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A growing number of people feel that animals should not be exploited by

people and that they should have the same rights as humans, while others
argue that humans must employ animals to satisfy their various needs,
including uses for food and research.

Discuss the arguments in favour of both these positions and state your own
position on the issue.

industria de alimentos
investigacion con animals
explotacion de especies en peligro
aprovechamiento de animales en masa
de acuerdo con sus derechos
en desacuerdo con que no son los mismos y necesitamos control sobre los
animales como recurso alimenticio
condenar actos inmorales sobre los animales
de acuerdo con proteger la vida digna incluyendo los animales

la explotación animal hace parte del comercio, bienes y servicios que los humanos
consumimos, sin embargo, hay límites que demuestran que debe haber un control
en contra de la violencia animal en masa, esto refiere a analizar a quienes
beneficia este comercio y cómo es posible continuar con estas actividades
comunes con el empleo de los animales.

Primero que todo la industria de alimentos y laboratorios como implicados, que

comúnmente utilizan a los animales como recurso principal, tienen normas y
regulaciones que los limitan a cometer actos de violencia contra los animales con
motivos de diversión o estetica, ya sea como probar maquillaje sobre conejos o
peleas de perros. Esto tiene un impacto sobre el ecosistema que pone en riesgo
las especies y también el medio ambiente en el que están, no obstante, en la
industria de alimentos la violencia y maltrato no es protagonista, ya que no usan
especies en peligro y tienen mas control en cuanto a el proceso de su carne. Por
este motivo depende si el animal es un recurso o es parte fundamental del
ecosistema. Dado que los derechos de los animales no pueden ser iguales a los
de los humanos porque aun los animales hacen parte de la cadena alimenticia del
ser humano, lo que no es correcto es evadir toda moral contra especies que no
deben ser parte de ella.

Animal exploitation is part of the trade, goods and services that humans consume,
however, there are limits that show that there must be a control against mass
animal violence, this refers to analyzing who benefits this trade and how it is
possible continue these common activities with the use of animals.

Animal exploitation is part of the trade, goods, services and food that humans
consume, in spite of, IN MY point of view I’m part of those who claim there must be
limits OR A SORT OF control against mass animal violence, but human rights
cannot be the same as animals These are resources that nature gives us as a
provision, this refers to analyzing TO WHOM THE BENEFIT WAS GRANTED of
misuse, on account of this mess and how it is possible continue these common
activities with the use of animals

Plenty people take advantage for carry out their benefits against the some animals
dignity. Therefore, to agree with
In sum up, the abuse against animals must be controlled, although it need to
defend their dignified life, it is not logical to consider in my concept that human
rights are equal for animals, since many of the effects to satisfy humans also
satisfy animals for their due care.

In conclusion, having this benefit within the student's curriculum will be of

considerable help in their economic future, and in my opinion, having that course of
reasoning from a very young age makes the difference between society.

In summary, it is inevitable that technology disappears to propose a solution to the

problem and planetary problems, otherwise, it can help mitigate any forecast
against the good of the environment, however I believe that to purify and stop
certain developments selectively in favor of the planet. will reverse global warming

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