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Espacio curricular: Lengua extranjera Inglés.

Docente: Márquez, Tamara.

Tema: Presente simple: preguntas directas e indirectas. Question words.
Prácticas de Piedad.
Nos ponemos en presencia del Señor en el nombre del Padre, del Hijo y del
Espíritu Santo. Amén.
Rezamos la oración para irradiar a Cristo del Beato Juan Enrique Newman, del
devocionario, página 157.

En las semanas previas estuvimos aprendiendo sobre el presente simple y las

estructuras de las oraciones afirmativas, negativas e interrogativas de este tiempo
verbal. En esta oportunidad, profundizaremos en la parte interrogativa sobre cómo
realizar y responder preguntas indirectas utilizando las question words.
¿Qué son las question words?
Son palabras que utilizamos para hacer preguntas sobre información específica.
¿Cuáles son las questionwords?
what: qué/ cuál
where: dónde
when: cuándo
which: cuál
who: quién
why: por qué
how: cómo
howmany: cuántos/as (sustantivos contables)
howmuch: cuántos/as (sustantivos no contables)
¿En qué parte de la oración interrogativa se colocan?
Las questionwords siempre van al comienzo de las preguntas.
Question Word + auxiliar + sujeto + verbo en infinitivo + complemento
When do you go to the club?

Las preguntas indirectas se responden siempre con una oración afirmativa.

Porejemplo: I go to the club on Tuesdays.

1. Completa las preguntas con questionwords.

´Where´s your bag?´ ´It´s under the desk.´

´Who´s your favourite writer?´ ´It´s GarcíaMárquez.´

´where do you travel every year?´ ‘Every year I travel to Brazil.´

´when does your mother go to dance class? ´On Fridays.´

´ what do you wear to school?´ ´I wear a blue and white


2. Relee el texto ¨A busyschooldayforthechildren of Genguanvillage´´, del

documento enviado para las semanas anteriores anteriores y responde con
oraciones completas.
a. Where do the children live? They live in Genguan, in the south of
b. What do they do after breakfast? after breakfast they start their long
c. Who do they go to school with?
d. they go to school with the principal Sr. Xu.
e. What´s the teacher´s name? the teacher´s name is Sr. Xu
f. How do they go to school? (by bus, on foot, by car) they go to school on
g. Is the path safe? Why?
No, the road is not safe because it is old and small
h. How much time do they walk to school? they walk an hour to school
i. Why don´t they go by the other path?
j. they don't go the other path because it takes two hours
k. Where´s the school? the school is in the village of Genguan in southern
l. How many students are there in the school?
there are forty-nine students at the school
m. What do they do in the break? they play or chat with friends at the break
n. What time do they go back home? they come home when school ends

3. Responde preguntas personales:

a. Where do you live? I live in the Malvinas neighborhood
b. What time do you get up?
I get up at 10 o'clock
c. Do you have breakfast?
Yes, i have breakfast.
d. How do you go to school?
I go to school walking.
e. Who do you go to school with?
I go to school with my friend.
f. What´s your favourite signature? My favorite signature is
g. Who´s your favourite teacher? My favorite teacher is the physical
education teacher.
h. How many children are there in your class? In my class there are 30
i. What do you do in the break?
I am with your friends at the break
j. What time does school finish? The school ends at 12:50 p.m.
k. When do you have physical education class?
l. I have physical education classes at 3 o'clock

4. Escribe un texto en presente simple utilizando las respuestas de la actividad

En el primer párrafo, debes escribir tu nombre, de dónde eres, tu edad y
agregar la información personal que desees.
En el segundo párrafo, cuenta a qué escuela vas, dónde está ubicada, tus
horarios de entrada y salida, cuántos compañeros tienes, etcétera.
En el tercer párrafo, escribe lo que te gusta de tu escuela, cuáles son tus
clases favoritas y porqué.

My name is Avril Nicolau, I am Baby's daughter. I live in Quimili, in the

Malvinas neighborhood. I am 15 years old and I practice basketball. I love
the milanesa with pure.

I go to the pias school, it is located 5 blocks from my house. Classes begin

at 7 a.m. and end at 12.50 p.m. I have 30 companions.
I like physical education classes at school, breaks and my friends. My
favorite classes are the cases of ethics, music, technology, mathematics
and English because they are easy and entertaining classes.

Para finalizar, agradezcamos a Jesús por su protección y digámosle lo

mucho que lo amamos:

‘Dear Jesus, thank you very much for protect me and my family. I loveyou.’

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