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Worksheet N.

Name: Cristian Losada

Can do: Describe your

Grammar: Present simple

1. Presentación del tema: a continuación, el link del video donde encontrarán el vocabulario
(verbos en pasado simple). Escuchar y repetir, pausar y buscar las palabras desconocidas.
Escuchar de nuevo y repetir imitando la entonación y acento.


Link :

2. Práctica: a continuación, encontrarán un link con un ejercicio para practicar.


Instrucción: Resolver el ejercicio en línea, tomar un pantallazo y adjuntarlo a la guía.

3. Escucha:

Instrucción: Escuchar la conversación leyendo el libreto (script), luego escuchar de nuevo y

responder el quiz. A continuación, escuchar y repetir la conversación con el compañero(a).
Finalmente, realizar las preguntas de la casilla de grammar.
4. Lectura:

Instrucción: completar los espacios con la forma correcta del verbo en el texto y seleccionar la
respuesta correcta de acuerdo al texto.
5. Producción escrita:

Instrucción: escribir sobre las vacaciones más interesantes que hayan tenido. (usar el pasado)

I remember three years ago. I went to Sports unit “Atanasio Girardot” in Medellín, to a

swimming of didactics practice. I had a lot of money but went to breakfast at a cheap

restaurant. We stayed three days touring the stage, I liked this trip becuase I was amazing and

we visited many interesting places in Medellín. Luckily to the last day of the trip we saw a

soccer game and we ate pizza, we returnet to Ibagué I called a Uber and picked me up.

6. Producción oral:

Instrucción: realizar las siguientes preguntas con el compañero(a)

1. Did you watch any good movies last week?

yes, I watched a good movie that was "batman begins"

2. What programs did you use to watch when you were a little kid?
I did watch programs when a little kid as Caillou, Between the Lions, Zoboomafoo
and the Simpsons.

3. Did you discover any new songs checking YouTube recommendations?

yes, I did discover new songs checking YouTube recommendations but only
reggaeton. too I like others musical genre

4. Who was your first love?

My first love was a schoolmate; she name was Valentina.

5. Who was your first crush?

My first crush was Emma Watson.

6. Where did you go on your last vacation?

I did go on the last vacation to Mariquita.

7. When was the last time that you felt really happy?
I the last time was I felt really happy. was in the last December because I joined
with my fathers and my brothers.

8. When was the last time you went to a party?

The last time I went to a party. three months ago.
Disclaimer: All the graphics and content have been taken from different sources. The
worksheet has educational non-profitable purposes. If any graphic or information
presented here is offensive or under your Copyrights then please e-mail me to get it
Adapted by César García – Universidad del Tolima

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