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English for Business

and Commerce
Clases Virtuales LM0351: de acuerdo a
Resolución de Rectoría y Escuela de
Lenguas Modernas
No se da por medio de video llamada
-Por medio de video llamada
-Repaso/refuerzo de temas/ objetivos
-Contacto directo con docente -No son tareas

Mañana: de 9-10:20/10:30 pm Mañana: de 10:30 a 11:45: trabajar por sí

mismos/grupos. A veces se les solicitará presentar el
trabajo de la mañana en clases de la tarde, a veces no,
Tarde de 1-2:30 pm según lo indique docente.

Tarde: 2:30-4 pm: trabajo asincrónico es revisado la

semana siguiente y generalmente se les pide que lo
Se espera la autonomía y responsabilidad del suban a Mediación (para control del rubro de
estudiante en ingresar y participar en estas evaluación de trabajo en clase 10%)
sesiones (se evalúa el rubro de evaluación © Oxford University Press
Se espera la autonomía y responsabilidad del
de trabajo en clase 10%) estudiante en el cumplimiento del trabajo
The Articles

© Oxford University Press

1 We use articles a, an, the to help us identify the people, places and things we are
talking about. Sometimes we don’t need to use an article.

1 That’s a very nice jumper you’re wearing.

2 Can I have an apple, please?

3 Are these the books you’re looking for?

4 I can’t find the key to the cupboard in the hall.

5 Cars are too fast these days.

no article
© Oxford University Press

6 I love hot soup in winter.

1 We use a/an with singular countable nouns. We use a/an
when we talk about something for the first time.
1.a Would you like a sandwich or a burger?
1.b We bought a new car last month.

2 We use an when the next word begins with a vowel sound.

2.aCould you call back in an hour, please?
2.b Would you like an egg with your salad?

3 A few nouns start with a vowel but have a consonant sound.

3.a I don’t think she’s got a university degree.
© Oxford University Press

3.b You have to put a euro coin in some shopping trolleys.

1 We use the with a singular or plural noun when the other person knows
what we’re talking about. We use the when we have talked about the
thing before.
1.1 She bought a new phone. The new phone was expensive.
1.2 Where are the pens that we bought yesterday?
The door in
this room.

2 We use the when we are talking about something obvious.

2.1 Do you mind if I open the door?

3 We use the when there is only one of the thing we’re talking about.
3.1 Don’t look straight at the sun.
© Oxford University Press

3.2 Could you put this in the kitchen, please?

An Umbrella University: This is a university
An unhappy man Euro: I only got a euro
European: This is a European
style/ fashion
An uncomfortable experience

© Oxford University Press

1 We do not use an article if we are talking about plural or
uncountable nouns in general.

1 She likes cats more than dogs.

2 Young people often find it hard to get a job.
3 Bread is cheaper than pasta.

2 We don’t usually begin a sentence with a/an when we describe

situations. We usually use there is/was.
1 There is a bird outside the window. A bird is outside the window.
2 There was a lorry at the side of the road. © Oxford University Press

A lorry was at the side of the road.

1 Complete the sentences with the correct article, a/an, the or – (no article).

1 Look carefully and you can see _____ moon.

Look carefully and you can see the moon.

2 I think _____I think

children nowadays are very lucky.
children nowadays are very lucky.

3 I don’t want _____ big dog, I’d prefer _____ smaller pet.
I don’t want a big dog, I’d prefer a smaller pet.

4 Why do you Why

seewant to see
_____ theof
end end of thefilm
_____ film again?

5 Can you passCan

_____ salt,theplease?
pass me salt, please?

© Oxford University Press

Do you have a pencil I could borrow, please?
6 Do you have _____ pencil I could borrow, please?
Articles “The” in name of
The United States
The United Kingdom
The Netherlands
The Bahamas
The Patagonia
The Amazon
The Philippines

The Panama
The China
The Spain © Oxford University Press

The Costa Rica

Travel: it’s an uncountable noun; it refers to the action of traveling

Trip (countable): it’s an countable noun: I took a trip to Ibiza

I have made two trips to Panama Canal

A series of (fixed phrase)

Dos Pinos has created a series of wonderful ice cream products.

© Oxford University Press

For further practice
In class: Solve exercise “practice” on page 26.

1. exercise 3 on page 26
2. exercise on page 31

© Oxford University Press

1. Solve the exercise “Vocabulary 2” on p. 25
2. Solve the exercise “Vocabulary 3” on p. 25
3. Solve the exercise “Vocabulary 4” on p. 25
4. Solve the exercise “Practice” on p. 25 with words from
exercises 2 and 3.
5. Listen to the audio Project Life Cycle - Welcome to the World of
Projects Coursera and work on all exercises in pages 32 and 33:
pre-listening and while-listening.
6. Attendance list:
oI-LJfNhA1Cz1L4/edit?ts=5f4e5c78 © Oxford University Press
1. Pairs for quiz

2. The oral quiz must be done in pairs, and every pair is expected to speak for around 8

3. 3:30 the listening quiz will be enabled in Mediación: it’s a short quiz

© Oxford University Press

Oral Quiz #1--3%
1. In pairs, students have to develop a conversation of around 8 minutes about the
questions provided  by the professor based on the topics studied. The professor may ask
more questions related to the topics studied. 
2. Students must be able to understand the questions with no difficulty and to answer such
questions appropriately, providing enough examples and explanations.
3. Evident reading or memorization will be given the lowest grade in the rubric, for
spontaneous communication is expected. 
4. No completion of one of the aspects in the rubric will be given the "not achieved" grade.
5. Students have to use their video camera at all times during this evaluation, this is a
mandatory requirement for the administration of this evaluation. 
6. No time will be granted for students to review or go through material or information from
different sources. 
7. Individual students are expected to have substantial participation in the conversation
and to speak for around 4 minutes and to follow up their classmates' conversation and
© Oxford University Press

8.Students must be punctual with their quiz meeting already established in the drive
document. Otherwise, they will not be able to take their quiz later. 

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