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Jari Veijalainen, Peter Yamakawa*, Mitsuji Matsumoto

Jouni Markkula

Afrodite Tsalgatidou, Stathes Hadjiefthymiades


Los avances en Internet y redes inalámbricas y el rápido crecimiento del número de
equipos móviles han resultado en el crecimiento acelerado del comercio móvil. Conside-
ramos el comercio móvil como un subconjunto del comercio electrónico en el que las
transacciones se realizan utilizando un terminal móvil y una red inalámbrica. El usuario
de equipos móviles y sus requerimientos juegan un rol en el desarrollo del comercio
móvil, en adición al desarrollo tecnológico y el desarrollo de los marcos regulatorios.
Este documento aborda los requerimientos para el comercio móvil de un modo sistemá-
tico. Primero, establece el escenario del comercio móvil revisando los conceptos y re-
querimientos básicos. Luego introduce un metamodelo publicado con anterioridad y
consistente en cuatro esferas de interés: marcos regulatorios, modelos de negocios, in-
fraestructura global y tecnologías de apoyo. Los requerimientos para el comercio móvil
se agrupan por estas esferas y son analizados en este contexto. El énfasis se pone en
aquellos requerimientos que han de persistir. Se muestra que, muchos de ellos se origi-
nan en una esfera y luego se propagan a otra esfera, de modo que con frecuencia toman
una forma más concreta. La esfera de tecnologías de apoyo se refiere a las tecnologías
futuras que están siendo desarrolladas ahora para responder a los requerimientos que
surjan en el futuro.

1. Introduction uted to this development are the tremen-

dous developments of the Internet and re-
Nowadays, M-commerce and the adoption lated technologies, the understanding and
of related technologies have become very exploitation of the business potentials that
popular. Some of the factors that contrib- rest behind this development, the boost of
E-commerce frameworks and technolo-
* Profesor de Tecnología de Información de ESAN. gies, and the growth of wireless commu-

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8 esan-cuadernos de difusión

nications. Wireless technologies com- (e.g. WWW), and services specially de-
bined with Internet-enabled terminals con- signed for mobile users (e.g. WAP, I-
stitute an ideal platform for the realiza- Mode). Terminals run TCP/IP end-to-end
tion of new types of business transactions. over a wireless bearer, or a special WAP
The small and light, yet powerful, mobile protocol suite to the WAP-gateway (WAP
terminals are almost always carried by Forum, 2002). Further convergence of the
their owners (like wallets). They can also IP and wireless technologies is anticipat-
store electronic cash, credit card informa- ed so that the future devices will be seam-
tion, tickets, certificates of the Public Key lessly integrated with the IP infrastructure.
Infrastructure (PKI), etc. Thus, they can This development started with earlier ver-
assume the role of an e-wallet, as well as sions released by 3GPP and was finalized
function as authentication and authoriza- with Release 5 (Kaaranen et al. 2002,
tion devices in various contexts. In addi- 3GPP 2002, MITA 2002a-c).
tion, the terminals can be located either
by using satellite technologies (e.g. GPS), Concerning related work, there are
terrestrial network facilities, or indoor many papers, books and reports that
mechanisms, based on WLAN/PAN tech- present requirements for various, mostly
nologies. Recent developments in these technical, aspects of M-commerce (E-Fac-
areas seamlessly extend the positioning of tors 2002, Kalakota and Robinson 2002,
wireless devices into several environ- MITA 2002a-b, Sadeh 2002, Varshney and
ments. Thus, services based on the loca- Vetter 2002). These are relevant to our
tion of the terminals, referred to as loca- work, but we are not going to repeat all
tion-based services (LBS), have become possible individual requirements that have
widely possible. They are a new service been established thus far in the cited
class for mobile computing and open new sources. The main contribution of this
business opportunities. For these reasons, paper is to present a systematic framework
the telecom industry has begun to call for the most persistent M-commerce re-
portable terminals, with the above func- quirements and show their origin and re-
tionalities, Personal Trusted Devices lationships. Our goal is not only to strati-
(PTD). fy requirements vertically, but also to in-
vestigate their life span. Some of them are
Digital convergence of various sepa- more fundamental than others, which
rate technologies is continuing. As an im- means that they originate at the legal lev-
portant indication of this, a portable high- el or are dictated by, for example, the laws
end terminal can basically host any other of nature (bandwidth scarcity). Many re-
miniature device, such as a video camera. quirements are actually established at the
Game consoles combined with a terminal regulatory or business level and must find
are already on the market. These devel- their implementation at the technical lev-
opments will have considerable, yet large- el. These are usually more persistent than
ly unknown, effects on M-commerce in those emerging, for example, from the re-
the future. Another convergence path is strictions of a particular network or ter-
the emergence of common IP-based core minal generation.
networks. The Internet-enabled wireless
terminals are already able to access ser- The paper is organized as follows. In
vices designed for normal Internet users Section 2 we discuss the basic definitions

