Formulario 02

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IISAPETROL Coveotonn L FORMULARIO No. 1 Carta de presentacién y compromiso Sefior Gerente General Empresa Publica Estratégica Corporacién Eléctrica del Ecuador CELEC EP Presente El que suscribe, en atencién a la convocatoria efectuada por la Corporacién Eléctrica del Ecuador CELEC EP, dentfo de la Licitacién CIPF-CELEC-001-2010 para “SUMINISTRO E INSTALACION DE CENTRALES TERMOELECTRICA CON UNA CAPACIDAD TOTAL DE 190 MW PARA INTERCONEXION AL SISTEMA NACIONAL INTERCONECTADO DEL ECUADOR’, luego de examinar los pliegos, al presentar esta oferta en mi calidad de representante legal de ISAPETROL DEL ECUADOR CIA. LTDA., deciaro que: 1. Represento legalmente a la oferente IISAPETROL DEL ECUADOR CIA. LTDA, elegible de conformidad con las disposiciones de la LOSNCP y su Reglamento General 2, Suministraré los bienes de acuerdo con los pliegos, especificaciones técnicas & instrucciones a los oferentes; en el plazo y por los precios indicados en la oferta. 3. Deciaro también, que la oferta la hago en forma independiente y sin conexién oculta con otra u otras personas, compafiias o grupos participantes en este procedimiento contractual y que, en todo aspecto, la oferta es honrada y de buena fe. Por consiguiente aseguro no haber vulnerado y que no vulneraré ningun Principio 0 norma relacionada con la competencia libre, leal y justa; asi como declaro que no estableceré, concertaré o caordinaré — directa 0 indirectamente, en forma explicita o en forma oculta- posturas, abstenciones o resultados con otro u otros oferentes, se consideraren 0 no partes relacionadas en los términos de la normativa aplicable. 4. Conozco las condiciones para el suministro de los bienes ofertados, prestacién de servicios y ejecucion de obras, y he estudiado las especificaciones técnicas y los pliegos, como consta por escrito en el texto de esta carta, y me hallo satisfecho del conocimiento adquirido. Por consiguiente, renuncio a cualquier reciamo posterior, aduciendo desconocimiento de caracteristicas y especificaciones servicio a prestar. 5. Conozco y acepto que la Corporacién Eléctrica del Ecuador CELEC EP se reserva el derecho de adjudicar el contrato o de declarar desierto el procedimiento convoeado si conviniere a los intereses nacionales e institucionales. 6 Me someto a las exigencias y demas condiciones establecidas en la LOSNCP, su Reglamento General y los pliegos, en caso de ser adjudicatario, /p Ay. Eloy Alfaro 32-548 y Shyris, Edificio Nuevolar, 610 piso W « Telts.: (693-2) 2051172 / 173 - 2263210 2250828 - 2252677 + Fax: (693-2) 2267-156 » Quito - Ecuador IISAPETROL oquogtan 10. "1 12, 13. 14, 15. 16 17. Garantizo la veracidad y exactitud de Ia informacion y las declaraciones incluidas en los documentos de la oferta, formularios y otros anexos, al tiempo que autorizo ala Corporacién Eléctrica del Ecuador CELEC EP, a efectuar averiguaciones para comprobar u obtener aclaraciones e informacién adicional sobre las condiciones tecnicas y econémicas de la oferta presentada. Declaro bajo juramento que me comprometo expresamente a no ofrecer ningtin ago, préstamo 0 servicio, entretenimiento de Iujo, viajes u obsequios a ningun funcionario 0 trabajador de Corporacién Eléctrica del Ecuador CELEC EP, y acepto que en caso de violar este compromiso, estoy dispuesto a que CELEC EP, observando el debido proceso, dé por terminado en forma inmediata el contrato, que se suscribe como resultado de esta convocatoria y me allano a responder por los dafios y perjuicios que estos actos ocasionen. Asi mismo declaro, bajo juramento, que mi representada no esta incursa en las inhabilidades para contratar mencionadas en la LOSNCP. Declaro también, haber recibido las aclaraciones a este proceso a través del Portal Renuncio a toda reclamacion que pudiera generarse en relacion al presente contrat, por via diplornatica. Declaro y acepto que previo a la entrega de la oferta en el dia y hora sefialados en la convocatoria debo ingresar la oferta econémica a través del portal, y que sin este requisito no podré participar en el Concurso, motivo por el cual se me devolvera la oferta presentada; acto del cual no habra ningtin tipo de reclamacién, Al presentar esta oferta, cumplo con toda la normativa general, sectorial y especial aplicable ami actividad econdmica, profesién, ciencia u oficio. Al presentar esta oferta, considero todos los costos obligatorios que debo y deberé asumir en la ejecucién contractual, especialmente aquellos relacionados con obligaciones sociales, laborales, de seguridad social, ambiental y tributaria vigente. Me allano en caso de que se comprobare una violacién a los compromisos establecidos en los numerales que anteceden, a que CELEC EP me descallfique como oferente 0 proceda a la terminacién unilateral del contrato, seguin el caso. Habiendo examinado los pliegos declaro que conozco la naturaleza y condiciones de la presente contratacion, para lo cual propongo el valor detallado en el Formulario No. 4, “Tabla de Capitulos, Precios y Plazos’. En caso de que se me adjudique el contrato, convengo (0 mi representada conviene) en: a) Firmar el contrato dentro del término establecido en los pliegos. Como requisito indispensable, antes de la suscripcién del contrato, presentaré la garantia de fiel cumplimiento a la que se refieren las condiciones del contrato, por el cinco por ciento (5%) del monto total del mismo y la garantia por anticipo, recibido por el cien por ciento (100%) de su valor, asi como la garantia técnica correspondiente. Av. Eloy Alfaro N32-543 y Shyris, Edificio Nuevolar, 6to piso W + Telfs.: (693-2) 2251172 / 173 - 2263210 2250828 - 2252677 « Fax: (593-2) 2267-155 + Quito - Ecuador IISAPETROL oo0oonenn b) Acepto que, en caso de negarme a suscribir el respective contrato dentro