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Cupy d PERU LNG Plan de Dragado 2020 tb 2 PERU LNG Plan de Dragado 2020 4. Antecedentes El Terminal Portuario PERU LNG Melchorita (en adelante, el "Terminal Portuario"), es un Terminal Portuarlo Privado de uso exclusive y especializado para el embarque de Gas Natural Licuado (GNL). Para la ejecucién de las operaciones de amarre y desamarre, asf como para ja realizacién de las operaciones en la plataforma de carga, el referide terminal portuario cuenta. con canales de navegacién debidamente sefializados. Dichos canaies se dividen en: (i) canal de ingreso (canal norte), (i) canal central (operaciones de carga) y (ii) canal de salida (canal sur), tal. como se muestia en el Gréfico N*. 1. Grafico N°1— Canales de Navegacion Los referidos canales-de navegacion tienen un. érea total de 1,064,773 ny se encuentran debidamente defimitades por 8 boyas de sefializacién néutica de colores rojo y verde, segiin el Reglamento de Sefializacion Nautica (HIDRONAV-51 11) de la Direccién de Hidrografia y Navegaci6n de la Marina de Guerra del Pert. Cabe precisar, que los mencionados canales también se encuentran incluidos en la Carta Nautica 2255 Playa Melchorita, Debido a la Corriente y olas existentes en fa zona, los canales de navegacién sufren una sedimentacion natural reduciendo la profundidad de fos mismos, por dicha raz6n realizamos anual mente un dragado de mantenimiento con fa finalidad de lograr una profundidad éptima que permita realizar las maniobras de ingreso y salida de las naves. Asimismo, la ealizacién del dragado de mantenimiento permite que las operaciones de carga a la nave se realicen de forma segura, y garantiza que las referidas operaciones se realicen en un intervalo de tiempo de un afto como minimo o hasta alcanzar nuevamente la profundidad minima de seguridad, de acuerdo alo establecide en el estudio de Espacio Libre Bajo Quilla (UKC). ‘Seguin el estudio de Espacio Libre Bajo Quilia (UKC) las profundidades minimas requetidas para los canales de navegacién son: 14.5 metros para el canal norte, 13.8 metros para él Page 2 0f 23 PERU LNG Plan de Dragado 2020 2 canal central y 14.2 metros para el canal'sur, todas estas profundidades minimas cuentan cori un margen de seguridad del 10% del calado del buque y se encuentran calculadas para las peores condiciones de altura de oias'en el terminal. Considerando lo antes explicado, la eripresa a inicios de cada affo prevé realizar un dragado de mantenimiento hasia una profundidad maxima de 16 mettos en todos los canales. de navegacion de nuestro Terminal Portuario. ‘Secuencia de trabaios, a) Elproce neral de la operacién de draqado: Previo al inicio de la campafia de dragado se realizar una batimetria inicial de Jos canales de navegacién con una ecosonda multihaz, la cual permitira entre otros aspectos, establecer cuales son las areas que tienen mayor sedimentaci6n y en base a ellas definir ef plan de dragado a detalte, establecer y conocer la condicién actual y previa al inicio de operaciones de dragado para posteriores estudios, calcular los volimenes a dragar y finalmente definir_ en comparacién con la batimetria final. Ios vollimenes reales dragados. Asimismo, se realizara una batimetria inicial del area de vertimiento que permitira definir el plan de vertimiento a seguir, ello con la finalidad de mantener una distribucion homogénea que garantice una profundidad esténdar y equitativa en la mericionada zona, a fin de no generar un obstéculo en la navegacion En adicién a [o anterior, y antes cel inicio de las operaciones de dragado, se realizaré un monitoreo de sedimentos en el canal de navegacién a efectos de nalizar las caracteristicas fisicas y quimicas del material del fondo marino con [a finalidad de determinar el método de disposicién final del material extraido, de acuerdo alo aprobado en. el Estudio de Impacto Ambiental del Proyecto “Exportacién de GNL en pampa Metchorita, Peri" (En adelante EIA) (EIA, Capitulo 5, Fichia AO-2), Estabiecido el plan de dragado a detalle y el plan de vertimiento, ia draga iniciara sus operaciones de dragado en los canales de navegacién norte, centro y sur, los cuales'se dragarén hasta alcanzar una profundidad media de -16 metros. Durante fas operaciones, ta draga-monitorearé permanentemente [as condiciones de HS en el ambiente a bordo de la draga para evitar dafios 6 lesiones al personal. Como parte del control de dragado se realizar una batimetria constante de las areas, en donde la draga realizara sus operaciones. Asirnismo, para el control general de avance de la obra, cada dos dias se realizara una batimetria de control que involucraré todos los canales de navegacién, la cual sera comparada con la batimetria inicial para definir los volimenes dragados hasta ese momento. Todos los dias y de acuerdo al procedimiento de control ambiental, se tamardn muestras de agua de mar en.los puntos de muestreo aprobados en nuestro EIA, ello con la Pages of 23 aoe a PERU LNG Plan de Dragado 2020 finalidad de monitorear la turbidez del agua, los resultados seran evaluades en forma diaria. Cada semana (7 dias) se realizara un muestreo del agua de mar a 3 profundidades en los puntos previamente aprobados en nuestro EIA, 2 fin de monitorear la concentracién de arsénico y sdlidos suspendides totales de acuerdo a la seccién,6 del presente documento. Una vez fa draga se encuentre con la telva llena con los sedimentos de las canales, estos seran dispuestos en la zona de vertimiento aprobado en el EIA y por la Capitanta de Puerto de Pisco. La disposicién del material dragado se realizara siguiendo el plan de disposicién determinado previamente mediante la batimetria inicial realizada en la zona de vertimiento. Durante la maniobra de ingreso de un buque de GNL al Terminal Portuatio, la draga mantendré el canal central y el canal sur libre, para que en caso dé una emergencia 0 en caso de abortar la maniobra de amarre, ef buque de GNL tenga la ruta libre de obstéculos. Asimismo, durante las operaciones de carga de GNL, la draga no ingresard al canal central y se mantendré a una distancia minima de seguridad de 300 metros. Las operaciones de dragado seran continuas, es decir se dragara las 24 hotas del dia todos los dias hasta completar el dragado de disejio. No obstante, las operaciones dé dragado pueden ser paralizadas por eventos de condiciones adversas de mar, para lo cual se ha determinado que los limites de operaci6n segura para dragar son hasta un maximo de 2.8 metros de altura de ola. Dicho limite ha sido establécido, considerando ‘a capacidad de disefio de la draga seleccionada, la cual se muestra on ol parrafo 4, inciso a). Sin embargo, estos limites de operacién (para ta draga) son mayores que los limites de Operacin para con los.buques de GNL. En ese sentido y coh [a finalidad de evitar confusiones durante los cierres de puerto, el Terminal Portuario coordinars con Ia Autoridad Maritima para que los cierres de puerto sean detallados y especificos, indicando claramente que el cierre de puerto suspende las operaciones de cerga con buques de GNL cuando las condiciones de mar superen los limites de operacién de los. buques de GNL 0 que el cierte de puerto es para suspender toda actividad portuaria cuando las condiciones de mar superen los limites de operacién de la draga. Concluidas las operaciones de dragado se realizard una batimetria final, la misma que serd firmada por un perito hidrogréfico y presentado a la Autoridad Portuaria Nacional conjuntamente con el informe téenico respectivo, de acuerdo a la normatividad correspondiente. ‘Cabe precisar que de acuerdo 2 los resultados te la batimetria final se haran los calcutos finales del volumen total de material retirado de los canales de navegacién. Page 4 of 23 2 PERU LNG Plan de Dragado 2020 b) Elinétodo de dragado: « Generelidades El método de dragado sera de succién.en marcha 0 de arrastre utilizando para ello una draga tipo THSD (Trailing Suction Hopper Dredger) no menor de 10,000 m* de capacidad de tolva. Un TSHD es un barco de propulsién auténoma que navega en alta mary que carga material de dragado en su tolva. El proceso de dragad6 de la TSHD consisieen un lola de carga (dragado), transporte (navegacién) y etapa de descarga. El dragado se realiza por medio de una o dos tuberias de succién instaladas a lo largo del buque, El material es aflojado del fondo marino y se recoge por medio de los cabezates de arrastre, que se-encuentran en.el extreme inferior de la (s) tuberia, (s) de succién. La Bomba de dragado de la embarcacién o la bomba integrada en la tuberia de succién, trasladan la mezcla de sedimentos y agua dentro del pozo de fa tolva, Después de| dragado, la TSHD deja de bombear, levanta la tuberia de succién y la cabeza de arrastre a ia cubierta principal y navega hacia el area de descarga, a una velocidad de entre 5 y 15 nudos. En el area de’ descarga, la TSHD descarga [a material dragado a través de las puertas inferiores, Una draga tipica TSHD se muestra a continuacion: En principio, los principates elementos de una draga TSHD, son como’se rhuestran a continuacion: (1) Puente de mando con controles de navegacién; (2) Cabezal de arrastre (2), conectada en el extremo inferior de la tuberia de succién. Este cabezal de artastre afloja y recoge los sedimentos que se dragarén utilizando dientes y / 0 chorros de agua. Se pueden instaler diferentes tipos de cabezales de arrastre, dependiendo de las condiciones del suelo; Page S of 23 @ PERU LNG Plan de Dragado 2020 (3) Bomba de dragado (subacuatica), bombea la mezcla desde el lecho marino af pozo de la tolva y, si es necesario, desde el pozo de la tolva hasta el érea de recuperacion; (4) Tuberia de succion y las tuberias de cubierta a través de las cuales se transporta la mezcla; (8) Pozo de la tolva, es la bodega de carga del barco, Se bombea una mezcla de material de dragado y agua al pozo de la folva y la mayor parte de! agua se eVacia a través del sisternia ds desbordaliiento. El material dragado permanece en fa tolva durante el transporte hasta su descarga, Método de dragado con una drag TSHD Antes del inicio de las operaciones de dragado, se efectuera un levantamiento batimétrico del canal a dragar. Los resultados de la batimetria y las dimensiones necesarias del canal son introducidos en el sistema Dredge View - Hopper Monitoring ‘System a bordo de la draga. La-draga navegaré hacia el drea donde debe remover 1 sedimento acumulado. Una vez en la vecindad del érea del canal, [a draga se posiciona a lo largo de la linea teérica del canal y bajar’ el cabezal de arrasire al fondo marino. Durante este proceso, la posicién de! cabezal de dragado sera controlada tanto horizontal como verticalmente. Para iniciar las operaciones de dragado, la draga navegara hacia el area de dragado, Una vez en ej area de dragado, las-tuberias de succién se bajan al locho marino, se envienden tas bombas de dragado y comienza al dragado. Mientras el cabezal de draga rasguiia el lecho marino y afloja los sedimentos. La mezcla de sedimenio y agua se bombea y se lleva a través de la tuberia de succién hacta la tolva, Durante la carga con el cabezal de arrastre en el lecho. marino, la craga navege @ muy baja velocidad, La velocidad de arrastre dependerd de las céndiciones del mar y del material que se draga y generalmente no excedera de algunos riudos. El material dragado se asienta en la tolva de carga'y el excess de agua se evacua a través del sistema de desbordamiento. Este sistema de desbordamiento se puede ajustar para optimizar la produccién y minimizar las pérdidas. En los casos en que no se permite ef desbordamiento (por ejemplo, por razones medioambientales), es posible. realizar las operaciones de dragado solo hasta el limita de desbordamiento. Este método-de dragado puede reducir significativamente elnivel de produccién general de la draga. Cuando el calado del buque llega a la marca de carga de dragado 0 cuando las Cireunstancias no permitan una carga adicional, se suspende e! dragado y la tuberfa de succién se iza en cubierta. El barca navega cargacio con material dragado hasta el area de descarga, Este esquemia se repite hasta que toda el area se ha dragado a las profundidades requeridas, confirmado por la batimetria de control. Page 6 of 23 we ¢ PERU LNG Pian de Dragado 2020 Las figuras siguientes muestran a fa draga TSHD durante el proceso de carga y al cabezal de airastre con et sistema de chorro de agua, La draga navegara de norte a sur 0 