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Jhoan Mayner Keynes
John Maynar Keynes
Cambridge, 5 de junio de 1883-Sussex, 21 de abril de 1946)

Se formó en economía y dio clases de economía en el King’s

College de Cambridge. Se centró en estudiar los ciclos
económicos y buscar soluciones para afrontar las crisis, que según
su teoría se debían a los cambios en las expectativas de los
trabajadores y empresarios.
John Neville Keynes
Salisbury, 31 de agosto de 1852 – Cambridge, 15
de noviembre de 1949.

Fue un economista británico, padre del también

economista John Maynard Keynes. Dividió la
economía en "economía positiva" (el estudio de lo
que es, y la forma en que funciona la economía),
"economía normativa" (el estudio de lo que debería
ser), y el "arte de la economía" (economía
La teoría general del empleo

El argumento central de La teoría general es

que el nivel de empleo no está determinado
por el precio del trabajo, como en la economía
clásica, sino por el nivel de la demanda
El interés y el dinero

La teoría clásica supone que los obreros

tienen siempre la posibilidad de reducir su
salario real, aceptando una rebaja del
nominal. El supuesto de que el nivel general
de los salarios reales depende de los
convenios entre empresarios y trabajadores.
Función del consumo
La teoría de Keynes supone que el consumo depende del
nivel de ingreso corriente (presente) del
individuo (Keynes, 1976). Esta hipótesis conocida como
hipótesis del ingreso absoluto expone que cuando
aumenta el ingreso corriente, los consumidores
responden gastando más en la adquisición de bienes y
Propensión marginal a consumir
La teoría de Keynes supone que el consumo depende del
nivel de ingreso corriente (presente) del
individuo (Keynes, 1976). Esta hipótesis conocida como
hipótesis del ingreso absoluto expone que cuando
aumenta el ingreso corriente, los consumidores responden
gastando más en la adquisición de bienes y servicios.

Propensión marginal a ahorrar

La propensión marginal al ahorro es un modelo económico
que se refiere al aumento del ahorro que resulta del
incremento de los ingresos que percibes. El concepto se
define como el tanto por ciento de la renta marginal que
puedes ahorrar como reserva de tu economía y para atender
tus necesidades futuras.
Eficiencia marginal del capital
La eficiencia marginal del capital es la tasa de descuento que equipararía el
precio de un activo de capital fijo con su valor actual descontado de los ingresos

El término «eficiencia marginal del capital» fue acuñado por John Maynard
Keynes en su Teoría general del empleo, el interés y el dinero, donde la define
como «la tasa de descuento que haría el valor actual de la serie de anualidades
dadas por los rendimientos esperados de los activos financieros durante su vida
exactamente igual a su precio de oferta».

Preferencia de liquidez
La preferencia por la liquidez es una expresión recurrente en
el estudio de la economía, especialmente importante en la
teoría keynesiana y que supone que las personas consideran
mejor tener sus ahorros en forma líquida, es decir, como
Ingreso y empleo de equilibrio

Ahorro e inversión ex ante frente a ex post

Política fiscal y política monetaria
Contraste de los principios más importantes de la
escuela keynesiana expuestos con los de la escuela
Énfasis macroeconómico Keynes y sus seguidores se interesaban en los factores determinantes de las
cantidades totales o colectivas del consumo, el ahorro, el ingreso, la producción y el empleo, ,

por su parte los marginalistas hacían Énfasis en la microeconomía. La persona y la empresa individuales
ocupan el centro del escenario en el drama de los marginalistas. En vez de considerar la economía total, o
macroeconomía, los marginalistas consideraban la toma de decisiones individual, las condiciones de
mercado para un solo tipo de alimento, la producción de empresas específicas, etc.

Orientación de la demanda, Los economistas keynesianos hacían hincapié en la importancia de la

demanda efectiva (ahora llamada gastos agregados) como el factor determinante inmediato del
ingreso, la producción y el empleo nacionales. Por otro lado los marginalistas tenían la Teoría del
precio orientada a la demanda. Para los primeros marginalistas, la demanda se convirtió en la
fuerza principal en la determinación del precio. Los primeros marginalistas enfatizaban la demanda,
con la exclusión virtual de la oferta.
Inestabilidad de la economía. Según los keynesianos, la economía es propensa a auges y fracasos
recurrentes debido a que el nivel de los gastos de inversión pla- neados es errático. Mientras los
marginalistas con el Enfoque en el equilibrio creían que las fuerzas económicas por lo general
tienden hacia el equilibrio, un equilibro de fuerzas opuestas. Siempre que las alteraciones causan
dislocaciones, ocurren nuevos movimientos hacia el equilibrio

