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INDEX ...........................................................................................................................................2
PROJECT .......................................................................................................................................4
CONTEXT ..................................................................................................................................4
LESSON PLAN............................................................................................................................9
TEACHING NOTES SUMMARY .................................................................................................12
ANALYSIS ................................................................................................................................15
ANNEXED 1.................................................................................................................................17
ASSEMBLY ..............................................................................................................................20
ACTIVITY 1: SONG ...................................................................................................................20
ACTIVITY 2:EXPERIENCE CORNERS. ........................................................................................23
ACTIVITY 3: PHONICS ..............................................................................................................24
ACTIVITY 4: STORY. .................................................................................................................25
ACTIVIDAD 5: BRUNCH ...........................................................................................................27
ACTIVITY 6: The Maze.............................................................................................................27
ACTIVITY 7: FINAL ACTIVITY, MURAL ......................................................................................28
REFERENCES ...............................................................................................................................30
Title of unit The five senses.

Language of unit English.

Our target students are 3 to 4-year-old children in the second year of early childhood education. The project will
be carry out in a public center that is located at the outskirt of Pamplona City and contains great diversity of students
with different linguistic and socioeconomic level.
Age / Stage /
Course There are two teachers and an intern with a group of 24 children in the classroom. We will take advantage of the
presence and the assistance of the intern.

CONTEXT At logistical level we have a large classroom, a dining room and a psychomotor room.

School/learner The educational project includes PAI, so the target students have begun their schooling with PAI since their first
language back- year and are going to continue their learning with the same teachers.

DECRETO FORAL 23/2007, de 19 de marzo, por el que se establece el currículo de las enseñanzas del segundo ciclo
de la Educación Infantil en la Comunidad Foral de Navarra. (BON 25/04/2007).
Áreas del segundo ciclo de la Educación Infantil: (clicar para ver documento original)
• Conocimiento de sí mismo y autonomía personal

• Conocimiento del entorno

• Lenguajes: comunicación y representación

In this stage it is difficult to separate all the areas due to the fact that we work through a global education. We work all
competences together. Also, we focused this project in:

Area Objectives Contents Evaluation

2. Conocer su cuerpo, sus elementos y Bloque 1: El cuerpo y la Dar muestra de un co-
algunas de sus funciones, descubriendo propia imagen nocimiento progresivo
las posibilidades de su esquema corporal
de acción y de expresión y coordinando *Exploración del propio y de un control cre-
y controlando cada vez con mayor pre- cuerpo. Identificación y ciente de su cuerpo,
cisión gestos aceptación progresiva de global y sectorialmente,
y movimientos. las características propias. manifestando confianza
*Utilización de los sentidos: en sus posibilidades
de sí mismo y
4.Realizar, de manera cada vez más au- sensaciones y percepciones y respeto a los demás
tónoma, actividades habituales y tareas
para resolver problemas de la vida coti-
diana, aumentando el sentimiento de
autoconfianza y la capacidad de inicia-
tiva, y desarrollando estrategias para sa-
tisfacer sus necesidades
Lenguajes: 1.Utilizar la lengua como instrumento Bloque 1. Utilizar la lengua oral
Comunicación de aprendizaje, de representación, de Lenguaje verbal

y representa- comunicación y •Comprensión de la idea glo- del modo más conve-
ción disfrute, de expresión de ideas y senti- bal de textos orales en otras niente para una interac-
mientos y valorando la lengua oral lenguas del currículo, en si- ción positiva con sus
como un medio de tuaciones iguales y con personas
relación con los demás y de regulación habituales del aula y cuando adultas, según las inten-
de la convivencia. se habla de temas conocidos ciones comunicativas, y
7.Iniciarse en el uso oral de otras len- y predecibles. comprender men-
guas del currículo para comunicarse •Participación y escucha ac- sajes orales diversos,
en actividades dentro tiva en situaciones habituales mostrando una actitud
del aula, y mostrar interés y disfrute al de comunicación. Acomoda- de escucha atenta y res-
participar en estos intercambios co- ción pro- petuosa.
municativos. gresiva de sus enunciados a
los formatos convencionales,
así como acercamiento a la
pretación de mensajes, textos
y relatos orales producidos
por medios audiovisuales.
Actitud positiva hacia las
•Uso progresivo, acorde con
la edad, de léxico preciso y
variado, estructuración gra-
matical correcta, entonación
adecuada y pronunciación


[Artículo 2. Fundamento y principios metodológicos.

