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He ganado un fin de semana para dos personas en Cracovia, en Polonia.

Fui con mi novia, Olivia, y nos alojamos en un hotel muy agradable por el ro. las habitaciones eran muy cmodas y la gente era muy amable. El sbado nos fuimos a dar un paseo por el casco antiguo. que estaba bastante lleno, pero todas las tiendas y edificios fueron realmente interesantes. que queramos visitar el castillo de Wawel, pero las colas eran bastante largas, as que comimos en su lugar. por la tarde volvimos al hotel y cenamos en el restaurante. que estaba muy ocupado, pero la comida era fantstica! Luego, el domingo le ped que se casara conmigo olivia - y ella dijo que s!. nos quedamos muy contentos cuando llegamos a casa, fue un fin de semana maravilloso en una ciudad preciosa!.

I won a weekend for two in KRAKOW, in POLAND. I went with my girlfriend, olivia, and we stayed in a very nice hotel by the river. the rooms were really comfortable and the people were very friendly. on saturday we went for a walk in the Old town. it was quite crowded, but all the shops and buildings were really interesting. we wanted to visit wawel castle, but the queues were quite long, so we had lunch instead. in the evening we went back to the hotel and had dinner in the restaurant. it was very busy, but the food was fantastic! then on sunday I asked olivia to marry me - and she said yes!. we were very happy when we got home, it was a wonderful weekend in a beautiful city!.

Yo no suelo ser muy afortunado, pero el ao pasado gan un fin de semana para dos personas en Cardiff. Fui con mi novio, Craig. Yo estaba muy emocionado porque me encanta Gales, pero el hotel era realmente horrible. estaba en una parte pobre de la ciudad y las habitaciones eran muy pequeas y bastante ruidoso. El sbado no salimos del hotel porque estaba demasiado fra. craig deporte visto en la televisin todo el da y yo estaba aburrido de verdad! Cenamos en el hotel, pero el restaurante estaba bastante sucia y la comida era horrible. me fui a la cama temprano, pero Craig se qued y habl con la recepcionista por horas. ella era muy joven y amable - muy amable! el domingo craig me dej y se fue con ella. fue un fin de semana terrible!.

i'm not usually very lucky, but last year i won a weekend for two in cardiff. i went with my boyfriend, craig. i was really excited because i love wales, but the hotel was really awful. it was in a poor part of town and the rooms were very small and quite noisy. on saturday we we didn't leave the hotel because it was too cold. craig watched sport on tv all day and i was really bored! we had dinner in the hotel, but the restaurant was quite dirty and the food was awful. i went to bed early, but craig stayed up and talked to the receptionist for hours. she was very young and friendly - too friendly! on sunday craig left me and went away with her. it was a terrible weekend!.

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