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Lic. Alma Rosa Hernndez Barona Lic. Ma. de la Luz Njera Garca Lic. Jess Salvador Echavarra Olvera

Objetivo Interpreta informacin mediante el uso de estrategias de lectura para la comprensin y extraccin de ideas explcitas e implcitas en un texto, as como emite mensajes orales y escritos a travs de la aplicacin normativa bsica de la lengua para expresar ideas vinculadas a su vida y al mundo actual. Objetivos Especficos
Aplica el vocabulario aprendido en cursos anteriores. Usa en nuevos contextos el vocabulario adquirido durante el


las estructuras gramaticales aprendidas en semestres anteriores.

Se expresa de manera oral y escrita acerca de s mismo, su

entorno y sus actividades cotidianas.

Aprende y aplica las estrategias

de lectura para la comprensin de textos, as como para el desarrollo de textos en los que expresa sus ideas y/o experiencias.

l CECyTEH es una institucin que est al pendiente de las necesidades acadmicas, econmicas y laborales en nuestro estado y pas, para lo cual tiene la prioridad de formar jvenes competentes, que tengan como objetivo revolucin el mbito al que se integren. Para leer el presente trabajo es necesario situarlo en el marco de la Reforma Integral del Bachillerato, que orienta e impulsa la Subsecretara de Educacin Media Superior, ya que se ha llevado a cabo un proceso de evaluacin de la operacin de los programas de los componentes bsico, propedutico y profesional del Bachillerato Tecnolgico, con el propsito de efectuar los cambios necesarios para mejorar los resultados de la formacin, bajo las directrices que ahora establece la Reforma Integral del Bachillerato. La propuesta educativa que se establece en el Marco Curricular Comn (MCC) se orienta a lograr aprendizajes significativos para los estudiantes, que favorezcan el aprendizaje a lo largo de la vida. El desarrollo de las competencias conlleva la realizacin de experiencias de aprendizaje que permitan articular conocimientos, habilidades y actitudes en contextos especficos, para lograr aprendizajes ms complejos. Adoptar este enfoque de competencias permite precisar conceptos, procesos y formas de relacin que favorecen en los estudiantes la adquisicin de conocimientos, a partir de las significaciones de lo aprendido en la escuela, el mundo y la vida. Por ello, el trabajo realizado esta integrado en secuencias formativas para las asignaturas bsicas del componente de formacin propedutica del ciclo escolar Agosto 2012 Enero 2013. En el proceso de mejora de los programas se han tomado en cuenta las competencias genricas, disciplinares bsicas y extendidas que conforman el MCC. Asimismo, se analizaron los conceptos y procedimientos fundamentales de cada campo de conocimiento a fin de establecer las categoras, conceptos y procesos fundamentales que proponemos para propiciar aprendizajes significativos para los estudiantes del Bachillerato Tecnolgico. Este trabajo en conjunto se pretende alcanzar juntos maestros, alumnos y directivos, un meta compartida Una educacin de calidad y profesionalismo que merecen los jvenes que se forman en el en el CECyTEH, el rostro joven de la educacin media superior!

En sus marcas, listos...

Bienvenido! Ha llegado el momento de aventurarte en el idioma Ingls, as como el valorar las oportunidades que se te pueden presentar si sustentas el dominio de la lengua inglesa en tu vida cotidiana. La decisin es tuya, el reto te pertenece, el mundo del conocimiento te est esperando. No tardes en integrarte al fantstico mundo de la comunicacin global.

Estructura general de la asignatura



Competencias Genricas a las que contribuye la asignatura Competencias genricas

Competencias disciplinares

Resultados de aprendizaje de la asignatura respecto a la competencia

Elaborar un escrito con base a la normatividad de la lengua mediante el anlisis y sintetizacin de la lectura de artculos obtenidos en medios electrnicos externando sus ideas de acuerdo a los sucesos del entorno en el que se desarrolla, conocer e identificar las diferentes estructuras gramaticales y los conectores en diferentes situaciones.

Relacin con otras disciplinas

LEOyE. Transferir los conocimientos adquiridos en la disciplina en cuanto a los diferentes sistemas de comunicacin y estrategias a una segunda lengua extranjera. BIOLOGA Y QUMICA. Comprender trminos, funciones y reacciones qumicas y fisiolgicas en los seres humanos. CTSyV. Promover fines colaborativos y ticos. TIC'S. Usar las tecnologas de la informacin

Tema integrador


Concepto fundamental
Avances de la humanidad

Concepto subsidiario
Campo social

Concepto(s) subsidiario(s) de primer nivel

All gramatical structures Connectors

Diversidad, Espacio, Tiempo, Materia

Tiempo programado
15 horas/ clase

Dimensiones de la competencia
Conceptual (aprender a conocer): Connectors Estructuras Gramaticales Procedimental (aprender a hacer): Aprender a conectar un prrafo con otro cuando se tiene un escrito y tener mayor fluidez cuando se habla Identificar los tiempos gramaticales en lecturas, ejercicios y conversaciones. Actitudinal (aprender a ser): Participacin, Tolerancia, Respeto


Desarrollo de la Secuencia Formativa

What is love?

Actividades de apertura
Read the next article and answer the questions Love is an emotion of a strong affection and personal attachment. Love is also a virtue representing all of human kindness, compassion, and affection "the unselfish loyal and benevolent concern for the good of another". Love may describe actions towards others or oneself based on compassion or affection. Love refers to a variety of different feelings, states, and attitudes, ranging from pleasure ("I loved that meal") to interpersonal attraction ("I love my partner"). "Love" may refer specifically to the passionate desire and intimacy of romantic love, to the sexual love of eros, to the emotional closeness of familial love, to the platonic love that defines friendship, or to the profound oneness or devotion of religious love, or to a concept of love that encompasses all of those feelings. This diversity of uses and meanings, combined with the complexity of the feelings involved, makes love unusually difficult to consistently define, compared to other emotional states. Love in its various forms acts as a major facilitator of interpersonal relationships and, owing to its central psychological importance, is one of the most common themes in the creative arts. Love may be understood as part of the survival instinct, a function to keep human beings together against menaces and to facilitate the continuation of the species. A romantic relationship is one where you have a deep feeling of connection to the other person. You accept them as they are, one them to feel good, and deeply appreciate who they are. They fit in with most of your preferences in a life partner, i.e.; personality, life goals, beliefs and value systems, etc. One of the ways you desire to express your love for them through your sexuality. Sex is the one key element that distinguishes a romantic relationship from all other types.
What is love?

What is a romantic love?

What are the characteristics of romantic love?

How many types of love the text mention?

What do you thing about love? Describe with your own words.


Complete the text with and, but, or I ge t up a t ha lf p ast e igh t in the m o rn ing . I m hu ngr y . . .. . . t her e is n t a n y f o o d i n t h e kitchen. I want milk, cereals ...... orange juice. Then, I go to the shop ...... when I get there its still closed. I go back home and into the kitchen. Theres some grape fruit juice and brown bread. ...... I dont like grapefruit juice ...... brown bread! This is not a good morning, so I go back to bed until the shop opens. Complete with and, but, or, so, because 1. We arent going to the park ...... its raining. 2. I dont have any money, Ill go to the bank. 3. She doesnt like vegetables ...... fish. 4. I need milk, butter ...... bread. 5. Theres snow on the street ...... its not too cold 6. She studies a lot ...... she never passes the exams. 7. Youve got an exam tomorrow, ...... you must study tonight. 8. I dont go to the cinema ...... I havent got any money. Correct the underlined word using and, but, or, so, because. 1. We dont go to the beach but its cold. ...... 2. They dont like meat and fish. ...... 3. Its winter because Im not cold. ...... 4. Its raining, or take your umbrella!. ...... Put the words in order

1. accident / an / shes / in / because / hospital / she/ had ............................................................................................... 2. but / they / many / work / dont / hours / they / have / money /much ............................................................................................... 3. asked / Paul / me / question, / a / replied / I / so ............................................................................................... 4. buy / I / peppers / potatoes. / and / tomatoes, ..............................................................................................

Ejercicio: Actividades de desarrollo

The brain You have the power to change your brain, Scientifics have discovered that the brain can recognize itself when confronted with new challenges, even through adulthood. Based on this research, Luminositys exercises are engineered to brain a range of cognitive funtions, from working memory to fluid intelligence.


Complete the table with the next words: speed, memory, attention, flexibility and problem solving.
-Decision-making in time-sensitive situations -Reacting quickly -Speeding up cognitive processes -Adapting to changing environments -Remembering names after the first introduction -Learning new subjects quickly and accurately -Keeping track of several ideas at the same time -Recalling the location of objects -Concentrating while learning something new -Improving productivity and precision at work or home -Maintaining focus on important tasks all day - Avoiding distractions -Communicating clearly -Thinking outside the box -Multi-tasking quickly and efficiently -Avoiding errors -Making quick and accurate estimations -Calculating figures in your head -Determining the best course of action -Dissecting complex arguments

Now, select all or some aspects and write a short paragraph about your own brain process, use the connectors.


Science experiments

Write a secret message Write an invisible message on a mirror using a soapy solution and a cotton swab. The secret message will appear only in a foggy room.

What You Need: liquid dishwashing detergent cup of water a few cotton swabs hand mirror or bathroom mirror What You Do: Place a few drops of dishwashing detergent into the cup of water. stir to mix well. This is your secret message ink. Dip a cotton swab into the soapy solution. Write a short message on the mirror. When the liquid dries, the message will be invisible. (If not, use a little less of the solution.) When you take a hot shower or bath, do not get the mirror wet, but get the mirror close enough to the steam from the water so that it gets fogged up. Close the door so the steam stays in the bathroom. Observe what happens. Can you read the message? More fun: Write a message and wait until someone else takes a shower or bath. See how quickly they discover your secret. Whats Going On : The steam on the mirror is made up of water molecules. These tiny drops of water stick together on the mirror because of a force called surface tension. The liquid dishwashing detergent breaks the surface tension of the water. Wherever there is detergent, the water molecules are unable to form into droplets. The words written with the soapy solution stand out clearly against the foggy background of the mirror.

Exercise 1.-Underline the prefixes and suffixes you find 2.-Write sentences with the words in bold.


Now, put in order the next experiment, complete the table (1)- Put water and baking soda in the glass. Stir until the baking soda is dissolved. Break spaghetti into 1-inch pieces. Put about 6 pieces in the glass. They will sink to the bottom. Add vinegar to the mixture in the glass. Observe what happens to the pieces of spaghetti. Add more vinegar as the action starts to slow down. (2)- When baking soda and vinegar are mixed together, a chemical reaction occurs. It produces a gas called carbon dioxide, which forms lots of bubbles on top of the mixture and smaller bubbles at the bottom of the glass. These little bubbles stick to the spaghetti and make it float to the surface, just as you do when you sit on a swimming pool noodle! When the spaghetti reaches the surface, the bubbles pop and the spaghetti sinks to the bottom. (3)- Make spaghetti do tricks with this fun and fizzy experiment. (4)uncooked spaghetti 1 cup of water 2 teaspoons of baking soda 5 teaspoons of vinegar tall clear glass
swimming spaghetti

What You Need:

What You Need:

Whats Going On:


Ejercicio: Actividades de desarrollo

Read the next article Indian Women in Doctoral Education in Science and EngineeringA Study of Informal Milieu at the Reputed Indian Institutes of Technology Informal communication and interaction are integral components of the practice of science, including the doctoral process. This article argues that women are disadvantaged in the informal milieu of the higher education in science, and that this milieu is not uniform everywhere. It posits that to understand the position of women in science in South Asian countries like India, the inquiry has to be conceptualized in the specific social, historical, and institutional context. Through a questionnaire survey comparing male and female perceptions, and qualitative interviews with women, an attempt has been made to understand the nature of Indian women's problems in the informal doctoral science environment. The findings indicate that though the nature of problems appears to be similar to those faced by the women in science in the West, the specific form of biases varies, and that the cultural context molds the specific forms of discrimination. This has implications for future research and policies.

Asnswer the question according with the text: What is the text talking about?

Why the women is in disadvantage?

Write sentences you find in the article and indicate if is present, past, future, present perfect or past perfect tense.


Look at the pictures and match the draws with the words.
1 2

( ) legality ( ) respect ( ) love ( ) loyalty ( ) justice ( ) responsibility ( ) honesty ( ) humility ( ) solidarity ( ) tolerance
3 4


Write a short paragraph using the words in the chart above. Dont forget use the connectors.



Competencias Genricas a las que contribuye la asignatura Competencias

Se conoce y se valora. Practica estilos de vida saludables. Escucha, interpreta y emite mensajes. Sustenta postura personal. Aprende por iniciativa. Participa y colabora en equipos. Respeto y tolerancia.

Ordena. Interpreta. Identifica. Analiza. Argumenta. Explica. Formula. Relaciona. Actitud de respeto.

Resultados de aprendizaje de la asignatura respecto a la competencia

El alumno analizara textos cientficos, por medio de la tcnica de inferencia con la finalidad de deducir eventos u opiniones del escritor respecto a la informacin dada en una lectura.

Relacin con otras disciplinas

LEOyE. Los alumnos se auxilian con esta asignatura para escribir y redactar de forma correcta sus conceptos en Espaol y despus lo traducirn al Ingls. Ciencia, Tecnologa, Sociedad y Valores. Promoviendo valores de respeto, participacin y colaboracin. TIC'S. Usar las tecnologas de la informacin y la comunicacin.

Mapa de contenidos de la secuencia


Tema integrador

Mr. Know it all

Concepto fundamental
Avances y cultura de la humanidad

Concepto subsidiario
Campo y textos cientficos

Concepto(s) subsidiario(s) de primer nivel

Analizar textos informativos haciendo uso del Scanning como herramienta importante en las lecturas de comprensin. Identificar ideas principales as como secundarias en el texto usando skimming Identificacin y aprendizaje de vocabulario nuevo.

Tiempo, diversidad y espacio

Tiempo programado
21 horas

Dimensiones de la competencia
Conceptual (aprender a conocer): Analyzing texts Procedimental (aprender a hacer): Reading comprehension Identifying main ideas and specific information Writing Speaking Looking up in a dictionary Listening ideas and opinions Actitudinal (aprender a ser): Responsability Respect Participation Team work Creativity Freedom


Desarrollo de la Secuencia Formativa Actividades de apertura

Beverly hills

Tourists arriving in Southern California often confuse Hollywood with Beverly Hills. Many visitors come to Hollywood expecting to find a gleaming city filled with movie stars, posh restaurants, grand mansions and expensive shopping areas. They are, of course, very disappointed; the actual suburb of Hollywood is far from glamorous. The real "Hollywood" is a state of mind, not a place; it's not so much a city as it is shorthand for the general movie and entertainment industry. But if that fabled, glittering Hollywood of the tourist's imagination exists anywhere, it exists in Beverly Hills. It is in Beverly Hills, not Hollywood, where many stars actually live, dine and shop.
Instructions: Match the picture with each place for more information read the texts by the end of the charts.



