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Dermatofitosis Importancia
La dermatofitosis es una enfermedad contagiosa común causada por hongos conocidos
como dermatofitos. Los dermatofitos pertenecen a un grupo de organismos que son capaces de
Tiña, tiña, descomponer la queratina en tejidos como la epidermis, el cabello, las uñas, las plumas, los
cuernos y las pezuñas. La mayoría de estos hongos residen en el suelo y están involucrados en la
Última actualización:marzo 2013
descomposición; sin embargo, los dermatofitos pueden infectar huéspedes vivos. Algunos
dermatofitos (especies antropofílicas) están adaptados a los humanos y generalmente se
transmiten de persona a persona. Otras (especies zoofílicas) están adaptadas a los animales. Unas
pocas especies (geófilas) normalmente viven en el medio ambiente, pero ocasionalmente actúan
como parásitos. Las especies zoofílicas y geofílicas a veces se transmiten de animales a personas.
También es posible que los humanos transmitan dermatofitos antropofílicos a los animales,
aunque esto parece ser poco común.
En los huéspedes vivos, los dermatofitos suelen permanecer en tejidos superficiales como la
epidermis, el cabello y las uñas. Las consecuencias graves son poco comunes y las infecciones pueden ser
autolimitadas. Sin embargo, la enfermedad puede desfigurar e incomodar, especialmente cuando las
lesiones están muy extendidas. Los efectos económicos, como el daño a las pieles, también son
importantes en el ganado. Con poca frecuencia, los dermatofitos pueden invadir tejidos subcutáneos y
(muy raramente) otros sitios, especialmente en huéspedes inmunocomprometidos.

La dermatofitosis es causada por hongos patógenos que digieren queratina en los géneros
Microsporum, Trichophytonyepidermofiton. Miembros deMicrosporumy tricofitoncausar
enfermedades tanto en humanos como en animales.E. floccosumes la única especie de
epidermofitonSe sabe que causa enfermedades y, por lo general, solo afecta a las personas.
Algunos autores usan el término "dermatofitoides" para los miembros del suelo que habitan en
Microsporum, Trichophytonyepidermofitonque nunca o rara vez están asociados con la
enfermedad (por ejemplo,terrestre).
Los dermatofitos, como muchos hongos, pueden tener dos nombres de especies
diferentes. Un nombre pertenece a la forma asexual (el estado anamorfo), que es la forma
que se presenta en huéspedes vertebrados. El otro nombre se le da al estado sexual del
organismo. La última forma, llamada forma teleomorfa o "estado perfecto", se produce
mediante el apareamiento entre anamorfos. Por ejemplo, el dermatofitoMicrosporum canis
infecta a los animales; sin embargo, cuando este organismo se aparea con un organismo
ambiental compatible, la forma sexual resultante se llamaArtrodermia otae. Los estados
teleomorfos (perfectos) de ambosMicrosporumytricofitonpertenecen al género artrodermia,
y los dermatofitos que se sabe que tienen estados sexuales se colocan en el phylum
Ascomycota, familia Arthrodermataceae. Los dermatofitos que actualmente no tienen un
estado sexual conocido, al igual que otros hongos médicamente importantes con esta
característica, se clasifican como Deuteromycota (Fungi Imperfecti).
Aunque los dermatofitos se originaron a partir de organismos queratinófilos que habitan en
el suelo, solo unas pocas especies patógenas aún residen principalmente en este nicho. Estos
organismos, conocidos como dermatofitos geofílicos, están asociados con fuentes de queratina en
descomposición en el medio ambiente.M. yesoyM. nanumson los dos únicos dermatofitos
geofílicos que son patógenos importantes en los animales.M. yesotambién se ve en las personas,
peroM. nanumocurre con poca frecuencia.
La mayoría de las especies que causan dermatofitosis se han adaptado a personas o
animales y ahora se mantienen en estos reservorios. Aunque pueden infectar a otros huéspedes,
cada dermatofito tiende a asociarse con un huésped o grupo de huéspedes en particular, y no se
mantiene en otras especies a largo plazo. Los dermatofitos zoofílicos están adaptados a varias
especies animales, mientras que los dermatofitos antropofílicos se encuentran en los humanos.

zoofílicoMicrosporumlas especies incluyenMicrosporum canis,M. gallinaeyM.persicolor. La

mayoría de las fuentes ya no usan el nombreM. equinumpara los organismos que se
encuentran en los caballos, pero considérelos adaptados a los equinoscanis. Miembros
zoofílicos de tricofitonincluirTrichophyton equinum,T. bulloso,Los miembros de laT.
mentagrophytescomplejo,T. simioyT. verrucosum.Se cree que la mayoría o todos los
dermatofitos zoofílicos son zoonóticos, aunque algunos se transmiten a las personas con
más frecuencia que otros.
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Hay numerosas especies de dermatofitos Las especies zoofílicas o geofílicas que tienen nuevos nombres,
antropofílicos, incluyendoT. tonsurans, laT. rubrum bajo el sistema genético ITS, incluyen las siguientes:
complejo,T. violaceum,T. mentagrophytesvariedad - Aislados adaptados a caballos decanis, que no
interdigital,T. soudanense, T. schoenleinii,M. audouinii, perforan el cabello enin vitropruebas (a diferencia de
E. floccosumy otros. Aunque los dermatofitos la mayoríacanis) y producen pocas conidias, se
antropofílicos pueden transmitirse a los animales, esto llamaban antiguamenteM. equinum.Con base en la
parece ser raro. relación genética, ahora se considerancanis.
Los dermatofitos predominantes involucrados en los casos - El organismo conocido comoM. yesoen la
humanos varían según el clima, la ubicación geográfica y otros taxonomía tradicional contiene tantoM. yeso y
factores como la exposición al ganado, mascotas o especies M. appendiculatumen el sistema ITS.
exóticas. Los dermatofitos zoofílicos pueden ser una causa
común de un síndrome en una región, mientras que los
- Las especiesM. gallinae,un organismo zoofílico que se
encuentra en las aves, incluye el organismo geofílicoM.
dermatofitos antropofílicos representan la mayoría de los casos
vanbreuseghemiien el sistema ITS.
en otra. Los agentes causales también pueden cambiar con el
tiempo; algunas especies se vuelven menos comunes (p. ej., - T. verrucosolas variedades han sido eliminadas
debido a la introducción de tratamientos efectivos o cambios en bajo la taxonomía genética ITS actual, y este
la exposición) y otras se vuelven más prevalentes. organismo se redefine para incluir solo las especies
adaptadas al ganado. El sistema ITS reasignaT.
Taxonomía de dermatofitos
verrucosovariedadautotrófico, que ocurre en las
La taxonomía de los dermatofitos, particularmente los miembros de ovejas, aT. interdigitale.
