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IISAPETROL 0000001 FORMULARIO No. 1 Carta de presentacién y compromiso Sefior Gerente General Empresa Publica Estraté« Corporacién Eléctrica del Ecuador CELEC EP. Presente EI que suscribe, en atenci6n a la convocatoria efectuada por la Corporacién Eléctrica del Ecuador CELEC EP, dentro del proceso de contratacion CESE-CELEC-001-2011 para “SUMINISTRO E INSTALACION DE CENTRALES TERMOELECTRICA CON UNA CAPACIDAD TOTAL DE 190 MW PARA INTERCONEXION AL SISTEMA NACIONAL INTERCONECTADO DEL ECUADOR”, luego de examinar los pliegos, al presentar esta oferta en mi calidad de representante legal de ISAPETROL DEL ECUADOR CIA. LTDA., deciaro que: 1, Represento legalmente a la oferente IISAPETROL DEL ECUADOR CIA. LTDA. 2. Declaro también, que la oferta la hago en forma independiente y sin conexién culta con otra u otras personas, compafias 0 grupos participantes en este procedimiento contractual y que, en todo aspecto, la oferta es honrada y de buena fe. Por consiguiente aseguro no haber vulnerado y que no vulneraré ningun principio 0 norma relacionada con la competencia libre, leal y justa; asi como declaro que no estableceré, concertaré 0 coordinaré — directa 0 indirectamente, en forma explicita 0 en forma oculta- posturas, abstenciones o resultados con otro u otros oferentes, se consideraren 0 no partes relacionadas en los términos de la normativa aplicable. 3. Conozco las condiciones para el suministro de los bienes ofertados, prestacién de servicios y ejecucién de obras, y he estudiado las especificaciones técnicas y los pliegos, como consta por escrito en el texto de esta carta, y me hallo satisfecho del Cconocimiento adquirido. Por consiguiente, renuncio a cualquier reciamo posterior, aduciendo desconocimiento de caracteristicas y especiicaciones servicio a prester. 4. Conozco y acepto que la Corporacién Eléctrica del Ecuador CELEC EP se reserva el derecho de adjudicar el contrato 0 de declarar desierto el procedimiento convocado si conviniere a los intereses nacionales e institucionales. 5. Garantizo la veracidad y exactitud de la informacién y las declaraciones incluidas en los documentos de la oferta, formularios y otros anexos, al tiempo que autorizo a la Corporacién Eléctrica del Ecuador CELEC EP, a efectuar averiguaciones para comprobar u obtener aclaraciones e informacién adicional sobre las condiciones técnicas y econémicas de la oferta presentada Av. Eloy Alfaro N32-543 y Shyris, Edificio Nuevolar, 6to piso W * Telfs.: (593-2) 2251172 / 173 - 2269210 / fp SP ee aa ae IISAPETROL ovecoge 6. _Deciaro bajo juramento que me comprometo expresamente a no ofrecer ningun ago, préstamo o servicio, entretenimiento de Iujo, viajes u obsequios a ningun funcionario 0 trabajador de Corporacién Eléctrica del Ecuador CELEC EP, y acepto que en caso de violar este compromiso, estoy dispuesto a que CELEC EP, cbservando el debido proceso, dé por terminado en forma inmediata e! contrato, que se suscribe como resultado de esta convocatoria y me allano a responder por los dafios y periuicos que estas actos ocasionen. 7. Asi mismo declaro, bajo juramento, que mi representada no esta incursa en las inhabilidades para contratar mencionadas en la LOSNCP. 8 Renuncio a toda reclamacion que pudiera generarse en relacién al presente contrato, por via diplomatica. 8 Al presentar esta oferta, cumplo con toda la normativa general, sectorial y especial plicable a mi actividad econémica, profesién, ciencia u oficio. 10. Al presentar esta oferta, considero todos los costos obligatorios que debo y deberé asumir en la ejecucién contractual, especialmente aquellos relacionados con obligaciones sociales, laborales, de seguridad social, ambiental y ributaria vigente. 11. Me allano en caso de que se comprobare una violacién a los compromisos establecidos en los numerales que anteceden, a que CELEC EP me descalifique como oferente 0 proceda @ la terminacién unilateral del contrato, segun el caso. 12, Habiendo examinado ios pliegos declaro que conozco le naturaleza y condiciones. de la presente contratacion, para lo cual propongo el valor detallado en el Formulario No. 4, “Tabla de Capitulos, Precios y Plazos' 43, En caso de que se me adjudique el contrato, convengo (0 mi representada conviene) en: a) Firmar el contrato dentro del término establacido en los pliegos. Como requisito indispensable, antes de la suscripcién del contrato, presentaré la garantia de fiel cumplimiento a la que se refieren las condiciones del contrato, por el cinco por ciento (5%) del monto total del mismo y la garantia por anticipo, recibido por el cien por ciento (100%) de su valor, asi como la garantia técnica correspondiente, b) Acepto que, en caso de negarme a suscribir el respectivo contrato dentro del tiempo sefialado, se me deciare como adjudicataro falido, y se me aplique la ‘sanci6n indicada en los articulos 36 y 69 de la LOSNCP. €)Elplazo de ejecucién que propongo para cada capitulo ofertado esta detallado en el Formulario 4 "Tabla de Capitulos, Precios y Piazos’ d) Garantizo que le ejecucién del contrato se efectuard de conformidad con los pliegos y documentos del contrato. Quito, 17 de marzo del 2011 ‘Av, Eloy Alfaro N32-543 y Shytis, Edificio Nuevolar, 6to piso W + Telfs.: (699-2) 2251172 / 173 - 2263210 2250828 - 2052677 + Fax: (593-2) 2267-155 + Quito - Ecuador ‘ IISAPETROL 0000003 FORMULARIO NO. 2 Datos generales del Oferente PARA PERSONAS JURIDICAS INDIVIDUALES) NOMBRE DEL OFERENTE: IISAPETROL DEL ECUADOR CIA. LTDA. NOMBRE REPRESENTANTE LEGAL: PATRICIO SANDOVAL DIRECCION PARA CORRESPONDENCIA: Ciudad: Quito Calle: Av. Eloy Alfaro N° 32-543 y Shyris Edificio Nuevolar 6to. Piso ‘Teléfono(s): 2443015 / 2251172 / 2250828 / 2263210 Correo Electrénico: DIRECTIVos NA PRESIDENTE. LUIS EDMUNDO SANCHEZ SANCHEZ GERENTE (YO APODERADO) PATRICIO SANDOVAL, BIENES Y SERVICIO QUE OFRECE: Montajes Electromecanicos Servicios Petroleros Quito, 17 de marzo del 2011 tpl, Peticfe Sandoval ‘epresentante Legal IISAPETROL CIA. LTDA. Av. Eloy Alfaro N32-543 y Shyris, Edificio Nuevolar, 6to piso W « Telfs.: (699-2) 2251172 / 173 - 2263210 2250828 - 2262677 + Fax: (593-2) 2267-155 + Quito - Ecuador ong Quito, 25 de Agosto del 2008 0009004 Seftor LUIS PATRICIO SANDOVAL VACA Ciudad De mi consideracién: ‘Tengo el agrado de comunicar a usted que Ia Junta General Extraordinaria y Universal de Socios de la Compafiia ISAPETROL DEL ECUADOR CIA. LTDA. en sesidn llevada a cabo el dia de hoy 25 de Agosto del 2008, tuva a bien reelegitle para el cargo de GERENTE GENERAL de a ‘Compania, funcion que ejercera durante el periodo estalutario de TRES ANOS, comprendidos entre el momento de su inscripcién en el Registro Mercantil y hasta ser legitimamente reemplazado, De acuerdo con el Articulo Vigésimo de los Estatutos Sociales, la representacion legal, judicial y extrajudicial de la Compattia la ejercen individualmente el Presidente y el Gerente General Los deberes y atribuciones inherentes al cargo para el cual ha sido elegido aparecen deiallados en la Escrtura Publica de Escisién de la Compafia INSTRUMENTACION INDUSTRIAL SANDOVAL CIA. LTDA. en otra denominada IISAPETROL DEL ECUADOR CIA. LTDA.. otorgada 21 1 de Julio del 2008, ante el Notario Trigésimo Séptimo del Cantén Quito, Doctor Roberto Duefias Mera, la misma que ha sido inscrita en el Registro Mercantil respectivo el 17 de Agosto el 2005, bajo el numero 2058, Tomo 136, Atentamente, Taue te. Luis Edmundo Sanchez Sanchez PRESIDENTE, Acepto el cargo para el cual he sido reelegido y prometo desempefiario fiel y legalmente, para constancia de lo cual fimo. Quito, 25 de Agosto dal 2008, Luis Patricio Sandoval Vaca CC. No, 170529596-0 Bow sexte testa reoede eeriso all pl 960.0....ser5 13% 27 hed, 208 HISAPETROL 0009005 | DISTRIBUIDOR AUTORIZADO ‘Eloy Aro NG2-549 y Shia, Eicio Nuevoly, So plz W Tis: (89-2) 2251172 / 179 2080210 fp 2252677 + Fax: (693-2) 2267-185 » Quito - Ecu 000008 EXCLUSIVE DISTRIBUTION AGREEMENT ‘This Exclusive Distribution Agreement (the” Agreement’), is mace and effective .March 02°. 2071 BETWEE! NINGDONG (the "Company". 