Only a few minutes drive southwest of downtown Hollywood, the City of Beverly Hills offers all of the glamour and opulence that anyone could reasonably hope for, including:
Rodeo Drive, probably the wealthiest and most famous shopping district in the world. Numerous well-known restaurants, many frequented by movie stars, including the legendary Spago, The Grill, the Polo Lounge and Crustacean (and home to such past legends as Chasen's, Trader Vic's, Jimmy's and Planet Hollywood). Posh hotels, such as The Beverly Hills Hotel ("The Pink Palace")and the BeverlyWilshire (where "Pretty

Woman was filmed).

The homes (and former homes) of countless movie stars and TV personalities; their grand mansions line such Beverly Hills streets as Roxbury Drive, Carolwood Drive, Bedford Drive, Crescent Drive, and Benedict Canyon Drive. The Academy of Motion Picture Arts &Sciences headquarters and library (the people who give out the Oscar awards), as well as the Museum of Television &Radio.

Instructions: Write in which order would you like to visit those places. 1.__________________________________. 2.__________________________________. 3.__________________________________. 4.__________________________________. 5.__________________________________. Instructions: Write whom is your favorite artist and look at the internet where does he live, paste a picture of one of his homes.

Instructions: How many famous people do you know: write the name of the artist in each corresponding specialty.
Singer Nigga Wisin & yandel Shakra Beyonce Daddy yankee William Levy Black Eyed Peas Vin Diesel Jaime Camil Orlando Bloom Victoria Ruffo David Chocarro Justin Bieber La Arrolladora Thalia Jonny Deep Jessy And Joy Glenn Close Viola Davis Brad Pitt Gary Oldman George Clooney Demian Bichir Gloria Trevi Drake Dancers


Tv Show


Skimming Skill for reading What is it? When you SKIM, you read quickly to get the main idea of a paragraph, page, chapter, or article, and a few (but not all) of the details. Why do I skim? Skimming allows you to read quickly to get a general sense of a text so that you can decide whether it has useful information for you. You may also skim to get a key idea. After skimming a piece, you might decide that you want or need to read it in greater depth. How do I skim? 1. Read the first few paragraphs, two or three middle paragraphs, and the final two or three paragraphs of a piece, trying to get a basic understanding of the information. 2. Some people prefer to skim by reading the first and last sentence of each paragraph, that is, the topic sentences and concluding sentences. 3. If there are pictures, diagrams, or charts, a quick glance at them and their captions may help you to understand the main idea or point of view in the text. 4. Remember: You do not have to read every word when you skim. 5. Generally, move your eyes horizontally (and quickly) when you skim.
Let me have more culture Mr. Know-it-all How much do you know about something different from your personal world?

Instructions: Read the Article about Herb and Pulp, afterwards underline the main idea of each paragraph.


Pulp Friction Every second, 1 hectare of the world's rainforest is destroyed. That's equivalent to two football fields. An area the size of New York City is lost every day. In a year, that adds up to 31 million hectares -- more than the land area of Poland. This alarming rate of destruction has serious consequences for the environment; scientists estimate, for example, that 137 species of plant, insect or animal become extinct every day due to logging. In British Columbia, where, since 1990, thirteen rainforest valleys have been clearcut, 142 species of salmon have already become extinct, and the habitats of grizzly bears, wolves and many other creatures are threatened. Logging, however, provides jobs, profits, taxes for the govenment and cheap products of all kinds for consumers, so the government is reluctant to restrict or control it. Much of Canada's forestry production goes towards making pulp and paper. According to the Canadian Pulp and Paper Association, Canada supplies 34% of the world's wood pulp and 49% of its newsprint paper. If these paper products could be produced in some other way, Canadian forests could be preserved. Recently, a possible alternative way of producing paper has been suggested by agriculturalists and environmentalists: a plant called hemp. Hemp has been cultivated by many cultures for thousands of years. It produces fibre which can be made into paper, fuel, oils, textiles, food, and rope. For centuries, it was essential to the economies of many countries because it was used to make the ropes and cables used on sailing ships; colonial expansion and the establishment of a world-wide trading network would not have been feasible without hemp. Nowadays, ships' cables are usually made from wire or synthetic fibres, but scientists are now suggesting that the cultivation of hemp should be revived for the production of paper and pulp. According to its proponents, four times as much paper can be produced from land using hemp rather than trees, and many environmentalists believe that the large-scale cultivation of hemp could reduce the pressure on Canada's forests. However, there is a problem: hemp is illegal in many countries of the world. This plant, so useful for fibre, rope, oil, fuel and textiles, is a species of cannabis, related to the plant from which marijuana is produced. In the late 1930s, a movement to ban the drug marijuana began to gather force, resulting in the eventual banning of the cultivation not only of the plant used to produce the drug, but also of the commercial fibre-producing hemp plant. Although both George Washington and Thomas Jefferson grew hemp in large quantities on their own land, any American growing the plant today would soon find himself in prison -- despite the fact that marijuana cannot be produced from the hemp plant, since it contains almost no THC (the active ingredient in the drug). In recent years, two major movements for legalization have been gathering strength. One group of activists believes that ALL cannabis should be legal -- both the hemp plant and the marijuana plant -- and that the use of the drug marijuana should not be an offense. They argue that marijuana is not dangerous or addictive, and that it is used by large numbers of people who are not criminals but productive members of society. They also point out that marijuana is less toxic than alcohol or tobacco. The other legalization movement is concerned only with the hemp plant used to produce fibre; this group wants to make it legal to cultivate the plant and sell the fibre for paper and pulp production. This second group has had a major triumph recently: in 1997, Canada legalized the farming of hemp for fibre. For the first time since 1938, hundreds of farmers are planting this crop, and soon we can expect to see pulp and paper produced from this new source.
Select the answer you think is correct. The main idea of paragraph one is: Scientists are worried about New York City Logging is destroying the rainforests Governments make money from logging Salmon are an endangered species The main idea of paragraph two is: Canadian forests are especially under threat Hemp is a kind of plant Canada is a major supplier of paper and pulp Canada produces a lot of hemp The main idea of paragraph three is: Paper could be made from hemp instead of trees Hemp is useful for fuel Hemp has been cultivated throughout history Hemp is essential for building large ships 27 The main idea of paragraph four is: Hemp is used to produce drugs Many famous people used to grow hemp It is illegal to grow hemp Hemp is useful for producing many things The main idea of paragraph five is: Hemp should be illegal because it is dangerous Recently, many people have been working to legalize hemp Hemp was made illegal in 1938 Marijuana is not a dangerous drug

Actividad de lectura 1 Vocabulary: Read the text again and using a dictionary choose 20 words you think are complex and find the meaning of them in it. Actividad de lectura 2 Writing: Write a short opinion about the text you have read Use at least 50 words.

Instructions: 1.- Read the first sentence of each paragraph in the following text. 2.- Read the whole text.
THE PERSONAL QUALITIES OF A TEACHER Here I want to try to give you an answer to the question: What personal qualities are desirable in a teacher? Probably no two people would draw up exactly similar lists, but I think the following would be generally accepted. First, the teacher's personality should be pleasantly live and attractive. This does not rule out people who are physically plain, or even ugly, because many such have great personal charm. But it does rule out such types as the over-excitable, melancholy, frigid, sarcastic, cynical, frustrated, and overbearing : I would say too, that it excludes all of dull or purely negative personality. I still stick to what I said in my earlier book: that school children probably 'suffer more from bores than from brutes'. Secondly, it is not merely desirable but essential for a teacher to have a genuine capacity for sympathy - in the literal meaning of that word; a capacity to tune in to the minds and feelings of other people, especially, since most teachers are school teachers, to the minds and feelings of children. Closely related with this is the capacity to be tolerant - not, indeed, of what is wrong, but of the frailty and immaturity of human nature which induce people, and again especially children, to make mistakes. Thirdly, I hold it essential for a teacher to be both intellectually and morally honest. This does not mean being a plaster saint. It means that he will be aware of his intellectual strengths, and limitations, and will have thought about and decided upon the moral principles by which his life shall be guided. There is no contradiction in my going on to say that a teacher should be a bit of an actor. That is part of the technique of teaching, which demands that every now and then a teacher should be able to put on an act - to enliven a lesson, correct a fault, or award praise. Children, especially young children, live in a world that is rather larger than life.

A teacher must remain mentally alert. He will not get into the profession if of low intelligence, but it is all too easy, even for people of above-average intelligence, to stagnate intellectually and that means to deteriorate intellectually. A teacher must be quick to adapt himself to any situation, however improbable and able to improvise, if necessary at less than a moment's notice. (Here I should stress that I use 'he' and 'his' throughout the book simply as a matter of convention and convenience.) On the other hand, a teacher must be capable of infinite patience. This, I may say, is largely a matter of self-discipline and self-training; we are none of us born like that. He must be pretty resilient; teaching makes great demands on nervous energy. And he should be able to take in his stride the innumerable petty irritations any adult dealing with children has to endure. Finally, I think a teacher should have the kind of mind which always wants to go on learning. Teaching is a job at which one will never be perfect; there is always something more to learn about it. There are three principal objects of study: the subject, or subjects, which the teacher is teaching; the methods by which they can best be taught to the particular pupils in the classes he is teaching; and - by far the most important - the children, young people, or adults to whom they are to be taught. The two cardinal principles of British education today are that education is education of the whole person, and that it is best acquired through full and active co-operation between two persons, the teacher and the learner. (From Teaching as a Career, by H. C. Dent)

Actividad de lectura 1

Vocabulary: Write 15 words difficult for you to identify and look the meaning for them in the dictionary.

Actividad de lectura 2 Writing: Write the main idea of each paragraph from the reading. Actividad de lectura 3 Speaking: Discuss in your classroom. How would be the best teacher for you?

Read the first sentence of each paragraph in the following text.

OILS There are three main groups of oils: animal, vegetable and mineral. Great quantities of animal oil come from whales, those enormous creatures of the sea which are the largest remaining animals in the world. To protect the whale from the cold of the Arctic seas, nature has provided it with a thick covering of fat called blubber. When the whale is killed, the blubber is stripped off and boiled down, either on board ship or on shore. It produces a great quantity of oil which can be made into food for human consumption. A few other creatures yield oil, but none so much as the whale. The livers of the cod and the halibut, two kinds of fish, yield nourishing oil. Both cod liver oil and halibut liver oil are given to sick children and other invalids who need certain vitamins. These oils may be bought at any chemist's. Vegetable oil has been known from antiquity. No household can get on without it, for it is used in cooking. Perfumes may be made from the oils of certain flowers. Soaps are made from vegetable and animal oils. To the ordinary man, one kind of oil may be as important as another. But when the politician or the engineer refers to oil, he almost always means mineral oil, the oil that drives tanks, aero planes and warships, motor-cars and diesel locomotives; the oil that is used to lubricate all kinds of machinery. This is the oil that has changed the life of the common man. When it is refined into petrol it is used to drive the internal combustion engine. To it we owe the existence of the motorcar, which has replaced the private carriage drawn by the horse. To it we owe the possibility of flying. It has changed the methods of warfare on land and sea. This kind of oil comes out of the earth. Because it burns well, it is used as fuel and in some ways it is superior to coal in this respect. Many big ships now burn oil instead of coal. Because it burns

brightly, it is used for illumination; countless homes are still illuminated with oil-burning lamps. Because it is very slippery, it is used for lubrication. Two metal surfaces rubbing together cause friction and heat; but if they are separated by a thin film of oil, the friction and heat are reduced. No machine would work for long if it were not properly lubricated. The oil used for this purpose must be of the correct thickness; if it is too thin it will not give sufficient lubrication, and if it is too thick it will not reach all parts that must be lubricated. The existence of oil wells has been known for a long time. Some of the Indians of North America used to collect and sell the oil from the wells of Pennsylvania. No one, however, seems to have realized the importance of this oil until it was found that paraffin-oil could be made from it; this led to the development of the wells and to the making of enormous profits. When the internal combustion engine was invented, oil became of worldwide importance. What was the origin of the oil which now drives our motor-cars and aircraft? Scientists are confident about the formation of coal, but they do not seem so sure when asked about oil. They think that the oil under the surface of the earth originated in the distant past, and was formed from living things in the sea. Countless billions of minute sea creatures and plants lived and sank to the sea bed. They were covered with huge deposits of mud; and by processes of chemistry, pressure and temperature were changed through long ages into what we know as oil. For these creatures to become oil, it was necessary that they should be imprisoned between layers of rock for an enormous length of time. The statement that oil originated in the sea is confirmed by a glance at a map showing the chief oilfields of the world; very few of them are far distant from the oceans of today. In some places gas and oil come up to the surface of the sea from its bed. The rocks in which oil is found are of marine origin too. They are sedimentary rocks, rocks which were laid down by the action of water on the bed of the ocean. Almost always the remains of shells, and other proofs of sea life, are found close to the oil. A very common sedimentary rock is called shale, which is a soft rock and was obviously formed by being deposited on the sea bed. And where there is shale there is likely to be oil. Geologists, scientists who study rocks, indicate the likely places to the oil drillers. In some cases oil comes out of the ground without any drilling at all and has been used for hundreds of years. In the island of Trinidad the oil is in the form of asphalt, a substance used for making roads. Sir Walter Raleigh visited the famous pitch lake of Trinidad in 1595; it is said to contain nine thousand million tons of asphalt. There are probably huge quantities of crude oil beneath the surface. The king of the oilfield is the driller. He is a very skilled man. Sometimes he sends his drill more than a mile into the earth. During the process of drilling, gas and oil at great pressure may suddenly be met, and if this rush out and catch fire the oil well may never be brought into operation at all. This danger is well known and steps are always taken to prevent it. There is a lot of luck in drilling for oil. The drill may just miss the oil although it is near; on the other hand, it may strike oil at a fairly high level. When the drill goes down, it brings up soil. The samples of soil from various depths are examined for traces of oil. If they are disappointed at one place, the drillers go to another. Great sums of money have been spent, for example in the deserts of Egypt, in 'prospecting' for oil. Sometimes little is found. When we buy a few gallons of petrol for our cars, we pay not only the cost of the petrol, but also part of the cost of the search that is always going on. When the crude oil is obtained from the field, it is taken to the refineries to be treated. The commonest form of treatment is heating. When the oil is heated, the first vapors to rise are cooled and become the finest petrol. Petrol has a low boiling point; if a little is poured into the hand, it soon vaporizes. Gas that comes off the oil later is condensed into paraffin. Last of all the lubricating oils of various grades are produced. What remains is heavy oil that is used as fuel. There are four main areas of the world where deposits of oil appear. The first is that of the Middle East, and includes the regions near the Caspian Sea, the Black Sea, the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf. Another is the area between North and South America, and the third, between Asia and Australia, includes the islands of Sumatra, Borneo and Java. The fourth area is the part near the North Pole. When all the present oil-fields are exhausted, it is possible that this cold region may become the scene of oil activity. Yet the difficulties will be great, and the costs may be so high that no company will undertake the work. If progress in using atomic power to drive machines is fast enough, it is possible that oil-driven engines may give place to the new kind of engine. In that case the demand for oil will fall, the oilfields will gradually disappear, and the deposits at the North Pole may rest where they are forever.