viceversa, dependiendo de la profundidad del canal, el ancho que se fealizara y las condiciones del mar (corrientes, viento, olas, etc.). Para minimizar el numero de vueltas de la draga para cada viaje, el tlempo de cada ciclo se optimizaré ao largo del proceso. Sies necesarlo, se puede llevar a cabo un dragado mas alla de la profundidad de disefio. para crear una capacidad de amortiguacién adicional para la sedimentacién durante el Page 7 0f 23 a PERU LNG Plan de Dragado 2020 periodo comprendido entre el final de las operaciones de dragado y la realizacién de la batimetria final de control del proyecto. + Descaraa de ia tolva abrlendo las puertas inferiores Una vez que la draga ha llegado al érea de descarga, reduciré la velocidad a un maximo de aproximadamente 2 nudos, Una vez que el capitan esta seguro de que ef barco esta en el lugar correcto, se da la orden de abrir las, puerta: apertura de las puertas generalmente toma de 5 a 10 minutos. La descarga del material se realizara por apertura de compitertas de fondo de apertura hacia abajo. El material se verteré en el mar, en la zona de vertedero aprobado en el BIA y por la Direccién General de Capitanias y Guardacostas, abriendo la tolva a través de una compuerta. Las figuras @ continuacién detailan ef método de descarga en altamar Page 8 of 23 iy 2 PERU LNG Plan de Dragado 2020 <) a) oe 8 Lasecuenci: ado: El dragado se realizara durante 24-horas continuas y se controlar mediante. ciclos de operacién. Un ciclo completo de operacién esta representado mediante la siguiente secuencia; Dragado: desde el momento en que la draga ingrasa a los canales de navegacién ¢ inicla la succién del fondo marino hasta el llenado de la tolva; Transito: navegacién hacia el area de vertimiente y retomo al atea de trabajo; Vertido: disposicién final del material dragado enel area de vertimiento aprabada. El dragado podré realizarse siguiendo una ruta de Norte o Sur o viceversa, es decir iniciar el dragado por el canal norte o suryy continuar la succién def material del fondo ‘marino hasta salir por el canal opussto, la cual representa el ciclo mas eficiente de [a operaciéni; 0 concentrarse en un canal pre determinado realizando un dragado circular, en caso el terminal se encuentre en operaciones de carga ce GNL: El tiempo previsto para la operacién de dragado: Se tiene previsto una operacién de dragado ‘de 22 dias como minimo desde Ia llegada de la draga al terminal portuatio hasta la culminacién de la carhpafia de dragado, Sin embargo, los dias de operacién estimados podrian extenderse en caso se presenten problemas con fa embarcacién 0 se tenga condiciches adversas de mar que impidan continuar las operaciones de dragado en forma segura. En ese sentido de acuerdo a experiencias anteriores (y dependiendo del tipo de la falla de la draga, de ser el caso) la campafia de dragado puede extenderse como maximo hasta 45 dias.catendarios, Page 9 of 23, 6 PERU LNG. ¢ Plan-de Dragado 2020 Las referencias topogrdficas, marcas o boyas de sefializacién a) Delimitacién del 4rea a dragar mediante coordenadas UTM Los canales de navegacién ‘stan limitados de acuerdo a las siguientes coordenadas UTM refefidas al DATUM WGS 84. El plano del érea a dragar se muestra en el Apéndice A. Coordenadas UTM Vértice Este Norte! Pot | 356,216.221 | 8'534,398.4a7 Po2 "| 357,269.602 | 8534,571.477 POs | 357,605.356 | 8'534,036.680 Pos | 357,605.117 | €534,015.238 POs | 357,959,991 | 8633,663.075 P06 | 357,981,530 | 6'533,662.530 Po7 | 368,319.20 | 8533,328.931 Pos | 358,365.431 | 8532,123.027 Pos | 358,013.306 | 8532,571.837 Pi0 | 367,861.007 | 6533,354,065 Pit | 357,299.500 | 6'533,916.008 Piz | 356,830.162 | 8'534,040.193 b) Zona de descarga del material dragado: La zona de'vertimiento aprobada en el ELA se encyentra a una.distancia aproximada de 4 millas frente al terminal portuario y tiene un area total de 4,000,000 m* Coordenadas UTM Vértice Este Norte CF 363,386.684 530,806.732 C2 354,750.72 8529,381.793 C3 353,336.433 8'527,877.705 C4 361,922,345 8529, 382.044 c) Ubicacién de cada muellé y/o rompeolas: La zona de dragado se encuentra cercana a la infraestructura portuaria del terminal portuario PERU LNG Melchorita, fe cual cuenta con un rompeolas de 800 metros de largo, una plataforma de embarque, 08 duques de alba-de amare, 4 duques de alba de deferisa, un puente de caballétes de 1,350 metros de largo, un muelle de servicio y un rompeolas pequefio. Page 10 of 23, AS PERU LNG Plan de Dragado 2020 8) Etcanal de navegacién central se encuentra delimitado entre el rompeotas principal y la plataforma de carga con sus duques de alta de defensa y amarre. Los caniales norte y sur se encuentran delimitados por las boyas de sefializacion nautica, Por apéndice B se remite el plano de ubicacién de Ie infraestructura portuaria que se encuentra préximna al area de dragado. UBIZAGION de las. boyas de seffalizacion: Las boyas de sefializacién nautica delimitan los canales de ingreso y salida del terminal Portuario y cuentan-con las siguientes coordinadas y caracteristicas. Bova ' eaoordenades. aM Caracteristicas N1___| 856,647.010 | 8534,287.050 Verde N2 | 356,642,013 | 8884,065.055 Roja Si__| 868,040.036 | 8532,524.906 Verde S2__| 358,318.886 | 8532,583.604 Roja ‘NB | 357,256,233 | 8'534,340 635 Verde N4 357,191.769 | 8'533,984.429 Roja S3__| 387,808576 | 8533,247.621 Verde ‘S| 366,264,758 | 8685,313.411 Roja Sefializacién y avisos informativos. preventivos y prohibitivos: Previo al inicio a la camparia de dragado, se informa a fa Capitanta Maritima del Puerto de Pisco para que tomen conacimiento del dragato del Terminat y avisen a los pescadores de la zona. Asimismo, a Capitanfa Maritima del Puerto de Pisco informa a la Direccién de Hidrografiay Navegacién de la Marina de Guerra dél Peri para que se emitan los Avisos a los Navegantes correspondientes para todas las embarcaciones que transiten por el area, En adicién, PERU LNG a través de su departamento de Relaciones Comunitarias informa a-las Asociaciones de Pescadores de la zona de Cerro Azul y Tambo de Mora de las actividades de dragado, informando la fecha de inicio y la ruta que seguiré la raga durante sus actividades para evitar problemas de colision o daiio a las redes. Por-apéndice C se remite el plano que se envia a los pescadores como avise previo al inicio de las-operacianes de dragado, Page 11 of 23 o& ? PERU LNG 4, Maquinaria y equipos a utilizar a) Draga Para la campaiia de dragado del afio 2019 se utilizard una draga de suc Plan de Dragado 2020 ‘én en marcha © arastre, es decir tina draga del tipo THSD (Trailing Suction Hopper Dredger) con una capacidad de tolva no. menor a 10,000 m*, Enfre las dragas que se estan licitando ‘para la campafia de dragadd se estén considerando las siguientes: » Pedro Alvares Cabral Armador Capacidad de Tolva: Peso muerto: Eslora: Manga: Calado a plena carga: Maxima profundidad de dfagaco: Diémetto del tubo de succion: Potencia de ta bomba de succién: Potencia de propulsién: Capacidad de generacién eléctrica instalada: Velocidad Maxima Acomodacién: Construccién: Jan de Nui 14,000 m? 26,595 ton 148.00 m 30.00 m 14.20'm 52m 4,300 mm. 8500 kW 27,200 kW 15,960 kW 14.5 nudos 33 2012 Page 12.0f 23 ? PERU LNG Plan de Dragado 2020 + Ellippo Brunelleschi = Armador Jan-de Nut - Capacidad de Tolva: 11,300 m> — Peso muerto: 18,620 ton = Eslora: 442.5 m - Manga: 27.5m - Galado a plena-carga:. 9.1.10. — Méxima profundidad de dragado: 38/57.5/77m ~ Didmetro del tubo de succién: 1,200 mm: ~ Potencia de la bomba de suecién: 3,400 kW — Potencia dela bomba de descarga: 7,500 kV = Potencia de propulsin: 2.x 5,750 kW — Capacidad de generacién eléctrica instalada: 13,110 kW - Velocidad Maxima: 15.3 nudes ~ Acomodacién 34 — Construccién: 2003 Durante las operaciones de dragado se utlizara una embarcacién menor qué contaré con un equipo batimétrico abordo para realizar las batimetrias de control y el avance del volumen dragado. Asimismo, la embarcacion menor llevara a cabo la toma de musstras de agua de mar de acuerdo al programa de monitoreo'ambiental durante la etapa de dragado. Page 13 of 23 d PERU LNG Plan de Dragado 2020 Equipos de seguridad on las dragas Las dragas a ser utiizadas en la operacién de dragado poseen sensores de gases en cubierta y en interiores para detectar ef HaS proveniente de remover el fondo marino. La draga posee un sistema de tubertas de contraincendios con diversas estaciones C.| alrededor de las.diferentes cubiertas del buque, el mismo que permanentemente so enciienira presurizado y alimentado mediante bombas de agua de: mar sumergidas. Asimismo, posee un sistema de aspersores alrededor de la superestructura del buque. En adicion, las dragas poseen extintores contraincendios del tipo COz portatiles distribuidos alrededor del buque, sobre todo en la sala de maquinas, habitabilidad y puente de gobierno. De acuerdo al Convenio MARPOL, las dragas poseen tanques de recepcidn de residuos oleosos y aguas sucias, las cuales son descargadas en.los puertos autorizados y con facilidades de recepcién, Ua basura orgénica generada durante las operaciones de dragado a bordo de la diaga no sera descargada en las instalaciones. portuarias de.PERU LNG. Sin embargo, en. casos extremos y que involucren un tema de salubridad, y previa aprobacion del drea. de Medio Ambiente, dichos residuos, orgénicos serén entregados a la empresa operadora de residuos sélidos (EO-RS) aprobada para que realice la disposicién final, esta EO-RS emit un certiicado de-recepcién de basura. La segregacién y disposicién de la basura se ajustaré al procedimiento Plan de Manejo de Residuos de la planta, ENV-000-PRO-0005 Plant Waste Management Procedure, el mismo que Se adjunta en el apéndice D. En adicién, la empresa de dragado, debe contar con su propio plan de manejo de residuos el cual sera revisado por PERU LNG, Page 14 of 23 ? PERU LNG Plan de Dragado 2020 En draga necesite realizar el tetiro de residuos generados durante fos trabajos en el Terminal Portuario PERU LNG Melchorita en otros puertos, las empresas operadoras de residuos sélides que participen en el transporte y disposicién final deben ser aprobadas previamente aprobadas por el area de Medio Ambiente de PERU LNG, En loreferente a la seguridad contra derrames, las dragas poseen un plan de derames abordo y equipamiento menor para la contencién y recuperacién de hidtocarburos, No obstante," ello, durante las“ operaciones de dragado’ él terminal portuario pondra a disposicién del buque todo su sistema de control dé darrames, y miantendra a bordé de los remoleadores las barreras de contencién lista para ser desplegadas en caso sea necesario. Es importante mencionar que el personal que opera la draga se encuentra técnicamente calificado para la realizacién de las labores de dragado. Adicionalmente, se contara con una empresa de supervisién de las’ actividades de dragado, quienes contaran con personal técnico necesario para corroborar la informacién referente al dragado. El contratista cumpliré en todo momento con los estandares sobre salud, seguridad y medio ambiente de PERU LNG establecidos en el documento HSE-000-PRO-0014 Requerimientos QHSE para Contralistas, . Tipo de sedimentos a éxcavar y los voltimenes estimados a dragar a) Garacteristicas de fos sedimentos a extraer La granutometria indica que en et area de dragado predominan los sedimentos arenosos (2 mm - 0,0825 mm). Sin émbargo,’en las zonas més profundas hay un incremento en, los niveles de limo (0,0625 mm - 0,0038 mm) y arcilla {0,0039 mm - <0,00049 mm). (Ver figuras N° 4, N" 2y N°3) Asimismo, con el avance de fa profundidad de dragado o dependiendo de fa zona de dragado (normalmente en los taludes cerca @ los duques' de alba del lado sur), ocasionalmente se. encuentran ciertas fracciones de material de canto rodado de 0.3.4 0.5 m de didmetro, (Ver figuras N° 4 y N° 5) Page 15 of 23, ? PERU LNG Plan de Dragado 2020. Figura N° 4 Figura N° 2 Figura N° 4 Los resultadés obtenides dei monitoreo de sedimentos muestran una distribucion espaiial del tamafio de particulas.con mayores concentraciones de limo y areilla en las Page 16 of 23 ? PERU LNG Plan de Dragado 2020 by ¢) estaciones asociadas con los canales de navegacién, areas més profundas que son dragadas anualmente para mantener el calado minimo de seguridad para el ingreso de jos buques metaneros. Ver grafico N° 2. Grafico N° 2: Mapa de Distribucién Espacial de Tamafio de Particulas rena faor, ff Limo Estabilidad de fos taludes de Ia orilla u