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Reconocimiento de validez oficial de estudios de nivel superior según acuerdo secretarial 15018,
publicado en el Diario Oficial de la Federación el 29 de noviembre de 1976.

Departamento de Ingeniería en administración



Tesis que para obtener el grado de


presenta: David Ríos Alanís

Director de tesis: Dr. José Luis Rodríguez A.

Guadalupe Victoria Durango. Octubre de 2022

INGENIERÍA EN ADMINISTRACIÓN Guadalupe Victoria, Durango Mexico

TÍTULO: Futbol

AUTOR: David Ríos Alanís

Ingeniero en administración

DIRECTOR DE TESIS: José Luis Rodríguez Álvarez



Recognition of official validity of higher education studies according to Secretarial Agreement

15018, published in the Official Gazette of the Federation on November 29, 1976.

Management Engineering Department


Soccer player

Thesis to obtain the degree of


presented by: David Ríos Alanís

Thesis Director: Dr. José Luis Rodríguez A.

Guadalupe Victoria Durango. Octubre 2022

MANAGEMENT ENGINEER Guadalupe Victoria, Durango

TITLE: Soccer player

AUTHOR: David Rios Alanis

management engineer

THESIS DIRECTOR: Jose Luis Rodríguez Alvarez


¿Cómo puede afectar la migración de los jugadores de fútbol al rendimiento de la selección
nacional, o viceversa? La respuestaa esta pregunta podría desempeñar un papel esencial en la toma
de decisiones y políticas adecuadas en relación con la movilidad internacional de los futbolistas.
Sin embargo, la respuesta a esta pregunta se enfrenta a dos retos principales, como la compleja
relación entre las variables de los datos temporales multiatributo que describen a los jugadores
emigrados y el rendimiento de la selección nacional. que describen a los jugadores emigrados y el
rendimiento de la selección nacional, y la interpretación de los resultados del análisis en escenarios
de elaboración de políticas. En este trabajo, hemos colaborado estrechamente con expertos en la
materia y caracterizado los problemas del análisis de la migración de los jugadores de fútbol. Para
abordar el primer reto, adaptamos un modelo de análisis de panel con desfase cruzado al problema
del análisis de la migración de los jugadores. Este modelo de análisis de panel con retardo cruzado
Este modelo de análisis de panel con retardo cruzado es eficaz para evaluar la fuerza del impacto
entre la migración de los jugadores y el rendimiento de la selección nacional, y es sencillo para
revelar los resultados de los jugadores. nacional, y es sencillo para revelar la relación causal. Para
abordar el segundo reto diseñamos y desarrollamos un sistema de análisis visual, MIG-Viewer,
para ayudar a los expertos a interpretar los resultados del modelo propuesto. Con MIG-Viewer, los
expertos pueden navegar por los países de interés de acuerdo con la estrategia de migración,
realizar un análisis exhaustivo con la comparación de la fuerza del impacto, y ajustar la migración
de los jugadores e inspeccionar más detalles de un país específico. En Presentamos dos estudios
de casos utilizando datos de migración de jugadores a nivel mundial desde 1992 con tres expertos
en análisis de fútbol expertos para demostrar la eficacia y la utilidad del sistema.
Pregunta: ¿Cuál es el efecto de los programas de prevención de lesiones que incluyen
ejercicios de entrenamiento del equilibrio en la incidencia de las lesiones de tobillo entre los
jugadores de fútbol? Diseño: Revisión sistemática de ensayos aleatorios con metaanálisis.
Participantes: Jugadores de fútbol de cualquier edad, sexo o nivel de competición. Intervenciones:
La intervención experimental intervención experimental fue un programa de prevención de
lesiones que incluía ejercicios de entrenamiento del equilibrio. La intervención de control fue el
programa de calentamiento habitual del equipo de fútbol. Medidas de resultado: Tasas de lesiones

de tobillo basadas en la exposición de lesiones de tobillo. Resultados: Nueve artículos cumplieron
los criterios de inclusión. Los resultados agrupados de los programas de prevención de lesiones
que incluían ejercicios de entrenamiento del equilibrio entre 4.959 jugadores de fútbol mostraron
una reducción del 36% de las lesiones de tobillo por 1.000 horas de exposición en comparación
con el grupo de control, con un ratio de riesgo de lesión (IRR) de 0,64 (IC del 95%: 0,54 a 0.77).
Los resultados agrupados de los programas de prevención de lesiones de la Fédération
Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) causaron una reducción del 37% de las lesiones de
tobillo (TIR 0,63; IC del 95%: 0,48 a 0,84) y los ejercicios de entrenamiento del equilibrio por sí
solos causan una reducción del 42% de las lesiones de tobillo (TIR 0,58; IC del 95%: 0,41 a 0,84).
Conclusiones: Este meta-análisis demuestra que los ejercicios de equilibrio por sí solos o como
parte de un programa de prevención de lesiones disminuyen el riesgo de lesiones de tobillo.
PROSPERO CRD42017054450. [Al Attar WSA, Khaledi EH, Bakhsh JM, Faude O, Ghulam H,
Sanders RH (2022) Injury prevention programs that include balance training exercises reduce
ankleinjury rates among soccer players: a systematic review. Journal of Physiotherapy 68:165-

How could soccer player migration impact national team performance, or vice versa? The answer
to this question could play an essential role in making appropriate decisions and policies regarding
the international mobility of soccer players. However, answering such a question faces two main
challenges, including the complex relationship between variables in multi-attribute temporal data
describing migrated players and national team performance, and the interpretation of analysis
results in policymaking scenarios. In this work, we have closely collaborated with domain experts
and characterized the problems of soccer player migration analysis. To address the first challenge,
we adapt a cross-lagged panel analysis model into the player migration analysis problem. This
cross-lagged panel analysis model is effective to evaluate the impact strength between player
migration and national team performance, and straightforward to reveal the causal relationship. To
address the second challenge, we design and develop a visual analytics system, MIG-Viewer, to
help the experts to interpret the results of the proposed model efficiently. With MIG-Viewer, the
experts can navigate the countries of interest in accordance with migration strategy, conduct
comprehensive analysis with the comparison of impact strength, and adjust player migration and
inspect further details of a specific country. We present two case studies using global player
migration data since 1992 with three soccer analysis experts to demonstrate the effectiveness and
usefulness of the system.

Question: What is the effect of injury prevention programs that include balance training
exercises on the incidence of ankle injuries among soccer players? Design: Systematic review of
randomised trials with meta-analysis. Participants: Soccer players of any age, sex or competition
level. Interventions: The experimental intervention was an injury prevention program that included
balance training exercises. The control inter-vention was the soccer team’s usual warm-up
program. Outcome measures: Exposure-based ankle injury rates. Results: Nine articles met the
inclusion criteria. The pooled results of injury prevention programs that included balance training
exercises among 4,959 soccer players showed a 36% reduction in ankle injury per 1,000 hours of
exposure compared to the control group with an injury risk ratio (IRR) of 0.64 (95% CI 0.54 to

0.77). The pooled results of the Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) injury
prevention programs caused a 37% reduction in ankle injury (IRR 0.63, 95% CI 0.48 to 0.84) and
balance-training exercises alone cause a 42% reduction in ankle injury (IRR 0.58, 95% CI 0.41 to
0.84). Conclusions: This meta-analysis demonstrates that balance exercises alone or as part of an
injury prevention program decrease the risk of ankle injuries. PROSPERO CRD42017054450. [Al
Attar WSA, Khaledi EH, Bakhsh JM, Faude O, Ghulam H, Sanders RH (2022) Injury prevention
programs that include balance training exercises reduce ankle injury rates among soccer players:
a systematic review. Journal of Physiotherapy 68:165–173]



Resumen ............................................................................................................. vii

Summary ............................................................................................................. ix

Acknowledgements ............................................................................................. xi

Contenido .......................................................................................................... xiii

Contents ...............................................................................................................xv

List of Figures ................................................................................................... xix

List of Tables ..................................................................................................... xxi

Introduction ......................................................................................................... 1

1. MIG-Viewer: Visual analytics of soccer player migration .......................... 3

1.1. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................3
1.2 RELATED WORK...............................................................................................................5
1.2.1 Migration analysis of soccer players ...................................................................5
1.2.2 Visual analytics of soccer ...................................................................................6
1.2.3 VISUAL CAUSALITY ANALYSIS.......................................................................................7
1.3 BACKGROUND AND SYSTEM OVERVIEW ........................................................................7
1.3.1 BACKGROUND AND DATA DESCRIPTION ........................................................................8
1.3.3 SYSTEM OVERVIEW .................................................................................................... 11
1.4 REGRESSION-BASED MODEL ....................................................................................... 11
1.4.1 Background of the task ..................................................................................... 11
1.4.2 Cross-lagged panel analysis model ................................................................... 12
1.4.3 Measurement of impact strength....................................................................... 14
1.5 VISUAL DESIGN .......................................................................................................... 16
1.5.1 SYSTEM DESIGN ......................................................................................................... 16


1.5.2 Country view ................................................................................................... 17

1.5.3 Impact view ..................................................................................................... 18
1.5.4 Adjustment view .............................................................................................. 21
1.6 EVALUATION ............................................................................................................. 22
1.6.1 Model evaluation ............................................................................................. 22
1.6.2 Case study........................................................................................................ 22
1.6.3 Expert feedback ............................................................................................... 27
1.7 DISCUSSION ............................................................................................................... 28
1.8 CONCLUSION ............................................................................................................. 29

2. Injury prevention programs that include balance training exercises

reduce ankle injury rates among soccer players: a systematic review .......31
2.1 INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................... 31
2.2 METHODS .................................................................................................................. 33
2.2.1 Identification and selection of studies ............................................................... 33
2.2.2 Eligibility criteria ............................................................................................. 33
2.2.3 Outcome measures............................................................................................ 35
2.3 RESULTS .................................................................................................................... 36
2.3.1 Flow of studies through the review ................................................................... 36
2.3.2 Characteristics of studies .................................................................................. 36
2.4 DISCUSSION ............................................................................................................... 40

General Conclusions ...........................................................................................45

Conclusiones generales .......................................................................................47

Appendice ............................................................................................................49

Bibliography ........................................................................................................53

Author Index .......................................................................................................58

Subject Index.......................................................................................................59


