falta de
suelo y el encarecimiento de las viviendas han provocado un xodo de
los residentes del casco antiguo hacia otras zonas de la ciudad y a otras
localidades prximas con lo cual los residentes en del Casco Histrico
se caracterizan por ser una poblacin envejecida, empobrecida y
desempleada, que reside en viviendas carentes de condiciones de


habitabilidad y sin recursos para optar a una vivienda digna.

Segn el censo de 2001, 43.608 habitantes conforman la poblacin del
Casco histrico de Cdiz, frente a los 76.222 registrados a mediados de
los 70.
2. Intervencin de la ocina de rehabilitacin del casco
histrico de cdiz
La situacin descrita anteriormente es la que se encuentra la Junta de
Andaluca en el ao 1999, cuando decide la creacin de la Ocina de
Rehabilitacin del Casco Histrico de Cdiz y el Decreto 78/1999 de 30
de marzo sobre normas especiales de intervencin de la Comunidad
Autnoma en el Recinto Casco Histrico de Cdiz en materia de vivienda
y suelo, publicado en BOJA de 8 de abril de 1999. Esta experiencia
pionera se convierte en poco tiempo en la precursora de una nueva
poltica de vivienda no expansiva de la ciudad sino de recuperacin
y puesta en valor de sus centros urbanos y barrios ms deprimidos.
Fruto de esta experiencia es la existencia hoy en da de ms de 40 reas
funcionando a lo largo de toda la comunidad andaluza.
Cabe destacar que en dicha intervencin se distinguen dos etapas:
Una PRIMERA ETAPA con intervenciones de urgencia, ya que eran
muchos los edicios con riesgo cierto que hacan temer por la seguridad
de sus habitantes.
Preservar el Patrimonio
La intervencin de la Ocina se realiza sobre un Centro Histrico, cuyo
patrimonio heredado se corresponde fundamentalmente a los perodos
comprendidos entre los siglos XVII y XIX. Adems de su extraordinaria
riqueza tipolgica y estilstica se caracteriza por la homogeneidad de
su casero, por lo que es necesaria la intervencin desde el respeto
y puesta en valor del patrimonio, sin que suponga una actuacin
meramente arqueolgica, admitiendo un mayor grado de intervencin
all donde sea posible.
Se establece como objetivo no slo la rehabilitacin y mejora de vida
de la poblacin residente, sino adems la conservacin y recuperacin
del patrimonio arquitectnico. Se establece una lnea de trabajo y de
actuaciones encaminadas a la consecucin de dicho objetivo:
catalogacin de la ordenanza. Procurando el mantenimiento de
la estructura tipolgica, y la utilizacin de tcnicas constructivas
que permitan la conservacin de aquellos elementos de especial
residencial, sino incorporando la actuacin sobre edicios de
singular inters destinados a usos dotacionales.
de enriquecer el resultado de la actuacin, en aquellas intervenciones
ms importantes desde el punto de vista de intervencin en el
Mantenimiento de la Poblacin Residente
La expulsin paulatina a la periferia de las clases populares es un proceso
generalizado de las ciudades. El papel de vanguardia que las ciudades
han desempeado en el progreso de nuestra sociedad se debe, entre
otros factores, a la convivencia pacca en un mismo espacio de
distintos sectores sociales que necesitan conciliar intereses diversos.
Esta prctica cotidiana democrtica est en la base de la capacidad de

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Legal instruments and planning

generar inteligencia colectiva. Sirve tambin para explicar la conversin

en ciudad muerta de distintos centros una vez que cada da cesa la
actividad comercial.
La iniciativa privada en los centros histricos acta, legtimamente,
guiada por criterios de expectativas de benecio y promueve viviendas
destinadas a sectores de gran capacidad adquisitiva. Corresponde a
la administracin la misin de retener a la mayor cantidad posible de
poblacin tradicional residente.
Marcado Carcter Social
El marcado carcter social de la intervencin queda patente en las
siguientes cuestiones :
la recuperacin de los edicios y de los barrios, lo es tanto o ms
la intervencin social con las familias, que trata de identicar las
realidades y problemticas de estas y de encontrar respuestas,
soluciones y estrategias que contribuyan a superar situaciones de
a las necesidades especcas de las familias que van a ocupar las
viviendas. Se trata de compatibilizar la recuperacin del patrimonio
con las necesidades sociales.
desfavorecidos respecto a la tendencia del mercado, procurando
evitar el desarraigo.
ciudadanos beneciarios de las actuaciones tanto en la resolucin
de problemticas propias cmo en las de su entorno, su barrio. Ellos
son los verdaderos protagonistas del proceso de cambio y como tal
deben asumirlo. Pieza clave en la interlocucin son las asociaciones
de vecinos, con las que debemos tener comunicacin constante, al
ser ellos punto de recogida del sentir de sus vecinos.
Cabe destacar la importancia del trabajo de equipo y , de los
Trabajadores Sociales como profesionales que realizan un trabajo
personalizado con las familias, identicando el grado de funcionalidad,
las debilidades, fortalezas, conictos y recursos a movilizar para la
Dicho trabajo se incardina en el que realiza el resto del equipo ya
que nuestra intervencin requiere de los distintos profesionales que
trabajan en un mismo objeto, la actuacin de vivienda.
Es esencial el trabajo en equipo de todos los profesionales que
intervienen en el proceso, aunque desde los diferentes prismas de
cada uno, tcnico, jurdico o social, siendo este ltimo donde destaca
la importancia de la coordinacin con los tcnicos, arquitectos y
aparejadores, desde la fase de estudio hasta la fase de entrega pasando
por los desalojos, diseo del proyecto, las obras, incidencias en las
El Trabajo Social se desarrolla en las distintas fases del proceso:
t Informacin y diagnstico: Requiere del Trabajador Social, atencin
individualizada, estudio e informe socio-familiar de cada una de las
familias, diagnstico previo, propuesta de posible intervencin y
reuniones informativas con la comunidad de vecinos.
t Diseo del Proyecto: Al disear el proyecto el Trabajador Social

ser quin identique las necesidades de las familias, ubicacin

ms idnea de su vivienda, nmero de dormitorios, necesidad
de adaptarlas a minusvalas, etc y se los trasmitir al arquitecto
redactor. As como el modo de vida y costumbres de las familias,
las particularidades que deberan conservarse por respeto a un
modus vivendi propio, obligando en ocasiones a incluir elementos
simblicos para quien va a ocupar la vivienda an cuando son de
escaso valor para quien la disea.
Es necesario tener en cuenta las relaciones de vecindad y ayuda mutua
existentes entre vecinos sobre todo personas mayores, para facilitar
que estas continen e incluso mejoren si por ubicacin es posible.
t Realojos Transitorios: El Trabajador Social desarrolla un papel de
seguimiento y/o acompaamiento en la bsqueda de la vivienda
provisional con asesoramiento en los trmites que el cambio
implica, informando a la familia del estado de las obras de su
vivienda denitiva. A su vez programar y llevar a cabo actividades
previas sobre pedagoga del habitat.
t Adjudicacin: terminada la obra el Trabajador Social, propondr
al responsable de la Ocina, la adjudicacin de las viviendas a las
familias beneciadas.
t Seguimiento: El Trabajador Social dispone de los recursos propios
o si la familia por su escaso grado de funcionalidad lo requiriese
recurrir a los recursos externos ( servicios sociales, salud, sistema de
educacin, asociaciones u organizaciones ,...) para programar una
intervencin consensuada y/o conjunta y establecer un sistema de
acompaamiento e incluso en una primera etapa de tutelaje.
En paralelo programar y llevar a cabo proyectos y actividades
relacionadas con la Pedagoga del Habitat para brindar a las familias
herramientas y modelos que les permitan aprender a vivir en comunidad,
respetando todo lo que se considere positivo e incorporando nuevas
prcticas para mantener el equilibrio y favorecer la convivencia.
Una vez desarrollada esta primera etapa de urgencia es el momento de
plantearse nuevas metas. Dar un paso ms all de la rehabilitacin de
edicios para comenzar una rehabilitacin del barrio, de la ciudad . Se
inicia una SEGUNDA ETAPA caracterizada por:
Seleccionar actuaciones residenciales con una visin estratgica
global: que de solucin a problemas de planeamiento como apertura
de nuevos espacios, de salvaguardia del patrimonio histrico artstico
residencial, o bien actuaciones dirigidas a colectivos concretos.
A travs de la colaboracin con otras administraciones y con otras
instituciones publicas y privadas como Universidad, Obispado de CdizCeuta, fundaciones, etc, para dar respuesta a necesidades residenciales
y no residenciales pero imprescindibles para una ciudad habitable.
En esta lnea se viene actuando y se actuar en el futuro para revitalizar
el centro de la ciudad no solo como recuperacin del patrimonio
edicatorio residencial, sino desde el de recuperacin de la ciudad viva
y heterognea, cultural, dotacional, comercial, etc. Haciendo participe
a todos los rganos y sectores que representan la multicolectividad.
Sirviendo de catalizador de un cambio en el que deben participar el
resto de agentes de forma espontnea arrastrados por nuestra inercia.


Outils lgaux et planication urbanistique

Herramientas legales y planeamiento
Legal instruments and planning


Outils lgaux et planication urbanistique

Herramientas legales y planeamiento
Legal instruments and planning

La transformation et la conservation des

villes historiques en Algrie :
Plan de rcupration de la ville de

Malika Bousserak
Architecte, enseignante au dpartement darchitecture, universit de
Blida. Magister en prservation architecte qualie des monuments et
sites protgs auprs du ministre de la culture, membre dune cellule
de recherche Etude de la croissance et des transformations urbaines des villes algriennes par rapport leur forme et leur structure
urbaine .
Adresse postale :
1, route de bouismail, Kola 42400, Tipaza, Algrie
Adresse courrier lectronique:
Tl. :
0 73 34 15 90

La mditerrane est considre parmi les milieux urbains les plus

anciens du monde vu la stratication des civilisations qui se sont
succdes dans cette rgion. En eet ce pass urbain est commun aux
rgions mditerranennes europennes et du nord de lAfrique, mais
les vicissitudes historiques connues par les organismes urbains sont
direntes dune rgion une autre.
Les villes du nord de lAfrique sont devenues, depuis plus de milles ans,
des villes musulmanes ; certaines vieilles cits ont t abandonnes,
dautres fondes par des dynasties diverses issues des direntes
En Algrie, durant la colonisation, certaines villes prcoloniales ont t
transformes dans leur structure initiale, ainsi lappropriation physique
de lespace des tissus urbains prexistants se faisait au prix de multiples
destructions dans la ville prcoloniale(mdina) pour le ramnagement
dun cadre bti nouveau. En premire phase, par la superposition de
plans durbanisme qui consistaient raliser des perces lintrieur
de la ville traditionnelle amputant le tissu. Larrt des destructions et le
changement de la politique de transformation des villes algriennes
correspondait la visite de Napolon III en Algrie en 1965. Aprs
saturation des villes occupes taient, les colons franais ralisrent
des extensions urbaines, considres comme des noyaux dune ville
nouvelle. Ctaient des quartiers destins aux Europens, ce qui a
entran une partie de la population autochtone sy installer, do le
processus de densication et de dgradation de la ville ancienne.
Le phnomne de dgradation des centres anciens stratis sest
accentu avec le dpart des europens qui dclencha le phnomne
de lexode des habitants de la mdina vers les logements du centre
colonial librs et loccupation des habitations des villes anciennes

straties par les couches sociales les plus dfavorise. Phnomne

qui a induit la densication, linsalubrit et la dgradation du cadre
Aprs lindpendance, la nouvelle tendance de la planication et de
lamnagement du territoire na nullement considre la ville historique
stratie, elle lui a plutt confr un statut qui la condamne linertie.
Elle na donc suscit aucun intrt particulier vu le vide juridique et
linadaptation des lois en vigueur par rapport lvolution qua connu
lamnagement du territoire.
Certes la lgislation algrienne identie et arrte quatre oprations : La
rnovation urbaine, la restructuration, la rhabilitation et la restauration
Ces oprations sont dnies dans le cadre de la reconqute des tissus
urbains dlaisss, qui doit tre mene tout en respectant le tissu urbain
existant, le caractre de la composition architecturale et la cohrence
urbanistique de lensemble.
Par ailleurs, le patrimoine bti est cit parmi les objectifs que xe le PDAU
(Plan Directeur dAmnagement et dUrbanisme) qui est un instrument
de niveau de programmation urbanistique, il xe les vocations des
sites et quipements raliser. Tandis qu lintrieur du POS (Plan
dOccupation au Sol) que sont entreprises les interventions sur le tissu
urbain existant, il dicte une rglementation de droit des sols.
Cependant une lecture critique du contenu PDAU et du POS montre
que le patrimoine bti historique est peu considr. On dduit :
sont labores sans connaissances approfondies du tissu urbain
(histoire urbaine, morphologie et structure urbaine, et typologie
En dehors des instruments urbanistiques, la prise en charge du
patrimoine bti en Algrie est dicte par des mesures de protection
comportant les actions suivantes :
1-Le classement : cette mesure de protection, est dnitive, elle est
particulirement dnie pour les monuments, sites historiques ou
culturels1, prsentant un intrt public du point de vue de lhistoire et
de lart ou de lhistoire uniquement.
Cette mesure ne peut que ger le bien dans le temps car le classement
ninduit pas automatiquement les interventions, les procdures ntant
trop lentes.
2-Linscription sur linventaire supplmentaire : Elle concerne les
biens culturels immobiliers qui prsentant un intrt historique, culturel
et artistique. Ces biens, qui sont appels tre conservs sont inscrits
sur linventaire supplmentaire.
Cette inscription entrane les eets gnraux du classement pendant
une dure de dix ans. Si aprs cette priode, le classement dnitif
nintervient pas, le ministre procde la radiation par un arrt de
3- La cration des secteurs sauvegards : Les secteurs sauvegards
sont cres par dcret pris sur rapport conjoint des ministres chargs de
la culture, de lintrieur, des collectivits locales et de lenvironnement,
de lurbanisme et de la construction. Le contenu du plan est prcis


Outils lgaux et planication urbanistique

Herramientas legales y planeamiento
Legal instruments and planning

dans des dcrets excutifs2 portant les modalits dtablissement du

plan permanent de sauvegarde et de mise en valeur des secteurs
sauvegards ( PPSMVSS).
Sont rigs en secteurs sauvegards les ensembles historiques urbains
ou ruraux tels que les casbah, mdinas, ksours, village et agglomrations
A lintrieur de la mesure de protection relative au patrimoine historique
bti, seule la mesure concernant la cration des secteurs sauvegards
peut tre applique aux villes anciennes straties, lois qui sous entent
la considration des villes historiques en tant que patrimoine urbain4.
Les secteurs sauvegards, qui sont crs par dcret, considre
uniquement les villes classes patrimoine national5, tandis que les
entits historiques straties, reprsentes par la ville prcoloniale
transforme dans sa substance et sa structure, ne sont pas pris
en charge par ce dernier. Ni encore et ne sont pris en charge par
linstrument urbanistique quest le Plan dOccupation au Sol (POS) car il
est dmontr sur le terrain que ses instruments sont inecaces pour le
contrle et la gestion des transformations et la conservation dans les
centres anciens stratis.
Actuellement, le principal problme des villes historiques straties
du nord de lAlgrie (mdinas transformes) rside dans leur abandon
ou dans leur sur utilisation. Le drame actuel est que la ville historique
risque de ne plus exister, et cela est d au nombre et la gravit des
altrations, ainsi que leur non considration de leur valeur historique et
de leur dimension patrimoniale6.
La ncessite de leur prise en charge relle grce linstrument lgislatif
grce au plan de sauvegarde ne doit pas tre conu en fonction
de leurs valeur historique uniquement, mais aussi en terme dun
urbanisme cohrent o la cration contemporaine doit se conjuguer
ecacement avec les tmoignages du pass.
La sauvegarde de la ville historique en Algrie pourra tre ralise
dans une perspective de lavenir de linstrument urbanistique, cest-dire penser un urbanisme de la ville historique et en perspective, on
pourra dpasser la sauvegarde et penser la restauration urbaine .

Alternative de plan de sauvegarde dune ville : cas de miliana

Miliana est considre comme une ville moyenne de lAlgrie. Elle
est parmi les villes millnaire ( Alger et Mda). Elle a accumul de
nombreuses stratications historiques de diverses civilisations qui se
sont succdes sur son territoire (gure n1)
Le phnomne de sdimentation historique le plus apparent et le
plus bouleversant, dans la ville de Miliana, reste celui dune petite ville
franaise. La morphologie de la ville prcoloniale a t totalement
perdue aprs la superposition de la structure en damier. ( Photo n1
et 2)
La lecture des transformations urbaines et architecturales, ralises
durant la colonisation, a permis didentier les lments physiques, de
lpoque prcoloniale, qui ont perdur durant la colonisation et jusqu
lpoque actuelle. Ces lments sont considrs comme tant des
permanences ayant accumuls des valeurs (historique, architecturale,
symbolique,...) Lidentication de ces lments stait base sur les
informations fournies par les plans tablis au dbut de loccupation
franaise (plans cadastraux, gure n2). Cest partir de cette priode
que les documents graphiques et iconographiques furent tablis
et grce auxquels, on a pu reconnatre certaines caractristiques
structurelles et morphologiques de la ville prcoloniale de Miliana.


Llaboration dun tel document base sur la connaissances des

transformations urbaines, en plus de lidentication des caractres de
lurbain (structure gomertico-formelle, structure des espaces urbains
et de leur pratique) permettra la reconnaissance de la valeur historique,
urbaine et architecturale et donc de sa dimension patrimoniale. Cette
caractristique permettra la prise en charge par linstrument relatif
la sauvegarde ( PSMVSS) en tant quinstrument urbanistique, ainsi on
dmontrera lecacit de ce plan qui tend rcuprer, rhabiliter les
villes historiques straties et on atteindra lobjectif de lurbanisme de
la ville historique.

ALMI S., Urbanisme et colonisation, prsence franaise en Algrie, Bruxelles, 2002
BEGUIN F., Arabisances, Paris 1983
BOCCHI R. et ROCCHETTO S, Il recupero edilizio e urbanistico, Venise 1979.
CUNEO P., Introduction lurbanisme en pays dislam et histoire du Maghreb au moyen age,
cours de post-graduation ,cole polytechnique darchitecture et durbanisme, Rome,
LE TOURNEAU R., Lvolution des villes de lAfrique du nord au contact de loccident,AIEO,
t.XII, Alger, 1954.
MERCIER E., LAlgrie en 1880, Paris, 1880.
NOUSHI A, Les villes dans le Maghreb pcoloniale, in systme urbain et dveloppement
au Maghreb ,
Alger 1983
SPIGAI V. et LEVY A., Plan et architecture de la ville, hypothses pour de nouveaux projets,
Venise 1989.
PALAZZO A.L., Centri storici, innovazionne del recupero, Rome1988

JOURNAL OFFICIEL n 44 , La dnition du monument historique contenu dans larticle

17 du chapitre II, de la loi n 98 04 , du 15 juin 1998.

JOURNAL OFFICIEL n 60, dcret excutif n 03-324 du 5 octobre 2003.

JOURNAL OFFICIEL n44, article 41

Cette notion avait fait lobjet dune allgorie lchelle europenne depuis le 19ime
sicle. Cependant, les villes et les ensembles historiques, devenus patrimoine urbain
part entire, ont t confronts aux dicults de leur conservation, plus particulirement
leur rutilisation et leur intgration dans la ville contemporaine.

Seul les cinq villes suivante sont classes patrimoine national: Casbah dALGER (JO n 34
du 11mai 2005), Vielle ville de CONTANTINE et la valle du MZAB ( JO n39 du 04 juin
2005), Casbah de DELLYS et la vielle ville de TENES

Un projet de catalogage des villes historiques straties (transformes par les projets
dalignement) sera entam pour leur identication, classication, leur reconnaissance
en tant que patrimoine urbain, leur classement et leur prise en charge par linstrument
urbanistique dintervention sur les villes historiques : plan de sauvegarde

Outils lgaux et planication urbanistique

Herramientas legales y planeamiento
Legal instruments and planning

Medterrenean architecture,
preservation of the historical peninsula
in the cty walls of stanbul am target
and the strategy

Cengiz Eruzun
0 212 245 99 00 (1401)

Fatih and Eminn districts are called historical peninsula and it is
situated in the south east of atalca Peninsula. Hali (Golden Horn) and
Beyolu are situated in the North. Bosphorus is in the east, Marmara
Sea is in the south, Zeytinburnu, Bayrampaa, Eyp districts are in the
west. Istanbul lies between Silivri and Gebze. Just in the center of the
metropolitan area and stanbul maintains functional relations with all
Historical peninsula (Sur ii) covers 1582 hectare areas with 33 quarters,
it lies in the South of the peninsula. Hali (Golden Horn) is situated
among Bosphorus, Marmara Sea and Fatih.
Vision (The Aim of the Planning)
To protect the historical, cultural and architectural values of the historical
peninsula and preserving the central, traditional features of the original
identity and developing quality of the buildings, environment and the
level of standart of living and convey these wualications to the young

A.2. The environment, constructions and developement of Standard of

living of the historical peninsula.

A.1. To represent the spesic identity of the Historical Peninsula

by making functional analyzes and planning ; the renement of the
functions which are not suitablewith its own spesic identity of the

A.1.H.1. To dene the functions in historical peninsula and its

qualication. Providing suitable planning in developement of the
peninsula by oering suitable plannings to its spesic identity.
Dispersing of the sites according to the needs of environment.
tA.1.H.1.S.1. Balanced dispersinf of the commercial areas and making
functional planning, to control the constructional areas which may
destroy the historical texture of the peninsula.
tA.1.H.1.S.2. Limitation of the linear trade and developing a system
which provides suitable environment for Byzantium and Otoman era.

A.1.H.2. The functions which are appropriate for the historical

texture should ne organized improved and activated.
t A.1.H.2.S.1. To remove small industry, manifactured goods and
warehouses, to the outside of the city walls.
t A.1.H.2.S.2. To preserve the historical texture instead of these
discharged places, new functional places should be organized and
should compensate the needs of this age.

A.1.H.3. Preseving the historical peninsula from the pressure of the

t A.1.H.3.S.1. The functions which receive high condensation of
the trac jam and high population should be removed from the
peninsula. Mostly hospital buildings and university buildings should
be removed from the historical peninsula because of the trac
t A.1.H.3.S.2. In 1985, the historical peninsula was included in the
list of Unesco World Cultural Inheritance and n 12.07.1995, the
law number 6848 was proclaimed that this historical peninsula as
a site area but these precautions are also inecient to preserve
the historical area. The preservation and developement of the
Historical Peninsula should be obligatory in order to save the
present inheritence. City planning approach is a controlling means
of concept to evaluate new developments.

A.2.H.1. The resolution that is made for the transportation is that

pedestrian prnciples should be given importance and entegrated
with the present transportation system. The limitation of the pressure
of the rubber tyres on the ancient pedestrian streets and other
public transportation systems should be given precedence. Only
this way, these ancient street qualications could be preserved.
t A.2.H.1.S.1. Limitation of the rubber tyre transportation system
could be made by the trac jam outside this ancient area and to
emulate new street outlines. Only with this way the features of the
ancient roads could be saved.
t A.2.H.1.S.2. Sea and railway transportation should be given
importance only by this way we can preserve ancient street forms.
tA.2.H.2.S.3. In the needs of park and ride system, the arragements
of the car parks should be made suitable to the sensitivity of the
ancient texture. City outline can be preserved from the visual and
biological environmental pollutions by the new arrangements.
A.2.H.2. The preservation of the buildings and renovation of the
damaged buildings.
tA.2.H.2.S.1. Establishing new regulations of constructing buildings
such as not constructing buildings higher than ancient ones.
(culturally inherited ones)
t A.2.H.2.S.2. Rehabilitation and restoration projects are made in
order to arrange the buildings which are suitable to the ancient
texture and renement of the buildings which are not appropriate.
Regaining the old buildings by arrangements that would made in
contemporary technology.
A.2.H.3. Maintaining night and day balance.
tA.2.H.3.S.1. Decreasing the pressure of the trade and accomodation
areas residences especially in Eminn district and regainin
residences should be made. The population of Eminn by night
is nearly 45,000 and tha day time the population increases to
2.000.000. the population by night should be increased at leas
500,000. this proposal would not be a solution but nightlife areas
could be enlarged.
tA.2.H.3.S.2. The area could be more attractive by the a ccurate and
suitable equipments and functions. The main elements that would
add attractivity to the area are primary schools, kindergartens,


Outils lgaux et planication urbanistique

Herramientas legales y planeamiento
Legal instruments and planning

hospitals park areas, squares, religious buildings, open areas, cafes,

book stores and small shopping trade centers.
t A.2.H.3.S.3. In order to balance the night and day population of
Eminn and Fatih districts we should combine the central and
local administrations because the population of Fatih district is the
same at night and day time. Therefore combination of these two
districts may increase thenight population nearly 600,000.

and Beyazd was once on Byzantine main road which was also used
during Ottoman and nally it is the right soulution to change this
main axis to main pedestrian trac.
A.4. The protection and the emergency of the cultural architecctural
and historical values of the historical peninsula.

A.3. Providing the visional integrity and regaining the silhouette on the
basis of historical identity and preservation.

A.4.H.1. The determination of monumental buildings and the

examples of civil architecture, the renovation of all buildings
adapting to the city atmosphere.
t A.4.H.1.S.1. The buildingsspoiling the historical identity of the
squares should be arranged again.
t A.4.H.1.S.2. Generally in the peninsula, there should be existed
walking routes for pedestrians ampng the high density of cultural
and historical regions where there are lots of buildings that need
t A.4.H.1.S.3. The spaces between the lands parcelled up and the
places near the streets are all arranged as green areas in order to
preserve the street- parcel structure
tA.4.H.1.S.4. The regions should be untitled as the rst, second, third,
as their protection degrees from the high density monumental
and civil architectural areas to low density of cultural and historical
buildings respectively.
t A.4.H.1.S.5. The handicraft works should be given importance
and some precautions should be taken in order to enlive these
tA.4.H.1.S.6. The projects of restoration should be done for damaged
historical buildings.
t A.4.H.1.S.7. The lack of lost Works and parts of buildings should
be determined and supplied to reconstruct under the principles of
legal and practical issues.

A.3.H.1. Decreasing the insenty of constructions.

t A.3.H.1.S.1. The limitation on the basis of the construction will
decrease the rate of population by taking the decisions. A French
Urban Institute specialist profesor Henry Prost prepared regrating
plan for stanbul in between 1936-39. prost, restricted the storey
levels in order to minimize the rate of population. After 1950, these
regulations were changed and the present population rate was

A.4.H.2. The high cultural inheritence potential of the historical

peninsula should be evaluated in the benets of cultural tourism.
Huge, empty buildings can be restorated as boutique hotels.
t A.4.H.2.S.1. The encouragement of the tourism cultural, artistic
activities should be organised properly besides the innovations in
tA.4.H.2.S.2. The supplying the accurate accomodation facilities and
the encouragement of cultural tourism in the peninsula.

A.2.H.4. Developing the quality of landscape by generating the

traditional, natural texture of the historical peninsula.
tA.2.H.4.S.1. We should preserve and develop the natural texture by
arranging the landscape projects. The existed landscapes should be
explored and investigated. We must give a place to tyhe solutions
which give importance to natural ora and asymmetrical solutions.
t A.2.H.4.S.2. The area which is excluded from the historical city
texture and vegetable gardens should render service to the
inhabitants of the historical peninsula by arranging the regional
parks and recreation areas.
A.2.H.5. Developing the quality and the standarts related to
urbanic, social and tecnical in frastructure and making adequate for
the public which is inhabitance of the population
t A.2.H.5.S.1. To apply investment funding. This area will turn out
to be attraction center by applyinginvestment fundings for the
verbal sector. We sahould not give permission to applications which
would increase the population amount. Infact, the areas which
was collapsed should be rehabilitated and become the attraction

A.3.H.2. The prevention of the constructions which aects the

visual integrity negatively.
tA.3.H.2.S.1. In Residence areas the planing which is amde should
preserve the historical peninsula cultural and naturla existence and
should be harmonious with the cultural and natural existence and
should not damage visual eectiveness. Plans should cover +40 and
+50 decreasing the altitudes of the building by taking decisions such
as for +40 only 5 storeys should be given permission to construct
and for +40 +50 not more than 3 storeys.
t A.3.H.2.S.2. It is compulsory to make arrangements to prevent
the visual pollution. For example we can take crossroads and
car parks underground or new arrangements should be made.
In Fatih and Eminn districts, Atatrk boulevard can be taken
dow to underground and vehicles with rubber tyre can be taken
underground as well. Pedestrian crossings should be constructed
instead of this trac arrangements. The road between St. Sophia


Istanbul has been located in the center of the old which consted of
ASia, Europe and Africa as the known establishment date from our
times for 2700.
In the world all the peninsula lie down to North- South directions
while the Anadolu peninsula lie down to east east-west direction. This
made an unique geographic feature. Although the capitals of the most
countries were located far away from the sea, stanbul was a unique
harbour city being the capitals of Byzance, Roman and Ottoman
Empire. Meanwhile, stanbul is the city, where dierent religious groups
such as muslims, christians and jewish people live in the same society
together in peace. stanbul is the city which has got many documents
written,drawn and photographed. Furthermore, Bosphorus is the place
where people admire when they see the highlights of the city. stanbul
is not only the city of historical importance but also popular in cultural
touristic and international trades.

Outils lgaux et planication urbanistique

Herramientas legales y planeamiento
Legal instruments and planning

Instruments et mthodes pour la

rehabilitation de larchitecture
traditionnelle en sardaigne: le manuel
de recouvrement des centres historiques
de marmilla1

Carlo Atzeni
Ingnieur civil-de btiment. Docteur de recherche en Ingegneria Edile
- Universit de Cagliari, avec thse: Le culture dellabitare nelle regioni
storiche del Mediterraneo.
Cercheur prs de la mme Universit sur le sujet: Insediamento e
culture del costruire tradizionali nel contesto regionale fra conservazione e
modicazione: materiali per una manualistica del recupero.
Il enseigne au master de II niveau en Recupero e riqualicazione del
patrimonio architettonico storico rurale Universit de Cagliari.
Direccin postal:
Dipartimento di Architettura Facolt di Architettura - Universit degli
Studi di Cagliari
Piazza dArmi, 16 09123 Cagliari - ITALIA
Direccin de correo electrnico:
+39 070 6755803

Fondements et objectifs
Le Manuel de rehabilitation des centres historiques de Marmilla, du
Sarcidano, de lArci et du Grighine est un instrument oprationnel
conu dans le but de fournir des lignes guide pour les interventions de
recouvrement sur le patrimoine architectural traditionnel dun domaine
territorial trs vaste et extraordinairement intressant sous le prol de la
culture de linstallation et de la construction.
Le systme dinstallation de Marmilla, en eet, conserve sa matrice
mdivale constitue dune srie de petits villages parmi lesquels
mergent quelques centres dimportance historique comme Ales,
Laconi, Mogoro, Sardara, Senis et Usellus.
Ici, comme dans dautres zones internes de la Sardaigne, et de la mme
faon que dans dautres domaines de la Mditerrane, on peut relever
au moins deux donnes de fond particulirement alarmantes:
depuis des annes;
grandes dicults mettre en marche des procs conomiques
qui consentent aux communauts de se soutenir.
Il sagit de deux phnomnes fortement lis qui mettent en discussion
le lien entre les communauts et leur territoire, contribuant au
dpeuplement des noyaux historiques, la dgradation qui en

suit du patrimoine de btiment traditionnel et la perte rapide des

connaissances constructives prmodernes.
La Marmilla, en revanche, possde une forte charge didentit encore
clairement lisible dans les centres historiques travers lhomognit
et la rptitivit des caractres de leur architecture de base.
Aussi bien sous le prol troitement culturel quconomique, elle a
mrie la conviction que larchitecture populaire puisse tre interprte
comme patrimoine matriel de valeur absolue.
Cest dans ce sens que la dcouverte, la connaissance de la
culture constructive locale, la conservation et le remploi grce au
recouvrement du btiment historico-traditionnel, reprsentent une
importante occasion de dveloppement conomique du territoire
fonde sur les propres spcicits. Et ce sur la base des instances de
rappropriation que les communauts, surtout si elles sont petites
et isoles, manifestent avec grande force par rapport aux sujets de
lappartenance et de lidentit.
La ncessit dtablir un standard pour les bonnes pratiques
dintervention, surtout aujourdhui o le recouvrement est souvent
soutenu conomiquement par les institutions publiques, attribuent au
livre un rle de premier rang dans les stratgies oprationnelles pour la
valorisation et la requalication urbaine.
Les utilisateurs du Manuel
Les objectifs de ce manuel sont reconductibles aux instances culturelles
et dusage.
La structuration du manuel travers lillustration dtaille, par tables
graphiques et crites, dun chantillonnage vaste dlments typiques
de lusine traditionnelle (toits, planchers, murages, ouvertures etc.),
permet une cl de lecture darchives qui les prsentent comme un
rpertoire de cas travers lesquel dterminer les types rcurrents
Le manuel, en outre, fournit techniciens et maons un instrument
pour une approche oprationnelle au btiment traditionnel, tant sous
le prol cognitif que sous celui des mthodes dintervention pour la
tutelle active, lentretien et la modication.
Les personnes auxquels sadresse ce manuel sont la communaut
installe et le monde des spcialistes dans sa double articulation en
techniciens et maons, en pense et pratique.
Aux premiers le manuel devrait stimuler lapprciation du centre ancien
travers lexpressivit de ses reprsentations qui synthtisent lessence
des constructions traditionnelles; par secondes il sadresse avec le but
dtendre la connaissance du btiment pr moderne, codiant les
rgles principales qui ont t transmises, n aujourdhui, seulement
sur la base de lexprience pratique du savoir faire du chantier.
Pour les projeteurs, le manuel est un guide et support dans la dnition
de lintervention de recouvrement, orientant dans le choix de matriels
et techniques cohrentes avec ceux qui appartiennent la tradition
locale constructive, selon une logique de projet qui opres en continuit
et pas en opposition avec le pass.
Contenus et instruments du Manuel
Le domaine territorial dintrt prsente des variantes morphologiques
et culturels lies au moins quatre sous-zones de rfrence qui
drivent de lintersection entre les rgions historiques du Sarcidano,
de Marmilla, du Grighine et, secondairement, du Campidano central et
septentrional dans lequel on relve substantiellement des caractres
naturels, typologiques et technologiques homognes.


Outils lgaux et planication urbanistique

Herramientas legales y planeamiento
Legal instruments and planning

Les cultures de linstallation et de la construction qui se sont dveloppes

et consolides dans chaque zone jusque dans les premires annes
du sicle dernier et mme, dans certains cas aussi, au-del du second
conit mondial, apparaissent li aux caractres naturels du territoire,
la culture et lconomie des communauts qui rsident en lui.
La donne matrio-constructive est fondamentale dans la dnition
des sous zones homognes: elle permet de distinguer les zones de la
terre et celles, nettement prdominantes, de la pierre qui, elles-mmes,
se rpartissent en zones de trachyte, de grs, de marnes, et de basalte.
Les marges ne sont pas prcisment dnissables: si dans quelques
cas en eet, ils concident avec ceux des sous zones mmes, (les zones
du basalte qui sont localises sur le versant occidental de lArci par
exemple, ou du trachite qui comprend les territoires du Grighine), dans
dautres cas ils se dilatent concernant plus de sous-zones (la zone de la
terre crue se rpand par exemple aussi bien en Marmilla que dans le
Le Manuel sarticule dans les sections suivantes:
a. analyse et tude de larchitecture prmoderne;
b. analyse des formes de dgradation et des pathologies rcurrentes;
c. rhabilitation de larchitecture prmoderne: modalit dintervention.
a. Dans la partie Analyse et tude, pour chaque sous-zone dtermin,
on recherche les relations entre morphologie urbaine, typologie de
btiment et technologie constructive.
A laide de tableaux synoptiques interprtatifs et de comparaison on
a tudi les centres urbains selon trois chelles dapprofondissement
dinstallation telles que la mme orientation des corps dusine/
dices rsidentiels, les rapports entres espaces publics et privs, les
rapports entre plein et vide, les lments damnagements urbains.
cour, antrieur, postrieur, btiments productifs comme pressoirs,
moulins, caves etc..), et leur modalit daccroissement et de
matriaux employs dans les lments de la construction pr
moderne tels que: murages, couvertures, planchers en bois, avanttoit, ouvertures, fentres, portes et portails, pavages de places
extrieures et intrieures, lments particuliers dcoratifs, oeuvres
en fer.
Chaque niveau est accompagn de tables, de tableaux synoptiques,
de ches spciques intgres laide du matriel documentaire,
photographique et graphique la base de la recherche analytique,
fondamentale pour rsumer la grande quantit de renseignements et
la rendre consultable.
Pour chaque sous-zone on a produit en particulier:
des premires installations gomtriques (remontant au dbut
des annes 1900), soulignent les principales rgles dinstallation
des centres urbains en examen, relativement aux caractres
morphologiques des lieux;
sont donns par la position mutuelle entre cour, maison et rue,
du numro de cellules qui constituent les installations dorigine
des habitations, du numro des niveaux sur lequel les maisons se


dveloppent, de la prsence de portiques et de vains instruments;

table est tudi en dtail travers lemploi de reliefs de cas rels, de
documentation photographique et de textes explicatifs;
types constructifs;
schmatiques ou de dtail relatif aux variantes avec lequel chaque
lment constructif se prsente en chaque zone matrielle.
b. Lanalyse des formes de dgradation et des pathologies rcurrentes fait
rfrence essentiellement ltude des dgradations technologiques,
sous divis en:
Pour valuer la dgradation des lments structuraux on considre la
dgradation des lments verticaux (murages, colonnes etc..), et des
lments horizontaux (planchers, couvertures, structures arc etc..).
Pour chaque catgorie de dgradation et suite aux principaux lments
structuraux et superciels les symptmes et les causes des pathologies
plus diuses ont t examins dans le btiment traditionnel, laide de
tables photographiques de synthse.
Les catgories de dgradation des lments structuraux sont en
grande partie lis des aaissements intermdiaires et terminaux,
des renversements et des rotations, des crasements, des inexions
et des dformations excessives.
Ltude de la dgradation des matriaux sarticule, quant elle, en
trois sections spciques relatives la nature dirente des surfaces
considres en dterminant les catgories suivantes: fracturation,
rosion, eorescences, exfoliation, altration chromatique, tches,
lacunes ou manques, pulvrisation, concrtion et oxydation.
c. Dans la section Rhabilitation de larchitecture prmoderne:
modalit dintervention, on recommande lemploi de matriaux et
de techniques compatibles avec la construction traditionnelle, tout
en tenant compte de sa prdisposition naturelle lassemblage et
la pratique dentretien. Dans cette section, nombreux sont les renvois
la rgle dart.
On examine, travers des ches oprationnelles dintervention
structures de la mme manire que celles technologiques danalyse,
les problmatiques rcurrentes dans le recouvrement de:
selon quatre catgories dintervention:
1. consolidations
2. intgrations
3. protections
4. dshumidication
Les ches, qui illustrent quelques lignes mthodologiques de
recouvrement, nont pas la prtention de rsoudre tous les problmes
dintervention du btiment historic, mais ils ont comme objectif celui
daronter les casuistiques rcurrentes dintervention de manire
oprationnelle et directe.

Outils lgaux et planication urbanistique

Herramientas legales y planeamiento
Legal instruments and planning

Les tables et les ches de synthses qui y sont intgres, permettent de

disposer dun tableau complet pour chaque lment constructif, sous le
prol de la construction dorigine, des pathologies et des interventions,
contribuant ainsi une approche la rhabilitation le plus immdiat et
conscient possible.

ATZENI C., MANIAS M., 2006. Manuale del recupero dei centri storici della Marmilla, del Sarcidano,
dellArci e del Grighine. Roma, Edizioni Dei Tipograa del Genio Civile.
GIOVANETTI, F., MARCONI, P. (a cura di), 1989. Manuale del recupero del Comune di Roma. Roma,
Edizioni Dei Tipograa del Genio Civile
GIOVANETTI, F. (a cura di), 1992. Manuale del recupero del Comune di Citt di Castello. Roma,
Edizioni DEI Tipograa del Genio Civile
GIUFFR, A., CAROCCI, C., 1997. Codice di pratica per la sicurezza e la conservazione dei Sassi di
Matera. Matera, Edizioni La Bautta.

Le Manuel de Rhabilitation des Centres Historiques de Marmilla, du Sarcidano, de lArci

et du Grighine rentre dans le cadre dune initiative communautaire LEADER + et elle
est nance aux fonds communautaires FEAOG Orientamento - Piano di Sviluppo
Locale del Gruppo di Azione Locale Interprovinciale delle Marmille, Sarcidano, dellArci
e del Grighine, Axe I, Mesure 1.3, Action 1.3.b.1 qui prvoit la ralisation dun instrument
oprationnel dtude et analyse du patrimoine de btiment des centres historiques
des 44 Communes de la zone Leader +, nalis la prdisposition dun Manuel pour la
requalication des Centres Historiques et des lments urbains...

analyses et connaissances de larchitecture traditionnelle de La Marmilla: table des


Ltude photographique prliminaire la rdaction du Manuel de requalication a

intress un patrimoine historien du btiment qui conserve, inaltrs ou lisibles, les
caractres typologiques de base, estims en environ 4.200 btiments. Tenant compte
que les btiments recenss sur la cartographie des premires installations sont environ
9.000 en tout, la donne est absolument considrable pour la quantit des btiments
historico- traditionnels en tat acceptable de conservation (46%). Ltude typologique
sest en outre base sur lanalyse ponctuelle des reliefs denviron 500 btiments dont
20% a t report dans le manuel sous forme de ches typologiques.

Nota: Este artculo no se ha podido publicar en su totalidad por falta de espacio

analyses et connaissances de larchitecture traditionnelle de La Marmilla: la che

technologique dune porte

analyses et connaissances de larchitecture traditionnelle de La Marmilla: table tipologiques

des portails


Outils lgaux et planication urbanistique

Herramientas legales y planeamiento
Legal instruments and planning

The western City Wall of old Aleppo. An

area under transformation

Kamal Bitar
Architecture degree, Aleppo University, 1987;
Master in Restoration and Renovation, Montreal University; 1991;
Ph.D. in urban planning, Stuttgart University, 2002.
Expert supervisor of the Planning and Architectural section of Aleppo
Old Citys Rehabilitation Project since 2002; Senior architect and
partner in SURADEC since 2000 (Sustainable Urban Rehabilitation,
Architectural Design and Engineering Consortium).
Aleppo, Syria
E-mail address:
+963 944 317416

The city of Aleppo was erected on the plain of the Qoueiqs river. Its
Citadel was built on the highest hill of the area. The Old City surrounds
the Citadel and occupies about 360 hectares. The majority of the
survived urban fabric goes back to the Ottoman period (1517-1918).
The rst Master Plan for the city was prepared in 1900 and delineated
the development of the city toward the west. Just after the mid
nineteenth century, the city started to expand toward the west and the
north. However, the Master Plans of 1954 and 1972-1974 triggered the
demolition of about 20% of the historic urban fabric.
Consequently, in 1974 the Directorate of Antiquities registered
the whole intramural city as a historic district. In 1978, the northern
extramural area was included within the protection zone; and in 1985
the eastern area was incorporated. Furthermore, the subsequent year
witnessed the addition of the Old City of Aleppo to the UNESCOs list of
World Heritage Sites.
In 1992 a Syrian-German cooperation project for the rehabilitation
of the Old City of Aleppo was initiated. Ever since, the Rehabilitation
Project has worked on developing revitalization schemes for the
Old City. In 1998 a Development Plan was prepared. It outlined the
strategies for upgrading and preserving the living urban heritage of
Old Aleppo. The primary strategy consisted of identifying catalysts for
urban development in the Old City.
Within this framework, the Western City Wall Project is considered the
biggest and most recent urban development project in the Old City.
This projects area is characterized by its strong socioeconomic setting
and complex urban structure. It attracts customers from the Aleppo
metropolis and the surrounding region. However, it suers from various
problems mainly related to underdeveloped land, unorganized trac,
informal activities, and neglected landscape.
This area is situated extramural in the city center between the old


and the new town covering an area of about 65 hectares. The eastern
boundary of the area is demarcated by the ancient Western City Wall
highlighted by Bab Antakieh, one of the remaining gates of Old Aleppo.
The western limit is drawn up by the Qouaque River. Up north, the
area is limited by the thoroughfare coming from Damascus and in the
south by the alignment of the southern edge of the Old City. (Photo-1:
Location in the Old City)
Throughout the years a long stripe of shops was erected in front of
Aleppos ancient western fortication wall. These shops comprise a wide
range of commercial activities including shoe repair workshops, seed
wholesalers, foam and carpet shops as well as construction material
and sanitary ceramic stores. Across the street, the western adjacent
area attracted a diversity of formal and informal commercial activities,
various administrative buildings, as well as a wide range of local and
national transport facilities.
The northern part of this area includes second hand clothing shops
and numerous vegetable shops. These are strongly linked to Souk alHall the biggest vegetable wholesale market in town, and to several
informal street stands. The central zone is occupied by various building
materials workshops; a cargo station, a fridge building, Souk al- Duogma
and Souk al Hall. To the south of the wholesale market, a large number of
recycling workshops for plastic and polystyrene boxes cover part of the
open green space in the area. They are directly linked to the activities of
the vegetable wholesale stores. The green space south of Souk al-Hall
is used as farmland for growing vegetables and owers. Further to the
south, a dense traditional residential neighborhood starts.
The oered transportation facilities occupy a large surface at the
northern part and are represented by an inner-city public bus station,
a western rural area microbus station, regional and rural bus station, as
well as a bus station for national and international bus lines. Public and
administrative buildings and functions are mostly located in this part
around the bus stations. The area around Bab Antakieh is a gathering
point for informal construction workers as well as transportation
services. (Photo-2: Actual Situation & Boundary, Photo-3: Northern Part
of the Area)
The planning work of the Western City Wall area was carried out in line
with Action Area Planning Principles. Accordingly, problems, potentials,
trends, as well as a set of objectives and strategies were dened.
Nevertheless, due to the pressing need to expose the Western City Wall
and the long process of plans approval, a bottom-up approach was
adopted in parallel to implement various Action Projects while waiting
for the ratication of the legally binding qualitative and quantitative
land use plans.
The project aims at readdressing the persisting dilemmas in the area
by removing the expropriated shops attached to the Western City Wall,
restoring and exposing the ancient wall and the gate of Bab Antakieh,
reusing some of the remaining historic buildings to consolidate the
tourism infrastructure and transforming the area into a new city district
of the Aleppo metropolis. Within this transition zone, the challenge
faced is to preserve the socioeconomic prole and the urban liveliness
of the area, improve the interaction between the old and new city while
insuring the balance between preservation and development.
In order to set the logistics for rehabilitation, the area was the subject
of various surveys. This included the documentation and the historic
evaluation of shops along the city wall, as well as surveys on ownership,
building heights, qualitative and quantitative land uses, trac system
and transportation means. Based on the surveys carried out and the

Outils lgaux et planication urbanistique

Herramientas legales y planeamiento
Legal instruments and planning

urban analysis of the area, an urban planning concept was developed

in 2006. It combined between the revitalization of historic monuments,
the introduction of new metropolitan functions, the protection of the
existing open spaces and green areas, the elaboration of landscape
design, as well as the development of the streets and pedestrian
networks in accordance with the general trac concept of the Old City.
Within this framework, additional administrative buildings, new tourism
facilities, a reorganized informal market, as well as new commercial
activities were introduced.
A particular importance was given to the design of the public space
facing the gate of Bab Antakieh in order to highlight the new city
center. According to the future planned changes in the area (i.e. the
removal of the microbus station and the vegetables market to the
northwestern and the southwestern outskirts of the city), this square
should gradually be expanded toward the west up to the river shore
in order to form a special zone and/or corridor between the old and
the new city.
In 2007, the qualitative and quantitative land use plans were elaborated
in order to preserve the cultural heritage, consolidate the existing
functions and secure housing while leaving sucient room for new
development. Accordingly, ve zones were proposed: conservation
area, administrative, mixed business, mixed residential and special
zone. (Photo-4: Urban Concept & Land use)
The implementation of this urban development project was scheduled
into phases. The rst phase included the removal of shops between the
northern and the southern towers of Bab Antakieh and the elaboration
of the place in front of the exposed wall. This phase was partly
implemented in the area between the gate and the northern tower.
This section of the Western City Wall dates back to the French mandate
period (1920-1946). However, the shops in this section are distanced
from the wall and the gap in-between is lled with earth and rubbish
rising up to six meters above street level. Therefore, a structural survey
was carried out prior to implementation in order to examine the state
of the buried walls foundations. By coincidence, these investigations
led to the discovery of the ancient city wall which most likely dates
back to the Ayyubid period (1171-1260).
For unknown reasons (e.g. enlarge the street above the wall), the French
wall was built above the remains of the Ayyubid wall and stretches
out in front of it by about two meters. As it stands today, the French
wall is supported on a 15cm reinforced concrete slab. Following the
removal of the lling in-between the shops and the wall, the structural
condition of the French wall became critical. Several cracks started
to appear in the street above and in the mass of the wall. Due to the
unexpected nding of the Ayyubid wall and the movement of the
French wall, all implementation works were stopped and a proposal
for a provisional shoring was elaborated. Archeological excavations,
the elaboration of the nal concept and the permanent stabilization
of the French wall would all depend on the allocation of the required
budget for implementation.
Subsequently, implementation will focus on the transformation of
the microbus station into a public square, the rehabilitation of Souk
al-Dougma to host the commercial activities between Bab Antakieh
and the southern tower, the removal of the expropriated shops, the
restoration of the city wall, the rehabilitation and the reuse of the gate
and both towers for tourism facilities.
Other implementation phases will focus on extending Souk al-Dugma
to include the remaining expropriated commercial functions, exposing

and restoring the southern segment of the city wall, applying the
rst stage of the trac concept, removing Souk al-Hall from the area,
extending the park toward the river and connecting the area to the Old
City ring road. Private investments will also have their share in the area
to accelerate the development process.


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Legal instruments and planning

Location in the Old city

Northern Part of the Area


Actual Situation, Boundary

Urban Concept, Lan Use

Outils lgaux et planication urbanistique

Herramientas legales y planeamiento
Legal instruments and planning

Larchitecture de la ville Le projet

urbain; Aspects paradigmatiques
mthodologiques et pragmatiques

Mounir Douib, Achref Ben Khalifa

DR.Douib Mounir
Docteur en Architecture Habilit Diriger les Recherches en Architecture Docteur en Architecture
Matre de Confrences de lEnseignement Suprieur en Architecture,
Universit du 7 Novembre Carthage, Ecole Nationale dArchitecture
et dUrbanisme de Tunis ENAU.
Directeur scientique de lURAMC, Unit de Recherche en Architecturologie et Modlisation de la Conception, CREDA.
Coordinateur des Etudes Doctorales au CREDA, Centre de la Recherche et des Etudes Doctorales en Architecture de lENAU. Universit du
7 Novembre Carthage.
Conseiller OAT Ordre des Architectes de Tunisie ; membre du 16
Conseil 2006-2008
Ben Khalifa Achref
Mastrisant en architectre au sein de lcole nationale darchitecture et
durbanisme de tunis ENAU
Membre de Lunit de recherche en architecturologie et Modlisation
de la conception URAMC
Adresse postale:
cit el khadra rsidence du lac bloc B5 APP10
1003 TUNIS, la Tunisie
Adresse courrier lectronique:
+216 . 98 511 415

La ville en tant que paradigme dtablissement humain est en mutation

.Apparue voici prs de 5000 ans en tant quorganisme distinct du
village,partant de la centralisation de la population et haut lieu de la
civilisation ,du savoir ,de la culture et de la diusion .Lhistoire de la ville
et de lurbain a connu de trs grands bouleversements et changements
en parallle aux rvolutions culturelles et les ruptures paradigmatiques
esthtiques et idologiques .En fait, ds le dbut de laire industrielle
,la croissance dmographique de la population grce au progrs de la
science et lexode vers les villes des civilisations usinires ont amorc
une urbanisation galopante de ces drnires .Par la suite, lvolution
des communications des matires et des informations ont trs vite eu
raison de lurbanisme et de la ville dans son concept traditionnel. La
ville du progrs comme entit spatiale et morphologique intgrant
une organisation cohrente et centre tend disparatre. Dj, elle
atteint ses limites avec les grandes mtropoles de laire industrielle et

Une expansion continue et une qute de plus grand, de plus haut et de
plus vaste inspire un urbanisme nouveau ,aux prises avec une nouvelle
complexit de la vie moderne ,complexit rsultante de llargissement
de ltendue gographique et lintgration de diversit de rseaux dans
lpaisseur mme du fait urbain..
Une mutation qui dteint aussi tt sur larchitecture qui voit la production
de btiments et ddices indits concentrant fonctions et usages
.Lexplosion des programmes des nouvelles constructions conjugues
aux nouvelles manires dhabiter et aux rcents comportements
urbains sont venus simbriquer sur les anciennes typologies .De
nos jours, la civilisation usinire cde la place une civilisation
communicationnelle imposant des changements techniques dans
les manires de faire et des changements paradigmatiques dans les
manires de voir .Une complexit grandissante et des changements
rapides dans lenvironnement culturel ont caus des chocs profonds
dans larchitecture et lurbanisme qui ont essay de sy adapter tant
bien que mal en changeant de structure .
Aujourdhui, la rvolution urbaine lchelle mondiale cognitive rend
caduque cette organisation centre et ordonne .La ville implose en
une multitude de rseaux et de constructions sans limites.
An de contourner et matriser cette mutation irrversible, il est de
la plus haute importance de xer les grandes lignes qui pourraient
permettre daboutir ltude et la comprhension de ces faits urbains
dans leur aspect descriptif et analytique. On parle souvent de systme
urbain pour dsigner la ville .Il est aussi question de structure urbaine
et structure constructive .Toutefois les termes systme ,structure
et les notions de forme et de fonction nont pas en ralit la mme
connotation systmatise et stabilise quils ont dans les sciences .Alors
que cest la mtaphore architecturale mme qui est lorigine de la
pense structurale avec la distinction nette qu fait VIOLET LE DUC entre
structure et forme .Cependant le champs de lurbain et de larchitecture
na pas pu adopter et digrer le paradigme structuraliste ni mme
connatre une transformation limite systmique ou paradigmatique.
Et pour pouvoir aller plus loin dans le travail dabstraction et dvaluation,
on pourrait dnir le fait urbain comme tant un cadre bti articiel
construit par les hommes et soustrait de lenvironnement naturel
;cest de la matire solide qui est mise en forme comme enveloppe
physiquement rigide et stable en creux des volumes vides,constituant
le milieu habitable.
Obtenant ainsi mme par conjonction dans le sens de lpaisseur, la
ralit de larchitecture urbaine, une composition, et dans le sens
de ltendue, une croissance .Cest cette double composition qui
constitue le phnomne urbain quil faut asseoir sur le plan thorique
et conceptuel en vue de gnraliser et identier un systme urbain.
La forme concrte quil prend en tant que modle physique est conaissante avec sa forme abstraite ,son concept.
Cette problmatique revt toute son importance si on la remet dans le
contexte de larchitecture mditerranenne et surtout celui des pays
du sud avec la grande extension que conaissent les villes en rponse
aux grands changements socio-conomiques .On assiste alors au
dmantlement continue du caractre identitaire de cette architecture
et dstructuration des modes traditionnels et ladoption de nouvelles
manires de concevoir et construire .On prend par exemple laspect
urbain de la Tunisie :jusquau dbut du 20me sicle, on admettait des
courants clairs de production ,par exemple lurbanisme citadin des
mdinas ,berbre des montagnes et le pr-saharien des oasis.


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Herramientas legales y planeamiento
Legal instruments and planning

Il faudrait alors pour savoir comment se posent les problmes de

larchitecture de lurbain et comment on peut y apporter des solutions
formelles et organisationnelles , traiter du processus global de
Larchitecture spatiale fait partie intgrante de la ville comme le projet
urbain, et le moment de la conception fait partie du processus global
de production du cadre bti urbain .Le processus de production
du projet urbain,se dcompose en sous processus comprenant la
planication,la projetation ,ldication et lappropriation . Chacun de
ces sous processus se subdivise son tour en sous processus.
En premier lieu ,on a la planication qui englobe les ides du projet
de commande et tout le travail de programmation dtaillant les
buts et les moyens .La projetation englobe le travail danticipation
de lobjet le design du btiment .Ldication englobe la phase de
construction ,la fabrication du btiment conu et sa ralisation Quant
lappropriation , elle englobe la phase de loccupation du bti de
lusage et de lappropriation du btiment ralis .Et si on reprsente
ces stades selon leur droulement dans le temps cela donne le schma
suivant : (schema 1)
Cette reprsentation diachronique et linaire ne prend pas compte
de ce qui se passe rellement. Il y a des rtroactions entre un stade et
celui qui le prcde et mme entre le moment de lappropriation et la
premire phase savoir la planication .Il convient donc de se proposer
une reprsentation plus dynamique du processus production.
Le concepteur devra alors disposer des comptences ncessaires,
rclamer la formation adquate et se positionner de manire plus
positive plus ecace et plus agressive par rapport la production en
matrisant mieux le processus dans sa globalit.
(Schema 2)
La question serait alors de savoir si on peut parler dune base thorique
de rgles qui pourrait constituer le dpart de laccomplissement du
travail de la conception .
Dans ce sens larchitecture peut tre une forme de de connaissance
essentiellement tacite agissant en rhizome de savoirs et de savoir
faire techniques et empiriques mme si on peut reconnatre en
larchitecturologie sa branche scientique.
Comme base thorique du PGCPA, on propose un modle du
systme architecturologique en dialectisant la thorie de la quasidcomposabilit de H.A.SIMON et la thorie du progrs cognitif de
J.PIAGET.Ces deux thories complmentaires dmontrent par leur
application lerreur de loppposition thorie-pratique constituant la
dicult majeure dans le champs de larchitecture de lurbain .Elles
permettent aussi de prendre conscience de la possibilit de progression
de la comprhension par lanalyse de systmes architecturaux existant
la cration par synthse de systmes architecturaux virtuels .Les deux
thses sont suceptibles daccord travers le paradigme holographique
tel que propos par J.C. TABARY posant un isomorphisme de structure
entre le systme Total de la connaissance humaine et le systme partiel
de la connaissance architecturale.
Alors tangiblement, quels sont les potentialits de ce modle et ces
appplications sur larchitecture?
Lide de dpart est lidentication et la representation par le pradigme
holographique de nimporte quel systme architectural et par la suite
travers la complmentarit des recherches la constitution du systme
Total de larchitecture .Comme resultante on aura lobtention de la
BDA base de donnes architecturales qui rassemble les donnes
traitant des divers courants darchitecture. De ce fait, la modlisation


cognitive et holographique du systme architectural ore de trs

grandes potentialits au sein du PGCPA et ceci au niveau des trois
temps critiques dintervention .En premier lieu le pass : en fait, pour
ce qui est de la sauvegarde du patrimoine et au lieu dune sauvegarde
selective ,on peut adopter une autre chelle urbaine plus vaste et
qui ne sarete pas aux monuments ni aux quartiers de proximit
immdiate. (la sauvegarde se fait par le biais de la sauvegarde des
donnes ,et ceci concerne essentiellement les pays o le budget ddi
au patrimoine est vraiment rduit et ne permet quune intervention
partielle).Le second temps est celui du prsent ,o la BDA permettera
de donner naissance des typologies prcises bien ancres dans les
ralits identitaires de chaque communaut lors des interventions
contemporaines des architectes .Ce qui dminuera concidrablement
la dperdition du language et vocabulaire architectural des lieux et faits
urbains.Et nalement , le futur de larchitecture mditranenne qui
est directement relie aux nouvelles rgles durbanisme qui devront
rguler et controler les mutations des villes et o la prsence dune base
thorique et scientique mettra n aux rgles caduques et bateaux et
donnera une nouvelle dimension la ville en tant que lieu identitaire
au carctre particulier .(schema 3)

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Legal instruments and planning

schema 1

schema 2

schema 3


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Herramientas legales y planeamiento
Legal instruments and planning

Towards a new Design tool for Urban

Islamic Contexts.
Zaouiat Lakhdar and the Medina of

Joo de Magalhes Rocha, Jos Pinto Duarte

Joo de Magalhes Rocha
Was born in Lisbon,1969. Teaches architecture at the Universidade
de vora, Portugal. Graduated from FAUTL(1992), earned a M.Sc from
Columbia University, New York (1995) and a PhD from MIT (2004).
Taught at the Ponticia Universidad Catolica de Chile, Santiago (1996)
and was a research fellow at Harvard (Fall 2006). Has is own practice in
Departamento de Arquitectura. Universidade de vora. Largo dos
Colegiais. 7000. vora. Portugal.
++ 351 266 74 0800
Jos Pinto Duarte .
Was born in Lisbon,1964. Teaches architecture at the FAUTL, Portugal.
Graduated in 1989 (FAUTL) earned a M.Sc (1998) and a PhD from MIT
(2004). Taught at MIT and at the IST, Lisbon. He has is own practice in
Lisbon.Faculdade de Arquitectura. Universidade Tcnica de Lisboa.
Polo Universitrio da Ajuda. Rua S Nogueira. Alto da Ajuda .1349-055
Lisboa, Portugal

Research context
The research described in this paper is part of a larger on-going project
that aims at incorporating shape grammars (Duarte 2001) with an
existing generative design system based on genetic algorithms (Caldas
2001) within a real architectural context - Marrakech Medina as its
architectural precedent -(Rocha, 1995 ). The ultimate goal is to develop
a computational tool for generating original urban and housing
congurations that could be more sustainable and energy ecient,
while respecting certain cultural and architectural qualities. Previous
work that constituted an early eort to characterize the urban and
architectural patterns of this area, suggested that a stylistically coherent
corpus of designs existed and that it had enough variety and value to
t the research objectives.
2 Architecture and tradition
The reason for choosing the Marrakech Medina as the case study
for this experiment is twofold. First, it draws from the necessity to
explore existent architectural values in a new context of investigation.
Projects carried out by architects such as Jean Franois Zevaco with
his courtyard houses at Agadir (1963-65) and Serge Santellis Andalous


residence in Sousse (1975-80) already demonstrate how contemporary

architecture can embody traditional spatial and typological features
within a new architectural interpretation. The elaborated connections
between urban congurations with pure abstract volumes of houses
suggest that the systematic use of the patio-house typology allows for
the emergence of an urban tissue with such complex characteristics.
Second, the population increase that occurred in Marrakech during the
last decades, as in most North-African and Middle- Eastern cities, has led
to an uncontrolled urban growth that produced urban environments
lacking the spatial richness found in historical vernacular districts (FIG01).
Thus, this research intends to provide a computational framework
that can assist architects in the design of urban environments that
all together maintain compositional principles while satisfying new
necessities of present-day life.
3 Urban heritage
The foundation of the Zaouiat Lakhdar quarter, one of the oldest
along with those situated north and north-east, Assouel and Hart
Soura, is associated to the construction of the Ben Youssef Mosque
in the XII century and to its religious complex. As a city of Islamic
origin, Marrakech shares specic social and cultural values which are
embedded in its system of social organization, therefore, in its urban
and architecture form. While many aspects of Islamic social behavior
are related to the Islamic law, shariah, and certain principles found in
urban environments are a tribute to the shariah, the Quran and the
sunnah (life of the prophet), others stem from traditional building
codes related to, inheritance and endowment laws. Which was the
inheritance process that shaped the morphological spaces of Zaouiat
Lakhdar ? Can we map out its transformations and relate them to the
set of religious and social rules which determine many of the collective
patterns that form its urban and architectural conguration? An utmost
Islamic social value is that a strong social relationship is underlined by
the concept of brotherhood. Strong family ties are expected to last and
this partially explains the organization of domestic architectural spaces
which are close to each other and contain multifunctional spaces
surrounding a courtyard. It also partially explains the unsolved familiar
problems which can lead to spatial arrangements such as the closing
of a derb (dead-end-street), the change of its direction, the destruction
of a house for its division, or decisions about land division among family
members and disputes of inheritance goods. Oleg Grabar in his study
on traditional Muslim urban environment says: it is Islam which gave
resilience to the Muslim city and to its bourgeoisie, not because it was
necessarily aware of all urban problems but because it had the abstract
form in which all of them could be resolved.(Grabar 1976) These laws,
which are applied in everyday life, form a dynamic set of rules that
actuate in a bottom up manner which inuences the development of
the city urban tissue.
Design tool
A detailed analysis of Zaouiat Lakhdar, suggests a well-structured urban
system with patterns which are topologically similar. It was possible
to infer and encode the identied patterns into a reduced number of
parametric schemas that constituted the basis for the design grammar.
The parametric shape grammar was able to simulate urban growth
accordingly to the rules seen and mapped on site. At the outset it was
considered necessary to deal with both the urban scale and the scale
of the house by developing two independent grammars: an urban

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Herramientas legales y planeamiento
Legal instruments and planning

grammar that would account for the urban layout, and a housing
grammar that would account for the functional organization of the
houses. This paper addresses the rst context and proposes a more
accurate map of the quarter (FIG 02). Its inner spatial area is structured
around 10 derbs which form several housing clusters. As the perimeter
space of the quarter is only used as commercial area, all housing
entrances which form a complex network of private derbs, are located
within the quarter. Within this network we identify nine major clusters,
which hold 142 courtyard houses, organized around specic derbs. The
longest crosses horizontally from west to east and holds 34 houses, a
few of these dating from the early XVI century. This street system which
runs from public space until the utmost inner private entrance of the
house cell, constitutes 7,8% of the overall plot area of the Zaouiat Lakhdar
quarter. The functional organization of the houses seemed to be partly
responsible for the behavior of the geometry of their perimeter, which
also varied on dierent oors, and with neighboring houses. An initial
Autolisp implementation of the inferred topological urban features
run for 100, 200, 500 and 1000 interactions proving that an automatic
generation of a urban space with similar features is possible to achieve.
FIG 03 illustrates the complex network of derbs and courtyard housing
plot areas being generated in real time. Learning from these results a
detailed parametric grammar was set where the derivation of designs
proceeded through six stages: (1) dene neighborhood limits (2) insert
derbs entrances (3) insert extenders and articulators to derbs (4) insert
spatial boundaries (5) dene spatial constraints. An interpreter was
built in Autolisp (FIG 04) that facilitated the interface with prototyping
technologies. Fig 04 illustrates the interpreter being used in the
generation of a new possible urban solution and its model produced
by a laser cutter.
In conclusion, the implemented system proved exible enough to
encompass the requirements of such a design experiment. Further
work will include the generation of houses and of its urban layouts
within a more free architectural framework.

GRABAR, O. (1976). Cities and citizens: The growth and culture of urban Islam. in B Lewis (ed),
Islam and the Arab World, Thames and Hudson. 100.
ROCHA, J.(1995). Marrakech: An evolutionary model. In, Abstract, New York, Columbia
University Press.
WILBAUX, Q. (2001).La Medina de Marrakech. Formation des Spaces Urbains d une Ancienne
Capitale du Maroc, L Harmattan, Paris.

This research was carried out within the framework of the project
POCTI/AUR/42147/2001, with nancial support of FCT, Portugal. We
thank Gonalo Ducla-Soares for his role in the survey of the houses and
support in the development of the grammar. To Rodrigo Correia, Andr
Valverde, and Joo Cardoso for their work in the development of the
Marrakech urban grammar interpreter. In Marrakech we thank to Abied
Driss, Chef du Dpartement des Etudes de le Ministre de lInterieur.
Agence Urbaine de Marrakech; Faissal Cherradi and Abdellatif Marou at
the Inspection Rgionale des Monuments Historiques et des Sites for
providing us valuable graphic and historical information. We also thank
to Sara Jacinto and Ana Silva for imaging processing.

AKBAR, J. (1988). Introduction to Crisis in the Built Environment: The Case of the Muslim City.
In, Crisis in the Built Environment: The Case of the Muslim City. Judith Shaw, ed. Singapore:
Concept Media Pte Ltd.
CALDAS, L. (2001). An Evolution-Based Generative Design System: Using Adaptation to Shape
Architectural Form, PhD Dissertation, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
CALDAS, L., NORFORD, L., ROCHA, J., (2003). An Evolutionary Model for Sustainable Design,
Management of Environmental Quality. An International Journal.[14]. No3, MCB UP Limited.
383-397. ISSN 1477-7835
DUARTE, J. (2001). Customizing Mass Housing: A Discursive Grammar for Siza s Malagueira
houses, PhD Dissertation, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
DUARTE, J.,ROCHA, J., DUCLA-SOARES, G., CALDAS, L. (2006). An Urban Grammar for the Medina
of Marrakech. Towards a Tool for Urban Design in Islamic Contexts. CJ.S Gero (ed), Design
Computing and Cognition 06. Springer. 483-502.
DUARTE, J., ROCHA, J.(2006). A Grammar for the Patio Houses of the Medina of Marrakech Towards a Tool for Housing Design in Islamic Contexts. In, Communicating Space(s) [24th
eCAADe Conference Proceedings] . ISBN 0-9541183-5-9. 860-866.


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Herramientas legales y planeamiento
Legal instruments and planning

Figure 01. Zaouiat Lakhdar entrance situated in front of Ben Youssef Mosque.
New urban dwellings at the southeast of Marrakech Medina.

Figure 02. Zaouiat Lakhdar plan with its subdivision in housing clusters and property division
accordingly to the existent derbs

Photo credits: Joo Rocha

Figure 03. Autolisp implementation with design outputs for 200 and 1000 iteration trials.


Figure 04. Autolisp Interface Interpreter showing the generated solution and it digitally

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Legal instruments and planning

Proyectos de recalicacin urbana para

las reas del interior de Cerdea

Silvia Mocci
Licenciada en Ingeniera edil-arquitectura, dottoranda de bsqueda
en Arquitectura en la universidad de Cagliari, colabora en la didctica
de los cursos de Composicin arquitectnica y Arquitectura tcnica
en la misma universidad. Argumentas principales de las bsquedas
conciernen la tutela y la valorizacin de la arquitectura tradicional del
Mediterrneo. Ha hecho parte del grupo de estudio de la operaciones piloto Rehabimed: Rehabilitacin y turismo sostenible: Kairouan
Direccin postal:
Dipartimento di architettura, Piazza dArmi n16, Cagliari
Direccin de correo electrnico:
+39 3281772973

En el siguiente texto se describen algunos ejemplos de recalicacin

y recuperacin de zonas de asentamiento de poblaciones del interior
de Cerdea. Se trata de propuestas elaboradas en el mbito CIVIS,
proyectos experimentales de calidad llevados a cabo en una red de
pequeas poblaciones, nanciados por la disposicin 5.1 Polticas
para las reas urbanas del POR Sardegna 2000-2006 (documento de
desarrollo elaborado por el Estado Italiano y por la Comisin Europea
durante el periodo 2000-2006 de acuerdo con el Marco Comunitario
de Apoyo).
De acuerdo con lo establecido en el edicto regional, el objetivo de
dichos proyectos es el de mejorar la funcionalidad y la calidad del
sistema urbano de los centros de Cerdea. Concretamente el proyecto
de revalorizacin de las poblaciones de la isla pretende el desarrollo de
una poltica turstica basada en los recursos culturales y territoriales que
valoricen la identidad local, mediante una consolidacin de sus propias
Los proyectos especcos muestran dos ejemplos de recuperacin y
reutilizo de edicios histrico-tradicionales y el proyecto de un espacio
Proyectos de recuperacin de casas histrico-tradicionales
En el proyecto CIVIS se llevan a cabo tanto la recuperacin de rutas
histricas urbanas, como la activacin de procesos y sistemas de
gestin de calidad territorial, urbana y arquitectnica; pero sobretodo
tiene como principal objetivo la rehabilitacin de casas tradicionales,
puesto que representan la mejora del escenario urbano en tanto en
cuanto son modelos para la intervencin de calidad.
En los proyectos de calidad, las rehabilitaciones se hacen
principalmente en casas histricas que son consideradas portadoras

de una fuerte marca de identidad y que representan un enfoque de

proyecto basado en los principios de conservacin e innovacin, pero
tambin se llevan a cabo en las instalaciones tpicas del lugar, poniendo
especial atencin en la tutela y en el respeto de las caratersticas de la
construccin y de la integridad de los espacios.
Ambos edicios son objeto de profundizacin y estn constituidos
por unidades habitacionales simples, de forma que el espacio original
digamos que es el arquetipo formal del que despus se han desprendido
las sucesivas decisiones para reutilizar y modelar este espacio. Por
eso en las propuestas de intervencin se cree oportuno ravalorizar y
restructurar ese espacio interior para dejarlo como era originalmente,
liberndolo de obstrucciones como pueden ser por ejemplo tabiques
o falsos techos; las pequeas transformaciones se siguen manteniendo
siempre y cuando sean compatibles con la losofa de conservacin de
la estructura original.
El principio de espontaneidad con el que la construccin de base se ha
ido concentrando a lo largo de la historia de las pequeas poblaciones
de Cerdea es el de la agregacin por unidades habitacionales, que se
van aadiendo por yuxtaposicin lineal y alrededor del patio (como
es el caso de la ex almazara de Villa Verde, Oristano, en la que cuatro
unidades habitacionales se alnean y denen por un lado la fachada
que da a la calle y por otro cierran el patio interior, g.1). En cambio
otras veces tambin por altura, hasta incluso cuatro/cinco niveles (
como es el caso de Sa Domu e su Notariu di Olzai, Nuoro, en el que la
casa se presenta como una estructura de cuatro niveles de diferentes
medidas constituidos por dos unidades habitacionales provistas de
una escalera exterior, g.2).
Por este motivo y partiendo de estos principios-normas, se han puesto
en marcha proyectos que han llevado a cabo la lgica de la continuidad
con lo ya-existente, con aumento de unidades habitacionales por
aadidura en las tres dimensiones del espacio.
El proyecto de rehabilitacin y reutilizo de la ex almazara2 prevee
la realizacin de un modesto centro de exposicin-informacin
turstica dedicados a los productos enogastronmicos locales, dada la
importancia de Villa Verde como punto de referencia de la zona por
este tipo de producciones tradicionales.
Estructura planimtrica simple de un solo nivel, constituida por cinco
unidades habitacionales alineadas, orientada en direccin norte
respecto a la va pblica con un nico acceso y con una sucesin
de aberturas de forma ritmada. En conjunto, la puerta y las ventanas
delnean una fachada simple en la que la presencia de la pared de basalto
negro prevalece sobre la escansin de los huecos de las aberturas;
en direccin sur, los mismos vanos se abren en el prtico del patio.
Construcciones aadidas de diferentes tipos realizadas con materiales
poco compatibles o incoherentes con los caracteres constructivos y
los materiales del lugar, obstruan el patio en direccin este frente a la
gran puerta monumental que se ha conservado perfectamente hasta
nuestros das. En esta rea, conjuntamente a la escalera de acceso al
semistano y a los servicios, se ha predispuesto un nuevo cuerpo de
proporciones modestas en continuidad con los ya existentes.
La rehabilitacin y las posibles modicaciones pretenden devolver al
patio el valor y el signicado que tena originalmente como espacio
abierto en el que antiguamente se llevaban a cabo actividades
de trabajo comunes, y que hoy da podra servir como espacio de
produccin y sociabilidad. Por este motivo, puesto que la vieja supercie
era de pavimento empedrado, el nuevo patio se ha concebido como
una grande y nica base de piedra basltica que se extiende por


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Herramientas legales y planeamiento
Legal instruments and planning

todo el espacio abierto sobre un nivel nico, excepto en un espacio

verde ocupado por unos olivos seculares existentes que da a la puerta
Tambin en el proyecto de reutilizo de Sa Domu e su Notariu de Olzai,
se ha querido responder a la necesidad de la adecuacin funcional del
edicio sin modicar los elementos estructurales, ni alterar las formas y
las proporciones de los cuerpos originales; la introduccin del ascensor
en el pequeo patio situado detrs permite el cmodo disfrute de los
nuevos espacios destinados a acoger las salas de exposicin para el
nuevo centro de informacin de turismo y cultura sobre la identidad
y la historia del territorio de los centros de la red. Adems, se ha dado
especial importancia a la eliminacin de las barreras arquitectnicas
para favorecer de este modo el disfrute del edicio rehabilitado a
personas discapacitadas.
Proyecto de un espacio histrico pblico.
El proyecto de Usellus es un ejemplo de intervencin en un mbito
caracterizado por una compleja estraticacin histrica de los procesos
de asentamiento. De hecho Usellus fue una oreciente colonia en la
poca romana (Colonia Julia Augusta Uselis), y sucesivamente en
la edad media se convirti en un centro importante de la zona de la
Marmilla, e incluso sede de dicesis eclesistica.
La intervencin comprende la recalicacin de la estructura del centro
histrico de la poblacin y la recomposicin y reordenacin de la plaza
Funtana Majori, situada en la parte connante del centro histrico.
De esta manera se recalica un itinerario de conexin entre las reas
arqueolgicas y se valora una zona que la comunidad reconoce como
suya, dado que es el escenario de manifestaciones populares y que
tiene un fuerte carcter de identidad, ya que en sus proximidades se
encuentran vestigios romanos. La plaza da forma a un espacio unitario
e integrado que lleva la marca de la historia a travs de detalles que
recuerdan imgenes del pasado: un camino construido con basalto de
la zona se erige entre dos grandes llanos pendientes; en la parte central
se dene un pdium y este camino es el que lleva a la zona arqueolgica,
escenario de manifestaciones y eventos de la comunidad.
El recorrido se convierte en un medio que pone en relacin el lugar
pblico y las casas privadas; un largo muro de piedra limita el camino
constituido por zonas verdes, arboledas, elementos de agua con los
lugares de paso y de parada.

Los proyectos han sido elaborados en el mbito de los Proyectos de calidad CIVIS. La
coordinacin cientca ha corrido a cargo del Profesor Antonello Sanna (coordinacin
de proyecto, Carlo Atzeni y Maurizio Manias; equipo de trabajo: Luca Tuberi, Silvia
Mocci, Elisabetta Pani, Davide Schirru, Paolo Spaga), Departamento de Arquitectura,
Universidad de Cagliari.

Nacido como lugar de produccin, se mantiene una continuidad funcional en la

intervencin de recuperacin.
Fig.2 Relieve de Sa Domu e su Notariu, plano de construccin.


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Legal instruments and planning

Fig.1 Rehabilitacin y reutilizo de la ex almazara como centro de exposicin turstica para

los productos enogastronmicos locales. Nueva distribucin funcional de los espacios
interiores y reorganizacin del patio.

Fig.3 Rehabilitacin y reutilizo de Sa Domu e su Notariu como centro de informacin

turstica y cultural sobre la identidad y la historia del territorio de los centros de la red.

Fig.4 Rehabilitacin de la plaza Funtana Majori de Usellus.


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Herramientas legales y planeamiento
Legal instruments and planning

Urban Voids and connectivity of the city

core: the case of Kavala

Aristi Papadopoulou
Associate Professor in the School of Architecture of Aristotle University
of Thessaloniki on the subject of Architecture of Public Space. Graduated from the same University and completed postgraduate studies in
the Philosophy of Art (1979-1982) in Paris (Universit de Paris I). During
her academic career, she has been faced with matters concerning
urban cores in general.
School of Architecture-Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki,
E-mail address:
+2310 995574

In the mid-seventh century, Thasians established a colony in the area

which is now known as the historic core of Kavala. Owing to its strategic
and economic importance, the city became an important fortied
port of the Mediterranean east, and it is encountered in the sources
under various names (Neapolis, Christoupolis, Kavala), which may have
arisen from changes in the citys form. It began to take on its present
aspect when the Ottoman Turks recolonised it at the beginning of
the sixteenth century. It was then that the original Byzantine walls of
both the city and the acropolis were repaired and the walled city was
extended north of the original enceinte. The aqueduct was also built.
The city centre was shifted to the new part, and comprised a large
religious complex consisting of the Mosque of Ibrahim Pascha (now
church of st. Nicholas) and a number of religious, social, and commercial
buildings. After this, Kavalas development continued apace throughout
the period of Ottoman rule. This was due to the expansion of external
commerce through the port, which seemed to act as a magnet for most
of the agricultural produce from the surrounding region. There was
a commercial boom in the eighteenth century, and an expansion of
foreign trade, chiey with French trading houses. The principal exports
were grain, wool, cotton and later tobacco. As a result of the citys
economic development, the area inside the city walls became more
densely built and the city itself began to expand outside the walls, as
the fortications defensive function declined. New districts soon came
into being. The citys expansion was accompanied by new building and
townplanning regulations, which the Ottomans issued in 1863.
The peninsula of Virgin Mary holds an outstanding position in the urban
system of Kavala. The area of the neighborhood enclosed within the
boundaries of the listed traditional settlement is 240.000 square meters,
according to the estimates of the Urban Reconstruction Campaign
[Ministry of the Environment, Planning, and Public Works, 1986]. Three


areas can be distinguished in the neighborhood: The area dened by

the Byzantine enceinte (a), the extension area, dating from the 16th
century, which was surrounded by the now demolished trapezoidal
wall of the outer enclave (b), and the extra muros quarter reaching up
the historic shipyard (c). The peninsula is protected by a general decree
that describes the area as a historic place and a place of particular
physical beauty [no.F.31/27174/2521 / 10.8.74 Government Gazette
822/13/ 22.8.74].
Within the system of the city we nd the sub-system of the historic
center restricted by the decree of preservation and isolated, as the
respective integration maps show. For the visualization of behavior
on the peninsula, we considered it useful to use the diagrams of
urban analysis that were made for the historic center of Kavala with
the method called Space Syntax1. This method states urban behavior
in terms of relations and movements, which reveal the forces that
determine the development of the city.
If the core of the city is shown with red lines, the most isolated areas are
characterized by the blue color. It is clear that the enclosed city is not
found in the core and does not have trac going through it because
of their particular geographic position with respect to the current
development of the city. This exception of the historic center from the
core is one of the reasons why the peninsula has retained its organic
medieval fabric, in spite of the changes in buildings.
The core of the historic center is crossed by T. Poulidou and Mehmet
Ali Streets, as well as a number of secondary roads. The signicant
monuments are also located in the core, such as the mosque of Halil
Pasha [the Music Building] and the Imaret2 (1817-21), a late charitable
institution of the Ottoman period. In an expansion that took shape after
the collapse of the Greek quarter around the church of the Virgin Mary,
there is a palace that is attributed to Mehmet Ali3, founder of the last
Egyptian dynasty, as well as the respective interwar layout (1925-1948)
of the squares that has degenerated nowadays. Mehmet Ali Street ends
at the monument of the Music building [mosque of Halil Pasha and
The outline of Poulidou Street renders the mixture of formal choices
at various periods, but also the transformations brought on by
construction, after the application of urban planning to Zalongou Street
[1939], which existed previously on the same site. Mehmet Ali Street,
which was not subjected to planning, stands out for its architecture,
characteristic of the last years of the Ottoman period. Although there
is great complexity, a common characteristic of the construction is the
fact that the lighter structure of the upper oor of the building could be
dierentiated from the plan of the ground oor. Thus, the rooms face
the street or the view with many openings, while the upper oor is on a
projection. The result is an exceptionally plastic urban image, reinforced
by the slope of the land and the roofs of the upper oors.
Today, besides residence, the ground oors spaces on Th. Poulidou
host functions that are limited to hospitality and recreation, without
indications of tendencies for the spread of common uses, either in the
core of the neighorhood or in more isolated areas. Mehmet Ali Street,
which is a branch of Poulidou Street, mainly a residential street, ends
at the important Moslem monument of Halil Pasha, with a mosque
and an Islamic seminary [madrasa]. Recently, the ruins of a basilica
were discovered there after an excavation carried out by the Ephorate
of Byzantine Antiquities. The monumental complex, property of the
Municipality of Kavala, has been integrated among the projects of the
Municipality of Kavala that are nanced by the Regional Operational

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Herramientas legales y planeamiento
Legal instruments and planning

Programme of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace, with the goal of

transforming it to a museum.
In 1990, a team from the School of Architecture of Aristotle University
of Thessaloniki4 generally adopted the guidelines of previous studies
and proceeded to proposals for the urban reorganization of the
neighborhood, always in the direction of the preservation of the
neighborhoods morphological character but also of its existing social
life. A map was elaborated based on the data of the URC [1986],
indicating three distinctive categories of existing residences: a)
those (brown) proposed for listing [mostly examples of Macedonian
architecture], b) those (yellow) dating from interwar period [mainly
built by refugees], and c) postwar houses (grey) [usually with an attic].
The record made in 20055 by Aristotle University as well identies the
position of the houses that were rebuilt or expanded after the Urban
Reconstruction Operation. The impact on the fabric is dramatic and
aected both the view of the quarter from the sea and internal routes.
The wealth of the organic parameters of the original system was lost
and the ratio of open to built spaces or the ratio of road width to
building heights was altered. Additionally, since the changing limits of
the building blocks have become denite, the network is characterized
today by the clear distinction between public and private, which was
unknown at the time of the settlements formation, and under these
conditions all the transitional areas of the building blocks have been
turned into private courtyards.
The confrontations resulting from construction procedures in this
settlement are intense, since the supporters of preservation consider
that an architectural discipline supported by a respective institutional
framework can preserve the townscape and therefore the atmosphere
there, while more recent views consider ghting against this utopia to
be their obligation.
In order to avoid the fragmentation of inspection and decisions, an open
and reliable procedure needs to be found supporting a master plan that
will not be adopted in order to freeze the neighborhood according to
one certain image, but in order for it to change, almost automatically
and according to the results of each particular negotiation. A planning
institution monitoring the site may oer sustainable answers to the
current impasse.
If the prerequisite for the social life in the neighborhood is the support
of the trac network and its connections with other networks, in order
to achieve a balance from the synthesis of heterogeneities6, a limited
redistribution of the building blocks and a exible plan would ensure
the space that will host all those things that when they are absent,
cause a decit of urbanity.
This is a plan that mainly pursues a balanced mixture of programs and a
more connective system of walking routes that is combined with other
forms of movement.
Besides, since the old port area is now inappropriate for the modern
requirements of boat moorage and is limited to the Passenger Terminal,
the planning services of the city and the port should utilize the available
land, which may be connected with the neighboring urban center, in
order for it to obtain a new and considerable waterfront. The project
may be organized in three phases: (a) mapping of the dynamics of the
areas, (b) a program, and (c) construction. Intervention to connect the
points of division will allow both areas to develop simultaneously, in
order to provide a living nodal point for the city in the place of an urban

B. HILLIER and HANSON, The Social Logic of Space, Cambridge University Press, 1984.

EMILIA STEFANIDOU, The Imaret of Kavala, Makedonika, 25, 1985-86.

EMILIA STEFANIDOU, The Palace of Muhammad Ali Pasha in Kavala, Famous Mansions from
the Time of Turkish Rule, National Polytechnic University, Athens, 1986.

Aristotle University of Thessaloniki team, Kavala intra muros, Municipality of Kavala,


G.DELEUZE, F. GUATTARI, A Thousand Plateaus, University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis,



Outils lgaux et planication urbanistique

Herramientas legales y planeamiento
Legal instruments and planning

Environmental Rehabilitation of the

Mediterranean Urban Road Spaces

Maria Isabella Amirante1, Mariachiara Catani2 and

Renata Valente3

Full Professor of Technolgy of Architecture, she teaches Constructions

Systems Design at Second University of Naples (S.U.N.), where she
coordinates the Faculty of the PhD in Architecture and Environment
Technology. Author of important essays on environmental
technology and design, she has been national coordinator of the
PRIN (Research Programme of Relevant National Interest) 20042006 Environmental Compatibility in derelict lands recovery
Architect, PhD student in Architecture and Environment Technology
at the S.U.N., has participated and published in many international
dedicated conferences. In the eld of technological disciplinary,
her research is applied to the environmental design and planning.
Her PhD thesis deals with the requalication of urban primary road
Architect, is researcher of Technology of Architecture at the
Department of Restauro e Costruzione dellArchitettura e
dellAmbiente of the S.U.N. She teaches Environmental Design and
Realisation of the Building Works, topics on which has been leading
research activity for two decades, producing many issues, presenting
them at international conferences.

Dipartimento di Restauro e Costruzione dellArchitettura e
dellAmbiente, Facolt di Architettura L. Vanvitelli, S.U.N., Borgo S.
Lorenzo, Aversa (CE), Italy
E-mail address:


+39 081 8149230

+39 3471219833
+39 081 8140788

1. Urbanization degrees and use modalities

To propose layout criteria for the great connection open spaces and their
contexts environmental requalication, we can read the Mediterranean
city structure according to three great areas.
I. The historical, stone city, that is crystallized both in its supercial
appearance and its morphologic structure and building typology.


II. The consolidated modern concrete city, thats incomplete, not

autonomous, because of zoning, which has separated the dierent
functions, expelling the productive activities out of the residential
III. The periphery and the suburban areas, asphalt domain, not dened
in their morphologic and typological structure. Here, the edge of the
city identication often is not allowed by the fragmentation and urban
This model is applicable in general terms to the European city, but in
particular to the Mediterranean region, in which the contrast between
the centre and the periphery comes out by the cultural weight of the
dominant monocentric vision of the town. The main reason of the
contemporary dysfunctions of the great inhabited centres drifts from
the strong hierarchy of the urban structure, no more compatible with the
current metropolitan developments. Actually, the policentric city model
has already been pursued for a long time, just in order to mitigate these
failings. However the historical and semantic stratication, what we
call identity, still are searched also in liquid contexts, like those of the
great metropolitan periphery. This is a truth above all in Mediterranean
background, where the social function has an important weight in the
citizens appropriation of spaces and in the consequent formation of
the identity of the place. This is a result of the favourable climate and
the social uses of aggregation, that allow the fruition of the open public
spaces in an intense way, extended all over the year, deeply dierent
from what happens in the Northern Europe rigid climates.
On the contrary, in the new city extensions, just in Mediterranean areas,
a ungluing between the road and its traditional social role is found
currently. The perception of the public place as space of nobody, rather
than as space of everybody, is due to the dicult appropriation of the
space in isomorphos and not hierarchical contexts.
Therefore, if in the historical city the road has answered in balanced way
to the functions of morphologic structuring, infrastructuring, social and
identity place, as the city is expanded, the need of mobility is increased,
changing the characteristics of the road and its ways of fruition. What
remains is the pure function of fast connection between distant places,
carried out mainly from city primary road infrastructures.
The loss of the others two functions is not painless; although the
improvement of the studies on the road eciency and safety in its
transport function, the social problems caused by urban area road
crossing are completely ignored. The neighbouring areas of primary
roads are currently places of nobody all over the world.
To set up some strategic proposal about the environmental
requalication of the road spaces in Mediterranean cities, we consider
the complex system constituted from the road and its edge areas,
focusing attention in particular on the two contexts less inquired: the
city of concrete and that one of asphalt, together with the remedies
for them.
The outcomes vary mainly relating to the sedimentation of the urban
structure, the denition of its margins and, consequently, the possibility
of action and sustainable transformation.
2. Environmental features and design criteria
The modern consolidated city, formed beginning from the end of the
XIX century, spread after the Second World War, is deeply conditioned
in its aspect from the building typology: the dwelling blocks distinguish
the Italian as other Mediterranean towns, dierentiating them deeply

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Herramientas legales y planeamiento
Legal instruments and planning

from the modern and contemporary city landscape of many NorthEuropean areas, in which housing is still of one-family type, according
with tradition.
This condition makes the dierence both in the city aspect, in the
relationship between built and empty space, and in the open spaces
lifestyle: where the private garden is fundamentally the open space
of relation (as for example in the Benelux area), the fruition of the
public space is contracted. In Mediterranean area, instead, for the great
part, dwellings have not private open space and the relation space is
fundamentally the public one. Therefore the various uses condition the
image and the character of the city, if also diluted at a bigger scale than
in the historical centres.
The suburban periphery is often a result of an unprogrammed increase,
as the only frontier for peripheral urbanization horizontal development
is the metropolitan area, to which built areas often link in accidental
and disorderly way.
On one side, this situation determines the total ungluing between
the open space and the place, meant as public space equipped of
identity; moreover the Mediterranean character completely gets lost,
in an indiscriminate suburban landscape, connoted by the presence
of industrial and commercial sheds, whose typology and shapes are
everywhere the same. On the other hand, the greater availability of free
spaces in the modern city, but above all in the suburban areas, allows
planning at more wide scale. The same primary road system, crossing
and ringing the periphery, is equipped of wide protected bands on its
sides by rules, allowing to pregure new developments for the city.
Therefore, beginning from bad environmental and social conditions of
the spaces around primary roads, it is possible to improve the same
spaces through a city scale requalication, with architectonic quality.
We propose the application of four fundamental criteria for the
environmental requalication of the road spaces, as design guidelines:
The key strategy for Mediterranean primary urban road system
requalication is its temporal management, studying and modulating
the application of permanence, temporariness, reversibility of uses.
Time becomes a material of design, allowing the studied system
(the road space) to modify itself in evolution, answering functional,
social and structural variations of the city. This way the temporariness
becomes the hinge on which the relations between the road and its
context are played.
Transience is the predisposition of a technological system (or part of it)
to be assembled and dissassembled; it involves mainly all requirement
relative to integrability and management.
Reversibility, instead, is the quality for which, once the program and the
environmental conditions of the context are changed, simply removing
of the whole technological system (as an example of a pedestrian route)
avails a spontaneous process of environmental recovery of the place.
Reversibility, in particular, is one of the design qualities more directly
nalized to the environment safeguard.
3. Integrated strategies for environmental re-balance

The modulation of permanence, temporariness and reversibility

strengthens its meaning in relation with other design criteria: the
network planning, the principle of hybridization and the use of
vegetation as element of environmental re-balance.
3.a. The network planning
This is recognized as the sustainable mobility infrastructures design
model, both structuring macro-territorial or local level, and for
promotion, recovery and conservation of the environmental qualities
of landscape, through the constitution of ecological nets.
Therefore, reading the city as the superimposition of various systems,
according to nets and nodal elements (the settlement system, the
vegetation system, the infrastructures system, to mention those
mainly structuring), it is possible to propose a hybridization of dierent
functions, where the elements coming from dierent networks are
overlapped or travel in parallel.
3.b. The hybridization of functions
The wording hybrid system means a joining of dierent elements,
placed side by side, in which the dierent components maintain
their identity and remain independent the one from the others. The
dierence between the concepts of hybrid and integrated is that
the integration of various elements in one system makes it completed,
closed. On the contrary, the hybrid object maintains dierentiated
and recognizable its components, leaving the chance of successive
The hybridization concept, applied to infrastructures for urban primary
roads, becomes the chief requalication strategy. It proposes a new
architectonic object for the city, an infrastructure-corridor that receives
various uses at the same time (roads users for the fast connections,
cycle-pedestrian users for a slow and contemplative fruition), various
means (infrastructure of transport to urban and local scale, ecological
corridor) and various references of scale (local scale, city scale).
The city motorways are particularly suitable to this subject, because
they have marginal protected spaces, wider by law than the other
primary roads, also when they are enclosed by the city. As an example,
the project of mitigation along the road verge (the settlement of
vegetation tted for typology and pattern to the creation of noise
dampening barriers, or the anti-erosion system of vegetation on
slopes), could be integrated in a wider landscape design, nalized to
the constitution of the ecological corridors.
An example for the approach to environmental requalication is in
the Plan of Primary Road Net of the City of Naples, which previews
the integration of the primary road net with the free green areas,
contiguous to the road corridors. After an environmental analysis at
urban scale, the study shrinks on the green areas nearby the street
paths. It proposes to connect these fragments of green in a unique
plan, through which the connection between the zones of greater
value of the city will be reconstructed. Therefore, conciliating the
requirements of rubber mobility with citizens quality of life, the whole
city achieves an environmental advantage.
3.c. Use of the green as environmental re-balancing element.
The temporal modulation of the phases of project deals also with
the vegetation design: this means a selection of the plants and their
pattern, coherent with local typologies and with the natural potential
of vegetation.


Outils lgaux et planication urbanistique

Herramientas legales y planeamiento
Legal instruments and planning

According to the new landscaping theories, that use the time as matter
and tool for the project, we want to help the spontaneous settlement
of the pioneer vegetation in the residual road areas, or dlaisss10,
featured from fast and changeable cycles and whose quality, mobile
and nomadic, strongly conforms these places. If we promote the
natural processes, the vegetation and landscape evolution times will
not be linear, but rather correspondents to complex curves, following
the biological environment modalities and changing by progressive
Therefore, to modulate the landscape project along time in the roads
green areas means to strengthen the function of the ecological corridor,
included in the system of the hybrid infrastructure.
This contribution is a formulation of research elds, to detect the
correct design and technological solutions, time for time, according to
the context.
The feature of the Mediterranean connective spaces as places of
social relation must be the guide strategy for the environmental
requalication. For this, the new identity for the deprived of space,
social and ecological quality contexts will arise from the interlaced
consideration between the degree of urbanization and the integrated
application of the illustrated criteria.

Figure 2 The relations between the road and the context in some of the possible variations.
The mutual relations change with the geometrical proportions and dimension of the road
section and with the crossed city structure. In particular the density and the heights of
the buildings are important, the proportions between empty and full spaces, and the
destination that the margin area receives (residential, commerical, industrial, etc)

Nota: Este artculo no se ha podido publicar en su totalidad por falta de espacio

Figure 3 Example of the relation between the road and its context. The noise impact
changes with the form of the road section, the morphology of the ground and the type
of urban context.

Figure 1 A big infrastructure junction near the harbour in the Eastern zone of Naples, Italy
(photo Paolo De Stefano)


Figura 4 Primary road infrastructures mark the Neapolitan

Instruments oprationnels et marques de gouvernance

Instrumentos operativos y marcos de gobernabilidad
Operative instruments and frameworks of governance

Instruments oprationnels et marques de gouvernance

Instrumentos operativos y marcos de gobernabilidad
Operative instruments and frameworks of governance

The Governments role in the

rehabilitation process
Irene Hadjisavva
Adam, Department of Town Planning and Housing, Cyprus

States, through their governance, have the moral and legal obligation,
nationally and internationally, to protect their cultural heritage. As
cultural heritage and the historic landscape in general, is part of the
living environment, heritage related policies and measures should be
included in an integrated conservation plan with the aim to achieve
sustainable socio-economic development while protecting heritage
values. Thus, the competent state authorities need to consider a broad
range of actions in order to achieve the viable rehabilitation of the
historic environment.
This presentation will aim to explore and assess the role of the central
government in the rehabilitation process as exercised in Cyprus.
The government of Cyprus, recognizing the value of the traditional
architecture as well as that of the historic urban landscape, has ratied
all Treaties and Conventions regarding the protection of architectural
heritage. Its obligations and commitment to the rehabilitation process
is materialized through the relevant Legislation but also through other
direct or indirect actions that will be high lightened below.
The role of the government depends on its type. In de-centralised
governance, it has a strategic role in setting the vision, the legislation,
the objectives, the guidelines and the priorities of policies. In more
centralised governments such as Cyprus, however, the government
has taken a more profound role, at strategic level as well as at local
level. The responsibility for the protection of architectural heritage is
shared by the Ministry of Interior and the Ministry of Communication
and Works through their departments of Town Planning and Housing
and of Antiquities respectively. The rst one is responsible for listed
buildings and historic/traditional cores and the development process
in general, and the second one for ancient monuments.
Listed Buildings and Ancient Monuments
One of the prime and oldest obligations of the state towards
cultural heritage is to list, protect and classify heritage goods. Thus,
the obligation to keep archives, issue Preservation Orders, update
legislation and take protective measures for heritage structures, lies
within the central government. In Cyprus the competent departments
keep inventories and issue orders that list or schedule buildings and
monuments according to legislation.
The relevant departments have a signicant regulatory role by exerting
development control over the works carried out on listed buildings
and ancient monuments. They issue Consents and planning permits
accompanied by explicit design guidelines based on widely accepted
principles. Moreover, the Authorities control the proper conservation of
the property by regular inspections on the site.
Design guidelines are regularly reviewed, amended and completed.
They include general and building specic guidelines, regarding the
structure, materials and techniques, necessary to ensure the proper

restoration of buildings and to avoid incompatible works such as the

addition of reinforced concrete frames or oors on traditional buildings,
or the improper use of materials and techniques. They also include
guidelines concerned with the additions, alterations and contemporary
installations needed for an improved functional use of the traditional
buildings and are related to the authenticity of the architectural form
rather than its structural suciency.
Besides the regulatory role described above, and recognizing that the
specialized work in the elds of preservation/restoration comes at
a substantial cost, the Cyprus Government seeks to promote private
interest and investment by nancially supporting the rehabilitation
of listed property and ancient monuments (Schedule B) by providing
grants, generous tax deductions, transfer of development rights and
provided plot ratio.
Incentives for listed buildings are given only for a complete restoration
once in every 20 years and only concern that part of the building which
is authentic and in place. The funding incentives for the restoration of
traditional buildings which have acquired listing status are divided into
three categories:
Financial incentives a direct Grant-in-aid provided to owners for a
complete preservation/ restoration of their listed properties, including
an additional area of 30% of the existing building area, permitted for
possible extensions. Further costs taken into account concern special
works. The Grant-in-aid for urban listed buildings amounts to 40% of
the approved restoration cost, while for those located within rural
settlements or in the countryside, it represents 50%. The maximum
amount of the Grant is 40000, of which a maximum of 2000 may
be given to the architect towards 50% of their fee for the cost of the
restoration planning and supervising of the works.
Transfer of plot ratio - The owner of a listed building may transfer/sell
square meters of permitted building area to another property through
two separate procedures.
- With the transfer of Provided plot ratio the owner may be permitted
to transfer a certain number of square meters which the Government
grants to each listed property so that the owner may then transfer/sell
these extra square meters to increase the amount of the grant up to
With the transfer of Residual plot ratio that is, the transfer of those sq.m.
which the owner is allowed to build up, according to the Development
Plan for the area in which the historic property is located, but cannot
in fact do so because of other restrictions imposed by the Listed
Properties Law. In this case, the owners are permitted to transfer/sell
the residual sq.m. of their listed property to any other area which is
established as a User of plot ratio. Only buildings located within urban
areas may benet from this incentive.
Tax incentives tax deductions from which the owners may benet
once their property has been restored. These include exemption from
income taxes, rent taxes, immovable property taxes and return of the
Transfer of Property Tax from the Land Registry
Department after
competition of restoration works, in cases where the listed building has
been restored within six years of its purchase.
Another set of nancial incentives is available for the owners of
traditional buildings declared as ancient monuments (schedule B). For
residences it covers 50% of the rst 60.000. The additional 40.000 get
a 30% subsidy and beyond that sum a 10% subsidy is granted. Buildings
restored for commercial use get a 30% subsidy for the rst 60.000
and 10% for any sum above that. Traditional buildings owned by local


Instruments oprationnels et marques de gouvernance

Instrumentos operativos y marcos de gobernabilidad
Operative instruments and frameworks of governance

communities get 50% of all expenses regardless of the sum.

Complementary funding for rehabilitation is also provided by other
programmes, included in the States budget, such as the Nicosia
Revitalisation Project, emerging from the need for social cohesion, or
other planning projects such as square enhancement, etc. Recently,
the Cyprus accession to the European Union has created new
possibilities. Through the Structural Funds of the EU, a considerable
number of traditional dwellings will be restored to provide tourist
shelter and through cultural tourism activity help the revitalization of
the rural settlements of the islands countryside. Moreover, projects
for the upgrading of infrastructure and the enhancement of the built
environment in historic areas have been approved and are currently
Integrated Conservation
However, as practice demonstrates, the pattern of isolated rehabilitation
of individual buildings or even urban landscapes cannot have the desired
impact on the preservation of the historic towns and settlements.
Traditional buildings cannot be restored per se, but need to continue
to take part in the settlements active life. Moreover, a well preserved
architectural setting is a comparative advantage in a competitive
globalized world. Likewise, a building with historic, architectural and
other heritage values carries additional assets in terms of space quality
and added value for their contemporary use for both residential and
commercial purposes.
The conservation of heritage can no longer be considered on its own, as
an objective in itself, but it is redened as an essential tool for achieving
sustainable development. Thus, heritage related policies should
of the citizens
The necessity to include multisectoral as well as heritage related
strategies and policies in development plans, that will complement
each other, emerges. In Cyprus, this responsibility lies with the Minister
of the Interior. In practice, plans are mostly prepared in their draft
form by Central Government (the Town Planning and Housing
Department of the Ministry of the Interior), in consultation with a Joint
Board (where local agents, pressure groups and professional bodies
are represented) and submitted to the Planning Board to be decided,
before being referred to the Minister for approval.
Development Plans and the Statement of Policy for the Countryside
provide the framework for development and promote sustainability
combining economic development with heritage preservation.
Moreover, they provide the framework for development control and
ensure the multisectoral coordination of policies. A more detailed plan:
area schemes or regulatory plans, that cover specic historic urban
centres or rural settlements are prepared with the aim to achieve
their regeneration. Regulatory Plans for 19 settlements are currently
under preparation funded by the Structural Funds of the EU and the
Cyprus Government, while a larger number will be covered in the next
programme period.


National and international collaboration and co-ordination

Governmental bodies responsible for heritage collaborate and coordinate with other governmental departments, local authorities
and non-governmental organisations in national level, with the aim
to better manage the rehabilitation of the historic environment but
also to promote education and public awareness by giving expertise
and advice, organising seminars and other events and activities.
Moreover, they represent Cyprus at EU committees and at the Council
of Europe. They are also responsible for ensuring that the international
heritage related conventions are followed up and implemented. At
ocial forums best practice and problems are shared with other
European bodies. Furthermore, European Cooperation Projects, such
as INTERREG, Euromed Heritage or Culture 2000, oer the opportunity
to professional networks to share knowledge and experience and to
explore new research areas.
As analysed above, central government plays a substantial role in
the rehabilitation process. It has a regulatory but also a pro-active
and inspirational role. However, the need to further strengthen the
local authorities involvement is identied. This will require, on the
one hand, the political will to place heritage value over economic or
other interests, and on the other, the human and nancial resources to
manage the rehabilitation process of the historic environment.
Furthermore, central government need is to address the new
challenges that have emerged during the recent years: demographic
change and the migrant communities that reside in and use the
historic environment, increased development pressures and economic
expectations, including tourism development, that need to be reorientated, in order to achieve equilibrium of benets for both heritage
owners and the local community. Finally, the need to attract investment
in order to promote regeneration, through agship, or image-making
projects should be re-assessed.

Instruments oprationnels et marques de gouvernance

Instrumentos operativos y marcos de gobernabilidad
Operative instruments and frameworks of governance

Architectural ensemble in rural setting (Kato Drys)

Area Scheme for Strovolos historic core

Ekali Youth Centre, Nicosia

Lefkara Local Plan, Preservation map


Instruments oprationnels et marques de gouvernance

Instrumentos operativos y marcos de gobernabilidad
Operative instruments and frameworks of governance

City political in the Mediterranean:

Urban to Reggio Calabria
Antonio Taccone
Department of Architecture and Analysis of the Mediterranean City of
the University Mediterranea in Reggio Calabria - Via Melissari, Feo di
Vito, 89124 Reggio Calabria
Antonio Taccone has a degree in architecture with the university of
the Reggio Calabria studies ( 1992 ) and he is trained with examination
of state to the exercise of the profession ( 1993 ). He is doctor of
research (PhD) in territorial planning (2000). After 2004 is university
researcher for the scientic sector-ICAR/21 Territorial planning, with
the faculty of architecture of the university of the Mediterranean
studies of Reggio Calabria.
Salita Melissari Feo di Vito 89124 Reggio Calabria - Italy
+39 0965 32.22.205 mobile: +39.338.8879205

The social and economic situation of the Reggio Calabria province at

the end of the 80 years showed a desolating picture: industries lack
of and of new entrepreneurial class; any absorption of hand of work in
the agriculture caused by its conformation and specialization; scarce
production; unemployment; all factors that provoke a well-curb and
really urban matter. The town politicses alone doesnt succeed to hold
head to the phenomenon that magnies always more determining
new peripheral areas of low quality, they lavish fractures among this
and the center and strong lacks of services and infrastructures.
The rebirth of the city in the90 years is creditable to dierent opportunity
of nancing to sustain its own urban politicses and the economic and
social development of the territory. The rst is constituted by the law 246
of the 1989 ( renanced with reads 298/1998 and 388/2000 ), denite
decree Reggio , that foreseed urgent interventions of improvement for
the city of Reggio Calabria . it creates so an extraordinary opportunity
of interventions for the city and for the outskirts and the administration
decides to use this particular occasion to endow of a park projects
of interventions that concern the recover of historical manufactured
articles of the city, the archaeological areas, the recover of the building
town patrimony and the realization of sports ground and elds from
game to service of the peripheral districts of the city.
in the period 1994-1999 is born the URBAN program by Reggio Calabria,
articulated in 28 projects realized in the risky and not districts of the city
of Reggio planed and come to realization in the course of 4 years. Urban
represents one of the experiences of European course more meaningful
for Reggio Calabria because the 28 projects refer to an integrated model
of development, with interventions turned to favor the environmental
and infrastructural retraining, the exploitation of cultural resources and
the strengthening of the economic opportunity.


The more recent period concerns the politicses in course: Reggio

Calabria is among the six cities of the Calabria region that prot of the
community nancings scheduled for the realization of the strategy of
retraining the urban contexts ( v axle-action 5.1.a of the Calabria POR ),
even for worth of the Urban experience consolidated. The proposal of
Urban development programme has been approved in the August of
the 2002 on behalf of the municipal administration and is operational
the rst pilot project of working insertion, across the experimentation
of innovative interventions and methodology, integrated with the
initiatives already start to level place through the realization of formative
apprenticeships nalized to the employment and to the occupation of
unemployed and activity of support to the creation of enterprises:
the WorkMedRC project( 4 , 9 millions of European to be worth on the
deep PSU ).
Without doubt, the urban innovative politics that more of all has left
visible positive eects are on the plan of the physical amelioration of
the city, is on the plan of the social regeneration of the districts and
generally for the territorial re-balancing, the social and develop it
economic on the territory is ones own the Urban program. The project
assembles the politicses and the interventions in the north outskirts of
the city, in a characterized urban area by a substantial degrade partnerenvironmental, a historical lack of services united to a social exclusion
diverted to a large extent from the lack of leads economic and from a
weakness of the productive fabric. The idea of base is that to experiment
an exemplary pilot of project integrated on redoubt scale, in a way
that can be easily veried in the evolutions and in the results, with the
possibility of be reproposable later on, with the opportune adjustments,
in other areas of the of Reggio Calabria territory. The general objectives
of the intervention are that to improve the general quality of life in
local circle, to recover the identity of the districts creating a sense of
aliation to the place, to qualify the productive fabric across the use of
the tourist vocations of the area, over that creating the pre-conditions
for the development of new economic activity and new occupation.
The project develops along the three manageresses of intervention of
re-balance territorial, of economic development and of social and tries
so to eliminate the strong situations of uneasiness and the factors of
crisis valorizing what they are the potentialities of this peripheral area.
For the territorial re-balancing ( 26 mld. of liras ) the priority initiatives are
founded on the amelioration of the infrastructures for the mobility, the
realization of intermodali exchanges, the environmental improvement
of the torrential riverbeds, of the park of the citrus fruits and of the
urban park of the hill of repent him/her/it me, the retraining of the city
to tourist ends and the realization of the waterfront, the re-balancing of
the hilly band across the restructuring of the Arghill bunker.
The initiatives in favor of the economic development( 10 mld. of
liras ) are founded on the realization of bases of storage for the solid
urban refusals, on the construction of the of games technological
environmental park of Ecolandia and of handicraft recreational centers
to actions to valorize the typical local products.
For what concerns, nally, the objective of the social ( 9 mld. of liras ) the
Urban project has anticipated some interesting interventions among
those the realization of a ausilioteca, the promotion of initiatives in
favor of handicapped persons, the incentive of educational activity to
reduce, the realization of a town center of assistance to the infancy and
the creation of an agricultural cooperative for the working reintegration
of the addicts.
The greatest part of the initiatives contained in the Urban project, too

Instruments oprationnels et marques de gouvernance

Instrumentos operativos y marcos de gobernabilidad
Operative instruments and frameworks of governance

denoting specic attention to the territorial re-balancing, she/he/it/

you did particular reference to nality of productive and social nature
and therefore the eects of said provision have not, |n| here, gotten
prot in degree to favor the transformation and the renovation of the
city in its/his/her complex but they are able is understood as signals
of experimentation, in when start a process of economic growth,
social, environmental, cultural of the outskirts contributing even to
the development of the other peripheral zones. Besides, the program
has introduced an important cultural constituted innovation from
the moments of social and participative animation turned to diuse,
among the people, a climate of collaboration with the purpose to
make more easy the process of repossession of the territory, as regains
not only of the physical places, but even of that sense of aliation to
the community that is away lost.
With the Urban occasion, the city has been able to represent its
appeals directly to community and national level and has been able
to be compared with other managerial models and other experiences
through the active share in some meaningful reticulate |interurbane| to
level European.
What seems the greater point of strength of the of Reggio Calabria
program is perhaps the has capsized a historical conviction of
managerial ineectiveness and of squandering of public resources.
In fact the experience has shown that even Reggio Calabria, to the
peer of the other 117 European cities beneciary of the community
initiative, it has strong ability in the manage and eect particular
forms of intervention and of innovative planning realizing the greatest
part of the preset objectives from the project. The city has known
answer is in participative terms, in when has tried to realize across the
involvement of the local population a process of growth when the
citizen becomes an actor chief physician, across what the European
union denes participative forms of the citizens to the programs , is
in terms of competences for the management of the program. This, in
when numerous and interdisciplinary, have conjugated the economic,
nancial and juridical aspects with the technical and territorial proles,
constitute non only competences techniques but of of context . In after
all, in an administration, even the stable constitution of competences
of development agents , to the of there of the problem of eciency
of the single program, represents a well-curb and really opportunity of
development for the territory..


Instruments oprationnels et marques de gouvernance

Instrumentos operativos y marcos de gobernabilidad
Operative instruments and frameworks of governance


Instruments oprationnels et marques de gouvernance

Instrumentos operativos y marcos de gobernabilidad
Operative instruments and frameworks of governance

Towards a Decentralize System

of Protection, Rehabilitation and
management of Architectural Heritage
in Palestine
Farhat Y. Muhawi
Mr. Muhawi is an architect (BA at Birzeit University, 1997), and urban
planner (MA at The State University of NY at Bualo, 2001). He is
the Director of the Planning Unit at Riwaq-Centre for Architectural
Conservation. He was involved in the preparation of several Protection
and Rehabilitation Plans, and the New Law for Cultural Heritage
Protection in Palestine.
P.O. box 212, Ramallah, Palestine
00 972 2 240 6925/6

Knowledge is simply the outcome of the interplay, the encounter, the

junction, the struggle, and the compromise between the instincts.
Something is produced because the instincts meet, ght one another, and
at the end of their battles nally reach a compromise. That something is
knowledge Michel Foucault1
This paper is an attempt to call for the adaptation of a decentralized
system of protection, rehabilitation and management of architectural
heritage in Palestine; a system that will allow for the rehabilitation of
this huge amount of architectural heritage properties; mainly the
50,320 historic buildings located in 422 historic centers2 and the many
historical and religious monuments3.
Tremendous eort has been invested in the documentation, protection
and conservation of architectural heritage by many institutions working
in the eld. Despite the fact that a great amount of work has been
accomplished, protection and rehabilitation of historic centers has not
yet been realized.
To this date, architectural heritage lacks a proper legal framework, as well
as a national policy for protection and rehabilitation. Cultural heritage
(CH) has not yet been put as a priority on the national agenda; it is
still seen as a liability rather than an economic and social development
instruments. The scarcity of land in Areas A and B4 that resulted from
the Oslo Agreement in 1993, in addition to the chaotic and unplanned
urban sprawl which took place in the last ten years, left architectural
heritage in Palestine under continuous threat of destruction; historic
centers and buildings are either demolished to clear spaces for new
constructions, or left abandoned to deteriorate with time. Finally,
there has not been an experience where a historic center has been

rehabilitated; brought back to life, a historic center protected and

Why is that? The reason in my opinion, is that the actual challenging
process of knowledge in the eld of architectural heritage has not so far
started; knowledge in Foucaults conception of the word; knowledge
as an outcome, as a process of the interplay, the encounter and
confrontation between human instincts. This process of confrontation
has not yet started in Palestine, and is still one sided process; that of
CH institutions.
A decentralized system of protection, rehabilitation and management
that will insure an active role of all involved stockholders in the process
of knowledge (of instincts struggling, going into war in order to reach a
state compromise) should be adopted, in order to start the accumulative
and challenging process of knowledge. A decentralized system that
empowers, organizes, and coordinates the work of CH institutions
based on a set of dened priorities. A system that will empower and
ensure an active role of local government institutions (as custodians of
historic centers and buildings, that are located within the master plans
of cities, towns and villages6), the general public and communities (as
owners, tenants and beneciaries from the rehabilitation process), as
well as the private sector.
This paper will show that the one-sided work and accumulated
knowledge of CH institutions has concentrated mainly on the
documentation, legal protection, as well as the conservation of (in most
cases) single historic buildings. Although essential, their work was not
confrontational. It will also show that a decentralized system that allows
the involvement of all stakeholders in the process of rehabilitation is
now needed; a process that has actually started to take form and place
with the preparation of the new law for CH protection.
Existing system of protection, rehabilitation and management
On the one hand, the de-facto situation of the current system of
protection, management and rehabilitation of CH in Palestine is
decentralized or polycentric. This comes from the fact that Palestine has
been under Israeli military occupation since 1967, and that the central
government has no power or sovereignty over land, and resources. As
a result, the national government is weak, powerless and lacks basic
human and nancial resources.
On the other hand, the existing legal regime (the de-jure situation) for
the protection of CH in Palestine is obsolete (originate from the British
mandate period), extremely centralized, and protects only archeological
sites that are dated before 1700 A.C.; leaving other components of CH
such as historic center without legal protection.
Despite the need for a powerful central government that comes as
a result of ending the Israeli military occupation, and the need for a
new Law for CH Protection, the decentralized, polycentric and chaotic
de-facto situation has given existing architectural heritage institutions
(NGOs, and semi-governmental) the space, time and resources to
develop a central role in the led of architectural heritage.
Many agencies and institutions are currently involved in the eld of
CH in Palestine. Those include governmental, semi-governmental,
and nongovernmental institutions. Projects carried out by those
institutions vary in scale and nature. They mainly include conservation
work on historic buildings; preparation of protection and rehabilitation
plans for historic centers; completing a registry for historic buildings
and archaeological sites in Palestine; publication of books; awareness
campaigns for the public; and reform of the legal system of protection.


Instruments oprationnels et marques de gouvernance

Instrumentos operativos y marcos de gobernabilidad
Operative instruments and frameworks of governance

Governmental institutions mainly include the Ministry of Tourism and

Antiquities (MOTA)7. The Antiquity Laws of 1929 and 1966, granted
MOTAs Department of Antiquities the responsibility for, and jurisdiction
over the protection of only archeological sites. This has left all other
components of CH (mainly architectural heritage) outside the scope of
protection, and outside the jurisdiction and sovereignty of MOTA.
Despite that, MOTAs Department of Antiquities, who changed its
name in 2002 to become the Department of Antiquities and Cultural
Heritage in an attempt to assume its non-existing legal responsibility
over architectural heritage, has managed to complete seven projects,
of which six are conservation and preventive conservation of historic
Semi-governmental institutions include The Palestinian Economic
Council for Development and Reconstruction (PECDAR), the Hebron
Rehabilitation Committee (HRC), and the Center for Cultural Heritage
Preservation (CCHP) in Bethlehem. Non-Governmental Organizations
include the Old City of Jerusalem Revitalization Program (OCJRP) of the
Welfare Association, and Riwaq: Center for Architectural Conservation9.
PECDAR in close cooperation with MOTA initiated the Cultural
Resources Project with the main aim of registering historic buildings and
archeological sites in Palestine. The project, which started in year 2000,
has completed the registration of around 10,000 archeological sites and
features, as well as 9,417 historic buildings located in 158 sites10.
Established in 1996, the HRC main aim has been to safeguard the
Hebron Historic Center against the threat of takeover by extremist
Israeli settlers. The HRC main activities include the conservation and
rehabilitation of historic buildings, quarters, and public spaces as well
as the rehabilitation and installment of infrastructure11.
Despite the many problems and obstacles facing HRC, one can safely
say that the only large scale rehabilitation, not of historic buildings
but rather of a historic center, one of the most important and largest
historic centers in Palestine, is happening and materialize in Hebron12.
In 1989 only 400 inhabitants lived in the historic center. In 2006 the
actual number of inhabitant exceeds 4500.
Both the CCHP13 and OCJRP14 were established in 1995, are local
institutions working mainly on the conservation of historic buildings in
two major Palestinian historic cities, and are involved in many community
awareness activities. The OCJRP has completed a Rehabilitation Plan for
the Historic center of Jerusalem, while the CCHP has currently started
the preparation of a Conservation and Management Plan for Bethlehem
Area. As inheritor of the Bethlehem 2000 project the CCHP has also
completed several preventive conservation projects in the historic city
of Bethlehem.
As the only national organization, Riwaq was established in 1991 with
the main aim of protecting and rehabilitating architectural heritage in
Palestine. Riwaqs main activities include, Riwaqs registry for historic
buildings (50,230 historic building in 422 sites); conservation works
for more than seventy buildings; the preparation of rehabilitation and
protection plans for almost 20 historic centers; the preparation for a
draft law for CH protection with the institute of law at Birzeit university;
the approval of a by-laws (general ordinances) for the protection
of historic areas and buildings in coordination with the Ministry of
Local Government15; the publication of a dozen of books; and nally
community awareness activities.
From the above quick presentation of CH institutions activities, one can
clearly see that the work of those institutions has been rich and diverse.


Despite that, there has not yet been an eort to start a rehabilitation
process of a historic center, especially in rural areas16. Except in the
case of Hebron, those activities have mainly concentrated on the
documentation, legal protection, community awareness activities, and
conservation of single historic buildings. Furthermore it is also clear that
the process of knowledge is still very much built on a onesided process;
that of CH institutions. The role of local government and communities
as well as the private sector has been so far marginalized17.
The prospect for a decentralized system in Palestine: a future
In 2004, a new Law for Cultural Heritage Protection in Palestine was
prepared with the intention of widening the scope of protection to
include the many components of CH, centralizing protection while
decentralizing rehabilitation, management and implementation, and
comply with international standards and approaches.
This law was prepared by the Institute of Law at Birzeit University in
cooperation with Riwaq for the benet of the Bethlehem 2000 project
and the MOTA. Unfortunately, this new law has not yet been ratied by
the Palestinian Legislative Council. Why is that?
The main reason in my opinion is that the law draft was confrontational.
It supported a decentralized system that empowered the role of local
government institutions especially in rehabilitation and management,
identied the duties and responsibilities of the general public, and
involved the private sector. It furthermore, proposed the establishment
of a semi governmental body responsible for CH protection,
rehabilitation and management under the responsibility of the Ministry
of Culture, as apposed to MOTA, who is currently responsible for CH; it
touched the bases of the existing political and power formations, and
was in war with the power structure.
This is the type of knowledge we should ght for and start adapting; a
confrontational type of knowledge that has started with the preparation
of the new law and has to continue at the end by its ratication; a type
of knowledge that is needed for a successful rehabilitation process; a
process that should involve local institutions and residents, as well as
investors (not only CH institutions); a process that tackles dicult issues
such as ownership, local community participation, and the private
sector involvement under such a dicult economic situation. It is time
to start building and accumulating our own knowledge in the eld of
rehabilitation. This process is more achievable under a decentralized
system for protection and rehabilitation.
Nahoum Cohen in his book Urban Planning Conservation and
Preservation has rightly noted that successful urban conservation is
signicantly more than merely preserving a few buildings. Unless a
comprehensive approach to conservation is taken, more and more
cities will lose their battle against urban blight18. Therefore, there
is a need to move from rehabilitation of historic buildings into the
rehabilitation of historic centers; rehabilitation as understood by the
RehabiMed Methods19.
Any future powerful government should make use of the existing
network, capabilities and resources of CH institutions, coordinate the
work of those institutions based on a set of priorities, and adopt a
decentralized system for the rehabilitation of architectural heritage; a
system of struggle that will ensure an actual building of knowledge;
Knowledge in Foucaults conception of the word. Protection and
rehabilitation cannot be achieved through legislations alone; they can
be better achieved through the empowerment of local government and

Instruments oprationnels et marques de gouvernance

Instrumentos operativos y marcos de gobernabilidad
Operative instruments and frameworks of governance

communities and the involvement of the private sector. The protection

and rehabilitation of architectural heritage is not only the responsibility
of CH institutions, but also the responsibility of the Palestinian people
and community. Without that the central government, having modest
resources, will not be able to manage this huge amount of CH properties
existing in Palestine.

Michel Foucault; POWER, edited by James D. Faubion , essential works of Foucault 19541984, Volume 3, The New Press, New York, 2000.

Riwaq Registry of Historic Buildings, Riwaq, 2007.

Such as the Dome of the Rock, the Nativity Church, the 13th century Mamluk public
buildings in Jerusalem, the desert monasteries, the holy shrines (Maqamat), the
caravanserais, etc.

Areas A: Area which was under the security and administrative control of Palestinian
National Authority (PNA) after Oslo peace process. Areas B: only administrative control
of PNA.

Except in the case of Hebron historic city center, whose rehabilitation was initiated
by a political decision to protect the historic center from being conscated by Israeli

Historic centers in Palestine constitute only 1.3 percent of the master-plan areas. The
protection of this small area is thus justied.

Another governmental organization that works in the eld of architectural heritage is

the Municipality of Nablus, who is responsible for the protection and rehabilitation of
Nablus historic city center.

Instead of investing the allocated funds for excavation works and protection of the
continuously looted and destructed 10,000 archeological sites and features, the
Department of Antiquities decided to invest almost all the funds for the conservation
and preventive conservation of architectural heritage; the part of heritage they have no
legal jurisdiction over. This project was funded by the USAID and implemented by the

Another NGO working in the eld of CH is the Al-Mashhad, who was established in
2001 with the aim of protecting cultural landscape sites in historical and archeological
context. The main activity of Al-Mashhad has been to document and create a
computerized database for archeological sites in Palestine.


Riwaq has completed the unnished work of PECDAR for the registration of historic
buildings in 158 sties, as well as for the remaining 264 sites. Total number of sites is


For more information see HRC website:


Almost 50% of the historic buildings in Hebron have been rehabilitated by the HRC; 750
residential units were rehabilitated, as well as 250 commercial stores.


For more information see CCHP website:


The OCJRP aims at improving the social and economic conditions of Arab inhabitants
in Jerusalem. For more information see OCJRP website: http://www.welfareassociation.


In March 2006, the Higher Planning Council approved a by-law (general) for the
protection of historic areas as well as single historic buildings. Those ordinances,
developed by Riwaq through there work on protection plans, are considered to be part
of the planning by-law and are applied to all historic buildings in Palestine.


Most of the CH institution are locally oriented and work in major historic cities.


The process of rehabilitation in Hebron is still so much dependent on the HRC, and
thus is still a one-sided process of rehabilitation. Communities living in Hebron Historic
Center are still very much marginalized.


Urban Planning Conservation and Preservation, Nahoum Cohen, McGraw-Hill, 2001.


RehabiMed Methods for the Rehabilitation of Traditional Mediterranean architecture,

RehabiMed, 2007.


Instruments oprationnels et marques de gouvernance

Instrumentos operativos y marcos de gobernabilidad
Operative instruments and frameworks of governance

Bilin Ramallah (by Idioms Film) Riwaq photo archive

Al-Mazraa a Al-Qibliya Ramallah (by Tom Ray) Riwaq photo archive

Jenin Arraba (by Idioms Film) Riwaq photo archive


Al-Mazraa a Al-Qibliya Ramallah (by Rula Halawani) Riwaq photo archive

Instruments oprationnels et marques de gouvernance

Instrumentos operativos y marcos de gobernabilidad
Operative instruments and frameworks of governance

Strategies of Volunteered Rehabilitation

in Actor Networks: A Case Study in
Soganli, Turkey

Seda Calisir Hovardaoglu* (MA)

& Ozan Hovardaoglu** (MSc.)
*Graduate: Gazi University Faculty of Architecture, Department of
City and Regional Planning Post-Graduate: MSc. In Restoration: Gazi
University, School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Department of
PhD. In Restoration: Istanbul Technical University, School of Natural
and Applied Sciences, Department Architecture
2002 Restoration and Conservation Project of Mimar Sinan House in
**Graduate: Dokuz Eyll University, Faculty of Architecture,
Department of City and Regional Planning
Post-Graduate: MSc. In City Planning: Dokuz Eyll University, School of
Natural and Applied Sciences, Department of City Planning
PhD. In City and Regional Planning: Middle East Technical University,
School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Department of City and
Regional Planning.
Erciyes University, Faculty of Architecture, Dept. of City and Regional
E-mail address: -
+90 352 437 49 01

This study is an attempt to understand the genuine nature of
local volunteered action and to develop practical and conceptual
recommendations which will be a useful tool for guidance to direct and
steer the local action toward an action of volunteered rehabilitation.
What we call the local volunteered action is the one which is based
upon consensus and communicative rationality (Habermas, 1981;
Healey, 1997) between the actors of social networks.
The idea of understanding spatial organization related to and in terms
of social organization as socio-spatial is one of the main theoretical
frameworks of this study. The relational structure of space and social
action is a long lasting study area. Lefebvre (1991) emphasizes
the relation between spatial and social organizations in a cyclical
conceptualization from perception of space to production of space.
Besides, Harvey (1988) underlines the relational nature of social and
spatial organizations in terms of relational space. Along with, Murdoch
(1998) developed an approach takes account of actor networks and

spatial organization together. Actor Network Theory is a useful way

of thinking about how spatial relations come to be wrapped up into
complex networks. Moreover, the theory is also believed to provide a
means of navigating those dualisms such as nature society, action
structure and local global (Murdoch, 1998, p.357). Hence, any spatial
intervention then becomes an operation that has socio relational
Therefore we developed an understanding of spatial rehabilitation in
terms of;
(a) The relational space and the nature of spatial organization related to
actor networks,
(b) The volunteered action based upon consensus and communicative
(c) The need of institutionalization of local volunteered action,
(d) The strategies of the maintenance of spatial rehabilitation in a case
study of Soganli settlement, Kayseri, Turkey, with 20 questionnaires
and 4 indepth interviews.
Soganli settlement:
Soganli settlement is located on the west border of Kayseri province.
The settlement is the eastern gate of Ancient Cappadoccian Region
with the same geomorphologic structure. Although the rst settling
period unfortunately left unknown, the archaeological studies show
that the history of the settlement approximately goes 4000 years long,
to ancient Hittite Civilization. However it is certainly known that the
settlement is one of the main Christian centres in Cappadoccia in Great
Rome and Eastern Rome period. Approximately, 20% of the churches in
Cappadoccia are in Soganli valley.
The settlement is one of the most important parts of Cappadoccia in
both historical and cultural terms. Furthermore, due to the genuine
geomorphologic structure, Soganli is also has an importance. In 1967
the settlement is restricted due to geological constraints. In 1977, the
settlement is announced to be natural and archeological conservation
area by the Ministry of Culture. Currently, Soganli is restricted to nighttime settlement because of geological constraints and only opened
to day time use for the citizens and as an open-air museum. However,
the local citizens have not deserted the settlement and try to maintain
their lives bound to traditional customs and productions. The main
economical activities are tourism and traditional production called
Soganli doll.
Interventions from Central Administrative Structure:
Conservation Action Based on Instrumental Rationality
We tend to underline the dierence between the interventions and
conservation actions of local level and Central Administrative Level
(CAL). We use the term local level to characterize the local social
network. Although the CAL has local institutions, it cannot be named
local because of its central nature. The reason for such a tendency is
due to the dierent understandings of these dierent levels. Usually
the CAL interventions are based on technical knowledge, instrumental
rationality and generally lack of local tacit knowledge.
The rst CAL intervention was at 1967. Due to a threat of rock falling,
the settlement is partly restricted to night-time use. This geological
constraint is an internal characteristic of the region which forms the
genuine geomorphological structure of Cappadoccia. The basic
framework of this decision is based on technical knowledge and


Instruments oprationnels et marques de gouvernance

Instrumentos operativos y marcos de gobernabilidad
Operative instruments and frameworks of governance

instrumental rationality of course. However, at rst the citizens

challenged to the decision and remained at the settlement. This conict
was partly resolved in 1997 by CAL by constructing a new settlement
approximately 5 kilometres far from the original one, called Lower
Soganli; and by letting the citizens use the settlement at day time.
The second CAL intervention was at 1977 by announcing the settlement
a natural and archeological conservation area. This decision was due to
the settlements natural and historical uniqueness. The main idea was
to provide maintenance of both natural and historical characteristics
of Soganli. Again this decision was based on technical knowledge and
instrumental rationality.
The common points of all CAL interventions to the settlement are the
restrictive nature of the decisions, generally based only on technical
knowledge which does not need to take account of the possible
potential of rehabilitation action coming from below due to its
technical nature. However, spatial rehabilitation cannot be an action
of restriction. The concept includes conservation and maintenance of
the genuine spatial characteristics like urban patterns and architecture,
but the concept also includes the maintenance of life, culture and,
furthermore, the social action. As a result, the CAL interventions have
not become an action of rehabilitation yet in Soganli.
Interventions from Local Structure: Volunteered Action Based on
Communicative Rationality
The rst leaves of local action have sprouted by the local challenge for
the CAL restriction decision due to rock falling. But this action was only
directed toward a misgiving of CAL intervention. Seriously, this action
could not be called an action for rehabilitation.
The current actions roots can be found in traditional production.
The economic life of Soganli is almost limited only to tourism. The
agricultural activity had long become inadequate and almost all
the citizens are shareholders of tourism activity. The most important
characteristic is the genuine natural and historical feature of the
settlement. Additionally, the traditional product called Soganli Doll
has a considerable importance in tourism. Briey, the only economic
activity is tourism in Soganli which has two key elements;
(a) The natural and historical characteristics and
(b) Soganli doll.
The rst collective action was arisen from a local cooperative structure
called Soganli Tourism Development Cooperative found in 1999. The
aim of this cooperative was to provide an economic development
by using the prots of Soganli Doll. Individual producers of the doll
were gathered by the local administrator of the settlement under this
structure which tried to sell the dolls with enough prot. Although
the direct aim of the cooperative is about the traditional production,
the local citizens were aware that the rst reason for tourists to visit
Soganli is the historical heritage. Therefore every actor spontaneously
decided and tried to preserve the historical heritage. The awareness of
the actors was a good indicator why CAL and local level actors have not
been challenged to each other in terms of conservation.
Without any opposition, the development cooperative has become
a cooperative of conservation spontaneously. On the one hand the
cooperative has applied and been accepted to have a Geographical
Sign given by Turkish Patent Institute, and produced a European Union
Donation Project (unfortunately rejected) to full the educational needs.
On the other hand, the cooperative has constructed a strong commitment


to preserve especially the genuine settlement pattern and cave churches.

The preservation and conservation ideas of local citizens are of course
including living together with preserved features and the settlement.
With a great lack of technical knowledge and professional support, the
local actors commit themselves to preservation of the settlement, since
they have almost no other chance for economic survival.
The common points in local level interventions are;
(a) Action growing around a consensus and based on communicative
rationality, and
(b) Great lack of technical knowledge and professional support.
We try to avoid using the concept rehabilitation neither in CAL nor in local
level interventions. The restrictive nature of CAL interventions hinders
the decisions to become an action of rehabilitation. Furthermore, the
lack of technical knowledge and professional support also hinders the
local action to become an action of rehabilitation, although the local
level has great intention. But of course rehabilitation should be more
than restrictions and intentions.
There was a break in coordination between the CAL and local level
which we conceptualize it as gridlocks at multi-level cooperation.
These gridlocks result denial of the local level action by CAL, however,
they also result incompetence in local level. In order to overcome these
gridlocks, we propose three strategies which we called strategies of
volunteered rehabilitation;
(a) Providing professional guidance for local action which will pave
the way for institutionalization of the local action. Without any
institutional structure, the local action will not be able to survive.
(b) A professional institutional structure apart from the one above
which should be able to provide multi-level cooperation. Rehabimed
is one of the most important institutions, but local extensions are
(c) Providing academic information to CAL in order to make CAL more
aware and have more intention to understand the local needs.

Habermas, J., 1981, Theorie des Kommunikativen Handels, Suhrkamp Verlag, Frankfurt am
Harvey, D., 1988, Social Justice and the City, Blackwell Publishers, Oxford.
Harvey, D., 1990, Between Space and Time: Reections on The Geographical Imagination,
Annuals of the Association of American Geographers, vol: 80, pp.418 444.
Harvey, D., 2003, Postmodernliin Durumu: Kltrel Deiimin Kkenleri, (ev:Sungur
Savran), Metis Yaynlar, stanbul.
Healey, p., 1997, Collaborative Planning, MacMillan Press, London.
Ito, N., 2004, Intangible Cultural Heritage involved in Tangible Cultural Heritage, ICOMOS
14th General Assembly and Scientic Symposium.
Kayseri l evre Durum Raporu, 2004, Kayseri Valilii l evre ve Orman Mdrl.
Lefebvre, H., 1991, The Production of Space, Blackwell Publishers, Oxford.
Madran, E., N. zgnl, 1999, International Documents Regarding The Preservation of
Cultural and Natural Heritage, METU Faculty of Architecture Press, Ankara.
Murdoch, J., 1998, The Spaces of Actor Network Theory, Geoforum, vol:29, No:4, s.357 374.

Instruments oprationnels et marques de gouvernance

Instrumentos operativos y marcos de gobernabilidad
Operative instruments and frameworks of governance

cave churches

A general view

cave churches - inside outside

kayseri in turkey in europe


Instruments oprationnels et marques de gouvernance

Instrumentos operativos y marcos de gobernabilidad
Operative instruments and frameworks of governance

Housing Rehabilitation: Towards

Building Community Responsibility
Kareem Ibrahim
Egyptian architect trained at Cairo University. Before joining the Aga
Khan Trust for Culture in 1997, he worked on the UNDPs Historic Cairo
Rehabilitation Project. He is currently the Technical Coordinator of alDarb al-Ahmar Revitalization Project.
Aga Khan Cultural Services Egypt, Al-Azhar Park, Salah Salem Road,
Al-Azhar, Cairo, Egypt.
E-mail address:
(002) 012 78 72 918

In 1997, The Aga Khan Trust for Culture (AKTC) embarked upon the
revitalization of al-Darb al-Ahmar (ADAA) district of Historic Cairo,
aiming to build upon the creation of the 30-hectare Al-Azhar Park.
Following its completion in 2004, the Park has proven to be a catalyst
for urban renewal in one of the worlds most congested cities.
However the adjacent area of ADAA despite its central location,
strong socio-economic networks, and considerable number of
historic buildings has witnessed a continuous deterioration of living
conditions over the past few decades. The immediate causes are lack
of maintenance of infrastructure, low family incomes and the severe
deterioration of monuments and private housing.
In order to reverse this deterioration process, AKTC launched its ADAA
Revitalization Project in 2000, aiming to improve living conditions
in the area and physical assets through greater public and private
investments, and raising family incomes through extensive socioeconomic programs.
This occurs through incremental change and strengthening of the
available socio-economic capital. Nevertheless, this process remains
incomplete without the capacity-building of local stakeholders to
achieve long-term sustainability.
This situation calls for a long-term approach carefully interweaving
planning, rehabilitation, and conservation activities, with socio-economic
initiatives. Accordingly, ADAA Revitalization Project encompasses the
rehabilitation of important monuments and landmark buildings in
ADAA, together with extensive social development programs, including
apprenticeship, micro-credit, healthcare and housing rehabilitation1.
This paper demonstrates the strategies and policies through which the
ADAA Housing Rehabilitation Program (HRP) complements other AKTC
endeavors, aiming not only at preserving the traditional urban fabric,
but also building community assets through strengthening residents
sense of communal responsibility.


Limits of Development: the Institutional Setting

ADAA inherited a 1973 Master Plan in agrant contradiction with
recognized urban conservation practices. According to this plan, major
highways were supposed to penetrate ADAA. This plan ignored the
areas historic fabric and character to the extent that some registered
monuments were proposed to be demolished. This practice was in
contradiction with all international conservation charters2.
Ironically, a fundamental part of this Master Plan was based on
regulations introduced by the Supreme Council of Antiquities (SCA)
aiming at protecting monuments. These regulations became eective
through the issuance of the 1983 Antiquities Protection Law.
According to this law, existing monuments are to be surrounded by
a buer zone where all types of construction or development are
prohibited3. Surrounding urban fabric is allowed to collapse, leaving
behind a vacant space, presumably protecting the monument. This
concept led to the forceful demolition of large segments of Historic
Cairos urban fabric4.
The complete implementation of this plan would have led to the
demolition of signicant stretches of ADAAs urban fabric along the
Eastern Ayyubid Wall. Fortunately, this plan was never implemented.
Yet, it caused a downward spiral of disinvestment and deterioration as
ADAA inhabitants were not allowed to build or restore their houses.
The combination of laws, regulations, nancial constraints, and technical
limitations constituted an institutional setting that deprived ADAA
inhabitants from access to technical assistance, nancial resources and
a supportive legal framework.
Structure of Vulnerability: Rethinking Community Assets
ADAA it is one of the most vulnerable areas of Cairo. An assessment of
ADAAs community assets shows that these assets have been severely
damaged due to the existing institutional setting.
Over the past few decades, ADAA residents suered from an
institutional marginalization process. Accordingly, ADAA started losing
its inhabitants, paving the way for further deterioration and the loss of
valuable social, economic, and cultural assets.
This loss is often misattributed to the 1992 earthquake, but according
to national censuses, ADAA lost 50% of its inhabitants between the mid
70s and 80s. This structure of vulnerability had a stronger impact on
ADAA than a force-majeure such as the 1992 earthquake.
The ADAA local community lost their sense of civic responsibility
towards the area. Many property owners left the area and tenants lost
security of tenure, simply awaiting the demolition of their houses by
local authorities and relocation to new suburban areas.
In this case, physical interventions would have been a short-term
solution, but they could never be sustainable without addressing this
structure of vulnerability. Physical interventions in ADAA had to be
reintroduced as a Process rather than a Product.
Rethinking community assets enabled the HRP to address the
underlying reasons behind this deterioration. Working in participation
with local stakeholders to capitalize upon these assets helped the
community to restore its lost sense of communal responsibility towards
the area and to promote security of tenure.
HRP Levels of Support
The core element of the HRP is not to rehabilitate a certain number
of houses, but to create an institutional framework / process enabling
ADAA community to capitalize upon its assets, ultimately reaching a

Instruments oprationnels et marques de gouvernance

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Operative instruments and frameworks of governance

sustainable mechanism of doing so. This process entails supporting

ADAA community on the technical, nancial and legal / administrative
Since 2002, the HRP rehabilitated more than 60 houses with a 30%
nancial contribution from the residents (with a target of rehabilitating
130 houses by the end of 2009). This achievement is complemented by
supporting ADAA community on the following levels:
Technical Support:
The HRP tries to promote higher conservation and building standards.
An appropriate body of knowledge was developed to address existing
structural problems while complying with conservation measures.
Disseminating this knowledge takes place through training local
workgroups and craftsmen, promoting appropriate building materials
and techniques, providing technical advice, and producing construction
Moreover, the HRP follows a participatory approach: residents are
involved in the design process and are the key player in ne-tuning
intervention packages. This approach helped promote a higher sense
of ownership and avoiding most of post-occupation problems.
Financial Support:
According to De Soto, 92% of buildings in urban areas of Egypt are not
registered within the ocial systems5. This deprives owners of these
buildings from access to ocial mortgage systems.
The ownership structure in ADAA shows that almost 90% of the
houses are privately owned and owners occupy 44% of these houses6.
Nevertheless, ADAA residents do not have access to housing loans as
banking systems do not recognize their ownership as collateral.
Given the low average monthly income in ADAA7, The HRP provides
the residents with a loan mechanism8. Accordingly, residents have
access to aordable housing loans tailored to their individual needs
while following international micro-nance standards.
This nancing mechanism boosted rehabilitation activities. Moreover,
it created a successful loan portfolio and proved to the authorities that
residents are willing to stay and invest in ADAA once proper investment
channels are introduced.

Administrative Procedures:
Although the new plan provides the legal backup for development
in ADAA, even the best plans remain useless without realistic
implementation mechanisms. Existing administrative procedures
represent a major stumbling block to the successful implementation
of the new conservation-led plan. Accordingly, AKTC is working on the
inception of a local Planning Support Unit (PSU) in order to facilitate
these procedures.
Legal and Mediation Eorts:
HRP works on this level to improve security of tenure and propensity
to invest in housing through resolution of conicts between dierent
stakeholders. This occurs through negotiations between tenants and
owners and between residents and governmental agencies.
This paper demonstrates AKTC initiatives in ADAA over the last decade.
Together with the creation of Al-Azhar Park, AKTCs ADAA Revitalization
Project aims at improving the living conditions of this deteriorated area
of Historic Cairo. This occurs through the integration of socio-economic
and physical interventions. Aiming at long-term sustainability, AKTC
induces incremental change together with capacity-building of local
stakeholders. However, a deeper level of intervention takes place to
address the existing institutional setting preventing residents from
investing in ADAA. Although the HRP has yet to achieve its long-term
objectives, the demonstration of its policies and procedures shows that
rehabilitation is more about introducing a Process rather than a Product.
The aim of this paper is to highlight the fact that a sustainable urban
rehabilitation process is far beyond supercial physical treatments.
It is more about the introduction of an institutional framework that
synthesizes appropriate technical assistance, aordable nancing
mechanisms, and a supportive legal backup. Such a framework would
present a successful urban management mechanism that could harness
available community assets to achieve a higher sense of ownership,
security of tenure and long-term sustainability.

Legal / Administrative Support:
The existing legal framework is not supportive to conservation policies.
According to Aalund [...] the distribution of planning responsibilities
is complex and coordination of planning initiatives between relevant
ministries make the management and development of the city
extremely dicult. New building permits are issued by the Governorate
and preservation needs have not a rst priority 9.
The institutional and planning mechanisms need to be revised to
bridge the gap between ocial procedures and residents needs. AKTC
works with local stakeholders to address the existing legal framework
on dierent levels:
Planning Policies:
In 2006, The 1973 Master Plan was abolished by local authorities following
awareness eorts and implementation of successful interventions in
ADAA. AKTC is working with local stakeholders on a new conservationled plan based on action planning rather than conventional master
planning. This new plan provides a exible framework for development
in ADAA.

Flemming Aalund, ICOMOS Reactive Monitoring Mission to World Heritage Site: Islamic
Cairo (Egypt), 9-16 March 2005,
AKAM 2006
The Aga Khan Agency for Micronance, Annual Report 2005 (Geneva 2006)
AKTC 1999
The Aga Khan Trust for Culture, Conservation Planning in the Aslam Mosque Neighborhood
(Geneva 1999)
AKTC 2005
The Aga Khan Trust for Culture, Cairo: Urban Regeneration in the Darb al-Ahmar District
(Geneva 2005)
DE SOTO 2002
Hernando de Soto, The Mystery of Capital: Why Capitalism Triumphs in the West and Fails
Everywhere Else. Trans. Kamal Essayed, Al-Ahram Press (Cairo 2002)
Caroline Williams, Transforming the Old: Cairos new Medieval City, Middle East Journal, 56,
(Summer 2002)3: 457-76


Instruments oprationnels et marques de gouvernance

Instrumentos operativos y marcos de gobernabilidad
Operative instruments and frameworks of governance

For more on ADAA Revitalization Project, see AKTC 2005

For more on the International Charter for the Conservation and Restoration of
Monuments and Sites (Venice Charter 1964), and the Charter for the Conservation
of Historic Towns and Urban Areas (Washington Charter 1987), see ICOMOS: The
International Council on Monuments and Sites, see

For more on the Buer Zone, see Articles 19 and 20, Law No. 117 of 1983, the Antiquities
Protection Law.

By the end of 1990s, the SCA demolished large segments of the historic urban fabric
along the Northern Historic Wall of Cairo as part of a conservation plan of the Wall. This
resulted into rebuilding large parts of the Wall and forcing hundreds of families to leave
the area. See Williams, p.467.

Through his studies, Hernando de Soto discovered that in Egypt, the wealth the poor
have accumulated is worth 55 times as much as the sum of all direct foreign investment
ever recorded there, including that spent on building the Suez Canal and the Aswan
Dam. See De Soto, p.254.

or more on land ownership and tenure in ADAA, see AKTC 1999, p.30.

Average levels of income in ADAA are less than EGP 500 - USD 100 per month (April
2007: USD 1 = EGP 5.7). See AKTC 2005, p.6.

This housing loan mechanism is managed by the Aga Kahn Agency for Micronance
(AKAM) in coordination with AKTC, See AKAM 2006, p.30.

See Aalund, p.8.


Al-Darb Al Ahmar within context of Historic Cairo (AKTC 2005)

Instruments oprationnels et marques de gouvernance

Instrumentos operativos y marcos de gobernabilidad
Operative instruments and frameworks of governance

Ksar Assa, Provinces sahariennes du

Maroc un programme de rhabilitation

restaurations de plusieurs monuments religieux sont demandes par

la population. Malheureusement excutes avec un grand mpris
de la qualit du bti ancien et de la culture des lieux (rputes
archaques), trois mosques (sur sept) sont dgures ou rases pour
tre remplaces par des dices en ciment de bton qui reprennent
les formes simplistes de la banlieue casablancaise comme rfrence
la modernit.

Mme Salima Naji

Auteur de plusieurs ouvrages de rfrence sur les architectures
vernaculaires du Sud marocain, Salima Naji est architecte DPLG (ParisLa-Villette) en exercice au Maroc et Anthropologue de lEHESS (Ecole
des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris), elle a reu le Prix Jeunes
Architectes de la Fondation EDF (2004).
Adresse postale :
19, rue El Brihi, Rabat Hassan
Adresse courrier lectronique :
Tlphone :
+212 68 818 607 / +212 37 76 53 51

Dans la continuit de luvre exemplaire de Hassan Fathy, intitule

Construire avec le peuple1, le projet de requalication du Ksar dAssa,
mis en uvre par lAgence pour le dveloppement des provinces du
Sud, sest appuy sur un limplication forte de la population locale :
pour la restauration en employant et en formant une main duvre
locale, mais surtout par la cration sur place dactivits gnratrices
de revenus, demplois adapts au Ksar. Lide forte tait de concevoir
une restauration qui ne soit pas une coquille vide mais le lieu dun
dveloppement local intgr, qui rponde la culture des lieux et
aux besoins de la population. Le PROGRAMME KSAR ASSA2 prend
une dimension totale qui associe la rhabilitation comme origine et
comme support une rexion globale sur lusage du patrimoine
dans les pays du Sud. Une mthodologie de mise en rseau articulant
la cinquantaine dassociations locales, les institutions tatiques et des
partenaires extrieurs, est labore autour de laction concrte de
restauration pour crdibiliser et donner une rsonance nationale et
internationale au site.
De la cit sainte la ville nouvelle
Fonde au XII sicle de notre re3 sur un piton rocheux qui domine une
source prenne exploite par une belle oasis, Assa, la cit sainte, stend
sur plus de sept hectares autour dune zawya (mosque-medersa
intgre au tombeau dun saint), port saharien, o sapprovisionnaient
jadis les caravanes. En grande partie abandonn pendant la dcennie
1980 au prot de la ville nouvelle, sur la rive oppose, le ksar4 sombrait
lentement dans la ruine bien quune dizaine de maisons soient encore
habites. Mais, parce que cest un lieu religieux important, tous les
vendredis les lignages anciens sy rendent, pour une ziyara (visite) au
tombeau de leur aeul, pour des maaroufs (agapes) rguliers, prouvant
lintrt de la population pour le lieu et dnotant un rapport la
mmoire locale particulier loasis. Aussi, en 1990, 1998, et 2002, des

Retrouver les comptences ddier originelles aujourdhui

Pourtant, ce Ksar, architecture de collecte, fruit dune lente accumulation
de constructions, donne une leon darchitecture et confronte la
spcicit de notre travail darchitecte aujourdhui face un patrimoine
collectif. Les architectures rurales du grand sud marocain sont pour
nous, des corps constitus, des corps entiers dicilement sectionnables,
architectures sans architectes5 issues de leur environnement proche
quelles pousent et dont elles sont le miroir. Les matriaux locaux,
mis en uvre dans un souci dconomie et dadaptation au milieu ont
donn leurs caractristiques au bti : premires maisons proches de
loued en pis sur une base en galets, puis progressivement, mesure
quon pntre dans le Ksar, diverses techniques mixtes privilgiant les
briques de terre crue avant de laisser place la pierre de schiste sur le
promontoire. Matriaux, gestes et pratiques rvlent llaboration lente
dune comptence ddier qui sest labore empiriquement au
cours des sicles et qui sest transmise de gnration en gnration sur
les chantiers.
Lindispensable matrise des matriaux et leur mise en uvre sont
donc ncessairement associes la volont de prserver ces dices.
Le chantier est une cole o sont retrouvs les procds anciens en
essayant de reconqurir les rgles de lart. Les mutations contemporaines
ont brouill les repres, elles ont transform lapproche des matres
constructeurs (maalmines), elles ont dplac les hommes. La perte
de conance dans le patrimoine bti ancien sest invitablement
accompagne dune perte des comptences et une perte des savoirfaire. Du ct des dcideurs, lignorance des mises en uvres locales,
des protocoles respecter, des tudes pralables, peuvent conduire
galement des erreurs qui sont, terme, funestes aux btiments. Il
faut donc accompagner toute rhabilitation, faute de voir surgir une
nouvelle construction remplaant celle en train dtre restaure.
Plus que jamais, la comptence ddier6 est devenue lenjeu de cette
rhabilitation. Nous empruntons cette notion complexe F. Choay
qui la dnie de faon ce quelle ne soit pas confondue avec les
techniques de construction utilises pour la production de notre cadre
de vie actuel . La comptence ddier est, selon elle, un langage
propre lhomme , un art ddier qui sapprend sur la dure et qui
concerne le corps entier dans lespace et le temps. Elle est cette science
de la conception et cette sensibilit, qui permet ou qui a permis de bien
construire un dice ; elle est galement ce qui a lgitim de savoir les
regarder selon leur essence.
La premire tape du projet dAssa fut donc de recrer le rapport au
chantier et la comptence ddier originelle dans lide de restitution.
Des maalmines originaires des rgions environnantes sont guids
par larchitecte par une dmarche archologique de redcouverte
des formes et des procds constructifs locaux qui sont proches. Car
si la culture architecturale est la mme, chaque lieu en propose une
interprtation spcique. Sur le chantier, les doyens sont invits
accompagner le travail mis en uvre pour retrouver les procds et


Instruments oprationnels et marques de gouvernance

Instrumentos operativos y marcos de gobernabilidad
Operative instruments and frameworks of governance

reconstruire un lieu proche. Des jeunes originaires de la ville dAssa sont

engags sur le chantier et sont forms progressivement aux techniques
pour recrer une main duvre qualie.
Du lieu de mmoire lespace projet
Si le chantier redevient un lieu de transmission dune culture matrielle
mais aussi immatrielle dont la chane avait t rompue, ce chantier est
aussi un moment de dynamisation et de mobilisation de la socit civile
autour de son patrimoine pour inventer autour de nouveaux usages.
Un lieu ruin matriellement nest pas systmatiquement un lieu
totalement abandonn idellement. En eet, si de nombreuses
architectures collectives du monde rural comme les Ksours (village
forti), les Agadirs (greniers collectifs7), les Kasbahs (demeure
seigneuriale fortie), seritent un peu plus chaque jour parce que le
groupe responsable (tribus, lignages, socitaires, familles) narrive plus
mobiliser ses forces vives pour assurer lentretien matriel du lieu,
elles nont pas pour autant, t vides de leur dimension identitaire
et patrimoniale. Bien au contraire, souvent ces architectures matrices
restent des lieux de souvenirs et de ert dun temps hroque. Elles
deviennent des lieux de mmoire (selon lexpression de Pierre
Nora8), sur lesquels viennent se greer des mises en mouvement du
collectif. En eet, le dveloppement dune socit civile nouvelle sous
la forme dun tissu associatif sinscrit dans la continuit des institutions
traditionnelles qutaient les jamaas, les conseils des inas ou les ayt
arban, instances supra-locales qui reprsentaient les principaux
lignages du Ksar dAssa de faon galitaire. Par consquent, pour ce
projet global, ces institutions traditionnelles ont t encourages en
lien avec les institutions nouvelles que sont les associations. Cest avec
elles que, rgulirement, nous nous runissons, dcidons, et faisons
avancer les projets.
Aussi, si la dimension musale apparat immdiatement comme une
des revendications principales, pour autant, lentit muse nest pas
dmultiplie. la demande de lassociation Ihchach qui possde un
site important en amont du Ksar, un caf a t, par exemple, amnag
dans lun des points belvdre du ksar pour que la famille puisse
auto-nancer dautres projets (dabord le muse familial garant de la
mmoire du groupe, associ un thtre de plein air pour accueillir
les reprsentations musicales de groupes de danse). Ds lors, le Ksar
redevient un lieu de vie, de re-cration et de transmission comme il la
prouv lors de divers festivals organiss par le collectif dassociations
culturelles9. Ainsi, les espaces restaurs sont avant tout tourns vers
la population locale et sa vaste diaspora dsireuse de connatre ses
origines. La mise en tourisme vient se greer au mouvement sans en
tre lunique moteur dautant que, toujours en partenariat avec les
ministres concerns, un site daccueil pour les plerins est intgr
dans lun des plus belles maisons du Ksar aux 365 saints prolongeant
une tradition locale dimportance.
Car, ct des autres activits, laccueil touristique est extrmement
convoit par les particuliers qui dsirent crer des gtes, des htels,
des restaurants hauts rendements. Ces projets sont soutenus pour
conserver une qualit architecturale attendue par le public.
En conclusion, il apparat que les sept lignages historiques du Ksar
lasss des discours et des projets de papier, se sont appropris le
projet ds la mise en place dun chantier tangible o larchitecture est
apparue comme un levier pour dynamiser toute une culture rattacher
la civilisation des grandes cits prsahariennes. La restauration des
murs devient un moyen pour permettre par la rappropriation des


lieux, lmergence de pratiques qui font le lien entre tradition et

contemporanit, en crant une revalorisation dune culture et dune
identit, seules garantes de la prennisation des lieux.

FATHY, Hassan. Construire avec le peuple (histoire dun village dgypte: Gourna), Sindbad
(hommes et socits), Paris 1970.

Ce programme a t lanc en dcembre 2005 par lAgence Pour le Dveloppement

Economique et Social des Provinces du Sud, Primature, Rabat (APDPS). Aprs une phase
dtude, est ouvert, en fvrier 2006, un chantier de rhabilitation des parties collectives
du Ksar pour mobiliser la population autour dune action concrte. A partir de mai 2007,
des actions de soutien aux porteurs de projets locaux sont engages. En juin 2007, le
chantier aura mobilis prs de 15 000 journes de travail.

La Zawya aurait t fonde par Sidi Issa ben Salah, mort en 500 de lHgire (1107).
Lhistoire retient encore la gure dun saint guerrier, Sidi Yazza U Ihda le conqurant,
patron dAssa, enterr en son qsar, en 727 de lHgire (1327). Depuis le XIVe sicle, en
eet, lhumble Zawya devenue prestigieuse, est connue pour ses coles, dont les Tolbas
(tudiants) essaimrent dans toute la rgion. Assa neut alors de cesse que dtendre son
autorit sur le long terme jusquaux Chorfas du Tazerwalt, ceux de la Sguiet El Hamra
jusqu Tissint, de Mghighima Tamegrout, de lAnti-Atlas Tamesloht voire Marrakech.
Et, bien avant lIslam, les gravures rupestres et les lgendes locales attestent dune
implantation humaine trs ancienne sur le site.

Ksar (gsar dans sa prononciation locale) : (qsar pl. qsour) est un ensemble forti
caractristique, regroupant des habitations implantes en bordure des palmeraies.
Entours dune enceinte fortie, munie de tours dangle, ces tablissements de
formes diverses selon les congurations naturelles des sites appartiennent au
patrimoine artistique et technologique reconnu du Maroc saharien o ils fonctionnent
gnralement avec une palmeraie.

Architectures without architects est une expression qui fut diuse lors dune
exposition qui t le tour du monde organise par RUDOFSKY, Bernard. Architectures sans
architectes (brve introduction larchitecture spontane), New York 1967, Chne, 1977,

CHOAY, Franoise. Lallgorie du Patrimoine, Paris, Le Seuil, 1992, et notamment le

chapitre qui porte cet intitul : La comptence ddier , pp. 183-186. Voir aussi, pour
plus de dtails sur la condition du malem aujourdhui au Maroc, notre texte : Des arts
indignes lart daroport , Cahiers de recherche du Centre Jacques Berque n1, 2004, pp.

Il faut immdiatement revenir sur un second prsuppos fruit de lexprience des

interventions que nous avons conduites sur des greniers collectifs et sur le Ksar. Actions
de restaurations de plusieurs greniers de lAnti-Atlas de 2003 2006 : grenier dInnoumar
(rgion de Biougra), grenier dIghrem (rgion de Taroudant), grenier dAguellouy (Rgion
de Guelmim). Prix Jeunes architectes 2004 de la fondation EDF. Voir
NAJI, Salima. Greniers collectifs de lAtlas, patrimoines du sud marocain, Aix-en-Provence,
Edisud, 2007, 308 p.

NORA, Pierre. Entre mmoire et histoire, la problmatique des lieux de mmoire , in

Les lieux de mmoire, Introduction au tome l, Paris, Gallimard, 1984, 672 p.

AssociationTamanout notamment du 24 au 27 mai 2007 o le programme englobe

des concerts, des ahwashs, des preuves sportives pour les enfants. Ce projet est port
par le collectif dassociations locales avec la Province de Assa-Zag comme partenaire
logistique, et lInstitut de la Culture Amazigh de Rabat comme partenaire nancier,
illustrant le dynamisme de la socit civile.

Instruments oprationnels et marques de gouvernance

Instrumentos operativos y marcos de gobernabilidad
Operative instruments and frameworks of governance


Instruments oprationnels et marques de gouvernance

Instrumentos operativos y marcos de gobernabilidad
Operative instruments and frameworks of governance

Comment sensibiliser et encourager les

communes rurales la rhabilitation de
leur patrimoine architectural ?
tudiants et jeunes architectes la
rencontre des maires
Cynthia Durand-Lasserve
Etudiante diplmante lENS dArchitecture de Paris-La-Villette ;
missionne depuis 2003 par le CEF PARTIR auprs de collectivits
territoriales pour la ralisation dtudes de villages dans le but de
sensibiliser et de conseiller les municipalits et les populations locales
sur la richesse et la fragilit du patrimoine architectural traditionnel.
Adresse postale:
7, rue Sante Garibaldi 33000 Bordeaux - France
Adresse courrier lectronique:
(+33) 05 56 96 17 36

Le petit patrimoine rural : une richesse menace

Les petites communes du Sud-est de la France sont riches de
constructions qui tmoignent de leur histoire. Si certaines bncient
de la protection des Monuments Historiques, une importante part
du bti traditionnel de nos campagnes mditerranennes ne prote
daucune reconnaissance ocielle. Cela est particulirement vrai pour
le petit patrimoine tel que fontaines, moulins, oratoires...
Ces ralisations tmoignent dune poque, de conditions de vie, de
savoir-faire lis des cultures et des environnements locaux. Elles
sont, pour la plupart, proprits des communes, auxquelles choit la
responsabilit de leur sauvegarde et de leur mise en valeur.
Ce petit patrimoine fait bien souvent partie dun pass rvolu et peine
trouver sa place dans notre sicle. Sans plus aucune fonction vitale ou
spirituelle pour les communauts, ce patrimoine se meurt. Pour une
construction, labsence de rle jouer auprs dune socit, si petite
soit elle, signie presque toujours labandon, labsence dentretien et,
terme, la ruine.
Une faon de sauvegarder durablement ce patrimoine est de le
rhabiliter, de lui redonner une raison dexister.
Le parcours qui mne de la naissance la ralisation dun projet et long
et laborieux. Le premier pas est celui dune prise de conscience, par
les municipalits, des intrts que la sauvegarde du petit patrimoine
reprsente sur le plan culturel comme nancier.
Plusieurs outils existent dj pour assister les communes dans les
dmarches lies la rhabilitation (CAUE, associations...), mais ce
travail peut-tre con dautres acteurs, comme des tudiants en
architecture ou de jeunes diplms. De tels partenariats sont dj
mis en place dans plusieurs villages du Sud-est de la France et se sont
rvls positifs pour les communes comme pour les tudiants.


Sur quelles bases envisager un partenariat entre jeunes ou

futurs architectes et communes rurales ?
Ces expriences demandent la coopration de plusieurs acteurs. Dans
notre cas, les tudiants ou jeunes professionnels sont slectionns
par une association travaillant avec lENSA de Paris-la-Villette. Ils
sont recruts selon leur cursus. Les missions sont proposes par des
collectivits territoriales, qui servent de relais entre lassociation et les
communes quelles reprsentent.
Les missions stalent sur des priodes denviron un mois. Elles
sont menes par deux oprateurs, logs sur place le temps de leur
Ces tudes visent identier les caractristiques de lensemble du bti
traditionnel, en reprer les particularits, les dtails, les dsordres les
plus frquents...
En n de mission, lors dune runion publique, les oprateurs prsentent
aux lus et la population leur travail et leurs conclusions, formules
sous la forme dun cahier de conseils . Il sagit de rappeler des rgles
lmentaires de bon traitement des dices (prfrer la chaux au
ciment...), souvent ignores.
Quels intrts pour les lus locaux et les populations?
Pour les petites communes rurales, disposer durant quelques semaines
de jeunes ou futurs professionnels est une opportunit plusieurs
Dun point de vue nancier, le village daccueil est uniquement tenu de
mettre un logement la disposition des oprateurs pendant la dure
de leur mission. Lappel un bureau dtude spcialis naurait pu tre
nanc par la plupart des villages dj tudis.
Mais ce que les Maires retiennent avant tout de ces missions est la
qualit des rapports humains tablis entre eux, leurs concitoyens et les
oprateurs. La russite de la mission et la pertinence du travail sont
fortement lies leur prsence quotidienne sur leur lieu dtude.
En eet, habitant sur place, passant beaucoup de temps lextrieur
pour mener bien leur tche, les oprateurs veillent la curiosit de la
population. Petit petit, des liens se crent, les langues se dlient. Il arrive
que certains habitants sinvestissent personnellement dans le travail des
oprateurs, se rvlant dexcellents guides. Ainsi nous avons parfois
la surprise de dcouvrir lexistence dune borie ou dun gu pav non
signals sur les cadastres. Une telle conance est ressentie positivement
par les oprateurs comme par les Maires, rassurs de constater que leurs
administrs approuvent et encouragent le travail eectu.
Les runions publiques de ns de missions ouvrent la porte plusieurs
dbats entre lus, habitants et oprateurs sur limportance de telle ou
telle construction et lventualit dune future rhabilitation.
Le dossier produit est dpos la Mairie. Ce document peut tre utilis
plusieurs ns, par les particuliers souhaitant raliser de petits travaux
sur leur logement, mais aussi et surtout par les Mairies elles-mmes.
Ainsi, certains villages du Var (en particulier Mounes) se sont appuys
sur le travail des oprateurs pour laborer leur PLU. Dautres en ont
publi de longs extraits dans leurs bulletins municipaux. A Cotignac,
une fontaine a retrouv son enduit de chaux alors quil tait prvu de
laisser apparentes ses pierres de tuf.
Au cours de lt 2005, une exposition itinrante a t organise dans les
villages du Var pour prsenter au public les travaux mens depuis 1999
dans la rgion. Aujourdhui, un projet de publication dune synthse
des tudes ralises sur les villages du Syndicat Mixte de la Provence
Verte est en cours.

Instruments oprationnels et marques de gouvernance

Instrumentos operativos y marcos de gobernabilidad
Operative instruments and frameworks of governance

Il apparat donc clairement que ces expriences ont des rpercussions

positives, bien quencore connes un niveau local, aussi bien pour
les lus locaux que pour les collectivits territoriales et les habitants
des villages concerns. Et mme si les interventions concrtes tardent
parfois venir, petit petit, un changement dattitude se produit vis-vis dun patrimoine qui tait jusqualors considr comme inutile et
Quels apports dans la formation des jeunes ou futurs
architectes ?
Lobjectif de ces expriences nest pas uniquement de servir les
communes, mais aussi de former les architectes qui, demain, seront
amens intervenir sur ce bti rural traditionnel.
Pour les tudiants en n de cursus ou les jeunes architectes dj
spcialiss dans le patrimoine architectural traditionnel, de telles
expriences se sont rvles extrmement intressantes et protables,
plusieurs niveaux.
Tout dabord, une grande libert leur est accorde. Des entretiens
rguliers avec les lus locaux et les responsables de collectivits
territoriales dterminent la nature du travail demand et xent
des dlais prcis, mais les oprateurs bncient dune vritable
indpendance dans la gestion de leur temps et de leurs mthodes
de travail. La conance qui leur est accorde fait partie intgrante de
lesprit dans lequel ces partenariats sont mis en place. Il sagit avant tout
de permettre aux oprateurs de dcouvrir la ralit du terrain avec ses
alas, les dicults trouver certains documents, la ncessit dtablir
rapidement un dialogue ouvert avec les lus et la population, la gestion
dchances prcises, le respect dune commande particulire.
Ces missions les conduisent galement prendre contact avec
dirents acteurs quils seront un jour amens recroiser dans leur vie
professionnelle. Par le biais de telles expriences, ils commencent voir
de lintrieur les rouages qui doivent se mettre en place pour quun
projet de rhabilitation dans une petite commune puisse voir le jour. Ils
doivent apprendre couter et comprendre dirents acteurs, avec
des sensibilits particulires, faire entendre leurs points de vue sans
les imposer, sexprimer devant un public, produire un document
manuscrit rdig de faon intelligible et intelligente.
En quelques semaines, les oprateurs sont confronts des situations qui
feront partie de leur quotidien professionnel : la mance des villageois
qui assimilent volontiers architectes et promoteurs immobiliers, les
contradictions sur lhistoire des petites communes, la vhmence de
certains lus srs de leurs comptences en matire darchitecture...
Beaucoup doprateurs renouvellent cette exprience danne en
La plupart de ceux qui ont eu loccasion de travailler dans ces conditions
sont unanimes : ces missions les ont confort dans leur choix de
spcialisation sur larchitecture rurale. Elles leur ont appris rpondre
des attentes prcises et leur ont permis dacqurir de la conance dans
leurs rapports avec les lus et les professionnels de la rhabilitation.
Elles leur ont galement permis de commencer se constituer un
carnet dadresses.
Il est enn intressant de noter que plusieurs des tudiants se sont
appuys sur ces travaux pour raliser leur mmoire de 3 cycle ou leur

partenariat existent en France, et chaque anne, de nouveaux oprateurs

sont mandats au-del mme de la cte mditerranenne. Petit petit,
de nombreux villages commencent regarder leur architecture avec un
il nouveau, une sensibilit accrue, et se prennent rver de grands
projets. Paralllement, de jeunes architectes arrivent sur le march de la
rhabilitation avec en main une exprience particulire et unique qui
leur permet daborder avec une certaine maturit et une connaissance
pratique du terrain un milieu professionnel avec lequel ils ont dj cr
des liens.
Ces partenariats, pour tre mis en place et fonctionner, demandent
une organisation et une entente entre plusieurs acteurs, mais ils ne
relvent ni du d, ni de limpossible. Il est ncessaire de voir dans ces
expriences un outil ecace de sensibilisation des communes et des
futurs professionnels, une fentre ouverte sur des changes et des
relations futures, et denvisager de nouvelles formes de partenariats
allant dans ce sens.

Une exprience raliste

Cela fait dsormais plus de dix ans que de telles expriences de


Instruments oprationnels et marques de gouvernance

Instrumentos operativos y marcos de gobernabilidad
Operative instruments and frameworks of governance


Instruments oprationnels et marques de gouvernance

Instrumentos operativos y marcos de gobernabilidad
Operative instruments and frameworks of governance

Public Participation, a Key Asset to


Pr N.Chabbi-Chemrouk(1) & O.Chemrouk(2)

(1) Full professor of Architecture and Urban design at the School of
Architecture and Urbanism, EPAU, in Algiers, Algeria.
Acts as an independent academic expert for the European
Commission and the Aga Khan Trust for Culture. Member of APERAU
International (Association pour lEnseignement et la Recherche en
Amnagement et Urbanisme) and President of the Maghreb Section.
(2) Student in Architecture at the school of Architecture, EPAU, Algiers,
Ecole Polytechnique dArchitecture et dUrbanisme, EPAU, BP n177, El
Harrach, Algiers, Algeria
E-mail address:
(1) 00 213 79138384


(2) 00 213 72397461

Preservation strategies, as any other intervention in the built
environment, ought to include public participation, and this need
has been fully acknowledged by the current people sensitive and
collaborative planning approaches1.
Indeed, most successful city governance models, such as that of
Barcelona in Spain, have been mainly based on public preferences in
their regeneration policies.
However, the level of participation in city governance in most
developing countries is still very low if not inexistent. This is the case in
Algeria, where public participation in the urban development process
is a formality. The reasons for this can be found in the actual planning
system, as citizens have hardly the opportunity to be directly involved
in the decision making process. Most citizens are supposed to exercise
this right through their delegates and representatives in local assembly
and municipality.
During the last few years, several NGOs became involved in some
urban development actions, but their role is still restricted and they
are usually invited to attend the last few presentation sessions of the
proposed (and usually already adopted) actions.
Eective involvement of citizen and NGOs in preparing, discussing,
adopting and implementing preservation actions is therefore urgently
needed. In the Casbah of Algiers, these associations could really
contribute eectively not only to the preservation process but also to
the maintenance and management process of the every day life in this
complex microcosm.

The ever lasting preservation dilemma in Algeria, or when

stringent legislation takes over practical implementation
The Atelier Casbah2 was the rst public agency created by independent
Algeria to deal with the already marginalised3 historical urban structure
of Algiers -the Casbah-. One year later, in 1969 the COMEDOR4
was created. Composed by an international pluridisciplinary team,
elaborated the POG (General Orientation Plan of Algiers) in 1975. It is
during the implementation of this plan that the rst Revalorisation
project of the Cabah was elaborated in collaboration with the UNESCO
Indeed, in 1978/1979, the algerian government and the UNESCO
signed a convention for the establishment of a joint preservation and
restoration programme for the Casbah and the Atelier Casbah, which
was transferred to the Ministry of Urbanism, Construction and Housing,
became a unit of a large architecture and urbanism agency (ETAU), saw
its mission enlarged from that of the restoration of the Citadel (one
monument) to the whole Casbah.
In Mai 25th, 1982, Le Plan damnagement prliminaire pour la
revalorisation de la Casbah dAlger elaborated by the ETAU/Atelier
Casbah with the technical assistance of the UNESCO, was ocially
In 1985, the OFIRAC5 was created to take over the Atelier Casbah. This
new organisation was supposed to be multidisciplinary and therefore
better armed to deal with the social, economical, legislative, and
technical, problems of the Casbah .
In December 1992, the Casbah was added on the World heritage list, but
this listing did not have any impact as it coincided with the beginning
of the Black Decade. Ten years during which Algeria was cut from the
rest of the world. The Casbah as the main centre of terror, was even
more marginalised and all preservation and restoration projects were
In 1997, the Wilaya of Algiers became a governorate, and organised in
Decembre 1998 an international colloquium and competition for the
rehabilitation and safeguard of the Casbah. The CNERU7 was selected
to prepare the new Casbah safeguard plan. In the same time another
agency the Delegation of the Casbah was created.
This agency was replaced in January 2002 by another one: theFunctional
Unit in Charge of the Rehabilitation, Safeguard and Management of the
Casbah of Algiers.
Hence within few years many institutions and agencies were created
to deal with the preservation of the Casbah reducing the problem of
preservation to a problem of institutions. In fact the number of agencies
created is far more important than that of the projects eectively
realised. These few projects were generally restricted to the restoration
of major monuments such as the citadel, one of the rst projects to be
launched in the early seventies.
The restoration of the Bastion 23 (1988) undertaken with the assistance
of Italian experts opened the way to many other restoration projects in
the early nineties (Dar Azziza, Dar Mustapha Pacha, etc). However, for
security reasons, most of these projects are not yet nished.
The restoration of some dwellings, the refurbishment of some buildings
and the rehabilitation of the Ilot Sidi Abdellah, Ilot Lalahoum, Ilot Dar
El Ghoula, Rue Sidi Driss Hamidou, Quartier de la Marine altogether
constitute some other tentatives to preserve the historical substance
of the Casbah. But again, these projects are going through many
diculties (legislative, technical and nancial) and their concretization
seems very far away.


Instruments oprationnels et marques de gouvernance

Instrumentos operativos y marcos de gobernabilidad
Operative instruments and frameworks of governance

In the meantime, the Casbah is undergoing a dangerous and fast

decaying process. This alarming situation shows clearly that the few
restoration projects going on here and there are not tackling the real
problem of this complex historical centre and demonstrate clearly
the necessity of an overall preservation plan, based on a sound and
objective programme, involving a solid partnership between dierent
sectors and actors such as the NGOs that are now active in the Casbah
and could contribute to reduce considerably the gap between the
inhabitants and the authorities.
Preservation and sustainable development: the role of public
Planning the sustainable development of todays traditional
Mediterranean cities implies accounting for an adequate preservation
of their cultural heritage. Today, many organizations are referring to
sustainable human development as opposed to development in order
to emphasize issues such as the importance of participation in decision
making process. Therefore, the term sustainable development goes far
beyond the boundaries of economic and even ecological development
to include human development, values, and dierences in needs and
An analysis of todays Algerian administrative system shows a system
largely controlled by the central government services. This structure
was supposed to safeguard the idea of public utility, social democracy
and protect the major interests of the community.
Today with its 70.000 mostly low income inhabitants, and an average of
12 persons per room, the Casbah has become the biggest urban slum
of the capital, and most decisions for its preservation are mainly decided
by the authorities and are usually reduced to re housing operations.
Indeed, this urban structure which was not designed to cater for this
type of overcrowding is even more threatened of decay. A consultative
agenda could help identify the dierent operations to be included
such as dedensication and reuse operations.
Conclusion: Towards an inclusive and participative decision
making process
Sustainable strategies are inclusive and constructive and should involve
all the key sectors of society, including civic associations.
The rapid rate of change and imperatives of sustainable development
make therefore, the introduction of improved governance structures
more than necessary, especially in our decaying traditional centres.
The top-down decision making process could be coupled with an
ascending bottom-up approach emphasizing the principle of shared
responsibilities, and therefore increasing the feeling of urban solidarity.
Responsibility at all levels could be the key issue to a new governance
system. Indeed, a call for responsibility through dierent tools and
instruments and at dierent scales could not only help to identify
the dierent actors and their potential roles but also stimulate shared
feelings of solidarity and therefore of sustainability.

HEALEY P., Collaborative Planning in a Stakeholder Society, Town Planning Review, 69,
1, 1-20, 1998.

This agency was initially created (1968) to deal with the restoration of the Citadel and
was attached to the Ministry of Culture.

The advent of the second empire with Napoleon III brought a qualitative transition in


Algiers urban extension process. Dierent projects were proposed but most designs
ignored the traditional city, the Casbah, emphasizing the gap between the indigenous
settlement and the new european city. These limits were even more emphasised with
the Chasseriau plan (1858) and its new monumental sea front facade (Boulevard de
It is only in 1959 that the agence durbanisme dAlger elaborated a vast rehabilitation
plan which was never implemented.

Comit Permanent dtudes de dveloppement, dorganisation et damnagement

de lagglomration dAlger (Permanent Commitee for the development, planning
organisation of the town of Algiers).

Oce dintervention et de rgulation doprations damnagement sur la casbah

dAlger (Oce in charge of the Regulation of the Planning Operations in the Casbah of
Algiers), attached to the Ministry of Urbanism, construction and housing.

ZADEM R., Retrospective des projets de rvalorisation de la casbah dAlger, mise en

contexte, in Alger, Lumires sur la ville, Actes du Colloque international, Alger Mai 2002,

CNERU, Centre National dEtudes et de Recherche en Urbanisme (National Centre for

Studies and Research in Urbanism).

Instruments oprationnels et marques de gouvernance

Instrumentos operativos y marcos de gobernabilidad
Operative instruments and frameworks of governance

The Casbah of Algiers: A decaying historical centre

People are aware of the importance of the Casbah as a cultural heritage; therefore the
emphasis should not be on highlighting once again their importance as heritage sites but
more on their preservation and management.

Some house s are in the process of being restored, but the inhabitants are hardly involved.

A special mobilization day where the civil society and the ONGs showed their attachment
to the this A special msite and cultural heritage


Instruments oprationnels et marques de gouvernance

Instrumentos operativos y marcos de gobernabilidad
Operative instruments and frameworks of governance

Old Town Regeneration with Respect to

the Inhabitants Social and Economical

+972 (+970) 2 298 2119

cities with respect to the inhabitants social and economical reality?

Answering this question, it is necessary to discover the old dynamism
that still exist in the old town, to realize existing potentials, values,
liveability and compatibility to present day dynamic reality and
utilizing them to safeguard the physical, social and economical aspects,
which requires rising up with the social and economical values and
safeguarding the physical structures and environmental relationships.
According to Kocaba (2000a) and Feilden et al (1998) any rehabilitation
and planning approach should concentrate on developing a strategy
to safeguard the old city considering its physical, social, economical
aspects and also emphasizing the old city identity by preserving its
neighbourhoods and public spaces diversity. These elements should
be taken into consideration with their own specic sets of functions.
So any framework for development and growth of the old city built
environment must be sensitive to the local contexts and sympathetic
to peoples needs. If this is neglected it will be the primary reason for the
lack of a long term sustainable solution to problems regarding the quality
of city. Kocaba (2004) argues that more will be achieved if traditional
urban conservation planning is re-conceptualized as a component
of sustainable urban regeneration, which can be considered as an
integrated solution that combines three main derivations: the physical,
the social and the economical. Leeds Development Corporation
(Cockburn, 1996) denes urban regeneration as The economic, physical
and social revitalization of areas have seen a withdrawal of investment,
a deterioration of the physical fabric and a loss of community.
Fathy (1992) argued the past is past and we cannot change it, therefore
it is not anachronistic in this sense of the world. But once we come to
improve the town, we accept the responsibility for the future. Therefore
it is concluded that there is an urgent need for a comprehensive and
dynamic town plan that make the whole city contemporary.

