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On a separate sheet of paper, write about how to prepare for an emergency. Choose an
emergency and include information on what to do, what supplies to have, and what
preparations to make
Un terremoto es como un gigante durmiente pueden pasar muchos aos sin que ocurra uno

Antes de un terremoto
Como en cualquier emergencia hay que tener preparado simulacros , planes de evacuacin y la
conservacin de documentos importantes.
En casa se recomienda:

Tener suficiente comida para tres das, incluyendo alimentos que no necesitan refrigeracin y
que son fciles de preparar

Contar con suficiente agua para as necesidades bsicas de la familia. Se recomienda tener
un galn de agua por persona, por da

Tener un botiqun de primeros auxilios que incluya vendas, toallas antispticas, cremas
antibiticas, pinzas, termmetro y aspirina, entre otras cosas

Durante un terremoto
se recomienda:
Refugiarse debajo de un escritorio o mesa , y mantenerse alejado de vidrios o artculos que
pudieran caerse. Permanecer ah hasta que pase el temblor
Si te encuentras en un edificio, mantn la calma y no uses los elevadores

Si ests manejando detn el automvil y evita puentes y cables cados de luz

Despus del terremoto
se recomienda:
Mantenerte alejado de las reas daadas.
Si quedas atrapado entre los escombros:
No enciendas fsforos porque podra haber una fuga de gas y generar una explosin
Evita levantar polvo y cbrete la boca con un pauelo para no inhalar polvo
Golpea tuberas o la pared para hacer ruido y ser escuchado por rescatistas

An earthquake is like a giant sleeping can spend many years without that happening one
Before an earthquake
As in any emergency should be prepared drills, plans for evacuation and the conservation of
important documents.

Have enough food for three days, including foods that do not need refrigeration and that are
easy to prepare.

Have enough water to as basic needs of the family. It is recommended to have a gallon of
water per person, per day.
Have a first-aid kit containing bandages, antiseptic towels, antibiotic creams, tweezers,
thermometer and aspirin etc...

During an earthquake

Take cover under a desk or table, and stay away from glass or items that could fall off. Stay
there until you pass the tremor

If you are in a building, stay calm and do not use elevators

If you are driving stop the car and avoid bridges and cables fallen light

After the earthquake

Stay away from damaged areas.
If you are trapped in the rubble:

Not light matches because you may have a gas leak and generate an explosion.

Avoid raising dust and cover your mouth with a handkerchief to not inhale dust.

It strikes tubes or the wall to do noise and to be listened for rescatistas.

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