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MAT No. 54202-094710 NTS


1. GENERALIDADES....................................................................................................................................................6
2. DATOS DEL PROYECTO...........................................................................................................................................6
2.2 MODELO ELEMENTOS FINITOS.......................................................................................................................6
2.2.4 APOYOS..........................................................................................................................................................7
2.2.5 CORTE TRANSVERSAL...............................................................................................................................7
2.2.6 CORTE LONGITUDINAL...............................................................................................................................8
3. CARGAS O SOLICITACIONES B.3 NSR-10............................................................................................................9
4. ESPECTRO DE DISEÑO..........................................................................................................................................19
5. PROPIEDADES DEL MODELO...............................................................................................................................20
5.1 PROPIEDADES DE LOS MATERIALES..........................................................................................................20
5.2 PROPIEDADES DE LOS ELEMENTOS...........................................................................................................21
7. CONFIGURACION ESTRUCTURAL DE LA EDIFICACION (A.3.3)...................................................................23
8. COMBINACIONES DE CARGA (NSR-10 B.2.4)...................................................................................................25
9. ANALISIS POR EL METODO DE ANALISIS DINAMICO ELASTICO................................................................26
9.1 CORTANTE BASAL ESTÁTICO........................................................................................................................27
9.2 CORTANTE BASAL DINÁMICO........................................................................................................................27
9.3 FACTOR DE MODIFICACIÓN...........................................................................................................................28
10. CALCULO DERIVA..................................................................................................................................................30
11. PERIODOS DE VIBRACION Y PORCENTAJES DE PARTICIPACION DE MASA.......................................31
12. DISEÑO DE CUBIERTA AUXILIAR...................................................................................................................................32
12.1 CHEQUEO DE SECCIONES.......................................................................................................................................32
12.2 REACCIONES EN LOS APOYOS DE CUBIERTA METALICA A COLUMNAS..................................................................46
12.3. DISEÑO DE COLUMNAS DE APOYO PARA CUBIERTA............................................................................................47
12.3.1 DISEÑO DE COLUMNAS EJE B [0.50X0.50].........................................................................................47
12.3.2 DISEÑO DE COLUMNAS EJE A [50X50]............................................................................................................48
12.4 DISEÑO DE VIGAS..............................................................................................................................................50
12.5 DISEÑO DE ZAPATAS..............................................................................................................................................56
13 DISEÑO DE MURO DE CONTENCION.............................................................................................................................64
14 DISEÑO DE CUBIERTA AUXILIAR....................................................................................................................................68
14.1 PROPIEDADES DE MODELO....................................................................................................................................68
14.2 MODELO ELEMENTOS FINITOS..............................................................................................................................69
14.2.1 MODELO 3D....................................................................................................................................................69
14.2.2 CORTE TRANSVERSAL......................................................................................................................................69
14.2.3 CORTE LONGITUDINAL....................................................................................................................................70
14.2.4 IDENTIFICACION DE ELEMENTOS DE MODELO................................................................................................70
14.3 DERIVAS EN CUBIERTA...........................................................................................................................................75
14.4 REACCIONES EN LOS APOYOS................................................................................................................................76
14.6 DISEÑO DE ZAPATAS..............................................................................................................................................77
14.7 PORCENTAJE DE ESFUERZO EN ELEMENTOS DE CUBIERTA....................................................................................79
15 DISEÑO DE GRADAS......................................................................................................................................................85
15.1 PREDIMENSIONAMIENTO......................................................................................................................................85
15.2 MODELO ELEMENTOS FINITOS GRADAS................................................................................................................86
15.3 CHEQUEO DE COLUMNA (0.25X0.50)....................................................................................................................88
15.4 DISEÑO DE PLACA MACIZA PARA GRADAS.............................................................................................................90
16 ANEXOS......................................................................................................................................................................... 91

El presente proyecto consiste en el diseño de una cubierta metálica y graderías para la cancha del parque
principal de Berlín ubicada en el municipio de Tona, Santander

El análisis sísmico se realizó por medio del análisis modal espectral en el programa estructural SAP2000.
En dicho software se analizó: deformaciones, control de derivas y efectos de esbeltez para columnas, se
tuvo en cuenta las cargas para el diseño de elementos resistentes y portantes como lo son las vigas y
placas estructurales. También se tuvo en cuenta la resistencia a las cargas impuestas sobre la cubierta.

El proyecto se rige de acuerdo al reglamento colombiano de construcción Sismo Resistente NSR-10. La

estructura está formada por pórticos resistentes a momentos con capacidad especial de disipación de
energía (DES) de tipo péndulo invertido, que reciben la carga de la cubierta y la transmiten a la
cimentación por medio de las columnas.

La cimentación consistirá en: tipo de cimentación superficial que cuenta con zapatas aisladas unidas con
vigas de amarre, ya estipulado con anterioridad en el estudio de suelos. La cimentación se diseñará para
una capacidad portante admisible de 14.5 Ton/m2.

Las combinaciones de carga se desarrollarán usando el método de la resistencia establecido en el

reglamento Colombiano NSR-10 (B.2.4).


Estructura cubierta auxiliar

 (Grupo de uso 3)
 Cuidad: Berlin,Tona,Santander
 Zona de amenaza sísmica: Alta
 Altura edificación: 6.00m
 Perfil del suelo: D

Las imágenes corresponden al modelo generado en el programa de diseño estructural SAP2000 de la

cubierta auxiliar

2.2.4 APOYOS




Según especificaciones de la sección B.3 de la NSR-10 SE asume una carga de acabado de teja de 0.06
KN/m2 para la cubierta auxiliar

De acuerdo a la tabla B4.2.1-2 del capitulo B.4 se obtiene una carga de cubierta de 0.5 KN/m2 para la
cubierta auxiliar
Aplicación del Reglamento Colombiano de Construcción Sismo Resistente NSR 10 al modelo para calcular
la carga de viento de la cubierta auxiliar
En el caso del Reglamento Colombiano de Construcción Sismo Resistente NSR 10, permite los
procedimientos simplificados, analítico y de túnel de viento. Para el caso del presente modelo se tomará el
Método 2 procedimiento analítico ubicado en el B.6.5 ya que el primero modelo no cumple por ser un edificio
El alcance y las limitaciones del procedimiento se encuentran en la sección B.6.5.1 y B.6.5.2
a) Procedimiento de diseño
b) Hallar Velocidad básica del viento V y factor de dirección Kd
c) Hallar factor de importancia I
d) Determinar para cada dirección las categorías y coeficientes de Exposición Kz o Kh
e) Determinar el factor topográfico Kzt
f) Hallar el factor de ráfaga G o Gf , según aplique
g) Clasificar el cerramiento
h) Determinar el coeficiente de presión interna GCpi
i) Determinar el coeficiente de presión externo Cp o GCpf
j) Hallar la presión por velocidad qz o qh
k) Determinar la carga de viento de diseño p o F

a) Velocidad básica del viento

El proyecto se encuentra en el corregimiento de Berlín, el cual está ubicado en municipio de Tona, Santander
por lo cual según la figura B.6.4.1 corresponde a la zona 1
Figura 1- B.6.4-1. Velocidad Básica del viento

Fuente: NSR 10

Tabla 1. Velocidad Básica del viento

Zona de amenaza eólica

Región Velocidad Esfuerzo de trabajo Velocidad Estado limite
1 17 m/s (60 Km/h) 22 m/s (75 Km/h)
Fuente: NSR 10
Factor de dirección Kd
El factor de direccionalidad tiene en cuenta el tipo de estructura se toma directamente de la Tabla B.6.5-4
del Reglamento Colombiano de Construcción Sismo Resistente NSR 10.

Tabla 2 - B.6.5-4. Factor de direccionalidad Kd

Fuente: NSR 10

b) Factor de importancia I
El coeficiente de importancia se definió desde el inicio para realizar el avaluó de cargas, el cual
corresponde al grupo II I ((Edificaciones de servicio a la comunidad) definidos en la sección A.
La ubicación del proyecto no es propensa a huracanes se toma como factor 1.15 según corresponde en tabla
Tabla 3- B.6.5-1 Factor de importancia I

Fuente: NSR 10

c) Determinar para cada dirección las categorías y coeficientes de Exposición Kz o Kh

Se determina en base a la rugosidad del terreno y las estructuras construidas en este, para el caso de Berlín
es un terreno abierto con obstrucciones dispersas, las construcciones aledañas estarán más separadas y son
de poca altura.

Tabla 4- Exposición

Categoría de Rugosidad del terreno Descripción
Terreno abierto con pocas obstrucciones y
Terreno C con alturas inferiores a 9 m

Categoría de Exposición Descripción

Exposición c No cumplen con la exposición B y D

Fuente: NR10

Empleando la tabla B.6.5-3 del Reglamento Colombiano de Construcción Sismo Resistente NSR -10 se tiene
en el proyecto una altura del terreno Z de 6 metros, para los valores que corresponden a la exposición C, se
obtuvo un coeficiente de exposición para la presión Kz. de 0.90
Tabla 5- Tabla B.6.5-3 Coeficiente de exposición

Fuente: NR10

d) Determinar el factor topográfico Kzt

como el sitio o terreno del proyecto no cumple con las indicaciones estipuladas en B. de
velocidad sobre colinas o escarpes) la norma nos indica que se debe tomar un valor de Kzt=1.0
e) Factor de ráfaga G
Para el caso de la cubierta se trata de una estructura rígida, lo cual la norma nos dice en B. que se
tome un valor de G=0.85 para efecto de ráfaga
f) Clasificar el cerramiento
Esta clasificación sirve para determinar los coeficientes de presión interna. Para ello se debe clasificar el
proyecto según corresponda con las definiciones relacionadas en la sección B.6.2 y B.6.5.9 del Reglamento
Colombiano de Construcción Sismo Resistente NSR 10. Realizando la evaluación se obtuvo que dentro de la
clasificación es un edificio abierto ya que es una cubierta metálica para una tarima en el parque de Berlín
g) Coeficiente de presión interna GCpi
Se toman los datos de la sección B.6.5-2 del Reglamento Colombiano de Construcción Sismo Resistente
NSR-10 para edificios abiertos el coeficiente de presión interna GCpi es 0
Tabla 6- Tabla B.6.5-2 Coeficiente presión interna

Fuente: NR10

h) Coeficiente de presión externo Cp o GCpf

Según la sección B.6.5.13 del Reglamento Colombiano de Construcción Sismo Resistente NSR-10 para
edificios abiertos se debe calcular el coeficiente de presión neta Cn
Tabla 7- Tabla B.6.5-15A Coeficiente presión neta

Fuente NSR-10
En nuestro proyecto la cubierta tiene una inclinación de 11° por lo tanto se interpola entre los valores de 7.5°
y 15°, se pueden presentar los tipos de carga A y B y ambas direcciones de viento y el flujo del viento es libre
ya que el bloqueo del viento es igual o menor al 50% en nuestro proyecto
Tabla 8- Interpolación

dirección del dirección del

viento=0° viento=180°
caso de
Angulo de cubierta
carga flujo de viento libre flujo de viento libre

Cnw Cnl Cnw Cnl

A -0.74 -1.14 1.09 1.55

B -1.63 0 1.69 0.44

Fuente: Propia
También se debe considerar si la dirección del viento es a 90°
Tabla 9- Tabla B.6.5-15D Coeficiente presión neta

Fuente: NR10
i)Presión por velocidad qz o qh
qz es la presión por viento evaluada a cualquier altura z del edificio y qh a la al tura media de la cubierta.
Para ello se toma la siguiente ecuación según B.6.5.10
qz=0.613 KzKztKdV²

Tabla 10. Determinación de qz o qh

Factor/ Coeficiente Esfuerzo de trabajo Estado limite

qh=0.613 KhKztKdV²I qz=0.613 KzKztKdV²I
Kzt=1 V=17 m/s V=22 m/s
155.85 N/m2 261.015 N/m2
Fuente: Propia
Determinación de la carga de viento
Para determinar las presiones de viento de diseño para elementos y componentes para edificios abiertos con
cubierta a una y dos aguas se toma la ecuación B.6.5-23 del Reglamento Colombiano de Construcción
Sismo Resistente NSR 10
P= qhGCN
Calculamos las presiones de viento con esfuerzo de trabajo qh=155.85 N/m2, V=17m/s
Tabla 11. Presión del viento con esfuerzo de trabajo

dirección del
caso de dirección del viento=0° dirección del viento=180° viento=90°
carga P(Cnw) P(Cnl)
N/m2 N/m2 P(Cnw) N/m2 P(Cnl) N/m2 P(Cn) N/m2

-98.02965 -151.019 3 205.332375 -79.4835

- 223.8785
215.930175 0 3 58.2879 66.23625

Fuente: Propia
Ahora calculamos por estado limite

Tabla 12. Presión del viento con esfuerzo de trabajo

dirección del
dirección del viento=0° dirección del viento=180° viento=90°
caso de carga
P(Cnw) N/m2 P(Cnl) N/m2 N/m2 P(Cnl) N/m2 P(Cn) N/m2

A -164.178435 -252.924 241.8304 343.8872625 -133.11765

B -361.6362825 0 374.94805 97.61961 110.931375

Fuente: Propia

Según el Reglamento Colombiano de Construcción Sismo Resistente NSR 10 ninguna presión de viento
puede ser menor a 400 N/m2 y en ninguno de nuestros casos para el proyecto sobre pasa este valor, por tal
motivo la carga de viento que se asigna a nuestro proyecto es de 400 N/m2 que es igual a 0.40 KN/m2
Ahora se obtiene la carga de granizo según B.4.8.3 para la cubierta auxiliar

Resumen Cargas

Acabado teja 0.06


Coliseos y estadios teja (m<15°) 0.50

Carga viento 0.40
Carga granizo 1.00


Para el diseño del proyecto se tuvo en cuenta el espectro del diseño dado el municipio de Tona,
Santander con los datos obtenidos en la NSR-10, la cual nos da los siguientes datos.


 Aa: coeficiente de coeficiente que representa la aceleración horizontal pico efectiva, para
diseño, dado en A.2.2.
 Av: coeficiente que representa la velocidad horizontal pico efectiva, para diseño, dado en
 Fa: coeficiente de amplificación que afecta la aceleración en la zona de periodos cortos,
debido a los efectos de sitio, adimensional.
 Fv: coeficiente de amplificación que afecta la aceleración en la zona de periodos intermedios,
debido a los efectos de sitio, adimensional.
 I: coeficiente de importancia definido en A.2.5.2.
 Sa: valor del espectro de aceleraciones de diseño para u periodo de vibración dado. Máxima
aceleración horizontal de diseño, expresada como una fracción de la aceleración de la
gravedad, para un sistema de un grado de libertad con un periodo de vibración T. está definido
en A.2.6.1.
 Sv: valor del espectro de velocidades de diseño para un periodo de vibración dado. Máxima
velocidad horizontal de diseño, expresada en m/s, para un sistema de un grado de libertad con
un periodo de vibración T. está definido en A.2.6.2.
 TC: periodo de vibración, en segundos, correspondiente a la transición entre la zona de
aceleración constante del espectro de diseño, para periodos cortos, y la parte descendiente
del mismo.
 TL: periodo de vibración, en segundos, correspondiente al inicio de la zona de desplazamiento
aproximadamente constante del espectro de diseño, para periodo largos.
 TO: periodo de vibración al cual inicia la zona de aceleraciones constantes del espectro de
aceleraciones, en s.
Datos del desarrollo del Espectro de diseño del municipio de Tona.:

Aa 0.25
Av 0.25
Ae 0.09
Ad 0.05
Grupo de uso 3
Fa 1.30
Fv 1.90
Perfil de suelo D
El espectro de diseño señalado anteriormente para la cuidad Berlín, es el mostrado en la imagen
desarrollada en el programa SAP2000, obtenido gracias a la norma NSR-10 de Colombia, esta grafica cuenta
con sus respectivos coeficientes, valores y periodos de vibración que rigen para este proyecto.



Elementos de concreto como vigas y columnas con f’c = 21 MPa o 3000psi con Acero corrugado de refuerzo
grado 60.
Elementos de acero para vigas y columnas de la cubierta metálica con acero estructural ASTM A992

Material Peso Unit E G Poisson

Text KN/m3 KN/m2 KN/m2 Unitless
3000Psi 23.5631216 21525562.37 8968984.32 0.2
4000Psi 2 24855578.06 10356490.86 0.2
A36 4 199947978.8 76903068.77 0.3
A416Gr270 4 196500599.9
A572Gr50 4 199947978.8 76903068.77 0.3
A615Gr60 4 199947978.8
A992Fy50 4 199947978.8 76903068.77 0.3


TABLE: Frame Section Properties 01 - General          
SectionName Material Shape t3 t2 tf tw Área
Text Text Text m m m m m2
COL 70X70 3000Psi r 0.7 0.7 0.49
A572Gr5 0.00212
correas 0 Box/Tube 0.12 0.06 0.00635 0.00635 5
L 1/4"X2" A36 Angle 0.0508 0.0508 0.00635 0.00635 5
L 1/8 X 1 1/2 A36 Angle 0.0381 0.0381 0.00317 0.00317 2
L 1/8 X 1 1/2" CELOSIA 0.00023
VOL A36 Angle 0.0381 0.0381 0.00317 0.00317 2
L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col A36 Angle 0.0381 0.0381 0.00317 0.00317 2
L 3/16 X 2" A36 Angle 0.0508 0.0508 0.00476 0.00476 1
0.00476 0.00476 0.00049
L 3/16X2 A36 Angle 0.054 0.054 3 3 2
L 3/8" X 2 1/2" A36 Angle 0.0635 0.0635 0.00953 0.00953 9


 Coeficiente de capacidad de disipación de energía básico definido para el sistema estructural pórtico
resistente a momentos con capacidad especial de disipación de energía (DES) para Estructuras de
péndulo invertido Ro = 2.5
 Coeficiente de sobre resistencia Ωo = 2.0


0.9 1aA Piso Flexible (Irregularidad en la rigidez) NO
0.8 1bA Piso Flexible (Irregularidad Extrema en la rigidez) NO
0.9 2A Irregularidad en la distribución de masas NO
0.9 3A Irregularidad Geométrica NO
o.8 4A Desplazamientos Dentro del plano de acción NO
0.9 5aA Piso débil- Discontinuidad en la resistencia NO
0.8 5aB Piso débil- Discontinuidad Extrema en la resistencia NO
Coeficiente de reducción de la capacidad de disipación de energía causado por irregularidades en altura Фa.

Фa 1.0


0.9 1aP Irregularidad Torsional NO
0.8 1bP Irregularidad torsional extrema NO
0.9 2P Retrocesos Excesivos en las esquinas NO
0.9 3P Discontinuidades en el diafragma NO
0.8 4P Desplazamientos en el plano de acción de elementos verticales NO
0.9 5P Sistema No paralelos NO

Coeficiente de reducción de la capacidad de disipación de energía causado por las irregularidades en planta

Фp 1.0


Ausencia de redundancia en el sistema estructural de resistencia sísmica (A.3.3.8): De acuerdo a la
evaluación del cumplimiento de los requerimientos descritos en A. y A. Para el sistema
estructural se determina el coeficiente de reducción de la capacidad de disipación de energía causados por la
ausencia de redundancia en el sistema de resistencia sísmica.

Фr 1.00

Coeficiente de disipación de energía para ser utilizado en el diseño de los elementos de resistencia sísmica
R 2.5

A.3.7 Las fuerzas sísmicas obtenidas del análisis Fs., se reducen, dividiéndolas por el coeficiente de
capacidad de disipación de energía R. Además, se suministra el 30% de la fuerza en dirección principal, a la
dirección perpendicular de estudio.

G 9.81
E principal 3.924
E perpendic 1.1772
A continuación, se muestran las combinaciones de carga utilizadas en este modelo.
 D= Carga muerta
Peso propio de los elementos. Peso de todos los materiales de construcción incorporados a la
edificación y que son permanentes, así como también soportados por los elementos, incluyendo
muros y particiones divisores de espacios, peso del equipo permanente.
 L= Cargas vivas debido al uso y ocupación de la edificación.
 E= Fuerza sísmica reducida de diseño (E=Fs/R).
 R=Ro* Фa* Фp* Фr, Donde:
 Ro= Coeficiente de capacidad de disipación de energía Básico. Véase el Capitulo A.3 NSR-10
 Фa= Coeficiente de reducción de la capacidad de disipación de energía causado por irregularidades
en la altura de la edificación véase: A.3.3.5.
 Фp= Coeficiente de reducción de la capacidad de disipación de energía causado por irregularidades
en planta de la edificación véase: A.3.3.4.
 Фr= Coeficiente de reducción de la capacidad de disipación de energía causado por irregularidades
en la planta de cimentación véase: A.3.3.8.


Para la modelación, análisis y diseño de la estructura se realizó con el programa SAP2000, en el

cual se tuvo en cuenta cada indicación del análisis dinámico definido en el titulo A.5 de la NSR-10.
Con este método se hace un análisis completo de los movimientos oscilatorios de la estructura, se
chequean las derivas para proceder con el diseño del acero del proyecto. Para iniciar con el
procedimiento del método de análisis dinámico se realiza una revisión del evaluó de cargas, ya
prescritas con anterioridad. Para la revisión de las solicitaciones de la estructura se tuvo en cuenta
las indicaciones y requerimientos dados en el Titulo B.2 de la NSR -10.
Para comenzar el modelo para análisis estructural, se estableció la grilla con las coordenadas
establecidas previamente. Se definieron las unidades y materiales, y luego las secciones de pre
dimensionamiento. Se dibujó el esqueleto completo. Luego, manualmente se aplicaron las cargas
establecidas, para simular la distribución real de las mismas a cada elemento modelado. Estas
cargas son: muertas vivas y granizo. Posteriormente se ingresará el sismo de diseño para incluir las
fuerzas sísmicas en el análisis. Se define la fuente de masa sísmica a partir del peso propio y las
cargas muertas aplicadas, en la sección Define > Mass Source > From Element and Additional
Masses and Loads que incluye el programa definiendo la carga muerta con un multiplicador de 1,0
para así tener el 100% de la misma como lo define el Capitulo A.5 de la NSR-10, después de
realizar cada modelo se utiliza primero la opción Analyze > Check Model, para examinar si existe
algún tipo de intersección entre las líneas o sobre posición de elementos o una errónea conexión.


A pesar de que se usa análisis dinámico para el diseño, se calcula el cortante basal estático por
el método de la fuerza horizontal equivalente como lo establece la NSR-10 en el capítulo A.4,
para cumplir con las especificaciones de ajustes de resultados usando el cortante basal dinámico
de acuerdo con A.5.4.5. Este cálculo se realiza a mano utilizando las ecuaciones del numeral
A.4.2 y A.4.3 de la NSR-10, los resultados están en la tabla a continuación con su respectiva
Ct 0.072
α 0.8
hn 9
Ta 0.4176
Cu 1.1740
Ta max 0.4902
k 1.0000

Sa 0.7000
Peso [M*g] 300.71
Vs [Sa*M*g] 210.50


El cortante basal dinámico es calculado por medio del programa SAP200. Para esto se ingresará
el espectro de respuesta y se crean casos en sentido y en la opción Define > Funtion >
Response Espectrum, con una excentricidad del 5% como lo establece el numeral A. de
la NSR-10.
Para la determinación de los modos y frecuencias de vibración se usa el método de Eigen, para
generar respuestas más rápidamente y con mayor precisión en el análisis dinámico, ya que no
es una estructura de gran tamaño. El método seleccionado para la combinación modal es el
CQC (Método de combinación cuadrática completa), ya que este tiene en cuenta los efectos de
interacción modal para un análisis tridimensional y para la combinación direccional se escoge el
SRSS con el 100% del sismo actuando en las dos direcciones independientemente, como lo
propone alternativamente el numeral A.3.6.3 de la NSR-10.
Debido a la presencia del diafragma rígido, por piso se tienen 3 grados de libertad (dos
desplazamientos horizontales en las direcciones X-Y, y un giro alrededor de un eje vertical). Sin
embargo, este número es evaluado según el numeral A.5.4.2 de la NSR- 10, chequeando que
con los modos usados se haya incluido al menos el 90% de la masa participante de cada
estructura, en el caso de que deban usarse menor número de modos, por ejemplo, para reducir
el tiempo en correr el análisis del modelo en SAP 2000.

TABLE: Modal Load Participation Ratios  

OutputCase ItemType Item Static Dynamic
Text Text Text Percent Percent
MODAL Acceleration UX 99.9457 94.0385
MODAL Acceleration UY 99.9557 94.0643
MODAL Acceleration UZ 98.9169 47.285


El cortante basal dinámico para estructuras irregulares no debe ser menor al 90% y para estructuras
regulares al 80% del cortante basal estático según el numeral A.5.4.5 (b) de la NSR-10. Este factor
se multiplicará al Scale Factor, es decir a la gravedad que es actuante en el modelo de SAP 2000.
  V [KN] % DE VS F.A F.A escogido F.A.*g
Vtx 162.42 77.16% 1.0368 1.0368 10.17
Vty 206.66 98.18% 1.0000 1.0000 9.81
Al evaluar la estructura en dirección x el cortante basal dinámico corresponde al 77.16% del cortante
basal estático por lo tanto se tiene que aplicar un factor de ajuste de 1.0368 como lo muestra la
Al evaluar la estructura en dirección Y el cortante basal dinámico corresponde al 98.18% del
cortante basal estático por lo tanto NO se tiene que aplicar un factor de ajuste como lo muestra la
A.3.7 Las fuerzas sísmicas obtenidas del análisis Fs, se reducen, dividiéndolas por el coeficiente de
capacidad de disipación de energía R
G 9.81
E principal 6.54
E perpendic 1.96

Se debe aplicar el factor de ajuste en cada dirección según corresponda.

En dirección de X el factor de ajuste es 1.04, las fuerzas sísmicas ajustadas en la dirección
mencionada se muestran e la siguiente tabla
F.A.x 1.04
G 9.81
Ex 6.78
Ey 2.03

En dirección de Y el factor de ajuste es 1.00, las fuerzas sísmicas ajustadas en la dirección

mencionada se muestran e la siguiente tabla
F.A.y 1.00
G 9.81
Ex 6.54
Ey 1.96


Por medio del programa SAP2000, se calculan los desplazamientos debido a las fuerzas sísmicas. Para
cumplir con la deriva estipulada en el numeral A.6.4.1 de la NSR-10, del 1% máximo de la altura del piso.
Debido a que el chequeo de derivas requiere un cambio en las secciones de los elementos de cada
estructura, influyendo en el peso total de la estructura, el cálculo es un proceso iterativo que solo se acaba en
el momento en que cumplan todas las derivas, teniendo en cuenta el chequeo de los factores de corrección
por diferencia entre el cortante basal estático y dinámico como lo establece el numeral A.5.4.5 de la NSR-10.


Deriva maxima x [m] SISMO X

  Desp X Desp Y Δx Δy Deriva Der max Verificacion
N+6.27 0.0216 0.0095 0.0216 0.0095 0.0236 0.0507 cumple
N+0.00 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000    

Deriva maxima x [m] SISMO Y

  Desp X Desp Y Δx Δy Deriva Der max Verificacion
N+6.27 0.0000 0.0336 0.0000 0.0336 0.0336 0.0507 cumple
N+0.00 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000    

Deriva maxima x [m] UMX

  Desp X Desp Y Δx Δy Deriva Der max Verificacion
N+6.27 0.0203 0.0247 0.0203 0.0247 0.0320 0.0507 cumple
N+0.00 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000    

Deriva maxima x [m] UMY

  Desp X Desp Y Δx Δy Deriva Der max Verificacion
N+6.27 0.0059 0.0351 0.0059 0.0351 0.0356 0.0507 cumple
N+0.00 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000    

Se verifica que el periodo principal de la edificación corresponde al fundamental, y además que más del 90%
de la masa de la edificación está actuando.

TABLE: Modal Participating Mass Ratios        

OutputCas StepTyp StepNu
e e m Period UX UY SumUX SumUY
Text Text Unitless Sec Unitless Unitless Unitless Unitless
0.17885 0.00000563 0.00000563
MODAL Mode 1 9 0.3059 1 0.3059 1
0.17438 0.00000845
MODAL Mode 2 2 9 0.1115 0.30591 0.11151
MODAL Mode 3 3 0.02476 1.01E-09 0.33067 0.11151
MODAL Mode 4 4 0.00003831 0.34535 0.33071 0.45686
MODAL Mode 5 8 0.00027 0.23831 0.33097 0.69517
MODAL Mode 6 4 0.5821 0.00013 0.91307 0.6953
MODAL Mode 7 3 0.00002329 0.24349 0.9131 0.93878
MODAL Mode 8 1 0.02346 0.00001174 0.93656 0.9388
0.04348 0.00000374
MODAL Mode 9 6 8 0.00171 0.93656 0.9405
0.04172 0.00000151
MODAL Mode 10 8 2 0.00014 0.93656 0.94064
0.04154 0.00000279
MODAL Mode 11 8 0.00242 4 0.93898 0.94064
0.03129 0.00000015
MODAL Mode 12 7 0.0014 6 0.94039 0.94064

TABLE: Modal Participating Mass Ratios        

OutputCase StepType StepNum Period UX UY SumUX SumUY
Text Text Unitless Sec Unitless Unitless Unitless Unitless
MODAL Mode 1 0.4317 0.0000 0.9564 0.0000 0.9564
MODAL Mode 2 0.3832 0.4517 0.0000 0.4517 0.9564
MODAL Mode 3 0.2649 0.5238 0.0000 0.9755 0.9564
MODAL Mode 4 0.2119 0.0000 0.0349 0.9755 0.9913
MODAL Mode 5 0.1875 0.0222 0.0000 0.9977 0.9913
MODAL Mode 6 0.1009 0.0000 0.0001 0.9977 0.9914
MODAL Mode 7 0.0894 0.0000 0.0044 0.9977 0.9958
MODAL Mode 8 0.0891 0.0000 0.0000 0.9977 0.9958
MODAL Mode 9 0.0881 0.0000 0.0000 0.9977 0.9958
MODAL Mode 10 0.0876 0.0000 0.0000 0.9977 0.9958
MODAL Mode 11 0.0869 0.0000 0.0000 0.9977 0.9958
MODAL Mode 12 0.0867 0.0000 0.0000 0.9977 0.9958



Se realiza el modelamiento y chequeo de la cubierta en el programa SAP2000, en donde al finalizar el
proceso iterativo la totalidad de los elementos que componen la cubierta no superan su capacidad de