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On Requirements for Mobile Commerce 9

of M-business and related concepts, the this context is a statement that holds in-
definition of requirement, and introduce variably for an entity during its lifetime.
the framework model. In Sections 3, 4, 5, An entity can be a distributed system, a
and 6 we look at the requirements for the terminal, a company, a state, or even an
four spheres of concern. Section 7 presents international organization. We adopt a
our conclusions. rather general definition of the term re-

2. The Requirements Framework To briefly illustrate the relationship

between the requirements at different lev-
There has been much discussion in the els, and within different regions, let us
scientific and commercial literature about discuss privacy. It is a requirement that
the definition of E-commerce and M-com- originates at the legal level, for example,
merce (Durlacher 2000, OECD 2002, Kala- within the European Union, as stated in
kota and Robinson 2002, Aarnio 2002, the relevant Directive (European Union
Sadeh 2002, Varshney and Vetter 2002). We 2002a). As it is incorporated into the le-
define M-commerce as an activity that con- gal framework, it must be taken into con-
sists of M-commerce transactions. An sideration when designing business mod-
M-commerce transaction is an E-com- els (BMs). Such BMs are illegal within
merce electronic transaction (OECD 2002) the European Union, if, for example, the
that is conducted using a mobile terminal location data of the customer is somehow
and a wireless network. Notice that the def- used without explicit consent from the
inition includes all portable terminals and customer (or authorities). Privacy must be
PDAs, as well as terminals mounted in supported at the infrastructure level. In
vehicles that are capable of accessing practice, this means that message encryp-
wireless networks and/or use short range tion should be provided in the wireless
wireless connections while performing interface and protection for the terminal’s
M-commerce transactions. The activities coordinates against misuse in any part of
that precede or follow the actual M-com- the service provider must be provided. The
merce transactions belong, strictly speak- user must also be empowered to switch
ing, to M-business (Kalakota and Robin- the terminal positioning on and off. The
son 2002). We confine ourselves below on requirements are technology-dependent.
the M-commerce aspects. The user interface for positioning control
is also highly dependent on the interface
Our goal is to treat various require- and positioning capabilities of a particu-
ments for M-commerce. A requirement in lar terminal and the access network.

Business Models
Frameworks Global Infraestructure

Enabling Technologies

Figure 1: Spheres of concern in M-Commerce

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We use the model introduced earlier of the world will progress at different
in Veijalainen and Weske (2003) as the paces.
framework to group requirements. Its ba-
sic structure is presented in Figure 1. • Enabling Technologies: This sphere
includes emerging technologies for
• Regulatory Frameworks: The organi- user terminals and network technolo-
zational and technical aspects of laws, gies, such as cryptography, privacy-
standards and recommendations, as protecting technologies, positioning
well as the bodies involved in their with high accuracy, and new batteries
definition. The main actors here are and other energy sources for the ter-
international organizations, such as minals. It also includes standardiza-
OECD and EU, governments, stan- tion and business interest groups and
dardization bodies (ISO, ANSI, ETSI), other organizations developing these
and interest groups formed by diverse emerging technologies. Typical exam-
industry sectors to develop standards, ples are 4G (and beyond) technolo-
such as 3GPP (3GPP 2002) and Open gies, that are currently being re-
Mobile Software Alliance (Open Mo- searched, and that will later move into
bile Software Alliance 2003). standardization.

