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anales de psicologia, 2013, vol, 29, n° 3 (octubre), 835-864 © Copyright 2013: Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Murcia.

Murcia (España)
http://dx.doi.Org/10.6018/analesps.29.3.168101 ISSN edición impresa: 0212-9728, ISSN edición web Chttp:/,''revisC3s,uiii,cs/an:ücsps^: 1695-2294

Intelligence development of socio-economically disadvantaged pre-school children

Sefa Bulut

Abant iz^t Baysai University. College of Education. Department of Guidance and Counseiiing Psychoio^ (Turkey)

Título: DesarroUo de la inteUgencia en Niños en Edad Preescolar con Abstract: The inteUectual development of socioeconomicaUy disadvan-
Desventajas Socioeconómicas. taged preschool children is influenced by several factors. The development
Resumen: Diversos factores influyen en el desarroUo intelectual de niños of intelligence is a mulddimensional concept that is determined by biologi-
en edad preescolar con desventajas socioeconómicas. El desarroUo de la in- cal, social, and environmental factors. In this Uterature review, however,
teligencia es un concepto multidimensional que está determinado por facto- only the social and environmental factors are discussed. Some of the fac-
res biológicos, sociales y ambientales. Sin embargo, en la presente revisión tors that have profound effect on children's cognitive development are as
únicamente se analizan y discuten los aspectos sociales y ambientales. Algu- foUows: environmental stimulation, parental attitudes, maternal age, and
nos de los factores que presentan profundos efectos en el desarroUo cogni- education. Successful intervention and prevention programs aimed at en-
tivo son los siguientes: la estimulación del medio ambiente, las actitudes de hancing children's cognidve development are also e.\empUfied. It appears
los padres, la edad materna y la educación. Se ejempUfican también algunos that early intervendon programs in the second and third year of an infant's
programas de prevención e intervenciones exitosas encaminadas al enrique- Ufe have fundamental effects on the cognitive development of disadvan-
cimiento del desarroUo cognidvo infantU. Parece que los programas de in- taged children.
tervención temprana en el segundo y tercer año de la vida infantil tienen It is clear that learning starts with birth. Longitudinal studies revealed
efectos fundamentales en el desarroUo cognitivo de aqueUos niños con cier- that the most effective period for intervention is early childhood. Those
tas desventajas. who received early day-care and preschool intervention programs have sus-
Es claro que el aprendizaje se inicia con el nacimiento. Algunos estu- tained these gains in adolescence and adulthood. Those benefits include
dios longitudinales mostraron que el periodo más efectivo para la interven- higher IQ scores, better achievement test scores, better reading and math
ción es durante la niñez temprana. AqueUos niños que han estado en pro- skills, more educational attainment, more coUege degrees, and fewer psy-
gramas de estancias y jardines infantiles han mantenido estos logros en la chosocial and mental health problems. Therefore, it appears that investing
adolescencia y en la edad adulta. Algunos de estos beneficios incluyen pun- in early high-quaUty programs provide muldple advantages for individuals
tuaciones elevadas en pruebas de IQ, mejores caUficaciones en pruebas de and society. Social activists, psychologists, and counseUors should make
puntuación y mejores habiUdades en lectura y matemáticas, mayor número every effort to affect the aUocation of governmental funds and policies.
de logros educacionales, mayor número de títulos universitarios y un menor Key words,- lnteUigence development; maternal educadón; deprivation and
número de problemas psicológicos y de salud mental. Por tanto, la investi- intelligence; disadvantaged children and intelligence; preschool children and
gación en programas tempranos de alta calidad proporciona múltiples ven- inteUigence development.
tajas en forma personal, así como para la sociedad en su conjunto. Activis-
tas sociales, psicólogos y consejeros deberían hacer un mayor esfuerzo para
modificar las polídcas gubernamentales y la asignación de fondos.
Palabras clave: Desarrollo de la inteUgencia; educación maternal; privacio-
nes e inteUgencia; niños desfavorenidos; niños en edad preescolar y desa-
rroUo de la inteligencia.