TABLE: Steel Design 1 - Summary Data - AISC 360-16    

Frame DesignSect DesignType Ratio RatioType Combo
Text Text Text Unitless Text Text
24 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Beam 0.001377 PMM Envelope
29 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Column 0.385766 PMM Envelope
30 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Column 0.327232 PMM 1.2D+1.6G+0.8W
35 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Brace 0.398361 PMM Envelope
37 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Beam 0.431424 PMM Envelope
39 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Beam 0.504451 PMM Envelope
42 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Brace 0.581299 PMM 1.2D+1.6G+0.8W
43 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Brace 0.176072 PMM Envelope
47 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Beam 0.001377 PMM Envelope
50 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Column 0.492763 PMM Envelope
51 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Column 0.58181 PMM Envelope
64 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Beam 0.366313 PMM Envelope
66 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Beam 0.487255 PMM Envelope
69 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Brace 0.483584 PMM Envelope
71 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Beam 0.101708 PMM Envelope
72 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Beam 0.123319 PMM 1.2D+1.6G+0.8W
73 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Beam 0.111214 PMM Envelope
74 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Beam 0.089043 PMM Envelope
75 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Beam 0.161865 PMM Envelope
76 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Beam 0.113611 PMM Envelope
77 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Beam 0.091073 PMM Envelope
78 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Beam 0.001377 PMM Envelope
79 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Beam 0.001377 PMM Envelope
381 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Brace 0.231777 PMM Envelope
383 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Beam 0.001377 PMM Envelope
386 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Column 0.720547 PMM Envelope
387 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Column 0.860087 PMM Envelope
392 L 3/16 X 2" Brace 0.348022 PMM Envelope
393 L 3/16 X 2" Brace 0.593224 PMM Envelope
394 L 3/16 X 2" Brace 0.659763 PMM Envelope
400 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Beam 0.263068 PMM Envelope
402 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Beam 0.345138 PMM Envelope
405 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Brace 0.299981 PMM Envelope
408 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Brace 0.250196 PMM Envelope
410 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Beam 0.001377 PMM Envelope
413 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Column 0.726578 PMM Envelope
414 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Column 0.851731 PMM Envelope
419 L 3/16 X 2" Brace 0.447463 PMM Envelope
420 L 3/16 X 2" Brace 0.784225 PMM Envelope
421 L 3/16 X 2" Brace 0.744237 PMM Envelope
427 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Beam 0.242276 PMM Envelope
429 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Beam 0.299028 PMM Envelope
432 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Brace 0.294103 PMM Envelope
434 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Beam 0.152748 PMM Envelope
435 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Beam 0.109112 PMM Envelope
436 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Beam 0.067802 PMM Envelope
437 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Beam 0.182543 PMM Envelope
438 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Beam 0.139599 PMM Envelope
439 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Beam 0.213975 PMM Envelope
440 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Beam 0.187348 PMM Envelope
441 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Beam 0.001377 PMM Envelope
442 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Beam 0.001377 PMM Envelope
443 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Beam 0.187741 PMM Envelope
444 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Beam 0.070841 PMM Envelope
448 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Beam 0.001377 PMM Envelope
451 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Column 0.464267 PMM Envelope
452 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Column 0.669073 PMM Envelope
465 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Beam 0.475002 PMM Envelope
467 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Beam 0.60877 PMM Envelope
470 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Brace 0.50671 PMM Envelope
475 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Beam 0.001377 PMM Envelope
478 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Column 0.373127 PMM Envelope
479 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Column 0.418991 PMM Envelope
491 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Brace 0.414124 PMM Envelope
492 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Beam 0.557908 PMM Envelope
494 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Beam 0.653241 PMM Envelope
497 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Brace 0.646757 PMM Envelope
498 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Brace 0.239868 PMM Envelope
499 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Beam 0.15833 PMM Envelope
500 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Beam 0.175633 PMM Envelope
501 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Beam 0.080979 PMM 1.2D+1.6G+0.8W
502 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Beam 0.245853 PMM Envelope
503 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Beam 0.169596 PMM Envelope
504 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Beam 0.229624 PMM Envelope
505 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Beam 0.169462 PMM Envelope
506 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Beam 0.001377 PMM Envelope
507 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Beam 0.001377 PMM Envelope
529 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Beam 0.118147 PMM Envelope
530 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Beam 0.079473 PMM Envelope
531 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Beam 0.070901 PMM Envelope
533 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Beam 0.083435 PMM Envelope
534 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Beam 0.111966 PMM Envelope
535 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Beam 0.214728 PMM Envelope
536 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Beam 0.116555 PMM Envelope
537 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Beam 0.060178 PMM Envelope
538 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Beam 0.039636 PMM Envelope
539 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Beam 0.059162 PMM Envelope
540 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Beam 0.14384 PMM Envelope
541 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Beam 0.137107 PMM Envelope
542 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Beam 0.076364 PMM Envelope
543 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Beam 0.079848 PMM Envelope
545 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Beam 0.071325 PMM Envelope
546 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Beam 0.133262 PMM Envelope
547 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Beam 0.110895 PMM Envelope
548 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Beam 0.05504 PMM Envelope
549 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Beam 0.038988 PMM Envelope
550 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Beam 0.063838 PMM Envelope
551 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Beam 0.106195 PMM Envelope
552 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Beam 0.243225 PMM Envelope
553 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Beam 0.283843 PMM Envelope
554 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Beam 0.092572 PMM Envelope
555 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Beam 0.043315 PMM Envelope
556 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Beam 0.033088 PMM Envelope
557 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Beam 0.060492 PMM Envelope
558 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Beam 0.091476 PMM Envelope
559 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Beam 0.14029 PMM Envelope
560 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Beam 0.056267 PMM Envelope
561 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Beam 0.032601 PMM Envelope
562 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Beam 0.03861 PMM Envelope
563 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Beam 0.074376 PMM Envelope
564 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Beam 0.187559 PMM Envelope
565 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Beam 0.138575 PMM Envelope
566 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Beam 0.115073 PMM Envelope
567 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Beam 0.104931 PMM Envelope
568 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Beam 0.085355 PMM Envelope
569 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Beam 0.053223 PMM Envelope
570 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Beam 0.090305 PMM Envelope
571 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Beam 0.060563 PMM Envelope
572 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Beam 0.05866 PMM Envelope
573 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Beam 0.08105 PMM Envelope
574 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Beam 0.091722 PMM Envelope
575 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Beam 0.0866 PMM Envelope
576 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Beam 0.14822 PMM Envelope
594 L 1/8 X 1 1/2 Column 0.059555 PMM Envelope
596 L 1/8 X 1 1/2 Column 0.044302 PMM Envelope
598 L 1/8 X 1 1/2 Column 0.044722 PMM Envelope
600 L 1/8 X 1 1/2 Column 0.047819 PMM Envelope
602 L 1/8 X 1 1/2 Column 0.112805 PMM Envelope
605 L 1/8 X 1 1/2 Column 0.078492 PMM Envelope
606 L 1/8 X 1 1/2 Brace 0.053379 PMM Envelope
607 L 1/8 X 1 1/2 Column 0.046647 PMM Envelope
608 L 1/8 X 1 1/2 Brace 0.054118 PMM Envelope
609 L 1/8 X 1 1/2 Column 0.043863 PMM Envelope
610 L 1/8 X 1 1/2 Brace 0.056265 PMM Envelope
611 L 1/8 X 1 1/2 Column 0.043477 PMM Envelope
612 L 1/8 X 1 1/2 Brace 0.070384 PMM Envelope
613 L 1/8 X 1 1/2 Column 0.066765 PMM Envelope
614 L 1/8 X 1 1/2 Brace 0.181251 PMM Envelope
616 L 1/8 X 1 1/2 Column 0.061055 PMM Envelope
618 L 1/8 X 1 1/2 Column 0.045491 PMM Envelope
620 L 1/8 X 1 1/2 Column 0.047962 PMM Envelope
622 L 1/8 X 1 1/2 Column 0.060527 PMM Envelope
624 L 1/8 X 1 1/2 Column 0.110139 PMM Envelope
627 L 1/8 X 1 1/2 Brace 0.0691 PMM Envelope
628 L 1/8 X 1 1/2 Column 0.081122 PMM 1.2D+1.6G+0.8W
629 L 1/8 X 1 1/2 Brace 0.047686 PMM Envelope
630 L 1/8 X 1 1/2 Column 0.055978 PMM Envelope
631 L 1/8 X 1 1/2 Brace 0.045785 PMM Envelope
632 L 1/8 X 1 1/2 Column 0.047784 PMM Envelope
633 L 1/8 X 1 1/2 Brace 0.04671 PMM Envelope
634 L 1/8 X 1 1/2 Column 0.044882 PMM Envelope
635 L 1/8 X 1 1/2 Brace 0.05489 PMM Envelope
637 L 1/8 X 1 1/2 Column 0.068663 PMM Envelope
638 L 1/8 X 1 1/2 Brace 0.167789 PMM Envelope
651 L 1/8 X 1 1/2 Brace 0.080563 PMM Envelope
669 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Beam 0.156065 PMM Envelope
671 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Beam 0.109521 PMM 1.2D+1.6G+0.8W
672 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Beam 0.150295 PMM Envelope
8 L 3/16 X 2" Beam 0.384671 PMM Envelope
9 L 3/16 X 2" Beam 0.188721 PMM Envelope
11 L 3/16 X 2" Beam 0.411763 PMM Envelope
14 L 3/16 X 2" Beam 0.235805 PMM Envelope
15 L 3/16 X 2" Beam 0.17521 PMM Envelope
16 L 3/16 X 2" Beam 0.164704 PMM Envelope
85 correas Beam 0.079744 PMM Envelope
87 correas Beam 0.080526 PMM Envelope
93 correas Beam 0.086629 PMM Envelope
95 correas Beam 0.086601 PMM Envelope
98 correas Beam 0.074007 PMM Envelope
100 correas Beam 0.074667 PMM Envelope
103 correas Beam 0.044421 PMM Envelope
105 correas Beam 0.044418 PMM Envelope
84 L 1/8 X 1 1/2 Brace 0.105295 PMM Envelope
86 L 1/8 X 1 1/2 Beam 0.056721 PMM Envelope
88 L 1/8 X 1 1/2 Beam 0.03842 PMM Envelope
89 L 1/8 X 1 1/2 Brace 0.040397 PMM Envelope
90 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Beam 0.073403 PMM Envelope
91 L 1/8 X 1 1/2 Brace 0.032876 PMM Envelope
92 L 1/8 X 1 1/2 Beam 0.032941 PMM Envelope
94 L 1/8 X 1 1/2 Beam 0.042188 PMM Envelope
96 L 1/8 X 1 1/2 Brace 0.046486 PMM Envelope
97 L 1/8 X 1 1/2 Brace 0.107699 PMM Envelope
99 L 1/8 X 1 1/2 Beam 0.12874 PMM Envelope
101 L 1/8 X 1 1/2 Brace 0.085687 PMM Envelope
102 L 1/8 X 1 1/2 Beam 0.08356 PMM Envelope
104 L 1/8 X 1 1/2 Brace 0.044724 PMM Envelope
106 L 1/8 X 1 1/2 Beam 0.045314 PMM Envelope
107 L 1/8 X 1 1/2 Beam 0.034136 PMM Envelope
108 L 1/8 X 1 1/2 Brace 0.032164 PMM Envelope
109 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Beam 0.079631 PMM Envelope
110 L 1/8 X 1 1/2 Brace 0.040671 PMM Envelope
111 L 1/8 X 1 1/2 Beam 0.035649 PMM Envelope
112 L 1/8 X 1 1/2 Beam 0.068717 PMM Envelope
113 L 1/8 X 1 1/2 Brace 0.142692 PMM Envelope
114 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Beam 0.259449 PMM Envelope
115 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Beam 0.274927 PMM Envelope
117 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Beam 0.120301 PMM Envelope
122 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Column 0.303041 PMM Envelope
123 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Column 0.383947 PMM Envelope
126 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Brace 0.435689 PMM Envelope
128 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Beam 0.070781 PMM Envelope
129 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Beam 0.135311 PMM Envelope
134 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Column 0.428345 PMM Envelope
135 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Column 0.44897 PMM Envelope
138 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Brace 0.412208 PMM Envelope
140 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Brace 0.504374 PMM Envelope
141 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Brace 0.569656 PMM Envelope
142 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Beam 0.145346 PMM Envelope
143 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Beam 0.212602 PMM Envelope
144 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Brace 0.265345 PMM Envelope
145 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Brace 0.199956 PMM Envelope
146 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Brace 0.815586 PMM Envelope
150 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Column 0.687481 PMM Envelope
151 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Column 0.47177 PMM 1.2D+1.6G+0.8W
154 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Brace 0.576848 PMM Envelope
156 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Brace 0.676617 PMM Envelope
157 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Brace 0.762887 PMM Envelope
158 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Beam 0.246939 PMM Envelope
159 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Beam 0.265025 PMM Envelope
160 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Brace 0.282245 PMM Envelope
161 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Brace 0.243963 PMM Envelope
162 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Brace 0.819135 PMM Envelope
166 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Column 0.685854 PMM Envelope
167 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Column 0.487732 PMM Envelope
170 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Brace 0.564226 PMM Envelope
172 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Brace 0.676484 PMM Envelope
173 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Brace 0.764089 PMM Envelope
174 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Beam 0.233667 PMM Envelope
175 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Beam 0.255317 PMM Envelope
176 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Brace 0.283946 PMM Envelope
177 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Brace 0.245376 PMM Envelope
182 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Column 0.486612 PMM Envelope
183 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Column 0.423131 PMM Envelope
186 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Brace 0.475368 PMM Envelope
188 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Brace 0.49357 PMM Envelope
189 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Brace 0.560481 PMM Envelope
190 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Beam 0.151535 PMM Envelope
191 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Beam 0.271964 PMM Envelope
192 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Brace 0.24328 PMM Envelope
193 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Brace 0.1709 PMM Envelope
198 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Column 0.364003 PMM Envelope
199 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Column 0.368172 PMM Envelope
202 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Brace 0.47489 PMM Envelope
204 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Beam 0.112003 PMM Envelope
205 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Beam 0.155762 PMM Envelope
206 L 1/8 X 1 1/2 Column 0.199483 PMM Envelope
207 L 1/8 X 1 1/2 Column 0.456126 PMM Envelope
208 L 1/8 X 1 1/2 Column 0.689314 PMM Envelope
209 L 1/8 X 1 1/2 Column 0.416708 PMM Envelope
210 L 1/8 X 1 1/2 Column 0.576062 PMM Envelope
211 L 1/8 X 1 1/2 Column 0.830873 PMM Envelope
212 L 1/8 X 1 1/2 Column 0.359533 PMM 1.2D+1.6G+0.8W
213 L 1/8 X 1 1/2 Column 0.570609 PMM Envelope
214 L 1/8 X 1 1/2 Column 0.859313 PMM Envelope
215 L 1/8 X 1 1/2 Column 0.357908 PMM Envelope
216 L 1/8 X 1 1/2 Column 0.4276 PMM Envelope
217 L 1/8 X 1 1/2 Column 0.607513 PMM Envelope
218 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Brace 0.37194 PMM Envelope
219 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Brace 0.138632 PMM Envelope
220 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Brace 0.390296 PMM Envelope
221 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Brace 0.20694 PMM Envelope
222 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Brace 0.669944 PMM Envelope
223 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Brace 0.548665 PMM Envelope
224 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Brace 0.668069 PMM Envelope
225 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Brace 0.56155 PMM Envelope
226 L 1/8 X 1 1/2" CELOSIA VOL Brace 0.603344 PMM Envelope
227 L 1/8 X 1 1/2" CELOSIA VOL Brace 0.871256 PMM Envelope
228 L 1/8 X 1 1/2" CELOSIA VOL Brace 0.616735 PMM Envelope
229 L 1/8 X 1 1/2" CELOSIA VOL Brace 0.614621 PMM Envelope
230 L 1/8 X 1 1/2" CELOSIA VOL Brace 0.883324 PMM Envelope
231 L 1/8 X 1 1/2" CELOSIA VOL Brace 0.630645 PMM Envelope
232 L 1/8 X 1 1/2" CELOSIA VOL Beam 0.21853 PMM Envelope
233 L 1/8 X 1 1/2" CELOSIA VOL Beam 0.18943 PMM Envelope
234 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Brace 0.445371 PMM Envelope
235 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Brace 0.392123 PMM Envelope
236 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Brace 0.447285 PMM Envelope
237 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Brace 0.398459 PMM Envelope
238 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Beam 0.07996 PMM Envelope
239 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Column 0.189371 PMM Envelope
240 L 1/8 X 1 1/2" CELOSIA VOL Brace 0.274107 PMM Envelope
241 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Column 0.18695 PMM Envelope
242 L 1/8 X 1 1/2" CELOSIA VOL Brace 0.255313 PMM Envelope
243 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Beam 0.049215 PMM Envelope
246 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Brace 0.177544 PMM Envelope
247 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Brace 0.122043 PMM Envelope
248 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Brace 0.202273 PMM Envelope
249 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Brace 0.219133 PMM Envelope
250 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Brace 0.334471 PMM Envelope
251 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Brace 0.346133 PMM Envelope
252 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Brace 0.32897 PMM Envelope
253 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Brace 0.35748 PMM Envelope
254 L 1/8 X 1 1/2" CELOSIA VOL Brace 0.490255 PMM Envelope
255 L 1/8 X 1 1/2" CELOSIA VOL Brace 0.70458 PMM Envelope
256 L 1/8 X 1 1/2" CELOSIA VOL Brace 0.466238 PMM Envelope
257 L 1/8 X 1 1/2" CELOSIA VOL Beam 0.308301 PMM Envelope
258 L 1/8 X 1 1/2" CELOSIA VOL Brace 0.703277 PMM Envelope
259 L 1/8 X 1 1/2" CELOSIA VOL Brace 0.473786 PMM Envelope
260 L 1/8 X 1 1/2" CELOSIA VOL Beam 0.173588 PMM Envelope
261 L 1/8 X 1 1/2" CELOSIA VOL Brace 0.472963 PMM Envelope
262 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Brace 0.145806 PMM Envelope
264 L 1/8 X 1 1/2" CELOSIA VOL Brace 0.199411 PMM Envelope
265 L 3/16 X 2" Brace 0.225395 PMM 1.2D+1.6G+0.8W
266 L 3/16 X 2" Brace 0.280188 PMM Envelope
268 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Brace 0.088079 PMM 1.2D+1.6G+0.8W
270 L 1/8 X 1 1/2" CELOSIA VOL Brace 0.50659 PMM Envelope
271 L 3/16 X 2" Brace 0.590546 PMM Envelope
272 L 3/16 X 2" Brace 0.521329 PMM Envelope
274 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Beam 0.300607 PMM Envelope
275 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Beam 0.152283 PMM Envelope
276 L 3/16 X 2" Beam 0.530296 PMM Envelope
277 L 3/16 X 2" Beam 0.318966 PMM 1.2D+1.6G+0.8W
278 L 3/16 X 2" Beam 0.431227 PMM Envelope
279 L 3/16 X 2" Beam 0.444348 PMM 1.2D+1.6G+0.8W
280 L 1/8 X 1 1/2" CELOSIA VOL Beam 0.465799 PMM Envelope
281 L 1/8 X 1 1/2" CELOSIA VOL Beam 0.432314 PMM Envelope
282 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Brace 0.334244 PMM 1.2D+1.6G+0.8W
284 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Brace 0.516526 PMM 1.2D+1.6G+0.8W
286 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Brace 0.213201 PMM Envelope
287 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Brace 0.116802 PMM Envelope
288 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Brace 0.244746 PMM Envelope
289 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Brace 0.121888 PMM Envelope
290 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Brace 0.301675 PMM Envelope
291 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Brace 0.295893 PMM Envelope
292 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Brace 0.441518 PMM Envelope
293 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Brace 0.401635 PMM Envelope
294 L 1/8 X 1 1/2" CELOSIA VOL Brace 0.238486 PMM Envelope
295 L 1/8 X 1 1/2" CELOSIA VOL Brace 0.333809 PMM Envelope
296 L 1/8 X 1 1/2" CELOSIA VOL Brace 0.265309 PMM Envelope
297 L 1/8 X 1 1/2" CELOSIA VOL Brace 0.551573 PMM Envelope
298 L 1/8 X 1 1/2" CELOSIA VOL Brace 0.693944 PMM Envelope
299 L 1/8 X 1 1/2" CELOSIA VOL Brace 0.553356 PMM Envelope
300 L 1/8 X 1 1/2" CELOSIA VOL Beam 0.442084 PMM 1.2D+1.6G+0.8W
301 L 1/8 X 1 1/2" CELOSIA VOL Beam 0.175774 PMM Envelope
302 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Brace 0.42844 PMM Envelope
303 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Brace 0.258201 PMM Envelope
304 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Brace 0.28982 PMM Envelope
305 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Brace 0.295622 PMM Envelope
306 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Column 0.160572 PMM Envelope
307 L 1/8 X 1 1/2" CELOSIA VOL Brace 0.117562 PMM Envelope
308 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Column 0.164766 PMM Envelope
309 L 1/8 X 1 1/2" CELOSIA VOL Brace 0.258187 PMM Envelope
310 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Beam 0.12785 PMM Envelope
311 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Brace 0.124284 PMM Envelope
312 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Brace 0.066571 PMM Envelope
313 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Brace 0.105959 PMM Envelope
314 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Brace 0.124314 PMM Envelope
315 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Brace 0.23147 PMM Envelope
316 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Brace 0.166832 PMM 1.2D+1.6G+0.8W
317 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Brace 0.299716 PMM Envelope
318 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Brace 0.244268 PMM 1.2D+1.6G+0.8W
319 L 1/8 X 1 1/2" CELOSIA VOL Brace 0.247833 PMM Envelope
320 L 1/8 X 1 1/2" CELOSIA VOL Brace 0.308966 PMM Envelope
321 L 1/8 X 1 1/2" CELOSIA VOL Brace 0.228744 PMM Envelope
322 L 1/8 X 1 1/2" CELOSIA VOL Beam 0.659632 PMM Envelope
323 L 1/8 X 1 1/2" CELOSIA VOL Brace 0.559274 PMM Envelope
324 L 1/8 X 1 1/2" CELOSIA VOL Brace 0.401534 PMM Envelope
325 L 1/8 X 1 1/2" CELOSIA VOL Beam 0.17676 PMM Envelope
326 L 1/8 X 1 1/2" CELOSIA VOL Brace 0.399982 PMM Envelope
327 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Brace 0.121116 PMM Envelope
329 L 1/8 X 1 1/2" CELOSIA VOL Brace 0.353473 PMM Envelope
330 L 3/16 X 2" Brace 0.501181 PMM Envelope
331 L 3/16 X 2" Brace 0.400299 PMM 1.2D+1.6G+0.8W
333 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Brace 0.148888 PMM Envelope
335 L 1/8 X 1 1/2" CELOSIA VOL Brace 0.241778 PMM Envelope
336 L 3/16 X 2" Brace 0.307668 PMM Envelope
337 L 3/16 X 2" Brace 0.305256 PMM Envelope
339 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Beam 0.286463 PMM Envelope
340 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Beam 0.141613 PMM Envelope
341 L 3/16 X 2" Beam 0.612203 PMM Envelope
342 L 3/16 X 2" Beam 0.300252 PMM 1.2D+1.6G+0.8W
343 L 3/16 X 2" Beam 0.581946 PMM Envelope
344 L 3/16 X 2" Beam 0.446064 PMM 1.2D+1.6G+0.8W
345 L 1/8 X 1 1/2" CELOSIA VOL Beam 0.5128 PMM Envelope
346 L 1/8 X 1 1/2" CELOSIA VOL Beam 0.304613 PMM 1.2D+1.6G+0.8W
347 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Brace 0.633412 PMM Envelope
349 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Brace 0.447243 PMM Envelope
351 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Brace 0.206185 PMM Envelope
352 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Brace 0.107989 PMM Envelope
353 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Brace 0.197361 PMM Envelope
354 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Brace 0.122576 PMM Envelope
355 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Brace 0.498188 PMM Envelope
356 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Brace 0.406892 PMM Envelope
357 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Brace 0.328356 PMM Envelope
358 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Brace 0.285604 PMM Envelope
359 L 1/8 X 1 1/2" CELOSIA VOL Brace 0.527938 PMM Envelope
360 L 1/8 X 1 1/2" CELOSIA VOL Brace 0.670554 PMM Envelope
361 L 1/8 X 1 1/2" CELOSIA VOL Brace 0.517391 PMM Envelope
362 L 1/8 X 1 1/2" CELOSIA VOL Brace 0.277698 PMM Envelope
363 L 1/8 X 1 1/2" CELOSIA VOL Brace 0.325692 PMM Envelope
364 L 1/8 X 1 1/2" CELOSIA VOL Brace 0.268114 PMM Envelope
365 L 1/8 X 1 1/2" CELOSIA VOL Beam 0.487263 PMM Envelope
366 L 1/8 X 1 1/2" CELOSIA VOL Beam 0.038795 PMM Envelope
367 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Brace 0.376056 PMM Envelope
368 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Brace 0.294598 PMM Envelope
369 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Brace 0.402607 PMM Envelope
370 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Brace 0.24487 PMM Envelope
371 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Column 0.159019 PMM Envelope
372 L 1/8 X 1 1/2" CELOSIA VOL Brace 0.290819 PMM Envelope
373 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Column 0.121946 PMM Envelope
374 L 1/8 X 1 1/2" CELOSIA VOL Brace 0.164609 PMM Envelope
375 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Beam 0.086096 PMM Envelope
376 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Brace 0.093989 PMM Envelope
377 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Brace 0.072643 PMM Envelope
378 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Brace 0.115539 PMM Envelope
379 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Brace 0.078067 PMM Envelope
380 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Brace 0.246911 PMM Envelope
382 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Brace 0.262172 PMM Envelope
388 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Brace 0.213035 PMM Envelope
389 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Brace 0.163304 PMM Envelope
390 L 1/8 X 1 1/2" CELOSIA VOL Brace 0.421633 PMM Envelope
396 L 1/8 X 1 1/2" CELOSIA VOL Brace 0.459651 PMM Envelope
397 L 1/8 X 1 1/2" CELOSIA VOL Brace 0.354903 PMM Envelope
398 L 1/8 X 1 1/2" CELOSIA VOL Beam 0.557916 PMM Envelope
399 L 1/8 X 1 1/2" CELOSIA VOL Brace 0.234332 PMM Envelope
401 L 1/8 X 1 1/2" CELOSIA VOL Brace 0.19959 PMM Envelope
406 L 1/8 X 1 1/2" CELOSIA VOL Beam 0.036391 PMM Envelope
407 L 1/8 X 1 1/2" CELOSIA VOL Brace 0.258753 PMM Envelope
416 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Column 0.540881 PMM Envelope
417 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Column 0.553635 PMM Envelope
423 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Beam 0.091633 PMM Envelope
425 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Column 0.725498 PMM Envelope
426 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Column 0.716352 PMM Envelope
428 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Column 0.54544 PMM Envelope
430 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Column 0.557596 PMM Envelope
433 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Beam 0.259871 PMM Envelope
447 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Column 0.729434 PMM Envelope
453 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Column 0.720029 PMM Envelope
454 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Beam 0.222906 PMM Envelope
456 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Beam 0.106777 PMM Envelope
457 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Brace 0.3052 PMM Envelope
458 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Brace 0.272625 PMM Envelope
459 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Brace 0.340009 PMM Envelope
460 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Brace 0.371196 PMM Envelope
461 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Column 0.766713 PMM Envelope
462 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Column 0.78208 PMM Envelope
463 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Column 0.79499 PMM Envelope
464 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Column 0.746946 PMM Envelope
466 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Column 0.606954 PMM Envelope
471 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Column 0.59672 PMM Envelope
472 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Column 0.593993 PMM Envelope
473 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Column 0.62705 PMM Envelope
474 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Beam 0.203064 PMM Envelope
480 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Beam 0.272798 PMM Envelope
481 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Beam 0.198823 PMM Envelope
482 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Beam 0.236422 PMM Envelope
483 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Brace 0.363332 PMM Envelope
484 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Brace 0.258105 PMM Envelope
485 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Brace 0.327129 PMM Envelope
486 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Brace 0.241722 PMM Envelope
487 L 1/8 X 1 1/2" CELOSIA VOL Brace 0.773781 PMM Envelope
488 L 1/8 X 1 1/2" CELOSIA VOL Brace 0.702884 PMM Envelope
489 L 1/8 X 1 1/2" CELOSIA VOL Brace 0.761615 PMM Envelope
490 L 1/8 X 1 1/2" CELOSIA VOL Brace 0.784805 PMM Envelope
493 L 1/8 X 1 1/2" CELOSIA VOL Brace 0.631764 PMM Envelope
508 L 1/8 X 1 1/2" CELOSIA VOL Brace 0.585124 PMM Envelope
509 L 1/8 X 1 1/2" CELOSIA VOL Brace 0.29059 PMM Envelope
510 L 1/8 X 1 1/2" CELOSIA VOL Brace 0.309331 PMM Envelope
511 L 1/8 X 1 1/2" CELOSIA VOL Brace 0.37156 PMM Envelope
512 L 1/8 X 1 1/2" CELOSIA VOL Brace 0.27096 PMM Envelope
513 L 1/8 X 1 1/2" CELOSIA VOL Brace 0.624359 PMM Envelope
514 L 1/8 X 1 1/2" CELOSIA VOL Brace 0.561961 PMM 1.2D+1.6G+0.8W
515 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Column 0.723816 PMM Envelope
516 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Column 0.619539 PMM Envelope
517 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Column 0.497286 PMM Envelope
518 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Column 0.438538 PMM Envelope
519 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Column 0.784713 PMM Envelope
520 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Column 0.627403 PMM Envelope
521 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Column 0.573498 PMM Envelope
522 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Column 0.51833 PMM Envelope
523 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Column 0.407732 PMM Envelope
524 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Column 0.501528 PMM Envelope
525 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Column 0.572891 PMM Envelope
526 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Column 0.615023 PMM Envelope
527 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Column 0.418193 PMM Envelope
528 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Column 0.503651 PMM Envelope
532 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Column 0.534565 PMM Envelope
544 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Column 0.623635 PMM Envelope
578 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Beam 0.518678 PMM Envelope
579 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Beam 0.145997 PMM Envelope
580 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Beam 0.522527 PMM Envelope
581 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Beam 0.157892 PMM Envelope
582 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Beam 0.384681 PMM Envelope
583 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Beam 0.197088 PMM Envelope
584 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Beam 0.37269 PMM Envelope
585 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Beam 0.191388 PMM Envelope
586 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Brace 0.760436 PMM Envelope
587 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Brace 0.643291 PMM Envelope
588 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Brace 0.742663 PMM Envelope
589 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Brace 0.641245 PMM Envelope
590 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Brace 0.777216 PMM Envelope
591 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Brace 0.720064 PMM Envelope
592 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Brace 0.365293 PMM Envelope
604 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Brace 0.345083 PMM Envelope
626 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Column 0.750883 PMM Envelope
636 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Column 0.697993 PMM Envelope
639 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Column 0.53537 PMM Envelope
640 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Column 0.522169 PMM Envelope
641 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Column 0.749674 PMM Envelope
642 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Column 0.6352 PMM Envelope
643 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Column 0.478393 PMM Envelope
644 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Column 0.453223 PMM Envelope
645 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Column 0.436144 PMM Envelope
646 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Column 0.451074 PMM Envelope
647 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Column 0.597984 PMM Envelope
648 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Column 0.602318 PMM Envelope
649 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Column 0.434303 PMM Envelope
650 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Column 0.461861 PMM Envelope
652 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Column 0.601058 PMM Envelope
653 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Column 0.653739 PMM Envelope
654 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Beam 0.489808 PMM Envelope
655 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Beam 0.107328 PMM Envelope
656 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Beam 0.550876 PMM Envelope
657 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Beam 0.086371 PMM Envelope
658 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Beam 0.34515 PMM Envelope
659 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Beam 0.243562 PMM Envelope
660 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Beam 0.37091 PMM Envelope
661 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Beam 0.23354 PMM Envelope
662 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Brace 0.572692 PMM Envelope
663 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Brace 0.595205 PMM Envelope
664 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Brace 0.659222 PMM Envelope
665 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Brace 0.674662 PMM Envelope
666 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Brace 0.684889 PMM Envelope
667 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Brace 0.665599 PMM Envelope
668 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Brace 0.40099 PMM Envelope
670 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Brace 0.366823 PMM Envelope
673 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Brace 0.036133 PMM Envelope
674 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Brace 0.048669 PMM Envelope
675 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Brace 0.033293 PMM Envelope
676 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Brace 0.041363 PMM Envelope
677 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Brace 0.103869 PMM Envelope
678 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Brace 0.149451 PMM Envelope
679 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Brace 0.136381 PMM Envelope
680 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Brace 0.146574 PMM Envelope
681 L 1/8 X 1 1/2" CELOSIA VOL Brace 0.133313 PMM Envelope
682 L 1/8 X 1 1/2" CELOSIA VOL Brace 0.164784 PMM Envelope
683 L 1/8 X 1 1/2" CELOSIA VOL Brace 0.147579 PMM Envelope
684 L 1/8 X 1 1/2" CELOSIA VOL Brace 0.133995 PMM Envelope
685 L 1/8 X 1 1/2" CELOSIA VOL Brace 0.156704 PMM Envelope
686 L 1/8 X 1 1/2" CELOSIA VOL Beam 0.287275 PMM Envelope
687 L 1/8 X 1 1/2" CELOSIA VOL Beam 0.050558 PMM Envelope
688 L 1/8 X 1 1/2" CELOSIA VOL Brace 0.220624 PMM Envelope
693 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Brace 0.056814 PMM Envelope
694 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Brace 0.138824 PMM Envelope
695 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Brace 0.073824 PMM Envelope
696 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Brace 0.055264 PMM Envelope
697 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Brace 0.130059 PMM Envelope
698 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Brace 0.119076 PMM Envelope
699 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Brace 0.141443 PMM Envelope
700 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Brace 0.11716 PMM Envelope
701 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Brace 0.087006 PMM Envelope
702 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Brace 0.040663 PMM Envelope
703 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Brace 0.063117 PMM Envelope
704 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Brace 0.03575 PMM Envelope
705 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Brace 0.10726 PMM Envelope
706 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Brace 0.147552 PMM Envelope
707 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Brace 0.104791 PMM Envelope
708 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Brace 0.138994 PMM Envelope
709 L 1/8 X 1 1/2" CELOSIA VOL Brace 0.262159 PMM Envelope
710 L 1/8 X 1 1/2" CELOSIA VOL Brace 0.262516 PMM Envelope
711 L 1/8 X 1 1/2" CELOSIA VOL Brace 0.179733 PMM Envelope
712 L 1/8 X 1 1/2" CELOSIA VOL Brace 0.223432 PMM Envelope
713 L 1/8 X 1 1/2" CELOSIA VOL Brace 0.247911 PMM Envelope
714 L 1/8 X 1 1/2" CELOSIA VOL Brace 0.197446 PMM Envelope
715 L 1/8 X 1 1/2" CELOSIA VOL Beam 0.15715 PMM Envelope
716 L 1/8 X 1 1/2" CELOSIA VOL Beam 0.049557 PMM Envelope
717 L 1/8 X 1 1/2" CELOSIA VOL Brace 0.197111 PMM Envelope
718 L 1/8 X 1 1/2" CELOSIA VOL Brace 0.185365 PMM Envelope
719 L 1/8 X 1 1/2" CELOSIA VOL Brace 0.123477 PMM Envelope
720 L 1/8 X 1 1/2" CELOSIA VOL Brace 0.111581 PMM Envelope
721 L 1/8 X 1 1/2" CELOSIA VOL Brace 0.173614 PMM Envelope
722 L 1/8 X 1 1/2" CELOSIA VOL Brace 0.115841 PMM Envelope
723 L 1/8 X 1 1/2" CELOSIA VOL Beam 0.256852 PMM Envelope
724 L 1/8 X 1 1/2" CELOSIA VOL Beam 0.031299 PMM Envelope
725 L 1/8 X 1 1/2 Brace 0.052862 PMM Envelope
726 L 1/8 X 1 1/2 Brace 0.072851 PMM Envelope
727 L 1/8 X 1 1/2 Brace 0.046734 PMM Envelope
728 L 1/8 X 1 1/2 Brace 0.054138 PMM Envelope
729 L 1/8 X 1 1/2 Brace 0.042225 PMM Envelope
730 L 1/8 X 1 1/2 Brace 0.052115 PMM Envelope
731 L 1/8 X 1 1/2 Brace 0.047468 PMM Envelope
732 L 1/8 X 1 1/2 Brace 0.057192 PMM Envelope
733 L 1/8 X 1 1/2 Brace 0.053704 PMM Envelope
734 L 1/8 X 1 1/2 Brace 0.068305 PMM Envelope
735 L 1/8 X 1 1/2 Brace 0.155512 PMM Envelope
736 L 1/8 X 1 1/2 Brace 0.139264 PMM Envelope
737 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Brace 0.162414 PMM 1.2D+1.6G+0.8W
738 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Brace 0.132402 PMM Envelope
739 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Brace 0.214473 PMM Envelope
740 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Brace 0.182585 PMM Envelope
741 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Brace 0.200938 PMM Envelope
742 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Brace 0.305049 PMM Envelope
743 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Brace 0.42624 PMM Envelope
744 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Brace 0.210367 PMM Envelope
745 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Brace 0.23873 PMM Envelope
746 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Brace 0.200339 PMM Envelope
747 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Brace 0.236352 PMM Envelope
748 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Beam 0.094299 PMM Envelope
749 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Brace 0.398748 PMM Envelope
750 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Brace 0.303794 PMM Envelope
751 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Brace 0.187212 PMM Envelope
752 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Brace 0.173688 PMM Envelope
753 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Brace 0.155612 PMM Envelope
754 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Brace 0.17764 PMM Envelope
755 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Brace 0.326374 PMM Envelope
756 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Brace 0.492637 PMM Envelope
757 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Brace 0.200751 PMM Envelope
758 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Brace 0.226318 PMM Envelope
759 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Brace 0.20252 PMM Envelope
760 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Brace 0.266777 PMM Envelope
761 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Brace 0.234614 PMM Envelope
762 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Brace 0.302031 PMM Envelope
763 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Brace 0.1803 PMM Envelope
764 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Brace 0.195199 PMM Envelope
765 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Brace 0.170917 PMM Envelope
766 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Brace 0.158274 PMM Envelope
767 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Brace 0.268549 PMM Envelope
768 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Brace 0.437783 PMM Envelope
769 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Brace 0.135624 PMM Envelope
770 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Brace 0.196617 PMM Envelope
771 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Brace 0.149483 PMM Envelope
772 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Brace 0.227456 PMM Envelope
773 L 1/8 X 1 1/2 Brace 0.094556 PMM Envelope
774 L 3/8" X 2 1/2" Beam 0.135317 PMM 1.2D+1.6G+0.8W
775 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Brace 0.259537 PMM Envelope
776 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Brace 0.267534 PMM Envelope
777 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Brace 0.21558 PMM Envelope
778 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Brace 0.35308 PMM Envelope
779 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Brace 0.36798 PMM Envelope
780 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Brace 0.351834 PMM Envelope
781 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Brace 0.212167 PMM Envelope
782 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Brace 0.408731 PMM Envelope
783 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Brace 0.204345 PMM Envelope
784 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Brace 0.176916 PMM Envelope
785 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Brace 0.197829 PMM Envelope
786 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Brace 0.380354 PMM Envelope
787 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Brace 0.367744 PMM Envelope
788 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Brace 0.344597 PMM Envelope
789 L 1/8" X 1 1/2" cel col Brace 0.210184 PMM Envelope


TABLE: Joint Reactions            

Joint OutputCase CaseType F1 F2 F3 M1 M2 M3
Text Text Text KN KN KN KN-m KN-m KN-m
31 DEAD LinStatic -0.892 -0.92 16.793 0.039 -0.0668 -0.0033
36 DEAD LinStatic 0.619 0.753 -13.052 -0.0385 -0.0569 -0.0051
46 DEAD LinStatic -0.843 1.018 16.427 0.0272 -0.0554 7
51 DEAD LinStatic 0.646 -0.759 -13.548 -0.0271 -0.051 -0.0024
213 DEAD LinStatic -0.662 1.049 18.404 0.0174 -0.048 0.0024
218 DEAD LinStatic 1.068 -0.777 -13.534 -0.0155 -0.0463 -0.0018
231 DEAD LinStatic -0.614 -1.114 18.533 0.0274 -0.0565 -0.0036
236 DEAD LinStatic 1.174 0.831 -13.736 -0.0256 -0.0546 -0.0073
249 DEAD LinStatic -0.912 0.874 17.007 0.0253 -0.0574 0.0022
254 DEAD LinStatic 0.588 -0.708 -13.044 -0.0208 -0.0519 -0.0022
267 DEAD LinStatic -0.848 -1.053 16.385 0.0328 -0.0645 -0.0033
272 DEAD LinStatic 0.677 0.808 -13.71 -0.0317 -0.058 -0.0053

