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Calle Claudel

SnitchSeeker describe la zona de la estatua por la cual se puede entrar a Calle Claude, el Callejón Diagon
francés: "En la Calle/Rue Philippe Lorand había un edificio de tres pisos con una escalera en espiral
exterior. Enfrente de esto había un gran patio cuadrado, con cuatro árboles sin hojas en cada esquina,
rodeando una estatua circular en el centro. La estatua era de un tono verdoso oscuro, con cuatro
mujeres paradas dándose la espalda entre sí sobre un gran pilar, paradas sobre lo que parecía una
coladera. Este patio es esencial para la historia." [SS2]

Foley, el director de arte, describe mejor la estatua y el proceso para acceder al Callejón Diagon francés
por medio de ella: "Hay una hermosa estatua en la calle y es una estatua de bronce; y si te acercas como
mago, ella mueve una pierna y te deja pasar a través de la base. Y, ya sabes, esculpimos a mano [esa
estatua] y la construímos ahí. Y verás que se encuentra ahí en la cima de las escaleras. Y, uhm... y cuando
pasas a través de la estatua entras a una parte mágica de París." [TLC2]

Esta es una lista de las tiendas y lugares que los sitios fan vieron dentro de la Calle Claudel:

Gaston McAaron’s Equipemen Quidditch, fundada en 1392 — una tienda de Quidditch con escobas,
trofeos de plata en las paredes, ropa contemporanea (léase camisas tipo polo) y gorras en un exhibidor
de cristal. [MN1,SS2,TLC2]

Cosme Acajou, fundada en 1614 (tienda número 36) — una tienda de varitas llena de cajas de varitas o
"Baguettes Magique" con formas rectangulares y triangulares (imagina empaques de Toblerone) tanto
afuera como adentro de la tienda, la cual aún estaba siendo equipada por el equipo de la película al
momento de la visita. [MN1,SS2,TLC2]

Maison Capenoir — tienda de ropa [TLC2]

Apothicaire — un apotecario lleno de frascos con runas en las etiquetas, ingredientes colgando, y más.

Animalerie — una tienda de mascotas mágicas con una variedad de animales que incluía lechuzas
enjauladas. [TLC2]

Magillard — una librería mágica color verde. [TLC2]

Hotel De Ginestou — un hotel. [TLC2]

Confiserie Enchantée, tienda de dulces mágicos descrita como un "Honeydukes francés" que vende
calaveras de dulce, ranas, lechuzas, ratones, e incluso paletas de dulce con forma de globos oculares.

Monsieur Safin’s Chaudrons — una tienda llena de calderos de bronce. [MN1]

Le Corbeau Mystique — un letrero que no parecía tener tienda. [MN1]

El territorio de Grindelwald en Europa

Las calles de París incluían tiendas llamadas 11A Coiffeur (peinadores) y 76B Parfumerie (tienda de
perfumes). El enorme escondite de Grindelwald, un enorme edificio parisino, está al lado de la
perfumería. [SS2] Pero, por supuesto, ese no es el único rincón de París del cual se ha adueñado el mago
oscuro. De acuerdo con SnitchSeeker, "Grindelwald ha colocado enormes estandartes/cortinas en
edificios de París que solo pueden ver los magos" y que sirven para promover su causa. [SS2] The Leaky
Cauldron agrega que estos estandartes son las telas negras que aparecen cubriendo edificios en el tráiler
de Comic Con, y que eventualmente se convierten en los estandartes negros con una letra G blanca que
se ven al fondo del póster exclusivo de Comic Con que diseñó MinaLima. [TLC1]

Otra escena del tráiler que ocurre en París es la aparición de Grindelwald frente a un anfiteatro lleno de
seguidores del mago oscuro. Foley dice que el ambiente del lugar es "similar al de un concierto de rock."
Ahí, Grindelwald trata de convencer a los magos para que se unan a su causa. [TLC1] El anfiteatro
también está decorado con los mismos estandartes negros del póster de Comic Con. [MN2] Es posible
que la escena del anfiteatro fuera lo que Warner Brothers intentó recrear durante la visita de Johnny
Depp a San Diego Comic Con, ya que la pantalla detrás de Depp mostraba una multitud similar de

Dentro de la trama de la película, el anfiteatro francés ocurre en un espacio subterraneo del Cementerio
del Père-Lachaise, aunque las grabaciones reales de dicha escena se realizaron en Highgate, al norte de
Londres. [TLC1] En HarryLatino creemos que esta grabación debió de haber ocurrido en octubre de 2017,
cuando la prensa local notó un equipo de producción filmando en el cementerio local para un proyecto
con el nombre clave 'Voltaire'.

