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English IV #3 Have you heard READING OF WORK

8 hours

Teacher: Oscar Leonardo Nitola Merchan

STUDENT: Shesly Camila Tibaduiza Cortés

Importante: El tiempo límite de entrega de la guía es el día_22 de septiembre, no olviden

que esta guía contiene una nota de producción oral.


Students can distinguish the use of the verbs in history texts expressed in past simple tense, present
perfect tense and passive voice, focused mostly in the use and appliance of the verbs, more than
grammar during a natural reading.

They are able to summarize information from history texts using the verbs in past (simple and

They can make questions about the texts and they can answer easily with the acquired information.

In order to use appropriately this guide, first of all, you should check the PDF file attached; in this
document you will work with. After it, you will be able to talk about some facts which are involved
with the current situation.

This guide covers one week of work, it is further divided into four hours of independent work per
week. If you have any questions do not hesitate to ask your teacher.

Knowledge activation:
Reflexión inicial

En este documento encontrará los enlaces y recursos necesarios para que refuerce los contenidos
que le presentaré. Es MUY RECOMENDABLE que los revise con el fin de tener mayor éxito en
el producto que deberá presentar al finalizar los temas de la presente guía.

A. Activación de nuevos conocimientos- knowledge activation

Por favor intente traducir las siguientes oraciones.

Spanish English
1. ¿Dónde empezó la agricultura en Where start the agricultura in Colombia?
The agricultura start in Boyacá and Cundinamarca
La agricultura inicio en Boyacá y
with the culture Herrera.
Cundinamarca con la cultura Herrera

2. ¿Quiénes fueron las víctimas del Who are they the victimes of descubrimiento of
descubrimiento de América? America ?

Las víctimas fueron las culturas

The victimes are the cultures Indigenas and their
indígenas y sus tradiciones
3. ¿Quien fue Quintin Lame? Who is Quintin Lame?

Él fue un líder indígena que participo

He is a indígena leader que participó in the war of
en la guerra de los mil días en
thousand days in Colombia.

4. ¿Cuándo llegaron los europeos a When llegaron the European to America?

They llegaron in 1492.
Ellos llegaron en 1492

5. ¿Quien piso el territorio de Colombia Who piso the territory of Colombia for firts vez.
por primera vez ?
The territory of Cundinamarca fue explorada for
El territorio de Cundinamarca fue
Gonzalo Jimenez de Quesada for the north,
explorada por Gonzalo Jiménez de
Nicolas de Federmán for the surete and Sebastian
Quesada por el norte, Nicolás de
de Belalcazar for the suroeste.
Federmán por el sureste y Sebastián
de Belalcázar por el suroeste
B. Watch he following video and answer the questions bellow

The history of the world according to corn - Chris A. Kniesly

1. Which was the oldest ancestor of maize or corn? The Teosinte, a grass native to
2. What was the geographical origin of the maize or corn? Its origin was in America.
3. How extensive is the cultivation of corn nowadays in north America? Has enough cornfields
to cover Germany.
4. Why did maize become so popular in many countries? Its ability to grow in diverse climates.
5. Why are corn crops a problem for the environment? Global water sources are polluted by
excess ammonium nitrate from cornfields, corn accounts for a large portion of agriculture
– related carbon emissions, partly due to the increased meat production it enables. The use
of high fructose corn syrup maybe a contributor to diabetes and obesity. And the rise of
monoculture farming has left our food supply dangerously vulnerable to pets and pathogens.
6. What are the corn uses besides the nourishment appliance? The mountains of maize inspired
numerous corn concoctions, cornstarch could be used as a thickening agent for everythimg
from gasoline to glue or processed into a low – cost sweetener known as High – fructose
Corn Syrup.

C. Read, underline and make a list with the unknown vocabulary in the text “soils fertility ,
crops productivity and human health”. (Lea, subraye y haga una lista con el vocabulario
desconocido en el texto )

English Spanish meaning

Vegetables Vegetales
Survival supervivencia
Hunting Caza
Learned Aprendió
Pastures Pastos
town Ciudad
Soil Tierra
Tissues Tejidos
Topsoil Capa superficial del suelo
Crops Cultivos
Threats Amenazas
Dozens Docenas

D. Make a list with the verbs that you found, and créate a chart with their past and past
participle forms ( Haga una lista con los verbos que encuentre , y haga una tabla donde
escriba sus formas del pasado y pasado participio)



Grow Grew Grown Sembrar,cultivas
crecer ,
Like Liked Liked Gustar
Depend Depended Depender
Collect Collected Collected Coleccionar
Hunt Hunted Hunted Cazar
Learn Learned Learned Aprender
Be Was/ were been Ser
Go Went Gone Ir
Look Looked Looked Mirar
Discover Discovered Discovered Descubrir
Organize Organized Organized Organizar
Come Came Come Venir
Can Poder
Take Took Taken Llevar
Use Used Used Usar
Give Gave Given Dar

E. Write 3 main ideas in the text – (Escriba 3 ideas principales en la lectura).

1. The evaluation of man is given from the environment that surrounds him.
2. Agriculture continues to be the basis of human livelihood.
3. The misuse of the land can leave us without food or resources in the future.

Production excercises
F. In 4 lines you Will write your personal opinion about the text (En 4 renglones vamos a
redactar una opinión personal sobre el texto)

I consider that the text, in addition to going back to prehistory and teaching us how we lived

before, makes us reflect on how the soil and resources are important to our lives and if we don't

use them in the right way we could end up with everything we have, it is important that man

learns that nature will not last forever, it must be cared for and maintained.

G. Write 10 questions with their corresponding answers about the text (Escriba 10 preguntas

con sus respectivas respuestas acerca del texto.

1) What is the reason for soil fertility?

A soil is fertile when it has the necessary nutrients

2) Why does man stop going from one place to another?

To organize towns and cultivate.

3) How to keep the land to cultivate?

Avoiding burning, total plowing and excessive trampling of livestock.

4) What is soil?
Result of the degradation of the rocks and the mixture with organic matter.

5) Where does organic matter come from?

From the decomposition of plant and animal tissues.

6) How long can it take for a thick layer of natural soil to form?
It can take centuries.

7) What can damage the soil?

Agricultural use or abuse.

8) How not to damage the floor?

nurturing it every so often.

9) What is the largest crop?

The largest crops in Colombia are divided into flowers, bananas, coffee, sugar, rice and potatoes.

10) How long does it take to damage the floor?

A few decades.


Using the your opinion and the 10 questions that you already wrote, you will make an audio
or video recording in order to assess the pronunciation -(Usando su opinion y las 10 preguntas
que ya redactó anteriormente , hará una grabación en audio o video con el fin de evaluar la

The text, despite being so short, was very forceful, it talks about the beginnings of man and
how he ceases to be nomad to create towns and create communities that cultivated and worked
on their own resources.In addition to this, it explains that the soil is not a completely renewable
resource since it needs good management to maintain its fertility.

The ground is the Result of the degradation of the rocks and the mixture with organic matter
(the decomposition of plant and animal tissues.) A soil is fertile when it has the necessary
nutrients, excessive use and agricultural abuse can damage in decades what took centuries to
build, To avoid this it is necessary to take care of it in a correct way, avoiding over-exploiting it,
collecting non-renewable waste, applying nutrients adequate and not applying chemicals.
The current government should take action on the matter and create clauses so that large
companies and factories that need raw materials for more production do not generate pollution in
the soils and if the clauses are not complied with, not only pay a high sum of money, but also
apply a social work, reforesting forests, cleaning lakes, rivers and others, in order to slow down
the environmental damage a little.

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