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Act a Ot orrinolaringol Esp.



Acta Otorrinolaringológica Española Enero-Febrero 2010. Vol. 61. Núm. 1

Parotidectomías en tumores benignos: clasificación «Sant Pau»

de la extensión de la resección
Resección de tumor de cuerpo carotideo con LigaSure
Laringectomía horizontal supraglótica láser CO : nuestra
experiencia en seis años
Estudio comparativo mediante tomografía computarizada de
la morfología de la sutura timpanoescamosa entre
colesteatoma atical y oídos sanos
Tensores del velo del paladar y del martillo: vínculos anatómicos,
funcionales y sintomáticos
Los patrones normal y vestibular en la posturografía dinámica
de pacientes con enfermedad de Menière
Epidemiología de las epistaxis ingresadas en un hospital
de tercer nivel
Mucormicosis rinoorbitocerebral, un estudio retrospectivo de 7 casos
Profilaxis antibiótica en cirugía otorrinolaringológica
Recomendaciones de la Comisión para la Detección Precoz
de la Hipoacusia (CODEPEH) para 2010
Fallo barorreceptor tras la resección bilateral de ot orrino
paragangliomas carotídeos
Miositis fulminante del compartimento muscular cervical posterior. Full English text available
A propósito de un caso Incluida en:
Síndrome de sonda nasogástrica: MEDLINE/Index Medicus
a propósito de un caso EMBASE/Excerpta Medica
Concerlit, Aidsline
Tiroides lingual: un hallazgo casual Bibliomed, Biosis,
Healfnstar, IBECS


Antibiotic prophylaxis in otolaryngologic surgery

Sergio Obeso,* Juan P. Rodrigo, Rafael Sánchez, Fernando López, Juan P. Díaz,
and Carlos Suárez

Servicio de Ot orrinolaringología, Hospit al Universit ario Cent ral de Ast urias, Inst it ut o Universit ario de Oncología
del Principado de Ast urias (IUOPA), Oviedo, Spain

Received November 20, 2008; accept ed December 22, 2009

Available online Sept ember 5, 2009

Surgical infect ion; Since the beginning of the 80s, numerous clinical trials have shown a signiicant reduction in the
Ant ibiot ic prophylaxis; i nci dence of i nf ect i ons i n cl ean-cont ami nat ed upper r espi r at or y t r act sur ger y, due t o
Ot olaryngologic perioperat ive use of ant ibiot ics; however, t here is no consensus about t he best ant ibiot ic
Surgery protocol. Moreover, there are no universally accepted guidelines about lap reconstructive
procedures. In ot ologic and rhinologic surgery, t onsillect omy, cochlear implant and laryngo-
pharyngeal laser surgery, t he use of ant ibiot ics frequent ly depends on inst it ut ional or personal
pref erences rat her t han t he evidence avail abl e. We reviewed cl inical t rial s on dif f erent
ot orhinol aryngol ogic procedures, assessing choice of ant ibiot ic, l engt h of t reat ment and
administ rat ion rout e. There are no clinical t rials for laryngo-pharyngeal laser surgery. Nor are
t here clinical t rials on implant cochlear surgery or neurosurgical clean-cont aminat ed procedures,
but in t hese circumst ances, ant ibiot ic prophylaxis is recommended.
© 2009 Elsevier España, S.L. All right s reserved.

PALABRAS CLAVE Proilaxis antibiótica en cirugía otorrinolaringológica

Infección quirúrgica;
Proilaxis antibiótica; Resumen
Cirugía Desde principios de los años ochent a, numerosos ensayos clínicos han demost rado una reducción
ot orrinolaringológica signiicativa en la incidencia de infección en la cirugía limpia-contaminada de la vía aerodiges-
t iva superior debido al uso de ant ibiót icos; sin embargo, no hay consenso sobre las paut as idó-
neas. Tampoco exist e una paut a universalment e acept ada en la reconst rucción con colgaj os. En
la cirugía ot ológica, la rinológica, la amigdalect omía, la implant ación coclear y la cirugía láser
laringofaríngea, el uso de ant ibiót icos perioperat orios depende frecuent ement e de preferencias
personales e inst it ucionales, y no de la evidencia exist ent e. Revisamos de forma crít ica los en-

*Corresponding aut hor.

E-mail address: (S. Obeso).

0001-6519/ $ - see front mat t er © 2009 Elsevier España, S.L. All right s reserved.
Ant ibiot ic prophylaxis in ot olaryngologic surgery 55

sayos clínicos disponibles sobre diversas t écnicas quirúrgicas ot orrinolaringológicas, evaluando

dist int os ant ibiót icos, duración del t rat amient o o vía de administ ración. No exist en ensayos
clínicos sobre la cirugía láser laringofaríngea. Tampoco hay ensayos clínicos sobre implant ación
coclear y los procedimient os neuroquirúrgicos limpios-cont aminados, si bien en est os supuest os
se recomienda la proilaxis antibiótica.
© 2009 Elsevier España, S.L. Todos los derechos reservados.

Introduction of infection is estimated to be between 24% and 87%.8

There are numerous, well designed double-blind RCTs, as
Surgical antibiotic prophylaxis is deined as the administration well as meta-analysis, that demonstrate the beneit of
of an ant imicrobial agent prior t o cont aminat ion in perioperat ive prophylact ic ant ibiot ic regimes in reducing
previously sterile spaces and luids.1 Depending on t he t he incidence of post operat ive infect ion9-14 (evidence level
degree of cont aminat ion and t he risk of infect ion, surgical A). Table 2 shows t he charact erist ics of some of t hese t rials.
wounds are classiied into several categories; we accept the In prospect ive st udies using prophylact ic ant ibiot ics in t his
classiication of the American National Academy of Science t ype of surgery, t he incidence of infect ion is bet ween 10
and t he Nat ional Research, as amended by t he American and 25%. 15,16 According t o t he American Societ y of Healt h-
Societ y of Healt h-Syst em Pharmacist 19992,3: Syst em Pharmacist 1999 guideline (ASHP 1999), 3 t he ideal
ant ibiot ic should be act ive against t he most common
• Clean inj uries: no opening of respirat ory or digest ive cont aminant s, and must be maint ained at appropriat e doses
t ract , no prior infect ion and no violat ion of asepsis. for t he durat ion of t he cont aminat ion, have a good safet y
• Clean-cont aminat ed inj uries: opening of digest ive or proile and be administered in the shortest possible time.
respirat ory t ract , minor violat ion of asept ic t echnique,
closed t rauma or clean surgical reint ervent ion wit hin t he
irst 7 days.
Prophylaxis in clean-contaminated surgery
• Cont aminat ed inj uries: clean-cont aminat ed surgery wit h
non-purulent inlammation, greater violation of aseptic of the head and neck
technique and irst 4 h of open trauma.
• Dirty injuries: purulent inlammation, perforation of Resident germs
hollow viscera or open t rauma for more t han 4 h of
evolut ion. The most common pharyngeal colonizers are gram-posit ive
cocci, mainly Pept ost rept ococcus and Pept ococcus species,
We have decided t o apply t o our review t he levels and anaerobic germs3,8: in t he oropharynx, t he presence of
evidence proposed by t he American College of Cardiology anaerobes is 10 t imes more frequent t han t hat of aerobes. 17
and American Heart Associat ion4 (Table 1). In our view, it Gram-negat ive germs are rare in t he secret ions of healt hy
is a simple classiication that stratiies the quality of the individuals; nevert heless, germs such as Klebsiella,
available evidence in a well-deined form. Pseudomonas, Prot eus and some Bact eroides species (ot her
The incidence of infect ion in clean surgery of head and t han B. f ragilis) are common colonizers of t he aerodigest ive
neck is est imat ed at less t han 5% and in some series it t ract of oncology pat ient s. 8
reaches igures of 0.56%.5,6 There are no randomised clinical The presence of St rept ococcus and St aphylycoccus is
trials (RCTs) showing the beneit of the use of prophylactic common in t he nasal cavit y, and t o a lesser ext ent t han
ant ibiot ics in clean surgery of t he head and neck. Three anaerobes. Anaerobes are 10 t imes more numerous in t he
retrospective cohort studies found no statistically signiicant oropharynx t han in t he nasal cavit y. Bet ween 18 and 50%
relat ionship bet ween t he decrease in t he incidence of of healt hy adult s are carriers of St aphylococcus in t heir
infect ions and t he use of prophylact ic ant ibiot ics. 5-7 Given nasal fossa; it is est imat ed t hat 0.84%of t he populat ion are
t he low incidence of infect ion, t he design of an RCT would carriers of S. aureus resist ant t o met hicillin (MRSA) in t heir
require a large sample size t o reduce t he error by having nasal fossa. 18,19
enough st at ist ical power. The presence of gram-negat ive germs is common in t he
In bot h dirt y and cont aminat ed surgery, it is assumed isolat ions performed in post operat ive cervical infect ions. 20
t hat t he wound is already infect ed and, in t hat case, t he However, it is unclear whet her t hey are infect ious agent s
ant ibiot ic is administ ered wit h t herapeut ic int ent . In clean- or colonizers. In a clinical t rial, Johnson et al. found no
cont aminat ed surgery of t he head and neck, t he incidence signiicant differences using a prophylactic regime with