9 corporation organized and existing under the laws of the Republe of China, with i's head office located at. 123 Hacnuan Road Jiangbei District Ningbo AND: IISAPETROL CIA. LTDA. (the “Distributor, a corporation with his mam address located at Av Eloy Alfaro 1731 y Shyns Quito, and existing under the laws of the Republic of Eevador WHEREAS the Company wishes to market the Products described in Schedule A (the "Procucts") through the Distributor, it is agreed 2s follows DEFINITIONS When used in this Agreement, the following terms shall have the respective meanings indicated. such ‘meanings to be applicable to both the singular and plural forms of ihe terms defines: “Agreement” means this agreement, the Schedules attached hereto and any documents included by reference. as each may be amended from lime to time in accordance with the terms ofthis ‘Agreement, “Accessories” means the accessories described in Exhibit A attached hereto, and includes any ‘special devices manufactured by Company and used in connection wath the operation of the Gases Accessories may be deleted {rom or addes to Exhibit A and thevt specifications ang design may be ‘changed by Company at its Sole discretion at any time by maling writen notice of such changes [0 Distnoutor Each cnange snail become etfective [NUMBER] days following the date notice Inereot is Sent to Distrbutor “Affiliate means" any company contolied by, contrating, of under common contra! with Company Afiate means any person, corpor wich owns, now or nereatter, cirecty or indirect, twenty-five percent (25%) or more of any class of the voting stock of Company of 1s, now or reafier, direct OF indiectly, ineffective contro! of Company. oF (i) twenty-five parcent (25%) oF more of any class of the voting stock of whicn Company. or a party described in paragraph (i) owns row or heraaiter.ciectly or indirectly of af when Company ora party desenbed in paragraph () :s now or hereafter, directly or indirectly rol “Customer” means any person who purchases or leases Products from Distributor “Delivery Point” means Company's facilities at 123 Ho1cruan Road Jiangber Oisvict Ningbo Delivery paint means Distributors facibes a Av Eloy Alfaro 173% y Shyris Quite, Ecua Excuse Ditrbuion Agreamant Page 7 of, 0009007 “Products” means Goods, Accessories, and Spare Parts, “Spare Parts means”: (i) all parts and components of the Goods; (i) any special devices uses in connection with the maintenance or servicing of the Goods. Company warrants that a complete ist of Spare Parts is set forth in Exnisit C. Spare parts may be celoted from or added to Exhibit © ang ther specifications and design may be changed 2y Company at 's sole discretion at any tire by maling usntten notice of such changes to Distribuior Each change shall become effective [NUMBER] cays. following the date notice thereot is sent to Distributor. “Specifications” means those specifications set forth in Exhibit O “Territory” means the following geographic area or areas ECUADOR LATIN AMERICA. During the term of this Agreement, Distributor shail nave the frst right of refusal at is option to expand the ‘Teretory in order to distribute the Products on an exclusive basis Company shall give Distributor whiten notice and the terms under which at mtenes to perm aistinution, of the terms of any olfer of request from a thitd party for rights to distribute, any of the Products in any country not then included In the Teentory. Distributor shall accept or reject such offer im writing within 10 days after receipt thereot. and, # Distributor accepts such oie, the Tetntory shall be appropriately expanded “Trademark” means ary trademark, logo, service mark or other commercial designation, whether or not registered. used to represent or Gesenibe the Products of Company. as sel forth in Exhibit © 2. APPOINTMENT OF DISTRIBUTOR 4.4 Appointment Company hereby appcints Distrbutor as Company's exclusive distngutor of Products in the Tertory and Distributor accepts that position ‘2 Company, to the extent tat tis legally Permitted to do so, (i) shall not appoint any distabuter or agent i the Terrtory for the Products other than Distnbutor, (i) shall not, ané shall use any Affliate not to, know'ngly sell Producis to any person other than Distibutor or a partly designated dy Distributor for use or resale within the Terstory (except pursuant to any. agreement effective at the tne this Agreement became applicable fo the service So providan ‘3d (in) Shall use its best efforts 29 prevent any party over than Distributor from seeking customers for he Products in the Territory, rom estabisning any branch related to the Jistnbuton of Products in the Teretory, oF From maintaining any distribution depot with respon to the Products inthe Terntory b Company. ot any AMfliate, se's eny Product which is eventually resold in the Terntory (ther than a sale to Distributor of a party eesignated by Distributor) and Company, of that AMiiate had reason fo know at the time of t's sale of that Product that such resale was likely to occur Company shal, immediately aftr tne tigger soe (whicn shall be the resale of tne Prosuct the terrtory oF the sale immediately preceding the use of the Product in the Terntory) is ‘contracted, pay 10 the Distributor 5% of the price of that Product under this Agreement at n= time nat the tugger sale was contracted, wnich paynent shall represent a recapture of ci advertising and capital expenditures made by Distributor. Nothing contained in this Se hal afect any other nght or remedy wrich Distrioutor may have pursuant to this Agreement 2. REFERRALS It Company oF any Aiiate is contacted by any party inquiring Terntory (other than Distributor or a party designates by Distrib. Aiftiate fo, refer such party to Distebutor for nanaing ut the purchase of Products in the ‘Company shall, or shat! cause that ‘eluswe Distnbuton Agreement Page2aty 099003 3. RELATIONSHIP OF PARTIES a. Distributor is an independent contractor and is not the legal representative or agent of Company for any purpose and shall nave no right or authonty {except as expressly provided in this Agreement) 1o incur. assume or create in wiring of otherwise, any warranty over any of Company's emotoyees, all of whom are entirely uncer the contrai of Company, wno shal be responsible for thelr aets and omissions. >. Disinbuter shal, atts own expense, dunng the term of this Agreement and any extension thereof, mamntain full insurance under any Workmen's Compensation Laws effective in the state or other applicable jursictien covering alt persons employed by and working fori connection with the performance ef this Agreement, anc upon cequest shal furnish Company with satsfaciory evidence of the maintenance of such insurance. €Distnbutor accepts exclusive labilty for allcontnoutions and payroll taxes required under Federal Social Security Laws and State Unemployment Compensation Laws or tne ‘payments under any laws of similar character in any applicable jursaietion a3 to all persons employed by and working forit 4. Nothing contained in this Agreement shall be deemed to create any partnership or joint venture relationship between the parties 4. SALE OF PRODUCTS BY DISTRIBUTOR Distributor agrees to exercise its best ettorts to develon the largest possibie market for the Products in the Terrtory and shall continuously offer, acvertse, cemonstrate and ciherwise promote the sale of Products sa the Terntory 2 The partes have consulted together ang now agrae that if Distributors best effects ate used as provided in this Section, a minimum ef Engines Producis (‘Annual Market Potential) will purchased and istibuted in the Territory during the fst year of this Agreement 'b._Althe beginning of each subsequent year hereunder the parties will consult together in good faith ‘and agree on the Annual Market Potential applicable 19 that year. providee, Nowaver, that they cannot agree, the Annual Market Potential forthe immediately Preceding year will apply to the current yaar 5. COMPETING PRODUCTS Distributor agrees that it wil nt disinbute oF represent any Products in the Terntory which compete wth the Products during the term of ts Agrzement er any extensions thereof 6. ADVERTISING Distributor shall be entitled, during the tovm of the distributorship created by this Agreement ana any extonsion tnereot, to advertise and hole #seif out as an authorizes Disinbutor of tne Products, At all umes. uring the term of ne eistnbutorship created by this Agreement and any extension thereof, Distrbutor shall se the Trademarks in all advertsemerss and other activties conducted by Disthnuter to atomate tne sale of the Products a. Disinbutor shall subrt examples of al proposed advert'semen's and othar promotional materials fer the Products to Company for sspection and Distreutor shal not use any such aavertser promotional materials without ‘sing received the prior wetten consent al Company *9 <> £9 hy Excuse Dastnbuton Rares aN 0090009 b__Distrbutor shall act, pursuant to this Agreement or otherwise, have or acquire any right, tile or interest in o: fo Companys Tracemarks, 7. NEW PRODUCTS Company or any Affliate now or horeatter manufactures of eistbutes, oF ar2poses to manutacture or cistibute, any product other than the Products. Company shall immediately natly. of cause such AMiiate toncity, Distnoutor of that fact and ct all details concerning that product Distibuter may request ‘ror Company distribution nights for that product n the Tetntory. or any portion theteo!. and if sa requested, ‘Company shall grant, or shail cause tho suoject Atiliate 19 grant, Such eistibution rights to Distibutor on terms and conditions no less favorable than those provided in this Agreement with respect to Products, If Distributor does not cbtain those cistrbution rights or obiains them only for a partion ef the Territory ‘and Company or an Affilate later cesires to offer those distabution nghts for the Terntory or any porven the:eof to ancther party, Company shall frst, or shall cause such Affilate 10 fist, make that offer in wring te Distibutor on terms and conditions which shall be spectied fuly in that offer. That offer shall contain @ {ull description of the subject product and its operation Distabutor may request. and Company shall prompty provide, or shall cause such Affilate promptiy ‘rovide, further information concerning tne pfoduet oF the off If Distabutor fails to accept such offer. Company cr the Affuate may then offer tne product to anothat party for distibutien m the Ternory. but ‘may not offer on terms and conditions move favorabie than those offered to Distnbutor If Company or ‘Affiate desires to make a beter offer to another party. Company shail fet, or shall use the aifiiare fstto, make such cette offer to Distributor in accordance with the procedure set forth above 8. DISTRIBUTOR SALES, SERVICE AND STORAGE FACILITIES 2 Distnouter sna. atts expense, engage and maintain a sales, service and parts handling Corganization in the Terntory. staffed win such experienced personnel as are necessary to enable distnbutor to perform its obligations undor this Agreement Distributor shal, atts expense: maintain facies and personnel in the Territery that wilt enable ‘prompty and satistactonly :o perform, ota reasonable price. all inspection, maintenance and ther necessary servicing of Products Sold by Distroutor To assist Disteoutorin the discharge of this service and maintenance function, Company shall provide service and maintenance taining vwuthost charge. 