• Business Models: Business aspects, The spheres are interdependent in va-

including business players, providing rious ways. For each of the above spheres
services, business protocols, revenue we deduce requirements pertaining to M-
sharing, and code of conduct are im- commerce.
portant artifacts in this sphere (Tim-
mers 1998). This sphere captures the Before going into the details of the fra-
pertinent business aspects, persistent mework, we established two fundamen-
concepts and structures. At any mo- tal aspects of the M-commerce that are
ment and in different parts of the world, very persistent, and that penetrate the
the BMs have different shapes, due to spheres. These are (1) global user mobili-
differences in regulatory environment, ty and (2) anytime, anywhere service ac-
local (business) culture, economic cessibility. Without the former it is useless
strength of the individuals and compa- to discuss mobile commerce and its parti-
nies in a particular region, etc. cular problems, albeit various other issues
in E-commerce are still relevant. Without
• Global Infrastructure: The global in- the latter guaranteed to a lesser or higher
frastructure sphere deals with the glo- degree, a user attempting to conduct M-
bal network and the concrete termi- commerce will experience various proble-
nals that facilitate M-commerce, as ms, from service unavailability to all kinds
well as the real services. The real glo- of interoperability problems at different
bal infrastructure is a patchwork of infrastructure levels. Thus, (1) and (2) can
many wireless access networks and be understood as requirements of a very
backbones, including the Internet. It general nature for M-commerce environ-
is and will be heterogeneous at dif- ments. They are, at the same time, the cen-
ferent architectural levels at any point tral aspects distinguishing M-commerce
in time. This is because different parts from other E-commerce environments.

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On Requirements for Mobile Commerce 11

3. Requirements from the in 1997 (Aarnio 2002). Currently, there is

Regulatory Frameworks Sphere a consolidation phase going on. The cu-
rrent 12 directives relevant to E-commer-
The regulatory framework is the highest ce can be found in European Union 2003b.
organizational level imposing require- Telecom access is regulated in European
ments to M-commerce. It regulates mar- Union 2002b and other relevant directi-
kets and existing and emerging technolo- ves mentioned in it. Concerning the abo-
gies. Market regulation can be divided into ve general requirement (2) the EU esta-
three different types: regulation, self-re- blishes access to basic telecom services
gulation and co-regulation (Aarnio 2002). as a right. Free mobility of the users is
Regulation refers to formal regulation by guaranteed within the EU and between
authorities (legislation). Self-regulation Schengen countries border controls have
refers to more informal regulation by the been dropped.
market players themselves. Co-regulation
refers to a mechanism where the regula- In Japan, there is also a special E-com-
tory authorities set up a more general fra- merce legislation, as referenced in METI
mework and the actual decisions are made 2002. The purpose of this legislation is to
by the market players and the authorities. promote the use of electronic transactio-
ns for commercial activities by offering
E-commerce market regulation is mos- an appropriate environment of trust among
tly regional. The basic requirements for users. General data protection law is still
all commercial activities are anchored in in Parliament, and is expected to be adop-
the states’ constitutions, statutes of certain ted by June 2003. Law 137/2001 concer-
international organizations, like the EU, ning ISP service provider liability has
and legislation. However, the customers been in effect since May 2002. There is a
acquiring M-commerce services are mo- separate Telecommunication Business
bile and cross borders, thus introducing Code that establishes a regulatory fra-
problems and challenges to the develop- mework for the provision of telecommu-
ment of the field. nication services in Japan. In general, Ja-
pan relies on self- and co-regulation of the
The other bodies involved in M-com- E and M-commerce market more than
merce, such as companies and industry Europe.
consortia, have a subordinate role regar-
ding laws, i.e. they must comply with Requirements originating at the Regu-
them while designing new technology. latory Framework (civil rights) sphere in-
The same holds for companies defining clude:
BMs and services that are used by consu-
mers or other businesses. However, con- • Privacy of the data pertaining to the
sortia and companies developing new tech- individual, including all data gathered
nology are not regulated by laws in all by the telecom networks, such as po-
respects. Often only later, in the deploy- sitioning data.
ment phase, the laws are passed or self- • Protected private communications bet-
regulation is applied by the industry. In ween individuals and legal entities.
EU, the regulatory framework for E-com- This requirement imposes that network
merce (and M-commerce) was established communication should be encrypted.