1. El fundamento de estos programas es el uso de distintas lenguas como base para el aprendizaje competencial en
todas las áreas, aunque con claro refuerzo de la competencia lingüística.

2. Los principios metodológicos que sustentan los programas son el tratamiento integrado de las lenguas (TIL) y la
integración de contenidos curriculares y lengua (AICLE/CLIL):

a) El tratamiento integrado de las lenguas (TIL) promueve el trabajo conjunto y coordinado entre el personal docente
de las diferentes lenguas de un centro educativo. Cada docente interacciona con el alumnado siempre en la misma
lengua. El principal objetivo del TIL es enriquecer los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje enfatizando el concepto de
transferencia lingüística entre las lenguas.

b) La integración de contenidos curriculares y lenguas (AICLE/CLIL) hace referencia al enfoque didáctico según el
cual las áreas y asignaturas, o alguna parte de ellas, se enseñan en una lengua extranjera con los objetivos de apren-
der el contenido de la materia y, simultáneamente, los contenidos lingüísticos propios de la lengua.]

We have decided to work on the topic of the five senses —see, smell, taste, hear, and touch—because they are the
most important elements for young children to explore the outside world.

The topic is related to children's own body parts and allows them to participate actively. Children will learn the five
senses through experiencing each of them with different activities. The activities include other elements such as the
Brief Description body parts, the animals, the sounds, the textures, and the actions. Specific lexicon and simple expressions of the sub-
ject will be taught to children in English.

Leyre Aisa
Sara Aguirre
Isabel Dias
Mónica García
Alicia Huarte
Tsai-Yuan Yu

Our project has been designed for one school day, all the activities are thematized.

9:00-10:00 Assembly and Let’s sing a song(Act 1) + Experience corner(Act 2)

10:00-11:00 Phonics Train( Act 3)+ Story Telling(Act 4)

Timing 11:00-11:30 Brunch (Act 5)

11:30-12:20 The Maze (Act 6)

12:20-13:00 Mural (Act 7)

Contribution to Linguistic communication


Objectives or goals that the students will achieve in this unit or part of the unit. What learners will be able to do by
LESSON Learning out-
the end of the lesson; Learners will be able to… (link them with the 4Cs aims)
• Describe and name the five senses.
• Match the five senses with body parts.
• Identify and analyse different items with their five senses.

• Label and categorize the items into different categories of the five senses.
• Express their likes or dislikes about the feelings of using their five senses.
• Compare their likes and dislikes with other students.
• Expand the vocabulary.
• Contrast different vocabulary.
• Interpret the teacher's instructions.
• Express ideas and emotions in both Spanish and English.
• Actively participate in the proposed activities.
• Recognize the vocabulary.
• Identify the animals, foods and senses proposed.
• Stimulate simple oral utterances in English.
• Attribute different qualities to each sense.
• Enjoy the activities.

Content (4Cs) Communication (4Cs) Cognition (4Cs)