otras estructuras E! perfil lateral de! falud original a 18 metros de profundidad ere de 4/20 de pendiente lateral. Sin embargo, debido al nuevo estudio de proftindidad minima bajo quilla (UKC), la profundidad de dragaco es hasta los 16 metros de profundidad, lo cual hace que ef perfil lateral del talud de los canales de navegacién tenga una pendiente lateral de 1/20, la cual es mas estable. Volumen aproximado De acuerdo a las titimas contro, el volumen estimado de dragado hasta una prafundidad promedio de 16 metros es de.530,647.098 m? (ver plan de dragado det afio 2019 del apéndice E). Identificacién de la necesidad de tratamiento previo a la disposicién final 1 material dragado dentro del canal de navegacién, como se indica en el BIA y sus modificaciones, viene siendo comparado con estandares internacionales orientativos de, manera referencial como el de la NOAA (Administracién Nacional Oceanografica y Atmosférica de los Estados Unidos de Norteamérica), al no existir una normativa ambiental nacional en Pert. Page 17 of 23 0 PERU LNG Plan de Dragado 2020 Durante la evaluacién de linea base ambiental del EIA (previo a la construccién del Terminal Marino y Operacian), la zona de Melchorita presents de manera natural concentraciones de metales (As, Cd, Cu, Pb, entre otfos), propias de la geologia dela Zona, que se encontraben por encima de los estandares arientativos referenciales antes mencionados. Este material es dispersado al medio marino por accién del oleaje que termina impactando. sobre los acantilados. y removiendo material (arena, arcillas- y-limes)- Finalmente, terminan distrisuyéndose’en el fondo marino (sedimento) debido al arrastre de corrientes marinas, siendo caracteristico de la zona del canal de navegacién la granulometria con mayor proparcién de arcilla y limo. De las evaluaciones realizadas como parte del programa de monitoreo ambiental realizado por PERU LNG (EIA, Capitulo, Ficha SO-6), que se viene reportando semestralmente a ia Autoridad Portuaria Nacional (APN) y Direccién de Capitania de Puerto y Guardacostas (DICAP!), no se han encontrado diferencias significativas en las concentraciones del sedimento marino. Las tendencias de [os metales analizados coinciden con los valores histéricos de estudios previos (Golder setiembre 2013), linea base del EIA-sd (Golder 2007) y tos respectivos monitoreos de cumplimiento durante fa etapa de operacién Adicionalmente, estudios realizados en el 2013 demuestran que existe una correlacion baja entre la granulometria presente dentro del canat de navegacién (arcilla y limo) respecto a la distribucién de metales pesados como el As, Cd y Hg Por fo anteriormente detatlado no se hace necesario realizar un tratamiento previo a la disposicién final de los sedimentos a ser dragados. Ubicacién y disposicién de material excedente (Volumen total) Como ya se detallé en la seccion 3, patrafo b) del presente Plan de Dragado 2020, todos los sedimentos provenientes de las operaciones de dragado, tanto el volumen calculado como el volumien excedente sera llevado a la zona de vertimiento aprobada en el E!A, la-cual se encuentra a una distancia aproximada de 4 millas frente al terminal portuario con un area total de 4,000,000 m? y cuyo eje central esta ubicado en latitud 13°17'57" S y longitud 076°21"14" Wy, fal comio Se aprecia en la gréfico N° 3. Page 18 of 23 o Ww 0 PERU LNG Plan-de Dragado 2020 Grafico N°-3: Ubicacién del Area de vertimiento Programa de Monitoreo Ambiental El Programa de Monitoreo Ambiental a detalle que se utilizara durante las actividades de dragado se encuentra detallado en el documento ENV-000-PLN-0004 Dredging Environmental Management Plan, el cual se adjunta en el Apéndice F. EI Plan de Manejo Ambiental del Dragado esta dividido en 2 etapas, las cuales son'realizadas antes y durante las actividades de dragado: a) Monitoreo antes de las actividades de dragado Antes del inicio de las operaciones de dragado, PERU LNG realizara un monitoreo de sedimentos en el canal de navegacién para analizar las caracteristicas fisicas y quimicas det material del fondo con la finalidad de determinar el método de disposicién Page 19.0f 23 e PERU LNG Plan de Dragado 2020 b) cf] final, de acuerdo con el EIA. £l monitoreo se realizard en tres estaciones de monitoreo segiin se muestran en la siguienté tabla: Coordenadas UTM. Estacion Este Norte. Tat 357,098.00 8°534,272,00, S-18 357,302.00 8°534,110.00 8-28 ‘388,009.00 8533,403.00 Los pardmeitos a moniterear son Hidrocarburos Aromaticos Policiclicos (PAH), hidrocarburos totales de petrleo (TPH) y metales totales. Estos anajisis serén roalizados por un laboratorio acreditado por INAGAL. Monitoreo durante las actividades de dragado Durante las actividades de dragado se realizar los siguientes monitoreos de agua de mar, tanto en el.érea de dragade como en el area de disposicién final: ~ Monitoree de turbidez diarla: este resultado de turbidez sera comparado con valores de Sélidos Suspendidos Toteles a través de una curva de correlacién calibrada y aprobada por PERU LNG. ~ Monitoreo de sélidos totales suspendidos (SST): se realizaré de manera semana El analisis debe de ser realizado por un laboratorio acreditado por INACAL. El monitoreo se realiza en las mismas estaciones de! monitoreo de turbidez y debe realizarse desde la primera semana de iniciado el dragado. Los resultados de monitoreo serén utilizados para revisar periédicamente la curva de correlacion © de ser necesario, cualquier ajuste ala misma, ~ Monitoreo de arsénico: El monitoreo se realizar de manera semanal y debe iniciarse en la ‘primera semana de dragado. El andlisis serd realizado por un laboratorio acreditado por INACAL. Estaciones de Monitoreo en el érea de dragado. Las estaciones de monitoreo para TSS y turbidez son 6, en 3 diferentes profundidades (superficie, medioy fondo). Adicionalmente se monitorearan 2 estaciones control (aprox @3,200m a norte y sur del terminal marino) donde la calidad de.agua no se vea afectada por las operaciones de-dragado. Coordenadas UTM. Estacién Este Norte TSS-1 357/518.532 8534,957. 684, TS8-2 356,903.656. '8'533,576.230 TSS-3 358,908.267 8'633,284.628 Page 20 of 23, ie PERU LNG Plan de Dragado 2020 TSS-4 357,194.796. 8'534,965.260 TSS-5 358,919.428 8'532,578.773 TSS-6 356,586.213 8'534,979.126 RP1 (Control) 355,748.840, 8'536,354.860 RP2 (Control) 359,896.880 8'531,453.040 @) Estaciones de Monitoreo en el area de disposicién Coordenadas UTM Estacion Este Norte B-7 353,176.418 §'530,522.435 D2 '384,043.728 8'530,098.962 D-3 384.750.772 8'529,391.793 ” Ba 351,922,345 8528, 392.044 DS. 352,620.385 8'528,684.874 bs 353,336.433 8'528,977.705 D7 352,620.515 '8°530,099.088 Ds 384,043,603. 8'526,684 749 ) Estaciones de Monitoreo en el area de disposicion Las estaciones de monitoreo de arsénico son 9 y se realizara a 3 profundidades diferentes (superficie, medio y fondo). Coordenadas UTM Profundidad de muestras (m) Estacion Este Norte | Superficie | Meciio Fondo 72-10 358,419 | 8°533,756 4.0) 5.0 10.0 T2142 358,259 | 8'533,596 4.0. 6:0 72.0 1246 357,008 | 8'532,348. 4.0 8.0 16.0 T4149 357,738 | 8'634,478 4.0) 5.0) 10.0 a 74-12 357,553_| "8'534,295 1.0 6.0 72.0 T4716 356,596 | _8'533,340 4.0. 80, 16.0 T5-10 357,527 | 8°534,702 1.0, 5.0 10.0 T5-12 357,328 | 8°534,502 4.0 6.0) 12.0 TS16 356,371 | 8'533,546 40 8.0 16.0 f) Esténdares aplicables En las areas de disposicion y dragado los sélidos totales suspendidos en el cuerpo de agua marino no deben de exceder los.200 mg/l. Si el valor natural excede los 170 mg/l (aumento del transporte de sedimento por rios, eventos de fuertes lluvias, mareas rojas o desiizamientos), el estandar aplicable para e| SST durante ef dragado no debe de exceder en 30% del valor del SST de los puntos control. Los valores naturales pueden ser determinados por las esteciones de coritro| RPT y RP2. Page 21 of 23 ? PERU LNG Plan de Dragado 2020 Los niveles de concentracién de arsénico se compararan con los estandares de calidad ambientat para agua aprobades mediante DS N° 004-2017-MINAM, que establece un esténdar de 0,05 mg/l para este parametro. 7, Impactos ambientales y medidas de mitigacin en la zona de dragado y en lazona de vertimiento ‘Cumpliende con lo establecido en el EIA, en caso el nivel del SST y arsénico Se acerquen al limite permitido, el Contratista debera implementar medidas de mitigacién. El procedimiento de dragado por parte dei Contratista contiene una descripcidn detallada de las altemativas propuestas para reducir y mantener los riveles de concentracién de SST y de arsénico por debajo de la norma aplicable. Las medidas de mitigacin pueden ser, pero nose limitan a, uno o una-combinacién de les siguientes acciones, segtin sea necesario: a) Area de dragado — _ Introducir ajustes en el equipo de dragado y en el proceso de dragado segun sea necesario (es decir, ajustar / modificar la velocidad de la navegacién del buque; la potencia de succién, las tasas de dragado, calibracién-de. -equipos de dragado, etc.), ~ Modificar el prograrna de dragado para dragar en diferentes dreas no secuenciales, con Ie finalidad de evitar efectos acumulativos localizados. - Temporalmente reducir o cesar el desbordamiento durante las operaciones: de dragado, ~ Temporalmente detener fas actividades de dragado. b) Area de disposicién final = Modificar el programa de vertido de materiales de dragado para cubrir diferentes areas no secuenciales (dentro dela zona de vertimiento autorizada), a efectos de evitar las efectos acumulativos localizados. — Modificar / reducir las tasas de vertimiento. ~ _ Ajuste de la velocidad de navegacién durante el vertimiento para difundir el material dragado en un area mas grande. ~ Parar temporalmente el vertido del material dragado. Adicionalmentte, para determinar el impacto general de jas operaciones de PERU LNG en el entomo marino, $6 lleva a cabo un monitored biolégice marino el cual involucra el monitoreo de calidad de ague de mar, sedimentos.marinos, peces y bentos marinos. Este monitoreo se realize de manera participativa y semestralmente. Page 22 of 23 o PERU LNG. Plan de Dragado 2020 8. Matriz de identificacion de Peligros y Evaluacién de Riesgos de la Operdcién de Dragado La matriz de identificaci6n de peligios y evaluacion de riesgos de fa operacién de cragado, -el cual se adjunta como Apandice G. En adicion, el contratiste dentro del cummplimiento de sus obiigaciones coniractuales enviaré @ PERU LNG su matriz-de identificacién de peligros y evaluacién de riésgos-para su revision previa al inicio de sus actividades. Asimismo, el contratista presentara, previo al inicio de sus actividades, el catalogo.o matriz de Identiicacion y evaluacién de aspectos ¢ impactos ambientales para las actividades a desarroliar en el Terminal Portuario, SSS Page 23 of 23, ? Peru’ LNG Plan de Dragado 2020 APENDICE A opefeup ap eae jap oueid y sorpuedy. 0Z0z Opedeig ap ueld BN eae 2 PERU LNG Plan de Dragado 2020 APENDICE B e Xa : Ne OMS ) DLN i. x fo p ‘Ns ’ < ay) < ~ » . eo wt . ee ON . 4 * ‘ | af Ms e. ie opebeip ap kare |@ uoo ojueputjos eenyod eAnjonsyseeyul &] ep UO!DeoIGN- ap OURId deopusdy ‘OZ0z Opedeig ap uejd NT neat 0 PERU LNG Plan de Dragado 2020 APENDICE C 4s lg, oPeBEIG ep lewovew 3 oP upreeodsia op eay ume a Set BBeIG EL ep OUI ————p pL ag), Mm opeBeup ap souoiseiado ojueinp BBeip ep ejmy — salopeasad exed ap ouetg ‘9 anjpusdy. (0202 Opesesq op veld BNT newac peru’ ine APENDICE D Plan de Dragado 2020 ? PERU LNG Hunt LNG Operating Company S.A.C. Plant Waste Management Procedure Document Number: ENV-000-PRO-G005 Document Owner: QHSE EE 8 Reviewed and updated Epinto _|8.Camadho| B.Valéez |p. vil_| ?Nowt9 5 Reviewed and updeted t8Decté Me so av by 4 ‘Annual caview EP sc cc. ee 3 Reviewed and updated ep 8¢ 6 Pr ftamay.20% 2 ‘Arnal reviow 8 sc cc. a 1 Réviewed and updated oR sc cc PT [230c2018 ° issued or use cR sc PT DY [2raug.20%2| ‘Author | Reviewer | Reviewer | Approver Rev Feision Descretion Ev, - En. [Sustairabiny| "Bete Represeniative | Supervisor | Manager _} Director ‘ ‘Approval - Hunt LNG Operating Gompany S.A... Revisions the operator of PERU LNG S.R.L. pel 4! Adoo pe|josju0g UON PERU LNG ete dose feign Non Controlled Copy if Printed Plant Waste Management Procedure Revision notes Pa aera eet evo Pow a2 ew. 08 aw 05 Rex Boz 30.0c12016 rotayas s2Sep-t8 seKong We wa ‘Sevion 20 updated ‘Seevon 8.1 reviews ‘Sector 32 updated Section 42 reviewed ait upcated Seton 421 renlewed added reference to, Appaoaix® Secton 4.22 reviewed: adéod raferanceto Appecata 8 Section 424 reviewed Secon 42.5 rovewed Secion 425 new section Socien 42.7 removed composting tom tis esction Souion @2 8ypdated Section 429 updated Section 43 coved ‘Sadton 42 reviowad,romavad eub ston ‘Sti 45 revised and Unda Seti 46 reviowed Section 47 moved suction and reviewed Secton 48yaveured Section 50 upaaton Appendix B edged 1.0 Purpose 20seme 3.4 Responses, 32 Glossary 4 Wane anepement Prise 42 Vinee taragernan: 3 the PERU LNG Plant 42 Wiss Transl Docarvaniation Procecsine ‘So Recores and Revoring EoRsterercos Senion 22 - updated Seaton £2.2-upsates Sesion 42. -upasted Seclon 47 = deleted ‘Section 6.0 upded Seen 80. Update ‘Section 1.0 Puraoee Seeder 32 Glossary Section 2 1 Waste lantéaton ad etacterzaton ‘able 2 Sold Waste Isenicaton Section 29 Spacia Waste Seale 4 Waste Transtar Dacimantaon Froseaure ‘Section 3.1 Responses Sau £21 Ieenifcation and Chececarzaion ‘Sectian 42.1 dantcction ane Chetscterization Procedure updale, ‘ncuron Proceaueupdate Anau eusion Procedure upasto according logit decree DL N'I278 ‘anes regaon Procedure upcate ceording to Waste Rev. 06 11-Nov-19) Page 2 of 23 ENV-000-PRO-0008 Non Controlled Copy if Printed PERU LNG Plant Waste Management Procedure Table of Contents 4.1 Waste Management Principle: ve 42. Waste Management at the PERU LNG Plant... 