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Estadística I

1º Doble Grado en Estudios Internacionales y Administración de


Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Jurídicas. Campus Getafe

Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

Reservados todos los derechos.

No se permite la explotación económica ni la transformación de esta obra. Queda permitida la impresión en su totalidad.
No se permite la explotación económica ni la transformación de esta obra. Queda permitida la impresión en su totalidad.
✷✳ ■♥ ♦r❞❡r t♦ ✐♥✈❡st✐❣❛t❡ t❤❡ ♣♦ss✐❜❧❡ r❡❧❛t✐♦♥ ❜❡t✇❡❡♥ t❤❡ ♥✉♠❜❡r ♦❢ ❝r❡❞✐t ❝❛r❞s ♦✇♥❡❞ ❜② ❛ ♣❡rs♦♥ ✭X ✮ ❛♥❞ t❤❡ ✇❡❡❦❧②
♥✉♠❜❡r ♦❢ ❝r❡❞✐t ❝❛r❞ ♣✉r❝❤❛s❡s ✭Y ✮✱ t❤❡ ❢♦❧❧♦✇✐♥❣ ❞❛t❛ ❤❛s ❜❡❡♥ ❝♦❧❧❡❝t❡❞ ❢r♦♠ ❛ s❛♠♣❧❡ ♦❢ ✸✵✵ ♣❡♦♣❧❡✿
★ ✇❡❡❦❧② ❝r❡❞✐t ❝❛r❞ ♣✉r❝❤❛s❡s
✵ ✶ ✷ ✸ ✹
✶ ✷✹ ✸✾ ✷✼ ✶✽ ✾
★ ❝r❡❞✐t ❝❛r❞s ♦✇♥❡❞ ✷ ✾ ✷✹ ✷✹ ✷✼ ✷✶
✸ ✸ ✾ ✶✽ ✷✹ ✷✹

Reservados todos los derechos.

❛✮ ❖❜t❛✐♥ t❤❡ ♠❛r❣✐♥❛❧ ❞✐str✐❜✉t✐♦♥ ♦❢ Y ✱ ❛♥❞ ❝❛❧❝✉❧❛t❡ ✐ts ♠❡❛♥ ❛♥❞ st❛♥❞❛r❞ ❞❡✈✐❛t✐♦♥✳
❜✮ ❖❜t❛✐♥ t❤❡ ♠❛r❣✐♥❛❧ ❞✐str✐❜✉t✐♦♥ ♦❢ X ✳ ❲❤❛t ♦♥❡ ✐s t❤❡ ♠♦st ❢r❡q✉❡♥t ♥✉♠❜❡r ♦❢ ❝r❡❞✐t ❝❛r❞s ♦✇♥❡❞ ✐♥ t❤❡ s❛♠♣❧❡❄
❝✮ ❖❜t❛✐♥ t❤❡ ❝♦♥❞✐t✐♦♥❛❧ ❞✐str✐❜✉t✐♦♥ ♦❢ Y ❢♦r ♣❡♦♣❧❡ ✇✐t❤ t❤r❡❡ ❝❛r❞s✳ ❲❤❛t ✐s t❤❡ ♠❡❛♥ ♦❢ t❤✐s ❞✐str✐❜✉t✐♦♥❄
❞✮ ❖❜t❛✐♥ t❤❡ ❝♦♥❞✐t✐♦♥❛❧ ♠❡❛♥ ♦❢ Y ❞❡♣❡♥❞✐♥❣ ♦♥ t❤❡ ♥✉♠❜❡r ♦❢ ❝r❡❞✐t ❝❛r❞s ♦✇♥❡❞✱ ❛♥❞ ❞✐s❝✉ss t❤❡ r❡s✉❧ts✳
2. Answer(s):
a) Marginal distribution for Y = Weekly number of credit card purchases:
Purchases 0 1 2 3 4 Total
nj 36 72 69 69 54 300
Mean, quasivariance and quasi-standard deviation:
ȳ = 2,11, s2y = 1,6634, sy = 1,29.
b) Distribution of the number of credit cards:
# credit cards ni
1 117
2 105
3 78
Total 300
The mode is equal to 1.
c) Distribution of the number of purchases by persons with 3 credit cards:
# purchases | (# cards = 3) 0 1 2 3 4 Total
fryj |x=3 0,037 0,111 0,222 0,296 0,296 1
Conditional mean: ȳ|(x = 3) = 2,731
d) Conditional frequencies:
Y = # purchases
Cond. distr. 0 1 2 3 4 Total
Y |X = 1 0,205 0,333 0,231 0,154 0,077 1
Y |X = 2 0,086 0,229 0,229 0,257 0,200 1
Y |X = 3 0,038 0,115 0,231 0,308 0,308 1
Conditional means:
ȳ|(x = 1) = 1,564, ȳ|(x = 2) = 2,257

✸✳ ❲❡ ❛r❡ ❣✐✈❡♥ t❤❡ ❢♦❧❧♦✇✐♥❣ ✐♥❢♦r♠❛t✐♦♥ ♦♥ ❝❛r s❛❧❡s ✐♥ ✶✷ s❤♦✇r♦♦♠s✿ t❤❡ ❈♦♠✉♥✐❞❛❞ ❆✉tó♥♦♠❛ ✭❈❆✮ ✇❤❡r❡ t❤❡ s❤♦✇r♦♦♠
✐s ❧♦❝❛t❡❞✱ t❤❡ ♠❡❛♥ s❛❧❡ ♣r✐❝❡ ✭✐♥ t❤♦✉s❛♥❞ ❡✉r♦s✮ ❢♦r ❡❛❝❤ ❝❛r ♠♦❞❡❧ ✐♥ ✷✵✵✽ ✭▼❡❛♥ Pr✐❝❡✮✱ ❛♥❞ t❤❡ ♣❡r❝❡♥t ❝❤❛♥❣❡ ✐♥
s❛❧❡s ✈♦❧✉♠❡ ❜❡t✇❡❡♥ ✷✵✵✼ ❛♥❞ ✷✵✵✽ ✭❈❤❛♥❣❡✮✳

❈❆ ▼❡❛♥ Pr✐❝❡ ❈❤❛♥❣❡

▼❛❞r✐❞ ✶✾✳✺ −28.3
❈❛st✐❧❧❛ ② ▲❡ó♥ ✶✻✳✶ −25.1
▼❛❞r✐❞ ✷✷✳✸ −34.2
❈❛st✐❧❧❛✲▲❛ ▼❛♥❝❤❛ ✶✺✳✵

No se permite la explotación económica ni la transformación de esta obra. Queda permitida la impresión en su totalidad.
▼❛❞r✐❞ ✶✻✳✻ −22.9
▼❛❞r✐❞ ✷✸✳✾ −32.3
❈❛st✐❧❧❛✲▲❛ ▼❛♥❝❤❛ ✶✼✳✼ −19.2
❈❛st✐❧❧❛✲▲❛ ▼❛♥❝❤❛ ✶✸✳✵ −14.9
▼❛❞r✐❞ ✶✻✳✷ −24.6
▼❛❞r✐❞ ✶✽✳✻ −28.3
❈❛st✐❧❧❛ ② ▲❡ó♥ ✶✹✳✶ −16.5
❈❛st✐❧❧❛✲▲❛ ▼❛♥❝❤❛ ✶✽✳✸ −21.0