Old cities are considered as a main component of cultural heritage since
they present the past possessing buildings, monuments, lanes and parks.
They resonate with memory and tradition, the scale of their elements is
inviting and by walking through them one can discover history in the
smallest details and explore the vision of another time. This action and
the produced reaction between the man and his environment produce
values and potentials that have to be regenerated with respect to the
inhabitants social and economical reality. This issue is very important
for the revival of the old cities since the continuity of life is essential to
protect their historical fabric.
Feilden and Jokilehto (1998, P.77) state that a well maintained historic
urban center has many advantages for its citizens; it is intimate and
human in scale and often rich in diverse activities. Compared with some
recently planned cities, it can be extremely convenient for residential
use, special public functions, appropriately scaled services, shopping
and entertainment.
But, old cities are threatened by the high rate of change in their urban
fabric, social and economical values, especially in the developing
countries. Among the numerous causes of this change are the human
activities, which have to be accommodated within their urban fabric,
besides the neglecting of their maintenance and compatibility to
modern life needs. The main question is how to regenerate these

Ramallah Old Town

The old town of Ramallah in the Palestinian Territories is a resonate
example that summarizes an important period of the Palestinian
modern reality, besides that it expresses the Palestinian peasants style
of life. It is located 15 km to the north of Jerusalem on the top of a
mountainous plateau surrounded by magnicent landscape.
Ramallah rst settled by Aramaic Speaking people prior to 640 A.D.
and developed as any other Palestinian village, but reects the impact
of Christian predicatory. It is an administrative, cultural, social and
economical center facing major challenge threatening the traditional
and functional whole of the town (Fig. 1).
The analysis of the town presents a prole of the physical, social and
economical conditions, in order to determine whether Ramallah Old
Town has the potentials for development or not. This was based on
studies done by Center for Architectural Conservation (Riwaq) and
Birzeit University students (1999), documentary evidences, interviews,
eld research and questionnaire. The area of study is determined
according to Ramallah Municipality denition for the Old Town in the
master plan of Ramallah city from 1971.
The Physical Study Results leads to that: Ramallah old town is
characterized by its compact traditional architecture fabric, presence of
empty spaces between buildings, presence of deserted houses, houses
and commercial buildings owned by the Municipality. While the main
problems are lack of green spots, most of the residents are not the
original owners, lack for maintenance of many of the houses, presence
of some high buildings, no character of commercial streets, and huge

Dr. Arch. Shadi Sami Ghadban,

Arch. Shaden Sa Qasem
Dr. Shadi Sami Ghadban is an Associate Professor and the Chairman
of the Department of Architecture at Birzeit University in Palestine.
Arch. Shaden Sa Qasem is an instructor in the same Department. Dr.
Ghadban has several publications in the eld of cultural heritage and
he supervised several M.Sc. and Ph.D. thesis in this eld. Yet he was a
supervisor for rehabilitation projects in Palestine, mainly in the Project
of Bethlehem 2000. The M.Sc. thesis of Arch. Shaden was under the
supervision of Dr. Ghadban and was concerned with the Old Town
of Ramallah. Also, she participated in several studies and workshops
related to regeneration and rehabilitation of the cultural heritage.
Department of Architecture, Birzeit University, Birzeit, P.O.Box (14),
E-mail address:


Instruments oprationnels et marques de gouvernance

Instrumentos operativos y marcos de gobernabilidad
Operative instruments and frameworks of governance

number of closed stores, trac congestion in the main streets, the

existing Gas station and lack of parking lots (Fig. 2).
Questionnaire has been prepared to explore the citizens opinion
about the existing situation in the old town and their attitude toward
its development. The survey was distributed by using the systematic
random sample method; data in the questionnaire was analyzed using
the SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences).
The ndings of the survey show that the ownership type is connected
to the physical situation of the house since most of the residents are not
the original owners, bad visual appearance in the town, deterioration of
housing conditions and overpopulation, high percentage of abandoned
and destructed buildings, emigration from the town since 56% wants
to leave mainly because of unsuitable environment for children, bad
public services because of narrow streets, necessity of social services,
gardens, open spaces, youth services, recreational facilities for children
and aged center. Also, high incidence of truancy and school dropouts,
family problems and disintegration, high percentage of disabled and
sick people were found likewise, low income level regarding to the
average household monthly expenditure and lack of any development
or regeneration plans for the economy of the old town (Table 1).
Regeneration Approach for Ramallah Old Town
According to Kocaba (2004) when developing a strategy to safeguard
the old town considering its values, more will be achieved if traditional
urban conservation planning is re-conceptualized as a component of
sustainable urban regeneration. This is approved through studying
and analyzing the cases of the old town of Aleppo/ Syria and AlKairouan rehabilitation project in Tunis, were was concluded that the
regeneration approach is preferable to reach the developmental goals
in the physical aspects (Al-Kairouan project) and socio- economical
aspects (the old town of Aleppo project) in order to ensure the old
town liveability and sustainability.
Focusing on Ramallah, the physical study proves that there are
important physical, economical and social potentials that can be
regenerated, because of the traditional tissue that still exist with special
identity, besides the number of deserted houses and closed stores that
can be reused.
Also the residents of Ramallah dont agree with the relation between
the social and the physical situations of the town, while they agreed that
there is a relation between the economical and the physical situation
of the area. This can be explained by the lack of a clear understanding
of the term social situation that leads to the social ranking of the
They also prove the relation between the ownership type and the
physical situation of the housing unit, which leads to that there is a need
to restructuring the ownership system in the old town of Ramallah in
order to improve its physical appearance.
So, the vision for developing Ramallah old town should set up a general
strategy admiring this living town that enters the clash with modernity
combining the originality and engenders a sense of tranquillity and
serenity. This vision (Table 2) includes activating the role of Ramallah
Municipality, creating local and international awareness, implementing
the international laws and regulations, providing nancial resources to
attract residents and investors, providing adequate infrastructure and
services, securing suitable living conditions for the old town residents
through recognizing, integrating with the general context of Ramallah
town, encouraging movement of population and economic, functional

and cultural activities to the old town and protecting the peasants
character of the old town.
The study of Ramallah old town reveals that the urban conservation
approach to old town safeguarding is not sustainable in many aspects,
and the questionnaires results show a clear agreement with the
necessity to manage the physical, social and economical aspects in
order to achieve the safeguarding objectives.
This case proves that there is a potential for applying the regeneration
approach, depending on local historical, social and economical
resources. For regeneration to be implemented in a more integrative
way appreciation should be paid for social issues, protective existing
communities as well the natural, historical and physical aspects of the
old town and the region, taking into account public spaces diversity and
the need for a contemporary architecture, which integrates traditional
styles with the new requirements of a modern society.
- Cockburn, C. (1996), Towards a Conservation Framework for Action in Palestine, a Workbook
for the York/ Nablus Exchange Programme.
- Fathy, Hassan. (1992), Contemporaneity in the City. In Architecture for a Changing
World, James Steele (ed), London: Academy Editions. Archnet:
- Feilden, B.and Jokilehto,J. (1998) . Management Guidelines for World Cultural Heritage
Sites. Rome: ICCROM.
- Jokilehto, J. (1999), A History of Architectural Conservation. ICCROM.
- Kocabas, A. (2000), Urban Conservation Planning and Development Outcomes in Central
Istanbul and Central London:1969-1989.Unpublished Ph.D. thesis, London South Bank
University, UK.
- Kocaba, A. (2004), In Press. Urban conservation in Istanbul: evaluation and reconceptualisation .Habitat International. Science direct,
- Kormaz, F. (1997), Urban Regeneration of Old and Historical Sites a Commentary
Bibliography. Art Bilkent,
- Rapoport, A. (1979), On the Cultural Origins of Settlements, Catanese, A. and Snyder, J.C.
(eds) (1979), Introduction to Urban Planning. New York: McGraw Hill Company.
- Riwaq and the Municipality of Ramallah (1998), Social and Economic Revitalization: A Case
Study for the Conservation of the Historic Old Town of Ramallah. Ramallah.

Fig 1


Instruments oprationnels et marques de gouvernance

Instrumentos operativos y marcos de gobernabilidad
Operative instruments and frameworks of governance

Fig 2


Instruments oprationnels et marques de gouvernance

Instrumentos operativos y marcos de gobernabilidad
Operative instruments and frameworks of governance

Rhabilitation et dveloppement
durable dune ville historique en Crte

Zoi Karamanou
Architecte, Universit Aristote-Thessalonique (1968).
Urbaniste, Universit-Paris VIII, (1973).
Docteur en Architecture-Urbanisme-Environnement, Universit-Paris I,
Panthon-Sorbonne, (1975).
Professeur en Architecture sur la Rhabilitation et Mise en Valeur des
Sites Urbains, Universit Aristote-Thessalonique.
Responsable des programmes de recherches.
Ecrivain des livres et des articles scientiques.
Prsident-directeur de lEcole dArchitecture, de lUniversit Technique
de Crte.
Adresse postale:
7, rue Amolianis, 54638 Thessalonique, Grce
Adresse courrier lectronique:
0030 2310 995526

Rethymnon est une petite ville, centre de la rgion (prfecture), sur la

cte du nord de la Crte, qui conserve encore son caractre historique
traditionnel, auquel se doit surtout sa physionomie et son prol
Le premier tablissement de lhomme dans la rgion de Rethymnon
date de la dernire priode minoenne bien quil y ait de traces de vie
prcdente. La ville stait dveloppe pendant la priode grecque et
hellnistique (4me et 3me sicle) tandis quelle sest dcline au fur et
mesure pendant lpoque romaine. Elle a rapparu pendant la priode
byzantine (9me sicle) pour connatre son apoge de prosprit
pendant la domination vnitienne (12me 15me sicle).
Les travaux ncessaires pour la dfense de la colline au nord de la ville
ont commenc en 1573 et taient achevs assez rapidement dans 15
ans. Lobjectif initial tait lencerclement mural de la ville entire mais
au fur et mesure on a nglig le risque et on a reconstruit en dehors
des murs, bien que lespace ntait pas si large. Ainsi la fortication tait
limite autour de la colline (acropole) et elle na pas beaucoup inuenc
la structure urbanistique de la ville.
Pendant loccupation ottomane au milieu du 17me sicle la
fortication ne jouait aucun rle et la ville sest tale vers la mer au long
de la cte. Pendant cette priode il y a eu beaucoup de transformations
morphologiques la ville vnitienne (de renaissance). Par exemple on a
ajout beaucoup de balcons ferms de type oriental sur les btiments,
mais le trac urbain de la ville na pas chang considrablement. En
rgle gnrale la structure de la ville sest stabilise durant loccupation
ottomane jusqu la libration de la Crte, n 19me sicle, et son
rattachement ltat grec contemporain au dbut du 20me sicle.

A cette poque les murs commencent scrouler et la ville stale

premirement vers lintrieur (sud) et beaucoup plus tard tout au long
de la cte vers lest, pendant les annes 70, avec le courant touristique.
En mme temps on a commenc les travaux pour la construction
du port contemporain devant lancien petit port vnitien. Mais la
construction de la nouvelle branche du port a provoqu au fur et
mesure la barre et le remblaiement de la cte devant la ville.
Le noyau historique de Rethymnon constitue un des rares exemples
grecs qui conservent sa structure traditionnelle bien quil ait subi des
destructions et des transformations importantes. Il continue dtre le
centre de la ville au moins depuis lpoque mdivale mais de cette
fonction centrale mane la plupart des problmes et des dicults que
la ville connat aujourdhui. La survie du noyau historique au centre
de la ville a t pendant le trois dernires dcennies le ple dattraction
dun courant touristique important, fait qui a eu comme rsultat
llargissement de la base conomique de la ville et son dveloppement
urbain rapide.
Mais ce dveloppement touristique et urbain na pas eu lieu sans
consquences tant pour lensemble de la ville et de sa rgion que
pour son centre historique. La surcharge des rseaux dinfrastructures,
caducs et semi dtruites, a contribu la dgradation progressive de
la zone ctire, tandis que laugmentation des valeurs foncires dans le
vieux centre a conduit des conits dintrts de toute sorte, fait qui a
provoqu des catastrophes et des reconstructions importantes qui ont
dgurs laspect traditionnel de la ville.
Une quipe pluridisciplinaire (architectes, urbanistes, ingnieurs civils
etc) de lEcole Polytechnique de lUniversit de Thessalonique a t
charge par la Municipalit dlaborer une tude pour la protection,
la rhabilitation et le dveloppement durable de la ville ancienne
de Rethymnon dont les conclusions seront prsentes dans cette
Ltude tait partage deux parties interdpendantes. La premire
concernait les interventions urbanistiques et architecturales et la
seconde concernait surtout les rseaux hydrauliques des infrastructures
(approvisionnement en eau, rseaux dgouts et protection contre les
inondations). En plus on sest occup de lenterrement des rseaux
nergtiques et de tlcommunications. Ce quil faut souligner est
quil sagissait surtout dune tude de recherche dapplication, cest-dire dune approche plutt technique pour rsoudre les problmes
spciques dun noyau historique puisque lobjectif principal tait dun
ct la protection et de lautre le dveloppement de la ville ancienne
de Rethymnon, selon lexprience internationale et la connaissance
Mthodologiquement nous avons suivi une approche urbanistique qui
comprend lutilisation du sol ainsi que ltat et le caractre historique
des btiments dans le centre. En mme temps nous avons labor
une tude de la circulation (pitons et vhicules) et une approche
technique du rseau routier.
En premire phase on a tudi la situation existante dans tous les
domaines pour avoir une image prcise de la ville ancienne aujourdhui
et constater les problmes tant au niveau gnral quau niveau local.
En deuxime phase, en tenant compte de conclusions de la premire,
nous avons labor des propositions de planication, pour lutilisation
du sol (urbain) et lamnagement du rseau routier et des transports.
Aprs nous avons localis les zones urbaines problmatiques, pour
lesquelles il fallait des interventions de restauration et de rhabilitation
plus concrtes.


Instruments oprationnels et marques de gouvernance

Instrumentos operativos y marcos de gobernabilidad
Operative instruments and frameworks of governance

De lenqute dmographique de la population il en dcoule que

dans la vieille ville habitaient 7150 personnes mais quotidiennement
la visitaient au moins 50.000 personnes, pour des raisons diverses.
Cette population provenait de toute la ville et de sa rgion (tudiants,
paysans, touristes etc.).
En ce qui concerne le cadre bti nous avons fait une enqute, btiment
par btiment, en tudiant leur qualit de construction (bonne, moyenne,
mauvaise, ruine), leur caractre architectural (historique, contemporain,
mixte) et leur utilisation (habitation, commerce, tourisme, rcration,
bureaux, artisanat, chantiers, abandonns). De cette tude nous avons
constat que ltat de btiments tait plutt satisfaisante (86%), que
la moiti environ des btiments au rez-de-chausse avait encore
lutilisation dhabitation et lautre moiti avait chang, tandis quaux
tages taient plutt les logements (90% y compris les logements
touristiques). Une grande partie des btiments au rez-de-chausse
avait une utilisation commerciale tandis que les activits touristiques
se partagent tous les tages (3). En plus la quasitotalit des bureaux
et des services publics se trouve au centre. La conclusion nale de cette
analyse tait que le centre commercial et administratif de la ville et de
sa rgion reste toujours dans le noyau historique malgr le changement
signicatif de son caractre pendant les dernires annes (d plutt au
En ce qui concerne le projet nal on a prt attention de ne pas faire des
propositions qui ne sont pas ralisables dont leort pour les appliquer
va crer plus des problmes de ces quon prtend de rsoudre. Plus
prcisment on a propos en bref :
a. La protection et la mise en valeur des zones dhabitations qui
existent encore pour cesser dtre de ghetto des personnes ges
de faible revenu et attirer des jeunes habitants.
b. La maintenance de zones mixtes bien dtermines lexception
de linterdiction absolue des boites de nuit. En plus il ne faut pas
permettre linstallation du commerce en gros, de lartisanat que
le transport de ses produits cre des problmes de circulation
insurmontables (dans les rues troites).
c. Tout particulirement les boites de nuit et les bars ne peuvent pas
coexister avec lhabitation dans les rues troites de la ville ancienne
et il faut tre installs en dehors delle. Seulement comme alternative
transitoire on a propos de les tolrer dans les zones priphriques
o lespace est ouvert, laccessibilit facile, le stationnement possible
et les contrles policiers frquents.
Une autre option radicale quon a propose tait lachvement de
lanneau priphrique circulaire avec la construction dun passage
souterrain en dessous du vieux port (sous la mer) pour que les vhicules
ne soient pas obligs de traverser la vielle ville, mais malheureusement
cause de son cot important ce ntait pas ralisable immdiatement.
On a complt la planication avec des propositions de cration des
voies pitonnires et des sens uniques en minimisant et rglementant
la circulation et le stationnement de vhicules dans le centre. En
suite il fallait combiner la construction du rseau routier et des voies
pitonnires avec la construction des rseaux souterrains (nergtiques,
hydrauliques et de tlcommunications).
En outre on a labor une tude de rhabilitation et de ravalement des
faades du front de la mer, en mme temps que lamnagement de
la zone ctire o se trouve le commerce touristique et les magasins
de distraction. Une des propositions qui tait ralise immdiatement


tait la cration dun service spcial pour coordonner et grer tous les
rglements et les travaux dans la ville ancienne.
A la n de cette approche nous avons fait la synthse des conclusions
et nous avons plani et dessin les propositions concrtes pour
lamnagement du centre historique, suivies des interventions
spciques. Une autre utilit de cette tude tait son utilisation par
la municipalit pour chercher et trouver les moyens ncessaires de
nancement pour la ralisation des travaux par les ressources nationales
et europennes. En suite il est intressant de connatre les rsultats
spectaculaires de ces interventions aprs lapplication des propositions
et la ralisation des travaux dans certains endroits caractristiques de la
ville ancienne, comme cest lamnagement du front de la mer.

Instruments oprationnels et marques de gouvernance

Instrumentos operativos y marcos de gobernabilidad
Operative instruments and frameworks of governance

Sustainable Development and

Rehabilitation of Architectural Heritage:
A Critical View of Global Policies and
Local Practices
Aysen Ciravoglu
She completed her Ph.D. in Yildiz Technical University in 2006. She
is currently a research assistant in the same institution. Besides her
awards, editorships and memberships she has many publications
on architectural education, architectural theory, architectural design,
environmental studies, rehabilitation of historical urban environments
and critiques on architecture. She is born in Istanbul in 1977.
Adresse postale:
Yildiz Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, Architectural
Theories and Methods of Design Division, Room No. 206, Barbaros
Bulvari 34349 Besiktas, Istanbul, Turkey
E-mail address:
0090 212 259 70 70/2595

1. Introduction
Undoubtedly, today, the main issues facing all nations in the world
stem from environmental problems. As the conventional unlimited
growth paradigm is mostly responsible for the damage that humankind
makes, recently societies are searching for new ways to maintain both
development and the environment. In 1987 with the Brundtland Report
this perspective led to sustainable development, which is presented as
a reference for all societies.
Needless to say, sustainable development carries a contradiction at the
outset. Sustainable development, by denition, points out maintaining
the progress which stresses protecting the future of the business world
instead of the environment. Moreover, for a long time development
has been criticized roughly because of putting a western type of
thinking as indubitable models for the societies of the Third World. For
this reason, in this paper sustainable development and its dealings with
architectural heritage is evaluated on a critical level.
2. The Idea of Sustainability and Rehabilitation of Architectural
Heritage: A Critical View of Global Policies and Local Practices
The idea of sustainability gained an important position in architectural
theory and practice today. When we evaluate this approach in terms
of historical environments, besides its ecologic dimension, the
subject also gains economic, social and cultural facets. For this reason
rehabilitation of architectural heritage can be interpreted as an act
including many faces of sustainability. However the main problem
arising from this mutual relationship is the contradiction between
global politics/policies/rhetoric and local applications. As currently
problems surrounding us are global issues, the solutions are developed

worldwide. However this leads to the imposition of a certain type

of model/idea(l). As we all know, the essence of environmentalism
lies in the local solutions unique to place. For this reason, how the
rhetoric of sustainability and policies and agreements based on this
are implemented in conservation of architectural heritage in dierent
localities is explored.
The case study is a rehabilitation project in Turkey. Rehabilitation
of the Fener Balat Districts Program carried out in Istanbul with its
goals, academic background and extensive contents, including social
economic and environmental dimensions, departs from other practices
in Turkey. That is why it is evaluated as a case study, to illustrate and
critique how sustainability is dealt with in one of the best practices.
The Rehabilitation of the Fener Balat Districts Program today with its
goals, achievements and failures carries the potential to reveal to what
degree a western kind of development and the practices of a so-called
Third World country t each other.
2.1. Rehabilitation of the Fener Balat Districts Program
2.1.1. About the Neighborhood
The Fener and Balat districts are located on the historic peninsula of
Istanbul. Fener was predominantly a Greek and Balat a Jewish quarter
since Byzantine times. However, in the 19th century and in 1960s
prominent families of Fener and Balat left the neighborhood and new
inhabitants arriving from the Black Sea region started to settle in the
area (Anon., 2007a).
The urban structure of the district is rather peculiar and can be
traced to the division of plots following the res that damaged the
neighborhoods. The architectural uniqueness of the districts can be
found in the religious buildings and the facades projecting a harmonious
view because of the bow windows. Over half of the buildings date to
the pre-1930 period and give the district its characteristic atmosphere
(Anon., 2007a).
Today, due to low rents and insucient economic resources to carry out
the necessary repairs and maintenance of the architectural structure,
Fener and Balat look like dilapidated areas and face the danger of total
ruin. Many of the residents have no access to proper urban services.
Sanitary equipment and health services are lacking. In winter, heavy
seasonal rains and poor drainage cause ooding. The populations
standard of education is extremely low; almost one-fth of the women
are illiterate and many children drop out of school (Anon., 2007a).
2.1.2. The Content of the Rehabilitation Program
The Rehabilitation of the Fener Balat Districts Program is joint work of the
European Union and the Fatih Municipality. The Program ocially started
in January 2003 and will continue until the end of 2007. The Program
works under four titles: restoration of houses, social rehabilitation,
renovation of the historical Balat Market and establishment of a
waste management strategy. The Program aims to include the active
participation of the district inhabitants. The sustainability is planned to
be met by the multiplication of the work that has been done (Anon,
2007b). Restoration in three stages includes 158 buildings: 2 social
centers, 33 shops and 123 houses. 123 of the buildings diering in
functions are subject to simple restorations (Anon., 2007c). One of the
important parts of the program is to avoid gentrication and rehabilitate
the area while preserving its existing structure. For this reason, the
buildings that have been bought after 1997 (the announcement of the


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Operative instruments and frameworks of governance

program) are not taken into the program to avoid speculations. Also
contracts are signed with the house owners to avoid changing of the
residents in a ve years time.
2.1.3. Evaluation of the Rehabilitation Program
As stated above, the Rehabilitation of the Fener Balat Districts Program
is an important attempt and carries the potential of becoming
an example for ongoing projects in Turkey. However, due to the
shortfalls of the current application (1), interventions of the program
are seen to be limited to the restoration of the buildings. Sustainable,
environmental and economic development of the neighborhood (2)
is expected as a secondary outcome of the program (Anon., 2007c).
According to the observations made in the neighborhood, after four
years of implementation of the project, the social, environmental and
economic problems stated in the 2004 report of KADEV (Anon., 2004)
remain relatively the same. This includes areas such as children, security,
economy, health, poverty, public awareness and urban services, and
the district is still a place where residents come for reasonable rent,
cheap prices and availability of relatives.
The sustainability of the project is aimed to be met by multiplication
of the work that has been done. However, the observations state that
this eect is on a very low level because the upgrade of the physical
structure of the neighborhood does not make a signicant contribution
to the life in the neighborhood (3). An economic upgrade, which
might facilitate this, is expected to be realized with the rehabilitation of
the Balat Market, educating qualied building craftsmen and creating
jobs for women. However even though there are eorts in all these
features, there is no particular contribution.
The most important part of any rehabilitation program is to raise
participation and public awareness. As is known, without the
development of a sustainable society and social and cultural integration,
continuity of the physical structure is not possible. If attachment to place
and a sense of belonging is not achieved, it is not realistic to expect
residents participation in the protection of their surroundings. Even
though during the project and application phase various meetings
were executed, it is not possible to say that the participation of the
residents has been fully achieved (4). For instance waste management
was an essential part of the program and there were many activities
held in the neighborhood related to this strategy. However, due to the
lack of announcements, this awareness made a positive contribution in
the neighborhood for only a short time.
3. Conclusion
What is intended in this paper is to underline the contradictions of
sustainability. It is obvious that current usage of the word seems to
represent a global compromise, however, as seen in this study, global
policies most of the time are in conict with local applications. And
this points out that there are still gaps to ll in between dierent
scales. Resistance towards the imposition of development practices
leads to rethinking of sustainable development and social and
cultural dimensions of architecture which require in all degrees a
critical point of view today. By using/labeling everything we do as
sustainable and trying to apply it without revision, it is not possible
to achieve sustainability of the architectural heritage. It is obvious
that architectural strategies alone do not solve the social, economic
and ecologic problems. Rehabilitation of architectural heritage is an
essential part of sustainability, but is not enough to achieve it alone. For


this reason, as seen in this study, in order to create a sustainable future

it is essential to develop politics and policies unique to place. Instead of
taking and implementing cultural politics/policies from other sources,
we should be aware of our own social dynamics which will eect the
achievements and failures of any project. We have to change the way
we look to the environmental, physical and social problems of dierent
1. The EU mainly deals with the restoration of buildings (Anon., 2007c)
and the local authority has behaved from a specic distance during
these years to the project because of its political opinions.
2. One of the reasons for this is the fact that the 1998 plan of the
rehabilitation project was not fully included in the 2003 plan. In the
1998 plan a cooperative (which would facilitate adaptation of the
project by the residents), a neighborhood atelier, a craftsmanship
center and textile industry (which would help residents gain
employment) was to be established (Tatlican, 2006).
3. This obviously has many reasons: One of the reasons can be found
in the scattering of the restoration work around the neighborhood,
preventing the eorts to be visible at once. The other reason is
the neglect of open spaces that would aect more users than
the restorated buildings and would facilitate the adoption of the
project by the residents. The last one can be associated with the
main components of the program. As the establishment of the
social center is relatively new (the social center worked in the
neighborhood for one year until its handing over to municipality
and conducted many activities), outcomes of this is not observable
4. One of the reasons for this failure is that public relations was
underrated, necessity of related expertise was not fully understood
therefore the tools were not built in the program organization (Anon.,
2007c). It is known that residents did not show full participation at
the start of the program as they were afraid that they would not be
allowed to rent or sell their houses for ve years and also from the
negative campaign held by radical religious groups.

Anonymous, 2004. Fener Balat Districts Survey Report, KADEV-Kadin Emegini Degerlendirme
Vak, Foundation for the Support of Womens Work,
KEDVSurveyReport.pdf date of visit: 30.04.2007
Anonymous, 2007a. date of visit:
Anonymous, 2007b. date of visit: 30.04.2007
Anonymous, 2007c. Interview with Program Oce on 25.04.2007
Anonymous, 2007d. date of visit:
Anonymous, 2007e. date of visit:
Anonymous, 2007f.
68 date of visit 24.04.2007
Tatlican, G., 2006. Kentsel Koruma Alanlarinin Yasatilmasinda Kulturel Yatirimlarin Onemi,
Istanbul Fener ve Balat Semtleri Ornegi, unpublished masters thesis, Mimar Sinan Fine Arts
University, Institute of Science.

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Operative instruments and frameworks of governance

Aerial view of the project area (Anon., 2007d)

Figure 2: A view from Fener

Before and after restoration (Anon.,2007e)

Figure 4: A view from Balat


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Instrumentos operativos y marcos de gobernabilidad
Operative instruments and frameworks of governance

New approaches urban conservation:

international guidelines and experience
challenges for Istanbul

Arzu Kocabas
Arzu Kocabas is currently an Assistant Prof. Dr. in the Department of
City and Regional Planning, Faculty of Architecture, Mimar Sinan Fine
Arts University (MSFAU) in Istanbul and a Visiting Fellow at London
South Bank University (LSBU). She holds a BSc in architecture (TU);
MSc in urban design (MSFAU) and PhD in town planning (LSBU).
She has taken a leading role in creating an urban regeneration
specialism within the MSFAU City and Regional Planning Masters
Programme the rst of its kind in Turkey. She also has a continuing
interest in urban conservation, earthquake mitigation programmes,
urban regeneration and in comparing the Turkish planning system
with both European and Middle Eastern systems, with particular
reference to the need to reform the Turkish planning system.
Arzu Kocabas, Sancaktar Hayrettin mah. Musir Suleyman sok. Murat
apt. F blok, no: 14/9, Fatih/Istanbul 34098 Turkey
E-mail address:

1. Introduction
The key areas of Istanbuls Historic Peninsula were inscribed on the
UNESCO World Heritage List in 1985 (see map1). Since inscription,
signicant threats to the sites have been identied, including
signicant demolition of Ottoman-period timber houses and the
poor quality of repairs. There has been increasing concern about the
legislative arrangements, conservation plans and the eectiveness
of organisational relationships between decision making bodies
responsible for safeguarding these World Heritage Sites.
The aim of this paper is to examine the experience of World Heritage site
conservation in Istanbul, with particular reference to neighbourhoods of
traditional Ottoman-period timber houses. Thus the paper outlines the
UNESCO requirements and their implications for the Historic Peninsula
of Istanbul and focuses on the question - are we bridging the gap
between recent conservation outcomes and UNESCO requirements?
This paper draws on research fully documented in Kocabas 2005 and
2. Operational Guidelines for the Implementation of the World
Heritage Convention


UNESCO states that the protection, conservation, of the natural and

cultural heritage
are a signicant contribution to sustainable development (UNESCO,
2005, para. 6). Thus the World Heritage Convention:
aims at the identication, protection, conservation, presentation, and
transmission to future generations of cultural and natural heritage of
outstanding universal value
(ibid. para. 7).
This modernised concept of urban conservation underpins the UNESCO
Guidelines against which conservation outcomes in the Istanbul World
Heritage Sites have been found in need of signicant improvement.
The Guidelines emphasise a partnership approach. Thus States which
have signed the Convention are:
encouraged to ensure the participation of a wide variety of stakeholders,
including site managers, local and regional governments, local
communities, NGOs, and other interested parties and partners in the
identication, nomination and protection of World Heritage properties
(ibid. para. 12).
Within this perspective States comprehensive obligations include:
nancial measures to protect heritage; and
implementation of the Convention and the state of conservation of
Inscription requirements have to be met for sites to be added to the
World Heritage List and where they cease to be met, sites can be
transferred to the List of World Heritage in Danger. To be included on
World Heritage List, monuments, groups of buildings and sites have to
have Outstanding Universal Value (OUV), dened as:
cultural and/or natural signicance which is so exceptional as to
transcend national boundaries and to be of common importance for
present and future generations of all humanity
(UNESCO, 2005, para. 49).
At the time of inscription the national government has to provide a
Statement of Outstanding Universal Value (OUV) which shall be the basis
for the future eective protection and management of the property
(ibid. para.155) and demonstrate how the property meets one or more
of the criteria of OUV, for example bear a unique or at least exceptional
testimony to a cultural tradition or to a civilisation which is living or
which has disappeared (ibid. para. 77). Inscription also requires that the
property meets conditions of integrity and/or authenticity.
Finally, and perhaps most important in the current Istanbul situation,
to continue to be deemed of Outstanding Universal Value, a site must
also meet the requirement of having an adequate protection and
management system to ensure its safeguarding.
Inscription on to the List of World Heritage in Danger can take place
when the property is threatened by either ascertained (proven) danger

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Operative instruments and frameworks of governance

- such as serious deterioration of materials/structure and signicant

loss of historical authenticity or by potential danger such as lack of
conservation policy or the threatening eects of regional planning
projects. UNESCO came to the view in 2004 that Istanbuls World
Heritage sites may be in danger on both counts and raised the
possibility of transfer to the List of World Heritage in Danger.
Long experience of many dierent sites has led UNESCO to require
a Management Plan which should specify how the outstanding
universal value of a property should be preserved, preferably through
participatory means (ibid. para. 108). A Management Plan can vary
according to dierent local circumstances but the Guidelines argue
that there are common elements which include:
system function.
A Management Plan was not in place when the Istanbul sites were
inscribed in 1985. The fact that it was still not in place in 2004 is one
of the main reasons why the World Heritage Committee began to
consider transferring the sites to the List of World Heritage in Danger.
3. Implications for Istanbul are we bridging the gap between
recent conservation outcomes and UNESCO requirements?
In April 2006 a UNESCO-ICOMOS Technical Mission visited Istanbul to
assess the overall state of conservation of Istanbuls World Heritage
Sites (UNESCO WHC, 2006). The resulting report demonstrated an
alarming gap between recent conservation outcomes and UNESCO
UNESCO challenge
The Mission concluded that the high standard of care for the principal
monuments was the most positive aspect of conservation and noted
that new legislation has the potential for providing signicantly
increased resources for conservation. But the Mission judged that the
authenticity of the World Heritage sites remains seriously threatened
by weak governance: no clear denition of responsibilities, inadequate
communication and coordination between state authorities and very
limited stakeholder participation.
There was also substantial criticism of the current planning approach
which emphasises reconstruction and new development rather
rehabilitation. This is not consistent with the Operational Guidelines for
World Heritage Sites (2005) which advocate maintaining integrity and
authenticity by:
case including the Ottoman timber dwellings: see photograph 1
and 2) by identifying buildings most at risk and rehabilitating them
wherever possible; and
to the historic environment rather than constructing replicas of the
original buildings.

However, the Mission report recommended that the discussion of

transfer to the List of World Heritage in Danger should be postponed
until 2008 to provide time for two strategic projects to be completed.
The rst is an assessment of the potentially positive impact of the
new legislation. The second is the preparation of the long delayed
comprehensive World Heritage Management Plan to international
standards and the creation of an integrated administrative structure to
implement it.
The 30th Annual Session of the UNESCO World Heritage Committee in
Vilnius in July 2006 accepted this report and its recommendations.
Istanbuls response
The Turkish authorities agreed to meet the UNESCO requirements.
There are early indications that the new legislation is indeed providing
increased resources for the conservation of the Historic Peninsula. For
example, grants to private owners are likely to increase from $0.3m
in 2005 to over $3m in 2007. The new legal requirement for 10%.
of real estate taxes to be the Contribution Share for Conservation of
Immoveable Cultural Properties, to be used by municipalities for urban
design, implementation and expropriation, will yield $10m. A further
$34m has been allocated by central government and the Greater
Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality (GIMM).
Similarly, the crucial rst steps have been taken towards the preparation
of a Management Plan and the integrated institutional capacity to
implement it at national, regional and municipal levels. In Autumn
2006 the Ministry of Culture and Tourism created the UNESCO World
Heritage Co-ordination Unit. A new Regional Conservation Council
for the Historic Peninsula has been created and the GIMM has
appointed a site manager for the World Heritage sites. The technical
capacity has been further enhanced by the creation of Conservation
Implementation and Control Bureaus (KUDEBs) by the GIMM, Eminonu
and Fatih Municipalities. The work of these units will be guided by
a broadly based Historic Areas of Istanbul Steering Group, with 22
members from all the major public sector, private sector and NGO
sector organisations. Its work will be driven by a smaller Executive
Council under the chairmanship of the Vice Governor. Its priority task is
to develop the Area Management Plan.
In this context the implementation of the approved Conservation
Oriented Development Plan is gathering momentum. A high priority is
being given the pilot Suleymaniye neighbourhoods where most of the
houses are timber and where it is planned to remove relatively recently
established commercial uses which do not conrm to the historic
urban pattern. For example, 128 buildings have been acquired by the
GIMM of which half are listed Ottoman period timber for restoration the rest are more recent and 32 have been demolished. Initial interview
surveys of local residents have provided some evidence of support for
this work.
4. Conclusion
In the last two years the conservation of World Heritage sites in Istanbul
has begun to move towards the international standards of the WHO
Guidelines. There is now a realistic prospect that a Management
Plan will soon be in place which will deliver more appropriate reinvestment, with more emphasis on rehabilitation, particularly of
traditional Ottoman dwellings. But there are continuing pressures for
demolition and reconstruction which provides for high quality new


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Operative instruments and frameworks of governance

houses, (including replicas of traditional architecture) for higher income

workers in the citys expanding service industries. The rehabilitationredevelopment debate will continue as the Istanbul seeks to reconcile
its global city ambitions with its responsibility for globally signicant
cultural heritage.

Kocabas, A., Neighbourhood regeneration: English practice and Turkish prospects, London:
London South Bank University, ISBN 1874418 53 - 5. 2005.
Kocaba, A. Kentsel dnm (yenile(tir)me: Ingiltere deneyimi ve Trkiyedeki beklentiler,
stanbul: Literatr, ISBN 975-04-0393-2, 2006.
UNESCO WHC, Joint ICOMOS/UNESCO expert mission report: historic areas of Istanbul
(Turkey), Paris, 2006.

Four zones of the Historic Peninsula included on the UNESCO World Heritage List, 1985

UNESCO WHC, Operational guidelines for the implementation of the world heritage
convention, Paris, 2005.
Ministry of Tourism and Culture, Progress Report to ICOMOS/UNESCO, January 2006.

Old and new: traditional ottoman timber houses in Suleymaniye neighbourhood

Old and new: traditional ottoman timber houses in Suleymaniye neighbourhood


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Operative instruments and frameworks of governance

Information technology techniques for

the built heritage conservation
Towards an integrated system for

Mohamed Shoukr Nada

Mohamed Abd El Kader Gabr
Associate professor of architectural engineering,
Fayoum university
General manager of general directorate of urban & architectural style
The egyptian national organization of urban harmony
Mohamed abd el kader gabr
Urban designer & executive manager of the egyptian geography
Ministry of communications and information technology
E-mail address:

and updating during time. When we talk about the process of data
collection in documentation, we should divide data capture to the
following categories2:
1- New geometrical data: objects (i.e. positions of objects) that are
wanted to be added to the database and that have not yet been
mapped in the eld. This means that eldwork is often needed to
get the positions of these new objects.
2- Existing geometrical data: When we talk about existing geometrical
data, we refer to analogue maps on paper or plastic lm, digital
maps and coordinate tables on paper or in digital format, ..etc. These
data, commonly, are not yet imported into the database. Thus, the
data has to be imported, and before that, sometimes also converted
into digital form.
3- New attribute data: New attribute data can be captured e.g. by
interviews, measurements of variables of interest and photographs
of the geometric objects that we want to document. Most of the
update process concerns with the attribute data, as the geometric
data lives long.
4- Existing attribute data: Existing attribute data could be text, numbers
(tables), audio, video and photographs in either digital or analogue
form, ..ect. Analogue data have to be converted into digital form
(e.g. by typing or scanning, see below) and imported into the data
base. Digital data have to be formatted in order to be compatible
with the used database format.
There are many data capture tools for both geometric data and attribute
data. As there are an endless number of tools, some of these tools can
be mentioned such as:

Heritage documentation is considered the basis for the monumental
site conservation and management processes (particularily in
Mediterranean countries as Egypt), as it is dicult to manage
conservation or make decisions for these sites without preparing a
detailed documentation.
Documentation has several levels starting with monumental site
location in relation to the surrounding area, followed by elements
documentation of the site as a whole, then the detailed documentation
of every element, and nally documentation follow up and updating
according to changes occurring to conditions aecting the site that
can direct conservation eorts later on.

1- Satellite imagery.
2- Aerial photography.
3- Total station.
4- Laser scanner.
5- Global positioning System (GPS).
6- Photography.
7- Drawing (manually).
Some of these tools might suite one level and does not suite the other.
This can be determined by the precision of the tool and the required
accuracy. For example, to have an accurate drawing for a wall, it is better
to use photography rather than using satellite imagery.

The levels of documentation vary according to the required level of
details. These levels can be divided to 3 categories (according to their
spatial extent) that can be mentioned as follows1:


After data is captured, it should be in digital format and there should
be some computer tools (software) and techniques for manipulation.
Some of these techniques are 3&4:

1- Regional location: where we should document the site and the

surrounding features
2- Site level: where we should document the items inside the site.
3- Details level: where we should document the details inside each


To formulate the documentation database, all of the documentation
levels need data capture in the beginning, and some monitoring

Database engines.
Geographic Information Systems (GIS).
Computer Aided Drawing (CAD).
Interactive multimedia.

All these manipulation techniques are used for the following

1- Storing information.


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Operative instruments and frameworks of governance

2- Analyzing information.
3- Presenting information for the users of the documentation system.
6.1 The Archaeological Map of Egypt
One of the most important international applications in the eld of
heritage documentation is The Archaeological Map of Egypt5 as it
provides a good standard for evaluating the integrated information
system that serves documentation. This application takes into
consideration all of the documentation levels (regional, site, and
details). This project is divided into 3 levels6:
1- First level: It is the national one, showing a basic map with
archaeological sites and allowing the user to zoom into dierent
regions and/or select sites according to certain criteria such as the
dating of the site, its type, ... etc.
2- Second level: It is a detailed map displays the site and its components
as well as the basic data about each monument, its dating, the
owner and his titles, the type and the category of its structure, a brief
description of the architectural elements and selected bibliography
on the site.
3- Third level: In this level, a precise and detailed description of the
chosen monument is presented and displayed. A detailed plan
of the monument is exhibited and is occasionally linked to a 3-D
model of the architectural structure, demonstrating its elements
and allowing the possibility of a virtual visit.
Through analyzing this application7, we can determine the tools and
techniques used in each level. These tools for data capturing can be
summarized through the following table (1):

Also, we can determine the techniques (data manipulation tools) that

have been used (table 2):
Accordingly, this application has taken into consideration all the factors
related to place but there are some other important factors that should
be considered. Time is a very important factor in heritage, as with time,
heritage can be aected (stones may be decayed, some parts might be
demolished, .. etc.)8.
As the mentioned application has the base information, it can easily
consider time. This can be done through monitoring all the documented
sites through a time schedule. In this schedule, all the tools and


techniques will be used iteratively to have a historical repository for

changes in each site.
In the rst level, as geometric data has a long life, we do not need
to update the data through short time. In the second level, through
remote sensing tools, we can have a raster layer for each site according
to the time schedule and also we can establish a database for these
capturing processes to keep the information system up to date. In the
third level, photogrammetry techniques can be used inside the objects
to document its current status and compare it with the previous ones.
6.2 Saqqara Map
This application has been prepared during a workshop funded by
UNESCO9&10. It is one of the good projects that followed the same
methodology of The Archaeological Map of Egypt. It took into
consideration all of the levels of documentation (regional, site, and
In the rst level, the location of Saqqara area was located on the national
map of Egypt using a satellite image. All the data collected in this level
were manipulated by GIS techniques. Then the site was surveyed by
total station and dierential GPS in the second level and the data
was manipulated also using GIS techniques. Then some tombs in the
site were surveyed by total station, digital cameras and laser scanner
and the data could be manipulated using CAD, GIS, and multimedia
As this project followed the same methodology of The archaeological
Map of Egypt, it also considered the place in a specic time without
considering monitoring the change in place during time.
6.3 Lazium Risk Map
This project was performed in Lazium (Italy) and its objective was
preparing a risk map for this region that is aected by many risks. The
project used GIS techniques for documentation and there were a lot
of environmental and human-made factors that would be considered.
Some of these factors were soil, geology, geomorphology, hydrology,
pollution, etc11.
According to the objective of this project, it has succeeded in
establishing a risk map that helps in decision making but only in the
eld of decision making in risk management.
1- Various techniques and tools can be used for documentation,
however, it is hard to choose one of them to be utilized for all levels
as the suitability can be determined through the project budget,
data format, spatial extent of the level, etc. The suitable tools and

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Operative instruments and frameworks of governance

techniques in each level can be summarized as follows (table 3).

2- Case studies have showed some interest in GIS techniques in the

rst and second level and CAD and multimedia techniques in the
third level. This result can be a guide for heritage documentation
especially in selecting tools and techniques as each of them aects
each other12.
3- An integrated system for documentation can be achieved via the
integration of the dierent documentation techniques, which
allows conservation decision making enhancement.
4- Some projects establish a documentation database for
archaeologists, others establish a documentation database for
engineers, and others establish a database for decision making. So,
the objective of the project determines the type of the database
and in turn the tools and the techniques used.
5- Decision making can also be divided into 3 levels. These levels can
use dierent tools for data capture and dierent techniques for
manipulating data.

levels of accuracy might aect the quality of the decision and cause
many problems.
Solving this problem needs a unied database (a large repository),
which has the following criteria:
1- This database should consider all the factors that aect decision
2- It should be updated iteratively according to a time schedule and
using the suitable tool (in each documentation level).
3- It should be ready to be used by many specialists and decision
makers who use dierent criteria for decision making. So, the
database should have multiple specialized interfaces and every
interface should serve a specic type of decision and a specic
decision maker.
4- It should be a combination of the various information in the
individually used databases.

Nota: Este artculo no se ha podido publicar en su totalidad por falta de espacio


According to the previous issues and in order to establish a system
(database) for conservation decision making, we should consider how
the decision to be made.
No one can deny that legislations are the main constraint for decision
making. So, it is very important, for any project to establish a database for
decision making, to review acts related to heritage places and dierent
technical issues related to heritage places. Then, system analysis and
design should be made for this database to determine data ow and
control13. After this planning phase, the tools used for data capture and
the techniques used for data manipulation should be determined for
each documentation level.
When we think about decision making, we nd that the archaeologist
has a decision (making excavations in the surrounding areas), the urban
planner has a decision (any new road should be established away 200
meters from the site), the construction engineer has a decision (some
structures should be supported in the site), the detailed restoration
specialist has his own decision for one of the site objects (the walls
should be covered to be protected), and so on.
As every responsible specialist has his own decision that needs a lot of
information inside a database for a specialized decision support system,
there are many databases (each one for a decision in a specic eld)
and many information systems. These numbers of databases might
have been collected from dierent resources using dierent tools and
techniques, and with dierent levels of accuracy.
This separation in databases might aect co-ordination between
decisions, as decisions are not related by any means of binding (the
decision is only reected in one database). Also, these dierences in


Instruments oprationnels et marques de gouvernance

Instrumentos operativos y marcos de gobernabilidad
Operative instruments and frameworks of governance

Information Technology to Support

Sustainable Development in Built
Heritage Areas:
The Socio-Cultural Impact of Tourism
Development at Historic Cairo

* Nisreen M. Rak Lahham,

** Dr. Mohamed Shoukr Nada
* General Manager of Conservation of Historic Areas Directorate,
The National Organization for Urban Harmony, Ministry of Culture,
Lecturer at Misr International University and High Technology Institute
** Technical Oce Member of Environmental & Community
Service Sector, Cairo University. Associate Professor of Architectural
Engineering, Fayoum University. General Manager of Urban &
Architectural Style Control Directorate, The National Organization for
Urban Harmony, Ministry of Culture, Egypt.

Socio-cultural (SC) impact on the society due to tourism development
in the built environment can be considered as an important issue
for study, especially in light of the growing concern of sustainable
development. This paper may adress tourism positive and negative
impact of tourism and their determinants to conclude the development
indicators. Then, a computerized conceptual model is proposed, which
can play a signicant role in determining the Environmental Impact
Indicators in Heritage Areas (EII-HA), focusing on SC indicators of
tourism development, as one possible method of utilizing Information
Technology (IT) towards sustainable development.
1. Cultural Tourism Development and Sustainability
Cultural Tourism has been developed as one of the most important
tourism sectors in the last century, and perceived as having an important
role in economic and environmental improvements. During the late
1970s increasing numbers of heritage areas were experiencing decline
of their economic base. Political and business interests combined to
shape a new set of politics aimed at tourism development, which was
seen as the prime motivator of change and urban regeneration. . [12]
The perceived benets of tourism to urban generation were threefold.
The rst, and the most important benet concerns economic benets,
especially the creation of new jobs. Second, there are physical and
environmental improvements to heritage areas, and creating a positive
image of the city. In physical term, streetscapes, squares, and waterfronts
should be preserved and opened up to visitors. The third and nal
benet is that tourism developments can bring improvements and
better access to the leisure facilities of local residents. This is based on
the presumption that most of these developments are multifunctional,


incorporating new hotels and tourist attractions together with retail

and leisure components.
Tourism has been seen by policy-makers at all levels as a major catalyst
for urban regeneration. However, what is not clear is tourisms ability
to meet such ideals. The restructuring of heritage areas around the
development of new tourism and leisure facilities raises questions over
the wisdom of such projects. In eect, we can recognize two central
issues or areas of debate. One concerns sustainability, and addresses
the economic question of whether cultural tourism projects can lead to
sustained economic growth. Economic returns from tourism may leak
outside the area through foreign employment and ownership, besides
opportunity costs for other economic sectors. .[11]
The second debate is primarily social, and concerns the distribution of
who benets from these developments. Cultural interaction between
tourists and residents may be accompanied with alteration of local
cultural values and residents refuse to tourism. In addition, both
of these overlapping debates are strongly linked by the signicant
geographical issues of how these socio-economic and environmental
benets spread out spatially within the heritage area.
Few studies have assessed the impacts of tourism. On the economic
level, some researchers argue that many of the new jobs associated
with retailing represent a geographical shift in employment within
the heritage area. Similarly, the creation of new opportunities for local
businesses was somewhat limited. And, while tourism has strong
multipliers, there is considerable leakage from the local economy. .[12]
Furthermore, while tourism may not be providing the highest paid or skilled
jobs, it provides jobs relevant to many of the skills of unemployed residents.
Even if the numbers and quality of jobs are debatable, supporters of urban
tourism point to its role in helping to refurbish the urban environment.
However, some tourism schemes brought rapid improvements to the
inner city, although there was little evidence that such environmental
upgrading had spread to other parts of the inner city.
Finally, the critical issue of whether tourism oers a viable and
sustainable industry for depressed urban economies depends on two
features: one concerns the types of visitors, while the other examines
trends in visitors numbers. Day visitors bring fewer economic benets
than staying tourists. However, not all urban tourism projects are based
on leisure visits, as an increasing number of cities are competing in the
business, conference and exhibition market. And, on average, visitors to
conferences spend two and two and half times per day more than the
typical tourist. .[14]
The other issue is that tourists demands are extremely variable, and
highly dependent on oering new products. In other words, the
implementation of a tourism policy is not a one-o investment. Tourist
attractions and infrastructure must be constantly updated. Tourism can,
therefore, only be a viable economic policy, if city authorities recognize
the need for such long-term strategies. The very dynamic nature of
tourist demand could leave some heritage areas short on visitors and
with few new jobs .[12]
According to literature review, sustainable tourism development can
be dened as tourism that meets the needs of the present tourist and
host regions, while protecting and enhancing opportunities for the
future.[44] It is envisaged as leading to management of all resources in
such a way that economics, social, and aesthetic needs can be fullled,
while maintaining cultural integrity and life support systems. [15] From
here, principles of sustainable cultural tourism development can be
dened as in table (1).

Instruments oprationnels et marques de gouvernance

Instrumentos operativos y marcos de gobernabilidad
Operative instruments and frameworks of governance

architecture and urbanization. [8,13] Inuences include revolutionizing

techniques of representation, form generation, and spatial exploration.
[6] In addition, IT has become one main important element of
architecture and urbanization quality assurance aspects. [1,3,5] Besides,
the wide use of IT in decision support systems, which tend to have a big
computational burdens and processes that may not be easy to handle
without the utilization of an integrated computerized environment.
4. EII a Technological Tool for Tourism Sustainable
This paper presents a suggested computerized system conceptual
model for Environmental Impact Indicators (EII) of urban sustainable
development. It is a one possible, development application for
integrated digital environment, [9,10] which utilizes (AI) technologies
towards the benet of architecture and urbanization. [2] EII houses
several modules, each concerns with a eld of development, and
conducts many software including databases, spread sheets, etc. The
current research work addresses EII module of Tourism Development
(EIIT) that can be categorized according to areas types such as Heritage
Areas (EIIT-HA), gure (2), which is considered in this paper.
2. A Suggested Model for Determinants and Indicators of
Tourism Impacts
To determine a model for tourism development projects at heritage
areas, impacts of tourism development projects were revised through
literature review and actual case-studies. Positive and negative impacts
were divided into three parts: urban impacts, economic impacts,
and socio-cultural impacts.[44] Determinants of these impacts were
specied into three main factors: Type of tourists, type of tourism
services, and characteristics of heritage area-which this research
emphasizes on. (Figure 1)
According to this suggested model, tourism impacts vary positively or
negatively according to these three main determinants. For instance,
the economic eect of tourism due to tourists expenditure diers
according to the economic level and type of visit of tourists. Also, the
type and scale of services and facilities determine the eect on the
urban image, and on the economic return. The third determinant;
characteristics of heritage area may be divided into three sides: urban
environment, economic environment, and socio-cultural environment.
For instance, the level of obsolescence of heritage buildings determines
the actual benet of tourism for these buildings. The degree of integrity
and locality of economic activities determine the actual benet of
economic return for locals. Also, the degree of acceptance of locals
to others determines their willingness to participate in tourism. By
determining the environmental urban, economic, and socio-cultural
characteristics of any heritage area environment; one can anticipate
the degree of positive or negative impacts of tourism development
projects. Besides, this conceptual model can assist in allocating tourism
projects, according to specic characteristics of heritage areas.
3. IT Inuence on Architecture and Urbanization
Architecture and Urbanization practice has been aected by the
scientic developments of the 17th and 18th centuries, through which
the technological age may be traced. More inuences to be recognized
after the tremendous enhancement in the majors of telecommunication
and information technologies, during the 19th century, which can play
a signicant role in the provision of a great knowledge in the eld of

4.1 EII Benets

It is aimed is have a system with the exibility to handle various types
of architecture and urbanism elds of development and in dierent
areas. In addition to, EII can provide the user, as a Decision Support
System (DSS), by results and knowledge at several stages modules of
EII. EII may help analyzing environmental impact for either existing
development projects or proposed ones. Besides, EII can assist in
suggesting development projects that suits certain areas according to
specic characteristic(s), which is out of this paper scope.

4.2. EIIT-HA Conceptual Structure and Mechanism

EIIT-HA consists of several related but independent modules. Each
module concerns with specic group of characteristics: Heritage
Areas Characteristics (HAC) Tourist Demand Characteristics (TDC),
and Tourist Services Characteristics (TSC), as shown in gure (3). EIITHA works (if needed) in an integrated way with other modules of EII
using AI technologies, including machine learning, to make use of the
experience gained by the system through out running dierent cases.
Similar mechanisms are conducted at various levels of EIIT-HA and its
modules. The user can access the system at dierent levels, so he/she


Instruments oprationnels et marques de gouvernance

Instrumentos operativos y marcos de gobernabilidad
Operative instruments and frameworks of governance

may enter data to EII, EIIT-HA, or EIIT-HA internal modules (HAC, TDC, or
TSC). Interfaces, directly, and get result at any of these levels.
5. EII Case Study

Heritage List due to its distinct architectural buildings and authentic

urban fabric which is 1000 years old. It contents intangible and latent
socio-cultural values, manifested in some elements, as Sabil , which
continues to exist but in dierent modern forms. Local residents of this
area add special character to it, as most of them have lived in the area
for so long, and work in trade and crafts in the same district. [7]
To demonstrate the suggested conceptual model and proposed
system, an empirical study was undertaken for Al-Hakim area,[44]
mapping EII regarding social environment to assess the social indicators
of the area via a questionnaire for residents. Questionnaire database
was introduced as a spreadsheet input form and results were analyzed
using SPSS software.
Scaling the questionnaire results determined Strength- WeaknessOpportunities- Threats (SWOT) for the area, which can aect decision
making, and determine tourism planning responses. Results of empirical
study are summarized in table (2).
Tourism planning for heritage areas is essential to assure the balance
between economic returns from tourism and conserving the urban
character and socio-cultural style of life of these areas, so as to have
sustainable tourism projects. Determining the environmental - urban,
economic, and socio-cultural indicators of heritage areas - may assure
the achievement of sustainable tourism projects, through predicting
tourism positive and negative impacts before occurring.
The use of Information Technology can have an important role in
tourism planning, through the suggested Environmental Impacts
Indicators (EII) computerized system, which houses several modules,
and conducts several software including databases, spread sheets, etc.
EII can help to analyze environmental impacts for existing development
projects, and predict impacts for proposed ones. Besides, EII can assist
in allocating tourism projects, according to environmental indicators of
heritage areas.
Social indicators for Al-Hakim area at Historic Cairo-concluded from
questionnaire analyzed using SPSS software- determine Strength
and Weakness social issues at the area. These indicators also predict
Opportunities and Threats when developing the tourism sector at the
area. Based upon this (SWOT) analysis, planning responses and basics
were determined, so as to insure sustainable tourism development.

Nota: Este artculo no se ha podido publicar en su totalidad por falta de espacio

Al-Hakim area at Historic Cairo was chosen as a case study for

demonstrating the supposed model. Historic Cairo is listed in the World


Instruments oprationnels et marques de gouvernance

Instrumentos operativos y marcos de gobernabilidad
Operative instruments and frameworks of governance

Economic regulation with respect to

conservative capital for sustainable

Levent zaydn
Levent aydn is research assistant at the Department of urban
regional Planning at the Mimar Sinann University. He earned a PhD in
environmental and mathematical economics and MS in econometrics
from stanbul University. He has studied the spatial economics and
quantitative methods at the Mimar Sinan University and has served for
the science project of coastal zone management at TUBTAK
Address: Levent Ozaydin
Mimar Sinan niv. ehir ve Blge Plan. Blm Beyoglu-STANBUL/
E-mail address:
Telephone: 90-0216 338 16 80

Economic regulation with respect to conservative capital for

sustainable growth
Many Mediterranean civil societies aim to conserve and enhance
the distribution of key districts and traditional structures in the eld
of heritage towards international bodies concerned, in particular the
European Union Institutions, the Council of Europe, UNESCO and
local-national institutions. They are dedicated to putting heritage and
its benets in the mainstream of public consciousness and to making
heritage a priority for public policies both at local and national levels.
Their specic objectives are to promote, at politics level, high standards
of quality in the elds of heritage conservation, architecture, urban and
rural planning and to advocate a balanced and sustainable development
of urban and rural, society and natural environment. Many persons
support national and international activities for the preservation and
rescue of local heritage at risk. It is generally accepted that a large
habitat reserve and the potential parts of heritage are broadly benecial
to the traditional creation and the biodiversity persistence of urban
space. But the many authors of sustainability has considered without
the integration of modern and traditional districts comprising the
habitat reserve and terrestrial areas are inuenced by the instigation
of actors under the growth of urban functions in spite of traditional
structure (Morris, P., Emberton. R., 2001). Amongst the greatest threat to
the traditional persistence in the Mediterranean regions is loss-induced
functional fragmentation leading to the decrease of population density
on traditional district and the increase of population density on modern
district towards the reduction of natural environment. It is important
that urban conservation eorts counter these eects of fragmentation.
Spatial objectives can perform that the optimum strategy for urban
functional fragmentation may be focus on traditional and modern
structure division towards sustainable growth. We should promise a
functional approach to urban development with modern district and
traditional district and habitat reserve, because district enlargement

strategy in contrast to urban functional fragmentation provides the

foundation and the reason for urban sustainable growth to occur.
Conservation for sustainable growth is, although a contested term
across a range of disciplines, is gaining currency in policy and planning
circles both as an important sectoral issue and as a basis for integrated
planning and management. As an important concept, attention
has focused increasingly on integrated approaches to sustainable
development, economically innovative milieus and community vitality.
Actors in scientists and policy makers have been attracted to the strategy
of conservation size as this facilitates the operation of sustainable
growth and trans-disciplinary inquiry based on urban districts
(Hollander, K., Lobi, M.C., Wilts, A., 2002). Heritage is a social cumulative
construction dened within economic and cultural practice. It is a
social asset that constitutes both economic and cultural capital. The
spatial production can be realized on conceptualized cultural inputs of
ideas such as clusters and innovation, networks and entrepreneurship.
These processes are seen largely as lying in the economic domain.
There is some recognition of the role of cultural and creative capital
in the economy and society. We should respond to questions of how
the spatial economy can be rooted in place where they have largely
ignored the processes through which this occurs. It is argued here that
heritage is a key process and that production inputs without heritage
has not replaced economic and cultural needs.
Sustainable development is the concept within the intersection of
society, economy and environment. There are three fundamental
principles connected to sustainable development: Environmental
protection, economic stability and societal responsibility. Environmental
protection represents eorts made to satisfy holistic judgments, based
on a natural habitat perspective often connected to urban development
and land use. Focusing on aspects such as resource consumption,
biological diversity, human health and other technical aspects is
Common place in environmental protection. Economic stability
represents eorts to secure and improve the economic conditions of
various interests by considering and adopting courses of action that
utilizes and facilitates dierent forms of work and resource eectiveness.
Societal responsibility represents eorts made to identify and develop
social functions that can guarantee and support a worthwhile and
meaningful life for all people. Hence, sustainable development requires
major changes of already established systems for urban growth.
Capital and Depreciation
Capital is known as a factory of production on earth. It has been
proposed in dierent categories of capital (Ekins et al., 2003; Pearce
& Barbier, 2000). Natural capital comprises physical environmental
and ecological assets and capacities. Cultural capital is dened as the
human relations within physical and social interaction on the physical
environment. Social capital is known as networks and organizations
that link individuals and groups in institutional relations of community
and trust. Economic capital is one of the triad productive inputs and
additional stock as an investment. Depreciation is a decline in the value
of a capital.
Human capital and natural capital can be reduced by undeveloped
education and threats to the urban traditional districts and natural
environment. This means that integrating capitals depreciate for urban
growth. Hence we can consider two spatial sectors in a city. One is
the reproduction sector of society at traditional district and natural
environment towards sustainable growth. Other is depletion sector at


Instruments oprationnels et marques de gouvernance

Instrumentos operativos y marcos de gobernabilidad
Operative instruments and frameworks of governance

the modern district including the largely activities of economy.

Which spatial model may be applied for sustainable growth
The process of urban dynamics can be dened and probabilistic model
(Barredo, J. I., Kasanko, M., McCormick, N., Lavalle, C. (2003), in which the
probability (p) that a district (i = 1, 2) is occupied by a urban function
(K) in a time (t) is a function of the concerned factors of urban function:
suitable capital (k), accessibility (A), neighborhood inuence (N) and
stochastic term (e)

Other approach of model is economic growth model through capital.

Capital stock (k) that is request for all production of urban fabrics in a
city is a function of capital stock in another term

This model has an iteration process to optimize the production of urban

fabrics in modern district, in other side traditional district and natural
environment provide natural and cultural-social capital for modern
district. Hence, model results the growth map that urban development
can continue the urban fabric production in both districts as spatial
complementary sectors. This model is a complex dynamic equation
(Stokey, N. L., Lucas, R. E., 1999).
We can regulate the conservative operations at the traditional and
natural districts in a city towards sustainable growth, which urban
fabrics are reproduced according to net capital after subtracting
depreciation from economic and other capitals. The problem of the
reproduction for urban fabrics is interested in the ownership concepts
of land and productive inputs. If society desires the good districts for
sustainable development, urban development should perform strongly
the economic regulations that support the guide to dealing modern
but sustainable, accessible districts.



processes: simulation of urban future scenarios through cellular automata. Landscape
and Urban Plan. 64(145-160


&LJOT  1  4BOESJOF  4  %FVUTDI  -  'PMLF  $  EF (SPPU  3 

practical application of the concepts of critical natural capital and strong sustainability,
Ecological Economics, 44(2 3), pp. 165 185.


&LJOT  1  4BOESJOF  4  %FVUTDI  -  'PMLF  $  EF (SPPU  3 

practical application of the concepts of critical natural capital and strong sustainability,
Ecological Economics, 44(2 3), pp. 165 185.


H. Hirsch, G. (Ed.) Unity of knowledge in transdiciplinary research for sustainability.
Encyclopedia of Life,



R. Therivel (Eds), Method of environmental impact assessment. Spon press, London.








Instruments oprationnels et marques de gouvernance

Instrumentos operativos y marcos de gobernabilidad
Operative instruments and frameworks of governance

De la maison au territoire
Les caue, outils de conseil et
Exemple du caue deure-et-loir

Samir Abdoulac
Architecte DPLG et docteur en urbanisme, il est le directeur du CAUE
dEure-et-Loir et administrateur dICOMOS France. Il a eectu de trs
nombreuses missions dans la plupart des pays arabes pour lUnesco
et dautres organismes internationaux et europens. Il a t 18 ans
chercheur ali lUniversit de Harvard
Adresse postale:
Adresse courrier lectronique:
Tlphone :


Les CAUE sont des structures associatives issues de la loi sur larchitecture
de 1977 dont larticle 1er spcie que la cration architecturale, la qualit
des constructions, leur insertion harmonieuse dans le milieu environnant,
le respect des paysages naturels ou urbains ainsi que du patrimoine sont
dintrt public.
Ils disposent dun statut type prvoyant que leur prsident soit un lu
local. Leur conseil dadministration comporte dirents collges avec des
reprsentants de lEtat, des lus, des milieux professionnels et de la socit
civile. 89 dpartements se sont dots dun CAUE et la plupart dentre eux
bncient du produit dune taxe dpartementale spcique (TDCAUE) sur
les permis de construire (taux maximum de 0,3 %).
Les CAUE prguraient la dcentralisation et ils lont largement
accompagne. Au niveau national, environ 600 lus participent leur
gestion et leur personnel reprsente environ 1 300 personnes. La Fdration
nationale des CAUE regroupe la plupart dentre eux (
LEure-et-Loir est un dpartement plutt rural, proche de Paris. Le CAUE
y a t cr en 1980 Chartres. 357 communes sur 403 y ont adhr.
Son budget annuel de fonctionnement est de lordre de 500.000 euros.
Son quipe multidisciplinaire comporte une dizaine de personnes dont
des architectes, des paysagistes, des urbanistes, une historienne de lart
et un infographiste. Son renforcement a t graduel au l des ans.
Jusqu 2006 inclus, le CAUE dEure-et-Loir a apport 2060 conseils aux
collectivits territoriales, 3280 conseils aux particuliers et aux porteurs
de projets conomiques. Il a sensibilis 17 370 lves, il a contribu la
formation de 400 artisans et il a ralis 2100 ches numriques du prinventaire du patrimoine de pays.

La majorit des communes ne disposent pas de services techniques,

cest peut-tre pourquoi, les communes et leurs groupements lui
adressent annuellement une centaine de demandes de conseil par an.
Avec ses collections de textes, de cartes et dimage, le CAUE est devenu
une sorte de mmoire des communes du dpartement.
La mission de conseil du CAUE sadresse aux particuliers comme aux
collectivits locales. Ils sont facultatifs, non contraignants et gratuits. Ils
prennent la forme daccompagnement de la matrise douvrage mais
peuvent aussi se rapprocher de la programmation architecturale ou
nancire. La contribution llaboration de politiques grande chelle
est de lordre de lingnierie. La matrise duvre architecturale lui est
cependant interdite.
Les missions dinformation, de formation et de sensibilisation
sadressent au grand public, aux lus, aux milieux scolaires et aux
professionnels du cadre de vie. Une publication priodique, les Cahiers
de lAUE, est surtout destine aux lus. Des recueils de ches de conseils
architecturales et paysagres sont dits lintention des particuliers
et des artisans. Des ches de ralisations pilotes sont galement
labores pour les lus. Maintenant, ces documents sont galement
tlchargeables sur le site internet du CAUE. Une sorte de jeu de loie
larchitecte et lartisan a t dit pour les coles.
Parfois, la transmission de la connaissance oblige laborer celleci dabord, cest--dire mener des tudes, des enqutes et des
recherches en amont, comme sur les matriaux et les savoir-faire de la
rhabilitation, un pr-inventaire du patrimoine de pays, des typologies
architecturales, lhabitat bioclimatique, le logement locatif social en
milieu rural, un atlas des paysages du dpartement, etc..
La sensibilisation chez llu ou le particulier suscite la demande de conseils
et la ralisation des conseils alimente son tour la base dinformation
grce lapparition de bons exemples. Cette complmentarit est
essentielle pour comprendre la logique dintervention du CAUE.
Les conseils apports vont du simple choix de la couleur dun enduit
ou de lessence dun arbre aux politiques de valorisation du patrimoine
culturel et naturel lchelle dun pays, dun parc rgional ou dun
dpartement. Les chelles intermdiaires peuvent concerner un
btiment, un jardin, une place ou encore lamnagement dun centre
bourg, dun quartier ou dune commune.
t La qualit architecturale
Insertion, rhabilitation ou extension de maisons individuelles,
reconversion ou agrandissement de btiments publics,
amnagement de petits logements locatifs sociaux, cration
architecturale, ralisation de petits dices communaux, prinventaire du patrimoine de pays et dveloppement dune culture
architecturale, expositions, publications, interventions en milieu
scolaire, etc.
Urbanisme rglementaire et oprationnel, amnagement de
centres de bourgs, de rues et de places, de traverses urbaines, de
lotissement, qualication ou requalication de zones dactivits.
t La qualit du paysage


Instruments oprationnels et marques de gouvernance

Instrumentos operativos y marcos de gobernabilidad
Operative instruments and frameworks of governance

Atlas et guide des paysages, tudes densemble sur une commune,

amnagement dentres de villes et de villages, despaces urbains,
dabords de btiments publics, de jardins remarquables ou
nouveaux, de bords de mares, de rivires et de routes, participation
la commission des paysages et des sites.
Participation la Charte dpartementale pour lenvironnement.
Projets de territoire dans les pays et le Parc naturel du Perche, avec
prise en compte des lires de matriaux traditionnels, gestion et
mise en valeur du patrimoine rural, dveloppement du tourisme en
milieu rural, opration de rnovation des devantures commerciales,
renforcement des comptences des artisans du btiment en matire
de rhabilitation du bti ancien, gestion direncie des espaces
Le CAUE tente de combiner la valorisation du patrimoine naturel et
culturel avec les projets de dveloppement local et durable. Il tablit et
dveloppe des changes rguliers avec lensemble de ses partenaires
concernant les proccupations, les expriences et les projets. Une
concertation seectue au niveau du dpartement (services du Conseil
gnral ou de lEtat, pays, chambres consulaires, associations, etc.). La
rexion et la thorisation peuvent se dvelopper niveau national,
dans le cadre de la Fdration nationale des CAUE ou encore dans celui
dICOMOS France par exemple.
1980 Mise en place du C.A.U.E. : une petite quipe darchitectes
est installe Chartres, au 50 rue Chanzy ~ Concours des fermes
et btiments agricoles ~ Premiers conseils aux particuliers. 1982
Ralisation dexpositions sur les quipements collectifs et larchitecture
bioclimatique ~ Premiers conseils aux communes. 1984 96 communes
sont dj adhrentes ~ Ralisation de lexposition sur lhabitat
du Perche en volution . 1985 Prsentation dexpositions sur les
architectures dcole en rgion Centre et sur les centres bourgs
et curs de villages ~ Ralisation dun premier abri voyageurs La
Bazoche-Gout. 1986 Concours de coloration dun nouveau silo de la
SCAEL Roinville-sous-Auneau. 1987 Ralisation de la salle polyvalente
dAllonnes. 1988 Emmnagement au 6 rue Garola Chartres ~
Ralisation de lexposition Actualit architecturale en Eure-et-Loir
~ 36 demandes de conseils des communes. 1989 La commune de
Marchezais est laurate du prix rgional Cur de France pour son
abri-voyageurs. 1991 Recrutement du premier paysagiste salari ~
Acquisition du premier ordinateur ~ Lancement de la formation la
rhabilitation du bti ancien du Perche (11 stages - 180 artisans) ~ Mise en
place de la matrise douvrage dpartementale du jardin du Pr-Catelan
Illiers-Combray ~ Ramnagement de la rue Pauline la Fert-Vidame
et de la place du March Bonneval. 1992 Le Conseil Gnral institue
la Taxe Dpartementale pour le C.A.U.E ~ Concours de coloration du
chteau deau de Frtigny reconverti en mur descalade. 1993 Conseils
: 60 demandes de communes ~ La commune de Coulombs est
laurate du prix rgional Cur de France. 1994 Ralisation du Guide
du logement locatif en milieu rural ~ Achvement de linventaire
dpartemental des jardins caractre historique ~ Achvement de
lORAC du Perche (Devantures) ~ Amnagement paysager de la rue
de lAqueduc La Fert-Vidame. 1995 259 communes sont adhrentes
~ Un premier recueil de ches architecturales du Perche Valoriser le


patrimoine bti est conjointement dit par le C.A.U.E. et lA.C.A.R.P.

1996 Ralisation de la brochure Concevoir et rnover les devantures
et enseignes commerciales Chartres en partenariat avec la Ville ~
Les C.A.U.E. 28, 41 et 61 ralisent pour le Parc du Perche un rapport
de propositions sur la Gestion, sauvegarde et mise en valeur du
patrimoine architectural du Perche ~ Amnagement de la place du
March Illiers-Combray. 1997 Visite organise dIlliers-Combray
et de ses places ramnages ~ 24 logements communaux sont
dj rhabilits suite aux conseils du C.A.U.E ~ Programmation de la
restauration du jardin du Pr-Catelan Illiers-Combray (travaux jusquen
2001). 1998 203 communes sont maintenant adhrentes ~ 1000me
conseil aux communes ~ Premire visite du parc dactivit des Ajeux
La Fert-Bernard (Sarthe) ~ Amnagement paysager de la traverse
du bourg de Montireau et de la rue principale de Saint-Pellerin ~
Etude pr-oprationnelle damnagement du parc de lAbbaye de
Thiron. 1999 Rdition rvise et tendue des ches architecturales et
paysagres du Perche, avec le C.A.U.E. 61, pour le Parc Naturel Rgional
~ Rhabilitation dune ancienne grange en salle des ftes TrizayCoutrett-St-Serge. 2000 Edition du 1er Cahier de lArchitecture, de
lUrbanisme et de lEnvironnement dans le cadre de la nouvelle Charte
dpartementale pour lEnvironnement ~ Etude sur les matriaux et les
savoir-faire de la rhabilitation dans le Perche. 2001 Elaboration dun
rfrentiel de couleurs du bti percheron : aches, dpliant, bote
matriaux (en partenariat avec le pays Perche) ~ Visite organise du
centre ramnag de Bonneval ~ Stages Pans de bois et torchis
Authon-du-Perche. 2002 Mise en place du Pr-inventaire du patrimoine
de pays et tablissement dun module de S.I.G. ~ 92 demandes de
conseils des communes ~ Dbut de ltude pour le Guide des paysages
dEure-et-Loir ~ Amnagement de lentre de bourg Saint-Denis-lesPonts ~ Amnagement paysager de la place de lEglise Thiville. 2003
Edition du jeu pdagogique Le maon et larchitecte par le C.R.D.P. ~
Sance dinformation sur la commande publique avec la MIQCP ~ Prinventaire : une cinquantaine de communes sont enqutes ~ Dans le
Perche : dbut de la seconde ORAC et de la mise en place des Panneaux
Identitaires Communaux (P.I.C.). 2004 351 communes sont dsormais
adhrentes ~ Visite du Parc desprit mdival de lAbbaye de Thiron
et du nouveau complexe sportif ~ Achvement de ltude du Guide
des paysages, avec runions de restitution dans les dirents pays.
2005 Clbration du 25e anniversaire du C.A.U.E. 28 ~ Cration du site
internet ~ Record de 129 conseils aux communes ~ Recrutement dune
historienne de lart. 2006 Participation au Guide mthodologique des
zones dactivits ~ Enqute dvaluation sur lhbergement touristique
en milieu rural ~ Achvement du pr-inventaire du patrimoine de pays
sur un 4e canton (84 communes - 2104 ches). 2007 Le budget atteint
540 000 euros ~ La supercie des locaux du C.A.U.E. est double ~
Publication du Guide des paysages dEure-et-Loir.

Chartres, le 3 juin 2007

Instruments oprationnels et marques de gouvernance

Instrumentos operativos y marcos de gobernabilidad
Operative instruments and frameworks of governance

Organisation dune visite scolaire de la dernire briqueterie encore en fonctionnement.

LUIGNY, Eure-et-Loir. Photo CAUE 28.

Amnagement dune salle communale dans une ancienne grange agricole avec prservation
de son caractre. J.P. Porchon, architecte. ALLONNES, Eure-et-Loir. Photo CAUE 28.

Amnagement de la place centrale dun bourg, avec largissement de lespace pitonnier

et rduction de la vitesse automobile. J.F. Plaze, architecte. BONNEVAL, Eure-et-Loir. Photo
CAUE 28.

Reconstitution et gestion dun mail desprit classique lentre dun chteau, aprs
dplacement dun march. LA FERTE-VIDAME, Eure-et-Loir. Photo CAUE 28.


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Experiences of urban and territorial rehabilitation in mediterranean

Expriences de rhabilitation urbaine et territorial en mditerrane

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Experiences of urban and territorial rehabilitation in mediterranean

Financial incentives/Revitalization of the

city of Dubrovnik

Sandra Uskokovic
Sandra Uskokovich (PhD candidate) studied art history at the University
of Zagreb from 1989-1995. From 2002-2004 she worked at US/
ICOMOS and in 2004 she gratuated historic preservation at the George
Washington University, USA. During the Fall 2003 she served as an
intern at ICCROM and has been awarded UNESCO Fellowship 20052006 for Cultural Heritage Program. Presently, she is teaching at the
University of Dubrovnik, Department of Conservation and Restoration.
University of Dubrovnik, C.Carica 4, 20000 Dubrovnik, Croatia
Email address:
385 20 312 273

Financial incentives Revitalization of the city of Dubrovnik

The ancient town Dubrovnik with many historical monuments of the
14th and 15th century is on the UNESCOs list of the World Cultural
Heritage.1 Damaged in the 1990s by armed conict, it has been the
focus of a major restoration program coordinated by UNESCO.
All the way until 1980s the government has been reinforcing legislation
framework based on the centralized and bureaucratized operational
guidelines for the cultural heritage protection that led to the expropriation
of the cultural properties and annulled the right of private ownership.
From 1979 until 1995 the Institute for the Restoration of Dubrovnik was
in charge of supervising the nancing of cultural heritage protection
programs and for implementing plans for the restoration of the historic
monuments most aected by the 1979 earthquake that was nanced
from the state budget. 2 Simultaneously, the Institute for the Protection
of Cultural Heritage of Dubrovnik extended its competence from the
historic city to the historic territory and consequently encompassed the
most important historic buildings and ensembles in the city region that
were previously neglected. 3
After the 1979 earthquake the cultural heritage organizations in
Dubrovnik experienced a period of excessive state funding that had a
double-sided eect, since it enabled the restoration and conservation
of major important historic buildings but also led to the conservation
approach that was essentially more similar to the building industry. The
most important criteria was not the quality of conservation projects
but the criteria of quantity that undermined the research part of the
conservation process and emphasized ad hoc restoration by using
reinforced-concrete oor slabs that proved to be quite inappropriate for
the historic urban fabric.
The other major problem was the intended use of the restored
buildings. The major ad cathedram conservation experts were

advocating museumication of the restored buildings. The conversion

of the building into a museum resulted with the loss of the building
vital functions and instead created a series of isolated buildings that
have imposed an unnatural homogeneity on a historic district originally
characterized by diversity of expression and functions. Additionally,
the question of economic viability proved to be crucial since none of
these restored buildings could have been sustained as being statefunded institutions without a management plan for additional private
nancial initiatives that would have contributed their own budget. The
consequence was the irretrievable loss of the initial regular budget with
no additional external funding for the building maintenance what at
the end led to the building deterioration and had evoked again the
question of their (repeated) restoration.
Since 1990s, things started to change slowly. A partnership embracing
corporate and government interest has been developed to identify and
work at sites throughout the historic city and the surrounding areas
as well. This collaborative approach, and its coordination with many
often-competing interests which surrounded potential projects, has
been pioneered and led by the Ministry of Culture, which succeeded in
creating a program of annual investments for cultural heritage protection
that started in 1995. Another nancial incentive that is established is the
Government capital investment program intended for the projects that
are of the crucial cultural importance on the state level.4
Since 1995 three major projects were included in the Ministry capital
investment program: the Franciscan monastery and church in the Old
City of Dubrovnik (one of the oldest in Europe), the mausoleum in
Cavtat and the medieval fortress of Prevlaka. The capital investment
program refers to the projects that require the funding above 150
000 Euros and they are considered as urgent interventions such is the
protection of the Franciscan library and archives that were damaged
during the 1991 armed conict. With respect to the capital investment
program, the annual investment program of the Ministry of Culture is a
slower process with lower investment funds that span from 30 000 40
000 Euros annually per project. The city municipality of Dubrovnik also
has the obligation of investing in cultural heritage protection but these
investments are quite modest and often irregular.
The private sector investments are increasing but usually market driven,
and often quite inaccessible for the evaluation of the conditions under
which legal and physical persons carry out restoration and conservation
activities, what makes expert supervision more dicult. The fact is that
governments have proven to be maybe not so good at generating
economic value but they are better at generating values that are part of
the social and cultural capital (public goods). 5
Over the last eight years Dubrovnik has been under enormous
regeneration. Regardless of the sucient funding obtained by the
Ministry of Culture, the cultural heritage protection in Dubrovnik is facing
another major problem, which is the question of the intended use and
management of historic buildings and districts. Attracting funds requires
well-structured and justied feasibility studies that are manageable,
viable and operated within a mechanism of quality assurance of cultural
heritage management.6 The establishment of a system of budgeting
through nancial engineering (budget funding, other funding like joint
ventures, concessions, donations, etc.) has proved to be so far as one of
the most successful nancial controls mechanism. Still, economics can
value some aspects of heritage and its conservation very well but does
not address other aspects well at all.
Traditional economic models are designed to express all values in terms


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Experiencias de rehabilitacin urbana y territorial
Experiences of urban and territorial rehabilitation in mediterranean

of prices, which are established in markets. However, all heritage values

cannot be put into the single, traditional economic framework, nor can
they all be measured in monetary terms. Many cultural economists, in
fact, reject this view and turn their attention to decision making, policy
formulation, understanding the role of gifts and other non-marketpriced exchanges.7 There are number of social issues, cultural processes,
and political goals, which contribute to civil society but are fairly
invisible to traditional economic discourse. Such as - the recent model of
sustainability that has introduced the notion of economic terms but also
of cultural terms with respect to our heritage. One thing that economics
has helped us do through the model of sustainability is to ask not simply
the current value but the value over a whole series of generations.
However, recent redistribution of property, capital investment, new
market economy, and tremendous tourism ows buoyed up by a wave
of political and social transformation in Dubrovnik that have led to the
drastic gentrication of the area and greatly exacerbated the situation.
Despite the economic activities related to the increase of tourism, the
inhabitants tend to abandon the old city. Additionally, many wello foreigns have recently bought the properties in the old city thus
investing in them, a process that helped the restoration of the urban
fabric but consequently led to the gentrication of the area since the real
estate prices went enormously high. Traditional houses of the old city
are inhabited today by families living on modest income which does not
allow repair or upgrading of the fabric. For example, only 800 hundred
inhabitansts live today in historic city of Dubrovnik in comparison with
3000 people that lived there just few years ago. 8
Heritage organizations in Dubrovnik lack conceptualization of heritage
from an economic point of view i.e. as cultural capital, which is the
ability to inspire or to be inspired. Cultural capital notion views heritage
as an asset that appreciates over time, requires investment, incurs risk,
and so on. The capital-asset framework might also suggest ways to
measure resources and investments the subject of indicators (rather
than price).9 As a society, we dont only work toward increasing our
economic capital that generates economic values; we invest a great
deal in social capital, which is the ability to associate with others, to form
communities. Markets dont do well generating social values. It is the
third sector or civil society that is critical in generating social capital, the
sense of community and identity.
The fact that the third sector does not exist makes the situation in
Dubrovnik even more aggravated. We need to consider and recognize
the unique role of the third sphere as the locus of non-market, nongovernmental, economic activities that is of great signicance to
heritage conservation. Economists nowadays embrace the third sphere
as the institutional setting for dierent kind of transactions distinct
from market transactions and modes of governmental action such as
grants, incentives, and regulation.10 In short, the three spheres model
seems to admit both economic and cultural analyses equally and thus
holds promise as a concept in which the full range of heritage values
can be brought into a useful framework.
The municipality of Dubrovnik needs a rehabilitation program as a
model for sustainable regeneration that would preserve both physical
and socio-economic integrity of the historic center and its communal
territory. Future economic strategies for rehabilitation of the city should
reect the local needs and aspirations, and involvement of the grass
roots in decision-making structures; and nally the initiation of smallscale local industry and business as an income generating projects in
order to help the city to recover economically and socially.


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Experiences of urban and territorial rehabilitation in mediterranean


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Experiences of urban and territorial rehabilitation in mediterranean

The concept of Urban Landscaping for

the Historical cities.
The study of a case for the development
of (Mahata & Souqe) streets, Down Town
Luxor City.

Prof. Dr. Mohamed Ayman Ashour

Owner/chairman of ARCHPLAN Co., President of the board of director
for the Arch. Design Unit; Ain-Shams University, consultant for the
comprehensive development for Supreme Council of Luxor City,
consultant for many ministries and institutes, supervised many
master degrees & doctorate and wrote many papers in international
6 Al-Obour Avenure, Salah Salem St. Heliopolis, Cairo Egypt.
E-mail address:
02 02 2630066/65

1- Mahata Street and Abu El-Hagag Square:

1-1 Actual situation and Analytical studies of
The street location is unique in Luxor city as it includes a lot of
important features starting by the railway station, station hotel, Luxor
hotel, ending by winterpalace hotel and Luxor temple, Abu El-hagag
mosque and children park on the other direction.
1-1-1 Urban Problems
The street has the same urban problems as any touristic street in Egypt,
where the most important problems are the interference of building
uses, the absence of an urban distinctive character, interference of trac
and pedestrians circulations, incoherence of landscaping elements.
Through analyzing the existing situation of land uses, we nd uses that
are not adequate for the site which lead to its economical misuse.
1-1-2 Visual Problems Vision problems which aect tourism ow in the
street are:
Absence of urban distinctive character of the street although there
are some distinctive hotels at its beginning, in-addition to other visual
problems such as; undened visual entrances, undened main plazas,
incoherence of landscaping elements and the most important roads
problem is the absence of wide pavements for pedestrians to suit the
streets commercial importance.
1-2 Intervention & Proposed development Strategy
1-2-1 Development Strategy includes:

The concept of Urban Landscaping should suit the spatial, functional
and historical importance of squares and routes inside the cities and
the dierent residential regions. Consequently, the implementation of
this concept diers from historical cities to modern cities due to the
importance that the urban landscaping elements represent in the
historical cities.
This research studies the experience of developing the centre of Luxor
city in the cadre of project of the open museum and heritage area (the
area located between Karnak & Luxor temples).
This research paper includes the development of the most two
important streets in the area. The rst is the Station St. that links the
railway station and Luxor temple plaza, one of the most important
public squares in the city due to its historical and religious value since it
overlooks the Luxor temple and Abu El-Hagag mosque. The people of
Luxor are spiritually related to the annual anniversary of Abu El-Hagag.
The second is the Market St. which penetrates the residential area in
the centre of Luxor city and it has been transformed into pedestrian
street according to the master plan recommendations for developing
Luxor city.
The importance of this research lies in the way of dealing with the
exterior landscaping elements of such distinctive areas, beginning
with building uses, architectural character, building conditions, faade
colors and nishing and ending by the hardscape such as seats, lighting
columns, and other elements of street furniture family, so that the
monument would interact with the urban surrounding in an integrated


- Dening local activities inappropriate functionally such as; stores,

wood stores, car spare parts stores, etc. At the same time preventing
renewing their licenses upon expiry and prevent the presence of
similar activities in the future.
- Taking into consideration the human dimension, the urban and
the climate environment of Luxor city in designing the pedestrians
1-2-2 Development Strategy foir the Second sector including Abu ElHagag Plaza:
This homogenous sector extends from Abu El-Hagag square passing by
Karnak temple st., crossing the Cornish st. which contains entertainment
& touristic activities, as there are a lot of hotels, bazaars, and children
park in addition to some important religious buildings. The children
park is located just beside the main entrance of Luxor temple, which
is considered one of the inappropriate visual uses because it prevents
the vision of the temple by heavy high trees, in-addition to the
environmental eect for the surplus of irrigation water which aect
negatively on the temple.
Intervention Strategy and proposed Solution:
Coordinating high trees in the kids park for allowing a clear vision of
the Abu El-Hagag Mosque and Luxor temple, and opening the plaza for
people with a separate vision between them, thus to assure the toristic
and historical value.
1-3 Urban Character & Urban Landscaping elements:

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Experiences of urban and territorial rehabilitation in mediterranean

1-3-1 Existing situation (before development)

Station St. path in Luxor city containing a mixture from buildings are
heterogeneous in terms of style, color and construction way which
give a general feeling of character absence for the path in-addition to
lake of harmony for the elevation. However, it can distinguish some old
buildings which reect its urban and local personality.
1-3-2 Development Strategy and Proposed Solutions:
- Assure existing buildings original character and highlighted it, use
more than one color for buildings elevation.
- Treatment of existing buildings elevations through adding colors
which used in Pharonic temples.
- Remove labels and advertisements axed to buildings elevations in
a bad image and replace it with others according to measurements
- Treatment of the ground oors elevations, which are mixed use
which results in its existing deteriorated appearance through
architectural treatment to improve the vision.
- Givie a special character to the path through using harmonic group
of elements of street furniture such as seats, lighting columns... etc.
2- Market St.
2-1 Location importance within the framework of Luxor City:
Market st. is considered a major focus in term of job and location for the
inhabitants of Luxor city and the tourism in general; it is one of the most
commercial places in the city in-addition to be a main pedestrian path
between Karnak and Luxor temple.
Market St. extend from Abu El-Hagag square east of luxor temple passing
with clock square, cross with Joseph Hassan St. until its end at Mathan
St. with length about 1200m2. the location of the street considered
from unique places in the city which contains a lot of pazars, hotels
from a side and from the other side linked with Luxor temple, Abu
El-Hagag mosque and kids park, as also linked with Cornish through
group of transversal circulation axis.
2-2 Visual & Urban problems of the St. before development:
Market St. buildings seem heterogeneous in term of style, color,
construction way
in-addition to the absence of elevations harmony which gives the
impression of character absenteeism of the path, hereunder we will
explain the existing situation problems for the urban landscaping

2-3 Development Strategy & Proposed Solution:

Market St. development and transfer it to a pedestrian path is considered
one of the most important outputs for the updated master plan of
Luxor city. The street transferred in the distance between Station St.
until Mathan St., as for sidewalks are widely designed to accommodate
commercial activities extensions, thus through dening pedestrians
and space for external presentation of the products which was
designed by using tents as a presentation style which was requested
by shops owners .
2-4 Recommendations of Developing Urban Character:
The most important recommendation of developing Market St. is cover
it with a wood tent to separate it functionally from the housing uses at
the typical oors in-addition to pedestrians protection from sun shine
and cerate a suitable atmosphere for tourists. As for the physical nature
of the street, it was divided to similar sectors; rst one is touristic sector
which beginning from Station St. till Joseph Hassan St., second sector is
commercial which is from Joseph Hassan St. till Mathan St.
2-5 Squares & Plazas Development:
The project suggests a new physical way for squares and plazas aims
- Reforming the area and highlighted beautiful urban values
- Activities development
- The strengthening of visual & spatial sequence system.
- Removing distortions which aect the vision.
- Landscaping the location & reforming pavements and levels in it.
Recommendations & Summary:
Through the study of Mahata St. & Soqu St. development at the heart
of Luxor city with in the frame work of the open museum and heritage
district, it is found that they reect experience of dealing with axis
and main roads at the heritage cities. This research paper could be
summarized to the following:
1- must identify functional & spatial importance of the main roads and
linked with the meaning of heritage and development reaching the
perfect using of these axis.
2- Must assure local character for the heritage city through assure
local physical nature by using historical, local, heritage elements in
harmony with each others.
3- Using people participation, users, and visitors of the area in dening
urban problems.

- Deteriorated oors & pedestrians resulted from misbehavior of

commercial activities
- Absence of urban character resulted from colors incoherent of
elevations in-addition to informal label uses
- Absence of furniture and urban landscaping elements.
- Existing location landscaping elements incoherent such as; misuse
of plantation, absence of trac signs...etc.
- Dierent uses for the ground oor of the buildings
- Movements and trac, the overlap between both of them lead to
absence of safe pedestrians.
- Absence of direction signs at the beginning of the path


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Experiences of urban and territorial rehabilitation in mediterranean


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Experiences of urban and territorial rehabilitation in mediterranean

Development of Urban Environment for

(The informal residential compounds in
historical areas) The Study of the Case of
Karnak Region in Luxor City
Prof. Dr. Mohamed Ayman Ashour
Owner/chairman of ARCHPLAN Co., President of the board of director
for the Arch. Design Unit; Ain-Shams University, consultant for the
comprehensive development for Supreme Council of Luxor City,
consultant for many ministries and institutes, supervised many
master degrees & doctorate and wrote many papers in international
6 Al-Obour Avenure, Salah Salem St. Heliopolis, Cairo Egypt.
E-mail address:
02 02 2630066/65

administrative and developing council.

phases of the development project such as decision making,
determining priorities for development, developing and upgrading
of services, infrastructure and roads.
The philosophy of the development of Karnak area is achieved through
a comprehensive development for all the society, which requires urban,
social and economical interaction with the society in order to develop
it according to its priorities. Social or economical development of any
deteriorated society requires local development councils, that work on
implementing, following up and developing the detailed plan, as well
as the people participation in these councils.
The methodology of the upgrading and developing project of the
Karnak area is dynamic, sequential and connected in all its stages,
following the Development within preservation approach where the
executive politics are as follows:
1. Preservation of heritage areas, which include the antiquities zones
and their buer zones (Karnak temples complex) as a base of
touristic development and heritage protection.
2. Upgrading and developing of urban context, including developing
houses according to their state and type of property and proposing
loan programs to improve housing.

The master plan project of the Karnak area is a comprehensive
development and upgrading of the area which had positive impacts
on the local, regional and international levels. The program of the
proposed master plan depends on four main axes:

Supplying sites and services for development and resettlement, by

land parceling the agricultural pockets and urban intervals areas
in order to control the urban extension, to resettle the population
whose homes are to be removed from the antiquities areas and to
accommodate the population increase till the target year.

1- Preservation of the historical areas identity and nature.

2- Development of urban & residential communities.
3- Management of sites supplied with services through an integrated
program of development and re-settlement.
4- Raising the standard of social services and infrastructure.

3. Raising the social services and infrastructure networks standard,

through creating the services and the infrastructure networks
required to accommodate the anticipated population in the target
2- Analysis and Evaluation of the Urban Fabric and Structure

Project site:
Karnak temples area in Luxor is recognized by its high touristic
potentials, where tourism is considered to be the main income resource
for the inhabitants. Representing the north entrance of the city, where
main roads and transportations pass, aected the direction of the citys
urban growth. Consequently, a huge number of slum housing took
place inside and around the antiquities zone which damaged them
historically and environmentally.
1- General approach of the study area:
Slum areas clearance approach proved to be useless, while preserving
and upgrading the existing urban context has become the most
important principle for development that should be accompanied
by sites and services approach for the gradual replacement of houses
and the organization of the slum areas extension. The development
principles of the open museum and heritage area in Karnak are:

2-1 Urban Composition:

Having studied the areas urban composition of the Karnak area through
the areas physical, social and economic characteristics, it is obvious that
there is a wide variation in the urban fabric typologies which are as
is characterized by its rapid growth and its feasibility to spread and
extend vertically.
supplied with commercial and services.
River Nile and is distinguished by its semi-regular form.
2-2 Urban development constraints
The natural and urban constraints aect determining the main
regulations, that should be considered in the master plan, and
determining the population capacity in the study area. It is important


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Experiences of urban and territorial rehabilitation in mediterranean

to mention that the development orientations in the Karnak area were

directly aected by several constraints, gure (3), which are as follows:
development in the area specially their buer zones are not yet
north and the east.
2-3 Urban development vitals and potentials
The importance of analyzing the urban structure dwells in detecting
the important constraints in order to reduce its negative impacts, as
well as detecting the available potentials for their optimal exploitation,
which are as follows:
1- The antiquities areas, the base of touristic and economic activities of
the city.
2- Deteriorated areas, incase of their renovation or replacement.
3- Existing educational, health and social services.
4- Main roads in a good condition facilitate the access to the area and
internal roads connecting Al-Negoa (neighborhoods).
5- The presence of large areas of urban intervals that can be exploited
to accommodate the anticipated increase of population and resettle
the required services.
2-4 Analyzing the urban and antiquities problems
Having studied the actual situation and the urban composition of the
study area, we can summarize urban, environmental and antiquities
problems as follows:
1- Urban encroachment on the antiquities area.
2- Visual distortion of the monuments results from the presence of
visual urban obstacles in front of the monuments
3- The absence of buer zones to protect the existing and possible
antiquities areas.
4- Deterioration of monuments because of informal creeping and
5- Deteriorated urban areas spread in communities and rural Negoa
(rural pattern).
6- Deteriorated condition of some services.
7- Absence of hierarchy in roads network
3- Goals and Strategies of development
3-1 General goals and strategies of development
The main objectives of developing of the Heritage area and open
museum dwells in raising the economic, social, urban, environmental
and touristic values through restoring the balance between the urban
formation duets such as urban and rural, population and place. Referring
to the mentioned previously and depending on the master plan of
Luxor city 2003, goals concerning the open museum and heritage area
were determined as follows:



establishing the basis of development.
3-2 Community participation, the base of the development master
Karnak area was developed and planned through the participation
of people, NOGs and religious and political leaders in three working
groups; the rst concerns tourism, the second concerns urbanism and
the third concerns services and infrastructure. The important results
achieved by these groups could be summed up as follows:
tourists and establishing touristic services..
temples faade from the Nile.
center to increase employment opportunities.
4- The Master plan suggested for development (Summary &
The master plan depends on dividing the area into homogeneous
sectors where each sector has its method of treatment as following:
4-1 Antiquities area around Karnak temples
a. Determining Antiquities area by the ancient drainage, where
construction is deprived inside.
b. Developing and connecting Karnak temples plaza with the Nile
through visual perspectives, transferring the current occupations
and bus stations to the backyard, supplying services such as visitors
center, bazaars, banks branches, cafeteria and restaurants and
reorganizing the historical site for its optimal exploitation without
damaging it.
c. Connecting Karank temple with sphinx avenue which is being
revived at the southern entrance of the temple.
4-2 Upgrading of existing residential areas:
according to the traditional and distinguished elements of Luxor
their nature and their relation with the antiquities areas.
creating development activities to support the character of touristic,
antiquities and commercial areas and giving loans to people to
improve their houses.

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Experiences of urban and territorial rehabilitation in mediterranean

4-3 New settlements development in urban intervals areas:

These are the lands lying on the limits of the study area and outside the
antiquities area intervening the recent urban mass. Establishing three
neighborhoods supplied with services has been suggested to serve the
existing and the new areas, as well as, suggesting housing typologies
on land parcels of 100-120m2. Moreover, people have been supplied
by architectural designs and loans in order to develop their lands and
establish their houses.


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Experiences of urban and territorial rehabilitation in mediterranean

Rehabilitation and Restoration for

Harret Jabber

Jabber Neighborhood in Hebron Old City as it represent The fabric of

Old city.
Rehabilitation and Restoration for Harret Jabber
Case study: ( Jabber Neighborhood )

Jalal Abu Al-Halawah

Old city of Hebron Palestine
E-mail address
TelFax: +970 2 2226993
Mob.: +970 599 844875

+970 2 2255640

Hebron Al-Khalil in Arabic, is the second oldest city in Palestine nearly
5,500 years old, located 35 km south of Jerusalem. It was created by
the Canaanites. In the past, Hebron was under the domination of the
Roman Empire, the Byzantines, the Crusaders, the Muslim Empire,
the Ottomans, the British mandate, then nally under the Jordanian
administration before being invaded by the Israeli occupation. The
old fabric architectural buildings in Hebron Old City represented
the historical, cultural, archeological and religious aspects of these
civilizations. These were built adjacent to each other around the
Abraham mosque to look like a defensive wall to protect the city.
Most of the buildings in the old city of Hebron were neglected in the
last two decades because of Political situation (Israeli occupation and
settlements activities) in addition to social and economical causes.
Current Situation and needs of Restoration
Since 1967, Hebron has been occupied by the Israeli forces and under
its control. During the years, the Isralies has been settling around and
in the heart of The Old City. This causes many problems and most of
Palestinian left their homes because of that.
Hebron has been divided into two parts HI and H2 according to
Hebron Protocol which was signed between Palestinians and Israelis in
1997. The Old City of Hebron, which occurs within H2 area (Israelis side),
has been suering severe living conditions during the past years. This
was due to the continuous aggravation and arbitrary measures taken
by the Israeli occupation against 5,000 Palestinian citizens of Hebron
Old City.
Hebron Rehabilitation Committee.
Hebron Rehabilitation Committee was established in1996 To preserve
Hebron as a historical Arab Palestinian town, to safeguard its cultural
and architectural heritage, and to make life easier. More than 700
residential apartments were rehabilitated providing a wide range of
services to the population despite of the obstacles. The number of
inhabitants increased from 400 in 1996 to more than 5000 nowadays,
Many Commercial market places, streets and roads have been
rehabilitated. The HRC willing great interest to restore and rehabilitate


Harret Jabber
Harret Jabber is one of the important quarters located to east of the
Abraham Mosque. It was called during the Mammluks period the
Eastern Neighborhood because of its location. It contains very valuable
and ancient buildings. The architectural style of Jabber Sector has
more similarities to urban fabric architecture, which made of one or
more entrances to the location of an extended family buildings, Many
schools and Zawia(small mosque) were located in that area. Some of
those buildings still exist like Zawiah Al-Qaimaria, AL-Jabari. Most of
The residents in that area left there homes because of the Israeli police
and megerments.This eective negatively the physical condition for
historical building and parts of it were damaged.
HRC interested to restore Jabber Neighborhood, to encourage people
to remain in their properties and motivate new people to move there.
Project Objectives
In light of the needs of the restoration in Jabber Neighborhood, the
following objectives have been considered:
1- Restoration historical buildings and rehabilitations infrastructure
2- Creating job opportunity for many unemployed people in Hebron,
achieving one step toward restoring historical building.
3- Training newly graduated architects and technicians on restoration
4- Aware people of the importance of culture and arts in development
of civilized societies and give a great interest to the awareness
5- Energizing cultural life by organizing regular, diverse, and public
culture and art events such as art exhibition, concerts, literary events,
lm screenings, childrens activities, & lectures...
6- Activating relations and cooperation with local and international
organizations and individuals in the eld of culture and art.
The project was suggested to the Spanish cooperation and got the
approval to Implement it.
Project implementation.
The project implemented in two phases
1- Creating job opportunities.
1-1 Cleaning rubbles & dumps.
1-2 Consolidation and emergency work.
1-3 Documenting and recording.
2- Building restoration and rehabilitation infrastructure projects.
1-1.Cleaning rubbles & dumps:
The project had begun in June 2004 and nished in November 2004.
This included cleaning the area of the project from rubbles & dumps.
The cleaning of the twenty-two buildings was almost successfully
completed. The project faced many obstacles because of its special

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Experiences of urban and territorial rehabilitation in mediterranean

sensitive location near the Israeli settlements, and the traditional ways
of getting rid of rubbles and dumps.
On the other hand, the project decreased the high rate of
unemployments in that area. People there live in bad economical
conditions and they are suering from the Israeli polices (curfew,
checkpoints and closure).So this project will provide many labor
opportunities for residents under the supervision of HRC.
- Cleaning and removing rubbles & dumps form the limits of the
projects and reclaiming the environment in that area.
- Creating job opportunities for workers from that area (more than
9500 working days) and that - - encourage residents to stay at their
homes and properties.
- Stepping in preserving the cultural heritage of Jabber
- More than 750 spaces were prepare for the restoration process

2- Building restoration and rehabilitation infrastructure projects:

This phase consists of four stages, in each stage we followed a
Mechanism for the restoration works:

1-2 Consolidation and emergency work:

This stage had started in parallel with Cleaning rubbles & dumps and
nished at the end of December. In this stage, all structural works were
treated in buildings (demolition, cracks.) and in the dangerous wall,
which may fall. Plastering and reappointing works were done to insure
the protection and to reinforce the prerequisite of the buildings using
traditional materials.
- This step is very important for the following restoration work because
it gives the safety for the work (engineers, workers, residents ...).
- Some of consolidation works were done to prepare buildings for
- More than 4500 working days were done.

The rst stage:

The rst stage began on January 2004 with 4 projects, and contained
11 apartment it was nished on January 2005. Haret Jabber is
composed of continuous chain of residential building closely related
to each others. This chain presents especial architectural fabric and
recognized building texture. Missing part of this texture deforms its
original shape and defaces its fabric. From here comes the necessity to
restore the historical building in order to preserve the cultural heritage
and to keep these building in good condition while providing suitable
circumstances for residencies to live in.
This stage was very dicult because it start the restoration work in that
area and we faced obstacles having workers and materials get in and
out the project because of Israeli polices (closed entrance, checkpoints,
curfew ...)others obstacles where appears in carrying material inside
Jaber Neighborhood throw narrow roads using animals.
- We nished restoration and rehabilitation all the projects which
related to this stage.
- The number of working days for this stage is 4769 workers/ day
- 11 apartments were restored and rehabilited.
- People moved back to their restored apartments and others rented
some of them. However its encourage inhabitants to stay in their
houses in the renovated area.

1-3 Documenting and recording:

In order to preserve the cultural heritage of Hebron old city, we have
performed all the documentation and designing (buildings, streets,
entrances and yards) for the proposed area. Engineering oce was
established in jabber area which includes architects, surveyors and
technicians, In addition to the project supervisor. The projects included
many recently graduated engineers who were trained by HRC stu. The
oce determined the project boundaries to facilitate the work. We
also subdividing the main project into several separated projects (18
projects) containing 48 apartments, 2 infrastructures projects, 1 project
for gardens and open yard. Finally we made the quantities estimation
ready for the tendering.
- The documentation work in Jabber Neighborhood shows that there
are 82 historic buildings in
That area. 55% of those buildings were built as three oors, while
only 5% were built as one
Floors and 40% as two oors.
- Moreover, 68% of those historic buildings are in a good structural
condition, while 18% are in a
Bad structural condition and the rest (14%) are almost demolished.
- The documentation also shows that 70 % of the buildings are
abandoned, 22 % are being used,
While 8% are partially used.
- More than 6500 working days were done.

Documenting the proposed area.

Surveying the proposed area.
Photographing buildings of the area before restoration.
Redesigning functioning of buildings.
Estimating the exact quantities and costs.
Tendering project.
Knocking down beds and contracting contractor.
Project implementation by contractor and supervision by HRC.
Procuring periodically reports about performance.
Initial Receiving of nished project.
Final Receiving of nished project.

The second stage:

Began on April 2004 with 6 projects, contain 17 apartments, and nished
In February 2006, in this stage we started working on infrastructure
projects (water networks, swage networks, electricity, and telephone).
During the last years there was great interest on protecting and
conserving historic cities and its revitalization, this interest is not
limited to developed countries only, it is also increasing in the third
world countries, including countries of the Middle East where there
is increasing care of conserving cultural heritage resources specially
revitalization of historic cities
In developed countries, the fact that the historic cities have shortage
in infrastructure services does not encourage people from middle and
high classes to move to live there, usually only poor people who have
no alternatives are forced to accept living in abundant areas with less
infrastructures services. People seeking for better residing circumstances
face real obstacle because of the lack of infrastructure services. On


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Experiences of urban and territorial rehabilitation in mediterranean

the other hand lack of infrastructure services doesnt provide suitable

investment environment for the private sector to invest in cultural
heritage projects and to encourage tourism movement to historic
cities (hotels, restaurants, museums, tourist tours...etc), that threats
many cultural resources that should have great eect in economic
In our infrastructure project we replaced the damaged swage pipes
into anew ones to protect the foundation of the building from waste
water moving underground and causes demolition and cracks which
increase the pollution.
Providing residents with water, swage, electricity, and telephone
network services encouraging them to stay at their homes.
- We nished restoration and rehabilitation all the projects, which
related to this stage.
- Finishing the rst stage of infrastructure project which given a great
interest because it protect and conserve the historic cities and its
- The number of working days for this stage is 6031 days.
- Number of engineers and technicians were trained by HRC on
restoration and infrastructural works.
- New as built plan was done to complete the documentation
The third stage:
Began on March 2005 with 3 projects contain 6 suites and one
infrastructure project, nished on February 2006. In this stage was
nished the second part of infrastructure project (tilling Work), open
esquires with suitable stone seats were done. The area appeared with
A new vision which shows the architecture fabric and its Features.
The fourth stage:
Began on June 2006 with 5 projects contain 14 suites and will be
nished on the next three month.
Jabber Neighborhood is one of several projects that funded by the
Spanish Government - Spanish cooperation which contribute to
revive the Hebron old city and preserving cultural features. According
to the master plan of HRC Still there are many other areas need to be

Nota: Este artculo no se ha podido publicar en su totalidad por falta de espacio


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Experiences of urban and territorial rehabilitation in mediterranean

Restoration in the Old City of Jerusalem

Bashar I. Husseini
Bashar is a Masters Degree Student in Architectural Conservation at
Al-Quds University. He holds a B.Sc. in Architectural Engineering from
A.S.U. in Jordan, conservation certicates from Tunisia, Jerusalem and
ICCROM. His responsibilities while working for the OCJRP* include
supervision and training of Architects, surveying, design work for
restoration projects and adaptive re-use of historic buildings, on-site
engineering, supervision and community awareness initiatives.
*OCJRP: Old City of Jerusalem Revitalization Program Welfare
Mr. Bashar Husseini
Welfare Association
Old City of Jerusalem Revitalization Programme (OCJRP)
P.O. Box 25204
Shufat, Jerusalem, via Israel
E-mail address:

+972 54 5541743

2 5858861

Jerusalem was listed by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site in 1981 and
inscribed as a Heritage in Danger Site in 1982. Continued eorts are
made to preserve the Old City so as to sustain its authenticity and
character. Neglecting historical buildings and the rapid increase in
population lead to its deterioration, especially with a current population
of more than 35,000 residents for an area of 871,000m2.
Restoration projects in Jerusalem had been more numerous than
ever before especially during the last decade. The major challenge
is to balance between modern living conditions and preserving old
This paper will give an overview about the work of the institutions
involved in protecting cultural heritage in the Old City of Jerusalem,
mainly OCJRP . Focus will be on the Islamic and Christian Palestinian
areas, presenting case studies of implemented projects by OCJRP.1
Current Institutions concerned with protecting cultural
heritage in Jerusalem:
From the beginning of the Israeli occupation in 1967 various
action plans were implemented. It started with demolishing three
historic neighborhoods immediately after the war2. Israeli Jerusalem
Municipality executed a whole new infrastructure project for the Old
City 20 years ago, which caused structural cracks and major structural
problems in many buildings trying to consolidate part of them.
After the deliberate re of Al-Aqsa Mosque3 in 1969, AWIA4 in

cooperation with Jordan government, renovated the mosque and

established a committee to rehabilitate Al-Aqsa Mosque compound.
More attention was paid to historic buildings some years later
by AWIA, concentrating on preserving WAQF5 properties. AWIA
implemented many restoration projects, with a successful start in
cooperation with British school of archeology6 and continued to work
later independently. Whereas historical buildings in other areas were
neglected and abandoned as citys residents left outside the walls for
larger and modern properties.
NGO7s substituted AWIAs part during the last decade of the previous
century, during which many organizations were established. A list of
these organizations is as follows:
1- Al-Aqsa mosque Compound Rehabilitation Committee:
Established by the Jordanian government in 1954, it supervised
indirectly the restoration of Dome of the Rock between 1959-1964,
and followed it by many restoration projects inside the Aqsa Mosque
compound. The committees work was frozen after Israeli occupation
at 1967. Its work was revived soon after the deliberate re of AlAqsa mosque at 19698. Many projects were implemented inside the
compound and its oces are inside till now.
2- Islamic Archeology Department in AWIA:
IAD was established in 1977 to conduct studies, surveys and restoration
projects for buildings and monuments in the old city which were
stopped mainly for lack of nancial and technical support.
3- Jerusalem Society for Welfare and Development:
It is a charitable organization, established in 1986 for supporting Arab
people in Jerusalem. It aims to restore historical residential and religious
buildings in the Old City of Jerusalem, as well as legal defense of real
estates. About 250 residential buildings were restored till now in three
phases, of which the 3rd phase was nished in 2006.
4- Al-Aqsa Association for preservation of Islamic Consecrated
Property (Waqf):
Founded in 1991 by Muslim activists form the Triangle Area in Israel,
with the aim to preserve the large number of damaged and destroyed
Islamic holy sites in Israel. Its programs preserve Islamic identity to
religious and historical buildings all over the country. It restored the
Marawani hall inside Al-Aqsa Mosque compound and tiling and
landscaping works in the Mosques courts.
5- Palestinian Housing Council (Rehabilitation program for the
Old City):
PHC was established in 1992 mainly to buildup houses for middle and
poor classes. 70 projects were delivered during phase one, nished in
2006, to restore old historical buildings.
6- Pontical Mission Center:
It is a charitable organization established in 1949 to help Christian
people in the Holy land. In 1992 PMC started to restore dwellings in
Jerusalem as well as many cities in the West Bank. It contributed partially
in restoring about 400 dwellings.
7- Old City of Jerusalem Revitalization Program(OCJRP)-Welfare


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Experiences of urban and territorial rehabilitation in mediterranean

As part of its eorts to protect cultural heritage in Jerusalem Old City,

the Welfare Association9 established a special technical program
in 1996. Its main objective is to preserve the cultural heritage of
the Old City, applying international conservation conventions and
the highest professional standards, in addition to protect of Arab
identity while stimulating the socio-economic regeneration of the
Old City and improving living standards of residents. It is composed
of interdisciplinary technical team of architects, engineers and other
consultants in the eld of cultural heritage preservation. OCJRP
implements the program in close cooperation with AWIA in Jerusalem,
and in conjunction with local experts and community organizations.
The OCJRP is the only professional body carrying out a comprehensive
revitalization program in the neglected areas of the Moslem and
Christian quarters of the Old City. It includes total restoration and
rehabilitation of historic buildings, adaptive reuse, emergency repair of
houses as well as housing complexes renewals, training for professionals
and practitioners and publishing.
In 2004 the OCJRP was one of the seven recipients of the Agha Khan
Award of Architecture for the 2002-2004 cycle.
During the last ten years, the Technical Oce team implemented over
170 restoration projects in the Old City, disbursing more than 17$
million in project funds from various donors.
The program has four main units:
1- Preservation and rehabilitation Unit: The main constituent of
It seeks renovation, adaptive reuse of historic buildings and
monuments and housing renewal in the Palestinian residential
quarters in the Old City of Jerusalem. The work undertaken follows
the international standards of Conservation abdshould be reversible
with minimum intervention.
2- Community Outreach program: Established in year 2000. Its main
purpose is to raise public community awareness to the value of
cultural heritage and to ensure the residents participation in the
conservation process. It has many activities which include Tours,
workshops, competitions, plays, lectures, voluntary work etc...
3- Publishing & Information Centre: OCJRP created a Data Base for
Jerusalem Old City based on comprehensive historic recording
surveys of all buildings in the Arab areas of the Old City, which
have been entered on a GIS system by the team. The database is
enhanced and updated continuously by projects and detailed
surveys and studies carried out by the team. OCJRP launched
a comprehensive Revitalization Plan based on historical, social,
physical and economical surveys, carried out by a multi sector team
of Palestinians. The Arabic version has been issued in 2001 and the
English version in 2004. It is also responsible for the publication of
books, maps, leaets and newsletters.
4- Training program: The organization plans short-term training
courses, seminars, lectures, and exhibitions. Mainly for Architects,
engineers, contractors and craftsmen in conservation techniques
and methods.
Case Studies:
- Dar Al Aytam Al Islameyah: A Mamluk, Ottoman Palace used as
vocational school for orphans and an academic school including a
soup kitchen and bakery. This six year project is the second biggest
complex in the Old City, with a built area of 8000m2 with varying


architectural styles. OCJRP carried out various studies including

condition assessment, surveys, historical research and a detailed
plan for the whole complex, which was divided into six stages. All
the work was carried out according to international conservation
standards. Sit Tunshuq Mamluk faade of the palace was restored
by an Italian experts team, while conducting a training program
involving contractors, architects and engineers.
- Ribat Ala Edeen, The African Neighborhood: is a Mamluk historical
building that has been home to the African Palestinian community
since the late Ottoman period, it is occupied by 17 families with
about 132 residents. It was selected based on its historic and
architectural value,its proximity to al-Haram al-Sharif, and the needs
of the community for improvement of their substandard living
conditions.The OCJRP team conducted a thorough social survey for
the community before rehabilitating the infrastructure of the entire
complex, tiling the courtyard and all open spaces, restoring the
mosque and the attached mausoleum and restoring and carefully
modernising the housing units.Tthe project was conducted from
three stages.
- Palestinian Counseling Center: The Ottoman Historic Building
was built in three historical phases starting 1569. Its an ideal
residentail house with indirect entrance and magnicent courtyard.
This adaptive reuse project is used now as community center for
Jerusalem residents. The challenge was how to adapt it for the use
of the center.
The experience of OCJRP team showed that there are always
compromises in restoration projects. International conventions and
charters must be always followed, but the question is the extent of
Jerusalem Old City is a living city. Integrated eorts from dierent
organizations make Jerusalem a better city: these eorts contribute to
the protection of its Heritage and the identity of its people, all with
dierent aims but with the same result. The sensitive political situation,
high density, occupation and the legal vacuum make it a very dicult
task, but this struggle continues.

-Technical Oce, Welfare Association The Old City of Jerusalem Revitalization Program
1996-2004, (2005), Welfare Association, Jerusalem
- Technical Oce, Welfare Association, Jerusalem Heritage and Life, 2003, Welfare
Association, Jerusalem.
- Touqan, S., (2004), Recovering Lost Space: Adaptive Reuse of Historic Buildings paper
presented at the Architectural Conservation-Opportunities and Challenges in the 21st
Century, held in Dubai from 11-13 February, Dubai Municipality.

-Jubeh, N, 2002.Chapter 4,Cultural Heritage and Culture Sector Review,Pg 63-66,Arabic

Studies Association.
- websites and personal contacts.

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Experiences of urban and territorial rehabilitation in mediterranean

Old City OF Jerusalem Revitalization Program Welfare Association

Which included 700 buildings, 437 shops, 1048 apartments with a total of 6000

Al Aqsa Mosque is one of the holiest places for Muslims worldwide.

Department of Waqf (Endowment) and Islamic Aairs in Jerusalem

There are two types of Islamic Waqf (Endowment) properties: 1.Family Waqf: which
property is entrusted as a single familys waqf prohibiting individual ownership or
transfer and distributing revenues to some or all inheritors for generations.
2. Charitable Waqf: property entrusted and managed by AWiA prohibiting individual
ownership or transfer and and distributing revenues for charitable causes or among
charity organizations, such as mosques, ,hospital and schools.

Interview with Dr.Yusef Natsheh (Director of Islamic Archeology Department in AWIA)

Non Governmental Organization

The re also ruined most of salah edeens minbar which is Place where Imam of
Moslems give his speech during prays especially in Friday prayer. This minbar was
created by salah edeen hundreds of years ago of a very tiny and valuable decorative
wood. Jordanian Government recently remodeled the wooden minbar.

Welfare Association : is a private, non-prot foundation established in Geneva in 1983 to

support Palestinian society in sustainable development. It has become better known in
Palestine and the Arab region by its Arabic name, Taawoun, meaning cooperation.


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Experiences of urban and territorial rehabilitation in mediterranean

At Iktel ou la richesse des pauvres


Sad Mouline
Architecte, sociologue, linguiste. Directeur de lEcole Nationale
dArchitecture (Maroc), Charg dEtude au Ministre de
lAmnagement du Territoire, de lUrbanisme et de lHabitat,
Directeur de lArchitecture (1998-2006), Enseignant-Associ au DESS
Ville, Architecture et Patrimoine Paris (1981-2005), Consultant
international, Fondateur-directeur de quatre collections douvrages sur
architecture, dveloppement et urbanit.
1, rue Mohamed Boujendar, Km 3, route des Zars Rabat, Maroc.
Adresse courrier lectronique:
(00 212) 37 75 28 01
(00 212) 63 47 01 17

At Iktel ou la richesse des pauvres

Permettez-moi tout dabord dexprimer mes remerciements aux
organisateurs ainsi qu tous ceux qui ont uvr la tenue de cette
premire Confrence rgionale euro-mditerranenne
Lexprience dAt Iktel est un projet de rhabilitation communautaire
se droulant au Maroc, un minimum dinformations et de chires est
ncessaire pour situer ce projet dans son contexte.
Au dbut du XXme sicle, la population marocaine tait denviron
cinq millions dhabitants et la population urbaine de lordre de 8%
dhabitants rpartis sur une trentaine de villes. Au moment de la
cration de lAssociation de Dveloppement dAt Iktel, en 1994, la
rpartition de la population tait environ de 50% urbaine et 50% rurale.
Devant cette forte croissance urbaine incontrle, avec tous les maux
que cela engendre, les pouvoirs publics devaient concevoir et raliser,
en moins dune quinzaine dannes, un cadre urbain quivalent 50%
de toutes les villes marocaines daujourdhui.
En milieu rural, la situation ntait gure plus enviable, notamment en
raison du retard pris dans un secteur nglig depuis plusieurs dcennies.
Cette marginalisation se traduisait principalement par lenclavement de
nombreuses rgions et villages, labsence dinfrastructures et de services
de base et la destructuration des systmes anciens de solidarit et de
production qui permettaient une gestion communautaire de lespace
Quelques derniers chires pour que vous puissiez mieux comprendre
le contexte :



Plus de la 1/2 des localits rurales taient enclaves ou daccs trs

Plus des 2/3 de la population rurale navait pas accs leau
Moins de dix pour cent des chefs lieux de communes disposaient
dun rseau dassainissement.
A peine 15% des mnages ruraux taient branchs sur le rseau
Lanalphabtisme touchait 67% de la population rurale et moins de
20% des localits rurales disposent dcoles.

Ainsi, tant dans le milieu urbain que dans le milieu rural, le droit
un cadre de vie appropri, tel que dni, par exemple, dans les
recommandations du Sommet Mondial sur les tablissements humains,
Habitat II Sommet des Villes, tenu en 1996 Istanbul, constituait, en
fait, un des ds colossaux que lEtat, mme en y consacrant toutes ses
ressources, ne saurait relever.
Un projet communautaire dynamique
Face lexplosion urbaine et au dlaissement du monde rural, il
devenait impratif dimaginer et de concevoir dautres faons de
formuler, dapprhender et de tenter de rsoudre une problmatique
complexe. Problmatique qui est, en fait, dordre social, conomique
et de citoyennet et concerne une rpartition quitable des biens, des
services, des quipements et des infrastructures. Problmatique qui
concerne galement la rpartition des richesses et assure la dignit des
citoyens lchelle du territoire national.
Problmatique, nous le savons tous, dont les causes ne sont pas
spciquement spatiales ou architecturales mais dont les eets
se manifestent dans le cadre de vie, dans lespace social de la vie
quotidienne. Et cest dans un partenariat local, en dehors de toute
interfrence des autorits ocielles quallait natre et se dvelopper, le
projet dAt Iktel ; un projet communautaire dynamique qui na cess de
se dvelopper et de progresser depuis plus de quinze ans.
En tant quopration exprimentale, en marge du systme dit formel ou
tatique centralis, le projet dAt Iktel, en montagne, dans le Haut-Atlas
marocain, apporte non seulement quelques lments de rponse aux
problmes cruciaux mentionns prcdemment, mais galement un
espoir dans de nouvelles formes de dveloppement communautaire,
lchelle locale. Nouvelles formes de dveloppement communautaire
reposant essentiellement sur la primaut de lhomme dans son milieu,
sur la solidarit agissante et sur de nouveaux modes dorganisation.
Modes dorganisation penss, expriments et vcus comme la
rhabilitation, comme la revitalisation des institutions traditionnelles
anciennes auxquelles allaient se substituer, progressivement, des
modes dorganisation communautaire actualiss et adapts des
situations contemporaines en volution et en mutation constante.
At Iktel est un petit village en montagne prs de 1200 mtres
daltitude, dans le Haut-Atlas, accroch lun des monts de Ghoudjama,
une centaine de kilomtres de Marrakech. Cest l o a t cre, en
1994, lAssociation At Iktel de Dveloppement (AID) fonde par un
natif du village, Ali Amahan, anthropologue, qui avait consacr sa thse
de Doctorat dEtat prsente Paris aux Mutations sociales dans le
Haut-Atlas. (1)
Lide initiale est ne de ce travail qui allait servir de rfrence aux
objectifs de lAssociation. En eet, lassociation AID regroupe toutes
les familles de la communaut du village des At Iktel, soit environ

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Experiences of urban and territorial rehabilitation in mediterranean

128 foyers (2), un millier de personnes. Elle se donne pour vocation

et objectifs, la conception, la ralisation, le nancement et le suivi de
projets de dveloppement caractre social. Cest ainsi que, dans
un premier temps, furent raliss les services de base destins
rhabiliter le village. Cette dynamique communautaire a procur des
avantages considrables aux habitants du village et amlior, sur bien
des plans, la vie quotidienne des hommes, des femmes et des enfants.
Elle a galement conduit les membres de lAssociation prendre en
considration les spcicits du village dans bien des domaines
et, notamment, dans les domaines culturel, artisanal, architectural,
artistique et environnemental. Les nombreux objectifs, mens bien
jusquici, lont t grce une coopration matrise, consensuellement
adopte, et aux apports de partenaires nationaux et internationaux,
notamment japonais.
Des rsultats exemplaires
Une simple liste des projets eectivement raliss depuis la cration de
lAID, bien quindispensable, nest cependant pas susante pour rendre
compte de la dynamique mise en uvre et de son volution dans une
dmarche collective.
La premire ralisation est une route de 17 kilomtres qui a permis
de dsenclaver le village et de lintgrer de fait dans une rgion o
il tait marginalis. Puis ce furent, dune part, lalimentation en eau
potable grce des bornes fontaines - et la restauration du systme
ancien de sguias (ou canaux dirrigation) vieux de deux sicles, y
compris la construction dun pont portant la sguia. Dautre part, ce
fut llectrication selon des procds moins coteux que lclairage
antrieur la bougie, malgr les rticences et les dsaccords de lOce
National dElectricit (3). Par ailleurs, on peut noter la cration et la
mise en activit dun centre de formation et dinformation, dans une
demeure rhabilit, oerte par des villageois lAssociation ainsi que la
construction de plusieurs coles par les mallems, ou matres-maons,
selon des techniques et matriaux locaux, de mme que la construction
de dispensaires pour lamlioration des soins de sant de base et celle
dun nouveau chteau - deau intgr au paysage (4). Tous ces projets,
parmi dautres, ont t initis, conus et raliss par la communaut
villageoise qui en assurait lentretien, la gestion et la bonne marche
grce la cration dune banque de travail la fois souple et ecace.
Nayant plus assumer la corve deau quotidienne, les jeunes lles
ont pu aller lcole comme les garons. Les relations entre lAID
et le Ministre de lEducation Nationale ont permis la cration et
lapprobation du concept de lducation non formelle. Pour lAID, cela
permettait dassurer le choix de lenseignant pour une ducation en
langue maternelle, le berbre, darrter des plages horaires permettant
aux jeunes lles et aux garons de garder une insertion forte dans la vie
active du village. (5)
Ces projets ont renforc le sentiment dappartenance au village
car ils ont, ds le dpart, privilgi des besoins communautaires
fondamentaux et procur une amlioration notable des conditions de
vie. Ils ont galement concouru la promotion dun esprit des lieux,
promotion dune identit locale qui permet, parcequelle est arme et
harmonieusement vcue, une plus grande ouverture sur la rgion.
Un projet courageux, contagieux et ambitieux
Cest prcisment ce titre que lexprience villageoise dAt Iktel
sest vue dcern le Prix Aga Khan dArchitecture en 2001 (6).Le Jury
ayant estim que Ce projet reprsente une approche novatrice

du dveloppement, de la prservation de lenvironnement et de

lamlioration des conditions de vie dune communaut rurale. Il intgre,
dune part, la ralisation de services sociaux et dinfrastructure pour le
dveloppement et, dautre part, encourage lactivit conomique et
lducation. Ce Prix a t considr, juste titre, comme la conscration
dune dmarche communautaire au service dune vision et dun projet
global de rhabilitation et de dveloppement.
Mais ds 2002, de nouvelles priorits sont apparues. Une fois
lamlioration des conditions de vie acquises, une fois tous les foyers
desservis en eau et en assainissement, les nouvelles priorits dnies
par lAID ont t dordre conomique, dune part, dordre ducatif et de
formation approfondie en agriculture en artisanat et en tourisme.
Alors que lartisanat ne pouvait assurer que des revenus irrguliers, lAID
contribua lorganisation dune cooprative de lait au niveau de toute
la commune. Il sensuivit une augmentation rgulire des revenus
mensuels des foyers (7). LAID avait atteint lobjectif initial de scolarisation
(8) et se xait un nouvel objectif quelle considrait primordial, celui
dassurer un accompagnement eectif de la maternelle luniversit
et, dans cette perspective, danticiper sur les besoins futurs. Cest
la ralisation de ce projet et la mise en place de tout ce que cela
suppose quuvre actuellement lAID.

(1) Mutations sociales dans le Haut Atlas. Les Ghoujdama .

Ali Amahan, sous la direction du Professeur Robert Cresswell, lUniversit de la Sorbonne,
en 1993. Thse remarquable qui t lobjet dun ouvrage dit par la Maison des sciences de
lhomme, Paris, 1998, 326 pages.
(2) Le village, subdivis en 6 hameaux, compte aujourdhui 147 foyers
(3) En eet, lOce National dElectricit, de lpoque, habitu des normes inadaptes au
milieu rural navait pas autoris le systme mis en place par lAID. Il a fallu que ce soient des
experts dEDF qui concourent lapprobation de ce systme.
(4). En eet, ce chteau deau de grande capacit, est semi-enterr dans la roche, au lieu de
lancien, bti grands frais et dfectueux qui dpareillait totalement dans le paysage rural.
(5) LAID prend en charge galement le logement de linstituteur alors que le Ministre de
lEducation, de lpoque, lui assurait un salaire mensuel de lordre de 180 euros.
(6) La direction de larchitecture de lpoque, relevant du Ministre de lAmnagement
du Territoire, de lUrbanisme, de lEnvironnement et de lHabitat a contribu, pour faire
connatre lexprience remarquable dAt Iktel. Elle a procd ltablissement de relevs
et documents graphiques publis, en mai 2001, dans la Collection Cahiers dArchitecture
et dUrbanit sous le titre Ait Iktel. Urbanit en Haut-Atlas ; de mme quelle a organis,
la mme poque, conjointement avec lAID, un sminaire intitul At Iktel. La richesse des
pauvres, dont les Actes ont t conjointement publis dans un numro de la Collection
Dialogues sur la ville.
Cf. galement larticle de Serge Santelli, architecte, Maroc, At Iktel : Prix Aga Khan
dArchitecture 2001 , paru dans Archiscopie, Bulletin dit par lInstitut Franais
dArchitecture en n 17 de novembre 2001.
(7) Une augmentation mensuelle de lordre de 30 euros par mois.
(8) A At Iktel la scolarisation est de 100%, dans les communes voisines o cet exemple avait
t suivi, la scolarisation est de 95%.


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Experiences of urban and territorial rehabilitation in mediterranean


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Experiences of urban and territorial rehabilitation in mediterranean

RUrban Strategy for Limassols Center

A Vision for the Future

Stelios Stylianidis
Studied Architecture and Urban Planning in Kiev, Soviet Union Worked
as a consultant architect in Cyprus and Moscow. Since 1998 partner in
design oce. In 2000 was appointed as Lemesos Municipal Architect
. Author of articles and presentations concerning reconstruction and
developing of urban areas, sustainable development, preservation of
historic buildings.
55 Ayiou Fotiou street, P.O.Box 50453, 3605 Lemesos - Cyprus
E-mail address:
+357 99518765

Cyprus is the third largest island in the Mediterranean with an area of
9,251 square kilometers, situated at the crossroads of Africa, Asia and
Europe. (25)
The city of Limassol is situated on the southern coast of the island.
Limassol is the second largest population center of the island and
its main port. It is said to be the islands center of gravity lying
approximately equidistant from the other three main towns, Nicosia
to the north, Larnaca to the east and Paphos to the west. It has a
population of approximately 170 000, of which 100 000 are within the
municipality of Lemesos. It lies on the center of a triangle shaped
valley, and it has perfect trac connection with the other parts of the
island through comfortable highways. (101)
The agglomeration of Limassol concentrates a dynamic sphere of
activities, functions and services concerning all the aspects of Cyprus
nancial development since:
i. It is situated at the center of a rich area with a lot of potential for
agriculture development
ii. It is the main passenger and cargo port of the island
iii. It has an active multi-dimensional industrial development
iv. It is the center of commercial activities and services both on local
and international level
v. It is a popular holidays destination as it is surrounded by beautiful
sandy beaches, ancient cities and place of natural beauty. (95)
The central area of Limassol covers about 2,5 square kilometers.
Approximately it is the territory in which the town was already
developed in 1945. The heart of it is the area of the old medieval
castle, with the old port and the old Cathedral. (43)
The area is characterized by a network of narrow, winding streets and a
mix of small workshops, stores, oces, houses and apartments, all built

on a pedestrian scale. It is extremely popular for tourists, who come to

marvel at the ancient buildings and to shop and browse in the many
stores. Generally is an integral part of the city, a crucial link with its rich
past (66)
The urban development of the central area can be divided in four
historical periods. Each of them had its own specic inuence on
architecture and cultural heritage according to the rulers of the town.
These periods are:
i. Pre ottoman period (500-1571) Limassol was just a small estate
around the medieval castle
ii. Ottoman period (1571-1878) The town was developed along the
costal line
iii. Colonial period (1878-1960) Includes the rst expansion of the
town in area and population from 1910 1930 as it became the
main export point and the biggest industrial center.
iv. Modern period (from 1960) The creation of Limassol agglomeration
and the expansion of the population after the war in 1974, as a lot of
refugees from the occupied areas settled in there. (126)
Land development in Cyprus is regulating by the Town Planning Law
which was enacted in 1972. Implementation of the low was delayed,
however, until December 1990, due to the need to accommodate
incoming refugees from the occupied areas of Cyprus. In the meantime,
municipalities relied on an outmoded Streets and Buildings Regulations
Law of 1946 whose primary purpose was to ensure the safety of
buildings, and the provision of proper amenities and sanitary facilities
instead of trying to control and guide development. (82)
The great and sudden expansion of population, after the war in 1974, and
the total of the urban activities did not nd the town properly prepared.
In connection with the sudden expansion of the tourist industry and
the stand still found in infrastructure, created serious problems in urban
organization and a burden to the environment. These problems, which
are evaluated, that will be eliminated with proper city planning, are
mainly the following: (72)
main roads with commercial and other uses, which downgraded
the environment, especially in the city center.
commercial and even industrial, has a negative inuence for the
quality of the environment.
huge areas between the residential zones which remain empty
including the cost zone, and causes certain problems for the proper
and well organized development. More over this factor creates
several environmental problems concerning air pollution and heavy
recreational development.
urban transport. This mainly concerns the capacity of the roads and
the small number of organized parking places in the center.


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Experiences of urban and territorial rehabilitation in mediterranean

commercial center or the seafront, of visual connections to the sea
or to monuments, and in general of a proper image and a face of
the town. (193)
In order to improve the picture of the city, the Local Plan dened the
development Strategic Policy, which in general, is included in the
following: (25)
development, oering a high quality life in neighborhoods
uses, which will revive the area.


The Municipal Technical Department, in cooperation with the State
Town Planning Department had prepared a study, called an Area
Scheme of the Central Part of Limassol. It is the rst such a project
for Cyprus. The goal is to create alive with residents, commerce, small
manufacturing and visitors, rather than simply an articial environment,
a museum for tourists. The plan was issued at November 8th 2002 and
it is the main legislation instrument on the realization of which, the
future of the whole area is based. (86)
The elaboration of this study was fully based on the GIS map of the
area. Having all the necessary information concerning town-planning
aspects, we managed to analyze every single plot of this area, and dene
its future through the above mention development project. (44)
The reasons for the preparation and the implementation of the study
were mainly the following:
importance for the town in particular and the whole island in
various projects which are going to be constructed in the area

The main goal of the Area Scheme is the reestablish of the importance
of the central part of the town and its determination among the whole
agglomeration by:


mixture of the incompatible ones


In order to access this aim in the Area Scheme were implemented

certain Policies for each dierent aspect of development, with specic
suggestions and projects which have to be realized in the following
10-12 years. (35)
Land uses Policy
use in compact areas
mixing incompatible uses

Trac Policy
big parking places around the center

Preservation Policy
specic neighborhoods
areas in order to improve their handling
the reconstruction of listed buildings within the Specic Character
Municipality for any matter concerns the Specic Character Area
Functional Policy
such as landmarks, main roads etc
and symbols of the town
area. (51)
Spacing Policy
pedestrians by appointing pedestrian roads, wide pavements etc
and embellishment of facades.

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the central area. (55)

Apart from the above mentioned policies, a number of projects are
already taking part in the area. The most important are the marina, the
reconstruction of the old port, a new university, the reformation of the
seafront promenade, the reconstruction of main roads and squares, the
municipal garden theater, the old market, the city museum and the
theater museum. (59)


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Experiences of urban and territorial rehabilitation in mediterranean

La protection du patrimoine culturel

de la Valle du MZab; Facteur de
dveloppement durable

Mousselmal Bahmed
Architecte Loce de protection et de promotion de la valle du
MZab (OPVM), Ghardaa.. Algrie.
Participe et assiste la prparation des tudes de rhabilitation et de
restauration et le suivi des projets de restauration.
Adresse postale:
OPVM.. 32, rue de la Palestine, Ghardaa -Algrie 47000
Adresse courrier lectronique:
+213 29884454

La valle du Mzab se situe au nord du Sahara algrien. Elle renferme le

chef-lieu de la Wilaya de Ghardaa, distante de 600 Km dAlger. Elle recle
des villes et des oasis qui se distinguent par un cachet architectural
particulier. Le nombre de ses habitants slve 150 000 habitants.
Les ksour de la valle du Mzab se sont caractriss par leur rayonnement
spirituel, travers les sicles et par leur cachet touristique et conomique
qui ont sduit les visiteurs venus de dirents pays. Lactivit humaine
dans la valle du Mzab a travers direntes tapes historiques
commencer par la prhistoire en passant par la priode islamique qui
ont lgu des vestiges historiques et archologiques dont la plupart sy
trouvent jusqu nos jours. Toutes ces donnes historiques et ces valeurs
civilisationelles ont plaid pour le classement de la rgion comme
patrimoine national en 1971 et universel par lUNESCO en 1982.
Le territoire de la valle du MZab dispose de plusieurs ressources:
culturelle, paysagres, environnementales, conomiques locales
et ressources humaines. De ces ressources le volet culturel est
le plus signicatif car il englobe une innit de potentialit qui
malheureusement ne sont pas exploit en tant que tell,
Le patrimoine matriel est principalement constitu :
5 cits oasis avec une rigoureuse matrise de gestion des rares
ressources hydriques
avec leurs mausoles, systme dfensifs, cimetires, etc.
Ces ksour se sont caractriss par leur rayonnement spirituel, travers
les sicles et par leur cachet touristique et conomique.
Lactivit humaine dans la valle du Mzab a travers direntes tapes
historiques commencer par la prhistoire en passant par la priode
islamique qui ont lgu des vestiges historiques et archologiques
dont la plupart sy trouvent jusqu nos jours.


Le patrimoine immatriel englobe principalement :

Les contraintes actuelles de la valle du MZab:
Pendant prs de dix sicles, la valle du Mzab a vcu un dveloppement
urbanistique quilibr, plusieurs niveaux : entre les ksars et leurs oasis,
entre lespace propice la construction et lespace agricole, entre
lhomme et son environnement. a la n du sicle dernier, elle a connu
un dveloppement urbanistique acclr en labsence dun plan
durbanisme able.
Un dveloppement qui navait pas tenu compte de lvolution,
de lorientation et du dveloppement des ksaur du point de vue
structuration de la ville ni des contraintes gographiques et naturelles.
Il en est rsult un taux durbanisation trs lev (90,74%), ce qui a
produit les eets suivants :
une intensication de loccupation des plateaux et des collines
environnantes ; ce qui risque de causer une rupture lquilibre
existant entre les ksour en tant que patrimoine urbanistique et leur
environnement naturel, apportant atteinte au champ de vision des
sites historiques et du paysage.
polluantes aux abord de la Valle,
deau qui continue de crotre en labsence dun systme adquat et
ecace dvacuation ; ce qui a fait de lvacuation deau use une
proccupation majeure et un problme de salubrit publique. Il
va de mme du devenir des quartiers traditionnels qui nont pas
t conus pour une consommation aussi intense deau use. En
labsence dun rseau appropri, ils subissent les alas de la monte
de lhumidit.
La cration de lOce de Protection et de Promotion de la
Valle du MZab:
Compte tenu de limportance de la valle du Mzab, des monuments
et des sites historiques que cette rgion et les rgions environnantes
reclent, les autorits algriennes avaient dcid en 1970, de la
cration dune institution intitule Atelier dEtudes et de Restauration
de la Valle du Mzab.
Et pour permettre une meilleure prise en charge du patrimoine de la
Valle du Mzab, cette institution a t promue du simple atelier dtudes
Oce de Protection et de Promotion de la Valle du Mzab, en vertu
du dcret lgislatifs n : 92/419 et 92/420 du 17 novembre 1992. De ce
fait, les prrogatives de linstitution ont t diversies et largies pour
assurer la protection du patrimoine de la Valle du Mzab et des rgions

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La protection du patrimoine culturel de la Valle du Zab:

Ds sa cration ou plutt sa restructuration lOPVM sest attel a
jouer les premiers rles dans tous les domaines o la prservation
du patrimoine et la sensibilisation du public simpose. Nous pouvons
constater limpact de ce rle davant garde, travers ses ralisations
durant la dcennie coule et qui reprsentent actuellement la pierre
angulaire dans ldice de linstitution.
Nous pouvons rsumer les domaines dactivit de loce selon la nature
de cette dernire comme suit :


Architecture et urbanisme:
LOPVM se charge dtudier et de superviser les dossiers darchitecture
et durbanisme qui sont obligatoirement soumis son apprciation. Il
met ses avis et ses recommandations tenant compte de limpratif
et ncessit de prserver et de promouvoir le patrimoine architectural
et urbanistique local, et ce, en les conformant aux rgles et aux
traditions locales, ainsi quaux normes quil faut respecter en matire
de construction linstar : des volumes des btisses, des matriaux
employs, de la nature du crpissage des murs et des faades, du choix
des couleurs... etc.
LOce de protection et de promotion de la Valle du Mzab, a initi un
plan daction pour la sauvegarde du patrimoine culturel et historique
da la valle, en concertation avec les autorit locale et national:

(gabarit, matriaux de construction, couleur, texture, etc.)
populaires, etc.)
conomique durable
Les phases du Plans de sauvegarde et de mise en valeur:
mise en valeur du secteur du sauvegard.
c. Lancement dun programme de restauration des habitations
traditionnelles dans les ksour, selon une dmarche participative
(citoyens collectivit locale services techniques de la Wilaya), a ce
jour plus de 600 maisons rhabilites dans le dirents ksour.
d. Rnovation et rhabilitation des rseaux et la voirie a lintrieur des
centres historiques.
e. Restauration des monuments historiques, tel que:
-Les dices religieux: mosques et mausols
-Les dices dfensifs: remparts, tours de get ,portes fortes.
-Les ouvrages hydrauliques: puits, cannaux,digues et barrage.
-Les infrastructures conomiques: places de march (Souk).

a. le classement la valle du Mzab en secteur sauvegard, adopt par

dcret excutif n05-209 du 04 juin 2005
b. le lancement du plan de sauvegarde e de mise en valeur du secteur
sauvegard de la Valle du Mzab, qui constitue un outil technique
et juridique de protection, de restauration, de rhabilitation, de mise
en valeur et de promotion du secteur sauvegard, issu de la loi n9804 du 15 juin 1998, relative la protection du patrimoine culturel.
Les principaux objectifs du secteur sauvegard:
acteurs concerns
relative au patrimoine culturel
la rgle sky-line
et sites historiques
durgence, prservation, restauration, rhabilitation, restructuration,
requalication, ramnagement, etc.)

Palmerie Ghardaa


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Vue de Ben Izguen

Tailleur de pierre


Souk de Ghardaa aprs restauration

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Holiday village in Data (near Knidos).

metamorphosis from the past to the

Bican Tuberk
Architecte des monuments historiques
Directeur de lOce de Protection et de Promotion de la Valle du

Mediterrenean is one of the biggest cultural area in the history as

known . this continuous evalution of dwelling in this area is created
by the inhabitants of the local population and the culture created by
them. From this point of view, Mediterennean is something special with
its philosphy, living habits and cities created with its philosophy.
Emergin speciality of every culture is referred generally to the natural
aspects of the physical conditions and the climate of the area. We
can easily take this reality into consideration. Mediterrenean is the
masterpiece of beuty with its nature. Climate gives satisfying comfort
to the inhabitants. As a conclusion :
Architects, sculptures, artists handiworkers, stoneworkers and the life of
citizens was integrated trying to create perfect esthetics.
When we look at the temple of Athene in Didyma, the city Ephessos,
Bergama, Afrodissias or Knidos, we will immediately realize the struggle
between trying to create the best and the most or perfect. The aim
was always to obtain an esthetic level which will attract the cultures all
around the world.
We should admit one of the important aspects inuenced architecture
is economical power and transport in Mediterrenean. During these
decates economical richness, commercial relations between cultures
inuenced the artists. Rich cities, wealth attracted this art production
towards emerging cities. In the past, richness gave opportunities to
the architects and artists to produce more ne art masterpiecces. This
occasion eventually gave us the opportunity to recognize the past
cultures as these values kept and protected until today.
In the last 50 years, a way of looking to the Mediterrenean architecture
is to try, to keep the regional arcitecture not aected from external
inuencces. Simply economical power looking for more benet, more
production of wealth started to ruin some values of the regional
cultures which began to loose their position of power in the society.
As a conclusion, to protect what is left from the regional architecture
became a life guard for the struggle against abusive progress in the
cities and villages.


The protection of archeology, cultural values, the interest of tourism for
the past, at last stopped the damaging eect of rural economy but to
design new, architecturally valuable buildings became very important
for the progress of the society. We can
simply say that architects should inuence the society with their
artworks with a very high level of esthetic understanding.
The architectural way of understanding these artworks eventually
inuences other disciplines of art but mainly aecting regional
governmental management, associations and nally the inhabitants
which will be aected feeling themselves as a a part of this event
created for them.
Buildings designed with great care architecturally, generally live a
long time lasting people living together with them. Sometimes even
these buildings that gave service for a long time to the environment,
abandoned by the new owner, decading one day without any priority
of esthetic or enviornmental aspect. Sometimes it is demolished by
the regional society and a new design of this building took its place
A solution should be made in the city plan of the area. Buildings
which are having close relation in social life should be preserved.
These buildings reect a time limit with its history. Rehabilitation of
these buildings is an important understanding. Besides, protection
rehabilitation of the usage of the buildings will give a achance to the
users to appreciate the new function of the building. As a conclusion,
a building architecturally standing since 500 years or 100 years, even
25 years with the new rehabilitation, will continue to live and transfer
history to the new inhabitants for the future.
The succes of architects in rehabilitation projects is important.
The construction projects with rehabilitation concept will be new
experience for the guests, tourists or the inhabitants excepting this
concept. Generally the relation of the each building with the past
creates new values and attraction. Architecturally a new image to the
environment, new silhouette, new interior spirit to the building will
arouse questions in inhabitants minds such as why we cant create our
precious buildings.
Architecture is an art of beauty for everyone with no doubt. A
symphony, performing with good musicians will sound perfect. The
inuence of rehabilitation of valuable buildings, new projects enriching
the silhouette very easily point out what is irrelevant and disturbing
in the entire silhouette. This will inuence eventually environmental
architectural behaviour, leading urban centers to good architectural
Knidos area is the corner between Aegea and Mediterrenean Sea. From
mythology, it is recognized as an area for rehabilitation of the ill people
with its wonderful climate. The peninsula which emerges towards
the sea with its mountains creates diculty to reach Data. In 1980,
a client decided to build a holiday village in this beautiful landscape.


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The Project was designed and built within 18 months. A period of

splendid 5-10 years management created a fame with its extraordinary
climate,landscape and especially unspoiled rural architecture. After 25
years, the village is tired and the owners changed. The Lndscape remains
stil beautiful. The new owner decides to nd the original designer, the
architect to recover the building.
When the project came before me, I persuaded the owner not to
demolish and do something completely dierent and new. The existing
rooms, buildings were adapted to the landscape with maximum care.
The Project should respond to the new requests of the management.
Past 25 years changed the request of the clients. The trend in the world
is changed in tourism. This means, the change will take place in the
next 25 years and we should forecast them as much as we can. Finally
we can conclude these ideas as;
8.1.The change of rooms should be more comfortable in dwellings.
8.2. Theres more need of social relation for the new users of the holiday
village. More social areas will satisfy the needs of the clients.
8.3. Health care is an emerging trend in tourism. Health facilities should
be good and sucient.
8.4.The more comfort, the more natural environment. Landscape
should be comfortable for users, natural vegetation and regional
owers growing in the area with less diculty would be easy to
8.5. Natural fruit applying aesthetically well designed ambiance should
be created. Under these circumstances the new design is created.
Existing rooms are transferred to suit rooms and small apartments. The
new change is done by adding some space to these rooms transferring
to 2 suit rooms. For bigger m2, two rooms are transferred to one room.
The restaurant is changed completely and social activities enriched.
New building has a Health Center with Spa, Hamam, Sauna, sports area
and Thalasso Pool in basement oor. Ground oor with with restaurant
and therapy terraces. First oor with meeting rooms, 2nd oor with play
room, Bar and terraces are enriched.
Exterior elevations are changed more to regional architecture
characteristics with the roof. Finally the architecture of the Holiday village
with a careful rehabilitation didnt lose its characteristic landscape. 80
% old buildings are used. New toursitic requests and new trends with
the benet of management are used in the new rehabilitation of the
holiday village aes seen on the photographs.


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Experiencias de rehabilitacin urbana y territorial
Experiences of urban and territorial rehabilitation in mediterranean

The Future of Traditional Settlements in


B. Nilgun Oz
B. Nilgun Oz is a conservation architect, working at the Turkish
Chamber of Architects in Ankara. Previously, she worked at an
architectural oce on the conservation, rehabilitation and reuse of
cultural heritage. She is interested in management of cultural heritage,
impact of tourism on cultural heritage as well as international
conservation practices and cultural policies.
Turan Gunes Bulv. 45. Sok. Doganay Sit. D Blok D:23 Oran, Ankara
E-mail address:
+90 532 4057507

Cappadocia and Issues in Conservation

The traditional settlements in Cappadocia are edices of hundreds
of years of multi-cultural heritage. Situated at the heart of Asia Minor,
widely known as the land of the fairy chimneys, Cappadocia presents
a unique site to those who come to visit it ever since its discovery by
European travellers in the early 18th century. The natural beauty of the
rock formations, coupled with the traditional settlements, meticulously
built with stone or painstakingly carved out of rock, form a cultural
landscape of breathtaking quality. Therefore, it is no surprise that part
of this unique location at the heart of Turkey is inscribed as one of nine
World Heritage Sites of Turkey (Goreme National Park and the Rock Sites
of Cappadocia, 1985).
The conservation eorts for this cultural heritage have to tackle a
number of problems. The eects of the Exchange of Populations
between Turkey and Greece in 1924, which dislocated a large number
of Cappadocians and replaced them with people unfamiliar to the
landscape and building types, can be observed in the architectural
heritage as unintentional misuse due to lack of technical knowledge.
Other user-related problems include, but are not limited with neglect,
widespread desire of conversion for tourism purposes and multiownership. Another fact that has forced a break / halt in the living
traditions of Cappadocians is the sometimes ad-hoc political decisions
to remove the inhabitants from certain neighbourhoods or villages
due to disaster zoning. The result is architectural heritage left in ruins,
with no prospect or necessary funds to revitalise them. Therefore, it is
not unusual to encounter deserted settlements left unattended and
looking like ghost-towns, whose appearance are more pronounced
by the newly built settlements nearby. On the other hand, physical
problems relating to the fragile and brittle characteristics of the volcanic
rocks also pose trouble for conservation. The fact that the area remains

widely unresearched in terms of proper conservation methods and reuse strategies is yet another setback.
Two Projects in Cappadocia
In this setting, there are positive projects that are worth mentioning,
which introduce innovative strategies for conservation and re-use of
the architectural heritage of Cappadocia. The rst of the two projects
to be described here is Our Common Cultural Heritage Project
(Developing Local Awareness on Architectural Heritage Left From
the Exchange of Populations in Turkey and Greece). It was carried out
by the Foundation of Lausanne Treaty Emigrants (TR), in partnership
with the Hellenic ICOMOS (GR), The Turkish Chamber of Architects
(TR), Conservation and Restoration Specialists Association (TR) and
the Municipality of Mustafapasa (TR) in Cappadocia. The project was
supported by the European Commission within the framework of the
Turkish Greek Civic Dialogue Programme.
The aim of the project was to create local awareness and understanding
of cultural variety and create a more positive outlook regarding the
cultural heritage that each side has left behind. The target groups
were mainly the local population in both countries, members of the
municipalities, members of project partners, university students and
local media as well as various other experts.
The main activities were two conference-workshops, held in Turkey
(Cappadocia) and in Greece (Crete). They were accompanied by
two exhibitions, prepared to introduce the local cultural heritage
and its conservation issues within the context of the Exchange, and
using existing plans, architectural drawings and photographs of
the settlements and buildings, as well as objects, small ndings, and
accounts of relevant oral history.
Completed in 2005, this project is the rst collaborative eort of Turkey
and Greece to safeguard and sustain their common architectural
heritage. This project can become a model for other similar projects and
increase the dialogue, mutual understanding and eliminate political
prejudices in relation to the conservation of cultural heritage.
Another project, Kayakapi Cultural and Natural Environment
Conservation and Revitalization Project, concerns the characteristic
Cappadocian settlement called Kayakapi Neighbourhood in the town of
Urgup in Cappadocia. Kayakapi enjoyed richness and splendour during
the Ottoman period, but declined economically following the collapse
of the empire. However, what really changed the future of Kayakapi
was the decision to remove its inhabitants to a new settlement due
to its declaration as a geologically non-safe zone. The fact that it took
more than 10 years for the inhabitants to be relocated to a newly built
neighbourhood brings to mind the possibility that the disaster zone
decision could be about something other than safety of the inhabitants.
During the course of their moving to this new place, the people of
Kayakapi took almost everything with them, not only their personal
moveable belongings but also building materials such as timber doors,
window frames etc. and what they left behind were taken by people
who wanted to restore their houses. Today, Kayakapi is reminiscent of
an archaeological site, which curiously has been engraved in the minds
of the people of Urgup as a deserted place of no importance.
Another crucial decision concerning Kayakapi came in 2001, after the
non-safe zone decision was lifted: the site was designated an urban
conservation area. The Municipality, with the aim to re-use this onceprominent neighbourhood of Urgup, set out to nd an investor and in
2002, the Project started with Urgup Municipality as the project owner,


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Experiencias de rehabilitacin urbana y territorial
Experiences of urban and territorial rehabilitation in mediterranean

Eski Kapadokya Inc. as the private investor and KA.BA Conservation of

Historic Buildings and Architecture Ltd as the project development
consultant for architectural conservation works and planning for
The main aim of the Project is to protect the neighbourhood as an
environmental heritage, together with all its historic buildings and
natural areas and to revitalize it through cultural tourism. The fact
that the neighbourhood is within the boundaries of the WHS Goreme
National Park and the Rock Sites of Cappadocia (1985) and Goreme
National Park (1986), is a natural and urban conservation area as well
as a tourism region (1973) and culture and tourism protection and
development region (2005) makes it necessary that all project and
planning decisions are made carefully and meticulously with utmost
care to follow national as well as international conservation codes.
The site is 61 acres with 258 cadastral lots (182 of which have building
remains) and 20 registered cultural and natural assets. The urban fabric
has remains of 421 buildings either masonry, rock-carved or mixed.
They prove the multi-cultural history of the neighbourhood, with
rock-carved churches, mosques, fountains, and mansions of dominant
gures of the neighbourhood. This hugely complex site requires
approaching matters through a site management methodology. In
order to facilitate architectural work, the site was divided into 38 subproject areas. A multi-disciplinary team consisting of a 23-people coregroup of conservation architects and city planners and approximately
40 consultants from dierent academic and professional backgrounds
(ranging from historic conservation to geology and from social
anthropology to civil engineering) have worked so far in the Project.
One of the main principles of the project is to derive all architectural
and other solutions from Cappadocia, Urgup and Kayakapi. It is also
considered important to maintain the sites ruin state, as it constitutes
an urban memory for the locals. An important aspect of the project is
public relations and participation. Since the beginning of the Project,
several public meetings and conferences were held, and the Project
was widely publicized in national and local newspapers. An internet
site ( was created as well as a quarterly project
bulletin. A project monitoring committee was formed by the initiation
of the consultant rm and the contribution of the Municipality, made
up of the inhabitants of Urgup.
The Project is very signicant in terms of devising solutions to
collaboration of key-interest groups, local awareness and proper
management of the site. It is an initiative with no precedents in
Cappadocia and therefore set to become one of the models for
conservation, revitalisation and reuse for traditional settlements in
Cappadocia. So far, the Project was welcomed by key institutions such
as the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, the local conservation council
and UNESCO World Heritage Centre. However, the implementation of
the Project depends heavily on the commitment and collaboration of
all parties involved.
Considerations for the Future
The two examples show that, NGOs and private initiatives can be
catalysing sources for the conservation of architectural heritage in
Cappadocia. Naturally, it is not possible to expect that the methods
applied can be utilised for the safeguarding and re-use of all other
historic edices in the region; however, they can be taken as successful
samples for similar projects. The future is built on previous deeds and
decisions that we make today, therefore, the projects that are presented


here, show that it is possible to learn from history and start now to
build the foundations for a stronger, sustainable, collaborative future
for our cultural heritage. Increased private sponsorship and improved
education of the inhabitants and the wider public are crucial to take
care of the cultural heritage in Turkey.

KA.BA Conservation of Historic Buildings and Architecture Ltd; Kayakapi Neighbourhood
Conservation and Development Plan Report (unpublished), Ankara 2004
Madran, Ozgonul; Kulturel ve Dogal Degerlerin Korunmasi (Ankara 2005)
Madran, Ozgonul; Son Yasal Duzenlemelerde Kultur ve Tabiat Varliklarinin Korunmasi ve Yerel
Yonetimler El Kitabi, (Ankara 2005)
The Foundation of Lausanne Treaty Emigrants, S. Guvenc (ed.); Common Cultural Heritage,
(Istanbul 2005)

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Experiencias de rehabilitacin urbana y territorial
Experiences of urban and territorial rehabilitation in mediterranean

Envronmental rehabltaton works

n the medterranean cty spartas
hstorcal center

M. Elif eleb, H. Gokcen Ozkaya

Research Asistant & MS Architecture
YTU Faculty of Architecture Department of Restoration Main
Campus 80750 Beikta / Istanbul TURKIYE
90 212 259 7070 / 2370
Research Asistant & MS Architecture
YTU Faculty of Architecture Department of Architectural History
Main Campus 80750 Beikta / Istanbul TURKIYE
90 212 259 70 70 / 2957


1. Isparta City and Historical Development
Isparta City takes place in Meditterranean Region of Turkey. It is
surrounded by the cities of Konya, Antalya, Burdur and Afyon.
The city was founded in high and mountainous region and is
surrounded by Davraz Mountain, Kundaklbeli, Sidre, Karatepe, Hisar,
Glck, Kay and nr Hills. Because of its geographic condition, it has
territorial climate.
History of settlement in Isparta began with Paleolithic Period. At 2000
BCE Pisidia Region is a settlement area of Luvi and Arzava Civilizations.
And then the city was settlement area of some civilizations such as
Frig, Lydia, Persia, Bergama Kingdom, Roman Empire, Byzantion Empire,
Seljukids, Hamidoullar Sultanate and Ottoman Empire (Gnyol,1982).
Finally, Isparta has become a city of Turkey during Turkish Republic
2. Ispartas Historical City Center and Historical Buildings
It is known that Isparta was founded in an area which is called now
as Slbey District nearby the Beln Stream. The date of foundation
of the city is not known exactly but it is guested that it became a
settlement with Lydia Civilization (BCE 600546).
Throughout the history, city development has continued at the both
sides of the stream. And this historical area has become city center
today. At this area there are historical mosques, baths, Turkish Bazaars
and traditional houses of Isparta.
Isparta historical city center is accepted as second and third degree site
area on the date of 14 October 1977. But until this time some important
historical buildings couldnt have conserved. Among these buildings

there are especially administrational, educational, commercial buildings

and traditional houses (Kayal,2005).
On the other hand, the historical buildings of the city which are existed
today comprehend mosques, churches, bazaars, baths, public buildings,
educational buildings and houses.
Mosques; Kutlubey (Great Mosque) Mosque, Hzrbey Mosque, Hac
Abdi Mosque (plik Bazaar Mosque), Firdevs Pasha Mosque (Mimar
Sinan Mosque), Abdi Pasha Mosque (Kavakl Mosque-Peygamber
Mosque) and Kk Gkeli Krk Minare Mosque.
Churches; Aya Baniya (Aya Payana) Church, Aya Ishotya (Yorgi) Church
and Emre District Church.
Ispartas historical commercial centers; zm Bazaar and Firdevs Bey
Baths; New Bath, Bey Bath, Karaaa Bath, Slbey, Sarkad, Yenice
District Bath.
Public Buildings; Goverrnment Building, Old Municipality Buildings
and Isparta Trk Oca and Old Community Centre.
Educational Buildings; Muhtelit Secondary School and Mektebi
Fountains; Ylankran (ukur) Fountain and Karbuz Fountain.
Transportation Building; Railway Station.
Madrasahs are not existed today in Isparta city center. Names of them
are just known and these are: Sadiye Madrasah, akirzade Madrasah,
Harabizade Madrasah, Hasan Efendi Madrasah, Mft Efendi Madrasah
and Mehdiolu Madrasah.
Also Isparta historical khans taking place on Konya Antalya line
are not existed today. Their names are known as: Kerimpasha Khan,
Antalyalolu Khan, Hatipolu Khan, Alaybeyolu Khan, Pamuk Khan,
Vakfhan, Kereste Khan and Nalbant Khan.
Beside all of these monumantal and historical public buildings,
traditional houses as civil architecture examples are very important for
the city. But now traditional houses of Isparta are in danger because
of earthquakes, re, wrong restorations and usage and putting out of
use. So, the number of registered houses in the city fell down from 85
to 58, so Isparta local authorities initiated rehabilitation works in 2003
(Kayal, 2005).
3. Rehabilitation Works in Isparta Historical City Center
The rehabilitation works in Isparta initiated by local authorities
comprehend Imam Hasan Street, ayboyu Street and Damgac Street.
A. Rehabilitation Works at Imam Hasan Street
The rehabilitation works at Imam Hasan Street include restoration of
four registered houses by Isparta Municipality in 2003. Facades of these
houses were painted. Worn building elements and covering of the
street were changed.
In this paper, as examples of the rehabilitation works in Imam Hasan
Street, these four buildings with registration numbers 20, 21,22 and 23
are researched.


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Experiencias de rehabilitacin urbana y territorial
Experiences of urban and territorial rehabilitation in mediterranean

Information About Building with Registration Number 2

Information About Building with Registration Number of 4

Owner of the Building

Ahmet Hilmi ani


Gazi Kemal District, Imam Hasan Street. No:12

Owner of the Building

IIsparta Municipality

Ocial Registration Information

8019 Ada\4 Parcel Registration No: 20 2


Turan District, ayboyu Street. No:158\2

Sheet No

29L. IIa

Ocial Registration Information

8148 Ada\6 Parcel Registration No: 4 2


Early 20th century

Sheet No

29L. IId

Rehabilitation Date



Early 20 th century

Old Function


Rehabilitation Date


New Function


Old Function


Constructional Features

Constructional Features Building has two oors.

New Function

House of Culture

First oor material is stone and second oor was

Constructional Features

Building has three oors. Basement and rst

constructed with Bagdadi technique. Building

oor material is stone and second oor was

technique of the roof is hipped roof. Roof covering

constructed with Bagdadi technique. Building

technique of the roof is Hipped roof. Roof

material is mission tile.

Rehabilitation Works

Facade of building was restorated by Isparta

Rehabilitation Works

covering material is mission tile. There is a cumba

on the second oor.

Typology of Plan

Plan with side sofa

Typology of Plan

Facade was cleaned, painted and sash frames

Typology of Facade

Facade with cumbas

Typology of Facade

were changed.. Heating system was installed. Its

garden was redesigned

Information About Building with Registration Number of 22

Plan with side sofa

Facade with cumba

Owner of the Building

Mustafa kr Dulupcu


Gazi Kemal District, Imam Hasan Street. No:6

Ocial Registration Information

8019 Ada \ 1 Parcel, Registration No: 23, 2

Sheet No

29L - IIa


Early 20th century

Rehabilitation Date


Old Function


New Function


Constructional Features

Building has two oors. First oor material is stone

Owner of the Building

Isparta Governorship

and second oor was constructed with Bagdadi


elebiler District, Damgac Street. No:3

technique. Building technique of the roof is

Ocial Registration Information

1249 Ada\24 Parcel Registration No: 41 2

hipped roof. Roof covering material is mission tile.

Sheet No

29L . IIa

The house has two entrances. Two cumbas on the


Early 20th century

entrance have pediments.

Rehabilitation Date


Facade of Building was restorated by Isparta

Old Function



New Function


Typology of Plan

Plan with centered sofa

Constructional Features

Building has two oors. First oor material is stone

Typology of Facade

Facade with cumbas

Rehabilitation Works

C- Damgac Street :
The houses with registration numbers 41 and 42 at Damgac Street
were rehabilitated by Isparta Governorship in 2004.
Information About Building with Registration Number of 41

and second oor was constructed with Bagdadi

technique. Building technique of the roof is hipped

B- ayboyu Street:
The rehabilitation works at ayboyu Street are limited to only one
registered house. This house with registiration number 4 was restorated
by Isparta Municipality in 2004. It is used as House of Culture now.

roof. Roof covering material is mission tile. Second

oor has cumbas. And there is a pediment on the
Rehabilitation Works

Facades of building were painted.

Typology of Plan

Plan with centered sofa

Typology of Facade

Facade with cumbas

Conservation Problems
Historical buildings have begun to lose their historical identity because
of wrong usage and implementings, estrepement, economical
problems and re.
Economical opportunities could not be supplied for conservation of
historical buildings.
Professionals who have knowledge about traditional techniques and


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Experiencias de rehabilitacin urbana y territorial
Experiences of urban and territorial rehabilitation in mediterranean

local materials could not be found easily and it is an important problem

for conservation.

Conservation Suggestions
During the process of surveying and preparation of restoration projects
of registered buildings, material features, changes and problems should
be evaluated with surroundings and detailed documentation.
Historical development, general vernacular properties, social and
economical relations and historical sources of houses should be
analysed particularly by professionals.
Public should be informed by press and seminars about conservation
and rehabilitation of historical buildings.
Registered buildings should be supported to join to city life and
refunctioned properly. Then, their usages should be controlled
In order to educate the stas to practice traditional building techniques,
courses and seminars should be organised.
Inventory documents of registered buildings should be controlled
and reprepared if it is necessary. The condition of buildings which lost
registration should be analysed and the reasons shoul be investigated.
It is necessary to take measures for conservation of them by laws and
Restoration and renovation works should be supported and controlled
by professionals. Wrong applications should not be given permission.

Damgac Street


Bczade Sleyman Sami, 1983, Kuruluundan Bugne Isparta Tarihi, Serenler

Publications, stanbul.


Gnyol, V., 1982, Isparta, Yurt Ansiklopedisi: Trkiye l l: Dn, Bugn, Yarn. Anadolu
Publications, stanbul.

3. Kayal, B., 2005, Isparta Kent Merkezinde Bulunan Sivil Mimarlk rneklerinin Gnmzdeki
Durumlar, Koruma Sorunlar ve Deerlendirme nerileri ,Sleyman Demirel University,
Science and Technology Institute, Master Thesis, Isparta.

Yurt, Z., 1994, Eski Isparta Evleri, Kltr ve Sanat Bankas Periodical, Say:22, s. 62-63,

ayboyu Street

5., web site of

Isparta Government, 2003.

Nota: Este artculo no se ha podido publicar en su totalidad por falta de espacio

mam Hasan Street


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Experiences of urban and territorial rehabilitation in mediterranean

A Case Study: The Village of Eskihisar/

Stratonikeia as an Example of Urban

Glen Glmez

Stratonikeia is one of the settlements of Hellenistic period in the region

of Caria. And the village of Eskihisar is an Ottoman settlement which
was built on top of Stratonikeia. It is claimed that either Stratonikeia
was built up in 270 B.C. by II. Antiochos -son of King Seleukos- in the
name of his step mother with whom he had a secret aair, or another
city existing in the same region was named as Stratonikeia. After
Seleucids, Stratonikeia was under command of Rhodians and then later
Roman Empire. In the age of Byzantians it was the bishopric center of
the region. Mentesogullari had conquered Stratonikeia from Genoese
and in 1425 Ottomans had the settlement and it reached present. Prof.
Dr. Cetin Isik who is the head of the archaeological excavations, states
that Startonikeia is the worlds biggest antic marble city totally built up
with marble on a land of approximately 1000 dunam. Buildings of antic
period show that the city was a lively, weatlhy and active center.
The old village of Eskihisar where wealthness and activity were preserved
till recent history, had witnessed three dierent migrations in last 50
years. The most important migration activity was the displacement
of the all villagers completely due to suggestions of the board of
archeological excavations.
Main traces of Stratonikeia in the old village are gymnasium,
bouleuterion, theatre, temple, gate of the city and extendings of city
Gymnasium, which was a sports and education building with the
dimensions of 120m/150m and was also used for social activies and
celebrations, is considered to be built in the midst of 2nd century B.C.
and to be damaged after the eathquake in the period of Byzantians.
Today only excavated north part of the monumental gymnasium
which was built up by gigantic marble blocks, can be seen. Saban Aga
Mosque, shops in the square, some of houses -all of which are the
consisted parts of civil architecture of the old village of Eskihisar-, village
square and gigantic plane-trees are located on the unexcavated part of
the gymnasium.
Considerable part of bouleuterion which is located at the center of
Stratonikeia and claimed to be built in Roman period, can be seen
today. Bouleuterion is an impressive building with the dimensions of
40m/26m and the walls made of marble blocks of 1,5m thickness.
Theatre, located on the a sloped area on the South of the settlement,
is also one of the buildings of Hellenistic period and can be seen
today. Seating parts with approximately 1000 audience capacity of the
theatre is undestroyed. But the scene part is blowed down. Also one of
the buildings of Stratonikeia is the temple of Roman period which is
located on the South of the settlement behind the theater.
Buildings of the old village of Eskihisar are very important as all are
examples of civil architecture. This building stock consists of mostly
solid houses, cafeterias, shops and Saban Aga Mosque located in the


center of the settlement.

It is observed that blocks of antic period were re-used as construction
materials in many of those buildings. Some of those blocks are re-used
in walls or re-used as stair steps and stilobats of load-bearing timber
columns. Most interesting examples of re-using those antic materials
are the houses of Abdullah Aga (constructed in 1875) and Halil Aga
(constructed in 1909). In both houses, marble parts derived from the
marble blocks of antic buildings are re-used inside the whole wall
pattern with bricks.
In 2002, measured drawings of 33 buildings -consisting of 21 houses,
the mosque and the buildings of the bazaar- are executed as a part of
a research on documentation of examples of civil architecture. At that
time, during documentation studies, only 9 families which were all aged
people, were living in the village. Today, one can observe the negative
eects of abandonance and time in empty houses, streets, cafeterias,
shops and square of the village. The old village of Eskihisar which is a
characteristic Anatolian Turkish village, is so to say a settlement as if
it is left in its own destiny. The center of the settlement is the bazaar
consisting of mosque, hamam, shops, cafeterias, bakehouse and
chamber building of village. Two-storey houses with big gardens are
located in organic street pattern. Ground oors of the houses which
are located on the street to bazaar are shops and cafeterias. Especially
the number of cafeterias worths paying attention on the amount of
population and the activity of social life.
Cafeterias were the places for gathering, conversation and debate, but
also they were serving as barber and dentist. Dimensions of cafeterias
and structure of roofs were specied according to possibilities of the
material. Cafeterias are very characterictic with their simple architectural
but fascinating spatial features. Most of them are one-storey single
buildings with wide windows facing the street.
Another particular building type of the settlement is shops. At present,
there are only traces of walls that belong to shops located in the
bazaar and along the streets. Shops had two main plan types. First
one is single building openning to street through a facade that is
completely covered with folding timber doors. And the other plan type
is the ground oor of a house and with a facade that opens to street
partially. Facade structure of second type is remarkable. Shop which
is located on the ground oor of the house has a seperate entrance.
Timber shutter which is produced for window openning on facade is
also used as a counter via opening horizontally and being supported
below. Through this mechanism, owner of the shop displays products
and one can shop on street without entering inside. When counter is
closed, it serves as a shutter and secures the shop.
Most examples of civil architecture are houses. Houses of the old
village of Eskihisar, which have large gardens for plantation, are
located on the border of the street. Although every house has a street
facade, entrances are from the gardens. Also inside gardens, there are
additional one-storey buildings which were built for elder people due
to rising population of family in time. One enters the garden from a
small door named kuzuluk- which is an opening on a bigger door
located on the high courtyard wall. All houses have outer sofa plan
type. Rooms without windows on the ground oors which functioned
as cowhouses at past, have turned to kitchens at present. Inside rooms
on the upper oor, there are replace and built-in closet on the same
wall where door is positioned, and also a bath cell called yunmalik is
inside that built-in closet. Chimneys and chimney nishings which has
same stone pattern of walls of replace, have authentic and original

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Experiences of urban and territorial rehabilitation in mediterranean

The existing biggest structure of the old village of Eskihisar is Saban
Aga Mosque in bazaar, which is also the only mosque undemolished.
It is claimed that Sultan Mosque, which is one of the two mosques of
the settlement that Evliya Celebi had mentioned, is Saban Aga Mosque
which was reconstructed in 1876 by Eskisar Family. Mosque is supposed
to have a dome on marble columns,but at present it has very simple
architectural features like gambrel roof on timber pillars and a square
shaped plan with dimensions of 15m/15m.
Right behind the mosque, a 14th century hammam locates on south
of the settlement. Hammam drawn by Ekram Akurgal on Stratonikeia
plan- is also located on south part of the settlement. Hammam
structures are constructed according to water sources. It worths to pay
attention that in both civilisation hammams were located on same
direction of the settlement. This situation is an example showing the
continuity in using the existing conditions.
When one compares main structures of Stratonikeia and the old village
of Eskihisar, an important dierence can be realized. Stratonikeia is
considered to have Hippodamus plan based on grid iron street and
neighbourhood system. But the old village of Eskihisar has entirely an
organic street system and structure. A considerable part of gymnasium
is under the bazaar. As gymnasium is a place for social activities in city
and the bazaar is a public space, one may claim that there is a continuity
from tih point of view.
Denitely, it will be possible to declare nal conclusions about
Stratonikeia and continuity after getting more data derived from the
archeological excavations. However, bringing the entire antic city
into the open is so hard because of the examples of civil architecture
located above. Thats why many points will remain as unknown and this
is unavoidable.
Stratonikeia or the old village of Eskihisar is a signicant and unique
example as a settlement as it keeps the characteristics of culture of
two dierent civilisation, succeeds to preserve its main structure and
shows a entirety. It is important to arrange the settlement of which all
architectural pieces were declared to be preserved in year 2002, as an
open-air museum in order to transfer the world heritage of previous
civilisations to future generations.

site plan




Anadolu Uygarlklar, stanbul Net Turistik Yaynlar, stanbul.


#B " 
i&TLJIJTBSEB5SL%FWSJ:BQMBSw Vakar Dergisi, no. 22: 365-382





Seyahatname, dal Neriyat , stanbul.


,B[M & 

w Mimarlk, no. 324: 38-42.


Corafya, Arkeoloji ve Sanat Yaynlar, stanbul.


5SQBO " 

i4USBUPOJLFJB,B[TBMNBMBSw V: Kaz almalar Toplants.











Expriences de rhabilitation urbaine et territorial en mditerrane

Experiencias de rehabilitacin urbana y territorial
Experiences of urban and territorial rehabilitation in mediterranean

Urban reading as a necessary tool for

projects in keeping with the traditional
contexts: assessment of urban projects
in Istanbul

Gulsen Ozaydin and Arzu KocabasM

Gulsen Ozaydin is currently an Associate Prof. Dr. in the Department
of City and Regional Planning, Faculty of Architecture, Mimar
Sinan Fine Arts University (MSFAU) in Istanbul. Her main interest
as developed from her PhD is the development of urban design
guidelines. She is an expert on urban design and researches into
variety of topics that include urban design, renewal of urban historic
cores, public space related issues. She is a member of the Regional
Conservation Board in Istanbul.
Arzu Kocabas is currently an Assistant Prof. Dr. in the Department of
City and Regional Planning, Faculty of Architecture, Mimar Sinan Fine
Arts University (MSFAU) in Istanbul and a Visiting Fellow at London
South Bank University (LSBU). She holds a BSc in architecture (TU);
MSc in urban design (MSFAU) and PhD in town planning (LSBU).
She has taken a leading role in creating an urban regeneration
specialism within the MSFAU City and Regional Planning Masters
Programme the rst of its kind in Turkey. She also has a continuing
interest in urban conservation, earthquake mitigation programmes,
urban regeneration and in comparing the Turkish planning system
with both European and Middle Eastern systems, with particular
reference to the need to reform the Turkish planning system.
Gulsen Ozaydin Feneryolu mah. Kuyubasi mah. Karnapoglu apt.
No:28/32 Kadikoy/Istanbul 34724 Turkey
Arzu Kocabas Sancaktar Hayrettin mah. Musir Suleyman sok. Murat
apt. F blok, no: 14/9, Fatih/Istanbul 34098 Turkey
E-mail addresses: and
G. Ozaydin:00905326244416 and A. Kocabas: 00905365182011

1. Introduction
A city is a dynamic structure that consists of various historic layers
developing within a particular type of cultural process. All of these
phases contain some kind of connecting order within and between
them. Within even the most complicated city, there is an orderly
connectedness, even though it may seem unsystematic Interventions
made with no reference to this orderly connectedness result in
unsuccessful urban spaces Sometimes locals end up leaving their
neighbourhoods, and most of the time new living areas are emerging,
which are not really sustainably connected with the rest of the citys
physical context.


This paper deals with the impact of large-scale urban projects which
are increasingly on the agenda in Istanbul, as the city strives to attract
and accommodate the new service industries that will underpin its
development as a global city (Kocabas, 2005 and 2006). The challenge is
how to incorporate such projects into city design, given their potential
impact on the unique silhouette, identity and collective memory of the
city. This paper aims to inform the development of these projects by
focusing on the reading of local criteria and city design.
2. Large-scale urban projects in Istanbul
stanbul Metropolitan Municipality (BB) includes the Istanbul
Metropolitan Municipality Metropolitan Planning and Urban Design
Centre (IMP) which has been given a special responsibility to organise
national and international competitions for large-scale urban projects
(image 1). Some projects have been identied by central government,
others by local government. The main features of four controversial
projects are analysed, in terms of their site location and characteristics,
aims and scope, with particular reference to their potential impact and
Galataport Urban Transformation Project
This central Istanbul project has been identied by central government.
It sets out development plans for the Salipazari-Karakoy area of 10 ha.
Since Galataport views the sea, it is very important for the silhouette of
the city. This port district has signicance historically, economically and
strategically. It was declared a touristic centre and protected area by
central government in 1994 and is in public ownership..
By maintaining the features of a port, the project seeks to re-vitalize the
district in line with current and functional urbanism and aims to aord
public access to the use of shore area. The project includes a harbour
facility for the tourist ships, ve star hotels, shopping centres, dutyfree shops, a cinema, museum, theatre and entertainment facilities. A
car parking garage and functional structures concerning security and
technical support are also included (Image 2). However, the project is
controversial because it undermines the silhoutte of the city and its
major historical monuments. The traditional city prospect seen from
the Bosphorus will be obscured.
Haydarpaaport Urban Transformation Project
This central government originated project focuses on Haydarpasa
Railway Station which is located on the Asian waterfront in the Kadikoy
District . This imposing building has long been regarded as stanbuls
door to Anatolia, since it is the starting point of Anatolian Railways.
It is also the point where inter-city rail routes and sea transport are
connected. It is an important structure in the collective memory of
Istanbul people. Its in public ownership. Immideately behind the
station are the listed buildings of the Selimiye Barracks and the former
Haydarpasa High School.This panorama of Haydarpaa is opposit the
Historic Peninsula and is a key visual component of the Asian silhouette
which is a crucial part of the environment of Istanbuls world heritage
Within the scope of this 130 ha. project, known as World Trade
Center and Cruvasier Port, Haydarpaa Station will be converted into
a shopping, tourism, cultural and business centre. Congress centres
and luxury buildings will be constructed. It is likely that the waterfront
will be transformed into marina and yacht club. The railway lines will
be cut o, and Haydarpaa Railway Station will lose its function. Yet

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Experiencias de rehabilitacin urbana y territorial
Experiences of urban and territorial rehabilitation in mediterranean

in 2006 Haydarpaa District was declared a Historical and Cultural

Conservation Area . The proposed construction of skyscrapers and
high towers for this sensitive zone and loss of the station has aroused
public controversy (image 2).
Dubai Towers Urban Transformation Project
This project was promoted by central government and is on the
European side. It will redevelop the IETT Bus Garage site on Bykdere
Street in the Levent axis which has become an important, skyscraper
dominated, business and nance centre, due its favourable location
in relation to Bosphorus bridges and motorway junctions (image 3).
In this context, this publicly owned site, can no longer function as a
bus garage due its massive increase in value as a prime site for highly
protable real estate development.
The site has been privatized. The IBB aims to invest the $ 900 million
capital from the sale in a range of social and welfare projects A multiuse dual tower complex, 370 m high is proposed. Discussions on
whether to construct the towers have brought the project to public
attention generated adverse reactions.
Kartal Urban Transformation Project:
This project was initiated by local government. .Kartal Municipality is
in the south-east of the Istanbul metropolitan area. Its Industrial Zone
includes a semi-derelict industrial area and a section of the Kartal
seafront. It has easy access to all Istanbul via the E-5 and E6 TurkeyEurope highways and the neighbouring Sabiha Gken Airport is
growing in importante. Another important factor is the proposed
reconnection of Kartal and Pendik with sea. To the south of the project
site lies the Marmara Sea and Princes Islands and to the north, quarry
landscapes . The 555 ha site is partly in public ownership and partly
privately owned (image 3).
The project aims to transform the derelict industrial area into a new
metropolitan sub-centre. The Kadikoy-Kartal LRT (Light Rail Transport
System) and a new port are considered the best alternatives for
improving access to Istanbuls central business districts. There will be
business centres, oce buildings, culture-art centres, high quality
housing, hotels, a yacht port and marina and recreational areas. A
new metropolitan sub-centre will be established. When the project
is realised, 100,000 jobs will be created and living conditions will be
improved for 2 million people.
For this Kartal Urban Transformation Project, initially three of worlds
leading architects, Zaha Hadid, Massimiliano Fuksas and Kisho
Kurukawa were asked by the IMP to prepare a concept plan in 2006.
A large public recreational development project was awarded to Zaha
Hadid.who proposes a new architectural network of geometric shapes
to form a new topography for Kartal and Pendik.The major concept
is to create soft grid as the underlying framework for this large-scale
redevelopment project.
This brief review has shown that large-scale urban projects emerging in
Istanbul are problematic in the sense that, as yet, they fail to signicantly
incorporate natural, historical, cultural and social aspects which make
Istanbul a unique city. Outline projects have been developed which
threaten to undermine signicant aspects of how the city can be read.

reading urban spaces which can help to address this problem.