19 any reasonable number of O:stibuters personnel as Ovstnbutor shall sesignate © Distiberor shal, atts exoense, at all:imes store and maintal ‘accordance win current, applicable instr inventory of Products in 19S issued by Company from timo ta time 2 Distnbutor shal atts expense. deliver ore copy of Company's current, apalicable operation ana ‘maintenance manual to each Customer at ne tre o sale ana, at thst time, Oistnutor shal, atts ‘oxpense, lull explain and demonstrate to the customer the proper method of operating ang ‘manta ning the Products © Distnbutor shall mai to Company, during the term of the distnbutership created by this Agr land any extension ineraot, prompt westan notes of the agarass of each location at whch Dproducts are stored. and the adress of each facility estabisned by Distabutct lo sell and service 18, Company may. through its designated agent, inspect all such Iocations and facisies tons conducted therein at any tw2 Gur ag normal BUSINESS outs Exctusive Orstabuton Agreement Page 4afs eX 0009010 9, TRAINING OF DISTRIBUTOR ‘As promplly 2s practicable after execution of the Agreement, Company shail ransmit to Distributor formation. metenls. manuals ana other techrical documents necessary to enable Distributor to perform ts obigations under this Agreement and. in parbcular, 10 carry out the warranty repairs pursuant to ARTICLE 4 of this Agrooment Throughout the term of his Agreement and any extension thereo! Company shall continue to give Distibutor such techneal assistance as Distroutor may reasonably request Disinbuior shall remburse Comaany forall reasonable out-ot-pockst expenses mouited by Company in providing technical assistance 410. SPARE PARTS AND ACCESSORIES Distributor shail keep in stock an adequate supply of Spare Parts and Accessories for tne servicing of ‘Goods. No Spare Parts or Accessories nol manufactured by Company shall be used in connection with the Goods uniess tney have been approved in wrting by Company 11. CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION \Wetten Technical data, drawings. plans and engineering in technical instructions pertaining to the Products are recognized by Distrbutor to be secret and conficental and to be the property of Company ‘Those items shall at ail times and for al curposes be held by Distributor in 3 confidential capacity and shall nt, without the prior written consent of Company, i) be disclosed by Distributor to any person, firm or corporation, excepting Inose salaries amployees of O'stnbutor who ate required to vtlize such items > Connection with the sale, inspection, repair or servicing of Products curing tne term of the dstnbutorsh Created by ths Agreement ot any extension thereot, oF (i) be disclosed to any person, frm oF corporati™ oF copied or used by Distributor, ws employees or agents at any time following the expiration oF termination of tne eistibutarship created by this Agreement or any extension thereat, except where such Use is necessary in order to manlan o° service Products stil covered by the warranty provisions of ARTICLE 4 at the me of Such expiration or termination Company may requite as a condition to any ‘isclosure by Distributor pursuant to ths Section that any salatieg emplayes to whom disclosura isto be mage sign a secrecy agreement, onforceaple by Company, containing terms satisfactory to Company 13, TERMS OF PURCHASE AND SALE OF PRODUCTS: ‘a. Distributor shall purcnase its requirements for the Procucts trom Company. Such requirements shall include () purchasing and mamtaining an inventory of Products that = Sufficient fo enuble Disinbutor to perform its obligations hareunder, and (i) atleast ona (* demenstation model of the Goods and Accessories, Each order for Products submited by Distibulor to Company shal be subject to tne writen acceptance of Company, and Company may. mits ovn aiscretion, acceot er reject any orcer for Products without obtgaton oF liabity to Disinoutor by reason of ts rejection of any such request Company sha! supaly to Distabster sufficient Products to enable Distribut the ty ine or Products in the To ey All orders for Products wansmited by Oistnbutor to Company shall be deemed to 28 ‘accepted ay Company at the tme such orders are received by Company 19 th: they are in compliance wth the to-ms of this Agreemant and Company shall pa Excuswe Osbu 2 oN wut osocoli ‘accordance with all accepted orders. Company shall confirm is receipt and acceptance of ‘each order written [NUMBER] days of receipt of ine orcor ©. Purchases for Resale only. All Procuets purchased by Distrutor shall be purchased solely {or commercial resale or lease, excepting those Producis reasonably requited by Distrbutor {ot advertising and demonstration purpos 14, ORDER PROCEDURE 2. Each order for Products issued by Distributor ts Company under this Agreement shall identity thet itis an order and shal further set forth the delivery date of dates and the desorption and quant Of Products which are to be delivered on each of Such dates An orcer for Products shall not provide 8 delivery date less than 30 days after the date thst orcer is delivered to Company b. The individual contracts for the sale of Products formed by Distibutor's submission of orders to ‘Company pursuant tothe terms and conditions heteo! shall autometicaly incorporate. to the ‘exzant appicabie. the terms and conditions hare, shall de subject anly to those terms ang Cconations (logether win all terms in orders which are contemplated by this Agreement) and shal rot be subject to any Confictng or additonal te-ms included in any cocuments exchanged in connection therewith 15. CANCELLATION oF ORDERS > i All cancellation of orders by Distributor shail be in writing, oF if not initially in writing. shall be confirmed in g wniting If Distributor cancels an order. which has been accepted by Company. Distributor shall emburse s ‘Company for any cost incktent to such order incurred by Company prior to the time it was informed of ne 3 sector 16, PURCHASE PRICE The prices for Goods. and any discounts applicable thereto, at Accessones, togetner with any ciscounts applicable thereto, 2 Spare Parts, togetner wih any dis-ounts appleaie there FOB the Delivery Point Ifthe price fr any Product sr nevertheless orders such a Producl om Company, tne pa ‘conclude a contract for the sate of inat Procuct 9 mutually negotiating in good fash fort in Exhibit B. The prices for ‘set orn 9 Exhibit A The prices for are set forth in ExhibtC. All prices are et forth on Exhibit A, 8 or C and Oistabuter nereay evicence thet intention thereby 12 price 19 be detormined oy the Parties 17. PRICE CHANGES Company reserves the right. in its sole aiscrettn, to change prices o: discounts applicable to the Products. Company shall give wetten notes to Dstnbuter oF any price cnange at least 30 Gays price cave date thereof. The price in effect as of the date of Distnbutor s receip: of notice of such price ‘change shall remain appicabie to all ordors received by Company prior 10 that affective date 18. PACKING Company shal, ats expense, pack all Products in accordance win Company's standard packing Sure, which shall be sutabie to perm shioment af the Prodct® ta the Terrtory. provided, however utor requests a mocifcation of rasa procedures. Comp iny sha | "rake Ine requested rosfcation and D'stbut0" shall Dear any reasonable ex pany in complying wth En use Dsvibuton Agreement Pages ote % } oo0d012 such modified procedures which are excess of the expenses which Company would have incurred in following iis standard procedures 49, DELIVERY: TITLE AND RISK OF LOSS All geliverias of Products Sold by Company to Oistributer pursuant to this Agreement shall be made FOB the Delivery Point, and ttle to and risk of loss of Products shal pass from Company to Distabutor at the Delivery Paint. Distributor snail 2 responsible for arranging sil vansportation of Products, But requested by Distnbuter. Company shail at Distnbulor's expense. assist Orstnibutor in making such arrangements, Oistbutor shall siso procure insurance for the transportation of the Products. and such insurance shal be of a kind and on terms current