List of Figures
Fig. 1.1 The system overview. The system consists of three components, i.e., the data
processing component for processing raw data and providing statistical data to
other components, the regression-based model component for impact strength
calculation, and the visualization component for user interaction and model
results visualization ................................................................................................. 10
Fig. 1.2 13
Fig. 1.3 The structure of the cross-lagged panel analysis model. The nodes in the graph refer
to the dependent variables in the equation system. The links in the graph refer to
the influential powers from the independent variables to the dependent variable ..... 14
Fig. 1.4 The system interface. The system includes three views, the country view (A), the
impact view (B), and the adjustment view (C). The country view contains the
geography component (A1) and the similarity component (A2). The impact view
contains an impact chart which can switch between total impact (B2) and detail
impact (B3). The adjustment view supports adjustments and details of imported
players (C1) and exported players (C2) ................................................................... 15
Fig. 1.5 The impact chart of exported players in the detail impact mode. This impact chart
includes the impact strength from exported players to national team performance
(B), the impact strength from national team performance to exported players (D),
and the main impact direction (C) ........................................................................... 17
Fig. 1.6 Design alternatives for showing impact strength, including stacked area charts
(A) and node-link graph (B). ................................................................................... 20
Fig. 1.7 The pipeline of the first case study. (A) presents the migration overview of
UEFA. (B) presents the total impact of imported players of the countries in
UEFA. (C) presents the bi-directional impact between imported players and the
national team performance of the countries in UEFA. ............................................. 23
Fig. 1.8 The pipeline of the second case study. (A) presents the migration strategy of
exported dominant countries. (B) presents the impact between exported players
and the national team performance of exported dominant countries. (C) presents
the detailed information of Argentina. ..................................................................... 25
Fig. 2.1 Flow of trials through the review. ............................................................................ 37

List of Tables
Table 1.1. The player attributes................................................................................................ 10
Table 1.2. The R 2 in the cross-lagged panel analysis equation system .................................... 21
Table 2.1. Characteristics of the included trials (n = 9). ........................................................... 41


1. MIG-Viewer: Visual analytics of soccer player

1.1. Introduction

Player migration denotes that players compete in leagues be-yond their own country,
including player import and player ex-port (Baur and Lehmann, 2007). The migration of
professional soccer players has become a non-neglectable phenomenon in soc-cer society (Magee
and Sugden, 2002). The question of how soccer player migration affects national team
performance, or vice versa, has aroused great interest of researchers to provide appropri-ate
decisions on player migration policies (Baur and Lehmann, 2007; Gelade and Dobson, 2007;
Milanovic, 2005; Binder and Findlay, 2012). To answer this question, statistical analysis, es-
pecially regression-based analysis, has been widely used to con-firm and evaluate the impact
between player migration and na-tional team performance (Baur and Lehmann, 2007; Gelade and
Dobson, 2007). However, experts could only obtain coarse con-clusions with those regression-
based analysis models, such as whether player migration influences national team performance
positively or negatively. Furthermore, experts confronted chal-lenges to browse multiple original
data quickly, interact with models based on domain knowledge, and interpret the model results for
migration policymaking. Therefore, experts found that it is hard to utilize traditional analysis
methods in practice to gain in-depth insights in decision-making scenarios. Visual analytics
techniques support experts in integrating do-main knowledge into the analysis process for fine-
tuning sports data analysis models and exploring detailed player information to improve
understanding of the results (Perin et al., 2018). How-ever, in the field of sports visual analytics,
most existing worksare targeting at box-score data and tracking data for game result analysis and
tactical analysis (Perin et al., 2018). The problem of player migration analysis involves
multivariate player attribute data and national team performance data, which are different to box-
score data and tracking data. Therefore, visual analytics methods tailored for player migration
remain lacking. Meanwhile, evaluating the impact of player migration could be abstracted
as quantifying the bi-directional impact strength and causal re-lationship among
multivariate temporal data (Lago-Peñas et al.,2019). Nevertheless, works on visual causality


analysis mainly focused on revealing the causal relationship between variables without the
evaluation and explanation for bi-directional impact strength (Jin et al., 2021). Given such unique
domain tasks for player migration analysis, it is difficult to employ current studies on sports
visualization and visual causality analysis directly. Thus, an effective visualization system is
highly required by experts to inspect the influence of player migration.
We collaborated closely with three soccer migration analysisexperts for six months to develop
such a visual analytics system. During the collaboration, we faced two main challenges. The first
challenge is to provide an effective statistical analysis model to evaluate the bi-directional impact
and causality between soccer player migration and national team performance. According to the
domain experts, the impact between player migration and national team performance is bi-
directional and could change over time. Meanwhile, the experts require the causality between
the bi-directional impact to analyze the influence process com- prehensively. For instance, the
league in a country with well-performed national team would attract excellent players, and
high-quality migrated players also would promote the perfor-mance of the national team.
However, existing regression-basedsolutions only concentrate on the impact of migrated players
onnational team performance and ignore the causal relationship.
Therefore, such traditional regression models will obstruct an extensive understanding of the
influence of player migration. The second challenge is to develop appropriate visualization
methods for interpreting the results of the statistical analysis model. In decision-making scenarios,
the experts always require a better understanding of the model on the aspect of selecting inputs
and explaining results. However, they often get overwhelmedamong large-scale model inputs such
as confederations or coun-tries for analysis. The interpretation of complex model results also
confuses the domain experts. Furthermore, in correlation visu-alization, most of the regression-
based works focused on visualanalytics for predictive models and explanation of variables (Lu
et al., 2017), while ignoring the causality between variables. Therefore, it is challenging to provide
effective visual designs in the policymaking process of soccer player migration.
To address the first challenge, we embed a cross-lagged panelanalysis model (Kearney, 2017;
Laursen et al., 2012) to evaluate the impact between soccer player migration and national team
performance. The new regression-based model can integrate tem-poral information and causality
verification into the analysis. Toaddress the second challenge, we develop MIG-Viewer, a visual
analytics system for analyzing the influence of player migration. The system includes three


components: the country view for country navigation, the impact view for impact strength obser-
vation, and the adjustment view for migrated player adjustment.The main contributions of our
work are twofold:
• A characterization of problems of visual analytics on soccerplayer migration, including
statistical analysis model con-struction and visual design requirements summarization.
• An interactive visual analytics system to provide an inn depth understanding to experts
by illustrating the impact strength calculated by the cross-lagged panel analysis model and
displaying detailed information. The system usability isevaluated with two case studies conducted
by the experts.

1.2 Related work

In this section, we present a review of previous studies closely related to our work,
including migration analysis of soccer players, visual analytics of soccer, and visual causality

1.2.1 Migration analysis of soccer players

Professional player migration is one of the most significant impact factors of modern soccer
society and has been studied extensively in recent years (Royuela and Gásquez, 2019). For
instance, Magee and Sugden proposed a sports labor migration model based on interviews of
several foreign professional players in the English Premier League (Magee and Sugden, 2002).
Moreover, a series of methods, such as statistical analysis (Akindes, 2013), case study (Poli, 2010),
and network analysis (Velema, 2016), have been utilized to analyze the migration path of
professional soccer players. However, these works mainly focused on the descriptive analysis of
soccer player migration and ignored the influence on domestic leagues and national teams.
Milanovic conducted a pioneering work to confirm the influence of soccer globalization on the
inequality of clubs and national teams (Milanovic, 2005). With the holding of the FIFA World
Cup 2006, researchers began to propose regression models to explain or predict the performance


of national soccer teams with the number of migrated players (Gelade and Dobson, 2007; Baur
and Lehmann, 2007). Flores et al. (2010) and Binder and Findlay (2012) also adopted regression
approaches to evaluate the effect of the Bosman Ruling that allowed soccer players to transfer
among different clubs freely. Berlinschi et al. (2013) and Allan and Moffat (2014) provided
evidence by regression results, which proved that migration positively impacts national teams.
These regression-based methods primarily indicated and verified the impact of player migration
on soccer team performance but failed to reveal the causal relationship. The most recent work
developed by Lago-Peñas et al. used the Granger causality test to examine the causality between
the number of migrated players and national team rankings (Lago-Peñas et al., 2019). However,
this method cannot evaluate bi-directional impact strength and further describe the causality
comprehensively. Therefore, we utilize a more effective model to evaluate the bi-directional
impact and causal relationship between player migration and national team performance.

1.2.2 Visual analytics of soccer

Recently, visualization methods have been widely applied in solving domain problems
(Wong and Zhang, 2018; Deng et al., 2019; Mondal et al., 2019; Kui et al., 2020) and the number
of related work on sports analytics has been increasing significantly (Perin et al., 2018).
Specifically, a large number of works on visual analytics of soccer have been conducted. For
instance, Perin et al. proposed A table! (Perin et al., 2014) and Gap Charts (Perin et al., 2016) to
visualize the temporal evolution of soccer ranking tables intuitively and effectively. Stein et al.
developed a set of approaches embedding tailored visual elements into match videos to facilitate
the process of soccer video analysis (Stein et al., 2016, 2018). Shao et al. (2016), Sacha et al.
(2017), and Andrienko et al. (2017, 2019) focused on the trajectory visualization of soccer players
and the soccer ball for pattern discovery and further tactical analysis. For interactive visual
analytics systems, SoccerStories (Perin et al., 2013) supported comprehensive visualization for
detailed match narration and team feature summarization. ForVizor (Wu et al., 2019) provided
formation flow as the visualization of the change of team formations during soccer matches.
PassVizor (Xie et al., 2021b) introduced a visual analytics system to analyze player co-occurrence
in soccer passing sequences. Those methods concentrated on tactical analysis and match context
informa tion analysis. However, our player migration analysis focuses on multivariate temporal


data of migrated player attributes and national team performance over the years. The problem
requires bi-directional impact and causality evaluation, which is beyond the scope of the studies
mentioned above. Such limitations motivated us to develop a visual analytics system for soccer
player migration analysis.