Actividad de lectura Identify new words and find the meaning in a dictionary, highlight the main ideas of each paragraph and discuss them in pairs, share thoughts and write both main ideas in the guide.

Scanning Skill for reading What is it? When you SCAN, you move your eyes quickly down a page or list to find one specific detail. Why do I skim? Scanning allows you to locate quickly a single fact, date, name, or word in a text without trying to read or understand the rest of the piece. You may need that fact or word later to respond to a question or to add a specific detail to something you are writing. How do I skim? 1. Knowing your text well is important. Make a prediction about where in a chapter you might find the word, name, fact, term, or date. 2. Note how the information is arranged on a page. Will headings, diagrams, or boxed or highlighted items guide you? Is information arranged alphabetically or numerically as it might be in a telephone book or glossary? 3. Move your eyes vertically or diagonally down the page, letting them dart quickly from side to side and keeping in mind the exact type of information that you want. Look for other closely associated words that might steer you towards the detail for which you are looking. 4. Aim 100 for accuracy! Read in the following direction:

Instructions: Read the Text and after answer the exercises.

A dangerous game to play. The legal limit for driving after drinking alcohol is 80 milligrams of alcohol in 100 milliliters of blood when tested. But there is no sure way of telling how much you can drink before you reach this limit. It varies with each person depending on your weight, your sex, if you've eaten and what sort of drinks you've had. Some people

might reach their limit after only about three standard drinks. In fact, your driving ability can be affected by just one or two drinks. Even if you=re below the legal limit, you could still be taken to court if a police officer thinks your driving has been affected by alcohol. It takes about one hour for the body to get rid of the alcohol in one standard drink. So, if you have a heavy

drinking session in the evening you might find that your driving ability is still affected the next morning, or you could even find that you=re still over the legal limit. In a test with professional drivers, the more alcoholic drinks they had had the more certain they were that they could drive a test course through a set of movable posts... and less able they were to do it! So the only way to be sure you=re safe is not to drink at all.

Alcohol is a major cause of road traffic accidents. One in three of the drivers killed in road accidents have levels of alcohol which are over the legal limit, and road accidents after drinking are the biggest cause of death among young men. More than half of the people stopped by the police to take a breathalyzer test have a blood alcohol concentration more than twice the legal limit.

1. Read the text and answer these questions in your own words. 1.1. What is the main idea the author wants to express? 1.2. If you have been drinking at night, why might your driving be affected the following morning? 2. Explain the meaning of the following sentences in your own words. 2.1. You=re over the legal limit. (Paragraph 3) 2.2. Alcohol is a major cause of road traffic accidents. (Paragraph 5)

Grammar. 3. Complete the following sentences using can, may, must, ought to, need, dare, used to.(0.2 each) 3.1. Those children ____________________ wear their wellington boots; it is pouring with rain. 3.2. I ____________________ buy some more tea, I don=t have any left. 3.3. ____________________ you practise your trumpet so loud? 3.4. You ____________________ not bother to wait up for me, I shall be very late. 3.5. He ____________________ not admit that he was the one who did it. 3.6. He ____________________ play golf very well but he hasn=t practised for a long time. 3.7. You ____________________ not work so hard. 3.8. I ____________________ not spend all the money on a hat. My husband would be cross. 3.9. He ____________________ run faster than all the other boys in his class. 3.10. You ____________________ not expect him to remember your birthday.

Vocabulary. 4. Explain in English the meaning of the following phrases. 4.1. Have a heavy drinking session (paragraph 3) 4.2. a breathalyzer test (paragraph 5)

Summary. 5. Summarize paragraph 1 in about 30 words. Composition. 6. Imagine you had a car accident. Explain how it happened in 80 words.

Television Reading Comprehension Informational Passages

Directions: Read the passage. Then answer questions about the passage below. Many people worked to create television. In 1862, Abbe Giovanna Caselli invented a machine called the Pantelograph. Caselli was the first person to send a picture over wires. By the 1880s, Alexander Graham Bell invented a machine that transmited pictures and sound over wires. His machine was called the Photophone. The Worlds Fair was held in Paris, France, in the year 1900. The first International Congress of Electricity was held at the Worlds Fair. That was when the word television was first used by a Russian named Constantin Perskyi. That name stuck, and is now shortened to TV. At the beginning of TV history, there were several types of TV technology. One system was a mechanical model based on a rotating disc. (Rotating discs are discs that spin like CDs.) The other system was an electronic model. In 1906, Boris Rosing built the first working mechanical TV in Russia. In the 1920s, John Logie Baird in England and Charles Francis Jenkins in the United States demonstrated improved mechanical systems. Philo Taylor Farnsworth also showed an electronic system in San Francisco in 1927. His TV was the forerunner of todays TV, which is an electronic system based on his ideas. Now TV is everywhere. Before 1947, there were only a few thousand televisions in the U.S. By the 1990s, there were televisions in 98% of American homes. Vocabulary: Write the words you dont understand and look for the meaning.


Choose the correct answer 1) Invented means A. made for the first time. B. moved to a different country. C. sent over wires. D. sent through television. 2) Another way to say transmitted is A. built. B. used. C. sent. D. held. 3) Rotating means A. going up and down. B. going back and forth. C. spinning. D. None of the above 4) The best synonym for demonstrated is A. based. B. called. C. showed. D. worked. 5) A system is a combination of A. parts that make up a unified whole. B. parts that are used to make TVs. C. broken pieces. D. pieces of a machine. 1) Who first sent a picture over wiires? A. Boris Rosing B. John Logie Baird C. Abbe Giovanna Caselli D. Alexander Graham Bell 2) The word television was first used in A. 1862. B. 1880. C. 1900. D. 1906. 3) The 1900 Worlds Fair was in A. Moscow, Russia. B. London, England. C. Paris, France. D. New York, United States. 4) Who invented the Photophone? A. Abbe Giovanna Caselli B. Charles Francis Jenkins C. Alexander Graham Bell D. Philo Taylor Farnsworth


Read and choose the correct answer at the end of the reading Bully for you

The makers of a controversial computer game about bullying have decided to go ahead and launch it despite calls for it to be banned. In the game, players take on the role of a new students at a school and have to fight the bullies, by punching them or hitting them with a baseball bat. Critics have said that the game encourages violence, but the makers deny this and say that, while there is violence in the game, it is just an amusing look at school life, besides which, the violence in the game is directed against the bullies to protect pupils who are being bullied. The makers also say that players will learn to stand up to bullies. A British politician, a former minister, has called for it to be banned as it might affect the way young people perceive violence. Anti-bullying charities have said that the game might make people respond violently to bullies, which might make things more complicated and result in injuries. Q1 - The makers of the computer game decided not to release it. True False Q2 - In the game, the player takes on the role of a bully. True False Q3 - The game is set in a university. True False Q4 - Everyone agrees that the game encourages violence. True False Q5 - A British politician has spoken in favour of the game. True False Q6 - The politician used to be a minister. True False

Q7 - The politician thinks it might make young people look at violence differently. True False Q8 - The anti-bullying charity thinks the game is good because it might make pupils stand up to bullies. True False Q9 - The anti-bullying charity thinks that people might get hurt because of this game. True False Q10 - The makers of the game have changed the contents before releasing it in the UK. True False

Instructions: Read the text and choose by the end the correct options.

In to the garbage This is a true story that happened to me many years ago, but I still remember it vividly. It all started while we were on vacation. Vacations should be restful, relaxing times, but I planned to do some studying too. I carefully put all my important papers and books in a large paper bag, and put them in the car with the suitcases. After a long drive to Los Angeles, we were happy to find a motel with a really good price. We decided to stay for a week so we could get three extra days at no extra cost. On the second day of our stay there, we arrived back at the motel after a day of sightseeing and a good dinner. It was about ten o'clock in the evening, and I decided I'd better start working. I knew the bag was in the room, but I looked all over and couldn't find it. It had disappeared! I was panic-stricken. Suddenly I had a sickening thought. I was sure the maid took it out with the garbage. I ran over to the main office, and asked if I could talk to the maid who had been on duty that day. They told me there were several, and besides, they had all left for the day. The people in the office showed me the large garbage bins in back of the motel, but didn't offer any help. I sighed, gathered my courage, grabbed a flashlight, and walked through the dark to the garbage bins. There were three of them. Each one was about four and a half feet high. I didn't know where to start. I looked around and found an old shopping cart, which I used to climb into the middle of one of the bins. I spent some time rummaging through bags and bags of other people's garbage, but I didn't have any luck. After a few minutes of tears of frustration, I finally gave up. Maybe I was wrong, and was just looking through banana peels, old milk cartons, coffee grounds, and half-eaten food for nothing. I climbed out, being careful not to drop my flashlight, and looked around to see if anyone had spotted me. I took one last look into the other two bins, this time just checking the bags on top. Then I got lucky. Right on top of the third bin was my bag. I was never so happy to see a dirty old bag in my life! I told the manager to tell the maid not to clean our room any more. The garbage bin was full of banana peels, old milk cartons, and coffee grounds. There was a lot of old, half-eaten food. I found out what people throw away.


Comprehension Questions Why did the author take along some important papers? 1. She wanted to write some letters. 2. She was afraid to leave the papers in her house. 3. She was going to do some studying. Why did they choose the motel in Los Angeles? 1. The daily price was very cheap. 2. They could stay one week and pay for only four days. 3. It was in a convenient location. When did the author look for her books and papers? 1. In the morning of the first day. 2. In the afternoon on the second day. 3. At night on the second day. When the author couldn't find her books and papers, what did she think? 1. She thought she forgot to bring them with her. 2. She thought the maid took them out with the garbage. 3. She thought her husband threw them away by mistake. Why couldn't she talk to the maid who had cleaned her room? 1. The motel said she wasn't allowed to speak to the maid. 2. The maid didn't speak enough English. 3. It was too late and the maid had gone home. Who helped her look in the garbage bins? 1. The people in the office. 2. No one. 3. Her husband. Did she climb into one of the bins? 1. Yes. 2. No. 3. The story doesn't say. What did she find in the first bin? 1. Her important books and papers. 2. Other people's garbage. 3. The story didn't say.


In which bin did she finally find her things? 1. The first bin. 2. The second bin. 3. The third bin. What did she ask the manager to tell the maid? 1. She asked him to tell her not to clean the room any more. 2. She asked him to tell her she made a bad mistake. 3. She asked him to tell her to be more careful the next time.

Adolescents in Britain

More and more adolescents in Britain are becoming more independent of their parents at a younger age. Twenty years ago it was quite unusual for the average 15 year-old to go away for the summer holidays without his or her parents. These days 40 percent of 15 year-olds spend their holidays either alone or with friends of their own age. They enjoy themselves more. Many pay for their holidays with their own money, which they earn by doing a variety of holiday jobs. This prevents parents from complaining because of financial problems. More adolescents are spending their summer holidays abroad, too. Language study holidays are popular. The best way to speak a foreign language you are studying is to go to the country and speak it. One reason for adolescents spending more time abroad is that travel has become easier. Charter flights are cheaper and there are other travel reductions for students and young people. Another reason is that adolescents dont rely on their parents any more. They prefer to live their lives their own way. They also have more responsibilities. They can now vote at the age of eighteen and more of them are leaving home in order to work or study before they are twenty. A. ARE THESE SENTENCES TRUE OR FALSE? JUSTIFY 1. Twenty years ago, adolescents didnt use to travel alone. 2. Less than half of the British adolescents spend their holidays with their parents. B. ANSWER THESE QUESTIONS 1. What do many adolescents do to pay for 2. Why do British adolescents go away from home at an early age?




1. get (paragraph 1) 2. stops (paragraph 1) II LANGUAGE A. REWRITE THE FOLLOWING SENTENCES BEGINNING WITH THE WORDS GIVEN 1. Moroccans usually eat couscous on Fridays. Couscous.. 2. We find mass media everywhere in the industrialized world. Mass media.. B. FILL IN THE BLANKS WITH AN APPROPRIATE WORD FROM THE LIST chat show sitcom editorial network audience 1. The local drama group gave a really good performance of Hamlet. Unfortunately, there was a thin ________ on the first night. 2. Today there is a special ________ in Tel Quel magazine about illegal immigration. C. PUT THE WORDS BETWEEN BRACKETS IN THE CORRECT FORM 1. Bayti is a Moroccan association that has offered much help to (home) children. 2. Untidy people are not nice to know. They are always dirty, forgetful and (care).
D. What do these statements express? 1.Sorry, I didnt mean to break your window. __________________________________________. 2. Im sorry to bother you, but the food is too salty. _____________________________________. E. Do the following exercise? Write an e-mail to your friend about the film you have just seen.



Instructions: Look for the words in the dictionary, read and fill with coherence the text.

What kind of driver are you? Choose between: | brake | change gear | horn | indicate | learn to drive | overtake | petrol | ran over | reverse | slow down | steering wheel. | traffic jam | windscreen

When Jane began to _____________________________ a few months ago, she was terrified. She found it hard to concentrate on everything: one hand was expected to _____________________________, while the other hand had to hold on to the _____________________________. To get the car to move forwards or in _____________________________, she had to press the accelerator with her right foot, but to stop, she had to take that foot off and press the _____________________________ hard ! (Well, not too hard or her passenger would have disappeared through the _____________________________ !) Her first day out on a road was a disaster: she forgot to _____________________________ at a pedestrian crossing and nearly _____________________________ a terrified old lady. Write here the meaning of the words. Later, as she was behind a very slow van, she started to _____________________________ to let the car behind her know that she was going to _____________________________. Immediately, a car coming the other way started to sound its _____________________________ and flash its light. But Jane couldn't know that up ahead, there was a three mile ________________ because a car had run out of _____________________________ in the middle of the road!