T. mentagrophytes, es controvertido. A los organismos se les pueden
asignar diferentes nombres dependiendo de si la fuente está utilizando
- El sistema ITS hizo cambios importantes en la taxonomía
deT. mentagrophytes. En la taxonomía tradicional, los
métodos de identificación tradicionales o tipificación genética.
aislamientos zoofílicos y antropofílicos de
T. mentagrophytesse pueden separar, en parte, por
Los laboratorios de diagnóstico han identificado tradicionalmente
sus diferentes morfologías de colonias en el
los dermatofitos en función de su colonia y morfología microscópica,
aislamiento primario. Las especiesT.
características nutricionales y bioquímicas, y otros factores. Estos
mentagrophytesvariable interdigitales antropofílico
métodos, junto con la ecología de un organismo (p. ej., su adaptación a
en este sistema y contiene principalmente aislados
un huésped particular) han dado lugar a varios nombres de especies. Sin
asociados con tinea pedis (pie de atleta) e
embargo, algunos organismos que parecen ser especies diferentes,
infecciones de las uñas. Sin embargo, bajo la
según la tipificación convencional y/o la ecología, pueden estar muy
taxonomía ITS, la mayoría de los organismos que
estrechamente relacionados genéticamente. Además, los métodos de
antes pertenecían aT. mentagrophytesse colocaron
tipificación tradicionales han dado lugar a una situación en la que un solo
en esta variedad, y se elevó al nivel de una especie (
anamorfo puede tener dos teleomorfos diferentes, lo que sugiere que
T. interdigitale).Por lo tanto,T. interdigitaleen el
tales "especies" en realidad contienen más de una especie.
sistema ITS incluye tanto organismos antropofílicos
(los primerosT. mentagrophytesvariedadgoetzii,T.
Un método taxonómico propuesto por primera vez en 1999 mentagrophytesvariedadinterdigital,t
define las especies de dermatofitos mediante técnicas genéticas, mentagrophytesvariedadnodularyT. krajdenii) y
específicamente la secuenciación de regiones espaciadoras organismos zoofílicos, incluidos los primerosT.
transcritas internas (ITS) altamente variables del ADN ribosómico. mentagrophytesvariedadmentagrophytes, T.
Algunos autores han adoptado el esquema ITS. Otros sienten que su mentagrophytesvariedadgranulosoyt
adopción es prematura y se basa en datos limitados. La taxonomía verrucosovariedadautotrófico. Bajo este sistema,T.
ITS ha sido criticada porque puede colocar organismos en la misma mentagrophytestodavía contiene el anterior
especie incluso cuando parecen ser ecológicamente distintos en T. mentagrophytesvariedadquinqueanumy dos
función de su adaptación a diferentes huéspedes; naturaleza especies asociadas con camellos,T. langeroniiyT.
zoofílica, antropofílica o geofílica; o características distintivas como sarkisovii. Además, los autores del esquema ITS
tipos de apareamiento opuestos o capacidad para penetrar el sugieren que estas tres especies están asociadas
cabelloin vitro. Además, los resultados de la tipificación ITS pueden con los camellos, aunquet
no coincidir con los resultados de los análisis genéticos basados en mentagrophytesvariablequinqueanumanteriormente
otros genes. Algunas fuentes también usan esquemas de tipificación se vinculó principalmente con ratones. Se ha discutido
tradicionales por razones prácticas: la tipificación genética no se usa la asociación de este último organismo con los
mucho en los laboratorios de diagnóstico, y algunas especies camellos, y toda la reorganización deT.
definidas por secuenciación ITS pueden ser difíciles o imposibles de mentagrophyteses controvertido
identificar por métodos convencionales. Esto es especialmente cierto
paraT. mentagrophytes.

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- Otras dos variedades deT. mentagrophytesrecibieron queratinizado piel, eventualmente desarrollando infeccioso
nuevos nombres en el sistema ITS.T. mentagrophytes artrosporas.
variedaderinacei, que está adaptada a los erizos, ahora Los dermatofitos antropofílicos y zoofílicos se transmiten
se considera que es la especieT. erinacei. Además, los principalmente entre huéspedes por artrosporas en pelos o escamas
aislados deT. mentagrophytesencontrado de la piel. Otras esporas asexuales o sexuales formadas por las
principalmente en cobayos (que generalmente se etapas ambientales también pueden ser infecciosas. Los fómites
identificaron comoT. mentagrophytesvariedad como cepillos y maquinillas son importantes en la transmisión. Las
granuloso) ahora se llaman “lostricofitonanamorfo de esporas pueden permanecer viables en ambientes adecuados hasta
A. benhamiae.”Este anamorfo no recibió un nombre de por 12 a 20 meses, y también se informó que algunas esporas
especie separado. Aunque a veces se abrevia como “A. persisten durante al menos un año en agua salada. Ciertos tipos de
benhamiae”en la literatura clínica, laA. benhamiae esporas (p. ej., microconidios) pueden dispersarse por medios
complejo también contiene varios otros organismos aéreos.
(por ejemplo,T. erinacei,T. verrucoso y el organismo
antropofílicoT. concentricum). Desinfección
Cabe señalar que los nombres de las especies, tal como se Las esporas de dermatofitos son susceptibles al cloruro de
definen actualmente en la taxonomía genética ITS, pueden cambiar benzalconio, blanqueador de cloro diluido (hipoclorito de sodio
en el futuro. Por ejemplo,T. equinum,que está adaptado a los al 1 %), enilconazol (al 0,2 %), formaldehído y algunos
caballos, fue reasignado a la especie antropofílicaT. tonsuransde una detergentes fuertes. En un estudio, una solución al 10 % de
sola vez; sin embargo, más tarde se reconoció que era una especie cloruro de alquildimetilbencilamonio evitó el crecimiento de
diferente. canisdel 97 % de los cepillos para el cabello contaminados, y
Virkon-S® fue eficaz en el 87 %. Otro estudio encontró que una
Esta hoja informativa generalmente utiliza la taxonomía tradicional.
preparación que contenía bromuro de bencilamonio y alcohol
Distribución geográfica etoxilaúrico era eficaz contra los hongos antropofílicos que
Los dermatofitos crecen mejor en ambientes cálidos y generalmente se encuentran en los pisos de las piscinas.
húmedos y, por lo tanto, son más comunes en las regiones También se informa que los dermatofitos son susceptibles a los
tropicales y subtropicales. Su distribución varía con el yodóforos, glutaraldehído y compuestos fenólicos; sin embargo,
organismo.canis,M. nanum, M. gypseum, T. mentagrophytes algunos agentes pueden tener una eficacia limitada en la
,T. verrucosoyT. equinum,ocurren en todo el mundo, aunque desinfección ambiental de la “vida real”.