TABLE: Joint Reactions              

Join OutputCas CaseType StepTyp F1 F2 F3 M1 M2 M3
t e e
Text Text Text Text KN KN KN KN-m KN-m KN-m
35 ENVELOPE Combination Max 9.74 9.67 42.50 30.95 14.57 0.66
35 ENVELOPE Combination Min -9.49 -17.51 1.28 -21.93 -14.21 -0.75
36 ENVELOPE Combination Max 5.80 11.38 41.91 10.19 13.79 0.62
36 ENVELOPE Combination Min -5.73 -3.40 6.90 -29.22 -13.62 -0.55
72 ENVELOPE Combination Max 11.60 9.05 51.21 31.62 16.33 0.76
72 ENVELOPE Combination Min -11.39 -19.22 12.04 -20.89 -16.03 -0.87
73 ENVELOPE Combination Max 6.35 11.61 50.42 9.61 14.64 0.72
73 ENVELOPE Combination Min -6.29 -3.15 10.15 -29.67 -14.51 -0.64
108 ENVELOPE Combination Max 11.53 8.60 53.49 31.93 16.28 0.74
108 ENVELOPE Combination Min -11.42 -20.20 12.95 -20.16 -16.12 -0.79
109 ENVELOPE Combination Max 6.32 11.73 52.44 9.24 14.61 0.66
109 ENVELOPE Combination Min -6.29 -2.99 10.88 -29.91 -14.54 -0.63
144 ENVELOPE Combination Max 11.50 8.48 54.01 32.06 16.23 0.79
144 ENVELOPE Combination Min -11.50 -20.52 13.08 -19.95 -16.23 -0.79
145 ENVELOPE Combination Max 6.31 11.77 52.87 9.13 14.58 0.66
145 ENVELOPE Combination Min -6.31 -2.94 10.95 -30.00 -14.58 -0.66
180 ENVELOPE Combination Max 11.42 8.60 53.49 31.93 16.12 0.79
180 ENVELOPE Combination Min -11.53 -20.20 12.95 -20.16 -16.28 -0.74
181 ENVELOPE Combination Max 6.29 11.73 52.44 9.24 14.54 0.63
181 ENVELOPE Combination Min -6.32 -2.99 10.88 -29.91 -14.61 -0.66
216 ENVELOPE Combination Max 11.39 9.05 51.21 31.62 16.03 0.87
216 ENVELOPE Combination Min -11.60 -19.22 12.04 -20.89 -16.33 -0.76
217 ENVELOPE Combination Max 6.29 11.61 50.42 9.61 14.51 0.64
217 ENVELOPE Combination Min -6.35 -3.15 10.15 -29.67 -14.64 -0.72
252 ENVELOPE Combination Max 9.49 9.67 42.50 30.95 14.21 0.75
252 ENVELOPE Combination Min -9.74 -17.51 1.28 -21.93 -14.57 -0.66
253 ENVELOPE Combination Max 5.73 11.38 41.91 10.19 13.62 0.55
253 ENVELOPE Combination Min -5.80 -3.40 6.90 -29.22 -13.79 -0.62
12.3.1 DISEÑO DE COLUMNAS EJE B [0.50X0.50]
f'c [KN/m2] 21000
fy [KN/m2] 420000

b 0.5
t 0.5
L 2
h placa o viga 0
L libre 2
d' 0.062
d 0.438
Փ 0.65
β1 0.85
ՓPnb 1270.47

Pn [KN] sin mayorar 62.13

Pn [KN] Mayorada 79.5
Mn [KN-m] 57
e 0.92
F.S 3.00
U (Factor carga) 1.95
U* Pn [KN] 155.03


e' 1.105
m 23.529
m' 22.529

ρt 0.0069
ՓPn 115.030
Ast [m2] 0.0017
Ast [mm2] 1724.917
ρmin 0.01
Asmin 2500
As a suministrar 2500.000
As suministrado 14#5
As suministrado 2786
Cuantia 0.0111

Separacion de refuerzo transversal

Ag 0.25
Ach 0.1764
db longitudinal [mm] 15.9

Separacion confinada
1/4 (b) 0.125
6db 0.095
So 0.100
Sep zona confinada [m] 0.10

Longitud de confinamiento
Long confinamiento [m] 0.50

Separacion no confinada
Sep zona no confinada [m] 0.10

Area total de la seccion transversal del refuerzo de estribos cerrados de confinamiento rectangulares
Ag 0.25
Ach 0.2116
s [m] 0.10
Direccion X-b
Ash [m2] 129.84
Ash [m2] 214.65
Av ( estribo) 71
ramas necesarias 4.000
Direccion Y-t
Ash [m2] 129.84
Ash [m2] 214.65
Av (doble estribo) 71
ramas necesarias 4.000


f'c [KN/m2] 21000
fy [KN/m2] 420000

b 0.5
t 0.5
L 4.2
h placa o viga 0
L libre 4.2
d' 0.062
d 0.438
Փ 0.65
β1 0.85
ՓPnb 1270.47

Pn [KN] sin mayorar 125.688

Pn [KN] Mayorada 155.3
Mn [KN-m] 117.6
e 0.94
F.S 2.50
U (Factor carga) 1.63
U* Pn [KN] 252.39

e' 1.124
m 23.529
m' 22.529

ρt 0.0159
ՓPn 252.390
Ast [m2] 0.0040
Ast [mm2] 3963.632
ρmin 0.01
Asmin 2500
As a suministrar 3963.632
As suministrado 14#6
As suministrado 3976
Cuantia 0.0159

Separacion de refuerzo transversal

Ag 0.25
Ach 0.1764
db longitudinal [mm] 19.1
Separacion confinada
1/4 (b) 0.125
6db 0.115
So 0.100
Sep zona confinada [m] 0.10

Longitud de confinamiento
Long confinamiento [m] 0.70

Separacion no confinada
Sep zona no confinada [m] 0.11

Area total de la seccion transversal del refuerzo de estribos cerrados de confinamiento rectangulares

Ag 0.25
Ach 0.2116
s [m] 0.10
Direccion X-b
Ash [m2] 136.11
Ash [m2] 225.00
Av ( estribo) 71
ramas necesarias 4.000
Direccion Y-t
Ash [m2] 136.11
Ash [m2] 225.00
Av (doble estribo) 71
ramas necesarias 4.000



Para establecer el pre-dimensionamiento de las vigas, se acudió a la tabla C.9.5(a) del título C, en la cual se
hicieron pruebas con la viga de mayor longitud con el fin de terminar la altura (h) con la cual se va regir el
diseño estructural.
h= =0.281m →0.30 m
En la sección a trabajar la ecuación se divide por 18.5 al tomar la viga critica con un extremo continuo. Una
vez obtenido este valor se procede a completar la sección hallando b asumiendo un valor de 0,30 m. después
de establecida la sección se procede a realizar el chequeo normativo en el numeral C. DE LA nsr-10,
donde en su Literal b exige que la relación entre la dimensión menor de la sección transversal y la dimensión
perpendicular no puede ser menor que 0,25 para secciones transversales cuya menor dimensión debe ser
mayor a 300mm y menor o igual que 500mm. Por tal razón se da como avalada dicha disposición.

Cuantía mínima
ρmin= =0,00333

Cuantía balanceada

∗ (
600+ 420 )

ρmax =0.75 ρb=0,0159

 Área mínima para vigas 30x30

Asmin=ρmin∗b∗d=0,0033∗300∗(300−60)=240.98 mm2
Area equivalente a 2 No 5

 Área máxima para vigas 30x30

Asmax=ρmax∗b∗d=0,0159∗300∗(300−60)=1152.16 mm

Revisamos las fuerzas y momentos generados en las vigas de amarre.

Fuerzas actuantes sobre vigas de concreto

VIGA Máx. de P Máx. de V2 Máx. de V3 Máx. de T Máx. de M2 Máx. de M3
538 2.973 7.889 0.115 0.5718 0.2993 8.9593
539 0.82 7.786 0.02 0.0303 0.0585 8.7697
540 0.271 7.777 0.014 0.0096 0.0372 8.7507
541 0.271 7.777 0.014 0.0096 0.0372 8.7507
542 0.82 7.786 0.02 0.0303 0.0585 8.7697
543 2.973 7.889 0.115 0.5718 0.2993 8.9593
544 2.973 7.889 0.115 0.5718 0.2993 8.9593
545 0.82 7.786 0.02 0.0303 0.0585 8.7697
546 0.271 7.777 0.014 0.0096 0.0372 8.7507
547 0.271 7.777 0.014 0.0096 0.0372 8.7507
548 0.82 7.786 0.02 0.0303 0.0585 8.7697
549 2.973 7.889 0.115 0.5718 0.2993 8.9593
550 15.284 20.783 0.0003441 0.00004686 0.01 48.1237
551 15.284 20.783 0.0003441 0.00004686 0.01 48.1237

En la siguiente imagen se puede observar la denominación para las vigas de amarre.

Las secciones utilizadas en sentido longitudinal y su correspondiente denominación se muestran a

A continuacion, realizamos el chequeo de aceros para las vigas en sentido longitudinal con SAP2000 en donde se
observa que ninguno de los valores supera la cuantia minima, por ende se asignan 2#5 en la parte superior y 2#5 en la
parte inferior.



A continuacion se muestra el analisis para las vigas tensoras transversales, a las cuales se les tiene que suministrar 3#6
arriba y 2#6 abajo.



El momento máximo M(-) efectuado sobre las vigas tensoras de 30x30 es de 48.12KN-m, momento
para el cual se realiza el análisis a flexión.
f'c [KN/m2] 21000
fy [KN/m2] 420000
Para el momento
Mu (-) [KN*m] 48.12

d' [m] 0.0750

d [m] 0.2250
ɸ [flexion] 0.9

ϼ 0.0094
Mu [KN*m] 48.119

ϼmin 0.00273
ϼmin 0.00333
As min [mm2] 225.00
β1 0.85
ϼb 0.0213
ϼmax 0.0159
Asmax [mm2] 1075.78

As1 [m2] 0.00064

As1 [mm2] 636.36

As [mm2] 852.00
As suministrado 3#6

El cortante máximo V [KN] efectuado sobre las vigas de 30x30 es de 20.78KN, cortante para el cual se
realiza el análisis a cortante.

Vu [KN] 20.78

ɸ [cortante] 0.75
Resistencia proporcionada por el concreto para
ɸVc [KN] 39.4388
Vu - ɸVc 0.0000
no requiere refuerzo a cortante
Av (doble estribo) 0.000142

Area minima de refuerzo a cortante

Smax [m] 0.568
Smax [m] 0.056

S estribos No3 [m] 0.056

S estribos No3 [m] 0.113



TABLE: Joint Reactions            
Join OutputCase StepType F1 F2 F3 M1 M2 M3
Text Text Text KN KN KN KN-m KN-m KN-m
37 ENVELOPE Max 8.3 35.4 80.4 58.6 20.3 0.9
37 ENVELOPE Min -3.7 -9.4 35.0 -35.8 -25.5 -0.4
254 ENVELOPE Max 5.2 12.6 77.5 24.5 21.6 0.9
254 ENVELOPE Min -8.3 -5.0 30.0 -56.8 -23.5 -0.5
255 ENVELOPE Max 6.1 12.8 79.5 23.4 22.2 0.6
255 ENVELOPE Min -6.9 -4.7 30.7 -57.8 -22.7 -0.6
256 ENVELOPE Max 6.4 12.9 79.9 23.2 22.4 0.6
256 ENVELOPE Min -6.4 -4.7 30.7 -58.0 -22.4 -0.6
257 ENVELOPE Max 6.9 12.8 79.5 23.4 22.7 0.6
257 ENVELOPE Min -6.1 -4.7 30.7 -57.8 -22.2 -0.6
258 ENVELOPE Max 8.3 12.6 77.5 24.5 23.5 0.5
258 ENVELOPE Min -5.2 -5.0 30.0 -56.8 -21.6 -0.9
259 ENVELOPE Max 3.7 35.4 80.4 58.6 25.5 0.4
259 ENVELOPE Min -8.3 -9.4 35.0 -35.8 -20.3 -0.9
260 ENVELOPE Max 13.4 -7.0 127.8 67.6 4.0 0.5
260 ENVELOPE Min -5.7 -19.2 49.6 -84.4 -2.6 -1.0
261 ENVELOPE Max 12.2 17.9 151.5 116.7 5.8 0.6
261 ENVELOPE Min -11.8 -27.2 85.7 -81.0 -5.0 -1.1
262 ENVELOPE Max 14.1 17.1 154.9 117.5 5.2 0.8
262 ENVELOPE Min -13.0 -28.2 87.8 -78.1 -5.0 -0.8
263 ENVELOPE Max 11.9 16.8 155.3 117.6 5.0 0.8
263 ENVELOPE Min -11.9 -28.4 87.6 -77.3 -5.0 -0.8
264 ENVELOPE Max 13.0 17.1 154.9 117.5 5.0 0.8
264 ENVELOPE Min -14.1 -28.2 87.8 -78.1 -5.2 -0.8
265 ENVELOPE Max 11.8 17.9 151.5 116.7 5.0 1.1
265 ENVELOPE Min -12.2 -27.2 85.7 -81.0 -5.8 -0.6
266 ENVELOPE Max 5.7 -7.0 127.8 67.6 2.6 1.0
266 ENVELOPE Min -13.4 -19.2 49.6 -84.4 -4.0 -0.5


TABLE: Joint Reactions              
Join OutputCase StepType F1 F2 F3 M1 M2 M3
Text Text Text KN KN KN KN-m KN-m KN-m
37 CIM ENVELOPE Max 6.2 26.2 63.7 41.6 14.3 0.7
37 CIM ENVELOPE Min -2.7 -7.3 24.1 -26.1 -18.2 -0.3
254 CIM ENVELOPE Max 3.7 10.6 60.7 16.4 15.2 0.7
254 CIM ENVELOPE Min -6.1 -3.3 21.0 -46.7 -16.6 -0.3
255 CIM ENVELOPE Max 4.3 10.9 62.2 15.6 15.6 0.4
255 CIM ENVELOPE Min -4.9 -3.1 21.5 -48.0 -15.9 -0.4
256 CIM ENVELOPE Max 4.5 10.9 62.5 15.4 15.7 0.4
256 CIM ENVELOPE Min -4.5 -3.1 21.5 -48.3 -15.7 -0.4
257 CIM ENVELOPE Max 4.9 10.9 62.2 15.6 15.9 0.4
257 CIM ENVELOPE Min -4.3 -3.1 21.5 -48.0 -15.6 -0.4
258 CIM ENVELOPE Max 6.1 10.6 60.7 16.4 16.6 0.3
258 CIM ENVELOPE Min -3.7 -3.3 21.0 -46.7 -15.2 -0.7
259 CIM ENVELOPE Max 2.7 26.2 63.7 41.6 18.2 0.3
259 CIM ENVELOPE Min -6.2 -7.3 24.1 -26.1 -14.3 -0.7
260 CIM ENVELOPE Max 10.1 -4.2 107.0 48.3 3.0 0.3
260 CIM ENVELOPE Min -4.1 -14.9 33.2 -59.1 -1.8 -0.8
261 CIM ENVELOPE Max 8.6 12.4 122.7 86.8 4.1 0.4
261 CIM ENVELOPE Min -8.2 -18.8 58.2 -55.8 -3.5 -0.8
262 CIM ENVELOPE Max 10.0 11.8 125.4 87.8 3.7 0.6
262 CIM ENVELOPE Min -9.1 -18.7 59.6 -53.7 -3.5 -0.6
263 CIM ENVELOPE Max 8.3 11.6 125.7 88.0 3.5 0.6
263 CIM ENVELOPE Min -8.3 -18.7 59.5 -53.1 -3.5 -0.6
264 CIM ENVELOPE Max 9.1 11.8 125.4 87.8 3.5 0.6
264 CIM ENVELOPE Min -10.0 -18.7 59.6 -53.7 -3.7 -0.6
265 CIM ENVELOPE Max 8.2 12.4 122.7 86.8 3.5 0.8
265 CIM ENVELOPE Min -8.6 -18.8 58.2 -55.8 -4.1 -0.4
266 CIM ENVELOPE Max 4.1 -4.2 107.0 48.3 1.8 0.8
266 CIM ENVELOPE Min -10.1 -14.9 33.2 -59.1 -3.0 -0.3


b[m] 0.5
h[m] 0.5
h [m] 0.4
recubrimiento [m] 0.075
d[m] 0.316
profundidad parte inferior 1.2
profundidad parte superior 0.8

P [KN] sin mayorar 62.5

ꙋ suelo sobre zapata [KN/m3] 17.4618
Peso concreto reforzado [KN/m3] 24
Carga adm sobre el suelo [KN/m2] 142.2
Areq [m2] 0.527
L req [m] 0.726
Lx escogida [m] perpendicular 0.80
Ly escogida [m] medianeria 1.10
A de zapata [m2] 0.88

P[KN] mayorada 79.92
σ' [KN/m2] 90.82

Analisis en direccion Perpendicular

Qex [KN/m] 99.90
bo x (d/2) [m] 0.658
Vx (d/2) [KN] -14.21
x (d) [m] 0.82
Vx (d) [KN] 1.55
Mx max [KN-m] 11.988

Flexion direccion perpendicular

Mmax [KN-m] 11.988
Փ 0.9
ρ 0.0022
d [m] 0.116
h [m] 0.200

h escogida [m] 0.4

d [m] 0.3155

Mu [KN*m] 11.99
ρ 0.0003
As [mm2] 127.88
As min [mm2] 880
As suministrado [mm2] 880.00
As suministrado #4 c/15cm

Accion en dos direcciones para seccion

critica a d/2 del borde de columna
Vu (d/2) [KN] 14.21
bo [m] 1.72
Փ 0.75
ՓVc [KN] 616.64
d cumple

αs 30.00
ՓVc [KN] 1162.05
d cumple

Accion como viga para seccion critica

Vu (d) [KN] 1.548
ՓVc [KN] 202.77
d cumple

Resistencia al aplastamiento
Pu [KN] 119.88
Փ 0.65
A2 [m2] Area zapata 0.88
A1 [m2] Area columna 0.25
𝜙𝑃𝑛𝑏 5442.05
𝜙𝑃𝑛𝑏 6825.00
resiste el aplastamiento

Analisis en direccion de medianeria

Qey [KN/m] 72.65
bo y (d/2) [m] 0.408
Vy (d/2) [KN] -50.30
y (d) [m] 0.57
Vy (d) [KN] -38.83
My max [KN-m] 13.0

Flexion en direccion de medianeria

Mmax [KN-m] 12.987
Փ 0.9
ρ 0.0022
d [m] 0.142
h [m] 0.226

h escogida [m] 0.4

d[m] 0.3155

Mu [KN*m] 20.00
ρ 0.0007
As [mm2] 214.31
As min [mm2] 640
As suministrado 640.00
As suministrado #4 c/15cm

Accion en dos direcciones para seccion critica a

d/2 del borde de columna
Vu (d/2) [KN] 50.30
bo [m] 1.723
Փ 0.75
ՓVc [KN] 616.64
d cumple

αs 30
ՓVc [KN] 1162.05
d cumple

Accion como viga para seccion critica

Vu (d) [KN] 38.834
ՓVc [KN] 147.472
d cumple

Resistencia al aplastamiento
Pu [KN] 119.88
Փ 0.65
A2 [m2] Area zapata 0.88
A1 [m2] Area columna 0.25
𝜙𝑃𝑛𝑏 5442.05
𝜙𝑃𝑛𝑏 6825.00
resiste el aplastamiento

fy [KN/m2] 420000
f'c [KN/m2] 21000

bx[m] 0.5
by[m] 0.5

h [m] 0.4
recubrimiento [m] 0.075
d[m] 0.316
profundidad parte inferior 1.2
profundidad parte superior 0.8

P [KN] sin mayorar 125.69

ꙋ suelo sobre zapata [KN/m3] 17.4618
Peso concreto reforzado 24
Carga adm sobre el suelo 142.2
Areq [m2] 1.060
L req [m] 1.029
Lx escogida [m] perpendicular 0.90
Ly escogida [m] medianeria 1.20
A de zapata [m2] 1.08

P[KN] mayorada 155.32
σ' [KN/m2] 143.81

Analisis en direccion Perpendicular

Qex [KN/m] 172.58
bo x (d/2) [m] 0.658
Vx (d/2) [KN] -41.81
x (d) [m] 0.82
Vx (d) [KN] -14.58
Mx max [KN-m] 31.064

Flexion direccion perpendicular

Mmax [KN-m] 31.064
Փ 0.9
ρ 0.0022
d [m] 0.179
h [m] 0.263

h escogida [m] 0.4

d [m] 0.3155

Mu [KN*m] 31.06
ρ 0.0007
As [mm2] 332.95
As min [mm2] 960
As suministrado [mm2] 960.00
As suministrado #4 c/15cm

Accion en dos direcciones para seccion

critica a d/2 del borde de columna
Vu (d/2) [KN] 41.81
bo [m] 1.72
Փ 0.75
ՓVc [KN] 616.64
d cumple

αs 30.00
ՓVc [KN] 1162.05
d cumple

Accion como viga para seccion critica

Vu (d) [KN] 14.583
ՓVc [KN] 221.21
d cumple

Resistencia al aplastamiento
Pu [KN] 232.98
Փ 0.65
A2 [m2] Area zapata 1.08
A1 [m2] Area columna 0.25
𝜙𝑃𝑛𝑏 6028.84
𝜙𝑃𝑛𝑏 6825.00
resiste el aplastamiento

Analisis en direccion de medianeria

Qey [KN/m] 129.43
bo y (d/2) [m] 0.408
Vy (d/2) [KN] -102.54
y (d) [m] 0.57
Vy (d) [KN] -82.13
My max [KN-m] 31.1

Flexion en direccion de medianeria

Mmax [KN-m] 31.064
Փ 0.9
ρ 0.0022
d [m] 0.206
h [m] 0.291

h escogida [m] 0.4

d[m] 0.3155

Mu [KN*m] 31.06
ρ 0.0009
As [mm2] 333.88
As min [mm2] 720
As suministrado [mm2] 720.00
As suministrado #4 c/15cm

Accion en dos direcciones para seccion critica a

d/2 del borde de columna
Vu (d/2) [KN] 102.54
bo [m] 1.723
Փ 0.75
ՓVc [KN] 616.64
d cumple

αs 30
ՓVc [KN] 1162.05
d cumple

Accion como viga para seccion critica

Vu (d) [KN] 82.125
ՓVc [KN] 165.906
d cumple

Resistencia al aplastamiento
Pu [KN] 232.98
Փ 0.65
A2 [m2] Area zapata 1.08
A1 [m2] Area columna 0.25
𝜙𝑃𝑛𝑏 6028.84
𝜙𝑃𝑛𝑏 6825.00
resiste el aplastamiento


h [m] 2
Sobrecarga qok [KN/m2] 5
γ suelo [KN/m3] 17
φ° 17
δ° 11.33333333
θ° 0
a° 0
Cohesion [KN/m2] 12
Ka 0.333
Capacidad portante [KN/m2] 142.245
f´c [Mpa] 21
fy [Mpa] 420

Ancho base escogido 0.400

Ancho superior muro escogido 0.250
Ancho inferior muro escogido 0.250
Largo base muro escogido 0.000
Largo talon escogido 1.250
Largo total base 1.500


Evaluacion de cargas verticales
a) Volcamiento (A) Estatico
Cargas [KN] Brazo Momento
P1 0.00 0.00 0.00
P2 9.60 0.13 1.20
P3 14.40 0.75 10.80
P4 34.00 0.88 29.75
P5 6.25 0.88 5.47
W 64.25 Ma+ 47.22

Evaluacion de cargas horizontales

Asimilacion de la sobrecarga aplicada sobre el relleno
h' [m] 0.29
Ea 14.65
p' [KN/m2] 1.67
P (h+h') 12.99
Brazo [m] 0.74
Ma- 10.88
Factor de seguridad
α 4.34
ok F.S. >3

Revision por capacidad Portante

Sumatoria de momentos
Sum M (A) 36.34
X (A) 0.566
e 0.184
σ max 74.425
σ min 11.242

b) Deslizamiento - Estatico
F 32.13
F.S. 2.19
ok desplazamiento

σ a-b 74.42
R1 0.00
R2 64.25
Sum Fv 64.25


a) Volcamiento - Pseudo Estatico
Fuerzas sismicas
Aa 0.15
Fa 1.5
φ [rads] 0.2967
δ ° [rads] 0.1978
θ [rads] 0.0000
a [rads] 0.0000
Kh 0.15
Kv 0.1
n 0.1651
Kae arriba 0.8472
Eae [KN] 25.92
ΔEae 11.27
h [m] 0.899
M Eae [KN*m] 23.29
Factor de seguridad
α 2.03
ok F.S.>2

Revision por capacidad Portante

Sumatoria de momentos
Sum M (A) 23.93
X (A) 0.372
e 0.378
σ max 107.532
σ min -0.002

b) Deslizamiento - Pseudo Estatico

F 32.13
F.S. 1.24
ok desplazamiento

a) Muro
E 25.92
E' 3.33
E total 29.25

V [KN] 29.25
Vu [KN] 43.88
φ Vc [KN] 99.33

Ma-c 20.59
φ Mn [KNm] 30.89
ρ 0.0008
φ Mn [KNm] 30.89
ρ min 0.0020
As longitudinal [mm2] cara relleno 500.00
As suministrado cara relleno 645.00
Cantidad 5.00
diametro #4
Separacion 0.20

As longitudinal [mm2] cara externa 500.00

As suministrado cara externa 645.00
Cantidad 5.00
diametro #4
Separacion 0.20
As transversal [mm2] 680
As suministrado 1032
Cantidad 8
diametro #3
Separacion 0.26

c) Voladizo del talon

σ c-e 63.89
Vce [KN] 5.29
Vu [KN] 7.93
φ Vc [KN] 186.97

Mc-e 2.68
φ Mn [KNm] 4.01

ρ 0.0001
φ Mn [KNm] 4.01
ρ min 0.002

As longitudinal [mm2] 800

As suministrado [mm2] 774.00
Cantidad 6.00
diametro #4
Separacion 0.17

As transversal [mm2] 800

As suministrado [mm2] 774.00
Cantidad 6.00
diametro #4
Separacion 0.20



TABLE: Frame Section Properties 01 - General
SectionName Material Shape t3 t2 t Area
Text Text Text m m m m2
RHS 60X120X2.5 A992Fy50 (322Mpa) Box/Tube 0.12 0.06 0.003 0.000875
tubo 50x30x2mm A992Fy50 (350Mpa) Box/Tube 0.05 0.03 0.002 0.000304
tubo 60x40 e=2.00 A992Fy50 (350Mpa) Box/Tube 0.06 0.04 0.002 0.000384
tubo 75x75x3mm A992Fy50 (350Mpa) Box/Tube 0.07 0.075 0.003 0.000864


14.2.1 MODELO 3D



TABLE: Frame Section Assignments 
Frame SectionType AutoSelect AnalSect DesignSect
Text Text Text Text Text
1 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 75x75x3mm tubo 75x75x3mm
2 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
3 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 75x75x3mm tubo 75x75x3mm
5 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 75x75x3mm tubo 75x75x3mm
6 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 75x75x3mm tubo 75x75x3mm
7 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 75x75x3mm tubo 75x75x3mm
8 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
9 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 75x75x3mm tubo 75x75x3mm
10 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 75x75x3mm tubo 75x75x3mm
11 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 75x75x3mm tubo 75x75x3mm
12 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 75x75x3mm tubo 75x75x3mm
13 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 75x75x3mm tubo 75x75x3mm
14 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 75x75x3mm tubo 75x75x3mm
15 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 75x75x3mm tubo 75x75x3mm
16 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 75x75x3mm tubo 75x75x3mm
17 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 75x75x3mm tubo 75x75x3mm
18 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 75x75x3mm tubo 75x75x3mm
19 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 75x75x3mm tubo 75x75x3mm
20 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 75x75x3mm tubo 75x75x3mm
21 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 75x75x3mm tubo 75x75x3mm
22 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 75x75x3mm tubo 75x75x3mm
23 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 75x75x3mm tubo 75x75x3mm
24 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 75x75x3mm tubo 75x75x3mm
25 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 75x75x3mm tubo 75x75x3mm
26 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 75x75x3mm tubo 75x75x3mm
27 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 75x75x3mm tubo 75x75x3mm
28 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 75x75x3mm tubo 75x75x3mm
29 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 75x75x3mm tubo 75x75x3mm
30 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 75x75x3mm tubo 75x75x3mm
31 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 75x75x3mm tubo 75x75x3mm
32 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 75x75x3mm tubo 75x75x3mm
33 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 75x75x3mm tubo 75x75x3mm
34 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 75x75x3mm tubo 75x75x3mm
35 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 75x75x3mm tubo 75x75x3mm
36 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 75x75x3mm tubo 75x75x3mm
37 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
38 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 75x75x3mm tubo 75x75x3mm
39 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
40 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 75x75x3mm tubo 75x75x3mm
41 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
42 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 75x75x3mm tubo 75x75x3mm
43 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
44 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 75x75x3mm tubo 75x75x3mm
45 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
46 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
47 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
48 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
49 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
50 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
51 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
52 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
53 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
54 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
56 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
57 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
58 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
59 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
60 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 75x75x3mm tubo 75x75x3mm
61 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
62 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
63 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
64 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
65 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 75x75x3mm tubo 75x75x3mm
66 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
67 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
68 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
69 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
70 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
71 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
72 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
73 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
74 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
75 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
76 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
77 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
78 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
79 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
80 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 75x75x3mm tubo 75x75x3mm
81 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
82 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 75x75x3mm tubo 75x75x3mm
83 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 75x75x3mm tubo 75x75x3mm
84 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 75x75x3mm tubo 75x75x3mm
85 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 75x75x3mm tubo 75x75x3mm
86 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 75x75x3mm tubo 75x75x3mm
87 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 75x75x3mm tubo 75x75x3mm
88 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 75x75x3mm tubo 75x75x3mm
89 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 75x75x3mm tubo 75x75x3mm
90 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 75x75x3mm tubo 75x75x3mm
91 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 75x75x3mm tubo 75x75x3mm
92 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 75x75x3mm tubo 75x75x3mm
93 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 75x75x3mm tubo 75x75x3mm
94 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 75x75x3mm tubo 75x75x3mm
95 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 75x75x3mm tubo 75x75x3mm
96 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 75x75x3mm tubo 75x75x3mm
97 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 75x75x3mm tubo 75x75x3mm
98 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 75x75x3mm tubo 75x75x3mm
99 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 75x75x3mm tubo 75x75x3mm
100 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
101 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
102 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
103 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
104 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
105 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
106 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
107 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
108 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
109 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
110 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
111 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 75x75x3mm tubo 75x75x3mm
112 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
113 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
114 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
115 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
116 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
117 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
118 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
119 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
120 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
121 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 75x75x3mm tubo 75x75x3mm
122 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
123 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
124 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
125 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
126 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
127 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
128 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 75x75x3mm tubo 75x75x3mm
129 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
130 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
131 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
132 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
133 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
134 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
135 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
136 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
137 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
138 Box/Tube N.A. RHS 60X120X2.5 RHS 60X120X2.5
139 Box/Tube N.A. RHS 60X120X2.5 RHS 60X120X2.5
140 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
141 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
142 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
143 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
144 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
145 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
146 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
147 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
148 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
149 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
150 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
151 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
152 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
153 Box/Tube N.A. RHS 60X120X2.5 RHS 60X120X2.5
154 Box/Tube N.A. RHS 60X120X2.5 RHS 60X120X2.5
155 Box/Tube N.A. RHS 60X120X2.5 RHS 60X120X2.5
156 Box/Tube N.A. RHS 60X120X2.5 RHS 60X120X2.5
157 Box/Tube N.A. RHS 60X120X2.5 RHS 60X120X2.5
158 Box/Tube N.A. RHS 60X120X2.5 RHS 60X120X2.5
159 Box/Tube N.A. RHS 60X120X2.5 RHS 60X120X2.5
160 Box/Tube N.A. RHS 60X120X2.5 RHS 60X120X2.5
161 Box/Tube N.A. RHS 60X120X2.5 RHS 60X120X2.5
162 Box/Tube N.A. RHS 60X120X2.5 RHS 60X120X2.5
164 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 60x40 e=2.00 tubo 60x40 e=2.00
167 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 60x40 e=2.00 tubo 60x40 e=2.00
183 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
184 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
185 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
186 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
187 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
188 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
189 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
190 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
191 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
203 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
204 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
205 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
206 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
207 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
208 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
209 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
210 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 75x75x3mm tubo 75x75x3mm
211 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
212 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 75x75x3mm tubo 75x75x3mm
213 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 75x75x3mm tubo 75x75x3mm
214 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 75x75x3mm tubo 75x75x3mm
215 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 75x75x3mm tubo 75x75x3mm
216 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 75x75x3mm tubo 75x75x3mm
217 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 75x75x3mm tubo 75x75x3mm
218 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 75x75x3mm tubo 75x75x3mm
219 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 75x75x3mm tubo 75x75x3mm
220 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 75x75x3mm tubo 75x75x3mm
221 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 75x75x3mm tubo 75x75x3mm
222 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 75x75x3mm tubo 75x75x3mm
223 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 75x75x3mm tubo 75x75x3mm
224 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 75x75x3mm tubo 75x75x3mm
225 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 75x75x3mm tubo 75x75x3mm
226 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 75x75x3mm tubo 75x75x3mm
227 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 75x75x3mm tubo 75x75x3mm
228 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 75x75x3mm tubo 75x75x3mm
229 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 75x75x3mm tubo 75x75x3mm
230 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
231 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
232 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
233 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
234 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
235 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
236 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
237 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
238 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
239 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
240 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
242 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
243 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
244 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
245 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
247 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
248 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
249 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
250 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
253 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
254 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
255 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
256 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
257 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
258 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
259 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
260 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
261 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
262 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
263 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
264 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
265 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
287 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 60x40 e=2.00 tubo 60x40 e=2.00
288 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 60x40 e=2.00 tubo 60x40 e=2.00
289 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 60x40 e=2.00 tubo 60x40 e=2.00
290 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 60x40 e=2.00 tubo 60x40 e=2.00
291 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 60x40 e=2.00 tubo 60x40 e=2.00
292 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 60x40 e=2.00 tubo 60x40 e=2.00
293 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 60x40 e=2.00 tubo 60x40 e=2.00
294 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 60x40 e=2.00 tubo 60x40 e=2.00
295 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 60x40 e=2.00 tubo 60x40 e=2.00
296 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 60x40 e=2.00 tubo 60x40 e=2.00
297 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 60x40 e=2.00 tubo 60x40 e=2.00
298 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 60x40 e=2.00 tubo 60x40 e=2.00
299 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 60x40 e=2.00 tubo 60x40 e=2.00
300 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 60x40 e=2.00 tubo 60x40 e=2.00
301 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 60x40 e=2.00 tubo 60x40 e=2.00
302 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 60x40 e=2.00 tubo 60x40 e=2.00
304 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 60x40 e=2.00 tubo 60x40 e=2.00
305 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 60x40 e=2.00 tubo 60x40 e=2.00
306 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 60x40 e=2.00 tubo 60x40 e=2.00
307 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 60x40 e=2.00 tubo 60x40 e=2.00
308 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 60x40 e=2.00 tubo 60x40 e=2.00
309 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 60x40 e=2.00 tubo 60x40 e=2.00
310 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 60x40 e=2.00 tubo 60x40 e=2.00
312 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 60x40 e=2.00 tubo 60x40 e=2.00
313 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 60x40 e=2.00 tubo 60x40 e=2.00
314 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 60x40 e=2.00 tubo 60x40 e=2.00
315 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 60x40 e=2.00 tubo 60x40 e=2.00
316 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 60x40 e=2.00 tubo 60x40 e=2.00
317 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 60x40 e=2.00 tubo 60x40 e=2.00
318 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 60x40 e=2.00 tubo 60x40 e=2.00
319 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 60x40 e=2.00 tubo 60x40 e=2.00
320 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 60x40 e=2.00 tubo 60x40 e=2.00
321 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 60x40 e=2.00 tubo 60x40 e=2.00
322 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 60x40 e=2.00 tubo 60x40 e=2.00
323 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 60x40 e=2.00 tubo 60x40 e=2.00
324 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 60x40 e=2.00 tubo 60x40 e=2.00
325 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
326 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
327 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
328 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
329 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
330 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
331 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
332 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
333 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
334 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
335 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
336 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
337 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
338 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
339 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
340 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
341 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
342 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
343 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
344 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
345 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
346 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
347 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
348 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
349 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
350 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
351 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
352 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
353 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
354 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
355 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
356 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm
357 Box/Tube N.A. tubo 50x30x2mm tubo 50x30x2mm


La Deriva máxima permitida es 0.01h = 0.01(4.10) =0.041m. A continuación, se muestra la tabla de
desplazamientos de la cubierta en la cual se observa que la deriva máxima es equivalente a 0.0317, la cual
se encuentra por debajo del valor máximo permitido.

