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Área: Humanidades, Lengua Castellana e Idiomas extranjeros

Asignatura: Inglés Ciclo: Media Grado: 11

Tiempo de Inicio: Febrero 1 Tiempo de Finalización: Abril 9

Horas: 24 Período: I Año: 2021

Educadores: Omar José Vélez Vidual.

Name: _____________________________________________ Group: ________

 Identifica palabras claves dentro del texto que le permiten comprender su sentido general.
DBA 1 y 2
 Hace inferencia a partir de la información de un texto. DBA 1 y 2
 Escribe resúmenes e informes que demuestran su conocimiento sobre temas de otras
disciplinas. DBA 3 y 4
 Cumple con las actividades asignadas por el profesor en forma oportuna.

1. Identifica el propósito de textos orales y escritos de mediana longitud relacionados con
temas de interés general y de su entorno académico y la comparte con otros.
2. Explica tanto en forma oral como escrita las causas y los efectos, así como el problema y la
solución de una situación.
3. Identifica el propósito de textos orales y escritos de mediana longitud relacionados con
temas de interés general y de su entorno académico y la comparte con otros.
4. Redacta textos argumentativos con una estructura clara y sencilla sobre temas
5. Expresa de manera oral y escrita su posición acerca de un tema conocido teniendo en
cuenta a quién está dirigido el texto.
6. Expresa de manera oral su punto de vista acerca de un tema controversial previamente
7. Mantiene discusiones formales acerca de temas académicos que ha preparado
8. Narra de manera oral o escrita experiencias personales o historias conocidas.
 Utilizo variedad de estrategias de comprensión de lectura adecuadas al propósito y al tipo
de texto.
 Valoro la lectura como un medio para adquirir información de diferentes disciplinas que
amplían mi conocimiento.
 Hago inferencias a partir de la información en un texto.
 Escribo diferentes tipos de textos de mediana longitud y con una estructura sencilla
(cartas, notas, mensajes, correos electrónicos, etc.).


A los jóvenes se les dificulta crear un proyecto de vida adecuado.

 Escribir un proyecto de vida donde expresen sus sueños y ambiciones para el futuro.



1. Look at the picture. Read. Answer the questions.

a. How often do you think about your future?
¿Con qué frecuencia piensas en tu futuro?
I don't think very often about my future, I know what I want to do and what my goals are,
but it's not something I usually think about
pienso muy poco en mi futuro, se que quiero hacer y cuales son mis metas, pero no es
algo que piense habitualmente
b. Do you feel like the boy on the left or the boy on the right?
¿Te sientes como el chico de la izquierda o el chico de la derecha?
I feel like the guy on the Right, as he doesn't feel worried like the other guy
yo me siento como el chico de la derecha, ya que el no se nota preocupado como el otro
a. Estoy tan preocupado por mi futuro, no sé qué hacer. No soy bueno en nada
b. No te preocupes. hacer lo que hago, preguntarle a un maestro en la escuela y hablar con
sus padres. que ayudará a
2. Read about some students. What are their dreams for the future?
Who wants...
▪ to have a family?
▪ to travel a lot?
▪ to have a good job?
▪ to be happy?
▪ to be famous?

Ryan: I don’t know what I want to do in the future. I’d like to get a good job of course. I
want to do something interesting. But I don’t know what that will be.
Vanessa: I dream of travelling the world. I want to go to Antarctica on holiday. That would
be amazing.
Joshua: I’m really excited about the future. I think about finding the woman of my dreams
and having a family.
Nathalie: I want to be a film star. I want to be famous and sign autographs for my fans.
That’s my dream.
Dylan: I want to have good friends and be healthy and most importantly of all, I want to be

3. Discuss.
a. What are your dreams for the future?
my dreams for the future are mainly to study a university career, to be able to live
what I like, and to enjoy my life.
mis sueños para el futuro son principalmente estudiar una carrera universitaria, poder
vivir de lo que me gusta, y disfrutar mi vida.
b. What do you need to do to make your dreams come true?
to make my dreams come true I have to put a lot of effort and dedication
para hacer realidad mis sueños realidad tengo que poner mucho esfuerzo y dedicación
4. Read a teenager’s blog post. Do you ever feel the same?