❲❡ ✇❛♥t t♦ ✐♥✈❡st✐❣❛t❡ t❤❡ ♣♦ss✐❜❧❡ r❡❧❛t✐♦♥ ❜❡t✇❡❡♥ ✈❛r✐❛❜❧❡s ❈❤❛♥❣❡ ❛♥❞ ❈❆✳ ❋♦r s✉❝❤ ❛ ♣✉r♣♦s❡✿

❛✮ ❈♦♥str✉❝t t❤❡ ❝♦♥t✐♥❣❡♥❝② t❛❜❧❡ ❢♦r ✈❛r✐❛❜❧❡s ❈❆ ❛♥❞ ❈❤❛♥❣❡✱ ❣r♦✉♣✐♥❣ t❤❡ ❧❛tt❡r ✐♥t♦ ❢♦✉r ❣r♦✉♣s ✭st❛rt✐♥❣ ❢r♦♠ −34.5
❛♥❞ ♦❢ ✇✐❞t❤ ✺✮

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❜✮ ❖❜t❛✐♥ t❤❡ ❝♦♥❞✐t✐♦♥❛❧ ❢r❡q✉❡♥❝② ❞✐str✐❜✉t✐♦♥s ❢♦r ❈❤❛♥❣❡ ✭❣r♦✉♣❡❞✮ ❢♦r ❡❛❝❤ ❈❆✳

❝✮ ❖❜t❛✐♥ t❤❡ ♠❛r❣✐♥❛❧ ❞✐str✐❜✉t✐♦♥ ♦❢ ❈❤❛♥❣❡ ✭❣r♦✉♣❡❞✮✳

❞✮ ❈♦♠♣❛r❡ t❤❡ ♦❜t❛✐♥❡❞ ❞✐str✐❜✉t✐♦♥s ❛♥❞ ❞✐s❝✉ss t❤❡ r❡s✉❧ts ✐♥ t❡r♠s ♦❢ ♣♦ss✐❜❧❡ r❡❧❛t✐♦♥s ❜❡t✇❡❡♥ s✉❝❤ ✈❛r✐❛❜❧❡s✳

❲❡ ❛❧s♦ ✇❛♥t t♦ ❛♥❛❧②③❡ t❤❡ ♣♦ss✐❜❧❡ r❡❧❛t✐♦♥ ❜❡t✇❡❡♥ t❤❡ ✈❛r✐❛❜❧❡s ▼❡❛♥ Pr✐❝❡ ❛♥❞ ❈❤❛♥❣❡✿

❡✮ ❘❡♣r❡s❡♥t ❛♣♣r♦♣r✐❛t❡❧② t❤❡ ❞❛t❛ ❛♥❞ ❝❛❧❝✉❧❛t❡ t❤❡ r❡❧❡✈❛♥t ♠❡❛s✉r❡s t♦ ❛♥❛❧②③❡ s✉❝❤ ❛♥ ✐ss✉❡✳

■♥t❡r♠❡❞✐❛t❡ ❝❛❧❝✉❧❛t✐♦♥s✿ ❲✐t❤ X= ▼❡❛♥ Pr✐❝❡ ❛♥❞ Y = ❈❤❛♥❣❡✿

12 X
12 X
12 X
12 X
xi = 211.3 yi = −291.0 xi yi = −5301.62 x2i = 3832.91 yi2 = 7439.88
i=1 i=1 i=1 i=1 i=1

3. Answer(s):
a) Contingency table:
(−34,5, −29,5] (−29,5, −24,5] (−24,5, −19,5] (−19,5, −14,5] Total
Madrid 2 3 1 0 6
Castilla y León 0 1 0 1 2
Castilla-La Mancha 0 0 2 2 4
Total 2 4 3 3 12

b) Conditional frequencies for the sales changes by autonomous region:

(−34,5, −29,5] (−29,5, −24,5] (−24,5, −19,5] (−19,5, −14,5]
Madrid 0,33 0,5 0,17 0
Castilla y León 0 0.5 0 0.5
Castilla-La Mancha 0 0 0.5 0.5
c) Marginal distribution for the changes in sales:
(−34,5, −29,5] (−29,5, −24,5] (−24,5, −19,5] (−19,5, −14,5]
1 1 1 1
frj 6 3 4 4

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d) Conditional distributions depend on the region. Castilla-La Mancha had the smallest changes, equally distributed among
the largest intervals, while Madrid had the largest changes.
e) Scatterplot:

The correlation coefficient is r(x,y) = −0,856.

No se permite la explotación económica ni la transformación de esta obra. Queda permitida la impresión en su totalidad.
✹✳ ❲❡ ❛r❡ ❣✐✈❡♥ t❤❡ ❢♦❧❧♦✇✐♥❣ ✐♥❢♦r♠❛t✐♦♥ ❢r♦♠ ❛ s❛♠♣❧❡ t♦ ✹✵ ●❛❧✐❝✐❛♥ r❡s✐❞❡♥ts ❛❜♦✉t t❤❡✐r ♥✉♠❜❡r ♦❢ tr✐♣s ❛❜r♦❛❞ ✐♥ t❤❡
❧❛st ♠♦♥t❤✿
X = ●❡♥❞❡r Y = ★ ♦❢ tr✐♣s ❛❜r♦❛❞
❋❡♠❛❧❡ ✷ ✸ ✶ ✶ ✶ ✶ ✵ ✵ ✶ ✶ ✷ ✸ ✶ ✶ ✶ ✶ ✵ ✵ ✶ ✶

Reservados todos los derechos.

