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Reading Comprehensión

Ciclo 2021 Inglés

Según el punto de vista de Platón, existe un
PASSAGE 1 número fijo de almas, y esas almas transmigran
Metempsychosis is a concept in Greek philoso- dentro y fuera de los cuerpos humanos y anima-
phy related to reincarnation and the transmigra- les, y nunca son destruidas. Estas almas a veces
tion of the soul. It is the idea that, when a person viajan a otro reino inmortal, antes de regresar al
dies, his or her soul is transferred into another reino de los mortales, trayendo conocimiento. En
body, either another human body or the body of La República de Platón, el alma de un guerrero
an animal. llamado Er viaja al cielo y ve a las almas de los
The theory of metempsychosis originated with muertos eligiendo nuevos cuerpos. Er ve anima-
Pythagoras and his teacher, Pherecydes of Syros, les domesticados que eligen ser salvajes y vice-
but the popularization of the concept is due to its versa, hombres que eligen ser pájaros, pájaros
adoption by Plato. According to Plato’s view, que eligen convertirse en hombres, dioses que
there is a fixed number of souls in existence, and eligen convertirse en atletas. Una vez que el alma
those souls transmigrate in and out of human and hizo su elección, bebió del río Leteo y fue derri-
animal bodies, never being destroyed. These bada a la tierra como una estrella por nacer. La
souls sometimes travel to another, immortal metempsicosis se diferencia de la reencarnación
realm, before returning to the mortal realm, brin- en que la metempsicosis se basa en el deseo del
ging back knowledge. In Plato’s Republic, the alma por nuevas experiencias más que en el re-
soul of a warrior named Er travels to heaven and sultado de un juicio.
sees the souls of the dead choosing new bodies. QUESTION 1
Er sees tame animals choosing to be wild and The passage is primarily concerned with
vice versa, men choosing to be birds, birds choo-
sing to become men, gods choosing to become A) informing the origin of the concept of me-
athletes. Once the soul had made its choice, it tempsychosis.
drank of the River Lethe and was shot down to B) differentiating metempsychosis from reincar-
earth like a star to be born. Metempsychosis is nation.
unlike reincarnation in that metempsychosis is C) exposing the use of metempsychosis in Plato's
based on the desire of the soul for new experien- philosophy.
ces rather than a result of judgment. D) explaining the meaning and significance of
TRADUCCION metempsychosis
La metempsicosis es un concepto de la filosofía QUESTION 2
griega relacionado con la reencarnación y la The word ADOPTION connotes
transmigración del alma. Es la idea de que,
cuando una persona muere, su alma se transfiere A) variation.
a otro cuerpo, ya sea a otro cuerpo humano o al B) smoothness.
cuerpo de un animal. La teoría de la metempsi- C) solidarity.
cosis se originó con Pitágoras y su maestro, Fere- D) consistency.
cides de Syros, pero la popularización del con-
cepto se debe a su adopción por Platón.
Reading Comprehensión
Ciclo 2021 Inglés

QUESTION 3 she shouts angrily. Paul tries to impress Miss Car-

It is inferred from the text that metempsychosis is vajal and replies in Spanish: “Maestra, Mike mató
a un mosca”. He holds up the fly on a piece of
paper for her to see. Miss Carvajal smiles and re-
A) concept assumed by dualists. plies “¡Muy bien, Paul! Pero es ‘una mosca’. ‘La
B) perspective defended by logicians. mosca’ es femenina, ¿de acuerdo?”. She conti-
C) refuted trend in philosophy. nues teaching. Mike whispers to Paul: “¿Una
D) forgotten proposal of human thought mosca?”. Paul whispers back: “Her eyesight must
QUESTION 4 be amazing!”.
It is compatible with reincarnation to affirm that TRADUCCION
this concept La señorita Carvajal está dando su clase de espa-
ñol de sexto grado. “La lección de hoy trata
A) is totally different from transmigration. sobre la importancia del género en español. En
B) includes an evaluation of the acts of life. inglés, nos referimos principalmente a las perso-
C) masterfully refutes Aristotle's monism. nas como "él" o "ella". Todo lo demás, incluidos
D) is an alternative to the Platonic proposal los animales, se denomina "eso" excepto en algu-
nos casos especiales ". Ella explica que es real-
QUESTION 5 mente difícil para los angloparlantes captar la
If it is scientifically proven that the soul does not idea de que no existe un género neutro en espa-
exist, then ñol. Todos los sustantivos son masculinos o fe-
meninos. Se da cuenta de que Mike y Paul están
A) dualists would practice science. discutiendo algo en voz baja, en lugar de prestar
B) materialism would be disproved. atención. ¡Mike y Paul! ¡Prestar atención! ¿De
C) dualism could lose its grip. qué estás hablando allá atrás? ”, Grita enojada.
D) dualism would be forgotten. Paul intenta impresionar a la señorita Carvajal y
PASSAGE 2 responde en español: “Maestra, Mike mató un
mosca”. Sostiene la mosca en un trozo de papel
Miss Carvajal is teaching her sixth grade Spanish
para que ella la vea. La señorita Carvajal sonríe y
class. “Today’s lesson is about the importance of
responde “¡Muy bien, Paul! Pero es ‘una mosca’.
gender in Spanish. In English, we mainly refer to
‘La mosca’ es femenina, ¿de acuerdo? ”. Ella
people as ‘he’ or ‘she’. Everything else, including
sigue enseñando. Mike le susurra a Paul: “¿Una
animals are referred to as ‘it’ except for some spe-
mosca?”. Paul responde en un susurro: "¡Su vista
cial cases”. She explains that it is really difficult
debe ser asombrosa!".
for English speakers to grasp the idea that there is
no neuter gender in Spanish. All nouns are either QUESTION 6
masculine or feminine. She notices that Mike What is the main topic of the passage?
and Paul are discussing something quietly, ins-
tead of paying attention. “Mike and Paul! Pay At- A) The gender in the Spanish language
tention! What are you discussing back there?”, B) The gender in the English language
C) The teacher's great sense of sight
D) The distractions of Mike and Paul
Reading Comprehensión
Ciclo 2021 Inglés