su prevalencia varía según la región.T. simiose pensaba que La eliminación mecánica de cualquier material que contenga
era endémica solo en Asia, específicamente en el queratina, como pieles mudadas y pelos, facilita la desinfección.
subcontinente indio; sin embargo, las infecciones adquiridas Pasar la aspiradora se considera el mejor método en muchos casos.
en Europa y África sugieren que su distribución podría estar Quitar el polvo también puede ser apropiado. Después de la
más extendida.T. mentagrophytesvariedad erinacei(T. eliminación mecánica, las superficies lavables deben limpiarse a
erinacei) está asociado con los erizos, y se encuentra donde fondo con detergente y agua.
estos animales se encuentran en la naturaleza (Europa, Los dermatofitos son susceptibles al calor intenso. El calor
Nueva Zelanda y África), o en países donde se mantienen húmedo de 121°C, aplicado durante al menos 20 minutos, o el calor
como mascotas.M.persicolorha sido reportado en Europa, y seco de 165-170°C durante 2 horas, son efectivos.
T. bullosose ha detectado en Túnez, Sudán, Siria y Francia.
Infecciones en humanos
Al igual que las especies zoofílicas, los dermatofitos
antropofílicos pueden ser cosmopolitas o tener una distribución Período de incubación
más limitada. Este último grupo puede ser importado a otros El período de incubación en humanos suele ser de 1 a 2 semanas.
países en individuos infectados.
Signos clínicos
Transmisión Los dermatofitos generalmente crecen solo en tejidos
Las personas y los animales se infectan con dermatofitos después queratinizados como el cabello, las uñas y la capa externa de la piel;
del contacto con las esporas (conidios). Los dermatofitos que crecen en el hongo por lo general deja de propagarse donde entra en contacto
un huésped vertebrado normalmente forman solo artrosporas con células vivas o áreas de inflamación. Muchos dermatofitos
(artroconidias), esporas asexuales que se desarrollan dentro de las hifas. pueden invadir los pelos además de la piel; sin embargo, algunas
En el medio ambiente (p. ej., en cultivos de laboratorio), también pueden especies antropofílicas comoE. floccosumyT. rubrumse limitan a la
producir microconidios y macroconidios, esporas asexuales que se piel. Las membranas mucosas no se ven afectadas.
desarrollan fuera de las hifas. Inicialmente, el dermatofito infecta un
Los síntomas de la dermatofitosis varían según el
cabello en crecimiento o el estrato córneo de la piel. Estos organismos no
organismo infectante, los tejidos afectados (p. ej., piel, pelo
suelen invadir los cabellos en reposo, ya que los nutrientes esenciales
o uñas) y la zona del cuerpo. En la piel sin pelo (glabra), las
que necesitan para crecer están ausentes o son limitados. Hifas
lesiones suelen caracterizarse por una inflamación que es
esparcidas en los pelos y

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más grave en los bordes, con eritema, descamación y equinum, T. mentagrophytesyM.persicolor, así como los
ocasionalmente formación de ampollas. El área central puede organismos geofílicosM. yesoyM. nanumtambién puede
aclararse, dando como resultado la formación de una lesión clásica causar esta forma de tiña.
de “tiña”. En las zonas con pelo, los pelos se vuelven quebradizos y Una o más lesiones pueden estar presentes en tinea corporis. Estas
pueden aparecer zonas de alopecia. Los dermatofitos adquiridos de lesiones suelen ser de color rosa a eritematoso o escamoso, y anulares
animales o del suelo generalmente producen más lesiones con un borde ligeramente elevado, escamoso y/o eritematoso, un
inflamatorias que los dermatofitos antropofílicos (pero no todos los margen nítido y un claro central. En los bordes se pueden encontrar
casos individuales son altamente inflamatorios). Estas infecciones pápulas, pústulas o vesículas foliculares, especialmente cuando la lesión
también tienen menos probabilidades de volverse crónicas que las es causada por organismos zoofílicos o geofílicos. El organismo zoofílico
causadas por organismos antropofílicos. T. quinckeanumpuede causar escútulas. Por el contrario, algunos
En los seres humanos, las dermatofitosis se conocen como dermatofitos antropofílicos pueden causar lesiones crónicas con poca
infecciones de "tiña" y se nombran de acuerdo con el área del cuerpo inflamación y muy poca descamación en el borde. Las lesiones son
involucrada. Sin embargo, las infecciones pueden propagarse de un área variablemente pruriginosas. El tratamiento con corticosteroides, o el
a otra. Por ejemplo, la tinea faciei (dermatofitosis facial) en los niños afeitado repetido o la oclusión del área afectada, pueden resultar en
puede ser el resultado de una infección de tinea capitis (cuero cabelludo) lesiones cutáneas que no se asemejan a la forma clásica. La tiña corporal
que se ha propagado a la cara. no tratada puede resolverse en unos pocos meses, particularmente si es
causada por un organismo zoofílico o geofílico, pero las infecciones
Tinea capitis
causadas por organismos antropofílicos pueden ser más persistentes.
Tinea capitis, most often seen in children, is a
dermatophyte infection of the hair and scalp. The major
organisms involved in this condition vary with the Tinea faciei and tinea barbae
geographic area. M. canis, a zoophilic species, is often Tinea faciei and tinea barbae are dermatophyte
isolated from tinea capitis cases in continental Europe; infections occurring on the face. These infections are often
however, the anthropophilic dermatophyte T. tonsurans acquired from pets or livestock, but they can also be caused
is currently responsible for most cases in the U.S. and the by anthropophilic dermatophytes that originally affected
U.K. Other anthropophilic organisms, whose importance other parts of the body such as the scalp or torso.
varies with the region, include T. violaceum, M. audouinii, Tinea barbae is an infection of the hairs and skin in the
T. schoenleinii, T. megninii, T. soudanense and others. The beard and mustache area, and is usually seen in men. Some
zoophilic organisms T. mentagrophytes, T. verrucosum, M. causative organisms invade the hair and hair follicles, while
persicolor and other species, as well the geophilic organisms others (e.g., T. rubrum) are limited to the skin. The lesions of
M. gypseum and (uncommonly) M. nanum, have been tinea barbae may include scaling, follicular pustules and
isolated from some cases. erythema. The zoophilic organisms T. verrucosum
Tinea capitis is characterized by spreading, scaly, (associated with cattle) and T. mentagrophytes can cause a
irregular or well-demarcated areas of erythema and very inflammatory form of this disease, with pustular
alopecia. Some anthropophilic dermatophytes may cause folliculitis or kerions. Some other species that may be
dry alopecic patches with minimal inflammation (sometimes involved include M. canis, which is zoophilic, and the
with black dots where the hairs break at the follicle). anthropophilic organisms T. tonsurans, T. megninii and T.