Tschumi (Aydnl, 1999) re-evaluates the signicance of time in
architectural practice and regards architecture as an organic city
phenomenon, with no xed relationship between architectural form
and the events that take place within it. In his approach to urban
settings and micro surroundings Karaman (1995) regards content, form
and pattern as the basic variable components in urban design. During
the design of a city, the relations between these variable components
enable users to comprehend the design process. Merleau-Ponty (1994)
suggests that perception of space is authentic and whole which is
experienced daily in conscious level. Barthes (1993) argues that in
order to accomplish visible urban space and allow it to be read as a
text, urban images and gaps become signicant. Without one another,
it is not possible to comprehend the function of space.
Rossi (1982) argues that in todays cities there is little to secure
the everlasting values or assets of cities and for this reason, the
transformation process has to be closely analysed. According to Rossi,
one of the best mediums to study city is morphological analysis which
makes the characteristics of a city more comprehensible.. Rossi holds
that the city remembers its past or collective memory, and that we use
that memory through monuments; that is, monuments give structure
to the city. The characteristics of spaces in a city can be distinguished
from each other by means of analysis of morphology and history.
Rapaport (1982) stresses the meaning of constructed environment and
the signicance of cultural models in the formation of such environment.
Lynch (1974) perceives urban space from a consciousness perspective
and he nds the image of city in the readers of a city. The method of
Castex and Panerai (1971) suggest that certain concepts such as urban
space, the typology of components, growth, integration and readability.
In conclusion, it is possible to draw methodologies and concepts such
as those discussed above enable the evaluation of urban projects
through the application of criteria in the design process, which focus
on urban identity, cultural landscape and collective identity. In this
context, the proposed guidelines for the Hulme residential area
see box 1- illustrate what is needed for Istanbul, in order to sustain
its development as a unique version of metropolis, in the context of
global economic forces. This will require a rigorous analysis, informed
by theory and methodology to develop the design criteria which could
guide the evolution of mega-projects in stanbul.

Nota: Este artculo no se ha podido publicar en su totalidad por falta de espacio

3. The need to read urban spaces while considering large

scaled urban projects
There are approaches in theory and methodology regarding the


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Experiences of urban and territorial rehabilitation in mediterranean


Expriences de rhabilitation urbaine et territorial en mditerrane

Experiencias de rehabilitacin urbana y territorial
Experiences of urban and territorial rehabilitation in mediterranean

The eects of sociacultural and religious

transformation on the structure of the
city, the example of Ayvalik

M. Kerem zel
- PhD in Architectural Design (2004).
- Between 1998 and 2004 he worked as teaching and research
assistant in Faculty of Architecture at Mimar Sinan University in
Istanbul. Since 2005 he is working as Ass. Professor at the same
- Since 1995 he is participating in some urban projects, restorationconversation projects and national/international architecture-urban
competitions. In 2005 he won the 2nd prize at the national project
competition of Market District (Dogu Garaji and Halk Pazari) in
- He has collaborated with CEKUL Foundation (a NGO in Turkey) for
some non-prot organizations related with Eastern Anatolian part of
M.S.G.S.. Mimarlk Fakltesi Bina Bilgisi Krss, Meclis-I Mebusan
Cad. No.24 Fndkl 34427 Istanbul Turkey
E-mail address:,
+(90) 212 252 16 00

(internal:285), +(90) 535 623 54 11

This paper aims to discuss the eects of sociocultural and religious

transformation on the structure of an Aegean port town in Anatolia.
Ayvalk is an unusual Anatolian town because of its history. In the earlytweenteenth century, the town was turkized after being under the
inuence of Greek population and culture along for approximately two
century time. Its extraordinary history has aected its urban structure.
When we agree that at those time one of the dominant features
constituting a community was the religion, this paper chooses the
religious buildings as the case-study in order to analyse and discuss
the eects of sociocultural and religious transformation on the urban
In Ayvalk there were ten churches built in the territories of the town
in the Greek period. Most of them survived; one is still being used as a
church, some of them have become mosques, and some others are no
longer used for religious purposes.
There has been one mosque built in the Greek period. The Hamidiye
mosques dated to the late-nineteenth century, and it was built by
Sultan Abdlhamid the Second. Since the exchange in 1923, the Greek
churches in town have transformed into mosques by adding a minaret
and a mihrab.


Ayvalks most important urban feature is its topography. Three
geographical elements of topography, namely hills, plains and the coast
line, are determine the morphologhy of the city; routes of the paths,
structural characteristics of its districts, its edges, its boundaries, and
even the functional uses of the districts. In the urban structure nodes
and the sites of landmarks are formed by these components. (Fig. 01)
There are three hills surrounding the city by north, east and south
directions. Among them, the north one, called Ilk Kurun Tepesi (First
Bullet Hill), is the most distinctive one because of its steep and sharp
topography. According to some historians, the rst settlement in this
geography was established on the south-west slopes of this hill in order
to be protected from the north winds.
The coast line and the bottom line of the hills determine the main
routes of the city. There are four routes:
- The rst and the most important one is the Sefa Avenue; it is parallel
to the coast line along the north-south direction. In the north, Sefa
Avenue links the city with Balkesir and Istanbul. In the Greek period,
this avenue was marked by two important buildings, the Academy
in the north and Priest Ikonomos farm in the south.
- The second paralel route to the coast is Altnova Avenue, which is
also the bottom line of the eastern. This avenue links the city with
- The third one is Dereboyu Avenue; the rst perpendicular line to
the coast following the valley line between Ilk Kurun Tepesi on the
north and the eastern. This route is the most dominant one among
the paths providing the connection between Ayvalk and the small
villages inland.
- The fourth one, Altnova Avenue 18th Street, is also perpendicular to
the coast and has similar characteristics with the third one. It follows
the valley line between the eastern and southern hills.
In Ayvalk, the paths constituing the urban structure also dene the
districts with their dierent characteristics from one another. So the city
is divided into three districts:
- The hill district, the slopes of Ilk Kurun Tepesi, seemed to be divided
into two sub-districts, a high and a low one. The settlement on its
steep slopes has a radial pattern. Since the rst settlement in Ayvalk,
this part of the city is still the residential area. The lower area of the
district is close to the city center. The steep gradient weekens, and
the radial urban texture turns to organic pattern. The hill disrict
embodies the oldest religious buildings. The church of Proti Ilias,
the most important landmark of the Greek period located at the
highest point of the hill and has been the focal point of the hole
settlement on its slopes, didnt survive. Taksiyarhis and Agios Dimitri
churches are located on the slopes, Metropol and Agios Yannis
churches are located at the heart of the market where the slope


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Experiences of urban and territorial rehabilitation in mediterranean

- The coast district, the area bounded by the coast and the Sefa
Avenue, has a grid fabric. Both in the period of Greeks and Turks
who took over the trade and industry market, this district was used
especially for the olive growing and associated industries. Factories
with their long chimneys, warehouses and workshops dene its
character. The building blocks are narrow on the coast side and
long on their length. In the coast district, there has never been any
religious buildings.
- The middle district, the inland, has the most extensive and wide
building blocks among other districts. Funcitonally, a part of the
commercial center and weekly bazaar are located in this district, but
most of it is in residential use. There are ve churches where Agios
Yorgis and Kato Panaya churches are the focal points.
In Ayvalk, churches, which are serving as cores, provide the dwellings to
grow in their surroundings like in many Christian towns. Analysing the
settlements around these churches, it can be seen that the street fabric
and building blocks are formed around the churches. Furthermore, the
neighbourhoods around the churches are named after them.
Analysing the relationship between the routes of the city and the sites of
the churches, seven out of ten churches are located on the main routes.
Considering the choice of location, Agios Yorgios and Metropolitene
churches are the most important ones; they are located in the center
of the city at the nodes of main perpendicular and parallel routes to
the coast line.
As a result, churches played an important role on the urban structure in
the Greek period of Ayvalk because they both formed the cores of the
settlements and located on the main routes.
In general, churches as buildings are not eective in the skyline of
Ayvalk. There are a lot of reasons for this:
- Since the apse axis of the churches is perpendicular to the coast line,
the buildings of the churches appear in the skyline with their narrow
edges. Therefore, their eect in the skyline decreases.
- As we know, both the churches and the mosques become more
visible with the help of their vertical elements, such as the bell tower
and the minaret. In the case of Ayvalk, the bell towers of churches
disappear because of the strong cumulative eect of high factory
chimneys. The factory chimneys are dense on the sea side of the
Sefa Avenue. They constitue a vertical fabric, breaking the overall
horizontal urban landscape. As there are many, they cant be
perceived as single landmarks, on the contrary they are dominant
with their cumulative eect. Therefore, approaching Ayvalk from
the sea we can talk about a perception of abundance made of a
crowd of factory chimneys and bell towers instead of one single
tower or a few chimneys. (Fig. 02)
To understand the contribution of the single mosque, namely Hamidiye
mosque (Fig.03) on Ayvalks urban structure, rst of all, we have to
mention two subjects briey: the meaning of the mosque in Islamic
culture and the relationship between the mosques and the pre-existing
urban structures in Ottoman architecture.


- In Islamic world, the mosque, as a congregation place, functions as

a core around which an urban structure made of mostly residential
units. Moreover in the Ottoman civizilation, the mosque as the
primary component of the kulliye-complex, was used to be the
centre of new urban developments of settlement politics.
- In Islamic world, the vertical eect of the mosque is as important as
its congregational function. The mosque make its location visible
with its minaret as an emergent point. The contibution of Ottoman
architecture to this topic is that the mosque has become an urban
landmark dominant to the entire setting, not only with its minaret,
but also with its dome. Thus, it emphasizes the topography, can
be seen from far a distance, and sometimes claries the enteringexiting points of the city. The knowledge how to use and deal with
the topography make these characteristics possible.
In the light of this brief summary, when we analyse the eect of
Hamidiye mosque on Ayvalks urban structure, these facts can be
brought up:
- In contrast to the general attitude of the mosques in Islamic and
Ottoman world, Hamidiye mosque stands alone. Furthermore,
comparing it with the churches as cores of their neighbourhood in
Ayvalk, the solitude of Hamidiye mosque reveals more. One reason
trying to explain this isolation could be the minor Turk population
of those days. Consequently, if a specic Turkish neighbourhood
couldnt be mentioned, being the core of a Muslim settlement
couldnt be the Sultans intention while building a mosque in
- Approaching the city from the north via Balkesir-Istanbul road, just
before entering the city via Sefa Avenue, there is a small hill, which
can easily be seen from the road, creates a narrow passage to the
city because of its closeness to the coast. That is the location where
Hamidiye mosque rises as a landmark. This eect of landmark doesnt
weaken while approaching the city from the sea, as well. In contrast
to the monumental churches lost in the urban structure; Hamidiye
mosque, which is located a little bit outside of the town but on a
small hill in the foreground, can easily be distinguished n the urban
skyline from the dense fabric of the city and the cumulative eect of
factory chimneys. (Fig.04)
In the light of the mentioned analyses above, we can come up with
two dierent conclusions:
- The rst one; in 1923, when Ayvalk went through the most essential
sociocultural and religious changes, there wasnt a single signicant
transformation on its urban structure. This fact can be explained by
the cultural similarities between the exchanged Greeks and Turks.
Although there was an exchange of racial and religious population,
there was a fewer transformation in terms of sociocultural and
economical aspects: The new-settled Turks took over the Greeks
factories, and the churches were transformed into the mosques.
- The other conclusion is that a small but symbolically important
addition to Ayvalks urban structure was done with the impact of
the Greek revolution in 1821. This caused a modest transformation
on the urban structure.

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Experiencias de rehabilitacin urbana y territorial
Experiences of urban and territorial rehabilitation in mediterranean

It was the Hamidiye mosque which seems to have a symbolical attitude

embodying the power of the central government rather than serving
as a congregational place for the muslim community; the power of
imperial capital, taking the rule over, following the mutiny, which came
after a period of economical and cultural prosperity provided by the
autonomy of a city-state.

Fig. 1

Fig. 2

Fig. 3

Fig. 4


Expriences de rhabilitation urbaine et territorial en mditerrane

Experiencias de rehabilitacin urbana y territorial
Experiences of urban and territorial rehabilitation in mediterranean

Conservation of cultural heritage and

local identity of Asansor district of

Mine Tanac Kiray

Conservation Specialist, M.arch 1999, Phd 2003, Working at Dokuz
Eylul University Faculty of Architecture Department of Restoration as
an Instructor since 2003.
Research Interests: Sustainability of cultural heritage, Cultural identity,
Architectural preservation of historical Environment and Monumental
Buildings, Jewish Architecture, Religious Buildings, Ancient Greek
Address:Dokuz Eylul Univercity Faculty Of Architecture Tnaztepe
Campus 35160 Buca-Izmir Turkey
E-mail :
Telephone: 00 90 232 4128410

Historical Process Of Asansor District

In connection with Mithat Paa Street parallel to the coastline; Asansor
District is a signicant urban environment with the Elevator Building
that forms a vertical dierentiation in the horizontal coastal skyline
of Izmir, the natural rock formation that this building leans on and
several 19th and early 20th century houses located in the area used
by Jewish population and two synagogues Beit Israil locating on
the coastal level and Roos Aar locating on the top level. The urban
developments necessitated the establishment of a connection
between the coastal and upper level settlementsi. The topographic
barrier between Mithatpaa and Halil Rfat Pasa Streets has been a
practical solution for the problematic transportation caused by the
natural rock formation after which the district of Karatas has been
named. A Jewish businessman Nesim Levi Bayrakl commissioned the
Elevator in 1907, climbing 56 meters high compensating two Jewish
neighbourhoods. This historical context with the historical elevator
was the representation of the Jewish life occurred in this territory, and
the symbol, identity of the Jewish presence in the region. This Jewish
settlement was formed during 19th century due to the fact that the
communication network had spread towards Karatas and that the Jews
with better incomes preferred a seaside locationii.
It should be noted that Asansor-Elevator has been constructed
only ve years after the cast iron Santa Justa Elevator dated to 1902,
constructed by Gustave Eiels follower Raul Mesnier du Ponsard in
Lizbon to overcome a similar topographic barrier. The Lift in Izmir has
steel construction walls with brick inll and a massive core. The original
structure of the complex consisted of a mechanical room, elevator
entrance and guardhouse on the lower level and the restaurant and
vista terrace on the upper leveliii.
During 1970s most of the Jewish population living in Karatas territory
has moved to Alsancak District of Izmir and most of the houses were
emptied. The historical Elevator has also lost its function, and was not in


use till the period when the restoration process has started. Within the
century, the space on the upper level has been used for several dierent
functions such as photography house, cinema, theatre, social center
and casino. The guardhouse on the lower level has been demolished.
Due to the outdated technological properties and worn out physical
structure, the building has been transformed to the Municipality in
The restoration of the historical Lift put this territory into use again.
The historical context, which the Lift was, situated in the centre, was
renovated in 1994.
The Rehabilitation Project
The cultural development project of Historical Asansor (Elevator) and its
environment was designed by Architect Zehra Ekinci and Oktay Ekinci
in 1990, and restored by the municipality in 1994.
The purpose of the renovation project is; rstly to renovate the Elevator
which was not functioning and the building complex, which stands on
the upper level as a place for public to spend their leisure times with
the functions such as a restaurant, a Genoese tavern, an open-air caf,
and a-view terrace over the city and the bay, secondly to renovate the
building complex at the lower level again for public for cultural activities
such as a library, an art square, and nally to rehabilitate the environs of
the Asansor, especially the 302 street that connects Asansor to Mithat
Pasa Street which will be named as Dareo Moreno Street after the
renovation implementationsiv, and 305 Street combining the square in
front of the Elevator to Beit Israil Synagogue with the traditional houses
bordering the streets. The 302 street was named as Dareo Moreno
Street after the Jewish singer Dareo Moreno as a symbolic continuity
of the ethnical structure of the Karatas District. The renovation of the
houses locating on Mithatpasa Street never proposed or considered
within the project.
The most important item, which will carry this project to future, is
the rehabilitation of the Elevator Building. Due to its being so hard to
use the original working system of the lift; the mechanical structure
has been renovated and replaced by an electrically powered system
during restoration process. The unique old engines, and machines of
the Elevator are moved to a depot where is supposed to be functioned
as the art gallery after the restoration process. Afterwards the lift again
started combining the two levels as in the beginning of the 20th
Parallel to this 302 street the Dareo Moreno Street has been
transformed into a public pedestrian way surrounded by a historical
pattern which is formed of typical traditional two-storied houses
combining the Elevator to Mithatpasa Street. The facades of the houses
of 302 Street were renovated and rehabilitated in order to maintain a
healthy, clean street pattern for the public who uses this pedestrian
way to the Elevator. These houses were estimated to be used as art
schools, and art galleries combining with the art square in front of the
Elevator. The art square was named as the Painters Square and it is
supposed that the students, artists would paint here in the middle of
the square. The facades of the houses located on 305 Street, which is
combining the Asansor Square to Synagogue, were also rehabilitated.
Comments And Conclusion
At the broadest level, the historical and cultural heritage belongs to
all people. We each have a right and responsibility to understand,
appreciate and conserve its universal values. Our past is the most

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Experiences of urban and territorial rehabilitation in mediterranean

important resource in creating our future and, leads us to integrate

our cultural identities with our new living environments. Obviously
the cultural and historical values that one cultural landscape or city
owns, form the local identity of that settlement. Asansor District is an
important local identity texture within the city.
The Conservation Approach to Cultural Assets in Turkey is not as old
and comprehensive as that seen in Europe, but have been improved
since the Turkish Republic had been founded. Especially has reached
to its peek starting from 1985s through introducing the eects of
the recent amendment on cultural heritage law and the impact of
the EU integration process. This rehabilitation project was one of the
important implementations of the Preservation Law No.2863, brought
in 1987, which redened the site and the importance of preservation
of a group of buildings, districts as a whole.
Renovation projects especially if it is related to a pattern like in Asansor
District, can sometimes be not achieve all of its goals as it is supposed
to be, because it has so many inputs. Some parts of the projects that is
claimed to be carried out to the future cannot be obtained. To criticize
the implementations done on site, one should gure out the whole
picture. The important thing is how far these values are carried to future.
So this project will be criticized in the manner mentioned above.
After the rehabilitation process the scene of the district can be
dened as; the building still serves as a means of transportation while
contributing the social life of the city with the restaurants, bar and the
exhibition hall. The buildings related to the Elevator building in the
upper level are functioning as proposed in the renovation project as a
restaurant, a Genoese tavern, an open-air caf, and a-view terrace over
the city and the bay, but the lower buildings and the square in front of
the Elevator building are not functioning as it is supposed in the project.
The rehabilitated houses on 302 and 305 Streets are standing still as the
stage scene of this pedestrian road, forms a clean and a healthy street
characteristic, but could not be functioned as it is supposed to be like
art schools or art galleries, the houses are still not in use now.
According to the results and nowadays uses of this district, it can be
said that the renovation project has reached to its goal even if some
parts of the main purposes can not be achieved during the process
like transforming the traditional houses with cultural functions such as
art schools, or galleries. But the important thing here, which makes the
project considerable as successful, is the districts transformation into a
liveable environment, into nowadays space. The people use this district
and the elevator itself because the environment is healthy and safe, and
the buildings related to the elevator as in the historical process within
the healthy conditions. This project helped the district carry its cultural
and historical values to nowadays and became a landmark within the
city as in 20th century.
What can be done more for this district as a proposal is the rehabilitation
of the two-storied traditional Levantine type houses on Mithatpasa
Street. This item was not considered within the rehabilitation project,
but because these houses are rare examples surviving in that district to
nowadays and form a continuity of the historical pattern like the houses
of 302 and 305 Streets, rehabilitation of these values is very important.
The rehabilitation of the houses locating on 302 and 305 streets can
be spread to Mithatpasa Street, which forms the entrance of this 302
Dareo Moreno Street.

Ekinci, Zehra-Oktay, 1990, zmir Tarihi Asansr ve evresi Kltrel Gelitirme Projesi zerine
Dnceler,(Thoughts About Izmrs Historical Asansor and Environment Rehabilitation
Project) Kltr ve Tabiat Varlklarn Koruma 2 Nolu Blge Kurulunun Raporu.
Kiray Tanac Mine, 2003, Osmanl Kentlerinde Sefarad Kltrnn Dnmnn Mimariye
Yansmas zmir rnei (Reections of Sefardim Culture in Ottoman Cities Case Izmir), Phd
Thesis, Izmir.
Aksoy Yasar, 2000, Benim Asansrm (My Elevator), zmir Kent Kltr Dergisi (Izmir City
Culture Journal), zmir

Kiray Tanac Mine, 2003, pp.276


Kiray Tanac Mine, 2003, pp.182


Aksoy Yasar, 2000, pp.18


Zehra Ekinci, Oktay Ekinci, 1990, pp.2

Fig. 2


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Fig. 1

Fig. 1b

Fig. 3

Fig. 4


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Railway Heritage of Istanbul: Marmaray

& Urban Regeneration Projects*

Yonca Kosebay Erkan

Received MA in 1996 in Historic Preservation (Yildiz Technical
University), Masters of Science in Architecture Studies in 1998
(Massachusetts Institute of Technology), completed PhD in 2007
(Istanbul Technical University). Dissertation title is The Anatolian
Railway and Its Preservation. Has worked at the Yildiz Technical
University (1995-1999) and Istanbul Technical University, Humanities
and Social Sciences Department since 2000.
Hulya Sok. No:2/10 Kadikoy Istanbul 81300 TURKEY
E-mail address:
90 532 273 59 11

Railway construction in Istanbul started on both sides of the strait in the

late 19th century as two separate projects. The Rumeli Railway between
Sirkeci and Kkekmece on the European side was constructed
between 1870 and 1872 by Baron Hirsch. The Anatolian Railway on the
Asian side from Haydarpaa to zmit completed in 1872 was built by
the Ottoman State and later taken over by the German Consortium.
In the following years, the Rumeli Railway became part of the Orient
Express and the Anatolian Railway became the departure point of
the Baghdad Railway. As two separate ventures, the buildings along
each line display dierent architectural characteristics. Yet, each of the
companies employed conventional projects in the construction of
the railway buildings. Today these lines belong to the Turkish National
Railways and many of the stations, lodgings, ateliers, merchant depots
and water tanks still remain today. These buildings embody the railway
heritage of Istanbul.
Of this railway heritage the stations that have been registered as
cultural assets on the European side are Bakrky in 1992, Yeilky in
1995, Yedikule in 1992, and Sirkeci in 1979, meanwhile on the Asian
side Haydarpaa in 1997, Kzltoprak, Feneryolu, Suadiye, Bostanc
in 2004, Gztepe in 1988, Erenky in 1979, Maltepe 2005, Kartal in
1997, and Gebze in 1992. In every station complex, the numbers of
historic buildings remaining vary. For example; at Yeilky there are
nine buildings, whereas at Sirkeci the entirety of the station complex
is under legal protection. These buildings have managed to preserve
their architectural qualities intact over the years, however since the
millennium, their annual maintenance has been neglected and some
major projects threatening their presence are underway.
One of the biggest global projects of our century is the Marmaray
Project, which will connect railway lines on both sides of the Bosporus
strait via underwater tunnel. This project attempts to use the existing

double-track railway and turn it into a triple-track, therefore it has

major consequences upon the railway heritage. Another risk facing the
railway heritage is the urban regeneration projects developed by the
Municipality of Istanbul. These projects are assigned at several locations
in Istanbul, not specic to the railways. Yet, each of them overlaps with
the historic railway centers. Haydarpaa Urban Regeneration Project
is an outcome of the Marmaray Project. The project focuses on the
railway terminal at Haydarpaa (1908), supposing that the area will
be abandoned with the commencement of the Marmaray Project.
Another is the Kartal Urban regeneration Project which will take place
at the east end of Istanbul, and it aims to form a second city center,
rehabilitating the old stone mines and its surroundings. The historic
railway station at Kartal stays within in the limits of this project. A third
urban regeneration project is designed at the west end of the city, at
Zeytinburnu, where a commercial port is planned in conjunction with
the railway. In this paper the possible eects of such projects on the
railway heritage will be discussed. However it should be admitted that
for all of the ongoing projects there are great shortages of technical
information vis a vis the cultural assets. Due to the shroud of secrecy
surrounding the projects, national and international NGOs have put
o remarking against the consequences of the projects regarding the
The Marmaray Project is a commuter rail system, connecting Halkal
on the European side with Gebze on the Asian side. The line goes
underground at Yedikule, continues through the Yenikap and Sirkeci
new underground stations, passes under the Bosphorus, connects to
the skdar new underground station and emerges at Stleme
(Lykke and Belkaya, 2005:600). Existing double track on both sides of
the strait will be upgraded to triple track while the tunnel under the
Bosporus and Istanbul will be a double track passage. The entire system
will be 76 km. long of which 13.4 km. will be underground. Three
underground stations as well as thirty-seven surface stations (thirty-six
new), an operational control center, yards, workshops, maintenance
facilities, will be constructed. The time schedule of the project is to
open the commuter train for commercial operation before March 2010.
During its construction, the present commuter system will be closed
for operation for two years.
The subsurface antiquities have been a great challenge for the design
and development of the project. At three locations archaeological
excavations are underway. Several historic objects, buildings and
shipwrecks brought into daylight will be preserved in situ with a
museographical concept. UNESCO and national preservation board
remarked Marmaray, for the archaeological ndings. However the
below constraints, that are mainly regarding the railway heritage, are
little discussed at national and international platforms.
This project bares several complications: Marmaray project will have
thirty-seven stations. Of these, only one will be reused, the other
thirty-six of them will be new constructions. In other words, eighteen
historic stations (Sirkeci, Kumkap, Yenikap, Kocamustafapaa, Yedikule,
Bakrky, Yeilky, Haydarpaa, Kzltoprak, Feneryolu, Gztepe, Erenky,
Suadiye, Bostanc, Maltepe, Kartal, Pendik, Gebze), will be abandoned
and lose their original function, therefore questions arise about their
reuse. On the other hand, new functions for them have not yet been
Another major problem is that the proposed lines try to t into the


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Experiences of urban and territorial rehabilitation in mediterranean

existing tracks of the railway and upgrading it to a triple track causing

limitations for the installment of the new facilities. The eaves of the
stations will be cut o, and the historic structures will be subject to the
vibration caused by the high-speed trains passing nearby. Therefore
the longevity of the railway heritage will not be safeguarded. The
interrelation and unity between the historic structures within a station
center will be lost. In this case, the responsible bodies claim that the
historic buildings will be preserved seems to be illusory.
The proposed increase in commuter passengers will create great redevelopment pressures at the station centers. The commuter trains
will bypass both of the present terminals situated by the sea shore,
that of the Haydarpaa and Sirkeci. These port stations enable railway
passengers to exploit sea transportation, which also provides an
alternative transportation system, otherwise bound to an underwater
tunnel. At the same time, these terminals are the top ranking railway
heritage buildings due to their historic, architectural and cultural
qualities of not only Istanbul but that of Turkey. Should Marmaray bypass
Haydarpaa, thirteen registered railway buildings within a 600.000 M2
area will be pushed into an urban regeneration project. Nonetheless,
with public and NGO involvement, Haydarpaa has been declared a
cultural and historic preservation site in 2006. Sirkeci was declared a
cultural site, due to its location by Topkapi Palace in 1995. For Sirkeci
terminal, it is stipulated that the existing railway will be used as part of
the light metro system, and Sirkeci Station will be a museum. However,
these ashes of ideas are yet to be widely discussed.
Apart from physical constraints, the project has management problems
as well. The double track passage through the under water tunnel
urges international and cargo trains to pass only at limited intervals.
Marmarays connection with the high-speed intercity trains causes
similar management problems.
The European Union has declared Istanbul, the European Cultural Capital
for 2010. This nomination, as well as current political implications put
great pressure on Istanbul for its global marketing. Urban regeneration
projects, act as a tool for this economically driven achievement, along
with privatization, promotion of the public lands etc. Today, purposely
or un-purposely, historic railway buildings in Istanbul are at risk. In many
of the current documents, these buildings are referred to as being worn
out, old, dicult and expensive to renew. The consciousness for the
railway heritage is limited to a very narrow academic environment.
Yet railway buildings hold great potential for contemporary uses. In
general, their structural conditions are sound and suitable for extended
uses. In order to include these buildings into daily lives of the people,
some suggestions are proposed:
1. Turkish National Railways should identify the buildings having cultural
and historic importance. The inventory prepared should refer to the
buildings importance whether historic, cultural or architectural.
These buildings should be included in the maintenance program
2. For the management of the railway heritage, a special oce at the
Turkish National Railways responsible for cultural assets should be
organized, where preservation professionals should be employed.
3. Railway heritage should be registered and protected both legally
and physically.
4. The integrity of the railway heritage should be safeguarded, against
present and future threats.
5. Reuse of the railway heritage should be planned in accordance with
buildings capabilities, not based on nancial concerns.


6. Haydarpaa ought to have a specic preservation plan: Haydarpaa

should preserve its identity as a train station. Haydarpaas name
comes from the meadow that once lay there. Therefore with its new
program, a recreational character should be stressed. Haydarpaa
should continue to be a junction point of trains with the sea
transportation. The historic buildings in this area should be reused
for cultural purposes such as a contemporary art museum, sculpture
museum, railway museum, railway library etc. Construction of new
cultural buildings, such as facilities for children, could turn this area
into a culture hub, which is of vital importance for Istanbul.

Lykke S.and Belkaya H., 2005. Marmaray Project:The Project and its management, Tunelling
and Underground Space Technology, 20, 600-603.
Kosebay Erkan, Y., 2007. Anadolu Demiryolu evresinde Gelien Mimari ve Korunmas, Ph.D.
Thesis, Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul.

This paper has been extracted from the PhD. thesis titled Anadolu Demiryolu evresinde
Gelien Mimari ve Korunmas, Istanbul Technical University, 2007.

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Experiences of urban and territorial rehabilitation in mediterranean

To have a new point of view on an

ancient port: alacati hotel project

Zafer Sagdic
Zafer SAGDIC, PhD.
Yildiz Technical University
Fac. of Architecture
Dept. Of Architecture
History of Architecture Branch
Architect: Barbaros SAGDIC
Proje Limited Co.

The phenomenon of urbanization becomes visible when social
identity combines with culture through social relations. What makes
cities dierent from each other and what assigns them their identity
is the accumulation of culture. Thus, the past goes on existing without
losing its identity and has the chance of extending itself into the future
by projects having conservational point of view in macro and micro
It can be said that architectural space quality can became higher and as
a result of using new and qualied materials reliability and maintenance
of the project zones can be provided by rehabilitation and conservation
Alacati, where was an important port in the 16th centurys trading life
and an important socio-cultural site in the 19th centurys Ottoman
civil architecture, especially with its stone houses, on Aegean sea-side
corridor, is one of the famous and important surf-centers of the world
today. Not only with the well-organized touristical services inside the
city-center, but also with the untouchable magnicent Ottoman civil
architecture examples and with its special wind and sea for surf-lovers,
Alacati is an unique part of Mediterranean zone. To give new function
on important historical and touristical zones in the name of being
conservative and without damaging the ancient and original identity,
is a world wide architectural concept.
Thus, the paper will have the process of Alacati Hotel Project, which
has designed in a point of view by styling according to the original and
historical identity of the city, but also by creating a modern look away
from post-modern architectural fantasies.
2. History of The Site:
In the 16th century, Cesme district of Izmir was the trading gate
of Anatolia. It is known that mostly Cenevizians traders have been
settled down on Sakiz Island, where is facing to Cesme. When Sakiz
Island started to be ruled by Ottomans in 1556, Izmir took the role of
Cesme in trading. In 1850s the marsh eld on the south side of Alacati
(Cesme), where is the biggest zone of Cesme was dried and a canal was

structured between Alacati and the natural port in the south, under
the ferman of the Sultan. Meanwhile, construction on this natural port
has been started under the head of Architect Haji (Pilgrim) Memish
Aga. It is known that Greek workers moved to Alacati because of this
project. Therefore, Greek civil architecture examples, which are still
standing, have been constructed. Before 19th century the population
of Alacati was approximately 45.000 people. In the beginning of 20th
century, immigrants from Yugoslavia and Macedonia moved to Cesme
and bring tobacco production to Cesme. After 1980s Cesme became a
touristical place and especially Alacati became a wind-surf paradise.
3. Alacati Hotel Project:
Alacati Hotel is located on 83 km. far from city center of Izmir. Alacati
Hotel Project is designed under the general decisions of Alacati
Municipalitys touristical development project in macro-scale. There
are some rehabilitation projects going on the center of Alacati. On
these projects originality of traditional architectural peculiarities are
conserved. Also, within the last years the need of touristical centers is
seen parallel to wind-surf facilities. Thus, Alacati Hotel Project is put on
the agenda.
Project site is designed as a part of the city center, parallel to Greek
urban-planning principles. Boutique hotel units with dierent facades
are located on the two side of a main square as traditional Greek houses
facing to eachother on the two sides of a street with an idea to design an
agora type urban-space. There is a swimming pool, social facility space
and children playground parts on this main square (agora) according
to modern need and requirements. Each boutique hotel units have
dierent architectural peculiarities.
The main aim of the project is to conserve the original characteristic
of the district and preserve its importance and cultural identity and
pass them to new generations. The sub-aims are to emphasize the
importance of the image of Alacati district and to design a square
surrounded by boutique hotel units not only in a unique way, but also
to create a pure and modern appearance.
The Alacati Hotel Project consists of four phases as follows:
a. Analytical study of the project site;
b. Creation of the design project including 1/200 scale site plan, 1/100
scale plans, sections and elevations, 1/50 scale detailed plans;
c. Design of secondary units, infrastructure and urban furniture;
d. Presentation phase including 1/100 scale 3 D drawings and
4. Conclusion:
Today (2007) the application stage of the project, which is divided into
several phases, is going on. By the end of the 2007 Alacati Hotel Project
will be complete and the square will be open for public usage.

Proje Limited Co. Archive, El-Irak Apt. 269-3 Cumhuriyet Cad., Istanbul, Turkey


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Fig. 1a Site Plan of Alacati Hotel Project

Fig. 1b Site Plan of Alacati Hotel Project.


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Experiences of urban and territorial rehabilitation in mediterranean

Modern treatment of open public

space in the traditional settlements
of northern Greece: An intermediate

Dimitrios Zygomalas
Dimitrios Zygomalas, Architect Engineer, MA in Conservation Studies
A graduate of the School of Architecture of the Aristotle University
of Thessaloniki and of the postgraduate course on conservation
studies of the University of York. Currently a doctoral student, studying
the history of conservation in northern Greece. His writings focus
on conservation theory and practice, with emphasis on the Greek
Postal address:
101, Solonos Street, 54248 Thessaloniki, GREECE
E-mail address:
(+30) 2310319476

The rehabilitation of traditional settlements is a relatively recent
addition in the Greek conservation agenda. It began in the 1980s and
assumed a vigorous pace in the 1990s. Yet with eorts centring on the
conservation of individual structures and on the integration of new
buildings, other associated issues were neglected. Among them, was
the treatment of open public space, namely streets and squares.
In northern Greece, care for the latter is still anticipated in most cases.
Nonetheless, tourist development and the pursuit of better living
standards have produced certain enhancements that allow, for the
time being, an intermediate appraisal. A characteristic selection of four
will be addressed to this end, namely the ones conducted in Nymfaion,
Kiriotissa (city of Veria), Ano Poli (city of Thessaloniki), and Afytos.
The relevant criteria can be drawn from international conservation
standards. The 1976 UNESCO recommendation on the safeguarding
and contemporary role of historic areas called on one hand for a
balance between motor trac and the special characteristics of the
built environment, with parallel encouragement of pedestrian trac.
On the other, it required protection from disguring cable poles and
large advertising signs and harmonious integration of signs, pavements
and furniture (30,32). The 1987 ICOMOS Charter on the Conservation of
Historic Towns and Urban Areas merely added a request for appropriate
improvement of public service facilities (8), which was repeated in
the 1999 ICOMOS Charter on Managing Tourism at Places of Heritage
Signicance (3.4).

In the wake of these guidelines, two basic issues arise, though the
discussion of which a comprehensive appraisal can be achieved.
a) Circulation arrangement
As with all traditional settlements in Greece, the street layout of the
selected four was shaped trough a dynamic process, which, depending
on the ground rise, yielded either compact or extended networks with
certain common characteristics. These were the labyrinthine format
of the whole, the narrowness of the streets compared to modern
standards, the abundance of dead alleys and the connement of social
interaction areas to a central square and few relatively broad street
Providing for vehicle trac in such a context may rst involve alterations
to the width of existing streets or opening up new ones, on condition that
changes are limited to as much as necessary and to as little as possible.
This requisite has been largely satised in the selected settlements, yet
not entirely as a result of conscious restraint. The case of Ano Poli is
characteristic of a widely encountered coincidental factor that has also
played a role. The original layout proved resistant to the opening up of
streets that would surely augment vehicle trac because of a shortage
of funds that cancelled the necessary expropriations. Regrettably, this
shortage also retarded the localized changes aimed to facilitate access
of residents and emergency vehicles without damaging irreparably the
historic fabric.
Further pursuit of balance with a view to encouraging pedestrian
circulation requires control over vehicle entry and parking. A consistent
policy on both is witnessed only in Nymfaion, where entry by car is
allowed solely to residents and suppliers. Vehicles carrying visitors are
obliged to stop at a parking space before the settlement, with a ring
road providing a necessary alternative to approaching areas located
at a distance for the main visitor entrance, while further minimizing
incoming trac. Hence, the streets prove an attractive pedestrian
domain (Pict.1), which could be further enhanced if parking inside the
settlement was properly arranged.
In the remaining ensembles, the picture is much dierent. In Ano Poli,
the large size of the settlement rules out visitor movement only on foot.
From there on, without control over vehicle distribution and parking
and cut through movement, motor trac takes full priority. Pedestrian
circulation is gravely obstructed and the few social interaction areas
are either obliterated or made dicult to access. In Afytos, free entry
and parking of vehicles puts a strong burden on the central area of the
settlement, which is reduced only in the summer evening hours, when
vehicle access is forbidden. Yet this measure simply moves the burden
to other areas, thus leaving an open wound. Finally, in Kiriotissa, motor
trac and parking are again uncontrolled (Pict.2), yet the narrowness
of many streets allows in certain areas ample room for pedestrian
circulation. In Kiriotissa, one also encounters a rare example of a rest
area accommodated in the place of a destroyed building, an ingenious
addition in an environment featuring few such spaces.
b) Aesthetic and functional enhancement
Turning to the aesthetic and functional adequacy of open public space,
one is in all cases faced with a goal rather than an accomplishment.
The streets and squares of the four settlements have been certainly
spared of large advertising signs, but not of cable poles, which


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particularly in Ano Poli, Afytos and Kiriotissa make unobstructed views

a mere coincidence (Pict.3). In Nymfaion, the overall presence of the
characteristic tall posts carrying a disordered cable network proves
rather discreet. Still, disgurement is a fact, also involving an unsightly
telecommunications antenna on the main square. Underground cable
placement has moved ahead only in Ano Poli, where the necessary
infrastructure was constructed along three major routes in 1985, but
has not been utilized so far.
As much as large advertising signs and cable poles may be rejected for
aesthetic reasons, functional standards -needless to remind in places
aiming to function both as living settlements and visitor attractionsmake other features indispensable. Street lamps could be credited with
the widest dispersion in the four ensembles, though in areas away from
main routes, particularly in Afytos and Nymfaion, lighting is also left to
lamps xed on the cable poles. Another thing to be noted about Afytos
and Nymfaion is the short height of the lamp posts, which minimizes
considerably their functionality.
The remaining kinds of street furniture basically complement main
routes and squares. Litter bins, a clear minority compared to the widely
dispersed wheelie bins, are even available at selected places along the
main streets of Ano Poli, Kiriotissa and Afytos. Public phones, water
fountains and sitting places are grouped in all cases in the squares,
except for few appearances of the last two on the main street network of
Afytos and Nymfaion, and beyond, in Ano Poli. In Afytos and Nymfaion,
the squares also accommodate restaurant furniture without substantial
With respect to the squares, one cannot ignore the absence of
information centres and public toilets, while in the wider public space,
the lack of complete networks of signs for the identication and
direction to notable buildings and places ought to be underlined. The
very few existing signs follow in all cases an unorganised arrangement,
in addition to directing to a minimum of important buildings and areas.
Also absent are maps with a clear identication of signicant places.
Only before entering Nymfaion, does one encounter a picture of the
settlement with highlighted places of interest. Yet it proves useful
only for initial navigation, as no similar feature is available inside the
From the aesthetic point of view, the existing street furniture leaves
much to be desired. Street lamps and benches are in all cases traditionallooking manufactures, far from features that are similarly compatible,
yet also creative in their own right. The distance from creativity is
even more evident in the structures supporting public phones, while
strangely enough, litter bins, wheelie bins and signs prove, with the
exception of the litter bins in Nymfaion, fully deant of integration,
being objects that are commonly encountered in modern Greek cities.
A denial of creativity in favour of traditional styling is further witnessed
in the shaping of rest corners and squares that were created from
scratch. Their simple, yet conservative layouts are contrasted merely
in Kallithea square of Ano Poli with a more dynamic, though not
fully functional outcome. Also worth noting is the inadequacy of tall
vegetation, counterbalanced in the central square of Afytos with totally
inappropriate palm tree plantings.
The paving of the squares, along with that of the streets, points to
yet another case of traditional styling. The overall use of traditional
materials serves well compatibility, but the way in which they are laid
leaves little room for an additionally creative and coherent statement
over surfaces paved for the rst time (Pict.4). The more decorative


patterns in particular combine unbalanced mixtures of materials with

over-decorative designs that render even compatibility questionable.
A notable exception is the main street of Nymfaion, where a modern
technique produced compatible results in terms of form, texture and
colour, while also highlighting the hierarchy of the street network. Little
can of course be said about Ano Poli and Afytos, where certain streets
are still covered with asphalt.
Reaching the end of the two-fold evaluation, conclusions can be far
from positive. Appropriate arrangement of vehicle and pedestrian
circulation remains a goal, with Nymfaion showing a way for Afytos
and Kiriotissa and Ano Poli requiring a more complex approach with
emphasis on controlling vehicle distribution and parking. Aesthetic and
functional enhancement is also a largely unmet challenge. Basic utilities
need to be complemented and spread further than the main routes
and squares, whereas a combination of compatibility with creativity is
required for street furniture, pavements and layouts introduced for the
rst time. Above all, holistic treatments are needed if open public space
is to become a functional and attractive contributor to the sustainable
rehabilitation of northern Greek traditional settlements.

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Experiences of urban and territorial rehabilitation in mediterranean

Picture 1: Main street of Nymfaion.

Picture 2: Street in Kiriotissa (city of Veria).

Picture 3: Main street of Afytos.

Picture 4: Street pavement in Ano Poli (city of Thessaloniki).


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Experiences of urban and territorial rehabilitation in mediterranean

Rehabilitation and inll design projects

in listed areas in Greece. A fragmented
urban rehabilitation approach. The
case of the Upper Town quarter of

Nikos Kalogirou, Alkmini Paka

Greek state policy faced considerable diculties and proved

incompetent in preserving the traditional architectural heritage of the
country at an urban scale.
Talking about traditional settlements we should distinguish two major
categories of larger scale nuclei:
1. The autonomous traditional settlements not connected to an
urban center.
2. The traditional fabric of towns and cities that coexist with planned
larger scale urban areas.
For the rst group, conservation depended largely on the extent to
which pressure for development - mainly for tourist purposes - had
been managed successfully by state conservation services and the
local population. Those conserved, were either those abandoned
or those where the economic pressure for their development came
at a moment when general appreciation of their preservation was a
condition commonly accepted and sometimes synonymous to their
economic development.
In this paper, we will be dealing with case studies that belong to the
second group.
The rise of land values in all greek urban centers after the 60s, had as a
result the total reconstruction of Greek towns, a process that changed
their townscape rapidly and drastically. This process was carried out plot
by plot since the state promoted the activity of the private construction
sector in order to resolve housing problems.
The question of housing was the result of mass migration of the
countrysides population towards the urban centers after the Second
World War and the civil war that followed. Construction sector was a
vital part of Greek economy and a major tool for the reconstruction of
the country.
Land use control and conservation issues at that point had considerable
political cost that the state was unwilling to take. So even though the
legislative framework would provide means for actual conservation,
the ineciency of the services involved and mostly the lack of relevant
nancing allowed a laissez-faire policy concerning the control of the
urban built space.
Speculation of land values, modernization and pressure for economic
development together with lack of appreciation, by the state and the
local population, of the value and quality of traditional architecture in
the urban conterxt, made its conservation a very dicult project to
carry out.


Greek conservation laws proved rather ecient in listing isolated

building and monuments. Conservation at an urban scale though
demanded the appreciation of the townscape values of building
complexes presenting minor architectural values, and thus imposing a
dierent approach that was never really adopted by the conservation
authorities of the country.
Two more points should be made here in order to give a better idea of
the rehabilitation issue in Greece. The reconstruction of all the urban
centers had as a result the absence of slums or extensive redundant
areas while there is a considerable number of experts appropriately
educated for dealing with rehabilitation projects if necessary.
For our presentation all the above stated points will be illustrated
through the presentation of the rehabilitation project for the traditional
quarter of the Upper Town of Thessaloniki.
The historic quarter known as the Upper Town, consisted of a dense
urban tissue that managed to escape massive reconstruction during
the 50s and 60s, when the character and townscape of the city
changed considerably. Closed by the city walls, this organic fabric,
consisted of traditional Macedonian houses of dierent scales
(important mansions next to small scale houses). It was situated under
the citadel of the city and incorporated a series of important Byzantine
and Ottoman monuments. The reason why the demolition of the
traditional houses wasnt feasible for reconstruction was the lack of
basic urban infrastructure and the impossibility to apply in the area the
uniform building code of the city. Plots of extremely small size, very
steeped streets, due to the existing topography and indenition of real
estate property, were also some of the reasons. In addition to those
conditions, the services of Byzantine and Recent Monuments have
imposed restrictions of height and morphology on all eventual new
structures. The social origin of the inhabitants were middle and low
class people that have moved to this neighborhood after 1922 and
were mostly refugees from Asia Minor.
The rehabilitation program undertaken by the Planning Services in
cooperation with the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (head of the
project was Prof. N. Moutsiopoulos) was carried out in the years 19781980 and proposed:
a. an alignment plan for opening up the street network, providing
accessibility for cars in the area.
b. the listing of a very small number of important mansions, without
considering larger scale townscape values for designating
conservation area (58 buildings were listed out of 200 important
ones, that had to be listed, in a total of 4000 buildings in the
c. a new building code, that would allow the total exploitation of
the land value of all properties since restriction concerning the size
of the plot for construction were suspended. This new code would
impose a morphology for the new structures that would promote a
pastiche approach of the traditional style of the area.
This fragmentary approach, showing little appreciation for the intrinsic
value of the traditional urban fabric, ended up in the slow deguration
of the quarter.
Interventions under these conditions came in two periods. Until 1990
state loans for private construction, promoted the building of small
scale family apartment blocks. Even though the density of the area
was altered, with a considerable percentage of open spaces occupied

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Experiences of urban and territorial rehabilitation in mediterranean

by building volumes and many traditional houses demolished, the

fact that the local population remained in situ and faced its housing
needs was extremely positive. The street alignment plan was never fully
implemented and this had as a result the protection of certain parts of
the urban tissue. When loans were no more available, private developers
took over, increasing even more the volume of new constructions in
order to exploit to the maximum extent the land values.
Finally in 1997,when Thessaloniki became the Cultural Capital of Europe,
the Upper Town proted through a series of interventions that had an
important impact on its conservation perspective.
Until 1997 very few restoration projects were carried out in the area.
The Organisation for the Cultural Capital of Europe expropriated and
restored10 listed houses that were used for public services while 18 more
buildings consolidated and partially restored. Picturesque itineraries
were designated joining the important monuments of the quarter.
Redesign of public spaces was undertaken by private enterprises and
the local authorities. The facades of the buildings bordering the paths
were also rehabilitated. Implementation though of projects at an urban
scale was dicult, due to the ineciency of the relative legislative
framework and the lack of a coherent urban conservation policy.
Those of the projects that were nally realized made evident the value
of conservation together with the importance of the traditional heritage
of the city in terms of cultural, environmental and social aspects.
Today the Upper Town despite existing problems concerning circulation
of cars and car parking, insuciency of public infrastructure and bad
quality of new projects, has managed to conserve a certain unity as a
neighborhood while one has to admit that the special building code
contributed positively in this perspective.
We will present a series of case studies illustrating the major types
of projects that have been carried out in the area under the above
presented conditions:

Manolidis, F. Mavrokordatos / 1997 2001.

Summing up we would like to note that the case of the upper town
of Thessaloniki illustrates the major obstacles that any rehabilitation
project has to overcome in Greece. Control of land use and land
speculation are fundamental conditions for promoting conservation
in an urban context in Greece. Respect of townscape values - and
not only exceptional architectural structures- and increase of public
appreciation of traditional architecture are also important points to be
considered. Finally, keeping the social identity of a place together with
its physical identity is also a key issue to the rehabilitation of traditional
architecture at an urban scale.

1. Rehabilitation of existing buildings

1.1 Restoration projects of historic buildings with no change of
original function and typology.
1.1.1. House on Herodotou str./ Oces of the 4th Ephorate of Recent
Monuments/ architect: Ch. Zarkada / 1983
1.2 Restoration projects with alteration of original typology and
design of new additions.
1.2.1. House on Acropoleos str / private residence/ architects: N.
Kalogirou, A. Kalogirou, G. Palaskas / 1990
1.2.2. House on Epimenidou str / Oces of ICOMOS, Oces of the
Association of Thessaloniki Architects / architects: M. Anagnostidis,
M. Dousi, M. Nomikos, O. Chatzopoulou / 1997.
2. Inll design projects
2.1 Projects of new buildings with application of the proposed
building code.
2.2 Projects of new buildings experimenting on the
reinterpretation of historic forms and townscape qualities.
2.2.1. Private residence on Kodrou str / architect: D. Fatouros / 1988
2.2.2. Private residence on Lysias str / architects: A. Kotsiopoulos, E,
Chalkiopoulou /1997 2000.
2.2.3. Private residence on Acropoleos str / architects: N. Kalogirou, F.
Mavrokordatos /1998 2002.
2.2.3. Private residence at Eptapyrgion / architects: N. Kalogirou, K.


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Experiences of urban and territorial rehabilitation in mediterranean

The abandonment and subsequent

rehabilitation of the traditional
mountain settlements in Greece.
The exemplar case of Pandeleimon on
Mount Olympus
Mr Michael Nomikos
Michael E. Nomikos, architect (AUTH), specialized in Italy and Belgium
in restoration of historic towns and monuments (KUL). He is associate
professor in Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and visiting professor
in Democritus University of Thrace. He teaches in the School of
Architecture and in the Postgraduate Programme on Restoration of
Architectural Heritage.
Chalkeon 29, 54631, Thessaloniki, Greece.
E-mail address:
0030 2310 236888

The mountain heights of Olympus have been places of special interest

since ancient times. They separate the northern Greece from the south.
The settlements existing on the slopes of these mountains date back
to the 14th and 15th centuries. People moved into these inaccessible
mountainous areas due to the Ottomans seizure of the fertile
The population of Pandeleimonas originates from Istanbul, Epirus and
the settlement around the castle of Platamonas.
The early inhabitants were occupied in woodcutting until the middle
of the 18th century, with the felled timber going to Thessaloniki via the
harbour below the castle. The epidemic that hit the coastal cities of the
area in 1812-1813 forced many of the survivors to move to the highland
settlement. As a result, the population grew and with it, the economy.
The economic growth during the rst half of the 19th century was
based on woodcutting and also the domestic and small scale industrial
production of silk cocoons and ax. Towards the end of that century
stockbreeding and agriculture started to develop. The new productive,
social and economic relationships resulted in the break-up of the
traditional patriarchal families and the replacement of the old large
mansions by smaller houses organized in residential blocks.
When northern Greece was liberated from the Ottomans in 1912,
Pandeleimonas had 850 inhabitants. By 1927, a new big church and a
new school had been erected in the village.
After the 2nd World War, and especially after the Civil War (1945-1950),
people tended to move from the highland settlements towards
the lowland cities. A large part of the village population decided
to set up a new settlement, close to the old one, alongside the
highway connecting Athens and Thessaloniki. During the 70s the old

settlement was virtually abandoned and the buildings were used as

storehouses for stockbreeding activities. At that time, the settlement
became a focal point for people interested in traditional architecture,
who started visiting the derelict old buildings. This was a time when
some cultural groups in Greece started to reassess and the value of
traditional settlements. Abandoned settlements lying near main roads,
the seashore or places of particular natural beauty began to attract
visitors for leisure purposes, and the houses became desirable country
The abandoned settlement of Pandeleimonas lies in a convenient
geographical position. Close to the highway linking Athens and
Thessaloniki, Pandeleimonas is only an hours drive from the major
cities of Thessaloniki, Larissa and Katerini, its height gives it stunning
views over the Aegean and the beautiful coast of Katerini is nearby. In
addition, the character of the buildings, the traditional town plan and
the low property prices attracted a large number of new inhabitants
who now use the settlement houses as second homes. The number of
day visitors also started to increase, mostly people attracted by the old
buildings and traditional architecture. The original inhabitants started
to adapt to the new conditions and began to provide services related
to leisure and retailing to visitors. Increasing demand in the real estate
market and the limited number of old buildings resulted in an excessive
rise in their value. New inhabitants started to buy derelict houses or
plots to build new holiday houses. The temporary visitors started
to increase and look for ways to extend their stay in the village. As a
result, holiday - real estate investors built new hotels, restaurants bars
and cafes, while the number of the retail stores continued to increase.
These phenomena resulted in surge in building activity and increasing
numbers of vehicles. New buildings replaced the old ones, the new
structures loomed higher, building density increased, while problems
occurred due to the lack of infrastructure concerning sewerage, water
drainage, waste, electricity and telecommunication networks.
In an attempt to resolve these problems, in 1986 the prefecture authorities
imposed rules and limitations regarding building construction on all the
settlements of Olympus, which were all decreed listed settlements. In
2000 the Ministry of Culture decreed the settlement of Pandeleimonas
an architectural entity, according to the Granada manifesto, the rst
decree based on this manifesto, which was incorporated into Greek
legislation in 1992. In 2004, within the framework of the Leader program,
the Pieriki construction company conducted a specialized study with
the aim of tackling the aforementioned problems and developing
a programme of appropriate action. A survey was conducted to
record the situation at that time. It comprised in situ documentation,
schedules for every individual building, and questionnaires, according
to the following methodology:
1. The relationship of the settlement to the wider geographical area was
studied. Based on this study, retention of the settlements existing
boundaries was proposed to avoid prejudicing its relationship with
the landscape.
2. The main characteristics of the settlements were identied. Set on
the saddle of the hill, dened by two ravines, characterized by lanes
parallel to the contours; these are some of the basic characteristics
needing to be conserved.
3. The history of the settlement was studied. The resulting historical
evidence was proposed as material for the organization of an
exhibition in an appropriate space in the settlement on the


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Experiences of urban and territorial rehabilitation in mediterranean

inhabitants initiative.
4. The social, demographical and economic characteristics of the
inhabitants were recorded. It was ascertained that 56% of the
properties belong to new inhabitants, 27% to old ones and 17% is
unspecied. The two social groups thus formed, the new and the
old inhabitants, have diering views on the future of the settlement.
The rst want the retention of the settlements existing boundaries,
the control and curtailment of building activity, as well as control
and restriction of uses regarding leisure and catering. The others
stand for expanding the settlement by adding new plots to the town
plan, increasing building activity and the relaxation of limitations
regarding leisure and commerce. It becomes evident that these
opposing attitudes arise from dierent views (and vested interests)
concerning the development of the settlement.
5. The basic town-planning characteristics, such as land use, the
building coecient, the building density, the building heights
and the structural systems, of the settlement were recorded and
analyzed. 60% of the buildings are houses, mostly holiday houses,
while 27% of the buildings are derelict. 14% of them provide space
for other uses such as leisure, tourism, catering, etc.
6. The typological characteristics of the buildings were recorded and
analyzed. According to the research, there are two basic building
types in the settlement. The cube-shaped type, that derives from the
18th century traditional architecture and is utilised in two and threestorey buildings, and the wide-faade type, which was developed
and became dominant in northern Greece during the 19th and the
rst half of the 20th century.
7. Based on the analytical documentation, individual buildings were
evaluated and several degrees of protection proposed suggesting
degrees of permissible restoration and rehabilitation work for each
8. Special regulations regarding the preservation of the traditional townplanning of each settlement were proposed, based on the analysis of
the character of some particular town-planning provisions, such as
the detailed determination of its boundaries, the exact designation
of the building regulations and limitations for new structures, as well
as the promotion of certain areas and pathways.
9. The necessary infrastructural works were programmed and designed,
such as sewerage, water, electricity and telecommunication
networks, as well as waste disposal.
10. The existing road network was transformed into a network of
pedestrian thoroughfares and carriageways, so as to minimize the
number vehicles and optimize the provision of necessary services.
11. The appropriate street furniture regarding street lighting, waste
collection, the arrangement of open and seating areas, the
organisation of signposting for streets and areas of interest was
Nowadays, the settlement of old Pandeleimonas is considered a highly
desirable location for both holiday homes and short stay vacations.
The value of the plots is similar or higher than equivalent city ones.
Ownership within the settlement is considered to be an exceptional
social privilege. The union established by the new inhabitants is
active and often organizes cultural events, while dealing with the
maintenance of the settlement. However, the problems due to the
intensication of use during certain periods remain unresolved and


may be insoluble, considering that the settlement cannot respond

adequately to the excessive escalation in use. In the 21st century, the
case of old Pandeleimonas is being mirrored more and more in Greece.
The degradation in the quality of city life increasingly turns citizens
towards the remaining traditional settlements in the quest for quality
of life.
Since prevention is better than cure, several standards for the protection
and conservation of the character of historic settlements are needed,
particularly to defend those in most immediate danger.
The responsible authorities need to act before, and not after, problems
have occurred, to plan ahead for appropriate studies, and make more
eective use of both the national and European programs concerning
the protection of the cultural heritage of historic settlements.

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Views of the settlement in the 70s.

Actual views of the settlement.

Old map of the 19th century and the historical evolution of the settlement.

Urban characteristics of the settlement and the dominant building types.


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Experiences of urban and territorial rehabilitation in mediterranean

The Role of Conservation in the Reproduction of Old Akko

Yael Naaman
Bachelor of Science, Technology and Education in Design. For the
last 10 years working in the conservation department of the Israel
Antiquities Authority. Master Degree Student in the Faculty of
Architecture and Town Planning for Urban and Regional Planning,
Technion Israel Institute of Technology.
Harduf 3, Haifa
E-mail address:
972 4769790

In 2003, the Israel Land Administration decided for the rst time to
restore a residential quarter in Old Acre. It selected a number of buildings
for a pilot project that marks a transition in Acres conservation agenda.
Until then Israeli policy makers focused on conserving the remains
of the Medieval Crusaders city, that is, on the archeology that lies
underneath the present city. The new approach focuses instead on the
Ottoman City. The professional conservators recognition of this hitherto
neglected urban layer sheds new light on the Israeli perception of the
citys Arab heritage. The paper examines the role of this shift in shaping
the Old City in order to question the use and abuse of professional
conservation tools, and its reciprocal inuence on the social patterns of
the city and the daily life of its residents.
The story of A house (?) - Building 10/50, the agship of the pilot
project is a testing ground for the investigation. Designated a highpriority building for conservation, it was evacuated, massively renovated,
restored to its bourgeois Ottoman phase, and repopulated by its former
Palestinian Israelis residents. What are the reasons for the change that
led to rehabilitating residences, and consequently to the reconstruction
of this Building? What are the forces active in the site and what is the
nature of the interaction between them? These questions challenge
the inextricable links between conservation as reshaping the past, and
urban planning as spatially managing current and future social life.
The Site
Old Acre is an Arab neighborhood, of about 7000-8000 residents,
part of the mixed city of Acre. Its residents are mainly tenants living
in government owned housing, approximately 85% of the buildings
considered abandoned property.
The city dates back for about 4000 years to the Early Bronze period. It
spread to the west in the Hellenistic period, became a major Crusader
city and later an Ottoman city. The Crusader and the Ottoman are
considered as the prominent urban layers that set the citys urban
structure and typology. Consequently, Israeli scholars argue, history
shaped the city in a stratigraphic structure, where the Ottoman city is


built on the remains of the Crusader city. As such, the medieval layout
of the Crusader city is reected in the urban fabric of the Ottoman city
to this day.
The Early Israeli period. With the end of Mandatory regime and
the establishment of the state of Israel, the colonial agenda was
transformed into national one. During the 1948 war, a large portion
of the population ed the city and abandoned the houses. The new
political situation imposed the agenda of the Jewish nation-state on
the Old City. Nation building became a major theme and shaping the
national identity guided the decision makers. A formal Israeli planning
process for the Old City begun in the end of the 1950s.
According to Architect Alex Kesten, the citys chief planner, The art
of architecture is not something to be deposited in museums... He
understands Acre
... as a museum city, a model of an ancient city. Such a museum
city is a universal cultural asset, to which there are few parallels
anywhere; hence its importance not only for our own country but
for the whole civilized world. For this reason it should be preserved
unaltered in its present form. In so far as it serves as a city, it should
not be adapted to modern time; on the contrary, its inhabitants
will probably have to adapt themselves to its ancient character1.
As a result of the early Israeli approach, the state has invested vast
resources over the last 40 years in excavation and conservation of
the Crusader remains in Old Acre. Urban infrastructures have been
installed, but the dwellings, the heart of any living city, have been
totally neglected.
The current Israeli period. The focus on tourism promoted the
production of a new master plan. The current approach is based on
realizing that tourism development could only be achieved by means
of comprehensive urban development. A new planning process
began in 1993. The planners, Rachmimov architects and Town
Planners, recognize that the future of Old Acre is to a very great extent
dependent upon its past. If the essence of Acre is the above ground city
and all of its components... in particular the complexes of residential
buildings and single houses, then a conservation program should not
freeze the existing condition; rather it is meant to adapt a site or historic
building to the conditions and requirements of the modern era while
safeguarding its unique style or special characteristics2.
In order to secure their agenda the planners recommended that two
international documents be adopted as part of the plan. The rst
document is the 1987 Washington Charter on the Conservation of
Historic Towns and Urban Areas. The second document is Guidelines
for Studying, Protecting, Planning, and Managing Historical Sites in the
Mediterranean Basin.
Although the approval process of the plan has not been completed,
their work triggered new planning activity, which has begun to
inuence the decision makers.
In the year 2000, Amidar, the national housing company that
until recently managed the citys properties owned by the State,
commissioned a survey and documentation of that building from the
antiquities authority conservation department. During the survey, two
early photographs were found in the Mandatory documentation. These
images shed light on the original structure, which was unrecognizable
in its current state. Based on the conclusions of the new survey, the
antiquities authority recognized the potential of the building for
restoration and enriched the survey with a draft plan for reconstruction
of the facades.

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In January 2005, the two families who lived in the upper stories were
relocated to an alternative housing. During the next 15 months, massive
reconstruction work was done mainly on the facades, restoring the
buildings appearance to its Ottoman bourgeois phase.
Globalizing Acres heritage. The most inuential factor in the
conservation tendency shift was in the year 2000, when the state of
Israel signed the Convention Concerning the Protection of the World
Cultural and Natural Heritage. As a result, the Israel National Commission
for UNESCO, under the Ministry of Education, adopted a tentative list
of sites with potential for inclusion in the world heritage list; among
them was the Old City of Acre, which was declared a world heritage
site in 2001. Along with a list of the relevant criteria, the World Heritage
Committee included a recommendation that the state incorporate
into its management plan a coherent policy for the improvement
of the economic and social condition of local residents of the
Old City of Acre and to ensure that it remains a living city.3 This
demonstrates how the global force supreme over the national one.
But, furthermore, it exhibits the promotion of global agenda through
the state mechanisms.

improve their rights and social welfare.

Kesten, Alex 1962. Acre, The Old City, Survey and Planning. Jerusalem: The Israel
Government Printer.

Rachmimov Arie, 2000. Introduction to the Master Plan for Old Akko. Akko Development
Company LTD (Hebrew).

The Contest over Acres Sense of Place

When dealing with the contested sense of place, it is important to be
aware of the dierent lenses - the social, the national and the global
- through which the case study reected. They enable to questioning
the impact of the recent shift in favor of conserving the living Ottoman
The rst lens, a social one, of Old Acre as an Arab neighborhood,
involves two dierent aspects in conserving Old Acre. The rst concerns
the inhabitants identity; the second is the every-day life in the city.
The second lens, a national or monumental one, concerns Old Acres
existence under Israeli regime. The third lens, concerns the adoption
of international charters by practitioners and UNESCOs recognition of
Acre as a world heritage site.
The new global player forced the state to adopt a presumably more
social approach to Acres population and heritage, forcing the national
establishment to deal with the dwellings in a wider perspective than
The power relations among the local, national, and international
forces shape the sense of place and dene the beneciaries of the
conservation eort. The social narrative, recently promoted by the
global force and adopted by the state, has created a glocal front that
destabilizes national power. In this context, the case study displays how
a global force penetrates the nation-state mechanisms.
The case study, and the forces behind the decision making process
it entails, claries how the local action was achieved through global
intervention, which led to a shift in the state agenda toward adopting
a social narrative and rehabilitating the living city.
If we focus on the role of the residents, it is evident that despite
UNESCOs guidance to improve the economic and social condition of
local residents and to ensure that the site will remains a living city, the
mission of the agents acting in the arena is not to improve the wellbeing of the residents that make the city a living place, but rather the
built environment and its attractiveness to visitors.
Rehabilitation was a result of an established planning process that in
essence was not directed toward the residents, and therefore did not


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Experiences of urban and territorial rehabilitation in mediterranean

The Rehabilitation of the Traditional

Circassian settlements in Israel.
The test case of Kfar Kama in Eastern Galilee

Michael Cohen
Archaeologist, International project Coordinator in the Conservation
Department in the Israel Antiquities Authority.
National Coordinator in EuroMed heritage projects: Temper, Delta,
Directed the Beth Guvrin (Eleutheropolis) project, and several more
Excavations. Writing the PhD, in Haifa University: from Beth Guvrin
to Eleutheropolis the Urbanization Process of a Settlement in Late
Roman Period.
Alon Hagalil, D.N Hamovil 17920 Israel
E-mail address:

Kfar Kama
Kfar Kama was funded in 1876 by Circassians (self-designation Adyge),
people of a Muslim origin, formed of 3 tribes from the Fasis district in
the Kuban region (north Kaucas). This local Council is situated in the
lower Gallile, 12 km SW to Tiberias, next to Mount Tavor.
Today there are 2900 inhabitants in the village, all Cerckes, who are well
integrated in the country life, while preserving and maintaining their
tradition and culture.
The unsuccessful uprising of the Caucasians tribes around 1860,
together with the Russian pressure policy and deportation resulted in
the Circa Siam dispersal over the world and their present location at
Kfar Kama. After 10 years of residence at Marvel, the Greek and Bulgaria
border, they migrated to Palestine where the Ottoman Sultan, Abdul
Hamis the II, asked them to reside at the region of Galilee due to their
reputation as great warrior. Eventually integrated them as military
groups along Ottomans borders.
In that period most of the Circasisian were converted from Christians
to Muslim.
Nowadays the Circassian population abroad is more than that present
in the Caucasus . The majority live in Turkey, Jordan, Syria, Germany,
U.S.A and Israel.
In Israel the Caucasus live in two villages: Rechania and the larger KfarKama.
A few hundred Circassians settled in an abandon village latter to be
called Kfar Kama (according to varies source between 200- 1000
people). They settled in the villages buildings while constructing their
own houses.
This paper centres on the traditional settlement of an ethnic group that
settled away from its homeland, adopting the local architecture while

maintaining its cultural memory. The two Circassian villages in Israel

represent two dierent phenomena of settlement outline and pattern
while preserving their cultural identity.
This is expressed through their customs, using their language and
above all maintaining their homogeneous marriage almost with out
any exception.
The village pattern
Kfar Kama was built on the remains of a local village, this probably
determined its position. The village is posed on a small wadi (small
river) basin, toward the upper slopes, protected from alluvium and
water ow.
Generally, the pattern of the village looks like it was built spontaneously
without any planning, but it does take into consideration the practical
and functional needs.
The village composes of three main elements, each overlapping the
other: the Nucleus, the Goren (granary) and the Agriculture plots.
Over the course of the years, consequence to the increase of the
population, the village expanded to the upper parts in the North and
The Circassians tribes were known in the Kaucas as brave warrior with
high self condence. One example of this could be seen through the
location of their villages which were located in the plain area lacking
any topographic advantage or built defense against warfare, rob or
vandalism, in contrast to other tribes.
In the beginning this traditional pattern was implemented in their
new settlement, however, the damage caused by the Bedouin nomad
tribes and the hostility of the local population, that recognized them
as representatives of the Ottoman Empire forced them to adopt a new
concept and pattern of settlement.
The house
The basic structure in the village was a continuation of the traditional
house in an agricultural society, integrating local architectural elements,
adapting to the new circumstance. The private unit was walled with a
central and rear gate allowing a way out to the agriculture plots.
The private house was square in shape, based on one oor. This area
was divided into two, the bedroom, kitchen and open court with
cistern were in the rst area, consisting of one third of the total space
while the remaining two thirds was utilized for farming with an open
court - stable, barn, straw, chicken coop and water trough.
Most of the village was built by the villagers themselves who used local
material. black basalt stone in the external side of the wall, and pebbles
malted with mixtures of lime, straw and animals waste in the interior.
After the construction of the wall, it was painting with white or blue
colored lime.
One of the characteristic elements that kept the Circassian tradition
was the inclusion of an inclined tile roof, unlike the common at roofs .
In the late 19th century the Circassian houses were similar to those of
the new Jewish settlements in the Tiberian Style, characterized by basalt
construction and white lime stones on the house corners, around the
windows, doors and balcony.
A few exceptions were a number of buildings, belonging to wealthy
families who build larger houses and techniques such as Beth Shami
and Beth Hadokai. These are distinguished by their two story buildings
and the implementation of some elements of Mediterranean tradition
architecture as arches, vaults and painted ceiling.


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Experiences of urban and territorial rehabilitation in mediterranean

It is quite obvious that these wealthy families could aord to hire local
masons imitating luxurious buildings from Acre and Nazereth.
The Rehabilitation of the Nucleus of Kfar Kama
The old center of the village, the Nucleus is inhabited with the exception
of a few houses that stand empty. The condition of the inhabited houses
is generally good. The deserted houses are in need of intervention.
The initiative of rehabilitation of the nucleus of Kfar Kama was rst taken
by the Council of Preservation of Buildings and Sites in 1990, with the
collaboration of the Local Council of Kfar Kama and the support of the
Israel Tourism Company.
The 1990 program dened buildings and the urban frame to be
preserve and the rst activities were to provide aid in preventing further
deterioration of the disserted houses , paving roads, and renovating the
infrastructures of the old center.
Some of the buildings were indicated as having potentional for public
use which could house the Circassian Culture Center and Museum.
The rehabilitation is an ongoing process, being carried out by a local
team supported by the Council of Preservation of Buildings and Sites in
a small scale due too a limited budget and resources.
The results are modest though on the face of it look extensive The
population on the one hand have accepted the preservation work and
maintains, on the other hand they reject the proposed tourist activities
to be carried out in their village.
Kfar Kama is an example of group who migrated to the Mediterranean
region and adapted elements from the local traditional architecture:
the use of local basalt stone and techniques such as arches, vaults and
painted ceilings. The architecture of these houses looks on the exterior
like those in the near vicinity while mainting traditional elements such
as the incline tile roof. The interior preserves the traditional division. In
addition the functional and practical needs of the Circassian in their
new location forced them to implement a new concept of protection
by walled complexes.
The houses and village plan of Kfar Kama present a unique example of a
Circassian settlement, diering from the surrounding villages.
This architectural expresses a combination of their homeland tradition,
the adoption of local tradition and the implement of a new concept in
respond to their need.
The rehabilitation of the old center is essential in order to preserve this
unusual phenomenon.
1. I am grateful to Garchad Adnan, local guide and a researcher of the
Circassians and Haled La, the Local Council Engineer, both from
Kfar Kama for their contribution and sharing with me their innitive
2. Many thanks to Betzalel Ranot, architect, who is involved for many
year in the Process of the development and the rehabilitation of Kfar
Kama for his advises.


Bitan A, 1982, (heb) Settlement Compensation in the East Lower Galilee, Jerusalem
Gabay M.2001, (heb) Kfar Kama in: The Lower Galilee and its shore and the Kinnorot
Valley, The New Guide of Israel. Vol 4.Jerusalem Pp 133-134
Garb P 1995, Ethnicity and Alliance Building in the Caucasus (paper presented at
The International Spread and Management of Ethnic Conict conference,
University of California, Davis, March 1995)
Vilnai Z, 1980, (heb) The Galilee guide.
Shtandel U, 1992 (heb) The Circassians, in the Arabs Israeli, Jerusalem.
Ranot B 2000, (heb) Development and Preservation Program of the Circassian Heritage
Center in Beth Shami, Kfar Kama.. Beth Yehushua
Kfar Kama Archive Files in Beth Yigal Alon, Kitbuz Genosar.

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Experiences of urban and territorial rehabilitation in mediterranean

A typical house scheme (after Garchad Adnan)

Location map of Kfar Kama pointed in red

Beth Shami Looking West


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Experiences of urban and territorial rehabilitation in mediterranean

De la juxtaposition la Coexistence
Un processus dintgration de deux entits urbaines
La place el Djazera situ en position charnire
Entre la Mdina de Tunis (centre ancien)
Et la ville Europenne

Khaled Karoui
Architecte, chef Service des Sites Protgs
13, rue Hdi Toumi 1009 Tunis
E-mail address:
00216 97 421 840

Les grandes mutations conomiques et sociales ont entran une

acclration du dveloppement urbain. Ce dernier a induit rapidement
une modication de limage de la Ville et les caractristiques de la vie
urbaine posant notamment avec une acuit particulire le problme
spcique des noyaux anciens, des zones charnires et des limites de
larticulation des nouvelles entits urbaines avec lvolution gnrale
de la cit.
Le problme du noyau historique et de son articulation avec le reste
de la ville se pose en eet en termes de survie et de dveloppement
interne. Il concerne les noyaux historiques en eux-mmes et les rapports
entre ces derniers et le reste de lagglomration.
Les rponses apportes correspondent souvent des actions visant
dsenclaver, relier et rquilibrer le noyau historique et ses abords
par rapport aux extensions urbaines successives.
Les tentatives dintervention sur le milieu historique travers des
oprations de rnovation, rhabilitation et de restructuration, sont des
actions programmes dans une perspective dappropriation des toutes
les composantes de lespace urbain.
Lexamen des modes de formation, des processus de dveloppement
et des systmes de fonctionnement des entits urbaines juxtaposes
montrent que, malgr les dicults et les interventions brutales quelles
ont pu subir travers leurs histoire. elles ont rvl progressivement,
une nouvelle image, composite et complexe. Il faut matriser cette
juxtaposition pour assurer la coexistence harmonieuse entre des
lments disparates.
Dans le cas o lagglomration sest forme par la juxtaposition, plus ou
moins immdiate la cit traditionnelle, dun nouveau noyau dirent
dune part, et par limplantation autour du noyau historique, de
quartiers mal intgrs provoqus par le dveloppement de nouvelles
activits lies la ville nouvelle, le dispositif urbain rsultant prsente,
des degrs divers, le mme phnomne de congestion.
En eet, dans la zone o seectue laccroche entre le noyau traditionnel
et la ville nouvelle, il se passe localement le mme phnomne de
pressions et de projections du nouveau noyau sur lancien. Ceci


dtermine une zone dinuence, zone de passage, zone intermdiaire

bref un espace de coexistence, plus ou moins intgr aux deux tissus
la fois, tant au niveau du bti que de la population et des fonctions.
La Ville ancienne subit ainsi, simultanment les deux inuences qui, par
leur conjonction et leur interfrence, provoque un dsquilibre dont
les eets se superposent.
La conjonction et linterfrence de ces deux inuences, provoque et
forme au dpart un dsquilibre et une dsarticulation mais au l de
temps, le systme trouve et son tat dquilibre et structure les limites
de larticulation.
Ces limites sont les lments linaires que lobservateur nemploie
pas, ou ne considre pas comme des frontires proprement parler. Il
sagit souvent dun espace darticulation entre deux phases qui assure
des solutions de continuit linaires et des limites dextension. Elles
servent bien priphriques plutt que daxes de coordonnes. Ce lien
joue le rle de coutures le long desquelles deux rgions se relient et se
joignent lune lautre.
Ltude que nous proposons de faire devra justier lintervention
durbanisme ralise dans le but de mieux insrer une nouvelle fonction,
un nouveau btiment dans un processus de dveloppement li un
contexte et un environnement urbain prcis. La restructuration de
la place El Djezira pose en eet des problmes varies et notamment
desthtique urbaine, (en raison des problmes, lis au stationnent
dsordonn des vhicules ou dveloppement spontan et anarchique
de commerces ambulants. La premire tape de ltude concernera
lanalyse de la situation actuelle. Elle vise souligner les problmes que
pose la juxtaposition brutale et non traite de deux entits urbaine
(Mdina \Ville Europenne) dun point urbanistique et architectural. Elle
proposera la ralisation dun amnagement qui devra assur un rle
de rapprochement et dquilibre. Cette nouvelle construction devra
assurer un rle actif en contribuant la cration dun environnement
quilibr, et orir une solution ecace sa prsence eective contribuera
structurer la nouvelle scnographie urbaine en assurant le dialogue
entre deux cultures qui ont marques lhistoire de la Tunisie.
Tunis, capitale du pays, est une ville qui sinscrit dans cette logique de
formation et de dveloppement. Elle est constitue de la juxtaposition
densemble urbains allant de la Mdina (centre ancien) la ville
europenne. Lensemble est reli par un rseau viaire qui, malgr les
eorts dintgration et darticulation des entits urbaines direntes et
disparates, conserve la structure dun espace urbain conictuel.
Llot, du quartier du march El Djezira, sujet de notre tude occupe
une position charnire entre la Mdina et la ville Europenne. Il atteste
dune position stratgique remarquable, il occupe un angle ouvrant la
fois sur la grande avenue de Sidi El Bchir et la rue El Djezira ? raccord
lavenue Bab Jedid par un grand carrefour marqu par la prsence de
la grande mosque El Djezira.
Llot du march de la rue El Djezira, malgr sa position stratgique
dans la ville est un ensemble mal intgr, dsaect et abandonn
la suite dune srie dinterventions dsordonnes, inesthtiques et du
dplacement de lactivit commerciale du quartier vers laxe Bab El
Fella Souk Essabaghine.
Cette situation regrettable suscite aujourdhui un intrt grandissant
auprs des dcideurs, Il est envisage de programmer une opration
qui arrive considrer le quartier et particulirement llot du march
El Djezira, secteur riche par son histoire et sa position exceptionnelle
entre la Mdina et la ville Europenne.

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Experiences of urban and territorial rehabilitation in mediterranean

Les facteurs et les modes de croissance des direntes structures

adjacentes, la multipolarit et les dualits spciques qui les caractrisent
ainsi que les incidences que ces phnomnes induisent sur la ville
ancienne, sont autant de ralits qui aboutissent un constat global
: les villes de formation ancienne ont subi, dans leur dveloppement,
une rupture brutale de forme, de structure et de vocation entre
deux civilisations et deux conception urbaines direntes. Dune
part une tradition urbaine islamique longuement mrie, issue de
valeurs culturelles trs fortes lui confrant une unit et une originalit
particulire, et dautre part une nouvelle tradition urbaine dorigine
occidentale attache aux rfrences grco-latines.
La juxtaposition des deux principes dorganisation de lespace urbain
caractris par le dveloppement dune limite structurant les situations
de passage et assurant le dveloppement graduel dune zone
dquilibre et de coexistence malgr la prpondrance du plus rcent
sur le plus ancien.
Il en rsulte aujourdhui marginalisation de plus en plus arme et un
dgradation de la zone intermdiaire. Il faudra la structurer et remdier
sa condition marginale et sa dgradation. Il faut faudra tester de
rsoudre les problmes aigus de survie et de structuration que pose
cette zone.
La dmolition des btiments abandonnes, mal entretenus et la
requalication du secteur de llot du march El Djezira est une priorit.
Elle vise linstallation dun quipement structurant et gnrateur
dun nouveau ordre urbain capable de sinscrire dans une logique de
dialogue et de communication entre deux cultures urbaine. Cela exige
des concepteurs un eort de proposition dun nouveau programme
monumental, spcique et capable de rendre la zone un nouveau
dynamisme. Mais si lon donne priorit la ville, lidentit urbaine,
laccent est davantage mis sur lharmonie du paysage urbain, et du
cadre de vie. La recherche de cette harmonie peut justier certains
partis dorganisation et de composition des faades.


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Experiences of urban and territorial rehabilitation in mediterranean


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Experiencias de rehabilitacin urbana y territorial
Experiences of urban and territorial rehabilitation in mediterranean

Le Patrimoine Culturel , Facteur de

Dveloppement Durable : Lexprience
de la ville de Kairouan
Par Mounir ABID

Introduction :
Jusqu ces dernires dcennies, le patrimoine culturel a rarement
t pris en compte en tant que ressource nationale tout aussi
importante que fondamentale, pouvant jouer un rle important
dans le dveloppement. Pourtant, le patrimoine culturel en plus du
fait incontestable quil constitue une composante essentielle de la
particularit des peuples et des communauts et la rfrence intangible
leur identit culturelle et civilisationnelle, constitue, de plus en plus,
de nos jours, un domaine dont lintrt conomique grandit mesure
que grandit la recherche de ressources conomiques nouvelles.
Lorsque, dans les discours des responsables ou des techniciens, on
entend parler des nouveaux piliers du dveloppement surtout
dans les pays faibles ressources naturelles et minires mais au
pass important le patrimoine est l pour gurer en bonne place.
Il apparat ainsi comme une manne ouvrir surtout en direction du
dveloppement local, cest dire au bnce des populations locales et
de leur cadre de vie et de travail. Apparat alors et se renforce le concept
du rle du patrimoine dans le dveloppement durable.
Le dveloppement durable suppose, mon sens, la prise en compte
des populations, de leur spcicit, et leur savoir- faire, dans tout
programme concernant lamlioration de leurs conditions et la
constitution de richesse protables eux et au pays.
Lorsque lon parle de patrimoine et quon le met avec le dveloppement
durable, cest cette interaction entre la population, ses richesses
intrinsques et environnementales et lattrait quelles peuvent exercer
quil faut penser.
Dans un pays comme la Tunisie, dont le patrimoine culturel est une
composante essentielle de la vie et de lconomie, au vu de sa qualit,
de sa quantit, de sa varit, de son importance dans la vie quotidienne
des populations, et de son attrait au plan international, la tentation
den faire un lment moteur du dveloppement durable est grande
et justie. Comment en eet russir prservation du patrimoine et
dveloppement durable ? Autrement dit, comment doit-on grer, de
manire conomiquement rentable, le patrimoine, mieux le prserver et
promouvoir. Comment concilier sauvegarde et utilisation conomique
du patrimoine ?
Ces questions sont importantes et doivent tre toujours prsentes
lesprit pour la simple raison que la situation actuelle dans de trs
nombreux pays, est marque par une sorte dantagonisme entre un
phnomne de prise de conscience de limportance conomique
du patrimoine qui sest fait jour depuis quelques annes et un
comportement purement mercantile qui sen est suivi.
Lexprience de la mdina de Kairouan montre que les mdinas ne sont
pas des formes urbaines primes mais au contraire porteuse davenir.

En eet, les multiples actions ont permis denrayer signicativement les

dynamiques ngatives (dgradation, densit, pauvret ...)
Kairouan : histoire dune ville :
Kairouan nest pas une ville comme les autres ni dans son prsent ni
dans son pass. Elle est considre comme la premire ville de lislam
au Maghreb, une ville dOrient installe au Maghreb. Cette dernire a
connu depuis sa fondation en VIIme sicle la succession de plusieurs
dynasties et de plusieurs positions lchelle de la Tunisie : de capital
de lIslam au passage de ambeau Tunis pendant lpoque hafside.
Malgr cela, Kairouan possde un patrimoine culturel et religieux qui
est devenu lun des fondements de lidentit nationale de la Tunisie
Kairouan (1) est la quatrime ville construite par les musulmans aprs
Bassorah, Koufa et Al Fostat. La ville est fonde par Okba Ibn Nafaa en
50H/670 pour servir de poste avanc lors de la conqute musulmane
de lAfrique du Nord. Elle est la capitale de lIfriquiya sous les Aghlabides.
Par sa situation loin de la mer, la ville est protge des assauts.
Kairouan possde alors une double fonction militaire et religieuse,
assurant la fois la guerre sainte et la dfense des terres nouvellement
conquises. Au cours du IXme sicle, la ville est son apoge et
devient la capitale de tout le Maghreb et son plus grand centre de
rayonnement civilisationnel , rivalisant avec les autres centres du bassin
mditerranen. Cest une grande ville de commerce et de science
renomme pour son cole de droit malkite et son cole de mdecine
forme par Ishak Ibn Imran. En 909 la ville perd son statut de capitale
lorsque Mahdia devient la capitale de la dynastie fatimide.
Au cours des XIXme et XXme sicles, les fonctions de la ville de
Kairouan ont continu sarmer en mme temps que sopraient
dimportantes mutations urbaines, socioculturelles et conomiques,
mutations qui ont, certes, contribu lextention de son centre et de
ses faubourgs.
II- Mise en perspective des dimensions de la sauvegarde dans
le cas de la mdina de Kairouan (2)
La mdina de Kairouan est classe sur la liste du patrimoine mondiale
le 9 dcembre 1988.
Depuis les annes 70 et jusquaux annes 90 environs, la mdina
prsentait comme les autres mdinas de la Tunisie, les mmes tendances
et les mmes problmes : exodes des familles aises, remplacement par
des familles dorigine rurale, densication, dgradation, dvalorisation
de la fonction rsidentielle, pauvret, crise de lartisanat ... La mdina en
gnral livre elle-mme et linitiative des acteurs privs, avec une
intervention publique ou communale.
Depuis quelques annes, on commence observer dans la mdina de
Kairouan des volutions et les prmisses de dynamiques volutives.
Le dynamisme dmographique de la ville pose, au niveau des activits
et de lemploi, la problmatique den faire une ville plus comptitive au
niveau rgional et international et ou les disparits ne saggravent pas.
Parmi les axes de la politique urbaine, la sauvegarde et la mise en
valeur du patrimoine historique ainsi que la reconqute du centre car
sa marginalisation serait lourde de consquences sur lquilibre des
fonctions urbaines de la ville.
Concernant la vieille ville ou mdina , une stratgie dont on peut cerner,
aujourdhui, les contours, sest dveloppe au l du temps et travers
les expriences de la ville durant ces 30 dernires annes.
Elle consiste :


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Experiences of urban and territorial rehabilitation in mediterranean

a- Au niveau de la gestion rglementaire :

* crer une association spcialise dans la gestion des problmes
de la mdina (Association Sauvegarde de la Mdina de Kairouan)
et de la doter doutils scientiques et dune quipe pluridisciplinaire
pour un but quasi pdagogique, savoir :
- Comprendre la structure urbaine de la ville ;
- Comprendre la composition de sa population ;
- Recenser les activits conomiques ;
- Analyser les activits du bti ;
- et passer ultrieurement des actions concrtes de sauvegarde ,
de rhabilitation et de mise en valeur.
** Dans le processus de planication urbaine, on a reconnu, la mdina,
sa spcicit, son intrt culturel et sa valeur en tant quensemble
historique traditionnel.
La cration en1977, grce au Code du Patrimoine, dun instrument
juridique capable dassurer ce site historique, vivant et en
perptuelle volution, une protection plus ecace et eective aux
moyens de mesures rglementaires adquates.
b- Au niveau de la sensibilisation : la stratgie tait de revaloriser
la mdina, qui vhicule, derrire elle une histoire millnaire nest plus
considre comme le lieu de tous archasmes selon lexpression de
Pierre Georges.
Un autre plaidoyer pour la rhabilitation est dvelopp pour montrer
que cest une dmarche culturellement revalorisante, socialement
ncessaire, conomiquement avantageuse et nancirement possible.
c- Au niveau des actions et projets sur terrain : la stratgie suivie
a t, dans ce chapitre, de rechercher un quilibre, bien que dicile,
entre conserver ce qui mrite de ltre et qui est susceptible de sadapter
aux nouveaux usages de chaque poque rpondant ainsi la ralit
volutive de la cit, oser le curetage ncessaire de tout ce qui menace
ruine et, en mme temps, construire du neuf l o la ville le demande.
* La mise en valeur du patrimoine monumental : la mdina de
Kairouan avec ses 54 ha , dune longueur moyenne de 1000 m et
dune largeur moyenne de 500m , avec une forme trapzodale,
compte une vingtaine de souks, 25 mausoles, 30 mosques, 6
Beaucoup de monuments ont t restaurs, dautres sauvs et
raects de nouvelles fonctions sociales ou culturelles.
Le succs de cette politique de mise en valeur du patrimoine a eu
un dbut deet dentranement sur des propritaires privs qui ont
pris linitiative de restaurer et de raecter de nouvelles activits
des btiments intrt architectural ou historique (centre artisanal,
restaurant de standing ...etc)
Ceci, dautant plus quil y a un retour des quipements publics vers le
cur de la ville. On citera lexemple de Sidi Abid qui abrite, aujourdhui,
le sige de lAssociation de la Sauvegarde de la Mdina, la mdersa
husseinite qui est devenue le sige de lArrondissement Municipal de
la Mdina, Sidi Ben Khoud, qui abrite le Commissariat Rgional de la
Culture, de la Jeunesse et des Loisirs , Sidi Amor Ben Abeda qui abrite
le Conservatoire Rgional de Musique et Oukalet Barouta qui abrite un
centre dartisanat(4). Mais le succs de ces oprations est loin dtre un
succs commercialis au point de faire tomber la mdina dans le pige
du ghetto culturel qui risque de vider la mdina de ses habitants.


** La restructuralisation urbaine et la rhabilitation : la vieille ville a

prot de deux grands projets de rhabilitation dans ce domaine.
- Le projet de prservation , de restructuration et de ranimation
du souk des citernes, souk el mowjel. (5)
Ce souk a t, selon le professeur Mourad Ramah, di au XIII me
sicle. Il repose sur une srie darcades qui servaient de citernes pour
la rcupration des eaux pluviales provenant des terrasses. Le souk fut
sans doute rnov au dbut du XVIIIme sicle, lors de la reconstruction
de la madrasa husseinite adjacente en 1710. Ce souk portait jadis le
nom de du souyk des Qobquabs car on y fabriquait et vendait des
socques en bois.
Lun des objectifs de ce projet, est la rhabilitation des constructions
existantes. Cette intervention consiste restaurer soixante deux
boutiques qui se trouvent dans ce souk et qui taient transformes en
logements et dpts pour dirents produits.
Pour se faire, le projet a bnci dun montage astucieux dont le
principe se rsumait ainsi : le neuf doit proter lancien , la rnovation
doit prendre en charge la rhabilitation.
Les travaux ont concentr le pavage de lartre qui se prolonge sur
800m, lenfouissement dans les murs des rseaux lectriques et
tlphoniques, le ravalement, lembellissement de toutes les faades se
trouvant le long de cette artre touristique.
Ce projet a cr une nouvelle dynamique sociale conomique
Les aspects positifs lemportement largement sur les problmes
Le deuxime projet est celui de lamnagement et la
revitalisation de la place Jraba (6).
Ce projet vise sauvegarder les caractristiques pertinentes dun
espace de rencontre et de festivit et sinscrit galement dans le cadre
de sauvegarder le caractre architectural des places, des quartiers
historiques et de leur morphologie.
Il sagit dtablir une conciliation entre le culturel (animation de la place)
et le stratgique puisque la mise niveau de cette place renforcera son
rle de nud dans le circuit touristique reliant la porte sud de la ville
la grande Mosque.
Espace dlaisse par les dirents projet de rnovation et de
restauration suites des considrations essentiellement nancires
a pouss les autorits locales prendre conscience de la vitalit , la
ncessit et lurgence de la rhabilitation de cette place.
Conclusion : Avantages et population cible :
Avantages directs (7) :
* Les avantages immdiats comprendront la restauration physiques
des monuments, des possibilits demploi cour terme sur les sites et
des emplois dans des activits nouvelles situes prs des sites. A plus
long terme , les avantages directs comprendront une amlioration
des conditions de vie des communauts urbaines et rurales dans les
zones de projet, grce la cration demplois (par exemple, ouvriers du
btiments, ouvriers mosastes, gardiens et interprtes) ;
** Avantages indirects :
Les avantages indirects pour les populations locales comprennent
le renforcement de lidentit culturelle et de nouvelles possibilits
commerciales lies au dveloppement du tourisme, par exemple,

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Experiences of urban and territorial rehabilitation in mediterranean

petites boutiques, artisanat et industries culturelles, et htelleries.

La municipalit de Kairouan a retrouv un rle dans la gestion du
patrimoine culturel .
*** groupes cibls :
Les premiers groupes cibls incluent , entre autres : les communauts
locales tablies prs des sites, grce la cration demplois
supplmentaires du fait de travaux de restauration et des services
fournis aux touristes sur les sites et les entreprises locales qui seront
stimules par le dveloppement du tourisme ; les communauts
dmunies vivant aux alentours de la ville de Kairouan et les chmeurs
ou les personnes sous-employes, les jeunes en particulier.

( 1 ) Mourad Ramah : La Ville de Kairouan. Archologie urbaine et Patrimoine, in , RehabiMed

( 2 ) Photo 1
( 3 ) Mourad Ramah, op cit
( 4 ) Mourad Ramah, ibid
( 5 ) RehabiMed:SI.RESEAUXDEXPERTS.EXPERIENCES. Fiche Sommaire de Rehabilitation
urbaine, redig par Mourad Ramah
( 6 ) op cit,rehabimed,opration pilotes
( 7 ) Photo 2
( 8 ) Photo 3

Photo 1

Photo 2

Photo 3


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Experiences of urban and territorial rehabilitation in mediterranean

La Mdina de Tunis
de la cit un quartier de la ville

Jamila Binous
Ne Tunis, elle a tudi lhistoire et la gographie lUniversit
de Tunis et lurbanisme lUniversit de Tours (France). Elle a fait sa
carrire dans la recherche au sein de lAssociation de Sauvegarde de
la Mdina de Tunis, depuis 1968. Elle a par ailleurs men des tudes
sur dautres Mdinas tunisiennes, couronnes par des publications
(Hammamet, Sousse et Gafsa). Sur le plan international, elle a t
expert auprs de lUNESCO (mission la ville historique de Sana,
1982), de lUNEP dans le programme rhabilitation et reconstruction
des tablissements humains mditerranens (1984-1986) ; membre
du Comit International des Villes Historiques et co-auteur de la
Charte Internationale des Villes Historiques (ICOMOS-UNESCO, 1987)
; membre du Comit International et coordinatrice du projet Ifriqiya
auprs de lOING Muse sans frontires (200). A particip au Muse
virtuel et au Livre Dcouvrir lart islamique en Mditerrane (20042007) auprs de lOING Muse sans frontires.
Adresse postale :
25 Rue Bir Jemaa, 2080 Ariana, Tunisia
Adresse lectronique :
Tlphone :
216 22539808

Tunis raccroche au anc dune colline dont la hauteur ne dpasse pas
48 mtres, prsente des qualits stratgiques certaines. Les conqurants
arabes, la n du VIIe sicle, ont vite fait de dceler ces qualits et de
choisir Tunis pour supplanter Carthage. Le site est coinc entre deux
lacs sals ; lun lOuest, la protgeant des incursions terrestres et lautre
lEst, la sparant de la mer. Elle se veut nanmoins une cit maritime,
puisque, ds le dbut du VIIIe sicle, elle est mise en communication
avec le large. Un canal creus en travers du Lac El Behira, qui aboutit
une passe naturelle le goulat ou la Gouletta (la Goulette). Cest l
que stablit lavant-port de Tunis, permettant cette ville dhriter du
prestige de Carthage en tant que puissance maritime, commandant le
dtroit de Messine, passage oblig entre le bassin oriental et occidental
de la Mditerrane. La ville entoure dune enceinte perce de
portes, sest tellement dveloppe, quau XIIIe sicle, les constructions
dbordent la muraille et stendent au nord et au sud, imprimant la
cit une forme ovode. Au XIVe sicle, les deux quartiers extra-muros se
conrment, ils prennent le nom de faubourgs Rbat Bab al Jezira et Rbat
Bab Souika. Une deuxime ligne de fortication vient les envelopper.
Les dynasties se succdent mais la taille de la ville et son organisation
urbaine restent inchanges. Les constructions slvent sur les ruines
de constructions antrieures et ce jusqu la n du XIXe sicle.


1. Le modle urbanistique de la Mdina historique

Lanalyse du modle urbanistique de la Mdina sest appuye sur deux
documents de base, tablis par lAssociation de Sauvegarde de la
Mdina (A.S.M.), entre 1968 et 1970. Il sagit dun relev architectural
exhaustif au 1/250me et dun zoning donnant laectation de chaque
parcelle, dgageant ainsi lhabitat des espaces religieux, administratifs et
conomiques. Un aller-retour entre le niveau analytique (dcomposition
de lensemble en ses lments constructifs) et le niveau synthtique
a permis de conrmer le principe fondamental sur lequel repose le
modle urbanistique de la Mdina savoir la sparation trs nette
entre lespace public et lespace priv.
La ville sordonne autour dun ple central, constitu par la Grande
Mosque et les souks qui lenserrent. De ce ple, lieu de lintensit
maximale de la vie publique (religion, administration, artisanat,
commerce) lespace public se prolonge travers le rseau viaire qui est
fortement hirarchis. On distingue :
t les parcours principaux o sont localiss les quipements et les
activits de niveau urbain. Ces voies principales relient entre elles
les portes en passant par le ple central de la cit.
t Les parcours secondaires, branchs sur les premires, ayant
surtout une fonction de raccord et de desserte o se localisent les
quipements ncessaires la vie du quartier : four, moulin, picerie,
hammam, koutab (cole coranique), masjed (oratoire de quartier)...
Lespace dnit par lentre-croisement de ces parcours constitue les
noyaux dhabitation, comme autant dalvoles dont la somme forme
lespace rsidentiel, espace o se rfugie la vie du groupe familial et qui
soppose lespace public, espace de la communaut.
Les voies daccs aux noyaux rsidentiels, souvent en impasses, sont
destins uniquement la desserte des habitations. Elles constituent
un espace semi-priv en principe interdit aux non riverains et ne
comportant aucun quipent public, ni commerce.
Le rseau viaire se distingue donc par sa fonction hirarchise allant
de lurbain au rsidentiel, il se distingue galement par son gabarit,
chaque catgorie correspond une fourchette de largeur, sachant que
limpasse est lartre la moins large (entre deux et trois mtres). Les
constructions, quelles soient publiques ou prives, sorganisent autour
dune cour intrieure ciel ouvert, permettant laration et lclairage
des espaces introvertis.
Le schma fonctionne admirablement bien, assurant lquilibre entre le
contenant et la socit qui y volue. Le seul changement intervenu au
niveau du modle, a t la sparation entre la vie de la communaut et
le pouvoir. En eet, ds le XIIIe sicle, le sige du pouvoir quitte le centre
pour sinstaller sur les hauteurs de la ville, sur la frange ouest du site. Ce
fut la fondation de la citadelle ou Kasbah extra-muros, entoure de sa
propre muraille et dominant lensemble urbain.
Le ple central continuera de commander les extensions urbaines ou
faubourgs, dvelopps au nord et au sud, sans subir de mutations.
Celle-ci napparatront qu la n du XIXe sicle, lorsquun deuxime
ple lest vient concurrencer le ple historique.
2. A la Mdina sajoute un Tunis moderne
Avant le protectorat franais, les communauts europennes prsentes
Tunis, occupaient un quartier intra-muros, appel le quartier franc.
Ce quartier est situ sur les terrains bas de la frange est, non loin des
sols marcageux du Lac El Behira. Il sera le point de dpart dune

Expriences de rhabilitation urbaine et territorial en mditerrane

Experiencias de rehabilitacin urbana y territorial
Experiences of urban and territorial rehabilitation in mediterranean

nouvelle ville. Ds linstallation du rgime colonial sur la Tunisie (1881),

laux dhommes daaires, de fonctionnaires lis ladministration,
favorise la spculation foncire sur les sols de la ville basse qui connat
un dveloppement spectaculaire. En quelques annes, Tunis se
ddouble : la Mdina sajoute un Tunis moderne qui sarme comme
Trs vite, les marcages sont combls, quadrills de voies orthogonales,
les cimetires chrtien et juif qui jouxtaient la muraille sont transfrs
(1898). A ct de la nouvelle cathdrale se multiplient les constructions
publiques : le march central (1890), lHtel des Postes (1892), lHtel
de Ville (1901), des salles de spectacles comme le Thtre Municipal
(1902), le Casino Municipal (1902)...
Le pouvoir administratif et militaire du protectorat choisit, quant lui,
de sinstaller sur les hauteurs de la Kasbah lOuest, confortant ainsi la
vocation historique de cet emplacement.
La Mdina sinterposant, comme une masse compacte, infranchissable
la circulation vhiculaire, pose un problme dont la solution na pas
ni de proccuper les amnageurs. Une tentative de solution a t
trouve dans la dmolition de lenceinte et lamnagement dun
boulevard circulaire.
La ville neuve consque donc la Mdina une partie de ses fonctions,
notamment la fonction conomique. Cest la n de la polarit unique
de lensemble urbain mais pas la n de la Mdina. Celle-ci tonne par
son adaptation aux exigences de la situation nouvelle.
Lorganisation spatiale sculaire est en mutation. Les mutations
perceptibles dans lespace conomique ont diverses causes dont
t la gnralisation des moyens de communication modernes qui a
favoris la frange, contournant la Mdina, longeant les remparts.
Puis aprs la dmolition des remparts, cest un anneau dartres
vhiculaires qui concentre les activits au dtriment du centre
t Le dclin des activits artisanales de production et de
commercialisation, qui ont subi de plein fouet, la concurrence des
produits manufacturs imports, a libr des espaces autour de la
Grande Mosque. De nouvelles activits sont venues y prendre place,
modiant jusqu lorganisation spatiale par le remembrement de
plusieurs boutiques pour caser bazars, restaurants ou banques.
t Par le fait que la Grande Mosque, ntant plus lunique centre
universitaire et religieux, le centre nest plus le point de conuence
de la vie dans la Mdina. Dautres ples et notamment la ville
coloniale ont accapar la centralit.

un extrieur contre lequel la protection tait de rigueur. On note dans

la mme ville une dirence dune porte lautre. Celles qui souvrent
sur les quartiers les plus dynamiques de lagglomration ont connu
le dveloppement le plus remarquable. Ainsi, la Porte Bab Bhar qui
met en communication la Mdina et la ville moderne, joue un rle
important. Ceci dautant plus quelle devient le lieu de passage des ux
touristiques. A ce titre, elle a fait lobjet de soins particuliers quant son
amnagement (fontaine, bancs, traitements de faades). Des services
en relation avec la fonction touristique, ont vite fait de sy installer (cafs,
kiosques journaux et cartes postales...). La Porte Bab Souika draine un
ux incessant de populations rsidant dans les quartiers populaires dEl
Omrane et Jebel Lahmar.
Ainsi donc la porte par son activit propre ou par celle quelle
commande, inue sur le fonctionnement interne de la Mdina et
engendre des transformations au niveau de la hirarchie des artres.
Certains axes, grce la recrudescence de leurs activits conomiques,
sont passs de la catgorie daxes secondaires de desserte celle des
axes principaux qui structurent la cit. Le tissu traditionnel sest avr
dune exibilit tonnante qui sest traduite par des rajustements et
des adaptations en fonction des nouvelles donnes.
Laxe principal Nord-Sud (rue Tourbet El Bey Rue du Pacha en
passant par la Grande Mosque) a accus une translation vers lEst, se
rapprochant ainsi de la ville coloniale . Laxe rue des Teinturiers Souk
Al Grana la remplac par son dynamisme conomique.
Il est signaler galement limportance prise par les axes de liaison EstOuest (ville coloniale zone administrative de la Kasbah) tel point
que laxe traditionnel de la rue de la Kasbah a vite atteint un degr de
saturation et on a assist la transformation dun certain nombre de
parcours qui lui sont plus ou moins parallles (rue Jemaa Zitouna, rue
Zarkoun). Grce une recrudescence de leurs activits conomiques
ceux-ci sont passs de la catgorie daxes secondaires de desserte
celle des axes principaux.
La Mdina de Tunis est un site o ne confrontent et sarontent les
activits dune socit en continuelle volution et o spanouit
la crativit de plusieurs gnrations de btisseurs. Elle est issue
dune adaptation progressive du modle originel. Pour revitaliser le
patrimoine architectural et urbain, il faut engager lamnagement
dans la voie dune sauvegarde active qui sinscrit dans un processus de
dveloppement urbain continu.

3. La modication du fonctionnement de la Mdina

La combinaison de ces causes et eets a profondment marqu
lespace de la Mdina o lon parle dextraversion conomique . En
eet, le centre de gravit sest dplac du centre vers la priphrie.
La nature des activits de la frange dire selon que lon se trouve
proximit de la Kasbah, la zone administrative, lOuest ou proximit
de la ville neuve et notamment du march central et des gares, lest.
A louest les services sont principalement des cabinets davocats, de
notoires, de mdecins ; louest se concentrent les grossistes et les
semi-grossistes, les banques...
Dans ce nouveau systme dorganisation de lespace, les portes
deviennent les points forts par excellence. Elles sont lespace charnire
entre la ville historique et les quartiers nouveaux alors quauparavant,
elles marquaient la n de lurbanisation et le dbut de la campagne,


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Experiences of urban and territorial rehabilitation in mediterranean

Plan 1 Mdina et Faubourgs (1860)

Plan 2 La Mdina dans la ville

Modication du fonctionnement
Interne de la mdina:

Fonctionnement Historique
parcours principaux

parcours principaux


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Experiences of urban and territorial rehabilitation in mediterranean

Un nouvel lan pour Sidi-Ghiles, Algrie

Laetitia Belala*; Julie Laborde**; Jean-Marie Cottin***
* architecte DPLG, vacataire lcole darchitecture de St-etienne, en
porte lagence durbanisme de St-Etienne, France
adresse postale : 26, rue H. Gonnard, 42000 St-Etienne, France
** Julie Laborde, architecte DPLG, architecte conseil au CAUE de la
*** architecte DPLG, salari dans une agence Toulouse, France (BCP
adresse postale :
* 26, rue H. Gonnard, 42000 St-Etienne, France
** 21, rue Royet, 42000 St-Etienne, France
*** 3, rue Espinasse, 31000 Toulouse, France
Adresse courrier lectronique:
*(0033) 06-07-59-71-56
** (0033) 04-77-46-67-57
*** (0033) 06-13-42-56-16

A lorigine du projet, Mohammed Belala, algrien immigr en France

dans les annes 1960, dsire rinvestir dans sa rgion natale, Sidi-Ghiles,
bourgade entre mer et montagne, Wilaya de Tipaza 80km louest
dAlger. Sur le long terme, lide est dorir la population, sur des
terres familiales surplombant le village, une infrastructure propice la
redcouverte du patrimoine local. Ce serait un lieu hospitalier o les
savoir-faire artisanaux et les coutumes seront de nouveau transmises
des anciens vers les jeunes, du villageois vers le touriste, dans un
tat desprit respectueux de lhomme et de lenvironnement. Lieu de
mmoire avant tout, hommage au paysage et aux coutumes locales,
le projet sera constitu dun amphithatre en plein-air, de quelques
locaux agricoles accueillant les rcoltes de gues et de raisins, abritant
quelques btes dlevages, dautres lieux daccueil, dinformation et de
repos. Il sintgrera sur la crte de la colline do les visiteurs pourront
proter dune vue qui englobe lensemble du panorama : la mer, la
plaine du littoral, Sidi-Ghiles, les montagnes et les valles des oueds.
Trois architectes, nous intervenons en dessinant un btiment
danimations festives et culturelles au coeur du village. Le programme
associe une salle des ftes dune capacit de 200 personnes, une
cuisine adjacente, une salle de confrence et un ensemble dune
dizaine de chambres dhtes en tages. Cet tablissement se veut
comme une premire phase qui, dans son fonctionnement, permettra
de nancer en partie la suite du projet sur les hauteurs de Sidi-Ghiles.
Aprs une visite sur place en aot 2006, pour apprhender ensemble
les caractristiques du site, les possibilits oertes, les exigences
respecter et les usages locaux, nous avons dgag une mthode de
travail qui nous semble adapte et quon espre productive.
Nos intentions mlent un dsir de renouer avec des techniques de

construction locales mais oublies et le souci de rester pragmatiques

quant au contexte existant des points de vues constructif et
A partir des annes 1980 et jusqu aujourdhui, lessentiel de
lurbanisation de la rgion de Sidi-Ghiles correspond un modle de
dveloppement dit moderne, consommant beaucoup de ciment
pour riger des btiments hauts (de 5 7 tages). Des immeubles
de logements apparaissent pour absorber lexode rurale et contrecarrer la naissance dun habitat plus ou moins prcaire en priphrie.
Ces ensembles collectifs, comme les villas familiales qui peuvent
ponctuer lintrieur du village ou le littoral, sont constitus dune
structure poteau-poutre bton, souvent surdimensionne, avec une
porte courante de planchers jusqu 4,50 mtres. Le remplissage est
fait de double-mur de briques de terre cuite et les toitures sont des
terrasses planes, tanches au bitume, souvent accessibles. La priode
coloniale, qui a donn naissance au village le long de la route du littoral
existante et sur une trame urbaine perpendiculaire, a dvelopp une
architecture peu leve constitue de toits double-pente recouverts
de tuiles dites romaines. Larchitecture traditionnelle de larrire pays et
les savoir-faire quelle induit, savoir des maonneries de pierres sches
et de terres crues, des parois et des couverture dherbes sche, tend
disparatre au prot de lindustrie dominante de bton, plus tablie
dans les esprits pour adapter le cadre bti aux volutions des donnes
gographique et social. On remarque cependant que les nouveaux
arrivants reproduisent en limite de village, les conditions de vie et des
typologie dabri issues de leurs montagnes dorigine.
Le site de la salle des ftes est une avance rocheuse sur la mer
mditrrane que prolongent louest comme lest les plages du
village. Le btiment prote dune position privilgie et sera largement
visible depuis le bord de mer. Notre rexion sest dabord porte sur
lenveloppe qui devra protger les usagers des regards extrieurs. Les
murs du rez de chausse sont opaques et se prolongent, la suite dune
faille imposante marquant lentre, en un systme darcades qui rend
plus uide une relation entre les espaces couverts du programme et un
jardin intrieur. Un travail de refends latraux reprend les principes de
seuils dintimit rcurrents dans larchitecture arabe et/ou magrbine. Il
permet de crer un vritable sas au niveau de laccueil entre le dedans
et le dehors, il permet ensuite de gnrer des niches de tranquilit
dont proteront les clients. Un principe de coupe est ensuite en cours
dtude qui ouvre la salle des ftes aux vents douest, plus sains, pour les
conduire vers le jardin tandis que, sur la partie orientale, le volume des
chambres slve sur deux niveaux et bloque les vents dest, plus forts
et plus drangeants.
La base constructive demeure basique. Une trame poteau-poutre de
3 et de 3,75m est reconduite sur deux niveaux lexception des deux
espaces de la salle des ftes et de la salle de confrences qui exigent,
de par leurs fonctions, des franchissements plus grands pour plus de
libert visuelle et de circulation. Cet tat desprit de conception intgre
compltement le btiment dans la ralit constructive rgionale.
Nous imaginons qu un travail plus dlicat, plus riche, se fera dans la
ralisation du second-oeuvre en faisant appel aux connaissances et
la crativit des nombreux artisans locaux aux niveaux des enduits
extrieurs et intrieurs, des systmes de mobilier, de menuiseries
(panneaux coulissants lintrieur des murs doubles de terre cuite,
drivs de moucharabiers), dornementations, de cramiques etc... Au
stade o en est lesquisse aujourdhui, et au stade o elle en sera cet t
pour le dpt de permis de construire, nous proposons volontairement


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Experiencias de rehabilitacin urbana y territorial
Experiences of urban and territorial rehabilitation in mediterranean

une trame, une hauteur dtage et des paisseur de murs qui pourront
intgrer, si les possibilits nous sont oertes, des matriaux de
construction plus prestigieux, plus sains et plus ancrs dans la culture
traditionnelle. Imaginons un soubassement en mur de pierres o une
utilisation plus massive de la terre crue en partie couvrante (dalles)
comme en remplissage des parois verticales.
Le projet dans son ensemble relancera Sidi-Ghiles dans un processus
de dveloppement positif et durable. Celui-ci stoppera la situation
actuelle qui laisse Sidi-Ghiles comme un village meurtri par la croissance
des villes voisines, pollu par les dchets de Cherchell lEst, bientt
travers par une ligne haute tension de la centrale lectrique de Hadjet
Ennous lOuest.
Le combat que mne cette famille au quotidien qui porte entre autres
sur une dviation de la ligne lectrique et ainsi limiter une dgradation
visuelle comme cologique du paysage, commence porter ses fruits
: des rencontres avec les principales instances publiques et prives ont
t organises, un collectif runissant des habitants solidaires sest mis
en place, des articles ont t publis dans la presse nationale (el Watan
du 11/09/2006, le combat solidaire dune famille par H. MHamed),
limplantation des poteaux lectriques est remis en question par la
socite de gaz et dlectricit nationale elle-mme, enn nous avons
li un contact favorable avec un constructeur franco-algrien... Notre
souhait, par linitiative prsente qui prend valeur dexemple, est de
prserver le village des agressions cologiques graves quil subit, dans
un contexte social encore dicile, an de laisser la voie possible
une volution sereine dans les annes venir. Du local au global, une
confrence Rehabimed nous permettrait dattirer dautres partenaires
et de consolider llan ambitieux de ce projet en cours.


Projet montagne



Prol site

Expriences de rhabilitation urbaine et territorial en mditerrane

Experiencias de rehabilitacin urbana y territorial
Experiences of urban and territorial rehabilitation in mediterranean

Rhabilitation de laxe structurant du

vieux Guemmar. Au del du dcor

Lakhdar Kouici
Matre-assistant au Dpartement dArchitecture
Facult des Sciences de lIngnieur - Universit Saad Dahleb de Blida
- Algrie.
Architecte, E.P.A.U. Alger 1976. A t membre de comit
interministriel du btiment. Equipe de recherche sur lhabitat
saharien; thorie et projet exprimental. Esquisse dun guide de
conception au Sahara. Coordinateur de recherche sur lhabitat
El oued. A publi des ouvrages sur la terminologie et les concepts
lmentaires en architecture.
Adresse postale:
cit Seddik Benyahia bt H N 06 Blida Algrie
Adresse courrier lectronique:
093 29 28 43

Le dsert, un chemin et un euve mis dans sa solitude, puis des jardins

arross. Guemmar* en est un fruit. Cit sculaire, faonne par le gnie
des traditions, elle rassemble tous les linaments de larchitecture
mditerranenne retouchs la palette de son territoire.
Ne dans une contre qui voque laube de la Cration. Un lieu de
vie sorti de nulle part, fait de puret et de rusticit : oasis de verdure
; palmiers et arbres portant leurs semences, enfoncs dans des ghouts
(cratres), sources projetant leurs canaux ; animaux vivants ; un village
et des hommes cultivant le sol.
Penser sa rhabilitation cest dabord, mditer sur sa gense, dans
le milieu naturel qui la procre, le dsert. Paysage unique aux visions
multiples. Vaste arabesque aux reets irrels. Nourrie de ses palmeraies
et chair de sa chair, elle est cit de sable sur le sable.
Ensuite pour la comprendre, il faut remonter le l de son histoire,
faire abstraction de ses atteintes pour limaginer pure dans son doux
berceau. Il faut se remmorer ses scnes et tableaux du pass. Elle
tait paysage dans son paysage. Elle vibrait au rythme du soue de sa
vie sociale et familiale. Il faut parcourir rebours ses ruelles paisibles,
pntrer ses intrieurs accueillants, ausculter son anatomie pour enn
approcher son me.
Fonde au xvme sicle, elle avait sa forme, ses limites. Structure
par des ruelles troites rectilignes sans rectitude sorganisants en
arbre. Construites en pierres (louss) lies avec un pltre (gypse cuit),
les habitations aux pices modules par la coupole ou la vote, sont
distribues par une cour intrieure. Samalgamant selon un ordre
souple pour former la cit, passant auparavant par des blocs linaires
dlots en double paisseur.

Elle avait sa menue placette de souk (march), sa kahwa (caf), son

khan (caravansrail), ses mesjed mosques), ses medersas (coles), ses
keniss (synagogues), ses hanouts (boutiques), ses sabbats (praux). Ses
corps de mtiers : Nahassines chaudronniers), sabaghines (teinturiers),
achabines (herboristes), khaiatines (tailleurs), haddadines (forgerons),
saadji (horlogers)...
Aujourdhui, devenue centre historique, son prcieux patrimoine tombe
en dcrpitude. En stalant autour delle, la nouvelle ville la dabord
coup de son site. Puis la enserre jusqu faire tomber sa priphrie
pour y installer son architecture impersonnelle. Son uvre continue;
des lots sont dtruits, des maisons abandonnes, tombent en ruine.
Image de dsolation et de marginalisation
Dans le but de rhabiliter son cadre bti, les autorits viennent de
raliser le projet dadaptation et requalication de son axe principal qui
se branche directement sur le boulevard central de la nouvelle ville. Il
va de Bab Gherbi (porte ouest) Bab Chergui (porte est) en traversant
la placette souk kchacheb (manteaux de laine) et aboutit souk tmar
(march des dattes).
La rhabilitation a revtu plusieurs formes: rfection de sabbats, des
parois de la rue et celles des locaux de souk tmar ; restitution des portes
urbaines dans une version rinterprte (votes lintrados dcors
poses sur colonnes); substitution de galeries et de boutiques, des
habitations en ruine; rcupration de lespace, par dmolition, pour
lagrandissement de la placette souk kchacheb et largissement par
endroit, de la rue qui y mne.
Les boutiques sont destines faire revivre les anciens mtiers dont
il ne reste quun forgeron. Leurs productions artisanales devraient
promouvoir le tourisme et crer une source de revenus pour les
La paroi dnissant la rue a t simplement surleve quand elle
respecte le trac prvu, dcale si elle est en del. Les parties dlabres
des murs ont t reconstruites, selon le cas, en tranches horizontales
ou verticales. Les faades revtue de pltre base de tefza et peint en
ocre jaune. Leurs franges suprieures dcores par une frise de festons
dentels de couleurs blanche et grise.
Le visuel, refondu, a t reformul. Les matriaux mis en uvre sont
traditionnels (louss et pltre) et contemporains (parpaing, brique, bton
Lintervention a tabli une meilleure articulation spatiale du quartier
avec la ville. Elle a opr quelques modications au trac de lespace
publique, et lui a imprim une nouvelle image.
Comment est vcu ce modle spatial conu?
Les espaces produits rinvestis, les habitants manifestent des ractions
Pour laspect physique, lunanimit est faite autour de la solidit des
matriaux utiliss et la propret qui en a dcoule. Cest comme ci on a
ressuscit un mort. (**)
Par contre, Les vues ne sont plus perues comme reet du quartier
historique. Le mur de faade, par sa hauteur inhabituelle et le travail
de lissage et dgalisation qui la caractris, a masqu les votes et
les coupoles, supprim les contreforts et eac toute forme familire
des espaces traditionnels. Il a par la mme occasion, gomm leet de
profondeur qui faisait le charme des perspectives. Cest la n de lhistoire
de la rgion. (**)
Par sa dimension, son traitement et labsence douvertures, il est lu
comme un mur de clture dallure monumentale. On dirait quil cache


Expriences de rhabilitation urbaine et territorial en mditerrane

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Experiences of urban and territorial rehabilitation in mediterranean

des palais, pas nos humbles demeures. (**)

Sa surlvation est apprcie par certains comme source de scurit.
Cependant, les rigueurs du climat et sa non conformit vernaculaire au
lieu, la font renier par dautres, il fait cran au soleil utile en hivers, et
lair ncessaire en t.
La circulation mcanique est vcue conictuellement. Laccs des
voitures nous a apport beaucoup de bien mais galement de la poussire,
du bruit et des accidents, surtout en labsence de trottoirs. (**)
La place et souk tmar, par manque de coins dombre sont vides pendant
toute la semaine, sauf le vendredi o ils justient leur appellation de souk
(marchs). Le reste du temps ils servent daire dvolution bicyclette
pour les enfants, gns ailleurs par le sable.
Leet direct de toutes ces nuisances, est la baisse de frquentation des
sabbats longeant la rue et bordant la place, dhabitude lieu de repos et
de rencontre trs recherch.
La grande partie des boutiques est ferme. Les activits artisanales
rappeles ne sont pas ressuscites. La perte des savoir faire populaires,
le dsintrt des jeunes et la raret du tourisme, client potentiel, rend
le traitement de ce volet problmatique.
Sur le plan technique et constructif des anomalies sont signaler.
Apparition de ssures dans les murs dans certains endroits. Inltrations
lintrieur des habitations, deau de pluie retenue sur les terrasses par
la surlvation des murs.
Apparemment ces tensions socio-spaciales sont en relation plus ou
moins troite avec une srie de ruptures que le projet a provoqu dans
les quilibres internes du tissu traditionnel.
a induit dautres proportions vide/plein inexistant dans la cit. La
nouvelle conguration nest plus en rapport avec les caractristiques
historiques et morphologiques du lieu. Cette dilatation de lespace
serait donc plutt en relation avec lhypertrophie urbaine de la
grande ville.
A la rue, simple passage et dchelle humaine, dlimite par une
architecture domestique, on a plaqu des faades voulues urbaines,
toujours assimiles la monumentalit. L o toute la monumentalit
provient justement de larchitecture domestique.
Toutefois, la dnition des faces de la place est plus mesure, par le
vocabulaire adopt, sa varit et les proportions des volumes.
mmorises par les habitants, caractriss par une chelle, des
proportions et un prol vocateur et variable le long du parcours,
ont t refondues et ges dans un prol unique. Lidentit des
lieux ayant t ainsi altre, lcho visuel nest plus dcod dans les
mmes termes ou des termes quivalents.
dans le calme et lair pure. Au temps mesur par le pas de lne ou de
lhomme feutr par le sable. Laccs mcanique et le commerce, ont
introduit les tumultes de la vie moderne avec son lot de vacarme, de
pollution et danonymat.
inertie thermique, obstruction de la terrasse et changement de la
hauteur du mur de la cour.
matriau moderne (parpaing) au matriau ancien et une mise en
uvre conictuelle.


En labsence de plan de sauvegarde (site non class), ce projet est la

premire phase dun P.O.S. Son excution a eu aronter des dicults
multiples; vtust avance des constructions, occupation des
habitations pendant les travaux, rsistances sociales aux dmolitions et
dlai court imparti la ralisation. Il a constitu partiellement un chantier
cole pour la reconqute de comptences en voie de disparition,
notamment la dcoration polychrome sur pltre, la construction
en louss (surlvation du mur) et la reconstruction de votes et de
coupoles. Nanmoins, sur le plan de la conception, et en prsence de
caractres fortement symboliques, la logique de leacement naurait
elle pas t plus adapte que celle de leaage qui a prvalue ? Enn
cette action a touch les espaces majeurs du tissu. Elle est susceptible,
par l, de constituer le levain qui va faire lever et servir de modle
toute la masse urbaine restante. Nous serions ainsi, devant une image
anticipe du futur Guemmar.
(*) Ville du Souf, sud est algrien.
(**) Paroles dhabitant

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Experiences of urban and territorial rehabilitation in mediterranean

Rehabilitation des lotissements

coloniaux :
Cas de la ville de Blida

Leila Sahraoui-Zerarka
Dip. Architecte, Magister en Architecture
Adresse postale:
Lotissement Ouali III, N 8, Rue Ouali Mohamed, Blida, Algrie
E-mail :
(00.213) (0)

Lhritage urbain colonial des villes Algriennes constitue une part
signicative de leur tissu urbain aussi bien dun point de vue quantitatif
que qualitatif. Lhritage bti lgu par la colonisation a constitu la
base dun nouveau cadre de vie de la socit1 mais na toujours pas
reu la place quil mrite en matire de prservation et de mise en
La qualit et la diversit dans la production architecturale et urbaine ont
suscit depuis un certain temps un intrt particulier notamment dans
les milieux universitaires, toutefois les tudes restent centres sur les
grandes compositions et amnagements, sur les ralisations et projets
de clbres noms de larchitecture et de lurbanisme. Ces dices ont
t rcuprs aprs lindpendance pour les lieux de pouvoirs, pour
les siges dadministration et autres ; et ont t relativement bien
conservs. Par contre, larchitecture mineure, celle qui rgne dans la
ville coloniale ordinaire, celle des dices dhabitation, de commerce et
de bureaux, est la plus problmatique. La vulnrabilit des dices est
en hausse par manque dentretien, par les transformations internes et
externes qui soprent sans contrle et sans tudes pralables.
Ces altrations sont telles que des faades coloniales entires sont
remplaces par de nouvelles formes architecturales hybrides2 et
souvent non adaptes au climat3. Cette mutation tend changer le
paysage urbain et participe la disparition lente de cet hritage encore
mconnu, pourtant exceptionnel4.
Nous nous intressons pour notre part, aux anciens quartiers
rsidentiels raliss dans le cadre de lotissements coloniaux de la ville
de Blida. Cette dernire, comme la plupart des villes Algriennes, perd
prsentement ses repres devant la dgradation du cadre bti ancien
et la spculation foncire notamment avec lachat et la dmolition
du bti de lpoque des Couloughlis5, des Ottomans et surtout de la
colonisation Franaise ; participant ainsi la disparition de ce qui donne
le cachet spcique la ville. A ce stade, on se demande combien
de personnes habitant la ville pourraient mettre des appellations de
lpoque sur les dirents quartiers ? Sur les boulevards et les rues de la


ville ? Sur les noms des architectes pour qualier leurs uvres ? Quels
eorts sont entrepris par les autorits de la ville en vue dune protection
de cet hritage urbain?
Cette prsentation sinsre dans le contexte de la connaissance de
lotissements rsidentiels coloniaux considrs comme des formes
durbanisation qui constituent une composante importante du tissu
urbain de la ville et dont il sagit didentier les lments pertinents
ayant rgi cette production.
Cette tude a fait lobjet dune recherche universitaire base sur les
archives nationales et communales et sur lobservation in situ pour :
t Dvelopper une lecture comparative des caractristiques
morphologiques des lotissements coloniaux et post-coloniaux.
t Etudier les conditions contextuelles de leur production ainsi que
les dmarches conceptuelles ou modles qui ont prsid leur
t Elaborer un plan de situation des lotissements dans la ville.
t Et en dresser un inventaire chronologique et nominatif (datation et
1- Prsentation du site : Forme et structure urbaine
La ville de Blida se trouve au pied du versant nord de lAtlas tellien et
stale jusqu la lisire sud de la plaine de la mitidja. Elle se situe au sudouest dAlger et 50km de la capitale. Dans sa croissance urbaine, la
ville de Blida a vu se succder plusieurs formes durbanisation et la ville
actuelle se prsente comme le rsultat de son volution historique.
Elle se distingue par trois priodes durbanisation importantes : Prcoloniale, coloniale et post-coloniale. Chaque priode prsente un
espace particulier avec ses caractristiques morphologiques spciques.
Dans cette prsentation, nous nous intresserons particulirement la
production architecturale et urbaine de lpoque coloniale.
Lextension du primtre urbain de la ville coloniale sest faite en deux
temps :
Premire extension du primtre urbain :
- Dabord hors du primtre primitif : 1838-1842 ldication des camps
fortis ; plutard des terrains furent pris sur les cimetires musulmans
et les orangeries pour la construction du quartier militaire, les casernes
lOuest, et lhpital militaire lEst.
- A lintrieur du primtre urbain : 1916-1925 Ltablissement colonial
dans le primtre urbain sest manifest par un ensemble de travaux de
ralignement et de ramnagement qui devaient adapter la structure
de la ville aux exigences du contrle militaire et aux ncessits
logistiques de larme.
Deuxime extension du primtre urbain :
En 1926-1940 Le tissu urbain tant satur, lextension urbaine se fera
dans la priphrie immdiate du centre historique. Les remparts
furent abattus en 1926 et remplacs par les boulevards de ceinture.
un dplacement de la population Arabe vers le quartier Ouled-Soltane
qui se densie au sud, quant aux Europens, ils sinstallent autour des
boulevards qui ceinturent la ville par le morcellement dune multitude
de proprits foncires. Cest le dbut des oprations de lotissements
notamment sous leet de la loi de 19196.
La croissance urbaine sest dveloppe suivant le trac des anciennes
seguias, en forme de rseau rayonnant qui se dveloppait partir des
boulevards de ceinture constituant le support de lextension7. Comme

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Experiences of urban and territorial rehabilitation in mediterranean

dans toute ville Franaise moyenne, Blida a vu se multiplier le long

de ses axes rayonnants, des lotissements dhabitat pavillonnaire8.
Ces derniers, se dvelopprent jusquaux annes 60 sur les dernires
orangeries de la ville.
2- le lotissement colonial : gense et volution
A la suite de loccupation coloniale, les villes prcoloniales Algriennes
vont connatre des degrs dirents, une srie de transformations
dues aux plans dalignement et damnagement et des extensions sans
prcdent, notamment aprs la destruction des remparts.
En Algrie, la politique en matire durbanisme se rfrait lappareil
lgislatif appliqu en France depuis 1919, avec quelques adaptations aux
conditions du pays9. Sous leet de la loi du 14 mars 1919, les premires
oprations de lotissements individuels rglementes sont lances dans
toute la commune de Blida. Les autorits en place, permettaient aussi
bien aux Franais quaux Algriens dacqurir des lots de terrain dans le
but den faire des lotissements dhabitat individuel10.
Les charges de lEtat obligent laisser linitiative des organismes privs
lexcution des travaux damnagement indispensable. Ces travaux
comportent la construction des rues, des rseaux dalimentation en
eau et dgouts, des lignes lectriques pour lclairage, place et jardin
public. On en dduit que pour crer un lotissement, il ne sut pas de
diviser un terrain en un certain nombre de lots, de les sparer par des
rues puis de commercialiser.
Cependant, et faute de directives ocielles, la procdure se faisait ainsi
autrefois jusquen 1924 en France et 1928 en Algrie11. Les lotissements
usage dhabitation furent conus dans les conditions des lois du 14
mars 1919 et 19 juillet 1924. Ces lois dpourvues de sanctions, furent
alors compltes et amliores par dautres textes du 15 mars 1928.
Dautres articles et arrts12 tel larrt du 17 dcembre 1954 relatifs
lhygine et la salubrit du lotissement soumettent les lotisseurs,
pralablement toute vente de terrains allotis, un certain nombre
de formalits et obligations techniques, dont lobservation doit tre
constate par Arrt prfectoral.
Ces indispensables formalits ne permettent dsormais la cration de
lotissements que dans des conditions satisfaisantes la fois aux rgles
de lhygine, de lurbanisme et de lesthtique. Leur application a permis
de construire de nombreux lotissements rsidentiels dans la ville.
3- Le lotissement colonial dans la ville de Blida :
caractristiques architecturales et urbaines
Les lotissements coloniaux sont situs la priphrie immdiate de la
ville, en majorit sur les axes structurants au nord ouest et au nord est
de la ville. Le choix prcis de leur localisation leur procure un certain
degr dquipement, danimation, de vie urbaine et suscite souvent la
qualit de leur paysage urbain13
Leur forme urbaine se caractrise par un systme de trac identiable
dans la structure globale de la ville :
Un systme de trac en damier qui caractrise la forme urbaine des
premiers lotissements raliss dans la ville.
Un systme de trac en boucle caractristique du lotissement
rsidentiel, rcurrent aussi bien dans les premires et dernires formes
urbaines du lotissement colonial de la ville.
Enn, un systme de trac placette considr comme la dernire
forme urbaine atteinte du lotissement colonial dans la ville de Blida.
Ltude des plans cadastraux montre que la structure urbaine est
cohrente, base sur un systme de lotisation en bande et un trac

rgulier en lots. Le trac et le dcoupage parcellaire obissent des

principes gomtriques prcis favorisant la densit de llot et le rapport
parcellaire/viaire. La hirarchie du viaire est en rapport avec limportance
de la voirie (principale ou desserte) et la taille du lotissement. Un rapport
est tabli entre la gomtrie de la parcelle et le type dimplantation
du bti. Laspect extrieur du bti prsente une homognit dans la
composition de faades, dans le sens de la pente des toitures, dans
lemploi des couleurs et matriaux de construction. La typologie des
murs de clture favorise la relation lespace public et laisse apparatre
la richesse du traitement architectural de lentre au bti.
Le choix du site est dterminant dans la conception, les proccupations
paysagres taient dj prsentes dans les cahiers des charges
notamment pour ceux implants sur les terrains forte valeur naturelle
et prsentant des vues panoramiques. Les tracs et les dcoupages
parcellaires sont en rapport avec les donnes du site14.
Ces lotissements sont aussi conus selon les principes de lurbanisme
moderne ; notamment ceux qui furent raliss durant la dernire
dcennie de la colonisation. Leurs caractristiques gnrales se
rsument dans le pourcentage lev despaces libres, le niveau
dquipement et la densit par lagencement judicieux dhabitations
individuelles et du petit collectif15 ou dimmeubles tages dont les
rez de chausse sont rservs aux commerces.
4- Le lotissement colonial : dgradation du cadre bti
La lecture et la superposition des dirents plans cadastraux ainsi que
lobservation in situ nous permettent de remarquer que le caractre
typologique du bti colonial est aect par les transformations et les
t Il a t observ une rduction de lespace priv extrieur
principalement par changement dusage.
t Lopacit et le surhaussement des murs de clture entranant un
faible rapport lespace public.
t La vulnrabilit du bti due au manque dentretien, aux
transformations internes et externes.
t Lallocation de villas coloniales pour des activits usage commercial
ce qui accentue leur dtrioration.
t La dmolition de villas et reconstruction dimmeubles usage
commercial ce qui contribue la perte progressive de la fonction
rsidentielle dans le centre ville et son pricentre.
5- Conclusion :
Lintrt que nous portons aux lotissements rsidentiels de lpoque
coloniale de la ville nest pas seulement pour leur caractre historique
mais surtout pour une mise en ordre et aux normes que sous tendent
ces projets, compars la pauvret architecturale et urbaine de la
production actuelle.
Rhabiliter les lotissements coloniaux de la ville revient rhabiliter un
savoir et un savoir faire en matire de procdure, de rglementation,
dinstruments opratoires et de conception quil sagit dexplorer en
profondeur dans une perspective dlaboration de plans et desquisses
thoriques damnagement qui serviront de guide pour les lus et les
amnageurs quand il sagira de concevoir de nouveaux ensembles

N.Oulebsir, Les usages du patrimoine ed. maison des sciences de lhomme, Paris 2004. p.3

T. Kessab, Le patrimoine architectural Algerois, une richesse architecturale et urbaine


Expriences de rhabilitation urbaine et territorial en mditerrane

Experiencias de rehabilitacin urbana y territorial
Experiences of urban and territorial rehabilitation in mediterranean

mconnue extrait du colloque international Alger lumires sur la ville, 2002.p.326


Cas de nouveaux projets de la remonte et les tours de Bab el sebt au centre ville de

Chiraz Mosbah, article publi dans Qantara, magazine de linstitut du monde Arabe

Couloughlis brassage de la population Andalouse et Turque.

Anne dapparition de la premire loi concernant les lotissements en France ; qui rend
obligatoire le permis de construire.

Plan durbanisme de Blida tablit par TONY SOCARD 1953.

J. La Bruyre Deluz, Blida le centre ville1975.

A. Zuccheli, Introduction lurbanisme oprationnel et la composition urbaine, ed.

OPU Alger 1983.


A titre dexemple, nous citons : lotissement Bouchemite, El djenina...pour les Algriens

et lotissements Rivets, Bensimon, Bizot, Dourel, Rozzaza, et dautres pour les Franais).


Revue chantiers dAfrique du Nord, n 21, 1955.


Certicats dapprobation des plans de lotissements des archives communales.


A titre dexemple, nous citons les localisations proximit de la gare (lotissement de la

rue de la gare), en bordure dangle (lotissement Fortunet), prs des parcs (lotissement
du bois sacr et du jardin Bizot).


Cest aussi le cas pour des parcs transforms en lotissements tels que le parc dAnnam
et Le Paradou, Hydra (Alger).


tels que le lotissement Joinville le plan, chemin du marabout, Rozzaza Blida,

le lotissement Lavigerie El- Harrach, Alger, et la cit ouvrire de l E.G.A (Gu de Constantine,


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Experiencias de rehabilitacin urbana y territorial
Experiences of urban and territorial rehabilitation in mediterranean

La prservation et la restauration du
systme de gestion et de distribution
des eaux dans la Valle du MZab

Zouhir Ballalou
Architecte des monuments historiques
Directeur de lOce de Protection et de Promotion de la Valle du
Membre du conseil dadministration de luniversit de Msila
Coordinateur local du projet Routes des ksour, PNUD
Coordinateur national, Algrie, du projet DELTA Euromed hritage
Adresse postale:
32 rue de la Palestine Ghardaia 47000 Algrie
E-mail :
tl: 213 29884454
mob: 213 79259859
fax: 213 29882548

La valle du MZab, fonde au XI me sicle, est un vritable muse

vivant ciel ouvert, situe en plein dsert et couvrant une supercie de
50 km2 (20 x 2.5 km), ce systme culturel territorial est constitu de cinq
centres historiques lis leurs palmeraies : El Atteuf, Bounoura, Mlika,
Bni Izguen et Ghardaa qui tmoignent dun savoir faire urbanistique
et architectural millnaire et unique en son genre. Ce riche hritage
historique a permis la valle dtre classe comme patrimoine national
en 1971 et comme patrimoine universel par lUNESCO en 1982.
Les cits-oasis du MZab doivent leur clbrit lingniosit de leur
systme durbanisation et de conception architecturale dans un milieu
aride et inhospitalier. En eet, le territoire est rigoureusement structur
pour capitaliser les ressources hydriques de lOued MZab et rentabiliser
loccupation spatiale. Chaque ksar dispose dune palmeraie (espace de
subsistance et de rsidence estivale), dun ensemble de cimetires
et douvrages dfensifs qui dlimitent sa mitoyennet avec les ksour
voisins. Quant larchitecture, qualie davant-gardiste, elle est dune
puret et dune fonctionnalit trs aigue, en parfaite harmonie avec
lenvironnement et en conformit avec lesprit de la communaut.
La rgion du MZab comporte galement des vestiges prhistoriques,
notamment des gravures rupestres qui remontent plus de 5000
ans A.J, mises jour en 1934 , par les professeurs Pierre Roufo et Jol
Abouno. Parmi ces stations, on dnombre les sites de Moumou et
NTissa (prs de Beni Izgen), sur les vestiges du ksar Baba Saad (prs de
Ghardaa), ainsi que dans la rgion de Daya Ben Dahoua et au lieu dit
SidI Mbarek prs de Beriane.
Cet hritage humain, constitue la particularit de demeurer encore
habit par sa population dorigine qui a mis au point un systme
ingnieux de structuration et damnagement de son territoire
dtablissement, rput par son aridit et son isolement. Cette matrise

de loccupation spatiale et la capacit de capitaliser les moindres

ressources sont le fruit dun savoir faire ancestral acquis depuis la
fondation du premier tat Algrien Tihert au VIIme sicle.
La russite prouve sur plusieurs plans de ce modle de socit,
sexplique par lesprit qui a anim ses btisseurs en tant parfaitement
conforme leurs idaux sociologiques, politiques et religieux. Ceci
a donn naissance une civilisation part entire qui a permis
lpanouissement de lindividu avec son environnement et son milieu
Cette symbiose entre lhomme et son milieu naturel, connue
particulirement chez les berbres znetes du Maghreb, a t aiguis
chez les Ibadites au MZab depuis leur premier tablissement humain,
compte tenu de linhospitalit des lieux et de la raret de leau. Mais le
gnie et le savoir local, model par ses principes socio-religieux, a su
extraire de ce milieu naturel strile une multitude de richesses. Ainsi, il a
instaur une conomie du territoire, base sur lexploitation rationnelle
de lespace et de ses ressources au bnce dune vie communautaire
prospre. Ceci, sest traduit par :
de distribution des rares ressources hydriques.
agricole tages.
t -EJmDBUJPOEVODIBQFMFUEFLTPVS cits forties) par le biais dune
architecture adapte au climat et a lenvironnement naturel hostile.
la vie quotidienne et dvelopp au cours des sicles
Dans ce microcosme, tous les lments cohabitaient en harmonie
et se dveloppaient dans lquilibre tabli, mme durant la priode
douverture conomique lextrieure, qui a vu venir sinstaller dautres
groupes ethniques. Ces derniers ont largement contribu la prosprit
de la valle, notamment au moment o Ghardaa constituait une escale
caravanire dans laxe commercial nord-sud.
Cependant, cet quilibre de ldice culturel du territoire a commenc
connatre les premiers signes de dislocation avec lavnement colonial
et la nouvelle conomie lie la dcouverte du ptrole dans la rgion.
Ces signes se sont accentus avec les mutations socio-conomiques
actuelles de la socit, qui ont eu des impacts sur le comportement
individuel et la structuration territoriale.
Les aspects paysags et le systme de partage des eaux:
Le paysage au MZab prsente un quilibre parfait et harmonieux entre
lenvironnement naturel (relief, cours deau et palmeraies) et le patrimoine
Ce systme doccupation de lespace a grandement contribu crer
un microclimat pour le bien tre de la population rsidente et a favoris
le dveloppement dune faune et ore spcique.
Cependant, il est vident que llment de base dans le microclimat
reste leau qui constitue une denre rare dans le MZab. Ceci a amen
les premiers habitants chercher capter leau par tous les moyens
possibles car elle naeurait pas en surface cause de lextrme aridit
du site.
Les premiers habitants du MZab avec leur ingniosit munis de moyens
rudimentaires ont russi crer un systme complexe de captage, de
stockage et de distribution de leau venue des rares crues de lOued.
Claude PAVARD, dans son livre : Lumires du MZab crivait :


Expriences de rhabilitation urbaine et territorial en mditerrane

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Experiences of urban and territorial rehabilitation in mediterranean

Les jardins des dlices o il sut aujourdhui de tendre le bras pour cueillir
les fruits parfums, nexistent que par la volont des hommes qui ont
arrach au fonds des puits leau de la nappe phratique, qui ont aussi et
surtout construit le plus extraordinaire systme de captage des eaux de
ruissellement du Sahara.
Ce systme est si rationnel quil a fait dire au gographe Jean Brunhes
: Ce ne sont pas des tablissements humains qui valent seulement par
leort ralis et le degr relatif de production et de bien tre obtenus en
dpit des conditions naturelles, ce sont des tablissements qui valent
par leur perfection absolue. Ils reprsentent ce quon peut imaginer et
raliser de mieux comme culture doasis.
Ainsi, pour rcuprer toute leau de pluie, le systme de partage des
eaux se compose de plusieurs parties et ouvrages :
typiques (seguia suspendus appel msaraf ) sont amnages
lembouchure des principaux auents an de canaliser les eaux
vers les jardins. Ces mmes Seguias servent rcolter les eaux de
ruissellement provenant des ancs des collines. Entre ces ouvrages
et les jardins, leau passe dans un rseau de canaux souterrains.
dans le lit de loued MZab pour retenir et stocker les eaux pour
lalimentation de la nappe phratique.
Chaque ksar de la valle dispose de ce mme systme hydraulique
des dtails prs, selon limportance des auents et de la taille de sa
palmeraie. Lensemble du systme est gr par un conseil dexperts
notables (Les Oumana) qui pratique cette tache ancestrale en parfait
respect des lois coutumires (Orf ).
Actuellement, ce systme traditionnel de gestion des eaux, tend
tre dbord par les besoins en eaux de plus en plus accrus et par
la dgradation et al destruction de certains ouvrages, ce qui menace
dun disfonctionnement de ce systme, ceci est accentu par une
urbanisation progressive des palmeraies. Aussi, il y a lieu de noter
lutilisation abusive des eaux souterraines (albienne, nappe fossile) au
dtriment des eaux des puits traditionnels (nappe phratique et eaux de
crue). Do lintrt de prserver cette ressource vitale pour le a survie et
le maintien de lco systme oasien.
Des oprations de restaurations et des interventions durgence ont t
entreprise par LOPVM en concertation avec les partenaires locaux, dans
le cadre dun programme large visant la restauration et la sauvegarde
des ouvrages hydrauliques anciens a travers la Valle du Mzab sous
forme de chantiers cole et des compagnes de volontariat, en faisant
appel aux matres maons et les Oumana an de perptuer le savoir
faire ancestral et de former les jeunes sur les techniques de restauration
et de construction locales. Parmi ces actions:
(ouvrages de rcupration des eaux de ruissellement) ainsi que les tours
de guets.
(Tisanbad nbouchne).
crue au niveau des palmeraies.
des centres historiques, an de les utiliser pour lutter contrer les


incendies et pour lalimentation des ksaur en eau.

centres historiques.
dans le cadre dun chantier cole anc par lUNESCO.
des eaux de crue et la reconstruction de la digue Moussa Boukra,
dans le cadre un conancement de la Commission Europenne.
Ces actions sinscrivent aussi dans le cadre dun large programme
du gouvernement Algrien dans le domaine de prservation du
patrimoine culturel et de lenvironnement pour :
(matriel et immatriel)
(rhabilitation des anciennes oasis, protection des palmeraies contre la
scheresse et les extensions urbaines).
lcosystme oasien dan le Mzab.
des eaux.
dans la valle du MZab.
Par ailleurs, ce programme contribue de faon eective tout
dveloppement durable, intgr et concert du patrimoine culturel de
la Vale du Mzab.

Expriences de rhabilitation urbaine et territorial en mditerrane

Experiencias de rehabilitacin urbana y territorial
Experiences of urban and territorial rehabilitation in mediterranean

Canal souterrain lors des travaux de restauraton

Vue gnrale de loasis de Ghardaia

Puit dirrigation et capteur deau de crue

Deversoirapres restauration


Expriences de rhabilitation urbaine et territorial en mditerrane

Experiencias de rehabilitacin urbana y territorial
Experiences of urban and territorial rehabilitation in mediterranean

Architecture et patrimoine du vieux

village de montagne Bordj Zemmoura

Said Madani
Master Degree in Architecture, OSU. Ohio - USA, 1983
Architecte dEtat, IAUC Constantine, Algrie, 1979
Enseignant chercheur ,1983, Chef de Dpt dArchi, Universit de Stif
,depuis 2003.
Directeur Post-Graduation, IAS Stif, 1991-92
Membre du Laboratoire PUVIT: Projet Urbain, Ville et Territoire,
Universit de Stif.
Langues : Arabe, Franais, Anglais.
Adresse postale:
Universit de Stif, Stif 19000 Algrie.
Adresse courrier lectronique:
+213 74544770 ou +213 36845725

Cette tude fait partie dun travail de recherche concernant le processus

des mutations urbaines des centres anciens en Algrie. La plupart de
ces centres urbains sont aujourdhui des villes intermdiaires, alors
que quelques uns sont devenus des villages lexemple de Bordj
La comprhension du processus de formation des centres anciens et
leurs transformations urbaines permet de connatre et saisir les enjeux
ayant provoqu la dynamique du dveloppement de ces noyaux
qui constituent aujourdhui un hritage urbain dune valeur dusage
importante. Ltude des mutations urbaines aide une meilleure gestion
de ces villes et aussi dvelopper un nouveau modle durbanisation
plus durable et plus quilibr.
Situ au nord de la Wilaya (prfecture) de Bordj Bou Arreridj (BBA),
Bordj Zemmoura connat aujourdhui des transformations urbaines
relativement importantes. Ces mutations urbaines, dues au
dveloppement post-colonial qua connu le pays, ont t ralises
sans se soucier de la qualication du cadre bti existant du centre
Bordj Zemmoura, chef lieu de Dara (sous prfecture), est une cit
antique datant du 10me sicle. Ce village de montagne a t construit
autour de la mosque, le collge, la fontaine. Ces trois lments de
permanence gnrent la croissance du village et forment le noyau
central. Tout autour viennent se greer trois quartiers appartenant
des poques historiques direntes. Le caractre rural apparat dans le


type Berbre des constructions basses toiture en tuile. Il y a galement

le quartier turc construit selon la mme logique jusqu larrive des
franais qui ont essay de donner une nouvelle image an dimposer
leur idologie.
Ce village est situ sur lun des versants de lAtlas tellien, il appartient
cette aire gographique appele la petite Kabylie. Les Zemmouri se
disent tre plutt Arabes que Kabyles, mais reconnaissent volontiers
adopter de nombreux aspects des coutumes berbres.(1)
Les sites historiques prsentent lessence de notre mmoire et forment
un trs grand potentiel touristique qui peut participer lamlioration
des ressources nancires du pays. Le centre historique de Bordj
Zemmoura se dgrade et une partie de son patrimoine risque de
Concernant le basculement rcent des localisations et des formes
durbanisation lmentaire, il est tout fait clair, comme latteste Andr
PRENANT, que la position, sur le versant sud des Bibans, excentre par
rapport aux axes de circulation de Bordj Zemmoura, vraie ville pourtant,
forte de son pass pr-colonial et, en 1987, de ses quipements publics
neufs, sanitaires, culturels, sociaux, et de ses plus de 10 300 habitants
et 96 % de non agricoles parmi ses 15,6 % dactifs, lui valait alors la
migration pendulaire quotidienne de beaucoup dentre eux vers
Bordj-bou-Arreridj, plus de 30 Km. Malgr le vidage de la montagne
environnante du fait de linscurit des annes 1990, cest surtout ce
dfaut demploi local qui, loin den faire comme ailleurs un point de
refuge de proximit, a au contraire conduit la migration, avec ces
ruraux fuyant le terrorisme, durbains locaux avec leur famille vers la
ville moyenne lieu de travail. (2)
Le noyau historique de Zemmoura peut tre considr comme
fondamental pour la structuration de la ville par sa position qui ore
une bonne localisation des activits dintrt gnral.
Concernant son principe dorganisation, le centre ancien de Bordj
Zemmoura est constitu de trois parties direntes qui sorganisent
sous forme de quartier: Swika, Draa-halima et Ouled Belhouchet.
La formation des quartiers sest faite partir dune unit familiale (famille
mononuclaire) puis largie (relation de dpendance et dchange), en
formant ainsi des quartiers clos dont chacun deux est autonome avec
une croissance indpendante des autres units avoisinantes. Cette
conguration est induite par une dmographie galopante et un cadre
bti dont larchitecture rpond aux
besoins des utilisateurs et aux contraintes climatiques et morphologiques
du site.
En eet, lhabitat tudi se trouve en site montagneux, on remarque
que la typologie est trs compacte, les maisons sont alignes de part et
dautre de la rue qui slargit de temps en temps pour former ainsi des
places publiques quon appelle Djema (lieu de regroupement et de
relations sociales). Ces places animes se situent aux croisements des
rues et sont des lieux de contrle ou de renseignement.
La maison a la forme de la parcelle et du relief, elle souvre lextrieur
travers un espace semi-priv qui est la placette, au milieu du
groupement, puis limpasse reliant cette dernire la ruelle.
Les quipements, les commerces convergent vers la partie centrale
(des trois quartiers), et donne un petit centre ville qui est un ple de
jonction, darticulation avec les autres quartiers. Les rseaux voirie
obissent une hirarchie en trois types des rues : (rue principale,
ruelle, impasse).

Expriences de rhabilitation urbaine et territorial en mditerrane

Experiencias de rehabilitacin urbana y territorial
Experiences of urban and territorial rehabilitation in mediterranean

Lancien tissu est base sur les rgles dun urbanisme des anciens
Quartiers arabo-musulmans, ce tissu est trs compact ce qui reprsente
la socit cohrente et la communaut dans la vie des habitants.
1- La Mosque :
Edice culturel et de pouvoir religieux marqu par la Djema, lieu de
regroupement des villageois, constitu par une grande salle de prire
, des espaces rservs limam , des salles dablution et une cole
coranique pour les enfants.
La mosque est le centre de la diusion de la science juridique, et est
un enclos ouvert sur le ciel comme toutes les cours du village.
2- Le Collge :
Situ en plein centre du village et conu durant la priode coloniale,
cet dice de qualit est une trs belle oeuvre architecturale. Il
sintgre bien au paysage urbain de lancienne cit par lutilisation des
matriaux locaux (pierres, bois, etc.) et aussi au relief accident par son
jeu volumtrique.
3- La Fontaine :
De par sa place privilgie en plein centre ville, la fontaine, qui servait
auparavant comme lieu de convivialit pour les femmes, devient un
lieu de rencontre et de regroupement pour les jeunes, surtout aprs
lexpansion du village.
4- L Habitat :
Lancien centre de Bord Zemmoura sest perptu civilisation aprs
civilisation en engendrant la prsence des types dhabitat suivants :
Type Turque
Maisons faades

Type Berbre
Maisons faades

Type Moderne
Maisons avec balcons et

Ouaste eddar (espace

lment structurant

Ouaste eddar
lment structurant

Absence de Ouaste eddar

Toitures en tuiles

Toitures en tuiles

Maisons avec toitures

terrasses et d'autres avec
toitures en tuiles modernes

Fondation en pierres,
murs en pierres blanches
en troncs d'arbres.
Crpissage intrieur en
pltre, extrieur en mortier.

Fondation en pierres,
murs en pierres
blanches en troncs
Crpissage avec mortier

Mures en pierres ou en
briques .structure poteaux

cadre physique. Parmi ces problmes vcus actuellement dans ce

noyau historique, nous pouvons citer :
1- La majorit des constructions sont dans un tat vtuste.
2- La structure existante ne peut pas rpondre aux nouvelles exigences :
- hygine et confort,- circulation,- loisir et distribution.
3- Manque dactivit cratrice demploi et danimation.
4- Perte progressive de la valeur historique.
Lancien noyau de Zemmoura possde des potentialits touristiques
trs importantes, non exploites cause de ltat de vtust de ses
constructions et de son tissu malgr les quelques transformations
ponctuelles. Il est ncessaire que de meilleures conditions pour un
dveloppement durable doivent tre cres pour promouvoir une
identit socioculturelle approprie environnement local et rgional
de Bordj Zemmoura. Son noyau historique peut tre considr comme
un lment fondamental pour la structuration de la ville par sa position
qui ore une bonne localisation des activits dintrt gnral.

(1) Ahmed Benbouzid, (2004) Limmigration algrienne, LHarmattan, Paris.

(2) PRENANT A., (2005). Basculement Rcent des Localisations Et des Formes Durbanisation
Elmentaire en Algrie , Sminaire International SIVIT 2005: Villes et territoires: Mutations et
enjeux actuels, organis par le Labo. PUVIT 12, 13 et 14 novembre 2005, UFAS, Stif.

En comparant les donnes du tableau, lon remarque la nette dirence

entre les types.
Les maisons de la vieille ville et surtout les maisons traditionnelles sont
dans un tat de vtust trs avance due principalement au :

Facteur naturel : humidit et intempries qui causent certains

problmes et aspects de dgradation.
t Modication et dmolition : ce sont les travaux de modication ou
carrment de dmolition du btiment dans lancien centre.
t Vieillissement naturel des matriaux de construction.
Plusieurs facteurs dfavorables au dveloppement de Bordj Zemmoura
ont engendr un dclin socio-conomique et une dgradation du


Expriences de rhabilitation urbaine et territorial en mditerrane

Experiencias de rehabilitacin urbana y territorial
Experiences of urban and territorial rehabilitation in mediterranean


Expriences de rhabilitation urbaine et territorial en mditerrane

Experiencias de rehabilitacin urbana y territorial
Experiences of urban and territorial rehabilitation in mediterranean

Representacin e interpretacin del

sistema urbano de Gioia Tauro.

Maria Follo
Arquitecto, nacida en Miln en el 1977, cursando elDoctorado sobre
Relieve y Representacin de la Arquitectura Mediterrnea en Reggio
Calabria. Licenciada con matricula de honor en la Universidad
Mediterrnea de Reggio Calabria en 2003, especializada en Ingeniera
Ambiental - Monitorizacin y Control Ambiental en 2005 y en
Recalicacin Urbana en 2005.
Direccin postal:
via Cardinale Portanova, 192 c.a.p. 89124 Reggio Calabria (Italia)
Direccin de correo electrnico:
339.5004916 347.8412212

En el actual mbito cultural donde conuyen importantes temas que

conguran el problema del Mediterrneo como punto central de las
relaciones internacionales se distingue un rea de particular valor
estratgico que se relaciona dentro de un crucial diseno internacional:
el Puerto de Gioia Tauro. Por tales motivos GioiaTauro y sus alrededores
han sido caso de estudio sobre el que se han puesto en prctica
metodologas y reglasen el mbito de l actividades de investigacin
desarrolladas por el Laboratorio Modelli de la Universidad Mediterrnea
de Reggio Calabria. La investigacin llevada a cabo ha permitido de
localizar aquellos elementos ambientales que componen luego,
de hecho, el escenario visible de un determinado contexto urbano,
elementos que con sus caratersticas determinan la calidad general
de los lugares urbanos. Cualquiera preguracin proyectiva que
tenga por objeto la recalicacin del territorio, no puede prescindir
de lecturas que precedan la eleccin la recalicacin de un escenario
y que puede ser slo gobernado por los datos que la componen. En
el trabajo presentado se distinguen dos fases que pueden vericarse:
observaciones de los lugares a travs de un campo de relieve directo,
cumplida coherentemente, atendiendo a las transformaciones de las
relaciones entre lo construido y lo natural, que permiten una lectura
atendible del orden real del paisaje urbanizado y la redaccin de
documentos tcnicos que transforman y elaboran los datos emergidos
en funcin de su representacin sinttica y correctamente enfocada.


Expriences de rhabilitation urbaine et territorial en mditerrane

Experiencias de rehabilitacin urbana y territorial
Experiences of urban and territorial rehabilitation in mediterranean


Expriences de rhabilitation urbaine et territorial en mditerrane

Experiencias de rehabilitacin urbana y territorial
Experiences of urban and territorial rehabilitation in mediterranean

Ncessit fait vertu

cest--dire hypothse de De-codication de larchitecture
traditionnelle: le cas dtude de lintervention pilote dans la
Ville-oasis de Nefta auprs du Chott-el-Jerid, Tunisie.

Corrado Trombetta
Architecte, Professeur Associ de Technologie de larchitecture
prs du Dpartement DASTEC, Facult dArchitecture, Universit
Mditerranenne de Reggio Calabria. Il est responsable de recherches
sur larchitecture dans les climats chaud sches et il coordonne un
groupe de recherche lintrieur du Projet italo-tunisienne tude,
sauvegarde et valorisation des villes-oasis en Tunisie. Intervention
pilote au Nefta.
Adresse postale:
Universit Mditerranenne de Reggio Calabria, Italie, Dpartement
DASTEC, rue Melissari, 89100 Reggio Calabria, Italie
Adresse electronique:
+39 0965 3223.110


Toute notre connaissance commence avec lexprience; de quen eet est-ce
que notre facult cognitive serait stimule son exercice autrement, si ceci
narrivait pas par des objets qui frappent nos sens, et, dun cot ils donnent
ceux-memes origine aux reprsentations, pour un autre ils remuent lactivit
de notre intelligence comparer ces reprsentations, leur runir ou leur
sparer, et leur laborer en telle manire la matire brute des impressions
sensibles pour joindre cette connaissance des objets, qui appellent
Dans le temps, donc, aucune connaissance en nous procde lexprience,
et chaque connaissance commence avec celle-ci.(1)
Cette thse de Kant permet de comprendre comme nos recherches
rcentes ils mrissent dans un quilibre trange, plusiers fois dcrit,
cest--dire en recherchant entre magistre exprimental et magistre
experenciel en architecture: ce sujet est, depuis longtemps, central
maintenant dans notre unit de recherche par rapport au dcor que
larchitecture contemporaine nous remet. (2)
Les rexions sur le mrir pour ce qui concerne les problmes
exprimentaux, comme par exemple celle des stratgies dintgration
dnergie rinnovabile,(3 ne nous a pas dtourn de lobservation de
combien, surtout en conditions spciales, larchitecture base sur les
eets peut nous enseigner.
Lide, en partant de lassum de Rosario Giur que la Culture
technologique est un statut n autour lexprience, linnovation
partage, la disponibilit laccueillir, la prguration dun nouveau

rangement, respectueux dune nouvelle obligation de compatibilit,

contrl et adaptable, accept par qui linforme aujourdhui comme
substance die chaque echelle et le mette disposition de chaque
future modique justie, il est daccoler lapproche scientique
thorique-exprimentale, la traduction de modles experiencels bass
sur les eets pour obtenir contributions technologiques et en tirer
enseignements pour prochaines modalits soutenables de gouvernement
des transformations du milieu.
Ainsi quelques-uns de nous, depuis quelque temps, ils soccupent
dtudier les liens qui existent entre construction et milieu du point de
vue physique, matriel, formel et nergtique en pisodes darchitecture
Nous avons commenc en partant du fondement que la soutenabilit
est une disponibilit culturelle qui demande changes continuels entre
les phases du projet, des dcisions initiales aux congurations directes
conjuguer technologies daujourdhui avec des procs contextuellement
placs, mais bientt, comme jai dit, en approfondissant la thse, nous
avons orient notre attention vers le modus vivendi de peuples quils ont
dvelopp le propre savoir architectural en milieux diciles, agressifs
en atteignant, avec une certaine inconscience, rsultats intressants.
Endroits dans lesquels un succs ou une faute, avec laide des temps
dicts par manires de vivre ancestrales et rptitives, on traduit en
nouveaux renseignements pour la prochaine architecture.
la prsence des rsultats de telles recherches, la sensation est que le
patrimoine de renseignements quils rsident dans ce cadre il est dune
richesse extraordinaire, pas seulement du point de vue conceptuel,
mais surtout technologique.
Les ides dendroit, milieu, climat et de soutenabilit assument ensuite
un sens que le facteur ncessit il a forg comme vertu: plus il est vident
la ncessit de dpasser problmes lis au climat, la pauvret des
matires premiers, labsence de composants et plus il sont riches les
architectures: les renseignements prendre sont fondamentalement
innies .
Vertus ne par ncessit, on a donc tudi dans les constructions du
nord du Sahara, aupres du Chott el Jerid, dans les villes-oasis, dans les
Ksour et dans les constructions troglodites de Matmata dans les Kalaa
de la rgion de Tataouine, en Tunisie.
Nous avons tudi solutions dans les systmes eectueles du Moyen
Orient, des hauts plateaux de lIran, dans lAndalousie, au Maroc et dans
la Mditerrane.


En qualit de Professeurs et Chercheurs nous oprons prs de la Facult
dArchitecture de lUniversit Mditerranenne de Reggio Calabria et
surtout parmi les experts italiens dans le secteur qui concerne les
Expriences de rhabilitation dans le Projet Rehabimed. Nous sommes
structurs, comme unit de recherche, dans le Projet italo-tunisienne
tude, sauvegarde et valorisation des villes-oasis en Tunisie dans lequel
nous droulons activit didactique et de recherche. Nous sommes en
train de travailler en particulier en team une intervention pilote dans
la Ville-oasis de Nefta dans le Chott-el-Jerid, qui est commence le 1 juin


Expriences de rhabilitation urbaine et territorial en mditerrane

Experiencias de rehabilitacin urbana y territorial
Experiences of urban and territorial rehabilitation in mediterranean

de 2005, avec lintervention pilote de dure triennale dans la ville-oasis

de Nefta, et cest le rsultat dun protocole de coopration technique
entre le Gouvernement de la Rpublique Italienne et le Gouvernement
de la Rpublique Tunisienne, sign Tunis le 5 octobre 2001.
Le projet, en gnral, il se propose la formation des ressources humaines
locales pour la sauvegarde et la valorisation du patrimoine architectural
et du milieu travers la messe point et la consolidation des procs
de dveloppement endogne, de croissance conomique, culturelle
et sociale.
Au ce propos, il a t fond au Nefta le Centre pour la formation et
la recherche pluridisciplinaire, avec lobjectif dattribuer aux tunisiens
titulaires dune matrise technique la comptence pour comprendre
et protger les ralits locales et choisir les parcours compatibles pour
leur progrs.
Lunit de Recherche quon a constitue, elle est compose par:
Groupe du Prof. Gaetano Ginex,
avec les archh. Stefania Raschi, Domenico Tosto, Gabriella Falcomat,
Chiara Scali;
avec des roles li la communication et reprsentation de larchitecture
traditionnelle et des espaces de la culture locale;

physique-ambiante des milieux.

Autre exprimentation est prvue dans la de-codication de la structure
des villes-oasis dlaisses, quil voit le groupe coordonn par le prof.
Ginex, engag dans la zone de la ville voisine Tamerza.
Les premiers rsultats sont dj disponibles, mais lunit a en programme
la publication du travail entier en forme organique dans larc du 2007.
Hassan Fathy, Natural Energy and Vernacular Architecture; Principles and examples with
reference in hot arid climates. United Nation, The University Chicago Press, USA 1986.
C. Trombetta, Le Esperienze, Il Clima e le Regole, Falzea Editore, Reggio Calabria, 2000.
C. Trombetta, LAttualit del Pensiero di Hassan Fathy nella Cultura Tecnologica
Contemporanea. Il luogo, lambiente, e la qualit dellarchitettura Rubbettino editore,
Soveria Mannelli (CZ).
C. Trombetta, Magistero Esperenziale e Magistero Sperimentale, in I Linguaggi della
Riabilitazione. Problematiche di Estetica e dei Materiali nelle Tecnologie del Recupero, a
cura di Rosario Giur, Giuseppina Foti e Corrado Trombetta, Rubbettino Editore, Soveria
Mannelli (CZ), 2004.
Controspazio n105, ottobre 2003, Oasi Tunisine, Gangemi Editore.
G. Ginex (a cura di), ICARO Collana Dipartimento AACM, Nefta Citt-Oasi dello Chott-el-Jerid,
Ganemi Editore, 2001.
A. Mrabet, Lart de batir au Jrid, Contraste Editions, Sousse, 2004.

Groupe du Prof. Paolo Fuschi,

avec ling. Giuseppe Failla,
avec des roles danalyse des actions pour le projet de la consolidation
des btiments traditionnels,
Groupe du Prof. Corrado Trombetta, avec les archh. Sara Cacciola et
Chiara Scali
avec des roles de coordination et de rdaction du liere de de-codie
et rinterprtation, et de vrication des performances bio-climatiques
des btiments traditionnels.
Lunit a pour objectif celui de rechercher les aspects morfotypologiques et fonctionnels-technologiques de ldi traditionnel, en
mettant lattention sur la possibilit de de-codier en tous ses aspects
lart de batir du Sud de la Tunisie qui a t implmente dans les sicles
en visant son re-intepretation et actualisation travers la rdaction
dun Code de Pratique ddi avec des contenus innovants.
Lunit de recherche dans ces mois a mis au point une mthodologie
pour la De-codication de la Culture Technologique du Projet Ambiant,
en visant dpasser la logique livresque en pensant un instrument
direct oprationnel lemploi immediat, et ensuite visant rendre
renseignements pour classe dusage.
Il sagit de structurer information, partir dhypothses de relief de
type innovant, ddie la reconnaissance de la structure ambiant
des lieux, des units minimales oggettuali et structuraux pour la
construction de rpertoires dlments de riconoscibilit typologique
et technologique.
Les transformations incontrles sont lun des lments discriminants
pour la rdaction des informations oprationnels en sortie.
Nefta reprsente un cas dtude concrte aussi pour ltude des
performances en usage des habitations, travers lapplication de la
technologie des capteurs lointains du type Ibuttom, pour la vrication



Les Kant, Kritik der Reinen Vernfunt (1781-1787), traduction italienne, Critique de la
raison pure, Vous Troisime, Bari, 1959, pp. 39-40.

Dans lessai C. Trombetta, Magistero Esperenziale e Magistero Sperimentale, dans I

Linguaggi della Riabilitazione. Problematiche di Estetica e dei Materiali nelle Tecnologie
del Recupero, par R. Giur, G. Foti et C. Trombetta, Rubbettino diteur, Soveria Mannelli
(CZ), 2004, synthse dune contribution un sminaire lintrieur du Doctorat de
Recherche en Technologie de larchitecture, est propose des sujets conceptuels et
oprationnels des recherches dvelopps dans lunit de Recherche TE.ME.NO.S.

Units de Recherche TE.ME.NO.S. compose par: Rosario Giur, Responsable

scientique, Giuseppina Foti, Corrado Trombetta, Andrea Ieropoli, Antonino Giordano,
Antonella Mazzeo, Maria Rita Grasso, Fiorella Mancuso, Alessandra Foc. Programma de
Recherche COFIN MIUR 2001, Stratgies dintgration des systmes photovoltaques en

Expriences de rhabilitation urbaine et territorial en mditerrane

Experiencias de rehabilitacin urbana y territorial
Experiences of urban and territorial rehabilitation in mediterranean


Expriences de rhabilitation urbaine et territorial en mditerrane

Experiencias de rehabilitacin urbana y territorial
Experiences of urban and territorial rehabilitation in mediterranean

Les expriences de rgnration urbaine

des villes calabraises

Natalina Carr
Docteur de Recherche en Amnagement Territorial et Urbain,
(Roma, La Sapienza), chercheur en urbanisme prs lUniversit
Mditerranenne de Reggio Calabria. Son activit de recherche
concerne problmatique damnagement territorial et urbain,
vous rapportez aux procs de renouvellement aux projets
de transformation et de requalication urbaine de villes
mditerranennes de valeur spciale.
Adresse postale:
Dipartimento Architettura e Analisi della Citt Meditierranea - Facolt
di Architettuta - Salita Melissari Feo di Vito - 89125 Reggio Calabria
- Italy
Adresse courrier lectronique:
+39 0965 3222253

Lintrt soin croissant aux sujets de la rgnration urbaine en

domaine national et europen concide avec lexprimentation de
nombreux instruments innovants damnagement urbaine. Le champ
dapplication de ces instruments est la ville existante, leur stratgie se
base sur la synergie des interventions et lintgration des politique.
Rgnration urbaine est une terminologie ecacits beaucoup
de, quil fait suite en sens temporal autres comme renouvellement
urbain, renaissance urbaine, reutilisation, danalogues, mme si pas du
tout identique, signi. Dans lhistoire des villes, un renouvellement
constant est une donne de fait naturel: en quelques moments, plus
lent ou presque absent, en autres, plus rapide et intense capable de
laisser signes si visibles connoter la ville mme vivement. En chaque
poque formes plus ou moins consistantes de renouvellement urbain
sont toujours restes. Cependant, ce qui est arriv dans les villes
europennes dans la dernire priode de vingt ans est chose dirente
trs et il a connot tel pour lequel on peut parler dune innovation
profonde certainement dans les modalits de transformation.
Le franchissement des instruments traditionnels damnagement et la
recherche de formes plus dynamiques de gouvernement du territoire
ont port exprimenter nouvelles procdures, quils donnent vers les
problmes considrables que les villes aujourdhui doivent aronter
et rsoudre, en termes de requalication urbaine, damlioration
de la dotation de services, de valorisation des propres ressources
et darmation dun rle et dune identit reconnaissable, dans un
systme territorial comptitif de plus en plus globalis.
La concurrence entre territoires pour attirer intrts et capitaux, la
comptition entre les villes pour laccroissement des niveaux structuraux
et infrastructuraux, les procs de transformation en acte et les projets


de dveloppement achemins ncessitent pour tre ecaces, dtre

reconduit une vision stratgique densemble apte impliquer toutes
les forces politiques, conomiques, sociales et culturelles de la ville.
La conscience de la ncessit de dcors stratgiques pour ladresse
des procs de requalication urbaine est la base de presque tous les
Programmes de Dveloppement Urbain (PSU) des villes calabraises.
La messe point mthodologique et le commencement des
phases techniques pour la production de tels Programmes pour la
requalication, le dveloppement et la promotion des villes assume
valeur dorientation et adresse des transformations, dans une vision
totale des rangements urbains futurs et de leur rle dans le contexte
local, national et mditerranen.
Les Programmes de Dveloppement Urbain du POR Calabre ils
concernent les Communes de: Catanzaro, Cosenza, Crotone, Vibo
Valentia, Reggio Calabria, Lamezia Thermes e Rende et peuvent tre
considrs, instruments de co-amnagement intgr au niveau
territorial communal, lexception de la zone Cosenza-Rende quil est
de niveau territorial intercommunal, ils sont construits donc comme
instruments vritables stratgiques de rorganisation, requalication
et rgnration urbaine et ils comprennent un mix quilibr
dinterventions coordonns et intgrs retombant dans les deux
lignes daction indiques dans le Complment de Plan: requalication,
rorganisation fonctionnelle, accroissement et spcialisation des villes;
requalication urbaine et rgnration sociale des villes.
Le Programme de Dveloppement Urbain se reprsente, donc, comme
un ensemble dinterventions oprationnelles, qui se partage aussi dans
une serie de projets, quil satisfait conditions dtermines de la ralit
urbain objet de plan: avoir une identit et un prol reconnaissable dans
le systme urbain calabrais, se reconnatre dans une stratgie au niveau
urbain pour lamlioration de la qualit citadin.
Les Administrations communales calabraises qui en partant des
spcicits et ncessit du vraiment domaine urbain ont achemin
procs de rgnration complexes urbains et innovants capables
dagir sur la ville entire en mme temps en dterminant les stratgies
ncessaires, locales et surlocales.
Dans le dtail les direntes villes calabraises qui, dans ce cas, ils
correspondent aux chef-lieu de province, ils ont souvent prvu dans
llaboration de ces programmes stratgies, politique et projets trs
dirents entre eux, rsultat note des direntes exigences de chaque
Le Programme de Dveloppement Urbain de Cosenza et Rende cest
un instrument stratgique qui sert faire faire un saut de qualit au
procs dintgration des deux villes, entre eux contigus, en renforant
et en tendant le dveloppement conomique et dentrepreneur, en
augmentant la cohsion sociale, et en levant la qualit de la vie, pour
rduire les discordances entre urbaines en termes de vivibilite, pour
construire une ville riche de fonctions suprieurs urbains et llever la
zone urbaine de rang mridional et europen.
Le choix de fond quil anime lentier Programme il est celle de projeter la
ville Cosenza-Rende en faisant attention en mme temps aux aspects
physiques, matriels et limmatriels. Le PSU de Cosenza-Rende il est
donc un essai institutionnel, en tout ce quinstrument de construction
de la ville et moteur progettuale, technique et nancier pour politique
publiques intgres. Dans le tableau du Plan des Fonds Structuraux, le
PSU de Cosenza-Rende est le seul qui comporte le titulairete et laction
jointe de deux Administrations communales.
Le PSU poursuit lobjectif de construire une stratgie de ville pour un

Expriences de rhabilitation urbaine et territorial en mditerrane

Experiencias de rehabilitacin urbana y territorial
Experiences of urban and territorial rehabilitation in mediterranean

systme local urbaine dj structure par le point de vue du rangement

urbain, susamment complt par le point de vue fonctionnel,
vivement homogne du point de vue de lidentit et des pratiques
dusage de ses habitants qui peroivent de plus en plus diusment la
place en laquelle vivent comme une ville unique
Il se traite, en autres termes, de qualier et renforcer dj les dynamiques
dintgration en acte dans la zone et den augmenter et en rpandre les
implications et les eets sur la qualit de la vie, en augmentant le sens
dappartenance et de cohsion sociale
Pour la ville de Catanzaro, gnral objectif du Programme est le
relancement du rle et des fonctions de la ville. Tels objectifs rpondent
aux questions mergeant du dcor urbain identiable dans la ncessit
de dvelopper la capacit attractive du centre urbain, que cest le chef-lieu
de la rgion aussi, en crant son intrieur innov capacit rsidentielle
et conomique de faon contrarier la tendance migratoire en acte
et le vieillissement consquent de la population prsente; dans le
lien existant entre relancement conomique et occupationnel et
commencement de nouvelles activits entre qui relief spcial ils
assument: luniversit, lore de services avancs la personne, la
communaut, aux entreprises et au tourisme, au secteur industriel; dans
le besoin dlever le niveau qualitatif et quantitatif des infrastructures;
dans la ncessit de dvelopper la qualit, lutilisation et la qualit de
la vie de lespace urbaine; dans lexigence de construire une image
urbaine plus conforme au rle de chef-lieu rgional qui la ville revte;
en la plus grande rponse aux besoins sociaux dius.
Dans la perspective dun nouveau et dynamique modle de
dveloppement urbain les priorits suivantes dintervention ont t
dtermines: amlioration des conditions de mobilit et de la situation
daccessibilit; requalication et recouvrement de la ville
La ligne dintervention nalise amliorer les niveaux daccessibilit et
de mobilit se met comme prioritaire en marche soit du relancement
conomique et occupationnel de la ville, soit de lamlioration totale
de la qualit urbaine. La requalication et le recouvrement de la ville
il reprsente la seconde ligne dintervention prioritaire dans lobjectif
global de relancement fonctionnel de la ville pour les implications qui
peut induire au niveau global.
Le renouvellement stratgique de limage urbaine du chef-lieu prend le
commencement des interventions dans le centre historique, identi
comme la partie le plus reprsentative de la ville.
La Ville de Vibo Valentia se pose dans llaboration de son Programme au
centre dun ple touristique dexcellence, caractris par une rceptivit
diuse, quantitativement leve, mais quall qualitativement
implmente aux actions fois la diversication de lore touristique,
ltat monopolis par le tourisme balnaire avec des paquets intgrs
qui valorisent toutes les ressources prsentes sur le territoire.
La stratgie de dveloppement de Vibo Valentia est lie lexigence de
raliser, lintrieur de la province de nouvelle constitution, un centre
urbain apte se qualier comme noeud propulseur pour la croissance
intgre et sinergique des centres urbains plus petits et du territoire
provincial entier.
Lide de dveloppement cohrent respect aux besoins relevs sur le
territoire est celle de raliser lintrieur du contexte urbain de Vibo
Valentia, un ple intgr de services pour le territoire apte transformer
Vibo Valentia dans un centre services pour la province entire et porte
daccs et sujet animateur des spcicits dvelopps par les centres
urbains de dimension plus petite du territoire provincial.

La stratgie prioritaire dintervention dans le PSU de Crotone est la

dnition et limplmentation dune meilleure articulation du rle et
des fonctions de la ville dans le propre contexte territorial.
Les lments structuraux du Programme sont identiables: en le
renforcement des stratgies de requalication urbaine et rgnration
associ-conomique commence avec les programmes complexes
activs (URBAN, Contrat de Quartier, PRU), en particulier dans le centre
historique; dans laccroissement des fonctions urbaines estimez, la
valence sur-local, avec bassin dusage au niveau territorial, poursuivre
en intervenant aussi dans la rorganisation fonctionnelle des places,
dans la perspective de qualier le systme local dore touristique et
de renforcer le rle de la ville dans le contexte territorial et rgional;
dans la qualication du capital social de la ville, avec des interventions
daccroissement et qualication des services la personne et la
communaut avec rfrence la question provenante des bandes de
population plus faible; dans le renforcement de la politique de valorisation
du patrimoine culturel et historique de la ville, de valeur exceptionnelle,
dans la perspective de renforcer limage de la ville et qualier le systme
local dore touristique; en le dveloppement dinfrastructures et services
innovants pour le dveloppement conomique, soutien des stratgies
de recouvrement des fonctions productives de la ville suite la crise
des secteurs industriels traditionnels; dans le renforcement des stratgies
de soutien urbain, avec des interventions damlioration et qualication
du patrimoine de zones vertes et places ouvertes de la ville, pour en
augmenter la dotation et en dvelopper les fonctions cologiques et
de requilibre de lenvironnement.
Les expriences de ces Programmes, trs intressants et avanc par le
point de vue du projet, ils ne rsultent pas tre si avancs dans leur
procs actuel de ralisation.
Cependant, les actions proposes, quils partent de la dtermination
correcte des exigences et des demandes des direntes villes calabraises,
ils donnent une nouvelle pousse aux politique de dveloppement
territorial, car correspondant aux exigences de la collectivit, le but il
est ce de construire sur le territoire rgional un rseau de ville travers
tages et programmes quils garantissent services et plus en gnral, ils
acheminent un procs de modernisation des infrastructures matrielles
et immatrielles du territoire pour le rendre plus comptitif au niveau
local et national.


