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Q. Identify and Match the statistical formulae used in testing the VARIOUS ASSOCIATIONS and DIFFERENCES in MEANS: 1.

PROPORTIONS TEST C. A. (O i E i )2 E i 2. Students t TEST 3. CHI SQUARE TEST. A. B. C. B. x - 0 SD/n P (1 ) n 4. MODIFIED t TEST ference ( x1 - x2) 5. NORMAL CURVE TEST E. D. E. D. XA XB SEA2 + SEB2 Q. A statistical test which can be used to com are means of five sam les of atients for the ur ose of determining the of the observed findings is t test b. ANOVA test c. Chi square test d. Correlation analysis e. Regression analysis. Q. The correlation co-efficient (r) in a study of students is 0.7; the coefficie nt of determination (r2) for that sam le would be: 70% 49% 7% d. None of the above. ( x1 - x2) SE of the dif

Regression Analyis ANOVA Correlation Analysis Chi-square Test t Test

Q. The ower of a statistical test can be determined by using the formula: a. 1 H0 b. 1 - HA c. 1 d. 1 e. H0 - HA Q. While investig ting the ssoci tion etween elev ted levels of lph fet o protein nd the development of neur l tu e defects m tern l histories of 3250 nenceph lic fetuses were studied. If m ximum intercorrel tion ( r ) of 0.81 i s found to exist with respect to elev ted levels of lph feto protein in pregn nt women nd the su sequent consequence of fet l nenceph ly, which of the follo wing st tements is correct? . 81% of the time, nenceph ly is ssoci ted with elev ted m tern l levels of lph feto protein

Q. nt he A. B. C. D. E.

Four grou s of atients were followed over a eriod of 3 years with 4 differe thera ies for sideroblastic anemia to com are their efficacy. What would be t most a ro riate statistical analysis to conclude the ex eriment?

. 75% of the time, nenceph ly is ssoci ted with elev ted m tern l levels of lph feto protein c. Two-thirds of the time, nenceph ly is ssoci ted with elev ted m tern l levels of lph feto protein d. No conclusion c n e dr wn unless the p v lue is known e. The m ximum intercorrel tion is too low (6.25%) to est lish true ssoci tion etween lph feto protein levels nd occurrence of nenceph ly

QID: 205413Preventive Medicine nd Pu lic He lth - Epidemiology, St tistics, Rese rc h - St tisticsQuestion: A new ther peutic gent to prevent throm osis in p tients w ho h ve h d myoc rdi l inf rction (MI) is eing tested. Post-MI p tients re ssigned t r ndom to two ther pies. One group receives usu l c re plus pl ce o, while nother receives usu l c re plus the experiment l ntithrom otic gent. B sed on the endpoint of repe t MI, rese rchers comp re the me n num er of event s in e ch group. If st tistic lly signific nt difference is seen t the level of 0.05, which of the following is most correct?A. A p tient receiving the drug h s 95% ch nce of clinic l enefit s determined y the study endpointB. The inte rpret tion of the signific nce level is dependent on the power of the testC. Ther e is 95% ch nce th t the me n events in the two groups re truly differentD. If there is no difference etween the groups, the ch nce of erroneously detecting difference is 5%E. An MI will e prevented in 95 of every 100 p tients tre ted with the drug Q. The Y tes correction f ctor A. Is used for l rge s mple chi squ re testsB. Incre ses the likelihood of Typ e II errorC. Incre ses the chi squ re v lueD. Is used for 2 x 2 t les when the frequency of cell is less th n 5E. Is used for sm ll s mple chi squ re tests Q. Which of the following st tements is correct? A. Norm l distri ution curves re ch r cterized y their me ns nd r ngesB. Confidence limits re c lcul ted from me ns nd r ngesC. Norm l distri ution curves re ch r cterized y their me ns nd st nd rd devi tionsD. Confidence limits re c lcul ted fr om me ns nd s mple sizesE. Norm l distri ution curves re c lcul ted from s mple sizes nd st nd rd devi tions

Q. A survey of medic l students w s conducted to determine if there w s rel tionship etween gender nd p ss/f il r tes in women s he lth issues course. The following results were org nized into contingency t le. (See the t le) W hich would e the most ppropri te test to determine if there is ny ssoci tion etween gender nd p ss/f il r tes on this ex m? MALE FEMALE TOTAL

is inversely rel ted to of freedom D. Confidence limits re

sed on the

Q. Which of the following st A. It is sed on norm r th n 50 C. The s mple size the num er of degrees critic l r tio (z)

tements out the Student s t test is correct? l distri ution B. It is used for s mple sizes gre te

