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Practicas para el laboratorio de Domótica:

COURSE PROGRAM: Domótica y Electrónica para Arquitectura (DyEpA) -

LABORATORY Dr. Juvenal Rodíguez Reséndiz Enero 2022


Course name: Optativa I (Domótica y Electrónica para Arquitectura) LABORATORY

Clave: MAQ14-452
Credits: 6
Course time: 15 weeks
Hour/week: 1 theoretical, 2 practice
Total hours: 45 hours
Program Author: Juvenal Rodríguez Reséndiz
Modality: Four-Month / face to face

1_SalidasYEntradasDigitales.txt 2_LecturaAnalogicaConImpresionSerial.txt 3_ComunicaciónSerial.txt

4_TonoDeBuzzer.txt 5_CadenaSerialDeEntrada.txt 6_ ControlMotorDCPorADC.txt 7_LedRGB.txt


En este código se cambia el estado de un pin de salida digital entre

apagado y encendido dependiendo del estado del botón sujeto al pin 2.

(Ej. led asociado al pin 13).

Se utiliza el pin 2 como entrada digital asociada a un botón activo alto.

La declaración de la variable global pushButton de esta manera representa

una alternativa para hacer una "definición" que simplifique la legibilidad y

migrabilidad del código.

La función void setup() siempre se declara. En ella se realizan las configuraciones y

todo aquello que deba ejecutarse una sola vez.

La funcion void loop() es equivalente al main con un while infinito.


int pushButton = 2;

void setup()

pinMode(13, OUTPUT); // Se establece el pin 13 como salida digital.

// Es importante configurarla previamente.

void loop()

//Declaración con inicialización de la variable auxiliar que representa el estado del boton.

int buttonState = digitalRead(pushButton);

if(buttonState == 1) {digitalWrite(13, HIGH);} // Cambio a alto del pin de salida digital.

else {digitalWrite(13, LOW);} // Cambio a bajo del pin de salida digital.


En el código se lee la entrada analógica del pin A0 e imprime el

valor de la conversión digital por el puerto serie a través de la

terminal de Arduino.


void setup()

Serial.begin(9600); //Solo se especifican los baudios. Por defecto 8bits, sin paridad, 1 stop.

//Para otra configuración, se acude a definiciones y se incluyen como segundo

// argumento de la función:

//Ejm: Serial.begin(9600, SERIAL_8E2); (8bits, paridad even(par), 2 bits stop)

void loop()

unsigned long time = 0; //Capacidad del entero más largo que representa el tiempo.

int sensorValue = analogRead(A0); //Variable declarada e inicializada, Pin A0 de canal analógico para sensor.

Serial.println(sensorValue); // serial.println incluye por defecto el salto de línea. No es necesario especificar el tipo de

//El dato es transmitido directamente como string

Serial.println(time); //Imprime el tiempo leido por la función millis.

delay(1); //Tiempo de conversion e impresión (ms)

time = millis(); //Retorna el tiempo en milisegundos desde que el Arduino arrancó. Existe riesgo de overflow cerca de
los 50 días.


En este codigo se lee un único caracter de entrada por el puerto serie cuando está

disponible y se imprime el eco.

En el ejemplo se presenta cómo se transmite una cadena constante de caracteres junto al dato leido en formato


int incomingByte = 0; // Variable que representa el byte leído.

void setup()

Serial.begin(9600); //Velocidad bits por segundo.

void loop()

// Prueba si hay un caracter en el buffer de entrada.

if (Serial.available() > 0) // Si hay un caracter de entrada ( Serial. available es 1)

incomingByte =; // Lee el caracter de entrada.

Serial.print("I received: "); // Cadena constante de impresión (Sin salto de línea)

Serial.println(incomingByte, DEC); //Imprime el caracter en formato decimal segundo argumento es

sobrecargado (DEC).


En este código se lee la salida de un sensor foto sensible configurado para una

entrada digital (pin A0) y se emite un zumbido acorde a la intensidad leida a travez de un

zumbador (buzzer) conectado al pin 12.

La onda cuadrada de control se mantiene activa hasta que se llame a la función



int zumbador = 12;

int fotoelectrico = 0;

void setup()

void loop()

int lecturaADC = analogRead(fotoelectrico); // Lectura ADC.

int tono = 200 + lecturaADC / 4;

// Escalamiento de la frecuencia Hz

tone(zumbador, tono); //Se emite un pwm al 50% con la frecuencia calculada por tono


Código de ejemplo donde se lee una cadena de datos serial y se interpreta el comando recibido como una función

que controla el estado de encendido

y apagado de un LED sujeo al pin 13.

Los comandos validos ON, OFF encienden o apagan el led.

Cualquier otro comando, no tendrá efecto.

La cadena debe ser enviada en mayúsculas.


int led = 13; //Led sujeto al pin 13.

void setup()

pinMode(led,OUTPUT); //Configuración de la salida digital.

Serial.begin(9600); // 9600 baudios, 8 bits, 1 stop, sin paridad.

Serial.flush(); //Mantener limpio el buffer de comunicación

void loop()

String input=""; //Inicialización de la cadena que servirá para leer las tramas de entrada.

while (Serial.available()>0) //Mientras exista un caracter disponible para leer.

input += (char); //Concatena el dato en la variable input, es importante el casting del tipo de dato a

delay(5); // Hasta 5 milisegundos de espera para probar si hay aún datos en el buffer de entrada.

if(input=="ON") //Si se recibe la cadena <ON> (omítanse los caracteres <>)

digitalWrite(led,HIGH); //Enciende el led

else if (input=="OFF") // Si se recibe la cadena <OFF>

digitalWrite(led,LOW); //Apaga el led

else //Si no es ninguno de los anteriores

//No se ejecuta alguna acción.


En este código se utiliza una salida digital para controlar mediante pwm un motor de DC.

La velocidad de giro es dependiente de una lectura analógica sujeta al pin analógico 3.

La salida de control se da a travéz del pin digital 9.


int motorDC = 9; // Salida a motor

int analogPin = 3; // Pin de lectura de adc.

int val = 0; // Variable auxiliar de lectura.

void setup()

pinMode(motorDC, OUTPUT); // Configuración como salida digital.

void loop()

val = analogRead(analogPin); // Guarda el valor de lectura (0-> GND, 1023->VCC)

analogWrite(motorDC, val / 4); // Escribe un PWM en el pin del motor con ciclo de trabajo dependiente de la lectura.

//Se divide por 4, dado que la lectura es a 10 bits (ma 1023), y el pwm es de 8 bits (max 255).

delay(10); // 10 milisegundos antes de la siguiente muestra del adc.


En este código se controla un led RGB que permite establecer una tonalidad y especificada en sus componentes azul,
verde y roja.

El led RGB debe ser de tipo ánodo común.

El uso de pwm sujeto a la función analog write tiene una frecuencia constante de al rededor de 980 HZ.


int redPin = 11; //asignación de pin PWM para color rojo

int greenPin = 10; //asignación de pin PWM para color verde

int bluePin = 9; //asignación de pin PWM para color azul

//Comenta la línea si el led es cátodo común.


void setup()




void loop() {

setColor(255,0,0); //prueba de color rojo puro.


setColor(0,255,0); //prueba de color verde puro.


setColor(0,0,255); //prueba de color azul puro.


setColor(255,255,0); //prueba de color amarillo puro


setColor(170,0,170); //prueba de color púrpura


setColor(0,255,255); //prueba de color cyan.


setColor(255,255,255); //prueba de color blanco


setColor(130,240,8); //Color sorpresa (ver tabla RGB)


//Función personalizada.

void setColor(int red, int green, int blue) //Establece el color en el led rgb.

#ifdef COMMON_ANODE //Esta operaciones tomaran efecto solo si se comento la línea en la cabecera. (#define





analogWrite(redPin,red); //Establece el valor de rojo

analogWrite(greenPin,green); //Establece el valor de verde

analogWrite(bluePin,blue); //Establece el valor de azul


Este codigo utiliza una recepción serial de cadenas de datos para controlar el paso de un servomotor.

Se debe incluir el archivo cabecera Servo.h para su correcta operación.

Si recibe una letra D, entonces se moverá un paso de 10 grados aproximadamente a las derecha.

Si se recibe un letra I, entonces se moverá un paso de 10 grados aproximadamente a la izquierda.

El ángulo nuevo es modificado y escrito en el pin del motor, cuando una trama es recibida correctamente.


#include <Servo.h> //Incluisión del archivo de cabecera para poder controlar el servomotor.

int ServoPin = 6; //Pin 6 para salida directa al servomotor.

int angle = 90; //Ángulo de giro, inicialmente a 90 grados lo que implica una posición neutra.

Servo servo; //Instancia del tipo Servo, necesaria para la llamada a las funciones de escritura de ángulos.

void setup()

Serial.begin(9600); //9600 bps, 8 bits, 1 stop, sin paridad.

Serial.flush(); // Mantener el buffer de comunicación limpio.

servo.attach(ServoPin); //Establece el pin de servomotor.

void loop()

String input=""; //Inicializa la variabla que toma la cadena de datos para la recepción de datos.

while (Serial.available()>0) //Mientras exista un caracter disponible para leer.

input += (char); //Concatena el caracter (casting).

delay(5); //Espera 5 milisegundos para probar si hay aún datos en la entrada serial.

if(input=="D") //Paso a la derecha detectado

if(angle>=0&&angle<=180) //Mientras el ángulo esta entre 0 y 180 grados.

angle=angle-10; //Modifica el paso por 10 grados a la derecha.

else {angle=0;} //Si el paso llega al mínimo posible, lleva el servo a la posición derecha.

servo.write(angle); // Escribe el ángulo modificado.

if(input=="I") //Paso a la izquierda detectado

if(angle>=0&&angle<=180) // Mientras el ángulo esta entre 0 y 180 grados.

angle=angle+10; //Modifica el paso por 10 grados a la izquierda.

else {angle=180;} //Si es un número excedido llévalo a la máxima posición izquierda.

servo.write(angle); // Escribe el ángulo modificado.

Santiago Lorente
Telecommunication Engineering School, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Ciudad Universitaria, E-28040 Madrid, Spain
Phone: + 34-639-567-115;/ax: + 3491-336-73-20; e-mail:

Keywords: Domotics, Automation, Control, Information, Communication, Teleservices

Topic: Emerging Technologies and Applications

Extended Abstract:
Domotics, in Latin languages, is a term meaning automation ofhouses. In English this is generally
referred to as "Smart House". In Spain, other ways of calling this is "Digital Home" or "Electronic
Home". It should be mentioned that in the literature, "home", "house" and "household" are used
alike. So far, Domotics has been approached predominantly, if not uniquely, as a technological
platform having to do with automatíon and control. The house was conceived of pretty much, using
the cybernetic analogy, as a machine whose goal was controlling it by way of various automatic
devices. Yet, the main contention of this paper lies in the fact that technological convergence
between Control and Automation Technologies, on the one side, and Information and
Communication Technologies, on the other, very interestingly contributes both to the enrichment of
the technological infrastructure of the home and to the benefits of its dwellers, which eventually
should be the main purpose oftechnological endeavour. That is to say, the state ofthe art in present­
day technology provides easy avenues for adequately putting together electricity, electronics,
computer and telecommunícatíons in a single technological mix. Under this perspective, the
conceptual application scheme derived from an integral technological approach could be put
forward as follows:

General Concept Applications

Meters (watermeter, gasmeter, electricity
meter ...)
Air conditioning
(Tele)Management ofthe house
Active security (cameras; smoke, water,
fire and intruder sensors ... )
Passive security
Window shades, window canopies ...

Washing machine
Vacuum cleaner
Daily (Tele)Tasks
Díshwashíng machíne
Microwave Oven

0-7803-8482-2/04/$20.00 ©2004 IEEE. ·121

(Tele) Leisure Videotape
(Tele) Activities Digital Photography
I Scanner
Some implications can be derived from the above-mentioned integral application scheme that can
additionally be considered as myth-overriding approach:

- Any technology based on electricity, and especially on electronics, can be profitably be used.
- Thcsc tcchnologics encompass automation, control, information and communication. It is not
true that domotics are uniquely related to automation and control.
- Both broad and narrow band are useful for this purpose, depending on the application
requirement. The "only broadband" discourse should be downgraded.
- Both isolated products and overall systems are useful, too, for this purpose, depending on the
degree of "domotization" that is pursued. "Domotizing" a house is not an allhothing activity,
but rather a gradual one, and here economic considerations should be at stake.
- Both new and already built houses can be the target of domotics. Wireless technology emerges
as an answcr to installing domotic tcchnology in thc lattcr houscs.

The main social needs underlying the social demand are comfort, statudprestige, and security, and
these needs should be met, adapting technology to that end.

Markets that should most particularly be thought of as targets, following marketing research, should
be, firstly, those of highly mobile young couples with no children, who have clear needs of
controlling the house from the outside and of tcleservices that kcep them from additional
commuting, and secondly, the no mobile elderly and the handicapped, who have also clear needs of
controlling the house from the inside, together with teleservices that they can otherwise reach.

Among the main teleservices to be considered are those of tele-assistance, tele-information and

0-7803-8482-2/04/$20.00 02004 IEEE. 122

A power line communication stack for metering,
SCADA and large-scale domotic applications
Filipe Pacheco1, Maksim Lobashov2, Miguel Pinho3, Gerhard Pratl4
Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto Vienna University of Technology
Porto, Portugal Institute of Computer Technology
{1ffp|3lpinho} Vienna, Austria

Abstract—This paper describes the communication stack of These two segments are coupled using PLC Bridges (we
the REMPLI system: a structure using power-lines and IP- write the terms Bridge, Node, and Access Point starting
based networks for communication, for data acquisition and with a capital letter, since these terms refer to the
control of energy distribution and consumption. It is components that are designed in the REMPLI project).
furthermore prepared to use alternative communication From the application point of view Bridges are transparent:
media like GSM or analog modem connections. The REMPLI
they forward data up- and downwards. Nodes, installed in
system provides communication service for existing
applications, namely automated meter reading, energy billing households (or any other energy consumption location),
and domotic applications. The communication stack, communicate directly to the local metering and SCADA
consisting of physical, network, transport, and application equipment. Another device, the Access Point, terminates
layer is described as well as the communication services communication over power line at the primary transformer
provided by the system. We show how the peculiarities of the station. The upper side of the Access Point is connected
power-line communication influence the design of the directly to the IP backbone. Application servers at the
communication stack, by introducing requirements to utilities communicate to Access Point(s), typically, in a
efficiently use the limited bandwidth, optimize traffic and request-response mode. Access Points send these requests
implement fair use of the communication medium for the
via PLC, over Bridges if necessary, to Nodes. Responses
extensive communication partners.
from Nodes are transported back to the servers. The system
Keywords-Power line communication, remote metering,
also supports non-request/response communication: Nodes
SCADA, communication protocol stack, communication
architecture, bandwidth sharing.
can generate alarm messages, which are delivered to an
appropriate server without explicit request.
The REMPLI project does not attempt to develop new
The REMPLI project aims at creating a communication software for utilities. Instead, the REMPLI system
infrastructure that is suitable for data acquisition (e.g. transparently tunnels protocols that are understood by
reading of utility meters in private households), control of application servers and metering/SCADA devices. The
metering and SCADA devices and domotic applications. majority of metering and SCADA protocols are not
REMPLI is based on a power-line communication system session-oriented, meaning that one request results in one
(PLC), which is designed within the project. We focus on response without any prior connection setup.
low-bandwidth and long-distance data transmission over
low-voltage (LV) and medium-voltage (MV) power lines The Communication stack at both Nodes and Access
with redundant and alternating communication paths Points is conceptually symmetric and includes the
(meshed and switched power line). The upper level of following layers (Figure 1):
REMPLI network is an IP (Internet Protocol) backbone, The physical layer implements power line medium
which connects PLC segments to metering, SCADA, and coupling. Design of the physical layer is outside the scope
domotic systems. of this paper.
This paper presents the architecture of PLC The network layer implements a master/slave time
communication, including network, transport and division network with basic error recovery and short-
application layers with focus on the specific solutions for a distance routing mechanisms, and is responsible for
large-scale deployment. A detailed description of the maintaining information about whether a Node is currently
REMPLI system can be found in [1] and [2]. active in the network ("logged in") or not.
The transport layer supplements the network layer
with inter-network routing, fragmentation, request/response
The REMPLI PLC network spans from private pairing, address translation and reverse-channel (Node to
apartments to a secondary (MV/LV) transformer station Access Point) alarm service. The current transport layer
and then further to a primary (MV/HV) transformer station. that uses PLC communication may be replaced by new
This work is being partly supported by the EC within project REMPLI
(NNE5-2001-00825) and by FCT (CISTER UI 608)

0-7803-8844-5/05/$20.00 c 2005 IEEE. 61
implementations supporting other communication mediums Network Transport
Layer Layer
like GSM links, phone line modem, etc… A ccess A ccess
P oint P oint
Finally, the application layer carries out two tasks: Medium
• conversion of metering/SCADA protocols into a form PLC
that is suitable for transmission over PLC (including
Bridge Bridge
reverse process on the other side);
• multiplexing of data from different application servers Low Voltage
and their respective sets of equipment over the same
PLC channel.
N ode N ode N ode

Metering SCADA Energy SCADA

System Server meter switchgear
Figure 2. Network Layer and Transport Layer
Access Point Node communication services

Driver A Driver B Driver A Driver B

The Network Layer uses a master-slave time slot
Appl. Layer Appl. Layer
scheme and multiple masters may share the medium either
De/Multiplexer De/Multiplexer
using different slots in each cycle or using separate
frequency bands. The minimum time slot cycle is 3 slots
PLC Transport Layer PLC Transport Layer
and typically 2 master networks sharing the same frequency
band will use 4 slots cycles: 2 for each master (see Figure
PLC Network Layer PLC Network Layer
3). The drawback of multi-master networks using different
frequency bands is that a slave cannot be connected to
PLC Physical Layer PLC Physical Layer
several masters at the same time in this situation. In this
case a slave can “switch” masters when needed but this
PLC network process will take considerable time.
The “connection” process is fully automated by the
Figure 1. PLC communication stack Network Layer: each master device has a list of authorized
slaves (using unique serial numbers) and will periodically
The communication stack at the Bridge is similar. scan for new devices. The authorized slaves will connect to
However, in case no SCADA or metering devices are the designated master or masters and will automatically
installed at the MV/LV transformer, the application layer is adjust themselves to the masters’ frequency bands and
not used by utility applications. MV and LV parts of the other communications parameters. If a slave detects a lost
Bridge share the same transport layer, which performs bi- connection to all its masters it will try to connect to other
directional data forwarding. masters scanning all the frequency bands.

III. NETWORK AND TRANSPORT LAYERS This solution enables easy setup of very large networks
simply configuring parameters on the easily accessible (and
These two layers provide communication functionality small number) Access Points. It also automates the
to the Application Layer. Services available at the Access installation of new Nodes or Bridges: the system manager
Point side include: the Send Unicast Request with or simply has to configure the new serial numbers in the
without response, the Retrieve Alarm Message, the Access Point and after a while the new Node or Bridge will
Retrieve Status Service and the Node Login/Logout be available on the network.
In terms of data communication services the Network
Services available at the Node side include: the Receive Layer implements not only basic “unconfirmed send“ and
Request/Send Response, the Send Alarm Message, the Set “send confirmed” services but also an automatic poll
Status Service and the Access Point Login/Logout system (not only to check slave connectivity, but also to
Notification. find new devices) and a slave-based repeater mechanism to
Communication services in each PLC network level are increase the coverage of the master/slave network (at the
handled by the Network Layer, the Transport Layer takes expense of additional delays). Optionally it can be
care of end-to-end communication (see Figure 2). configured to do automatic retries on the confirmed service

S3 connected to M1 and M2 a system to confirm correct delivery of the fragments of
S4 connected to M2 time large packets even if the original application service is non-
confirmed. When a delivery failure is detected the rest of
the packet is discarded at the Bridge and this information is
forwarded to the origin.
The Transport Layer also does automatic address
translation and route discovery using as little information as
possible after the basic device information is exchanged.
delay in slave responses When a Network level connection is established, the
Transport Layer is informed, so that it can build a map of
available paths (and respective Network Layer addresses)
Device inactive Master/slave transaction from each Access Point to each Node. The map of available
Slave waiting for Slave waiting for paths also includes information about each link quality
master’s request master’s connection (delay/error rate).
The starting point for this process is a table configured
Figure 3. Multiple master network
in each Access Point with information about each device:
The timings of the Network Layer services are handled node address (used by application drivers), unique serial
by an internal dispatcher service. The dispatcher manages number and Bridges that can be used to reach the device.
the traffic from the 3 different priorities (only 2 on slaves) Then the Access Point Transport Layer transfers the unique
queues, the polling cycles and additional confirmed serial numbers to the local Master Network Layer. When a
requests to retrieve data from slaves that have pending Bridge connection is detected the Access Point Transport
information on their queues. Layer sends special packets with the list of connection data
for the nodes that are authorized for that particular Bridge.
Access Points act as masters in the network; Nodes are The Bridge Transport Layer transfers this information to its
slaves. Bridges have a Slave Network Unit at the Medium local Master Network Layer. When a device is connected
Voltage (MV) side and a Master Network Unit at the Low do a Bridge, the Bridge Transport Layer first allocates a
Voltage (LV) side. Bridge ID to the new device and sends this Bridge ID and
The Transport Layer extends the fixed-size master/slave the node Unique Serial Number to the Access Point. When
packet service of the Network Layer to the the Access Point wants to send information to the node it
Request/Response end-to-end services required by the will include the Bridge ID on the Transport Layer header.
Applications: for this task it will fragment the data at the The Bridge Transport Layer forwards periodically the table
source and rebuild it at the destination. Since the MV PLC with link quality of the nodes in a particular Bridge to all
and the LV PLC may have different frame sizes, Bridges the connected Access Points so the latter can have an
have to store and join/split fragments as needed. estimation of current network link status.

