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yo me despierto muy temprano a las 5:00 am de la mañana; Me levanto y voy al baño.

Me lavo
los dientes, me visto, me peino. Luego, vuelvo a mi habitación, me pongo maquillaje, a las
6:30 salgo de la casa con mi hija a la parada del autobús, luego tomo el transporte que es un
taxi de motocicleta que me lleva al trabajo . llego a las siete en punto, normalmente dicto
clases para los grados de first hasta fifte grado. De nuevo salgo a las 12:30 pm de la
escuela. Voy en el autobús que me lleva de regreso a casa, yo descanso 20 minutos , yo
almuerzo ,yo ususalmente reviso los cuadernos de mi hija y le explico si es necesario
o hacemos tareas. Nuevamente salgo a las 2:30 pm de la tarde parallevar a mi hija a el
autobús de regreso a la escuela.

A las 3:00 pm salgo de la casa, para ir al centro para hacer algunas compras, a veces me
encuentro con mis amigos que tenemos Un té, charlamos un rato y luego regreso a casa.
recojo a mi hija en el paradero de bus.

finalmente descansamos, a las 6 :00 pm de la tarde hacemos la tarea, estudiamos para los
exámenes, comemos a las 7 pm, preparamos libros. yo entró en la plataforma de la UNAD,
para llevar a cabo las actividades que tengo pendientes y, después me acuesto a dormir a las
11 de la noche. Mi rutina es importante para la vida diaria

I wake up very early at 5:00 a.m. in the morning; I get up and go to the bathroom. I brush my
teeth, I dress, I comb my hair. Then, I go back to my room, I put on makeup, and breakfast.

at 6:30 I leave the house with my daughter at the bus stop, then I take the transport that is a
motorcycle taxi that takes me to work. I arrive at seven o'clock, I usually dictate classes for
grades first to fifth grade. I leave again at 12:30 pm from school. I go on the bus that takes me
back home, I rest 20 minutes, I lunch, I usually check my daughter's notebooks and explain if
necessary or do homework. Again I leave at 2:30 pm in the afternoon to take my daughter to the
bus back to school.

At 3:00 p.m. I leave the house, to go to the center to do some shopping, sometimes I meet my
friends who have tea, we chat for a while and then return home. I pick up my daughter at the bus

Finally we rest, at 6:00 pm in the afternoon we do the homework, we study for the exams, we
eat at 7 pm, we prepare books.
I entered the platform of the UNAD, to carry out the activities that I have pending, and then I go
to sleep at 11 at night. My routine is important for daily life.

My room has two beds, there is a large and small closet, there is a night table, a fan, it is also
large there are two paintings on the wall. You can also find my niece's dolls. Its floor is
white ceramic.
My house
2. This space is the room, there are room games, this is the sound equipment, a computer, a
3. The dining room, there is the fridge, there is a TV, a fan, there are two pictures and there
are three armchair.
4. The kitchen, there is an industrial stove, there are three mugs, the girl's lunchbox, there
are pots and pans , there is a blender and a dishwasher

5. Space of the services, (a Bath and a shower)

6. Yard, there is a washing machine, a water tank, a mirror.

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