▼❛❧❡ ✵ ✷ ✸ ✶ ✷ ✶ ✵ ✵ ✷ ✵ ✶ ✶ ✵ ✵ ✵ ✶ ✵ ✶ ✵ ✵
❛✮ ❲❡ ✇❛♥t t♦ ❝♦♠♣❛r❡ t❤❡ ♥✉♠❜❡r ♦❢ tr✐♣s ❛❜r♦❛❞ ❞❡♣❡♥❞✐♥❣ ♦♥ ❣❡♥❞❡r✳ ❖❜t❛✐♥ t❤❡ r❡❧❡✈❛♥t ❢r❡q✉❡♥❝② ❞✐str✐❜✉t✐♦♥s ❛♥❞
r❡♣r❡s❡♥t t❤❡♠ ❛♣♣r♦♣r✐❛t❡❧②✳
❜✮ ❆ s✐♠✐❧❛r s✉r✈❡② ❤❛s ❜❡❡♥ ❝❛rr✐❡❞ ♦✉t ♦♥ ❛ s❛♠♣❧❡ ♦❢ ✹✵ ▼❛❞r✐❞ r❡s✐❞❡♥ts✱ ✇✐t❤ t❤❡ r❡s✉❧ts s❤♦✇♥ ❜❡❧♦✇✳ ❘❡♣❡❛t t❤❡
❛❜♦✈❡ ❛♥❛❧②s✐s ❢♦r t❤✐s ❞❛t❛s❡t✳
X = ●❡♥❞❡r Y = ★ ♦❢ tr✐♣s ❛❜r♦❛❞
❋❡♠❛❧❡ ✸ ✸ ✸ ✵ ✷ ✵ ✶ ✶ ✶ ✷ ✷ ✶ ✷ ✷ ✷ ✸ ✷ ✶ ✵ ✶
▼❛❧❡ ✷ ✸ ✷ ✶ ✸ ✸ ✸ ✷ ✶ ✷ ✸ ✷ ✸ ✸ ✵ ✶ ✸ ✷ ✷ ✸
4. Answer(s): Relative frequency contingency tables for both surveys:

Female 20,0 % 60,0 % 10,0 % 10,0 % 100,0 %
Male 50,0 % 30,0 % 15,0 % 5,0 % 100,0 %
Total Galicia 35,0 % 45,0 % 12,5 % 7,5 % 100,0 %
Female 15,0 % 30,0 % 35,0 % 20,0 % 100,0 %
Male 5,0 % 15,0 % 35,0 % 45,0 % 100,0 %
Total Madrid 10,0 % 22,5 % 35,0 % 32,5 % 100,0 %
Total both 22,5 % 33,8 % 23,8 % 20,0 % 100,0 %

The bar plot obtained from the preceding table is:

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All the interpretation questions can be answered from this
bar chart. The differences between regions are shown in
the following bar plot:

No se permite la explotación económica ni la transformación de esta obra. Queda permitida la impresión en su totalidad.
✺✳ ❚❤❡ ❢♦❧❧♦✇✐♥❣ ❞❛t❛ s❤♦✇s t❤❡ ♥✉♠❜❡r ♦❢ ♣❛ss❡♥❣❡rs ✭♣❡r ❤♦✉r✮ ❛rr✐✈✐♥❣ ❛t t❤❡ ❛✐r♣♦rt ✭X ✮ ❛♥❞ t❤❡✐r ✇❛✐t✐♥❣ t✐♠❡ ✐♥ ♠✐♥✉t❡s
✭Y ✮✿
★ ♦❢ ♣❛ss❡♥❣❡rs ✶✵✺ ✺✶✶ ✹✵✶ ✻✷✷ ✸✸✵ ✷✶✶ ✸✸✷ ✸✸✷
✇❛✐t✐♥❣ t✐♠❡ ✹✹ ✷✶✹ ✶✾✸ ✷✾✾ ✶✹✸ ✶✶✷ ✶✺✺ ✶✸✶
★ ♦❢ ♣❛ss❡♥❣❡rs ✹✸✺ ✷✼✺ ✺✺ ✶✷✽ ✾✼ ✶✽✼ ✷✻✻
✇❛✐t✐♥❣ t✐♠❡ ✷✵✽ ✶✸✽ ✸✹ ✼✸ ✺✷ ✶✵✸ ✶✶✵

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❛✮ ❉♦❡s t❤❡ ❞❛t❛ r❡✈❡❛❧ ❛♥② r❡❧❛t✐♦♥ ❜❡t✇❡❡♥ X ❛♥❞ Y ❄ ❘❡♣r❡s❡♥t ❛♣♣r♦♣r✐❛t❡❧② t❤❡ ❞❛t❛ t♦ r❡s♣♦♥❞✳
❜✮ ■❢ ②♦✉ ❢♦✉♥❞ t❤❡ ❛♥s✇❡r t♦ ❜❡ ❛✣r♠❛t✐✈❡✱ ❍♦✇ ✐s s✉❝❤ ❛ r❡❧❛t✐♦♥s❤✐♣❄ ■s ✐t ▲✐♥❡❛r❄ P♦s✐t✐✈❡❄ ◆❡❣❛t✐✈❡❄ ❲❡❛❦❄ ❙tr♦♥❣❄
❖❜t❛✐♥ t❤❡ r❡❧❡✈❛♥t ♠❡❛s✉r❡s t♦ r❡s♣♦♥❞✳
■♥t❡r♠❡❞✐❛t❡ ❝❛❧❝✉❧❛t✐♦♥s✿
15 X
15 X
15 X
15 X
xi = 4287 yi = 2009 xi yi = 736328 x2i = 1593093 yi2 = 342767
i=1 i=1 i=1 i=1 i=1

5. Answer(s):
a) Scatterplot:

b) Correlation coefficient: r(x,y) = 0,9848

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No se permite la explotación económica ni la transformación de esta obra. Queda permitida la impresión en su totalidad.
✻✳ ●♦✐♥❣ ❜❛❝❦ t♦ t❤❡ ❞❛t❛ ❢r♦♠ t❤❡ ❊♥❝✉❡st❛ ❞❡ ❈♦♥❞✐❝✐♦♥❡s ❞❡ ❱✐❞❛ ♦❢ ❊①❡r❝✐s❡ ✼ ❢r♦♠ ❚♦♣✐❝ ✷ ♦♥ t❤❡ ♣❡r❝❡♥t❛❣❡ ♦❢
❤♦✉s❡❤♦❧❞s ❢❛❝✐♥❣ ❡❝♦♥♦♠✐❝ ❤❛r❞s❤✐♣ ✭ ✪❍❛r❞s❤✐♣✮ ❜② ❈♦♠✉♥✐❞❛❞❡s ❆✉tó♥♦✐♠❛s ✭❈❆✮ ✐♥ ✷✵✵✻ ❛♥❞ ✐♥ ✷✵✶✹✱ ✇❡ ✇❛♥t t♦
✐♥✈❡st✐❣❛t❡ ✇❤❡t❤❡r t❤❡r❡ ✐s ❛♥ ❛ss♦❝✐❛t✐♦♥ ❜❡t✇❡❡♥ t❤❡ ✪❍❛r❞s❤✐♣ ❛♥❞ t❤❡ ♠❡❛♥ ♣❡r ❝❛♣✐t❛ ✐♥❝♦♠❡ ✭▼❡❛♥ ■♥❝♦♠❡✮✳ ❚❤❡
❢♦❧❧♦✇✐♥❣ t❛❜❧❡ s❤♦✇s t❤❡ ✷✵✶✹ ❞❛t❛✿
❈❆ ▼❡❛♥ ■♥❝♦♠❡ ✭X ✮ ✪❍❛r❞s❤✐♣ ✭Y ✮
❆♥❞❛❧✉❝í❛ ✽✳✵✼✾ ✷✹✱✸
❆r❛❣ó♥ ✶✷✳✵✸✼ ✾✱✽