Problems Associated with Intellectual Deve- 22% of children are poor and 15% of all children are
lopment chronically poor. The United States tops the list of high
chud poverty rates among advanced Western countries
The nature of intelligence and contributing factors has been (Wood, 2003). The problem was pointed out that approxi-
long discussed in psychological, educational, and child de- mately one-fourth of American children were being raised in
velopment literature. Nevertheless, there is ongoing dispute poverty, and the percentage of impoverished children has
about how intelligence develops and what affects this phe- increased in the last two decades (Cohen, 1993). The prob-
nomenon. In the United States, early intervendon programs lem is even worse in developing countries in that children in
have been in place since 1962 (Clarke & Clarke, 1989). In the Third World live in large famiLtes with a lack of sanita-
particular, this movement gained momentum after BUI Clin- don and clean water and lack of access to schools and health
ton's second presidential term, between 1996 and 2000. In care. They are more exposed to infecdous diseases and envi-
addidon to the United States, other advanced and develop- ronmental polludon. In these living condidons, children ex-
ing countries are having difficuldes providing appropriate, perience multiple disadvantages, and the consequences are
healthy, and intellectually sdmuladng educadonal setdngs for more severe than for children living in other countries.
infants and preschoolers who live in poor living condidons. (Kippler et al., 2012; Fernald, Weber, Galasso & Ratsifan-
An unknown number of children in industrialized coun- drihamanana, 2011). From a broad perspecdve, however,
tries live in malevolent environments and subopdmal condi- today's children are better off than they were in previous
dons. These children grow up amidst poor psychological cir- years. For instance, mothers' levels of educadón have im-
cumstances, and they lack indmacy, love, and parental sdmu- proved, and families have higher income. Hence, children
ladon (Clarke & Clarke, 1989). Some authorides argue that have more access to both physical as well as psychological
health care. One out of ten children, though, still lives in ex-
treme povert)' (Nash, 1997).
* Dirección para correspondencia [Cotrespondence address]:
Sefa Bulut. A.Í.B.Ü. Egitim Fakültesi, P.D.R A.B.D Gölköy Bolu (Tur-
key), E mail: sef:ihulut22(ÍT)hotmail,com

856 Sefa Buliii

Nature of Problems Faced by Socioeconomi- in shanty houses. The National Center for Children in Pov-
cally Disadvantaged Children erty reported that 3iyo of chOdren from impoverished fami-
lies live in large cities. Likewise, parents and children in low-
Generally spesking, poverty is associated with poor nutri- income metropolitan areas are likely to face parental expo-
üon, poor medical care, low self-esteem, and low quality of sure to drugs, AIDS, low infant birth weight, and poor nutri-
educational and vocational opportunities (Ramey & Ramey, tion. Similarly, poor parents are subject to exposure to more
1990; Kippler et al., 2012). Likewise, the more resources personal injuries and accidents because of the low quality of
available to tbe parents, the more will be devoted to the work atmosphere (Carta, 1991). Low SES sometimes has a
child, in terms of either material or time. The more stressful direct impact on a child's mental weU-being. Parents em-
the demands on a household's resources, the fewer of these ployed in battery, paint, or press factories may have neuro-
resources wUl be spent on the child (Becker, 1981; Lazer & behaviorally affected children (Robinson, 1996). But other
Michael, 1988; Zweig & Shultz, 1983). investigators have not found significant correlations between
parental exposure to workplace hazards and negative results
Family income, socioeconomic level, and other eco-
on children (Kook, 1972). In a recent follow-up study, how-
nomic elements act as direct and indirect contributors to the
ever, Melchior, Moffitt, Milne, Houlton, and Casper (2007)
cognitive development of chOdren. Without a doubt, having
longitudinally investigated socioeconomically disadvantaged
a low SES (SES) has an extremely detrimental effect on the
children from birth to age 32 and found that these children