Zoophilic dermatophytes are more likely to cause violaceum. Some authors consider tinea barbae to be a form
inflammatory, and in some cases suppurative, lesions, of tinea faciei, rather than a separate condition.
including .boggy, inflammatory masses called kerions. An Tinea faciei is seen on the nonbearded parts of the face.
anthropophilic species, T. schoenleinii, causes “favus,” a It can be caused by a number of anthropophilic and
chronic infection characterized by yellow, cup shaped crusts zoophilic organisms including T. rubrum, T. tonsurans, T.
(scutulae) around the hairs. Untreated cases of tinea capitis schoenleinii, T. mentagrophytes, M. canis and T. erinacei.
can last for a month to several years, depending on host The lesions are usually pruritic; itching and burning may
factors and the species of dermatophyte involved. become worse after exposure to sunlight. While some
Tinea corporis lesions may resemble those of tinea corporis, others have
little or no scaling or lack raised edges. In addition, the areas
Tinea corporis, or ringworm, occurs on the trunk and
of erythema may be indistinct. Due to these atypical
extremities (and in some definitions, the face). Infections
presentations, tinea faciei is often confused with other skin
often spread to the neck and wrists of adults in contact with
diseases that affect the face.
infected children. Anthropophilic organisms that cause tinea
corporis include T. rubrum and E. floccosum, which infect Tinea cruris
the skin but not the hair, as well as dermatophytes also Tinea cruris is an acute to chronic infection of the groin
found in tinea capitis, such as M. audouinii, T. schoenleinii, T. and adjacent areas, usually caused by anthropophilic
tonsurans and T. violaceum. Various zoophilic organisms dermatophytes. The most commonly involved organisms are
such as M. canis, T. verrucosum, T. T. rubrum, T. mentagrophytes var. interdigitale and

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E. floccosum, although the last species is now uncommon in penetrate more deeply into the skin than usual, resulting in
some areas. The symptoms include burning, pruritus, and abscesses, exophytic nodules, and pseudomycetomas
erythematous lesions with scales, raised, sharply (granulomatous or pyogranulomatous masses surrounding
demarcated borders and central clearing. Pustules and fungal hyphae). Although pseudomycetomas can also occur
vesicles are sometimes found at the edges of the lesion. in healthy people, they are less common. Dissemination to
Macerated, moist exudative forms or lesions with an internal organs (e.g., lymph nodes, bones, spleen, brain,
eczematous appearance can be present in acute cases, while liver) is possible, but very rare. Immunosuppressed patients
dry lesions with little scaling and an annular form are more may also be extensively infected with species that rarely
characteristic of chronic cases. Hyperpigmentation is affect healthy people, such as M. gallinae.
common in the central region as the lesion progresses. The
same fungi can cause tinea cruris and tinea pedis, and the Communicability
two conditions may be present concurrently. Dermatophytes acquired from animals can be
transmitted between people, but this is uncommon and the
Tinea pedis and tinea manuum number of transfers is limited. In contrast, anthropophilic
Tinea pedis is usually caused by anthropophilic dermatophytes are readily spread from person to person.
dermatophytes such as T. rubrum, T. mentagrophytes var.
Anthropophilic dermatophytes can be transmitted to
interdigitale and E. floccosum. Interdigital tinea pedis (athlete’s
animals, although this seems to be rare.
foot) is an infection of the foot, characterized either by dryness,
fissures and scales or white, moist macerated lesions in some or Diagnostic Tests
all of the spaces between the toes. Another form of tinea pedis Diagnosis is based on the history, physical examination,
(the chronic, erythematosquamous or “moccasin” form) appears and microscopic examination of scrapings and hairs from
as scaling of the soles and lateral surfaces of the feet, with the lesions, sometimes in conjunction with fungal culture
variable degrees of inflammation and dryness. A third form of and other techniques such as Wood’s lamp examination and
tinea pedis is characterized by erythema, vesicles, pustules and histology of the tissues.
bullae mainly on the soles of the feet. The nails are also involved
Some dermatophytes fluoresce when they are
in many cases.
stimulated by the wavelengths of ultraviolet (UV) light in a
Tinea manuum is a dermatophyte infection that tends to Wood’s lamp. Organisms that exhibit fluorescence include
affect one hand, although involvement of both hands is possible. some strains of the zoophilic dermatophytes M. canis and T.
In this form, the palms become diffusely dry, scaly and quinckeanum, as well as a few anthropophilic species, such
erythematous. Inflammatory (vesicular or pustular) lesions can as M. audouinii. T. tonsurans and T. violaceum, which are the
be seen occasionally. Tinea manuum is most often caused by most common agents in some regions, are not revealed by
anthropophilic dermatophytes, particularly T. rubrum (cases are this technique. Certain topical preparations may mask the
frequently an extension of athlete’s foot) but occasional cases fluorescence, and alcohol can either suppress it or cause
may be caused by zoophilic organisms such as M. canis, T. non-specific fluorescence.
mentagrophytes, T. verrucosum and T. erinacei, or the geophilic
Dermatophytes can often be detected by microscopic
organism M. gypseum.
examination of infected hairs and skin or nail scrapings.
Tinea unguium Hyphae rounding up into arthroconidia are diagnostic, but
Tinea unguium (or onchomycosis) is a dermatophyte hyphae alone could be caused by other fungi, including
infection of the nails. It is characterized by thickened, contaminants. In hairs, arthroconidia may be found outside
opaque, discolored, broken and dystrophic nails. The nail (ectothrix) or inside (endothrix) the hair shaft. Skin scrapings
plate may be separated from the nail bed. Toenails are should be taken from the edge of the lesion, and hairs
affected more often than fingernails, and individual nails are should be plucked (not cut) from this area. The best hairs to
sometimes spared. There are several different forms of tinea select are those that fluoresce under a Wood's lamp, or are
unguium, ranging from superficial, roughened white broken or scaly. Nail scrapings are generally taken from the
patches to almost complete breakdown of the nail. Most nail bed, or from deeper portions of the nail after removing
infections are caused by anthropophilic Trichophyton the outer layers (except in cases where the infection is
species, particularly T. rubrum and less frequently T. entirely superficial). Samples are usually cleared with
mentagrophytes var interdigitale. M. canis has been involved potassium hydroxide (KOH) or other agents to help visualize
occasionally in immunosuppressed patients. the organism. Various stains such as chlorazol black E,
Parker blue-black ink, Swartz-Lamkin stain or Congo red
Dermatophytes in immunosuppressed stain may be added. Fluorescence microscopy, using
individuals calcofluor white or other stains, can also be used to visualize
In immunosuppressed individuals with impaired dermatophyte structures.