Table 1 Levels of evidence applied in t he review4

Level of evidence A Dat a derived from mult iple randomised clinical t rials or met a-analyses
Level of evidence B Dat a derived from a randomised clinical t rial or nonrandomised st udies
Level of evidence C Dat a derived from consensus of expert s or series of cases
56 S. Obeso et al

Table 2 Double-blind clinical t rials evaluat ing t he use of prophylact ic ant ibiot ics in clean-cont aminat ed surgery of t he head
and neck

Year Aut hor Pat ient s, Ant ibiot ic Durat ion Infect iona P

1962 Ket chman9 20 Chloramphenicol 10 days 18%versus 0% <.05b

1973 Dor10 102 Ampicillin and cloxacillin 5 days 36% versus 17% <.05
1979 Becker11 55 Cefazolin 1 day 87% versus 38% <.001b
1984 Johnson26 16 Cefoperazone 1 day 78% versus 0% <.05
1984 Mandell-Brown12 101 Cefazolin/ cefoperazone/ cefot axime 1 day 33%/ 10%/ 10% <.05
versus 78%
1988 Saginur 13 20 Cefamandole 1 day 55%versus 33% <.05b
Incidence bet ween t reat ment group and cont rol group.
Int errupt ed t rials in int ermediat e analysis by excessive difference of infect ion bet ween one group and t he ot her.

coverage against gram-posit ive and gram-negat ive germs 3 det ails various charact erist ics of several widely used
compared wit h one t hat covered only gram-posit ive ant ibiot ics in surgery of t he head and neck. 31,32
germs. 21 Nor were there signiicant differences with regards The beneit of employing regimes including clindamycin
t o coverage or not of gram-negat ives in t he clinical t rials of plus an aminoglycoside versus clindamycin alone has not
Rodrigo et al. 15 and Piccart et al. 22 been shown in well-designed RCTs; nevert heless, one of
Isolat ion of bact eria in infect ed surgical wounds of t hose clinical t rials (Piccart et al.) was not complet ely
clean-cont aminat ed head and neck surgery commonly has cont rolled. 21,22 Furt hermore, several double-blind RCTs
polymicrobial charact erist ics; depending on t he series, have not shown with statistical signiicance the beneit of
t his ranges bet ween 38 and 95% of isolat ions. 15,20,23-25 The t he use of clindamycin and gent amicin versus cefazolin or
isolat ion of gram-posit ives is more frequent , followed amoxicillin-clavulanat e. Skit arelic et al., on 189 pat ient s
by gram-negat ives and anaerobes. 15,23 In most series, t he undergoing clean-cont aminat ed surgery of t he head and
isolat ion of anaerobic bact eria is less frequent t han t hat of neck, excluding free laps, found no statistically signiicant
aerobic, except for t he series of Johnson et al., in which it reduct ion in t he incidence of infect ion bet ween amoxicillin-
reaches up t o 42%of isolat es in pat ient s who did not receive clavulanat e and cefazolin. 20 Rodrigo et al., in RCTs of 159
ant ibiot ic prophylaxis. 26 Moreover, it must be considered t hat patients, not including free laps, who were split into three
t he isolat ion of anaerobes is more complicat ed t han t hat of groups, found no statistically signiicant differences in terms
aerobes, so t heir presence may be underest imat ed. There of infect ion bet ween amoxicillin-clavulanat e, cefazolin and
are risk fact ors t hat favour t he presence of anaerobes in t he clindamycin + gent amicin. 15 The main differences bet ween
infect ious focus, such as concomit ant dent al ext ract ions27 cefazolin and amoxicillin-clavulanat e are coverage against
and surgery of t he oral cavit y. 17 anaerobes and t he resist ance against bet a-lact amase of
There is lit t le correlat ion bet ween t he result s of amoxicillin-clavulanat e. Wit h regard t o t he need for t he
preoperat ive cult ures of t he aerodigest ive t ract and t he use of bet a-lact amase-resist ant ant ibiot ics, in an RCT on
post operat ive infect ious agent . In a review by Suarez et 118 pat ient s t hat compared cefazolin sensit ive t o bet a-
al., only in 44% of cases was it possible t o ident ify t he lact amase versus moxalact am resist ant t o bet a-lact amase,
post operat ive pat hogen in t his manner. 8,28 The correlat ion there were no signiicant differences.33 Table 4 det ails
bet ween microorganisms isolat ed from post operat ive t he charact erist ics of various RCTs evaluat ing different
drainage and t he agent isolat ed from t he infect ion ranges prophylact ic ant ibiot ic regimes.
bet ween 38% and 54%. 8 Only one st udy found a correlat ion There is a single blind RCT wit h four groups and 120
of 100%. 29 participants where lower infection is signiicant in the
groups including met ronidazole. However, in t hat t est ,
in which combinat ions of ant ibiot ics were administ ered,
Recommended guidelines met ronidazole and gent amicin were administ ered by
inj ect ion, whereas cephalexin and ampicillin were
Choice of antibiotic administ ered orally in t he post operat ive period. 34
For all t hese reasons and considering t hat cefazolin is a
Hist orically, and st ill t oday, various prophylact ic regimes are cheaper ant ibiot ic, wit h a lesser spect rum and safer t han
used depending on t he inst it ut ion and personal experience. amoxicillin-clavulanat e, clindamycin, or aminoglycosides,
The most commonly used ant ibiot ics include cephalosporins, then cefazolin is recommended as irst choice for surgical
amoxicillin or ampicillin, clindamycin, met ronidazole, prophylaxis in clean-cont aminat ed surgery of t he head
aminoglycosides, and various combinat ions t hereof. 30 Table and neck, according t o t he recommendat ions of t he
Antibiotic prophylaxis in otolaryngologic surgery 57

Table 3 Ant ibiot ics used for prophylaxis in clean-cont aminat ed surgery of t he head and neck31,32

Bact erial coverage Adverse effect s Dosagea Cost b

Clindamycin Anaero bic Gram-posit ives GI int olerance, pseudomembranous 300-900 mg/ 6-8 h 11.5
colit is, hepat ot oxicit y, cyt openia
Gentamicin Gram-negative aerobes, Nephrotoxicity, ototoxicity, 5-7 mg/kg/day 1.8
S. aureus neuromuscular blockade in 1-2 doses
Amoxicillin- Gram-posit ives, Anaphylaxis, gast roint est inal 1-2 g amoxicillin+ 11.5
clavulanat e gram-negat ives, int olerance, superinfect ion 200 mg clavulanat e
Ent erococci, anaerobes / 6-8 h
Ampicillin- Similar t o amoxicillin- Similar t o amoxicillin-clavulanat e 1-2 g ampicillin+ 4
sulbact am clavulanat e 500 mg sulbact am/
6-8 h
Cefazolin Gram-posit ive cocci Anaphylaxis, GI int olerance 1-2 g/ 6-8 h 9
Vancomycin Gram-posit ive aerobes, Nephrot oxicit y, ot ot oxicit y, 20-50 mg/ kg/ day 34.5
gram-posit ive anaerobes, red man syndrome, phlebit is in 2 doses
Clost ridium
Metronidazole Gram-positive cocci, Gastrointestinal toxicity, 250-750 mg/kg/ 11.5
anaerobes met allic t ast e, polyneuropat hy, 8-12 h
Dose for an adult .
Euros/ day of t reat ment , t aking as reference generic drugs.