➢ To name the five senses and body OF:  Matching activity

 Senses: see, smell, taste, hear,  I can see…with my eyes.  Opinion language
touch  I can smell…with my nose.
 I can hear… with my ears. I think…
 Body parts: Eyes, nose, ears,
mouth, tongue, hands  I can taste…with my tongue.
I agree with you
➢ To match the five senses with body  I can touch…with my hands.
parts.  I like the color of… I disagree with you
➢ To identify and analyse different  I like the shape of…
items with their five senses.  I like the smell of…
➢ To attribute different qualities of  I like the sound of…

each sense.  I like the feeling of…
➢ To label and categorize items into  I like the flavour of…
different categories of the five
➢ To express their likes or dislikes FOR:
about the feelings of using their Vocabulary:
five senses.
➢ To compare their likes and dislikes Animals: elephant, lion, fox, monkey,
with other students. mouse
➢ To use different pronouns.
Fruit: Pomegranate, strawberry, kiwi,
mango, coconut, orange, banana, ap-
 It looks bright/colorful…
 It sounds loud
 It feels soft/ rough
 It tastes sweet/sour
 It smells good/bad..
 I like this better than…
 I prefer…

• Students participate actively and enjoy all the activities.

• Students can name the five senses.
Assessment crite-
• Students can match the five senses with body parts.
• Students can identify and analyse different items with their five senses.
• Students can attribute different qualities of each sense.

• Students can label and categorize items into different categories of the five senses.
• Students can express their likes or dislikes about the feelings of using their five senses.
• Students can compare their likes and dislikes with other students.

Our activities, which we have seen before, are distribuend in one day so we doing them during routines in our normal
TEACHING day. The complete description is in ANNEXED 1.
NOTES ACTIVITIES Name Duration Group
SUMMARY Teaching and Activity 1 Let’s Sing a Song 15’ All
learning activi- Activity 2 Experience Corners 25’ Groups
ties Activity 3 Phonics Train 20’ All
Activity 4 Story Telling 25’ All
Activity 5 Brunch Time 30’ All
Activity 6 The Maze 1h Groups
Activity 7 The Mural 40’ All


Activity 1: Flash cards (make fo us, pag21)

Let’s sing a
Resources song

Activity 2:
Experience Interactive projector
Corners Books

Different objects with variety of
textures, smells, temperatures….

Activity 3: The train cards with letters

Phonics Train

Activity 4:
Story Telling
Paper puppets
The story text
The sounds of the animals

Activity 5: Different fruit: pomegranate,

Brunch strawberry, kiwi, orange,
mango, coconut

Activity 6:
The Maze
The mural
Objects of the boxes
Plastic cups and perfumes
Materials with different textures

Final activity: Boards
The Mural Crayons, pencils…
Children’s objects

We use this observation sheet to evaluate each pupil. The sheet will be completed at the end of the day.
Yes No Sometimes
Do the pupils pay atten-
Are the pupils inter-
ested in pronuncia-
Do pupils try to pro-
Assessment in- nounce correctly?
struments Do pupils try to un-
They follow the activ-
ity rules.
Can the pupils con-
nect different con-
Do the pupils know
the parts of the body
and their possibilities
of action?

Do the pupils know
the five senses?
Can the pupils con-
nect the part of the
body and their sense?
Can the pupils under-
stand correctly the
Can pupils answer the
Did they like the ac-
Make an effort
Enjoy the activities

Aspects of the unit or of the process you found more challenging, difficult or discouraging
ANALYSIS • First of all, it was really hard to find a time to get together and discuss about the project. Most of our mem-
bers work and couldn’t come to classes. Most of the time we talk through what’s app, but it was inefficient.
Fortunately, at the end we finally made it possible to have everybody and worked on the project together.
• We have a foreign student from Taiwan in our group. Education of English is quite different between Spain
Challenging and Taiwan. Taiwanese students need to learn English from the very beginning of learning alphabets, both the
writing and pronunciation, whereas students in Spain are for familiar with ABC so they can start learning it
with a higher level in infant school. It took some time for us to notice the difference between the two culture
and we finally agreed on the English level that we are going to teach. Furthermore, school models, the cus-
toms, and the usual time table of the school were explained.
• Developing aims was a big challenge. We have been students for so many year and now we are going to
change our roles to teachers. After knowing that English classes in not only about general learning of English
but also about developing more specific abilities of students, we found it easier to think of the objectives.

• It would be easier if the texts of the project was written in English in the first place. It was difficult to trans-
late it afterwards.

