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UNIVERSIDAD ESTATAL DEL SUR DE MANABi Creada mediante Ley promulgada en el Registro Oficial No. 261 del 7 de febrero del ! FACULTY: TECHNICAL SCIENCES A CAREER: CIVIL ENGINEERING a SUBJECT: ENGLISH (ps \ = 4 LEVEL: BI 7? a : OLS: CLASSROOM: TRANSLATE SUMMARY TO SPANISH TOPIC: INFINITIVE GROUP MEMBERS: (Burgos Ponce Harold Renato- Leader) 1. Anchundia Valencia Joseph William 2. Arias Avilés Joffre Israel ~ 3. Avila Quiroz Dayanna Nicole 4. Baque Catillo Edgar Steven a 5. Baque Villamar Nain Isaias / 6. Bravo Mejia Wendy Leonela / 7. Briones Garcia Dana Paula “ 8. Burgos Ponce Harold Renato ~ 9. Chele Garcia Walter Jordan TEACHER: Dr. JAIME CANARTE AVILA ACADEMIC PERIOD May-September 2022 Workshop 4 © The infinitive is the basic form of English verbs. It is usually structured as fc a to + (verb stem), for example, to talk. However, there is also the form without t It can have different functions within a sentence including expressing opinions or purposes Is the base form of the verb. Examples are: write, bring, take, make, sing, dance tc. The infinitive usually takes the preposition ‘to’ with it. Examples are: to write, to bring, to take, to make, to sing, to dance etc. We met to discuss what we saw in class and clear up the doubts of the whole group so that we could all work without any problem Homeword< —— USOS DEL INFINITIVO TO = PREPOSICION + CONSTRUIR = VERBO BASE EJEMPLO: CONSTRUIR = FORMA INFINITVA Entender el uso de los infinitivos El infinitivo es la forma base del verbo. Ejemplos son: escribir, traer, tomar, hacer, cantar, bailar, etc. El infinitivo suele llevar consigo la preposicién 'to'. Ejemplos son: escribir, traer, tomar, hacer, cantar, bailar, ete. Cuando el infinitivo se usa con la preposicién ‘to’, se llama ‘to-infinitivo'. El ‘to-infinitivo' es un verbo no finito. Eso significa que su forma no cambia cuando el cambia el nimero, la persona o el tema. Estudie los ejemplos dados a continuacién. © Quiero ir. © Ella quiere ir. © Querian ir. © Querremos ir. Como puede ver, Ia forma de infinitivo ‘to go' sigue siendo la misma incluso cuando el mismo tema o cambios de tiempo. Aunque el infinitivo se forma poniendo ‘to antes del verbo, no actia como verbo. De hecho, un infinitivo tiene el mismo propésito que un sustantivo. Puede actuar como sujeto u objeto del verbo. Infinitivo como sujeto de la oracién El infinitivo puede actuar como sujeto del verbo. Estudia los ejemplos dados abajo. S © Errar es de humanos. © Cometer errores es facil. Esperar a personas que nunca aparecerian lo enojaba. Hacer un examen sin estudiar es un reto. Infinitive como objeto de un verbo El infinitivo puede actuar como el objeto de un verbo. © Necesita concentrarse en sus estudios. © Queremos abrir nuevas tiendas en Europa. © Espero saber de usted. Tenga en cuenta que algunos verbos no pueden ir seguidos de infinitivos. Requieren gerundios (-formas de escribir). Como no hay reglas al respecto, hay que estudiar qué verbos toman infinitivos y qué verbos toman gerundios. Infinitivo como complemento de sujeto E] infinitivo también puede actuar como complemento de sujeto. Un complemento de sujeto es una palabra o frase que dice algo sobre el tema. Los complementos de sujeto son comunes después de la palabra de enlace ‘be’. © Lo mas importante es permanecer optimista. © La solucién del problema es resolverlo. EJEMPLOS SOBRE USOS DE I Como sustantivo: Me encanta -viajar Como adjetivo: Una camisa nueva para ponerme Como adverbio: Mi hermano va a participar en el evento. GERUNDIO E INFINITIVO Gerundio = el participio presente (-ing) forma del verbo, por ejemplo, cantando, bailando, correr. Infinitivo = to + la forma base del verbo, por ejemplo, to sing, to dance, to correr. Los gerundios se pueden usar después de ciertos verbos, como disfrutar, imaginar, discutir, disgustar, terminar, pensar, sugerir, recomendar, conservar y evitar.10 Usamos gerundios (verbo + ing): © Después de ciertos verbos: me gusta cantar. © Después de las preposiciones: tomé una taza de café antes de irme © Como sujeto u objeto de una oracién: nadar es un buen ejercicio. Usamos; “to”+ infinitiv: © Después de ciertos verbos: decidimos imos. © Después de muchos adjetivos: es dificil levantarse temprano. © Vine a Londres a estudiar inglés Usamos el infinitivo simple (el infinitivo sin “to”): * Después de los verbos modales: puedo encontrarte a las seis en punto. “ © Después de “dejar”, “hacer” y (a veces) ayuda-El profesor nos dejé salir temprano © Después de algunos verbos