cellmediated immunity (e.g., HIV-infected patients with low T Fungal cultures, which identify the species of
cell counts, or organ transplant recipients), dermatophytes dermatophyte, can be useful in understanding the source
can cause extensive lesions. In rare cases, they may also of the infection and targeting preventive measures

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appropriately. Culture may also be necessary if the diagnosis Treatment should consider sources of reinfection, such
is uncertain, or the infection is resistant to standard as pets, family members or other close contacts. Some
treatment. However, recommendations vary in the authors suggest treating all family members when the case
literature, and uncomplicated cases are not always cultured is caused by certain anthropophilic organisms.
in practice. Samples for culture include hair, skin and nail
samples, as for microscopic examination. In some situations Prevention
(e.g., infections in sensitive sites, or the identification of Controlling dermatophytes in animals can prevent some
asymptomatic carriers), other techniques such as brushing cases of zoonotic dermatophytosis in humans. Infected
the hair, using adhesive tape to collect samples, or rubbing animals should be treated, and the premises and fomites
the area with a sterile toothbrush or moistened, sterile cleaned and disinfected as much as possible. (Some
cotton swab may also be effective. Colonies appear in 5 days environments can be difficult to decontaminate.) Contact
to 4 weeks, depending on the organism. Colony morphology with infected animals should be limited, and gloves and
can differ with the medium. Descriptions are usually based protective clothing should be used if these animals are
on Sabouraud agar, but dermatophyte medium or other handled.
fungal culture media can also be used for isolation. Better surveillance, improved living conditions and
Dermatophyte species can be identified by the colony improved treatments can decrease the overall
morphology; the appearance of microconidia, macroconidia prevalence of anthropophilic dermatophytes, while
and other microscopic structures; biochemical hygiene, and prevention of contact are helpful in
characteristics such as urease production; and nutritional individual cases. Measures such as moisture control (e.g.,
requirements. Specialized tests such as the ability to in tinea pedis) are important in reducing susceptibility to
penetrate hairs in vitro, or mating tests (which are usually some forms of tinea.
available only at reference laboratories) may be used
occasionally. Differential media (e.g., bromocresol purple- Morbidity and Mortality
milk solids glucose) can be helpful during differentiation. Dermatophyte infections are common in people,
Some fungal cultures from infected people are negative. although the prevalence varies with the climate and various
Histology (biopsy) is occasionally helpful, especially in risk factors including animal contact. Up to 60% of children
deep mycoses and some infections of the nails. The may be affected by tinea capitis in some regions, and more
organisms are visualized best with periodic acid–Schiff than 50% of the population in some parts of Europe is
(PAS) staining, although they may also be found in reported to have tinea pedis. With the exception of tinea
hematoxylin-eosin stained preparations. cruris (which is typically seen in adults), dermatophytosis is
more common in children.
PCR tests have been published for a number of
organisms, and molecular methods of diagnosis might Exposure to dermatophyte spores does not always
become more common in the future. lead to infection. Skin injuries (e.g., burns, maceration or
chafing), as well as high temperatures and humidity,
Treatment increase susceptibility. For example, tinea cruris is more
Dermatophyte infections are treated with a variety of common in hot climates and in people who wear tight
topical and oral antifungal drugs. clothing.
In immunocompetent patients, topical agents are Most dermatophyte infections are not serious in healthy
usually effective in cases that are limited to glabrous skin people, although some conditions are easier to treat than
(e.g., tinea corporis, tinea cruris, and tinea pedis). Systemic others. Infections in glabrous skin usually resolve within 2- 4
(oral) antifungal drugs may be necessary in severe cases, or weeks with treatment. In contrast, dermatophytosis of the
if the infection does not respond to treatment or reappears. nails may be difficult to cure (although the prognosis is
Topical agents are ineffective against organisms that better with newer drugs), and relapses can occur. In
infect the hairs. These infections are usually treated with addition, damaged nails do not always return to a normal
systemic antifungals, although topical lotions or shampoos appearance even if the fungal infection is eliminated.
are sometimes used concurrently to decrease shedding of Infections with opportunistic bacteria can cause cellulitis in
fungi and spores, or to help treat kerions. Topical agents skin damaged by interdigital fungal infections, and are a
may also be used to treat asymptomatic carriers or prevent particular concern in diabetics.
reinfection. Tinea capitis is reported to be more difficult to Dermatophytosis has the potential to be more serious
treat when it is caused by M. canis than Trichophyton spp. in immunosuppressed individuals, who may have atypical
and may not respond as well to some drugs. and locally aggressive dermatophyte infections, including
Dermatophyte infections of the nails (tinea unguium) extensive skin disease and subcutaneous abscesses,
are usually treated with oral antifungal drugs. Concurrent Disseminated disease is also possible, though very rare.
therapies may include debridement of the nail or nail

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Infections in Animals rabbits. It also affects horses, ruminants, swine,
cats, dogs, birds and other hosts.
Species Affected - T. mentagrophytes var. erinacei (or T. erinacei)
All domesticated mammals are susceptible to occurs in the European hedgehog (Erinaceus
dermatophytes. Wildlife can also be affected. The most europeus) and the African hedgehog (Atelerix
common agents vary with the host and the geographic albiventris). It is seen in pet hedgehogs as well
region, and may also be affected by management practices as animals in the wild. This organism sometimes
(e.g., whether animals can contact other species). Overall, occurs in hunting dogs.
the most common dermatophytes in domesticated - T. mentagrophytes var. granulosum affects
mammals are M. canis, M. gypseum, T. mentagrophytes, T. rodents. One group of organisms, (identified as
verrucosum, T. equinum and (in pigs) M. nanum. Birds can “the Trichophyton anamorph of A. benhamiae” in
also be affected by some organisms, such as M. gallinae and the ITS taxonomy) is often associated with
T. mentagrophytes. guinea pigs, and appears to the most common
Reptiles are not usually affected by the dermatophytes dermatophyte in this species.
of mammals or birds; however, rare clinical cases associated
- T. mentagrophytes var. quinckeanum has
with Trichophyton spp. have been reported in lizards, snakes
traditionally been associated with mice. However, it
(green anacondas, Eunectes murinus) and an olive ridley sea
is considered to be a camel-associated isolate in the
turtle (Lepidochelys olivacea). One case report in iguanas
ITS genetic taxonomy.
identified the species as T. interdigitale, possibly of
anthropophilic origin. - Trichophyton sarkisovii seems to be adapted to
Zoophilic dermatophytes
- Trichophyton simii affects nonhuman primates, but
- Microsporum canis is the most common species some authors believe the primary host is a
of dermatophyte in cats and dogs, with cats grounddwelling animal. It has also been reported from
considered to be the most important reservoir other mammals and birds.
hosts. This organism is also found regularly in
horses and rabbits, and it has been reported in
- Trichophyton verrucosum, which is adapted to
cattle, is the most important dermatophyte in this
other animals including cattle, sheep, goats,
species. T. verrucosum readily infects other hosts,
camelids and swine. Isolates that appear to be
especially sheep, goats, South American camelids
adapted to horses were previously called
and camels, but it can also be found occasionally in
Microsporum equinum, but were moved to M.
other species such as horses, donkeys, pigs, dogs
canis based on genetic analyses.
and rabbits.