entire family aructure. Child development experts are now
were more vulnerable to poor mental and physical health. As
admitting the reciprocal influence of innate and environ-
adults, a considerable number has experienced major de-
mental stimulL The correlation between socioeconomic level
pression, anxiety disorders, multiple health problems, and
and child intelligence has been frequently reported (Sattler,
tobacco, alcohol, and drug dependencies. These factors are
1988). On the whole, it is frequently reported as an impor-
characteristics that influence parents' or children's life styles.
tant predictor of the amount and tj'pe of cognitive stimula-
Therefore, coming from low socioeconomic strata can put
tion (Bradley, Caldwell & Elardo, 1979). It is commonly be-
impoverished preschoolers at greater risk for cognitive, so-
lieved that differing economic levels of children's
cial, and emotional development. In another longitudinal
neighbourhooids offer varied influences on the growth of in-
study, Evans et al. (2012) investigated mothers' postnatal
telligence (Wilson, 1984; Gassama, 2012). For example, in
and antenatal depression and their children's intelligence
richer environments, there are more and better toys, more
scores. They followed a large number of infants and their
trips to museoms and galleries, and mothers stay at home
mothers from pre-birth to age 8. Mothers were assessed 3
more often taking care of the babies. But this is not always
times for depression, and children were tested for intelli-
the case. Abouzeid and Rosemary (1994) investigated upper-
gence development. The antenatal period was found a sensi-
middle class private preschoolers attending a suburban day
tive period for mothers' experience of depression and its ef-
care center and metropolitan preschoolers in low-income
fect on children's cognitive development, but the postnatal
neighbourhoods. Their findings showed that early literacy
period was not a sensitive period. Furthermore, poverty is
knowledge is not always directly related to family income.
most likely associated with parental unemployment, home-
lessness or inadequate housing, high mobility, lack of educa-
Factors Associated with Urbanization tional facilities, dangerous neighbourhoods, malnutrition,
poor medical care, exposure to toxins, low birth weight, and
Family income is associated with the development of long hours of television watching (Gassama, 2012).
children's intelligence. Children who live in poor and segre-
gated neighbourhoods are more likely to experience the det-
rimental effects of the conditions in which they live (Niles & Parents as Contributing Factors
Peck, 2008). Thus, poor families experience more risks than
wealthy familiîs. High-risk families may not have the abilit)' In addition to financial resources, parental approaches
to manage thsir lives ver)' well, find good schools for chil- and attitudes towards child rearing practices have profound
dren, provide stimulating settings, or provide consistent care effects on intellectual development. Socioeconomically ad-
giving (Klebanov & Brooks-Gunn, 2006). Inner-city and vantaged and disadvantaged families with children entering
minorit)' families more often lack opportunities for parents kindergarten have different beliefs and values concerning
to make social networks, which eventually leads to stress and children's academic achievements (Ramey & Campbell,
child abuse. Additionally, children who live in poor 1991). They remarked that low socioeconomic households
neighbourhoods are less likely to participate in sports and had rigid and authoritarian atdtudes towards child rearing
cultural and extracurricular activities (Woods, 2003). In a and the education of their children, which had a negative ef-
study in Indis, Choudharj' et al. (2002) compared the IQ fect on children's achievement levels in reading. Likewise,
levels of children who live in shant)' houses and permanent Datcher-Loury (1988) claimed that different family beliefs
houses. The uesults revealed that children living in perma- and attitudes have "long term and important effects on a
nent houses had higher IQ scores than those living in li\ang child's academic performance." Likewise, freedom and a
sense of securit}' in home settings encourage children to en-