Worksheet One Scanning Find and circle the following words in this passage from Jane Austens Emma as quickly as possible: CLEVER / HOME / UNITE / DISTRESS / MARRIAGE / EARLY Emma Woodhouse, handsome, clever, and rich, with a comfortable home and happy disposition, seemed to unite some of the best blessings of existence; and had lived nearly twenty-one years in the world with very little to distress or vex her. he was the youngest of two daughters of a most affectionate, indulgent father, and had, in consequence of her sisters marriage, been mistress of his house from a very early period.

Skimming Find out the answer to the following question by skimming the passage below. What were the names of Degass father and mother? Degass background would never have suggested he was to become the revolutionary painter he was. He was born in Paris, on 19 July 1834. His father, Auguste de Gas, was a banker but his mother, Clestine, died before Degas reached his teens.
Degas father was called: __________________________________________ Degass mother was called: ________________________________________

Worksheet Two

Making notes Condense the information below into bullet points. The Greek island of Rhodes is the most visited of the Dodecanese islands. It became part of Greece in 1948. The capital is Rhodes City, a port on the northern tip of the island which caters for the vast tourism the island experiences in the summer months. There is lots to see here, including an archaeological museum and Mussolinis old holiday home, The Palace of the Grand Masters.


Now condense this text into bullet points. The city of Athens became the capital of independent Greece in 1834 when the Ottoman rule ended. At the time, Athens was no more than a run-down village, but the city was reconstructed and much of the neoclassical architecture of that time still exists, although the citys beauty has been slightly marred by the concrete sprawl which developed in the last fifty years.

Timed Scanning/Skimming Practice 5 - 4 questions in 4 minutes. Many cashew eaters may be surprised to learn about the origins of the popular nut. The nut comes from the cashew tree, a small evergreen tree in the flowering plant family Anacardiancese. Northwestern Brazil is the native home of the plant, but it is now cultivated in all regions with sufficient tropical conditions. India, Vietnam, and Brazil, in that order, are the largest producers of cashew nuts. The cashew tree produces cashew flowers that yield cashew apples. These apples, better known in Central America as "maran", are oval to pear-shaped and ripen into a yellow and/or red structure between 5 to 11 centimeters long. These apples are the tree's false fruit and look like oversized hot peppers or pears. The real fruit of the tree are the small kidney-shaped drupes that protrude from under the pseudo fruit, the cashew apples. In botany, a drupe is a type of fruit in which an outer fleshy part surrounds a shell of hardened endocarp, the pit or stone, with a seed inside. Hidden inside each drupe is the cashew flowers single seed, a single cashew. The seed, or cashew nut, is surrounded by a double shell containing a caustic phenolic resin, urushiol, a potent skin-irritating toxin also found in poison-ivy. The urushiol must be removed from the dark green nut shells before the seed inside is processed for consumption; this is done by shelling the nuts, a somewhat hazardous process, and exceedingly painful skin rashes among processing workers who come in contact with the toxin are common. Choose the correct answer The passage states that one of the consequences of shelling cashew nuts can be A) B) C) D) Acquiring exceedingly painful bruises. green skin. contact with cashew worms. dark green skin.

E) acquiring painful skin rashes.


According to the author, what are the pseudo fruit of the cashew tree called? a) b) c) d) e) Manzanas. Cashew apples. Droops. Drupes. Cashew flowers.

According to the passage, cashews are cultivated in all but these areas: a) b) c) d) e) Vietnam. regions with sufficient tropical conditions Brazil regions with insufficient tropical conditions India.

The author's description of cashew drupes mentions which of the following? a) b) c) d) They are yellow and red They taste like apples. They are kidney-shaped. They are large.

e) They are red.


Sharing Stories


Competencias Genricas a las que contribuye la asignatura Competencias

Competencias 4. Escucha, interpreta y emite mensajes pertinentes en distintos contextos mediante la utilizacin de medios, cdigos y herramientas apropiadas. Atributos Identifica las ideas clave en un texto o discurso oral e infiere conclusiones a partir de ellas. Aplica distintas estrategias comunicativas segn quienes sean sus interlocutores, el contexto en el que se encuentra y los objetivos que persigue. Maneja las tecnologas de la informacin y la comunicacin para obtener informacin y expresar ideas. Valora el arte como manifestacin de la belleza y expresin de ideas, sensaciones y emociones. Elementos de competencia Interpreta Investiga Argumenta Disea Actitud de respeto

2. Es sensible al arte y participa en la apreciacin e interpretacin de sus expresiones en distintos gneros.

7. Aprende por iniciativa e inters propio a lo largo de la vida.

Identifica las actividades que le resultan de menor y mayor inters y dificultad, reconociendo y controlando sus reacciones frente a retos y obstculos. Articula saberes de diversos campos y establece relaciones entre ellos y su vida cotidiana. Asume una actitud constructiva, congruente con los conocimientos y habilidades con lo que cuenta dentro de distintos equipos de trabajo.

8. Participa y colabora de manera efectiva en equipos diversos.

Competencias disciplinares
Competencias 1. Identifica, ordena e interpreta las ideas, datos y conceptos explcitos e implcitos en un texto, considerando el contexto en el que se gener y en el que se recibe. 5. Expresa ideas y conceptos en composiciones coherentes y creativas, con introducciones, desarrollo y conclusiones claras. 10. Identifica e interpreta la idea general y posible desarrollo de un mensaje oral o escrito en una segunda lengua, recurriendo a conocimientos previos, elementos no verbales y contexto cultural. 11. Se comunica en una lengua extranjera mediante un discurso lgico, oral o escrito, congruente con la situacin comunicativa. 12. Utiliza las tecnologas de la informacin y comunicacin para investigar, resolver problemas, producir materiales y transmitir informacin. Elementos de competencia Argumenta Interpreta Investiga

Resultados de aprendizaje de la asignatura respecto a la competencia

Desarrolla e implementa un weblog en ingls para difundir temas y opiniones de inters para los estudiantes.

Relacin con otras disciplinas

TICs. Usa las tecnologas como recurso de investigacin, produccin de materiales y como transmisores y receptores de informacin general. Taller de lectura y Redaccin. Redaccin de escritos, comprensin de lectura para la resolucin de preguntas. CTSyV II. Promueve fines colaborativos y ticos.

Tema integrador

Concepto fundamental
Avances de la Humanidad

Concepto subsidiario
Campo Social Campo Tecnolgico

Concepto(s) subsidiario(s) de primer nivel


Diversidad, Espacio, Tiempo, Energa, Materia

Tiempo programado
25 horas/clase

Mapa de contenidos de la secuencia

Dimensiones de la competencia

Conceptual (aprender a conocer): Inferencias Verbos Vocabulario Procedimental (aprender a hacer): Pedir y dar informacin Interpretar ideas Crear escritos simples en una segunda lengua Elaborar dilogos simples Traducir textos literarios Actitudinal (aprender a ser): Responsabilidad Respeto Solidaridad Libertad

Desarrollo de la Secuencia Formativa Actividades de apertura

Atencin! STUDENT: Always have with you a list of verbs and a dictionary during all this Secuencia. GF_InglesV_Rubrica1_Sec3_2012 TEACHER: Check the material!
Tareas y material Fecha: Nivel E 10 Aspectos Seguimiento las tareas de El alumno cumple al 100% con la tarea asignada y el material solicitado, los entrega a tiempo y atiende los requerimientos de stos. El alumno cumple entre el 80 y menos del 100% con la tarea asignada y el material solicitado, entrega fuera de tiempo, tiene causa justificable y atiende la mayora de los requerimientos de stos. El alumno cumple con el 70% de la tarea asignada y el material solicitado, los entrega a tiempo pero atiende la mayora de los requerimientos solicitados, o los entrega a tiempo y atiende un porcentaje aceptable de los requerimientos. El alumno cumple con el 60% de la tarea asignada y el material solicitado e incumple casi en su totalidad con los requerimientos de stos. B 9/8 S 7 RM 6

In Reading Comprehension we INFER facts and details which are directly stated or implied in the text. a) Read the next extract This painful love that is evident in my heart I know I feel it, and I do not know the cause why I feel it. I feel a big agony by achieving a delirium that starts as a desire and ends as a melancholy b) Choose the correct options that can be inferred from the passage. A) She thinks love is an unpredictable feeling. B) This short paragraph is a kind of literary text. C) It is evident that she is gleefully in love. D) She is suffering for one love. c) Discuss the answer with your group.



a) Enjoy the reading THE BEST FRIENDS OF THE WORLD Hanna and I are the best friends in the world. We both call us sisters because we are so closed and we love each other so much. We met us since we were little girls because our parents have a good relationship. At present, she is 17 years old and I am younger with some months. We enjoy being together and talk about our day in our school CECyTEH. We frequently have lunch together and after that we do our school tasks, of course, sometimes we do not finish at the same time. But we do not lose the time to watch The Simpsons. That is our favorite program and we eat popcorns and candies. We spend our weekends doing funny things and we enjoy them a lot when we go to the theaters. They are wonderful! Hanna has a pet called Cuca and she has a small house in the garden where she can stay at night and she takes care of our houses and barks when something strange happens. It is so sad to say that I do not have pets, but my mother has health problems with animals. Anyway, I love Cuca and Hanna shares it with me. In the future I know that many things are going to happen between Hanna and I because we will go for different directions, but I hope to be her friend for the rest of our lives. GF_InglesV_Imagen1_Sec3_2012.doc b) Write or circle the correct answer for the next questions. 1. Circle the correct inference about Tila and Hanna. A) Hanna is shorter than Tila. B) Hanna is younger than Tila. C) Tila is Shorter than Hanna D) Hanna is the oldest. 2. Select the correct deduction about Tila and Hanna. A) They live in the same house B) Tilas house is next to Hannas home. C) They live in different neighborhoods. D) Hanna lives far from Tilas house 3. Choose the correct conclusion about the reading. A) Tila and Hanna are in the same group and in the same school. B) They study different grades, but in the same school. C) Tila and Hanna are in different groups, but in the same school. D) They study the same grade, but in different schools. 4. Select the proper option that describes what Cuca is. A) A dog B) A friend C) A woman D) An alarm 5. Deduce what Tilas mother problem is implied in the reading. A) She disapproves the friendship between her daughter and Hanna. B) She hopes Hanna gives her daughter one puppy in her birthday. C) She is allergic to the animals and for that reason Tila cannot get a pet. D) She does not want that Tila has a pet because they have many animals. c) Discuss the answers in your group. Exercise 1 a) Read the next extract of a song and infer. This Romeo is bleeding


But you cant see his blood its nothing but some feelings that this old dog kicked up. Its been raining since you left me now Im drowning in the flood you see Ive always been a fighter but without you I give up. Now I cant sing a love song like the way its meant to be well, I guess Im not that good anymore but baby, thats just me

1. Deduce why the name Romeo is in the fragment. A) It is the authors name. B) It is the name of the most important character in the play. C) It is related with the famous characters passion and love. D) It is the name of an old dog. 2. Select the correct option that can be inferred from the fragment. A) The fragment is part of a literary novel B) The fragment is part of a melody C) The fragment is part of a poem D) The fragment is part of a letter 3. Infer the message of the third paragraph. A) A girl broke his heart and he cant show happiness like in the past. B) He is the man that he used to be in the past. C) A girl left him and he is a bad man who hurts everybody. D) A girl physically hurts him a lot that he cant sing anymore. 4. Identify what the phrase his blood refers to. A) The authors blood B) The famous characters blood C) The dogs blood. D) Romeos blood. 5. Write the reason why do you think he is bleeding?
a) Check your answers with the whole class and then evaluate yourself.


a) Take out a literal paragraph from a Spanish song. After that, translate it to English. b) Check it with your teacher. c) Make an inferring question about your text. d) Take five photocopies. e) Make groups of six. Share your photocopies with the other five of your classmates and fill the next chart.

Students name 1.


inferred information





a) Change your work. Verify the answers, correct, and evaluate your classmate.

Rbrica 3 Desarrollo y complementacin de ejercicios Date: Nivel 10 9-8 Aspectos El ejercicio fue complementado de forma correcta y sin errores. El ejercicio fue complementado casi de forma correcta con pocos errores en un 90 u 80%. El ejercicio fue complementado teniendo una precisin del 70% siendo ms reactivos incorrectos que correctos. El ejercicio fue complementado de forma casi totalmente incorrecta.

Nombre del estudiante que revis la actividad: ______________________________________________________________


ERRORES TPICOS True answers are not correct in inferring questions. The use of same words is not suitable in inferring. SUGERENCIA Think about the results when you infer.

Ejercicio: Actividades de desarrollo

Example 1 Infer the next vocabulary Female parent: Male parent: Male child of the parents: Female child of the parents: Girl related with the other children of her parents: Exercise 1 a) Complete the next exercise Boy related with the other children of his parents: Fathers or mothers father: Fathers or mothers mother: Girl related with her parents parents: Boy related with her parents parents: Father's or mother's brother: Father's or mother's sister: Sister's or brother's son: Sister's or brother's daughter: Married woman: Married man:

___Mother___________ ___Father___________ ___Son_____________ ___Daughter_________ ___Sister____________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________

a) Compare your answers with your class.

Desarrollo y complementacin de ejercicios Fecha: Nivel Aspectos Llenado ejercicio C (10) del Complemento el ejercicio de forma correcta y sin errores. Entiende la idea completa con los detalles implcitos Muestra total inters y participacin en el desarrollo de la actividad. I (9) Complemento el ejercicio entre un 90% u 80% correctamente. Entiende el 90 u 80% de la idea complete y los detalles implcitos Muestra inters y participacin ante el desarrollo de la actividad, pero con un poco de confusin y ansiedad. BA (8) Complemento correctamente el 70% del ejercicio. Entiende en un 70% la idea completa y los detalles implcitos Realiza la actividad, pero no muestra total inters en el desarrollo de sta. BI (7) El ejercicio es correcto en un 60%. No entiende casi todos los detalles de la idea ni los detalles implcitos Se muestra indiferente ante el desarrollo de la actividad presentando la actividad de otro alumno.

Comprensin de la idea Actitud


Role Play a) Ask some of your classmates the next question and complete the chart.

WHO DO YOU LIVE WITH? Students Name Family members


a) Give the next Rubric to your teacher.