Aspects of the unit or of the process you found more stimulating, positive or motivating
• Overcoming the challenges above was stimulating. Cooperation with people of different culture or character-
istic always takes part in our life, not only in our school years but also in our future career.
• After working on the unit, we have changed our way of thinking. We have to think of the aims or objectives
Interesting/En- first to create activities. This concept is useful in all areas. We think of ways to achieve our goals after we
gaging have actually known what our goals are. Living without an aim is like sailing without a compass, so does cre-
ating a teaching project.

• The speech of Fiona Hearunthe, the articles and the videos that were discussed in class, and other resources
online were really motivating and helped a lot with our ideas of the activities. After finishing the project,
there was a big satisfaction.

Before carrying out the project, our pupils will have been doing different activities in order to prepare this day. The activities are the following:

Previous knowledge • Commands

Before starting every activity, teacher sings “Sit down please! Sit down
please! Every student in their seats!” which is adapted from a Spanish
children song “A guardar”. After gathering the students, the teacher can
introduce and explain the activity to the students. Ex: “Okay, perfect!
Now it’s time. or We are going to . Are you excited about it?”

At the end of the activity or school day, students need to clean up the
classroom and the teacher sings “Pick it up! Pick it up! Every item in their
home.” which is also adapted from the Spanish song “A Guardar”. The
learning environment will be organized again and students also know it’s
the end of the activity or class.

• Groups

They already know which group they are in. The groups’ symbols are
animals. When the teacher wants to do a group activity, photos of ani-
mals are provided and students who belong to the same group gather
around the photo. If they have doubts, they can go to the mural and
check which animal they are.
• Routines and class’s materials

1. An interactive board with timetable where they found the daily activ-
ities. When they come to school they can look at it and know what
will happen later. The interactive board has been introduced for a
while, so they are comfortable with it.
2. A daily mural where they work with the days of the week, the sea-
sons, the weather and what outfit should they wear today.

Previous activities about five senses • Activity with their family

A week before our project, children are asked to bring different

object relevant with the five senses. (one different object each


When the day starts, the children come to the class and there are two teachers in the
classroom. When all the children have arrived, the teachers sing the assembly’s song
“Sit down please! Sit down please! Every student in their seats!” The pupils sit in a cir-
cle (their photos are pasted on the floor), and the teacher starts talking to them.

Teacher: Hello! Good morning.

Students: Good morning.
Teacher: Is everybody in class? Somebody is missing? Where is Marcos?
Marcos: Here.
Teacher: Hi Marcos. ¿How are you? How do you feel today? And Lucia ¿Where is
Lucía? […] Okay, nobody is missing today.
Teacher: What day is today? Great! How’s the weather today? Look through the
window, is it raining or is it a sunny day? What clothes should we wear?
Students: Friday, sun, t—shit (use the daily mural)

What is working in the assembly?

-Interrogative particles.
-Daily vocabulary (days of the week, feelings, clothes, seasons, whether)

Finally, the first activity starts with a “clap” and the command “Let´s go! It is song


We have adapted a traditional song "If You're Happy and You Know It" to suit
our theme “The Five Senses”. It is a popular repetitive children's song. We maintain the
original rhythm but alter the vocabulary and the action verbs of the song to make it more
suitable for teaching our topic about five senses and body parts. The lyrics of the song are
made up of monosyllabic words, many of which are repeated several times.

Part 1: Preparation

We activate the vocabulary and form basic sentence structures by using flash cards with
pictures or gestures and asking students simple questions.

We point to the picture of hands or show our own hands and ask “What are these?”
Students reply, “Hands.” Then we ask, “What do hands do?” Students reply,
“Touch.” “Do you like to touch?” “Yes”


Body parts Actions Card

Hands Touch
Eyes See
Nose Smell
Tongue Taste
Ear Hear

In order to review the vocabulary, the pupils try to said the name when the teacher
stand the card up.

We activate the action phrases with using strategies of TPR activities. The teacher
then play “Teacher says” with students.