1.2.3 Visual causality analysis

Visualization for causality analysis can bring intuitive inter actions and explanations to
users, which has attracted considerable interest among researchers recently. Chen et al. proposed
a causality discovery framework to support decision-making and hypothesis generation by
integrating visual analytics techniques into the causality reasoning process (Chen et al., 2011).
Zhang et al. designed a new force-directed layout correlation map to illustrate causal relationships
among the variables in multi-variate data (Zhang et al., 2015). As for visualization systems tailored
for experts, Dang et al. developed ReactionFlow for biologists to analyze the causality in biological
pathways (Dang et al., 2015). Wang et al. focused on how to bring domain knowledge into the
framework of causal reasoning and proposed a series of interactive visualization systems to assist
domain experts in practical (Wang and Mueller, 2016, 2017). Xie et al. also employed graph-based
visualization for causal reasoning and applied it to the domains of education and digital marketing
(Xie et al., 2021a). Those visualization approaches are mainly for analyzing causal relationships
of non-temporal data. To solve such limitation, Jin et al. developed a visual analytics system for
multi-variate temporal event sequence data (Jin et al., 2021). However, non of the aforementioned
work concentrated on bi-directional causal relationships among variables. In our migration
analysis problem, not only the experts require to quantify the impact strength, but also the bi-
directional influence and causal relationship over time. Therefore, a customized visual analytics
system is still highly required to be developed.

1.3 Background and system overview

In this section, we introduce the terminologies used in the soccer player migration domain
and describe data included in our study. Then, we summarize the requirements of soccer player


migration analysis.

1.3.1 Background and data description

Soccer player migration indicates the phenomenon that players compete in leagues beyond
their own country, which includes two directions, namely, player import and player export (Baur
and Lehmann, 2007). For a particular country, player import refers to foreign players playing in
domestic leagues, whereas player export refers to domestic players participating in foreign leagues.
Specifically, most of the countries in the world have organized several national leagues, and each
national league contains several clubs. Clubs are allowed to trade professional soccer players from
different countries and foster the bi-directional migration of players. Due to the knowledge
spillover phenomenon, player migration could improve the quality of domestic players and further
affect the performance or ranking of higher-level organizations, such as individual clubs, national
leagues, and national teams (Baur and Lehmann, 2007; Royuela and Gásquez, 2019). In this study,
we focused on the national team level according to the requirements of our experts. A migrated
player is a soccer player who plays in a foreign country, which is the basic element in our dataset.
The data are collected by our domain experts from one of the most reliable transfer information
websites, Transfermarkt (Transfermarkt, 2020). The data contain all foreign player profiles of each
match season from 90 countries that have organized national leagues and can be traced back to
1992. We utilize the data in the top-level national league of each country as the data are
comprehensive. The profile of a migrated player is described by player attributes in Table 1.

1.3.2 Requirement analysis

We collaborated with three domain experts during the development process, including a
professor from the Department of Physical Education (SP) and his two Ph.D. candidates (PhD).
The SP has worked as a senior data analyst for domestic soccer league policymaking and tactical
analysis for decades. The PhDs have worked on soccer player migration analysis for years. They
mainly used linear regression models to evaluate the general impact of migrated players on


national team performance and statistic tables for detailed information of each country. However,
they found that traditional linear regression models are insufficient to discover the in-depth causal
relationship between variables. Meanwhile, reading a large number of statistic tables to find
valuable player migration patterns is laborious and time-consuming. Therefore, the experts are
eager for a visual analytics system with effective models to analyze player migration
comprehensively. During the collaboration, we held regular meetings each week to characterize
the problems, develop the model, and iterate the interface design. The requirements of visual
analytics of soccer player migration are summarized as follows.
R1 How to provide an overview to locate data subsets of interest? Experts expect to obtain
an overview of migrated players to select a subset of countries for analyzing their common
characteristics. Specifically, the similarity and difference of player migration strategy are essential
references for experts to choose a subset of countries. Therefore, an overview of migrated player
attributes can help experts understand the global player migration trend and locate the subset of
countries of interest for further analysis.
R2 Which factors mainly impact the target variable in the analysis? Experts are interested
in whether soccer player import or player export mainly impacts national team performance. Each
direction of player migration can impact national team performance in different degrees.
Therefore, the total impact strength from imported players and exported players can help experts
quickly identify which direction of factors affects national team performance more.
R3 How does the impact strength of a specific factor change over time? Soccer player
migration policies and significant events such as the FIFA World Cup could influence player
migration pattern, and further affect the impact strength between migrated players and national
team performance. Thus, experts need to discover the changing trend of impact strength over time
to evaluate the effect of migration policies and soccer events.
R4 How does the main impact direction between variables change over time? Experts
usually inspect whether the main impact direction remains stable in a certain period to evaluate the
causal relationship. Thus, experts could learn whether player migration influences national team
performance or vice versa in a certain period. Such insights on causal relationships can bring a hint
for experts on further player migration policymaking.
R5 How does the target variable change when impact factors are adjusted? Experts expect
to adjust the number or quality of migrated players of a certain country and inspect the change of


national team performance for policymaking requirements. With the adjustments, experts can


Fig. 1.1 The system overview. The system consists of three

components, i.e., the data processing component for
processing raw data and providing statistical data to other
components, the regression-based model component for
impact strength calculation, and the visualization component
for user interaction and model results visualization

whether player import and player export can influence a national team significantly. R6
How to explain the reason behind the impact strength and the causal relationship? After gained the
general patterns of the impact strength and the causal relationship on the country level, experts
need detailed information on the club level and player level to explain the reason behind such
patterns. Therefore, experts require information on detailed levels to explain why migrated players
can bring positive or negative impacts on national team performance.


1.3.3 System overview

We develop MIG-Viewer for the visual analytics of soccer player migration. MIG-Viewer
is a web-based system with three components: the data processing component, the
regression based model component, and the visualization component (Fig. 1). The data
processing component is developed to collect and pro cess raw data, and provide statistical data
to other components for further analysis. The regression-based model component cal culates the
impact strength between migration variables and national team performance with the regression-
based model. The visualization component provides the interface for visual analytics of soccer
player migration. The visualization consists of three views, namely, the country view for country
navigation, the impact view for impact strength illustration, and the adjust ment view for player
migration adjustment. The data processing component is implemented by MongoDB. The
regression-based model component is implemented by Python. The visualization component is
implemented by React.

1.4 Regression-based model

In this section, we firstly define the task of soccer player migration analysis. Then, we
present a cross-lagged panel analysis model and introduce the measurement of the impact strength.

1.4.1 Background of the task

The main task of soccer player migration analysis is to evaluate the bi-directional impact
strength and reveal the causal relationship between player migration and national team
performance. We select measurements of national team performance and player migration from
our dataset based on literature review and discussion with the domain experts. The selected
measure ments are introduced as follows. National team performance (P). In soccer player


migration analysis, domain experts commonly use FIFA points of the national team to measure
the national team performance. The FIFA points are calculated by international match results and
pub lished by FIFA (FIFA, 2020). We use FIFA points to measure the national team performance
in the model. Player migration variables. The player migration variables are divided into two
groups, namely, player import variables and player export variables, to differentiate the bi-
directional player migration in a specific country. Each group consists of four variables as follows.
• Number of players (NUM). The numbers of imported players and exported players are primarily
concerned by experts to evaluate the effect of player migration and widely adopted by previous
works (Baur and Lehmann, 2007; Gelade and Dobson, 2007; Berlinschi et al., 2013; Allan and
Moffat, 2014). Therefore, the number of migrated players is essential and necessary to be included
in the model.
• Market value (MV ). The market value is one of the most important criteria to reflect the quality
and potential of a soccer player. The quality of migrated players can affect the ability of domestic
players, and further influence the national team performance (Baur and Lehmann, 2007).
Therefore, we also take the market value in our analysis
• Appearance time (T ). The total time that a player appears in per season indicates his/her
contribution and importance in a team. The contribution of migrated players can describe their
quality and may affect the contribution of domestic players. Thus, we use appearance time to
measure the contribution of migrated players.
• Goals in matches (G). The goals that a player gains in a season are also a referring index of a
soccer player’s quality, especially for the forwards. This variable strengthens a successful
experience. We also include the goals that a player created in matches in the analysis. Soccer player
migration makes a significant impact on the national team performance (Baur and Lehmann, 2007;
Gelade and Dobson, 2007). Meanwhile, the national team performance may in turn influence the
number and quality of migrated players. Such a bi-directional relationship could also be affected
by player migration policies and soccer events over time. According to the analysis requirements,
we aim to use a model that can test and measure the bi-directional influence and causality between
player migration and national team performance over time.

1.4.2 Cross-lagged panel analysis model


Cross-lagged panel analysis aims to describe the reciprocal relationships and causality
between two groups of variables over time (Kearney, 2017; Laursen et al., 2012). This statistical
model indicates the causal direction between variables along with the comparison of impact
strength. Specifically, the direction with larger impact strength is considered as the main causal
direction. In the player migration analysis scenario, the two groups of variables in the model could
be the national team performance (i.e., P) and the player migration variables (i.e., NUM, MV, T ,
G), respectively. Therefore, the cross-lagged panel analysis model is suitable for our soccer player
migration analysis. In this study, we use a linear regression approach to achieve a cross-lagged
panel analysis because it is straightforward and familiar to experts and the influential powers of
variables are interpretable. The proposed model is defined as follows:

Fig. 1.2

where all the β s in the equations refer to the estimated coefficients of the corresponding
independent variables; Pt and Pt−1 represent the national team performance at time points t and t
− 1, respectively; I t j and I t−1 j represent player import variables (i.e., NUM, MV, T , G) at time
points t and t − 1, respectively; E t j and E t−1 j denote player export variables (i.e., NUM, MV, T
, G) at time points t and t − 1, respectively; Ctrlt−1 j refers to a control variable (i.e., the GDP and
population of the country (The World Bank, 2020)) at time point t − 1; and n represents the number
of variables. Eq. (1) illustrates that the national team performance could be mainly measured by
the performance, the imported players, and the exported players of the previous year. In Eq. (2),


we measure a certain attribute of imported players by the same attribute of imported players, the
national team performance, and other control variables (i.e., other attributes of imported players
and exported players) of the previous year. Similarly, we measure the exported players mainly by
the exported players and the national team performance of the previous year in Eq. (3).