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12 esan-cuadernos de difusión

• Freedom to determine with whom and automatic mechanisms (European Union

when to communicate. The technical 2003a). From the content-owner point of
ramification of this is that the commu- view, Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)
nication autonomy (C-autonomy) of should be globally guaranteed.
portable devices would be under user
control1. Notice that the «always on»
assumption, understood as a require- 4. Requirements for the
ment for a user to keep the terminal Business Models
«on» all the time, would restrict his
freedom to decide upon his communi- There is a wide variety of definitions for
cation behavior. the term BM. A recent survey (Hedman
and Kalling 2002) analyzes 66 BMs found
• Freedom to enter into contracts with in the literature. Another study reviews
any other party. For roaming custo- them in a thorough way (E-Factors 2003).
mers this would mean that they are BMs should further include marketing
entitled to use the services of foreign strategy, marketing mix, and product-mar-
providers. This also means that a con- ket strategy. The Business Model Sphere
tract with a certain party must not res- (BMS) of concern in Veijalainen and Wes-
trict the rights of a consumer to termi- ke 2003 is primarily based on the defini-
nate service contracts and enter into tion of Timmers 1998 which defines a BM
new ones. as «an architecture for the products, ser-
vice and information flows, including a
• Consumer protection. The legislation description of the various business acti-
determines when a consumer should vities and their roles; and a description of
be protected against businesses and the potential benefits for the various bu-
which jurisdiction to use in case there siness actors; and a description of the sour-
is a dispute in a border-crossing tran- ces of revenues… BMs should further in-
saction. clude marketing strategy, marketing mix,
and product-market strategy». This BMS
Considering the global nature of M- of concern also makes explicit the logical
commerce, certain demands for interna- BM level and its implementation through
tional regulation requirements can be set. services and business protocols. The stra-
The regulatory frameworks for M-com- tegy level remains implicit. We stick to
merce should be interoperable. This is es- this view here.
pecially important among the three leaders
(USA, Japan, EU), if the desire is to maxi- The most important requirement for
mally support M-commerce over the bor- any BM is to be economically feasible, i.e.
ders and business of the roaming custo- to generate more revenues than expendi-
mers. The issues are taxation and consu- ture. There is a plethora of literature
mer protection, including dispute resolu- analyzing economic feasibility of E-busi-
tion. For the latter, the EU has envisioned ness models. According to E-Factors
2003, there are five separate groups of
1. C-autonomy means that a device is not always
reachable through the wireless network, and
factors affecting this: technical, indivi-
that it can start and stop communicating at any dual, organizational, industry, and socie-
time with another party. tal. It is beyond the scope of this paper to

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On Requirements for Mobile Commerce 13