Expriences de rhabilitation urbaine et territorial en mditerrane

Experiencias de rehabilitacin urbana y territorial
Experiences of urban and territorial rehabilitation in mediterranean

Paysage et villes mditerranennes :

le cas de Barcelone et lintervention
urbanistique sur le site des Tres Turons

Rafael Balanzo Joue

Membre de lAssociation AuS/COAC ( Architecture et dveloppement
soutenable) .
Matrise en Architecture du Paysage de lETSAB. Espagne.
Architecte, diplm de lISAI de Belgique.
Directeur du cours du Post-graduat Design de lhabitat ecoecient :
le cas de Barcelone l Ecole de Design Elisava.
Adresse postale:
Carrer Gustavo Becquer 27 escalera B 2o 4a
Adresse courrier lectronique:

La ville de Barcelone, comme dautres villes de la Mditerrane, sont

des organismes vivants qui voluent et interprtent lenvironnement
Mditerranen depuis des sicles, tel que les villages ibres ( Santa
Coloma de Gramanet, Tur de la Rovira), la ville grecque et romaine, le
paysage de vignobles en terrasses et des fruits secs qui ont volu de
faon quilibre et respectueuse avec la topographie et les ressources
Barcelone, son tour, comme cosystme urbain a t une ville
compacte dorigine enclave sur un site entre la mer et la chane littorale
de montagne, oriente lEst, bnciant dune enclave purement
Mditerranenne. La ville de Barcelone, constitue de sept collines
intgres dans le tissu urbain qui donne une valeur Mditerranenne,
est dlaisse et ignore en tant qucosystme urbain paysag qui
renforce lcoecience environnementale, la qualit de vie, et la
cohsion du rseau social des habitants des ancs des collines, des
quartiers environnants et de la ville en tant que cohabitation intime
et motionnelle. Les citadins et la ville ont pour objectif de ractiver
ce paysage intgr par trois collines principales ( Coll, Carmel et
Tur de la Rovira) an de rinterprter cette cologie et conomie
Mditerranenne, travers les ressources naturelles ( eau, vgtation,
mobilit douce, murs, etc.) et son milieu social.
Le projet du parc des Tres Turons, de la part des services de lUrbanisme
de la ville, propose de formaliser un parc exclusivement vert, un balconloisir de 90 ha gr par les grants de la ville et inhabit, en supprimant
les 700 habitations qui partagent ce territoire. Ce concept propos
contredit les thories et les recherches urbanistiques sur lanalyse
socio-bio-cologique des cosystmes urbains des villes.
Lespace des Tres turons, soumis la matrise et lexploitation des
politiques foncires et urbanistiques de la Mairie de Barcelone,
consommatrices de tourisme et planication, correspondent un


projet de zoning pour accueillir une diversit trs faible de nature et

habitants. Tel que propose lurbaniste brsilien, Jaime Lermer, Maire
de Curitiba, il conseille plutt aux villes, pour viter les problmes
urbains et empcher la cration de vides urbains sans activits ou sans
habitants, il faut au contraire remplir les vides de la gnrosit urbaine
des habitants qui stimule lamour pour la ville moyennant laide dune
bonne acupuncture urbain.
L analyse du territoire du bassin de la ville de Barcelone provoque une
srie de questions d aprs les donnes existantes :
O en sommes-nous dans limplantation de la relation du paysage et
la participation des habitants, des professionnels de lurbanisme et des
politiques urbaines dans les villes Mditerranennes ?
Quels sont les vecteurs qui font de nos villes, un cosystme urbain et
paysag Mditerranen
Comment intervenir sur ce paysage ravag ?
Faut-il le rparer, le camouer, le transformer ?
Lanalyse des prexistences de la ville va tre analyse daprs trois
volets dirents: Culturel, Environnemental, et social.
cologique, les artistes ont dvelopp depuis longtemps des
pratiques artistiques urbaines exceptionnelles et avant tout une
thique cologique globale.
Lartiste argentin Uriburu qui agit depuis les annes 70 propose
une revendication sur lenvironnement urbain et la prservation
de la biodiversit de la nature urbaine des villes et des pays, en
ralisant des actions de coloriage en vert des eaux de tout les coins
du monde, (par exemple la performance sur les canaux de Venise)
pour symboliser une action globale commune de conscienciation
avec laide dun lment naturel qui rassemble tous les habitants du
bassin de la Mditerrane : leau.
En Catalogne lArtiste Perejaume voqua pendant les ftes de la
Merc de lanne 2004, patronne de la ville, des incertitudes et des
questions envers le futur de la ville.
Le tourisme est devenu un phnomne central pour notre ville et
notre pays pour cela il propose une rexion sur nos formes de vies
actuelles vers o se dirige et sur nos origines agraires en contraste
avec les formes de vie actuelles. Devons-nous reconvertir les artistes
en paysans ?
Un touriste plant est-il un paysan ? Peux-t-il redevenir paysan celui
qui a t
son tour touriste ?
philosophe, Jean-Luc Nancy cite sur son livre La ville au loin, Sil
pleut sur la ville, leau ne pntre pas la terre et ny nourrit aucune
graine, mais ruisselle dans des caniveaux, cela nirrigue pas, mais
chasse les passants. Tous les signes sinversent et se dplacent. Il ny
a plus lhorizon dun cycle, ni celui dune destination ou dun oce
en gnral
Envers cette citation, larchitecte Autoni Gaud avait dj ragi, il y a
un sicle lors du concept de la cit-jardin du Parc Gell, une eciente
proposition pour rsoudre la symbiose entre ville et nature, qui ne
fut jamais mise en place.
Lurbanisme doux du parc Gell conu avec des pentes infrieurs
6%, permettrai de canaliser, adoucir et amadou la force des pluies
torrentiels Mditerranenes, prserver le faible couche de terre
fertile des pentes, maintenir ainsi un faible humidit du sol et aussi
recycler leau de pluie pour la nature et jardins privs deau pendant

Expriences de rhabilitation urbaine et territorial en mditerrane

Experiencias de rehabilitacin urbana y territorial
Experiences of urban and territorial rehabilitation in mediterranean

les priodes de scheresse. Un systme dlments architectoniques

construits avec les matriaux du lieu, pierres, palmiers et autres
plantes grasses pour ralentir lcoulement de leau vers la mer, et
emmagasiner le prcieux liquide dans de dirents petits rservoirs
le long des parcours (6 7 rservoirs. En mme temps les formes
architecturales conues par Gaudi permettent dapprivoiser les vents
humides de la mer pendant les jours dt, grce la condensation
provoque aux intrieurs des tumulus prvus le long du parc.
Il faut donc mettre en valeur tous ces systmes dirrigations provenant
des traditions sculaires agraires existantes en Mditerrane et qui
formalisait nos paysages.
qui naissent en opposition de grands projets damnagement
sont sources de nouvelles pratiques paysagres, dans le champ de
lenvironnement ou mme de lurbanisme et du cadre de vie.
Pour le paysagiste Gilles Clment Les secteurs urbains, qui
correspondent aux terrains en attente lexcution dun projet, sont
en mesure, selon la dure de lindtermination de lintervention, des
territoires o leur abandon devient riche en biodiversit envers les
espaces grs
Les communauts des quartiers des Tres Turons sinscrivent donc
dans un rcit historique, celui des vnements humains et naturels
qui prennent place dans lexprience des habitants et des amoureux
du lieu. Lintervention des nouveaux collectifs (jeunes squatters,
plates-formes contestataires) constitue une nouvelle modalit
de respiration dmocratique. Ces performances dans lurbain
expriment la reconqute dune libert politique qui sopposent
lespace public durci de la ville. Elles raniment la politique morte
(cristallise dans les lois, les institutions, et larchitectonique urbaine)
pour lui redonner une dimension exprimentale et pragmatique.
Ces voisins se rfrent au Genius loci, la singularit dune
cologie locale et la mmoire - des traces matrielles et des rcits

la symbiose entre les crateurs et les usags dans le dsir de partager

l exprience intime, individuelle pour prparer un paysage commun,
un espace dmocratique, un nouveau territoire commun lexprience
collective, un paysage de synthse. Ces jardins imaginaires destins
la contemplation, a une cologie urbaine, vont gnrer un territoire
quilibr, au travail de la terre, aux loisirs, la circulation ouverte des
Lvolution dans le temps des dirents jardins selon le jour, les saisons,
selon les annes, selon lorientation, la lumire, leau, le vent, les
nuages, le ciel, les personnes, les rseaux, leur lumire et leur musique
permettront lvolution de notre culture Mditerranenne. Pour cela,
et dans le cadre de lAgenda 21, la ville de Barcelone et toutes les villes
du pourtour Mditerranen avec le simple d de remettre en place
le rle du paysage et des citadins dans un contexte de dialogue et
dinterrelation pour reconstruire la culture et lquilibre de nos socits
Mditerranennes travers des paysages urbains.

Nous partons donc dune nouvelle conception des espaces urbains qui
se rsume selon la suivante mthodologie :

cycle de leau


paysage dquilibre
et synthse

espace collectif
habitations existantes evolution temporelle
cologie sociale

Le paysage est donc en permanence inacheve (croissance) et son

usage rete ainsi la culture des gnrations prsentes et futures. Il faut
prendre en compte le rapport sensible au milieu (sensoriel, sensible,
imaginatif et signiant) exprim par les habitants et les riverains pour
comprendre la modalit spciquement humaine denvironnementa
Do lide de recrer un paysage partir des innits de jardins
imaginaires , une reconstruction mentale qui essayerait de recrer
leur rve visuel de bien-tre, souvenir ou d intimit, un parc public
qui serait la somme de petits jardins, un paysage potique qui se
feraient avec les aportations de l exprience personnelle et intime des
habitants, un espace commun qui ne veut pas tre une conception
unique et solitaire, de larchitecte ou du politique sinon prcisment


Expriences de rhabilitation urbaine et territorial en mditerrane

Experiencias de rehabilitacin urbana y territorial
Experiences of urban and territorial rehabilitation in mediterranean


Expriences de rhabilitation urbaine et territorial en mditerrane

Experiencias de rehabilitacin urbana y territorial
Experiences of urban and territorial rehabilitation in mediterranean

The Set of the Syrian Roman theatres in

more recent built environment
Saraa Saleh*, Koenraad Van Balen**
* I graduated in 1998 as an engineer architect at Tishreen University,
Syria. I worked as an engineer conservator for DGAM, Syria, in the
years 2000 and 2003. I was awarded Masters degree in Conservation
of Historic Towns and Buildings by the KULeuven, RLICC, Belgium,
in 2002. At present, I am nishing a PhD in the History of Art and
Archaeology at the KULeuven, Faculty of Arts.
** Engineer architect, conservation specialist, Ph.D. in engineering,
Professor at and coordinator of the Raymond Lemaire International
Centre for Conservation and Professor at Civil Engineering
Department, Katholieke Univeriteit Leuven.

little to the north. Yet, the theatre connection with the modern centre
in Dera is not as clear as the case in Philippopolis, since, the theatre
in Dera is located close to the southern border of the old city while
the new city centre is locate close to its northern borders. Thus, except
for reaching the modern centre through the narrow routs of the old
city, there is no clear connection between the theatre area and the
modern centre of Dera. In Bosra, the expansion of the modern city
beyond its Roman borders was as much as 80% of the area inside the
walls. At present, the majority of the population are living in the new
quarters and therefore, the old city urban fabric is very well preserved,
but unfortunately it is almost deserted. As a result, despite the change
in the function of Bosra Theatre, its relationship with the old city has
been unchanged; on the other hand, the theatre and the entire old city
of Bosra have a very limited connection with the new city centre and
quarters. In general, the theatres of Jebleh and Philippopolis maintain
a vital and dynamic relationship with their entire cities, whereas, the
theatres of Bosra and Dera have much less dynamic relationship with
the modern parts of their cities2.

* Faculteit Letteren, Blijde-Inkomststraat 21 - bus 3301, 3000 Leuven,
E-mail address:
* 0032 16324746

Modern Syria contains ten known antique Roman theatres. These
theatres were subjected, as public buildings, to all kinds of political and
social changes, which had consequences on their state and function
during dierent periods. The transformation in their function indicates
the dierent historical events that took place in the surrounding
provinces and is more evident in the theatres that are surrounded with
more recent built environment, which are the theatres of Bosra, Jebleh,
Philippopolis and Dera. This paper highlights the relationship of these
four theatres with their cities, with their surrounding urban fabrics and
with the users of their urban contexts. In what follows, we will review
the interventions that were applied to these theatres at urban level. The
paper closes with conclusion and general recommendations.
The relationship of the theatres with their cities:
Since their initial construction until now, the theatres of Bosra, Jebleh,
Philippopolis and Dera have been witnesses to centuries of changing
political regimes and subjects of important transformations, therefore,
their role in their cities continued to be vital during dierent periods1.
Currently, all the four theatres are standing in active modern cities. The
area around the theatre in Jebleh, for instance, has a direct connection
with the old and with the new city centres and it is, therefore, a junction
point between the old city and the new extended zones. On the other
hand, the modern centre of Philippopolis has been shifted a little to the
south; it is located today at the last third of the north-south colonnade
street, which became the connection between the theatre area and
the new city centre. The modern centre of Dera has been also shifted a

The relationship of the theatres with their surrounding urban

The area surrounding the theatre of Jebleh is very busy and active since
it includes a bus station, a vegetable market, a mosque, apartments
and dierent administrative buildings, and consequently it hosts a high
density of pedestrian and trac circulations on a daily basis. In contrast
to Jebleh, the areas surrounding the theatres of Dera and Bosra are
much calmer, mainly due to the relatively long distance that separates
the theatre from the busy modern centre in both cases. Furthermore,
the public activities are very limited in both areas (houses, a mosque and
few shops). This calmness in the case of Bosra, can also be attributed to
the fact that the old city population has abandoned the city, either by
choice for search of a better life in the new neighbourhoods, or as a
consequence to the enormous number of excavation campaigns inside
the old city. As for the location of the Philippopolis theatre, it seems
most ideal, since it is located inside the old centre, yet connected to the
modern centre via one of the colonnade streets. This historical street
and the theatre surrounding area are reasonably busy with traditional
houses and shops.
The urban analysis of the present situation of the theatres and their
immediate surrounding areas shows a lot of problems. The absence of
a clear well-planned transportation network is the worst of all. Other
problems include a disorganized pedestrian circulation and an unclear
relationship between the theatres and the buildings in the direct
vicinity. In the case of Jebleh, for instance, the volume of trac and
other activities has a negative impact on the quality of life in the site,
and should be reduced. On the other hand, attempts should be made
to attract people to live again in the old city of Bosra. At the architectural
level, most of the historical buildings in the areas surrounding the four
theatres are in a bad physical condition, and there is an evident lack of
consistency between the historical buildings and the modern buildings,
especially because of using completely dierent building materials and
architectural style in the new buildings.
The relationship of the theatres with the users of the urban
In Jebleh, Dera and Philippopolis people deal with the Roman Theatre
as an integral part in their city; it exists in their daily life nearby their


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Experiencias de rehabilitacin urbana y territorial
Experiences of urban and territorial rehabilitation in mediterranean

shops, oces and houses. Their activities create a great social life in
the theatre surrounding area. The same is not true in Bosra, where the
theatre is seen solely as a monumental building that is particularly
used for touristic benets. The main problem, though, is that a wide
sector of the local people does not really realise and appreciate the
high values of historical buildings and their importance to their culture.
Furthermore, the area of the theatre in the four cases is rather closed to
the inhabitants, since it is fenced o with streets and fences. Finally, we
should not forget the importance of the theatre as a touristic attraction
in the city. The number of tourists in the four cities is very low relative
to the wealth of their history and monuments. An increased tourist
activity in the four cities would add to the social value of the theatres.
Since the 1950s, the Roman theatres in Syria were gradually uncovered
and thus implicated again in their urban environments. The theatres
of Dera, Soueida, Jebleh, are surrounded by modern urban areas and
need to improve their role in their urban environment. Until today, and
except for the theoretical studies made for the theatre of Jebleh, no
project at the urban level was applied to any of these theatres. In the
mid 1980s DGAM3 applied an urban project to the theatre site in Bosra,
in accordance with which, the residential buildings around the theatre
of Bosra were acquired and gradually evacuated, which transformed
the surroundings into a deserted area.
The improvement of DGAMs experience in the eld of conservation
is clearly discernible at the urban level. For instance, whereas in the
1950s and up to the mid 1980s the theatre had been dealt with as
an independent building, the focus now shifted to an understanding
of its vital role within its environment. A better appreciation of
this improvement is obtained by comparing the operation of the
acquisition and evacuation of the residential buildings in the immediate
surrounding of the theatre of Bosra during the mid 1980s on the one
hand, with the present trends of creating a management plan for the
sites of the Jebleh and Bosra theatres on the other. In accordance with
this recent approach, DGAM stresses the necessity of linking the theatre
with its urban environment while maintaining all human activities in its
Conclusion and recommendations:
The urban analysis of the present situation of the theatres of Bosra,
Jebleh, Philippopolis and Dera shows signicant problems. It is,
therefore, important to rst develop a systematic assessment of the
current state of the urban context of the four theatres. Subsequently,
a good urban project for each of the theatres should be developed,
which will aim at updating the circulation and the transportation
network, and at improving the new physical fabric along with the urban
environment around the theatres. It would also be of importance to
encourage all potential international organizations to get involved in
conserving and studying the four cities. The role of the local population
and national private sector should also be strengthened. Finally, more
attention should be paid to tourism. At once, a balance between
protective measures and the number of visitors should be maintained.
DGAM archive, Damascus


A. Segal, theatres in Roman Palestine and provincia Arabia, Leiden 1995

F. Sear, Roman Theatres: An Architectural Study, oxford 2007

K. Amer, Shahba, DGAM publications, Damascus 1982

K. Makdad, The Theatre of Bosra, Damascus 2001

P. Coupel and E. Frzouls, Le Thtre de Philippopolis, Paris 1956

S. Saleh, The Roman Theatre of Jebleh, Study Case of the Main Facade, unpublished master
thesis, Leuven RLICC, KULeuven 2002.

T. Patricio, Preliminary Studies fro the Restoration Projects of the Roman Theatre of Jebleh
in Syria, International symposium on the conservation of monuments in the Mediterranean
basin, Lisboa 2004.

The function of the theatres has changed with time; two of them (Bosra and Jebleh)
were transformed into fortresses in the middle ages. Later on, during the18th, 19th and
20th centuries, the architecture of the theatres of Bosra, Jebleh and Dera was changed
so that they can function in other civil utilizations, such as, residential, shops and public

For more information on the four theatres and their cities, consult: Frank Sear, Roman
Theatres: An Architectural Study, oxford, 2007, T. Patricio, Preliminary Studies fro the
Restoration Projects of the Roman Theatre of Jebleh in Syria, International symposium
on the conservation of monuments in the Mediterranean basin, Lisboa 2004, K. Makdad,
The Theatre of Bosra, Damascus 2001, and A. Segal, theatres in Roman Palestine and
provincia Arabia, Leiden 1995

Directorate General of Antiquities and Museum that is aliated with the Ministry of

Damascus, DGAM archive, nomination report about Bosra for the World Monument
Watch 2004, also, a letter from the director of the Jebleh Department to DGAM in which
he explains the main aims of the management plan, 2003.

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Experiences of urban and territorial rehabilitation in mediterranean

The area around the theatre of Dera

The city of Jebleh

The old city of Bosra

The colonnade in Philippopolis


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Experiencias de rehabilitacin urbana y territorial
Experiences of urban and territorial rehabilitation in mediterranean

Projet pilote de rgnration urbaine

par des interventions artistiques

Maria Urm
MARIA URM, est docteur en architecture, matre de confrences,
titulaire des cours La composition de lespace ambiant et Perspective,
auteur de livres (Lespace dans les arts visuels, Espace et perception
visuelle). prsent, elle fait des projets et des recherches dans le
domaine de la restauration et la rgnration urbaine.
Adresse postale:
Sararie rue No. 189, La Faculte dArts Visuels, Iai, Roumanie
Adresse courrier lectronique:
004-0232 225333, 0740669272

Le projet propose une modalit de rgnration / rhabilitation

urbaine, par linsertion des objets artistiques dans le tissu urbain, sous
forme de compositions unitaires, cohrentes, au niveau de lensemble
urbain ou des zones des villes. Il vient complter les tudes usuelles
Dhabitude, lintgration des objets dart se fait dans des points urbains
isols ou dans des zones restreintes. Il y a aussi des cas o luvre dart
est dabord propose, et ensuite on cherche la location. Linsertion
dobjets dart, dans la structure densemble de la ville, sous forme des
compositions uniantes, sinstitue comme un procd de raliser la
cohsion de limage urbaine. Cest une mthode applicable dans des
ensembles urbains dj constitus, comme des centres historiques ou
des sites traditionnels, en gnral dans des zones urbaines relativement
dnies. Lintgration dans les centres historiques, sous forme des
ensembles artistiques unitaires, ayant des axes majeurs de composition
et une thmatique cohrente, accentue le caractre spcique du site
en lenrichissant de nouvelles signications. Les oeuvres dart, comme
lments uniques, deviennent des points de repre, valeur symbolique,
auxquelles se rapportent toujours les visiteurs et les habitants de la cit.
Ces zones historiques ou traditionnelles, plus ou moins homognes de
point de vue stylistique, historique ou de lambiant, peuvent gagner
de lunit en organisant, en intrieur, des compositions artistiques
cohrentes, comme un l rouge, intgrateur. (image 1: Le chemin des
hros, Trgu Jiu, Roumanie, Constantin Brncui, 1938. Lintgration des
sculptures -La table du silence, La porte du baiser, La colonne inni- a t
ralise selon un axe qui traverse la ville, passant par laxe longitudinal
dune glise existente, qui complte ainsi lensemble).
Linsertion dobjets artistiques doit tre ralise en accord avec
les traits de la composition spatiale, la stylistique de lespace et
des objets darchitecture, la signication existante ou dsire des
espaces. La cohrence se retrouve au niveau stylistique, thmatique
et de lensemble (axes et centres de composition, lhirarchie des
lments constitutifs). Les objets artistiques se rfrent aux: sculptures,


dcorations (pavements, peintures murales), autres objets (fontaines,

mobilier, signaltique urbaine).
Au cours des annes, les espaces urbains les plus russis ont t ceux
o il a prvalu la vision densemble. Dans la priode contemporaine,
lintgration artarchitectureurbanisme est ncessaire si lon considre
laustrit, la simplicit des matriaux, des nissages et des dtails et
labsence de lchelle humaine de nouveaux ensembles urbains.
Le projet comprend des tudes demplacement des objets dart,
arentes aux tudes durbanisme, sous la forme dun Proget Artistique
Directeur (PAD), un document ncessaire aux spcialistes et aux
dcideurs administratifs.
Cette tude demplacement se fait au niveau de Plan Urbanistique
Gnral (PUG), ou de Plan Urbanistique Zonal (PUZ), en tenant compte
de la situation existante et des tendances de dveloppement de la
Au niveau de lamnagement urbain, en poursuivant deux objectifs
majeurs (lorganisation harmonieuse des fonctions et la constitution
des structures urbaines cohrentes), on observe que laction dintgrer
les objets dart, au niveau de lensemble urbain, se constitue comme
un facteur de cohsion urbaine. Ces tudes demplacement viennent
soutenir certains principes :
Intervenir dans des zones fortes potentialits de dveloppement.
ce niveau, lintgration des objets artistiques, dans des compositions
unicateurs, peut accentuer la spcicit du site.
Structurer lespace urbain selon des axes majeurs de dveloppement.
Lidentication des axes de dveloppement urbain mne la disposition
des compositions artistiques sur le trajet de ces axes, comme axes de
composition visuelle. Un des axes est la zone demplacement et action
culturelle, comme lment didentit, darmation urbaine. Dans la
situation de lexistence dun centre historique, lextension possible du
centre, au long des axes de dveloppement, peut tre contrle par
des emplacements dart, comme une liaison plus naturelle entre la
tradition et la modernit.
Renforcer le centre et assurer la vitalit urbaine dans dautres centres
complmentaires (comme lments didentit locale, de continuit
et dquilibre urbain). Lintervention par des ensembles artistiques
personnaliss contribue accentuer la structure centrique de la ville,
confrant identit et signication lendroit demplacement. Dans les
zones attenantes, qui donnent une note de spcicit par leur valeur
ambiante, on peut introduire des lments de continuit visuelle, sous
forme des compositions artistiques, produisant des trajets didentit
Mettre en vidence les qualits des sites naturels.
Dans la structuration de la ville, on peut miser sur llment naturel,
comme lment commun, unicateur. Le site naturel peut tre mis
en vidence par lintgration artnature, amplaceant les objets dart
dans des points-cl, caractristiques, (comme lments daccent,
dattraction). Le paysage peut tre dcisif dans la constitution de
limage caractristique dun site. Il y a des situations o le cadre naturel
donne de la spcicit lendroit, plus que le cadre bti. Il relve les
traits principaux du site, ses caractristiques primordiales. Le site riverain
ou maritime doit tre mis en valeur, car tout tablissement est n sur
la rive dun cours deau. Lemplacement des objets dart au long des
cours deau a toujours contribu lenrichissement du site de nouvelles
signications. La cohrence assure par la permanence de leau peut tre
renforce par la cohrence des emplacements artistiques. Dhabitude,
le cours deau est attenant au centre historique de la ville, leau tant

Expriences de rhabilitation urbaine et territorial en mditerrane

Experiencias de rehabilitacin urbana y territorial
Experiences of urban and territorial rehabilitation in mediterranean

llment naturel au long duquel les tablissements traditionnels ont

t construits. La mise en vidence du site naturel est un procd de
relever limage traditionnelle. Ce retour la nature est dans lesprit de
prserver la tradition, parce que la relation hommenature tait plus
accentue auparavant. Dans les sites mditerranens, il est recommand
de mettre en vidence les procds traditionnels de composition et
de les reprendre dans les compositions contemporaines. Un principe
utilis dans la zone mditerranenne est lemplacement dun lment
naturel comme tte de perspective. Cest la perspective du vide en axe,
un vide qui fait place llment naturel, comme lment terminalthme de la composition. Les plus beaux espaces du monde ont t
construits en les orientant vers llment naturel majeur du site: des
marchs ouvertes vers la mer, des rues menant la mer, la rivire
ou la colline, lacropole quon monte, trouvant le ciel comme tte de
Le principe de la synergie, en assurant la liaison optime entre les territoires,
se concrtise dans le systme autoroutier. Il est soutenu par la vision
densemble dans lemplacement des objets dart. La disposition des
ensembles artistiques sur des trajets de dplacement doit tre ralise
selon les particularits de la perception urbaine (images routires,
images pitonales).
Au niveau du PUG, ltude dinsertion des objets dart dans le tissu
urbain suit la ligne de lidentication des principales fonctions de la
ville, sensibles cette implmentation.
La fonction culturelle est primordiale dans la constitution de limage et
de lidentit urbaine. On propose lintgration des ensembles artistiques
dans les zones de concentration des dotations et des actions culturelles.
Ces zones se constituent dans une structure relativement cohrente,
devenant un des axes de la ville. La presence des ensembles artistiques
dans ces zones accentue la signication de ces espaces, le parcours
leur intrieur tant une leon dhistoire, une cole applique.
La fonction touristique, surtout le tourisme culturel et urbain, se
dveloppe en crant des itinraires pour les pitons et des circuits de
dcouvertes touristiques, sur ce trajet mettant en valeur les principaux
objets de patrimoine. Les objets dart qui compltent ces trajets
enrichissent limage urbaine de nouvelles signications, crant des
zones nouvelles dattraction. Leur emplacement dans un ensemble
unitaire contribue au caractre despace intgr, mme dans les
zones les moins cohrentes. Bien sr, chaque tablissement a, plus ou
moins, comme avantage touristique, le cadre naturel. Dans les villes
mditerranennes, la mer constitue un lment dattraction en soi.
Le commerce, avec ses dotations spciques, se constitue, aussi, comme
un facteur dattraction publique. La ligne commerciale, comme vecteur
de dplacement urbain, peut entrecroiser les trajets culturels, doubls
par la ligne touristique. Le mlange de la fonction commerciale avec
les autres fonctions urbaines, et lintgration du commerce au centre
de la ville, tout comme dans les centres secondaires, peut tre ralis
en parallle avec linsertion dobjets dart.
La fonction de loisir et de sport est envisage en identiant les principaux
sites naturels et de loisir, comme pratique de rvler la nature. Au niveau
de lobjet artistique, linsertion dans le paysage naturel ou urbain peut
tre ralise en utilisant les matriaux naturels locaux et autres facteurs
de suggestion.
Pour conclure, les principales tapes dun PAD sont:
1. Ltude des analyses PUG: (Dotations culturelles, Rseau routier +
schma de transport en commun, Armature commerciale, Sites
naturels, sportifs et de loisir)

2. Ltude des synthses PUG: (Mise en valeur du cadre urbain de vie, du

paysage naturel et urbain)
3. Llaboration du PAD: Le routage des emplacements dart sur des
critres historiques, stylistiques et thmatiques et lidentication des
endroits possibles demplacement; Propositions demplacement
dans des ensembles cohrents, lchelle de la ville (image 2 : Plan
Artistique Gnral); Propositions demplacements au niveau de
PUZ (image 3 : Plan Artistique Zonal. Dans le centre historique, sur
les traces pitonales propos qui lie les monuments, on propose
des emplacements dart sur les axes de perception simultane
des monuments); Projet demplacement (image 4 : Les objets dart
monumental sont disposs selon un axe qui traverse en diagonale
la place).
Proposant des mthodes dtude gnralement valables, ltude
peut se constituer comme un projet pilote, applicable dans des villes
ou zones urbaines dj tablies, mais aussi dans la constitution de
nouveaux ensembles urbains.


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Experiencias de rehabilitacin urbana y territorial
Experiences of urban and territorial rehabilitation in mediterranean


Expriences de rhabilitation urbaine et territorial en mditerrane

Experiencias de rehabilitacin urbana y territorial
Experiences of urban and territorial rehabilitation in mediterranean

The River Minho Fortications Master

Helena Santos, Esmeralda Pauprio, Joo Guedes,
Anbal Costa
Degree in Architecture (1980, ESBAL, Portugal). Master of Conservation
of Historic Towns and Buildings (1996, KUL, Belgium). Member of
the scientic board of the Baixa Pombalina nomination as World
Heritage. Presently working for the Instituto Portugus do Patrimnio
Arquitectnico and lecturing History of Architecture at the
Universidade Autnoma de Lisboa.
Direccin postal:
Rua Palmira Bastos n.o 1-7o Dto, 2745-308 QUELUZ - PORTUGAL
Direccin de correo electrnico:

1. The Minho Valley

The Plano Director das Fortalezas Transfronteirias do Vale do Minho
was elaborated to promote the fortications that in past times formed
the defensive system of the luso-spanish northwest border. Today
we intend to approach this important heritage with quite a dierent
objective: to study and present their history and interrelationship, as
a way to unite and implement new cultural interchanges, not only
between the inhabitants of the area, but also in the scope of the
European communities.
This strategic Plan was commissioned by the Comunidade Intermunicipal
do Vale do Minho, an agency that associates the municipalities of the
Portuguese bank of the Minho river, within a transfrontier program
of investments with the Xunta de Galicia. Each part elaborated a
Master Plan relating to its own fortications to establish innovative
opportunities for economic and social development based in new
tourist routes designed to include sites at both sides of the river, and
also as a means to produce new incomes to nance conservation
costs. Till now the adjustments of the proposals of the two Plans has
not been made, but some small scale interventions of the initiative of
each municipality are being carried out.
In this study, we were confronted with a heritage closely related with
the social and political organisation of a vast territory. Being dened
by the river, the boundaries established in the 12th century never
changed, so it is possible to nd a large number of military evidences
of successive epochs. Therefore, two scales and scopes of intervention
had to be conciliated: one regarding the region and its potential
tourism development, the other concerning the urgent need to
preserve very important monuments, most of them listed, and their
environments. Important assets to be considered were the outstanding
natural beauty of the landscape and the river, and the small towns and

settlements with a rich heritage, not only of military origin but religious
constructions, like the churches and monasteries located on the top of
the hills or occupying the evergreen valleys.
2. Research and survey.
We started with a list of 16 very distinct fortications located along
the Portuguese border. They were mainly fortied villages of medieval
origin, some preserving their walls and castles, others remodelled in
the 17th Century. Also dating back from this period, was identied an
important ensemble of earth fortications, built with regular geometric
shapes based in radial or quadrangular forms.
The Plan developed, in the rst phase, the historical study and the
diagnosis of the present situation, detecting not only the problems
of each monument, but also the lack of commodities or presentation
structures. A detailed survey was made for the structural aspects, and
a specic approach was dened to evaluate the characteristics of the
earth constructions, besides nding their exact location.
The work began by collecting the available information and
documentation. A research was made in libraries and archives to
elaborate a reference database about these fortications and related
military structures; these elements should be published or made
available later in the internet.
The eld work has covered three aspects: the landscape, the architecture
and the state of conservation. A detailed photographic survey was
made, with characterisation and diagnosis of the problems. For each
fortication a report was made, based in the ICOMOS Fortication
schedule, that was adapted to our study and to the objectives of the Plan.
Fig.1 explains the items that structured the survey and subsequently
the nal presentation. Special attention has been given to the structural
diagnosis, assessing carefully the present state of conservation of all
the monuments. An example from the Castro Laboreiro Castle report
is shown in Fig. 2.
3. Interpretation of the military constructions and their
The work was then developed by grouping the fortications
according each epoch and type. Two crucial moments marked these
time were established the bases for the territorial organization as
we know it today. Dating from this time we have the castles, towers
and fortied villages.
t 5IFth Century with the Acclamation War against the Castilians,
when the urban settlements near the river had to be reinforced
with bastions. The best preserved fortresses are Valena do Minho
and Mono, in the other cases little remain due to the 20th Century
demolitions. In this Plan were located and analysed for the rst time
the earth forts built during this war, to follow the troop movements
and the enemy attacks.
One important conclusion of our study was that to reach the
understanding and meaning of the earth fortications, they should be
approached with a global method in the context of the warfare in the
17th Century, as Castilians spots for attacking Portuguese villages, or to
reinforce the defence of the sieged fortications, especially Valena.
Each fort, evaluated separately, is dicult to dierentiate from any


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Experiences of urban and territorial rehabilitation in mediterranean

mound of the surrounding elds. When we approach it with an

ensemble perspective, that relates this one to another, and then to the
fortied villages, knowing they were built in the course of the military
actions of defence and attack in Portuguese soil, and also including
Castilian villages when necessary, we see its true cultural and technical
dimension, as an outstanding example of a military strategy dened at
territorial scale.
4. Proposals.
4.1. Three initiatives were proposed to implement the Plan, intended
to create the basis and to constitute the public announcement of the
The creation of a Documentation Centre dedicated to Fortications.
An Exhibition about Fortications, to show the maps and projects
existing in the Military Archives, mainly from the 18th Century.
A Congress about the Fortications of the Minho frontier.
4.2. New Cultural Routes for tourists were studied and dened. After
analysing the existing fortications in their present state, they were
grouped according to their type. The denition of cultural itineraries
was adapted closely to the characteristics of each group of fortications,
looking for the best proposals appropriate to the importance of the
monuments and their protection.
For each monument were specied recommendations for the
interventions and established the program for the facilities and services
needed for visitors. We have proposed the following routes (see Fig. 3
for the location and type of each fortication):

Natural Castles.
Located in rocky, inaccessible spots with exceptionally beautiful
panoramic sights, they have an imposing scale. Each one is a destiny by
itself, and the proposal is to establish a Natural Historical Park to include
the surrounding area, and contribute to preserve the archaeological
remains, and enhance the rural life and the traditional landscape.
Medieval Towers.
In this case only Lapela needs rehabilitation works to allow the visit to
the interior, the other tower being privately owned and not open to
tourists for the moment.
Route D: Lapela Tower
Route E: Silva Tower
The Transfrontier Routes.
The implementation of these routes is the principal objective of this
Plan, and could be developed in short delay. Today the frontier is more
and more a place of liaison and neighbouring, due to the physical
proximity oered by the bridges and the transports.
Route E: Melgao (P) + Crescente (S) Fortications
Route F: Mono (P) + Salvaterra (S) Fortications
Route G: Valena (P) + Tui (S) Fortications
Route H: Vila Nova de Cerveira (P) + Gian (S) Fortications


Earth Forts.
They were built anew, and have a design with perfect geometrical forms,
showing in a clear way all the theoretical principles of the fortresses
with bastions and ramparts. For the moment, we suggest further study
and research in order to know how to preserve these constructions,
before dening what kind of use or visit will be adequate for them.
5. Final remarks
The authors believe that this Master Plan has an eective merit by
proposing a global approach to the important military fortications
of this region. Although in an incipient way, this heritage ensemble is
gaining no doubt a new cultural, historical and social meaning.
The second merit is to promote the association of two countries,
two communities that, although separated by a frontier, have always
maintained for centuries a relationship with interchanges of cultural
values and people.
In this specic eld, we can observe that the reasons that led to the
creation of these defence elements, provide today the best sights for
the observation of the monuments that sit opposite the river, as well
as enjoying the landscape features, simultaneously with the direct and
detailed discovery of the fortication that we are visiting. It is then the
river the great protagonist, been navigable in 2/3 of the course shared
by both countries, that will invite us to this close approach. It is necessary
to diuse these monuments so they will become the objective to visit,
to know and study, by creating the indispensable conditions to their
fruition, but also to adequately preserve them for the future.

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Experiences of urban and territorial rehabilitation in mediterranean

Figure 3

Figure 1

Figure 2

Figure 4



La diagnose comme tape pralabable la rhabilitation

La diagnosis como etapa previa a la rehabilitacin
Diagnosis as a preliminary to rehabilitation

La diagnose comme tape pralable la rehabilitation

La diagnosis como etapa previa a la rehabilitacin
Diagnosis as preliminary to rehabilitation

Outils mthodologiques pour la

rhabilitation durable des btiments

Daniela Bosia
Architecte, docteur de recherche, chercheur en Technologie de lArchitecture lEcole Polytechnique de Turin (II Facult
dArchitecture). Domaines de recherche: rhabilitation de larchitecture
traditionnelle pour le dveloppement soutenable, technologies
constructives traditionnelles. Chef de projet Architecture courante et
rurale et paysage entre tradition et innovation nanc dans le cadre du
Programme europen Culture 2000.
Adresse postale:
Politecnico di Torino, sede di Mondov
via Cottolengo 29
12084 Mondov (CN) Italie
Adresse courrier lectronique:

Texte communication
Le problme de la rhabilitation des btiments ruraux, fruit de traditions
constructives sculaires dsormais oublies, est un thme de grande
actualit. Les constructions humaines caractre rural sont lexpression
dune tradition de coutumes, de techniques, de matriaux et de
respect de lenvironnement, riche en solutions technologiques plus ou
moins conscientes qui mettent en troite relation le patrimoine bti
avec le paysage, les usages et le travail de lhomme. Construite au l du
temps par lhomme pour faire face aux dicults naturelles drivant
du lieu laide des moyens disponibles et des matriaux oerts par le
lieu lui-mme, cette tradition est aujourdhui constamment trahie. Le
patrimoine rural est fortement menac non seulement par lincurie et
labandon mais aussi par les nouvelles instances de rhabilitation des
ns touristiques. Il faut donc recourir des outils adquats de nature
pas seulement technique mais aussi conomique et culturelle pour
aronter et contrecarrer les tendances en cours.
La valorisation du patrimoine bti traditionnel est dsormais reconnue
comme lune des principales stratgies visant la protection du
paysage et la relance du dveloppement conomique des territoires
ruraux. Certains Plans de Dveloppement Local proposs par les
G.A.L. (Groupes dAction Locale) italiens et nancs par la Commission
Europenne, ont galement inclus, parmi les actions destines la
promotion du territoire, des interventions de valorisation du paysage,
travers la ralisation de manuels pour la rhabilitation de larchitecture
Le secteur de la recherche aussi a investi dans la production doutils
mthodologiques et oprationnels de support aux travaux de

rhabilitation en milieu rural, visant la rcupration du patrimoine

bti existant dans loptique de lco-compatibilit et du contrle de
la qualit de lenvironnement. Certains de ces outils se caractrisent
par leur orientation oprationnelle qui tente daller au-del de la
simple connaissance de la construction traditionnelle, proposant des
indications et des conseils pour les activits de rhabilitation. Il sagit
doutils de support aux activits de projet et de construction en vue de
la rhabilitation de larchitecture et des btiments traditionnels, qui se
congurent comme des outils normatifs de conseil, avec une troite
rfrence la typicit du patrimoine bti des territoires spciques.
Guides pour la rhabilitation de larchitecture rurale
Nous prsentons ici les Guides raliss par deux G.A.L. du nord de lItalie
(G.A.L. Mongioie et G.A.L. Langhe Roero Leader), nancs dans le cadre
du programme dinitiative communautaire Leader Plus.
Les deux guides, rdigs par le mme groupe de recherche 1 , se rfrent
des territoires caractriss par la mme tendue et qui ont en commun
des problmes de dpeuplement et dabandon. Contrairement aux
manuels classiques, ces outils sont structurs comme des principes
directeurs, comme de vritables guides mthodologiques plus
que techniques. En eet, ils ne fournissent pas de listes de solutions
techniques spciques chaque cas, mais plutt des indications
mthodologiques pour aronter le problme de lentretien, de la
rhabilitation, de la rutilisation de larchitecture traditionnelle dun
territoire, dans le respect du patrimoine bti existant et du paysage.
Le point de dpart a t la connaissance du territoire et des
caractristiques typologiques et constructives des btiments ruraux
prsents sur le territoire lui-mme. Ltude dun territoire rural et de
son architecture ne peut pas exclure lanalyse des matriaux, qui sont
toujours dorigine locale, des traditions constructives, qui constituent
des lments fondamentaux pour dnir lidentit dun lieu.
Les outils mthodologiques mis au point devraient tre applicables
grce lintroduction dans les normes des plans durbanisme et de la
rglementation locale du btiment. Les deux Guides sont dsormais
oprationnels: certaines interventions pilote permettant de tester les
outils et de fournir des indications pour leur rvision ventuelle sont
en cours.
Le Guide pour la rhabilitation des btiments ruraux du G.A.L.
Mongioie2 est un outil normatif de conseil, ralis sur la base de ltude
des traditions constructives du territoire, pour la plupart montueux et
collinaire. En eet, le G.A.L. Mongioie comprend une vaste portion du
Pimont mridional qui compte 49 communes, la frontire avec la
France, allant des territoires montueux de la Haute Valle du Tanaro
jusquaux douces collines de la Langa.
Dans une situation aussi complexe et au prix dune certaine
schmatisation, le territoire a t divis en deux grandes fractions
juges susamment homognes: les Valles Alpines et les Collines
des Langhe. La premire comprend la bande de territoire qui stend
le long des Alpes Liguriennes avec un paysage caractris par de
fortes htrognits morphologiques, mais empreinte nettement
montagnarde. En revanche, la deuxime prsente une bande territoriale
aux paysages caractriss par de doux reliefs collinaires, marqus par
les rangs de vignes et les noisetiers.
A travers toute une srie de recherches menes directement sur le
territoire, de relevs et de photos gnrales et de dtail, ltude des
traditions constructives et du paysage a reprsent le point de dpart


La diagnose comme tape pralable la rehabilitation

La diagnosis como etapa previa a la rehabilitacin
Diagnosis as preliminary to rehabilitation

pour la ralisation du Guide: en eet, la protection et la valorisation du

paysage rural doivent tre bases sur la reconnaissance des caractres
particuliers de lenvironnement naturel et bti qui contribuent
ensemble en dnir la conguration. Une importance particulire
a t attribue au relev gomtrique, mais aussi constructif et
technologique, des btiments existants, avec une rfrence non
seulement des habitations et des groupes de btiments, mais
aussi des uvres de service (tables, granges, puits, fours, schoirs,
ciabot , etc.) et accessoires lactivit humaine (murs de soutien
et de clture, sentiers et parcours) et tout ce qui contribue dnir
lidentit dun lieu. Ce travail a constitu une base pour identier,
dune part, les morphologies dimplantation les plus diuses et, dautre
part, les solutions technologiques adoptes pour les divers lments
de construction. Les tudes et les relevs raliss dans les deux
zones territoriales ont permis de commencer la rdaction du Guide,
considr ds le dbut comme un outil mthodologique de support
pour orienter les choix de projet et pour aronter de manire correcte
une rhabilitation qui slectionne des matriaux et des techniques
dintervention compatibles avec la protection et la valorisation de
Destin aux administrations locales du territoire et aux professionnels
du secteur, le Guide est structur par ches car la che a t considre
comme un outil synthtique et souple qui se prte facilement des
Il comprend deux groupes de ches: lun des typologies et lautre des
lments de construction, avec des dirences concernant les deux
zones territoriales identies.
Le vaste appareil iconographique du Guide (croquis de relevs et photos
gnrales et de dtail) constitue un atout fondamental et intgratif de
loutil mthodologique.
Les indications purement techniques, quoique prsentes, sont toutefois
limites dans la mesure o loutil ne vise pas donner des solutions
conformes mais plutt fournir des critres et des principes directeurs
pour raliser les travaux de rhabilitation.
en scaried to provide for more building space. Most of intra-family
interactions are now performed in the living room (TV room) and
in public parks (espaces vert), in upper-standing cases, for social
interaction of the inhabitants. Usually the faades of these multi-story
housing blocks tend to recreate the ever-evading image of the medina,
by the usealmost apologetic and often distasteful of arcades and
green tiles.
Le Guide pour la rhabilitation de larchitecture traditionnelle du G.A.L.
Langhe Roero Leader 3 , tout comme celui du G.A.L. Mongioie, il nat
dans le cadre du Plan de Dveloppement Local, nanc au sein du
programme dinitiative communautaire Leader Plus.
Le Guide se rfre un territoire collinaire qui comprend une
cinquantaine de communes des Langhe et du Roero. Il a donc t
structur de manire fournir des orientations, des conseils plus que
des impositions, pour aronter les interventions de rhabilitation de
larchitecture rurale de la tradition de cette zone suggestive, clbre
pour la production de grands vins. En eet, un dveloppement plus
spcique et plus restrictif aurait pu savrer dangereux: de fait, les
caractristiques constructives du patrimoine bti rural peuvent assumer
des particularits lies des milieux locaux mme extrmement
restreints, non rapportables des caractres gnraux.
Le Guide est organis en sections thmatiques: Elments du paysage,


Centres historiques, Matriaux de la tradition constructive, Typologies

des btiments, Elments de construction.
La section Typologies des btiments reporte, pour chaque type de
btiment identi (groupes de btiments ruraux, btiments aligns
et isols, btiments de production et de service) une description des
caractres gnraux et des indications, rdiges sous forme de principes
directeurs, pour une rhabilitation du bti existant compatible avec
lenvironnement et le paysage.
En revanche, la section Elments de construction est organise en
mais comme de vritables systmes de couverture, caractriss par
la structure de soutien en bois, par la couche de couverture, par
des lments accessoires fonctionnels mergeant de la couverture
(chemines, lucarnes, murs coupe-feu), par des lments de
dans le mur mais aussi comme des dormants, des systmes de
les coursives et les portiques avec leurs lments fonctionnels
accessoires ou de nition, comme les treillis pour le schage des
crales et les lambrequins.
Dans le deux Guides, chaque lment identi comporte la
description des variantes de construction prsentes sur le territoire,
les phnomnes de dgradation les plus dius et les critres gnraux
dintervention. Le dveloppement de chaque lment est complt
par des ches spciques de compatibilit des travaux, qui reportent,
pour les principales variantes de llment prsentes sur le territoire,
des indications synthtiques sur les travaux jugs admissibles, non
admissibles ou critiques par rapport aux instances de protection et de
valorisation du bti, du paysage et de lenvironnement.

La diagnose comme tape pralable la rehabilitation

La diagnosis como etapa previa a la rehabilitacin
Diagnosis as preliminary to rehabilitation


Cfr. Bosia D., Franco G., Marchiano R., Musso S.F., Guida al recupero degli elementi
caratterizzanti larchitettura del territorio del G.A.L. Mongioie, Tipoarte, Bologna, 2004.

Cfr. Bosia D., Guida al recupero dellarchitettura rurale del G.A.L. Langhe Roero Leader,
Blu Edizioni, Torino, 2006

Guide du G.A.L. Mongioie: une des che sur les ouvertures

Guide la rhabilitation des lments caractrisant larchitecture du G.A.L. Mongioie

: Guide la rhabilitation de larchitecture rurale du G.A.L. Langhe Roero Leader


La diagnose comme tape pralable la rehabilitation

La diagnosis como etapa previa a la rehabilitacin
Diagnosis as preliminary to rehabilitation

Les apports de larchologie du Bti

au diagnostic : le Palais Debban
Saida (Liban) entre mmoires et qute

Yasmine Makaroun Bou Assaf

Architecte, archologue professionnelle, Dr Yasmine Makaroun Bou
Assaf exerce en librale au Liban comme consultante en restauration, en rhabilitation de monuments et en amnagement de sites
archologiques. Enseignante et chercheur universitaire, elle collabore
de nombreux sminaires, colloques et missions internationales sur le
patrimoine culturel et a son actif de nombreuses publications.
Adresse postale:
BP : 55 658 Sin El Fil Beyrouth (Liban)
Adresse courrier lectronique:
+961 1 510 297/8 bureau
+961 3 623 559 Mobile

+961 1 510 304 Tlcopie

Dans les tudes pralables la rhabilitation dun monument,

larchologie du bti tient une place de choix pour la prcision de sa
mthode et la qualit de ses rsultats. Une approche pluridisciplinaire
(archologique, historique) du bti permet en eet de mettre en
corrlation les informations issues des sources documentaires et les
indices et tmoignages laisss par les direntes phases dintervention.
Rigueur, mthodologie et patience sont les rgles de base de cette
Le Palais Debban, monument historique majeur sur le littoral libanais,
class en 1968, a t fond par un notable sidonien, Ali Agha Hammoud
en 1721-22 : ce monument a le privilge de tmoigner de lhistoire du
Liban sur les trois derniers sicles. La famille Debban acheta cette
proprit vers le dbut du XIX sicle et la rnova en ajoutant deux
niveaux en 1917-20 au got de lpoque dans un style levantin noclassique (g.1).
La fondation Debban, qui gre aujourdhui ce monument, a collabor
avec lInstitut allemand des tudes Orientales de Beyrouth (Dr Stefan
Weber, Ralph Bodenstein), dans son projet de recherche sur le
patrimoine urbain de Saida et initi diverses tudes archologiques,
gnalogiques et historiques sur le palais et ses occupants successifs
(mmoire indirecte pour les Hammoud et mmoire quasi directe pour
les Debban).
Situ en priphrie de la mdina de Saida (Sidon), un des rares
exemples de centre historique prserv du ct est de la mditerrane,
le palais Debban ex Hammoud sinscrit dans le dveloppement urbain
ottoman de cette ville portuaire orissante (1516-1918).


Les recherches documentaires dans les archives ottomanes et

consulaires ont permises de retracer lhistoire ancienne des fondateurs
sur trois gnrations au moins Saida durant la premire moiti du
XVIII sicle.
Les Hammoud, percepteurs de taxes, exeraient un contrle
conomique, politique et urbanistique sur la ville ottomane de Saida
(priode de la construction des principaux btiments de la famille
durant une large priode de prosprit : khans, souqs, maisons,
mosque, hammams...)
Le palais Debban/Hammoud est un excellent exemple pour illustrer le
fonctionnement dun waqf (fondation familiale) comme entit urbaine
au sein dune ville ottomane.
La maison est intimement relie aux souqs et aux khans comme une
unit plurifonctionnelle (sige dun pouvoir conomique et politique).
Elle revt une importance rgionale plus dun titre :
boiseries peintes, plafonds incrusts, incrustations murales..(g.3)
sur les souqs et lemprise des remparts
sicles au moins

La maison est typique de la maison arabe traditionnelle cour. Son
accs principal se fait par les souqs travers un porche dentre ouvrant
sur un escalier troit et raide. Ce dernier dbouche au premier tage sur
la cour, lment central lorigine ciel ouvert, qui groupe les fonctions
priphriques, accueille et distribue les circulations. Gnralement au
RDC, le cas des villes ctires est une exception au dveloppement
des cours ltage de part la densication urbaine traduite par une
extension verticale du bti. Agrmente de fontaine et de bassins, la
cour est le point central du concept intrieur/extrieur ou barrani /
juwani de la maison traditionnelle qui se structure en espaces privs,
semi-public ou public suivant les usages.
De la morphologie de la maison du XVIII sicle, il ne reste que les
espaces de rception : la qaa, (g.2) o la majorit des lments de
dcor se trouvent concentrs (g.4), le iwan, espace extrieur couvert
par un grand arc protgeant du soleil et de part et dautre du iwan, deux
pices latrales ou murabba usage plus intime. La partie prive du
palais le haramlek (par opposition aux espaces de rception salamlek,
terminologie ottomane) a t oblitre par une proprit adjacente au
XIX sicle.
Aprs maints travaux et changements, au cours du XIX sicle telle une
extension du r.d.c extra-muros, la transformation majeure va se lire dans
le projet du dbut XX sicle par une extension verticale du palais et
son couvrement par un toit en tuiles quatre pans. Linnovation du
projet architecturale de 1920 rside dans le gnie de la transformation
dun espace extrieur en un espace intrieur couvert qui garde toute
sa force dusage grce une galerie suprieure et une continuit
stylistique par un dcor mural inspir du ablaq (alternance dassises de
pierres de couleurs direntes, typique de larchitecture islamique). Des
pices indpendantes telle la tiyara viendront sajouter sur la terrasse du
deuxime tage une phase ultrieure donnant au palais une nouvelle
dimension urbaine partir dune position privilgie en hauteur,
surplombant les toitures-terrasses de la vieille ville et le littoral.
Un relev dtaill du palais, a servit de support une cartographie

La diagnose comme tape pralable la rehabilitation

La diagnosis como etapa previa a la rehabilitacin
Diagnosis as preliminary to rehabilitation

pousse des matriaux, des techniques de construction ainsi que des

dsordres. Des analyses typologiques et chronologiques ont pu tre
labores sur la base de ces supports graphiques Des inventaires
systmatiques des dcors, des menuiseries et linterprtation des styles
a permis dtablir des comparaisons avec des btiments contemporains.
Des sondages ponctuels ont fournis des indices trs prcieux pour
linterprtation des phases chronologiques du monument ainsi que
pour lidentication des matriaux sous-jacents.
La prsence insouponne de poutres encastres dans les murs du
deuxime tage dcouverte lors de la ralisation de sondages, a rvl
un indice important pour lhypothse de la couverture initiale de la
qaa, savoir une toiture plate surhausse, et une partie suprieure
claire par des ouvertures latrales.
Des reprises imperceptibles de prime abord dans les enduits et dans la
maonnerie de pierre de taille ont livrs des informations sur direntes
campagnes de travaux au cours du XIX sicle.
Lanalyse dtaille des techniques de constructions de la pierre de
taille en parement intrieur, mise en corrlation avec des demeures
damascnes contemporaines telles Beit Akkad, Beit Jabri, entre autres
a permis des interprtations nouvelles aux historiens de larchitecture
ottomane impliqus dans le projet.
Mmoire vivante, mmoire estompe dans les murs et les dcors
dantan, le monument vibre encore aujourdhui de toutes ces voix. Le
souvenir rcent de la famille qui occupa les lieux jusquen 1975 vient
alimenter toutes les rexions sur le devenir de cette grande maison,
aujourdhui vide de ses occupants.
une nouvelle identit simpose progressivement : la maison muse. Elle
retrouverait sa fonction historique de lieu daccueil en se donnant au
visiteur travers une exposition originale : vivre le muse comme une
maison en observant son architecture monumentale et en sappropriant
ses divers lieux, ses souvenirs, son histoire.
Le palais Debban ne serait pas seulement un lieu pour hberger
un muse historique mais il sexposerait lui-mme comme un chefduvre de larchitecture civile arabo-ottomane.


KEENAN B., Damascus Hidden Treasures of the old city, Thames & Hudson, Londres, 2001.
MORTENSEN P., Bayt al-Aqqad, The History and Restoration of a House in Old Damascus,
Proceedings of the Danish Institute in Damascus IV, 2005.
ROBINE G., Palais et demeures de Damas au XVIII sicle, Ministre du Tourisme / IFEAD, Damas,
WEBER S., Bodenstein R., A House, two families and the city, The qasr Debban and the ottoman
city of Saida, OIB/Fondation Debban, sous presse.

Dtail dun chapiteau sculpt le muquarnas


La diagnose comme tape pralable la rehabilitation

La diagnosis como etapa previa a la rehabilitacin
Diagnosis as preliminary to rehabilitation

plans du palais Debban

vue panoramique de la salle ocielle la qaat


La diagnose comme tape pralable la rehabilitation

La diagnosis como etapa previa a la rehabilitacin
Diagnosis as preliminary to rehabilitation

Les habitudes constructives et les modes

de conservation daprs les manuscrits

Samia Chergui
Matre assistante, charge de cours en histoire de larchitecture
luniversit Saad DAHLAB de Blida, ayant le grade de docteur en histoire de lart et archologie islamiques de Paris IV- Sorbonne. En parallle des activits pdagogiques et de recherche, je mne et jai dj
nalis en tant quarchitecte restauratrice des projets de restauration
dans le vieil Alger (Grande Mosque dAlger 1997-9, des palais comme
Dar al-suf, Mustafa Pacha 1998-2002, le palais dt de Djenane Lakhdhar, Dar Aziza et le hammam de la citadelle en cours dtude)
Adresse postale:
14, rue RICOUR Omar, Ben Aknoun, Alger
Adresse courrier lectronique:
0021371975198 ou 0021321912373

Si le XVIe sicle symbolise sans conteste une priode propice un

vritable dveloppement urbain de la ville dAlger, rarement gal
jusqualors, il en sera tout fait diremment aussitt aprs1. Les
XVIIe et XVIIIe sicles vont manifestement tre marqus plus par
une perptuelle sauvegarde du cadre bti existant et son incessante
amlioration que par dinattendues dications.
Il ressort que le cadre institutionnel des habs
avait t plus que
dterminant dans le domaine de la conservation et de la rhabilitation
des btiments anciens. A chaque instant ses reprsentants, institutions
et prposs compris, devaient en eet veiller scrupuleusement leur
prservation par un recours permanent des pratiques courantes
dentretien primaire.
Notre exploitation des dirents registres comptables attestant une
pareille gestion du cadre bti, laquelle semble donc strictement
inhrente aux institutions du habs
comme Sharikat al-Djma' alA'dh'am, Sharikat al-H'aramayn al-Sharfayn ou Subul al-Khayrt, a t
lorigine de laccumulation de nombreux renseignements dun intrt
Elle a permis, dans une vision relativement synthtique dapprhender
la procdure de construction autant que le processus de conservation
support inluctable aux modes et procds techniques abondamment
admis, en cette poque, o le domaine spcique du btiment tait
caractris par un dynamisme certain.
En dpit du nombre de documents darchives consults, jusquici, nous
ralisons que nous navons fait quaborder quelques aspects relatifs
lclairage dune gestion troitement lie aux mosques et leurs biens-

fonds. Il est important de faire remarquer que ce type indit de fonds

archivistique habs,
lui seul, ncessite un travail de dpouillement
systmatique qui est loin davoir t entrepris une grande chelle.
Aussi, aujourdhui, il peut paratre vident que les entreprises ponctuelles
de construction, tout comme les actes rpts dentretien et de
conservation, se seraient attaches en fait reconduire des pratiques
probablement ancestrales. A lissue de lanalyse de plusieurs tats
comptables, tenus par les institutions habs,
se dgage, premire vue,
leur extrme varit, que, tout compte fait, lon a rarement souponne
Ces multiples actions qui avaient permis denrichir le cadre bti
religieux dun nombre incalculable de btiments avaient pour le reste
grandement particip au processus de leur propre prservation, et
par consquent aid maintenir en tat de fonctionnement optimal
une proportion leve de biens immeubles fonds en habs,
seul prot. Ces oprations de sauvegarde sont bases, avant tout, sur
lemploi de matriaux anciens de provenance locale ou trangre la
Rgence dAlger, ainsi que sur ladoption de techniques constructives
traditionnelles ayant fait largement leur preuve autrefois.
Nous sommes parvenus y distinguer, par ailleurs, les mcanismes
qui semblent dune ncessit absolue toute dmarche dentretien
prventif comme le badigeonnage la chaux des surfaces, la rparation
des parties dlabrs des murs, et en particulier des enduits dpris ou
enn la rfection des toitures. Lidentication et le classement de ces
premires actions de nature spciale dterminent tout simplement
un mode de conservation recherchant prmunir, en permanence,
les dices religieux ou toute autre forme de constructions des
dgradations ventuelles.
Dautres pratiques ancestrales se rapportant galement lentretien
dveloppent des actions de nature rnovatrice. Celles-ci visaient
la rparation, la consolidation, la reconstruction, mais en plus, trs
souvent, la rnovation et la restauration de pans entiers de btiments
la suite de leur destruction ou de leur dlabrement partiel. En eet,
ce type dactions conjoncturelles ntait envisag que dans le cas de
destructions globales ou localises3.
Contrairement aux pratiques inhrentes lentretien de pure
conservation, il a t possible de dmontrer, l spcialement, que ces
dernires ne recherchaient nullement la prvention de dgradations,
mais aspiraient surtout et encore restituer aux uvres architecturales,
mutiles par les destructions sans cesse recommences, leur tat
initial. De part la nature de ce mode de conserver, il nintervenait
qupisodiquement. La frquence de ses actions, rvles par les
tats des dpenses, demeure tout fait irrgulire et se trouve ainsi
dpendantes de certaines circonstances aggravantes, limage de
catastrophes naturelles ou dattaques maritimes.
Ltude des habitudes constructives, travers le regard crois que nous
avons tent de porter la fois sur les documents darchives ottomanes
et sur les vestiges architecturaux, a permis de mettre en vidence
deux types de connaissance propos de ce second aspect purement
matriel. Les renseignements que ces sources fournissent ne sont pas
certes toujours comparables, mais ils demeurent, jusqu un certain
degr, complmentaires.
Les registres de comptabilit apportent des clairages signicatifs sur
la nature, la provenance, la quantit et le cot des matriaux destins
la fois la construction et la conservation. Ils ne manquent pas
non plus de documenter les aspects concernant leur fabrication, voire
leur prparation, et leur mise en uvre4. Quant aux investigations


La diagnose comme tape pralable la rehabilitation

La diagnosis como etapa previa a la rehabilitacin
Diagnosis as preliminary to rehabilitation

archologiques, elles ont permis, dans la mesure du possible, de voir

comment les dispositifs tant techniques quartistiques ont imprim
de manire indlbile leurs propres images aux peu duvres
architecturales ottomanes, encore conservs aujourdhui.
Pendant ces oprations renouveles de reconstruction, de restauration
ou de rnovation, le chantier avait fait usage, jusquau milieu du XIXe
sicle, de matriaux et de techniques qui taient peut-tre identiques
pratique courante qui rend ardu toute lecture prcise des rparations
Tchons maintenant de revenir plus sommairement sur certains des
matriaux les plus en vue. La terre, dont lemploi tait prdominant autant
dans la construction que dans la conservation, tait abondante5.
A vrai dire, les poteries, tablies au nord de la ville, ne se bornaient pas
uniquement alimenter les chantiers de quantits considrables de
briques. Il savre quen dehors de ce matriau de base abondamment
pices cylindriques en poterie pour les chutes deau que les fouilles
archologiques avaient rvles encastres lintrieur des murs de
pourtour en fournissent un exemple de production assez signicatif.
Nanmoins les nouveaux apports techniques des Andalous au domaine
de la fabrication de terre maille staient rvls insusants puisque,
des quantits considrables de carreaux de cramiques avaient t
importes notamment de Tunis ou de Delft. La mme remarque est
valable pour le marbre venant dItalie ou pour le bois de cdre et le
bois de noyer acquis auprs des pays du Nord de lEurope, comme la
Hollande, titre de commande ou de tribut.
Quant lemploi de la chaux, il tait considrablement rpandu dans
la ville. Car, ce matriau, ordinairement obtenu de la calcination de
pierre calcaire dans les mmes fours briques, est non seulement
indispensable la fabrication de mortier et denduit mais constitue,
sous sa forme liquide de lait, la plus importante forme de protection
des appareils de maonneries, dans le cadre de la pratique perptuelle
de badigeonnage de leurs surfaces.
Dune manire globale, nous ne saurions parler des modes de construire
et de conserver sans nous rfrer la main duvre spcialise qui en
dtenaient le savoir-faire. En eet, tout au long de la priode ottomane,
nous avons dtect une diversication pousse des mtiers du
btiment, lesquels avaient satisfait certainement les besoins techniques
en matire de construction et de conservation.
La mise en uvre des divers matriaux que nous avons inventoris
revenait de la sorte la dextrit de nombreux hommes, majoritairement
mobiliss dans le cadre corporatif. La comptabilit salariale, tenue par
les institutions du habs,
compte parmi les rares initiatives de gestion
qui avait permis, durant au moins trois sicles conscutifs, de consigner,
quoique par intermittence, les plus amples dtails sur le prol distinctif
de lensemble de ces intervenants6.
Les Andalous tout autant que les communauts minoritaires juives et
chrtiennes avaient collabor, chacun sa manire, donner un essor
vigoureux lactivit constructive. Cependant, la comptence technique
avre dAhl al-Andalus et des chrtiens dEurope semble devenir un
critre susant pour leur slection la tte de la direction dun nombre
considrable de chantiers. Dailleurs, quils soient musulmans de statut
libre (bann muslim) ou esclaves de confession chrtienne (ns'ra alBaylik), simplement lous au chantier, ils semblent destinataires dun
salaire souvent quivalent. Si, du point de vue gographique, Djm'at
al-Bannn, lune des plus inuentes corporations de mtiers, lies


au btiment, comptait parmi ses membres une majorit de maons

citadins de souche (bald-s), dont des Andalous, certains autres seraient
des immigrs rcents, venus de contres voisines (la Rgence de Tunis
en tait de loin le premier pourvoyeur).
Les manuvres aussi bien que les tcherons sont, pour une large part,
doublement alis, la fois leur communaut dorigine et leur corps
originaires, soit des montagnes environnantes (Kabylie), soit des rgions
du Sud (Biskra). Une main duvre servile de ligne europenne devait
renforcer le rang de ces ouvriers trs peu spcialiss.
La nition, au point de vue strictement esthtique, de qualit bien
dtermine de matriaux, linstar des blocs de marbre dimportation ou
de tuf de provenance locale, mais aussi des lments en bois de cdre et
de noyer, parat avoir t, ainsi, lapanage des deux communauts extra
musulmanes. Nous avons dcel, travers un examen approfondi des
tats comptables, dune part que certains captifs chrtiens excellaient
dans la taille de pierre et dans la peinture sur boiserie, dautre part que
des ouvriers, de confession juive, se spcialisaient dans la sculpture de
bois cisel et la dcoupe de verre.
Sur le plan des nances, la question des cots et des salaires,
vpratiqus dans le domaine de lentretien, mrite de connatre le plus
dapprofondissement possible. Des eorts de recherche pourraient tre
entrepris ce sujet, lequel na t que superciellement approch par
ltude de L.Merouche, mais galement lors de notre exploitation du
rle de chantier enregistrant la plupart des dtails comptables propres
ldication la Nouvelle Mosque7.


Assez nombreuses sont les publications sur lhistoire urbaine dAlger. Il ne sagit pas ici
   3-FTQFT Alger, Etude de gographie et dhistoire urbaines,
"MHFS &1BTRVBMJ La Casbah dAlger, thse de doctorat, Alger, 1951 et rcemment
F.Cresti, Contribution lhistoire dAlger, 1993.


Un fonds trs intressant est conserv aux archives nationales algriennes dans 194
boites contenant chacune plusieurs dizaines de registre et dactes de valeur ingale,
archives algriennes relatives aux waqfs et leur utilisation dans lhistoire conomique et
sociale de lAlgrie ottomane , Collection Turcica, vol. VIII, 1995, pp.59-65.


Les dommages, que le cadre bti de la ville a subi, sont survenus, soit la suite de
catastrophes naturelles (sisme, foudre, ...etc.), soit aprs des attaques maritimes
meurtrires (les canonnades franaises, espagnoles et anglaises taient des plus


N.Hanna, Construction work in ottoman Cairo (1517.1798), Le Caire, 1984 et A.Saadaoui,
Tunis, ville ottomane, trois sicles durbanisme et darchitecture, Tunis, 2001


Les marnes sahliennes dEl-Biar et les argiles alluvionnaires de la valle infrieure dElHarrach se sont constamment prtes divers modes de faonnement, R.Lespes, 1930,


Outre les registres comptables exploits au niveau du Centre National des Archives

La diagnose comme tape pralable la rehabilitation

La diagnosis como etapa previa a la rehabilitacin
Diagnosis as preliminary to rehabilitation

dAlger (CNA), la lecture du manuscrit conserv sous la cote Ms.670/1378 la BN dAlger

et rdig par al-Shwhad 'Abd Allh Muhammad
Ben al- Hdj
Ysaf sous le titre de Kitb
Qnn bil-Djazir 'al al-aswq('wyad al-sq), au XVIIe sicle.

L.Merouche, Recherches sur lAlgrie ottomane : monnaies, prix et revenus 1520-1830, Paris,
4$IFSHVJ Construire, grer et conserver les mosques en Al-Djazir ottomane, thse
de doctorat, 3 vol., 834p, Paris IV, Paris, 2007.

Chapiteau sculpt dun croissant


La diagnose comme tape pralable la rehabilitation

La diagnosis como etapa previa a la rehabilitacin
Diagnosis as preliminary to rehabilitation

Anlisis de la construccin y funcin de

los espacios interiores de la masia en
Catalunya (s. XIV-XVI)1

Assumpta Serra i Clota

Historiadora, arqueloga y especialista en el mundo rural cataln de
los siglos X-XVI. Investigacin a partir de las fuentes arqueolgicas,
documentales y trabajo de campo. Profesora de la Universidad de
Barcelona durante el perodo 1983-2003.
Direccin postal:
c. Pere Balls n 10
o8530 La Garriga
Direccin de correo electrnico:

Dada la situacin actual del mundo agrario cataln, se puede considerar
que su edicio ms emblemtico est perdiendo su funcionalidad.
Una muestra es la nueva casa destinada a matrimonios jvenes que
mantienen la explotacin familiar. Los elementos que conguran esta
nueva vivienda no diere de los que integran una del ncleo urbano o
de una urbanizacin. Los espacios necesarios para el trabajo se instalan
en edicios anejos. La vivienda, ha dejado de ser considerada en su
forma integral.
Otro fenmeno actual es la despoblacin del campo, a causa del cambio
de la agricultura que conlleva la dicultad de poder vivir de ella una
familia. Como consecuencia, una parte de sus habitantes se trasladan a
pueblos o ciudades a trabajar en otros sectores manteniendo parte de
las tierras de labranza y algunos animales para el propio consumo. Entre
estas familias, tiene gran xito el turismo rural, siendo otra variedad las
casas adaptadas para colonias escolares o para familias en das festivos
o vacacionales. En estos casos, la vivienda puede experimentar grandes
cambios. Unos porque la misma administracin los impone y otros para
adaptar pequeos apartamentos dentro o fuera de la casa.
Finalmente quedan aquellos mansos que son segundas residencias por
parte de personas que viven y trabajan en el ncleo o ciudades.
As pues la masia se encuentra en un proceso de transformacin o
abandono. Por esta razn se aplauden las iniciativas que permiten
mantenerla, an cuando se transforme para adaptarla a las nuevas
Considerando que la masia es producto de una evolucin que parte
del s. XI y se va adaptando a las necesidades y capacidades de cada
momento, forma parte de la identidad del territorio agrario cataln:
Cada espai tradicional representa una arquitectura especca que reexa
la funci per la que es va crear. La rehabilitaci ben estudiada pot donar


una altra vida a un espai sense fer-li perdre la seva identitat. ( Entrevista a
Mustapha Houcine en Rehabimed, n. 6, abril 2006, p.3)
Reconociendo pequeas diferencias segn la zonas geogrcas,
la masia presenta una gran uniformidad en el conjunto territorial,
fruto de una misma cultura que se ha fraguado a lo largo de los
siglos. Igualmente, todo edicio es un testimonio histrico y sus
modicaciones y ampliaciones responden siempre a las necesidades
y posibilidades tecnolgicas del momento Por esta razn es necesario
conocer su historia para comprender el signicado de sus espacios y
saber mantener aquellos que son inherentes al edicio.
Orgenes y evolucin del manso
Los espacios comunes y bsicos son : cocina, comedor, entrada,
dormitorios, sala y granero. Antes de la crisis de la loxera, casi en todas
las masias tenan una pequea bodega. Estas estancias se encuentran
repartidas en dos o tres pisos.
Orgenes, s. XI
El edico del manso, de tres habitculos dedicados a cocina, establo
y entrada (aves de corral y cocina cuando el tiempo lo permita) y
construido con piedra, se inici a partir de la segunda mitad del siglo
XI y se generaliz en el s. XII. An siendo un edicio pequeo, contena
todos los elementos necesarios para vivir una familia.
Destaca su forma constructiva:

pared. ( sistema muy til para ligar la pared),
superior (zcalo y cubierta de losas).
Estos edicios o bien se apoyaban en grandes rocas, desniveles del
terreno o bien aprovechaban cavidades naturales. (Fig.1,1)
Esta forma constructiva fue tan eciente que ha permanecido, en los
establos o partes bajas de muchas masias actuales.
s. XII
Siendo el s. XII poca de grandes construcciones, en los mansos
continua la misma tcnica del s. XI, mejorando el corte de las piedras.
Se aaden nuevos cubculos manteniendo el rectngulo y los espacios
interiores cambian su utilidad. Relacionado con la ampliacin del
cultivo de cereales, aparece el horno.
Se construye la torre para defender el manso de las rtzias de los
musulmanes (llegando al Valls o el Bages) y de los seores feudales.
(g.2,1) En las zonas de Lleida o el Segre, (recin conquistadas a los
musulmanes) se adaptan las torres defensivas construidas con piedra
y cal, para ser utilizadas como mansos.
EL siglo XIII representa un gran cambio en la construccin del manso:
2. Se construye en vertical.

La diagnose comme tape pralable la rehabilitation

La diagnosis como etapa previa a la rehabilitacin
Diagnosis as preliminary to rehabilitation

Estas novedades, que sern transcendentales, se deben a la inuencia

del gtico con sus espacios amplios y abiertos y la implantacin, en
todo el territorio, de la cal y las tejas. Estos dos elementos permitieron
la esbeltez del edicio, al cambiar las gruesas paredes por argamasa y
el pesado techo por tejas. Las paredes dejarn de formar hiladas claras
y estarn cubiertas de cal.
1. Se construye un nuevo cubculo a lo largo y paralelo a la parte
existente. Gracias a ser mucho ms amplio pasar a ser el centro de
la vivienda, albergando la cocina - comedor. (Fig.1,2)
2. Las construcciones en vertical, o bien corresponden al manso-torre(
g. 3 parte central de la seccin), primeros mansos de dos pisos o
las domus. Destaca, la diferencia conceptual entre una torre militar
y el manso torre, dado que el edicio del manso, sea cual sea su
composicin, satisface las necesidades de una familia que vive de la
tierra, el bosque y la ganadera. El manso vertical busca un lugar en
altura para guardar los cereales.
La formacin de la masia
s. XIV
As pues, mientras el edicio de dos cuerpos tuvo su momento
entre nales del s. XIII y principios del S. XIV, el de dos o tres pisos se
generalizar a partir del s. XV.
Es en el s. XIV cuando la ampliacin del manso apoyado en una roca
o desnivel, se desarrolla en la parte superior de esta roca. El desnivel
se supera con escaleras, pero an no se construye sobre del primer
edicio. En el nuevo espacio se traslada la cocina-comedor, bastante
evidente para la salida de humos y un suelo resistente al fuego y el
Debido a la gran mortandad de la peste negra del 1348, tuvo lugar
la reordenacin del espacio agrario con el abandono de mansos de
montaa, propios del s. XI y la ocupacin de los vacos de la llanura.
Sin embargo, aquellos con un emplazamiento entre la montaa y
la llanura y una produccin diversicada, pero no suciente, fueron
abandonados y recuperados a partir del s. XVI.
s. XV
Se puede considerar que es en el s. XV cuando culminarn los dos
procesos, resultando un edicio estructurado y coherente con las
necesidades para las que ha sido construido.
El edicio se estructura en dos cuerpos paralelos y dos pisos ( Fig. 2,2),
con espacios diferenciados que se disputan el protagonismo la cocina
y el comedor, ahora ya separados. La cocina sigue siendo el centro de
las actividades familiares pero el comedor se utiliza en los das festivos
y sealados.
s. XVI
La novedad entre el edicio del s. XV y el del XVI es la inclusin de un
gran espacio como es la sala, smbolo de una economa en pujanza.
La sala, a partir del siglo X, form parte de los edicios pertenecientes
al grupo dirigente, civil o eclesistico, del mundo rural. La sala es un
espacio nico y amplio, utilizado para el interior de una iglesia o lugar
de recepcin de un castillo.
Posteriormente, la sala aparece en mansos seoriales. Sin embargo,
mientras la cocina o el comedor tienen consolidado su simbolismo
dentro del edicio, la sala tardar bastantes aos en encontrarlo. Puede
situarse en la planta baja o en el segundo piso pero relegado a un

segundo plano, despus del comedor.

En la planta ideal se encuentra en el centro de la casa y el mismo
espacio se repite en la planta baja o entrada y en el planta superior o
granero. En la casa de dos cuerpos se le aade un rectngulo de tres
pisos. (Fig.n.3, plantas) Longitudinalmente ocupa el espacio de dos
habitaciones contiguas
Esta construccin se generaliz a partir de nales del siglo XVI. Unas
veces se construa la masia segn esta planta y se abandonaba la casa
anterior. Otras se le aada el cuerpo de la sala en la parte contigua (g.
4), mantenindose la cocina, bodega o alguna habitacin del primer
edicio o tambin se construan los tres cuerpos en la parte anterior
dando la apariencia de un gran edicio.( Fig. 3, seccin) Fue frecuente
empezar los trazos para renovar la masia con un gran edicio y quedarse
a medias. An cuando es evidente que se construye en un momento
de pujanza econmica, la razn de que algunas construcciones no
llegaron a buen trmino indica que la economa no continu con el
mismo ritmo. As mismo cabria pensar que la razn de este espacio
nico, dentro de la casa rural, podra deberse a la inuencia del
individualismo renacentista, en un momento de pujanza.

1. Entrevista a Mustapha Houcine en Rehabimed, n. 6, abril 2006.
2. Entrevista a Paul Oliver en Rehabimed, n. 7, julio 2006.
3. V.V.A.A.: La masia catalana, Evoluci, arquitectura i restauraci col. Arquitectura tradicional,
vol. 1, Ed. Brau, 2005.
4. SERRA I CLOTA, ASSUMPTA (1990): La comunitat rural a la Catalunya Medieval: Collsacabra (s.
XIII-XVI), Editorial Eumo, Vic
5. SERRA I CLOTA, ASSUMPTA (1993): Anlisis de la distribucin espacial en la subcomarca del
Collsacabra: Tavertet i Sorerols (Osona) en los siglos X-XV, a IV Congreso de Arqueologa
Medieval Espaola, vol. II, Alacant, 1993, pp. 467-484
6. SERRA I CLOTA, ASSUMPTA (1995) La forma constructiva en el mundo rural cataln (siglos XIVXVI). ,a Actas del Segundo Congreso Nacional de Historia de la Construccin. A Corua,
pp 465-474.
7. SERRA I CLOTA, ASSUMPTA (1998) Lhbitat i els seus elements constructius a Catalunya dels ss.
X-XIV, en Homenatge al Professor M. Riu, 35 pp., indito
8. SERRA I CLOTA, ASSUMPTA (2001) Anlisi del procs de la villa al mas FO'FSSFS .5.VUK +J3JV 
M. eds.: El mas catal durant lEdat mitjana i la moderna (segles IX-XVIII), CSIC, Annex 42 del
Anuario de Estudios Medievales, Barcelona, pp.325-428.
9. SERRA I CLOTA, ASSUMPTA (2004): Excavacions arqueolgiques al mas de Sa Palomera: Tavertet,
Osona en Actes de !es Jornades dArqueologia i Paleontologia 2001: Comarques de
Barcelona 1996-2001. coord. Por Margarida Genera, Vol. 3, pags. 945-951
10. SERRA I CLOTA, ASSUMPTA (2006): lanlisi del territori a la Catalunya central: dos models
dassentament entre la muntanya (Collsacabra) i la plana (terme del castell de Voltreg) als
segles XI-XIII a Tribuna dArqueologia 2004-2005, pags. 289-313
11. SERRA I CLOTA, ASSUMPTA (2006) : Les novetats constructives en els masos horitzontals, entre els
segles XIII.-XIV, a la Catalunya central, en V Congrs ACRAM, 15 pp. en prensa
12. SERRA I CLOTA, ASSUMPTA (2006): La forma constructiva del manso en la Catalunya del S. XII: un
panorama diverso en Boletn de Arqueologa Medieval, en prensa 45 pp.

Este trabajo ha sido elaborado a partir de mis propias investigaciones, an en proceso

de estudio y publicados y presentadas en congresos que se citan al nal del artculo.


La diagnose comme tape pralable la rehabilitation

La diagnosis como etapa previa a la rehabilitacin
Diagnosis as preliminary to rehabilitation


La diagnose comme tape pralable la rehabilitation

La diagnosis como etapa previa a la rehabilitacin
Diagnosis as preliminary to rehabilitation

La arquitectura tradicional de Menorca

desde la Edad Moderna

Llucia Pons

Direccin de correo electrnico:

Blancas paredes de piedra, rojas cubiertas de tejas a dos aguas, verdes

batientes de ventanas y puertas, las casas tradicionales de Menorca se
presentan contundentes marcando hitos en una tierra frtil gracias al
trabajo de muchos aos.
Su pasado es aun presente, descubrir su historia es ms que
emocionante, las vivencias de todas las personas que las han habitado
a lo largo de tantos aos se desvelan en cada rincn.
Son, en conjunto, una muestra exclusiva y original de esta isla que,
rodeada de agua por todas partes, se ha ido forjando a su manera,
encontrando las soluciones en la necesidad de supervivencia y en el ir
y venir aprendiendo de otros pueblos que estn cerca y lejos al
mismo tiempo gracias al mar. Cmo volver atrs para comprender
como tratarlas en la actualidad? De dos formas se ha hecho en este
trabajo: estudiando las casas, especcamente las rurales,
luego con el testimonio ms que valioso de antiguos documentos que
no solo nos ensean como eran las casas en tiempos ms antiguos
sino que tambin nos muestran su cotidianidad, son los inventarios de
Protocolos Notariales.
Las casas de campo de Menorca son hoy el resultado de las circunstancias
agrcolas y ganaderas que se han ido sucediendo a lo largo del tiempo.
El sistema de la propiedad es el que propicia la vivienda rural aislada,
debido a que las ncas, llamadas llocs, son relativamente grandes
haciendo la opcin de la casa dentro de la misma propiedad la ms
idnea. Por otra parte el tipo de agricultura i ganadera tambin ha
inuido, obviamente, en las caractersticas de la construccin rural:
el cultivo del cereal, trigo y cebada, y la ganadera ovina fueron la
dedicacin principal hasta el siglo XX, cuando la ganadera vacuna
absorbe todo el protagonismo hasta hoy.
Construidas con piedra, tal y como se encuentra al natural o cortada
en canteras, emblanqueadas con cal, por fuera y por dentro, las casas
tradicionales de Menorca, como en el resto del mundo, se construyeron
con los materiales propios del entorno.
Estas casas siempre han sido construidas con piedra. Se distinguen
fcilmente dos tcnicas diferentes que, aunque con excepciones,
cronolgicamente se suceden una a la otra:
gruesas paredes de piedra y mortero, paredes ms nas de piedra
cortada en cantera.
Piedras irregulares, ms o menos pequeas, son las que componen las
paredes de piedra y mortero, mortero formado por tierra y materiales
aglutinantes como la cal i el sabln. Su grueso oscila entre 60 cm. y 1

metro, muestran una textura irregular y las aberturas son generalmente

escasas y pequeas, a veces inexistentes en las fachadas traseras o
laterales a excepcin de pequeos huecos para ventilacin. Las casas
de piedra y mortero muestran paredes ms bajas y habitaciones
independientes comunicadas, casi siempre, desde el exterior. Las
cubiertas son de bigas de lea, de caizo y de losas de piedra siendo
tambin la bveda de arista frecuente, ms en la parte de Poniente
que en la de Levante. Algunas estn datadas en el siglo XVII, siendo en
el siglo XVIII corrientes como nos asegura John Armstrong, ingls que
escribi sobre la isla.
La casa fue creciendo aadiendo nuevos espacios que permitan
que cada habitacin fuera adquiriendo una funcin ms especca.
El crecimiento orgnico no contemplaba, en principio, una esttica
exterior unitaria, as la forma de la casa se nos presenta irregular, con
volmenes aadidos con tejados de inclinaciones diferentes a veces
carentes de lgica respecto a la recogida del agua de la lluvia.
La piedra cortada en cantera ofreci ms posibilidades. En la mayora
de los casos integra, de distinta forma, el ncleo anterior de piedra y
mortero. Con la nueva tcnica se consiguen paredes ms nas, ms
altas y con mayor nmero de aberturas y ms grandes.
Si bien la comunicacin de las distintas partes de la casa continua
siendo bsicamente por el exterior, se consiguen nuevos logros como
las habitaciones encadenadas en el interior.
El porche, con dos o tres arcos de medio punto rebajados, se crea como
espacio de circulacin que da cobijo a la entrada de las habitaciones.
Ms adelante, hacia nales del siglo XIX, muchos de estos porches se
cerraran dejando una puerta y varias ventanas en los antiguos huecos,
ando as mayor cobijo a este espacio que queda integrado como uno
ms del interior de la casa. El porche, en menorqun sa porxada, es uno
de los elementos emblemticos de nuestra arquitectura. A su funcin
prctica se le une haberse convertido un ambiente agradable donde
se rene la familia, en los atardeceres de verano especialmente. Las
payesas los llenan de plantas y ores que embellecen as este espacio
que es la entrada a la casa.
Con la piedra cortada de mars, la casa rural logra una esttica unitaria
que podemos resumir como un volumen cbico cubierto por tejado a
dos aguas inclinado hacia los laterales o este-oeste. Nunca es simple, a
veces toma forma basilical y siempre tiene construcciones
aadidas, entre las que destacan las dedicadas a la ganadera y
agricultura que en denitiva forman un todo.
La casa tiene delante el patio, donde encontramos el horno, cuyo
para subir a los equinos y plantas sembradas. El patio es el ncleo de
comunicacin que no slo da acceso a la casa sino que
tambin con frecuencia ordena todos los trayectos posibles de la
Si bien podemos leer las paredes, volmenes i apariencias para
descifrar la esencia de la arquitectura tradicional, para profundizar
en su evolucin hemos de atender a la vida en la casa a lo largo del
tiempo, que es la que en denitiva realmente le da forma atendiendo
a las distintas necesidades humanas. Los inventarios post mortem
suponen un autentico tesoro porque nos informan de las habitaciones
que tenan las casas en cada momento y de toda la cultura material:
mobiliario, vestuario, alimentacin, herramientas, etc.
Con todo ello lo que parecen simples listados de objetos nos permiten
deducir como las habitaciones han ido adquiriendo funciones
especcas, como la intimidad se ha ido haciendo ms necesaria y


La diagnose comme tape pralable la rehabilitation

La diagnosis como etapa previa a la rehabilitacin
Diagnosis as preliminary to rehabilitation

como la comodidad y el confort se han ido consiguiendo en pequeas

Los inventarios conservados en el Archivo Histrico Provincial de
Menorca abarcan desde el ao 1599 hasta el 1848, es as como el
estudio que se presenta empieza en el siglo XVII y gracias al trabajo de
campo realizado con las casas rurales, especialmente, termina en la
actualidad. A lo largo de estos dos siglos y medio la casa aumenta el
nmero de habitaciones, de tres en el siglo XVII pasamos a una media
de cinco en el siglo XIX. El ncleo principal estara compuesto por: la
cocina, una habitacin, llamada cambra, y otra habitacin ms que o
bien poda situarse en un primer piso, llamada entonces cambra de
dalt, o bien poda ser otra habitacin en planta baja con una funcin
ms concreta, por ejemplo servir como lugar donde hacer el pan,
llamada entonces el pastador, o bien donde se mola la harina, el mol.
La cocina se presenta como la heredera de la casa de habitacin nica.
Es donde, no solamente se cocina y come la familia, sino tambin
huso y la lana) y donde tambin se guardaban las herramientas para
trabajar en el campo.
La necesidad de mayor espacio para denir la funcin de cada
habitacin y conseguir ms intimidad, favoreciendo el descanso,
parecen ser las razones principales que hacen que la casa crezca en
nmero de habitaciones.
Las habitaciones se especializan y esto se hace evidente por ejemplo
con la desaparicin de la cama en la cocina en el siglo XVIII, al mismo
tiempo que los alimentos o las herramientas que se guardaban en la
habitacin donde haba la cama, se trasladan o bien al piso de arriba
o a otras habitaciones cerca de la cocina. La nica habitacin que
ya aparece especializada en el siglo XVII es la que se encuentra en el
primer piso donde se guardan los cereales y utensilios varios del trabajo
del campo.
Una mayor intimidad viene garantizada cuando la casa crece y lo hace,
especialmente, invirtiendo los nuevos espacios a favor del descanso, es
as cuando a las distintas habitaciones dedicadas al descanso se les va
dando un repertorio de nombres diferentes en funcin de su tamao
y funcin especca.


La diagnose comme tape pralable la rehabilitation

La diagnosis como etapa previa a la rehabilitacin
Diagnosis as preliminary to rehabilitation

ARMSTRONG, John, Historia de la isla de Menorca, (1756), Editorial Nura, Coleccin Pauta,
Menorca, 1990.
PONS OLIVES, Luca, Ca nostra des del segle XVII, Centre dEstudis Locals dAlaior, Menorca,
La informacin extrada de los inventarios post morten ha sido tratada con diferentes
frmulas estadsticas que son las que nos permiten hacer estas armaciones.


La diagnose comme tape pralable la rehabilitation

La diagnosis como etapa previa a la rehabilitacin
Diagnosis as preliminary to rehabilitation

Casa Pallars de Talarn, del XVII al XIX

Josep Coll i Mir

Esta comunicacin resume el estudio pluridisciplinar, morfolgico y

documental, desarrollado en un edicio del Prepirineo Cataln conocido
como Casa Pallars y situado en el ncleo de Talarn (Lleida). Este
estudio conrma las posibilidades que nos ofrece la documentacin
notarial, bsicamente los Inventarios Post-mortem, al contrastarla con
el estudio morfolgico en los edicios, de manera que nos permite
conocer la evolucin arquitectnica y la de su entorno inmediato
El punto de partida es una publicacin sobre la familia Pallars titulada
Els Pallars de Talarn, Petita Noblesa Rural de la Sra. Magda Miravet, en
la que se analiza tanto la vida cotidiana, como el nivel econmico y
patrimonial, o la poltica matrimonial de esta familia, utilizando diversa
documentacin entre la que se encuentran tres Inventarios PostMortem fechados en los aos 1.690, 1.717 y 1.741.
Estos tres inventarios contienen una importantsima informacin
descriptiva y detallada de los bienes muebles e inmuebles, del
avituallamiento de la casa, as como del estado de los negocios
La metodologa utilizada consiste en la reconstruccin del recorrido
por el interior del edicio descrito por el notario, profundizando en el
conocimiento de las diferentes dependencias de la casa, identicando
cada una de las trazas y determinando como cambia su morfologa
y su relacin con el crecimiento de la poblacin en cada uno de los
momentos histricos.
Este anlisis permite plantear un modelo de transformacin de Casa
Pallars que va ligado ntimamente con el modelo de evolucin y
crecimiento del ncleo urbano de la poblacin de Talarn a lo largo del
periodo analizado.
Modelo de transformacin de Casa Pallars
El ncleo de Talarn estaba cerrado por murallas. La transformacin se
explica en base a la relacin casa-muralla que nos permite plantear la
hiptesis de crecimiento articulada en 4 fases:
PRIMERA FASE, la casa est separada de la muralla por una calle
o paso
Abarca un periodo de tiempo que va desde la construccin de la
muralla de cerramiento, aproximadamente siglo XIV, hasta nales del
siglo XVII, plantendose dos hiptesis:
A. La casa esta separada de la muralla por una calle o paso.
B. La casa crece en anchura adicionando una casa contigua.
El anlisis de los signos morfolgicos del edicio actual, juntamente
con el primer inventario de 1.690, parecen conrmar que la casa no
limitaba con dicha muralla, sin con una calle a la que daba cara su
fachada posterior, con una profundidad del edicio entre 18 y 18,50
m desde la fachada principal de la Plaa Major. Esta calle posterior


o paso, de unos 3 m aproximadamente, situndose entre la casa y la

Esta hiptesis se conrma por:
1. Las referencias que hacen los inventarios de 1.690 y 1.717 a diferentes
dependencias la cambra del sol, la cambra del sol de damunt o
lo cuarto prop lo solanet, que indican la reminiscencia de la palabra
sol o solanet (espacio abierto o con galera).
2. Las lneas de las paredes medianeras que presentan un cambio
brusco a partir de esta lnea de fachada posterior, situada entre los
18 m y los 18,50 m de profundidad. (PI-1)
3. El cambio de direccin de los forjados a partir de esta lnea de
fachada posterior y la sustitucin de esta por jcenas de madera.
4. El cambio de material detectado en la medianera norte que es de
tapial hasta esta lnea de fachada posterior y a partir de esta hasta la
muralla es de mampuesto de piedra irregular. (PI-3)
5. La situacin de la cumbrera de la cubierta de la propia Casa Pallars
y contiguas, que estn centradas con la profundidad de 18 a 18,50
m. (PI-4)
6. El anlisis de la propia muralla existente en el interior del edicio y
contiguos. Construida a base de grandes mampuestos de piedras
horizontales con ataluzado en su parte inferior, con un grueso de
entre 0,80 m y 1,20 m, que obedece a una construccin claramente
defensiva tanto por la forma como por la tecnologa, y no a la
fachada posterior de una casa. Esta propia importancia justica la
existencia de un paso franco para acceder a la muralla.
El carcter de la muralla y su importancia defensiva hasta entrado
el siglo XVIII (tercer inventario de 1741), se refuerza al enmarcar el
ncleo dentro del contexto histrico de la regin. Cabe recordar que
entre 1.701 y 1.714 la zona est en guerra (Guerra de Sucesin) y que
el pueblo de Talarn toma posicin a favor de las fuerzas borbnicas,
convirtindose a partir de 1.716 (Decretos de Nueva Planta) en la capital
del Corregimiento de Pallars.
B-La casa crece en anchura adicionando una casa contigua
Esta hiptesis se conrma por:
1. La descripcin que hace el inventario de 1.690 de la existencia por
duplicado de algunas estancias, como en la cuina y en la cuina vella,
dos estancias dedicadas a cocina situadas ambas en planta primera.
Por la descripcin de dos escaleras una que arranca de la sala y otra
que articula todo el edicio. Y por la utilizacin la expresin en lo
perxe de dell para describir una de las estancias de bajo cubierta,
expresin que indicara de la otra casa.
2. Las diferencias constructivas y formales que existen entre los
forjados de ambas casas, tanto en la plata baja como en la primera.
topolgica de los forjados de planta stano y la diferencia de
solucin constructiva del forjado de planta baja que es de bveda
de unos 3,80 m de anchura en una y de vigas de madera en la otra.
3. Los restos de elementos existentes en el edicio actual a los que
hace referencia el inventario de 1.690 como son el marco superior
de la escalera de la sala al pujant de lescala de la sala, que qued
de la chimenea del hogar.

La diagnose comme tape pralable la rehabilitation

La diagnosis como etapa previa a la rehabilitacin
Diagnosis as preliminary to rehabilitation

SEGUNDA FASE, la casa se amplia hasta la muralla

Abarca el periodo de tiempo que va desde la segunda mitad del siglo
XVII al primer cuarto del siglo XVIII. En este periodo la casa experimenta
un crecimiento en profundidad superando la fachada posterior;
posiblemente llega a tocar en parte a la muralla.
Esta ocupacin se realiza de forma progresiva, en un primer momento
en planta semistano a travs de la construccin de un cobertizo
utilizado como corral y de la ampliacin del celler o bodega.
Esta ocupacin se justica por:
1. La situacin de las dependencias en planta semistano, baja y
parte de la primera en el inventario de 1.690 conrman este limite
parcial con la muralla sin sobrepasar-la. As se deduce del ejercicio
de colocar los objetos y animales descritos en el inventario dentro
de las dependencias identicadas en plata semistano, lo celler de
fora y lestable.
2. Las referencias que hacen al sol o solanet los inventarios de
1.690 y 1.717 entendindose como espacio abierto o con galera.
Referencias que desaparecen en el inventario de 1.741 en el que
aparecen varias estancias con aberturas al vall o foso.
Estas referencias, juntamente con la relevancia que adquiere el ncleo
de Talarn en este periodo, por tanto con la necesidad de una muralla
importante, indican que la fachada posterior de la casa da a un espacio
abierto pero interior a la muralla hasta despus de 1.717.

estructura urbana similar a la de Talarn. As en el caso concreto de Sals

de Pallars existe un Decreto de 1.758, otorgado por el Excelentsimo
Seor Marques de La Mina, Capitn General de Lrida, en que,
se dio facultad al Comn y Universidad de la expresada Villa de Sals
para poder vender la riba o pendiente del parage nombrado lo Vall desde
las casas confrontantes con el hasta cierta lnea que se tir, preriendo a
los Dueos de las casas connantes .... .
Posiblemente este tipo de decreto fuera comn en la mayora de
pueblos forticados del Pallars.
En este periodo se construyen los tres pilares exteriores dentro del foso
que sustentan los balcones de planta primera y segunda en la fachada
posterior. Tambin se construye la pared de cerramiento hasta la altura
de planta baja que permite la ocupacin total y denitiva del vall o
Como conclusin destacar la valiossima aportacin de los documentos
notariales a este estudio pluridisciplinar que nos han permitido
profundizar en el conocimiento del edicio y su entorno, conocimiento
necesario y imprescindible para plantear una intervencin con

Talarn, abril 2007

TERCERA FASE, la muralla conforma la fachada de la casa

Esta fase se sita a desde el primer cuarto hasta nal del siglo XVIII.
En este periodo la Casa Pallars crece tanto en profundidad como
en altura. La muralla pasa a ser utilizada como fachada posterior de la
casa con una profundidad de 21,50 m desde la fachada principal de la
Plaa Major, con sus correspondientes balcones y ventanas. La altura
del edicio pasa a tener tres plantas en la fachada posterior a lnea de
Esta hiptesis se conrma por:
1. La constatacin en el inventario de 1.741 de diferentes dependencias
que tienen aberturas, ventanas o balcones, al vall o foso.
2. Las dependencias que cita el inventario de 1.741 indican la existencia
de planta segunda en la fachada principal y por tanto tercera en
fachada posterior
Adems en este periodo los ncleos de poblacin de esta zona
experimentan un fuerte crecimiento demogrco y econmico. La
poblacin de Talarn pasa de 350 habitantes en el ao 1.718 a 691
habitantes en el ao 1.787. Este crecimiento provoca una densicacin
urbana a travs de la ocupacin de los espacios libres interiores del
ncleo tanto en planta como en altura.
CUARTA FASE, la casa ocupa el foso de la muralla
Esta se sita entre nales del siglo XVIII y nales del siglo XIX, donde la
presin demogrca es tan fuerte que se autoriza el crecimiento del
ncleo fuera muralla ocupando el vall o foso. En 1.830, la poblacin de
Talarn alcanza su techo demogrco mximo con 787 habitantes.
Esta ocupacin no se ha podido contrastar con los inventarios ya que
no existe ninguno posterior al de 1.741, para ello se ha recurrido a la
documentacin existente en otros pueblos de la comarca con una


La diagnose comme tape pralable la rehabilitation

La diagnosis como etapa previa a la rehabilitacin
Diagnosis as preliminary to rehabilitation


La diagnose comme tape pralable la rehabilitation

La diagnosis como etapa previa a la rehabilitacin
Diagnosis as preliminary to rehabilitation

El anlisis histrico-arqueolgico en
los procesos de rehabilitacin de la
arquitectura tradicional

Isidre Pastor i Batalla

Arquelogo e Historiador del Arte, centra su actividad profesional en
la proyeccin y gestin de Intervenciones Arqueolgicas as como en
la ejecucin de actuaciones de recuperacin y puesta en valor del patrimonio arquitectnico, tanto de bienes catalogados como en relacin
a elementos representativos de la arquitectura tradicional.
Adrea postal:
Calbria, 125, 2on 3a 08015 BARCELONA
Adrea de correu electrnic:
649 587 317

Durante las ltimas dcadas se ha generalizado la concienciacin

social en relacin a la salvaguarda y puesta en valor del concepto
que poseen un inters social comn. As, por ejemplo, en relacin al
patrimonio natural se ha conseguido un grado de sensibilizacin lo
sucientemente alto como para reivindicar, desde cualquier campo,
mbito o manifestacin, la defensa medioambiental. Por otra parte,
en relacin al patrimonio cultural, en el concepto amplio del trmino,
y en concreto lo que se reere al patrimonio inmueble, an se est
lejos de alcanzar los niveles de sensibilidad que se requieren para la
concienciacin social generalizada a favor de la proteccin de estos
bienes comunes. Solo con este reconocimiento, tanto por parte del
conjunto de la sociedad, pero sobretodo, por parte de todos aquellos
agentes implicados en las actuaciones que los afectan, se garantizara
la salvaguarda y preservacin de los valores de este patrimonio
En este sentido, cualquier actuacin que comporte un reconocimiento
y puesta en valor de un bien inmueble, precisa de la correcta
identicacin y compresin de los valores intrnsecos que lo identican
como elemento patrimonial, en relacin al marco social del que forma
parte. Por tanto, cualquier actuacin material sobre estos elementos
requiere tanto del anlisis y estudio de sus formas como de su propia
evolucin histrica.
Atendiendo a estos planteamientos cada vez se tiene ms en
consideracin el reconocimiento de los valores culturales que detiene
la llamada arquitectura tradicional, como muestra de la cultura material
propia de toda sociedad. Llegndose esta ha identicar, incluso, como
un patrimonio propio y comn de un marco territorial determinado.
En este sentido, cada vez son ms las iniciativas y actuaciones,
generalmente impulsadas desde la sociedad civil, que promueven o
fomentan el reconocimiento de los valores patrimoniales que tiene

esta arquitectura. Algunas de estas propuestas, como por ejemplo las

que hacen referencia al hbitat tradicional y a la tcnica constructiva
de la piedra seca, han logrado cierta repercusin meditica, ms o
menos generalizada. En este mismo sentido, actualmente, se puede
constatar la existencia de la sistematizacin de proyectos centrados en
la recuperacin y el reconocimiento de su vala patrimonial.
En su conjunto, los elementos y tcnicas de la arquitectura tradicional
constituyen un testimonio inequvoco de la coyuntura histrica de la
actividad humana que los genera y, por tanto, como tal, son susceptibles
de ser considerados -total o parcialmente- un bien cultural comn. Los
elementos representativos de esta arquitectura poseen una relevancia
o singularidad como bien patrimonial, tanto por su valor histrico,
artstico, arquitectnico, arqueolgico, cientco o tcnico, en relacin
al mbito del que forma parte. Independientemente de que estn
o no catalogados ocialmente. De este modo, la identicacin y el
reconocimiento de los valores culturales que detienen estos elementos,
constituye un primer paso hacia la preservacin de su entidad
patrimonial. Es en este sentido, que hay que destacar la importancia de
los trabajos que se llevan a cabo en relacin al inventario, catalogacin
y rehabilitacin de la arquitectura tradicional, de un marco territorial
concreto, que abogan por su reconocimiento y recuperacin.
Si se considera que las muestras de esta arquitectura son susceptibles
de poseer un cierto valor cultural, estas requieren, en consecuencia,
de un anlisis histrico que determine la entidad y alcance de su
signicacin como bien patrimonial. Es por ello, que los procesos
de rehabilitacin, entendidos como el conjunto de actuaciones que
conllevan la recuperacin de la apariencia original de un elemento y
su adaptacin a los requerimientos actuales, precisan de un anlisis
de la evolucin histrica constructiva de este. A la vez, la incidencia
directa que estos procesos suelen tener sobre el elemento material en
s, constituyen una oportunidad inmejorable para la profundizar en el
conocimiento de su evolucin crono-estructural, tanto tcnica como
Los elementos de la arquitectura tradicional en su mayora, no estn
sujetos a ningn tipo de proteccin legal determinada que garantice
su entidad cultural ni su integridad. Al margen de las prerrogativas que
recoge el marco normativo vigente al respecto, todo programa de
rehabilitacin, tendra que considerar la necesidad de ser respetuoso
con la propia entidad patrimonial del elemento sobre el que se acta.
I no desestimar-se la oportunidad de llevar a termino un anlisis
histrico-arqueolgico del edicio objeto del proyecto.
As mismo, la adjetivacin del trmino arqueolgico, ha de ser
concebida tanto por el uso del mtodo de registro arqueolgico, en
los anlisis de la evolucin histrica constructiva de los elementos
arquitectnicos, como por el hecho que la mayora de proyectos de
rehabilitacin conllevan una afectacin total o parcial del subsuelo.
Los estudios histricos aplicados a la arquitectura tradicional permiten
analizar al elemento construido en base a unas pautas sociales y
culturales que aportan un conocimiento de los factores que han
impulsado y condicionado su evolucin. A la vez, estos posibilitan
profundizar en el conocimiento de las soluciones arquitectnicas,
sus componentes y de las propias tcnicas constructivas de carcter
tradicional. La elaboracin de estos estudios, realizados en base a
un rigor cientco sistemtico, se centra en un anlisis de sus valores
histricos, artsticos y arqueolgicos con la nalidad de aportar el
mximo de datos relativos a su evolucin histrico-constructiva, tanto
cronolgica como estructural.


La diagnose comme tape pralable la rehabilitation

La diagnosis como etapa previa a la rehabilitacin
Diagnosis as preliminary to rehabilitation

Con todo, hay que matizar que el alcance y envergadura de estos

estudios ha de ser proporcional a la entidad patrimonial propia del
elemento a estudiar. Teniendo presente que en muchos de los casos
los valores patrimoniales de este tipo de arquitectura recaen ms en
el conjunto que conforman los elementos que en su propia relevancia
individual. No descartando que quizs sea este uno de los motivos por
los cuales se esta acelerando que cada vez queden menos muestras de
este tipo de arquitectura.
Las lneas de anlisis a partir de las que se articular los estudios de
carcter histrico suelen considerarse, esencialmente, a partir de dos
la realidad material del edicio. En primer lugar, es obvio que las tareas
de investigacin documental y bibliogrca son esenciales para poder
llevar a cabo una adecuada aproximacin histrica del contexto del que
forma parte el edicio. Con todo, la envergadura de este trabajo, tendr
que ser considerada en funcin de la entidad y relevancia del elemento
sobre el que se acta. En todo caso, esta investigacin histrica siempre
constituir la esencia sobre la que se desarrollara el estudio y, a la
vez, tendr que ser considerada como un referente histrico para la
contextualizacin de las intervenciones de rehabilitacin.
En relacin al anlisis material del edicio que se contempla en el
marco de los estudios histrico-arqueolgicos, las tareas que se llevan
a cabo tienen como nalidad aportar datos sobre el marco cronolgico
y estructural relativo a su evolucin constructiva. De esta manera, el
anlisis formal del elemento se centrara tanto en la lectura estructural
y parietal como en el anlisis de los materiales y acabados formales y
La optimizacin de estos resultados pasa, sin lugar a dudas, por la
aplicacin de un sistema de registro centrado en identicar y documentar
las partes y elementos del conjunto, as como su descripcin detallada,
aplicable tanto para las estructuras arquitectnicas como, en el caso
que se requiera, para los restos arqueolgicos.
En base a estos planteamientos, es fcil apreciar como la investigacin
histrica de un estudi de estas caractersticas posibilita tanto
profundizar en el conocimiento de la evolucin arquitectnica y su
evolucin crono-cultural como en el anlisis de las propias tcnicas
constructivas. As mismo, los resultados que aporta el estudio histricoarqueolgico posibilitan una denicin y un anlisis de las relaciones
fsicas y estructurales de los componentes arquitectnicos de la obra de
fbrica, factores esenciales tanto para el planteamiento de una completa
interpretacin histrica como una propuesta de rehabilitacin.
Los resultados obtenidos aportan datos que pueden ayudar a concretar
la denicin del proyecto de rehabilitacin, como marcar las pautas de
la puesta en valor de aquellos aspectos patrimoniales ms signicativos
y relevantes que caracterizan el elemento sobre el que se acta. A su
vez, la importancia de los datos que aportan estos estudios tambin
adquiere una singular trascendencia en relacin al conocimiento que
proporcionan en relacin al marco colectivo y territorial en el que se
La realizacin de un anlisis histrico-arqueolgico de un elemento
arquitectnico, incide directamente sobre el conocimiento y
compresin de este. Al igual que cualquier tipo de estudio previo a la
redaccin de un proyecto arquitectnico, aporta datos que ayudan a
una mejor proyeccin de la actuacin de rehabilitacin.
As pues, la sistematizacin de la aplicacin de un mtodo de
anlisis histrico del elemento, objeto del proceso de rehabilitacin
arquitectnica, proporciona el poder disponer unos antecedentes que


no solo sirven para contextualizar histricamente el elemento sino

que aportan una informacin que repercute en las deniciones de los
criterios arquitectnicos.
A partir de estos criterios bsicos, es un valor aadido el hacer convivir el
respeto por las soluciones originales y funcionales de est arquitectura
tradicional con los requerimientos de adaptacin y funcionalidad
actual. En este sentido, el conocimiento histrico ha de ser considerado
como un instrumento que facilite el uso del edico y su integracin
a les necesidades de la sociedad actual, evidenciando que una de las
mejores maneras de preservar el patrimonio inmueble es dotarlo de
funcionalidad propia.

Conjunto de viviendas unifamiliares de planta baja mas piso. (LHospitalet de Llobregat

Barraca de via. (Rodony).

Pueblo y cercados. (Caada de Benatanduz).

La diagnose comme tape pralable la rehabilitation

La diagnosis como etapa previa a la rehabilitacin
Diagnosis as preliminary to rehabilitation

Spatial changes in the ottoman housing

tradition in galata-pera in the second
half of the 19th century

Figen Kafescioglu*, Aye Derin**

* Historiadora, arqueloga y especialista en el mundo rural cataln
de los siglos X-XVI. Investigacin a partir de las fuentes arqueolgicas,
documentales y trabajo de campo. Profesora de la Universidad de
Barcelona durante el perodo 1983-2003.
** Address:
Meclisi Mebusan Caddesi, No:24 Findikli, 34427 stanbul Turkey
E-mail address

+90 212 2521600-286

Ottoman Empire had many administrative, social and spatial changes

in the 19th century because of the Westernization movements. Galata,
being an important port of the Mediterranean trade since the rst days
of stanbul city, has evolved in a unique way during the period.
the development of the physical/spatial structure as a trade city within
city walls, the particular demographic structure of the district since
the conquest of Constantinople by the Ottomans. The consecutive
administrative reforms beginning from the midst of the 19th century
that have caused a new and rapid urban restructuring in Galata and
Pera because of the social and cultural changes have also been eective
in the diversion of house types in the area.
Main interest of this work is the examination of the new spatial structure
which is generated by the changing Ottoman life style in Galata at the
end of the 19th century and in the beginnings of the 20th century and
the adaptation of this evolution to the existing physical and social
structure. The family-houses belonging to the period prior to the
apartment blocks are examined in the study to chase the preliminary
traces of this new kind of housing.
The boundaries of the research area in Galata-Pera is so described that
it includes densely one-family house buildings that have survived until
today with their original plans1.
The preliminary evaluation of the examples of the family-houses
that have saved their original plans show that the house types
can be globally classied according to their functions (dwelling,
dwelling+trade, collective dwelling, collective+trade) and the income
level of the owner. A detailed examination of twelve family-houses
and two mansions (kgir konak) that are works of masonry shows that
these classications can be diversied by the construction dates of the
buildings, sizes and the morphology of the building lots. The coherent
formation of life styles and spatial structure will be more accurate if all
of the variables are evaluated together

Type 1 includes the earliest examples of this study. The buildings in

this group dont have trade facility. All of the four buildings are built
on big building lots. The mansions (konaks) which do not exist today
stood in gardens. The building on Aga Hamam street 12 has back and
front yards. The entrance of Kumbaradji Street 88 is directly from the
road and it is adjacent to another house on the left, but it has a garden
surrounding both on right side and back. These all four houses have
cisterns. Ref.: Fig. 2
Type 2 has only one example. This house on Medrese Street no. 840 has
similarities with the houses in Type 1 having propingual plan scheme
and position in the building lot. This house2 is in vicinity of the houses
in Type 1. Ref.: Fig. 2
Type3 all of the four examples in this group are in adjacent lot order
without gardens. In spite of their initial usage as one-family houses they
are seperated into smaller ats later. Two of the buildings Camondo
Street 12, and Esther 23 have trade facilities on ground oors. Ref.: Fig.
2, Fig.3
The similarity of plan schemes, functional state of the houses, the sizes
of the buildings and the professions of the residents lead us to think
that the inhabitants are members of upper-middle class in the rst
three groups3.
Type 4 The buildings in that group have common properties with type
3 like having trade facility in the ground oors and similarities in plan
schemes. In spite of these common points, a look at the professions4
of the inhabitants and the plain and simple physical appearance of
the buildings brings forth the idea that they have been built for lowincome families with low budgets and thy are occupied by more than
one-family. Ref.:Fig.3
Type 5 has only one example and new examples are needed for the
group to become a type of collective houses. Although this building
is one of the earliest examples of the study each oor has wc and big
kitchens that they can be used seperately. This building is the simplest
of all the houses with its bare facade and plain house units. Ref.:Fig.3
Type 6 this type has two examples which display dierent properties
of collective dwelling. Whole of the four blocks in Impasse Balkon are
the property of one family5 composed under two big roofs placed
facing each other on two sides of a dead-end street. The blocks have
seperate entrances from the street. The street ends with a printing
house owned by the same family and a passage connecting Balkon
Street with Yazidgi Street. A new kind of independancy can be dened
in the building which has a service shaft that includes kitchens, wcs
and stairs Ref. : Fig. 4
The other building in this type is on the corner of Kuledibi and
Bereketzade Streets. It is possible to see the name of the architect and
the construction date 1870 on the label on one of the entrances of
the building on Koule Dibi Street.. The building is composed of three
blocks. Each at in the building has its own service area as wc, and a
counter and a chimney which could have been used for a cookstove.
Ref.: Fig.4
The inhabitants of the houses in Type 5 and Type 6 are middle-income
level families.
This research shows that there are many sub types of one-family
housing in Galata-Pera district in the period but these types have to be
enriched by new examples. These new additions wiil broaden some of
the sub types while some of them will be weakened. The diversity of
one- family house types can be seen by the examination of 12 houses
and two non existing mansions (konaks).


La diagnose comme tape pralable la rehabilitation

La diagnosis como etapa previa a la rehabilitacin
Diagnosis as preliminary to rehabilitation

The eects of living styles to the spatial structure is clearly described in

many literary and biographical works.
In the biography6 of Yorgo Zari, the grandson of Zari family7 , who
moved from Fener to Pera in the end of the 19th century tells that the
house was designed by a ne architect from Poli (Constantinople), and
the interior designer had come from Paris for the interior design of this
One of the mansions mentioned in type 1owned by Camondo family8
on Camondo Street number 6 is described as a big stone/brick house
having an auxillary building with synagogue, hamam and green house.
This house9 is seen on the panoramic photographs of Galata dating to
If the professions of the inhabitants in the houses are examined it is
possible to see that the residents of Type 1 are generally negotiators or
bankers. The inhabitants of Type 3 are mostly doctors, tailors, modists or
landowners. These professions indicate that these people are generally
of upper middle income level people and the physical conditions of
the buildings are parallel to that.
The 14 houses examined through this work have mutual plan schemes
whether they are inhabited by one-family or rented as ats and the
sizes of the house does not eect the plan scheme as dened in Zaris
novel. The serving places as kitchen, hamam and laundry were placed
on basement or on the ground oors. The kitchens were sometimes on
the ground oor accomplished by a dining room on the same oor or
on the rst oor. Generally a guest room took its place on the ground or
rst oor, and the other rooms on the upper levels and small wc on each
oor. The rooms on the front facades of the buildings had generally bay
windows ending with a balcony on the last oor. In big mansions the
house was sometimes seperated into several suits that smaller units of
the large families had the chance to have their private areas10.
Some of the houses (type 3,6) studied here are the initial examples
of apartment blocks in Gmssuyu, Nisantasi,Tesvikiye, Sisli which
were the districts on the lately developed northern axis of the city. The
houses in Type 1, 2 bare similarities with the latter mansions in Nisantasi
or in suburban villages while the houses in type 4 can be interpreted as
the former models of the middle-class family appartments in Aksaray,
Kadikoy, Moda, Besiktas. The improvement of the study will clarify
these interpretations and some of the types (ex. type 6) will fade away
through the evolution process of house types.
This research attempting to enlighten a certain period in Ottoman
housing tradition focusing on Galata-Pera district needs to be studied
thoroughly and has to be enriched by more examples. The typological
and social status indications displayed in this study are hoped to
contribute to the works on Ottoman Housing tradition.

In the search of the one-family houses the nsurance maps sheets 27,35,36 drawn by
engineer E. Goad in 1905 are used. Plan dassurance de Constantinople, vo. II, Pera et Galata.
The apartment blocks are indicated as Apparts (Appartments) while one-family houses
are indicated by H (Habitations, habitations)on the drawings. The maps of Goad shows
181 wooden, 422 masonry work 603 one-family houses and 153 appartment blocks.

This house is shown as a wooden house in 185860 map drawn by G. Coci under
the supervision of municipality engineer G. dOstoya. The building can be seen on the


panoramic photographs taken from Bayezit and Galata Towers in 1870ies. On the maps
of 1872-74 drawn by H. Gavand who is the responsible engineer of metro construction
between Karakoy and Tunel. The building is described as English Embassy and Hospital.
On the maps of E. Goad drawn in 1905 the building is shown as masonry type house.
Today the building serves as an auxillary building for the Municipality Hospital.

The information about the professions of the residents of the houses are quoted from
Annuaire Oriental (Ancien Indicateur oriental) du Commerce, Archives of OBTAM Osmanl
Bankas Tarihi Aratrmalar Merkezi (Ottoman Bank Historical Research Center)

The inhabitants of these buildings are mostly workers in the harbour.

The owners of these four blocks are the Zellich Family, a famous family with their
printing jobs, Annuaire Oriental (Ancien Indicateur oriental) du Commerce, 1905, p.
1072, Archives of OBTAM Osmanl Bankas Tarihi Aratrmalar Merkezi (Ottoman Bank
Historical Research Center)

ZARIFI,Y.L., This house is described in detail in the book. The house was in Stavrodromi
(Galatasaray) looking over the old Byzance, Vosporos (Bosphorus) Pringiponisia,
Halkidonia (Prince Islands). The outer facades of the house wasnt ornamented. The
balcony was the only ornament on the facade. The entrance hall was an eliptic one with
coloumns. The architect had designed living areas under the rst oor using the height
of the entrance hall. One of them was dining room which was used in the weekends,
feasts. One of the in-between oors belonged to the Grand Grand parents of the author,
the low ceiling room faced to the street.There were two rarely used reception halls on
the front facade and on the facade facing South there was the main living and dining
room. There was a green house on South garden surrounding the house. The wooden
staircase connected the other oors with the rst oor which had four big rooms. All of
the rooms on this oor except the library of Grand mother had cabinet de toilette. On the
3rd oor there were the rooms of the children besides the servants rooms. Later a new
oor was built for the servants as the fourth one. The kitchen and laundry was in the
basement. There was a European equipped bathroom in the house in stead of Turkish
hamam. Hatralarm, Kaybolan Bir Dnya, Literatr Yaynlar, stanbul, 2005, p. 117-121,
Original edition: Oi Anamniseis Mou-Enas Kosmos Pou Efyge, Trohalia, 2002

Zaris were one of the Galata bankers who were mostly Orthodox Greek Christians that
have administered the bank, La Socit Gnrale de lEmpire Otoman in 1864. ENI, N.,
The Camondos and their imprint on 19th century stanbul, Int. Journal of Middle East Studies,
26 (1994), USA, p. 664

Camondos were another banker family of Jewish origin in Galata in the century.,
ENI, N., op.cit.,p. 664.

This house was on top of the art nouveau Camondo stairs connecting upper and
lower neighbourhoods of Galata. On Camondo Street number 6, Nissims house stands
adjacent to the auxiallary building which has a synagogue, a green house and a hamam.
Moise who was an art sponsor later was born in this house in 1860. ENI, N., TARNEC, S. LE,
Camondolar Bir Hanedann k, letiim Yaynlar, stanbul, 2005 p.48, Original edition:
Les Camondo ou lclipse dune fortune, Actes Sud, 1997


ZARIFI, Y.L., op.cit., p. 119

La diagnose comme tape pralable la rehabilitation

La diagnosis como etapa previa a la rehabilitacin
Diagnosis as preliminary to rehabilitation


La diagnose comme tape pralable la rehabilitation

La diagnosis como etapa previa a la rehabilitacin
Diagnosis as preliminary to rehabilitation

The grammatical and syntactical

analysis of spatial organisation in
Ayvalik houses

Deniz Erinsel Onder, Emine Koseoglu

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Deniz Erinsel Onder has been worked in Yldz Technical
University, Department of Architecture since 1987. She is interested in
Architectural Design: vernacular architecture, housing, tourism buildings, spaces syntax.
Res. Assist. Emine Koseoglu is a PhD student. She studied on spatial
perception in her Master Thesis. Her major research elds are environment-behavior relations, space syntax, and tourist psychology.
Yildiz Technical University,
Department of Architecture,
34346, Istanbul, TURKEY
E-mail address:
+90212 259 70 70/2227

Traditional, local settlements are the spaces where communities
transfer their socio-cultural, economic and aesthetic aspects. Although
buildings of a certain region and typology introduce many spatial
relationships, the principles that determine the spatial organisation
are less in number and these principles determine a genotype. On the
other hand, the advances, requirements of our day and the concept
of globalization obstruct the continuity of local and vernacular
architectural elements.
Changes in social structure require spaces of dierent qualities other
than traditional space elements. This, partly, inevitable process should
be experienced in a controlled manner so that traditional values would
be evaluated within the context of social and architectural sustainability
thus contributing to the continuity of architectural values. What is
meant by architectural sustainability here is especially the sustainability
of spatial organisation.
This paper analyzes the spatial features of present buildings in Ayvalik,
a settlement area formed in the 19th century, with the space syntax and
shape grammar methods in order to document the present features of
houses, provide spatial continuity and transfer them to posterity.
The Location
Ayvalk is situated on the Western shore of Turkey, between the Gulfs of
Dikili and Edremit, on the Aegean Sea. The curves of the coast and the
little big islands in front of it form a sheltering harbor1.


The Socio-economic Structure

Throughout the historical process, the management system, economic
conditions and the socio-cultural features of Ayvalk distinguished it
from the other Anatolian towns. The plenty of olive groves in the region
rendered its people wealthy. The town also stands out among the other
contemporary settlements in terms of education. An academy was
founded in Ayvalk in 18032.
When the ethnic structure of Ayvalk in the 19th century is analyzed,
it is seen that the majority of its people were Greek3. This feature was
sustained until the Treaty of Lausanne was signed between Greece
and the Turkish Republic in 1923 and the Muslim community living in
Islands and Greek was settled in Ayvalk.
The Spatial Features
The structuring seems to become less organic and takes the form of
grill plan texture as it goes down the hills to the coast. Ayvalk has a
geometric street structure in the southern part where the rich reside.
Along the streets of Ayvalk, the houses which are attached generally
have two or three oors. Depending on the size of the parcels, the back
parts are used as gardens or courtyards.
The houses are composed of depots and workshops on the ground
oor and living rooms and bedrooms upstairs. The ground oor is
usually reserved for practices like olive grove production, storage, retail
or wholesale sales. Although weakened, this tradition is still alive today.
Within this context, it will be proper to emphasize that certain changes
are observed in the houses (especially the addition of wet areas)
according to the demands and requirements of today.
When Ayvalk houses are analyzed, dierent plan schemes are observed.
The analysis has been carried out by using two dierent methods in
order to determine whether Ayvalk houses form a common language
within this diversity.
In the following part of the paper, both methods will be shortly
Space Syntax Method
Space syntax is a method emerged from a theory indicating that there
is a direct relationship between spatial organisation and social structure.
When determining the relations in an organisation, the gamma analysis
method has been employed4.
Analyses made by using the graphics drawn in this method have been
further developed with the help of numerical values. High values
indicate low integration and vice versa. And the dierences in the
integration values indicate the degree of social relations, which express
themselves through the use of the spaces.
Shape Grammar Method
Shape grammar is a rule-based design system generating shape
compositions. 5It provides designing and doing analysis using formal
representation language. The relations are constant in basic shape
grammar. Shape grammar rules are non-deterministic rules6.
In this analysis, basic shape grammars are used. Shape words are the
spaces dened by the functions. The relations between shapes are
provided using addition as an arithmetical operation. Each rule is
determined regarding additional positions of the dierently functioning
spaces. The resulting plans are acquired by application of the rules
several times and at intervals.

La diagnose comme tape pralable la rehabilitation

La diagnosis como etapa previa a la rehabilitacin
Diagnosis as preliminary to rehabilitation

Evaluation of Houses with the Space Syntax Method

This section covers the evaluation of the living spaces, kitchen, depot
and bedrooms of the fteen Ayvalk houses analyzed. When the outside
space, the connection to the street is analyzed, it is observed that eight
While one of the doors of these ve buildings provides entrance to the
house, the other door serves as an entrance to the depot and workshop.
The ground oor in these houses is completely designed as depot and
workshop. On the other hand, one out of the fourteen buildings has
three connections.
Staircase acquires either the lowest or the closest to the lowest
integration value. The spaces that the staircase goes up are major
corridor, hall or a wide middle space.
Six out of eighteen living spaces acquire a higher value than the mean
integration value and segregated from the system. These spaces are
reserved for hosting guests rather than serving for daily practices. The
other twelve living spaces integrate by acquiring a lower value than the
Of the fteen houses analyzed, it is seen that seven kitchens acquire
system. However, the value of eight kitchens is higher than the mean
When the integration values of the bedrooms are analyzed, twentyve of thirty-three bedrooms are observed to have acquired a higher
value than the mean integration value of their system and therefore
segregated. As for the others, they have acquired lower values and
When the depot spaces are analyzed, two depots in four out of fteen
houses and one depot in ve houses are determined. When the
integration values of depots are compared with the mean integration
integration value and segregated, whereas ve of them integrate by
acquiring a lower value.
These houses which have been analyzed with the space syntax method
can be interpreted and evaluated in a wider context. However, within
the scope of this paper, it could be stated that the living spaces of the
houses seem generally integrated with the system whereas sleeping
spaces decompose.
Evaluation of Houses with Shape Grammar Method
Throughout rst oor plans, the minimum shape words are three, while
the maximum are six. The resulting plans are acquired at least three and
the most seven steps. As for the spatial relations, there are ve houses in
and four houses with two stairs sharing one side with hall.
Within the rst type, there is one house in which spaces are organised
spaces are composed on the two opposite sides of the hall. Within the
second type, there are three houses in which spaces are positioned on
arranged on the three sides of the hall. Within the fourth type, spaces
are positioned on the two opposite sides of the hall.
Although this study covers the analysis of rst oor plans, the ground
and second oor plans of the houses are also separately analyzed

with this method. Spaces are considered to be composed of a hall,

staircase, entrance hall and the spaces surrounding these. In a more
detailed study, the spaces surrounding the hall and staircase could be
undertaken individually according to their functions.
The globalized world and life are obstructing the direct use of
vernacular architecture elements in the buildings of our day. On the
other hand, it is possible as well as a duty of ours to contribute to
the determination, documentation and the evaluation of the already
existing architectural and spatial features within the context of cultural,
social and architectural sustainability.
In the study carried out within the scope of this paper, Ayvalk houses of
our day are analyzed within the context of both geometric and structural
relationships. As a result, it is seen that they demonstrate common
features. Moreover, thanks to the implemented analysis methods,
systematic information on the spatial organisation of traditional Ayvalk
houses is provided.
The ndings, once again, reveal that the houses built in a certain region
reect the climatic, cultural, social and economic features of that



The Account of the Academy of Ayvalk-Kdonies, 1818-19, Revue des Edutes Sud-Est
Europiennes, 1972, X, Bucarest,: 634-635.



Ayvalk, Seluk, irince (Krkca Ky), XI. Trk Tarih Kongresi, V.Cilt, Ankara Trk Tarih
Basm Evi, s:1987-2000.

HILLIER AND HANSON, 1988, The Social Logic of Space, Cambridge University Press.
Morphological Comparison, Cities, Vol. 19, No:5 327-339.

COLAKOGLU, B., 2001, Design by Grammar: An Algorithmic Design in an Architectural

Context, PhD Thesis, MIT.
MCCORMACK, J. P., 2003, Implementing Parametric Shape Grammars to Capture and
Explore Product Languages, PhD Thesis, Carnegie Mellon University.

COLAKOGLU, B., 2002, Ders Notlari (Lecture Notes), Bicim Gramerleri Dersi (Master Course
Named Shape Grammars), Yildiz Technical University.


La diagnose comme tape pralable la rehabilitation

La diagnosis como etapa previa a la rehabilitacin
Diagnosis as preliminary to rehabilitation


La diagnose comme tape pralable la rehabilitation

La diagnosis como etapa previa a la rehabilitacin
Diagnosis as preliminary to rehabilitation

Tres khans (caravanserails) en Sada (el

Nria Casquero Modrego
Arquitecta Tcnica (EPSEB UPC)
Profesora asociada, departamento de CAII, ena EPSEB-UPC
2007 (Actualmente) Estudio acerca los edicios de Barcelona afectados por los bombardeos durante la guerra Civil.
2006 Ponencia titulada Patrimonio Cotidiano, 11-16 de junio del 2006
Amman (Jordania)
2004 Colaboradora en la creacin Ctedra UNESCO, de Conservacin
del Patrimonio Cotidiano. UPC
2001 Stagiere a la UNESCO de Paris, en la divisin de SHS/SRP
Direccin postal:
Direccin de correo electrnico:
93 368 47 83 / 678 98 28 08

del mar Mediterrneo, a unos 40 kilmetros al norte de Tiro y 50 al sur
de la capital, Beirut.
Las grandes civilizaciones como la fenicia, persa, griega y romana,
geoestratgica al borde del Mediterrneo. El comercio, la cultura, las
tcnicas y las religiones, introducidas en la ciudad, en gran parte gracias
a su marina y al talento de sus mercaderes navegantes, han contribuido
a la construccin de numerosas infraestructuras.
La presente comunicacin trata de un estudio histrico-constructivo
que se ha realizado sobre los 3 KHANS (Caravanserails) que permanecen
KHAN es una construccin tpica de la Arquitectura Islmica Medieval,
utilizada como albergue de etapa en las rutas de trco de caravanas y
como lugar de acogida y almacn dentro de las ciudades, jugando un
role importante dentro de un mundo donde se facilitan las actividades
La palabra Khan proviene de la Edad Media, de los trminos Khn
(en turco Han) y Ribt, siendo el ltimo de Irn, por tanto uniendo el
nombre Turco-Iran nos queda la palabra de Kervansaray, que baj a
encontrar una moda particular en Europa con sus grandes aceptaciones
de edicio destinado a asegurar la tranquilidad de las caravanas por
la noche. A da de hoy, los Khans en funcionamento responden a
funciones similares, cuya ordenacin no vara dentro del detalle.
Como caractersticas generales todos constan de un muro de proteccin
muro rodea una serie de locales repartidos alrededor de un patio

destinado a albergar animales y gente, amontonar las mercaderas y

cubiertas son ser planas transitables. Estas edicaciones marcaban
los itinerarios de las ciudades comerciantes activas. Las ms antiguas
muestras de estas construcciones se conservan hoy en da en Oriente
y el Magrez.
Principalmente las mercancas comprendan telas, madera y azcar
procedente de Europa, y algunas especies como pimienta o ajos
procedentes de la India y sedas procedentes de Oriente y el mismo
De las diferentes tipologas de viviendas existentes en El Lbano se
puede deducir que los Khans son construcciones que derivan de la
evolucin cronolgica desde la Casa Cerrada, a la Casa Porticada, hasta
la Casa Estar, en donde se comprueba que sta ltima es la edicacin
que ms se asemeja constructivamente.
La Casa Estar est formada, al igual que un Khan, por una estructura
completamente cuadrada o rectangular, casi cerrada del exterior (muy
comn de las construcciones en pases mulsumanes), en donde ya
apreciamos la formacin de una planta repleta de habitaciones, y un
patio interior porticado. Hallamos la presencia del Pasillo Interior, el cual
se encarga de distribuir todos los espacios. En la Casa Estar se comienza
a dar importancia a la puerta de entrada del edicio.
La evolucin de las formas desde la Casa Rectangular hasta la Casa Estar
no vara mucho. A lo largo de toda esa poca, las construcciones se
hacen ms slidas y ms consistentes, pero no es hasta el siglo XIX,
cuando la Arquitectura en El Lbano adquiere una gran ligereza.
Prncipe Fakhreddine II, aproximadamente por el 1610. Las referencias
demuestran que el edicio fue construido como centro de comercio
con Francia, y tambin morada para la residencia de los comerciantes
franceses, sobre todo si venan de la ciudad de Marsella, y de aqu el
origen de su nombre, Khan Francs.
El edicio ocupa una supercie de aproximada de 58 x 58 m. La
supercie del patio central es de 48 x 48 m, y anexo a la parte Norte una
cuadra de supercie 125 x 225 m. El edicio se constituye de 2 pisos:
Planta Baja con 36 habitaciones y Planta Primera con 50 habitaciones.
Se le atribuye su construccin a la familia Hammoud, originaria del
La construccin esta formada por un edicio dividido en tres plantas
con una supercie construida por planta de 1067.21 m2. En un principio
la construccin fue construida con solo dos plantas y posteriormente
se construyo una tercera. Consta de 21 habitaciones en planta baja y 24
habitaciones en la planta superior.
Cmo su nombre indica, este es donde el arroz Egipcio sola ser
baja est convertida en un almacn y un aserradero, mientras en la
primera planta, que ha mantenido su elegancia, sirve como refugio
para muchas familias buscando asilo.


La diagnose comme tape pralable la rehabilitation

La diagnosis como etapa previa a la rehabilitacin
Diagnosis as preliminary to rehabilitation

El Khan es un edicio pensado por una morfologa de un solo cuerpo
independiente, de dimensiones discretas, y que se integra de una
manera natural en la zona en donde est emplazado.
La tensin que se crea entre la pequea y gran escala, y la relacin tan
directa entre el vaco y el lleno y la seccin, se convierten en ejercicios
de solucin sutil, en contraste en las soluciones adoptadas en edicios
contemporneos Europeos, en donde las formas se imponan de una
forma ms contundente.
La importancia del interior (hecho tpico de la cultura musulmana),
y el espacio de transicin del exterior al interior se resuelve de forma
permeable con una gran puerta de entrada. Las diferentes aberturas
del patio interior permiten constatar perspectivas lejanas siempre
El Khan esta formado volumtricamente por un poliedro de base
cuadrada pero proporcionado. El Khan nace de la formacin del
poliedro, en donde en su centro se crea un espacio vaco para poder
ubicar el patio central, que ser el lugar ms emblemtico del edicio.
El riwq s el elemento ms caracterstico de stas edicaciones. Es un
pasillo perimetral que da al patio a travs de arcos apuntados de dos
t -BT IBCJUBDJPOFT TVFMFO EBS TPCSF VO riwq giratorio alrededor
del patio central o puede darse el caso que las habitaciones den
directamente sobre el patio central. En medio de una de las fachadas
se ubica, la entrada principal. Justo al lado de la entrada hay una
escalera que comunica la primera planta.
segmentado y las ventanas disponen de un dintel recto compuesto
de tres dovelas con las juntas inclinadas.
t -BT IBCJUBDJPOFT EBO TPCSF VO riwq que gira alrededor del patio
a travs de las puertas de arcos segmentados. La mayor parte de
las habitaciones estn provistas de ventanas que dan sobre el riwq
con arcos rectos. Algunas ventanas tienen rejas de hierro jadas
en el muro. Los 4 riwqs estn separados uno de otro por arcos
apuntados en las esquinas.
pesar de que no disponen la misma supercie en planta, donde
habitualmente una habitacin pequea separa a dos habitaciones
piedra arenisca (comn en la zona), y como material de relleno de
las juntas se coloca un mortero originario realizado con yeso, cenizas
y tierra. Cabe destacar que no suelen tener ningn elemento de
revestimiento. Son pareceres y bvedas dejando la piedra vista.
cimientos corridos. Las paredes portantes de las habitaciones, estn
formadas por mampuestos de piedra poco trabajadas, de un grueso
del sillar de 0.20-0.25 m. El espacio que queda entre medio de los
mampuestos est relleno con un mortero a base de tierra y cenizas.
Lo importante de ste detalle, es el hecho que a cada 1 m de altura,






encontramos un mampuesto que traba todo el grueso de la pared.

Las paredes que forman la fachada, siguen el mismo esquema
que el explicado, pero con la diferencia que la cara de la piedra se
trabaja hasta dejar una cara completamente lisa. Cabe destacar que
habitualmente en estas construcciones no hay tabiques divisorios,
sino que todas las paredes suelen ser estructurales.
mediante bvedas apuntadas.
de bveda de rincn de claustro y de bveda de crucera.
&M GPSKBEP EFM riwq en planta baja suele estar compuesto por
bvedas semicirculares con bvedas cruzadas, excepto en la planta
primera, debido principalmente a los terremotos y a las guerras, el
forjado del (riwq) ha sido substituido por uno nuevo formado por
una estructura de vigas de madera, las cuales estn apoyadas en las
paredes de carga.
pero en las habitaciones de las esquinas se realizan mediante
bvedas de crucera.
los forjados que cubren el riwq que da sobre el patio en la planta
primera. Los arcos del riwq que dan sobre el patio se apuntan sobre
los pilares rectangulares.
de forma cuadrada, con un punto de labra en la cara vista.

La diagnose comme tape pralable la rehabilitation

La diagnosis como etapa previa a la rehabilitacin
Diagnosis as preliminary to rehabilitation

The vernacular Earthen Building

Tradition in Greece. Cultural and
Conservation Questions

in the Balkans, in Sardinia, in Scotland, etc), (McHendry, 1999, Fodde,

After 1950 the expansion of the urban growth had created new
needs for mass production materials. The strength and versatility of
Portland cement had a signicant impact on the use of earth-building
techniques with a subsequent loss of expertise. Consequently, earth
building has been underestimated.

Georgia Bei
Researcher at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in Greece, Ph.D. of
the Department of Civil Engineering, MSc at the Catholic University of
Leuven in the Conservation of Historic Towns and Buildings, Belguim.
Research eld: earth building materials and architecture.
Al. Symeonidi 35, 54639, Salonica, Greece
E-mail address:
+30-2310 997092, +30 2310 868443

In this paper, a close inspection of the past and the future of the
earth buildings is presented in order to propose guidelines for the
preservation of this rich architectural heritage.
Earth is the most ancient building material in Greece. Many evidences
of earthen Neolithic period are well known (i.e. the semi-subterranean
settlements in Argissa and in Knossos, between 6800 and 6500 BC, the
huts made by percolated foundation piles in Nea Nikomideia and in
Avgi between 6500 and 5800 BC and the houses of adobe walls in the
villages of Dimini and Sesklo with stone foundations 5800 to 5300 BC)
(Orlandos, 1955, Stratouli, 2004, Chourmoussiadis, 1979, Pyke, 1996).
However, earth was still dominant building material millenniums later.
It has represented the vernacular architecture all over Greece, dating
from the Ottoman era (after 1453) to the mid of the 20th century. Fine
examples of this architecture are found in Thessaly and Macedonia. Its
spread was connected to the local availability of the material needed
and the climatic conditions of the place.
As earth was lighter from stone and it could provide insulation and
hygienic internal climatic conditions, earthen walls were preferably
constructed on the second oor of the building while the rst oor was
usually made of stonewalls. This structural type was common on areas
prompt to frequent earthquakes. Another type of earthen building
was totally made by earth blocks at one, two or even three oors, with
horizontal wooden belts inside the masonry at the oor and/or at the
Societys changes
Before the 1950s the conservation of earthen buildings was
characterised by indigenous practices. As in other parts of the world,
indigenous conservation practices were carried out by craftsmen (i.e.

Nowdays practice
Greece, as many other countries of the Mediterranean bassin, are
particularly at risk due to frequent earthquakes. When damages
appeared on the earthen walls, the common practice was to demolish
them. Consequently, these masonries were considered as inadequate
structural systems.
To throw more light on this matter, we argue that the earthquake
vulnerability of earthen structures is not caused by the unsuitability
of the material (Crocker, 1999, Bei, 2006). Since the mid twentieth
century new constructions have been built with modern materials and
therefore the repair and maintenance of vernacular heritage has relied
in the use of inadequate techniques, with not compatible materials that
did not improve the mechanical behaviour of the earthen construction.
Usually, no attention was paid to the structural details while adequate
connections between various parts were absent (masonry walls, timber
beams in the oors and timber beams in the roof, covering of openings,
roof support etc). This was not only due to the lack of awareness of
building users, but also of professionals.
Earthen vernacular buildings are considered related to poor living
conditions and inferior social classes. That is why they are underestimated
and easily get to ruins when not used. That decay is due to the cultural
problem of the underestimation of the earthen achitecture and in this
respect regulation and craftsmanship play the proper roles.
Modern notions of conservation
The political ambiance of the dictatorship before 1967-1974 has
delayed the conservation awareness of historic buildings that took
place in Europe in the mid twentieth-century. The conservation
methods concerned neoclassical style stone buildings of urban polite
architecture, while the conservation of earthen buildings did not
follow scientic quidelines. This is still apparent nowadays in the lack
of scientic literature on the conservation of vernacular architecture.
It has to be proved that earthen building conservation contributes to
a high quality modern life environment. Thus, scientic knowledge is
needed. (Bei, 2006).
Today eorts
During the last decade researchers of Laboratory of Building Materials at
the University of Thessaloniki, work on a large research program for the
conservation of earthen architecture and the construction of modern
earthen buildings. The program focuses on the material and structural
technology of earthen walls, the stabilization, the grouting processes
and the conservation of withstanding earthen historical buildings. In
collaboration with the Technical Chamber of Greece the Laboratory
organises seminars for professionals in order to educate and create a
conscience towards earthen buildings.


La diagnose comme tape pralable la rehabilitation

La diagnosis como etapa previa a la rehabilitacin
Diagnosis as preliminary to rehabilitation

Extra actions are needed:

Suggestions for the conservation of earthen buildings in Greece
Action for the recognition of earth as building material
The promotion of the preservation of earthen architecture is of valuable
importance. There is a need for systematic and scientic investigation
(including surveying and documentation) of the earthen heritage
of the country. A decisive action for the recognition of the earth as
building material should start, encouraged by the support oered by
Universities. A foundation of a Centre of Studies and Research of the
Greek Earthen Heritage is needed. This Centre could undertake a certain
number of initiatives aimed to demonstrate the precise intention to
exploit the historical centres by retaking possession of abandoned
materials and techniques. Systematic work (educational campaigns
though popular organizations, local authorities and media) is needed
in order to reach people - who could benet from those materials and
techniques. The neighbour Balkan countries may increase the eld of
application of a common policy given that their vernacular earthen
heritage is common.
Towards an Earthen Building Code
If earthen materials are to be used in conservation, the optimal conditions
of their application must be investigated. It has to be veried that earth
is a material that corresponds to quality, resistance and durability
regulations. The study of earth masonrys mechanical behaviour and
the parameters which determine its properties through experimental
or analytical methods is mandatory. First, their behaviour needs to
be understood. Then, the drafting of regional recommendations or
guidelines for the protection the earthen heritage will be possible. The
nal scope should be the syntax of a special Greek Earthen Building Code
taking into account all constrains imposed by the material itself and the
region where is applied, as well as the conservation values.
The contents of an Earthen Building Code could be the result of
considerable research eorts to reduce the damages of the earthquakes.
A well conceived code is an indispensable tool for the professional
community it could be used for the design and construction of
aordable and safe earthen buildings.
Rehabilitation An integrated approach of conservation and
It turns out that only a combined strategy of conservation and
development can save earthen building rural ensembles from further
deterioration. A comprehensive approach of rehabilitation encompasses
conservation and development. It must take into account the necessity
of improving conditions of day to day life for residents as well as the
economic viability. The rst is subject to physical improvement,
conservation and general attractiveness for residential purposes. The
second seeks to stabilize economic viability and diversity, a variety
of urban functions and income facilities for residents. (Spriekermann
Meinolf, 2005).
The ecological conscience of the modern society
In my opinion the rehabilitation of earthen heritage in Greece seems to
depend on the establishment of modern earthen buildings. Nowadays
greek people with developed ecological conscience, could use earthen
materials as they are completely natural, ecological, recycling and


provide good insulation. The need for healthy building environment

constitutes an attitude of life that will create the conditions for model
residences of alternative layout. These residences could show tangibly
the unique prots of the earthen architecture.

BEI GEORGIA, Earth building Conservation. Does it produce a high quality building
environement? Proc.of the Internantional Conservation in changing societies. Heritage and
development, Raymond Lemaire International Centre for Conservation, Catholic University
of Leuven, Belguim 22-25 May, 2006,p.425-430.
CHOUROUSIADIS G., The noelithic Dimini, Society of Thessalian Studies ed., Volos, 1979 (in
US/ ICOMOS, 1999
FODDE E., The vernacular Earthen Building Tradition of Sardinia (Italy) Cultural and
Conservation Questions, Proc. First International Conference Living in Earthen Cities Kerpic
05, 6-7 July 2005, Istanbul, Turkey, pp.74-80.
MCHENDRY PAUL G., Adobe Today, CRM No6, 1999 pp.5-6.
ORLANDOS, . Construction materials of ancient greeks, National Technical University of Athens,
pp.65-147, 1955 (in greek)
PYKE, G . Nea Nikomedeia I. The Excavation of an Early Neolithic Village in Northen Greece
1961-1964. The Excavation and the Ceramic Assemblage, The British School at Athens,
Supplementary Vol. 25. Structures and Architecture, in R.J. Rodden & A.K. Wardle (eds.),
SPRIEKERMANN MEINOLF, Cultural heritage and urban development, Proc.of the Internantional
Conservation in changing societies. Heritage and development, Raymond Lemaire
International Centre for Conservation, Catholic University of Leuven, Belguim 22-25 May,
2006, p.69-74.
STRATOULI GEORGIA, Neolith Avgi of Kastoria. A village before 7500 years, Journal of Archeology
and Arts, June 2004, p. 110-116 (in greek)

La diagnose comme tape pralable la rehabilitation

La diagnosis como etapa previa a la rehabilitacin
Diagnosis as preliminary to rehabilitation

Figure 1.: Neolithic settlement in the village Avgi in Kastoria North Western Greece, 2nd half
of the 6th millennium BC archive of 17th prehistoric and classical Antiquities, Greek Ministry
of Culture. years ago

Two oor s earth block house with plaster in the village of Liti Macedonia

Adobe village, Kato Kranionas, Kastoria, North West Greece.

The Gravias Inn transformed to museum. Reconstruction with earth blocks. Central


La diagnose comme tape pralable la rehabilitation

La diagnosis como etapa previa a la rehabilitacin
Diagnosis as preliminary to rehabilitation

Arquitectura tradicional con barro en la

regin de Nachd-Arabia Saudita

Ali Ahmed Cornejo

2005 Global Estudios S.A., Arquitecto. Colaboracin en la elaboracin
de master plan turstico para la rehabilitacin de la ciudad de Ad
Diriyah-Arabia Saudita.
2004 Doctorando del programa Construccin, restauracin y rehabilitacin arquitectnica. UPC, Barcelona.
2003 Licenciado en Arquitectura, Departamento de Arquitectura,
Universidad de Jordania (Jordania)
2002 Centro de Documentacin del Departamento de Arquitectura
(C.E.D.A.R.) de la Universidad del Politcnico de Miln, Italia. Digitalizacin de datos arquitectnicos
1999-2000 Centro de Estudios del Medio Ambiente Construido-Amman, (CSBE) ( una organizacin no gubernamental
interesada en las aplicaciones de la arquitectura en la zona de Oriente
Medio. Recopilacin y anlisis de datos arquitectnicos.
Direccin postal:
Vila i Vila, 45 (2-1) 08004 Barcelona
Direccin de correo electrnico:

Introduccin y objetivo
El presente trabajo pretende introducir la investigacin sobre el barro
como material de construccin en la regin interior de Nachd en Arabia
Saudita, analizando el barro como material tradicional y su estado
actual como material de restauracin hasta su posible evolucin a ser
material able en la construccin tradicional sostenible.
Los estudios recientes sobre el barro como material y tcnica de
construccin en los pases del tercer mundo se centran en el objetivo
de proporcionar un hbitat digno y asequible. Sin embargo, en pases
mas desarrollados econmicamente como en el caso de Arabia Saudita,
el inters por el barro no pasa de ser a nivel de restauracin, aunque ya
existen esfuerzos desde la administracin y de algunos casos privados
por recuperar y mantener la cultura constructiva tradicional, intentos
que no pasan de ser casos aislados con diferentes visiones, soluciones
y experimentos que no se contrastan.
Tal vez nunca vuelva a ser el material de construccin principal de la
regin de Nachd pero si que puede aspirar a tener un papel importante
en las zonas rurales donde las segundas casas de los habitantes son
El anlisis de la construccin tradicional en Arabia Saudita es esencial
para tomar una direccin en este caso, y este seria el propsito del
presente trabajo.


Visin global sobre la arquitectura tradicional de Arabia

Arabia Saudita es el pas con ms diversidad arquitectnica de la
pennsula arbiga, esta propiedad es debida a su extensin geogrca
y diversidad climatolgica as como los materiales locales en cada
zona. Varias teoras histricas apoyan que el origen de las tipologas
y mtodos constructivos en Nachd proceden de oriente medio as
como el Yemen. Viviendas donde el patio es un elemento esencial
de distribucin y climatizacin, dicho origen se explica en la relacin
comercial que ha tenido la regin de Nachd, zona de paso forzado de
las caravanas entre oriente medio por el norte y Yemen por el sur.
En las ultimas dos dcadas se han llevado a cabo varias reconstrucciones
donde se aplican mtodos materiales nuevos en la construccin con
barro, los ejemplos mas importantes son los palacios de Al Musmak
y Al murabba en Ar Ryadh, y el mas ambicioso la restauracin de la
ciudad de Ad Diriyah.
La regin de Nachd esta formada por varias ciudades que han
intercambiado relevancia a lo largo de la historia de la regin, ciudades
como Hail, Buraydah, Onaizah, sin embargo la ciudad que tomo el
ltimo relevo antes de la capital de Ar Riyad fue Ad Diriyah, la cual
resumen en gran parte las tcnicas de construccin con barro utilizadas
La ciudad de Ad Diriyah fue la cuna del reino Saudita actual, acogiendo
varios palacios, mezquitas, casas, principalmente construidas con barro,
con diferentes tcnicas. Tras su declive, despus de ser bombardeada
por parte de las fuerzas turcas a nales del siglo IXX, nunca ha recuperado
su integridad. Recientemente el gobierno Saudita, consciente de su
importancia histrica, gener un plan de reconstruccin y reocupacin
de la ciudad, elaborando un uso turstico que requiere la reconstruccin
de la ciudad.
La elaboracin de un master plan turstico-cultural de la ciudad fue
encargado a Global Estudios S.L. con base en Barcelona por parte
del Autoridad de Desarrollo de Ar Riyad (ADA) en representacin del
gobierno Saudita, dicho encargo dio pie al este estudio.
Ad Diriyah
En la formacin del segundo estado Saudita en 1823, el poder pasa
a Riyadh dejando Ad Diriyah como un pueblo agrcola. Se puede
considerar que el mantenimiento de los edicios fue adecuado hasta
mediados del siglo XX cuando los habitantes se trasladaron a la otra
orilla del ro Hanifa creando la nueva Ad Diriyah, la ciudad qued
habitada por dos dcadas por obreros extranjeros que trabajaban en
la zona temporalmente lo que caus el deterioro mas importante de la
ciudad hasta las ultimas dos dcadas se considero todo el recinto de la
antigua Ad Diriyah - At Turaif- como monumento de inters nacional.
La ciudad recoge las tcnicas y el carcter constructivo de sus vecinas
del norte, representado en estado puro la tradicional arquitectura de
Nachd. Es un buen caso de estudio para estudiar a fondo las tcnicas
realizadas por los maestros constructores de la zona.
El material principal de construccin es el adobe de barro, la
permanencia de muchos muros en la ciudad invita a reexionar sobre
su ecacia, muchos de ellos abandonados desde principios del siglo
XX, otro material importante en la construccin de casas en ad-Diriyah
es la piedra, como es comn en muchas casas de Nachd, la piedra es
bsicamente utilizada en la cimentacin, arranque de muros, y columnas
de carga. No obstante, en ad-Diriyah existe un uso peculiar de la piedra,
el cual consiste en piedras calizas, de corte plano, apiladas en diagonal

La diagnose comme tape pralable la rehabilitation

La diagnosis como etapa previa a la rehabilitacin
Diagnosis as preliminary to rehabilitation

unas sobre otras formando una tira horizontal, alternndose en algunas

ocasiones con tapiales de barro y en otras ocasiones con otra tira en
diagonal de piedra en sentido contrario, nalmente cubierta con pasta
de barro.
En las ultimas dos dcadas se han llevado a cabo 4 reconstrucciones
de edicios en Ad Diriyah, hoy da, en dos de ellas se teme por la
estabilidad de algunos elementos de la estructura, y no se permiten
mantenimiento peridico, y desatender los puntos dbiles en el proceso
de reconstruccin de las tcnicas de construccin tradicionales, ya que
la mayor parte de las patologas hoy sufridas por los edicios se podan
haber evitado con simples practicas.
El caso de los palacios de Naser y Saad bin al-Saud, la reconstruccin
se llevo a cabo con la intencin de recuperar los edicios tal y como
eran, utilizando las mismas tcnicas de construccin. Despus de su
reconstruccin, no se les asign ningn uso, lo que provoco su deterioro
en solo 20 aos. Esto lleva a la administracin aos mas adelante al
estudio de un plan sostenible en el cual los edicios de barro sean
utilizados despus de su reconstruccin.
En el caso del palacio de Saad, el estado del recinto era de avanzada
degradacin a principios de los aos 70 del siglo XX aunque se
distingua que el palacio era articulado alrededor de un patio central, la
cubierta fue realizada con los mismos mtodos tradicionales sin tener
en cuenta la posibilidad de aumentar la inclinacin de drenaje hacia las
grgolas, esto causo el estancamiento del agua y su ltracin a travs
del forjado diluyendo parte de los bloques de adobe lo que causa la
debilitacin de aquellos que soportan las vigas, como resultado parte
del forjado ha cedido por su propio peso.
Otra patologa que debilita a este edicio son lo efectos de la capilaridad
del agua que ascendiendo por el muro de adobe despus de las
la temperatura hace que el agua se evapore y las partculas debilitadas
queden expuestas a la mnima fuerza para que se descuelgue de su
Cerca de estos palacios est la casa ocial de invitados de Ad Diriyah,
este edicio fue tambin restaurado junto a los dos palacios, en su
interior cuenta con unos baos rabes con sus diferentes estancias. Esta
estructura se encuentra en mejor estado que las anteriores por contar
elementos de piedra y disponer de un mantenimiento relativamente
La parte norte de la ciudad cerca de los palacios, se distribuan las casas
mas humildes, la trama urbana crea una red de calles estrechas y entre
ellas las edicaciones se agrupan con formatos y tcnicas parecidas,
modestas en la mayora de los casos, siendo viviendas con no mas de
125 aos, construidas despus de que Ad Diriyah quedara parcialmente
destruida por la artillera de los turcos. De estos formatos, se pueden
dar estudio a 3 de ellas:
La distribucin mas comn es alrededor del patio central, a diferencia
de otras zonas de Nachd que cuentan con doble acceso, el acceso
a la vivienda normalmente es nico, siempre llegando al recibidor y
directamente despus al maglis donde se reciban a los invitados,
normalmente esta estancia se conectaba con otra entrada de servicio
que conectaba a la cocina, esta conguracin era aislada visualmente
del patio central en el cual se formaba el entorno privado de la casa,
rodeando el patio se organizaban las estancias como dormitorios,
almacn o establo.
Otro formato en el que se conguraban las casas era el del patio

exterior lateral, al cual daban las estancias, aunque la forma de acceder

a la vivienda era la misma, la entrada que da el acceso al recibidor, y
despus al maglis el cual era separado de las otras partes de la casa
excepto con un acceso de servicio.
El acceso a las cubiertas era de gran importancia, separado del acceso
principal de la casa y de la franja visual del maglis, las escaleras eran
frecuentemente mas usadas por las mujeres, ya que ejercan mas vida
dentro de casa con estrictas costumbres de privacidad, punto que
se puede apreciar en los altos antepechos que se realizaban en las
cubiertas, en las que en algunas ocasiones se construa una estancia
para pasar las noches de verano.


La diagnose comme tape pralable la rehabilitation

La diagnosis como etapa previa a la rehabilitacin
Diagnosis as preliminary to rehabilitation


La diagnose comme tape pralable la rehabilitation

La diagnosis como etapa previa a la rehabilitacin
Diagnosis as preliminary to rehabilitation

Paredes de tapia

Flix Ruiz Gorrindo

de Construcciones Civiles, Hidrologa, y Transportes y Servicios UrbaOPT*OHFOJFSP$JWJM
Tcnico de la Administracin Local y Perito Forense.
Campo principal de actuacin: la patologa de la construccin (su
diagnosis y teraputica).
He participado como profesor en multitud de cursos en Colegios
de Aparejadores, Colegio de Arquitectos, Colegios de Ingenieros de
Obras Pblicas, Escuela de Ingenieros de Caminos, etc, etc.
Direccin postal:
08800 Vilanova i la Geltr (Barcelona)
Direccin de correo electrnico:
667 78 15 73 / 93 814 00 00

La materia relacionada con las construcciones de tapia, es en general
poco conocida.
As, no existe normativa al respecto ( s por ejemplo hay normativa
y criterios de clculo y de diagnosis para las paredes de carga de
ladrillo ), apenas se ensea en las carreras universitarias, y apenas hay
publicaciones al respecto.
Tampoco se ha investigado en profundidad sobre este tipo de
De esta forma no es de extraar que entre los tcnicos suele haber un
notable desconocimiento sobre las caractersticas y comportamiento de
las paredes de carga de tapia, no siendo infrecuentes las intervenciones
tcnicas sobre esta materia que resultan ser incorrectas, ya sea en la
fase de diagnosis, como en la de teraputica.
Como sabemos, slo si la causa que produce una lesin la diagnosticamos
correctamente, podremos proponer acertada teraputica.
Si la diagnosis no es acertada, con gran probabilidad la teraputica
no slo ser intil, sino que incluso puede ser contraproducente,
agravando la patologa y encareciendo la posterior reparacin.
En aparente contradiccin con este notable desconocimiento sobre
paredes de carga de tapia, tenemos que este tipo de construcciones
son de gran importancia, debido principalmente a dos razones.
Una de ellas es la gran abundancia de edicios con paredes de tapia,
tanto en Catalua como en la mayor parte de Espaa.
Este tipo de construccin era muy frecuente en nuestro pas
aproximadamente desde el siglo XVI hasta el siglo XIX, perdurando en
algunos sitios hasta bien entrado el siglo XX.
As, una parte importante de los edicios de los cascos antiguos de

nuestros ncleos urbanos estn construdos con paredes de tapia.

La otra razn es que la principal causa de colapso de edicios en
nuestro pas es, con diferencia, la lesin de aplastamiento en pared
medianera de tapia.
Colapsa por aplastamiento la pared medianera de tapia, lo que provoca
el colapso de los dos edicios que en ella se apoyan.
Razones sin duda de peso para que tratemos de aumentar nuestro nivel
de conocimientos sobre paredes de tapia, ya que es una abundante
fuente de trabajo y que en ocasiones puede hacer que debamos
tratar lesiones de extrema gravedad con elevado riesgo de colapso y
teraputica ciertamente delicada.
Historia y Geografa de las construcciones de tapia
La tradicin de construir en tierra es extensa en el espacio y en el
Actualmente se evala que un 30% de la humanidad habita en edicios
que, total o parcialmente, estn construdos en tierra.
Histricamente, las civilizaciones ms antiguas de las que se tiene
noticia ( Mesopotamia, Egipto, Valle del Indo, China, etc. ) ya construan
en tierra la mayora de sus edicios domsticos y, en algn caso, la
totalidad de sus edicaciones.
En Espaa, como en todo el Mediterrneo, el uso de la tierra como
material de construccin se remonta, como mnimo al Neoltico, siendo
especialmente signicativo su uso en los poblados ibricos de la costa
mediterrnea, como en el poblado ibrico de Calafell ( Tarragona ),
recientemente reconstrudo con la misma tierra que form sus muros,
o el poblado de Ullastret ( Girona ).
Las casas urbanas de la ciudad romana de Empries, descritas por Ripoll
Perell, presentan an las bases de sus muros mostrando la tierra con
que fueron construdas.
En Catalua, y en casi toda Espaa, los muros de tierra constituyen, hasta
el siglo XIX, la tcnica habitual de construccin, tanto en el mbito rural,
donde permanece incluso hasta bien entrado nuestro siglo, como en el
mbito urbano, donde ha generado la mayora de la edicacin original
de nuestros pueblos y ciudades
En Barcelona, Manresa, Vilanova i la Geltr, Lleida, Tarragona, Vic,
Figueres, Matar, Tortosa, Terrassa, Sabadell, Reus, Valls, Vilafranca del
Peneds, y en prcticamente todas las ciudades catalanas pueden
encontrarse este tipo de construcciones.
Anlogamente, fuera de Espaa son frecuentes las construcciones de
tierra, como por ejemplo en Europa, frica, Latinoamrica, etc.
De hecho, en algunos lugares como en zonas de Marruecos todava se
siguen construyendo paredes de tapia.
La tcnica de la tapia
La tapia es una tcnica de construccin de muros de tierra
La tierra se va vertiendo en un encofrado montado sobre el propio
muro que se est construyendo, y se compacta con la ayuda de un
La compactacin se realiza en capas de tierra de entre 10 y 15cm de
En ocasiones, se alterna alguna capa de cal entre las diversas
Una vez lleno el encofrado, se traslada a la nueva posicin y se repite
la operacin, constituyendo el muro a base del conjunto de unidades
realizadas de este modo, y llamadas tapias o tapiadas.


La diagnose comme tape pralable la rehabilitation

La diagnosis como etapa previa a la rehabilitacin
Diagnosis as preliminary to rehabilitation

Los encofrados se componen de dos planchas de madera, llamados

tapiales o puertas, que denen los paramentos verticales del muro,
sustentados por unos elementos, de madera o metlicos, llamados
agujas, que atraviesan el grueso del muro por debajo de los tapiales.
Unos montantes verticales sujetos a las agujas, llamados costales, evitan
el vuelco lateral de los tapiales gracias a una cuerda liada por encima de
los tapiales formando un garrote entre costales opuestos.
Se trata, pues, de muros de fbrica, donde las piezas son las tapias de
tierra, de unas dimensiones aproximadas de 1,60m de longitud, 0,80m
de altura y gruesos entre 60 y 100cm.
An podemos distinguir dentro de las tapias las tongadas, lechos de
tierra de entre 10 y 15cm de grosor, que suponen unidades de vertido
y compactado dentro del encofrado.
En nuestro pas no son raros edicios de tres o hasta cuatro plantas
construdos con paredes de tapia.
No confundir con las paredes de carga de adobe (piezas prismticas
de tierra con paja dejadas secar al sol), cuyas caractersticas y
comportamiento son notablemente diferentes a la tapia, todo y que
ambas son construcciones a base principalmente de tierra.
Patologa en las paredes de tapia. Causas, diagnosis y
Las paredes de carga de tapia se comportan bien estructuralmente,
siendo abundantes los edicios con dos siglos o ms de antigedad
construidos con paredes de tapia, cuyas paredes siguen teniendo un
comportamiento mecnico adecuado.
No obstante sabemos que estas tierras compactadas, formadas
habitualmente por materiales arcillosos, limos marrones y similares, son
altamente sensibles a la accin del agua, produciendo las humedades
alteraciones notables en su comportamiento mecnico y produciendo
fenmenos de consolidacin.
Esto lo podemos deducir con claridad a partir de los conocimientos
de geotecnia y mecnica de suelos, pudiendo calcular la variacin
de resistencia y lo que consolida un suelo arcilloso o limoso en
determinadas condiciones de humedad.
Y por todo lo hasta aqu expuesto, podemos decir que el principal
enemigo de las paredes de tapia es la humedad.
En efecto, las humedades persistentes son el desencadenante de la
patologa estructural ms grave que puede padecer una pared de
carga de tapia, la lesin de aplastamiento.
El inicio y desarrollo de la lesin de aplastamiento suele ser muy lento.
Su cintica del grado de degradacin suele tener, como en numerosas
patologas estructurales, una curva de tipo exponencial.
As, en sus inicios su desarrollo es muy lento, aumentando poco a poco
su velocidad de degradacin.
El hecho que cada vez la pared est ms degradada provoca que la
velocidad de degradacin a su vez aumente.
En las ltimas y ms graves fases de la lesin, como en la fase terminal,
la velocidad a que aumenta la degradacin y la prdida de propiedades
mecnicas de la pared es muy elevada, pudiendo sobrevenir el colapso
en cualquier momento.
Proceso como se produce la lesin de aplastamiento
En las primeras fases, humedades van ascendiendo por capilaridad por
el interior de la pared.
Como sabemos, estas humedades ascendern ms o menos en funcin


de diversos parmetros como el grado de compacidad de la tierra, tipo

de poros y conexin entre ellos, etc.
Con el tiempo y lentamente, estas humedades provocan en la pared
a nivel de planta baja ( que es donde ms carga soporta y donde ms
afectada est por las humedades por capilaridad ), una progresiva
disminucin de resistencia y un lento proceso de deformacin.
Con el avance del proceso se va produciendo un abombamiento
de la pared a nivel de planta baja, y podemos apreciar sntomas de
disminucin de consistencia de la tapia ( por ejemplo con el tipo de
sonido al ser oscultada con pequeos golpes ).
Este estadio del proceso lo podemos denominar lesin de aplastamiento
en fase moderada.
En esta fase, el proceso suele avanzar todava de forma muy lenta,
habiendo altas posibilidades que el proceso se estabilice en caso que
remitan las humedades.
Si sigue el proceso, el abombamiento de la pared es cada vez ms
acusado, llegando a producirse grieta de traza horizontal en la pared,
que se suele situar a una altura de entre 1,5 y 2m del suelo, y que
penetra hacia el interior de la seccin de la pared con la tpica forma de
fractura a compresin.
A esta grieta horizontal, suelen aparecer diversas grietas secundarias
asociadas, en los pisos superiores, con traza preferentemente oblicua
marcando efecto de arco de descarga, y que no indican otra cosa sino
que la pared de tapia a nivel de planta baja est cediendo.
Esta fase la podemos denominar lesin de aplastamiento en fase
La lesin en estos momentos ya es grave y es imprescindible proceder
a la reparacin de la pared.
En algunos casos en que se considere que la situacin es especialmente
grave, puede ser recomendable proceder al desalojo de los edicios
que se apoyan en la pared afectada.
Si no se pone remedio, el proceso avanza, cada vez a ms velocidad.
La ltima fase del proceso la podemos denominar lesin de
aplastamiento en fase terminal.
En esta fase, el abombamiento de la pared suele ser bastante acusado.
Igualmente, la grieta horizontal suele aparecer claramente marcada.
Algunos sntomas que nos indican que la lesin est en fase terminal,
son pequeos detalles en los bordes e interior de la grieta horizontal
principal que denotan una gran actividad del proceso ( pequeas
partculas en situacin inestable, cortes muy limpios, etc ). Igualmente,
en esta fase, la grieta principal suele ir acompaada de pequeas suras
secundarias en su interior e inmediaciones, con claros sntomas de gran
Anlogamente, grietas asociadas a la principal, que indican efecto de
arco de descarga, muestran claros sntomas de gran actividad.
Una pared de carga de tapia que padezca lesin de aplastamiento en
fase terminal, puede colapsar en cualquier momento.
Como es lgico, el momento exacto de cundo se producir el colapso
no lo podemos predecir, pues esto depender de gran cantidad de
parmetros, la mayor parte de los cuales no podemos conocer ( detalle
minucioso de la composicin y estado de la seccin, si se producir en
un futuro prximo algn microsismo o lluvia fuerte, etc ).
As, podemos decir que el colapso se puede producir en cuestin
de horas, semanas o incluso meses, dependiendo de diferentes
Es muy improbable que una pared de tapia que padezca lesin de
aplastamiento que est realmente en fase terminal, sobreviva ms de

La diagnose comme tape pralable la rehabilitation

La diagnosis como etapa previa a la rehabilitacin
Diagnosis as preliminary to rehabilitation

un ao sin colapsar.
Por tanto, si se diagnostica fase terminal, se debe realizar el desalojo
inmediato de los dos edicios que se apoyan en la pared medianera
Igualmente se debe proceder a la estabilizacin de la pared lo antes
Huelga decir que en la estabilizacin se debern tomar medidas
constructivas y de seguridad especiales, pues si la reparacin de una
pared con lesin de aplastamiento en fase avanzada es una operacin
bastante delicada, mucho ms si est en fase terminal en que la pared
puede reventar en cualquier momento.
Para acabar este apartado, decir que, como el lector supondr, es muy
infrecuente encontrar una pared con lesin en fase terminal.
Mi experiencia al respecto indica que, aproximadamente, de cada
veinte paredes de carga de tapia en que he diagnosticado lesin de
aplastamiento, slo hay una que est en fase terminal.
Ms frecuentes son las lesiones en fase avanzado.
Y a esto aadir que hay muchsimas paredes de tapia que no padecen
lesin de aplastamiento, ni siquiera en sus fases ms leves.
Una pared de tapia que padezca lesin de aplastamiento en fase
avanzada, lo cual como hemos visto afecta a la pared a nivel de planta
baja, ya no rene las condiciones mecnicas y de resistencia adecuadas
para soportar la carga que tiene encima ( los forjados y sobre todo el
peso propia de la misma pared de tapia ).
Por este motivo, la teraputica ms denitiva es la sustitucin de la
pared de tapia, a nivel de planta baja, por otra de fbrica de ladrillo
macizo y del mismo grosor que la pared primitiva.
El proceso constructivo para conseguir este objetivo lo podemos
deducir, razonando, los tcnicos en construccin, pudiendo haber
algunas variaciones segn las particularidades de cada caso y el criterio
del tcnico que intervenga.
De forma resumida y genrica, la sustitucin de la pared se realiza por
partes, por bermas, que sern ms numerosas o menos o ms anchas
o menos, en funcin de diferentes parmetros como el grado de
inestabilidad de la pared, etc.
Lgicamente, la primera fase del proceso ser el apuntalamiento
vertical de los forjados, pues estos quedarn un tiempo en el aire.
En cada berma se realizar pequea excavacin, para que la nueva pared
de fbrica cermica tenga cimiento corrido de hormign armado.
Igualmente es comn colocar perles metlicos en el interior de la
pared, como apoyo de las vigas del primer forjado.
Mediante el proceso de sustitucin por bermas se acaba realizando la
total sustitucin de la pared de tapia a nivel de planta baja, por otra de
fbrica cermica.
En ocasiones se considera suciente con intercalar algunas bermas de
ladrillo macizo, dejando partes de tapia sin sustituir.
En algunos casos se opta por construir elementos verticales resistentes
a ambas caras de la pared de tapia, que le producen un efecto de
connamiento, impidiendo su deformacin horizontal y por tanto
impidiendo que descienda verticalmente.
Este procedimiento parece indicado slo en casos no muy graves ni

Consideraciones varias
Como hemos visto, las paredes de tapia tienen un comportamiento
As, la lesin de aplastamiento es un tipo de patologa que suele avisar,
apareciendo lentamente a lo largo de los aos diferentes sntomas
caractersticos como abombamientos de las paredes y grietas.
En ocasiones, no obstante, hay sntomas que pueden llevar a engao.
Con cierta frecuencia aparecen en paredes de carga de tapia fuertes
abombamientos, que producen alarma en los tcnicos que intervienen,
pensando que se trata de una grave lesin de aplastamiento.
Repicando el revestimiento se comprueba que el abombamiento slo
es del revestimiento, vericando que la tapia est en buen estado.
Hay que tener en cuenta que se pueden producir importantes
abombamientos de revestimientos de gran grosor por efecto de las
Otro tipo de patologa de comportamiento diferente, ocurre en paredes
de tapia en fachadas.
En casos que reciban muy fuertes humedades, por ejemplo por
ltraciones de desages o cubierta, la tapia puede perder toda
consistencia, producindose el colapso parcial de la fachada.
Normalmente estos colapsos suelen producirse en las partes altas de
la fachada ( en las inmediaciones de donde se produzcan las fuertes
humedades ).
En estos casos, el principal sntoma de la lesin, es una gran mancha de
humedad intensa en la tapia de la fachada.


La diagnose comme tape pralable la rehabilitation

La diagnosis como etapa previa a la rehabilitacin
Diagnosis as preliminary to rehabilitation


La diagnose comme tape pralable la rehabilitation

La diagnosis como etapa previa a la rehabilitacin
Diagnosis as preliminary to rehabilitation

Light decorations

Gianraaele Loddo and Daniela Ludoni

Engineer, teaching fellow of Technical Architecture, teaching in the
Architecture Faculty of Cagliari. Author of studies in the use of the
ceramics and of numerous publications about traditional and sustainable contemporary architecture.
Engineer, freelance. Author of publications about the sustainable contemporary architecture. Tutor in the Architecture Faculty of Cagliari.
Facolt Architettura. Piazza dArmi 16, 09123 Cagliari (Italy)
E-mail address:
Tel.: ++ 39 070 6755807

During the centuries Sardinia, although a poor region from the

economic point of view, has seen the development of interesting signs
in architecture. Among these ones we can found building types, like
the out of the way houses of the campaigns, or the dierent court and
which use brick or raw earth masonries and wood oors. Not less
important, the decorative elements completing facades are added to
these lasts still now promote the image of many historic centres of the
The diusion of these constituents is one of the most original features
of the traditional Sardinian architecture, because it allowed enriching
the architectonic simplicity of the building elevating their rank. The
fact had his maximum propagation between XIX and XX century and
it regarded both new buildings and the existing ones. For this reason
the minimalist elements are still located above houses build with very
dierent technologies.
At the last gothic period the decorative signs had a merely functional
essence, while during the following centuries, they also assumed a
decorative role arriving to the top in the pre-modern epoch. Then the
term decoration must be not understood strictly speaking, because
these elements, most of all those oldest ones, perform the double part
of the make up and the protection of the building, for example, from
the rain on the walls, openings and roof overhangs.
These elements were realised chiey by craftsmen who, with primitive
tools, could to produce high quality handcrafts. They managed to
survive the time but not the work of man, who, above all in Modern
period considering them useless, removed almost all ones or didnt
take care them. This situation risked not only their existence and
transmission to the next generations, but the integrity of the building
where they were situated as well.
Decorative units can be catalogued according the material by which
wrought iron, zinc sheet and wood. The classication allows to identify

the problem connected to every specic element and to suggest

some adapt intervention of safeguard, restore and integration: anyway
it must be consider that they were, almost ever, a really system of
building and decoration details and their strictly meaning is into their
whole articulation.
Fired clay modular decorations were used from the beginning of the XIX
century and touched the top at the rst years of the twentieth century
to be lost at the start of the Thirty years. They are still numerous (just in
the villages around to Cagliari we can found several hundreds of these
episodes). Its matter of elements that were used on the facades to
border windows, doors and to mark skirt roof strings. In these cases their
aesthetic function combined with that protection one of the facade
from the rain dripping on the wall surfaces. The medium dimension,
about 30-cm, allowed either a good handiness of the elements or an
easy assembly and the combination of the pieces. Their traditional
use dates back to the Classic Architecture, when the same decoration
was carved on the trabeations. From the stylistic point of view we can
found classical references, such as eggs, dentels or acanthus leaves till
to arrive to neo gothic, neo Egyptian and oral forms. Over hundred
dierent types are classied with several combinations of specimens
to realised anthropoid, animals, and oral and geometric drawings.
The elements have a large chance of parts, from the simplest listel to
the more complex one, which seems like a really red clay sculpture.
Seldom the elements had the only one decorative function while it has
been collected a model to realised balconies handrails. The pathologies
of these pieces are caused by the humidity action: very dangerous is
that one induced, during the time, by the application of painting that
prevents the natural clay transpiration and arouses the scaling of the
surfaces. The exfoliation process isnt reversible, while it is better to
prevent removing several coats of paint that surely had covered the
elements as time passed. Particularly important is the problem of the
failings, caused both by the detaching and their failure, most of all in
the event of elements located at the base of buildings. Its a matter of
removing similar elements and to go on, after to have cast a mould
generally by silicon, to do copies from the negative with clay and to
re them. A problem not negligible can be caused by the chemical
composition of the clay, which composed the blend, with very
chromatic dierence. A dierent form, not so important, is made up
of elements by cement, which are generally less detailed because the
material doesnt have the same performance of the red clay.
The wrought iron works have been instead used for balcony handrails,
grates and gates. In Sardinia the rst expressive events date back to
the last period of Spanish domination (XVII century) and they were
characterised by the baroque language, with evidences until the whole
Art Nouveau period, arriving at the beginning of the Modern. Either
most important examples or very simple ones are contained between
these two temporal and linguistic extremes. Among these ones
we can found also both elements of foreign import, and signs from
Sardinian traditional graphic forms used too in the ancient production
of clothes.
An interesting variant, in the nineteenth Century, is represented by
castings that allowed rich details, they represented the testimony of
the rst industrial activities.
As well as wrought iron works, the use of zinc sheets to realise small
elements completing the little boxes to hold the water at the gutter
stop end, joints. Its very unusual nowadays these constituents located
again and, in spite of simple production, they are not generally restored


La diagnose comme tape pralable la rehabilitation

La diagnosis como etapa previa a la rehabilitacin
Diagnosis as preliminary to rehabilitation

because considered needless.

The pathologies of these pieces are caused by the iron corrosion,
quality of paints cause it. The ways to operate at present consist of
the replacement of the parts more damaged and the protection with
to read and to copy forms from a sample and to cut sheets with right
thickness to reproduce the original drawings.
Other minimalist decorations are the bargeboards located to protect
the overhang of the gable roof. These solutions were already used in
the past, but the most diusion of them dates back to the nineteenth
century, when the public buildings, as for example the train sheds of the
railways station, were decorated with these parts too. They were usually
realised by wooden boards and zinc sheets, or modular elements also
by wood or zinc sheet. In the easier way, their prole was rectilinear or
wavy, but more complex solutions were not unusual, still to get as far
as the real fretwork like a lace. Unfortunately the original roofs have
been ever very altered, just to repairing, and often these pieces are not
The relevant pathologies to few examples remained are generally
serious when its matter of wooden boards, because the material
quality, the low maintenance and the action of rain in the time heavy
damaged the structure. In these cases the possible solution is to replace
destroyed elements with new ones in the original form and drawing. If
the decorations are by zinc sheet, but the lack of some elements, the
ordinary repair is very easy. Among all decorative units, the last ones
are maybe the most important for the protection of whole building,
because they prevent the water seepage from the roof inner face,
for this question its important ever to foresee the continuing of this
The general problem of protection and preservation of these elements
comes out from this outline. The safeguard concerns the needless of
specic rules and it interests cultural aspects linked to the attention
towards this hermitage, both the public administration and the
private owners. In this direction an important reection concerns the
low attention the commissions put at the head of the under services,
show about the whole facades which are nowadays and again spoiled
by electrical cables, water and gas pipes. Most of all the Monuments
Authority doesnt control or controls very few these generally
situations. The safeguard entails the study of intervention techniques,
that, exploiting the current knowledge in the materials sphere, allow
at least stopping the diusion of the degradation in almost entirety of
the events.
It must oversee, together the restaurateurs work, also the recovery and
revaluation of the old tradesmen by now almost missed. The ability of
the ceramic crafts, smiths carpenters must be revalued and reused. Only
with the rediscovery of artisan knowledge its possible to plan right
and diused restore interventions and the safeguard of architectural
heritage coming from our traditions and history.


C. AYMERICH, G. LODDO, Le decorazioni in cotto nell800 a Cagliari (compositives aspects),
proceedings of International Symposium: Ancient Buildings restoration, Handbooks and new
technologies, Clean Edizioni, Napoli 1993. Vol. 1, pp. 29-42.
C. AYMERICH, G. LODDO, Tipologie tradizionali e residenza contemporanea. Le case a schiera di
Cabras, proceedings of International Symposium: The living building in Europe toward the
third millennium, Clean Edizioni, Napoli 1997. ISBN 88-86701-28-4, Vol. 1, pp. 237-246.
G. LODDO, Cagliari. Una chiave di lettura dellarchitettura fra passato e presente, in Paesaggio
Urbano, Edizioni Maggioli, n 2 1994. ISSN 1120-3544, pp. 82-89.
G. LODDO, Le decorazioni in cotto nell800 a Cagliari, (technologies and analogies with Hungarians
experiences), proceedings of International Symposium: The project in the space of memory:
signs, ideas and future development, Clean Edizioni, Napoli 1995. Vol. 2, pp. 1335-1344.
G. LODDO, Cagliari. Architetture dal 1900 al 1945, Edizioni Coedisar, Cagliari 1999. ISBN 8885966-24-1.

La diagnose comme tape pralable la rehabilitation

La diagnosis como etapa previa a la rehabilitacin
Diagnosis as preliminary to rehabilitation

Quartu S. Elena (Italy), via Mori 129, Facade with decorative elements in terracotta and zinc
sheet on a building in raw earth. (photo by G. Loddo).

Quartu S. Elena (Italy), via Mori 129, detail of facade with obvious damages caused by
telephone and power lines cables. (photo by G. Loddo).

Wrought iron handrails, top, baroque style in Cagliari (Italy), below, folk design in Cabras
(Italy). (photo by G. Loddo).

Bargeboards, Cagliari (Italy), top, wood and wrap metal modular elements, below, wood
board element. (photo by G. Loddo).