Fragmentation in this system must be aware of two Some of these services depend on reliable delivery of
limiting factors in terms of header data: the Transport Layer’s own data packets. The Transport
Layer has special internal services that ensure trustworthy
• the limited data payload available in each frame. transfers of data not only from Masters to Slaves but also
This implies that absolute fragment numbering on the reverse direction.
schemes are not acceptable and an offset based
system is implemented. Finally, the Transport Layer must do its best to
guarantee a fair use of the network paths and to enforce
• the high error rate that may occur in certain application requests priorities in a meshed dynamic
periods of time. This implies that any fragment network with variable link capabilities and requests. The
identification method must be robust enough to links change not only due to physical reconfiguration of the
survive the loss of several fragments. network (power distribution switching devices) but also
To solve these issues our basic implementation uses 6 due to external electromagnetic interference (e.g. motors,
bits for fragment identification and 6 bits for packet welding machines, etc). This task is accomplished using an
identification. Depending on the final field conditions this internal scheduler that analyzes the current requests and the
numbers may be adapted to a particular deployment. available path map (see Figure 4).
The system must also handle huge packets in-transit on The Transport Layer handles redundancy (see Figure 5)
the Bridges. Since several large packets cannot be stored in for a particular Access Point – Node data transfer. When a
the limited Bridge memory we use temporary buffers to packet is sent from an Access Point the Transport Layer on
store fragments as they are received, and try to forward the the source checks the available paths and selects the most
data as soon as possible. As soon as the forwarded data is appropriate for the given moment. To limit the complexity
delivered the temporary buffers are discarded. There is also of the system all the fragments of a request (and the

possible response) follow the same route. This has the
additional benefit that for most requests the routing
calculations are done in the Access Points, the devices with
more computing resources in the system.

TL redundancy De/Mux redundancy

(multi Bridge) (multi AP)

Figure 5. Transport Layer redundancy and Driver De/Mux redundancy

When it comes to spontaneous information from the

Nodes, there are two alternative services each with its own
characteristics. The Status Services is a low-bandwidth
process that enables Nodes to update a local status multi-bit
field and this information will be transmitted over the
network to all the Access Points to whom the Node is
connected. This service is a non-confirmed service and uses
very few network resources. For critical Node to Access
Point information transfer the Alarm Service guarantees
fast delivery of the data to at least one Access Point. This
service uses a lot of network resources and so it should be
used only in exceptional situations.
Access Point - HV/MV St.
All this Transport Layer features combined results in
Bridge - MV/LV St MV Node services for the Application Layer that provide:
LV Node
Logical Connection LV Power Line MV Power Line • Unconfirmed request service and Request/Response
service that map easily to several application
Figure 4. Examples of geographical network layout with power and
logical connections
• Node-to-Access Point Alarm service with
guaranteed delivery and high priority
In terms of routing packets from the Access Point to a
Node are processed by Bridges simply reading the routing • A (small byte count) Status Service that provides a
information from the transport layer header and replacing it simple and effective way to keep track of Node
with backtrack information if needed (for requests with status
response). To limit the usage of data in the transport layer
• Variable length data transfer services, exceeding the
header all this routing information is used using (low-bit memory capacity of the foreseen devices
length) local indexes that are only valid for a particular
master/slave combination. • Low network overheads for most used requests
The application priorities processing algorithm is • Large network support: up to a thousand Nodes per
configurable and a system may have strict priority serving Bridge, hundreds of Bridges per Access Point, and
(i.e. higher priority queues are completely served before thousands of Nodes per Access Point
lower priority queues) or have a minimum bandwidth share • Plug&Play operation: Nodes can simply be
for each priority class (i.e. higher priority queues are served connected to the network and the Transport Layer
until they are empty or lower priority queues with will establish a connection to the authorized devices
guaranteed bandwidth are not serviced yet). If needed the
Transport Layer’s application priority system may be
completely overridden by applications and requests are
mapped directly to the Network Layer’s priorities (2 The application layer, available at both Node and
priorities in the slaves, 3 priorities in the masters). Since Access Point (and Bridges, if required), consists of:
Bridges must also handle packed priorities (as well as Node • De/multiplexer (one component at every entity);
responses), the priority information must be included in the
Transport Layer header of most packets.

• protocol drivers (one driver per protocol, both at Master). Redundant paths in a meshed PLC are handled by
Node and Access Point side). the Transport Layer, as described above. PLC switching is
handled by the Application Layer. Application servers and
Protocol Drivers at the Access Points interface with
drivers do not need to be aware of duplicate and alternating
utility software over IP. At the Node side protocol drivers
communication paths. A server can connect over IP to any
implement the interface to the equipment, namely meters
Access Point. Its requests are re-routed via other Access
and SCADA devices. There is one driver per protocol;
Points whenever necessary.
multiple homogenous devices, such as M-Bus meters, can
be connected to the same driver. Depending on the In a meshed network special attention is paid to
application, different standardized protocols are transmitting multicast and broadcast requests. Since a
implemented (using Drivers), namely IEC 60870 series, EN single Access Point may not be able to reach all Nodes,
62056 (also known as IEC1107), and EN 1434-3 such messages have to be re-routed by De/Multiplexer to
commonly known as M-Bus. several, or even all Access Points, which altogether provide
complete coverage of the addressed nodes. Since every
The De/Multiplexer merges streams of messages,
Access Point then sends the request over PLC
received from different drivers (these are requests from
independently, target Nodes can receive duplicate
servers, responses from equipment and internal traffic
messages. These are filtered out by De/Multiplexers at the
between the drivers). The multiplexed stream is transmitted
to a receiver device, where the De/Multiplexer distributes
it, so that a target driver receives only the data that was Since the De/Multiplexer and the underlying PLC stack
designated to it. This requires transmitting additional piece isolate communication between different driver pairs, the
of information (1-byte destination driver address) in every system is easily extendable to support tunneling of future
packet, which allows for up to 255 sender/recipient drivers protocols that are not anticipated at the project design stage.
at every node and Access Point. This concept is somewhat
similar to port numbers in the TCP/IP suite. V. CONCLUSIONS
In the REMPLI system drivers, implementing tunneling This paper presented the communication stack used in
of a particular protocol, talk strictly to each other. For the REMPLI system, which provides communication
example, all drivers for an IEC 60870 protocol may be service for existing utilities applications. This paper focuses
assigned the same address (say, 10) on all Access Points on the architecture of the network, transport and application
and Nodes. This means, that communication always occurs layers with focus on the specific solutions for large-scale
between pairs of drivers: a driver at the Access Point sends systems. We presented how the design of the
packets to its siblings at the Nodes; responses are delivered communication stack is influenced by the particular
back to the same address. In fact, apart from sharing PLC requirements of the power-line communication, particularly
bandwidth, different protocol drivers do not influence each to provide efficiency in the use of the available bandwidth,
other at all; communication between pairs is transparently optimizing traffic and guaranteeing fair use of the
multiplexed onto the same medium without “intervention” communication medium.
from drivers themselves.
Apart from multiplexing communication, the VI. REFERENCES
De/Multiplexer at the Access Point implements one more [1] A. Treytl, T. Sauter, G. Bumiller. "Real-time energy
function: if an Access Point cannot reach target Node, the management over power-lines and Internet”;
De/Multiplexer can re-route request from a driver (on Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on
behalf of an application server) through another Access Power-Line Communications and its Applications, vol.
Point. Re-routing is done over the IP backbone (see ISPLC’04 no. 8, March 2004, pp. 306-411.
Figure 5), which links all Access Points to the application [2] G. Pratl, M. Lobashov. "Remote Access to Power-Line
servers and “horizontally”, between each other. Networked Nodes: Digging the Tunnel"; WFCS 2004
In a switched PLC network, where a given 5th International Workshop on Factory
communication path between Access Point and Node pair Communication Systems, Vienna, Austria; Sept. 2004;
can terminate at any time, every possible path to the Node p. 323-326.
should be covered by a separate Access Point (PLC


G. Giorgetti1, E. Gambi2, S. Spinsante3, M. Baldi3, S. Morichetti3, I. Magnifico1

AUTOMA Srl, ITALY, 2Università Politecnica delle Marche, ITALY, 3ArieLAB Srl ITALY

ABSTRACT comprising heterogeneous devices [3]. In this paper, we

present the project of a Home Area Network, called WENO
The increasing diffusion of home area networks (HANs), Project, in which entertainment and home automation
intended for the delivery of multimedia contents (e.g. TV services must coexist, in order to provide all users with
programs, movies, music) as well as home automation data unified access stations for either entertainment applications,
(e.g. household appliances, lighting and surveillance the delivery of home data (such as video surveillance
controls), represents a new challenge for networking. streams), and the control of domestic facilities.
However, at present, most of the available domotic and
building automation solutions provide single answers to the 2. PROJECT DESCRIPTION
market requirements, and their heterogeneousness makes
very hard an integration process. In this paper, a project for The system architecture we propose must satisfy two major
an integrated solution is presented, based on both requirements:
commercial and customized devices developed ad-hoc. i) the need for a high speed communication bus able to
Since the convergence of many traditional services over IP- deliver high quality services, like video entertainment, video
based infrastructures drastically increases the amount of IP interphone, and IP telephony;
data traffic to be delivered to the users, questions about the ii) the implementation of low cost local nodes used for
Quality of Service management arise and must be taken into sensoring and control execution.
account. The first requirement is satisfied through the adoption of an
Ethernet bus that interconnects the system control blocks. A
Index Terms— Domotic automation, building automation, five-port switch represents the core of the interconnection
multimedia home systems, Quality of Service. structure, concentrating all the communications towards the
System Server, that allows a centralized management of the
1. INTRODUCTION whole network. In its turn, the System Server may be
remotely controlled and configured via Internet, by means
Modern houses are requested to be provided with digital of a web-based application, being interfaced towards a
control systems for functional services, like household communication provider over an ADSL connection. From a
appliances, lighting and surveillance. Moreover, digital functional point of view, the system may be divided into
entertainment contents must be delivered in each single three sub systems:
room, as, for example, digital radio and television services, 1) room control;
movies, music and others. Many standards have been 2) room and external communication;
approved for the exchange of home automation data, and 3) entertainment signals delivery.
industrial protocols can also be adapted to fit home As a matter of fact, an XN-Player (XeNo-Player) is
automation applications. All these protocols can be used for responsible for the delivery of multimedia contents to the
short-distance and low-cost connectivity of sensors and users, controlled by a sort of Electronic Program Guide and
actuators. However, when considering the integration of Selection, that allows to transmit the programs selected by
home automation services with multimedia services over IP the users. At the same time, users are equipped with an
based networks, gateways must be provided, able to IPTV player and a TV monitor. Communication among
interface and adapt home automation data transport to IP- rooms and towards the external is ensured by the
based networks, in order to allow an easy management of implementation of an IP Telephony Server, interfaced
the connected devices, both from the home internal network through the System Server with the ADSL link. The
communication subsystem includes an external video
and from external networks [1], [2]. In this integrated
interphone, implemented by means of a device located
scenario, Quality of Service (QoS) becomes a fundamental
outside the user’s premise, and equipped with a
issue when several streams, carrying both control and videocamera and bidirectional audio. The device can
entertainment data, with different time and rate communicate over the Ethernet link with an internal “twin”
requirements, must be transferred over a local area network
device, provided with an LCD monitor. The presence of this with the System Server, and a CAN Interface to monitor the
stand alone receiver, usually located near the main entrance Local Nodes. The Local Nodes provide room monitoring
door, is required by the users, but, according with the functions and command execution, like presence monitoring
proposed architecture, any Room Board, equipped with a and light switch on/off, but also external light intensity
monitor, may interface the external video interphone. The sensing and internal light intensity variation. With the aim
Room Boards (XN-CPU) are able to collect all the of making the whole system more robust against unexpected
communications originating in a room towards the System Room Board switches off, the network of Local Nodes can
Server, for remote monitoring purposes. act as an independent network, being the “in-the-room”
commands executed independently from the whole system.
Finally, the Room Boards are equipped with a Zigbee [4]
wireless interface for a remote control of the system


The choice of hardware components for the board design

has been principally lead by the need of an easy, and low
cost, acquisition of the components from resellers, jointly
with a simple and effective PCB design. Mechanical
compatibility with cases of commercial light socket/switch
has been also considered. Fig. 2 shows four realized boards,
that are, respectively:
a) XN-CPU: the bridge between the Ethernet and the CAN,
able to manage all the room functions and to act as a
supervisor. Its core is a UBICOM IP2022 processor,
Fig. 1 – Block scheme of the proposed system with 2 Ethernet interfaces and 1 CAN interface; a web
server is implemented, provided by UBICOM.
Inside any room, the requirement of controlling sensors and b) XN-3OUT: the digital output board, that manages up to
actuators is satisfied through the adoption of a low speed, three relais over the CAN bus. Its core is a Microchip
but very robust, communication bus. The CAN bus was PIC24F-16 bit.
selected as the best suited transmission technology, due to c) XN-3IN: the input board that can manage up to three
its high transfer rate and the low cost of enable nodes, analog and/or digital inputs over the CAN bus. Its core
mainly due to the availability on the market of is a Microchip PIC24F-16 bit.
microcontrollers implementing the CAN protocol together d) XN-HOME + XN-XBEE: the ZigBee board with SPI
with its physical interface. As a consequence, any Room interface that can act as a brigde between the ZigBee
Board implements an Ethernet interface to communicate network and the CAN network. Its core is a Microchip

a) b) c)

bus bus

Fig. 2: Realized boards of XENO Project

PIC24F-16 bit. the total bandwidth available on the uplink port of the layer
All the boards were designed, developed and tested at the 2 switch down to 10 Mbps. In this scenario we simulated
AUTOMA laboratories. different congestion conditions by means of an additional
“noise” traffic, generated through Iperf [8].

Once defined the hardware of the system, it is necessary

to ensure the correct providing of all services. In order to
assess the system performance, we considered the case of a
home network based on a home server platform, able to
concentrate all the user’s services in a unique
hardware/software solution. To this aim, we adopted the
LinuxMCE client/server software platform [5], that allows
the management of all home entertainment and automation
services. LinuxMCE integrates a media and entertainment
system for music, movies, and TV, a home automation
system to control lighting and household appliances, a
phone system with video conferencing, a security system
with video surveillance and a home PC solution.
Fig. 3: Implementation of a QoS framework for HANs.
LinuxMCE, that relies on MythTV for the management
of digital television services [6], does not re-transmit
directly the received DVB-T transport stream. Instead,
digital television contents are first saved in local buffers, Quality of Service
thus allowing the implementation of a personal video
1) Measured Parameters
recorder (PVR) service, and then retransmitted on unicast
links. No real time protocols are adopted for retransmission;
The system model we are interested in relies on TCP
instead, TCP connections are used for point-to-point
instead of RTP protocol for audio/video streaming,
streaming. Differently from RTP, TCP implements
therefore we adopted a different approach to evaluate the
congestion control, so we want to verify the need and
Quality of Service. Differently from the previous case, no
effectiveness of QoS management also in this different
real time capabilities are implemented and, instead, TCP
connections are exploited; therefore, QoS is mostly related
The implementation herein described for the QoS
to the allocated bandwidth.
framework is depicted in Fig. 3. As shown in the figure, we
A first set of measurements have been performed on the
considered the case of a unique home server, that exposes
ingoing traffic for the considered client. For the sake of
multiple services, and interfaces an Internet gateway that
brevity, we focus on the IP bandwidth allocated to the
ensures broadband data connectivity; multiple clients are
audio/video stream. Other measurements have been
located on the HAN. We focused on one of such clients, and
performed on the layer 2 switch uplink port, to evaluate its
analyzed its ingoing traffic through the Wireshark [7]
total allocated bandwidth, and the partial bandwidth
network traffic analysis software tool.
allocated to each service.
Hardware and Software Infrastructure
2) QoS Rules
The setup previously discussed relies on the adoption of
the following components:
Table I reports the QoS traffic classes and rules for the
1) QoS router: Pentium III 800 MHz with 256 MB RAM
considered system.
and Zeroshell Linux operating system.
We varied the guaranteed bandwidth allocated to the
2) Home server: Pentium IV 2.8 GHz with 512 RAM and
DVB-T service, in order to verify whether, in the case of
Linux operating system with LinuxMCE.
network congestion, such a traffic can be effectively served
3) Internet gateway: Intel Mobile 1.2 GHz with 512 RAM
by means of the QoS router.
and Windows XP operating system.
4) Clients: Pentium processors with at least 512 MB RAM
and suitable software clients.
In order to simulate a high number of clients, we reduced
association with the QoS rules reported in Table I, we
TABLE I obtained results that confirm the effectiveness of the traffic
QOS RULES FOR THE SECOND IMPLEMENTATION. shaping function of the QoS router. They are shown in Fig.
Class Priority
Maximum Guaranteed 4. The priority assigned to the digital TV service, with
Bandwidth Bandwidth respect to the Internet service, reflects on its available
noise high variable variable bandwidth in different congestion conditions. The total
home guaranteed bandwidth is allocated to the different (3, in our
high 500 kbps 500 kbps
automation case) audio/video streams, in order to preserve their quality.
Internet In presence of congestion, however, a TCP connection may
low 1 Mbps 56 kbps be released, as occurs for the 6 Mbps guaranteed bandwidth
DVB-T curve in Fig. 4 (a), that exhibits a change in its slope. In
medium 7 Mbps variable such a case, the remaining connections can exploit
additional bandwidth, thus improving their quality. The
3) Test Results Internet service, on the contrary, has low priority, so its
allocated bandwidth is immediately reduced when
We have verified that, in absence of additional traffic, the congestion increases, with a substantial quality loss.
services we simulated (i.e. 3 audio/video streams for the
DVB-T service and a broadband Internet data stream) 5. CONCLUSIONS
require 8.2 Mbps total bandwidth, that is 82% of the
available bandwidth. Then, we have added a “noise” traffic In this paper we presented the so called XENO Project, a
with variable bitrate (namely 800, 1200, 1800 and 2300 complete solution for home and building automation,
kbps) in order to simulate different congestion conditions currently under development, and discussed the case study
(that can be due to other network services) and verify the of a home area network where a digital television service
effectiveness of the QoS rules set for the uplink port of the must be delivered in the presence of video surveillance,
layer 2 switch. automation, and Internet traffic. We described the most
important blocks of XENO, their main features, and verified
2.4 that the introduction of a Quality of Service router permits
to effectively regulate the priority and bandwidth assigned
Service BW [Mbps]

to each service, through the definition of proper QoS rules.
Therefore, the introduction of such an element in the home
3 Mbps network architecture should be recommended, in order to
2.0 5 Mbps avoid bottlenecks and ensure continuous availability of the
1.9 6 Mbps basic and essential home functional services.
7 Mbps
0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 REFERENCES
Noise Traffic BW [Mbps]
[1] O. Martikainen, “Internet Revolution in Telecom,” in Proc.
IEEE JVA '06, Sofia, Bulgaria, Oct. 2006, pp. 58–62.
Service BW [Mbps]

1.0 [2] I. Han, H.-S. Park, Y.-K. Jeong and K.-R. Park, “An integrated
0.8 home server for communication, broadcast reception, and
home automation,” IEEE Transactions on Consumer
3 Mbps Electronics, vol. 52, pp. 104–109, Feb. 2006.
0.4 5 Mbps [3] C. Bae, J. Yoo, K. Kang, Y. Choe and J. Lee, “Home server
0.2 6 Mbps for home digital service environments,” IEEE Transactions on
7 Mbps Consumer Electronics, vol. 49, pp. 1129–1135, Nov. 2003.
0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 [4] IEEE 802.15.4, “Wireless Medium Access Control (MAC) and
Noise Traffic BW [Mbps] Physical Layer (PHY) Specifications for Low-Rate Wireless
Personal Area Networks (LR-WPANs)”, IEEE, August 2003.
Fig. 4: Measured bandwidth (Mbps) for the DVB-T service (a) and for the [7]
Internet service (b), as a function of the noise traffic bandwidth, for several [8]
values of the maximum guaranteed bandwidth for the DVB-T service.