del tiempo sefialado, se me declare como adjudicatario fallido, y se me aplique la sancién indicada en los articulos 35 y 69 de la LOSNCP. ©) El plazo de ejecucién que propongo para cada capitulo ofertado esta detallado en el Formulario 4 "Tabla de Capitulos, Precios y Plazos” d) Garantizo que la ejecucién del contrato se efectuara de conformidad con los pliegos y documentos del contrato. Ly Quito, 25 de noviembre del 2010 Sandoval ‘epresentante Legal ISAPETROL CIA. LTDA. Av. Eloy Alfaro N32-543 y Shyris, Edificio Nuevolar, 610 piso W + Telfs.: (693-2) 2251172 / 173 - 2263210 2250828 - 2252677 + Fax: (593-2) 2267-155 + Quito - Ecuador itacion del RI ‘itp://www.compraspublicas. gob ec ProcesoContratacion compras. OD0GMHIN 4 A SISTEMA NACIONAL DE g Co m p ras CONTRATACION PUBLICA REGISTRO UNICO DE PROVEEDORES Una ve2 revisado los documentos presentados, certifco, que IISAPETROL DEL ECUADOR CIA. LTDA. con RUC imero 1792000963001, ha cumplide satisfactoriamente con los requisites establecidos, por lo tanto queda HABILITADO en el Registro Unico de Proveedores, RUP. Nombre Comercial: ISAPETROL Naural compat Lina Msn ator val Vaca Le Represenianie SendovelVaca Als Dc umente de henieaion 1705205860 tegal Direccién Principal Provincia: PICHINCHA Canton: QUITO Parroquia: BENALCAZAR Transversal: Shyris Calle: Av. Eloy Alfaro Numero: N32-543. Edificio: Nuevolar Pagina Web. Correo Elecirénico: cianaconza@iisapetrol.comec Teléfono(s) “TRABAIO:2250828, CELULAR:084553070, Biones, Obras o Servicios Suministrados Cédigo Producto MAQUINAS Y APARATOS PARA LA FILTRACION 0 DEPURACION DE LIQUIDOS 43914 GASES, EXCEPTO FILTROS DE ACEITE, FILTROS DE GASOLINA Y FILTROS DE ENTRADA DE AIRE PARA MOTORES DE COMBUSTION INTERNA MOTORES DE POTENCIA NO SUPERIOR A 37.5 W; OTROS MOTORES DE CORRIENTE CONTINUA; GENERADORES DE CORRIENTE CONTINUA MOTORES UNIVERSALES DE CORRIENTE CONTINUA, CORRIENTE ALTERNA DE 46112 POTENCIA SUPERIOR A 37 5 W; OTROS MOTORES DE CORRIENTE ALTERNA GENERADORES OE CORRIENTE ALTERNA (ALTERNADORES) 481i 46113 GRUPOS ELECTROGENOS Y CONVERTIDORES ELECTRICOS ROTATIVOS, 46121 ‘TRANSFORMADORES ELECTRICOS fait PARTES Y PIEZAS DE MOTORES, GENERADORES Y APARATOS ELECTRICOS ANALOGOS PARTES Y PIEZAS DE TRANSFORMADORES ELECTRICOS, CONVERTIDORES: eis ESTATICOS Y BOBINAS DE INDUCTANCIA APARATOS ELECTRICOS PARA EMPALMAR O PROTEGER CIRCUTOS __ 46211 ELECTRICOS, PARA HACER CONEXIONES CON 0 EN CIRCUITOS ELECTRICOS PARA VOLTAJES SUPERIORES A 1000 V. iS " APARATOS ELECTRICOS PARA EMPALMAR O PROTEGER CIRCUITOS [\ 46212 ELECTRICOS PARA HACER CONEXIONES CON 0 EN CIRCUITOS ELE PARA VOLTAJES NO SUPERIORES A 1000 V CUADROS, CONSOLAS, MESAS Y OTRAS BASES, EQUIPADAS G@N APARATOS 46213 ELECTRICOS PARA EMPALME, ETC., PARA CONTROL ELECT! ae DISTRIBUCION DE ELECTRICIDAD, PARA VOLTAIES NO SUPERIORES A:1000 V. = ip de 08/11/2010 11:57 abilitacion del RUP hap:// ProcesoContatacion compra. TABLEROS, CONSOLAS, MESAS Y OTRAS BASES, EQUIPADOS CON APARATOS 46214 ELEGTRICOS PARA ENIPALME, ETO., PARA CONTROL ELECTRICO O DISTRIBUCION DE ELECTRICIDAD, PARA VOLTAJES SUPERIORES A 1000 V. Pa PARTES Y PIEZAS DE APARATOS DE CONTROL ELECTRICO 0 DISTRIBUCION DE ELECTRIGIOAD 5 46320 CABLE COAXIAL Y OTROS CONDUCTORES ELECTICOS COAXIALES 46350 OTROS CONDUCTORES ELECTRICOS, PARA VOLTAIES SUPERIORES A 1000 V. CABLES DE FIBRAS OPTICAS COMPUESTOS DE FIBRAS EN VAINAS AISLANTES. SEPARADAS| PARTES Y PIEZAS DE LOS APARATOS Y DISPOSITMOS ELECTRICOS DE ENGENDIDO O DE ARRANQUE PARA MOTORS DE COMBUSTION INTERNA: 46960 GENERADORES Y DISYUNTORES UTILIZADOS CON MOTORES OF COMBUSTION INTERNA; APARATOS ELECTRICOS DE ALUMBRADO Y DE SENALIZACION 46380 (EXCEPTOL, 48270 SISTEMAS AUTOMATICOS DE CONTROL DE PROCESOS INDUSTRIALES 52241 TUBERIAS DE GRAN LONGITUD S242 LNEAS DE COMUNICAGION Y DE ENERGIA ( CABLES) DE GRAN LONGITUD 53290 OTRAS OBRAS DE INGENIERIA CML 54721 SERVICIOS GENERALES DE CONSTRUCOION DE EDIFICIOS INDUSTRIALES aan SERVICIOS GENERALES DE CONSTRUCCION DE PUENTES, CARRETERAS ELEVADAS, TUNELES Y SUBTERRANEOS 54241 SERVICIOS GENERALES DE CONSTRUCCION DE TUBERIAS DE GRAN LONGITUD eu SERVICIOS GENERALES DE CONSTRUCCION DE LINEAS DE COMUNICACION Y DE ENERGIA (CABLES) DE LARGA DISTANCIA, 54611 SERVICIOS DE INSTALACION DE CABLES Y OTROS DISPOSITNOS ELECTRICOS SERVICIOS DE GESTION DE PROYECTOS EN RELAGION CON LA GONSTRUCCION DE OBRAS DE INGENIERIA CML SERVICIOS DE INGENIERIA DURANTE LA FASE DE CONSTRUCCION Y DE 3322 Saae INSTALACION DE OBRAS DE INGENIERIA CML ecot0 SERVICIOS RELACIONADOS CON LAWINERIA Y PETROLEOS ae SERVICIOS RELACIONADOS CON LA TRANSMISION DE ELECTRICIDAD (A COMISION 0 POR CONTRATO) a SERVICIOS RELACIONADOS CON LA DISTRIBUCION DE ELECTRICIDAD 4 COMISION 0 FOR CONTRATO) arise SERVICIOS DE MANTENIMIENTO Y REPARACION DE MAQUINARI Y EQUIPO N.C. 87360 SERVICIOS DE INSTALACION DE OTROS BIENES NCP. 29 Publica Luger: QUITO “Responsable: paguilar 08/11/2010 11:57, IISAPETROL FORMULARIO NO. 2 ao Datos generales del Oferente (PARA PERSONAS JURIDICAS INDIVIDUALES) NOMBRE DEL OFERENTE: IISAPETROL DEL ECUADOR CIA. LTDA. NOMBRE REPRESENTANTE LEGAL: PATRICIO SANDOVAL. DIRECCION PARA CORRESPONDENCIA: Ciudad: Quito Calle: Av. Eloy Alfaro N° 32-543 y Shyris Edificio Nuevolar 6to. Piso Teléfono(s): 2443015 / 2251172 | 2250828 / 2263210 Correo Electronico: DIRECTIVOS: NIA PRESIDENTE LUIS EDMUNDO SANCHEZ SANCHEZ GERENTE (Y/O APODERADO) PATRICIO SANDOVAL, REPRESENTANTE TECNICO IVAN HIDROBO MONTOYA BIENES Y SERVICIO QUE OFRECE: Montajes Electromecanicos Servicios Petroleros (Wl Quito, 25 de noviembre del 2010 Ing. Patricip Sandoval epresenante Legal NSAPETROL CIA. LTDA. Av. Eloy Alfaro N32-543 y Shyris, Edificio Nuevolar, 6to piso W + Telfs.: (693-2) 2251172 / 173 - 2263210 2250828 - 2252677 + Fax: (593-2) 2267-155 * Quito - Ecuador Quito, 25 de Agosto dei 2008 d00neNA Seftor Oo0OneHn 6 LUIS PATRICIO SANDOVAL