Otros rincones de París

Esta es una lista de todos los establecimientos que fueron vistos por los sitios fan al recorrer la
escenografía dedicada al lado muggle de París:

Cafe du Charu. [SS2]

Cafe Abringer — un restaurante de clase alta con escenario construído adentro y decorado con vajillas,
cubiertos, vasos de champaña, e incluso un periódico francés llamado 'Le Petit Parisien'. SS dice que es
una tienda de París muggle, pero TLC dice que Cafe Abringer es un nombre asociado más con los magos,
que las mesas también tenían comida falsa que parecía estar comida a medias, y que el escenario incluso
olía como uno esperaría que oliera. [SS2,TLC2]

Una panadería sin nombre en la

Calle/Rue de Montmorency que aparentemente fue fundada en 1793. [SS2] Esta panadería podría
llamarse Boulangerie. [TLC2]

K. Rumelle’s Confiserie Enchantee — dulcería con ventanas llenas de vitroleras llenas de dulces coloridos
al estilo Honeydukes, en la Calle/Rue Riche. [SS2, MN1]

Epicerie et fruiterie — una tienda de víveres. [TLC2]

Commerse de vins — una licorería [TLC2]

Place Cachée


At the junction of Boulevard Voltaire and Rue Richer, Paris, France


Wizarding community of France

Place Cachée was a wizarding street located in Paris, France accessed through a Magical Bronze Statue. It
is the Parisian version of Diagon Alley in London, England.[1]



In 1392 Quidditch shop Gaston McAaron was opened.

In 1485 Monsieur Sanfin Chaudrons shop was opened.


In 1614, the shop selling wands Cosme Acajor was opened.

In 1634 the pub Griffon Buveur opens its doors.


In 1927, the Circus Arcanus moved into the Rue Girardon and displayed various spectacles.[1]

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Place Cachée




At the junction of Boulevard Voltaire and Rue Richer, Paris, France


Wizarding community of France


Place Cachée was a wizarding street located in Paris, France accessed through a Magical Bronze Statue. It
is the Parisian version of Diagon Alley in London, England.[1]


In 1392 Quidditch shop Gaston McAaron was opened.

In 1485 Monsieur Sanfin Chaudrons shop was opened.


In 1614, the shop selling wands Cosme Acajor was opened.

In 1634 the pub Griffon Buveur opens its doors.


In 1927, the Circus Arcanus moved into the Rue Girardon and displayed various spectacles.[1]

Known locations

Griffon Buveur

Dr. Aziz Branchiflore

Cosme Acajor

Gaston McAaron

K. Rammelle’s Enchantée

Monsieur Sanfin Chaudrons

Cafe Abringer[citation needed]

Hotel De Ginestou[citation needed]

Maison Capenoir

Bonnetvolant[citation needed]

Luna et Aurore Jumelle[citation needed]

Breuvages Magiques


"Place Cachée" (lit. "Hidden Place") is the French equivalent of the side road.[2]

Buveur leonado

Griffon Buveur.jpg



34 Rue Girardon , Paris , Francia

El Griffon Buveur (en francés, Drinking Griffin / Drinker Griffin ) era un bar mágico ubicado en la Rue
Girardon en París. [1] Fue inaugurado en 1634 .

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MinaLima Releases Map of the Wizarding World in Paris While J.K. Rowling and Globus Mundi Hint at
Future ‘Fantastic’ Destinations!


Nov 04, 2018

Posted by: Dawn Johnson

Art, Fantastic Beasts, Fantastic Beasts Movie, Filmmaker Interviews, J.K. Rowling, MinaLima, Movie Art,
News, Props-Sets, Stuart Craig, Theme Park, Wizarding World of Harry Potter Hollywood, WIzarding
World of Harry Potter Orlando

Graphic designers extraordinaire Miraphora Mina and Eduardo Lima released a “practical map of the
Wizarding World in Paris,” and it is as gorgeous as it is rich in detail. The French site Le Point Pop (Pop
Point) had the exclusive, including a conversation with MinaLima about their “une carte pratique du
monde des sorciers a Paris.”

The map of Paris identifies eight major locations of interest–which will presumably show up in the film!–
and the key provided gives us an up-close look at what they are.