4.21 Waste Identification and Characterization 4.22 Sogregation and Containment. 423. Waste Collection and Handling. 424 Vatorization. 425 Waste Transportation to Offsite facilities. 426 Waste Final Disposal... 427 Others. Medical Waste Special Wastes. 4.3, Waste Transfer Documentation Procedure - 44° Liquid Effiuent Management. 48 Marine Facilities and Offshore Waste Management. 46 Records and Reporting 47 Traini References. APPENDIX A: Waste identification, classification and management practice... APPENDIX B: Hazardous Liquid Waste Labels. Rev. 06 11-Nov-19 Page 3 of 23 ENV-000-PRO-0005 Non Controlled Copy if Printed d PERU Come Plant Waste Management Procedure 1.0 Purpose This documént contains all the applicable waste management procedures established for operations: In order to avoid, minimize and control adverse impacis to human health, safety, or the environment. This procedure will ensure compliance with ail the requirements. for storage, handling, valorization, Wansport and final disposal of the waste generated within Plant boundaries, as set in Perwian regulations and commitments of the waste management Plan approved in the Ethane ITS as part of @ Plant EIA update. In case of new projects or maintenances will be executed and special waste will be generated (waste not considered in this. procedure), the contractor in charge of the ‘activity ‘or Ehvironmental team must elaborate a waste management procedure that must be approved by PERU LNG prior to start the activity, 2.0 Scope ‘The Plant Waste Management Procedure (WMP) addresses issues linked to waste minimization, valorization, generation, transport, disposal and monitoring, ‘The WMP will be applied by ail the PERU LNG employees and all contractors, vendors and third parties. providing services within the. LNG Plant site, including, among others, permanent and temporary installations, camps, admin'strative offices and the marine faciities. This procedure does not include/cover the following topics: + Treatment, Reuse end Disposal of Liquid wastes entering the CPI Separator and the Sewage Treatment Plant, as well as disposal of brine generated from the RO urit, is covered under the ENV-000-PRO-0004 “Piant Effluent Management Procedure". Not covered are: stormwater management, brine and CPI management, sanitary waste water: © Generation, handling and disposal of waste produced outside the plant site, if applicable, * Waste management for LNG tankers which shall follow applicable IMO/MARPOL waste management regulations, + International offsite shipment of waste to vendiors for regeneration or final disposal which shall be covered by specific procedures. + Gaseous Emissions, which are considered under the ENV-000-PLN-0009 “Air, Noise and Vibration Management Plan’, 3.0 Responsibili ies and Glossary 3.1 Respons ies ‘The following describes responsibilities in the Plant Waste Management Procedure: Environmental Supervisor Ensure compliance of this procedure, Environmental ‘Supervise and coordinate with the WIC. Representative ‘Support Hunt LNG areas and contractors. Waste Management Provide waste management service according to this procedure Contractor (WMC) and contract requirements. Rev. 08 11-Nov-1g Page-4 of 23, ENV-000-PRO-0005, Non Controlled Copy if Printed 2 PERU’ LNG Plant Waste Management Procedure PLNG / Hunt LNG Comply with the requirements eSteblished in this Procedure, Employee 3.2 Glossary { Term Description Central Waste Storage Area | Centralized area(s) for hazardous and non-hazardous waste storage which receives waste from collection. Collection Procedure of internal recellection of waste from working areas and waste collection areas to the Central Waste Storage Area. Hazardous Waste Waste that may pose a potential risk to human health or the environment if improperly managed. Waste that shares at least one of the following properties would be ~ considered hazardous: .9. igntable, explosive, corrosive, reactive, loxio, radioactive or pathogenic, Examples of these types of wastes inclide: spent solvents, empty paint cans, chemical containers, used lubricating batleries, and fighting equipment such as famps orlamp ballasts Inert Waste Waste that does not undergo any significant, physical, chemical or biological transformations. Inert waste will not cissolve, burn or otherwise physically or chemically react, biodegrade or adversely affect ‘other matter with which il comes into contact In a way likely fo give ise. i torenvironmental polluéon or hasm human health Langit ‘A DIGESA and PERU LNG approved faciliy designated for the sanitary _and environmentally safe disposal of wasies. Discard material Discard material is considered to be any saterial resulting trom the rocosses of Ihe productive activities of goods and services, provided that It constitutes an input that can be used in the same activity, other productive actvilas, research and develoament of new technclogies and materials. ‘Minimization ‘Action to minimize the generation of solid waste, through any preventive strategy, procedure, methad or technique used in te - generating activity. Recycling ‘Any activity that allows @ wasie to bo reused thraugh a process of material transformation to futfil ts intial purpose of other purpeses. | Uquid waste All the liquid residues, effluents, products or by-products that are being discarded through’ a waste management system, For the purpose of this plan, effluents generated will be conskiered separately and troated ‘under the ENV-000-PRO-0G04 “Plant Effiuent Management Procedure’, Valorization ‘Any operation which objective is that the waste andior one or mora of the materials that compose it, are’reused and serve a useful purpose when replacing other materials or resouress’ in the production processes, The valuation can be matetial or energetic. [ Nonazardous Waste “Ay sold of lua waste that does not have eny of the properies ofa | hazardous waste or mate jocyoling Facility ‘A DIGESA or MINAM and PERU LNG approved facity designated for i the environmentally safe valorization of wastes. _ Security Landfill A DIGESA or MINAM registered facility designated for the sanitary and i environmentally safe disposal of nazatdous wastes. | “Rev. 06 11-Nov-19 Page § of 23 ENV-000-PRO-0005 Non Controlled Copy if Printed d PERU LNG Plant Waste Management Procedure Term Description Solfd Waste Ail the Solid or semisolids residues, products. or by-products that are being discarded through a waste management system, which the generator disposes of, or is obligated fo, in accordance with nationsi Fegulations and the risks for the health’and environment that these jancompass. ‘Transport Procedure of transporting wasie from the Central Waste Storage Area oF other facies to final disposal or treatment sites, outside the PERU. LNG site. This activity: should be. performed by @ DIGESA or MINAS registered EO-RS authorized by PERU LNG. Waste ‘Any solid, séri-iquld, quid, o contained gaseous material @omsaions) thot is being clscarded by disposal, or valorization. lcan be by-product of a monufaciuring process of an obsolete commercial product that can no longer be Used for intended purpose and requires disposal. Waste Collection Areas | ‘Areas where waste generators leave their wastes. These areas have the purposes of minimizing handling risks and increasing disposal management, [Waste Genorator Any petson or entity whose acivilies or processes produce wasta, | Waste Receiver Ently that assimes the responsibilty of the handing andior final isposal of the wastes. This entity must be authorized by DIGESA to See ae { ‘Acronym. ‘Description Cn Goalescent Plate interesptor i | ewsA Central Waste Siorage Area DGAAH ‘Spanish acronym for the General Hydrocarbon Environmental Affairs i Directorate DIGESA Spanish acronym for the Peruvian Environmental Heeith Regulatory Agency, CO Spanish acronym for Mivitry of Environment ORS Spanish Acronym for Solid Wasis Operators [QHSE Quality, Heath, Safely and Environmant [ESAT EA Environmental and Sosiel Inoact Assesarnent KL Key performance indicator ine Liquefied Naural Gas bs Safely Data Shect ~ [NTP ‘Spanish acronym for Peruvian Technical Norin [MTS Ministry of Transport and Communication | (PPE Personal Protective Equipment [Pw Permit to Work wwe Waste Management Contraclor (TeLr ‘Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure ou Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materiat Rev. 08 11-Nov-19. Page 6 of 23, ENV-000-PRO-0005 Non Controlled Copy if Printed PERU’ LNG Plant Waste Management Procedure 4.0 Waste Management 4.1 Waste Management Principles ‘The definition of waste management principles ensures the establishment of waste management priorities at the outset of activities. based on an understanding of potential HSE risks and impacts and considering waste generation and its consequences. The waste management principles established for the. WMP ere: Duty of care; Prevent & Minimize waste generation; \Velorization of wastes and Continuous improvement Duty of Gare The waste management procedures that will be implemented during Operations to’ minimize any impacts associated with the generation and management of wastes will be aligned with Duty of Care, whereby a waste generator has the duty to ensure that a waste is properly managed until final disposal in a registered EO-RS landfill or through its valorization. Pres imize waste ger The following practices will be undertaken: ‘+ Waste prevention and definition of opportunities fer minimization and reduction wil be implemented at source. + Minimization of hazardous waste generation will also be-achieved by stringent waste ‘segregation to prevent the mixing of non-hazardous and hazardous waste. + Good housekeeping and operating practices, including inventory control, can lead to Teduced amounts of waste from, materials that are cutof-date, off specification, contaminated, damaged or excess to Piant needs, + Waste reduction shall be achieved through adequate planning end purchasing of goods. Close coordination between the QHSE and Procurement Departments will ensure the mrinimization of the use of substances that can have harmiul effects on the environment. ‘This will Include instituting procurement measures that recognize opportunities to return usable materiais, such as containers, and which prevents the over ordering of materials, Valorization of wastes \Valorization is the practice where the waste or part of it can be used in othér activity such as reuse, recycle, composting, energy generation through biodegradation of wastes, oll recovery, among others. ‘The ‘objective of this principle is to reduce the amount of waste that is disposed in the municipal or security landfil, so aif kind of wastes before sending to offsite disposaf have to be evaluated in order te determine if they can be valued. ‘Some examples of the application of this principle are: + Plastic bottles and cardboard or paper that can be segregated and compacted to be sent to a recycling facility. + Used or leftover wood places that could be used for different activities Ike carpentry, formwork, preparation of signs, supports or others. Rev. 06 11-Nov-18 Page 7 of 23, ENV-000-PRO-0008 Ke I Non Controlled Copy if Printed peru’ iNe Plant Waste Management Procedure + Demolition and construction concrete wastes that could be used as raw material for some ‘companies, -Organic waste that could be treated through composting Continuous improvement ‘An important principle in all Company that could be applied in many areas is the continuous improvement. Specifically in this field the continuous imprevement fefers to search and investigate new technologies or alternatives to value the waste generated in Plant of activities to reduce the generation of waste. ‘The idea Is to reduce the percentage of waste disposed to fandiils and Increase the waste valued in the Plant. In order to achieve that any new idea is welcomed and can be proposed by email to the Environmental area. 4.2 Waste Management af the PERU LNG Plant Waste management will be undertaken according to the following activ Waste Identification and Characterization; Segregation and Containment; Collection and Handling, Valorization Offsite Transportation Waste final disposal. Others: ‘Waste Management Contractor (WMC) will be responsible for waste management from the waste collection areas-up to the offsite transportation. This WMC will be a MINAM registered G0-RS. Its activities shall include: Waste collection Manage the CWSA. Transportation to offsite faciities for disposal or valorization Risk assessments on wastes incompatibility to prevent accidents during waste collection, handing, storage and internal transportation. Assessment to include mitigation measures to be adopted in each case, + Develop in coordination with the QHSE Department an internal assurance process fot ‘waste management continuous improvement. 