Fig. 1.3 The structure of the cross-lagged panel analysis model. The
nodes in the graph refer to the dependent variables in the
equation system. The links in the graph refer to the influential
powers from the independent variables to the dependent

1.4.3 Measurement of impact strength

According to the principle of cross-lagged panel analysis, we could further calculate the
impact strength from the previous time point to deduce the causal relationship. Based on the
regression system, we evaluate national team performance with player import variables (Fig. 2,
green) and export variables (Fig. 2, purple) in Eq. (1). We use national team performance to
evaluate player import variables (Fig. 2, orange) and export variables (Fig. 2, blue) in Eq. (2) and
(3), respectively. We only present the analyses between player import and points and between
player export and points in Fig. 2 as an example. We conduct eight cross panel analyses in total
because eight player migration variables are investigated in the analysis. Through the model, we
could acquire the impact strengths between player migration variables and national team
performance at each time step for further visualization (Fig. 2(B, C)). In the linear regression
model, squared semi-partial correla tion (sr2 ) illustrates the net explanatory power of an


independent variable on the dependent variable (Cohen et al., 2014). Compared to the coefficients
of the independent variables, the squared semi partial correlation is normalized, additive, and
comparable within single regression and among multiple regressions. Therefore, we adopt sr2 as
the measurement of the impact strengths between national team performance and player migration
variables for causal direction confirmation. We utilize stepwise regression to calculate the sr2 of
an independent variable. This method estimates the explanatory power of a variable by adding it
to or subtracting it from a set of independent variables (Cohen et al., 2014). On the basis of this
method, we can calculate the sr2 s of all variables as impact strengths in the regression system. As
the effects of player mi gration mostly appear in the following year, we only consider the impact
from the previous year rather than the accumulation of several years. At the time point t, the impact
strength from player import variable I t−1 j to national team performance Pt is ipt−1 j (Fig. 2,
green); the impact strength from player export variable E t−1 j to national team performance Pt is
ept−1 j (Fig. 2, purple). In contrast, the impact strengths from the other direction are indicated as
pit−1 j (Fig. 2, orange) and pet−1 j (Fig. 2, blue), respectively. Moreover, we symbolize the
summation of ipt−1 j and ept−1 j as ipt−1 and ept−1 to indicate the total impact of imported players
and exported players to national team performance, respectively.

Fig. 1.4 The system interface. The system includes three views, the country view (A), the impact view (B), and the
adjustment view (C). The country view contains the geography component (A1) and the similarity component
(A2). The impact view contains an impact chart which can switch between total impact (B2) and detail impact
(B3). The adjustment view supports adjustments and
15details of imported players (C1) and exported players (C2)

These impact strengths can help experts perform in-depth explanatory analysis of the
variation and evolution of soccer player migration. Firstly, experts can infer the causal directions
by comparing impact strengths at each time step based on the cross-lagged panel analysis model.
According to the principle of cross-lagged panel analysis, The direction with larger impact strength
is considered as the main causal direction (Kearney, 2017; Laursen et al., 2012). For instance, if
the impact strength from national team performance to the number of imported players
outperformed the impact from the opposite direction, it means that national team performance
affected the number of imported players significantly at this time. Secondly, experts can examine
impact strengths of different variables in the same direction to identify which variable is with
strong influence power. Thirdly, experts can trace the variation of impact strengths and causality
over time to explore the influence trend or unusual time points.

1.5 Visual design

In this section, we introduce the detailed visual encodings and interactions in our system

1.5.1 System design

We design a visual analytics system, MIG-Viewer, to discover the relationship between

soccer player migration and national team performance. The system contains three views: a
country view, an impact view, and an adjustment view. In the country view, experts can select
countries according to global player migration strategies for further analysis (R1) (Fig. 3(A)). After
the selection of countries, experts can conclude the impact trend over time between player
migration and national team performance
in the impact view (R2, R3) (Fig. 3(B)). Experts can also figure out the causal relationship with
the comparison results of the bi directional impact strengths at each time point (R4) (Fig. 4(C)).
Based on the analysis result, experts can apply multiple adjustments on the number of migrated
players and player quality in the adjustment view to facilitate the simulation of national team
performance by player migration (R5) (Fig. 3(C)). We also provide detailed information of


Fig. 1.5 The impact chart of exported players in the detail impact mode.
This impact chart includes the impact strength from exported
players to national team performance (B), the impact strength
from national team performance to exported players (D), and
the main impact direction (C)

migrated players on club and individual player levels for experts to verify their analysis results
(R6) (Fig. 7(C)). We use orange, blue, green, and purple to represent the impact between player
migration and national team performance as consistent color encoding. The detailed visual design
is explained as follows.

1.5.2 Country view

At the beginning of the analysis, experts can navigate coun tries to focus on in the country
view by the overview of global player migration or migration strategies (R1). The country view
consists of two components, namely, the geography component (Fig. 3(A1)) and the similarity
component (Fig. 3(A2)). These two components provide experts a comprehensive player migration
overview and two different navigation methods by geography and similarity. The geography
component displays the global player mi gration overview with a statistical world map illustrating
the number or quality of migrated players in each country to navi gate confederations of interest
(Fig. 3(A1)). Experts usually select countries from an individual confederation (e.g., UEFA) for
anal ysis because they generally share the same migration policies. Thus, experts can evaluate
the effect of migration policies by the change of impact strength along time. Therefore, we provide
a statistical world map visualization to illustrate the value of the migration variables (i.e., number
of players, market value, appear ance time, and goals in matches) as it is familiar to experts and


straightforward to comprehend. Compared with simply ranking and filtering by migration

variables, a statistical world map offers an overview with geographical context and is more
effective to determine the target country for detailed analysis. Experts can switch the migration
variables with the buttons above the statistical world map. We use opacity to encode the specific
value of the selected variable of imported players or exported players of the countries. The
similarity component provides the overview of the global migration strategy in the aspect of
similarity between countries (Fig. 3(A2)). The player migration strategy of a national league
indicates the tendency of import or export players and the char acteristic of the migrated players
(Magee and Sugden, 2002). Experts are also required to analyze countries that have similar
migration strategies to summarize the common pattern. Projec tion visualization is suitable to
illustrate the similarity among multivariate data by dimension reduction and encoding similarity
by Euclidean distance. Therefore, we utilize a scatter plot to show the t-SNE (van der Maaten and
Hinton, 2008) projection result of all countries. In the t-SNE projection, the original vector of a
country is composed of the original value of the total player number, market value, appearance
time, and goals in matches averaged by year. By the projection result, experts can distinguish the
countries that are similar in migration strategy. We encode the migration variables of the countries
(i.e., number of play ers, market value, appearance time, and goals in matches) with opacity in
the scatter plot. The migration variable shown in this component is the same as the chosen variable
in the geography component. Interaction. The slider is set to filter the time interval of interest in
the following analysis. Experts can switch between imported players and exported players by the
switch button. Ex perts can filter countries by migration variables with a slider and directly select
countries in a two-level ranking list (Fig. 3(A3)). Experts can also select countries by clicking (Fig.
3(A1)) or box selection (Fig. 3(A2)).

1.5.3 Impact view

The impact view contains a newly designed impact chart to visualize the results of the
cross-lagged panel analysis model (Fig. 3(B)). The comparison of impact strength over the years
is the primary task in the impact view (R2, R3, R4). For a straightfor ward comparison, we
directly place the bar charts along with the timeline to display the impact strength over the years.
The height of the bar shows the impact strength calculated by the model. To show the changing


trend of impact strength clearly, we provide the exponential proportion option of the bar chart
height besides the linear proportion. The impact chart can be switched between total impact and
detail impact by clicking the switch button on the top left corner of the view (Fig. 3(B4, B5)). In
the total impact mode, experts can compare the total impact strength of imported players and
exported players (Fig. 3(B2)). In the detail impact mode, we use circles to encode the main impact
direction, which is the difference of impact strengths between player migration variables and
national team performance (Fig. 3(B3)). The color of the circle encodes the main impact direction,
and the area encodes the difference of the impact strengths. We place the circle aligned with the
corresponding bar charts for convenience to discover the causal relationship over time. For
instance, we use an impact chart in the detail impact mode to illustrate the analysis of exported
players from 2015 to 2018 (Fig. 4(A)). The upper group of bar charts represents the impact from
exported players to national team performance, and the lower group shows the impact from
national team performance to exported players. Every year contains four bars in each line of the
impact chart. The four bars represent the impacts related to the number of players, market value,
appearance time, and goals in matches, respectively (Fig. 4(B, D)). When experts discover the
trend of a specific impact strength over the years, they can com pare the bars in the same position
in each year. For finding the main impact direction for causal analysis, experts can examine the
circles between two lines of bar charts (Fig. 4(C)). Through various comparisons, experts can make
a comprehensive analysis. Justification. We used circles to encode the causal direction between
player migration and national team performance for the following two reasons. Firstly, the experts
are more concentrated on the causal direction than the specific difference between the impacts of
the two directions. Therefore, we used color to encode the causal direction, which is more effective
than other visual channels for category attributes. To illustrate the color clearly and avoid the visual
clutter, we chose circles to encode the causal direction in the impact chart rather than line charts.
Users could inspect the changing trend of the causal direction throughout the years with the change
of circle colors effectively. Secondly, we used the area of the circle to encode the specific value of
the difference between the impacts because of the limited space in the impact chart. Another
alternative design of the circles could be the bar charts. However, placing a bar chart between the
two bar charts that represent the two directions of impact strengths could take much space.
Meanwhile, the changing of different bars in the bar chart would be insignificant under the limited
space. Therefore, we finally chose circles to encode the causal direction between player migration


and national team performance. Design Alternatives. Besides the impact chart, we propose two
design alternatives to demonstrate the changing of impact strength over the years (Fig. 5). In the
first alternative, we employ stacked area charts to indicate different types of impact strength (Fig.
5(A)). Experts can observe the total impact of migrated players on national team performance
without view switching. However, it is difficult to compare the impact strength of a certain
migration variable and distinguish the main impact direction in the stacked area charts. In the
second alternative, we utilize a

Fig. 1.6 Design alternatives for showing impact strength, including

stacked area charts (A) and node-link graph (B).

node-link graph to illustrate the structure of cross-lagged panel analysis (Fig. 5(B)). The
area of the node encodes the impact strength between player migration and national team
performance. The link represents the main impact direction, and the width of the link encodes the
difference of the impact strength. However, according to domain experts, this kind of visualization
will cause visual clutter and heavily hinder their analysis. Based on those reasons, we choose the
impact chart as our final design. Interaction. The interaction in the impact view is as follows.
• Merging years. With the consideration of sustaining impact, experts can brush in the impact
chart to average consecutive years as a single time point in the cross-lagged panel analysis model.
• Adjusting migration variables. Experts can adjust the migration variables in the model to fulfill
different analysis targets by clicking the button on the top left corner of the view.
• Unfolding comparison results. Experts can click the buttons on the left of the impact chart to
unfold the comparison results between different types of impact (Fig. 3(B1)).
• Highlighting target attributes. Experts can click the bars in the impact chart to highlight the bars
in the same position of each year for clear observation.