In the presence of all the considered streams, in

IST-Africa 2010 Conference Proceedings
Paul Cunningham and Miriam Cunningham (Eds)
IIMC International Information Management Corporation, 2010
ISBN: 978-1-905824-19-9

An Ontological Framework for the Elderly

to Control their Home Environment
Hellenic Institute of Transport, Thessaloniki, 57001, Greece
Tel: +302310 498461, Fax: +302310 498269, Email:
DOMOLOGIC GmbH, BȨltenweg 23, D-38106 Braunschweig, Germany
T: +49 531 3804 340, F: +49 531 3804 342, Email:
Abstract: One of the main contributors to independent living for the older society is
the efficient management of their home, without the need for help by others. The aim
of the OASIS project is future oriented, aiming at an ambient intelligence
infrastructure enabling the sharing of data and resources between heterogeneous
domotic appliances leading ultimately to contextual awareness of environmental and
subject-related conditions. In this paper, starting with a short introduction into
OASIS aim, the domotic application use cases are presented, followed by the logic
behind the design of the ontological framework for the domotic application.

Keywords: domotic, ontologies, elderly

1. Introduction
The older population is growing at a considerably faster rate than that of the world’s total
population. In absolute terms, the number of older persons has tripled over the last 50 years
and will more than triple again over the next 50-year period [1]. The profound, pervasive
and enduring consequences of ageing population present enormous challenges as well as
enormous opportunities for Information Society Technology.
The World Health Organisation defines independence as the ability to perform the
activities of the daily life with little or no help from others. It is generally regarded as
having a positive impact on quality of life. Health, impairment and functioning are very
important determinants of independent living... The goals of independent Living
Applications or Services are to maximise empowerment, independence and productivity of
individuals and their integrations and inclusion into the mainstream of society. Two options
arise here. First to provide aids to mitigate the loss of independence and second empower
the conditions that make a person to continue being independent. This second approach is
the one adopted by OASIS Integrated Project.
OASIS is a five-years European project co-financed by the European Commission, with
33 partners and 5 subprojects. Its aim is to develop a multi-system application that will
enable and facilitate interoperability, seamless connectivity and sharing of content between
various services and ontologies, covering the elderly population needs.
Taking into account all previous research, OASIS proposes an innovative approach of
integration of many AAL-enabled Independent living applications through the use of a
common set of interconnected ontologies. In this paper, the relevant concept and
developments for assisting the elderly to manage their home environment efficiently, is

Copyright © 2010 The authors Page 1 of 7

2. Domotics Application in OASIS
The home environment is very heterogeneous, composed of different application domains,
devices, communication standards, user needs and wants, etc. These diverse devices use
different integration and communication systems that currently exist in the market (i.e.
KNX/EIB, LonWorks, LCN, CAN, proprietary RF communication, and other) or are
emerging. This leads to several incompatible “communication islands” at home that are not
interoperable thus limiting their functionality to what they were designed to do in the first
place and not allowing collaboration and resource management, that is essential for the
creation of an Ambient Intelligence infrastructure. Currently, multi-standard applications
are based on the pragmatic approach of developing interfaces for many different standards,
connecting them to a central platform.
Within OASIS, integration goes a step further, aiming to define a common ontological
framework for content and functionalities (including home devices safety applications). A
first such ontology has been defined within AMIGO project (IST-2004-004182), but
requires severe revision, extension and integration into OASIS Common Ontological
Since the early stage of the project work, specific use cases were defined and analysed,
covering the whole project applications range. Three use cases refer to the domotics
application. These are presented and shortly explained below:
1. Automatically detect the user in the house and his/her exact position
While the user is in the house, or as soon as he/she enters his/her house, the system
detects him/her and performs some pre-defined actions, altering the status of certain home
appliances (according to the user’s previous settings), e.g. the heating is turned on to x0C,
the TV is switched on, etc.
2. Check the status of home appliances
The user can check the status of a connected home device (i.e. if the heating system is
on/off, if the window is closed, etc.) while in or out of home, through the environmental
control module (comfort unit).
3. Monitoring and automatically change of the status of home devices
The system monitors the status of a connected home device and changes it by itself (i.e.
decrease the house temperature while the user is out of the home, close a window, while the
user is out, turn off the oven when the habitant is out, etc.).

3. OASIS Domotics Ontologies Framework

One of OASIS main research and development pillars is the unification of the domotics
environment under an interoperability umbrella, which will be based on ontologies. In
ASK-IT integrated project, significant developments took place regarding the
communication and interfacing of heterogeneous devices that comply with different widely
accepted or proprietary standards. In OASIS the integration of heterogeneous devices
evolves on a higher semantic level towards the provision of the technical means for the
integration of domotics to the semantic web using a description language, understandable
by machines, aiming to render domotic devices exploitable by web services and in more
generic terms a web based AmI.
Relevant OASIS work focuses on the integration of technologies, products and services
in the domestic environment. The goal is to improve the quality of life, security and the
possibilities to communicate with the outside world. Relevant functionalities that
potentially can be included in the final ontological description are the following:
x Security and safety: Monitoring of the environmental parameters, reminder of
locking, security procedures during a break-in attempt, safety procedures in cases of
storms, overvoltage, etc.

Copyright © 2010 The authors Page 2 of 7

x Energy saving: Energy efficient consumer products (washing machine, dishwasher,
fridges, IT, lights, etc.), efficient heating, efficient ventilation, automatic lowering of
the heating in unused rooms and at non-attendance.
x Additional functions: Emergency call, monitoring of subject vital parameters,
telemedical services, support of housework.
x Comfort: Networked appliances give a better overview of the household, central
remote control of most of the functions, desired temperature in the whole house, sun
x Flexibility: Flexible connection technology and wiring, comfortable multimedia
x Entertainment: Home cinema, home server and networking.
Lassila and McGuiness [2] categorised ontologies according to the information they
need to express. Even though their classification ascribes the name “ontology” to nearly
everything that is at least a finite controlled vocabulary with unambiguous interpretation of
classes and term relationships and with strict hierarchical subclass relationships between
classes, ontologies that meet more elaborate criteria contain a much richer internal
structure, and have therefore been dubbed “heavyweight ontologies” [3]. Among the
mentioned criteria are: formal “is_a” relation, properties, value restrictions, general logical
constraints, and disjoints.
The basic structure of the ontology was developed manually in order to secure the high
standard of reality/knowledge representation mentioned above. For future maintenance and
extensions, automated and semi-automated procedures have to be devised.
We apply four principles used in the development of ontologies. These principles are:
realism, perspectivalism, fallibilism, and adequatism. These principles are a crucial part of
the attitude one has to adopt regarding the development of any ontology. Besides those
principles, several aspects of a more technical nature were taken into account by the
developers of OASIS ontologies such as fulfilling the basic needs of the developers of
ontology-based applications/tools. Hence the OASIS ontological framework at the moment
does not include real world instances but only universals. The hierarchy of the universals is
one of the major features of any ontology which may serve to prove its consistency and
compliance with other formal standards. One of the golden standards to be followed, in
order to ensure a proper structure of the taxonomy of universals, is the avoidance of
“informal is_a” relations [2].
In general, we embrace the belief that a properly constructed ontology should steer
clear of a taxonomical tree that allows multiple parent classes for the same child class (i.e.
one child that inherits from multiple parents). The central aim is to avoid polysemy that
often results from multiple inheritances. In OASIS we completely avoided multiple
inheritances. Another problematic case that can be found in quite a number of databases,
terminologies and even “ontologies,” is the presence of classes or types like “UnknownX”
(“UnspecifiedDevice”, “UnknownAffiliation”). However, “universals” like these do not, in
fact, have any instances, they merely hint to a lack of data or knowledge. The alleged
instances of those universals do not exhibit any shared properties, at least not necessarily.
Therefore, we avoided such classes in the OASIS domotics ontologies.

4. Methodology
Three possible approaches are considered for the creation of the OASIS common
ontological framework for domotics which are described next, followed by the three-
layered ontology, as a solution that is being followed in OASIS.

Copyright © 2010 The authors Page 3 of 7

4.1 One Main Class Serving All Devices

In order for one class to be applicable on each domotic device, it should be designed in a
very abstract way so as to include only the functionalities that are common in all
appliances. Such a design however would make a lot of core functionalities inaccessible by
the overall AmI system and would require further customization steps during development.
In the following schema the concept of such a generic ontology is depicted.

Figure 1 : Ontology Schematic

Potential class properties are listed in table that follows:
Table 1: Properties of Class Device
Property name Description
Name The name of the device (e.g. washing machine)
Status The current status value of the device (e.g. On/Off, 55 %)
Control Optional data; is used to characterized the device (e.g. switch, state, light etc.)
Environment The house ID where the device resides
Room The room name where the device resides

4.2 One Class Per Device

The extreme opposite of the previous concept is the development of one ontology class per
domotic device. This approach provides the means for the complete functional potential
exploitation since these become accessible via the ontology framework. However there is
the need for each domotic developer to provide the appropriate device description class so
that it becomes integrateable to the OASIS platform (an approach that could be conceived
as the analogous to the well known device drivers used by the computer operating systems).
Each device-class has different properties, which characterizes itself. For example, the
‘light’ device-class can have status and luminance properties. The temperature class can
have status properties. Table 2 shows examples of devices as stand-alone classes.
Table 2: Light‘s and Washing Machine’s Properties
Light Washing Machine
Status Status (On/off)
Luminance Running Program
Spin speed
Water temperature
Remaining wash duration

4.3 One Class Per Category of Device

The final case is a compromise between the previous two designs. Different categories will
be formed depending on the common functionalities and characteristics of domotic devices.

Copyright © 2010 The authors Page 4 of 7

For each of these categories different classes will be designed, in order to provide
description and accessibility to specific, common functionalities.
Such a categorisation in classes could be, for example:
• White goods
• Brown goods
• Lighting
• Heating
• Alarms & Security Devices
• Sensors
• Other
Based on the above categorization, the following ontology is designed:

Figure 2: Categorisation in Classes

The ‘Device’ class is assumed as a separate category. This class is useful in order to
describe a new device in an abstract way. The approach described in paragraph 4.1 above
will be applied. It was also used for ASK-IT project.
The hierarchy of ‘white goods’ class is as follows:

Figure 3: White Goods Schema

The classes of brown goods, lighting, heating, etc. are described in a similar way.

5. Developments and Results

The three approaches mentioned above suffer from limitations on the functionality detail
level they can represent. For example the first one can only include very basic functions
that are common to all domotic devices (e.g. ON/OFF). This limitation leads to a very poor
exploitation potential for this device by the OASIS platform. On the other hand the very

Copyright © 2010 The authors Page 5 of 7

detailed functionality description provides access to the full domotic device potential;
however it is not so easy to obtain since it can only be provided by the vendor of the device.
The second approach is just a compromise between the two extremes which doesn’t
address the problems but only provides one more detailed level of functionality description
when compared to the first approach.
The solution to the above issues comes from the use of a combination:
x An upper ontology layer that is the abstract generic ontology.
x A medium layer with a categorization.
x A lower, detailed functionality layer, which contains custom classes that are specific
for each device and is provided by the vendor.
This last ontology can be created using specific guidelines or even a tool developed
within OASIS and will be accessible to the domotic provider via the web.

A domotic

A white

A coffee

Increased functionality
Increased availability

Figure 4: Three-Layered Ontology

By using this three-layered ontology the access to the functionalities of the device
becomes modular. Depending on the availability of data all three, or less, layers may be
populated and the OASIS’s accessibility and operability level for the specific device will
vary accordingly.
The Domotic ontology is developed using the Protégé Toolkit. In the last phase of its
developed, some plug-ins may be used such as the Bean Generator for JADE middleware.
The ontology will be based an OWL/RDF ontology standard description (W3C
recommendations). The overall ontology is schematically presented below:

Figure 5: Overall Ontology Schematic

Copyright © 2010 The authors Page 6 of 7

The selection criteria for domotic devices used in the OASIS pilot sites are (a) easy to
install and (b) low cost. Devices can easily be installed using a “Plug, Touch and Play”
approach. Many different devices are available, e.g. plugs, remote controls, sensors, motion
detectors or energy meters. A simple GUI, implemented in JAVA is underway, to be
installed on any PC that is connected to the Domotic Server. This GUI will connect to the
Domotic Gateway by using Web-Services and allows to control the plugs.

6. Business Benefits
One of the most important points of the domotics system is that sensors are set up so they
can be easily integrated into household equipment (including the wiring) already available
in the domicile. Examples for this are on/off sensors for light and oven, occupancy sensors
for bed and couch (pressure sensors), and temperature sensors for air and oven. This is in
line with the fact that elderly people do not want to buy new apparatus or equipment.
OASIS sees itself as a pioneering approach to the unification of heterogeneous domotic
appliances which will be possible by the provision of an ontology-based higher level of
interfacing that acts as an umbrella for the various functionalities and communication
standards. This ambitious goal however entails the involvement of a critical mass of
domotics vendors that will abide with OASIS’s technology approach. In order to achieve
this objective, OASIS will provide a graphical user interface in order to support the vendors
and companies to add new devices with their properties. Moreover, properties of existing
devices can be used or updated.
The new ontology encompasses all types of communication protocols (including older
ones and wireless), does not require specific infrastructure (i.e. fiber optics or fast internet),
is easily expandable and not brand-specific, thus is ideal for fast, cost-efficient and yet
reliable applications in countries under development.

7. Conclusions
In this document the current status towards the design of the OASIS domotics ontology is
reported. This research builds upon the work done in ASK-IT in relation to the
communication of heterogeneous devices and home appliances. In OASIS domotics
integration in a higher level is pursued by providing the semantic representation of
domotics functionalities in order to take advantage the developments of web services and
the emergence of semantic web. The design of this kind of ontological framework brings
the opportunity for standardization and harmonization in functionalities and communication
levels of different devices from different vendors and in that way facilitates the
management of distributed data sources towards more detailed context awareness by the
AmI (Ambient Intelligence framework).
The relevant ontology is publicly available at http://babel.informatik.uni- and can be interfaced by a content alignment and authoring tool,
which is a stand-alone application, running on any Java-enabled PC; so that existing
emerging domotic applications at user homes or/and hospitals, elderly homes and other
rehabilitation establishments can be easily connected to it and through it to a wide number
of elderly support services.

[1] OASIS (ICT-215754) Description of work, 2007.
[2] Lassila O, McGuiness D. The Role of Frame-Based Representation on the Semantic Web. Technical
Report. Knowledge Systems Laboratory. Stanford University. KSL-01-02. 2001.
[3] Gómez-Pérez A, Fernández-López M, Corcho O, “Ontological Engineering.” Springer, London, 2004.

Copyright © 2010 The authors Page 7 of 7

2012 Sixth International Conference on Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing

Anticipating health hazards through an ontology-based, IoT domotic environment

Vittorio Miori Dario Russo

Institute of Information Science and Institute of Information Science and
Technologies (ISTI) Technologies (ISTI)
CNR -- National Research Council of Italy CNR -- National Research Council of Italy
Pisa, Italy Pisa, Italy

Abstract— Embedded intelligence entails a vision of the documents published become interpretable because they are
Internet of Things oriented to “Ambient Intelligence”, which enriched with information and metadata specifying the
can be defined as the capacity to collect and analyze the digital semantic context to allow for automatic processing and
traces left by people when they interact with the environment enhancing of the query process by exploiting interpretation
and with such “intelligent things”. In such a vision, the of such Web content.
ultimate aim is to acquire knowledge about everyday life and The Semantic Web is an Internet space that includes
human behavior. documents, or portions of documents, describing explicit
We apply these concepts to the automated home, in which even relationships between things and containing semantic
nowadays devices (sensors and actuators) are already Internet-
information intended for automated processing by our
capable “things” endowed with their own intelligence.
This work introduces a semantic knowledge representation for
domotics following the principles of the semantic Web (Web Not just Web pages, but databases, programs, sensors and
3.0). We have implemented specific ontologies that even household appliances will be able to present data,
automatically take account of distributed environmental multimedia, and status information in ways that powerful
context information. computing agents can use to search, filter and prepare
The first result was to achieve a natural abstraction of information in new and exciting ways. The data sources are
different, incompatible devices in order to support able to share information using the Resource Description
interoperability in a consistent technology-independent Framework (RDF) language, the basic instrument proposed
manner and impart awareness to the domestic environment in by the W3C for the encoding, exchange and reuse of
which “things” such as furniture and other objects, as well as structured metadata, making information on the Web
the rooms themselves, take on computational significance. significantly more machine-readable.
This goal includes leveraging the development of a The interpretation of document contents that the
comprehensive intelligent ecosystem that, by applying machine Semantic Web furthers will offer a number of important
learning and artificial intelligence techniques, gains knowledge advantages. It will enable building networks of relationships
of the occupants’ behaviors and habits and can thereby adapt and connections between all kinds of resources, and such
itself to the specific setting and anticipate their needs without networks will moreover be much more powerful and
direct human intervention. effective than those created with mere hypertext links.
The same modeling process serves as the basis for
In the Semantic Web, then, an ontology [2] is a partial
implementation of an e-health system that can anticipate, and
conceptualization of a given knowledge domain, shared by a
thereby prevent, possible health hazards before emergency
situations arise (especially for the sick and elderly). community of users, that has been defined in a formal,
machine-processable language for the explicit purpose of
sharing semantic information across automated systems.
The domain description is provided using a formalism
Keywords- Ambient Intelligent; domotics; home automation; called Web Ontology Language (OWL) that explicitly
DomoNet; SOA; XML; Ontology; Machine Learning; E-Health represents the meaning and semantics of terms, capturing
their intrinsic structure and their relations.
I. INTRODUCTION A computational ontology consists of Classes
The evolution of Web technology has made great strides (Concepts), Individuals (Instances) and Relations. A Class
in recent years [1]. Such advances have been driven by represents a group of different Individuals that share
changes in Web users’ needs and the consequent creation of common characteristics. The Individuals are the domain
new Web services. This evolution has led to the creation of objects that the ontology describes, such as people,
more and more sophisticated applications aiming to extend machines, devices and so on. A Relation can be declared
Web functionalities. between Individuals or between Classes and describes how
Semantic Intelligence is one of the main paradigms they are associated to each other.
underlying the Web 3.0 (W3C). In this new revision, the With the use of ontology query languages (e.g.
World Wide Web becomes an environment where any SPARQL), it is possible to interact with the ontology to

978-0-7695-4684-1/12 $26.00 © 2012 IEEE 745

DOI 10.1109/IMIS.2012.109
request and receive data in a standardized format. Such data end, the system must be endowed not only with knowledge
may come from any type of source and can be placed in of the devices and their functions (knowing what a lamp,
relation to each other. This allows achieving integration and thermostat or switch means), but also with tools that enable it
interoperability amongst heterogeneous information. to learn concepts such as room, furniture, object position and
The high-level description of the semantic structure of a the repercussions (effects) of the use of such objects in the
given domain achieved through the use of ontologies cannot environment.
be attained using tools such as databases or XML technology. In this way, for example, it will be possible to assign the
In fact, XML schemas deal primarily with the physical system a specific goal to perform without however having to
structure of documents, and XML tags lack the explicit specify each and every single action making it up.
semantic modeling that support computer interpretation.
The Internet of Things vision [3] promotes the ubiquitous III. RELATED WORKS
and pervasive paradigms where context and intelligence are One interesting work in this regard is INCASA [6],
embedded into objects and physical locations, each of which which uses middleware based on a Service Oriented
conveys a small amount of useful information. Such Architecture. It focuses on citizen-centric technologies to
information can be automatically extracted and processed in help the elderly in their own homes. This goal is pursued by
order to better support current user activities and satisfy their integrating solutions for health/environment monitoring that
needs. For these reasons, interoperability and semantic collects and analyzes data in order to profile user habits and
environments are the keywords underlying the Internet of implement alert services. The results of the project are very
Things paradigm, which enables creating smart Ambient promising and the next natural step seems to be to learn
Intelligence applications. people’s actual habits rather than just profiling them.
The work presented by Martìnez-Lòpez [7] combines
II. OBJECTIVES ontologies, inference engines, data mining techniques and
Today’s e-health solutions provide important machine learning procedures to develop an advanced
contributions to the health management of the elderly and telemedicine system. However, it neglects to tackle the
chronically ill within their own homes. Indeed, they provide issues regarding both the interoperability between
for constant monitoring of many vital parameters via heterogeneous devices and contextualization of the
portable sensors (inserted into shirts, bracelets, watches, environment surrounding the user.
etc.), in order to be able to identify and opportunely signal The SAPHIRE project [8] proposes a pilot application for
any hazardous situations requiring intervention. In most bedside monitoring of cardiac patients at hospitals and for
cases, however, by the time the call for help is issued, the homecare monitoring of cardiac patients rehabilitated after
emergency is already in progress. A system able to anticipate revascularization therapy. The monitoring is accomplished
danger before life-threatening situations arise would via an interoperability layer that exploits semantic Web
certainly lead to faster, more effective intervention. The technologies. The result enables accessing the patient's vital
ability to anticipate and recognize certain behaviors or events signs from wireless medical sensors and electronic
heralding serious health problems in time can often save healthcare records in order to be able to seamlessly exploit a
lives. decision-making process.
The path undertaken in this research to attain such Preuveneers et al. [9] propose an adaptable and
objective is to supplement such a monitoring system with extensible context ontology that creates a context-aware
software able to learn the habits and behaviors of people in computing infrastructure, ranging from small embedded
their own residence, and hence the ability to recognize any devices to high-end service platforms. The proposed
abnormal behavior patterns signaling potential imminent ontology has been designed to solve several key challenges
health crises. in Ambient Intelligence, such as application adaptation, code
One clear prerequisite for the satisfactory functioning of generation, code mobility and generation of device-specific
such a system is that it act within an environment made up of user interfaces automatically. Lafti et al. [10] exploit the full
completely integrated, interoperable devices and systems. potential of ontologies to describe the specific domain of
In previous work, our research laboratory has addressed interest, in order to provide an effective basis for the
the thorny issue of interoperability by developing the development, configuration and execution of software
middleware [4], an integral part of which is an Ambient applications. They adopt a Bayesian networks paradigm to
Intelligence application module that learns from experience recognize patient activities by exploiting a learning process
and people’s habits [5]. of their life habits. SOPRANO [11] is a EU-funded project to
However, one intrinsic limitation of the software assist elderly Europeans to lead more independent lives
developed is that its operates on a purely syntactic way. The through application of smart home and ambient intelligence
system does not possess any awareness of the environment technologies. The solution is based on the creation of a
or its contents, being limited to identifying sensors and context ontology that focuses on the concept of device state.
actuators through their numerical addresses. It abstract concrete sensors inputs and actuators outputs from
The work at hand aims to overcome this limitation by the knowledge base.
developing a semantic layer at the highest level of the AI
framework that will enable the system to fully exploit a
knowledge-based representation of the environment. To this