go deeply into this area, although it is of llect VAT from its own citizens, no
outmost practical relevance. We pick some matter which channel they choose to
aspects mostly related with the require- use. Non-residents are basically exempt
ments from the Regulatory Frameworks from VAT. The USA has allowed E-
sphere. Thus, the possible BMs must be commerce to be tax-free since 1998.
compatible with the applicable law and Japan levies a 5% tax on E-commerce
code of conduct. As the rules are territo- transactions, as well as on other pur-
rial, heterogeneity between different re- chases by residents. Non-residents are
gions in the world is bound to appear, un- exempt. In the EU, the VAT varies
less deliberate countermeasures are taken. from country to country and it can be
different for different commodities in
General requirements for BMs are: the same country. Unless taxation is
uniformly handled for all customers,
• Support for IPR in the BM. One must it presents a problem for all players.
specify what rights are and are not
transferred to the customer when a M- The mobile technology makes possi-
commerce transaction is performed. ble anytime, anywhere access to M-com-
merce infrastructure. As above, this
• The authentication and authorization should be understood as a requirement at
of the customer and authentication of the BM level. The BMs applied in M-com-
the merchant. The authentication of merce should be such that the customer is
the merchant is primarily required for served at any time no matter where he re-
customer protection purposes. The au- sides or moves to. From this requirement
thentication of the customer is prima- and the free user movement stated above,
rily required for protection of both the one can deduce that:
merchant and the customer.
• Global coverage must be available for
• Support for consumer protection. This the global infrastructure (network) ser-
requirement begins at the Regulatory vices.
Framework level. It means that BMs
must take into consideration the rights • Primarily automated services at the
of a customer to return the goods pur- server (merchant) side are needed. This
chased, refuse to pay non-delivered requirement is valid for the entire M-
services and preserve privacy. In this commerce infrastructure. Without con-
respect the Automatic dispute resolu- tinuous accessibility, the M-commer-
tion mechanism suggested by the EU ce infrastructure is rather useless for
(European Union 2003a) is notewor- global operation.
thy. Consumer trust is interrelated with
protection. In addition, users must be able to ac-
cess the services with a single terminal,
• Support for appropriate taxation. This i.e. a PTD. One can further establish the
is important for roaming customers, following:
as they are often exempt from the Va-
lue Added tax (VAT) or similar con- • Roaming contracts between the net-
sumption taxes. The EU wants to co- work operators, making it possible for

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14 esan-cuadernos de difusión

users to access both the local services 5. Requirements for the Global
and their home network services or Infrastructure
Internet services irregardless of their
physical location. The global infrastructure changes over
time. Figure 2 presents a schematic, tech-
• Support for the global electronic pay- nology-oriented network view of the glo-
ment infrastructure so that the local bal infrastructure. The view corresponds
services can be reasonably acquired to the situation in a few years from now,
by roaming customers. after the backbone network has conver-
ged to the «ALL-IP» network envisaged
• A multilingual M-commerce service by 3G standardization (Kaaranen et al.
provision so that the roaming custo- 2002, 3GPP 2002).
mers can actually access the local ser-
vices and use them. The wireline infrastructure in Figure
2 that serves resource-rich terminals is
It is worth noticing that requirements also used by mobile terminals. The black
for a BM are different in different parts line separating the «ALL-IP» area into
of the M-commerce value network. In this two regions emphasizes the separation of
section, the emphasis is on the actors that the IP-networks from operator-control and
have a direct relationship with customers. from the «global Internet». Vertically, the

Wireless Wired
Access Networks Access Networks

Servers Digi-TV/ Servers

GSM Cable Analog
UMTS Modem
IEEE Wireline Backbone
802.11 («All-IP»)
3G Digi-TV/ IEEE
Airif 802.3

Mobile Wired
terminals terminals

Figure 2: A schematic horizontal view on the Global Infrastructure

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On Requirements for Mobile Commerce 15

global infrastructure consists of several PKI certificates and encryption/decryp-

layers as shown in Figure 3. As stated in tion algorithms.
Kaaranen et al. 2002, the investment cost
in hardware and software increases as one • Service coverage. This is a basic re-
moves downwards through the layers, and quirement for communication networ-
investment cost in people and ideas in- ks. The requirement for the maximal
creases when one moves upwards. We dis- geographical coverage follows the
cuss the requirements for the global in- any-time, anywhere service accessibi-
frastructure having in mind the above lity requirement.
horizontal layering.
• Dependability. This can be seen as a
more detailed requirement deducible
from the anytime, anywhere require-
Content Provider Layer ment. Dependability can be characte-
rized by reliability, availability, and
Service Creation Layer survivability of the infrastructure (Ma-
lloy et al. 2002). Failures or overloads
Network Element Layer in different parts of the infrastructure
can violate dependability and, thus,
Physical Transmission Layer the anytime and anywhere require-
ment. In practice, different applicatio-
ns have different vulnerabilities as con-
Figure 3: UMTS Network Architecture, cerns dependability.
Service Model (Kaaranen et al. 2002)
• Quality of Service (QoS). The QoS for
the basic data transmission and call
5.1. Requirements for the Backbone connection are well understood. The
parameters are connection latency, data
All requirements for Regulatory Fra- transfer capacity, bit-error rate, and jit-
mework and Business Model spheres must ter. For dynamic LBS, where the ac-
find their support within the global infras- tual position of the terminal is deter-
tructure. Thus, the business processes mined and represented in a coordinate
must be implemented at this level through reference system, positioning accura-
suitable services and protocols. The net- cy is an issue. In addition, the quality
work must be able to identify the user in of the data used to provide the service
order to be able to charge the right entity is another issue.
for the use of resources. The concrete re-
venue generation at the Network Element • Transactional Service delivery. M-
Layer and the Content Provider Layer commerce transactions should preser-
must be guaranteed by the billing and/or ve the so-called goods atomicity pro-
payment infrastructure. Security and pri- perty. Thus, all necessary steps to de-
vacy of the customers and authentication/ liver the service should guarantee that
authorization of the parties engaged in M- the correct goods or services are deli-
commerce transactions must be guaran- vered to the customer if and only if the
teed by technical means. These include merchant has received the correct

