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 Nombre:

Diana Galván Aguilar

 Matricula:

 Nombre del curso:

Ingles 1

 Nombre de la actividad:
MIII-U1-Actividad 2. Health Problems

 Nombre del tutor:

Elizabeth Garza Peña Arzate
Talking about health problems – Hablar sobre problemas de salud
Para expresar a otros que nos sentimos mal se puede utilizar el verbo have (tener).
Aquí te presentamos una pequeña lista de malestares:
A backache Dolor de espalda
a stomachache Dolor de estómago
a sore throat Dolor de garganta
a sprained ankle Torcedura de tobillo
a broken leg Una pierna rota
a cold Un resfriado
A runny nose Catarro
A fever Fiebre
A broken arm Un brazo roto
A broken rib Una costilla rota

Writing about health problems-Escribir sobre problemas de salud

Si alguna vez tienes un problema de salud y deseas comentarlo a tu profesor, puedes hacerlo
enviando una nota con los detalles de tu enfermedad.

Dear Mr. Sánchez,

I hope you are well. I write because I am not feeling very well. I am too cold and have a fever. I
have a runny nose, a sore throat and a cough.

Could I please take the exam on another date?

Thank you in advanced for your understanding.


Juan Ramírez

take: tomar

another: otro(a)

date: fecha

thank you in advanced: gracias de antemano

understanding: comprensión

regards: esta expresión equivale a “atentamente” o “saludos cordiales

Ahora que has repasado esta información, responde los siguientes ejercicios en un documento de

Task 1:

Complete using the verb be in the following sentences:

Completa los enunciados utilizando el verbo have:


a headache I have a headache.

a toothache She has a toothache.

1. a stomachache
I have stomachache

2. a sore throat
She has a sore throat

3. a sprained ankle
He has a sprained ankle

4. a cold
I have a cold

5. a runny nose
My mom has a runny nose

6. a fever
My sister has a fever
7. a broken arm
My father has a broken arm

8. a broken leg
She has a broken leg

9. a backache
I have a backache

10. a broken rib

He has a broken rib

Task 2:
Write a brief paragraph of about 50 to 80 words. Explain your teacher that you are sick
and cannot present your exam. Ask him/her if you can complete it some other day. You
may use the note above as a model.
Escribe un breve párrafo de 50 a 80 palabras. Explica a tu profesor que estás enfermo que
no podrás presentar tu examen. Pregúntale que si lo puedes presentar otro día. Puedes
utilizar la nota de arriba como guía.

Dear Miss Elizabeth,

I hope you find yourself very well, I write to you because I am very ill and I will not be able to go to
the exam.

I would like to see if you could apply the exam to me another day.

Thanks, I hope an answer soon.


Diana Galván Aguilar

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