Políticas fiscales y monetarias activas Los economistas keynesianos aconsejaban que el gobierno
debería intervenir mediante políticas fiscales y monetarias apro- piadas para promover el pleno empleo,
la estabilidad de precios y el crecimiento económico., por otro lado, la Participación mínima del gobierno
según los marginalistas continuaron con la defensa clásica de una participación mínima del gobierno en
la economía como la política más deseable. En la mayoría de los casos, se imponía que no hubiera
ninguna interferencia con las leyes económicas naturales, con el fin de maximizar los beneficios sociales
que se lograrían.
Keynesiana Marginalista
Principios más
Énfasis importantes Énfasis en la
macroeconómico expuestos por las microeconomía
Despite being red,
Mars is cold

Aspiration Goal
Saturn is a gas giant Neptune is far away
and has rings from Earth
Explique la importancia de la “ley psicológica fundamental”
de Keynes para su teoría del ingreso y el empleo de equilibrio.

Esta ley es concerniente a varios elementos interrelacionados entre el consumo y el ingreso, el cual
determinó la función del consumo, el cual es un componente vital para la teoría general de Keynes.
La ley psicológica fundamental, como una regla, los hombres están dispuestos y en promedio como
una regla, a incrementar su consumo a medida que se incrementa su ingreso, pero no tanto como el
incremento en su ingreso.
Explique, utilizando el concepto de Keynes de la eficiencia marginal
del capital, cómo es posible que el gasto de inversión disminuya aun
cuando la tasa de interés del mercado no cambie.
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Suponga que la siguiente tabla refleja el programa de demanda
de inversión para una economía
Table of contents

La propensión marginal al consumo mide

cuánto se incrementa el consumo de una
persona cuando se incrementa su renta
disponible (los ingresos de los que dispone
después de pagar impuestos) en una unidad
Table of contents
01. 02. <

Presentation Methodology
You can describe the topic of You can describe the topic of
the section here the section here

03. 04. 05. <

Results Conclusions Bibliography

You can describe the topic of You can describe the topic of You can describe the topic of
the section here the section here the section here
generation of
You can enter a subtitle here
if you need it
You can enter a subtitle here
if you need it

Title of the thesis

Venus has a beautiful name and is
the second planet in the Solar
System. It’s terribly hot—even
hotter than Mercury—and its
atmosphere is extremely

About generation of 27

Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun and the

smallest one in the Solar System—it’s only a
bit larger than the Moon. The planet’s name has
nothing to do with the liquid metal since it was
named after the Roman messenger god,
You can enter a subtitle here
if you need it

Research Analysis
Venus has a beautiful name, Jupiter is the biggest planet
but it’s terribly hot in the Solar System

Data Study Comparison

Despite being red, Mars is Saturn is the only planet
actually a cold place with rings
To modify this graph, click on it, follow the link,
change the data and paste the new graph here
“This is a quote, words full of wisdom
that someone important said and can
make the reader get inspired.”

—Someone Famous
Study objectives

Mercury Venus Mars

Mercury is the closest planet Venus has a beautiful name Despite being red, Mars is
to the Sun and the smallest of and is the second planet from actually a cold place full of
them all the Sun iron oxide dust
Study objectives

Research Analysis
Jupiter is the biggest 01 02 Mercury is the
planet in the entire smallest planet of
Solar System them all

Data study Comparison

Despite being red, 03 04 Venus is the second
Mars is actually a cold planet from the Sun.
place It’s really hot there
Study objectives
Despite being red, Mars is
Venus actually a cold place
Venus is the second planet
Neptune is the farthest
from the Sun. It's hot there planet from the Sun

Saturn is a gas giant and

Mercury has several rings
Mercury is the smallest 02
The Sun is at the center of
Earth is the third planet of them all
our System
planet from the
Sun Ceres is located in the
Jupiter main asteroid belt
Jupiter is the biggest planet
Pluto is now considered a
in the Solar System dwarf planet

Mercury Neptune
Mercury is the closest planet It’s the farthest planet from
to the Sun and also the the Sun and the fourth-
smallest one in the Solar largest in the entire Solar
System System
Theory 1 Theory 2
Despite being red, Mars is cold. It's Venus is the second planet from the
full of iron oxide dust, which gives Sun. It's hot there. It’s terribly hot,
the planet its reddish cast even hotter than Mercury

Jupiter 40% Saturn 60%

Jupiter is a gas giant and Saturn is a gas giant and
the biggest planet has several rings

