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Olor y estructura molecular zzzz

En el mbito de la investigacin farmacutica, cosmtica y de

alimentos, la introduccin de nuevos compuestos con
propiedades biolgicas activas de inters implica un alto costo,
ya que requiere tcnicas y mtodos de laboratorio que, adems,
necesitan procesos de control y regulacin. Por ello se ha
venido desarrollando recientemente una metodologa para el
estudio de nuevos compuestos con cualidades incluso
personalizadas, pero que evita una gran inversin econmica,
ya que el objetivo se logra a travs de mtodos
computacionales que permiten correlacionar la estructura
qumica con la actividad biolgica. Estas tcnicas hacen posible
un anlisis adecuado de la estructura molecular, bajo el
precepto de que tal relacin implica la pertenencia al mismo
tipo de estructura y, por consiguiente, a la misma clase de
aroma. As, el diseo computacional de fragancias rene en el
campo de la investigacin las bases de la ciencia, la experiencia
y el instinto, que se conjugan como si se tratara de una fantasa
creacional. A la fecha hay varias reglas para crear agentes
odorficos basados en la estructura qumica de las sustancias. A
continuacin se presentan unos cuantos hallazgos de cmo la
estructura puede emplearse para predecir o simplemente
especular acerca del aroma que un cierto compuesto puede

queen conch

As one of the oldest instruments in the world, the Queen Conch shell is widely
used as a trumpet by the ancient Maya, who called him or quetzaltecciztli
atecocolli. Produce a sound like no other, touting a melody that is both serious
and profound, coming slowly across the landscape, like the sea itself.
The queen conch was used by the Maya in religious ceremonies and enjoyed a
prominent place in their culture, in part thanks to the haunting sound it produces
but also by the symbolism it provides. The queen conch was revered as a
representative of the water, which was a vital and sacred to the Maya resort.
In scientific terms, the Queen Conch is actually a gastropod or sea snail, which is
easily seen thanks to its brightly colored casing, which typically has a bright pink
"lip". Formed by the accumulation of calcium carbonate, substantial shell is
usually orange, pink or yellow on the inside and can reach up to 12 centimeters in
length and weigh up to five kilos. Although the shell will continue to thicken
during the lifetime of the shell, the shell of the queen reaches maturity between
three and five years of age, when it begins to form the "lip" at the opening of the
shell which is characteristic of the species

Today, the queen conch is endangered in many areas due to overfishing. Not only
is their meat considered a staple throughout the Caribbean region, but their shells
are popular worldwide for their great beauty. Couple this with the fact that they
are likely to live in shallow water and is easy to see why they were easily exploited.
To ensure that the Queen Conch is still a part of the region of the Costa Maya,
please refrain from collecting in nature. Choose to take a photo in place, which
will last much longer!

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