IV. SEMANTIC DOMONET refer to completely different devices. “Turn on”, for
The existing DomoNet framework is based on Web instance, can be directed to a lamp, a television or an
Services and Service Oriented Architecture (SOA). electric oven. Each functionality takes some
Development of the software implementation was based on a parameters as input and return other parameters as
syntactic approach using an XML-compliant language called output.
DomoML enables abstraction of heterogeneous systems
in order to describe device functionalities, data types,
messages and models of the interactions and
communications among framework entities. It represents a
“lingua franca” that links several single domotic systems,
providing them with common information and control
exchange mechanisms. As such, it can be used as a sort of
universal domotic language to be applied in any domotic
It is up to human interpretation to undersatand the
significance of that which devices represent and which are
the effects of their actions inside the environment.
The supplementing of DomoNet with a new semantic
level makes the system a more powerful tool for abstracting
domotic devices, household objects and the surrounding
spaces. Such semantic level enables it to gather crucial
information in order to be able to contextualize the overall
environment and its contents.
The system includes solutions for implementing:
• semantic interoperability among heterogeneous
technological systems and devices, while masking
their technological differences from the framework;
• equipping the user environment, the domotic devices
and their functionalities with semantic capabilities;
• defining the position of domotic devices and
furniture to provide routing within a specific home
environment (e.g. the night-table lamp, the kitchen Figure 1. Semantic DomoNet platform architecture.
To describe how the environment is modified when
• modeling the effects within the environment of
a functionality is activated, the ontology utilizes the
activation of domotic functions in order to
effects class, whose individuals represent the
understand the impact that a device will have on the
possible functional consequences. For example, the
effect “more light” is related to the functionality
The general architecture of the overall platform is
“setPower” of a lamp by setting its input parameter
composed of four layers (figure 1): the Semantic,
to “on”. The same individual effect can be used for
DomoNetWS, TechManagers and Domotic Bus layers.
another functionality and so “more light” can be
The Semantic layer supplies a general semantic to
associated to the functionality “setStatus” of roller
devices, objects, actions and the overall environment
blinds, by setting its input parameter to “open”.
potentially making up a generic home. This level contains no
personalization or contextualization to any particular • FurOnt (Furniture Ontology): is made up of a simple
environment. taxonomy of home furniture. In particular, it defines
Four ontologies were developed for the semantic level: and classifies objects such as tables, chairs, mirrors
and so on.
• DomOnt (Domotic Ontology): this includes an
integrated taxonomy of domotic devices and their • EnvOnt (Environment Ontology): is the ontology of
functionalities. the environments within which devices and furniture
This ontology defines separate classes of devices, can be positioned. It describes the home
their functionalities, input/output parameters and the environment, that is, defines the meaning of different
effects they have in the environment. The relations rooms, such as “bathroom”, “kitchen” or “bedroom”.
amongst the classes are defined as follows (figure 3): It includes relations such as “contains bed”, “the
a device has some functionalities and any single place for eating”, etc. In this way it is possible to
functionality can be owned by more than one device. locate a specific environment without explicitly
For example, the meaning of a command (which is a calling it but by simply referring to it by its
particular type of functionality) can conceptually characteristics (e.g. “the room with the bed”).

• LexOnt (Lexical Ontology): defines words behavior and habits of home inhabitants in order to anticipate
specifying the positions of objects and devices inside their needs. It is an adaptive, context-aware application that
the environment and their inter-relations. The thus works in a fully interoperable environment.
defining words here are, for example, “near”, “on”, It includes two complementary, interoperable modules
“under” and so on. that perform real-time analyses to identify user behaviors and
The DomoNetWS layer defines its own ontologies by verify the rules learned. The first module applies a Data
instantiating those defined at the semantic level. This is done Mining paradigm to learn action sequences that represent
by creating an Individual of the various classes (defined at user habits, the second module is designed to learn
the semantic level) and relating them based on the specific parameters of scenarios using a statistical approach to
configuration of the environment and the objects on which analyzing the frequency and percentage of use of appliances.
the system has to operate. In the resulting model the The DomoPredict framework can also be applied to the
interactions between various system entities and any medical field (figure 2). Supposing that someone exhibits a
reference to specific objects are defined by such Individuals. significant change in sleeping, eating or toileting habits.
The ontologies defined at this level are inherited directly These can be considered early indicators of potential
from those defined at the semantic level. They are problems and can be analyzed and recognized as such by
characterized by the models of the Individuals and are DomoPredict.
respectively: DomOntInd(n), FurOntInd, EnvOntInd and
There can be from 1 to n numbers of DomOntInd,
depending to the number of domotic systems present in the
environment. There will therefore be a different ontological
instance for every application domain formed by the devices
belonging to each domotic system.
DomOntInds are the ontologies that implement the
functionalities necessary for interoperability. Express
relations have been created between Individuals that act on
device functionalities and between those that act on
parameters. In this way, when the “setStatus” push button
functionality is called, the “setPower” function of a lamp is
also called, using the same input parameter value (on or off)
for the two functions.
Figure 2. Smart home telecare devices.
The TechManagers layer is responsible for creating the
domotic device instances regarding real environments. At The results of this analysis must then be integrated with
this level a mapping is made between every Individual data on the user’s vital signs, which are obtained by constant
defined in DomOntIndns and the physical address of the monitoring through the use of special portable sensors
various devices. (integrated in shirts, bracelets, clocks, etc.) and organized
The Domotic Bus Layer includes the physical according to specific configuration of a Body Area Network
infrastructures of the domotic systems. They are substantially (BAN). This process leads to an evaluation workflow that
represented by the communication channels, which can may culminate in actions such as sounding alerts and/or
wired or wireless, depending on the domotic system in automated calls. Clearly, the process must be efficient
question. enough to eliminate, or at least minimize false alarms. It is in
The entire communications infrastructure between such process that the functionalities offered by the
ontologies belonging to the same or different levels have framework’s new semantic level become fundamental in
been implemented using the JADE open-source library [12]. ensuring that the application provides satisfactory results.
JADE provides for an agent-based network architecture in Indeed, the current system now acts in a contextualized
which each agent is responsible for managing a specific environment, which enables it to recognize the user’s actions
ontology. The various agents used for manipulating the in a “conscious” manner. And this is only made possible
ontologies have instead been built using the JENA library through the notions furnished by the special ontologies,
[13]. which give “meaning” to rooms, objects, devices and so
In our everyday lives we usually carry out the same, VI. CONCLUSIONS
often related, actions to achieve certain goals. By way of The developed framework is currently in operations at
example, when we leave home, we usually switch off all the the Domotics Lab of the CNR in Pisa. It is an integral part of
appliances, close all the windows, activate the alarm system the faithfully simulated home environment set up for
and so on. With the passing of time, these actions become demonstration and continued research purposes.
habits and are often performed at specific times of the day or The introduction of the semantic level, which has enabled
are related to certain events. DomoPredict [5] is a software the system to learn context, has provided numerous benefits.
module of the DomoNet framework able to learn the

The system now “reasons”, referring to devices based on The feedback from such tools would moreover serve to
their physical position rather than through syntactic-based increase the cognitive base used by DomoPredict to make
references such as, for instance, a physical address. The deductions and provide important indications for
command “Turn on the living room light” is valid in any determining whether living conditions are optimal and
home and will simply be contextualized in any given suitable for the person’s needs.
instance for the specific residence in which it is used. A further development will be to supply the platform
The system is able to produce “intelligent” behaviors, for with special Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) tools. Such
example, anticipating a user’s wish “to have more light” by work will aim at creating an advanced graphical user
taking account of the environmental context and interface for configuring the system. The envisioned
autonomously deciding whether to turn on a lamp or, interface will enable drawing a detailed graphical layout of
alternatively, open the blinds. the home environment, in which the devices recognized by
The software module that learns the inhabitant’s habits the framework, as well as furnishings and other objects, can
and acts to anticipate his needs, is a step forward both in the be positioned using the “drag and drop” technique.
direction of providing efficient e-health and toward realizing Exploiting the fact that such elements will already include
the vision of ambient intelligence. A good deal of work will the necessary semantics, their positioning inside the map will
certainly be needed on the part of both the computer science involve automatic creation of the necessary ontological
and the strictly medical fields. Nevertheless, the framework relations.
makes an important contribution to allowing the elderly and
disabled to live in a safe environment custom-designed to REFERENCES
their own personal needs and state of health.
During the testing stage, particular attention has been [1] Juan M. Silva, Abu Saleh Md. Mahfujur Rahman, and Abdulmotaleb
devoted to validating the ontologies, which have been found El Saddik, “Web 3.0: a vision for bridging the gap between real and
to be wholly free of consistency errors [14]. The first checks virtual”, Proc. of the 1st ACM international workshop on
Communicability design and evaluation in cultural and ecological
were effected at startup-time to detect and correct any multimedia system (CommunicabilityMS '08), ACM, New York, NY,
possible logical contradictions. Since fully populating the USA, pp. 9-14, 2008, doi:10.1145/1462039.1462042.
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of new objects and relations, careful checks were carried out “Ontologies: What are they? why do we need them?” IEEE Intelligent
with each and every update. All stages of validation have Systems and Their Applications, 14(1), pp. 20–26, 1999. Special
been carried out using the JENA library reasoner. Issue on Ontologies.
[3] ITU. Internet Reports 2005, “The Internet of Things”, November
[4] V. Miori, D. Russo, and M. Aliberti, “Domotic tecnologies
The results obtained allow us to envision and plan for the incompatibility becomes user transparent”, In: Communications of
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creation of a friendly human-machine interface (HMI) based [5] V. Miori, and D. Russo,. “An adaptive and anticipatory AmI
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utterances such as “the lamp on the table” or more simply on Ubiquitous Computing and Ambient Intelligence 2011
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effects. [6] G. Lamprinakos, E. Kosmatos, and D. Kaklamani, I.S. Venieris, “An
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to build more powerful and more interoperable medical 2010, doi: 10.1109/PCI.2010.20
information systems, and thereby support the needs of the [7] R. Martínez-López, D. Millán-Ruiz, A. Martín-Domínguez, and
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patient data. This process can be supported by providing systems using ontologies, rules engines and data mining”, Intl. Conf.
semantic-based criteria to support different statistical on Computational Intelligence for Modelling, Control and
Automation, pp. 31-36, 2008
information aggregations to simply represent complex,
[8] O. Nee; A. Hein; T. Gorath; N, Hulsmann, G.B. Laleci; M. Yuksel,
detailed medical data unambiguously. M. Olduz, I. Tasyurt, U. Orhan, A. Dogac, A. Fruntelata, S.
Further interesting developments will come from Ghiorghe, and R. Ludwig, “SAPHIRE: intelligent healthcare
supplementing DomoPredict with real-time systems for monitoring based on semantic interoperability platform: pilot
conducting behavioral analysis of elderly users in their home applications”, Communications, IET , vol.2, no.2, pp.192-201,
settings, including qualitative movement analysis [15], and February 2008 doi:10.1049/iet-com:20060699
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Rigole, T. Clerckx, Y. Berbers, K. Coninx, V. Jonckers, and K. De
Data on such aspects is directly or indirectly linked to Bosschere, “Towards an extensible context ontology for ambient
pathologies suffered by the elderly, such as quality of intelligence”, Proc. of the 2nd European Symposium on Ambient
movement, personal emotional state and behavior in general Intelligence (EUSAI 2004), pp. 148-159, 2004.
(troubled, nervous, confused and so on). Considering these [10] F. Latfi, B. Lefebvre, and C. Descheneaux, “Ontology-Based
factors, the aim is to determine methodologies and Management of the Telehealth Smart Home, Dedicated to Elderly in
algorithms for automatic or semi-automatic evaluation of Loss of Cognitive Autonomy”, Proc. of the OWLED 2007 Workshop
on OWL: Experiences and Directions (2007),
these aspects in order to provide direct support to the elderly,
disabled or sick (with feedback, focused exercises, etc).

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2007. (ESWC-05), pp. 182-197.
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Agents and Multi-Agents, London, 1999. (HISB), 2011 First IEEE International Conference on , vol., no.,
pp.198-204, pp. 26-29, July 2011 doi:10.1109/HISB.2011.33

Figure 3. Some DomOnt classes with their related relations.

2013 19th International Conference on Control Systems and Computer Science

A Review on Vision Surveillance Techniques in Smart Home Environments

Marius Brezovan, Costin Badica

Department of Computer and Information Technology
University of Craiova
Craiova, Romania
Email: {mbrezovan, cbadica}

Abstract—Video surveillance is an important area of com- recognize and track persons from image sequences, and
puter vision research, its applications including both outdoor more importantly to understand and recognize their actions
and indoor automated surveillance systems. In the context of and activities.
smart home environments, the In-House Video Surveillance
systems have as main goal to control the safety and the security Video surveillance systems in smart home environments
of materials and of people living in a domestic environment. can be classified as: (a) centralized systems, where human
This paper provides an overview of various methods and activity analysis is performed on a centralized server, and
techniques from the computer vision research area that address (b) distributed systems, where analysis is performed on a
the problems of representation, recognition and learning of distributed cameras network.
events, actions and activities of inhabitants from a domotic
environment. In general, an in−house video surveillance system in−
cludes, as presented in Figure 1, the following modules: (a)
Keywords-video surveillance; smart home environments; am- motion detection, (b) object tracking, and (c) human motion
bient assisted living;
analysis, in order to detect simple events, or recognize com−
plex human (or group oh humans) activities. The first two
modules represent a syntactic low−level processing phase,
The smart home concept [1] is understood as an inte− while the last module represents a semantic high−level phase,
gration system that deliver a range of innovative services which is able to detect and recognize human activities.
to homeowners using a variety of intelligent, connected The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section
devices. II covers approaches related to low−level video processing
The research in the field of vision surveillance meets with techniques, such as motion detection and object recognition,
the research in several smart home techniques, especially while Section III covers current computer vision approaches
in two important domotic aspects: home health, and home for human motion analysis. In Section IV privacy issues in
security. We identified two distinct directions where video video surveillance systems are discussed. Finally, conclu−
surveillance techniques can be used in smart home environ− sions are given in Section IV.
ments: (a) ambient assisted living, whose goal is to improve
the quality of life and to maintain independence of older II. M OTION E STIMATION AND O BJECT R ECOGNITION
and vulnerable people, and (b) vision-based fire detection, The low−level processing task of an indoor video surveil−
where video processing techniques are used to develop fire lance system contains two distinct components, as presented
monitoring systems for smart home environments. In this in Figure 1: motion detection and object recognition. The
paper, we focus attention only on the ambient assisted living. input for these modules is a video sequence, each element
An indoor surveillance system attempts to detect and from this sequence representing a video frame.
recognize objects of interest from video obtained by one
or more cameras along, eventually by fusion information A. Motion detection
obtained from cameras and other sensors installed in the Motion detection methods attempt to locate connected
monitored area. The aim of an automated video surveillance regions of pixels that represent the moving objects within
system is to understand what is happening in a monitored the scene. Conventional approaches for motion detection
area and to take appropriate actions like alerting appropriate methods use background subtraction, temporal differencing
services if an undesirable occurred [2]. [4], and optical flow [5]. The first approach consists in
Ambient assisted living (AAL) can be described as in− subtraction of a background or reference model from the
formation and communication technology based services current image followed by a labeling process. The second
and systems to provide older and vulnerable people with technique is based on the the subtraction of two or more
a secure environment, in order to improve their quality of consecutive frames followed by thresholding. The optical
life and reduce the costs of health and social care [3]. Video flow approach uses the velocity field that warps one image
surveillance in smart home environments, attempts to detect, into another image.

978-0-7695-4980-4/13 $26.00 © 2013 IEEE 471

DOI 10.1109/CSCS.2013.30
Input cameras into (i) region-based tracking, (ii) active contour-based
tracking, (iii) feature-based tracking, and (iv) model-based
tracking. We will use this classification because it is more
Motion detection appropriate with the in−house video surveillance methods.
Region-based tracking algorithms track objects accord−
ing to variations of the image regions corresponding to
Object tracking the moving objects. In this case the background image is
maintained dynamically, and motion regions are usually
detected by subtracting the background from the current
Human motion analysis image. Feature-based tracking methods perform the tracking
of objects by extracting first some elements from video
frames, and then clustering them into higher level features,
and finally by matching the features between frames. Model-
Activity recognition Event detection based tracking algorithms track objects by matching object
models, produced with prior knowledge, to image data.
The models are usually constructed off−line with manual
Control and visualization Alarm generation measurement, or computer vision techniques.
We focus on model-based human body tracking be−
Figure 1. Traditional flow of processing in a in−house video surveillance
system cause this method is related to in−house vision surveillance
systems. Model−based human body tracking is known as
analysis−by−synthesis, and it is used in a predict−match−
update style. In a first step, the pose of the model for the
Background subtraction method is simple, but extremely
next frame is predicted according to prior knowledge and
sensitive to changes in dynamic scenes derived from lighting
tracking history, then the predicted model is synthesized
and extraneous events. Recent background subtraction algo−
and projected into the image plane for comparison with the
rithms focused on adapting to varying illumination condi−
image data.
tions, geometry reconfiguration of background structure, and
Model−based human body tracking techniques are based
repetitive motion from clutter. Among others may include
on three components: (i) human body models, (ii) motion
methods such as: (a) background subtraction methods for
models, and (iii) search strategies.
modeling a multiple modal background distribution [6],
Human body models can be represented in several styles:
which use a Gaussian−based approach for real−time applica−
(a) a stick figure representation, which can be used to build
tions, (b) statistical background modeling [7], where an edge
a hierarchical model of human dynamics encoded using
segment−based statistical background modeling is used, and
Hidden Markov models [10], (b) 2D contour, which rep−
(c) universal background subtraction algorithm for video
resents the human body projections in an image plane (the
sequences [8], which stores a set of values taken in the past
human body segments can be modeled by 2D ribbons [11],
in the same location or in the neighborhood.
or blobs [12]), (c) volumetric models that use 3D models
Temporal differencing is robust to dynamic changes of the
such as elliptical cylinders, cones, spheres, super−quadrics,
environment, but generally this technique gives poor results
etc [13], and (d) hierarchical model [14] that include several
in extracting all the relevant pixels, leaving holes inside
levels (skeleton, ellipsoid meatballs, polygonal surface) for
moving objects. For this reason, background subtraction
achieving more accurate results.
and temporal differencing techniques are used together in
Motion models of human limbs and joints are widely used
many approaches. Optical−flow−based methods can be used
in tracking, because the movements of the limbs are strongly
to detect independently moving objects even in the presence
constrained. These motion models serve as prior knowledge
of camera motion, but the flow computation methods are
to predict motion parameters [15], to interpret and recognize
computationally complex and very sensitive to noise, and
human behaviors [16], or to constrain the estimation of low−
cannot be applied to video streams in real time without using
level image measurements [17].
specialized hardware.
Search strategies are used to reduce the solution space,
B. Object Tracking because pose estimation in a high−dimensional body con−
The object tracking module is responsible for detecting figuration space is intrinsically difficult. Generally, there
and tracking of moving objects by using information from are four main classes of search strategies: dynamics, Taylor
the motion detection module, object locations being subse− models, Kalman filtering, and stochastic sampling. Dynam-
quently transformed into 3D coordinates. ical strategies use physical forces applied to each rigid
There are several approaches to classify object tracking part of the 3D model of the tracked object that guide the
methods. According to [9], object tracking can be classified minimization of the difference between the pose of the 3D