20% 80% 60% 40%

Mercury Neptune Venus Mars

Mercury is the Neptune is far away Venus is the second Mars is actually a
smallest planet from Earth planet from the Sun cold place

Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun and the

Theory 1 smallest one in the Solar System

Venus has a beautiful name and is the second planet

Theory 2 from the Sun

Despite being red, Mars is a cold place, not hot. The

Theory 3 planet is full of iron oxide dust
This is a map

Venus is the second
planet from the Sun

Mercury is the smallest

Earth is the only planet
with life
Global vision

Jupiter Mercury
Is a gas giant and the Mercury is the
biggest planet of them smallest planet of
all them all

Mars Venus
Despite being red, Venus is the second
Mars is actually a cold planet from the Sun.
place It’s hot there
Literature Review

Theory 01 Theory 02
Mercury is the closest planet Despite being red, Mars is
to the Sun and the smallest of actually a cold place full of
them all iron oxide dust
Literature review

Theory 02
Venus has a beautiful name and is the second
planet from the Sun. It’s hot and has a poisonous

Theory 01
Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun and the
smallest one in the Solar System—it’s only a bit
larger than the Moon
It’s the smallest planet of
them all

Mars Jupiter Venus

Mars is actually a very Jupiter is the biggest planet Venus has extremely high
cold place of them all temperatures

Saturn Neptune The Sun Earth Pluto Ceres

Invested time

40% 20% 25% 15%

Jupiter Mercury Mars Venus
Jupiter is the biggest Mercury is the Despite being red, Venus is the second
planet in the entire smallest planet of Mars is actually a cold planet from the Sun.
Solar System them all place It's hot there
Primary objectives

1 4
Venus Saturn
Jupiter is the biggest planet Neptune is very far away
of them all from Earth

Jupiter Mars
Venus is the second planet Despite being red, Mars is
from the Sun a cold place

2 3
Secondary objectives

Mercury Venus Mars

Mercury is the closest planet Venus has a beautiful name Despite being red, Mars is
to the Sun and high temperatures actually a cold place

Saturn Earth Jupiter

Saturn is a gas giant and has Earth is the third planet from Jupiter is a gas giant and the
several rings the Sun biggest planet
Your work

You can replace the image on the

screen with your own work. Just
delete this one, add yours and center
it properly
Your work
You can replace the image on the
screen with your own work. Just
delete this one, add yours and center
it properly
If you want, you can insert your multimedia content here
A picture is worth a
thousand words
Study program

Status Description Status Description

Mercury is the smallest planet of Jupiter is the biggest planet in the

03/04 them all
04/03 Solar System

Venus has a beautiful name and is Neptune is the farthest planet from
03/07 the second from the Sun
04/09 the Sun

Despite being red, Mars is actually The Sun is the star at the center of
03/10 a cold place
04/11 the Solar System

Saturn is a gas giant and has Earth is the third planet from the
03/21 several rings
04/15 Sun and where we all live
1st phase 2nd phase

1st week Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su

2nd week Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su

3rd phase 4th phase


February March April

Jupiter is a gas giant and Venus has a beautiful Despite being red, Mars is
the biggest planet in the name, but also very high actually a cold place. It’s
Solar System temperatures full of iron oxide dust

1 2 3

May June

It’s the closest planet to Despite being red, Mars is

the Sun and the smallest in actually a cold place. It’s
the Solar System full of iron oxide dust

4 5 completed
1st week 2nd week 3rd week 4ht week 5th week



Data study

Big numbers catch your audience's attention

Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 Test 4

Indicator 1

Indicator 2

Indicator 3

Indicator 4

Goals Result

Mercury is the closest planet Venus is the second planet

1st phase to the Sun from the Sun

Mars is actually a very cold Jupiter is the biggest planet

2nd phase place of them all

Saturn is composed of Neptune is the farthest planet

3rd phase hydrogen and helium from the Sun

Saturn is a gas giant and has Despite being red, Mars is a

4th phase several rings cold place

Mercury Mars
Mercury is the closest Now Mars is actually a very
planet to the Sun cold place

1927 2027
Venus is the second
planet from the Sun
Study timeline

“Mercury is closest planet “Despite being red, Mars

to the Sun and the is actually a very cold
smallest” place”

1st week 2nd week 3rd week 4th week Finish

“Venus is the second “Neptune is the farthest- “Earth is the only planet
planet from the Sun and known planet from the known to harbor life. We
is terribly hot” Sun” all live here”
A picture always reinforces the