Role-Play Fecha: Nivel Aspectos Comprensin de la idea Construccin oraciones de Entiende la idea completa con los detalles implcitos El alumno siempre construye oraciones coherentes, utiliza correctamente las estructuras gramaticales y su ortografa se manifiesta sin error. Pronuncia correctamente todas las palabras. Nivela su voz escuchndose correctamente todas las palabras. Entiende el 90 u 80% de la idea complete y los detalles implcitos El alumno casi siempre construye oraciones coherentes, utiliza las estructuras gramaticales y su ortografa presenta mnimas fallas. Pronuncia correctamente las palabras cometiendo errores mnimos. Nivela su voz escuchndose correctamente las palabras, pero comete errores mnimos. Expresa con rapidez y claridad casi todas las palabras. Muestra inters y participacin ante el desarrollo de la actividad, pero con un poco de confusin y ansiedad. Entiende en un 70% la idea completa y los detalles implcitos El alumno la mayora de las veces construye oraciones coherentes, utiliza las estructuras gramaticales y su ortografa acusa algunos errores importantes. Existe poca claridad en la pronunciacin de las palabras. No nivela su voz escuchndose con poca claridad las palabras. No entiende casi todos los detalles de la idea ni los detalles implcitos El alumno rara vez construye oraciones coherentes, utiliza de manera inadecuada las estructuras gramaticales y su ortografa presenta serias deficiencias. E 10 B 9/8 S 7 RM 6


No hay claridad en la pronunciacin de palabras. No nivela su voz, por lo que no se escuchan correctamente todas las palabras.




Expresa con rapidez y claridad todas las palabras. Muestra total inters y participacin en el desarrollo de la actividad.

Expresa con poca rapidez y claridad las palabras. Realiza la actividad, pero no muestra total inters en el desarrollo de sta.

Expresa con lentitud y sin mucha claridad todas las palabras. Se muestra indiferente ante el desarrollo de la actividad presentando la actividad de otro alumno.

Individual work a) Read the text TYPES OF FAMILIES 1 We immediately relate this topic with the members to whom we are affiliated, but according to anthropologists there are different types of families. This concept classifies a variety of groups of people related according to a consanguinity, affinity or co-residence relationship. Thus, relatives are not only connected because of terms of "blood as it is believed. GF_InglesV_Imagen3_Sec3_2012 7 For example, a conjugal family includes only the husband, the wife, and unmarried children that are commonly known as a nuclear family. On the other hand, a consanguineal family consists of parents with their children and other people. They are generally all together in one property because they do not have good economic status in order to live separately. And matrifocal families only consider a parent with her or his children. Usually, these kids are biological, although adoption is a practice in nearly every society. 15 As it is noticed, there are different kinds of families in the world; therefore you are part of one of them. And even when they get different names, the most important thing is to be together, share dreams and unforgettable moments in order to create that close relationship between family members.

a) Answer the next questions about the reading 1. What does the word blood mean? ___________________________________________________________ 2. What does the phrase this concept in line 3 refers to? _____________________________________________________________ 3. Why are families associated by affinity? _____________________________________________________________ 4. Deduce what type of family is this: Single mother, daughter, grandfather, grandmother, and nephew. _____________________________________________________________ 5. Determine what the word them in line 16 refers to
A) Families B) Children C) Parents D) People 1. Define what type of family you and your classmate have. Use the information of the role play chart.


Type of family


a) Compare your answers with other of your classmates and evaluate yourselves.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

Kid To swim Lagoon Crocodile Mother Scream Scar Heart Passion To fight To save a life

( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )

A muscular organ and the center of the human emotions. Any emotion as fear, love, or hate. To oppose physically or in a battle. To rescue or preserve from harm or danger. A child. A mark left after a wound, burn, or surgery. A large, lizard-like reptile with massive jaws. To move through water by moving arms and legs. To shout with fear or pain. A female parent. A shallow lake or pond.

Make a short text giving your opinion about this topic.



Researchers have shown that music has many uses. Do you know some of them? a) Fill the chart and share your information with your classmates.


SOME KINDS OF MUSIC Reggae Rock Hard Rock Rap Classical Latin Hip-Hop a) Answer the question. What kind of music do you like?

New Age


Blues Oldies


a) Answer the questions. 1. Whats your name? 2. Do you like music? 3. What kind of music do you like? 4. Do you listen to music when you are studying for an exam? 5. What kind of music do you listen when you are studying? 6. What is the effect on you of studying and listening to music at the same time?

Desarrollo y complementacin de ejercicios

Fecha: Nivel Aspectos Llenado ejercicio del C (10) Complemento el ejercicio de forma correcta y sin errores. El alumno siempre construye oraciones coherentes, utiliza correctamente las estructuras gramaticales y su ortografa se manifiesta sin error. Muestra total inters y participacin en el desarrollo de la actividad. I (9) Complemento el ejercicio entre un 90% u 80% correctamente. El alumno casi siempre construye oraciones coherentes, utiliza las estructuras gramaticales y su ortografa presenta mnimas fallas. BA (8) Complemento correctamente el 70% del ejercicio. El alumno la mayora de las veces construye oraciones coherentes, utiliza las estructuras gramaticales y su ortografa acusa algunos errores importantes. Realiza la actividad, pero no muestra total inters en el desarrollo de sta. BI (7) El ejercicio es correcto en un 60%. El alumno rara vez construye oraciones coherentes, utiliza de manera inadecuada las estructuras gramaticales y su ortografa presenta serias deficiencias. Se muestra indiferente ante el desarrollo de la actividad presentando la actividad de otro alumno.

Construccin de oraciones


Muestra inters y participacin ante el desarrollo de la actividad, pero con un poco de confusin y ansiedad.


Role Play a) Go around to the classroom. Ask and complete.

MUSIC AND EXAMS Study with music







a) Skim the article for extracting the vocabulary you dont know. Then read and answer the questions. Best Study Music Choosing The Best Study Music Is Key! Written by Kristina

usic serves many purposes but for many of us they are only regulated leisure or pleasure. When we want to let go and just have fun but music is much more than that. For years music has been used as to help and heal individuals both emotionally and mentally. It is that mental aspect that is so important because music equals brainpower. It enhances one's ability to learn and process information more effectively and can help aid in the studying and retention process. So if you're looking for some music to get you through midterms read on. One such study supporting this evidence is the Mozart Effect. In his book, The Mozart Effect, author Dr. Campbell recommends the best study music is classical and Baroque music as it is at least 60 beats per minute which is conducive to the pace when studying. That genre of music is said to activate both, the right and left brain, engaging both in the learning process that maximizes the potential and capability of memorization and recall. However, a few musicologists disagree with Campbell's view and say that the best study music that is conducive to studying is the music preference of the individual. Choosing the best study music is key in not letting it hinder your concentration in the learning process. Whether the best study music is Classical, Pop, Rock, Jazz or whatever you choose, the best study music should be the type of music you enjoy and suits you best. There are three ways to study to music and choosing the best study music. The best study music for you should depend on the method you choose. The first method to find the best study music is to engage learning and listening skills for comprehension. When using this type of method experts suggest the best study music to use is classical, Baroque, Techno or New age, ambient music. In all, the options are endless although some experts note that in choosing music one should listen to instrumental pieces versus those that include vocals but in the end it's all a matter of taste. From songs like Pachebel's Cannon to Fleetwood Mac's Landslide music can have a wonderful technical precision or heartwrenching beauty and tenderness that can make you lose yourself in. The best music to study to and learn by is the music you love and for some that could mean one genre or many. To find that out it's best to vary the types of music you listen to from classical, to pop and jazz experimenting with all the different types available will help find the music that fits you best.

1. Why music is called brainpower? _____________________________________________________________ 2. Why music is good a method for learning? _____________________________________________________________ 3. What does the phrase experimenting with all the different types available will help find the music that fits you best mean? _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________

a) Form teams of five. Select two students from your lists in order to fill the comparative chart. State, at least, five advantages and eight disadvantages about Studying with music.


Comparison Chart Date: Level Aspects Desarrolla correctamente el tema con ideas originales y sustentadas. Preseta una comparacin clara, correcta, precisa y relevante acorde al tema. El alumno siempre construye oraciones coherentes, utiliza correctamente las estructuras gramaticales y su ortografa se manifiesta sin error. El alumno cumple al 100% con la tarea asignada y el material solicitado, los entrega a tiempo y atiende los requerimientos solicitados. Desarrolla con pequeas impresiciones el tema dando ideas poco sustentadas. Presenta una comparacin clara, correcta y precisa en cuanto al tema a desarrollar. El alumno casi siempre construye oraciones coherentes, utiliza las estructuras gramaticales y su ortografa presenta mnimas fallas. El alumno cumple entre el 80 y menos del 100% con la tarea asignada y el material solicitado, entrega fuera de tiempo, tiene causa justificable y atiende la mayora de los requerimientos solicitados. El estudiante la mayora de las veces participa con entusiasmo, solidaridad y en un marco de respeto. Su interaccin con el equipo es buena. Desarrolla el tema con ideas poco sustentadas. Trata de explicar el tema, pero las ideas no son sustentadas. E 10 B 9/8 S 7 RM 6



Presenta una comparacin clara y precisa, pero no es siempre correcta y precisa. El alumno la mayora de las veces construye oraciones coherentes, utiliza las estructuras gramaticales y su ortografa acusa algunos errores importantes. El alumno cumple con el 70% de la tarea asignada y el material solicitado, los entrega a tiempo atiendiendo la mayora de los requerimientos y cubre un porcentaje aceptable de los requerimientos.

Presenta un contexto que carece de razonamiento y precisin.

Construccin de oraciones

El alumno rara vez construye oraciones coherentes, utiliza de manera inadecuada las estructuras gramaticales y su ortografa presenta serias deficiencias. El alumno cumple con el 60% de la tarea asignada y el material solicitado e incumple casi en su totalidad con los requerimientos solicitados.


Trabajo en equipo

El estudiante siempre participa con entusiasmo, solidaridad y en un marco de respeto. Su interaccin en el equipo es altamente productiva y persuasiva.

El estudiante a veces participa con entusiasmo, solidaridad y en un marco de respeto. Su interaccin en el equipo es aceptable.

El estudiante rara vez participa con entusiasmo, solidaridad y en un marco de respeto. Su interaccin en el equipo no es la adecuada, incumple y genera distractores.


a) Relate the columns.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

Kid To swim Lagoon Crocodile Mother Scream Scar Heart Passion To fight To save a life

( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )

A muscular organ and the center of the human emotions. Any emotion as fear, love, or hate. To oppose physically or in a battle. To rescue or preserve from harm or danger. A child. A mark left after a wound, burn, or surgery. A large, lizard-like reptile with massive jaws. To move through water by moving arms and legs. To shout with fear or pain. A female parent. A shallow lake or pond.

a) Check your answers

Desarrollo y complementacin de ejercicios Fecha: Nivel Aspectos Llenado ejercicio C (10) del Complemento el ejercicio de forma correcta y sin errores. Entiende la idea completa con los detalles implcitos Muestra total inters y participacin en el desarrollo de la actividad. I (9) Complemento el ejercicio entre un 90% u 80% correctamente. Entiende el 90 u 80% de la idea complete y los detalles implcitos Muestra inters y participacin ante el desarrollo de la actividad, pero con un poco de confusin y ansiedad. BA (8) Complemento correctamente el 70% del ejercicio. Entiende en un 70% la idea completa y los detalles implcitos Realiza la actividad, pero no muestra total inters en el desarrollo de sta. BI (7) El ejercicio es correcto en un 60%.

Comprensin de la idea Actitud

No entiende casi todos los detalles de la idea ni los detalles implcitos Se muestra indiferente ante el desarrollo de la actividad presentando la actividad de otro alumno.

a) Predict the correct title for our new reading. Use the vocabulary above. A) Fighting and saving a life B) Swimming in the lake C) Love scars D) The kid, his mother, and the crocodile b) Write your predictions about its content. _______________________________________________________________ a) Go to the reading and put a tick on the happy face if your prediction was right or put a tick on the sad face if you were wrong.


a) Read the next reflection Reflection BookVolume II 1 One sunny summer day, one kid decided to swim in a lagoon that was behind his house. He was into the water and he didnt realize there was a crocodile there. His mother saw it from her house. She was terrified and run so fast. Shescreamed so louder to prevent her child. He started to swim directly to his mother, but it was late. 10 She took his arms and she fought with all her heart and passion. So a neighbor listened to the desperate screams and he took his gun. 14 The boy survived. His legs were so damaged; however, he could walk again. 17 When he was out of the hospital one reporter asked him if he could see his scars. He rolled up his sleeves and said: You have to see these, I have them because my mother didnt give up and she saved my life. a) Answer the next questions.

1. Infer why the crocodile was in the lake A) It was catching the sun. B) It is common in tropical streams. C) It was acting for a movie. D) It is a common pet in tropical climate. 2. What does the word it in line 5 refer to? _______________________________________________________________ 3. What do you infer from the phrase but it was late in line 9? _______________________________________________________________ 4. Conclude why the mothers kid fought with all her heart and passion. A) She loves her son and she struggled to save his sons life. B) She struggled to save her kid from the crocodile. C) She is a wrestling that fights with her best feelings. D) She is a crocodile tamer and that was only a proof. 5. What do you deduce that the neighbors kid did? _______________________________________________________________ 6. What does the word these in line 20 refer to? _______________________________________________________________
b. Form groups of five students. c. Infer the ethical message of the reading and write it in the box. d. Check your work.



Date: Level E 10 B 9/8 S 7 RM 6

Aspects Deduce correctamente el tema Concluye correctamente todos los hechos y detalles implcitos en el texto Determina correctamente y fcilmente cada uno de los referentes solicitados Muestra total inters y participacin en el desarrollo de la actividad. Deduce el tema teniendo pocos errors. Concluye la mayora de los hechos y detalles implcitos en el texto Determina la mayora de los referentes solicitados Muestra inters y participacin ante el desarrollo de la actividad, pero con un poco de confusin y ansiedad. Deduce el tema teniendo algunos erroes Concluye algunos hechos y detalles implcitos en el texto Determina algunos de los referentes solicitados Se le dificulta deducir el tema. Concluye pocos hechos y detalles implcitos en el texto




Determina la minora de los referentes solicitados


Realiza la actividad, pero no muestra total inters en el desarrollo de sta.

Se muestra indiferente ante el desarrollo de la actividad presentando la actividad de otro alumno.