My future

A few years ago when I was in 8th grade, I worried a lot about my
future. Every day, I thought ‘What am I going to do when I leave school?’. I didn’t feel excited
about the future – I just felt very scared. One reason was that at that time I found school
difficult. I usually studied hard and listened in class (well, I thought so), but my teachers never
seemed to be very happy with my work – or with me. When I think back to those times now, I
remember that sometimes I didn’t concentrate very well and I also handed in work too late. This
went on for most of the year, but then near the end of the year something happened. I
suddenly knew what my dream job was. I love animals and I decided that I wanted to become a
vet! To do that I had to go to a good university. And to go to a good university, I had to get good
marks and do well in my exams. From 9th grade onwards, I worked very hard every day in class.
I studied for hours at home and my parents even told me to work less! At the end of that year, I
won a prize for my good marks. My family were so proud of me and I felt great. But then, I
started to worry again. I thought ‘What will happen if I don’t get good results next year?’ and ‘If
I didn’t go to university, what would I do?’. Everyone told me that I just had to do my best and
to stop worrying. So that’s exactly what I did! I often think back to 8th grade when I was so
scared. Now I feel much more confident and I’m looking forward to the future! My future
by Anna

5, Read the text again. Write T (true) or F (false).

a. Anna never worried about the future. ______

b. She didn’t always work hard in 8th grade. ______

c. She won a prize for her school work in 8th grade. ______

d. She studied harder in 9th grade than 8th grade. ______

e. Her family felt happy for her in 9th grade. ______

f. She isn’t very confident now. ______

6. Read the text. Answer the questions.

a. What kind of text is it?

b. Do you send and receive a lot of messages?

c. Who do you usually send messages to?

Jairo Suárez

Hi Migue,

I’m Jairo Suárez, Camila’s friend. I’m sixteen years old and in 11th grade at a school in Bogotá. I’m
writing because I know you’re in 11th grade too and I’m looking for friends who are feeling like I
am about the future. I’m very excited about what’s going to happen. I know everything will
change, but I’m also a little nervous. I know I want to be a pilot and I see myself flying planes and
travelling around the world ten years from now. But I’m also worried because I still don’t know
how I’ll be able to do that. It’s so expensive to become a pilot, but there are different options. For
example, there are scholarships, or I can work part-time and save some money for my studies.
How do you feel about the future? What do you want to do with your life after graduation?

Seen at 11:42 on Thursday

Focus on Vocabulary
7. Read the message again. Answer the questions.

a. Who is Jairo Suárez?

b. Where does he live?

c. How does he feel about his future?

d. What is his main ambition?

e. What is his main fear about the future?

f. How could he get money for his studies?

8. Use a dictionary to find the meaning of the words in the box. Then write five sentences
about your own goals using these words.

Goal short term part – time aim keen

Ambition long – term hope intend scholarship

Focus on Language
9. Read. Make a list of the expressions José and Kelly used to say if they have a skill
and ability or not.

José Gómez
I’m not very good at studying. In fact, I was so tired of studying after high school that I wanted to
take a rest. Then, I started working here and there, but I never did any courses. Now, I can see that
I’m able to do a lot of things even if I haven’t done any technical courses. I don’t have a diploma,
but I’m honest and I know how to work in teams, solve problems and find solutions. You can
always be sure I will come to work every day. I won’t arrive late or leave early and I’m able to learn
really fast.

Kelly Sánchez
My strengths? Well, I know a lot about HR, I’m a great leader and I can work under pressure. I’m
good at planning and organising events for employees and I’m very skilled at solving problems fast
and efficiently. To tell you the truth, I’m not very good at working with computers.

10. Answer the questions.

a. What are your strengths?

b. How can your strengths help you choose a career?

11. Read. Which careers should they do? Choose from the list below.

▪ journalist ▪ policeman ▪ English teacher

▪ doctor ▪ nurse ▪ farmer

▪ secretary ▪ lawyer ▪ engineer


I think my strengths are that I can work well in a team, but I can also work well on my own. I’ll
have to think about these strengths when I choose a career. I can’t see myself in an office all day
long, doing lots of paperwork. I enjoy helping people so I want a career where I can have lots of
contact with people and can make a difference.

I’m sure my strengths will help me to decide what to study at university. I’m good at Maths, I’m
quite creative and I also like making decisions. I think that my English is also very good. I can use
that strength for my career because you need English in business to talk to people in meetings or
even send letters and emails. My weak subjects at school are subjects like Science so I wouldn’t
want to study anything like Chemistry.
12. Complete the sentences with Roberto or Maria.

a. M isn’t good at Science.

b._____ likes working with people.

c._____ doesn’t want to work in an office.

d._____ is creative.

e._____ might need to use English.

f.______ can work well without other people.

13. Write a short description of your skills and abilities.

Select the option that better complete your achievements. (Seleciona la opción que mejor
describe tus logros.)

Description Very well Quite well With difficulty REASONS WHY ACTIONS TO
Descripción Muy bien Bastante bien Con dificultad ¿Por qué? IMPROVE
GRADE: 4.6 -5.0 GRADE: 3 .0 GRADE: 1.0 – 2.9 Acciones que debo
hacer para mejorar

I can discuss about

dreams and fears for the
future and dream job
I can answer questions
about plans for the future
I can understand about
people´s skills and
I can write a short
description of my skills
and abilities for
choosing a career.

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