Table 4 Clinical t rials evaluat ing different ant ibiot ics in clean-cont aminat ed surgery of t he head and neck

Year Aut hor Pat ient s Ant ibiot ic Infect ion, % P

1986 Johnson33 118 Moxalact am 3.40 >.05

Cefazolin 8.50
1987 Johnson21 104 Clindamycin 3.80 >.05
Clindamycin and gent amicin 3.80
1997 Rodrigo15 159 Amoxicillin-clavulanat e 23 .8
Clindamycin and gent amicin 21
Cefazolin 26
2007 Skitarelic20 189 Cefazolin 24 >.05
Amoxicillin-clavulanat e 21

Ant imicrobial Agent s Commit t ee of t he Surgical Infect ions a higher incidence of infect ion in t he group t reat ed wit h
Societ y and ASHP 1999. Clindamycin should be reserved for 500 mg of cefazolin versus clindamycin wit h gent amicin
cases of allergy t o bet a-lact ams. In t he absence of RCTs (33% vs 7%) was signiicant.36 In an RCT by Mendell-Brown,
evaluating the eficacy of regimes against anaerobes in which is hampered by low sample size, t he administ rat ion
pat ient s at risk versus pat t erns wit hout such coverage, it of 500 mg of cefazolin resulted signiicantly less effective
is postulated that amoxicillin-clavulanate could be the irst t han cefoperazone or cefot axime. 12 On t he ot her hand,
choice in surgeries at risk of cont aminat ion by anaerobes, in a double-blind RCT wit h over 100 part icipant s, using
such as oral or oropharyngeal surgery or concomit ant t oot h perioperative cefazolin in doses of 2 g, the signiicant beneit
ext ract ions. of ot her ant ibiot ic regimes was not demonst rat ed. 15,33
According t o ASHP 1999 and by virt ue of t he above, doses
of 2 g of cefazolin are recommended; t he alt ernat ive would
Recommended doses be 600 mg of clindamycin. 3

In one RCT by Robbins et al. on 218 pat ient s, which

compared 500 mg of cefazolin versus t he same dose of Duration of the prophylaxis
cefazolin with metronidazole, a statistically signiicant
incidence of infect ion of 23.9% and 11.9%, respect ively, Theoret ically, once t he mucosa of t he cont aminat ed viscera
was found. 35 In an RCT by Johnson et al. on 50 pat ient s, has closed, t he source of cont aminat ion has ceased and t he
58 S. Obeso et al

administ rat ion of ant ibiot ics ceases t o have a t heoret ical has already been cont aminat ed. It s effect iveness has been
basis. If t here is any suspicion about t he loss of t ight ness of demonst rat ed in colorect al surgery, but t here are few
t he compart ment , t hen it is assumed t o be dirt y surgery and st udies on head and neck surgery. 41
t he ant ibiot ic will have a t herapeut ic int ent . Righi et al. 37 The maj or source of bact eria is locat ed on t he t ongue
consider t hat post operat ive infect ion produced in a differed and t o a lesser ext ent in t he t eet h and gums; t herefore,
manner cannot be considered failure of prophylaxis, but is toothbrushing does not afford suficient prevention.42 The
inst ead due t o persist ent cont aminat ion by saliva and is bact erial concent rat ion in saliva is higher in t he morning
at t ribut able t o surgical errors, t issue ischemia, abnormal and decreases wit h food int ake, oral washings and
scarring, et c. t oot hbrushing.
In an experiment al model of surgical infect ion in guinea Experiment al st udies in guinea pigs inoculat ed wit h
pigs, it was found t hat concomit ant administ rat ion of S. aureus have shown t hat adj uvant syst emic ant ibiot ic
ant ibiot ics prior t o incision reduced t he incidence of treatment with topical antibiotic increases eficacy.43
infect ion. However, t he administ rat ion of ant ibiot ics wit h Ot her st udies suggest t hat highly cont aminat ed wounds
a lat ency of 3h was associat ed t o an incidence of infect ion are those that beneit most from the administration of
similar t o t hat of t he group wit hout ant ibiot ics. 38 topical antibiotics, which provide no beneit in scarcely
Johnson et al., 36 in RCTs wit h 56 pat ient s, found no cont aminat ed wounds. 44 Moreover, regression analysis has
statistically signiicant differences between administering identiied the presence of colony forming units (cfu) in the
clindamycin and gentamicin for 1 day (7% infections) or neck at t he t ime of closure as t he foremost risk fact or for
5 days (4% infect ions). Piccart et al., 22 in RCTs wit h 140 infect ion. 45
patients, found no signiicant differences between batches In t he t ime before t he rout ine use of prophylact ic
of carbenicillin for 1 or 5 days. In a more recent clinical syst emic ant ibiot ics, in 22 randomised pat ient s undergoing
t rial by Righi et al. 37 on 162 pat ient s, excluding free and t ot al laryngect omy, it was proven t hat washing t he wound
pedicled laps, no signiicant differences were found with topical ampicillin and carbenicillin signiicantly
bet ween administ ering ant ibiot ics for 1 or 3 days. reduced infection, from 67% in the control group to 18% in
In t he absence of favourable evidence for t he use of long t he group wit h washings46 (level of evidence B). In a pilot
prophylact ic regimes, it is recommended t hat prophylaxis st udy on 20 pat ient s undergoing t ot al laryngect omy, a lower
should not exceed 24h. Long regimes imply higher cost s, more cfu concent rat ion was found in t he neck of pat ient s who
risk of adverse side effect s and t he risk of superinfect ion. underwent t opical wound washing and preoperat ive rinsing
It should be not ed t hat , as t he difference bet ween long and wit h bet a-lact ams, versus int ravenous clindamycin. 47 There
short regimes is slight , it would require a large sample size are no RCTs which demonstrate the beneit of combining
to ind signiicant differences. There is a correlation study39 washings of t he wound wit h ant ibiot ics and syst emic
wit h a level of evidence C in which, on 258 pat ient s, an prophylaxis versus syst emic prophylaxis alone.
odds rat io (OR) of 1.89 was found for infect ion occurring in Oral cult ure st udies in healt hy adult s have shown
pat ient s t reat ed wit h long regimes. t hat oral washes wit h clindamycin produced a 4-hour
According t o t he above, a dose of 2 g of cefazolin prior t o reduct ion in t he concent rat ion of aerobic cf u t hat was
incision, followed by 2 g i.v. every 8 h for 24 h, is recommended signiicant and of anaerobic cfu that was not signiicant.42
as a prophylact ic regime for clean-cont aminat ed surgery of In t he st udy by Kirchner et al. , 48 the drag effect of luids
t he head and neck. An alt ernat ive regime recommended explains t hat washings wit h placebo diminished cf u in
is 600 mg i.v. clindamycin before incision, followed by saliva; however, t he cf u reduct ion in t he group t reat ed
600 mg every 8h for 24h. This pat t ern coincides wit h wit h oral clindamycin washes was 14% f or aerobes and
t hat recommended by ASHP 1999, but differs from t hat 11%f or anaerobes af t er 4h, whereas in t he placebo group
recommended by t he American Academy of Ot olaryngology- the reduction was 67% and 95%, respectively. Parenteral
Head and Neck Surgery (AAOHNS) in t he eight h edit ion of it s clindamycin reduces cf u in t he wound, but not in saliva. 47
ant imicrobial guide, 40 which recommends clindamycin and On healt hy volunt eers, t he reduct ion of bact erial
gentamicin or ceftazidime as a irst choice. When there is concent rat ion in saliva wit h preoperat ive washings using
a risk of infect ion by anaerobes, t he AAOHNS recommends amoxicillin-clavulanat e, clindamycin and povidone was
alt ernat ive regimes, such as ampicillin-sulbact am or signiicant when compared with placebo. 49 Washing wit h
cefazolin with metronidazole. Although there is no scientiic amoxicillin-clavulanat e is more ef f ect ive, but did not
evidence, we recommend amoxicillin-clavulanat e if t here is reach statistical signiicance.
a risk of cont aminat ion by anaerobes; t hat is, in oral and In a prospect ive st udy wit h one group of 10 pat ient s who
oropharyngeal surgery or when performing concomit ant underwent t ot al laryngect omy wit hout syst emic ant ibiot ic
dent al ext ract ions. 3,40 prophylaxis, t he administ rat ion of t opical clindamycin in
t he form of preoperat ive washing reduced by 99%t he cfu in
t he wound at t he t ime of closure wit h respect t o previous
Role of topical antibiotics oral cult ures; t opical washing reduced cfu concent rat ion in
t he neck by an addit ional 90%. 50 The most comprehensive
Topical preoperat ive washing wit h ant ibiot ics or ant isept ics st udy in t his regard is t he prospect ive randomised clinical
and irrigation of the surgical ield prior to closure are t rial of Redleaf et al. 51 on 106 pat ient s undergoing clean-
both considered as topical prophylaxis. They do not it the cont aminat ed oral or oropharyngeal surgery. The group wit h
given deinition of antibiotic prophylaxis. The preoperative t opical ant isept ic wash prior t o surgery showed an incidence
washing seeks t o reduce t he concent rat ion of t he inoculum, of infect ion of 4.6%, while t he incidence in t he group wit hout
while the irrigation of the ield assumes that the wound washing stood at 31.7% (P<.01). However, t hat st udy was
Ant ibiot ic prophylaxis in ot olaryngologic surgery 59