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16 esan-cuadernos de difusión

payment. The issue is further compli- 5.2. Requirements for Terminals

cated by the consumer protection le-
gislation that allows the customer to Much of the progress in M-commerce is
return the goods within a certain pe- due to the rapid development of portable
riod of time or raise arguments telecom terminals and PDAs. Basic requi-
against the merchant, leading to a rements for the terminals are portability
dispute. A more elaborate treatment and usability. Portability boils down to
of these issues can be found in Veija- «sufficiently» small physical size and
lainen 2000. weight. Usability is clearly context-depen-
dent: a voice terminal has different usage
• Interoperability. This requirement can and usability characteristics from a termi-
be divided into three broad subsets: nal for M-commerce transactions. Usabi-
interoperability of two backbone net- lity, including battery life, tends to increa-
works, interoperability of a terminal se with terminal size and weight. Thus,
and an access network and interopera- terminal design should be based on an
bility of any terminal and any service. optimum trade off between portability and
usability. General terminal usability re-
– Interoperability of two backbone net- quirements are quality color displays, effi-
works guarantees that voice and data cient and easy-to-use input means (key-
traffic flows from one wireless or pad, voice input), etc. The terminal should
wired network to another. offer extended battery life, high-speed
processor(s), large memory, etc.
– Interoperability of a terminal and
an access network is not currently The functionality provided by termi-
guaranteed in general. nals is crucial for M-commerce. High-end
terminals (e.g., Nokia 9210i Communica-
– Interoperability of any terminal and tor) support wireless voice and data com-
any service. munications on several frequency bands,
Java applications, WWW and WAP brow-
• Roaming support. A necessary condi- sers, client emails, and client faxes. In Ja-
tion for roaming is that the terminal pan, J-phone allows the Java applications
and network are interoperable. Fur- and data to be downloaded and run on ter-
thermore, there are technical require- minals, facilitating a large variety of appli-
ments following from the regulatory cations.
and BM levels. These include termi-
nal authentication, profile manage- Other essential requirements for the
ment, and encryption key management. terminals, from a M-commerce point of
M-commerce transactions often requi- view, are:
re service discovery in order to access
appropriate local services. The intero- • Interoperability with the wireless net-
perability of the terminal and services works and services. At the physical
in the roaming situation must be gua- and network element level this means
ranteed at all levels, up to the content support for at least one IMT-2000 air
format and natural language levels. interface standard (voice and data);
without this capability, global roaming

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On Requirements for Mobile Commerce 17