TABLE: Joint Displacements

Join OutputCase CaseType StepType U1 U2
108 Sx LinStatic 0.0069 0.0000
108 Sy LinStatic 0.0006 0.0313
108 Fx LinRespSpec Max 0.0062 0.0090
108 Fy LinRespSpec Max 0.0020 0.0299
30 Sx LinStatic 0.0069 0.0000
30 Sy LinStatic 0.0017 0.0317
30 Fx LinRespSpec Max 0.0063 0.0091
30 Fy LinRespSpec Max 0.0028 0.0302
60 Sx LinStatic 0.0069 0.0000
60 Sy LinStatic 0.0006 0.0313
60 Fx LinRespSpec Max 0.0062 0.0090
60 Fy LinRespSpec Max 0.0020 0.0299
82 Sx LinStatic 0.0069 0.0000
82 Sy LinStatic 0.0017 0.0317
82 Fx LinRespSpec Max 0.0063 0.0091
82 Fy LinRespSpec Max 0.0028 0.0302


TABLE: Joint Reactions            

Joint OutputCase StepType F1 F2 F3 M1 M2 M3
Text Text Text KN KN KN KN-m KN-m KN-m
1 ENVELOPE Max 1.25 1.43 14.31 1.94 0.14 0.11
4 ENVELOPE Max 0.15 1.10 38.59 1.64 0.12 0.10
TOTAL 1.40 2.54 52.90 3.57 0.26 0.21
1 ENVELOPE Min -1.66 -1.43 -28.60 -1.94 -0.28 -0.11
4 ENVELOPE Min -0.27 -1.09 -11.74 -1.65 -0.25 -0.09
TOTAL -1.93 -2.53 -40.34 -3.58 -0.53 -0.20
5 ENVELOPE Max 1.25 1.43 14.31 1.94 0.14 0.11
19 ENVELOPE Max 0.15 1.09 38.59 1.65 0.12 0.09
TOTAL 1.40 2.53 52.90 3.58 0.26 0.20
5 ENVELOPE Min -1.66 -1.43 -28.60 -1.94 -0.28 -0.11
19 ENVELOPE Min -0.27 -1.10 -11.74 -1.64 -0.25 -0.10
TOTAL -1.93 -2.54 -40.34 -3.57 -0.53 -0.21
39 ENVELOPE Max 1.63 0.63 16.31 1.14 0.16 0.03
42 ENVELOPE Max 0.18 0.57 35.96 1.03 0.13 0.03
TOTAL 1.81 1.20 52.27 2.18 0.30 0.06
39 ENVELOPE Min -1.07 -0.63 -22.85 -1.14 -0.24 -0.03
42 ENVELOPE Min -0.21 -0.57 -11.98 -1.03 -0.21 -0.03
TOTAL -1.28 -1.20 -34.84 -2.17 -0.44 -0.06
87 ENVELOPE Max 1.63 0.63 16.31 1.14 0.16 0.03
90 ENVELOPE Max 0.18 0.57 35.96 1.03 0.13 0.03
TOTAL 1.81 1.20 52.27 2.17 0.30 0.06
87 ENVELOPE Min -1.07 -0.63 -22.85 -1.14 -0.24 -0.03
90 ENVELOPE Min -0.21 -0.57 -11.98 -1.03 -0.21 -0.03
TOTAL -1.28 -1.20 -34.84 -2.18 -0.44 -0.06
fy [KN/m2] 420000
fc [KN/m2] 21000
Carga o reaccion en la zapata [KN] 60
recubrimiento [m] 0.075
Carga adm sobre el suelo 142.2
Areq [m2] 0.42
L1 [m] zapata 0.65
L2[m] zapata 0.90
A [m2] 0.585

P mayorada [KN] 60.00

𝜎𝑛𝑒𝑡𝑎 [KN/m2] 102.56


M flex 2.083333
∅Mn 3.125
Փ 0.9
ρ 0.0025
d [m] 0.117
h [m] 0.201

se toman los valores

d [m] 0.215
h [m] 0.300

ρ 0.00072
Mu [KN-m] 3.13
As [mm2] 100.84
As min [mm2] 389.68
As suministrado 389.68
As suministrado #4 c/15cm

Asmin [mm2] 539.55
As [mm2] 139.62
As suministrado 539.55
Acero franja central  
β 1.384615
As central 452.5258
Realizamos el chequeo mediante el programa SAP2000 en donde verificamos que ninguno de los elementos
de cubierta excede su capacidad de carga.
TABLE: Steel Design 1 - Summary Data - AISC 360-16    
Frame DesignSect DesignType Ratio RatioType Combo
Text Text Text Unitless Text Text
8 tubo 50x30x2mm Brace 0.164409 PMM ENVELOPE
11 tubo 75x75x3mm Column 0.127659 PMM ENVELOPE
13 tubo 75x75x3mm Column 0.137345 PMM ENVELOPE
14 tubo 75x75x3mm Column 0.848842 PMM ENVELOPE
15 tubo 75x75x3mm Column 0.76112 PMM ENVELOPE
16 tubo 75x75x3mm Column 0.660975 PMM ENVELOPE
17 tubo 75x75x3mm Column 0.641275 PMM ENVELOPE
18 tubo 75x75x3mm Column 0.648867 PMM ENVELOPE
19 tubo 75x75x3mm Column 0.629479 PMM ENVELOPE
20 tubo 75x75x3mm Column 0.562914 PMM ENVELOPE
21 tubo 75x75x3mm Column 0.497271 PMM ENVELOPE
29 tubo 75x75x3mm Column 0.33776 PMM ENVELOPE
30 tubo 75x75x3mm Column 0.226379 PMM ENVELOPE
31 tubo 75x75x3mm Column 0.140901 PMM ENVELOPE
32 tubo 75x75x3mm Column 0.160876 PMM ENVELOPE
33 tubo 75x75x3mm Column 0.287533 PMM ENVELOPE
34 tubo 75x75x3mm Column 0.263297 PMM ENVELOPE
35 tubo 75x75x3mm Column 0.134667 PMM ENVELOPE
36 tubo 75x75x3mm Column 0.102714 PMM ENVELOPE
37 tubo 50x30x2mm Beam 0.048603 PMM ENVELOPE
39 tubo 50x30x2mm Beam 0.043495 PMM ENVELOPE
41 tubo 50x30x2mm Beam 0.067464 PMM ENVELOPE
43 tubo 50x30x2mm Beam 0.123451 PMM ENVELOPE
45 tubo 50x30x2mm Beam 0.182284 PMM ENVELOPE
47 tubo 50x30x2mm Beam 0.062645 PMM ENVELOPE
49 tubo 50x30x2mm Beam 0.119261 PMM ENVELOPE
51 tubo 50x30x2mm Brace 0.085721 PMM ENVELOPE
52 tubo 50x30x2mm Brace 0.017972 PMM ENVELOPE
53 tubo 50x30x2mm Brace 0.009584 PMM ENVELOPE
54 tubo 50x30x2mm Brace 0.00822 PMM ENVELOPE
56 tubo 50x30x2mm Brace 0.290852 PMM ENVELOPE
57 tubo 50x30x2mm Brace 0.084433 PMM 1.2D+1.6Lr+0.8W
58 tubo 50x30x2mm Brace 0.044748 PMM 1.2D+1.6Lr+0.8W
59 tubo 50x30x2mm Brace 0.01783 PMM 1.2D+1.6Lr+0.8W
61 tubo 50x30x2mm Column 0.09431 PMM 1.2D+1.6Lr+0.8W
62 tubo 50x30x2mm Column 0.069272 PMM 1.2D+1.6Lr+0.8W
63 tubo 50x30x2mm Column 0.030054 PMM 1.2D+1.6Lr+0.8W
64 tubo 50x30x2mm Column 0.033609 PMM 1.2D+1.6Lr+0.8W
67 tubo 50x30x2mm Brace 0.01374 PMM 1.2D+1.6Lr+0.8W
68 tubo 50x30x2mm Brace 0.026897 PMM 1.2D+1.6Lr+0.8W
69 tubo 50x30x2mm Brace 0.0435 PMM 1.2D+1.6Lr+0.8W
70 tubo 50x30x2mm Brace 0.097547 PMM 1.2D+1.6Lr+0.8W
71 tubo 50x30x2mm Brace 0.234562 PMM ENVELOPE
80 tubo 75x75x3mm Brace 0.134426 PMM ENVELOPE
81 tubo 50x30x2mm Brace 0.216202 PMM ENVELOPE
82 tubo 75x75x3mm Column 0.202985 PMM ENVELOPE
83 tubo 75x75x3mm Column 0.405649 PMM ENVELOPE
84 tubo 75x75x3mm Column 0.727289 PMM ENVELOPE
85 tubo 75x75x3mm Column 0.714405 PMM ENVELOPE
86 tubo 75x75x3mm Column 0.703727 PMM ENVELOPE
87 tubo 75x75x3mm Column 0.692522 PMM ENVELOPE
88 tubo 75x75x3mm Column 0.736665 PMM ENVELOPE
89 tubo 75x75x3mm Column 0.787834 PMM ENVELOPE
90 tubo 75x75x3mm Column 0.816143 PMM ENVELOPE
91 tubo 75x75x3mm Column 0.856357 PMM ENVELOPE
92 tubo 75x75x3mm Column 0.252097 PMM ENVELOPE
93 tubo 75x75x3mm Column 0.183729 PMM ENVELOPE
94 tubo 75x75x3mm Column 0.132423 PMM ENVELOPE
95 tubo 75x75x3mm Column 0.087965 PMM ENVELOPE
96 tubo 75x75x3mm Column 0.119165 PMM ENVELOPE
97 tubo 75x75x3mm Column 0.169359 PMM ENVELOPE
98 tubo 75x75x3mm Column 0.253975 PMM ENVELOPE
99 tubo 75x75x3mm Column 0.18883 PMM ENVELOPE
100 tubo 50x30x2mm Beam 0.03143 PMM ENVELOPE
101 tubo 50x30x2mm Beam 0.031095 PMM ENVELOPE
102 tubo 50x30x2mm Beam 0.032972 PMM ENVELOPE
103 tubo 50x30x2mm Beam 0.035341 PMM ENVELOPE
104 tubo 50x30x2mm Beam 0.051228 PMM ENVELOPE
105 tubo 50x30x2mm Beam 0.093301 PMM ENVELOPE
106 tubo 50x30x2mm Beam 0.095264 PMM ENVELOPE
107 tubo 50x30x2mm Brace 0.159849 PMM ENVELOPE
108 tubo 50x30x2mm Brace 0.041708 PMM 1.2D+1.6Lr+0.8W
109 tubo 50x30x2mm Brace 0.030109 PMM ENVELOPE
110 tubo 50x30x2mm Brace 0.019722 PMM ENVELOPE
112 tubo 50x30x2mm Brace 0.555247 PMM ENVELOPE
113 tubo 50x30x2mm Brace 0.269297 PMM ENVELOPE
114 tubo 50x30x2mm Brace 0.078991 PMM 1.2D+1.6Lr+0.8W
115 tubo 50x30x2mm Brace 0.022251 PMM 1.2D+1.6Lr+0.8W
117 tubo 50x30x2mm Column 0.18175 PMM ENVELOPE
118 tubo 50x30x2mm Column 0.097909 PMM ENVELOPE
119 tubo 50x30x2mm Column 0.057892 PMM ENVELOPE
120 tubo 50x30x2mm Column 0.021835 PMM 1.2D+1.6Lr+0.8W
123 tubo 50x30x2mm Brace 0.020435 PMM 1.2D+1.6Lr+0.8W
124 tubo 50x30x2mm Brace 0.048559 PMM ENVELOPE
125 tubo 50x30x2mm Brace 0.073173 PMM ENVELOPE
126 tubo 50x30x2mm Brace 0.183208 PMM ENVELOPE
127 tubo 50x30x2mm Brace 0.396467 PMM ENVELOPE
183 tubo 50x30x2mm Brace 0.075331 PMM ENVELOPE
184 tubo 50x30x2mm Brace 0.078072 PMM ENVELOPE
185 tubo 50x30x2mm Brace 0.037064 PMM ENVELOPE
186 tubo 50x30x2mm Brace 0.094693 PMM ENVELOPE
187 tubo 50x30x2mm Brace 0.101992 PMM ENVELOPE
188 tubo 50x30x2mm Brace 0.053497 PMM ENVELOPE
189 tubo 50x30x2mm Brace 0.03759 PMM ENVELOPE
190 tubo 50x30x2mm Brace 0.059583 PMM ENVELOPE
191 tubo 50x30x2mm Brace 0.0971 PMM ENVELOPE
203 tubo 50x30x2mm Brace 0.090121 PMM ENVELOPE
204 tubo 50x30x2mm Brace 0.063573 PMM ENVELOPE
205 tubo 50x30x2mm Brace 0.03579 PMM ENVELOPE
206 tubo 50x30x2mm Brace 0.042433 PMM ENVELOPE
207 tubo 50x30x2mm Brace 0.045831 PMM ENVELOPE
208 tubo 50x30x2mm Brace 0.057503 PMM ENVELOPE
209 tubo 50x30x2mm Brace 0.069352 PMM ENVELOPE
210 tubo 75x75x3mm Brace 0.134426 PMM ENVELOPE
211 tubo 50x30x2mm Brace 0.216202 PMM ENVELOPE
212 tubo 75x75x3mm Column 0.202985 PMM ENVELOPE
213 tubo 75x75x3mm Column 0.405649 PMM ENVELOPE
214 tubo 75x75x3mm Column 0.727289 PMM ENVELOPE
215 tubo 75x75x3mm Column 0.714405 PMM ENVELOPE
216 tubo 75x75x3mm Column 0.703727 PMM ENVELOPE
217 tubo 75x75x3mm Column 0.692522 PMM ENVELOPE
218 tubo 75x75x3mm Column 0.736665 PMM ENVELOPE
219 tubo 75x75x3mm Column 0.787834 PMM ENVELOPE
220 tubo 75x75x3mm Column 0.816143 PMM ENVELOPE
221 tubo 75x75x3mm Column 0.856357 PMM ENVELOPE
222 tubo 75x75x3mm Column 0.252097 PMM ENVELOPE
223 tubo 75x75x3mm Column 0.183729 PMM ENVELOPE
224 tubo 75x75x3mm Column 0.132423 PMM ENVELOPE
225 tubo 75x75x3mm Column 0.087965 PMM ENVELOPE
226 tubo 75x75x3mm Column 0.119165 PMM ENVELOPE
227 tubo 75x75x3mm Column 0.169359 PMM ENVELOPE
228 tubo 75x75x3mm Column 0.253975 PMM ENVELOPE
229 tubo 75x75x3mm Column 0.18883 PMM ENVELOPE
230 tubo 50x30x2mm Beam 0.03143 PMM ENVELOPE
231 tubo 50x30x2mm Beam 0.031095 PMM ENVELOPE
232 tubo 50x30x2mm Beam 0.032972 PMM ENVELOPE
233 tubo 50x30x2mm Beam 0.035341 PMM ENVELOPE
234 tubo 50x30x2mm Beam 0.051228 PMM ENVELOPE
235 tubo 50x30x2mm Beam 0.093301 PMM ENVELOPE
236 tubo 50x30x2mm Beam 0.095264 PMM ENVELOPE
237 tubo 50x30x2mm Brace 0.159849 PMM ENVELOPE
238 tubo 50x30x2mm Brace 0.041708 PMM 1.2D+1.6Lr+0.8W
239 tubo 50x30x2mm Brace 0.030109 PMM ENVELOPE
240 tubo 50x30x2mm Brace 0.019722 PMM ENVELOPE
242 tubo 50x30x2mm Brace 0.555247 PMM ENVELOPE
243 tubo 50x30x2mm Brace 0.269297 PMM ENVELOPE
244 tubo 50x30x2mm Brace 0.078991 PMM 1.2D+1.6Lr+0.8W
245 tubo 50x30x2mm Brace 0.022251 PMM 1.2D+1.6Lr+0.8W
247 tubo 50x30x2mm Column 0.18175 PMM ENVELOPE
248 tubo 50x30x2mm Column 0.097909 PMM ENVELOPE
249 tubo 50x30x2mm Column 0.057892 PMM ENVELOPE
250 tubo 50x30x2mm Column 0.021835 PMM 1.2D+1.6Lr+0.8W
253 tubo 50x30x2mm Brace 0.020435 PMM 1.2D+1.6Lr+0.8W
254 tubo 50x30x2mm Brace 0.048559 PMM ENVELOPE
255 tubo 50x30x2mm Brace 0.073173 PMM ENVELOPE
256 tubo 50x30x2mm Brace 0.183208 PMM ENVELOPE
257 tubo 50x30x2mm Brace 0.396467 PMM ENVELOPE
258 tubo 50x30x2mm Brace 0.078072 PMM ENVELOPE
259 tubo 50x30x2mm Brace 0.090121 PMM ENVELOPE
260 tubo 50x30x2mm Brace 0.063573 PMM ENVELOPE
261 tubo 50x30x2mm Brace 0.03579 PMM ENVELOPE
262 tubo 50x30x2mm Brace 0.042433 PMM ENVELOPE
263 tubo 50x30x2mm Brace 0.045831 PMM ENVELOPE
264 tubo 50x30x2mm Brace 0.057503 PMM ENVELOPE
265 tubo 50x30x2mm Brace 0.069352 PMM ENVELOPE
1 tubo 75x75x3mm Brace 0.081661 PMM ENVELOPE
2 tubo 50x30x2mm Brace 0.164409 PMM ENVELOPE
3 tubo 75x75x3mm Column 0.127659 PMM ENVELOPE
5 tubo 75x75x3mm Column 0.137345 PMM ENVELOPE
6 tubo 75x75x3mm Column 0.848842 PMM ENVELOPE
7 tubo 75x75x3mm Column 0.76112 PMM ENVELOPE
9 tubo 75x75x3mm Column 0.660975 PMM ENVELOPE
10 tubo 75x75x3mm Column 0.641275 PMM ENVELOPE
12 tubo 75x75x3mm Column 0.648867 PMM ENVELOPE
22 tubo 75x75x3mm Column 0.629479 PMM ENVELOPE
23 tubo 75x75x3mm Column 0.562914 PMM ENVELOPE
24 tubo 75x75x3mm Column 0.497271 PMM ENVELOPE
25 tubo 75x75x3mm Column 0.33776 PMM ENVELOPE
26 tubo 75x75x3mm Column 0.226379 PMM ENVELOPE
27 tubo 75x75x3mm Column 0.140901 PMM ENVELOPE
28 tubo 75x75x3mm Column 0.160876 PMM ENVELOPE
38 tubo 75x75x3mm Column 0.287533 PMM ENVELOPE
40 tubo 75x75x3mm Column 0.263297 PMM ENVELOPE
42 tubo 75x75x3mm Column 0.134667 PMM ENVELOPE
44 tubo 75x75x3mm Column 0.102714 PMM ENVELOPE
46 tubo 50x30x2mm Beam 0.048603 PMM ENVELOPE
48 tubo 50x30x2mm Beam 0.043495 PMM ENVELOPE
50 tubo 50x30x2mm Beam 0.067464 PMM ENVELOPE
72 tubo 50x30x2mm Beam 0.123451 PMM ENVELOPE
73 tubo 50x30x2mm Beam 0.182284 PMM ENVELOPE
74 tubo 50x30x2mm Beam 0.062645 PMM ENVELOPE
75 tubo 50x30x2mm Beam 0.119261 PMM ENVELOPE
76 tubo 50x30x2mm Brace 0.085721 PMM ENVELOPE
77 tubo 50x30x2mm Brace 0.017972 PMM ENVELOPE
78 tubo 50x30x2mm Brace 0.009584 PMM ENVELOPE
79 tubo 50x30x2mm Brace 0.00822 PMM ENVELOPE
129 tubo 50x30x2mm Brace 0.290852 PMM ENVELOPE
130 tubo 50x30x2mm Brace 0.084433 PMM 1.2D+1.6Lr+0.8W
131 tubo 50x30x2mm Brace 0.044748 PMM 1.2D+1.6Lr+0.8W
132 tubo 50x30x2mm Brace 0.01783 PMM 1.2D+1.6Lr+0.8W
134 tubo 50x30x2mm Column 0.09431 PMM 1.2D+1.6Lr+0.8W
135 tubo 50x30x2mm Column 0.069272 PMM 1.2D+1.6Lr+0.8W
136 tubo 50x30x2mm Column 0.030054 PMM 1.2D+1.6Lr+0.8W
137 tubo 50x30x2mm Column 0.033609 PMM 1.2D+1.6Lr+0.8W
140 tubo 50x30x2mm Brace 0.01374 PMM 1.2D+1.6Lr+0.8W
141 tubo 50x30x2mm Brace 0.026897 PMM 1.2D+1.6Lr+0.8W
142 tubo 50x30x2mm Brace 0.0435 PMM 1.2D+1.6Lr+0.8W
143 tubo 50x30x2mm Brace 0.097547 PMM 1.2D+1.6Lr+0.8W
144 tubo 50x30x2mm Brace 0.234562 PMM ENVELOPE
145 tubo 50x30x2mm Brace 0.075331 PMM ENVELOPE
146 tubo 50x30x2mm Brace 0.037064 PMM ENVELOPE
147 tubo 50x30x2mm Brace 0.094693 PMM ENVELOPE
148 tubo 50x30x2mm Brace 0.053497 PMM ENVELOPE
149 tubo 50x30x2mm Brace 0.101992 PMM ENVELOPE
150 tubo 50x30x2mm Brace 0.03759 PMM ENVELOPE
151 tubo 50x30x2mm Brace 0.059583 PMM ENVELOPE
152 tubo 50x30x2mm Brace 0.0971 PMM ENVELOPE
287 tubo 60x40 e=2.00 Beam 0.034635 PMM ENVELOPE
288 tubo 60x40 e=2.00 Beam 0.023351 PMM 1.2D+1.0Ey
289 tubo 60x40 e=2.00 Beam 0.028849 PMM ENVELOPE
290 tubo 60x40 e=2.00 Beam 0.085721 PMM ENVELOPE
291 tubo 60x40 e=2.00 Beam 0.080415 PMM 1.2D+1.0Ey
292 tubo 60x40 e=2.00 Beam 0.252554 PMM ENVELOPE
293 tubo 60x40 e=2.00 Beam 0.586784 PMM ENVELOPE
294 tubo 60x40 e=2.00 Beam 0.527156 PMM ENVELOPE
295 tubo 60x40 e=2.00 Beam 0.388748 PMM ENVELOPE
296 tubo 60x40 e=2.00 Beam 0.386778 PMM ENVELOPE
297 tubo 60x40 e=2.00 Beam 0.288317 PMM ENVELOPE
298 tubo 60x40 e=2.00 Beam 0.310191 PMM ENVELOPE
299 tubo 60x40 e=2.00 Beam 0.480806 PMM ENVELOPE
300 tubo 60x40 e=2.00 Beam 0.099627 PMM ENVELOPE
301 tubo 60x40 e=2.00 Beam 0.103518 PMM ENVELOPE
302 tubo 60x40 e=2.00 Beam 0.103518 PMM ENVELOPE
304 tubo 60x40 e=2.00 Beam 0.099627 PMM ENVELOPE
305 tubo 60x40 e=2.00 Beam 0.480806 PMM ENVELOPE
306 tubo 60x40 e=2.00 Beam 0.457725 PMM ENVELOPE
307 tubo 60x40 e=2.00 Beam 0.382965 PMM ENVELOPE
308 tubo 60x40 e=2.00 Beam 0.013898 PMM ENVELOPE
309 tubo 60x40 e=2.00 Beam 0.013898 PMM ENVELOPE
310 tubo 60x40 e=2.00 Beam 0.382965 PMM ENVELOPE
312 tubo 60x40 e=2.00 Beam 0.457725 PMM ENVELOPE
313 tubo 60x40 e=2.00 Beam 0.034635 PMM ENVELOPE
314 tubo 60x40 e=2.00 Beam 0.023351 PMM 1.2D+1.0Ey
315 tubo 60x40 e=2.00 Beam 0.028849 PMM ENVELOPE
316 tubo 60x40 e=2.00 Beam 0.085721 PMM ENVELOPE
317 tubo 60x40 e=2.00 Beam 0.080415 PMM 1.2D+1.0Ey
318 tubo 60x40 e=2.00 Beam 0.252554 PMM ENVELOPE
319 tubo 60x40 e=2.00 Beam 0.586784 PMM ENVELOPE
320 tubo 60x40 e=2.00 Beam 0.527156 PMM ENVELOPE
321 tubo 60x40 e=2.00 Beam 0.388748 PMM ENVELOPE
322 tubo 60x40 e=2.00 Beam 0.386778 PMM ENVELOPE
323 tubo 60x40 e=2.00 Beam 0.288317 PMM ENVELOPE
324 tubo 60x40 e=2.00 Beam 0.310191 PMM ENVELOPE
325 tubo 50x30x2mm Brace 0.030691 PMM ENVELOPE
326 tubo 50x30x2mm Brace 0.014724 PMM ENVELOPE
327 tubo 50x30x2mm Brace 0.012781 PMM ENVELOPE
328 tubo 50x30x2mm Brace 0.015984 PMM ENVELOPE
329 tubo 50x30x2mm Brace 0.011427 PMM ENVELOPE
330 tubo 50x30x2mm Brace 0.052092 PMM 1.2D+1.0Ey
331 tubo 50x30x2mm Column 0.008253 PMM ENVELOPE
332 tubo 50x30x2mm Column 0.00374 PMM ENVELOPE
333 tubo 50x30x2mm Column 0.003308 PMM ENVELOPE
334 tubo 50x30x2mm Column 0.002892 PMM ENVELOPE
335 tubo 50x30x2mm Column 0.020264 PMM ENVELOPE
336 tubo 50x30x2mm Brace 0.070821 PMM ENVELOPE
337 tubo 50x30x2mm Brace 0.020154 PMM ENVELOPE
338 tubo 50x30x2mm Brace 0.020731 PMM ENVELOPE
339 tubo 50x30x2mm Brace 0.020731 PMM ENVELOPE
340 tubo 50x30x2mm Brace 0.020154 PMM ENVELOPE
341 tubo 50x30x2mm Brace 0.070821 PMM ENVELOPE
342 tubo 50x30x2mm Brace 0.052092 PMM 1.2D+1.0Ey
343 tubo 50x30x2mm Brace 0.011427 PMM ENVELOPE
344 tubo 50x30x2mm Brace 0.015984 PMM ENVELOPE
345 tubo 50x30x2mm Brace 0.012781 PMM ENVELOPE
346 tubo 50x30x2mm Brace 0.014724 PMM ENVELOPE
347 tubo 50x30x2mm Brace 0.030691 PMM ENVELOPE
348 tubo 50x30x2mm Column 0.027224 PMM ENVELOPE
349 tubo 50x30x2mm Column 0.007367 PMM ENVELOPE
350 tubo 50x30x2mm Column 0.008401 PMM ENVELOPE
351 tubo 50x30x2mm Column 0.007367 PMM ENVELOPE
352 tubo 50x30x2mm Column 0.027224 PMM ENVELOPE
353 tubo 50x30x2mm Column 0.020264 PMM ENVELOPE
354 tubo 50x30x2mm Column 0.002892 PMM ENVELOPE
355 tubo 50x30x2mm Column 0.003308 PMM ENVELOPE
356 tubo 50x30x2mm Column 0.00374 PMM ENVELOPE
357 tubo 50x30x2mm Column 0.008253 PMM ENVELOPE
60 tubo 75x75x3mm Brace 0.01321 PMM ENVELOPE
65 tubo 75x75x3mm Brace 0.081661 PMM ENVELOPE
66 tubo 50x30x2mm Brace 0.04774 PMM ENVELOPE
111 tubo 75x75x3mm Brace 0.018311 PMM ENVELOPE
116 tubo 50x30x2mm Brace 0.078544 PMM ENVELOPE
121 tubo 75x75x3mm Brace 0.018311 PMM ENVELOPE
122 tubo 50x30x2mm Brace 0.078544 PMM ENVELOPE
128 tubo 75x75x3mm Brace 0.01321 PMM ENVELOPE
133 tubo 50x30x2mm Brace 0.04774 PMM ENVELOPE
138 RHS 60X120X2.5 Beam 0.029247 PMM ENVELOPE
139 RHS 60X120X2.5 Beam 0.016168 PMM ENVELOPE
153 RHS 60X120X2.5 Beam 0.016276 PMM ENVELOPE
154 RHS 60X120X2.5 Beam 0.027501 PMM ENVELOPE
155 RHS 60X120X2.5 Beam 0.029509 PMM ENVELOPE
156 RHS 60X120X2.5 Beam 0.015863 PMM ENVELOPE
157 RHS 60X120X2.5 Beam 0.016005 PMM ENVELOPE
158 RHS 60X120X2.5 Beam 0.029298 PMM ENVELOPE
159 RHS 60X120X2.5 Beam 0.029247 PMM ENVELOPE
160 RHS 60X120X2.5 Beam 0.016168 PMM ENVELOPE
161 RHS 60X120X2.5 Beam 0.016276 PMM ENVELOPE
162 RHS 60X120X2.5 Beam 0.027501 PMM ENVELOPE
164 tubo 60x40 e=2.00 Brace 0.699451 PMM ENVELOPE
167 tubo 60x40 e=2.00 Brace 0.699451 PMM ENVELOPE

Para establecer el pre-dimensionamiento de las vigas, se acudió a la tabla C.9.5(a) del título C, en la cual se
hicieron pruebas con la viga de mayor longitud con el fin de terminar la altura (h) con la cual se va regir el
diseño estructural.
h= =0.147 m→ 0.25 m
En la sección a trabajar la ecuación se divide por 16 al tomar la viga critica como simplemente apoyada. Una
vez obtenido este valor se procede a completar la sección hallando b asumiendo un valor de 0,25 m.
Cuantía mínima
ρmin= =0,00333Cuantía balanceada
420 (

600+ 420

ρmax =0.75 ρb=0,0159

 Área mínima para vigas 25x25

Asmin=ρmin∗b∗d=0,0033∗250∗(250−60)=156.75 mm2
Area equivalente a 2 No 5
 Área máxima para vigas 25x25

Asmax=ρmax∗b∗d=0,0159∗250∗(250−60)=755.25 mm2


Una vez realizado el modelado de las gradas suministramos las cargas 1.8KN/m2 para acabados y 5.0KN/m2
para carga viva. Las combinaciones de carga corresponden al diseño por resistencia. Dichas combinaciones
fueron definidas en la sección No8 de las presentes memorias.
En seguida revisamos los momentos y cortantes actuantes, y realizamos el chequeo de aceros para las
gradas, de donde el programa SAP2000 nos muestra que el acero necesario para las vigas no supera la
cuantia mínima de 325mm2, por ende suministramos 2#5 en la parte superior y 2#5 en la parte inferior de las
En cuanto a columnas modelamos los elementos de 25x25 con 4#5 que corresponden a la cuantía mínima y
observamos que el chequeo de SAP2000 nos muestra que la sección cumple ante las cargas solicitadas.
15.3 CHEQUEO DE COLUMNA (0.25X0.50)

A las columnas de 25x50 se les suministraron 8#5, se observa que la sección cumple satisfactoriamente ante
las cargas suministradas en el modelo. A continuación se realiza el chequeo de la sección.

f'c [KN/m2] 21000

fy [KN/m2] 420000

b 0.25
t 0.5
L 2
h placa o viga 0
L libre 2
d' 0.062
d 0.438
Փ 0.65
β1 0.85
ՓPnb 635.24

Pn [KN] sin mayorar 52.9

Pn [KN] Mayorada 52.9
Mn [KN-m] 3.57
e 0.07
F.S 3.00
U (Factor carga) 1.95
U* Pn [KN] 103.16

e' 0.255
m 23.529
m' 22.529

ρt 0.0010
ՓPn 1087.723
Ast [m2] 0.0001
Ast [mm2] 125.000
ρmin 0.01
Asmin 1250
As a suministrar 1250.000
As suministrado 8#5
As suministrado 1592
Cuantia 0.0127

Separacion de refuerzo transversal

Ag 0.125
Ach 0.0714
db longitudinal [mm] 15.9

Separacion confinada
1/4 (b) 0.063
6db 0.095
So 0.133
Sep zona confinada [m] 0.06

Longitud de confinamiento
Long confinamiento [m] 0.50

Separacion no confinada
Sep zona no confinada [m] 0.10

Area total de la seccion transversal del refuerzo de estribos cerrados de confinamiento rectangulares
Ag 0.125
Ach 0.0966
s [m] 0.06
Direccion X-b
Ash [m2] 68.91
Ash [m2] 70.31
Av ( estribo) 71
ramas necesarias 1.000
Direccion Y-t
Ash [m2] 137.81
Ash [m2] 140.63
Av (doble estribo) 71
ramas necesarias 2.000

f'c [KN/m2] 21000

fy [KN/m2] 420000

b 0.25
t 0.25
h placa o viga 0
L libre 1.8
d' 0.06
d 0.19
Փ 0.65
β1 0.85
ՓPnb 275.56

ρmin 0.01
Asmin 625
As a suministrar 625.000
As suministrado 4#5
As suministrado 796
Cuantia 0.0127

Sep Estribos[m] 0.10


Luz mas larga 2.11
L de diseño [m] 2.11
f'c [KN/m2] 21000
fy [KN/m2] 420000
Dimensiones Losa maciza
simplemente apoyados
hplaca [m] 0.11
hplaca escogida 0.1
recubrimiento [m] 0.02

Diametro de varillas de refuerzo

db [m] 0.0127
d[m] 0.0737
b [m] 1

W Viva [KN/m2] 5
W Acabados [KN/m2] 1.8
Peso placa [KN/M2] 2.40

Wu [KN/m] 13.04
Mu [KNm] 29.03

φ 0.9
Rn max 8925
Rn 5945.9944
ρ 0.0179461
ρ minima 0.002

Acero en la direccion mas corta

As [m2/m] 0.0013217
As [mm2/m] 1321.7303
Espac max 0.3

Acero suministrado según tabla

barras #4
Area barra 129.00
Espaciamiento 0.10
Cantidad 10.00
Acero suministrado 1290.00

