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Programa Intel Educar

Curso Esencial

2008 Corporacin Intel. Todos los derechos reservados. Pgina 1 de 6

Plantilla del plan de unidad
Haga clic sobre la descripcin del texto, luego digite su propio texto.

Autor de la unidad
Nombre y apellido YAHAIRA HALL
Nombre de la institucin educativa INSTITUTO NACIONAL
Ubicacin de la institucin educativa PANAMA CENTRO
Otros datos de la institucin educativa CORREGIMIENTO DE SANTA ANA
Descripcin de la unidad
Ttulo de la unidad

Resumen de la unidad
The following Project is a compilation of activities specially designed for you to learn while having fun. Get into
the flow of the world about adjectives! No more simplicity! Its time to expand your ideas by searching new
descriptive words, listening to live videos as guidance for further elaboration of their own conversations as well
as to have a permanent idea when needing to describe someone or something.

Espacio/s curricular/es o asignatura/s
Literature, science, business, Geography and History

Ao y nivel
12th graders

Tiempo necesario aproximado
Ejemplo: 5 periods of class, 38 minutes each, 2 weeks , 3 months

Fundamentos de la unidad
Programa Intel Educar
Curso Esencial

2008 Corporacin Intel. Todos los derechos reservados. Pgina 2 de 6

Pegue aqu sus contenidos. Una vez refinada y reducida esta lista, los contenidos resultantes deben incluir los
temas que deben aprender sus estudiantes (no solo tratar superficialmente) y que usted evaluar al final de ta

Fundamentos de la unidad

Describing words:
* feelings (positive/ negative)
Uses adjectives and informal speech
for developing banners,

*Elaborates well detailed fliers about
trips and entertainment

*Watches videos of interviews done
related to description of people with
different personalities

Uses his/her imagination and
creativity to expose different ways
to attract potential audiences
when reading their visual

Objetivos del aprendizaje
Generate language related to describing people, setting and commonly situations by engaging them in dialogues
and practical demonstrations.

Preguntas orientadoras del plan de unidad
Pregunta esencial What did you say? Please tell me more about her/ him!
Preguntas de unidad

How can I describe a someone and a thing, or a place?
Preguntas de contenido
How are people dressing? What is the people mood today?
How are settings described?

Plan de evaluacin
Cronograma de evaluaciones

Programa Intel Educar
Curso Esencial

2008 Corporacin Intel. Todos los derechos reservados. Pgina 3 de 6

Antes de empezar el
trabajo del proyecto
Durante el desarrollo del
Una vez completado el
Answers pop questions based
on a well detailed visual aids
presented by the teacher

Highlight the terms that
deswcribe the ideas in every
sentence of each paragraph.

Rewrite the composition
without the descriptive words,
so they can observe how the
ideas look like without details

Students will be given a list of adjectives ,
used for describing people.
1. They will elaborate sizeable
visual aids describing people
personalities. Such images must be
posted below the whiteboard so every
day they can review the list of
adjectives,and consequently will be ready
for further use.

2. Students will visit the link below
to practice pronunciation of words

Normal computers :
( Apps for
Android: (Farlex )
In the classroom, students will play
BINGO of the words studied in class

3. They will do a mega test in the
classroom by working in groups of five.
The mega test will be done with sizeable
ply of newspapers:
3.1 The contents of the megatest
a. Ticking of correct images
b. Matching of adjectives with their
correct definitions
c. Completing of sentences by
filling the gaps with the correct adjective
d. Analysis of short Reading
e. Answering of questionnaire
about the selection

1.Students will download videos from
youtube about adjectives:
1.2 Describing people in english
Sample English conversation

Copy and paste the link below:

2. Real English video. Describing
Peoples personality . English subtitled
2.1 description of partners ( wife/
2.2 friends
2.3 parents
Copy and paste the link below:

2. Students will be asked to listen both
videos several times, for they can have
live examples to help them do their
own video by using the vocabulary
about describing people we have
studied for the latest two weeks

2.1 Click below to download the rubric
for this activity

2.2 After watching two videos that
clearly use words previously studied in
class and that include proper ways for
asking about how someone is students
will be able to do the following
requested activity:

2.2.3 Students will perform their own
videos using specific questions as done
in interviews
2.2.4 They will work on the following
topic to develop:

Programa Intel Educar
Curso Esencial

2008 Corporacin Intel. Todos los derechos reservados. Pgina 4 de 6

2.2.4 (a) interview How would you
describe your partner
2.2.5 They will select different
backgrounds: * on the streets
* in the classroom
* prepare your own
setting with diverse of elements