❆st✉r✐❛s ✶✶✳✷✺✶ ✹✱✻ 30,0

■❧❧❡s ❇❛❧❡❛rs ✶✵✳✻✻✵ ✶✹✱✼

❈❛♥❛r✐❛s ✽✳✸✵✷ ✶✾✱✺

❈❛♥t❛❜r✐❛ ✾✳✽✷✹ ✶✺✱✷ 20,0

❈❛st✐❧❧❛ ② ▲❡ó♥ ✶✵✳✹✵✻ ✶✷✱✶

❈❛st✐❧❧❛✲▲❛ ▼❛♥❝❤❛ ✽✳✺✹✺ ✶✺✱✾

❈❛t❛❧✉ñ❛ ✶✷✳✷✵✺ ✶✷✱✷ 10,0

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❈♦♠✉♥✐t❛t ❱❛❧❡♥❝✐❛♥❛ ✾✳✶✹✹ ✶✽✱✵
❊①tr❡♠❛❞✉r❛ ✼✳✼✷✾ ✶✾✱✻

●❛❧✐❝✐❛ ✶✵✳✷✸✺ ✷✵✱✽ 0,0

▼❛❞r✐❞ ✶✷✳✺✾✼ ✶✷✱✹ 0 2.000 4.000 6.000 8.000 10.000 12.000 14.000 16.000

▼✉r❝✐❛ ✼✳✼✻✼ ✷✷✱✼

◆❛✈❛rr❛ ✶✸✳✷✷✶ ✹✱✷
P❛ís ❱❛s❝♦ ✶✹✳✷✽✶ ✶✶✱✺
▲❛ ❘✐♦❥❛ ✶✶✳✶✷✵ ✶✷✱✾
❈❡✉t❛ ✽✳✼✶✷ ✸✷✱✾
▼❡❧✐❧❧❛ ✶✶✳✻✶✾ ✶✷✱✾
❛ ✮ ❑♥♦✇✐♥❣ t❤❛t t❤❡ s❛♠♣❧❡ ❝♦✈❛r✐❛♥❝❡ ❜❡t✇❡❡♥ X ❛♥❞ Y ✐s s2xy = −9818.749✱ ❛♥❞ t❤❛t t❤❡ s❛♠♣❧❡ st❛♥❞❛r❞ ❞❡✈✐❛t✐♦♥s
❛r❡ sx = 1953.096 ❛♥❞ sy = 6.833✱ ❝❛❧❝✉❧❛t❡ t❤❡ s❛♠♣❧❡ ❝♦rr❡❧❛t✐♦♥ ❜❡t✇❡❡♥ X ❛♥❞ Y ✳ ❲❤❛t ❝❛♥ ②♦✉ ❝♦♥❝❧✉❞❡ ❛❜♦✉t
t❤❡ ♣♦ss✐❜❧❡ ❛ss♦❝✐❛t✐♦♥ ❜❡t✇❡❡♥ s✉❝❤ ✈❛r✐❛❜❧❡s❄
❜ ✮ ❚❤❡ ❛❜♦✈❡ s❝❛tt❡r♣❧♦t ❤✐❣❤❧✐❣❤ts ❛♥ ♦✉t❧②✐♥❣ ♣♦✐♥t✳ ❚♦ ✇❤✐❝❤ ❈❆ ❞♦ ②♦✉ t❤✐♥❦ ✐t ❝♦rr❡s♣♦♥❞s❄ ❲✐t❤♦✉t ❞♦✐♥❣ ❛♥②
❢✉rt❤❡r ❝❛❧❝✉❧❛t✐♦♥s✱ ❍♦✇ ❞♦ ②♦✉ t❤✐♥❦ t❤❡ ❝♦rr❡❧❛t✐♦♥ ❝♦❡✣❝✐❡♥t ✇♦✉❧❞ ❝❤❛♥❣❡ ✐❢ ✇❡ r❡♠♦✈❡ s✉❝❤ ❛ ❈❆ ❢r♦♠ t❤❡
6. Answer(s):

a) Correlation coefficient: rxy = −0,736.

b) The highlighted observation has a large percentage of households facing economic hardship for its income level (but
note that it is not an outlier). It corresponds to the Ciudad Autónoma de Ceuta.
If this observation is removed, the relationship will keep the same sign but it may become slightly stronger. In our case,
= −0,786.

✼✳ ❚❤❡ ♦✇♥❡r ♦❢ ❛ s♦✉✈❡♥✐r s❤♦♣ s✉s♣❡❝ts t❤❛t t❤❡ ✇❡❡❦❧② s❛❧❡s ✐♥ ❤✐s s❤♦♣ ✭Y ✮ ❛r❡ r❡❧❛t❡❞ t♦ t❤❡ ✭✇❡❡❦❧②✮ ✢✉❝t✉❛t✐♦♥s ♦❢ t❤❡
❉♦✇ ❏♦♥❡s ✐♥❞❡① ✭X ✮✳ ❚♦ ✈❛❧✐❞❛t❡ s✉❝❤ ❛ s✉s♣✐❝✐♦♥✱ ❤❡ ❤❛s ❝♦❧❧❡❝t❡❞ t❤❡ ❢♦❧❧♦✇✐♥❣ ❞❛t❛✿

❉♦✇ ❏♦♥❡s 58.3 62.9 46.3 48.2 58.2 65.8

❲❡❡❦❧② s❛❧❡s ✷✷✶✺ ✷✺✶✽ ✶✼✽✶ ✶✽✷✸ ✷✶✶✼ ✷✼✵✸
❉♦✇ ❏♦♥❡s 36.7 32.3 52.7 39.3 58.7 39.3
❲❡❡❦❧② s❛❧❡s ✶✹✷✸ ✶✺✸✷ ✶✽✼✾ ✶✼✶✸ ✷✶✷✷ ✷✸✹✻
❛✮ ❉r❛✇ ❛ s❝❛tt❡r♣❧♦t ♦❢ t❤✐s ❞❛t❛✳
❜✮ ❲❤❛t ❝❛♥ ②♦✉ s❛② ❛❜♦✉t t❤❡ ♦✇♥❡r✬s ❣✉❡ss❄
❝✮ ❉♦❡s t❤❡ ❡①✐st❡♥❝❡ ♦❢ ❛ s✐❣♥✐✜❝❛♥t ❛ss♦❝✐❛t✐♦♥ ❜❡t✇❡❡♥ X ❛♥❞ Y ✐♠♣❧② t❤❛t X ❛✛❡❝ts ♦r ❝❛✉s❡s Y ❄ ❊①♣❧❛✐♥✳
■♥t❡r♠❡❞✐❛t❡ ❝❛❧❝✉❧❛t✐♦♥s✿
12 X
12 X
12 X
12 X
xi = 598.7 yi = 24172 xi yi = 1243723.5 x2i = 31241.25 yi2 = 50373300
i=1 i=1 i=1 i=1 i=1

7. Answer(s):

a) Scatterplot:

b) The correlation coefficient is rxy = 0,786.

c) Not necessarily, as correlation does not imply causation.