at the port cf shipment. In the event that Company is, requested to assist Distributor in arranging for ransportation, Disinbv'or shall rewburee Company for al Costs applicable lo the Prosuets folowing tne dalnery to Dietnbutor, ncluzing. wlnoul imitation, insurance, transportation, loading and unloading, hanciing and storage. Ostibutor shal pay all charges inaluding customs duly and sales tax incurred with respect to the Products following nav Delivery to he caret of forwaraer 20, INSPECTION AND ACCEPTANCE Prorsaty upon the receipt of a shipment of Produe's, Distibutor shall examine the shipment to determine whether any item or items included inthe shipment are in shor supply, defective or damages. Within 30, {days of receipt of the shipment, Distributor shall notfly Company in writing of any shortages. cefacts oF {Gamage which Distribvior claims existed at the time of Gelivery Winn 5 days after the receipt of such netiee, Company wil investigate the claim of shortages, defects or camage, inform Distributor of its fingings. ang datver to Distrioutor Praducts to eplace any which Company determines, ints sole aiscretion, were in snort supply, dafecive or damaged al the time of culvery 21, PAYMENT Upon delivery and acceotance of Products, Company may subm' to Distributor Company's invoice for nose Products. Distributor shall pay each such proper nvo.ce within 20 days ater Distibstor's rece'pt of that invoice Payment snalibe mada in US DOLLARS :0.3 bank account t9 be nolifed in wrking by Company to Distr butor 22, ENTIRE AGREEMENT “This Agreement coniains tne entire understancing ol the parties and there are no commitments, Jements, of understandings between the cames other than those expressly set farth nevein This sement shall at be akered, wawed. mos\iaJ. or amended excep: im wring sigred by the partes bio and notarized TTT ng \tuenary 009013 23, ARBITRATION Any controversy or claim arising out of or rating to this contract or the breach thereot shall be setied by arbitration 19 be held in the Gity of Cuito, Republic of Ecuador. in accordance with the law in tis, Junscicton, and judgment upon the award rendered by the arbitrators may be entered 1 any Court having lbriscicton thereot 24. SECRECY Distributor agrees not to disclose or use except as required in Distributor's duties, at any time, any Information disclosed to or acquired by Distributor duning the term of tn contract O:stabutor agrees that all configential information shall be deemed to be and shail be treated as a sole and exclusive property of the Company. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement on fiarch 02°, 2011, COMPANY oisTRIEUTOR faaretno. 5, RESEES saved Spite NEA A arian Siro Print Name and Tile re ‘Ramuniatvative Manager aie Bitieaioa Ngaio rags f ae IISAPETROL 0009014 REPUESTOS Ts oy A NEE Sy, Ei al, Sopa Toes GED STE T 7a emaID AP 2250828 - 2252677 + Fax: (599-2) 2267-155 + Quito - Ecuador wwwiisa.comec 0000015 TRPRAAMBARARAA POWER & MACHINERY GROUP CO., LTD. lds No. $9, Haiti Hood, Jane, Nii, feat Chie March 07, 2011 Me. CORPORACION ELECTRICA DEL ECUADOR CELEC QUITO- ECUADOR SOUTH AMERICA, OBJECT: O.E.M. SPARE PARTS CERTIFICATION NINGBO C.S1. POWER & MACHINERY GROUP CO. LTD, is pleased to confirm you that our manufacturing plant has the ability to manufacture original spare parts for our engines NINGBO CSI POWER. also we supply original spare paris for the enginas that we had and been supplied to many customers worldwide. {As always, ts our ful intent to provide you with dependable and quality service, and in keeping you Updated with the latest innovation an HFO engines. we may be of further assistance, please call upon us at any ime. Sincerely, NINGBO CS. POWER & MACHINERY GROUP CO. LTD. al ASMA RAF CC] OPER WACENEN 0207 IISAPETROL Scoca1e FORMULARIO NO. 3 Carta de confidencialidad Quito, 17 de marzo del 2011 Sefior Gerente General Empresa Publica Estratégica Corporacién Eléctrica del Ecuador CELEC EP Presente EI que suscribe, en atencién a la convocatoria efectuada por la Corporacién Eléctrica del Ecuador CELEC EP, para el suministro e instalacién de centrales termoeléctricas, declaro que me obligo a guardar absoluta reserva de la informacién confiada y a los que pueda tener acceso durante las visitas previas a la valoracién de la oferta y en virtud de! desarrollo y cumplimiento del contrato en caso de resultar adjudicatario. La inobservancia de lo manifestado dara lugar a que la Corporacién Eléctrica del Ecuador CELEC EP ejerza las acciones legales civiles y penales correspondientes y en especial las determinadas en los articulos 200 y 201 del Codigo Penal vigente. iff Quito, 17 de marzo del 2011 Ing. P jandoval Representa Legal NSAPETROL CIA. LTDA. ‘Av. Eloy Alfaro N32-543 y Shyris, Edificio Nuevolar, 6to piso W + Telfs.: (693-2) 2251172 / 173 - 226210 2250828 - 2252677 + Fax: (593-2) 2267-155 * Quito - Ecuador IISAPETROL 0000017 FORMULARIO No. 4 Tabla de Capitulos, Precios y Plazos TABLA DE CAPITULOS, PRECIOS Y PLAZOS ‘CAPACIDAD | CAPACIDAD OFERTA eFecriva | EFECTIVA CAPITULO UBICACION MINA MAXIMA enseaGaS sae m (ww) im fon Lewy | PRECOK | ovasy 1 JARAMUO- 120 140 NC NIC Nic 2_[uwino 30 40 3emw | 44'851.928,00 | 290 SANTA 3 [pas 30 40 semw | 40's51.928,00 | 290 CAPACIDAD MAXIMA DISPONIBLE (MW) | 76 MW |89°703.856.00| 290 Quito, 17 de marzo del 2011 ‘Av. Eloy Alfaro N32-543 y Shyris, Edificio Nuevolar, 6to piso W + Tels: (693-2) 2251172 / 173 - 2263210 2250828 - 2252677 + Fax: (593-2) 2267-155 + Quito - Ecuador OGac0i3 TRPRAAMBKAARDA NINGRO C.S.1. POWER & MACHINERY GROUP CO., LTD. No, 99,Hafchstn Rood, Tlangbel, Ningbo, zhejiang China Fane 008 March 07, 2014 To CELE CORPORACION ELECTRICA DEL ECUADOR CELEC EP. auiro ECUADOR LATIN AMERICA, (OBJECT: CONFIRMATION OF NINGDONG ENGINES DELIVERY ‘We appreciate your business, and we confirm that we will deliver our engines NINGDONG in 8 months, after confirmation ‘of the purchase order, and reception of the pre- payment, we will do whatever possible lo satisfy your needs , ploase lel us know if there's anything we can do, The goods will be shipped to you from China Ningbo port Sincerely, Sia ame: ur. dee NORd Title: Oversea department IISAPETROL 0000019 FORMULARIO No. 5A Datos Técnicos Minimos Garantizados DATOS TECNICOS MINIMOS GARANTIZADOS CAPITULO: SANTA ELENA POTENCIA EFECTIVA DEL CAPITULO (MW) 3eMw POTENCIA NOMINAL DE UNIDADES DE GENERACION | 3.8 MW MN) (1) ‘CONSUMO ESPECIFICO DE COMBUSTIBLE (g/kWVh) (1.2) | 200g/Kwh (1) En caso de suministro de varios equipos diferentes, él oferente indicaré la capacidad y consumos especificos de combustible para cada uno de ellos. Si el suministro contempla grupos de varios equipos formando varios paquetes (packages), indicara la capacidad y el consumo especifico de combustible de cada yaquete (2) El rendimiento de combustible estara basado en condiciones estandar ISO 3048, para Fuel Oil 6, con un poder calérico inferior de 42,700 Jig (kukg), la medicién se efectuaré en bornes del generador, a plena potencia, incluyendo el consumo de los auxiliares propios esenciales y dependientes del motor (bobas de combustible, aceite y agua). No se incluiran consumos de climatizacion ni iluminacién. El oferente deberd adjuntar la cerfficacién del fabricante en el que se sefiale el consumo especifico de combustible en las condiciones antes sefialadas El valor que consta en el cettificado del fabricante debera corresponder al valor | consignado en este formulario. Quito, 17 de marzo del 2011 ISAPETROL CIA. LTDA. ‘Av. Eloy Alfaro N32-548 y Shyris, Edificio Nuevolar, 6to piso W « Telfs.: (699-2) 2251172 / 173 - 2263210 2250828 - 2252677 + Fax: (693-2) 2267-195 + Quito - Ecuador wwulisa.comec IISAPETROL 0003020 FORMULARIO No. 5A Datos Técnicos Minimos Garantizados DATOS TECNICOS MINIMOS GARANTIZADOS CAPITULO: JIVINO [POTENCIA EFECTIVA DEL CAPITULO (MIN) [38 mw POTENCIA NOMINAL DE UNIDADES DE GENERACION 8 MW (Mw) (1 ‘CONSUMO ESPECIFICO DE COMBUSTIBLE (g/kVVh) (7.2) | 200g/Kwh (1) En caso de suministro de varios equipos diferentes, el oferente indicara la capacidad y consumos especificos de combustible para cada uno de ellos. Si el suministro contempla grupos de varios equipos formando varios paquetes (packages), indicara la capacidad y el consumo especifico de combustible de cada paquete | (2) El rendimiento de combustible estara basado en condiciones estandar ISO | 3046, para Fuel Oil 6, con un poder calérico inferior de 42,700 J/g (kik), la medicién se efectuara en bores del generador, a plena potencia, incluyendo el consumo de los auxiliares propios esenciales y dependientes del motor (bobas de combustible, aceite y agua). No se incluirén consumos de climatizacion ni iluminacién. El oferente deberé agjuntar la certificacién del fabricante en el que se sefiale el consumo especifico de combustible en las condiciones antes seftaladas, El valor que consta en el certificado del fabricante debera corresponder al valor | consignado en este formulario, Quito, 17 de marzo del 2014, ‘Av. Eloy Alfaro N32-548 y Shyris, Edificio Nuevolar, 6to piso W + Telts.: (593-2) 2251172 / 173 - 2263210 ‘2250828 - 2252677 * Fax: (593-2) 2267-155 + Quito - Ecuador www iisa, ocuog2: March, 25°, 2011, Mr, ‘CORPORACION ELECTRICA DEL ECUADOR ceec QUITO ~ ECUADOR, SOUTH AMERICA, OBJECT: FUEL OIL CONSUMPTION CERTIFICATION NINGBO C51, POWER & MACHINERY GROUP CO. LTD,, is pleased to confirm you that the fuel consumption of our engine model DN 8340202 is 200g/Kwh, at 100 % load, based on the specifications of the HFO supplied by CELEC, which is part of the bid tender reference, the testing will be done under Standard 1S 2086, ‘As always, iti our full intent to provide you with dependable and quality service, and in keeping you ‘updated with the latest innovation on HFO engines, If we may be of further assistance, please call us at anytime. Sincerely NINGBO CS. POWER & MAChINERY GROUP CO., LTD. IISAPETROL 090090 FORMULARIO No. 5B Informacién Técnica Garantizada = CONFIGURACION DE LA PLANTA Tipo de planta (motores individualesipaguetes) individuales Numero de unidades 0 paquetes 10 [Capacidad de almacenamiento de combustible (galones) 7.392.105 26 Plano de implantacién preliminar de la planta, indicando medidas, Secure listado y ubicacién de equipos e instalaciones MOTOR: (Informacién requerida para cada tipo de motor) IFabricante Ningbo C.S.1. Power& Machinery Group Co.,Ltd Marea Ningbo [Modelo DNE340ZD2 [Tino de motor Inne, four-stroke, direct injection, turbocharged, after cooled Numero de ciindros @ [Velocidad de rotacion 00 1pm Potencia nominal 2150 KWm [Afi de fabricacion 2014 Manuales descriptives Se agjunta a (GENERADOR: (informacion requerida para cada tipo de generador) Ningbo C.§.1. Power& Machines Fabricante Se Grom Modelo TE3800 [Norma apleable, TEC. [Potencia nominal (KYA) TATORWA [Factor de Potencia 0.8 lagging [Voltaje nominal 1000V, Frecuencia 60 Hz Nelocidad sincranica 600 tprn [Clase de aislamiento FE [Clase de elevacion de temperatura F Tipo de conexion Siphase Star Método de enfriamienta Self fan Tipo de regulador de volaje AVE IManuales descrptivos Se agjuntal = [NUMERO Y CAPACIDAD DE TANGUES. Fuel oll Tease 4600 m3 (total) 2 langues Diese! oi ins [Acete tubricante 2000 irosigensrador [Agua potable 200 m3 ff {Av Eloy Alfaro N32-548 y Shyris, Eafficio Nuevolar, 6to piso W Tels: (683-2) 2251172 /173- 2zeaz10 UT 2250828 - 2252677 + Fax: (599-2) 2267-155 + Quto- Ecuador¢ IISAPETROL 0009023 FORMULARIO No. 5B Informacién Técnica Garantizada Zreservarios hormigan lAgua para entriamiento a 800 m3 (total) Tanque lAceite usado ones Tianque Lodos ae [aires [SISTEMAS MECANICO AUXILIARES: Capacidad del sistema de centilugado (Galonesmhoray Fuel oll 5 1052 for 640CSU50C Diesel NA, Capacidad de recepcion de combustible (Galonesthora) | EFuerore 75200 Diesel 15200 [SISTEMAS CONTRAINCENDIOS. Se adjunta detale SISTEMAS ELECTRICOS: Transformador (es) de elevacion con equipo asociado completo Se adjunta especificacién [Equipo de maniobra, seccionamiento, proteccion, control y Imedicion en ol lado de alta tension (69 0 138 KY) Se Sain ereaneereh Transformador para servicios auxiiares Se adjunta especiicacion Centros de control de servicios auniliares generales ‘Se adjunta especificacion ‘Sistema de corriente continua Se adjunta espectficacién [Sistema de iluminacion ‘Se agjunta especficacién Quito, 17 de marzo del 2011 Lugar y fecha IISAPETROL CIA. LTDA. Av, Eloy Alfaro N32-543 y Shytis, Edificio Nuevolar, 6to piso W + Tolfs.: (699-2) 2251172 / 173 - 2263210 2250828 - 2252677 + Fax: (593-2) 2267-155 + Quito - Ecuador ‘ IISAPETROL 6900024 38 MW POWER | PLANT SPECIFICATIONS, ac Ales Hai Mt ice in oe Woe ee cas 9721178: saeea v 628 228907» Fax 6902) baer ‘Quito- IISAPETROL TABLE OF CONTENTS: 1. General 1.1 Project brief 1.2. DG set configuration 1.3. Standard & code 2. Design Fundament 2.1. Civil Work 2.2 Raw Water 23 Fuel 2.4 Cooling Water 28 Electrical 26 Instrument & Control system 2.7 General Plan 3, General Arrangement 3.1 Civil work 3.4.1 Main building 3.1.2 Water pond 3.1.3 Oilstorage 3.1.4 Separator and pump room 3.2. Equipment Arrangement 4. System Specification 4.1 DG System 42 Govemor system for DG 423 Oilstorage 4.4 Fuel Circuit System 45 Lube Oil Circuit System 46 Starting Air Circuit System 47 Cooling Water Circuit System 48 Intake air and ventilation system 4.9 Exhaust gas and environmental impact mitigatory system 4.10Steam System 4.11 Water soften system for exhaust gas boiler 4.120il and water waste disposal system 4.13 Electrical System 4.13.1, HY. system 4132 LV. system 4.13.3 Control system 4.13.4 Protection system 4.13.5 Lighting system 4.13.6 Fire fighting system 4.13.7. Earthing and lighting strike protection 4.14 Transmission Line 5. Main equipments specifications 5.1 Diesel engine 52 Alternator 5.3 Heavy fuel oil separator double module 5.4 Lube oil separator module 5.8 Exhaust Gas Boller jy 6 Air compressor UIP Av. Eloy Alfaro N&2-543 y Shyris, Edificio Nuevolar, 6to piso W + Tolfs.: (698-2) 2251172 / 173 - 2263210 |" 2250828 - 2252677 + Fax: (593-2) 2267-185 + Quito - Ecuador 009025 IISAPETROL 57 Air Receiver 0000026 58 Diesel Generator 5.8 Cooling tower 5.10 $9-500/10.510.4 Power transformer 5.11 $9- 8000/11/33 Power transformer 5.12 Heavy Fuel Oil storage 5.13 Diesel Oi Storage 5.14 Buffer HFO Tank 5.16 Daily Heavy Fuel Oil Tank 5.16 Daily Diesel Oil Tank 5.17 Sludge Oil Tank 5.18 Common Circulating & Booster module 5.19 Pre Oil Pump 5.20 HFO transfer pump 5.21 Diesel Oiltransfer pump 5.22 Lube ol Cooler 2250828" 2252677» Fax (6922) 2267-185 * Cue Ecuador vewna com.e IISAPETROL Co0c027 1. General 14 Project brief At the requirement of the Buyer, the Seller will uld two HFO Power Plants for Buyer at JIVINO and SANTA ELENA in ECUADOR and every power plant ean delivery 3OMW to national grid at site conditions, The power plant is operating with No.6 HFO/DO. Site condition of JIVINO: 300 m aliude, 27 °C mean temperature, relative humidity 80%: Site condition of SANTA ELENA’ 10-m altitude, 25° C mean temperature, lative humility 70% Fuel oil main character: Net calorific: S728kCatkg: Viscosity ( @ S0°C) max; 630.9Cst Specific gravity: 999.6ky/m: Asphallene coment Vanadium:295.SPPM; —Sodium:8.9SPPM; Sulphurmax.:2.03%: ‘The power plant consists of 10 (9+1) sets of diese! generators, with capacity of 3800KW per set Install capacity of 34 2MW. Grid voltage: 69kV Generating system voltage: 11000v, 6oHz Gen-set type : indoor installed 1.2 DG set configuration ‘The specification outlines the scope of supply for each DG set, The DG set is driven by diesel engine model DN8340Z02 manufactured by Ningbo C.S.1, Power & Machinery Group Co., Ltd., which is the largest medium speed engine manufacturer in China The engine will use heavy fuel oil as main fuel oll and diesel ol for starting and stopping 1.3 Standard & code The design is according to the Chinese standard & code, in ine with ISOMIEC standard. The project designed under the merit of “advanced technology, highly efficiency, safety, economy and practicality” The installation and the commissioning should be in line with the above standard & code, 1.4 Project scope The scope of the Seller Engineering design of the power plant, including power system, fuel system, lubricating oil system, starting air system, cooling water system, air intake & exhaust, compressed air system, control & ‘measuring system, electrical system before step-up transformer in power plant, etc; Supplying equipments and materials according to scope of delivery list Installation guide and commissioning of the power plant; Operation training 2. Design Fundament 2.4. Civil work: The main building, control room and pump house above the ground all adopt steel structure. The under ground portion are reinforced concrete structure. 2.2 Raw water: ‘Adopt the fresh water from city piping water Water for exhaust boiler and engine inner HT cooling water shall be treated according to the international standard and the Chinese standard (GB) 23 Fuel: HFO (Heavy Fuel Oil) / DO (Diesel Oil) is the main fuel. The HFO need to be heated by the steam f jopliad by steam exhaust gas boil Av. Eloy Alfaro NS2-543 y Shyris, Edificio Nuevolar, 6to piso W + Telfs.: (599-2) 2251172 /173- 2263210 || 2250828 - 2252677 + Fax: (693-2) 2267-155 + Quito - Ecuador ‘ IISAPETROL 0000028 2.4 Cooling water The cooling system of generator adopts close loop type, use fresh water as coolant. It comprises a low temperature circuit and a high temperature circuit. Low temperature raw water is cooled by cooling tower. 2.8 Electrical: ‘Ten 3.8MVWI1TKY HFO generators will work in parallel and supply electricity to one 11KV bus-bar through two generator outgoing main switchgears with transformer protecting equipments and a dual-ward measuring digital meter for kWh and kVarh. The voltage will rise from 11 kV to 69kV through two 20000kVA step-up transformers. (One 250KW diesel generator is supplied as power when the whole power plant is stopped. 