Q. . . c. d. e.

St tistic l methods re used in epidemiologic l studies ec use they: provide v lues of results th t re dependent upon ch nce provide conclusions out c use nd effect provide controls for v ri les th t were sent in the study design provide ssur nce of the signific nce of the findings provide controls for some of the more common sources of experiment l error

PASS 50 40 FAIL 50 10 TOTAL 100 50 A. Line r regressionB. McNem r testC. Student s t test D. Chi- squ re test E. Fisher s ex ct

90 60 150

Q. The more hot nd humid the we ther, the less clothing person we rs is n ex mple of: A. moder te correl tionB. low correl tionC. neg tive correl tionD. high positive c orrel tionE. no rel tionship Q. To study the ssoci tion etween coffee drinking nd c ncer of the p ncre s the coffee consumption (ounces per month) for two groups of insur nce workers w s collected. The d t ppe red to e s follows: GROUPS MEAN STANDARD DEVIATION 1 146 oz 21.00 oz 2 238 oz 24.00 oz t v lue = 2.77; Degrees of freedom = 20 The difference in coffee consumption etween these two groups h s signifi c nce level of? A B C D E p p p p p < 0.50 < 0.10 < 0.05 < 0.01 <0.001

Q. To ssess the ssoci tion etween deficiency of the enzyme hexos minid se A nd the su sequent risk of developing T y-S chs dise se, sever l groups of prem ture inf nts were investig ted. The chi-squ re v lue derived for the study w s 13.22 with 4 degrees of freedom. From the chi-squ re distri ution t le, wh t is the signific nce level of the study? CHI-SQUARE D ISTRIBUTION TABLE: Q. In which of the following situ tions should ONE-TAILED testing e used, r t her th n two-t iled?A. Comp ring the irth r tes etween neigh oring countriesB. C omp ring the effectiveness of two drugs g inst e ch other for cert in dise seC . Determining how driving t speeds gre ter th n 70 miles per hour ffects ccid ent r tesD. Determining if new, improved Supercle n detergent rightens clothing more th n the old versionE. Comp ring ver ge MCAT scores with those from 10 ye r s go Q. Positive correl tions (from 0.01 to 1.00) indic te th t, s one f ctor goes ----------------------, the other f ctor goes ---------------. A. down, upB. up, downC. up, upD. oth nd E. All of the ove

Q. Which of the following ex mples is most likely to h ve neg tive correl ti on? A. Num er of hours spent studying nd test scoresB. Amount of violent televisio n viewed nd num er of ggressive cts committedC. How m ny times the su ject smil es per d y nd their unh ppiness levelD. Weight nd heightE. Your test scores nd th e present economy

Q. Wh t correl tion coefficient v lue would most likely represent ly inverse proportion lity etween eh vior nd tr it? A. 1.0B. 0.25C. 0.0D. 0.5E. 1.0


Q. If you h d correl tion of positive one, the rel ted items would A. completely unrel ted B. moder tely correl ted C. very highly correl ted D. lowly correl ted

Q. In n lyzing d t , me surements re sometimes c tegoric l, for ex mple "sm iles" or "frowns". This type of me surement is c lled: A. qu lit tive me surementB. qu ntit tive me surementC. reli ilityD. v lidityE. psy hometrics Q. If one is me suring the rel tionship etween two things nd the rese rch h e or she does, shows th t there is solutely no rel tion existing etween the t wo, the correl tion is s id to e: A. 0 B. 0.3 C. 0.8 D. 1 E. - 1 Q. The st tistic l test which is used to comp re me ns of five s mples of p ti ents for the purpose of determining the p v lue of the o served findings is A. t test B. ANOVA test C. Chi squ re test D. Correl tion n lysis E. Regression n lysis. Q. The correl tion co-efficient in study of students is 0.8. The co efficie nt of determin tion of th t s mple would e: A. 80% B. 64% C.16% D. none of the ove. Q. Studying the ssoci tion etween pl sm levels of renin nd ch nges in lo od pressure, rese rcher would o t in the most effective use of d t y the pp lic tion of: A. students t test B.F test C. Correl tion n lysis D. Chi - squ re test E. Coefficient of v ri tion. Q. A controlled study to determine the simil rity of IQ scores etween identi c l twins shows th t there is correl tion coefficient of 0.89. This indic tes th tA. The more simil r the genes, the more simil r the IQ scoresB. The more simil r the genes, the less simil r the IQ scoresC. Genes nd intelligence re not hig hly correl tedD. Intelligence is determined more y le rningE. Identic l twins re highly intelligent Q. Suppose th t rese rcher elieves th t line r rel tionship exists etwe en two continuous v ri les. Wh t should the rese rcher do first fter collectin g his/her d t ?A. Perform line r regression on the d t to o t in regression li ne expressing line r rel tionship for the d t B. Construct sc tter plot of th


