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Ingles ll

Nombre del alum
ara Félix
Yara Ivonne cám
p los d e ora ci o n es interrogativad
Have you been to Switzerland?
(Has ido a suiza)
Do you enjoy riding your bike?
(Disfrutas andar en bicicleta)
Were you do live?
(Donde vives)
When did you call her?
(Cuando la llamastes)
How long is the Theater play?
(Cuan larga es la obra de teatro)
Are you sure they live Here?
( estas seguro de que viven aqui)
When did liza arrive?
(Cuando llego liza )
What do you thing about the new presidente?
( que opinas de que haya un nuevo presidente)
How many pupils are there in your class?
( cuantos alumnos ahí en tu clase)
Would you mind Opening that windows?
( te importaría abrir esa ventana)

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