1.5.4 Adjustment view

After selecting a target year by clicking the year label in the impact view, experts can
further conduct simulative analysis (R5) and explore detailed information (R6) in the adjustment
view (Fig. 3(C)). We design an adjustment panel to adjust migration variables and analyze results
(Fig. 3(C1, C2)). We concentrate on the adjustment operation and results display without the
illustration of the simulation process. An adjustment panel can be divided into two parts, the
adjustment part and the result part. The adjustment part contains sliders that correspond to the
selected migration variables in the impact view. The result part includes texts to indicate the exact
value of the change of national team performance. The change values are obtained by calculating
the difference between the national team performance values before and after the adjustment of
the player migration vari ables. Experts can adjust the player migration variables in the
adjustment part by sliders and view the adjustment results simultaneously. We align the two
adjustment panels of bi-directional migration by order of time to make a comparison in adjacent
years. In this manner, experts can conclude that adjustments in which year and which direction can
obtain an obvious promotion of national team performance.


Moreover, experts hope to access detailed information on the club level and the player level
to confirm their analysis results. Therefore, we also provide a detailed component in the
adjust ment view (Fig. 7(C)). When experts click the buttons on the left of the adjustment view,
the detailed component will present corresponding player information. The detailed component is
composed of a three-level ranking list, namely, country level, club level, and player level. Each
level of the list is a descending ranking bar chart. The bar charts in the country level and the club
level are ranked by the total number of the imported players or the exported players. The bar chart


in the player level is ranked by the player migration variable selected from the buttons on the top
right corner of the view. The length of the bar encodes the exact value. Experts can filter on each
level by clicking the list item. To arrange the individual player information on the player level,
experts can filter players by their role and rank players by different migration variables. Experts
can also filter players by their role and rank players by different migration variables. Therefore,
experts can evaluate and their conclusions with the most detailed migrated player information

1.6 Evaluation

In this section, we evaluate the usefulness of the system by two case studies conducted by
the experts. After the case studies, we summarize the feedback and suggestions from the interview
with experts.

1.6.1 Model evaluation

We evaluate our cross-lagged panel analysis model by the coefficient of determination

(overall R 2 ) and the adjusted R 2 (Cohen et al., 2014). Both the overall R 2 and the adjusted R 2
indicate the explanatory power of a regression equation. Specifically, the higher value of the
overall R 2 and the adjusted R 2 means the dependent variable in this equation is well explained
by the in dependent variables. We calculate the overall R 2 and the adjusted R 2 of each regression
equation from 1992 to 2018 using the migration data of all 90 countries. As shown in Table 2, the
mean of overall R 2 and the adjusted R 2 of the points, number of players, and market values are
range from 0.98 to 0.86 and from 0.95 to 0.77, whereas the appearance matches and goals in
matches are range from 0.77 to 0.61 and from 0.61 to 0.29. The results indicate that the points,
number of players, and market value can be effectively explained by the regression equation.

1.6.2 Case study


We evaluate the effectiveness of MIG-Viewer by two case studies. In the two case studies,
we use the player migration data of 90 countries from 1992 to 2018, including foreign player
pro files of the national league of each country (Table 1). We deploye

Fig. 1.7 The pipeline of the first case study. (A) presents the migration
overview of UEFA. (B) presents the total impact of imported
players of the countries in UEFA. (C) presents the bi-
directional impact between imported players and the national
team performance of the countries in UEFA.

MIG-Viewer on the web and invited three domain experts to conduct the case studies.
Expert A is a professor and a senior data analyst of sports science. Experts B and C are Ph.D.
candidates who have worked on soccer player migration analysis and league policymaking for
years. All the three experts have attended our weekly meetings and expert interviews during the
requirement analysis process. The first case study was conducted by Expert A and B, and the
second case study was conducted by Expert A and C. Firstly, we introduced the visual design and
interactions of our system to the experts one by one. Then, the experts could explore freely to get
familiar with our system. After that, the experts began to analyze migration trends and the
relationship with migration policies according to their own interests. We observed and recorded
their operation process and comments in the meantime. When the experts finished the analysis, we
interviewed them for their insights gained with our system and their feedback.
In this case study, the experts need to inspect the effects of soccer player migration policies
in UEFA (the Union of European Football Associations). The top leagues of countries in UEFA,
especially the ‘‘Big 5’’ leagues, are the most developed and have attracted thousands of top
professional soccer players around the world. UEFA plays an important role in the worldwide
soccer player migration trend. Therefore, the experts are interested in player migration of UEFA


countries. Firstly, the experts adjusted the slider to the years from 1992 to 2018 and selected all
countries of UEFA in the two-level ranking list directly. Then, the experts switched the geography
component among four migration variables and two migration directions (Fig. 6(A2, A4)). With
the comparison between player import and export, they found that UEFA countries are domi nant
in imported players, especially in the player number and market value. It is consistent with the
knowledge of the experts that UEFA countries attract the most excellent players. Thus, the experts
mainly paid attention to the impact of player import in further analysis. After adding UEFA
countries to the impact view, the experts started to evaluate the effect of important migration
policies proposed from 1992 to 2018. They indicated that soccer player migration policies most
directly influence the number and market value of migrated players. Therefore, the experts chose
these two migration variables in the following analysis (Fig. 6(B1)). Considering the delaying and
sustaining effect of policies, they merged three or four consecutive years as a period to inspect the
impact more clearly. The expert first inspected the total impact to identify whether the player
migration policies increased or decreased the effect of player import. With the changing trend of
bar charts, the experts found that the impact from imported players to national team performance
gradually rose from 1996 to 2010 and slightly declined from 2011 (Fig. 6(B)). They explained that
it is because of the effects of the Bosman Ruling decided in 1995 and the Homegrown Player Rule
introduced in 2006. The Bosman Ruling is to allow soccer players to transfer more freely among
the clubs in Europe and promote player migration in UEFA countries. The Homegrown Player
Rule is proposed by UEFA to enforce the number of homegrown players to appear in a match and
affected the player import to UEFA countries negatively. The experts concluded that the Bosman
Ruling increased the impact of imported players to national team performance significantly, and
the Homegrown Player Rule declined the strength of such impact to a certain extent. Thereafter,
the experts switched to the detailed impact to examine the inner process of the effects. For the
detailed impact, the experts inspected the two mi gration variables respectively (Fig. 6(C)). To
evaluate the impact of the number of players, the experts found that the first circle was orange and
the area was relatively larger, which means the number of imported players is largely impacted by
national team performance from 1996 to 1998 (Fig. 6(C4)). The experts explained that, with a freer
transfer environment provided by the Bosman Ruling, foreign players were more likely to choose
countries with higher national team ranks to pursue better de velopment opportunities.
Afterwards, the experts noticed that the color of circles changed to green from 1999 to 2007, which


indicates that the impact from imported players to national team performance outperformed the
other direction (Fig. 6(C5)). They interpreted that after the large-scale player migration, the
im ported players in UEFA countries brought positive effects to the level of domestic players and
further influenced the national team performance. The experts also explained that the change

Fig. 1.8 The pipeline of the second case study. (A) presents the
migration strategy of exported dominant countries. (B)
presents the impact between exported players and the national
team performance of exported dominant countries. (C)
presents the detailed information of Argentina.

of impact strength after 2008 matched the effect of the Homegrown Player Rule,
which caused the impact from national team performance to the number of imported players to
decrease, and the other direction of impact to increase (Fig. 6(C6)). As for market value, the experts
observed that the impact from imported players to national team performance is extremely high
from 2008 to 2010, which is unexpected to them (Fig. 6(C7)). Expert A mentioned that, ‘‘It is a
surprise that the market value of imported players impacted national team performance severely
from 2008 to 2010’’. Expert A explained that this might suggest the excessive price phenomenon
of soccer players during this period and effectively controlled by the UEFA Financial Fair Play
Regulations proposed in 2010. Through this case study, the experts concluded that migration
policies in UEFA from 1992 to 2008, such as the Bosman Ruling, the Homegrown Player Rule,
and the UEFA Financial Fair Play Regulations, have significant effects on the imported players
and national team performance. 6.2.2. Case 2: The impact of exported players in player export


dom inant countries from 2009 to 2018 In this case study, the experts desired to verify whether
ex ported players can improve national team performance in the latest ten years. Experts found
that most of the countries with massive high-quality exported players tend to perform well in
international tournaments such as the FIFA World Cup and the Olympic Games. Thus, they were
interested in player migration in such kind of countries. In the country view, the experts selected
the latest ten years by the slider (Fig. 7(A1)) and examined exported players in the similarity
component (Fig. 7(A3)). To focus on export domi nant countries, the experts filtered out
countries which exported players are less than 50. They observed that countries in the bottom right
corner of the scatter plots, such as Brazil, Ar gentina, and France, have more high-quality
exported players than other countries. These countries are mainly from CON MEBOL (the South
American Football Confederation), CAF (the Confederation of African Football), and UEFA,
which matched the global player migration trend (Fig. 7(A2)). Therefore, the experts selected these
countries and added them to the impact view. Thereafter, the experts moved to the impact view to
inspect player migration of selected countries (Fig. 7(B)). Besides the number of migrated players,
they also chose market value and appearance time to represent the quality of migrated players (Fig.
7(B1)). The experts first checked the total impact and found that most of the circles were purple
(Fig. 7(B3)). This confirmed the knowledge of experts that the national team performance of
export dominant countries is mainly influenced by exported players. Then, the experts turned to
the detailed impact of ex ported players to explore the causal relationship (Fig. 7(B4)). The
experts clicked the circles to inspect the main impact direction between each migration variable
and national team performance. They noticed that the causal direction from the number and market
value of exported players to national team performance were steady among the years (Fig. 7(B5)).
In contrast, the appearance time of exported players was impacted by national team performance.
Expert C commented that, ‘‘I found that the number and market value of exported players
influenced national team performance significantly throughout those years, while the appearance
time did not have such a phenomenon, which is a surprise to me’’. The experts concluded that the
large number of excellent exported players enhanced the national team performance of the export
dominant countries significantly. The experts found that the highest impact strength from exported
players to national team performance was in 2014 (Fig. 7(B6)). Therefore, they decided to select
the year 2014 for adjustment. In the adjustment view, the experts chose a typical export dominant
country, Argentina, as an example to verify their hypothesis. The experts slightly increased the


number of exported players and noticed that the FIFA points of Argentina also improved (Fig.
7(A)). The experts further explored the details of exported players in Argentina (Fig. 7(C)). They
discovered that considerable Argentina players went to the most top leagues in UEFA countries
such as Italy and Spain. On the club level, Argentina players are distributed in the most successful
clubs such as Barcelona and Real Madrid. On the player level, experts focused on market value
and found that Argentina has one of the most valuable soccer players Messi, whose appearance
time and goals also performed well. Therefore, the experts confirmed that increasing the number
of exported players could develop national team performance in player export dominant countries.
Through this case study, the experts verified that the number of exported players can significantly
affect national team perfor mance positively in player export dominant countries in the latest ten

