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Como usaremos las Cartillas o Tarjetas de

Se trabajará con "Grupos" de Tarjetas, cada grupo tendrá 5 Tarjetas de una misma
Categoría relacionada como:

Medios de transporte: carro, avión, barco, tren, bicicleta (esto es un "Grupo")

Este grupo lo tomarás en tu manos, las 5 (o más) tarjeta juntas y lo pondrás frente al
bebé a la Distancia adecuada y las irás pasando una por una, diciendo el nombre de cada
Tarjeta con voz fuerte y clara para que el bebé vea y escuche cada palabra.

Luego, iremos agregando un "grupo" nuevo (5 palabras) cada día, hasta que sean en total
5 "grupos" (25 palabras) ahí ya no agregaremos más grupos, y en vez de eso cuando nos
toque agregar el grupo más nuevo, también "descartaremos" el "primer grupo" o cada
"grupo más antiguo", por lo tanto cada uno de los grupos solo durará 5 días...

Así se irán agregando grupos nuevos cada día, pero siempre serán 5 "grupos" por día.

Se presentarán los grupos 3 veces al día, es decir haremos "3 sesiones por día" ( "3 veces
al día" por "5 días" = 15 veces presentaremos cada palabra al bebé, con esto será
suficiente para que el bebé la aprenda)

Lo recomendado es hacer unas 100- 200 cartillas de palabras para poder empezar nuestra aventura
de enseñarle a leer a nuestro bebé, ser constantes y sobre todo divertirnos.

Reading sessions

1.Where few distractions as possible facing him if at all possible
3.sitting on your lap is second best option
2.How quickly as possible, 1 card per second or faster enthusiastically as possible
3.look at your child while saying the words
4.stop before he wants to
5.each set can be from 1-10 words, take cues from child
6.don’t forget a hug and kiss when you’re done not ask child to repeat the words
8.shuffle the cards so you’re ready for the next session
9.wait at least 15 minutes before doing the next session
10.First week (assuming your child continues to be interested in seeing 5
words per set)
1.Day 1 Set 1, Show Word A 3X/day
2.Day 2 Set 1, Show Word A+B 3X/day
3.Day 3 Set 1, Show Word A, B, C 3X/day
4.Day 4 Set 1, Show Word A, B, C, D 3X/day
5.Day 5 Set 1, Show Word A, B, C, D, E 3X/day
6.Day 6 Set 1, Retire Word A, Show Word B, C, D, E, F 3X/day
7.Continue adding a new word and retiring an old one each day
1.Each set 3 times per day
2.30 seconds or less total teaching time per set
3.Retire words after you show them 15 times each 5 días
4.Never show them again as single words
5.Do up to 5 sets per day – as many as you can do consistently.
6.After a while you will find that it takes less showings for your child to learn
them. This is because his brain has grown with use.
7.Eventually your child will only need to see a word once to learn it!
4.Attitude – joyous!
5.New material – don’t wait until he knows 100% of the words or he will get bored
1.New words can be added daily and old words retired daily as above
Words to start with – see word banks

1.Self words
2.Family words
3.Home environment words
4.Objects in his world
9.Anything that is of interest to him
2.Show him at least 200 words before adding the next step
1st step – single words described above
Continue with this step for as long as you are doing a reading program with your
3.2nd step – couplets
1.Couplet is simply two words presented together
2.Make couplets using words already taught
3.Show 1-2 sets of them each day along with the sets of single words
4.3rd step – Phrases
1.3 words like “Mommy is eating.”
2.Can be added as a set of cards or learned via game or books.
5.4th step – Sentences
1.Includes noun, verb and object and usually have at least four words.
2.Taught in the same way that phrases are taught.
6.5th step – Books
1.If a child is under 3, you will probably need to make your own books by
cutting up commercial books and supplying the large print.
2.If your child is already 3yo, find books with 7/8″ type.
3.Make books with few words per page on his interests,
4.Words only on one layout, next page can be picture
5.Use one book per week, read 3 times per day

Adapting the Program to Your Child

1.If you are starting with a child who is 0-18mo : the closer your child gets to 18
mos the quicker you should present it and the briefer your sessions should be.
2.If you child is 18mo – 30 mo: start gradually but move to phrases as soon as
possible majoring on his interests.
3.If your child is 30-48 mo: The older he is the more sophisticated the words you
should teach him. You will need to be sure to use the retired words in books for
review as he will need it.
4.If you child is already 48 mo or older: Don’t lose heart. Glenn Doman: “A 4yo is
a fire-eater compared to an 8yo or even a 6yo…There are thousands of superb
readers who started when they were 4.” Just be sure to start with very
sophisticated words about what he is interested in. Use a thesaurus extensively.
And go to books as soon as possible. As a matter of fact, write the book first and
then teach the words that you will need for it.

Other Points
1.Long-term project – It takes many months to teach your baby to read.
2.Attitude – critical to the success of your reading program
3.Consistency – start out slow, get your program well-established before starting
to add more
4.Never, never, ever, ever test your child! Reading must always be a game where
he always wins! It’s okay to show him two word cards and say, “Can you find
Word A?” But if he starts to reach for Word B you must quickly say with a smile in
your voice something like “Oh, you found Word B!” or “Here’s Word A!” The more
you test him, the slower he will learn and the less he will want to. The less you
test him, the quicker he will learn and the more he will want to learn.
5.Time Involved – about 5 minutes per set plus material preparation
6.Do’s and Don’ts
1.Don’t bore your child, especially by going too slow or testing him.
2.Don’t pressure your child.
3.Don’t be tense.
4.Be joyous.
5.Be inventive.
6.Answer all your child’s questions.
7.Give your child worthwhile material to read.
Okay, you’ve read the summary. Now go get the book, How to Teach Your Baby to
Read, by Glenn Doman. It explains things in so much more detail and gives you a
good grasp on why this program works. Once you know the why’s it will help you to
hang in there if things get tough. It is available on , most local
libraries in the USA, and through . I do recommend getting
the most recent release which is the 40th anniversary edition.

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