VACA, Ciudad De mi consideracion Tengo el agrado de comunicar a usted que la Junta General Extraordinaria y Universal de Socios ce la Compatiia IISAPETROL DEL ECUADOR CIA. LTDA. en sesion llevada a cabo el dia de hoy 25 de Agosto del 2008, tuvo a bien reelegirle para el cargo de GERENTE GENERAL de la Compafiia, funcién que ejercera durante el periodo estatutario de TRES ANOS, comprendidos entre el momento de su inscrpcion en el Registra Mercantil y hasta ser legitimamente reemplazado. De acuerdo con el Articulo Vigésimo de los Estatutos Sociales, la representacién legal, judicial y extrajudicial de la Compafia la ejercen individualmente al Presidente y el Gerente General Los deberes y atribuciones inherentes al cargo para el cual ha sido elegido aparecen detallados en la Escrtura Publica de Escisién de ia Compafia INSTRUMENTACION INDUSTRIAL SANDOVAL CIA. LTDA. en otra denominada ISAPETROL DEL ECUADOR CIA. LTDA., otorgada el 1 de Julio del 2005, ante el Notaria Trigésimo Séptimo dei Cantén Quito, Doctor Roberto Duefias Mera, la misma que ha sido inscrita en el Registro Mercantil respectivo el 17 de Agosto del 2005, bajo el numero 2058, Tomo 136 Atentamente, - aorta Luis Edmundo Sanchez Sanchez PRESIDENTE Aceoto el cargo para el cual he sido reelegido y prometo desemperiarlo fiel y legalmente, para constancia de lo cual firmo. Quito, 25 de Agosto de! 2008. Cf Luis Patricio Sandoval Vaca C.C. No. 170529896-0 IISAPETROL oononenn 7 DISTRIBUIDOR AUTORIZADO A fp Fu Eloy Afar NED BAS Shy, Fao Nuovlr Go pso W = Tela: (6982) Zas1 IAT 7B 72as210 “ff 2250828 - 2252677 » Fax: (593-2) 2267-155 * Quito - Ecuador a tate GI00NEND 8 EXCLUSIVE DISTRIBUTION AGREEMENT ‘This Exclusive Distribution Agreement the" Agreement’), is made and effective November 12”. 2010 BETWEEN: NINGDONG (the “Company"), 9 corporation organized and existing under the laws of the Republic of China, with ts head office located at. 123 Haichuan Road Jiangbei Distnct Ningbo AND: NSAPETROL CIA. LTDA, (the “Distributor’) a corporation with his mam address located al Av. Eley Alfaro 1731 y Shyris Quito, and existing under the laws of the Republic of Ecuador WHEREAS the Company wishes to market tne Products described in Schedule A (the "Products") through the Distributor, itis agreed as follows 4. DEFINITIONS ‘When used in this Agreement, the following terms shall have the respective meanings indicated. such meanings ‘0 be applicable to both the singular and plural forms of the terms defined “Agreement” means this agreement, the Schedules attached hereto and any documents included by reference, as each may be amended from time to time in accordance with the terms ofthis, ‘Agreement “Accessories” means the accessories described in Exhibit A attached hereto, and includes any ‘special devices manufactured by Company and used in connection with the operation of the Goods Accessories may be deleted from or added to Exhibit A and their specifications and design may be changed by Company at its sole diseretion af any time by maiing written notice of such changes to Distroutor. Each change shail become effective [NUMBER] days following the di thereof is ‘sent to Distnbutor “Affiliate means" any company convolled by, controling, or under carmmon contral with Company Afiate means any person, corporation or other entity (i) which owns, naw ar hereafter, rectly or indirect, twenty-five percent (25%) or more of any class of the voting stock of Company a 15, now or hereafter, cirectly or indirectly, in effective contro! of Company’ or (i) twenty-five percent (25%) or more of any class of the voting stock of which Company. or a party descnbed in aaragraah (i) owns. now or hereafter, directly or indirectly or of which Company. or a party described in paragragh (i). s now or hereafter, directly or indirectly in contro} “Customer” means any person who purchases or leases Prod fom Distributor “Delivery Point” means Company's facilities at 123 Haichuan Road Jiangbei District Ningbo Delivery paint means Distributors factites at: Av Eloy Alfaro 1737 y Shyris Quito, Ecuador Exclusive Distribution Agre ea OsvdRenn 9 “Products” means Goods, Accessories, and Spare Pants “Spare Parts means": (i) all parts and components of the Goods; (i) any special devices used in connection with the maintenance or servicing of the Goods. Company warrants that a complete list of Spare Parts is set forth in Exhibit C. Spare parts may be deloted from or added to Exhibit C and their ‘specifications and design may be changed by Company at is sole discretion at any time by mating whiten notice of such changes to Distributor. Each change shall become effective [NUMBER] days following the date notice thereot is sent to Distibutor “Specifications” means those specications set forth in Exhibit O “Territory” means the following geographic area or areas ECUADOR LATIN AMERICA. During the term of this Agreement, Distributor shall have the fist right of refusal at its option to expand the Territory in order to distribute the Products on an exclusive basis . Company shall give Distributor written notice and the terms under which it intends to permit distribution, or the terms of any offer or request from a third party for rights to distribute, any af the Products in any country not then included 1n the Territory. Distnbutor shall accept or reject such offer in writing within 10 days after receipt thereof, and, if Distrisutor accepts such offer, the Terrtory shall be appropriately expanded. “Trademark” means any trademark, logo, sorvice mark or other commercial designation, whether or not registered, used to represent or describe the Products of Company, as set forth in Exhibit E 2. APPOINTMENT OF DISTRIBUTOR 1.4 Appointment Company hereby appoints Distnbutor as Company's exclusive distrisutor of Products in the Terntory ‘and Dstnbutor accepts that position. 