model and the pose of the real object [13]. Taylor models use Events
an incremental approach to improve an existing estimation,
using differentials of motion parameters with respect to the Space−time Sequential
approaches approaches
observation to predict better search directions [18]. The
Kalman filter is a recursive linear estimator used for tracking Space−time Space−time
Trajectories Exemplar−based State−based
the shape and position over time in which the density volume features

of the motion parameters can be modeled as Gaussian

[19]. Stochastic sampling strategies, such as Markov Chain Activities
Monte Carlo [20], and condensation [21], are used to handle
clutter that causes the probability density function for motion
Statistical Syntactic Graphical−based Declarative
parameters to be multimodal and non−Gaussian.
Compared with other tracking algorithms, model−based
tracking algorithms have several advantages such as: Figure 2. Overview of approaches for event and activity recognition
• These algorithms are robust (by using the prior knowl−
edge of the 3−D contours or surfaces of objects), and
they can obtain better results even under occlusion. where the input video is considered as a 3D volume, and
• The structure of human body, the constraint of human (ii) sequential approaches, where the input is considered as
motion, and other prior knowledge can be fused in a a sequence of frames.
single information structure. 1) Space-time approaches: The aim of these approaches
• The 3−D model−based tracking algorithms can be ap− is to recognize human activities by analyzing space−time
plied even when objects greatly change their orienta− volumes from the video frames. They are divided into several
tions during the motion. categories based on the type of features considered in the
However model−based tracking algorithms have two main 3D space−time volumes: (a) volumes, (b) trajectories, and
disadvantages: the necessity of constructing the models, and (c) local features.
the high computational cost. Volumes are viewed themselves as features, and the recog−
nition is performed by measuring the similarity between two
volumes. In [25] a template matching method is applied to
After the of motion detection step, human actions can be a pair of (MEI, MHI), where MEI represents the motion−
viewed as a series of detected motions. In [22] an action energy of an image, and MHI represents the motion−history
taxonomy is defined, based on the degree of abstraction: of the image. This system is able to recognize simple
(a) basic motion recognition, or action primitives, which actions like sitting, arm waving, and crouching. In [26]
represent the atomic entities out of which actions are built, a segmented spatio−temporal volumes method is used to
(b) a set of different or repetitive action primitives that make model human activities, and then a hierarchical meanshift
up an action, and (c) activities, which represent complex method is used to cluster similarly colored voxels, while
sequence of actions performed by several humans who could SVM method is applied to recognize human actions. Authors
be interacting with each other in a constrained manner. In of [27] introduce a method that uses background modeling
the following we use the term of event instead of action. and spatio−temporal template matching based technique. The
Various approaches for categorizing recognition methods motion history images are used to construct object shape
for events and activities have been proposed [2], [23], [24], information for recognizing different human activities, such
based on the approaches used for event modeling. as walking, standing, bending, sleeping and jumping.
Figure 2 presents an hierarchy that is similar to the The space−time volume approaches have difficulties in
approach proposed in [24], where the notion of single- recognizing actions when multiple persons are present in the
layered approach is replaced with the notion of event, and scene, or when the actions cannot be spatially segmented.
hierarchical approach is replaced with the notion of activity. Trajectories are methods, where features are represented
Single−layered approaches from [24] represent methods that as a sequence of 2D or 3D points corresponding to positions
recognize human motion directly based on sequences of of the moving objects, and human body part estimation
images, being suitable for recognition of events, while methodologies are then used to extract the joint positions of
hierarchical approaches represent high−level human activities a person at each image frame. In [28] an action is represented
that can be described in term of sub−events. as a set of 13 joint trajectories in a 4D XYZT space,
A. Modeling and Recognition of Events and an affine projection is used to obtain normalized XYT
trajectories, in order to measure the view−invariant similarity
Methods for event recognition can be again classified into
between two sets of trajectories. In [29] a methodology that
two types, as presented in Figure 2, depending on the model
extracts meaningful curvature patterns from the trajectories
used to describe human motion: (i) space-time approaches,
is proposed. The system extracts the positions of peaks of

trajectory curves, representing an action as a set of peaks and In the first stage a head localization method is used from a
intervals between them. By analyzing peaks of trajectories, human detection bounding box, and a head pose classifier
the proposed method is able to recognize human actions such is estimated. The second stage is a framework for the joint
as ’opening a cabinet’ and ’picking up an object’. estimation of body position, body pose and head pose.
One major advantage of the trajectory−based approaches is In model-based approaches the human motion is repre−
the ability to analyze detailed levels of human movements. sented as a model composed of a set of states. The model is
However, the problem of the 3−D body−part detection and statistically trained, and one statistical model is constructed
tracking remains an unsolved and an open research problem. for each activity. Hidden Markov models (HMMs) and
Local features are extracted from 3D space−time vol− dynamic Bayesian networks (DBNs) have been widely used
umes, and they are used to represent and recognize human for state model−based approaches. In [38] a DBN is used to
motion. Several approaches extract these local features at recognize gestures of two interacting persons. Some gestures
every frame and concatenate them temporally to describe such as ’stretching an arm’ and ’turning a head left’ can
the human activities [30], while other approaches extract be recognized by constructing a tree−structured DBN. In
sparse spatio−temporal local interest points from 3D volumes [39] an efficient recognition algorithm using coupled hidden
[31], [32]. In [33] an approach using local spatio−temporal semi−Markov models (CHSMMs) has been proposed, which
features at multiple temporal scales is proposed, which can extends the coupled HMMs by modeling the duration of
handle execution speed variations of an action. In [32] an activity staying in each state. In [40] a method for
a spatio−temporal relationship matching is introduced in object detection and action recognition is presented that
order to recognize complex activities. The method measures uses a Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG) method for
structural similarity between two videos, which enables the object detection, and a Hidden Markov Model (HMM) for
detection and localization of complex−structured activities. capturing the temporal structure of the features.
In [34] a new model, called context space model, is pro− Exemplar−based approaches provide more flexibility for
posed for detecting anomalous behavior in video sequence. recognition of human activities than the model−based ap−
Context space is defined as an n−dimensional information proaches (e.g. such systems can maintain multiple and
space formed by parameters selected from the contextual different sample sequences). In addition, the amount of
information. The proposed method provides guidelines for necessary training data can be less than in the case of state
the system designers to select information that can be used model−based approaches. On the other hand, state−based
to describe context, and enables a system to distinguish approaches are able to perform probabilistic inference for
between different contexts. activity determination.
Methods using local descriptors have some advantages,
because background subtraction or other low−level compo− B. Modeling and Recognition of Activities
nents are not required, and the local features are affine Higher−level representation and reasoning methods are
invariant in most cases. They can be used for recognizing necessary for modeling complex activities having inherent
simple periodic actions such as ’walking’. structure and semantics. Accordingly to this assumption, in
2) Sequential approaches: These approaches consider as approaches for human activity recognition (or hierarchical
input a sequence of video frames, and determine if an approaches [24]) a high−level activity is considered as com−
activity has occurred in the video when a particular sequence posed of several simpler activities, denoted by sub-activities
of features characterizing the activity is observed. Depending (or actions, or events).
on the method used to recognize human motion, they are As presented in Figure 2, approaches for modeling and
classified into (i) exemplar-based, and (ii) model-based. recognition of activities are divided into four categories:
Exemplar-based approaches describe classes of human (i) statistical, (ii) graphical-based, (iii) syntactic, and (iv)
actions using training samples, and represent human activi− declarative.
ties by maintaining a template sequence or a set of sample 1) Statistical approaches: In the case of statistical ap-
sequences of actions. The dynamic time warping (DTW) proaches, multiple layers (usually two) of state−based mod−
algorithm has been adopted for matching two sequences els such as HMMs are used to recognize activities with
with variations [35]. In [36] human activities are recognized sequential structures. At the bottom layer, atomic actions
by modeling them as linear time invariant (LTI) systems. are recognized from sequences of feature vectors, while
The system converts a sequence of images into a sequence the second−level treats this sequence of atomic actions as
of silhouettes, extracts contour information, and then uses observations generated by the first−level. For each model, a
SVMs for classifying a new video input. In this way some classifier is constructed by using the maximum likelihood
simple actions such as ’slow walk’ and ’fast walk’ can be estimation (MLE), or the maximum a posteriori probability
recognized. In [37] a method for the analysis of human (MAP). The method of multi−layered HMMs has been
motion has been proposed that uses joint estimation of explored by various researchers. In [41] hierarchical HMMs
human behavioral information, such as head and body pose. of two layers are constructed to recognize human activities

such as ’a person having a meal’, or ’a person having of an activity represents a parsing process. There are several
a snack’. In [42] a multi−layered HMM is constructed to approaches for using grammars in in video activity under−
recognize group activities occurring in a meeting room. The standing, which use different type of grammars: context-free
system recognized atomic actions of speaking’, ’writing’, grammars, stochastic grammars, and attribute grammars.
and group activities such as ’monologue’, ’discussion’, and Context-free grammars (CFG) are one of the earliest
’presentation’. used type of grammars for video activity recognition [48].
2) Graphical-based approaches: These approaches con− In [49] a method that use the CFG formalism to model
tain a graphical representation of some state−based models. and recognize composite human activities and multi−person
Among others we can mention belief networks and Petri interactions is proposed. This method represents a hierarchi−
nets. cal approach, having the lower−levels composed of HMMs
Belief networks represent Bayesian networks that specify and BNs, while the higher−level interactions are modeled
complex conditional dependencies between a set of random by CFGs. In complex scenarios involving several persons,
variables that are encoded as local conditional probability and requiring temporal relations, it is difficult to formulate
densities. In addition, Dynamic Belief networks (DBNs) the grammatical rules manually. Learning the rules of the
represent a generalization of the Bayesian networks by grammar from training data is a promising alternative, but
incorporating temporal dependencies between random vari− it has proved to be extremely difficult in the general case
ables, and approaches using DBNs may contain multiple [50].
levels of hidden states. In [43] DBNs are constructed to Stochastic grammars allow probabilities to be associ−
recognize group activities in a conference room, such as ated with each production rule. This extension provides a
’break’, ’presentation’, and ’discussion’, based on atomic mechanism to deal with the uncertainty inherent in video
actions such as ’talking’, or ’asking’. In [44] a method for surveillance systems. In [51] Stochastic context−free gram−
interpretation of human−object interactions is presented, that mars (SCFG) were used to model the semantics of activities
integrates information from perceptual tasks such as human whose structure was assumed to be known, where low−
motion analysis, and object detection. level primitive detection is performed by using HMMs. In
The Petri net (PN) formalism allows a graphical represen− [52] SCFGs are used to model multi−tasked activities (i.e.
tation of activities that can be used to model semantic rela− activities that have several independent threads of execution
tions that occur in video events including temporal relations, with intermittent dependent interactions). As in the case of
spatial and logical composition, hierarchy, and concurrency. CFGs, approaches for learning the structure of SCFGs have
As specified in [45], PN event model approaches can be been proposed. In [53] a method for automatically learning
divided into two categories: object PNs and plan PNs. a Probabilistic Context−free grammar for recognizing human
Tokens in the object PN model correspond to objects and actions from sequences of human silhouettes is presented.
their properties in video sequences, places represent object Attribute grammars associate conditions with production
states, while transitions represent changes in an object state. rules. In video−surveillance systems, attributes can be at−
In [46] an enhanced PN model constructed on the object tached to primitive events. In [54] Probabilistic Attribute
PN model was used for people surveillance, which replaces Grammars have been used for multi−agent activities in video−
transitions with stochastic timed transitions for dealing with surveillance. The primitive events used in this approach are
uncertainty. In plan PN approaches each event is viewed as ’appear’, ’disappear’, ’stop’, and ’start’. The primitive events
a ’plan’ of sub−events, each sub−event being represented by are associated with attributes such as id (identity of the entity
a place. An event is recognized when the ’sink’ transition of involved, loc (location where the primitive event occurs), and
the plan fires. In this case a separate model for each event class (object classification label).
is required. In [47] an enhanced PN model constructed on 4) Declarative approaches: Declarative, or Knowledge-
the plan PN model is used for people surveillance, which based approaches represent activities in terms of primi−
associates probabilities with tokens. Though PNs represent tives and constraints on them. These methods can express
an intuitive tool for expressing complex activities, they suffer more complex constraints than grammar−based approaches.
from the disadvantage of having to manually create the Declarative approaches can be divided in two categories:
model structure. The problem of learning the PN structure logic-based approaches, and ontology-based approaches.
from training−data has not yet been formally addressed. Logic-based approaches use logical rules to describe
3) Syntactic approaches: These approaches are based common−sense domain knowledge that is used to describe
on grammars that express the structure of a process using human activities. In [55] a method for representing activities
a set of production rules. In video motion understanding using declarative models is presented, recognition being per−
approaches, terminals symbols correspond to abstraction formed by using a constraint−satisfaction algorithm. In [56]
primitives, nonterminal symbols correspond to semantic a hierarchical representation to recognize actions performed
concepts (i.e. sub−events), and production rules correspond by a single person is presented. The first level realizes
to the semantic structure of the activities. The recognition detection and tracking of moving objects from the video

stream, while the second level takes the inferred trajectory This approach targets surveillance applications where an
of each object, and the contextual information, to recognize alarm need to be detected, and persons are required to
the behavior of the moving objects among a large number wear colored hats or vests. Authors from [64] present
of potential scenarios. In [57] this representation is extended a privacy−preserving surveillance video system where the
by considering an activity to be composed of several action privacy information can be stored and retrieved in a secure
threads, each action thread being modeled as a stochastic and reliable manner. A digital signature is inserted into the
finite−state automaton. resulting video for authentication.
Ontology-based approaches represent taxonomy−based
methods that attempt to categorize human activities accord− V. C ONCLUSION
ing to some predefined criteria. Some methods decompose
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2014 28th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications Workshops

Domotic evolution towards the IoT

Vittorio Miori Dario Russo

Institute of Information Science and Technology (ISTI) Institute of Information Science and Technology (ISTI)
National Research Council of Italy (CNR) National Research Council of Italy (CNR)
Pisa, Italy Pisa, Italy

Abstract— The number of smart devices around us grows more lead to the creation of new business models as well. In such a
and more every day, and with it the need to interface them in scenario, companies must get used to the idea of sitting down
order to share data and activate functions. Each day, new and cooperating at a “virtual table”. Web-based platforms
scenarios and new applications emerge to make our lives easier can create the basis for partners to extend or supplement
in many different contexts. The race towards realizing a true what they offer in completely new ways.
Internet of Things (IoT) paradigm has already begun, and by The Internet of Things is however not just a distant vision
now such reality is at hand. The work presented herein aims to of the future – it’s already here and is having an impact on
offer a practicable, scalable solution for fulfilling many of the more than just technological developments.
promises of the Internet of Things, even in contexts rendered
Every device that connects to the Internet requires an IP
problematic by the continuing presence of closed proprietary
address, and it has been predicted that by the year 2020 there
systems, lacking any compatibility with Internet protocols,
such as the home automation industry. Starting with a major
will be 50-100 billion Internet-enabled devices in a world [3]
contribution by our laboratory to the field of interoperability with an expected global population of 7.6 billion people.
among natively incompatible domotic technologies, a software Considering that, according to a survey of urban
module has been developed to enable any and all home environments, each human being is surrounded by 1000 to
automation devices to interface and interact via the IPv6 5000 trackable objects [4], the move to IPv6 [5] is necessary,
network protocol. Each and every home automation device can as it provides a almost unimaginable number of IP addresses
thereby interact actively with the surrounding world, as it has — 18 quintillion blocks of 18 quintillion possible addresses.
been made reachable through its own IPv6 address that Domotics, or home automation in a so-called “Smart
identifies it uniquely on the Internet. The proposed system Home” involves the controlling and monitoring of home
thereby advances users’ ability to take full advantage of the appliances in a unified system. Such control systems include
benefits offered by the new IoT vision of the world. lighting, climate control (HVAC: Heating, Ventilation, and
Air Conditioning), security systems and even home
Keywords- IPv6; Interoperability; Web services; Internet of electronics. Home automation is closely related to
Things, Ambient Intelligence, Digital Ecosystem (industrial) building automation, which focuses on the
automation of large commercial buildings.
I. INTRODUCTION There are many different types of home automation
Although the Internet has already fundamentally changed systems available. These systems are typically designed and
society [1], the greatest transformation still lies ahead of us. purchased for different purposes. In fact, one of the major
Several new technologies are now converging in a way that problems in the area is that these different systems are
sets the Internet on the brink of a true revolution, as billions neither interoperable nor interconnected. These systems
of large and small objects are connected and take on their range from simple remote-controlled light switches to fully
own Web identity. integrated, networked devices controlling all appliances in an
Following on from the Internet of computers, the next entire building.
phase of development is the Internet of Things [2], when Home automation is an extremely appealing application
more or less everything will be connected and managed in of the Internet of Things. It envisions a future home
the virtual world. This transformation will be the Net’s environment where embedded sensors and actuators (e.g., in
largest expansion ever and will have sweeping effects on consumer electronic products and systems) are self-
every industry, and all of our everyday lives. configuring and can be controlled remotely through the
In fact, in the near future, more and more devices and Internet, enabling a variety of monitoring and control
systems will be capable of sending and receiving data applications. Such communication capabilities are often
automatically via the Internet. This new scenario involves offered by manufacturers of domotic systems, though
new developments with enormous potential, for example, in without Internet compatibility. In fact, each manufacturer
business markets. Indeed, the Internet of Things (IoT) will produces its own special device called an IP gateway that
enable connecting market participants and sectors that enables physically interfacing a proprietary domotic bus with
previously had no business dealings with one another. This an IPv4-enabled Ethernet socket. By connecting the IP
will generate new products and services, which will in turn gateway to the Internet, either directly or through a home /