1) Paysage Parisean Emblématique (Iconic Parisian Landscape):

This would seem to be the place where traveling wizards can view iconic French monuments such as the
Eiffel Tower (as pictured). The designers told Le Point Pop that the classic structure would feature on
circulating posters with a warning, revealing:

“And the Eiffel Tower has not escaped the mischievous spirit of MinaLima. It will be posted on posters
distributed by the French Ministry of Magic business, for employees, with the mention: ‘the Eiffel Tower
isn’t a Portkey! Anyone trying to use the Eiffel Tower for this purpose will be arrested.’ “


2) Quartier De Nicolas Flamel (District of Nicolas Flamel):

This indicates the area of Paris where Nicolas Flamel resides, and we know that Newt will seek out
Flamel’s home, at Dumbledore’s request, to use as a “safe house.” It’s also the site of Flamel’s laboratory
and the Philosopher’s Stone, so it’s very possible they could meet with some unexpected and unwanted
visitors there. In his quest to grow in both ranks and power, it’s almost certain that Grindelwald will want
to acquire it.

3) Montmartre Place Cachée (Montmartre Hidden Square):

We’re not sure what’s hidden here or how you enter it, as the Arc de Triomphe is pictured at the far end
of the street, but the name is certainly suggestive, and Le Point Pop offered the helpful note: “‘Hidden
Place’, the French equivalent of the side road.”


It’s interesting that the Hidden Place would be considered a “side road.” The connotation suggests it may
be the French equivalent of London’s Diagon Alley, a road or series of roads protected by enchantments
which guard it from the detection and intrusion of non-wizards. So what shops–and secrets–might we
find there? Is this the district we’ve seen Newt and Jacob furtively navigating in photos?


4) Rue Girardon Circus Arcanus (Girardon Street Circus Arcanus):

The map shows that the Circus Arcanus is directly adjacent to the Hidden Place, and Le Point Pop quoted
Mina Lima as offering even more details on the relationship between the two locations. They said:

“The Hidden Place is also home to the Circus Arcanus, ‘a place absolutely stunning, very colorful,
figurative aesthetics.’ Run by a cruel ringmaster named Skender, the circus is ‘the most complete bestiary
of human eccentricities worldwide.’ That’s where that also escaped, following a ‘serious incident’, the

The translation is a bit choppy, but it seems that the Circus Arcanus may fall under the protective charms
of Montmartre Hidden Square. This confirms it’s not just one street but an extended network of streets
housing purveyors of wizarding goods and services.

5) Place Furstenberg Entrée Du Ministere Des Affaires Magique (Furstenberg Square Entrance of the
Ministry of Magical Affairs):

Le Point Pop confirms that the entrance to the ministry is a fountain presided over by a statue, as seen in
the trailers, which was based off a statue at the Paris Opera House. It also indicates that entrance
requires uttering “three magic words.” Is it possible this is the motto of the French Ministry, which is
likely modeled after the French motto “Liberty, Equality, Fraternity”?


An LA Times interview with production designer Stuart Craig provided more details on the entrance,
indicating that within Place de Furstenberg, “a real square in Paris’ 6th arrondissement,…an elevator
emerges from four trees.”

He also elaborated on the French Ministry of Magic–specifically, the building itself, saying:

“[The French ministry] draws its inspiration from the Palais-Royal. Rowling specified in the script that the
building would be art nouveau in style, and Craig delivered by using curving, twirling designs and a series
of interconnected domes.

“‘Art nouveau was the height of fashion and taste and architecture interest…Inside [the ministry], there’s
a typing pool, and above that is this massive dome, and etched onto the ceiling are these creatures in
star patterns, like the zodiac. Ours are new constellations in the shape of these magical creatures.’ “

It will no doubt be an aesthetically-impressive structure–and magically formidable, too!

6) Pont Alexandre III Zouwu Bridge (Alexander III Bridge–Zouwu Bridge):

This must be the place where Newt subdues the Zouwu after its escape from the Circus Arcanus. How
much damage it does between the Hidden Place and the bridge remains to be seen, but trailers and
other footage seem to suggest that Newt is able to woo the creature into his care, taking up residence in
one of the magical habitats within his case.


7) Cimitière Du Père Lachaise (Cemeteries of Father Lachaise):

The cemetery was featured in the trailer as a significant location for Newt and his brother, Theseus.
We’re not sure exactly what they’re doing in the cemetery, whether they are looking for ancestral
information–maybe following the reveal of Leta Lestrange and Credence Barebone’s family tree–
conjuring a spell, or producing a magical barrier or protective enchantment after coming face-to-face
with Grindelwald, but it’s safe to say it’s the site of important events.