1.6.3 Expert feedback

We interviewed the experts one by one after the case study. The useful feedback from them
is summarized as follows. System usability. The experts are satisfied with MIG-Viewer and
believed that it provides an effective method for soccer player migration analysis. Both Expert A
and B thought highly of the impact view because of the comprehensive representation of the impact
strength and causality. Not only could they explore the changing of bi-directional impact strength
over time, but also inspect the causal relationship and explain the success of national teams in the
aspect of player migration directly. Expert A commented, ‘‘Such analysis method can help us find
the most important player migration factor and understand how the factors influence national team
performance’’. Expert C felt that the adjustment view could be useful in policymaking by adjusting
the migration variables flexibly and viewing the results straightforwardly in the meantime. The
concise visual design of the adjustment view was also easy to learn for the experts. However,
experts also pointed out two limitations of MIG Viewer. Firstly, Expert B found that the impact
chart could be confusing in the mode of detailed impact, especially when he concentrated on both
imported players and exported players. He took a while to memorize the encoding in the case
studies. Secondly, besides the country level adjustments, the experts also hoped to adjust on the
club and player levels. Expert A considered that increasing or decreasing migration variables of a


certain club or an individual player could be valuable for evaluating migration policies in more
detailed levels. Suggestion. The experts provided two suggestions to MIGViewer. Firstly, the
experts hoped to add information of domestic players in each country to evaluate how migrated
players impact domestic players. Secondly, the experts suggested including adjustment on the club
level and player level for more complicated analysis.

1.7 Discussion

Significance. Soccer player migration analysis can help ex perts understand the reason
behind well-performed national teams and provide valuable insights into player migration
policymaking. We develop a visual analytics system, MIG-Viewer, to assist experts to inspect the
influence between soccer player migration and national team performance effectively and
effi ciently. With our system, experts can discover the changing trend of impact strength and
causal direction straightforwardly, make adjustments with domain knowledge in the scenario of
player migration decision-making, and explore more detailed insights. Such benefits could raise
attention to visual analytics in the field of soccer player migration analysis. Therefore, we expect
that our work could shed light on further analysis and fill the blank of visual analytics on soccer
player migration. Generalizability. MIG-Viewer can be extended to other sports that have a
developed league system. In basketball or volleyball, experts can load player migration and
national team perfor mance data consistent with our system directly for analysis. As for the
generalizability for the analysis level, our framework also supports national league level and club
level analysis when replacing the national team performance data to league points or club points.
Furthermore, the cross-lagged panel analysis model adopted in our system is widely used in
causality analysis to ver ify the causal direction between variables. Therefore, our frame work
and impact chart design can be generalized to other prob lems for inspecting trends of bi-
directional impact strength and causal direction. For instance, experts can utilize our framework
to evaluate the influence between product import or export and the GDP of countries, which is
similar to the player migration problem. Limitations. The limitations of our work are mainly in
three aspects. Firstly, we only include three statistical variables to in dicate the quality of the
soccer players. Events in matches such as passing and shooting can be summarized to represent
the performance of players more precisely. However, such an anal ysis requires event data or


tracking data of all matches in the leagues, which is difficult to collect from websites. Thus, we
plan to acquire such data from match videos and integrate them into our analysis in the future.
Secondly, our regression-based model only contains the GDP and population as control variables.
However, national team player attributes are other important control variables in the analysis. In
this study, we consider the national team performance reflects the overall domestic player quality
in a specific country. We plan to take national team player attributes into our future analysis.
Thirdly, the limitation of the model mainly lies in the synchronization of the bi-directional impact
strength. One of the assumptions of the cross-lagged panel analysis model is that the impacts
between the two variables oc cur at the same time during each time lag. However, the impacts
between player migration and national team performance may not synchronize in a certain year
because player migration and national team matches do not always occur at the same time. We
plan to analyze the causal relationship in a single year as our future work.

1.8 Conclusion

In this work, we propose a visual analytics system, MIG Viewer, to help experts
comprehensively analyze the relationship between soccer player migration and national team
performance. We systematically characterize the problems and introduce a cross-lagged panel
analysis model to quantify the impact strength and discover the causal direction. Based on the
proposed model, we developed MIG-Viewer to facilitate the analysis of soccer player migration.
In the future, we plan to improve our work in the following two aspects. Firstly, we will attempt
to integrate event data and tracking data of a single match to our soccer player mi gration visual
analytics. The performance of players on the field (e.g., passing, shooting, and formation) is
valuable for experts to understand the cooperation of migrated players and domestic players
comprehensively. We hope to inspect the number and quality of migrated players with their
performance on the field for more insights. Secondly, we hope to generalize our system to other
sports with a developed league system such as basketball. Besides sports events, the design of the
impact chart can also be applied to causal relationship detection within temporal data.

2. Injury prevention programs that include balance
training exercises reduce ankle injury rates among
soccer players: a systematic review

2.1 Introduction

Ankle injuries represent the second most common category of injuries after knee injuries
in sports such as rugby, soccer, volleyball, handball and basketball.1 They can occur at training
and at all levels of competition, representing nearly 15% of high school and university athletics
injuries.2,3 In soccer, the most popular world sport,4 players are exposed to many types of injuries
such as sprains, strains, con tusions and fractures,5 and the ankle is one of the most common sites
of injury.5 Furthermore, a history of ankle injury is associated with increased risk of developing
osteoarthritis, joint instability and a low physical activity level.6 People who have had an ankle
injury are more than three times more likely to have an ankle injury in the future than those with
no previous ankle injury.3 Ankle injuries incur healthcare related expenses and time lost due to
injury.7 In a typical soccer club of around 28 players, there is an average of seven ankle injuries
per season.8 Additionally, almost 87% of ankle injuries lead to time off due to injury and the mean
time off per ankle sprain is around 15 days.8 Therefore, prevention of ankle injuries among soccer
players has the potential to make large reductions in complications and healthcare and social
costs;9 for example, Marshall et al10 found that a neuro muscular training prevention program
can reduce ankle injuries by 43% and healthcare costs by Canadian $2.7 million among the Calgary
soccer clubs during the season. Non-contact ankle injuries represent 33% to 64% of all ankle
in juries in soccer players.11–14 Balance, neuromuscular control and proprioception have been
proposed as intrinsic risk factors for non contact ankle injuries.15 Among professional basketball
and soccer players, poor single leg balance, laxity of the ankle joint and decreased ankle plantar
flexion were more prevalent in players with a history of an acute or recurrent lateral ankle sprain,16
but in that study it was not possible to know whether these deficits preceded the injury. Stronger
evidence comes from a prospective cohort study,17 which showed that amateur soccer players


with poor balance and lower limb strength are at increased risk of sustaining non-contact ankle
injuries. Some individual studies have reported that balance training is an effective method of
improving ankle stability and reducing ankle injuries.18,19 Furthermore, balance exercises greatly
contribute to the improvement in proprioception and balance,20,21 and may also
improve performance and prevent lower limb injuries.21 In a randomised controlled trial
with professional soccer players, 20 minutes of balance training for at least 18 training sessions
increased proprioceptive ability and improved body control, although specific balance measures
improved similarly in both groups.22 Several systematic reviews have provided some indication
of the effect of balance training on ankle injury prevention in sport generally and in soccer
specifically.23–27 In sport generally, Hübscher et al24 assessed the effect of neuromuscular
training programs on injury incidence. The pooled result of multi-intervention programs that
included balance training showed reductions in lower limb injuries by 39% (RR 0.61, 95% CI 0.49
to 0.77) and ankle sprain injuries by 50% (RR 0.50, 95% CI 0.31 to 0.79).24 Furthermore, the
pooled result of balance training alone reduced the risk of ankle sprain injuries (RR 0.64, 95% CI
0.46 to 0.90).24 However, these meta-analyses were each based on only two studies. A later
systematic review25 confirmed that balance training reduced ankle sprains across various sports
(RR 0.62, 95% CI 0.43 to 0.90, five studies) and also improved joint position sense, postural sway
and dynamic neuromuscular control. In soccer specifically, the systematic review by Ojeda et al26
investigated which interventions are used to prevent lower limb in juries in soccer players; the
interventions included proprioceptive training, neuromuscular training, balance training and
postural con trol training.26 Al Attar et al23 published a systematic overview of the systematic
reviews and meta-analyses that have investigated the preventive effect of the Fédération
Internationale de Football Asso ciation (FIFA) injury prevention programs in soccer. The FIFA
pro grams, which include the FIFA11 and the FIFA111, include balance exercise, among other
components. That overview found four sys tematic reviews with meta-analyses that examined
the effect of the FIFA programs; there were consistently positive results among these reviews when
they examined the effect of the FIFA111 or mixed FIFA injury prevention programs on overall
injury risk or lower limb injury risk. The effects on ankle injuries specifically were not reported.
Several randomised controlled trials have evaluated the effec tiveness of balance exercises on the
incidence and severity of ankle injuries in soccer players.27–29 One study indicated that the
incidence of ankle injuries was reduced in the experimental group compared with the control group


(RR 0.5, 95% CI 0.26 to 0.97),28 while two studies showed the possibility of clinically relevant
effects in either direction for the incidence rate (RR 0.63, 95% CI 0.31 to 1.27)27 and (RR 0.59,
95% CI 0.21 to 1.67).29 Given the inconsistent findings among these studies, there is a need to
evaluate the role of injury preventon programs that include balance training exercises in preventing
soccer-related ankle injury. However, none of the previous reviews assessed in isolation the effect
of injury prevention programs that include balance training on reducing ankle injuries. The aim of
this systematic review was to investigate how much ankle injury rates (pooling initial ankle injuries
and re-injuries) are influenced by injury prevention programs that include balance training in
soccer players. Therefore, the research question for this systematic review was: What is the effect
of injury prevention programs that include balance training exercises on the incidence of ankle
injuries among soccer players.