978-1-4799-2652-7/14 $31.00 © 2014 IEEE 809

DOI 10.1109/WAINA.2014.128
residential gateway [6], the domotic system can be managed addresses to domotic devices lacking IPv6-compatible
remotely using a PC, Smartphone or Tablet through the use interfaces have been followed in the literature:
of the proper software. • hardware: using a NIC (Network Interface Card) for each
In contrast to the true IoT paradigm, such solutions domotic device. The NIC acts as a hardware gateway
provide the home (but not each device) with a unique able to interface the device with the network. This
Internet access point (and hence, a unique public IP address solution is poorly scalable because it requires physically
that can be assigned to the IP gateway or the home / modifying and adding hardware to each domotic device;
residential gateway according to the home network • software: can be implemented without making hardware
configuration) for controlling all the devices connected to a modifications. It is potentially quick and easy to apply to
certain domotic bus. In this scenario, the assigned public IP a virtually infinite number of devices without additional
address identifies not a single device or function, but the single hardware costs.
entire domotic network. For this reason, using common Tin-Yu Wu et al. [8] has proposed an interesting
Internet applications (e.g. Web browsers) is often not approach to intelligent appliance auto-configuration in a
sufficient to interact directly with a single home device networked domain. It implements three functions: (i)
through the Internet: in addition to the IP gateway, a assisting the information appliance in acquiring a regular
customized software manager application is required to domain name without manual configuration; (ii) providing a
locate devices and activate their functions within the domotic session initialization protocol, uniform resource identifier,
network. In this case, the software manager application may auto-configuration and seeing to device registration; (iii)
be run within the IP gateway of the home / residential initiating communications between devices in order to
gateway, but not within the domotic devices themselves, manage the residential gateway and configure the user
which are lacking a public IP address. One example of a management system interface. Unfortunately, this solution
software manager application would be a Web server that requires adding a software application that must be executed
translates Web browser user interactions into specific during the device system boot, which involves modifying the
domotic commands, and can hence display and enable original device design by adding different embedded
interaction with the available devices belonging to a certain routines.
domotic network. Another work in this regard has been presented by van
However, by exploiting the functionalities of these IP Moergestel and Meyer [9], who propose a multi-agent based
gateways, it is possible to develop a system for controlling architecture to implement home automation device
home electrical devices via the Internet using the IPv6 interoperability. The architecture described provides each
addressing system to enable direct control. Thus, the aim of device with an independent agent to which an IPv6 address
this work consists in developing software able to interface can then be assigned. However, the solution requires
directly with domotic devices following the principles of the installing small computer equipment to execute the
IoT paradigm. corresponding agent on each device, thus making the system
The solution presented here is a natural extension of an poorly scalable.
existing project carried out at our laboratory called DomoNet Jung et al. [10] propose an approach using a gateway that
[7], which provides a framework for implementing allows the integration of a building’s automation system into
interoperability among different proprietary domotic systems constrained RESTful environments by means of a per-device
from different manufacturers. oBIX-based IPv6 interface. This solution does not require
any direct manipulation or adjustment of the devices. In
II. RELATED WORKS another work, Jung et al. [11] propose a solution for adding
Current domotic systems differ widely in characteristics, IPv6 and illustrate it using the BACNet system as an
operation, functionality, device management and so on. For example. In the example, however, significant modifications
these reasons, in general they are not natively interoperable are made to the BACNet protocol functioning.
and moreover use different proprietary media to transmit Jeong et al. [12] also address the problem of IPv6 and the
messages across their own networks. This is because most Internet of Things, proposing a solution that permits users to
domotic systems use physically different wired or wireless discover, identify and communicate with things
proprietary buses, and protocols that are incompatible with independently of their underlying addresses and network
Internet and IPv6 technologies. To overcome the current lack protocol stacks. The solution exploits the EPC (Electronic
of direct Internet connectivity, many home automation Product Code), a worldwide standard that provides a unique
manufacturers still provide special interfaces called IP identity for every physical object anywhere in the world via
gateways that interface the domotics system buses with the RFID or optical data carriers. The solution proposed does not
Internet using the IPv4 protocol. As mentioned, this results modify either standard protocols or devices, but implements
in the ability to interconnect only the domotic bus and not an ad hoc network infrastructure.
each single device. Thus, although domotic devices can be The solution described in this paper takes the advantages
piloted remotely through the Internet, it is still impossible to of the true software approach where no hardware device
interact directly with them using standard protocols. modifications are required and of a software middleware
Many works have addressed the IoT paradigm in some able to flatten out technologic differences among different
early attempts to make domotic devices compliant with the domotic devices. The result is a scalable solution that is able
IPv6 protocol. Two main approaches to assigning IPv6

of interfacing on a IPv6 network any home device regardless By exploiting the DomoML language, DomoNet
its belonging technology. constructs a technologically uniform view of all the devices
available on the network and their functions. In this context,
III. DOMONET FRAMEWORK all differences between domotic systems are leveled, making
Nowadays, the many domotic systems crowding the DomoNet able to interact with any and all devices using this
market are rarely interoperable and thus do not permit single high-level language alone. In this way, DomoNet
consumers to choose devices according to their requirements mediates the interactions between two or more different
or other relevant criteria, such as cost, performance, trends devices belonging to different domotic systems in order to
and confidence, instead of being constrained by issues of render them interoperable. DomoML in fact defines and
compatibility with their pre-existing systems. The current constitutes a new control layer, which can be viewed as a
lack of interoperability is due to the fact that current market meta-infrastructure of high-level services. This logical
practice effectively binds consumers to proprietary infrastructure binds several single domotic systems together
technologies, thereby forcing them to purchase only devices to provide them with common information exchange and
conforming to a specific manufacturer’s system to enjoy full control mechanisms.
interoperability. To date, no domotic technology has
emerged as a de facto standard in the industry.
To tackle this issue, our laboratory has created a digital
“ecosystem” called DomoNet [7]. DomoNet is an open-
source software application released under the GPL license
that takes advantage of W3C-recommended standard Web
technologies such as Web Services, SOA and XML. The
advantage to using W3C standard solutions is that it ensures
that applications are fully compatible with other standards-
based software and are not tied to any particular software
system, programming language or computer architecture.
DomoNet has been coded using the Java language and open-
source libraries and tools. It offers significant benefits in Figure 1. DomoNet architecture
terms of interoperability by means of a middleware
infrastructure offering a high level of abstraction and a At the time of system configuration, DomoNet assigns to
comprehensive approach to addressing technology each device detected by the TechManagers a unique id and
mismatches directly through the use of ad hoc mappings of the URL of its managing Web service, so that it can be
different proprietary standards. addressed from both within and outside the framework. By
The core of DomoNet consists of middleware based on exploiting the DomoNetWS Web services mechanism in a
the Web Services and Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) standard fashion, it is possible to remotely interact with
[13] paradigms, in which the services correspond to the devices regardless of the various different underlying
functionalities offered by the devices. domotic technologies. In fact, the Web services can provide a
The core of the DomoNet framework is represented by list of all the devices belonging to a DomoNet network,
domoNetWS  a WebServices-based engine whose task is to recognize their available functions, and invoke them.
enable true cooperation between nodes. It constructs a The TechManagers represent the connecting links
unique view of the system, including all the devices interfacing the domotic systems with the DomoNet core.
belonging to all the different domotic systems available Each TechManager implements all the functions necessary
through a set of modules that act as gateways, called for DomoNetWS to manage a domotic system and provide
TechManagers, to deal with specific domotic systems. customized services. One important service permits
Figure 1 shows a schematic representation of the DomoNet interactions with devices by implementing the functions of
architecture. an out-and-out gateway using, on the one hand, DomoML,
To implement interoperability, DomoNet defines a when the communication is with DomoNet, and on the other,
standard language, called DomoML, for the semantic the language of the specific domotic system, when the
abstraction of heterogeneous systems in order to describe communication is with the domotic bus. A translation service
device functions, data types, messages and models of the is moreover provided for sharing information between these
interactions and communications among framework entities. two languages. Other important TechManager services
It represents a sort of universal domotic language to be include discovering devices and their functions, submitting
applied in any domotic context. commands, receiving notifications regarding system states,
DomoML consists of two main formalisms: and so on. The implementations of these various
• domoDevice: defines devices and their functions. In TechManager services differ from one to the next, as they
particular, it describes the characteristics of a device, its are strictly dependent on the underlying domotic technology.
location, functions (services) and the processes by which Extending DomoNet to support a new domotic system
interactions with other domoDevices must take place. requires simply adding a new TechManager. DomoNet
• domoMessage: formally describes events, commands provides well-documented class interfaces and APIs to
and responses. facilitate this process.

IV. THE IPV6 GATEWAY Linux machine, for instance, the ip command line is
Exploiting the peculiar feature of the DomoNet invoked to obtain the network prefix field and assign an
framework, that is, its ability to provide a uniform system address to the network interface;
view of networked devices implementing different • an interface identifier, which distinguishes the host
technologies, the aim of this work is to develop a module to network interface. This can be created randomly by the
make domotic devices compliant with IoT objectives. This is server machine itself. If combining the prefix with the
made possible by DomoNet’s inherent provisions for interface identifier leads to the generation of an already
interoperability. existing IPv6 address, a Duplicate Address Detection
To this end, IPv6 protocol support is a sine qua non. The error of the NDP protocol results.
software solution developed is perfectly scalable and
immediately adoptable without the need for hardware or
hybrid solutions that may require direct device alterations,
which can in general be risky and difficult for non-
specialized users. Moreover, modifying the hardware of a
large number of devices can be very demanding, especially
when some are not physically accessible.
The proposed software solution provides the DomoNet
framework with IPv6 protocol support, in particular it aims
• link together each DomoNet device via an IPv6 address
using a mapping scheme. This function creates a
correspondence between the DomoNet and IPv6
addressing systems, which enables translating the
address from one representation to other bi-
directionally; Figure 2. IPv6 address assignment
• make each domotic device managed by the DomoNet
framework reachable anywhere and any way through an When a new device signals its entry into the DomoNet
IPv6 address. Obviously, all IPv6 addresses associated network (Figure 2) its associated TechManager creates the
to domotic devices must be globally valid, unique and corresponding DomoDevice. The DomoDevice formal
fully compliant with IPv6 rules; representation of the device is sent to the DomoNet server,
which assigns it both a DomoNet and an IPv6 address,
• implement a dedicated MVC (Model View Controller) thereby providing dual identification. In doing so, the
[14] Web interface for each domotic device. This DomoNet server compiles a bi-directional map in order to
interface, which must be reachable using the device’s enable identification of address correspondences. The choice
IPv6 address, displays each device’s status and available of providing this dual representation ensures backward
functions. compatibility with the applications and services previously
created for the DomoNet ecosystem.
In general, a set of different instances of DomoNet can Figure 2 illustrates a scenario in which the DomoNet
co-exist in the same or different environments. When two or server receives an IPv6 request from outside its network.
more DomoNet instances co-exist, they can share the same When an IPv6 request is forwarded by a resource belonging
devices. By way of example, it is possible to have one to the Internet of Things, the DomoNet server responsible for
instance of DomoNet at home and another at work. These the requester’s address responds. The mapping scheme is
two instances can cooperate and share values and functions. then used to find the correspondence between the IPv6
In this way, DomoNet enables, for example, switching a light address and the DomoNet address and identify the correct
off at the office using a push button at home, even if the two device involved. To process the request, the DomoNet server
domotic systems implement different technologies from forwards it to the proper TechManager, which then translates
different manufacturers. the request to a formalism that the device can process and
As shown in Figure 1, each DomoNet instance is made queries the device involved. The device’s response is
up of a server at the core of the architecture, and a set of delivered to the TechManager and, after the DomoML
TechManagers, which interface the heterogeneous translation process, is forwarded to the DomoNet server,
technologies. which finally sends it to the requester.
The solution presented requires assigning a set of global
IPv6 addresses to each machine running an instance of the V. THE PROTOTYPE
DomoNet server. Each IP address in the set, created by the
DomoNet server machine itself, must include two main fields To test the prototype developed, an instance of DomoNet
in order to be valid: equipped with the IPv6 gateway has been set up and running
in a simulated home environment in our demo lab.
• a prefix that it is used for routing purposes. This can be
The home automation technologies involved in the test
achieved by exploiting OS functions and apis. On a
are KNX, UPnP, ByMe and MyHome. Although these

technologies are different and cannot therefore interact end, JavaBean, JSP and Servlet technologies [16] have been
natively, DomoNet provides a unique view of the entire adopted in the test and applied under the constraints of the
system and is able to make them interoperate. MVC [14] paradigm. In this way, the Web server responds to
The DomoNet server with IPv6 gateway is executed on a requests with Web interfaces customized to each device,
common PC with two network cards to enable it to connect which are invoked using the device’s IPv6 address directly.
simultaneously to (figure 3): When a Web request originates from the Internet, Tomcat
responds because it shares the same set of IPv6 addresses as
DomoNet. The request is received by a servlet, which reads
the address of the device involved in the communication
from the requester URL. Using the IPv6DomoNet mapping,
DomoNet then identifies the device and queries it in order to
obtain the information needed to satisfy the request. To
display the results on a Web page, the DomoNet server
creates a JavaBean to represent the device involved and fills
it with the needed data. Tomcat takes the completed
JavaBean as input and shows the result through a JSP.

Figure 3. Architecture of the test

• the local network (DomoNet), where local

communications occur via the IPv4 protocol through a
hardware network switch used to connect the different
domotic systems and the DomoNet server. The
DomoNet server is thereby able to interact with all
devices of all the domotic systems;
• the public network that interfaces the DomoNet server
Figure 4. Device callable functions
with the Internet using the IPv6 protocol.
A dynamic DNS service cooperates with the IPv6 To test the platform’s functioning, we created some test
gateway and DomoNet server. In this way, accessing a Web pages for controlling a device. Using a Web browser, a
network resource does not require specifying long, difficult request was sent to load the main page of the device, which
IPv6 addresses. A Bind9 DNS server [15] is used for this in this example, was an electric oven (Figure 4). This
purpose. To automatically and dynamically assign names to resulting page shows the functions that can be activated, in
the entries in the DNS database, each time a new device joins particular: request the device state, power it on or off, check
the DomoNet network and requests a new IPv6 address, a the state of the electrical socket and enable or disable it. For
DNS entry is created using the device name. instance, the oven power on or off function can be activated
by specifying the needed parameters (Figure 5).
One of the main objectives of the Internet of Things is to
enable direct interaction with devices. A simple way to
achieve this is through a Web interface. However,
unfortunately domotic devices cannot in general interact
directly with Web browsers because they lack standard
Internet protocols, such as http, ldap, imap, pop, and so on.
Moreover, implementing such protocols directly on domotic
devices is not possible due to their hardware limitations. For
these reasons, the Internet protocols must be implemented
elsewhere. Our current implementation includes the use of a
Web server running on the same computer as the DomoNet Figure 5. Device function call
server. This Web server can respond to http requests as if
they were direct Web interactions with a device identified by When the function has been activated, the response
its IPv6 address. In our test, the Tomcat Web server was used shows the updated state of the oven (Figure 6).
to display all the necessary Web pages. VII. CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE WORK
Due to the potentially extremely different characteristics
of the various devices in the network, in order to avoid The work presented represents an extension of the
generating many distinct Web pages for each device, the DomoNet interoperability framework, consisting of adding
Web server must rely on a dynamic page generator. To this

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Simulation Platform for Domotic Systems

Mauricio A. Coral Lozada, Fernando De la Rosa R.

Departamento de Ingeniería de Sistemas y Computación
Universidad de los Andes
Bogotá, Colombia
{ma.coral126, fde}

Abstract - The lack of a standard in the area of Automation has time [1]. In [2] Lazovik et al. claim that one of the greatest
led to all manufacturers and researchers to work in parallel on difficulties in the development of home automation
new technologies which have increased the heterogeneity of applications is that these systems are extremely difficult to test,
devices and drivers on the market. As a result, each because appropriate tests require a physical home dedicated just
manufacturer must provide the tools needed for the installation, for this purpose. In [3] Mateos et al. mention that a common
configuration and implementation of its technology. As a problem in automation and control is presented in the practice
consequence, different components of different brands have low or testing stage, because developers have to implement and test
compatibility. This paper presents a simulation platform which their designs using specialized devices control (such as micro
allows automated systems to evaluate a design without the need of
controllers or PLC) and in many cases, the use of scale models
physical implementation, regardless of the component
manufacturer. Furthermore, it increases the number of
or actual components is not possible, forcing to have to deal
components (software and hardware) that could be used as a with a large number of switches, leds, etc, which can lead to
controller, it supports multiple communication protocols, it confusion or reduce designer motivation. In [4] Lazovik et al.
provides 2D/3D views of simulated scenarios, and it is built using mention that one of the biggest challenges in home automation
free software. is the verification of the proposed solutions due to the high cost
of the components involved. This shows the need for generic
Keywords: Automation, simulation, virtual instrumentation, home tools to simulate and evaluate the designs without the need for
automation, smart home, pervasive computing, domotic. any implementation.
I. INTRODUCTION This paper is divided as follows. Section II provides a
Domotic is a set of elements that are installed, description of the state of the art. Section III describes our
interconnected and controlled by a central system for home simulation platform for domotic systems. Section IV describes
automation, providing energy management services, safety, the tests done to this work and the last section presents the
welfare and communication. The main objective is to improve conclusion and the future work.
quality of life for residential users by providing most daily
activities like turning on lights, open doors and windows.
Another goal is household resource management, for example One of the first works to address the issue of simulation of
water and gas, to make more efficient use of them. domotic design is VISIR [5]. VISIR is a software application
for Microsoft Windows that allow designing home automation
Pervasive computing is defined as the integration of installations and carrying out the simulation of the same in
computers in the environment of people, so that computers or direct connection with the series PLCs SIMATIC S5 and
controllers are not perceived as distinct objects. Domotic is SIMATIC S7-200 from Siemens, responsible for inspection of
included as an area of pervasive computing. the facility given. This paper focuses on the states of
The first problem associated with automated systems is the programming and debugging the system and notes that most of
lack of a standard to coordinate the efforts of the main this work is done in a laboratory at a stage prior to the physical
manufacturers towards common goals. As a consequence of system installation. Although there are several tools for this
that, there are multiple parallel developments increasing the purpose, they have several limitations about aspects such as
diversity of elements in automation based systems. This their cost, the proximity to the real systems, the development
increases the complexity of testing because a system can be time, the flexibility to build different systems, the connectivity
composed of different elements which use different protocols between devices, and the maintenance. These limitations make
of different brands or suppliers. Another of the problems necessary to develop an application for such tasks. The VISIR
associated with automation is the lack of means to evaluate the system allows using objects which are grouped into nine
system performance without the need of physical categories according to their characteristics: flat objects (leak
implementation, which increases costs and does not identify sensor, water solenoid), gas, irrigation, fire, intrusion, lights,
problems in the design stage. For these reasons it is very connect (switches, washing machines), 'sunshade' (rain sensors,
common to find statements like: Test and verify the anemometers), other (displays).
performance of services in pervasive computing systems is In [4] is done a description of one of the most common
highly expensive and prone to errors, also demands a lot of problem of Automation, the heterogeneity of all products on the

978-1-4799-4340-1/14/$31.00 ©2014 IEEE

market and the need for interoperability between them. The specialized services. Two parameters are mainly analyzed:
authors propose a method of cost reduction in testing Accessibility and Usability. Accessibility is about the analysis
automated systems using virtual "stubs" which behave like if of identification/localization, reach, access, perceptibility and
you have actually installed automation system hardware comprehensibility levels of system messages, information input
somewhere in the house, and further the system displays the and navigation components of the user interface. Usability
behavior of the home. The developed software is ViSi (Smart concerns the analysis of effectiveness, efficiency and
Home Visualization and Simulation) which is based on a SOC satisfaction parameters of user-system interaction.
(Services Oriented Computing) architecture and the The platform uses a set of evaluation tools to assess the
visualization is performed using Google SketchUp. The system accessibility and usability levels of the domotic products, a
has the advantage of being easily extensible, however it context analysis and an expert evaluation. The context analysis
presents problems of performance with increasing the number is a formal description of services/products under evaluation,
of connected components. according to the target user group, and the tasks that the users
The GENIA group at the University of Oviedo presented in can perform. The expert evaluation is a based context analysis
[6] developed two software systems that simplify the design, accomplished by a group of experts who have not participated
installation and maintenance of building automation. The first in the design of the assessed product.
one is SIMATICA which sets up all the home automation In [10] it is mentioned that one of the main problems in this
features and automatically generates the information required area is that most of the problems are identified by the end user,
for the deployment of the system (architecture, components, which decreases customer satisfaction. To mitigate this
wiring diagrams, control routines, manuals, etc). The second problem, this paper examines how to create and deploy virtual
system is SIMAWEB which obtains the information generated space using virtual reality techniques as a platform to simulate
by the SIMATICA automated system and automatically the configuration of services in smart homes. It proposes a
generates web pages for remote operation and monitoring series of smart homes platform which allows users to
automation system. experience virtual places households smart online. Unlike
In [7], Mateos et al. present the design and development conventional 3D space, this paper includes information on the
features of an automatic small scale house. The project is called context (spatial relationship between entities, activities and
“Villa domótica” and contains most of the elements present in a users). Users can control avatars and thus navigate and operate
real house. Among the elements under the control system are: in virtual space.
alarms, lights, temperature, presence detectors, irrigation,
communications, etc. The controller used by this work is the III. SIMULATION PLATFORM DESCRIPTION
Siemens SIMATIC S7-200. For the development of the home The main objective of our work is to develop a
automation system two software applications are used: computational platform to simulate the operation of a home
SIMATICA [6] as well as VISIR [5] as a simulation tool. The automation system without the need of its physical
main purpose of this project is to develop educational tools that implementation. To achieve this, the platform simulates the
simplify the learning process of Automation. behavior of each of the devices configured and through serial
connection delivers this information to a PLC or controller as if
In [8], Lopez et al. describe a software that reduces training it had the physical devices connected. The purpose to use
costs of implementing automation projects. The main objective simulated elements connected with an external controller is to
of this work is to increase interest and motivation in the area of separate the behavior of the domotic devices from the
home automation, simplifying the testing process of automation component that manages their inputs/outputs. This component
systems. To describe the work performed, the authors show an can be a real controller (hardware component), a virtual
automation project to fill a cart with some liquid made up of controller (software component), or a hybrid controller
two different components ‘A’ and ‘B’, and transport it from (hardware/software controller). To increase the number of
one place to another. The first step is to design the environment elements supported by the platform, the developer can add new
by the selection, parameterization and interconnection of models that specify the behavior and functionality of the device
different dynamic objects (valves, pipes, tanks, cylinders, etc.) to add.
using GUIs (Graphic user interfaces). Later in the connection
stage, the device´s signals are connected to the controller. The The simulation platform is composed of four components or
final stage is the simulation phase. In this phase after the layers and an external controller (Figure 1). The ‘Interaction’
connection of the PC (Personal Computer) with the PLC, the layer allows the user to interact with the platform by defining
process will evolve “as if it were the real one”. User the system configuration, and controlling the avatar. The
interactions with the process are also allowed. These user ‘Views’ layer contains components which support 2D and 3D
interactions can simulate operator parameterizations or can viewing to see the environment and the simulation results.
introduce mal-functions in order to test the response of the Additionally, it contains the graphical interfaces that allow the
control program against anomalous situations. With the purpose user to have visual feedback of system properties, events,
of monitoring the simulation process, the authors developed a configuration, interconnection of the elements and
SCADA software denominated Scalibur. communication with external devices. The ‘Simulator’ layer
contains the software components that implement business
The work of Conde et al. [9] is about smart homes that help logic, such as controlling the avatar, controllers between the
improve the quality of life of patients with physical difficulties views and the persistence layer, the timer that controls the
or patients who need to be monitored to events such as falls, system simulation and the interfacing with external controllers.
emergency buttons and detection of disease-specific needs. The ‘Persistence’ layer is responsible for saving the settings
This work proposes a laboratory specifically aimed to assess defined by the user, the system log and the historical events
the accessibility and usability for a smart home products and simulated by the platform.
 Activators: Dummy elements that are used to indicate the
User value of a physical variable of the environment (e.g.