No se permite la explotación económica ni la transformación de esta obra. Queda permitida la impresión en su totalidad.
Exercises from Old Exams
✾✳ ✭▼❛② ✷✵✶✷ ❊①❛♠✮ ❆ s✉r✈❡② ❜❛s❡❞ ♦♥ ✶✵✵✵ ❙♣❛♥✐s❤ ❤♦✉s❡❤♦❧❞s ❧❡❞ t♦ ❛ ❜✐✈❛r✐❛t❡ ❞❛t❛ s❡t ❢r♦♠ (X, Y )✱ ✇❤❡r❡ X = ✬♥✉♠❜❡r
♦❢ ❝❛rs ♦✇♥❡❞ ✐♥ ✷✵✶✶✬✱ ✇✐t❤ ♣♦ss✐❜❧❡ ✈❛❧✉❡s 0, 1, 2✱ ❛♥❞ Y = ✬❤♦✉s❡❤♦❧❞ ✐♥❝♦♠❡ ✐♥ ✷✵✶✶ ✭✐♥ t❤♦✉s❛♥❞s ♦❢ ❡✉r♦s✮✬✳ ❚❤❡

❢♦❧❧♦✇✐♥❣ t❛❜❧❡ s❤♦✇s t❤❡ s✉r✈❡② r❡s✉❧ts✿

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Y ✭❛✮ ❲❤❛t ❦✐♥❞ ♦❢ ✈❛r✐❛❜❧❡s ❛r❡ X ❛♥❞ Y❄
[0, 50) [50, 100) [100, ∞) ✭❜✮ ❋✐♥❞ t❤❡ ♠❛r❣✐♥❛❧ ❛❜s♦❧✉t❡ ❢r❡q✉❡♥❝② ❞✐str✐❜✉t✐♦♥ ♦❢ X✳
0 ✸✷✹ ✶✵✺ ✸✼ ❈❛❧❝✉❧❛t❡ t❤❡ ♠❡❛♥ ❛♥❞ t❤❡ q✉❛s✐✲st❛♥❞❛r❞ ❞❡✈✐❛t✐♦♥ ♦❢

X1 ✶✶✷ ✷✸✹ ✻ X✳
2 ✶ ✹ ✶✼✼
✭❝✮ ❋♦r t❤♦s❡ ❤♦✉s❡❤♦❧❞s ✇✐t❤ ✐♥❝♦♠❡s ❜❡❧♦✇ ✺✵ t❤♦✉s❛♥❞ ❡✉✲

r♦s✱ ✇❤❛t ✇❛s t❤❡ ♠❡❛♥ ❛♥❞ t❤❡ ♠♦st ❢r❡q✉❡♥t ♥✉♠❜❡r ♦❢

❝❛rs ♦✇♥❡❞❄

9. (May 2012 Exam)


(a) X is numerical discrete and Y is numerical continuous.

(b) The marginal frequency of X is
xi 0 1 2
ni· 466 352 182
The mean, quasivariance and quasi-standard deviation of X are:

x̄ = 0,716, s2x = 0,5679, sx = 0,7536

(c) The conditional mean is x̄ | (Y < 50) = 0,2609, and the mode is 0.

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❍❡r❡ ②♦✉ ❤❛✈❡ s♦♠❡ ❛❞❞✐t✐♦♥❛❧ ✐♥❢♦r♠❛t✐♦♥ ♦❢ Y ❣r♦✉♣❡❞ ❜② t❤❡ ❞✐✛❡r❡♥t ✈❛❧✉❡s ♦❢ X ✿
❙✉♠♠❛r② ❙t❛t✐st✐❝s ❢♦r ❨
X=0 X=1 X=2
❈♦✉♥t ✹✻✻ ✸✺✷ ✶✽✷
❆✈❡r❛❣❡ ✸✾✳✼✵ ✺✽✳✾✸ ✷✹✽✳✶✷
▼❡❞✐❛♥ ✷✽✳✸✺ ✺✾✳✺✷ ✷✻✺✳✷✹
❱❛r✐❛♥❝❡ ✶✸✼✻✳✸✸ ✸✼✷✳✽✺ ✷✻✼✷✳✹✾

No se permite la explotación económica ni la transformación de esta obra. Queda permitida la impresión en su totalidad.
❙t❛♥❞❛r❞ ❞❡✈✳ ✸✼✳✶✵ ✶✾✳✸✶ ✺✶✳✼✵
❈♦❡✛✳ ♦❢ ✈❛r✐❛t✐♦♥ ✾✸✳✹✹ ✪ ✸✷✳✼✼ ✪ ✷✵✳✽✹ ✪
▼✐♥✐♠✉♠ ✵✳✵✸ ✵✳✾✹ ✸✷✳✺✻
▼❛①✐♠✉♠ ✷✽✽✳✹✹ ✶✷✻✳✵✾ ✷✾✾✳✽✶
❘❛♥❣❡ ✷✽✽✳✹✶ ✶✷✺✳✶✺ ✷✻✼✳✷✻
▲♦✇❡r q✉❛rt✐❧❡ ✶✷✳✸✾ ✹✻✳✶✻ ✷✸✺✳✸✸
❯♣♣❡r q✉❛rt✐❧❡ ✺✼✳✵✼ ✼✶✳✾✻ ✷✽✺✳✻✷
■♥t❡rq✉❛rt✐❧❡ r❛♥❣❡ ✹✹✳✻✼ ✷✺✳✽✵ ✺✵✳✷✾

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✭❞✮ ■❞❡♥t✐❢② ❡❛❝❤ ♦❢ t❤❡ ❜♦①♣❧♦ts ✇✐t❤ ♦♥❡ ♦❢ t❤❡ t❤r❡❡ ❣r♦✉♣s✿ X = 0 ✱ X = 1✱ X = 2 ✳ ❏✉st✐❢② ②♦✉r ❝❤♦✐❝❡✳

✭❡✮ ■❞❡♥t✐❢② ❡❛❝❤ ♦❢ t❤❡ ❤✐st♦❣r❛♠s ■✮✱ ■■✮✱ ■■■✮ ✇✐t❤ ♦♥❡ ♦❢ t❤❡ ❜♦①♣❧♦ts ❛✮✱ ❜✮✱ ❝✮ ❢r♦♠ t❤❡ ♣r❡✈✐♦✉s ♣❛rt✳ ❏✉st✐❢② ②♦✉r