Identificación de elementos de cubierta
TABLE: Frame Section Assignments  
Frame SectionType AnalSect DesignSect
Text Text Text Text
82 Box/Tube SHS 200x200x5 SHS 200x200x5
83 Box/Tube SHS 200x200x5 SHS 200x200x5
84 Box/Tube SHS 200x200x5 SHS 200x200x5
85 Box/Tube SHS 200x200x5 SHS 200x200x5
165 Box/Tube SHS 200x200x5 SHS 200x200x5
166 Box/Tube SHS 200x200x5 SHS 200x200x5
167 Box/Tube SHS 200x200x5 SHS 200x200x5
168 Box/Tube SHS 200x200x5 SHS 200x200x5
248 Box/Tube SHS 200x200x5 SHS 200x200x5
249 Box/Tube SHS 200x200x5 SHS 200x200x5
250 Box/Tube SHS 200x200x5 SHS 200x200x5
251 Box/Tube SHS 200x200x5 SHS 200x200x5
331 Box/Tube SHS 200x200x5 SHS 200x200x5
332 Box/Tube SHS 200x200x5 SHS 200x200x5
333 Box/Tube SHS 200x200x5 SHS 200x200x5
334 Box/Tube SHS 200x200x5 SHS 200x200x5
414 Box/Tube SHS 200x200x5 SHS 200x200x5
415 Box/Tube SHS 200x200x5 SHS 200x200x5
416 Box/Tube SHS 200x200x5 SHS 200x200x5
417 Box/Tube SHS 200x200x5 SHS 200x200x5
497 Box/Tube SHS 200x200x5 SHS 200x200x5
498 Box/Tube SHS 200x200x5 SHS 200x200x5
499 Box/Tube SHS 200x200x5 SHS 200x200x5
500 Box/Tube SHS 200x200x5 SHS 200x200x5
586 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l
587 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l
588 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l
589 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l
590 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l
591 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l
592 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l
593 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l
594 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l
595 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l
596 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l
597 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l
598 Pipe TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc
599 Pipe TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc
600 Pipe TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc
601 Pipe TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc
602 Pipe TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc
603 Pipe TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc
604 Pipe TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc
605 Pipe TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc
606 Pipe TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc
607 Pipe TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc
608 Pipe TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc
611 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l
612 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l
613 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l
614 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l
615 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l
616 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l
617 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l
618 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l
619 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l
620 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l
621 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l
622 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l
623 Pipe TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc
624 Pipe TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc
625 Pipe TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc
626 Pipe TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc
627 Pipe TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc
628 Pipe TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc
629 Pipe TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc
630 Pipe TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc
631 Pipe TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc
632 Pipe TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc
633 Pipe TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc
634 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l
635 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l
636 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l
637 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l
638 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l
639 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l
640 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l
641 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l
642 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l
643 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l
644 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l
645 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l
646 Pipe TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc
647 Pipe TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc
648 Pipe TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc
649 Pipe TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc
650 Pipe TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc
651 Pipe TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc
652 Pipe TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc
653 Pipe TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc
654 Pipe TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc
655 Pipe TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc
656 Pipe TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc
657 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l
658 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l
659 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l
660 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l
661 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l
662 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l
663 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l
664 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l
665 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l
666 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l
667 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l
668 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l
669 Pipe TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc
670 Pipe TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc
671 Pipe TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc
672 Pipe TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc
673 Pipe TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc
674 Pipe TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc
675 Pipe TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc
676 Pipe TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc
677 Pipe TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc
678 Pipe TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc
679 Pipe TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc
680 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l
681 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l
682 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l
683 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l
684 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l
685 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l
686 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l
687 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l
688 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l
689 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l
690 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l
691 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l
692 Pipe TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc
693 Pipe TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc
694 Pipe TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc
695 Pipe TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc
696 Pipe TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc
697 Pipe TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc
698 Pipe TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc
699 Pipe TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc
700 Pipe TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc
701 Pipe TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc
702 Pipe TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc
703 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l
704 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l
705 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l
706 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l
707 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l
708 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l
709 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l
710 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l
711 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l
712 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l
713 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l
714 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l
715 Pipe TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc
716 Pipe TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc
717 Pipe TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc
718 Pipe TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc
719 Pipe TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc
720 Pipe TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc
721 Pipe TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc
722 Pipe TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc
723 Pipe TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc
724 Pipe TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc
725 Pipe TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc
726 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l
727 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l
728 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l
729 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l
730 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l
731 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l
732 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l
733 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l
734 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l
735 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l
736 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l
737 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l
738 Pipe TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc
739 Pipe TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc
740 Pipe TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc
741 Pipe TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc
742 Pipe TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc
743 Pipe TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc
744 Pipe TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc
745 Pipe TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc
746 Pipe TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc
747 Pipe TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc
748 Pipe TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc
749 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l
750 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l
751 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l
752 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l
753 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l
754 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l
755 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l
756 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l
757 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l
758 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l
759 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l
760 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l
761 Pipe TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc
762 Pipe TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc
763 Pipe TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc
764 Pipe TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc
765 Pipe TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc
766 Pipe TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc
767 Pipe TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc
768 Pipe TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc
769 Pipe TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc
770 Pipe TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc
771 Pipe TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc
772 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l
773 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l
774 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l
775 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l
776 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l
777 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l
778 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l
779 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l
780 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l
781 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l
782 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l
783 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l
784 Pipe TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc
785 Pipe TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc
786 Pipe TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc
787 Pipe TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc
788 Pipe TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc
789 Pipe TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc
790 Pipe TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc
791 Pipe TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc
792 Pipe TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc
793 Pipe TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc
794 Pipe TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc
795 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l
796 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l
797 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l
798 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l
799 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l
800 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l
801 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l
802 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l
803 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l
804 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l
805 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l
806 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l TUBO 2.5" e=2.5mm l
807 Pipe TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc
808 Pipe TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc
809 Pipe TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc
810 Pipe TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc
811 Pipe TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc
812 Pipe TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc
813 Pipe TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc
814 Pipe TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc
815 Pipe TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc
816 Pipe TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc
817 Pipe TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc TUBO 2" e=2.0mm lc
874 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm
875 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm
876 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm
877 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm
878 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm
879 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm
880 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm
881 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm
882 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm
883 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm
884 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm
885 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm
886 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm
887 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm
888 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm
889 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm
890 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm
891 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm
892 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm
893 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm
894 Pipe tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm
895 Pipe tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm
896 Pipe tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm
897 Pipe tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm
898 Pipe tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm
899 Pipe tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm
900 Pipe tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm
901 Pipe tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm
902 Pipe tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm
903 Pipe tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm
904 Pipe tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm
905 Pipe tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm
906 Pipe tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm
907 Pipe tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm
908 Pipe tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm
909 Pipe tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm
910 Pipe tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm
911 Pipe tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm
912 Pipe tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm
913 Pipe tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm
915 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
916 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
917 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
918 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
919 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
920 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
921 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
922 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
923 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
924 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
925 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
926 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
927 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
928 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
929 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
930 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
931 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
932 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
933 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
934 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
935 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
936 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
937 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
938 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
939 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
940 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
941 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
942 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
943 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
944 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
945 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
947 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
948 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
949 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
950 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
951 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
952 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
953 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
954 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
955 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm
956 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm
957 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm
958 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm
959 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm
960 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm
961 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm
962 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm
963 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm
964 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm
965 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm
966 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm
967 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm
968 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm
969 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm
970 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm
971 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm
972 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm
973 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm
974 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm
975 Pipe tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm
976 Pipe tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm
977 Pipe tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm
978 Pipe tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm
979 Pipe tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm
980 Pipe tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm
981 Pipe tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm
982 Pipe tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm
983 Pipe tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm
984 Pipe tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm
985 Pipe tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm
986 Pipe tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm
987 Pipe tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm
988 Pipe tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm
989 Pipe tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm
990 Pipe tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm
991 Pipe tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm
992 Pipe tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm
993 Pipe tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm
994 Pipe tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm
995 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
996 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
997 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
998 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
999 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1000 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1001 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1002 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1003 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1004 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1005 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1006 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1007 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1008 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1009 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1010 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1011 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1012 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1013 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1014 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1015 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1016 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1017 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1018 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1019 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1020 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1021 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1022 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1023 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1024 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1025 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1026 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1027 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1028 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1029 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1030 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1031 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1032 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1033 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1034 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm
1035 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm
1036 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm
1037 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm
1038 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm
1039 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm
1040 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm
1041 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm
1042 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm
1043 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm
1044 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm
1045 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm
1046 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm
1047 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm
1048 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm
1049 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm
1050 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm
1051 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm
1052 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm
1053 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm
1054 Pipe tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm
1055 Pipe tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm
1056 Pipe tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm
1057 Pipe tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm
1058 Pipe tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm
1059 Pipe tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm
1060 Pipe tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm
1061 Pipe tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm
1062 Pipe tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm
1063 Pipe tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm
1064 Pipe tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm
1065 Pipe tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm
1066 Pipe tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm
1067 Pipe tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm
1068 Pipe tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm
1069 Pipe tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm
1070 Pipe tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm
1071 Pipe tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm
1072 Pipe tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm
1073 Pipe tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm
1074 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1075 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1076 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1077 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1078 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1079 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1080 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1081 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1082 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1083 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1084 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1085 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1086 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1087 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1088 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1089 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1090 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1091 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1092 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1093 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1094 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1095 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1096 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1097 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1098 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1099 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1100 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1101 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1102 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1103 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1104 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1105 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1106 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1107 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1108 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1109 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1110 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1111 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1112 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1113 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm
1114 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm
1115 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm
1116 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm
1117 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm
1118 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm
1119 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm
1120 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm
1121 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm
1122 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm
1123 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm
1124 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm
1125 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm
1126 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm
1127 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm
1128 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm
1129 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm
1130 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm
1131 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm
1132 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm
1133 Pipe tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm
1134 Pipe tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm
1135 Pipe tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm
1136 Pipe tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm
1137 Pipe tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm
1138 Pipe tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm
1139 Pipe tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm
1140 Pipe tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm
1141 Pipe tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm
1142 Pipe tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm
1143 Pipe tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm
1144 Pipe tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm
1145 Pipe tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm
1146 Pipe tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm
1147 Pipe tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm
1148 Pipe tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm
1149 Pipe tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm
1150 Pipe tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm
1151 Pipe tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm
1152 Pipe tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm
1153 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1154 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1155 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1156 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1157 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1158 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1159 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1160 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1161 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1162 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1163 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1164 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1165 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1166 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1167 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1168 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1169 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1170 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1171 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1172 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1173 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1174 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1175 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1176 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1177 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1178 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1179 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1180 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1181 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1182 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1183 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1184 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1185 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1186 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1187 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1188 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1189 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1190 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1191 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1192 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm
1193 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm
1194 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm
1195 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm
1196 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm
1197 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm
1198 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm
1199 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm
1200 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm
1201 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm
1202 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm
1203 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm
1204 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm
1205 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm
1206 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm
1207 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm
1208 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm
1209 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm
1210 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm
1211 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm
1212 Pipe tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm
1213 Pipe tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm
1214 Pipe tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm
1215 Pipe tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm
1216 Pipe tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm
1217 Pipe tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm
1218 Pipe tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm
1219 Pipe tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm
1220 Pipe tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm
1221 Pipe tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm
1222 Pipe tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm
1223 Pipe tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm
1224 Pipe tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm
1225 Pipe tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm
1226 Pipe tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm
1227 Pipe tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm
1228 Pipe tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm
1229 Pipe tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm
1230 Pipe tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm
1231 Pipe tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm
1232 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1233 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1234 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1235 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1236 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1237 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1238 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1239 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1240 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1241 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1242 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1243 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1244 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1245 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1246 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1247 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1248 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1249 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1250 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1251 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1252 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1253 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1254 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1255 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1256 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1257 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1258 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1259 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1260 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1261 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1262 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1263 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1264 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1265 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1266 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1267 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1268 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1269 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1270 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1271 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm
1272 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm
1273 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm
1274 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm
1275 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm
1276 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm
1277 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm
1278 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm
1279 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm
1280 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm
1281 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm
1282 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm
1283 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm
1284 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm
1285 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm
1286 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm
1287 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm
1288 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm
1289 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm
1290 Pipe TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm TUBO 2.5" e=3.0mm
1291 Pipe tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm
1292 Pipe tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm
1293 Pipe tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm
1294 Pipe tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm
1295 Pipe tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm
1296 Pipe tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm
1297 Pipe tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm
1298 Pipe tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm
1299 Pipe tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm
1300 Pipe tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm
1301 Pipe tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm
1302 Pipe tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm
1303 Pipe tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm
1304 Pipe tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm
1305 Pipe tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm
1306 Pipe tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm
1307 Pipe tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm
1308 Pipe tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm
1309 Pipe tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm
1310 Pipe tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm tubo 2.5" e=2.5mm
1311 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1312 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1313 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1314 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1315 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1316 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1317 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1318 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1319 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1320 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1321 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1322 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1323 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1324 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1325 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1326 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1327 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1328 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1329 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1330 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1331 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1332 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1333 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1334 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1335 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1336 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1337 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1338 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1339 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1340 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1341 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1342 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1343 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1344 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1345 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1346 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1347 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1348 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1349 Pipe TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm TUBO 1.5" e=2.5mm
1350 Box/Tube RHS 60X120X2.5 RHS 60X120X2.5
1351 Box/Tube RHS 60X120X2.5 RHS 60X120X2.5
1352 Box/Tube RHS 60X120X2.5 RHS 60X120X2.5
1353 Box/Tube RHS 60X120X2.5 RHS 60X120X2.5
1354 Box/Tube RHS 60X120X2.5 RHS 60X120X2.5
1355 Box/Tube RHS 60X120X2.5 RHS 60X120X2.5
1356 Box/Tube RHS 60X120X2.5 RHS 60X120X2.5
1357 Box/Tube RHS 60X120X2.5 RHS 60X120X2.5
1358 Box/Tube RHS 60X120X2.5 RHS 60X120X2.5
1359 Box/Tube RHS 60X120X2.5 RHS 60X120X2.5
1360 Box/Tube RHS 60X120X2.5 RHS 60X120X2.5
1361 Box/Tube RHS 60X120X2.5 RHS 60X120X2.5
1362 Box/Tube RHS 60X120X2.5 RHS 60X120X2.5
1363 Box/Tube RHS 60X120X2.5 RHS 60X120X2.5
1364 Box/Tube RHS 60X120X2.5 RHS 60X120X2.5
1365 Box/Tube RHS 60X120X2.5 RHS 60X120X2.5
1366 Box/Tube RHS 60X120X2.5 RHS 60X120X2.5
1367 Box/Tube RHS 60X120X2.5 RHS 60X120X2.5
1368 Box/Tube RHS 60X120X2.5 RHS 60X120X2.5
1369 Box/Tube RHS 60X120X2.5 RHS 60X120X2.5
1370 Box/Tube RHS 60X120X2.5 RHS 60X120X2.5
1371 Box/Tube RHS 60X120X2.5 RHS 60X120X2.5
1372 Box/Tube RHS 60X120X2.5 RHS 60X120X2.5
1373 Box/Tube RHS 60X120X2.5 RHS 60X120X2.5
1374 Box/Tube RHS 60X120X2.5 RHS 60X120X2.5
1375 Box/Tube RHS 60X120X2.5 RHS 60X120X2.5
1376 Box/Tube RHS 60X120X2.5 RHS 60X120X2.5
1377 Box/Tube RHS 60X120X2.5 RHS 60X120X2.5
1378 Box/Tube RHS 60X120X2.5 RHS 60X120X2.5
1379 Box/Tube RHS 60X120X2.5 RHS 60X120X2.5
1380 Box/Tube RHS 60X120X2.5 RHS 60X120X2.5
1381 Box/Tube RHS 60X120X2.5 RHS 60X120X2.5
1382 Box/Tube RHS 60X120X2.5 RHS 60X120X2.5
1383 Box/Tube RHS 60X120X2.5 RHS 60X120X2.5
1384 Box/Tube RHS 60X120X2.5 RHS 60X120X2.5
1385 Box/Tube RHS 60X120X2.5 RHS 60X120X2.5
1386 Box/Tube RHS 60X120X2.5 RHS 60X120X2.5
1387 Box/Tube RHS 60X120X2.5 RHS 60X120X2.5
1388 Box/Tube RHS 60X120X2.5 RHS 60X120X2.5
1389 Box/Tube RHS 60X120X2.5 RHS 60X120X2.5
1390 Box/Tube RHS 60X120X2.5 RHS 60X120X2.5
1391 Box/Tube RHS 60X120X2.5 RHS 60X120X2.5
1392 Box/Tube RHS 60X120X2.5 RHS 60X120X2.5
1393 Box/Tube RHS 60X120X2.5 RHS 60X120X2.5
1394 Box/Tube RHS 60X120X2.5 RHS 60X120X2.5
1395 Box/Tube RHS 60X120X2.5 RHS 60X120X2.5
1396 Box/Tube RHS 60X120X2.5 RHS 60X120X2.5
1397 Box/Tube RHS 60X120X2.5 RHS 60X120X2.5
1398 Box/Tube RHS 60X120X2.5 RHS 60X120X2.5
1399 Box/Tube RHS 60X120X2.5 RHS 60X120X2.5
1400 Box/Tube RHS 60X120X2.5 RHS 60X120X2.5
1401 Box/Tube RHS 60X120X2.5 RHS 60X120X2.5
1402 Box/Tube RHS 60X120X2.5 RHS 60X120X2.5
1403 Box/Tube RHS 60X120X2.5 RHS 60X120X2.5
1404 Box/Tube RHS 60X120X2.5 RHS 60X120X2.5


TABLE: Joint Displacements
Joint OutputCase CaseType StepType U1 U2
1 Sx LinStatic 0.0111 0.0091
1 Sy LinStatic 0.0000 0.0251
1 Fx LinRespSpec Max 0.0090 0.0178
1 Fy LinRespSpec Max 0.0026 0.0244
110 Sx LinStatic 0.0111 0.0000
110 Sy LinStatic 0.0000 0.0251
110 Fx LinRespSpec Max 0.0090 0.0074
110 Fy LinRespSpec Max 0.0026 0.0238
111 Sx LinStatic 0.0216 0.0000
111 Sy LinStatic 0.0000 0.0324
111 Fx LinRespSpec Max 0.0202 0.0103
111 Fy LinRespSpec Max 0.0058 0.0331
146 Sx LinStatic 0.0110 0.0030
146 Sy LinStatic 0.0000 0.0251
146 Fx LinRespSpec Max 0.0089 0.0091
146 Fy LinRespSpec Max 0.0026 0.0239
147 Sx LinStatic 0.0216 0.0032
147 Sy LinStatic 0.0000 0.0324
147 Fx LinRespSpec Max 0.0202 0.0127
147 Fy LinRespSpec Max 0.0058 0.0331
182 Sx LinStatic 0.0110 0.0060
182 Sy LinStatic 0.0000 0.0251
182 Fx LinRespSpec Max 0.0089 0.0130
182 Fy LinRespSpec Max 0.0026 0.0241
183 Sx LinStatic 0.0215 0.0063
183 Sy LinStatic 0.0000 0.0325
183 Fx LinRespSpec Max 0.0201 0.0182
183 Fy LinRespSpec Max 0.0058 0.0333
2 Sx LinStatic 0.0216 0.0095
2 Sy LinStatic 0.0000 0.0325
2 Fx LinRespSpec Max 0.0203 0.0247
2 Fy LinRespSpec Max 0.0059 0.0336
218 Sx LinStatic 0.0111 0.0091
218 Sy LinStatic 0.0000 0.0251
218 Fx LinRespSpec Max 0.0090 0.0178
218 Fy LinRespSpec Max 0.0026 0.0244
219 Sx LinStatic 0.0216 0.0095
219 Sy LinStatic 0.0000 0.0325
219 Fx LinRespSpec Max 0.0203 0.0247
219 Fy LinRespSpec Max 0.0059 0.0336
38 Sx LinStatic 0.0110 0.0060
38 Sy LinStatic 0.0000 0.0251
38 Fx LinRespSpec Max 0.0089 0.0130
38 Fy LinRespSpec Max 0.0026 0.0241
39 Sx LinStatic 0.0215 0.0063
39 Sy LinStatic 0.0000 0.0325
39 Fx LinRespSpec Max 0.0201 0.0182
39 Fy LinRespSpec Max 0.0058 0.0333
414 Sx LinStatic 0.0214 0.0087
414 Sy LinStatic 0.0000 0.0328
414 Fx LinRespSpec Max 0.0201 0.0240
414 Fy LinRespSpec Max 0.0058 0.0341
415 Sx LinStatic 0.0212 0.0083
415 Sy LinStatic 0.0000 0.0334
415 Fx LinRespSpec Max 0.0199 0.0237
415 Fy LinRespSpec Max 0.0058 0.0348
416 Sx LinStatic 0.0212 0.0080
416 Sy LinStatic 0.0000 0.0336
416 Fx LinRespSpec Max 0.0199 0.0230
416 Fy LinRespSpec Max 0.0057 0.0351
417 Sx LinStatic 0.0212 0.0076
417 Sy LinStatic 0.0000 0.0333
417 Fx LinRespSpec Max 0.0199 0.0216
417 Fy LinRespSpec Max 0.0057 0.0347
418 Sx LinStatic 0.0214 0.0071
418 Sy LinStatic 0.0000 0.0328
418 Fx LinRespSpec Max 0.0200 0.0198
418 Fy LinRespSpec Max 0.0058 0.0338
439 Sx LinStatic 0.0108 0.0092
439 Sy LinStatic 0.0000 0.0255
439 Fx LinRespSpec Max 0.0088 0.0173
439 Fy LinRespSpec Max 0.0025 0.0247
440 Sx LinStatic 0.0105 0.0085
440 Sy LinStatic 0.0000 0.0260
440 Fx LinRespSpec Max 0.0086 0.0170
440 Fy LinRespSpec Max 0.0025 0.0251
441 Sx LinStatic 0.0105 0.0075
441 Sy LinStatic 0.0000 0.0262
441 Fx LinRespSpec Max 0.0085 0.0163
441 Fy LinRespSpec Max 0.0025 0.0253
442 Sx LinStatic 0.0105 0.0065
442 Sy LinStatic 0.0000 0.0259
442 Fx LinRespSpec Max 0.0085 0.0153
442 Fy LinRespSpec Max 0.0025 0.0250
443 Sx LinStatic 0.0107 0.0059
443 Sy LinStatic 0.0000 0.0254
443 Fx LinRespSpec Max 0.0087 0.0140
443 Fy LinRespSpec Max 0.0025 0.0244
449 Sx LinStatic 0.0214 0.0055
449 Sy LinStatic 0.0000 0.0328
449 Fx LinRespSpec Max 0.0200 0.0173
449 Fy LinRespSpec Max 0.0058 0.0337
450 Sx LinStatic 0.0213 0.0050
450 Sy LinStatic 0.0000 0.0333
450 Fx LinRespSpec Max 0.0199 0.0168
450 Fy LinRespSpec Max 0.0058 0.0345
451 Sx LinStatic 0.0213 0.0047
451 Sy LinStatic 0.0000 0.0335
451 Fx LinRespSpec Max 0.0199 0.0162
451 Fy LinRespSpec Max 0.0058 0.0348
452 Sx LinStatic 0.0213 0.0044
452 Sy LinStatic 0.0000 0.0333
452 Fx LinRespSpec Max 0.0199 0.0151
452 Fy LinRespSpec Max 0.0058 0.0344
453 Sx LinStatic 0.0214 0.0040
453 Sy LinStatic 0.0000 0.0328
453 Fx LinRespSpec Max 0.0201 0.0138
453 Fy LinRespSpec Max 0.0058 0.0336
460 Sx LinStatic 0.0108 0.0062
460 Sy LinStatic 0.0000 0.0254
460 Fx LinRespSpec Max 0.0087 0.0126
460 Fy LinRespSpec Max 0.0025 0.0243
461 Sx LinStatic 0.0106 0.0055
461 Sy LinStatic 0.0000 0.0259
461 Fx LinRespSpec Max 0.0086 0.0121
461 Fy LinRespSpec Max 0.0025 0.0248
462 Sx LinStatic 0.0106 0.0045
462 Sy LinStatic 0.0000 0.0261
462 Fx LinRespSpec Max 0.0086 0.0115
462 Fy LinRespSpec Max 0.0025 0.0250
463 Sx LinStatic 0.0106 0.0035
463 Sy LinStatic 0.0000 0.0259
463 Fx LinRespSpec Max 0.0086 0.0107
463 Fy LinRespSpec Max 0.0025 0.0247
464 Sx LinStatic 0.0108 0.0029
464 Sy LinStatic 0.0000 0.0254
464 Fx LinRespSpec Max 0.0088 0.0098
464 Fy LinRespSpec Max 0.0025 0.0242
471 Sx LinStatic 0.0214 0.0024
471 Sy LinStatic 0.0000 0.0328
471 Fx LinRespSpec Max 0.0201 0.0122
471 Fy LinRespSpec Max 0.0058 0.0336
472 Sx LinStatic 0.0213 0.0019
472 Sy LinStatic 0.0000 0.0333
472 Fx LinRespSpec Max 0.0200 0.0119
472 Fy LinRespSpec Max 0.0058 0.0343
473 Sx LinStatic 0.0213 0.0016
473 Sy LinStatic 0.0000 0.0335
473 Fx LinRespSpec Max 0.0200 0.0115
473 Fy LinRespSpec Max 0.0058 0.0347
474 Sx LinStatic 0.0213 0.0013
474 Sy LinStatic 0.0000 0.0333
474 Fx LinRespSpec Max 0.0200 0.0110
474 Fy LinRespSpec Max 0.0058 0.0343
475 Sx LinStatic 0.0214 0.0008
475 Sy LinStatic 0.0000 0.0328
475 Fx LinRespSpec Max 0.0201 0.0105
475 Fy LinRespSpec Max 0.0058 0.0335
482 Sx LinStatic 0.0108 0.0031
482 Sy LinStatic 0.0000 0.0254
482 Fx LinRespSpec Max 0.0088 0.0088
482 Fy LinRespSpec Max 0.0025 0.0242
483 Sx LinStatic 0.0106 0.0025
483 Sy LinStatic 0.0000 0.0259
483 Fx LinRespSpec Max 0.0086 0.0085
483 Fy LinRespSpec Max 0.0025 0.0246
484 Sx LinStatic 0.0106 0.0015
484 Sy LinStatic 0.0000 0.0261
484 Fx LinRespSpec Max 0.0086 0.0082
484 Fy LinRespSpec Max 0.0025 0.0249
485 Sx LinStatic 0.0106 0.0005
485 Sy LinStatic 0.0000 0.0259
485 Fx LinRespSpec Max 0.0086 0.0079
485 Fy LinRespSpec Max 0.0025 0.0246
486 Sx LinStatic 0.0108 0.0001
486 Sy LinStatic 0.0000 0.0254
486 Fx LinRespSpec Max 0.0088 0.0076
486 Fy LinRespSpec Max 0.0025 0.0241
493 Sx LinStatic 0.0214 0.0008
493 Sy LinStatic 0.0000 0.0328
493 Fx LinRespSpec Max 0.0201 0.0105
493 Fy LinRespSpec Max 0.0058 0.0335
494 Sx LinStatic 0.0213 0.0013
494 Sy LinStatic 0.0000 0.0333
494 Fx LinRespSpec Max 0.0200 0.0110
494 Fy LinRespSpec Max 0.0058 0.0343
495 Sx LinStatic 0.0213 0.0016
495 Sy LinStatic 0.0000 0.0335
495 Fx LinRespSpec Max 0.0200 0.0115
495 Fy LinRespSpec Max 0.0058 0.0347
496 Sx LinStatic 0.0213 0.0019
496 Sy LinStatic 0.0000 0.0333
496 Fx LinRespSpec Max 0.0200 0.0119
496 Fy LinRespSpec Max 0.0058 0.0343
497 Sx LinStatic 0.0214 0.0024
497 Sy LinStatic 0.0000 0.0328
497 Fx LinRespSpec Max 0.0201 0.0122
497 Fy LinRespSpec Max 0.0058 0.0336
504 Sx LinStatic 0.0108 0.0001
504 Sy LinStatic 0.0000 0.0254
504 Fx LinRespSpec Max 0.0088 0.0076
504 Fy LinRespSpec Max 0.0025 0.0241
505 Sx LinStatic 0.0106 0.0005
505 Sy LinStatic 0.0000 0.0259
505 Fx LinRespSpec Max 0.0086 0.0079
505 Fy LinRespSpec Max 0.0025 0.0246
506 Sx LinStatic 0.0106 0.0015
506 Sy LinStatic 0.0000 0.0261
506 Fx LinRespSpec Max 0.0086 0.0082
506 Fy LinRespSpec Max 0.0025 0.0249
507 Sx LinStatic 0.0106 0.0025
507 Sy LinStatic 0.0000 0.0259
507 Fx LinRespSpec Max 0.0086 0.0085
507 Fy LinRespSpec Max 0.0025 0.0246
508 Sx LinStatic 0.0108 0.0031
508 Sy LinStatic 0.0000 0.0254
508 Fx LinRespSpec Max 0.0088 0.0088
508 Fy LinRespSpec Max 0.0025 0.0242
515 Sx LinStatic 0.0214 0.0040
515 Sy LinStatic 0.0000 0.0328
515 Fx LinRespSpec Max 0.0201 0.0138
515 Fy LinRespSpec Max 0.0058 0.0336
516 Sx LinStatic 0.0213 0.0044
516 Sy LinStatic 0.0000 0.0333
516 Fx LinRespSpec Max 0.0199 0.0151
516 Fy LinRespSpec Max 0.0058 0.0344
517 Sx LinStatic 0.0213 0.0047
517 Sy LinStatic 0.0000 0.0335
517 Fx LinRespSpec Max 0.0199 0.0162
517 Fy LinRespSpec Max 0.0058 0.0348
518 Sx LinStatic 0.0213 0.0050
518 Sy LinStatic 0.0000 0.0333
518 Fx LinRespSpec Max 0.0199 0.0168
518 Fy LinRespSpec Max 0.0058 0.0345
519 Sx LinStatic 0.0214 0.0055
519 Sy LinStatic 0.0000 0.0328
519 Fx LinRespSpec Max 0.0200 0.0173
519 Fy LinRespSpec Max 0.0058 0.0337
526 Sx LinStatic 0.0108 0.0029
526 Sy LinStatic 0.0000 0.0254
526 Fx LinRespSpec Max 0.0088 0.0098
526 Fy LinRespSpec Max 0.0025 0.0242
527 Sx LinStatic 0.0106 0.0035
527 Sy LinStatic 0.0000 0.0259
527 Fx LinRespSpec Max 0.0086 0.0107
527 Fy LinRespSpec Max 0.0025 0.0247
528 Sx LinStatic 0.0106 0.0045
528 Sy LinStatic 0.0000 0.0261
528 Fx LinRespSpec Max 0.0086 0.0115
528 Fy LinRespSpec Max 0.0025 0.0250
529 Sx LinStatic 0.0106 0.0055
529 Sy LinStatic 0.0000 0.0259
529 Fx LinRespSpec Max 0.0086 0.0121
529 Fy LinRespSpec Max 0.0025 0.0248
530 Sx LinStatic 0.0108 0.0062
530 Sy LinStatic 0.0000 0.0254
530 Fx LinRespSpec Max 0.0087 0.0126
530 Fy LinRespSpec Max 0.0025 0.0243
537 Sx LinStatic 0.0214 0.0071
537 Sy LinStatic 0.0000 0.0328
537 Fx LinRespSpec Max 0.0200 0.0198
537 Fy LinRespSpec Max 0.0058 0.0338
538 Sx LinStatic 0.0212 0.0076
538 Sy LinStatic 0.0000 0.0333
538 Fx LinRespSpec Max 0.0199 0.0216
538 Fy LinRespSpec Max 0.0057 0.0347
539 Sx LinStatic 0.0212 0.0080
539 Sy LinStatic 0.0000 0.0336
539 Fx LinRespSpec Max 0.0199 0.0230
539 Fy LinRespSpec Max 0.0057 0.0351
540 Sx LinStatic 0.0212 0.0083
540 Sy LinStatic 0.0000 0.0334
540 Fx LinRespSpec Max 0.0199 0.0237
540 Fy LinRespSpec Max 0.0058 0.0348
541 Sx LinStatic 0.0214 0.0087
541 Sy LinStatic 0.0000 0.0328
541 Fx LinRespSpec Max 0.0201 0.0240
541 Fy LinRespSpec Max 0.0058 0.0341
548 Sx LinStatic 0.0107 0.0059
548 Sy LinStatic 0.0000 0.0254
548 Fx LinRespSpec Max 0.0087 0.0140
548 Fy LinRespSpec Max 0.0025 0.0244
549 Sx LinStatic 0.0105 0.0065
549 Sy LinStatic 0.0000 0.0259
549 Fx LinRespSpec Max 0.0085 0.0153
549 Fy LinRespSpec Max 0.0025 0.0250
550 Sx LinStatic 0.0105 0.0075
550 Sy LinStatic 0.0000 0.0262
550 Fx LinRespSpec Max 0.0085 0.0163
550 Fy LinRespSpec Max 0.0025 0.0253
551 Sx LinStatic 0.0105 0.0085
551 Sy LinStatic 0.0000 0.0260
551 Fx LinRespSpec Max 0.0086 0.0170
551 Fy LinRespSpec Max 0.0025 0.0251
552 Sx LinStatic 0.0108 0.0092
552 Sy LinStatic 0.0000 0.0255
552 Fx LinRespSpec Max 0.0088 0.0173
552 Fy LinRespSpec Max 0.0025 0.0247
74 Sx LinStatic 0.0110 0.0030
74 Sy LinStatic 0.0000 0.0251
74 Fx LinRespSpec Max 0.0089 0.0091
74 Fy LinRespSpec Max 0.0026 0.0239
75 Sx LinStatic 0.0216 0.0032
75 Sy LinStatic 0.0000 0.0324
75 Fx LinRespSpec Max 0.0202 0.0127
75 Fy LinRespSpec Max 0.0058 0.0331