not complet ely cont rolled; almost all received syst emic perichondrit is is t he administ rat ion of syst emic ant ibiot ics
antibiotic, but it was not speciied whether the distribution such as clindamycin, which t he cart ilage absorbs wit h great
was homogeneous in bot h groups. Wit h t he except ion of avidit y, t oget her wit h debridement of affect ed areas. 59
that study, there are no RCTs that demonstrate the beneit In a prospective study of 275 patients undergoing laser
of prior washing wit h t opical ant ibiot ics. resect ion of t umours of t he larynx and hypopharynx, t he
appearance of perichondritis was found in 0.72% of patients;
t he affect ed pat ient s had undergone resect ions wit h wide
Antibiotic prophylaxis in laps exposure of t he t hyroid cart ilage. 60 St udies on ret rospect ive
series reach an incidence of perichondrit is of 0.8%. 61
There is controversy over whether reconstruction with laps In a ret rospect ive series of pat ient s t reat ed t hrough
is associat ed wit h an increased rat e of infect ion; t here CO2 laser resect ion of malignant lesions at t he level of
is also discussion about what kind of lap is associated t he upper aerodigest ive t ract , no case of perichondrit is
wit h an increased risk of infect ion. In one RCT on oral or was found in 337 patients with glottic T1. In patients
oropharyngeal surgery, no statistically signiicant difference with glottic T2b, perichondritis was found in 1.7% of
was found bet ween direct closure and reconst ruct ion wit h 115 pat ient s and in 1.1% of t hose wit h glot t ic T3. In 216
free lap. In that same study, it is signiicant that direct pat ient s wit h supraglot t ic carcinoma, t here were no cases
closures become infected less often than pedicled laps.51 of perichondritis, nor were there any in 174 patients with
Other studies have found no signiicant difference between carcinomas of t he pyrif orm sinus. 59 There are no RCTs t hat
direct closure and pedicled laps,15 and in t he ret rospect ive examine t he relat ionship bet ween t he use of ant ibiot ics and
st udy of Girod et al., 52 reconstruction with laps was a reduct ion in t he incidence of perichondrit is. However,
associat ed wit h a higher rat e of complicat ions, but not because t his is a rare phenomenon, a large sample size
of infect ions (P<.05). However, most st udies est imat e an would be required to show statistical signiicance. There
increased incidence of infection with the use of laps (20%- are also no randomised st udies t hat demonst rat e t he
25%) versus direct closure (5-10%). 53 Loti et al.39 found an usef ulness of ant ibiot ics in t he endoscopic t reat ment of
increase of 2.2%in t he risk of infect ion in t he reconst ruct ion Zenker’s divert iculum. Van Overbeek, 62 in a ret rospect ive
with laps and several studies indicate that primary closure analysis of 216 pat ient s t reat ed wit h CO2 laser who were
has a bet t er evolut ion. 54,55 receiving ant ibiot ic once a week, showed an incidence of
Different ant ibiot ics are not recommended in t he case of mediast init is of 2.4%, and of subcut aneous emphysema of
closure with laps. It has been speculated that clindamycin 3.2%. A ret rospect ive series63 of 61 pat ient s, of whom 92%
prot ect s from t issue necrosis associat ed wit h infect ion. received prophylact ic cef uroxime, revealed a perf orat ion
However, in a RCT of 100 cancer pat ient s undergoing rat e of 8%.
oncologic reconstruction with laps, no signiicant Due t o t he lack of conclusive st udies, t he use of ant ibiot ics
differences were found bet ween clindamycin and cefazolin is not recommended in laser surgery of t he larynx or
(19.6%compared t o 21.6%; P>.05). 56 hypopharynx or in t he endoscopic t reat ment of Zenker’s
The main issue discussed wast he need for longer prophylaxis divert iculum.
regimes. In double-blind RCT on 109 pat ient s undergoing
reconstruction with pedicled laps, no signiicant difference
was found bet ween t he administ rat ions of cefoperazone for Antibiotic prophylaxis in rhinologic surgery
1 or 5 days. 57 In fact , in t hat st udy, infect ion in t he 5-day
group was more common (25% versus 18.9%). In anot her Healt hy individuals have pot ent ially pat hogenic species in
single-blind RCT on 74 patients with reconstructions using t heir nost rils such as S. aureus, Klebsiella sp. or Escherichia
free laps, there were no signiicant differences between coli in 77% of cases.64 Bet ween 18%and 50%of pat ient s are
t he 1-day and 5-day clindamycin regimes. 58 In t he st udy by colonized by S. aureus. In pat ient s diagnosed wit h chronic
Simons et al. 53 on 62 pat ient s undergoing reconst ruct ion rhinosinusit is, mult iple bat ches of ant ibiot ic t reat ment s
with free and pedicled laps, no beneit was found in adding select for resist ant pat hogenic species. Up t o 90%of pat ient s
t opical piperacillin t o t he syst emic prophylact ic t reat ment undergoing endoscopic sinonasal surgery present posit ive
for 2 days wit h piperacillin/ t azobact am. cult ures, and most species are resist ant t o penicillin and
In short , t he few published RCTs have not proven t he 65%are resist ant t o cephalosporines. 65
beneit of clindamycin over cefazolin or a lower rate of The risk of bact eraemia wit h nasal packing is est imat ed
infect ion wit h long ant ibiot ic regimes or wit h t opical at around 12% in pat ient s who have not undergone
ant ibiot ic. The use of long regimes is support ed by t he surgery. 66 Up t o 15%of pat ient s undergoing sept oplast y and
suspicion of a loss of sealing, in which case t he int ent ion sept orhinoplast y wit h nasal packing develop bact eraemia. 67
is t herapeut ic. Bact eraemia may lead t o endocardit is in pat ient s at risk by
cardiopat hies, carriers of prost het ic valves, pat ient s wit h
cardiac t ransplant at ion or a hist ory of endocardit is; in t hese
Antibiotic prophylaxis in special situations cases, ant ibiot ics are recommended for t he durat ion of t he
bact eraemia. Nevert heless, endocardit is has also been
Antibiotic prophylaxis in laser surgery described in nat ive valves in pat ient s wit h nasal packing. 68
The 2007 clinical guidelines of the American Heart
Laser surgery of t he upper aerodigest ive t ract may be Associat ion recommend t he use of amoxicillin or ampicillin
followed by perichondrit is and chondronecrosis, as well as a single dose 30 min before t he mucosal incision; t his
as by visceral perforat ion. The t reat ment of choice for document does not make reference t o bact eraemia
60 S. Obeso et al

associat ed t o nasal packing. 4 There are no RCTs t o Antibiotic prophylaxis in amygdalectomy