User Interfaces

Avatar Device Controller


2D View Properties Events

3D View Interconnection Communication


External Controller Manager Figure 2. Final interface of the Simulation Platform.

Controller Every element in the environment simulated is modeled in
Avatar Controllers Timer
the system which must satisfy the properties of its category,
which defines its functionality, and which defines its
constraints. This allows to easily extending the system by
adding new elements to be simulated.
Configuration of
of Devices
The user can add dummy elements to the simulation in
order to activate the sensors. For example when approaching a
3D cone to a temperature sensor, it will generate an alarm
Figure 1. Component diagram of the simulation platform.
To bring realism to the simulation, the final user can control
The domotic simulation platform is built over Sweet Home an avatar inside the simulation environment as if he/she were in
3D [11] which is a free interior design application that helps to the domotic home and can move freely while activating
place furniture on a house 2D plan, with a 3D preview. This sensors, actuators, open doors and windows. In this way the
application was extended by adding the domotic characteristics, system will respond to real stimulus. To achieve this task a
and by implementing the communication interface with the VRPN server was added to the project. The Virtual-Reality
controller through RS-232 and sockets. Figure 2 shows the Peripheral Network (VRPN) is a network-transparent interface
interface of the simulation platform based on Sweet Home 3D. between application programs and the set of physical devices
This graphical interface is composed of the catalog of physical (tracker, etc.) used in a virtual-reality (VR) system.
components available to define domotic environments (top
left), the physical, furniture and domotic objects which define Once the user has configured the environment to simulate,
an environment to be simulated (bottom left), the 2D view (top the simulation platform will generate all the signals and
right) and the 3D view (bottom right) of the domotic delivers them via RS-232 or Socket to the system controller.
environment. The 2D visualization view enables the user to Simultaneously the platform receives the outputs of the
locate the sensors, actuators and devices that will be part of the controller which may define changes in its elements and in the
environment. The 3D visualization view enables the user to same way they change the current state of the simulated
load the physical model of the place in which to perform the environment. These changes are updated in the visual feedback
simulation. The platform has the tools necessary to enable the to the user.
user to set the physical environment (stage) by adding doors, When the application starts all sensor properties are loaded
walls, furniture objects, and domotic devices. The 2D and 3D from a XML configuration file, simplifying the configuration
views include the graphical representation of the user avatar process. The user can change these properties later using the
inside the environment. Configuration panel shown in figure 3.
Devices that can be added within the simulation are When all elements are in place, the user can use the
grouped into four categories according to their characteristics: Connection panel shown in Figure 4, to configure the
 Sensors: Temperature, humidity, fire (smoke), gas, light, connections between them. This panel checks the connection
proximity, noise. constraints like voltage levels, and communication protocols.
Additionally, the platform allows defining actions to be
 Actuators: Lights, alarms, motors to open/close doors and executed when one or more of the sensors detect activity, such
windows. as turn on alarms and open doors and/or windows when a fire is
 Controllers: Components of software or hardware that detected within the home.
store the settings programmed by the user. They are The system has several additional interfaces where the user
responsible for attending the events generated in the scene can easily define system synchronous events (activation of
and respond to them. domotic elements at specific times).
To test the platform, an external controller is needed that is
responsible for receiving and responding to each of the signals
and events that are generated in the simulation environment.
To simplify this step, the platform was extended so it can work
with RS-232 controllers and external hardware devices but
additionally using sockets to use any computer (including the
one in which the simulation is being performed) as a controller
(Figure 5).

Figure 3. Configuration panel with properties of elements.

Figure 5. Available options as external controller to test the platform.

Two additional applications were developed to test the
platform. The first creates a RS-232 link with another PC,
using 8 data bits, no flow control, stop bit and 9600 baud. The
purpose is to use a second PC as a controller and to allow
seeing the data sent and received as in Figure 6. In this case for
each of the inputs, the controller returns the value multiplied
by 2. The second application allows the same as the first but
the communication is done through sockets (Figure 7).
Figure 4. Connection panel.
Additionally the platform supports asynchronous events,
each event activates actions to handle it such as:
 Action(s) related with changes in temperature.
 Action(s) related with detection of fire (smoke).
 Action(s) related with changes in illumination.
 Action(s) related with detection of objects inside a region
of interest.
To mitigate the heterogeneity problems in domotic systems, Figure 6. RS-232 test application.
the platform is capable of supporting the behavior of each of its
elements individually. Technically this means that each
component is represented by an instance of a model that
contains its input parameters, its outputs, its functional logic,
and its communication protocol. To connect two different
functional elements it is necessary to accomplish the electrical
and communication protocol restrictions, so the same bus or
data line can be used to connect these two elements with
different functionality. For example with two proximity
sensors; one returns its handle at the time of an event while the
other returns the distance to the detected object, while both use
the same bus for sending an integer reporting the event. For the
first case, one can detect the sensor area or identify the
presence of an intruder, while the second returns its distance
Figure 7. Socket test application.
from the sensor, not the user location. This model
representation helps for extending the system. For each new For the third option shown in Figure 5 (microcontroller)
element is only necessary to add a model that describes its the pic 18f2550 was chosen which has sixteen free pin for
functionality and its inputs/outputs. At run time, for each digital signals and has a UART for serial communication.
element added to the simulation, the platform creates a new
instance of the model that describes its operation. Three scenarios were constructed to test the platform. The
first of them includes sensors, actuators and it uses a second
PC (through RS-232) as a controller (Figure 8). The scene the interior of the house, the lights and the doors open and
contains a proximity sensor, a smoke sensor, a lamp, an alarm, close automatically. It generates an event of fire in the house
an avatar and a generating element of smoke. The system must so the controller activates the alarm and opens the door to
activate the lamp at the time the avatar is within the coverage facilitate the evacuation. Finally, in the back of the house an
area of the proximity sensor and the alarm must be activated intruder is detected so the outside lights are turned on, if the
when the event smoke generator is within the coverage area of intruder is still approaching, the interior lights are turned on. If
the respective sensor. The aim is to prove that the sensors the intruder is too close of the house, the controller turns on
detect events of the environment, that they report to the the alarms.
controller and that the controller sends the response or
activates the action(s) to perform in the environment.

Figure 10. Complete test scene. It includes eight proximity

Figure 8. First scene. Comprising a Smoke and proximity sensors, eight lamps, a smoke sensor, an activator of smoke,
sensor, an avatar, a smoke event generator, a lamp and an an avatar and four doors.
The following scenario will show the platform's
In this work a simulation platform is designed and
capabilities to support the programming of synchronous and
implemented to solve or alleviate the major problems
asynchronous events (Figure 9). An example of connection of
encountered during the design, implementation and testing of
heterogeneous devices is shown and a microcontroller will be
automation systems. This simulation platform is proposed for
used as controller. The connection between the platform and
creating a three dimensional environment of a house or
the microcontroller is by RS-232.
building in which the user can add domotic devices such as
sensors, and actuators. The platform’s external controller is
responsible for controlling the inputs/outputs of the simulated
domotic devices. This controller can be either a hardware
component or a software component. Additionally, the
connection between elements is restricted by the protocol and
electrical rules of the devices. The implemented system is able
to create predefined events that are activated during the course
of the simulation and execute actions when environment
conditions are modified like the temperature or fire detection.
Once created and configured the environment, the user or
designer is able to interact with the platform through an avatar
controlled by a joystick, control (Xbox) or a PC keyboard
during the simulation. The main purpose of the avatar is to
represent a user within the environment so that when moving
Figure 9. Second test scene. It has four lamps, an alarm, two within the scene will activate the sensors and actuators. The
proximity sensor (with different functions), a temperature platform supports and solves the problems of heterogeneity
sensor and an avatar. present in this field that difficult to simulate environments with
elements of different brands and/or functionality.
The final scenario contains an example with all the
capabilities of the platform. It includes eight proximity sensors, The platform developed is able to display a 3D world in
eight lamps, a smoke sensor, an activator of smoke, an avatar which the user can zoom, rotate or move in order to observe
and, four doors (Figure 10). The controller in this case is a the scenario from different viewpoints. It is possible to create
second computer connected through socket. At the beginning interfaces to communicate via RS-232 or Ethernet to the
of the application the house´s lights will turn on automatically platform with external controllers both software and hardware
and sequentially in order to simulate that the home is occupied. to be appointed to receive events created in the system and
Later when a resident comes, the door of the main entrance is respond accurately and timely. We created a graphical user
opened and the lights are turned on. As the user moves through interface that simplifies the process of creating the
environment by reducing the time involved in activities that REFERENCES
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FPGA Implementation of a Smart Home Lighting

Control System

Jesús García-Guzmán, Edgar O. Moctezuma-Monge and Farah H. Villa-López

Facultad de Ingeniería Mecánica y Eléctrica
Universidad Veracruzana
Xalapa, Veracruz, México

Abstract—Intelligent homes are nowadays equipped with all of lamps [5]. Also, methods have been proposed in order to
sort of smart devices for the control of appliances and domotic calculate the costs instead of directly metering [6].
applications. One of the main aims of these devices is, apart from In this paper, we present a smart lighting system that can be
the comfort of having automated systems, the efficient use of applied in smart homes, implemented experimentally on a
energy. This paper reports on the design and FPGA
implementation of a smart lighting system for application in
FPGA board and being capable of automatically adapting to
small smart homes. Unlike those systems using pervasive remote user needs and conditions, while requiring minimal field
controls, the proposed system is based on automatic detection of programming.
application conditions, and it requires minimum programming
Figure 1 shows the block structure of the system, which
Index Terms—FPGA, smart home, lighting automated control. was programmed using the Altera DE2 board, based on a
Cyclone II FPGA. A clock signal at 1Hz is generated in order
I. INTRODUCTION to regulate the operation of the entire system. Counters for
Usage of electricity is one of the most important issues in hours, minutes and seconds were synchronized and two buttons
the global concern about energy. At the domestic level, apart of the board are used to set the time, which is shown in a group
from electrical appliances such as fridges, cookers and washing of 7-segment displays.
machines, lighting is perhaps the main factor in power Programming of the timing for switching the lights on/off is
consumption and there have been a lot of research efforts accomplished by a second module on the system. Here, the
towards the reduction of its costs by means of smart devices user sets the times of the day in which automatic detection of
and systems. people will be operating. When the system is on, signals
Although there are many proposals for the automation of indicating the presence or traffic of people are used as inputs to
lighting in smart homes, it is clear that a balance must be made the control system, which in return will generate the outputs
between the prices of energy, the costs of smart devices and the controlling the state of the lamps.
actual comfort of users. Missaoui, Joumaa, Ploix & Bacha [1] Intelligence of the system is provided by another logic
report a recent study on a model that considers simultaneously module, in which counters, adders and subtractors keep a count
these perspectives. Also, it is always important to think about of people in every room, and this condition is evaluated
the real needs and living conditions of users before proposing a together with the timing programmed in the previous module.
smart home solution, i.e., a system that works well for a given This way, light in a room is on only when it is required by
application might not result suitable for other uses. people. Furthermore, deriving information from the sequence
Context-aware systems have been proposed both for the of activation of flip-flops in the counters, the system is capable
control of lighting [2] and for inference of family needs in to detect the direction of movements between rooms, which is
residential environments [3]. In effect, in order to have a real particularly critical in small houses, where rooms often share
“smart” system, it is desirable that the proposed system is able areas for communication between them.
to “learn” from the context or environment and from the usage
patterns of the inhabitants of a house or a building. This is one
of the ideas behind the system proposed in this paper.
Different attempts to reduce the costs of electricity have PROGRAMMABLE INTELLIGENT INPUT – OUTPUT
been made, such as the sophisticated model proposed by GENERATOR SYSTEM OF LIGHTING
Zhang, Liu & Papageorgiou [4] for the distribution of costs ENABLING NEEDS
among sets of smart homes with microgrids, and other more
conventional studies about energy efficiency of different types
Fig. 1. Logic structure of the lighting control system.


Fig. 2. Circuit for detection of required state of a lamp.

Figure 2 shows the schematic of a circuit detecting the board. The system proved to be functional when adapted to the
conditions for the use of a lamp, depending on the counts of needs of a family in a small home. Programming required by
people entering and leaving the room, the time at which the end users is minimal and the operation of the system is
movement occurs, and the direction of traffic. adjusted automatically depending on the conditions of use.
The last block in the system diagram corresponds to the Practical implementation for actual smart home operation
inputs and outputs. Assignment of pins depends on the number would require a small PCB with the FPGA, a few
of rooms and lamps of a given application, which is limited in programming buttons, 7-segment displays and additional
this design to the availability of ports in the expansion headers interfaces for inputs (sensor signals) and outputs (light
of the Altera DE2 board. switching signals).


The developed system has been programmed in the [1] Rim Missaoui, Hussein Joumaa, Stephane Ploix, Seddik Bacha,
Cyclone II FPGA included in the DE2 board, for the simulation “Managing energy smart homes according to energy prices:
of lighting control in small homes. Signals from sensors analysis of a building energy management system”, Energy and
Buildings, vol. 71, pp. 155-167, March 2014.
detecting the presence and movement of people were simulated
through a set of input switches available in the board. To [2] Chao Li, Lijun Suna, Xiangpei Hua, “A context-aware lighting
complement the system in an actual application, a wireless control system for smart meeting rooms”, Systems Engineering
Procedia, vol. 4, pp. 314-323, 2012.
sensor network can be used, giving additional intelligence to
the arrangement. Output signals are sent to an array of LEDs, [3] Ju Hyun Lee, Hyunsoo Lee, Mi Jeong Kim, Xiangyu Wang,
Peter E.D. Love, “Context-aware inference in ubiquitous
replicating the actual lights in the home. For a particular set of
residential environments”, Computers in Industry, vol. 65(1),
real lamps, output signals should be sent to the expansion pp. 148-157, January 2014.
parallel ports and additional circuitry may be required,
[4] Di Zhang, Songsong Liu, Lazaros G. Papageorgiou, “Fair cost
depending on the type of lamps and power switches installed, distribution among smart homes with microgrid”, Energy
although the logical performance will remain the same. Conversion and Management, vol. 80, pp. 498-508, April 2014.
Several tests were performed, programming operation of [5] Tobias Welz, Roland Hischier, Lorenz M. Hilty,
the system from say 7 am to 11 pm, and considering the usual “Environmental impacts of lighting technologies — Life cycle
movements for a five people family. The rooms (a lounge, a assessment and sensitivity analysis”, Environmental Impact
kitchen, one bathroom, and two bedrooms), had common areas Assessment Review, vol. 31(3), pp. 334-343, April 2011.
for communication and there was also a corridor which was not [6] Eva Rosenberg, “Calculation method for electricity end-use for
controlled by counting people but only by timing. The system residential lighting”, Energy, vol. 66(1), pp. 295-304, March
performed as expected in all the situations tested, which 2014.
included every combination of the corresponding look-up table [7] Edgar O. Moctezuma-Monge, “Programación en FPGA de la
prepared for the experiments. etapa digital de un sistema de iluminación en edificios
inteligentes”, BEng Thesis, Universidad Veracruzana, 2010.
A lighting control system for smart homes has been
developed and implemented experimentally on an FPGA

A ZigBee Wireless Domotic System
with Bluetooth Interface
Eurico Leite, Luis Varela, V. Fernão A. J. Pires João F. Martins
Pires, and Filipe D. Cardoso ESTSetúbal, IPS and CTS-UNINOVA FCT/UNL and CTS-UNINOVA
ESTSetúbal, IPS Portugal Monte de Caparica
Estefanilha, Portugal Portugal

Abstract— In this paper a wireless home automation system is As the number of devices grows, there is a possibility that
presented. The proposed system allows controlling devices in a inefficient management may occur. This is viewable in
home environment by using a simple Bluetooth equipped mobile appliances that are always on, regardless of having a standby
phone. The mobile phone communicates with a main mode or not, wasting power. Besides this, there is also the
Bluetooth/ZigBee module that communicates with the different matter of knowing which remote controller is associated with
ZigBee modules acting as the coordinator of the ZigBee network each device. Regarding compatibility it’s important that all
established between all nodes where electrical devices are devices are interoperable preventing spending time controlling
connected. The identification of each device is made through each one of them.
DomoML strings by using the KNX home automation standard
protocol. Thus, for appropriate monitoring and control all the devices
could be linked to a central automatic system that will handle
Keywords—Home automation; Smart homes; Low-power events activating devices, as they are needed. With this system,
electronics; Zigbee; Bluetooth power consumption can be reduced whereas resources are more
efficiently used. Moreover, the tenant can check all the data
about the devices in a single place locally or remotely through
In recent years home automation has became an important a mobile device like a laptop, a mobile phone or a Personal
issue with increasing dissemination degrees in the future. This Digital Assistant (PDA).
technology allows tenants to manage the internal home
environment. Home automation is nowadays a key concept On the other hand, safety is also an important factor. The
regarding home energy efficiency improvement [1]. system must be protected against unauthorized accesses and at
the same time, allow monitoring the status of every device in
The evolution of low-power electronics and wireless based the house therefore improving security and allowing to identify
systems has given mankind the possibility of being more possible malfunctioning of given equipments.
demanding regarding his well-being without no significant
need for expensive investments. In the area of home From the business point of view wireless sensors networks
automation there are three basic features that need to be are not yet too much developed. The large variety of protocols,
addressed: comfort, efficiency and safety. These basic standards and solutions makes them confusing for potential
requirements of home automation are commonly known as investors [12]. In the literature one can find a considerable
building intelligence control. Following this evolution, homes number of research papers that discuss the existing wireless
have been improving in order to satisfy these needs. With the home automation technologies [13][14]. Amongst those
recent interest in low-cost wireless networks it is now possible technologies one can consider, ZigBee [16], Z-Wave,
to have small, energy-efficient electronic devices that can Bluetooth, 6LoWPAN, Insteon, Wavenis, UWB, Wi-Fi, X10,
monitor and control heating, air conditioning, lights, food KNX, LON, Powerelink or EnOcean, just to name a few.
preparation, entrance gates, security systems and appliances Several ZigBee based home automation systems have been
without any special wiring. presented just recently [3][4][5][17]. This technology usually
Home automation, specifically wireless home automation, implies the use of WiFi if the tenant wants to have wireless
presents several applications and advantages to home tenants. access to the system. Likewise, technologies like Bluetooth
Amongst the several applications one can consider light and were also applied to the home automation [2][6][18]. From a
HVAC control, surveillance, smart door lock and automated scalability point of view, there is a strict limitation of number
security system, electrical appliances control, water supply and of home equipments attachable to the Bluetooth master device
irrigation, smart metering and energy management. Users will due to the characteristics of the protocol. However the
benefit from wireless home automation systems, particular in Bluetooth protocol could be a good solution in the absence of a
energy savings, improved security and occupant safety, better WiFi network. On the other hand, the power consumption of
comfort and living conditions, reduced equipment maintenance Zigbee or Bluetooth devices is almost ten times lower than
and operational costs, increased equipment’s lifetime and WiFi devices. Some solutions integrate traditional wired
environmental gains. solutions with wireless ones, being [7] a good example on
using a KNX-ZigBee gateway for home automation. However,

future home automation systems should discard intrusive Bluetooth devices are categorized in three power classes:
cabling throughout home. This paper puts together Bluetooth, class 1 (100 mW), class 2 (2.5 mW), which is the most
ZigBee and KNX in order to get the best of each technology common, and class 3 (1 mW) being rarely used. Datarates,
for the tenant’s well being. depending on the standard version, can go up to a few Mbps,
which is enough for most voice and low datarate applications.
In this paper, a wireless home automation system is The main drawback of Bluetooth is its low energy efficiency
proposed. The system allows controlling and monitoring and the maximum number of devices that it can support
electrical equipment by using a simple Bluetooth equipped simultaneously – a maximum of 7 devices is allowed.
mobile phone. The wireless home network is implemented with
wireless ZigBee modules that communicate centrally with a Instead, ZigBee devices are intended to be energy-efficient
Bluetooth ZigBee Central Module. The standard used for while providing datarates from several tenths to a few hundreds
communication between the different equipments using the of kbps while allowing connecting 65000 devices
ZigBee network is Konnex (KNX), a worldwide standard for simultaneously. Typical coverage range varies from a few
home and building control applications. The proposed system meters to several kilometers depending on the transmitting
allows easy Plug-and-Use addition and removal of devices. power, antennas and frequency band. Additionally, different
Integrating the proposed system into other home automation sleeping modes are possible therefore allowing energy
networks is also considered since Domotics Markup Language efficiency improvement. However, the structure of the
(DomoML) strings are used to ensure interoperability. established network limits the number of nodes, as well the
amount of traffic [21]. This makes Zigbee more suitable for
DomoML is a mark-up language aimed at the definition of home automation applications.
interoperability standard for domestic use. DomoML is the
glue which allows different home automaton systems to be B. Konnex Standard
interfaced since a semantic layer is defined on which novel There are more than 15 standard protocols related with
value-added services (agents) can easily be built. building’s communication. Some standards covering the
One last remark regarding available commercial home buildings communication issues are: BACNet (CEN EN ISO
automation solutions. There is an increasing number of home 16484-5), LonWorks (CEN EN 14908, ISO/IEC 14908-1),
automation and smart home control devices and systems (a KNX (CENELEC EN 50090, CEN EN 13321-1 ISO/IEC
quick internet query reports a huge number of commercial 14543-3) or ModBus, just to name a few.
solutions). However, those solutions are becoming more and Konnex (KNX) [10] resulted from the convergence of three
more sophisticated, using WiFi protocols and considering entities in the European market, which emerged in the early
PDAs, tablets or smartphones as preferred human-machine 90s. These are the European Installation Bus Association
interfaces. Regular Bluetooth mobile phones are no longer (EIBA), who has achieved great success in Germany and
considered. Thus it is important to consider wireless home northern Europe, the Batibus Club International (BCI), which
automation systems that not depend exclusively on WiFi is well established in Italy and Spain and the European Home
protocols and/or smartphone like devices. System Association (EHSA).
This paper is structured as follows. The system’s adopted In order to unify these systems on the market for intelligent
technologies are briefly described in Section II. The proposed homes the Konnex Association was created, in 1999. Given
system architecture and its operation are detailed in section III. that those different systems had their own manufacturing
In Section IV, different network devices are described in detail. partners, the need arose to create a single system encompassing
Implementation results and tests are presented in Section V. the areas of operation. Thus, to achieve interoperability of
Finally, in section VI, conclusion and final remarks are equipment from various manufacturers, the KNX becomes part
presented. of the control features in a widely varied set of devices for