La diagnose comme tape pralable la rehabilitation

La diagnosis como etapa previa a la rehabilitacin
Diagnosis as preliminary to rehabilitation

Lhabitat traditionnel a oued souf

Belhadj Nabila
1998- Obtention du diplme dArchitecte dEtat
2000- cration dune entreprise spcialise en restauration des btiments anciens
2001 2002- Travaux de restauration au Muse National des Arts et
Traditions Populaires dAlger.
2004-Travaux de restauration au Muse National des Beaux Arts
2005 jusqu ce jour- Travaux de restauration au Muse National du
2006- jusqu ce jour- Projet Europen OPERHA : cest un projet o
nous sommes 13 partenaires euro mditerranens, qui travaillons sur
lessai dune nouvelle gnration de bres polymres destine tre
utilise dans la restauration des btiments anciens.
Adresse courrier lectronique:
+ 21370930396

Le choix dun tel sujet, rpond lune des nombreuses proccupations

de notre domaine, celle de la comprhension du processus de
production de lhabitat , espace de vie bti, consolid ou transform
par un groupe dindividus porteurs des mmes codes socioculturels et
partageant la mme aire gographique. Cependant, le sujet de cette
communication ne prtend pas sy attaquer mais contribuer en mettant
la disposition de cet axe de rexion, travers lexemple de lHabitat
traditionnel de la rgion de Oued Souf un constat modeste mais
concret dun mode de production de lhabitat qui semble porter en
lui les prceptes permettant la codication de son architecture an de
la relever au rang de traditionnelle.
Il y a lieu ainsi dinsister quelque peu sur cet aspect particulier de notre
communication, savoir quelle se base sur une tude plus importante,
celle de lhabitat traditionnel Oued Souf, typologie et systme
constructif , mais quelle a pour objectif unique dattirer lattention
seulement, sur les raisons qui permette une architecture rvolue
de rsister .
Il sagit en clair, dapprocher lhabitat traditionnel El Oued de plus prs
en sintressant ses deux outils conceptuels les plus dterminants,
quant sa mise en place, savoir la typologie et le systme constructif.
Cela nous permettra de reprer la nature des constantes qui permettent
lenracinement dun mode architectural dans son territoire.
Prsentation de la rgion de Oued Souf
Il est trs important de mentionner au pralable que la rgion de
Oued Souf ne dnie pas une rgion naturelle mais une rgion
humaine , une unit ethnique, dote dun systme de fonctionnement
assez autonome pour lui confrer un nom (1). Bien quil fasse


gographiquement partie du Sahara algrien, le Souf dsigne une

unit qui loppose ce dernier par ses modes de circulation, mais aussi
par son mode dexploitation du territoire. Le Sahara est le domaine des
pasteurs et des caravaniers, tandis que le Souf est celui des cultivateurs
de palmiers, avec une technique de plantation spciale la rgion. La
particularit de cette technique de plantation rside dans le fait de
creuser des cuvettes assez larges pour recevoir des palmeraies entires,
plusieurs mtres de profondeur, an de planter le palmier au niveau
de leau plutt que de faire monter cette dernire pour une irrigation
normale en surface. Chacune de ces cuvettes appeles en dialecte sou
Ghout jardin-creus-en-cuvette-plant de palmier1 forme lunit
territoriale et socio conomique de base dans la structure globale du
territoire sou puisque les Ghouts stalent sur toute la valle du Souf
en rassemblant autour de chaque entonnoir, un groupe dindividus qui
travaillent et donc vivent eux ainsi que leurs familles de la plantation des
palmiers dattiers. Au abord de chaque Ghout, se greent les maisons,
o vivent pendant lt, les familles, dont les hommes travaillent tous
habituellement dans la palmeraie, en accomplissant toutes les taches,
depuis la plantation jusqu lcoulement vers la vente, en passant
pas le stockage dans des celliers prvus cet eet, construits dans un
pavillon de leurs maison. Les Femmes quant elles, que ce soit en hiver
dans leur maisons villageoises, o en t dans leur maisons rurales, elles
sont gnralement au pied de leurs mtiers tisser, aaires raliser
pour la vente gnralement mais aussi pour leur propre besoins, les
tapis et les tenues spciques la rgion.
La typologie et le systme constructif traditionnels Oued
La typologie, est lun des instruments scientiques les plus dots doutils
permettant de lire travers lespace bti, la faon de vivre des individus
et donc la faon quils ont de concevoir lespace o se droule cette
faon de vivre, autrement dit, les pratiques socioculturelles. Car les
solutions de distribution de lespace de vie rpondent aux exigences
similaires chez les individus dun mme groupe ethnique partageant la
mme aire gographique.
La maison du Souf sorganise autour dune cour ferme si elle est
villageoise et ouverte si elle est rurale, la quelle on accde par une
entre en chicane. Les pices qui la constituent se composant dune
cuisine, un cellier Khabia et dun nombre de chambres Ghorfa
ou Damsa si le plafond est en forme de voute, sagrgent les unes
aux autres au fur et mesure que les besoins de la famille qui loccupe
grandissent. Sur les cots nord et sud de la maison, deux espaces
souvrent sur la cour mais toujours couverts sont appels Sabat . Le
premier permet aux occupants de la maison de proter dun maximum
densoleillement pendant les mois dhiver, le second pour sen protger
durant les saisons chaudes. Une cave est aussi prvue cet eet en
construction souterraine. Un table pour chvres et poulaier, la
Zriba fait aussi partie des espaces de service mais souvent en retrait
par rapport au reste des chambres.
Les systmes constructifs traditionnels sont ces dirents savoir-faire
ancestraux, dans le domaine de la construction, appels arts de
de faon cognitive par lapplication et lexercice, autrement dit, par la
tradition . Cette attitude a t galement celle des sous pendant
trs longtemps. Les sexagnaires sous aujourdhui encore parle du
rituel de lacte de btir El oued. Du ramassage dos dne, plusieurs
mtres de profondeur dans les Ghots, des seuls matriaux de

La diagnose comme tape pralable la rehabilitation

La diagnosis como etapa previa a la rehabilitacin
Diagnosis as preliminary to rehabilitation

construction solides que leur ore la rgion, savoir, le Lous, appel

galement la rose des sables , utilis comme pierre dappareillage, et
la Tafza, ou la pierre de tuf, destine la fabrication du pltre le Gibs
par la cuisson dans des fours rigs loccasion de chaque chantier
avec pour seul combustible le bois quon ramasse dans le Sahara et des
palmes dessches. Le pltre est utilis selon sa qualit, dans toutes les
mises en uvre constructives. Pour le mortier de pose et de crpissage
le Timchent , lexigence dun pltre bien cuit, bien quleve, reste
moindre que celle pour le pltre destin lenduit de nition. Car pour
ce dernier, le pltre doit tre trs bien cuit mais aussi de granulomtrie
trs ne et homogne pour une tanchit optimale mais aussi pour
un meilleur aspect ni. Le seul bois disponible tant celui des stipes
de palmier, celui-ci nest utilis que pour les linteaux au dessus des
ouvertures. Les couvertures ralises essentiellement en forme de
coupoles, mais aussi en forme de votes, sont ralises galement
en appareillage de Lous et de Timchent. Leurs formes rejettent les
ventuelles pluies et liminent le risque de charge que peut causer un
dpt de sable sur les couvertures.
Chez les sous, Nous lavons vu, la typologie renseigne dun mode
dhabiter et de distribution de lespace qui concilie conditions naturelles,
exigences socio-conomiques et pratiques religieuses. Leur systme
constructif quant lui, codie les solutions structurelles en fonctions
des caractristiques physiques et mcaniques des matriaux
disponibles sur place.
Cela a permis au mode de production de lhabitat au Souf le faonnage
dune identit architecturale car il semblerait quil leur tait ais de
construire nouveau dans la continuit de lancien jusqu nos jours.
Le constat aujourdhui :
Le contact quil nous a t donn davoir avec la rgion dEl Oued,
nous a demble incit rchir sur le rapport que les habitants de
en dpit, de la modernit ambiante, ce rapport pouvait durer, une fois
constat le caractre dune architecture agonisante certes, mais dont la
typologie reste encore, tant bien que mal, en usage aujourdhui.
Pour mieux connatre lenvironnement de la question, il est essentiel
de savoir que les sous, bien que rattraps par la modernit dans le
domaine de la construction, ils narrivent pas encore se dbarrasser ,
de leur vielle typologie.
Les nouveaux matriaux de construction standard, adapts
vraisemblablement toutes les solutions constructives imaginables,
permettant driger ce que lon veut l o on veut, reprsentent pour
les sous une sorte de moyen miracle qui les soulage et les repose de
cette ancienne corve invitable si lon veut btir sa maison. Le ciment,
le parpaing et lacier semblent avoir apport des solutions pour des
excutions moins contraignantes (transports dsormais mcaniques et
matriaux prts la mise en uvre) et des ralisations qui vivent plus
longtemps (frquences dentretient rduites).
Outre cette dgradation du patrimoine architectural bti donc
matriel, vient sajouter aussi la perte dun patrimoine immatriel,
celui des procds et systmes constructifs traditionnels cause de la
dperdition des pratiques locales, et partant, la perte de ce rapport de
lindividu son environnement naturel immdiat.
Cependant, combien mme, il y a eu dperdition du savoir faire et que
les matriaux modernes ont remplac les matriaux traditionnels
-pas pour tt les sous, nous le verrons plus tard- cela na toutefois pas
pu dfaire pour autant la codication typologique de lhabitat dans

toute la rgion de Oued Souf

Les sous aujourdhui - lexception dune frange qui vit aujourdhui
dans les grands ensembles du centre ville - continuent pour la plus
part, distribuer leurs espaces dhabitation selon les recommandations
ancestrales. Les pratiques socioculturels en vigueur encore aujourdhui,
conjugus aux temps toujours prsents (climat et gographie),
semblent tre une donne constante avec laquelle il est impratif de
Nous relevons par contre trois catgories de ces nouveaux sous qui
continuent de construire leurs maisons avec lancienne typologie .
Ceux qui construisent exactement selon la typologie traditionnelle
moyennant le systme traditionnel, ceux qui respectent la typologie
ancienne, mais optent pour les matriaux modernes et en dnitif,
ceux qui sont cheval sur deux typologies et sur deux systmes
Entre une substance en voix de dperdition et une essence qui lanime
encore tant bien que mal, il est claire qu un acte durgence simpose
celui de sauvegarder, sous peine de voir seondrer sous les coup
de boutoirs dune modernit luvre, un patrimoine architectural
singulier rvlateur dun gnie du lieu qui nchappe point la
et qui de ce fait, prsenterai notre sens, des lments de rponses
ables, donc exploitables, aux multiples questions se rapportant la
nature du rapport habitant/habitat.

CL. BATTAILLON-Le Souf Etude de gographie humaine-Mmoire n2, Alger, E.IMBERT,

Imprimeur 1955


La diagnose comme tape pralable la rehabilitation

La diagnosis como etapa previa a la rehabilitacin
Diagnosis as preliminary to rehabilitation

Organization of Information on Built

Heritage using Multimedia Technologies

Tiago Ilharco, Xavier Romo, Esmeralda Pauprio,

Joo Guedes, Anbal Costa

Tiago Ilharco
Student of the MsC on Rehabilitation of the Built Heritage at the EngiOFFSJOH'BDVMUZPG1PSUP6OJWFSTJUZ '&61
Xavier Romo
Esmeralda Pauprio
Joo Guedes
Anbal Costa
(Tiago Ilharco):
2002 - Civil Engineering degree from the Engineering Faculty of Porto
University (FEUP).
2003/2005 Worked as a Civil engineer at GIBB Portugal and participated in the scalization of Porto light rail system.
2005/2007 - Scholar investigator at the Nucleus for Conservation of
Buildings and Heritage (NCREP) and at the Institute of Construction
(IC), both integrated on FEUP, collaborating in a range of projects
involving the inspection, diagnosis, structural analysis, study and
implementation of innovative techniques for the rehabilitation and
strengthening of various existing buildings.
Conservation of the Built Heritage at FEUP entitled: Diagnosis and
Structural Strengthening of Timber Floors of Ancient Buildings.
Rua Dr. Roberto Frias S/N 4200-465 Porto, PORTUGAL

The traditional architecture of a country, as an essential part of its
historical and cultural identity, needs to be preserved. This paper
presents an instrument developed for traditional Portuguese
constructions, but prepared to be used on any construction type.
The rehabilitation task may only be accomplished upon a thorough


examination of the current condition of the constructions.

One of the components of this process is a comprehensive survey of
the existing construction. This survey must use appropriate information
identication and acquisition techniques to produce information
enabling professionals to understand the construction and its context
with the necessary precision.
Conservation of existing constructions asks for a methodology
including the steps of Analysis (involving the technical inspection),
Diagnosis, Therapy and Control. The rst two are essential for a correct
intervention helping to dene both technologies and materials that
better suit the construction characteristics.
Results obtained on these phases usually appear on a written technical
report, which is the fundamental asset for support of the intervention
(Therapy and Control) options and is an important instrument in the
rehabilitation decision making process, therefore contributing to
increase the knowledge about the construction and highlighting the
approaches and interests of each area of expertise.
2.The need for adequate documentation and information
To obtain a usable dataset of information, survey operations must be
coupled with adequate documentation techniques. Diculties in the
documentation and presentation of the gathered information, resulting
from the use of inadequate dissemination formats, are accountable
for enhancing the gap between information users (project managers,
planners and decision makers) and information providers (surveyors
and specialists). For the information users, the presented data must
remain clear and self-explanatory, and should increase the interest in
having this knowledge, thus highlighting the construction value and
justifying the intervention necessity. Therefore, the documentation
and presentation of information processes are accountable for the
successful development of a conservation project at the technical,
nancial and social levels.
Information identication and acquisition techniques must meet
specic requirements depending on the problem (e.g. a structural
stability problem, the deterioration of stone or adobe surfaces or the
conservation of wall paintings), and will also depend on the construction
size and the accuracy level needed. Nonetheless, one must be reminded
that survey protocols ideal for all circumstances are inexistent. Survey
operations include geometric recordings, observational damage levels
recordings, photographing, in-situ chemical or structural tests on
materials and data gathering concerning the constructions history.
Data from the survey is then organized and presented to enable a wellfounded Analysis of the construction ultimately producing a Diagnosis
about its state. In most cases, information is presented using written
reports containing the full information range related to all areas of
expertise. Since conservation projects normally involve multidisciplinary
teams, the report preparation contributes to conciliate the dierent
intervention areas.
The main drawback of this approach for information presentation
is that reports presenting information on many areas of expertise
are becoming less practical due to the large amount of information
included. In such cases, each technician chooses to consult only
information directly addressing its area of expertise, thus missing out
on the comprehensive multidisciplinary conservation approach.

La diagnose comme tape pralable la rehabilitation

La diagnosis como etapa previa a la rehabilitacin
Diagnosis as preliminary to rehabilitation

3.Multimedia for information management and presentation

The Nucleus for the Conservation and Rehabilitation of Buildings and
Built Heritage (NCREP, of the Engineering Faculty
of the Porto University has been involved in numerous conservation
and rehabilitation projects, performing numerous surveys and technical
inspections on dierent construction types. During these, NCREP
members have been confronted with diculties regarding information
management, organization and presentation. The problems found
range from uidity and transparency of information communication,
misleading interpretation of technical data and poor interdisciplinary
collaboration. Therefore, classical written reports have been reckoned
to fall short in presenting information in a suitable way and are dicult
to examine and handle when including a broad range of information.
Therefore, and extending the knowledge gathered from the ARIS03
course1 which aimed at improving architectural conservation practice
by using methods and tools of recording, documentation, inventories
and information management, NCREP has been exploring and
developing complementary means of information and knowledge
presentation that can include data representations that in classical
written report formats are not easily introduced. Nonetheless, it
should be emphasized that these new data presentation means are
only complements to written reports and not their replacement. The
developed complementary means are in the form of multimedia
modules assembled into CD-Roms.
4.Multimedia frameworks for conservation and rehabilitation
In heritage rehabilitation several aspects of data presentation can be
enhanced using multimedia technologies. In addition to classical format
types (text, photos and technical drawings) multimedia technologies
allow the inclusion of components having dierent interactivity
levels. For example, one can create interactive damage maps of the
construction enabling interactive switching between schematics and
photos of the observed damage.
Interactive location maps are also an option. They are based on
schematic representations of the constructions neighbourhood and
include interactive switching between photos of the construction
surroundings for a complete view and understanding of the
architectural morphology.
Interactive tridimensional models of the construction can also be
created. These may address the constructions architectural/structural
aspects. This type of information presentation enables real time
interaction with the model, allowing users to move, rotate or zoom the
model, to enable/disable the visibility of the construction elements and
to dene 3D cut cross-sections.
Simultaneously, strengthening interventions can be presented in 3D
models, where the steps are exposed allowing users to understand the
intervention step by step.
These applications intend to increase knowledge about the reality,
when compared to the understanding gained from written reports,
by combining existing imagery with computer generated images and
functionality. Multimedia modules developed by NCREP focus two key
aspects for information presentation visual aiding and interactivity
towards improvement, enhancement and simplication of the access
to the available information about a construction under study.

5.Examples of multimedia contents for presentation of

5.1.Case study description
The case study is a XIXth century rich urban house of the city of
Porto, Portugal, Fig.12. Although severe structural pathologies were
not detected (except on the roof structure), the house requires,
nonetheless, conservation interventions to be carried out due to
detected non-structural pathologies in the nishing elements, mainly
due to water inltration. Special care was taken on the denition of
such interventions in order to minimize the intervention as suggested
5.2.Multimedia contents
Due to the considerable size and quality of the interior nishings, the
option was taken to build a global interactive architectural model giving
access to room by room information. After selecting a room, once
can access information addressing the pathologies and their location
over that room through planar views of the walls and ceiling. A menu
available for each room gives access to additional information, such as
cut-cross sections of the walls and oors where structural and covering
materials are fully characterized and to technical text descriptions of
the nishing techniques used in the room, Fig.2.
The 3D model of the house is an important piece of information, Fig.3.
Although presenting architectural elements such as interior walls and
door openings, it was mainly developed to characterize the house
structure. With this model, one may perform dynamic cut cross sections
to view parts of the house, measure the depth of structural walls, the
length of the timber beams of the oors or visualize the connection
points of the oors and of the roof to the walls.
Data concerning the proposed strengthening intervention was also
presented with 3D models, where the intervention steps are presented.
Fig.4 shows the strengthening of a wooden truss located on the houses
roof structure. It should be noted that these interactive contents can be
inserted within the written report, for added visualization possibilities
when reading it on a computer, using the recent 3D PDF format (http://
6.Final remarks
This paper emphasizes the need for complements to written technical
reports for presentation and interpretation of information. Multimedia
technologies in the form of interactive multimedia frameworks
integrating pictorial, textual and animated information compiled in
multimedia CD ROMs are seen as potential candidates. Advantages
of such strategy for managing information on heritage constructions
were focussed.
A case study was developed for a traditional house in Porto, Portugal
and information concerning construction techniques and structural,
architectural and general/local geographical aspects are included in
the applications. Their development was found to be an interesting
example on how multimedia tools and environments can assist in
information management and presentation.
Multimedia frameworks greatly enhance and ease the exchange of
information between dierent members of multidisciplinary teams
involved in assessment and rehabilitation of constructions, thus
increasing the overall eciency of the project management. Thus,
information presentation with the aid of such tools is an aordable


La diagnose comme tape pralable la rehabilitation

La diagnosis como etapa previa a la rehabilitacin
Diagnosis as preliminary to rehabilitation

component of increasing importance within the current information

society where communication and visualization of data are fundamental
La maison du Souf sorganise autour dune cour ferme si elle est
villageoise et ouverte si elle est rurale, la quelle on accde par une
entre en chicane. Les pices qui la constituent se composant dune
cuisine, un cellier Khabia et dun nombre de chambres Ghorfa
ou Damsa si le plafond est en forme de voute, sagrgent les unes
aux autres au fur et mesure que les besoins de la famille qui loccupe
grandissent. Sur les cots nord et sud de la maison, deux espaces
souvrent sur la cour mais toujours couverts sont appels Sabat . Le
premier permet aux occupants de la maison de proter dun maximum
densoleillement pendant les mois dhiver, le second pour sen protger
durant les saisons chaudes. Une cave est aussi prvue cet eet en
construction souterraine. Un table pour chvres et poulaier, la Zriba
fait aussi partie des espaces de service mais souvent en retrait par
rapport au reste des chambres.
Les systmes constructifs traditionnels sont ces dirents savoir-faire
ancestraux, dans le domaine de la construction, appels arts de btir
faon cognitive par lapplication et lexercice, autrement dit, par la
tradition . Cette attitude a t galement celle des sous pendant trs
longtemps. Les sexagnaires sous aujourdhui encore parle du rituel de
lacte de btir El oued. Du ramassage dos dne, plusieurs mtres
de profondeur dans les Ghots, des seuls matriaux de construction

ARIS03, Architectural Records, Inventories and Information Systems for Conservation,

ICCROM, 2003.

COSTA, A., GUEDES, J.M., PAUPRIO, E., ORNELAS, C., ILHARCO, T., Relatrio de inspeco Casa
Marqus de Pombal n.o 30, IC-FEUP, 2005.

Recommendations for the analysis, conservation and structural restoration of

architectural heritage, ICOMOS, 2001.


La diagnose comme tape pralable la rehabilitation

La diagnosis como etapa previa a la rehabilitacin
Diagnosis as preliminary to rehabilitation

Sistema de informacin arquitectnico

Ma Amparo Nez Andrs, Felipe Buill Pozuelo,
Nieves Lantada Zarzosa
Felipe Buill es I. T en Topografa por la UPM y licenciado en geografa
por la UB. Desde 1990 es profesor de la titulacin de I. T. Topogrca
en la EPSEB-UPC. Su actividad principal se enmarca en las tcnicas
fotogramtrica y topogrca.
Ma Amparo Nez es I. T en Topografa e I. en Geodesia y Cartografa
por la UPV y doctora por la UPC. Desde 1999 es profesora de la titulacin de I. T. Topogrca en la EPSEB-UPC. Su actividad principal se
enmarca en el mbito de la cartografa y topografa.
Nieves Lantada es I. T en Topografa por la UPM e I. en Geodesia y Cartografa por la UPV. Desde 1998 es profesora de la titulacin de I. Caminos, Canales y Puertos en la ETSECCPB-UPC. Su actividad principal se
enmarca en el mbito de los sistemas de informacin geogrca.
Direccin postal:
Dr. Gregorio Maran, 44-50.
Direccin de correo electrnico:
934 05 40 19

La gran mayora de los sistemas de informacin geogrca (SIG) creados

hasta el momento han tenido siempre una utilizacin generalizada en
los mbitos catastrales, urbansticos, cartogrcos, mantenimiento de
servicios, vialidad,...
Estos sistemas de informacin no slo se pueden aplicar a escala
territorial, tambin se pueden utilizar a escalas propias del edicio, de
forma independiente o interrelacionndolo con el territorio, vinculando
informacin catastral y urbanstica con informacin arquitectnica. De
esta forma se puede tener centralizada toda la informacin grca y
alfanumrica en un mismo sistema, pudiendo realizarse consultas e
informes de una forma rpida y sin riesgo de prdidas o confusin.
Son realmente de gran utilidad en procesos de rehabilitacin de edicios
al poder disponer de normativas, informes, planos, fotografas,... y dems
informacin recogida a lo largo del tiempo, para todo un elemento o
parte de l, y relacionando ste con otros que pueden pertenecer al
edicio o a otro distinto, integrando el edicio al lugar en el que se
encuentra. De esta forma se permite una mayor coordinacin de los
trabajos al completar las distintas fases as como las diferentes visiones
de tipo social, econmico..., permitiendo gestionar la informacin
arquitectnica con relacin a la zona urbana a la que pertenece.
Permite solucionar diversos problemas relacionados con el patrimonio,
como son los estudios histricos, estudios de patologas, archivos
fotogrcos, estudios del color, creacin de sistemas para organizar

y clasicar la informacin arquitectnica (base de datos), realizar

consultas e informes de la base de datos grca y alfanumrica, y tratar
y georreferenciar las imgenes digitales (recticacin, ltros, ...).
1. Introduccin
Desde su aparicin en los aos 70 los Sistemas de Informacin
Geogrca (SIG) han sufrido una gran evolucin ligada al aumento
de la capacidad de computacin de los ordenadores, amplindose
el abanico de aplicaciones que, tradicionalmente en el mbito de la
arquitectura y el urbanismo, se haban desarrollado en los siguientes

como puede ser la cartografa temtica.

Estas aplicaciones se han extendido a la gestin del transporte,

medioambiente,... y en menor medida a la gestin del patrimonio, pero
siempre desde un punto de vista 2D.
En este artculo presentamos un Sistema de Informacin Arquitectnico
en el que se trata tanto la informacin bidimensional como la
tridimensional (2D y 3D). La primera a nivel general, ciudad dividida
en manzanas. Mientras que cuando nos centramos en el edicio
pasamos a considerar la informacin espacial. Esta segunda aplicacin
se centra en los diferentes componentes arquitectnicos del edicio,
asocindoles a cada uno de ellos toda la informacin, tanto grca como
alfanumrica, necesaria en el desarrollo de las diferentes aplicaciones
arquitectnicas, como puede ser la catalogacin de edicios, estudios
temporales y, en general, planos temticos de todo tipo. Debido a
la general carencia de informacin grca de las edicaciones, se
pretende que esta herramienta pueda funcionar desde el principio sin
necesidad de una base grca denitiva, siendo el propio usuario el
que pueda crear esta informacin, partiendo de un croquis o una idea
aproximada de los elementos constitutivos del edicio, con posibilidad
de editar y completar los datos grcos iniciales as como los datos
La aplicacin ha sido desarrollada sobre un programa implementado
desde los Laboratorios de Fotogrametra y Cartografa de la EPSEBUPC.
2. Estructura general del SIA
El Sistema de Informacin Arquitectnico ha sido programado de forma
que trabaja de forma modular empleando Visual Basic para los mdulos
de tratamiento de informacin vectorial y alfanumrica, gestin de la
informacin, consultas y generacin de informes. Para el tratamiento
de la informacin rster (fotogrca principalmente) se ha empleado
el lenguaje de programacin Visual C++ debido a su mayor capacidad
para la realizacin de los procesos de recticacin y georeferenciacin.
El programa se ha estructurado en cuatro mdulos:
alfanumrica como grca.


La diagnose comme tape pralable la rehabilitation

La diagnosis como etapa previa a la rehabilitacin
Diagnosis as preliminary to rehabilitation


La informacin se estructura a partir de un mapa base del territorio,
al que se van vinculando los mapas fachada, es decir, los diferentes
alzados de los edicios que conforman la manzana.
Estos mapas fachada tal y como se ha comentado anteriormente no
tienen porque ser denitivos, si no que basta con una base grca
a la que ir vinculando la informacin y cuya geometra se puede ir
modicando con las herramientas grcas disponibles en el programa.
Las opciones de que se dispone para la introduccin de la informacin

realizar directamente desde el programa. (mdulo imagen)
As pues, una de las principales funciones de esta herramienta es
la posibilidad de crear croquis sobre las fachadas de los edicios
a los que vincular desde un primer momento informacin de los
elementos que en ella se encuentren. Posteriormente, y trabajando
con la imagen digital de esa fachada, se obtendr la vectorizacin
de todos los elementos, con una herramienta implementada dentro
del propio software, que permite efectuar este trabajo sin necesidad
de migrar a un programa de diseo externo, y su conversin a una
representacin grca mtrica, sin perder nunca el vnculo con la
informacin asociada al mismo, para lo cual es necesario establecer
un sistema de cdigos que permitan la identicacin clara y nica
de cada elemento, tanto en el grco como en la base de datos.
La descripcin de cada uno de los mdulos se realizar a travs de
una aplicacin sobre varias masas de la localidad de Folgueroles
3. Aplicacin
3.1. Entrada de datos
Segn la naturaleza de los datos el mdulo a emplear ser el de Croquis
o Imagen, el primero de ellos permite la introduccin en formato
vectorial, mientras que el segundo permite la entrada de imgenes
digitales que pueden ser recticadas y por tanto dotarlas de cualidades
En el ejemplo propuesto partimos de la segunda de las opciones, ya
que hoy en da con la generalizacin del uso de las cmaras digitales
es la va ms comn y rpida. Introduciendo la imagen en formato
BMP, obtenida con una cmara no mtrica de resolucin 3.3 Mpixel,
se realiza la correccin de la distorsin ptica y con los puntos de
control obtenidos mediante observacin topogrca se procede a su
recticacin y georeferenciacin.
Otras de las operaciones que se pueden hacer en este mdulo son:
el histograma para cada canal, convertir la imagen a escala de
que consideremos importantes: bordes de los elementos, eliminar


La imagen recticada resultante se abre en el modulo croquis, gura
2, donde se procede a la digitalizacin de cada uno de los elementos
presentes en la fachada.
Cada tipo de objeto se almacenar en una capa que contendr un
nico tipo de elemento: lneas, polgonos o puntos. A la vez que se
van digitalizando los objetos se pueden introducir el identicador del
elemento, que como veremos posteriormente actuar de campo clave.
El resultado de la digitalizacin puede ser guardado en DXF o
exportado a formato SHP, siendo este ltimo el que acepta el modulo
general, donde se realizar la gestin y explotacin de la base de datos
En el caso de estudio se han considerado como diferentes capas de
informacin: los huecos (ventanas y puertas), elementos ornamentales
(escudos, relojes de sol,...), patologas: manchas de humedad, reas de
prdida recubrimiento de la fachada, grietas, ... y servicios: cables, cajas
de luz,...
3.2. Tratamiento y gestin de los datos
En el modulo general una vez disponemos de la informacin vectorial
en formato SHP podemos vincular la informacin alfanumrica de la
que se disponga a partir del campo clave creado en la tabla de atributos
cuya vinculacin es directa sobre la base grca.
Sobre la base de datos se pueden aadir tablas completas que se
vincularn mediante los campos clave (identicador para la tabla
principal) o nicamente campos correspondientes con los diferentes
atributos vinculados con el elemento constructivo.
En el caso de estudio se ha prestado especial atencin a los materiales,
patologas y elementos articiales que perturban la arquitectura de la
fachada como los cables de luz, telefona, cajas, mangueras,...
Una de las principales funciones de este modulo es crear consulta
sobre la base de datos grca y alfanumrica, para lo cual se dispone
de dos caminos: utilizar el asistente que incorpora la propia aplicacin
o directamente en lenguaje SQL.
Otras de las herramientas presentes en este modulo permiten:




3.3. Salida de datos

A travs del mdulo de salida de datos es posible la creacin de
informes personalizados que recogen el resultado de las consultas
realizadas, conteniendo tanto informacin alfanumrica como grca.
4. Conclusiones
La utilizacin de los sistemas de informacin geogrca aplicados
al mbito arquitectnico, en concreto a la rehabilitacin, permite
optimizar los procesos y controlar de una manera eciente todos los
trabajos que se han realizado y se han de desarrollar. La utilizacin junto
a los SIA de tcnicas digitales fotogrcas, as como otros sistemas de

La diagnose comme tape pralable la rehabilitation

La diagnosis como etapa previa a la rehabilitacin
Diagnosis as preliminary to rehabilitation

captura de informacin geomtrica son un valor aadido que permite

a los tcnicos interrelacionar la informacin y cruzarla para extraer todo
tipo de informes.
Adems estos sistemas pueden ser desarrollados y particularizados de
una forma muy libre, respondiendo de una manera ms efectiva a los
problemas que se puedan plantear en cada caso.
these two temporal and linguistic extremes. Among these ones
we can found also both elements of foreign import, and signs from
Sardinian traditional graphic forms used too in the ancient production
of clothes.
An interesting variant, in the nineteenth Century, is represented by
castings that allowed rich details, they represented the testimony of
the rst industrial activities.
As well as wrought iron works, the use of zinc sheets to realise small
elements completing the little boxes to hold the water at the gutter
stop end, joints. Its very unusual nowadays these constituents located

BUILL, F., LANTADA, N., NEZ, A., 2001.Sistemas de informacin aplicado a la arquitectura, III
Jornadas de fotogrametra arquitectnica. Sistemas de documentacin y representacin del
patrimonio, Valladolid,
BURROUGH, P.A., 1983. Principles of geographical information systems for land resources
assesment. Claredon Press, Oxford.
HEINE, E, 1999. High precision building documentation: element denition and data
structuring. XVII CIPA SYMPOSIUM, Recife,
NEZ ANDRS, M.A., 2000. Sistemas de informacin geogrco aplicado a la gestin urbana.
pag. 355-360. EGA2000, VIII CONGRESO, Barcelona.
SANJUAN, A., MORANT, T., PUMAR, M.N., 1999. Digital photogrammetry integration possibilities to
heritage record by an architectural information system. XVII CIPA SYMPOSIUM, Recife.

Figura 2: Imagen recticada y croquis.

Figura 1: Esquema y relaciones de los mdulos del SIA

Figura 3: Mdulo general. Ubicacin, alzado y detalle


La diagnose comme tape pralable la rehabilitation

La diagnosis como etapa previa a la rehabilitacin
Diagnosis as preliminary to rehabilitation

Levantamientos con lser escner

Felipe Buill Pozuelo, Ma. Amparo Nez Andrs
Felipe Buill es I. T en Topografa por la UPM y licenciado en geografa
por la UB. Desde 1990 es profesor de la titulacin de I. T. Topogrca
en la EPSEB-UPC. Su actividad principal se enmarca en las tcnicas
fotogramtrica y topogrca.
Ma Amparo Nez es I. T en Topografa e I. en Geodesia y Cartografa
por la UPV y doctora por la UPC. Desde 1999 es profesora de la titulacin de I. T. Topogrca en la EPSEB-UPC. Su actividad principal se
enmarca en el mbito de la cartografa y topografa.
Direccin postal:
Dr. Gregorio Maran, 44-50.
Direccin de correo electrnico: /
934 05 40 19

1. Introduccin
La tcnica de trabajo empleando lser escner puede asimilarse
en cierta forma a la metodologa de trabajo de algunos equipos
fotogramtricos digitales, puesto que es un sistema de medicin que
no necesita contacto directo con el modelo a levantar, adems se realiza
una captura masiva de puntos y, a diferencia del mtodo tradicional
utilizado en topografa y en fotogrametra analtica convencional, no es
posible tener en cuenta los cambios bruscos de pendiente, las lneas
caractersticas o de ruptura de los elementos a representar, los vacos
de informacin espacial,..., siendo sustituidos stos por una nube de
puntos muy densa que intenta extraer toda la informacin espacial del
conjunto, de manera que una supercie con poco relieve tiene una
separacin de malla similar a la que tiene otra adyacente ms quebrada.
La falta de observacin de las lneas caractersticas queda compensada,
sin embargo, por la gran cantidad de puntos obtenidos, que pueden
ser procesados posteriormente.
Los autores han realizado diversos trabajos relacionados con el
patrimonio, tales como el levantamiento de la fachada del Nacimiento,
parte de la escalera de la cripta y diversos elementos arquitectnicos,
la Catedral de Barcelona, la cara norte del acueducto de Les Ferreres
o Puente del Diablo de Tarragona, la escultura Dona i Ocell de Mir
en Barcelona,... Abarcando un amplio periodo histrico en la zona de
Despus de comprobar los resultados obtenidos, tanto en el barrido
como en el procesado de la informacin grca, se han encontrado las
siguientes ventajas:


tridimensional muy densa y precisa
2. Instrumentacin y metodologa
El sistema lser escner est compuesto por un lser y un escner
(con barrido horizontal y vertical). Utiliza las propiedades del lser de
escner para efectuar el barrido en lneas paralelas que completen la
supercie a levantar. El lser escner mide y guarda no slo la distancia
al objeto sino tambin el valor de la reectancia.
La medida puede realizarse de dos modos diferentes, el conocido como
tiempo de vuelo y los sistemas basados en la triangulacin ptica. A
continuacin pasamos a exponerlos brevemente (Buill et al., 2003):
que tarda un fotodiodo en emitir y detectar una luz lser, de forma
similar al proceso que utilizan los distancimetros electrnicos.
Permiten obtener la situacin de puntos en el espacio con una
precisin alrededor de 5mm para distancias de 30m, y completan el
barrido de un objeto de centenas de metros cuadrados de supercie
en pocos minutos, capturando millones de puntos que denen ese
objeto tridimensionalmente.
espaciales a partir de la interseccin directa (interseccin de rectas)
y es similar al caso estereofotogramtrico, con la diferencia de que
en un extremo del sistema bicmara se sita el diodo emisor (lser
escner) y en el otro extremo se sita el diodo receptor (cmara de
vdeo CCD), por lo que necesita solamente una nica cmara. En este
caso, la rapidez del barrido depende del sensor CCD utilizado en la
cmara de vdeo: lineal o supercial (frame) pudiendo llegar, como
en el caso probado, a valores de pocos segundos en el barrido y
captura de la informacin, consiguiendo resoluciones espaciales de
340.000 pxeles con precisiones estimadas alrededor de los 0,02mm
para distancias de 2m.
En todos los casos, el lser escner realiza un barrido de perles paralelos
con una separacin angular predenida, capturando mediciones
punto por punto, con una velocidad de captura de miles de puntos
por segundo. Algunos modelos (gura 1) permiten la captura de series
de mediciones para cada punto, efectuando de esta forma la media de
cada una de ellas y mejorando considerablemente la medida nal del
punto. Las coordenadas de los puntos estn referidas, inicialmente, a
la posicin del escner en el momento del barrido y depender de la
orientacin y nivelacin del sistema de coordenadas del lser escner
en ese momento.
En funcin del movimiento y de la posicin que ocupa el sensor en
el momento de la toma podemos clasicar los sistemas en estticos y
En el primero de ellos la forma de toma de datos es similar a la que
se realiza con un taqumetro o estacin total topogrca, el sensor
es estacionado sobre un trpode o directamente sobre el suelo, con
la diferencia de que el barrido es automtico con un mismo valor de
separacin angular, y que no se necesita nivelar y orientar el aparato
de captura, el cabezal del lser escner terrestre. La fusin de varias

La diagnose comme tape pralable la rehabilitation

La diagnosis como etapa previa a la rehabilitacin
Diagnosis as preliminary to rehabilitation

nubes de puntos, tomadas desde diferentes posiciones y orientaciones,

se efecta por identicacin de puntos homlogos en las diversas
nubes de datos, y se unen mediante transformaciones de semejanza
espaciales. La orientacin nal del elemento se realiza mediante
mtodos indirectos a partir de la medida de coordenadas de diversos
puntos identicables en las escenas. Los programas de clculo de los
que disponen estos sistemas permiten efectuar la correlacin de puntos
comunes de las diferentes nubes de puntos de forma semiautomtica,
as como su clculo y fusin. De esta forma se pueden completar los
vacos dejados por elementos ms cercanos al lser y que pueden
ocultar informacin importante, como ocurre en el caso topogrco
Mediante el sistema cinemtico es posible realizar la orientacin
directa de las observaciones del sistema lser de modo que se
obtengan las coordenadas directamente, para ello es necesario que
el sistema de captura lser escner este integrado con un equipo que
permita el posicionamiento en todo momento. Esto se consigue con la
combinacin de receptores GPS (Global Position System) con sistemas
inerciales (INS) Todos estos elementos van integrados sobre una
plataforma rgida, de la que se conoce la posicin de cada elemento
respecto a los dems de modo que, mediante los dispositivos de
comunicacin adecuados, se transmite la orientacin obtenida
mediante GPS e INS, o bien mediante dos antenas GPS al lser escner.
La sincronizacin se realiza mediante una entrada de las seales de
tiempo (pps/pulso por segundo) generadas por los receptores GPS y
mediante las seales generadas a su vez por el lser al inicio de cada
lnea barrida (Bosch et al., 2003).
Una vez realizada la toma se procede al postprocesado de la nube
de puntos que permite segmentar la informacin, eliminar puntos
utilizando variables estadsticas, clasicar los puntos por distancia
(alejamiento), clasicar los puntos por reectancia, denir primitivas
para conjuntos de puntos, introducir ltros de alisamiento, etc. Con
esta nube de puntos, ya depurada, se puede realizar el mallado
consiguiendo una supercie del modelo tridimensional que permitir
diversos trabajos posteriores.
La posibilidad de denir primitivas tales como el plano, el cono, el
cilindro, la esfera,..., permite sustituir cantidades ingentes de puntos
por supercies denidas matemticamente que permiten aligerar
procesos posteriores a la hora de trabajar con mucha informacin.
Naturalmente, en el proceso de ltrado o generalizacin existe un
alisamiento de supercies que hay que tener en cuenta, pero que en
muchas actividades son claramente asimilables.
Las posibilidades de ltrado de la informacin que permite el
postproceso no es la nica ventaja que presenta este tipo de sistemas de
captura masiva de puntos. Tambin se pueden efectuar presentaciones
de los modelos en funcin de la reectancia o de la distancia a la que
se encuentra el modelo del lser escner (gura 2). Tambin se pueden
capturar imgenes fotogrcas digitales del elemento a levantar con
la cmara fotogrca de la que suelen ir provistos, permitiendo realizar
la superposicin de imgenes fotogrcas sobre el modelo mallado.
De esta forma se consigue un modelo virtual tridimensional similar al
objeto real, permitiendo tener una visin ms parecida a la real. Tambin
se pueden conseguir de una manera rpida documentos mtricos
de elementos complejos tales como ortofotografas, al disponer del
modelo tridimensional y de imgenes fotogrcas.
Una de las aplicaciones ms importantes que se pueden efectuar con
estos sistemas es la llamada ingeniera inversa, que utiliza las nubes de

puntos capturadas con el escner y herramientas informticas como

las comentadas anteriormente de sustitucin de estas nubes de puntos
por supercies denidas por diversas primitivas, para regenerar objetos
y poder compararlos o denirlos matemticamente. Las aplicaciones
de detalle incluyen la realizacin de planos as-built (Runne et al.,
2001)(Stephan et al., 2002), control dimensional industrial, control de
calidad, inventario,...
3. Ejemplo
Se muestra uno de los ejemplos ms signicativos de la arquitectura
romnica en el Pirineo, el levantamiento de la Ermita de Sant Joan de
Caselles (Canillo-Andorra). Se trata de una iglesia que presenta una
sola nave rectangular con un bside semicircular. En la parte norte
de la nave se levanta el campanario de planta cuadrangular de estilo
lombardo. Presenta tres niveles diferentes de ventanas. En la actualidad
se comunica con el interior mediante un cuerpo rectangular, aadido
posteriormente, puesto que originariamente el campanario era
independiente a la ermita, la cual conserva en su interior la decoracin
romnica original, combinando la pintura mural con un retablo del
siglo XVI dedicado a San Juan Evangelista.
Para su levantamiento se empleo el sensor Riegl LMS-Z420i, realizndose
siete tomas en el interior de la nave y diez en el exterior.
Para el registro de las nubes de puntos de las tomas interiores se
colocaron dianas de diferentes tipos, ocho cilindros reectantes y cuatro
dianas circulares planas reectantes. De estas seales, estn presentes
en todos los barridos realizados un mnimo de cuatro de modo que
permitan calcular los parmetros de transformacin entre los sistemas
coordenados, utilizndose uno de los barridos como referencia al que
llevar todos los dems (a esta operacin se la denomina registro de las
nubes de puntos).
Para el registro de las nubes de puntos obtenidas en los barridos
exteriores se utilizaron las propias nubes para realizar el ajuste mediante
un proceso iterativo empleando mnimos cuadrados (Gruen y Akca,
2005). El resultado nal se georeferenci a partir de las coordenadas
de alguno de los puntos obtenidas por topografa, de modo que tanto
el levantamiento interior como el exterior se encontraran en el mismo
sistema de referencia.
Tras la toma de cada nube de puntos el propio sistema realiza una
cobertura fotogrca de 360o. A partir de las fotografas obtenidas se le
puede dar color a cada uno de los puntos medidos (Ullrich et al., 2002),
ver guras 3 y 4.
Una vez registradas las nubes de puntos y mediante el tratamiento con
el programa PointTools se procedi a la obtencin de las secciones
arquitectnicas (proceso posible al estar georeferenciadas las nubes de
puntos), ver gura. Como las nubes de puntos disponen de geometra,
valor de reectividad y color la salida grca puede tener apariencia
fotogrca en gris o color, a eleccin del usuario.
Esta documentacin digital en formato rster puede ser vectorizada
utilizando cualquier programa de diseo.
4. Conclusiones
El nmero de sistemas lser escner terrestre existentes en el
mercado hoy en da permiten trabajar a muy corta distancia, de pocos
decmetros o centmetros, y a distancias de centenares de metros e
incluso kilmetros, a la vez que obtienen gran cantidad de puntos con
una calidad elevada en las mediciones sobre el objeto.
Otra de las ventajas de estos sensores es la rapidez en la toma de datos,


La diagnose comme tape pralable la rehabilitation

La diagnosis como etapa previa a la rehabilitacin
Diagnosis as preliminary to rehabilitation

con la posibilidad de trabajar con diferentes tamaos de mallado que

permiten in situ comprobar si la supercie est recogida de forma
efectiva. Al igual que en el caso fotogramtrico todo el trabajo se realiza
sin necesidad de perturbar el objeto del levantamiento, permitiendo
tambin efectuar levantamientos completos al sumar las diferentes
capturas parciales.
De la misma forma que en los casos de captura masiva de puntos
(fundamentalmente fotogramtricos terrestres) est sufriendo una
evolucin hacia unas tcnicas de tratamiento (ltrado, primitivas...)
de estos datos espaciales (puntos), permitiendo aligerar el tamao de
los cheros al sustituir stos por supercies denidas analticamente,
fundamental en algunos casos industriales y arquitectnicos.
Se puede concluir diciendo que se est modicando la forma de
efectuar los levantamientos tridimensionales, que acabarn pronto por
imponerse a otras tcnicas y sistemas por su calidad y rapidez.

Figura 1: Algunos modelos de lser escner empleados.

BOSCH, E., ALAMUS, R., SERRA, A., BARON, A., TALAYA, J., (2003). GeoVan: El Sistema de cartografa
terrestre mvil del ICC. 5a Semana Geomtica de Barcelona.
BUILL, F., GILI, J.A., NEZ, M.A., REGOT, J., TALAYA, J., (2003). Aplicacin del Lser Escner
Terrestre para levantamientos Arquitectnicos y Arqueolgicos. 5a Semana Geomtica de

Figura 2: Representacin de los puntos en funcin del valor de reectividad obtenido.

GRUEN A., AKCA D., (2005). Least squares 3D surface and curve matching. ISPRS Journal of
Photogrammetry & Remote Sensing no 59, pp. 151 174.
Riegl Laser Measurements Systems GmbH. Laser Mirror Scanner LMS-Z210 Technical
documentation. and Users Instructions.
RUNNE, H., NIEMEIER, W., KERN, F., (2001). Application of Laser Scanners to Determine the
Geometry of Buildings, 5th Conference on Optical 3-D Measurement Techniques, Wien.
for As-Built-Documentation, Geodesy for Geotehnical and Structural Engineering II, Berln.
ULLRICH, A., REICHERT, R., SCHWARZ, R., RIEGL, J., (2001). Time-of-ight-based 3D imaging sensor with
true-color channel for automated texturing, 5th Conference on Optical 3-D Measurement
Techniques, Wien.

Figura 3: Imagen fotogrca de la iglesia romnica de Sant Joan de Caselles y nube de

puntos resultado del escaneado.

Figura 4: Modelo sinttico de la iglesia romnica por coloracin de la nube de puntos y

salidas grcas.


La diagnose comme tape pralable la rehabilitation

La diagnosis como etapa previa a la rehabilitacin
Diagnosis as preliminary to rehabilitation

Caractrisation des matriaux et de

laltration des remparts
pour une restauration adapte :
exemple dune muraille du
Contrefort de Hri Souani, Mdina de
Mekns, Maroc
Rabha Ajakane1, Said Kamel1, Rachida Mahjoubi1,
Jean Marc Vallet3, Philippe Bromblet3, Jean Dominique Meunier4 et Rachid Bouabid2

Facult des Sciences, Universit Moulay Ismail, Mekns, Maroc ,, Tl. 212 61386693
Ecole National de lAgriculture, Mekns, Maroc
CICRP, Marseille, France
CEREGE, Aix en-Provence, France.

Mekns est lune des plus grandes villes impriales du Maroc qui
retrace travers ses monuments, lhistoire de la ville depuis sa
fondation au IXme sicle. Toute la Mdina est clture par des
remparts imposants sur plus de 40 km de long et ces murailles sont
perces dune vingtaine de portes monumentales. Ces remparts sont
gnralement dans un tat dplorable, dont certains menacent en
ruine. La dgradation des remparts est le rsultat concomitant de divers
facteurs environnementaux et anthropiques. Les altrations causes
par les eaux nanmoins dominantes. Ainsi, les processus de dissolutionrecristallisation ameublissent le pis et causent la dsagrgation du
Le matriau de base de construction des remparts de la Mdina de
Mekns est un pis compos dun mlange de terre caillouteuse
carbonate et parfois de chaux. Ltude des sols environnant montre
que le matriel utilis a t extrait des saprolites friables locales
dveloppes sur les calcaires lacustres plio-quaternaires.
Les restaurations entreprises, jusqu prsent avec divers matriaux,
se sont soldes par des checs, do la ncessit de comprendre le
problme et dintervenir aussi sur les causes des dgradations. Ainsi,
les prconisations doivent prendre en compte la compatibilit des
matriaux utiliser et proposer aussi des amnagements la base des
murailles pour assurer lvacuation des eaux.
I Introduction
Mekns est lune des grandes villes impriales du Maroc fonde au
IXme sicle. En 1996, la Mdina de Mekns a t classe par lUNESCO
comme patrimoine mondial de lhumanit. Toute la Mdina est clture
par des remparts imposants sur plus de 40 km de long et ces remparts
sont percs dune vingtaine de portes monumentales, dont la majorit
est dote de dcors somptueux forties de tours et de bastions.
Cet hritage architectural, connat dans son tat actuel des dgradations

alarmantes, en raison des dirents paramtres qui sont lis laction

anthropique, des inltrations, des restaurations inadaptes, manque de

Lobjectif de ce travail est de caractriser le matriel de construction
dune muraille du centre la Mdina de Mekns (Fig. 1) et de recenser
les dirents dommages observs. Ceci dans le but dvaluer limpact
des divers facteurs daltration sur la dgradation des constructions
et de mieux comprendre le comportement des matriaux vis--vis
de laltration physico-chimique, an daider au choix de matriaux
compatibles avec le matriau dorigine et la mise en uvre de
mthodes de restauration appropries.
An de caractriser le matriel de construction des murailles de la
Mdina de Mekns et de dterminer les altrations qui les aectent,
plusieurs campagnes de terrains ont t ralises. La ressemblance des
matriaux de construction de ces murailles, nous a conduit limiter
notre travail la muraille de Sidi Baba qui se situe la priphrie NordOuest de la ville de Mekns et celle de Hri Souani qui se situe
environ 500 m au Sud du palais royal et de la place Mechouar. Les
donnes de la muraille de sidi Baba, qui se situe au nord de la mdina,
ont t prsentes sous forme darticle (Ajakane et al., 2005 a).
La prsente tude porte sur une muraille de Hri Souani qui se situe,
dans un autre contexte, au milieu de la Mdina Impriale environ 500
m au Sud du palais royal et de la place Mechouar. Elle est chantillonne
sur 3 mtres environ de hauteur (Fig. 2)
Les chantillons ont t analyss par direntes techniques :
examen ptrographique au microscope polarisant complt par
des observations et des microanalyses au microscope lectronique
balayage de type Philips XL 30ENSEM quip dun systme EDS,
de luniversit de Provence de Marseille Saint Charles, analyse
minralogique par diraction des rayons X (DRX) avec un appareil de
type Panalytical MPD XPert Pro de 40KV x 55mA anode de Cu, analyses
chimiques par ICP (Inductively coupled Plasma emission spectrometry)
au laboratoire danalyses chimiques du CEREGE dAix - Marseille.). Nous
avons galement doss les carbonates par calcimtrie, les sels solubles
par chromatographie ionique aprs une mise en solution normalise
selon la procdure dcrite par la norme italienne DOC NORMAL - 13 /
83. Nous avons aussi procd la mesure de la porosit et de lhumidit
par pycnomtre.
III - Rsultats et discussions
Les murailles de la Mdina de Mekns sont construites par corage
traditionnel de pis terre crue sur lequel est appliqu un enduit de
1- Le pis
Le matriel de construction de la muraille de Hri Souani est un pis
rose jauntre. Il est compos dun mlange de terre plus ou moins
caillouteuse et de chaux. A la base de la muraille, on remarque le
dveloppement en surface de dpt de couleur jaune brun et de
lichens donnant la muraille une couleur plus sombre. Le matriel est
riche en carbonates (50 64%) avec de fortes teneurs la base et au
sommet du prol (Fig. 3).
Sous le microscope photonique, le matriel montre plus de 80%
dlments gurs qui se composent dagrgats de calcaire grseux


La diagnose comme tape pralable la rehabilitation

La diagnosis como etapa previa a la rehabilitacin
Diagnosis as preliminary to rehabilitation

n, de calcaire n, de calcaire cristallin, de grains de quartz de taille et

de forme variables, de calcdoine et de bioclastes (gastropodes). Ces
lments baignent dans une matrice micritique tachete en noir et en
brun rouge silto carbone (Fig. 4).
Ltude minralogique aux rayons X de la roche totale du pis montre
quil est riche en calcite et contient aussi du quartz et une faible
proportion dargiles. Cette phase argileuse et compose de kaolinites
et de smectites. Cette dernire famille reprsente plus de 90% du
cortge argileux (Fig. 5).
La composition chimique en lments majeurs dans le prol de la
muraille de Hri Souani montre des teneurs levs en CaO (40%),
SiO2 (16%) et une perte au feu (LOI) leve de lordre de 30% (g. 6).
Lvolution de ces lments chimiques est marque par de grandes
uctuations 1m pour K2O avec des teneurs maximales de 0,44% et
entre 1 et 2m pour Na2O avec une teneur de 0,65% (Fig. 6).
Ce matriel est poreux la base du prol, moyennement poreux au
milieu (entre 1m et 2m), et trs poreux au-del de 2 m (Fig. 7). Les
observations au MEB montrent des signes de dissolution importante
au sommet et la base du prol (Fig. 8-2). Notons qu la base, une
autre gnration de calcites secondaires de forme rhombodrique et
breuse cristallise dans les pores (Fig. 8 -1)
2 - Lenduit
Les murailles en pis de la vieille ville de Mekns sont recouvertes dun
enduit brun rougetre vraisemblablement appliqu la construction
au XVIIme sicle. Il est dispos en forme dcailles sur le pis pour
lisser et corriger les irrgularits du relief mais aussi pour protger
le pis. Lenduit de la muraille de Hri Souani possde une paisseur
totale denviron 10 mm. Il montre au MEB un aspect relativement
massif, compact et cohrent. Il montre parfois des couches de calcite
lamellaires micromtriques qui lui donnent un aspect breux en coupe
transversale. Lenduit de la muraille de Sidi Baba voisine est compos
de deux couches formes de la chaux adapte son support terreux
(Bromblet et al., 2007).
A la base du prol, ces couches de calcites montrent des gures de
dissolutions sous forme de cavits et de ssures, qui saccompagnent
dun dtachement des lamelles de calcite. Par endroit, la dissolution
dveloppe une structure vacuolaire et pulvrulente dans lenduit, ce
qui rduit son rle protecteur. Par consquent, les eaux mtoriques
peuvent alors provoquer, lorsquelles imbibent le pis, dimportantes
dilatations direntielles entre lenduit et son support terreux., ce qui
peut tre lorigine des nombreux dcollements de direntes tailles
qui aectent lenduit sur toute la hauteur de la muraille, mme au
dessus de la frange capillaire.
IV. Dgradation de la muraille
La muraille de Heri-Swani est situe au centre de la Mdina impriale
dans un endroit conn et non ensoleill. Elle prsente dirents types
de dgradations. Lenduit est absent la base de la muraille, mieux
conserve et lav avec des alvoles sur 2 m de hauteur, il est recouvert
par des lichens et montre des plages pulvrulentes sur le reste de la
Le pis, prsente direntes formes de dgradation selon sa position
par rapport au sol : La base de la muraille, trs largement colonise
par des vgtaux, montre un changement daspect de surface. Au
milieu, o lenduit est absent, le pis est relativement friable et peut
tre colonis directement par les lichens. Au sommet de la muraille, le


recouvrement par les lichens est important avec dveloppement de

plantes suprieures sur le toit du mur. Ainsi, la transformation du pis
en sol est largement avance occup par une vgtation herbace
et arbuste. Des arbres ont pousss entre les murailles et leur rseau
racinaire sest dvelopp dans de larges ssures verticales. La faade
NW de la muraille soure dune importante perte de matire.
Les rsultats du dosage des sels solubles dans le pis de la muraille de
Heri-Swani, montrent que tous les chantillons dpassent largement le
seuil limite qui est de lordre de 0,1 0,2% pour les chlorures et de 0,2%
pour les nitrates. Alors que Les teneurs en sulfates sont quant elles,
infrieures au seuil limite, qui est de lordre de 0,4% (Billault, 2004).
Ces teneurs en sels solubles varient selon un prol vertical. En eet,
except la base et le sommet du prol, o les teneurs en sels sont
relativement faibles, les plus importantes concentrations ont t
les plus leves, et sont de lordre de 2 3%. En revanche les teneurs
en chlorures sont faibles et relativement concentrs au milieu du prol
(Fig. 9).
V - Origines des matriaux de constructions
Les teneurs leve en carbonates (plus de 60%) des matriaux de
constructions et la grande quantit de matire mobilise pour lever
les remparts de 40km de la Mdina de Mekns nous mnent chercher
lorigine de ce matriel dans les formations gologiques locales qui sont
riche en calcaires lacustres (Fassi 1978, El Idrissi 1992). Ainsi nous avons
prlev un prol de prs de cinq mtres dpaisseur sur une tranche
lentre ouest de lautoroute vers Rabat. Il montre de la base vers le
sommet : des calcaires massifs de couleur jaune clair compacts plus
ou moins vacuolaires, la saprolite cohrente de 1,8 m dpaisseur de
couleurs rostre forme de blocs calcaires de dimension dcimtrique,
la saprolite friable de 1m dpaisseur compos de calcaires blanc
pulvrulent. Lensemble du prol est couronn de crote calcaire de 4
5 cm dpaisseur surmonte dun sol brun tachet en blanc la base.
Ltude microfaciologique de la roche mre et de la saprolite cohrente
montre quelles sont constitues essentiellement dune matrice
micritique avec moins de 2% dlments gurs de dbris de coquilles
et des grains de quartz. Lespace poral est plus moins important dans la
saprolite cohrente que dans la roche mre. Les teneurs en carbonates
de la saprolite cohrente sont de lordre de 80%. Ces caractristiques
rappellent les matriaux du pis et laissent penser que, laltrite friable
de ces calcaires lacustres a pu tre exploite pour les constructions en
pis de la Mdina de Mekns.
VI- Dispositions
Les tudes entreprises sur la dgradation des remparts de la Mdina
de Mekns ont permis de montrer que leau est responsable du
dveloppement de la plupart des formes daltrations de nature
chimique (Ajakane et al., 2005b). Leau charge dun mlange dions et
de corps en solution qui attaquent les constructions par la dissolution
et par les recristallisations.
A cet gard, plusieurs dispositions et restaurations peuvent tre
prises en compte pour assurer une bonne restauration et rduire la
dgradation des matriaux :
ldice, mais galement ses alentours:

La diagnose comme tape pralable la rehabilitation

La diagnosis como etapa previa a la rehabilitacin
Diagnosis as preliminary to rehabilitation



en installant un systme de drainage la base des murailles. Dans

le cas chant, il faut donner une pente aux trottoirs avoisinants les
constructions de telle sorte drainer leau loin des murailles.
des murs en liminant les mousses, lichens et autres plantes.
eaux descendantes et leau dinltration (rfection des crneaux du
rempart avec couverture en tuiles ou en feuille mtallique (zinc,
plomb...), canalisations caches pour collecter les eaux et les vacuer
par des descentes pluviales insres dans la muraille...)
la plus avance

des enduits dgrads des remparts de la Mdina de Mekns (Maroc). In Proceedings of

: Rencontre Internationale sur le Patrimoine Architectural Mditerranen (RIPAM), Universit
Moulay Ismail, Mekns-Maroc.
EL IDRISSI M., 1992 : Direntiations des sols du plateau de Mekns : relations avec le modle
et le substrat calcaire - Thse dtat Universit Pierre et Marie Curie. Paris VI. 328p
FASSI D., 1978 : Le Saiss de Mekns- Thse de 3me cycle. Aix en provence, 327p
Presentation of the historical buildings of Mekns (Morocco): from the alterations studies
to a proposal of managements tools for restoration. In Proceedings of: 7th European
ConferenceSAUVEUR Safeguarded Cultural Heritage; Understanding & Viability for the Enlarged
Europe, Prague.

Dautres recommandations sont, de manire gnrale, envisageables :

lectriques et tlphoniques sur les murailles.
dtriorent les votes des portails.
architectural et seorcer de faire respecter la zone de servitude des
Enn, il faut signaler que les interventions de restauration et dentretien
doivent se faire avec des matriaux pralablement tests dont on sest
assur la bonne compatibilit avec le pis et lenduit originaux du

Fig. 4 : Microfacis du pis de la muraille du contre-fort de Hri-Souani. Qz : Quartz, Ag :

agrgat calcaire, Ma : matrice silto-carbonate

AJAKANE R., KAMEL S. ET VALLET J.M., 2003 : Donnes prliminaires sur ltudes de la dgradation
des murailles de la Mdina de Mekns - 2me journes des Gosciences de lenvironnement.
Knitra 13-14 juin 2003. p 326.
T., GUILLAUD H., 2004 : Preliminary studies on the degradations of the medinas ramparts of
Mekns (Morocco)-. In Proceedings of the 10th international congres on deterioration and
conservation of stone, Stockholm, Sweeden, org. by ICOMOS Sweden, edited by Daniel
Kwiatkowski & Runo Lfvendahl, p. 809-815.
2005 a : Caractrisation des matriaux de construction des remparts de la Mdina de
Mekns (Cas du rempart de Sidi-Baba)- In Proceedings of: 2me change transdisciplinaire
sur la construction en terre. Les techniques monolitiques, pis et bauge. Grandes ateliers de
villefontaine. Isre (sous presse)
AJAKANE R, KAMEL S., MAHJOUBI R., VALLET J.M., BROMBLET P., MEUNIER J.D., 2005 b : Impact de laltration
mtorique sur les muraille de la Mdina de Mekns (Maroc)- In Proceedings of : rencontre
Internationale sur le Patrimoine Architectural Mditerranen (RIPAM), Universit Moulay Ismail,
Mekns-ENSAM. p 119.
AJAKANE R., 2006 : caractrisation et diagnostic de la dgradation des matriaux de
construction des monuments historiques : cas des remparts de la Mdina de Mekns,
Maroc. Thse nationale, universit Moulay ismail, Mekns, Maroc.
BARRUCAND M., 1976 : Larchitecture de la Qasba de Moulay Ismail Mekns. Etude et travaux
dArchologie marocaine. Vol. 6. 139 p
BILLAULT V., 2004 : Etude denduits et dosages de sels solubles- rapport ERM (Poitiers). 50p.

Fig. 2 : Dtail du prol de la muraille du contre fort de Hri Souani (SS0 SS8 : les chantillons
prlevs de la base vers le sommet).


La diagnose comme tape pralable la rehabilitation

La diagnosis como etapa previa a la rehabilitacin
Diagnosis as preliminary to rehabilitation

Fig. 5 : Exemple de diractogramme de la fraction ne du pis du contre fort de la muraille

de Hri-Souani (N : normal, G : glycol, H : hydrazine)

Fig. 8-1 : Quelques aspects micro-morphologiques du pis du contre fort de la muraille de

Hri Souani : Prcipitation de la calcite rhombodrique et breuse dans les pores

Fig. 8-2 : Quelques aspects micro-morphologiques du pis du contre fort de la muraille de

Hri Souani : Phnomnes de dissolutions aectant les minraux primaires et secondaires
du pis.


Fig. 6 : Evolution des lments chimiques dans le pis du contre fort de la muraille de Hri

La diagnose comme tape pralable la rehabilitation

La diagnosis como etapa previa a la rehabilitacin
Diagnosis as preliminary to rehabilitation

Los revestimientos de la casa popular:

inspeccin, anlisis y ensayos

Luis Ferre de Merlo y Servando Chinchn Yepes

mbito de la edicacin. Especialista en patologa de la construccin.
Profesor del Departamento de Construcciones Arquitectnicas de la
Universidad de Alicante
Construcciones Arquitectnicas de la Universidad de Alicante.
Especialista en caracterizacin de materiales de construccin.
Direccin postal:
Campus de Sant Vicent del Raspeig.
Ap. Correus 99-E-03080 Alacant
Direccin de correo electrnico:

1.Introduccin histrica
Casa de la Montaa: La Masa
1.1. Descripcin
El mas, maso o heretat, se establece en la provincia de Alicante,
preferentemente en tierras de secano en las comarcas de la Marina Baja,
Valles de Alcoy y Foia de Castalla. Es una construccin del tipo bsico (1)
levantada en dos plantas y cambra, con corral y dependencias anejas
adosadas a un lateral.
1.2. Construccin
Los muros son de mampostera ordinaria, sin enfoscar las ubicadas en
ladera, y enfoscada en las ubicadas en llano, que en algn caso tienen
las aristas de esquina, de fbrica de ladrillo macizo, as como las jambas
de puertas y ventanas.
Las vigas que apoyan en los muros son de madera canteadas salvo en
la cambra que se cubre con vigas ms toscas o troncos. La tabiquera
es de ladrillo macizo enlucido de yeso, y como pavimento piezas
rectangulares de cermica.
La cubierta es de teja curva sobre troncos inclinada a dos aguas que
remata con un alero apoyando en varias hiladas de ladrillos macizos.
Existen variantes con garitones angulares o un matacn sobre la
puerta principal y recercado de huecos de sillera, y otra con una
cerca de mampostera que rodea un patio con corral. En las de muros
sin enfoscar, los dinteles estn resueltos con troncos y clavos para el

2.Inspeccin de los ejemplares y toma de muestras

Nuestro estudio se ha centrado en las comarcas del norte de la provincia
de Alicante, a saber: La Marina Baixa y les Valls del Vinalop
2.1. En el municipio de Castell de Guadalest, de la Marina Baixa,
encontramos una masa construida en planta baja y cambra, que se
puede datar de mediados del sXIX
cuyo estado de conservacin es bueno, permaneciendo en uso hasta
bien entrado el ltimo tercio del sXX.
recercado de cantera en forma de arco sobre la puerta principal de
acceso a la vivienda.
Las muestras tomadas son del revestimiento del muro de fachada y del
mortero de agarre de la mampostera del mismo (Figura 1).
2.2. En el municipio de Petrer, de les Valls del Vinalop, encontramos
subdividida en tres niveles, a saber: zona de cocina, zona de
dormitorios y cambra. Se puede datar de principios del siglo XX,
pero es probable que la zona ms antigua, junto a los corrales hoy
desaparecidos, pudiera ser anterior.
Los muros son de mampostera ordinaria revestida y en las esquinas
tambin est recercado el rectngulo de la puerta de acceso.
Las muestras tomadas, para posterior identicacin, corresponden,
como en el caso anterior, al revestimiento del muro de fachada y al
mortero de agarre de la mampostera (Figura 1).
3.Anlisis de las muestras y resultados
Las muestras correspondientes a los morteros de agarre se han triturado
en un mortero de gata y, posteriormente, se han analizado, mediante
difraccin de rayos X (DRX), en los Servicios Cientco-Tcnicos de la
Universidad de Alicante. Las correspondientes a los revestimientos, se
han analizado en el mismo equipo pero sin triturar.
En la Figura 2 estn representados, superpuestos, los espectros de DRX
del mortero de agarre y del revestimiento de la muestra de la Marina
En la Figura 3, tambin superpuestos, estn representados los espectros
de DRX correspondientes al mortero de agarre y al revestimiento de la
muestra de Valls del Vinalop.
De la interpretacin de los difractogramas se deducen los siguientes
mineral (SO4Ca.2H2O) formado a partir del yeso de construccin
(SO4Ca.0,5H2O) de acuerdo con la siguiente reaccin:
SO4Ca.0,5H2O + 1,5H2O SO4Ca.2H2O.
Es decir, que el proceso devuelve a la naturaleza el mineral que se ha
sometido inicialmente a coccin en el horno.
de morteros de yeso y una pequea cantidad de arena silcica (con
cuarzo en el caso de la muestra de Valls del Vinalop y cuarzo y
feldespato en la de Marina Baixa).
del Vinalop se detecta una cierta cantidad de anhidrita (SO4Ca),
hecho al que haremos referencia en el apartado de discusin.


La diagnose comme tape pralable la rehabilitation

La diagnosis como etapa previa a la rehabilitacin
Diagnosis as preliminary to rehabilitation

4.1. Hay que hacer notar la coincidencia de resultados del anlisis
de las muestras en ambas masas, no obstante estar en comarcas
diferentes y separadas unos 50km en lnea recta.
4.2. El hecho de que, tanto el mortero de agarre como el
revestimiento sean yeso, y no haya, por tanto, incompatibilidad
de materiales, explicara el buen estado de durabilidad de ambas

(1) Actas del 1o Congreso Nacional de Historia de la Construccin. Comunicacin de LUIS
FERRE DE MERLO. Instituto Juan de Herrera. Madrid, 1996
(2) Arquitectura Rstica en la Regin Valenciana. FRANCISCO SEIJO ALONSO. Ediciones Seijo.
Alicante, 1979
(3) Arquitectura Rural Valenciana. MIGUEL DEL REY AYNAT. Consellera de Cultura, Educacin y
Ciencia. Valencia,1998

4.3. La presencia de anhidrita en una de las muestras estara

relacionada con la fabricacin tradicional del yeso. En el proceso
industrial actual, la temperatura est muy controlada y no suele
producirse la deshidratacin total.
4.4. El mineral de yeso lo encontramos en la supercie del terreno de
las dos comarcas alicantinas citadas: Marina Baixa y Valls del Vinalop.
La construccin de hornos de yeso en nuestra provincia fue una
prctica que desde tiempo inmemorial ha caracterizado muchas
zonas de la geografa local. Transcribimos parte de un texto (2) de
Seijo que titula Hornos de Yeso:
Al viajar por la montaa alicantina, nos encontramos con pequeas
construcciones, abandonadas ya. Se trata de yeseras y caleras, donde
antao, se coca la piedra. La Hoya de Castalla es prdiga en estos
hornos que denominan morunos, an cuando, por cristianos fueron
La forma dada a un horno para cocer yeso puede verse en las
ilustraciones correspondientes. Se trata de pequeas construcciones
circulares, muy rudimentarias, hechas de mampostera revocada. Para
se levanta lo que pudiramos llamar la caperuza, con una abertura a
boquete por donde se encenda el fuego.
Las piedras eran colocadas en forma de cono, o sea, se haca la primera
hilada y, sobre ella, cerrndola un poco ms, se pona la segunda, y
as sucesivamente hasta que se cerraba por completo. Terminada la
bveda se iba colocando ms piedra, seguidamente se prenda fuego
con matojos y lea de pino.
Finalmente hacemos referencia a una casa porticada en Altea,
cuya conguracin y poca de construccin es similar a las masas
analizadas, que menciona Miguel del Rey en su libro (3) Arquitectura
Rural Valenciana, pags. 274 y 275, en que al describir la construccin de
sus muros dice:...Muros amplios, de seccin generosa, construidos
con mampostera de piedra y argamasa de cal, revocados exteriormente
y encalados, marcando como muy importante esta cultura de la cal,
contraria a la del cemento.
Aparece por tanto, una diferencia en el uso de los conglomerantes: yeso,
en las masas analizadas, y la cal en sta que acabamos de mencionar,
que responde bsicamente en la oferta que la naturaleza hace en las
diferentes zonas donde se construye la casa popular.

Figura 1

Figura 2

Figura 3


La diagnose comme tape pralable la rehabilitation

La diagnosis como etapa previa a la rehabilitacin
Diagnosis as preliminary to rehabilitation

Analyse et caractrisation
des matriaux de constructions anciens
(Cas de Ksar Metlili)

Messaoud Hamiane
Je suis titulaire dun doctorat dtat s sciences techniques en 1994,
de lAcadmie des mines et mtallurgie de Cracovie (Pologne).Jai
le grade de matre de confrences et jenseigne lUniversit de
Boumerdes (Dpartement Gnie des Matriaux) et lUniversit
dAlger (Institut dArchologie). Je suis membre du comit dexpert
en Patrimoine Culturel au sein du Ministre de la Culture Algrie. Jai
particip plusieurs sminaires nationaux et internationaux dans le
domaine des matriaux nouveaux et anciens. Jai plusieurs publications et je suis coordinateur de plusieurs projets nationaux et internationaux. Je suis membre dun comit national de pilotage dun projet
(TICE) et membre dun comit nationale de lenseignement virtuel. Je
matrise le Franais, lArabe, lAnglais, le Polonais. Jai encadr plusieurs
mmoires et thses (Techniciens, Licences, Ingnieurs, Magistres et
Adresse postale:
BP 38 F Frantz Fanon 35000 Boumerdes .Algrie
Adresse courrier lectronique:
OO 213 24 81 54 49
Fax :
00 213 24 81 54 49
Portable :
071 18 05 80

1. Prambule
La tribu chambas , est considre comme la premire avoir
habit la rgion et dtre lorigine de construction de la ville de Metlili
Chamba .A.Cauneilles, prcise que leur origine est berber, descendant
de la tribu ouled medhi 1 .Par contre Yves Regnies, prcise quelles
sont originaires des tribus arabes Beni Hilal , qui ont envahi la rgion
au dixime sicle2. Le palais (ksar Metlili) est considr comme la
premire bti de la ville, construit par les Chambas au environ de 1156.
La premire partie construite est la mosque au point le plus lev
surmont par le Minaret et entour par des maisons planent la forme
circulaire et ascendante de la cit Mzabe, se terminant par la prsence
dun march proximit de la limite de la cit avec des espaces jardins.
Le palais (Ksar Metlili), se trouve au nord de la ville avec une supercie
de 5.8 ha, limit par les montagnes rocheuses au nord et lest, par la
route nationale louest et par oued Metlili au sud. Un schma du plan
de palais est donn par la gure 1

2. Introduction
Lusage des matriaux de construction est limit par le vieillissement
et les paramtres de dgradations. Linuence de lhumidit, de la
temprature et dautres paramtres naturelles additionnes la
nature de la composition chimiques et les caractristiques physicochimiques et mcaniques, le milieu dusage et le facteur temps,
aaiblit les matriaux par une dgradation progressive 3,4. Tous les
matriaux cramiques aprs leurs calcinations au rouge peuvent
adsorber de lhumidit environnante, cette adsorption augmente
avec laugmentation de la concentration de lhumidit et de la
porosit ouverte du matriaux 5, 6,7, et par consquent inuent
sur la dtrioration du matriaux8, .Des richesses archologiques
inestimables existent direntes rgions dAlgrie. Ce dernier subit
chaque jour les dgradations de notre environnement, alors que
les actions pour sauvegarder ce patrimoine restent au dessous des
esprances et des ncessits fondamentales. Ltude de ces problmes
fait appel des techniques particulires de diagnostic des structures et
des aspects peu connus des caractristiques physico- chimiques des
matriaux composants les murs des monuments et leurs altrations.
Ksar Metlili est lun de ces monuments qui porte des valeurs historiques,
architecturale et artistiques dune grande importance. Dissiper le voile
qui cache des curiosits et des problmatiques ainsi que son tat de
dgradation avanc a t lobjectif principal de cette approche dtude.
Pour remdier ces problmes et proposer des solutions adquates et
compatibles avec lenvironnement des matriaux, on a ralis le travail
suivant :
composant les murs du ksar metlili..
3. Exprimentation
Le travail a fait lobjet des actions suivantes :
types dchantillons ont t prlevs des faades des murs du ksar
savoir lchantillon (I) reprsente lenduit la chaux, lchantillon (II),
reprsente le mortier de Temchent et lchantillon (III), reprsente la
matire premire Temchent utilises en grande partie dans le ksar.
)et mthode technique avec une grande prcision..
Lanalyse minralogique est ralise par un diractomtre RX de
type Philips XPERT-PRO et les caractristiques physico-chimiques
par le moyen dAccoupyc 1330 et Gopyc 1360, raliss au niveau du
laboratoires des matriaux et cramique de luniversit des mines et
mtallurgie de Cracovie en Pologne. Dautres analyses classiques titre
complmentaire et comparatif ont t raliss au labo de dpartement
gnie des matriaux de luniversit de boumerdes en algrie.


La diagnose comme tape pralable la rehabilitation

La diagnosis como etapa previa a la rehabilitacin
Diagnosis as preliminary to rehabilitation

4. Rsultats danalyse
4.1-Dscription des matriaux de ksar metlili
Les dirents matriaux composants les faades des murs de
ksar Metlili, sont diversis, on cite : les dirents pierres (calcaires,
sableuses et temchent), largile, lenduit, le mortier et le bois du palmier.
Les gures (1, 2,3), montrent respectivement une vue gnrale du ksar,
vue intrieur et les dirents matriaux.
clture du ksar.On identie quatre type de pierres dans le ksar :
calcaire, gypse, et sableuse.
calcaires (CaCO3) la rgion de (Noumrette) est considr parmi les
carrires de calcium le plus important de la rgion
appel localement le Temchent ,trs utilis dans le ksar
direntes, son usage est trs limit, cest une pirre de forte
rsistance, volumineuse dicile tailler.
et le mortier utilis gnralement entre les pierres de constructions
et lisolation du plafond.

Tableau N 1 Rsultat dAnalyse Physique (Mthode Moderne)


Masse Spcique (g/cm 3)

Masse Volumique (g/cm 3)

Volume de Pores (cm 3)
Porosit Ouverte (%)
Porosit Ferm (%)
Porosit Total (%)

La gure 4, montre leet de lhumidit sur les matriaux composant

les murs
4.3-Analyse Minralogique
Les rsultats danalyse de la composition minralogique (M), raliss
par le diractomtre RX, de type Philips XPERT-PRO , sont donns
par les gures (5, 6,7)
4.4-Caractristiques physiques
Ces analyses ont t ralises par deux mthodes direntes, par des
moyens dinvestigations dune prcision de 10-4 (Accopyc 1330 et
Gopyc 1360) et la mthode analytique . Les rsultats danalyse sont
donns respectivement par le tableau 1et 2
5-Interprtation des rsultats
On remarque la concordance entre les rsultats danalyse par la
mthode des techniques modernes dune prcision de 10-4 et ceux
raliss par la mthode analytique (classique), lexception de la valeur



































































Masse Spcique (g/cm 3)

Masse Volumique (g/cm 3)



Tableau N 2 Caractristique Physique (Mthode Classique)

4.2-Les paramtres de dgradation

Les paramtres de dgradations sont divers et sinuencent
mutuellement, on cite :



Porosit Ouverte (%)

Absorption dEau (%)

de masse volumique de lchantillon (III), qui peut tre du une erreur

de manipulation ou de calcul. Les rsultats physiques conrment celles
obtenus par diractomtrie RX.
Lchantillon (III), qui reprsente la matire premire utilise dans la
composition de Temchent, caractrise la roche de gypse avec 99.5%
de gypse. Par contre lchantillon (II), qui rentre dans la composition du
mortier, contient du pltre qui peut facilement shydrater en absorbant
de leau pour se transformer en gypse. Cet chantillon contient 46% du
gypse, 9.7% de pltre ,34% de quartz et 10.3% de calcite et une porosit
de lordre de 44% et une absorption deau de lordre de 20%, ce qui peut
mener une dilatation lhumidit et formation des hydrates et par
consquent une dgradation progressive de ce mortier. Lchantillon
N0 (I), reprsente lenduit de chaux contenant un pourcentage
important de sable quartzeux de lordre de 68.9% et du calcite 22.94
%, par contre il contient 0.94%de gypse et 7.3% de dolomie. La porosit
ouverte est de 31.2% avec une absorption deau de 14.26%, ce qui lui
donne une meilleur rsistance contre lhumidit et lrosion (grain de
sable, vent et pluie), cest la raison pour laquelle est utilis comme

La diagnose comme tape pralable la rehabilitation

La diagnosis como etapa previa a la rehabilitacin
Diagnosis as preliminary to rehabilitation

enduit externe pour les faades des murs ou labsorption deau est
diminue et par consquent limiter le gonement et la dilatation ce
qui permet de mieux prserver les faades des murs du ksar court et
moyen terme.
dorigines locales savoir : Timchent, pierre calcaire, sable et argile
et des enduits est le Timchent.
celles qui portent des matriaux dune porosit ouverte leve et
une composition minralogique apte absorber de leau comme le
on cite lhumidit issue des canalisations sanitaires du un
assainissement dsordonn autour du ksar, ainsi que la dirence
de temprature entre jour et nuit et entre hiver et t.
ouverte importante (44.9%) et la prsence de pltre qui peut ragir
facilement en prsence de leau


A.CAUNEILLE, Les Chambas, leur nomadisme, Edition CNRS, Paris1968, P155.


YVE REGNIES: Les les de Themeur, Paris1923, P14.


M.HAMIANE, A.KIELSKI, bulletin cramique polonais No4 p197


M.HAMIANE, P.IZAK, bulletin cramique polonais No4 p201


S.BADJADJIEVA, J.PAWLAWA, interbrik 1989.5 (3) p126


M.HAMIANE,A.BRAHIMI,ProcedingVI sminaire International forum UNESCO p105


M.HAMIANE,A.BOUKHAN,ProcedingVI sminaire International forum UNESCOp105


M.HAMIANE procedingVsminaire des archologues A tomIII P13


La diagnose comme tape pralable la rehabilitation

La diagnosis como etapa previa a la rehabilitacin
Diagnosis as preliminary to rehabilitation

Piedra de calar de la Fatarella,

entre el conocimiento popular y la
caracterizacin cientca
Alexandra Descarrega1, Joan Ramon Rosell2, Antonia

Arquitecta tcnica. Investigadora de la Fundaci El Sol (La

Arquitecto tcnico e Ingeniero en Organizacin Industrial. Profesor y
Director de proyectos del Laboratorio de Materials de lEPSEB. UPC
Geloga. Tcnica del Laboratorio de Materiales de lEPSEB. UPC

Direccin postal:
Laboratori de Materials de lEPSEB. UPC
Avda. Gregorio Maran, 44-50. 08028 Barcelona
Direccin de correo electrnico:

La piedra de la Fatarella es una roca carbonatada, gris y masiva, que
procede de los aoramientos localizados en el sector de la Fatarella, un
municipio situado al noreste de la comarca de la Terra Alta, dentro de
la Cuenca del Ebro, en Catalua. Se conoce con el nombre popular de
piedra de calar y en el campo aora en lones paralelos, como mucho
de 40 cm de espesor de beta.
La arquitectura tradicional urbana en los ltimos aos del siglo XX ha
sufrido un cambio valorativo muy positivo, (unos aos caracterizados
por un giro a la sostenibilidad, de toma de conciencia, de un cambio de
mentalidad que genera la revalorizacin de la tradicin y de las races).
Estos cambios de mentalidad trasladan las expectativas econmicas al
campo de la restauracin, rehabilitacin i del mantenimiento.
A menor escala, la Fatarella, poniendo como punto de partida el IV
Congreso Internacional de la Piedra en Seco, es un claro ejemplo de
este fenmeno.
Desde sus inicios, el trabajo en piedra seca ha dependido de la
experiencia del trabajador para la seleccin de las mejores piedras
para una ptima construccin. Este hecho, an vigente, resulta extrao
desde el punto de vista del mundo cientco regido por parmetros y
El presente trabajo recoge el conocimiento popular, analiza la piedra
desde un punto de vista cientco y correlaciona las dos familias de
informacin para terminar asignando valores de referencia a las
apreciaciones organolpticas tradicionales.
1. Antecedentes
La Fatarella pertenece a la comarca de la Terra Alta, donde ocupa
su extremo norte-oriental. La comarca de la Terra Alta limita con las


comarcas de la Ribera dEbre, Baix Ebre y la comarca del Matarraa.

Todas ellas, junto con la comarca de la Ribera dEbre, Baix Ebre y del
Montsi, forman parte de la regin geogrca de las Tierras del Ebro.
Desde el punto de vista geogrco el territorio se localiza en
pleno dominio de la Cadena Costero Catalana. Es un rea extensa
donde domina y preside este sistema montaoso, que se extiende
paralelamente al frente litoral y que se encuentra estructurado por
elevaciones medianas y bajas.
La arquitectura tradicional, desde siempre ha tenido dos vertientes
claramente diferenciadas, la rural y la urbana. En los ltimos aos del siglo
XX, unos aos caracterizados por el llamamiento hacia la sostenibilidad,
de un cambio de mentalidad que ha generado la revalorizacin de la
tradicin, ha sufrido un cambio valorativo muy positivo.
Estos cambios de mentalidad trasladan las expectativas econmicas al
campo de la restauracin, rehabilitacin y mantenimiento.
A ms pequea escala, la Fatarella es un ejemplo claro de este
fenmeno, a partir del ao 1988 con el primer Congreso Internacional
de la Piedra en Seco en Barcelona.
La Fatarella desde siempre ha mostrado inters hacia este tipo
de construccin vernacular y ha sido pionera en la comarca en la
implantacin de esta tcnica en la moderna obra pblica.
Por este motivo es de inters hacer un estudio cientco riguroso
de la piedra de la zona, cotejndolo con el conocimiento popular,
conocimiento del que disponen los constructores especializados en
la tcnica de la piedra seca, a la hora de escoger el material segn su
posterior puesta en obra.
Es un estudio capital para avanzar en esta vertiente y hacer de esta
construccin una opcin fundamentada desde sus races hasta la cara
ms visible, las construcciones.
2. . Caracterizacin
Para caracterizar esta roca se ha hecho un estudio geolgico, petrofsico,
y se ha envejecido aceleradamente.
2.1. Caracterizacin geolgica
La zona de estudio se encuentra situada dentro de la Cuenca del Ebro.
El llenado de la Cuenca del Ebro se inici a nales del Cretceo superior,
y dur hasta mediados del Mioceno.
En el rea de estudio se encuentran sucesiones sedimentarias lacustres,
formadas por una alternancia de rocas calcreas, areniscas y arcillas.
Atendiendo a la experiencia de los constructores en piedra seca, se han
seleccionado cuatro tipos de roca. En el siguiente grco se detallan las
reas de extraccin.
Geolgicamente, los cuatro tipos de roca seleccionados son rocas
calcreas, diferenciadas entre s por su lugar de deposicin, y en
consecuencia por las discontinuidades presentes a escala de muestra
de mano (calizas masivas, con laminacin milimtrica o centimtrica,
y/o presencia de materia orgnica). En general se presentan en niveles
muy compactos, tabulares, de espesor decimtrico y extensin grande
Tipos G y M: Son calizas micrticas (tamao de grano muy no) sin
laminacin aparente. Su coloracin es gris claro.
El tipo G tiene xidos de hierro y pequeos niveles lenticulares ms
arcillosos. Tambin tiene una pequea cantidad de materia orgnica
(caliza ftida). El tipo M es la ms masiva, sin que se aprecie ninguna
discontinuidad ni cambio de material.

La diagnose comme tape pralable la rehabilitation

La diagnosis como etapa previa a la rehabilitacin
Diagnosis as preliminary to rehabilitation

Tipos H y P: Son calizas micrticas con laminacin milimtrica paralela.

La laminacin viene marcada por una alternancia de restos vegetales
fosilizados con zonas ms micrticas y sin tantos restos de fsiles. Su
coloracin es ms marronosa.
El tipo P es el que presenta mayor concentracin de restos de materia
orgnica, y una laminacin ms marcada.
2.2. Caracterizacin petrofsica
A partir de las muestras representativas extradas de las cuatro
variedades de roca estudiadas, se ha realizado el correspondiente
estudio experimental para su caracterizacin petrofsica. En la siguiente
tabla se recogen los resultados de algunas propiedades fsicas.


















































o: densidad aparente (kg/dm3

 8s: contenido de agua en
 4e: Grado de saturacin
permeabilidad al vapor de agua (gr/(m2 I


3f: resistencia a la exotraccin (MPa).

Tambin se han realizado estudios preliminares de la respuesta

sonora como consecuencia de impactos en los cuatro tipos de piedra
En un anlisis en frecuencias en el rango de sonidos graves (frecuencias
bajas de 25 a 80 Hz), se perciben claras diferencias, especialmente entre
el tipo P y el M, siendo el primero el ms grave y el segundo el ms
agudo. En el siguiente grco se representan los cuatro registros, en las
bandas de menor frecuencia.
2.3. Envejecimiento articial
Se ha realizado el envejecimiento articial acelerado de los cuatro tipos
de roca, a partir de la cristalizacin de sales (sulfato sdico) y se ha
estudiado la variacin que generan estos agentes alterolgicos sobre
las propiedades fsicas de los cuatro tipos de roca.
En la siguiente tabla se recoge la variacin de las propiedades fsicas, as
como la variacin de masa de las probetas tras el envejecimiento.
Cristalizacin de sales (sulfato sdico)












































o: densidad aparente (kg/dm3

 8s: contenido de agua en

Valores antes del envejecimiento

Valores despus del envejecimiento

3. Correlacin entre el conociemiento popular y el

conocimiento cientco
A partir del trabajo de campo realizado, entrevistando diferentes
personas conocedoras (desde largas tradiciones profesionales,
personales y familiares) de las caractersticas de los distintos tipos de

Del conocimiento popular

Del conocimiento cientco

en los tipos M y H, pero ms malo que el intermedias.
del tipo P.
dan esta coloracin.
son capas orgnicas. Piedra mezclada con y con materia orgnica. La colmatacin
capas horizontales de arena.
de cada secuencia se da con aportes de
estratos de sedimentacin. Utilizacin: t1PTFFNBZPSSFTJTUFODJBBnFYJORVFMPT
arcos, embaldosados. Nunca en dinteles.
tipos M y H.

Del conocimiento popular

Del conocimiento cientco

Sonido no muy bueno ya que es una
piedra bastante fofa.
discontinuidades. Entre cada estrato suele
t $PMPSBDJO DMBSB Z UFYUVSB SVHPTB  DPO haber niveles con materia orgnica.
bandas grisceas y negruzcas. Esta piedra
no siempre obedece a las manos del
y la menor resistencia a traccin, de entre
las del grupo.
elementos rsticos sin necesidad de hacer
un trabajo no.

Del conocimiento popular

Del conocimiento cientco

de bastante grueso. Sonido bastante malo.


adquiere una coloracin anaranjada.

dar la coloracin anaranjada.

t&Mtapas se encuentra en algunos

estratos, pero no en todos. Es de buen

y cada nivel tiene un principio y n muy


donde no haya necesidad de hacer aristas. aunque baja resistencia a compresin, de
entre las del grupo estudiado.

Del conocimiento popular
delgadas. Es la ms viva de los cuatro
tipos. Sonido muy bueno, canta mucho.
negras, que son las piedras malas.
general siempre obedece las manos del
trabajador. Utilizacin: arcos, dinteles, y

Del conocimiento cientco

y cada nivel tiene un principio y n muy
marcado. Entre ellos existen niveles con
ms contenido de materia orgnica.
generen un cambio de color con el paso
del tiempo.
su talla. Posee elevada resistencia a exin,
aunque baja resistencia a compresin.


La diagnose comme tape pralable la rehabilitation

La diagnosis como etapa previa a la rehabilitacin
Diagnosis as preliminary to rehabilitation

piedras, se relaciona el conocimiento popular con los datos obtenidos

en los estudios realizados en laboratorio.
Como se ha podido comprobar, las correlaciones entre el conocimiento popular y las
caractersticas geolgicas son lgicas y explicables en su mayora.
Aunque los cuatro tipos de roca no tienen caractersticas fsicas destacables como material
de construccin, comparndolas con las existentes en el mercado, si se escoge su colocacin
en funcin de sus propiedades, su funcionamiento constructivo llega a ser correcto.
El envejecimiento articial acelerado ensayado de estas rocas, nos indica que no se alteran
excesivamente, tal y como se puede comprobar en la realidad, en los edicios construidos.

Utilizacin para margen, Tipos M y H


Utilizacin para construir un arco, Tipos G y P

La diagnose comme tape pralable la rehabilitation

La diagnosis como etapa previa a la rehabilitacin
Diagnosis as preliminary to rehabilitation

Conservation of the traditional

architecture: a case study from the
village of Samad/Jordan

Ziad Al-Saad and Asma Khalili

Anthropology at Yarmouk University. He is a professor of cultural
heritage conservation and management. He nished his PhD in
conservation and analysis of archaeological materials from University
College London, U.K.
programs in the eld of conservation and cultural resources
management at Yarmouk University. He also established a
specialized laboratories for conservation, dating and analysis of
cultural materials.
Faculty of archaeology, Yarmouk University, Jordan
E-mail address:

Jordan has few natural resources, but contains one of the highest
concentrations of monuments and archaeological sites in the world,
which must be considered one of its principle assets.
It is fair to say that conservation of cultural heritage in Jordan is not
a priority, consequently, the number of conservation projects is very
limited. Furthermore, most of the conservation eorts in Jordan
focused on preserving of archaeological sites while the traditional
architecture is completely neglected. What aggravate the situation is
the fact that there are no clear conservation guidelines and principles
adopted by the responsible authorities.
This study aims at the formulation of a conservation and rehabilitation
plan for samad, a unique historic village in northern Jordan. Due to the
aggravated situation of the site an immediate intervention to protect
it and prevent further destruction should be adopted. Otherwise, this
irreplaceable cultural heritage site will be completely destroyed.
The Traditional village of Samad
The village is located within a few kilometers from Irbid and can be
reached following the road which climbs up the hills surrounding the
city. It was probably built between the end of the 19th century and the
beginning of the 20th century over an older archaeological site that has
Roman, Byzantine and Islamic settlements (Khamash, 1986).
The structure of Samads historical core is extremely complex and
centers upon a maze-like grid of narrow alleys departing from a wide
unpaved square (gure 1). Buildings dier in size and appearance

according to the owners social status. Some of the dwellings include

1-2 rooms with adjoining annexes for cattle and animals. There are also
larger buildings surrounded by a wall, with a water-well and a cooking
oven. They all follow a regular plan, either square or rectangular.
Doors and windows are framed by hewn stone blocks, some have
ornamented lintels. Double-faced walling is made of limestone blocks
and lime mortar. The roong system is very interesting, with pointed
stone arches supporting wooden beams and a light thatched structure
covered with soil that constitutes the roof mantle.
The Current situation in Samad
The traditional buildings of Samad, suered varying degrees of either
deterioration or destruction. The majority of buildings were deserted
by the owners who moved out of the village for pursuit of modem
lifestyles. The deserted buildings deteriorated as a result of exposure
to weathering conditions such as rainwater, humidity and salt
crystalization. Lack or inadequate maintenance added to the burden
(gure 2).
The few buildings that remained inhabited were not spared from
deterioration. They were exposed to uncontrolled alterations and
unsupervised maintenance works carried out to the mere satisfaction
of the owners. Although those works were carried out with a good
intention of the inhabitants, yet they were not based on a solid scientic
Conservation plan of Samad
The proposed conservation plan of Samad is based on the deep
understanding of the condition of the site. To be eective and
compatible conservation intervention on the site should be preceded
by full identication of the factors that cause the weathering and
destruction of the site. Proper conservation measures whether
preventive or remedial should then be implemented to deal with these
causes (Feilden, 1982).
Causes of Weathering and Deterioration of Stone Buildings in
The weathering and destruction of the stone buildings in Samad
is caused by a combination of natural and human factors (Amoroso
and Fassina, 1983). The natural factors particularly salt crystallization,
rainwater, frost Damage, earthquakes and micro-organisms caused
a great deal of weathering and deterioration (gure 3). More
drastic damage is caused by human factors such as abandonment,
contemporary repair, modem alterations and ignorance (gure 4).
Conservation approaches
Two major conservation approaches are proposed to be adopted for
achieving the goal of protecting the traditional architecture in Samad.
The rst approach is referred to as preventive (passive) approach while
the second one is remedial (active) (Ashurst and Ashurst,1990).
Preventive Approach
Prevention aims at the protection of the buildings of Samad from
natural agents and the possible damage and decay they may cause.
It could also protect those historical sites from the harmful eects that
could be inicted by human intervention.
The following main preventive measures are recommended to deal
with specic causes:
t Earthquakes. Periodic inspection of the buildings constitutes a


La diagnose comme tape pralable la rehabilitation

La diagnosis como etapa previa a la rehabilitacin
Diagnosis as preliminary to rehabilitation

fundamental preventive measure to locate the weakened areas

where interventive works should be undertaken (Al-Saad, 2001).
Signs of damage observed in Samad buildings that was caused
by earthquakes include loss of important structural elements,
detachments of stone blocks, cracking and loss of binding material.
t Rainwater. Since Samad buildings are vulnerable to the damage
caused by rainwater, actions to prevent that damage are crucial.
The damage could be a result of poor drainage, penetration and
possible condensation (Honeyborne, D. B., 1990). Signs of such
damage include cracking, discoloration and biogenic crusts.
Preventive measures for the protection of buildings from rainwater
damage may include:
1- Frequent inspection and maintenance of the roof surface and its
binding material.
2- Keeping a properly functioning system of gutters and
3- Digging appropriate channels around the building with a
sucient gradient to ensure that the drained down rainwater would
run in these channels away from the building.
4- Addition of shelters above the windows and doors could minimize
the entry of rainwater through those probable ports.
t Legal Measures. Legislations and regulations aiming at the protection
of buildings and roads from human intervention should be laid
down, implemented and enforced by a competent authority.
t Public awareness and educational eorts. In this eld, various
approaches may be used to educate the local community and the
general public at large about the signicance and importance of
Samad as part of their cultural heritage.
Remedial Approach
Remedial approach consists mainly of direct action carried out on
cultural property with aim of retarding further deterioration. This may
include full or partial restoration. Intervention includes a combination
of cleaning, mortar application, grout injections, stone strengthening
and consolidation and replacement of missing elements.
The determination of the restoration techniques needed in a particular
damaged historical building depends on the nature and extent of
damage, the intended future use of the building, the weathering
conditions prevailing in the environment and the characteristics of the
materials used in that building.
General guidelines for restoration
is to be used.
would inict damage to the fabric of the stone.
the original material and features.
stones for replacement need to be sought in an original source, if
such a source still exists, otherwise matching stones for replacement
would be used.
t Cleaning
The walls of Samad buildings show encrustations of dirt, staining,
and salts crystallization and discoloration caused by microorganisms
attack. The objective of cleaning the stones of Samad buildings is to


restore their aesthetic beauty and physical integrity.

Test areas should be prepared in order to agree on the amount of
cleaning that is required and to nd the most suitable method.
(Feilden 1982: 333-334).
A combination of cleaning methods like water mists, micro-blasting
and clay packs can be used for cleaning the buildings in Samad. The
selection of the appropriate cleaning method(s) depends on the
nature of the specic problem to be dealt with. Cleaning methods
that should be avoided under all circumstances are cleaning with
acids, alkali, grit blasting, chiseling and water jets.
Grouting of the Walls
The object of grouting is to strengthen and consolidate decayed
masonry which is weakened by large fractures and voids. (Feilden 1982:
Because a lot of voids, cracks, internal fractures and ssures were noted
in the walls of Samad buildings, the applicability of grouting to those
defects need to be considered.
Repair with Mortar
Loss of binding material and large cracks frequently encountered in
the walls of Samad buildings need to be lled in with a repair material
that best suits the natural stones and the characteristics of the binding
material. The delicate fabric and vulnerable nature of certain damaged
walls of Samad buildings makes it imperative to choose the least
disruptive, yet reliable method of repair with mortar.
The characteristics of mortar used for the warranted repair should
be selected in a way to assure that no future damage would result.
Thorough laboratory and eld testing programs should be applied to
select the proper mortar for specic application.
Stone consolidation
Because of the historical value, attempts should not be spared to avoid
replacement of weakened stones. Strengthening of the said stones
by consolidation should be considered as a rst choice. (Feilden 1982:
Consolidants must not be thought of as grouts, void llers or bridges, or
adhesives. They will often be used as part of a conservation treatment
which may include crack lling and pinning with stainless steel wire
and cleaning (Ashurst and Ashurst 1990: 89-91, Al-Saad, 2002)
In the case of Samad, where the majority of buildings display features
of slight or moderate damage in their stones and binding material,
consolidation would be resorted to on an wide scale. Laboratory and
eld experiments and evaluation show that silicic acid esters and
silanes may give good reinforcement and can strengthen the badly
deteriorated stones.

La diagnose comme tape pralable la rehabilitation

La diagnosis como etapa previa a la rehabilitacin
Diagnosis as preliminary to rehabilitation

KHAMMASH, A. 1986, Notes on Village Architecture in Jordan. First edition. Louisiana: University
Art Museum.
FEILDEN, B. M, 1982, Conservation of Historic Buildings. London: Butterworth.
ASHURST, J. AND ASHURST, N., 1990, Stone Masonry. Practical Building Conservation. Vol. 1.
England: Gower Technical Press.
AMOROSO, S. AND FASSINA, V, 1983 Stone Decay and Conservation. Materials Science Monographs,
11. Amsterdam: Elsevier.
HONEYBORNE, D. B., 1990, Weathering and Decay of Masoniy. In: Conservation of Building and
Decorative Stone, Vol.1. eds. John Ashurst and Francis Dimes. London. Pp.153-I 79.
AL-SAAD, Z., 2001, Earthquakes Hazards Evaluation and Methods of Mitigating their
Environmental Impact The Archaeology Part. Final Report. Jordan: Yarmouk University.
AL-SAAD, Z., 2002 Evaluation of the Eectiveness of a Number of Stone Consolidants: A Case
Study from the Antiquity City of Petra/ Jordan. Abhath Al-Yarmouk. Basic Sciences and
Engineering. Vol. 11. No.1B. Pp. 373 -3 89.

Figure 1. General view of Samad

Figure 2. An example of the damage and destruction of Samad traditional buildings

Figure 4. An example on modern alteration of the traditional buildings in Samad


La diagnose comme tape pralable la rehabilitation

La diagnosis como etapa previa a la rehabilitacin
Diagnosis as preliminary to rehabilitation

Il Borgo Svevo di Termoli. Wall building

systems: analysis and recover
Mario Cristiano
Molise and is author of various papers on the technology of architecture and building systems.
Via Vigna 60, Pozzuoli (NA), 80078 Italy
E-mail address:
0039 081 5260095

Within the research coordinated by the prof Agostino Catalano for the
course of Technical Architecture and Recovery and Maintenance of the
Buildings of the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Studies of
Molise, related to the traditional constructive techniques in the Molise
province, the author has analyzed and deepened the thematic related
to the techniques of building and the causes of deterioration of some
wall building systems in the ancient part of Termoli.
The historic nucleolus of the town was built on a small peninsula that
stretches out in the sea beside an observation tower known as Torre
di Termule not before the beginning of the Vth century A.C., historical
data was lost in the late XVIth century due to the destruction wrought
by Turk raiding parties.
We know that in 568 A.C. the Longbard dukes of Benevento built the
rst town walls and its fortications, a tower and eight turrets, for its
strategic position and importance.
The living centre of the town was entirely encompassed by these
walls until 1847, when king Ferdinando II di Borbone authorized
the construction outside the city walls and traced two new roads as
directions for the future expansion of the city.
The part of the town within the city walls is known as Borgo Svevo due
to the reconstruction by Federico II in 1247 after the destruction of the
defense system by the venetian navy in 1240.
The architectural characteristics of the structures present allow us to
identify the construction era of most of the buildings in the lower
medieval times. The town within the walls, with the urban distribution
we see today, was rebuilt on the ruins of the shing village destroyed
by the Turkish raiding parties in 1567.
After the reconstruction the biggest urban expansion within the
boundaries of the city fortications occurred in the XVIII century when
in a spontaneous way the alleys and small courts that characterize the
built environment were created.
The houses, born mostly as modest homes for the shermen and farmers
of the area, leaning against and in symbiosis with the buildings around
them, interacting with the public and private spaces with stairways,


low walls that face the sea known as poggi and wide doorways.
About the materials, the most ancient buildings are realized with
calcareous stone and sandstone, sometimes used rounded and smooth
as they were found, tied with a light lime and sand mortar or gauged
The window frames and the doorways were in calcareous stone slabs
or often made with bricks.
Newer building were constructed mainly of clay bricks, the bricks used
were produced in situ with clay of the nearby area known as Ponticelli
a clay rich in ferrous components but, as the commentaries of the past
inform, free of any nitrous salts.
The masonry was protected by a thick layer of plaster to hide the non
homogeneous elements used, to give extra strength and cohesion
to the building envelope and to resist the deteriorating eects of the
climate and exposure to the elements. This sacrice layer, in need of
constant maintenance, was often abandoned creating the conditions
for the wider deterioration phenomena of the whole masonry, even
today that most of this picturesque hamlet has been recovered for
touristic reasons some buildings, to show the beauty of the brickwork
underneath are left without the plaster that isnt replaced when the
buildings are recovered.
The building envelopes were protected even in the narrow alleys
by the creation of weather moulding with bricks and tiles known as
romanelle, in successive layers the next a bit further out than the one
before, to avoid rainwater running along the face of the walls.
Certainly because of the topographical position and the morphology
of the town, the exposure to the direct action of the climate and to
the indirect action of the sea are the causes of deterioration of great
importance: the town rises in fact on a small peninsula that stretches
out in the sea exposing itself to the action of the strong north winds
and the notable dampness due to the presence of the Adriatic.
Widespread deterioration of the stone and brick masonry envelopes
is noticeable in many buildings of the hamlet, on these envelopes
conspicuous bricks additions are frequently visible in the dierent areas
more and more, to make up for to the eects produced by the erosive
action both from the winds than from the waters of rain and from the
saltiness that during the centuries has caused the separation of great
quantities of constituent materials of the masonry.
The breach of the plaster was particularly devastating for the poorer
stone masonry, without its protection the mortar, was attacked by
the disintegration eect of the salts and the wash out eect of the
water dissolving the matrix that kept together the non homogeneous
elements used for the walls.
To try to remedy such erosion, making abundant use of plasters,
great quantities of bricks have been used for the substitution of the
deteriorated elements. The inltration and the stagnation of rain-water
have also great importance because penetrating in the clay subsoil it
provokes variations of volume that contribute to increase the entity of
the push produced by the tall embankments on which the building
system of the walls directs its containment action.
The main deterioration phenomena, both internal and external, of
plasters and the masonry underneath are caused by the chemical
aggression and the mechanical action of the atmospheric agents,
cycles of freezing defrosting, the vegetation and the bacterial ora or
a combined action of these agents.
But in this case the main agents of the deterioration are the strong

La diagnose comme tape pralable la rehabilitation

La diagnosis como etapa previa a la rehabilitacin
Diagnosis as preliminary to rehabilitation

north winds that blow from the Balkans and carry with them the saline
spray from the base of the cli where the sea breaks.
Due to presence of ions present in seawater (such as Na+,Mg+2, Cl-,
SO4-2, etc.), chemical and physical phenomena can occur which cause
distresses in bricks, stones and mortars of the involved structures.
In many cases it is not easy to distinguish the specic phenomenon
responsible for the distress for the following reasons:
instance, the chemical composition for a mortar, the porosity
for a stone or the presence of contaminating salts for a brick can
signicantly aect the type and the
change as a function of relative humidity, temperature and windy
as the acid rain can overlap and mask the eect produced by the
salts raised by seawater capillary rise.
The direct erosion eect of the wind is combined with the more
consistent deterioration eect of the eorescence in the pores on the
surface of the material and the sub eorescence in the pores within
the material or in the interface between dierent materials such as the
plaster and the underlying materials.
The typical sub eorescence defect with the most serious damaging
eect, which causes cracking and detachment of the mortar, is the
presence of NaCl crystals in the interface between materials. Such
crystals can increase their volume up to 300% when they absorb water
from the environment or from rainwater creating pressure just under
the mortar itself.
The prevalence of defects based on either sub eorescence or
eorescence depends not only on the environmental conditions
favoring more or less the water drying from the wall, but even on the
porosity of the plaster mortar: in general porous mortars favor more
eorescence rather than sub eorescence defects.
The main process to recover the masonry is the replacement of the outer
plaster layer after the portions of the stonework lost to deterioration
and disaggregation of the mortar have been replaced and the mortar
joints integrated with new material.
A chemical characterization has yet to be conducted to determine the
necessity of salt removal procedures but the constant maintenance
of the plaster envelopes and the replacement of the damaged parts
should produce similar eects as salt contaminated plaster is replaced
with new one.


La diagnose comme tape pralable la rehabilitation

La diagnosis como etapa previa a la rehabilitacin
Diagnosis as preliminary to rehabilitation


La diagnose comme tape pralable la rehabilitation

La diagnosis como etapa previa a la rehabilitacin
Diagnosis as preliminary to rehabilitation

Structural behaviour characterization of

existing adobe constructions in Aveiro

Humberto Varum*, Anbal Costa, Tiago Martins, Henrique Pereira, Joo Almeida, Hugo Rodrigues, Dora
Humberto Varum
Assistant professor in the Civil Engineering Department of University
of Aveiro.
Main investigation interests: evaluation, rehabilitation and strengthenJOHPGFYJTUJOHDPOTUSVDUJPOTTFJTNJDFOHJOFFSJOH
Member of several national and international scientic associations.
Civil Engineering Department, University of Aveiro,
Campus Universitrio de Santiago, 3810-193
Aveiro, Portugal
234 370 938

1. Introduction
In the near past, earth was a very common construction material in
Portugal. Adobe and rammed earth were used through years in almost
all types of construction, having this utilization declined during the
rst half of 20th century, with the emergence of cement industry.
Rammed earth was more applied in south and adobe in littoral centre,
especially in Aveiro district1,2. Presently, according to information from
the municipality, about 25% of the existing buildings in Aveiro city
are made of adobe. It is estimated that this percentage rises to 40%
when referred to the entire district. Adobe can be found in varied
types of construction: rural and urban buildings, many of which are still
inhabited, walls for the delimitation of properties, water wells, churches
and warehouses (Fig. 1). An important number of the urban adobe
buildings are of cultural, historical and architectural recognized value,
belonging some of them to the Art Nouveau style.
The techniques adopted in the construction of adobe buildings in
Aveiro district were based in the accumulated experience, transmitted
from generation to generation, and did not concern the seismic safety.
Rehabilitation and strengthening of existing adobe constructions
have also been disregarded during decades. This constructed park is
thus not properly reinforced to resist to seismic actions, suering of
various structural anomalies and deciencies. Structural rehabilitation
of the existing adobe constructions is demanded, and constitutes an
urgent matter. It presents, however, relevant diculties, essentially due
to the lack of information concerning properties and characteristics
of the mechanical behaviour of adobe masonry. Technical studies
for the determination of these properties and characteristics are

necessary. The mechanical characterization of adobe existing masonry

constitutes a fundamental instrument in the support of rehabilitation
and strengthening projects, and even in the support of the design of
new adobe constructions3.
2. Experimental work developed
2.1. Introduction
The mechanical characteristics of adobe units and mortar samples were
investigated. Cylindrical adobe specimens cores were subjected to
compression and splitting tests, and prismatic mortar specimens were
subjected to compression tests. The structural non-linear response of
adobe walls has also been investigated in a series of full-scale tests, in
the laboratory and in situ, with constant vertical load combined with
imposed horizontal cyclic displacements.
2.2. Mechanical characterization of adobe units and mortars
2.2.1. Simple compression and splitting tests on adobe specimens
For the experimental testing campaign, it was selected a set of adobe
samples units representative of dierent existing adobe construction
typologies. Samples were collected from eight houses and eight land
dividing walls, from dierent locations.
Cylindrical cores, with diameters ranging between 60 and 95mm, were
extracted from the collected adobe samples units. These cylindrical
cores had a height of approximately two times the diameter.
A total of 101 cylindrical specimens, 51 proceeding from houses and
50 from land dividing walls, were submitted to mechanical tests: 83
(Fig. 2).
The adobe specimens present signicant compressive strength values,
varying from 0.32 to 2.46MPa. For each construction analysed, the
tensile strength corresponds to approximately 20% of the compressive
strength. Results for the analysed adobe samples reveal a clear tendency
for samples with larger fractions of small dimension particles to present
superior compressive and tensile strength values.
The detailed description of the mechanical characterization testing
campaign and of the obtained results can be found in4, 5.
2.2.2. Simple compression tests on mortar specimens
10 mortar samples (2 from plaster and 8 from joints) taken from 3
dierent houses were submitted to compression tests (Fig. 2).
The load applied by the compression testing machine was transmitted
through two square steel plates, with 40mm side. It was obtained for


2.3. Tests on full-scale adobe masonry walls
2.3.1. Introduction
It were conducted tests on adobe masonry wall specimens, one in
laboratory and another in situ conditions (Fig. 3), to characterize the
mechanical behaviour of this masonry when subjected to cyclic actions,
as those induced by earthquakes.
The wall tested in laboratory was subjected, initially, to a non-destructive
dynamic test, to estimate the natural frequencies in each direction.
These measured frequencies help on the dynamic characterization


La diagnose comme tape pralable la rehabilitation

La diagnosis como etapa previa a la rehabilitacin
Diagnosis as preliminary to rehabilitation

of the adobe masonry wall, and also on the calibration of numerical

models. In a second phase, it was conducted a destructive test imposing
constant vertical load combined with in-plane horizontal cyclic forces.
The wall tested in situ was subjected to dynamic characterization tests,
and to two horizontal cyclic mechanical tests, namely: an in-plane
semi-destructive test and an out-of-plane destructive test.
The detailed description of the procedures and of the obtained results
can be found in6.
2.3.2 Laboratory test results
The wall tested in the laboratory was constructed with units taken
from an existing construction and with a mortar having a composition
similar to the one traditionally used. The boundary conditions at the
base of the wall avoid lateral displacements and rotations.
The natural frequencies in the two horizontal directions (transversal
and longitudinal) were measured with a seismograph. A frequency
of 10.94Hz in the transversal direction was measured and, from it, an
average modulus of elasticity of 316MPa was estimated. Subsequently,
it was applied a vertical load of 2.86kN on the top of the wall, and inplane horizontal forces were imposed, in cycles of increasing amplitude,
till the collapse was reached. A maximum horizontal force of 3.2kN was
applied. The failure mode was traduced by the opening of a horizontal
crack at the base of the wall.
2.3.3 In situ tests results
The wall tested in situ conditions was rstly subjected to dynamic tests.
A frequency of 2.20Hz in the transversal direction was measured and,
from it, an average modulus of elasticity of 101MPa was estimated.
For the cyclic tests on the wall it was not applied an additional vertical
load. Initially, in-plane horizontal cyclic forces were imposed, in cycles
of increasing amplitude. In a second phase, out-of-plane horizontal
forces were applied to the wall, in cycles of increasing amplitude, but
without inversion of the force signal, till the collapse was reached. A
maximum horizontal force of 10.7kN was applied in-plane. This force
was not raised to a higher level in order to allow performing the out-ofplane test. A maximum horizontal force of 0.69kN was applied out-ofplane. The failure mode observed is characterized by a rotation at the
base, with damage spread through the wall height.

materials (mud walls and adobe) in the Churches of Cisneros, Villada and Boada de
Campos (Palencia). Materiales de Construccin, 50(257), pp. 3345, 2000.

VARUM, H., MARTINS, T. & VELOSA, A., Caracterizao do adobe em construes existentes
na regio de Aveiro. Proc. of IV SIACOT Seminrio Ibero-Americano de Construo
com terra and III Seminrio Arquitectura de Terra em Portugal, eds. ARGUMENTUM:
Monsaraz, pp. 233235, 2005.

VARUM, H., COSTA, A., PEREIRA, H. & ALMEIDA, J., Ensaios de caracterizao do comportamento
estrutural de construes existentes em adobe. Proc. of V SIACOT Seminrio IberoAmericano de Construo com terra and I Seminario Argentino de Arquitectura y
Construccion con tierra, eds. R. Mellace, J.A. Voltan, S.A. Cirvini, G.M. Viuales, C.M. Neves,
R. Rotondaro & E. Montaa: Mendoza, pp. 7374, 2006.

VARUM, H., COSTA, A., PEREIRA, H., ALMEIDA, J. & RODRIGUES, H., Avaliao experimental do
comportamento estrutural de elementos resistentes em alvenaria de adobe. Proc. of III
Congreso Internacional de Arquitectura en Tierra, Valladolid, 2006.

Adobe Constructions in Aveiro

3. Work in Development
A group at the Civil Engineering Department from the University of
Aveiro has been developing research work focused in the rehabilitation
and strengthening of the adobe constructed park of Aveiro district.
The following methodology is being followed: i) detailed survey of
the existing constructions and of the commonest structural and
iv) development of non-structural rehabilitation and structural
strengthening solutions. Part of the work developed was presented in
this paper.

OLIVEIRA, E.V. & GALHANO, F., Arquitectura tradicional portuguesa, Publicaes D. Quixote:
Lisbon, 1992.

Proc. of Seminrio Arquitecturas de Terra, eds. CCRCentro: Portugal, 1992.

HERNANDEZ, R.S., BARRIOS, M.S. & POZAS, J.M.M., Characterization of ancient construction
Tests on full-scale walls


La diagnose comme tape pralable la rehabilitation

La diagnosis como etapa previa a la rehabilitacin
Diagnosis as preliminary to rehabilitation

Diagnostic Visuel Rapide des

Constructions Pour le Risque Sismique

quils pourraient subir et la proposition de solutions adquates pour

une ventuelle rhabilitation sismique [1].
Classication des btiments :
LAlgrie est trs riche en patrimoine colonial qui est ralis en
maonnerie. La classication de ces constructions tient compte de
deux paramtres essentiels qui sont :

Amina Foufa
Dr. Architecte, enseignante-chercheur au Dpartement dArchitecture.
2002-2003 et 2004- Enseignant invit aux cours intensifs Europens sur la Culture Sismique locale. (CUBEC), Ravello, Italie. 2000
- Aujourdhui Projet de Recherche IUGS-UNESCO-IGCP Projet 457
Seismic Hazard Assessment in North Africa. 2007 Chercheur associ
au CNERU, Alger. Projet : Plan de sauvegarde de la Casbah dAlger .
Adresse postale :
Dpartement dArchitecture, Facult des Sciences de lIngnieur.
Universit de Blida. BP 270- Blida 09000, Algrie
Adresse courrier lectronique :
Tlphone :
5FM .PC 

Les paramtres didentication :

Ils assurent le maximum dinformation sur le btiment considr. Ils sont
relatifs sa localisation, son ge, au nombre dtages et la surface
plancher, loccupation et au type doccupation ainsi qu la prsence
des lments structuraux ou non structuraux [2]. Ces informations sont
crites, accompagnes de photos, de croquis et de commentaires.
Les paramtres dvaluation :
Ceux sont les paramtres qui faciliteront lvaluation des caractristiques
de la vulnrabilit en fonction de la qualit de la structure, des
matriaux et de leurs caractristiques, de la conception du btiment et
des caractristiques du sol.
Etant donn que les constructions de type colonial sont en maonnerie
donc la structure considre est celle des murs porteurs.
Structures murs porteurs :
Il faudra vrier si elles prsentent [3] :

Introduction :
Lestimation de la vulnrabilit sismique des structures urbaines
est troitement lie la vulnrabilit des btiments et des rseaux.
Elle ncessite par consquent lidentication, la description et la
classication des btiments prsentant un doute de vulnrabilit. Leur
identication permet de classer ceux prserver en priorit contre les
sismes futurs.
Les inspections de btiments ainsi que la collecte et linterprtation
des donnes qui leurs sont relatives (ge, tat de vtust, rparations
antrieurs, surface, nombre de planchers, etc.) faciliteront la tche de
Le diagnostic visuel permettra de dterminer le degr de vulnrabilit du
btiment. Celui de plusieurs constructions dterminera la vulnrabilit
de la zone o ils sont situs. Et bien entendu, la vulnrabilit de plusieurs
zones donnera la vulnrabilit de la structure urbaine.
Mthode du diagnostic visuel :
Cest une mthode qui consiste inspecter le btiment de lextrieur
et de lintrieur an de dterminer si oui ou non il rsiste un ala
sismique donn.
Cette mthode se base sur lidentication des :
en zones sismiquement actives).
ouvrages dart, monuments historiques).
La compilation des donnes recueillies facilitera lidentication des
btiments critiques, la classication selon limportance des dommages

des murs que sont concentres les eorts tranchants et les forces de

Les caractristiques et qualit des matriaux :
Ces facteurs sont dicilement visibles de lextrieur. Lenquteur
doit connatre les dirents matriaux constituants les btiments
considrer. Lvaluation de ltat des matriaux facilit celle de ltat de
Pour cela il faudra vrier :
Caractristiques du sol :
Le sol a une inuence majeur sur lamplitude, la dure du choc et les
dommages. Lidentication des caractristiques du sol ne peut se raliser
lil nu, il est donc impratif davoir une connaissance pralable sur la


La diagnose comme tape pralable la rehabilitation

La diagnosis como etapa previa a la rehabilitacin
Diagnosis as preliminary to rehabilitation

gologie du sol, la profondeur du bon sol et lexistence ou non de failles

dans les environs du btiment..
Identication des erreurs de conception par apport aux rgles
parasismiques :
Daprs le rglement parasismique algrien (RPA 99 addenda 2003), il
est recommand pour toutes les constructions la symtrie et la rigidit
Il faut donc vrier ces paramtres :

[3]- ASSOCIATION FRANAISE PARASISMIQUE AFPS. Fiches de recensement de facteurs de vulnrabilit

destination des btiments tages multiples en bton arm, bton banch, maonnerie
de blocs et/ou ossature poteau/poutres avec ou sans remplissage. pp 29-47. Paris.
algriennes RPA 98 addenda 2003. DTRB-C-2-48. Alger. Janvier 2004.
[5]- D. BENEDETTI ET G. M. BENZONI. 1985. Seismic vulnerability index versus damage for
unreinforced masonry buildings. Proceeding of International Conference on Reconstruction,
Restauration and Urban Palning twns and regions in seismic prone areas. Skopje, Yuguslavia.
5-9 novembre. pp 333-347.



Les indices dapprciation :

Ces indices quantieront le degr de vtust de chacun des paramtres
dvaluation. Quatre valeurs ont t choisies pour reprsenter le degr
dapprciation [5]. Ils sont classs par ordre croissant, de ltat bon
jusqu ltat mauvais du btiment. Ces valeurs caractrisent ltat des
lments structuraux, la qualit des matriaux, la rpartition des masses,
la stabilit de la structure, la symtrie en plan, la rgularit en lvation
ainsi que les caractristiques du sol. Ils reprsenteront par consquent
les critres pathologiques du btiment diagnostiqu.
Conclusion :
La classication des btiments stablit aprs avoir eectu un diagnostic
visuel de ceux susceptibles davoir un degr de vulnrabilit sismique.
La mthode consiste identier plusieurs facteurs dont les plus
importants sont lis la rsistance structurale, la qualit des matriaux,
les caractristiques du sol ainsi que les erreurs de conception
Le rsultat global de ce diagnostic se divise en deux catgories :
Les btiments ne prsentant aucun doute de vulnrabilit sismique. Ils
peuvent alors fonctionner dans leur tat normal.
Les btiments qui prsentent un doute de vulnrabilit sismique. Ils
ncessitent par consquent dautres investigations plus dtailles an
de dterminer leur degr de risque sismique.
Le diagnostic visuel est une phase prliminaire de celles de lanalyse de
la vulnrabilit sismique. Cest un outil qui permet une approche des
actions prioritaires entreprendre pour la sauvegarde du patrimoine
colonial en Algrie dautant plus que certains btiments localiss Alger
ont considrablement souert des eets du sisme de Boumerdes le
21 mai 2003.

[1]- V. PETRINI ET M. FERRINI. 1991. Implementation of risk reduction measures in Garfaniana
(Tuscany). Proceeding of workshop III on seismic risk reduction and disaster management.
Rome 18 -22 novembre. pp 75-88. Rome nov 1992.
[2]- FEMA. 154. 1988. Rapid visual screening for potential seismic hazard : a hand book.
Earthquake Hazard Reduction series 41. Applied Technology Concil. pp 53-127. Washington


Fig 1- che n1- Donnes gnrales

La diagnose comme tape pralable la rehabilitation

La diagnosis como etapa previa a la rehabilitacin
Diagnosis as preliminary to rehabilitation

Fig 2- Fiche n3- Systme structurel (a)

Fig 3- Fiche Globale du diagnostic visuel


La diagnose comme tape pralable la rehabilitation

La diagnosis como etapa previa a la rehabilitacin
Diagnosis as preliminary to rehabilitation

Revisin crtica de las metodologas

de diagnosis de forjados de vigas de

Joaqun Montn Lecumberri, Joan Ramon Rosell

UPC Universitat Politcnica de Catalunya
Direccin de correo electrnico:

1. Antecedentes
En la ponencia Una metodologa de inspeccin de forjados
de vigas de madera se pretenda dar respuesta a multitud de
interrogantes metodolgicos: cuestiones que van desde los criterios
de representatividad por aspecto, tipo de madera, microambiente, etc.,
a la necesidad de una clasicacin en funcin de sntomas aparentes
o a parmetros propios de la naturaleza de la madera, en tanto que
producto no industrial.
Como prioridad, se pretenda determinar las prestaciones mecnicas y
la seguridad de las vigas y de los forjados que se estaban analizando, as
como las expectativas de durabilidad.
El mtodo propona ordenar un proceso basado en operaciones,
pruebas y bibliografa conocidas, depositando una gran esperanza en
la ayuda que nos aportara la normativa de clasicacin de la madera
con nalidad estructural a partir de mtodos visuales (UNE 56544), no
publicada ocialmente en el momento de la realizacin de la citada
Los puntos desarrollados eran los siguientes:
de lesin.
para posterior- mente, si era necesario, peritar a partir de valores de
inspecciones futuras.
El proceso se organizaba de la siguiente manera:
Prediagnosis, cuyo objetivo nal es determinar la necesidad de
proceder, o no, a la diagnosis.
Se inicia por determinar el muestreo, centrndose especialmente en
las zonas de riesgo, determinando el tamao de la muestra, pasando
posteriormente a la prospeccin, buscando sntomas de degradacin,
mediante pruebas generalmente sencillas (observacin visual, punzn,
martillo, taladro, xilohigrmetro, etc).
A partir de la informacin recopilada, el siguiente paso es tomar
las primeras decisiones, admitiendo como criterios de partida los


sometida, como mnimo, a una determinada intensidad de
inspecciones peridicas y a un plan de mantenimiento.
aparentes antes de un colapso, nos planteamos que si en un edicio
ningn forjado presentaba lesiones o sntomas de insuciencias, y
haban prestado con normalidad servicio a las acciones habituales,
no pareca imprescindible determinar por clculo la seguridad que
vlido y deba determinarse la seguridad que presentaba el forjado.
Era necesario un peritaje en trminos de seguridad.
sido reducido, era lcito suponer un riesgo razonable de existencia
de mayor nmero de lesiones an no detectadas y por tanto se
justicaba la necesidad de un proceso inmediato de diagnosis.
Diagnosis, donde bsicamente se trataba de extender el estudio
realizado en prediagnosis a una muestra mucho ms amplia, de tal
forma que se pudieran tomar decisiones sobre todas las partes de la
Los aspectos que se valoran son la seguridad y la durabilidad de los
forjados. En funcin de estos resultados, se encaminan las posibles
La prospeccin se realizaba sobre la muestra ampliada.
Se propona identicar zonas homogneas, con similares parmetros
de fabricacin-construccin para proceder a la determinacin de la
Los indicadores utilizados eran: solucin constructiva (piezas de
entrevigado, senos, pavimento, apoyos, etc.) luz, intereje, geometra de
las vigas, situacin en el edicio, poca de construccin, etc.
A partir de aqu, y con ayuda de la norma UNE 56544, se pasaba a valorar
cada una de las vigas, agrupndolas en aquella poca en tres grupos en
funcin de las caractersticas observadas:
Tipo I Substitucin, refuerzo o reparacin de las vigas.
Tipo II Reconsiderar si se mantienen o se sustituyen, en funcin de los
ensayos y del peritaje, as como de la clasicacin de sus vigas vecinas.
Tipo III Buen estado, vigas a conservar.
Esta aplicacin de la norma UNE 56544: $MBTJmDBDJO WJTVBM EF MB
madera aserrada para uso estructural, se ha de tomar con cierta
precaucin, pues se trata de una norma para clasicar madera nueva,
recin aserrada, en la que podemos observar las cuatro caras sin
problemas. En nuestro caso, en el mejor de los casos vemos entera la
cara inferior y parcialmente dos caras laterales, permaneciendo oculta
una gran parte de la viga. Adems esta norma slo es aplicable a un
nmero reducido de especies de madera.
A partir de la informacin obtenida se poda realizar el reclculo
de la estructura y, si la seguridad obtenida no era sucientemente
satisfactoria, la propuesta era proceder a realizar ensayos para:
1. Determinar las prestaciones mecnicas concretas de una muestra
de las vigas.
2. Determinar el comportamiento a exin in situ de una muestra
de las vigas con las condiciones de apoyo existentes, pero

La diagnose comme tape pralable la rehabilitation

La diagnosis como etapa previa a la rehabilitacin
Diagnosis as preliminary to rehabilitation

desvinculndolas del resto de forjado (eliminacin de solucin de

3. Determinar el comportamiento a exin in situ de una muestra
de los forjados con las condiciones de monolitismo, rigidez, etc.
existentes (sin eliminacin de entrevigados).
Los datos obtenidos en ensayos nos permitan realizar el peritaje nal y,
por tanto, evaluar la seguridad existente.
Consideramos que el mtodo presentado en la ponencia sigue
siendo vlido, a pesar del paso de los aos. Puede beneciarse de los
avances en las tcnicas de prospeccin y ensayos que sin ser nuevos
se estn desarrollando y adaptando al campo de la madera en estos
2. Lneas de investigacin actuales
A continuacin analizaremos los cambios y los avances que han ido
sucedindose desde el ao 1995.
La normativa, especialmente la UNE 56544, ha ido cambiando, haciendo
ms sencillo el trabajo de clasicar (siempre en madera nueva). Ha
habido algn cambio en los valores de las propiedades mecnicas de
algunas especies y en las ltimas versiones se centra exclusivamente
en conferas. Muchas especies de madera, habitualmente usadas en
nuestro pas, no estn contempladas en esta normativa. Adems, siguen
sin aparecer normas especcas para la rehabilitacin. Al parecer, la
nueva versin de la norma se adaptar ms a los problemas existentes
en madera puesta en obra, al tener en cuenta escudaras algo mayores
que las que contempla la norma actual.
El CTE plantea nuevas exigencias que de momento no cuentan con el
apoyo de una normativa adecuada.
En cambio, donde realmente se est evolucionando es en el desarrollo
de pruebas y ensayos para conocer el estado de la madera y sus
propiedades mediante ensayos no destructivos (NDT), que nos debera
permitir conocer el estado de la madera, prdidas de seccin por
ataques biticos, propiedades mecnicas de madera en servicio, etc.
Los ensayos no destructivos sobre los que actualmente se est
investigando estn basados en la medicin de la velocidad de
propagacin de sonido o ultrasonidos, determinacin de frecuencias
de resonancia.
Los ultrasonidos miden los tiempos de paso, a partir de los cuales
obtenemos velocidades y, si podemos obtener las densidades,
podremos obtener el mdulo de elasticidad dinmico (MOE), adems
de detectar discontinuidades, roturas y otras anomalas.
Mediante el anlisis de vibraciones obtenemos la frecuencia natural de
vibracin de la madera y como en el caso anterior podemos obtener el
mdulo de elasticidad dinmico
El georadar, entre otras informaciones interesantes nos llevara a
obtener valores del mismo tipo que los anteriores.
Tambin se est trabajando en ensayos con distintos tipos de
penetrmetros: Resistgrafo, Pilodyn y con ensayos de arrancamiento de
tornillos, etc., estando estos ensayos ms orientados a la determinacin
de las densidades de la madera.
La combinacin de densidades (muy difcil de conocer en madera en
servicio) con los valores de los mdulos de elasticidad empiezan a dar
informaciones interesantes para obtener los valores de las propiedades
mecnicas de la madera puesta en obra, pero la precisin y abilidad
de estos valores obtenidos todava no es la exigida para realizar un
diagnstico preciso.

3. Nuestra lnea de trabajo

Consideramos que se va por el buen camino y que entre los numerosos
grupos que estn trabajando en la misma direccin, con distintas
tcnicas, se llegar a desarrollar un sistema able, sencillo de utilizar,
no excesivamente caro para que pueda ser de amplia difusin, y que
d valores bastante ms ables de los que se estn obteniendo hoy
en da.
Nuestro trabajo pretende buscar la combinacin de ensayos no
destructivos fciles de realizar es decir que se puedan transportar y
utilizar en en obra sin excesivas dicultades, que permitan determinar
el estado y las propiedades mecnicas de la madera.
Actualmente trabajamos sobre vigas extradas de obra, y trasladadas al
laboratorio, que clasicamos visualmente, y sometemos a ensayos no
destructivos, obteniendo una serie de valores.
Posteriormente procedemos a realizar ensayos destructivos (exin,
compresin, mdulo de elasticidad, etc.), obteniendo valores reales.
Por ltimo, cotejamos los valores obtenidos, buscando correlaciones
entre valores reales contrastados y datos de los ensayos no destructivos,
para establecer la abilidad de estos nuevos mtodos.
Esperamos en el futuro poder decir que habremos logrado el desarrollar
una tcnica mediante la cual, con equipos fcilmente transportables,
fcilmente utilizables, lleguemos a obtener informaciones muy ables.
PELLERIN F.; ROSS R.; et al. Nondestructive evaluation of wood (2002) ed. Madison EEUU : Forest
Products Society, cop. Pp. 210
ARRIAGA, F.; ESTEBAN, M.; RELEA, E. (2005). Evaluacin de la capacidad portante de piezas de gruesa
escuadra de madera de confera en estructuras existentes. Materiales de construccin. Vol.
55. no 280. Pp. 43-52
BONAMINI, G.; CECCOTTI, A.; MONTINI, E. (2000). The next sep in the assessment of ancient timber
beams: deriving characteristic values. COST Acction 05. Workshop Restrenghening of material
and structures. Zurich.
CAPUZ, R. Metodos de clasicacin no destructivos de la madera estructural. Materiales orgnicos.
Maderas (2005). Editorial de la UPV. Valencia
CASADO, M.; PINAZO, O.; BASTERRA, A.; ACUA, L. Tcnicas de ensayo no destructivas en madera
estructural mediante extraccin de tornillos. Aplicacin en viguetas de forjado de un edicio
singular. 4 Congreso Nacional de Proteccin de la Madera. (2005) San Sebastin.
ESTEBAN HERRERO, MIGUEL, Tesis Doctoral. (2002). Determinacin de la capacidad resistente de la
madera estructural de gran escuadra y su aplicacin a las estructuras existentes de madera
de confera. Universidad Politcnica de Madrid, Escuela Tcnica Superior de Ingenieros de
Montes. Director: Francisco Arriaga Marttegui.
HERMOSO, E.; FERNNDEZ-GOLFN, J.L.; DEZ, M.R. (2003). Evaluacin de la clasicacin resistente de la
madera estructural mediante ultrasonidos. 10 Congreso Nacional END. Asociacin espaola
de ensayos no destructivos. Cartagena
MONTN, J.; ROSELL, J.R. (1995) Una metodologa de inspecci de forjados de vigas de madera. 1r
Congrs. El cas dels sostres. Experincies i perspectives. ADIGSA. Barcelona
RINN, F. (1994). Resistographic inspection of building timber. Proceedings of the Pacic Timber
Engineering Conference, Gold Coast, Australia. Vol. 2. Pp. 469-478.
RODRGUEZ, C.; RUBIO DE HITA, P. (2000). Evaluacin del estado de la madera, en obras de rehabilitacin,
mediante tcnicas de ultrasonidos. Universidad de Sevilla. Servicio de publicaciones. Sevilla.
160 Pp.
SANDOZ, J.L. (1998). Nondestructive evaluation of building timber by ultrasound. 13th
International Symposium on Nondestructive Testing of Wood. Montreux, Switzeland.

UNE 56544: 2003 Clasicacin visual de la madera aserrada para uso estructural. Madera
de conferas.
UNE-EN 338: 2003. Madera estructural. Clases resistentes.
CTE. Cdigo Tcnico de la Edicacin


La diagnose comme tape pralable la rehabilitation

La diagnosis como etapa previa a la rehabilitacin
Diagnosis as preliminary to rehabilitation

La eciencia en la restauracin

Jos Borja Manrique del Ro

Soy Arquitecto Tcnico en Ejecucin de Obras desde el 25/02/1982
y Master en Prevencin de Riesgos Laborales desde el 31/03/2003.
Desde enero de 1991 ejerzo mi profesin de una manera liberal. En
el campo de la restauracin patrimonial estoy involucrado de una
manera directa desde mi primera publicacin en 1982, haciendo
proyectos, direcciones de ejecucin, participando en congresos,
simposios y dems eventos, dando conferencias, investigando e
impartiendo clases.
Direccin postal:
La Camposa, 7 Primero
09005 Burgos (Espaa)
Direccin de correo electrnico:

La eciencia en la restauracin
Ha pasado mucho tiempo desde la Declaracin de la Convencin
Nacional de la Repblica Francesa en el ao 1.794, donde se proclamaba
que los monumentos deban ser protegidos en contraposicin a los
brbaros y esclavos que los destruan, afortunadamente nuestros
monumentos ahora llamados Bienes Culturales han sido en mayor
o menor medida protegidos, cuidados y respetados. Son muchas las
teoras que sobre la restauracin de estos monumentos se han sucedido
desde aquella Declaracin, quedando aceptadas de una manera ms o
menos universal las cuatro fases de cualquier restauracin, es decir, el
conocimiento, el diagnostico, la intervencin y el mantenimiento.
Por desgracia las edicaciones tradicionales no han corrido tan buena
suerte, puesto que su inters generalizado no empieza hasta la
dcada de los setenta del pasado siglo, donde hubo una especie de
carrera para dotar a los centros histricos de nuestras ciudades de una
normativa de proteccin, de dudoso resultado, dando lugar a nales
del siglo pasado al Consejo de Europa a denir la situacin en la que se
encontraban estos edicios como de chabolismo vertical, debido a su
lamentable estado de conservacin, y el poco inters que mostraban
sus propietarios por su conservacin y/o mantenimiento, despreciando
todos los valores que estos poseen.
La llamada Arquitectura Tradicional Mediterrnea no se ha librado de
esta situacin.
El calicativo de arquitectura no me parece muy apropiado, cuando
de sobra es conocido que muchas de estas edicaciones tradicionales
que han llegado hasta nuestros das no han sido diseadas por un
arquitecto, sino que han salido del saber popular, y precisamente ese
es uno de sus grandes valores que hay que preservar, puesto que


recogen la sabidura popular, la utilizacin de materiales y tcnicas

constructivas que han demostrado su ecacia, ajenas a modas
imperantes en la arquitectura del momento. Los edicios diseados
por los arquitectos que empiezan a darse aproximadamente a partir
del tercer tercio del siglo XIX, intentan aglutinar el gusto popular de
los edicios tradicionales con el gusto acadmico imperante en el
momento, introduciendo nuevas tipologas y soluciones constructivas,
que obviamente tienen muchsimo inters, pero carecen del sabor o
buen hacer popular.
Sea como fuere, tanto los edicios populares como los diseados
por arquitectos, se han quedado obsoletos, pues las viviendas en
ellos contenidas no renen los estndares de calidad que la vivienda
del siglo XXI exige, y quizs sea esta una de las causas de su estado
actual de abandono, puesto que sus propietarios preeren el habitar
en una vivienda del siglo XXI dejando a su suerte el edicio tradicional,
provocando su ruina para intentar construir en su solar, sin tener en
cuenta el gran tesoro que poseen y generalmente con el beneplcito
del resto de la sociedad representada por las autoridades locales.
Parece claro cual es el reto para nuestros edicios tradicionales
incluidos los mediterrneos, salvar sus muchos valores adaptndolos a
los estndares de habitabilidad del siglo XXI.
Afortunadamente para el rea del mediterrneo contamos con el
programa REHABIMED, que ha desarrollado una metodologa propia
contando con siete fases en vez de las cuatro denidas para la
restauracin, que intenta ser la solucin al reto planteado.
Es conocida la gran distancia que existe entre los planteamientos
tericos y los prcticos, pues como dice el refranero del dicho al hecho
hay un trecho, y es por esta razn por la que me gustara presentarles
lo que yo llamo
La eciencia en la restauracin
Si la eciencia se dene como la capacidad de disponer de alguien o
de algo para conseguir un efecto determinado, tendremos que acotar
cual es el efecto que se quiere conseguir con la intervencin en un
edicio tradicional, y por lo comentado anteriormente parece que no
es una labor sencilla, puesto que para unos primara la conquista de los
estndares de calidad de la vivienda del siglo XXI, mientras que para
otros primara el propio edicio.
En la acotacin del efecto, no hay que olvidar que cuando se interviene
en un edicio tradicional lo primero que hay que tener en cuenta es
que el edicio, como dice la Carta de Cracovia, tiene memoria, es decir,
posee una gran fuente de conocimientos que hay que evitar a toda
costa que acaben en una escombrera y/o vertedero. Por eso este tipo
de intervenciones no son meras rehabilitaciones sino estamos ante una
restauracin en toda regla, y como tal antes de actuar en l debemos
conocerlo. Nos situamos por tanto en la tercera fase de la metodologa
Rehabimed, es decir, en la planicacin tcnica de la diagnosis.
La primera toma de contacto con el edicio o visita previa, nos
debe de servir para planicar la toma de datos, pues como ya se ha
comentado no se busca nicamente las causas y posibles soluciones
de las patologas existentes, es decir su reparacin, o la adaptacin del
edicio a los estndares de calidad de la vivienda del siglo XXI, sino que
hay que evitar la perdida de las fuentes del conocimiento que atesora
el edicio.
Para esta visita previa, el director del proyecto de restauracin
del edicio, ayudado con un simple bloc de notas y una cmara
fotogrca, revisar atentamente el entorno donde se encuentra el

La diagnose comme tape pralable la rehabilitation

La diagnosis como etapa previa a la rehabilitacin
Diagnosis as preliminary to rehabilitation

edicio pasando posteriormente a revisar todo el edicio. Con toda

esta informacin planicar la toma de datos necesaria y suciente
para realizar el proyecto de restauracin, describiendo y valorando
todos los medios materiales y humanos que el considera necesarios
para realizar un buen proyecto, y por tanto ampliar sus carencias y/
o desconocimientos en ciertos campos del saber humano. Es muy
importante este acto de humildad por parte del director del proyecto,
puesto que es l el que solicitar la ayuda que necesita, y nadie mejor
que l conoce sus limitaciones. Aunque suene duro decirlo la soberbia
de muchos directores de proyectos han arruinado edicios.
Esta demostrado que un buen proyecto ahorra tiempo y dinero, puesto
que deja muy poco margen a las sorpresas y por tanto a la elaboracin
de precios contradictorios y a la prolongacin excesiva en el tiempo de
la intervencin, razn que debera de bastar para que la toma de datos
sea realizada de la manera mas exhaustiva posible, pero si sta ya esta
valorada y planicada perfectamente la conclusin no puede ser ms
que una, se consigue una mayor efectividad en el aprovechamiento
de los medios tanto materiales como humanos, y a la larga un ahorro
de medios importante en la intervencin del edicio, obteniendo una
calidad mayor.
Parece que nadie duda que para un buen proyecto de restauracin
es necesario contar con un equipo multidisciplinar, y por desgracia
en la mayora de los casos estos equipos estn formados por muy
buenos profesionales que, y permtanme la expresin, hacen la guerra
por su parte. Con la planicacin de la toma de datos, este equipo
multidisciplinar se transforma en un equipo interdisciplinar, donde
cada uno realiza de acuerdo con el director del proyecto su labor, y sus
conocimientos en vez de ponerse al servicio de su lucimiento personal
y/o profesional, se ponen al servicio del edicio, evitando prdidas de
tiempo innecesarias e informes de tipo generalista, por desgracia tan
abundantes, puesto que se transforman en informes concretos y tiles
para la elaboracin del proyecto.
Normalmente cuando se solicita a un arquitecto o ingeniero de la
construccin que vaya a tomar datos a un edicio, lo primero que suele
hacer es empezar a levantar croquis donde poder reejar en ellos las
medidas que va tomando, para de esta manera, tranquilamente en su
despacho poder realizar los planos que l considere oportuno. Por esto
es importante recordar, que estos edicios contienen memoria y que
uno de nuestros objetivos es que esta no acabe en una escombrera
y/o vertedero, y que por tanto nuestra actuacin debe ser en todo
momento la de un profesional de la restauracin. Por eso es tan
importante una buena toma de datos, y esta debe estar planicada,
como ya se ha comentado, en la visita previa y en el proyecto de
restauracin., es decir, por un lado estar la toma de datos necesaria
para ejecutar un buen proyecto de restauracin (representacin
grca, fuentes documentales, estudio histrico-artstico, estudio
arqueolgico, estudio de ora y fauna, estudios tcnicos, estudio de los
materiales, estudio estructural y estudio del entorno1) y la que quedar
denida en el propio proyecto de restauracin (sobre todo lo relativo
a la toma de muestras de materiales que van a desaparecer, y que es
conveniente, con toda la documentacin pertinente, depositar en el
museo de la localidad, para su custodia y por supuesto para su anlisis
y estudio cuando se pueda).

especca, de acuerdo a las caractersticas y problemticas del mismo

y a las del tcnico redactor del proyecto de restauracin, huyendo de
programas generalistas y/o de mnimos.
Muchas gracias por su atencin.
Barcelona 12 - 15 de julio de 2.007

La toma de datos se puede ver de una manera ms exhaustiva en LA METODOLOGA

MEMORIA Los criterios de la restauracin de los Bienes Culturales: tradicin y nuevas
tendencias. Valladolid 2002. Diputacin de Valladolid - Junta de Castilla y Len. Pginas

Partiendo de la mxima de que cada edicio es un mundo, debemos
planicar y valorar la toma de datos del mismo de una manera


La diagnose comme tape pralable la rehabilitation

La diagnosis como etapa previa a la rehabilitacin
Diagnosis as preliminary to rehabilitation

Determination des performances en

usage des maisons traditionnelles en
climats chaud seches.
Hypothse de De-codication de
larchitecture traditionnelle: le cas
dtude de lIntervention pilote au
Nefta, ville-oasis du Chott - el - Jerid,

Sara Cacciola
Docteur de recherche et collaborateur du Prof. Corrado Trombetta,
Italien expert dans le secteur Expriences de Rhabilitation du Projet
Rehabimed et responsable du groupe de travail dans le Projet italotunisienne tude, sauvegarde et valorisation des villes-oasis en Tunisie.
Intervention pilote au Nefta, en laquelle suis structure en qualit de
Tutor de Technologie de larchitecture et dHistoire de larchitecture.
Adresse postale:
Universit Mditerranenne de Reggio Calabria, Italie, Dpartement
DASTEC, rue Melissari,
89100 Reggio Calabria, Italie
Adresse electronique:
+39 328 1186167

Le cas dtude de lintervention pilote italo-tunisienne Nefta

Le projet a commenc en juin du 2005 avec lintervention triennale
pilote dans la ville-oasis de Nefta et cest le rsultat dun protocole
de coopration du 2001 entre le Gouvernement Italien et Tunisien.
Le projet se propose la formation des ressources humaines locales,
pour la sauvegarde et la valorisation du patrimoine architectural et du
milieux, travers la messe point et la consolidation des procs de
dveloppement endogne, de croissance conomique, culturelle et
A Nefta un Centre pour la formation et la recherche a t fond, avec
lobjectif dattribuer aux tunisiens titulaires dune matrise technique la
comptence pour comprendre et protger les ralits locales.
Du 2005 je droule activit didactique et de recherche et je fais partie
du groupe de travail du Prof. Trombetta qui soccupe de rechercher les
aspects technologiques de ldi traditionnel en mettant lattention
sur la capacit de lenveloppe des btiments dinteragir avec le dicile
milieu dsertique en adoucissant limpact climatique sur le btiment. La
recherche vise lenqute sur lecacit nergtique de lenveloppe de
btiment traditionnel et sur le niveau de comfort termo-hygromtrique
quon peut obtenir et la dnition des matriaux et des solutions


technologiques, compositives et formels, bases sur lexprience qui

concourent garantir comfort de lambiant et pargne nergtique,
se considrer comme interventions ecaces selon les regles de la
Enqute instrumentale des performances nergtiques
Lenqute directe sur btiments de Nefta a permis didentier les
caractres compositifs et constructifs de larchitecture traditionnel
des oasis. Attention sest concentre sur le rapport entre architecture
et milieu naturel et on est arriv dterminer, lechelle urbaine, sur
chaque btiment et sur chaque lment architectural, les systmes qui,
selon une valuation empirique, ils sont responsables de la modration
de limpact climatique sur les btiments. Pour vrier la validit des
systmes dnissables bioclimatiques experenciels one ets ncessaires
des enqutes sur le comportement termo-hygromtrique des
btiments, en cours. La connaissance des valeurs de la temprature et
de lhumidit relative dun milieu permet, en eet, den dterminer avec
bonne approximation le niveau de comfort et ltude du rapport direct
entre lusage de quelques systmes et la dirence climatique entre
milieu extrieur et intrieur permet de les identier et de les rutiliser.
La dnition des solutions ecaces rpond lobjectif de fournir une
mthodologie qui peut guider dans le choix des systmes constructifs
qui garantissent une suprieure ecacit termo-hygromtrique de
lenveloppe, selon les lois du soutenabilit, aun dune rduction de
la consommation nergtique et de la pollution. la telle n, on a
installs, en quelques maisons de Nefta, des sensoriels thermiques et
termo-hygromtriques lointains la lecture informatique, les iButton.
En ayant lu, dans la composition compacte du medina et dans la
dimension, conformation et distribution des parcours des systmes, des
probables systemes de premiere modration de limpact climatique
lechelle urbaine, on a considr utile de comparer les valeurs aussi
termo-hygromtriques extrieurs relevs par le centre metereologique
de Nefta.
Premiers rsultats
En Juin 2006 les iButton ont ts appliqus en la Dar El Wadi (C1) de
Nefta, choissie comme maison champion pour ses compositives
caractristiques et constructives. Il sagit dun btiment traditionnel
pour principes compositives, techniques constructives et matriaux
utiliss, saufe pour une partie des greniers de couverture, reconstruit en
utilisant matriels nouveaux, et pour laddition de nouvelles ouvertures
pendant lintervention de restauration du 2006. Cest lune des maisons
la cour la plus grande de la medina et prsente une articulation
intressante dans la subdivision des places intrieures. Ile resultat est
une varit de milieux quils orent un rpertoire vaste de solutions
rechercher et comparer.
Le comparaison entre les termo-hygromtriques graphiques et entre
ceux-ci et les caractristiques des milieux de la maison C1, a soulign
tout a:
extrieure relevs dans la ruelle limitrophe au nord de la maison on
la lit en respect aux valeurs obtenues par le Centre Meteo de Nefta,
situ dans une zone ouverte - oscillation de 24 30C plutt que de
20 33C. Telle dirence est imputable, avec bonne probabilit, la
prsence de courants dair induites par la conformation du plan de

La diagnose comme tape pralable la rehabilitation

La diagnosis como etapa previa a la rehabilitacin
Diagnosis as preliminary to rehabilitation


relative qui va de 15 - 75% lextrieur 30-55% lintrieur, en
de la temprature se trouvent au rez-de- chausse, dans la partie
avec exposition est-ouest, avec mur perimetrale lest dpaisseur
variable de 80 120 cms et ouvert avec lucarnes rares sur une ruelle
troite, dlimite par hauts murs, et avec mur perimetrale louest
de 80 cms environ dpaisseur qui presente direntes ouvertures
sur la cour interieure. Loscillation thermique se rduit en manire
essentielle dans les milieux pas exposs directement lextrieur ou
dans les milieux exposs lextrieur avec des murs plus pais, 120
cms environ, et aveugles ou encore dans les pices qui se montrent
sous le portique avec petites et rares ouvertures. Dans tels milieux la
temprature, dans la premire moiti de Juin, oscille de 24 la limite
de 26C ou sarrete 26C presques stables, valeurs qui rentrent
amplement dans la zone du bien-tre, pendant que, comme dej
dit, lextrieur la temprature atteint 20C de minimume et 33C
de maxime. De la comparaison entre les valeurs comprises dans les
entractes dites et les valeurs de lhumidit interne relative rsulte
que le niveau de comfort atteint, en Juin 2006, dans ces milieux il
rentre dans la zone du bien-tre, ou se rapproche beaucoup, pour
les pices toujours mises au rez-de-chausse, avec des murs moins
pais, environ 60 cms dpaisseur, avec deux facades exposes sur
les amples espaces ouverts des cours intrieures et avec ouvertures
plus amples et nombreuses directement ouvertes lextrieur. Dans
ces milieux en Juin les valeurs de temprature ont ts releves
compris entre 22 et 29C et la comparaison avec lhumidit relative,
30% minimume - 50% maxime souligne quon a atteint un niveau de
comfort acceptable seulement pour valeurs qui rentrent entre 25 et
27C et cest--dire seulement pour plus ou moin brves priodes
de temps comprises entre les 12 et 24 haures. La comparaison entre
les valeurs de temprature et dhumidit relative releve entre les
heures 1 et les 12 a donn, par contre, rsults qui sont au dehors
entre 24 et 28C, surtout dans les pices au rez-de-chausse, et entre
25 et 27C, dans les pices au premier tage. Leurs caractristiques
sont: paisseur de maonnerie de 80 cms environ, deux murs
intrieurs, lun adoss lautre btiment ou limitrophe avec les
ruelles, exposition plus abrite et une autre ouverte, en position
moins protge, sur lample cour interieure.

alimente la tendance augmenter les surfaces troues dans les murs

extrieurs avec la consquente grande vulnrabilit de lenveloppe
dhabitation aux rigueurs du climat. La rsistance insusante aux
agents atmosphriques des couvertures traditionnelles ralises avec
des feuilles de palmier et terre crue en outre, il comporte interventions
continues et systmatiques dentretien non plus compatibles avec
les rythmes modernes de vie. Tout ca dtermine un abandon graduel
des systmes constructifs et des matriels traditionnels au service de
techniques constructives importes, apparemment plus avantageuses,
qui prvoient lusage de matriaux pas trouvables localement et peu
connus par les communauts et improprement utiliss. Telles limites
sont surmontables avec des interventions complmentaires simples
ou avec des substitutions partielles aptes maintenir inaltre ou, si
ncessaire, amliorer la compatibilit ambiante, sociale et conomique
des solutions traditionnelles. La plus grande attention dans la distribution
et caractristiques des ouvertures et dans la slection et composition
des matriaux locals pourrait amliorer ultrieurement le rsultat
excellent atteint avec les techniques constructives traditionnelles.
La dnition et la proposition, travers par exemple un Code de
pratique, des direntes solutions, en ligne avec les lois du soutenabilit
de la construction, constituent les prochains passes dans le parcour
de recherche qui continue avec des relevs annuelles et analyses de
laboratoire des champions des matriaux et qui a port aux premiers
rsultats encourageants.

Les premiers rsultats partiels conrment la suppositoire capacit
des systmes traditionnels interagir avec le climat extrieur en
ladoucissant et ils indiquent que les systmes de habitation des oasis
tunisiennes vrient aussi les standards actuels du comfort.
Une proposition en cl contemporaine, dans la restauration comme
dans le projet du nouveau, des systmes traditionnels prsente en tout
cas des limites.
Il faut tenir compte, en eet, des nouvelles ncessits dhabitation
qui portent lintroduction dinnovations dans les techniques
constructives et dans les caractristiques du projet et distributives.
Le grand besoin actuel dair et lumire dans les pices rsidentielles


La diagnose comme tape pralable la rehabilitation

La diagnosis como etapa previa a la rehabilitacin
Diagnosis as preliminary to rehabilitation


Le projet de rhabilitation : rexion sur les critres

El proyecto de rehabilitacin: reexiones sobre criterios
The rehabilitation project: reections on criteria

Le projet de rhabilitation : rexion sur les critres

El proyecto de rehabilitacin: reexiones sobre criterios
The rehabilitation project: reections on criteria

From Architecture without Architects

until Today

Youssef El Khoury
Lebanese architect, specialized in renovation and restoration of historic monuments, graduated 2001 form the Lebanese University (UL,
Beaux Arts). Currently preparing a thesis in the Technische Universitt
Berlin with the working title: Tradition Revisited, Additions and Interventions by Architects in Vernacular and Traditional Architecture in
Mount-Lebanon from the 1920s until Today.
Kollwitzstrae 92 10435 Berlin, Germany
E-mail address:
0049 176 24802131

Vernacular architecture is the outcome of a tradition that has evolved

over generations fullling specic needs and expressing the aspirations
of its users; it is shaped by environmental, social, economic and historic
factors. (Rudofsky 1965)
In this paper I seek to cast an overview on the inuences aecting
the domestic vernacular architecture in Mount Lebanon from the
1850s, and the additions of architects on these houses from the 1920s.
These houses tell us about the history of Lebanon and problems in
the Lebanese legislation of architecture and of built heritage, not to
mention the social and identity crisis that the country is undergoing.
One of the main features of vernacular architecture is that it does not
fully comply with the established typologies1. It is an additive and
evolutionary architecture regulated by many factors, like the economic
situation of the inhabitants, the growth of the family, the unplanned
need of a new function...etc. Today, the rehabilitation process does
not only result from the need for additional space nor to maintain and
renew, but it is the outcome of a certain reverence to the past.
Following this perpetual evolution- which reects a society in constant
change - and due to the superposition of many factors occurring
between the 1850s and 1900s, the central hall house appeared in the
main cities of the region spreading to the mountains surrounding it.
Khater2 states that the spread of the central hall house in the villages
is mainly caused by the return of migrants who formed a new middle
class using this new type as a representation of their new status, in
contrast with the hovels and poor houses still utilised by their relatives.
A transition is witnessed from one multipurpose space house where
all the everyday life activities happened, to various rooms that are
connected by the central hall adorned by the infamous three arches.
Many of the hovels are upgraded, not only by being extended, but
by receiving some of the new elements in fashion. In a very short
period the at earth roofs of the villages of Mount Lebanon are

replaced by imported red tiles on pitched roofs. From almost empty

and minimal single space, to a house full of European style furniture
and modern utensils, the house in the rural space parallels the villages
transformation. The village which was an almost independent selfsucient agglomeration where the life revolved - and was centered
- about: land, kinship, and religion (Gulick 1955) was, in a few decades
transformed into a suburb. It now revolved around the Western world,
especially after the centralization of the state and the independence
of 1943.
In 1920, other regions are annexed to Mount-Lebanon forming the
new state of Lebanon under the French mandate. Though the central
hall type will be used until the 1950s, new materials of construction are
introduced (especially concrete as of the 1930s) and new inuences
(colonialism and modernism) are beginning to be visible. Naturally, the
extensions on the vernacular are built using this new vocabulary.
With the spread of the use of concrete, came the decrease in the
number of craftsmen that transmitted their know-how for generations.
Many at compacted earth roofs were replaced with reinforced
concrete to reduce maintenance; stone lintels are replaced by concrete
lintels which are more ecient in tension. And many houses received
larger concrete terraces and balconies; concrete was not used solely for
its physical characteristics but slowly began replacing old construction
As of the end of the 1950s, partially as a policy of the state to reduce
rural exodus, infrastructure was introduced to rural areas which caused
an uncontrolled urbanization of the rural space3. With the expansion
of the rural space and the construction changes, the tradition of
vernacular architecture has ceased to live, becoming a mere trace of
the past in dierent forms: from ruins to still used houses but changed
and mutated to adapt to today.
In the 19th century, no ocial building code was applicable in the rural
space4 and the heritage laws established by the Ottoman Empire5, were
restricted to antique archeological sites, without considering what is
today regarded as traditional vernacular architecture. Even during
the French mandate period, heritage was limited to the archeological
remains and monuments for political reasons. In Lebanon, traditional
architecture was always used in ideological construction (Davie 2003).
Since 2000, Lebanon has had a pending law project that was prepared
by the ministry of culture. This law aims to preserve Ensembles of
Traditional architecture, reecting ocial interest in the issue. However
the actual law governing the protection of historic monuments and
antiquities6 denes antiquity as ...all products of human activity
regardless of the civilization they belong to, dating before 1700.
Leaving a large majority of the built vernacular heritage subject to the
normal building code; reduced to an area that is usually increased with
new additions to reach the allowed exploitation surface. Consequently
hundreds of vernacular houses are buried under concrete additions,
and others are abandoned because of migration.
To attenuate the impact of uncontrolled urban growth of the villages,
additional decrees on the building codes and the zoning laws of the
Directorate General of Urbanism (DGU), predict some measures like
imposing the use of red tiles on roofs and the 60% stone cladding of the
faade, without reaching a solution. They reveal however a supercial
approach. Architects contribute to this by using elements of traditional
architecture in incoherent ways (pastiche of tradition).
Under no protection or conservation laws is there a clear policy by the
state to manage the architectural heritage in the rural space, with the


Le projet de rhabilitation : rexion sur les critres

El proyecto de rehabilitacin: reexiones sobre criterios
The rehabilitation project: reections on criteria

exception of questionable zoning projects by the DGU commissioned

by some municipalities or the personal eort by individuals to charge
architects to renovate and add, according to specic needs (usually a
matter of a prestigious elitist representation). Also is the view point of
inhabitants who underestimate the value of their poor homes, making
cost-ecient interventions for certain needs. Although one can
consider this the same process of spontaneity that shaped vernacular
architecture, there is, however, an incoherence and irreversibility with
most of the additions happening today, transforming the villages into
slum-like regions. Hence, emerges the necessity of rethinking the
process of how to add on a house in a village.
In my current research, a survey of dierent villages in Mount-Lebanon
establishes a general overview of the additions made to the traditional
houses. Simultaneously, selected representative cases of additions by
architects are documented in a detailed database. Although they do
not evenly represent the general situation (observed in the survey)
they can be considered as projects that try to nd dierent solutions
to similar problems, or they could have provoked dierent problems
in similar cases.
So far two sets of types have been established: Physical additions, and
thematic additions. The rst set denes the additions and renovations
in a quantitative and functional way. The second set facilitates the
comprehension of the additions critically, framing them chronologically;
showing the prevailing tendencies in each period:

Far more in number are the cases where the postmodern architect
chooses a historicist approach; what Tabet (1998) calls the mask of
tradition, he continues to say that we are willingly choosing isolated
elements of a rich heritage to form a faked heritage on the ruins of a
real but unwanted one: A projected tradition that conrms the loss of
the authentic one (Arbid 2005).
Finally, the majority of the interventions: extensions to existing
traditional buildings should be labeled Modern Vernacular7, with
faster rates and dierent means than those of the traditional ones.
Therefore the additions on vernacular architecture today prove that
this tradition is technologically dead but conceptually alive, because of
social and economic reasons.
Vernacular architecture is jeopardized by two extremes, the rst is
abandonment and ruin, the second is the freezing and transformation
of the structure into a product of the heritage industry. An appropriate
policy must be found to preserve it as a living heritage, conciliating
between its social and cultural content and the global economy of
today. In Lebanon, this is a very fragile balance to manage for urban
planning [in Lebanon] still lacks transparency, inclusiveness, and
accountability (Kgler 2005) and where heritage is a tool of national
identity construction or social status representation.

Physical additions of:





Thematic additions:



Minimalism, Traditionalism...)
Selected cases from 1920 until today will be analyzed as monographs.
The intention is to study the metamorphosis of these houses through
time, showing how each addition reects an architectural, technical,
social, economical and legal development. When archived information
is insucient which is the case the building archeology of the
house will provide the missing pieces of the story; confronted with
the documented history, the outcome should show and analyze the
reasons and meanings of the additions and their evolution.
So far, one can say that only a few cases attempt to understand the
existing building and add on it in a way that establishes a dialogue
between the old and the new, from the technical, material, conceptual
and architectural point of view. Conclusively, vernacular architecture
can provide rich material to think or rethink modernity.


See Corpus Levant 2004 for the recent list of houses typologies.

A. KHATER, Inventing Home, London 2001.

H. SRAKIS, Circa 1958, Beirut 2003.

As opposite to cities like Beirut where the Ottoman reforms were applied.

First promulgated in the provinces as of the 1870s.

Law decree no. 166/L.R. 7th of November 1933.

A term used by Assi and Chakkar, Peripheral Conditions: Rowaysset, a Modern

Vernacular. 2005, in

Le projet de rhabilitation : rexion sur les critres

El proyecto de rehabilitacin: reexiones sobre criterios
The rehabilitation project: reections on criteria

Simple rural house in Ain Ikrin, with the addition of a gallery. Six visible phases. Until the
replacement of the earth roof with a concrete one and the obstruction of the gallery with
concrete. (Photo by author, 2006)

Returning migrants, replacing their Liwan (below) with a central hall house (above). Gaube
collection 1971

A house in Hardin, prepared to receive a possible never executed addition, and become a
central hall house. Notice the protruding stones on the corners. (Photo by author, 2007)

Addition on a simple rural house in Hasroun. (Photo by author, 2005)


Le projet de rhabilitation : rexion sur les critres

El proyecto de rehabilitacin: reexiones sobre criterios
The rehabilitation project: reections on criteria

La conservacin de la arquitectura
tradicional a travs de sistemas
modernos: los Sassi de Matera

Antonella Guida1, Fabio Fatiguso2 & Antonello Pagliuca3

1 Architect, Associate Professor in Building Construction at

of Basilicata; recent scientic interest: recovery of buildings with particular focus on topics regarding energy self-suciency, sustainable
upgrading and the science of industrial archaeology.
2 Engineer, Assistant Professor in Building Construction at Politecnico
of Bari; recent scientic interest: building refurbishment and conservation of traditional heritage, building maintenance and technologies.
3 Engineer, phD student in Building Engineering at Politecnico of Bari.
Direccin postal:
1 University of Basilicata - Faculty of Engineering - Viale dellAteneo

Lucano, 10, C.da Macchia Romana, 85100, Potenza

DAU Department of Architecture and Town
Planning - Via Orabona, 4 70125 Bari
2-3 Politecnico di Bari -

Direccin de correo electrnico:
1 tel. +39/0971/205174, fax +39/0971/205185
2-3 tel. +39/080/5963789 5963347, fax +39/080/5963348

1. Introduccin
Con la crisis del modelo de desarrollo urbano de tipo horizontalextensivo y con la problemtica relacionada con la explotacin de los
recursos energticos, la rehabilitacin inmobiliaria asume la funcin de
gua en el sector de la construccin: es la ciudad histrica y tradicional
la que llama la atencin de la mayor parte de la gente con sus
peculiaridades tipolgicas, morfolgicas, espaciales y distributivas.
As pues, cambia profundamente la manera de enfocar la rehabilitacin
del patrimonio arquitectnico tradicional, que pasa de ser una
responsabilidad para la colectividad, a ser el recurso principal para
un desarrollo compatible y equilibrado del territorio: en esta ptica,
la rehabilitacin se hace acto de cultura (con fundamento histricocrtico y cientco-tcnico), entendido en su sentido ms amplio, es
decir, de rehabilitacin integrada, abierta adems de, a los motivos
de la accesibilidad y de la reutilizacin, a las exigencias materiales y
tecnolgicas, a los componentes urbansticos y territoriales, tambin a
los ecolgicos y ambientales.

2. Mtodos para la reutilizacin (o la continuacin de uso) de la

arquitectura tradicional.
Parece evidente, como evidencian diversos estudios, una dicultad


general de conseguir en la arquitectura tradicional (sobretodo en zona

mediterrnea) cualidades ambientales a travs de mtodos que ponen
limitaciones y vnculos. Tales mtodos, a menudo unidos a modelos
normativos de traduccin de las viviendas a parmetros y estndares de
tipo objetivo, impiden la intervencin, sea de simple mantenimiento o
de rehabilitacin; o bien producen el resultado no correlato de manera
lgica con los caracteres constructivos, tipolgicos, funcionales y
tecnolgicos de las construcciones.
Una rehabilitacin adecuada del patrimonio arquitectnica tradicional,
en la que las instancias de reutilizacin (o de la continuacin de uso)
contempornea de los edicios, con cualidades comparables a las de
nuevas construcciones, sean incorporadas (y no sobrepuestas) con
las de la conservacin y no cancelacin de la acumulacin histrica
(entendida como totalidad de valores adquiridos en el tiempo de la
construccin), parecen necesitar de un mtodo global, es decir, de un
actitud adoptada con respecto del objeto de denicin prioritaria de las
prestaciones y condiciones y, siguiente individuacin de las acciones a
emprender, acciones que pueden tambin variar segn las exigencias
y por lo tanto no son susceptibles a ser generalizadas.
As pues, el mtodo puede resumirse en una primera fase de
individuacin de las elecciones tcnicas y tecnolgicas consiguientes
a las prestaciones exigidas al edicio y del conjunto de vnculos que la
arquitectura pone a las posibilidades de ser transformada sin todava
perder sus seas peculiares, y en una segunda fase de denicin de
criterios y modalidades de intervencin adecuadas a travs de una
comparacin de congruencia entre elecciones localizadas y edicio.
Realizar una intervencin a travs de modalidades de accin que
derivan de un acercamiento metodolgico global permite determinar
unas equlibradas atribuciones de valor (es decir, sopesar los diversos
valores en juego -histrico, de uso, econmico, tcnico, etc.- a veces con
nalidades contrastantes entre ellos) y luego, de obtener una calidad
de la rehabilitacin que se resume en un nivel elevado de control del
proceso y de profundo respeto por los caracteres originales.
Las consideraciones desarrolladas asumen particular importancia en
el caso de las problemticas conectadas a la adecuacin funcional
del patrimonio inmobiliario: algunas tipologas de intervencin han
llevado a la introduccin forzada de nuevos elementos y funciones que
han transformado y, en algunos casos, completamente anulado los
valores arquitectnico-morfolgicos y tipolgico-funcionales originales
generando una verdadera alteracin formal y lolgica del bien.
A ello, se aade, que una malentendida aspiracin al progreso y
a la modernidad, ha introducido el uso cotidiano de materiales y
tcnicas extraas a la cultura tradicional, que estn transformando y, a
menudo, de manera inevitable, destruyendo en silencio la imagen (y la
estructura, en el sentido de sistema de relaciones entre los elementos
que constituyen el objeto) de muchas arquitecturas tradicionales.

3. El caso de la rehabilitacin de las viviendas de los Sassi de

Matera, ciudad histrica, ella misma, monumento tanto por su aspecto
topogrco, como por su aspecto paisajstico, tanto por el carcter
de sus calles como por la agregacin de sus edicios, ofrece hoy un
espectculo del todo imprevisible para el visitante. Una ciudad plantada
en una roca natural hirsuta y escarpada, histricamente circundada por
llanuras frtiles y ncleos de casas que se ramican modelando las
antiguas barriadas Sassi. Aqu existe un enorme patrimonio inmobiliario

Le projet de rhabilitation : rexion sur les critres

El proyecto de rehabilitacin: reexiones sobre criterios
The rehabilitation project: reections on criteria

y arquitectnico abandonado desde hace cincuenta aos, objeto de un

lento, en algunos aspectos, y muy (quiz demasiado) rpido en otros,
proceso de rehabilitacin.
Un tejido edilicio menudo, recogido alrededor de los recintos y a lo largo
de las terrazas, los callejones, los escalones y las calles, y la dimensin
cuantitativa de la operacin de rehabilitacin, proponen fuertemente
los problemas metodolgicos de la intervencin, los cuales estudios e
investigaciones, llevados a cabo en tiempos ms o menos recientes [1]
[2] [3] han afrontado slo en parte, sobretodo en lo que se reere a los
aspectos histricos, de anlisis crtico y esttico.
En esta sede se enfoca la atencin sobre lo que parece la principal
dicultad de la rehabilitacin de los Sassi de Matera: la integracin de las
exigencias concernientes a las prestaciones ambientales exigidas por
los nuevos usos (incluyendo tanto las nuevas destinaciones como la
modernizacin de las originales) con las necesidades de conservacin
arquitectnica en bsqueda de un equilibrio aceptable, bajo el perl
tcnico y cultural, entre materiales/tcnicas y elementos/tecnologas
La bsqueda de ese equilibrio, expresin directa del acercamiento
global antes esbozado al principio de un estudio exhaustivo de los
caracteres especcos del contexto de intervencin, puede conducir
a prever la atribucin de funciones avanzadas (ms bien que de
actividades tradicionales) que particulares arquitecturas tradicionales,
como en el caso de los Sassi de Matera, parecen acoger mejor. Este es el
caso de las intervenciones de rehabilitacin ejecutadas en dos sectores
urbanos articulados y reconvertidos en estructuras con capacidad
hotelera, la Locanda di S. Martino y el Hotel Sant Angelo.
En el caso de la Locanda di S. Martino la intervencin de rehabilitacin
consinti una adecuacin funcional y tecnolgica, que permiti a los
antiguos ambientes garantizar notables prestaciones y un adecuado
confort indoor. El complejo arquitectnico est constituido,
principalmente, por inmuebles de tipologa a lamione (ambiente
escavado enteramente y/o construido con cobertura en bveda
de can) con una solo vista haca el frente principal, homogneos
desde el punto de vista constructivo y tecnolgico, dispuestos, en
serie, adosados a lo largo de terrazas sobrepuestas abancalan la ladera
rocosa, al fondo del valle del Sasso Barisano.
La organizacin tipolgica y morfolgica de la zona se presta
particularmente a la transformacin en agregaciones de unidades
independientes, pero relacionadas orgnicamente entre ellas, a
travs de la presencia natural de los enlaces urbanos existentes. As,
la intervencin, dene habitaciones y suites hosteleras, que es ms
fcil que las residencias (destinacin originaria de las construcciones)
se adaptan a la especial articulacin y complejidad de los espacios
existentes. El objetivo de conservar elmente los ambientes originales,
se obtienen integrando nuevas funciones ms exibles (g.1-2).
La simplicacin permitida desde el nuevo uso enviste, ms all que los
aspectos tipolgicos y ms especcamente distributivos y funcionales,
tambin las soluciones de equipamiento tecnolgico, reconducidas
a la sumatoria de simples elementos individuales con conexiones
a nivel urbano. Eso permiti el empleo, esencialmente, de tcnicas
tradicionales para la rehabilitacin estructural, el saneamiento higinico
y la eliminacin del deterioro, limitando al mnimo la introduccin de
nuevos componentes (g.3).
El mismo rigor metodolgico en las intervenciones, acentuado desde
problemticas aparentemente diferentes, tuvieron en la intervencin
de rehabilitacin y reconversin de otra zona, ubicada en el Sasso

Caveoso, para la realizacin del Hotel S.Angelo

Los dos ejemplos de intervencin controlado formal, morfolgico
y tecnolgico, que permiti la transformacin de residencias en
estructuras receptivas por estas zonas urbanas, demuestran y validan
las consideraciones propuestas: es posible adecuar la arquitectura
tradicional a las prestaciones de calidad contemporneas sin todava
comprometer las connotadas caractersticas, consintiendo un
conservacin integrada del bien, y tal posibilidad parece, a menudo,
ms fcilmente alcanzable en el mbito de aparentes transformaciones

4. Consideraciones conclusivas.
La rehabilitacin de la calidad habitativa de los ambientes del
patrimonio arquitectnico tradicional puede realizarse con la menor
privacin de las seas propias, incorporando tradicin e innovacin y
teniendo siempre en cuenta los aspectos arquitectnicos, tipolgicos
y morfolgicos originales a n de perfeccionar las calidades de las
prestaciones y mantener intactos los equilibrios reforzados en el
transcurso del tiempo.
Recorriendo la investigacin histrica, de los componentes tipolgicos
y tecnolgicos y adems, de las problemticas relacionadas con
la adecuacin funcional, se debe luego especicar acercamientos
metodolgicos y reglas que son ms que rgidos procesos
El objetivo de la intervencin sobre la arquitectura tradicional tiene que
ser el de garantizar una continuidad lingstica de las construcciones
entre el pasado y el futuro, y en el humilde respeto de los patrimonios
edilicios y ambientales hacia a los que dirigir las sinergias de los
esfuerzos de los diferentes actores implicados.

[1] RESTUCCI A., Matera: i Sassi. Manuale del recupero , Electa, (1998)
[2] GIUFFR A. CAROCCI C., Codice di pratica per la sicurezza e la conservazione dei Sassi di
Matera, Ed. La Bautta, (1997)
[3] ROCCHI P., I SASSI DI MATERA : tra restauro conservativo e consolidamento, Venezia : Marsilio,
[4] F. FATIGUSO, A. GUIDA (2002), Tradizione ed innovazione per il recupero edilizio e ambientale
dei Sassi di Matera, in Atti del I Congresso Internazionale H & mH Hazards & modern
Heritage, Vulnerabilit e Rischi del Patrimonio Architettonico del XX secolo e Misure di
prevenzione, Vol. I, pp. 441-449, Rodi (Grecia), aprile 2002
[5] F. FATIGUSO, A. GUIDA, I. MECCA (2003), Setting of the restoration project for durability, in
Brebbia, C.A. (Eds.), Structural Studies, Repairs and Maintenance of Heritage Architecutre VII,
Wessex Institute of Technology WIT Press, Southampton (UK)
[6] F. FATIGUSO, A. GUIDA, I. MECCA, (2004), The architectonic-environmental requalication of the
historical centre: recovery and resignication of Sassi of Matera. in Proceedings of The Third
Annual Conference Science and Technology in Archaeology and Conservation - Queen
Rania Institute of Tourism and Heritage QIRTH - The Hashemite University - December 7-11,
2004 Jordan


Le projet de rhabilitation : rexion sur les critres

El proyecto de rehabilitacin: reexiones sobre criterios
The rehabilitation project: reections on criteria

La Locanda di S.Martino antes y despus de los trabajos de reutilizacin

Un originario vivienda transformada en habitacin de albergue

Locanda di S.Martino: esquema funcional de los niveles 0 y 4 antes y despus de la



Le projet de rhabilitation : rexion sur les critres

El proyecto de rehabilitacin: reexiones sobre criterios
The rehabilitation project: reections on criteria

Los elementos del patrimonio cultural:

su permanente vigencia

Albert Pl i Gisbert
Europenne des Mtiers et Arts.
t .64&6%)*453*"4BOU'FMJVEF(VYPMT (JSPOB
Junta Tcnica del Museu.
t "(361"$*0 %"326*5&$5&4  1&3 -" %&'&/4" * */5&37&/$*0 "-
t 3&410/4"#-&%&-"'03."$*00#&35""5&3$&3$*$-&"
Domicilio profesional :
Albert Pl, Arquitecte i Companyia
Roger de Llria 119 121 tico-1a
Direccin de correo electrnico:
+ 0034 932 151 281
+ 0034 932 151 141

La permanente vigencia de los diversos elementos pertenecientes

al patrimonio cultural sean edicios o no, hace que sean testigos en
nuestro territorio de la cultura mediterrnea. Esta permanencia, se basa
en la propia conservacin del patrimonio cultural, sea por el uso de los
habitantes del territorio o por actuaciones puntuales de restauracin,
actualizando su funcin, o bien, adaptndola a las nuevas necesidades
del entorno.
La correcta actuacin de conservacin de este patrimonio cultural es
ptima cuando cumple bsicamente dos principios fundamentales,
como son, conservar su valor de autenticidad y proseguir con una
funcin social propia al servicio de la colectividad de usuarios del
Para realizar una reexin al socaire del Proyecto REHABIMED, que hoy
nos acoge, se toma como elemento patrimonial el sistema de itinerarios
de costa, concretamente en Catalunya, que es conocido por el nombre
de Caminos de Ronda.
Se trata de un sistema de senderos de comunicacin entre el lmite
geogrco y natural de la frontera del mar y la zona terrestre de este pas,
es decir, un camino paralelo a la costa que transcurre desde los Pirineos,

Portbou, Colera, hasta el municipio de Ulldecona, en el lmite sur con

la regin valenciana, esto supone unos 316 Kms., aproximadamente
sobre cartografa.
El nombre de camino de ronda se debe a que en origen, o con ms
intensidad, se usaron para controlar desde tierra, tanto momentos de
zozobra de naves y problemas de navegacin en temporales, como de
vigilancia en el trco irregular de embarcaciones y contrabando a lo
largo de la costa, sin elementos notorios que se perciban desde el mar.
Su funcin inicial es distinta de a la de los faros.
Los faros son elementos puntuales de referencia para la seguridad y
orientacin de navegantes y por tanto, visibles, diferenciados y situados
en lugares notorios, en cambio, es obvio, que los caminos de ronda o
de vigilancia de los gendarmes, fueran, ya en su origen, acomodados al
terreno de forma muy discreta, sencilla y sin sealizacin.
Hay que destacar, que en 1864, en tiempos de la Reina Isabel II, se
construye un trazado de camino en la zona de Rosas, colindante con el
faro, que dada la topografa costera del lugar se halla a unos 24 metros
sobre el nivel del mar. En la bibliografa anexa, puede encontrarse una
base elemental de datos ms particulares para goce del lector.
Estos caminos de ronda, de uso inicial para servicio y seguridad del
territorio y sus habitantes, debido a la extraordinaria evolucin en la
alteracin de los sistemas de control, sus mtodos tecnolgicos para
seguridad, as como las mejoras de las propias embarcaciones de costa,
han provocado que, desde el tercer cuarto del siglo XX, exista un desuso
y falta de mantenimiento permanente, con peligro de derrumbe de
algunas barandillas, aparicin de vegetacin forestal incontrolada, etc,
llegndose, en algunos puntos, a la modicacin o eliminacin de
su trazado, privatizando de forma precariamente arbitraria su funcin
En la actualidad, y con el cambio de comportamiento social en el uso
del territorio y la movilidad de las personas, sea por simple turismo de
ocio o cultural, estos caminos de ronda, como se les sigue llamando, han
recobrado y aumentado de forma desmesurada su funcin colectiva,
con usos que nada tienen que ver con los originales.
En su origen, la zona de su enclavamiento era pobre y de desuso
productivo, pues la costa dena por Levante (Este) el linde de las ncas
agrcolas que basaban su explotacin rural en la terraza agrcola, sobre
el mar y hacia el interior y, generalmente, bastante horizontal. El borde
de levante, era totalmente improductivo y sin vegetacin, sobre el
escarpado frente de roca que en acantilado da frente al mar, el paraje
era vaco de poblacin estable o caminante, salvo los soldados, ms
tarde guardia civil, que deban hacer las repetidas rondas consistentes
en el ir y venir para controlar la costa a travs de estos caminos, o
acceder de una ciudad a otra de la costa.
La evolucin que supone el siglo XX, inicia su transformacin,
entre otras cosas, por la alteracin de las fronteras y cambios en los
productos y mtodos de contrabando, as como, la aparicin de una
repoblacin forestal bastante natural y casi espontnea, que slo se
puede comprobar hoy en da mediante comparacin de fotografas.
Pero el gran cambio lo produce el auge del turismo que ha supuesto la
transformacin de las zonas de permetro costero como generadoras
de albergue masivo para este tipo de poblacin temporal, existiendo
una invasin edicatoria, por lo que debe considerarse un cambio de
escala en la produccin y uso del territorio, con aparicin de industrias
y sistemas productivos, casi ligados y/o dependientes de este cambio
de escala.
Consecuencia importante y actualsima, es, sobre todo, la valoracin


Le projet de rhabilitation : rexion sur les critres

El proyecto de rehabilitacin: reexiones sobre criterios
The rehabilitation project: reections on criteria

del estado en el mbito del frente martimo de toda la costa y,

consecuentemente, la reivindicacin del buen nivel de calidad
medioambiental y recuperacin de espacios y elementos culturales.
Porqu se ha escogido este tema?
Este tema se propone, a nivel general, por el seguimiento que los
ltimos aos se ha realizado y documentado sobre el fenmeno de
anlisis del estado relativo al frente del mar de la Costa Catalana, con el
reciente DEBAT COSTA BRAVA, un futur sostenible.
La eleccin se basa tambin, en la sencillez constructiva, los materiales
naturales, la manufactura humana, casi artesana de calzada o pavimento,
de tierra, arena, piedra natural, su reposicin permanente a lo largo de
los aos, su emplazamiento en el medio ambiente, entre mar y montaa,
al lmite de un territorio propio y particular, diferenciado y peculiar,
como es Catalunya, que siempre ha estado ligada al mar, y no slo por
los antiguos Consulados de Mar, sino como tierra de paso desde el
interior de la pennsula Ibrica al Mediterrneo y, actualmente, por los
puentes de penetracin comercial y turstica a Europa. En denitiva, en
este marco, sigue vigente su funcin general de costa abierta, como de
lmite de observacin, con una permanencia cambiante de los caminos
de ronda como soporte a las nuevas actividades de la poblacin
habitual, los que habitamos aqu, y los que vienen temporalmente, en
denitiva todos los usuarios del territorio y su mar.
Es por la propia fragilidad del elemento por lo que debe ser protegido,
reestudiado y restaurado, pensando en lo bsico del espritu del
restauro, en la permanencia de la autenticidad, respetando a los
usuarios y, adaptndose, como soporte de las nuevas actividades
sociales, como es por ejemplo el acceso a las playas de forma ecolgica
y natural, a pie, desde la ciudad vecina, sin polucionar el ambiente y
de forma saludable. Para la restauracin ser importante y bsico el
valorar y escoger adecuadamente los materiales de construccin y sus
Esta permanencia del valor de autenticidad, en el camino de ronda,
tanto fsica como funcionalmente adaptada, ser determinante a la
hora de preservar no slo el elemento vial, el propio camino de ronda,
sino que fomentar el conocimiento, la proteccin y el disfrute del
medio natural su entorno inmediato que secularmente lo ha envuelto.
Antes de acabar, querra hacer referencia a una cita escogida del
documento ICOMOS citado en la bibliografa de esta corta reexin,
relativo a los Itinerarios Culturales, y cuya lectura completa es
aconsejable, pues los caminos de ronda encajan en el concepto
exhaustivamente expuesto en tal documento, as pues valga una

de los mismos, exigen una atencin importante y pluridisciplinar de

intervencin, tal cual sea la dedicada al monumento ms emblemtico
de la zona, ni menor, ni simplicada, ni mayor, ni exagerada, pues el
carcter annimo de su presencia en el territorio es un reto para quien
deba intervenir en su restauracin.
Slo este nivel de exigencia colectiva a profesionales tcnicos de la
intervencin de restauro, polticos y usuarios, permitir a los usuarios
de las nuevas funciones, disfrutar cual Ulises, en tierra, de la perpetua
visin de esa lnea comn que encontramos en el Mediterrneo, que
nos pertenece a todos nosotros y que no es otra que el horizonte,
desde cualquier punto de su permetro costero, ya sea desde la antigua
Palestina hasta la Hesperea que citaban los griegos, o desde Italia a
todo el Norte de frica.
arquitecte i Companyia
Mayo 2007

i130:&$50 %& $"35" */5&3/"$*0/"- %& *5*/&3"3*04 $6-563"-&4w &MBCPSBEP

y revisado por el Comit Cientco Internacional de Itinerarios Culturales (CIIC) de
ICOMOS. 2006












Girona. 2004-2005

El reconocimiento de los Itinerarios Culturales como nuevo concepto

o categora patrimonial guarda armona y no se solapa con otras
categoras o tipos de bienes ( monumentos, ciudades, paisajes culturales,
patrimonio industrial, etc.) que pueden existir en su seno. Simplemente
los enmarca en un sistema conjunto que realza su signicado y los
interrelaciona a travs de una perspectiva cientca que proporciona
una visin plural, ms completa y justa de la historia. De esta forma, no
slo favorece la comprensin y la comunicacin entre los pueblos, sino
tambin la cooperacin para la conservacin del patrimonio.
La sencillez del elemento vial, sendero, camino o itinerario reducido,
y sobretodo su domesticidad peatonal, la ausencia de vehculos, su
agilidad en soportar distintos usos y ujos de personas e intensidades


Trazado discretsimo del camino de ronda en Cala Ametller, entre el borde del acantilado
y bosque.
Fotografa cedida por el Museu dHistria de Sant Feliu de Guxols
Procedencia: Ocina de Turisme de Sant Feliu de Guxols

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El proyecto de rehabilitacin: reexiones sobre criterios
The rehabilitation project: reections on criteria

Adaptacin con pasarela de madera que une los dos tramos de camino de ronda que
acceden a Platja dAro y Sant Feliu de Guxols a la baha de Sant Pol.
Fotografa: Albert Pla

Paso del camino de ronda muy elevado sobre el mar por debajo de la ermita de Sant Telm.
Fotografa cedida por el Museu dHistria de Sant Feliu de Guxols
Procedencia: Ocina de Turisme de Sant Feliu de Guxols
Fotografa: J.Gallego

Tramo actual del camino de ronda de Platja dAro a Palams.

