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Plan de Mejoramiento Renovado – Evidencia Inglés - Actividades: 11, 12 y 13

Ensayo “Free Trade Agreement (FTA):

advantages and disadvantages”

Es de suma importancia en este proceso de aprendizaje, conocer muy bien los tratados
de libre de comercio que se tienen en un país, antes de iniciar cualquier operación de
importación y/o exportación.

Para desarrollar esta evidencia es importante que lea y analice previamente el material
de formación denominado The sentence, además del siguiente material

 Sentence structure.

Posterior a estas lecturas, elabore un ensayo en inglés de 1 página, que dé respuesta a

lo siguiente:

 Investigue sobre los tratados de libre comercio que Colombia tiene vigentes con
los Estados Unidos.

 Escriba las ventajas y desventajas de estos tratados para Colombia.

Desarrolle esta evidencia con la herramienta de su preferencia y envíe el archivo al

instructor a través de la plataforma virtual de aprendizaje.

Consulte el siguiente material on-line:
 Los tratados de libre comercio que Colombia tiene vigentes con los Estados

The entry into force of the Free Trade Agreement (FTA) between Colombiaand
the United States is the beginning of a "new era" in relations betweenthe two

“It is one of the most important days in the history of relations between theUnited
States and Colombia. We started a new era in the diplomatic andcommercial
alliance of both countries. With NAFTA, Colombia enters the bigleagues, ”said
Ambassador Silva.

In the last decade, Colombia's foreign trade policy was based on

thedeepening of trade relations with the Andean Community and the efforts
toobtain unilateral access to certain markets, especially the United
States,through the ATPA schemes. / ATPDEA, and that of the European
Union,through the GSP scheme.

When free trade involves a developed country and one that has not yet
fully industrialized, then an exploitation of natural resources can occur. Some
households can see the traditional livelihood fade for modern jobs.

It can even cause problems in the domestic employment sector for all parties
involved. The Free Trade Agreement (FTA) between the United States and
Colombia entered into force on May 15, 2012, immediately eliminating tariffs on
more than 80% of US exports of industrial and consumer products to Colombia.

NAFTA's tariff cuts will expand US merchandise exports by more than $ 1 billion,
creating thousands of additional US jobs. The Commission also estimated
that NAFTA will increase US GDP by $ 2.5 billion.

 Escriba las ventajas y desventajas de estos tratados para Colombia.


o Access to wider markets: Fundamental for small businesses.

o Access to products of higher quality and lower price.
o Contact with technological and scientific advances.
o Better salaries and quality of employment.
o It opens us the doors to the largest market in the world.
o Consolidates ATP dea preferences and covers the whole tariff universe.
o It is binding because it will reduce insert.
o It involves lower cost of goods and capital import.


o Free trade does not create more jobs.

o There are more risks of currency manipulation.
o Environmental protections are minimal in free trade.
o May stiffen international competition for national economies.
o Customers are left at the mercy of the largest providers.

Criterios de evaluación

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