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El racismo

El racismo en Europa est aumentando.

a) En Francia en mayo 2002 el xito del poltico de extrema derecha, le Pen en su
carrera hacia la presidencia
b) Ha habido un aumento de ataques y sentimientos racistas en contra de rabes y
c) Desde los acontecimientos de 11 de septiembre de 2001 ha aumentado la
islamofobia [miedo de cualquier cosa que tiene que ver con los musulmanes]
d) Los musulmanes son el grupo religioso ms grande en Gran Bretaa que no est
protegido por la ley.

True or false:
1. In the 2002 presidential elections in France the extreme right-wing politician Le Pen lead
a very successful campaign.
2. There has been a reduction in the number of attacks against Arabs and Jews.

3. Since the events of 11th September 2001 there has been an increase in agoraphobia.

4. Jews are the smallest religious group in Britain who are protected by law.

Un ejemplo del problema de racismo en Europa:

Francia tiene una gran tradicin de imigracin desde el norte de Africa,
sobre todo de pases como Argelia y Marruecos. Tambin hay
imigracin de pases del oeste de Africa como Senegal y otras antiguas
colonias francesas.
Explain the above text in English:

La Poltica del FN
Explain the policies of the French Front National.
This party has members of parliament in France + their leader almost became

Parar la imigracin :

-aplicacin de la preferencia nacional

Asegurar el regreso de los imigrantes a su pas de origen (el regreso = the return)

Restablecimiento de controles en las fronteras


Abandonar la Unin Europea

Reducir el nivel de paro
-Establecer la preferencia nacional para contratar a nuevo personal
Dar ms dinero a la polica
-Reclutar 10 000 policas en 5 aos.
ayudar a las familias francesas
-Reservar las prestaciones sociales para las familias francesas
For each of the above write your own view using any of the following. You may add more
to justify your point of view.
Estoy de acuerdo (I agree)
No esto de acuerdo (I dont agree)
Depende (It depends)

Muslims in the UK

Muslims are the largest religious group in Britain not protected by the law. They are not classed as a
race or ethnic group because it is asserted that Muslims do not have a long, shared history; they do
not have a particular place they all come from, and they do not share a common language or a
common culture. Many people feel that the law should protect them as Muslims and not only as
people who happen to have a dark skin. Mosques have been attacked, people get threats over the
phone, abuse gets shouted at children and adults not because they are Asian but because they are
Muslim. This may be changed because of the Human Rights Act, which may require countries to
have a law protecting people from discrimination on the grounds of their religion.
Write down in English your views on the above.

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