Fotografa: Albert Pla
Llegada del camino de ronda a la Platja Castell, desde Palams
Fotografa: Albert Pla

Tramo actual del camino de ronda de Platja dAro a Palams.

Fotografa: Albert Pla

Acceso a la playa desde el local de salvamento

Fotografa cedida por el Museu dHistria de Sant Feliu de Guxols


Le projet de rhabilitation : rexion sur les critres

El proyecto de rehabilitacin: reexiones sobre criterios
The rehabilitation project: reections on criteria

The Challenges in Conservation the

Aesthetical Values in the Egyptian
Traditional Architecture.

Mohamed Mahmoud Elaraby

Born in Cairo 1968
and urban coordination
2006 up till now.
of Urban Harmonization in Cairo 2005 2006.
10, Elmissak st., Dokki, Cairo, Egypt.
E-mail address:


with better means where public tendency prefers to live in old city,
which caused horrible condensation and demolition of shapes of
distinguished buildings as villas and palaces, and use the distances of
lands to build towers which means the same distance is re used the
same available previous distance but at urban condensation more
than ten times which give no chance for perception and taste of space
and beauty to take place in general. We can observe this now in Cairo
streets and all Egyptian cities without exception.
Egypt uses only 6 % of its geographical distance with a unique,
unrepeated urban construction gathering around the trajectory of the
river. With 70 millions of inhabitants on the same occupied distance
along history we can conceive the size of the catastrophe which
Egyptians suer from because of the highly expensive prices of lands.
What matters us is beauty by its comprehensive concept, as a single
person has only one square meter of green or open space in Cairo (the
capital).With population condensation about18 millions persons.
Considerting Cairo as the main center of traditional architecture and
features of creative applied art, We conceive that the opportunity
to observe the details and remark creative art on architecture is
very limited .So we converted to another approach of research that
we hastened to register and document all features of art creation
beginning from old streets written enameled plates with Arabic classic
calligraphy, (Dewayne) writing and (Thuluth) writing which bear names
and features of life in Cairo along centuries, and almost to be extinct
and sold as antiques.
The researches enlarges to register and document shapes of wood
lathe and carve on stones, marble, glass, Kinds of iron and copper and
maintained the color structure of Cairo community resulted from local
environment material.

The Egyptian traditional architecture maintains many aspects of

aesthetics of arts and traditional craft which concurrent the evolution
of ocial and traditional architecture along all ages. These aesthetics
distinct Egyptian art and architecture reality as well as the spreading of
traditional craft and skilled workers throughout long ages, which made
them a covet targets to be imported by other countries as Turkey in the
interim of ottomans as an Islamic (khelafa) nation, which emptied the
craftsmens society from their masters. many of know- how disappeared
so, the applied arts which concurrent Egyptian traditional architecture
have been aected whether the casement and (Mashrabias) and
shapes of stained glasses with lead or lime also sculpture on stones
and its shaping cut- o and piling marble at high skill and forms of
decorated iron for all utilities.
As for present problem we can determine its general forms with the
presence of great challenges maintain these aesthetics and art values
which involved in traditional architecture now a day. These can be
attributed to many reasons, its hard to determine one or some reasons
for this problem, but all of these reasons led to arising these problems.
With increase of depending on the machines to produce quantitative
products in stead of qualitative.
With political, social and urban changes as result of previous changes
as specially in the second half of twentieth century there is now
satisfaction to accept low level of quality with the citation of keepings
production machine without aspiring to increase its eciency and
thinking about local alternative to machines and tools.
Community view was and still about how to occupy and exploit lands

The greatest challenge to maintain aesthetical values of Egyptian

traditional architecture is the persuading of authority and workers. I
mean here most of them- about the value of the buildings they pass
or where they live or deal with, and value of surrounding space and
internal space also to make scientic research and employ the potential
of modern technology in conformity with the nature of sensitive
environment, and prevent any violation on it and misusing it and
transferring inconvenient usages and industries outside the sensible
Concerning traditional architecture, It is worth mention that the most
important problem that have not been solved is the absence of scientic
application how to emerge new requirements to achieve quality of life
with valuable urban environment whether in traditional architecture or
memorial architecture as conditioning, drainage, alarming, protecting
and lighting .
Also to enforce accurately and strictly application of building laws in
valuable areas.
It is irrational to nd street has been dwelled by several families of 100
people now become many building with thousands of persons on the
same space and old ways. Then we can not neglect economic issues
that aect proceeding and tasting beauty values and led to harmful

Le projet de rhabilitation : rexion sur les critres

El proyecto de rehabilitacin: reexiones sobre criterios
The rehabilitation project: reections on criteria

eects on public health, infrastructure and traditional architecture.

not quality.
features against the pristine and original values on the real life in
does not provide the accepted alternatives for nobles materials to
achieve minimum requirement of beauty as ceramic, casting iron,
and panels of metal windows.


Le projet de rhabilitation : rexion sur les critres

El proyecto de rehabilitacin: reexiones sobre criterios
The rehabilitation project: reections on criteria

Rhabilitation, conception
contemporaine et reconstruction en
architecture: un dbat
La Maison de Cakirhan

Can Binan, Banu elebiolu

Can Binan :
professeur associ au Dpartement de Restauration la Facult
dICOMOS Turquie.
Banu elebiolu :
assistante de recherche et doctorante au Dpartement de RestauraUJPOMB'BDVMUE"SDIJUFDUVSFEFM6OJWFSTJU5FDIOJRVFEF:ME[
Adresse postale:
34349, Istanbul, Trkiye
Adresse courrier lectronique:
+90 542 2132117

+90 532 7922732

Les prix architecturaux dAga Khan ont t dcerns en 1983 11 projets

de dirents pays. La Turquie a t lun des pays qui a reu le prix avec
une rsidence construite en 1971 au village dAkyaka Mugla.
Cest une maison conu par Nail Cakirhan pour lui mme et son pouse.
Nail Cakirhan, pote et journaliste, na jamais formellement tudi
larchitecture mais il sest intress la construction dans les annes 40
et il avait plus de soixante ans quand il a commenc travailler comme
Depuis quil a complt sa maison, il a conu et supervis peu prs
trente autres maisons ayant le mme concept architectural. Le village
dAkyaka est situ au sud-ouest de la pninsule anatolienne sur les rives
de la baie de Hisarn / Gkova ; cest donc un village mditerranen.
Lemplacement de la maison occupe 2 hectares 150 mtres au sud
de la mer. La surface totale de la maison est de 195 m2. La maison
comprend deux espaces spars, lun est pour les Cakirhan, lautre
pour leurs invits. Bien quils soient rpertories comme salle de sjour/
chambre coucher, ces espaces sont multifonctionaux comme les
maisons traditionnelles turques. Entre ces deux parties, il y a une salle
centrale (divanhane) polygonale o se runissent les Cakirhan et leurs
Une terrasse abrite (loggia), supporte par des colonnes en bois,
fournit un espace de sjour additionnel durant la saison chaude avec
des salles de bain, une kitchenette et les toilettes spares pour le
couple et les invits. Une loge de gardiens est situe ct de lentre.
Un garage et un dpt ont t ajouts plus tard.


La construction a t commence en septembre 1970 et acheve en

aot 1971. La conception du projet sest faite au cours du temps. Les
penses et la forme nont pas t traces sur le papier mais prsentes
sur la terre comme le faisaient les artisans traditionnels.
La maison de Cakirhan nappartient pas larchitecture traditionnelle
dAkyaka. Elle sest inspire de celle dUla, ville autochtone situe
30 kilomtres o lon peut toujours trouver une varit de maisons
Lossature traditionnelle en bois qui assure llasticit qui permet de
rsister aux tremblements de terre, se tasse sur une base en moellon.
La toiture, couverte de tuiles creuses (alaturka) de la rgion, na pas
de ferme mais seulement des poteaux et solives avec des madriers
en bois formant les pignons. Les murs sont en brique et enduit dun
mortier de chaux et lait de chaux. Tous les revtements du sol sont en
bois, except les salles de bain. Les lments principaux sont produits
sur place et la menuiserie est manuelle. Lquipe se composait de 4
ouvriers: 2 maons et 2 charpentiers.
Selon Nail Cakirhan, les structures en beton arm se multiplient en
Turquie. La simplicit et llgance de larchitecture de ses propres
maisons rsulteraient dune continuit et de ce quelles retent les
valeurs traditionelles, pas dune imitation. Il a russi faire revivre
larchitecture vernaculaire en reintroduisant lorganisation spatiale des
maisons traditionnelles turques. En mme temps, il a dmontr que la
forme et la construction de ses maisons taient conomiques. Le cot
total de la construction sest lev 7 535 dollars. Laspect important du
projet est la motivation donne aux artisans locaux, en particulier la
nouvelle gnration. Les charpentiers qui avaient lhabitude de travailler
pour des structures en beton arm, ont recommenc travailler avec la
menuiserie traditionnelle. Les maisons de Cakirhan ont attir lattention
des autorits responsables de la plannication et du dveloppement.
Le grand jury dAga Khan a attribu le prix pour la puret et llgance
de la conception et de la dcoration rsultant de la continuit et la
rction des valeurs traditionnelles. La conception de la maison nest
pas une simple reproduction des modles anciens, ses ornementations
sont judicieuces, sobres et authentiques. Son extraordinaire harmonie
avec la nature, son utilisation multifonctionnelle et lambiance de
lespace intrieur lui donnent une grande distinction.
La maison mrite une attention spciale dans la mesure o elle fait
revivre lartisanat et la sensibilisation culturelle.
Bien qu lpoque o le prix a t dcern les dirigeants de la fondation et
les membres du jury aient rpt maintes fois que ce prix rcompensait
un producteur en raison de son produit on na pas essay de
commenter de quelque faon que ce soit la qualit du btiment et les
dbats se limitaient la question de savoir si le producteur avait ou
non un statut ociel . Mais mme si la personne ayant bti cette
maison nest pas architecte elle a fait uvre darchitecte et cest en
fait ce quil faut discuter. Ce qui doit tre dbattu nest pas en relation
avec le fait que la maison nait pas t construite par un architecte. Il
faut considrer luvre et non le btisseur. Il faut se demander si la
construction mrite ou non dtre prime ou en dautres termes si elle
runit les conditions pour reprsenter la Turquie dans un concours
international. (Hasol, 1983)
Ce dont il est question ici cest le renouvellement au 20ieme sicle,
dans des conditions sociales tout fait direntes, dune tradition qui
a connu son propre processus de dveloppement dans le pass. Une
maison ottomane anonyme a simplement t rpte, quatre cinq
sicles plus tard, avec le mme plan, la mme faade, le mme espace,

Le projet de rhabilitation : rexion sur les critres

El proyecto de rehabilitacin: reexiones sobre criterios
The rehabilitation project: reections on criteria

mais sans aucune synthse. Une telle imitation peut tre acceptable
dans le pass, dans les conditions de vie alors existantes. Mais ici il ne
sagit que dune copie , dun retour au pass .
Il faut discuter de ce quune telle construction apporte larchitecture
turque-islamique. On trouve encore des exemples originaux danciennes
maisons turques dans bien des rgions de la Turquie et sil faut en tirer
parti il serait susant daccorder la priorit leur sauvegarde. (Hasol,
La premire erreur a t commise lors de la pr-slection quand la
maison dAkyaka a t jointe aux autres constructions soumises au jury
pour reprsenter la Turquie.
La deuxime erreur est lattitude du jury durant lvaluation. Que cette
construction la technologie la plus primitive ait t choisie parmi
environ trente uvres proposes, ne saccorde ni la place ni aux
prtentions de la Turquie dans ce domaine.
Ce prix attribu une certaine mthode de reconstruction et
ses consquences est lorigine dun dbat dans le domaine de
larchitecture, mais il est aussi une occasion pour dnir la sauvegarde
en architecture civile tarditionnelle et les limites de lintervention en
Larchitecture traditionnelle est base sur :

de vue architectural.
Il est invitable que cet tat de fait, encore aggrav lavenir par lusure
des constructions, induira en erreur des chercheurs mmes.
Les constructeurs cits en exemple ne sont pas les seuls dans ce genre
architectural si controvers. En fait lon peut voir des exemples de ce
genre de reconstruction aussi bien en Turquie que dans toutes les
rgions mditerranennes.
Il ne faut pas non plus oublier que cette approche est dirente de
lexprience et de la philosophie de construire avec le peuple de
Hassan Fathy.
Finalement , Il nous semble que les applications de reconstructions
ayant un aspect et morphologie traditionnel en meme temps qun sprit
ou ame moderne a linterieur presentent bien des inconvnients et un
paradoxe importante dans notre space architectural contemporaine



dlaboration et dentretien du btiment.

SZEN, M., Trklerde Ev Kltr, Dogan Kitap, Istanbul, 2001.

ELDEM, S.H., Trk Evi I, Istanbul, 1984.
AKIRHAN, N., The Poetry of Traditional Architecture-Half a century in the Art of Building, Ege

En architecture et en dcoration il sest form une architecture incluant

une interprtation et des solutions locales une continuit culturelle.
La vraie production darchitecture civile traditionnelle dpend de ce
que la structure culturelle dont elle est issue soit encore vivante, que le
savoir-faire et les techniques traditionnels de construction naient pas
disparu et que les sources de matriaux soient utilisables. Les modes
de vie de ceux qui vivent dans ces maisons sont en rapport troit avec
llaboration de ces maisons.
Dautre part si des travaux de sauvegarde et de rhabilitation sont
entrepris cest quen fait ce mode de vie et lhabitation qui lui est lie ont
disparu ou ont t interrompus. Il est naturel que les interventions de
rhabilitation doivent sintgrer dans un discours moderniste et dans ce
sens la sauvegarde comprendra invitablement certaines adaptations.
En restaurant il ne faut pas imaginer le btiment uniquement comme
une corce vide et il faut conserver les lments architecturaux et
humains qui sont lorigine du btiment.
Il faut remettre en question la relation entre les concepts de sauvegarde
et de rhabilitation et les applications et approches architecturales qui
font revivre et rptent les constructions traditionnelles tout en utilisant
des lments de la vie moderne quelles intgrent dans les schmas
traditionnels comme sils en faisaient partie tout naturellement. Imiter
un caractre architectural traditionnel peut trs facilement tromper
une personne non-professionnelle et mme un expert.
Que ces formes de construction dont le plan et la rpartition des
espaces de vie rpondant aux besoins actuels, se trouvent dans un
btiment traditionnel rvle une situation schizophrnique dun point


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El proyecto de rehabilitacin: reexiones sobre criterios
The rehabilitation project: reections on criteria

Plan de la maison Cakirhan (AKIRHAN, N., The Poetry of Traditional Architecture-Half a century in
the Art of Building, Ege Yaynlar, Istanbul, 2005)

Une maison traditionnelle turque Sirince, un village mditerranen

(photo : Banu Celebioglu)

La maison de Cakirhan (photo:Ara Guler)


Un plan dune maison traditionnelle turque (ELDEM, S.H., Trk Evi I, Pp.132,Istanbul, 1984)

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El proyecto de rehabilitacin: reexiones sobre criterios
The rehabilitation project: reections on criteria

Arquitectura verncula: trminos

nuevos, conceptos antiguos

Antonio Bao Nieva

Arquitecto. Docente en el Departamento de Arquitectura de la
Universidad de Alcal de Henares de Madrid. Coordina e Imparte
habitualmente cursos sobre arquitectura medioambiental en La
Casa Encendida de la Fundacin Caja Madrid. Ha realizado diferentes
proyectos arquitectnicos en el mbito de la construccin sostenible,
materia en la que es coautor de dos publicaciones.
Direccin postal:
c/ Melonares 6, portal 6, 3 C.
28260 Galapagar, Madrid
Direccin de correo electrnico:
91 8584572


La arquitectura verncula siempre ha tenido un gran atractivo para

los habitantes de la ciudad, recogiendo de ella valores que han ido
desapareciendo en el mbito urbano y queriendo ver una suerte de
vuelta a los orgenes. No obstante, el tipismo rural desde el que se ha
contemplado, desarrollaba conceptos banales y mal entendidos que
tan slo miraban la supercie de un fenmeno complejo. Por otro lado,
los mismos habitantes del mundo rural, si bien se encuentran unidos
a la tierra a la que pertenecen, tienen como referencia los patrones
culturales urbanos, a los que acuden inevitablemente a la hora de
proponer evoluciones en el hbitat.
El panorama que se nos presenta en cualquier caso, es el de descrdito
de unos modos de habitar seculares, que no tienen cabida en las
prcticas constructivas actuales.
Es en este terreno en el que encuentra abono la reexin que aqu se
propone y que cuenta con antecedentes muy interesantes; bsicamente
se trata de elaborar una nueva lectura de las construcciones que
han sido creadas a fuego lento, con el conocimiento del lugar y el
consentimiento de la experiencia.
Trminos nuevos, conceptos antiguos
Desde la constatacin de que nuestras construcciones deben adquirir
nuevos derroteros, hemos ido acuando una serie de conceptos
que tienen su referencia y su marco en el trmino sostenibilidad:
insercin en el territorio, ecacia energtica, minimizacin de costes
ambientales, utilizacin responsable de recursos locales, gestin de los
residuos producidos, revitalizacin del tejido social, ...son partes de un
mismo discurso, que actuando en sintona, deben constituir un todo
El requerimiento de la insercin en el territorio tiene que ver con la

ubicacin del objeto arquitectnico en un entorno concreto, lo que

signica atender a todas sus condiciones. Una de ellas, resulta de la
consideracin del clima del lugar, lo que tiene como consecuencia
inmediata una respuesta arquitectnica diferenciada tanto en su relacin
con el terreno como en la forma y conguracin de su envolvente. Esta
distincin no ha sido habitual en la arquitectura moderna, pero ahora
se presenta como pauta a seguir en las nuevas construcciones: a cada
lugar, una arquitectura.
Si trasladamos el discurso al mbito rural, resulta obvio que las
construcciones vernculas siguen de manera inequvoca esta
aseveracin, implantando tipos distintos segn donde nos encontremos.
Habr que ver el porqu y si responden a una inteligencia de mayor
complejidad que la inicialmente cabra esperar.
La mimetizacin con el paisaje, caracterstica primordial en la
arquitectura verncula, no es ms que un deseo de compatibilidad
con el entorno, que ha sido visto nicamente desde el punto de
vista esttico. Pero la belleza que resulta de la contemplacin de un
enclave rural, viene dada por el uso de formas, colores y texturas que
tienen como n ltimo la necesidad de habitar, es decir, de servir a
las necesidades funcionales, econmicas, sociales y culturales de sus
usuarios. En denitiva, Arquitectura.
Otro de los criterios que en la actualidad se consideran esenciales tiene
que ver con la ecacia energtica y con la implantacin de energas de
carcter renovable. En este caso, la mayor aportacin de la arquitectura
bioclimtica, consiste en la toma en consideracin de determinadas
estrategias que el edicio debe incorporar desde su concepcin, y que
logran minimizar la factura energtica sin aportar consumo alguno; el
calentamiento por radiacin solar, la inercia trmica, el movimiento
natural del aire, los sistemas de proteccin solar o la capacidad de
enfriamiento por evaporacin, constituyen ingeniosos modos de lograr
el acondicionamiento del ambiente interior.
Todas y cada una de estas estrategias, han sido utilizadas de uno
u otro modo en la arquitectura popular de las distintas regiones,
avalando con ello sus prestaciones. Sin entrar a considerar de donde
toma la arquitectura bioclimtica estas estrategias, lo cierto es que la
construccin verncula ha buscado siempre, con mnimos recursos y
un conocimiento emprico de las soluciones planteadas, las mejores
opciones para el confort interior de las edicaciones.
Constituyen ejemplos destacables, hbitats tan dispares como la casa
enterrada o el palato lacustre. La primera supone, al aprovechar la
inercia trmica del terreno, la mejor solucin posible para atender a
grandes oscilaciones de la temperatura. La segunda, la ms plausible
para aquellas viviendas cuya estrategia fundamental se basa en criterios
de refrigeracin por ventilacin. Ambas son viviendas troglodticas,
pero obtienen mayor rendimiento de las condiciones de su entorno
que muchas de las viviendas actuales. Se pueden incluso trasladar
estas reexiones, a conceptos ms novedosos como el de arquitectura
transportable; las referencias existentes de construcciones tradicionales
tales como tipis o jaimas, permiten indagar en soluciones probadas y
contrastadas de tipologas de piel y esqueleto donde las estrategias
de confort, pasan por el control del calentamiento o enfriamiento del
La utilizacin de materiales de bajo coste ambiental es tambin
criterio bsico para la realizacin de construcciones sostenibles;
es necesario emplear materiales cuyos procesos de extraccin,
fabricacin, transporte, manipulacin y eliminacin no acarreen daos
al medio ambiente. Las dicultades que la industria actual tiene para


Le projet de rhabilitation : rexion sur les critres

El proyecto de rehabilitacin: reexiones sobre criterios
The rehabilitation project: reections on criteria

acomodarse a estos nuevos requerimientos son evidentes, dado que es

preciso reconvertir la casi totalidad de los planteamientos productivos
En la arquitectura verncula, la utilizacin que se hizo de los materiales,
represent una gestin ordenada y razonable de los recursos locales,
a los que adecuaron los sistemas constructivos. Piedra, madera, tierra
o cermica son, bsicamente, el repertorio de materiales empleados,
que a su vez son referentes en la construccin sostenible actual. Incluso
existen intentos de recuperacin de materiales denostados (como la
tierra) para que a travs de tecnologas de nuevo cuo se logren
productos compatibles con las exigencias del mercado actual.
La gestin de los residuos de construccin y demolicin representa
uno de lo sectores donde se est poniendo especial nfasis, intentando
dotar a la regin con normas e infraestructuras capaces de resolver el
enorme conicto que origina el exceso de vertidos.
La solucin tradicional es muy sencilla. Se reutiliza una buena cantidad
de material, ya que adobes, mampuestos o rollizos, pasan en bastantes
ocasiones de una construccin en ruinas a otra por hacer; si esto no
fuera posible, la tierra sigue siendo tierra, la madera es biodegradable
(no presenta sustancias nocivas aadidas) y el mampuesto vuelve a
formar parte del terreno. El ciclo se cierra, de la mejor manera posible,
quedando algunas de estas materias en disposicin de volver a ser
usadas y pasando otras a ser alimento de generaciones futuras.
La intervencin sostenible en lo construido
De lo anteriormente expuesto, se desprende con nitidez que la
construccin tradicional resultaba ser entonces, paradigma de lo
sostenible hoy, por lo que puede que otra lectura de las construcciones
del mbito rural abra derroteros inesperados.
No se trata de la reproduccin de modelos que han tenido su ecacia en
pocas pasadas; no contaran con las mnimas garantas de seguridad
y salud que se les debe exigir actualmente a las construcciones. Pero
es obvio que la experiencia y el saber hacer de generaciones, ofrecen
pautas de actuacin que no pueden ser ignoradas, sobre todo con las
perspectivas que se nos presentan hoy en da.
La intervencin en lo construido representa una de las asignaturas
pendientes de la rehabilitacin del tejido arquitectnico tradicional.
Incomprensiones de los planteamientos de control del confort o la
resolucin de problemas a travs de patrones culturales urbanos, han
acarreado prdidas irreparables de patrimonio o cuando menos han
empobrecido lastimosamente la solucin original; el revestimiento de
cuevas con trasdosados interiores, la sustitucin de cubiertas vegetales
por paneles metlicos o la total estanqueidad de cerramientos otrora
permeables al aire y la luz dan fe de ello.


Le projet de rhabilitation : rexion sur les critres

El proyecto de rehabilitacin: reexiones sobre criterios
The rehabilitation project: reections on criteria


Le projet de rhabilitation : rexion sur les critres

El proyecto de rehabilitacin: reexiones sobre criterios
The rehabilitation project: reections on criteria

Los sistemas tradicionales como

ptimos de gestin de los recursos

Albert Cuch
Arquitecto, profesor titular de Universidad en el Departamento de
Construcciones Arquitectnicas I de la UPC, en la Escuela de Arquitectura del Valls. Investiga en temas relacionados con la sostenibilidad y
con los sistemas tcnicos tradicionales.
Direccin postal:
Escola dArquitectura del Valls
c/. Pere Serra, 1-15
08173 Sant Cugat del Valls
Direccin de correo electrnico:

Si suponemos ahora que el material se extrae del medio natural, y que

se tiene un acceso limitado a sus recursos si se desea que el aporte
del recurso se mantenga en el tiempo, existe una tasa de produccin
natural expresada en kg/ao- que representa la capacidad de ese
medio para aportar un ujo renovable del material. Por supuesto,
no debe confundirse ese ujo con los posibles depsitos o reservas
existentes del material: los depsitos sirven para absorber las diferencias
temporales entre la oferta y la demanda del recurso, y a largo plazo
ambas deben estar equilibradas.
Para mantener constante la utilidad, la tasa de renovacin del material
que precisa el sistema debe ser menor o igual a la tasa de produccin
natural. En nuestro ejemplo, la tasa de renovacin no puede ser
superior a la tasa de produccin natural del bosque que nos procura la
madera, considerando que su capacidad productiva debe mantenerse
As, la condicin de sostenibilidad del sistema ser:
(4) tasa de produccin natural tasa de renovacin
caso la cantidad de madera utilizable- ya que
(5) tasa de produccin natural [existencias x (1 - tasa de reciclaje)] /

En un sistema que desee mantener una cierta utilidad constante a lo
largo del tiempo, para cada recurso utilizado por ejemplo, la madera
usada para ventanas en la edicacin en un lugar concreto- ser
necesaria una aportacin de material para substituir el recurso que se
deteriora con el tiempo:

de donde,
(6) existencias (tasa de produccin natural x durabilidad) / (1 - tasa
de reciclaje)
transformndose en igualdad si redenominamos las existencias como

(1) tasa de renovacin (kg/ao) = existencias (kg) / durabilidad (aos)

tiempo para substituir el deteriorado;
disponer para mantener el servicio, en nuestro caso, la madera que
est en las ventanas de los edicios considerados;
si consideramos que una parte del material se recicla o recupera dentro
del sistema por ejemplo reaprovechando la parte de la madera menos
deteriorada para hacer nuevas piezas- deniremos la tasa de reciclaje
(adimensional) como la relacin entre la cantidad de material reciclado
o recuperado respecto a las existencias
(2) tasa de reciclaje = reciclado (kg) / existencias (kg)
Con lo que, incluyendo el nuevo factor en (1) se obtiene,
(3) tasa de renovacin = [existencias x (1 - tasa de reciclaje)] /

(7) cantidad mxima utilizable = (tasa de produccin natural x

durabilidad) / (1 - tasa de reciclaje)
con o que disponemos de una formulacin que nos permite, para un
entorno determinado que usa una cantidad limitada de medio natural,
analizar el uso de un recurso de forma sostenible. Simtricamente,
deben denirse las condiciones para que el entorno pueda absorber
los residuos:
(8) quantidad mxima utilizable = (tasa de absorcin natural x
durabilidad) / (1 - tasa de reciclaje)
As, la cantidad mxima utilizable de un recurso y con ella la cantidad
de utilidades que procura- est limitada en un sistema sostenibilista,
con lo que las opciones de cualquier aumento en una situacin dada
pasan por alterar alguno de los factores: produccin natural, durabilidad
presionado socialmente para obtener el mximo de utilidad de sus
Los sistemas de construccin tradicionales previos a la revolucin
industrial y a su sistema tcnico de base mineral- deban dar una
respuesta a las ecuaciones planteadas, en tanto eran sistemas de base
orgnica puesto que la fuente de sus recursos es biosfrica. Es ms,

Le projet de rhabilitation : rexion sur les critres

El proyecto de rehabilitacin: reexiones sobre criterios
The rehabilitation project: reections on criteria

deben ser considerados como ptimos en la produccin de utilidad

frente a otras posibles alternativas y, por tanto, analizados desde el
punto de vista de gestin de los recursos que plantea la ecuacin.
Un acercamiento de este tipo es el que se plantea brevemente en los
siguientes apartados de este texto.
La madera
La madera ms considerando con ella tambin el resto de bras
vegetales- es el material orgnico por antonomasia y, por ello, un
referente tanto de los sistemas tcnicos tradicionales como de la
sostenibilidad. Ha servido de ejemplo para explicar la ecuacin que
se ha propuesto y, por tanto, huelga extenderse en cada uno de sus
trminos para ese material. Pero s vale la pena hacer una reexin
sobre su relacin con la tasa de produccin natural.
Aumentar la tasa de produccin natural del medio es aumentar la
cantidad de recursos aprovechables por un determinado sistema
tcnico. La biosfera tiende a mantener el mximo de materiales
que le permiten las condiciones locales, siendo mayor cuanto ms
maduro es el ecosistema. Cada cultura interviene sobre el medio para
aumentar la produccin de los materiales que sabe usar, en detrimento
de la productividad global del sistema. Con lo que esa cultura debe
interpretar al mximo las utilidades en los materiales ofrecidos por el
La gestin tradicional de los bosques tena como objetivo la obtencin
de la mxima cantidad de recursos considerando el conjunto de las
utilidades sociales. Slo hay una biosfera para obtener diferentes
utilidades, por lo que la maximizacin de la cantidad de recursos en los
sistemas tradicionales debe considerarse globalmente, de una forma
integrada, de manera que el uso de un determinado tipo de madera
o tejido en la edicacin no puede entenderse sin la consideracin de
otras demandas sociales que, nalmente, lo determinan.
La tierra
La tierra proviene del suelo, un material formado, gestionado y
mantenido por la biosfera. Su tasa de produccin natural es muy
reducida apenas unos kilogramos por hectrea y ao, y a menudo
negativa cuando se producen fenmenos de deserticacin o
desertizacin, hoy tan frecuentes- y por lo tanto la cantidad mxima
utilizable es muy reducida. Ms an cuando la durabilidad de la
construccin con tierra se ve seriamente afectada por un agente tan
extendido como el agua.
El uso de la tierra como material de construccin en competencia
a menudo, por ejemplo, con sus usos agrarios- se explica en gran
medida por el factor que aparece en el denominador: su reciclabilidad.
En condiciones normales de degradacin sin un lavado apreciable
de las partculas ms nas del suelo- la tierra proveniente de la ruina
de una construccin es perfectamente reciclable sin prdida de sus
capacidades tcnicas, con lo que a pesar de tener un numerador
reducido baja produccin natural, baja durabilidad- su denominador
es prcticamente nulo, lo que nos permite acceder a los enormes
depsitos existentes para usarlos.
Esa disponibilidad de la tierra explica su uso en zonas cuya disponibilidad
de otros recursos e incluso de la tierra- es reducida, que no nula. Las
ideas referidas a que se construye con tierra cuando no hay otro material
o que est fuertemente limitada por condiciones locales como el clima
u otros- son falsas, y en cambio es explicable el uso de la tierra con
su implcita fuerte carga de trabajo constante para su mantenimiento-

cuando el resto de recursos disponibles son destinados a otros usos

sociales. De nuevo el anlisis debe ser hecho desde la globalidad de la
disponibilidad de los recursos y de la demanda de utilidades sociales.
La piedra
La produccin natural de la piedra es reducidsima. La litognesis
abarca periodos inmensos y, localmente y a escala humana, los
procesos de erosin y formacin de rocas son inapreciables, con lo
que la produccin de nuevas disponibilidades del recurso es nula. No
obstante, su durabilidad es enorme y supera, habitualmente, la de las
sociedades que la han utilizado para sus construcciones.
Ello ha dado pie a un reciclado continuo del material: desde la
Pirmides hasta el Coliseo de Roma, las grandes construcciones han
actuado como canteras de material para construcciones posteriores y
el uso, a menor escala, de piezas de edicaciones anteriores en nuevos
esa elevada durabilidad y reciclado es lo que permiti, como en el caso
de la tierra, movilizar los depsitos existentes para cubrir las demandas
No obstante, y a diferencia del caso de la tierra, lo que se recicla no es
tanto el material como el trabajo que est integrado en la conformacion
de los bloques. Tallar una piedra exige una cantidad de trabajo tanto
mayor cuanto mayor es su dureza. A ms dureza, mayor durabilidad.
fbrica que con ella se construya. Reutilizando una piedra tallada, se
recicla el trabajo impuesto en ella, con lo que se transere trabajo entre
generaciones, trabajo que se acumula en muchas otras formas por
ejemplo estructurando el territorio para obtener una gestin mejor de
la biosfera- y que pasa a ser una forma de capital que permite aumentar
la disponibilidad de recursos socialmente disponibles.
El anlisis de los sistemas tcnicos tradicionales debe enfocarse desde
su consideracin como ptimos en la gestin de los recursos, e
integrados en unas estrategias ms amplias que su estricta aplicacin
como materiales o tcnicas especcos para solventar demandas
concretas, como por ejemplo la construccin de edicios.
El anlisis tecnolgico es insuciente para explicar la seleccin y
uso de los sistemas tcnicos en edicacin, o en cualquier otro uso.
Como no puede plantearse la gestin, mantenimiento y recuperacin
del patrimonio tradicional desde una visin que no tenga en cuenta
los mecanismos de reconocimiento y distribucin de utilidades
contemplada desde la gestin del medio por parte de la sociedad que
los usa.


Le projet de rhabilitation : rexion sur les critres

El proyecto de rehabilitacin: reexiones sobre criterios
The rehabilitation project: reections on criteria


Le projet de rhabilitation : rexion sur les critres

El proyecto de rehabilitacin: reexiones sobre criterios
The rehabilitation project: reections on criteria

Rehabilitation between Necessity

and Luxury

Khaldun Bshara
Bshara is the Director of the Conservation Unit at RIWAQ - Centre
for Architectural Conservation. He was awarded Bachelor degree in
Architecture from Birzeit University (1996) and Masters in Conservation from RLICC @ K.U.Leuven (2001). Bshara is a designer, architect
conservator and author / co-author of number of books and articles.
Riwaq Centre, P.O. box 212, Ramallah, Palestine
+ 970 2 2406926

It is well known that we preserve built heritage for either knowledge
or aesthetic values. And it has been a long tradition for the decision
makers to concentrate on edices or renowned sites and not on
average houses. There has been a pre-conception that conservation, as
archaeology and art, is a luxurious activity. Of course the long practice
of the elite community, mainly Europeans, associated the heritage and
the art knowledge with luxury. The concept of heritage, conceived in
Europe, didnt recover from the image of the European gentleman who
endangers himself searching for the un-known past in the Orient, in
the moving sands of Egypt or amidst the jungles of Africa. This elitist
approach was transferred onto the preservation of the heritage.
This could be noticed in the European stamp on heritage charters,
conventions and in the many conservation activities lead and funded
by the Europeans in developing countries.
In remote countries, conservation in general and rehabilitation of
houses are not a priority since such countries are preoccupied with
allegedly more important and vital matters for their communities,
such as education, health and infra-structure.... This is not a strange
in developing countries because they are bonded with international
funding strategies drafted by World Bank and other agencies, who
dictate certain directions for development; heritage is not considered
as such.
However, there are new emerging concepts regarding the built
heritage and its restoration. Such concept includes the group of
buildings (ensemble) vs. monument, the concept of living heritage
(rehabilitation) vs. archaeology (preservation), the socio-economic
values (sustainability) vs. aesthetics and knowledge values... all call
for reconsideration of the heritage rehabilitation as a necessity for
development and not as a luxurious activity. In this brief intervention,
I will shed light on the rehabilitation of the Mediterranean habitats,
utilising the Palestinian example and other experiences where
rehabilitation, in rapidly changing and alienated landscape, is emerging

as a necessity as any development project which embarks upon some

vital socio-economic and political problems.
Prioritising Heritage:
Since its establishment, the Palestinian National Authority (PNA)
managed not to have the Heritage on its priority list. Of course, in a
devastating situation it has been dicult to shift attention from the
day-to-day life problems to what is considered a luxury activity. This
can be observed in the allocated budget for ministries working in the
eld of heritage such as Ministry of Tourism and Antiquity (MOTA). Its
budget since 1993 continued to be the least among its sister ministries
in the newly born authority. Nevertheless, donations for NGOs working
in the eld of heritage have also been the least among the civil society
With the continuation of the Arab-Israeli conict, the donors
community as well as PNA are realising more and more that the past
funding trends did not lead to development, and voices are calling
for other resources of development such as heritage. After Oslo
Agreement (1993), substantial eorts were directed towards heritage.
This was reected in the many institutions and the many restoration
today, heritage suers from neglect and mal-management such that it
doesnt play a major (expected) role in the Palestinian GNP or appears
as such in its expenditures.
Funding History for Palestine:
As a result of the Israeli occupation, the PNA was handed the inhabited
zones of the West Bank and Gaza Strip in rather very bad shape
concerning infrastructure, health, schooling, employment. The PNA
started from scratch to re-correct the long years of recklessness. To do
so, from 1994-2005, the PNA received US$ 4.677 billions as donations
form foreign countries. Before the current Intifada most donations were
directed towards development while the rest was allocated to budget
support and emergency needs. In the last few years donations were
shifted towards humanitarian and emergency needs, a trend that
didnt come to halt until our current days. Sectors such as infrastructure,
governance and civil society, human resource development and
productive sectors are considered as development projects according
to the WB and donors criteria. These sectors received most of the funds;
more than two thirds of the budget were directed to infra-structure
and human resourced development and only one third was allocated
to governance and civil society and productive sectors, the later being
the least.
Nation of Beggars:
The donation mechanisms as well as the allocation of funds mainly in
the last few years have converted Palestinians to a nation of beggars;
the Palestinian economy is built on the foreign donations without
the donors dictated how and where the funds should be spent. As a
result the PNA could not have an independent development vision for
Palestine. Some funds were counterproductive and managed not to
inuence the overall economic situation. For example, the employment
generation (job creation) which has been the key funding issue after
(2000) contributed as much as to the Israeli economy as much as to
the Palestinian economy1; for each US dollar injected in the Palestinian
economy, 45 cents have been channelled through the multiplier eect


Le projet de rhabilitation : rexion sur les critres

El proyecto de rehabilitacin: reexiones sobre criterios
The rehabilitation project: reections on criteria

to the Israeli economy. Strange enough, productive sectors in Palestine

such as agriculture and tourism received very little donations2. Housing
which is considered an infra-structure development project received
only around 2% from the donations to the PNA.
Nevertheless, the donors policy reected itself on the Palestinian
budgetary; the priorities of the donors were adopted by the PNA
priorities. This could be noticed in Socio Economic Stabilization Plan
(SESP) list of projects of the Ministry of Planning (MoP) published on
the ministrys ocial website3. The list of projects includes mainly infrastructural works. Culture and tourism are almost absent. The Ministry
of Tourism and Antiquity appears once in a capacity building for policy
development in Palestinian line ministries.
The productive sectors such as tourism and agriculture were, consciously
or unconsciously, marginalised in the Palestinian Budget. The accounts4
show that the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities (MOTA) expenses
were 0.2% from all over PNA budget. Also, the Ministry of Agriculture
share from the budget was 1% from over all PNA budget for the years
The PNA budget doesnt represent a development model since it
doesnt allocate budget that encourage productive sectors though they
play a major role in employment generation and in the GNP. Tourism
contributed substantially to GNP and employment generation5.
The well established sector of agriculture contributed more to the
Palestinian economy6.
Heritage development is a necessity for development:
Heritage, if well managed, would constitute a major asset to Palestinian
economy. The last years of employment generation in conservation
works approved that they contribute substantially to Palestinian
community. Being labour intensive activity, relying on domestic
materials and on the local Know-How (Fig 2), the job creation through
restoration programs left a direct multiplier eect on the Palestinian
economy. Implementing agencies are ever more aware of the fact that
their former polices did not and eventually will not lead to development.
The Report on the Program of Assisting to the Palestinian People
(2003) concluded by a statement that calls for reversing the pattern of
development assistance observed in 1999-2000 and allocating more
funds to the relatively intensive labour industries and agriculture.
Having said so, I believe that developers should shift from relief to
development utilising heritage, light industries and agriculture bearing
in mind the following:
1. The former donation polices not only didnt lead to development or
prosperity but changed the Palestinian to a nation of beggars.
2. The PNA should have a vision for development and should act as a
leader and as a catalyst for the development.
3. The donations should be directed to support productive sectors
such as cultural tourism, light industries and agriculture.
4. The development of tourism implies the development of facilities
and the rehabilitation of heritage goods as a medium for this
5. To start an ambitious plan and to maximize the benet of the
donations it must be oriented towards the Palestinian economy
that has relative independency from the Israeli economy such as
heritage rehabilitation.
6. With the existing Israeli occupational measures it is not possible to
have development.


Developing countries are more and more aware of the heritage value
for their economy, in the Mediterranean basin countries such as Egypt,
Tunis, Morocco, Lebanon and most recently Syria are establishing
themselves as tourist destinies and build their economy around
alternative resources. For example, the Syrian government is investing
US$ 4 billion in the eld .
Foreign funds were counterproductive and defeated its purpose
in many occasions. Controversially, the development of Palestinian
heritage sites will attract more tourists to the Israeli airport, hotels and
restaurants. This puts the Palestinian aspirations to construct a viable
state on a crossing point. It is more evident that if Palestinians want
to establish a viable state, then they need to abolish former funding
and spending systems. Rehabilitation of historic centres for housing or
tourism, presentation of the enormous archaeological heritage became
a necessity. The heritage rehabilitation will trigger a dynamics that will
enable the Palestinians to establish strong economy that relies on its
resources and not on foreign funding.

The Report on the Program of Assisting to the Palestinian People entitled International
Support to the Palestinian People 1999-2000 / 2001-2003. A compendium prepared
by United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) presented at the
Consultative Meeting: Palestine Rehabilitation and Development Forum, Beirut 29-30
July 2003.

3.8% and 1.3% respectively between 2001 and 2003 and received 2.1% and 7.1%
respectively between 1999 and 2000. The substantial amount allocated to tourism
between 1999 and 2000 is due to the Bethlehem 2000 Project.



The detailed expenses of the Palestinian Authority Jan 2003 to Dec 2005, published
May 10th 2006. Palestinian Authority Published accounts.
accountability/PublishedAccounts.html An electronic source reviewed April 2007

Before the current crises between 200,000 and 300,000 tourists visited sites such as
Jericho and Samaria (Sabastiya). One million tourists visited Bethlehem in (1996) and
two million visited Jerusalem in the years prior to the year (2000). Palestinian revenues
from the tourist sector rose to US$ 120 millions in (1997). In the same year the Israeli
revenues reached US$ 2600 millions, an indicator of the huge potential of this sector in
the Palestinian GNP. The sad state of Palestinian tourism, by: Adnan Dagher. http://www. An electronic source accessed March 2007.

In 1999 agriculture (Fig 1) constitutes 33% from the GDP and absorbed 13% labour
force. In 2002, agriculture share to the Palestinian economy declined to form only 9%
from the GDP, yet it continued to absorb 13% Palestinian labour force. Economy of the
electronic source accessed April 2007.

Al Jazeera News. 28 April 2007.

Le projet de rhabilitation : rexion sur les critres

El proyecto de rehabilitacin: reexiones sobre criterios
The rehabilitation project: reections on criteria


Le projet de rhabilitation : rexion sur les critres

El proyecto de rehabilitacin: reexiones sobre criterios
The rehabilitation project: reections on criteria

Una materia singular para

un mundo global

Sandra Bestraten y Emilio Hormas

Profesores de la UPC. Asignaturas: Vivienda y Cooperacin- Tecnologas de bajo Coste para la Cooperacin y Talleres Experimentales
de la Ctedra UNESCO de Sostenibilidad.
Miembros de Universitat Sense Fronteres. Responsables del Programa
Educacin para el Desarrollo, Bolivia, expatriados peridicamente
para ejecutar proyectos.
Despacho profesional
Bestraten Hormas Arquitectura. Especializacin en arquitectura sostenible. Viviendas, ocinas, rehabilitaciones.
Direccin postal:
Av. Europa, 55 desp.-F
Direccin de correo electrnico:


Vivienda y Cooperacin
Los programas docentes de las Escuelas de Arquitectura estn enfocados
al uso exhaustivo de tcnicas de hormign y acero en la edicacin
actual. El uso de la madera se trabaja muy tangencialmente y la tierra
como material de construccin, slo se cita como memoria de un
pasado nostlgico; Hoy en da, la poblacin cuando realiza alguna obra
en su casa y se percata de que vive en un edicio construido en tierra,
se inquieta como si su casa ya no fuese segura. Los arquitectos cuando
tienen que rehabilitar edicios de tapial o adobe, no tienen formacin
en intervencin en estos materiales; ante este desconocimiento acaban
reforzando los edicios histricos con hormign armado. La situacin
actual no propicia un marco adecuado, especialmente normativo,
que favorezca la rehabilitacin de la edicacin existente con tcnicas
tradicionales o mejoras de las mismas, pero sin perder su carcter
En el ao 1998 nace en la Escuela Tcnica Superior de Arquitectura de
incidir en el espacio social que la arquitectura ocupa, en especial en el
trabajo desarrollado en los ltimos 20 aos de cooperacin al Desarrollo
realizado por ONGs y administraciones europeas. Desde su inicio, en el
marco de la Ctedra UNESCO de Sostenibilidad, esta asignatura pretende
formar a los alumnos de la UPC como profesionales de la arquitectura
con capacidad de accin en los proyectos de cooperacin.
La asignatura se estructura en dos cuatrimestres. Durante el primero se
analizan soluciones urbanas en la planicacin de ciudades del tercer y


cuarto mundo. Se presta especial atencin a los procesos de gestin y

organizacin social de los proyectos.
Durante el segundo cuatrimestre, la asignatura que pasa a llamarse
en el conocimiento y la investigacin de tecnologas constructivas
con materiales de bajo coste, que puedan resolver de forma eciente,
sostenible i econmica el hambre de vivienda de los pases en vas
de desarrollo. En este marco hay soluciones tcnicas tradicionales que
adquieren gran importancia por su adecuacin a los requerimientos
de cooperacin al desarrollo. Solo por poner un ejemplo, un saco de
cemento en Bolivia vale 3 veces ms que en Espaa. Teniendo en cuenta
que el coste de la vida es unas 8 veces ms bajo, se puede entender
la insostenibilidad social y econmica como solucin generalizada,
existiendo otras alternativas.
Talleres Experimentales de construccin
Durante la primavera, en paralelo a las clases del segundo cuatrimestre
se realizan Talleres Experimentales. Los estudiantes construyen
pequeos prototipos de vivienda a escala real, poniendo en prctica
alguna de las tcnicas estudiadas en clase, bsicamente las basadas
en el uso de la tierra cruda. Se han construido bvedas numdicas
sin cimbra con adobes de tierra, cubriendo un mbito de 6m2. Se
han fabricado bloques de tierra comprimidos con prensas manuales.
Tambin se han construido muros de tapial, utilizando una tcnica
ancestral con aportaciones actuales: martillo neumtico, encofrados
propios del hormign, estabilizacin con cemento blanco, en un
intento de aproximarnos a una industrializacin de esta tcnica.
Prcticas en proyectos de cooperacin
La asociacin Universidad sin Fronteras - Universitat Sense Fronteres
un vivero de formacin in situ. Algunos estudiantes de la asignatura, se
seleccionan para participar en proyectos de cooperacin durante los
veranos en el marco del programa Educacin para el desarrollo. Desde
sus inicios en el 2000, recibe el apoyo del Centro de Cooperacin para
el Desarrollo de la Universitat Politcnica de Catalunya, CCD-UPC. Parte
esencial de los mismos es recuperar tipologas urbanas y sistemas de
construccin tradicionales que todava hoy son vigentes en las regiones
de trabajo y que son parte intrnseca de su valor patrimonial.
El proyecto de cooperacin se convierte en el contacto directo con
la realidad y permite la aplicacin de las tecnologas autctonas con
las mejoras oportunas. De esta forma, se complementa el programa
docente universitario con la realizacin de proyectos reales en los que
poder aplicar los conocimientos adquiridos. En todo momento hay el
apoyo tcnico in situ de los profesores de la asignatura.
mbito de trabajo, Patrimonio de la Humanidad
La zona de trabajo principal es la regin tropical de Bolivia que limita con
Brasil y forma parte de las Misiones de Chiquitos. La presencia misional
dej un patrimonio arquitectnico en tierra y madera realmente
trascendental que todava hoy perdura vivo. Por este motivo en 1990,
despus de un proceso de rehabilitacin integral, fueron declaradas
Patrimonio de la Humanidad por la UNESCO. San Ignacio de Velasco
con 30.000 habitantes es la capital de las misiones.
Organizacin de los Proyectos de Cooperacin
Tales proyectos de cooperacin se conciben desde una perspectiva

Le projet de rhabilitation : rexion sur les critres

El proyecto de rehabilitacin: reexiones sobre criterios
The rehabilitation project: reections on criteria

integral, reforzando los ocios tradicionales, introduciendo mejoras

tecnolgicas en la produccin de materiales (adobe, madera) y en los
sistemas de puesta en obra e integrando plenamente las edicaciones
en la estructura urbana y social del medio.
Ms de 5.000 personas han trabajado voluntariamente en la
construccin de las escuelas de sus hijos, colaborando con un da
voluntario por familia de manera que cada da han participado cinco
padres, que sucesivamente durante dos meses, se han implicado con
la construccin de cada escuela, sumando unas 500 personas. Esta
organizacin del trabajo permite concienciar a la poblacin local
en la validez de los materiales y sistemas de construccin utilizados,
siendo un medio ecaz y directo de capacitacin y difusin de las
mejoras tecnolgicas incorporadas, que despus podrn utilizar en la
autoconstruccin de sus casas de adobe y madera.
Hasta ahora, en estos siete aos, 90 estudiantes universitarios y ms
de 20 tcnicos, durante los dos meses no lectivos de verano, han
trabajado construyendo 6.000m2, repartidos en diez escuelas de
la regin de la Chiquitania Boliviana. Como proyecto principal se ha
iniciado la construccin de una universidad pblica, la Universidad
Indgena Chiquitana en San Ignacio de Velasco, Bolivia. El objetivo del
proyecto es potenciar la educacin superior, equilibrando la poblacin
en el territorio y generando un motor de desarrollo de una regin con
muchas deciencias.
La participacin de los voluntarios en los proyectos
Para un estudiante de arquitectura el proyecto de cooperacin es la
oportunidad de hacer un seguimiento completo de todo el proceso
arquitectnico. Esto implica la denicin del mismo, desde su
concepcin hasta el detalle constructivo, las mediciones, cronograma de
la obra y la gestin. Participan en la solicitud de las ayudas econmicas
para poderlo realizar, y por ltimo la construccin in situ.
El conocimiento previo que se ofrece permite dar las herramientas
necesarias para la elaboracin del proyecto. El diseo se concibe desde
la optimizacin de las tcnicas tradicionales de la regin, convirtiendo
el proyecto en un posible modelo para la poblacin local en futuras
construcciones. La direccin de obra se sigue de forma constante
cada da por los cooperantes, pudiendo incidir en todos los detalles y
controlando la calidad de la ejecucin.
La gestin econmica del proyecto tambin se realiza de forma directa
por los cooperantes, buscando siempre el reparto del trabajo y la
correcta ejecucin de los materiales. En paralelo a la construccin de
escuelas se han creado cooperativas de tejeros, para unicar criterios
de fabricacin como medidas y calidades. Para darles apoyo tcnico se
han construido hornos con cmara de coccin que permita aumentar la
temperatura y mejorar la calidad de los productos cermicos y hacerlos
competitivos frente a los materiales importados de la ciudad. Desde la
misma perspectiva se han iniciado proyectos de pavimentacin con
adoquinado cermico, que permite dar una solucin ms econmica
a la convencional pavimentacin de cemento. A su vez, el adoquinado
ofrece mucho trabajo a la poblacin local, es una solucin reversible
que permite incorporar instalaciones paulatinamente y ofrece una
imagen ms acorde con el entorno patrimonial.
Una de las facetas ms importantes del trabajo del cooperante es la
organizacin del trabajo voluntario de la poblacin local. Aunque
se organiza para que la colaboracin de cada da sea de unas 5-10
personas, hay das, especialmente los sbados, que se aprovecha para
dar de comer a todos los voluntarios y fomentar un da de trabajo

ms festivo. Pueden llegar a participar hasta 100 personas en un da.

Organizar y distribuir la colaboracin segn las capacidades de cada
persona se convierte en un pilar para optimizar la colaboracin.
Durante los dos meses que dura el proyecto se naliza la estructura y
la cubierta, de manera que la construccin est protegida a la llegada
de la poca de lluvias. Despus falta nalizar los acabados como pintar,
pavimentar, colocar luminarias. Los beneciarios continan el proyecto
sin la presencia de la cooperacin. Se dejan listos los materiales
necesarios y lo nalizan con el mismo sistema de trabajo participativo.
Este hecho, permite demostrar que sin la cooperacin pueden realizarlo
y se ha garantizado la transferencia tecnolgica y de gestin.
Financiacin de los proyectos
Cada ao el presupuesto de la Asociacin para los proyectos en Bolivia
es de 50.000 . aproximadamente. Los proyectos arquitectnicos tienen
un presupuesto de 40 /m2, incluyendo acabados. Los proyectos se han
nanciado con el apoyo econmico durante ltimos aos del Centro
de Cooperacin para el Desarrollo CCD-UPC, el Colegio de Aparejadores
y Arquitectos Tcnicos de Barcelona, la Diputacin de Barcelona, el
Ayuntamiento de Barcelona y el Ayuntamiento de LHospitalet.
La contraparte de los proyectos son las alcaldas respectivas de cada
municipio boliviano donde se trabaja, que aportan manutencin de
los cooperantes conviviendo con familias locales, los terrenos de los
equipamientos, mobiliario, sueldos de los profesores y mantenimiento
de la infraestructura. Sin embargo, lo esencial del proyecto es el
intercambio de conocimiento y el enriquecimiento mutuo.


Le projet de rhabilitation : rexion sur les critres

El proyecto de rehabilitacin: reexiones sobre criterios
The rehabilitation project: reections on criteria


Le projet de rhabilitation : rexion sur les critres

El proyecto de rehabilitacin: reexiones sobre criterios
The rehabilitation project: reections on criteria

A window for contemplating aesthetics

The traditional courtyard revisited

Nabeel Elhady and Raghad Mofeed

Nabeel Elhady holds a bachelor of architecture form Cairo University
and a PhD in Architecture and urban design from the same university.
He currently teaches at Cairo university in addition to having a private
Raghad Mofeed also holds a bachelor of architecture form Cairo university and a PhD in Architectural criticism from the same university.
She currently teaching at Cairo university as well as the Arab Academy.
1 3/4 street #221 Degla, Maadi, Cairo Egypt
2 32 Melsa Buildings, apt. # 33, Naser City. Cairo, Egypt
E-mail address:


Studying aesthetics in Cairo
Teaching aesthetics in architecture in Cairo is relatively recent subject.
It started as a postgraduate course discussing mainly the psychological
aspect of aesthetics and the related theories among which the Gestalt
was a dominant. Few years ago the subject was introduced to the
undergraduate level with a somewhat similar content. Tow years
ago there was an opportunity to introduce a dierent approach and
content. Here we are trying to outline this still early eort.
Our concern when we made the proposal of the course was how to
convey to the students not only the ideas but the importance and
relevance of such an essential subject in architecture. We were face
by a number of challenges; rst the challenge of the dealing with the
subject. According to John Lang Aesthetics is studied in tow ways ;
rst emphasizing the process and hence becoming more interested in
the issues of perception and human behavior and reaction to objects.
This is the psychological approach. The other is approach that focuses
mainly on the meaning of Aesthetics and its relevance to the essence
of architecture and design in general. This second approach is the
philosophical approach. We opted for an approach that tries to combine
both the physiological which is more tangible and comprehendible
with the philosophical which is more elusive.
The second issue that confronted us is how to teach Aesthetics in an
Arab Islamic country where issues of Aesthetics are not really discussed
from our point of view. Rather it is discussed through the studying
of Gesthalt theories, Aristotle, Plato, and others. We as Egyptians and
Cairo residents are lacking a solid ground to stand on in our discussing
of Aesthetics. Therefore we thought of nding an object that holds

for us and the students and Cairo citizens an undisputed ( form our
point of view) level of beauty. Through our numerous visits and travel
around Cairo, we came to the courthouse of medium sized Mamluk
house named Zainab Khaton. In this court we thought that we found a
beautiful place through which we can address the subject of Aesthetics
in architecture in Cairo.
Zainab Khaton courtyard contemplated
We arranged a number of visits to the court yard with our forty students.
Our tools were a sketch book and a camera. We stressed more the sketch
book as though it encourages the deep observations and engagement
in the courtyard. As the slides shows there were numerous points of
When looking at the architectural elements that exist in the court yard
there is a sense detailing that takes you form certain level to another
in a continuous way. This sense of connected layers of things is at the
same time unfold to the observer other things and qualities or other
connected worlds (details of the Mashrabia).
Look at how openings meet their wall, and note how are very ne
detailing is used to declare this relation. Also note how stone are cut
in dierent sizes and forms , how wood is treated in doors and in
windows. There is a sense of subtleness in the courtyard that means in
a way that builders were very sensitive to dierent situations, locations,
and materials. And there is also odd relations that might be a result
of dealing with the accidents that took place during the building in a
clever way and turning them into meaningful acts.
3-Ambiguity, mystery, secrecy.
The sense of that there is some thing hidden or concealed can be
notice whenever you look in the courtyard. The lattice structure of the
Mashrabia is reinforcing this sense. The way you enter the courtyard
and even the scale of the openings even if they are large.
When entering the court we and the students observed this overall
court yard telling you to be quite. One might think that calmness is
derived not only form profound sense of stability of elements and how
they relate to each other, but it is also a result of a sort of slow rhythm
that relates the objects ( it may be also noted in the slow rhythm of
Arabic music and azan). This calmness is what Christopher Day calls
the healing silence. To him this was one of the greatest qualities of
environments around us. It is not death; rather it is the sound of resting
where you are hearing the sounds of your body .
5-Grace and Glory
In the court yard there is a sense of glorifying the sky in the way by
which the court surrounds and ascends to it. This glorication that
some considers as a condition of architecture . This might have
a connection to the genesis of the courtyard as it came to being in
Sumer. The universe to the Sumerians was mainly heaven and earth.
The mythology says that they were united until Lil which is wind,
breath, spirit came and separated them . The court yard became the


Le projet de rhabilitation : rexion sur les critres

El proyecto de rehabilitacin: reexiones sobre criterios
The rehabilitation project: reections on criteria

place where they come together again.

Objects in the courtyard are not striking in the rst instance. They are
also looks as they are good neighbors to each other. There is a sense
of fragile structure or image. The strength of this fragility is of adopting
a posture that is not aggressive and dominating but tangential and
The reconstruction of the courtyard
The idea of this part of the class was to invite each student to create
his or her own courtyard (named after his or her family) based on the
qualities learned from Zaynab Khaton courtyard. They were free to
choose any medium they can think of in order to do that. It can be
certain material, color, covering or otherwise. This exercise aimed at
investigating the possibility of creating contemporary houses of deep
aesthetical quality, and hence further investigates on the nature of
beauty in architecture.
The exercise ended up with various proposals that in one way more
concentrating on the formal aspects of the old courtyard. Few yet
were in there way to touch on the qualities of beauty and were able to
propose a tart of creative ideas.
There were three points emphasized in the students proposals;
1- the ground of the court yard
2- the openings of the court yard
3- the Roof of the courtyard
As seen in the slides the former points were made in a way that
interpret the students understandings of the qualities observed. The
exercise proved to be more dicult and required more time than what
was allocated.
From our point of view, the results of the exercise did not lead us in the
same way that the observations took us to.
Thinking about the observations and the exercise made by the students
presents a number of issues. We believe that these issues are not only
concerned with the nature of architecture but they also question
the extent to which architecture as an art and object of aesthetics is
connected or detached from the daily experience of life.
Beauty and Art in Cairo
Su men where mostly responsible of the most acts of buildings and
craftsmanship in Cairo at the time when Zainab Khaton where built .
They believed in three basic principles of undertaking of any good act;
1- Imagination
2- Taste
3- Patience.
In Arabic beauty is gamal which is related to gamal or camel who
was worshiped in the era before Islam. Camel used to be a symbol of
abundance, fertility and beauty . Art in the other hand is Fann . It points
to good work, or craftsmanship. Fanan (artist) means a creative maker.


Architecture and Art

Architecture is usually perceived as an art or as a hybrid of art and
science . May be more convincingly some would see it as a practical
art. In the latter view architecture comes into being in the tension
that is created between the artistic domain and the real life domain.
According to Wilson It is historically the task of architecture to draw
them together and to make of that very occasion an act of discovery, a
revelation about a way of framing the daily activities and celebrations
and rituals of society in ways that oer them both place and identity
Aesthetics and Ethics
Architecture is a process of exploring. In this process of exploring the
creation of good or beautiful piece of work becomes a constant matter
of making choices between polarities. In this view architecture can be
seen as an ethical process. But as this process aspires to the beauty,
Aesthetics becomes the dominant or the superior. According to Rinato
Rizzi Aesthetics becomes the mother of ethics .
In this way we come to appreciate Moore s view on the nature of the
good ; The inquiry into what is valuable or what is really important...
into the meaning of life, into what makes life worth living, the right way
of living.
Ihsan is the Islamic ethical principle that denotes attaining beyond
normal obligations; it includes itkan or precision, and perfection .
Teaching Aesthetics Beyond theories and into practice and reality
In the beginning of the teaching and of course during it we were
interested in introducing to the student the Hegelian, and the Kantian
thoughts on Aesthetics. We thought that they are more relevant to
of deriving our own theories on Aesthetics that is driven mainly for
reading the very rich context of Cairo. We were not sure if the theory is
a prerequisite of doing any useful reading and even in drawing lessons
for making architecture. And despite that we do not agree with Speaks
that theory is not just irrelevant but continues to be an impediment
to innovation. Still we wonder if there is a possibility of continues
dialogue between theory and practice. Blomstedt rightfully noted that
Theoretical contemplation is essential, but let us remember that the
Greek verb theoria originally meant to examine, not to speculate, It is
said that the basis of all brilliant perceptions is an immediate personal
observations ,. We think that what we are seeking is a process where
observations, making, theorizing, and designing became a continuous
process with no clear cut rather inherent integration.
From courtyard to Entrances.
In the following year (which is this year) we continued to experiment
with the subject. We chose entrances as the object of our observations
and contemplations on Aesthetics. We were trying to here tow things.
First we wanted to develop more our ideas of observations and the
underlying qualities. Therefore, we introduced a physical model of the
subject of contemplation as a way to understand more the qualities
through the making of a fairly large physical model (1:20). We wanted
the students to elaborated there sense and understanding of the
entrance as an architectural object. The following slides are showing
the result of this part of the exercise. Second; we wanted to understand
the entrance through deconstructing it as an object. We thought of this
exercise as a way not only to further our thoughts on the relevance of
the historic edice to contemporary practices but also to understand

Le projet de rhabilitation : rexion sur les critres

El proyecto de rehabilitacin: reexiones sobre criterios
The rehabilitation project: reections on criteria

the contemporary architectural ideas and practice that relates to


JOHN LANG. Aesthetic theory, in Designing Cities, A.Cuthbert ed., 2003 Blackwell

C.DAY, Places of the soul, Architectural press, London, 2004

See C.S. WILSON, Architectural reections, architectural press,

Cited in FAOZI UJAM, The cosmological genesis of the courtyard house, in Courtyard
housing, KTaylor & Francis, 2006

Cited in JUHANI PALLASMA, Notes on the fragile architecture, in Encounters, Pakennustietot,


SEE A. RAYMOND, Great Arab cities, See Also Nelly Hana

SEE ALY ZAYOOR, Toward an Arabic school of Aesthetics, in Algamaliat Alarabia,

See for example Naser Rabat, The culture of building and building of Culture, Dar alsaki,
London, Bairout, 2003.

C.S. WILSON, Architectural reections, architectural press,,


RENATO RIZZI, Space without a fault, public lecture at Cairo University, feb.2005.


Cited in C.S. WILSON, Architectural reections, architectural press,


See NABEEL ELHADY, Ethics and urban form production, unpublished ph.d. Thesis, 1997.


MICHAEL SPEAKS, After theory, in Architectural Record, June, 2005.


Cited in Juhani Pallasma, Man Measure, and Proportion, in Encounters, Pakennustietot,



Le projet de rhabilitation : rexion sur les critres

El proyecto de rehabilitacin: reexiones sobre criterios
The rehabilitation project: reections on criteria

Reuse of Demolished Buildings Debris

in Post war Construction
An approach to conservation of
traditional architecture

Khaled I. N. Ahmed, Hanan S. Wasfy

Khaled I. N. Ahmed is a professor of building techology in the Department of Architectural Engineering, Zagazig University, Egypt. He has
got his B.Sc. in Architecture from Alexandria University in 1981, and
his Ph.D in: Appropriate Building Technology, from Cairo University
in collaboration with Penn State Uni, USA. Professor Ahmed has long
research, teaching and practical experience, in design and supervision
of many projects. His work and patents are related to technical innovations of low cost traditional housing.
Hanan S. Wasfy is the head of the architectural department at the
Works Directorate of the Suez Canal Authority (SCA) at Egypt. She has
got her B.Sc. in Architecture from Alexandria University in 1981. She
is a consultant engineer, with a long experience in design of dierent
projects. Her work in SCA has stimulated her interests and given her
experience in conservation and rehabilitation of ancient French buildings in the Suez Canal region.
E-mail address:



1. Introduction:
if God had not enabled people to defend themselves against one
another, corruption would surely overwhelm the earth. 2.251.
if God had not enabled people to defend themselves against one
another, all monasteries, churches, and mosques, would surely have
been destroyed. 22.40
Translation of the Holly Quran
Mediterranean is the interchange pot of civilizations, which have
moved along its shores, rarely by trade, while mostly by conicts and
wars that brings destruction also. Recently, wars have been spreading
in the Mediterranean from Bosnia, Albania, Cyprus, Lebanon, Israel and
the ongoing destruction of Palestine, threatening the people, the built
environment and the local architectural heritage.
Developed countries with limited resources can not aord total rebuilding of demolished cities, as what happened in the southern
district of Beirut at July 2006, where thousands or even millions of tons,
of rubble have to be disposed, while roads have to be cleaned for post
war construction. Thus, re-use of building debris is very important for


sustainable development, having many benets as followed:

which is usual for the poor, who got used to buy second-hand
building materials.
Moreover, recycling into the same architecture has a cultural crucial
role probably more beneciary than economics and environment.
Bevan thinks that the destruction of symbolic buildings and the
physical fabric of cities is not merely collateral damage, but a deliberate
intention by the attacker, to dominate and eliminate the memory,
history and identity of the opposing side...The war in Bosnia saw an
almost complete destruction of a unique and beautiful Islamic heritage,
whose existence was simply denied by local Serbian (Bevan 2006).
Although, he argues, that rebuilding in post-war cities or restoration
of damaged buildings can never re-create their originality, the author
thinks that rehabilitation by reusing some original material with new
similar ones, could keep the image and the psychological feeling of
traditional architecture.
Recycling of war demolition waste was rst carried out after the
Second World War in Germany to tackle the problem of disposing large
amounts of demolition waste caused by the war and simultaneously
generate raw material for reconstruction. Dresden was destroyed by the
rebombing during World War II, where the largest rebuilding eorts
ever in Europe, took place to restore many historical buildings. There
is considerable research in advanced countries for recycling building
waste, which has demonstrated possibility of using construction waste
to substitute new materials. They are enforcing recycling in solid waste
management rules, requiring that demolition debris, which composes
about 50%, should be separated from the waste stream and segregated
into recyclable and non-recyclable materials (Sherman 1996). Hopefully,
most civilian buildings are demolished partially after wars, thus
rehabilitation accounts for most of the building construction. However,
war demolishing is dierent having many levels, analyzed latter by this
study, after dening the related technical terms.
2. Denitions
Reuse: the subsequent use of a material, product, or component upon
Recycling: remanufacture materials into new products.
Building demolition: knocking down, or explosion of a building.
Debris: pieces of materials & rubble resulting from knocking down, or
C&D waste: Construction and demolishing remains.
Enriched uranium warhead: radioactive weapon using fuel of nuclear
Depleted uranium warhead (DU): a weapon treated by the waste
product of uranium enrichment process, which is less radioactive than
enriched uranium.
Deconstruction: systematic disassembly of a building in economical

Le projet de rhabilitation : rexion sur les critres

El proyecto de rehabilitacin: reexiones sobre criterios
The rehabilitation project: reections on criteria

and safe way, to re use materials and recover rare items like old umber
or antique xtures.
Segregation: Keeping materials separated by type until they recycled.
RCA: recycled concrete aggregates.
3. Research problem:
There are many studies and applications of recycling and re-use of
planned (civil) demolishing debris, but there is a scarcity of information
about war demolishing except for land mark buildings. For instance,
literature review shows that Dresden cathedral were rebuilt stone
by stone using sophisticated computer modeling tool to restore its
original shape, costing 180 million (Wikipedia, a).
This goes beyond the capabilities of most governments, nevertheless,
ordinary people who have limited resources and seeks the know-how.
Moreover, there is almost no data on the technical aspect of post-war
construction of traditional vernacular architecture.
4. Aim, objectives and limitations:
The aim of this study is to drive the attention to the value of war
demolished buildings debris, and provide a technical and economical
approach to the conservation of traditional architecture. The paper
objective is to set up a planned process of re-using building rubble
in the same architecture. It is expected that people would reconstruct
their buildings, with limited means, through civil societies and building
communities to help each other.
The research is concerned with traditional architecture, built with
conventional local materials and techniques. It does not deal with
conservation or rebuilding of monumental buildings, requiring
sophisticated resources. This study is limited to the technical aspect of
re-building, not design or policies, with special focus on the walls and
oors rubble which forms most of the debris.
5. Demolishing types:
5.1. Planned demolishing; by a specialized contractor, who can recover
usable materials between 25% in old buildings, and 75% in new
buildings. IT has been reported that this process saves up to 30% of the
building cost (TIFAC).
5.2. Natural disasters demolishing: caused by oods, earthquakes,
tornados etc., their eect could be more than war demolishing. For
instance, the 2001 earthquake of Gujarat, India has devastated a large
number of villages and towns. This earthquake had a profound eect
on structures of all types; ancient, modern, traditional masonry and
contemporary reinforced concrete (UNESCO).
5.3. Systematic hostile demolishing; using bulldozers and tanks against
non-military buildings. For example, crushing historic buildings in the
ancient Casbah in Nablus, Palestine in 2002, was described by the head
of the Israel Museum, as non-existent damage (Bevan 2006).
5.4. Demolishing using re bombs, known as incendiary bombs,
designed to start res using materials such as napalm, or white
phosphorus, causing extreme temperatures that could destroy most
buildings made of wood or other combustible materials. However,
buildings constructed of stone tend to resist incendiary destruction
unless they are rst blown by high explosives.(Wikipedia.b). Although
UN Protocols on Conventional Weapons prohibits the use of incendiary

weapons against civilians, Israel has used phosphorus bombs in Gaza

and Lebanon (Fisk 2006).
5.5. Dirty war demolishing; to prevent humanitarian aids and delay
reconstruction, e.g. Israeli army ooded southern Lebanon with cluster
bombs before war ends (Worker, J. 2007). In this particular demolishing
type, mine clearing should precede reconstruction.
5.6. Non-usable demolishing debris; using radio-active weapons.
American and British forces used depleted uranium (DU) shells in
Bosnia and Iraq, where years later, a plague of cancers emerged across
large areas. More over, Israel has used enriched uranium weapons in
Gaza and Lebanon (Fisk 2006). The particles of the explosion are very
long-lived in the environment, and spread over long distances. It is
believed that the weapon is highly carcinogenic and harmful to the
environment (Rapoport 2006). Thus, recovered components and debris
should not be re-used, nevertheless living in the hit area.
6. Re used materials from building debris:
Recovered materials are dierent according to type of demolishing and
the building structure, whether wall bearing or skeleton. It is known
that Mediterranean traditional architecture is usually built of stone or
brick, and of wooden oors and roofs in northern and eastern regions.
Wood composes about 20 % of the debris, while it is less in south of
Mediterranean, as oors could be arched stone or brick. Because the
largest portion of the debris is rubble, it would be studied in detail, by
the end of this section. The following is a short literature review on the
feasibility of recycling various C&D waste:
6.1. Wood is easily burned however, waste can be processed and
used for landscaping, compost, or engineered building products.
Wood chips could be compacted and injected with cement grout, to
produce wood-concrete, which could be swan and nailed, to provide
low-cost wood alternative (Kassai 1995). Construction timber is often
treated with chemicals to prevent Termite infestation therefore it needs
special care during disposal. Other problems associated are inclusion
of jointing, nails, screws and xings. Recovered wood components, in
good condition are reused as it was, to preserve the building image.
6.2. Metals such as copper, bras, lead, aluminum and steel with its
dierent types are generated during demolition in the form of pipes,
conduits, sheets, wires and bars. These are the easiest and most costeective materials to be reused directly if in good shape. In fact, steel is
Europes most-recycled material with an average recycling rate of 50%.
Reinforcement bars and sheets could be straightened, while scrap
could be re-melted in metal yards (Ozkan 2000).
6.3. Glass sheets are reusable if intact, while broken pieces can be
recycled into berglass or used in place of sand in paving material. Glass
fragments is easily processed into a number of new materials; mineral
wool, to substitute quartz in sanitary ware, and to produce light-weight
structural concrete.
6.4. Isolation materials e.g. asphalt layers and bituminous materials are
commonly recycled, by hot or cold mixing technique either at location
or at a central asphalt plant.


Le projet de rhabilitation : rexion sur les critres

El proyecto de rehabilitacin: reexiones sobre criterios
The rehabilitation project: reections on criteria

6.5. Marble oors and cladding sheets could be used even broken, in
smaller sizes, by pre casting with same color terrazzo mortar, to produce
larger sheets.
6.6. Sanitary ware can also be re-used if they are not chipped or
cracked, but if they are, It would be better to be crushed and used as
construction inll. Crushed and powdered sanitary have a pozzolanic
nature same as other clay products, which could be used to produce
low cost cements (Stulz & Mukerji 1993).
6.7. Demolition rubble containing masonry elements and concrete can
be processed in crushing plants using wet or dry system, to produce
recycled aggregates suitable for stucco works and concrete blocks of
acceptable quality (Pernia&Ramos&Suarez&Malave 1996). Many studies
have shown that RCA can be used as aggregate for new concrete.
6.7.1. Brick rubble is usually mixed with 20 % cement or lime mortar,
could be reused, if they are not contaminated or mixed with vegetation
or organic matters. Broken and discarded brick can be used as
construction inll or aggregate for non-structural concrete. Recovered
brick with minimal damage is ideal for building rehabilitation.
6.7.2. Stone has been used widely in traditional architecture for several
structural purposes, according to its properties (Abd-Elmaksood 2006).
As a natural material, having dierent ages and color, it should be
reused, even broken pieces, mixed with new similar stone, to sustain the
building identity and soul. Partially damaged stones could be recycled
as pre cast stone blocks, mixed with same color mortar in moulds at the
same size of original stones (Fig. 1). During casting, it must be noticed
that stone rubble, should face the ground, to be seen in the faade
latter (Fig. 2) (Stulz & Mukerji 1993).
7. Concrete is the most used building material for the last century,
even in traditional load bearing architecture, in foundations, sub
layers and instead of wooden oors, especially in the southern of the
Mediterranean. Because rubble reuse could reduce the volume of
debris by 80% (US army 2004), it would be studied in depth, through
the required steps and available technology as follows:
7.1. Steps of recycling rubble:
1. Checking the building site and clearing of left unexploded objects.
2. Choosing or Clearing a suitable area for material segregation. Quick
removal of debris is necessary to start rehabilitation work (Fig.3).
3. In-site segregation for dierent recovered materials and for
4. Material classication into state (damaged, partially...) or graded
5. Clay brick rubble is crushed and used with lime as a binding
6. Concrete and masonry waste are crushed to produce a granular
product of given particle size (Fig.4). Plants for processing of
demolition rubble RCA- are three types, dierentiated based on
mobility, type of crusher and process of separation.


7.2. Types of RCA plants (TIFAC):

1. Mobile plant; the material is crushed, screened and ferrous impurities
are separated through magnetic separation. The plant is moved to
the site and is suited to process only non-contaminated concrete or
masonry waste.
2. Semi-mobile plant; removal of contaminants is carried out by
hand and the end product is also screened. Magnetic separation
for removal of ferrous material is carried out. End product quality is
better than of a mobile unit.
3. Stationary plants are equipped for carrying out crushing, screening
as well as purication to separate the contaminants. Issues necessary
to Stationary plant are: plant location, road infrastructure, availability
of land space, provision of weigh-bridge, provision for storage area
7.3. Some technical consideration for RCA (TIFAC):
demolition waste. Up to 30% of natural coarse aggregate can be
debris, which would reduce the strength of the concrete. Organic
substances like wood, textile fabrics, paper and other polymeric
materials are unstable in concrete. Paints may entrain air in
with recycling plant; acoustic screening around the equipment,
use of muers/silencers and water spraying equipment should be
8. Conclusion:
Developed Countries with limited resources can not aord re-building
of demolished cities, where rubble piles have to be disposed. Thus, reuse of building debris in post war construction is crucial for sustainable
development, having many benets; economical, environment
and more important cultural. Recycling the same material, built by
traditional techniques, could preserve the local architectural heritage,
keep the memory and identity of the nation.
Dierent demolishing types were analyzed, showed that some debris,
e.g. radio-active, cannot be recycled. Most materials could be reused
after segregation and classication, e.g.; damaged brick, stone and
marble sheets are recycled into pre-cast blocks and terrazzo tiles
blended with new similar material.
As the largest portion of the debris is rubble, and its recycle could
reduce the volume of debris by 80%, it was studied through the
required steps and available technology, which turned to be simple
and inexpensive. Masonry and concrete rubble are crushed to produce
a granular product of given particle size suitable for stucco works and
concrete blocks. RCA could substitute 30% of natural coarse aggregate
of new concrete. Crushing plants for processing of demolition rubble
RCA- are three types, based on mobility, type of crusher and process

Le projet de rhabilitation : rexion sur les critres

El proyecto de rehabilitacin: reexiones sobre criterios
The rehabilitation project: reections on criteria

of separation. A mobile unit could be procured at low investment,

useful for low quantum of waste and easily moved to the demolition
site avoiding cost of waste transportation. To promote this technology,
governments should rst apply it on traditional public buildings,
housing, and provide incentives in the initial phase.
The study has managed to set up a planned process of re-using
building rubble, providing a technical and economical approach to
conservation of traditional architecture.


(Fig.2) Stone masonry construction using pre cast rubble. (Stulz & Mukerji 1993)

ABD-ELMAKSOOD, S. (2006) Construction Systems As An Approach To The Restoration of

Historical Buildings, Unpublished Ph.D. thesis, Department of Architectural Engineering,
Ain Shams University, Egypt.
ASAD, M., Translation of the meanings of The Holly Quran. At:
BEVAN, R. (2006) Destruction of Memory: Architecture at War. Reaktion Books, UK.
FISK, R. (2006) Mystery of Israels secret uranium bomb. The Independent online. http://
KASSAI, Y. (995).Newly developed concrete with recycled timber, Disposal and Recycling
of Organic and Polymeric Construction Materials, Proceeding of the RILEM Workshop, Ed.
OZKAN, S.T.E. (2000) Recovery and reuse of demolition waste, Unpublished Ph.D. thesis,
Department of Architecture, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey.
RAPOPORT, (2006) Israel used uranium-based warheads in Lebanon war, 28th October 2006,
SHERMAN, R. (1996) Managing Construction and Demolition Debris: A Guide for Builders,
Developers, and Contractors, North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service, Publication
Number: AG-473-19 (Internet).
STULZ & MUKERJI (1993) Appropriate Building Materials, SKAT, Switzerland, p74-76.
TIFAC; Utilization of Waste from Construction Industry: Executive Summary Technology
Information, Forecasting & Assessment Council, New Delhi, India.
PERNIA&RAMOS&SUAREZ&MALAVE (1996) Industrialized recycling of construction waste, The 24th
IAHS World Housing Congress, Ankara, Turkey, Vol. 1, P 1080, METU, Turkey.
UNISCO; UNISCO mission to Jurat, The conservation of earthquake-damaged cultural
properties, Internet.

(Fig. 3) Material segregation

US ARMY (2004) Reuse of concrete materials from building demolition, Public Works Technical
Bulletin 14 September 2004, No. 200-1-27, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
WIKIPEDIA, a; The Dresden Frauenkirche, at www.
WIKIPEDIA, b ; Incendiary bombs, at www.
WORKER, J. (2007) Israel planned 2006 Lebanon war.

(Fig. 1) Filling the mould with rubble stones and compacting.

(Fig. 4) Rubble crushing.


Le projet de rhabilitation : rexion sur les critres

El proyecto de rehabilitacin: reexiones sobre criterios
The rehabilitation project: reections on criteria

The Reection of Euro- Mediterranean

Historical Culture on Contemporary
Architecture in Alexandria

Ahmed B. El-Seragy (BSc., MSc., PhD)1, Amira M. ElNokaly (BSc., MPhil, PhD)1, Sarah Al-Saadani (BSc.)2
1Assistant Professor
2 Teaching Assistant

Architectural Engineering and Environmental Design Department,

Arab Academy for Science and Technology, AAST
Alexandria, Egypt
E-mail address:

Alexandria, the second largest city in Egypt, extends 32km along the
Mediterranean coastline, and is the primary seaport of the country
[1]. However, its roots go a long way back to prehistoric times, when
Alexandria was originally a small shing village named Rakotis, before
Alexander the Great conquered the city in B.C 332 [2]. Alexander than
turned Alexandria into a typically-designed linear Greek city with similar
attributes to that of cities found on the mainland [3] as shown in Fig.1.
Alexandria, for example, is greatly comparable to a Greek city such as
Miletus in aspects such as its linear grid-iron planning system shown
in Fig.2.
Dinocrates and Hipodamus, Greek planners and architects, contributed
greatly in the design of Alexandria by creating a causeway, the
Heptastadion, linking the island of Pharos, previously home of the
ancient Alexandria lighthouse, to the mainland [3]. This divided the
coastline of the city into two; the Eastern and Western Harbours. Over
the centuries, further development took place, inlling the areas around
the causeway, transforming it into a continuation of the mainland, into
the landform we are familiar with today as shown in Fig. 1.
Since the establishment of the city, a lot of growth and expansion
has taken place. Over the centuries, settlers came and went and,
during the late 1800s and early 1900s, several European communities
settled mainly in Alexandria [4]. This was a reason of Egypt integration
as a principal cotton exporter into the world economic system, and
Alexandria being the countrys largest port and principal export and
nancial centre [5]. Marks of their culture and lifestyle are still clearly
visible in the city, particularly in their architecture, which is still in quite
a good condition now.
This paper aims to highlight the architectural character of Alexandria,
as a Mediterranean city on the waterfront. The European architecture
of the early 20th Century and its inuence can be easily considered a
symbol of Alexandrias past, its culture, tradition and history.


Alexandria Background Information:

The architectural construction of early Alexandria can be mostly
considered European renaissance style that ourished in the ages of
conforming city counsels between 1858 1890 [3]. The architecture
can be characterized by ne and abundant detailed architectural
elements, their consistency yet variation relative to their analogous
altitudes. The skyline of Alexandrias city centre, seen from what was
once the Island of Pharos and is now the Anfoushi Bay, depicts a style
of building that is rhythmatic, orderly and regular, a reection of the
ourishing communities that previously resided in the city shown in
Fig. 3. Despite the focus on intricate details in the building facades,
the style of architecture can generally be characterized as simple,
uncomplicated and superbly exquisite in composition. Furthermore,
the composition of the urban pattern of the central part of the city
similarly reects this simple yet very detailed town planning of the city,
also revealing orderly streets and squares that have survived several
centuries and generations.
Alexandria- Development of the City
The construction of this style of architecture, in the form of both
residential and public buildings, and in coordination with symmetrical
and systematic landscape features continued up until approximately
the middle of the 20th Century. Some of the buildings that were left
in a poor, deteriorated condition by the Europeans were promptly
demolished, and matchbox buildings were erected in all free spaces
and in what used to be the lavish gardens of old villas. With the start of
the era of modernism, box-like structures began to be constructed all
over the world, including Alexandria. In addition, with overpopulation
and the limited available number of spaces left to build in, architects,
contractors and clients were all encouraged to construct these boxlike structures, without putting issues such as character, heights and
consistency of design into consideration as shown in Fig. 3.
As a result, the order of the skyline began to overturn, the rhythmic
tempo of the oor heights ruined and the overall pattern started to
become more and more disorderly with the continuing construction
of these buildings, during the late 1970s and 80s as seen in Fig. 3.
However, it was not until the 1990s that the government began
to realize the disadvantageous eect the construction of these
contemporary, modernist buildings were having on the skyline and the
general urban form and fabric of the city. Therefore, it began to apply
strict building codes and regulations on the demolition of buildings in
poor conditions. Regulations were also furbished for the rehabilitation
of signicant historic buildings and the reconstruction of buildings in
the remaining plots of land, which must now clearly respect the width
to height ratios.
Alexandrias Coastal Mediterranean Line
In the Mediterranean region, issues that pertain to identity, character,
and architectural trends of the built environment have been in debate
for several decades [6]. In Alexandria the fact of its being an Islamic
country and the issue of sacred Symbolism that make it even much
more dicult to behold or comprehend. This dierentiating style,
reecting the dierent eras in Alexandrias history, can clearly be seen
on the seafront of Alexandria. The city centre of Bahari and Anfoushi,
which was once the Heptastadion, as well as what was once known as
the prestigious area of Elmanshiya is still characterized by Europeanstyle buildings [7]. Although newer additions, modications as well as

Le projet de rhabilitation : rexion sur les critres

El proyecto de rehabilitacin: reexiones sobre criterios
The rehabilitation project: reections on criteria

poorly-designed signage on the building facades draw a lot of attention

away from the beautiful intricate detail of the architecture itself. It is
unfortunate that their conditions continue to depreciate year after
year, because of a lack of cultural awareness of the signicance of these
buildings, which have led to poor maintenance of these buildings and
further deteriorating conditions as time goes by.
Some architects have attempted to achieve equilibrium between
utilizing the available plots of land available to the utmost extent, while
creating what they feel are beautiful facades that may reect the history
of the historic symbolism of the architectural vocabulary. However, in
an attempt to develop and individualize the character of these new
neo-classic buildings, as they are sometimes labeled, the sacred
proportions of certain architectural elements of the faade, such as Ionic
and Corinthian columns, cornices and pediments have all been ruined.
The result of this misunderstanding can be seen in various parts of the
city, in a confused blending of matchbox structures hanging very high
above tight and compact streets, with a false curtain of disproportionate
modications of so-called Greek and Roman architectural elements.
The change and development of the architectural character are very
visible when one continues to progress along the waterfront of the city.
As one starts moving from the edge of the city, one can still witness the
obvious regularity in the pattern of the faades of the buildings, before
a change starts to be seen further to the east. The clear beat is abruptly
interrupted every now and again, and at unplanned intervals, with
the sudden appearance of soaring, high-rise buildings shown in Fig.4.
As one continues to move, the hasty yet indistinctive style of newer,
modernist buildings continue to appear. Until we reach a point where
those historic buildings so important for the inscription of Alexandrias
history, culture and tradition, cease to appear, and all one can see is
the undisrupted irregular pattern of unplanned and poorly-designed
The Designers Responsibility
The polarity inuencing the shape and use of buildings in the historic
context is the designer whose behavior is governed by a factor, an
awareness of historic circumstance and a sense of responsibility to
historic evidence. In some of the Egyptian designers this is suciently
undeveloped, due to a number of facts and mainly their deep inuence
of the western curtain wall boxes. These boxes do not by any means
t our Mediterranean culture or climatic issues. This is thought to be a
serious impediment. A professionally responsible designer may, in such
a circumstance, pass the burden to a colleague better endowed with
historical knowledge or sensitivity.
The term responsibility indicates an accentuated sense of duty to
the community expressing itself perhaps as a sense of privilege
and this in itself becomes a constraint on the designer. Beyond that
designers are driven by responsibility to their clients, (who usually
have a poor understanding of history, culture and architecture and
their inuence on the environment and whole society). Social duty
at large and, that plague of all artists, the sense of their own artistry
or artistic self importance, this may in itself lead to arrogance or the
personal self interest of reputation making. These two incentives may
themselves be in conict with the interests of the community in the
rich historic Mediterranean context. Designers with sensitivity to the
quality, or avor, of the historic Mediterranean environment will nd
themselves exercising special care over the impact of their work. They

will be conscious that the environment represents a statement in time

and that their work can aect the apparent time in history that the
environment displays.
Herein lays the important principle: that it lies within the power of the
designer to amend by reduction or enhancement the historic context.
The constraint is the designers own sense of responsibility, respect of
Alexandrias established Mediterranean character and environment
and attitude to change.
It is imperative for designers with increasing commercial pressures, to be
sensitive to the historic settings of a Mediterranean city like Alexandria
and to recognize the delicate balance that is required between personal
innovation and the character of extant buildings and landscapes.
Warren [9] argues that designing in an historic environment requires
an awareness of historic circumstances and a sense of responsibility
to historic evidence. The designer with sensitivity to the historic
environment is working within a ne balance. The main concern of
Alexandrias Mediterranean architecture like that found on the eastern
harbour, is that the design is unduly historic, full of details that it may
cause the environment to take on a greater historic appearance than is
justied. If material is injected that is vigorously new and disruptive the
historic quality of the environment will be diminished, thus each and
every detail must be added with great care and precision.
Finally, strict building codes and regulations have to be added to the
Egyptian building codes regarding the conservation and rehabilitation
of such buildings. As stated earlier there are regulations that prevent
the demolition of such buildings but then, nothing that clearly states
what to be done regarding conservation and preservation in some of
their very poor situations.

1. I. SHAW AND P. NICHOLSON, The Dictionary of Ancient Egypt
(Harry N. Abrams, Inc.//ISBN 0-8109-3225-31995).
2. C. FREEMAN, Egypt, Greece and Rome (Civilizations of the Ancient Mediterranean) (Oxford
University Press, ISBN 0-19-815003-21996).
3. E.M. FORSTER, Alexandria a History and a Guide1922).
4. P.C. SAAD, Writings for acquisition : Hellenizing Alexandria, Egypt Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, Dept. of Architecture (2005) Thesis (S.M.) .
5. MOHAMED FOUAD AWAD, Italian Inuence on Alexandrias Architecture (1834-1985), 1990).
6. A.M. SALAMA, Mediterranean Visual Messages: the Conundrum of Identity, Isms, and
Meaning in Contemporary Egyptian Architecture, Archnet - IJAR 1, March, (2007).
7. T. VRETTOS, Alexandria, City of the Western Mind (Free Press, ISBN 0-7432-0569-32001).
8. SHAHIRA SAMY, Test of Time Aziza Fahmy Palace, Medina Magazine, Dec. (1998).
9. J. WARREN, J. WORTHINGTON AND S. TAYLOR, Context: New Buildings in Historic Settings:,Architectural
Press. (1998).


Le projet de rhabilitation : rexion sur les critres

El proyecto de rehabilitacin: reexiones sobre criterios
The rehabilitation project: reections on criteria

Figure 1: Photos depict the Eastern Harbour during Ancient Greek Times and the
Hepastatadion Mainland Development during Modern Times

Figure 2: The Planning of Alexandria and Miletus, a Greek City, are Very Comparable


Figure 3: Photos Depict the Overturn in the Skyline Heights and Rhythm through the Overall
Pattern of Alexandrias Coastal Line

Figure 4: Photos depict the old San Stefano Hotel & Casino and the New San Stefano Towers
built on the ruins of the old one

Rendre compatible les techniques traditionnelles et les modernes

Compatibilizar tcnicas tradicionales y modernas
Combining traditional and modern techniques

Rendre compatible les techniques traditionnelles et les modernes

Compatibilizar tcnicas tradicionales y modernas
Combining traditional and modern techniques

The Svevo Village of Termoli.

The traditional constructive
techniques of Molise

Agostino Catalano
Engineer, Ph. D. in Technologies for the Building Recovery and the
Technological Innovation, Professor of Architettura tecnica to the
Faculty of Engenering of University of Molise, Visiting Professor to the
Faculty of Architecture of the University the Republic of Montevideo
(Uruguay). He publishes volumes and articles about technological
recovery of the traditional architecture.
Universit degli Studi del Molise Facolt di Ingegneria Via Duca
degli Abruzzi 86039 Termoli (CB) - Italia
E-mail address:

In this contribution the noticeable traditional constructive techniques

in Molise will be synthetically exposed, a small region of central Italy
characterized by a mostly mountainous nature, with characteristic rural
villages, and with a limited coastal area in which the city of Termoli in
the province of Campobasso resides. The analysis of the traditional
building typologies and the constructive systems of the architectonic
patrimony, although not rich of any particular historical building of
artistic value, can lead to a handbook useful in order to elaborate the
criteria for the plan of recovery and conservation of the local buildings.
The survey and the indexing of most common constructive systems
and the materials used constitutes the only way to characterize those
criteria culturally correct for the formulation of the recovery plan
especially in a diversied architectonic panorama like the one of the
Molise region with dierent characteristics in the inner areas and
those by the sea. To such purpose the information collection with a
standard form is that the author, with Camilla Sansone, is leading
for the indexing of the typologies and the analysis of the associated
constructive systems to characterize those common characters that
can constitute the foundation of a recovery manual. The city of Termoli
constitutes an important example of correlation, as it should be,
between the historical parts of the city. Molise is known as a mountain
region, barren, whose city centers are legacies of the Appennine ridge
crossed by a net of tratturi, historical paths used by shepherds for the
transumanza of the cattle, that characterize a beautiful territory, rich
of valleys and in which the nature constitutes the determining factor.
All that sublimes, when it reaches Termoli. The city is laid down by
the Adriatic Sea and constitutes a territorial anomaly since it does not
present those architectonic-urban values of the inner centers. If, in fact,
they are compared, as an example, the plan organization of the city of

Termoli and that of the village of Ripalimosani we nd and catalogue

diametrically opposite ways of building, sure legacies of the dierent
characters of the sites. The village of Ripalimosani is on an emerging
rock mass that constitutes, at the same time, a solid foundation for the
buildings and part of the same houses being inserted in the border
and inner masonries of the constructions (g.1). Termoli, instead,
sees, constructions of various type, ordered on an almost at territory,
dened in a reticular plot that reminds us of the Greek hippodamean
system for its regularity. Rural the rst, diusely noble dwellings the
second a testimony of the diversities of Termoli due to the possibility of
sea trade and the development of a wealth unknown in the remaining
territory of Molise. The city plan is still today clear. The ancient nucleus,
on the sea, the Svevo Village, well preserved, with its defensive walls
and its towers, with its buildings collected around to the cathedral built
by Federico II and with typological characteristics tied to the mercantile
and shing activities; outside, monumental, isolated and therefore of
high value for its high degree of authenticity (g.2). A short distance
from the sea, the city center fruit of a nineteenth-century urbanization,
tied to the ancient nucleus in an alternative way being external to it.
Such diversities have lead to a varied elaboration of constructive
techniques according to the clients. Poor techniques for the inner
villages, tied to the natural resources, mainly classiable as traditional
in the sense of local development, more open towards the industrial
development those noticeable in the Termoli area. The limestone
and wood, materials present in abundance locally, constitute the raw
materials for the load bearing structure and the noticeable elements
of horizontal partition in the rural buildings; the stone and the bricks
for the structure united to the iron for the ceilings constitute the
materials of base of the termoli historical buildings. Obviously, the
noticeable constructive techniques in the constructions of the Svevo
Village reveal the adoption of stone and brick for the realization of
the vaults as elements of horizontal partition. The realization of the
vaulted structures, in particular, sees the uses of bricks, tied with
chalk mortar, arranged with bricks on edge preventively aligned on
shapes in earth on laggings realized with bundles of branches, that,
as Camilla Sansone in other relation connected to this one writes, ...
present widely articulate modalities of organization of the blocks that
compose it, rich elaborate and accurate in the geometric and technical
construction (g.3). The vaulted ceilings are found again in the Svevo
Village also in order to create protected passages in the public streets
and, in more advanced constructive shapes, the cathedral and the
castle. The constructive techniques are determined directly by the
typology of the buildings. The natural slope aects in a determining
way the constructive characteristics, as already mentioned previously
for a village like Ripalimosani, that uses the emerging rocks in order to
avoid the damage deriving from the land being prone to landslides
(g.4). The position on the slope, with a number of oors limited to
three, concurs, moreover, to the complete vision of the land, even if
of limited extension, annexed to the house. The rst level is always
constructed partially underground in local stone coursed rubble and,
where possible, partially inserted in the slope in order to realize the
inner microclimate useful for the conservation of the food and the
shelter of the animals. The ceiling of rst level is usual realized with a
barrel vault in stone elements. The higher ceilings, instead, are realized
in wood in which one nds just one main framework on which a plank
surface rests to shape the formwork for a successive base course made
with argillaceous earth and straw in which very rarely one nds added


Rendre compatible les techniques traditionnelles et les modernes

Compatibilizar tcnicas tradicionales y modernas
Combining traditional and modern techniques

tile fragments and pebbles. In Termoli, on the contrary, it is in the

Svevo Village and in the nineteenth-century enlargement, that ceilings
realized with iron beams and small brick vault or with pignatielli,
light hollow bricks. These small vaults take the name of plaoni. The
foundations are, for the buildings of the coastal area of Termoli, of
continuous type in masonry, therefore like the structures in elevation,
even if these see several systems according to the local working abilities
of the workforces. In particular, the vertical structures are constituted
by masonries in stone of varied sizes, with double outer layers lled
with incoherent material, with thickness of the walls tapered towards
the higher levels; in some areas also well worked squared elements are
present. Other type stone masonry with rounded o elements with
mortar, or a load bearing structure in squared or partially worked stone
blocks. In the building structures integrations are evident realized with
various materials (bricks of varied typologies).
The techniques for the realization of the partitions is particularly
elaborated. Being non load bearing masonries they were realized
with currents of r or chestnut tree and a lling of canes or planks
nished with plaster of chalk. Sometimes, in the coastal area, we can
nd llings with cylindrical bricks. The roofs are fundamentally doublepitched roofs in the rural constructions, with the possibility to conserve
foodstu, while in the coastal area the terrace roof prevails with cornice
realized with romanelle, three layers of tiles, jutting out progressively.



Rendre compatible les techniques traditionnelles et les modernes

Compatibilizar tcnicas tradicionales y modernas
Combining traditional and modern techniques

The Swabian Village of Termoli. The

vault system: tecniques and recovery

Camilla Sansone
Architect, Ph. in Technologies for the Building Recovery and the
Technological Innovation, researcher with biennial scholarship, visiting Professor to the Faculty of Architecture (Montevideo UY), Assistant
Professor of Technology for the building recovery in the University
of Molise (IT). She publishes volumes and articles about technological
recovery of the traditional architecture.
E-mail address:
039 3331127900

The ancient Swabian Village of Termoli is the original nucleus of the

adriatic town, whose foundation is dated, by archive sources, to the
Vth century. It was born as an extension of a fortied emplacement
pertaining to a system of sighting towers installed to protection of
wraps coastal. This village constitutes an independent entity from
the modern city, fruit of an expansion plan of the XIXth century. It
presents uniform constructive characters that have been maintained
unchanged in the centuries. As centre of the Bishopric and a trades port
them Termoli has always been a rich city and this explains the notable
characteristics present also in the more modest buildings. Apart from
some of the wealthier buildings like the castle, the cathedral and lesser
noble mansions, the building of the Swabian Village of Termoli was
born in order to accommodate merchants and shermen.
The composition of these architectures is strongly conditioned by the
requirements deriving from the activities tied to the sea. The buildings
are on three levels: on the ground oor the storage for the equipment
and the stock and a premises with the replace; on the rst oor
the residence for the family and, in the attic, a ventilated area for the
conservation of the provisions. The construction materials from the
technological survey carried out on these buildings show a prevailing
local origin. The construction stones come partially from still existing
quarries, for example the breccia del Gargano. The constructors,
instead, show a typical technical formation of the swabian constructive
culture, imported in Italy by the emperor Federico II, that was the
initiator of the construction of the Cathedral of Termoli. The systems of
horizontal partition of the buildings introduce a rich technological and
constructive variety. The vault system, frequently used for the realization
of the ceilings of the rst level of the buildings, present widely articulate
modalities of organization of the blocks that compose it, rich elaborate
and accurate in the geometric and technical construction. The vault
system is found also outside the buildings in the planning of the city
system. In fact the Swabian Village of Termoli, raised on a limestone
block nearly entirely encircled by the sea, is exposed to strong winds.
For this reason it is delimited by a wide building curtain that protects
the residential area and is characterized by tight and winding roads,

made mostly by means of city passages covered with characteristic

barrel vaults in stone and brick. (img.1)
Made in limestone and sandstone stone with disarticulated weaving
in the ancient buildings, like the castle and the cathedral, the vaults
assume, in the course of the centuries, more and more elaborate
apparatus by use of the brick that, covered with plaster opportunely
mixed guarantees a better capacity of the horizontal partition system.
The simplest vault system is the barrel vault in stone to cover basements
and underground spaces. The construction used a arch lagging in earth
shaped with uses of bundles of wood, made with stone chips jammed
together and tied with chalk or lime mortar. The traditional mortars
are based on the baking and the treatment of local limekilns with river
sand, in the proportion of 1/3 and 2/3. In order to accelerate the setting
processes of the mortar chalk was added, or more often for vaults and
hourdis ceiling only chalk mortar was used.
The cladding spandrel was realized with a system known as copertina a
tre accavallatoi cover with three levels, that is a lling obtained in three
distinct phases. The rst part has the task to ll up the interstices and the
sides, the second level renders the surface at still slightly curve while
the third part nishes the surface destined to receive the pavement.
In some cases the upper surface of the vault is left without lling or
lled up with incoherent materials that oer insucient support, the
pavement is supported by an independent ceiling. The beams of this
ceiling, supported on the mid portion of the vault below, can be of
reduced dimensions. Structurally dierent are the vaults placed on
the upper oors: with baked bricks, rectangular pianelle laid on edge
high 0.15cm united with chalk or lime mortar with sand or volcanic
sand (pozzolana), or small hollow oor bricks on lancet or skene arch
lagging. The geometric conguration of these vaults generally is of
versatile shape, pendentive dome or pavilion. (img.2) Less frequent are
the groined volts that are found mostly in the covers of the footpace
of the stairs
The use of brick in the coastal area of the Molise widespread thanks to
the presence of clay quarries; in fact the diculties in the transports
and the inadequate street net did not favour the transport of the
construction materials. The activity of brick creation happened near the
quarry. The procedure consisted in one rst phase in which the clay in
pieces was sifted by hand, and then struck with a mallet or crumbled
under a stone. After a second passage in the sieves and an addition of
water the material was pasted with the feet in appropriate pits lined
with bricks. In order to make more valuable bricks the clay was left to
sediment for ve or six months exposed to the atmospheric agents.
Every pit concurred the preparation of approximately 600 bricks. The
confection of bricks employed of shapes positioned on a surface
covered with sand or ash in order to facilitate the separation of the
nished pieces. The shapes were rectangular for the making of bricks
and pianelle. After the formation the next step was drying exposed to
the air and then baking in appropriate furnaces. The handcrafted bricks,
beginning from the 1800 had standard dimensions, with small local
variations. Normally solid bricks and the those with two holes were
26x13x7cm while those with three holes were 21x10x4 cm.
For the construction of the light vaults and the vaulted ceiling slabs
between the metallic beams of the ceiling special shaped bricks were
made: these elements, called pignatielli had a cylindrical shape and
they were hollow inside. The last system frequently found, beginning
from the second half of the eighteen hundreds, the ceilings with iron
beams and small brick vaults. (img.3) A variation of the wood ceiling

Rendre compatible les techniques traditionnelles et les modernes

Compatibilizar tcnicas tradicionales y modernas
Combining traditional and modern techniques

that slowly proposes a mixed system in between the ceiling and the
barrel vault. This system has origin from the static concept of the ceiling
with wooden beams and planks: in our case the planks are replaced
by vaults made with bricks or with pignatielli. These small vaults are
called plaoni. The beams of the main framework of this ceiling can be
done with metallic beams or wooden ones. The choice of the material
depends on the age of construction (the older ones are in wood) and
from problematic of economic nature and obtaining the material. The
beams in wood assume the conguration of double T through two
straight edges nailed to form the support wings of the vaults. The
vaults are prepared with the support of a light jack lagging temporarily
xed to the wings by means of wedges.(img.4) The same structure
with metallic beams with double T prole present, confronted with the
wooden beams material compatibility problems. In fact the ceilings
with metallic structure show a strong tendency to corrosion, facilitated
by the presence of the chalk in the mortar. In order to contrast this
problem the beams preventively are protected with varnishes made
with tar. Another problem of the structures in steel is the excessive
exibility of the load bearing elements confronted with the exibility
of the brick plaoni. For this reason it is frequent that in these ceilings
median or cross-sectional divider beam are present to control the
inection of the beams. These ceilings, even if carefully crafted, usually
were hidden with false ceilings. The nish of the outer face consist in
a thick layer of plaster that in the chine was rounded. The false ceiling
was covered with a glued paper or with burlap. It was connected to
the ceiling by means of a truss with lists of wood or suspended from
divider beams. Only in the course of a recent operation of diuse city
recovery, aimed at proposing new functions within the historical centre,
the positive characters and the aesthetic valences of these systems
has been exalted, within project choices that values them, hidden by
plaster but made with such care and accuracy to appear as nishing


Rendre compatible les techniques traditionnelles et les modernes

Compatibilizar tcnicas tradicionales y modernas
Combining traditional and modern techniques

Building and Rebuilding with earth.

Earthen architecture in Cyprus
and the problem of its conservation

Diomedes Myrianthefs
School of Architecture, NTU Athens, Greece, 1983-89. MA in Architectural Conservation, IoAAS, U of York, UK, 1990-91. He has been working
in the conservation of historical buildings eld, in Greece and Cyprus,
since 1989. He participated in several seminars and congresses in the
eld of history and conservation of Byzantine, Post Byzantine and
more modern architecture
13A, Averof st. Strovolos 2063, Nicosia, Cyprus
E-mail address:

fax : +357.22.516.449


Historical Information
It seems that mud brick structures were common in Cyprus from the
Neolithic age (7000-6000 BC) to the rst decades of the 20th century,
The earliest example of such structures were found at Choirokitia, a
Neolithic Age settlement. Through archaeological investigation and
excavations it was found that adobe was used in several places of
Cyprus from the Neolithic, to the Classic Period. The construction of
those walls is very simple; mud bricks of dierent sizes and thicknesses
are resting on a rubble-stone substructure. This technique continued to
be used throughout the various periods of Cypriot history. Mud bricks
were also used in military structures like the Venetian walls of Nicosia as
well as in some Medieval churches. Adobe as a basic building material
is met mainly today in the rural and urban traditional architecture of
the 19th and 20th c.
Types of traditional architecture
The basic rural dwelling in Cyprus is the single-unit structure. Two
can be considered the main types of this. In the plains and in the
settlements of the foothills of the mountains the type that prevails is
the broad-front single-room house (makrinari). The maximum width
of the makrinari varies from 3-4 meters which is determined by the
constructional properties of the timber available where the length of
the building varies between 6-8 meters or even more. A second basic
type of a single-unit house is that in which the almost rectangular room
(palati or dichoro) is divided either by a large, often pointed, arch that
supports the roof or by a wooden post on which the central beam rests
and carries either a pitched roof or an almost at roof. In these cases
and according to the timber available the dimensions are about 6X6
meters. Of course the variety of the islands rural houses is not limited to
the above mentioned basic types. There are many house variations as

a result of either successive extensions or additions of auxiliary units to

the basic one. According to the plot and the area available a house was
built and extended as a single-storey building (plains) or in two levels
(mountainous regions). In the towns the typology diers, especially
from the end of 19th century onwards, as neo-classical characteristics
were incorporated both in typology and faade formation. In this
category a central common room (iliakos) is surrounded on both sides
by rectangular rooms which with the backyard additions, the verantahs
etc create a more complex type of dwelling.
The structure
Mud brick construction
Adobe architecture has been mainly used in the plains where soil is
plentiful and stone rare and dicult to obtain. Mud bricks were made
with the use of local soil and the addition of binders such cha, straw
and ear as the most common ones. Also goat hair and seaweed was
used depending on the location and availability. The mixture of soil,
straw and water was left for few hours up to a day so as cellulose was
released to give adhesive properties and make it mouldable. Mud bricks
were prepared with the use of a wooden mould of internal dimensions
30x45x5 cm and were left to dry for at least a week. Mud bricks were
only made during the summer.
Building with mud bricks
The foundation of an traditional house consist of a mixture of lime, sand
and gravel (limeconcrete) and was used to ll a trench which was dug
for the purpose. On top of that a stone base foundation is always built
to protect mud brick walls from rising damp. The stone base of the
wall, of about 40 cm thick, was built with local stone. The height of
the stone part of the wall varies, it goes from 1 meter high, up to the
lintel of the openings. Mud bricks were then laid in consecutive layers
with intersecting joints. The walls were built with the use of straw based
mortar which was as thin as possible to avoid shrinking and uneven
settling while drying. The wall was strengthened and tied with the
use of wooden binding beams (mantosia). Mantosia was placed at
the top of the wall, usually at the external side of it. Wooden beams
were also used at the height of the lintels of the openings. The walls
were left to settle for a long period before any kind of coating was
applied. The most common renders were gypsum on the inside and
mud plaster with straw on the outside. From the beginning of the 20th
century onwards lime based renderings were used as well. Mud plaster
is essential for the protection of the mud brick wall from rain but it has
to be repaired annually when used externally.
The causes and eects of decay on mud bricks structures
The main cause of mud brick, and its render, deterioration is water
1. Deterioration at the base of the wall. The rising damp penetrates
into the mass of the wall and depending on the temperature
alterations it is drawn outwards. Thus the evaporating water leaves
behind crystalline salts breaking this way the coherence of the
soil and creates disintegration of the material which is then easily
eroded by wind action. The process continues upwards and inwards,
undercutting the wall structure and it may end to a collapse.
2. Deterioration at the top of the wall. Water penetrates when the

Rendre compatible les techniques traditionnelles et les modernes

Compatibilizar tcnicas tradicionales y modernas
Combining traditional and modern techniques

roof structure at the top of the wall fails. Hair cracks due to excessive
wetting gradually develop to channels which become thinner
and die out as they progress downwards. This procedure leads to
extensive disintegration of the bricks and to vertical cracking.
3. Disintegration of the material. Damp penetrated the wall gradually
evaporates and through the freezing-thawing cycle causes loss of
the material cohesion which is pulverised and becomes dust.
4. Cracking is developed as a result of structural ineciency due
to extrinsic causes like earthquake or due to poor foundation
construction which causes displacements and bending.
5. Human activity. In order to strengthen or protect the sensitive
mud brick material or its stone base from external dump and water,
cement plaster was extensively applied. This method proved to be
catastrophic for the mud wall as the cement render being stronger
than the earthen core does not allow humidity to be released and
leads to humidity accumulation in the core of the wall. This leads
eventually to the extensive disintegration of the mud brick.
Repair methods
An intervention on a damaged mud brick structure aims at the
restoration of those parts by eliminating the causes of its destruction.
Also additional strengthening by means of modern techniques must
be considered if necessary.
1. I ntervention on the stone base of a mud brick wall. The most
common techniques for the strengthening of the stone wall and
the prevention of the rising damp are, the underpinning, the
construction of a proper drainage system and the grouting by
compatible injection grout. Stone replacement as well as repointing
of the wall are also common practice.
2. Repairs in the body of the wall. Heavily damaged mud bricks
should always be replaced. Precaution must be taken in relation
with the soil compatibility and the proper bonding of the new
with the existing. Replacements of mud bricks with other material
than that (red bricks etc) should be avoided as incompatibility may
result to poor connection.
If the damaged part is a corner or is accompanied by cracks a further
strengthening method must be applied. The most common one is the
insertion of a wooden tie beam at an appropriate length and at several
levels along the height of the wall (stitching). If it is necessary wooden
tie beams could be inserted on both sides of the wall and should be, in
this case, properly connected between them. The same way a proper
interlocking of the corners must be inserted if the existing one is not
appropriate or does not exist at all. It is of crucial importance to create
a proper tie at the top of the wall to establish the diaphragm function.
This can be done by the insertion of ring beam(s) where the wood
structure of the roof/oor can rest.
Other strengthening methods that are widely used is the increase of
the length of the sitting of a wooden beam so as load is distributed in
a wider area and the increase of the length and section of the lintels
of the openings. In an extreme case where a wall has a very low load
bearing ability, a timber frame structure (vertical posts and horizontal
beams properly connected) can be incorporated to carry the load of
the structure.


Rendre compatible les techniques traditionnelles et les modernes

Compatibilizar tcnicas tradicionales y modernas
Combining traditional and modern techniques

Rcupration des Techniques

Constructives Traditionnelles SismoRsistantes pour un Entretien du Bti

Amina Foufa
Dr. Architecte, enseignante-chercheur au Dpartement dArchitecture.
2002-2003 et 2004- Enseignant invit aux cours intensifs Europens sur la Culture Sismique locale. (CUBEC), Ravello, Italie. 2000
- Aujourdhui Projet de Recherche IUGS-UNESCO-IGCP Projet 457
Seismic Hazard Assessment in North Africa. 2007 Chercheur associ
au CNERU, Alger. Projet : Plan de sauvegarde de la Casbah dAlger .
Adresse postale :
Dpartement dArchitecture, Facult des Sciences de lIngnieur.
Universit de Blida. BP 270- Blida 09000, Algrie
Adresse courrier lectronique :
Tlphone :
Tel : + 213 25 415 697

Mob : + 213 71 309 595

Introduction :
Pour mettre en vidence la rsistance des constructions datant de la
priode Ottomane (Alger et Tunis) et de la priode Alaouite (Fs) durant
le XVIIIme sicle, une analogie avec ce que prconisent dune part, le
rglement parasismique actuel pour les constructions en maonnerie
et une comparaison avec la thorie de la dynamique des structures
dautre part ont t tablies. En eet ces lois sont immuables et le
comportement dynamique des constructions de mme type est le
mme quelles que soient les priodes.
Cette dmarche partir de donnes scientiques nous a permis
dviter les interprtations hasardeuses en matire de techniques
Les normes utilises concernent tous les lments structuraux. Dans le
bti traditionnel ont t pris en considration les rgles qui rgissent
les constructions en maonnerie1 ralises gnralement en murs
de commande simple (brique de terre cuite2 ) ou mixte (briques et
Les techniques constructives mise en vidence ont permis dtablir
que le bti traditionnel construit aprs les sismes destructeurs nest
pas aussi vulnrable car il rpond aux rgles des codes parasismiques
actuels tablis pour les constructions en maonnerie.
Les techniques constructives sismo-rsistantes :
Il a t mis en vidence suite une lecture archologique in situ
la Casbah dAlger3, dans la mdina de Fs et celle de Tunis, des
techniques constructives sismo rsistantes qui ont t excutes suite
au tremblement de terre de 1716 par la communaut dAlger3. Et

probablement depuis les sismes de 1624 et 1755 Fs et 1758 Tunis.

Ces techniques concernent :


La typologie constructive de la structure rigide (murs en

maonnerie) :
La structure rigide (murs porteurs) est reprsente par des murs
de commande en maonnerie qui peut tre classe selon le type
de matriaux, la taille et la forme des blocs ainsi quen typologie
constructive rgulire ou irrgulire4. Le type principal de maonnerie
rencontrs sur les dirents sites (Alger, Tunis et Fs) est :
cuite de dimensions variables 3x10x20 cm, 3x12x20 cm, 3x12x25 cm,
3.5x12x20cm et 4x11x24cm pour Alger5 et 2.5x13x26 cm pour Fs6.
Cette maonnerie est lie par un mortier de terre ou de chaux. La paroi
murale en gnral a une paisseur de 60 cm.
Ces murs de commande prsentent direntes variantes.
non quarri de 10 cm de diamtre (thuya Alger7 , cdre Fs8 et
genvrier Tunis9 ). Le bois dans ce cas-l nexerce aucune force de
traction (Fig 1).
Cette disposition de deux matriaux, lun rigide et lautre exible,
permet une absorption des charges horizontales lors des sollicitations
sismiques. Par ailleurs, les murs prsentent peu de ssures et ne se
dtruisent pas.
rgulires ou non prsentant un opus mixtum .
Dans ces cas l seule la stratication des matriaux fait baisser le
barycentre global des masses do la sismo-rsistance de ce type de
mur10 .
La typologie constructive dun pilier de votes :
Les piliers en maonnerie supportant les votes sont galement raliss
en briques entre lesquelles est insre une range de 4 5 rondins de
thuya Alger et 6 rondins de genvrier Tunis (g 2). Ces rondins sont
intervalle rgulier variant entre 80 cm et 100 cm.
A Fs, il semblerait que cette technique soit semblable celle observe
dans les deux autres mdinas. Cette technique a t dcrite lors des
travaux de restauration de Da r Adyal11 . Il est dit que des plaques de
bois sont intgres tous les 50 cm aux sections des piliers assurant ainsi
la connexion entre les piliers octogonaux des rez de chausse et les
piliers rectangulaires de ltage. Ces lments en bois, disent-ils, ont
pour fonction dabsorber les ventuels dsordres gnrs soit par les
sismes soit par les tassements direntiels du sol de fondation.
Cette technique semble procurer cet lment structurel sa fonction
sismo-rsistante puisque le bois intercal entre les lments de
maonnerie fait baisser le barycentre global des masses.
Les encorbellements :
Dans le trois mdinas ont t excuts des encorbellements lextrieur
des constructions. Ils rsultent dune extension en profondeur donnant
sur la rue, un avant-corps soutenu en tage suprieur par des rondins


Rendre compatible les techniques traditionnelles et les modernes

Compatibilizar tcnicas tradicionales y modernas
Combining traditional and modern techniques

de bois dbordant largement du mur. Ces balcons de faade appel

qbu Alger et Tunis et ru sha n12 Fs sont soutenus par des
rondins de bois formant un angle avec le mur porteur et ayant le rle de
jambage. Ce dernier permet lencorbellement de ne pas osciller lors
des secousses sismiques et de ne pas se briser. Les rondins de thuya et
les poutres de cdres sont en une constante exion dynamique (g 3).
Les planchers :
Ceux dAlger sont constitus par une superposition de deux ranges
de thuya insres dans toute la largeur des murs porteurs crant ainsi
une dirence de niveau. Entre ces derniers est dispos un voligeage
en bois13. Cette disposition du bois facilite labsorption des eorts
horizontaux lors du mouvement de glissement ou de roulement. Ainsi
les planchers sont prservs

dimanche 13 janvier, 7 Ramadan, n4386-20eme anne.

4. CORPUS (2001). Architecture Traditionnelle Mditerranenne. Euromed Hritage.
5. LAVORGNA A (1990). San Lorenzello. La recherch des anomalies qui protgent. Ouvrage
collectif CUEBC. Ed F. Ferrigni. Naples.
6. LIBERATORE D et BERNARDINI A (1999). Seismic behaviour, vulnerability and probability of
collapse of masonry buildings. In GNDT, The Catania Project earthquake damage scenarios
for a high risk area in the Mediterranean. Pp 127-159.
7. Ministre de lhabitat et de lamnagement du territoire du Maroc (1978). Schma
Directeur dUrbanisme de la ville de Fs (SDU Fs). Dossier technique n IV.2 : les techniques
traditionnelles darchitecture et de dcors Fs.
8. Ministre de lHabitat et de la Construction, CGS (2003). RPA 99 ; Modicatifs et
complments aux Rgles Parasismiques Algriennes CDRom
9. RANDAZZO, G (1988 ). Le strutture murarie negli edici del centro storico di Catania,
Documenti dellIstituto Dipartimentale di Architecttura e Urbanistica dellUnversit di
10. RAVEREAU, A (1985). La Casbah dAlger et le site cra la ville , Sindbad, Paris. 232 p.

Le dtail constructif de la liaison colonne- dpart darc :

Par ailleurs, un dtail particulier a t observ uniquement Alger.
Au niveau de larticulation de la colonne avec larc et au dessus du
chapiteau, il ya une ou deux ranges de rondins superposes la
maonnerie (g 4). Cette disposition de matriaux dirents lun rigide
et lautre exible garantit grce aux mouvements de glissement une
bonne rsistance aux cisaillement. Ce dtail contribue la rsistance
sismique de larc algrois.
Conclusion :
ont t releves. Le catalogue des techniques sismo-rsistantes
rpond en matire dentretien du bti historique localis dans les
rgions sismiquement actives travers les oprations de rparation
et de restauration sismiques.
par une utilisation innovatrice des matriaux et des techniques
traditionnelles qui soient compatible avec le temps, lexistant et les
alas naturels (simes).
planicateurs, bureaux dtudes, architectes, entreprises de
ralisation, ingnieurs ...etc) de disposer dune documentation
synthtique, relative aux mesures prventives traditionnelles et la
prise en charge du risque sismique.
dvelopper une culture de la conservation en vulgarisant la
mthodologie de mise en vidence des techniques prventives
dans les universits pour les disciplines lies au patrimoine.
diuse par la formation douvriers qualis dans le domaine de
la conservation et favorisera la bonne excution des techniques
prventives pour un meilleur entretien du bti.

11. Saadaoui A. (2001). Tunis ville ottomane. Trois sicles durbanisme et darchitecture. Ed
CPU, Tunis, 473 p
12. TOURI A, AMEZIANE-HASSANI M ET BARBATO G. Le projet pilote de restauration et rhabilitation du
palais Da r Adyel Fs : un exemple remarquable de coopration tripartite. Ed Diagonale,
Italie. 158 p.
13. ZACEK, M (1996). Construire parasismique, Risque sismique, Conception parasismique des
btiments, Rglementation, Ed Parenthses, Marseille, 340p

RPA 99, Modication et complments 2003 op.cit et Zacek (1995) op.cit

Atelier Casbah (1980) Projet de revalorisation de la Casbah dAlger, Plan damnagement

prliminaire, structure du bti et CORPUS- Euromed Hritage (2001), les principes
constructifs, Saadaoui (2003). Tunis ville ottomane trois sicles durbanisme et
darchitecture, pp 291-345. SDU de la ville de Fs (1978). Notes sur les techniques
traditionnelles de larchitecture et du dcor Fs, pp 1-30.

Berbrugger (1867). Dans un article faisant une synoptique des tremblements de terre
ayant aect Alger, Berbrugger annonce que le systme constructif dAlger datait de

Randazzo (1988). La strutture murarie negli edici del centro storico di Catania.
Documenti dellInstituto Dipartimentale di Architecttura e Urbanistica dellUniversit di
Catania, 16; pp109-143 et Liberatore et Bernardini (1999). Seismic behaviour, vulnerability
and probability of collapse of masonry buildings. GNDT, The Catania Project earthquake
damage scenarios for a high risk area in the Mediterranean; pp128-129

Abdessemed-Foufa (2005) idem, Atelier Casbah (1980) idem et CORPUS (2001) idem

SDU Fs op.cit p 8 et p121

CORPUS (2001), op.cit, Typologie Architecturale, les maisons de la Mdina dAlger, p 3 et

Abdessemed-Foufa (2005) op.cit pp 28-30

SDU Fs, ibidem

Saadaoui (2000). Op.cit p 311


Lavorgna (1990). San Lorezello. La recherche des anomalies qui protgent. p 51


Touri, Ameziane-Hassani et Barbato (1999), op .cit ibidem


SDU de Fs op.cit p 25


Ravereau (1985).La Casbah dAlger et le site cra la ville. P 148.

1. ABDESSEMED-FOUFA, A, A, (2005). Contribution for a catalogue of earthquake resistant
traditional techniques in Northern Africa: the case of the Casbah of Algiers (Algeria).
European Earthquake Engineering Journal, 2.05, Ed Patron, Bologne, pp 23-39.

Fahs : la rgion extra muros

2. ATELIER CASBAH, ETAU, UNESCO, PNUD (1980). Projet de revalorisation de la Casbah dAlger,
plan damnagement prliminaire, MUCH, Algrie.

Da r: maison

3. BERBRUGGER A (1867), les tremblements de terre algriens, Akhbar, journal de lAlgrie,

ru sha n: encorbellement


qbu : encorbellement

Rendre compatible les techniques traditionnelles et les modernes

Compatibilizar tcnicas tradicionales y modernas
Combining traditional and modern techniques

Pilier Tunis

Dtail articulation colonne - arc

Bois insr dans la maonnerie Fs

Encorbellement Alger


Rendre compatible les techniques traditionnelles et les modernes

Compatibilizar tcnicas tradicionales y modernas
Combining traditional and modern techniques

The observed seismic damage of

traditional buildings of Western
Greece reinforce the need for their

F.V. Karantoni
Dr. Civil Engineer, Lecturer of masonry structures at the Department of
Civil Engineering, University of Patras, Greece.
Department of Civil engineering, University of Patras
University Campus,
Gr 26500, Patras, Greece
+30 2610 997778

1. Introduction
The traditional buildings in Greece as in the most countries around the
Mediterranean Sea should be classied in three major groups in relation
with their structural type, which is related to their construction period.
The older buildings may consist the rst group (type A1). The material
of the structural walls is adobe or stone, the oors and the roof are of
timber joists but sometimes the oors are vaulted. The openings are of
a small percentage of structural walls and the height of each storey is
relatively high. These buildings are generally sti structures with natural
periods less than 0.10 sec, depending on their height. The second
group (type A2) consists of the buildings subsequently constructed of
stone or solid bricks, that contain many and large openings. The oors
and the roof are of wooden joists. These structures are more exible
than the previous ones, with natural periods higher than 0.20 sec.
In the third group (type B) belong the buildings constructed in the
beginning of 20th century and have an internal reinforced concrete
frame and external structural masonry walls, principally of solid or
perforated bricks. The oors are of reinforced concrete and the roof
is either wooden or composite of bricks supported by steel beams.
A characteristic of these buildings is the asymmetry in plane and in
elevation. Their natural periods are lower than 0.20 sec.
These values of natural periods refer to low rise buildings, which are
common in Greece. In the present paper the vulnerability of each
type of building is examined by the means of nite element analyses.
The results of the simulations are compared with the data collected
after earthquakes. Furthermore, simple strengthening techniques are
recommended. In addition, an assessment of the widely spreading
intervention, which is the demolition of internal structural walls and
the erection of a new frame of steel or reinforced concrete as a load


bearing system, is made.

Group A1 consists of sti, symmetrical stone masonry buildings with
relatively high storeys, and openings of a low percentage of the total
wall surface. The main external characteristic is that all the architectural
elements emphasize the horizontal dimension of the structure. The
type A2 buildings consist of openings with great percentage of the
total area. These buildings are also more or less symmetrical, have
lower storeys, and are less sti than the type A1. The vertical dimension
is emphasized by all means, structural and architectural. The type B
buildings are of a hybrid type between frame structures and structural
masonry ones. An internal frame of reinforced concrete beams and
columns supports the reinforced concrete slabs while the external
structural masonry supports the end of the reinforced concrete beams
and the outer side of the slabs. As a result, these buildings have a little
percentage of structural walls, but the slab makes them less exible
than those of type A2. Their seismic behaviour is unpredictable as a
shearing failure causes severe damage due to the lack of load bearing
walls but the bending develops light damage to the upper oor.
The analyses were linear elastic by means of nite elements methods.
The seismic forces are according to the Greek Aseismic Code [2], which
has many similarities with the specications of the Eurocode 8 [1]. The
loading combination includes the dead loads, plus 30% of live loads,
the seismic force along a principal direction plus 30% of seismic force
along the orthogonal direction, each one along positive and negative
direction. In this study, eight seismic loading combinations are
considered. The results presented correspond to the most unfavourable
combination of each one of the four combinations in each direction,
regardless if the outer or inner bre of the masonry is mainly stressed.
Of course, the reverse of seismic action stresses the opposite bre of
the wall.
2. Buildings of type A1
In situ inspections have shown that the main reason for seismic damage
of these sti structures is the out of plane bending of the upper storey
which develops vertical cracks near the upper parts of the corners due
to the separation of orthogonal walls and almost vertical cracks of the
lintels and of the top of the walls. Also, diagonal cracking of the lower
storeys piers and of the strong lintels is observed [6,7].
The results of an analysis of such a building are presented in Fig. 1. The
building is of stone masonry with only one internal load bearing wall in
the two lower storeys along the x direction. The tensile strength of the
stone masonry was estimated to be 0.25 MPa. The building is sti with
natural periods x=0.07 sec and Ty=0.1 sec along the x and y direction,
respectively. The contours represent the principal tensile stresses
developed in the external ber of masonry. As shown, the regions of
the masonry walls with tensile stresses exceeded 0.25 MPa are those
predicted to be most vulnerable.
A simple method to strengthen this building is to add a structural wall
along the y direction up to the roof level as well as to raise the existing
internal wall to the same level. As shown in Fig. 2, this easy to make
intervention, results in decreasing the principal tensile stresses up to
50%. In addition, after the intervention, only a few elements of the wall
develop principal tensile stresses that exceed the tensile strength of
A usual modern intervention in order to rehabilitate traditional
buildings is the demolition of the internal load bearing walls and the
preservation only of the external shell of the building. A new framing

Rendre compatible les techniques traditionnelles et les modernes

Compatibilizar tcnicas tradicionales y modernas
Combining traditional and modern techniques

load bearing system is constructed independently of the existing

walls. This intervention makes the remaining walls much vulnerable as
shown in Fig. 3, where the results after the demolition of the internal
load-bearing wall are presented. Of course, this intervention, does not
aect the seismic behaviour for seismic action along the y axis, because
nothing was changed along this axis.
3. Buildings of type A2
The dierence from the above mentioned buildings of type A1 is that
they are more exible due to the greater percentage of openings and
the weak lintels. So, the dierence in the seismic behaviour is the failure
of the lintels of all the storeys due to bending and not due to shear [8,
10]. The building under consideration is a two-storey stone masonry
building with internal load bearing walls. The natural periods along
the x and y axes are 0.23 sec and 0.19 sec, respectively. As shown in
Fig. 4, the principal tensile stresses have greater values in the upper
oor and are greater at the walls transverse to the seismic direction
under consideration. If the internal load bearing loads continue up to
the roof, the decreasing of stresses is dramatically. As shown in Fig.5,
the developed stresses are lower than the tensile strength of stone
masonry, which is 0.25 MPa, the same as in the previous case. The
analysis predicts that the demolition of the internal load bearing walls
increases the part of the walls that are overstressed, as is presented in
Fig. 6.
4. Buildings of type B
The buildings of type B are mainly asymmetric in plane and have
reinforced concrete slabs supported by a reinforced concrete frame at
the inner of the structure and by brick or stone walls in the perimeter.
The roof is generally of wooden trusses and occasionally of bricks
supported by steel beams. The main characteristic of these buildings
is the low percentage of load bearing walls and their unpredictable
seismic behaviour. As is mentioned in [3, 4, 5] the damage may be due
to shear failure of the basement or due to bending failure of the upper
storey. In the rst case the damage is severe because just a few walls
carry the shear seismic forces. On the other hand, the bending of the
upper storey is not as severe, because the walls are supported by the
reinforced concrete slabs and the bending height is limited to just one
storey. The reinforced concrete slabs make these buildings sti despite
the lack of walls.
In Fig. 7 the results of the analysis of a building of type B are presented.
The building is of solid brick masonry and has natural periods Tx=0.21
sec and Ty=0.19 sec along the x and y axes, respectively. Fig. 7 shows
that when the main seismic action is along the x direction, then the
bending of the walls of the upper oor transverse to the force is severe,
while when the main seismic action is along the y direction the shear
of the parallel to the action walls of the ground oor is severe. This is
in agreement with the inspection results after earthquakes [9]. In g. 8
are shown the principal tensile stresses after the addition of new walls
and the construction of a reinforced concrete tie belt at the top of all
the walls. The decreasing of the tension by these means is considerable
and up to 50%.

structures more vulnerable to seismic actions. One reason is that the

remaining walls cannot sustain the applied forces. Another reason is
that constructing a new bearing system, the dead and live loads of
the oors do not apply to the walls, therefore their strength in shear
is decreasing. On the contrary, the construction of new walls in
conjunction with the existing walls, which are well joined, is a good
strengthening technique.

[1] EUROCODE 8: Design of structures for earthquake resistance, Part 1: General rules, seismic
actions and rules for buildings
[2] GREEK ASEISMIC CODE, Earthquake Planning and Protection Organization, Athens, 2000
[3] FARDIS .., KARANTONI F.V., KOSMOPOULOS A., Statistical Study of damage due to Aegion
Earthquake of 15-6-95, Report to Earthquake Planning and Protection Organization, 1997,
(in Greek).
[4] FARDIS M.N, KARANTONI F.V. Vulnerability Study of Patras Technical Report to the Greek
Earthquake Planning and Protection, Patras, 1997 (in Greek).
[5] Fardis M.N, KARANTONI F.V, KOSMOPOULOS A, Study and Statistical Analysis of Structural
Damage to buildings of Aegion, due to 15-6-1995 Earthquake, to Earthquake Planning and
Protection Organization , 1999
[6] FARDIS M.N, KARANTONI F.V., Panagiotakos Til. Seismic Behaviour of masonry buildings
and of masonry- inlled frames, Technical Report to European Centre on Prevention and
forecasting of earthquakes, Patras 1995
[7] KARANTONI F.V., BOUCKOVALAS G., Description and analysis of building damage due to Pyrgos,
Greece, earthquake, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 16, No 2, 1997.
[8] KARANTONI F.V, Seismic vulnerability of masonry buildings due to recent earthquakes in South
Greece H&M symposium, Rhodes, 2002.
[9] KARANTONI F.V, FARDIS M.N. Damage to masonry buildings due to the Aegion, (GR) 1995
Earthquake, in Structural Studies, Repairs and Maintenance of Heritage Architecture IX, WIT
Press, 2005, pp 191-201.
[10] KARANTONI F.V A parametric study and modelling of stone masonry buildings, Technical
Report to Technical Chamber of Greece (TCG), 1997 (in Greek)

5. Conclusions
The results of the above mention analyses show that a method widely
employed in practice during the rehabilitation works of traditional
buildings that is the demolition of load bearing walls make the


Rendre compatible les techniques traditionnelles et les modernes

Compatibilizar tcnicas tradicionales y modernas
Combining traditional and modern techniques

g 1a

g 1b

g 4b

g 2a

g 2b

g 5a

g 5b

g 3a

g 3b

g 6a

g 6b

Fig1: Building of type A1. Principal tensile stresses of outer bers due to:
(a) G+0.3Q+Ex+0.3Ey, and (b) G+0.3Q+0.3Ex+Ey seismic action
Fig2: Building of type A1. Principal tensile stresses after adding structural walls, of outer bers
due to: (a) G+0.3Q+Ex+0.3Ey, and (b) G+0.3Q+0.3EX+Ey seismic action
Fig3: Building of type A1. Principal tensile stresses after demolition of internal structural
walls, of outer bers, due to: (a) G+0.3Q+EX+0.3EY, and (b) G+0.3Q+0.3EX+EY seismic action

g 7a

g 7b

g 8a

g 8b

Fig7: Building of type B. Principal tensile stresses for inner bers due to (a) G+0.3Q+Ex-0.3Ey
seismic action, and (b) G+0.3Q+0.3Ex+Ey seismic action
Fig8: Building of type B. Principal tensile stresses after the interventions for inner bers due
to (a) G+0.3Q+Ex-0.3Ey seismic action, and (b) G+0.3Q+0.3Ex+Ey seismic action


g 4a

Fig4: Building of type A2. Principal tensile stresses for (a) inner bers due to G+0.3Q-Ex-0.3Ey
seismic action , and (b) outer bers due to G+0.3Q-0.3Ex+Ey seismic action
Fig5: Building of type A2. Principal tensile stresses after adding structural walls for (a) inner
bers due to G+0.3Q-Ex-0.3Ey seismic action, and (b) outer bers due to G+0.3Q-0.3Ex+Ey
Fig6: Building of type A2. Principal tensile stresses after demolition of internal structural
walls for (a) inner bers due to G+0.3Q-Ex-0.3Ey, and (b) outer bers due to G+0.3Q-0.3Ex+Ey
seismic action seismic action

Rendre compatible les techniques traditionnelles et les modernes

Compatibilizar tcnicas tradicionales y modernas
Combining traditional and modern techniques

A proposal for the development of the

traditional construction crafts in Egypt
A case study of Aswan City

Diaa-Eldin Ibrahim Mohamed Hana,

Sherif Mohamed Rabie Khashaba
Dr. Diaa-Eldin Ibrahim Mohamed Hana:
Faculty of Engineering, Ain-Shams University
Dr. Sherif Mohamed Rabie Khashaba:
Faculty of Engineering, Zagazig Universiy

Research Problem:
Through studying the current situation of traditional crafts in Aswan
we nd a clear shrinking in this new constructional result due to the
recession of traditional construction crafts and the overwhelming of
non local construction ways over stable construction ways.
Research Target:
Oering a proposal to develop traditional construction crafts in the
governorate of Aswan to match modern needs as well as to maintain
local identity.
Research Methodology:
The research was based on a theoretical method to recognize the local
construction crafts existing in Aswan, their progress, and the transfer
of expertise. Along with conducting a practical study of construction
models expressing the architectural heritage existing in Aswan to
come up with the architectural specications and local methods of
construction and to recognize its positive as well as negative aspects
and also to know the extent to which society accepts them, then to
analyze the previously mentioned points and to come out with a
suggestion to develop inherited traditional ways of construction,
to match modern requirements, and then to apply this method to a
current projects and measure the extent to which users will accept it as
well as the extent to which it will contribute to improve the standard of
traditional crafts in Aswan.
1- Types of traditional construction crafts in Aswan:
A variable collection of traditional crafts in Aswan were located as
follows: g(1).


2- Reasons for the deterioration Of the traditional construction

crafts decline in Aswan:
crafts restructuring.
due to aversion from many people to work in traditional crafts.
modern construction systems as an aspect of social prestige.
required for the usage of traditional construction crafts.
3- Proposed methodology for developing and maintaining
traditional crafts in Aswan:
After analyzing this research, methodology for preserving the traditional
crafts in Aswan is proposed and it is as follows:
Levels of proposed

Legislation level

Economical level

Artistic level

Cultural and social level

3-1 Cultural and social level:

depending on the traditional crafts.
3-2 Technical level:
methodologies and techniques of the traditional crafts.
would be economically.
maximize the benets of the end product.
traditional crafts
and supplying them with the various technical support
3-3 Economical level :
total cost of construction.
crafts, to increase it.
to spread the knowledge about it
3-4 Legislation level:
the building cost to using traditional crafts


Rendre compatible les techniques traditionnelles et les modernes

Compatibilizar tcnicas tradicionales y modernas
Combining traditional and modern techniques


concerning traditional crafts.
4- Practical application for proposed methodology in a family
residential housing Project:
El herbiyab projects in Aswan where designed by a two researchers to
support the use of traditional crafts in building, g(2).
The project aim to construct family houses, under the national housing
project in Aswan including 500 units.
4-1-1 Purpose of project:
Support for traditional crafts existing in Aswan through a project that
uses traditional crafts in a wide range which does the following:
means of construction using timber, masonry, stone or clay.
through incorporating them in big scale projects.
crafts could be.
4-2 Studying the applications of the proposed methodology in
project (after Construction of the proposed project):
4-2-1 Craftsmen:
A lot of opportunities were made available for the craftsmen , new
craftsmen were trained to preserve the new traditional crafts.
4-2-2 The general Style used in buildings:
IT was taken in consideration the local identity and the local style
through using their same style in the design to produce a secure,
healthy and comforting living Place that will attract them to buy new
units with the same style.
4-2-3 Construction method:
All units used a wall bearing method, using stones and covering spans
using vaults and domes built from bricks, , which also decreases cost as
no exterior nishing is needed.
4-2-4 Using natural and local materials
Natural stone was used ,which is abundant in to build walls and vaults,
also the windows and doors used local timber , manfactured in a local
method ,the pergolas also where made from palm leaves and straw
which was done by local craftsmen.
4-2-5 Inhabitants participation:
Project includes the participations of the users in design and
construction process
4-3 Implementing the proposal:
4-3-1 Social level
the project using traditional building systems and crafts. The two
researchers, the governor, the ocials and the popular leaders have
participated in these meetings.


advantages of the houses which are built using the local crafts.
4-3-2 Technical level
construction systems, local materials, participation of the local
technicians who are specialized in the local systems and crafts.
using the local systems and crafts that includes construction
systems, local building materials and local crafts.
by developing a system of scaold and wooden moulds to achieve
better performance and saving time.
for one hundred non skilful workers.
4-3-3 Economical level
Euros by changing the roong from reinforced concrete to brick
vaults, g(3).
4-3-4 Legislative level
An ocial approval for building the project using local building systems
and local crafts has been obtained and this generates a new ocial
principal to a lease to build by using local building systems and crafts.
4-4 Results
workers if they built the project using contemporary construction
systems, g(4).
building craft.
building crafts.
the local crafts that from 500 houses to 4000 houses.
600 houses extra by the same construction systems and crafts.
Aswanian culture and a unique architectural character.
crafts internationally.
world wide.
revive Traditional Crafts.
Traditional Crafts.

Rendre compatible les techniques traditionnelles et les modernes

Compatibilizar tcnicas tradicionales y modernas
Combining traditional and modern techniques

RAAFAT, A., Future Architecture, Published by Inter-consult Research Center, Giza, Egypt,
FATHY, H., Natural Energy and Vernacular Architecture, Arabic edition published ,Beirut, 1988.
Modern Architecture between Imitation and Renovation, Abenaa Magazine Vol.83, Riyadh,
Kingdom of Saudia Arabia 1995.
IBRAHIM, A. Arab Architects- Hasan Fathy, Center for Planning and Architectural Studies, Cairo,
9Hakim. O., Nubian Architecture, the Palm Press, Cairo, Egypt, 1999.

Fig(3) The preliminary design Skelton building, which is changed by two researchers

Fig(1) Samples of Traditional crafts used in buildings in Aswan.

Fig(2) El herbiyab projects in Aswan after construction, where designed by a two

researchers to support the use of traditional crafts in building.

Fig(4) brick vaults users in project.


Rendre compatible les techniques traditionnelles et les modernes

Compatibilizar tcnicas tradicionales y modernas
Combining traditional and modern techniques

Repair and Maintenance guidelines for

the inhabitants of a historical district:
Papaz Mahallesi in Yeni Foa, Izmir

Ege Uluca Tumer

PhD in Architecture, Department of Architecture, Restoration and
Conservation of Historical Buildings Programme, ITU
MSc in Architecture, Department of Architecture, Restoration and
Conservation of Historical Buildings Programme, METU
BA in Architecture, Faculty of Architecture, Department of Architecture, METU
Research Assistant in Design, History of Art and Architecture, Restoration Courses, stanbul Kultur University, Istanbul
stanbul Kultur University, Atakoy Kampusu Bakrkoy Istanbul
E-mail address:



Traditional buildings in Turkey are at risk mainly because of harmful/lack
of repairs due to the decient knowledge of the users and craftsmen.
Studies on the preparations for repair and maintenance guidelines are
needed for the continuity of traditional historic sites in Turkey.
Papaz Mahallesi was found suitable for a case study on developing
proper methods and techniques for repair and maintenance problems
and guidelines for users, for reasons such as its values and specic
problems. Papaz Mahallesi (Figure.1) is a well preserved 19th century
settlement in Yeni Foa, a small town located north of Izmir. The
study area, comprising fty-six traditional masonry buildings, shows
architectural and settlement characteristics of its period in the Aegean
Region. The values of Papaz Mahallesi are categorized under six titles;
Aesthetic Value, Value for Architectural Diversity, Value for Functional
Diversity, Resource Value, and Value for Continuity of Cultural Memory/
Heritage, Value for Uniformity in Architectural Style (1).
1. Problems in Papaz Mahallesi
1.1. Str uctural System Problems
Although there are not many serious structural problems in buildings,
some unique cases have been taken into consideration for the
evaluation of structural problems (Figure.2).
1.1.1. Interior Structural Problems and Their Causes
Interior structural problems documented in the area are mostly


deformation problems in oors, slight deformations of interior walls.

More serious problems have emerged in unused and not maintained
buildings in the area. Loss of mortar, plaster and other binders are the
primary cause of external wall movements that cause interior structural
problems, as well. However, rigidity of external walls is sucient for the
rigidity of structural system.
1.1.2. Exterior Structural Problems and Their Causes
Exterior structural problems are mainly small structural cracks and
deformations on external walls. Emptied joints and loss of binders are
the most important factors that may cause a weakening in these 8090cm thick walls. As the deformation of walls with emptied joints has
led to the collapse of faades in other historic sites of the town, this
problem must be taken into consideration rapidly as a primary problem
for the structural systems.
1.2. Problems of Materials
Materials are visually examined by grouping the problems of each
material in order of emergency. Problems of materials are documented
on 1/100 street elevations (Figures.3-4) and 1/200 plan (Figure.2). Stone,
timber, mortar, plaster, iron, roof tiles and paint are recorded according
to the visual observations made.
1.2.1. Decay Forms of Stone
The decay forms of stone is visually recorded and classied according
to the classication of Fitzner et al (2).Stone decay was detected at
lower levels of the buildings, areas under the eaves and on the corners.
Discoloration, crusts and salt deposits on stone surface are the most
widely seen problem types on these areas. The eects of rainfall
penetrating the surface under the eaves are very clear. The other
problematic area is the lower level of the buildings where material
losses, aking, discoloration, crusts and soiling are visible. Besides these,
rising damp causes joint loss in the upper levels and serious problems
in the whole structure by loss of its binders (Figures.3-4)
1.2.2. Timber Problems
Observed problems on timber are due to the lack of maintenance
preservative waxes, polishes. The problems of structural timber and
architectural timber dier in the area and evaluated in dierent subgroups (Figures.3-4).
Structural Timber Problems: There are not any serious problems of
structural timber, except in some empty buildings. In three buildings,
oor deformation is documented. Roofs have been observed to be
quite rm. Ceilings, if maintained, preserve their properties in good
Architectural Timber Problems: Capillary cracks and discoloration as a result
of damp are found especially on shutters. The man-made problems are
most common like the bursting and deformation of shutters. External
timber architectural elements, exposed to environmental conditions,
have more problems like discoloration, capillary cracks, deformation
and material loss.
1.2.3. Mortar Problems
Mortar is the material having the most severe problems (Figures.3-4).
Loss of mortar between the joints is especially seen on the walls, from
which the plaster is completely detached. Slight deformations on the
walls with emptied joints have been inspected. At the advanced stage

Rendre compatible les techniques traditionnelles et les modernes

Compatibilizar tcnicas tradicionales y modernas
Combining traditional and modern techniques

2.Proposals for Repairs of the Studied Buildings

As a result of the studies on building materials, and repair problems,
guidelines are formed for dierent types of repairs that are widely
needed in the studied buildings. Proposals for these repairs and
maintenance are prepared to be used as guidelines for users and a
conservation program.

which have completely emptied joints and probably have voids

between the layers. Similar building types have collapsed and proved
the severity of the problem. Although grouting is not widespread in
Turkey, it is the best method for consolidating these buildings.
Grouting Masonry Walls: The consolidation of historic masonry involves
the need to stabilise walls by lling voids within their thickness. This
operation is most commonly needed when thick walls of double
skin construction, with rubble core lling, have been subject to
the percolation of water for many years. The important point in
consolidating the masonry with a liquid binder is to select a binder that
is compatible with stone and former mortar.
Re-pointing.: Re-pointing should be carried out immediately to prevent
the rapid weathering of the stones. When the mortar in the joints is
weathered, the stones become vulnerable to damage and material loss
on stone surfaces are seen.
Permeability, porosity, density and other properties of mortar and stone
must be recorded. When the mortar is less permeable and less porous
than stone, it acts like a vapour barrier in the wall, causes a continuous
vapour ow into the stone and prevents evaporation. A permanent
dampness can occur in stone that is very harmful. Cement based
mortars in contact with stone can introduce sodium or potassium
sulphate (3) and must be avoided, not only in the preparation of mortar
but also in every stage of repairs.
Re-pointing is an advanced type of work, and must be done by
qualied workers. Flush lling will greatly increase the apparent width
of the joint, and therefore great care must be taken to keep the layer of
the new mortar within the original width.

2.1. Cure of Rising Damp

There are two sources of water causing rising damp: rainfall and
underground water. The comprehensive method of overcoming the
excess water is a better drainage system.


of mortar loss, material loss of stones occurs.

1.2.4. Plaster Problems
The plaster problems are classied into four categories; loss of plaster,
detachment from wall surface, salt deposition and discoloration. Like
stone the worst problems are areas under eaves, lower levels of frontal
walls, and corners of the jambs due to dampness. Soiling and crusts are
also seen deposited on plasters.
Loss of plaster is the rst stage of increasing decays on building faades.
Where plaster is detached, stone and mortar are prone to problems.
As plaster is the protective layer, the maintenance of plaster is very
important. As the stones of these buildings are closer to cut-stone, they
do not let exterior particles, salts and humidity in as much as the rough
cut stones.
1.2.5. Metal Problems
The metal elements are iron in all of the traditional buildings. Problems
of metals do not show much variety. Oxidation, inspected especially on
shutter hinges, and supports is the main problem. Almost all unpainted
iron elements, like doors and shutters, are oxidized.

ventilation, rather than a monolithic one having cement mortar as
binder, and
bottom in front of the base of the damp buildings to reduce the
capillary action.
2.2. Masonry Repairs
During the repair of masonry, a minimum of stone replacement must
be done. The new stones are often more dicult to maintain than the
old stones. Repair work to be done to these masonry buildings is gap
lling rather than consolidating. Only the buildings, which lost plaster
and mortar in joints, started to have small loss and detachment of stone
problems. There emerged small gaps and cracks, which may weaken
these stones. The stones with special craftsmanship such as inscriptions,
panels, keystones, jambs, architraves and some of the eaves needs gap
lling or consolidation work.
Using compatible mortars with stones, and taking care of esthetical
harmony between mortars and stones must be considered while gap
2.3. Grouting and Re-pointing
Grouting seems to be a appropriate method for some of the buildings,

2.4. Plastering and Painting
Plastering: After grouting and re-pointing, plastering the external walls
is necessary. All of the buildings in the area need plaster repairs, except
the ones that have never been plastered. The properties of plaster must
be compatible with former plaster and stone. If the plaster is more
porous than stone it weakens quickly and if it is less porous it causes the
deterioration of stone by transporting salts and vapour. The criteria for
interior and exterior plasters do not change, while their composition is
dierent due to the dierent conditions in and outside the buildings.
Painting: Painting is the last step of the maintenance of the walls.
Besides the compatibility of properties of paint with the plasters and
stones, colours have to be carefully selected for the harmony with the
other paints in the district. Some of the plasters in the site are coloured
with original colours extracted from plants and earth (indigo, madder,
2.5. Timber Repair and Consolidation
Structural timber elements like oors and roofs more urgently need
attention and must be solved immediately. The main works to be done
for the maintenance of the timbers are;
t Local or Total Replacements of Timber Elements with New Timber:


Rendre compatible les techniques traditionnelles et les modernes

Compatibilizar tcnicas tradicionales y modernas
Combining traditional and modern techniques

Substitute timber must be the original type of wood and the

moisture content of it must be limited in low percentages. New
timber must be the treated with insecticides. Replacements must
be limited within least possible amount.
t Treatment of Infested or Infected Timbers: Infested or infected timber
elements must be treated against insects, dry rot or wet rot.
Extraction of moisture from infected timber and providing adequate
ventilation must be done before treating with fungicidal paste.
Similarly, insecticidal pastes may be applied to infested timbers.
t Application of Timber Preservatives: For improving the strength and
the resistance of timber elements against external conditions, they
must be applied proper kind of preservatives, paints, insecticidal/
fungicidal pastes after various studies and researches on them.
2.6. Metal Repairs
The traditional method is painting for preventing metals from corrosion;
however, there are other works to be done before painting
metal elements, manual preparation (removal of rust, loosening mill
scales and soluble corrosion salts) of metal surfaces by using various
mechanical and chemical methods considering not to lose details
on surfaces of metals.
properties, intermediate and nishing coats of paint must be
applied, taking care not to harm or change its properties.
2.7. Roof Repairs
Roofs: The structural timber elements must be repaired, by considering
the important points mentioned for timber repairs. Replacement of the
broken and missing tiles must be done with same type of roof tiles.

(1) TIESDELL, S.; OC, T.; HEATH, T. (1996), Revitalizing Historic Urban Quarters, Martnolls Ltd, UK.
Heinrichs, K.; Kownatzki, R. (1992), Classication and mapping of weathering forms . In:
Proceedings of the 7th International Congress on Deterioration and Conservation of Stone,
Lisbon, 15.-18.06.1992, Lisbon (Portugal), S. 957-968.
(3) FEILDEN, B. M. (1989), Conservation of Historic Buildings, Butterworths, London, p.324


Rendre compatible les techniques traditionnelles et les modernes

Compatibilizar tcnicas tradicionales y modernas
Combining traditional and modern techniques

Traditional Construction Techniques

Revaluation of Good Practice Rule for
Sustainable Construction

Ezilda Costanzo
PhD (1998) and building engineer degree (1993) at University of Palermo. Work activities on building pathology and renovation, architecture technology, sustainable buildings and cities both independently
and within dierent research institutions in Italy and in Switzerland
(since 2004)
Ecole Polytechnique Fdrale de Lausanne, Laboratoire de Construction
et Conservation,
EPFL-LCC1, Btiment BP, Station 16, CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland
E-mail :

Manuals and treaties contain a precious structured repertoire of

information on common traditional techniques in the Mediterranean
basin. Up to the I World War, French and Italian textbooks - the present
study refers to some of them, - endorsed architectonic identity of local
examples that were directly surveyed with reference to analogues
applications in ancient well known buildings. Local idiom were codied
in these illustrated dictionaries of construction art, where classical
universal rule is taken into account too. Furthermore they give details
on durability and quality of dierent materials and techniques and putinto-work practices, references to cost and material depletion and use
optimisation. At any rate transportation, material availability, recycling
and recovering concerns were always dealt with in pre-modern
building contracts and documents.
The paper investigates some issues of sustainability which were
implicit in traditional techniques of construction by taking into account
prescriptions in manuals and existent case studies. Local traditional
rules, only partially deducible from manuals, are to be integrated, in
fact, by data coming from direct survey in order to verify local variations,
ecacy and related durability performances.
Good practice Rule and Sustainability Principles in
Mediterranean Construction
Tlphone :

The Mediterranean area has been characterised, since ancient times,
by technical knowledge and stylistic exchange inuences. Migrations,
conquests, commercial links allowed more advanced constructional
cultures to spread, in dierent historical periods, even at relevant
geographic distance and beyond the Basin itself. During European
Middle Ages, as instance, the weight of Roman art on Romanesque
architecture in France, Byzantine inuence on gurative and decorative
arts in Germany, France and Italy, Islamic art rule in Southern Spain
and Southern Italy can be cited. Multicultural contact European
territories like Southern Spain and Italy were interesting demonstrative
laboratories of imported techniques adoption and combination, as well
as of styles amalgamation (mudejar art). In such contexts, foreign good
technical rules have been locally assumed by adapting materials and
accustomed practice. Such variations can be seen as the consequence
of a process of optimisation of material and economic resources which
entails what we could presently call improvement of sustainability
Since the Renaissance, and more systematically since XVIII century,
the habit began to classify architecture constructional and formal
rules in treaties and manuals. The Grand Tour, the Grand Prix of
Rome1 and afterwards more frequent and southwards travels in the
Basin, had permitted direct observation, study and representation of
Mediterranean buildings in Voyage Carnets. They were drafted in detail
and hypothetically reconstructed by scholars and Beaux Arts academy
students2 interested in ancient Greek and Roman construction issues
but also in vernacular examples.

Stone Masonry
Stone for structural walls - almost 70% material in a traditional masonry
construction, - was accurately chosen. For minor constructions and
vernacular architecture adoption of undressed stone available on site,
rejected or coarse roughly dressed stone consented to save more
precious quarried stone for ashlars.
Rubbles were picked up from closest plots of land and selected
according to dimension and weight. They were proportional to
masons strength (25-30 kg) and easy to handle (35-40 cm). They were
afterwards arranged in the building yard into ve separate piles of
stones, for rational and ergonomic putting into work. Undressed stones
might have dierent origin, hardness and permeability: cold volcanic
or metamorphic, quarry oset, live splinters from crushing, irregular
fragments picked up below rock faces. Reuse materials frequently came
from ramparts or more ancient existing constructions.
In the traditional building site nothing had to be spoilt and discharged:
inert wastes were used to form thin walls at upper levels (15-35 cm)
and inll. The stued wall, where the core between the two external
masonry workform walls was lled with mortar and stone rubble,
belonged to Mediterranean tradition since ancient Rome (II century
b.C.). It has spread in Mediterranean humble or minor constructions
until XIX century, assuring quickness and economy when put into
Roofs and oors
Manuals classify pitched roofs secondary timber frame according
to kind of support of roof covering: Steep battens roof (piemontese
style); horizontal counter batten roof; timber-decking board, terracotta
at tiles or stone slabs. All the systems preview maintenance and
partial replacement of timber components, that were pre-squared,
prefabricated and ready to be assembled on site. Carpenters used to
mark them to facilitate their putting into work. Type and dimensions
of secondary roof frame dier according to countries and resources


Rendre compatible les techniques traditionnelles et les modernes

Compatibilizar tcnicas tradicionales y modernas
Combining traditional and modern techniques

In the piemontese roof, span between battens is proportional to

minimum tile width (generally almost 20 cm) and curvature. Manuals
recommend this system as it is particularly light but also easy to put
into work, to maintain, to replace, even if it requires a false ceiling
when covering living spaces. Larger tiles with greater curvature permit
reducing tiles number for square meter so getting wider span between
battens, fewer pieces and lower wood consumption. In some countries
dressed wood battens (generally 3x4; 5x7 cm) are replaced by chestnut
timber half-poles.
Horizontal counterbattens system requires a moulding nishing in the
tile backside, thus more expensive and fragile. Some manuals specify
that necessity for a relevant timber amount make this system more
appropriate and more common in Northern countries.
The timber-decking board is frequently substituted by other locally
available materials, also appraised as more durable. In Mediterranean
countries dressed timber often had to be hauled long distances and
was very expensive as a result. Local practice can replace timber planks
and rafters by mats of reeds, chestnut poles, undressed branches (i.e.
laurel), dried palm leaves. Otherwise, for secondary timberwork and
minor primary frame, local manuals advise adopting soft timber (i.e. r,
cypress) instead of harder, more resistant and durable but expensive
and rarer species (chestnut and oak). Manual also specify soft timbers
are preferable owing to their fast growth. Nowadays we would say:
extremely renewable.
Screed in traditional oors was also made by waste inert materials from
demolition like crushed calcareous, broken terracotta debris, animal
bones. Moreover, common practice has always reused tiles from roof
covering disassembling, permitting a 35% recover.
Internal partitions
Vertical partitions pre-modern construction technique was basically
derived by one principle: a resistant frame (generally timber) with an
inll made of the most available resources. Load-bearing elements were
prefabricated. The inll was generally handmade and no specialised
skills were required.
Pan de bois (with squared timber) and colombage (with irregular timber)
are widely used in vernacular architecture not only in Northern Europe
(Normandy, Alsace, Switzerland) but also in Portugal and Turkey. The
timber frame was lled with coarse stone, rubble or irregular blocks of
calcareous or brick masonry mixed up with ordinary mortar. The whole
element was nished with a coat of plaster that was applied onto a
nailed on timber lattice.
In Wattle and daub partitions the inll was organic. They consist of
interwoven staves and twigs used, as well, to ll a panel in a timber
frame, providing a backing for a nish of daub (clay, dung, or mud)
or plaster (usually on straw or hair). Wattle, as secondary timberwork,
could also be made of sea-grape, strawberry or cabbage wood. The
whole system was then lime-washed. When the timber frame was
in evidence it was protected by beef blood (rich of iron oxide) and
pinecone infusion. Certainly diused in Europe since Middle Ages, this
system was traditional in Middle and Far East but also in Africa. Vitruvius
mentions it in his Ten Books of Architecture, also explaining its technical
As a variation of the previous techniques, reed partitions were either
woven as an inll organic panel or nailed directly, singly or double, onto
the timber frame. The rendering coat was then applied directly onto the
reed mat since it provides excellent key, either to clay, lime or gypsum


plasters. Organic cord was usually used to tie dried reed battens. Reeds
must have been cut since a year at least. Cavity could be lled with
rubble. Nowadays modern reed mats or boards are commercialised,
complete of up-dated cutting and xing prescriptions. Reeds are highly
renewable, easily transportable and widely available. Reeds mats could
also be utilised for false vaults and ceilings, with aesthetic but also
insulating and aerating functions. They were supported by a timber
frame made of coupled boards inserted in the structural masonry.
Superior side is generally lime-washed and inferior one plastered with
We can then synthesise the following aspects of sustainability in
traditional Mediterranean construction:
according to availability and supply of resources, - the production,
transformation, assemblage rules being empirically known.
optimising durability of components and maintenance to delay
service life.
techniques previewed repairing, disassembling and replacing of
some parts rather than demolition and complete redoing of elements
(carpentry, roof covering and some wall masonry structures). In the
traditional building yard, pre-existent elements were reused as
well as wastes (tiles, bricks, stones and wood). Traditional mechanic
assemblages were often reversible, so allowing recycling and reuse.
treatments. Wood was seasoned in order to give it mechanical,
physical and chemical resistance. Ancient glues were derived from
vegetal or animal substances (casein).
Nowadays new manuals supply catalogues of suitable examples to
insert pre-modern technological culture into nowadays production,
organizational and economic environment.
Survey and interpretation of recurring element types and pathologies
are estimated as necessary to put into force a compatible renovation
with respect to the original construction principles.
Respect of original conception, as far as possible, is considered essential
to any refurbishment and renovation classiable as sustainable,
especially when adopting traditional materials and techniques.
A compared analysis of literature with real examples could aid this
interpretation work.

ACOCELLA A., Larchitettura di pietra Antichi e nuovi magisteri costruttivi, Firenze e Lucca, 2004
GIUFFR A.., Sicurezza e conservazione dei centri storici- Il caso Ortigia, Laterza, Bari 2003
MARCONI P., Manuale del recupero del centro storico di Palermo, Palermo 1997.
MARCONI P., Manuale del recupero del Comune di Roma, Roma 1889.
CHAUVET J.Y., La maison paysanne, histoire, guide de restauration, typologie rgion par rgion,
Genve 2005.
SAVOT L. ET BLONDEL F., Larchitecture franaise des btiments particuliers, Paris 1685 (reprint
Genve 1973).

Rendre compatible les techniques traditionnelles et les modernes

Compatibilizar tcnicas tradicionales y modernas
Combining traditional and modern techniques

MONROY J.F., Trait darchitecture pratique, Paris 1785 (reprint Genve 1973).
RONDELET J.B., Trait thorique et pratique de lart de btir, Paris 1802-17.
REYNAULD L., Trait darchitecture, Paris, 1850-60.
RAME D., Larchitecture et la construction pratique, Paris 1868.
CLAUDEL J. et Laroque L., Pratique de lart de construire, Paris 1910.
CLOQUET L., Elments de larchitecture. Types ddices Esthtique, composition et pratique de
larchitecture, Paris et Lige 1911.
BARBEROT F., Trait de constructions civiles, Paris 1912.
BREYMANN, Trattato generale di costruzioni civili, (trad. G. Valentini), Milan 1884.
MUSSO E COPPERI, Particolari di costruzioni murali e nimenti di fabbricati, Turin 1885.
FORMENTI C., La pratica del fabbricare, Milan, 1893.
DONGHI D., Manuale dellarchitetto, Turin 1925.
BENFRATELLO S, Lezioni di tecnologia delle costruzioni edili, Pisa 1929.
GIOVANNONI, Corso dArchitettura, Rome, 1932.


Rendre compatible les techniques traditionnelles et les modernes

Compatibilizar tcnicas tradicionales y modernas
Combining traditional and modern techniques

Present and Future of Solar Control

with Photovoltaic Components in
Mediterranean Architecture in Turkey

Mujde Altin
I work as an Assistant Proesor at Dokuz Eylul University Faculty of
Architecture Department of Architecture Structure and Construction Branch. I had my B.Sc., M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees also in the same
department. My working area is solar architecture, use of shading
devices in architecture, integration of photovoltaics into architecture.
Dokuz Eylul University Faculty of Architecture Department of
Architecture Tinaztepe Kampusu Dogus Cad. No: 209 Kurucesme 35160
Buca Izmir TURKEY
E-mail address:
00 90 232 412 84 48

1. Introduction:
Buildings are constructed to be a shelter for people. They have to
provide comfort conditions for the people as well as being a shelter.
This is due to the fact that human beings are not well protected against
environmental and climatic factors. Some animals have fur and this fur
protects them from cold weather. But human beings are not as lucky as
those animals. They have to provide these conditions on the buildings
that they design, construct and live in. Therefore these buildings should
be a shelter that protects them from cold weather in the winter and
from hot weather in the summer.
Sun is the source of life and we cannot live without it. But especially
in some places, it becomes unbearable in the summer time because
of the hot weather. Therefore, people developed some strategies to
overcome this eect of sun on their buildings. These rules have become
traditional in time and they are still being used.
One of these strategies is the Solar Control. Solar control has been
used for thousands of years by human beings for creating comfort
conditions in building interiors. Especially Mediterranean architecture
uses solar control a lot because Mediterranean countries have more
sunlight than they need and this more energy is not wanted in the
interior places. Therefore we need to create spaces that will keep us
warm in the winter and calm in the summer. By the use of the solar
control devices, this is possible because the aim of the solar control is to
balance the solar energy which enters a building through its windows.
Nowadays, it is possible to change this unwanted solar energy into
desired electrical energy by the use of Photovoltaic Components
as solar control devices, because PV components are devices that


produce electrical energy from solar radiation directly. It is also possible

to integrate them into existing buildings as shading devices with only
a little eort economically because the shading elements mounting
systems already exist on some of the buildings and only the cladding
panel should be replaced by new photovoltaic panels. For the ones that
do not have any shading system, only the mounting system should be
added and then the photovoltaic panels can be placed on them. This is
not an uneconomical process due to the fact that new shading system
will make the interior more comfortable than its present situation and
also will reduce its energy need considerably. Therefore, the aim of
this study is to examine the use of solar control systems and to make
a proposal for using photovoltaic components for solar control in the
Turkish Mediterranean architecture. This will be done by examining solar
control in traditional Turkish architecture in Alacati-Izmir as case study
and use of photovoltaic (PV) panels for solar control, and by proposing
a new method for Turkish Mediterranean architecture for the future.
2. Solar Control in the Traditional Turkish Architecture in Izmir
Solar energy is desired in the houses in the winter, but it is not wanted
in the summer. Therefore windows have to be designed very carefully in
order to avoid overheating in the summer while getting the maximum
solar energy in the winter. Especially solar shading elements are being
used for that purpose. These shall be curtains, sun louvers, Venetian
blinds, etc... These all have the same purpose: to protect the window,
therefore the interior of the building from excess sunlight. But the ones
that are used inside are not as ecient as the ones that are used outside
due to the fact that they stop the solar rays after entering the building.
Therefore these rays still make interior hot because of the greenhouse
eect of the window-glasses: the solar rays which lose their energy
after entering the interior and hitting the solar control device inside
cannot get out through the glass again and they begin to heat the
interior. Therefore shading elements that are used outside the building
are more ecient.
Shading elements should be designed very carefully. If the windows
are protected with them so strictly, interior cannot be heated with solar
energy in the winter. But if they do not protect the windows much,
then they are not used eciently. Therefore, there should be a very
careful designed balance when they are being used. For this purpose,
masks and sun-path-diagrams are being used.
The climate has a very important role in designing houses. Izmir has
Mediterranean architecture. The summers in Izmir are hot and dry, and
winters are warm and rainy. Due to the fact that the weather is very hot
in the summer, all the streets and roads are placed perpendicular to the
sea. Therefore all the houses can have the summer breeze, especially
the desired local wind of Izmir imbat is taken easily to the inner parts of
the houses easily. The entrance (bottom) oor of the houses is generally
constructed with stone and these walls are thick and massive with low
ceilings. These oors are generally called as winter oor. Upper oor of
the houses is constructed with light materials like wood and the walls
are thin with high ceilings. These oors are generally called as summer
oor1. Besides these, solar control has an important role in traditional
architecture in Izmir.
As seen in these pictures 1 and 2, buildings are not declined outwards;
in spite they are declined inside. That cannot be seen from these
pictures but there is a courtyard at the backside, inside the house. This
courtyard helps to protect people from excess solar energy by providing
shades for them and let them spend most of their time outside the

Rendre compatible les techniques traditionnelles et les modernes

Compatibilizar tcnicas tradicionales y modernas
Combining traditional and modern techniques

house. Courtyards are climate control spaces. They form spaces that
are designed according to wind, sun, hot and cold. They provide shade
when necessary, and they provide solar energy when needed.
Another strategy is to make north facing walls as thick as possible and
to open as less and small windows as possible. That is due to the fact
that these walls are the coldest walls of houses in winter and heat can
escape from these walls easily. As similar, west facing walls of houses
are designed and constructed as narrow as possible.
Another strategy is using long eaves if there is no opportunity to
provide a courtyard. These long eaves protect the building from excess
solar radiation and also from rain. As similar, shading elements are also
used in front of the windows in order to prevent excess solar radiation
enter the building.
3. A Proposal for Using PV Components for Solar Control in
Traditional Architecture in Izmir
Shading elements are used in the Mediterranean architecture a lot
because of the excess solar energy in the summer. This is unwanted
solar energy in the summer. If shading devices are composed of PV
components, then this unwanted solar energy can be turned into
desired electrical energy. This is economical due to the fact that no
money is paid for the energy source. And if the mounting system is
ready, then it is more economic due to the fact that PV panels can easily
be mounted on this system.
In the traditional Turkish architecture, it is easy to integrate PV
components into the buildings with only a little eort because the
shading elements mounting systems already exist on some of the
buildings and only the cladding panel should be replaced by new
PV panels. For the ones that do not have any shading system, only
the mounting system should be added and then the photovoltaic
panels can be placed on them. This is not an uneconomical process
due to the fact that new shading system will make the interior more
comfortable than its present situation and also will reduce its energy
need considerably.
When PV - Sun - Radiation - Building words are thought together, the
forming of buildings with the help of passive design system principles
according to the sun is recognized. That is due to the fact that climatic
comfort conditions could be achieved in the interior by the use of the
dierences in the angles of the sun-rays. If PV elements are going to
be used instead of roof or wall cladding elements or shading devices,
they are going to take the solar radiation instead of them, but in spite,
they are going to use most of this solar radiation to produce electricity.
(Some part of the solar radiation will heat the PV panel and this heat
will be carried to the interior by conduction. Thus, not all, but most of
the solar radiation will be used to produce electricity.) Therefore, the
sustainability of the traditional Turkish architecture in Izmir would
be achieved because of the fact that these houses would be more
comfortable and in addition they would lower the energy need with
the energy they produce by using unwanted solar radiation2.

will help the traditional Turkish architecture live longer in time.

AKYZ, E. (1993). Traditional Housing Architecture in Izmir, p.39
ALTIN, M. (2005). Research on the Architectural Use of Photovoltaic (PV) Components in
Turkey from the Viewpoint of Building Shape, Ph.D. Thesis, p.78

Akyz, E. (1993). Traditional Housing Architecture in Izmir, p.39

Altin, M. (2005). Research on the Architectural Use of Photovoltaic (PV) Components in

Turkey from the Viewpoint of Building Shape, p.78

4. Conclusion
It is important to provide comfort conditions in the buildings. It is
also important to provide the sustainability of traditional architecture
with the use of new technologies. This can be done by integrating PV
components as shading devices to the traditional architecture in Izmir
as well as all around Turkey. This will provide comfort conditions and
also will help lowering the energy requirement of houses. Therefore it


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Compatibilizar tcnicas tradicionales y modernas
Combining traditional and modern techniques

Reproduction of hydraulic lime mortars

based on the traditional production
technology of ancient mortars
from Cyprus

I. Ioannou, M. Philokyprou, G. Papadouris, K. Kyriakou

Ioannis Ioannou is a lecturer at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering of the University of Cyprus. His research interests
lie in the eld of traditional building materials technology. His work
focuses on the characterisation of mortars, stone and brick. He is
particularly interested in water-mediated processes aecting the
weathering of masonry materials and methods for the protection and
restoration of cultural heritage monuments.
75 Kallipoleos Str., P.O. Box 20537, 1678 Nicosia, Cyprus
+357 22 89 2257

Until the beginning of the 19th century, mud, air hardening lime,
hydraulic lime and lime mixed with natural or articial pozzolanas (e.g.
crushed brick) were the most popular binders and renders used in
the construction of buildings. After the discovery of Portland cement
in 1824, the latter and its derivatives became the dominant binding
and rendering materials in the building industry, mostly due to the
standardisation of their production [1]. As a result, during the last
century, there has been a gradual replacement of traditional mortars
by highly hydraulic cement-based mortars.
The uncontrolled use of cement-based mortars for restoration purposes
resulted, in many cases, in extensive damage to cultural heritage,
mainly because of their incompatibility with the traditional material [28]. Cement is hard, rigid and impermeable. It also contains signicant
amounts of soluble salts which can be harmful to historic buildings.
These salts not only produce non-aesthetic eorescences upon
crystallisation on the faade of a building, but they can also develop
large damaging pressures when they crystallise behind the surfaces of
masonry materials.
Reported damage cases, together with the principle of authenticity,
dened in the ICOMOS Venice Charter [9], resulted in a renewed
interest in the use of (hydraulic) lime mortars in the eld of restoration.
In the research study described in this paper, a physicochemical
characterisation of ancient mortar samples from Cyprus was
undertaken in order to nd out the provenance of their raw materials
and to determine their composition and properties. An experimental


study was also carried out to design compatible mortars for restoration
and conservation purposes.
Materials and Methods
Mortar sampling was performed on excavations, monuments and
traditional buildings. Part of each sample was ground and used for Xray diraction (XRD) and X-ray orescence (XRF) analyses to identify
mineral constituents and to determine quantitatively the major oxides
present in the mortars. A slice was used for the preparation of a thin
section which was used for petrographic examination of the mortars.
A scanning electron microscope (SEM), equipped with an Energy
Dispersive X-ray (EDX) microanalyser, was also used to examine the
microstructure and texture of the mortars, while a signicant group of
15 samples underwent thermal analyses (DTA/TG) to determine their
hydraulicity. The most important physical properties of the ancient
mortars (i.e. vacuum saturation porosity and capillary absorption
coecient) were also measured using water as the wetting liquid.
The analytical study of ancient mortar samples was followed by the
laboratory preparation and testing of experimental mortars with
similar compositions. The laboratory mixes were prepared using a
water/binder (w/b) ratio enabling the mortar to achieve a constant
ow of 165 10 mm. The proportion of binder (lime and ceramic
powder) to aggregates was equal to 1:3 w/w. This was selected as the
proper mixture ratio for restoration syntheses since it is matching with
technologies of homologous mortars found in ancient monuments of
the wider Mediterranean area [6, 10-11].
In all experimental samples, the aggregates comprised siliceous and
calcareous sands. The mixing of the aggregates and binder with tap
water was mechanical and always uniform. Compaction of the samples
was carried out in accordance to EN 196-1:1995 [12]. It was considered
critical to use the same batch preparation for all specimens to avoid any
dierences which might occur from batch to batch. Such dierences
have been shown to exist for hydraulic mortars in previous studies [13].
The samples were prepared using standardised prismatic steel moulds of
dimensions 40 x 40 x 160 mm. After casting, the moulds containing the
specimens were covered with a glass plate to prevent loss of water by
evaporation. Specimens were removed from the moulds after 7 days and
they were kept covered with a wet burlap until testing. The performance
eciency of the experimental mortars was evaluated by a series of tests
designed to measure their physical and mechanical properties.
Results and Discussion
Characterisation of ancient mortars
Laboratory examination of the ancient mortars under a stereoscope
revealed in most samples the presence of small (angular, sub-angular
and rounded) reddish inclusions in a compact (ne-grained) matrix
(Fig. 1). These inclusions were identied by SEM/EDX analysis as regions
of silica-alumina composition (i.e. clay brick ceramic).
Petrographic observations provided evidence that the mortars mostly
consisted of ne to medium aggregates of quartz, feldspars, pyroxene
and plagioclase. Carbonate compounds and broken shells were also
observed in some samples.
Microscopic observations also provided ample evidence of products
of boundary reactions. Reaction rims were observed at the interface
between the binding matrix and the ceramic fragments. These were
dispersed in the form of veins along the matrix, lling the vacancies and

Rendre compatible les techniques traditionnelles et les modernes

Compatibilizar tcnicas tradicionales y modernas
Combining traditional and modern techniques

discontinuities of its structure. The presence of hydration rims around

individual hydraulic phases is indicative of the existence of a strong
cohesion between the constituent elements of the mortars [14].
The results of the mineralogical (XRD) analysis showed that the binding
material of the ancient samples was almost exclusively calcitic. The
presence of quartz and other accessory minerals was also evidenced in
all samples. Salt crystallisation was observed in some cases where halite
and/or gypsum were present. Gehlenite was also evidenced in some of
the ancient mortars. This is characteristic of the use of natural hydraulic
lime burnt at low temperatures (<1200 oC) [15] and/or ceramic red at
800-1060 oC. The use of the latter is also conrmed by the presence of
anorthite in some samples [16-17].
The hydraulicity of the ancient samples was determined using the
results of the thermal analyses (Table 1). Weight losses at temperatures
below 120C are attributed to the loss of physically adsorbed water.
The loss of water due to hydrated salts is measured at temperatures
between 120-200 C, while the loss of chemically bound (hydraulic)
water is measured at temperatures between 200-600 C. The loss of
CO2, following the decomposition of carbonates, is evidenced at
temperatures exceeding 600 C.


Weight loss per temperature range (%)

<120 C

120-200 C

200-600 C [A]

>600 C [B]


Table 1: TG analysis results for 15 samples.

According to Maravelaki-Kalaitzaki et al [8], the results of the thermal

analyses permit the classication of mortars into typical lime (aerial),
hydraulic and crushed brick-lime and pozzolanic. The typical lime
mortars correspond to less than 1.5% structurally bound water to
hydraulic components, while the hydraulic lime and crushed bricklime mortars have hydraulic water contents up to 5%. The pozzolanic
mortars have a hydraulic water content exceeding 7%. The latter present
the most advanced hydraulic character. Based on this classication,
one may deduce that the majority of the tested ancient mortars were
moderately hydraulic.
Further evidence of the hydraulicity of ancient mortars is given by the
ratio of CO2/H2O (hydraulic water), also shown in Table 1. This ratio, in
relation to the CO2 content (Fig. 2), inversely expresses the hydraulic
character of the mortars [6, 18]. The mortars with the most advanced
hydraulic character are concentrated at the bottom of the curve, while

those in which there is a reduced presence of hydraulic binder are found

at the upper right. Intermediate CO2/H2O ratios (2.5CO2/H2O7.5) and
CO2 contents (10-32%) correspond to moderately hydraulic mortars
(i.e. crushed brick-lime mortars) [14].
The hydraulic character of the ancient mortars is attributed partially to
hydraulic compounds deriving from crushed brick-lime interactions
and partially to raw materials, like marly limestones with clay inclusions,
employed to produce hydraulic lime [6, 15]. The specic pozzolanic
character of the crushed brick-lime mortars is attributed to the
adhesion reactions occurring at the ceramic-matrix interface [15, 18-19].
These reactions may, in turn, be attributed to calcium aluminosilicate
formations at the interface along the brick fragments, acting as the
silicate source and membrane, and lime, which makes the interfacial
surface alkaline and causes the chemical reaction. The penetration
of lime into the ceramic and the consequent reaction transforms the
microstructure of the mortar by reducing the size of the pore radii
and augmenting the apparent density. The transformation of the pore
size distribution conrms the hydraulic character of the mortar matrix,
imparting to the mortar high physico-chemical resistance to polluted
and marine atmosphere, as well as high strength.
The results of the XRF and SEM/EDX analyses revealed high contents of
silicon and calcium oxides and relatively high contents of aluminium
and iron oxides in most of the samples. The presence of high quantities
of aluminium, silicon and iron oxides in some samples can be attributed
to the addition of clay (ceramic) material during the preparation of
the mortars. Silica content was highest in mortars of more advanced
hydraulicity, while the weak hydraulic and lime mortars showed lower
values. In contrast, the calcium oxide content was higher in typical lime
and weakly hydraulic mortars. The inverse relationship between silicon
and calcium oxides is shown in Fig. 3.
Examination of the physical properties of the ancient mortars revealed
porosity values between 30-50% and capillary absorption coecients
in the range 3.5-25.5 mg/cm2s1/2. However, due to the very small size
and friable nature of the samples, no valid conclusions can be drawn
regarding these properties.
Experimental mortars
From the results (Table 2) of the experimental study that was carried out
in order to design suitable mortars for restoration purposes, it is clear
that the type and degree of neness of the ceramic powder play the
most important role in strength development. This observation entirely
agrees with evidence found in the literature [10, 14, 20] stating that
the grain and fragments size of the crushed brick inuences directly
its hydraulic reactivity and, consequently, the physico-mechanical
properties of crushed brick-lime mortars. The results suggest that the
ceramic powder is active when its particle size is less than 150 m. With
a reduction in its size below 45 m, the powder became very active and
the compressive strength (Fc) exceeded 5 MPa in 28 days.
The experimental results also indicated that compressive strength
of crushed brick-lime mortars increases signicantly over time. The
addition of surplus water in the mix reduced the strength radically. The
exural (Ft) and compressive (Fc) strengths of the samples generally
showed the same trends, irrespective of age [21].
The porosities (P) of the experimental mortars (Table 2) were around 35%.
This could be taken as an indication of a weak hydraulic to aerial character.
The air-hardening lime mortar (B.2) showed a slightly lower porosity
value than most of the crushed brick-lime mortars, possibly owing to the


Rendre compatible les techniques traditionnelles et les modernes

Compatibilizar tcnicas tradicionales y modernas
Combining traditional and modern techniques


Ceramic Powder


Fc (MPa)


Ft (MPa)




P (%)

S (mg/cm2s1/2)














CB3 (0-150)











CB11 (0-150)











CB12 (0-150)











CB2 (0-150)











CB14 (0-150)











CB31 (0-150)











CB31 (0-150)











CB31 (0-150)











CB2 (0-75)










CB2 (0-45)









CB2 (75-150)









CB2 (150-500)









CB3 (0-75)









CB3 (0-150)






Table 2: Experimental results.

presence of a dense carbonated rim on the surface of the sample which

prevented moisture from reaching the interior of the mortar [1].
The experimental results conrmed the close relationship between
compressive strength and porosity. Fig. 4 shows that the compressive
strength of the experimental crushed brick-lime samples increased with
decreasing porosity. The relationship between these two fundamental
mortar properties may be described analytically as follows [22]:
S = S0 (1=P)n


where S is the strength of mortar, S0 the theoretical strength at zero

porosity, P the porosity and n a constant.
The capillary absorption tests (Table 2) showed that the coecient of
water absorption (S) is dependent on the microstructural characteristics
of the mortar and, in particular, its porosity [23]. Mortars with lower
porosities and higher mechanical strengths (i.e. mortars with ner
ceramic powder), generally showed lower capillary water absorption
values, as would be expected from denser materials [13]. The results also
showed dierences between the aerial and the weak hydraulic mortars.
The latter exhibited lower capillary water absorption coecients.
The evaluation of the physico-mechanical characteristics of the
experimental mortars should be carried out bearing in mind their
compatibility with old masonry [23]. Low mechanical resistance (~ 5.5
MPa) and high porosity (35-40%) characterise one of the main building
stones (i.e. the calcareous sandstone of the Nicosia-Athalassa formation)
found on ancient monuments in Cyprus. The experimental mortars
exhibit lower strengths than the original stone and similar porosities.
Therefore, one may assume that they are compatible with the units of
historic buildings and can be used for re-pointing and re-rendering.
Following the physico-chemical characterisation of ancient mortars
from Cyprus, and adopting a reverse engineering process, it became
possible to prepare restoration mixtures having characteristics
compatible with the traditional masonry structure. The repair mortars
consisted of raw materials locally available.
Examination of the physico-mechanical characteristics of the


experimental mortars indicated the main parameters which determine

their strength, workability and durability. These are the binding system
and the water content.
The authors acknowledge nancial support from the Cyprus Research
Promotion Foundation. They also thank Dr. Ioannis Maniatis and Dr.
Michele Machiarola for help with thermal and XRD analyses and Dr.
Antonis Charalambides for his assistance with the chemical analyses.