demonst rat e a reduct ion in t he incidence of bact eraemia in
pat ient s wit h nasal packing when using ant ibiot ics. Anot her It has been suggest ed t hat colonizat ion by t he oropharyngeal
of t he infect ious complicat ions ascribed t o t he use of nasal lora of the open tonsillar fossa produces a local inlammatory
packing is st aphylococcal t oxic shock syndrome, which is response t hat exacerbat es post operat ive pain. 78 It is widely
est imat ed at 16.5/ 100,000 rhinologic int ervent ions. 69 It accept ed t hat infect ion causes secondary bleeding, while
has not been shown t hat perioperat ive use of ant ibiot ics is only 16% of pat ient s wit h bleeding aft er t onsillect omy
beneicial in preventing this complication.70 present ed posit ive cult uresin t he oropharynx. 79 Furt hermore,
It is est imat ed t hat t he infect ion rat e in sept oplast y is in pat ient s undergoing t onsillect omy, bact eraemia occurs in
approximat ely 2.5%. An incidence of infect ion of 0.48%was 40% of cases, wit hout t his being relat ed t o an increased
det ect ed in a st udy of 1040 sept oplast ies wit h blockage incidence of fever or discomfort . 80 However, it is import ant
and wit hout perioperat ive ant ibiot ics. 71 Caniellas et al., 72 t o prevent bact eraemia in pat ient s at risk for endocardit is.
in t heir RCT of 35 pat ient s undergoing sept oplast y wit h In a 1955 st udy, 81 t reat ment wit h penicillin-procaine for 4
packing, found no signiicant differences in pain, morbidity days in t he post operat ive period in 20 pat ient s undergoing
or complicat ions in pat ient s t reat ed wit h cefazolin during t onsillect omy was followed by bact eraemia in 5.5% of
anaest het ic induct ion, wit h t he ant ibiot ic for 1 week or cases; however, in t he 68 cont rol pat ient s, t he incidence of
wit hout ant ibiot ic. In t he RCT of Manzini et al. 73 on 100 bact eraemia was 28%. For pat ient s at risk for endocardit is,
pat ient s undergoing sept oplast y, divided int o four groups 2 g of amoxicillin 30 min before incision is t he recommended
wit h and wit hout ant ibiot ic and wit h and wit hout packing, dose (t he paediat ric dose is 50 mg/ kg); alt ernat ively,
there were no signiicant differences with regard to clindamycin is preferred in allergic pat ient s, wit h a dose
infection. There are no RCTs that have shown the beneit of 600 mg. 4
of perioperat ive syst emic ant ibiot ics in sept oplast y; nor has Grandis et al., 82 in an RCT of 101 adult pat ient s, showed
it been demonst rat ed t hat t hey reduce colonizat ion of t he that administration of beta-lactam antibiotics for 7 days
packing. However, despit e t hese dat a, up t o 66% of U.S. signiicantly reduced the duration of halitosis and the time
ot olaryngologist s rout inely use ant ibiot ics in sept oplast ies. 74 of ret urn t o a normal diet and daily act ivit ies. The met a-
In t he UK, it is est imat ed t hat only 22% of hospit als do not analysis of Dhiwakar et al., 83 which included ive RCTs
use perioperative antibiotics and 37% use them for more wit h adult and paediat ric pat ient s, and bot h syst emic
t han 24 h. 71 and topical treatments, showed a signiicant reduction in
Bandhauer et al., 75 in t heir RCT on 95 pat ient s undergoing t he incidence of post operat ive f ever (r=0.62), durat ion of
septoplasty with parking, found a signiicantly lower growth halit osis (2 days less) and t ime t o ret urn t o normal act ivit ies
of S. aureus and ot her pat hogenic species in t he group (0.64 days less) in t he group t reat ed wit h ant ibiot ics;
t reat ed wit h single doses of Terra-Cort ril ® on t he packing. t he dif f erences in pain reduct ion, ret urn t o normal diet ,
Several RCTs conirm the usefulness of topical antibiotics in t he need f or analgesia and secondary bleeding were not
reducing t he colonizat ion of packings. 66,76 The beneits of the signiicant. Similar results were conirmed in a more
use of Synalar ® on t he packing have been shown in pat ient s ext ensive met a-analysis by t he same aut hors84; in nine
undergoing endoscopic surgery for chronic rhinosinusit is, RCTs, there was a signiicant reduction in the incidence
signiicantly reducing (by up to 36%) the colonization of of f ever (RR=0.63) in t he group t reat ed wit h ant ibiot ics,
Merocel ®, but no differences were found wit h regard t o but not of pain or secondary bleeding. Neit her was t he
post operat ive rhinorrhea. 66 incidence of adverse events signiicant in patients treated
In complex nasal surgery, underst anding as such review wit h ant ibiot ics. In a t hird met a-analysis, by Burkat et
sept orhinoplast ies, nasal graf t surgery or t he repair of al. 85 on seven RCTs, t he only paramet ers t hat showed
septal defects, the infection rate reaches 27%.18 It has signiicantly reduced incidence in the group with antibiotic
been suggested that these patients might beneit from t reat ment were t he reduct ion of one day in t he ret urn
using ant ibiot ics, but t here are no RCTs comparing t he t o normal diet and ret urn t o normal act ivit y. Considering
perioperat ive use of ant ibiot ics versus placebo. In t he RCT t hese dat a (which correspond t o a level of evidence A),
by Andrews et al. 18 on 164 pat ient s undergoing complex we conclude t hat perioperat ive t reat ment wit h syst emic
septorhinoplasty, no signiicant differences in infection ant ibiot ics reduces t he incidence of f ever and halit osis;
were f ound bet ween t he administ rat ion of syst emic t o a lesser degree and in a very subt le manner, it enables
ant ibiot ics during 1 day vs 3 days. Schaf er et al., 77 in t heir an early ret urn t o habit ual diet and act ivit y. There is no
RCT on 100 pat ient s undergoing complex sept orhinoplast y evidence t hat ant ibiot ics reduce pain and bleeding. It must
wit h packing and t opical ant ibiot ics on t he packing, f ound be kept in mind t hat t hese st udies mixed paediat ric and
8% of inf ect ion in t he group t reat ed f or 12 days wit h adult populat ions, various ant ibiot ic regimes and various
propicillin compared to 27% in the group without systemic surgical t echniques.
ant ibiot ics. Telian et al. , 86 in t heir RCT on 100 paediat ric pat ient s
Based on t he foregoing, we recommend t he use of t opical undergoing t onsillect omy, evaluat ed preoperat ive
ant ibiot ic on t he parking in pat ient s undergoing sept oplast y administ rat ion of int ravenous ampicillin f ollowed by
and sept orhinoplast y, for t here is no evidence t hat syst emic amoxicillin for 7 days versus placebo. There were
antibiotic is beneicial. There is still uncertainty about signiicant differences in the incidence of fever, halitosis
t he usefulness of perioperat ive ant ibiot ics in complex (4 days less) and ret urn t ime t o diet (1 day less) and daily
sept orhinoplast ies. Pat ient s wit h packing and at risk for act ivit y (1 day less) in t he group t reat ed wit h ant ibiot ics;
endocardit is should be t reat ed wit h syst emic ant ibiot ics t o it must be t aken int o account t hat t hat st udy excluded
prevent bact eraemia. 7 patients from the inal analysis due to postoperative
Ant ibiot ic prophylaxis in ot olaryngologic surgery 61