- Microsporum gallinae occurs in birds, including
poultry. This organism seems to be uncommon in
- T. verrucosum var. autotrophicum affects sheep.
wild birds. Infections are reported occasionally in Geophilic species
mammals including livestock, especially in some
- M. gypseum is detected occasionally in a wide
parts of the world.
variety of animals, including cats and dogs,
- Microsporum persicolor primarily affects wild ruminants, camelids, horses, pigs, rodents, rabbits,
rodents (bank voles and mice). It is found birds and others. It is the most frequently isolated
occasionally in other species, especially rabbits and geophilic dermatophyte in animals.
pigs, and dogs that burrow and hunt rodents. This
- M. nanum is the most important agent in swine.
organism infects the skin, but does not invade
This dermatophyte is thought to be uncommon in
most other species, although it has been found
- Trichophyton bullosum has been found in horses. It is occasionally in rabbits and cattle.
related to T. verrucosum.
Anthropophilic species
- Trichophyton equinum, adapted to horses, is an
Anthropophilic dermatophytes are reported
important cause of dermatophytosis in this species.
infrequently in animals (although it is possible that some of
Infections have also been reported in cats, dogs,
these reverse zoonoses are missed). Some species that have
goats, sheep and other species.
been documented in case reports include M. audouinii, T.
- Trichophyton langeronii seems to be adapted to schoenleinii, T. rubrum, T. tonsurans, T. violaceum and E.
camels. floccosum. Livestock (e.g., a goat) as well as pets have been
- Trichophyton mentagrophytes has been reported infected. Potential predisposing factors, such as tumors or
in many species of animals, especially rodents and treatment with immunosuppressive drugs, were reported in
some cases.

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Incubation Period cats; however, the organisms may persist, either
Fluorescence produced by some dermatophytes, symptomatically or asymptomatically, in long-haired cats.
such as M. canis, can appear on the fur within 7 days of Dogs
exposure, and clinical signs can develop within 2 to 4 Dermatophytosis is seen most often in puppies. The
weeks. lesions frequently develop on the face and limbs, although
Clinical Signs they may occur on any part of the body. M. canis tends to
appear as small circular areas of alopecia. The hairs are
Dermatophytes usually grow only in keratinized tissues
typically broken at the base, giving the appearance of having
such as hair, nails and the outer layer of skin; the fungus
been shaved. The center of the lesion usually contains pale
stops spreading where it contacts living cells or areas of
skin scales in the early stage, giving it a powdery
inflammation. Mucus membranes are not affected.
appearance, and the edges are generally erythematous.
Dermatophyte lesions in animals are characterized by Vesicles and pustules may also be seen. In later stages, the
areas with varying degrees of alopecia, scaling, crusts and area is often covered by a crust and the edges swollen.
erythema, and may or may not be pruritic. Hairs in the Individual lesions may coalesce to form large, irregular
affected area are usually brittle and break near the skin patches. Lesions caused by T. mentagrophytes and T
surface, often giving the lesion a “shaved” appearance; erinacei tend to be more thickened and inflammatory than
truncated hair shafts may be seen through the scales and those caused by M. canis,. while M persicolor typically causes
crusts. Occasionally, dermatophytes may die at the center of localized or generalized scaling with little erythema and
a lesion and that area resolves, leaving a circular lesion with minimal alopecia. Other forms of dermatophytosis can
central crusts or hair regrowth. Some degree of folliculitis include kerions (localized severe inflammation with swollen,
occurs in most cases; papules or pustules involving the hair boggy skin oozing pus) and pseudomycetomas.
follicle or conical dilation of the hair follicle ostium are Onchomycosis may occur concurrently with
suggestive of dermatophytosis in small animals. dermatophytosis.
Asymptomatic infections are also common, particularly in
Although dermatophytosis is often self-limited in
adult animals.
dogs, some animals can develop severe, chronic cases
Cats with widespread lesions, and severe inflammation and
Many cats infected with dermatophytes have few or no alopecia. Generalized cases in adult dogs usually occur in
lesions. Long-haired adults, in particular, can be subclinical immunosuppressed animals, especially those that have
carriers or have only minimal signs, such as patchy areas of hyperadrenocortictropism or have been treated with
short stubble, alopecia, scales or erythematous plaques, corticosteroids.
visible only on close inspection. More apparent cases tend to Horses
be seen in kittens, with the early lesions often found on the
In horses, most dermatophyte lesions are found in
face, ears and paws. In addition to focal alopecia and scales,
areas of contact with saddles or other tack. They usually
affected areas may develop a thin, grayish white crust or a
begin as small patches of raised hairs, and progress to hair
thick, moist scab. They may or may not be pruritic. The cat’s
loss, with variable amounts of scaling, erythema, crusting
grooming behavior may eventually spread the infection to
and exudation. M. canis lesions are reported to be milder, in
the entire body. Other presentations that have been
most cases, than T equinum. Kerions may occur in some
reported in cats include miliary dermatitis and recurrent chin
animals, especially on the face. Miliary dermatitis may also
acne. Severe cases of dermatophytosis, with large,
be seen, with small crusted lesions especially on the flanks.
erythematous, alopecic, exudative lesions, may be seen in
Early dermatophyte lesions can sometimes resemble
debilitated cats, or in animals that have been treated with
papular urticaria, but more characteristic signs develop
corticosteroids. Onchomycosis can occur concurrently in cats
within a few days. Lesions may coalesce, especially where
with dermatophytosis; the nails may be opaque, with whitish
the skin is abraded from tack.
mottling, and shredding of the nail surface.
In some cats, dermatophytosis may appear as one or In cattle, dermatophytosis varies from small focal
more firm, subcutaneous nodules known as lesions to extensive generalized skin involvement. The initial
pseudomycetomas, Pseudomycetomas tend to occur in lesions may be discrete, scaly and alopecic with grayish-
long-haired cats, especially Persians, and are most often white crusts, and tend to appear on the face and neck in
found on the back and the neck. They sometimes ulcerate or calves. Cows and heifers may have lesions more often on the
form draining sinus tracts. Some cats, but not others, have chest and limbs, and bulls on the dewlap and intermaxillary
concurrent cutaneous signs such as alopecia and scaling. skin. Some areas may become suppurative and thickly
True mycetomas have also been reported, though rarely. crusted. Lesions resembling light brown scabs may also be
Uncomplicated dermatophyte lesions are usually seen; when these scabs fall off, they leave an
selflimiting within a few weeks to a few months in short-haired

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area of alopecia. The clinical signs usually resolve by immunohistochemistry from systemic lesions in a
spontaneously in 2 to 4 months. moribund sea turtle.