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intelligence development of social-economicalfy disadvantaged pre-school children 857

hance their talents and intellectual growth (Landaw & Parental Education
Weissler, 1990). Bradley and Caldwell (1976) found a signifi-
cant correlation between a loving, non-restrictive atmos- Bornstein (2002) wrote that highly educated parents talk
phere and intellectual development. In his words, "emo- more with their children, use less severe discipline methods,
tional security is one of the best predictors of academic spend more time on teaching, and provide more stimulating
achievement." Bea et al. (1971) in the US emphasized the re- environments, all of which brought about better cognitive
lationship between parents' living conditions and the devel- test results. Similarly, Klebanov and Brooks-Gunn (2006)
opment of the child's intelligence. High stress levels and the claimed that parental education was always the strongest
absence of supportive attitudes were listed as risk factors. predictor of children's cognitive and academic test scores,
There is evidence that more intelligent, independent, indi- and this was valid from the childhood through the teenage
vidualistic, and assertive fathers have children with high IQs, years.
whereas the opposite characteristics in the father result in Similarly, Rahu, Rahu, PuUmann, and Allik (2010) inves-
lowered lQ scores. As for mothers, children who have high tigated the effect of birth weight, mothers' education, and
IQ also had mothers who were highly independent, consis- prenatal smoking on intelligence of school-age children. As
tent, and self-aware. Similarly, Shaffer (1977) showed signifi- birth weight increased 500 g, IQ scores also increased 0.7
cant negative correlation between maternal neglect, punish- point. A mother's smoking habit caused a 3.3-point deficit in
ment, and boys' IQ scores. children's intellectual abilities. Additionally, maternal mar-
Mass (1967) argued that the gender of female children riage status and the mother's education had a positive con-
affects mother-child interactions more often in a negative tribution to children's intelligence level. In another study, de
way. Bigros (1993) reported the reverse. According to Bi- Souza et al. (2012) investigated the effect of low birth
gros, economic, maternal, and parental stress affects mother- weights and children's developmental outcomes from an in-
son interactions eight times more often than it does mother- tensive care unit to the age of 1 and 2 years old. Results re-
daughter interactions. In this study, stressed-out mothers vealed a strong correlation between birth weight and cogni-
were more distant, colder, and less attentive toward their dve development.
sons than their daughters. In a recent Swedish study, Lundberg et al. (2010) exam-
ined the association between maternal smoking during preg-
Maternal Interaction Pattern nancy and the risk of poor intellectual performance in young
adult male offspring. The findings revealed that the risk for
Cognitive interaction has a powerful effect on the develop- poor intellectual performance was increased more for the
ment of children's intelligence. Children who received more children of the smoking mothers than the non-smoking
maternal affection during infancy achieved higher intelli- mothers. Similarly, Poehlmann et al. (2012) reported that
gence and arithmetic scores. These children also developed early exposure of pregnant women to stress caused more
more positive self-esteem; their teachers reported fewer be- critical parenting, and this consequently caused externalizing
havioural and emotional problems than with children who problems at 9 months. In the same fashion, Evans et al.
had constantly less responsive maternal interaction (2011) also reported pre-birth period as an important time
(Beckwith, Roding, & Cohen 1992). Additionally, Beckwith, frame for maternal depression and its effect on children's
Roding, and Cohen (1992) found that mothers who were cognitive developments.
more responsive to their infants tended to come from higher Wilson (1984) also reported that children's IQ scores
educational levels and social classes. This finding is consis- were significantly correlated with parental education and
tent with other studies that found responsive relationships family income. He discovered from a longitudinal study that
between parents and children are related to greater intellec- parental education and family status are increasingly corre-
tual and academic achievement in children (e.g., Baumrind, lated with childhood IQ measures. In his study, the father's
1991). Beckwith, Roding, and Cohen (1992) suggested that education was the strongest predictor for a 6-year-old's IQ
more responsive mothers perceived themselves as more scores. Meanwhile, the mother's education and socioeco-
comfortable, assertive, and competent in their social rela- nomic level were found to be significant supplementary pre-
tionships. Correspondingly, Landaw and Weissler (1991) dictors. Specifically, Bradley, Caldwell, and Elardo (1977) in-
note that diversit)' in parents' interest areas, their personalit}' vestigated contributing vadables, of which parental educa-
traits, and their academic achievements are correlated with a tional level displayed the strongest reladon to the child's IQ
child's IQ scores. Similarly, Vernon (1979) alleged that par- (r = .52). In the same study, paternal education showed the
ents' interest lists and deep, rich cultural backgrounds are highest correlation with a male child's IQ, whereas maternal
among the most powerful environmental factors affecting educadón was strongly related to a female child's IQ.
children's cognitive developments. Recendy, breastfeeding In another study, the educational level of the mother ap-
became an important aspect of infants' cognitive and physi- pears to have a strong positive influence on the girls' test
cal developments. In a longitudinal study, Tozzi et al. (2012) scores, but not on the boys' scores (Desai, Chase-Lansdale,
found that children breastfed in the first year of life scored & Robert 1989). Consequently, it appears that mothers from
higher in intelligence tests at the age of 12 years. low socioeconomic levels usually do not have the academic