The proposed system incorporates different technologies Due to the fact that KNX is considered one of the most
that are based on already well known standards, used in promising standards in home automation systems, several
numerous consumer electronics devices and products. researchers proposed security mechanisms [22] and the
introduction of ambient intelligence mechanisms [22].
A. Wireless Standards
C. DomoML
Two different technologies are adopted, IEEE 802.15.1 [8]
and 802.15.4 [9], commonly known as Bluetooth and ZigBee Presently, there are a variety of different systems in a home
respectively. The ten years old Bluetooth standard is already such as the water system or the media system. Each of them
widely supported in most mobile devices and computers controls their own devices and specifications. However, most
whereas ZigBee is best suited for sensor and monitoring of these systems are heterogeneous which means that they
applications, thanks to its low power consumption, improved can’t “speak the same language”. It could be interesting if all
coverage range, low datarates (on the order of a few hundreds the systems could understand one another in order to provide a
of kbps) and low equipment cost. There are a lot of home real home system.
automation Zigbee applications, raging from security to light or In order to solve the interoperability between devices from
HVAC control [19][20][15]. heterogeneous systems, reference [11] proposes a new service
orientated architecture named DomoNet (Domotic Network). It

works based on the functionalities offered by the different
devices and consists in different network servers (WebServices
based) that identify a device and forwards the messages to a set
of modules known as TechManagers which are interfaced to
the different home automation systems.
The process of identifying the device and its function is
made by a universal language (DomoML) based on XML and
is used to describe messages and devices in the network. It
consists of two essential parts: domoDevice, which identifies
the network device through four levels of identification
(device, service, input or linkedService, allowed or
linkedInput), and domoMessage, which describes the
interactions between devices with two levels of identification
(message and input). Fig. 2. System architecture.
In the proposed system, DomoML is intended to describe
devices in a homogeneous and universal way, as presented in In order to access the system, a mobile device with a Java
Figure 1. This enables the user to update a database of devices application is used to interact with the network, allowing the
without any substantial changes to the source code. tenant to properly access and monitor different equipments.
However, there is still the possibility of gaining limited access
to the units through a portable standalone Remote Control Unit
The RCU allow controlling SU and DU, therefore, serving
as a backup solution for controlling different devices when the
mobile device is not available. Its use is limited since it can
only send control actions to SU and DU, monitoring is not
It should be underlined that any mobile phone with the
required Java application can be used, therefore improving the
flexibility of the developed system.
The SU is an interface that allows ON/OFF switching of a
Fig. 1. DomoML device description.
set of given devices. The DU has the possibility of changing
the device’s applied voltage, therefore being particularly suited
for lighting control, amongst any others possible applications.
The identification of each device or set of devices in the
proposed network is specified by a KNX address, as stated As an alternative, a RCU can be used to access the ZigBee
before, and presented in Table I. network if a mobile device is not available.
The mobile device communicates with the Bluetooth CU
TABLE I. EXAMPLE OF DEVICE ADDRESSES FOLLOWING THE KNX interface allowing control and monitoring actions that are sent
and received from the SU or the DU. Information received
Device Address Group Address from the mobile terminal are processed by the CU. In the case
Mobile 0.1.1 of an unrecognized address (not in use by any active SU or
Coupling Unit 0.0.1 DU), the CU forwards the commands to a default gateway
(computer) via an RS-232 interface, making it available to
Switching Unit #1 0.0.2 1.0.0
other network, if other active networks are available.
Switching Unit #2 0.0.3 1.0.0
Dimming Unit 0.0.4 1.0.0 Valid addresses, the ones associated to active SUs and/or
Remote Unit 0.0.5 DUs, are accepted. The CU broadcasts the ZigBee network and
waits for reply from the SU or DU with the given specified
III. SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE address. Once the data is received by a SU or DU, it is checked
for validity and the corresponding switching or dimming
The proposed system was designed to be easy to install, command is activated.
flexible to use and modular. This means that is possible to
add/remove units while the system is operating without any IV. NETWORK ELEMENTS
required user action. Four distinct units were considered:
Coupler Unit (CU), Switching Unit (SU), Dimming Unit (DU) A. Coupler Unit
and Remote Control Unit (RCU), each of them with specific The CU, presented in Figure 3, is the brain of the proposed
features as it will be described in Section IV. These units, system. As referred, it is responsible for interfacing the
altogether made up the ZigBee home wireless network, which ZigBee network with the mobile device, being equipped with
is presented in Figure 2.

a Bluetooth and a ZigBee module, and a PIC16F684
The Bluetooth module is a 2.5mW, class 2, 2.4 GHz
module, with a sensitivity of -80 dBm, providing about 10 m
coverage range in Line-of-Sight (LoS) environments. The
maximum datarate is imposed by the ZigBee network being
115.2 kbps.
The Zigbee module is a 1 mW XBee 2.4 GHz module with
a sensitivity of -92 dBm. Typical coverage range being in the
order of a few tenths of meters depending on the operating

Fig. 5. SU architecture.

SU operation starts with a KNX command received from

the CU via the ZigBee interface. The received command is
interpreted by the microcontroller and if this is a valid
command, and the destination address correspond to the one
Fig. 3. Coupler Unit prototype. of the given SU then the microcontroller operates the lighting
control circuit. If for some reason a command is not
The communication between the Bluetooth and ZigBee recognized a NACK command is sent back to the CU.
modules and the microcontroller is performed through a SPI
bus by the UART/SPI adapter. This is mandatory since the RF C. Dimming Unit
has a UART interface. Other possible solutions to This unit differs from the switching unit mainly because it
communicate with the different modules could be UART by has a PWM generator enabling not only on/off control but also
software or multiplexing the ports. However, in the first case modifying the RMS voltage applied to the lamp.
there would be a burden on the microcontroller with I/O Recognizes DPT_Control_Dimming based messages and as
operations while in the second, only one channel could be such is capable of generating up to eight different levels.
used each time. When there is no active transmission, the D. Remote Control Unit
microcontroller will enable sleep mode on both modules, in
order to provide greater energy efficiency. In order to access the home network without the need for a
mobile phone, a wireless switch module was developed and
B. Switching Unit presented in Figures 6 and 7. It presents low energy
The SU, presented in Figures 4 and 5, receives commands consumption, allowing the remote control of the switching
from the ZigBee network and acts directly on the control unit.
element, for example some lighting equipment. It consists of a This unit has a button that allows sending a KNX message
ZigBee module, a microcontroller, a power source and a DC- (DPT_SWITCH, reading mode) to the switching unit. Upon
DC converter. receiving the result of the reading, the microcontroller sends a
command message (DPT_SWITCH writing mode) that
contains the command to change the state of the lamp.
The module is able to hibernate when not in use. This
allows the module to work with only a residual current of less
than 10 ȝA.

Fig. 4. Switching Unit prototype.

network. The application is flexible enough to allow easy
inclusion of devices from a remote or local database, for
which DomoML was used. Both the GUI and the KNX
messages were computed from the devices in the database
(interpreting the DomoML).
Figure 9 presents the block architecture of the developed
mobile application. It has five main classes: DisplayManager,
KnxManager, XmlManager, Menu e InterfaceIO. The Menu
class is a generic class; it has some pre-defined values and
Fig. 6. Remote Control Unit prototype. allows menus’ polymorphism. DisplayManager is the class
responsible for managing the menus holding until 10 menus’
layers. The KnxManager class is responsible for managing the
input/output datagrams coming from/to the InterfaceIO class,
which manages the I/O communication. The XmlManager
class is responsible for processing XML data, as the ones
coming from the DomoML language.

Fig. 7. RU architecture.

E. Mobile Terminal
In order to control the entire network a cell phone was
used. This choice was based on the fact that these devices are
quite common and flexible. Thus, a relatively inexpensive and Fig. 9. Mobile phone interface block architecture
personal universal controller can be achieved. Figure 8
presents a snapshot of the developed interface. For security
purposes each user must register using a personal password. V. TESTS AND RESULTS
In this Section some results of tests and trials conducted on
the developed system are presented. Parameters like maximum
range, line of sight viability and power consumption are
For the Bluetooth module was observed that this module
can keep a link in the line of sight, up to 17.5 meters.
Regarding the ZigBee module, it communicates within 100
meters line of sight conditions.
In order to measure the ratio attenuation / distance several
tests were made in line of sight, making four measurements at
four meters. Measurements were obtained using the X-
CTU. To this end, the command ATDB was used in the
ZigBee module to establish the power of the last received
message (RSSI), as presented in Table II.
The work presented in this paper refers to a ZigBee wireless
Fig. 8. Mobile phone interface. domotic system with a Bluetooth interface. It allows tenants to
connect a single mobile device to a ZigBee based wireless
The main interface is provided by a Java application home automation network. To assure a line of communication
installed on a mobile terminal. This choice was made because between the mobile device and the network units, a main
of its versatility; it can work almost on every mobile phone. module device is equipped with low-cost WPAN technology,
This application communicates directly, via Bluetooth, with widely used in mobile applications and sensor monitoring.
the Coupler Module that in turn has access to the remaining

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U.S. Government work not protected

978-1-4799-8757-3/15/$31.00 ©2015byIEEE
U.S. copyright
By Natalia M. López, Sergio Ponce, David Piccinini,
Elisa Perez, and Martín Roberti

From Hospital
to Home Care
Creating a domotic environment for elderly and disabled people.

For people without disabilities, technology makes things easier. even when the companies don’t specifi-
For people with disabilities, technology makes things possible. cally market them to disabled patients.

Assistive technologies have emerged as
dvances in medicine have led to a significant increase a useful aid to people with disabilities. They
in human life expectancy and, therefore, to a growing aim at improving residual functions or ca-
number of disabled elderly people who need chronic pabilities, allowing the command of several
care and assistance [1]. The World Health Organiza- devices. The main goal of these technologies
tion reports that the world’s population over 60 years is to support the independence of people
old will double between 2000 and 2050 and qua- with chronic or degenerative limitations in
druple for seniors older than 80 years, reaching 400 million motor or cognitive skills and to aid in care
[2]. In addition, strokes, traffic-related and other accidents, and of the elderly. The most cited needs for this
seemingly endless wars and acts of terrorism contribute to an population are those related to the activi-
increasing number of disabled younger people. ties of ­daily ­living and communication.
These and other causes have increased the population of dis- In this article, we present an assistive
abled patients, who mostly end up in clinics and hospitals—places home care system specially designed for
that are already overcrowded. Consequently, alternatives for care people with severe brain or spinal inju-
and rehabilitation need exploration. Rehab interventions involving ries and for poststroke survivors who are
virtual reality technology [3], Microsoft Kinect-based exercise and immobilized or face mobility difficulties.
“serious” games [4], and other similar proposals have been devel- The main objective is to create the easy,
oped around the world with encouraging results, especially in the low-cost automation of a room or house
case of stroke survivors, for whom age is a significant risk factor. to provide a friendly environment that
Domestic care is a novel and promising area, supported by enhances the psychological condition
the use of biomedical sensors and physiological monitoring of immobilized users (Figure 1).
through ECG portable devices, inertial sensors, video record-
ing, alarms for fall detection, and so on [5]. Patients can be System Overview
monitored using wearable sensors that provide early warn- At the system’s core is a personal computer (PC) and ichno-
ing of health deterioration. The demand for technologically graphic software (referred to as SICAA, for the Spanish Sistema
advanced methods of home-based care may easily expand, Integrado de Control y Automatización Asistida) that allow the pa-
so that expectations for wide-scale adoption are not merely tient to interact with the environment and peripheral devices,
well intentioned dreams. Moreover, almost daily, new smart such as a webcam, intercom, lights, and electrical blinds. Sev-
home products appear that can be adapted to special needs, eral human–computer interfaces (HCIs) were developed and
adapted for this system, according to the residual capability of
different users. The SICAA software has three main elements:
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MPUL.2016.2539105 environment control (operating blinds, lights, an orthope-
Date of publication: 13 May 2016 dic bed, an air conditioner, a television, and an ­intercom),

38 ieee pulse ▼ may/june 2016 2154-2287/16©2016 IEEE

disabilities. For many years, we have de-
veloped HCIs that were essayed as control
input with acceptable results, such as a con-
ventional mouse, an adapted keypad, a Nin-
tendo Wii console, a vision-based interface
(VBI) using hand detection, and an electro-
oculogram (EOG)-based interface.
The conventional mouse-keypad is the
simplest and most e­ ssential piece of the whole
system; however, some patients cannot oper-
ate it due to spasticity, abnormal movements,
or tremor, among other causes. Hence, a VBI
was adapted to the overall arrangement using
the image of the user’s hand captured by a web-
cam. The image-processing algorithm detects
the presence and orientation of the hand and
uses this information to obtain the reference
angles for generating the input commands to the
mouse tracker. The first step in the processing al-
gorithm is the lighting compensation. The second
step involves the transformation and detection of
the skin by segmentation in the color space YCb-
Cr, because this color space is more flexible and
stable for the system due to their specificity against
the skin detection. Segmentation was performed
by thresholding, and the image obtained is binary,
with white representing the detected skin.
After that, it is necessary to determine the
characteristics that represent the position and
orientation of the hand. The characteristics cho-
sen are the coordinates of the center of mass and
the axes (minor L1 and major L2) of the hand,
using the moments of the image. These axes are
good descriptors of the hand orientation, and
they allow the click action of the cursor to be per-
formed by closing the hand, as computed with the
axes relation. The movement of the cursor is gen-
erated by the coordinates of the center mass and

filtered to obtain a smooth, precise movement. A

ingram publish

work plane fits the area focused on the webcam,

which is located at a fixed distance. The HCI was
tested with several volunteers and under various
d by
image license

experimental conditions, essaying the robustness

against different skin tones and colors, all with good
results. The behavior was identical for all users be-
cause segmentation isolates only the skin. Some vari-
c­ommunication (nurse call and voice syn- ations appear when there are changes in the ambient
thesizer), and computer access (to the Internet, for chat and light conditions. To avoid this problem, we decided to
games, and to text processors). Preliminary tests were well re- incorporate a light source. More details about this interface
ceived by the patients and their families, as well as by healthy can be found in [6].
volunteers who tried this system. The entire system is a low- Other alternative command devices are achieved through
cost solution for people with disabilities, and the project is in- inertial sensors like those on a Nintendo Wii or other com-
tended for implementation in the patient’s house. mercial console, such as the HP Swing. This is a plug-and-
play solution, robust and ergonomic. Both HCIs were tested
Human–Computer Interface with healthy volunteers and one patient with tremors who
Regarding the HCI, the major requirements are noninvasive- cannot use a conventional mouse. Both commercial con-
ness, low cost, robustness, and adaptability for users with s­imilar soles are adequate, due to their easy connection, ergonomic

may/june 2016 ▼ ieee pulse 39

FIGURE 1 An overview of the SICAA system. The user can access the SICAA through different HCIs (from top to bottom: electro-­oculogram/
electromyogram, a Nintendo Wii console, and a vision-based interface) and control some home devices and communication tools.

shape, big buttons, and low price. The inertial sensor-based stage is necessary for a complete HMI domain, especially for
console is easy to use and does not require training, but its patients with severe diseases.
use is only possible for patients who maintain the ability to The choice of the HCI will depend on the user capabilities and
move their hand. other interfaces can also be used with the system.

Interface Adapted for the Severely Disabled System Specifics

For severely disabled people (for example, those with quad- The SICAA constitutes the main imple-mentation of the
riplegia), we have developed a hybrid HCI based on the EOG ­system, allowing integration of the commands of the HCI with
and the electromyogram (EMG), as it allows mouse control us- control of the peripheral devices. The software design must
ing eye movement and the voluntary contraction of any facial meet several constraints related to user accessibility and ease
muscle [7]. The bioelectrical signals are sensed with adhesive of operation [8].
electrodes and are acquired by a custom-designed portable An iconographic interface, big buttons, and vibrant ­colors
wireless system. The mouse can be moved in any direction— were chosen for the software, developed with Microsoft ­Visual
vertically, horizontally, and diagonally—by two EOG chan- Studio 2008 and Basic .NET Express. The software has a princi-
nels, and the EMG signal is used to perform the mouse-click pal panel (Figure 2) that includes the date, the hour, a control
action. Blinks are avoided by a decision algorithm, and the menu showing the output states, and icons representing the
natural reading of the screen is p­ ossible with the designed television control, home control, Internet access, voice synthe-
software without interrupting the mouse ­tracker. sizer, nurse call, bed control, and diary. The menu’s icons are
The device was tested with satisfactory results in terms of ac- easy to interpret and relatively large on the screen, enabling po-
ceptance, performance, size, portability, and data transmission. sitioning by patients with some degree of spasticity or tremors.
Users can select a threshold between five levels of sensitivity to In addition, a button for turning off lights provides a ­d irect
suit their requirements and also load, modify, and save their access and a configuration entry to the program’s mainte-
profiles. This choice allows users to make smooth eye move- nance and recalibration, if necessary. Each icon allows access
ments, such as those involved in reading or looking beyond the to another window, with a specific menu related to the task
screen, that will not be considered a control signal. A training group selected.

40 ieee pulse ▼ may/june 2016

The use of this assistive technol-
ogy helps in patients’ recovery, im-
proving their relationship with those
• Lights in attendance, as well as their com-
• Internet

Home Control
• Television fort, self-esteem, and overall psycho-

• Text Processor
• Blinds logical condition.
• Voice
• Bed
• Intercom
• Diary Planner
• Air Conditionning Acknowledgments
• Nurse Call
• Door Opening The authors thank the Universidad
Tecnológica Nacional, the Universidad
Nacional de San Juan, and the Na-
tional Council of Scientific Research of
Argentina (CONICET) for supporting
this research.

FIGURE 2 The principal panel of the SICAA system and its functionalities. Natalia M. López (nlopez@gateme.unsj. is with the Gabinete de Tecnología
A QWERTY keyboard was designed, which appears in the Médica, Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad Nacional de San Juan,
front panel when necessary for writing in the selected ap- Argentina. Sergio Ponce ( and David
plication (such as the Internet browser, text processor, chat, ­Piccinini ( are with the Grupo de Análisis,
diary, or voice synthesizer). The keyboard is predictive and Desarrollos e Investigaciones Biomédicas, Facultad R
­ egional San Nico-
has two modes, basic and advanced. These two modes were lás, Universidad Tecnológica Nacional, Argentina. Elisa Perez (eperez
implemented for users with different capabilities and train- is with the Gabinete de Tecnología Médica,
ing. The voice synthesizer panel shows preselected phrases, Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad Nacional de San Juan, Argentina.
and it allows the addition of other expressions, defined by Martín Roberti ( is with the Grupo de
individual users. Configuration parameters are accessible by Análisis, Desarrollos e Investigaciones Biomédicas, Facultad Regional
the programmer or authorized personnel to prevent mistakes San Nicolás, Universidad Tecnológica Nacional, Argentina.
and system failures. This menu allows the control of cursor
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may/june 2016 ▼ ieee pulse 41

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