✭❢ ✮ ❲❡ ♣✐❝❦ ♦♥❡ ❤♦✉s❡❤♦❧❞ ❢r♦♠ ❡❛❝❤ ♦❢ t❤❡ t❤r❡❡ ❣r♦✉♣s ❛♥❞ r❡♣♦rt t❤❡✐r ✐♥❝♦♠❡s ✭✐♥ t❤♦✉s❛♥❞s ♦❢ ❡✉r♦s✮✳ ❚❤❡ ✈❛❧✉❡s
❛r❡✿ ✺✶ ❢♦r X = 0❀ ✻✷ ❢♦r X=1 ❛♥❞ ✼✺ ❢♦r X = 2✳ ❈♦♠♣❛r❡❞ t♦ t❤❡ r❡st ♦❢ t❤❡ ✐♥❝♦♠❡s ✐♥ t❤❡✐r ❝♦rr❡s♣♦♥❞✐♥❣ ❣r♦✉♣s✱
✇❤✐❝❤ ♦❢ t❤❡s❡ t❤r❡❡ ❤♦✉s❡❤♦❧❞ ✐s t❤❡ ♣♦♦r❡st❄ ✭❍✐♥t✿ st❛♥❞❛r❞✐③❡✮✳

(d) Boxplot a) corresponds to those households for which X = 2, b) to those where X = 0 and c) to those having X = 1.
(e) Histogram I corresponds to c) (X = 1), II to a) (X = 2) and III to b) (X = 0).
(f) The standardized incomes (zi = (xi − x̄)/s) are 0,3045, 0,1592, −3,3487 respectively. The household with an income
equal to 75,000 (X = 2) is the poorest in relative terms.

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12. (❏✉♥❡✷✵✶✼ ❊①❛♠✮❚❤❡ ❧❛st ❙♣❛♥✐s❤ ●❡♥❡r❛❧ ❊❧❡❝t✐♦♥s ✇❡r❡ ❛ t❡rr✐❜❧❡ ❤❡❛❞❛❝❤❡ ❢♦r tr❛❞✐t✐♦♥❛❧ ♣❛rt✐❡s✳ PP✱ t❤❡ ♣❛rt② ✇✐t❤ ❛
❣r❡❛t❡st ♣❡r❝❡♥t❛❣❡ ♦❢ ✈♦t❡rs✱ ♦♥❧② ♦❜t❛✐♥ t❤❡ ✷✽✳✼✷ ✪ ♦❢ t❤❡ t♦t❛❧ ❛♠♦✉♥t ♦❢ ✈♦t❡s✳ ❙❡✈❡r❛❧ ❛♥❛❧②sts ❛r❡ t❤✐♥❦✐♥❣ ❛❜♦✉tt❤❡
♣♦ss✐❜✐❧✐t② t❤❛t ✐❢ PP➶✁s s✉♣♣♦rt ❞❡♣❡♥❞s ♦♥ t❤❡ ♣♦♣✉❧❛t✐♦♥ ♣❛rt✐❝✐♣❛t✐♦♥ ✐♥ t❤❡ ❡❧❡❝t✐♦♥s✳ ❚❤✐s ❧❛st ✈❛r✐❛❜❧❡ ✐s ♠❡❛s✉r❡❞ ❛s t❤❡
♣♦♣✉❧❛t✐♦♥ ➶✁s ❛tt❡♥❞❛♥❝❡ t♦ ✈♦t❡✳

❛ ✮ ❚❤❡ s❝❛tt❡r♣❧♦t ♦❢ p ✭♣❛rt✐❝✐♣❛t✐♦♥ ♣❡r❝❡♥t❛❣❡ ❜② ♣♦❧❧✐♥❣
st❛t✐♦♥✱ ❛①✐s x✮ ❛♥❞ v ✭♣❡r❝❡♥t❛❣❡ ♦❢ PP➶✁s ✈♦t❡s✱❛①✐s y✮ 0.8

No se permite la explotación económica ni la transformación de esta obra. Queda permitida la impresión en su totalidad.
✐s s❤♦✇♥ ❜❡❧♦✇✳ ❚❤❡ ❝♦rr❡❧❛t✐♦♥ ❝♦❡✣❝✐❡♥t ✐s 0.26✳ ❆♥❛❧②③❡
✐❢ t❤❡r❡ ✐s ❛♥② ❧✐♥❡❛❧ ♦r ♦t❤❡r ❦✐♥❞ r❡❧❛t✐♦♥s❤✐♣❜❡t✇❡❡♥ p ❛♥❞


0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
❜ ✮ ❚❤❡ ❛tt❛❝❤❡❞ t❛❜❧❡ s❤♦✇s s♦♠❡ ❞❡s❝r✐♣t✐✈❡ ♠❡❛s✉r❡s ♦❢ t❤❡ ✈❛r✐❛❜❧❡s ✐♥ t❤✐s st✉❞②✳ ❆♥❛❧②③✐♥❣ t❤✐s t❛❜❧❡ ❛♥❞ t❤❡
♣r❡✈✐♦✉s s❝❛tt❡r ♣❧♦t✱ ✜♥❞ ♦✉t ✐❢ t❤❡r❡ ✐s ❛♥② ♦✉t❧✐❡r ✐♥ t❤❡ ♣♦❧❧✐♥❣ st❛t✐♦♥s✱ ❡✐t❤❡r ❜② ♣❛rt✐❝✐♣❛t✐♦♥ ♦r ❜② PP➶✁s ✈♦t❡s✳
■s t❤❡r❡ ❛♥② ♣♦❧❧✐♥❣ st❛t✐♦♥ ✇✐t❤ s✉❝❤ ❛ ❧♦✇ ♣❡r❝❡♥t❛❣❡ ♦❢ ✈♦t❡s t❤❛t ❝♦✉❧❞ ❜❡ ❝♦♥s✐❞❡r❡❞ ❛s ♦✉t❧✐❡r❄
▼❡❛s✉r❡s ♠❡❛♥ ♠❡❞✐❛♥ ❝✉❛s✐ st✲❞❡✈ ◗✶ ◗✸

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p ✵✳✼✸ ✵✳✼✸ ✵✳✵✼ ✵✳✻✼ ✵✳✼✽
v ✵✳✷✾ ✵✳✷✾ ✵✳✶✹ ✵✳✶✽ ✵✳✸✽
❝ ✮ ❇❡❧♦✇✱ t❤❡ ❤✐st♦❣r❛♠s ♦❢ t❤❡ ✈❛r✐❛❜❧❡s P❛rt✐❝✐♣❛t✐♦♥ p ✭❧❡❢t✮ ❛♥❞ PP✬s ✈♦t❡s ♣❡r ♣♦❧❧✐♥❣ st❛t✐♦♥ v ✭r✐❣❤t✮ ❛r❡ ❞❡♣✐❝t❡❞✿
10 4 10 4

2 2 ❆♥s✇❡r t❤❡ ❢♦❧❧♦✇✐♥❣ t✇♦ q✉❡st✐♦♥s✿

1.5 1.5 ❋✐rst✱ ❝♦♠♣❛r❡ t❤❡ ♠❡❛♥ ❛♥❞ t❤❡ ♠❡❞✐❛♥ ♦❢ t❤❡ ✈❛r✐❛❜❧❡s❛♥❞ ❛♥❛❧②③✐♥❣t❤❡♠✱ ✜♥❞
♦✉t ✐❢ t❤❡ ❞✐str✐❜✉t✐♦♥s♦❢ p ❛♥❞ v ❛r❡ s②♠♠❡tr✐❝✳
❙❡❝♦♥❞✱ s♦❧✈❡ t❤❡ s❛♠❡ ♣r♦❜❧❡♠✱ ❝♦♥s✐❞❡r✐♥❣ ♥♦✇ t❤❡ ❥♦✐♥t ❤✐st♦❣r❛♠ ♦❢ t❤❡
1 1