anale5 de psicología. 2013. vol. 29. n° 3 (octubre)

858 Sefa Biiliil

skills and concepts necessary for cultivating a high IQ in et al. (2012) examined the occupational social class of moth-
their children. But Ramey and Hasldns (1981) stated that a ers. Mothers from low social-class jobs did not have a posi-
high-quality day-care experience reduced the magnitude of tive effect, but upper-class jobs had a positive impact on
mother-child resemblance in IQ level. Moreover, in Wilson's children's development as measured at 14 months old. Con-
1984 study with twins, he found the education of the at-risk versely, Fernald, Weber, Galasso, & Ratsifandrihamanana
child's mother was significantly associated with recovery of (2011) found that, though wealth and maternal education
children's IQ when they are 2-year-olds. That is, maternal in- has significantly and independently affects cognitive devel-
telligence plays a determining role in predicting the level of opment, wealth has a more powerful effect than maternal
improvement. education. Hoffman (1989) claimed that maternal employ-
Young (1996) demonstrated that upper socioeconomic- ment is related to negative outcomes with boys, but to posi-
level mothers consider toys a means for their child to dis- tive outcomes with girls. Later, Baydar and Brooks-Bunn
cover new things, but low socioeconomic-level mothers see (1991) demonstrated that children whose mothers worked
toys as a means of keeping the child busy. Correspondingly, part time during the first year had a lower IQ level at the age
Lewis (1977) explained that upper-middle-class mothers read of 3 than the children of either workers or unemployed
to and discussed more stories with their children. Addition- mothers. Desai, Chase-Lansdale, and Robert's 1989 findings
ally, upper-middle-class mothers helped the children com- proved that employment variables do not have a significant
prehend problems and used appropriate language with their effect on boys' and girls' verbal intelligence capacity.
children. In addition to children's intelligence development, there
Furthermore, parental attitudes toward a child's educa- is also the social dimension of growth. Children from a low
tion are an important factor. For example, Clarke and Clarke SES whose mothers worked in the first year of infancy and
(1989) argued that children whose parents cherish education who attended non-maternal day care have been rated by the
are likely to score higher on cognitive tests. More impor- teachers as the most difficult to discipline at school age.
tantly, Meisenberg, Lawless, Lambert, and Newton (2006)
reported that ever)' additional year in parental schooling Home Environment
adds approximately 2.7 points to a child's IQ scores, and
every generation gains 10 points in IQ scores. It seems very Generally, during infancy, physiological and neurological de-
obvious that formal education contributes to both parents' velopment is important, and in toddlerhood, environment
and the child's mental abilities. Therefore, schooling is im- gains a more important role in enhancing or hindering the
perative for improvement in cognitive development. cognitive development of children (Mitchell, Croy, Spicer,
Frankel, & Emde, 2011). Thus, children's cognitive devel-
Maternal Employment opmental levels have been studied in terms of the quality of
the home environment, including the characteristics of the
Some authors argue that social policy and governmental wel- mother, their households, and socioeconomic factors
fare programs cannot change poor living conditions. But (Garrett et al., 1984). It was reported that children's devel-
CoUin (1997) saw parental attitudes and strong marriage ties opmental status was associated with the quality of the home
as a necessary and beneficial complement to governmental environment. Financial difficulties diminish parents' ability
programs. He further suggested that children profited from to interact and socialize in a beneficial way with their chil-
their mothers staying home and taking care of them until 1 dren (Guo & Harris, 2000). Needless to say, children in
year of age. Employment may reduce the amount of time a high-income families are more likely to have exposure to
mother spends with her children; therefore, employment new environmental stimuli, but more money is probably not
may be detrimental to the child's development (Hül & Staf- the sole reason. Colmen et al. (1996) did not find any corre-
ford, 1974). Conversely, additional maternal income may lation between the amount of money spent on a child and
contribute to the home and other social expenses. Desai, intellectual improvements in IQ tests. So parent-child inter-
Chase-Lansdale, and Robert (1989) noted that maternal em- actions and the qualitj' of relationships gain more weight.
ployment affects children's development more adversely for Early childhood research emphasized the importance of
high socioeconomic-level families than low socioeconomic- stimulating environment throughout the preschool years.
level families. The reason is that a highly educated mother Encouraging attitudes for exploration; avoiding disapproval,
has options and abilities to provide a more stimulating envi- teasing, and punishment; and introducing rich language and
ronment for the child than the normal day-care worker. intellectual stimulation are desired environmental stimuli in
Klebanov and Brooks-Gunn (2006) reported that the chil- terms of intellectual development. Additionally, wealthy
dren of mothers who had previously received welfare and families can provide better nutritional and health opportuni-
who had entered the workforce did not show any negative ties for children. In one study, Wang, Wang, Wang, and
effects in their cognitive development. Similarly, Ramey and Chen (2006) investigated the effect of nutritional food sup-
Campbell (1984) showed that children from very disadvan- plements for poor children who live in rural areas. Their re-
taged families may benefit from maternal employment if sults reveal that a food supplement was effective for enhanc-
they are placed in a high-qualit)' enrichment program. Forns ing children's mental and gross motor development in the