TABLE: Design Forces For Columns
Frame Combo Station P V2 V3 T M2 M3
1 ENVELOPE 0 1.86 9.97 6.82 0.30 34.62 22.80
1 ENVELOPE 0.25 3.18 9.97 6.82 0.30 37.93 25.26
1 ENVELOPE 0.5 4.51 9.97 6.82 0.30 41.24 27.72
1 ENVELOPE 0.75 5.83 9.97 6.82 0.30 44.56 30.17
1 ENVELOPE 1 7.16 9.97 6.82 0.30 47.87 32.63
1 ENVELOPE 1.2 8.22 9.97 6.82 0.30 50.52 34.59
1 ENVELOPE 1.2 24.92 12.24 3.04 0.07 15.04 35.85
1 ENVELOPE 1.25 25.18 12.24 3.04 0.07 16.15 36.19
1 ENVELOPE 1.5 26.51 12.24 3.04 0.07 21.72 37.94
1 ENVELOPE 1.75 27.83 12.24 3.04 0.07 27.28 39.68
1 ENVELOPE 2 29.16 12.24 3.04 0.07 32.85 41.43
1 ENVELOPE 0 1.86 9.83 6.82 0.30 20.20 22.80
1 ENVELOPE 0.25 3.18 9.83 6.82 0.30 21.90 25.26
1 ENVELOPE 0.5 4.51 9.83 6.82 0.30 23.61 27.72
1 ENVELOPE 0.75 5.83 9.83 6.82 0.30 25.31 30.17
1 ENVELOPE 1 7.16 9.83 6.82 0.30 27.02 32.63
1 ENVELOPE 1.2 8.22 9.83 6.82 0.30 28.38 34.59
1 ENVELOPE 1.2 24.92 7.63 3.04 0.07 64.23 35.85
1 ENVELOPE 1.25 25.18 7.63 3.04 0.07 63.87 36.19
1 ENVELOPE 1.5 26.51 7.63 3.04 0.07 62.05 37.94
1 ENVELOPE 1.75 27.83 7.63 3.04 0.07 60.24 39.68
1 ENVELOPE 2 29.16 7.63 3.04 0.07 58.43 41.43
1 ENVELOPE 0 1.86 9.97 13.25 0.30 34.62 23.19
1 ENVELOPE 0.25 3.18 9.97 13.25 0.30 37.93 25.69
1 ENVELOPE 0.5 4.51 9.97 13.25 0.30 41.24 28.18
1 ENVELOPE 0.75 5.83 9.97 13.25 0.30 44.56 30.67
1 ENVELOPE 1 7.16 9.97 13.25 0.30 47.87 33.17
1 ENVELOPE 1.2 8.22 9.97 13.25 0.30 50.52 35.16
1 ENVELOPE 1.2 24.92 12.24 26.49 0.07 15.04 26.97
1 ENVELOPE 1.25 25.18 12.24 26.49 0.07 16.15 27.54
1 ENVELOPE 1.5 26.51 12.24 26.49 0.07 21.72 30.44
1 ENVELOPE 1.75 27.83 12.24 26.49 0.07 27.28 33.34
1 ENVELOPE 2 29.16 12.24 26.49 0.07 32.85 36.23
1 ENVELOPE 0 1.86 9.83 13.25 0.30 20.20 23.19
1 ENVELOPE 0.25 3.18 9.83 13.25 0.30 21.90 25.69
1 ENVELOPE 0.5 4.51 9.83 13.25 0.30 23.61 28.18
1 ENVELOPE 0.75 5.83 9.83 13.25 0.30 25.31 30.67
1 ENVELOPE 1 7.16 9.83 13.25 0.30 27.02 33.17
1 ENVELOPE 1.2 8.22 9.83 13.25 0.30 28.38 35.16
1 ENVELOPE 1.2 24.92 7.63 26.49 0.07 64.23 26.97
1 ENVELOPE 1.25 25.18 7.63 26.49 0.07 63.87 27.54
1 ENVELOPE 1.5 26.51 7.63 26.49 0.07 62.05 30.44
1 ENVELOPE 1.75 27.83 7.63 26.49 0.07 60.24 33.34
1 ENVELOPE 2 29.16 7.63 26.49 0.07 58.43 36.23
1 ENVELOPE 0 41.37 9.97 6.82 0.37 34.62 22.80
1 ENVELOPE 0.25 43.14 9.97 6.82 0.37 37.93 25.26
1 ENVELOPE 0.5 44.91 9.97 6.82 0.37 41.24 27.72
1 ENVELOPE 0.75 46.67 9.97 6.82 0.37 44.56 30.17
1 ENVELOPE 1 48.44 9.97 6.82 0.37 47.87 32.63
1 ENVELOPE 1.2 49.86 9.97 6.82 0.37 50.52 34.59
1 ENVELOPE 1.2 74.12 12.24 3.04 0.55 15.04 35.85
1 ENVELOPE 1.25 74.48 12.24 3.04 0.55 16.15 36.19
1 ENVELOPE 1.5 76.24 12.24 3.04 0.55 21.72 37.94
1 ENVELOPE 1.75 78.01 12.24 3.04 0.55 27.28 39.68
1 ENVELOPE 2 79.78 12.24 3.04 0.55 32.85 41.43
1 ENVELOPE 0 41.37 9.83 6.82 0.37 20.20 22.80
1 ENVELOPE 0.25 43.14 9.83 6.82 0.37 21.90 25.26
1 ENVELOPE 0.5 44.91 9.83 6.82 0.37 23.61 27.72
1 ENVELOPE 0.75 46.67 9.83 6.82 0.37 25.31 30.17
1 ENVELOPE 1 48.44 9.83 6.82 0.37 27.02 32.63
1 ENVELOPE 1.2 49.86 9.83 6.82 0.37 28.38 34.59
1 ENVELOPE 1.2 74.12 7.63 3.04 0.55 64.23 35.85
1 ENVELOPE 1.25 74.48 7.63 3.04 0.55 63.87 36.19
1 ENVELOPE 1.5 76.24 7.63 3.04 0.55 62.05 37.94
1 ENVELOPE 1.75 78.01 7.63 3.04 0.55 60.24 39.68
1 ENVELOPE 2 79.78 7.63 3.04 0.55 58.43 41.43
1 ENVELOPE 0 41.37 9.97 13.25 0.37 34.62 23.19
1 ENVELOPE 0.25 43.14 9.97 13.25 0.37 37.93 25.69
1 ENVELOPE 0.5 44.91 9.97 13.25 0.37 41.24 28.18
1 ENVELOPE 0.75 46.67 9.97 13.25 0.37 44.56 30.67
1 ENVELOPE 1 48.44 9.97 13.25 0.37 47.87 33.17
1 ENVELOPE 1.2 49.86 9.97 13.25 0.37 50.52 35.16
1 ENVELOPE 1.2 74.12 12.24 26.49 0.55 15.04 26.97
1 ENVELOPE 1.25 74.48 12.24 26.49 0.55 16.15 27.54
1 ENVELOPE 1.5 76.24 12.24 26.49 0.55 21.72 30.44
1 ENVELOPE 1.75 78.01 12.24 26.49 0.55 27.28 33.34
1 ENVELOPE 2 79.78 12.24 26.49 0.55 32.85 36.23
1 ENVELOPE 0 41.37 9.83 13.25 0.37 20.20 23.19
1 ENVELOPE 0.25 43.14 9.83 13.25 0.37 21.90 25.69
1 ENVELOPE 0.5 44.91 9.83 13.25 0.37 23.61 28.18
1 ENVELOPE 0.75 46.67 9.83 13.25 0.37 25.31 30.67
1 ENVELOPE 1 48.44 9.83 13.25 0.37 27.02 33.17
1 ENVELOPE 1.2 49.86 9.83 13.25 0.37 28.38 35.16
1 ENVELOPE 1.2 74.12 7.63 26.49 0.55 64.23 26.97
1 ENVELOPE 1.25 74.48 7.63 26.49 0.55 63.87 27.54
1 ENVELOPE 1.5 76.24 7.63 26.49 0.55 62.05 30.44
1 ENVELOPE 1.75 78.01 7.63 26.49 0.55 60.24 33.34
1 ENVELOPE 2 79.78 7.63 26.49 0.55 58.43 36.23
526 ENVELOPE 0 11.41 10.86 6.70 0.34 34.55 24.42
526 ENVELOPE 0.25 12.74 10.86 6.70 0.34 37.90 27.13
526 ENVELOPE 0.5 14.06 10.86 6.70 0.34 41.25 29.83
526 ENVELOPE 0.75 15.39 10.86 6.70 0.34 44.60 32.54
526 ENVELOPE 1 16.71 10.86 6.70 0.34 47.95 35.24
526 ENVELOPE 1.2 17.77 10.86 6.70 0.34 50.63 37.41
526 ENVELOPE 1.2 27.70 10.62 6.72 0.24 50.62 29.37
526 ENVELOPE 1.25 27.97 10.62 6.72 0.24 51.29 29.94
526 ENVELOPE 1.5 29.29 10.62 6.72 0.24 54.65 32.77
526 ENVELOPE 1.75 30.62 10.62 6.72 0.24 58.01 35.63
526 ENVELOPE 2 31.95 10.62 6.72 0.24 61.37 38.48
526 ENVELOPE 0 11.41 10.83 6.70 0.34 20.18 24.42
526 ENVELOPE 0.25 12.74 10.83 6.70 0.34 21.85 27.13
526 ENVELOPE 0.5 14.06 10.83 6.70 0.34 23.53 29.83
526 ENVELOPE 0.75 15.39 10.83 6.70 0.34 25.20 32.54
526 ENVELOPE 1 16.71 10.83 6.70 0.34 26.87 35.24
526 ENVELOPE 1.2 17.77 10.83 6.70 0.34 28.21 37.41
526 ENVELOPE 1.2 27.70 11.42 6.72 0.24 28.22 29.37
526 ENVELOPE 1.25 27.97 11.42 6.72 0.24 28.56 29.94
526 ENVELOPE 1.5 29.29 11.42 6.72 0.24 30.24 32.77
526 ENVELOPE 1.75 30.62 11.42 6.72 0.24 31.92 35.63
526 ENVELOPE 2 31.95 11.42 6.72 0.24 33.60 38.48
526 ENVELOPE 0 11.41 10.86 13.40 0.34 34.55 24.49
526 ENVELOPE 0.25 12.74 10.86 13.40 0.34 37.90 27.21
526 ENVELOPE 0.5 14.06 10.86 13.40 0.34 41.25 29.92
526 ENVELOPE 0.75 15.39 10.86 13.40 0.34 44.60 32.64
526 ENVELOPE 1 16.71 10.86 13.40 0.34 47.95 35.35
526 ENVELOPE 1.2 17.77 10.86 13.40 0.34 50.63 37.52
526 ENVELOPE 1.2 27.70 10.62 13.43 0.24 50.62 29.53
526 ENVELOPE 1.25 27.97 10.62 13.43 0.24 51.29 30.06
526 ENVELOPE 1.5 29.29 10.62 13.43 0.24 54.65 32.69
526 ENVELOPE 1.75 30.62 10.62 13.43 0.24 58.01 35.35
526 ENVELOPE 2 31.95 10.62 13.43 0.24 61.37 38.01
526 ENVELOPE 0 11.41 10.83 13.40 0.34 20.18 24.49
526 ENVELOPE 0.25 12.74 10.83 13.40 0.34 21.85 27.21
526 ENVELOPE 0.5 14.06 10.83 13.40 0.34 23.53 29.92
526 ENVELOPE 0.75 15.39 10.83 13.40 0.34 25.20 32.64
526 ENVELOPE 1 16.71 10.83 13.40 0.34 26.87 35.35
526 ENVELOPE 1.2 17.77 10.83 13.40 0.34 28.21 37.52
526 ENVELOPE 1.2 27.70 11.42 13.43 0.24 28.22 29.53
526 ENVELOPE 1.25 27.97 11.42 13.43 0.24 28.56 30.06
526 ENVELOPE 1.5 29.29 11.42 13.43 0.24 30.24 32.69
526 ENVELOPE 1.75 30.62 11.42 13.43 0.24 31.92 35.35
526 ENVELOPE 2 31.95 11.42 13.43 0.24 33.60 38.01
526 ENVELOPE 0 51.43 10.86 6.70 0.38 34.55 24.42
526 ENVELOPE 0.25 53.20 10.86 6.70 0.38 37.90 27.13
526 ENVELOPE 0.5 54.97 10.86 6.70 0.38 41.25 29.83
526 ENVELOPE 0.75 56.73 10.86 6.70 0.38 44.60 32.54
526 ENVELOPE 1 58.50 10.86 6.70 0.38 47.95 35.24
526 ENVELOPE 1.2 59.92 10.86 6.70 0.38 50.63 37.41
526 ENVELOPE 1.2 73.15 10.62 6.72 0.27 50.62 29.37
526 ENVELOPE 1.25 73.51 10.62 6.72 0.27 51.29 29.94
526 ENVELOPE 1.5 75.27 10.62 6.72 0.27 54.65 32.77
526 ENVELOPE 1.75 77.04 10.62 6.72 0.27 58.01 35.63
526 ENVELOPE 2 78.81 10.62 6.72 0.27 61.37 38.48
526 ENVELOPE 0 51.43 10.83 6.70 0.38 20.18 24.42
526 ENVELOPE 0.25 53.20 10.83 6.70 0.38 21.85 27.13
526 ENVELOPE 0.5 54.97 10.83 6.70 0.38 23.53 29.83
526 ENVELOPE 0.75 56.73 10.83 6.70 0.38 25.20 32.54
526 ENVELOPE 1 58.50 10.83 6.70 0.38 26.87 35.24
526 ENVELOPE 1.2 59.92 10.83 6.70 0.38 28.21 37.41
526 ENVELOPE 1.2 73.15 11.42 6.72 0.27 28.22 29.37
526 ENVELOPE 1.25 73.51 11.42 6.72 0.27 28.56 29.94
526 ENVELOPE 1.5 75.27 11.42 6.72 0.27 30.24 32.77
526 ENVELOPE 1.75 77.04 11.42 6.72 0.27 31.92 35.63
526 ENVELOPE 2 78.81 11.42 6.72 0.27 33.60 38.48
526 ENVELOPE 0 51.43 10.86 13.40 0.38 34.55 24.49
526 ENVELOPE 0.25 53.20 10.86 13.40 0.38 37.90 27.21
526 ENVELOPE 0.5 54.97 10.86 13.40 0.38 41.25 29.92
526 ENVELOPE 0.75 56.73 10.86 13.40 0.38 44.60 32.64
526 ENVELOPE 1 58.50 10.86 13.40 0.38 47.95 35.35
526 ENVELOPE 1.2 59.92 10.86 13.40 0.38 50.63 37.52
526 ENVELOPE 1.2 73.15 10.62 13.43 0.27 50.62 29.53
526 ENVELOPE 1.25 73.51 10.62 13.43 0.27 51.29 30.06
526 ENVELOPE 1.5 75.27 10.62 13.43 0.27 54.65 32.69
526 ENVELOPE 1.75 77.04 10.62 13.43 0.27 58.01 35.35
526 ENVELOPE 2 78.81 10.62 13.43 0.27 61.37 38.01
526 ENVELOPE 0 51.43 10.83 13.40 0.38 20.18 24.49
526 ENVELOPE 0.25 53.20 10.83 13.40 0.38 21.85 27.21
526 ENVELOPE 0.5 54.97 10.83 13.40 0.38 23.53 29.92
526 ENVELOPE 0.75 56.73 10.83 13.40 0.38 25.20 32.64
526 ENVELOPE 1 58.50 10.83 13.40 0.38 26.87 35.35
526 ENVELOPE 1.2 59.92 10.83 13.40 0.38 28.21 37.52
526 ENVELOPE 1.2 73.15 11.42 13.43 0.27 28.22 29.53
526 ENVELOPE 1.25 73.51 11.42 13.43 0.27 28.56 30.06
526 ENVELOPE 1.5 75.27 11.42 13.43 0.27 30.24 32.69
526 ENVELOPE 1.75 77.04 11.42 13.43 0.27 31.92 35.35
526 ENVELOPE 2 78.81 11.42 13.43 0.27 33.60 38.01
527 ENVELOPE 0 11.47 10.85 6.66 0.36 34.67 24.48
527 ENVELOPE 0.25 12.80 10.85 6.66 0.36 38.03 27.19
527 ENVELOPE 0.5 14.13 10.85 6.66 0.36 41.39 29.90
527 ENVELOPE 0.75 15.45 10.85 6.66 0.36 44.76 32.62
527 ENVELOPE 1 16.78 10.85 6.66 0.36 48.12 35.33
527 ENVELOPE 1.2 17.84 10.85 6.66 0.36 50.81 37.50
527 ENVELOPE 1.2 27.76 10.90 6.69 0.26 50.81 29.48
527 ENVELOPE 1.25 28.03 10.90 6.69 0.26 51.48 30.03
527 ENVELOPE 1.5 29.35 10.90 6.69 0.26 54.85 32.75
527 ENVELOPE 1.75 30.68 10.90 6.69 0.26 58.22 35.47
527 ENVELOPE 2 32.01 10.90 6.69 0.26 61.59 38.20
527 ENVELOPE 0 11.47 10.85 6.66 0.36 20.10 24.48
527 ENVELOPE 0.25 12.80 10.85 6.66 0.36 21.76 27.19
527 ENVELOPE 0.5 14.13 10.85 6.66 0.36 23.43 29.90
527 ENVELOPE 0.75 15.45 10.85 6.66 0.36 25.09 32.62
527 ENVELOPE 1 16.78 10.85 6.66 0.36 26.76 35.33
527 ENVELOPE 1.2 17.84 10.85 6.66 0.36 28.09 37.50
527 ENVELOPE 1.2 27.76 10.90 6.69 0.26 28.10 29.48
527 ENVELOPE 1.25 28.03 10.90 6.69 0.26 28.43 30.03
527 ENVELOPE 1.5 29.35 10.90 6.69 0.26 30.10 32.75
527 ENVELOPE 1.75 30.68 10.90 6.69 0.26 31.77 35.47
527 ENVELOPE 2 32.01 10.90 6.69 0.26 33.45 38.20
527 ENVELOPE 0 11.47 10.85 13.46 0.36 34.67 24.48
527 ENVELOPE 0.25 12.80 10.85 13.46 0.36 38.03 27.19
527 ENVELOPE 0.5 14.13 10.85 13.46 0.36 41.39 29.90
527 ENVELOPE 0.75 15.45 10.85 13.46 0.36 44.76 32.62
527 ENVELOPE 1 16.78 10.85 13.46 0.36 48.12 35.33
527 ENVELOPE 1.2 17.84 10.85 13.46 0.36 50.81 37.50
527 ENVELOPE 1.2 27.76 10.90 13.48 0.26 50.81 29.48
527 ENVELOPE 1.25 28.03 10.90 13.48 0.26 51.48 30.03
527 ENVELOPE 1.5 29.35 10.90 13.48 0.26 54.85 32.75
527 ENVELOPE 1.75 30.68 10.90 13.48 0.26 58.22 35.47
527 ENVELOPE 2 32.01 10.90 13.48 0.26 61.59 38.20
527 ENVELOPE 0 11.47 10.85 13.46 0.36 20.10 24.48
527 ENVELOPE 0.25 12.80 10.85 13.46 0.36 21.76 27.19
527 ENVELOPE 0.5 14.13 10.85 13.46 0.36 23.43 29.90
527 ENVELOPE 0.75 15.45 10.85 13.46 0.36 25.09 32.62
527 ENVELOPE 1 16.78 10.85 13.46 0.36 26.76 35.33
527 ENVELOPE 1.2 17.84 10.85 13.46 0.36 28.09 37.50
527 ENVELOPE 1.2 27.76 10.90 13.48 0.26 28.10 29.48
527 ENVELOPE 1.25 28.03 10.90 13.48 0.26 28.43 30.03
527 ENVELOPE 1.5 29.35 10.90 13.48 0.26 30.10 32.75
527 ENVELOPE 1.75 30.68 10.90 13.48 0.26 31.77 35.47
527 ENVELOPE 2 32.01 10.90 13.48 0.26 33.45 38.20
527 ENVELOPE 0 51.83 10.85 6.66 0.36 34.67 24.48
527 ENVELOPE 0.25 53.60 10.85 6.66 0.36 38.03 27.19
527 ENVELOPE 0.5 55.36 10.85 6.66 0.36 41.39 29.90
527 ENVELOPE 0.75 57.13 10.85 6.66 0.36 44.76 32.62
527 ENVELOPE 1 58.90 10.85 6.66 0.36 48.12 35.33
527 ENVELOPE 1.2 60.31 10.85 6.66 0.36 50.81 37.50
527 ENVELOPE 1.2 73.55 10.90 6.69 0.26 50.81 29.48
527 ENVELOPE 1.25 73.90 10.90 6.69 0.26 51.48 30.03
527 ENVELOPE 1.5 75.67 10.90 6.69 0.26 54.85 32.75
527 ENVELOPE 1.75 77.43 10.90 6.69 0.26 58.22 35.47
527 ENVELOPE 2 79.20 10.90 6.69 0.26 61.59 38.20
527 ENVELOPE 0 51.83 10.85 6.66 0.36 20.10 24.48
527 ENVELOPE 0.25 53.60 10.85 6.66 0.36 21.76 27.19
527 ENVELOPE 0.5 55.36 10.85 6.66 0.36 23.43 29.90
527 ENVELOPE 0.75 57.13 10.85 6.66 0.36 25.09 32.62
527 ENVELOPE 1 58.90 10.85 6.66 0.36 26.76 35.33
527 ENVELOPE 1.2 60.31 10.85 6.66 0.36 28.09 37.50
527 ENVELOPE 1.2 73.55 10.90 6.69 0.26 28.10 29.48
527 ENVELOPE 1.25 73.90 10.90 6.69 0.26 28.43 30.03
527 ENVELOPE 1.5 75.67 10.90 6.69 0.26 30.10 32.75
527 ENVELOPE 1.75 77.43 10.90 6.69 0.26 31.77 35.47
527 ENVELOPE 2 79.20 10.90 6.69 0.26 33.45 38.20
527 ENVELOPE 0 51.83 10.85 13.46 0.36 34.67 24.48
527 ENVELOPE 0.25 53.60 10.85 13.46 0.36 38.03 27.19
527 ENVELOPE 0.5 55.36 10.85 13.46 0.36 41.39 29.90
527 ENVELOPE 0.75 57.13 10.85 13.46 0.36 44.76 32.62
527 ENVELOPE 1 58.90 10.85 13.46 0.36 48.12 35.33
527 ENVELOPE 1.2 60.31 10.85 13.46 0.36 50.81 37.50
527 ENVELOPE 1.2 73.55 10.90 13.48 0.26 50.81 29.48
527 ENVELOPE 1.25 73.90 10.90 13.48 0.26 51.48 30.03
527 ENVELOPE 1.5 75.67 10.90 13.48 0.26 54.85 32.75
527 ENVELOPE 1.75 77.43 10.90 13.48 0.26 58.22 35.47
527 ENVELOPE 2 79.20 10.90 13.48 0.26 61.59 38.20
527 ENVELOPE 0 51.83 10.85 13.46 0.36 20.10 24.48
527 ENVELOPE 0.25 53.60 10.85 13.46 0.36 21.76 27.19
527 ENVELOPE 0.5 55.36 10.85 13.46 0.36 23.43 29.90
527 ENVELOPE 0.75 57.13 10.85 13.46 0.36 25.09 32.62
527 ENVELOPE 1 58.90 10.85 13.46 0.36 26.76 35.33
527 ENVELOPE 1.2 60.31 10.85 13.46 0.36 28.09 37.50
527 ENVELOPE 1.2 73.55 10.90 13.48 0.26 28.10 29.48
527 ENVELOPE 1.25 73.90 10.90 13.48 0.26 28.43 30.03
527 ENVELOPE 1.5 75.67 10.90 13.48 0.26 30.10 32.75
527 ENVELOPE 1.75 77.43 10.90 13.48 0.26 31.77 35.47
527 ENVELOPE 2 79.20 10.90 13.48 0.26 33.45 38.20
528 ENVELOPE 0 11.41 10.83 6.70 0.38 34.55 24.49
528 ENVELOPE 0.25 12.74 10.83 6.70 0.38 37.90 27.21
528 ENVELOPE 0.5 14.06 10.83 6.70 0.38 41.25 29.92
528 ENVELOPE 0.75 15.39 10.83 6.70 0.38 44.60 32.64
528 ENVELOPE 1 16.71 10.83 6.70 0.38 47.95 35.35
528 ENVELOPE 1.2 17.77 10.83 6.70 0.38 50.63 37.52
528 ENVELOPE 1.2 27.70 11.42 6.72 0.27 50.62 29.53
528 ENVELOPE 1.25 27.97 11.42 6.72 0.27 51.29 30.06
528 ENVELOPE 1.5 29.29 11.42 6.72 0.27 54.65 32.69
528 ENVELOPE 1.75 30.62 11.42 6.72 0.27 58.01 35.35
528 ENVELOPE 2 31.95 11.42 6.72 0.27 61.37 38.01
528 ENVELOPE 0 11.41 10.86 6.70 0.38 20.18 24.49
528 ENVELOPE 0.25 12.74 10.86 6.70 0.38 21.85 27.21
528 ENVELOPE 0.5 14.06 10.86 6.70 0.38 23.53 29.92
528 ENVELOPE 0.75 15.39 10.86 6.70 0.38 25.20 32.64
528 ENVELOPE 1 16.71 10.86 6.70 0.38 26.87 35.35
528 ENVELOPE 1.2 17.77 10.86 6.70 0.38 28.21 37.52
528 ENVELOPE 1.2 27.70 10.62 6.72 0.27 28.22 29.53
528 ENVELOPE 1.25 27.97 10.62 6.72 0.27 28.56 30.06
528 ENVELOPE 1.5 29.29 10.62 6.72 0.27 30.24 32.69
528 ENVELOPE 1.75 30.62 10.62 6.72 0.27 31.92 35.35
528 ENVELOPE 2 31.95 10.62 6.72 0.27 33.60 38.01
528 ENVELOPE 0 11.41 10.83 13.40 0.38 34.55 24.42
528 ENVELOPE 0.25 12.74 10.83 13.40 0.38 37.90 27.13
528 ENVELOPE 0.5 14.06 10.83 13.40 0.38 41.25 29.83
528 ENVELOPE 0.75 15.39 10.83 13.40 0.38 44.60 32.54
528 ENVELOPE 1 16.71 10.83 13.40 0.38 47.95 35.24
528 ENVELOPE 1.2 17.77 10.83 13.40 0.38 50.63 37.41
528 ENVELOPE 1.2 27.70 11.42 13.43 0.27 50.62 29.37
528 ENVELOPE 1.25 27.97 11.42 13.43 0.27 51.29 29.94
528 ENVELOPE 1.5 29.29 11.42 13.43 0.27 54.65 32.77
528 ENVELOPE 1.75 30.62 11.42 13.43 0.27 58.01 35.63
528 ENVELOPE 2 31.95 11.42 13.43 0.27 61.37 38.48
528 ENVELOPE 0 11.41 10.86 13.40 0.38 20.18 24.42
528 ENVELOPE 0.25 12.74 10.86 13.40 0.38 21.85 27.13
528 ENVELOPE 0.5 14.06 10.86 13.40 0.38 23.53 29.83
528 ENVELOPE 0.75 15.39 10.86 13.40 0.38 25.20 32.54
528 ENVELOPE 1 16.71 10.86 13.40 0.38 26.87 35.24
528 ENVELOPE 1.2 17.77 10.86 13.40 0.38 28.21 37.41
528 ENVELOPE 1.2 27.70 10.62 13.43 0.27 28.22 29.37
528 ENVELOPE 1.25 27.97 10.62 13.43 0.27 28.56 29.94
528 ENVELOPE 1.5 29.29 10.62 13.43 0.27 30.24 32.77
528 ENVELOPE 1.75 30.62 10.62 13.43 0.27 31.92 35.63
528 ENVELOPE 2 31.95 10.62 13.43 0.27 33.60 38.48
528 ENVELOPE 0 51.43 10.83 6.70 0.34 34.55 24.49
528 ENVELOPE 0.25 53.20 10.83 6.70 0.34 37.90 27.21
528 ENVELOPE 0.5 54.97 10.83 6.70 0.34 41.25 29.92
528 ENVELOPE 0.75 56.73 10.83 6.70 0.34 44.60 32.64
528 ENVELOPE 1 58.50 10.83 6.70 0.34 47.95 35.35
528 ENVELOPE 1.2 59.92 10.83 6.70 0.34 50.63 37.52
528 ENVELOPE 1.2 73.15 11.42 6.72 0.24 50.62 29.53
528 ENVELOPE 1.25 73.51 11.42 6.72 0.24 51.29 30.06
528 ENVELOPE 1.5 75.27 11.42 6.72 0.24 54.65 32.69
528 ENVELOPE 1.75 77.04 11.42 6.72 0.24 58.01 35.35
528 ENVELOPE 2 78.81 11.42 6.72 0.24 61.37 38.01
528 ENVELOPE 0 51.43 10.86 6.70 0.34 20.18 24.49
528 ENVELOPE 0.25 53.20 10.86 6.70 0.34 21.85 27.21
528 ENVELOPE 0.5 54.97 10.86 6.70 0.34 23.53 29.92
528 ENVELOPE 0.75 56.73 10.86 6.70 0.34 25.20 32.64
528 ENVELOPE 1 58.50 10.86 6.70 0.34 26.87 35.35
528 ENVELOPE 1.2 59.92 10.86 6.70 0.34 28.21 37.52
528 ENVELOPE 1.2 73.15 10.62 6.72 0.24 28.22 29.53
528 ENVELOPE 1.25 73.51 10.62 6.72 0.24 28.56 30.06
528 ENVELOPE 1.5 75.27 10.62 6.72 0.24 30.24 32.69
528 ENVELOPE 1.75 77.04 10.62 6.72 0.24 31.92 35.35
528 ENVELOPE 2 78.81 10.62 6.72 0.24 33.60 38.01
528 ENVELOPE 0 51.43 10.83 13.40 0.34 34.55 24.42
528 ENVELOPE 0.25 53.20 10.83 13.40 0.34 37.90 27.13
528 ENVELOPE 0.5 54.97 10.83 13.40 0.34 41.25 29.83
528 ENVELOPE 0.75 56.73 10.83 13.40 0.34 44.60 32.54
528 ENVELOPE 1 58.50 10.83 13.40 0.34 47.95 35.24
528 ENVELOPE 1.2 59.92 10.83 13.40 0.34 50.63 37.41
528 ENVELOPE 1.2 73.15 11.42 13.43 0.24 50.62 29.37
528 ENVELOPE 1.25 73.51 11.42 13.43 0.24 51.29 29.94
528 ENVELOPE 1.5 75.27 11.42 13.43 0.24 54.65 32.77
528 ENVELOPE 1.75 77.04 11.42 13.43 0.24 58.01 35.63
528 ENVELOPE 2 78.81 11.42 13.43 0.24 61.37 38.48
528 ENVELOPE 0 51.43 10.86 13.40 0.34 20.18 24.42
528 ENVELOPE 0.25 53.20 10.86 13.40 0.34 21.85 27.13
528 ENVELOPE 0.5 54.97 10.86 13.40 0.34 23.53 29.83
528 ENVELOPE 0.75 56.73 10.86 13.40 0.34 25.20 32.54
528 ENVELOPE 1 58.50 10.86 13.40 0.34 26.87 35.24
528 ENVELOPE 1.2 59.92 10.86 13.40 0.34 28.21 37.41
528 ENVELOPE 1.2 73.15 10.62 13.43 0.24 28.22 29.37
528 ENVELOPE 1.25 73.51 10.62 13.43 0.24 28.56 29.94
528 ENVELOPE 1.5 75.27 10.62 13.43 0.24 30.24 32.77
528 ENVELOPE 1.75 77.04 10.62 13.43 0.24 31.92 35.63
528 ENVELOPE 2 78.81 10.62 13.43 0.24 33.60 38.48
529 ENVELOPE 0 10.61 10.83 6.84 0.42 34.25 24.54
529 ENVELOPE 0.25 11.93 10.83 6.84 0.42 37.57 27.26
529 ENVELOPE 0.5 13.26 10.83 6.84 0.42 40.88 29.98
529 ENVELOPE 0.75 14.58 10.83 6.84 0.42 44.20 32.70
529 ENVELOPE 1 15.91 10.83 6.84 0.42 47.52 35.43
529 ENVELOPE 1.2 16.97 10.83 6.84 0.42 50.17 37.60
529 ENVELOPE 1.2 26.96 12.93 6.93 0.54 49.67 29.78
529 ENVELOPE 1.25 27.23 12.93 6.93 0.54 50.33 30.24
529 ENVELOPE 1.5 28.55 12.93 6.93 0.54 53.63 32.62
529 ENVELOPE 1.75 29.88 12.93 6.93 0.54 56.93 35.06
529 ENVELOPE 2 31.20 12.93 6.93 0.54 60.22 37.50
529 ENVELOPE 0 10.61 10.89 6.84 0.42 20.46 24.54
529 ENVELOPE 0.25 11.93 10.89 6.84 0.42 22.17 27.26
529 ENVELOPE 0.5 13.26 10.89 6.84 0.42 23.88 29.98
529 ENVELOPE 0.75 14.58 10.89 6.84 0.42 25.59 32.70
529 ENVELOPE 1 15.91 10.89 6.84 0.42 27.30 35.43
529 ENVELOPE 1.2 16.97 10.89 6.84 0.42 28.67 37.60
529 ENVELOPE 1.2 26.96 9.77 6.93 0.54 28.99 29.78
529 ENVELOPE 1.25 27.23 9.77 6.93 0.54 29.34 30.24
529 ENVELOPE 1.5 28.55 9.77 6.93 0.54 31.07 32.62
529 ENVELOPE 1.75 29.88 9.77 6.93 0.54 32.81 35.06
529 ENVELOPE 2 31.20 9.77 6.93 0.54 34.54 37.50
529 ENVELOPE 0 10.61 10.83 13.26 0.42 34.25 24.38
529 ENVELOPE 0.25 11.93 10.83 13.26 0.42 37.57 27.09
529 ENVELOPE 0.5 13.26 10.83 13.26 0.42 40.88 29.79
529 ENVELOPE 0.75 14.58 10.83 13.26 0.42 44.20 32.50
529 ENVELOPE 1 15.91 10.83 13.26 0.42 47.52 35.21
529 ENVELOPE 1.2 16.97 10.83 13.26 0.42 50.17 37.37
529 ENVELOPE 1.2 26.96 12.93 13.19 0.54 49.67 29.16
529 ENVELOPE 1.25 27.23 12.93 13.19 0.54 50.33 29.78
529 ENVELOPE 1.5 28.55 12.93 13.19 0.54 53.63 32.95
529 ENVELOPE 1.75 29.88 12.93 13.19 0.54 56.93 36.18
529 ENVELOPE 2 31.20 12.93 13.19 0.54 60.22 39.41
529 ENVELOPE 0 10.61 10.89 13.26 0.42 20.46 24.38
529 ENVELOPE 0.25 11.93 10.89 13.26 0.42 22.17 27.09
529 ENVELOPE 0.5 13.26 10.89 13.26 0.42 23.88 29.79
529 ENVELOPE 0.75 14.58 10.89 13.26 0.42 25.59 32.50
529 ENVELOPE 1 15.91 10.89 13.26 0.42 27.30 35.21
529 ENVELOPE 1.2 16.97 10.89 13.26 0.42 28.67 37.37
529 ENVELOPE 1.2 26.96 9.77 13.19 0.54 28.99 29.16
529 ENVELOPE 1.25 27.23 9.77 13.19 0.54 29.34 29.78
529 ENVELOPE 1.5 28.55 9.77 13.19 0.54 31.07 32.95
529 ENVELOPE 1.75 29.88 9.77 13.19 0.54 32.81 36.18
529 ENVELOPE 2 31.20 9.77 13.19 0.54 34.54 39.41
529 ENVELOPE 0 49.37 10.83 6.84 0.34 34.25 24.54
529 ENVELOPE 0.25 51.14 10.83 6.84 0.34 37.57 27.26
529 ENVELOPE 0.5 52.91 10.83 6.84 0.34 40.88 29.98
529 ENVELOPE 0.75 54.67 10.83 6.84 0.34 44.20 32.70
529 ENVELOPE 1 56.44 10.83 6.84 0.34 47.52 35.43
529 ENVELOPE 1.2 57.86 10.83 6.84 0.34 50.17 37.60
529 ENVELOPE 1.2 71.18 12.93 6.93 0.08 49.67 29.78
529 ENVELOPE 1.25 71.53 12.93 6.93 0.08 50.33 30.24
529 ENVELOPE 1.5 73.30 12.93 6.93 0.08 53.63 32.62
529 ENVELOPE 1.75 75.07 12.93 6.93 0.08 56.93 35.06
529 ENVELOPE 2 76.83 12.93 6.93 0.08 60.22 37.50
529 ENVELOPE 0 49.37 10.89 6.84 0.34 20.46 24.54
529 ENVELOPE 0.25 51.14 10.89 6.84 0.34 22.17 27.26
529 ENVELOPE 0.5 52.91 10.89 6.84 0.34 23.88 29.98
529 ENVELOPE 0.75 54.67 10.89 6.84 0.34 25.59 32.70
