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Laboral expressions:

Let’s get down to bussines-Vamos a ponernos manos a la obra

Learn the ropes-Pillar el tranquillo

Go easy on-Se amable

Back to the drawing board-Empezar de nuevo

Meet the deadline-Cumplir el plazo

Miss the deadline

Think outside the box-Pensar de forma creativa

Putting forward-Proponer

Pull some strings-Mover hilos

I could use a hand with-Echarme una mano

Bring someone up to speed-Poner al día

Keep me posted-Mantener informada/o

My hand are tied-Mis manos están atadas (Human resources)

Be on the same page-Pensar de la fisma forma/Tener el mismo pensamiento

Cut corners-Recortar

Look forward to-Tener ganas de... (look forward to+gerund)

Let’s get to the point-Vamos al grano

Let’s call it day-Terminar por hoy

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