26 Instrument & control: ‘Adopt central control system in the control room. All measure and control for generators can be Carried out in control room. Others such as oil storages, pumps, lube oll separators, boosters and. Cooling towers will be operated on site, and all alarm signals will be shown in control room. 2.7 General plan: ‘According to the factory field / geological driling report supplied by the buyer, the seller designs the power plan. The plan will be compact to decrease the project investment & cost and the Construction period. At the same time, the transmission distance of steam, fuel and power will be shortened, 3. General arrangement: 3.4. Civil work 3.4.4 Main building The main building will be arranged in 2 lines: The first line (Control room) is for the electrical control room, switchgear room, water soften treatment room air compressor, air receiver, and Aux gen-set. The second floor is for steam exhaust gas bollers and silencers, boiler is hypaethral layout. The distance of the columniation is 6 my; the span is 8 m, length is 78M and height is 6 m: ‘The second line (Generator hall) is for OG, lube oil tank, lube oil separator, booster, etc, the span is 18m, length is 78m; there is a traveling overhead double speed crane (10t) in the room, ‘a. Control room The total area of control room is 724 square meters with length of 78 m, width of 8m and height of 5 rm. The roof of the control room is of reinforced concrete construction, and is flat roof that is ‘convenient for installing equipments on it. One silencer and its bracket with weight of 1.4 ton are arranged for each generator, total is 10 sets, and total weight for 10 silencers is 14 tons. An exhaust {988 boiler with weight of 8 tons is arranged from every two generator, total is 4 boilers, and total Weight for 4 boilers is 32 tons. The 4 boilers are installed individually between No.2 and No.3 generator, No.4 and No.5 generator, No.6 and No.7 generator, No.8 and No.9 generator. For each boiler, girder for bearing the weight is arranged. Inside the control room, there are HV switchgear room, LV control room, water soften treatment room, air compressor room and aux. genset. All HV and LV cables will be connected to ‘switchgears or control panels through cable channels in the control room Double deck sound insulation glazing with length of 1800 mm, width of 1500 mm, and thickness of 8 mms installed on the control room wall facing to the alternator end of the generator. The bottom of . above the ground. ‘Av. Eloy Alfaro N32-543 y Shyris, Edificio Nuevolar, to piso W « Telts.: (693-2) 2251172 / 173 - 2263210 2250828 - 2252677 + Fax: (599-2) 2267-155 + Quito - Ecuador HISAPETROL Geodoeg Rich ce et teey sips 6 sso oe The tel es sel corn malting 404 ire meters eng 6.7m with of {ph the adic clus cariicioes Gin MAO 6s Soe aac) achecd ee oh open {ls flee le rere edalng ch el starialen ate along 6 Pepa Say ueay re radnarbeciol harad bite EE fa ene cuca aid oe aacnWonctes Htodet SE006F1-386 Rated power: 900K, Rated speed: OOxmn; Weight for esch generator Foes welding dee) ge 17 Vas cee bes ae orgie tame bese al ening 0 One et of 20k emergency diesel generator i emer eee ee oc erkadPociores Neches slr oe 2 xe die bed aes ands Weght foreach le ol separator module: 800 3.4.2 Water pond “Two water ponds are arranged besides the main building, The water pond is of reinforced concrete construction with length of 28 m, width of 4.75 m, and height of 3 m. The wall thickness of the water pond is 0.35 m. 5 cooling towers are installed on each water pond. Model: GBL-150 cooling tower is used for LT water cooling Water supply and drain are designed for the two water ponds. 3.1.3 Oil storage Total area for cil storage is 1425 square meters with length of 75 m and width of 19 m, fuel storage ccan keep power plant running for 20 days. The following oil storages are suggested, tanks building a Three heavy fuel oil storages with volume of 1300 cubic meters, storage diameter of 13 m, height of 11.3 m, dry weight of about 80 tons and total weight of 1360 tons for each oil storage The intensity of foundation is fully considered. b. One diese! oil storage with volume of 640 cubic meters, storage diameter of 9.55 m, height of 9 ‘mand total weight of 850 tons. The intensity of foundation is fully considered. ©. Two buffer heavy fuel oll tanks with volume of 200 cubic meters, storage diameter of 5.9 m, height of 7.6m and total weight of 235 tons, 1d. Two daily HFO tank, one daily DO tank withtS0 cubic meters diameter of 4.7m, height of 6.5m, land one sludge oil tank with 50 cubic meters diameter of 3.82 m, height of 4.5 m and total ‘weight of 85 tons for each oll tank. Fireproofing argilla dam with height of 16 m is arranged around the oil storage, earthing for avoiding thunder-strike is considered for the ail storage, 3.4.4 Separator and pump room The total area of separator and pump room is 160 square meters with length of 20 m, width of & m, and height of 4 m. ‘Main equipments in the separator and pump room 2. Three sets of separator module with weight of 2 tons each one; b. Two HFO transfer pumps and DO transfer pumps Av. Eloy Alfaro N32-543 y Shyris, Edifcio Nuevolar, 6to piso W « Tells. (699-2) 2251172 / 173 - 2269210 2250828 - 2252677 + Fax: (599-2) 2267-155 + Quito - Ecuador wwwilsa.comec IISAPETROL 900030 3.2 Equipments arrangement Two water ponds for cooling towers are located at outdoor of engine free end side of the main building: Fuel storages and HFO separator and pump room are arranged 20m away from the main building, The fireproof wall must be built around the fuel storages ‘The main transformers are arranged at contra room side of the main building: The power transmission lines in the power plant are arvanged in the cable channel under the ground or use the cable tray 4, System specifications: 4.4 DG system: According to the power minimum capacity is 30MW. the project plan configures 10 units of diese! engines and generators, @ for base load operation and one for shifting operation Rating of the D.G set Under above mentioned site conditions Rating at Altemator Rating at engine efficiency alternator crankshaft terminal(MiCR) (%) KWe ——KVA(O.85 pf) Nominal 4180 965 3800 4470 Running Note : COP rating will be 90 % of MCR item’ | unit Specification Model ‘3800GF 1-386 Rated power [ew [3800 Rated rev. [pm [600 Rated vollage Tv [11000 Rated current A | 240 Frequency Hz | 60Hz Power factor 0.8 (lagging) Phase S-phase Voltage fluctuation rate % (2t Frequency (rev) fluctuation rate % [205 ‘Stable voltage regulating rate % [225 Stable frequency (rev) regulating rate [% [5 ‘Transient frequency (rev.) regulating rate [% | #20~-15 Stabilizing time aS Voltage regulating method ‘Auto ‘Speed Governor Electronic hydraulic Frequency regulating method ‘Auto/Manual ‘Av Eloy Alfaro N32-548 y Shyris, Edificio Nuevolar, 6t0 piso W + Tels: (699-2) 2251172 / 173 - 2263210 £2250828 - 2252677 « Fax: (589-2) 2267-155 + Quito - Ecuador IISAPETROL 0099031 ‘The engine should be capable of accepting a sudden load as per the guidelines in 180-8528-5-1999(e) As per this standara, the maximum sudden load increase stages are Baseload % Sudden load _ increase to % tstStage 0% 50 50% 2nd Stage 50% 30 80% ard Stage 80% 10 20% 4th Stage 90% 10 100% During each of the above-mentioned stages of sudden loading, the transient speed drop will be restricted to a maximum value of 10% of the rated speed. 4.4.2, Alternator ‘Series TFW three phase brushless synchronous AC Alternator, which consists of main generator, AC excites, and rotating silicon rectifiers. Six terminals for main generator have leaded out for HV. ‘output, three for power supply, three for star connection and protect. LV auxiliary winding and harmonic winding in main generator feed supply for excitation circuit. Generator is fitted with bearing temperature detectors. The generator with reliability use experience. ‘Alternator Model: TFW3800 Type: Brushless generator Rated power: 3800kW Rated voltage 11000V Rated current 2498 Pole amount 12 Frequency -60Hz Power factor 0.88 (lagging) Working condition Continuous Phase and connection 3-phase Star Efficiency at 100% load and 0.8 PF >96 % Voltage regulation method Brushless, self excited Insulation Class F Enclosure P23 Excitation and AVR type Brush-less, AVR NOTE ‘Alternator design considers harmonies in load, 42 Governor system for DG Woodward 2301D digital control and UG1S actuator are adopted for control load sharing and speed control of diesel generator The 23010 is a microprocessor-based digital control. The control is housed in a sheet-metal classis land consists of a single printed circuit board. The 23010 is configured using a computer with Woodward Waich Window software. The computer connects to the 2301D through a 9-pin connector (RS 232 port). The control operates from a 24Vdc supply. The actuator output, one analog input, and one analog outaut are configurable The 2301D features dual dynamics and soft Av. Eloy Alfaro N32-649 y Shyris, Edificio Nuevolar, 6to piso W + Talis: (599-2) 2251172 / 173 - 2263210 2250828 - 2252677 + Fax: (593-2) 2267-155 + Quito - Eouador Ap ‘ IISAPETROL 0900032 iter Unit ‘Specification Lubricating method Pressure wbncating Lubricating ol type SAE 40 with TEN3O ‘Starting mode ‘Compressed ar via rotary valve Fuel 720GSU60 / Diesel Cooling method Close circuit of fresh cooling water Coupling Flexabie Painting color Munsel7 5 Overall dimension ram | 9880%2560xa075, Nat weight kg __| 75000 44.4. 