2.2.6 They must check audio is
properly tune-up, noises around are
2.2.7 They must focus in pronunciation
and entonation

*** Click here for rubric of evaluation
about the activity:

Resumen de evaluaciones
The new techniques of evaluation must be taught to the students, so they are the first to know the advantage
of using a rubric. It will be for them the initial phases of understanding a scoring rubric, on which the evaluator
needs to determine what will be the evaluation criteria.They will also experience the self evaluation for the
improvement of further projects

Initial: Students will be taught the goal of the project
Select from the teachers website: rubric ..\Guideline for project.docx

Students must also select rubric for the monitoring of the group:rubric
..\Rubric of the Collaborative Work Skills.docx

Students must clearly know what is the criteria for the evaluation of the video:
..\Rubric for the evaluation of the video.docx

Programa Intel Educar
Curso Esencial

2008 Corporacin Intel. Todos los derechos reservados. Pgina 5 de 6

During the process: The student chosen as monitor will be in charge of organizing the group: (the elementes
to be seen in the video, the technicians in charge of recording the video and the the evidence of the Project
(pre, during and final result) Before the final video is uploaded, The group must select way to display by
picturres or extra video;what, where and how they do their final work. They can choose one of the useful tools
available for it: moviemaker, my montage, a collage or any other technological alternative to show their

Detalles de la unidad
Habilidades previas
To perform this unit, the students have been previously taught and reinforce in class the lesson about which
descriptive words canbe used to describe someone.

Since the performers of this Project are sixth graders, they already know to prepare a collage, moviemaker and
other resources.
Yet they will be guided to know how to upload their final work


For the elaboration of this Project it was necessary to train each grader with the implementation of new
strategies that will really boost the learners have a proactive participation during the learning process.
Some adaptations got to be done as not everybody has internet available.

It needs time to help the students focus into the real objective of the implementation of the technological tools,
not only for the projects can look better, but it may lead the students to innovate, analyze and become better
analitical citizens in regard to our demanding society.

Soon after the students follow step by step each of the guidelines provided as well as the criteria of evaluation,
they will really understand how really is that in many of the things we do, we apply the scientific methodoly:
Observation, collection of data, experiment, recording of resuls, hypothesis, theory

Adaptaciones curriculares
Estudiante con

A the students of the twelveth grade are actively involved in many objects of their
level, there were some shortcomings that were needed to overcome fast. For
example, all the students have many projects to do, so the implementation of a
Project in a foreign language has been scheduled to be uploaded in the teachers
website a month after the ending of this seminar.

Fo the moment no special adaptation has to be implemented, just that extra days
were granted

No hispano-
In the current groups there are no special students with problems of language
Programa Intel Educar
Curso Esencial

2008 Corporacin Intel. Todos los derechos reservados. Pgina 6 de 6


Among the students there are some girls who are currently models in specific
agencies, so it helps the rest of the group with diction, tone of voice when recording
the video.
For this Project, the students can access sites which enable them to diversify the
content of the script for the video with new words and expressions: (Word choice) (accuracy of pronunciation)
Farlex (Android Apps)

Materiales y recursos necesarios para la unidad
Tecnologa Hardware (equipo necesario)

Cmara digital
Reproductor de DVD
Conexin a Internet
Disco lser
Sistema de proyeccin
Cmara de vdeo
Equipo de vdeo conferencia
Tecnologa Software (necesario)

Base de datos/Hoja de clculo
Diagramador de publicaciones
Programa de correo electrnico
Enciclopedia en CD-ROM
Editor de imgenes
Buscador Web

Desarrollo de pginas web
Procesador de texto
Materiales impresos
Printed Guideline for the project
For the recording of the video, girls and boys must show a non shining face,
therefore, towels, make up, and other implements for the neat background
of the video.
Recursos de Internet
Video samples:
Otros Recursos
Parents and other guests are invited to record their video in order to
reinforce the students plan

Los programas de Intel Educacin son financiados por la Fundacin Intel y la Corporacin Intel.
Derechos reservados 2008, Corporacin Intel. Todos los derechos reservados. Intel, el logo de Intel, la iniciativa de Intel Educacin y el
Programa Intel Educar son marcas registradas de Intel Corporation o de sus subsidiarias en los Estados Unidos y otros pases. *Otros nombres
y marcas pueden ser reclamadas como la propiedad de terceras partes.

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