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Ao de la Integracin Nacional y el Reconocimiento de Nuestra Diversidad


TEMA: The human body and its parts


The human body and its parts

1. What's your general health like?

Im having trouble with my jaw

2. Whats your general health like?

Im having trouble with my neck

3. Whats your general health like?

Im having trouble with my shoulder

4. Whats your general health like?

Im having trouble with my armpit

5. Whats your general health like?

Im having trouble with my upper arm

6. Whats your general health like?

Im having trouble with my elbow

7. Whats your general health like?

Im having trouble with my back

8. Whats your general health like?

Im having trouble with my buttock

9. Whats your general health like?

Im having trouble with my wrist

10. Whats your general health like?

Im having trouble with my thigh

11. Whats your general health like?

Im having trouble with my calf

12. Whats your general health like?

Im having trouble with my leg

13. Whats your general health like?

Im having trouble with my chest

14. Whats your general health like?

Im having trouble with my breast

15. Whats your general health like?

Im having trouble with my stomach

16. Whats your general health like?

Im having trouble with my navel

17. Whats your general health like?

Im having trouble with my hip

18. Whats your general health like?

Im having trouble with my groin

19. Whats your general health like?

Im having trouble with my knee

20. Whats your general health like?

Im having trouble with my shin

EL ABDOMEN: los principales organos del cuerpo tienen nombres ordinarios y los doctores usan estas palabras, pero cuando un adjetivo es necesario ellos usan una palabra anatomica, por ejemplo, podemos decir enfermedad del higado o enfemedad hepatica. algunos organos abdominales por ejemplo el pancreas no tienen un nombre ordinario. Cuando los doctores hablan sobre las principales partes del sistema digestivo, ellos usan las palabras intestino o intestino delgado, intestino grueso. Cuando hablando a los pacientes los doctores pueden referirse al recto como el pasaje obscuro. EL PECHO El pecho (torax) contiene los organos respiratorios y el corazon, El corazon, la principal parte del sistema respiratorio son las vias respiratorias y los pulmones. el pulmon izquierdo esta dividido en dos lobulos y el derecho dividido en tres. las vias pulmonares consisten en la laringe, la traquea, los bronquios derechos e izquierdos y los bronquiolos. el pecho esta seprado desde el abdomen por el diafragma. LA PELVIS Un doctor explica la funcion de la vejiga a un paciente. La vejiga se encuentra en la pelvis como se sabe y esta se encuentra conectada a cada rion por un largo tubo llamado ureter, uno en cada lado, los ureteres transportan la orina desde los riones hacia la vejiga, que es donde esta se almacena hasta que uno decida vaciar la vejiga. cuando esto ocurre la orina se descarga hacia otro tubo llamado uretra hacia el exterior.

THE ABDOMEN the main organs of the body have ordinary English names and doctors use these words. But when an adjective is needed they often use an anatomical word . For example, we can say disease of the liver or hepatic disease. Some abdominal organs , for example the pancreas , have no ordinary name . When doctors talk about the main parts of the digestive system , they use the words bowel or intestine the small bowel , the large intestine or the large bowel . When speaking to patients , doctors may refer to the and rectum as the back passage THE CHEST the chest (thorax) contains the organs of respiration and heart . Heart . The main parts of the respiratory system are the airways and the lungs . The left lung is divided into two lobes , and the right into three. The airways consist of the larynx , the trachea (or windpipe ), the right and left bronchus , and the bronchioles. The chest is separated from the abdomen by the diaphragm THE PELVIS a doctor is explaining the function of the bladder to a patient the bladder is situated in the pelvis , as you know , and it is connected to each kidney by a long tube called the ureter - one on each side . The ureters carry the urine from the kidneys to the bladder , where it is stored until you decide to empty your bladder . When that happens , the urine passes down another tube , called the urethra, with the outside

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