e d t plotting one v ri le g inst the other v ri leC. Compute the coefficient of correl tion of the two v ri lesD. Compute the me n of e ch of the v ri lesE. Compute the st nd rd devi tion of e ch of the v ri les Q. You re re ding journ l rticle th t h s recently een pu lished concer ning the possi le he lth effects of long-term exposure to low levels of electrom gnetic r di tion. In this rticle, the uthors cl im th t " sed on the d t co llected during our study, it is now cle r th t even low-level exposure to electr om gnetic fields c n c use chronic myeloid leukemi in dults." This ssertion m kes you rec ll your e rly tr ining in epidemiologic methods, specific lly in th e re of c us l inference. Which of the following is true concerning c us l inf erence in epidemiology? A. The strength of the exposure-dise se rel tionship is n import nt conside r tionB. Oftentimes, single study c n convincingly demonstr te c us lityC. St ti stic lly signific nt findings lmost lw ys indic te c us l rel tionshipD. Bi s nd confounding gener lly do not h ve n effect on re l c us l rel tionshipsE. O nly l or tory studies c n truly est lish direct c us l rel tionship Q. In reviewing n epidemiologic study concerning the development of p ncre t ic c ncer following exposure to pesticide used in sp r gus f rming, you note th t the study s uthors conclude th t the pesticide c uses the development of t his type of c ncer in gricultur l workers who h ve een exposed to it. In order for c us l rel tionship to exist etween n exposure nd dise se outcome, w hich of the following criteri must e met?A. The exposure must e necess ry to c use the dise seB. The c us l rel tionship must e iologic lly fe si leC. The fin ding must e consistent with ll other scientific studies from the medic l liter ture D. The exposure must e sufficient to c use the dise se Q. The nursing supervisor t the hospit l w s interested in whether the new d octors or the more est lished doctors differed in their opinions of the nursing st ff. An opinion survey w s t ken (1=high opinion of the st ff nd 9=low opini on of the st ff). Doctors were grouped ccording to ye rs of experience. A. The opinion of the nursing st ff improves with every 5-ye r increment in ye rs of experienceB. The newest doctors h ve the highest reg rd for the nursing st ffC. It t kes out 5 ye rs for the doctors to o t in st le opinion of the nursing st ffD. The opinion of the nursing st ff gets worse s the doctors g in e xperienceE. C nnot e determined from the d t supplied The results:

A st tistic l test showed th t there w s signific nt difference in doctors opinions of the nursing st ff etween the under 5 ye rs of experience group nd the other groups. The 2 more experienced groups were not different from e ch oth er. Wh t could the supervisor conclude? Q. A colle gue presents you with the following t le of d t , nd sks for your help in interpreting the different p-v lues th t he o t ined s p rt of the compu ter output from the st tistic l softw re progr m th t he w s using. Q. Met - n lysis is the process y which A. Multiple studies with common outcome v ri le re com ined to incre se s t tistic l powerB. Extr -l rge studies re developed to nswer p rticul rly su tl e questionsC. The v rious forms of i s re n lyzed for their effects on p rti

Wh t would e the simplest st tistic l test to comp re the percent ge of od y f t etween the 2 study groups t the 1-ye r time point?A. Chi squ re B. t TestC. P ired t-testD. Logistic regressionE. Line r regression Q. Wh t st tistic l test would you pply to test the equ lity of v ri nces to se lect ppropri te t Test to find the differences etween two me ns? Modified t test P ired t test F test Chi-squ re test

Q. A tri l is c rried out to determine the imp ct of new diet, com ined wit h exercise, in ddition to convention l ther py to further reduce the risk of de th of p tients recovering from he rt surgery P tients re ssigned to one of th e two study rms: 1- Convention l ther py only 2- Convention l ther py plus n ew diet plus new exercise progr m. P tients re followed up every two months for the first ye r, nd then every six months for the next four ye rs. Among other f ctors, the following inform tion is collected: 1) Sex 2) Age t time of surgery 3) Weight ( t entry into tri l nd t e ch visit) 4) Percent ge of ody f t ( t entry nd t e ch visit) 5) Surviv l st tus nd d te of de th where pplic le 6) Need for further surgery nd d te where pplic le 7) A gr ding for ctu l ctivity level (1 to 5 with 1=Sedent ry & 5=Ve ry Active)

cul r studyD. All confounding v ri les re identified nd removed from consider tionE. C se reports re comp red with comp r le popul tion to incre se their s t tistic l power

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