Le Point Pop revealed:

“At Père-Lachaise, the famous Parisian cemetery, the epitaphs will be those of illustrious wizards. ‘The
cemetery has its own magic.’ ”

Stuart Craig also discussed the site, marked by the LA Times as the “climax of this chapter in the story,”

“It’s very photogenic…The tombs are quite elaborate and stretch all the way from the front gate up this
big hill.”
Who will the “illustrious wizards” on those tombstones be? What major connections will be discovered

8) Boulevard Haussmann Les Grand Magasins De Paris (Haussmann Boulevard Paris Department Stores):

This is the street down which Grindelwald nonchalantly walks in the trailers. He strides along as if he is
the master of it, producing sheets of ominous black to cover the buildings. It’s centrally located on the
map, a prime locale in the French wizarding community and one which would be heavily symbolic.


The LA Times article also mentioned that Baron Haussmann was “an architect who renovated Paris in the
19th century” and was one of Craig’s inspirations for the set design. He elaborated further:

“The approach that we’ve used on the Potter films and these films is to make every place look real and
then use magic to come out of that seeming reality…That was our aim: to make Paris look, at first glance,
completely real. The magic is largely hidden and appears when it needs to.”


MinaLima also unveiled a legend for the map, including advertisements and additional details on each
landmark. There’s an ad for an exchange program, a literary contest within the next week, non-magical
studies, McAaron’s Quidditch Equipment, Bonnetvolant’s Hat Shop, an owlry and a magical cheese
competition with the admonition that in order to participate “you should create a spell worthy of the
great Cyrille Paynel,” a nod to their French assistant Cyrille.

It also warns of a “serious incident at the Circus Arcanus.” It announces: “Anyone likely to communicate
information on this case is requested to contact the investigators of B.D.L.J.M.” We’re not sure what the
acronym stands for–perhaps a special unit of the French Ministry?
Another entry advertises “The Cry of the Gargoyle,” which Le Point Pop reveals is the name of the local
newspaper, and calls travelers to “seize the opportunity of your life.” Below, it says they are searching
“for brilliant and courageous journalists of a curious and persevering nature.” It adds: “The ideal
candidate will amaze us with his passion: Find and share amazing magical stories.”

We wish we could read the descriptions of the eight icons, but that would require an Engorgio charm!


Where might a wizard procure such a useful map? The most likely place would be at a local information
kiosk or, for the truly well-prepared, Globus Mundi, travel agency of the wizarding world. (How muggles
might get their non-wizarding hands on the map above, we don’t know, but in terms of where J.K.
Rowling, and MinaLima as the graphic interpreters of her vision, are taking us via film, we can definitely

Attractions Magazine announced that Universal Orlando Resort quietly opened the new store in Diagon
Alley just in time for the release of Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald. The existence of the
wizarding agency very cleverly allows Rowling and Warner Bros. to link locations around the world such
that almost no place is off limits for Newt Scamander’s future travels.


Images courtesy of the Orlando Informer unveiled the completed storefront, signage and interior. The
store is filled with themed merchandise, such as travel mugs, baggage tags, key chains, sweatshirts and
the like, as well as travel-themed décor from around the wizarding world. There are clocks that keep up
with different time zones and posters advertising travel destinations.

They promote Scotland, location of the enchanted Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry; New
York, site of MACUSA headquarters and Newt Scamander’s first film adventure; the Amazon, convenient
given the wizarding school of Castelobruxo is in Brazil; Japan, also home to a magical school,
Mahoutokoro; and (not pictured) London, Paris, the location of Newt Scamander’s second encounter
with dark wizard Gellert Grindelwald, Scandinavia and Uganda. The wizarding school Uagadou is known
to be in Africa.

We could, without much of a leap, theorize that Newt may have need of the expertise and assistance of
wizards in these places or that Grindelwald may target these established wizarding communities in the
next three films, thus compelling Newt to follow him.

And, following some not-too-cryptic tweets from J.K. Rowling herself, it seems that she may have
confirmed an upcoming Brazilian destination–specifically, Rio de Janeiro.

After recently changing the header on her twitter account, curious fans implored her to give an
explanation. She replied:

J.K. Rowling


It’s Rio da Janeiro in the 1930s. …

Ewerthon Dalta


Replying to @jk_rowling

Jo, could you explain your header?

7:42 AM - Nov 1, 2018

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HRH Daaf


· Nov 1, 2018

Replying to @jk_rowling

OMG! Us brazilians are freaking out right now. Are you preparing something for us? ���

J.K. Rowling


Let’s just say I really ought to be able to spell Rio de Janeiro properly, given how many times I’ve
written/typed it in the last few months.


8:51 AM - Nov 1, 2018

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1,571 people are talking about this

Rio de Janeiro in the 1930s would track with Rowling’s unfolding timeline of events, and since she
indicates she’s been typing it recently, we have a feeling she’s finalizing the screenplay for the third

What do you think of the details revealed here, Potter fans? Where else would you like to see Globus
Mundi take Newt in the future?
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