0.5 0.5

0 0
0 0.5 1 0 0.5 1

❞ ✮ ❚❤❡ PP✬s ❛♥❛❧②sts t❤✐♥❦s t❤❛t ♠❛②❜❡ t❤❡ ❝❧❡❛r ❞❡❝❧✐♥❡ ✐♥ t❤❡ s✉♣♣♦rt ✐s ❞✉❡ t♦ t❤❡ ❛❜s❡♥❝❡ ♦❢ ♠♦❜✐❧✐③❛t✐♦♥✳ ■♥ t❤❛t
s❡♥s❡✱ t❤❡② s❛② t❤❛t ✐♥ t❤❡ ♣♦❧❧ st❛t✐♦♥s ✇✐t❤ ❧♦✇ ♣❛rt✐❝✐♣❛t✐♦♥ ✭≤ 70 %✮✱ t❤❡ ♣❡r❝❡♥t❛❣❡ ♦❢ ✈♦t❡s ✐♥ ❢❛✈♦r ♦❢ PP ✇❡r❡
❝♦♥s✐❞❡r❛❜❧② ❧♦✇❡r t❤❛♥ ✐♥ t❤❡ st❛t✐♦♥s ✇✐t❤ ❣r❡❛t ♣❛rt✐❝✐♣❛t✐♦♥ ✭> 70 %✮✳ ■s t❤✐s ✐❞❡❛ r❡❛s♦♥❛❜❧❡❄ ❏✉st✐❢② ②♦✉r ❛♥s✇❡r
❛♥❛❧②③✐♥❣ t❤❡ ❢♦❧❧♦✇✐♥❣ t❛❜❧❡✿
p ≤ 0.70 p > 0.70
v ≤ 0.40 ✷✷✸✾ ✾✵✷✷
v > 0.40 ✶✹✽✵✸ ✷✼✻✽✻

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No se permite la explotación económica ni la transformación de esta obra. Queda permitida la impresión en su totalidad.
12. (June 2017 Exam)
a) The scatterplot shows high dispersion levels for v when p is between 0,6 and 0,8. Also, the correlation coefficient is quite
small. Being conservative in our interpretation, we may conclude that there is no clear linear relationship between the
b) From the data we can obtain the limits for the corresponding boxplots. They are [0,55, 0,91] for p and [0, 0,68] for v.
We observe in the scatterplot that there exist values of p beyond these limits, both above and below them. There are
also outliers for v above 0,60, but there are no outliers for small values of this variable.
c) The mean and median values do not change, and this may seem to indicate that the distributions could be symmetric.
Looking at the histograms we notice that the distribution of p has positive asymmetry and the distribution of v has
a slight negative asymmetry.
d) Comparing the corresponding relative frequencies
2239 9027
≈ 0,13 < 0,26 ≈ ,

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2239 + 14803 9027 + 27686
we see that the percentage of votes in polling stations with high participation is twice that for the low participation
polling stations, supporting the conclusion of the analysts.

✶✸✳ ✭❏✉♥❡ ✶✵✶✽ ❊①❛♠✮ ❘❛♥❞♦♠ s❛♠♣❧❡s ♦❢ ♠♦♥t❤❧② ❢❛♠✐❧② ✐♥❝♦♠❡s ❤❛✈❡ ❜❡❡♥ ♦❜t❛✐♥❡❞ ❢r♦♠ ❡❛❝❤ ♦❢ t✇♦ r❡❣✐♦♥s ✐♥ ❛ ❝❡rt❛✐♥
❝♦✉♥tr②✳ ❚❤❡ ❢♦❧❧♦✇✐♥❣ ✜❣✉r❡s s✉♠♠❛r✐③❡ t❤❡ ✐♥❢♦r♠❛t✐♦♥ ❝♦❧❧❡❝t❡❞✿
❘❡❣✐♦♥ ■ ❘❡❣✐♦♥ ■■
■♥❝♦♠❡ ✭e✮ ◆✉♠❜❡r ♦❢ ❢❛♠✐❧✐❡s ■♥❝♦♠❡ ✭e✮ ◆✉♠❜❡r ♦❢ ❢❛♠✐❧✐❡s
[600, 1200) ✶✽ [300, 900) ✶✵
[1200, 1800) ✶✷ [900, 1500) ✹✷
[1800, 2400) ✷✵ [1500, 2100) ✸✺
[2400, 3000) ✷✵ [2100, 2700) ✷✵
[3000, 3600] ✺✵ [2700, 3300) ✶✸

❛✮ ❋r♦♠ t❤❡ ❣✐✈❡♥ ✐♥❢♦r♠❛t✐♦♥✱ ❝❛♥ ②♦✉ ♦❜t❛✐♥ t❤❡ ♠❡❛♥ ✐♥❝♦♠❡ ♦❢ ❛❧❧ s❡❧❡❝t❡❞ ❢❛♠✐❧✐❡s ✭✐♥❝❧✉❞✐♥❣ ❜♦t❤ r❡❣✐♦♥s✮❄ ❆♥❞ t❤❡
♠❡❞✐❛♥ ✐♥❝♦♠❡❄ ❏✉st✐❢② ②♦✉r ❛♥s✇❡r ❛♥❞✱ ✐❢ ♣♦s✐t✐✈❡✱ ❣✐✈❡ t❤❡ r❡q✉✐r❡❞ ♠❡❛s✉r❡✳
❜✮ ■♥ ✇❤✐❝❤ ♦❢ t❤❡ t✇♦ r❡❣✐♦♥s ❞♦ ♠♦♥t❤❧② ✐♥❝♦♠❡s s❤♦✇ ❧❛r❣❡r r❡❧❛t✐✈❡ ✈❛r✐❛❜✐❧✐t②❄
❝✮ ❘❡♣r❡s❡♥t ❣r❛♣❤✐❝❛❧❧② t❤❡ ❞❛t❛ ♦❜t❛✐♥❡❞ ❢r♦♠ ❡❛❝❤ r❡❣✐♦♥ ❛♥❞ ❝♦♠♣❛r❡ t❤❡✐r ❞✐str✐❜✉t✐♦♥s✳ ❲❤❛t ❞✐✛❡r❡♥❝❡s ❝❛♥ ♦♥❡
❞✮ ❚♦ ❜❡tt❡r ✉♥❞❡rst❛♥❞ t❤❡ ❡❝♦♥♦♠✐❝ s✐t✉❛t✐♦♥ ♦❢ ❢❛♠✐❧✐❡s t❤❡✐r s✐③❡ ✇❛s ❛❧s♦ r❡❝♦r❞❡❞✳ ❚❤❡ ❞❛t❛ ♦❜t❛✐♥❡❞ ❢r♦♠ ❘❡❣✐♦♥ ■
❛r❡ s❤♦✇♥ ✐♥ t❤❡ ❢♦❧❧♦✇✐♥❣ t❛❜❧❡✱ ✇❤❡r❡ X = ♠♦♥t❤❧② ❢❛♠✐❧② ✐♥❝♦♠❡ ✭e✮ ❛♥❞ Y = ❢❛♠✐❧② s✐③❡ ✭♥✉♠❜❡r ♦❢ ♠❡♠❜❡rs✮✿
❳✴❨ ✶ ✷ ✸ ✹ ♦r ♠♦r❡
[600, 1200) ✶✷ ✷ ✸ ✶
[1200, 1800) ✻ ✸ ✸ ✵
[1800, 2400) ✸ ✶✷ ✸ ✷
[2400, 3000) ✶ ✺ ✾ ✺
[3000, 3600] ✻ ✽ ✷✷ ✶✹