2 Company, to the extent tnatits legally Permitied to do £0, (i) shall not appoint any distributor (oF agent in the Territory for the Products ether than Distributor, (i) shall not, and shall cause any Affliate not to, knowingly sell Products to any person cther than Distributor or a party designated by Distributor for use or resale within tne Territory (except pursuant to any agreement effective at the lime this Agreement became applicable to the sarvice so provided and (i) shall use its best efforts to prevert any party other than Distributor from seeking customers for the Products in the Terntory. from establishing any branch related to the istnbution of Products in the Territory. oF from maintaining any distribution depot with respet ‘he Products in tne Ternitory bb Company or any Affiliate, sells eny Product which is eventually resold in the Tomntory (other than a sale to Distributor of a party designated by Distributor) and Company, or that Affilate had reason to know at the time of t's sale of that Preauct that such resale was likely to occur Company shall, immediately after the tigger sale (which shall be the resale of the P? the terrtory or the sale mmediately preceding the use of the Product in the Territory) s contracted, pay to the Distributor 5 % of the price of that Preduct under this Agreement at time that the tngger sale was contracted, wich payment shall represent a recapture of advertising and capita! expenditures made by Distibuior. Nothing contained in this Se shall attect any other right or ramedy which Disinbutor may nave pursuant to this Agreemen 2. REFERRALS It Company of any Affliate is contacted by any party inquising about the purchase of Products in ine Terntory (ether than Distroutor or a party designated by Distributor), Company shal, or shal! cause that ‘Affiate to, refer such party to Distributor for hancting Excluswe Bisirouton Agreement Page 2 of8 if ogognennlo 3. RELATIONSHIP OF PARTIES a. Distributor is an independent contractor and is not the legal representative or agent of Company for any purpose and shall have no right of authonity (except as expressly provided 1 this Agreement) to incur, assume or create in wiring or cinerwse, any warranty over any of Company's employees, all of whom are entirely under the control of Company. who shall be responsible for their acts and omissions >. Distributor shall, at its own expense, during the term of this Agreement and any extension thereof, mamtain full insurance undar any Workmen's Compensation Laws effective in the slate or other epplicable jursdictien covering all persons employed by and working fori in connection with the performance of this Agreement, anc upon request shall furnish Company with satisfactory evidence of the maintenance of such insurance, Distributor accepts exclusive labiity forall contributions and payroll taxes required under Feaeral Social Security Laws and State Unemployment Compensation Laws or other payments under any laws of similar character In any applicable jurisdiction as to all persons employed by and working for it 4. Nothing contained in this Agreement shall be deemed to create any partnership or jeint venture relationship between the parties 4, SALE OF PRODUCTS BY DISTRIBUTOR Distributor agrees to exercise its best etforts to develop the largest possibfe market for the Products in the Territory and shall continuausly offer, advertise, demonstrate and otherwise promote the sale of Proaucts in he Terrtory 2. The partes have consulted together and now agree that if Distributors best efforts are used as provided in this Section. a minmum of Engines. Products ("Annual Market Potential’) will be purchased and distributed in the Teretory during the first year of this Agreement At the beginning of each subsequent year hereunder the parties will consult together i gaod fail ‘and agree on the Annual Markel Potential applicable to that year, provided, however, that they cannot agree, the Annual Market Potential far the immediately Preceding year will apply to the current year 5. COMPETING PRODUCTS Distributor agrees that i will not distibute oF represent any Procucts in the Terntory which compete wth the Products during the term of this Agreement or any extensions thereof 8. ADVERTISING Distributor shall be entiled, during the term ofthe distrbutorship created by this Agreement ang any extension thereof, to advertise and nove vtsoi" out as an authorized Distributor of the Products. At all times during the term of the distnbutorship created by this Agreement and any extension thereof, Disindutor shall use the Trademarks in al advertiserients and other activities conducted by Distributor to oromote ale of the Products ‘2. Distributor shall submit examples of all proposed advertisements and other promotionel materials for the Products to Company for “tspection and Oistriautor shall no! use any such advertisements, 0: promotional matenals without “aving received the prior writen consent of Company 19 do 50, Excusive Distribution Agresmei Page 3h GovonenNALL Distributor shall not, pursuant to this Agreement or otherwise, have or acquire any right, ttle or interest in or to Company's Trademarks. 