• clap your hands

• blink your eyes
• sniff your nose
• show your tongue
• pull your ears

T: Hands (use the card) We can clap with our hands!! (perform) Everybody, clap!

Part 2: The song.


Sing the song several times.

Perform actions.

If you touch it and you like it, clap your hands. (clap clap)
If you touch it and you like it, clap your hands. (clap clap)
If you touch it and you like it, clap your hands, clap your hands.
If you touch it and you like it, clap your hands. (clap clap)

If you see it and you like it, blink your eyes. (blink blink)
If you see it and you like it, blink your eyes. (blink blink)
If you see it and you like it, blink your eyes, blink your eyes.
If you see it and you like it, blink your eyes. (blink blink)

If you smell it and you like it, sniff your nose. (sniff sniff)
If you smell it and you like it, sniff your nose. (sniff sniff)
If you smell it and you like it, sniff your nose, sniff your nose.
If you smell it and you like it, sniff your nose. (sniff sniff)

If you taste it and you like it, show your tongue.

If you taste it and you like it, show your tongue.
If you taste it and you like it, show your tongue, show your tongue.
If you taste it and you like it, show your tongue.

If you hear it and you like it, pull your ears.

If you hear it and you like it, pull your ears.
If you hear it and you like it, pull your ears, pull your ears.
If you hear it and you like it, pull your ears.

Teacher: “Clap” “Let’s go! It is time for experience corners.”

ACTIVITY 2:Experience Corners.


In groups, children should interact and explore the five senses throughout different
activities in the corners.

—corner of sight: A mural to find the animals of the story (activity 4) and a game
with different food and body parts and they need to find their pair. For this activity we
use the interactive projector.
—Corner of hearing: We will have instruments that they had brought to class be-
fore classes.
—Corner of touching: Different clothes or objects that they can find in their house.
It is important to have variety of textures, smells, temperatures…etc.
—Corner of stories: Story books that are about the five senses.

At the end of the activity or school day, students need to clean up the classroom and the
teacher sings “Pick it up! Pick it up! Every item in their home.” which is also adapted
from the Spanish song “A Guardar”.

Teacher: “clap” and starts to sing “Sit down please! Sit down please!
Every student in their seats!” “Let’s go! It is time to learn phonetics.


The ears of our young learners are open to new sounds. This makes synthetic phonics
activities more important in our unit.
We think the long “e” phonics is important in our unit, because we have “see” and
“feel” as our key vocabularies. Furthermore, the diagraph “ee” appears in a lot of simple
words for young children. Students learn to blend the sounds of the consonant and the
diagraph “ee”, put them all together.


First, the teacher introduces the “ee” sound by making the students have a big smile
and pronounce “ee”.
Then, the teacher leads students to pronounce vocabulary such as see, feet, feel, jeep,
keep, and bee by decoding them. The words are separated letter by letter with a design
of train cart. The teacher places these cards on the board.

After leading and teaching students pronouncing the consonants with the two letter
grapheme “ee”. The teacher removes the letter cards from the board and divide them to
students. Every student has a letter card.

The teacher then says a word that contains phonics “ee” and students who have those
letters try to blend them together on the board.


We have adapted the story “A taste of the moon” by Michael Grajniec to have students
recognize the sounds of different animals and develop reading habits at the same time.
We simplified the sentence structure and the length of the story. The tense is modified
into present simple tense so we have our key vocabulary “TASTE” and “HEAR” since
the form of the two words will change in the past tense. Furthermore, we remove the
animals that do not have a recognizable sound for example, the turtle, the giraffe and the


The animals want to know what the moon tastes like. The elephant (SOUND OF THE
ELEPHANT) climbs up the highest mountain so he can touch the moon. From up there,
the moon is closer.

The ELEPHANT can’t touch the moon, but he hear the LION. (SOUND OF THE
ELEPHANT: Can you help me, LION? If you climb on my back, maybe we can reach
the moon.