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Intelligence development of social-economically disadvantagedpreschool children 859

first year of life. Fernald, Weber, Galasso, and Ratsifandri- social skill development can be enhanced if the caregivers
hamanana (2011) compared the nutrition, SES, and maternal are trained. Therefore, it is important that child day-care
education of disadvantaged and normal children. The mean providers should be seen as teachers for at-risk children and
score of intelligence development was two times higher in trained professionally so that the preschool years can be util-
high SES, and the difference was highest at the age of 6 ized functionally and effectively (Campbell, Ramey,
years. They also discussed the lack of nutrition and malnutri- Pungello, Sparling, & Miller-Johnson, 2002). Authorities ar-
tion for that particular population sample. gued that attending a good quality day-care program before
Contemporary' studies call attention to the importance of kindergarten is effective in overcoming some of the negative
parenting skills: spending the time to cuddle babies, talking effects of poverty (Ramey & Campbell, 1987).
with them as if they were adults, and providing them with The connection between environmental quality and child
stimulating exploration. The new findings have shed further intellectual capacity' may also be related to the child's age
light on early education and day care. Luster and Dubow (Johnson et al., 1992). There is a critical age at which a child
(1992) found that both maternal intelligence and home envi- can benefit to the maximum level from the environment.
ronment contribute to individual differences in the verbal Thus, age is crucially important for early inter\'ention pro-
and cognitive intelligence of children at the age of 3. In their grams. Mitchell, Croy, Spicer, Frankel, and Emde (2011)
longitudinal study, the home environment was most influen- conducted a longitudinal study with disadvantaged American
tial during the preschool years and declined in effect when Indian children. In this study, while infants' intelligence
the children got older. These results show that the influence scores were close to national norms at 6 months, the gap is
of the home environment is not constant throughout child- widened when they are tested at 15 months and 36 months.
hood. It was obser\'ed that intelligence performance sharply de-
Similarly, Miller, Maguire, and Macdanald (2012) re- clines in the first year of life, and a small drop-off continues
viewed home-based inter\'ention programs for socially dis- until the third year. In a similar study, Burchinal et al. (2011)
advantaged preschool children in a meta-analytic study. investigated the achievement gap among black and white
Even though it did not mention any adverse effect of home- low-income children. They followed children from birth to
based inter^'ention, it also did not report any significant ef- fifth grade. The achievement gap appeared as early as 3 years
fect for improving developmental outcomes. old and continued until the fifth grade. In the same way,
some have debated whether environmental effects become
Day-Care and Preschool Experience clearer at a later developmental level. The value of early ex-
periences has long been widely accepted by psychologists
In more recent decades, as more women have started to and educators as a given (Nash, 1997). The early experiences
work outside the home, child care has been an important of children are important in predicting subsequent develop-
theme for families and children (Claessens, 2012). Some ment (Hunt, 1961). More than 60% of the children in the
working parents consider day-care center an important tran- US are experiencing non-parental care during the preschool
sition institution; however, this is not always the case. A years; therefore, professionals and parents are questioning
study by Collins (1997) revealed that 40% of day-care cen- the value and the quality of day-care programs (Scarr &
ters provide activities utilizing less-than-minimal standards Eisenberg, 1993). Clarke-Stewart (1989) discussed the im-
for preschoolers. Reasons for this were unresponsive care- portance of the first year of non-parental care. They pro-
givers, lack of appropriate toys, and so on. Additionally, vided empirical evidence that early non-parental care
poor day-care programs can inhibit the healthy development brought about poor social development, aggression towards
of any child. While a high-quality day care protects against peers, and disobedience to adults. But they also speculated
serious behaviour problems, low-qualit)' day care and low that attendance at a high-qualit)' day care positively corre-
levels of cognitive stimulation at home can cause more seri- lated with preschoolers' intelligence scores. Furthermore, it
ous externalizing problems. In fact, the quality of day care is has been reported that children who attend early day-care
more influential for children who experience high individual centers gain more confidence, independence, extroversion,
and contextual risks (Votruba-Drzal, Coley, & Chase- and assertiveness later in life. Clarke-Stewart (1991) con-
Lansdale, 2004). In a more recent Chinese study, Jiahui and tended that part- or full-time day care-experienced children
Tao (2012) researched the effectiveness of kindergarten en- displayed more competence in verbal abilit)', cognition, so-
rolment age for 4-year-old Chinese children and their home cial competence, and cooperation with peers than those who
learning environment. The results revealed curvilinear ef- experienced home-based care.
fects of kindergarten enrolment on children's cognitive and Caughy, DiPietro, and Strabina (1994) found that,
behavioural outcomes. For children from a low home learn- among children from less stimulating and responsive envi-
ing environment, early enrolment caused higher cognitive ronments, day-care experiences Viiithin the first year of life
development but more behavioural problems. For children were significantly associated with later reading achievement
from a higher learning environment, a moderate enrolment for children aged 5-6 years, but early day-care experiences
age was proven most effective. negatively affected children from richer environments. The
Many researchers believe that children's intelligence and most critical time frame for cognitive development is con-

