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Learning activity 4

Evidence: Job interview

Imagine you are applying for a new job. Below you will find some common job
interview questions. For this evidence, you have to record yourself while you
answer them. Dress up. Look professional. Pay attention to your body language.
Show you really want to get that job. Remember to use the grammar structures
and vocabulary you have practiced within this learning activity.

Fuente: Fotolia (s.f.)

1. If you could start your career over again, what would you do differently?

Dedicarles más tiempo a las lecturas y valorar a los profesores que dictaban
algunas clases.

2. During your performance reviews, what criticism do you hear the most?

La falta de liderazgo y empatía de los profesionales.

3. Tell me about your last position?

Fui coordinador del componente social de un proyecto que llevaba internet a las
regiones muy apartadas.

4. What is your work philosophy?

Cumplir los objetivos y metas propuestos por difíciles que sean.

5. How have you changed professionally speaking in the last two years?

He aprendido a ser más práctico e independiente.

6. Tell me about the best manager you have ever had.

Fue una persona de la cual aprendí el valor del trabajo en equipo, de la

responsabilidad y asumir retos con los cuales había un crecimiento profesional.

7. What were the most memorable accomplishments in your last position?

Hacer un estudio de impacto, para medir la llegada de internet a zonas donde la

tecnología era imposible de usar.

8. Why do you want to leave your current job?

Porque pienso que llevo mucho tiempo haciendo lo mismo, se vuelve muy
operativo; fue un buen aprendizaje y que es hora de cambiar para renovarme y
que la gente con la que trabajo sienta cambios positivos.

9. In your previous position, how much time did you spend learning how to do
things better?

2 meses, aproximadamente; aunque todos los días se aprendía algo nuevo.

10. If you’re very happy with your current job, why do you want to leave?

Porque hay alguien más que debe tener la oportunidad de hacer las cosas con el
mismo entusiasmo y motivación de como yo estuve al inicio, y yo, debo empezar
con nuevas actividades que me permitan desarrollarme y retarme en aspectos
novedosos basados en la experiencia adquirida durante este tiempo.


1. If you could start your career over, what would you do differently?

Spend more time reading and appreciate the teachers who taught some classes.

2. During performance reviews, what criticisms do you hear the most?

The lack of leadership and empathy of professionals.

3. Tell me about your last position?

I was coordinator of the social component of a project that brought the internet to
very remote regions.

4. What is your work philosophy?

Fulfill the objectives and goals proposed, however difficult they may be.

5. How have you changed professionally speaking in the last two years?

He learned a more practical and independent being.

6. Tell me about the best coach you have ever had.

He was a person from whom I learned the value of teamwork, responsibility and
taking on challenges with which there was professional growth.
7. What were the most memorable accomplishments in your last position?

Carry out an impact study to measure the arrival of the internet in areas where
technology was impossible to use.

8. Why do you want to quit your current job?

Because I think I have been doing the same for a long time, it becomes very
operational; It was a good learning experience and it is time to change to renew
myself and for the people I work with to feel positive changes.

9. In your previous position, how much time did you spend learning to do better?

2 months, approximately; although every day something new was learned.

10. If you are very happy with your current job, why do you want to leave?

Because there is someone else who should have the opportunity to do things with
the same enthusiasm and motivation as I was at the beginning, and I must start
with new activities that allow me to develop and challenge myself in novel
aspects based on the experience acquired during this time.
When you finish your work, send the file to your instructor through the platform as

1. Click on the title of this evidence.

2. Click on Examinar mi equipo and look for the file in your computer. Make sure
the file is attached.
3. Leave a comment for the instructor (optional).
4. Click Enviar.

Note: This evidence is an individual activity. Remember to check the learning

guide in order to know if you have done all the assigned activities, know how to
develop them and deliver them correctly.

Criterios de evaluación
 Usa el vocabulario relacionado con carreras y empleos teniendo en cuenta el
contexto requerido.

 Intercambia información personal para postularse a un empleo teniendo en

cuenta la estructura gramatical y vocabulario requeridos.

 Describe características personales teniendo en cuenta el vocabulario y

contexto requerido.

 Utiliza verbos compuestos teniendo en cuenta la estructura gramatical



Fotolia. (s.f.). Business associates shaking hands in office. Consultado el 17 de

Octubre de 2014, en

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