4.2.4 Waste Identification and Characterization ‘Wastes will be categorized as Hazardous ar Non-Hazardous depending on thelr characteristics, Each waste stream generated may have several destination options, which may allow for some dégiee of flexibility as per the disposal option selected All PERU LNG personnel, including ‘contractors, shall be trained to identity these waste types. If there are doubts regarding the type of waste, it will be treated as hazardous uniess a physical- chemical characterization test (TCLP test) of the waste proves the contrary. TCLP test must be periormed ay a Laboratory registered in INACAL. Test results must be compared to the values shown in the table 1. If any-result is above of the regulated level, the waste will be managed as hazardous. Rev. 08 11-Nov-19 Page 8 of 23, ENV-000-PRO-D008 Ww Non Controlled Copy if Printed penu’ine Plant Waste Management Procedure Table 1. Maximum Concentration of Contaminants for Toxicity Characteristic. EPA Hazardous Regulated Waste code Contaminant level (mg D004 ‘Arsenic 6 D006. Bafum 00 ois Benzene 05: Doos (Cadmium 1 D019 Carbon tetrachloride 05, D020 Chlordane 0.03 D024 Chlorobenzenis 100 Doae Chloroform 6 ‘Doo? Chromium 5. ‘D023. ‘g-cresol 200 D024. ‘m-cresol 200 ‘D025. p-cresol 200 ‘D026 resol 208 ‘D016 24D. io ‘D027 1,4 Dichlorobenzene 75 ‘D028 4,2-Dichloroethane 05 Doze 7 ,4-Dichloroethyiene O7, D030 2,4-Dinitrotoluene 0.48 ‘Dor. Edrin ‘0.02 ‘D031 Heptachlor 0.008, 0032 Hexachlotobenizene 0.13 033, Hexachlorobutadiene 95 Doss Hexachioroethane 3.0) ‘D008. Lead 50) O13 Lindane os D009 Mereury 02 ‘D014 Methoxychior 10 Dogs. Methyl ety! Ketone 200 ‘D038 Nitrobenzene 2 ‘D037. Pentachiorophenal St Doss Pyridine 5 Doio ‘Selenium: t Dott Silver A ‘Dose Tetractiorosinylens Or, Dots Toxaphene o5, G40 Trichlorosthylene 05 Dost 2,4,5-Trichlorophenal 400, 042 2.4,6-Tichloroohenol 2.0 Doi 2.45-1P (Silvex) 4.0) 04g Vinyl Corie 2 ‘The waste identification process listed in this section is based on 2 risk analysis that takes into account the potential HSE risks during the waste cycle and the availability of infrastructure to manage the waste in an environmentally sound manner, Appendix A presents 2 preliminary detailed waste identification analysis for al the unit piocesses and main areas of the LNG Plant. it includes a brief description of each waste steam, a class‘ication of hazardous and non-hazardous.liquid and sofid wastes, and the preferred eltemathe for waste mafagement and disposal. Rev. 08 1i-Nov-19 Page 8 of 23 ENV-000-PRO-0008 Non Controlled Copy if Printed ? PERU LNG Plant Waste Management Procedure Where possible, all solid waste will b jentified at the source. This will be accomplished by having separate and color-coded waste bins (containers) for the waste streams shown in Table 2.below, Table 2. Solid Waste Identification “Nomfiezardovs : Hazardous Discard materiot Non-Diseard Oca Discard material Golot of Non-Discard | Gree ‘material Glass Paper and Candoosra Prsctics (PET) Scrap mete! a | Organic for compoet | Organic Waste | Nonteusabie Waste [Tela Pak L | Soil contaminated with hhydrocarsons ‘Sel waste impregnated with Hydrocarbons Toners # Emaly Chemical Containers inching ue0d par sivent ne | | ‘Used oma batterie (Le AA, AMA etc) ‘Safe waste impregnaicd with Chemicals Medical waste (Bio Hazard) | Tires No Container Rubble & Construction waste (Inert Wasto} No Container ‘SpeniUsed Fillesitaembranes/Slevelathers ‘rom diferent processes No. ‘Container Used AirFiters | Ne | Container | ‘Used Large Batis (Le. hem cars, UPS, ots) 4 | | Nocoer® | Used Fluorescent!amps x No coior Rev. 06 41-Nov-19 Page 10 of 23, ENV-000-PRO-0005 Non Controlled Copy if Printed @ PERU’ LNG Plant Waste Management Procedure Ren-tiarardous Fazenda Comer Waste Discard materia | Non-Diseard | piscord material | NO"-BIsEaRE | Container Used Fue & 07 Fiore x No colors ‘Tana wil beberle Bs Vanes Tn ca They Rave 8 reeycing program 2 Chemical contsinere can be reused I provously washad ana dapenang on SDS epecifentions wile sacoe witin crip trays Containers wih re secre coer, but must be Inbeled This oalor-coding system is aligned with the NTP 900.058.2019 Waste Management ~ Color code for the waste storage containers. Table 3 shows the liquid waste identification and classification. ‘The treatment of these wastes is covered under this plan, except for the last three, for which treatment, reuse and disposal will be covered under the ENV-000-PRO-0004 Plant Effluent Management Procedure: + Surface runoff potentially contaminated with hydrocarbon is captured through containment and drainage systems connected to the CPI Separator; + Raw sewage collected by the Plant seweraye system and taken to the activated sludge Waste Water Treatment Plant; and * Brine or reject water from the RO Unit going to the marine outfall in the case of brine or reject water from the Reverse Osmosis unit. Table 3. Liquid Waste Identification [ Non-Hazardous Hazardous | || Wastatemuent Nonbiseard ‘matortal Won-Discard Discard matoriat | Non-Discard | piscara materia aewatedaladge Cy ‘ Ghemca Tiat (waste [J Used ai Po] ~ "Tank bottom | stusge oheimical Emuent | trom onsite Lab eenteminaisd | water trom Greaea Treps ‘Surface runoff potently contaminated wilh hycrocsrban cso =z Laer 2 zi i ‘All hazardous liquid waste containers will be identified wit the labels (Appendix B) provided by.the Environmental Area, Any stidge generated by the treatment systems shall be treated as hazardous waste unless ‘monitoring shows the waste has no hezardous characteristics. Rey. 06 14-Nov-18 Page 11 of 23, ENV-000-PRO-0003 Non Controlled Copy if Printed 2 PERU LNG Piant Waste Management Procedure. 4.22 Segregation and Containment Allsolid wastes, where feasib'e, will be segregated at source in clearly identified areas. This wil be accomplished by having separate, color-coded waste bins or conteiners for each identified waste stream. Goneral Guidelines on waste segregation and containment are given below. Waste Segregation Waste materials should be segregated into non-hazardous and hagardous wastes and considered for valorization prior to disposal. Waste will be pre-classified as discard or non-discard material at the point of generation. To ensure the correct segregation, waste container locations will be identified. Electrical and electronic waste must be segregated from the other tyoes of waste (hazardouis and non-hazardous), Employees and subcontractors will be ‘rained in waste segregation and are expected to know what kind of waste goes into which color of container. Any employee who is observed not complying with these waste segregation requirements shall be retrained or sent for re-induction, Other sanctions may also be applied. Waste segregation information will be-part of the general QHSE Induction given to all employees, contractor, subcontractors and visitors coming to the PERU LNG faolities, QHSE department will provide training and/or material (bulletins, ete.) in order to refresh segregation topics to all personnel Storage of waste directly on soit is prohibited, The only exceptions are: © Reusable wood as boxes, planks of pallets can be stored on the soll in an order way dug to they do not generate a contamination. Environmental area must be contacted 10 coordinate the collection of the wood, 9 Non-routine or emergency situations, 2 risk assessment will be carried out by PERU LNG to determine if waste can be temporally stored directly on the ground surface if the impact is not considered to be significant. The dumping of hazardous materials, into any site drainage or treatment systems is not allowed, with the exception of those products used in the treatment process, or unless the drain Is specifically designed to handle that type of material (e.9. a closed loop drain); anew product will be used in the water treatment process, this will need to be previously approved by Environmental area. Hazardous Waste Seareaation Hazardous wastes will be specifically handled, stored’ and transported jin order to imize risks to workers and the environment. Non-hazardous wastes will be considered as hazardous if conteminated with hazardous: waste (e.g, cily wood pallets and oily cardacard), Waste Containment ‘Only proper color-coded (see Table 2) metal containers (typically 8 m3 skips and/or waste cylinders with lids) will be used to collect and transport wastes and materials; Containers will be compatible with the waste. ie. the waste must not react with the container andor impair its ability to contain the waste; . All containers (bins, cylinders and others) will be maintained in good condition, with a parficular emphasis on hazardous waste, with no holes, cuts, dents or excessive rust, Rev.06 11-Nov-19) Page 42 of 23 ENV-000-PRO-0008 Non Controlled Copy if Printed ? PERU me Plant Waste Management Procedure ‘and must be equipped with lids (this will prevent escape of particulate material and avoid ‘or minimize odors to offsite réceptors): + Allwaste cylinders, skips, and containers shail be clearly labeled. in Spanish and English ‘28 to their contents: * Hazardous liquid waste containers will be Identifed with the labels (Appendix By provided by the Environmental Area; © Incompatible or reactive chemicals will not be placed in close proximity to each other during storage or transport; > Waste-collection containers will be located at strategic points, which may-be added-to-or changed, based on need; * The selection of waste containers will be based on: Quantity generated; Generation frequency; Composition and physical state (solid ~ liquid — sludge); Hazard to human heatth or the environment; and Chemical reactivity of the wastes, vapors and residuals; «Ifa 55-gatlon cylinder contains only other intact or emply containers, but no liquids, the cylinder acts as secondary containment. + Some of the temporary waste collection areas will be posted with about the prinaiples for segregation, »* Temporary waste collection areas will be accessible to appropriate. transportation equipment (¢.g, skio trucks) for transfer to the CWSA. + Food waste will be contained in ciosed containers in order to prevent pest and vector proliferation, ‘strated information Note: in areas with dificllt access “and reduced space (eg. top of tanks, tuibines, Compressors, etc.), # will be tequired to segregate the wastes genetated using plastic bags of different colors...At the ‘end of ‘the work-shift or when required, the plastic bags should be. removed from the workspace. and disposed in the closest waste collection area or taken gitectiy 6 the CWSA “ 4.2.3 Waste Collection and Handling Waste will ke taken to the CWSA (except medical waste which will have special storage