4.15 MW diesel engine: ‘Technical particulars for the diesel engine are as follows Number of oylinders 8 ‘Arrangement of cylinders In Line Bore (mm) X Stroke (mm) 340 Xx 450 Type 4-stroke, direct injection, turbocharger, after cooler Rotational speed 600 RPM ‘Mean effective pressure 255 Ber at rated power & speed Mean piston speed 9 misec. Rotation as seen from flywheel Clockwise, ‘Swept volume per cylinder 40.836 litres, Combustion chamber volume 3.028 litres Compression ratio 13.51 Max. combustion pressure 180 bar (at rated powerlspeed) Power rating Rated power under ISO Conditions ‘Maximum continuous rating (MCR) $645 HP at engine crankshatt Corresponding rotational speed 600 RPM Under the following limiting ambient conditions Air temp. at turbocharger inlet 45 deg. C ‘Water temp. at charge air cooler inlet 32 deg. C Deration to power applicable for engine 0 %(nil) Beyond the abovementioned limiting conditions, deration to power as per ISO 3046 will be applicable, Rated Power under site conditions mentioned above’ ‘Maximum continuous rating (MCR) 5645 HP at engine crankshaft 1 Av. Eloy Alfaro N32-549 y Shyris, Edificio Nuevolar, 6to piso W « Tolls: (699-2) 2251172 /173 - ae 2250828 - 2052677 « Fax: (599-2) 2267-155 + Quito - Ecuador ‘ HSAPETROL Cee load transfer, to and from a bus. The 2301D includes one load sensor circuit, one actuator driver, lone MPU speed sensor, one configurable analog output, one configurable analog input, eight discrete inputs and four discrete outputs. The 2301D operates within a range of ~40 to +70°C The 2301D provides load sharing and speed control of diesel generator The 2301D has four operating modes - speed control, isochronous load sharing, droop base load, and isochronous base load. Woodward UG-25 is @ hydraulic powered electric actuator The UG-25 provides the muscle for 2301D. The UG-25 takes a given electrical input signal and converts it to a proportional hydraulic ‘utput-shaft position to control engine flow. 43 Oilstorage ‘There are three 1300m3 HFO storages, two 200m3 buffer HFO tanks, one 640m3 DO storage, two 160m3 daily HFO tank, one 160m3 daily DO tank and one 50m3 sludge oll tank. HFO separators ‘and fuel pump are installed in the separator and pump room. Heavy fue! oil transported by fuel truck (about 30 ton) will be pumped to three HFO storages and two buffer HFO tanks. Two HFO transfer screw pumps are installed in the room, one is for standby. Filter and flow meter are also installed before the HFO transfer screw pumps. HFO in the three HFO. storages can be transferred to the buffer HFO tanks by the two pumps. Diese oil transported by fuel truck (about 30 ton) will be pumped to DO storage and daily DO tank ‘Two DO transfer gear pumps are installed in the room, one is for standby. Filter and flow meter are also installed before the DO transfer gear pumps, DO in DO storage can be transferred to the DO daily tank by the two pumps. For all HFO storages and tanks and sludge tank, steam coil pipes are installed inside and thermal insulations are provided outside. Fuel temperature in HFO storage is recommended to be 60-60 centigrade degree, fuel temperature in buffer HFO tank to be 70-85 centigrade degree. The buffer HFO tanks are used for pre-separation of sludge and water contained in HFO and providing @ suitable constant HFO. temperature. Gravitational setting of water and sediment in HFO is an extremely slow process due to small density difference between HFO and the sediment. A large fuel oil surface area and a low viscosity are needed for the settling process. The volume of each butter HFO tank is 250m3, which is enough for 24 hours continuous operation at rated load HFO in buffer HFO tank wil be pumped to the separator modules. There are three separator ‘modules in the separator and pump room. The separating capacity for each separator module is, 4000 kilogram one hour. When two separator modules work together, the separating capacity is ‘8000 kilograms one hour. For whole power plant, the maximum HFO consumption one hour is ‘about 7000 kilograms. The clean HFO will be pumped to daily HFO tank, and the sludge oil will be pumped to sludge oil tank through the sludge oll pump installed on separator module. Heavy fue! oil in daily HFO tank and diesel oil in daily DO tank will be pumped to booster module in ‘generator main building 44 Fuel Circuit system The engines are suitable for operation on DO (Diesel Oil) / HFO (Heavy Fue! Oil with viscosity 630cst at 50 deg. C.) ‘While staring or stopping the engine DO (Diesel Oil) s used as fuel. When the water temperature ‘at outlet of engine is more than 60 deg.C and the HFO (Heavy Fuel Cil) is heated to the required temperature, the fuel can be changed from DO to HFO through a change-over ol tank Equipment fitted on the engine = Individual fuel injection pump for each cylinder with fuel rack & linkages bp =__Indlivdal injector fitted on each cylinder head {p. ‘Av Eloy Alfaro N32-548 y Shyris, Edificio Nuevolar, 6to piso W « Tells. (693-2) 2251172 /173-2269210 || 2250828 - 2252677 + Fax: (593-2) 2267-195 + Quito - Ecuador IISAPETROL = High-pressure injection pipes os = Main fuel rails for feeding and return 000034 High-pressure pipe connection foreach cylinder Equipment delivered oose 1) Tivee HFO separator double modus 2) Two uel vecosty control modules (booster) consisting ot “wo electric motor civen fuel feed pum (one for working, one for standby} “wo electric motor aiven fuel booster pump (ane for working, one fr standby) One dupiex ype coarse iter (One pressure-reguating vave; One steam heater or HEO (ne flow meter or HFO (One 3 way fuel changeover valve: One viscosimeter& temp controler (One emergency pressure safety valve One duplex ype fine fter, cone mixing vessel wth saety valve One pressure-regulating valve in uel turn 2) Complete interconnecting piping with Nenges, fasteners, valves, non-elum valves, bosses, supports ec as necessary Fuel consumption: ‘The hourly rate of fuel consumption per Metric Power delivered at the crankshaft flange at rated power & speed (after running in of the engine & for engine with driven raw water, fresh water & lube ‘il pumps) is 198g/kWWh, when engine operates at Maximum Continuous Rating (MCR), FUEL CONSUMPTION (with 3 driven pumps) DNa34ozD2 Consumption at (600 RPM) engine Crshatt gkwvn 100% Load 198.00 75% Load 202.00 50% Load 211.00 The values are subject to a 3% tolerance and apply when burning fuel with a net calorific value of 10,200 KCal/Kg minimum, The heavy fuel oil from daily HFO tank and diesel cil from dally DO tank will be pumped to the mixing vessel on the booster module through two fuel feed pumps. After heated by steam, the heavy fue! oil (or diesel ol) with constant viscosity about 12-16 cst will be pumped to fuel main pipe. The booster module is used for controling viscosity and supplying fuel for generators, There are two booster modules installed in the main building, fuel-supplying capacity for each booster module is 5000 kilograms one hour (Maximum feed capacity is 8000kg one hour, return oil is 3000kg one hour), each one supplies fuel for five generators through fuel main pipe. The two fuel main pipes Av, Eloy Alfaro N32.543 y Shyris, Edificio Nuevolar, 6to piso W * Telfs.: (599-2) 2251172 / 173 - 2% 2250828 - 2252677 « Fax: (599-2) 2267-155 + Quito - Ecuador wwwilsa.comec ISAPETROL oe0o0s5 eo eee ear cee Sree Ss snimoet tai eeeeeeraiceee oS Gnay IalSioe Ga Toma ee COaEe Se ea Saal an uecun eras Gai hic meena Oui can ee ce a ee ees 45 Lube oil circuit systom ll sump capacity (itr) The engine is equipped with a dry sump attached to the bottom of the crankcase. The lube oll for the engine is stored in a separate tank positioned away from the engine. This arrangement offers much more reliability than the wet sump arrangement & also increases the time between oil changes by lube oil separator module, The total oil capacity ofthis lube oil tank is 2000 tts, Lube oil consumption ‘The average lube oil consumption is 1.2 gIkWh (+/- 0.2 g/kWh) at MCR at crankshaft for a well-run engine. One lube oll separator module is arranged for every two or three generators, total in the main building are four lube oil separator modules. Lube oil separator are used for cleaning lube oil and prolong usage time. Equipment fited on the Engine = One engine ctiven lube oil supply pump ~ One engine driven lube oil transfer pump ~ One pressure-reguiating valve ‘One lube oil thermostatic valve Complete interconnecting piping with flanges, fasteners, valves, non-retum valves, bosses, supports, ete as necessary. Equipment delivered loose: = 10 tanks for lube oil (2000 its capacity) with interconnections to the engine = 1Oelectric motor driven lube oil-priming pumps = 10 manual lube oil-priming pumps = 10 lube oil coolers = 10 centrifugal lube oil fiters (FLL7S bypass type) = 10 lube oll duplex type fiters - lube oil separator modules = Complete interconnecting piping with flanges, fasteners, valves, non-return valves, bosses, supports, etc as necessary 486 Starting air circuit system The DG is started by the compressed air. Four air compressors and six air receivers are arranged for the power plant, the capacity of each air receiver is 600 liters, which is enough for starting one generator 7 times without intermediate ‘eflling of the receiver. High-pressure compressed air about 3 Mpa from the air receivers will be sent to 10 generators. through air main pipe, and also be sent to exhaust gas boilers for cleaning chimney, to lube oil ‘separator modules, HFO separator modules and booster modules through pressure reducers for /|/) ‘Av, Eloy Alfaro N32-543 y Shyri, Edificio Nuevolar, to piso W + Telfs.: (693-2) 2251172 /173- 2260210 2250828 - 2252677 + Fax: (593-2) 2267-156 + Quito - Ecuador IISAPETROL Equipment fited on the engine ‘Compressed air starting equipment including 0000036 = One rotary aistibutor = One air-starting valve in each cylinder head = Connecting air piping on the engine Equipment delivered loose = Four air compressors = Sixairreceivers Complete interconnecting piping with flanges, fasteners, valves, bosses, supports, ete as necessary. 