SOUP OF LETTERS a) Find these words: base, feeling, aspect, abstract, science, psychology, cognitive, relationship, chemical, pure. b) Use colors. R E L A T I O N S H I P X X F


Ejercicio a) According to the found words, predict what the topic of the reading is.

b) Discuss with your group

Lista de Cotejo 2 Calificacin 10 Detalles Conectaste todas las palabras y la prediccin es totalmente correcta. Tu prediccin es casi perfecta, solo que algunas palabras no fueron correctamente conectadas. Conectaste algunas palabras, pero la idea no fue plenamente desarrollada. Conectaste algunas palabras, pero la idea es absolutamente vana.


a) Read the article.

Love Stages 1 Love has different aspects based on science, psychology and the confused abstract meanings where interpersonal relationships involve deep and indescribable feelings. 4 Helen Fisher, an expert in the topic of love, divides the experience of it in three stages. Lust is the first desire that encourage giving the first step in the relationship. It involves chemicals such as testosterone and estrogen. Its effects rarely last more than a few weeks or months. Attraction is the more individualized and romantic desire for a mate. Neurosciences have indicated that people who fall in love liberate a certain set of chemicals (pheromones, dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin) from their brains, which act in a manner similar to amphetamines. The side effects are: increased heart rate, loss of appetite and sleep, and an intense feeling of excitement. This stage generally lasts from one and a half to three years. And in the third stage, attachment, promotes lasting relationships. It is generally based on commitments such as sharing of interests, marriage and children. It has been linked to higher levels of oxytocin and vasopressin chemicals in a greater degree than the other stages. 18 According to the psychologists, love is described as a cognitive and social phenomenon. Robert Sternberg formulated a triangular theory. He argued that

the first form is intimacy in which two people share confidences and various details of their personal lives, shown in love affairs. Commitment, on the other hand, is the belief that the relationship is permanent. The last and most common form of love is sexual attraction and passion. Passionate love is shown in obsession as well as romantic love. All forms of love are viewed as varying combinations of these three components. In recent years, various human bonding theories have been developed, described in terms of affection, bonds, and affinities. 28 Finally, in the abstract, love involves the purest and the greatest feeling in the world for a person, a thing, and oneself. But the true is this concept has changed over time in the whole aspects because of some irresponsible, useless, and untrue information on the net and magazines. For that reason, read factual information that helps you being apart from love traps.
b. Answer the reading questions. 1. Determine the correct title of the reading. A) Love and its chemicals B) Basic aspects of love C) The purest feeling in the love D) The cognitive and social side of the love 2. What does the word it in line 6 mean? 3. Deduce what kind of stage pointed out the next situation according to the chemical basis. You feel butterflies in your stomach when you see your mate and you have dating for more than two years. 4. Write where this text was taken from. 5. What does the phrase this stage in line 12 refer to? 6. What does the phrase this concept in line 29 refer to?
Love Stages Date: Level E 10 B 9/8 S 7 RM 6

Aspects Llenado ejercicio del Complemento el ejercicio de forma correcta y sin errores. Deduce correctamente el tema Concluye correctamente todos los hechos y detalles implcitos en el texto Determina correctamente y fcilmente cada uno de los referentes solicitados Muestra total inters y participacin en el desarrollo de la actividad. Complemento el ejercicio entre un 90% u 80% correctamente. Deduce el tema teniendo pocos errors. Concluye la mayora de los hechos y detalles implcitos en el texto Determina la mayora de los referentes solicitados Complemento correctamente el 70% del ejercicio. Deduce el tema teniendo algunos erroes Concluye algunos hechos y detalles implcitos en el texto Determina algunos de los referentes solicitados El ejercicio es correcto en un 60%. Se le dificulta deducir el tema. Concluye pocos hechos y detalles implcitos en el texto




Determina la minora de los referentes solicitados


Muestra inters y participacin ante el desarrollo de la actividad, pero con un poco de confusin y ansiedad.

Realiza la actividad, pero no muestra total inters en el desarrollo de sta.

Se muestra indiferente ante el desarrollo de la actividad presentando la actividad de otro alumno.


TEENAGE FASHION: WHAT'S COOL NOW? Teenagers are incredibly fussy about how they look, often obsessing over details that don't seem important to adults.


CLOTHES VOCABULARY LA ROPA Belt - cinturn Beret - boina Bikini - bikini Blouse - blusa Boots - botas Bowtie - pajarita Bra - sujetador Braces - tirantes Button - botn Cap - gorra Cardigan - rebeca Coat - abrigo Dress - vestido Laces - cordones Cufflinks - gemelos Diner jacket - smoking Dress - vestido Dressing-gown - bata Gloves - guantes Hat - sombrero High heels- tacones altos Jacket - chaqueta Jeans - vaqueros Jersey - jersey Jumper - jersey Knickers - bragas Nightdress - camisn Mini-skirt - mini-falda Associated Vocabulary Overall - mono Underpants - calzoncillos Pyjamas - pijama Raincoat - impermeable Sandals - sandalias Scarf - bufanda Shirt -camisa Shoes - zapatos Shorts - pantalones cortos Skirt - falda Slippers - pantunflas Socks - calcetines Stiletto - tacn de aguja Stockings - medias Suit - traje Suspender - liguero Sweater - jersey Sweatshirt - sudadera Swimming costume - baador "t" shirt - camiseta Tie - corbata Tights - panty Tracksuit - chandal Trousers - pantalones Uniform - uniforme Waistcoat - chaleco Wellingtons - botas de goma Zip - cremallera

Changing room - probador Get dressed - vestirse It fits you - le sienta bien (tamao) It suits you - le sienta bien Match - hacer juego con Naked - desnudo Put on - poner Size - talla

Shoe size - numero de zapatos Take off - quitar Too tight - demasiado pequeo Try on - probar Undress - desnudarse Waist - cintura Wear - llevar puesto

Role Play a) Ask your classmates the next questions and complete. 1. What is your opinion on what to wear on a first date? 2. Do you spend any time deciding what to wear on a first date? 3. Is spending time deciding on what to wear on a first date, important, or anything goes? 4. Are you confused on what to wear on a first date?


a) Evaluate the activity.

Role-Play Fecha: Nivel Aspectos Comprensin de la idea Construccin oraciones de Entiende la idea completa con los detalles implcitos El alumno siempre construye oraciones coherentes, utiliza correctamente las estructuras gramaticales y su ortografa se manifiesta sin error. Pronuncia correctamente todas las palabras. Nivela su voz escuchndose correctamente todas las palabras. Entiende el 90 u 80% de la idea complete y los detalles implcitos El alumno casi siempre construye oraciones coherentes, utiliza las estructuras gramaticales y su ortografa presenta mnimas fallas. Pronuncia correctamente las palabras cometiendo errores mnimos. Nivela su voz escuchndose correctamente las palabras, pero comete errores mnimos. Expresa con rapidez y claridad casi todas las palabras. Muestra inters y participacin ante el desarrollo de la actividad, pero con un poco de confusin y ansiedad. Entiende en un 70% la idea completa y los detalles implcitos El alumno la mayora de las veces construye oraciones coherentes, utiliza las estructuras gramaticales y su ortografa acusa algunos errores importantes. Existe poca claridad en la pronunciacin de las palabras. No nivela su voz escuchndose con poca claridad las palabras. No entiende casi todos los detalles de la idea ni los detalles implcitos El alumno rara vez construye oraciones coherentes, utiliza de manera inadecuada las estructuras gramaticales y su ortografa presenta serias deficiencias. E 10 B 9/8 S 7 RM 6


No hay claridad en la pronunciacin de palabras. No nivela su voz, por lo que no se escuchan correctamente todas las palabras.




Expresa con rapidez y claridad todas las palabras. Muestra total inters y participacin en el desarrollo de la actividad.

Expresa con poca rapidez y claridad las palabras. Realiza la actividad, pero no muestra total inters en el desarrollo de sta.

Expresa con lentitud y sin mucha claridad todas las palabras. Se muestra indiferente ante el desarrollo de la actividad presentando la actividad de otro alumno.

a) Read the article. WHAT TO WEAR ON A FIRST DATE What to Wear on a First Date (Men)

For a first date I'm a huge stickler when it comes to sneakers and I personally believe they are a huge no-no unless the occasion calls Most men just wear whatever is comfortable, or in for them (these occasions would be something like a baseball game some cases clean, without giving much thought or other sporting event, or maybe walking your dogs.) What to wear on what to wear on a first date and without taking on a first date, definitely not sneakers. into account how they look to women. A woman

hen it comes to what to wear on a first date, women can sometimes seem like creatures from another planet or Venus as we like to say. Men are not very aware of the fact that they should spend time deciding what to wear on a first date. Giving thought on what to wear on a first date is important because what men wear on a first date can make or break them when it comes to the object of their affections. That is why men should ask, what to wear on a first date.

appreciates when a man puts in a little effort in deciding what to wear on a first date so he can look nice for her. A nice jacket goes a long way fellas! When deciding on what to wear on a first date, think jacket! If you're completely clueless on what to wear on a first date, and what women want, then keep reading to learn what to wear on a first date.

What to wear first date regarding shoes, you should choose a nice, simple loafer. Loafers are perfect because they go with jeans for casual or a suit for dressy so you're covered for either type of occasion. What to wear on a first date when it comes to shoes, think loafers. As I've already said, cleanliness is very important to women so give your loafers a nice shine before putting them on (later you'll thank me for this tip). What to wear on a first date, clean shoes.

The best outfit you can wear is a pair of dark wash jeans, a nice shirt, and loafers. This outfit is casual, but it looks like you still put in the effort to impress her. What to Wear on a First Date (Women)

You only have 20 minutes until he gets to your apartment and you're still standing in front of the closet trying to decide what to wear on a first date. Nothing looks good enough! Although you have spent days preparing what to wear on a first date, now that the time has come, you can't decide what to wear on a first date. You're date is on his It's pretty much implied in the title: Do not wear some way and you still haven't decided what to wear on a first ratty t-shirt with your favorite football teams' name date. on it! Wearing some dirty or even clean t-shirt tells your date that you gave no thought on what to wear on a first date and you really don't care what she That shirt makes you look fat! What type of outfit does he thinks of you, therefore you don't care about her. like on a girl?! You ask, what to wear on a first date. This (Don't blame me, it's just the way a woman's mind scenario is very common among women and we could all works.) What to wear on a first date, definitely not tuse some tips on what to wear on a first date. It's shirts. incredibly difficult to know what men want, and what they want women to wear, especially when on a first date you Unless you are taking your date to a very expensive probably don't know the guy all that well, the question restaurant where it's required that you wear a nice remains, what to wear on a first date. As we all say, Men suit, save it for the office. You don't want to be overly are from mars, women are from Venus, and this couldn't dressed and look like an idiot when you go be more true when it comes to dating. So, what to wear on somewhere that isn't that fancy, and you also don't a first date? Keep reading for some tips on what to wear on a first date so you can finally start feeling confident around want to intimidate the woman your with. that cute guy you've been crushing on. If you do choose to wear a suit, try to keep it Here we are giving you some tips to look gorgeous on that somewhat casual by ditching the tie. A nice pair of special day. pants, a nice shirt, and a jacket can look good if you wear it correctly.
7 Tips to Wow Him 1. Ask him where youre going ahead of time so you can dress appropriately You dont want to be the girl who looks like she wanted to wear a fancy dress and strappy heels to a baseball game, youll just look like you dont belong with your date. 2. Wear what you feel comfortable in A first date is not the time to break in your new sky high pumps. Dressing like yourself will give you more confidence and your date will actually see the real you!
3. Dont dress too high maintenance Your girlfriends might appreciate your new Louis Vuitton purse but most guys dont know a Gucci from a Pucci. Dressing in too many designer labels can make you look not only high maintenance but like a gold digger as well. 4. Dress sexy, not slutty-theres a difference You dont want to dress so conservative that you look like you have to be back at the monastery by 9:00 and you dont want to look like you just got off your shift at the strip club; balance is key. Show a little skin but in something that looks classy and chic. The outfit above is perfect for a date night as there is some leg showing but she keeps it classy by being covered up top.


5. Dont wear any crazy trends If you want to look trendy then go for something like wide-leg pants (which are currently in style) and not something that only looks good on the runway. Remember those knee-high gladiator sandals? Dont even think about it. 6. Wear what shows off your best assets If you have great legs then flaunt them in a cute skirt and if you have great arms wear a tank top or a sundress. A first date is the time to be at your best. 7. Dress feminine and romantic Think soft materials and soft colors. Its been proven that when men see a woman in soft material like silk it subconsciously makes them want to protect her. Put on some soft fabric and wait for your date to turn into your knight in shining armor. a) Answer the next questions. 1. What do you usually wear on your fist date? 2. What is the biggest mistake that you made on a first date according to this topic? 3. Infer why is it important to look nice on your first date? b) Make an essay giving your point of view according this topic. Use the given information and look for more.
CRITERIOS/NIVEL Introduccin Excelente (10) Expone claramente el objetivo y la organizacin del trabajo. Capta la atencin inmediatamente del lector con una narrativa que no deja duda de sus argumentos. Realiza un proceso argumentativo de sus ideas con base en citas, ejemplos, experiencias, entre otros para fundamentar la idea principal del ensayo sobre la importancia de tomar decisiones ante el tema central basado en el marco legal en actividades ecotursticas y convenios internacionales. Existe congruencia y coherencia en todos sus argumentos con base en informacin y no slo opiniones. Realiza un proceso argumentativo de sus ideas con base en citas, ejemplos, experiencias, entre otros para fundamentar la idea principal del ensayo sobre el tema central basado en el marco legal en actividades ecotursticas y convenios internacionales. Bueno (9-8) Expone claramente el objetivo y la organizacin del trabajo. Capta la atencin inmediatamente del lector. Realiza un proceso argumentativo de sus ideas con base en citas, ejemplos, experiencias, entre otros para fundamentar la idea principal del ensayo sobre la importancia de tomar decisiones ante los temas a abordar (el marco legal en actividades ecotursticas y convenios internacionales). Suficiente (7) Plantea brevemente el objetivo y la organizacin del trabajo. Capta la atencin del lector. Requiere Mejora (6) Plantea algunas ideas en relacin con el objetivo y la organizacin del trabajo.


Realiza un proceso argumentativo de sus ideas sobre el tema central basado en el marco legal y convenios internacionales.

Slo presenta algunos argumentos sin conectar los temas a abordar (marco legal en actividades ecotursticas y convenios internaciones).


Realiza el cierre y una conclusin sobre la importancia de el tema central basado en el marco legal en actividades ecotursticas y convenios internacionales.

Efecta cierre con comentario final breve.


Efecta cierre sin comentario final.

E = Excelente / B = Bueno / S = Satisfactorio / RM = Requiere Mejora

Movie Time Look the next example.