is not possible. At the higher protocol tection mechanism to the PKI objects
levels, WAP 1.x stack or TCP/ stored into the WIM module.
IP+HTTP(S) (i.e. WAP 2.x) should
run. Further, support for short-range 2G/3G terminals encrypt outgoing
wireless technologies (Infrared, Blue- voice and data traffic so that basic priva-
tooth) is required for payment and tic- cy and security protection are provided at
keting applications. At the highest ar- the air interface. But this is not sufficient
chitectural level, compliance with the for end-to-end message security and pri-
mobile Internet standards, specified vacy. The terminal must be able to encrypt
by OMA (Open Mobile Software and decrypt the wireless data traffic at the
Alliance 2003) and related bodies, application level using PKI and/or other
should be available. mechanisms, such as SSL or TSL
The requirements originating at the Re-
gulatory Framework sphere, such as An optional requirement for terminals
individual privacy and security, must is payment support, including credit card
find adequate technical support in ter- information stored into the handset, an
minals. Furthermore, the additional electronic wallet storing cash for micro-
requirements originating within the payments and support for tickets (Mobile
Business Models sphere must also be Electronic Transactions Forum 2002).
supported. These include:
Another set of requirements refers to
• Authentication and authorization su- LBS. The primary functionality required
pport. Terminal authentication is han- by a terminal is the capability to position
dled by the 2G/3G networks. For ba- itself. This can be based on satellite or
sic voice and data services that are network-based positioning (Kaaranen et
billed afterwards, this is a functio- al. 2002). The former requires that the ter-
ning option. But this is not enough minal be enhanced with a GPS receiver.
for M-commerce services in general, Most of the network positioning methods
because the servers providing servi- also require enhancements in the termi-
ces over Internet (cf. Figure 2), or nals’ functionality. Should terminal posi-
over a short-range wireless connec- tioning be possible, it is required that the
tion, cannot obtain the terminal iden- terminal provides adequate privacy pro-
tity. Besides, even if they could ob- tection means. These include the possibi-
tain it, the connection between the lity to prohibit tracking by an external
terminal identity and the identity of entity. Tracking of the terminal for emer-
the person using it remains unconfir- gency purposes should, however, always
med. Thus, there must be end-to-end be possible.
user authentication support at the
application level. This requires either
server-side login with password or use 6. Requirements for Emerging
of one of the PKI certificates stored Technologies
at the terminal. The latter option brings
up an extra requirement for the termi- The Enabling Technologies in the fra-
nal; it must offer an appropriate pro- mework model presented in Veijalainen

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18 esan-cuadernos de difusión

and Weske 2003 are the non-deployed ks are at the heart of this development.
existing and emerging technologies that Whereas wireless access technologies
have relevance for the M-commerce. shown in Figure 2 are currently separate
Which technologies are of relevance de- and not fully integrated with the «All-IP»
pends on many factors, including the re- backbone, the goal is to make them sea-
gulations in force within a certain geogra- mless. The number of access technologies
phic region, cultural issues, economic depicted in Figure 2 will not necessarily
situation of the users, etc. increase in the future, although new tech-
nologies, such as 4G, will emerge. At the
One of the most important factors in same time, networks based on older tech-
this respect seems to be terminal develo- nologies will disappear from the global in-
pment, which has made it possible to en- frastructure. It is extremely difficult to
hance the terminals’ functionality beyond predict when this will happen and what
voice traffic without sacrificing portabi- degree of heterogeneity (i.e. number of
lity. Steps in this development have been different wireless access and data trans-
miniaturization of the hardware in gene- mission technologies) the global infras-
ral. This has made possible large memo- tructure will exhibit at a certain time.
ries, faster processors the integration of
GPS hardware and software (e.g. Bene- One can argue that the technical requi-
fon), radio receivers, etc. On the other rements for the terminals and for the new
hand, the development of operating sys- global infrastructure will mainly arise
tems with small memory requirements from the convergence of different network
(e.g. Symbian) and advances in software technologies. This has been recognized by
platforms for small devices have vastly manufacturers that are working in diffe-
enhanced the application range usable on rent forums (e.g. OMA) to cater to this
those terminals. All these factors together need. There are also initiatives, such as
contribute to the proliferation of various Mobile Internet Technical Architecture
contents and, thus, of M-commerce. Fur- (MITA), being pursued by a single manu-
thermore, it is realistic to run the compli- facturing company (MITA 2002a, MITA
cated PKI and other encryption and de- 2002b, MITA 2002c).
cryption algorithms with long keys deve-
loped for resource-rich environments on Orthogonal to the above consideratio-
small terminals. ns, terminals should have a longer ope-
rating time than they currently do when
An important concept that drives te- concerning battery characteristics.
chnology and business development is
digital convergence. It means, firstly, that On the other hand, users tend to have
digital control and information processing phone numbers, e-mail addresses, etc. The
conquers new areas from car engines and convergence of networks raises the ques-
communication networks to tiny «proces- tion of whether one could have a single
sor dust» devices. Secondly, the previo- user identity at the technical level (MITA
usly separate technologies converge into 2002a-c). This idea would have many fur-
interoperable or even integrated seamless ther ramifications for privacy, security
technologies. Terminal development is an etc., as well as at the BM and the techno-
example of this. Communication networ- logy level.