2.2 Methods

The systematic review was prospectively registered and is reported according to the
Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) guidelines.

2.2.1 Identification and selection of studies

Search strategy Two researchers independently searched for relevant articles. The full
search strategy is presented in Appendix 1 on the eAddenda. The systematic search covered
publications from 1985 to 2020 using electronic databases: the Cochrane Central Register of
Controlled Trials (CENTRAL), PubMed, Web of Science and the Physiotherapy Evidence
Database (PEDro). The following keywords combination was used to perform electronic searches:
(balance training) OR (proprioceptive training) OR (neuromuscular training) OR (injury
prevention programs) OR (FIFA 111) OR (sensorimotor) OR (stability training) AND (ankle
sprain) OR (ankle injury) OR (inversion injury) OR (ankle instability) AND (soccer) OR (football)
OR (athlete).

2.2.2 Eligibility criteria


The inclusion criteria are shown in Box 1. There were no restrictions on the age, sex or
skill level of the soccer players in the eligible studies. Studies were excluded if the compliance of
the participants with the randomised interventions was not reported. Studies were excluded if they
had insufficient information and the corre sponding author did not respond when contacted for
missing data. The records retrieved by the searches were pooled and duplicates were removed. The
titles and abstracts of the remaining articles were screened for potential eligibility by two
investigators working inde pendently. The full texts of all potentially eligible studies were then
obtained. Articles that did not meet the eligibility criteria were excluded. In the event of any
discrepancies, a third reviewer was consulted to reach a consensus. The remaining list of included
studies underwent reference tracking. Previous literature reviews were also screened for any
further eligible studies. Commercial reference management softwarea was used for collecting
studies, screening, eliminating duplicates and managing references. Assessment of characteristics
of studies Risk of bias The internal validity of all included studies was assessed by two reviewers
working independently using the revised Cochrane Risk of Bias tool (RoB 2) for randomised
trials,31 as recommended by Armijo Olivo et al.32 Any discrepancy was resolved by a third
reviewer. Participants The age and sex of the participants and their compliance with the study
interventions were extracted for each included trial to char acterise the experimental and control
groups. The level of soccer competition was also extracted. Intervention The content of the injury
prevention program was extracted from each included trial, along with the frequency of use
prescribed and the total duration of the intervention period.

To describe a theoretical rationale for the use of the music therapy micro-intervention, we
needed both to clearly understand the problem of stress as well as a framework for how music
therapy leads to stress reduction. To make both the origins and consequences of stress more
concrete, we searched for literature in common online databases.2 To provide a theoretical
framework on the relationship between music and stress, we mainly used the rationales of two
recent meta-analytic reviews on the effects of music interventions and music therapy on stress-
related outcomes (de Witte, Spruit et al., 2020; de Witte, da Silva Pinho et al., 2020). Both studies
can therefore be regarded as providing key input to describing the scientific rationale for the micro-


intervention. In addition, the introductory sections of the empirical studies on the effects of music
interventions on stress included in the analysis of this study, were screened for additional
theoretical background information.

2.2.3 Outcome measures

Number of ankle injuries, ankle injury rates, exposure hours, follow-up duration and
compliance rate were the outcome data elements that were extracted from the included trials. Data
analysis Two researchers independently extracted data from the full-text versions of the eligible
articles using a data extraction form. The main outcome results were extracted for each included
study and collected in commercial spreadsheet softwareb prior to analysing them by commercial
meta-analysis software.c The meta-analysis software was used to enter and analyse extracted data
for the meta-analyses, including subgroup analyses. The main meta-analysis was performed based
on the total exposure hours. Subgroup meta-analysis was conducted for prespecified sub sets of
studies based on specific types of injury prevention program (balance exercise only, and the
FIFA111 program) and sex (male and female). The random-effects model was used, assuming that
the studies incorporated a variety of populations and contexts as well as variation in the delivered
balance training doses and procedures. The incidence of injuries represents the injury rate; it is
favoured in sports research for estimating injury incidence, because it adjusts for the variation in
athletes’ exposure hours among the included studies.33 This injury rate is determined by dividing
the injury incidence number by the total risk time and multiplying by 1,000. Injury risk ratio (IRR)
was the injury rate of the experimental group divided by the injury rate of the control group. A
positive intervention effect is indicated by an IRR , 1; for example, an IRR of 0.80 indicates a 20%
reduction in the injury rate relative to the control group. Each IRR was reported with a 95% CI.
The heterogeneity was measured by con ducting an I2 test for each meta-analysis; I2 values of
25%, 50% and 75% were interpreted as low, moderate and high heterogeneity, respectively.34 If
10 studies were available, it was intended to create a funnel plot to assess the risk of potential
publication bias. Egger’s test35 and Begg’s test36 would then be performed to assess the funnel
plot asymmetry. The Duval and Tweedie’s Trim and Fill method37 would be applied to determine
whether the overall IRR estimate required any adjustments for the publication bias based on the


filled studies. Definitions of injury and athlete workload According to the consensus statement of
sports epidemiologists, ankle injuries in the included trials were required to meet the defi nition
that the injury caused the player to be completely incapable of participating in the following game
or training session.38 Athlete workload was defined as the number of active hours spent by athletes
in either training or competition during the study period.

2.3 Results

2.3.1 Flow of studies through the review

The initial database searches retrieved 5,372 records. After removal of duplicates, 3,689
records were screened based on assessment of the titles and abstracts, leaving 57 full-text articles
to be assessed. Forty-eight articles did not meet the eligibility criteria. Thus, nine articles were
included in this meta-analysis. Figure 1 shows the flow of articles through the search, screening
and inclusion processes.

2.3.2 Characteristics of studies

Eight studies were cluster randomised controlled trials28,29,40–45 and one was an individual
randomised controlled trial.27 Three studies were conducted in the USA,29,40,43 two in
Norway,27,41 one in Canada,28 one in Australia44 and one in Nigeria,42 with one multi centre
study conducted in four countries (Germany, Switzerland, the Netherlands and Czech Republic).4


Fig. 2.1 Flow of trials through the review.

Risk of bias The results of the risk of bias assessment are presented in Figure 2 and Appendix 2
(see eAddenda for Appendix 2). The randomisation process was assessed as low risk of bias in
eight of the included studies,28,29,40–45 with some concerns of bias in the other study.27 Eight
studies were at low risk of bias from deviations from inten ded interventions,27,28,40–45 with
some concerns of bias in the other study.29 The risk of bias due to missing outcome data was
classified as low in seven studies27-29,40-42,44 and high in two studies.43,45 Bias in the
measurement of the outcome was assessed as low in three studies28,41,44 and high in five
studies,27,40,42,43,45 with some concerns of bias in one study.29 Risk of bias in the selection of
the reported result was low in all of the included studies.27-29,40–45 Participants Four studies
included males only,27,42–44 two included females only29,41 and three included both male and
female participants.28,40,45 Four studies included soccer players aged 13 to 19 years;28,40–42
one study included collegiate soccer players aged 18 to 25 years;43 one study included amateur
soccer players aged 14 to 35 years;44 one study included soccer players participating in the
Norwegian First, Second, and Third Division, aged 17 to 35 years;27 one study included middle
and high school soccer players aged 12 to 16 years;29 and one study included child soccer players
aged 7 to 13 years.45 Interventions Four studies used the FIFA 111 injury prevention program as
a warm-up for the experimental groups,41–44 of which one study per formed the FIFA 111


program before and after training.44 The ‘111’ program includes three levels of single-leg stance
exercise (level one: hold the ball; level two: throwing the ball with a partner; level three: test your
partner), two sets for each, 30 seconds for each leg. One study used the FIFA 111 program for
kids,45 including five levels of single-leg stance exercise (level one: throwing the ball, one set on
each leg, five throws per player; level two: throwing the ball and move it around the free leg, one
set on each leg, five throws per player; level three: passing game, one set on each leg, five passes
per player; level four: throwing the ball and passing back without touching the ground, one set on
each leg, five throws per player; and

Fig. 2.2 Risk of bias assessment of the included studies.

level five: testing the partner’s balance, one set on each leg, 20 seconds for each). One study
used 5 minutes of warm-up routine, which included aerobic exercise and dynamic stretching in
addition to 10 minutes of a specific neuromuscular training program including strength, balance
and agility, with a further 15-minute home-based balance training program using a balance
board.28 One study applied 20 to 25 minutes of neuromuscular training including strength,
plyometric and balance exercises such as single-leg Romanian deadlift.29 Two studies used only
balance training programs but in different ways:27,40 the experimental group of one study


partici }pated in a balance training program for the ankle joint using a balance board and balance
pad,27 whereas the experimental group of the other study performed a balance training program
comprising five phases on different surfaces, performed with open and closed eyes.40 The duration
of the injury prevention programs in the included studies ranged from 10 weeks to 12 months. For
the control intervention, five studies used usual warm-up pro grams,27,41-43,45 one study used
pre-training of the FIFA 111 injury prevention program only (where the experimental group had
used it before and after training),44 one study used a protocol consisting of resisted running using
elastic bands,29 one study used standard con ditioning exercises only,40 and one study used a
standardised warm-up (include static and dynamic stretching, and aerobic components) and a
home-based stretching program for control groups.28 Table 1 sum marises the characteristics of
the nine included studies.
Reduction of ankle injuries based on total exposure hours The pooled results showed a 36%
reduction in overall ankle in juries per 1,000 hours of exposure in the group using injury
pre vention programs that included balance training exercises compared with control (IRR 0.64,
95% CI 0.54 to 0.77). The inconsistency statistic indicated no heterogeneity between studies (I2 =
0%) (Figure 3a). See Figure 4a on the eAddenda for a detailed forest plot. Subgroup analyses The
pooled estimate of the effect of the FIFA 111 injury prevention program was a 36% reduction in
ankle injuries per 1,000 hours of exposure (IRR 0.64, 95% CI 0.48 to 0.84) compared with control
(Figure 3b). The inconsistency statistic indicated moderate hetero geneity among FIFA 111
injury prevention program’s studies (I2 = 36%). See Figure 4b on the eAddenda for a detailed
forest plot. The pooled estimate of the effect of balance training exercises alone was a 41%
reduction in ankle injuries per 1,000 hours of exposure (IRR 0.59, 95% CI 0.41 to 0.84) when
compared with control (Figure 3c). The inconsistency statistic indicated that these studies were
homogeneous (I2 = 0%). See Figure 4c on the eAddenda for a detailed forest plot. Injury
prevention programs that include balance training exer cises reduced the rate of ankle injuries per
1,000 hours of exposure by 42% in the trials with male participants (IRR 0.58, 95% CI 0.45 to
0.76), by 15% in the trials with female participants (IRR 0.85, 95% CI 0.59 to 1.22) and by 41%
in the trials with some male and some female participants (IRR 0.59, 95% CI 0.42 to 0.83). The
inconsistency statistic indicated negligible or no heterogeneity in these analyses (Figure 5). See
Figure 6 on the eAddenda for a detailed forest plot. Publication bias No analysis of publication
bias was undertaken because this re view was unable to include a minimum of 10 trials in the


review and meta-analysis.