and ‘handling tequirements) following these general guidelines: + Ona daily basis for all non-compostable organic wastes; * When binsicontainars are filled to 90% capacity, and + There will always be at least one additional spare bin/container of each waste lype to put ih place during waste removal to avoid waste storage on the ground; All waste entering the CWSA will be registered, indicating date, iocation, waste amount and type, and destination on an internal form er log by internal waste contractor. The use of the intemal ‘vansport records fram the point of generation to the CWSA will allow tracking of velumes coming from different areas, and Identification of problem areas (e.g. in segregation, stc.). All transport ‘records will have @ unique number logged and associated with each trip. Precautions will be taken during handling and transportation to the CWSA to avoid sptilage of hazatdous waste (2.g., use of correct equipfnent for lifting and transportation, properly fixing of the load on the vehicle, correct sealing of all containers and presence of a supervisor) Some waste streams may need to be stored at the CWSA for a period of time until a suilabie freatment / factlty is available, or until a sufficient amount of waste has accumulated that justifies transport to an off-site facility. ‘Authorized vehicles will be utilized for the transportation of wastes trom the temporary storage areas to the CWSA. Vehicles wil! be equipped to prevent leaks or spills and covered (with a tarpaulin, net oF each cylinder/skip must have a lid) to orevent blowing and loss of wastes during transit. Rev, 06 14-Nov-18 Page 13 of 23 ENV-000-PRO-0005 Non Controlled Copy if Printed PERU LNG Plant Waste Management Procedure 2.3.1 Central Waste Storage and Management Area The central waste storage area will be used as central point to collect and gather all wastes generated before transportation to final offsite disposal. Hazardous. waste will be separate from Non-Hazardous. Waste storage faciities wil comply with the following requirements: + The CWSA will be designed to allow for the loading / unloading and sorting of containers and waste in a safe and environmentally sound manner, + The CWSA will be designed to prevent any contamination of the adjacent ground, including ‘being constructed of impermeable concrete slabs or other appropriate materials, roofed with internal drainage and locked shut-off valves (or a closed sump), @s Fequired, in accordance. with the site specific requirements. Paved areas shall be designed to adequately support the load and weight of full waste-bearing containets and any equipment or vehicles that may operate within the area, such as forklift trucks. * Each area will be designed to conizin the-anticjpated types ard quantities of hazardous and non-hazardous wastes, including containment of 110% of the contents of the largest container stored for hazardous liquid wastes. The sufficient number of containets per appropriate type will be provided. Containers will be coveréd to avoid the deterioration of materials. The CWSA will be equipped with lockable gate/doors. Waste handling aroas will be maintained in a clean and tidy. state during working hours ‘and at the end of each work day. + Vehicle access will be maintained, ‘The CWSA will be equipped with emirgency spill kits where liquid wastes are handled, + Information and signs will be posted at the entrance of the ‘storage area and in each specific storage zone to indicate the nature of the waste stored, handling precautions and emergency response measures. + Signs will be posted in Spanish and English in the waste storage area(s) indicating types, of waste and safety guidelines * As waste storage is potentially highly combustible, the CWSA will be protectad from Sources of ignition, adequate firefighting equipment will be-made available at the area and waste management personnel will be trained in its use. The CWSA shall be periodically inspected. The volume of waste stored at the CWSA shall be ‘monitored and recorded dally and reporled monthly. Special Requirements for Hazardous Waste Storage Arca ‘The Hazardous Waste Storage Area will consist of a roofed, concrete, bunded, lockable area designed to store waste so as to prevent or control accidental releases to air and Soll, and where ‘waste is stored in a manner that prevents the mixing or contact between incompatible wastes. ‘The Hazardous Waste Storage Area will comply with the follewing requirements: + The paved areas will support the load and weight of full waste-bearing containers and of any equipment or vehicles that may operate within the area, and wil include @ ramped entrance for personnel and easy forklitvequipmentaccess. + The hazardous waste storage area wii be equipped with spil kits. + No drums or containers will be stored directly on soll. The facility will prevent any contamination of fie adjacent ground, + The area will be ventilated. Prevention measures wil also be adopted to avoid build-up of vapors (0.9. air vents or similat) In closed/semi-closed containers containing flarimable wastes, as necessary. Rev. 08 11-Nov-18 Page 14 0f 23 ENV-000-PRO-0005 Non Controlled Copy if Printed PERU LNG Plant Waste Management Procedure + The area will bo'sloped and bunded from which any liquids (Le. spilis occurred inside the storage area, or wash down water from the cleaning of containers for decontamination or re-use) could be collected and handled as hazardous liquid waste, + The funded eres will have a capacity of 110 % of the contents of the largest container oF 25% of the combined volumes (whichever is greater) + SDS wil be available for each hazardous waste stream (or for its main components) stored in the area. Hazardous Waste will be stored in 2 manner that allows for inspection between containers to ‘monitor leaks or spils. The storage of hazardous waste should take into consideration the risk and properties inherent to each waste stream, Chemicals will be separated according to the following rules: + Combustinle malerials/Oxidizers (Nlarimable: wood, solvents) will be separated from Combustive materials/Reducers (oxygen, peroxides). + Acids (e.g. nitric, sulfuric, hydrochloric) will be separated from Bases (e.g, sodium hydroxide, aramonium hydroxide). Used lubricants, hydraulic liquids and solvents wil be collected in metallic containers (e.g. 66 gations barrels) with fids, which will Be. placed within the hazardous waste storage area, until their transport to a recycle or disposal site. ‘Access to'the Hazardous waste storage area will be limited to ernployees who have recelved proper ‘raining. 4.24 Valorization | accordance of Waste Management Law L.D. N° 1278, the valorization includes activities of reuse, recycle, composting, energetic valorization among others. This section includes: Composting Composting will be used, as an onsite treatment method for organic wastes from the kitchens, gardens, reed bed, sludge’ from PTAR and other sources deemed suitable. Composting will be carried out by a Gontractor, which will be in charge of developing the necessary procedures for the activity, ‘Waste Management Contractor will be in charge to transport the organic waste to the composting area. The omanic waste must be weighed before being taken to the composting area. Also, the weed from the feed bed maintenance must be wisighed and transported to the composting area’ (if exists). This task is executsd by the contractor responsible of the reed bed maintenance. Composting Contractor must implement measures to,avold odors and the proliferation of vectors at the composting area Compost is used like natural fertilizer in different graen areas of the Plant Discard.mater went PERU LNG's QHSE Department, has identified discard material. generated at Plant faciities, these are (among other previous evaluation) Rev. 06 11-Nov-19 Page 15 of 23, ENV-000-PRO-0005 Non Controlled Copy if Printed peau’ ine Plant Waste Management Procedure. Paper and cardboard Tetrapak Metal, plastic or glass containers Wood Metals Tires Used industrial oils Used vegetable oils: Vehicles! Equipment batterles Compostable organic waste Electric and electronic deviées Copper cables Conorete waste Waste re-use, recovery and recyciing will be implemented for these materials. These activities are proposed to use the discard material, among others: + Emply containers could be reuse by different Plant's @reas, [s common that these containers are.used fo storage chemicals or fue! product of different operation activities at the Plant, nti their proper management, The reuse of this containers must be previously approved by environmental area. + Use paper printed on one side for draft paper to take notes, If possible © Wood could be reuse for different activities like carpentry, formwork, preparation of signs, supports, among others, + Tires could be reuse for shock protection at the Jetty, as well as buoys or other purposes. + Orgariic waste will be used for compost production, Composting is a valorization activity. + Also dehydrated sludge form the WWTP and the weed cut from the reed bed could be used for composting. This activity was approved in environmental studies. Vectors should oo avoided in the generation of compost. + Discard material would be temporarily storage. in the J8 area, taking in count their physical Shafacteristios and their posterior reuse. |s Important to mention that used wheels will be storage in generation point (workshop) unti their reutlization, * Discard material could be donated or commercialized to local vendors, suppliers or recyclers that have valid operational authorizations or permits. Likewise discard material, like used Wheels that doesn't meet Plant requirements but are in good condition; for example, could also be donated to government authorities for thelr reuse. + The donation or seli of discard material should generate record documents that must be signed by the parties’ involved. + QHSE department should verify that the discard metertal will be reused by the entity to whom the material is donated or sold. ‘+ Discard material should be transported following the Peruvian regulations in rule, for goods transport. 4.2.8 Waste Transportation to Offsite facilities \n addition to the waste management activities, inside the LNG Plant, an authorized Waste Management Contractor (WIC) will be responsible for offsite transportation of waste fo 2 valorization facility, treatment and/or final disposal facilities. This WMC will be a DIGESA or MINAM. registered EO-RS and shall be approved by PERU LNG. All wastes, will be shipped offsite by the Waste Management Contractor. Once the contract is awarded, or whenever 2 new contract is appointed with the WMC, @ copy of the contractiagreement shall be submitted to the OGAAE, as required by the approved EIA. ‘Transportation of waste will comply with the following requirement Rev. 06 11-Nov-19 Page 16 of 23 ENV-000-PRO-0008 Non Controlled Copy if Printed 0 PERU LNG Plant Waste Management Procedure * Frequent transportation to landfils for final disposal in order to avoid proliferation of Vectors, odors, rodents and insects, + Minimize the amount of hazardous waste on site + No waste shail be loaded onto 2 vehicle that is not certified for the transport of the type or class of waste. All vehicles used for waste transportation will be designed for that purpose. + Vehicles that transport hazardous waste shall be subject to all the rules and regulations for transporting waste, including’all placarding required, and-will carty an appropriately sized spill response kit. Drivers will be trained in spill response. * Appropriate secondary containment will be employed when transporting liquid hazardous wastes, where applicable. + Allwaste containers designated for offsite shioment should be secured and labeled with the contents and .asséciated hazards, property loaded on the transport vehicles before leaving the site, and accompanied ‘by 2 menifest that describes the load and its associated hazards. * Waste transportation will comply with Legal Peruvian requirements. + Waste loads shall be weighed prior to leaving the LNG Plant facility. WMC vehicles will be inspected by PERU LNG. 4.2.8 Waste Final Disposal Waste Disposal and eaiment will be carried out only at DIGESA or MINAM registered ED-RS. Additionally, these facilities must'be- audited and approved by the QHSE Department prior to their use. The Environmental Area'will