de percepcién (ver, mirar, ofr, notar, sentir, sentir) — la vio alejarse * Después de expresiones con “por qué” - ,Por qué salir la noche antes de un examen? week ke WS UNIVERSIDAD ESTATAL DEL SUR DE. MANABE- mM Greada mediante Ley promulpada en el Reglatro Ofilal No. 261 del 7 de febrerasieP S001 FACULTY: TECHNICAL SCIENCES CAREER: CIVIL ENGINEERING x SUBJECT: ENGLISH ; a bat LEVEL: BI yaresuerh CLASSROOM: HAVE TO, DON’T HAVE TO — 10 EXERCISES TOPIC: USE OF PRESENT PARTICIPLE MODAL VERBS: HAVE TO, DON'T HAVE TO/MUST, MUSTN’T/ CAN, CANNOT, CAN'T GROUP MEMBERS: (Burgos Ponce Harold Renato- Leader) 1. Anchundia Valencia Joseph William 2. Arias Avilés Joffre Israel 3. Avila Quiroz Dayanna Nicole 4. Baque Catillo Edgar Steven jy ooidis (Dirnite Quap) 5. Baque Villamar Nain Isaias 6. Bravo Mejia Wendy Leonela 7. Briones Garcia Dana Paula 8. Burgos Ponce Harold Renato 9. Chele Garcia Walter Jordan TEACHER: Dr. JAIME CANARTE AVILA ACADEMIC PERIOD May-September 2022 WORSHOP HAVE TO, DON’T HAVE TO ‘We met to discuss what we had seen in class and to clear up the doubts of the whole group so that we could all work without any problems and we all agree that "Have to” is a main verb so it is followed by the infinitive complete with "to", and The negation is formed using an auxiliary verb - don't, doesn't, didn't, won't, etc. 10. HOMEWORK have to travel tomorrow I don't have to travel tomorrow She has to go to the doctor this week She does not have to go to the doctor this week They have to go play soccer this week They don't have to go play this week ‘You have to be the best all the time You don't have to be the best all the time ‘You have to attend work every day You do not have to attend work every day Carlos has to go home Carlos does not have to go home They have to study for the exam They don't have to study for the exam Thave to lear to play guitar I don't have to learn to play guitar They have to visit their grandparents They don't have to visit their grandparents Jp He has to travel to miami tonight He does not have to travel to miami tonight. UNIVERSIDAD ESTATAL DEL SUR DE MANABi Creada mediante Ley promulgada en el Registro Oficial No. 261 del 7 de febrero del 2001 fi FACULTY: TECHNICAL SCIENCES CAREER: CIVIL ENGINEERING SUBJECT: ENGLISH Wilshep FB LEVEL: BI cLassroom(4a)suMmary | TOPIC: CONDITIONAL GROUP MEMBERS: (Burgos Ponce Harold Renato- Leader) 1. Anchundia Valencia Joseph William 2. Arias Avilés Joffre Israel 3. Avila Quiroz Dayanna Nicole 4. Baque Catillo Edgar Steven 5. Baque Villamar Nain Isaias 6. Bravo Mejia Wendy Leonela 7. Briones Garcia Dana Paula 8. Burgos Ponce Harold Renato 9. Chele Garcia Walter Jordan TEACHER: Dr. JAIME CANARTE AVILA ACADEMIC PERIOD May-September 2022 WORKSHOP We met to discuss what we saw in class and clear up the doubts of the whole group so that we could all work without any problem. CONDITIONAL * They are used to express something that could happen (in the present and future) or that could have happened (in the past) © The use of the conditional means that one action depends on another . Conditionals are used to talk about real or unreal situations. In general, conditional sentences contain the word “ if”. ZERO CONDITIONAL: This type of conditional is used when the condition and the result are always true, such as scientific facts. FIRST CONDITIONAL: This type of conditional is used for the future and in cases where it is very likely that the condition will happen HOMEWORK Do you know conditionals? Conditional © Ifyou freeze water, it becimes solid e If it rains tomorrow, I'll take the car IfI lived closer to the cinema, I would go more often Grammar explanation The if clause tells you the condition (/f you study hard) and the main clause tells you the result (you will pass your exams). The order of the clauses does not change the meaning. ¢ Ifyou study hard, you will your exams © You will pass your exams if you study hard, Types of conditionals Zero conditional We use the zero conditional to talk about fhings that are generally true, especially for laws and rules. Examples e IfI drink too much coffee, I can't sleep at night. Ice melts if you heat it. When the sun goes down, it gets dark. The structure is: if when + present simple and present simple. First conditional We use the first conditional when we talk about future situations, we believe are real or possible. Condition Result e@ When I finish work, i'll call you. I first conditional sentences, the structure is usually: if + present simple, will + infinitive. First conditional Itis