inf ect ion (6 in t he group wit hout ant ibiot ics) and t hat Antibiotic prophylaxis in otologic surgery
3 of t he pat ient s experienced bleeding (all in t he group
wit hout ant ibiot ics). Pain was not assessed wit h a linear Most ot ologic surgery falls int o t he cat egory of clean surgery.
scale; however, there was a signiicant reduction in the However, surgery for chronic ot it is media, wit h or wit hout
durat ion of t he painf ul period (3. 3 versus 4. 4 days) in t he cholest eat oma, should be considered clean-cont aminat ed; if
group t reat ed wit h ant ibiot ics. Ramos et al. , 87 in an RCT t here ot orrhea during surgery, it is considered cont aminat ed
on 58 children, found no signiicant differences in terms or dirt y, so t he use of ant ibiot ics would have a t herapeut ic
of f ever or pain in pat ient s t reat ed wit h amoxicillin- int ent ion. 93
clavulanat e in t he post operat ive period. In t he met a- Post operat ive infect ion in ot ology manifest s it self as a
analysis of Lyer et al. , 88 in paediat ric pat ient s undergoing loss of t he neot ympanic graft , labyrint hit is, surgical wound
t onsillect omy, only t he associat ion bet ween short er t ime infect ion or t he occurrence of medial or ext ernal ot it is. In
unt il ret urn t o normal diet (1 day) and t he perioperat ive order t o syst emat ise ot ologic int ervent ions based upon t he
use of antibiotics was signiicant. In a study 89 wit h no risk of infection, we will take the classiication proposed by
randomisat ion or blinding on paediat ric pat ient s, Verschuur et al. 94:
signiicantly reduced pain and better oral tolerance were
f ound in t he group t reat ed wit h ant ibiot ics. Paradoxically, • Clean surgery: myringoplast y, st apedect omy, ossicular
Lee et al. 90 found a signiicantly increased incidence of ear reconst ruct ion and dry ears.
pain and need for analgesia on the ifth postoperative day • Clean-cont aminat ed or dirt y surgery: ears wit h
in pat ient s t reat ed wit h amoxicillin f or 5 days. However, preoperat ive suppurat ion (chronic ot it is media wit h or
t his was not a blind st udy and f ollow-up was carried out wit hout cholest eat oma).
by t elephone. In t he light of t hese st udies, t here is no • Insert ion of t ranst ympanic drainage t ubes: ears wit hout
evidence t hat perioperat ive syst emic ant ibiot ics in t he effusion are considered clean; wit h seromucous effusion,
paediat ric age decrease t he incidence of bleeding and clean-cont aminat ed; and wit h purulent effusion, dirt y.
inf ect ion. The level of evidence is B wit h respect t o t he
reduct ion of t he durat ion of halit osis, f ever and earlier The incidence of post operat ive inf ect ion in clean
ret urn t o daily act ivit ies in paediat ric pat ient s t reat ed surgery has been est imat ed as less t han 5%, whereas,
wit h ant ibiot ics. The administ rat ion of ant ibiot ics in it has been estimated as between 7 and 14% for clean-
paediatric patients signiicantly reduces the early return cont aminat ed surgery. 95-97 The most common inf ect ious
t o normal diet (level of evidence A). The regimes most agent s in clean ot ologic surgery are species of S. aur eus
frequently used in the literature include 5 to 7 days of and ot her gram-posit ives. 93 In chronic ot it is media
t reat ment wit h bet a-lact ams. wit hout cholest eat oma, t he most f requent ly isolat ed
While st udies using syst emic ant ibiot ics are numerous, germs are Pseudomonas aer ugi nosa and St aphyl ococci
those that assess the eficacy of topical antibiotics are species, mainly S. aur eus. Dif f erent species of gram-
scarce. In t he RCT of Mann et al. 78 on adult pat ient s, negat ive organisms f ollow in order of f requency, such
t opical t reat ment was assessed bef ore and af t er surgery as Kl ebsi el l a, Pr ot eus or Haemophi l us and gram-posit ive
wit h bot h clindamycin and amoxicillin versus syst emic bact eria, wit h predominance of St r ept ococci ; t he
t reat ment wit h amoxicillin f or 1 week and t reat ment wit h isolat ion of anaerobes is uncommon. The Pseudomonas
placebo. Pat ient s t reat ed wit h t opical ant ibiot ics had a species isolat ed are highly sensit ive t o polymyxin B,
signiicantly lower growth of cfu in oral secretions. Odour ciproloxacin and gentamicin, while St aphyl ococci
and pain were signiicantly lower in patients with topical species are sensit ive t o cloxacillin, gent amicin and
ant ibiot ics, but ot algia, f ever, and ret urn t o everyday ciproloxacin.40, 98 The isolat es in t he periods of ot orrhea
act ivit y were not . In an RCT90 on 60 paediat ric pat ient s, are mostly polymicrobial. The microbiological proile
no signiicant difference was found between fusafungine, of ot it is media wit h cholest eat oma is similar t o t hat
f usaf ungine wit h analgesics and amoxicillin-clavulanat e of simple chronic ot it is media, wit h t he except ion t hat
with analgesics in terms of pain in the irst 10 days; anaerobes are more f requent , mainly Bact er oi des and
however, from day 10 the pain was signiicantly less and Pept ococcus; anaerobes have been isolat ed in up t o t wo
scarring was bet t er in t he groups wit h t opical f usaf ungine. 91 t hirds of ot orrhea wit h cholest eat oma. 40,97 Alt hough it is
There are no more clinical t rials comparing t opical versus assumed t hat ot it is media wit h ef f usion does not present
syst emic ant ibiot ic t reat ment . One RCT on 101 pat ient s act ive inf ect ion, microorganisms are isolat ed in up t o
over 12 years found signiicant beneit with respect to 50% of cases, most f requent ly Haemophilus inluenza, M.
t ime t o normal diet in pat ient s receiving oral and t opical cat ar r hal i s and St r ept ococcus pneumoni ae. 40
t reat ment versus t he group wit hout t reat ment ; pain and
fever were not signiicantly reduced.82 In one RCT on 68 Clean otologic surgery
pat ient s, t he t opical use of f usaf ungine, an ant ibact erial
and anti-inlammatory peptide, reduced pain during the Because t he incidence of infect ion is so low in clean
irst days and also reduced the consumption of analgesics ot ologic surgery, t he risk of bet a error is very high; a very
signiicantly.92 Through all t hese dat a, t here is a B level large sample size would t herefore be required t o show
of evidence t o recommend t he use of t opical ant ibiot ics statistically signiicant differences. Most studies do not
in adult pat ient s undergoing t onsillect omy in t erms of different iat e bet ween clean, clean-cont aminat ed and dirt y
reduced post operat ive morbidit y, and a level of evidence A surgery.
to conclude that systemic antibiotics do not offer beneits Donaldson et al., 99 in a double-blind RCT on 96 pat ient s
over t opical ant ibiot ics. undergoing myringoplasty, showed no statistically signiicant
62 S. Obeso et al