The phrase “Her eyesight must be amazing!” Did you know that dragons really do exist? These
connotes dragons, however, cannot fly, and don’t breathe
fire. These dragons are called komodo dragons.
A) erudition. Komodo dragons live on a few small islands in In-
B) curiosity. donesia, which is in Asia.
C) irony. Komodo dragons are huge reptiles that can grow
D) intelligence. to ten feet long and weigh 350 pounds. Their tails
make up half of the lengths of their bodies. These
QUESTION 8 interesting animals smell with their tongues.
It is not compatible with the passage to say that Komodo dragons are carnivores. They bite prey
with deadly saliva and then wait for the animal to
A) gender is a clear classifying concept in gram- die. This may take several days. Komodo dra-
mar. gons, however, are very patient. They only eat a
B) Mike and Paul are studying Spanish at school. few times per month!
C) in the Spanish language there is a neutral
D) the teacher corrected Paul's Spanish sentence. ¿Sabías que los dragones existen realmente?
Estos dragones, sin embargo, no pueden volar y
QUESTION 9 no respiran fuego. Estos dragones se llaman dra-
It can be inferred from the passage that Paul gones de Komodo. Los dragones de Komodo
viven en unas pocas islas pequeñas en Indonesia,
A) masters Spanish grammar to perfection. que se encuentra en Asia. Los dragones de
B) behaves like a rebel without a cause. Komodo son reptiles enormes que pueden crecer
C) apparently has a deep hatred for Mike. hasta diez pies de largo y pesar 350 libras. Sus
D) didn't understand the teacher's lesson colas constituyen la mitad de la longitud de sus
cuerpos. Estos interesantes animales huelen con
la lengua. Los dragones de Komodo son carnívo-
If in the English language there were only mascu- ros. Muerden a sus presas con saliva mortal y
line or feminine gender, luego esperan a que el animal muera. Esto
podría tomar varios días. Los dragones de
A) it would be easier for English speakers to learn Komodo, sin embargo, son muy pacientes. ¡Solo
Spanish. comen unas pocas veces al mes!
B) it would be more difficult for English speakers
to learn Spanish. QUESTION 11
C) it would be more fun for Spanish speakers to Which is NOT true about the komodo dragon?
learn English.
D) Mike and Paul would have serious difficulties A) They are carnivores
in their learning. B) They don’t eat very often
C) They live throughout Asia
D) They use their tongues to smell.
Reading Comprehensión
Ciclo 2021 Inglés

What does the word “patient” mean in the fo-
llowing sentence?
Komodo dragons, however, are very patient.
They only eat a few times per month!

A) They are often sick

B) They can wait a long time
C) Smart
D) Fast
Why does the author use an exclamation mark
after the least sentence?
A) Because the final fact is very interesting
B) It’s the end of the paragraph
C) To make sure the reader understands the sen-
D) To tell the reader how the komodo dragón
What question is not answered?
A) How long is a komodo dragon?
B) Is the komodo dragon endangered?
C) What country does the komodo dragon live
D) Do dragons exist?
According to the text, what is the closest meaning
to deadly?

A) finally
B) clearly CICLO 2021
C) surely
D) mortal
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