1. K. CALLEBAUT, J. ELSEN, K.V. BALEN, W. VIAENE (2001). Nineteenth century
hydraulic restoration mortars in the Saint Michaels Church (Leuven,
Belgium). Natural hydraulic lime or cement? Cement and Concrete
Research 31, 397-403.
2. M. Collepardi (1990). Degradation and restoration of masonry walls
of historic buildings. Materials and Structures 23, 81-102.
3. D. Michoinov (1999). Lime based mortars for restoration of historical
mortars especially under wall paintings. In: P.J.M. Bartos, C.J.W.P.
Groot, J.J. Hughes (Eds), Proceedings of the International RILEM
Workshop Historic Mortars: Characteristics and Tests, RILEM, Paisley,
4. I. Holmstrm (1981). Mortars, cements and grouts for conservation
and repair. Some urgent needs for research. In: Proceedings of
the ICCROM Symposium Mortars, cements and grouts used in the
conservation of historic buildings, Rome, 19-24.
5. P. ROTA ROSSI-DORIA (1986). Mortars for restoration: basic requirements
and quality control. Matriaux et Constructions 19, 445-448.
MICHAILIDIS, M. CHRONOPOULOS (1998). Historic mortars technologies
in Crete and guidelines for compatible restoration mortars. PACT:
Journal of the European Study Group on Physical, Chemical, Biological
and Mathematical Techniques applied to Archaeology 55, 55-72.
7. Z. AL-SAAD, M.A.H. ABDEL-HALIM (2001). Laboratory investigation of
various types of mortars for the restoration of Qasr al-Bint monument,
Petra-Jordan. Engineering Structures 23, 926-933.

Rendre compatible les techniques traditionnelles et les modernes

Compatibilizar tcnicas tradicionales y modernas
Combining traditional and modern techniques

8. P. MARAVELAKI-KALAITZAKI, A. BAKOLAS, A. MOROPOULOU (2003). Physicochemical study of Creatn ancient mortars. Cement and Concrete
Research 33, 651-661.
9. ICOMOS (1964). International Charter for the conservation and
restoration of monuments and sites (The Venice Charter 1964). ICOMOS,
Venice, Italy.
PALAZZI, E. ZENDRI (1995). Thermoanalytical research on traditional
mortars in Venice. Thermochimica Acta 269/270, 817-828.
A. THEODORAKI, N. CHONDROS (1993). Study of mortars in the Medieval
city of Rhodes. In: M.-J. Thiel (Ed), Conservation of Stone and Other
Materials, Vol. 1, Proceedings of the International RILEM/UNESCO
Congress Conservation of Stone and Other Materials: ResearchIndustry-Media, E & F.N. Spon, Paris, 394-401.
12. EN 196-1 (1995). Methods of testing cement Part 1: Determinations of
strength. CEN, Brussels.
13. F.M.A. HENRIQUES, A.E. CHAROLA (1996). Comparative study of standard
test procedures for mortars. In: J. Riederer (Ed), Proceedings of the 8th
International Congress on Deterioration and Conservation of Stone,
Moeller Druck und Verlag, Berlin, 1521-1528.
14. A. MOROPOULOU, A.S. CAKMAK, G. BISCONTIN (1998). Criteria and methodology
to evaluate the Hagia Sophia crushed brick/lime mortars. PACT:
Journal of the European Study Group on Physical, Chemical, Biological
and Mathematical Techniques applied to Archaeology 55, 39-54.
15. T. GDICKE-DETTMERING, G. STRBEL (1996). Mineralogische und
technologische Eigenschaften von hydraulischen Kalken als
Bindemittel fr Restaurierungsmrtel in der Denkmalpege.
Giessener Geologische Schriften 56, 131-154.
16. A. BAKOLAS, G. BISCONTIN, A. MOROPOULOU, E. ZENDRI (1998). Characterization
of structural Byzantine mortars by thermogravimetric analysis.
Thermochimica Acta 321, 151-160.
17. G. PRINET, L. COURTOIS (1983). Evaluation des tempratures de cuisson
de cramiques et de vaisselles blanches Nolithiques de Syrie.
Bulletin de la Socit Prhistorique Franaise 80,157-160.
18. G. PRINET, R. FAFONT, F. RICHARDOT (1976). Contrle de la cuisson par
diraction des rayons X. Application au problme du carton en
tuilerie. LIndustrie Cramique 701, 863-865.
19. A. Moropoulou, A. Bakolas, K. Bisbikou (1995). Characterisation of
ancient, Byzantine and later historic mortars by thermal and X-ray
diraction techniques. Thermochimica Acta 269/270, 779-795.
20. I. PAPAYIANNI (1997). A holistic way of studying mortars and bricks of
ancient masonries for manufacturing compatible repair materials. In:
Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on the Conservation of
Monuments in the Meditteranean, Rhodes, 265-274.
21. Z. AL-SAAD, M.A.H. ABDEL-HALIM (2001). Laboratory evaluation of various
types of mortars for the conservation of Qasr al-Bint monument,
Petra-Jordan. Engineering Structures 23, 926-933.
22. J. SCHFER, H.K. HILSDORF (1993). Ancient and new lime mortars The
correlation between their composition, structure and properties.
In: M.-J. Thiel (Ed), Conservation of Stone and Other Materials, Vol. 2,
Proceedings of the International RILEM/UNESCO Congress Conservation
of Stone and Other Materials: Research-Industry-Media, E & F.N. Spon,
Paris, 605-612.
23. P. Maravelaki-Kalaitzaki (2007). Hydraulic lime mortars with siloxane
for waterproong historic masonry. Cement and Concrete Research
37, 283-290.

1: Evidence of reddish inclusions in sample KT.26B.

2: CO2 (%) versus ratio of CO2/H2O for ancient mortars.

3: Inverse relationship between silicon and calcium oxides.

4: Correlation of porosity with compressive strength for the experimental mortars.


Rendre compatible les techniques traditionnelles et les modernes

Compatibilizar tcnicas tradicionales y modernas
Combining traditional and modern techniques

Hacia un sistema-mortero para

intervencin en restauracin
Joan Ramon Rosell*, Jaume* Avellaneda,
Servando**Chinchn, Judith*Ramrez
* UPC Universitat Politcnica de Catalunya
** Universitat dAlacant

1 Introduccin
Desde siempre el conglomerante universal ha sido la cal, hasta la
aparicin del cemento portland. El cemento portland y los cementos
en general son la consecuencia de la evolucin en una determinada
direccin tecnolgica de la produccin de la cal.
Resulta muy interesante viajar por los textos clsicos (los tratados de
construccin) para constatar que, con el paso de los siglos, el discurso
no ha variado substancialmente en lo referente a la cal. Las instrucciones
vitruvianas se repiten aconsejando un producto a partir de la piedras
lo ms puras posible [1].
Sin embargo, las tcnicas de produccin preindustrial de cal no
permiten asegurar un producto de mxima pureza en xido de
calcio [2]. Debemos pensar que casi nunca se consegua un producto
exento completamente de propiedades hidrulicas y de elementos no
calcinados. La naturaleza de las materias primas disponibles cercanas
a las obras, la dicultad en el transporte, la heterogeneidad en la
distribucin de la temperatura en el horno, etc. necesariamente son
causas de una produccin de baja pureza en CaO libre.
El largo proceso de apagado por inmersin en balsa generaba un
producto compuesto por hidrxido clcico y carga mineral inerte. Otras
formas de apagado con menor cantidad de agua, materias primas con
mayores contenidos de arcillas y superiores temperaturas de coccin
proporcionaban productos de cal con propiedades hidrulicas que
actualmente conocemos como cales hidrulicas naturales.
El conglomerante con propiedades hidrulicas es aquel que comporta
en si mismo elementos capaces de reaccionar entre si en presencia de
agua para formar nuevos compuestos resistentes. As pues, existe una
cierta continuidad desde las cales areas puras a los conglomerantes
modernos con fraguados mayoritariamente hidrulicos.
El conocimiento clsico ya distingua entre diversas utilizaciones de
los morteros de cal, donde eran necesarias determinadas prestaciones.
Realmente, aquello que se converta en un producto con propiedades
de resistencia inicial elevada, o con capacidad de fraguado en
ambientes saturados, etc., era el propio mortero. Estas propiedades se
conseguan a partir de dosicaciones con materiales con puzolanidad
latente, como puzolanas naturales o chamota.


Las modernas tcnicas instrumentales de anlisis de materiales [3] han

permitido constatar en multitud de edicios patrimoniales la realidad
de los morteros histricos realizados con materiales de actividad
Otra cuestin es con que morteros intervenimos actualmente en estas
La cotidianidad de las obras de restauracin [4] nos muestra una
realidad muy preocupante. La industria del cemento y las preferencias
de los operarios han ido arrinconando el uso de la cal, por muy diversas
causas. La cultura actual de las obras (y de los proyectos) es la del
cemento y el hormign.
Si en una determinada obra de restauracin se prescribe el uso de
cal como conglomerante, se puede conseguir realmente, como
mal menor, la confeccin de un mortero bastardo de cal y cemento.
Aunque seguramente sera ms correcto denirlo como un mortero de
cemento adicionado con cal clcica, dadas las proporciones de ambos
Incluso determinados morteros industrializados, comercializados
como morteros de cal, son realmente morteros mixtos cemento-cal
con proporciones en peso 2 a 1, respectivamente.
No es ahora el momento de relatar pormenorizadamente los distintos
problemas que comporta el uso de cemento portland en estas obras [5].
la consiguiente formacin de nuevos compuestos, generalmente
consecuentes cambios de rigidez de partes del monumento.

2 Planteamiento
Entroncando con la tradicin de los morteros romanos, de los
medievales y los posteriores hasta los de cal hidrulica, se plantea
desarrollar nuevos morteros de cal con capacidades puzolnicas
(controlando estas caractersticas) a partir de productos especcos, de
alta pureza y constancia, concebidos como un mortero para obras de
Justamente por el hecho de tratarse de este tipo de obras se puede
pensar de manera algo distinta a las obras nuevas, dadas las siguientes
pluridisciplinar. En particular, generalmente, se identicarn los
materiales presentes y los procesos patolgicos existentes, lo
que posibilitar denir condiciones generales para los nuevos
experiencia en este tipo de obras y disponiendo de mano de obra
cualicada en los distintos ocios.
el presupuesto se regir por parmetros distintos a los de la obra

Rendre compatible les techniques traditionnelles et les modernes

Compatibilizar tcnicas tradicionales y modernas
Combining traditional and modern techniques

condicionar el proceso.
As, es posible plantear para cada caso la utilizacin de un mortero
determinado considerando distintos parmetros de diseo del material
se desarrolla la obra, medios disponibles y tiempos de utilizacin de
estos, etc.
En la medida de lo posible, se persigue desarrollar una cierta base
comn para todos estos morteros que de por s resuelva un buen
nmero de situaciones, o bien que facilite el desarrollo de morteros
especcos para determinados casos.
3 Propuesta
Se piensa en un producto a medio camino entre el producto industrial
y el artesanal, es decir, un mortero moderno preparado industrialmente,
pero con una parte de la dosicacin que deber de nalizarse en la
obra. Aquella que resulta ms determinante en el aspecto nal, es
decir, el rido de mayor tamao y el colorante.
Se parte del conglomerante generalmente aceptado para estas obras,
la cal area, por razones de compatibilidad[6].
Se cuanta tambin con elementos capaces de incorporar al sistema
slice reactiva para desarrollar funciones puzolnicas y conseguir
mayores resistencias mecnicas y rigideces iniciales. Pensamos en
elementos de tamao de partcula muy pequeo, de gran supercie
especca (hasta 100 m2/g.)[7,8,9].
La utilizacin de tantas partculas pequeas comporta una gran
demanda de agua y, por tanto, condiciona la retraccin en el proceso
de secado. Ser necesario incorporar un aditivo reductor de agua.
Tambin debemos considerar las funciones diversas que desarrollan los
ridos en los morteros[10]:

Los colorantes minerales para conseguir el color deseado, y

naturalmente, el agua que pida.
Finalmente, en tanto que el mortero es un elemento de unin o de
revestimiento, puede resultar un magnco testigo, aparentemente
invisible, de datacin de las intervenciones. El sistema-mortero que
se propone conlleva un elemento inerte cuya nica funcin es la de
trazador imborrable de la intervencin.
[1] ALBERTI, LEN BAPTISTA.; Los Diez Libros de Architectura de Leon Baptista Alberti.; Traduzidos
del Latin en Romance. [por Francisco Loano] Madrid: Casa de Alfonso Gomez, 1582. (Ed.
facs. C olegios Ociales de Aparejadores y Arquitectos Tcnicos, 1975)
[2] ROSELL, J.; La producci de cal ahir. El procs pre-industrial de producci de cal a la
comarca del Montsi. CAATB, Barcelona 1987.
[3] MOROPOULOU, A. BAKOLAS, A. BISBIKOU, K.; Physico - chemical adhesion and cohesion bonds
in joint mortars imparting durability to the historic structures. Construction and Building
Materials; 14 (2000)
[4] Restauracin: accin o efecto de reparar o volver a poner un edicio, un monumento, en
el buen estado que antes tena Gonzlez Moreno-Navarro, Antonio, en: La masia catalana.
Evoluci, arquitectura i restauraci. Ed Brau. 2005 Figueres (Espaa).
[5] CAZALLA VZQUEZ, OLGA.; Morteros de cal. Aplicacin en el patrimonio histrico.; Tesis
presentada Universidad de Granada; 2003
[6] TUFANI, A.; Le malte nel restauro. Studi, ricerche e operativit; Ediart; 1987 Perugia.
microstructural evolution of a calcium-silicate-hydrate (C-S-H) phase in pozzolanic pastes
using ne siliceous sources: Comparison with historic pozzolanic mortars Cem. Concr. Res.,
34, 1-6 (2004).
[8] E. ZENDRI, V. LUCCHINI, G. BISCONTIN AND Z.M. MORABITO. Interaction between clay and lime in
cocciopesto mortars: a study by Si-29 MAS spectroscopy, Appl. Clay. Sci., 25, 1-7 (2004).
[9] G. BARONIO AND L. BINDA. Study of the pozzolanicity of some bricks and clays, Constr. Build.
Mater., 11, 41-6 (1997).
[10] M. STEFANIDOU AND I. PAPAYIANNI. The role of aggregates on the structure and properties of
lime mortars, Cem. Concr. Compos., 27, 914-9 (2005).

del conglomerante (germinacin).
De todo el conjunto de la curva granulomtrica, la parte ms relevante
en los aspectos anteriores es la de las partculas menores (< 200 m),
por tanto, deber de conllevar una cierta curva de nos.
La parte de ridos de mayor tamao se incorporar en obra y
condicionar el aspecto del mortero. Estos debern ser limpios de
elementos potencialmente nocivos para el monumento, es decir,
lavados bajo agua y tamizados por 200 m, despreciando la parte que


Rendre compatible les techniques traditionnelles et les modernes

Compatibilizar tcnicas tradicionales y modernas
Combining traditional and modern techniques


Rendre compatible les techniques traditionnelles et les modernes

Compatibilizar tcnicas tradicionales y modernas
Combining traditional and modern techniques

Newsandstone versus Montjuc.

Hermanas Gemelas?

Joan Ramon* Rosell , Antonia** Navarro; Domingo*** Gimeno

* Arquitecto tcnico e Ingeniero en Organizacin Industrial. Profesor y
Director de proyectos del Laboratorio de Materials de lEPSEB. UPC
** Geloga. Tcnica del Laboratorio de Materiales de lEPSEB. UPC
*** Gelogo. Departamento de Geoqumica, Petrologa y Prospeccin
Geolgica. Facultad de Geologa. UB.
Laboratori de Materials de lEPSEB. UPC
Avda. Gregorio Maran, 44-50. 08028 Barcelona

Comparamos dos rocas, separadas geogrcamente, de orgenes
geolgicos diferentes, pero de composicin qumica y propiedades
fsicas similares.
Una roca es la utilizada en Barcelona, y conocida como piedra de
Montjuc. Sus canteras o estn agotadas o han sido cerradas. Es la
piedra emblemtica de Barcelona.
La otra roca proviene de Escocia, en concreto de Moray, con varios
frentes de cantera abiertos actualmente, y con buenas reservas de
material a explotar. En su lugar de origen se conoce con el nombre de
Clashach sandstone. Se ha utilizado en multitud de edicios, destacando
el Museo de Scotland (1998), Scottish Widows Fund and Life Assurance
Society (1997), y en reparaciones del castillo de Edimburgo (1978)1.
Consideramos ptimo que las piedras de substitucin deben envejecer
de forma similar a las piedras originales, con la nalidad que no se
produzcan variaciones de cromatismo y textura muy diferenciados,
para que as no se tenga que recurrir a la aplicacin de recubrimientos
que impidan la lectura de estos elementos nobles: las piedras de
Dada la imposibilidad de nalizar a tiempo la caracterizacin de la
piedra Clashach en nuestro Laboratorio, los datos aqu presentados
de esta roca han sido facilitados por el British Geological Survey, a
excepcin de los datos de resistencia a compresin y exin que s se
han podido realizar en este Laboratorio.
En cuanto a la caracterizacin de la piedra de Montjuc, los datos aqu
expuestos son experimentales de este Laboratorio, y cotejados con

los publicados por Esbert, R.M. et al2. Para caracterizar esta roca se ha
realizado el correspondiente estudio geolgico, petrofsico, y se ha
envejecido aceleradamente.
Actualmente se est llevando a cabo una caracterizacin de seis tipos
diferentes de la piedra de Clashach, diferenciados principalmente por
su contenido en xidos de hierro.
2.1. Caracterizacin geolgica
Arenisca de Montjuc
La arenisca de Montjuc se form como un depsito sedimentario
detrtico en un ambiente deltico. Esta roca ha sufrido importantes
modicaciones (principalmente una extensa silicicacin, por
circulacin intersticial de aguas cidas a baja temperatura) que han
conducido a la desaparicin del cemento carbonatado originario y su
matriz arcillosa (hasta un 50-55 %del volumen original), as como a la
argilizacin (o neoformacin de adularia) a expensas de los feldespatos
y fragmentos lticos (San Miguel y Masriera 19703 , Gmez Gras et al.
20004, 20011, Parcerisa et al. 20016, Parcerisa 20027).
Su composicin es en un 96% de cuarzo y el resto son feldespatos y
fragmentos de roca silcea. El cemento de esta roca principalmente es
silcico, aunque hay zonas donde existe un cemento ferruginoso.
Su coloracin varia entre gris (variedad blancatxe, con cemento silcico)
y rojo (variedad rebuig, con cemento ferruginoso), aunque la ms
utilizada en construccin es la de coloracin griscea, que en algunas
zonas puede tener cementos ferruginosos.
Es una roca de edad miocnica, concretamente del Serravalliense
(Gmez Gras et al. 2000, 2001).
Arenisca de Clashach
La arenisca de Clashach se form en un proceso sedimentario de tipo
elico (dunas del desierto). Presenta una mejor seleccin granulomtrica
y mineralgica que la anterior arenisca.
Esta roca tambin fue afectada por un proceso diagentico
(cementacin) desarrollado tras su deposicin, menos intenso que en
el caso de la arenisca de Montjuc, pero sucientemente importante
como para darle caractersticas mineralgicas similares.
El estudio petrogrco de la arenisca escocesa muestra tanto el
carcter elico como, en general, una menor cementacin silcica.
Su composicin es en un 96% de cuarzo y el resto son feldespatos y
fragmentos de roca silcea. Tambin tiene los dos tipos de cemento:
silcico y ferruginoso, y por tanto se pueden encontrar desde variedades
de color grisceas hasta rojizas, existiendo sus puntos intermedios.
Es una roca del Prmico superior1.
2.2. Caracterizacin petrofsica y envejecimiento acelerado
En la siguiente tabla se recogen los resultados de algunas propiedades
fsicas de estas dos rocas, as como la prdida de material que sufren
tras el envejecimiento articial acelerado mediante cristalizacin de
sales y de hielo deshielo.
Clashach 2.08
Montjuc 2.13




Rf m sal m hielo
7.60 -0.8
7.20 -0.1

o: densidad aparente (g/cm3); no: porosidad abierta (%); Ws: contenido

de agua en saturacin (%);
Rc: resistencia a la compresin uniaxial (MPa); Rf: resistencia a la

Rendre compatible les techniques traditionnelles et les modernes

Compatibilizar tcnicas tradicionales y modernas
Combining traditional and modern techniques

exotraccin (MPa),
m sal: incremento de masa tras envejecimiento por cristalizacin de
sales (%).
m hielo: incremento de masa tras envejecimiento por hielo deshielo (%).

FRANCE 172 (6): 751-764.



Evoluci de lrea font i dinmica dels uids, Tesis doctoral indita, UAB, 261 pp.

Dado que el principal agente de alteracin de la arenisca de Montjuc,

a excepcin de las actuaciones realizadas por la mano del hombre, es
la cristalizacin se sales solubles, se ha credo conveniente observar el
envejecimiento de los dos tipos de roca, bajo este agente alterolgico.
Por ahora, se ha comprobado que presentan una prdida de masa
insignicante al nalizar los ciclos normalizados, y que no se observan
formas de alteracin relevantes, a excepcin de una subida de los
tonos rojizos en aquellas muestras que presentan una concentracin
de xidos de hierro importante.
Tambin se ha realizado el envejecimento articial acelerado mediante
hielo deshielo. No se ha observado ningn sntoma de alteracin de
estas dos rocas bajo este agente alterolgico.
Como se ha podido comprobar, las caractersticas petrolgicas
y petrofsicas de estos dos tipos de piedra son muy similares. Su
envejecimiento es muy similar, tanto en valores de prdida de masa
como de su forma de alteracin.
As pues, la arenisca Clashach se perla como una verdadera substituta
de la arenisca de Montjuc
El comportamiento de estas piedras frente al envejecimiento articial
acelerado ensayado nos indica que no se alteran excesivamente, tal y
como se puede comprobar en la realidad, en los edicios construidos, y
que envejecen como si de dos hermanas gemelas se tratara.
As pues, tenemos la posibilidad de garantizar que los edicios
construidos con piedra de Montjuc sigan teniendo el mismo
aspecto, an con la actuacin del paso del tiempo y de los agentes
En este estudio no se ha pretendido menospreciar las piedras que en
la actualidad se estn utilizando como substitutas de Montjuc (piedra
de Vinaixa, La Floresta, etc). Tan solo pretendemos justicar que, si es
posible, siempre es mejor sustituir con piedras de similar caractersticas
que con otras que slo se asimilan a las originales en el color inicial.
A la vista est el comportamiento diferencial de las piedras ya
substituidas respecto a las originales.

McMillan, A.; Gillandeis, R.J.; Fairhusrst, J.A. Building stones of Edinburg. Where to see
sandstones in Edinburghs buildings: Part 2.

Esbert, R.M.; Ordaz, J.; Alonso, F.J.; Montoto, M. (1997). Manual de diagnosis y tratamiento
de materiales ptreos y cermicos. CAATB.

San Miguel, A., Masriera, A. (1970). Contribucin al estudio petrolgico de los niveles
de areniscas de Montjuic (Barcelona). Publicaciones del Instituto de Investigaciones
Geolgicas de la Diputacin Provincial, 19, 83-104.

Gmez-Gras, D., Parcerisa, D., Bitzer, K., Calvet, F., Roca, E., Thiry, M. (2000).
Hydrogeochemistry and diagenesis of Miocene sandstones at Montjuic, Barcelona
(Spain), JOURNAL OF GEOCHEMICAL EXPLORATION 69: 177-182 Sp. Iss. SI, JUN 2000.

Gmez-Gras, D., Parcerisa, D., Calvet, F., PORTA, J., SOL DE PORTA, N., CIVS, J. (2001)
Stratigraphy and petrology of the Miocene Montjuc delta (Barcelona, Spain). ACTA
GEOLOGICA HISPANICA, v. 36 (2001), no 1-2, p. 115-136.

Parcerisa, D., Thiry, M., Gomez-Gras, D., Calvet, F. (2001). Tentative model for the
silicication in Neogene Montjuic sandstones, Barcelona (Spain): authigenic minerals,
geochemical environment and uid ow. BULLETIN DE LA SOCIETE GEOLOGIQUE DE


Sagrada Familia de Barcelona. Piedra de Montjuc

Exterior del Museo Nacional de Escocia. Piedra de Clashach

Rendre compatible les techniques traditionnelles et les modernes

Compatibilizar tcnicas tradicionales y modernas
Combining traditional and modern techniques

Traditional Building Techniques from

1850 to 1950: The case of northern

Fandi. A. Waked*; Ziad al-Saad**

* He got his BA in architecture in 1987 and his MA in Stone Conservation
in 1997. Mr Waked attended many training courses in architectural
conservation, and he participated in many national and international
conferences and projects. His main research interest is architectural
conservation and Rehabilitation of traditional buildings.

** Ziad Al-Saad is currently the Dean of the Faculty of Archaeology and

Anthropology at Yarmouk University. He is a professor of conservation
of cultural heritage at Yarmouk University. His research interest focuses
on conservation and management of cultural heritage in addition
to application of scientic techniques for the study and analysis of
archaeological materials. Prof. Al-Saad is the principal investigator and
coordinator of a number of EU funded collaborative projects.
Department of conservation
Faculty of Archaeology & Anthropology
Yarmouk University

The past human activities had always left traces on the landscape as
the thread on canvas (Ashmore and Knapp, 1999). On of these traces
is architecture embodied in building and structures which reects
in a way the interaction of the social systems with the surrounding
environment (Sozen and Gedik, 2007), geography (Doeppers, 1990)
and politics (Swenson, 2007). It has long been known that architecture
indirectly serves as a metaphor for the peoples social and behavioral
attitudes and consequently the culture (Al-zoabi, 2004). All of these
components were not divorced from the cultural exchange which
most of the time enriches the traditional buildings and structures, and
provides a special essence for them. Taking a very important time span
of the history of Jordan (1850-1950), this study focuses on the various
attributes of the traditional buildings in Jordan, an issue that remain not
very well researched until recently.
Before 1921 and during the Ottoman era (1520-1920AD), the
area comprising modern Jordan was divided among a number of
continuously changing administrative provinces which comprised Bilad

al-Sham (the area consisting of Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, and Palestine)

(Salibi,1993, Fradric,1958). Being a passage for the pilgrimage to Mecca,
Jordan received a special attention by the Ottoman authority, which
constructed the Hijaz Railroad in 1900 (Fraddric, 1934; Ochsenwald,
1980). The Ottoman heavy taxes altered the development of settled life
as much as the raids of Bedouin tribes (Daher, 1988; Abujaber, 1989).
Consequently, Jordanian peasants ed to caves; then numerous
villages were constructed on the mountains representing several
stages of architectural development through trial and error to suite
the environment and the community (Khammash, 1986). Each village
adapted to several cultural and environmental changes through time
as being located near historical sites (Khammash, 1986; Knauf, 1986).
The villages architecture reects the social traditions and the prevailed
socio-economic patterns; the subsistence economy was mainly
agriculture and pastoralism (Khammash, 1986) and the construction
materials were stone, mud, wood, and reeds (Mahadine, 1997). The
establishment of Transjordan encouraged the development of a settled
life. Therefore, a considerable progress was achieved in the construction
development. The emerging state acted as a magnet which attracted
immigrants bringing with them new construction methods (Al-rifaai
and Kanaan, 1987; Salibi, 1993), such as Circassians and Chechens in
the late 19th century (Al-rifaai and Kanaan, 1987; Ochsenwald, 1980;
Abujaber, 1989).
The north of Jordan received series of immigrants from Syria and
Palestine. These new developments created an immediate need
for new buildings in Amman and the other major towns of Jordan.
Interesting new structures, which incorporated imported design
features and construction methods, were built during the next few
decades (Al-asad, 1997). These buildings included train stations, which
were built along the Hijaz Railroad. The stations spread new building
materials such as steel beams that were used in the construction of
roofs. Previously, the roofs in the area were constructed using stone
vaulting, which is complicated, and costly (Zoubi and Shahab, 1995).
The other method of roong comprised the use of wooden beams or
tree trunks that spanned a maximum length of about 3 meters and
covered with thatch and mud. This method is not durable; it needed
frequent maintenance and depended on the availability of wood
which is very scarce in the region (Bushnaq, 1997, Al-rifaai and Kanaan,
Before the establishment of Transjordan, few important structures other
than those of the Hijaz Railroad were built, especially in the major cities
by master builders from Bilad al-Sham. These structures incorporated
Western architectural features alongside local traditional ones, and
showed a remarkable use of stone for construction and decorative
purposes (Al-asad, 1997). The traditional buildings can be classied as
rural and urban, the traditional urban buildings were aected by the
already existing patterns of rural architecture (Bushnaq, 1997).
Rural Dwelling plans:
The rst type of the rural houses was the peasant house (Fellahi House);
this type of houses has been existed as early as the beginning of
sedentary life (Nourissier, et al., 2002). Its simple in form and building
technique with a rectangular plan and double skin stone walls. This type
was a single or multi-purpose space. These houses can be entered from
one door; they have small openings for natural lighting and ventilation
(Khammash, 1986, Nahhas, 1987; Faqih, 1991) (g.1).
The second type of rural houses was the Yard house (Housh), which was


Rendre compatible les techniques traditionnelles et les modernes

Compatibilizar tcnicas tradicionales y modernas
Combining traditional and modern techniques

almost a development of the previous type (Fakhoury, 1993; Khammash,

1986). This type dominated over the other types in Jordanian villages
due to its compatibility with the environment and daily activities. The
rooms were grouped around a large open space, while the rest of the
space is dened by the use of high walls built in the property line (Alrifaai and Kanaan, 1988; Faqih, et al., 1989) (Fig.2)
Urban Dwelling plans:
Riwaq type was brought by Circassians and Chechens immigrants.
This type consists of a number of rooms placed side by side. They are
connected together through doors opened in a front arcade (shaded
space functioned as a foreground and summer living) (g.3).This type
was found in Amman, Jarash and Swaileh (Khammash, 1986).
The other type of urban dwelling(in most of the urban buildings)
followed a tripartite arrangement. The middle section contains an
entrance and a major living room. The side sections contain sleeping
and service areas. One of the corner rooms is usually located next to the
entrance; it may have been used as a reception. This arrangement was
originally a traditional courtyard house one, but here the central section
of the house replaced the courtyard. The prototypes for these houses
are built in the urban centers of Bilad al-Sham during the early 20th
century. During the 1940s, this traditional arrangement was changed to
a more western one in which the bedrooms are grouped together and
separated from the living, dining, and family rooms (Zoubi and Shahab,
1995; Al-asad, 1997; Bushnaq, 1997) (Fig.4).
Foundation system:
In the mountain areas where the topsoil is shallow, Jordanians built
their houses directly into the rocks either on a slope or step systems.
In the clay soil they usually dig a trench about one meter in width and
down to the bed rock (Zoubi and Shahab, 1995). The foundation trench
was lled with stone boulders mixed with mud. The mud was replaced
by concrete in later periods (Al-asad, 1997).
Walling system:
The load-bearing walls were made of rubble stones held together by
mud and mixed with thatch making them thick. Rough-textured stone
blocks provided the major exterior surface material for the houses.
Smooth-textured stone blocks were also used, but less frequently
than the former ones since they require additional chiseling by stone
masons and therefore being relatively expensive (Al-asad, 1997).
Roong system:
The at roof was the common roong system in traditional buildings
having very weak slopes to evacuate water, which required permanent
maintenance (Nourissier, et al, 2002). Jordanians experienced dierent
roong techniques; mostly not domestic. Barrel vaults and cross vaults
made of limestone were the most common. Arched walls that divided
the house space were also used to shorten the distance between the
wooden beams. In Jordan valley, these techniques were not applied
due to availability of wood. Tree trunks were used as a main beam and
reeds as a second beam. After 1912 Steel I-beams, which were closely
spaced at intervals of about one meter, were generally used to support
the roofs. By the end of the 1930s, the roofs were mostly of reinforced
concrete mesh (Al-asad, 1997, Bushnaq, 1997).


In rural areas, earlier type of ooring technique was the compact soil
nished with lime wash. The other type of ooring was executed by
paving the oor with stones covered by sand mixed with lime but
lately replaced by a thin layer of concrete. In urban areas, tiles brought
form Palestine and Syria were used. Terrazzo oor tiles were used for
the interior and exterior areas. These tiles were often colored and
had vegetal or geometric patterns (Zoubi and Shahab, 1995, Al-asad,
Opening System:
The windows of these houses were usually narrow and long. Flat and
arched lintels were common for windows and doors. The vertical
orientation of windows bridged the horizontal span of the window
openings, while the overall area of each window allowed a sucient
amount of light to enter. Wood frames and glass panes were used
for the windows. Wrought iron grillwork incorporating a range of
patterns provided protection for window openings from burglary.
Stone carving was used selectively for elements such as the frames
surrounding openings, columns, corbels, and balustrades (Al-asad,
1997; Zoubi and Shahab, 1995).

This project was sponsored by the RehabiMed Project.

AL-ASAD,M, 1997. Old Houses of Jordan, Amman 1920-1950. Jordan: National Press Jordan
TURAB. pp; 15.
AL-ZOABI, Y. 2004. The residents images of the past in the architecture of Salt City, Jordan.
Habitat International 28(4).pp; 541-565.
ABUJABER,R,1989. Pioneers over Jordan, The Frontier of Settlement in Transjordan,1850-1914.
I.B.Tauris & Co Ltd, 110 Gloucester Avenue London NW I 8JA.pp:132,197.


KANAAN, R. 1987. The First Houses of Amman. Amman: University of Jordan

AL-RIFAAI, T.; KANAAN, R AND YAGEN, M. 1988. Iraq Al-Amir/Al-Bardun: Architectural Future of he
Jordanian Village. Amman: University of Jordan Press. pp: 4-5.
ASHMORE, W. AND KNAPP, A. 1999. Archaeologies of landscape: contemporary perspective. Oxford:
Blackwell Publishers Ltd.
BUSHNAQ,Z 1997. Adaptive reuse and rehabilitation of traditional buildings in Jordan A Crittical
Assessment of Selected Adaptive reuse case Studies. Mater Thesis. University of Jordan. Pp:8390
DAHER, A. 1988. (in Arabic). Ghor Al-Urdun,ulamat Al tagher wa Adat Al Tatwear ( Jordan Valley,
process of change and development.) Amman: Dar Eben Roushed. pp: 90.
DOEPPERS, D. 1990. Chinas traditional rural architecture: A cultural geography of the common
house. Journal of Historical Geography 16 (2): 268.
FAKHOURY,L.1993: Taibeh, A Traditional Village with a New Role . Proc of the Conference on the
conservation of architecture heritage in Jordan and the Arab world, University of Jordan.
Amman, Jordan.
FAQIH,S.1991: The Traditional Souf House. Open House International Vol.16,No 1. pp: 2426.Amman University of Jordan
FAQIH,S, MURQUS,F, AL-RAHHAL, Y. 1989; Suf An Architectural study of the Local Environment.
University of Jordan.Amman Jordan
KHAMMASH, A. 1986. Notes on Village Architecture in Jordan. 1st edition. USA University of
Southern Louisiana Press. pp: 8
KNAUF, E.A (1986): A Brief History of Settlement in Jordan. In: Ammar Khammash. Notes
on Village Architecture in Jordan, Lafayette: University Art Museum. University of Southern

Rendre compatible les techniques traditionnelles et les modernes

Compatibilizar tcnicas tradicionales y modernas
Combining traditional and modern techniques

MAHADINE,K. (1997, September): The conservation of the architectural heritage in Wadi Musa.
The First Conference on the Conservation of Architectural Heritage of Jordan, Amman.
Nahhas,S.1987.: (in Arabic). Tarikh Madaba Al- hadeath . Aldar al arabia le- alnasher.
Amman,Jordan. Pp: 186-188
NOURISSER,G, REGUANT,J, CASANOVAS,X and Graz, 2002 Traditional Mediterranean Architecture.
CORPUS and European Commission MEDA-EUROMED Heritage. 2002. Grup 4, Barcelona.
pp: 54-63.
OCHSENWALD,W.1980. The Hijaz Railroad. The University Press of Virginia, pp:14,16 23.
PEAKE, F. 1958. A history of Jordan and its tribes. Florida: University of Miami Press, pp:227,260.
SALIBI, K.1993. The Modern History of Jordan. I.B.Tauris & Co Ltd, 45 Bloomsbury Square London
WCIA 2HY.Pp:26, 28,109.
SWENSON, E. 2007. Adaptive strategies or ideological innovations? Interpreting sociopolitical
developments in the Jequetepeque Valley of Peru during the Late Moche Period. Journal of
Anthropological Archaeology, In Press.
SOZEN, M. and GEDIK, G. 2007. Evaluation of traditional architecture in terms of building
physics: Old Diyarbakr houses. Building and Environment 42: 1810-1816.
ZOUBI, H and SHAHAB, S.1995 (in Arabic). Khsas Buyut Madaba Al Taqlidaeah Bedauate Alquren
Al-ushreen Manshurate .al dustor press Amman. Jordan

Yard House

Peasant house

Courtyard house

Riwaq house


Rendre compatible les techniques traditionnelles et les modernes

Compatibilizar tcnicas tradicionales y modernas
Combining traditional and modern techniques

La intervencin en la cimentacin de la
construccin tradicional

Fernando da Casa Martn y Andrs Garca Bodega

Ambos Doctores Arquitectos, profesores del Departamento de
Arquitectura de la Universidad de Alcal, y Director y Subdirector
de la Escuela Universitaria de Arquitectura Tcnica del Campus de
Guadalajara. Miembros del Grupo de Investigacin: Intervencin en el
Patrimonio y Arquitectura Sostenibles de la Universidad de Alcal.
Direccin postal:
Edicio Multidepartamental. C/ Cifuentes no 28. 19003 Guadalajara
Direccin de correo electrnico:

La intervencin en una cimentacin existente es un tipo de actuacin

que conlleva una problemtica diferente a otras actuaciones dentro
del campo de la rehabilitacin. El caso de intervenir en el Patrimonio
Tradicional, por sus caractersticas intrnsecas, tanto funcionales, como
constructivas es particular.
La conguracin constructiva de la cimentacin ha variado a lo largo
de la historia y de la localizacin geogrca. Lo ms comn es que
sean elementos con una gran homogeneidad con los materiales de la
estructura sobre rasante.
Podemos hallar casos apoyados en terrenos blandos, como aluviales, o
zonas arenosas, con problemas propiciados por la presencia de agua.
Pero no solamente este tipo de terrenos pueden provocar problemas
Una afeccin diferente es la asociada a la actividad humana, que
modican las caractersticas geotcnicas del terreno pudiendo afectar
a la cimentacin.
Dos aspectos son fundamentales, a la hora de analizar este tipo de
intervencin, y que inuyen a la hora de seleccionar el tipo de tcnica a
aplicar. Son por un lado el aspecto tcnico, y por otro el econmico.
Desde el punto de vista econmico, son intervenciones de gran
volumen econmico, que literalmente va a ser enterrado, y por ello la
aparicin de dudas sobre la necesidad de su ejecucin.
Desde el punto de vista tcnico, son intervenciones complejas, con
tcnicas no habituales en el proceso constructivo, que obligan,
al tcnico que interviene, a estudiar de un modo minucioso cada
situacin, cada tcnica tiene sus aplicaciones y sus inconvenientes.
Particularidades especcas en la Construccin Tradicional
Cuando se interviene en un edicio de carcter tradicional, existen
particularidades que condicionarn la seleccin del sistema, as como


su proceso de puesta en obra:

Derivados de ser una actuacin bajo rasante
entorno y servicios subterrneos, produciendo movimientos
los movimientos de maquinaria durante la ejecucin de las obras.
Derivados de la edad del edicio
su alteracin, siquiera de forma provisional.
implique afectacin al conjunto.
necesidad de medidas de precaucin en lo referente a movimientos
en ellos.
Derivados de aspectos constructivos y estructurales
comportamiento, estar realizadas con fbricas de baja calidad, o
estar degradadas.
complejidad. El tiempo puede producir la integracin de unos
materiales en otros.
se apoye. Esto plantea la imposibilidad de asumir movimientos
aadidos, y se debern adoptar sistemas dirigidos a tal n.
pueden ser la causa de la intervencin.
elemento original.
producen movimientos incontrolados.
Derivados de la organizacin de la obra
movimientos nulos.
realizando las correcciones adecuadas.
Metodologa de aplicacin en la seleccin de la tcnica a
Es necesario saber mirar, produce una inmensa tristeza observar como
la naturaleza habla, mientras que el ser humano no escucha (Vctor
Hugo) y utilizando el smil mdico, la terapia debe estar basada en un
buen diagnstico, que no se encuentra sino se busca.
La seleccin del sistema de intervencin debe ser como consecuencia
de una metodologa que principalmente debe tratar:

Rendre compatible les techniques traditionnelles et les modernes

Compatibilizar tcnicas tradicionales y modernas
Combining traditional and modern techniques

Los criterios de seleccin sern fundamentalmente tcnicos y
econmicos, aunque hay otra serie de factores:
Todo esto sera valido para cualquier actuacin de recalce,
independientemente del tipo de suelo. Cada edicio debe tratarse
como caso nico, irrepetible y con un estudio especco de sus
Tipologas a aplicar.
Una clasicacin ajustada a la problemtica, sera diferenciar entre
las tcnicas que intereren en el elemento construido, modicando
su comportamiento estructural, y las que sin actuar directamente en
el elemento construido mejoran las caractersticas geotcnicas del
Sistemas que actuan sobre la cimentacin existente
En estas soluciones es imprescindible una conexin con la cimentacin
original. Fundamental es tener claro cmo funciona estructuralmente
el nuevo conjunto de cimentacin.
y gran longitud. Son de gran aplicacin por su cierta versatilidad,
sobre todo trabajando como conjunto (Pali Radice). El fallo ms
comn es un deciente dimensionado y/o ejecucin de su conexin
con la cimentacin, que puede provocar la nula conexin. Se debe
tener en cuenta el estado de la cimentacin original ya que en caso
de optar por perforarla y estar en mal estado podra producir su
necesitan una puesta en carga correctamente ejecutada, ya que
pueden producir asientos bruscos en la estructura superior, de
forma diferencial. Son fundamentales las medidas auxiliares.

morteros muy plsticos.

material con alta capacidad de aumentar de volumen, aumentan la
cohesin del terreno, pero implican movimientos no compatibles o
admisibles con la estructura superior.
inyeccin armada, con tubo manguito, que crean franjas de terreno
tratado, modicando los parmetros geotcnicos aumentado la
cohesin y el ngulo de rozamiento interno. Son inyecciones a baja
presin, y con una gran capacidad de control. La puesta en carga
es progresiva conforme se va produciendo la mejora del terreno y
no implica variaciones bruscas en el comportamiento estructural de
la edicacin existente. Esta progresividad en la ejecucin permite
incluso la ejecucin de recalces parciales, mediante la utilizacin de
zonas de transicin entre la zona recalzada y sin recalzar.
Como se ha observado, y dada la gran variedad de circunstancias que
pueden presentarse no se pueden presentar soluciones generales,
siendo de gran importancia la metodologa aplicada, que lleven a un
diagnstico completo y a solucionar la tcnica concreta de aplicacin.
Para poder seleccionar, disear y poner en marcha cualquier solucin es
necesaria la preparacin cientca y tcnica, por parte de los tcnicos,
que puedan prever las acciones derivadas de cada solucin, y no se
condicionen las obras a decisiones proveniente de carcter comercial.
Es de gran importancia la visin interdisciplinar, tener en cuenta
opiniones desde los diferentes puntos de vista que intervienen. Para la
Universidad de Alcal y desde su Grupo de Investigacin: Intervencin
en el Patrimonio y Arquitectura Sostenible este es uno de sus
materiales presentes y los procesos patolgicos existentes, lo que
posibilitar denir condiciones generales para los nuevos materiales.
experiencia en este tipo de obras y disponiendo de mano de obra
cualicada en los distintos ocios.
presupuesto se regir por parmetros distintos a los de la obra

Sistemas que actuan sobre el terreno de apoyo del edicio

En estas soluciones se trata de sistemas que varan las caractersticas
geotcnicas adecundolas a las necesidades del edicio. La implicacin
de estos sistemas est en el propio proceso de ejecucin.
batido de este con cemento, a altas presiones. Estos sistemas
implican que en su zona superior no se produzca un contacto
directo con la cimentacin, ya que debido a las altas presiones se
podran producir movimientos considerables no controlables.
del parmetro que se desee modicar. De este modo en el caso
de querer dotar de un carcter impermeable, se deberan utilizar
inyecciones de impregnacin a muy baja presin y con lechadas
muy uidas de carcter qumico.
baja movilidad, con presiones bajas a medias, con la utilizacin de


Rendre compatible les techniques traditionnelles et les modernes

Compatibilizar tcnicas tradicionales y modernas
Combining traditional and modern techniques

Utilizacin correcta de contraventanas

para ahorro energtico

Margarita Arroba Fernndez

Universidad SEK de Segovia
Direccin postal:
C/ Cardenal Ziga, 12 40.003 Segovia
Direccin de correo electrnico:

Cuando un arquitecto emprende la rehabilitacin de un edicio, sobre

todo si ste tiene inters arquitectnico por su carcter histrico y/o
artstico, normalmente prestar atencin a los aspectos formales del
mismo, con la intencin de conservar su carcter.
Esto conlleva la conservacin del tamao de los huecos y del color y
aspecto exterior de las carpinteras, pero no siempre se presta igual
inters a otros aspectos de las mismas, como la posicin de dichas
carpinteras en el espesor del muro, el material de que estn hechas
independientemente de que formalmente se haya conservado un
aspecto similar y la proteccin climtica de que se va a dotar al hueco,
y estos aspectos son, sin embargo, fundamentales para minorar el gasto
energtico del edicio.
El primero de los aspectos la posicin de dicha carpintera en el
grosor del muro suele funcionar correctamente si se conserva
la posicin original de la misma, puesto que, tradicionalmente, se
buscaba la captacin solar en climas fros para lo que se instalaba
la carpintera a haces exteriores del muro y el apantallamiento en
climas clidos para lo que se instalaba la carpintera a haces interiores,
logrando mejorar la proteccin de dicha carpintera y evitar gran parte
del efecto invernadero que de otra forma se producira (de hecho nos
encontramos con articios tales como tejadillos adosados al muro
encima de las ventanas (gura 1) que aumentan localmente el ancho
del mismo, incrementando la entidad de la sombra, de forma que en
verano, con el sol ms vertical, no se introducen rayos solares en el
edicio a travs de las ventanas orientadas a sur) . El desconocimiento
de la utilidad de estos tejadillos hace que encontremos ocasionalmente
este tipo de elementos ubicados en zonas de sombra (por ejemplo,
bajo porches) donde son, evidentemente, intiles.
Evidentemente, si las ventanas estn orientadas a norte la posicin
de las carpinteras en el espesor del muro es indiferente (excepto en
el aspecto de la proteccin de las mismas contra las inclemencias del
tiempo), y si estn orientadas a este u oeste tampoco afecta mucho
dicha posicin desde el punto de vista del ahorro energtico, ya que a


primera hora de la maana y a ltima de la tarde, el sol estar demasiado

bajo para que cualquier visera horizontal pueda producir sombra sobre
la ventana, aunque s la producirn parcialmente las jambas verticales.
En estos casos habr que recurrir al diseo de las contraventanas para
paliar las ganancias energticas.
El segundo aspecto a considerar es el material que se utiliza en dicha
carpintera, ya que el coeciente de transmisin trmica del mismo se
toma siempre en consideracin, pero no ocurre lo mismo con otros
aspectos como su capacidad de almacenamiento de calor, que puede
ocasionar elevaciones de la temperatura de la carpintera tan intensas
como para llegar a causar quemaduras a los usuarios.
El efecto puede incrementarse considerablemente si se pigmenta
dicha carpintera en colores tradicionales, sin pensar que un color que
no afecta en demasa a la temperatura de una carpintera de madera,
puede suponer un aumento de temperatura insoportable para una
carpintera metlica.
Como recomendacin general, no deben utilizarse carpinteras
metlicas de color oscuro en aquellos puntos en que puedan quedar
expuestas al sol directo, puesto que, incluso en los climas ms fros
de Espaa, la temperatura alcanzada podra llegar a ser tan elevada,
aunque sea por breves periodos al ao, como para producir estas
Adicionalmente, estas carpinteras transportaran esa temperatura a la
cara interna de la misma, actuando como un elemento radiante que
modica las condiciones climticas interiores en gran medida, incluso
en las carpinteras dotadas de rotura de puente trmico.
El tercer aspecto a considerar sera la utilizacin de contraventanas,
estudiando su posicin, su forma, su color y el material de que estn
En cuanto al primer punto su posicin podemos encontrar
contraventanas prcticamente idnticas pero ubicadas respectivamente
en el interior de la ventana y en el exterior de la misma.
Energticamente, ambas funcionan de forma muy diferente, ya que la
primera de ellas permite el paso de los rayos solares a travs del cristal,
de modo que la contraventana se calentar y la radiacin infrarroja
que una vez caliente emita tendr una longitud de onda incapaz de
atravesar nuevamente el cristal, por lo que el calor captado se quedar
en el interior de la estancia.
Si la contraventana es de color oscuro, este efecto aumentar, ya que
el porcentaje de energa solar absorbido ser mucho mayor que el
reejado, mientras que si es de color claro el efecto ser mucho menor
debido al alto coeciente de reexin de esos colores.
Tambin en este caso habr que tener en cuenta el material de la
contraventana, puesto que el metal mejor conductor del calor se
calentar ms deprisa y en mayor medida, radiando posteriormente
dicho calor al interior del local, lo que le hace ms deseable en climas
fros, mientras que materiales ms inertes como la madera, captarn
mucha menos energa solar lo que mejorar su comportamiento a
nivel energtico en climas caliente, aunque, evidentemente, lo mejor
ser siempre nunca instalar las contraventanas en el interior en climas
La utilizacin de contraventanas opacas presenta ventajas en dos
aspectos: la proteccin contra el fro, deseable en zonas con este
tipo de clima, y la capacidad de oscurecimiento que las hace idneas
para locales especcos como los dormitorios. Sin embargo, en
el rea mediterrnea, el problema no es usualmente la captacin
solar sino la tamizacin de los rayos solares y de la alta intensidad

Rendre compatible les techniques traditionnelles et les modernes

Compatibilizar tcnicas tradicionales y modernas
Combining traditional and modern techniques

de la luz para que slo se introduzcan en el interior de las viviendas

cuando es necesario, permitiendo al mismo tiempo la percepcin del
exterior. Para ello, tradicionalmente, se ha recurrido a la utilizacin de
contraventanas de tipo celosa, que igualmente pueden ubicase tanto
interior como exteriormente. Lgicamente, si se usan preferentemente
en climas clidos su ubicacin idnea ser siempre en el exterior del
acristalamiento, aunque puede considerarse su ubicacin interior si
el acristalamiento es practicable con la celosa cerrada, ya que el calor
que sta capte ser as expulsado al exterior; esto suele recomendar la
instalacin de carpinteras con apertura de tipo oscilobatiente, y an as
es muy probable que el calor radiado por la contraventana penetre en
gran medida al interior.
En cuanto al material, las celosas metlicas presentan el inconveniente
ya mencionado de su rpida y elevada capacidad de calentamiento,
evidentemente tanto ms considerable cuanto ms oscuro sea su
color. Sin embargo, en esta ocasin esa disipacin trmica se produce
en el exterior del edicio, por lo que es menos perjudicial que con las
contraventanas interiores.
Adems, la utilizacin de contraventanas exteriores metlicas presenta
la ventaja de constituir un cierre de seguridad contra intrusiones,
adems de una proteccin trmica, por lo que puede ser aceptable su
utilizacin, siendo en estos casos deseable en el clima mediterrneo la
eleccin de un color lo ms claro posible para la misma y una circulacin
convectiva natural que evacue el calor captado lo ms rpidamente
Las celosas de madera slo presentan el inconveniente de su alta
necesidad de mantenimiento, ya que a intemperie es un material que
se deteriora rpidamente si no es protegido adecuadamente. El color
recomendable de estas celosas es, asimismo, el ms claro posible.
En cuanto a las lamas, podemos encontrar celosas de lamas horizontales
y de lamas verticales, siendo siempre deseable que stas sean mviles
para que puedan abrirse con el n de permitir la percepcin del exterior
y cerrarse para lograr el oscurecimiento del local.
La eleccin de la inclinacin de las lamas semiabiertas de las celosas
horizontales depender de varios factores: la existencia de pluviometra
abundante requerir que su inclinacin hacia abajo favorezca la
evacuacin de agua y la existencia de altos niveles de soleamiento
directo del sur tambin recomendarn esta posicin de las lamas, ya
que es la ms idnea para el apantallamiento solar con el sol en el cenit.
Sin embargo, si la pluviometra es escasa y no existe exposicin directa
al sol del medioda (por ejemplo por sombreamiento cvonseguido
mediante la existencia de dinteles profundos), se favorecer la
evacuacin del calor captado potenciando la conveccin natural al
instalar la lamas abrindose hacia arriba (segunda imagen de la gura
2). Si adems estas lamas pueden abrirse en los momentos en que no
les da el sol directo, la evacuacin del calor ser ms rpida.
La ubicacin de una celosa en una ventana ubicada al este o al oeste,
deber dar preferencia a las lamas verticales (gura 3), dado que el
sol puede estar muy horizontal en cualquiera de estas orientaciones.
Simplemente con esta actuacin y manteniendo la ventana a haces
interiores evitaremos gran cantidad de captacin solar sin eliminar la
posibilidad de la visin hacia el exterior.

2. Posicin de las lamas horizontales en zona de alta y baja pluviometra

3 Seccin horizontal de celosas de lamas verticaes, con lamas cerradas y abiertas,



Expriences de rhabilitation intgrale en Mditerrane

Experiencias de rehabilitacin integral en el Mediterrneo
Experiences of integrated rehabilitation in the Mediterranean

Expriences de rhabilitation intgrale en Mediterrane

Experiencias de rehabilitacin integral en el Mediterrneo
Experiences of integrated rehabilitation in the Mediterranean

Rintgration dun lieu dans la ville

Abdelaziz Badjadja
Architecte restaurateur quali, diplm de lcole de restauration des
monuments, Rome Italie
Enseignant luniversit de Constantine, Algrie
Membre du comit dexpert pour la conservation et la restauration du
patrimoine auprs du ministre de la culture
Consultant auprs de bureau dtude pour divers projets de rhabilitation.
Adresse postale:
2 Boulevard de la libert
Constantine Algrie
Adresse courrier lectronique:
+213 070 20 41 52

La question de la sauvegarde du patrimoine culturel riche et diversi

en Algrie mane dun intrt assez rcent. Depuis peu prs
une vingtaine danne, les tendances et les eorts consacrs la
conservation des monuments et des lieux historiques rencontrent de
nombreux problmes tels quon en trouve dans les pays dvelopps,
mais ils arontent galement dautres dicults qui ont leurs sources
dans le pass ou le prsent de ce pays.
Cette situation est tributaire non seulement du dveloppement des
systmes de valeurs qui modient leurs rapports envers les vestiges,
mais aussi des retards accuss dans le dveloppement mme des
services de protection.
En eet, les nouvelles dimensions de la vie conomique et sociale
sopposent limage cognitive que vhiculent les structures historiques,
ce qui se traduit par des rapports conictuels entre lancien et le
moderne. Lorientation vers les nouvelles valeurs de vie sgalise avec
la ngation des anciennes structures, si bien que cette disposition
desprit a provoqu et risque encore de provoquer la prononciation
de sentences parfois des plus brutales sur les structures historiques
(dmolitions et autres transformations).
Ce nest que grce une politique approprie qui stimulerait les eorts
individuels et collectifs pour la protection et lamlioration des lieux
historiques, et grce une forte intervention dans les stratgies et
mesures prendre, que pourraient tre ralises les conditions requises
pour redonner de la vitalit aux dices et centres anciens. Ce nest
quen 2003 que de nouvelles dispositions en faveur de la protection
du patrimoine matriel et immatriel ont t adoptes.
Constantine, lune des principales villes historiques dAlgrie au site
grandiose, peut se vanter dune trs longue permanence (plus de 23
sicles):du 3sicle avant J.C. nos jours, la ville a toujours t habite.
Elle rvle de ce fait, une stratication urbaine importante et porte
encore des signes visibles dimportantes civilisations qui sont une

source inestimable de renseignements sur les poques anciennes.

Cependant, ltat des lieux actuels renvoie un constat amer. En
eet, labandon conjugu lindirence voire lhostilit ont port
atteinte au bti de Constantine. Le caractre authentique dun sol
profondment imprgn de culture est menac. Les dgradations plus
ou moins graves mais volutives, les eondrements divers, mais aussi
les reconstructions et extensions abusives et chaotiques ont altr la
physionomie du vieux centre, entranant ainsi peu peu une perte
didentit, une oblitration de notre histoire. Devant les dangers qui
mettent en pril nos monuments, les recherches ponctuelles orientes
vers la sauvegarde deviennent impratives et devraient en principe
saisir lattention des autorits concernes.
A ce titre, ltude concrte et oprationnelle qui a port sur la
conservation de linstitut BENBADIS est une modeste contribution la
sauvegarde de notre patrimoine, elle avait pour objectif sa rinsertion
et sa rintgration dans la ville. Nous avions tous le devoir de contribuer
sa sauvegarde en tant que patrimoine culturel et historique, pour
notre mmoire et notre dignit car un ouvrage architectural bien
conserv constitue pour les habitants dune ville, une leon de tenue,
desprit civique et dexigence culturelle, ainsi quun symbole pour
la communaut ; symbole illustr par la personnalit et luvre de
cheikh Abdelhamid BENBADIS. Cet illustre savant et lassociation des
Oulmas, avaient pour mission la propagation du savoir, linstruction
et lducation de la socit, principaux outils pour veiller les esprits
et sopposer ainsi au colonialisme. Ces objectifs ont t concrtis par
la cration de Medersa, dcoles coraniques, de troupes thtrales,
musicales et sportives.
Par ailleurs, cette intervention se voulait dune part tre un frein la
dgradation amorce et prolifrant vers lartre la plus dense de la ville
et dautre part, constituer le point de dpart du plan de sauvegarde de
la ville de Constantine, plan qui doit se concrtiser prochainement.
Situ en plein cur de la ville de Constantine, proximit de la grande
mosque et dans le quartier dnomm EL BATHA, linstitut BENBADIS
sinsre dans un tissu urbain compact dans lequel les constructions
usage dhabitation prdominent et dont les rez de chausse sont pour
la plupart reconvertis en activits commerciales.
Du fait de son vieillissement naturel, de son utilisation abusive et de
son abandon, le btiment a subi de graves dsordres physiques qui ont
eu pour consquence la dtrioration des matriaux de construction
entranant la dgradation des lments constructifs.
Il importait avant tout de pourvoir ces dsordres par direntes
oprations de viabilisation, de consolidation des murs et planchers, et
de reconstruction totale ou partielle de certaines parties an de prparer
ldice recevoir sa nouvelle fonction. Celle-ci devait conserver le
caractre et lme de luvre, cest pourquoi toutes les propositions
damnagements manent de lambiance du monument et de lesprit
de lassociation des Oulmas (savants musulmans algriens). Sa
rnovation et son aectation une fonction culturelle (utile) ont pour
mission de le restituer la ville et ses habitants compte tenu du fait
quil soit partie intgrante du quartier.
Le montage nancier
Les travaux de rhabilitation de ldice sa fonction initiale et
de rintgration du lieu dans son environnement, ont concern en
dnitive, le ministre des aaires religieuses, tant donn le caractre
wakf de ldice, la wilaya et la municipalit de Constantine
Une premire tude qui a propos la dmolition de la totalit du


Expriences de rhabilitation intgrale en Mediterrane

Experiencias de rehabilitacin integral en el Mediterrneo
Experiences of integrated rehabilitation in the Mediterranean

btiment et sa substitution par une nouvelle construction de 5 tages

na pas t retenue par le service concern. A la suite de quoi, un
concours de restauration est lanc en 2000. Compte tenu des dlais
imposs, de la complexit des espaces, et du dlabrement important
des lieux, seuls 3 bureaux dtudes y ont particip.
Le projet de rhabilitation est alors con un bureau dtude ayant pour
principaux collaborateurs et associs des chercheurs de luniversit de
Constantine, la base de toute ltude historique trouve son origine dans
la recherche eectue en 1993 dans le cadre dun magister.
Les interventions
La 1re intervention a consist eectuer les dirents relevs
graphiques (plans de tous les niveaux, coupes et faades), accompagns
dun dossier photographique, seuls tmoins de louvrage si celui-ci
venait seondrer partiellement ou totalement. Le relev a galement
port sur les dtails darchitecture, la cramique et la menuiserie,
rares vestiges de labandon total de ldice, abandon qui a eu pour
consquences le pillage, linltration des eaux pluviales et bien dautres
Pour des raisons pdagogiques, et de sensibilisation au patrimoine,
nous avons jug utile dimpliquer dans ce travail, un groupe dtudiants
du dpartement darchitecture.
En parallle, une tude relative lhistorique de ldice a t labore, il
y est question de son origine, de son dication et son dveloppement,
des conditions de sa fermeture, et enn une mise jour de sa nature
La 2me intervention a port sur la sensibilisation de la socit
civile, ainsi que limplication des responsables locaux an de structurer
un programme nancier spcique. Cette action mene par le
biais darticles et interview divers a mis en valeur lactivit qui sy
est droule lpoque coloniale et le rle qu eu ce haut lieu pour
lindpendance de lAlgrie. A ce titre, notons dune part, un passage
du rapport du capitaine Chaudourne sur le problme des Oulma
et la question religieuse en 1957, ....le rle particulirement dcisif
que cette association a jou non seulement dans le dveloppement
de la rbellion depuis Novembre 1954 mais aussi dans sa prparation
et maintien dans la poursuite de la lutte ... et dautre part, quelques
mots de la propagande de lassociation en 1952 ...forger des cerveaux
construire des coles et veiller les esprits an dobtenir lindpendance
de lAlgrie par le savoir .
La 3me intervention destine mettre au point des mesures
durgence pour la sauvegarde de louvrage, a consist laborer un
programme dactions physiques qui ont donn lieu la consolidation
et la reconstruction de lensemble, tmoin de lhistoire et du rle de ce
mouvement de lassociation des oulma dans la ville de Constantine en
particulier et de lAlgrie en gnral.
En conclusion, les objectifs assigns et atteints ont concern dirents
paliers : la sauvegarde et la rinsertion de linstitut BENBADIS dans son
environnement, la rhabilitation du lieu une fonction utile pour la
socit, le ralentissement voire larrt du processus de dgradation dans
le centre historique, la valorisation de lme de lassociation des Oulma
dont linstitut a t le lieu par excellence de formation de llite et des
principaux acteurs de lindpendance de lAlgrie, la sensibilisation et


la prise de consciences des valeurs cognitives et motionnelles du

patrimoine, et enn la ralisation dune exprience de rhabilitation
dun btiment fortement dgrad qui ouvre des perspectives tous
ceux qui uvrent pour la sauvegarde du patrimoine.

Expriences de rhabilitation intgrale en Mediterrane

Experiencias de rehabilitacin integral en el Mediterrneo
Experiences of integrated rehabilitation in the Mediterranean


Expriences de rhabilitation intgrale en Mediterrane

Experiencias de rehabilitacin integral en el Mediterrneo
Experiences of integrated rehabilitation in the Mediterranean

Habiter le pass. La chapelle des

chevaliers de la citadelle de Tartous,

Mourad Bouteika
Architecte, Spcialiste en prservation et mise en valeur des sites
et monuments historiques, Docteur de Recherche en projection
architecturale pour les pays de la mditerrane. Est actuellement Chef
du Dpartement dArchitecture de lUniversit de Blida (Algrie) et
membre du Comit des Experts du Ministre de la Culture Algrien,
pour la restauration du patrimoine architectural algrien.
Adresse postale:
Adresse courrier lectronique:
+213 25 438434 (bur)
+213 69 761754 (cell)

+213 25 312618 (dom)

Le thme concernant lutilisation des architectures existantes pour les

destiner des fonctions direntes sinscrit dans le processus continuel
de la transformation du bti, avec le double dessein de raliser des
nouvelles architectures pour des nouveaux usagers et de conserver
celles qui existent dj, en prospectant la possibilit de leurs utilisations
Les cas et les situations qui se prsentent sont innis, chaque
intervention ayant des connotations bien prcises qui imposent des
limites dans les choix mmes des types dinterventions : Pourquoi
et pour qui conserver ? Quest-ce qui mrite dtre conserv ? Est-il
possible de dnir les limites dune transformation qui prciseraient les
parties liminer et celles ajouter ?
Dans le cas prcis de la chapelle des chevaliers de la citadelle de la
ville syrienne de Tartous, qui tmoigne elle seule du passage dun
systme de dfense lorigine ferm et impermable un systme
dhabitat intgr, les investigations que nous avons pu y mener entre
relevs muraux et analyses typologiques rvlent qu travers la lecture
des stratications de lhistoire de sa construction , il nous est toujours
possible de discerner et de qualier les signes caractristiques et
toujours vitaux de son site, les potentialits directrices de son volution
et de son dveloppement, la rappropriation et la rinvention du lieu
tant fondes sur un processus de lecture critique et participant la
requalication de la ralit de sa mmoire.
La ville de Tartous : une ville dans la ville
La ville syrienne de Tartous se caractrise par la prsence dune
citadelle mdivale fortie dont subsistent aujourdhui dimportants
tmoignages historiques et archologiques. En eet, son centre


historique correspond, dans son primtre, ce que furent les

fortications mdivales. La structure dfensive y reproduit un schma
consacr, dot de trames dfensives concentriques et de trois niveaux
de protection: le premier correspond la ville piscopale, le second
la citadelle militaire, o sont placs les entrepts, les garnisons, la
Salle des Chevaliers et la Chapelle et le troisime au Donjon, une tour
qui constitue le point de protection maximale des fortications. Un
double front de murailles forties, dcrivant une forme gomtrique
trapzodale et dot de deux douves, sparait la citadelle militaire de la
cit piscopale, marquant ainsi une limite infranchissable.
Dans ce contexte, dcrit par Paul Deschamps (en mme temps que
dessin par P. Coupel) en 1973 comme lun des ensembles les plus
intressants de constructions militaires leves en Syrie durant la
domination franaise, lentit historique qui prsente le meilleur tat de
conservation est ainsi celle correspondant la citadelle militaire semicirculaire de lpoque mdivale, situe langle nord-ouest. En suivant
la reconstruction historique quen donne Gillaume Rey (1871), on peut
en particulier observer comment, dans la Chapelle des Chevaliers, les
lments quil nous dcrit subsistent encore aujourdhui.
La Chapelle des Chevaliers (XIllme Sicle)
Situe dans le prolongement du Donjon et de la Grande Salle, la Chapelle
des Chevaliers (oriente vers lEst, selon les canons), se compose
dune nef unique et de quatre traves arcs en plein cintre ogivaux
en partie conservs. Le btiment, dont les votes sont supportes par
des doubleaux chanfreins, prsente, sur chacun des tronons du mur
nord, dtroites fentres en ogive (en partie transformes ou occultes),
tandis que, pour ce que lon peut voir, le mur Sud ne fait pas preuve de
la mme rigueur de composition, peut-tre en raison de la prsence,
ici, de volumes architecturaux conditionnant la construction: deux
fentres ogivales superposes et dcentres sur la quatrime trave et
dautres lments partiellement enterrs, parmi lesquels ce qui semble
tre une seconde entre la Chapelle.
Cette dernire ne dispose pas dabside, sans quil nexiste cependant de
preuves allguant de transformations quelconques pouvant expliquer
celle absence (qui pourrait tre simplement la consquence dun
manque despace, le cot Est du btiment tant accol aux murailles),
pas plus quil nexiste de signes de la rutilisation dune structure
archologique prexistante.
La faade comme lintrieur de la Chapelle ont souert nombre de
transformations, lentre principale (une reconstruction stylistique du
XXme) souvrant aujourdhui sur une rue vicinale qui donne sur les
immeubles situs au sein mme de son enceinte et qui se poursuit
dans les limites du quartier contigu, au travers dune porte rsultant de
lallongement de lune des fentres troites de son mur Nord.
Permanence et transformation des formes
Au vu de ce qui prcde, la lecture des lments que contient la
Chapelle est ardue, en raison de la prsence de btiments dpoque
ottomane accols aux murs de son primtre, lintrieur et lextrieur,
sur la moiti de sa supercie, alors quil ressort de lexamen dun plan
cadastral de la priode franaise (1930) quelle tait alors entirement
envahie de constructions qui furent certainement dtruites plus tard.
Le systme de couverture de la chapelle des chevaliers est un systme
votes croises, dont les dimensions reproduisent un rapport
proportionnel entre la succession des traves et leur hauteur gnrale
(5,7x10x10, entre largeur dune trave, largeur totale de la salle et

Expriences de rhabilitation intgrale en Mediterrane

Experiencias de rehabilitacin integral en el Mediterrneo
Experiences of integrated rehabilitation in the Mediterranean

hauteur de la vote, les paisseurs des murs compensant les carts de

dimensions et faisant apparatre la chapelle comme un dice qui se
reproduit sur la base de la rptition dun module de base carr de
Les habitations qui se sont dveloppes lintrieur ont certainement
t conditionnes par les caractristiques structurelles de cet ouvrage.
Ainsi, les lectures eectues, cherchant individualiser les ventuelles
divergences des types btis qui seraient dues la prsence dlments
constituant sa ralit structurelle: dimension et axes des traves,
parcours des artes des votes, disposition et paisseur des murs
du primtre, ouvertures prexistantes de la salle etc.., ont permis la
prcision des gomtries quont assumes les dirents dices qui
obstruent lintrieur de la salle, en mme temps que la correspondance
entre les axes de dveloppement des habitations singulires avec les
limites imposes par les dimensions et la forme des traves et celle
gnrale de la chapelle.
A lintrieur de cette dernire, il est ainsi possible de reconnatre un
module correspondant la cellule de base, constitu de la dimension
dune trave de la vote, qui par des rabattements successifs permet
davancer lintrieur de lespace disponible. Pour les cellules du rezde-chausse, la surlvation advient avec le positionnement dun
corps descalier externe, occupant pour cela lespace faisant front au
prospect interne. Le plan suprieur (considr ici comme un nouveau
plan zro qui est dsarticul par rapport au plan RDC qui lui se
spcialise en boutiques usage commercial) prsente une logique de
dveloppement trs similaire au processus de formation de la maison
cour, avec loccupation du front du mur du fond (ici le mur-primtre
Sud-ouest de la chapelle) jusqu lentassement successif de la cour qui
dun espace distributif ouvert (peut-tre mme externe) vient tre
couverte, posant les bases dune successive surlvation de lhabitation
avec lescalier pos cette fois dans un corps de btiment spcialis le
long de la cour. Ainsi, les habitations qui sattestent lextrieur, comme
celles lintrieur, utilisent la limite oerte par le mur du primtre
et usant de rabattements successifs, occupent lespace contigu aux
cellules initiales.

les lments permanents y sont associs avec les dices de nouvelle

implantation, (rapportant une telle identication une structure
gnrale dchelle suprieure qui les contient : celle qui consacre la
composante-chapelle comme enveloppe ), la lecture structurelle
adopte sarme en dnitive comme un vritable instrument cognitif
dont la porte opratoire permet de la reprsenter comme le point
de dpart de toute intervention de restauration ou de requalication
(urbaine), sinscrivant dans une continuit avec les structures (urbaines)
prexistantes et tendant la conservation de leurs valeurs consolides
en mme temps qu la rcupration et la rintgration de leur image
gurative, largement altre par les processus de mdivalisation
qui les ont caractriss.

Permanences structurales et bases dintervention

A la Chapelle des Chevaliers, nous avons pu reconnatre la prpondrance
de la logique gomtrique dans la disposition des habitations qui se
sont dveloppes son intrieur, occupant pour cela la moiti Sudouest de lespace disponible. A lautre moiti, aprs croulement de
deux des traves de la vote de louvrage, on a pu reconnatre tous
les attributs dune cour, fonctionnant aujourdhui comme une sorte
despace semi-public pour les habitants du lieu.
Dans cette aire spcialise de la citadelle, les lectures prcdemment
dcrites ont tenu montrer comment les tissus du bti rsidentiel de
base se soient entirement forms en se rapportant ce qui a constitu
pour eux un vritable substrat. Leur naissance et leur croissance, dans
une aire principalement centrale, drivent dun processus agrgatif
horizontal en mme temps que vertical, lequel a vu se construire et se
parcelliser un ensemble de tissus, subissant les eets dentassements,
dintroversions, dobstructions, en somme de la mdivalisation
dune partie de la citadelle en tant quentit unitaire et physiquement
Cherchant identier les rgles gomtriques qui ont sous tendu
les densications qui ont, dans lhistoire de ses transformations,
fortement caractrise la Chapelle des Chevaliers et dans lesquelles


Expriences de rhabilitation intgrale en Mediterrane

Experiencias de rehabilitacin integral en el Mediterrneo
Experiences of integrated rehabilitation in the Mediterranean


Expriences de rhabilitation intgrale en Mediterrane

Experiencias de rehabilitacin integral en el Mediterrneo
Experiences of integrated rehabilitation in the Mediterranean

Restoration and Re-use of Omeriye

Ottoman Baths, Nicosia, Cyprus

Athina Papadopoulou
Athina Papadopoulou is an Architect Conservator with eighteen years
experience as a practicing architect. She has been working for the
bi-communal Nicosia Master Plan projects since 1999. The past eight
years she focused on urban regeneration projects, ranging from building restoration / reuse, urban scale interventions and regeneration
strategy development for Nicosia.
Address: 13 Paleologos Street, 1011 Nicosia, Cyprus
E-mail address:
Telephone: 00 357 22797542

Omeriye Ottoman Baths

Restoration and Reuse
First Prize in Category I Conservation Projects,
European Union Prize for Cultural Heritage / Europa Nostra Awards
For the safeguarding of the authenticity and adaptation to contemporary
needs of a distinctive landmark of the walled city of Nicosia and for the
sensitive treatment of an Islamic architectural element in a multicultural
The Omeriye Ottoman Baths (hamam) is located in the Omeriye Quarter,
in the heart of the walled city of Nicosia, Cyprus. It stands to the north
of Omeriye mosque, a very important monument of the old city. The
mosque was probably named after the prophet Omar, to whom the
mosque was dedicated, after the Ottoman conquest of the island in
The Omeriye mosque was once the church of St. Mary of the
Augustinians, part of the homonymous monastery of the Augustinian
order, dating to the 14th century.
The Omeriye hamam, built by Lala Mustafa Pasha, the rst ottoman
administrator of the island, dates back to the late 16th century, (around
1571), at the very beginning of the Ottoman rule. Furthermore, the
hamam is one of three public baths in Nicosia and the only one of
which has been fully restored.
Partners and objectives
The restoration of the Omeriye Ottoman Baths is part of a wider
rehabilitation project, implemented within the framework of the bicommunal Nicosia Master Plan1, primarily funded by the European
Union through United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) /
United Nations Oce for Project Services (UNOPS) Partnership for the
Future Programme. Funds for the realization of this project were also
granted from the Nicosia Municipality and the Ministry of Interior (from

the listed buildings incentives scheme).

The restoration of the Omeriye Ottoman Baths is one of three subprojects in the Omeriye Area:
infrastructure (Tillirias Street)
space surrounding the monument
landscaping of its garden.
Taking into concern the multicultural character of the old city of Nicosia,
depicted mainly on its well preserved architectural character and the
historic urban tissue, this project is a perfect example of restoring and
re-adapting an old building to contemporary needs, preserving its
original use and fabric.
The aim of this project falls under the general objectives of the Nicosia
Master Plan for an integrated regeneration of the walled city of Nicosia
and the conservation, protection and enhancement of its architectural
Intervention philosophy
The project aimed at restoring this historic building based on
international good practice principles and charters regarding
interventions on architectural heritage. The safeguarding of the
authenticity of the structure, the principle of reversibility and the use
of compatible methods and materials were of primary importance in
the restoration plan. Minimum interventions, the respect of the historic
phases of the monument as well as the clear indication of contemporary
interventions were signicant elements of the project.
Retaining the original use of the building as a hamam was a central
issue of the restoration proposal.
The structural interventions were formulated and proposed following
a condition survey and research of the existing materials, under
the philosophy of minimum intervention in order to bring safety to
acceptable levels while retaining the historic character and authenticity
of the building.
The restoration of the hamam, together with the redesigning of its
immediate exterior space has contributed to the upgrading of the
building environment of the area and to the social enhancement of
the complex which has brought new activity into the old city.
Meanwhile, the building itself is an important example of ottoman
architecture in Cyprus therefore its restoration contributes to the
preservation of the islands architectural and cultural heritage.

Building and use

The Omeriye Bath is a stone, load-bearing structure built of calcareous
limestone quarried in the Nicosia district. The domes and ochre exterior
stone walls make it a signicant landmark in the prole of the old city.
It has a history of continuous use since its construction up until prior to
the beginning of the survey works and restoration project in 2002.
The building has a north and south entrance. The south entrance is
reached through a small courtyard. The sequence and use of spaces
follows the characteristic typology of ottoman baths of the time. One
enters into a large square room with a dome and cupola at its peek.
This space, the sadrvan (cool chamber), is where one would undress


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Experiencias de rehabilitacin integral en el Mediterrneo
Experiences of integrated rehabilitation in the Mediterranean

and prepare to proceed into the warm chamber (kapaluk). The domecovered sadrvan has a small octagonal pool located in the centre and
divans along the peripheral walls. The divans are sheltered by drapery
hung on their outer edge providing privacy for dressing and resting
after the bathing experience.
The warm chamber or kapaluk consists of three main spaces, which
are covered by domes and pointed vaults and host sanitary uses. The
intermediate temperature of these spaces helps the body prepare
for entering the hot chamber (mejan), which follows in sequence.
Traditionally, while acclimatizing oneself to the gradual increase in
temperature, the warm chambers were used for body-grooming
activities such as shaving, cutting and dying of hair.
The climax of the sequence of ones visit to the hamam is the hot
chamber or mejan. This space is square in plan covered by a central
dome and has smaller chambers, the halvets, one in each corner. Each
halvet includes two marble basins with running hot and cold water
and is light by round and star-shaped openings in the dome above.
At the centre of the hot chamber stands an octagonal stone bench
of about 50cm high, which is used as a massage bench. All of the hot
chamber spaces are heated via the oor under which hot air ows. The
air is heated by a burner at the east end of the building at a level under
the hot water tank. The water in the tank is heated to produce steam for
the hot chambers simultaneously as the air is heated under the oor.
The room temperature in the hot chambers reaches the range of 3638 Celsius.
After bathing in the hot chambers, one follows the reverse sequence of
spaces and temperatures in order to reach the cool chamber where the
divans oer a pleasant resting place before leaving the hamam.
The restoration of the Omeriye Ottoman Baths, together with the
redesigning of its immediate exterior space has contributed to the
upgrading of the built environment of the area and to the social
enhancement of the complex which brings new activity into the old
At the same time the building itself is an important example of
ottoman architecture in Cyprus therefore; its restoration contributes to
the preservation of our architectural and cultural heritage.
The project is an example of respecting, preserving and promoting
the multicultural character and history of the city of Nicosia, it is an
integral part of the multicultural heritage of Cyprus, but also part of the
common European heritage.
The bi-communal Nicosia Master Plan continues to implement and
plan projects in the walled city within the general framework of a
sustainable urban regeneration approach.
Visiting and using the hamam
The hamam has been in full operation since March 2005 for the general
public. One can visit and use the hamam according to the following
opening hours:
Mon11:00-17:00(guided tours only), Tues-Sun 09:00-21:00(alternating
days for men and women)
The Omeriye Ottoman Baths is located at, 8 Tillirias Square, 1016 Nicosia,
Cyprus, Tel: 00 357 22 460 570, 00 357 22 750 550


The Nicosia Master Plan is the collaboration between Nicosia Municipality, The
Department of Town Planning and Housing, Ministry of Interior under the auspices of
the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), since 1980.

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Experiencias de rehabilitacin integral en el Mediterrneo
Experiences of integrated rehabilitation in the Mediterranean

cool chamber after

dome interior after

exterior after

exterior before


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Experiencias de rehabilitacin integral en el Mediterrneo
Experiences of integrated rehabilitation in the Mediterranean

Appropriating the Traditional Hammam

to Modern Needs: Community Life and

Dalila ElKerdany
Dalila ElKerdany is a practicing architect and professor of architecture
and Urban Design at the Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University. She
is involved in research as well as practice in the elds of conservation,
heritage, and design. Ms. ElKerdany is a recipient of many competitions awards and actively involved in the architecture profession and
the heritage conservation movement in Egypt.
6 Dokki St., Giza, Cairo 12311, Egypt
E-mail address:

Hammam al-Tanbali is a registered monument (No. 564). It is owned

and under the supervision of the Supreme Council of Antiquities
(SCA). It is located in Bab al Shariya in the centre of historic Cairo within
proximity to its major Islamic monuments. This neighbourhood suers
from poverty, degraded environmental conditions and threatened of
culture and identity change. The monument needs to be safeguarded,
rehabilitated and secured for future generations. This can only be
achieved by a comprehensive sustainable plan that would take care
for the building the surrounding area, the community, the economic
feasibility and environmental sustainable practices.
Urban context of hammam al-Tanbali
An important artery and potential corridor for through-trac and
cultural tourism, is planned to run from east to west and connects with
the planned Northern Jammaliyah axis, linking the main thoroughfare
of Salah Salem, to the east, with Ramsis Station, to the west. Amidst
this northern edge to our site lie the remains of the Ayyubid wall. The
wall divides this urban corridor into two separate streets: al-Fajjala
Street to the north and al-Sabban Street to the south. The entrance of
Hammam al-Tanbali immediately opens onto the latter, overlooking
one of the few remaining portions of the Ayyubid fortications.
This new thoroughfare started to have an impact on the hammam
neighborhood. New buildings are getting higher, and new functions
started to appear along the road, therefore traditional quality of the
neighborhood is threatened.
In addition to the rapid change in the traditional urban fabric, Bab AlShariyah suers from multiple levels of neglect and often decays. Some
of the manifestations of such deterioration include a wide range of
building materials, conditions and infrastructures, as well as the lack
of mechanisms for their maintenance and upkeep. In some areas it
manifests itself in marginal industries and often-marginalized groups


with potential social problems.

However, the neighborhood has several potentials that should
be sustained and capitalized upon in any future development;
its specialized markets, its history, and its people. The community
members have initiatives, such as: investing in the provision of certain
public amenities namely, mosques and drinking fountains; and rich
residents nance modest vending kiosk for the less fortunate to earn
their living.
Local modes of celebration take place in national holidays especially
in religious festivities. Walking through this urban stretch, one cannot
fail to notice a complex network of informal transportation system.
They navigate the narrow alleys, and deliver goods and services to and
from such densely packed urban fabric, linking local economy and light
industry to the city at large.
Problems in the neighborhood include: poor water and sewage
network; street lighting seems to be achieved mainly through
community initiatives whether inhabitants and business owners buy
their own lighting xtures, or the street depends on the lighting of shop
signs; streets are narrow and well proportioned for pedestrian trac
and limited vehicular access, but with the advent of the whole-sale
industries and markets, truck access in both directions causes frequent
trac congestions; and garbage collection seems to be a problem.
Hammam al-Tanbali, Tangible and Intangible
A study on the two hammams, al-Tanbali and Bab al-Bahr, were
conducted. It gives an account of the tangible qualities of al-Tanbli
and a sample condition survey. Then it investigates the management
modes of Bab al-Bahr by conducting interviews, observations and
questionnaires. Some veried information on hammam al-Tanbali from
SCA documents as well as few interviews provide an idea on its past
A set of historical, architectural and photographic documentation of
Hammam al-Tanbali has been developed.
Building Physical Condition: A sample of condition survey was conducted
in one of the typical problematic spaces in Hmmam Al-Tambali. It gives
a fair understanding on the deterioration procedures of the building
materials from one side and the buildings systems from the other. The
aim is to have one of the main parameters to develop the remedy,
beside many other parameters such as the nal re-use program,
the original building state, the historic value of its architectural and
decorative elements, and others.
A rst hand examination and analysis of Hammam Al-Tanbali shows
that it is in a hazardous condition not only for its own unsafe structure
but also from a neighboring wall of the building to its east that is about
to collapse taking along a big part of the hammam building down.
Currently, a full analysis for the structural condition is being carried and
a strategy of conservation should be planned soon.
Operation and stang: Historically, the hammam, as a complex, includes
the furnace or mustawqad, was divided into two dierent businesses,
totally independent from each other in ownership, management, and
operation. They are the ful, or cooked fava beans, and the furnace.
The latter remained the responsibility of hammam management. Fuel,
was from burning district garbage in older times, then when that was
prohibited as polluting, it became solar, and then nally gas some 15
years ago. This energy-saving sharing of heat source and recycling

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Experiencias de rehabilitacin integral en el Mediterrneo
Experiences of integrated rehabilitation in the Mediterranean

of some of the districts garbage was terminated in the name of the

environment. There are many who work in the hammam, but very few
are declared permanent employees to whom the management would
pay insurance.
The hammams most signicant sta member is the mikayyisati, or
mikayyisatiya in case of women. This is the person who after hot water
and steam bathing would give the client a scrub with a special woolen
piece of rough fabric called kis.
Activities and Clienteles: The main activities in the Hammam have not
changed much over the centuries: hot water and steam bath, good
scrub, cold or warm shower, rest in the intermediate warm zone, and
rest in the outside dry zone. In here all beauty-related activities for
women take place.
Occasions where currently women with traditional socio-cultural
backgrounds go to the hammam include: beautifying and preparing
the bride before wedding, bathing just before delivering a baby, and
40 days after, and after having had surgery. Reasons for frequent use
include loosing weight, getting rid of chronic pains, and maintaining a
general healthy physique.
A hammams reputation is a key to its survival exclaimed the manager
of Hammam Bab al-Bahr. Occasionally, illicit activities and services are
requested by some visitors to the hammam.

The operation, maintenance and revitalization of hammams are

functions of income from visitors, which is in turn a function of fees and
number of visitors. It is also a function of cost of municipal fees, supplies
and services needed on periodic and daily basis, repairs, and wages.
Rehabilitating the Hammam is essential if it is to survive. First there is the
need to stabilize and restore the hammam. To revitalize the hammam
would require appropriate interior design, replicas of historical
furnishings, introducing complimentary fund raising functions, and the
training of the employees in the maintenance of the hammam to the
required standards.
The opening of a new trac artery in front of the hammam al-Tanbli,
although destroying the medieval urban tissue, might bring up new
possibilities for linking the hammam with other communities. In such
case, parking spaces becomes a high consideration.
Development must be tied to neighbourhood projects to conserve and
revitalize its historical activities which include manufacture of sweets,
wood and metal workshops and traditional inns.
Bab el-Shariyia was also known for its religious institutions, sebils, and
kottabs, which could be mobilized to create educational- development
centers with opportunities to lean IT applications.
A comprehensive and sustainable plan should be developed, tested
and then implemented for the rehabilitation of such an important

Financing: Currently traditional hammams in Cairo charge very low

fees, which does not enable the managers to properly maintain a
hygienic and pleasant performance, leave alone performing sound
restoration and upkeep. The expenses of the hammam management
are divided into formal and informal expenses. The components of
formal expenses are: water, fuel, rent and electricity. Informal expenses
include the ikramiya paid to diernt bodies.
Hammams fall under several regulatory parties: the antiquities authority,
health inspector and tax authority.
The hammam operates with a license from the district local authorities,
but this license is not veried or renewed so often, so the relation with
this authority is meager.
Conclusion: Hammams Revitalization and Development
The survival of hammams in Cairo faces many challenges beginning
with the decisions by the descendants of traditional hammam owners
to pursue other activities, or concerning nancial matters, which are
in turn related not only to the cost of rehabilitation, but to potential
income which in turn depends on the socioeconomic level of clients.
The social challenge is critical because it will determine the future of
the survival of hammam. This challenge includes in addition to who the
hammam will attract, but also the re-imaging of hammam to dissociate
it from any hint of lewdness. There is also the challenge of bureaucracy
in securing permits and resolving ownership issues.
The hammams, should potentially serve as a model of cleanliness and
ecologically sound, green living from which such approaches could
spread to the community.
Although, heating water is helpful in killing germs, hygienic measures
using antiseptic substances must be institutionalized. Fungicides must
also be used to prevent the growth of fungi. Sterilization of towels,
scrubbing gloves and other materials used by several customers will be
a necessity in a new establishment.


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Experiencias de rehabilitacin integral en el Mediterrneo
Experiences of integrated rehabilitation in the Mediterranean


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Experiencias de rehabilitacin integral en el Mediterrneo
Experiences of integrated rehabilitation in the Mediterranean

Los procesos de construccin y la

implantacin de las instalaciones en
edicios histricos: La Iglesia de la
Trinidad de Segovia.

Patricio Alan, Margarita Arroba, Concepcin Dez-Pastor, Joaqun Grau, Julin Garca
Alan, Patricio. Ingeniero Industrial, Director Tcnico de INTEINCO.
Arroba, Margarita. Doctor Arquitecto, Profesora de la Universidad SEK.
Dez-Pastor, Concepcin. Doctor Arquitecto, Profesora de la Universidad SEK.
Grau, Joaqun. Doctor Arquitecto, Profesor de la Universidad SEK.
Garca, Julin. Arquitecto Tcnico, Licenciado en Historia, Profesor de la
Universidad SEK.
Direccin postal:
Universidad SEK de Segovia. C/ Cardenal Ziga, 12. 40003. Segovia.
Direccin de correo electrnico:
921.412.410 619.255.372

Da la sensacin de que, cuando los constructores romnicos plantearon

la ereccin de la iglesia de la Trinidad en la ciudad de Segovia tenan
un plan muy preciso y que, tericamente, lo realizaron de una vez
quedando el templo prcticamente inalterado desde entonces. De
hecho, la opinin generalizada es que se trata de una de las iglesias
romnicas de Segovia que ha sufrido menos alteraciones y que se
encuentra en estos momentos en un estado casi idntico al de su
primera construccin. Tras un estudio detallado, sin embargo, es posible
defender que el templo ha cambiado sustancialmente con respecto al
que fue concebido en origen.
El proyecto de investigacin que hemos desarrollado durante el curso
2005-06 se ha centrado en estudiar los procesos de construccin y la
implantacin de las instalaciones en la Iglesia de la Santsima Trinidad
de Segovia. El anlisis de la estructura que hemos realizado permite
relativizar la importancia de los problemas que se observan al estudiar
los registros de patologa. Efectivamente es cierto que la iglesia tiene
problemas (el peso excesivo de la torre normanda, inacabada de un
modo razonable; y tambin el empuje de las bvedas) y maniesta las
consecuencias de ellos (fundamentalmente un cierto deslizamiento a
favor de la pendiente del terreno en la zona; como todos los edicios
de la vertiente norte de la ciudad, por otra parte). A causa de estos
problemas, detectados desde antiguo, las sucesivas reformas han
ido sumando soluciones para solventarlos o, al menos, minimizar las
consecuencias. El aadido de arbotantes y contrafuertes, la inclusin del
tirante, la propia condicin de inacabada de la torre son actuaciones en

ese sentido. El edicio resultante de todas estas intervenciones parece

ser perfectamente capaz de sobrellevar los problemas a los que hemos
hecho referencia.
En lo relativo al estudio se las instalaciones se han estudiado el
comportamiento trmico, lumnico y acstico del edicio. Debido al
corto espacio disponible, se adjunta slo un resumen de los estudios
sobre el comportamiento lumnico del edicio, en el que los cambios a
lo largo de la historia son especialmente notables.
Variaciones en el comportamiento lumnico del edicio
La incorporacin de la iluminacin articial, basada en criterios
distintos a los que tuvieron los constructores del edicio hace que la luz
incida en el espacio arquitectnico de forma extraa, modicando su
caracterizacin espacial inicial, pensada bsicamente con iluminacin
En la poca romnica la nica iluminacin articial factible era a base
de velas y antorchas, lo que nos lleva a pensar que probablemente
el uso de las iglesias era fundamentalmente diurno. Si intentamos
estudiar la iluminacin natural de esta iglesia, con el n de hacernos
una idea de lo que el maestro de obras que lo proyect quiso hacer con
la luz y cmo pens que deba verse su iglesia, encontramos que los
culos construidos en el Barroco la han modicado de tal modo que es
radicalmente distinta a como se concibi en origen.
Los puntos de luz de que dispona la iglesia de La Trinidad en la poca
de su construccin eran muy escasos. Incluan las dos pequeas
ventanas ubicadas en las paredes occidental y oriental de la parte alta
del crucero, en los muros aadidos de la torre, sobre la clave de los
arcos, con escasa capacidad de iluminacin salvo en las ltimas horas
de la tarde y a primera hora de la maana, tres estrechas ventanas
ubicadas en el bside y una ltima ventana de entidad ligeramente
mayor ubicada en la fachada occidental, sobre la puerta de entrada
de la iglesia. Los seis huecos son de pequeo tamao.
La iglesia se encontraba en su origen ubicada en una zona escasamente
edicada, por lo que todas estas ventanas reciban luz abundante,
aunque es posible que se tamizara con algn material interpuesto (en
la poca era corriente el uso del alabastro y de las pieles de animales).
En cualquier caso, el escaso tamao de las ventanas garantizaba que
la luz que aportaban al interior del templo fuera mnima, aunque no
estuvieran ocluidas con ningn tipo de apantallamiento.
La ubicacin de dichas ventanas orientadas a oriente y poniente
maniesta que la intencin de los constructores de esta iglesia era
que la luz ms abundante se recibiera en su interior a primera hora de la
maana y a ltima de la tarde. El hecho de que nos encontremos en el
hemisferio norte hace que estas dos luces entren ligeramente sesgadas
desde el sur, iluminando sutilmente mejor la zona norte de la cabecera
de la iglesia, la parte del evangelio, dejando algo ms en penumbra el
rea de la epstola, aunque de forma casi imperceptible.
La iluminacin inicial del templo se vio enormemente alterada en el
Barroco (siglo XVII), con la perforacin de dos culos en la parte alta de la
fachada sur. La nave se convirti en un lugar mucho ms luminoso y este
efecto permanece hasta nuestros das. Los yesos blancos que, en esta
poca, cubrieron los muros y que aumentaran an ms la luminosidad
del templo, fueron eliminados en el siglo XX, dejando la piedra desnuda
y probablemente eliminando la mayor parte de la policroma romnica
que pudiera subyacer debajo del enlucido. La percepcin luminosa de
las paredes actuales no es, en ningn caso, similar a la original, pero s
mucho ms prxima que la que se disfrut durante la poca barroca,


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Experiencias de rehabilitacin integral en el Mediterrneo
Experiences of integrated rehabilitation in the Mediterranean

ya que las paredes romnicas estaban, asimismo, enlucidas, pero la

policroma que previsiblemente las cubra oscurecera su aspecto en
gran medida. En cualquier caso, las ventanas incorporadas en ese siglo
alteraron sin remedio la iluminacin de la iglesia y nos impiden ver,
en este momento, cmo se concibi inicialmente el espacio interior,
desde el punto de vista de la luz.
En el siglo XX se instalaron tambin las vidrieras en las tres ventanas del
bside, coloreando la luz que se introduce por ellas. Esto, que podra
haber sido un problema en el caso de que se conservara la policroma
original de los muros, ya que nos hubiera impedido percibir los colores
correctamente, slo altera de forma insignicante en estos momentos
la cantidad de luz aportada a travs de esos huecos con respecto a la
que se hubiera dispuesto con inexistencia de cristal o con un vidrio
transparente (sobre todo si, como suponemos, originalmente los
huecos estaban cubiertos con alabastro), pero s modica en gran
medida su cualidad.
Por tanto, para analizar la iluminacin natural disponible hoy en la
iglesia hay que tener en cuenta que los huecos existentes no son
exactamente los originales, y, aunque siguen siendo escasos, aportan
muchsima ms luz de la prevista por los constructores del edicio.
Se han realizado multitud de medidas de niveles de iluminacin,
tanto natural a diversas horas del da y con variados niveles de
iluminacin exterior, como articial, con diversas combinaciones de
luces encendidas. Dadas las limitaciones de espacio de este artculo,
slo se aportan plantas con las curvas isolux correspondientes a la
iluminacin natural del da 14 de marzo de 2006, pensando que es
la que mejor ilustra la hipottica potente iluminacin de la zona del
altar mencionada anteriormente. Podemos ver claramente como la
inclusin de los culos barrocos ha alterado tan profundamente este
efecto lumnico que prcticamente lo ha eliminado. La luz que penetra
por la ventana de la fachada occidental, ya minorada respecto a la
inicial tras la construccin del convento de Santo Domingo, desaparece
ante el aporte luminoso que penetra por los culos. Slo permanece
ligeramente un nfasis lumnico sobre la zona del bside gracias a
la claridad que se introduce por las ventanas ubicadas en los muros
de la torre, y debido a que la parte de la luz que penetra por dichos
culos que incide en esa rea es tan insignicante que an puede
apreciarse ligeramente el aumento de luminosidad causado por esas
otras ventanas. Sin embargo, el espectador que contempla el interior
del edicio ve su mirada inexorablemente atrada hacia la zona de la
capilla de los Del Campo, debido a la alto nivel de iluminacin del rea,
por lo que la ligera luminosidad del altar no causa de ninguna forma el
efecto inicialmente buscado.
An con la iluminacin proporcionada por los culos, la iluminancia
media no llega ni siquiera al nivel mnimo previsto por la actual
normativa de incendios para un desalojo sin incidentes del edicio
(slo se alcanzan los preceptivos 3 luxes en el punto ms iluminado, en
la portada de la capilla de los Del Campo), aunque hay que considerar
que al tratarse de un da de invierno y a la cada de la tarde, la iluminacin
proporcionada por el sol era ya bastante escasa, an as, los niveles de
iluminacin exterior a dicha hora eran de 590 luxes en el interior del
prtico sur rea cubierta aunque con dos paredes conformadas por
arqueras, es decir, con mucha captacin de luz , y de 860 luxes en
la zona exterior adyacente ms iluminada: la plaza occidental anexa al
convento de Santo Domingo.


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Experiencias de rehabilitacin integral en el Mediterrneo
Experiences of integrated rehabilitation in the Mediterranean

Ejemplo de rehabilitacin y reutilizacin

del patrimonio construido al Pirineo
con criterios econmicos ecolgicos y

Josep Bunyesc Palacn

Arquitecto independiente, proyectos mayoritariamente de rehabilitacin en el Pirineo Catalan. master en arquitectura sostenible en la
EPFL Suiza. Doctorando UPC.
Direccin postal:
c/la tallada sn La Pobleta de Bellveir 25513
Direccin de correo electrnico:
+34 609287277

Los edicios sufren la evolucin del modo de vida de nuestra sociedad

y son obsoletos antes que sus materiales de construccin.
En zonas de montaa, este desfase es ms marcado a causa del
abandono de la forma de vivir tradicional y la adopcin de la sociedad
actual terciaria destinada al ocio y el turismo, lejos de la explotacin
agrcola familiar tradicional de difcil encaje en la sociedad y poltica
Es necesario encontrar y remarcar las cualidades de las construcciones y
implantaciones de lo edicios tradicionales, de gran eciencia fruto de
una evolucin casi darviniana a lo largo de muchos aos de experiencia
y observacin del medio para responder a sus necesidades.
Se intenta subrayar las cualidades de este legado cultural, un poco
olvidadas en los ltimos aos, de este saber hereditario adaptado al
lugar y al clima. Las necesidades han cambiado pero no ha cambiado
el clima en las zonas de montaa, y las estrategias de implantacin o de
geometra de los edicios continua en total vigencia pese a la ignorancia
de algunas construcciones de la poca de la energa barata.
Se expone un proyecto de rehabilitacin y reutilizacin de un pajar
en vivienda contempornea. Aprovechando las calidades del edicio
existente, que se readapta para satisfacer las necesidades actuales.
Proponemos sustituir la hierba y la paja de la vida tradicional por una
construccin ligera de madera que est expuesta al sol del invierno y
protegida del verano con el alero, bien aislada con lana de oveja de un
pastor vecino.
Esta intervencin es reversible, ya que no se destruye nada de lo
existente y la intervencin consiste en poner un contenedor autnomo
que aprovecha las cualidades del edicio existente. Si en un futuro hay
que readaptar las necesidades, permite hacer marcha atrs y corregir si
se considera necesario.
La actuacin dignica el edico tradicional dndole una utilidad y un
valor, a la vez que prolonga su testimonio histrico y cultural del lugar,
que ayuda a conservar la identidad de un pueblo.

El edicio mantiene su carcter tradicional pero adopta una intervencin

moderna ligada al presente.
Pasado y presente dialogan sin gritar, sin falsedades ni decoraciones
folcloricas que son imprescindibles para maquillar algunas
construcciones recientes para vender un aspecto de rustico que le
piden a las segundas residencias.
Se busca un edicio de bajo consumo energtico, que se caliente en
invierno con el sol bajo que entra dentro, pero est protegido del sol de
verano. El alero existente a sur permite este efecto.
Las nuevas tecnologas nos permiten utilizar materiales y elementos
como el vidrio, que nos deja entrar la luz y el calor, pero evita que se
escape con dobles vidrios selectivos.
El sistema constructivo es muy sencillo. Es un esqueleto rectangular de
suelo a techo de madera con piezas de 6x12 cm, arriostradas con un
panel tricapa de 17mm atornillado por el interior. La fachada exterior
es de tablas de madera de pino bastas de 20mm en horizontal sujeta a
la estructura, y entre los pilares de madera se sita el aislamiento de 12
cm de lana de oveja natural de una = 0,034 W.K.m. con su respectiva
barrera de vapor.
La cubierta tiene la misma seccin que la fachada con un acabado
interior de cartn yeso de 15mm en blanco para aumentar la
Los ventanales para captacin del sol directo, estn formados por un
cristal jo sin carpinteria y un pequeo practicable para ventilar y pasar,
intentando reducir el porcentaje de marco que impide la entradade la
energia y son a menudo puentes trmicos.
En la toma de datos in situ, y sin estar an aislado, solo con la envolvente
simple del panel tricapa interio, se aprecia que en verano no hay
sobrecalentamiento, ya que la radiacin solar no entra en ningn
momento por la cristalera y la cubierta esta ventilada. La temperatura
durante el mes de julio del 2006 esta en la zona de confort entre los
18 i 26C en el interior cuando el exterior supera los 35C. En invierno,
el sol calienta el espacio interior de poca inercia trmica hasta superar
los 15C. Cuando estar aislado, la temperatura se mantendr mejor
durante la noche. Solo los pilares de piedra existentes que atraviesan
el habitculo le dan un poco de inercia trmica, ya que el resto es en
construccin ligera de madera.
El edicio es energticamente eciente, con una U media en la
envolvente opaca de 0.27W/m2K con un gran aporte solar pasivo del
40% de la necesidad total de calor en invierno y un consumo anual de
calefaccin de 1800kW.h segn clculos con programas de simulacin
trmica dinmica, si esta siempre habitada que corresponde a menos
de 45 kWh/m2 ao o sea a 1/5 de una vivienda convencional anterior
al CTE-HE.
El buen aislamiento y la reducida dimensin del edicio permite que
un aporte de 1000W, con un radiador elctrico pequeo o el aporte
indirecto de los electrodomsticos, se mantiene el espacio interior a
20oC si por la noche hay una temperatura exterior de 0C.
Una instalacin solar activa, permitira este aporte adicional, pero de
momento para reducir costes en instalaciones es suciente un radiador
pequeo elctrico.
El edicio se adapta bien al invierno, cuando se calienta bien con el sol
directo, y funciona bien en verano gracias a sus protecciones solares y la
envolvente ventilada, pero se aprecian puntos dbiles en los equinoccios
cuando el sol ya es alto y no calienta sucientemente el interior del
espacio aislado necesitando un pequeo aporte suplementario al solar
directo, pero no es grave ya que el salto trmico es pequeo entre la


Expriences de rhabilitation intgrale en Mediterrane

Experiencias de rehabilitacin integral en el Mediterrneo
Experiences of integrated rehabilitation in the Mediterranean

temperatura de confort que se solicita y el exterior.

Para el confort en verano es vital que las grandes aberturas estn
protegidas completamente del sol y estn orientadas a sur para captar
la energa en invierno.
El mismo edicio pero orientado al oeste, provocara en su interior en
verano sin ventilar, temperaturas prximas a los 45C, con condiciones
invivibles por culpa de la equivocada orientacin.
Este edicio relativamente ligero se adapta bien a un uso intermitente
o de n de semana, ya que se calienta rpidamente sin necesidad
de calentar una gran masa del edicio. Esta ligereza, en este lugar no
compromete el confort trmico del verano.
En trminos de energa gris, o energa consumida para obtener
los materiales de construccin y su puesta en obra el edicio ligero
de madera, incluyendo la parte de mobiliario jo, construido con
los mismos materiales que la envolvente, contiene 9550 kWh, que
por sus 35m2 construidos resultan 273 kWh/m2 cuando un edicio
convencional contiene 1.626 kWh/m2. Una relacin de 6 veces mas.
La dbil energa gris radica en parte a la estructura de madera serrada
maciza de pino sin encolar ni laminar y en el aislamiento utilizado de lana
de oveja, ya que su espesor de 12cm, si fuera de un material derivado
del petrleo como un poliestireno hara aumentar sustancialmente los
273 kWh/m2.
En peso, el prototipo es de 3.630 Kg. resultan unos 100 Kg./m2. Un
edicio convencional pesa casi 3.000 Kg./m2, del orden de 30 veces
El precio de construccin, est entorno los 14.000 incluyendo
el mobiliario jo o sea unos 400m2, menos de la mitad que una
construccin convencional y el tiempo de construccin de la obra de
poco mas de un mes con dos personas.
La intervencin a pequea escala, no necesita grandes medios para
construir-se, y la hace asequible a las pequeas empresas locales sin
necesidad de acudir a grandes empresas de origen lejano.
Estas intervenciones favorecen la economa local y ayudan a jar la
poblacin al territorio.
El coste de la intervencin es mnimo, ya que se conserva las partes
existentes pesadas del edicio. Se hace un ahorro a nivel energtico de
utilizacin y tambin de energa gris, de construccin y transporte, con
poco material y reciclable como la madera. Su pequea dimensin y su
simplicidad permiten hacer un notable ahorro econmico para tener
una vivienda asequible preservando a la vez el patrimonio construido y
el legado histrico de un lugar.


Expriences de rhabilitation intgrale en Mediterrane

Experiencias de rehabilitacin integral en el Mediterrneo
Experiences of integrated rehabilitation in the Mediterranean

Extrapolacin de metodologas de
anlisis de poblados vernaculares del
Mediterrneo a la Patagonia chilena

a tener en cuenta en la Denicin del Entorno denidos paralelamente

y complementariamente al Mtodo Rehabimed, para el desarrollo de
una Metodologa de Anlisis.

Virginia Vsquez F. y Jaume Avellaneda

Direccin postal:
Departamento de Construcciones Arquitectnicas I
Escuela Tcnica Superior de Arquitectura del Valls. Universidad Politcnica de Catalunya.
Pere Serra 4. CP: 08173.
Sant Cugat del Valls. Barcelona. Espaa.
Direccin de correo electrnico:

1. Introduccin
Universalmente la arquitectura verncula es reconocida como la
respuesta de una comunidad1 al medio ambiente cultural, fsico
y econmico, constituyndose como asentamiento en constante
evolucin (Ver Fig. 1), como una arquitectura que maximiza los recursos
existentes, hacindolos propios, sin seguir una tipologa determinada,
sino desarrollando y adquiriendo un lenguaje arquitectnico particular
y cultural, en un sentido originario de creacin artstica de formas,
volmenes y trabajo de los materiales al denir un espacio, tanto
individual como comunitario, creando as estructuras urbanas a mayor
o menor escala y organizaciones sociales con un rol denido [1].
Sin duda esta manera de construir y de entender el hbitat (bajo un ritmo
que se autodetermina debido a la interaccin entre autoconstructorentorno), es lo que ha sentado las bases de la construccin actual y que
al ver revitalizadas sus potencialidades hace que sea re-descubierta para
ser obra de rehabilitacin o para constituirse en patrones conceptuales
y formales en el desarrollo de valores arquitectnicos.
2. Metologias de estudio
A continuacin se trata como punto de partida los conceptos generales
que propone el Mtodo Rehabimed [3] y como estos se integran a travs
de la Extrapolacin como concepto unicador a la nueva Metodologa,
propuesta para el anlisis del caso en la Patogonia Chilena.
Al analizar la primera premisa de Metodologa de Anlisis, encontramos
que bajo el alero de GLOBALIDAD subyacen las numerosas expresiones
de construccin verncula presentes en el mundo y que obedecen a
patrones de desarrollo universales, es as que esta denicin verncula
se torna bastante genrica, pero que permite desarrollar el primer
parmetro de anlisis, el que queda reejado a travs de las Escalas
de Aproximacin al Territorio (Ver cuadro 1), como primera referencia
concreta del mbito de contextualizacin a analizar.
El presente trabajo se enmarca dentro de tres aspectos fundamentales

Los conceptos de Integracin, Concertacin, Flexibilidad y

Adaptabilidad tomados por los autores del Mtodo Rehabimed, y
que se utilizan como metodologas de estudio en la denicin de un
entorno construido y revitalizado, son asumibles en todas sus variantes
al presentarse ante el anlisis de un caso de Arquitectura Verncula,
y tambin extrapolable como marco general para asumir el caso de
estudio en la Patagonia Chilena. Al ser de aplicacin general el presente
trabajo se centrara en extrapolar y mencionar los conceptos que han
permitido tener resultados visibles hasta ahora, del Programa de
Estudios Multisectoriales del mencionado Mtodo Rehabimed.
Por qu extrapolar conceptos de anlisis vernacular en
territorios dispares?
El Espacio Mediterrneo se encuentra aunado bajo el concepto de
fragilidad (debido a la multiculturalidad) y se auto propone como un
mar interior que trata de unicar, conectando los territorios [3].
Esta fragilidad es su fuerte, ya que gracias a ese equilibrio tan sutil es
que ha logrado convertirse en un espacio que alberga la diversidad
de Oriente y Occidente, donde el habitar se ha dado a travs de
una secuencia histrica y heterognea de culturas; siempre con una
memoria colectiva latente, que re-escribe su patrimonio.
Es as como el Espacio Mediterrneo se orienta y habita desde sus
bordes, que conguran el Mar interior Mediterrneo
De otra manera, la Aproximacin al Mar interior Patagnico del Ocano
Pacco, se hace desde un enfoque geogrco, que autodetermina
los asentamientos vernculos, y donde la multiculturalidad esta
ausente; estos asentamientos se rigen bajo un concepto de
fragilidad determinado por el aislamiento geogrco (distancia y
accesos), debido a esto es una constante latente en el desarrollo de
estas culturas, que a su vez han debido adaptar los aportes forneos
(escasos) para re-adaptarlos con soluciones a la medida y al cambio de
recursos disponibles, tanto de materiales (Ver g. 2) como en tcnicas
artesanales propias. El mar interior se orienta y habita desde sus bordes,
al igual que el Mediterrneo.
Se observa que la etapa de Diagnosis a travs del anlisis del territorio
propone un desarrollo metodolgico que corresponde a lo que los
autores denominan Escalas de Aproximacin al Maritorio Patagnico
del Ocano Pacco (mar interior), un espacio natural base para le
generacin de una arquitectura palaftica en maderas nativas en una
zona de precariedad y fragilidad geogrca de borde agua, adoptando
el carcter de insularidad continental. MARITORIO...mar y territorio [4].
3.Extrapolacion en la diagnosis
A continuacin, se desarrolla una Metodologa de Estudio que lleva
a obtener Parmetros y mbitos de Habitabilidad, generando as
Criterios de Intervencin y analizando aspectos compositivos en el
ordenamiento del asentamiento y su estructura de crecimiento, a
travs de lo palatico como tipologa verncula en su caracterizacin
y anlisis territorial.


Expriences de rhabilitation intgrale en Mediterrane

Experiencias de rehabilitacin integral en el Mediterrneo
Experiences of integrated rehabilitation in the Mediterranean

Los conceptos para este caso de estudio son. Escalas de Aproximacin

Territoriales, mbitos de Contextualizacin y Parmetros Arquitectnicos
y los extrados del Mtodo Rehabimed: Relaciones Macro territoriales,
Medio Fsico, Paisaje Natural, Parmetros Ambientales Riesgos
Naturales, Programa de estudios Multisectoriales y Aproximacin
Histrico geogrca, estos se complementan con los desarrollados
anteriormente constituyndose como teora base; los ltimos
parmetros son ajustados a los nuevos requerimientos aadiendo o
suprimiendo variantes del anlisis. Se puede observar en el desarrollo
del siguiente esquema. (Ver cuadro 2)

Escalas de

Espacio natural
y construido


Relaciones Macro territoriales

Medio Fsico
Paisaje Natural
Parmetros Ambientales
Riesgos naturales
Programa de estudios

Generacin de un
marco de estudio

mbitos de habitabilidad

Cuadro 2. Secuencia y contenido de variantes en la metodologa de anlisis.


mbitos de

Identicacin de
Roles, ncleos

Sistemas de autoProduccin

Tipologas de Auto

Aproximacin Socio
econmica y cultural

Relacin con la

Parmetros de habitabilidad
Anlisis CV de los materiales
Entorno construido y urbano
Volumetra y fachadas
Parametrizar y Caracterizar
mbitos de intervencin
Jerarquizar actuaciones

Criterios de


Contexto histrico territorial

Evolucin histrica
Evolucin estructura

Zonicar, aplicar y desarrollar

estrategias para evaluar

4. Breve extracto en caso de aplicacin

4.1. Generalidades
La verncula arquitectura de un poblado en la Patagonia de Chile, que
se gest y desarrolla en la desembocadura del ro Baker, prisionero de
los hielos y de la adversidad de la geografa; su vinculacin al crudo
clima se desarrolla fsicamente a travs de la explotacin del Ciprs de
las Guaitecas, una madera de extraordinaria rmeza, que le permite
al hombre asentarse colgando sus viviendas de las montaas, otando
en el borde mar, como primer lmite de zonicacin arquitectnica
4.2.Desarrollo y concepciones generales
Caleta Tortel se [5] encuentra en una condicin de fragilidad tanto del
sistema socio-cultural, econmico-productivo, del medio natural y
construido; su condicin de ISLA durante mucho tiempo la mantuvo
segregada del resto del territorio nacional y le provoc un desarrollo
particular y muchas veces precario por esta condicin de aislamiento
La escala local del poblado, se enfoca directamente en la humanizacin
del espacio natural (Ver Fig. 3) y genera as una habitabilidad sostenida
en el tiempo a travs de la construccin de un suelo rme, otorgado
por las pasarelas de madera de Ciprs de las Guaitecas, que logran
generar entre s una malla y red urbana de conexiones (Ver Fig. 4)
entre los espacios privados, intermedios y pblicos; esta conguracin
urbana se remonta desde los orgenes del ocio maderero de la zona,
que ligados a una malla de interaccin social, econmica y cultural
desarroll una cultura nica y particular. La temporalidad involucrada
reviste una especial importancia, por cuanto desde ella ser posible
valorar el espacio para transformarlo en lugar signicativo [6].
Esta caracterizacin corresponde a un esbozo de la problemtica
tratada, pero que sin duda genera las bases para la conjugacin de una
Metodologa de trabajo conjunta en el entendimiento de la arquitectura
verncula y su rehabilitacin partiendo de puntos comunes de anlisis
que toma matices segn el programa de Anlisis Multi sectorial.
5. Conclusiones
Por ahora se puede decir que existe una presin tanto en el desarrollo
urbano como en el cultural, ya que existe un incremento de las
actividades tursticas que se traduce un cambio de usos de suelos y
una baja manutencin y conservacin de los espacios pblicos, los
que ahora se encuentran mas solicitados al estar incrementando su
demanda y adems cambiando las formas de propiedad inmobiliaria y
sus mecanismos de control.
Referente a la extrapolacin general de conceptos de Globalidad,
Integracin, Concertacin, Flexibilidad y Adaptabilidad es necesario
trabajar la Sostenibilidad cultural, ambiental y econmica en general, y
el material como recurso maderero, con el n de caracterizar el estado
de las maderas nativas, bras vegetales y sus mejoras tecnolgicas
como materiales vernculos.
La Metodologa y su sistemtico desarrollo aborda desde los aspectos
tcnicos, constructivos,
sociales, antropolgicos, econmicos
y geogrcos para llegar a proponer esencialmente mejoras de
rehabilitacin y readecuacin en la calidad de vida de los habitantes,
lo que se traduce en una mayor sostenibilidad arquitectnica y social,

Expriences de rhabilitation intgrale en Mediterrane

Experiencias de rehabilitacin integral en el Mediterrneo
Experiences of integrated rehabilitation in the Mediterranean

es necesario mencionar que ningn aspecto se desarrolla aislado y que

son un cmulo de factores los que determinan el habitar en geografas
extremas y frgiles, ya sea por el aislamiento o la sobre-exposicin de
la cultura que lo habita.


[1] KAHN, L., COBIJO, H. Blume Ediciones, Madrid (1970)

[2] SERRA, R; COCH, HELENA., Arquitectura y Energa Natural, Ediciones UPC, Universidad
Politcnica de Catalunya, Barcelona (1995).
[3] REHABIMED, Mtodo Rehabimed para la Rehabilitacin de la Arquitectura Tradicional
Mediterrnea, Documento de Trabajo. Colegio de Aparejadores y Arquitectos Tcnicos
de Barcelona, Barcelona (2005)
[4] UNIVERSIDAD CATLICA DE CHILE. Fundamentos Escuela de Arquitectura Universidad
Catlica de Valparaso, Valpraso, Chile (1960).
Anteproyecto Plan Regulador de la Comuna de Tortel, Osorno, Chile (2001)
[6] CAMPOS, M; LPEZ, L., Identidad y Memoria Urbana. Recuerdo y Olvido, Continuidades
y Discontinuidades en la Ciudad, Revista de Urbanismo, N 10, Departamento de
Urbanismo, F.A.U., Universidad de Chile, Santiago de Chile (2004).

Entendiendo como comunidad, el conjunto en que uno o varios grupos a travs de un

valor como la sensibilidad al medio ambiente han sido capaces de transformarlo en su
benecio sin hacer un deterioro de l, si no una comunin.


Expriences de rhabilitation intgrale en Mediterrane

Experiencias de rehabilitacin integral en el Mediterrneo
Experiences of integrated rehabilitation in the Mediterranean

Proyecto TEAM

Patrici Lluch Llonch

Diseo, Coordinacin y Ejecucin de Programas de Formacin Profesional, en colaboracin con entidades pblicas: Departament Treball
de la Generalitat de Catalunya / Fondo Social Europeo / Entidades
locales (P.G.S./T.O./P.EX.)
Experto Europeo en Programas de Formacin, Metodologas y
Gestin (Mster UNIFF-Universidad Politcnica de Catalunya- UPC);
Ingeniera de la Formacin (Postgrado UNIFF-UPC); CTE/Certicacin
Energtica de Edicios (Postgrado Fundacin UPC); Instalaciones
de Energa Solar (CENSOLAR/IDAE); Clculo de Instalaciones Solares
(POLYSUN-Institut Solartechnick SPF); Problemticas Asociadas a la
Rehabilitacin (Instituto Tecnolgico de .Lrida./CentroTecnolgico.
Forestal de Cataunya/INCAFUST).
Direccin postal: c/ Riera de Sant Andreu, n 91 (casa); 08030 Barcelona
Direccin de correo electrnico:
Telfono: 00 34 93 274 32 50 / 625 90 95 66

Las iniciativas de trabajos integrales de rehabilitacin que recoge el

1SPZFDUP 3&)"#*.&%, han de estar sustentadas y complementadas
con Acciones de Formacin especcas: (talleres de ocupacin, escuelas
taller, programas experimentales, etc.), que prioricen y favorezcan
tambin, la sostenibilidad social y laboral de los trabajadores en origen.
Estas Acciones de Formacin han de dar respuesta a las necesidades
concretas de cada uno de los pases participantes, desde una base
comn de conocimientos tcnico/prcticos extrapolables a cualquier
Regin del Arco Mediterrneo hasta la denicin de tcnicas puntuales,
tanto en la obtencin de materiales primeros, como en la aplicacin,
uso y coste energtico de cada una de estas fases.
Para ello se proponen 1SPHSBNBT EF 'PSNBDJO 1SPGFTJPOBM que
faciliten la calicacin de los participantes: (Maestros de Obra, Ociales,
Ayudantes) y fomenten la empleabilidad y movilidad de trabajadores
cualicados en toda la zona de inuencia del Proyecto REHABIMED.
Re-descubrir, estructurar, sistematizar y fomentar el conocimiento
capitalizado por Maestros Artesanos y Gremios Artesanales hacia la
Rehabilitacin de viviendas, donde se integre a sus habitantes desde el
respeto y la consideracin a la cultura propia.
Elaboracin de pequeos diccionarios visuales de la construccin, con
la nalidad de que los conceptos que tenan como base la transmisin
oral en el tiempo queden recogidos de forma muy didctica en
unidades de desarrollo de conocimiento educativos sostenibles, a la
vez que dotar a los participantes -Arquitectos, Arquitectos Tcnicos,
Urbanistas, Paisajistas, Maestros de obra, Formadores y Alumnos- de la
herramienta bsica, del elemento comn de entendimiento directo:
el lenguaje constructivo: materiales, tcnicas, usos, herramientas, as
como el establecimiento de protocolos esenciales de Seguridad e
Higiene Laboral.


Las acciones de rehabilitacin funcional de edicios y viviendas

del 1SPZFDUP 3&)"#*.&%, pueden reforzarse mediante una nueva
cultura de la Sostenibilidad Medioambiental y Social que acte de
eje vertebrador en el fomento de la conservacin del patrimonio,
espacios pblicos, edicios y viviendas, desde el respeto al trabajo de
los Equipos Rehabilitadores, usuarios en general y bienes comunitarios,
como experiencia de convivencia e incentivo sociabilizador.
Es en este mbito dnde el 1SPZFDUP 5&". encuentra su espacio
de aplicacin, en su concepcin inicial orientada a la utilizacin de
materiales modulares sostenibles sin renunciar a las nuevas tecnologas
en materiales y aplicaciones, a la recuperacin del conocimiento
prctico de las mal llamadas tcnicas artesanales, ya que son parte de
los procesos evolutivos de las organizaciones sociales evolucin social
y tcnica- en cuanto a la capacidad de intervencin en el proceso
de adaptacin a partir de una conciencia crtica, entendida como la
capacidad de actuar sobre la naturaleza y sobre nosotros mismos con
conocimiento cientco y social.
Uno de los indicadores de esta evolucin y de los cambios sociales que
comporta, lo vemos claramente reejado en la vivienda y su uso, en
cmo se han adaptado los espacios y los materiales a las necesidades
de cada momento y cmo stas han generado ocios, profesiones y
En la rehabilitacin de viviendas y edicios es importante observar la
edad media de los ociales o artesanos frente a la del aprendiz o pen
de obra; desafortunadamente, este ltimo se ha convertido en una
herramienta fsico-mecnica sin oportunidad ni tiempo para aprender
-adquirir conocimiento de una cosa por medio del estudio, ejercicio
o experiencia- un ocio, ya que las condiciones laborales actuales
propician una renovacin constante de las plantillas provenientes de
los ujos migratorios, impidiendo que el vnculo maestro/artesanoaprendiz se consolide en el tiempo , a la vez, que la transmisin de
conocimientos se dispersa.
Por otro lado, observamos como la creciente y necesaria sensibilizacin
medio ambiental genera una nueva tecnologa de materiales
sostenibles. Ello nos reorienta, a su vez, a la recuperacin de sistemas
constructivos sostenibles tcnica y conceptualmente- que s estaban
ya contemplados, estudiados e integrados en viviendas o edicios de
principios del siglo pasado y anteriores; tanto en el mbito rural, como
en la trama de barrios, ciudades y entornos.
Y es en esta franja intermedia, entre el conocimiento por transmisin
oral, -artesano/aprendiz- y del conocimiento tcnico / conceptual,
dnde emergen decididamente estos nuevos perles profesionales;
entre la comprensin de los usos y tcnicas artesanales del pasado, y la
implementacin, el desarrollo de nuevas aplicaciones, como resultado
de la suma de ambas visiones.
Es necesario fomentar la elaboracin de nuevos diseos curriculares
que permitan a los participantes la obtencin de $BMJmDBDJPOFT
1SPGFTJPOBMFT homologadas en nuestro presente para encaminarnos a
un futuro ms respetuoso y sostenible: el de la sostenibilidad ambiental
y social.
La formacin escolar no prepara para la realidad laboral, ni siquiera se
acerca a las realidades de las empresas. Lejos de converger, las tendencias
que siguen ambas lneas educacin y necesidad laboral- tienden a
divergir cada vez ms. En la escuela, los jvenes con conocimientos
sucientes no reciben la preparacin adecuada para sustituir a los
mayores que se jubilan, y as, la transmisin directa de conocimientos

Expriences de rhabilitation intgrale en Mediterrane

Experiencias de rehabilitacin integral en el Mediterrneo
Experiences of integrated rehabilitation in the Mediterranean

se diluye en el tiempo, se pierde nuevamente el vnculo, la socializacin

de la tcnica artesanal.
Cmo conjugar esta realidad con la necesidad de cubrir los puestos
de trabajo cualicados que va dejando la gente de ms edad....?
Deberamos trabajar en la direccin de un cambio radical en las
actitudes acadmicas, incorporando activamente a la enseanza el
fomento de conocimientos prcticos sin olvidar una slida formacin
en aspectos conceptuales: matemticas, geometra, expresin escrita
e idiomas.
Para ello, es imprescindible que los estudiantes se familiaricen
activamente con la realidad laboral y conozcan los lugares de trabajo
mucho antes de terminar su formacin.
Intervenir en la transicin de la formacin escolar al puesto de
trabajo para evitar consecuencias negativas. El desempleo juvenil
comporta, adems de un alto coste social, la adopcin de patrones
y comportamientos negativos que ms adelante son difciles de
El 1SPZFDUP5&"., por los motivos anteriormente expuestos, considera
necesario compartir experiencias 1SPZFDUPTEF.PWJMJEBE de tcnicos,
expertos-docentes y alumnos- con otros pases del Arco Mediterrneo
algunos de ellos miembros tambin de la Unin Europea- en el mbito
1FSNBOFOUF; todas ellas, Acciones de Formacin orientadas a dar
respuesta a las necesidades actuales y futuras detectadas de personal
cualicado en estas especializaciones que rescatan y recuperan los
aspectos de la Arquitectura Tradicional Mediterrnea, utilizando a la
vez, materiales sostenibles que favorecen y minimizan la demanda
energtica de las viviendas y edicios manteniendo los acabados
tradicionales o artesanales.
Este conjunto de factores nos mueve a desarrollar mtodos
pedaggicos que comportan el diseo y la programacin de una
5&".- que conecta la transmisin de conocimientos y tecnologas
de materiales -artesanales y tcnicos-, con el aprendizaje visual de los
conceptos bsicos de geometra.
Esta Accin formativa se dirige a personas con bajo nivel de formacin
(Talleres de Ocupacin), al reciclaje de Profesionales Artesanos de
la construccin y a los Formadores Especializados en construccin
(Formacin de Formadores). Por ltimo a la Formacin Permanente de
todos ellos as como de otros profesionales, mediante una herramienta
El diseo de la Accin Formativa Genrica relaciona los conocimientos
adquiridos por los alumnos con un amplio abanico de aplicaciones
y posibilidades de insercin laboral, a partir de las prcticas en taller
con los distintos materiales (fontanera, electricidad, energa solar
trmica, estructuras de madera...), y la formacin directa en equipos de
rehabilitacin de viviendas y edicios privados y pblicos.
Somos espectadores de un fenmeno: la diversidad cultural est
en retroceso frente a un proceso de homogenizacin que barre las
diferencias. Hay culturas dominantes, muy dominantes, hegemnicas,
en detrimento de las ms dbiles; la falta de socializacin de la tcnica,
la ciencia y la tecnologa y su poder para transformar las relaciones
sociales de produccin son las responsables de este cambio.
La manifestacin ms plausible de una manera de pensar es como se
pone en funcionamiento el Proyecto que se ha pensado. Mientras el
Proyecto funciona, la retroalimentacin de lo que se piensa y lo que
se hace se dinamiza. ste es el concepto que debemos extrapolar a las

Acciones de Formacin, formar a travs de una experiencia objetivable

mediante &TDVFMBT 5BMMFS EF 3FIBCJMJUBDJO, dnde el alumnado se
sienta acompaado en todos los pasos de su itinerario formativo -tanto
conceptual como prctico-, interrelacionando la importancia y utilidad
de los dos procesos que convergen en un nico objetivo comn: la
transicin desde el proyecto a la ejecucin material del mismo.
El tejido social est implantado sobre el tejido urbano, que podemos
denir como un espacio patrimonial en construccin y de futuro global
con un valor productivo importantsimo.
Este espacio patrimonial tambin tiene una dimensin productiva
dada su capacidad de atraer la atencin de diferentes profesionales
implicados en la dinmica constructiva ciudadana. Es en este sentido
que la inversin educadora puede generar una correspondencia
econmica y ser motor de creacin de proyectos que consoliden
las demandas de la red educativa, articulando dinmicamente los
planteamientos pedaggicos con la ciudad.
La ciudad, mbito donde se producen y reproducen las relaciones
sociales, debemos entenderla como un espacio orgnico y por encima
de todo vivo educativamente hablando, pero tambin como un
espacio para vivirlo y disfrutarlo.
Desde este punto de vista se puede desarrollar una estrategia ecosocial
que haga sostenible el progreso y la renovacin de infraestructuras
urbanas de todo tipo en el marco de la tecnologa social.
Las intervenciones sobre el patrimonio en forma de rehabilitaciones,
restauraciones y adecuaciones tambin dinamizan la imagen de la
ciudad que se auto-educa preservando sistemticamente su pasado
para poder vivirlo con plenitud histrica.
Una visin pesada y conservadora de la ciudad-patrimonio nos llevara
a la desarticulacin del objetivo principal, el de la ciudad educadora
y del ocio; por tanto, estas propuestas deben de poder ilustrarse y
concretarse en marcos especcos, porque solo as seremos capaces de
avanzar en el 1SPZFDUP&EVDBUJWP.


Expriences de rhabilitation intgrale en Mediterrane

Experiencias de rehabilitacin integral en el Mediterrneo
Experiences of integrated rehabilitation in the Mediterranean


Expriences de rhabilitation intgrale en Mediterrane

Experiencias de rehabilitacin integral en el Mediterrneo
Experiences of integrated rehabilitation in the Mediterranean

Dmarche collective
pour la reconnaissance
du savoir-faire pierre sche

Claire Cornu
Diplme en architecture et en urbanisme
agent en charge damnagement du territoire, dveloppement local,
dveloppement durable au service conomique de la CMA84.
La CMA84 est une institution professionnelle implique dans la valorisation des savoir-faire et le dveloppement conomique du secteur
artisanal sur les territoires. Elle est attache au patrimoine vernaculaire
puisque dj, en 1983, elle a cre lEcole dAvignon. Depuis 2000, elle
oeuvre pour la cration dune lire professionnelle franaise de la
maonnerie de pierre sche.
Cette communication est issue dun travail collectif interrgional pour
lequel la CMA84 a reu le soutient du Conseil Rgional de Provence
Alpes Cte dAzur, de la Dlgation lamnagement du territoire et
laction rgionale (DATAR) et du Ministre des PME, du commerce, de
lartisanat, des services et des professions librales. (rsum sur www. rubrique les dossiers, puis la pierre sche)
Adresse postale:
Chambre de Mtiers et de lArtisanat de Vaucluse
35, rue Joseph Vernet BP 208
France-84009 AVIGNON cedex 1
Adresse courrier lectronique:

Le contexte
Pour survivre, lhomme a faonn son territoire. Il sest adapt sa
gographie ainsi qu son climat en ayant recours aux matriaux de
cueillette pour rpondre ses besoins. Ainsi, avec la pierre ramass en
pierrant les champs, a-t-il produit des banquettes cultivables, nivel les
collines, canalis leau, cltur ses parcelles, cr des chemins muletiers,
des chemins destive, bti des promontoires pour percher ses villages
ou implanter sa ferme. Il nous a lgu un patrimoine paysager.
Consquence de lexode rural et du recours dautres mthodes
dexploitation agricole, ces paysages sont tombs en dsutude.
Aujourdhui, soit ces paysages sont dlaisss, soit ils sont rcuprs pour
leur image, parce que progressivement, lauthenticit dun paysage
a une valeur marchande: celle de lengouement des productions
agricoles de terroir, du tourisme ethnoculturel, de la dcouverte de lart
des jardins. Mais alors, dans la plupart des cas, les paysages en pierre
sche subissent le recours systmatique aux matriaux industriels et aux
techniques normalises. Consquence de lindustrialisation, la perte de
savoir-faire conduit la mance des techniques traditionnelles.

Les dtracteurs de maonnerie en pierre sche sont nombreux.

Cependant lurgence climatique impose chacun de remettre en cause
son comportement et les matriaux naturels utiliss dans les pratiques
ancestrales sont retudis parce que non nergtivore.

Les objectifs
Il reste prouver que lapprentissage de la technique et la qualication
du savoir-faire sont une ncessit pour passer dun paysage de
dcor un paysage cologiquement satisfaisant. La mobilisation
des professionnels est donc indispensable, non seulement pour
maintenir ces ouvrages, mais encore combattre la fois ces drives
et contribuer au mieux la problmatique, celle de la prservation de
paysages identitaires, mais encore celle lies la gestion de notre zone
mditerranenne : gestion de leau et des sols.
La CMA84 a prospect lchelle nationale pour dnicher les personnes
ressources, puis pour relier les hommes, les savoirs et les savoir-faire,
an de, non seulement mutualiser les nergies et les comptences
pour prouver que cette technique, au-del du geste ancestral et du
pittoresque, est able, pertinente, innovante, mais encore tisser un
rseau dcid partager les expriences et se rpartir les tches pour
faire progresser plus vite et mieux les valeurs de la pierre sche.
Ce rseau sest x de construire la reconnaissance de la technique et
celle du savoir-faire an de dvelopper le march national franais de
la pierre sche et de contribuer ainsi au dveloppement durable des
La dmarche
Mobiliser les acteurs et dresser des passerelles
Comme seuls la parole et le geste ont transmit cette intelligence
de construction, cette technique particulire manque cruellement
dcrit. Or, les concepteurs de ces ouvrages, ingnieurs, architectes,
architectes-paysagistes, ont besoin de justier leur choix grce un
systme constructif certi. Cest en acqurant cette certication,
par linstauration dun dialogue entre concepteurs et artisans et en
dmontrant ladquation de la pierre sche aux besoins actuels de
protection de lenvironnement, que nous parvenons sensibiliser les
matres douvrage, notamment publics, aux qualits irremplaables
de cette technique. Il faut convaincre prfrer la pierre sche et la
considrer non plus comme un surcot mais comme un cot notre
qualit de vie et notre cadre de vie.
Evaluer la niche de march pour les professionnels:
patrimoine de murs de soutnement du rseau routier national et
constate que plus de 20% des ouvrages de soutnement sont en
pierre sche et doivent tre maintenus,
daltitude sont gains de pierre sche, que ce pr contribue leur
rsistance, et quils doivent tre maintenus,
les paravalanches sont en pierre sche. Il est plus avantageux
dhliporter des hommes avec le seul savoir-faire, capables de
btir un mur de matriaux de cueillette, plutt quun va et vient
dhliportage de matriaux et de matriel.


Expriences de rhabilitation intgrale en Mediterrane

Experiencias de rehabilitacin integral en el Mediterrneo
Experiences of integrated rehabilitation in the Mediterranean

Portugal : des chercheurs internationaux se mobilisent pour valider
le rle des terrasses en pierre sche dans la gestion de leau en
zone aride et la prise en compte des risques : glissement de terrain,
rosion, ruissellement, inondations, incendies.
loignon doux AOC des Cvennes incitent dautres terroirs se
lancer dans cette action. LUNESCO labellise le paysage de la Valle
du Douro au Portugal, des Cinque Terre en Italie.
chemins de randonnes tels que les chemins de Saint Jacques de
Compostelle, Grande randonne (GR) petites randonnes (PR) et
autres circuits de loisirs.
et naturels, les techniques traditionnelles et identitaires : jardins,
cltures, soubassement, soutnement...
Prparer ce march :
impose de dmontrer que la technique est able et doptimiser
le dimensionnement des murs pour en rduire les cots du
lapplication du principe de prcaution. Avec lappui du Laboratoire
reconnaissance scientique:
QJFSSFTDIFx Thse de doctorat dingnieur en gnie civil de Boris
7JMMFNVT&/51& "#14 .VSBJMMFSTEF1SPWFODF "1"3& 1/$ ''# 
facilement utilisable par les entreprises artisanales. 3 matriaux bio
dans lequel sont ainsi valus: le chanvre, la terre et la pierre sche.
3 techniques traditionelles. Pour la pierre, ltude est pilote par
syndicats du btiment Rhne Alpes : CAPEB et FFB, la SMABTP, de
mme que Muraillers de Provence et ABPS, y sont associs.
soutnement pierre sche.
nest possible. Avec la CAPEB nationale pour porter le dossier, nous
CAPEB 84, CAPEB 34, CAPEB 73. Les associations de professionnels
Muraillers de Provence et ABPS ont rdig le contenu technique
et fournit liconographie. LENTPE de Lyon et le SETRA ont mis au
point des abaques de calcul simpli de dimensionnement. Grce
ce Guide, les concepteurs et les entreprises pourront engager
leur responsabilit car ils seront assurs. En eet, les assurances
professionnelles sappuieront sur ce Guide en cas de litige et de
malfaons. Ce Guide devrait paratre lautomne 2007.



lments concasss pour parement de maonneries de bton,
comment rcuprer en carrires des lments adquat pour btir
des maonnerie en pierre sche, avec Carrires de Provence et
Muraillers de Provence .
On identie ce savoir-faire parmi des artisans maons, tailleurs
de pierres, jardinier-paysagiste ou les responsables de chantiers
dentreprises dinsertion. Avec lappui du PNC, nous les avons incits
se regrouper localement sous une Charte, ceci an dtre identis.
Les associations ABPS et Muraillers de Provence sont nes en 2002.
t /PVTBWPOTCUJVOannuaire national des praticiens de la pierre
TDIF (disponible sur rubrique les dossiers, puis
la pierre sche
nous lui avons donn une dimension europenne en lintgrant
dans son programme REPS.
t /PVTBWPOTSEJHVOManifeste lusage des maonneries en pierre
sche accompagn de Chartes professionnelles : pour les concepteur
et pour les artisans. Avec lappui de notre ministre de tutelle, nous
souhaitons promulguer ces Chartes travers toute la France pour
garantir lengagement des professionnels au respect du Guide de
bonnes pratiques.
sche pilote par les ABPS en coopration avec la Confrrie des
Btisseurs en pierre sche, Muraillers de Provence, le PNC et le
Construire un dveloppement durable partir du patrimoine pierre
sche signie :



assurer les conditions de sa prservation :

promouvoir des projets autour de cette lire :
inciter la reconqute dune agriculture autrement,
t veiller des vocations chez les jeunes,
pour une production locale de pierres adapte aux exigences de la
Chacun, selon ses comptences, son territoire, ses rseaux, ses sources
de nancement, uvre pour la reconnaissance et le dveloppement
de cette lire comme une chane de solidarit. La cohrence entre
toute cette chane dacteurs sur plusieurs territoires est aujourdhui bien
lisible. Le fait de mutualiser les expriences et les connaissances est un
potentiel fantastique denrichissement et tous ces travaux de recherche
est de nature garantir les objectifs de dveloppement durable par la
prservation du patrimoine et celle de lenvironnement mais encore
par le dveloppement conomique de toute la lire professionnelle
investie dans la pierre sche.

Expriences de rhabilitation intgrale en Mediterrane

Experiencias de rehabilitacin integral en el Mediterrneo
Experiences of integrated rehabilitation in the Mediterranean

Pour nous, la pierre sche rassemble, cest un bon ciment pour lier les

"#14 = Association cvenole Artisans Btisseurs en Pierre sche , St Germain de Calberte
"%&.&= Agence gouvernementale De lEnvironnement et de la Matrise de lnergie
"1"3&= Association pour laction et la participation rgionale (84)
$"'0$ = Centre Acadmique de Formation Continue. Education Nationale
$"1&# = Confdration artisanale des petites entreprises du btiment (Syndicat
professionnel national)
$."= Chambre de Mtiers & de lArtisanat : CMA48 de Lozre CMA84 de Vaucluse
$/34 = Centre National de la Recherche Scientique du Languedoc Roussillon
$POGSSJFEFTCUJTTFVSTFOQJFSSFTDIF association gardoise de praticiens de la pierre
$45# = Centre national Scientique & Technique du Btiment
$POTFMM EF .BMMPSDB  Conseil de lle de Majorque, Balares, Espagne (http://www.
%48"= Dry Stone Walling Association (GB)
&DP#UJS= Rseau national dacteurs de la construction cologique www.reseau-ecobatir.
&%' = Electricit de France
&DPMF$FOUSBMFEF-ZPO= LTDS-G8 Laboratoire de Tribologie et Dynamique des Systmes
&/51&EF-ZPO = Ecole nationale des travaux public de lEtat de Lyon (69) http://www.entpe.
''# = Fdration Franaise du Btiment (Syndicat professionnel national)
(3&5" =Rattach lEducation Nationale, le Greta est un groupement dtablissements
publics locaux denseignement qui fdrent leurs ressources humaines et matrielles pour
organiser des actions de formation continue pour adultes.

Anglaterre avril 2007

.VSBJMMFST EF 1SPWFODF = association vauclusienne de praticiens de la pierre sche,

Carpentras (84)
1/$ = Parc National des Cvennes (48)
4&53"= Service dEtudes Techniques des Routes et Autoroutes, Rattach la Direction des
routes du Ministre de lEquipement, intervient sur lensemble des techniques routires et
la planication des infrastructures.
4."#51 = Assurance professionnelle pour le btiment

La pierre sche travers les territoires

La pierre sche travers les territoires


Expriences de rhabilitation intgrale en Mediterrane

Experiencias de rehabilitacin integral en el Mediterrneo
Experiences of integrated rehabilitation in the Mediterranean

La formation la restauration et la
valorisation du patrimoine bti : le
projet europen TRAINMONHER

Isabelle Brianso
Isabelle Brianso est conomiste de formation initiale, elle est diplme dun DESS en gestion culturelle (IEP-Universit dAix-Marseille 3,
France) et dun Master II en mdiation culturelle et didactique musale (Universit Rome 3, Italie). Elle prpare un doctorat lUniversit
de Versailles Saint-Quentin en Yvelines (UVSQ) sur la mise en valeur du
patrimoine culturel pour des biens inscrits sur la liste du patrimoine
mondial de lUnesco. Elle est consultante internationale auprs de
lAutorit Nationale APSARA sur le site dAngkor (Cambodge), enseigne
lIUP- Arts, Sciences, Culture et Multimdia de lUVSQ et coordonne la communication du projet europen Training in Monumental
Adresse postale:
Universit Versailles Saint-Quentin en Yvelines (UVSQ)
IUP- Arts, Sciences, Culture et Multimdia
Centre Blaise Pascal
37, rue du Marchal de Lattre de Tassigny
78150 Le Chesnay, France
Adresse courrier lectronique:
+33 (0)1 39 25 31 01

Le projet europen Training in Monumental Heritage (TRAINMONHER)

est un projet de coopration internationale et de dveloppement
durable dont un de ses objectifs principaux est la promotion et le
renforcement de lore de formation en restauration et en valorisation
du patrimoine culturel des pays partenaires de lEurope.
Bas sur une tude spcique didentication des besoins de formation
et des politiques culturelles dveloppes par les pays partenaires,
TRAINMONHER propose de renforcer certains contenus de formations
interdisciplinaires combinant arts et sciences an de mieux rpondre
aux problmatiques de terrain lies la gestion et la valorisation
dun site patrimonial. En eet, la conservation, la prservation et la
mise en valeur du patrimoine sont des activits pluridisciplinaires qui
croisent des connaissances artistiques comme lhistoire de lart et des
connaissances scientiques dures comme la chimie, la gologie ou la
physique. Rares aujourdhui encore sont les formations de haut niveau
universitaire (Master) qui apportent ce double regard sur le patrimoine
culturel. Malgr quelques laboratoires scientiques intgrs non sans
dicults dans des institutions culturelles comme des muses (exemple
: Laboratoire du C2RMF au Muse du Louvre, France) il reste encore
beaucoup faire dans ce domaine. Ces pluri-comptences doivent


permettre une meilleure gestion intgre des sites patrimoniaux tant

dans leur histoire que dans leur prservation pour les gnrations
futures. Dans ce contexte, la prsence de personnel quali ayant ce
double regard art-sciences est un atout majeur pour les structures
en charge des sites historiques.
Des pays comme le Maroc ou la Tunisie qui connaissent un
dveloppement touristique en croissance, doivent tre en mesure
de proposer un tourisme de qualit favorisant lentre dimportantes
ressources socio-conomiques et permettant la mise en valeur du
patrimoine culturel par la recherche universitaire, la conservation et la
restauration de monuments en utilisant les techniques modernes et
les savoir-faire traditionnels. La cration de nouveaux emplois reste
lindicateur de mesure le plus pertinent dans la redistribution des gains
conomiques lis au patrimoine culturel. Malgr une relle coopration
internationale et une vritable volont politique, les jeunes diplms
toutes disciplines confondues (humanits et sciences) rencontrent de
nombreuses dicults sinsrer dans une vie professionnelle stable
linstar des pays europens.
Le programme de formation distance propos dans le projet
TRAINMONHER est destin un large public compos aussi bien de
professionnels travaillant dans le secteur du patrimoine culturel qu
des tudiants en n de cycle universitaire ou dsireux de complter
leurs connaissances acadmiques. Cette formule souple sinscrit dans
un objectif dapprentissage tout au long de sa vie professionnelle. Ainsi,
des agents ne pouvant prendre un cong de formation temps plein
ou des jeunes en recherche demploi pourront garder leurs activits
en cours tout en acqurant de vritables complments de formation
en fonction de leurs spcialits dorigine. Un ensemble de modules
labors par huit universits localises en Europe, en Amrique Latine
et dans la zone Euro-mditerrane proposent en fonction de leur
expertise propre (tudes des matriaux de construction, restauration,
mdiation culturelle, gestion de projet, valorisation, etc.), un matriel
didactique en ligne disponible sur une plate-forme denseignement
avec un tutorat individualis. Cet enseignement en ligne ou e-learning
est bas sur des modules pdagogiques thoriques et pratiques
composs dtudes de cas. La Mdina de Marrakech (Maroc), classe au
patrimoine mondial de lhumanit par lUnesco en 1985, fera lobjet de
plusieurs exercices, de part son riche pass historique, son tat actuel
de dgradation (matriaux), et lengouement des touristes trangers
visiter ce site sans toute fois avoir t sensibiliss aux rgles lmentaires
de respect de biens culturels fragiles. Le tourisme culturel gnre des
gains de productivit dont une partie doit permettre la mise en place
dactions prventives1, notamment la sensibilisation des publics la
protection du patrimoine par, entre autre, des outils et des supports de
mdiation culturelle.
Luniversit Cadi Ayyad (Laboratoire GERMH) de Marrakech (Maroc) et
lUniversit Autonome de Barcelone (Espagne), toutes deux partenaires
du projet europen TRAINMONHER, ont men ces dernires annes
de nombreux travaux de recherche (thses doctorales de cotutelle)
sur ltude des matriaux de construction en vue dventuelles
restaurations de monuments. Cette documentation servira de base de
travail aux supports didactiques, aussi bien thoriques que pratiques.
Les tudiants du programme ou tout internaute spcialis dans les
mtiers de la culture dsirant approfondir un domaine li au patrimoine
culturel par une formation dispense dans lun des pays partenaires du
projet TRAINMONHER pourra consulter la base donnes en ligne. Ce
rpertoire de formations recense tous les programmes universitaires de

Expriences de rhabilitation intgrale en Mediterrane

Experiencias de rehabilitacin integral en el Mediterrneo
Experiences of integrated rehabilitation in the Mediterranean

Licence et de Master (I et II) des mtiers de la culture des dirents pays

collaborateurs de TRAINMONHER en raison du passage des universits
europennes au LMD (Licence, Master, Doctorat). Les ches de
formation de ce rpertoire dclinent de manire dtaille les contenus
pdagogiques enseigns ainsi que les orientations professionnelles
possibles la n des tudes.

Site Internet :

ICCROM. Jeunes et sauvegarde du patrimoine, Rome, Italie, 2000. ISBN 92-9077-167-4



Expriences de rhabilitation intgrale en Mediterrane

Experiencias de rehabilitacin integral en el Mediterrneo
Experiences of integrated rehabilitation in the Mediterranean

The restoration and rehabilitation of

Mansion Saliverou in Santorini - Greece
Neoclassical inuences in the vernacular

Maria Doussi
Maria Doussi, architect (AUTH), specialized in Belgium in restoration
(KUL, R. Lemaire International Centre for Conservation). She is working
as an architect dealing with issues of conservation of the architectural
heritage as well as with contemporary architecture. She teaches as a
lecturer in Democritus University of Thrace.
Chalkeon 29, 54631, Thessaloniki, Greece
0030 2310 236888

The Saliveros mansion lies in the settlement Ekso Gonia on Santorini
and represents an exquisite example of a particular kind of neoclassical
architecture evolving towards the end of the 19th century under the
inuence of neoclassicism on the islands traditional architecture. In this
mansion one can discern a very interesting blend of the local with the
international style, of the folk architectural tradition with neoclassicism,
the dominant style of the era.
The mansion, built in 1889 to house the prominent families of Antonis
Saliveros and his daughter, was transferred to the municipality of Thera
in 1962 and used as municipal oces until 1990. In 1994 the building
was listed as a historic monument and artistic treasure by the Ministry
of Culture.
According to the restoration study conducted in 2003, the building will
be reused as a centre for the documentation of the islands architecture
and volcano.
The place
The oldest settlement on the island dates back to the medial ages of
the 5th millennium B.C., when the island was round in shape and named
Strongili. The islands economic, social and cultural development was
fostered by commerce and the continuous interaction with other
eastern civilizations. Traces of this civilization have come to light during
archaeological excavations. It appears the houses were spacious, with
two or three-storeys, stepped elevations and multi-level at terraces.
The eruption of the volcano brought this civilization to an abrupt end
around 1500 B.C.
Large amounts of pumice, together with other material, were ejected
during the eruption, with parts of the island covered with a layer 1-6
meter thick and the place remained uninhabited for 2-3 centuries after


the eruption. At the beginning of the 15th century the Castelia started
to appear: fortications built by the inhabitants at the spots where
the aspa, the volcanos tephra according to the local idiom, had been
The population has maintained its morale despite numerous
catastrophic earthquakes. Both the protable local shipping activity and
industrial development at the end of the 19th century were benecial
to the islands economy. The settlements expanded into new areas and
blocks of mansions were built.
The type and the form
There are a variety of easily traceable forms and types on Santorini
created during the various stages of the islands economic, social and
cultural evolution, from the simplest semi-underground to the volcanic
tephra, to the spacious and decorated capetanospita (captains
houses) and the elaborate mansions with eclecticist and neoclassical
Santorinis buildings can be generally divided into two categories.
Those emanating from the idiosyncratic local forms and construction,
formulated without any conscious architectural intentions, namely, the
local vernacular architecture; and the mansions reecting the cultural
standards of a particular social class. These two categories are directly
related to their inhabitants social and economic status: working
farmers, seamen on the one hand, and privileged landowners, shipowners and traders on the other. The mansion houses are distinctive as
individual pieces of architecture within the city, thanks to their special
neoclassical aesthetics, as opposed to the urban blocks of traditional
dwellings, where the aesthetic value lies in the group as a whole and its
organic formation. Many of these are semi-buried, taking advantage of
escarpments and rifts, and embedded in the soft material, as protection
against severe weather conditions. The place and its history have
signicantly aected the visual nature of built space.
Although these two types of buildings are dierent in size and form,
there are common characteristics regarding building techniques and
typological characteristics.
The Saliveros mansion, despite its vigorous neoclassical morphology,
follows some typological norms derived from the local vernacular.
Therefore, a brief reference to the typology of traditional houses
enables us to more eectively highlight the continuity of several
typological elements from the folk to the neoclassicist architecture of
the mansion.
The traditional dwellings of the island develop from the double-spaced
type A, the simplest and most popular type of traditional house, to type
B, resulting from the linear repetition of type A, to type C, the most
advanced form of traditional house, boasting the addition of a second
oor. Some characteristics of these types are: the cistern, the lighting
and ventilation exclusively via large openings in the elevation, as well
as access to the upper oor through a modern space.
In the mansion under examination, especially on the second oor,
many of these characteristics persist, albeit in a somewhat modied
form. There is also a symmetry regarding the arrangement of the main
spaces, as well as the arrangement of the entrance, characteristics
that derive from neoclassical tradition. The arrangement of the third
oor is signicantly dierentiated from the typological norms of folk
architecture. Some elements of neoclassical organizational patterns are
adopted (a central entrance, a symmetrical, south facing living room),
although it does not strictly follow the neoclassical format.

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Experiencias de rehabilitacin integral en el Mediterrneo
Experiences of integrated rehabilitation in the Mediterranean

In conclusion, several typological elements of the building show

similarities to the characteristics of Santorinis traditional architecture;
the major dierences lie in the morphology.
Almost all the internal and external surfaces are decorated with
paintings, simulating marble using an underlay in three layers consisting
of volcanic earth from Santorini (pozollana), sand of various grit sizes,
and quicklime. The outer surface is exquisite and, is in good condition
and has the feel of polished marble. The external surfaces of the third
oor are decorated with trowelled plasterwork.
Construction Pathology
The structural system of Santorinis neoclassical and eclecticist
buildings follows the long tradition of the islands folk architecture, and
consists of stonewalls and vaults. The stonework of these structures
(stonewalls and vaults) was built from a variety of stone, volcanic,
calcareous, limestone, etc, combined with cohesive local lime-mortar.
This combination was suciently strong to allow the masons to use
this technique not only for stonewalls, tunnel and groined vaults, but
also in navicular vaulting.
This constructional form was safe enough to be used in two and threestorey structures where the vertical elements were not always aligned;
some upper oor stonewalls being supported by subjacent vaults.
This allowed for variations regarding the arrangement of spaces and,
therefore, the typology of dierent oors in a single building.
The building under study falls into this singular category of construction.
Moreover, its singularity is emphasized by its having been built on a
sloping site. As a result, both its foundations and its spatial arrangements
are stepped. The rst two oors were built on the slope itself. The third,
and most important oor, was built on top of them.
In the earthquake of 1956, several surrounding mansions collapsed,
while the Saliveros mansion suered only minor cracks. Geological
investigation showed that, while the other mansions had been built on
a layer of volcanic tephra (aspa), the Saliveros mansion was built on the
excavated underlying rock, without any layer of tephra underneath.
Restoration and Rehabilitation Proposal
The historic, architectural and aesthetic qualities of the Saliveros
mansion mark it as an important architectural and artistic monument.
The damage and alterations it has suered have not signicantly
aected its original characteristics.
Restoration and adaptation to new compatible uses should not
compromise its original elements. The restoration work can be
categorised as follows:
1. Work concerning the restoration earthquake damage, as well as by
deterioration in some parts of the structural elements. These works
comprise steel ties, anchors and junctions, together with repointing
work with compatible contemporary mortar, wherever material
damage or deterioration is evident.
2. Work concerning the conservation and restoration of the remaining
elements, such as oors, plastering, opening frames, balusters,
paintings and decorative elements.
3. Work concerning the partial reconstruction or restoration of
destroyed elements, either structural, or decorative. This works to be
carried out according to traditional techniques.
4. New structures and interventions for the new use. Minimal
interventions are proposed, such as construction of sanitary facilities,
roof insulation, required electromechanical installations, as well as

the installation of elements of mobile equipment of contemporary


The place. The island of Santorini (Thera) in the Aegean Sea.

The typological evolution of traditional houses of the island, from the simplest semi
underground into the volcanic tephra to the spacious and decorated captains houses and
the elaborate mansions with eclecticist and neoclassical inuences. The Saliveros Mansion
belongs to the last category.


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Experiences of integrated rehabilitation in the Mediterranean

The morphological characteristics of the external and internal surfaces of the building
inuenced by neoclassical tradition.

Some of the proposal drawings concerning the restoration of the morphological and
decorative elements of the building.


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Experiencias de rehabilitacin integral en el Mediterrneo
Experiences of integrated rehabilitation in the Mediterranean

Methodological approach for the

restoration of historic buildings in
Greece. The case of the Daniel Mansion
in Xanthi Thrace

Maria Doussi
Maria Doussi, architect (AUTH), specialized in Belgium in restoration
(KUL, R. Lemaire International Centre for Conservation). She is working
as an architect dealing with issues of conservation of the architectural
heritage as well as with contemporary architecture. She teaches as a
lecturer in Democritus University of Thrace.
Chalkeon 29, 54631, Thessaloniki, Greece
0030 2310 236888

The restoration and rehabilitations of historic buildings in Greece
usually follows certain specications set by the state. Based on these
specications, as well as the knowledge and experience born of our
long involvement in this eld, we have developed a methodological
approach presented here in the form of a specic paradigm, the study
for restoring the Daniel mansion in the city of Xanthi.
One of the citys most important buildings, this still constitutes a
signicant landmark, thanks to its dominant position within the urban
grid. Its total area is approximately 1500m2, divided into four levels.
The restoration study, comprising an analytical architectural survey,
a photographic survey of the elevations, and structural analysis, was
conducted by an interdisciplinary group of experts.
I. Architectural analysis and documentation
1.The building and its relationship with its environment
The research revealed important information regarding both the historic
evolution of the wider urban environment and the contemporary
character of the building.
The building lies within the citys historic centre. The residential
framework of the original city grid dates from 1800. In 1829 a catastrophic
earthquake completely attened most buildings. The subsequent
rebuilding organized the city into districts reecting religious and social
characteristics. Much of this rebuilding took place between 1870 and
1910, during the boom in the tobacco trade.
In 1939, a new city plan, fortunately never implemented, proposed
opening up and widening the streets, regardless of the traditional
urban grid.
The city nowadays comprises a new part containing all the new facilities

and the largely abandoned old part. This was designated a historic site
in 1976, while the building under study was listed as a monument in
The buildings location, on the old commercial thoroughfare on the
edge of the old city, is important. Here, the majority of the Eclectic style
buildings of the boom years were built, with the ground oors used as
commercial stores.
Nowadays, commercial activity has migrated to the south of the city
and numerous ground oor spaces remain derelict.
2. Historical analysis
Some signicant conclusions emerged from the research, regarding
the historic evolution and constructional stages of the building.
The building was commissioned in 1897 by a Jewish businessman,
Isaac Daniel, an insurer and tobacco trader and one of the citys
wealthiest men; the ground oor space to be a warehouse and the
two upper oors as living space. In 1824 Daniel died. Between 1924
and 1932 the ground oor space was rented by several traders, and the
two upper oors by wealthy families. One of these was the family of
the distinguished Greek composer Manos Hadjidakis, who lived there
during his early years.
In 1932 the building reverted to the Greek state and several public
services where housed there until 2000, when the building was
abandoned. In 1957 some important elements of the building were
destroyed by re. In 2005 it was transferred to the prefecture of Xanthi,
who decided to restore and rehabilitate it as a cultural centre, honouring
the memory of Manos Hadjidakis.
2.2. Architectural characteristics
2.2.1.Typological analysis
Other conclusions from the research relate to the arrangement and
hierarchy of spaces that needed to be preserved and emphasised.
The owners specications, in combination with the fashion of the
time, led to the creation of a distinctive dwelling comprising a ground
oor with spaces for servants, commercial stores and oces, and living
spaces on the upper levels.
The typology of the building is based on a central hall with rooms
on both sides combined with a distinctive staircase in three ights,
a typology widely used almost all over the Balkans during the 19th
The building contains new spatial data and innovative solutions.
The commercial stores and oces created on the ground oor are
independent of the house, as are the servant spaces. These spaces
connect with the levels above via an ancillary four-storey timber
staircase, so the servants movements would not interfere with the
primary spaces.
Thus, we can distinguish three spatial entities, discreetly connected
while functionally independent.
1) The wing-like warehouse on the north side, with underground
spaces and lofts, as well as similar spaces on the main side,
demolished during the 70s.
2) The domestic living spaces, arranged with the main entrance at
ground level and living spaces on the rst and second oor, with
their corresponding open spaces.
3) The serving spaces (kitchen etc.) and the spaces for the servants
with corresponding cellars and basements.


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Experiencias de rehabilitacin integral en el Mediterrneo
Experiences of integrated rehabilitation in the Mediterranean

2.2.2. Morphological characteristics

Other important conclusions emerged concerning the morphological
characteristics of the building, an inseparable part of its architectural
This building is a typical example of eclecticism, the dominant
architectural style at the time. The basic organizational principle
is symmetry, as well as the smaller morphological setouts that are
generated by the complexity of the outer brickwork and partially glazed
ceramic elements. Apart from that, the use of cast-iron elements, such
as gratings and cantilevers, as well as the granite lower courses, is also
The wall paintings, preserved under successive layers of colour on
almost all walls are also morphologically important, as are the marble
parts of the main staircase and the marble oors of the main corridor
on the ground oor.
Many other important elements, such as internal and external windows
and door frames, were damaged by re and later replaced.
2.3. Structure pathology
Much information about the construction and building technology
were also revealed, together with the physical condition of its structural
The construction is typical of the era. The load-bearing walls at the
underground level are stonework, at ground level, mixed stonework,
and the walls of the upper brickwork.
The ceilings of the below-ground and ground oor consist of steel
beams and small vaults of bricks. The oors of the upper levels are
timber, reconstructed during the 1950s, after the catastrophic re.
All the structural elements appear to be in good condition as are the
surfaces of both internal and external walls and all the elements of the
More than a hundred years have passed since the construction of
the building and it owes its generally good material condition to
being constantly in use during this period. The problems lie in the
interventions and the damage due to the re. To arrive at an analytical
record the construction and nishes of the building, expansions and
bulletins for every space had to be drafted.
II. Restoration and rehabilitation proposal

2. Proposed uses - program

In accordance with the owners wishes, the building is going to be
reused as a cultural centre. It is meant to constitute a centre for artistic
creation and recreation, with an emphasis on music, as a memorial
tribute to the great composer. This will signicantly enhance the wider
area of the historic centre and may well be incorporated into this
historic building without major alterations.
Specically, the following functions will be incorporated:
Spaces for musicians and music composers, such as spaces providing
multimedia facilities, a radio station, on which the works of local
musicians can be promoted, and a music library, where works of music,
publications and rare recordings will be displayed and accessible. In
addition, recreational and cultural spaces, outdoor and enclosed, a
caf-restaurant and administration oces for the centre, as well as
several secondary spaces.
3. Restoration interventions
In broad terms, the following interventions are proposed:
Restoration of structural load-bearing capacity with mild
interventions so as not to compromise the original structure.
with the original design.
4. New construction
Proposed new construction has been deliberately limited as the
building is an architectural monument. However, for new uses to
be properly housed some new construction is necessary. This will
be structurally and morphologically dierent and clearly state its
contemporary identity.
It concerns the construction of:
secondary staircase
second oor balcony level

1. General principles philosophy of the intervention

In the course of a study for the restoration and rehabilitation of a historic
building the typological and morphological characteristics, as well as
the structural form, need to be preserved and emphasized.
The graphic and sculptural decoration is an inseparable part of its
historic and aesthetic value and therefore needs to be preserved and
The alterations necessary for the modernisation of the building to meet
the standards for new uses need to be harmonically incorporated into
the historic building to give the impression they are part of it, without
compromising its aesthetic values.
The assessment of compatibility for new uses of the building is one of
the most important stages of the study and here incompatible uses
and arrangements that signicantly damage the buildings elements
have to be excluded.


The study is awaiting approval of the nal stage and restoration work is
expected to begin by the end of 2007.

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Experiencias de rehabilitacin integral en el Mediterrneo
Experiences of integrated rehabilitation in the Mediterranean

Some samples of the wall paintings preserved in the interior surfaces of the building.

The architectural characteristics. The Typological analysis and the morphological

characteristics of the building.

The building and its relationship with its environment. The position of the Daniel
Mansion within the historic centre of Xanthi.

Some drawings of the restoration and reuse project.


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Experiencias de rehabilitacin integral en el Mediterrneo
Experiences of integrated rehabilitation in the Mediterranean

The revival of a traditional house in

Pindos Mountains, Epirus, Greece

Niki Manou Andreadi

Graduate of the Departments of Civil Engineering and Architectural
Engineering of the Polytechnic School of the Aristotle University of
Thessaloniki. In 1994 she was awarded with Ph.D. in Civil Engineering
from the same institution. She is currently Lecturer at the Department
of Architectural Engineering at the Polytechnic School of the Aristotle
University of Thessaloniki.
47, Nikis Avenue, 54622 Thessaloniki , Greece
+30 2310 240780

Zagori is a complex of 45 villages, situated northern of Ioannina,

belonging to the Province of Dodoni in the Prefecture of Ioannina,
constituting one of the most remarkable traditional regions in the
Greek territory.
The Zagori region is particularly well-known for its natural beauty. It
is characterized by mountains at some points covered with dense
forests, at other points rocky and steep- which are very often separated
by gorges, ravines and rivers.
Since the time it acquired the area covered today, Zagori has been
divided into 3 departments: the Eastern, the Central and the Western
Zagori. This division is not coincidental; it emerged from geophysical
and economic reasons. This distinction is also evident in the built
environment, in such a way that settlements are dierentiated in those
of the Eastern and those of the Western type where dierences are
limited in secondary elements.
The region had been inhabited before the 4th century B.C. by the
Timfeoi, Pororeoi and Talares.
During the Post-Christian Era, the development of the region goes
hand in hand with the development of Hepirus and its mountainous
The rst organized settlements in Zagori are mentioned in a Hrisovoulo
(Byzantine imperial document bearing the Emperors golden seal/
bulla) of the year 1352 A.D. and are located in the Western Zagori. These
were Papingo, Kato and Ano Pedina and formed as it seems the initial
nucleus of the Zagori region, while the other parts were inhabited and
developed later.
Since their establishment, all settlements experienced both periods of
development and decline. In the 13th century it was the Western part
which reached its peak in wealth and prosperity.
The population started following a dwindling course. Leakage of


residents began in the late 19th century and particularly after the years
1912-13, i.e. the period of the Industrial Revolution in Europe which
had a rather unfavorable impact on the Greek people who were settled
As a result of both its infertile soil and the high-ranking positions
occupied by the Zagorians in Constantinople, the Zagori region
preserved its autonomy and retained some privileges during the
Turkish Occupation, a time period during which its highest economicsocial-cultural development was achieved (mainly, around 1860).
It is thanks to these rights and autonomy that the Zagori managed to
become more prestigious compared to the other regions of Hepirus.
This is exactly the reason why it developed such remarkable wealth
and culture.
More analytically, the location was chosen based on:
a) the topography of the area (location appropriate for construction,
even though on the slopes),
b) the distance,
c) the connection with other settlements (bridges, cobbled paths),
d) the potential for visual communication.
The settlements have a defensive character, with relatively dense
building, where each structure is responsible for its own defensive
capacity. High stone fences, 2-2,50 m high, and constantly closed
wooden gates constitute a very powerful barrier between the public
(street) and private (house) life.
Form of house Materials and processing modes
The Zagorian house is constructed in such a way so as to provide
protection from severe weather conditions (rain, wind and snow),
invasions and robberies. It is two- or three-storeyed ,depending on the
inclination of the ground. Its shape is a simple, regular prism without
any decoration on the outer surfaces. There are only some openings
on the rst oor.
It is distinguished for the unique processing of the stone in its masonry,
which is always non-plastered. The eaves of the roof, which do not
protrude a lot, contribute to creating an austere and absolutely cubic
impression, while the height of the roof -no matter how big it is- does
not make any particular impression, for the stone roof slabs have the
very same texture and color as the stones on the walls. All settlements
in Zagori are characterized by the homogeneity, originality and clarity
of their buildings. They are simple forms, with shapes similar one to
another, fully integrated in the surrounding landscape.
The apparent stone, as the primary building material, is the characteristic
feature of all Zagorian settlements. This is the material which is found
abundant in the region throughout the whole area: white or light grey
limestone for masonry, roofs, pavements. For the masonry, it is the white
stone and the ironstone that are indicated for their endurance. As for the
roong, the black slab is preferred, which is lighter and demonstrates
higher strength in temperature uctuations. Walls are 60-70cm thick.
They are divided with horizontal bands of timber framework, 70-100
cm apart one from another. These are carved oak or cedar panels which
occupy the whole thickness of the wall, with the exception of the outer
side where a row of stones is placed so as to protect the house from
severe weather conditions.
In general, the use of wood is limited: ceilings, oors, window and door

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Experiences of integrated rehabilitation in the Mediterranean

frames, internal decoration, timber framework. Only in forested areas is

the use of wood wider, even in outer walls. Timber comes from walnut
trees, beeches, cedars, rs, pine trees, oaks, wild chestnut trees.
The roof is hip. It follows exactly the plan layout. It has a 30-40%
inclination because of the heavy snow and is formed of simple wooden
roof trusses.
The house situated in the village of Ano Pedina, central Zagori, is built
upon the foundations of the old 1896 house, which collapsed due to
the heavy roof load and the snow, after having been abandoned for
almost a century.
The plan dimensions were 5,5 m X 13,0 m, and, because of the high
inclination of the site, the house was two-storeyed in the SE side and
only ground oor in the Western and Northern side.
Two volume-spaces have been added to the initial layout of the house.
On the ground oor in the Eastern side the kitchen was added and in
the SW side the living room with the replace and the master bedroom
with the bathroom. On the oor below also in the SW side, where the
house becomes ground oor again because of the inclination of the
ground, 2 rooms with bathrooms were added.
There is also a mezzanine oor with a very pleasant room open to the
living room as an extension of the entrance hall and the dining room.
It was reconstructed in the traditional way and by the same materials,
as mentioned before. The only dierence is that beams by reinforced
concrete had to be used along stone, so as to make the house stronger
to earthquakes.
The house also has a beautiful garden overlooking the high mountains
and a big plateau.


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Experiences of integrated rehabilitation in the Mediterranean

Architectural Dialogues.
Reuse of Ottoman Bath in N. Apollonia,

Nikos Dikas
Born in 1979 in Thessaloniki Greece where he lives. Graduated with
honour from the Department of Architecture, Aristotle University of
Thessaloniki (A.U.Th) in 2004. Postgraduate studies on Protection,
Conservation and Renovation of Architectural Monuments at A.U.Th,
2004-2006. Scholar of the Onasis Benet Foundation. Individual
participation in the 1st Architectural Biennial Beijing 2004, Young
Architects section. Participations in competitions and workshops.
Working as freelance architect.
Papadiamanti 16, 54645, Thessaloniki, Greece
0030 6977 526226

Key words: reuse, extension, Ottoman bath, dialogue, contemporary,

The paper discusses the relation between historical and new structures
at renovation and reuse activities, through a case study. The renovation
and reuse of an early Ottoman bath in Nea Apollonia area, northern
Greece, that of Krya Loutra source. The project has been elaborated
and presented as a master thesis during the postgraduate program
Protection, Conservation and Renovation of Architectural Monuments
in Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, March 2006.
The monument, dated at the mid 15th century, is located in a
privileged area between the contemporary operating thermal baths
and the village of Nea Apollonia, on the side of Lake Volvi. It is worth
mentioning the harmonic way the bath is placed into the landscape,
due to its small scale, materials and its ruined situation. In such a level
that it is dicult to be recognised when approaching. Its geometrical
clearness, combined with its small scale and materials create a unique
example of human centric architectural space. Its simplicity provides a
very interesting feeling of familiarity with its space.
Special issues that have been elaborated through the renovation
proposal were:
structural and its sensual totality,
function of a small bathing nucleus and its relationship with the old


The proposal focuses on the need to create a new bathing complex
that would include the old bath and will expand its physical and
functional capabilities. The challenge was been to design a new dome
in the position of the destroyed historical one so that the old bath could
function again and a new building that would provide contemporary
bathing facilities and provide a new dynamic to the complex.
The project begins with the elaboration of interventions for the
reinforcement of the remains. Then continues with additions to the
inner parts, the design of a new dome and it ends with the design of a
new building, where the old bath remains its nucleus.
Regarding its structural reinforcement, the proposal tries to take
advantage of the openings inside its old walls, where a system of
wooden beams used to work as a ring. Through these positions a new
system of steel beams will create a new ring.
All the additions to missing parts of the walls will be elaborated so that
they regain physical and morphological continuity. Special attention
has been given so that the added parts remain as little as possible.
Basic part of the renovation process has been the addition of a new
dome in the place of the ruined one. This is made by a steel frame that
reinforces and surrounds the upper part of the old structure. The frame
is lled with brick work in order to complete the inner and outer image
of the monument. A system of small openings will provide day light
inside the bath. The direction of the openings is related to the design
centre of the dome.
Main target as mentioned before has been the creation of a
contemporary bathing complex, where the old and the new part
would interact and function. Basic proposal has been the inclusion
of the old part, as the centre nucleus of the whole. The design of the
new reects an attempt to individualize and spot the space of the bath
against its powerful natural surroundings. An eort has been made to
maintain a small scale through the new structures and elaborate them
in a balanced relation with the old nucleus.
The new building unfolds around the old bath like a spiral that ends
creating a new underground pool. Its characteristic is the large inner
yard. Its architectural purity generates from the same values of the old
building. Its geometry and the rest of its architectural values, target in
exposing and interpret the special values of the old.
The complex consists of a spiral building surrounding a circular yard.
The yard is enclosed by a wall structure. Underneath this yard a new
large bathing space with be elaborated. The centre of the new circular
structures is located on the middle of baths third edge. Its diameters
length is three times that of the ideal circle surrounding the old
bath. As a result a large open space is created, on the lakes side. The
underground building is elaborated around a concrete cylinder that
includes the foundation of the old bath.
The wall structure surrounding the complex has the same height as the
old baths outer walls. It has several vertical cuts, positioned according
to radials from the old baths centre and edges. On its inner solid side
a circular pass is created higher from the yards level. It is combined
with several water falling spots that will allow open air bathing and
sun bathing.
The spiral building is created on the outer side of the wall structure,
at the same height. Its rst part remains on the ground level and then
it continues as a ramp until it gets to the underground bathing area.
The ceiling of the spiral has several cuts, positioned according to the

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Experiences of integrated rehabilitation in the Mediterranean

vertical ones on its inner walls, in order to provide light to the interior.
It is accessible from the outside and allows walking around the yard
in a higher level and viewing of the monument and the lake. Inside
the spiral several dressing rooms, showers and resting spots with soft
geometries are placed as oating objects. Sliding down the ramp one
gets to the new underground pool. Several vertical cuts on the wall
surrounding the pool room allow ltered views from and to the resting
The inner yard is lled with water from the fountain for a depth of 10
cm and overows through the wall vertical cut towards the lake. That
creates a light liquid line connection with the lake. Access to the old
bath in made from the rst part of the new building through a glass
circular platform. The yard has several round openings, with dierent
diameters, that provide natural lighting to the underground bathing
space. A new small circle pool is created for open air bathing.
The new structures are made of concrete. The use of geometrical
clearness and design simplicity allows the harmonic elaboration of
the new next to the historical bath. Vertical cuts through the exterior
circular wall provide a feeling of privacy allowing at the same time
the view to the old bath from the outside. The same happens in the
new spiral where while moving from the outside to the inside one can
constantly view the old nucleus.
The whole new structure can be regarded as a mechanism through
which the bathing space is dened from the ascendant landscape. It
directs the views from and towards the monument and reinforces its
relation to the water.
The design of the new complex through its close proximity to the old
bath transforms the traditional space values and includes them using a
totally contemporary architectural vocabulary. Through contemporary
architectural gestures a fruitful dialogue between the old and new has
been achieved. In such a way that the complex can only be regarded as
a total. As if the choral syntax demanded the addition of a new element
around the old nucleus in order that it is completed. As a result all its
parts (old and new) retain their individuality but remain meaningful
only as a part of this new totality.


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Experiencias de rehabilitacin integral en el Mediterrneo
Experiences of integrated rehabilitation in the Mediterranean

Villa Ficana in Macerata,

The restoring work
of a raw earth quarter

Anna Paola Conti

Italian architect, studies earthen buildings and the way to develop
knowledge and diusion of raw building techniques;
Took part as a representative in international conferences (Icec 96
- Rome; Modern bauen mit Lehm Berlin 1998; Terra 2000 Torquay;
Terra 2003 Yazd; Forum Unesco Florence 2004; Lehm 2004 Leipzig;
AdobeUSA 2007 El Rito, New Mexico).
Is on Scientic Committeee of Associazione Nazionale Citt della Terra
Cruda (National Earthen Town Association;
Direccin postal:
Via Roma 388 62100 Macerata
Direccin de correo electrnico:
E-mail: ;
phone-fax +39 0733 36124

cell. 338 8687679

Earthen houses are still quite widespread in the Marche, especially in

the southern-central areas; they are usually rural buildings or semidetached houses forming small clusters.
Macerata is one of the chief towns in the Marche region, in its suburban
area stands a historical district: Ficana.
The quarter is formed of about fty small and low buildings, arranged
in parallel clusters along the northern side of the hill, near the church
of Santa Croce.
The urban layout is well dened, with internal streets and widening
similar to present-day lay-bys.
Where it is possible, the main facades of the buildings face south to
obtain the best orientation.
They are usually two-storeyed, some with an internal staircase, others
with an external one and a small loggia (two storey porch) as a covering.
Every house is composed of two rooms (about 5x5 m) built one on top
of the other and connected by the staircase.
They have smaller windows, thicker walls, and projecting roofs but their
general appearance is similar to buildings in red brick
The main feature of the district is that it is almost entirely formed by
atterrati, houses built in unred earth. It is one of the few surviving
settlements in continental Italy.
Despite the fact that kinds of buildings were built as humble dwellings,
it is amazing that they show particular attention to the aesthetic
In the simplest buildings too, the search for balance inuenced all of the
architectural aspects, for instance the placing of windows and doors
was important in order to achieve a balanced appearance, typical of
vernacular architecture.


Massone (cob) is the name of the main technique used to build this
kind of house. It consists of the manufacture of earth and straw until
roundish blocks are formed which are then piled up and pressed
together to build the walls.
Often the walls have a tapered prole towards the top and are of varying
thickness, from 60-80 cms at the bottom to 40 - 50 cms where the cover
touches; the trapezoidal shape is characteristic of these structures.
However massone is not the only technique used, adobe is very
common too. Several houses are built partly in unred earth and partly
in brickwork or mixing massone, adobe and bricks.
Frequently there is a brick skirting board about 30-60 cms high which
helps reduce any damage caused by rainwater. Often the entire
northern wall is covered by bricks as it is more prone to damp, to cold
winds and is therefore also subject to deterioration.
These buildings were built, in the mid XIX century, to the east of the
town, by land owners who wished to rent them.
From the historical plans we can see the evolution of Villa Ficana and we
can notice that the quarter was well-preserved until about 1990 when
some atterrati were destroyed in order to erect a large new building.
After the Second World War the unred building techniques went
out of use completely. They were abandoned and therefore forgotten
because other much easier building materials became widespread,
but, above all, because of the prejudice that associated earthen houses
with poverty and backwardness.
After years in which the buildings of Ficana were abandoned, and after
dierent attempts to destroy them to regain a valuable urban area,
recently something has changed in Italy and in Macerata in particular.
Raw earth houses are nowadays valued and more appreciated than
before thanks to a series of factors: the work of local schools and cultural
organisations, a new environmental sensibility and the enterprises
of some regions like the Marche, Sardinia, Abruzzo and Piemonte
whose Municipalities built up a mutual association called Associazione
Nazionale Citt della Terra Cruda (National Earthen Town Association).
In this new climate, Macerata Council decided to examine the situation
carefully. In 2002 a Technical-Scientic Committee was set of which I
was the co-ordinator. It was made up of experts, representatives from
the Universities of the Marche, Architectural Heritage and Landscape
Authorities, ICOMOS and CraTERRE.
This Committee elaborated the guidelines for the drawing up of a
Rescue Plan.
During the works, in 2003, the Architectural Heritage and Landscape
Authority issued the approval for the conservation order.
Thus the tutorship laws usually applied to buildings and artistic works
are now applicable.
In the specic case of the Ficana district, the conservation order is a
particular one that covers not only buildings, but also every part of the
district, public areas, including roads.
At the end of 2004 the new Rescue Plan was adopted, I wrote the
rules according to the guidelines produced by the Technical-Scientic
In the Plan every atterrato is studied and described using historical plans
detail drawings and photographs that show the actual condition.
Ficana district has now been ocially recognised as an important
historical site, placed under the direct protection of Macerata
Municipality and of the Italian State.
Up to now results have been good because the value of neglected
architecture has at last been recognized.