13. (June 1018 Exam)

a) The mean income for all families from both regions is

120xI + 120xII
x̄T = = 2063,60
To obtain the joint median we would need to have disaggregated information for the 240 families.

No se permite la explotación económica ni la transformación de esta obra. Queda permitida la impresión en su totalidad.
For the modal interval we would also need additional information. We could obtain the modal interval, for example, if
the classes used for both regions were the same.
Using the information we have been given, we could try to define a more detailed set of classes, with width equal to
300 and starting at 300 euros. We would need to assume that each new class would contain exactly one half of the
observations from the preceding larger classes (uniformity in the frequencies). We would obtain:

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The modal interval would be [1800, 2100).
b) We will compare the coefficients of variation. Their values are:
sI sII
cvI = = 0,3723 cvII = = 0,4096
|xI | |xII |
Both values are very similar, but the variability in Region I is slightly lower.
c) We will conduct this comparison by using the histograms and frequency polygons for both regions.

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From these graphs we observe that Region I has a negative asymmetric distribution, while Region II has a slightly
positive asymmetric distribution. This is confirmed by the signs of their asymmetry coefficients.
An interpretation of these differences is that Region I seems to present larger income inequalities, while having larger
income levels.
d) We compute the conditional means using the class marks:
900 · 12 + 1500 · 6 + 2100 · 3 + 2700 · 1 + 3300 · 6
x|(y = 1) = = 1735,7 euros
12 + 6 + 3 + 1 + 6

No se permite la explotación económica ni la transformación de esta obra. Queda permitida la impresión en su totalidad.
900 · 2 + 1500 · 3 + 2100 · 12 + 2700 · 5 + 3300 · 8
x|(y = 2) = = 2380 euros
2 + 3 + 12 + 5 + 8
900 · 3 + 1500 · 3 + 2100 · 3 + 2700 · 9 + 3300 · 22
x|(y = 3) = = 2760 euros
3 + 3 + 3 + 9 + 22
900 · 1 + 1500 · 0 + 2100 · 2 + 2700 · 5 + 3300 · 14
x|(y = 4 or more) = = 2945 euros
1 + 0 + 2 + 5 + 14
The average incomes increase with the number of family members.

✶✺✳ ✭▼❛② ✷✵✶✽ ❊①❛♠✮ ❋r♦♠ ❛ s❛♠♣❧❡ ♦❢ ❢❛♠✐❧✐❡s t❤❡ ❢r❡q✉❡♥❝② t❛❜❧❡ s❤♦✇♥ ✐♥ ❚❛❜❧❡ ✸ ❤❛s ❜❡❡♥ ♦❜t❛✐♥❡❞✱ ❝♦rr❡s♣♦♥❞✐♥❣ t♦ t❤❡
✈❛r✐❛❜❧❡s X= ♠♦♥t❤❧② ✐♥❝♦♠❡ ♦❢ ❛ ❢❛♠✐❧② ✭✐♥ ✉♥✐ts ♦❢ t❡♥ e✮ ❛♥❞ Y = s✐③❡ ✭✐♥ m2 ✮ ♦❢ t❤❡ ❢❛♠✐❧② ❤♦♠❡✳

✭❛✮ ❲❤❛t ❛r❡ t❤❡ t②♣❡s ♦❢ ✈❛r✐❛❜❧❡s X ❛♥❞ Y❄

✭❜✮ ❖❜t❛✐♥ t❤❡ ♠❛r❣✐♥❛❧ ❞✐str✐❜✉t✐♦♥s ❢♦r X ❛♥❞ Y✳

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✭❝✮ ❖❜t❛✐♥ t❤❡ ❞✐str✐❜✉t✐♦♥ ♦❢ t❤❡ ❤♦♠❡ s✐③❡ ❝♦♥❞✐t✐♦♥❡❞ ♦♥ t❤❡ ♠♦❞❛❧ ✐♥t❡r✈❛❧ ❢♦r ❢❛♠✐❧② ✐♥❝♦♠❡✳

✭❞✮ ❖❜t❛✐♥ t❤❡ ❞✐str✐❜✉t✐♦♥ ♦❢ t❤❡ ❢❛♠✐❧② ✐♥❝♦♠❡ ❝♦♥❞✐t✐♦♥❡❞ ♦♥ t❤❡ ♠❡❞✐❛♥ ✐♥t❡r✈❛❧ ❢♦r ❤♦♠❡ s✐③❡✳

X\Y 6 60 (60, 80] (80, 100] (100, 150] > 150

(50, 100] 20 18 2 1 0
(100, 200] 25 40 30 2 1
(200, 350] 5 10 15 25 3
(350, 500] 0 5 15 20 8
> 500 0 1 2 7 10

15. (May 2018 Exam)


(a) Both variables are quantitative (numerical) continuous variables (and their frequencies are grouped by intervals).
(b) The frequency table including the marginal distributions is:
X\Y ! 60 (60, 80] (80, 100] (100, 150] > 150 ni· fi·
(50, 100] 20 18 2 1 0 41 0,155
(100, 200] 25 40 30 2 1 98 0,370
(200, 350] 5 10 15 25 3 58 0,219
(350, 500] 0 5 15 20 8 48 0,181
> 500 0 1 2 7 10 20 0,075
n·j 50 74 64 55 22 N = 265 1
f·j 0,189 0,279 0,242 0,208 0,083 1
(c) The modal interval for the monthly income is (100, 200]. The distribution of the home size conditioned to this interval
is given by
X\Y ! 60 (60, 80] (80, 100] (100, 150] > 150
(100, 200] 0,255 0,408 0,307 0,02 0,01
(d) The median interval for the home size is (80, 100]. The distribution of family income conditioned to this interval is
X\Y (80, 100]
(50, 100] 0,031
(100, 200] 0,470
(200, 350] 0,234
(350, 500] 0,234
> 500 0,031

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