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860 Sefa Bidut

sidered to be from late in the first year through the second profound difficuldes of children from economically disad-
year, in which parental infiuence is the most important con- vantaged families. Some of these intervendon and preven-
tribudng factor. In the second year, the parent has the great- don programs go back as early as thel960s.
est impact on child's development by encouraging achieve- In summary, it is widely accepted by researchers that
ment and providing proper learning materials and toys high-quality, student-centred preschool educadón programs
(Bradley, Caldwell, & Elardo, 1979). They also further con- are proven methods in the progress of children's intellectual
tend that mothers who converse with children and condnu- development.
ally encourage them had more independent children. In the Intervendon programs are successful for children from
same way, Ramey and Haskins (1981) reported that high- low-income families who are dispropordonately predicted to
quality early experiences have a substandal influence on in- fail in school (Kolata, 1987); however, Wilson (1983) dis-
tellectual development during the first three years of a agreed that most at-risk infants will overcome early short-
child's Ufe. comings and improves toward a level commensurate with
Burnchial, Lee, and Ramey (1989) demonstrated that the their potendal capabilides. Without a doubt, when suppor-
detrimental eíTects of low socioeconomic levels on a pre- dve condidons are provided, the child can make progress
schooler's cogoidve development are substantially reduced if toward his potential capacities. Head Start's effects on cog-
children have a chance to attend a quality day-care center. nidve development were proven in 72 studies. At the termi-
Moreover, o±er authors especially stressed the universi:y- nadon of preschool programs, 9 to 10 IQ points were gained
based interverrdon day-care center as an effecdve interven- (Clarke & Clarke, 1989). Also et al. (1982) agreed that the
don and prevendon measure (Lazar, Darlington, Murray, Head Start attendees were less likely to fail in an elementary
Royce, & Snipper, 1982; Ramey, Bryant, & Suarez, 1985). school or to be placed in a special education class than non-
Conversely, some children must go to other after-school attendees. Some research literature summaries (Ramey, Bry-
care faciiides after kindergarten hours. Claessens (2012) ant, & Suarez, 1985) are consistent with each other in that
found that these care faciiides are useful for small improve- well planned, condnuous educadonal inter\'endon programs
ments in the academic area, but they have negadve effects enrich the intelligence development of highly at-risk chil-
on problem behaviours and prosocial skills. Changing build- dren. Ramey and Ramey (1990) said, "A litde inter^^ention is
ings and teachers causes considerable discomfort and more better than none." They believe that intelligence capacity
problems. and academic performance can be advanced via intensive,
long-term, academic, and child-oriented early inter\'endon
Early Intervention Programs programs. They propose a sdmuladng, encouraging atmos-
phere for the benefit of cognidve development.
It seems trie financial burden of helping low socioeco-
nomic-level children is high, though the cost of not helping Long-Term Effects of Early Education and School-
is higher in the long term (Renchler, 1993). Twenty-five per- ing
cent of all impoverished people are under age 6 (Burchinal,
Lee, & Rame^, 1986). Likewise, children are vulnerable to Many intelligence researchers have reported that general
suffering direct and indirect results of child abuse or neglect. intelligence levels, measured by IQ scores, can be enhanced
If necessar)' precaudons are not taken by the age of 3, the by schooling (Pressly & McCormick, 1995). They have also
effect can be !ong lasdng, and the consequences will be un- emphasized the importance of school attendance in the de-
bearable. It becomes very clear why inter\'endons are impor- velopment of intelligence. Researchers found strong correla-
tant for the fu:ure of any nadon. don (r = .80) between the number of schooling years and IQ
Jakes and DeBord (2010) investigated the environmental test scores. Furthermore, they also claimed that summer va-
effect of famLy, school, and community effects on children cadons led to a decline in intelligence test scores. It seems
and youth. They found that individual child and youth out- that intermittent school attendance is related to lower IQ
comes are strongly influenced by family involvement at a levels.
young age, but as age increases, this contribudon becomes Nevertheless, Clarke and Clarke (1989) argued that early
less prominent. Once this early family involvement is psychological experiences may not affect later development.
missed, family and community protecdve factors could not Short-term enrichment in early life, followed by poorly
significantly improve children's individual development and shaped years, produces only temporary gains. They empha-
intelligence in, the following years. Thus, it seems that early sized the advantages of ongoing inter\fendons and mainte-
inter\'endon i; a key issue here and has a posidve effect on nance programs. AddidonaUy, it was reported that Early
children's intelligence performance. Head Start had ver)' little influence on changing parental atd-
Advanced approaches and innovadve programs are nec- tudes toward the value of educadón. Even so, the Early
essary' in early education setdngs for children from low- Head Start programs have made a great contribudon to im-
socioeconomir strata (Zill, Moore, Stnith, Steif, & Coiro, proving the preparadon of disadvantaged children for entrj'
1995).Therefare, different kinds of intervendon programs into school. Reviews of Head Start programs have shown
have been desgned and conducted successfully to offset che that children attending Head Start have gained immediate

anales de psicologa. 2013. vol, 29, n° 3 (octubre)

Intelligence development of sodal-economically disadvantaged preschool children 861