Año 8, n.º 15, diciembre de 2003

On Requirements for Mobile Commerce 19

In the presence of many wireless net- 7. Conclusions and Further Work

works, terminals should select the best
one. This is sometimes called the «Always In this paper we have analyzed the essen-
Best Connected» requirement. From this tial requirements for M-commerce. In pre-
requirement, one can deduce that the ter- vious papers there have been scattered
minal must be able to operate on several statements about requirements and their
frequency bands and host several proto- analysis, but a systematic framework has
cols. Furthermore, it should be able to been missing. Furthermore, earlier work
make a seamless hand-over between two has mostly concentrated on technical re-
overlapping access networks while the quirements for the Global Infrastructure,
user roams. Moving outside the coverage whereas in this work we have included the
area of one network, the roaming facili- Regulatory Frameworks and Business
ties must be exploited. At the terminal the- Models sphere. We also discuss future re-
re must be support for several roaming quirements within the Enabling Techno-
protocols. The network infrastructure logies sphere. We show that two rather
must support interoperable user profiles. fundamental requirements are anywhere,
Further complication comes from the fact anytime service acquisition and free user
that terminals should also be interopera- mobility. The latter is rooted in the civil
ble on the service level. An additional as- legislation of individual countries and in-
pect is Mobile Digital Rights Management ternational treaties; the former is an ideal
that is intended to protect the rights of requirement for M-commerce. Many lo-
content providers. wer-level requirements can be deduced
from these to all spheres. Privacy protec-
Finally, Figure 2 and convergence su- tion of individuals, as well as consumer
ggest that the M-commerce channel is protection, general laws regulating the
only one channel among several others E-commerce, and the code of conduct are
capable of supporting E-commerce. This further important sources of requirements
raises the question of inter-channel inter- that also penetrate the spheres and must
operability requirements. These originate find their support in networks, terminals
from the need to perform M/E-commerce and the M-commerce infrastructure.
transactions using more than one channel
and from the channel homogeneity requi- An additional source of requirements
rement. An example of this direction is the is the technological development driving
PTP protocol specified by MeT (Mobile towards further convergence of many di-
Eectronic Transactions Forum 2002). There gital technologies (voice and video com-
might also be other transaction types whe- munications, Internet, etc.) and channels.
re the PTD is used as an authentication and From the merchant’s point of view, the
authorization device, but the actual ser- mobile and other channels should not be
vice is provisioned through another chan- separate, but integrated, as this creates
nel (e.g. Digital-TV). economic savings. There should be a com-
mon E-infrastructure in place. Thus, ter-
minals should become more and more
complex. The general requirements for
terminals are portability and usability.

Año 8, n.º 15, diciembre de 2003

20 esan-cuadernos de difusión

The current M-commerce market is understood as a high-level requirement for

rather fragmented in the sense that with a the actors within the Regulatory Fra-
particular terminal one can only perform mework sphere.
transactions in the home network. Only
with the high-end Internet-enabled termi- Further research is needed about the
nals can one access normal websites and emergence of the requirements within dif-
banking services. Deliberate countermea- ferent spheres of concerns. The require-
sures are actually required from the inter- ments for successful M-commerce from
national actors (governments, internatio- a user perspective should also be investi-
nal organizations, companies) if one wants gated because users are the ultimate sour-
the global M-commerce market to deve- ces of revenue in M-commerce.
lop without fragmentation. This can be

Año 8, n.º 15, diciembre de 2003

On Requirements for Mobile Commerce 21


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