keep an updated record showing approved sites for each of the waste streams identified. All wastes will be shipped offsite by the WMC. IFPERU LNG or the WMG determine the need to use additional or different landfil facilities, PERU LNG will conduct an environntental audit to the landfill to ensure compliance with loca! regulations. Only afer the QHSE Department has officially. approved the waste site can the receiving facility be used for waste valorization or disposal New organizations or Gompeinies that value waste would need to be assessed, audited (if necessary) and approved by PERU LNG's QHSE Department hefore being employed as a waste valorization facility. PERU LNG will essure that all new orgaiization comply with waste Peruvian regulations. AS per the approved ESIAs, and as part of the Community Relations Program, the QHSE Department and/or the WMC could also identify non-profit local or regional organizations (NGOs or similar) that perform environmentally sound integrated waste management, preferably located within the direct area of influence of the Plant PERU LNG's QHSE Deparment must approve all organizations receiving discard materials, and corresponding permits must be in place as required by nationat regulation. Composting Contractor must implement measure to. avoid odors and’ the proliferation of vectors at the composting area. 4.2.7 Others | Medical Waste Wastes generated from the onsite Medical Clinics. will bé handled and disposed separately from all the other wastes on site. Clinic personnel will segregate this material in approved containers. and it will remain under control of the clinic personnel until itis ready for shipping offsite to an approved | "Rev. 06 41-Nov-48 Page 17 of 23 ENV-000-PRO-0005 Non Controlled Copy if Printed a PERU LNG Plant Waste Management Procedure medical waste disposal fecility-or other faciity that ca incinerate or dispose of the items in a safe and environmentally ‘sound manner, Medical waste will be classified as hazardous waste. Waste shipments will be accompanied by:a manifest. Medical waste iwith the potential risk of contamination with blood bome pathogens such as HIV, Hepatitis 8 and © will be obligatorly disposed of under the direction of the. medical staff producing the waste ahd in compliance with the following rules: All medical waste, whether able to out or puncture (e.g. needles, blades, etc.) or not (e.g. disposable gloves, etc.), will be put in special, puncture proof containers designed for medical waste immediately after their use. These containers will eliminate the possibility of injury fo:personnel during thelr storage and disposal. ‘All medical waste, whether in “bags or in containers, will be handled using protective gloves in evary case Medical waste will be stored in locked containers at the medical facility, uncer contro! of clinic staff Waste transfer documentation shall be completed for all medical waste, and will be submitted by the Clinic to the QHSE Department. Special Wastes ‘The requirements for special wasies, which are detailed as follows: Liquid wastes originating from onsite radiographic film development will be transported to an authorized sanitary Jandfil inside containars in closed body vans, or trucks equipped with the necessary safety devices to prevent liquids from moving or spilling. ‘The disposal site will meet DIGESA or MINAM standards for final cisposition. If feasible, large batteries (i.s. car, UPS, etc), print cartridges, etc. will be returned to the supplier or secondary market recycler. PERU LNG will send spent carbon from the heavy metal absorber bed to the supplier for regeneration. If this is not feasible, an authorized landfil should be used for final disposal. ‘Spent molecular sieves will be disposed in an authorized landfill. Liquid waste from any portable toilets used will be handled by an approved EO-RS and wht be taken to the waste water treatment plant onsite or to an approved lanafil, as appropriate. If a portable toilet is used by 20 people, it should he serviced three times a weak, as on the third day it will have reached 50% of its total capacity. Therminel 85, used as a hot cil mecium, will be changed on an accasional basis, This waste will be managed as-used oil, Used Therminol 55 and aMDEA product will be stored in sealed steel drums to prevent leaks and spils and transported according to the recommendations in the product's sos, Hazardous laboratory chemical effluent will be disposed In an authorized landfll, Waste Management Contractor must prepare a procedure for the suction of the neutralization tank and this procedure must be approved by PERU LNG. Liquid waste fram any temporary water storage pond or from the cleaning of any of these shall be managed according the HSE-000-PRO-0014 “Temporary Water Storage Ponds use and cleaning procedure’, NORM waste will be disposed.complying with local regulations for radioactive materials disposal and handling, Rev. 06 14-Nov-19 Page 18 of 23 ENV-000-PRO-0006 Non Controlled Copy if Printed @ PERU LNG Plant Waste Management Procedure 4.3 Waste Transfer Documentation Procedure The purpose of the Waste Transfer Documentation procedure is to enstire that there is a fully documented and auditable system for keeping track of all wastes from generation to final disposal, This documentation procedure is to enable PERU LNG fo demonstrate that it has complied with its “duty of care" for waste management by preventing any of the waste from escaping while itis under its control and by ensuring that anyone who takes custody of the waste has the authority and necessary permits to handle and adequately trensport it Written records will be kept of any “tansfer" of waste (Le: whenever waste is passed trom one business or company into the control of another), Every load (full.or part Joad) of waste which leaves the site shall have its own appropriate and signed Weste Transfer Documentation or Manifest. No vehicle will eave the plant if the documents ate not proper signed by Environiental team ‘There must be a certificate for any transfer outside the-plant, both for hazardous andi non-hazardous waste. The certificate will be issued by the WMC and shall contain, The type and quantity of waste being transferred; The final disposal location; Date of disposat Unique:code number fortracking purposes Signature of the responsible person on the WMC. ‘There must also be a certificate of final treatment or disposal, both for the non-hazardous and hazardous waste, which is issued by the receiving EO-RS, These records shall contain: ‘The type and quantity (weight) of waste being treated/disposed; From whose custody the waste is transferred; ‘Tre firial disposal location; Date of disposal Unique code number for tracking purposes Additionally, for hazardous wasté2 waste manifest will be issued, prepared according fo Articles 56 and 87 of the Solid Waste Regulation (S.D. 014-2017-MINAM) for each transfer of hazardous waste. 'o a ceftified disposal or value facility. Hazardous waste manifest form is defined by Solid Waste Regulation. ‘The waste manifest form will obligatorily accompany:all hezardous wastes carried and transported offsite, All manifests will Have @ unique number so that it is lagged and associated with a trip. Copies of the hazardous waste manifest will be maintained onsite with data entered into an electronic waste management database. Monthly reports will be prepared documenting the types of wastes handled by the site. ‘The manifest will be signed when the hazardous waste leaves the CWSA or at the gate after itis weighed (f feasible) and at its arrival at the final disposal site. Approved routes, assigned by the MTC for the transport of such wastes, will be used by the waste transporter, and allernate routes in urban zones will be designated by the province municipalies, The fully completed and signed ORIGINAL waste manifests must be kept by the Waste Management Contractor, and submitted to PERU LNG's QHSE Department within fiteen days of the executed the service. A copy of ll other waste documentation shall be kept by PERU LNG. Rev, 08 11-Nov-18 Page 19 of 23 ENV-000-PRO-0005 Non Controlled Copy if Printed ? PERU LNG Plant Waste Management Procedure 4.4 Liquid Effluent Management Liquid effluents generated from LNG Plant factities will be managed in accordanice with the waste managemect principles and with the types of treatment systems approved in the ESIA. The detailed procedure for managing efftsents is provided in the ENV-000-PRO-0004 “Plant Effivent Management Procedure’. 4.5 Marine Facilities and Offshore Waste Management Solid and liquid wastes at the Marine Terminal will be separated and managed according to the provisions set forth in this document Tankers wil not be’ allowed to discharge any waste while at port. No waste discharges will be allowed into the marine environment. Offshore and on board waste management activitios are subject io MARPOL, IMO, and Peruvian regulations, including D.R..N° 510-99/DCG, among others, Solid waste from other vessels (Tugboat, Pilot boat, Dredge, etc.) will be stored cn board in appropriate containers and officaded to the waste collection area in the jeity, where wheeled containers shall be placed as required. Waste will then be taken to the CWSA by the WMC ih order to be processed through the solid waste management facilities: Otherwise, waste will be officaded duting offsite bunkering, 4.6 Records and Reporting ‘An slectronic waste management database will be established, which will contain a log of all waste and discard material generated, transferred ottsite and disposed of. Completed transfer manifests and other documentation will be scannad into the database. Weekly and monthly waste management reports will be submitted to PERU LNG by the WMC, The monthly report will inckide the original of all manifests and other waste transtér documentation. “These copies are to be kept for five years in order to comply with Peruvian regulations. Bath the structure of the database and the type and content of weekly, monthly and other reports will be developed by the WMC in coordination with PERU LNG's QHSE Department. In @ monthly basis, Composting Contractor must submit to PERU LNG report related with the operation of the composting area. For reports that PERU LNG jis required to sead to Governmental Authorities about waste management refer to "HSE Reporting Schedile” 4.7 Training “Training will be carried out in accordance with the HSE-000-STR-0001 “QHSE Training Strategy". ‘Awareness training on waste management for Company personnel and Contractors wil be conducted primarily through ‘toolbox talks’ Personnel with specific: waste management responsibililes will recelve formal taining as appropriate for their assignments. Only trained personnel will be authorized fo handie waste. Rev, 06 14-Nov-19 Page 20 of 23 ENV-000-PRO-0005 Non Controlled Copy if Printed 2 PERU_LNG Plant Waste Management Procedure 5.0 QHSE considerations Safety and environmental risk assessments carried out for waste handling activities, QHSE personnel shalf be responsible for ensuring thal these are completed. ‘The risk assessments and job safety analysis shall Identify specific persona! protective equipment (PPE) required for all waste activities including the cleanup operations in the event of any’ waste spillage or other incident. In order to ensure all necessary precautions. have been taken before performing works and monitoring, authorizations will be addressed following the SAF-000-PRO-0075 Permit to Work Procedure. Contractor will be trained in PTW. Standard PPE (e.g. hard had, safety glasses, safely footwear, fire retardant clothing, high visibiity vest or jackel), as specified on a general site-wide basis, shall be used during waste, handling routine activities, For hazardous wastes, revise the SDS to define if extra protection is required, 6.0 References HSE-000-STR-0001 QHSE Training Strategy ENV-000-PRO-0004 Plant Effluent Management Procedure SAF-000-PRO-0075. Permit to Work Procedure HSE-000-PRO-0014 ‘Temporary Water Storage Ponds use and cleaning procedure Rev. 68 11-Nov-18 Page 21 of 23 ENV-000-PRO-0005 3000-O4d-000-ANA 82 Jo zz aGed 61290-1¢ 90 “AOY eonoeid juowabeuew pue UOAEdyIsse|d ‘UOeOYUAp! aISEAA “Yy XIGNAddV ‘einpadord juouisBeueyy SISe MA Weld BNI nvac @ payui.4 s Adod peyjourg UON Non Controlled Copy if Printed ? PERU LNG Plant Waste Management Procedure APPENDIX B: Hazardous Liquid