short-term benefits, including improved cognitive and social Inventor)'. They found that the experimental group, who re-
development and academic achievements (Renchler, 1993). ceived high-quality chud care dudng the first 5 years of life,
On the other hand, some researchers beUeve that benefits demonstrated fewer depressive symptoms. It becomes clear
concerning intelligence measures were temporary and disap- that high-qualit)' early intervendon reduces a depressive
peared after one or two years (Drazer & McCormick, 1983). mood, gives a buffering effect, and protects individuals from
Another inter\'ention program was studied by Ramey mental health problems.
and Haskin (1981). In their study, children in the experimen- In review, many researchers have reported that early in-
tal group pardcipated in a high-quality educadonal day-care ter\'endon programs attenuated some of the negadve effects
program that was aimed at increasing intellectual enhance- related to early developmental deficiencies. This would pro-
ment. Pardcipants in this study gained a considerably higher vide further evidence that quality day-care and early inter-
level of intellectual improvement. As predicted, attending an vendon programs have positive long-term effects.
educadonal day-care program produced higher IQ gains in
the experimental group. In contrast, the intelligence scores Successful Programs
of children in the control group showed a reladve decline in
their intelUgence scores. Child development experts suggest that there is an ur-
There is a consensus among the Head Start researchers gent need for high-quality preschool programs to boost
(Bronfenbrenner, 1975) that after compledng the inter\'en- brain development, especially among impoverished and in-
don programs, one or two years later, upon entrj' into public ner-cit)' children.
school, experimental children were no longer advanced in In the Graham Child Development Center, North Caro-
IQ and achievement test measurements. But a recent study lina, CampbeU and Ramey (1977) longitudinally tested disad-
by Klebanov and Brooks-Gunn (2006) investigated the ef- vantaged children during the 6th, 12th, and 18th months of
fects of early inter\'endon programs from birth to 3 years of development and compared them with children who did not
age for children of low birth weight from poor families. This receive inter\'endon. By the middle of the second year, the
project, the Infant Health and Development Program treatment group did significandy better than the control
(IHDP), tried to test the efficacy of early intervendon. The group. In the 12th month, the experimental group had a 10-
children in the IHDP families were provided a full-time day- point advantage, and at 36 months, this advantage had
care educadón in the second year and weekly or bimonthly grown to 15 points. The months between 12 and 24 seemed
home visits during the third year of their lives. When treat- to be an important and cridcal period in intellectual devel-
ment ended at 3 years of age, experimental children did bet- opment. Furthermore, the experimental-group children were
ter than the other groups. When they were tested again at 5 reported as more cooperative, less anxious, and less with-
and 8 years of age to examine the sustained intervendon ef- drawn.
fects, the benefits were greater than one standard deviadon. Fortunately, the growing research data indicates that
The children who had received treatment had higher IQ and well-designed preschool programs can help overcome early
verbal test scores at two and five years after the program negadve environmental experiences. For example, in a New
terminated. In another follow-up study. Black, Dubowitz, York City infant day-care study. Golden and Bitas (1983) in-
Krishnakumar, and Starr (2007) invesdgated the effects of vesdgated 400 socioeconomically disadvantaged children.
early inter\'ention programs when children were 8 years old. The control group included only children raised exclusively
They provided interdisciplinarj' support to parents, including at home, whereas the experimental group consisted of chil-
home visits designed to promote maternal sensitivit)', par- dren raised by 31 sen'ice-oriented, licensed professional and
ent-child relationships, and child development. Similarly, family infant day-care programs. Results revealed that chil-
stardng with the odginal Abecedarian study inl972, Camp- dren who were raised in day care scored significandy higher
bell et al. (2002) conducted a longitudinal study and tested on their IQ scores.
the pardcipants when they reached the age of 21. The group In another weU-known study, the Carolina Abecedarian
that reviewed early, regular, high-qualit)' day care did signifi- Project, invesdgators conducted experimental research. In
candy better in IQ tests, had superior reading and math the experimental group, subjects were provided medical, nu-
skills, attained more years of educadón, and were more likely tritional, and family counselling. In addidon, they attended
to complete a 4-year-universit)' degree when they were high-qualit)' preschool programs all day during the year. Pa-
young adults. rental education meedngs were held to teach parents how to
In the Chicago Child Parent Center program, stimulate child development and take advantage of commu-
Smokowski, Mann, Reynolds, and Fraser (2004) also re- nity resources. This Abecedadan Program lasted four and a
ported posidve results among children who participated in half years and brought about approximately an 8-12 point
early child-care: They demonstrated fewer problems in improvement in intelligence test scores (Ramey & Ramey,
school dropout, adolescence, delinquency, and depression. 1992). This study showed significant posidve correladons
In another Abecedadan follow-up research, McLaughlin, between receiving intervendon and increasing IQ levels.
Campbell, PungeUo, and Skinner (2007) screened the sub- Later, in foUow-ups, it was obser\'ed that the children who
jects when they were 21 years old with the Brief Symptom received inter\'ention were less likely to fail in grade school.

anales de psicología, 2013, vol. 29, n° 3 (octubrc)

862 Sefa Biiliil

In a critical analysis of 38 early intervention studies, Bar- health and social and cognitive development. Intervention
nett (1998) concluded that the economic return from pro- programs should identify disadvantaged children at an early
viding early education to children in poverty is far more than age and work on them. Children from the poorest socioeco-
the cost. Long-term benefits of inter\'ention produce lasting nomic level should given the privilege to attend those pro-
effects on children's achievement and academic success. grams (Fernald et al., 2011). Teachers, paediatricians, psy-
Thus, Head Start or government funding for high-qualit)' chologists, and school counsellors should keep in mind the
child day-care programs can improve cognitive development detrimental effects of poverty. They should be able to locate
and school achievements in the long term. Besides day-care community resources to help deprived children and be able
settings, Gamoran, Turley, Turner, and Fish (2012) men- to provide information and counselling for their parents.
tioned Families and Schools Together (FAST) as an enrich- Ever)' professional who works with children must be knowl-
ment program in which parents and schools do organized edgeable about this issue and lobby for better educational
activities so they are involved in school activities and in- opportunities for young children. They should try to docu-
crease social ties wich schools. This program was proven ef- ment and report the effects to influence policy makers' deci-
fective for minority families who are isolated or have very sions. They can also participate in conferences, seminars,
limited social ties with schools. pre-service teacher training, and TV and radio shows to
Poverty is a well-known phenomenon, and experts work- educate the public about the nature of this problem. It is
ing with children v/iU encounter children who come from also essential that the whole communit)' pay attention to the
socioeconomically deprived backgrounds. They should not importance of utilizing day-care centers for the future of
overlook the importance of their early years. They should their children as well as for the well being of the whole of
realize that poverty and its culture that surrounds young society.
children has significant, continuing effects on children's

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(Article received: 2-2-2012; reviewed: 18-5-2012; accepted: 20A-2013)

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