7. NEW PRODUCTS Company or any Afftiate now or hereafter manufactures or aistributes, or proposes ta manutacture or cistribute, any product other than the Products, Company shall immediately notify, or cause such Affiliate to notify, Distributor of that fact and af all detalls concerning that product Distributor may request from Company distribution rights for that product in the Terniory, or any portion thereo!. and if so requested, Company shall grant, or snall cause the subject Affilate to grant, Such distribution rights to Distributor on terms end conditions no less favorable than these provided in this Agreoment with respect to Products| If Distributor does not obtain those distribution rights or obtains them only for a portion af the Tarntory and Company of an Affliate later desires to offer those disinbution rights for the Territory or any portion thereof to anther pany, Company ehall first, or shall cause such Affilate to first, make that offer in writing to Distributor on terms and conditions which shall be specified fully in that offer. That offer shall contain a full Cescnption of the subject product and its operation Distributor may request, and Company shall promptly provide, or shall cause such Affliate promptly to provide, further information concerning the product or the offer. If Distributor fails to accept such offer ‘Company 0° he Affiiate may then offer the product to another paity for distribution in the Territory, but may not offer it on terms and conditions more favorable than those offered lo Distributor. If Company or the Affliate desires to make a better offer to another party, Company shall frst, or shall cause the afflate first to, make such better offer to Distributor in acco'dance with the procedure set forth above 8. DISTRIBUTOR SALES, SERVICE AND STORAGE FACILITIES 2 Distributor shall, at ts expense, engage and maintain a sales. servico and parts handling organization in the Terntory, statfed with such experienced personnal as are necessary te enable distributor to perform its obligations under this Agreement 'b. Distributor shall, at its expense, maintain facilities and personnel in the Territory that will enable promptly and satisfactonly to perform, at a reasonable price, all mspection, maintenance and ‘other necessary servicing of Products sold by Distributor To assist Distrioutor i the aischarga of this service and maintenance function, Company shail provide service and maintenance training without charge, to any reasonable number of Distributes personnel as Distnbutor shall cesignate Distnbwor shall, at its expense, at all times store and maintain its inventory of Products in accordance with current, applicable instructons issued by Company from time to time 4 Disinbutor shall, at its expense, deliver one copy of Company's current, apolicable operation ana maintenance manual te each Customer at tne trme of sala and, at that time. Distiautor shall at ts expense, fully explain and demonstrate to the cusiamer the proper method of operating and mantaning the Products. Distributor shall mail to Company, during the ‘erm of the distributership created by this Agreement ind any extension thereot, prompt wrtten notice of the address of each location at which producis are stored, and the address of each facilty estabished by Distributor to sell and service the Produets. Company may. thraugh ts designated agent, nspect all such locations and f and the operations conducted therein at any time curing normal business hours Exctisve Distribution Agreement Page 4of8 oogudnVNNLe 9. TRAINING OF DISTRIBUTOR ‘As promptly as practicable after execution of the Agreement, Company shall transmit to Distributor information, meterials, manuals and other techrical documents necessary to enable Distributor to perform is obligations uncer this Agreement and. in particular, to carry aut the warranty repairs pursuant to ARTICLE 4 of this Agreement. Throughout the term of tis Agreement and any extension thereot, Company shail continue to give Distributor such technical essistance as Distiibutor may reasonably request Disinbutor shall remburse Company for all reasonable out-of-pocket expenses incurred by Company in providing technical assistance 10, SPARE PARTS AND ACCESSORIES Distributor shall keep in stock an adequate supply of Spare Parts and Accessories for the servicing of Goods. No Spare Parts or Accessories not manufactured by Company shall be used in connection with the Goods unless tney have been approved in wring by Company, 41. CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION Whiten Technical data, drawings, plans and engineering in technical instructins pertaining to the Products are recognized by Distributor o be secret and confidential and to be the property of Company ‘Those ems shall at ail times and for all purposes be held by Distributor in confidential capacty and shall not, without the prior written consent of Company. (i) be disclosed by Disteibutor to any person. firm ‘oF carporation, excepting those salaried employees of Distributor who are requied to ullize Such ite Connection with the sale, inspection, repair or servicing of Products during the term of the distnibutersh crested by this Agreement or any extension thereof, or (n) be disclosed to any person, firm or corporation 3° copied or used by Distributor, ts employees or agents at any time following the expiraticn or termination of the dstibutorship created by this Agreement or any extension thereot, except where sucr use is necessary in order to mamntain o° service Products stil covered by the warranty provisions of ARTICLE 4 at the time of such expiration or termination Company may require as a condition to any disclosure by Distributor pursuant to this Section that any salaried employee to whom disclosure isto De ‘made sign a secrecy agreement, enforceable by Company, containing terms satistactery to Company 13. TERMS OF PURCHASE AND SALE OF PRODUCTS, 2. Distributor shall purchase its requirements for the Products from Company. Such requirements shall include (i) purchasing and mantaining an inventory of Products th sufficient fo enable Disinbutor to perform its obligatons hereunder, and (i) at least one ( demonstration model of the Goods and Accessories b_ Each order for Products submited by Dsstribulor to Company shall be subject to tne written acceptance of Company, and Company may. in its own discretion, accept