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Laboratorio 4 - Diseñar un sistema FSK

miércoles, 25 de agosto de 2021 4:08 p. m.

Plantea la creación de diseñar un sistema FSK con un baude rate de 2400 (Rata bits por segundo)
La idea del vídeo es explicar cómo realizamos el diseño para el sistema de transmisión de FSK


Simulation example: FSK
GNU Radio (GR) is an excellent tool for simulating a radio system and experimenting with changing parameters.
This tutorial presents a simple Frequency Shift Keying (FSK) transmitter and receiver. It can be performed with
either GR version 3.7 or 3.8 (and later). The Graphical User Interface gnuradio-companion (GRC) is used to create
the flowgraph. No special hardware is required.

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FSK Demodulation in GNU Radio

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Laboratorio página 1

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