Waste Labels RESIDUO PELIGROSO / HAZARDOUS WASTE Nombre / Name: Revs: la SDS para informactin do compoxician quinoa. Refer ote SDS for chemicat eomposiin information: ‘Area genetadora Are of generation: ‘Clase de Rlesgo/Hazard Class: UN Fecha de envasado / Fal date: Ue a cra do es cleo be ody he asa manag cna Fecha de ingraso al J8 Date of entry l JB: Destino / Destination: PERULNG SRL Call Las Palmeras 435, Oficina 302, Sen lslro, Lima 27, Parl Rev.06 31-0649 Page 23 of 23, ENV-000-PRO-0005 e PERU LNG Plan de Dragado 2020 APENDICE E ¢ PERU LNG Plan de Dragado 2020 Apéndice E Plan de Dragado aaa Sioa Canat Norte a = Leyenda ee anak Cena} Waar ergs sabre. Hone, | aut ‘Tea ER a To Academe] Spm anetrras | amcaracey | ae [anders 1 PERU LNG APENDICE F Plan de Dragado 2020 & PERU Hunt LNG Operating Company S.A.C. ? LNG Dredging Environmental Management Plan Document Number: ENV-000-PLN-G004 Document Owner: QHSE Te) Sa 5 General update J-sur08” |. camacho] J. dbinas |B. vaidez [95 aprte % ‘Annual Review M.EspinocaS.Gamacho| J.Sainas | 6. Valder | 21ul47 3 ‘Annual Review EP 3c. BV. PT | 12 Sep-16 92 General update =P sc oc Pr | 30Mar1s a ‘Annual Review B 30 oo PT [aaoe.2014 % Issued for use ME 8 Ey Pr | 4eNowaa ‘thor [Reviewer [Reviewer | Ampmover | pp proval Rev Revision Desorption Sr Engineer | “Suenisar | warager | Manager| Date Environmental] Envionmertat| "Mone Revisions Environmental Approval - Hunt LNG Operating Company S.A.C., the operator of PERU LNG S.RL. 4 PERU LNG Baie REVISION DATE ier area ppl Dredging Environment Management Plan MODIFICATION REASON rang 30.088 2014 3.2 Glossary /4:4 Activites Deseription 4.2.2 Environmental monitoring during dredging activities 4.2.3 Arsenic monitoring 4.5 Waste Management ‘Annual review Rev.2 37.Mar2015 [NA 41 Activitiss description “Annual Review 4.2.1 Environmental monitoring before | Updating starting dredging activities Information 4.2.3 Arsenic monitoring — Table 5 5.0 QHSE Considerations B: Dredging area monitoring Rev. 3 T2Sep.2018 [NA 32 Glossary ‘Annual review 4.2 Environmental monitoring Rev. + BA Jul2017 [NA 3:7 Responsibiities “Annual review 3.2 Glossary 4.4 Dredging authorizations 4.2 Activities desoription Rev. 5 26.Apr 2018 [NA 24. Responsibilities “General Update 4.1. Activities Description 4.3, Environmental Monitoring 4.3.3, Arsenic monitoring Appendix 8 Rev. 05 26-Apr-19. Page 2 of 17 ENV-000-PLN-0004 o PERU LNG Dredging Environment Management Plan Table of Contents 4.0 Purpose.. 2.0 Scope... 3.0 Responsibilities and Glossary. lanagement for Dredgin 44° Dredging authorization su 42° Activities Description nnn 4.3 Environmental Monitoring. 434 Environmental monitoring before starting dredging activities 43:2 Environmental monitoring during dredging activities... 43.3. Arsenic monitoring.. 44. Mitigation Measures. 4.5 MARPOL Certificates and Requirements. 4.6 Waste Management. nn 48.1 Waste Segregation and Containment 4.8.2. Hazardous Waste.. 48.3 Sewage treatment and di 4.6.4 Waste Transfer. 4.8.5 Waste Disposal 47 Fuel and Lubricant 4.8 Air Pollutio: 49 Ballast Water 4.10 Preventive Measures Prior to Dredging 411 Emergency Response and Contingency Plani 412 Records and reportin, 4:13 Training. 5.0 QHSE considerations 6.0 _ References. APPENDIX A: Dredg isposal Area and Monitoring Stations APPENDIX B: Dredging Area Monitoring Stations (TSS and Arsenic). Rev,.05 25-Apr-19 Page 3 of 17 ENV-000-PLN-0004 a PERU LNG Dredging Environment Management Plan 1.0 Purpose ‘The Dredging Environmental Management Pian (DEMP) contains all the applicable environmental ‘management requirements established in order to avoid, minimize and control potential adverse impacts to the environment during dredging activities; and to ensure compliance with applicable requirements for dredging set forth in Peruvian and international regutations and in Company commitments, ‘The Dredging Contractor shall ensure that all: the commitments identified in this Plan’ are thoroughly managed through the development of their associated procedures, which shall identify and detail the processes that the Contractor will implement to ensure compliance. with ali the dredging requirements, 2.0 Scope ‘The DEMP covers dredging activities in the navigation chanfel and dredge spoil dump area and shall be. applied by all Dredging Contractor employees, subcontractors, vendors and third parties that pravide services related to the dredging operations. 3.0 Responsibilities and Glossary 3.1 Responsibilities ‘The following responsibilities have been defined in this Plan: | [Envirofmiental Supervisor Review and update this Plan when necessary. Ensure that the Hunt LNG Marine Operation department know ‘and understand this Plan. Environmental Representative | Verity the compliance of the requirements established in this Plan Review and update this Plan when necessary Marine Manager Operation Ensure that the dredging contractor know and understand this Plan. Marine Coordinator Verify the compliance of the requirements established inthis Plan. Dredging Contractor ‘Comply with the requirements established in this Plan Employees: 3.2 Glossary ‘The following describas terms used in this Plan. Ballast Water Water stored in specialized compartments of a vessel to stabilize. the ship. Ballast water discharge/disposal is regulated under MARPOL. Baseline Characteristics and state of an area in terms of biotic and abiotic aspects, prior to the commencement of a project. Background ‘Characteristics and state of an area in terms of biotic and abiotic aspects in a site unaffected by the ongoing project Correlation Curve Cosfficient | A coefficient achieved through repeated sampling and analysis to derive a _correfation between parameters which, ‘in this case. | Rey, 05 26-Apr-19 Page 4 of 17 ENV-000-PLN-0004 a PERU LNG Dredging Environment Management Plan allows turbidity values tobe Tmulipled with the coefficient to cet Total Suspended Solids values. Total Suspended Solids | TSS i¢ the parameter used for measuring physical water quality (ss) related to silt and other solid carried in suspension in the water column. The suspended solids concentration Is the dry weight of sediment divided ky the weight of the sample (expressed in ppm) or by the volume of the sample in liters. TSS fs expressed in mail Turbicly “Turbidity is a measure of the reduction of the transparency of a I liquid dus to the presence of ro dissolved particles, A bundle of light bearned into 2 liquid will be attenuated when dissolved elements in the fluid cause a change of color and will be dispersed if the liquid contains non disséived particles. Turbidity is expressed in NTU (Nephelometric Turbidity Units). Acronym | Deseription | ‘APN ‘Spanish acronym for National Port Authoriiy [DEMP Dredging Environmental Management Program | DICAPI ‘Spanish acronym for General Direction of Captaincies and Coast Guard | DIGESA Spanish acronym for the Peruvian Environmental Health Regulatory Agency . _ [oHse ‘Quality, Health, Safely and Environment EPA Environmental Protection Agency EPC Engineering, Procurement and Gonstruction EPS-RS | Solid Waste Service Company approved by DIGESA ESIATEIA | Environmental and Sccial Impact Assessment INAGAL, ‘Spanish acronym for the Quality National institute IM. International Maritime Organization [ist International Safety Management Code - LNG Liquefied Natural Gas MARFOL Intemational Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 73/76 NTU Nephelomatric Turbidity Unit [PPE Personal Protective Equipment _| ‘SOLAS Safely ofLife at Sea TSHD Trailing Suction Hopper Dredger TSS Total Suspended Solids | Pvinae Plait Waste Management Procedure Rev. 05 26-Apr-19 Page 5 of 17 ENV-000-PLN-0004 o PERU LNG Dredging Environment Management Plan 4.0 Environmental Management for Dredging 41 Drédging authorizations According to London Protocol (1996), the. dredging material can be discharged ite the'sea if the material is riot contaminated. To define the quailty of the sediment to be dredged, monitoring must be performed by PERU LNG. Prior to dredge, @ Dredging Plan must be approved by National Port Authority (APN) in compliance of article 8.1 of resolution N° 024-2075-APN/DIR. The information required for this.Plan is detailed in ‘he appendix N° 1 of the same resolution. The preparation of this Plan will be unider responsibilty of marine department. ‘An additional authorization for the disposel of the dredged materiat into the marine environment must be requested to the National Maritime’ Authority (DICAPI) in compliance of Supreme Decree N 015-2014-DE (article 49). The information required for this authorization are detailed in the Supreme Decree N° 002-2012-DE, administrative procedure D-13 (Obtaining permission for the dumping of waste into the sea). Obtain this authorization will be under responsibilty of Environmental area, Authorizattons must be requested with 90 days in advance. 4.2 Activities Description ‘The Contractor's Environmental works consists of the following activities: = Dally monitoring of Turbidity levels (translated to TSS via correlation coefficient) during dredging activities. + Weekly monitoring of TSS and Arsenic concentrations during dredging activities. The Dredging contractor shall develop procedures that'contain a detailed description of Contractor's methods and equipment that will be used for the envitonmental monitoring activities described in this program and shall be approved by PERU LNG. Collection of samples, samples preservation, equipment calibration and analytical tests should be undertaken according to the Standards Methods from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Dredging Contractor shall furnish PERU LNG with 2 copy of the equipment calibration certificates. ‘To perform tne dredging operations, a Trailing Suction Hopper Dredger (TSHD) or similar should be mobilized by the Contractor. This system takes the material from the sea bottom through a trailing dredge head and 2 suction pipe while the vesselis sailing al low speed. The dredged material should be dumped only in the ESIA designated spoil disposal area (polygon), which has the following UTM (WGS84 — Zone 181) coordinates: Table 1 Coordinates of the dredged material disposal area (polygon), ne | aati werting Dume-t | a895968.68 | esaoede.t3 es (Dumps | 391922.35 | 852002.04 Rev, 05 25-Apr-19 Page 6 of 17 ENV-000-PLN.0004 Dredging Environment Management Plan 983336.43 4.3 Environmental Monitoring ap27977.71 4.3.1 Environmental monitoring before starting dredging activities Prior to the maintenance dredging operation (ifit is possible, two or three months before to start the ‘acivities) sediment shall he analyzed for physical and chemical characteristics in order to ovaluate disposal methods, as per the EIA, PERU LNG will be responsible for performing this: monitoring, Table 2 and 3 shew the monitoring stations, The samples can be obtained through “Van Veen” Dredge or 2 similar method, Table 2 Sediments Monitoring Stations (Navigation channel) Monitoring Station Northing "Easting oa saat 350585 i. 518 ecaan10 387302 S28 355408 358009 S34 esaz6e6 358008 Table 3 Sediments Monitoring Stations (Dumping area) Monitoring Station Nothing Easting oa 3520018 352067 op2 ascot 353052 Collection of samples, samples preservation, equipment calibration and analytical tests should be undertaken according to the Standards Methods frotn the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). ‘Sampling can be undertaken by an INACAL cettified laboratory, or by certified trained personnel from the Company. However, only INACAL certified laboratories can be used for the laboratory analyses, Granulometry, Total Petrolewm Hydrocarbons (TPH) and Metals (by ICPMS method) and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH) shall be analyzed in both navigation channel and dumping area, Results. shall bs compared with NOAA Sediment Quality Guidelines - ERM (1998) and historical data (EIA baseline, construction end operation phase monitoring trends). Sediment characterization will be used for DICAPI's dumping permit. If any parameter exceed environmental standards a proposal for treatment and additional disposal location will be required. 4.3.2 Environmental monitoring during dredging activities 43.2.4 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) and Turbidity Monitoring A} Monitoring Frequency: Rev. 06 26-Apr-18 Page Tof17 ENV-000-PLN-0004

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