or reject any orcar for Products wtheut obligation or liabilty to Distninutor by reason of ts rejection of any such request ‘pany shal! supply to Dsstibutor sufficient Producis to enable Distribut vane for Products in the Territary fo meet the full At orders for P-oduets transmited by Distributor to accepted by Company at the Lime such orders are re they are in compliance with the terms of this Agreem: mpany shall be deemed '0 be ived by Company to the extent that nt and Campany shall p Distroution Agreement o00NNO13 accordance with all accepted orders, Company shail confirm its receipt and acceptance of each order writen [NUMBER] days of raceipt of the crser ©. Purchases for Resale only. All Products purchased by Distnbutor shall be purchased solely for commercial resale or lease, excepting those Products reasonably required by Distnbutor for advertising and demonstration purposes. 14. ORDER PROCEDURE a. Each order for Products issued by Distributor to Company under this Agreement shail identify that itis an order and shall further set fort the delivery date cr dates and tne description and quantity of Products which are to be delivered an each of such dates. An order for Products shall not provide a delivery date less than 30 days after the date that order is delivered to Company The individual contracts for the sale of Products formed by Distributor's submission of orcers to Company pursuant to the terms ang concitions nereo! shall automatically incergorate. to the extent applicable. the terms and conditions hereof, shall be subject enly to those terms and conditions (Logether with all terms in orders which are contemplated by this Agreement) and shal! ‘not be subject to any conflicting cr additional terms included in any documents exchanged in connection therewith, 15, CANCELLATION OF ORDERS Allcancellation of orders by Distributor shall be in writing, or if no initially in writing, shall be confirmed in wnting If Distributor cancels an order. which has been accepted by Company, Distributor shall remmburse Company for any cost incident to such order incurred by Company prior to tne time it was informed of tne Cancellation 18, PURCHASE PRICE The prices for Goods, and any discounts applicable thereto, are set forth in Exhibit B. The prices for Accassories, together with any discounts applicable theroto, are set forth in Exhibst A. The prices for ‘Spare Parts, togetner with any discounts applicable theroto, are set forth in Exhibit C. All prices are F OB the Delivery Point If the price for any Product is not set forth an Exhibit A, B or C and Distnibut nevertheless orders such a Product from Company, the parties hereby evidence their intention thereby 12 conciude a contract for the sate ot inat Product at a reascrable price to be determined by the Parties, mutually negotiating in good fath 17. PRICE CHANGES Company reserves the right, in its sole discreton, to change prices or discounts applicable to the Products. Company shall give writen notce to Distributor of any price change at least 30 cays prier to the affactwe date thereof, The pnce in effect as of the date of Distnbutor s receipt af notice af such price ‘change shall remain apolicable to all orders received by Company prior to that effective date 18. PACKING Company shall, at is expense, pack all Procucis in accordance wih Company's standard packing which shall be sutable to permit shipment of the Product: to the Terntery: provided, however that Distributor requests @ mouifcation of thase pracedures Company shai make the requested ‘modification and Distributor shall bear any reasonable exposes inc "red by Company in complying wit usive Dstrbuton Agreement Page 50f8 "0000014 ‘such modified procedures which are m excess of the expenses which Company would have incuired ir foliowing its standard procedures 19. DELIVERY: TITLE AND RISK OF LOSS All deliveries of Products sold by Company to Distributor pursuant to this Agreement shall be made 0.8 the Dolivery Point, and title to and risk of loss of Products shall pass from Company to Distributor at the Delvery Point. Distributor shall be responsible for arranging all transportation of Products, but if requested by Distributor, Company shall, at Distibutor's expense, assist Distributor in making such arrangements Distributor shal also procure insurance for ha transportation of the Products, and such Insurance shal be of a kind and on terms current at the part of shipment. In the event that Company is requested to assist Distributor in arranging for transportation, Distributor shall reimburse Company for ail Costs applicable to the Products folowing their delivery to Distributor, cluding. watnaut kmitaton, Insurance, transportation, loading and unloading, handling and storage. Distributor shall pay all charges, including customs duty and sales tax, incurrec wth respect to the Praducts following their Delivery to the carrier or forwarder 20, INSPECTION AND ACCEPTANCE Promptly upon the receipt of @ shipment of Products, Distributor shall examine the shipment to determine whether any item or items included in the shipment are in short sugply, delective of demaged, Within 30, days of receipt ofthe shipment, Distributor shall notfy Company in waiting of any shoriages. defects or damage which Distributor claims existed at the time of delivery Within 5 days after the receipt of such notice, Company will investigate the claim of snartages, dafects of damage, inform Distributor of its findings, and deliver to Distriputor Praducts to replace any which Company determines, inits sole discretion, were in short supply, defective or damaged at the time of celivery. 