Sheep and goats Communicability
Dermatophytosis tends to be seen in show lambs, but Most animal dermatophytes are readily transmitted to
appears to be uncommon in production flocks. The most other susceptible hosts, including humans, by contact and
noticeable signs are usually circular, alopecic areas with contamination of the environment. M. nanum of pigs and T.
thick scabs on the head, face and non-wooled areas of the gallinae of birds are generally reported to be uncommon in
legs; however, widespread lesions may be found under the healthy people; however, this may not be the case in all
wool when lambs are sheared for showing. In healthy lambs, locations. One study found that T. gallinae was the third
the disease is usually self-limiting. most frequent dermatophyte of children in Nigeria.
Swine Post Mortem Lesions Click to view images
Pigs may develop a wrinkled lesion covered by a thin,
Gross post-mortem lesions are usually identical to
brown, easily removed scab, or a spreading ring of
those in live animals; with the exception of
inflammation. Dermatophyte infections are often
pseudomycetomas and mycetomas, dermatophytes are
asymptomatic in adult swine.
restricted to the hair, nails and superficial skin.
Diagnostic Tests
Most rodents infected with T. mentagrophytes are
Dermatophytosis is usually diagnosed by a combination
asymptomatic or have few clinical signs. There may be areas
of direct microscopic examination, culture and Wood’s lamp
of partial or complete alopecia, erythema, scales, and crusts
examination. Biopsy (histopathology) tends to be used
in symptomatic animals. In guinea pigs, the lesions tend to
mainly when the presentation is unusual.
appear first on the face, then spread to the back and limbs.
In mice, the lesions are often found on the tail. A Wood’s lamp examination for fluorescence can be
helpful in detecting some species of dermatophytes, such as
Rabbits M. canis and T. quinckeanum. Not all strains of these
Focal alopecia, with erythema, crusts, scales and scabs, organisms exhibit fluorescence. Certain topical preparations
is initially seen mainly around the eyes, nose, ears and may mask the fluorescence, and alcohol can either suppress
dorsal neck. The lesions may later spread to other areas of it or cause non-specific fluorescence.
the body. The disease is usually self-limiting. Microscopic examination of skin scrapings or plucked
Hedgehogs hairs may reveal hyphae or arthroconidia. Hyphae rounding
up into arthroconidia are diagnostic; however, hyphae alone
Asymptomatic infections are common in hedgehogs. In
could be caused by other fungi, including contaminants.
symptomatic animals, scales may be found on the head, base of
Samples should be selected from the margins of active
the nails and under the pads, but lesions are difficult to see
lesions, or from the entire lesion if there is no inflammatory
between the spines.
margin. The best hairs to select are those that fluoresce
Birds under a Wood's lamp, or are broken or scaly. Samples are
In cage birds, there may be alopecia and scales, usually cleared with potassium hydroxide (KOH) to help
particularly on the face, head, neck and chest, as well as visualize the organism, although other clearing agents may
auto-mutilation and feather plucking. The head and neck, be used. A longer clearing time can be helpful when the hair
especially the comb, are often affected in fowl. The lesions is thicker and more heavily pigmented, or if the sample is
may include white crusts or plaques and hyperkeratosis. taken from a thick, crusted lesion. Various stains such as
Although feathers may be lost in birds, they are not infected. chlorazol black E, Parker blue-black ink, Swartz-Lamkin stain,
Congo red stain or Giemsa can aid the visualization of fungal
structures. In practices where fluorescence microscopy is
Reptiles available, calcofluor white staining can be used.
Reptiles are not usually affected by the dermatophytes
of mammals or birds; however, there are rare case reports Skin scrapings or plucked hair samples for culture
of dermal lesions in lizards and green anacondas. Clinical should be taken from active lesions, as for microscopic
signs reported during a Trichophyton outbreak in iguanas examination. Nail beds and claws are cultured in cases of
included scaling, crusting, thickening of the skin and onchomycosis. Swabbing dermatophyte lesions first with
ulcerative dermatitis. Trichophyton spp. infection was alcohol may decrease contaminants, especially in livestock.
associated with papular and pustular cutaneous lesions in a Additional collection methods, which are especially helpful in
Tenerife lizard. This animal died of an undetermined illness, asymptomatic animals suspected of being carriers, including
soon afterward. Trichophyton spp. was also detected brushing the fur with a disinfected toothbrush or other small
brush, or rubbing it with a sterile piece of carpet.

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Dermatophytes can be cultured on various fungal media, individual animals, particularly those that are debilitated or
including Sabouraud agar (with cycloheximide and unusually susceptible, may not clear the infection without
antibiotics) and dermatophyte test medium (DTM). Cultures treatment.
are usually incubated at room temperature (20– 28ºC), but Drugs available to treat dermatophytosis in animals
higher temperatures can be used when certain organisms include topical antifungal creams or shampoos, and
(e.g., T. verrucosum) are suspected. Colonies often become systemic antifungals. The same treatment principles apply in
visible within 1-2 weeks but, some species grow more slowly animals as people; however, practical considerations limit
and may require longer to appear. Colony morphology can the use of systemic antifungals in some species. Topical
differ with the medium; descriptions are usually based on drugs are unable to eliminate dermatophytes from within
Sabouraud agar. DTM contains a pH indicator (phenol red) hairs and hair follicles, but they may be effective against
that will turn the medium red when a dermatophyte is organisms in superficial sites (e.g., in the skin), and they can
growing. However, the mycelial growth must also be decrease contamination and transmission to others. The
examined microscopically, as this color change alone is not optimal treatment in small animals is combined topical and
diagnostic and could be produced by other fungal or systemic treatment. Systemic antifungals are rarely used in
bacterial organisms. In addition, the color change may be large animals, due to the cost of these drugs and the
delayed with certain dermatophytes such as M. persicolor. In typically self-limited nature of the disease. The side effects of
asymptomatic animals, caution must be used to distinguish systemic drugs should also be taken into consideration
infection from contamination of the coat with organisms when choosing a treatment plan. Clipping the hair before
from the environment. treatment is controversial. It may aid the penetration of
Dermatophyte species can be identified by the colony topical drugs, as well as remove infected hairs. However, it
morphology; the appearance of microconidia, macroconidia may also result in trauma to the skin and help disseminate
and other microscopic structures; biochemical the infection. If the animal is clipped, this should be done
characteristics such as urease production; and nutritional with care.. Some animals such as cattle develop thick crusts,
requirements. Microconidia and macroconidia can be used which should be removed by gentle brushing.