also common to the use this structure with unless, as long as, as soon as or in case, instead of if. T'll leave as soon as the babysitter arrives. I don't want to stay in London unless i get a well-paid job. I'll give you a key in case i'm not at he You can go to the party, as long as yot''re back by midnight. y Grupo N2A a UNIVERSIDAD ESTATAL DEL SUR DE MANABI/ ( eada mediante ey promulgada en el RegBtroOfecil No. 261 del 7 dé febrero del 200i FACULTY: TECHNICAL SCIENCES CAREER: CIVIL ENGINEERING SUBJECT: ENGLISH LEVEL: BI CLASSROOM A: ‘PREPOSITION EXPRESSING MOVEMENTS- EXERCISES TOPIC: PREPOSITIONS EXPRESSING MOVEMENT GROUP MEMBERS: (Burgos Ponce Harold Renato- Leader) / |. Anchundia Valencia Joseph William fata Imale Sung 7 «2 Arias Avis Jaffe Israel 3. Avila Quiroz Dayanna Nicole 4, Baque Catillo Edgar Steven . | wate Sarto Lane / 5. Baque Villamar Nain Isaias 1,6. Bravo Mejia Wendy Leonela fo 0% Surals Sue 7. Briones Garcia Dana Paula ’ 8. Burgos Ponce Harold Renato ' 9. Chele Garcia Walter Jordan TEACHER: Dr. JAIME CANARTE AVILA ACADEMIC PERIOD May-September 2022 TO ds 2 3. FROM oh a INTO iF WORSHOP Each member of the group shared ideas on how to make the sentences in the workshop. In class we socialize on the Expressing movements so as not to have any doubts. HOMEWORK My fathers go to the park. My sister go to the cine. My family go to my house. She is from México. They come from their work. My brother comes from the united states. The boy jumped into the pool. 2. She talked into the bedroom. 3. He got into the car happy THROUGH ils He ran through the park. 2. Pedro runs through the stadium. 3. Juan ran through the store. OVER 1 She walks over the Hill. 2. My friend fell over the ice. 3. The plane flew over the town W DOWN 1. The children ran down the mountain, 2. Juan went down the stairs. 3. The cat is down the car. ACROSS. 1. We took a taxi across the city. 2. [saw them walking across the Street. 3. We took a plane across the country. ONTO 1. Iput the books onto the table 2. The squirrel jumps onto the tree 3. The thief climbed onto the roof Us . 1, Get up of the bed 2. She jumped up from his sofa 3. My mother looks up my father ALONG 1. They walked the along of the university 2. The friends ran along the coast 3. The boy were lined up along the yard. UNIVERSIDAD ESTATAL DEL SUR DE MANABi Creada mediante Ley promulgada en el Registro Oficial No. 261 del 7 de febr FACULTY: TECHNICAL SCIENCES rer0, a, CAREER: CIVIL ENGINEERING A ww SUBJECT: ENGLISH OY wr Oy { LEVEL: BI \® CLASSROOM A:/RELATION BETWEEN POSSESSIVE ADJECTIVES AND POSSESSIVE PRONOUNS TOPIC: PRESENT PERFECT TENSE OR SIMPLE PAST GROUP MEMBERS: (Burgos Ponce Harold Renato- Leader) 1. Anchundia Valencia Joseph William\o ost. anole Bana 2. Arias Avilés Joffre Israel 3. Avila Quiroz Dayana Nicole 4. Baque Catillo Edgar Steven 5. Baque Villamar Nain Isaias - 6. Bravo Mejia Wendy Leonela |p 2uile Wwnalo Suna 7. Briones Garcia Dana Paula 8. Burgos Ponce Harold Renato 9. Chele Garcia Walter Jordan TEACHER: Dr. JAIME CANARTE AVILA ACADEMIC PERIOD May-September 2022 WORSHOP ‘© Possessive Pronoun Possessive pronouns indicate possession or ownership. They indicate to whom or what something belongs to. The main purpose of using possessive pronouns in a sentence is to avoid repetition. ‘Since possessive pronouns can replace nouns or noun phrases, they can avoid repetition. ‘+ Possessive adjectives ‘A possessive adjective is an adjective that indicates the possession. It indicates the ownership of the noun it follows. Their main function is describing to whom something belongs to. As ‘mentioned above, possessive pronouns are immediately followed by a noun or a noun phrase. Adjectives do not have singular or plural versions. We use the same adjective for both singular and plural. HOMEWORK DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A POSSESSIVE PRONOUN AND A POSSESSIVE ADJECTIVE The difference between a possessive pronoun and a possessive adjective is best understood when the definitions of each are clear. A pronoun is a term) used instead of a noun. An adjective is used to modify or describe a noun. y People can be confused with the distinctions between a possessive pronoun and a possessive adjective because the words used as possessive pronouns are often small modifications of the words used for possessive adjectives. The main distinction is that the possessive pronoun is used instead of a noun, while the possessive adjective will always modify a noun. /

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