21. PAYMENT Upen delivery and acceptance of Products, Company may submit ta Distributor Campany’s invoice for those Products. Distributor shall pay each such proper invaice within 30 days alter Distributor’ receipt of that inveice. Payment shall be made in US DOLLARS 10 a bank account to be notified in wring by Company te Distrinutor 22, ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Agraement contains the entire understancing of the parties and thare are no commitmants. agreements, or understandings between the parties other than thase expressly set forth nevein. This agreement shall nat be allered, waved, modifica, or amended exceor in wting signed by the parties hereto and notarized Nata ey Od008N01S 23. ARBITRATION ‘Any controversy or claim arising out of or relating to this contract or the breach thereot shall be settled by arpitration to be held in the City of Quito, Republic of Ecuador. in accardance with the law in this jurisdiction, and judgment upon the award rendered by the arbitrators may be entered in any Court having |urisdiction thereof 24, SECRECY Distributor agrees not to disclose or use except as required in Distributor's duties, at any time, any ‘information disclosed to or acquired by Distributor dung the term of this contract Distributor agrees that all confidential information shall be deemed to be and shall be treated as a sole and exclusive proverty of the Campany, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties nave executed Ins Agreement on November 12”. 2010 COMPANY DISTRIBUTOR — sSAPETROL DEL ECUADOR E amonzed Senature SHE RA al Narcisa Romérer Exouswe Distrbut'nn Agreemen Page Sof IISAPETROL oO I00NNNNIE REPUESTOS } ‘Av. Eloy Alfaro N32-543 y Shyris, Edificio Nuevolar, 6to piso W + Tolfs.: (593-2) 2251172 / 173 - 2264610 2250828 - 2252677 + Fax: (593-2) 2267-155 + Quito - Ecuador TARPRAAMYARAARAA NINGBO C.S.1. POWER & MACHINERY GROUP CO., LTD ikl; No.99,thaielusny Roa, Jiangbei,Nivstio, Zhejiang Ch Tels 00s6 Post oes 316032 00000enn1 7 November 17, 2010 Me CORPORACION ELECTRICA DEL ECUADOR CELEC QUITO - ECUADOR SOUTH AMERICA, OBJECT: O.E.M. SPARE PARTS CERTIFICATION NINGBO C.S1. POWER & MACHINERY GROUP CO. LTD, is pleased to confirm you that our manufacturing plant has the ability to manufacture original spare parts for our engines NINGBO S| POWER , also we supply orginal spare parts for the engines that we had and been supplied to many customers. worldwide. As always, itis our full intent to provide you with dependable and quality service, and in keeping you updated with the latest innovation on HFO engines. Itwe may be of further assistance, please call upon us at any time. Sincerely, NINGBO C.S.. POWER & MACHINERY GROUP CO. LTD. i ERR RAT FL & MACHINERY G202P C9 IISAPETROL FORMULARIO NO. 3 Modelo de la carta de confidencialidad og00000918 Quito, 25 de noviembre del 2010 Sefior Gerente General Empresa Publica Estratégica Corporacién Eléctrica del Ecuador CELEC EP Presente El que suscribe, en atencién a la convocatoria efectuada por la Corporacién Eléctrica del Ecuador CELEC EP, para el suministro e instalacion de centrales termoeléctricas, deciaro que me obligo a guardar absoluta reserva de la informacion confiada y a los que pueda tener acceso durante las visitas previas a la valoracién de la oferta y en virtud del desarrollo y cumplimiento del contrato en caso de resultar adjudicatario. La inobservancia de lo manifestado dard lugar a que la Corporacién Eléctrica del Ecuador CELEC EP ejerza las acciones legales civiles y penales correspondientes y en especial las determinadas en los articulos 200 y 201 del Cédigo Penal vigente. Quito, 25 de noviembre de! 2010 IISAPETROL CIA. LTDA. ‘Av. Eloy Alfaro N32-543 y Shyris, Edificio Nuevolar, 6to piso W + Telfs.: (693-2) 2251172 / 173 - 2263210 2250828 - 2252677 + Fax: (593-2) 2267-155 + Quito - Ecuador IISAPETROL FORMULARIO No. 4 Tabla de Capitulos, Precios y Plazos TABLA DE CAPITULOS, PRECIOS Y PLAZOS CAPACIDAD | CAPACIDAD OFERTA EFECTIVA | EFECTIVA | CAPITULO /UBICACION| Wrninaa | MAXIMA al — (mw) (mw) (mw) | PRECIO ($) {o1as) (1 Tiaramuo 120 140 Nic | NC Nic [2 [avino 30 ao | 38 43°245.866,00 | 315 SANTA | . Steele ees oo |__| eesensenmo | ass CAPACIDAD MAXIMA DISPONIBLE (MW) | 76 | 86°644.228,00| 315 | {ccs Quito, 25 de noviembre del 2010 IISAPETROL CIA. LTDA. Av. Eloy Alfaro N32-843 y Shyris, Edificio Nuevolar, 6to piso W + Telts.: (693-2) 2251172 / 178 - 2263210 2250828 - 2252677 * Fax: (593-2) 2267-155 * Quito - Ecuador HISAPETROL FORMULARIO NO. 5 Declaracién de Agregado Nacional Sefior Gerente General CELEC EP Presente De mi consideracién’ El que suscribe, en calidad de representante legal de la compafila IISAPETROL DEL ECUADOR CIA. LTDA., deciaro bajo juramento y en pleno conocimiento de las consecuencias legales que conlleva faltar a la verdad, que: a) Libre y voluntariamente presento la informacion que detallo mas adelante, para fines Unica y exclusivamente relacionados con el presente proceso de contrataci6n; b) Declaro que el la Central Termoeléctrica ofertada tiene un valor agregado nacional del 21.1(%) respecto a su costo de produccién, el sustento de calculo de dicho valor se encuentra en el formulario No. 5-A. c) — Garantizo la veracidad y exactitud de la presente informacién; y. autorizo a CELEC. EP, al INCOP, 0 a cualquier érgano de control a efectuar averiguaciones para comprobar tal informacién. d) Autorizo a que esta informacién se transparente a través del portal; y, doy mi consentimiento para que se realicen las verificaciones 0 veedurias que sean pertinentes. e) La falta de veracidad de la informacion presentada por el oferente seré causa de descalificacion de la oferta 0 de terminacién unilateral del contrato, si ésta se Getectare en forma posterior. Atentamente, Quito, 25 de noviembre del 2010 Ino. Patricib Sandoval ya Fatt fante Legal ISAPETROL CIA. LTDA. 2r0 N32-548 y Shyris, Edificio Nuevolar, 6to piso W + Telfs.: (593-2) 2251172 / 173 - 2263210 2250828 - 2252677 * Fax: (593-2) 2267-185 + Quito - Ecuador IISAPETROL FORMULARIO 5A CALCULO DEL PORCENTAJE DE VALOR AGREGADO NACIONAL RESPECTO AL COSTO DE PRODUCCION (Desagregado por elemento de costo) OIU0Hannat ELEMENTOS DE COSTOS DE LA CENTRAL TERMOELECTRICA VALOR AGREGADO, NACIONAL % a) Valor de la materia prima insumos de origen nacional de aplicacién directa a la Central Termoeléctrica 45 b) Valor de la mano de obra utilizada en el pais para el suministro e instalacién de la Central Termoeléctrica 14.8 Valor de tecnologia de origen nacional aplicada en la Central Termoeléctrica: Gastos de investigacién, desarrollo y Propiedad intelectual. (El valor proporcional utilizado para este calculo sera el resultante de aplicar el valor de amortizacién anual directamente en el periodo de fabricacion del bien o prestacién del servicio desarrollado, objeto de la oferta, de acuerdo a la Ley de Régimen Tributario Interno y su reglamento) Servicios, incluidos los profesionales, prestados por personas naturales y juridicas nacionales para la fabricacion de la Central Termoeiéctrica 1.3 Depreciacién de equipos instalados en las plantas industriales en Ecuador empleados para el suministro € instalacion de la Central Termoeléctrica de acuerdo a los siguientes criterios: - Para la fabricacién de bienes 0 prestacion de servicios, la depreciacién no podrd ser realizada en un tiempo menor de diez (10) afios para herramientas, maquinarias, equipos e instalacion. ~ El valor de depreciacién sera el valor historico en libros. En caso que no exista valor de depreciacién, este concepto se lo realizaré segiin avaldo de activos. - El valor proporcional utiizado para este cailculo, seré el resultante de aplicar el valor de depreciacién anual obtenido de la maquinaria, equipos o instalaciones en el periodo realmente utilizado directamente en la fabricacion del bien o prestacién del servicio objeto de Ia oferta TOTAL COMPONENTE NACIONAL, 05 214 Av. Eloy Alfaro N32-543 y Shyris, Edificio Nuevolar, 6to piso W « Tells.: (693-2) 2051172 / 173 - 2263210 2250828 - 2252677 + Fax: (593-2) 2267-155 » Quito - Ecuador HISAPETROL 2 INCOP FORMULARIO N° 6 ANEXO DE LA RESOLUCION INCOP No. 037-09 (Sustitutiva de la Resolucion INCOP No. 028-09) 1, FORMULARIO PARA IDENTIFICACION DEL SOCIO(S), ACCIONISTA(S) O PARTICIPE(S) MAYORITARIO(S) DE LA PERSONA JURIDICA OFERENTE (en el caso de que ésta no cotice sus acciones y participaciones en bolsas de valores nacionales 0 extranjeras). Quito, 25 de noviembre del 2010 Sefior Gerente General Empresa Publica Estratégica Corporaci6n Eléctrica del Ecuador CELEC EP Presente De mi consideracién: El que suscribe, en mi calidad de representante legal de ISAPETROL CIA. LTDA., deciaro bajo juramento y en pleno conocimiento de las consecuencias legales que conlleva faltar a la verdad, que: 1- Libre y voluntariamente presento la informacion que detallo mas adelante, para fines tinica y exclusivamente relacionados con el presente proceso de contratacion; 2. Garantizo la veracidad y exactitud de la informacion, cf autorizo ala Entidad Contratante, al Instituto Nacional de Contratacién Publica INCOP, 0 a los Organos de Control, a efectuar averiguaciones para comprobar tal informacion. 3- Acepto que en caso de que el contenido de la presente declaracion no corresponda alla verdad, la Entidad Contratante a) Observando el debido proceso, aplique la sancion indicada en el ultimo inciso del articulo 19 de la Ley Organica del Sistema Nacional de Contratacion Publica -LOSNCP-; b) Descalifique a mi representada como oferente; 0, ©) Proceda a la terminacién unilateral del contrato respectivo, en cumplimiento del articulo 64 de la LOSNCP, si tal comprobacién ocurriere durante la vigencia de la relacién contractual. y Alfaro N32-543 y Shyris, Ealificio Nuevolar, 6to piso W + Telfs.: (693-2) 2251172 / 173 - 2264210 2250828 - 2252677 + Fax: (593-2) 2267-155 + Quito - Ecuador IISAPETROL = INCOP “9 300080023 ‘Ademés, me allano a respondedor los dartos y perjuicios que estos actos acasionen, 4. Acepto que en caso de que el accionista, participe o socio mayoritario de mi representada esté domiciliado en un paraiso fiscal, la Entidad Contratante descalifique a mi representada inmediatamente. 5.- Me comprometo a notificar a la entidad contratante la transferencia, cesién, enajenacion, bajo cualquier modalidad de las acciones, participaciones o cualquier otra forma de participacién, que realice la persona juridica a la que represento. En caso de no hacerlo, acepto que la Entidad Contratante declare unilateralmente terminado el contrato respectivo. Esta obligacién sera aplicable también a los participes de las asociaciones 0 consorcios, constituidos de conformidad con el articulo 26 de la LOSNCP. TIPO DE PERSONA JURIDICA: Compania Anénima Compaiiia de Responsabilidad Limitada Compania Mixta Compafiia en Nombre Colectivo Compafiia en Comandita Simple Sociedad Civil Corporacién Fundacién Asociacién o consorcio. Otra Doooxa noar NOMBRES NUMERO DE CEDULA] PORCENTAJE DE | DOMICILIO COMPLETOS DEL |DE IDENTIDAD, RUC O|/PARTICIPACION EN) FISCAL SOCIO(S). IDENFICACION LA ESTRUCTURA ACCIONISTA(S), |SIMILAR EMITIDA POR| DE PROPIEDAD DE PARTICIPE(S) PAIS EXTRANJERO, LA PERSONA MAYORITARIO (S)| DE SER EL CASO SJURIDICA 1700219833 | Sanchez Sanchez Luis 127% Ecuador [ee Edmundo 1705295960 Sandoval Vaca Luis 98.73% Ecuador Patricio NOTA: Si el socio (s), accionista (s) 0 participe (s) mayoritario (s) es una persona juridica, de igual forma, se debera identificar los nombres completos de todos los socio (s), accionista (s) 0 participe (s), para lo que se usara el siguiente formato: / Wu Eloy Aro N32.5%9 y Shy, Edel Nuovolay lo pao W = Teas 683.0) DOS1I72/ 178 oBaSeiH 2250828 - 2252677 * Fax: (593-2) 2267-155 * Quito - Ecuador

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