529 ENVELOPE 1 56.44 10.89 6.84 0.34 27.30 35.43
529 ENVELOPE 1.2 57.86 10.89 6.84 0.34 28.67 37.60
529 ENVELOPE 1.2 71.18 9.77 6.93 0.08 28.99 29.78
529 ENVELOPE 1.25 71.53 9.77 6.93 0.08 29.34 30.24
529 ENVELOPE 1.5 73.30 9.77 6.93 0.08 31.07 32.62
529 ENVELOPE 1.75 75.07 9.77 6.93 0.08 32.81 35.06
529 ENVELOPE 2 76.83 9.77 6.93 0.08 34.54 37.50
529 ENVELOPE 0 49.37 10.83 13.26 0.34 34.25 24.38
529 ENVELOPE 0.25 51.14 10.83 13.26 0.34 37.57 27.09
529 ENVELOPE 0.5 52.91 10.83 13.26 0.34 40.88 29.79
529 ENVELOPE 0.75 54.67 10.83 13.26 0.34 44.20 32.50
529 ENVELOPE 1 56.44 10.83 13.26 0.34 47.52 35.21
529 ENVELOPE 1.2 57.86 10.83 13.26 0.34 50.17 37.37
529 ENVELOPE 1.2 71.18 12.93 13.19 0.08 49.67 29.16
529 ENVELOPE 1.25 71.53 12.93 13.19 0.08 50.33 29.78
529 ENVELOPE 1.5 73.30 12.93 13.19 0.08 53.63 32.95
529 ENVELOPE 1.75 75.07 12.93 13.19 0.08 56.93 36.18
529 ENVELOPE 2 76.83 12.93 13.19 0.08 60.22 39.41
529 ENVELOPE 0 49.37 10.89 13.26 0.34 20.46 24.38
529 ENVELOPE 0.25 51.14 10.89 13.26 0.34 22.17 27.09
529 ENVELOPE 0.5 52.91 10.89 13.26 0.34 23.88 29.79
529 ENVELOPE 0.75 54.67 10.89 13.26 0.34 25.59 32.50
529 ENVELOPE 1 56.44 10.89 13.26 0.34 27.30 35.21
529 ENVELOPE 1.2 57.86 10.89 13.26 0.34 28.67 37.37
529 ENVELOPE 1.2 71.18 9.77 13.19 0.08 28.99 29.16
529 ENVELOPE 1.25 71.53 9.77 13.19 0.08 29.34 29.78
529 ENVELOPE 1.5 73.30 9.77 13.19 0.08 31.07 32.95
529 ENVELOPE 1.75 75.07 9.77 13.19 0.08 32.81 36.18
529 ENVELOPE 2 76.83 9.77 13.19 0.08 34.54 39.41
530 ENVELOPE 0 1.86 9.83 6.82 0.37 34.62 23.19
530 ENVELOPE 0.25 3.18 9.83 6.82 0.37 37.93 25.69
530 ENVELOPE 0.5 4.51 9.83 6.82 0.37 41.24 28.18
530 ENVELOPE 0.75 5.83 9.83 6.82 0.37 44.56 30.67
530 ENVELOPE 1 7.16 9.83 6.82 0.37 47.87 33.17
530 ENVELOPE 1.2 8.22 9.83 6.82 0.37 50.52 35.16
530 ENVELOPE 1.2 24.92 7.63 3.04 0.55 15.04 26.97
530 ENVELOPE 1.25 25.18 7.63 3.04 0.55 16.15 27.54
530 ENVELOPE 1.5 26.51 7.63 3.04 0.55 21.72 30.44
530 ENVELOPE 1.75 27.83 7.63 3.04 0.55 27.28 33.34
530 ENVELOPE 2 29.16 7.63 3.04 0.55 32.85 36.23
530 ENVELOPE 0 1.86 9.97 6.82 0.37 20.20 23.19
530 ENVELOPE 0.25 3.18 9.97 6.82 0.37 21.90 25.69
530 ENVELOPE 0.5 4.51 9.97 6.82 0.37 23.61 28.18
530 ENVELOPE 0.75 5.83 9.97 6.82 0.37 25.31 30.67
530 ENVELOPE 1 7.16 9.97 6.82 0.37 27.02 33.17
530 ENVELOPE 1.2 8.22 9.97 6.82 0.37 28.38 35.16
530 ENVELOPE 1.2 24.92 12.24 3.04 0.55 64.23 26.97
530 ENVELOPE 1.25 25.18 12.24 3.04 0.55 63.87 27.54
530 ENVELOPE 1.5 26.51 12.24 3.04 0.55 62.05 30.44
530 ENVELOPE 1.75 27.83 12.24 3.04 0.55 60.24 33.34
530 ENVELOPE 2 29.16 12.24 3.04 0.55 58.43 36.23
530 ENVELOPE 0 1.86 9.83 13.25 0.37 34.62 22.80
530 ENVELOPE 0.25 3.18 9.83 13.25 0.37 37.93 25.26
530 ENVELOPE 0.5 4.51 9.83 13.25 0.37 41.24 27.72
530 ENVELOPE 0.75 5.83 9.83 13.25 0.37 44.56 30.17
530 ENVELOPE 1 7.16 9.83 13.25 0.37 47.87 32.63
530 ENVELOPE 1.2 8.22 9.83 13.25 0.37 50.52 34.59
530 ENVELOPE 1.2 24.92 7.63 26.49 0.55 15.04 35.85
530 ENVELOPE 1.25 25.18 7.63 26.49 0.55 16.15 36.19
530 ENVELOPE 1.5 26.51 7.63 26.49 0.55 21.72 37.94
530 ENVELOPE 1.75 27.83 7.63 26.49 0.55 27.28 39.68
530 ENVELOPE 2 29.16 7.63 26.49 0.55 32.85 41.43
530 ENVELOPE 0 1.86 9.97 13.25 0.37 20.20 22.80
530 ENVELOPE 0.25 3.18 9.97 13.25 0.37 21.90 25.26
530 ENVELOPE 0.5 4.51 9.97 13.25 0.37 23.61 27.72
530 ENVELOPE 0.75 5.83 9.97 13.25 0.37 25.31 30.17
530 ENVELOPE 1 7.16 9.97 13.25 0.37 27.02 32.63
530 ENVELOPE 1.2 8.22 9.97 13.25 0.37 28.38 34.59
530 ENVELOPE 1.2 24.92 12.24 26.49 0.55 64.23 35.85
530 ENVELOPE 1.25 25.18 12.24 26.49 0.55 63.87 36.19
530 ENVELOPE 1.5 26.51 12.24 26.49 0.55 62.05 37.94
530 ENVELOPE 1.75 27.83 12.24 26.49 0.55 60.24 39.68
530 ENVELOPE 2 29.16 12.24 26.49 0.55 58.43 41.43
530 ENVELOPE 0 41.37 9.83 6.82 0.30 34.62 23.19
530 ENVELOPE 0.25 43.14 9.83 6.82 0.30 37.93 25.69
530 ENVELOPE 0.5 44.91 9.83 6.82 0.30 41.24 28.18
530 ENVELOPE 0.75 46.67 9.83 6.82 0.30 44.56 30.67
530 ENVELOPE 1 48.44 9.83 6.82 0.30 47.87 33.17
530 ENVELOPE 1.2 49.86 9.83 6.82 0.30 50.52 35.16
530 ENVELOPE 1.2 74.12 7.63 3.04 0.07 15.04 26.97
530 ENVELOPE 1.25 74.48 7.63 3.04 0.07 16.15 27.54
530 ENVELOPE 1.5 76.24 7.63 3.04 0.07 21.72 30.44
530 ENVELOPE 1.75 78.01 7.63 3.04 0.07 27.28 33.34
530 ENVELOPE 2 79.78 7.63 3.04 0.07 32.85 36.23
530 ENVELOPE 0 41.37 9.97 6.82 0.30 20.20 23.19
530 ENVELOPE 0.25 43.14 9.97 6.82 0.30 21.90 25.69
530 ENVELOPE 0.5 44.91 9.97 6.82 0.30 23.61 28.18
530 ENVELOPE 0.75 46.67 9.97 6.82 0.30 25.31 30.67
530 ENVELOPE 1 48.44 9.97 6.82 0.30 27.02 33.17
530 ENVELOPE 1.2 49.86 9.97 6.82 0.30 28.38 35.16
530 ENVELOPE 1.2 74.12 12.24 3.04 0.07 64.23 26.97
530 ENVELOPE 1.25 74.48 12.24 3.04 0.07 63.87 27.54
530 ENVELOPE 1.5 76.24 12.24 3.04 0.07 62.05 30.44
530 ENVELOPE 1.75 78.01 12.24 3.04 0.07 60.24 33.34
530 ENVELOPE 2 79.78 12.24 3.04 0.07 58.43 36.23
530 ENVELOPE 0 41.37 9.83 13.25 0.30 34.62 22.80
530 ENVELOPE 0.25 43.14 9.83 13.25 0.30 37.93 25.26
530 ENVELOPE 0.5 44.91 9.83 13.25 0.30 41.24 27.72
530 ENVELOPE 0.75 46.67 9.83 13.25 0.30 44.56 30.17
530 ENVELOPE 1 48.44 9.83 13.25 0.30 47.87 32.63
530 ENVELOPE 1.2 49.86 9.83 13.25 0.30 50.52 34.59
530 ENVELOPE 1.2 74.12 7.63 26.49 0.07 15.04 35.85
530 ENVELOPE 1.25 74.48 7.63 26.49 0.07 16.15 36.19
530 ENVELOPE 1.5 76.24 7.63 26.49 0.07 21.72 37.94
530 ENVELOPE 1.75 78.01 7.63 26.49 0.07 27.28 39.68
530 ENVELOPE 2 79.78 7.63 26.49 0.07 32.85 41.43
530 ENVELOPE 0 41.37 9.97 13.25 0.30 20.20 22.80
530 ENVELOPE 0.25 43.14 9.97 13.25 0.30 21.90 25.26
530 ENVELOPE 0.5 44.91 9.97 13.25 0.30 23.61 27.72
530 ENVELOPE 0.75 46.67 9.97 13.25 0.30 25.31 30.17
530 ENVELOPE 1 48.44 9.97 13.25 0.30 27.02 32.63
530 ENVELOPE 1.2 49.86 9.97 13.25 0.30 28.38 34.59
530 ENVELOPE 1.2 74.12 12.24 26.49 0.07 64.23 35.85
530 ENVELOPE 1.25 74.48 12.24 26.49 0.07 63.87 36.19
530 ENVELOPE 1.5 76.24 12.24 26.49 0.07 62.05 37.94
530 ENVELOPE 1.75 78.01 12.24 26.49 0.07 60.24 39.68
530 ENVELOPE 2 79.78 12.24 26.49 0.07 58.43 41.43
531 ENVELOPE 0 1.86 9.97 14.04 0.37 20.20 22.80
531 ENVELOPE 0.25 3.18 9.97 14.04 0.37 21.90 25.26
531 ENVELOPE 0.5 4.51 9.97 14.04 0.37 23.61 27.72
531 ENVELOPE 0.75 5.83 9.97 14.04 0.37 25.31 30.17
531 ENVELOPE 1 7.16 9.97 14.04 0.37 27.02 32.63
531 ENVELOPE 1.2 8.22 9.97 14.04 0.37 28.38 34.59
531 ENVELOPE 1.2 24.92 12.24 26.49 0.55 64.23 35.85
531 ENVELOPE 1.25 25.18 12.24 26.49 0.55 63.87 36.19
531 ENVELOPE 1.5 26.51 12.24 26.49 0.55 62.05 37.94
531 ENVELOPE 1.75 27.83 12.24 26.49 0.55 60.24 39.68
531 ENVELOPE 2 29.16 12.24 26.49 0.55 58.43 41.43
531 ENVELOPE 0 1.86 9.83 14.04 0.37 34.62 22.80
531 ENVELOPE 0.25 3.18 9.83 14.04 0.37 37.93 25.26
531 ENVELOPE 0.5 4.51 9.83 14.04 0.37 41.24 27.72
531 ENVELOPE 0.75 5.83 9.83 14.04 0.37 44.56 30.17
531 ENVELOPE 1 7.16 9.83 14.04 0.37 47.87 32.63
531 ENVELOPE 1.2 8.22 9.83 14.04 0.37 50.66 34.59
531 ENVELOPE 1.2 24.92 7.63 26.49 0.55 15.04 35.85
531 ENVELOPE 1.25 25.18 7.63 26.49 0.55 16.15 36.19
531 ENVELOPE 1.5 26.51 7.63 26.49 0.55 21.72 37.94
531 ENVELOPE 1.75 27.83 7.63 26.49 0.55 27.28 39.68
531 ENVELOPE 2 29.16 7.63 26.49 0.55 32.85 41.43
531 ENVELOPE 0 1.86 9.97 6.82 0.37 20.20 23.19
531 ENVELOPE 0.25 3.18 9.97 6.82 0.37 21.90 25.69
531 ENVELOPE 0.5 4.51 9.97 6.82 0.37 23.61 28.18
531 ENVELOPE 0.75 5.83 9.97 6.82 0.37 25.31 30.67
531 ENVELOPE 1 7.16 9.97 6.82 0.37 27.02 33.17
531 ENVELOPE 1.2 8.22 9.97 6.82 0.37 28.38 35.16
531 ENVELOPE 1.2 24.92 12.24 3.04 0.55 64.23 26.97
531 ENVELOPE 1.25 25.18 12.24 3.04 0.55 63.87 27.54
531 ENVELOPE 1.5 26.51 12.24 3.04 0.55 62.05 30.44
531 ENVELOPE 1.75 27.83 12.24 3.04 0.55 60.24 33.34
531 ENVELOPE 2 29.16 12.24 3.04 0.55 58.43 36.23
531 ENVELOPE 0 1.86 9.83 6.82 0.37 34.62 23.19
531 ENVELOPE 0.25 3.18 9.83 6.82 0.37 37.93 25.69
531 ENVELOPE 0.5 4.51 9.83 6.82 0.37 41.24 28.18
531 ENVELOPE 0.75 5.83 9.83 6.82 0.37 44.56 30.67
531 ENVELOPE 1 7.16 9.83 6.82 0.37 47.87 33.17
531 ENVELOPE 1.2 8.22 9.83 6.82 0.37 50.66 35.16
531 ENVELOPE 1.2 24.92 7.63 3.04 0.55 15.04 26.97
531 ENVELOPE 1.25 25.18 7.63 3.04 0.55 16.15 27.54
531 ENVELOPE 1.5 26.51 7.63 3.04 0.55 21.72 30.44
531 ENVELOPE 1.75 27.83 7.63 3.04 0.55 27.28 33.34
531 ENVELOPE 2 29.16 7.63 3.04 0.55 32.85 36.23
531 ENVELOPE 0 44.91 9.97 14.04 0.30 20.20 22.80
531 ENVELOPE 0.25 46.68 9.97 14.04 0.30 21.90 25.26
531 ENVELOPE 0.5 48.45 9.97 14.04 0.30 23.61 27.72
531 ENVELOPE 0.75 50.21 9.97 14.04 0.30 25.31 30.17
531 ENVELOPE 1 51.98 9.97 14.04 0.30 27.02 32.63
531 ENVELOPE 1.2 53.40 9.97 14.04 0.30 28.38 34.59
531 ENVELOPE 1.2 77.81 12.24 26.49 0.07 64.23 35.85
531 ENVELOPE 1.25 78.16 12.24 26.49 0.07 63.87 36.19
531 ENVELOPE 1.5 79.93 12.24 26.49 0.07 62.05 37.94
531 ENVELOPE 1.75 81.70 12.24 26.49 0.07 60.24 39.68
531 ENVELOPE 2 83.47 12.24 26.49 0.07 58.43 41.43
531 ENVELOPE 0 44.91 9.83 14.04 0.30 34.62 22.80
531 ENVELOPE 0.25 46.68 9.83 14.04 0.30 37.93 25.26
531 ENVELOPE 0.5 48.45 9.83 14.04 0.30 41.24 27.72
531 ENVELOPE 0.75 50.21 9.83 14.04 0.30 44.56 30.17
531 ENVELOPE 1 51.98 9.83 14.04 0.30 47.87 32.63
531 ENVELOPE 1.2 53.40 9.83 14.04 0.30 50.66 34.59
531 ENVELOPE 1.2 77.81 7.63 26.49 0.07 15.04 35.85
531 ENVELOPE 1.25 78.16 7.63 26.49 0.07 16.15 36.19
531 ENVELOPE 1.5 79.93 7.63 26.49 0.07 21.72 37.94
531 ENVELOPE 1.75 81.70 7.63 26.49 0.07 27.28 39.68
531 ENVELOPE 2 83.47 7.63 26.49 0.07 32.85 41.43
531 ENVELOPE 0 44.91 9.97 6.82 0.30 20.20 23.19
531 ENVELOPE 0.25 46.68 9.97 6.82 0.30 21.90 25.69
531 ENVELOPE 0.5 48.45 9.97 6.82 0.30 23.61 28.18
531 ENVELOPE 0.75 50.21 9.97 6.82 0.30 25.31 30.67
531 ENVELOPE 1 51.98 9.97 6.82 0.30 27.02 33.17
531 ENVELOPE 1.2 53.40 9.97 6.82 0.30 28.38 35.16
531 ENVELOPE 1.2 77.81 12.24 3.04 0.07 64.23 26.97
531 ENVELOPE 1.25 78.16 12.24 3.04 0.07 63.87 27.54
531 ENVELOPE 1.5 79.93 12.24 3.04 0.07 62.05 30.44
531 ENVELOPE 1.75 81.70 12.24 3.04 0.07 60.24 33.34
531 ENVELOPE 2 83.47 12.24 3.04 0.07 58.43 36.23
531 ENVELOPE 0 44.91 9.83 6.82 0.30 34.62 23.19
531 ENVELOPE 0.25 46.68 9.83 6.82 0.30 37.93 25.69
531 ENVELOPE 0.5 48.45 9.83 6.82 0.30 41.24 28.18
531 ENVELOPE 0.75 50.21 9.83 6.82 0.30 44.56 30.67
531 ENVELOPE 1 51.98 9.83 6.82 0.30 47.87 33.17
531 ENVELOPE 1.2 53.40 9.83 6.82 0.30 50.66 35.16
531 ENVELOPE 1.2 77.81 7.63 3.04 0.07 15.04 26.97
531 ENVELOPE 1.25 78.16 7.63 3.04 0.07 16.15 27.54
531 ENVELOPE 1.5 79.93 7.63 3.04 0.07 21.72 30.44
531 ENVELOPE 1.75 81.70 7.63 3.04 0.07 27.28 33.34
531 ENVELOPE 2 83.47 7.63 3.04 0.07 32.85 36.23
532 ENVELOPE 0 10.61 10.89 14.43 0.42 20.46 24.38
532 ENVELOPE 0.25 11.93 10.89 14.43 0.42 22.17 27.09
532 ENVELOPE 0.5 13.26 10.89 14.43 0.42 23.88 29.79
532 ENVELOPE 0.75 14.58 10.89 14.43 0.42 25.59 32.50
532 ENVELOPE 1 15.91 10.89 14.43 0.42 27.30 35.21
532 ENVELOPE 1.2 16.97 10.89 14.43 0.42 28.67 37.37
532 ENVELOPE 1.2 26.96 9.77 14.30 0.54 28.99 29.16
532 ENVELOPE 1.25 27.23 9.77 14.30 0.54 29.34 29.78
532 ENVELOPE 1.5 28.55 9.77 14.30 0.54 31.07 32.95
532 ENVELOPE 1.75 29.88 9.77 14.30 0.54 32.81 36.18
532 ENVELOPE 2 31.20 9.77 14.30 0.54 34.54 39.41
532 ENVELOPE 0 10.61 10.83 14.43 0.42 34.25 24.38
532 ENVELOPE 0.25 11.93 10.83 14.43 0.42 37.80 27.09
532 ENVELOPE 0.5 13.26 10.83 14.43 0.42 41.41 29.79
532 ENVELOPE 0.75 14.58 10.83 14.43 0.42 45.01 32.50
532 ENVELOPE 1 15.91 10.83 14.43 0.42 48.62 35.21
532 ENVELOPE 1.2 16.97 10.83 14.43 0.42 51.51 37.37
532 ENVELOPE 1.2 26.96 12.93 14.30 0.54 50.96 29.16
532 ENVELOPE 1.25 27.23 12.93 14.30 0.54 51.67 29.78
532 ENVELOPE 1.5 28.55 12.93 14.30 0.54 55.25 32.95
532 ENVELOPE 1.75 29.88 12.93 14.30 0.54 58.82 36.18
532 ENVELOPE 2 31.20 12.93 14.30 0.54 62.40 39.41
532 ENVELOPE 0 10.61 10.89 6.84 0.42 20.46 24.54
532 ENVELOPE 0.25 11.93 10.89 6.84 0.42 22.17 27.26
532 ENVELOPE 0.5 13.26 10.89 6.84 0.42 23.88 29.98
532 ENVELOPE 0.75 14.58 10.89 6.84 0.42 25.59 32.70
532 ENVELOPE 1 15.91 10.89 6.84 0.42 27.30 35.43
532 ENVELOPE 1.2 16.97 10.89 6.84 0.42 28.67 37.60
532 ENVELOPE 1.2 26.96 9.77 6.93 0.54 28.99 29.78
532 ENVELOPE 1.25 27.23 9.77 6.93 0.54 29.34 30.24
532 ENVELOPE 1.5 28.55 9.77 6.93 0.54 31.07 32.62
532 ENVELOPE 1.75 29.88 9.77 6.93 0.54 32.81 35.06
532 ENVELOPE 2 31.20 9.77 6.93 0.54 34.54 37.50
532 ENVELOPE 0 10.61 10.83 6.84 0.42 34.25 24.54
532 ENVELOPE 0.25 11.93 10.83 6.84 0.42 37.80 27.26
532 ENVELOPE 0.5 13.26 10.83 6.84 0.42 41.41 29.98
532 ENVELOPE 0.75 14.58 10.83 6.84 0.42 45.01 32.70
532 ENVELOPE 1 15.91 10.83 6.84 0.42 48.62 35.43
532 ENVELOPE 1.2 16.97 10.83 6.84 0.42 51.51 37.60
532 ENVELOPE 1.2 26.96 12.93 6.93 0.54 50.96 29.78
532 ENVELOPE 1.25 27.23 12.93 6.93 0.54 51.67 30.24
532 ENVELOPE 1.5 28.55 12.93 6.93 0.54 55.25 32.62
532 ENVELOPE 1.75 29.88 12.93 6.93 0.54 58.82 35.06
532 ENVELOPE 2 31.20 12.93 6.93 0.54 62.40 37.50
532 ENVELOPE 0 52.63 10.89 14.43 0.34 20.46 24.38
532 ENVELOPE 0.25 54.39 10.89 14.43 0.34 22.17 27.09
532 ENVELOPE 0.5 56.16 10.89 14.43 0.34 23.88 29.79
532 ENVELOPE 0.75 57.93 10.89 14.43 0.34 25.59 32.50
532 ENVELOPE 1 59.69 10.89 14.43 0.34 27.30 35.21
532 ENVELOPE 1.2 61.11 10.89 14.43 0.34 28.67 37.37
532 ENVELOPE 1.2 74.43 9.77 14.30 0.08 28.99 29.16
532 ENVELOPE 1.25 74.78 9.77 14.30 0.08 29.34 29.78
532 ENVELOPE 1.5 76.55 9.77 14.30 0.08 31.07 32.95
532 ENVELOPE 1.75 78.32 9.77 14.30 0.08 32.81 36.18
532 ENVELOPE 2 80.09 9.77 14.30 0.08 34.54 39.41
532 ENVELOPE 0 52.63 10.83 14.43 0.34 34.25 24.38
532 ENVELOPE 0.25 54.39 10.83 14.43 0.34 37.80 27.09
532 ENVELOPE 0.5 56.16 10.83 14.43 0.34 41.41 29.79
532 ENVELOPE 0.75 57.93 10.83 14.43 0.34 45.01 32.50
532 ENVELOPE 1 59.69 10.83 14.43 0.34 48.62 35.21
532 ENVELOPE 1.2 61.11 10.83 14.43 0.34 51.51 37.37
532 ENVELOPE 1.2 74.43 12.93 14.30 0.08 50.96 29.16
532 ENVELOPE 1.25 74.78 12.93 14.30 0.08 51.67 29.78
532 ENVELOPE 1.5 76.55 12.93 14.30 0.08 55.25 32.95
532 ENVELOPE 1.75 78.32 12.93 14.30 0.08 58.82 36.18
532 ENVELOPE 2 80.09 12.93 14.30 0.08 62.40 39.41
532 ENVELOPE 0 52.63 10.89 6.84 0.34 20.46 24.54
532 ENVELOPE 0.25 54.39 10.89 6.84 0.34 22.17 27.26
532 ENVELOPE 0.5 56.16 10.89 6.84 0.34 23.88 29.98
532 ENVELOPE 0.75 57.93 10.89 6.84 0.34 25.59 32.70
532 ENVELOPE 1 59.69 10.89 6.84 0.34 27.30 35.43
532 ENVELOPE 1.2 61.11 10.89 6.84 0.34 28.67 37.60
532 ENVELOPE 1.2 74.43 9.77 6.93 0.08 28.99 29.78
532 ENVELOPE 1.25 74.78 9.77 6.93 0.08 29.34 30.24
532 ENVELOPE 1.5 76.55 9.77 6.93 0.08 31.07 32.62
532 ENVELOPE 1.75 78.32 9.77 6.93 0.08 32.81 35.06
532 ENVELOPE 2 80.09 9.77 6.93 0.08 34.54 37.50
532 ENVELOPE 0 52.63 10.83 6.84 0.34 34.25 24.54
532 ENVELOPE 0.25 54.39 10.83 6.84 0.34 37.80 27.26
532 ENVELOPE 0.5 56.16 10.83 6.84 0.34 41.41 29.98
532 ENVELOPE 0.75 57.93 10.83 6.84 0.34 45.01 32.70
532 ENVELOPE 1 59.69 10.83 6.84 0.34 48.62 35.43
532 ENVELOPE 1.2 61.11 10.83 6.84 0.34 51.51 37.60
532 ENVELOPE 1.2 74.43 12.93 6.93 0.08 50.96 29.78
532 ENVELOPE 1.25 74.78 12.93 6.93 0.08 51.67 30.24
532 ENVELOPE 1.5 76.55 12.93 6.93 0.08 55.25 32.62
532 ENVELOPE 1.75 78.32 12.93 6.93 0.08 58.82 35.06
532 ENVELOPE 2 80.09 12.93 6.93 0.08 62.40 37.50
533 ENVELOPE 0 11.41 10.86 14.82 0.38 20.18 24.42
533 ENVELOPE 0.25 12.74 10.86 14.82 0.38 21.85 27.13
533 ENVELOPE 0.5 14.06 10.86 14.82 0.38 23.53 29.83
533 ENVELOPE 0.75 15.39 10.86 14.82 0.38 25.20 32.54
533 ENVELOPE 1 16.71 10.86 14.82 0.38 26.87 35.24
533 ENVELOPE 1.2 17.77 10.86 14.82 0.38 28.21 37.41
533 ENVELOPE 1.2 27.70 10.62 14.83 0.27 28.22 29.37
533 ENVELOPE 1.25 27.97 10.62 14.83 0.27 28.56 29.94
533 ENVELOPE 1.5 29.29 10.62 14.83 0.27 30.24 32.77
533 ENVELOPE 1.75 30.62 10.62 14.83 0.27 31.92 35.63
533 ENVELOPE 2 31.95 10.62 14.83 0.27 33.60 38.48
533 ENVELOPE 0 11.41 10.83 14.82 0.38 35.04 24.42
533 ENVELOPE 0.25 12.74 10.83 14.82 0.38 38.75 27.13
533 ENVELOPE 0.5 14.06 10.83 14.82 0.38 42.45 29.83
533 ENVELOPE 0.75 15.39 10.83 14.82 0.38 46.16 32.54
533 ENVELOPE 1 16.71 10.83 14.82 0.38 49.86 35.24
533 ENVELOPE 1.2 17.77 10.83 14.82 0.38 52.83 37.41
533 ENVELOPE 1.2 27.70 11.42 14.83 0.27 52.80 29.37
533 ENVELOPE 1.25 27.97 11.42 14.83 0.27 53.55 29.94
533 ENVELOPE 1.5 29.29 11.42 14.83 0.27 57.25 32.77
533 ENVELOPE 1.75 30.62 11.42 14.83 0.27 60.96 35.63
533 ENVELOPE 2 31.95 11.42 14.83 0.27 64.67 38.48
533 ENVELOPE 0 11.41 10.86 6.70 0.38 20.18 24.49
533 ENVELOPE 0.25 12.74 10.86 6.70 0.38 21.85 27.21
533 ENVELOPE 0.5 14.06 10.86 6.70 0.38 23.53 29.92
533 ENVELOPE 0.75 15.39 10.86 6.70 0.38 25.20 32.64
533 ENVELOPE 1 16.71 10.86 6.70 0.38 26.87 35.35
533 ENVELOPE 1.2 17.77 10.86 6.70 0.38 28.21 37.52
533 ENVELOPE 1.2 27.70 10.62 6.72 0.27 28.22 29.53
533 ENVELOPE 1.25 27.97 10.62 6.72 0.27 28.56 30.06
533 ENVELOPE 1.5 29.29 10.62 6.72 0.27 30.24 32.69
533 ENVELOPE 1.75 30.62 10.62 6.72 0.27 31.92 35.35
533 ENVELOPE 2 31.95 10.62 6.72 0.27 33.60 38.01
533 ENVELOPE 0 11.41 10.83 6.70 0.38 35.04 24.49
533 ENVELOPE 0.25 12.74 10.83 6.70 0.38 38.75 27.21
533 ENVELOPE 0.5 14.06 10.83 6.70 0.38 42.45 29.92
533 ENVELOPE 0.75 15.39 10.83 6.70 0.38 46.16 32.64
533 ENVELOPE 1 16.71 10.83 6.70 0.38 49.86 35.35
533 ENVELOPE 1.2 17.77 10.83 6.70 0.38 52.83 37.52
533 ENVELOPE 1.2 27.70 11.42 6.72 0.27 52.80 29.53
533 ENVELOPE 1.25 27.97 11.42 6.72 0.27 53.55 30.06
533 ENVELOPE 1.5 29.29 11.42 6.72 0.27 57.25 32.69
533 ENVELOPE 1.75 30.62 11.42 6.72 0.27 60.96 35.35
533 ENVELOPE 2 31.95 11.42 6.72 0.27 64.67 38.01
533 ENVELOPE 0 54.55 10.86 14.82 0.34 20.18 24.42
533 ENVELOPE 0.25 56.32 10.86 14.82 0.34 21.85 27.13
533 ENVELOPE 0.5 58.09 10.86 14.82 0.34 23.53 29.83
533 ENVELOPE 0.75 59.85 10.86 14.82 0.34 25.20 32.54
533 ENVELOPE 1 61.62 10.86 14.82 0.34 26.87 35.24
533 ENVELOPE 1.2 63.04 10.86 14.82 0.34 28.21 37.41
533 ENVELOPE 1.2 76.27 10.62 14.83 0.24 28.22 29.37
533 ENVELOPE 1.25 76.63 10.62 14.83 0.24 28.56 29.94
533 ENVELOPE 1.5 78.39 10.62 14.83 0.24 30.24 32.77
533 ENVELOPE 1.75 80.16 10.62 14.83 0.24 31.92 35.63
533 ENVELOPE 2 81.93 10.62 14.83 0.24 33.60 38.48
533 ENVELOPE 0 54.55 10.83 14.82 0.34 35.04 24.42
533 ENVELOPE 0.25 56.32 10.83 14.82 0.34 38.75 27.13
533 ENVELOPE 0.5 58.09 10.83 14.82 0.34 42.45 29.83
533 ENVELOPE 0.75 59.85 10.83 14.82 0.34 46.16 32.54
533 ENVELOPE 1 61.62 10.83 14.82 0.34 49.86 35.24
533 ENVELOPE 1.2 63.04 10.83 14.82 0.34 52.83 37.41
533 ENVELOPE 1.2 76.27 11.42 14.83 0.24 52.80 29.37
533 ENVELOPE 1.25 76.63 11.42 14.83 0.24 53.55 29.94
533 ENVELOPE 1.5 78.39 11.42 14.83 0.24 57.25 32.77
533 ENVELOPE 1.75 80.16 11.42 14.83 0.24 60.96 35.63
533 ENVELOPE 2 81.93 11.42 14.83 0.24 64.67 38.48
533 ENVELOPE 0 54.55 10.86 6.70 0.34 20.18 24.49
533 ENVELOPE 0.25 56.32 10.86 6.70 0.34 21.85 27.21
533 ENVELOPE 0.5 58.09 10.86 6.70 0.34 23.53 29.92
533 ENVELOPE 0.75 59.85 10.86 6.70 0.34 25.20 32.64
533 ENVELOPE 1 61.62 10.86 6.70 0.34 26.87 35.35
533 ENVELOPE 1.2 63.04 10.86 6.70 0.34 28.21 37.52
533 ENVELOPE 1.2 76.27 10.62 6.72 0.24 28.22 29.53
533 ENVELOPE 1.25 76.63 10.62 6.72 0.24 28.56 30.06
533 ENVELOPE 1.5 78.39 10.62 6.72 0.24 30.24 32.69
533 ENVELOPE 1.75 80.16 10.62 6.72 0.24 31.92 35.35
533 ENVELOPE 2 81.93 10.62 6.72 0.24 33.60 38.01
533 ENVELOPE 0 54.55 10.83 6.70 0.34 35.04 24.49
533 ENVELOPE 0.25 56.32 10.83 6.70 0.34 38.75 27.21
533 ENVELOPE 0.5 58.09 10.83 6.70 0.34 42.45 29.92
533 ENVELOPE 0.75 59.85 10.83 6.70 0.34 46.16 32.64
533 ENVELOPE 1 61.62 10.83 6.70 0.34 49.86 35.35
533 ENVELOPE 1.2 63.04 10.83 6.70 0.34 52.83 37.52
533 ENVELOPE 1.2 76.27 11.42 6.72 0.24 52.80 29.53
533 ENVELOPE 1.25 76.63 11.42 6.72 0.24 53.55 30.06
533 ENVELOPE 1.5 78.39 11.42 6.72 0.24 57.25 32.69
533 ENVELOPE 1.75 80.16 11.42 6.72 0.24 60.96 35.35
533 ENVELOPE 2 81.93 11.42 6.72 0.24 64.67 38.01
534 ENVELOPE 0 11.47 10.85 14.96 0.36 20.10 24.48
534 ENVELOPE 0.25 12.80 10.85 14.96 0.36 21.76 27.19
534 ENVELOPE 0.5 14.13 10.85 14.96 0.36 23.43 29.90
534 ENVELOPE 0.75 15.45 10.85 14.96 0.36 25.09 32.62
534 ENVELOPE 1 16.78 10.85 14.96 0.36 26.76 35.33
534 ENVELOPE 1.2 17.84 10.85 14.96 0.36 28.09 37.50
534 ENVELOPE 1.2 27.76 10.90 14.96 0.26 28.10 29.48
534 ENVELOPE 1.25 28.03 10.90 14.96 0.26 28.43 30.03
534 ENVELOPE 1.5 29.35 10.90 14.96 0.26 30.10 32.75
534 ENVELOPE 1.75 30.68 10.90 14.96 0.26 31.77 35.47
534 ENVELOPE 2 32.01 10.90 14.96 0.26 33.45 38.20
534 ENVELOPE 0 11.47 10.85 14.96 0.36 35.33 24.48
534 ENVELOPE 0.25 12.80 10.85 14.96 0.36 39.07 27.19
534 ENVELOPE 0.5 14.13 10.85 14.96 0.36 42.81 29.90
534 ENVELOPE 0.75 15.45 10.85 14.96 0.36 46.55 32.62
534 ENVELOPE 1 16.78 10.85 14.96 0.36 50.29 35.33
534 ENVELOPE 1.2 17.84 10.85 14.96 0.36 53.28 37.50
534 ENVELOPE 1.2 27.76 10.90 14.96 0.26 53.26 29.48
534 ENVELOPE 1.25 28.03 10.90 14.96 0.26 54.01 30.03
534 ENVELOPE 1.5 29.35 10.90 14.96 0.26 57.75 32.75
534 ENVELOPE 1.75 30.68 10.90 14.96 0.26 61.49 35.47
534 ENVELOPE 2 32.01 10.90 14.96 0.26 65.23 38.20
534 ENVELOPE 0 11.47 10.85 6.66 0.36 20.10 24.48
534 ENVELOPE 0.25 12.80 10.85 6.66 0.36 21.76 27.19
534 ENVELOPE 0.5 14.13 10.85 6.66 0.36 23.43 29.90
534 ENVELOPE 0.75 15.45 10.85 6.66 0.36 25.09 32.62
534 ENVELOPE 1 16.78 10.85 6.66 0.36 26.76 35.33
534 ENVELOPE 1.2 17.84 10.85 6.66 0.36 28.09 37.50
534 ENVELOPE 1.2 27.76 10.90 6.69 0.26 28.10 29.48
534 ENVELOPE 1.25 28.03 10.90 6.69 0.26 28.43 30.03