47 Cooling water circuit system The cooling system of generator adopts close loop type, use fresh water as coolant. It comprises a low temperature circuit and a high temperature circuit. Low temperature water is cooled by cooling tower. The LT circuit includes charge air cooler, lube oil cooler and HT water cooler. The LT water drawn by the water pump from the reservoir, the cooling water flows to the air cooler, the lube oll cooler, and the HT water cooler, then return to water cooling tower to cooling down, The HT water circuits by water pump to enters the engine block and cylinder head. The cooling water is discharged out through the outlet water main pipe, and cooled in HT water cooler. An expansion water tank is placed for compensation and venting air and gas in cooling water. The circuit temperature is controlled by thermostatic valve. The HT and LT cooling water pumps are both centrifugal type and driven by the crankshaft through gear transmission One cooling tower with cooling capacity to be 160m3sh is arranged for each generator, total ten cooling towers for whole plant Equipment fited on the engine: = Two engine driven water pump = One lube oil cooler (plate type) - One HT water cooler (plate type) ~ One water-cooled charge air cooler ~ One thermostatic valve Equipment delivered ioose: Ten cooling towers (civil construction provided by the buyer) Complete interconnecting piping with flanges, fasteners, valves, bosses, supports, etc as necessary, 48 Intake air and ventilation system The air intake system is equipped with air filtration (ABB type installed on the engine) to clean air. For 10 diesel generators, air consumption is 252000m3ih, 10 axialflow explosion-proof fans opposite to each generator are arranged for the main building on the engine side. Airflow capacity for each fan is 28000m31h; total airflow capacity is 280000m3/. The axial-flow fans are used for supplying air for the generators and reducing temperature in the engine room through convection. The quantity of heat dissipated from the generators is about 5000 MJihn. The air will be discharged through natural ventiation on the upper side of the main building 4.9 Exhaust gas and environmental impact mitigatory system Air pollution prevent fi Av. Eloy Alfaro N32-543 y Shyris, Edificio Nuevolar, 6to piso W « Telfs.: (599-2) 2251172 / 173 - 2268210 2250828 - 2252677 + Fax: (599-2) 2267-155 + Quito - Ecuador IISAPETROL St ‘according to the provisions of Annex VI of the international Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from ships, 1973, as modified by the Protocols of 1978 and 1997 relating thereto and of the Technical Code on Control of Emission of Nitrogen Oxides From Marine Diesel Engines. Emission data as follows: ‘Applicable Nox emission limit (regulation 13 of Annex. Vl): 10.1g/kWh Engine's actual Nox Emission Value: 9.62g/kWh Noise The mechanical noise beside the diesel engine at a distance of 1 m is 112 dBA. The mechanical Noise will be proofed and reduced by the main building, The exhaust gas noise is reduced through a residential type silencer to 754BA at a distance of 1 m The exhaust gas from diese! generator flows to exhaust gas pipe (ON500), pass a tee joint, and then divides two ways. One flows to silencer through a butterfly valve, another flows to exhaust gas. boiler. When the exhaust gas boiler works, the butterfly valve for silencer will close and the buttery valve for exhaust gas boiler wil open, and then exhaust gas will vent from the chimney on the boiler. When the boiler cannot work normally or the boiler need to be stopped, the butterfly for boiler will close and the butterfly valve for silencer will open, and then exhaust gas will vent from the chimney oon the silencer. - Four steam exhaust gas boilers are arranged for the power plant, each one will connect with two diesel generators. One exhaust silencer is fitted to the each generator. Equipment fitted on the engine: ~ Lagged set of exhaust manifold with expansion bellows - One ABB turbocharger. - Exhaust outlet connection with expansion bellow. Equipment delivered loose: - 10exhaust silencers + 4 exhaust gas boilers = Insulation /lagginglcladding for exhaust ducting = Complete interconnecting piping with flanges, fasteners, tjoints, butterfly valves, bosses, supports, etc as necessary 4.40 Steam system Four exhaust gas boilers are arranged on the roof of control room, Heat exchange area for each W boiler is 112 m2, steam capacity for each boiler is 1000kg one hour at 170 degree centigrade and 0.7 Mpa. Steam from boilers will flow to steam main pipe and divide to separator and pump room, oil storage and main building through main steam distributor and steam distributors. The main steam distributor is located on the roof of control room, and other steam distributors are located beside the equipments need to be heated Drain trap is arranged on the end of steam pipe for equipment need to be heated, condensation water will not recover. Equipments for steam system: = exhaust gas boilers = 8 water feed pumps + Steam distributors = _ Insulation /lagging/cladding for steam pipes = Complete interconnecting piping with flanges, fasteners, tjoints, valves, bosses, supports, ete as necessary 4.11 Water soften system for exhaust gas boiler (693-2) 2251172 / 173 - 2263210 2250828 - 2252677 + Fax: (593-2) 2267-155 + Quito - Ecuador IISAPETROL ‘equipment is 5000kh one hour One works, another for standby. 0009033 ‘The water soften equipment adopts resin exchanger treatment system, Equipments for water soften system = 2water soften equipments (double module) 2 water feed pump (One water tank (civil construction by the buyer) ~ Complete interconnecting piping with flanges, fasteners, valves, bosses, supports, etc as necessary, 4.12 Oil and water waste disposal system ly water willbe collected in an oily water pond through water channel in the power plant. An oily water separator module is arranged to separate oil from the oily water. The oily water treatment ‘capacity for the separator module is § cubic meter ane hour. The oil content for the treated water is 10 ppm, and can be drained directly. The oil separated from the olly water will be collected in the sludge oil tank 4.43 Electrical system The Buyer takes responsibly to transmit power ftom the 11KV transformer outgoing panels. Lighting, air conditioner, fre fighting and others shall be considered by the buyer during civt work (One 1250KVA station transformer is used to supply 480V source for the power plant. And a 250kW aux. gen-set i installed for shiting power supply. For each one generator, the standard configure includes one switchgear for generator output and potential transformer, one control and operation panel (COP) and one local control desk (LCD). Power required for the power plant protective, control and supervisory system will be provided by means of 220V DCI 7SAn and 24 V DC 100Ah power supply system Al 11KV H.V. panel adopt KYN28A-12 metal-enclosed removable switchgeers, the switch for generator switchgear adopts VS1 vacuum circuit breaker (with truck), ils rated current is 630A, and rated short-crcult breaking current is 25KA. Al auxiliary equipments takes power from a GCS type LV distribution panel, and all ACB (air circuit breaker) with rated current 32Ato 250A. with rated short-circuit breaking current of 75KA ‘The neutral ofthe generator is earthed through surge arrestors (standard delivery) 4.13.1 HV. system Ten 3.8MWI11KV HFO generators is installed at site and nine of them will work in parallel one for standby, All generators paralleled to supply electricity to one 11KV bus-bar and send out to ‘20000kVA step-up transformers by two outgoing main switchgear. 11kV generator system ‘The generator switchgear is used to control, protecting the generator and deliver electricity from altemator to busbar. ‘The generator connects to the bus-ber by vacuum circuit breaker in the generator switchgear. Two cables should be arrange for the generator, one is power output terminal to VCB incoming terminal and alternator PT sample, anther is alternator neutral end connecting to CT in switchgear for alternator protecting and metering Characteristics of the panel as follow Panel type: KYN28A-12_ with Circuit Breaker type: VS1-12, Rated voltage: 12KV, SOHZ, Operating voltage: 41K, SOHZ Busbar: ingle copper air insulated of 1000, 25KA Symmetrical short time current (3S) Ay. Eloy Alfaro N32-548 y Shyris, Ecificio Nuevolar, 6to piso W + Tolfs. (598-2) 2261172/173- 2263210 I ‘2250828 - 2252677 * Fax: (593-2) 2267-186 + Quito - Ecuador

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