Expriences de rhabilitation intgrale en Mediterrane

Experiencias de rehabilitacin integral en el Mediterrneo
Experiences of integrated rehabilitation in the Mediterranean

During 2005 the Municipality ordered the restoration of 25 buildings

in Ficana, almost half of the atterrati of the quarter. I was one of the
planners and restored 13 small houses.
This was possible thanks to public funds of the BANDO REGIONALE
Rinnovamento e miglioramento dei villaggi rurali e protezione e
tutela del patrimonio rurale The funds were allotted to carry on the
restoration of the earthen houses still existent in the Marche Region.
Some buildings were bought by the Municipality and others were
rented for ten years with the one condition that during this period the
houses must have a public use.
The Rescue Plan lays down that the atterrati will give hospitality to
tourists, or to teachers and students of the local university, or will be
used for cultural exchanges. One atterrato will be a museum. These
uses are consistent with the small dimensions and dont require big
changes in the layout of the buildings.
The restoration work began in September 2005 and was completed in
June 2006, which was really a very short period, because of the deadline
given for the nal public funding.
The atterrati generally were not in good condition, but only three
among my thirteen were seriously damaged and only one was
The most important damage was caused by the rain that washed away
and damaged the walls, when the roofs were not in good condition.
Insignicant damage was caused by recent seismic events (the
earthquake in1997) or by the moisture of the soil.
The restoration was a conservative work, so respected the peculiarity
of each atterrato.
According to the prescription of the Rescue Plan, we used for
the restoration and repairing of walls......... the same technology in the
same place.
The materials used were only: earth, straw, sand, wood, lime and bricks
for the baseboards, no concrete was used.
At the beginning of the work we thought we would be using mainly
massone. However, since in the Marche the massone technique is not
used anymore, before beginning the work it was necessary to start
experimentation in order to test the ancient massone technology and
to bring it up to date. In fact it was necessary to manage a rational
organization of the building methods and to contain the manufacturing
costs. This work was executed with the co-operation of a local kiln - the
Smorlesi Fornace - that started to produce massone in a semi industrial
Dierent kinds of earth and dierent mixtures of earth, sand and straw
were tested to obtain a reliable product; the traditional manufacture of
roundish blocks was reproduced. In the end a small massone prototype
building was realised.Then the stockage and the carriage were tested
However, we discovered that using massone for the restoration was
a long process and it was impossible to make quickly. So as we were
pressed for time the decision was made to use adobe, already present
in part in the original houses.
The experimentation went on through the organisation of the work
necessary to produce the adobe. The architect Gaia Bollini was in charge
of organizing this production. Massone was used for small repairs and
adobe where large rebuilding was necessary.
Thanks to the tutorship laws issued by the Architectural Heritage and
Landscape Authority, the rebuilding using raw earth of the destroyed
building was possible and it was justied by the necessary resetting of

the unitary look of the quarter.

The new atterrato has the traditional shape and dimensions because its
rebuilding is based on the study of old photographs and documents.
So its walls are about 60 cms thick, its windows are very small, its height
is limited. We used adobe technology for the rebuilding.
Plaster was made using earth, straw, sand and lime; internal walls were
white-washed and coloured using traditional pigments.
Thanks to its small size, alleys silence and peace, Ficana could be a new
model for living in contrast with the usual life style of today.


Expriences de rhabilitation intgrale en Mediterrane

Experiencias de rehabilitacin integral en el Mediterrneo
Experiences of integrated rehabilitation in the Mediterranean

Experimentation on the adobe

manufacturing standardisation
between past and future

Gaia Bollini
Architect and Civil Engineering Ph.D. Im envolved in researches and
works about Italian and regional earthen architecture heritage, earthen material phisical and mechanical behaviours, supporting factories
aiming to industrialize earth building products. I also work in the eld
of greenbuildings (energy eciency). I wrote papers, edited books and
I lectured on these themes.
Direccin postal:
Via Ca Baroncello, 39 36022 Cassola (VI), Italy
Direccin de correo electrnico:;
+39 0424 383338/+39 3471483145

1. Introduction
The Marche Region is one of the Italian earthen architectural regions.
The local typical cob houses are strictly part of the territory and they
always design its hilly landscape. The most important local example of
earthen architecture is Villa Ficana (or Borgocana), situated in the very
heart of the town of Macerata. It was built in the 19th century and its
the unique totally earth made quarters in the Central Italy. The most
of its buildings are little private houses (two storeys 5x5 m cells, with
an outside stair). The original building technique was the cob, known
in Italy as massone; sometimes its possible to nd a mix of massone,
burned and unburned bricks. (See Anna Paola Conti paper)
For several years the whole quarter was abandoned to itself. Fortunately
some continuous local sensitization actions leaded to a re-evaluation
of Villa Ficana and in the 2004 Borgocana was recognised as a unique
national architectural, historical and cultural heritage. (See Anna Paola
Conti paper)
In 2005 the Macerata Municipality started all the necessary procedures
to restore it. (See Anna Paola Conti paper)
One of the Borgocana restoration problems concerned the complete
re-building of a collapsed old house. At the same time it was necessary
solving the building-yard organisation problems: to produce, to stock
and to make the massone ready to use since the Town administration
grant imposed that all the works had to be nished in one year (20052006).
The planner (arch. Anna Paola Conti) asked the collaboration of a local
kiln in order to have someone producing all the massone needed and
a place where to store them. (See Anna Paola Conti paper)
The chosen kiln was the Smorlesi SpA, situated close to Macerata.
This rst experimentation gave good results but the massone
manufacture industrializing process was immediately in conict with


the typical massone building times.

It was in that moment that the arch. Conti decided to pass to the adobe
technique (unred and handmade brick made of clay, sometimes sand,
straw and water).
2. From the massone-cob technique to the adobe one
In order to face this new request the kiln decided referring to the
Italian network National Earthen Town Association (www.terra-cruda.
org) for help; the association asked me (Im in the association scientic
committee, as Anna Paola Conti) to support the kiln.
The initial doubts were how the mixing machine should have respond
to the straw presence and dening the right water content. To dene
the right mixture the Borgocana earth was analyse at an ocial
laboratory (RI.CERT, at Monte di Malo, Vicenza). The kiln earth was more
clayey than the traditional Ficana one, so the necessary percentage of
sand was added. The straw was 4% in weight; it was 5-10 cm wheat
straw (g. 1). Once made the adobes were put into the kiln drier.
Since the Italian absolutely lackness of a specic earthen building code
or a good practice guideline I had to plan a testing protocol to verify
the adobe production and to put the Smorlesi kiln in the condition
to warrant the building rms for the adobes quality and reliability. To
predispose that I based on my experiences, on my studies and on
university searches on the exixting international earthen building codes
or guidelines, which provides tests, range and results to establish the
adobe mechanical behaviour and its durability. To be more coherent
with the Italian certication system I also try to follow the burned clay
bricks and blocks national guidelines framework (UNI 771 norms).
The main goal was to dene a testing protocol to directly use at the
internal kiln laboratory to control the adobe production. In this way I
could verify the tness of the chosen mixture as well as putting the kiln
operators in the conditions to always control what produced. Parallelly I
looked for an external ocial laboratory where carrying out those tests
whose results I thought they needed to be conrmed. I divided the test
corpus into two dierent families: the adobe acceptance tests and the
adobe quality ones, articulated as follows:
Dimensional and mechanical characterization



(both at internal kiln and external ocial laboratory)

Performance characterization
ocial laboratory)


2.1 The adobe tests at the Smorlesi kiln (Montecassiano,

Macerata, Italy)
View and tactile analysis
This analysis aims to check both regularity and entirety of the adobe
angles and corners since they are its weak point. They dont have to
break nor graze themselves if hit. Also the surface aspect is important:
the adobe has to present a good and regular aspect, without cracks. If

Expriences de rhabilitation intgrale en Mediterrane

Experiencias de rehabilitacin integral en el Mediterrneo
Experiences of integrated rehabilitation in the Mediterranean

rubbed it hasnt to loose supercial material. The specic adobe aspect

and behaviour was very good.

obtained average M.o.r is f = 0,91 N/mmq. The result quite coincides

with the one empirically obtained with the kiln tests.

Size and shrinkage evaluation

The real adobe dimensions are: length L 280 3 mm, depth l 140 3 mm
and thickness s 60 3 mm. The medium linear shrinkage is about 8%.

The same was for the water absorption test. To reproduce the constantly
water saturated porous surface it was prepared a sand bed that was
constantly kept wet. The samples stayed upon it for 7 days (g. 4). The
samples absorbed about 12-14% in weight.

Medium dry weight and density is about 1770 Kg/mc.

Modulus of rupture test and determination of compressive strength
To carry out this test the kiln operators prepared a specic wooden tool
set by the French research team of CRATerre. Its working is simply based
on the lever principle (g. 2). The M.o.r value was about 0,83 N/mmq. Its
a real good result since the minimum required value is 0,3 N/mmq. The
compressive strength could be consider as twice the M.o.r value.
Drop, impact and penetration tests
This tests aim to verify the brick consistence and hardness. The drop test
is carried out letting an adobe to fall on a plane and hard surface from
90 cm high (g. 2). The test was positive since each sample didnt have
the hit corner broken; it resulted only a little bit dented. The impact test
consists in beating an adobe sample against another, listing the sound
produced. More its high better is the adobe hardness. The penetration
test is done hitting the sample surfaces with the screwdriver point from
a 10 cm distance. The adobe oered a good resistance.
Water absorption test (partial dipping)
Two water absorption tests were carried out at the same time. The
method is quite the same in both cases: the adobe samples are dipped
in a at basin, where the water is constantly kept on 1 or 3 cm level. The
dierence is the dipping time as well as the measurement system. Both
the test gave very good results.

Erosion test
This test was carried out as indicated in the Standard New Zealand 4298,
Appendix D. The Smorlesi adobes showed a very good behaviour.
3 Conclusions
From the comparison of all the data obtained (both at kiln and at
RI.CERT) as well as the adobes behaviour during the whole test cycle
it was possible to state that the Smorlesi unburned clay brick is a
good product of high performance quality and reliability. It was thus
considered t to restoration Borgocana works. It represents the rst
Italian case of a new earthen building with adobe bearing walls in
seismic zone, realized in a Public Work context.

This is a durability test and it doesnt directly depend from the adobe
mechanical strength but from the earth quality. The medium abrasion
coecient was C = about 3 cmq/g.
Erosion test
It is a durability test too. Its carried out hitting the standing samples
surface with a water jet for at least 1. The evaluation is quite subjective
and based on the experience.
2.2 The adobe tests (validation) at the RI.CERT ocial laboratory
In order to contain the costs for the kiln I decided to carry out only
the main tests I thought necessary to assure the adobe behaviour. As
concern the testing samples (kind and number) I try to follow the Italian
technical code (UNI 771-1) too.
Direct compression test
It was carried out following what prescribed in the New Mexico
Addenda to the Uniform Building Code. The obtained average
compression strength is = 0,2 N/mmq. The result quite coincides with
the one empirically obtained with the kiln tests.
Modulus of rupture test
The modulus of rupture test was carried out following what prescribed
in the New Mexico Adobe and Rammed Earth building Code too. The


Expriences de rhabilitation intgrale en Mediterrane

Experiencias de rehabilitacin integral en el Mediterrneo
Experiences of integrated rehabilitation in the Mediterranean

The drop test

The adobe manufacture

The wooden machine during the M.o.r test

The water absorption test


Expriences de rhabilitation intgrale en Mediterrane

Experiencias de rehabilitacin integral en el Mediterrneo
Experiences of integrated rehabilitation in the Mediterranean

Presente y futuro del enile

en Lucca, Italia

Ramn Cotarelo Crego

Arquitecto (Cuba 1975), Especializacin en restauracin (Italia1981-82).
Numerosas intervenciones puntuales y a nivel de centros histricos.
Investigador y promotor del patrimonio cultural, conferencista y prof.
Invitado en diversos pases, misiones UNESCO. Por 16 aos director del
Equipo de Monumentos de Matanzas, Cuba. Reconocimientos y publicaciones varias. Actualmente estudia Ciencias de Bienes Culturales
en la Univ, de Pisa, Italia.
Direccin postal:
Via della Fontanella No. 4. Viareggio 55049. LU. Italia.
Direccin de correo electrnico:

Conservar las producciones agrcolas y proteger los animales es una

preocupacin muy antigua que ha generado diversas tipologas
constructivas a lo largo del tiempo, muchas de ellas llegadas hasta
nuestros das sin grandes transformaciones.
Graneros, establos, pajares, molinos y tantos otros nombres identican
algunos de esos testimonios que encontramos en los pases
mediterrneos .
En la zona conocida como llanura de Lucca , ubicada en la regin toscana
de la Repblica Italiana, se destaca en el paisaje rural una tipologa
constructiva relacionada estrechamente con la conservacin del forraje
para los animales utilizados en las diversas actividades agrcolas y con
caractersticas peculiares que tambin hace reconocible esta tipologa
en zonas hoy totalmente urbanizadas .
Este tipo constructivo, conocido en italiano como enile no se
puede traducir al Espaol como granero pues su funcin primordial es
la de conservar el heno y eventualmente algn grano ( por lo general
maz), tampoco se puede llamar pajar pues la paja tena otro sitio donde
colocarse, ni es correcto denominarlo establo a pesar de albergar en el
plano terreno algunos animales menos los caballos que iban a otro sitio
y no junto a los bueyes y vacas.
Tipolgicamente el enile es una construccin desarrollada en dos
niveles , el inferior para los animales y el superior para el heno ( eno en
italiano y de ah la palabra enile.) . Entre la parte inferior y la superior
existe una apertura en el forjado de madera como comunicacin y
espacio donde colocar una escalera, por lo general movible y tambin
para tirar el forraje almacenado hacia la parte inferior para el consumo
de los animales.
Generalmente es una construccin aislada pero cercana a las diversas
dependencias del consunto. En lo casos en que es continuacin
de la vivienda se desarrolla sin conexin interna con los espacios

Los antecedentes del enile tradicional se encuentran en ciertas
dependencias de las llamadas casas de corte (patio) de la zona de
Lucca , formando parte de un conjunto unitario que con el tiempo y
partiendo de los cambios que la revolucin agrcola gener despus
de la segunda mitad del siglo XVIII y que introdujo la casa de cuerpos
separados, siendo uno de estos cuerpos separados el enile que
conocemos hoy .
El enile es una construccin orientada y construida de tal modo
que las producciones en ella conservadas no pudieran calentarse
rpidamente y refrescarse con con la constante ventilacin, dando
como resultado la conservacin por largo tiempo de los proudctos
almacenados debido a las caractersticas de su estructura que ya
desde el siglo XVI, Palladio haba establecido en su famoso tratado de
La parte inferior delenilese construa con gruesos muros para el reparo
de los animales . La parte superior con un robusto esqueleto portante y
llenando los grandes vanos con celosas muy ligeras, convenientes para
la ventilacin del forraje. Estos cierres inicialmente eran de elementos
vegetales que fueron sustitudos posteriormente con elementos de
barro cocido conocidos como mandolato, una verdadera fuente de
innitas composiciones meldicas de luces, colores y sonidos.
Estas construcciones por lo general quedaban sin revestimiento
mostrando el material usado para la edicacin que en la mayor parte
de los casos era extrado localmente o recuperado de construcciones
precedentes. En los muros la piedra local , a veces tomadas directamente
de la tierra o del lecho de los torrentes , la madera rstica para las
vigas y forjados y el barro cocido para las soluciones de celosas o
En la parte inferior, destinada a los animales, las aberturas son escasas,
una puerta de acceso con un cierre capaz de garantizar la proteccin
de los animales y poqusimas y estrechas aberturas para permitir un
poco de ventilacin y una luz mnima .
Por lo general en la parte superior existe una sola boca (abertura al
exterior en funcin ) para permitir la carga del forraje e y cuya forma
puede variar entre rectangular, ojival o usando el arco . En caso de un
enile muy alto se encuentra una segunda boca que habitualmente
est sobre la boca inferior y que permite subir el material y disponerlo
al interior de una manera ms gil . Un elemento frecuente es la roldana
para viabilizar el trabajo. El cierre de las bocas se resolva con elementos
de madera estructurados en forma de rejillas para permitir el paso del
aire y en muchos de los casos hoy perdidos los originales.
Los diversos tipos de celosas que presentan los enili , conocidas
como mandolato son expresiones que por su funcionalidad y valor
esttico merecen ser estudiadas y apreciadas en la justa posibilidad de
continuar su uso en el futuro.
Las celosas como funcin principal deben garantizar el paso del aire
para mantener ventilado el espacio de almacenaje del heno y tambin
dar iluminacin ya que no existe otra abertura que la destinada a
meter y sacar el heno y que en la mayor parte de los casos siempre
estuvieron cerradas con elementos de madera para controlar la gestin
del producto almacenado.
Con una extrema probreza de medios se logran notables resultados
compositivos e interesantes combinaciones cromticas, las puertas
de los establos de color verde oscuro, los cierres de madera de las
partes superiores color ocre, los colores clidos de los elementos
de barro cocido con que se realiza el mandolato . que no son ms


Expriences de rhabilitation intgrale en Mediterrane

Experiencias de rehabilitacin integral en el Mediterrneo
Experiences of integrated rehabilitation in the Mediterranean

que esplndidas y aparentemente frgiles supercies realizadas con

piezas dispuestas en formas variadas para permitir la ventilacin,
caracterizando la tipologa por su fuerte expresin de reconocimiento
y por tal motivo representan un punto de referencia en el paisaje de la
llanura y un elemento distintivo en las zonas urbanizadas donde han
quedado integrados muchos de estos testimonios durante el proceso
de crecimiento de llas poblaciones.
El diseo de mandolato gira alrededor de cuatro tipos fundamentales,
aunque son dos los ms frecuentes como el construido con las
horizontales de elementos de barro cocido inclinados a 30 con
respecto a la lnea exterior del muro y separados entre ellos por algunos
centmetros para dejar pasar el aire . Esta solucin se conoce como
mandolato a cuchillo . El cierre de estos amplios vanos se produce
alternando una hilera de elementos inclinados con una hilera de
elementos colocados horizontalmente para dar una supercie estable,
encima de la cual colocar una nueva hilera de elementos inclinados
pero con una orientacin contraria a la hilera inferior as se suceden
una sobre otra las hileras hasta rellenar completamente el espacio
entre los pilares de ladrillos , permitiendo esta solucin el mximo
aprovechamiento de la ventilacin bajo cualquier rgimen de brisas .
Muy difundido tambin es el sistema a castillo de naipes donde se
parte de la triangulacin con elementos de barro formando tringulos
issceles en crecimiento hacia los lados y hacia la parte superior del
La solucin ajedrezada se encuentra en las construcciones ms
recientes y un diseo bastante raro es el llamado a cruz realizado en
vez de con elementos de barro cocido de poco espesor , con ladrillos
de dimensiones actuales.
El juego de luz y sombra sobre las supercies del mandolato ofrece
innitas posibilidades con un resultado agradable a la vista del
observador complementado con el susurrro que produce el viento
al pasar entre las partes llenas y los huecos , dejando una sesacin
Actualmente en la zona de Lucca y alrededores existe una gran
cantidad de estos testimonios (enile) conservados muchos de ellos sin
modicaciones sustanciales, algunos con cierto degrado y tantos otros
refuncionalizados y en un porciento con intervenciones consecuentes
a la tipologa heredada, en ocasiones convertidos en viviendas y en
otros casos en funcin de actividades relacionadas con el turismo
(alojamientos, servicios gastronmicos ,etc, ).
El mandolato ha identicado desde hace mucho tiempo el enile
y hoy, al ser refuncionalizadas estas construcciones , adems de
estar protegidas como testimonios de la arquitectura verncula,
sus propietarios aprovechan estas celosas como fuentes de luz y
ventilacin de los espacios interiores, adicionando el encanto sonoro
que produce el aire al pasar a travs de las perforaciones.
Los enile de la zona de Lucca con sus caractersticas celosas no
son slo elementos presentes en el paisaje sino tambin un esquema
constructivo que se conserva a conciencia y se repropone en las nuevas
construcciones, trasmitiendo su continuidad a travs del tiempo,
respetando con las intervenciones el espritu del sitio y el trasmitir la
memoria interpretando las necesarias exigencias de transformacin
sin alterar el equilibrio original del contexto y efectuando una sntesis
proyectual que tenga en cuenta el valor histrico de lo preexistente y
de la tipologa constructiva.
Comprender, proteger y trasmitir los testimonios de cultura material es
parte de nuestra identidad cultural, un conjunto de recursos frgiles


y no renovables con los que debemos garantizar el futruro de las

generaciones v enideras.

LAGAN, NICOLA. Appunti per una storia della corte lucchese. Ed. Ponte, Cappanori. Lucca.
MANNOCCI, ROBERTO. (al cuidado de ) Atti del Convegno di Studi La Corte Rurale Lucchese.

PALLADIO, ANDREA, I Quattro Libri dellArchitettura Cap. XVI. Ed. Hoepli. Milano. 1990.

Expriences de rhabilitation intgrale en Mediterrane

Experiencias de rehabilitacin integral en el Mediterrneo
Experiences of integrated rehabilitation in the Mediterranean

tude de cas dune maison

darchitecture traditionnelle
Tyr, Liban sud. Rinsertion et
rhabilitation avec des matriaux

Grce Rihan Hanna

D.E.S.S. en Restauration des Sites et Monuments Historiques - UL, 2003
D.E.S. en Architecture - UL / INBA II, 1986
Premier prix, Projet dtude nal, UL / INBA II, 1986
Etudes de projets de restauration depuis 2004
Etudes de projets architecturaux et damnagement dintrieur depuis
Adresse postale:
80, Rue Adib Ishac, Achraeh, Beyrouth, Liban.
Adresse courrier lectronique:
961 1 332 506

961 1 219 911

Mob : 961 3 778 685

Il sagit dun cas typique de rhabilitation dune maison darchitecture

traditionnelle mditerranenne dans la ville de Tyr au Liban Sud, datant
du 19eme sicle.
Lintervention porte sur une maison en contact direct avec la mer dun
ct et dun tissu dhabitation dense de lautre.
Une premire opration de restauration a t dj eectue il y
a une dizaine dannes de faon irrespectueuse des mthodes de
rhabilitation et de restauration propres la pierre.
A- Description du btiment initial
Laccs de la maison se fait partir du Rez-de-chausse auquel on y
accde travers un jardin du cot de la rue.
Un deuxime accs (secondaire) se fait partir de la mer au niveau de
la cave (Rez-de mer).
pices autour. Les murs intrieurs et extrieurs sont en majorit en
pierre de grs (Ramleh) tant poreux donc fragile leau, les murs
taient enduits la chaux sauf pour la base qui est en pierre calcaire
de constitution plus dure que le Ramleh.
et puis dmont par les propritaires actuels durant les premiers
travaux de rhabilitation.

en berceau du ct de la mer dont les fondations faisaient partie
des fortications de la ville ancienne, datant du 7me sicle.
trouvait en ruine dans les annes 90
B- Ltat de la maison avant notre intervention
chaux avait t opr, exposant la pierre a lhumidit et leau sale
de la mer, provoquant une dgradation acclre du btiment et de
sa propre structure.
coule sans avoir tenu compte du coecient de dilatation entre le
bton et la pierre, ce qui a provoqu des ssures dans les murs et
des inltrations deau importantes dans le btiment. Ceci a gnr
une forte taux dhumidit et donc de condensation entranant
plus de dgradation ; ex : prolifration de la mousse, attaque des
linteaux en bois par les insectes et des parasites.
fer et en bois nont t ni trait ni protg. Lemplacement critique
de la maison en face de la mer, entrane une dgradation rapide de
tous les matriaux. (Par exemple : les lments en mtal se trouvant
en contact direct avec la pierre, en se rouillant ont aussi caus des
dgts la pierre).
C- Projet et travaux de rhabilitation
Au del de la ncessite premire de rsoudre lensemble de ces
problmes de faon cohrente, ce cas a permis de mettre en place une
mthodologie de travail prenant en considration le cot technique, la
valeur patrimoniale et les conditions de confort.
A- Utilisation de techniques et de matriaux traditionnels
Lenduit de chaux et ses diverses caractristiques ont t mis en
B- Apprentissage et rinsertion de la main duvre locale
En collaborant avec des artisans et des ouvriers de la rgion, dune
part pour les encourager conserver leur travail et dautre part pour
les sensibiliser au savoir faire des mthodes traditionnelles, chacun
dans son domaine, sans avoir recours a des entreprises spcialises
du btiment.
C- Modernit et tradition
Un certain nombre dinterventions plus modernes ont pu tre
excutes avec des matriaux comme lacier inoxydable, sans pour
autant nuire aux contraintes techniques que la maison imposait, et
en prservant son esprit et son caractre traditionnel.
Une partie de la terrasse a t tudie pour tre accessible an de
proter de plus despace et dune vue encore plus surprenante.
A- Utilisation de techniques et de matriaux traditionnels
1. Mthodologie de travail
Avant dentreprendre les travaux, un calepin a t dress, rassemblant
toutes les informations utiles et ncessaires lvolution des tudes et
lexcution des travaux :
plans dj existants.


Expriences de rhabilitation intgrale en Mediterrane

Experiencias de rehabilitacin integral en el Mediterrneo
Experiences of integrated rehabilitation in the Mediterranean

techniques numrotes pour chaque pice dcrivant ltat des lieux
.Une reconnaissance lil nu des types daltrations et de ltat de
la maison et des matriaux existants utiliss.
Sur ces ches ont gurs aussi tous les dsordres existants ; un scan
des pices sous forme de croquis schmatisant les ssurations et
les dsordres pathologiques.
murs extrieurs.
2. Travaux de restauration.
Avant dappliquer lenduit initial la chaux sur presque la totalit des
murs extrieurs et intrieurs les travaux suivants ont t eectus :
Pierres : Le taux des pierres altres tait trs lev. Plusieurs genres
daltrations dues de direntes causes, ont t observs. Nous avons
procd par ce qui suit :
mmes caractristiques
galisant la pierre et en rajoutant la partie manquante.
Nettoyage :
fongicide et laissant agir durant 15 jours puis brosser.
marteau pour ne pas atteindre les bords de la pierre.
parements des murs par brossage.
la dalle en bton manuellement.
Enduit :
Aprs avoir tout nettoy, le support a t humidi. Cette humidication
a pour but dviter labsorption de leau contenue dans lenduit par le
Application dun enduit de chaux en deux couches successives de
composition direntes, aprs avoir procd au remplissage avec de
lenduit de chaux et des morceaux de pierres Ramleh dans les joints et
les endroits de faible paisseur pour galiser le parement.
Ce travail a t fait sans l plomb, lil nu (warka arabi), les angles
ne sont pas des angles droits mais naturellement arrondis. Le but tait
de garder lesprit rustique de la maison.
Des tests / chantillons ont t faits pour dcider des textures et
couleurs adopter.
Les murs extrieurs du ct du jardin, ont t teints dans la masse en
reprenant la couleur initiale (rose) par ajout dun pigment naturel dans
le mortier denduit de chaux de la couche de nition.
Les murs intrieurs et les faades ct mer ont gard la couleur naturel
du sable et de la poudre de marbre de notre mlange, la dirence


tait dans la texture.

Les linteaux en bois intgrs dans les murs ont t gards apparents
pour pouvoir les entretenir facilement.
Les linteaux rongs par les insectes ont t remplacs par de nouveaux
qui ont t traits et colors. Les anciens linteaux ont t traits,
nettoys et protgs.
La mme procdure a t utilise pour la menuiserie aprs avoir
dcaper la peinture.
Dcapage protection et reprise de la peinture en utilisant des produits
rsistants leau sale.
B- Apprentissage et rinsertion
Ce paragraphe, sujet important et sensible de notre tude, a t le plus
1. Les artisans au Liban (en voie de disparition) taient introuvables,
surtout pour les artisans de lenduit la chaux quon a fait venir de la
Syrie dans le but de former des jeunes artisans locaux de Tyr.
2. Les ouvriers et apprentis de la rgion manquaient dimpatience
parfois en trouvant les travaux un peu compliqus et mticuleux en
comparant leur exprience dans les chantiers habituels.
3. De leur cot, le plombier et llectricien trouvaient beaucoup plus
simple de faire passer les cbles dans le mur en ligne droite pour
arriver dun point lectrique un autre en faisant une saigne le
long du mur en pierre. Il fallait les convaincre de faire passer leurs
cbles en suivant le jointement des pierres.
4. Le nettoyage des jointoiements des murs en pierre ne sest pas fait
facilement en convainquant les ouvriers de ne pas utiliser le sablage
comme outil de nettoyage rapide et ecace
C- Modernit et tradition
sur la terrasse.
pntrer la lumire naturelle dans la salle de bain.
a t install. Les marches de lescalier ont t coules sur place par
les ouvriers en utilisant du ciment blanc et des galets ramasss de la
La structure de lescalier repose en appuie simple sur la dalle de
la terrasse dun ct; de lautre (niveau jardin) il est x sur une
fondation en bton.
coucher a t transforme en une petite cour intrieure. Son toit
a t dmont pour pouvoir arer lensemble et laisser pntrer la
lumire dans une des chambres coucher.

Expriences de rhabilitation intgrale en Mediterrane

Experiencias de rehabilitacin integral en el Mediterrneo
Experiences of integrated rehabilitation in the Mediterranean


Expriences de rhabilitation intgrale en Mediterrane

Experiencias de rehabilitacin integral en el Mediterrneo
Experiences of integrated rehabilitation in the Mediterranean

La reprsentation du Patrimoine et son

impact sur les chantiers de restauration

Oussama Kallab
Architecte Restauratrice diplme du Centre de Restauration et de
conservation des Monuments et Sites Historiques de lUniversit Libanaise, ayant travaill dans divers chantiers de restauration et de conservation archologiques et patrimoniaux libanais et sur llaboration
de cahiers de charges de travaux de restauration , membre de lquipe
Corpus-Levant et de lquipe de REHABIMED, actuellement architecte
restauratrice charge de la supervison des travaux de restauration la
Direction Gnrale des Antiquits
Adresse postale:
Byblos, rue du Port, imm Kallab, Liban
Adresse courrier lectronique:

La reprsentation du patrimoine, ses sources, la slectivit du choix de

ses images, ses interactions avec les aspects sociaux et conomiques
ainsi que son impact sur les mthodes et les nalits de oprations de
rhabilitation sur lensemble du territoire libanais sont des thmes assez
complexes et des objets de controverse qui suscitent actuellement un
intrt accru de la part des spcialistes et acteurs dans les direntes
disciplines lies au patrimoine.
Lobservation des projets de rhabilitation au Liban, des plus anciens
aux plus rcents, du monumental au vernaculaire, et indpendamment
de leur envergure, montre une constante troitement lie aux
reprsentations du patrimoine dans linconscient collectif fortement
marqu par le riche pass archologique et historique du pays.
Ainsi on retrouve les divers lments darchitecture des monuments
historiques repris dans les chantiers de rhabilitation tels les crnelages
des forteresses la crte des murets des toits, les colonnes antiques
avec leurs chapiteaux appliques aux faades des maisons, des fausses
colonnes en boutisse dans les murs des constructions, les dirents
appareillages des pierres dans les murs et toutes sortes douvertures
avec une prdilection spciale pour les arcades et fentres jumeles
inspires directement des architectures palatiales du 17me et 18me
sicle de la montagne libanaise.
Cette inuence dj prsente bien avant la guerre civile libanaise perdure
encore et connat mme actuellement un intrt plus gnralis. Il sy est
ajout la premire moiti des annes 1990 aprs la guerre, un regain
dintrt concernant les maisons patrimoniales, plus particulirement
celle aux trois arcs et charpente couverture de tuiles connue sous
le nom de maison libanaise et qui va constituer une image de
rfrence pour un grand nombre de chantiers de rhabilitation . Les
lments constitutifs de cette image se rsument dans les votes du


rez-de chausse, les trois arcades des faades et surtout la charpente

couverture en tuiles rouges. Viennent en deuxime lieu les autres
typologies comme les maisons galeries ou Liwan qui seront dans
la plupart des cas, dnatures durant les travaux de rhabilitation
par ldication dune couverture en tuiles (gnralement par le biais
dune charpente mtallique) en vue de les rendre conformes la
reprsentation rfrencie de la maison patrimoniale libanaise.
Quant aux maisons rurales rectangulaires au plancher vgtal et
couverture en terre, elles gurent en bas de lchelle et sont lobjet dun
forte discrimination architecturale . Elles sont gnralement en ruines
sur la cote et dans la moyenne montagne. Les rares maisons existantes
habites se situent au niveau de la Bekaa et du Nord et contrairement
aux habitants des autres maisons patrimoniales, rares sont ceux qui
expriment leur attachement ou leur ert dy rsider. Gnralement,
les interventions dans ces maisons se limitent des interventions
durgence comme le remplacement des toitures traditionnelles
des dalles de bton et des rajouts de volumes extrieurs servant de
Une autre constante dans les chantiers de rhabilitation du patrimoine
libanais et qui est sans conteste la plus importante, est la condition
suivante: Patrimoine = Pierre ou plutt Patrimoine valoris
=Pierres apparentes . Au nom de cette constante sont eectus des
dcapages systmatique des enduits traditionnels de chaux , des
nettoyages abusifs aux jets deau et de sable des pierres et lapplication
de revtements de pierres (ou de pierres moules) sur les faades des
btiments patrimoniaux en pierre et en briques de terre. La dcoupe et
la texturation de ces pierres a elle aussi subi linuence de lapport de
nouveaux outils tels les scies disques et la boucharde. On observe aussi
lintroduction des acier comme chanage le long des murs en pierre et
dans les linteaux des ouvertures. On note aussi le remplacement des
linteaux des ouvertures constitus de poutres en bois ou de troncs
darbres par des pierres.
Sur le plan de la structure, on observe de frquents dmontages et
remontages des murs et des chemisages de bton la face interne des
murs en pierres et une consolidation en sous-oeuvre des fondations.
Les votes en pierre sont vides de leur remblai de terre avant de
recevoir une dalle en bton ou des piliers en bton fonds sur les piles
des votes.
Les techniques ancestrales des arts de btir sur le territoire libanais tant
essentiellement bases sur lemploi de la pierre, le principe import des
fermes des charpentes na jamais fait pas lobjet dune parfaite matrise
de la part des maitres-ouvriers locaux ce qui a men la cration de
structures hybrides de charpentes fermes et empilement conjugus.
Rares sont les charpentes en bois restaures actuellement dans les
chantiers de rhabilitation, elles sont souvent remplaces par des
charpentes mtalliques. Les tuiles, elles aussi, subissent sous linuence
des modes patrimoniales importes lapport de nouveaux matriaux
telles les tuiles canal, les ardoises, ou mme des tuiles plates dorigines
et de dimensionnement dirents des tuiles traditionnelles employes
aux liban.
On ne peut aborder la problmatique de la reprsentation du
patrimoine au Liban sans voquer le projet de la reconstruction du
Centre Ville de Beyrouth dont la fabrication de limage par la socit
foncire a fait lobjet dune stratgie visant linvestir dans la conception
et la ralisation du projet .
Cette reprsentation, comme lanalyse Stephane Lortet, est base sur
une mise en image slective des objets les plus marquants issus des

Expriences de rhabilitation intgrale en Mediterrane

Experiencias de rehabilitacin integral en el Mediterrneo
Experiences of integrated rehabilitation in the Mediterranean

direntes fouilles archologiques et sur les liens forcs cres entre le

pass et le futur de Beyrouth imagin par les concepteurs de Solidere.
Cest une stratgie de la reprsentation qui vise rduire laction de la
reconstruction comme une volution normale de la ville.
Cette reprsentation iconographique a donn la ville une dimension
politique par le choix des priodes historiques mises en valeur, une
dimension conomique lie lactivit commerciale de ses anciens
souks orientaux et une dimension religieuse par les images des
monuments religieux conservs. Le tout reprsente une ville identiable
possdant des codes de lecture accessibles tout le monde.
Les techniques et mthodes employes dans la rhabilitation du Centre
Ville ont t soumises des spcications prcises concernant les
faades et les matriaux employs qui ne drogent pas aux anciennes
ides reues et appliques. La aussi, linuence de limage des centres
anciens des villes europennes est prsente dans le projet ralis par
le choix de certains matriaux et du mobilier urbain.
Entre la reproduction et la ngation des images du patrimoine induites
par lhistoire et larchologie, de celles cres par les besoins identitaires
de laprs-guerre et celles rsultant des inuences dun patrimoine
Kitsch import dailleurs se dploie un ventail de techniques et de
mthodes reprises incessamment par les matres douvrages et les
techniciens du bti induites pour la plupart par des ides reues. Elles
constituent un poids non ngligeable face aux nouvelles exigences des
tudes de rhabilitation et des techniques et visions actuelles.


Expriences de rhabilitation intgrale en Mediterrane

Experiencias de rehabilitacin integral en el Mediterrneo
Experiences of integrated rehabilitation in the Mediterranean

Les greniers de lAtlas et du Sud-Est du

Maroc: un patrimoine valoriser

Mohamed Boussalh
Conservateur/Ethnologue/Directeur du Centre de Conservation et de
Rhabilitation du Patrimoine Architectural Atlasique et Subatlasique
; spcialiste en architecture vernaculaire des rgions du sud-est du
Maroc et en inventaire du patrimoine culturel.
Adresse postale:
B.P. 253, Ouarzazate
Adresse courrier lectronique:
00212 (0) 75 61 67 79

Les rgions de lAtlas et des valles prsahariennes du Maroc
reprsentent des lieux de mmoire chargs de messages culturels
dune valeur inestimable. Ces lieux de mmoire illustrs par des
villages communautaires, des demeures seigneuriales, des greniers
collectifs avec leurs direntes typologies sont dlivrs labandon et
la destruction dune manire consciente et parfois inconsciente. La
disparition de ce patrimoine di selon des conceptions sociales et
culturelles bien dnies est un appauvrissement de la culture, do la
ncessit dinventorier et de conserver les traces civilisationnnelles des
habitants locaux. Ces lieux de mmoire appartiennent un patrimoine
rural encore dlaiss et qui ne suscite que peu dintrt.
Les greniers, que la socit a adapts ses besoins de fonctionnement,
dorganisation et de dfense et aux rigueurs du climat, sont tombs
depuis plusieurs dcennies en dsutude. Ils sont dlaisss labandon,
mal entretenues et sujettes aux apports FYPHOFT.
La ncessit de recenser les tmoins du pass, mais aussi du prsent
est toujours dactualit. Vu le processus de changement, la tche est
grandiose. Lide de linventaire lchelle rgionale devient plus que
jamais ncessaire. En gnral, quatre principales ides reprsentent
le socle sur lequel se basent les inventaires des greniers dirigs par le
1. Laermissement et la continuit de lidentit culturelle des
2. Lamlioration des conditions de vie par la cration dactivits autour
du patrimoine architectural.
3. La protection de lenvironnement.
4. Lencouragement dactivits conomiques propres chaque rgion,
notamment le tourisme culturel et lartisanat.
En somme, la perspective de dveloppement tend donc apprhender
lenvironnement global en prenant en considration la complexit des
relations entre les humains et leur espace.


A. Typologie architecturale
Les greniers collectifs sont lune des composantes architecturales
les plus remarquables au Maroc. Leur origine demeure encore une
question lucider. Le manque de documents crits surtout les chartes
complique davantage la recherche de lvolution historique de ces
dices la fois grandiose et surprenant par leur architecture et leur
organisation. Cependant, les tudes et les enqutes de terrain menes
depuis des annes par le Centre de Conservation et de Rhabilitation
du Patrimoine Architectural Atlasique et Subatlasique (CERKAS) nous
ont permis dtablir une typologie des greniers.
Ils reprsentent la forme la plus ancienne et la plus rpandue dans
la valle dAwnil et le versant septentrional du Haut-Atlas. Ils sont
des espaces entirement creuss dans des falaises. Par des trous
inaccessibles que par des chelles ou des cordes, les hommes accdent
un couloir rectiligne perpendiculaire la falaise et taill lhorizontale.
Ce couloir dessert un nombre gal de cellules. Celles-ci ont un plan
ovodal, de dimension variable. Certaines sont spares par des briques
crues (phnomne d au systme de partage familial). Une chemine
verticale sert en mme temps clairer les galeries et communiquer
avec les niveaux suprieurs. Les greniers-grottes sont taills avec une
grande nesse et constituaient autrefois un lment important dans
la vie des groupes sociaux transhumants. La ncessit de creuser
des cellules dans des falaises trouve son origine dans le climat. Dans
des rgions arides et semi-arides, les rcoltes sont trs irrgulires,
do la ncessit demmagasiner les produits pour les priodes de
disette. A ceci, sy ajouta le besoin de scurit (un fait primordial). Les
transhumants stockrent leurs provisions dans des lieux inaccessibles
et scuriss avant de partir la recherche des pturages pour leurs
troupeaux. En plus, les grains, source de vie, doivent tre protgs
contre le pillage des voisins en qute de nourriture surtout au cours
des annes de scheresse.
Certains pensent que les greniers-grottes sont les anctres des greniers
de hauteurs ou de village rigs dans lAnti-Atlas et le Haut-Atlas. Cest-dire, une volution dun mode un autre. Nous croyons que cest
une hypothse revoir. Les greniers quil que soit leur typologie sont
une rponse un mode de vie spcique et une organisation sociale
donne. Jusqu une poque tardive, les greniers grottes sont utiliss
en mme temps que les autres greniers.
A lencontre des greniers-grottes, les greniers de falaise sont des
constructions amnages sur les parois des falaises (voir photo du
grenier dAwjgal). Ils taient lis au mme mode de vie des greniers
prcdents. Leur construction rete le gnie des constructeurs et la
notion quils avaient de lexploitation de lespace.
Ce sont des constructions en pierres ou en terre riges au sommet
des collines et des endroits stratgiques et dicilement accessibles. Ils
sont visibles de tous les cts et taient utiliss par plusieurs fractions
de tribus des villages voisins. Ils taient lis un mode de vie bas sur
le sdentarise. Les habitants les utilisaient pour entreposer en plus des
rcoltes, des denres alimentaires comme le miel, lhuile ; des objets
prcieux comme les bijoux, les documents, les titres de proprit et

Expriences de rhabilitation intgrale en Mediterrane

Experiencias de rehabilitacin integral en el Mediterrneo
Experiences of integrated rehabilitation in the Mediterranean

mme des armes. Ces greniers sont connus surtout dans lAnti-Atlas, le
haut-Atlas occidental et central.
Ils appartiennent la catgorie la plus rcente des greniers collectifs et
auraient pris la succession des greniers de hauteur. Ils sont construits au
milieu des villages et entours dhabitations et despaces publics. Ils sont
habituellement de petites dimensions par rapport aux prcdents.
En n, nous signalons aussi lexistence de greniers familiaux qui sont
des magasins collectifs utiliss par un nombre rduit de familles qui
habitaient un endroit isol et qui ont rig ces btiments pour rpondre
des besoins de scurit. Ils taient utiliss pour le stockage des
aliments, des denres et des biens prcieux. Chaque famille possdait
une ou plusieurs cases selon le nombre et les besoins.
B. Problematique dintegration et de preservation
La conservation et la sauvegarde des greniers-grottes et ceux des
falaises sont mettre dans le cadre des projets dintgration et
de dveloppement local des rgions du sud-est et de lAtlas, car
ils constituent un atout qui permet ladhsion participative des
populations locales dans la mise en valeur de leur hritage culturel.
Dans cette optique, A. Chastel a soulign que
les monuments ne se prservent pas par dcret : ce sont les habitants
de chaque maison qui assurent ou ruinent eux-mmes lhygine et la
propret des immeubles, les habitants qui souillent ou entretiennent les
vieilles pierres1 .
En eet, ces modes architecturaux prsentent un patrimoine
exceptionnel. Synonyme dune culture et dune tradition lointaine,
ces monuments continuent encore de se nourrir de leur propre sve
et restent le symbole le plus reprsentatif de larchitecture dans cette
rgion. Leur sauvegarde et leur rhabilitation ne doivent pas tre
rduites des conscrations purement techniques et des actions
provisoires mais, il demande llaboration dune conception globale
dintgration visant en premier lieu la mise en valeur de ce patrimoine
architectural. Cette intgration, dont les principes sinspirent des
donnes humaines et cologiques, doit viser essentiellement la
sauvegarde de la richesse et la diversit culturelle et artistique de la
rgion. Elle doit tre aussi adapte au rythme de dveloppement et
aux mutations socioconomiques de la population. Avec ses paysages
saisissants, sa culture, son architecture, sa faune et sa ore, lAtlas et
la rgion du sud-est du Maroc reprsentent un potentiel touristique
et culturel exceptionnel. Aujourdhui, il est lune des destinations les
plus prfres des randonneurs et des amateurs du tourisme des
montagnes et des valles. Or, le dveloppement de ce secteur se heurte
au manque dinfrastructures ncessaires et de centres dencadrement
dans ces rgions, faits qui psent lourdement sur les greniers-grottes
et les greniers de falaise dans leur intgration et leur dveloppement
touristique et culturel.

CHASTEL, A., Architecture et patrimoine, Imprimerie National Edition, Paris, 1994, p.33.


Expriences de rhabilitation intgrale en Mediterrane

Experiencias de rehabilitacin integral en el Mediterrneo
Experiences of integrated rehabilitation in the Mediterranean

Rhabilitation et dveloppement local

Cas des fondouks traditionnels
dans la mdina de Marrakech Maroc
Kamal Belkyal1 et Abdellatif Marou 2, Moulay-Abdeslam Samrakandi3

Ingnieur Chef de la division de laction sociale Prfecture de

Conservateur Inspection des monuments historiques
Chef du projet Rhabimed Marrakech - Centre Mditerranen de
lenvironnement de Marrakech.

I. Contexte :
Le dveloppement dmesur et la transformation urbaine acclre
de la ville ont chang les quilibres longtemps installs dans la mdina.
Il en rsulte que certains secteurs conomiques et par consquent la
population correspondante sont fortement touchs.
La ville de Marrakech est la cit de lartisanat par excellence. Les
secteurs conomiques relatifs lindustrie en gnral ne constituent
quune faible part dans lactivit conomique de la ville. Par contre la
cit historique a su constituer et recrer un patrimoine incontestable
dans les industries de lartisanat o le facteur humain en est le pivot.
Par consquent, ce changement a gnr des conditions de vie et
de travail insalubres entravant tout dveloppement durable et la
population qui y est rattache se trouve plonge dans un cycle vicieux
de pauvret et dexclusion.
Les mutations mondiales poussent donc le pays capitaliser son
exprience dans les domaines o la concurrence est encore jouable.
Parmi les secteurs les plus productifs dans la ville de Marrakech,
lartisanat et le tourisme. Lartisanat emploie prs de 114.000 personnes
(reprsentant 13,7% de la population et 38,3 % de la population active
de Marrakech), tandis que le tourisme est en voie daccroissement
continu depuis le dbut de cette premire dcennie du 21me sicle.
Mais lartisanat reste le cur battant de la ville constituant un pole
dattraction conomique important
Cependant, cette activit est aecte par de nombreuses dicults
relatives aux conditions et au cadre de travail, la prcarit de lemploi et
la dpendance dune grande part de lactivit au secteur du tourisme.
Le gouvernement, les collectivits territoriales, les chambres des mtiers
et les associations professionnelles multiplient les initiatives depuis peu
pour contenir les problmes lis entre autre la disparition et/ou la
vulnrabilit de certains mtiers cause de la concurrence asiatique.
Par ailleurs, la particularit de cet artisanat est fonde, en plus de sa
diversit et sa qualit, sur lutilisation dun large espace du tissu ancien
de la mdina de Marrakech. Cet espace est reprsent par des dices
particuliers quon appelle les fondouks ou caravansrails.


II. Aperu historique sur les fondouks :

La prsence de ce type particulier de btiment est trs ancre dans
lhistoire de la ville. On note dj au temps des almoravides (1062-1147)
la prsence dun fondouk appel fondouk de lorange transform
plutard en maison de particulier. Cependant, le tissu ancien actuel
regorge encore de prs de 100 fondouks dont la moiti garde encore
son aspect dorigine.
Lessor conomique du pays lpoque des almohades (1147-1269)
et ultrieurement lre des saadiens (1554-1659) revient au fait au
rle important que jouaient les caravanes dans la vie de la cit. Cette
situation tait favorable au dveloppement de ce type ddices o la
nature de lactivit dtermine lappellation du fondouk. Cest ainsi quon
trouve des fondouks Elmelha (sel) ; Guargae (noix) ; Zit (huile) ; Thmer
(dattes) ; Zrabi (tapis) ; As-sukar (sucre).
La rpartition des fondouks montre bien la domination des fondouks
situs dans le territoire commercial historique de la ville : Cot nord et
ouest : Quartier Bab Tghzout(30) et quartier Jamaa Lfna (42) : Trek (rue)
Ahl Fs Trek Dar Lbacha Trek Lmouassine. Ils reprsentent aussi les
meilleurs dices du point de vue architectural. Dautres situs lest
de la mdina sont moins conservs et nombreux nont que trs peu
ou pas de valeur architecturale. Les fondouks dont il est question de
rhabilitation sont ceux dont la qualit architecturale est bien distincte
et rpondent la typologie indique ci-dessous. An de les distinguer
des autres, on les appellera fondouks traditionnels.
III. Typologie architectonique des fondouks:
Au niveau architectural, les plans reproduisent la disposition classique
des btiments connus par ailleurs dans la plupart des pays dislam :
Une entre unique, une cour ciel ouvert qui sert dcurie, entoure
sur ses quatre faces dune galerie sur laquelle souvrent des boutiques
ou les ateliers et un tage de mme plan rserv aux logements des
Si la structure aecte une forme unique, chaque fondouk se singularise
par ses lments architectoniques, son dcor et le type de matriaux
mis en uvre. Ainsi, le fondouk Alamari (photos n2 et 3) adopte larc
en anse de panier pour marquer ses ouvertures, et le bois roul pour
les balustrades du premier tage. Il est le seul fondouk Marrakech qui
emploie la peinture pour dcorer les faades sur le patio.
Un autre fondouk, Al-Khiria (photos n4 et 5), emploie larcature,
notamment le plein cintre bris outrepass, au rez-de-chauss et
ltage pour articuler les ouvertures des galeries sur le patio.
Lemploi des linteaux en bois support par des piliers ou des colonnes
polygonales est de rgle dans la majoriit des fondouks. Le fer forg
reproduisant les formes et les motifs du rpertoire traditionnel est
souvent utilis pour construire les gardes corps (fondouks Moulay-Hd
et Lahbabi ; photos n6-7 et 8-9). Certains fondouks, en loccurrence
celui de lahbabi (photos n4), sont menus ltage dauvents en bois
de cdre soutenus par des colonnettes en bois nement sculpts et
surmonts par des consoles ou des pseudos chapiteaux. Ces auvents
protgent les galeries de ltage et supportent les lits de tuiles vertes
IV. Usage actuel des fondouks, types dinterventions et
contraintes :
Lanalyse des dices cibles dans le tissu ancien de la ville de Marrakech
a fait apparatre quatre types dusage des fondouks. Sur les 98 fondouks
recenss, on distingue :

Expriences de rhabilitation intgrale en Mediterrane

Experiencias de rehabilitacin integral en el Mediterrneo
Experiences of integrated rehabilitation in the Mediterranean

sous la volont particulire du Roi du Maroc : Linitiative nationale pour

le dveloppement humain (INDH), o le cur de toute action doit
cibler dabord lhumain. Ce cadre a permis, depuis le discours Royal du
18 mai 2005, de crer une nouvelle dynamique dans ladministration
des aaires des citoyens et de renforcer les synergies locales.
Plusieurs facettes constituent notre intervention. Il sagit de redonner
ldice son aspect valorisant, autrement dit marchand en jouant
sur son capital architectural historique fortement recherch dans la
dynamique touristique nouvellement cre dans la ville millnaire, de
rgnrer un espace pratique, convivial, accueillant et de prserver sa
Cette action est accompagne conjointement par lorganisation
des artisans en association et le renforcement de leurs capacits de
gestion et de communication, dans lobjectif de crer une dynamique
soutenable garante de la viabilit de lintervention entreprise.

Rpartition des fondouks rsiduels dans le tissu ancien de la ville de Marrakech

Quartier Bab

Jamaa Lafna

Quartier Bab

Quartier Bab

Quartier bab









Les usages constats ont aid focaliser laction dintervention sur ceux
rservs lartisanat en raison des potentiels de mtiers et de leectif
dartisans/maallems qui constitue le groupe socio-conomique
correspondant. Prs de 4000 personnes y vivent directement de ces
activits et leur apport la dynamique conomique locale et nationale
est incontestable (50% dexportation).
Par contre les fondouks mixtes (artisanat et habitat) ou rservs
lhabitat ncessitent une approche plus complexe o le dlogement
des habitants est pralable toute intervention de rhabilitation.
Si la reconnaissance de la valeur historique et patrimoniale des fondouks
est reconnue par tous, en plus de limportance du tissu artisanal tant au
niveau industriel quhumain, il reste nanmoins une contrainte majeure
lie au cadre lgitimant lintervention dans ces dices.
Les btiments en question sont de nature prive et aucune loi ne
permet les dpenses des deniers publics dans un ouvrage priv. Il est
certain que le courage politique y fait encore dfaut au niveau local
pour programmer une intervention forte ciblant la prservation et la
valorisation dun hritage commun et fortement charg dhistoire.
Ces contraintes sont amoindries par les nouvelles circonstances
nationales qui ont cr un cadre exceptionnel permettant et
lgitimant lintervention dans tels dices. Ce nouveau cadre vise
particulirement mobiliser les moyens humains et matriels pour
sattaquer aux causes de lexclusion socio-conomique dune franche
de la population longtemps marginalise. Le nouveau cadre est bti

V. Rhabilitation des dices :

Les travaux de rhabilitation des fondouks ont t excuts sur la base
du diagnostic et lutilisation des matriaux et des techniques de mise
en uvre traditionnelle. Il sagit gnralement de : (voir dtail est en


VI. Quelques rsultats :

 une nouvelle dynamique est mise
en place
Le nouveau visage des dices a rendu aux artisans leur dignit
puisquils se sentent moins marginaliss, et le sentiment dappartenance
aux corporations artisanales est retrouv ou renforc. Leur pas vers
lorganisation en association leur a permis de mieux sorganiser
dans lespace rhabilit, et de soulever les questions communes
la prservation de leurs activits et lamlioration de leur situations
sociale et professionnelle (formation continue, uvres sociales, loisirs,
assurance maladie...etc.)
Le btiment rhabilit, en respectant le cadre gnral et en vitant
la folklorisation souvent pratique par lintroduction dobjets
anachroniques, a permis lintgration immdiate de ldice dans son
environnement. Il constitue non seulement un objet de curiosits
multiples, mais il est modle dune dmonstration de valorisation dun
hritage presque enterr.

DEVERDUN, G. Marrakech des origines 1912.
Rapport sur lartisanat Marrakech, 2007 Dlgation de lartisanat de Marrakech.


Expriences de rhabilitation intgrale en Mediterrane

Experiencias de rehabilitacin integral en el Mediterrneo
Experiences of integrated rehabilitation in the Mediterranean

Carte de situation des fondouks rsiduels dans la ville de Marrakech

Emplacement des fondouks traditionnels rsiduels de Marrakech


Expriences de rhabilitation intgrale en Mediterrane

Experiencias de rehabilitacin integral en el Mediterrneo
Experiences of integrated rehabilitation in the Mediterranean

Programme de rhabilitation et de mise

en valeur du
Borj Nord de Fs

Laurat de lInstitut des Sciences de LArchologie et du Patrimoine de
Et de lUniversit Internationale Senghor, Option Gestion du Patrimoine, Alexandrie, Egypte.
charg de la conservation des monuments historiques militaires
de Fs, dtach la Commission Marocaine dHistoire Militaire
(Administration de la Dfense Nationale).
historiques de Sefrou (Ministre de la Culture).
historiques et des sites lInspection des monuments historiques de
Fs (Ministre de la Culture)
Adresse :
Maison de la Culture, Place de la Rsistance,
Avenue Moulay Youssef, Fs, Maroc
Tl . :
00212 35647566

I- Borj Nord : Le monument

Aperu historique
Borj Nord est sans doute le monument dfensif le plus majestueux de
Fs. Il a t fond par le sultan saadien El Mansour Eddahbi, en 1582,
dans le cadre de la mise en place dun dispositif de dfense constitu de
onze forts ceinturant la Mdina de Fs. Selon les chroniques historiques,
les Borjs Nord et Sud furent levs avec lapport de captifs portugais, ce
qui explique le caractre europen de leur architecture. Au temps du
Protectorat franais, le monument a t utilis comme caserne militaire
et prison.
En 1963, le fort abrita le premier Muse spcialis en matire dhistoire
darmes au Maroc. Une fois, transfr sous tutelle de la Commission
Marocaine dHistoire Militaire, le 22 Mars 2003, le borj a fait lobjet
dun projet global de rhabilitation qui englobe la consolidation et la
restauration de la btisse, le ramnagement des abords extrieurs,

linstallation des quipements spciques et musographiques, la

rorganisation de lexposition, et la restauration de la collection.
Imposant par son ampleur ( 2250m2), remarquable par lharmonie
de son plan et lquilibre de ses proportions, le Borj Nord tmoigne
dune phase primordiale de lvolution de larchitecture militaire. Du
fait de lpanouissement des armes feu vers la n du XVe sicle, les
bastions taient dsormais destins abriter des armes feu lourdes et
a supporter les tirs de canons.
Le borj se compose dun noyau carr, rgulirement anqu aux
quatre coins de bastions formant des angles trs aigus. Ltage du borj
abrite des casemates servant au dpt de munition. Ce fort est ainsi
typiquement reprsentatif de larchitecture italienne dite bastionne,
en vigueur en Europe au XVIe sicle.
Grce aux travaux de restauration mens rcemment par la CMHM,
on a pu dcouvrir trois salles centrales en sous sol qui servaient de
rserves deaux et deux autres salles latrales qui servaient de silos.
La btisse est essentiellement ralise en pis. Riche en chaux, celuici intervient dans ldication de l ensemble des murs porteurs qui
prennent des paisseurs variables, allant jusqu 3.30 m. Lensemble
des ouvertures et fentres sont appareilles en brique pleine alternant
avec un lit de mortier de sable et de chaux. La brique intervient aussi
au niveau des couvertures ralises toutes en vote darrte et surtout
dos dne, ainsi quau niveau des angles arrondis des saillants. Les
pointes de ceux-ci, sont quant elles, soigneusement appareilles
en pierre de taille gristre extraite probablement sur place. La pierre
de taille constitue galement le fruit extrieur qui volue, au pied
de lacrotre, tout autour du borj. Soigneusement taille, elle forme
aussi lappareillage et les pidroits des arcs de lentre de ldice et de
son vestibule. Des fragments de pierres non dgrossis, associs un
mlange de terre et de chaux, constituent de hauts soubassements, en
forme de talus, bordant le Borj sur ses quatre cts.
Vu sa fonction militaire, le Borj prsente un aspect sobre marqu par
ses structures architecturales et architectoniques imposantes. Les
lments du dcor se rduisent aux formes des plafonds vots, aux
arcs briss outrepasss de lentre et du vestibule, et aux arcs en plein
cintre des portes et ouvertures intrieures et des fentres extrieures.
Les angles des murs intrieurs sont gays de gorges incurves qui
sharmonisent parfaitement avec les courbes et contre-courbes des
arcs et des votes.
Par ailleurs, la pierre de taille apparente, ore un aspect esthtique
particulier aux faades extrieures.
Les deux portes extrieures sont composes chacune de deux battants
de bois massifs pourvus de larmature mtallique traditionnelle .
Lintrieur du monument dnotait les dgradations suivantes :
a suscit lapparition des selles au niveau des murs et a contribu
la corrosion de certains objets exposs.


Expriences de rhabilitation intgrale en Mediterrane

Experiencias de rehabilitacin integral en el Mediterrneo
Experiences of integrated rehabilitation in the Mediterranean

est du R.D.C., qui est due ltat dfectueux des canalisations de

dversent les eaux uses sur les soubassements extrieures.
Ces enduits ne sadhrent pas parfaitement aux matriaux de
construction dorigine.
au niveau de ltage et de laile sud-est avec laspect historique et
esthtique du monument. Il en va de mme pour le carrelage des
sols de ltage.
Les dgradations releves sur les faades extrieures se rsument
ainsi :
en talus, caus par le manque de canalisations verticales.
quelques pierres du fruit et des pointes des saillants.

Intitul du Projet : Restauration, rhabilitation et quipement du Borj
Supercie :
Aectation : Muse des Armes :
Muse National spcialis, ax sur lhistoire de armes au Maroc et dans
le monde ;
.POUBOUHMPCBMEVQSPKFU 11 Millions dhs ; environs 1,1 Million dEuro.
et en utilisant des matriaux de construction traditionnels proches
des matriaux dorigine ; Une quipe pluridisciplinaire veillait
ltude et au suivi du chantier constitue darchitectes, dingnieurs,
darchologue, de conservateurs de monuments, de laboratoire et
dun architecte paysagiste. Le suivi a t aussi supervis de point de
vue technique par lInspection des monuments historiques.

et des quipements spciques ncessaires : tlsurveillance,
clairage gnral et spcique, sonorisation, climatisation, plate
forme lvatrice pour handicaps, dtection incendie, systme de
scurit alarme sans l...
le Conservateur du Muse, encadr par la Direction du Patrimoine
moderne et intgration du mobilier dexposition...La Direction du
Patrimoine a particip la supervision scientique de lexposition.
Le travail de scnographie, conu par le Scnographe Philippe Dlis
et son quipe de spcialistes, a port aussi sur lclairage spcique


de lexposition, le mobilier dexposition ( vitrines, socles, cimaises...),

le mobilier de la salle daccueil, des Reserves et de la boutique du
Muse, le soclage des objets exposs, le graphisme et les supports
de textes et des illustrations et les projections audio-visuelles.

parking, alles, espaces verts, places, exposition en plein aire, poste
transformateur, groupe lectrogne, cafs...
ralisation, concerne 1000 fusils marocains du 18-19e sicle.
II- Borj Nord : Le Muse
Borj Nord est un Muse national spcialis, ax sur lhistoire et
lvolution des armes au Maroc et dans le monde. Une partie de
lexposition est entirement consacre aux armes et harnachements
marocaines traditionnelles entant qulments de parade et symboles
dappartenance socioculturelle.
La collection du muse provient en grande partie de lancienne Makina,
fabrique darmes construite par le Sultan Hassan I la n du XIXme
sicle et qui abritait un petit Muse darmes. Sa Majest feue Hassan II
a particulirement grati ce muse dun don important provenant de
lancienne rserve darmes du palais.
Cette collection est dune grande importante la fois quantitatif et
qualitatif. La majorit est en eet caractre archologique. Elle
reprsente, dans lensemble, une fourchette chronologique allant
de la Prhistoire, jusqu lapparition des armes feu automatiques
de la premire moiti du XXme sicle. Les uvres ont une valeur
ethnographique, technologique et esthtique. Par ailleurs, le Muse
dArmes est le seul au Maroc prsenter des objets musaux manant
de pays trangers. 35 pays y sont en eet, prsents. En chire, le
Muse dArmes abrite 8244 pices, dont 757 sont exposs de faon
permanente, 2079 en Rserves, 5262 en cour de restauration latelier,
et 128 objets prts dautres muses marocain.
Le Muse dArmes de Fs prsente la particularit dtre frquent aussi
bien par le public des touristes trangers que par le public marocain,
en particulier les habitants de Fs. Ces derniers entretiennent en eet
depuis plusieurs dcennies des liens intimes voir mme spirituels
avec le borj et ses abords. En eet, le monument fait partie dun site
pittoresque surplombant la Mdina et dun attrait la fois historique,
archologique et naturel.
Autres services oerts par le Muse
En plus de lexposition permanente, le Muse abrite un espace
dexposition temporaire une salle de documentation et de projections
audio-visuelles et un atelier de restauration. Par ailleurs, une partie des
rserves du muse est visitable, de mme que la citerne situe en sous
sol. Comme espace de dtente et de dlectation, le Muse abrite aussi
une caftria sise aux abords immdiats du Borj. Des longues vues sont
la disposition des visiteurs dsireux davoir des vues panoramiques
rapproches de la ville.
Parcours de lexposition
Lexposition permanente du Muse propose au visiteur trois grands
thmes, dont le premier sera compos de cinq sections. Ces dernires
sont abordes selon un ordre chronologique.

Expriences de rhabilitation intgrale en Mediterrane

Experiencias de rehabilitacin integral en el Mediterrneo
Experiences of integrated rehabilitation in the Mediterranean

Ce grand thme est ax sur la gense et lvolution des armes
dans le monde depuis la Prhistoire, jusqu lapparition des armes
feu automatique au dbut du 20e sicle. En plus du Maroc, les
armes exposs reprsentent 35 pays dAfrique, dEurope, dAsie et
dAmrique du Nord. De point de vue thmatique, tous les types
darmes sont abords : armures et armes dfensives, armes blanches,
engins de sige, armes feu individuelles, pices dartillerie, armes
dapparat, armes de chasse, projectiles...
Par ailleurs, cet axe, est dment illustr par des textes explicatifs,
des fac-simils de manuscrits anciens, des panneaux didactiques,
des maquettes, des dessins, des photos et des projections audiovisuelles.
Ce thme sera compos des sections suivantes :
 -FTBSNFTGFVJOEJWJEVFMMFTEVe 18eme sicle : De la platine
mche au fusil silex
En plus de leur fonction initiale de dfense, les armes traditionnelles
jouent au Maroc un rle social dapparat et dappartenance tribale
et hirarchique. Ils constituent pour les ruraux, en particulier, une
parure masculine et un complment obligatoire de leur tenue lors
des ftes et des crmonies.
Ce thme prsente larme marocaine traditionnelle entant
qulment rvlateur du savoir faire de lartisan marocain et entant
quuvre de synthse pour laquelle contribuent plusieurs corps de
mtiers artisanaux : la sculpture du bois, de los et de livoire , et
toutes les ornementations faites base de mtaux
( fer, cuivre,
argent et or) .
Par ailleurs, le Maroc prsente des traditions millnaires relatives
la cavalerie et au cheval. La fantasia ou Lab al-Barud (le jeu
de la poudre) est un tmoignage encore vivant de ces traditions.
Une partie de ce thme est en fait ax sur les harnachements
marocains traditionnels, les traditions marocaines lies au cheval
et la cavalerie, et les costumes traditionnels du cavalier marocain.
Ce thme est illustr par des squences de projections audiovisuelles.
Au XIXe sicle, le Maroc se trouvait dans une situation de dpendance
en matire darmement vis--vis de lOccident. Les achats darmes
taient non seulement coteux mais aussi dpasss. Ainsi et dans
le cadre des rformes militaires entames par le Sultan Moulay alHassan, une fabrique darmes (Makina) fut implante Fs sous
lassistance dexperts italiens
Ce thme est prsent par des armes ( fusils, canons), des projectiles
( cartouches, poudres, pices explosives) produits la Makina et
par des pices dtaches darmes et des outils de fabrication. Il
est agrment par des fac-simils de manuscrits et des photos
anciennes illustrant le fonctionnement de cette fabrique.

Borj nord avant restauration : quelques aspects de dgradations

Borj nord aprs restauration : faade sud

Borj nord aprs restauration : faade nord-ouest

Muse des Armes : vue de quelques salles dexposition


Expriences de rhabilitation intgrale en Mediterrane

Experiencias de rehabilitacin integral en el Mediterrneo
Experiences of integrated rehabilitation in the Mediterranean

The Concept of Yard School in

Conservation of Cultural Heritage, Khan
Alwakalah Restoration Project, Nablus,

Eman Assi
Dr. Assi joined the Department of Architectural Engineering at Sharjah
University, UAE in 2006. Dr. Assi is working as consultant in projects
related to documentation, conservation, and management of cultural
heritage in Palestine and in the Arab world. She has many publications related to the theoretical and practical issues of conservation
and management of cultural heritage, and was acting as a director of
International Council of Monuments and Sites in Palestine, (ICOMOS
Palestine) 2003-2005. Dr. Assi also joined the Center for Middle
Eastern Studies, University of Californian, Berkeley, as a post doctorate
Fulbright Visiting Scholar for the academic year 2003-2004, where she
conducted a research in title Cultural heritage and Sustainable development: Evaluation of recent Initiatives of Conservation of Cultural
Heritage in Palestine. Dr. Assi is a member in scientic committee on
Cultural Routes, CIIC-ICOMOS, UNESCO.
Department of Architecture, University of Sharjah, UAE
00971 50 7390034

Kahn Al-wakalah is an old caravanserai1 served as a traditional funduq
or khan, built in the middle of the seventeenth century during the
Ottoman period.The caravanserais were huge accommodation , facilities
that provide shelter, food and drink for a caravans full complement of
people, animals and cargo and could handle its need for maintenance
, treatment and care. Within the city, the caravanserai was known as a
khan, and it required less fortication but more space for storage and
commercial transactions.
Khan Al-wakalah, located along the main road reaching the city of
Nablus from the Western Mediterranean plain, was among the four
caravanserais constructed in the city in the eighteenth century during
the Ottoman period. It was considered to be the largest and the most
important. It has a rectangular plan with two oors built around a
spatial open court. The main faade contains a unique entrance that
was destroyed in April 20022. The ground level has a very close and
dense architectural rhythm. The second level could be reached through
an open stairs facing the main entrance.
Khan Al-wakalah was still functioning till 1927, with traders coming
from Syria Egypt, and Lebanon to exchange trade. Soap, textile, species


were the main goods. In 1927 a very severe earthquake hit Palestine
and Khan Al-wakalah was partially destroyed3 made it inconvenient
to function except small shops with entrance at the main street. This
situation was negatively inuenced the stability of the structure. In 2001
the municipality of Nablus bought the property from Arafat Family who
used to own the building for long time and were able to nd a nancial
assistant from the European Union to rehabilitate Khan Al-wakalah
and the area around it.
The main aim of rehabilitation of Khan Al-wakalah is to ensure the
historical value of the building through adaptive reuse functions
hosting cultural centre serving local community in the old city of
Nablus. The project also includes the rehabilitation of main street along
the Khan Al-wakalah. The major activities to be curried in this project
mainly be; to secure the site, conduct some archeological investigation
on site, consolidate the existing structure, clean the facades and
the exterior walls, implement the restoration activates, (consolidate ,
pointing, plastering of stone walls).
According to the design proposal, some part of the building in the
southern and northern side of the building will be reconstructed to
make sure that the building will maintain its original form as much
as possible. This will also include reconstructing of the main gate in
the northern faade to return it back to its original phase. To ensure
building meet the modern standard, new addition was proposed in
the inner court of the building.
The concept of yard school
The approach to rehabilitation of khan Al-wakalah based on dynamic
aspect of human development ad capacity building through dierent
stages of project implementation and mainly focused on promotion,
awareness, visibility and learning. The yard school was adopted here
as a methodology and was implemented though organization of
training workshop, public lectures and site visits. Its main objective is
capacity building in the eld CH conservation, where development
of appropriate technical and theoretical skills were developed by
targeting dierent groups consist of the following:
1 Twelve young workers from the city of Nablus and the surrounding
2 Four designated technician fro the municipality of Nablus
3 Eight selected students enrolled in the postgraduate studies at the
Department of Architecture, An-najah National University, Nablus.

Educational activities
The yard-school will be attended by 8 selected students from An-najah
National University to improve the topics and research eld in master
degree as well as increase the interest of the restoration of Palestinian
cultural heritage.
Giving the opportunity of young architects in their postgraduate
studies an opportunity to gain experience and develop their research
studies by working on real case. This will contribute to maintain links
between theoretical and practical aspects of conservation in Palestine.
It is anticipated that benets will be twofold. At one hand this will
give the opportunity for theoretical investigation of issues which
could be needed during execution of the Khan Al-wakalah project.

Expriences de rhabilitation intgrale en Mediterrane

Experiencias de rehabilitacin integral en el Mediterrneo
Experiences of integrated rehabilitation in the Mediterranean

Also, the involvement of a number of master students will give better

opportunities for academic investigation and documentation of the
work. On the other hand, involvement of master students in the project
will give opportunities for further investigation and research in the area
of conservation on topics beyond Khan Al-wakalah, on other aspects of
conservation in Palestine.
Public lectures
Public lectures considered a core stone in any community outreach
activities where raise awareness could foster and rich interaction
between public and heritage. Khan Al-wakalah project considered this
issue in its activities. Several public lectures were carried on monthly
bases targeting the general public. The lectures were conducted at the
main theater of An-najah National University and were widely advertised
either on the web site of An-najah University or local newspaper and
TV. These lectures focused on exploring and discussing wide range of
aspects related to social, economical and cultural impact of Cultural
heritage conservation.
Site visits
Site Visits were organized while the conservation work is going on. This
will give the public an opportunity to learn more about the history of
their city and the building in particular. They will be able to realize the
value and the signicance of this historic as public collective memory
and identity of this place. Those visits were highly appreciated by
young, kids and member of local NGO, and community centers. See
below a photo taken for elementary schools visit to Khan Al-wakalah
during the cleaning of the faced of building.

includes dierent operation in this project form community awareness

activities to training crafts and to educational aim6. This will ensure the
change in attitude and paradigm shift in thinking about architectural
education nature.

Caravanserai, Khan, han, qaisariya, wakalah, are all terms used for certain type of
accommodation along the trade routes. In towns used for storing and distributing
merchandise. Outside towns used for staging post for caravans provide short term
accommodation not only for people but also for merchandise and animals.

They were arranged along trade routes at intervals that were calculated in view of the
amount of distance that the caravan could be expected to cover in a single day.

JALAL DABBEEK, director of Earth Sciences and Seismic Engineering Centre at An-najah National

Education Outside the Classroom: Second Report of Session 2004-05 : Report, Together
with Formal. By Great Britain Parliament. House of Commons. Education and Skills
Committee, 2005.

PRESTON, J., A common Grounding? Principles, Standard, and training Paper to 2002
Oxford Planning and Historic Environment Conference,

PRETTY. J and CHAMBERS, R. (1993): Towards a learning Paradigm: New Professionalism and
Institutions for Agriculture, Brighton: Institute of Development Studies Discussion Paper 344.

KING, K and MCGRATH 2003: Knowledge sharing in development Agencies: lessons from for
cases, the world Bank Operations Evaluation Department OED.

MANSON, R. (edt.) 1998: Economics and Heritage of Conservation, report of a Los Angeles.

It is now clear that the main objective of any promotion program of
cultural heritage has to be centered on the appropriation of CH by
people themselves and therefore on education and access to knowledge
of cultural heritage4. This particularly true of the Mediterranean region
where cultural heritage has been identied as a priority eld of action
since it is essential factor in the identity of each country.
That involves encouraging the economic and social local repercussions
of CH. Regarding the safeguarding of the sites and the encouragement
for vocational training in the elds of the conservation and management
of cultural heritage , these objectives remain relevant, as elements of
a development policy, since they support the central aim of public
awareness-raising and cultural heritage promotion5.
One of the major objectives of Khan Al-wakalah project is the capacity
building in the eld of restoration in Palestine. The project aims
at organizing a training activity called yard-school which aims at
development of appropriate skills, by theoretical classes, and transfer of
technical know-how, by involving specialists in conservation and local
The rehabilitation of khan Al-wakalah proceeds with the understanding
that Heritage is an essential component of civil society and social relations
in the present .The goal of the Heritage Education and Community
Outreach activities at this project is to coordinate and foster interaction
between the public and heritage. This includes the development of;
heritage courses for university students and professionals, educational
programs for students of all ages, educational networks and community
outreach programs.
Building capacity is a core stone of all aspect of the project and this


Expriences de rhabilitation intgrale en Mediterrane

Experiencias de rehabilitacin integral en el Mediterrneo
Experiences of integrated rehabilitation in the Mediterranean

Photo of Khan Al-wakalah taken in 1927 after the earth quake, Source : Alathar Alislameya

Khan Al-wakalah is under restoration, May, 2006 showing reconstruction of the southern
part of the building and consolidating the roof of the upper oor.


Post graduate student from the department of Architecture, An-najah National University
are training to prepare traditional lime mortar , during a workshop organized by the yard
school team and supervised by English expert Nicholas Durum , May , 2004.

A. craftsman is explaining to a group of elementary school students the traditional way of

dressing stone, Khan Al-wakalah project , December, 2005.

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Experiencias de rehabilitacin integral en el Mediterrneo
Experiences of integrated rehabilitation in the Mediterranean

Romanian traditional architecture half

way between the Northern Sea and the
Mediterranean Sea

Ana-Maria Dabija
Professor dr. arch. in the Technical Sciences Chair of the Ion Mincu
University of Architecture and Urbanism, Bucharest, Romania, member
in specialized Technical Committees in the Ministry of Transport, Constructions and Tourism and in the Romanian Association of Standardisation, member of the Romanian Order of Architects, member of the
International Solar Energy Society.
18 20 Academiei Street,
010014 Bucharest, Romania
+40 21 3077 213

Geography and history

Romania is situated in the south eastern part of Europe. It is the country
where the Danube River ows into the Black Sea. The sea had a great
inuence on the development of relations with the Mediterranean
world and there are ruins of ancient Greek cities at the shore of the
Black Sea.
The contemporary cities Constanta and Mangalia are the ancient Tomis
and Calatis, built somewhere in the VI-th Centuriy B.C. by the Greeks
that landed on the western shores of the sea.
Commercial relations with the local Getic population were established
and the Greek cities ourished and developed.
Since the beginning of the rst millennium (IVth VIth century and again
in the IX-th and Xth century) the architecture in this part of the world
was strongly inuenced by Rome and then Byzantium. The inuence
of the Byzantine style was stronger in Walachia and more vague in
Transylvania and Moldova, where interferences with the features of
the western and northern architecture can be felt [1]. Therefore the
resemblance with the XIXth century traditional architecture of Fanar
and Galata neighbourhoods of Istanbul dwelled by Greeks as well as
Turks is not accidental [2].
On the other hand, the rough winter climate, the rich pluviometric
conditions during spring and autumn have lead to building principles
that remind of the Northern European architecture.
Therefore, the Romanian traditional architecture (see photo 1)
cumulates strong elements coming both from the North (high pitched
roofs, double glazed windows, thermal mass) and from the South
(porches, sun shading devices).
Where, what and why
The traditional Romanian houses follow principles that are very simple

and of common sense in order to achieve the necessary comfort

conditions of every epoch: warming or cooling of the house were
achieved by means of ecient building materials, the appropriate
design and the traditional heating means. The sun radiation was used
in the winter to improve the indoor conditions from thermal point
of view and was shut out during the summer from the same reasons
(these ideas are however emphasized today, as sustainable building
The building components (of the traditional buildings) that can be
pointed out in respect of the request of appropriate thermal insulation
t thick walls; in the case of wooden houses (like the one presented
in Photo 1) the basement is made with stone. A current building
material is clay which, due to thickness and thermal conductivity,
not to mention the healthy environment, provides a very good
thermal protection
t low percentage of glazing (the ratio opaque part glazed part of
the envelope favours the opaque part)
t specic structure and type of windows: double glazed (in some
cases even provided with exterior shutters). The traditional opening
system that provides by itself airtightness during windy periods
is accomplished with one sash opening towards the exterior and
one towards the interior (the so called customary opening of the
windows); when exterior shutters are provided, both sashes open
towards the interior;
t sloped roof, with no dwelling function, but which constitutes a
buer zone that protects against weathering and cold; the slope is
dierent in dierent regions, according to the climate: in the zones
with plenty of rain and snow, the slope is quite abrupt;
t concentrated thermal mass provided by the stove in the center of
the house; the oven is also located there, so heating and / while
cooking is accomplished.
The specic sun protection means are:
t open porch (mainly oriented to the South) that represents solar
protection as well as wind buer zone. The idea of a porch is found
in the ancient Greece peristyle (patio), in the Roman architecture
atrium as well as in the Middle Eastern traditional housing style.
In all these cases, the peristyle surrounds an inner courtyard, towards
which the rooms and the activities of the family are oriented.
Unlike them, the Romanian porch of the traditional house is located
along one (preferably South oriented) or two sides, facing the
exterior and constituting an intermediary space, private as well as
somehow public. The depth of the porch is dictated by the need to
accommodate some activities like working together, entertainment,
chatting (in some parts it is also called the place for looking [1]), as
well as by the need to allow the winter sun rays to penetrate the
windows and heat the rooms (passive solar energy in todays terms)
and to reect the sun rays during the summer, to avoid overheating
(see Photo 1)
t protective, large eaves, that help also for the protection of the walls
against weathering
The building material, warm in itself, the thick walls, the glazing
percentage and the buer space that is within the sloped roof are


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Experiencias de rehabilitacin integral en el Mediterrneo
Experiences of integrated rehabilitation in the Mediterranean

also supplementary means to reduce the overheating of the inner

environment due to the solar radiation on a sunny day.
From the Brncoveanu style to the Neo-romanian style
The same principles have been developed in the urban architecture
of the late XVII-th Century (the Brncoveanu style, named after the
prince under whos reign it was developed) and can be easily spotted
until the beginning of the XXth Century.
All the features that were presented above as characteristic may
be found here as well. The scale of the buildings is dierent, the
materials involved, the nature and quality of the decorations (a rened
combination of oriental and western motifs). The functions of the
buildings that have been preserved are either civilian (palaces: see
Photo 2, The Mogosoaia Palace, XVIIIth Century) and / or religious (many
more examples of churches than palaces are preserved).
A mention should be made, about the porch or loggia: in the case of
churches it is an intermediary space, facing the western faade - as the
altar is East oriented for shelter and waiting.
In the case of larger buildings, like the inns or the monastic assemblies,
the inner courtyard surrounded by porches is obviously a feature of
warm climate, while the sloped roofs refer to a rainy climate (as seen in
Photo 3, Manucs Inn XVIIIth Century).
In many situations of merchant houses the porches are closed with
glass, in wooden frames, thus creating an extra storage space and also a
buer zone that contributes, due to the green house eect, to the heat
gain in the wintertime as well as to protect against major winds.
Buer space that protects against the wind is emphasized in the
architecture of the late XIXth century, when the zone of the entrance
was covered in a metal and glass skin. The frame was highly decorated,
or simple, wooden, according to what the owner could aord.
The inuence of the European architecture, especially the French one,
is obvious after the middle of the XIXth century, as two Romanian
Principalities unied and eventually became one kingdom.
The need of public buildings led to a period of eervescent building
activity and the inuence of the classic style is obvious.
However, the traditional features have not been forgotten, especially
in the traditional architecture [2] and although western and eastern
currents inuenced the building activity, towards the end of the XIX-th
century, the principles established in the previous periods crystallized
into what is known as the Neo-Romanian style. Historically it can be
included in the Art Nouveau style, but has particular characteristics.
Important buildings or simple dwellings were designed according to
these principles, where the intermediary space the loggia is never
Returning to building components, as the buildings were higher, at
the beginning of the XXth century, the customary opening windows
became less and less used as, along with their major quality, some
important deciencies of the system can be encountered, mostly in
terms of exploitation (an abrupt opening of the window might hurt a
by-passer, if the window is on the ground oor and facing the street)
and maintenance (of the outer sash: exposed to weathering and
deterioration and also dicult to clean).
As shown in Photo 4 (The Museum of the Romanian Peasant originally
the National Art Museum arch. N. Ghika Budesti 1912), an example
of Neo-Romanian architecture, there are more characteristics of the
traditional architecture that can be emphasized: not only the open
loggia, but also the proportion glazed opaque, the small windows,


the large eaves and, last but not least, the rich decoration.
The thickness of the walls counts for the mechanical stability of these
buildings, as Romania has to withstand very serious earthquakes. In
some cases it is more than one meter in the basement. It, of course,
helps to improve the thermal resistance of the opaque part of the
envelope and ensures thermal comfort in winter as well as in summer
The special character of the Romanian architecture is given by the
fact that, due to the geographic position that implies such important
climatic dierences, the traditional architecture combines the northern
European style with the features of the southern, Mediterranean
architecture. Apart from the climatic demands that are imposed on
the buildings, inuences growing from functionality to decoration are
absorbed from all adjacent cultures (Orient and Occident) and melt
into a unique, genuine style.

[1] I. DIMITRESCU, Capitelul in arhitectura din Tara Romaneasca, in Pagini de veche arta
romaneasca, Editura Academiei 1981, p.129
[2] C. NICOLESCU, Case, conace si palate vechi romanesti, Editura meridiane 1979, p. 33 - 83
[3] A. PANOIU, Din arhitectura lemnului, Editura Tehnica, Bucuresti
[4] AM. DABIJA, Notiuni de proiectare a tamplariilor la cladiri cu functiuni civile, Ed. Universitara
Ion Mincu, 2004
[5] AM. DABIJA A bridge between old and new. Thermal window refurbishment
dwellings in Romania, 10 DBMC Conference, Lyon 2005



[6] AM. DABIJA, Tradition and innovation in contemporary Romanian architecture, PLEA
Conference, Geneva 2006

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Experiencias de rehabilitacin integral en el Mediterrneo
Experiences of integrated rehabilitation in the Mediterranean

Manucs Inn

Mogosaia Palace

Traditional house

Peasants Museum


Expriences de rhabilitation intgrale en Mediterrane

Experiencias de rehabilitacin integral en el Mediterrneo
Experiences of integrated rehabilitation in the Mediterranean

Delving Valldigna

Paul Oliver

As he admired the lush Alfandec Valley, some fty kilometres south of

Valencia, King James II the Just said to his chaplain, the Abbot of the
Cistercian Monastery of Santa Creus, Vall digna monestir de la vostra
religio, to which the Abbot agreed, Vall digna (a worthy valley). The
land had been occupied by Jews and by Muslims in the past, but as
it was now in the royal domain, the King conceded it to the Abbot in
1298 A.D. so that he could establish a new Cistercian Monastery in this
appropriate setting.
Work on the complex soon commenced, including the building of
the Abbots Palace, the Silent Cloister and subsequently, the Chapter
House, Refectory and other buildings. Tragically, in 1396 an earthquake
destroyed the rst church built on the site, and two and a half centuries
later, when a second church had been built, this too was struck by an
earthquake. In the late seventeenth century the present Eglesia de
Santa Maria de la Valldigna was constructed, with its Baroque dome and
details. After the expropriation of the church lands and the expulsion of
the monks in the early nineteenth century, many of the buildings were
demolished and the land sold to the Borgias and others, for farming.
Being very fertile, the worthy valley of Valldigna was used for the
cultivation of several crops, the most notable being rice, which
was made possible by the abundant water from the surrounding
mountains. Over the years the small town of Simat developed in the
vicinity of the monastery, as did the town of Tavernas at the entrance
to the Valley, close to the coastal communication routes. A few villages
and settlements also evolved, their inhabitants being mainly engaged
in farming or the marketing of their produce. This continued until 1936
when General Franco ordered the abolition of the rice industry and its
replacement with orange groves. The situation changed little for three
decades, when a tourist industry served by hotels, railroad and highway,
began to grow along the coast as the Playa de Tavernas.
Close on seven centuries after its foundation the Church of Santa Maria
de la Valldigna was the subject of a major restoration project under
auspices of the Generalitat Valenciana , which also restored the Chapel
of Our Lady of Grace, and promoted archeological research on the sites
of the former monastery buildings. Its opening in 1998 could well
have attracted the interest of many tourists, but the site is deep in the
valley and is not immediately evident to the uninformed visitor. It was
apparent that much more work could be done, and with the formation
of the Foundation of James II the Just, funding was sought from the
European Union Culture Programme 2002 for a new, partly educational
project which would examine aspects of Valldigna as a whole. An
award was made and the participating Universities of three countries
discussed their respective undertakings. The representatives of the
Muthesius Academy of Art, Design and Architecture of Kiel, Germany
placed their emphasis on the natural life of the Valley, the psycho-social
potentials of the restored monastery, and the history and traditions of
its people. The students of the University of Arts, Berlin were interested
in the aesthetics of the region and their expression now, and in the


future, including poetry, symbolic installations, and examples of local

popular and industrial culture. The relationship of the landscape, the
history of the Valley and its culture, and the formal architectural links
within the province, were of importance to Architectural sta and
students of the Universidad Politecnica de Valencia. They also acted
as translators and sources of information for the foreign groups. With
regard to the traditional architecture of towns and villages of Valldigna,
this was selected by sta and students of the Masters Course in
International Studies in Vernacular Architecture at Oxford Brookes
University. Directed by myself and Senior Lecturer Rosemary Latter, our
work was augmented by Dr Aylin Orbasli with respect to conservation
and regeneration. Most students chose aspects of the vernacular
traditions to study independently but some worked as a group. Their
respective studies, made in 2002, are the subject of this paper.
Mention has been made of Tavernas, the town at the access to the
Valley. It has a ne plaza with trees and sculpture, dating from its earlier
times, but many of the towns buildings are of relatively recent date.
On the lower slopes of the adjacent mountain is part of the original
old town, with houses needing attention, but having the potential
of being restored. There are rice barns still standing which could also
be embraced in a general plan, in a town which still respects certain
traditions such as the blessing of horses and farm animals by the
Church. Acting as a distribution centre for local produce, especially
oranges, Tavernas was physically separate from other settlements,
whose proximity to each other made them a more practical focus for
study in the time available..
In the heart of the Valley is the small town of Simat, which had grown
as a support for the monastery. It still has a daily open market in a
street which terminates with what is locally believed to be the earliest
house in the town. Simat has an attractive, tree-shaded plaza, beyond
which are numerous houses lining streets, some having large doorways
leading to rear yards where donkeys were stabled and wagons kept.
Balconies and bays frequently project from the facades, from which
carts were loaded with produce. These were studied by Ruth Liberty,
who also found and documented a number of original but unoccupied
stone-built vernacular houses on the hill slopes above the town, which
could be utilized as tourist accommodation. The re-use of derelict or
empty buildings also interested Siraporn Sihanantavong from Thailand,
who observed that vernacular buildings cannot only be preserved but
can also be used for such functions as accommodation, a climbing
club, or training centre. Creating attractive activities and providing
these supports would be benecial to the life of the valley and would
reinforce the local culture.
For several students the sensitive development of tourism in the Valley
had the potential for improving the economy of the villagers. Halyna
Tataryn traced the history of tourism in Valencia province, noting that
from the 1960s there had been no policy until the 1992 White Paper on
Valencian Tourism, which attempted to devise a working tool. Helena
argued that with the growing demand for world cultural tourism,
Valencia must capitalize on this opportunity: rstly, to diversify their
tourism industry, and secondly, to use it as a vehicle for vernacular
preservation. Widya Sujana was also concerned with adaptive use
of traditional buildings. Near a tree-lined island in a back street she
observed a derelict building with adjacent land, which she believed
would make an ideal museum. She argued that the existing structure
will stimulate an understanding of dwelling construction and presenting
the exhibition in an authjentic environment will support this awareness

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Experiences of integrated rehabilitation in the Mediterranean

of its history. A Japanese student, Ayaka Takaku , also had history and
accommodation in mind. Having previously made a study of Buddhist
monasteries she was interested in the Cisctercian monastery lay-out.
Ayaka made a proposal for the restoration of a guest lodging that is
sited in the east corner of the monastery, explaining that based on
the archeological evidence which I found during my eld research, the
guest lodging is of central importance and must be shown within its
social and vernacular context.
In the centre of the Valley, surrounded by orange groves, is the village
of Benefairo, now largely devoted to the production, selection and
packing of the fruit. To the dismay of Dimitris Ioannidis from Greece,
the village plaza has been virtually abandoned and used as a car park..
He made a detailed study of the houses of the village and proposals
for the regeneration of the plaza: The introduction of trac calming
measures and trac-free zones, will not only have a positive eect on
the historic fabric of the town but also on the social life of the people,
adding that it is important to establish a conservation policy in order
to set the guidelines for any new building activity. This will ensure
that the character and identity of the area will be preserved for future
It was an opinion shared by the group who selected for study the village
of Barx on the mountain slope of the southern side of the valley. Philip
Knudsen, Erik Lang and Samiel Kamal-Uddin sought local opinions.
Upon talking to the local people we found that they were happy with
tourists visiting, though they did not want large-scale facilities, such
as large hotels. Collectively, the group produced posters and images
of the village, highlighting areas that work successfully, and areas
that could be improved. They also made their own designs, Samiel
suggesting that a derelict street on the edge of Barx could be made
into a reception venue with a Tourist Centre which would promote
Philip designed a two-hall museum, the rst hall being devoted to a
permanent exhibition of prehistoric remains and artifacts that have
been found in the Barx area, while the second would have shortterm exhibitions to interest both local and visiting people. He added
that the building would contain additional useful facilities such as a
bookshop /information centre, and an internet cafe currently not
present in the village. For Erik it was the views from the elevated village
that excited him, and having seen some framed by incomplete new
buildings, this led him to design a boardwalk situated along this back
edge which would serve as a direct link between dierent components
of the project, including internet access, a place to do laundry, hostel
accommodation and the opportunity to taste the valleys succulent
Diego Carrillo from El Salvador was interested in the agricultural
history before the 1930s introduction of oranges, which are waterconsuming and now make rice growing impracticable. After locating
and documenting the buildings scattered through the valley that
dated from the earlier periods, he made a visitors map for a Rice Trail
which would take visitors to the stores, the water-mills, the irrigation
channels and other historic structures of a former generation and its
rural industry.
During the course of the project, discussions were held with the
town and village mayors, who were supportive of the studies being
made. Following the conclusion of the project an exhibition of the
work done by all the contributing Universities was held in July 2002,
which displayed their studies, designs and proposals. The Mayors were

very enthusiastic about the possibility of showing the exhibition in

their villages. Whether they did I am not certain, and I do not know
whether the vernacular traditions of the region have been conserved
or not. It would be gratifying if design policies would lead to a sensitive
relationship between the inheritance and the new, but the evidence
of extensive building works that were commencing on the outskirts of
Simat when we left, made this seem unlikely. However, it is certain that
several young architects learned much about vernacular traditions and
will respect them in their future design careers.


Expriences de rhabilitation intgrale en Mediterrane

Experiencias de rehabilitacin integral en el Mediterrneo
Experiences of integrated rehabilitation in the Mediterranean

Al-Khawabi Citadel: a Rehabilitation


Zeina El-Cheikh
Bachelor of Architecture, 2006 (Faculty of Architecture/Tishreen
University, Syria). Worked in several Archaeological and Architectural
projects in Syria. Had several articles and previous participations on
Al-Khawabi Citadel in international events such as 22nd UIA (Istanbul
2005), XI International Seminar FORUM UNESCO UNIVERSITY AND
HERITAGE (Florence 2006).
P.O. Box 401 Tartous-Syria, P.O. Box 3340 Lattakia- Syria
+963-43-224131 (Home)

Al-Khawabi Citadel: Why rehabilitation as a treatment?

Several organizations and foundations which deal with heritage such
as UNESCO, ICOMOS, and NPS dened standards and guidelines of the
main treatments used in the heritage conservation, and the most familiar
are: preservation, restoration, reconstruction and rehabilitation.

+963-932-280156 (Mob.)

Al-Khawabi Citadel: A short story

Al-Khawabi Citadel, is located at 20 Km to the North-East of Tartous
City on the Syrian Coast. The citadel was built by mountains inhabitants
and was restored by the Byzantines in 1025. It was handed to Crusaders
in 1111. Then the Franks conquered it and toke it from a local governor
in 1140 and called it Le Coble. Afterwards, it fell to the Ismailis. Sinan
Rashid Al-Din renovated it in the period 1162-1193 by removing some
walls and building others, and the entrance tower was attributed to
The Citadel was attacked in 1213 by Bohemond IV after the murder
of his son Raymond in the Cathedral of Tartous. The Ismailis asked for
help from forces in Damascus and Aleppo, and the Crusader siege was
removed by this Islamic alliance. And according to several references,
Al-Khawabi Citadel was not used for any defensive purposes after the
12th century. The Citadel was said to be used as an arsenal in Cheikh
Saleh Al-Ali period, after being evacuated. Some original residents
were installed in the close villages and others went to Salamiyah and
And today, the main remaining historical structures belong to the
Ottoman and the French Mandate periods.
Al-Khawabi Citadel: Why this project?
Al-Khawabi Citadel is a unique choice for such project because it is
still inhabited. It is rare to nd a continuously inhabited historical site,
which possesses the potential that of revival on the aesthetical, social,
economic and historical levels, to promote the revitalization of this
architectural heritage and its neighborhood. So once such heritage is
found, we should take care of it.
The aim of this project is not making a full historical record of this
architectural complex- despite the fact that it is the starting point
of any architectural conservation project- but nding solutions for


its functional and aesthetic problems by using new conservation

methods and techniques, and making compatible and meaningful
modern designs which respect the original and existing features and
functions. The idea is neither to demolish everything, nor to reconstruct
everything. It is to preserve the Citadel and its structures, add to it and
to appreciate accumulating cultures instead of narrowing our thoughts
in a focus on one style, or one period.
The challenge is to manage a new strategy to prot from the dierent
values of the historical site, in order to create sustainability and a selfsustainability concepts which deal with several sectors of development
for Al-Khawabi Citadel and its village- a strategy which might be adopted
for similar historical sites with similar conditions- taking into account
the current and future needs of the residents and the neighborhood
through short and long term procedures, in which improving the
quality of life of both residents and structures is the main objective.

Preservation as a treatment for historic properties is usually used

when a continuing or new use does not require additions or extensive
alterations, when the propertys distinctive features are essentially intact
and thus convey the historic signicance without repair or replacement,
and when depiction at particular period of time is not appropriate.
But by applying this treatment, Al-Khawabi Citadel will stay exactly the
way it is now, and all what we will get is just a site frozen in time.
Restoration is also another treatment which can be used when the
propertys architectural/historical signicance during a particular period
of time outweighs the potential loss of materials, features, spaces and
nishes that characterize other historical periods, and when substantial
physical and documentary alterations and additions are not planned.
And according to this treatment, we will backdate the structures into a
certain period by removing all the later changes, and this way we will
be losing the character of the blend created by the residents of the
citadel throughout centuries.
Reconstruction can also be used when a contemporary depiction is
required to understand the propertys historic value (including the recreation of missing parts and features), when no other property with the
same value has survived, and when sucient historical documentation
exists to ensure an accurate reproduction.
But the idea in Al-Khawabi Citadel is not to reconstruct all what has
deteriorated whatever the reason was, besides there are neither
enough documentation nor historical studies that show how the
demolished parts looked like in the past. And perhaps Robert Venturis
Ghost House is a good example on how to create a new use in
a historic space and to represent at the same the existence of any
historic structure in a modern way without reconstructing it. Venturi
constructed the museum and memorial of Benjamin Franklin is on
the site of the home Franklin built for himself. The response to the
multiple educational and memorial challenges departed from the
usual museum and memorial architecture by placing the main exhibit
area underground and designing a steel ghost structure to represent

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Experiencias de rehabilitacin integral en el Mediterrneo
Experiences of integrated rehabilitation in the Mediterranean

the original house.

And since the goal is preserving the overall character of a place as
it evolved and keeping the mix for future generations to appreciate,
where parts of the historic place are respectfully updated to serve new
and continuing uses, the philosophy of SFIBCJMJUBUJPO seems to be the
most appropriate for Al-Khawabi Citadel. This is because this treatment
is used when repair and replacement of deteriorated features are
necessary, when alterations or additions to the property are planned
for a new or continued use, and when its depiction at a particular time
is not appropriate.
The history of Al-Khawabi Citadel needs to be reected in the project,
with no emphasis on the bigger/older structures as being better than
the others. We need to respect the past, add traces in the present, just
as future generations will also make their marks.

5. Applying burial of archaeological sites concept in the parts of the

citadel where archaeological excavations would be done -in order
to complete the historical and archaeological study of the site- and
which will not be used later on or shown to visitors, and which in
case of being exposed to environmental conditions will cause
bigger damages than if they were buried or had a well studied
covering system which does not interrupt the paths in the site.

Al-Khawabi Citadel: Methodology of the work

The work deals with Al-Khawabi Citadel as an urban texture in a form of
a small city which consists of houses, a mosque and stores. And it deals
with all its structures either completely or partially standing- and not
only with the oldest or the biggest structures.
The methodology of the work includes the followings points:
new uses
through the correct continuity of the re-used areas
Al-Khawabi Citadel: Conclusions and recommendations
1. Completing the deserted and partially demolished houses in the
western sector in order to re-use them , by imitating the similar
houses which are still standing in the same sector and which belong
to the same period.
2. Building light temporary structures (with several modern materials)
to serve specic cultural and tourist functions, which should be also
designed in a way that in case they were removed later, no damages
will be caused to the old original structure or any of its parts.
3. Considering each addition to the inhabited historical texture as a
part of its historical continuity, and it shall not be removed unless it
causes a real deformation in the general fabric or causes any harm
to the old parts (due to building materials, nishing materials or
installing the dierent networks such as drainage and electricity.
4. Removing cementious structures, either in the citadel itself or in its
close neighborhood, unless they can take part in the development
and re-use proposals.


Expriences de rhabilitation intgrale en Mediterrane

Experiencias de rehabilitacin integral en el Mediterrneo
Experiences of integrated rehabilitation in the Mediterranean


Expriences de rhabilitation intgrale en Mediterrane

Experiencias de rehabilitacin integral en el Mediterrneo
Experiences of integrated rehabilitation in the Mediterranean

Le village berbre de Chenini : une

approche comusographique


systme cologique montagnard local et rgional.

Chenini est situ dans cette ligne de crte, compos dune srie des
villages, de Jebel Matmata, au alentour de Gabes, au frontires libyen/
tripolitains. Cette ligne est appele dans les sources arabes Jebel
Demmer , elle reprsente ainsi un espace goculturel spcique,
relativement autonome.
II- le village de Chnini : localisation et architecture

Assistant de recherche au projet Ecomuse Nationale des Mines

Mtlaoui avec lU.E.R Mmoire et Identit - Ministre de la Culture
Etudiant-chercheur en patrimoine et dveloppement culturel- Facult
des Sciences Humaines et Sociales de Tunis- Universit de Tunis
Mmoire de master en cours dintitul : les comportements
vestimentaires et les traditions alimentaires dans la rgion de Tataouine:
programme scientique dun muse ethnographique sous la direction
du Prof. Ben Youns Habib.
Adresse postale:
108, Rue de la kasbah Tunis 1006
Adresse courrier lectronique:
Mobile :(+216) 22667335

Fixe : (+216) 75844740

Il sagit dans cette communication de prsenter quelques repres
prliminaires pour la rhabilitation dun model darchitecture
traditionnelle mditerranenne : le village berbre de Chenini au sud
est-tunisien. Lobjectif de notre investigation sappuie sur quelques
composantes du programme comusale, dont les concepts, du
dveloppement global/patrimoine durable/cologie/tourisme culturel,
savrent indispensables pour relire cet hritage vernaculaire .
La question du patrimoine se situant ainsi dans un champs
pluridimensionnel, et rejoint la problmatique territoriale/spatiale dans
ses principaux termes : sauvegarde, mise en valeur et dveloppement.
I- Espace goculturel
La rgion de sud-est tunisien en gnral et Tataouine, en particulier, se
caractris par un positionnement qui facilite la liaison entre Maghreb
et Machrek, et entre lAfrique subsaharienne et la Mditerrane, par le
biais du dplacement de Lhomme dans ces vastes territoires (conqute,
commerce saharienne/caravanire, pastoralisme...). Par ailleurs, la rgion
a connu deux modes de vie : sdentaire de montagne et semi-nomades
des plaines, deux aspects qui se cohabitent et retent, autrefois, deux
ralits au niveau conomique, social et culturel.
Labondance dune mmoire collective orale/immatriel, ainsi quun
hritage architecturel traditionnel/matriel, dans la rgion, permettra
dlaborer une tude exhaustive sur la culture matrielle (savoir faire
locale, pratiques culturelles, btis...).
Les villages berbrophones, ont reprsent le monde de sdentarit
historique, ancr dans la rgion et dans tout le Maghreb, ds les
poques anciennes. Elles se caractrisent par la spcicit de son

1-localisation et historique du Chenini

Chnini se rvle peu peu, a qui laborde en venant de Tataouine,
dont elle nest gure loigne que de 16 kilomtres vers le SudOuest, elle ne montre quun anc de relief dchiquet, o quelques
constructions font penser une agglomration. Mais la spcicit de
lancien Chenini est aussi quelle reste jusquau aujourdhui habit par
quelques familles.
Face la plaine du Ferch qui se dveloppe lancienne Chnini,
aujourdhui dserte, lhabitat t organis sur un relief troit, il ne reste
que les ruines de la citadelle et des nombreuses grottes. En bas, une
curieuse mosque, reconstruite partir dun oratoire plus ancien dans
le anc de la montagne.
La plaine du Ferch a connu loccupation militaire romaine et
byzantine. Ces grottes du Djebel o sest implante Chnini ont servi,
probablement, comme refuge aux Berbres christianiss qui fuyaient
la perscution de lempereur Dce ? des curieuses tombes, de plus
de quatre mtres de long, disposes au pied de la Mosque, viennent
illustrer dans limaginaire populaire collectif une lgende, qui existe
tout au long de la Mditerrane, et qui semble avoir son origine dans le
croissement de deux traditions chrtiennes et musulmanes.
Plusieurs lignes dhabitations ceinturant le piton en triple anneau. La
citadelle en ruines, qui les domine, a perdu sa fonction de forteresse,
elle ne sert plus que de grenier. An de retrouver quelques droits de
labour et de parcours dans la Plaine, les habitants de Chnini avaient
conclu un pacte de sohba /amiti avec les semi-nomades (les OuledYagoub puis les Ouderna).
Sur les pentes abruptes du relief, en dessous de la citadelle grenier, les
habitants de Chnini, ont implant leurs habitations, linstar des leurs
voisins Jbalia/berbres des autres villages (Douiret, Guermassa, Segdel,
Briga...).Des murettes de soutnement retiennent la terre, les grignons
venant de la presse des olives, et les rsidus de fourrage et dalfa. Il se
forme ainsi dtroites plates-formes o courent les chemins tortueux.
Au-dessus des grottes dhabitation, creuses anc de Djebel, se
prolent les ruines dun ksar. Tout en haut, la Mosque au sommet de
la montagne.
Lhabitation troglodytique est constitue dau moins deux chambres
creuses dans la roche tendre et ayant pour toit les bancs calcaires
(roches dure). Les lits, les tables, les armoires sont souvent amnages
dans les parois du Ghar . A lextrieur de la grotte, se trouve une
cour en plein air, clture par une muraille avec une porte en bois de
palmier. On y amnage gnralement une cuisine, un magasin et une
A Chenini trois niveaux de grottes dies entre les bancs calcaires
salignent sur les deux ancs de la montagne et sont couronnes au
milieu par la forteresse et le gasr, cest une sorte de citadelle forme
dun ensemble de ghorfas/chambre superposes en tage et alignes.


Expriences de rhabilitation intgrale en Mediterrane

Experiencias de rehabilitacin integral en el Mediterrneo
Experiences of integrated rehabilitation in the Mediterranean

Dans ces ghorfas ces montagnards ensilaient leurs provisions (olives,

huile, grains, gues sches...) sur la plate forme, proximit du gasr, se
dresse la mosque du village. Sur les niveaux infrieurs, on rencontre,
parmi les ghiraines dhabitations, des grottes amnages en huileries,
lune delles est encore fonctionnelle.
III-Composantes prliminaires dun futur comuse dans le
village de Chenini
La rhabilitation du patrimoine culturel architecturel, devient
aujourdhui primordiale, vu les nouveaux ds socitale/identitaire
face la mondialisation. Cette mise en valeur sadapte la dmarche
comusologique, exprience initi deux musographes franais,
Hugues De Varine et George Henri Rivires, depuis les annes 70 en
France puis dans dautres pays. En eet, la ralisation complte et totale
de cette exprience demande des moyens nanciers et techniques
normes, lobjectif est daboutir la rhabilitation entire de la rgion/
communaut cible, et favorisant ainsi lmergence dun processus de
dveloppement durable local/rgional.
Notre choix, au niveau mthodologique, permettra didentier
quelques repres comusales, applicable la situation architecturelle,
socioculturelle et naturelle Chenini, terrain dinvestigation,
ethnographique et musographique. En eet, lexprience comusale
se base sur le concept de lunit cologique, lment didactique
et expographique. Toute on se basons sur ce terme, les units
architecturales et cologiques suivantes peuvent tre mentionnes :
1-Unit dhabitation troglodytique
La maison troglodyte ou semi-troglodytes, exprime rellement cet
croissement entre nature/homme/savoir faire local dans larchitecture
vernaculaire. Le principe de lhabitation troglodytique est de creuser
dans les couches tendres et sinstaller sur les couches dures. Trois
ranges dhabitations existent aujourdhui, ce sont des demeures
troglodytiques latrales (grottes plan horizontal).
Ces grottes comportent toujours deux parties : la premire, longue de
sept huit mtres, a une largeur de trois quatre mtres. Une seconde
excavation fait suite la premire : cest la salle aux rserves (de 4 5
mtres de long).
Cette ghar/grotte souvent ne sut pas pour une famille. On en utilise
souvent deux ou trois, accoles, disposes paralllement dans le anc
de la montagne, spares par un lment de Djebel ou une paroi
construite. La grotte ici nest pas dcore comme la demeure des
Matmata. Blanchie intrieurement la chaux, isotherme, et grce
une porte en bois de palmier, labri des vents et de la poussire.
Le passage dune grotte lautre se fait par la cour, amnage en avant
sur un palier. Un mur la protge des vents et des regards indiscrets.
Cette cour, souvent, comprend un ensemble construit, une alvole
usage de cuisine, une table, un grenier, parfois nanti dune terrasse, o
lon dpose quelques provisions.
Cette unit/demeure permettra dans sa fonctionnalit socio-culturel
et socio-conomique, de prsenter les divers aspects de la culture
matrielle en rapport (table, robe, tissage...) et de conserver ce bti
traditionnel dans une nouvelle vision comusographique.
2-Unit de transformation
On trouve trois huileries traditionnelles sculaires Chenini, amnag
dans des grottes/ ghiraines, lune de ces huileries est encore
fonctionnelle, avec son ancien systme de broyage et de presse.


Cette unit cologique, reprsente laspect olicole prospre dans la

rgion de Jebel Matmata et Tataouine, elle permettrai la restitution des
direntes tapes de la transformation de lolive, ainsi la sauvegarde
dune savoir faire traditionnelle.
3-Unit agricole
Les gens de Chnini organisent dans les lits doueds des petits jardins,
plants des oliviers, des guiers et des palmiers. Comme dans toute
la rgion, ce barrage appel localement Jesser , il demande toute
une technique pour retenir la terre, il ne doit pas, pour autant, capter
leau de ruissellement, au moment des pluies, au dtriment des vergers
tablis plus bas.
Cette unit labore dans un champ avoisinant, sauvegardera une
tradition agricole locale, les types des plantes adoptes, les techniques
et les outils utiliss dans les diverses activits agricoles. Ce qui permettra
de prsenter les caractristiques dune cologie vgtale locale.
4 Bergerie/table danimaux domestiques
Unit qui peut tre ralise dans la cour dune maison troglodyte, divis
en deux parties, lune est consacr pour les animaux domestiques
lautre pour les animaux sauvages. Ce qui permettra de prsenter les
aspects de lcologie animale rgionale.
5 Unit de production artisanale
Compos dun atelier de tissage, de vannerie, poterie, ainsi quune salle
dexposition et de vente des produits artisanaux locales. Ici on peut
prsenter les savoir faire artisanales locales.
6 Unit mdicinale
Une exposition des plantes de la montagne, ainsi que leurs usages
Cet essai reste toujours dun aspect thorique, vu les ralits du terrain.
Chenini un model architecturel traditionnel local, implant dans un
espace/cosystme naturel spcique, dont le concept de lcomuse,
permettrai la ralisation dune aventure pareille , ou on dpasse le
muse/institution au muse village/espace gographique. Enn, il faut
noter que le village de Chenini a devenu, depuis le dbut de lanne
2007 un projet inclue au programme de la rhabilitation/restauration
architecturale eectu par lInstitut National du Patrimoine.

Acte du Sminaire International Tunis Hammamet 23- 27 mai 2000, Patrimoine te codveloppement durable en Mditerran occidentale , textes runis par Nozha Sekik,
Edition I.N.P, I.C.M et PRELUDE, Tunis, 2001.
AYOUB (A), la mmoire et la langue , in Revue arabe de la culture, Numro spcial sur le
patrimoine populaire dans la rgion arabe, anne 18 Mars, 1999. (En arabe).
CHEKIR (MOHAMED SALEH), Chenini, thse de 3m cycle en architecture, Institut Technologique
dArt, dArchitecture et dUrbanisme de Tunis, 1992.
DABBABI (RIDHA), Les manires dhabiter en Tunisie, Mmoire de D.E.A. en archologie et
patrimoine, Facult des sciences Humaines et Sociales de Tunis, 2001.

Expriences de rhabilitation intgrale en Mediterrane

Experiencias de rehabilitacin integral en el Mediterrneo
Experiences of integrated rehabilitation in the Mediterranean

DUB (PH), Compte rendu au livre de Jaumain (S), sous direction, Les Muses en mouvement,
nouvelles conceptions, nouveaux publics (Belgique, Canada) , ditions de lUniversit de
Bruxelles, Bruxelles, In :, 2000.
LE BOEUF (J), Les conns de la Tunisie et de la Tripolitaine, Paris, 1909.
LEFEBVRE (B) et ALLARD (M), Le muse : un projet ducatif, Les ditions logiques, Montral,
LEWICKI (T), le monde berbre vu par les crivains Arabes de Moyen ge , in actes du
premire congrs dtudes de cultures Mditerranennes dinuences Arabo-berbres,
Alger, 1973, P.P 31- 42.
LOUIS (A.), Aux Matmata et dans les Ksar du sud, lolivier et les hommes , Cahiers des Arts et
Traditions Populaires, N3, 1970, pp. 41-66.
LOUIS (A.), Habitat et habitations autour des Ksars de montagne et dIfriqiya aux 13e et 14e
sicle , Institut des Belles Lettres Arabes, 34e anne, 1er trimestre, N127, 1971, pp. 93-122
LOUIS (A.), Tunisie du Sud. Ksars et villages de crtes, Paris, Edition CNRS, 1975.
LOUIS (A.), HALL ET (S.), Le monde berbre du sud tunisien : volution dun habitat , Institut
des Belles Lettres Arabes, 42e anne, 2e trimestre, N144, 1979 pp. 249-268.
LOUIS (A), Nomades dhier et daujourdhui dans le Sud tunisien, disud, Aix-en-Provence,
POULOT (D), Patrimoine et muses, Edition la Hachette, Paris, 2001.
PROST (G), Utilisation de la terre et production dans le Sud tunisien in cahiers de Tunisie
n 5, 1954, P.P 28 68.
PROST (GRARD), Habitat et habitation chez les Ouderna et les Matmata , Cahiers de Tunisie,
3e et 4e trimestre, 2e anne, N7 et 8, 1954, p.p. 239-253
UNESCO, Nomades et nomadisme au Sahara, UNESCO, Paris, 1963.
ZAIED (ABDESSMED), Le monde des Ksours du sud-est tunisien, Edition Beit Al Hikma, Tunis,


Expriences de rhabilitation intgrale en Mediterrane

Experiencias de rehabilitacin integral en el Mediterrneo
Experiences of integrated rehabilitation in the Mediterranean

faade dune maison semi-troglodytes

Unit troglodyte ruine

Chemin de piton amnag

Vue densemble de Ksar den haut


Expriences de rhabilitation intgrale en Mediterrane

Experiencias de rehabilitacin integral en el Mediterrneo
Experiences of integrated rehabilitation in the Mediterranean

De la pertinence de la restauration de
larchitecture vernaculaire. Cas de Dar el
Wadi Nefta au sud tunisien

Fakher Kharrat
(Architecte ITAAUT diplm en Etude et Restauration des Monuments
de la Sapienza de Rome. Ex chef dunit de projet lAgence du
Patrimoine, actuellement chef du projet tude et sauvegarde des villes
oasis et Matre Assistant lENAU de Tunis, il enseigne la Protection du
Patrimoine Bti et la Conservation des Biens Culturels. )
Adresse postale:
BP 157 Publiposte Salammb 2025 Tunis-Tunisie
Adresse courrier lectronique:
Mobile : 0021621166760

Tl Fax : 0021671982134

Restaurer une maison traditionnelle Nefta1 construite en brique et
bois de palmier formant la spcicit de larchitecture du Jerid2 par
luniversit dans le cadre dun projet de coopration tuniso-italienne3
est forcement un projet pilote. Il pose deux problmes essentiels,
dabords comment trouver les matriaux traditionnels de construction
et les dtenteurs des savoir-faire constructifs et en deuxime lieu,
comment concilier thorie et pratique dans la restauration de cette
maison, en dautres termes comment valuer la pertinence de cette
intervention ralise par larchitecte Ridha Rekik4. Pour tenter de
rpondre a cette problmatique le prsent essai sera organis en deux
parties, la premire dressera litinraire du projet pilote de restauration
de Dar el Wadi5 Nefta et la seconde proposera un systme dvaluation
de lintervention bas sur les principes gnraux de conservation des
monuments en rfrence aux chartes internationales de restauration6.
1. Le projet pilote
1.2. Dar el Wadi, un patrimoine en pril
Dar el Wadi est une grande demeure de 900m2 de surface reprsentative
de larchitecture du Jrid, ayant appartenu des notables locaux, elle
est ge de plus de deux sicles et a t abandonne depuis plusieurs
annes. Le manque dentretien et les pluies rares mais torrentielles ont
ouvert des brches dans sa structure et la dgradation a commenc
.Son usage pour le tournage de certains lms a contribu a la dgurer
par les dcors fantaisistes non enlevs aprs le tournage. Elle prsente
surtout des dsordres statiques dans son enveloppe verticale avec
une dsolidarisation et dversement de certains murs constitus de
deux ranges de brique pleine de part et dautre et un remplissage en
Fanker7 hourd de mortier de terre. Les planchers en bois de palmier

recouverts dune paisse couche de terre prsentent plusieurs brches

do linltration deau qui participe dtriorer les poutres en bois de
palmier. Attaques par les insectes, ces poutres perdent leur qualit
portante et cassent sous le poids de la terre.
1.2. Trouver les matriaux de construction
Pour trouver la brique pleine et le bois de palmier, il y a lieu de chercher
leurs derniers fabricants. Les briqueteries sont devenues rares sous la
pression des produits rouges, alors que le bois de palmier est dclass
par les dalles de bton arm. La fabrication de la brique, ainsi que la
slection et prparation du bois pour la construction obissent
un long processus qui ncessite des annes dapprentissage. Etant
tombs dans loubli, ces matriaux sont devenus inaccessibles, malgr
la nouvelle demande cre par le tourisme.
1.3. Trouver les dtenteurs du savoir faire constructif
De mme que pour les matriaux, il est devenu trs rare de trouver les
matres maons capables de les mettre en uvre eux qui ont t forms
pendant de longues annes. Les quelques matres dsormais trs gs
ont conserv ce savoir-faire alors que les entreprises ne matrisent que
les techniques modernes.
1.4. Documenter et transmettre les savoir-faire traditionnels
La raret des personnes qui ont conserv ces savoir faire ancestraux
induit limpratif de documentation et archivage des procds de
fabrication des matriaux traditionnels et leur mise en uvre. Cest le
rle de luniversit, qui travers les chantiers pilotes et les cycles de
formation se doit dassurer la transmission de ces connaissances pour
les gnrations futures an dassurer leur prennit.
1.5. Bien intgrer les matriaux modernes
Les savoir-faire traditionnels sont trs utiles pour la remise en tat
des btiments lidentique. Toutefois, ces techniques deviennent
inoprantes devant les problmatiques de dsordres statiques
comme le dversement des murs, le vieillissement des matriaux ou
ladaptation de ces btiments une nouvelle fonction. Les matriaux
et les techniques modernes peuvent tre intgrs dans les btiments
anciens dans une petite proportion et avec la prcaution de ne pas
altrer leur harmonie.
2. Lvaluation de la restauration
Dans son cours de restauration, Giancarlo Palmerio8 a retenu les
principes directeurs suivants pour guider les projets de restauration :
Lintervention minimale , la rversibilit, la distingabilit, la compatibilit,
lauthenticit et lactualit expressive9 en application de la thorie de
restauration dveloppe par Giovanni Carbonara10 et dduite des
principales chartes de restauration. Vu que lauthenticit est assure
par la rversibilit, et le minimum dintervention, lactualit expressive
est assure par la visibilit, je propose dans ce qui suit de retenir les
quatre premiers principes en substituant la distingabilit par la
visibilit et dajouter deux principes , la durabilit et la mise en valeur.
Les six principes ainsi retenus forment une matrice dvaluation de la
pertinence de lintervention de restauration. Un essai sera ralis pour
la restauration de Dar el Wadi en attribuant une valuation allant de
Bien Appliqu, Moyennement Appliqu Pas Appliqu.


Expriences de rhabilitation intgrale en Mediterrane

Experiencias de rehabilitacin integral en el Mediterrneo
Experiences of integrated rehabilitation in the Mediterranean

Entendue comme une condition de sauvegarde de lauthenticit,
il est impratif dvaluer la proportion de lintervention. Pour notre
cas, lintervention a consist en une rhabilitation des faades avec
enlvement des dpts de Lokaa11 et reconstruction dune portion
de faade croule. Lintervention sur la toiture et aprs lvaluation
par un expert local de la tenue des poutres en bois de palmiers
Zaza12 a constitu au remplacement de seulement quelques pices
dfectueuses suite lattaque dinsectes et la rfection de la forme de
pente. Pour ladaptation la nouvelle fonction dcole, des sanitaires
ont t amnags dans les anciennes cuisines et quelques ouvertures
ont t ralises dans le respect de lorganisation gnrale de la
maison. Donc vu que les interventions sont minimes et ont respect
lorganisation de la maison, son image et son authenticit, on peut
conclure que le principe de minimum dintervention a t bien
Entendue comme la possibilit de revenir ltat davant restauration
pour la reprendre en cas derreur ou de lvolution de la connaissance.
Dar el Wadi, qui appartient larchitecture du Jrid, est caractrise par
la rversibilit et la ncessit dentretien rgulier. Pour lintervention
nouvelle, les consolidations faites laide de tirants horizontaux et
connecteurs verticaux sont facilement rversibles ainsi que la passerelle
et les escaliers de secours mtalliques. Donc le principe de rversibilit
a t moyennement appliqu.
Thorise par Boito13 et reprise par la charte de Venise, la visibilit est
le fait de pouvoir distinguer les parties originales de celles reprises ou
ajoutes. Ce principe a t respect surtout dans les consolidations
mtalliques laisses en vue dans le patio et lintrieur des pices par les
tirants modiables selon les saisons. La reprise dune portion de faade
dcore et croule a t eectue la manire dunanastylose14 et na
pas t montre clairement. En eet une discussion entre larchitecte et
lquipe tuniso- italienne de matrise douvrage a privilgi cette solution
pour ne pas altrer la lecture de la faade, par contre lensemble des
lments neufs est facilement visible. Donc la visibilit de lintervention
a t partiellement applique,
Elle mesure le degr de compatibilit physique et chimique des
matriaux et techniques dintervention avec loriginal. Le recours aux
matriaux traditionnels tel que la brique cuite, le bois de palmier dans
les travaux de rhabilitation assure dj une compatibilit avec les
matriaux existants. Des changements minimes ont t apports la
composition de la forme de pente sur le conseil de lingnieur pour une
meilleure tanchit. Les nouveaux matriaux introduits surtout pour
les sanitaires ont t jugs incompatibles avec les murs en terres ce
qui a ncessit la construction de nouvelles cloisons pour recevoir les
faences. Donc la comptabilit plysico - chimique a t moyennement
2.5.La durabilit
Larchitecture vernaculaire dans le Jrid utilise des matriaux locaux
pousss la limite de leurs possibilits. La prennit de cette
architecture nest assure que par lapplication dun entretien rgulier.


Lintervention sur Dar el Wadi a russi stabiliser le btiment et

augmenter ses chances de survie par une restauration la manire
traditionnelle et lintroduction dans une mesure approprie dlments
modernes de confort et enn son adaptation une nouvelle fonction.
Donc, moyennant un entretien rgulier, lintervention est durable dans
le temps.
2.6.La mise en valeur
La mise en valeur est entendue comme le degr de rvlation de la
valeur du btiment par lintervention. Cette intervention en plus du
traitement des problmes de dsordre statique et de pathologie des
matriaux, sest attaque limage. En eet le retour aux couleurs
originales des maonneries et surtout des portes traditionnelles aprs
les dcorations arbitraires faites par le cinma, son clairage artistique
et lintgration dune nouvelle fonction able pour longtemps qui est
celle de la formation des techniciens et oprateurs de restauration du
patrimoine vernaculaire participe sa mise en valeur. Prs de la maison,
un eet induit a dj commenc se produire dans la mdina de
Algma15. Donc cette intervention a contribu la mise en valeur de la
maison et de larchitecture spcique du Jrid.










Mise en valeur



Cette intervention de restauration de Dar el Wadi Nefta et son
adaptation pour recevoir le sige du Centre pour Etude, Sauvegarde
et Valorisation des Villes Oasis a dessin les contours dune attitude
pertinente de restauration de larchitecture vernaculaire. Elle a ralis
en eet lquilibre entre lusage du savoir-faire traditionnel et les moyens
techniques modernes dune part, et entre la thorie et la pratique
de la restauration pour la prservation de lauthenticit, dautre part.
Enn, un outil dvaluation de la pertinence de lintervention a t
expriment dans cette analyse critique de lintervention, se basant sur
les thories et chartes concernant la restauration des monuments et les
travaux de Giancarlo Palmerio et Giovanni Carbonara. Il consiste dans
lvaluation de lapplication des principes de minimum dintervention,
rversibilit, visibilit, compatibilit, durabilit et mise en valeur. Cet outil
est certainement perfectible, moyennant une valuation de son
ecience en lappliquant a un large corpus dintervention, il pourra
une fois amlior par la critique et valid par lexprience servir pour
prvenir les drapages possibles dans lintervention sur le patrimoine
vernaculaire vers la dguration ou la recomposition et en dnitive la
perte de lauthenticit.
Mots cls: Savoir-faire, minimum, rversibilit, visibilit, compatibilit,
durabilit, valeur.

Expriences de rhabilitation intgrale en Mediterrane

Experiencias de rehabilitacin integral en el Mediterrneo
Experiences of integrated rehabilitation in the Mediterranean

Boito, C. (2000) Conserver ou restaurer, les dilemmes du patrimoine, Limprimeur, PARIS,
Carbonara, G. (1997). Avvicinamento al restaro,Liguri Editore,Napoli
Kharrat, F. Sauvegarde des villes oasis in Archibat N 13 Dc 2006, p 76-77
Palmerio, G. (1993), G. Cours de restauration, Centro analisi sociale, Roma

Nefta : Ville oasienne du sud ouest tunisien

Jrid : palme, utilis pour appeler la rgion des oasis du sud ouest tunisien

Partenaire de lENAU : Ecole Nationale dArchitecture et dUrbanisme, lUniversit

mediterranea di Reggio Calaria

Architecte install Tozeur depuis 20 ans

Maison traditionnelle Nefta achete par la famille el Wadi en 1916 de la famille Ziibi
ancien gouverneur de Nefta (Gaed).

Charte dAthnes 1931, Charte de Venise 1964, Charte du patrimoine vernaculaire 1999

Fanker: Moellon sablonneux et friable.

Giancarlo palmerio, Architecte italien spcialis dans la restauration des monuments

Giancarlo palmerio , Cours de restauration,Centro Analsi sociale P35-45

Etat avant restauration

10 Giovanni Carbonara , Avvicinamento al restauro Liguri Editore, Napoli

11 Lokaa: Poudre rcolte du chott ou lac sal pour blanchir les faades lors des ftes et les
rafrachir pendant lt
12 Zaiza : Poutre forme par un demi tronc de palmier
13 Camillo Boito, ordre du jour du congrs des architectes et techniciens soccupant de la
restauration en 1883
14 Anastylose Selon la charte dAthnes 1931, remettre en place les lments originaux
15 Quartier Est de Nefta

Etat aprs restauration

Travail du bois de palmier

Travail de la brique


Expriences de rhabilitation intgrale en Mediterrane

Experiencias de rehabilitacin integral en el Mediterrneo
Experiences of integrated rehabilitation in the Mediterranean

Immeubles menaant ruines (IMR) :

La mdina de Kairouan

Loghmari Noureddine
LAssociation de Sauvegarde de la Mdina de Kairouan
Adresse postale :
Sidi Abid El Ghariani Kairouan 3100 Tunisie
Adresse de courrier lectronique :
00216 98932 036

Problmatique et recommandations
Combler le vide juridique par la promulgation des textes dapplication
du code du patrimoine, gage de son eectivit.
Entreprendre auprs des responsables une action pdagogique
dinformation. Celle-ci peut prendre plusieurs formes dont ldition de
circulaires interprtatives et de notes explicatives de la teneur des textes
juridiques. Mettre n au maquis juridique observable sur la mdina de
Kairouan par lactualisation des textes la concernant.
Enclencher la procdure du plan de sauvegarde prvue au code du
patrimoine sur les ensembles historiques et traditionnels.
Utiliser lensemble des ressorts du droit pour mettre en place une
forme de participation des habitants laction de rhabilitation Dnir
avec prcision les paramtres et les critres dapprciation des autorits
administratives, en acclrant llaboration du cahier des charges en
cours dlaboration par lA.S.M.
Sinspirer du contenu des dcrets beylicaux de protection du patrimoine
immobilier historique (notamment le D.B. du 18 octobre 1921 relatif
la prservation de certains quartiers de la ville) dans la conception du
dit cahier des charges.
Labsence dans prs de la moiti des cas dun consensus entre
lautorit et les citoyens constitue une situation bien proccupante
qui peut engendrer dimportants drapages menaant la sauvegarde
de lauthenticit du tissu urbain de la Mdina. Malgr la vigilance de
lAutorit Publique des actions anarchiques peuvent se multiplier. La
tendance la dsertion du centre historique peut saccentuer menaant
plus ou moins long terme lintgrit mme de ce tissu.
Un grand eort de sensibilisation de la population lintrt de la
conservation du patrimoine et aux moyens dy parvenir doit tre
consenti pour arriver plus dadhsion de la part des citoyens la
mission quasi sacre de lASM et de lINP de prserver un patrimoine
dont la valeur est incontestable.
Dans lautre sens, leort reste faire pour adapter des principes de
conservation tablis par lASM aux dsirs des habitants de la Mdina de
moderniser leur cadre de vie et aux moyens dont ils disposent pour
le faire (lutilisation des matriaux et des techniques traditionnels de
construction impose par lASM implique des cots de construction


Il est galement de la premire priorit quun cahier des charges
spcique la Mdina de Kairouan soit tabli et quil soit approuv dans
le cadre de linstauration dun primtre de sauvegarde. Un tel document
qui aura force de loi aura le mrite de la clart et de lopposabilit au
tiers et simpliera les relations entre lINP et les citoyens.
Les sanctions aux infractions aux prescriptions du permis de btir sont
graduelles: lordre de suspension des travaux, la saisie des matriaux
et outils, lapposition des scells, la dmolition. Minutieusement
rglemente, linstitution du permis de btir ne pose pas en soi de
problmes. Les problmes sont plutt dordre logistiques, humains et
psychologiques. Les agents municipaux verbalisateurs ne se trouvent pas
en nombre susant pour procder au constat de toutes les infractions.
Les moyens de contrle ne sont pas toujours assurs. Enn, linfraction
ne recouvre pas toujours le mme sens pour lAdministration et les
particuliers. des extensions ou transformations internes au logement
susceptibles de causer des changements de volumtrie, de proportions
et de relation entre le vide et le plein et touchant la typologie de
base du logement traditionnel Kairouanais,les transformations de
logements en hangars ou en dpts (avec la dmolition de plusieurs
murs intrieurs),
Mettre la disposition du citoyen un guide graphique des types
douvertures autoriss, des types de modications possibles dans le
cas dun besoin de ramnagement ou dextension, Une assistance
technique la population de la part du service technique de lASM,
pourrait les aider concevoir les solutions techniques leurs frquents
besoins dextension en hauteur.
De nombreuses transformations non rglementaires ont t observes
et les nombreux cas de litiges et de contentieux entre les citoyens,
lASM et la Municipalit ne cessent daugmenter.
Par ailleurs, on note de nombreux dtournements de la rglementation.
La demande dune simple autorisation de travaux est une occasion de
procder des dmolitions non rglementaires sous prtexte que lors
de la ralisation des travaux, le mur ou le logement dmoli sest croul
de lui-mme. Aucune possibilit de rcupration des parties dmolies
nest possible et les autorits sont dans lincapacit de procder des
Paralllement la ncessit de renforcer les capacits techniques de
lINP et de la Municipalit, leurs moyens de suivi et de contrle doivent
tre considrablement Tenir compte de lquilibre volumtrique
actuel de la Mdina qui compte 60% de logements RDC et 40% de
logements R+1;
Intgrer des quipements socio-colectifs et notamment culturels et de
jeunesse par la raectation de certains monuments et lutilisation des
terrains librs par les constructions tombes en ruine ;
Redynamiser les souks, ractiver les activits artisanales et viter la
pauprisation des activits de la Mdina ;
Canaliser et guider, dans une logique de prservation du patrimoine,
les actions des investisseurs ;
Lancer une action durgence pour la rhabilitation des IMR ;
Entreprendre les rformes juridiques ncessaires pour palier les
carences de la lgislation actuelle et lancer des actions pdagogiques
dinformation des autorits charges de la sauvegarde de la Mdina ;
Enclencher la procdure du Plan de Sauvegarde ;
tudier les solutions juridiques et institutionnelles permettant aux
autorits dintervenir sur les immeubles vacants pour les prserver
dune dgradation certaine ;

Expriences de rhabilitation intgrale en Mediterrane

Experiencias de rehabilitacin integral en el Mediterrneo
Experiences of integrated rehabilitation in the Mediterranean

Utiliser lexcellente connaissance du terrain et le savoir faire de lASM

pour les mettre contribution dans le projet de rhabilitation ;
Acclrer la mise au point du cahier de charges en cours dlaboration
par lASM et toer les moyens humains et matriels de celle-ci ; Fournir
un grand eort de sensibilisation de la population lintrt de la
conservation du patrimoine, qui passe notamment par lamlioration
de leur conditions de vie ;
Rexaminer les principes de conservation xs par lINP pour les adapter
aux besoins et moyens de la population ;
Apporter un appui technique la population et mettre sa disposition
des vides
architecturaux ;
Evaluer le projet prsidentiel dans ses divers aspects pour en retirer un
enseignement pour le projet de rhabilitation ;
tudier les solutions adquates pour rduire les aspects rpulsifs de la
Mdina : la dgradation du bti, linscurit, les dicults daccs et de
stationnement...; Introduire des lments de confort dans le logement
traditionnel tout en sauvegardant les lments architecturaux
spciques la Mdina.


Expriences de rhabilitation intgrale en Mediterrane

Experiencias de rehabilitacin integral en el Mediterrneo
Experiences of integrated rehabilitation in the Mediterranean

La maison laboratoire de Mahdia

un chantier lieu dchanges et de
Salma Hamza
Adresse de courrier lectronique :
00216 98932 036

Prsentation de la ville de Mahdia

Ville millnaire et premire capitale de la dynastie fatimide, Mahdia
fut tour tour attaque, assige, bombarde pour tre nalement
occupe et reconstruite par larme ottomane.
Aujourdhui elle est le chef lieu dun gouvernorat de 200 000 habitants.
Sa mdina historique qui stend sur une presqule dune cinquantaine
dhectares continue a assurer une vritable centralit par rapport au reste
de lagglomration .Elle conserve encore ses fonctions rsidentielles et
commerciales initiales. Cependant le rcent engagement de la ville dan
le secteur touristique, la ncessit de transformation et dadaptation de
lhabitat a des besoins nouveaux, la transformation des commerces et
de leurs supports sont autant de menaces pour la dguration de
son architecture et la perte dharmonie et de cohrence de lensemble
du tissu.
La gense du projet maison laboratoire
A lissue du colloque de lUnesco petites et moyenne villes ctires qui
sest tenu Mahdia en juin 1999 ,une visite guide dans la mdina
mene par le conservateur du muse avec des enseignants de lcole
darchitecture de Nantes, fait dcouvrir au coin dune rue une maison
abandonne voue la dmolition dont la faade accusait un devers
qui penchait de manire inquitante sur la rue . Ainsi merge lide de
sauver la maison de la dmolition et den faire un chantier exprimental
pilote qui pourrait servir dexemple pour des constructions similaires
dans la mdina de Mahdia. Trs vite le projet reoit le soutien du
gouvernorat de Mahdia, du conseil gnral de Loire Atlantique,
partenaire europen de la rgion de Mahdia, et de LUnesco. Le projet
maison laboratoire est n .Le chantier ouvre ses portes en juin 2001.Ce
chantier accueillie des tudiants franais et tunisiens en architecture
mais aussi dans dautres disciplines : en sciences humaines, en audio
visuel, en beaux arts .La coordination du chantier est assure par lcole
darchitecture de Nantes qui achevait un travail pdagogique sur la ville
de Mahdia et la municipalit a travers lassociation de sauvegarde de la

Les objectifs du projet

Le nom de NBJTPOMBCPSBUPJSF lui a t aect dans le sens le plus
large du terme cest dire exprimentation des techniques et changes
dides et dexpriences. II ne sagit pas dun chantier focalis sur la


restauration pure dun btiment ayant une valeur patrimoniale

reconnue ( palais, monument..) mais la SIBCJMJUBUJPO dune construction
simple et ordinaire comme il en existe beaucoup dans la mdina
de Mahdia. Cette rhabilitation donnait une large part lchange
dexpriences au dbat et la rexion sur les manire de faire vivre
une mdina en transformation ,o les matriaux , les techniques de
construction et les manires dhabiter ont vcu de grandes volutions .
Mais si la rhabilitation pose concrtement le problme des techniques
et de ladaptation des matriaux actuellement sur le march, il nen
demeure pas moins que, faire du chantier VO MJFV EDIBOHF FU EF
concertation avec les habitants les passant et les visiteurs de la mdina
reprsente un important objectif du chantier aison laboratoire .
Les objectifs xs taient pdagogiques techniques et sociaux :
Objectifs pdagogiques
De juillet 2001 septembre 2006 une centaine dtudiants a particip
au chantier de la maison laboratoire .le chantier est ouvert sur
lapprentissage des tudiants aux techniques du relev de btiments
anciens, lanalyse et la comprhension des techniques et matriaux
locaux et traditionnels utiliss, la maitrise des mthodes dvaluation et
danalyse des structures et de diagnostic. Lexprimentation, lchange
dides et lcoute des savoir faire professionnels locaux taient au
cur du dispositif dapprentissage.
Objectifs techniques
Au del des enseignements et de lapprentissage qui pourraient tre
gnrs par un chantier de rhabilitation, la remise en tat du btiment
lui-mme reste le principal objectif du chantier. La rhabilitation de la
maison doit apporter des rponses techniques facilement rutilisables
pour les problmes dhumidit, de dgradation des enduits de peinture,
de consolidation de structures, dtanchit et de changement de
mode de vie que rencontre le citoyen ordinaire habitant la mdina.
Objectifs sociaux
Une dmarche participative faisant participer les riverains et des
acteurs locaux a t tente par lorganisation de visites guides dans
le chantier et lorganisation de dbat quotidiens durant toute la dure
de la session sur les thmes de la conservation de la sauvegarde et de
la rhabilitation. Cette partie du chantier a t nomme le chantier
invisible. Poursuivre les enqutes avec les habitants et les artisans
savrait une mthode ncessaire et toujours enrichissante, dcouvrir
et analyser des anciennes techniques travers des relevs est aussi un
travail dune grande importance et qui pourrait alimenter les rponses
du chantier de la maison laboratoire. Des rexions ont t menes
sur les dtails dexcution du projet ainsi que sur lamnagement futur
de la maison.
Les Interviews, nous ont permis galement dvaluer limpact du projet
sur les habitants et ont permis davantage aux citoyens de venir visiter
le chantier. Certains viennent la recherche de solutions et de conseils
pour entretenir ou rhabiliter leurs maisons.
Le programme : La conception du programme a t largement inspire
par les discussions et dbats qui ont eu lieu lors des premires sessions.
La municipalit a ainsi prvu de faire de ltage un lieu de concertation
et de recherche sur les techniques de rhabilitation ainsi que sur les
modes dhabiter la mdina daujourdhui. Les boutiques du rez de
chausse seront aectes en lieux de commerce et seront ainsi remises
dans le tissu urbain des souks dont ils font partie.

Expriences de rhabilitation intgrale en Mediterrane

Experiencias de rehabilitacin integral en el Mediterrneo
Experiences of integrated rehabilitation in the Mediterranean

Le chantier
La premire tape a consist la scurisation du chantier, ltayage
de toutes les toitures et la consolidation ainsi que la mise hors deau
des toitures. La mise de tmoins sur les ssures, le dcapage des
enduits dgrads pour permettre aux murs de respirer a permis
de connaitre la composition des murs en pierre, de vrier la qualit
du mortier utilis. Le dcapage des enduits a galement permis la
dcouverte danciens passages bouchs, des portes dplaces en
rvlant lhistoire des transformations que la maison a connues, mais
aussi de remonter lhistoire du quartier et de la trame urbaine qui le
structurait. Un diagnostic dtaill faisant tat dune analyse approfondie
des direntes tapes de constructions et dvolution de la maison
permis d organiseret de programmer les interventions sur la maison.
Une premire exprience de reconstruction de toiture plate a partir
Du point de vue exprimental cette technique a permis de connaitre
les dosages et les dirents types de chaux a utiliser en ainsi que les
pouvoir dadhrence entre un matriau vgtal (les feuilles de palmier)
et la chaux. Des essais en laboratoire ont permis de tester les dirents
comportements la compression dans des dosages dirents.
Construction de toitures plates en bois
La typologie rpond largement celle des toitures plates de Mahdia.
Aprs la reconstitution du chanage La structure ralise par des
poutres porteuses (des solives) qui permettent la couverture par des
lattes enchevtres entre elles. Aprs le cloutage des lattes elles sont
protges par une couche dtanchit et supportent une chape
de chaux et de sable de 10cm dpaisseur qui va servir lhabillage
de la structure et la forme de pente. La couche de nition de 2cm
en moyenne sert la nition de la dalle. La confection des acrotres
permet un bon coulement vers la descente des eaux de pluie en terre
Construction de votes en briques
Les voutes en pierre sont rarement utilises ltages an dallger les
surcharges. Pour cela le choix sest x sur la couverture de deux pices
ltage, par des voutes croises en briques creuses protges par une
chape lgrement arme.

La faade
Lintervention sur la faade sest focalise sur le redressement du mur en
devers les principales interventions sont les suivantes :
La dpose de lencadrement a t une dcision dicile, plusieurs
opinions tournaient autours de la problmatique du gonement du
mur. Les analyses et le diagnostic mens par les tudiants et architectes
et lavis des maons se sont orients vers la dpose de larc et la
restauration du mur de la faade.
Un gabarit en contre plaqu a permis de mieux cerner la forme de larc
et remettre les pierres dans leurs positions initiales mais avant dtre
pos larc a t mont blanc sur le sol puis pos dnitivement.
Les dicults et les perspectives
Le nancement du chantier est la principale dicult surmonter la
municipalit a pu compter sur une aide du conseil General de Loire
atlantique en France principal partenaire de la rgion de Mahdia.
lorganisation du chantier dans sa forme de sessions ouverte aux
tudiants exige des cots qui dpassent ceux du chantier proprement
dit .Lhbergement des tudiants, ldition de documents, la ralisation
de banderoles et aches, le reportage vido sont autant de
composantes du projet qui ncessitent des budgets spciques.
La persistance des ides reues sur le cot de la rhabilitation et la
symbolique acquise par le ciment comme signe de solidit et de
modernit, vont lencontre de certain matriaux plus adapts comme
la chaux naturelle hydraulique qui a du mal a se faire une place dans le
march des matriaux de construction.
Cependant le projet maison laboratoire a jou un rle de catalyseur
dans la prise de conscience locale et essentiellement au niveau de
certains lus sur la ncessit dune prise en charge plus large de la
mdina ainsi que la rexion sur les moyens a mettre en uvre pour
une sauvegarde prenne lchelle de lensemble de la mdina de

Consolidation des votes du rez de chausse

La restauration des votes, aprs taiement, nous a conduit tout
dabord la dpose de la cramique au sol, dcaissement et remaillage
des ssures. Le procd de restauration est le suivant : Dcapage,
dgagement de la ssure, lavage, remaillage laide de la pierre dure
hourde de mortier de chaux.
Construction des linteaux :
Les linteaux ont t construits en brique pleine, de couleur rouge,
apporte de la ville de Jammel. Le mortier utilis tant un mlange de
chaux et de sable. Les pices sont montes par le maon sur gabarit et
poses en quinconce pour assurer la liaison et la stabilit de larc.
Restauration des murs :
La restauration des murs consiste un faire un remaillage des ssures,
liaisonner les parois qui ne sont pas solidaires et colmater les ssures


Expriences de rhabilitation intgrale en Mediterrane

Experiencias de rehabilitacin integral en el Mediterrneo
Experiences of integrated rehabilitation in the Mediterranean


Expriences de rhabilitation intgrale en Mediterrane

Experiencias de rehabilitacin integral en el Mediterrneo
Experiences of integrated rehabilitation in the Mediterranean

Ormana Houses and Their Place in

Mediterranean Architecture

Ayten Erdem, Rabia zakn

2006- Assistant Prof.
1997-Phd. Degree in Architectural Restoration, Institute of Sciences,
YTU, Gynk, The Historical Site, Religious and Civil Architecture Heritage Conservation Problems and Issues for New Buildings
1983- M. A.Architecture in Architectural Restoration, Institute of Sciences, YTU, Kula, The Historical Site, Civil Architectural Examples and
Their Conservation Problems.
1982-1984 As an Architect, Research Centre For Islamic History, Art
and Culture
1985-As a Research Assistant, YTU
Completed Istanbul Yldz Technical Universitys Architectural Faculty in
1985. She completed her Masters degree in 1988 and her doctorate in
1995 in the same universitys Science Institutes Architectural Restoration Program. In 1987 she began as a researcher in Yldz Technical
Universitys The Vocational School Restoration Program and since
1996 has been an assistant professor. She is director of the Restoration
":5&/&3%&.: Yldz Teknik niversitesi Mimarlk Fakltesi Restorasyon Ana Bilim Dal, Yldz Kamps Beikta- 34349 stanbul TURKEY
3"#";",*/Yldz Teknik niversitesi Maslak Kamps Meslek
Yksekokulu Restorasyon Program Bykdere caddesi No:69 Maslak
34398 stanbul - TURKEY

+90 0212 259 70 70 (2370)

+90 0212 285 05 30 (122)

Ormana is a historical village found in the Toros Mountains of southern

Turkey. It is a municipality in its own right and is attached to the Ibradi
district in Antalya province. It is surrounded by mountains and consists
of 4001 dwellings and a population of 2000. It is characterized by both
Mediterranean and inland climates. The sources of income of the
townspeople consist of animal husbandry, agriculture, viniculture, and
the cultivation of forest products2.
Historical Development
Ormana is located in a region known as Psidia in ancient times. The

region has played host to various empires, namely the Hittite, Hellenic3,
Roman, Byzantine, and Turkish. One can still nd archaeological relics
at Hisar Tepe4 of the city of Erymna5, an important city-state during the
Roman period, located to the south of Ormana. The region fell under
the sovereignty of Anatolian Seljuks6 (1226), the Karamanl and Ilhanl
Principalities and the Ottoman (1471)7. During the Turkish Republican
period, t was named for a time as Ardpnar.
Features of the Traditional Texture
Ormana is surrounded by hills. The orchard and garden areas of the
village spread out towards the northern, eastern, and southern hills. The
deep valley in the west that separates Karada and the residential area of
the village provides a natural barrier to further residential development.
The most important axis of the village is Cumhuriyet Avenue, located
on a somewhat sloped area. This avenue, which stretches from the
southwest towards the north, separates the village into two unequal
parts, with the majority of buildings remaining to the east of the street.
The shopping district, Municipality Building, ar Mosque, and Aa
Mosque run along this line. The focal point of the settlement is Harman
Yeri (area for harvesting) located south of Aa Mosque. To the northeast of Harman Yeri one nds an elementary school. Kayal, Yukar,
Yoku and Orta Mahalle are the neighborhoods of the village, within
which are located three renewed mosques and one tomb8. Today, 49
historical houses are registered in the village9. The two-story houses,
organic narrow streets, stone walls, wooden oriels and etc. are made
up of elements of the settlements fabric10. The old houses harmonize
with the garden walls in terms of scale, materials, texture and color. In
addition, surprising nds such as dead-end streets, wells, and cisterns
can all be seen within the traditional composition.
Traditional Houses
The two-story houses were usually built as independent structures
but sometimes as attached each other. The stories were functionally
constructed to mirror the needs of the household. In general, they have
a double-casement entry door on the ground oor. The ground oor
consists of a wide entrance (ahralt/evn), one or two stables, a hay
storage unit, and depot areas.
Daily life is lived on the upper story. As a result of the climate, this story
was planned with summer and winter divisions. The winter section
comprises the rooms and pantry while the summer section features
the spacious hall and the big balcony /ayazlk. In the regional dialect,
a room is called ieri (inside), the kitchen is referred ascille , alk (soup
place), pantry11 here becomes giler; the oriel is named the more
archaic word ahniir, while the hall/sofa is called kk (kiosk). In
all rooms there are divans lining the walls for sitting, large cupboards
for mattresses and blankets, cabinets for plates and bowls, replaces
for heating, and bathrooms/gusulhane for washing. The wooden
workmanship used with the replaces, cupboards, doors, and ceilings
lends an enriching atmosphere to the houses.
The hall, which often passes in front of or between rooms, is not only a
passageway but also a living space. It extends the length of the house.
The oriel has been placed at one end of the hall that stretches the
entire length of the faade and the kitchen with replace on the other
end. The pantry is connected to the rooms, but located behind them.
The ayazlk is always located in front of the hall. It has a divan to dry
vegetables and fruits and the sink and toilet spaces.
The plans of the Ormana houses are of three types: outer, inner and


Expriences de rhabilitation intgrale en Mediterrane

Experiencias de rehabilitacin integral en el Mediterrneo
Experiences of integrated rehabilitation in the Mediterranean

outer or inner halls (Figure: 1). The plan with the outer hall is found
in old historical houses and the rooms are arranged behind the hall
that overlooks the garden and the pantry in the back of the rooms
(Figure: 2). The arrangement with inner and outer halls includes a hall
at the outside border that lies on the middle axis; entrance to the two
adjacent rooms is provided the inner hall. In the inner hall plan, the two
rooms lie on either side of the hall. This means that the rooms face one
another and thus provide a wide space for the hall to stretch across,
with one or two eyvans in the middle axis of the long sides of the hall.
Materials and Construction System
Because they are built on stone, these houses could not be built too
deeply into the ground. All the ground oor and the partly upper oor
walls were built from unhewn stone without mortar. This technique,
known as dry stone walling or pole walling creates a wall thickness
of approximately 50-70 cm. The inner and outer walls, which are
interwoven with a mixture of large and small stones, are lled with
6x8 and 7x8 cm intersecting wooden beams with spaces of 30-40
cm between each one. These beams are joined together with 8x8 cm
wooden lathes (pituvan). The points of these lathes burrow 10-30 cm
both into and out of the wall. The outer faade of the stone walls are
left plaster-free. However, houses from later periods show the use of
lime mortar containing broken tiles. The inner faces of the stone walls
rst were covered with mud mortar mixed with straw then with what
is called white dirt12. The walls of the hall and ayazlk are framed in
wood. The beams supporting the oriel extend the length of the bay
and they are supported by a wooden brace and buttresses. The ayazlk
is supported by wooden pillars and beams located in front of the
ground-level stone wall. All the wood used in these constructions came
from the cedar tree, called katran.
Faade Characteristics
The most important aspect of the facades of the Ormana houses is the
wooden-beamed stone walls. While the ground oor is made totally of
stone and closed to the outside except the wooden entrance door and
upper level is vibrantly characterized by the wooden oriels, wooden
buttresses, shutters, lattice works and knotted grilles (Picture: 1). The
main doors of the houses are located either in a corner or in the middle
of the front end of the house, usually according to the hall. The most
important element of the exposed part of the house is the oriel jutting
out over the entrance door. In houses that have an outer hall, the oriel
is a corner that juts out towards the road and the garden, while in inner
sofa houses the oriel generally goes out towards the street (Picture: 2).
These oriels, which are among some of the most beautiful examples of
wood handiwork, have their own roofs, generally at a level lower than
the eaves of the house, or a triangular pitched roof that is of the same
height as the eaves. The rectangular windows on the upper oor are
latticed from the outside but are closed with coverings from the inside
and are either sash type or winged. Most of the houses feature hipped
roofs with tiles, although houses of the inner sofa type have saddle
roofs. In the past the roofs were covered only with a combination of a
type of thin wood called pedavra and stones, which often caught on
re. Also, the roofs have authentic cone-shaped chimneys, but they are
rarely seen today.


The Ormana houses, which utilize a wall technique in their structure
dating back to the Hittites in Anatolia, retain an authentic style to the
region. Notwithstanding some dierences in architectural dimensions
and local characterizations between Ormana and nearby villages such
as Ibradi, rnl and Akseki, one can easily see the same construction
technique is used. The traditional houses found in the mountainous
regions of the Mediterranean region are structurally dierent from the
coastal houses in Mediterranean Turkey. Climate, geological structure,
and production ways and lifestyles of the population are all factors that
contribute to these dierences. Though there has been damage to
some historical buildings, the village has retained a startling degree of
homogeneity and continuity. Urgent action is needed for the Ormana
Conservational Development Plan. It will be useful for preserving
traditional fabric. In conclusion, Ormana, with its combination of
stone and wood in its traditional structures, archaeological nds, and
natural beauty, remains an authentic and rare jewel of settlement in the
Mediterranean region.

In the census of 1935 the village recorded 476 houses and 2,058 people. Mithat
Karabyk, Akseki-Ormana Village, Antalya, 1938, p.3.

Traditional handicrafts such as facade-work, ironwork, bag-making, and carpentry have

largely diminished in importance in our modern era.

There are Hellenistic period relics at ukurviran Village, located 11 km from Ormana.
In addition, an epigraph found at the ataloluk Fountain in Ormana belongs to the
Hellenistic period. Mustafa Enho, Akseki and Those from Akseki, Istanbul, 1974, p.280.

Outside of Erymna, according to antique period maps, there were two city-states called
Etenna (Ivgal) and Gotenna (Gdene). The port of these city-states was located in
modern-day Side. Mustafa Enho, op.cit. p.16; Antalya Region Almanac, 1967, p.51.

The sign that proved the existence of the ancient city of Erymna showed remnants of
structures similar to cisterns and other construction tools on the surface of the area.
The citys necropolis remains are located on the rocky mountain slopes surrounding
Ormana. Mustafa Enho, op. cit., p.289.

Ormana was on the main road leading from the Anatolian Seljuk capital of Konya to
the Mediterranean region. The dilapidated Tol Inn found on the Eynif Plains is from this
period. Antalya Region Almanac,1973, p.126.

It is thought that Turks coming from the Ouz clan during the Ottoman period actually
settled Ormana Village. Kemal zkaynak, Akseki Kazas, Ankara, 1954; M.Nihat zbal,
Ormana Houses, Ormana Postas, January-February 2003(4), 4-9.

In the past Ormana had 5 mosques, 2 small mosques (mescit), 1 madrassa, 1 inn, 1
tomb, and 1 elementary school. The Aid and Reconstruction Foundation of Ormana

The Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Antalya Cultural and Natural Heritage Protection
Foundation Board decision number 321, 03.25.2005.


Between the years of 1914-1967 Ormana underwent six res, although the destroyed
houses were re-built using similar methods. However, the modernization eort of the
1980s proved too strong a force on the villages traditional architecture.


A pantry here refers to a storeroom for keeping and rationing food .


The term white dirt used in the region actually originates from the loamy dirt brought
from the Eynif plains and softened in water and used like whitewash.

Expriences de rhabilitation intgrale en Mediterrane

Experiencias de rehabilitacin integral en el Mediterrneo
Experiences of integrated rehabilitation in the Mediterranean

Plan Types

Ormana Mehmet Nuri Yucel House.

Ormana Osman Balci (Tufekci) House

Ormana Nuri Dogan House


Expriences de rhabilitation intgrale en Mediterrane

Experiencias de rehabilitacin integral en el Mediterrneo
Experiences of integrated rehabilitation in the Mediterranean

La rsidence de akr Aa Birgi

Aynur ifti
Assistante de recherche la Facult dArchitecture de lUniversit Technique de Yldz, Dpartement de Restauration. Le titre de la thse de
doctorat est: LArchitecture Militaire de LEtat Ottomane au XIX me
Sicle et Les Batiments Militaires dIstanbul .
Adresse postale:
Cemil Topuzlu Cad. Hac Mehmet Efendi S. Meltem Apt. 31/3 Feneryolu
81030 Kadky-stanbul, Turquie
Adresse courrier lectronique:,
+ 90 216 360 70 00

La rsidence de akr Aa Birgi

Birgi, petite ville dzmir-demi est situe en Anatolie de lOuest. Au
14ime sicle Birgi fut le centre des Aydnoullar avant de passer sous
la souverainet Ottomane au 15ime sicle. La rsidence (konak) de
akr Aa Birgi, par ses caractristiques architecturales et ornementales
est un des plus beaux exemples de larchitecture civile parvenu jusqu
nos jours. La rstauration du konak eectue entre 1977-1983 avec des
mthodes en grande partie encore indites en Turquie est un cas qui
attire lattention.
A) Lhistoire du btiment
La date de construction du konak na pu tre dtermine avec
exactitude. Diverses sources le datent du 18ime et de la premire
partie du 19ime sicle. Daprs Renda, la construction du konak a t
commence par Abdullah Aa (mort en 1818) et acheve par erif
Ali Aa (mort en 1837). Les peintures murales du konak (surtout celle
de la caserne historique) indiquent bien que le konak a t construit
aprs 1828. Riefstahl, historien amricain de lart, la visit en 1929 et la
rpertori pour la premire fois. La Ministre de lEducation Nationale
a fait lexpropriation du konak habit jusquen 1950. Le btiment a t
class le 07.07.1988 comme bien culturel sauvegarder.
B) Caractristiques architecturales du btiment
Son plan: Le konak est une construction 2 tages en forme de U
possdant deux portes dentre sur la faade de lOuest. A lEst du konak
il y a une cour intrieure. A lorigine le rez-de-chausse tait compos
dun vestibule talk et de pices abritant curie, cuisine etc...
Au premier et deuxime tage il y a le sofa extrieur (hayat) en forme
de L. Au milieu et chacune de lextrmit Est des sofa, du ct cour,
se trouve un encorbellement. Au deuxime tage dans chaque aile lon
remarque un renfoncement eyvan et quatre pices. Les pices sont
pourvues dun foyer, dune niche et de placards. Au deuxime tage
la pice au Sud-Ouest du sofa est appele salon dstanbul en raison
dune vue imaginaire dstanbul. La reprsentation dzmir peinte dans


le salon dzmir pice au Nord-Ouest du sofa est quant elle plus

proche de la ralit.
Le premier tage reproduit le plan de ltage suprieur. Ses plafonds
sont plus bas. Les plafonds en bois sont dcors de lattes et de ciselures
qui reprsentent des motifs gomtriques.
-FT GBBEFT Au dernier tage, sur la faade Ouest se trouvent trois
encorbellements chacun soutenu par quatre consoles. La faade a
t peinte en lui donnant laspect dun parement en pierre sur lequel
on distingue des motifs peints darbres et de paysages. Au-dessus des
fentres rectangulaires aux contrevents et parapets en bois se trouvent
des fentres hautes arques. Les fentres du premier tage, galement
rectangulaires sont munies de treillage.
Les encorbellements de la faade Ouest du konak, les faades donnant
sur la cour, les eyvan ainsi que les murs du sofa sont dcors de motifs
de plantes, de paysages, de nature morte, de btiments de couleurs
varies. Les poteaux en bois porteurs de leyvan et des sofa sont
arqus du style de Bursa. Le konak est entour par un avant-toit en bois
dune largeur denviron 120 cm.
Techniques de construction et matriaux: Les gros murs du rez-dechausse et des tages suprieurs sont construits en mllons, les tages
suprieurs et les sofa extrieurs ont une charpente en bois et certains
des murs sont en brique de pis. Pour les porteurs et la menuiserie on a
utilis du bois de peuplier et de marronnier. Les gros murs extrieurs du
rez-de-chausse ont une paisseur de 90 cm environ. Les plafonds et
les planchers sont constitus de poutrelles en bois. Les murs extrieurs
et intrieurs sont recouverts de pltre. Les murs en lattis ont dabord
t recouverts de torchis, puis dun mortier de chaux et de poussire
de marbre. Dautres murs ont dabord t enduits de poudre de brique
(mortier dit dHorasan) puis dun mortier de chaux et de poussire
de marbre, enn dune mince couche de chaux avant dtre peints. La
toiture du konak est en tuiles creuses (dites alaturka).
C) Restauration du btiment
Des dformations du ct cour ont provoqu a et l des aaissements
du btiment. Les lattis en bois des murs ont pourri, les enduits
extrieurs et intrieurs se sont erits. Le bois des parapets, des treillis
et dautres lments sest cass ou abm. Certains motifs peints des
faades extrieures ont disparu par le temps. Les relevs du konak
datant de 1948 ont t publis en 1977 par S.H. Eldem. La restauration
commence en 1977-78 par la Ministre de la Culture a t poursuivie
en 1979 par la Direction Technique des Relevs et Monuments dstanbul
et sest prolonge jusquen 1983. Des mtrages et estimations ont t
faits et les lments qui devaient tre remplacs ont t numrots et
inclus dans le projet. Enn un projet dtayage et dchaaudage a t
a) Restauration eectue entre 1978-1981
En premier lieu la charpente en bois du konak a t taye. Des ingalits
observes dans les planchers des tages ont t arases laide de
vrins. Ctait l une mthode de restauration utilise en Turquie pour
les premires fois. Des consolidations partielles ont t ralises au
moyen de bois de marronniers et de peupliers qui poussent dans la
rgion. Les parties des fentres, contrevents, treillis en bois, escaliers,
planchers et avant-toit qui devaient tre remplaces lont t. Le toit a
t impermabilis, les tuiles abmes remplaces par des vieilles tuiles
des environs et les gouttires en zinc rpares.
Un socle en bton a t conl sous les porteurs en bois du hayat qui

Expriences de rhabilitation intgrale en Mediterrane

Experiencias de rehabilitacin integral en el Mediterrneo
Experiences of integrated rehabilitation in the Mediterranean

ont t renouvels. Des drains ont t poss dans la cour. Ce qui tait
autrefois la fosse sceptique a t comble et une nouvelle canalisation
a t construite. Aprs ces travaux un expert a t amen dAllemagne
an quil examine ltat des enduits et des ornements. Mais par manque
de moyens nanciers lanalyse de certaines pices na pu tre faite.
Puis une quipe de la facult des Beaux-Arts de lUniversit dzmir,
compose dun sculpteur, dun peintre et dun graphiste a tudi
les dcorations du konak. Les chantillons prlevs ont t envoys
au laboratoire de lUniversit Technique du Moyen Orient Ankara
(O.D.T.). Cette quipe a restaur certains ornements.
b) Restauration eectue entre 1981-1983
En 1982 lon a surtout restaur les enduits et les dcorations de la
construction. Les enduits qui se dtachaient ont t rexs. Lors du
remplacement des lattis en dcomposition lon a, avec une mthode
alors indite en Turquie, dabord prlev soigneusement lenduit
existant avant de le remettre sa place. Les enduits dfectueux ont t
remplacs par un mortier dargile et de chaux mle de pltre. Dans le
jardin lon a construit un bassin utile en cas dincendie et une gurite
de gardien. Certains amnagements qui permettraient dorganiser des
expositions ont t faits.

des constructions anciennes attendent une restauration respectant

leur tissu historique.

Kuyulu, nci. akraa Kona, #JSHJ 5BSJIJ 5BSJI$PSBGZBTWF5SL%OFNJ"OUMBS prp.
Rahmi Hseyin nal, T.C. Kltr Bakanl Yaynlar/2573, Yaymlar Dairesi Bakanl, Sanat
Eserleri Dizisi/309, Ankara, 2001.
3MWF**#JSHJBLS"B,POB, Devlet Gzel Sanatlar Akademisi Yksek Mimarlk Blm
Rlve ve Restorasyon Krss Yayn, stanbul, 1977.
Archives de la Direction Technique des Relevs et Monuments dstanbul: Les rapports du
09.11.1981, 24.07.1983 et du 1983 de larchitecte Numan Abanozolu, de conservateur
Rdvan ler, de Prof. Doan Kuban (avec ingnieur Erkan Onaran, conservateur Rdvan ler
et Dr. Fikri Berksun).
Archives de la Direction du Muse ddemi.
Entretien du 24.04.2007 avec larchitecte Hsrev Tayla.
Entretien du 23.04.2007 avec larchitecte Numan Abanozolu.

c) Problmes rencontrs durant la restauration

La rnovation du konak est lune des premires restaurations importantes
et de grande envergure ralise avec le nancement de lEtat, mais
les subventions tant faibles et insusantes, elle a dur longtemps.
Divers problmes se sont poss. Ainsi les matriaux navaient pu tre
analyss, des matriaux ncessaires et certains experts (conservateurrestaurateur, etc...) navaient pu tre trouvs. De plus, dans ces annesl, on ne se conformait pas encore vraiment en Turquie aux principes
en vigueur dans les domaines de la conservation et de la restauration.
Les bois des porteurs remplacs dans le hayat sest bris ou craquel
car le bois employ ntait pas sec. Les tais des encorbellements
donnant sur la cour ont t mal placs sur les porteurs et leur forme
nest pas celle des tais dorigine. La faade Sud-Est, qui a lapparence
dun mur de pierre a t enduite dun badigeon blanc.
Les encorbellements de la faade Nord-Ouest donnant sur la cour ne
sont pas rpertoris dans les documents dont on dispose. Les escaliers
conduisant ltage sont dfectueux, la hauteur des marches ayant t
mal calcule. Les nouvelles lattes des treillis en bois des fentres nont
pas la mme apparence ni les mmes dimensions que les originaux.
De plus des treillis ont t placs l o, daprs les documents il ny en
avait pas. Les vides laisss par les enduits dtachs ont t bouchs
htivement par du pltre. Le sulfate contenu dans lenduit de pltre a
attaqu les surfaces attenantes quil aurait fallu protger.
Le konak a t restaur nouveau en 1992. Durant cette restauration les
escaliers et les parties en bois de certaines fentres ont t renouvels
et une part importante des peintures murales a t nettoye. La cour
intrieure situe lEst du btiment a t ramnage. La toiture a t
refaite en 2006 mais il y a toujours un problme dhumidit provenant
du rez-de-chausse, en particulier sur la faade Ouest.
Le konak de akraa, devenu muse, a t ouvert au public en 1995. Le
nombre de ses visiteurs a augment depuis quune agence de tourisme
dzmir propose des visites organises du konak. Une autre maison
situe en face du konak, transform en muse ethnographique, a t
ouverte au public par son propritaire. Comme le konak de akraa
qui avec dautres dices de Birgi constitue un ple dattraction, bien


Expriences de rhabilitation intgrale en Mediterrane

Experiencias de rehabilitacin integral en el Mediterrneo
Experiences of integrated rehabilitation in the Mediterranean

La faade Ouest du konak avant la restauration

La faade Est du konak pendant la restauration

La faade Est du konak et vue du sofa extrieur hayat aprs la


La reprsentation de la ville dzmir peinte dans une pice du konak

Expriences de rhabilitation intgrale en Mediterrane

Experiencias de rehabilitacin integral en el Mediterrneo
Experiences of integrated rehabilitation in the Mediterranean

From shelter to housing: An EastMediterranean example to the

traditional twig-knitted timber
constructions: The Hug house

Hale Tokay and Selcen Yalcin

Z. Hale Tokay is an associate professor at Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University, Istanbul at the department of restoration. She took part in the
Traditional Architecture in Cukurova Region, Hug House project in
B. Selcen Yalcin is a research assistant at Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University, Istanbul at the department of restoration.
Meclis-i Mebusan cad., No:24, 34427 Findikli, Istanbul Turkey


In Anatolia where many civilizations have risen, dierent traditions
and beliefs have lived side by side during centuries. Each region has
developed an individual housing architecture due to its climate, the
topographical features of the area, local materials and the socio-cultural
The traditional architecture subject to this paper has a long past set in
Anatolia. This architecture built by timber, reed and mud-based organic
materials is today still in use in Central and Eastern Blacksea Region,
Trache, the Balkans and Cukurova Basin in eastern mediterrenean
region. The nds from surveys and archeological excavations prove that
this architecture has always been used since ancient times.
At the excavations directed by professor Onder Bilgi (Istanbul University)
in the Ikiztepe Tumulus located in Central Blacksea Region, architectural
layers from BC. 3000s (the rst Bronze Age) have been discovered. It
is understood that the buildings in Ikiztepe were made out of wood
without any stone or earth foundations. Trunks of various dimensions
which hadnt gone through any process were used for the construction
of these buildings and these have been covered with clay exteriorly
and interiorly.
Under the scope of Thrace Archeological Project directed by Professor
Mehmet Ozdogan(Istanbul University) the remains of the buildings with
no foundation have been revealed on each building layer between the
years BC. 5500 and 4000.
The buildings examined had load bearing poles cut o from trees and
between the poles there were walls knitted with binding tiny twigs
which had built a structural system generally called twig-knitting.
These kinds of buildings are still being used for dierent functions in

this region today.

1. The Hug House
1.1. History
The Hug House belongs to a traditional house typology common
around Adana, Mersin, Tarsus within the Cukurova Region and East
Mediterranean Basin (known as Cilicia during ancient times). It is built
out of timber, reed and mud which are natural building materials of
this area.
The Hug House is the oldest house planning typology known in
Adana and Mersin. Its history dates back 9000 years. This data has also
been conrmed by the nds of archeological excavations in Mersin
Yumuktepe Tumulus.
Yumuktepe holds a unique position in Asia Minor. This tumulus consists
of ruins of 30-40 settlements which had been founded during thousands
of years (from Neolithic to Islamic age). Therefore, Yumuktepe Tumulus
is an outstanding example witnessing the profound past of Mersin
(Sevin, 1995).
In 1936 the british archeologist John Garstang started the excavations
which continued until 1947 with some intervals. In 1992 archeologist
Veli Sevin (Istanbul University) took over the excavation again (Koroglu,
1993). The excavations are still being carried out by the cooperation of
Rome La Sapienza University and Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University.
The nds belonging to the houses were all built by Hug technique. It
was discovered with the help of the nds of the excavation in 1998 that
this housing technique had been used by Hittites during the second
millennium B.C. It is clear that these houses had been built in cottage
forms with circular plans, without any foundations and with loadbearing timber polesas we learn from the traces on the ground and
carbonized wood pieces. It was obvious that like the shelters of ancient
times, these houses were made of wooden poles as construction
and tiny twigs and reeds knitted like a basket which had been placed
between the poles to act as used as walls of the building. The faade
had most probably been plastered with a simple mud plaster(Acar,
1.2. Building Technology and Material
Hug that can be pronounced as Kuh in Arabic means a shelter gathered
at random. These buildings are made of quicksand bulrush, reed, twigs of
myrtle tree (murt), zanzalak (zirinzak) tree (Zanzalak is a local tree. When
dried, it gets very hard and strong), eucalyptus tree and clayey soil mixed
with straw.
It can be stated that Hug structures are the rst houses in Mersin.
These houses with their primitive elevations built out of reeds obtained
from the canes growing on marshy lands are examples for the rural
architecture before urbanisation.
Reeds that spontaneously grow in nature are cut o during winter
and stored to be used either in the construction of these houses and
storages (sheep-fold, loft, depot, wc, etc.) as constructive elements
or between garret beams as roof cover. Reed is today still in use as a
building material in the construction of shelters of the immigrants and
seasonal craftsmen with lower income.
As the buildings of this region are built of light materials like timber
and mortar, they are not heavy structures. Therefore, they dont need


Expriences de rhabilitation intgrale en Mediterrane

Experiencias de rehabilitacin integral en el Mediterrneo
Experiences of integrated rehabilitation in the Mediterranean

continuous or deep foundations. In most cases a continuous foundation

is prepared to support the exterior. Sometimes instead of a continuous
foundation, only a hole is dug for each wooden pole of the system. The
supporting poles, are placed into holes with a diameter of 50-60 cm
and a depth of 30-50. These cavities which are supported by pebbles
and stones are afterwards lled with wet earth(mud) and compressed
(Picture 1).
After adjusting the uneven ground, the oors are formed by compressing
on the ground a 5-10 cm thick earth layer. Then a straw mat is laid on
the oor.The thickness of the oors may get higher when they are later
renewed as maintenance.
Large (~ 20 cm) and small sectioned (~ 10-15 cm) trees and tiny
twigs (~ 4-5 cm) are used as the construction material of the walls of
the Hug houses, as well as reeds, bulrush and shrub.
The main poles of the structure are chosen from zanzalak, eucalyptus
or katran trees which are more resistant and common in this region.
Between the poles, trees with smaller sections are placed and
combined. Afterwards they are consolidated with horizontal beams.
Finally, the wall structure is composed by knitting(lling) between the
main supporting elements and partition walls with reed, supple myrtle;
oleander or poplar-tree materials. The empty space within the skeleton
is also lled with earth mortar(mud) both from the exterior and interior.
The thickness of the wall is variable between 20-25 cm.
The traditional method of preparing mud plaster is not easy. The clayey
soil is dampened and left to rest. The humus layer on the surface is
taken away. Then, a ditch is opened and the clayey soil that has become
sticky is laid inside this ditch. Pieces of chopped weed, straw, cotton
and other materials are added and mixed until the mixture becomes
homogeneous. The top of the ditch is covered not to be aected
by natural conditions. On the day that the mortar is to be used, the
amount needed is diluted again or mixed with straw until it reaches the
required density. The walls are lled with this mortar until the skeleton is
completely covered. Then, a smoother surface is obtained by applying
another layer of mortar.
The roofs of Hug houses have either one or two direction slopes
according to the formation of the building. The roof with one way
slope is built with or without truss only with a central post. Reed or
tiny twigs are knitted and bunches of rye, straw or a local herb called
topuk otu are laid above them. These bunches arranged in a row are
tied up with a bond made of bulrush or grass (Figure 2). As a result of
the undurable material, few of the original roof covers have survived
today and materials like tile, zinc and cement have unfortunately taken
their place.
1.3. Examples
Although most of the Hug buildings usually have one oor, there are
also few two-storey examples which have survived today (Figure 3, 4).
2. The Conditions Today Conclusion
This vernacular architecture and traditional building technique have
continuously been developed and used until the 20th century, but


unfortunately they have decreased very much in number, because of

the rapid urbanisation. Hug houses and the buildings constructed with
this technique can only been seen in some suburbs of the city, gardens
nearby the sea and in some villages, and they also face the threat of
extinction day by day.
The immigration from dierent parts of the country to Cukurova Basin
and uncontrolled development of the region result in the extinction of
this vernacular architecture.
The few examples of this architectural typology which have survived
today should be evaluated in a systematic way.They should be examined,
registered and taken under protection. The only registered Hug house
so far is the one-storey building next to Mersin Yumuktepe Tumulus.
Unfortunately the rest havent still been taken under protection yet.
There are lessons to learn from this architectural typology and building
technique. How people who built these houses used technology when
solving the problems of their age, should be taken as a reference to the
contemporary architecture of today.

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OZDOGAN A., 1984. Tarih Oncesi Avrupa Dal Orgu Yaplarnn Gunumuz Orneklerine Gore Tumleme
Onerileri, Istanbul University, unpublished master thesis.
OZDOGAN,M., 1996. Kulubeden Konuta: Mimarlkta Ilkler, Tarihten Gunumuze Anadoluda
Konut ve Yerlesme-Habitat II, s.19-30, Beykan. M. (ed.), Tarih Vakf Yurt Publishing, Istanbul
SEVIN V., 1995. Yumuktepe, Icel Art Society Bulletin, 40
VURAL S., HUG The oldest Mersin structure Data without a date.

Expriences de rhabilitation intgrale en Mediterrane

Experiencias de rehabilitacin integral en el Mediterrneo
Experiences of integrated rehabilitation in the Mediterranean


Expriences de rhabilitation intgrale en Mediterrane

Experiencias de rehabilitacin integral en el Mediterrneo
Experiences of integrated rehabilitation in the Mediterranean

A socio-cultural and historical overlook

to Istanbulian konaks on Ottoman
architecture: the myth & the reality

Zafer Sagdic, Aysun Aydin

Zafer SAGDIC, PhD.
Aysun AYDIN, BArch.
Yildiz Technical University
Fac. of Architecture
Dept. Of Architecture
History of Architecture Branch

1. General Denitions:
Ottoman periods Turkish family and household systems are not very
well known subjects. Besides studies on denitions and dierent
meanings of family (aile) and household (hane) in Turkish and some
related words with them such as konak, kiosk (kk), kashane (kaane),
malikhane, and etc. are also quite few. Also, number of studies having
conclusions on the rules of these systems and architectural space
organization related with these systems are not enough. According
to Faroqhi, 17th and 18th centuries are dark ages of Ottoman social
history. Registrations of these ages are either in bits or having limited
knowledge of some denite areas (Faroqhi, 1977). Thus, the paper is
having the period between the beginning of 19th century till the
beginning of 20th century (1940s). It is seen that Istanbulian konaks are
not only located on Beyazid and Suleymaniye in Historical Peninsula,
but also generally on Haskoy, Haznedar, Haseki, Cerrahpasha, Zeyrek,
Okmeydani, Uskudar, Moda, Kadikoy, Bakirkoy, and Princes Islands.
2. Terminology:
Konak means perfectly organized and very-well decorated house
or a big house type in Turkish civil architecture (Develioglu, 2001;
Divan-i Lugat-i Turk; Islam Ansiklopedisi, 2002; Sagdic, 2006). It is very
interesting to see that the second meaning of kashane, which means
a perfect house in Persian, is excellent and perfectly beautiful konak
(Turk Lugati, 1943; Kamus-i Turki, 1997; Sagdic, 2006). With a general
view, it can be said that konak is dierent than the other OttomanTurkish houses not only with its enormous size, but also with very well
ornamented multi-storey facades, big rooms and other well organized
architectural peculiarities. According to general references (Eldem,
1986; Altiner, Budak, 1997; Kuban; 1993), konak is a mansion of a big
family on countryside, where grandparents, parents and grandchildren
are living together with a dozen of servants.
It is seen that konaks are spreaded on either central cities of Ottoman
Empire, such as Tselonika, Izmir, Ankara, and, etc. or cities, which are on


one-to-one socio-economical relation with central cities of Ottoman

Empire, such as Amasya, Mersin, Adana, and, etc. It is also known
that Istanbul, which is capital city of Ottoman Empire, had numerous
3. Typology and Architectural Space Organization of 19th
Century Konaks in Istanbul:
A general typology of Ottoman-Turkish house is found on a very well
known reference of Eldem (1986). Here, it should not be forgotten that
making schemes of typology is something theorical and more than this
speculative, which is changeable according to accepted datas. Thus
here, it is believed that instead of using any typological explanation,
main peculiarities of Istanbulian konaks should be given.
Traditional Ottoman-Turkish house has segmental structure. All rooms
(hane) are re-touched and thus the main house (hane) is structured.
These rooms are located exibly; therefore, they can be added or
isolated within eachother easily. Hayat is the main sofa (central hall) of
this system. However, it is seen in 19th century Istanbulian konaks1 that,
these buildings have kitchens, wc and shower units inside; corridors
instead of traditional hayat parts; modern furnitures and timber cornices
for chairs on walls instead of traditional sedirs (cedars).
4. The Myth and The Reality of Istanbulian Konak:
According to Yucel (2000), Contrary to popular opinion, in Ottoman
society, housing was much less based on the population of the
household as a traditional, patriarchal large family than claimed.
However, in 19th century Istanbul, especially during the second half
and towards the end, the rise in the break-up of large families and the
necessity for smaller scale in housing design let to new household
proles, which is a fact that should be considered as well. This fact, when
combined with the rise in the urban population and the legal data on
the land property, is a signicant one, critically eecting the spreading
out, the overcrowding, and in the long run, the physical texture and the
housing forms of the city....
Some similar datas can be found on Dubens (2002) studies of Ottoman
population census in 1885 and 1907. The number of persons in a
household was 3,9 in 1885 and 4,2 in 1907 without servants and long
period guests. Another important data taken from these studies is that,
only 4 % of these households had traditional 3 generations patriarchal
families. Thus it can be said that, Istanbuls population was structured
by small family units. It is understood that, 46 % of all households had
number of 3 persons or less and 60 % of main population was living on
this modest surrounding as demographically. According to Duben and
Behar (1998), the typical household had core-families in the beginning
of 20th century.
5. Rehabilitation Principles of Istanbulian Konaks:
Istanbulian konaks must be rehabilitated carefully to not to change their
original characteristics. Municipalities determine general rehabilitation
criterias. All of the rehabilitation projects should be designed according
to these criterias. New parts or units should not be added unless they
are professionally designed as contemporary architecture examples.
Istanbulian konaks can be passed through to the new generations
by giving new functions to them such as museums, libraries, arts and
cultural centers, art schools and boutique hotels.

Expriences de rhabilitation intgrale en Mediterrane

Experiencias de rehabilitacin integral en el Mediterrneo
Experiences of integrated rehabilitation in the Mediterranean

6. Conclusion:
It is understood from population census in 1885 and 1907 that Istanbul
was not surrounded by huge and mythical konaks between the
beginning of 19th century and the beginning of 20th century. Therefore,
it is also understood that core-family was the typical Turkish household
in Istanbul on this period. Thus, it can be said that the existence of huge
and monumental Istanbulian konaks is only a myth with 12% and the
reality is that core-families living in modest houses have the big amount
of the population with 40% of all population.

Altiner, Budak, (1997) Konak Kitabi, Tepe Yayinlari, Istanbul.
Develioglu, (2001) Osmanlica-Turkce Sozluk, Dogus Limited Sti. Matbasi, Ankaral.
Divan-i Lugat-i Turk
Duben and Behar (1998) Istanbul Haneleri, Iletisim Yayinlari, Istanbul.
Dubens (2002) Kent, Aile, Tarih, Iletisim Yayinlari, Istanbul.
Eldem (1986) Turk Evi, Turkiye Anit Cevre Turizm Degerlerini Koruma Vak, Ankara.
Faroqhi, (1977) Rural Society in Anatolia And the Balkans During the 16th Century, I, Tursica;
Revue dEtudes Turques, 9: 162-195.
Islam Ansiklopedisi, (2002)
Kamus-i Turki, (1997)
Kuban; (1993) Turk Hayatli Evi, TC Ziraat Bankasi, Istanbul.
Sagdic, (2006) Osmanli Saraylarinda Islev ve Mekan Baglantisi, YTU Dr. Tezi, Istanbul.
Turk Lugati, (1943)
Yucel (2000) Istanbulda Kentsel Konut Bicimleri, Tarihten Gunumuze Anadoluda
Konut ve Yerlesme, Habitat 2 Yayini, Istanbul.

A konak in Beyazid, Istanbul (Altiner, Budak, 1997) .

A Konak in Haskoy, Istanbul (Altiner, Budak, 1997).


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