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Repitiendo esto una o dos veces, no cambiar�is del todo vuestros

h�bitos mentales, pero haci�ndolo d�a a d�a y mes a mes, vuestra

mentalidad se re-novar� por completo. La mente subconsciente se
apoderar� entonces del nuevo h�bito mental, el cual compenetrar� todos
vuestros tejidos, produci�n-dose cambios y mejoramientos en todo el
organis-mo. Y no s�lo esto, sino que la mente subconscien-te, que
trabaja, como hemos visto, en grandes ex-tensiones completamente ignoradas
de la mente
� 44 � consciente, empezar� a exteriorizarse, a abrir puer-tas, por
decirlo as�, y crear oportunidades, a fin de que el ser en evoluci�n
tenga campo para manifes-tarse. Cuando la sensaci�n de limitaci�n
desapa-rece, el germen del poder dentro del alma humana est� pronto para
manifestarse en el mundo exte-rior. La mente consciente siembra la
semilla (de la afirmaci�n) en el terreno de la mente subconscien-te y
ah� se desarrolla. Esta semilla, que es el pen-samiento de libertad,
de vida continuamente re-novada, produce condignos frutos. Continuemos
ahora con la otra parte de la afir-maci�n: �Por la actuaci�n de este
Poder siempre obtendr� �xito en todas mis empresas�. Esto casi no
necesita explicaci�n, porque es l�-gico; si el hombre es una continua
emanaci�n de vida y poder, debe obtener �xito en todo cuanto em-prenda.
Como a menudo he dicho: �el solo hecho de estar aqu�, el solo hecho
de vivir, ya constituye un �xito. Hasta donde alcance en sus
expectativas aunque no sea muy lejos, esto ya es una haza�a. Puede
ser su vida una especie de �xito negativo, de la misma manera que
veinte grados Fahrenheit no son sesenta, y, sin embargo, el veinte no es
el cero