Teacher: Project one picture to the students. Be sure it contains values topics. Students: Enjoy the movie!

Team 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. work Form teams of five. Write a short synopsis about the projected picture. Make a big poster promoting the picture and write the synopsis in it. Get pictures form the net, take them for your own, or make drawings to illustrate your work. Then extract five questions, take into account the reading strategies, predicting and inferring, and reference words to structure them. Present your announcement. Give the Rubric No. 13 to your teacher to evaluate your presentation. Give a copy to the other teams about your questions to answer them.
Presentation Name: Level C (10) Aspects Synopsis Develop briefly, clearly, precisely, and coherently the main idea Express all the sentences with fluency and excellent pronunciation Present a creative, precise, and original work with clear visuals and ideas Develop briefly, clearly, coherently , but not precisely the main idea Express most of the sentences with fluency and correct pronunciation Develop clearly, coherently, but not briefly and precisely the main idea Express some of the sentences with fluency and clear pronunciation Develop a briefly summarize, but without stating the main idea Express few of the sentences with fluency and clear pronunciation Present information from the net I (9) BA (8) Date: BI (7) BB (6)


Express hardly fluently and clearly the words


Present a creative, precise, and original work with some missed details

Present a creative and original work without precision or clear visuals and ideas.

Present a good work, but omitting many details

Present a simple work without creativity, precision, ideas, and/or visuals

Prctica integradora
Team work Form teams of six students. Search for information on the internet about the next topics about love: basic aspects, types of relationships, feeling and emotions, and major relationships, and all the topics that you want. Make a weblog about all these points. Develop a power point presentation in front of your class.


Craven, Miles. Introducing Reading Keys. Ed. Macmillan. 2003 Cruz, Sor Juana Ins de la. Obras completas. Mxico, Porra. 1975 Mahnke, M. K., Duffy C. B. Toefl prepatation course. Macmillan Heinemann. 1996 Zacaula, Frida. Lectura y redaccin de textos. Ed. Santilln, Mxico, D. F. 1999 Enterprise plus teachers book, pre-intermediate Virginia Evans-Jenny Dooley file:///C:/Users/Luz/Documents/Different%20Types%20of%20Love%20Relationships.htm (practica skimming scanning) scanning excersises) (Lope weed drugs reading) (multiple readings) (bully for you)



Pronunciacin Este recopilado de canciones te servir para practicar tu pronunciacin en el idioma. Las sugerencias que te hacemos son:

Escucha la cancin detenidamente siguiendo su letra Sigue la letra Las frases o palabras en las que tengas problemas de pronunciacin, practcalas de forma individual comenzando lentamente hasta obtener el sonido correcto. Escucha repetidamente las canciones, ya que te ayudar a mejorar no solo tu pronunciacin, sino tu gramtica y tu estrategia de traduccin. Si deseas o el docente desea evaluar tu pronunciacin, en los instrumentos de evaluacin se encuentra una lista de cotejo llamada


Firework Katy Perry

Do you ever feel Like a plastic bag Drifting through the wind Wanting to start again Do you ever feel, Feel so paper thin Like a house of cards One blow from caving in Do you ever feel Already buried deep Six feet under screams But no one seems to hear a thing Do you know that there's Still a chance for you Cause there's a spark in you You just gotta Ignite the light And let it shine Just own the night Like the 4th of July Cause baby you're a firework Come on show 'em what you're worth Make 'em go "Ah, ah, ah!" As you shoot across the sky "Ah, ah!" Baby you're a firework Come on let your colors burst Make 'em go "Ah, ah, ah!" You're gonna leave them all in "awe, awe, awe" You don't have to feel Like a wasted space You're original, Cannot be replaced If you only knew What the future holds After a hurricane Comes a rainbow Maybe a reason why All the doors are closed

So you could open one that leads You to the perfect road Like a lightning bolt, Your heart will glow And when it's time, you'll know You just gotta Ignite the light And let it shine Just own the night Like the 4th of July Cause baby you're a firework Come on show 'em what you're worth Make 'em go "Ah, ah, ah!" As you shoot across the sky "Ah, ah!" Baby you're a firework Come on let your colors burst Make 'em go "Ah, ah, ah!" You're gonna leave them all in "awe, awe, awe" Boom, boom, boom Even brighter than the moon, moon, moon It's always been inside of you, you, you And now it's time to let it through Cause baby you're a firework Come on show 'em what you're worth Make 'em go "Ah, ah, ah!" As you shoot across the sky "Ah, ah!" Baby you're a firework Come on let your colors burst Make 'em go "Ah, ah, ah!" You're gonna leave them all in "awe, awe, awe" Boom, boom, boom Even brighter than the moon, moon, moon Boom, boom, boom

Even brighter than the moon, moon, moon


Follow The Leader (feat. Jennifer Lopez) Wisin Y Yandel Follow The Leader (Feat. Jennifer Lopez) Wisin Y Yandel Ol, ol Body, body, body! Historico Ol, ol Don y Yandel Ol, ol, quin? Ol, ol, J-Lo! Ol, ol Baby, the way that I'm working my body Can tell that you already like it I make you lose your cabeza, go loca Baby, we don't even need any music Cause we make the beat when we moving You know that it's making me hot, hot, hot We belong to the night, we belong to the music So let's live in the moment of freedom, Let it get you wild Let's ignite this fire up, across the world we take it up Let me hear you screaming out loud When I say go When I say viva We'll take it low Let's lose control When I say go We'll get it louder Let's make it blow Let's lose control

Follow the leader, follow the leader I wanna see ya, I wanna see ya Follow the leader, follow the leader I wanna see ya, I wanna see ya Ando buscando una latina, creo que la encontr Yo y ella hicimos un clip Regia, pelo largo, Christian Louboutin, cartera Gucci Bella, bien "chic" Los lderes con la diva, combinacin nociva Se juntaron los creando otro hit Damas y caballeros suban las manos arriba Sigan instrucciones, cero presiones Que fluyan sus emociones (Wyrecords) Y djate llevar por el hit Ahora falta que se vaya, dale restrella Conmigo psate de la raya T eres la dura dura, t tienes regalias Rbame un beso Apunta y no falla Let's ignite this fire up, across the world we take it up Let me hear you screaming out loud When I say go When I say viva We'll take it low Let's lose control When I say go We'll get it louder Let's make it blow Let's lose control the leader, follow the leader I wanna see ya, I wanna see ya Follow the leader, follow the leader I wanna see ya, I wanna see ya Follow the leader, follow the leader I wanna see ya, I wanna see ya


Follow the leader, follow the leader I wanna see ya, I wanna see ya Follow the leader, follow the leader I wanna see ya, I wanna see ya


Follow the leader, follow the leader I wanna see ya, I wanna see ya Chequea como la leyenda viviente lo hace Mami, me gusta cuando me provoca Tu pelo, tu piel y tu boca Lo mueves de pies a cabeza Como loca Dicen que la msica sigue y no para Yo la mir directo a la cara Y le digo que me siento hot, hot, hot Soltura Negrita dale hasta el suelo Mucho calor Sudndote el cuello So pay attention to me cause tonight I'm the teacher When I'm on the floor my hips are in charge So follow the moment and just let it guide you Mi gente sexy, let me hear you say yeah Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah Ol, ol Ol, ol Ol, ol Ol, ol When I say go When I say viva We'll take it low Let's lose control When I say go We'll get it louder Let's make it blow Let's lose control Siente el ritmo Follow the leader, follow the leader I wanna see ya, I wanna see ya Follow the leader, follow the leader

I wanna see ya, I wanna see ya Follow the leader, follow the leader I wanna see ya, I wanna see ya Follow the leader, follow the leader I wanna see ya, I wanna see ya


Glad You Came The Wanted The sun goes down The stars come out And all that counts Is here and now My universe Will never be the same I'm glad you came You cast a spell on me, spell on me You hit me like the sky fell on me, fell on me And I decided you look well on me, well on me So let's go somewhere no-one else can see, you and me Turn the lights out now Now I'll take you by the hand Hand you another drink Drink it if you can Can you spend a little time, Time is slipping away, Away from us so stay, Stay with me I can make, Make you glad you came The sun goes down The stars come out And all that counts Is here and now My universe will never be the same I'm glad you came I'm glad you came You cast a spell on me, spell on me You hit me like the sky fell on me, fell on me And I decided you look well on me, well on me So let's go somewhere no-one else can see, you and me Turn the lights out now Now I'll take you by the hand

Hand you another drink Drink it if you can Can you spend a little time, Time is slipping away Away from us so stay, Stay with me I can make, Make you glad you came The sun goes down The stars come out And all that counts Is here and now My universe Will never be the same I'm glad you came I'm glad you came I'm glad you came So glad you came I'm glad you came I'm glad you came The sun goes down The stars come out And all that counts Is here and now My universe Will never be the same I'm glad you came I'm glad you came


Love You Like a Love Song Selena Gomez It's been said and done Every beautiful thought's been already sung And I guess right now, here's another one So your melody will play on and on With the best of them You're beautiful Like a dream come alive, incredible A centerfold miracle, lyrical You've saved my life again And I want you to know baby I, I love you like a love song baby I, I love you like a love song baby I, I love you like a love song baby And I keep hittin re-pe-pe-peat I, I love you like a love song baby I, I love you like a love song baby I, I love you like a love song baby And I keep hittin re-pe-pe-peat Constantly Boy you played through my mind like a symphony There's no way to describe what you do to me You Just do to me what you do And it feels like I've been rescued I've been set free I'm hypnotized by your destiny You're magical, lyrical, beautiful You are I want you to know baby I, I love you like a love song baby I, I love you like a love song baby I, I love you like a love song baby And I keep hittin re-pe-pe-peat I, I love you like a love song baby I, I love you like a love song baby

I, I love you like a love song baby And I keep hittin re-pe-pe-peat No one compares You stand alone To every record I own Music to my heart That's what you're A song that goes on and on I, I love you like a love song baby I, I love you like a love song baby I, I love you like a love song baby And I keep hittin re-pe-pe-peat I, I love you like a love song baby I, I love you like a love song baby I, I love you like a love song baby I love you, like a love song


Our fashionable teenagers: Grace, Will, Marla and Ryan. Photograph: Annie Bundfuss for the Guardian/Photomontage They say spending time with young people keeps you young yourself. Rubbish. I've just spent a day with four teenagers, and I feel about 95. There is nothing like discovering exactly how ancient you appear to the youth of today to put paid to fanciful notions that one is still as we said in my day down with the kids. Example. I asked Will Spratley, 15-year-old music and drama enthusiast, whose style he admired. He pulled out his copy of NME, and flicked to an article about Gorillaz. "I think Damon Albarn looks good," he said. And then he added, helpfully, "He's the lead singer of Blur." Thanks for the tip, son. Ouch. But 'twas ever thus. To be a teenager is to live in a parallel universe to the world of grownups and little kids. Teenagers have their own vocabulary, their own jokes, their own heroes. They scorn our rules, but police their own society with exacting systems of etiquette in which the simple matter of making conversation with a member of the opposite sex is as bound by convention on the top deck of a bus as it ever was when Jane Austen was observing a country dance. At the nub of teenage rebellion is their compulsion to flaunt their difference. Why else do you think they come down to breakfast sporting those white iPod earphones (or in the case of 15-yearold Ryan Noel-Hartley outsize headphones in unignorable fire-engine red) if not to tell the rest of the world that teenage lives are lived to a soundtrack we can't hear, aren't invited to hear, and wouldn't understand even if we did? How do the teenagers of today want to dress? To find out, we asked four teenagers 13-year-old Marla, and 15-year-olds Grace, Will and Ryan to choose and model two outfits of their choice (one casual, one smart) for G2. Fashion styling, it turns out, is second nature to a generation who have grown up with wall-to-wall fashion coverage and are too young to remember a time before Gok and Brix, let alone Trinny and Susannah. All four knew exactly what they wanted and where to find it. The first surprise was the almost complete absence of trends. They are more concerned with what their peers are wearing than they are with what Miuccia Prada is inspired by this season. Neither are they particularly interested in what celebrities are wearing, although the exception that proves the rule was, inevitably, Alexa Chung. (Or, as 13-year-old Marla Zion put it with impressive self-awareness, "being completely predictable, I guess I'd have to say Alexa Chung".) And many of the old rules about how-to-look-cool seem to have fallen by the generational wayside: black, for instance, was largely sidelined in favour of bright colour. Ryan wore a T-shirt with a motif of gunmen against a peace sign "it's by Banksy. He's an artist. It's against war and stuff" which he said was his current favourite piece of clothing, along with a pair of bright yellow Converse. Music played a much bigger role than catwalk fashion. When Ryan, who modelled his smart look "on gentleman R&B singers, like Usher" put on the red headphones, I asked him if they were an accessory, or for listening to music, and he said (politely stating the bleeding obvious to the old lady) that they were for both. Ideally, he said, he'd like a pair in every colour, to coordinate with any outfit. Will Spratley plays guitar and sings in an alternative rock band ("I guess we're a bit like Muse") and gets his fashion as well as his music from the pages of NME. (He doesn't dress like Muse. "They wear colourful shirts," he explains in sombre tones, making this sound like an unfortunate affliction, such as being deaf in one ear.) He liked Kings of Leon's look "in their denim phase" but these days is "more indie". Check shirts and Fred Perry polo shirts rule his wardrobe. The girls, too, mesh clothes with music. Grace Horigan, 15, who came to our shoot after sitting two GCSE exams that day, had chosen a day outfit "for a festival" high-waisted denim shorts, flowing white top, boots, feather necklace while Marla, who has wanted to be in a band "since about year two" is the lead singer and guitarist in a band, Forever Making History, who recently played their first pub gig. She is comfortable on stage, but wrinkles her nose and shakes her hair over her face when I ask her how she would define her own style. "Um. Indie, I guess. Rock." Some things never change. Teenagers are incredibly fussy about how they look, often obsessing over details that don't seem important to adults. When I walk into the studio, Marla is leaning over in front of a mirror, tying a bow fauxnonchalantly into her hair. Five minutes later she is still tying and retying it.