The LION can’t touch the moon, but he hear the FOX. (SOUND OF THE FOX)
LION: Can you help me, FOX? If you climb on my back, maybe we can reach the moon.

The FOX can’t touch the moon, but he hear the MONKEY. (SOUND OF THE MON-
FOX: Can you help me, MONKEY? If you climb on my back, maybe we can reach the

The MONKEY can’t touch the moon, but he hear the MOUSE. (SOUND OF THE
MONKEY: Can you help me, MOUSE? If you climb on my back, maybe we can reach
the moon.

So, the mouse climb onto the elephant, the lion, the fox, and the monkey and…
He catch a little piece of the moon and taste it!!!!

Teacher: What do you use to taste the moon?

Student Y: The TONGUE.
Teacher: Yes! We use the TONGHE for tasting flavors! And for you, what does the moon
taste like?
Student Y: Piruleta
Teacher: Lollipop! That amazing! I like lollipop too. And you X what does the moon taste


To carry out the story, the teacher uses differences paper puppets for each animal and a
background with the moon.

Teacher <clap> “Lets go! It is brunch time!”



We take advantage of the brunch time and create an activity for children to experi-
ment the different texture and taste of the fruits such as pomegranate, strawberry, kiwi,
orange, mango, and coconut.
The teacher has prepared different questions. For example:

—How is it?
—Is it soft?
—Is it rough?
—Is it cold?
—Do you have skin?
—How do you eat it?
—Is it easy to peel?
—How does it taste?
—Do you like it?
—Which one is sweeter?
—What does it smell like?
—Do you like the smell?

After brunch, with the command. “Let’s go. It is psychomotor time”.

ACTIVITY 6: The Maze

Previously, the teacher will have created a maze in the classroom with five activ-
ities which are related to the five senses and the psychomotor circuit.

There are three teachers for this activity. Students are divided into groups. Each
group will need to work together and complete the missions in the maze.

➢ Seeing with eyes: circle out the differences between two pictures.
Language: The…in picture A is different from picture B.
➢ Touching with hand: Children should put one of their hands in a black box which
contains several items inside. They look for the object that they are asked to find.
Language: Can’t you find… in the box? I think I find it. / I can’t find it.

➢ Smelling with nose: There are plastic cups with several liquids to smell. For exam-
ple: Shampoo, vinegar, soy sauce.
Language: How does it smell? It smells good / bad. Do you like it?
➢ Feeling with feet: The teacher will set up a circuit of different textures and chil-
dren must pass the circuit with their feet.
Language: How does it feel? It feels soft / rough. Do you like it?
➢ Hearing with ears: The teacher plays different animal sounds and students need to
pick out the flash card of that animal.
Language: What do you hear? I hear the elephant.


We hope at the end of the unit our students are able to make a short group presentation
of the five senses. Like the previous activity, 24 students are divided into four groups.
Each group has 6 students.
First, each group is given a big board. They decorate the board by drawing body parts
(eyes, nose, tongue, ears and hands) on the board.
Then they collect the items that they can see, smell, taste, hear, and touch in the previ-
ous activities or in the classroom. After collecting, they discuss which one is their favorite
item and chose one for each of the five sense. The next step is to place the items on the
board with corresponding blocks (see, smell, taste, hear, touch). Finally, students share
the results with other groups.

➢ Language:

I like this. I don’t like that.

Student 1: We have five senses. We love to use them to explore the world.
Student 2: We can see with our eyes and we like it.
Student 3: We can smell with our nose and we like it.
Student 4: We can hear with our ears and we like it.
Student 5: We can taste with our tongue and we like it.
Student 6: We can touch with our hands and we like it.
Further, more students explain why they have chosen that object. If necessary,
teachers may help students to complete the sentences.
1. A student puts the headphones in the area of “hearing” and says "Me gusta
la música"

Teacher responds: "Music! You like music!"

2. Another student has brought a chocolate bar, placing it in "tasting” area
and says “me gusta el chocolate”.

Teacher responds: “You like chocolate”.


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