534 ENVELOPE 1.5 29.35 10.90 6.69 0.26 30.10 32.75
534 ENVELOPE 1.75 30.68 10.90 6.69 0.26 31.77 35.47
534 ENVELOPE 2 32.01 10.90 6.69 0.26 33.45 38.20
534 ENVELOPE 0 11.47 10.85 6.66 0.36 35.33 24.48
534 ENVELOPE 0.25 12.80 10.85 6.66 0.36 39.07 27.19
534 ENVELOPE 0.5 14.13 10.85 6.66 0.36 42.81 29.90
534 ENVELOPE 0.75 15.45 10.85 6.66 0.36 46.55 32.62
534 ENVELOPE 1 16.78 10.85 6.66 0.36 50.29 35.33
534 ENVELOPE 1.2 17.84 10.85 6.66 0.36 53.28 37.50
534 ENVELOPE 1.2 27.76 10.90 6.69 0.26 53.26 29.48
534 ENVELOPE 1.25 28.03 10.90 6.69 0.26 54.01 30.03
534 ENVELOPE 1.5 29.35 10.90 6.69 0.26 57.75 32.75
534 ENVELOPE 1.75 30.68 10.90 6.69 0.26 61.49 35.47
534 ENVELOPE 2 32.01 10.90 6.69 0.26 65.23 38.20
534 ENVELOPE 0 54.97 10.85 14.96 0.36 20.10 24.48
534 ENVELOPE 0.25 56.74 10.85 14.96 0.36 21.76 27.19
534 ENVELOPE 0.5 58.51 10.85 14.96 0.36 23.43 29.90
534 ENVELOPE 0.75 60.27 10.85 14.96 0.36 25.09 32.62
534 ENVELOPE 1 62.04 10.85 14.96 0.36 26.76 35.33
534 ENVELOPE 1.2 63.45 10.85 14.96 0.36 28.09 37.50
534 ENVELOPE 1.2 76.69 10.90 14.96 0.26 28.10 29.48
534 ENVELOPE 1.25 77.04 10.90 14.96 0.26 28.43 30.03
534 ENVELOPE 1.5 78.81 10.90 14.96 0.26 30.10 32.75
534 ENVELOPE 1.75 80.58 10.90 14.96 0.26 31.77 35.47
534 ENVELOPE 2 82.34 10.90 14.96 0.26 33.45 38.20
534 ENVELOPE 0 54.97 10.85 14.96 0.36 35.33 24.48
534 ENVELOPE 0.25 56.74 10.85 14.96 0.36 39.07 27.19
534 ENVELOPE 0.5 58.51 10.85 14.96 0.36 42.81 29.90
534 ENVELOPE 0.75 60.27 10.85 14.96 0.36 46.55 32.62
534 ENVELOPE 1 62.04 10.85 14.96 0.36 50.29 35.33
534 ENVELOPE 1.2 63.45 10.85 14.96 0.36 53.28 37.50
534 ENVELOPE 1.2 76.69 10.90 14.96 0.26 53.26 29.48
534 ENVELOPE 1.25 77.04 10.90 14.96 0.26 54.01 30.03
534 ENVELOPE 1.5 78.81 10.90 14.96 0.26 57.75 32.75
534 ENVELOPE 1.75 80.58 10.90 14.96 0.26 61.49 35.47
534 ENVELOPE 2 82.34 10.90 14.96 0.26 65.23 38.20
534 ENVELOPE 0 54.97 10.85 6.66 0.36 20.10 24.48
534 ENVELOPE 0.25 56.74 10.85 6.66 0.36 21.76 27.19
534 ENVELOPE 0.5 58.51 10.85 6.66 0.36 23.43 29.90
534 ENVELOPE 0.75 60.27 10.85 6.66 0.36 25.09 32.62
534 ENVELOPE 1 62.04 10.85 6.66 0.36 26.76 35.33
534 ENVELOPE 1.2 63.45 10.85 6.66 0.36 28.09 37.50
534 ENVELOPE 1.2 76.69 10.90 6.69 0.26 28.10 29.48
534 ENVELOPE 1.25 77.04 10.90 6.69 0.26 28.43 30.03
534 ENVELOPE 1.5 78.81 10.90 6.69 0.26 30.10 32.75
534 ENVELOPE 1.75 80.58 10.90 6.69 0.26 31.77 35.47
534 ENVELOPE 2 82.34 10.90 6.69 0.26 33.45 38.20
534 ENVELOPE 0 54.97 10.85 6.66 0.36 35.33 24.48
534 ENVELOPE 0.25 56.74 10.85 6.66 0.36 39.07 27.19
534 ENVELOPE 0.5 58.51 10.85 6.66 0.36 42.81 29.90
534 ENVELOPE 0.75 60.27 10.85 6.66 0.36 46.55 32.62
534 ENVELOPE 1 62.04 10.85 6.66 0.36 50.29 35.33
534 ENVELOPE 1.2 63.45 10.85 6.66 0.36 53.28 37.50
534 ENVELOPE 1.2 76.69 10.90 6.69 0.26 53.26 29.48
534 ENVELOPE 1.25 77.04 10.90 6.69 0.26 54.01 30.03
534 ENVELOPE 1.5 78.81 10.90 6.69 0.26 57.75 32.75
534 ENVELOPE 1.75 80.58 10.90 6.69 0.26 61.49 35.47
534 ENVELOPE 2 82.34 10.90 6.69 0.26 65.23 38.20
535 ENVELOPE 0 11.41 10.83 14.82 0.34 20.18 24.49
535 ENVELOPE 0.25 12.74 10.83 14.82 0.34 21.85 27.21
535 ENVELOPE 0.5 14.06 10.83 14.82 0.34 23.53 29.92
535 ENVELOPE 0.75 15.39 10.83 14.82 0.34 25.20 32.64
535 ENVELOPE 1 16.71 10.83 14.82 0.34 26.87 35.35
535 ENVELOPE 1.2 17.77 10.83 14.82 0.34 28.21 37.52
535 ENVELOPE 1.2 27.70 11.42 14.83 0.24 28.22 29.53
535 ENVELOPE 1.25 27.97 11.42 14.83 0.24 28.56 30.06
535 ENVELOPE 1.5 29.29 11.42 14.83 0.24 30.24 32.69
535 ENVELOPE 1.75 30.62 11.42 14.83 0.24 31.92 35.35
535 ENVELOPE 2 31.95 11.42 14.83 0.24 33.60 38.01
535 ENVELOPE 0 11.41 10.86 14.82 0.34 35.04 24.49
535 ENVELOPE 0.25 12.74 10.86 14.82 0.34 38.75 27.21
535 ENVELOPE 0.5 14.06 10.86 14.82 0.34 42.45 29.92
535 ENVELOPE 0.75 15.39 10.86 14.82 0.34 46.16 32.64
535 ENVELOPE 1 16.71 10.86 14.82 0.34 49.86 35.35
535 ENVELOPE 1.2 17.77 10.86 14.82 0.34 52.83 37.52
535 ENVELOPE 1.2 27.70 10.62 14.83 0.24 52.80 29.53
535 ENVELOPE 1.25 27.97 10.62 14.83 0.24 53.55 30.06
535 ENVELOPE 1.5 29.29 10.62 14.83 0.24 57.25 32.69
535 ENVELOPE 1.75 30.62 10.62 14.83 0.24 60.96 35.35
535 ENVELOPE 2 31.95 10.62 14.83 0.24 64.67 38.01
535 ENVELOPE 0 11.41 10.83 6.70 0.34 20.18 24.42
535 ENVELOPE 0.25 12.74 10.83 6.70 0.34 21.85 27.13
535 ENVELOPE 0.5 14.06 10.83 6.70 0.34 23.53 29.83
535 ENVELOPE 0.75 15.39 10.83 6.70 0.34 25.20 32.54
535 ENVELOPE 1 16.71 10.83 6.70 0.34 26.87 35.24
535 ENVELOPE 1.2 17.77 10.83 6.70 0.34 28.21 37.41
535 ENVELOPE 1.2 27.70 11.42 6.72 0.24 28.22 29.37
535 ENVELOPE 1.25 27.97 11.42 6.72 0.24 28.56 29.94
535 ENVELOPE 1.5 29.29 11.42 6.72 0.24 30.24 32.77
535 ENVELOPE 1.75 30.62 11.42 6.72 0.24 31.92 35.63
535 ENVELOPE 2 31.95 11.42 6.72 0.24 33.60 38.48
535 ENVELOPE 0 11.41 10.86 6.70 0.34 35.04 24.42
535 ENVELOPE 0.25 12.74 10.86 6.70 0.34 38.75 27.13
535 ENVELOPE 0.5 14.06 10.86 6.70 0.34 42.45 29.83
535 ENVELOPE 0.75 15.39 10.86 6.70 0.34 46.16 32.54
535 ENVELOPE 1 16.71 10.86 6.70 0.34 49.86 35.24
535 ENVELOPE 1.2 17.77 10.86 6.70 0.34 52.83 37.41
535 ENVELOPE 1.2 27.70 10.62 6.72 0.24 52.80 29.37
535 ENVELOPE 1.25 27.97 10.62 6.72 0.24 53.55 29.94
535 ENVELOPE 1.5 29.29 10.62 6.72 0.24 57.25 32.77
535 ENVELOPE 1.75 30.62 10.62 6.72 0.24 60.96 35.63
535 ENVELOPE 2 31.95 10.62 6.72 0.24 64.67 38.48
535 ENVELOPE 0 54.55 10.83 14.82 0.38 20.18 24.49
535 ENVELOPE 0.25 56.32 10.83 14.82 0.38 21.85 27.21
535 ENVELOPE 0.5 58.09 10.83 14.82 0.38 23.53 29.92
535 ENVELOPE 0.75 59.85 10.83 14.82 0.38 25.20 32.64
535 ENVELOPE 1 61.62 10.83 14.82 0.38 26.87 35.35
535 ENVELOPE 1.2 63.04 10.83 14.82 0.38 28.21 37.52
535 ENVELOPE 1.2 76.27 11.42 14.83 0.27 28.22 29.53
535 ENVELOPE 1.25 76.63 11.42 14.83 0.27 28.56 30.06
535 ENVELOPE 1.5 78.39 11.42 14.83 0.27 30.24 32.69
535 ENVELOPE 1.75 80.16 11.42 14.83 0.27 31.92 35.35
535 ENVELOPE 2 81.93 11.42 14.83 0.27 33.60 38.01
535 ENVELOPE 0 54.55 10.86 14.82 0.38 35.04 24.49
535 ENVELOPE 0.25 56.32 10.86 14.82 0.38 38.75 27.21
535 ENVELOPE 0.5 58.09 10.86 14.82 0.38 42.45 29.92
535 ENVELOPE 0.75 59.85 10.86 14.82 0.38 46.16 32.64
535 ENVELOPE 1 61.62 10.86 14.82 0.38 49.86 35.35
535 ENVELOPE 1.2 63.04 10.86 14.82 0.38 52.83 37.52
535 ENVELOPE 1.2 76.27 10.62 14.83 0.27 52.80 29.53
535 ENVELOPE 1.25 76.63 10.62 14.83 0.27 53.55 30.06
535 ENVELOPE 1.5 78.39 10.62 14.83 0.27 57.25 32.69
535 ENVELOPE 1.75 80.16 10.62 14.83 0.27 60.96 35.35
535 ENVELOPE 2 81.93 10.62 14.83 0.27 64.67 38.01
535 ENVELOPE 0 54.55 10.83 6.70 0.38 20.18 24.42
535 ENVELOPE 0.25 56.32 10.83 6.70 0.38 21.85 27.13
535 ENVELOPE 0.5 58.09 10.83 6.70 0.38 23.53 29.83
535 ENVELOPE 0.75 59.85 10.83 6.70 0.38 25.20 32.54
535 ENVELOPE 1 61.62 10.83 6.70 0.38 26.87 35.24
535 ENVELOPE 1.2 63.04 10.83 6.70 0.38 28.21 37.41
535 ENVELOPE 1.2 76.27 11.42 6.72 0.27 28.22 29.37
535 ENVELOPE 1.25 76.63 11.42 6.72 0.27 28.56 29.94
535 ENVELOPE 1.5 78.39 11.42 6.72 0.27 30.24 32.77
535 ENVELOPE 1.75 80.16 11.42 6.72 0.27 31.92 35.63
535 ENVELOPE 2 81.93 11.42 6.72 0.27 33.60 38.48
535 ENVELOPE 0 54.55 10.86 6.70 0.38 35.04 24.42
535 ENVELOPE 0.25 56.32 10.86 6.70 0.38 38.75 27.13
535 ENVELOPE 0.5 58.09 10.86 6.70 0.38 42.45 29.83
535 ENVELOPE 0.75 59.85 10.86 6.70 0.38 46.16 32.54
535 ENVELOPE 1 61.62 10.86 6.70 0.38 49.86 35.24
535 ENVELOPE 1.2 63.04 10.86 6.70 0.38 52.83 37.41
535 ENVELOPE 1.2 76.27 10.62 6.72 0.27 52.80 29.37
535 ENVELOPE 1.25 76.63 10.62 6.72 0.27 53.55 29.94
535 ENVELOPE 1.5 78.39 10.62 6.72 0.27 57.25 32.77
535 ENVELOPE 1.75 80.16 10.62 6.72 0.27 60.96 35.63
535 ENVELOPE 2 81.93 10.62 6.72 0.27 64.67 38.48
536 ENVELOPE 0 10.61 10.83 14.43 0.34 20.46 24.54
536 ENVELOPE 0.25 11.93 10.83 14.43 0.34 22.17 27.26
536 ENVELOPE 0.5 13.26 10.83 14.43 0.34 23.88 29.98
536 ENVELOPE 0.75 14.58 10.83 14.43 0.34 25.59 32.70
536 ENVELOPE 1 15.91 10.83 14.43 0.34 27.30 35.43
536 ENVELOPE 1.2 16.97 10.83 14.43 0.34 28.67 37.60
536 ENVELOPE 1.2 26.96 12.93 14.30 0.08 28.99 29.78
536 ENVELOPE 1.25 27.23 12.93 14.30 0.08 29.34 30.24
536 ENVELOPE 1.5 28.55 12.93 14.30 0.08 31.07 32.62
536 ENVELOPE 1.75 29.88 12.93 14.30 0.08 32.81 35.06
536 ENVELOPE 2 31.20 12.93 14.30 0.08 34.54 37.50
536 ENVELOPE 0 10.61 10.89 14.43 0.34 34.25 24.54
536 ENVELOPE 0.25 11.93 10.89 14.43 0.34 37.80 27.26
536 ENVELOPE 0.5 13.26 10.89 14.43 0.34 41.41 29.98
536 ENVELOPE 0.75 14.58 10.89 14.43 0.34 45.01 32.70
536 ENVELOPE 1 15.91 10.89 14.43 0.34 48.62 35.43
536 ENVELOPE 1.2 16.97 10.89 14.43 0.34 51.51 37.60
536 ENVELOPE 1.2 26.96 9.77 14.30 0.08 50.96 29.78
536 ENVELOPE 1.25 27.23 9.77 14.30 0.08 51.67 30.24
536 ENVELOPE 1.5 28.55 9.77 14.30 0.08 55.25 32.62
536 ENVELOPE 1.75 29.88 9.77 14.30 0.08 58.82 35.06
536 ENVELOPE 2 31.20 9.77 14.30 0.08 62.40 37.50
536 ENVELOPE 0 10.61 10.83 6.84 0.34 20.46 24.38
536 ENVELOPE 0.25 11.93 10.83 6.84 0.34 22.17 27.09
536 ENVELOPE 0.5 13.26 10.83 6.84 0.34 23.88 29.79
536 ENVELOPE 0.75 14.58 10.83 6.84 0.34 25.59 32.50
536 ENVELOPE 1 15.91 10.83 6.84 0.34 27.30 35.21
536 ENVELOPE 1.2 16.97 10.83 6.84 0.34 28.67 37.37
536 ENVELOPE 1.2 26.96 12.93 6.93 0.08 28.99 29.16
536 ENVELOPE 1.25 27.23 12.93 6.93 0.08 29.34 29.78
536 ENVELOPE 1.5 28.55 12.93 6.93 0.08 31.07 32.95
536 ENVELOPE 1.75 29.88 12.93 6.93 0.08 32.81 36.18
536 ENVELOPE 2 31.20 12.93 6.93 0.08 34.54 39.41
536 ENVELOPE 0 10.61 10.89 6.84 0.34 34.25 24.38
536 ENVELOPE 0.25 11.93 10.89 6.84 0.34 37.80 27.09
536 ENVELOPE 0.5 13.26 10.89 6.84 0.34 41.41 29.79
536 ENVELOPE 0.75 14.58 10.89 6.84 0.34 45.01 32.50
536 ENVELOPE 1 15.91 10.89 6.84 0.34 48.62 35.21
536 ENVELOPE 1.2 16.97 10.89 6.84 0.34 51.51 37.37
536 ENVELOPE 1.2 26.96 9.77 6.93 0.08 50.96 29.16
536 ENVELOPE 1.25 27.23 9.77 6.93 0.08 51.67 29.78
536 ENVELOPE 1.5 28.55 9.77 6.93 0.08 55.25 32.95
536 ENVELOPE 1.75 29.88 9.77 6.93 0.08 58.82 36.18
536 ENVELOPE 2 31.20 9.77 6.93 0.08 62.40 39.41
536 ENVELOPE 0 52.63 10.83 14.43 0.42 20.46 24.54
536 ENVELOPE 0.25 54.39 10.83 14.43 0.42 22.17 27.26
536 ENVELOPE 0.5 56.16 10.83 14.43 0.42 23.88 29.98
536 ENVELOPE 0.75 57.93 10.83 14.43 0.42 25.59 32.70
536 ENVELOPE 1 59.69 10.83 14.43 0.42 27.30 35.43
536 ENVELOPE 1.2 61.11 10.83 14.43 0.42 28.67 37.60
536 ENVELOPE 1.2 74.43 12.93 14.30 0.54 28.99 29.78
536 ENVELOPE 1.25 74.78 12.93 14.30 0.54 29.34 30.24
536 ENVELOPE 1.5 76.55 12.93 14.30 0.54 31.07 32.62
536 ENVELOPE 1.75 78.32 12.93 14.30 0.54 32.81 35.06
536 ENVELOPE 2 80.09 12.93 14.30 0.54 34.54 37.50
536 ENVELOPE 0 52.63 10.89 14.43 0.42 34.25 24.54
536 ENVELOPE 0.25 54.39 10.89 14.43 0.42 37.80 27.26
536 ENVELOPE 0.5 56.16 10.89 14.43 0.42 41.41 29.98
536 ENVELOPE 0.75 57.93 10.89 14.43 0.42 45.01 32.70
536 ENVELOPE 1 59.69 10.89 14.43 0.42 48.62 35.43
536 ENVELOPE 1.2 61.11 10.89 14.43 0.42 51.51 37.60
536 ENVELOPE 1.2 74.43 9.77 14.30 0.54 50.96 29.78
536 ENVELOPE 1.25 74.78 9.77 14.30 0.54 51.67 30.24
536 ENVELOPE 1.5 76.55 9.77 14.30 0.54 55.25 32.62
536 ENVELOPE 1.75 78.32 9.77 14.30 0.54 58.82 35.06
536 ENVELOPE 2 80.09 9.77 14.30 0.54 62.40 37.50
536 ENVELOPE 0 52.63 10.83 6.84 0.42 20.46 24.38
536 ENVELOPE 0.25 54.39 10.83 6.84 0.42 22.17 27.09
536 ENVELOPE 0.5 56.16 10.83 6.84 0.42 23.88 29.79
536 ENVELOPE 0.75 57.93 10.83 6.84 0.42 25.59 32.50
536 ENVELOPE 1 59.69 10.83 6.84 0.42 27.30 35.21
536 ENVELOPE 1.2 61.11 10.83 6.84 0.42 28.67 37.37
536 ENVELOPE 1.2 74.43 12.93 6.93 0.54 28.99 29.16
536 ENVELOPE 1.25 74.78 12.93 6.93 0.54 29.34 29.78
536 ENVELOPE 1.5 76.55 12.93 6.93 0.54 31.07 32.95
536 ENVELOPE 1.75 78.32 12.93 6.93 0.54 32.81 36.18
536 ENVELOPE 2 80.09 12.93 6.93 0.54 34.54 39.41
536 ENVELOPE 0 52.63 10.89 6.84 0.42 34.25 24.38
536 ENVELOPE 0.25 54.39 10.89 6.84 0.42 37.80 27.09
536 ENVELOPE 0.5 56.16 10.89 6.84 0.42 41.41 29.79
536 ENVELOPE 0.75 57.93 10.89 6.84 0.42 45.01 32.50
536 ENVELOPE 1 59.69 10.89 6.84 0.42 48.62 35.21
536 ENVELOPE 1.2 61.11 10.89 6.84 0.42 51.51 37.37
536 ENVELOPE 1.2 74.43 9.77 6.93 0.54 50.96 29.16
536 ENVELOPE 1.25 74.78 9.77 6.93 0.54 51.67 29.78
536 ENVELOPE 1.5 76.55 9.77 6.93 0.54 55.25 32.95
536 ENVELOPE 1.75 78.32 9.77 6.93 0.54 58.82 36.18
536 ENVELOPE 2 80.09 9.77 6.93 0.54 62.40 39.41
537 ENVELOPE 0 1.86 9.83 14.04 0.30 20.20 23.19
537 ENVELOPE 0.25 3.18 9.83 14.04 0.30 21.90 25.69
537 ENVELOPE 0.5 4.51 9.83 14.04 0.30 23.61 28.18
537 ENVELOPE 0.75 5.83 9.83 14.04 0.30 25.31 30.67
537 ENVELOPE 1 7.16 9.83 14.04 0.30 27.02 33.17
537 ENVELOPE 1.2 8.22 9.83 14.04 0.30 28.38 35.16
537 ENVELOPE 1.2 24.92 7.63 26.49 0.07 64.23 26.97
537 ENVELOPE 1.25 25.18 7.63 26.49 0.07 63.87 27.54
537 ENVELOPE 1.5 26.51 7.63 26.49 0.07 62.05 30.44
537 ENVELOPE 1.75 27.83 7.63 26.49 0.07 60.24 33.34
537 ENVELOPE 2 29.16 7.63 26.49 0.07 58.43 36.23
537 ENVELOPE 0 1.86 9.97 14.04 0.30 34.62 23.19
537 ENVELOPE 0.25 3.18 9.97 14.04 0.30 37.93 25.69
537 ENVELOPE 0.5 4.51 9.97 14.04 0.30 41.24 28.18
537 ENVELOPE 0.75 5.83 9.97 14.04 0.30 44.56 30.67
537 ENVELOPE 1 7.16 9.97 14.04 0.30 47.87 33.17
537 ENVELOPE 1.2 8.22 9.97 14.04 0.30 50.66 35.16
537 ENVELOPE 1.2 24.92 12.24 26.49 0.07 15.04 26.97
537 ENVELOPE 1.25 25.18 12.24 26.49 0.07 16.15 27.54
537 ENVELOPE 1.5 26.51 12.24 26.49 0.07 21.72 30.44
537 ENVELOPE 1.75 27.83 12.24 26.49 0.07 27.28 33.34
537 ENVELOPE 2 29.16 12.24 26.49 0.07 32.85 36.23
537 ENVELOPE 0 1.86 9.83 6.82 0.30 20.20 22.80
537 ENVELOPE 0.25 3.18 9.83 6.82 0.30 21.90 25.26
537 ENVELOPE 0.5 4.51 9.83 6.82 0.30 23.61 27.72
537 ENVELOPE 0.75 5.83 9.83 6.82 0.30 25.31 30.17
537 ENVELOPE 1 7.16 9.83 6.82 0.30 27.02 32.63
537 ENVELOPE 1.2 8.22 9.83 6.82 0.30 28.38 34.59
537 ENVELOPE 1.2 24.92 7.63 3.04 0.07 64.23 35.85
537 ENVELOPE 1.25 25.18 7.63 3.04 0.07 63.87 36.19
537 ENVELOPE 1.5 26.51 7.63 3.04 0.07 62.05 37.94
537 ENVELOPE 1.75 27.83 7.63 3.04 0.07 60.24 39.68
537 ENVELOPE 2 29.16 7.63 3.04 0.07 58.43 41.43
537 ENVELOPE 0 1.86 9.97 6.82 0.30 34.62 22.80
537 ENVELOPE 0.25 3.18 9.97 6.82 0.30 37.93 25.26
537 ENVELOPE 0.5 4.51 9.97 6.82 0.30 41.24 27.72
537 ENVELOPE 0.75 5.83 9.97 6.82 0.30 44.56 30.17
537 ENVELOPE 1 7.16 9.97 6.82 0.30 47.87 32.63
537 ENVELOPE 1.2 8.22 9.97 6.82 0.30 50.66 34.59
537 ENVELOPE 1.2 24.92 12.24 3.04 0.07 15.04 35.85
537 ENVELOPE 1.25 25.18 12.24 3.04 0.07 16.15 36.19
537 ENVELOPE 1.5 26.51 12.24 3.04 0.07 21.72 37.94
537 ENVELOPE 1.75 27.83 12.24 3.04 0.07 27.28 39.68
537 ENVELOPE 2 29.16 12.24 3.04 0.07 32.85 41.43
537 ENVELOPE 0 44.91 9.83 14.04 0.37 20.20 23.19
537 ENVELOPE 0.25 46.68 9.83 14.04 0.37 21.90 25.69
537 ENVELOPE 0.5 48.45 9.83 14.04 0.37 23.61 28.18
537 ENVELOPE 0.75 50.21 9.83 14.04 0.37 25.31 30.67
537 ENVELOPE 1 51.98 9.83 14.04 0.37 27.02 33.17
537 ENVELOPE 1.2 53.40 9.83 14.04 0.37 28.38 35.16
537 ENVELOPE 1.2 77.81 7.63 26.49 0.55 64.23 26.97
537 ENVELOPE 1.25 78.16 7.63 26.49 0.55 63.87 27.54
537 ENVELOPE 1.5 79.93 7.63 26.49 0.55 62.05 30.44
537 ENVELOPE 1.75 81.70 7.63 26.49 0.55 60.24 33.34
537 ENVELOPE 2 83.47 7.63 26.49 0.55 58.43 36.23
537 ENVELOPE 0 44.91 9.97 14.04 0.37 34.62 23.19
537 ENVELOPE 0.25 46.68 9.97 14.04 0.37 37.93 25.69
537 ENVELOPE 0.5 48.45 9.97 14.04 0.37 41.24 28.18
537 ENVELOPE 0.75 50.21 9.97 14.04 0.37 44.56 30.67
537 ENVELOPE 1 51.98 9.97 14.04 0.37 47.87 33.17
537 ENVELOPE 1.2 53.40 9.97 14.04 0.37 50.66 35.16
537 ENVELOPE 1.2 77.81 12.24 26.49 0.55 15.04 26.97
537 ENVELOPE 1.25 78.16 12.24 26.49 0.55 16.15 27.54
537 ENVELOPE 1.5 79.93 12.24 26.49 0.55 21.72 30.44
537 ENVELOPE 1.75 81.70 12.24 26.49 0.55 27.28 33.34
537 ENVELOPE 2 83.47 12.24 26.49 0.55 32.85 36.23
537 ENVELOPE 0 44.91 9.83 6.82 0.37 20.20 22.80
537 ENVELOPE 0.25 46.68 9.83 6.82 0.37 21.90 25.26
537 ENVELOPE 0.5 48.45 9.83 6.82 0.37 23.61 27.72
537 ENVELOPE 0.75 50.21 9.83 6.82 0.37 25.31 30.17
537 ENVELOPE 1 51.98 9.83 6.82 0.37 27.02 32.63
537 ENVELOPE 1.2 53.40 9.83 6.82 0.37 28.38 34.59
537 ENVELOPE 1.2 77.81 7.63 3.04 0.55 64.23 35.85
537 ENVELOPE 1.25 78.16 7.63 3.04 0.55 63.87 36.19
537 ENVELOPE 1.5 79.93 7.63 3.04 0.55 62.05 37.94
537 ENVELOPE 1.75 81.70 7.63 3.04 0.55 60.24 39.68
537 ENVELOPE 2 83.47 7.63 3.04 0.55 58.43 41.43
537 ENVELOPE 0 44.91 9.97 6.82 0.37 34.62 22.80
537 ENVELOPE 0.25 46.68 9.97 6.82 0.37 37.93 25.26
537 ENVELOPE 0.5 48.45 9.97 6.82 0.37 41.24 27.72
537 ENVELOPE 0.75 50.21 9.97 6.82 0.37 44.56 30.17
537 ENVELOPE 1 51.98 9.97 6.82 0.37 47.87 32.63
537 ENVELOPE 1.2 53.40 9.97 6.82 0.37 50.66 34.59
537 ENVELOPE 1.2 77.81 12.24 3.04 0.55 15.04 35.85
537 ENVELOPE 1.25 78.16 12.24 3.04 0.55 16.15 36.19
537 ENVELOPE 1.5 79.93 12.24 3.04 0.55 21.72 37.94
537 ENVELOPE 1.75 81.70 12.24 3.04 0.55 27.28 39.68
537 ENVELOPE 2 83.47 12.24 3.04 0.55 32.85 41.43
64 ENVELOPE 0 10.61 10.89 6.84 0.34 34.25 24.38
64 ENVELOPE 0.25 11.93 10.89 6.84 0.34 37.57 27.09
64 ENVELOPE 0.5 13.26 10.89 6.84 0.34 40.88 29.79
64 ENVELOPE 0.75 14.58 10.89 6.84 0.34 44.20 32.50
64 ENVELOPE 1 15.91 10.89 6.84 0.34 47.52 35.21
64 ENVELOPE 1.2 16.97 10.89 6.84 0.34 50.17 37.37
64 ENVELOPE 1.2 26.96 9.77 6.93 0.08 49.67 29.16
64 ENVELOPE 1.25 27.23 9.77 6.93 0.08 50.33 29.78
64 ENVELOPE 1.5 28.55 9.77 6.93 0.08 53.63 32.95
64 ENVELOPE 1.75 29.88 9.77 6.93 0.08 56.93 36.18
64 ENVELOPE 2 31.20 9.77 6.93 0.08 60.22 39.41
64 ENVELOPE 0 10.61 10.83 6.84 0.34 20.46 24.38
64 ENVELOPE 0.25 11.93 10.83 6.84 0.34 22.17 27.09
64 ENVELOPE 0.5 13.26 10.83 6.84 0.34 23.88 29.79
64 ENVELOPE 0.75 14.58 10.83 6.84 0.34 25.59 32.50
64 ENVELOPE 1 15.91 10.83 6.84 0.34 27.30 35.21
64 ENVELOPE 1.2 16.97 10.83 6.84 0.34 28.67 37.37
64 ENVELOPE 1.2 26.96 12.93 6.93 0.08 28.99 29.16
64 ENVELOPE 1.25 27.23 12.93 6.93 0.08 29.34 29.78
64 ENVELOPE 1.5 28.55 12.93 6.93 0.08 31.07 32.95
64 ENVELOPE 1.75 29.88 12.93 6.93 0.08 32.81 36.18
64 ENVELOPE 2 31.20 12.93 6.93 0.08 34.54 39.41
64 ENVELOPE 0 10.61 10.89 13.26 0.34 34.25 24.54
64 ENVELOPE 0.25 11.93 10.89 13.26 0.34 37.57 27.26
64 ENVELOPE 0.5 13.26 10.89 13.26 0.34 40.88 29.98
64 ENVELOPE 0.75 14.58 10.89 13.26 0.34 44.20 32.70
64 ENVELOPE 1 15.91 10.89 13.26 0.34 47.52 35.43
64 ENVELOPE 1.2 16.97 10.89 13.26 0.34 50.17 37.60
64 ENVELOPE 1.2 26.96 9.77 13.19 0.08 49.67 29.78
64 ENVELOPE 1.25 27.23 9.77 13.19 0.08 50.33 30.24
64 ENVELOPE 1.5 28.55 9.77 13.19 0.08 53.63 32.62
64 ENVELOPE 1.75 29.88 9.77 13.19 0.08 56.93 35.06
64 ENVELOPE 2 31.20 9.77 13.19 0.08 60.22 37.50
64 ENVELOPE 0 10.61 10.83 13.26 0.34 20.46 24.54
64 ENVELOPE 0.25 11.93 10.83 13.26 0.34 22.17 27.26
64 ENVELOPE 0.5 13.26 10.83 13.26 0.34 23.88 29.98
64 ENVELOPE 0.75 14.58 10.83 13.26 0.34 25.59 32.70
64 ENVELOPE 1 15.91 10.83 13.26 0.34 27.30 35.43
64 ENVELOPE 1.2 16.97 10.83 13.26 0.34 28.67 37.60
64 ENVELOPE 1.2 26.96 12.93 13.19 0.08 28.99 29.78
64 ENVELOPE 1.25 27.23 12.93 13.19 0.08 29.34 30.24
64 ENVELOPE 1.5 28.55 12.93 13.19 0.08 31.07 32.62
64 ENVELOPE 1.75 29.88 12.93 13.19 0.08 32.81 35.06
64 ENVELOPE 2 31.20 12.93 13.19 0.08 34.54 37.50
64 ENVELOPE 0 49.37 10.89 6.84 0.42 34.25 24.38
64 ENVELOPE 0.25 51.14 10.89 6.84 0.42 37.57 27.09
64 ENVELOPE 0.5 52.91 10.89 6.84 0.42 40.88 29.79
64 ENVELOPE 0.75 54.67 10.89 6.84 0.42 44.20 32.50
64 ENVELOPE 1 56.44 10.89 6.84 0.42 47.52 35.21
64 ENVELOPE 1.2 57.86 10.89 6.84 0.42 50.17 37.37
64 ENVELOPE 1.2 71.18 9.77 6.93 0.54 49.67 29.16
64 ENVELOPE 1.25 71.53 9.77 6.93 0.54 50.33 29.78
64 ENVELOPE 1.5 73.30 9.77 6.93 0.54 53.63 32.95
64 ENVELOPE 1.75 75.07 9.77 6.93 0.54 56.93 36.18
64 ENVELOPE 2 76.83 9.77 6.93 0.54 60.22 39.41
64 ENVELOPE 0 49.37 10.83 6.84 0.42 20.46 24.38
64 ENVELOPE 0.25 51.14 10.83 6.84 0.42 22.17 27.09
64 ENVELOPE 0.5 52.91 10.83 6.84 0.42 23.88 29.79
64 ENVELOPE 0.75 54.67 10.83 6.84 0.42 25.59 32.50
64 ENVELOPE 1 56.44 10.83 6.84 0.42 27.30 35.21
64 ENVELOPE 1.2 57.86 10.83 6.84 0.42 28.67 37.37
64 ENVELOPE 1.2 71.18 12.93 6.93 0.54 28.99 29.16
64 ENVELOPE 1.25 71.53 12.93 6.93 0.54 29.34 29.78
64 ENVELOPE 1.5 73.30 12.93 6.93 0.54 31.07 32.95
64 ENVELOPE 1.75 75.07 12.93 6.93 0.54 32.81 36.18
64 ENVELOPE 2 76.83 12.93 6.93 0.54 34.54 39.41
64 ENVELOPE 0 49.37 10.89 13.26 0.42 34.25 24.54
64 ENVELOPE 0.25 51.14 10.89 13.26 0.42 37.57 27.26
64 ENVELOPE 0.5 52.91 10.89 13.26 0.42 40.88 29.98
64 ENVELOPE 0.75 54.67 10.89 13.26 0.42 44.20 32.70
64 ENVELOPE 1 56.44 10.89 13.26 0.42 47.52 35.43
64 ENVELOPE 1.2 57.86 10.89 13.26 0.42 50.17 37.60
64 ENVELOPE 1.2 71.18 9.77 13.19 0.54 49.67 29.78
64 ENVELOPE 1.25 71.53 9.77 13.19 0.54 50.33 30.24
64 ENVELOPE 1.5 73.30 9.77 13.19 0.54 53.63 32.62
64 ENVELOPE 1.75 75.07 9.77 13.19 0.54 56.93 35.06
64 ENVELOPE 2 76.83 9.77 13.19 0.54 60.22 37.50
64 ENVELOPE 0 49.37 10.83 13.26 0.42 20.46 24.54
64 ENVELOPE 0.25 51.14 10.83 13.26 0.42 22.17 27.26
64 ENVELOPE 0.5 52.91 10.83 13.26 0.42 23.88 29.98
64 ENVELOPE 0.75 54.67 10.83 13.26 0.42 25.59 32.70
64 ENVELOPE 1 56.44 10.83 13.26 0.42 27.30 35.43
64 ENVELOPE 1.2 57.86 10.83 13.26 0.42 28.67 37.60
64 ENVELOPE 1.2 71.18 12.93 13.19 0.54 28.99 29.78
64 ENVELOPE 1.25 71.53 12.93 13.19 0.54 29.34 30.24
64 ENVELOPE 1.5 73.30 12.93 13.19 0.54 31.07 32.62
64 ENVELOPE 1.75 75.07 12.93 13.19 0.54 32.81 35.06
64 ENVELOPE 2 76.83 12.93 13.19 0.54 34.54 37.50

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