After 10 minutes, still not satisfied, she discards it completely. A few minutes with Ryan reveals the same attention to detail: a watch chosen to match a purple shirt, for instance. Ryan will on occasion "wear trackies, but only if I'm definitely, definitely not leaving the house. And I'd still wear a good T-shirt." On the other hand, teenagers don't "dress up" in the same way we do. I couldn't always tell which were supposed to be their "day" outfits, and which the "evening" ones. Teenage self-consciousness generates a horror of drawing attention to oneself, it seems. (Marla complains that the red Converse she has chosen don't look right because they are "too clean. When I get new shoes, I get all my friends to jump on them a bit to mess them up.") She has a horror of being "the most dressed-up person in the room", she says. Grace, two years older, has begun to channel a more sophisticated look and is more aware of trends, but still injects her look with deliberate scruffiness. Her "evening" outfit is very much like a downplayed, scuffed-up version of Serena van der Woodsen, the Gossip Girl character played by Blake Lively. Achieving the not-looking-very-dressed-up effect takes more effort than you'd think. But recoiling from the notion of obvious glamour neither girl would ever wear heels, because as Grace puts it "no one we know has those kind of parties" but both have a ritual with their friends, which turns getting ready for going out into a party in itself. Marla's friends come to her house and they listen to music and chat while putting on "a lot of dark makeup". Chat about what? "Nothing." Fashion? "No." TV? "Not really. Random stuff. Gossip at school. Boys." Grace and her friends pool their clothes. "We lay them out on a bed, talk about who's already worn what, who wants to wear what, and everyone shares. We borrow my older sister's clothes, too." But despite the involved process, the end result is fairly low key. "I save the more dressy stuff for if I'm out with mum and dad." The one subject that reduces this eloquent quartet to teenage mumbling is other teenagers. Marla starts fidgeting and twirling her hair when I ask about how the tribes divide at her school. It is easy to forget how straight-up brutal teenagers are about each other: Marla gets called "trendy or Emo" at school, by the "chavs" who have "orange faces and straightened hair and Nike tracksuits". Grace gives a weary, knowing look and explains that her year divides into "chavs or townies on one side, trendies or indies on the other". Will, who customises his grammar school uniform by wearing skinny suit trousers from Topman and a blazer that's slightly too small, tones down his weekend look for mufti day, "otherwise I'll get the piss taken out of me. Last time, I wore the top button of my polo shirt done up, and everyone went on about that for ages." Will and Ryan share a disdain for Jack Wills, the newest label to have made a splash in the teen market. "Kids wear Jack Wills," says Ryan, "because they think it makes them look cool and rich." Their age puts them at the beginning of the curve towards financial autonomy, which is reflected in where and how they buy clothes. Will earns money from his parents for mowing the lawn, washing the car, walking the dog, which he spends in Topman, River Island and Asos. "I've just spent nearly 150 on summer stuff I've grown a lot since last year. Now I'll start saving to buy winter stuff next term." Ryan (most expensive purchase: a blazer from Gap) shops at Topman, Next and H&M, thanks to his allowance "and an indulgent mum". All of Grace's pocket money ends up in Topshop, H&M, Urban Outfitters, "plus I get bought essential things by my parents." Marla (last item bought: H&M stripy top) goes window shopping with friends "just to try stuff on"; for real shopping, she goes with mum. "I love Topshop, but it's expensive. I get 5 allowance, but most of that goes on food because I always get hungry when I'm out." And do you know what? Sometimes parents are, like, really unfair. Marla's mum, for instance, won't let her wear short skirts. When you say short, I ask, what do you mean exactly? She points to a spot about half a centimetre below her knicker line, but gives me such a heartfelt can-you-believe-how-unfairshe-is look that I can't bring myself to tell her that her mum has a point. "And then," Marla continues, "when it's cold she sometimes literally makes me wear a jacket!" Imagine. What about your dad, where does he stand? "Oh, Dad leaves us to it. Otherwise we both turn on him." Will's dad doesn't like him rolling up his trousers, "because he thinks it looks camp" and likes him to put a shirt on if the grandparents are visiting. Ryan's mum Jo is at the shoot with him, so she gets the last word. "Has he told you he's really fussy about his underwear? It has to be really expensive." Ryan groans. "Oh, Mum, did you have to?" he beseeches her, blushing. Some things never change.


Prefixes and suffixes Prefixes- are words parts added to the beginning of a based word. Suffixes- are word parts added to the end of the word. Here are some rules for spelling words with prefixes and suffixes: The spelling of a base word does not changed when the prefix is added To add a suffix beginning with a consonant (-ful, -tion, -ly) change as y t in the base word unless a consonant comes before the y. most other times, do not change the based word. To add suffixes beginning with a vowel ( ion, al, able) change as y to I in the base word unless a consonant precedes the y. Usually drop the final e at the base word most other times do not change the base word.


Princess Of China (feat. Rihanna) Coldplay Once upon a time, somebody ran Somebody ran away seeing fast as I can I got to go, I got to go Once upon a time, we fell apart You holding in your hand the two halves of my heart Oh whoa, oh whoa Oh whoa Once upon a time we burned bright Now all we ever seem to do is fight, on and on And on and on and on, Once upon a time, on the same side Once upon a time, on the same side In the same game Now why'd you have to go? Have to go and throw out all my things? I could've been the princess, you'd be a king Could've have had a castle, worn a ring, but no You let me go I could've been the princess, you'd be a king Could've have had a castle, worn a ring, but no You let me go You stole my star La la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la You stole my star La la la la la la Oh whoa

'Cos you really hurt me No, you really hurt me 'Cos you really hurt me No, you really hurt me 'Cos you really hurt me oh-oh, You really hurt me ooh-ooh-ooh, 'Cos you really hurt me oh-oh, You really hurt me. 34/#autoplay


Set Fire To The Rain Adele I let it fall, my heart And as it fell, you rose to claim it It was dark and I was over Until you kissed my lips and you saved me My hands they were strong But my knees were far too weak To stand in your arms Without falling to your feet But there's a side, to you, that I never knew, never knew All the things you'd say, they were never true, never true And the games you'd play, you would always win, always win But I set fire to the rain Watched it pour as I touched your face Well, it burned while I cried 'Cause I heard it screaming out your name, your name! When I lay, with you I could stay there, close my eyes Feel you here forever You and me together, nothing is better! Cause there's a side, to you, that I never knew, never knew All the things you'd say, they were never true, never true And the games you'd play, you would always win, always win But I set fire to the rain Watched it pour as I touched your face Well, it burned while I cried

'Cause I heard it screaming out your name, your name! I set fire to the rain And I threw us into the flames Well, it felt something died Cause I knew do that was the last time, the last time! Sometimes I wake up by the door That heart you caught must be waiting for ya Even now when we're already over I can't help myself from looking for ya I set fire to the rain Watched it pour as I touched your face Well, it burned while I cried 'Cause I heard it screaming out your name, your name! I set fire to the rain And I threw us into the flames Well, it felt something died, 'Cause I knew do that was the last time, the last time! Oh oh oh oh oh Let it burn


Somebody That I Used To Know (feat. Kimbra) Gotye Now and then I think of when we were together Like when you said you felt so happy you could die Told myself that you were right for me But felt so lonely in your company But that was love and it's an ache I still remember You can get addicted to a certain kind of sadness Like resignation to the end, always the end So, when we found that we could not make sense Well, you said that we would still be friends But I'll admit that I was glad that it was over But you didn't have to cut me off Make out like it never happened and that we were nothing And I don't even need your love But you treat me like a stranger and that feels so rough No, you didn't have to stoop so low Have your friends collect your records and then change your number I guess that I don't need, that though Now you're just somebody that I used to know Now you're just somebody that I used to know Now you're just somebody that I used to know Now and then I think of all the times you screwed me over But had me believing it was always something that I'd done But I don't wanna live that way, reading into every word you say

You said that you could let it go And I wouldn't catch you hung up on somebody that you used to know But you didn't have to cut me off Make out like it never happened and that we were nothing And I don't even need your love But you treat me like a stranger and that feels so rough No, you didn't have to stoop so low Have your friends collect your records and then change your number I guess that I don't need, that though Now you're just somebody that I used to know Somebody, I used to know Somebody, now you're just somebody that I used to know Somebody, I used to know Somebody, now you're just somebody that I used to know I used to know That I used to know I used to know Somebody #autoplay


What Makes You Beautiful One Direction You're insecure Don't know what for You're turning heads when you walk through the door Don't need make-up To cover up Being the way that you are is enough Everyone else in the room can see it Everyone else but you Baby you light up my world like nobody else The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed But when you smile at the ground it ain't hard to tell You don't know oh oh You don't know you're beautiful If only you saw what I can see You'll understand why I want you so desperately Right now I'm looking at you and I can't believe You don't know oh oh You don't know you're beautiful oh oh But that's what makes you beautiful So c-come on You got it wrong To prove I'm right I put it in a song I don't know why You're being shy And turn away when I look into your eyes Everyone else in the room can see it Everyone else but you Baby you light up my world like nobody else The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed But when you smile at the ground it ain't hard to tell You don't know oh oh You don't know you're beautiful If only you saw what I can see You'll understand why I want you so desperately

Right now I'm looking at you and I can't believe You don't know oh oh You don't know you're beautiful oh oh But that's what makes you beautiful NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Baby you light up my world like nobody else The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed But when you smile at the ground it ain't hard to tell You don't know oh oh You don't know you're beautiful Baby you light up my world like nobody else The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed But when you smile at the ground it ain't hard to tell You don't know oh oh You don't know you're beautiful If only you saw what I can see You'll understand why I want you so desperately Right now I'm looking at you and I can't believe You don't know oh oh You don't know you're beautiful oh oh You don't know oh oh But that's what makes you beautiful


Wide Awake Katy Perry I'm wide awake I'm wide awake I'm wide awake Yeah, I was in the dark I was falling hard With an open heart I'm wide awake How did I read the stars so wrong? I'm wide awake And now it's clear to me That everything you see Ain't always what it seems I'm wide awake Yeah, I was dreaming for so long I wish I knew then What I know now Wouldn't dive in Wouldn't bow down Gravity hurts You made it so sweet Till I woke up on On the concrete Falling from cloud 9 Crashing from the high I'm letting go tonight Yeah, I'm falling from cloud 9 I'm wide awake Not losing any sleep I picked up every piece And landed on my feet I'm wide awake Need nothing to complete myself, no I'm wide awake Yeah, I am born again Out of the lion's den I don't have to pretend

And it's too late The story's over now, the end I wish I knew then What I know now Wouldn't dive in Wouldn't bow down Gravity hurts You made it so sweet Till I woke up on On the concrete Falling from cloud 9 It was out of the blue, I'm Crashing from the high I'm letting go tonight Yeah, I'm letting you go, I'm I'm falling from cloud 9 I'm wide awake Thunder rumbling Castles crumbling (I'm wide awake) I am trying to hold on (I'm wide awake) God knows that I tried Seeing the bright side (I'm wide awake) But I'm not blind anymore I'm wide awake I'm wide awake Yeah, I'm falling from cloud 9 It was out of the blue, I'm Crashing from the high You know I'm letting go tonight Yeah, I'm letting you go, I'm I'm falling from cloud 9 I'm wide awake I'm wide awake I'm wide awake I'm wide awake I'm wide awake



WEBLOG Name: Level Aspects Topic Clarify perfectly the topic. Encourage the participation Present a clear, correct, precise, and relevant information Clarify almost perfectly the topic. Explain the topic committing some mistakes Try to explain the topic and use some kind of material to support his/her ideas Present a summarized information which lacks of reasoning and precision Present a good work, but omitting many details Dont explain the topic C (10) I (9) BA (8) Date: BI (7) BB (6)


Present in a clear, correct, and precise way almost all of the information Present a creative, precise, and original work with some missed details


Present a creative, precise, and original work with clear information

Present a clear and precise information, but it is not always correct and relevant Present a creative and original work without precision or clear information.

Present information that is difficult to understand

Present a simple work without creativity and precision on the information


Desarrollo de textos Date: Nivel E 10 Aspectos B 9/8 S 7 RM 6

Desarrollo del tema

Desarrolla correctamente el tema con ideas originales y sustentadas.

Desarrolla con pequeas impresiciones el tema dando ideas poco sustentadas. Presenta informacin clara, correcta y precisa en cuanto al tema a desarrollar.

Desarrolla el tema con ideas poco sustentadas.

Trata de explicar el tema, pero las ideas no son sustentadas.


Preseta informacin clara, correcta, precisa y relevante acorde al tema.

Presenta informacin clara y precisa, pero no es siempre correcta y precisa. El alumno la mayora de las veces construye oraciones coherentes, utiliza las estructuras gramaticales y su ortografa acusa algunos errores importantes.

Presenta un resumen que carece de razonamiento y precisin.

Construccin de oraciones

El alumno siempre construye oraciones coherentes, utiliza correctamente las estructuras gramaticales y su ortografa se manifiesta sin error.

El alumno casi siempre construye oraciones coherentes, utiliza las estructuras gramaticales y su ortografa presenta mnimas fallas.

El alumno rara vez construye oraciones coherentes, utiliza de manera inadecuada las estructuras gramaticales y su ortografa presenta serias deficiencias.


Pronunciacin Secuencia formativa No.: Lista de Cotejo No.: Nombre del estudiante: Fecha:

Actividad: Aspectos 1. 2. 3. Fluidez Diccin Modulacin Si No


Aspectos de la evaluacin
Dimensiones Desarrollo Criterio Pedir y dar informacin Interpretar ideas Construccin de escritos simples Ejercicios de complementacin Llenado de tablas Nivel de ejecucin Excelente Bueno Satisfactorio Requiere mejora Excelente Bueno Satisfactorio Requiere mejora Excelente Bueno Satisfactorio Requiere mejora Puntuacin 10 9-8 7 6 10 9-8 7 6 10 9-8 7 6



Vivencia de los valores Seguimiento de tareas Trabajo individual Trabajo colaborativo

E = Excelente / B = Bueno / S = Satisfactorio / RM = Requiere Mejora


Power Point Presentation Name: Level Aspects Topic Clarify perfectly the topic. Encourage the participation Present clear, correct, precise, and relevant information Express all the sentences with fluency and excellent pronunciation Use correctly the electronic source and present a creative and original work Clarify almost perfectly the topic. Explain the topic committing some mistakes Try to explain the topic and use some kind of material to support his/her ideas Present summarized information which lacks of support Express few of the sentences with fluency and clear pronunciation Use the electronic source with many mistakes and present a poor work Dont explain the topic C (10) I (9) BA (8) Date: BI (7) BB (6)


Present clear and correct information with few mistakes Express most of the sentences with fluency and correct pronunciation Use almost perfectly the electronic source and present a creative work

Present clear information with many mistakes

Present information that is difficult to understand Express hardly fluently and clearly the words


Express some of the sentences with fluency and clear pronunciation Use the electronic source with some mistakes and present a plain work

Power point presentation

Use the electronic source with difficulty and present an unsuccessful work








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