differences bet ween using oral sulfamet hoxazole or phenoxypenicillin; nevertheless, a signiicant reduction
placebo. However, t his st udy did not specify t he lengt h of in t he growt h of pat hogens was proven (P<.04). Based on
t reat ment and t he packing was impregnat ed wit h polymyxin these studies, the beneit of using systemic antibiotics
B and neomycin. John et al. 100 conduct ed a single blind versus placebo or not t reat ing has not been clearly shown
RCT on 130 pat ient s undergoing myringoplast y, wit h one in clean-cont aminat ed ot ologic surgery. Nevert heless, t here
group of pat ient s receiving syst emic ant ibiot ics (ampicillin are subgroups, such as pat ient s in t he ot orrhea phase, for
and lucloxacillin). No signiicant differences were found whom it is useful. Furt her prospect ive st udies would be
in t erms of graft success; in fact , graft failure was more necessary, as well as randomised st udies wit h a populat ion
frequent in t he group t reat ed wit h ant ibiot ics. In t hat t hat includes only clean-cont aminat ed surgery and dirt y
st udy, pat ient s did not receive ant ibiot ics on t he packing surgery.
t hey carried for 1 week. Several clinical t rials have evaluat ed t he use of syst emic
The incidence of perichondrit is in pat ient s undergoing and t opical ant ibiot ics versus t opical ant ibiot ics. These
ear pavilion surgery is est imat ed at bet ween 0%and 5.56%. st udies lack rigor when it comes t o segregat ing pat ient s
In an RCT101 on 84 pat ient s undergoing ear pavilion surgery wit h chronic suppurat ion f rom t hose wit h clean ears. In
with closure for second intention, no signiicant beneit in t he RCT of Govaert s et al. 105 on 750 patients undergoing
the use of systemic levoloxacin was shown. middle ear surgery and using a packing impregnat ed
In view of t hese clinical t rials wit h evidence level A, wit h polymyxin B and neomycin, including pat ient s wit h
t here is no evidence t o recommend t he perioperat ive chronic otitis, no signiicant difference was found in
use of syst emic ant ibiot ics in pat ient s undergoing clean t erms of inf ect ion by adding perioperat ive cef uroxime
ot ologic surgery wit h packing. It must be kept in mind f or less t han 24h; t he higher incidence of early inf ect ion
that there are no clinical trials that evaluate the eficacy in pat ient s wit h cholest eat oma who were not t reat ed
of t opical ant ibiot ic versus placebo; t he st udy populat ion with cefuroxime was signiicant in that study, although
in t hese clinical t rials is composed of pat ient s undergoing lat er on t he incidences were mat ched. Jackson et al. , 93
myringoplast y. Some aut hors have recommended t he use in a double-blind RCT on 3, 481 pat ient s undergoing
of syst emic ant ibiot ics t o reduce t he risk of labyrint hit is; clean, clean-cont aminat ed and dirt y middle ear surgery,
however, t his has not been corroborat ed by clinical in addit ion t o neuro-ot ologic procedures, showed no
t rials. signiicant beneit in using oral antibiotics for 24 h
prior t o a packing impregnat ed in polysporin used by
Clean-contaminated and dirty otologic surgery bot h groups. Separat ely analysing clean and dirt y ears
resulted in no signiicant relationships either between
There are few RCTs in which t he st udy populat ion is composed adding t opical ant ibiot ic t o t he oral ant ibiot ic and a
exclusively of pat ient s undergoing “ unclean” surgery. lower incidence of infection. A signiicant relationship
In t he RCT of Tong et al. 102 on 101 pat ient s wit h chronic was found between infection and dirty ears (17.2% in
ot it is media undergoing t ype I t ympanoplast y, preoperat ive dirt y ears and 4. 4% in clean ears; P<. 05). Hest er et al. , 106
topical oloxacin was administered for 2 weeks. Although a in an RCT on 146 pat ient s undergoing middle ear surgery
signiicant negativisation was shown in the cultures, there f or chronic suppurat ive ot it is, assessed t he usef ulness of
were no statistically signiicant differences in postoperative syst emat ically administ ering ampicillin-sulbact am during
infect ion. It can be concluded t hat a colonized ear does t he int ervent ion and amoxicillin-clavulanat e f or 5 days;
not necessarily imply infect ion. There are no ot her clinical all pat ient s carried gel f oam and colist in in t he middle
t rials comparing t reat ment wit h t opical ant ibiot ics versus ear and a packing wit h bacit racin, in addit ion t o t aking
placebo in surgery for chronic otitis. Thus, the beneit of neomycin and polymyxin B af t er removal of t he packing.
preoperat ive t opical t reat ment has not been demonst rat ed No signiicant differences were found in infection or
(level of evidence B). However, t his st udy should be assessed graf t f ailure bet ween t he groups. Considering t he above,
wit h caut ion, since t here are no clinical t rials t hat evaluat e st udies wit h evidence level A have f ailed t o demonst rat e
t he usefulness of post operat ive t opical ant ibiot ics in clean- the beneit of adding systemic antibiotics to topical
cont aminat ed and dirt y surgery. ant ibiot ics in clean-cont aminat ed and dirt y surgery.
Several st udies have evaluat ed t he use of syst emic A recent met a-analysis94 published in 2007 evaluated
ant ibiot ics versus not using ant ibiot ics. In an RCT103 on 26 several randomised and prospect ive t rials on ant ibiot ic
pat ient s wit h chronic ot it is media and posit ive cult ures for prophylaxis in clean and clean-cont aminat ed ot ologic
P. aeruginosa, t he perioperat ive use of syst emic ceft azidime surgery. The subgroups could not be analysed. No signiicant
has been shown to be statistically signiicant in reducing difference was found bet ween using ant ibiot ic or not , using
post operat ive ot orrhea. Anot her RCT97 on 72 patients syst emic ant ibiot ic or not , using t opical ant ibiot ic or not , or
diagnosed wit h chronic suppurat ive ot it is undergoing closed using syst emic and t opical ant ibiot ic compared wit h t opical
t ympanomast oidect omy, of which 40 had cholest eat oma, ant ibiot ic alone.
evaluated the eficacy of perioperative clindamycin
and gentamicin. There were no statistically signiicant Prophylaxis in transtympanic drains
differences wit h regard t o infect ion bet ween t he group
t reat ed wit h ant ibiot ics and t he unt reat ed one (11 vs 14%). Post operat ive ot orrhea in pat ient s wit h t ranst ympanic
Bagger-Sj oback et al., 104 in anot her double-blind RCT on 100 drains (TTD) ranges between 3.4 and 74%, although the
pat ient s undergoing middle ear surgery, including chronic real igure is closer to 15-19%.107 In a met a-analysis108
otitis media, showed no statistically signiicant beneit f rom 2006, t he relat ive risk in t erms of occurrence of
in t erms of infect ion in pat ient s t reat ed wit h placebo or post operat ive ot orrhea in t he pat ient group wit h TTD
Ant ibiot ic prophylaxis in ot olaryngologic surgery 63

t reat ed f or more t han 48 hours wit h a t opical ant ibiot ic Hirsch et al., 114 in a ret rospect ive st udy on 95 implant ed
compared wit h unt reat ed pat ient s was 0.52% (0.39%- pat ient s, declared no maj or infect ion and 1% of minor
0.69%); t opical ant ibiot ic t reat ment reduces t he incidence infect ions; 83% of pat ient s received at least 4 doses of
of postoperative otorrhea by up to 48%. The beneit of perioperat ive cefazolin. Basavaraj et al. 113 ret rospect ively
t opical ant ibiot ics in reducing post operat ive ot orrhea is analysed 292 implant ed pat ient s and regist ered 4 maj or
demonstrated with a level of evidence A. No signiicant infect ions (3 of which occurred in pat ient s t reat ed wit h long
differences were found between oloxacin and neomycin ant ibiot ic regimes), 8 minor infect ions and no meningit is; t he
wit h polymyxin B. use of long antibiotic regimes was signiicantly associated
Several well-designed RCTs have shown no signiicant wit h post operat ive infect ion (5.6% in t reat ment for 5 days
differences in t he incidence of ot orrhea in pat ient s t reat ed and 13% in treatment for 7 days) versus administration of
wit h normal int raoperat ive serum washings, post operat ive single doses. However, t his was a ret rospect ive st udy and
oral ant ibiot ic, post operat ive t opical ant ibiot ic or t he assignment was not randomised, so pat ient s wit h long
perioperat ive washings wit h oxymet azoline. 109,110 As t he regimes may have been t hose who showed signs of infect ion
greater eficacy of intraoperative irrigation with saline early.
solution is conirmed in another randomised clinical The haemat o-labyrint hine barrier may be a hindrance for
t rial, 111,112 t here is a level of evidence A t o recommend t he penet rat ion of ant ibiot ics. There are no st udies on t he
washing wit h saline solut ion; it is a cheaper t reat ment and use of t opical ant ibiot ics in humans, but t here are some
also has a better safety proile. We thus conclude that it in experiment al models. Wei et al. 120 showed t hat coat ing
should be t he rout ine t reat ment in pat ient s undergoing TTD the implant with ciproloxacin had a signiicant protective
placement . effect in t erms of onset of meningit is when S. pneumoniae
was inoculated in blood; however, this was not signiicant
for inoculat ion in t he inner or middle ear.
Antibiotic prophylaxis in cochlear implants For all t hese reasons, t here is a level of evidence C t o
recommend t he use of perioperat ive syst emic ant ibiot ics
Surgical wound inf ect ion in surgery f or cochlear implant at ion in cochlear implant at ion; t here are no clinical t rials and
is a rare phenomenon, est imat ed at around 4%(depending hardly any ret rospect ive st udies t hat evaluat e t he use of
on t he series, bet ween 0.9% and 11.8%). 113,114 Cochlear ant ibiot ic versus placebo or different ant ibiot ic regimes.
implant surgery is f ramed wit hin clean surgery, and t he The most widely used ant ibiot ic is cefazolin, which provides
low incidence of local inf ect ion implies t hat perioperat ive good coverage against gram-posit ive cocci, wit h highly
antibiotics will not be recommended in the irst years of variable regimes depending on t he inst it ut ion.
t he t echnique. However, t here are no randomised st udies
comparing t he incidence of local inf ect ion in pat ient s wit h
and wit hout ant ibiot ic t reat ment . In a survey conduct ed Antibiotic prophylaxis in dural exposure
in 1989, 56.4% of 1,030 implant ed pat ient s had received
perioperat ive ant ibiot ics; in 4.5% of pat ient s wit hout In clean neurosurgical procedures, t here is no penet rat ion
ant ibiot ic t reat ment it was necessary t o remove t he int o t he respirat ory and gast roint est inal t ract s and asept ic
implant , while t his decision was t aken in only 0.9% of t echnique is not violat ed. This group includes craniect omies,
pat ient s wit h prophylaxis. 115 including neuro-ot ologic approaches. The incidence of local
However, t he FDA report ed in 2002116 an increase of infect ion is around 2%-3%121 and t he most import ant risk
bact erial meningit is in implant ed pat ient s; unt il 2003, factor is CSF istula.122
t here were 118 cases of bact erial meningit is, predominant ly There are several double-blind RCTs122,123 t hat evaluat e
st rept ococcal, in pat ient s aged bet ween 13 mont hs and 81 t he administ rat ion of ant ibiot ic prophylaxis versus placebo
years. The lat ency period bet ween t he int ervent ion and in clean craniect omies, and t he reduct ion of surgical
t he onset of sympt oms ranged from less t han 24h t o over 6 infection in patients receiving antibiotics is signiicant.
years. Of these cases, a cerebrospinal luid (CSF) culture was A met a-analysis by Barker et al. 125 assessed t he presence
carried out in 69, which was posit ive for S. pneumoniae in of surgical wound infect ion in pat ient s undergoing clean
46. In t his 2003 alert as in a new one in 2006, evaluat ing t he craniect omies, such as t ranst emporal approaches, and a
use of perioperat ive ant ibiot ics t o prevent t his complicat ion local infection incidence of 8.7% was calculated for the
was recommended; however, t he recommendat ion is group not receiving ant ibiot ic versus 1.8% for t he t reat ed
ambiguous and does not specify t he t ype of ant ibiot ic, it s group (signiicant differences). Therefore, there is evidence
dose or t he durat ion of t he t reat ment . 116,117 of level A t o recommend t he prophylact ic use of syst emic
It has been suggest ed t hat cochlear implant placement ant ibiot ics in clean craniect omies.
lowers t he t hreshold t o cause meningit is, a circumst ance In 2007, Barker126 published a new met a-analysis
that seems to be inluenced by the use of placeholders (now t hat evaluat ed t he incidence of meningit is in clean
obsolet e), t he t raumat ic placement of t he implant and t he craniect omies regardless of t he applicat ion or not of
reduct ion in t he int racochlear defensive capacit y produced ant ibiot ic prophylaxis. Of t he six RCTs included, none
by a foreign body, all based on st udies in animal models. 118 detected statistical signiicance; combining the individual
In animal implant at ion models, it has been shown t hat dat a, t he incidence of meningit is in t he groups wit h and
t he concent rat ion of S. pneumoniae inoculum t hat causes without antibiotics was 1.1% and 2.7%, respectively (not
meningit is is less if t he inner ear is inoculat ed t han if it a signiicant difference); on the other hand, the number
is administ ered syst emically; t he concent rat ion required is of pat ient s who required t reat ment t o prevent a case of
great er when t he middle ear is inoculat ed. 119 meningit is was 65.
64 S. Obeso et al