to distinguish the genera Microsporum, Trichophyton and Onchomycosis can be very difficult to cure; long term
Epidermophyton. Members of Microsporum spp. produce treatment or surgical declawing may be necessary.
microconidia and rough-walled, multiseptate macroconidia. Pseudomycetomas and mycetomas are also reported to be
The thickness of the wall, shape and number of difficult to treat, often recur after surgery, and may not
macroconidia vary with the species. Trichophyton spp. respond to some drugs. Nevertheless, some cases have
produce microconidia and smooth, thin-walled, cigar shaped been treated successfully with drugs and/or surgery.
macroconidia. Macroconidia are rarely seen with some Animals should be isolated until the infection resolves.
species. E. floccosum, which is anthropophilic and has very Confining the animal to an environment that is easily
rarely been reported in animals, produces large, thin-walled, cleaned can facilitate environmental control. Dermatophytes
multicellular, club-shaped, clustered macroconidia. This can be difficult to eradicate from environments such as
organism does not produce microconidia. Specialized tests, kennels, catteries and animal shelters.
such as the ability to penetrate hairs in vitro, or mating tests
performed at reference laboratories, may occasionally be Prevention
used in the differentiation process. Differential media (e.g., To prevent the introduction of dermatophytes into
bromocresol purple - milk solids glucose) can also be helpful. herds or kennels, newly acquired animals should be isolated
and cultured. Wild rodent control can decrease exposure to
T. mentagrophytes. Some organisms can be acquired by
Histology may be used in some cases, especially in contact with infected soil.
animals with pseudomycetomas. The organisms are To prevent infected animals from transmitting
visualized best with periodic acid–Schiff (PAS) staining, dermatophytes to others, they should be isolated until the
although they may also be found in hematoxylin-eosin infection has resolved. The premises should be cleaned and
stained preparations. disinfected. Some environments (e.g., barns) may be difficult
PCR tests have been published for a number of or impossible to decontaminate completely. Animals that
organisms, including zoophilic organisms, and molecular have been in contact with the patient should be checked for
methods of diagnosis might become more common in the asymptomatic infections. Some veterinarians use topical
future. antifungals prophylactically for incontact animals.
Dermatophytes can be difficult to eradicate from
Treatment environments such as kennels, catteries and animal shelters.
Healthy animals often have self-limiting infections that Successful treatment of these premises must be based on
resolve within a few months, but treatment can speed good environmental control, as well as treatment of
recovery, prevent the lesions from spreading, and decrease symptomatically and asymptomatically infected animals.
the risk of transmission to people or other animals. Some

© 2004-2013 - Email: page 10 of 13

Vaccines are available in some countries for certain affected 20-90% of sheep herds in Australia. It is possible that
organisms, such as T. verrucosum and T. mentagrophytes in cases are underdiagnosed in small ruminants. Infected animals
livestock, farmed foxes, chinchillas and rabbits; T. equinum are reported to be common on rabbit farms in some countries.
in horses; and M canis in cats and dogs. A feline vaccine Clinical cases seem to be infrequent in birds.
licensed for M. canis in the U.S. was found to be ineffective
under field conditions, and was withdrawn by the Internet Resources
manufacturer in 2003. Studies of other vaccines have
demonstrated varying efficacy. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) http://
In some countries, vaccines have been used in
dermatophyte eradication campaigns for cattle. In Norway, Canadian National Centre for Mycology. World of
there is a program to eradicate T. verrucosum from cattle Dermatophytes: A Pictorial
herds by vaccination, disinfection of contaminated stables,
isolation of infected animals and good hygiene. In one htm
region of Norway, where 95% of herds participated, the
prevalence of cattle ringworm decreased from 70% to 0% National Institutes of Health
over a period of 8 years. In the former Soviet Union, a medlineplus/ency/article/001439.htm
vaccination campaign reduced the prevalence of T.
The Merck Manual
verrucosum in cattle to less than 1% by 1984.
Morbidity and Mortality The Merck Veterinary Manual http://
Whether an animal becomes infected after contact with
a dermatophyte may depend on the animal’s age, the
condition of its exposed skin, general health and grooming Acknowledgements
behavior. Young animals, including puppies, kittens, calves,
lambs and young camelids, are more likely to have This factsheet was written by Anna Rovid Spickler, DVM, PhD,
symptomatic infections than adults. Clinical dermatophytosis Veterinary Specialist from the Center for Food Security and
is also thought to be more common in immunosuppressed Public Health. The U.S. Department of Agriculture Animal and
animals. Most infections in healthy animals heal Plant Health Inspection Service (USDA APHIS) provided funding
spontaneously within one to a few months. Hair loss is not for this factsheet through a series of cooperative agreements
permanent unless the follicle has been destroyed by related to the development of resources for initial accreditation
inflammation. Infections can be more persistent or training.
widespread in young or sick animals. Breeds reported to
The following format can be used to cite this factsheet.
more susceptible to dermatophytes include some long
Spickler, Anna Rovid. 2013. Dermatophytosis. Retrieved from
haired cats, and possibly Yorkshire terriers. Longhaired cats, factsheets.php .
especially Persians, are also more likely to develop
pseudomycetomas and mycetomas.
Dermatophytes can be isolated from animals with or
without clinical signs. Highly variable infection rates, between
6% and 100%, have been reported in surveys of cats, which are Acha PN, Szyfres B (Pan American Health Organization
thought to carry these organisms more often than dogs. [PAHO]). Zoonoses and communicable diseases common to
Infections are especially prevalent in strays and in catteries. The man and animals.Volume 1.Bacterioses and mycoses. 3rd ed.
estimated prevalence among pet cats and dogs in individual Washington DC: PAHO; 2003. Scientific and Technical
households is still unclear. While some surveys suggest that Publication No. 580.Dermatophytosis; p.332-9.
many cats are infected with these organisms, one University of Ameen M. Epidemiology of superficial fungal infections. Clin
Wisconsin study did not detect dermatophytes in any of 182 Dermatol. 2010;28(2):197-201.
asymptomatic pet cats that lived alone with their owners. Andrews MD, Burns M. Common tinea infections in children. Am
Fam Physician. 2008;77(10):1415-20.

Among livestock, dermatophytes are particularly Beguin H, Goens K, Hendrickx M, Planard C, Stubbe D, Detandt
M. Is Trichophyton simii endemic to the Indian subcontinent?
common in cold climates where animals are stabled for long
Med Mycol. 2012 Nov 21. [Epub ahead of print]
periods of time. This disease usually becomes endemic in
Beguin H, Pyck N, Hendrickx M, Planard C, Stubbe D, Detandt
cattle herds, where it most often affects animals under a
M. The taxonomic status of Trichophyton quinckeanum and T.
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