Tree of Life in the external environment will not see - a world inside. The image
of the tree of every person in his ancestral cell. Thanks to this person is aware
of the Tree of the world and builds a world in which he and grow to one day realize
that immortality lies in the fact that you're doing, and that in itself - outside
of itself.
That's because in the ancient books depicting the Tree of Life - a system of
sefirot, germinating in the light of consciousness the unknown, so that the roots
of the tree (the reflection of his crown) gave new impetus to the divine knowledge,
giving him an opportunity of development. Through the Tree, we can obtain necessary
information in the space where we are. For this we need to examine all stages of
the process. Necessary to advance in mind that we can use as a plan of the
Universe. Should I rush out in all directions? For example, do not it better to
choose the first goal, to calculate the coordinates and get a perfect result?
Extending the perception of space is due to our consciousness. Everything that
happens on a macro scale of the spiritual cosmos, and will respond immediately to
microscale cell continuum. This should be remembered, it should be considered.
Einstein said that matter is composed of sections of the space in which the field
has reached a special intensity. That is a condition of matter is precisely the
dynamic processes of information exchange, that is, increase communication and
active interaction of field substrates. And why suddenly the field components are
activated or, conversely, undergo training in its manifestations, in violation of
the initial parameters of the system of balance? It is clear that in order to like
this happened, either the integration of something with something, or
disintegration, which will create vibration pulses that are different from the
original, vnutristrukturnyh resonances.
Since we are interested in the formation of matter from the matrix of the field
forms, the first thing one should pay attention to the formation of spheroids
atomic structures with a fixed center of their organization, and a fixed radius.
After all, spheroids are the basic unit of material composition, already have a
software algorithm organization of physical matter, and hence the objects. Fields -
this is the biblical heaven. They are located one above the other, as the veils,
and each field, the world. There is a world red is orange, there is a yellow,
green, blue, blue, purple rainbow. The fact that a person is available and can be
known. But this is only the initial heaven corresponding Sephira. And who knows how
many more? Because to get to the highest heaven, you have to pass a secret eleventh
cross-Fira Daath - the same one where the tablets of Moses, the one where the
correspondence principle is expressed through the Ten Commandments. Commandments -
the laws are not as commonly believed. This is the "as-is in fact" - the initial
seed of that is true, where the result is equal to the dynamics of communication
insights, multiplied by the depth perception. In fact - it is a scientific formula,
where the senses, as opposed to a one-dimensional requirements of the scientific
perception - polyphonic. It is in these macrostructure objects that the zone of
interaction of metagalaxies exists. In Daath the most pronounced faktal principle:
three top policy shaped primary hull - Binah, Chokmah and Keter, that is the basic
framework of the archetype - immediately derivatives modulate the areas below the
Tree of the Sephiroth. Further synthesis through the lower triangle of forces in
Malkuth, where there is a new image and likeness of the prototype and ideal of the
Mother and Father Nature and Cosmos-son, who then begins its ascent to the ideal -
the image of the Father and Mother, in harmony and love waiting for him to Kether
to put him on the head of the Crown of Glory. All this can be seen as an allegory
that configure the spiritual qualities of man on the criteria secular and religious
morality, defining the transition to a higher level of existence of the man in
self-improvement. This perception is correct, but not the only correct one. After
all, the meaning of the sefirot is, as mentioned earlier � polyphonic. For example,
four derivatives of the sphere in the middle of the Tree of the Sephiroth exactly
correspond to the four cardinal points, four basic interactions of the organization
of the Cosmos, four elements, which are encrypted four attributes of truth: the
soul, spirit, mind and body, in turn corresponding to the nucleotide bases of DNA
sequence which organizes matrix structures. It was the twenty base of the first
level - twenty amino acids, the major biochemical components, built from monomers
polymer repeat proteins. These are the conditions of our physical world. If we take
the fraktal ratio higher with respect to dichotomous, for example, equal to three,
then step reversal of the base system will have a different and each subform will
clone himself once, at least, into three parts, ie the rate of implementation of
processes and events will increase sharply "The kingdom of God is taken by force."
Whom do we have in this fight to win, to overpower, if not himself? Controlled
himself - we submit to the Lord and conquer him with his humility. And we can not
in this battle, defeat, because God fights with us, on our side. Having won - we
become gods, and God takes us. Then care for the spiritual transformation of
themselves are motivated to help others. At one end of the DNA helix - the image of
the Heavenly Father, the ideal. At the other end of the spiral - a prototype, the
natural form of organization. Between the ideal and the prototype - the human mind,
knowing the world - an archetype. The problem lies in the fact that the right to
see the world and transform the spirit that hinders its development, and
consequently, your development as well. And behave accordingly the world, and
develop accordingly to the Father. But at the beginning it was a man immersed in
the environment. Hence, there must be movement towards the ideal of human
consciousness. And if you take a step in the right direction, and the Heavenly
Father takes a step towards you. And you will meet in the center of the sefirot.
This is the passage into the realm of true.

Repitiendo esto una o dos veces, no cambiar�is del todo vuestros

h�bitos mentales, pero haci�ndolo d�a a d�a y mes a mes, vuestra
mentalidad se re-novar� por completo. La mente subconsciente se
apoderar� entonces del nuevo h�bito mental, el cual compenetrar� todos
vuestros tejidos, produci�n-dose cambios y mejoramientos en todo el
organis-mo. Y no s�lo esto, sino que la mente subconscien-te, que
trabaja, como hemos visto, en grandes ex-tensiones completamente ignoradas
de la mente consciente, empezar� a exteriorizarse, a abrir puer-tas,
por decirlo as�, y crear oportunidades, a fin de que el ser en
evoluci�n tenga campo para manifes-tarse. Cuando la sensaci�n de
limitaci�n desapa-rece, el germen del poder dentro del alma humana est�
pronto para manifestarse en el mundo exte-rior. La mente consciente
siembra la semilla (de la afirmaci�n) en el terreno de la mente
subconscien-te y ah� se desarrolla. Esta semilla, que es el pen-samiento
de libertad, de vida continuamente re-novada, produce condignos
frutos. Continuemos ahora con la otra parte de la afir-maci�n: �Por la
actuaci�n de este Poder siempre obtendr� �xito en todas mis empresas�.
Esto casi no necesita explicaci�n, porque es l�-gico; si el hombre es
una continua emanaci�n de vida y poder, debe obtener �xito en todo cuanto
em-prenda. Como a menudo he dicho: �el solo hecho de estar aqu�, el
solo hecho de vivir, ya constituye un �xito. Hasta donde alcance en sus
expectativas aunque no sea muy lejos, esto ya es una haza�a. Puede
ser su vida una especie de �xito negativo, de la misma manera que
veinte grados Fahrenheit no son sesenta, y, sin embargo, el veinte no es
el cero

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