2.4 Discussion

This is the first systematic review and meta-analysis that has evaluated the effectiveness of
injury prevention programs that included balance training exercises for reducing the incidence of
ankle injuries among soccer players. The nine included randomised controlled trials27-29,40–45
yielded strong evidence that balance exercises undertaken alone or as part of an injury prevention
program are very effective in reducing the risk of ankle injuries in soccer players. The main
outcome of the current meta-analysis was the exposurebased ankle incidence rates, and the analysis
revealed that injury prevention programs that include balance training exercises reduced the risk
of ankle injuries in soccer players by 36% based on total exposure hours. The trials of injury
prevention programs that include balance training exercises were divided into two subgroups: the
trials of the FIFA 111 injury prevention program formed one group, while the studies that included
neuromuscular training or balance training alone were included in the specific balance training
subgroup. The FIFA 111 injury prevention program and the specific balance training programs
demonstrated ankle injury reductions of 36% and 41%, respectively. This is consistent with the
meta-analysis conducted by Al Attar et al46 in 2015, which investigated the effectiveness of the
FIFA injury prevention programs in reducing soccer-related injuries. The findings of that review
demonstrated a reduction in overall injuries by 23% (IRR 0.77, 95% CI 0.65 to 0.92) and a 24%
reduction in lower extremity injuries (IRR 0.76, 95% CI 0.62 to 0.94).46 Several meta-analyses
have investigated the effectiveness of proprioceptive and balance training exercises in reducing
the incidence of ankle injuries among different sports, not only soccer.25,47,48 A systematic
review with meta-analysis by Bellows et al48 included eight randomised controlled trials to assess
the effect of ankle bracing and balance training in reducing the incidence of ankle injuries in
competitive athletes across different sports. Bellows et al48 reported that athletes who performed
balance training showed a reduction in



when performing training sessions two to three times per week for 6 to 12 months.28,42–
44 It has been hypothesised that to achieve a preventive effect it is necessary to carry out the
training session for at least 10 minutes,24 more than once per week for 3 to 12 months,24,54 taking
into account that a higher number of sessions will result in extra benefits.46 The level of
compliance with injury prevention programs affects injury rates.55 The findings of two studies


indicated that when compliance increased, the risk of injury decreased;56,57 so compliance can
influence the efficacy of the prevention program.58 Therefore, one study was excluded from this
review because the authors mentioned that they had no information about participants’ compliance
with the injury prevention programs that they used;18 however, their findings showed that
proprioceptive training reduced the ankle incidence rate (RR 0.13, 95% CI 0.003 to 0.93). The
studies included in the current meta-analysis reported a moderate to excellent degree of compliance
(60% to 100%) with the preventive programs used,28,29,40–45 except for one study, which
reported low participant compliance of 28% with the targeted prevention program.27 All studies
with moderate to high compliance revealed a higher reduction in injuries in the experimental group
than the control, regardless of the prevention program used.28,29,40–45 Nevertheless, only four
included studies with moderate to high compliance of 60% to 85% showed a substantial reduction
in ankle injuries in soccer players.28,42-44 Therefore, due to the differences between previous
literature and the current findings regarding the relationship between athletes’ compliance and the
reduction in injury risk, further studies are needed to determine how the compliance influences the
efficacy of injury prevention programs that include balance training exercises for reducing ankle
injury risk among soccer players. It was difficult to run an additional analysis based on the history
of ankle injury, as most of the studies did not distinguish between whether participants had a
history of ankle injury or not. However, one included study examined the preventive effect of
balance exer cises on soccer players with a history of ankle injury, and the results showed a
reduction in ankle injuries by 33% (IRR 0.67, 95% CI 0.33 to 1.34).27 Another study investigated
the effectiveness of a balance training program in reducing the risk of ankle injuries among soccer
and basketball players, and the second objective of that study was to compare the effectiveness of
balance training between athletes with and without a history of a previous ankle injury.40 The
findings showed no clear reduction in ankle injuries among athletes without a prior ankle injury,
while a strong effect was identified among those with a history of ankle injury (RR 2.14, 95% CI
1.25 to 3.65).40 Furthermore, previous clinical trials showed a reduction in ankle injuries when
performing a proprioceptive training program in ath letes with a history of ankle injury only.59–
61 Moreover, the previously mentioned meta-analysis by Schiftan et al47 revealed a marked
reduction in ankle sprains in sporting populations with and without a history of ankle injury: RR
0.64 (95% CI 0.51 to 0.81) and RR 0.57 (95% CI 0.34 to 0.97), respectively. This indicates that
proprioceptive training is an effective element in preventing secondary ankle sprains in different


sporting populations. Furthermore, a meta-analysis by Vriend et al62 assessed the preventive effect
of neuromuscular training that included balance exercises on the primary and sec ondary ankle
injury among different sports. The findings demon strated that neuromuscular training is an
effective strategy for reducing ankle injuries in athletes with a history of ankle sprain (RR 0.69,
95% CI 0.49 to 0.98), but the evidence remained inconclusive for preventing primary ankle
sprains.62 Therefore, there is a need for more cluster-randomised controlled trials comparing the
prophylac tic effect of balance training in soccer players with and without a history of ankle
injury. This review included subgroup analyses of sex (male, female) and type of intervention
(FIFA 111 injury prevention program, specific balance training) to provide a better understanding
of the factors that would influence the ankle injury risk. The uniqueness of this meta analysis lay
in the high methodological standards used in this re view, including using exposure-based
incidence rates. In addition, all eligible studies with missing data were initially included, as their
authors were contacted to provide specific data of soccer players if they reported only general
results such as ankle injury rate for mul tiple sports. This review also had some limitations. First,
only studies published in English language were included; however, language restrictions do not
necessarily influence or bias the systematic review results.63 Second, there were no specific
criteria for the level of competition, and so the analysis included data across ages, sex, and playing
grades; however, this variety does improve the external validity of the review. Third, a reduction
in the rate of ankle injuries could be influenced by other training elements of the preventive
program and this might confound the preventive effect of the balance training exercises; to address
this, this review analysed the subgroup of trials that evaluated the preventive effect of balance
exercises in isolation. Further research evaluating the implementation of balance training exercises
as a preventive strategy for ankle injuries in soccer players is recommended: to investigate the
effectiveness of balance exercises among players with and without a history of an ankle injury;
and to assess whether balance training exercises are effective in reducing ankle injuries among
athletic populations other than soccer, especially those who are at high risk of sustaining ankle
injuries in sports such as basketball, rugby, volleyball and handball.1 In conclusion, this is the first
level 1 meta-analysis to show that balance exercises alone or combined with an injury prevention
program lead to a significant reduction in ankle injuries in soccer players. In addition, it is the first
meta-analysis to set out the effectiveness of injury prevention programs that included balance
training exercises in preventing ankle injuries among male and female soccer players. The results


showed that performing injury prevention programs that include balance training exercises could
reduce ankle injury rates by 36% compared with teams that did not apply. These findings can help
stakeholders regarding the implementation of balance training as a preventive measure of ankle
injuries for soccer players.

General Conclusions

Conclusiones generales


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Author Index
Otras autoridades
Akindes .......................................................................................................... 5, 53
Baur and Lehmann, ................................................................................ 3, 6, 8, 12
Gelade and Dobson .................................................................................... 3, 6, 12
Jin 4, 7
Kearney .............................................................................................. 4, 13, 16, 53
Laursen .............................................................................................. 4, 13, 16, 53
Milanovic, .................................................................................................. 3, 5, 53
Mondal .................................................................................................................6
Perin........................................................................................................... 3, 6, 53
Royuela and Gásquez, ...................................................................................... 5, 8
see eAddenda ..................................................................................................... 37
Stein .....................................................................................................................6
Transfermarkt .......................................................................................................8
Wong and Zhang ..................................................................................................6
Xie ....................................................................................................... 6, 7, 53, 54
Zhang ....................................................................................................... 7, 53, 54


Subject Index

player, iii, iv, ix, xv, xxi, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,

A 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 19, 20, 21, 23, 25, 27,
28, 29, 36, 38, 53, 56
Analysis, 36 prevention program, ix, x, 31, 34, 35, 37, 39, 40,
analytics methods, 3 42, 56
aromatherapy, 11 professional, 3, 5, 8, 23, 31, 32, 53, 54
Psychotherapy, 31
components, xix, 5, 11, 17, 32, 39 R
rationale, 34
E Related work, xv, 5
effects, 11, 34 Requirement analysis, 8
efficacy, 42, 56, 57
Eligibility criteria, xvi, 33 S
soccer, viii, ix, x, xv, xvi, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11,
F 12, 13, 16, 23, 25, 27, 28, 29, 31, 32, 33, 34,
FIFA, viii, x, 5, 9, 12, 26, 32, 33, 37, 39, 40, 43, 37, 40, 42, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57
53, 55, 56 stress, 34
first systematic, 40 studies through, xvi, 36
System design, xv, 16
intervention, 34
therapy, iii, iv, 11, 34
migration, ix, xv, xix, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12,
13, 14, 16, 17, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 25, 27, 28, Visual design, xv, 16
29, 53 visualization, xix, 4, 6, 7, 11, 14, 17, 20, 53

perfor-mance, 4


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