Images reveal large amounts of

data, so remember: Use an image
instead of a long text
Important percentages

Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun

Despite being red, Mars is a cold place

Saturn is the only planet with rings
Important percentages

24% 17%
Phase 4 Phase 1
Mercury is small Jupiter is big

31% 28%
Phase 3 Follow the link in the graph to modify its
Phase 2
data and then paste the new one here.
Venus is hot For more info, click here Saturn has rings
Important percentages
20% 35% 60% 50%

Jupiter Mercury Venus Mars

Jupiter is the biggest Mercury is the Venus is the second Despite being red,
planet in the entire smallest planet in the planet from the Sun. Mars is actually a very
Solar System Solar System It's hot there cold place
You can enter a subtitle here
if you need it
Results analysis

To modify this graph, click on it, follow the link,

change the data and paste the new graph here
Investigation results
Venus Mars
Venus is the second planet Despite being red, Mars is a
from the Sun very cold place
40% 70%

Mercury Neptune
Mercury is the smallest Neptune is the farthest planet
planet of them all from the Sun
10% 30%

Jupiter Saturn
Jupiter is the biggest planet Saturn is a gas giant and has
in the Solar System several rings
50% 60%
Research results
380 290
Jupiter Mercury
Jupiter is the biggest Mercury is the
planet in the entire smallest planet of
Solar System them all

100 140
Mars Venus
Follow the link in the graph to modify its data Despite being red, Venus is the second
and then paste the new one here. Mars is actually a cold planet from the Sun.
For more info, click here place It’s hot there
Results analysis

Mercury Jupiter Venus

Mercury is the smallest Is the biggest planet in the Venus is the second planet
planet of them all Solar System from the Sun

20% 50% 75%

Despite being red, Mars is Neptune is the farthest Saturn is a gas giant and
actually a cold place planet from the Sun has several rings
You can enter a subtitle here
if you need it

Conclusion A Conclusion C
You can talk about the You can talk about the
conclusions here conclusions here

Conclusion B Conclusion D
You can talk about the You can talk about the
conclusions here conclusions here
Public conclusions
Jupiter 40%
Jupiter is the biggest planet of them all

Mars 60%
Despite being red, Mars is actually a cold place

Venus 20%
Venus is the second planet from the Sun

Mercury 75%
Mercury is the smallest planet of them all

1 Mercury

Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun and the

smallest one in the Solar System—it’s only a bit

larger than the Moon

Venus has a beautiful name and is the second

planet from the Sun. It’s terribly hot—even hotter
than Mercury—and its atmosphere is extremely
Conclusion in numbers

200K 175K
Venus is the second planet from Saturn is a gas giant and has Result analysis
the Sun. It's hot there several rings

Earth is the third

planet from the Sun
40K 135K and the only one that
harbors life in the
Solar System
Jupiter is the biggest planet in Mercury is the smallest planet
the Solar System of them all
Numbers speak for themselves

Earths is the Sun’s mass

24h 37m 23s

is Jupiter’s rotation period
You can enter a subtitle here
if you need it
Bibliographic references
● AUTHOR (YEAR): Title of the publication. Publisher

● AUTHOR (YEAR): Title of the publication. Publisher

● AUTHOR (YEAR): Title of the publication. Publisher

● AUTHOR (YEAR): Title of the publication. Publisher

● AUTHOR (YEAR): Title of the publication. Publisher

● AUTHOR (YEAR): Title of the publication. Publisher

Bibliographic references

Author Tittle
Venus has as a beautiful Neptune Neptune is the farthest planet from the Sun
name and is the second
planet from the Sun. It’s Mercury Mercury is the smallest planet of them all
terribly hot and its
atmosphere is extremely Mars Despite being red, Mars is actually a cold place
poisonous. It’s the second-
brightest natural object in
the night sky after the Saturn Saturn is a gas giant and has several rings
The Sun The Sun is the star at the center of our System
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Literature Icon Pack
Alternative resources
● Hand drawn international literacy day
● International literacy day with stack of books
● International literacy day draw


● Bunch of old books

● Pile of books on blue background
● Smoke over antique notebook and ink pen
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● Hand drawn flat design shakespeare illustration
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A %

B %

C %

D %
Premium alternative infographics
Premium alternative infographics
● Glasses with books for literacy day
● International literacy day with lots of books
● International literacy day celebration


● Glasses on old books in library

● Old books on library table
● Ink pen on opened old notebook
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● Hand drawn flat design literature illustration
● Hand drawn literature illustration
● Hand drawn poetry illustration
● Hand drawn literature illustration
● Hand drawn flat design poetry illustration
● Hand drawn literature illustration
● The girl in glasses among the old books in the library
● Top view opened books on table
Icons Pack
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