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Tipos de WireFrames

Low-fi: wireframes drawn by hand

 Borrador que se puede corregir rápidamente

 Identify what works and what doesn’t work
 It doesn’t involves design elements

4. Cómo hacer un wireframe


1. Una página cuadriculada donde puedas distribuir los elementos

2. Define los UI Elements

 DropDown
 Input fields
 CheckBoxes
 RadioButtons
 Titles
 BlockTexts

Los puedes representar con cajas, líneas, bloques

Son formatos más o menos estructurados, así que su estructura básica

persiste a lo largo del tiempo.

Section Main Ads

4.3 Determine Layout

Puntos que necesitas tomar en consideración

* The content you need to display on your page

* The logical structure of the elements depending on what you want to

* The importance (hierarchy) that you consider each element should have -
defined by the things you want your user to accomplish.

* The behavior of the elements with the user. Call to actions, forms, buttons,
displayed information and external links, for example, are very different
elements and they invite the user to perform very different tasks, therefore
they should behave accordingly

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