Table 5 Main conclusions on ant ibiot ic prophylaxis in head and neck surgery, based on current ly- available evidence

Laryngopharyngeal clean-cont aminat ed surgery

Amoxicillin-clavulanat e does not decrease t he incidence of infect ion versus cefazolin Level A
The combinat ion of clindamycin and gent amicin does not reduce t he incidence of infect ion compared Level B
wit h clindamycin
The combinat ion of clindamycin and gent amicin does not reduce t he incidence of infect ion versus cefazolin Level B
or amoxicillin-clavulanat e
There is no evidence t hat regimes prolonged furt her t han 24h decrease t he incidence of infect ion Level A
compared t o perioperat ive regimes
Topical washings with antibiotics signiicantly reduce colony forming units in saliva compared to systemic Level A
ant ibiot ics
Washings wit h t opical ant ibiot ics reduce t he incidence of infect ion compared t o placebo Level B
The combinat ion of t opical and syst emic ant ibiot ics reduces t he incidence of infect ion compared Level B
t o syst emic ant ibiot ics alone

Flap reconst ruct ion in clean-cont aminat ed surgery

Clindamycin does not decrease t he incidence of infect ion wit h respect t o cefazolin Level B
Prolonged 5-day prophylact ic regimes do not reduce t he incidence of infect ion wit h respect t o 1-day regimes Level A

Laryngopharyngeal laser surgery

There are no clinical t rials or expert consensus in t his respect

Rhinologic surgery
Perioperat ive syst emic ant ibiot ics do not decrease morbidit y or infect ion in sept oplast y Level A
Topical ant ibiot ics reduce t he colonizat ion of t he packings in sept oplast y Level A

Tonsillect omy
Perioperat ive syst emic ant ibiot ics reduce fever and halit osis and enable an early ret urn t o t he usual diet Level A
and act ivit y
Perioperat ive syst emic ant ibiot ics do not reduce pain or t he risk of bleeding Level A
Systemic antibiotics do not provide beneits with respect to topical antibiotics Level A
Topical ant ibiot ics reduce pain wit h respect t o syst emic ant ibiot ics Level B

Ot ologic surgery
Syst emic ant ibiot ics do not reduce t he incidence of infect ion in clean surgery Level A
Syst emic ant ibiot ics do not reduce t he incidence of infect ion in clean-cont aminat ed surgery Level B
Systemic antibiotics provide no beneit with respect to topical antibiotic treatment in clean-contaminated Level B
Perioperat ive syst emic ant ibiot ics reduce infect ion in clean-cont aminat ed surgery and wit h Level B
posit ive preoperat ive cult ures
Wit hout st rat ifying t he different cat egories of ot ologic surgery, perioperat ive ant ibiot ics do not reduce Level A
incidence of infect ion
Post operat ive t opical ant ibiot ics reduce t he incidence of ot orrhea aft er t he placement of t ranst ympanic drains, Level A
although they do not provide beneits with respect to intraoperative washing with serum

Cochlear implant
Perioperat ive syst emic ant ibiot ics reduce t he incidence of meningit is Level C

Neurological approaches
Prophylact ic syst emic ant ibiot ics reduce t he incidence of infect ion and meningit is in clean craniect omies Level A
Perioperat ive syst emic ant ibiot ics reduce t he incidence of infect ion in clean-cont aminat ed approaches: Level C
skull base surgery and endoscopic approaches

There are no RCTs t hat assess t he durat ion of ant ibiot ic regime over anot her; it is necessary t o cover gram-posit ives
prophylaxis. Most st udies used regimes of 24h or less123,124,127,128 and the beneit in extending coverage to gram-negatives
and Barker’s met a-analysis125 demonst rat ed no difference has not been shown. 121,125 Given the safety proile, lower
bet ween t he use of a single dose or of mult iple doses. There cost , reduced spect rum, low presence of gram-negat ive in
are no RCTs demonstrating the beneit of one antibiotic infect ion and t he absence of RCTs t hat refut e t heir suit abilit y,
Ant ibiot ic prophylaxis in ot olaryngologic surgery 65

we recommend cefazolin as prophylaxis, according t o t he st aphyl ococcal inf ect ions f ol l owing cancer surgery. Surg
ASHP. 3 Following administ rat ion of 1 g of cefazolin, t he Gynecol Obst et . 1962;114:345-52.
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t he MIC of most common germs in post operat ive infect ions
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are maint ained for 12h in t he wound and serum, wit h t he 11. Becker GD, Parel GJ. Cefazolin prophylaxis in head and neck
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In clean-cont aminat ed neurosurgical procedures, t here Head Neck Surg. 1984;92:520-3.
is a communicat ion bet ween t he int racranial cavit y and 13. Saginur R, Odell PF, Poliquin JF. Ant ibiot ic prophylaxis in head
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lat eral approaches of skull base surgery, t ranssphenoidal 14. Velanovich V. A met a-analysis of prophylact ic ant ibiot ics in
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t his cat egory. 130 The incidence of infect ious complicat ions 15. Rodrigo JP, Alvárez JC, Gómez JR, Suárez C, Fernández JA,
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Ant ibiot ic prophylaxis is recommended for t he durat ion
Neck. 1997;19:188-93.
of exposure in t hese cases. There are no RCTs t hat assess
16. Shapiro M. Prophylaxis in ot olaryngologic surgery and neuro-
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surgery, different regimes or t opical ant ibiot ic t reat ment . 17. Bartlett G, Gorbach SL. Anaerobic infections of the head and
There is no evidence t o suggest one regime over anot her. neck. Otolaryngol Clin North Am. 1976;9:655-78.
Ant ibiot ic t reat ment wit h t herapeut ic int ent is 18. Andrews PJ, East CA, Jayaraj SM, Badia L, Panagamuwa C,
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Conclusions 19. Mainous 3rd AG, Huest on WJ, Everet t CJ, Diaz VA. Nasal
carriage of St aphylococcus aureus and met hicillin-resist ant S
Table 5 summarises some of t he conclusions t hat can be aureus i n t he Uni t ed St at es, 2001-2002. Ann Fam Med.
drawn from t his review in t he form of st at ement s and t heir
20. Skit arelic N, Morovic M, Malest ar D. Ant ibiot ic prophylaxis in
corresponding level of evidence.
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